Re: Programa un suceso, y manejo de wget

2001-01-17 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, ene 16, 2001 at 07:05:46 -0500, David Felipe Arias Ochoa wrote:
 Quiero saber como puedo hacer para que mi linux haga alga algo y acabe o
 entro caso devcirle que termine a determinada hora, ademas como es el manejo
 de wget para hacer que despues de parada una descarga la pueda reaundar

Mira /etc/crontab. 'cron' es un demonio que realiza tareas de
mantenimiento y otras programadas por el administrador del sistema cada
cierto tiempo marcado en el fichero /etc/crontab. También está 'anacron'
que es igual al anterior, con un fichero /etc/anacrontab, con la
diferencia respecto a 'cron' de que este no asume que la máquina está
encendida las 24h. del dia. Es muy probable que lo que tengas en tu máquina
corriendo periódicamente sea 'anacron' y no 'cron'.

Yo hice lo mismo que tu quieres mediante arranque automático del PC mediante
autosetup por BIOS a una hora de la noche con buenos ratios de descarga (por
ejemplo las 3:00h.) y apagado de la máquina, mediante un 'shutdown'
programado en /etc/crontab pasado un tiempo estimado para la descarga
completa, o bien si lo haces por sesiones, con 'wget' a la hora que convenga,
para seguir el proceso al dia siguiente.

Saludos, espero haber aclarado algo :)
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Conf Modem...

2001-01-17 Thread Javier Gobantes
Aquí puede haber una ayuda para todos los que tengan problemas con los

- Original Message -
To: Lista Debian
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: Conf Modem...

 Yo use otro programa para detectar el modem y no lo reconocio, creo que
 el pppconfig. Tuve que ponerlo manualmente pero el problema es que tengo
 solo dos puertos que Debian me carga: ttyS0 y ttyS1. El ttyS0 es el del
 mouse, y creo que podria usar arbitrariamente el otro no? o cómo sé cuál
 usar? porque en Windows me usa el COM5 y hay un tutorial que te hace crear
 el ttyS15 para hacer enlace con el /dev/modem y asi usarlo, pero no logré
 hacerlo. De ahí mi duda de cuál puerto elegir y demas... porque suponiendo
 que el wvdialconf no me reconozca el modem como me paso con el pppconfig,
 qué puerto le asigno? esa es mi duda mas que nada, porque aunque en
 el modem anda, Linux no me lo detecta y tengo que configurarlo
 manualmente... pero manualmente no sé qué puerto asignar. El modem estoy
 seguro de que es PCI Full y que no es winmodem, pero no pude hacerlo
 andar... yo me tiro mas por el lado de que soy muy inexperto, ademas de
 un amigo de la lista que entiende mucho mas que yo, me reocmendó ese modem
 siendo que lo vio funcionar sin dramas. Voy a probar con el wvdialconf
 mientras espero a algun alma caritativa que me saque esas dudas del puerto


 - Original Message -
 From: Enzo Alberto Dari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 10:29 AM
 Subject: Re: Conf Modem...

  Druida wrote:
   Hola a todos... no me maten pero necesito ayuda en la configuracion del
  porque no entiendo nada ya. Me leí el How-To, algunos tutoriales tambien
  cosas asi, pero tengo dudas y no logro configurar el modem. Me lo compre
  poco, es un Interno PCI US Robotics.
 Has probado con el wvdial?

 Tiene un programa para configurar el modem que me ha funcionado
 bastante bien. Va chequeando los distintos puertos serie y trata
 de darse cuenta de qué tipo de modem tienes.

 Se trata del paquete wvdial y el programa de configuración se
 llama wvdialconf

 En realidad no me acuerdo de qué es lo que hace el programa
 en sí, siempre lo usé para detectar el modem (puerto, velocidad
 y esas cosas), nunca pasé del wvdialconf).

 Con respecto a los modems internos PCI: efectivamente, la
 mayoría son winmodems, pero no todos. Yo tengo uno que es
 un modem en serio y funciona bien en linux.

 Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
 8400-S. C. de Bariloche, Argentina | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
 Web page:

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Title: The Winmodems-and-Linux HOWTO


The Winmodems-and-Linux HOWTO

Alexandre J., [EMAIL PROTECTED]v1.0, April 2000

This document helps users having a Winmodem for getting it working under Linux.

1. What are Winmodems ?

1.1 They are modems...
1.2 ...not as real modems are !
1.3 How to know I have a Winmodem

2. ISA or PCI ?

2.1 PCI ?
2.2 or ISA ?

3. Installing a modem driver

3.1 The LT WinModem (from Lucent)
3.2 The LTMODEM program (OpenSource driver)

4. The end...

4.1 Licence, Copyright
4.2 Contact
4.3 Resources



2001-01-17 Thread Valenzuela R, Victor

Tengo interés en habilitar en un servidor Linux con Debian 2.2 el servicio
de correo POP3. He estado buscado en los How-to en Internet, pero no he
podido dar con él, ni nada sobre cómo implementarlo. Alguno de Uds sabe
dónde puedo encontrar mayor información al respecto, se los agradeceré.


Victor A. Valenzuela
Copiapó - Chile
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-01-17 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, ene 17, 2001 at 09:01:47 -0400, Valenzuela R, Victor wrote:
 Tengo interés en habilitar en un servidor Linux con Debian 2.2 el servicio
 de correo POP3. He estado buscado en los How-to en Internet, pero no he
 podido dar con él, ni nada sobre cómo implementarlo. Alguno de Uds sabe
 dónde puedo encontrar mayor información al respecto, se los agradeceré.

apt-get install qpopper

... y ya está ;-)

PS: Tienes más opciones como servidor de correo POP pero te aconsejo que
comiences con este, el cual es muy fácil de manejar y si quieres más
potencia (a la par que comlejidad en la configuración y mayor flexibilidad),
mira otros.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-01-17 Thread Jaime E . Villate
On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 09:01:47AM -0400, Valenzuela R, Victor wrote:
 Tengo interés en habilitar en un servidor Linux con Debian 2.2 el servicio
 de correo POP3. He estado buscado en los How-to en Internet, pero no he
 podido dar con él, ni nada sobre cómo implementarlo. Alguno de Uds sabe
 dónde puedo encontrar mayor información al respecto, se los agradeceré.

Yo lo único que hice fue instalar el paquete qpopper. No me acuerdo de haber
tenido que hacer ninguna configuración especial y funcionó perfectamente a la
Jaime Villate

RE: [linux_novatos] Programa un suceso, y manejo de wget

2001-01-17 Thread Jesus Rudas Simmonds

 Quiero saber como puedo hacer para que mi linux haga alga algo y acabe o
 entro caso devcirle que termine a determinada hora, 

Programa el crontab para que haga lo que quieras a la hora que quieras.
man crontab

Jesus Rudas Simmonds
Barranquilla - Colombia


2001-01-17 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Valenzuela...

decías, el 09:01-17/ene/2001:
 Tengo interés en habilitar en un servidor Linux con Debian 2.2 el servicio
 de correo POP3. He estado buscado en los How-to en Internet, pero no he
 podido dar con él, ni nada sobre cómo implementarlo. Alguno de Uds sabe
 dónde puedo encontrar mayor información al respecto, se los agradeceré.
Básicamente tienes que:
* instalarte el paquete ipop3d
* crearles cuentas a todos los usuarios que quieres que puedan acceder
* al POP3 de tu máquina con useradd

Y con esto, todos los que tengan cuenta en tu máquina se pueden
conectar al puerto POP3 con su login y passwd y recoger su correo
desde otras máquinas.
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Nadie creerá que las computadoras son inteligentes hasta que no empiezen a
llegar tarde y mentir sobre ello.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Modo Consola...

2001-01-17 Thread Santiago Romero
El lun, 15 de ene de 2001, a las 02:07:45 -0300, Druida dijo:
 Si desinstalo el xdm, entro en modo texto como decia... pero despues podria
 entrar a modo grafico sin dramas con el startx no? supongo que sí pero por

 sí, podrás.
 las dudas pregunto... :) Porque eso de CTRL+F1 es bastante liado ya que al
 querer entrar con star me dice que el server esta ocupado o algo asi, no

 no, no, para volver a las X WINDOW no tienes que volver a ejecutarlas!
 con ctrl alt f1 lo que haces es pasarte a la terminal virtual 1, las X
 siguen ejecutandose en la terminal 7 (CTRL + ALT + F7 o en la 5,
 no recuerdo (f5)). 

Windows 2000 no se cuelg·
AMIBIOS v2.8. 65535Kb OK. Iniciando Windows 2000...
|  NoP / Compiler|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  ICQ #98602813|
|  Linux Debian 2.2  | - #74.821  |

Re: Programa un suceso, y manejo de wget

2001-01-17 Thread Santiago Romero
El mar, 16 de ene de 2001, a las 07:05:46 -0500, David Felipe Arias Ochoa dijo:
 Quiero saber como puedo hacer para que mi linux haga alga algo y acabe o
 entro caso devcirle que termine a determinada hora, ademas como es el manejo
 de wget para hacer que despues de parada una descarga la pueda reaundar

 Aparte de usar at (para ejecutar procesos, deberias aprender a usar
 CRON (para ejecutarlos, o acabarlos, con kill).

 Para wget, sencillamente usa siempre wget -c y cuando quieras parar
 pulsa ctrl + c. Para continuar donde se quedó, ejecuta la misma orden
 de antes en el mismo directorio (aunque sea otro dia).

Uso de CRON para tareas programadas.
   Utilizando crontab -e como usuario (o mediante programas como
   kcrontab para KDE), se puede editar el fichero de tareas programadas
   de CRON.
   Su sintaxis consiste en una línea por taréa, con el siguiente formato:
   minute hour daymonth month dayweek comando
   Los valores pueden ser los siguientes:
  minute 0-59
  hour   0-23
  day of month   0-31
  month  0-12 (or names, see below)
  day of week0-7 (0 and 7 = sunday)

   Si algún campo queramos que se ignore (que se ejecute para cualquier
   valor) pondremos un *.
   También pueden incluirse múltiples fechas mediante la COMA, como por
   ejemplo, ejecutar un programa los dias 1,3,5,7 de la semana.
   Ejemplos: ejecución del programa randsig:
  A las 12:30 de la mañana:

 30  12  * * *   /usr/bin/randsig

   Eso ejecutaría randsig a la 12:30 de cualquier dia de la semana,
   cualquier día del mes, y en cualquier mes, es decir: ejecutaría
   randsig todos los días a las 12:30:
  A las 12:30 de la madrugada:

 30  00  * * *   /usr/bin/randsig

   Para disponer del PATH estándar para la ejecución de los comandos (y
   no tener que añadirlo en todos, pues el PATH no estará disponible)
   puede incluirse la siguiente línea al principio del fichero:

   Por defecto cron envia un email con la salida estándar y otro con la
   salida de error (si la hay) al usuario propietario de la tarea. Para
   evitar esto podemos usar 1/dev/null y 2/dev/null (ambos, o sólo 1 de
   ellos si queremos conocer los errores, por ejemplo).
   30   12   * * *   comando 1/dev/null 2/dev/null

   También puede usarse /dev/null 21
   Se pueden incluír líneas de comentarios con # al principio.
   Más información: man 5 crontab.
   (c) 2000 Santiago Romero aka NoP / Compiler. 

Si algo puede fallar, fallará (Murphy).
|  NoP / Compiler|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  ICQ #98602813|
|  Linux Debian 2.2  | - #74.821  |

Re: Programa un suceso, y manejo de wget

2001-01-17 Thread Juan C. Amengual
David Felipe Arias Ochoa wrote:

 Quiero saber como puedo hacer para que mi linux haga alga algo y acabe o
 entro caso devcirle que termine a determinada hora, ademas como es el manejo
 de wget para hacer que despues de parada una descarga la pueda reaundar

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Para ejecutar un programa a determinada hora usa el at. Teclea man at en la 
consola para
ver las distintas opciones. Con el wget yo uso:

/usr/bin/wget -o logfile -nd -c -r -H -i fichero_con_las_URLs_a_descargar

-nd para no crear la jerarquía de directorios cuando descargo recursivamente.
-c para que continúe desde el punto en que se cortó la transmisión.
-r recursivo, self-explained ;-)
-H para seguir los enlaces de pega cuando hacemos descarga recursiva.
-i lee las URLs a bajar del fichero especificado.

No se te olvide poner la opción --passive-ftp si estás detrás de un firewall.

Esto lo meto en un selescrí, tal que así:

[EMAIL PROTECTED](~)_$ cat Downloads/
#! /bin/bash
cd /home/jcamen/Downloads
/usr/bin/wget -o logfile -nd -c -r -H -i fichero_con_las_URLs_a_descargar

donde previamente he escrito en el fichero fichero_con_las_URLs_a_descargar 
la lista que me
quiero bajar. Después lo meto en el crontab, man crontab para ver como 
usarlo, para que lo
ejecute diaria o semanalmente (p.e. todos los sábados a las 03:00 h.) y ya'tá 


JUAN CARLOS AMENGUALDaylight licked me into shape,
UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I I must have been asleep for days
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA and moving lips to breathe her name,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  I opened up my eyes
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.and found myself alone, alone
Phone: +34 964 728361   alone above a raging sea
Fax: +34 964 728435 that stole the only girl I loved
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   and drowned her deep inside of me.
Robert Smith (The Cure)
- Just like Heaven, Kiss me, Kiss me,
Kiss me, 1987, Fiction Rec. -

Re: Modo Consola...

2001-01-17 Thread Cesar
Cesar wrote:
 Santiago Romero wrote:
  El lun, 15 de ene de 2001, a las 02:07:45 -0300, Druida dijo:
   Si desinstalo el xdm, entro en modo texto como decia... pero despues 
   entrar a modo grafico sin dramas con el startx no? supongo que sí pero por
   sí, podrás.

   Yo desactivé el xdm (ahora no recuerdo como ) y entro con startx sin

   las dudas pregunto... :) Porque eso de CTRL+F1 es bastante liado ya que al
   querer entrar con star me dice que el server esta ocupado o algo asi, no
   no, no, para volver a las X WINDOW no tienes que volver a ejecutarlas!
   con ctrl alt f1 lo que haces es pasarte a la terminal virtual 1, las X
   siguen ejecutandose en la terminal 7 (CTRL + ALT + F7 o en la 5,
   no recuerdo (f5)).
  O en la tres,depende del nº de terminales que tengas definidas
en el /etc/inittab, eso si siempre en la última+1.
 # id:runlevels:action:process
 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
 2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
 # 3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
 # 4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
 # 5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
 # 6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6
  Yo solo tengo arrancadas dos.
 Un saludo.

  Windows 2000 no se cuelg·

Ojo a mi nunca se me ha colgado
Aún lo tengo para instalar.

  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2001-01-17 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


He dejado que el script de helix-code (ahora cambiado de nombre) me
añadiese en el sources.list algo así:

deb unstable main

y apt-get update... aunque el apt-get install evolution dice que no está
el paquete

no puedo instalar evolution como paquete individual? tengo de tragar todo

Es para un amigo (yo con pine + icewm voy muy bien) pero bueno, me suena

Por cierto, el otro dia vi el aewm, creo que se llama así, un gestor de
ventanas... de 17 KB, creo, en contra de loas 200KB y pico de icewm :-)

Pero sigo con ice...

Hasta pronto!

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Este es un defect...o de...l W...IN9...5.

Problemas con el exim (¿y el dns?)

2001-01-17 Thread Jaume Sabater

Tengo dos máquinas: una estacion de trabajo y una que hace de
router-firewall, las dos con el exim.

El caso es que desde la estacion de trabajo no me deja mandar mails, pues
/var/log/exim/rejectlog me dice que 

2001-01-17 19:22:28 refused relay (host) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] H=(cafetera) [] ( does not match
any IP address for

Supongo que debe ser algun problema de resolucion de nombres, el caso es
que si des de la estacion de trabajo hago un nslookup me dice que nanai,
que no hay servidor de nombres... Pero haciendo un host dominio si me

El /etc/resolv.conf es exactamente eso:


En el router-firewall está puesto el bind, aunque no he configurado ninguna
zona... ¿Deberia hacerlo? ¿Cómo?

Lo que si puedo hacer es telnetear al router-proxy al puerto 25 desde la
estación de trabajo. ¿Porque si puedo telnetear yo no puede hacrelo el
exim? Eso me hace suponer que el exim del router-firewall esta bien, que el
problema es del exim o el dns de la estacion de trabajo.

Bueno, a ver si me podeis hechar un cablecito...

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Re: evolution

2001-01-17 Thread Jordi Fernandez
 He dejado que el script de helix-code (ahora cambiado de nombre) me
 añadiese en el sources.list algo así:

 deb unstable main

 y apt-get update... aunque el apt-get install evolution dice que no está
 el paquete

Evolution está en:

deb ./

Todavía está verde. Muchos problemas con los acentos, por ejemplo.

apt-get y dselect.

2001-01-17 Thread Pablo Dorronsoro
Llevo un mes o asi sin actulizar mi woody con lo que el numero de
paquetes a actulizar es considerable, y me pasa algo un poco raro.
Normalmente acutalizaba siempre con apt-get update; apt-get upgrade pero
ahora despues de hacer apt-get update ejecute dselect.

El caso es que tengo muchos paquetes que me aparecen como obsolete y que
el quiere desinstalar. Me da un poco de miedo. Entre otros estan por
ejemplo el task-x-window-system-core y un monton de cosas la mayoria de
kde y gnome.

Sin embargo si en vez de con dslect lo hago con apt-get update no
intenta borrar nada sino solo cambiarme cosas. ?Que esta pasando?
Supongo que los paquetes marcados como obsoletos en dselect son paquetes
que han sido sustituidos por nbuevas versiones (kde2.0-kde2.1beta) y
que dslect me quiere borrar los viejos y apt-get solamente me baja los
nuevos dejandome los dos. Estoy en lo cierto?

Gracias y saludos.
TITANIC: Famoso transatlántico cuyo casco fue diseñado con Windows.


2001-01-17 Thread Jordi Fernandez

No sé exactamente qué problema hay con la configuración de locales en mi
sistema, el hecho es que siempre que arranco una aplicación obtengo el

Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged

También recibo alertas de los scripts de Perl. Mi configuración locale
actual es:


Cual es el problema?


Re: evolution

2001-01-17 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 17 Jan 2001 20:02:54 +, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
 He dejado que el script de helix-code (ahora cambiado de nombre) me
 añadiese en el sources.list algo así:
 deb unstable main
 y apt-get update... aunque el apt-get install evolution dice que no está
 el paquete

te falta la línea de los paquetes de evolution:

deb ./

y, si quieres los daily snapshots:

woody main

 no puedo instalar evolution como paquete individual? tengo de tragar todo

no, sólo necesitas unas cuantas librerías, pero no todo el GNOME.


Re: Modo Consola...

2001-01-17 Thread Druida
 Pregunta tonta... por qué no se me ocurrio que el CTRL-F1 no te saca de las
X y que con CTRL+F7 puedo volver? eso lo sabía pero nunca se me ocurrio
volver a las X con CTRL+F7. No me digan tarado... no me digan algo que ya
sé... ;) Gracias, saludos.

- Original Message -
From: Santiago Romero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lista Debian
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: Modo Consola...

 El lun, 15 de ene de 2001, a las 02:07:45 -0300, Druida dijo:
  Si desinstalo el xdm, entro en modo texto como decia... pero despues
  entrar a modo grafico sin dramas con el startx no? supongo que sí pero

  sí, podrás.

  las dudas pregunto... :) Porque eso de CTRL+F1 es bastante liado ya que
  querer entrar con star me dice que el server esta ocupado o algo asi, no

  no, no, para volver a las X WINDOW no tienes que volver a ejecutarlas!
  con ctrl alt f1 lo que haces es pasarte a la terminal virtual 1, las X
  siguen ejecutandose en la terminal 7 (CTRL + ALT + F7 o en la 5,
  no recuerdo (f5)).

 Windows 2000 no se cuelg·
 AMIBIOS v2.8. 65535Kb OK. Iniciando Windows 2000...
 |  NoP / Compiler|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  ICQ #98602813|
 |  Linux Debian 2.2  | - #74.821  |

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Modo Consola...

2001-01-17 Thread Druida
Gracias a todos por sus respuestas... me ayudaron mucho... saludos.

- Original Message -
To: Debian
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Modo Consola...

 Cesar wrote:

  Santiago Romero wrote:
   El lun, 15 de ene de 2001, a las 02:07:45 -0300, Druida dijo:
Si desinstalo el xdm, entro en modo texto como decia... pero despues
entrar a modo grafico sin dramas con el startx no? supongo que sí
pero por
sí, podrás.

Yo desactivé el xdm (ahora no recuerdo como ) y entro con startx sin

las dudas pregunto... :) Porque eso de CTRL+F1 es bastante liado ya
que al
querer entrar con star me dice que el server esta ocupado o algo
asi, no
no, no, para volver a las X WINDOW no tienes que volver a
con ctrl alt f1 lo que haces es pasarte a la terminal virtual 1, las
siguen ejecutandose en la terminal 7 (CTRL + ALT + F7 o en la 5,
no recuerdo (f5)).
   O en la tres,depende del nº de terminales que tengas definidas
 en el /etc/inittab, eso si siempre en la última+1.

  # id:runlevels:action:process
  1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
  2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
  # 3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
  # 4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
  # 5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
  # 6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

   Yo solo tengo arrancadas dos.

  Un saludo.

   Windows 2000 no se cuelg·

 Ojo a mi nunca se me ha colgado
 Aún lo tengo para instalar.

   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: evolution

2001-01-17 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 17 Jan 2001 20:07:36 +0100, Jordi Fernandez wrote:
  He dejado que el script de helix-code (ahora cambiado de nombre) me
  añadiese en el sources.list algo así:
  deb unstable main
  y apt-get update... aunque el apt-get install evolution dice que no está
  el paquete
 Evolution está en:
 deb ./
 Todavía está verde. Muchos problemas con los acentos, por ejemplo.
estaba. En los últimos daily snapshots (deb woody 

ya funcionan perfectamente los acentos.


El teclado de marras

2001-01-17 Thread Brainstorm
Hola, posiblemente este es un offtopic muy bestia, pero tengo problemas
con acentos, enyes, ç (ce rotas), etc... Hay alguna solución ràpida ?
Algun kmap.gz catalán ? Tambien los tengo en las X, pero creo que se
debe al XKB que me da error, alguien puede pastear la linea del
XF86Config-4, sólo la sección donde aparezca el XKB ? Gracias !

Re: Fwd: Programa en Linux parecido al Contaplus

2001-01-17 Thread David Marín Carreño
On 16 Jan 2001, Rodrigo Moya wrote:

 On 16 Jan 2001 21:30:16 +0100, Aurelio Diaz-Ufano wrote:
  A propósito... ¿alguien conoce alguna aplicación de Gestión (contabilidad, 
  facturación, etc) bajo Linux?
 tienes ASPL Fact (, que tiene muy buena pinta,
 aunque no lo he usado nunca

Bueno: en realidad aún no lo tienes :-) Estamos en ello, y planeamos sacar
algo usable para marzo/abril (ahora estamos de exámenes, jurl). No será
todo el programa completo, pero al menos se podrá facturar y llevar una
gestión básica de productos.

Por cierto: se admite ayuda. ;-) (si alguien echa una mano podremos salvar
este periodo vacacional...)


David Marín Carreño [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
(aka DaveFX)   ICQ UIN: 34866516MMMm    mMMMM
Programador oficial de ASPL Fact M  mM   
Advanced Software Production Line SL M
Software avanzado para GNU/Linux. Administración de sistemas.  

Unresolved Sybols

2001-01-17 Thread aj
Con el objeto de utilizar los modulos de ALSA para el kernel 2.2.18pre21,
instalé el alsa-base 0.5.9d* al paquete alsa-utils0.5* alsaconf-0.4c* etc...
el problema es que al hacer modprobe para mi tarjeta y cargar el modulo
cmipci.o me aparece un Unresolved Sybols para cada uno de los modulos que
trae el alsa-modules, que puedo hacer

Gracias a Enzo, que me ayudó con el problema con el paquete alsa-utils

Re: Fwd: Re: Problema con kernel 2.4

2001-01-17 Thread Fco. Aguilar
En Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 09:53:09PM +, Miguel Angel Vilela escribió:
   1. El soporte PPP está completo y todo integrado en el propio kernel,
 sin módulos, pero al ejecutar el pppd (v2.4.0 compilado) se queja de que el
 kernel (2.4.0) carece de soporte para PPP. El mensaje de error que devuelve
 pppd es:
   This system lacks kernel support for PPP. This could be because 
   the PPP kernel module could not be loaded, or because PPP was 
   not included in the kernel configuration.  If PPP was included as a 
   module, try `/sbin/modprobe -v ppp'. 

Actualiza a pppd 2.4.0
También tendrás que actualizar, si no lo has hecho, modutils y alguna
cosa más. (Ver /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes)

Francisco Aguilar de Soto
Linux reg: 140.527
Debian User


2001-01-17 Thread Anders Holmberg
Färlåt min tjatig het-).
jo jag försökte uppdatera mina /etc/aliases här utan något gott resultat.
Eller ja det vet jag inte förresten.
Men jag får ett konsigt meddelande när jag skriver newaliases vid
/usr/lib/smail/mkaliases: /usr/lib/smail/getopt: no such file or
Getopt som kommando finns men vad är det för getopt som saknas nu då?
Störigt, vad göra?

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 22:16:38 +0200
From: Nicklas Holmberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Holmberg [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Anders Holmberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Nile City

Nile City - måndag 19.30 sv.tid... yeesss!

(Sem assunto)

2001-01-17 Thread Max Moura

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

XF86Config ...

2001-01-17 Thread Nivaldo Antônio Portela de Vasconcelos

estou usando a versão 2.1, e querendo instalar o X em um IBM NetVista
(PC, Pentium III, com placa de vídeo on-board) ... alguém já trilhou
estes cascalho e poderia mandar o XfConfig :)) ???

Já tentei uma porrada daqueles drivers que estão na lista  ... até agora
nada ...

Um abraço,


Re: XF86Config ...

2001-01-17 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 estou usando a versão 2.1, e querendo instalar o X em um IBM NetVista
 (PC, Pentium III, com placa de vídeo on-board) ... alguém já trilhou
 estes cascalho e poderia mandar o XfConfig :)) ???

Abra a maquina e veja se o chipset eh o Intel 740 (i740) ou Intel
820 (i820).  Geralmentes sao este dois que vem com os IBMs (ambos sao
suportados pelo drive SVGA desde o XFree 3.3.6).


Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Floripa - SC - Brazil

[no subject]

2001-01-17 Thread João Batista Silva

Re: XF86Config ...

2001-01-17 Thread Nivaldo Antônio Portela de Vasconcelos
É 810e on-board.

Não existe driver naquele conjunto do XF86Setup para este chip nem para i820... 
aí ?? alguma sugestão ?? nem

Um abraço,

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro wrote:

  estou usando a versão 2.1, e querendo instalar o X em um IBM NetVista
  (PC, Pentium III, com placa de vídeo on-board) ... alguém já trilhou
  estes cascalho e poderia mandar o XfConfig :)) ???

 Abra a maquina e veja se o chipset eh o Intel 740 (i740) ou Intel
 820 (i820).  Geralmentes sao este dois que vem com os IBMs (ambos sao
 suportados pelo drive SVGA desde o XFree 3.3.6).


 Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Floripa - SC - Brazil

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: XF86Config ...

2001-01-17 Thread Nitrogen
Sera necessario instalar o XFree 4.02, que tem este driver. (tenho uma placa

Qqr coisa,


- Original Message -
From: Nivaldo Antônio Portela de Vasconcelos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc:; Fomerson-Telemar
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: XF86Config ...

 É 810e on-board.

 Não existe driver naquele conjunto do XF86Setup para este chip nem para
i820... e
 aí ?? alguma sugestão ?? nem

 Um abraço,

 Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro wrote:

   estou usando a versão 2.1, e querendo instalar o X em um IBM NetVista
   (PC, Pentium III, com placa de vídeo on-board) ... alguém já trilhou
   estes cascalho e poderia mandar o XfConfig :)) ???
  Abra a maquina e veja se o chipset eh o Intel 740 (i740) ou
  820 (i820).  Geralmentes sao este dois que vem com os IBMs (ambos sao
  suportados pelo drive SVGA desde o XFree 3.3.6).
  Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
  Floripa - SC - Brazil
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: XF86Config ...

2001-01-17 Thread Anderson Roberto Grella
Complementando o que foi sugerido...

Minha placa não é como a sua, mas com vídeo onboard também. O que fiz foi
atualizar apenas o arquivo (server) XF86_SVGA da versão 4xx do XFree (copiei
por cima do arquivo da versão 3xx para manter o restante da versão da
distribuição). E quando configurei pelo xf86config, mandei que utilizasse o
próprio. Lá dentro, rodei o xvidtune, copiei os Modelines e ajustei na mão o

Resumindo. Fiquei com a versão XFree original da distro, com apenas o server
SVGA da versão 4 do XFree.

Talvez também resolva no seu caso. Mas não se esqueça de copiar o XF86_SVGA
original em backup.

Se ainda houver dúvida, mail-me.

Anderson Roberto Grella
Físico - UNESP
Rio Claro - SP

Linux Registered User #152833
Debian User

- Original Message -
From: Nitrogen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Nivaldo Antônio Portela de Vasconcelos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Debian Portuguese
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: XF86Config ...

 Sera necessario instalar o XFree 4.02, que tem este driver. (tenho uma

 Qqr coisa,


 - Original Message -
 From: Nivaldo Antônio Portela de Vasconcelos
 Cc:; Fomerson-Telemar
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 4:19 PM
 Subject: Re: XF86Config ...

  É 810e on-board.
  Não existe driver naquele conjunto do XF86Setup para este chip nem para
 i820... e
  aí ?? alguma sugestão ?? nem
  Um abraço,
  Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro wrote:
estou usando a versão 2.1, e querendo instalar o X em um IBM
(PC, Pentium III, com placa de vídeo on-board) ... alguém já trilhou
estes cascalho e poderia mandar o XfConfig :)) ???
   Abra a maquina e veja se o chipset eh o Intel 740 (i740) ou
   820 (i820).  Geralmentes sao este dois que vem com os IBMs (ambos sao
   suportados pelo drive SVGA desde o XFree 3.3.6).
   Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
   Floripa - SC - Brazil
   To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
   with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

mh-rmail in emacs falls over at 10k messages.

2001-01-17 Thread Paul Schulz

I was starting to enjoy using mh-rmail mode in emacs.  It suddenly
stopped displaying messages, even though it would read them, at
message  (or there abouts).

The Debian connection? This took about 5 months of debian-user,
debian-laptop and kernel-dev.

I copied ~/Mail/inbox to ~/Mail/inbox0 and everything started working

'nmh' from the command line, seems to be able to cope with this.

Paul Schulz
Foursticks Systems Pty Ltd,
2/259 Glen Osmond Road, FREWVILLE South Australia 5063
Phone +61 8 8338 5500, Fax +61 8 8338 5511, Mob +61 401 981 301

Re: cdrecord problems

2001-01-17 Thread Brian Frederick Kimball
Benjamin Pharr wrote:

 It works, for you, but I gave it a shot with no luck.

You mean you tried hdd=scsi?

 What modules do you 
 have loaded at boot time?

None.  Everything's compiled into the kernel.

Re: Aaaarrrgggghhh!!!!

2001-01-17 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Monte Milanuk wrote:

 /bash head against desk

 Any idea's suggestions, I'm open to 'em.

I would say, use an external card, rather than trying to get an onboard Crystal
CS4236B chip to work. I've never seen a report from someone who's managed to get
one working.

I have the identical setup you have, and I've given up after about three months
of trying just about everything. Now I'm out looking for some SB64-like card 
is in the ALSA list as definitely supported, and get those fingers firmly

 Ugh, this is almost like work!!

Yes, except at work you can get paid for beating your head against a wall...

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
Faber est suae quisque fortunae.

Re: Aaaarrrgggghhh!!!!

2001-01-17 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 10:37:17PM -0700, Monte Milanuk wrote:
 Eric G . Miller wrote:
   # Card 1: (serial identifier b6 ff ff ff ff 35 68 63 0e)
   # Vendor Id CSC6835, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0xB6.
   # Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.1
   # ANSI string --CS4236B--
 This would indicate the accelerated cs4232.
 I think I have more/less the same thing...
 Whoops!  Sorry.  I searched for 'cs4236' and forgot to try 'CS4236'.  My
 Ummm... didn't see anything in xconfig for a cs4236 driver...  course,
 it's been one of those weeks :(

Maybe need to enable experimental drivers?  Ahh, just looking and was
thinking of Crystal Soundfusion (CS4280/CS461x).  It came up in my
head because there's some connection with the CS4611 PCI audio
accelerator (which I have, but doesn't work with that driver).

 Whee! It says: modprobe sound, insmod ad1848, insmod uart401, insmod
 cs4232 io=* irq=* dma=* dma2=* and it gives nominal values, same as you
 gave. (about the only thing that is tickling my brain at this point is
 it refers to the io=0x534 being the same as the 'Windows Sound System'
 -- do I need to compile in the Microsoft Sound system module to kick
 this thing in gear?).  Tried that.  Still didn't work.  Same document
   No you don't want generic WSS (only 8-bit I think).
 says if this doesnt work, need to use Linux PnP.  So, I look in
 xconfig.  Yes, I enabled Plug-n-Pray.  It says to check out pnpdump,
 isapnp, and isapnp.conf.  So, I dug a bit thru the manpages for those

PNP shouldn't be required (though I've done it with both with no
difference -- 'cept some isapnp settings will make the sound worse 
like in WSS mode).

 Whoohoo!  Looking good!  So I do a quick rmmod to remove my still
 uninitialized cs4232 module, and then do another 'insmod cs4232 io=0x534
 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0'.  And this is what I got for my troubles:
 ishamael:/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound# insmod cs4232 io=0x534
 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0
 Using /lib/modules/2.2.18/misc/cs4232.o
 I ended up (as before) having to do a Cntrl+'c' to kill it to get my
 computer back.  I tried io=0x220 as well, hoping(praying) for SB
 compatibility, something.  Nada.
 /bash head against desk
 Any idea's suggestions, I'm open to 'em.  Ugh, this is almost like

Maybe consider forking over a couple bucks for a couple SB LIVE
soundcards?  I understand they're dirt cheap and work well for what they
do.  I don't understand why your machine would get stuck.  Do you have
your BIOS set to PNP OS?  If so, turn it off.  Think I've told you
'bout all I could think of.

Eric G. Miller

apt-get trouble

2001-01-17 Thread Jorge Santos

Hello, just wondering if anyone can help me with this problem I've been
having and can't figure out:  when I do an apt-get update I get errors
from several different servers, randomly, it seems, here is the stderr
from the `apt-get update' command (last time I tried it):

Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
Failed to fetch

 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old 
ones used instead.

And here is my sources.list:

# See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
# CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-1
(2814)]/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-2
(2814)]/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-3
(2814)]/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main

deb stable/non-US main contrib

deb stable/updates main contrib non-free

# Uncomment if you want the apt-get source function to work
#deb-src stable main contrib non-free
#deb-src stable non-US

deb stable main contrib non-free

#deb unstable main contrib non-free

potato non-free

deb unstable main

Sorry if the mail is a little bit bulky, I am using a thoroughly updated 
potato (that sounded odd :)


jorge santos

Re: AAARGH - Re: cdrecord

2001-01-17 Thread Robert Waldner
On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:37:54 +1100, John Griffiths writes:
I've been reading this with a lot of interest as i'm a bout to receive a nice 
new AOpen ATAPI CD-RW.

there seems to be conflicting info going around. Can SCSI emulation be done wi
th modules or does it require a re-compile?

Well, at least with my stock 2.0.38 (or was it .36, I don´t know) 
 kernel it required compiling a custom kernel. I can´t look at a 
 2.2 stock kernel, ´cause I run a custom 2.0.38 here and custom 2.2´s 
 on my other machines...

That´s why I wrote:

Don´t take my opinions in any form offensive, they´re not meant that 
way, but please don´t flame me if that´s all not longer true (I set it 
up with a 2.0.x-kernel and a then-recent cdrecord, so there may have 
been changes since).

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

QT2.x and woody?

2001-01-17 Thread Jon Hughes
From what I've seen on teh web page, Qt2.2 is only
avaiable in the unstable/Sid version of Debian at the
moment?  Or is there a way to get QT2.2 library stuff
working in woody?


God, Root. What is the difference?
Pitr, User Friendly

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: cdrecord problems

2001-01-17 Thread Brian Frederick Kimball
Mike wrote:

 SCSI emulation support
   This will provide SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices,
   and will allow you to use a SCSI device driver instead of a native
   ATAPI driver.
   This is useful if you have an ATAPI device for which no native
   driver has been written (for example, an ATAPI PD-CD or CDR drive);
   you can then use this emulation together with an appropriate SCSI
   device driver. In order to do this, say Y here and to SCSI support
   and SCSI generic support, below. You must then provide the kernel
   command line hdx=scsi (try man bootparam or see the
   documentation of your boot loader (lilo or loadlin) about how to
   pass options to the kernel at boot time) for devices if you want the
   native EIDE sub-drivers to skip over the native support, so that
   this SCSI emulation can be used instead. This is required for use of
   Note that this option does NOT allow you to attach SCSI devices to a
   box that doesn't have a SCSI host adapter installed.
   If both this SCSI emulation and native ATAPI support are compiled
   into the kernel, the native support will be used.
 Part way through is what you sent, at the end is what I sent.  To me this
 particular passage is self-contradictory.  At one point it says you can, and
 then goes on to say that you can't.  Which portion am I to believe?

I read this to mean that by default the native support will be used if
both are compiled into the kernel, and you can change the default by
using hdx=scsi.

 Then there's the matter of whether it's hdx=scsi or hdx=ide-scsi  One source
 says one thing, another says another thing.  What's more confusing is they
 *both* *work*.  You got your's right from the kernel docs - an authoratative
 source, to be sure.  I got mine from the CD-Writing HOWTO - not an
 authoritative source, but it does work.

 * Look for drive options:  hdx=
if (s[0] == 'h'  s[1] == 'd'  s[2] = 'a'  s[2] = max_drive) {
const char *hd_words[] = {none, noprobe, nowerr, cdrom,
serialize, autotune, noautotune,
slow, swapdata, bswap, flash,
remap, noremap, scsi, NULL};
unit = s[2] - 'a';
hw   = unit / MAX_DRIVES;
unit = unit % MAX_DRIVES;
hwif = ide_hwifs[hw];
drive = hwif-drives[unit];
-  if (strncmp(s + 4, ide-, 4) == 0) {
-  strncpy(drive-driver_req, s + 4, 9);
-  goto done;

OK, apparently you can prepend any ide driver option with ide- and
it will still work, so I guess we're both right (but my choice is
clearly the preferred one :-).


Re: cdrecord problems

2001-01-17 Thread Robert Waldner
On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 23:11:12 EST, Mike writes:
Yes, I did indeed have conflicts between the IDE CDROM support and the SCSI
emulation.  Took me quite some time to get it sorted out.  Ah, here we go.=
Found it.  From the help blurb in the SCSI emulation section of make

If both this SCSI emulation and native ATAPI support are compiled into the
kernel, the native support will be used.

So, take out the built-in IDE CDROM support and all will be well.

Which, of course, also means that you have to have a hdX=ide-scsi for 
 each and every IDE-cdrom, because without IDE-cdrom-support you would 
 otherwise not be able to use it (I´ve shoot myself in the foot with 
 this once ;) )...

 Here's his problem:
   2. Added append=hdd=3Dide-scsi to my /etc/lilo.conf
 Should just be hdd=scsi.  Search for =scsi in
 linux/Documentation/ for more info.

I found an old working lilo-config in a backup, where it reads

append=ether=5,0x360,eth1 hda=49585,16,63 hdb=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

Re: QT2.x and woody?

2001-01-17 Thread Rob VanFleet
Add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb potato main crypto optional qt1apps


apt-get update; apt-get install libqt2.2

If you plan on compiling any qt2.2 apps, also apt-get install


On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 10:57:49PM -0800, Jon Hughes wrote:
 From what I've seen on teh web page, Qt2.2 is only
 avaiable in the unstable/Sid version of Debian at the
 moment?  Or is there a way to get QT2.2 library stuff
 working in woody?
 God, Root. What is the difference?
   Pitr, User Friendly
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: QT2.x and woody?

2001-01-17 Thread Rob VanFleet
Sorry, make that
deb potato main crypto optional qt1apps

On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 12:36:16AM -0600, Rob VanFleet wrote:
 Add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
 deb potato main crypto optional qt1apps
 apt-get update; apt-get install libqt2.2
 If you plan on compiling any qt2.2 apps, also apt-get install
 On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 10:57:49PM -0800, Jon Hughes wrote:
  From what I've seen on teh web page, Qt2.2 is only
  avaiable in the unstable/Sid version of Debian at the
  moment?  Or is there a way to get QT2.2 library stuff
  working in woody?
  God, Root. What is the difference?
  Pitr, User Friendly
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mh-rmail in emacs falls over at 10k messages.

2001-01-17 Thread Robert Waldner
On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 16:27:59 +1030, Paul Schulz writes:
I was starting to enjoy using mh-rmail mode in emacs.  It suddenly
stopped displaying messages, even though it would read them, at
message  (or there abouts).

10k messages seems to shoot every mh-client I ever tried/used/set up.

Somewhere in the exmh-docs it´s also mentioned. So my pragmatic 
 attitude told me that 10k msgs/folder isn´t a good thing anyway 
 because it slows down searching et al and if I want to search 
 everything I just use glimpse over all the folders anyway.

The Debian connection?

s/The/A/ ;)

I don´t think so, it´s a problem with other distro´s and self-built 
 systems, too.

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

Re: Can't talk to user on same machine

2001-01-17 Thread Brian Frederick Kimball
Kent West wrote:

 tcpdump doesn't seem to be an available command (yes, as root); nor 
 does locate return anything for it. Does this indicate that I'm 
 perhaps missing a package?
It's not missing, it's just not installed by default apparently.
Run apt-get install tcpdump.

  My /etc/hosts.deny looks like:
  This is not correct.

Did you try fixing hosts.deny?

Re: NIC identification

2001-01-17 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 OK i've got a NIC that i need to get working.

 its PCI appears to support Co-ax as well as cat-45

 it has a netware approved sticker on it

 it has 3 components on it made by Delta

 the most comprehensible component proclaims itself to be

 Delta LANF7236 9701F

 has anyone got any ideas what driver i should use?

 it has worked with slackware (which does auto-detect) but the HD it was 
 working with has gone to heaven.

 thanks for any help that can be proferred

If it's a PCI nic just pop it into a computer with a PCI bus and see what
you get.  On Linux you should find this ethernet card listed under
/proc/pci someplace.

You can also try to do modprobe ne2k-pci as root - it sounds awfully
similar to a NE2000 PCI card I have here someplace.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Q: SB16 ok-Need load other modules?

2001-01-17 Thread Jonathan Gift

I have my SB16 working fine with the following modules compiled and

sb io=0x220 irq=10 dma=1 dma16=5

Everything works. But I didn't find the other card options when
compiling to, I believe, load the following modules:

op13 io=0x388

So the question is, have I in fact missed some settings in my kernel (if
so, which) compiling and are there further modules and uses of the
card and are they those just above?



Q: Use of XDM.log correct?

2001-01-17 Thread Jonathan Gift

My DEbian system when first loaded  dropped me in XDM. I removed the
package and have booted to the proimpt and started X manually ever
since. Yet I've notice that when X starts it writes the info to an
XDM.log file. Is that normal? What would be considering I use .xinitrc
and startx? How would I change to that?




2001-01-17 Thread John Griffiths
over the last few days i've been wrestling with a lot of cryptic modules. and 
so it would seem have others, judging by the list.

how difficult would it be to make an apt-like module tool?

Re: Console Blanking

2001-01-17 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 08:58:55PM -0600, ktb wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 07:40:03PM -0700, Curtis Hogg wrote:
  Is there a way to disable the console blanking? If so, how do you go
  about doing that?
 It looks like xset s noblank  Type xset at the command line and it
 will spit out options.  I have also seen xset s 0 on the list.  You
 can also take a look at the man page for further details.  A good place
 to search for answers is - 

looks like xset is a 'user preference utility for X'
where curtis was asking about changing CONSOLE settings
(console, from what i can tell, meaning alt-ctl-F[1-6]).

how do you establish screen-blanking preferences for
text consoles, when there's NO x installed at all?

See, if you were allowed to keep the money, you wouldn't
create jobs with it. You'd throw it in the bushes or
something.  But the government will spend it, thereby
creating jobs.  -- Dave Barry


volunteer to document your experience for next week's
newbies --

Re: Console Blanking

2001-01-17 Thread William T Wilson
On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, will trillich wrote:

 how do you establish screen-blanking preferences for text consoles,
 when there's NO x installed at all?

setterm is what you need.  setterm -blank (and setterm -powersave) allow
you to control this.

Re: modules

2001-01-17 Thread Sebastiaan

is that not something like depmod does, but then better? You have my


On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, John Griffiths wrote:

 over the last few days i've been wrestling with a lot of cryptic modules. and 
 so it would seem have others, judging by the list.
 how difficult would it be to make an apt-like module tool?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Firewalls and IP Maskerade

2001-01-17 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 02:41:43PM -0500, seg wrote:
  Both my network cards were detected and both seem to be
  working right. One of them has a local network address which
  I assigned my self with the following command: ifconfig eth0 The other was configured as a cable modem upon
  installation. When I boot it is assigned the address and the netmask  

from what i can tell (and based on my setup)
you need the address of the cablemodem...

if your ip is static, the the cablemodem's
probably is, too. if not, you're probably in
need of dhcp expertice, which i don't have. :)

  My routing tables consists of the following entries (all
  automaticaly configured, I haven't entered any):**
   My hosts file /etc has the following entries.  I added the last 3 entries. Marge Homer

presuming you're using a healthily-updated potato, (debian 2.2)
your /etc/network/interfaces should resemble

iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet static

iface eth1 inet static
gateway 24.200.41.cableModemIPnumber

then configure all your other networked boxes
to be,3,4... and have a default/
gateway/router of (being your linux).

   From my linux box, I can ping addresses on the
   and networks and  I can ping the DNS server
   ( I can't ping modemcable001.4 From my
   win98SE comps I can only ping addresses in the
   network. If I want to ping addresses in the or
   the DNS server, I need to enter the following commands:
   ipchains -P forward ACCEPT and ipcahins -A forward -s -d 0/0 -j MASQ.  Also before I can enter
   these commands I need to enable ip_forward: echo 1 
   ip_forward. .   


apt-get install ipmasq

boy will THAT save you some trouble!

   I cannot access the internet from any on my win98SE comps.
   And I haven't installed any applications on my linux box, so
   I can try accessing any http sites from the this comp. The
   proxy settings are detected but the pages will not load.
   What has to be done to fix the situation and to allow games
   and email progs to go through? 

make sure your linux can get to the web; try something


once your 'ipmasq' package is installed and your ipchains
(or ipfwadm for slink users) rules are in place, then any
connect success you have on the linux box ought to be
reproducible on the windo~1 boxes. theoretically.

See, if you were allowed to keep the money, you wouldn't
create jobs with it. You'd throw it in the bushes or
something.  But the government will spend it, thereby
creating jobs.  -- Dave Barry


volunteer to document your experience for next week's
newbies --

Re: static vs modules

2001-01-17 Thread Thomas Guettler
On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 12:59:34PM +0100, Sebastiaan wrote:
 I was wondering if there is a speed/operating difference when compiling
 kernel daemons like knfs static in the kernel or in modules. 
 Anyone know something about this?

I think there is no measurable (is this spelled right?)
difference. (That's what I think, I haven't tested it)

Modules are more flexible. For example if you get a new soundcard you
only have to insert the new module, you don't need to recompile the
whole kernel.

Thomas Guettler

DHCP and NFS instalation

2001-01-17 Thread Marcin Grzesiak
how to install Debian via NFS when local host is dynamicaly assigned 
IP address using DHCP/BOOTTP protocol?

Marcin Grzesiak

Re: Is there any way to prevent a package from upgrading?

2001-01-17 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 01:07:39PM +0100, Bostjan Muller wrote:
 * On 16-01-01 at 07:28 ( wrote:
  See the Debian FAQ.
 $ echo packagename hold | dpgk --set-selections
 Is there a way to do this with apt-get (I do apt-get -u
 upgrade, but don't want to upgrade a specific package(s))?

my understanding is (watch me get corrected) that
APT is a nice interface to the DPKG concept, or
that APT evolved out of DPKG and that they each
depend on the same settings and so forth.

you tell APT smoething, DPKG knows it. and vice versa.

[ i think. ]

See, if you were allowed to keep the money, you wouldn't
create jobs with it. You'd throw it in the bushes or
something.  But the government will spend it, thereby
creating jobs.  -- Dave Barry


your experience could help save next week's newbies!

RE: Aaaarrrgggghhh!!!!

2001-01-17 Thread Joris Lambrecht
can't you just upgrade to the 2.4.0 kernel wich will probably have support
built in for this card ... ?

-Original Message-
From: Eric G . Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: Aaaarrrhhh

On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 10:37:17PM -0700, Monte Milanuk wrote:
 Eric G . Miller wrote:
   # Card 1: (serial identifier b6 ff ff ff ff 35 68 63 0e)
   # Vendor Id CSC6835, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0xB6.
   # Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.1
   # ANSI string --CS4236B--
 This would indicate the accelerated cs4232.
 I think I have more/less the same thing...
 Whoops!  Sorry.  I searched for 'cs4236' and forgot to try 'CS4236'.  My
 Ummm... didn't see anything in xconfig for a cs4236 driver...  course,
 it's been one of those weeks :(

Maybe need to enable experimental drivers?  Ahh, just looking and was
thinking of Crystal Soundfusion (CS4280/CS461x).  It came up in my
head because there's some connection with the CS4611 PCI audio
accelerator (which I have, but doesn't work with that driver).

 Whee! It says: modprobe sound, insmod ad1848, insmod uart401, insmod
 cs4232 io=* irq=* dma=* dma2=* and it gives nominal values, same as you
 gave. (about the only thing that is tickling my brain at this point is
 it refers to the io=0x534 being the same as the 'Windows Sound System'
 -- do I need to compile in the Microsoft Sound system module to kick
 this thing in gear?).  Tried that.  Still didn't work.  Same document
   No you don't want generic WSS (only 8-bit I think).
 says if this doesnt work, need to use Linux PnP.  So, I look in
 xconfig.  Yes, I enabled Plug-n-Pray.  It says to check out pnpdump,
 isapnp, and isapnp.conf.  So, I dug a bit thru the manpages for those

PNP shouldn't be required (though I've done it with both with no
difference -- 'cept some isapnp settings will make the sound worse 
like in WSS mode).

 Whoohoo!  Looking good!  So I do a quick rmmod to remove my still
 uninitialized cs4232 module, and then do another 'insmod cs4232 io=0x534
 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0'.  And this is what I got for my troubles:
 ishamael:/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound# insmod cs4232 io=0x534
 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0
 Using /lib/modules/2.2.18/misc/cs4232.o
 I ended up (as before) having to do a Cntrl+'c' to kill it to get my
 computer back.  I tried io=0x220 as well, hoping(praying) for SB
 compatibility, something.  Nada.
 /bash head against desk
 Any idea's suggestions, I'm open to 'em.  Ugh, this is almost like

Maybe consider forking over a couple bucks for a couple SB LIVE
soundcards?  I understand they're dirt cheap and work well for what they
do.  I don't understand why your machine would get stuck.  Do you have
your BIOS set to PNP OS?  If so, turn it off.  Think I've told you
'bout all I could think of.

Eric G. Miller

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: static vs modules

2001-01-17 Thread Cliff Sarginson
 On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 12:59:34PM +0100, Sebastiaan wrote:
  I was wondering if there is a speed/operating difference when compiling
  kernel daemons like knfs static in the kernel or in modules. 
  Anyone know something about this?
 I think there is no measurable (is this spelled right?)
 difference. (That's what I think, I haven't tested it)
 Modules are more flexible. For example if you get a new soundcard you
 only have to insert the new module, you don't need to recompile the
 whole kernel.

I expect there is a few picaseconds latency when the module is first
loaded :) Other than that I should think not.


Re: IMAP MUA and filtering

2001-01-17 Thread Damon Muller
Hi Matthew,

On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 10:59:48PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have recently managed to set up Postfix, and get it to feed to the
 Cyrus IMAP server. At the moment I'm using TkRat, but am finding it a
 little restrictive.

This isn't an MUA solution, but rather a whole mail system, but it
works well for me.

maildrop is a procmail-like MDA which is packaged for debian, and is
very stable and easy to use. IMHO, its syntax is a lot easier to
understand than procmail - it uses pretty bog-standard conditionals,
curley braces, and posix regexs.

If postfix supports .forward files, you'll need something like

| maildrop -d $USER

in your .forward file (off the top of my head, could be wrong).

Next get courier-imap, which may be available for debian, but if it
isn't it's very easy to compile by hand (configure; make; make
install). It's available at

Courier uses maildir directories (which are supported by maildrop,
which is by the same author as courier-imap), so you just need to tell
maildrop to, say, deliver debian-user into ./Maildir/.debian-user,
which then becomes available as an imap folder.

You can then read your imap mail with mutt, which now has good support
for imap and imap browsing (hint: try spool = {localhost}INBOX in
your .muttrc). The IMAP client in netscape also works well with this

If you want to get really fancy, on the courier site you can also find
sqwebmail, which is a hotmail like webmail interface, which works with
the same maildirs as courier-imap. It also has a nice web interface for
writing sorting rules, so you don't have to edit your .mailfilter file
by hand to add new sorting rules.

I use effectively this combination myself, and it works really well.

 Could anyone reccomment a good MUA with good support for IMAP and
 filtering of incomming mail. I'm assuming one can't use procmail to
 filter mail as it won't work in a IMAPd (I think!), so which MUAs are
 there out there that both support IMAP and filtering?
 I am interested in functionality rather than a pretty GUI, and am more
 than happy with a console app if it does everything I need it to.

In this case, you can't go past mutt. Nothing with a pretty gui (even
for windows) comes near it for functionality and spead. It has somewhat
of a steep learning curve, but it's worth it.



Damon Muller
GPG Key: 0xA136E829

Re: Making System Back-Ups

2001-01-17 Thread kmself
on Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 08:26:48AM +0100, anonymous wrote:
 (private reply)

Respondee redacted, response to list.

 On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 13:51:36 PST, writes:
 I´d slightly extend your script and think that that may be good to 
 include, for people not very familiar with the tools used:
 backupdirs=/bin /boot /etc /initrd /lib /opt /root /sbin /usr /var
  ^^^ ^ 
See the referenced document as to why it may be unnecessary (and perhaps
unwise) to archive system directories which can readily be restored from
installation media or via apt-get.

 excludirs=/var/cache/apt/ /var/log/ /var/tmp/ /var/run/ \
 cat /dev/null /tmp/backup.exclude
 # build list of files to exclude
 for path in $excludirs
 echo Building list of files to exclude for  -n
 find $path 1/tmp/backup.exclude || exit 1
 echo done.
 sleep 2
 echo Exclude-List built.
 for path in $backupdirs
 echo System backup on $path  -n
 tar -X /tmp/backup.exclude cIvf /dev/nst0 $path \
1/tmp/backup.log || exit 1
 echo done.
 sleep 2

Yes, you can use find for backups.  I find (pun noted) my own mechanisms
sufficient.  'find' may produce problems with filenames containing
embedded blanks, haven't checked this myself.  You may wish to

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Joris Lambrecht

i've got the MUA 
blues, badly, i'm feeling slightly depressed, let down and so 
I'm also freaking 
out on text-based mailclients (i know, i'm a wuzz) and can't find a reasonalby 
good X-MUA.
Mutt, is to much of 
a hassle for me and lacks some feature. Pine seems like really good but darn i 
want point-n-click.

Balsa, crashes and 
has some usabiliy issues i really do mind.
Spruce, same story. 
Segmentation fault after reinstall of my system.
Evolution, would not 
install. /usr/bin/ld : -ldb not found
Cronos, same story 
as Evolution
Mozilla mail, oh god 
! can there really exist something slower than mozilla ? that crashes as often 
as it does ?

and so on and on and 

tkmail, tkrat, tried 
it but didn't really got thrilled.

Do i REALLY have to 
install kde to get something close to say outlook express (i know, i know, but 
it beats any linux mua i've seen)


Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Cliff Sarginson
 i've got the MUA blues, badly, i'm feeling slightly depressed, let down and
 so on.
 I'm also freaking out on text-based mailclients (i know, i'm a wuzz) and
 can't find a reasonalby good X-MUA.
 Mutt, is to much of a hassle for me and lacks some feature. Pine seems like
 really good but darn i want point-n-click.
 Balsa, crashes and has some usabiliy issues i really do mind.
 Spruce, same story. Segmentation fault after reinstall of my system.
 Evolution, would not install. /usr/bin/ld : -ldb not found
 Cronos, same story as Evolution
 Mozilla mail, oh god ! can there really exist something slower than mozilla
 ? that crashes as often as it does ?
 and so on and on and on
 tkmail, tkrat, tried it but didn't really got thrilled.
 Do i REALLY have to install kde to get something close to say outlook
 express (i know, i know, but it beats any linux mua i've seen)
Mmm. Well all mua's are awful, just have to live with 'em !
I have never seen anything like quite like outlook...
I use KDE2, which has some bizarre behaviour (I don;t know if it is
a feature or a bug but when you trawl down a list of message headers
and delete them as you go it redraws the header list in an extremely
odd way - it drives me nuts), but is liveable with apart from that.

I find it hard to imagine what feature you require that Mutt does not have,
except point and click of course...

I deal with mail as follows.
I use mutt to very quickly review/delete/answer mail.
Mail that I want to keep or think about I leave in the spool.
Later in X I use KDE2 to file mail etc...

This is nicer in practise than it sounds in it's
With mutt I can deal with 90% or more of the mail very quickly.

Probably doesnt help your quest, just passing it on ..


Re: IMAP MUA and filtering

2001-01-17 Thread Brian May
 Damon == Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Damon I use effectively this combination myself, and it works
Damon really well.

My only dislike of the above is courier-imap. It insists that all
folders appear below INBOX (eg. INBOX.trash) which in turn looks
messy and prevents using a hierarchy for your own folders.

ie. A commonly known commercial mail program for a non-Debian
non-Linux OS would display:

  |- INBOX
 |- trash
 |- sent_mail
 |- sent_mail_1998
 |- sent_mail_1999
 |- sent_mail_1999_January

which is totally broken IMHO, as what I want is:

  |- INBOX
  |- trash
  |- sent_mail
 |- 1998
 |- 1999
|- January (this one might be tricky, as nested folders to this
depth are not supported by the Maildir++ standard[1]).

as none of the folders have anything to do with INBOX, but
Courier-imap does not support this.

The author was written something and claims that this behaviour is not
broken[2], but instead blames the client. I remain unconvinced.

I do not believe he answers the question in the FAQ (change the
question from Why can't I create any top-level folders, only
subfolders of INBOX?  to Why do all folder names need to be prefixed
with 'INBOX.'? and the answer might make more sense).

In short all folders have to be sub folders of INBOX because that is
what courier-imap uses to indicate private (non-shared) mail, and no
solution to this problem is given.


[1] URL:,
and search for Mission statement.

[2] URL:


Re: find???

2001-01-17 Thread Kalle Olavi Niemitalo
Stephen Brooker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can anyone give any hints as to why find is running and what might be 
 starting it?

It is probably run from the daily updatedb or checksecurity cron
scripts.  ps fax should show which.  You can of course disable those
scripts but then you lose some features.  I run them via nice so
they don't slow down the system so much (I hope).

RE: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Joris Lambrecht
Well, it does make it clear to me that i will have to embrace console base
mua's sooner then i think. Don't wanna go back to Win2K, thought it is
tempting. Still, how HARD can it be to write something decent ? That does
not require knowledge of compiler's to install and so on.

I pray some rogue genius takes it up to him/herself to create a superb MUA
for X. That will be the day i'll be smiling again.

Okay, maybe a little sooner but this is getting to me, how on earth is linux
going to rival with any Desktop-OS if it lacks these basic things. Good
Technology but very weak user-focused developments Browsers, same story. You
would not want to say mozilla/netscape is a breeze to work with would ya ?
I've never seen it work without crashing (ie on win2k does to but not as
often) Galeon seems like a good option but it a mess to install since
Mozilla seems to be too NEW ... boehoe

It's a problem with a lot of the X app's i've seen, the menu's slide down
instead of popping up.

Still, i like X AND Linux big time.


-Original Message-
From: Cliff Sarginson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 10:19 AM
To: Joris Lambrecht; ''
Subject: Re: MUA Blues in X

 i've got the MUA blues, badly, i'm feeling slightly depressed, let down
 so on.
 I'm also freaking out on text-based mailclients (i know, i'm a wuzz) and
 can't find a reasonalby good X-MUA.
 Mutt, is to much of a hassle for me and lacks some feature. Pine seems
 really good but darn i want point-n-click.
 Balsa, crashes and has some usabiliy issues i really do mind.
 Spruce, same story. Segmentation fault after reinstall of my system.
 Evolution, would not install. /usr/bin/ld : -ldb not found
 Cronos, same story as Evolution
 Mozilla mail, oh god ! can there really exist something slower than
 ? that crashes as often as it does ?
 and so on and on and on
 tkmail, tkrat, tried it but didn't really got thrilled.
 Do i REALLY have to install kde to get something close to say outlook
 express (i know, i know, but it beats any linux mua i've seen)
Mmm. Well all mua's are awful, just have to live with 'em !
I have never seen anything like quite like outlook...
I use KDE2, which has some bizarre behaviour (I don;t know if it is
a feature or a bug but when you trawl down a list of message headers
and delete them as you go it redraws the header list in an extremely
odd way - it drives me nuts), but is liveable with apart from that.

I find it hard to imagine what feature you require that Mutt does not have,
except point and click of course...

I deal with mail as follows.
I use mutt to very quickly review/delete/answer mail.
Mail that I want to keep or think about I leave in the spool.
Later in X I use KDE2 to file mail etc...

This is nicer in practise than it sounds in it's
With mutt I can deal with 90% or more of the mail very quickly.

Probably doesnt help your quest, just passing it on ..


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: /proc/partitions blocks ?

2001-01-17 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Each block is 2 sectors, or 1024 bytes (1k)

To convert #blocks to MB, just divide it by 1024.

Example: 8001 blocks as shown in /proc/partitions would be 7.81 MB.


ktb wrote:
 I'm looking at the /proc/partitions file and it lists block sizes.
 I've been looking on the web, archives, docs on my system and can't find
 what the formula is for converting blocks to MBs.  Does anyone know how
 to do this or where to find the info?
 I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson

Re: Making System Back-Ups

2001-01-17 Thread Robert Waldner

(I hereby out myself as anonymous, the anonymization being pointless 
 anyway, since Karsten hasn´t checked his References-Headers and they 
 would reveal me anyway ;) )

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 00:49:06 PST, writes:

on Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 08:26:48AM +0100, anonymous wrote:
 (private reply)

Respondee redacted, response to list.

 On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 13:51:36 PST, writes:

 I=B4d slightly extend your script and think that that may be good to
 include, for people not very familiar with the tools used:

 backupdirs=/bin /boot /etc /initrd /lib /opt /root /sbin /usr /var
  ^^^ ^ 
See the referenced document as to why it may be unnecessary (and perhaps
unwise) to archive system directories which can readily be restored from
installation media or via apt-get.

Yes, it may be not be absolutely necessary, but I for one like _full_ 
 backups, that way I can just boot from diskette and restore 
 alleverything (excluding things not needed anyway to get a running 
 system again) in one step.

But this is to everyones own liking, IMHO.

backup with some path/files excluded

Yes, you can use find for backups.  I find (pun noted) my own mechanisms
sufficient.  'find' may produce problems with filenames containing
embedded blanks, haven't checked this myself.  You may wish to

Yup, find has troubles with it. But as I don´t want _any_ files on my 
 system containing spaces, I run a little script which changes them all 
 to underscores anyway before I do any backup. But point taken, this is 
 far from perfection (but so is your method ;) ).

But this is one of the points of Open Source: everyone can look at the 
 code, make changes and discuss the pros and cons in public.

So we could start a discussion which level of complexitivity and 
 abstraction is appropriate for a FAQ and then, once agreed, work out an 
 appropriate solution...

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

On bug reporting

2001-01-17 Thread Enrico Zini

I would like to know if there are guidelines for bug reporting: I use
debian unstable, and I find bugs, but I don't report most of them for many

I've never discussed these reasons with anyone.  Now I would like to.

I identified until now three kind of such unreported bugs:

 - Evident bugs

   I work mainly offline, so I don't have constant access to, and usually can't know when a bug has already been
   When I find a bug in a package that is likely to already have been
   reported, I don't do it to avoid the possibility of flooding the bug
   database with reduntant reports.

   An example of this is when tar changed behaviour of the 'I' switch, or
   when a package can't be upgraded due to missing dependancies (like
   glademm, erlang and wordtrans are now), or when a package keeps redoing
   the same debconf questions on most updates.
   I only report these bugs when I see the problem persisting after a week
   or two.  Should I always report it, instead?
 - Pedantic bugs

   Sometimes I notice something that should be different, but I don't know
   if it is to be considered as a bug, and I don't report it.
   For example, packages like skipstone, or powermanga or lxdoom appear in
   the Debian menus but not in the Gnome menus (is there a policy for
   Gnome menus?), or alsa doesn't load oss-emulation modules on demand
   with kernel 2.4.0+devfs (are packages supposed to correctly cope with

   Should I be on the safe side and risk reporting a non-bug, or should I
   be on the other safe side and risk non-reporting a bug?

 - Non-Debian small bugs

   Sometimes I find small bugs that are clearly to be reported upstream,
   like wrong i18n translations (many, many, many of them), usability
   quirks or even usability suggestions, that I don't report upstream
   because I can't quickly find the address of the right person, and
   there's not an handy tool like `bug' for them, or there is, but is
   online, or there is, offline, but I don't know how to launch it,
   because every program has its own.
   It would be very handy to file a `whishlist' bug to the Debian BTS,
   knowing they are eventually reported upstream, but I don't do it to
   avoid flooding the BTS with non-debian-related items.

   Could the Debian BTS be used as a proxy service to upstream mantainers
   (considering that with debian-native packages it already is supposed to
   collect these kind of reports anyway) or we should wait for the
   development of a different common bug reporting system for such little

I would like to hear your opinion on this behaviours, to get out of Doubt
into The Right Way (TM) to report bugs.

Bye! Enrico

GPG public key available on finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: bin86

2001-01-17 Thread Tom Pfeifer
That error seems to get just about everyone when compiling a kernel the
first time. If you look back in the debian-user archives far enough,
you'll find me asking about it.

The base system is only meant to get enough of a running system so that
you can then go ahead and install the rest. It should be kept that way.


Ken Weingold wrote:
 The site says that bin86 a complete 8086 assembler and
 loader which can make 32-bit code for the 386+ processors (under Linux
 it's used only to create the 16-bit bootsector and setup binaries).
 It is not installed in the initial Debian install.  Both times I have
 done new installs of 2.2r2 and gone to rebuild a new kernel (from the
 source from the build has stopped with an error that it
 can't find as86.  I install the bin86 package and run make again and
 it goes fine.  Am I missing something else that should be there to
 build the kernel or is bin86 really needed?  I am wondering which
 since if the second, bin86 should be installed with the base system.

Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Jonathan Gift
Joris Lambrecht wrote:
 Well, it does make it clear to me that i will have to embrace console base
 mua's sooner then i think. Don't wanna go back to Win2K, thought it is
 tempting. Still, how HARD can it be to write something decent ? That does
 not require knowledge of compiler's to install and so on.

I was in ypur position a little while back with a dual boot finally just
to use Outlook. But I wanted asingle boot and the great features which
come with having an MTA so I bit the bullet and researched what was out
there. The general opinion was that Mutt was the best so I installed, no
compiling, and grabbed as many of the setup (.muttrc files) I could
fine. It took a good couple of days of fiddling around and and lot's of
questions, but I got up and running fairly painlessly and haven't
regretted it. Once you get used to Mutt it is far superior to Outlook
and you can get very fast on it. My two cents worth is put in the time
and you won't be sorry.
 Okay, maybe a little sooner but this is getting to me, how on earth is linux
 going to rival with any Desktop-OS if it lacks these basic things. Good

True. But while desktop systems such as KDE and Gnome are trying to
rival Windows functionality, I don't think Linux itself is, nor should
it. And there's the rub.

 Technology but very weak user-focused developments Browsers, same story. You

Bowsers is my one complaint :). Ie is still betetr than anything on
Linux. But there's a couple projects coming along that look promising so
I don't know if that will the case for long.

 It's a problem with a lot of the X app's i've seen, the menu's slide down
 instead of popping up.

 Still, i like X AND Linux big time.

Good. That makes two of us. I think there's a few more on this list...


Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread garyjones
At Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:55:12 +0100 , Jonathan Gift [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Joris Lambrecht wrote:
 Well, it does make it clear to me that i will have to embrace console base
 mua's sooner then i think.
I was in ypur position a little while back with a dual boot finally just
to use Outlook.

I'm currently doing just that so that I can still use Pegasus which
despite its... oddities... is still better than Outlook. I'm still
playing with Mutt but so far I have to say I prefer Peggy, I plan to
see whether I can get it running under Wine somehow.

Once you get used to Mutt it is far superior to Outlook

Yeah, but then so is piping your mail to the console :-) Actually I
/do/ quite like Mutt, I just /prefer/ Pegasus.

and you can get very fast on it.

I've always found using the keys faster than a mouse (think about all 
that time you spend just dragging the mouse pointer from one end of
the screen to the other).

 Technology but very weak user-focused developments Browsers, same story. You

Bowsers is my one complaint :). Ie is still betetr than anything on

One word: Opera.

I've only tried it on Win32 so far, but it was the best browser I've
used. Keep Mozilla, IE, Lynx, I'll take Opera. At least, I'd take v3,
but I didn't like v4 as it started to feel bloated... Hmm, I notice 
they even do .debs :-)

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Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!

Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
apt-get install sylpheed
On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:02:55 +0100
Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i've got the MUA blues, badly, i'm feeling slightly depressed, let down and
 so on.
 I'm also freaking out on text-based mailclients (i know, i'm a wuzz) and
 can't find a reasonalby good X-MUA.
 Mutt, is to much of a hassle for me and lacks some feature. Pine seems like
 really good but darn i want point-n-click.
 Balsa, crashes and has some usabiliy issues i really do mind.
 Spruce, same story. Segmentation fault after reinstall of my system.
 Evolution, would not install. /usr/bin/ld : -ldb not found
 Cronos, same story as Evolution
 Mozilla mail, oh god ! can there really exist something slower than mozilla
 ? that crashes as often as it does ?
 and so on and on and on
 tkmail, tkrat, tried it but didn't really got thrilled.
 Do i REALLY have to install kde to get something close to say outlook
 express (i know, i know, but it beats any linux mua i've seen)
 Suggestion PLEASE.

Re: nbd modem

2001-01-17 Thread christophe barbe
nbd export only block devices and in my understanding modem (serial line) are 
char devices.


On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 09:04:29 Oki DZ wrote:
 Does anyone ever use nbd (network block device) to remotely mount a 
 modem (which is supposedly to reside on a server)? Does it work on 
 kernel 2.4.0?
 Thanks in advance,
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer
Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric
92110 Clichy - France
phone (33).
fax (33).

RE: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Joris Lambrecht
very nice screenshots at the sylpheed page, i hope those kanji (japanese)
characters are specific to the language and not to sylpheed :)

-Original Message-
From: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 11:58 AM
To: Joris Lambrecht
Subject: Re: MUA Blues in X

apt-get install sylpheed
On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:02:55 +0100
Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i've got the MUA blues, badly, i'm feeling slightly depressed, let down
 so on.
 I'm also freaking out on text-based mailclients (i know, i'm a wuzz) and
 can't find a reasonalby good X-MUA.
 Mutt, is to much of a hassle for me and lacks some feature. Pine seems
 really good but darn i want point-n-click.
 Balsa, crashes and has some usabiliy issues i really do mind.
 Spruce, same story. Segmentation fault after reinstall of my system.
 Evolution, would not install. /usr/bin/ld : -ldb not found
 Cronos, same story as Evolution
 Mozilla mail, oh god ! can there really exist something slower than
 ? that crashes as often as it does ?
 and so on and on and on
 tkmail, tkrat, tried it but didn't really got thrilled.
 Do i REALLY have to install kde to get something close to say outlook
 express (i know, i know, but it beats any linux mua i've seen)
 Suggestion PLEASE.

Re: On bug reporting

2001-01-17 Thread Oliver Elphick
Enrico Zini wrote:
  I would like to know if there are guidelines for bug reporting: I use
  debian unstable, and I find bugs, but I don't report most of them for many
   - Evident bugs
 I work mainly offline, so I don't have constant access to, and usually can't know when a bug has already been
 When I find a bug in a package that is likely to already have been
 reported, I don't do it to avoid the possibility of flooding the bug
 database with reduntant reports.
 I only report these bugs when I see the problem persisting after a week
 or two.  Should I always report it, instead?
I suggest you write out a bug-report, at least in outline, and check the
BTS when you can to see if it has been reported.  If it is not reported,
file a bug; if it is, check the bug report to see if you can add any
relevant information.
   - Pedantic bugs
 Sometimes I notice something that should be different, but I don't know
 if it is to be considered as a bug, and I don't report it.
 Should I be on the safe side and risk reporting a non-bug, or should I
 be on the other safe side and risk non-reporting a bug?
If you're not sure if something is a bug, you can mail; I don't mind receiving such mails, though
I don't promise to do more than read them.  If you're not sure about
the bug, this saves you from leaving your misunderstandings on public

   - Non-Debian small bugs
 Sometimes I find small bugs that are clearly to be reported upstream,
 It would be very handy to file a `whishlist' bug to the Debian BTS,
 knowing they are eventually reported upstream, but I don't do it to
 avoid flooding the BTS with non-debian-related items.

Upstream bugs should be checked against the upstream bug list or TODO list
or FAQ.  If the behaviour is apparently unreported, report it to the 
Debian BTS; the maintainer should verify your report and pass it on.
Some bug reports that I get are actually down to PEBKAC[1] but I
don't mind that, because we all have to learn; even if the user has
read and misunderstood the documentation, it is useful to know that
that piece of documentation can be misunderstood.

Upstream bugs are not non-Debian issues.  If the package is in Debian,
we have a responsibility to try and make it as good as possible.  This
includes packages' native defects.

[1] PEBKAC: problem exists between keyboard and chair - Illiad

Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me,
  to give every man according as his work shall be.
   Revelation 22:12 

Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Dominique Rousset
  and so on and on and on
  tkmail, tkrat, tried it but didn't really got thrilled.
  Do i REALLY have to install kde to get something close to say outlook
  express (i know, i know, but it beats any linux mua i've seen)
  Suggestion PLEASE.

I've been using exmh (tcl/tk based) for years on aix and linux.
full featured, fast, graphical, stable etc ...
look and feel is quite different from sylpheed (better in my opinion)
Since they both rely on MH you can easily switch between sylpheed and exmh.


 | Dominique Rousset| Tel: +33 (0)5 59 92 31 71|
 | Imagerie Géophysique UMR 5831| Fax: +33 (0)5 59 92 31 86|
 | Univ. Pau et des Pays de l'Adour | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 |   BP 1115 - F-64013 Pau Cedex - France  |

Re: Making System Back-Ups

2001-01-17 Thread kmself
on Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 10:36:48AM +0100, Robert Waldner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 (I hereby out myself as anonymous, the anonymization being pointless 
  anyway, since Karsten hasn´t checked his References-Headers and they 
  would reveal me anyway ;) )

g  I managed to reply on-list when meaning to go off-list *twice*, in
a row, on another group, in the past day or so.

 So we could start a discussion which level of complexitivity and 
  abstraction is appropriate for a FAQ and then, once agreed, work out an 
  appropriate solution...

Well.  I could just post the whole thread from SVLUG we had on this very
topic last week.  Or, those who can't avoid looking at train wrecks can
peek for themselves:


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is there any way to prevent a package from upgrading?

2001-01-17 Thread kmself
on Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 02:12:08AM -0600, will trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 01:07:39PM +0100, Bostjan Muller wrote:
  * On 16-01-01 at 07:28 ( wrote:
   See the Debian FAQ.
  $ echo packagename hold | dpgk --set-selections
  Is there a way to do this with apt-get (I do apt-get -u
  upgrade, but don't want to upgrade a specific package(s))?
 my understanding is (watch me get corrected) that
 APT is a nice interface to the DPKG concept, or
 that APT evolved out of DPKG and that they each
 depend on the same settings and so forth.

apt is a distribution-level management tool.  dpkg is largely aimed at
specific packages.  dpkg is the older tool.

 you tell APT smoething, DPKG knows it. and vice versa.
 [ i think. ]


...the bit about apt and dpkg.  I really don't know if you think or not.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Apache, SSL, proxy, etc.

2001-01-17 Thread Ola Muan
Hello Debianers,

I'm in the situation of being the only lucky person in our company with
any knowledge of Linux. My skills aren't too high, though.  That's why I
would like to do some loud thinking about this case I'm working on, and
hopefully I'll get som answers to my questions from anyone with higher
skills and more experience than myself. I hope some of you have the
patience to read the entire thing - it grew pretty large while i wrote

He's my case:

We run IIS on Win2KServer as application server against Oracle inside
our firewall.  Now we want to provide to our customers the ability to
access reports and such things on that IIS via the Internet. 

Then there are some problems:

Our firewall managers won't let any external http-requests through the

To solve this problem, we're planning to run Apache on an existing
Debian-box in our DMZ (We already run Apache, but only as a regular

Will Apache serve as if it was the real server, or will it only do http
redirection to the IIS? I guess that the latter is true. (Please correct
me if I'm wrong.)

Then I guess I'll have to make the Apache act as a proxy server of some
kind. Unfortunately my knowledge on that subject is poor. I've heard
about both mod_proxy and Squid. But then the next problem arises: we
need secure connections. We're hoping that we can leave the whole
SSL-job to the IIS. But then I read that proxy-servers, or at least
Squid, doesn't support decryption/encryption, but will only perform
tunnelling of SSL-packets, all of which will have the external client's
signature. And then I'm back where I started, right? -They will be
stopped by the firewall.

(Another assumption: Opening the firewall for https-traffic on port 443
is just as dangerous as opening for http-traffic on port 80. Again:
correct me if this isn't true.)

This probably means that I should turn Apache into a

I've had a look at Apache-SSL. But some recommend to use Apache and
mod_ssl instead. 

Which one is the best, and which proxy server works best in cooperation
with SSL?

I appreciate any comments and suggestions on this, since I don't have
any skilled discussion partner inhouse. Thanks in advance!

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , since I can't cope with the
traffic on this list.

Best regards, 

Ola Muan
talk2me AS
Systems departement
Oslo, Norway

Looking for a driver for a sound card

2001-01-17 Thread Jim Lynch
I recently purchased a pci sound card for my system and haven't been
able to make it work.  I tried a generic Yamaha driver, based on things
I read when I did a search, and when I try to
insmod sb.o, I get a message saying 

Using /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/sb.o Device or resource busy
Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
IO or IRQ parameters

Since it is a pci device, I don't have the ability to change the IO or
IRQ parameters, I don't guess.

I'm running Debian 2.2, kernel 2.2.17 configured to my machine.  The
card is an Xwave 4000, which gives me fits trying to find information
about it by searching the web since there is a graphics program for
Linux called Xwave too.  I got a bunch of bad hits.

Can anyone help or point me to a place I might have luck getting an


Re: latest wine config

2001-01-17 Thread Richard Black
thanks--that worked like a charm



Oleksandr Moskalenko wrote:

 * Richard Black ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  Hi all
  has anyone had any success with the latest wine version 2001011?  When I
  run it I get:
  Can't open configuration file /home/rblack/.wine/config
  This error remains if I copy my /etc/wine.conf to
  /home/rblack/.wine/config and if I do a fresh install (ie delete and
  reinstall wine)
  BTW, I noticed an error in the package script:
  The following NEW packages will be installed:
libwine wine
  0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 21 not upgraded.
  Need to get 0B/3812kB of archives. After unpacking 10.5MB will be used.
  Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
  Preconfiguring packages ..
  libwine template parse error: Template parse error near `#!/bin/sh -e',
  in stanza #1 of /var/lib/debconf/config.10361

   Hi, Richard,

  I just tried to install and get wine running for the first time and
 though it still doesn't run :-( I got the config issue that you seem
 to be having, too, figured out. In the wine manual somewhere they
 mention old and new config format. You can get your old wine.conf
 converted to the new format by copying it to ~/.winerc
 After doing that start wine and it will convert the config which you'll
 be able to copy to ~/.wine/config

 Oleksandr Moskalenko
 Department of Agronomy
 Purdue University
 Imagination is more important
 than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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adr:;;185 Spadina Avenue;Toronto;Ontario;M5T 2C6;Canada
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title:Financial Engineer
fn:Richard Black

Re: Aaaarrrgggghhh!!!!

2001-01-17 Thread Monte Milanuk
Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 10:37:17PM -0700, Monte Milanuk wrote:
  Eric G . Miller wrote:
# Card 1: (serial identifier b6 ff ff ff ff 35 68 63 0e)
# Vendor Id CSC6835, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0xB6.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.1
# ANSI string --CS4236B--
  This would indicate the accelerated cs4232.
  I think I have more/less the same thing...
  Whoops!  Sorry.  I searched for 'cs4236' and forgot to try 'CS4236'.  My
  Ummm... didn't see anything in xconfig for a cs4236 driver...  course,
  it's been one of those weeks :(
 Maybe need to enable experimental drivers?  Ahh, just looking and was
 thinking of Crystal Soundfusion (CS4280/CS461x).  It came up in my
 head because there's some connection with the CS4611 PCI audio
 accelerator (which I have, but doesn't work with that driver).
  Whee! It says: modprobe sound, insmod ad1848, insmod uart401, insmod
  cs4232 io=* irq=* dma=* dma2=* and it gives nominal values, same as you
  gave. (about the only thing that is tickling my brain at this point is
  it refers to the io=0x534 being the same as the 'Windows Sound System'
  -- do I need to compile in the Microsoft Sound system module to kick
  this thing in gear?).  Tried that.  Still didn't work.  Same document
No you don't want generic WSS (only 8-bit I think).
  says if this doesnt work, need to use Linux PnP.  So, I look in
  xconfig.  Yes, I enabled Plug-n-Pray.  It says to check out pnpdump,
  isapnp, and isapnp.conf.  So, I dug a bit thru the manpages for those
 PNP shouldn't be required (though I've done it with both with no
 difference -- 'cept some isapnp settings will make the sound worse
 like in WSS mode).
  Whoohoo!  Looking good!  So I do a quick rmmod to remove my still
  uninitialized cs4232 module, and then do another 'insmod cs4232 io=0x534
  irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0'.  And this is what I got for my troubles:
  ishamael:/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound# insmod cs4232 io=0x534
  irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0
  Using /lib/modules/2.2.18/misc/cs4232.o
  I ended up (as before) having to do a Cntrl+'c' to kill it to get my
  computer back.  I tried io=0x220 as well, hoping(praying) for SB
  compatibility, something.  Nada.
  /bash head against desk
  Any idea's suggestions, I'm open to 'em.  Ugh, this is almost like
 Maybe consider forking over a couple bucks for a couple SB LIVE
 soundcards?  I understand they're dirt cheap and work well for what they
 do.  I don't understand why your machine would get stuck.  Do you have
 your BIOS set to PNP OS?  If so, turn it off.  Think I've told you
 'bout all I could think of.

Well, I _have_ a Soundblaster AWE64, and a Soundblaster16(dunno if this
one works -- I 'inherited' it).  I'd tried the AWE64 awhile back, and it
seemed like things didn't want to play nicely, even w/ the onboard sound
disabled in the BIOS.  The main reasons I've been trying to get the
onboard sound working is a) the principle of the thing, and b) I've had
it working under RH w/ sndconfig (though w/ that damn 'pop'), and
flawlessly under SuSE 6.4 w/ the OSS/commercial drivers and SuSE
7.0/Mandrake 7.2 w/ whatever drivers they use.  Unfortunately, I never
dug around to see 'how', since things just 'worked'.

Thanks for all your help, Eric.  I really appreciate it.


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Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Jonathan Gift

 Bowsers is my one complaint :). Ie is still betetr than anything on
 One word: Opera.

I would tend to agree. Of them all, and I believe I've tried them all,
Opera is light, good looking, and fast. he only problem is the beta and
they still charge. Though I hear they(ve got to ads in the Windows

BTW, I loose my preference's looks settings evry time. Is this just me?
ie I pick Motif and next time I start Opera it's back in the default


Re: NIC identification

2001-01-17 Thread Casey Webster
often they will pe printed onto th card, or printed onto a sticker that is
placed on the card or one of the chips on the card, it will be a in the
form: 00:01:02:70:5E:B1 or possbile without the colons, but it will
contain that many digits.  The first 6 numbers (00:01:02) identify the
vendor, and i this case thats 3com (3c905-c-txm)


On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, John Griffiths wrote:

 At 11:38 PM 1/16/2001 -0600, Casey Webster wrote:
 if its netware approved you might try the ne2k driver, that thing works
 for a lot of cards with that sticker, also if you can figure out the
 card's MAC address (in the form of xx:xx:xx:yy:yy:yy and often on the card
 somewhere) then search google for a MAC address to vendor converter and
 pop on the xx:xx:xx from the mac addr and it will give you the vendor of
 the card and then you can check thier website for the model number and try
 and figure out what driver to use
 well the things we learn..
 any ideas what the MAC might look like? where it may be?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Apache, SSL, proxy, etc.

2001-01-17 Thread Joris Lambrecht

Try this, gives you all you want i guess ... try it, nice and easy
interface, i've learned apache the easy way and now understand a lot more
about the httpd.conf file than by reading some boring book or other doc.

-Original Message-
From: Ola Muan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 1:51 PM
Subject: Apache, SSL, proxy, etc.

Hello Debianers,

I'm in the situation of being the only lucky person in our company with
any knowledge of Linux. My skills aren't too high, though.  That's why I
would like to do some loud thinking about this case I'm working on, and
hopefully I'll get som answers to my questions from anyone with higher
skills and more experience than myself. I hope some of you have the
patience to read the entire thing - it grew pretty large while i wrote

He's my case:

We run IIS on Win2KServer as application server against Oracle inside
our firewall.  Now we want to provide to our customers the ability to
access reports and such things on that IIS via the Internet. 

Then there are some problems:

Our firewall managers won't let any external http-requests through the

To solve this problem, we're planning to run Apache on an existing
Debian-box in our DMZ (We already run Apache, but only as a regular

Will Apache serve as if it was the real server, or will it only do http
redirection to the IIS? I guess that the latter is true. (Please correct
me if I'm wrong.)

Then I guess I'll have to make the Apache act as a proxy server of some
kind. Unfortunately my knowledge on that subject is poor. I've heard
about both mod_proxy and Squid. But then the next problem arises: we
need secure connections. We're hoping that we can leave the whole
SSL-job to the IIS. But then I read that proxy-servers, or at least
Squid, doesn't support decryption/encryption, but will only perform
tunnelling of SSL-packets, all of which will have the external client's
signature. And then I'm back where I started, right? -They will be
stopped by the firewall.

(Another assumption: Opening the firewall for https-traffic on port 443
is just as dangerous as opening for http-traffic on port 80. Again:
correct me if this isn't true.)

This probably means that I should turn Apache into a

I've had a look at Apache-SSL. But some recommend to use Apache and
mod_ssl instead. 

Which one is the best, and which proxy server works best in cooperation
with SSL?

I appreciate any comments and suggestions on this, since I don't have
any skilled discussion partner inhouse. Thanks in advance!

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , since I can't cope with the
traffic on this list.

Best regards, 

Ola Muan
talk2me AS
Systems departement
Oslo, Norway

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

RE: NIC identification

2001-01-17 Thread Joris Lambrecht
eh, won't it show when typing ifconfig with one or more options ?

-Original Message-
From: Casey Webster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 2:26 PM
To: John Griffiths
Subject: Re: NIC identification

often they will pe printed onto th card, or printed onto a sticker that is
placed on the card or one of the chips on the card, it will be a in the
form: 00:01:02:70:5E:B1 or possbile without the colons, but it will
contain that many digits.  The first 6 numbers (00:01:02) identify the
vendor, and i this case thats 3com (3c905-c-txm)


On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, John Griffiths wrote:

 At 11:38 PM 1/16/2001 -0600, Casey Webster wrote:
 if its netware approved you might try the ne2k driver, that thing works
 for a lot of cards with that sticker, also if you can figure out the
 card's MAC address (in the form of xx:xx:xx:yy:yy:yy and often on the
 somewhere) then search google for a MAC address to vendor converter and
 pop on the xx:xx:xx from the mac addr and it will give you the vendor of
 the card and then you can check thier website for the model number and
 and figure out what driver to use
 well the things we learn..
 any ideas what the MAC might look like? where it may be?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

curious: Re: running another X from within X

2001-01-17 Thread Xucaen

--- David B. Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The first X session's display is :0 . You have
 to tell 'startx' to start
 a new X session, on a display other that :0.
 For instance,
 startx -- :1
 Would start a second X session, accessible by
 CTRL+ALT+F8. You can also
 embed an X session in a window; 'man Xnest' for
 more info.

Hi all, curious here,
is there a practicle reason for doing this? What
is the purpose?


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Re: cdrecord problems

2001-01-17 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Mike wrote:

 Benjamin Pharr wrote:
  I'm still having difficulties getting my cd writer to work.  Here is
  what I've done so far:
  Recompiled my (2.4.0) kernel with scsi-emulation and scsi 
  support.  IDE-CDROM support is compiled in statically.
 There's your problem.  For the SCSI emulation to work you have to remove
 the IDE CDROM support.  IIRC I had to *completely* remove the IDE support,
 though it might work if you compile it as a module.  I figured that with
 the SCSI emulation I wouldn't need the IDE syupport, so I left it
 completely out.

While it's true it's _easier_ to setup if you remove IDE CDROM
support from the kernel, it's not strickly necessary.

For my PD-CD on /dev/hdd to be detected as ide-scsi using a stock
Debian kernel, I have used this in lilo.conf:


and created a file /etc/modutils/pdcd containing:

 # Leave hdd for ide-scsi module
 options ide-cd ignore=/dev/hdd
 # Run update-modules after editing this file.

Then I run /sbin/update-modules and the above shows up in
/etc/modules.conf and the kernel's IDE driver doesn't grab hdd on

The only simplifying step I'm missing is how to pass the
hdd=ide-scsi info to the kernel using modules.conf instead of
lilo.conf (That way, it wouldn't matter if I used lilo or not).

  1. apt-get install cdrecord
  2. Added append=hdd=ide-scsi to my /etc/lilo.conf
  3. Ran lilo
  4. Added alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi to /etc/modutils/aliases
  5. Ran update-modules
 Once you remove the IDE support, these steps should produce working
 Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

Software to use the c6711 DSK for music

2001-01-17 Thread vgaines
Hi i would like to experiment with programming DSp processors for music.
I was wondering if there exists sofware in the linux community which
could be used to generate music using the Texis Intruments C6711:

 The C6711 DSK replaces and is a superset of the C6211 DSK. The C6711 is

 binary code compatible with the C6211. I.E. C, assembly and executable
 code written for the C6211 will run without modification on the C6711.

 A new DSP starter kit available from Texas Instruments for US $295,
 system design engineers with an easy-to-use, cost-effective way to take
 high-performance TMS320C6000 designs from concept to production. The
 TMS320C6711 DSP Starter Kit (DSK) not only provides an introduction to
 technology, but is also powerful enough to use for fast development of
 networking, communications, imaging and other applications.

 Operating at 150 MHz, the 'C6711 delivers an impressive 1200 MIPS and
 MFLOPs for only U.S. $22* (1K units). The to use an innovative 2-level
 memory configuration, which provides high-performance in a very

Re: curious: Re: running another X from within X

2001-01-17 Thread Cliff Sarginson
 --- David B. Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The first X session's display is :0 . You have
  to tell 'startx' to start
  a new X session, on a display other that :0.
  For instance,
  startx -- :1
  Would start a second X session, accessible by
  CTRL+ALT+F8. You can also
  embed an X session in a window; 'man Xnest' for
  more info.
But you can do it as a diffrent user ?


Re: NIC identification

2001-01-17 Thread Hall Stevenson
 somewhere) then search google for a MAC address
 to vendor converter and pop on the xx:xx:xx from
 the mac addr and it will give you the vendor of
the card and then you can check thier website
 for the model number and
 try and figure out what driver to use

 eh, won't it show when typing ifconfig with one or
 more options ?

Not 'til it's loaded and recognized... the problem originally started
because the person doesn't know what card/chipset it is and can't get it
loaded. I copied the relevant parts of an early reply above.


Re: Aaaarrrgggghhh!!!!

2001-01-17 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Monte Milanuk wrote:

 Eric G . Miller wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 10:37:17PM -0700, Monte Milanuk wrote:
   Eric G . Miller wrote:
 # Card 1: (serial identifier b6 ff ff ff ff 35 68 63 0e)
 # Vendor Id CSC6835, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0xB6.
 # Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.1
 # ANSI string --CS4236B--
   This would indicate the accelerated cs4232.
   I think I have more/less the same thing...
   Whoops!  Sorry.  I searched for 'cs4236' and forgot to try 'CS4236'.  My
   Ummm... didn't see anything in xconfig for a cs4236 driver...  course,
   it's been one of those weeks :(
  Maybe need to enable experimental drivers?  Ahh, just looking and was
  thinking of Crystal Soundfusion (CS4280/CS461x).  It came up in my
  head because there's some connection with the CS4611 PCI audio
  accelerator (which I have, but doesn't work with that driver).
   Whee! It says: modprobe sound, insmod ad1848, insmod uart401, insmod
   cs4232 io=* irq=* dma=* dma2=* and it gives nominal values, same as you
   gave. (about the only thing that is tickling my brain at this point is
   it refers to the io=0x534 being the same as the 'Windows Sound System'
   -- do I need to compile in the Microsoft Sound system module to kick
   this thing in gear?).  Tried that.  Still didn't work.  Same document
 No you don't want generic WSS (only 8-bit I think).
   says if this doesnt work, need to use Linux PnP.  So, I look in
   xconfig.  Yes, I enabled Plug-n-Pray.  It says to check out pnpdump,
   isapnp, and isapnp.conf.  So, I dug a bit thru the manpages for those
  PNP shouldn't be required (though I've done it with both with no
  difference -- 'cept some isapnp settings will make the sound worse
  like in WSS mode).
   Whoohoo!  Looking good!  So I do a quick rmmod to remove my still
   uninitialized cs4232 module, and then do another 'insmod cs4232 io=0x534
   irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0'.  And this is what I got for my troubles:
   ishamael:/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound# insmod cs4232 io=0x534
   irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0
   Using /lib/modules/2.2.18/misc/cs4232.o
   I ended up (as before) having to do a Cntrl+'c' to kill it to get my
   computer back.  I tried io=0x220 as well, hoping(praying) for SB
   compatibility, something.  Nada.
   /bash head against desk
   Any idea's suggestions, I'm open to 'em.  Ugh, this is almost like
  Maybe consider forking over a couple bucks for a couple SB LIVE
  soundcards?  I understand they're dirt cheap and work well for what they
  do.  I don't understand why your machine would get stuck.  Do you have
  your BIOS set to PNP OS?  If so, turn it off.  Think I've told you
  'bout all I could think of.

 Well, I _have_ a Soundblaster AWE64, and a Soundblaster16(dunno if this
 one works -- I 'inherited' it).  I'd tried the AWE64 awhile back, and it
 seemed like things didn't want to play nicely, even w/ the onboard sound
 disabled in the BIOS.  The main reasons I've been trying to get the
 onboard sound working is a) the principle of the thing, and b) I've had
 it working under RH w/ sndconfig (though w/ that damn 'pop'), and
 flawlessly under SuSE 6.4 w/ the OSS/commercial drivers and SuSE
 7.0/Mandrake 7.2 w/ whatever drivers they use.  Unfortunately, I never
 dug around to see 'how', since things just 'worked'.

If you still have them, why don't you try to see if those OSS/commercial drivers
work together with Debian?

I for one would be _very_ interested to know if that works - it would probably 
cheaper to buy commercial drivers for the card I have than to buy a new card
(what do they charge BTW?).

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Re: cdrecord problems

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Benjamin Pharr [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I'm still having difficulties getting my cd writer to work.  Here is
# I've done so far:
# Recompiled my (2.4.0) kernel with scsi-emulation and scsi 
# support.  IDE-CDROM support is compiled in statically.
# 1. apt-get install cdrecord
# 2. Added append=hdd=ide-scsi to my /etc/lilo.conf
# 3. Ran lilo
# 4. Added alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi to /etc/modutils/aliases
# 5. Ran update-modules
# When I reboot everything seems to load just fine, no errors or
anything.  I 
# get the following messages at boot time:
# . . .
# ide_setup: hdd=ide-scsi
# . . .
# When I run cdrecord -scanbus I still get no devices.  If I comment
# the append in lilo.conf hdd is mentioned once more at boot time, so 
# something is happening, I'm just not sure what.  Can anyone help me
# this thing fixed?  Thanks in advance!

Before people start telling you to not compile-in IDE-CDROM support, to
start adding lines to lilo.conf etc., here's what I did; In the
appropriate section of lilo.conf, I added:

append = ignore=hdd hdd=ide-scsi

The ignore=hdd tells the IDE code to ignore HDD. Trust me, it works. I
know you're probably pissed at everyone else telling you to do different
things, but please try this. It should work. If it doesn't, *please* let
me know. :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Do i REALLY have to install kde to get something close to say outlook
# express (i know, i know, but it beats any linux mua i've seen)

No, you don't - not in my experience.

Currently, for me, Sylpheed is in the sweet spot. It has all the
features I use(filtering, newgroup reading/posting, multiple account
support, etc., etc.), and none of the features I don't work(calandering,
HTML, you name it).

Check it out. It's GTK+ based, not GNOME-based, so you don't have to
install too much. GTK+, of course. :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Cliff Sarginson
 To quote Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 # Do i REALLY have to install kde to get something close to say outlook
 # express (i know, i know, but it beats any linux mua i've seen)
 No, you don't - not in my experience.
 Currently, for me, Sylpheed is in the sweet spot. It has all the
 features I use(filtering, newgroup reading/posting, multiple account
 support, etc., etc.), and none of the features I don't work(calandering,
 HTML, you name it).

Only problem is it uses MH mail format... :(


Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Cliff Sarginson [EMAIL PROTECTED],
#  To quote Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED],
#  # Do i REALLY have to install kde to get something close to say
#  # express (i know, i know, but it beats any linux mua i've seen)
#  No, you don't - not in my experience.
#  Currently, for me, Sylpheed is in the sweet spot. It has all the
#  features I use(filtering, newgroup reading/posting, multiple account
#  support, etc., etc.), and none of the features I don't
#  HTML, you name it).
# Only problem is it uses MH mail format... :(

Depending on why you think that's a problem, it might not be ;) I've
long hated mail apps that munge my stuff. If it's in 'mbox' format,
leave it alone. :) Anyways, check out the 'nmh' package. It has lots of
tools used with MH-format directories. Very useful. Procmail also
support MH-format folders too.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

RE: Firewalls and IP Maskerade

2001-01-17 Thread Serge Gibeau

 I am able to access the internet from my linux box. I tried a few sites
with lynx, and they all connected.  My /etc/network/interface file has the
following entry when I boot up, which is sufficient to properly configure my
cable modem NIC as it seems.

 iface eth1 inet dhcp

That /etc/network/interface file is execute on start-up I gather? Could I
add an entry for my other NIC? How would I do so if possible? It doesn't
seem like I will need to reconfigure the eth1 NIC (since I can access the
net). But if I had to and wanted to configure it has a static ip,  how
would I go about finding my cable modem ip (24.200.41.cablemodemIPnumber)?

Finally, I tried the apt-get command. I got an error saying it could not
find the packages or something.  Do I have to specify where it should look
for it (soruces.lists or something)?

 Thx for the help

-Original Message-
From: will trillich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 2:52 AM
Subject: Re: Firewalls and IP Maskerade

On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 02:41:43PM -0500, seg wrote:

  Both my network cards were detected and both seem to be
  working right. One of them has a local network address which
  I assigned my self with the following command: ifconfig eth0 The other was configured as a cable modem upon
  installation. When I boot it is assigned the address and the netmask

from what i can tell (and based on my setup)
you need the address of the cablemodem...

if your ip is static, the the cablemodem's
probably is, too. if not, you're probably in
need of dhcp expertice, which i don't have. :)

  My routing tables consists of the following entries (all
  automaticaly configured, I haven't entered any):**

   My hosts file /etc has the following entries.  I added the last 3
entries. Marge Homer

presuming you're using a healthily-updated potato, (debian 2.2)
your /etc/network/interfaces should resemble

iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet static

iface eth1 inet static
gateway 24.200.41.cableModemIPnumber

then configure all your other networked boxes
to be,3,4... and have a default/
gateway/router of (being your linux).

   From my linux box, I can ping addresses on the
   and networks and  I can ping the DNS server
   ( I can't ping modemcable001.4 From my
   win98SE comps I can only ping addresses in the
   network. If I want to ping addresses in the or
   the DNS server, I need to enter the following commands:
   ipchains -P forward ACCEPT and ipcahins -A forward -s -d 0/0 -j MASQ.  Also before I can enter
   these commands I need to enable ip_forward: echo 1 
   ip_forward. .


apt-get install ipmasq

boy will THAT save you some trouble!

   I cannot access the internet from any on my win98SE comps.
   And I haven't installed any applications on my linux box, so
   I can try accessing any http sites from the this comp. The
   proxy settings are detected but the pages will not load.
   What has to be done to fix the situation and to allow games
   and email progs to go through?

make sure your linux can get to the web; try something


once your 'ipmasq' package is installed and your ipchains
(or ipfwadm for slink users) rules are in place, then any
connect success you have on the linux box ought to be
reproducible on the windo~1 boxes. theoretically.

See, if you were allowed to keep the money, you wouldn't
create jobs with it. You'd throw it in the bushes or
something.  But the government will spend it, thereby
creating jobs.  -- Dave Barry


volunteer to document your experience for next week's
newbies --

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Get a FREE 2-Way Motorola Pager

2001-01-17 Thread NewPager32
FREE 2-Way Motorola PAGER   New 2-Way Motorola  pager for FREE!

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PAGING AMERICA is going to give you absolutely Free the Brand new
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Your new two-way pager has features like 50,000 character memory, 
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never out of range feature that allows your pager to retrieve
messages sent earlier when your pager was out of range or turned
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This Motorola pager is small and light weight.  All we ask before
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For immediate delivery call Paging America at 800-381-5922

To be removed send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: curious: Re: running another X from within X

2001-01-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 06:05:14AM -0800, Xucaen wrote:
 is there a practicle reason for doing this? What
 is the purpose?

I'm not the original requester and I assume that he has a different/better
reason but...

I normally run X in at least 24 bpp (32 if the video card can do it at my
preferred resolution).  Some of Loki's games will only run in 16 bpp.
I'll occasionally run dual Xen so I can play those games without having to
shut down wdm first.

SGI products are used to create the 'Bugs' that entertain us in theatres
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Re: XFree86 3.3.6 / Linux 2.4.0 / Intel i810

2001-01-17 Thread Alvin Oga

hi bejamin

the XFCom_i810 driver will work with your older XFree86-3.3.x setup
for linux-2.2.18 on the i810 chipsets ( onboard SVGA ? )

linux-2.4.0 fails to install the required agpgart.o for the
server XFCom_i810 ... so no X11 on 2.4.0 ( yet )
- insmod complains about MAP_NR problem...

see the X11 itty-bitty setups if you need mroe info

have fun
alvin ... 1U Raid5 ... 500Gb each ...

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, [iso-8859-1] Josep Llauradó Selvas wrote:

 I haven't managed this combination of kernel - X, but You'll solve this
 problem using the 2.2.18 kernel, 'cos it has support for USB, that's the
 reason to move to the new 2.4.0 kernel...
 On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Benjamin Pharr wrote:
  My new desktop is ?blessed? with an Intel i810 chipset that is not 
  supported under XFree86 3.3.6.  I have found instructions that make it 
  with the 2.2.18 kernel and others that make X 4.0.? work with kernel 
  2.4.0.  However, I want 3.3.6 with 2.4.0.  ( This is due to the fact 
  my attempts at apt-geting XFree86 4.0 from unstable have been 
  but I need 2.4.0 for USB, etc. )  Has anyone managed this combination 
  yet?  Thanks!
  Ben Pharr
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Josep Llauradó Selvas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Registered User #153481
 KeyFP: D82F 525C DD22 02C9 6909  20D6 F622 F3E8 18CD C548
 The only intuitive interface is the nipple.
 After that, it's all learned.
 (in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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