Re:sobre las X y algunos programas

2001-02-19 Thread c d
Ahí, lo suyo es hacer un escritorio virtual más grande. Así, cuando llegues con 
el ratón a los bordes de tu escritorio, este se moverá un poco.
De esta manera podrás tener un escritorio lo grande que quieras sin tener que 
cambiar la resolución. Por cierto, no me acuerdo cómo se hace, pero era 
sencillo. Seguro que alguien te lo dice.
Un saludo,

--- Mensaje Original ---
De: Sergio Valdivielso Gomez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tema: sobre las X y algunos programas

veran tengo las XFree86 3.3.6, y la verdad me funciona perfecto, pero

ultimamente, que estoy probando varios softwares para quemar cds, estos

programas por ejemplo gtoaster o gcombust, pues al llamarlos se salen de

la resolucion que tengo para mi monitor que son 800x600, es decir cuando

configure las X no las configure para 1074x860 ni para 600x400, solo

para 800x600.


¿como puedo hacer para que esos programas quepan en 800x600? si le doy

al boton maximizar del programa no me aparece un scroll a la izda de la

pantalla, y claro en ese programa hay mas opciones que no puedo verlas

¿alguna solucion?




Sergio Valdivielso Gomez

Adicto Linux Registrado : 150750

Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 r2.2 Potato Kernel 2.2.18

Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza.



Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

_  Gratuito, latino y en español.

woody congelada. Y los cd's?

2001-02-19 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Woody ha sido congelada, leí. Supongo que las imagenes ISO no estan, y
tardaran. He estado mirando el paquete pseudo-image este para ver si podia
hacerme las imagenes ISO y ver la nueva instalación y hacer pruebas y

Pero el pseudo-image me pide el listado de ficheros necesarios, y de
ejemplo pone que estan en esta URL:

Pero aquí solo hay las de Potato, parece...

Aún no se pueden hacer imagenes? estoy usando Woody en un ordenador sin

El listado puede estar en format de ls -lR?

bueno, gracias y hasta pronto, voy a seguir buscando el listado de
ficheros este...

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   ¿Cómo se sabe si un político esta mintiendo? -Sus labios se mueven.

Re: Documentos MS

2001-02-19 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Amaya...

decías, el 06:33-18/feb/2001:

 Enrique Marcote Peña dijo:
  Yo alguna vez usé latex2rtf tal y como indica Daniel pero no le pidas
  demasiado, el rtf obtenido no tiene nada que ver con lo que sería el dvi.
  Según mi experiencia no sirve para nada, salvo para documentos muy simples.
 Yo los rtfs me los zampo con Ted, pero no me gusta ni un pelo :-(
 Ya he perdido alguna traducción por algún cuelgue, así que con precaución.
Yo empecé así (y creo que las mismas traducciones, compi ;) y luego me pasé al
rtf2latex+vim+latex2rtf y es estupendo. Eso sí, el rtf generado, el ted no es
capaz de verlo, pero los clientes Windows sin problemas.. 
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

The nice thing about Windows is - It does not just crash, it displays a
dialog box and lets you press 'OK' first.

Description: PGP signature

Re: woody congelada. Y los cd's?

2001-02-19 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 10:08:36AM +, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
 Woody ha sido congelada, leí. Supongo que las imagenes ISO no estan, y
 tardaran. He estado mirando el paquete pseudo-image este para ver si podia
 hacerme las imagenes ISO y ver la nueva instalación y hacer pruebas y
Woody no ha sido congelada ...
Pero puedes obtener cds de ella, creo que en (facultad de
informática de A Coruña), tienen imágenes iso actualiazas periódicamente.
Woody está en Testing, no Frozen, cuidado.

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un Pentiun 166   | pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 32 Mb kernel 2.2.18 | propios planes.
Con Linux Debian woody (2.2) testing| -- JFA --

Re: woody congelada. Y los cd's?

2001-02-19 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


  Woody ha sido congelada, leí. Supongo que las imagenes ISO no estan, y
  tardaran. He estado mirando el paquete pseudo-image este para ver si podia
  hacerme las imagenes ISO y ver la nueva instalación y hacer pruebas y
 Woody no ha sido congelada ...

vale, me he comido un se va a congelar:


 Pero puedes obtener cds de ella, creo que en (facultad de
 informática de A Coruña), tienen imágenes iso actualiazas periódicamente.
 Woody está en Testing, no Frozen, cuidado.

y como hacen los cd's?

porqué con el pseu-image me falta el fichero list este...

hasta pronto

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   ¿Cómo se sabe si un político esta mintiendo? -Sus labios se mueven.

Re: woody congelada. Y los cd's?

2001-02-19 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 12:54:26PM +, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
 vale, me he comido un se va a congelar:
8-) Primera noticia !, ¿ Se les ha dado por correr a los de debian ahora o que ?
 y como hacen los cd's?
Pues no tengo ni idea, pero puedes preguntarles, seguro que no tienen problema
en explicártelo.

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un Pentiun 166   | pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 32 Mb kernel 2.2.18 | propios planes.
Con Linux Debian woody (2.2) testing| -- JFA --

Re: woody congelada. Y los cd's?

2001-02-19 Thread javier . fafian
Y ya puestos, alguien me puede explicar porqué los paquetes se congelan ellos
solitos ?, En un principio yo no tenia ningún paquete congelado, pero ahora,
despues de un apt-get update; apt-get -y upgrade me en cuentro con :

The following packages have been kept back
  aalib1 abiword bzip2 cpp g++ gcc kbd libbz2 libstdc++2.10-dev locales mutt
  netbase rxvt task-devel-common task-x-window-system-core xbase-clients xdm
  xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base xfonts-scalable xlib6g xlib6g-dev

 Y ya de paso una solución, o un ¿ como descongelar los paquetes ?

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un Pentiun 166   | pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 32 Mb kernel 2.2.18 | propios planes.
Con Linux Debian woody (2.2) testing| -- JFA --

Re: woody congelada. Y los cd's?

2001-02-19 Thread javier . fafian
On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 01:08:51PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Y ya puestos, alguien me puede explicar porqué los paquetes se congelan ellos
 solitos ?, En un principio yo no tenia ningún paquete congelado, pero ahora,
 despues de un apt-get update; apt-get -y upgrade me en cuentro con :
 The following packages have been kept back
   aalib1 abiword bzip2 cpp g++ gcc kbd libbz2 libstdc++2.10-dev locales mutt
   netbase rxvt task-devel-common task-x-window-system-core xbase-clients xdm
   xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base xfonts-scalable xlib6g xlib6g-dev
Vale, con apt-get dist-upgrade ya no me pasa. ¿ Alguien sabe a qué es debido ?

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un Pentiun 166   | pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 32 Mb kernel 2.2.18 | propios planes.
Con Linux Debian woody (2.2) testing| -- JFA --

named y ip aliasing

2001-02-19 Thread Jaume Sabater

Tengo named rulando sobre una máquina que tiene una ethernet con varias ips
(ip aliasing). Lo que yo quiero es que named solo responda a una de esas
ips, pero mirando la documentacion no he encontrado lo que busco... He
visto que puedes dar servicio a un rango de ips, pero no me sirve, pues las
ips que tengo son todas del mismo rango.


Ahorita veo que named está escuchando por las tres ips, pero yo quiero que
escuche solo por la ¿Alguna ayudita?

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

tv en consola ?

2001-02-19 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
¿ Alguien sabe algo de esto ?
Package: aatv
Priority: optional
Section: graphics
Installed-Size: 120
Maintainer: Uwe Hermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Version: 0.1-4
Depends: aalib1 (= 1.2), libc6 (= 2.2.1)
Filename: pool/main/a/aatv/aatv_0.1-4_i386.deb
Size: 12534
MD5sum: 6975fe4b3fcffc0c2c63fd784cb3b1fc
Description: A program to watch TV in a text-based console.
 aatv is a small program which allows you to watch TV in
  a text-based console, i.e. in a virtual console or in an xterm.


Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un Pentiun 166   | pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 32 Mb kernel 2.2.18 | propios planes.
Con Linux Debian woody (2.2) testing| -- JFA --

correo POP3 con cyrus

2001-02-19 Thread Jesús
No puedo administrar las cuentas de correo con cyradm

Estoy instalando el paquete que viene con debian cyrus para conseguir un
servidor de correo POP3. Este paquete tiene también IMAP pero no me

Instalamos por tanto:

cyrus-common (necesario)
cyrus-pop3d (necesario)
cyrus-admin  (recomendado)

Una vez instalado el paquete, insertamos la línea admins: pepe en el
fichero imapd.conf, siendo pepe el usuario linux que queremos que sea

El nombre del host es correo.

Comprobamos el funcionamiento con

telnet correo pop3

Trying 192. 
Conect to correo. 
Escape cha
+OK correo Cyrus POP3 v1.5.19 server ready

 El funcionamiento parece correcto

Pero !!! Cuando intento ejecutar cyradm -u pepe correo pop3 password: password_de usuario_pepe

Se queda en este punto varios minutos y al final presenta el mensaje:

application-specific initialization failed: authentication failed

Según la documentación las cuentas de este servidor de correo no necesitan
ser usuarios de linux y se definen a través de cyradm.

He probado a poner otros usuarios como administradores en Imapd.conf, e
incluso a root pero hace lo mismo.

También he probado a instalar el resto del paquete IMAP, pero hace lo mismo.

¿cuál puede ser el problema?


Jesús Angel Mediavilla  -  email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   D   A   I   S   A   L   U   X  S.  A.
   C/ Ibarredi, 4  E01015 VITORIA - ESPAÑA
Tel: 945 290 181Fax: 945 290 229

cd's multisesion

2001-02-19 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Casualmente aprendiendo a manejar un tostador HP cree un disco con los
binarios de kde2.2beta, lamentablemente falle en el archivo Packages y
debi corregirlo pero apt-cdrom no me reconoce el cambio en el Packages
(Packages.gz) por ende no reconoce los paquetes nuevos.
Hay alguna manera de que apt cree su propio listado de paquetes
disponibles scaneando el cd e ignorando Packages.gz?


Error de LILO

2001-02-19 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola a todos.
Tengo un problema con LILO en una máquina. Me da el siguiente error al

lennon:/etc# lilo
Added Linux *
Added old
Device 0x0300: Invalid partition table, 1st entry
  3D address: 1/1/0 (63)
  Linear address: 33/0/0 (32)

Este es el '/etc/lilo.conf':

boot = /dev/hda
root = /dev/hda6
delay = 20
timeout = 500
vga = normal
# Stmas / particiones
image = /vmlinuz
  label = Linux
image = /vmlinuz.old
  label = old
other = /dev/hda1
  label = NT

Esta es la organización de las particiones que tengo:

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1653 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1   255   20479847  HPFS/NTFS
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary:
 phys=(1023, 63, 32) should be (1023, 254, 63)
/dev/hda2   766  1653   71328605  Extended
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary:
 phys=(1023, 33, 21) should be (1023, 254, 63)
/dev/hda3   255   752   3984624   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda5   766   777 96358+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda6   778   790104391   83  Linux
/dev/hda7   791   802 96358+  83  Linux
/dev/hda8   803   936   1076323+  83  Linux
/dev/hda9   937  1179   1951866   83  Linux
/dev/hda10 1180  1301979933+  83  Linux
/dev/hda11 1302  1483   1461883+  83  Linux
/dev/hda12 1484  1653   1365493+  83  Linux

¿Qué puede ser?

Otra cosa, no hay manera de instalar un puñetero NT en la hda1. Es la
cosa más inútil que he visto en mi vida ;-) No es capaz (o noquiere)
instalarse en la partición hda1 sin tocar lo demás. ¿Por qué tiene que
meter las narices donde no le llaman? Joer ...!!

 Un saludo y gracias:

Cliente de Correo

2001-02-19 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
Hola. Tengo dos problemas con los clientes de correo. 
Uso el netscape, pero cada vez que intento añadir un contacto de mi
libreta de direcciones para enviarle un mensaje, se me cierra todo el
Communicator. En fin que no puedo enviar mensajes si no tecleo cada vez
la dirección de correo electrónico corerspondiente.

Como tampoco me entusiama el netscape, me bajé el Balsa, pero cuando
intento configurar un servidor de correo, me sale un mensaje diciéndome
que tengo que ponerle un nombre (rellenar la casilla del nombere) aunque
se lo pongo de cincuenta mil maneras diferentes.

Y, de momento, uso el Kmail... pero no sé cómo puedo copiarme la libreta
de direcciones y si es importable a otros clientes de correo

¿Alguna sugerencia a estas cosillas?

Un saludo

Re: woody congelada. Y los cd's?

2001-02-19 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 01:23:48PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Vale, con apt-get dist-upgrade ya no me pasa. ¿ Alguien sabe a qué es debido ?

apt-get upgrade no quiere instalar paquetes que necesiten instalar nuevos o
desinstalar otros, por norma general.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Debian sobre Apha

2001-02-19 Thread Eduardo Rodriguez Barrera
Hola a todos:

En mi departamento estamos considerando la
compra de un equipo Alpha de Compaq para realizar,
sobre todo, simulaciones numéricas.
He estado mirando las páginas de Debian y parece
que el port a Alpha es bastante sólido, pero me
gustaría saber si algún componente de la lista ya
está trabajando con él y conocer sus experiencias y
Si se considera que el tema no es de interés
general, pueden enviar las respuestas directamente

Gracias por adelantado y saludos

Eduardo Rodriguez Barrera   Dpto. de Matemáticas
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Univ. Las Palmas de G.C.
tfn: +34 928 458 808fax: +34 928 458 811

Re: named y ip aliasing

2001-02-19 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola Jaume.
¿Cómo haces para dar varias direcciones a un mismo dispositivo?
Yo he hecho 'ifconfig eth0:0 add 712.16.8.3 netmask' y parece que 
no ha hecho
Además, ahora woody no tiene los comandos ifconfig en '/etc/init.d/network'. 
Ahora por lo
visto tiene la configuración en /etc/network. ¿Tendré que añadir ahí (a
'/etc/network/interfaces') las interfaces? He añadido lo siguiente:

iface eth0:0 inet static

y tampoco funciona. Tengo el 'ip aliasing' como módulo en el kernel.
¿Me falta algo?

Saludos y gracias:

Juan Carlos Muro

Jaume Sabater wrote:


 Tengo named rulando sobre una máquina que tiene una ethernet con varias ips
 (ip aliasing). Lo que yo quiero es que named solo responda a una de esas
 ips, pero mirando la documentacion no he encontrado lo que busco... He
 visto que puedes dar servicio a un rango de ips, pero no me sirve, pues las
 ips que tengo son todas del mismo rango.


 Ahorita veo que named está escuchando por las tres ips, pero yo quiero que
 escuche solo por la ¿Alguna ayudita?

¿Para qué sirve 'dconfig'?

2001-02-19 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
¿para qué sirve el comando 'dconfig' ?
Lo ejecuto y me sale una aplicación tipo ncurses, con un menú de dos
* Configtool
* Exit
Le doy a la primera y no hace nada.
Le doy a la segunda y sale.
¿Qué utilidad tiene? Evidentemente, y a judgar por el nombre de la
aplicación, tiene que ser algo más que un ejemplo de ncurses ;-)


Juan Carlos Muro

Re: Cliente de Correo

2001-02-19 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa
On 19 Feb 2001 18:45:34 +0100, Aurelio Diaz-Ufano wrote:
 Hola. Tengo dos problemas con los clientes de correo. 
 Uso el netscape, pero cada vez que intento añadir un contacto de mi
 libreta de direcciones para enviarle un mensaje, se me cierra todo el
 Communicator. En fin que no puedo enviar mensajes si no tecleo cada vez
 la dirección de correo electrónico corerspondiente.
 Como tampoco me entusiama el netscape, me bajé el Balsa, pero cuando
 intento configurar un servidor de correo, me sale un mensaje diciéndome
 que tengo que ponerle un nombre (rellenar la casilla del nombere) aunque
 se lo pongo de cincuenta mil maneras diferentes.
 Y, de momento, uso el Kmail... pero no sé cómo puedo copiarme la libreta
 de direcciones y si es importable a otros clientes de correo
 ¿Alguna sugerencia a estas cosillas?
 Un saludo

puede usar evolution es que yo uso y funciona perfecto mas informacion

[Ayuda] conexión por pppd: Failed (NO CARRIER)

2001-02-19 Thread Francisco González Cavero
Hola, buenas noches a todos.

El motivo de esta consulta que puede parecer tan simple es que desde ayer no
me puedo conectar a Internet con Linux.

Desde hace ya un tiempo que cada vez que iniciaba el ordenador, después de
marcar el número de teléfono y comenzar a negociar, me decía que no
detectaba portadora (carrier) y se apagaba (moría el demonio).
La solución chorra que encontré mientras investigaba el motivo fue
reconfigurar con pppconfig los parámetros de la conexión y así funcionaba.
No era muy elegante, más bien incómodo, pero todo iba bien.

Ayer intenté hacer el mismo truco, pero en toda la noche no me dejó
conectarme (no detecta portadora). Hoy lo he vuelto a intentar, y lo mismo.
Aquí os envio las últimas líneas del /etc/log/syslog

Feb 19 20:22:42 pandora pppd[2319]: pppd 2.3.11 started by francisco, uid
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: abort on (BUSY)
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: abort on (VOICE)
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: send (ATZ^M)
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: expect (OK)
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: ATZ^M^M
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: OK
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]:  -- got it
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: send (ATDT901900109^M)
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: expect (CONNECT)
Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: ^M
Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora chat[2320]: ATDT901900109^M^M
Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora chat[2320]: NO CARRIER
Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora chat[2320]:  -- failed
Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora chat[2320]: Failed (NO CARRIER)
Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora pppd[2319]: Connect script failed
Feb 19 20:23:12 pandora pppd[2319]: Exit.

Claro, para poder ayudarme también necesitaréis los ficheros de
configuración. Aquí van:


# This chatfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.5.
# Please do not delete any of the comments.  Pppconfig needs them.
# ispauth PAP
# abortstring
# modeminit
'' ATZ
# ispnumber
OK-AT-OK ATDT901900109
# ispconnect
# prelogin
# ispname
# isppassword
# postlogin
# end of pppconfig stuff


# This optionfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.5.
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/wanadoo
user fraisco
remotename wanadoo
ipparam wanadoo

Posiblemente sea tan sencillo que se me está pasando por alto, pero no soy
capaz de encontrar el fallo. Así es que como n ojos, para n2, ven mejor que
dos, si alguien me sabe decir qué me pasa, doctor? pues muy agradecido.

Un saludo,


2001-02-19 Thread Deiby Jimenez
Hoal amigos de la lista..

tengo un gran problema: como hago para arrancar una maquina que esta
conectada a un servidor... sin necesidad de disco duro en el cliente
(con un disquete), solo que use el S.O del servidor que esta en mandrake

agradezco cualquier informacion.


Re: Cliente y servidor PPP

2001-02-19 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

A mi me pasó lo mismo. Creo que mi problema era que asigné una ip a capón
en la conexión por un puerto determinado. 

Abandoné el intento y no he vuelto a probar, no me corría prisa tener el
servidor ppp.


El 17 Feb 2001 a las 01:27PM +0100, José Luis Ayala escribio:
   Hola a todos...
   Acabo de configurar el ordenador de mi casa como servidor PPP (así
 puedo conectarme desde el laboratorio) con mgetty. Sin embargo, aunque
 éste funciona correctamente, me he cargado la posibilidad de conectarme
 como cliente PPP. Ahora, cuando lanzo el pppd, no se conecta y en el  log
 Feb 10 01:40:29 einstein pppd[580]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
 Feb 10 01:40:31 einstein chat[582]: send (atdtw91xxx^M)
 Feb 10 01:40:31 einstein chat[582]: expect (CONNECT)
 Feb 10 01:40:43 einstein chat[582]: warning: read() on stdin returned 0
 Feb 10 01:40:43 einstein chat[582]: Failed
 Feb 10 01:40:44 einstein pppd[580]: Exit.
   ¿Tenéis alguna idea de qué puede estar pasando? ¡Muchas gracias!
 José Luis Ayala Rodrigo   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dpto. Ingeniería Electrónica  
 E.T.S. Ingenieros Telecomunicación
 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
 Linux Registered User #182215 web:
 Teoría es cuando se sabe todo y nada funciona; práctica, cuando todo 
 funciona y nadie sabe por qué.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ayuda

2001-02-19 Thread October
On Tue 20 Feb 2001 03:05, Deiby Jimenez wrote:
 Hoal amigos de la lista..
 tengo un gran problema: como hago para arrancar una maquina que esta
 conectada a un servidor... sin necesidad de disco duro en el cliente
 (con un disquete), solo que use el S.O del servidor que esta en mandrake
 agradezco cualquier informacion.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Necesitas algún tipo de soporte en el kernel, para poder tener en el cliente la 
dir IP que le corresponde (no la sabe, 
no tiene disco duro), y montar de alguna forma / (NFS, por ejemplo). Yo nunca 
lo he hecho, pero tienes documentación
disponible para esto. Empieza por mirar la documentación que trae el kernel 
(Documentation/nfsroot.txt), que supongo
que no será muy larga. Por supuesto, tendrás que compilarte el kernel en otra 
máquina :(, y si las plataformas no son compatibles,
tendrás que mirarte la información para el cross-compiling.
Bueno, supongo que todo esto ya lo sabrás, pero espero ser algo útil.



2001-02-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instale helix-gnome y este requiere depende de gdm el cual no estoy
interesado en instalar es posible instalar helix-gnome sin gdm? o es
posible luego de instalar helix hacer un borrado por la fuerza de gdm?
Gracias, saludos.

Re: [Ayuda] conexión por pppd: Failed (NO CARRIER)

2001-02-19 Thread Jon Noble

On 19.02.01 20:02:13 +0100 Francisco González Cavero wrote:
 Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: send (ATDT901900109^M)
 Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: expect (CONNECT)
 Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: ^M
 Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora chat[2320]: ATDT901900109^M^M
 Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora chat[2320]: NO CARRIER
 Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora chat[2320]:  -- failed

Una pregunta tonta, ¿qué oyes cuando marca? ¿oyes la llamada?
¿te descuelga el servidor remoto?

Un saludo,


Re: helix-gnome

2001-02-19 Thread Jon Noble

On 19.02.01 20:55:09 +0100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Instale helix-gnome y este requiere depende de gdm el cual no estoy
 interesado en instalar es posible instalar helix-gnome sin gdm? o es
 posible luego de instalar helix hacer un borrado por la fuerza de gdm?

Claro que es posible instalar helix-gnome sin gdm. Supongo que has mirado
task-helix-gnome y que este incluye gdm. Basta con que en lugar de instalar
task-helix-gnome instales manualmente todos los demás paquetes de los que
exceptuando gdm.

También puedes instalar todo y luego hacer `apt-get remove gdm`. Eso de
por la fuerza suena muy mal :-)

Un saludo,


bug tracking

2001-02-19 Thread Paco Brufal

Tengo que montar un sistema de seguimiento de bugs, y estoy mirando
dos posibilidades, el bugzilla y el debbugs (el de debian). ¿Alguien puede
decirme las diferencias más notables a la hora de usar uno o otro? Por
ejemplo, en debbugs ¿absolutamente todo se hace a través de mail o existe
interface web? Respecto a la rapidez de instalación y configuración para
varios proyectos, ¿cual es mejor? Gracias.

...The Techno God (Hell Remix). The Prophet. 1993
--- Mutt 1.3.15 + Postfix
 * Origin: FAQ de ESP.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: [Ayuda] conexión por pppd: Failed (NO CARRIER)

2001-02-19 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El lun, 19 de feb de 2001, a las 09:02:29 +0100, Jon Noble dijo:
 On 19.02.01 20:02:13 +0100 Francisco González Cavero wrote:
  Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: send (ATDT901900109^M)
  Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: expect (CONNECT)
  Feb 19 20:22:43 pandora chat[2320]: ^M
  Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora chat[2320]: ATDT901900109^M^M
  Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora chat[2320]: NO CARRIER
  Feb 19 20:23:11 pandora chat[2320]:  -- failed
 Una pregunta tonta, ¿qué oyes cuando marca? ¿oyes la llamada?
 ¿te descuelga el servidor remoto?
Yo he solucionado eso editando el archivo /etc/ppp/peers/proveedor en la
linea que contiene la velocidad del puerto (115200 por defecto) por una
velocidad menor como 19200 (ten en cuenta que mi modem es un 14400), aunque el
cambio fue fruto de la desesperacion y no de ninguna accion racional.

Nos leemos
Corolario de Farnsdick
- Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
  el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.

Cosas a hacer para la Linux Expo

2001-02-19 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
Bueno, antes de nada decir, ya que mando esto a debian-user-spanish por si
alguno no se ha enterado. Que la organización del evento se va a coordinar
desde [EMAIL PROTECTED] (esperemos que esta vez el servidor no se muera,
eh Eduardo! :) Los que quieran participar, que se apunten a la lista, por
favor (se que hay gente interesada pero no apuntada)

Antes de nada, aunque yo ponga ideas aquí me gustaría que me llegaran 
las que vosotros teneis, al fin y al cabo los que estais leyendo esto
posiblemente vayais :)

Me gustaría empezar pidiendo ayuda, hay muchas cosas que se pueden hacer
para la próxima Linux Expo para la presencia Debian. Primero las que están
hechas (gracias a Jesús González Barahona que me ayuda en las gestiones):

- Debian tendrá un stand en la Linux Expo
- Se va a celebrar un BOF (reunión informal) durante la Expo

Ahora bien, cosas que me gustaría hacer (algunas son repetición del año
pasado y otras nuevas):

- Pegatinas, que creo que gusta mucho a la gente (y cuesta poco)
y a ver si esta vez hago suficientes para que la gente no me coma 
por ellas.

- Posters, hay varios hechos de anteriores Expos (pocos y maltratados :(
Javi (vigu) se ha ofrecido a hacer algunos más pero vendría
bien tener más si hay gente que tiene plotters a mano :)

- Trípticos. Agustín Martín tradujo el año pasado unos, pero no 
dió tiempo a tenerlos para la Expo. Yo en casa tengo muchos que
me envió Joey pero están en ingles por una cara y alemán por otra.

- Contactar con sponsors. Barrapunto ya ha dicho que sí y VA
Linux es muy probable (gracias a Adriano), pero
me gustaría tener gente que tocara otras empresas, por ejemplo,

- Personas para el stand. Como es normal, hace falta gente que
vaya a comprometerse a estar en ciertas horas en el stand.

- Cosas para el stand. Entre otras: comida (para que los que
estén no se les retuerza las tripas), ordenadores (yo el año
pasado acerqué el mío :), una pizarra blanca con veledas para
explicar cómo funciona un paquete :P 

- Artículos. Creo que sería bueno tener unos artículos impresos
(en sección de artículos hay buenos candidatos)
para dar a las personas más interesadas en un tema específico:
cómo instalarla, cómo hacer paquetes, como contribuir, qué es

- CDS. Aquí la cosa es espinosa, Cds de testing se pueden hacer
pero no le serviran de nada a la gente que no conozca Debian.
Creo que lo mejor es dar una Debian 2.2r2 + actualizaciones
(la de la Espiral está muy bien, aunque se podría actualizar
la actualización). Esto depende de los patrocinadores/dinero
aunque de momento hay 150 del año pasado que no dió tiempo 
a estamparlos.

Ideas?? Seguro que hay más cosas que se os ocurren que se pueden


Description: PGP signature

Re: woody congelada. Y los cd's?

2001-02-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Javier Fafián Alvarez wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 10:08:36AM +, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
  Woody ha sido congelada, leí. Supongo que las imagenes ISO no estan, y
  tardaran. He estado mirando el paquete pseudo-image este para ver si podia
  hacerme las imagenes ISO y ver la nueva instalación y hacer pruebas y
 Woody no ha sido congelada ...
 Pero puedes obtener cds de ella, creo que en (facultad de
 informática de A Coruña), tienen imágenes iso actualiazas periódicamente.
 Woody está en Testing, no Frozen, cuidado.
 Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
 en un Pentiun 166   | pero la vida ya tiene sus
 RAM 32 Mb kernel 2.2.18 | propios planes.
 Con Linux Debian woody (2.2) testing| -- JFA --
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Busque la iso de woody en  y no la encontre estas seguro
que esta aqui?.
Sino alguien sabe otro sitio donde bajarla?.

Re: Cliente de Correo

2001-02-19 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 puede usar evolution es que yo uso y funciona perfecto mas informacion

Yo estoy empezando a usarlo, y me parece bastante bien. Lo unico que no me
ha gustado (o que no he conseguido hacer), es que mantenga los mensajes en
/var/mail, en vez de importarlos a su entorno. Si los dejara donde esta,
podria utilizar tanto el Mutt como evolution para tratar el mismo buzon.


Re: Cliente de Correo

2001-02-19 Thread C.
El 19 Feb 2001 22:27:05 +0100, Angel Vicente Perez escribió:
  puede usar evolution es que yo uso y funciona perfecto mas informacion
 Yo estoy empezando a usarlo, y me parece bastante bien. Lo unico que no me
 ha gustado (o que no he conseguido hacer), es que mantenga los mensajes en
 /var/mail, en vez de importarlos a su entorno. Si los dejara donde esta,
 podria utilizar tanto el Mutt como evolution para tratar el mismo buzon.
  Hay una cosa que puedes hacer: instala un servidor de IMAP en tu ordenador y 
configura Evolution para que use ese servidor de IMAP.

De este modo no se moverán los mensajes del buzónen /var/mail


Re: Font default de Xterm ¿dónde?

2001-02-19 Thread Ubaldo Fernández Covelo
On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 12:30:34AM +0100, Gerardo Lopez wrote:
 El siguiente paso entonces consiste en ejecutar un xterm con la orden:
 $ xterm -fn 5x7 (Por ejemplo)
 Para que el cambio sea durarero deberas poner en el fichero .Xdefaults (o
 .Xresources si usamos xdm o similar) una linea como:
 XTerm*font: nombre-de-la-fuente
 Personalmente desconozco si se puede emplear el alias, ya que siempre he usado
 la descripción extendida.Mi linea por ejemplo es: 
 XTerm*font: -*-fixed-*-r-*-*-15-*-100-100-*-*-*-*
Funciona en .Xresources XTerm*font: 10x20 que es lo que quería, pero no 
redimensiona la ventana de xterm. Así que hay que utilizar el parámetro 

Si lanzo el xterm  en Window Maker con -fn 10x20 todo correcto, fuente y tamaño 
de la ventana.


Re: helix-gnome

2001-02-19 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa
  Instale helix-gnome y este requiere depende de gdm el cual no estoy
  interesado en instalar es posible instalar helix-gnome sin gdm? o es
  posible luego de instalar helix hacer un borrado por la fuerza de gdm?

 Claro que es posible instalar helix-gnome sin gdm. Supongo que has mirado
 task-helix-gnome y que este incluye gdm. Basta con que en lugar de
 task-helix-gnome instales manualmente todos los demás paquetes de los que
 exceptuando gdm.

 También puedes instalar todo y luego hacer `apt-get remove gdm`. Eso de
 por la fuerza suena muy mal :-)

 Un saludo,


tambien puede decirle apt-get install xdm y el automaticamente instalar xdm
y borra gdm sin hacer nada a la fuerza

Re: [Ayuda] conexión por pppd: Failed (NO CARRIER)

2001-02-19 Thread Jon Noble
On 19.02.01 23:56:22 +0100 Francisco González Cavero wrote:
 Mientras marca se oyen los pitidos habituales. Y cuando parece que
 y tienen que comenzar a negociar, es cuando aparece el mensaje de NO
 y se corta toda comunicación.

Si se corta justo cuando comienzan a negociar, ¿no será que te salta
el timeout, no? Mira a ver las opciones de pppd y aumenta el tiempo
de espera de conexión, a ver...

Un saludo,


Re: woody congelada. Y los cd's?

2001-02-19 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


 Busque la iso de woody en  y no la encontre estas seguro
 que esta aqui?.
 Sino alguien sabe otro sitio donde bajarla?.

tambien está por ftp


Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Aquí Challenger, despegue Ok, pasamos control a windows.BOUMM!

Re: Cliente de Correo

2001-02-19 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa
 El 19 Feb 2001 22:27:05 +0100, Angel Vicente Perez escribió:
   puede usar evolution es que yo uso y funciona perfecto mas informacion
  Yo estoy empezando a usarlo, y me parece bastante bien. Lo unico que no
  ha gustado (o que no he conseguido hacer), es que mantenga los mensajes
  /var/mail, en vez de importarlos a su entorno. Si los dejara donde esta,
  podria utilizar tanto el Mutt como evolution para tratar el mismo buzon.
   Hay una cosa que puedes hacer: instala un servidor de IMAP en tu
ordenador y configura Evolution para que use ese servidor de IMAP.

 De este modo no se moverán los mensajes del buzónen /var/mail


yo cada vez que tengo que hacer una instlacion guardo la .profile de
evolution /home/user/evolution y listo

Re: Cosas a hacer para la Linux Expo

2001-02-19 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, feb 19, 2001 at 09:25:48 +0100, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
 Bueno, antes de nada decir, ya que mando esto a debian-user-spanish por si
 alguno no se ha enterado. Que la organización del evento se va a coordinar
 desde [EMAIL PROTECTED] (esperemos que esta vez el servidor no se muera,
 eh Eduardo! :) Los que quieran participar, que se apunten a la lista, por
 favor (se que hay gente interesada pero no apuntada)

¡Me apunto al evento!, ¡ire!, ¡ire!...
... ya estoy tardando, vmos a esa lista X-D
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Conectando con PLIP dos computadoras

2001-02-19 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Pues no. Lo probé todo y sigue fallando. Aparentemente todo el ipchains
y route y lsmod están bien, pero al momento de hacer ping o lo que sea
no se responden entre sí

Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
 Perdón. Eso lo leí en otro lado (con razón estaba en inglés). Jeje. Es
 que leo en otra página que para 0x378 IRQ=7 es el plip1 y yo uso el
 plip0. Como no tengo en este momento mi otra máquina mañana probaré lo
 que dice en la tuya. Gracias
 Santiago Romero wrote:
  El jue, 15 de feb de 2001, a las 11:10:03 -0600, Dr. Aldo Medina dijo:
   Santiago Romero wrote:
El jue, 15 de feb de 2001, a las 03:27:27 -0600, Dr. Aldo Medina dijo:
  Estoy tratando de conectar mi PII 350 con Debian 2.2r2 potato 
  2.2.17) con mi PIII 800 con Debian woody (2.2.18 recompilada) con un
  cable laplink. He tratado de seguir los pasos del PLIP-Howto, pero
  aunque ya intenté con dos cables (que funcionan bajo Windows, lo 
  cual no
 Sigue los pasos de mi howto de portatil:
   Gracias. Aunque en este momento no tengo mi otra máquina, por lo pronto
   puedo ver que yo uso plip0 con 0x378 y el IRQ7, y ahi veo que debería
   usar el plip1. Pero creo que el número 0 me lo dió el mismo Linux.
   No, en mi documento no pone nada de plip1 :? Yo también uso PLIP0 :???
   Saludos! :)

Linux User #98419 -o)| There is no right to deny freedom  /\| to any object with a mind advance
ICQ 94335020  _\_v   | enough to grasp the concept and
Si quieres ayudarme, ponme de| desire the state - Isaac Asimov/The
referencia en | Bicentennial Man (1976)

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: PHP Editor

2001-02-19 Thread Martin Juhlin
måndagen den 19 februari 2001 11:56 skrev Chrazy:
 Finns det nån bra sån att köra i konsoll läge, med allt vad som
 tillkommer med auto complettion osv...?


Inte för att jag vet .. men borde inte emacs ha något sådant ?? :-) Den borde 
ju ha det tycker man ... den kan ju t.o.m. koka kaffe  


Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Bilaga: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Re: KERNEL 2.4

2001-02-19 Thread Fernando Fraga e Silva
Em Sab 17 Fev 2001 01:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

O erro que vc. pegou é de programação e em parte do código estável , i.e., 
uma parte básica do kernel. Sugestão : vá a e pegue 
kernel 2.4.1 que já está em release.

O erro é a falta de declaração da variável current, caso isto persista 
sugiro um bug report para o pessoal do kernel.

 o erro foi o senguinte :

 /usr/src/linux/include/linux/interrupt.h: In function
 `tasklet_hi_schedule': /usr/src/linux/include/linux/interrupt.h:174:
 `current' undeclared (first use in this function)
 In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/string.h:21,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/fs.h:23,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/capability.h:17,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/binfmts.h:5,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h:9,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/mm.h:4,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/slab.h:14,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/malloc.h:4,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/proc_fs.h:5,
  from init/main.c:15:
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__constant_memcpy3d':
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:305: `current' undeclared (first use in
 this function)
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__memcpy3d':
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:312: `current' undeclared (first use in
 this function)
 make: ** [init/main.o] Erro 1

Fernando Fraga e Silva - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Undergraduated Mechanical Engineering Student from University of São Paulo


2001-02-19 Thread Fabiano Cipriano de Oliveira


Sou novo na lista e no Debian GNU/Linux. Meu problema eh que instalei o 
Debian numa maquina onde ja havia instalado o WIn95 numa outra particao. So 
q tive que reinstalar o Win95(como eh de costume) e acabei perdendo o 
Linux. Agora soh consigo iniciar o Linux com um disquete de boot q criei na 
instalacao do mesmo ... Alguem tem alguma sugestao para arrumar a casa ?

muito obrigado,

Re: boot

2001-02-19 Thread KrIsSkRoSs
Não é necessário reinstalar o windows após a instalação do linux.
Para arrumar a casa entre no linux via floppy e execute o lilo.

KrIsSkRoSs kkross at $ 101535

- Original Message -
From: Fabiano Cipriano de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 1:58 PM
Subject: boot


 Sou novo na lista e no Debian GNU/Linux. Meu problema eh que instalei
 Debian numa maquina onde ja havia instalado o WIn95 numa outra
particao. So
 q tive que reinstalar o Win95(como eh de costume) e acabei perdendo
 Linux. Agora soh consigo iniciar o Linux com um disquete de boot q
criei na
 instalacao do mesmo ... Alguem tem alguma sugestao para arrumar a casa

RES: boot

2001-02-19 Thread andremac
Olá Fabiano,

O Linux deve ter instalado na primeira vez um bootloader no Master
Boot Record (MBR) do seu HD. Quando você instala o Windows, ele tem um
ataque de megalomania e acha que é o centro do universo, e apaga o MBR
(mesmo sem precisar dele). Para consertar isso, basta logar como root e
digitar o comando lilo (o tal bootloader), que ele regravará o MBR de
novo. Pelo que parece você não alterou nada nas partições, só reinstalou o
Windows certo? Porque se você tiver feito alguma alteração, você antes
deverá alterar o arquivo de configuração do lilo (/etc/liloconfig) para que
ele espelhe as novas configurações.

Um abraço,
André Leão Macedo

 -Mensagem original-
 De: Fabiano Cipriano de Oliveira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviada em: segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2001 13:58
 Assunto: boot
   Sou novo na lista e no Debian GNU/Linux. Meu problema 
 eh que instalei o 
 Debian numa maquina onde ja havia instalado o WIn95 numa 
 outra particao. So 
 q tive que reinstalar o Win95(como eh de costume) e acabei 
 perdendo o 
 Linux. Agora soh consigo iniciar o Linux com um disquete de 
 boot q criei na 
 instalacao do mesmo ... Alguem tem alguma sugestao para 
 arrumar a casa ?

Java + Konqueror

2001-02-19 Thread Márcio Parise Boufleur
Olá pessoal!
Gostaria de saber se alguém sabe como procedo para habilitar o suporte 
java applets no konqueror.
Estou usando a versão instável do Debian e o kde2.1
Agradeço desde já,

Márcio Bofleur

Biblioteca para manipulacao de audio ...

2001-02-19 Thread Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos


estou precisando de informacoes de como manipular o hardware de audio. 
Mais precisamente? estou precisando fazer um programa que ficarah lendo 
o microfone ... alguem sabe como poderia fazer isto , e onde poderia 
encontar material a respeito ??

Um abraco,

Re: napster.. where is napster?

2001-02-19 Thread Thomas Shaft Jr.

Roberto Diaz wrote:

authentication location. So, you and your friend may have been logged
into seperate servers. Could you see each other ?? Probably not, huh ?

Of course there are many servers (never mind how much), but I just 
didn't take into account that they are not synchronized.

Napster is a very good example about how large monopolies are able to rule
the entire internet.. 

first: -- -
first: ---

-- --- too big  too big  too big

Not to mention

(feel free to add to this list all that I am missing)

Just some examples.. the next maybe: + + + + microsoft = monopoly

At the end we will see the internet that very few want us to see..

Wee need a Free Information Service. We could do something similar to

Yes.. I know.. this wont happen... all is ok how is today and how it
will be tomorrow...



Powered by ddt dynamic DNS

Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

You should just shut off your computer if you can't handle the lack of 
personel information... There are many other providers for music, and 
other such media.  Don't blame the world for your lack of research.

Re: ide cdrom - scsi emu problems

2001-02-19 Thread Thomas Shaft Jr.

Jerrud wrote:

I`ve tried your solutions, but I recieve another type of error, specificly::

alpha:/home/mechanical# ln /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom 
ln: /dev/cdrom: File exists
alpha:/home/mechanical# ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom 
ln: /dev/cdrom: File exists


The same error occures when I switch the /dev/scd0 and /dev/cdrom in the ln 

Any suggestions for this ?

Thanks for the help so far guys, i appreciate it.


On Sun, 18 Feb 2001 16:40:08 -0800, Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Since you are in SCSI emulation, you need to change softlink:
 /dev/scd0 -/dev/cdrom

(check dmsg to be sure)

Actually, you do not need to recompile kernel to get ide-scsi
to work.  Debian default kernel has module support.  Enable them
by adding following line in lilo.conf
append=hdc=ide-scsi apm=on
apm=on was for auto-shutdown-power.
If you had hdd as cd-RW, change to hdd=.

Good luck.


On Sun, Feb 18, 2001 at 11:04:25PM +, Jerrud wrote:

This pretty much goes along side the CDROM device question asked by William 
Leese earlier on the list, but I have troubles too ;-)

I recompiled my kernel (2.4.1) last night to include support for my new cd 
writer, but now that i have done that, the switch to IDE to SCSI emulation has 
changed the whereabouts of my DVD drive and my cd writer. For instance::

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mount /cdrom
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,
   or too many mounted file systems
   (aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,
   instead of some logical partition inside?)

(and yes, i have a CD in there - i`m trying to install my Myth II Cd by Loki ;-)

Or if I try::

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mount /dev/hdc
mount: can't find /dev/hdc in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mount /dev/hdd
mount: can't find /dev/hdd in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

I know those drive locations are correct, b/c dmesg | less pointed them out.

Where can I find my drives?



(sorry for the long post)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+   Fingerprint: 814E BD64 3288 40E7 E88E  3D92 C3F8 EA94 D5DE 453D   +
+   === === Cupertino, CA USA ===   +

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

rm /dev/cdrom   then do the linking...   ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom   I 
personally call my writer /dev/cdrw and my writer /dev/cdrom though...  
Just a preference.  BTW-  The format for the ln command is always-  ln 
-s sourcefile filetobelinked

Good luck

apsfilter prints multiple copies

2001-02-19 Thread Alan Eugene Davis
How can I prevent apsfilter from printing multiple copies of

I like this filter alot.  Magicfilter  doesn't even come close, in
being easy to use.  My HP870 has been a problem I lived with for
years; now I am able to get decent color printing with little pain.

I never had such a problem as this.

Alan Davis

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  1-670-235-6580
Alan E. Davis,  PMB 30, Box 10006, Saipan, MP 96950-8906, NMI

 I have steadily endeavored to keep my mind free, so as to give up any
 hypothesis, however much beloved -- and I cannot resist forming one on
 every subject -- as soon as facts are shown to be opposed to it.  
  -- Charles Darwin (1809-1882)


SOLVED: ide cdrom - scsi emu problem

2001-02-19 Thread Jerrud

Thanks guys, I really appreciate your help on this. 

My problem was solved when I (thanks to Ross Boylan to pointing this out) 
changed some things in /etc/fstab. 

The great thing about linux, is that nothing is difficult... you just have to 
know where to look.


Kernel 2.4, NFS, and 32 bit UIDs

2001-02-19 Thread Shane Wegner

I encountered a problem going to Linux 2.4 and am not sure
what is the correct thing to do here.  My nfs client sends
-2 as the UID and GID when mounting a remote directory. 
This cannot be changed.  Normally, this maps to
nobody.nogroup uid 65534.  However, on Linux 2.4, sending
-2 maps to 4294967294 which on Debian is not mapped to a
user id on a Debian system.  Should the nobody user and
nogroup group be set to id 4294967294?  If so, what will
that do on kernel 2.2?


PGP:  1024D/FFE3035D
  A0ED DAC4 77EC D674 5487
  5B5C 4F89 9A4E FFE3 035D

WYSIWYG HTML Editor was Re: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-19 Thread Richard Taylor
   From: Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, William Leese wrote:

 mmm, i'll give it a try. Just hope someone will come along with a good
 WYSIWYS-editor for linux (GPL-ed.. ofcourse, unlike Bluefish) some time.

Give Amaya a tryout, done by the w3 folks.

Amaya's really good... it's got some tricks up its sleeve
that no one else has considered yet.

Check out Screem as well. And... try a scan of

Nothing in opensource is going to be close to DreamWeaver of course -yet

That depends on whether you hand write your code or let a
wysiwyg editor approximate it for you.

Most pros will tell you that the only proper code is hand

Dreamweaver does do a nice job when it comes to working
up sketches. Then you have to go back and put things together

If you want the site managment stuff as well as preprocessors
that will properly generate code for you... linux has just as
good if not better. It's just not all in one package. Which...
gives you the option to build your own package from your
own choice of components.

Take a look at linux pages... start at freshmeat and wander
around a little... then, do the same through a few bloated,
layered, overly graphic, gimmick enhanced, wysiwyg
dreamweaver sites. 

You'll no longer have the opinion you seem to have now.

Re: cannot forward X11

2001-02-19 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Anthony Fox wrote:

 Exactly.  Thank you for your help.  It is working now.

BTW, I noticed and recall reading somewhere that XFree86 v4 does not make use of
port 6000 such, the export DISPLAY=target_host:0.0 does not work
anymore! Someone correct mew if I am inaccurate hereAnyway, I am now using X
forwarding via OpenSSH, which is more secure than the vanilla X display

Re: dictonary

2001-02-19 Thread Pap Tibor
On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Hans wrote:

 Word-inspect works fine, gdict wouldn't connect to dictd, but I haven't
 looked further into it. Great stuff, now I can finally dump my Webster on
 windows. --hans
I use gdict with dictd with no problem.



Re: WYSIWYG HTML Editor was Re: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-19 Thread Steve
On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Richard  Taylor wrote:

 Nothing in opensource is going to be close to DreamWeaver of course -yet

 That depends on whether you hand write your code or let a
 wysiwyg editor approximate it for you.

 Most pros will tell you that the only proper code is hand

 Dreamweaver does do a nice job when it comes to working
 up sketches. Then you have to go back and put things together

Nada, a lot of pros use Dreamweaver as it's very good with code and server
side stuff, guess you haven't used UltraDev eh? ;)

I'm not involved in doing html stuff myself, I'm the sys admin, but the
company I work for has a division that does fortune 500 co's web sites and
they do use Dreamweaver Ultra Dev extensively. I don't think you'll find
many people hand coding a 500+ page website. ;)

Steve - ICQ 35454764
Powered by GNU/Linux kernel 2.2.18
  2:22am  up 11:32, 10 users,  load average: 0.32, 0.13, 0.04

Re: WYSIWYG HTML Editor was Re: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-19 Thread Richard Taylor
   From: Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Richard  Taylor wrote:

 Nothing in opensource is going to be close to DreamWeaver of course -yet

 That depends on whether you hand write your code or let a
 wysiwyg editor approximate it for you.

 Most pros will tell you that the only proper code is hand

 Dreamweaver does do a nice job when it comes to working
 up sketches. Then you have to go back and put things together

Nada, a lot of pros use Dreamweaver as it's very good with code and server


side stuff, guess you haven't used UltraDev eh? ;)

 Dreamweaver makes messes. Redundant tags, nonsense, etc... It builds
 thing the way it has to which is not always the best way of doing
 things. this is why most new editors on the windows side use the sort
 of interface that Arachnophilia and Homesite use... a text screen and
 a preview.

 The are much more efficient ways of handling site functions like
 synchronization ftp, etc. You're not going to try to tell me that
 Dreamweaver's FTP program is even decent, much less good, are you?

I'm not involved in doing html stuff myself, I'm the sys admin, but the
company I work for has a division that does fortune 500 co's web sites and
they do use Dreamweaver Ultra Dev extensively. I don't think you'll find
many people hand coding a 500+ page website. ;)

 Why not? With copy and paste I can do that many basic pages in just
 a few minutes. With search and replace and decent text tools I can
 make the necessary revisions in not all that much longer. This is
 basically text we're talking.. there are many ways to manipulate it
 quickly. If you're talking anything reasonably complex... people
 are going to want to spend enough time on it to get it right... 
 coding time is going to be the least of it. 500 pages with no
 content is pretty useless... ya know.

 With a program like a pre-processor that writes things the way I
 want them written, at least I have the assurance that things will
 be done my way if not the proper way. Generally, they're one and
 the same.

cross compile

2001-02-19 Thread Sebastiaan

I need to compile a kernel for my Amiga(s) (m68k based) on my i386. I know
it is possible and that you have to set up gcc as a cross compiler, but
how do I do that stuff, and, how can I make menuconfig 'think' it is
operating on an Amiga (or m68k platform)?

Thanks in advance,


2001-02-19 Thread Sergio Enrique Schvezov
i'm trying to configure printing 4 my system (potator0), i believe it's in the 
daemon (not sure) because the cat thing 
that apsfilter does prints out just fine

i've tried using lpd and lprng

when i tried with lpd it did nothing and reported nothing at the queue

now i'm trying with lprng and when i do

$||# lpr somefile

it does nothing and when i do lpq i get the following message:

Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'Epson Stylus Color 400'
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Status: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' removed at 19:08:45.141

how can i fix this?
i've checked the /etc/lpd* files and they seem ok too (if this helps)

thank U in advance

Antwort: Can't send email from machine configured for DHCP [Virus checked by dvs Leipzig] [Virus checked by dvs Leipzig]

2001-02-19 Thread Martin_Tanzer

You have an DNS problem. Mailservers only accept mails, if the Domainname of the
machine which wants to send mail  ( i.e. resolves - fortunately a
reverse lookup is not nesecary. One possibiliy is to use a dynamic DNS, the
other is to use the MAC Address to set tarot to a fixed IP-Address, which

Hope, this helps, martin

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 17.02.2001 20:57:43

Kopie:   (Blindkopie: Martin Tanzer/dvs/DE)
Blindkopie:Martin Tanzer/dvs/DE
Thema:  Can't send email from machine configured for DHCP [Virus checked by dvs

Okay. I have one machine set up as a gateway, and I'm using exim with
some rewriting rules for my email gateway. It's been working fine for
years, but now I set up a machine with DHCP, and I find I can't send
email outside my network from that machine. It looks like this is
happening because the domain name isn't being set somewhere where the
local exim would want it.

'bicycle' is the DHCP client. 'tarot' is my network gateway. My local
domain is ''.

My server's exim.conf is configured to rewrite [EMAIL PROTECTED] into
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I'll attach the entire file.

I expect the problem is on the DHCP client somewhere, but I'm not
groking the problem sufficiently to solve it myself.

Here is a bounce message I received on tarot after sending a test
message from bicycle to my ISP email address:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. The following address(es) failed:

SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
host []:
501 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender domain must exist

-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from (bicycle) [] (mail)
by with esmtp (Exim 3.12 #1 (Debian))
id 14UD6N-0008OC-00; Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:33:03 -0800
Received: from root by bicycle with local (Exim 3.12 #1 (Debian))
id 14U3sM-00039j-00
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 17 Feb 2001 01:41:58 -0800
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 01:41:58 -0800
Subject: test message from bicycle
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.12i

Check the full headers

Description: Binary data

persönliche Kategorie:


XFree86 broken.

2001-02-19 Thread Eivind Arnesen

I was just beginning to feel comfortable with Debian, when my
X configuration broke down.  I tried to remove XFree and install it again,
but there is too many dependency problems.  It looks like the package
is really screwed up.  Just about whatever I try to do, I get some
about broken dependecies.  I think maybe some of the dependent files, have
been upgraded
to newer versions (testing or unstable), but after several late hours
yesterday, I was not
able to fix it.  Anybody have some usefull tips?  Sorry, that I don't
include much usefull
information here (error messages, logs etc), but I'm using windows when I
write this mail.


Re: what is going on with the digest?

2001-02-19 Thread Jim McCloskey

On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 03:03:44PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I apologize if this has been hashed over already, but I haven't been
 getting the debian-user-digest for the past week or so.  Don't know what is
 going on, they just quit coming.  I tried subscribing again today in the
 chance that I had been unsubscribed and so I tried resubscribing, both by
 the Debian mailing list web page, and by sending an email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I never got a response.  Has
 the digest been removed?  Like I said, I haven't received a digest in over a
 week (and I was subscribed).

For me, it disappeared about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I also tried
re-subscribing, and it seemed to work, but I have never actually
received any mailings.

There have been posts to this effect in the debian-user archive for at
least the past 3 weeks. These aren't local problems,


Urk! apt wants to uninstall my entire system!

2001-02-19 Thread Gavin Hamill
Hello :)

I did an apt-get update today on my alpha 'unstable' system and nearly
required new trousers this morning when I almost pressed 'Y' to this
little lot...

macha:/home/gdh/# apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Calculating Upgrade... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  adduser analog apache apache-common autoconf automake build-essential
courier-imap cvs-buildpackage
  debhelper debiandoc-sgml debmake devscripts dh-make dlint docbook
docbook-stylesheets docbook-to-man
  docbook-xml docbook2man docbook2texi dpkg-dev dpkg-ftp dpkg-perl dupload
flexml horde imp jade
  kernel-package libapache-mod-ssl libdate-manip-perl libdbd-mysql-perl
libdbi-perl libdevel-symdump-perl
  libdigest-md5-perl libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tagset-perl
libi18n-langtags-perl libmime-base64-perl
  libmldbm-perl libnet-perl libsgmls-perl libtext-format-perl liburi-perl
libwww-perl libxml-dom-perl
  libxml-dumper-perl libxml-generator-perl libxml-grove-perl
libxml-node-perl libxml-parser-perl
  libxml-perl libxml-rss-perl libxml-twig-perl libxml-writer-perl lintian
listar-cgi mysql-client
  mysql-server openssl perl-5.004 perl-5.004-base perl-5.005 perl-5.6 php4
php4-imap php4-mysql qmail-src
  sgml-base sgml-data sgmlspl sgmltools-2 sp task-c++-dev task-c-dev
task-debian-devel task-devel-common
  task-dns-server ucspi-tcp-src xaw-wrappers xaw3dg xbel xbel-utils
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libcap1 sfio1999
20 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 84 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 41.5MB of archives. After unpacking 80.9MB will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 

I've had a fair amount of truck with apt and package problems before, 
but I have no idea where to start looking to fix this one?

I'm open to suggestions! :)

Kind regards, 


Re: wine and woody

2001-02-19 Thread David Purton
On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Corrin Lakeland wrote:

 On Sun, 18 Feb 2001 05:48, David Purton wrote:
  $ wine notepad.exe I get this error:
  Could not load graphics driver 'x11drv'
  ack! any ideas?
  btw I had to install the xlibosmesa3 package, because otherwise it
  didn't find at all.  (is this a broken dependency in
  wine - since it says it depends on mesag3 OR xlibosmesa3?)
 Hmmm, I had exactly the same problem but I managed to get it working by 
 installing xlibosmesa3.
 I suggest you run wine.bin while fixing this which will allow you to pass 
 command line arguments.  Then turn on debugging (-v? can't remember) and look 
 for the library that it fails on and install the appropriate package that you 
 are missing (almost certainly related to mesa).

hmm, Perhaps a more specific error message will help:


err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin
x11drv.dll: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _glapi_Context
Could not load graphics driver 'x11drv'
err:seh:UnhandledExceptionFilter Couldn't start debugger (winedbg
134622744 40) (2)
Read the Wine Developers Guide on how to set up winedbg or another


this looks to me (who has limited C uderstanding) like libOSMesa is
different now to when wine was compiled.

Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars 
on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...

Francis A Schaeffer

David Purton

Re: what is going on with the digest?

2001-02-19 Thread garyjones
At Mon, 19 Feb 2001 02:39:02 -0800 , Jim McCloskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

There have been posts to this effect in the debian-user archive for at
least the past 3 weeks. These aren't local problems,
Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Has anyone tried contacting this address?

Get your own FREE E-mail address at
Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!

grep and memory problems with kernel 2.4.1

2001-02-19 Thread Thomas Braun
hello group knows anyone this problem with the kernel 2.4.1 

i do  cd /

grep -r hallo * 

und then cames a memory enhausted and the network is down.

cu thomas.

Potato Blackbox Quickie

2001-02-19 Thread mallum
Aloha all;

I run Blackbox wm on my box at work ( woody ) and my box at home ( potato ).
In both there .blackboxrc's the focus model is set to 'clicktofocus'.
Howevre my home box only focuses a window when I click its title bar, not
when I click anywhere with in a window ( like my woody box at work ). 

Anyone know how I set up my potato blackbox to focus when I click anywhere
on the window ( like woody blackbox ) and not just on the titlebar.

I've searched the blackbox docs, but have had no joy. Is the woody blackbox
a patched version to allow this behaviour ?

Many thanks



2001-02-19 Thread 謝 聞全(W.Q.Xie)


当社のメールシステムはDebian GNU/Linuxを使っています。現在、smtpで送信

CTT 席班

Re: Potato Blackbox Quickie

2001-02-19 Thread William Leese
On Monday 19 February 2001 19:17, mallum wrote:
 Aloha all;

 I run Blackbox wm on my box at work ( woody ) and my box at home ( potato
 ). In both there .blackboxrc's the focus model is set to 'clicktofocus'.
 Howevre my home box only focuses a window when I click its title bar, not
 when I click anywhere with in a window ( like my woody box at work ).

 Anyone know how I set up my potato blackbox to focus when I click anywhere
 on the window ( like woody blackbox ) and not just on the titlebar.

hmm, a small workaround.. you can also just hold ALT when you click a 
window.. and it gets raised automatically (ALT + left click is used to drag.. 
just found out a few weeks ago.. ..why didnt anyone tell me!? ;) )

Xdm, Kdm, Gdm.. or just, none?

2001-02-19 Thread William Leese
After recently getting used to the Blackbox WM i decided i'd try to replace 
all my KDE apps because they seem more CPU intensive (due to extra KDE 
proceses?) than other apps. 

Problem is that i've installed Kdm, not because i needed it.. but just 
because i thought it was quite convinient when using more than one WM. 

However, it is.. after all a KDE app.. which invokes other KDE services (do 
correct me if i'm wrong, this is just what i've observed from top) and 
because it will stay active till i log off X.. i'm kinda stuck with it..

So, what i want to have is just plain X with an rxvt terminal.. but if i 
uninstall or pervent Kdm from starting, i'll be dumped into KDE when i startx 
by default. So the question (yes yes, finally) is how do i avoid this 
behavior, which script, config file needs to be changed and is there anything 
else i need to know?

thanks in advance,


mouse speed in X 4.02

2001-02-19 Thread David Purton

Hi, in X 3.3.6 you used to be able to specify a mouse resolution (to
make the mose go fast across my big desktop)  This doesn't seem to work
in 4.02.

Does anyone know how to spped up the mouse?

Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars 
on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...

Francis A Schaeffer

David Purton

Re: grep and memory problems with kernel 2.4.1

2001-02-19 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Thomas Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# i do  cd /
# grep -r hallo * 
# und then cames a memory enhausted and the network is down.

Well, since you're specifying -r, it's going recursively through
subdirectories ... I don't know for sure, but maybe it's running into
some problems with some of the devices in /dev? :) Remember, most of
them are just like files, you can 'grep' them all you want, even if it's
not always a good idea ;)

I doubt this would be specific to 2.4.1, though. Have you tried it in
2.2.x? Do you get the same errors(or similar ones) there?

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: 教えてください

2001-02-19 Thread Susumu Takuwa
 On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 21:21:37 +0900
謝 聞全(W.Q.Xie) writes:

謝 当社のメールシステムはDebian GNU/Linuxを使っています。現在、smtpで送信
謝 するときにユーザーに対してIDとPasswordの検証をかけたいのですが、方法を教えて
謝 いただきたいと思います。
謝 よろしくお願いいたします。


In this list, we have discussion about debian in English.
So, I suggest you subscribing some debian-jp list for
discussing in Japanese.

Susumu Takuwa

RE: grep and memory problems with kernel 2.4.1

2001-02-19 Thread Joris Lambrecht
the /dev directory indeed just lists a list of names wich are linked to
device driver files through the inode table

so in fact you're grep-in the output of the /dev, if this contains some
control chars it might hang your grep command, you should* be able to kill
this from another console



-Original Message-
From: David B. Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: grep and memory problems with kernel 2.4.1

To quote Thomas Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# i do  cd /
# grep -r hallo * 
# und then cames a memory enhausted and the network is down.

Well, since you're specifying -r, it's going recursively through
subdirectories ... I don't know for sure, but maybe it's running into
some problems with some of the devices in /dev? :) Remember, most of
them are just like files, you can 'grep' them all you want, even if it's
not always a good idea ;)

I doubt this would be specific to 2.4.1, though. Have you tried it in
2.2.x? Do you get the same errors(or similar ones) there?

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: grep and memory problems with kernel 2.4.1

2001-02-19 Thread Moritz Schulte
David B. Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 # i do  cd /
 # grep -r hallo * 
 # und then cames a memory enhausted and the network is down.
 Well, since you're specifying -r, it's going recursively through
 subdirectories ... I don't know for sure, but maybe it's running into
 some problems with some of the devices in /dev? :)

Yes, /dev/zero for example.

I guess your system is running out of memory, because you don't have
set up user limits? By specyfing limits you can decide how much memory
(, processes, number of open files, cpu time, etc...) a user is
allowed to use. You can specify these limits in
/etc/security/limits.conf; don't forget to active this feature in
/etc/pam.d/login (and /etc/pam.d/su?).
Btw: you can get information about your current limits via 'ulimit -a'.

Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian/GNU supporter -
GPG fingerprint = 3A14 3923 15BE FD57 FC06  B501 0841 2D7B 6F98 4199

Re: what is going on with the digest?

2001-02-19 Thread Carl Greco

At Mon, 19 Feb 2001 02:39:02 -0800 , Jim McCloskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

There have been posts to this effect in the debian-user archive for at
least the past 3 weeks. These aren't local problems,
Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Has anyone tried contacting this address?

I tried a couple of times, with no response - nobody's home.  I have
the fear that one of these days my mailbox will be filled with back
issues.  I'm unsubscribing for the present.  Too bad - I prefer the
digest version.  

Get your own FREE E-mail address at
Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Carl Greco

Re: Xdm, Kdm, Gdm.. or just, none?

2001-02-19 Thread ktb
On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 01:40:54PM +0100, William Leese wrote:
 After recently getting used to the Blackbox WM i decided i'd try to replace 
 all my KDE apps because they seem more CPU intensive (due to extra KDE 
 proceses?) than other apps. 
 Problem is that i've installed Kdm, not because i needed it.. but just 
 because i thought it was quite convinient when using more than one WM. 
 However, it is.. after all a KDE app.. which invokes other KDE services (do 
 correct me if i'm wrong, this is just what i've observed from top) and 
 because it will stay active till i log off X.. i'm kinda stuck with it..
 So, what i want to have is just plain X with an rxvt terminal.. but if i 
 uninstall or pervent Kdm from starting, i'll be dumped into KDE when i startx 
 by default. So the question (yes yes, finally) is how do i avoid this 
 behavior, which script, config file needs to be changed and is there anything 
 else i need to know?

You can uninstall kdm and create .xinitrc in your home directory.  
- chmod 755 .xinitrc
add a line like
- exec fvwm
or whatever window manager your using and run startx

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: missing debian-user-digest?

2001-02-19 Thread Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed

A number of subscribers seem to be having problems with the digests of the
debian-user mailing list. I am also one of these sufferers in that I have
_not_ received a message for couple of weeks. Some people haven't received a 
message for longer - some shorter. However, we seem to be in the minority, as 
there seems to be a number of people who have not experienced any problems, and 
are receiving the digests just fine. I myself have tried resubscribing several 
times under other email addresses to no success (i.e. seemed to be added to 
the list, but not receiving digests.)

Any ideas what's up? I find it very hard to believe that is a local
problem, since a number of people seem to have been experiencing the same
difficulties in and around the same time. Is there anything that can be
done, or any changes made that have affected a subset of the list

Your response is eagerly anticipated ;^)

Kindest regards,



--  Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed  --
--  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  --
-- Micromuse PLC, Disraeli House, 90 Putney Bridge Road, London SW18 1DA --
-- --

Re: PowerMac G3 not booting after installation

2001-02-19 Thread Mohamed Abdulbaset
Jaye ,

i found some web bages which could help on that G3 matter. i dident tray it
yet , would you tell your frind to tray it .

best regards
- Original Message -
From: Jaye Inabnit ke6sls [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mohamed Abdulbaset [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mohamed Abdulbaset
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: PowerMac G3 not booting after installation


 Your mac is a funny beast in deed. Friend here had same problem, and
 I will suggest to you also to check with debian-powerpc: Debian port to
 PowerPC online at
 You can browse the archives at

 Good luck and hope you get it booting.

 On Sunday 18 February 2001 05:14, Mohamed Abdulbaset wrote:
  i have downloaded the 3 binary  CD images for the potato version and
  them my self to CD's i went through installation steps till end but my
  system not rebooting from the harddisk. my computer is Power Mac G3,
  Can some body help me.

 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


 Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 707-442-6579 h/m 707-268-4074 12741145
 This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
 If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

ssh locking up

2001-02-19 Thread Brian McGroarty
I've got a Windows machine and a Woody box behind my office firewall.

I use both to connect to my ISP's shell machines, and to map a port to
the remote news server.

The firewall/NAT and the remote machine are all FreeBSD - no MS Proxy
madness involved here.

My problem:

I can keep a session open for weeks with the Windows machine, running
SecureSSH. But ssh from the Linux box invariably locks up (but remains
connected) after 15 minutes to an hour.

Any clue why the Debian machine can't keep ssh active?

Re: Kernel compile comments

2001-02-19 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

Having used Debian for my whole GNU/Linux life, I've noticed that
fresh installs of late don't have the kernel compilation tools I'd

Most notably binutils and libncurses-dev seem to be missing even after
I apt-get the kernel-source (I don't expect Debian to be psychic and
know about my trips to

This has happend on all the systems I've installed from 2.2r0 and
2.2.r2 CDROMs (=6 I've tried compiling kernels on)

The package clearly states correct Depends:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ apt-cache showpkg kernel-source-2.2.18
Package: kernel-source-2.2.18
Reverse Depends: 
2.2.18-1 - binutils (0 (null)) bzip2 (0 (null)) fileutils (2 4.0)
libncurses-dev (16 (null)) ncurses-dev (0 (null)) task-tcltk-dev (0
(null)) kernel-package (0 (null)) bin86 (0 (null)) libc-dev (0 (null))
gcc (0 (null)) make (0 (null)) 
2.2.18-1 - kernel-source 
Reverse Provides: 

Anyone else having similar issues? or have I started consistently
doing something wrong?

note machines installed with Debian 2.0 and upgraded over time have
never had this problem.


RE: : napster

2001-02-19 Thread Brooks R. Robinson
Nope, It's still up.  It won't get shut down until the lower court ruling is
rewritten... maybe later this week.

 -Original Message-
 From: Xucaen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 12:31 PM
 Subject: OT:: napster

 I heard napster got shut down.

 --- c-3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date sent:  Sun, 18 Feb 2001 12:32:45
  From:   Hall Stevenson
  Subject:Re: how to use
  gnapstermore generally...where to find cool
  Send reply to:  Hall Stevenson
  Forwarded by:
   Napster uses multiple servers, upwards of
  (50), I believe. I'd guess
   each one is pretty much stand-alone. They
  don't have ONE central
   authentication location. So, you and your
  friend may have been logged
   into seperate servers. Could you see each
  other ?? Probably not, huh ?
  Of course there are many servers (never mind
  how much), but I just
  didn't take into account that they are not
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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Re: Old news : Opera Free 4 Linux

2001-02-19 Thread Colin Watson
Anthony Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 05 Feb 2001, Colin Watson wrote:
 Anthony Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 05 Feb 2001, Colin Watson wrote:
  I've been using Konqueror at work for a week or so now after Netscape
  somehow started crashing my machine hard. I must say that it's a very
  nice browser, and much faster than Mozilla. You don't need to be running
  KDE either, which is good for me as I'm a GNOME/sawfish type.
 Do you need gnome, or will it work with any window manager, e.g. icewm
 (in my case)?
 AFAIK it doesn't need any special window manager or desktop environment
 support. I've sometimes used it at home as well, where I run sawfish
 without most of the GNOME stuff.

Thank you; next question, where do you find it? Is there a .deb file

Yes - it's in unstable, or for potato try URL:


Re: Printing

2001-02-19 Thread SquadBoy
I would suggest that you take a look at and think 
about using PDQ much easier to set up IMHO.

Sergio Enrique Schvezov wrote:

i'm trying to configure printing 4 my system (potator0), i believe it's in the daemon (not sure) because the cat thing 
that apsfilter does prints out just fine

i've tried using lpd and lprng

when i tried with lpd it did nothing and reported nothing at the queue

now i'm trying with lprng and when i do

$||# lpr somefile

it does nothing and when i do lpq i get the following message:

Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'Epson Stylus Color 400'
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Status: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' removed at 19:08:45.141

how can i fix this?
i've checked the /etc/lpd* files and they seem ok too (if this helps)

thank U in advance

jre problem

2001-02-19 Thread wujf

Today I tried to install oracle8i on my Potato box with glibc
upgraded and jdk1.1 from unstable. The installer program
failed to invoke the 'dbassist', when i run it from command
line, jre said:

Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread
Could not create Java VM

So i wrote a Hello,world java program, jre gives the same error
message but java works.

Any suggestion? Thx.

(Sorry, I know little about java)

Re: port scare

2001-02-19 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Eric G. Miller wrote:
On Sun, Feb 18, 2001 at 08:11:23PM +0100, Roberto Diaz wrote:
  Interesting ports on localhost (
  PortState   Protocol  Service
  22  opentcpssh 
  111 opentcpsunrpc  
  I K'd out S10portmap in the /etc/rc0.d/ directory, but port 111 is still
  open. I can remove portmap from /etc/init.d/, but how big a concern is
  this port? I've got hosts.deny set to repel anything not using ssh. 
 Well is a corcern since bugs can be possible.. and you need the portmap in
 order to run things like postgresql.. but it is wrapped as you very well

PostgreSQL listens on 5432 (if you have tcp turned on).  What would it
need rpc for?  I have portmap turned off here and never had a problem
with PostgreSQL...

Postgres definitely doesn't use RPC, you don't need it for that.
The 2 main things that you need portmap for are:

1. NIS (aka YP, yellow pages)
2. NFS

/etc/init.d/ checks if you have any NFS mounts setup
in /etc/fstab. If you have, it starts portmap - because it is
needed for the mount. If nothing else is starting portmap, this
is it.


Re: Nameservers

2001-02-19 Thread SamBozo Debian User
All is joy,

Browsing tasksel I looked at the info on the DNS packages. 
dnsutils - Utilities for Querying DNS Servers was one of the entrys. 
I tried an apt-get install dnsutils 
error was it was already installed. 
So I thought I'd try removal and reinstallation. 
After apt-get remove dnsutils ...
and before apt-get install dnsutils ...
just for the heck of it I tried a whois ... 

No I don't understand, but at least it's working now. Anyone wish to
enlighten me on the why's? Thanks for everyones help and patience.

Sam Morgan

Re: Looking for clock track different times?

2001-02-19 Thread Jonathan Gift
David Wright wrote:
  I looked but apart from twclock I couldn'rt find anything. Anyone know
  of an applet capable of showing times in different places?
 It might help to say what it is about twclock that you don't like.
 TZ=US/Eastern swisswatch 

I don't need another analog clock. I'd really like to type the
date/time at the prompt and get Eastern Standard time, or Pacific, etc.
I'm now on European. So I don't wake people up...



I looked at the date switches but saw nothing. Thinking about a shell
script to cut the time, substract 9, etc. seemed there has to be



Re: XFree86 4.0.2 - Very low resolution - how to increase? - Includes: How To RTFM :^)

2001-02-19 Thread Martin Albert
On Saturday 17 February 2001 09:33, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 17 Feb 2001, Martin Albert wrote:
  On Friday 16 February 2001 09:41, Anthony Campbell wrote:
   I'm currently confused about X-4. I've been keeping up to date
  You're actually running the old 3.3.6 server, propably you didn't
  install a new one. If you dare (no, it works, at least) do
  apt-get install xserver-xfree86

 I've done this but I can't get it to work. I ran xf86config and
 produced an XF86Config-4 file, but this refuses to run, with numerous
 error messages (various sections should begin with Driver.. etc.).

 I'll glady RTFM if there is one.

YOU're actually RUNning the OLD 3.3.6 server.
 My driver is xserver-svga 3.3.6X

(man dpkg ;-)
dpkg -l x\*

shows each package installed on your machine whose name starts with x.
(the \ before * is an 'escape character' for the shell; says 'don't use 
this char with a special meaning you have for it, pass it unchanged'.; 
here dpkg shall have arguments -l and x*. info bash or man bash).

If this gives so much output, that you cannot see the first lines, use

dpkg -l x\* | grep server

This passes all output, that dpkg produces through a pipe (told the 
shell with | symbol) to grep, which outputs only lines of input that 
have 'server' in them.

You will propably see one:


You need:

xserver-xfree86 4.0.x

apt-get install xserver-xfree86
(man apt, if you have info you may read all man pages with it too, if 
you like it better (i use both). Caveat: I don't understand apt's man 
page either ;)

Most interesting is a section each manpage has near its end:
SEE ALSO. This gives references to related programs and config files.

Once you installed xserver-, you can find lots of info in the directory
/usr/share/doc. Every package isntalls docs there. Mostly just 
copyright blurb, but sometimes a wealth of more or less usefull info. 
If indoubt, give it a try. For X there is a lot of info, eg. on the 
XF86Config file and the Device drivers.

greetings, martin

Nautilus does not start in Gnome

2001-02-19 Thread Rick Loga
I installed Nautilus ver. 0.8 from the unstable branch.  I am using woody with 
kernel 2.2.18.  When I select Nautilus from the Gnome menu it does not start.  
The messages log says the following: 
Feb 18 15:23:51 patrick gconfd (rick-805): starting (version 0.12),
pid 805 user 'rick'
Feb 18 15:23:51 patrick gconfd (rick-805): No configuration files found, trying
to use the default config source `xml:readwrite:/home/rick/.gconf'
Feb 18 15:23:52 patrick gconfd (rick-805): Initializing XML backend module
Feb 18 15:23:52 patrick gconfd (rick-805): Directory/file
permissions for XML source at root /home/rick/.gconf are: 700/600
Feb 18 15:25:52 patrick gconfd (rick-805): GConf server is not in use, shutting 
Feb 18 15:25:52 patrick gconfd (rick-805): Unloading XML backend module.
Feb 18 15:25:52 patrick gconfd (rick-805): Exiting

I tried Eazel support but they replied that they support Nautilus on Red Hat 
6.2 only.  The /home/rick/.gconf file is there but what other config files is 
the message talking about that are missing?

Want a new web-based email account ? ---

Re: Looking for clock track different times?

2001-02-19 Thread David Wright
Quoting Jonathan Gift ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 David Wright wrote:
   I looked but apart from twclock I couldn'rt find anything. Anyone know
   of an applet capable of showing times in different places?
  It might help to say what it is about twclock that you don't like.
  TZ=US/Eastern swisswatch 
 I don't need another analog clock. I'd really like to type the
 date/time at the prompt and get Eastern Standard time, or Pacific, etc.
 I'm now on European. So I don't wake people up...
 I looked at the date switches but saw nothing. Thinking about a shell
 script to cut the time, substract 9, etc. seemed there has to be

I'm not sure how you parsed my suggestion above, but all it needs is:

 -that's the normal date command.
  as before, that's the timezone you want to be local.
More briefly yet, TZ=EST date, if you're happy with this style of
zone names.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-19 Thread Keith G. Murphy
William Leese wrote:
 heh, noted.. using a seagate HD here.. only a few months old, had one prob
 with it.. which had something to do with the powersaving feature i'm
 guessing. can't see any reason to reboot linux at all, with exception as
 someone already said installing a new kernel.. but otherwise..

I, like others here, have had a better experience with Western Digital
than Seagate.  No wonder Seagate has been in the backup business.
 urgh, however.. i still have to use Windows for Dreamweaver, any suggestions
 it needs to be a WYSIWYG-editor (till i finally cleanup the generated code)
 that handles nested tables well.. and yes i know they shouldnt be used too
 much, and i wouldnt if i had a server to run apache and a DB

Netscape Composer?

Actually, I don't understand the part about if i had a server.  If
you've got a Linux box, you can run Apache and any one of several DB's
on it, and test out your pages locally.


2001-02-19 Thread Steve
On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Richard  Taylor wrote:

 On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Richard  Taylor wrote:
  Nothing in opensource is going to be close to DreamWeaver of course -yet
  That depends on whether you hand write your code or let a
  wysiwyg editor approximate it for you.
  Most pros will tell you that the only proper code is hand
  Dreamweaver does do a nice job when it comes to working
  up sketches. Then you have to go back and put things together
 Nada, a lot of pros use Dreamweaver as it's very good with code and server


 side stuff, guess you haven't used UltraDev eh? ;)

  Dreamweaver makes messes. Redundant tags, nonsense, etc... It builds
  thing the way it has to which is not always the best way of doing
  things. this is why most new editors on the windows side use the sort
  of interface that Arachnophilia and Homesite use... a text screen and
  a preview.

You really should take a look @ Ultra Developer by DreamWeaver. It seems
you might not be familiar with it.

  The are much more efficient ways of handling site functions like
  synchronization ftp, etc. You're not going to try to tell me that
  Dreamweaver's FTP program is even decent, much less good, are you?

I don't know, if even UltraDeve has that capability, I'm not talking about
the regular DreamWeaver, I hope you realize...

 I'm not involved in doing html stuff myself, I'm the sys admin, but the
 company I work for has a division that does fortune 500 co's web sites and
 they do use Dreamweaver Ultra Dev extensively. I don't think you'll find
 many people hand coding a 500+ page website. ;)

  Why not? With copy and paste I can do that many basic pages in just
  a few minutes. With search and replace and decent text tools I can
  make the necessary revisions in not all that much longer. This is
  basically text we're talking.. there are many ways to manipulate it
  quickly. If you're talking anything reasonably complex... people
  are going to want to spend enough time on it to get it right...
  coding time is going to be the least of it. 500 pages with no
  content is pretty useless... ya know.

LOL, no a professional doing large retail sites is not going to use a text
processor, although a lot of pros do use BBEdit and DreamWeaver side by
side as BBEdit is seamlessly accessable from within DreamWeaver UltraDev.

  With a program like a pre-processor that writes things the way I
  want them written, at least I have the assurance that things will
  be done my way if not the proper way. Generally, they're one and
  the same.

It's like the argument that b4 good page layout apps like Quark were as
good as they are that the pros used to write their own postcript. Now most
pros use a professional page layout app like Quark because it truly is
WYSIWYG and almost no one writes their own postscript anymore. =)

Why? Because it's faster and makes fewer mistakes, in business time is

That's why most pros now do use a quality html layout app like DreamWeaver
UltraDev, because it does the whole enchilada and is really very good.

Anyway have a good day.

-- Steve
ICQ 35454764 Powered by GNU/Linux kernel 2.2.18
 10:35am  up 19:45, 10 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.16, 0.21

Re: wine and woody

2001-02-19 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
David Purton wrote:
 On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Corrin Lakeland wrote:
  On Sun, 18 Feb 2001 05:48, David Purton wrote:
   $ wine notepad.exe I get this error:
   Could not load graphics driver 'x11drv'
   ack! any ideas?
   btw I had to install the xlibosmesa3 package, because otherwise it
   didn't find at all.  (is this a broken dependency in
   wine - since it says it depends on mesag3 OR xlibosmesa3?)
  Hmmm, I had exactly the same problem but I managed to get it working by
  installing xlibosmesa3.
  I suggest you run wine.bin while fixing this which will allow you to pass
  command line arguments.  Then turn on debugging (-v? can't remember) and 
  for the library that it fails on and install the appropriate package that 
  are missing (almost certainly related to mesa).
 hmm, Perhaps a more specific error message will help:
 err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin
 x11drv.dll: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _glapi_Context
 Could not load graphics driver 'x11drv'
 err:seh:UnhandledExceptionFilter Couldn't start debugger (winedbg
 134622744 40) (2)
 Read the Wine Developers Guide on how to set up winedbg or another
 this looks to me (who has limited C uderstanding) like libOSMesa is
 different now to when wine was compiled.
 Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars
 on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
 as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
 to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...
 Francis A Schaeffer
 David Purton

I don't have a solution, but I just want to say I have exactly the same
problem and exactly the same error message. So, I just can't use Wine.

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2001-02-19 Thread Bognar, Attila


Could someone tell me please, when the packages for woody will be put back
under dists/woody/...? Getting the packages one-by-one from pool is a
little bit slow...


Lost permissions on /dev/modem?!

2001-02-19 Thread Ken Januski

Sorry to be sending this via Outlook but all of a sudden I can't use wvdial
in Debian. It's been working successfully for me for about 4 months. Then
this morning I typed in: wvdial, and got this response:

Cannot open /dev/modem : permission denied.

Does anyone have any idea what might cause this? The only things I've done
recently that aren't daily operating procedure is experiment with a web page
using apache/mysql on localhost from netscape. The only other clue I have is
the last line in dmesg: Cannot cd to /usr/local/var: permission denied. I
think I tried to run that command sometime last night before the problem
occurred. I don't have permission to cd to /usr/local/var so the message
isn't surprising. I'm just not sure if it has anything to do with this

Thanks for any ideas,


exim configured with SMTP-authentication support?

2001-02-19 Thread Marco Herrn

my e-mail provider ( uses SMTP-authentication with cram-md5. I
use exim as MTA. But in the manual is written that SMTP-authentication is
disabled in the makefile by default. And because authentication doesn't work
I think it is disabled in the debian package. But I am not sure.

Does anyone know of that? Or just to find out myself if my binary supports
I wrote to the package maintainer but didn't get any response.

Thanks in advance


Sent through GMX FreeMail -


2001-02-19 Thread Joris Lambrecht
if dreamweaver would be available on Linux i'm sure there would be a LOT of
designer's making the transition, though i must add that Dreamweaver (not
UDev version) has it's flaws and shortcomings it is still a very productive
program to work with

my 2cents

-Original Message-
From: Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 4:51 PM
To: Richard Taylor
Subject: [OT] Re: WYSIWYG HTML Editor

On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Richard  Taylor wrote:

 On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Richard  Taylor wrote:
  Nothing in opensource is going to be close to DreamWeaver of course
  That depends on whether you hand write your code or let a
  wysiwyg editor approximate it for you.
  Most pros will tell you that the only proper code is hand
  Dreamweaver does do a nice job when it comes to working
  up sketches. Then you have to go back and put things together
 Nada, a lot of pros use Dreamweaver as it's very good with code and


 side stuff, guess you haven't used UltraDev eh? ;)

  Dreamweaver makes messes. Redundant tags, nonsense, etc... It builds
  thing the way it has to which is not always the best way of doing
  things. this is why most new editors on the windows side use the sort
  of interface that Arachnophilia and Homesite use... a text screen and
  a preview.

You really should take a look @ Ultra Developer by DreamWeaver. It seems
you might not be familiar with it.

  The are much more efficient ways of handling site functions like
  synchronization ftp, etc. You're not going to try to tell me that
  Dreamweaver's FTP program is even decent, much less good, are you?

I don't know, if even UltraDeve has that capability, I'm not talking about
the regular DreamWeaver, I hope you realize...

 I'm not involved in doing html stuff myself, I'm the sys admin, but the
 company I work for has a division that does fortune 500 co's web sites
 they do use Dreamweaver Ultra Dev extensively. I don't think you'll find
 many people hand coding a 500+ page website. ;)

  Why not? With copy and paste I can do that many basic pages in just
  a few minutes. With search and replace and decent text tools I can
  make the necessary revisions in not all that much longer. This is
  basically text we're talking.. there are many ways to manipulate it
  quickly. If you're talking anything reasonably complex... people
  are going to want to spend enough time on it to get it right...
  coding time is going to be the least of it. 500 pages with no
  content is pretty useless... ya know.

LOL, no a professional doing large retail sites is not going to use a text
processor, although a lot of pros do use BBEdit and DreamWeaver side by
side as BBEdit is seamlessly accessable from within DreamWeaver UltraDev.

  With a program like a pre-processor that writes things the way I
  want them written, at least I have the assurance that things will
  be done my way if not the proper way. Generally, they're one and
  the same.

It's like the argument that b4 good page layout apps like Quark were as
good as they are that the pros used to write their own postcript. Now most
pros use a professional page layout app like Quark because it truly is
WYSIWYG and almost no one writes their own postscript anymore. =)

Why? Because it's faster and makes fewer mistakes, in business time is

That's why most pros now do use a quality html layout app like DreamWeaver
UltraDev, because it does the whole enchilada and is really very good.

Anyway have a good day.

-- Steve
ICQ 35454764 Powered by GNU/Linux kernel 2.2.18
 10:35am  up 19:45, 10 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.16, 0.21

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: woody

2001-02-19 Thread Colin Watson
Bognar, Attila [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Could someone tell me please, when the packages for woody will be put back
under dists/woody/...? Getting the packages one-by-one from pool is a
little bit slow...

Package pools are the way it's going to stay, as far as I know; dists/
is mainly just there for compatibility and to provide somewhere for apt
to get its Packages and Sources files from.

What are you trying to do that doesn't involve apt? I'm sure somebody
could come up with a script that would do it for you, probably involving
the Filename: field in the Packages file.


email server?

2001-02-19 Thread seg


  Let me explain my situation...I have a small LAN at home: 1 linux
firewall/gateway and 3 workstations (me, brother and dad). With my cable
modem access we are provided with 3 email addresses. We'd like to split the
adresses, one for me, one for my brother and the last one for my dad. The
problem is that they are all accessed using the same email box; meaning
you can't check them individually. I could set up outlook to simply seperate
the messages in different folders, but that doesn't really solve the
problem, as the messages will be spread around the 3 comps.

 I'd like to run a mail server on my firewall/gateway comp. That server
would dl the messages from my ISP, sort them into accounts (one for each
familly member)  and them each comp/user could access its proper account and
dl the messages (from the firewall) using outlook. Is that possible to set
up? What program, howtos or whatnot should I look into?

 Thx in advanced for the information.

RE: woody

2001-02-19 Thread Joris Lambrecht
based on experience the only thing missing in pool is packages.gz file, so
it's a distributor's problem ... wonder why they don't do it in there ...

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: woody

Bognar, Attila [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Could someone tell me please, when the packages for woody will be put back
under dists/woody/...? Getting the packages one-by-one from pool is a
little bit slow...

Package pools are the way it's going to stay, as far as I know; dists/
is mainly just there for compatibility and to provide somewhere for apt
to get its Packages and Sources files from.

What are you trying to do that doesn't involve apt? I'm sure somebody
could come up with a script that would do it for you, probably involving
the Filename: field in the Packages file.


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