grabadora en red

2001-02-26 Thread Fernando Carvajal


Sabe alguién algún documento o como hacer que una grabadora que se encuentra
en un PC con Winnt
sea utilizada desde otro con Linux. No se como indicar este dispositivo. ¿
Alguna Idea?
Quiero grabar desde linux. El Winnt lo puedo montar con SAMBA.

Muchas Gracias

Un saludo

Jose Fernando Carvajal Vión
SOLUZIONA Software Factory
Servicios Profesionales de Unión Fenosa
C/ Pedro Teixeira, 8 - 28020 Madrid
Teléfono: +34 91 555 33 61  Fax: +34 91 597 05 62


Re: Sobre enlaces duros

2001-02-26 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Hue-Bond wrote:

 El domingo 25 de febrero de 2001 a la(s) 10:27:40 +0100, Antonio Castro 
 Tienes permisos para ello ? 
 Están ambos en el mismo FileSystem ? 
 Ambas cosas son imprescindibles.
  Yo he  leído que  hacer un  enlace duro  a un  directorio tenía
  alguna implicación  de seguridad pero  no vi la explicación  por lo
  que sigo con el interrogante. ¿Dónde estará el problema?

En POSIX ln y link(2) no permiten hacer enlaces duros a directorios.

Sinceramente creo que lo contrario sería un caos. Un link duro representa
dos cosas idénticas con distinto nombre y eso no es deseable en una 
estructura jerarquica de directorios. El directorio actual podría
llegar a tener varios nombres distintos. Te imaginas que el comando 
pwd devolviera una lista del tipo.


Curiosamente POSIX no prohíbe que los enlaces duros crucen
los limites de los sistemas de ficheros aunque eso no es 
posible con un sistema de ficheros plano como el de Linux
porque el inodo es un valor de clave única dentro de un sistema 
plano de ficheros.

Los inodos son claves numéricas. Interesa manejar claves pequeñas y
no parece facil hacer un sistema de ficheros que admita enlaces duros
entre sistemas de ficheros distintos. En el caso de NFS por ejemplo 
la cuestión sería especialmente compleja. No imagino que sistema de
claves i-nodos podría permitir algo así. A mi me parece imposible salvo
soluciones muy ineficientes pero el caso es que POSIX no lo prohibe.
Creo que lo prohibe el sentido común.

  David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| *** 1.700 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en ***Donde_Linux*** |
| |

Re: grabadora en red

2001-02-26 Thread J.L. Trivino

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Fernando Carvajal wrote:

 Sabe alguién algún documento o como hacer que una grabadora que se encuentra
 en un PC con Winnt
 sea utilizada desde otro con Linux. No se como indicar este dispositivo. ¿
 Alguna Idea?
 Quiero grabar desde linux. El Winnt lo puedo montar con SAMBA.
No estoy seguro, pero creo que una conexion red no tiene ancho
de banda suficiente para enviar datos una grabadora. Y ya sabras que si
la grabadora se queda sin datos a mitad de  la grabacion ya puedes ir
tirando el CD.
A mi me pasaba algo parecido cuando intentaba grabar y los
ficheros estaban en una unidad de red. No consegui grabar el CD hasta que
no copie todos los ficheros al disco duro local.

Hasta mas bits,

modprobe lp io=0x378 no funciona

2001-02-26 Thread Conrado Badenas
Ayer me puse a instalarle la Potato 2.2r2 a un amigo con, y
me quedé chafado cuando no conseguí cargarle el módulo lp, ni en la
instalación del sistema básico ni luego cuando ya casi estaba todo
terminado (con todos los paquetes necesarios metidos y configurados,
incluyendo X, netscape, y hasta un cliente de ICQ).

# modprobe lp
/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/lp.o: invalid parameter parm_io
/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/lp.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/lp.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/lp.o: insmod lp failed
# modprobe lp io=0x378
# modprobe lp (más combinaciones de io=... o de irq=...)
invalid parameter parm_io
invalid parameter parm_irq

Y en la BIOS tiene LPT1: 378/IRQ7 (ECP+EPP)
Todas las IRQs y DMAs estan puestas a PCI/ISA PnP en la BIOS
Hasta el PowerManagement Events tiene LPT ports disabled

Lo mejor de todo es que YO tengo una configuración de BIOS idéntica en
estos aspectos del LPT1, y a MÍ
# modprobe lp
(sin problemas)
# modprobe -r lp
# modprobe lp io=0x378
/lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/lp.o: invalid parameter parm_io
/lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/lp.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/lp.o
/lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/lp.o: insmod lp failed
(esto es increíble: el puerto io de la LPT1 en la BIOS es el 0x378)
# modprobe lp
(sin problemas)

Estoy pensando en mirarme el código fuente del módulo lp, para ver cómo
funciona cuando no se le pasan parámetros.

Si no consigo que su ordenador imprima, mi amigo se vuelve al Windows98.

Conrado Badenas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PhD student  | Assistant Lecturer
Department of Thermodynamics | Department of Exp. Sciences
Faculty of Physics   | Univ. School of Tech. and Exp. Sciences
University of Valencia   | University Jaume I
c/. Dr. Moliner, 50  | Campus del Riu Sec
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | 12071 Castellón

Bind 9.1 para Potato

2001-02-26 Thread Kynes


  Tengo un server con Potato y muchos problemas con el bind 8.2.2.
  Quiero actualizar a la ultima (9.1) pero no lo encuetro para Potato, 
¿existe? ¿o tengo que actualizar a testing y actualizar libc y bind?

Esten donde esten, todas las personas estan conectadas - Lain

Re: modprobe lp io=0x378 no funciona

2001-02-26 Thread Luis Arocha -Data-
El Lunes, 26 Febrero 2001, Conrado Badenas [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

# modprobe lp
/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/lp.o: invalid parameter parm_io
/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/lp.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/lp.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/misc/lp.o: insmod lp failed
# modprobe lp io=0x378
# modprobe lp (más combinaciones de io=... o de irq=...)
invalid parameter parm_io
invalid parameter parm_irq

palo de ciego
No se carga antes un módulo llamado parport_pc? Creo que es este
el que debe recibir el parametro io.
/palo de ciego

Luis Arocha Data
Islas Canarias, España

Re: modprobe lp io=0x378 no funciona

2001-02-26 Thread Conrado Badenas
Luis Arocha -Data- wrote:
 palo de ciego
 No se carga antes un módulo llamado parport_pc? Creo que es este
 el que debe recibir el parametro io.
 /palo de ciego

Jose M Galvez Aguilo wrote:
 No se... pero yo fui incapaz de cargar el modulo lp en la instalacion hasta
 que cai en la cuenta de que primero hay que cargar el soporte para el
 puerto paralelo. en tonces ya no hay ningun problema.

¡Ojalá yo tuviera tanta vista como ese palo de ciego!

En efecto, tras leer el fichero lp.c, la sintaxis correcta para cargar
el módulo lp es:
# insmod (yo uso modprobe) lp parport=... (no hay parámetros io, irq)

y en el fichero parport.txt se dice:
# insmod (yo usaré modprobe) parport_pc io=... irq=...

Cuando mi amigo me avise de que su ordenador está conectado le haré un
telnet para probar todo esto. Y si no es eso, veré si es que hay
conflicto de IRQs, como me ha comentado otro debianero.

Volveré a mirar lo que sale en el momento de la instalación porque creo
recordar que las instrucciones en pantalla del módulo lp hacían
referencia a los parámetros io e irq. Si es así, habría que mandar un
bug-report a Debian para que lo cambien, y digan que io e irq está en el
soporte de puerto paralelo.

¡Gracias a todos!

Conrado Badenas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PhD student  | Assistant Lecturer
Department of Thermodynamics | Department of Exp. Sciences
Faculty of Physics   | Univ. School of Tech. and Exp. Sciences
University of Valencia   | University Jaume I
c/. Dr. Moliner, 50  | Campus del Riu Sec
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | 12071 Castellón

Problemas de instalación

2001-02-26 Thread Laura milagros Castro Souto

  He tenido problemas al instalar Debian GNU Linux 2.2 (potato). En el dselect, 
tras seleccionar los paquetes e intentar instalarlos, me pide el primer CD pero 
después me dice Installation script error; exit status 100 o algo así. ¿Qué 
he hecho mal? ¿O puede estar el error en el script de instalación de los CDs? 
¿Puede solucionarse instalando un profile y añadiendo después los paquetes con 
apt en lugar de hacer el select?

  Gracias anticipadas por vuestra ayuda. Si necesitáis más datos, por favor, no 
dudéis en pedirlos.

  Laura Castro
  Ingeniería Informática
  La Coruña

Re: Problemas de instalación

2001-02-26 Thread Luis Arocha -Data-
El Lunes, 26 Febrero 2001, Laura milagros Castro Souto  [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

He tenido problemas al instalar Debian GNU Linux 2.2 (potato). En el 
dselect, tras seleccionar los paquetes e intentar instalarlos, me pide 
el primer CD pero después me dice Installation script error; exit 
100 o algo así. ¿Qué he hecho mal? ¿O puede estar el error en el 
de instalación de los CDs? ¿Puede solucionarse instalando un profile y 
añadiendo después los paquetes con apt en lugar de hacer el select?

Hola Laura,

Tiene pinta de ser un fallo en la instalación de un paquete concreto,
con lo que la solución que tú apuntas puede ser la más válida.
Realiza la instalación sólo con lo más necesario y después sigues
actualizando con apt, poco a poco. Cuando te vuelvas a encontrar con el 
paquete problemático lo dejas de lado y te lo bajas de Internet, 
en vez de
instalarlo del CD.

Luis Arocha Data
Islas Canarias, España

Re: xfree 4 y woody

2001-02-26 Thread marmolejo
On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 02:28:40PM -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:
 El Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 07:09:11PM -0300, Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez dijo:
  Dos preguntas una es donde puedo encontrar los paquetes para potato de las 
  xfree 4.0.2
  y otra es puedo hacer un upgrade de potato a woody con el apt y si esto no 
  tiene riesgos para el sistema y como se hace.
 Es cuestión de que /etc/apt/sources.list apunte a la rama unstable. Poco
 recomendado para máquinas en 'producción'. Si quieres ir mas allá de potato,
 pero sin los riesgos de woody, usa test.

¿no es woody=test y sid=unstable?es algo que no me queda claro desde
que han metido la rama test...un saludo
  - Debian GNU/Linux Sid Linux User #162799 - 
   -  PGP Pub Key en ID:0x64438485  -
  - marmolejo(@)able(.)es ICQ: 65833679 -

Description: PGP signature

parent de squid

2001-02-26 Thread admsis2
Hola lista: Estoy tratando de configurar mi squid para que sea el padre de una 
jerarquia. Pero no me sale de ninguna forma me . Si alguien me puede ayudar les 
agradezco. Documentacion, experiencia o lo que sea me va a ser de mucha ayuda.

Re: grabadora en red

2001-02-26 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 09:07:22AM +0100, Fernando Carvajal dijo:
 Sabe alguién algún documento o como hacer que una grabadora que se encuentra
 en un PC con Winnt
 sea utilizada desde otro con Linux. No se como indicar este dispositivo. ¿
 Alguna Idea?
 Quiero grabar desde linux. El Winnt lo puedo montar con SAMBA.

Dudo que puedas grabar en red. AFAIK, cdrecord necesita controlar directamente
la unidad, y eso no lo puedes hacer mediante un sistema de archivos de red.

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa  A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 user

Re: Hay problemas con LE?

2001-02-26 Thread Jaime E . Villate
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 02:30:16AM +0100, Luis M. Arroyo Egoscozabal wrote:
 Este fin de semana no me he podido conectar a La espiral, a alguien mas le
Ya está otra vez en línea. Hubo un problema en nuestra red local el Sábado por
la noche y solo hace unos minutos lo han resuelto.

Jaime Villate solucionado [Era Re: debian-es]

2001-02-26 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Jopé, esto torpe con el e-mail hoy. El subject era el que he puesto ahora

Saludos y perdón otra vez.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

conceptronic 100 TCL

2001-02-26 Thread Rodrigo Moya

Alguien ha conseguido hacer funcionar esta tarjeta de red en Debian?
Parece ser que es NE*000 compatible, pero no consigo hacerla funcionar
con el módulo ne.

Alguna idea, please?


RE: conceptronic 100 TCL

2001-02-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
modprobe ne io=0x300 irq=9, prueba a darle valores que no esten ocupados.. y 
despues lo pones en /etc/modules, para que se autocarge al arranque
Subject: conceptronic 100 TCL
From: Rodrigo Moya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 26 Feb 2001 18:16:56 +0100


Alguien ha conseguido hacer funcionar esta tarjeta de red en Debian?
Parece ser que es NE*000 compatible, pero no consigo hacerla funcionar
con el módulo ne.

Alguna idea, please?


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ricardo Rodríguez
Cartago - Colombia

For Valentine's Day shop by Brand, Product, Price, Store and Location!

RE: conceptronic 100 TCL

2001-02-26 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 26 Feb 2001 09:20:57 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 modprobe ne io=0x300 irq=9, prueba a darle valores que no esten ocupados.. y 
 despues lo pones en /etc/modules, para que se autocarge al arranque

es lo que llevo haciendo desde hace un rato, pero no doy con la
combinacion. La tienes tu instalada?
si es asi, ¿qué valores tienes puestos?


Re: grabadora en red

2001-02-26 Thread Toni B

Bueno jo todavia no uso Debian, aun, por que no me a llegado el envio de 
USA... Ja caera ja.

Veamos si quieres grabar en red -una maquina diferente- una maquina que usa 
Win-NT lo logico seria usar el programa de quema de CDs para NT (esto lo 
objeto como logica por que no tengo ni CD ni NT).

Si no lo entendi mal lo que tu intentabas era usar el programa Linux..

Hasta pronto

quien tiene woody

2001-02-26 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Hola a todos,
De la gente que anda por aqui, alguien tiene woody en CDs. Pienso jalarme
las imagenes pero si alguien tiene por alli las imagenes y me puede dar
una copia me ahorraria resto de tiempo.

Igual si no consigo las imagenes en CD ?Alguien se le mide a bajarse al
menos una?


diferencia entre /etc/rcS.d y /etc/rc2.d

2001-02-26 Thread Prosi
Pues eso, que diferencia hay entre estos dos directorios?

que en el rcS.d se ejecuta todo lo que hay en todos los niveles? y el
rc2.d se ejecuta en el nivel 2?

si se ejecutan los dos directorios al inicio, pk no lo pusieron todo en
un mismo directorio?

Re: quien tiene woody

Que vaina se me fue este disparo, que verguenza, esto va para otra lista,
no se donde meter la cabeza.

mil Disculpas

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Julian Armando Mena Zapata wrote:

 Hola a todos,
 De la gente que anda por aqui, alguien tiene woody en CDs. Pienso jalarme
 las imagenes pero si alguien tiene por alli las imagenes y me puede dar
 una copia me ahorraria resto de tiempo.
 Igual si no consigo las imagenes en CD ?Alguien se le mide a bajarse al
 menos una?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: grabadora en red

2001-02-26 Thread Javier Miguel Rodríguez (GUFO)
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 06:36:41PM +0100, Toni B wrote:
 Bueno jo todavia no uso Debian, aun, por que no me a llegado el envio de 
 USA... Ja caera ja.
 Veamos si quieres grabar en red -una maquina diferente- una maquina que usa 
 Win-NT lo logico seria usar el programa de quema de CDs para NT (esto lo 
 objeto como logica por que no tengo ni CD ni NT).

A mi se me ocurre una solución... montas un servidor de VNC, y con
un cliente de VNC desde Linux usas el nero o lo que sea :-)

Es más, lo acabo de probar con el TridiaVNC y funciona :-)

Lo que he hecho es que el NT monte por samba un share de mi Linux y
por vnc cargar el nero para que lea de mi share... a 8x... y va :-)

Eso si, aviso, mi red es CONMUTADA base 100... a lo peor en base 10 
peta :-(

Ta lue!

 Si no lo entendi mal lo que tu intentabas era usar el programa Linux..
 Hasta pronto
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Javier Miguel Rodríguez.(GUFO)  

Administrador de Sistemas
Futura Interactiva  Powered by Linux 2.4.2

Description: PGP signature

Abrir un fichero.xls con posgresql

2001-02-26 Thread Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Buenas, pues eso, tengo postgresql, la verdad estoy aprendiendo, y me
encanta, y me gustaria abrir un fichero en formato de excel de
mocosoft, donde tengo cantidad de informacion, y me gustaria pasarlo a
¿Que debo hacer? ¿Como lo puedo importar a postgresql o con pgaccess, me
es indiferente?
Muchas gracias

Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Adicto Linux Registrado : 150750
Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 r2.2 Potato Kernel 2.2.18
Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza.

Re: Abrir un fichero.xls con posgresql

2001-02-26 Thread Christoph Simon
On Mon, 26 Feb 2001 19:04:39 +
Sergio Valdivielso Gomez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Buenas, pues eso, tengo postgresql, la verdad estoy aprendiendo, y me
 encanta, y me gustaria abrir un fichero en formato de excel de
 mocosoft, donde tengo cantidad de informacion, y me gustaria pasarlo a
 ¿Que debo hacer? ¿Como lo puedo importar a postgresql o con pgaccess, me
 es indiferente?

Como PostgreSQL es una base de datos SQL tendrás que convertirlo en
SQL primero, es decir que tendrás que definir una tabela y convertir
cada línea en un enunciado tipo INSERT. Yo lo exportaría primero en
formato CSV y tendrás mucha oportunidad para aprender usar los
textutils de GNU ;)

Christoph Simon

Servidor facultad de la coruña

2001-02-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alguien sabe exactamente donde estan alojadas las 4 imagenes raw de
woody, junto con las 2 non-free en el servidor de la facultad de la
Alguien hace unos dias me envio la direccion pero la borre
Desde ya gracias.

Re: Hay problemas con LE?

2001-02-26 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El lun, 26 de feb de 2001, a las 02:30:16 +0100, Luis M. Arroyo Egoscozabal 
 Este fin de semana no me he podido conectar a La espiral, a alguien mas le
 Gracias, y que no sea nada :-)
Sip, a mi tb me ha pasado, y estuve trasteando con las librerias de qt y cuando
quise reinstalar... ui! LaEspiral no responde!

De todas formas, en este momenta ya esta funcionando
Nos leemos
Corolario de Farnsdick
- Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
  el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.

X y monitor Monocromatico

2001-02-26 Thread Jorge Sanchez Pelaez
hola, puedo correr el modo grafico Window Maker en un monitor
monocromatico, el pc tiene 32MB de RAM.



Re: modprobe lp io=0x378 no funciona

2001-02-26 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El lun, 26 de feb de 2001, a las 12:58:41 +0100, Conrado Badenas dijo:
 ¡Ojalá yo tuviera tanta vista como ese palo de ciego!
 En efecto, tras leer el fichero lp.c, la sintaxis correcta para cargar
 el módulo lp es:
 # insmod (yo uso modprobe) lp parport=... (no hay parámetros io, irq)
 y en el fichero parport.txt se dice:
 # insmod (yo usaré modprobe) parport_pc io=... irq=...
Si el problema es realmente sobre la carga de modulos, mira si esta puesta la
opcion del kernel de cargar los modulos necesarios automaticamente; si no
esta... ya sabes, a recompilar!

Nos leemos
Corolario de Farnsdick
- Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
  el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.

Re: grabadora en red

2001-02-26 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Sobre grabar desde linux en windows, que yo sepa no se puede

pero desde windows en linux sí... creo... hay el webcd o algo así que es
una interfície web para grabar cd's ;-)

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Toni B wrote:


 Bueno jo todavia no uso Debian, aun, por que no me a llegado el envio de
 USA... Ja caera ja.

 Veamos si quieres grabar en red -una maquina diferente- una maquina que usa
 Win-NT lo logico seria usar el programa de quema de CDs para NT (esto lo
 objeto como logica por que no tengo ni CD ni NT).

 Si no lo entendi mal lo que tu intentabas era usar el programa Linux..

 Hasta pronto

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Pues si no te encuentras bien, búscate mejor. (c)JMR/95

Cuidado usuarios de wmbiff

2001-02-26 Thread Jordi Mallach
Si alguien usa wmbiff y sigue unstable, cuidado...
Esta noche se ha instalado en el archivo de Debian una versión que no
funciona en absoluto, así que si queresi seguir usando wmbiff, no
actualiceis ese paquete o no mateis el que tengais en ejecución :)

Sorry, pff...

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: diferencia entre /etc/rcS.d y /etc/rc2.d

2001-02-26 Thread Carlos Valdivia Yagüe
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 07:01:15PM +0100, Prosi wrote:

 Pues eso, que diferencia hay entre estos dos directorios?
 que en el rcS.d se ejecuta todo lo que hay en todos los niveles? y el
 rc2.d se ejecuta en el nivel 2?
 si se ejecutan los dos directorios al inicio, pk no lo pusieron todo en
 un mismo directorio?

Viene muy bien explicado, aunque está en inglés, en

Lo que yo entiendo es que los scripts que están en /etc/rcS.d se
ejecutan siempre que arranca el sistema, independientemente del runlevel
en el que se vaya a iniciar el sistema. Posteriormente, si entramos en
el nivel 2 se ejecutarán los que estén situados en /etc/rc2.d, si es el
3 pues los de /etc/rc3.d, etc.

No están en el mismo directorio para hacer que sea más modular y que no
se inicien cosas inútiles en modo monousuario, en principio pensado para
arreglar algo que falle en el sistema o mantenimiento del mismo, y
porque lo que se ejecuta en rcS.d es imprescindible para el
funcionamiento mínimo del sistema.

Espero que te haya servido. Un saludo.

Carlos Valdivia Yagüe [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Debian/GNU supporter -
GnuPG key DCA0C461 - 13A4 0E99 9A24 05D7 E9B8  0B7F 624A DC44 DCA0 C461

Re: Abrir un fichero.xls con posgresql

2001-02-26 Thread Ramon Pons
Hola Sergio,

por mi experiencia en traspasos de Excel a Prostgres lo que te recomiendo es 
que primero
pases a Acces los datos, pues te hace la vida más fácil. Luego te instalas el 
odbc para
y de manera sencilla, exportas las tablas a través del odbc y  ya tienes las 
tablas en
No he probado nunca ha hacerlo directamente desde Excel a traves de odbc pero me
lo apunto para probarlo.

Si tuvieras que crear relaciones entre tablas, las harias luego en postgres, 
pero por lo
menos la tarea de pasar los datos ya la tienes hecha en 5 minutos.

Un saludo,


Por cierto, el odbc para Postgres lo puedes encontrar en

Sergio Valdivielso Gomez wrote:

 Buenas, pues eso, tengo postgresql, la verdad estoy aprendiendo, y me
 encanta, y me gustaria abrir un fichero en formato de excel de
 mocosoft, donde tengo cantidad de informacion, y me gustaria pasarlo a
 ¿Que debo hacer? ¿Como lo puedo importar a postgresql o con pgaccess, me
 es indiferente?
 Muchas gracias

 Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
 Adicto Linux Registrado : 150750
 Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 r2.2 Potato Kernel 2.2.18
 Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ramon Pons
ICQ:  93890021
 OpenPGP Information  -
You can get it from:
Fingerprint: B898 F5F3 7EA6 EE6D 1AAA  D177 233C 1DD4 5D83 EA6C

iso woody

2001-02-26 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa

bueno realmente no son woody pero con nero se pueden quemar y quedan bien,
ademas esta tambien hurd por si alguien quiere cacharrear

Re: Xfree86 4.0.2

2001-02-26 Thread Goran Ericson
måndagen den 26 februari 2001 13:39 skrev Chrazy:
 Finns denna som ett debian paket nånstans, eller hur gör jag enklast
 för att installera den på min nuvarande potato dist?


Titta på den här länken länken.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Bilaga: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Re: Xfree86 4.0.2

2001-02-26 Thread André Dahlqvist
 deb xf402_potato/i386/
 deb xf402_potato/all/

På tal om att installera paket från unstable på stable så har den nya APT
i Sid en ganska trevlig funktion: Den tillåter en att göra något i stil

apt-get install unstable/task-x-window-system-core

Men det är ju ett tag tills dess att denna version av APT hittar sig in i

André Dahlqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian på CD

2001-02-26 Thread Pelle Nilsson
Jag skulle vilja köpa en så modern Debian-distribution som möjligt på CD. Var ska man leta, och vad ska man titta efter (woody eller sid)? Finns det olika versioner av samma distribution (t.ex. olika versioner av woody) eller räcker det med att veta vilken distribution man ska ha?


Brasileiro escreve `bíblia' de Python

2001-02-26 Thread Cosmo
Segunda-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2001

Brasileiro escreve `bíblia' de Python

Livro de 900 páginas descreve a linguagem que roda em qualquer sistema 

Montar um site pessoal na Web pode, às vezes, ser um bom negócio. Foi assim que 
o carioca André
Lessa foi descoberto pela editora norte-americana Sams Publishing. Lessa, que 
trabalha nos EUA,
foi convidado a escrever um livro sobre a linguagem de programação Python. O 
resultado, um
calhamaço de 926 páginas chamado Python Developer's Handbook, já está à venda.

Ainda desconhecida dos brasileiros, Python é uma linguagem interpretada, 
inventada no início
dos anos 90 pelo holandês Guido Van Rossum e aperfeiçoada por uma legião de 
anônimos, à moda do sistema Linux. O curioso é que, quando saiu do Brasil, há 
três anos, nem
conhecia a linguagem. Aprendi com colegas de trabalho.

O livro todo foi escrito em cerca de um ano. Cobre as especificações da versão 
2.0, lançada no
fim do ano passado, mas não se limita a ela. Quando cito aplicações de rede, 
por exemplo,
também explico TCP/IP, conta o autor.

E para que serve Python? Para quase tudo, de aplicativos gráficos à construção 
de bancos de
dados na Web, explica Lessa. Quem faz manutenção de sistemas também leva 
vantagem. Python
obriga o programador a seguir regras, que forçam um estilo de programação fácil 
de ser
entendido, completa o especialista.

Talvez a maior vantagem da Python seja a portabilidade. Além dos arquivos 
binários, a linguagem
pode ser baixada da Internet (em em forma de 
código-fonte. Como foi
programada em C++ ANSI, roda virtualmente em qualquer computador, de Amiga a 
Macintosh -
passando, claro, pelo PC.

Escrever um novo livro não está nos planos de Lessa. O desafio, agora, é 
conciliar o trabalho
de consultoria aos cuidados com o filho João Pedro - nascido em outubro, junto 
com o livro - e
acompanhar a produção das versões traduzidas. Rússia e China serão os primeiros 
países a

Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
repreende os
colegas a quem deve dar assistencia 

Kevin Poulsen
[ ]'s

Hack Hour Inc.

Re: desabilitando su

2001-02-26 Thread Christiano Anderson

Se voce quer desabilitar o SU, a maneira mais facil eh tirar o SUID do


akhenaton:~# ls -ld /bin/su
-rwsr-xr-x1 root root23420 Feb 13 17:17 /bin/su

Depois rode um:

chmod -s /bin/su

O SU ficara da seguinte forma:

akhenaton:~# ls -ld /bin/su
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root23420 Feb 13 17:17 /bin/su

Desta forma, nenhum usuario conseguira executar o su.



Cosmo wrote:
 Enconteri um tutorial sobre seguranca e em um dos capitulos dizia como 
 desabilitar o
 comando su. Basicamente era o seguinte :
 Edite o arquivo su (vi /etc/pam.d/su) e adicione a seguinte linhas no arquivo:
 auth sufficient /lib/security/ debug
 Acrescentei essa linha no arquivo, mas mesmo assim consigo acessar o root 
 atraves do
 comando su, conectado com qualquer usuario.
 Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
 repreende os
 colegas a quem deve dar 
 assistencia tecnica 
 Kevin Poulsen
 [ ]'s
 Hack Hour Inc.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: UDMA 66 numa Epox MVP3G2

2001-02-26 Thread Itamar Grochowski Rocha
On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 05:40:19PM -0300, Carlos Eduardo P. Santiviago wrote:
 Itamar Grochowski Rocha wrote:
  Olá pessoal,
  tenho uma placa mãe Epox MVP3G2 com controladora ide e suporte a UDMA 66 
  (que funciona no
  rWindows) que usa o chipset é VT82C596B da VIA. Estou compilando o kernel 
  2.4.1 habilitando a opção
  VIA82 CXXX chipset support e Use PCI DMA by defaul when availble¨ assim 
  como manda o figurino,
  entretanto quando vou ver se funcionou:
 Eu compilei com as mesmas configurações que você disse no kernel, e adicionei
 'ide0=ata66' e 'idebus=66'no lilo. E uso também o hdparm: 'hdparm -X68 -c1 
 -d1 /dev/hdX',
 onde X é a,b,c ou d, dependendo da sua configuração. Mesmo assim não consegui 
 chegar a
 '66.6MB/s' alguém já conseguiu?

Tentei exatamente isto, a menos da opção idebus no kernel e continuo não obtendo
sucesso. Experimente usar a opção idebus e realmente constou que estava sendo 
utilizado PCI Clock
igual a 66, invés de 33, entretanto a taxa de transferência caiu de 33.0 pra 
29.5 Mb/s.

Pra fazer que as configurações do hdparm permaneçam depois do boot eu tenho que 
utilizar as opções
'-k1 -K1', não é mesmo?

Só pra constar, faltou informações sobre o hd que estou tentando trabalhar:

babylon5:/home/itamargr# hdparm -i /dev/hda


 Model=QUANTUM FIREBALL CR6.4A, FwRev=A5U.3400, SerialNo=826911537002
 Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw15uSec Fixed DTR10Mbs }
 RawCHS=13328/15/63, TrkSize=32256, SectSize=21298, ECCbytes=4
 BuffType=DualPortCache, BuffSize=418kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off
 CurCHS=13328/15/63, CurSects=12594960, LBA=yes, LBAsects=12594960
 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:120,w/IORDY:120}, tDMA={min:120,rec:120}
 PIO modes: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4
 DMA modes: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0 udma1 *udma2

Valeu pessoal!

Itamar Grochowski Rocha

Fortune cookie for you:
HTML - Hoje Tá Mais Lento. 

permissões /dev/ttyLT0

2001-02-26 Thread Rafael A . Schmitt

quero usar o wvdial para me conectar à net mas estou alguns probleminhas...
meu usuário está nos seguintes grupos: 

$ groups
rafael sys adm cdrom floppy audio dip users

com o pon consigo acessar o modem sem problemas , mas com o wvdial volta e meia 
tenho que mudar as permissões do meu modem ( /dev/ttyLT0 ) para 777 caso 
contrário ele retorna a mensagem de permissão negada.
às vezes conecto e desconecto , qdo vou reconectar as permissões já mudaram :(

qual é o mistério? :)

|*--=[ Rafael Alexandre Schmitt ]=--*| 
|Blumenau - Santa Catarina - Brasil -  A happy  Debian user! |
|Home Page   |

Re: UDMA 66 numa Epox MVP3G2

2001-02-26 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 14:15 de segunda-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2001, Itamar Grochowski
Rocha enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.

Caro Itamar,

  modes: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 DMA modes: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0
  udma1 *udma2

Não entendo muito sobre HDs, mas pelo que me lembro o modo de 66Mb/s é
o UDMA 4, e o de 100Mb/s é o UDMA 5. Se o hdparm informa que o máximo
que seu HD suporta é UDMA 2, talvez seja ele o culpado.

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg  Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG  uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285 sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP  (Baruch de Espinoza)

Re: UDMA 66 numa Epox MVP3G2

2001-02-26 Thread Itamar Grochowski Rocha
- Forwarded message from Alexander Gieg [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Caro Itamar,

Obs.: Não pude enviar a resposta via lista pq o
bloqueou e-mails provenientes do Terra. Vc poderia me fazer o favor de
enviá-la, juntamente com esta, para lá?

Para o pessoal da lista: Alguém sabe como reverter esse problema? Pq o
servidor de listas do Debian está rejeitando mensagens? Com quem eu
deveria falar?


[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg  Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG  uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285 sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP  (Baruch de Espinoza)

- End forwarded message -

Opa! Claro Alexander.
Feito ;-)

Itamar Grochowski Rocha

Fortune cookie for you:
A *li_9tnha te;lef***nica* es(t* *timaT!f%1 Y*u`*** O9*

proftpd e homedir

2001-02-26 Thread Flavio Alberto
Estou com problemas para fazer o usuario se manter no seu home dir no ftp
estou usando o proftpd 2.10 e debian 2.2.r2 eu ja setei DefaultRoot ~ no
/etc/proftpd.conf e fiz chown -R usuario.grupo diretoriodousuario/ mas mesmo
assim ele consegue subir e navegar pela maquina, como faco para ele nao
subir apenas ficar do seu direitorio para baixo.

Re: proftpd e homedir

2001-02-26 Thread José Manoel Junior
Olá Flávio...

Eu configurei aqui o meu proftpd.conf e ficou assim a linha referente a isso:

DefaultRoot ~ users,!staff

Ou seja... ficaria assim

DefaultRoot ~ GRUPO,!staff

Eu fiz assim e funciona aqui sem problema. Caso vc tenha mais de um grupo no seu
sistema que queira restrungir o acesso ao seu homedir, basta adicionar as linhas
adicionais com quantos grupos forem necessários.



Flavio Alberto wrote:

 Estou com problemas para fazer o usuario se manter no seu home dir no ftp
 estou usando o proftpd 2.10 e debian 2.2.r2 eu ja setei DefaultRoot ~ no
 /etc/proftpd.conf e fiz chown -R usuario.grupo diretoriodousuario/ mas mesmo
 assim ele consegue subir e navegar pela maquina, como faco para ele nao
 subir apenas ficar do seu direitorio para baixo.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

proftpd e homedir

2001-02-26 Thread José Manoel Junior
Olá Flávio...

Eu configurei aqui o meu proftpd.conf e ficou assim a linha referente a

DefaultRoot ~ users,!staff

Ou seja... ficaria assim

DefaultRoot ~ GRUPO,!staff

Eu fiz assim e funciona aqui sem problema. Caso vc tenha mais de um
grupo no seu sistema que queira 
restrungir o acesso ao seu homedir, basta adicionar as linhas adicionais
com quantos grupos forem 



Flavio Alberto wrote:

  Estou com problemas para fazer o usuario se manter no seu home dir no ftp
  estou usando o proftpd 2.10 e debian 2.2.r2 eu ja setei DefaultRoot ~ no
  /etc/proftpd.conf e fiz chown -R usuario.grupo diretoriodousuario/ mas mesmo
  assim ele consegue subir e navegar pela maquina, como faco para ele nao
  subir apenas ficar do seu direitorio para baixo.

  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

did something stupid - removed gzip

2001-02-26 Thread Jason N. Price
Okay, I just did something that, in hindsight, was very stupid.  :)  I have 
been getting a lot of errors from gzip, so I decided to apt-get remove it 
and then re-install it.  I removed it, but I now seem unable to reinstall 
it because gzip is not there.  Ooops.  Is there any way I can fix this?

Re: did something stupid - removed gzip

2001-02-26 Thread CaT
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 12:18:01AM -0600, Jason N. Price wrote:
 Okay, I just did something that, in hindsight, was very stupid.  :)  I have 
 been getting a lot of errors from gzip, so I decided to apt-get remove it 
 and then re-install it.  I removed it, but I now seem unable to reinstall 
 it because gzip is not there.  Ooops.  Is there any way I can fix this?

grab the tarball from and compile it. then put the executable
in /usr/bin and do an apt-get install to get the debian version.

CaT ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *** Jenna has joined the channel.
cat speaking of mental giants..
Jenna me, a giant, bullshit
Jenna And i'm not mental
- An IRC session, 20/12/2000

Re: did something stupid - removed gzip

2001-02-26 Thread Matthew Dalton
CaT wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 12:18:01AM -0600, Jason N. Price wrote:
  Okay, I just did something that, in hindsight, was very stupid.  :)  I have
  been getting a lot of errors from gzip, so I decided to apt-get remove it
  and then re-install it.  I removed it, but I now seem unable to reinstall
  it because gzip is not there.  Ooops.  Is there any way I can fix this?
 grab the tarball from and compile it. then put the executable
 in /usr/bin and do an apt-get install to get the debian version.

Okay, I've got the tarball - gzip.tar.gz, now what do I do?


Re: did something stupid - removed gzip

2001-02-26 Thread CaT
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 05:29:58PM +1100, Matthew Dalton wrote:
 CaT wrote:
  On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 12:18:01AM -0600, Jason N. Price wrote:
   Okay, I just did something that, in hindsight, was very stupid.  :)  I 
   been getting a lot of errors from gzip, so I decided to apt-get remove it
   and then re-install it.  I removed it, but I now seem unable to reinstall
   it because gzip is not there.  Ooops.  Is there any way I can fix this?
  grab the tarball from and compile it. then put the executable
  in /usr/bin and do an apt-get install to get the debian version.
 Okay, I've got the tarball - gzip.tar.gz, now what do I do?

Ok. It was wrong of my to assume that ppl wont think 'You DIOT!'
first :)

As such, in response I'd like to say: ls
--- PASV
--- 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,186,203,77,15,20).
 Connecting data socket to ( port 3860
--- LIST
--- 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
--- 226-Transfer complete.
--- 226 Quotas off
 Closing data socket
-rw-r--r--   1 ftp  ftp119146 Aug 20  1993 gzip-1.2.4.msdos.exe
-rw-r--r--   1 ftp  ftp788219 Sep 17  1993 gzip-1.2.4.shar
-rw-r--r--   1 ftp  ftp798720 Aug 20  1993 gzip-1.2.4.tar
-rw-r--r--   1 ftp  ftp220623 Aug 20  1993 gzip-1.2.4.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 ftp  ftp832431 Feb  3  1999 gzip-1.2.4a.shar
-rw-r--r--   1 ftp  ftp798720 Sep  5  1999 gzip-1.2.4a.tar
-rw-r--r--   1 ftp  ftp220774 Feb  3  1999 gzip-1.2.4a.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 ftp  ftp   115 Dec  7  1993 gzip-vms.README
 Closing idle connection
--- QUIT
--- 221 Goodbye.
 Closing control socket 

You DIOTS! 8)

CaT ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *** Jenna has joined the channel.
cat speaking of mental giants..
Jenna me, a giant, bullshit
Jenna And i'm not mental
- An IRC session, 20/12/2000


2001-02-26 Thread Alexander Pott
Can anyone help?

I am having trouble setting up my sblive.
When I use lsmod I can see that the emu10k1 driver is loaded but is
unused. The soundcore module is also loaded.
When I list the pci device the sblive is there and using the correct

But when I use a program like gcd to play an audio cd I can't hear
anything. I have used gmix to set the volume levels so it is not that.

Also when I use cat /dev/sndstat it doesn't show any drivers loaded.

What am I doing wrong?

Re: From: in mutt

2001-02-26 Thread Brian Frederick Kimball
bentley taylor wrote:

 in .muttrc, add a line like:
 my_hdr From: put your email addy here

Scott Vaverchak replied:

 I would also suggest to change your reply-to. For me my user name is adeo but
 email is suadeo, so i would suggest changing your reply (if you need to).
 my_hdr Reply-To [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why?  The address in your Reply-To would be identical to the address in
your From line, just like your's is:

From: Scott Vaverchak [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's redundant.  The Reply-To is meant to be used only in situations
where you want replies to go to an address other than the one in your
From header.

Getting to the GUI...

2001-02-26 Thread Rick Commo
Ok, one more try before I sell my Debian disks to the lowest bidder...

Spent the last two days trying to get potato installed and running X.  Last
attempt was these steps.

(1) Do a clean install - simple

(2) Say no when it asks if it should probe for a video card 
since I know that my ATI Expert98 will not be seen.

(3) Say yes to defaulting to the XF86_SVGA server, but no 
to creating the XF86Config file.

(4) When install finishes log into root and do
apt-get install xserver-mach64
and say yes to making it the default xserver.

It starts up XF86Setup and I configure what I think
is the correct monitor choice - 8514 for starters.

When I hit [Done] the Xserver barfs - no screens 
configured so therefore get the infamous  (by this time)
can't connect error 111 message.

(5) Do XF86Setup, this time selecting the SuperVGA monitor
choice and then 1024x768 with 8pp for the Mode Selection.
Can't believe my good fortune, this time it works and 
the XF86COnfig file can be written.

(6) Change /etc/inittab to level 5 and reboot.
The xserver crashes and I'm back in 80x24 mode.

When I try to start it by hand I get no screens 
configured message and the server bails.  No amount of 
playing with the monitor choice allows the X server to start.  

I can't believe that it should be this hard!!!

What am I missing?  I ask this because 3 other people within the last few
days have also made mention of this same problem with the X server - the
can't connect, 111 error.  Two were on this reflector and one was in a
private mailing.  I would hazard a guess that it is all tied up in one's
monitor selection, perhaps coupled with the choice of monitor mode

I am willing to give it one more shot, but so far I do have to wonder in all
honesty why anyone would bother with this distro.  Someone give me a reason!


attachment: winmail.dat

Re: Change group to access hardward is the right way?

2001-02-26 Thread Chun Kit Edwin Lau
but that's create a problem if I don't add disk group coz I can't access my
cdrom under 2.4.1 with DevFs kernel. my cdrom is a ide atapi cdrom and in
/dev/ it is /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd with root.disk group. I
need it for listerning to audio cd


On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 23:27:01 Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 11:49:18AM -0500, Chun Kit Edwin Lau wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  A while ago, I saw a posting saying that if, say, I want to
  audio stuff, I should add group audio to my normal user account. By the
  same arguement, for cdrom, hd, floppy, etc, I should add them to my
  user account. After a while, I find myself almost like the root who can
  access everything. so is that normal? or is there a better way to do
 cdrom and audio are quite normal groups to be a member of, they let
 you access sound hardware and read the raw cd (so you can play audio
 cds) there isn't much threat here.  only trusted users should be a
 member of audio since they can activate the microphone and record
 anything going on in the room the computer is located.
 group floppy is only needed if you need to format floppies or dd
 images.  it also gives you access to the tape devices.  
 never ever ever add yourself to group `disk' this is intended for
 backup daemons who need to read the raw disk devices.  but having
 group disk makes you root, you can totally destroy everything with
 that group.  (IMO disk devices should be mode 640 root.disk instead of
 660 root.disk, since backup programs need not write to the raw
 partitions only read)  
 Ethan Benson


Willing to work from home?? Earn Serious Cash

2001-02-26 Thread spchptholgist



Dear Friend and Future Millionaire, 
My wife received this e-mail and forwarded it to me to review. We've both read
completely through it and have been in contact with some of the individuals 
listed below.
We think it's an excellent opportunity that is well worth the small investment 
of time and money, and believe that you will, too! CRH


Making over half million dollars every 4 to 5 months from your home for an 
investment of only $25 U.S. Dollars expense one time


Before you say ''Bull'', please read the following. This is the letter you
have been hearing about on the news lately. Due to the popularity of
this letter on the Internet, a national weekly news program recently devoted
an entire show to the investigation of this program described below, to see
if it really can make people money. The show also investigated whether or
not the program was legal.
Their findings proved once and for all that there are ''absolutely NO Laws
prohibiting the participation in the program and if people can -follow the
simple instructions, they are bound to make some mega bucks with only
$25 out of pocket cost''. DUE TO THE RECENT INCREASE OF
This is what one had to say: ''Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I
was approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I am
so glad I finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the
minimal effort and money required.  
To my astonishment, I received total $610,470.00 in 21weeks, 

with money still coming in.
Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey

Here is another testimonial: 

This program has been around for a long
time but I never believed in it. But one day when I received this again
in the mail I decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the simple
instructions and walaa .. 3 weeks later the money startedto come in.
First month I only made $240.00 but the next 2 months after that I made
a total of $290,000.00. So far, in the past 8 months by re-entering the
program, I have made over $710,000.00 and I am playing it again. The
key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and NOT change

More testimonials later but first,


If you would like to make at least $500,000 every 4 to 5 months easily and 
comfortably, please read the following... 




Order all 5 reports shown on the list below  

For each report, send $5 CASH, THE NAME  NUMBER OF THE REPORT
YOU ARE ORDERING and YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS to the person whose
name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report. MAKE SURE YOUR RETURN

When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5 reports.


You will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer
and resell them. YOUR TOTAL COST $5 X 5=$25.00.
Within a few days you will receive, vie e-mail, each of the 5 reports from
these 5 different individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be
accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them
from you. Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in
case something happens to your computer.

IMPORTANT - DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next
to each report, or their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is
instructed below in step '' 1 through 6 '' or you will loose out on a majority
of your profits. Once you understand the way this works, you will also see
how it does not work if you change it. Remember, this method has been
tested, and if altered, it will NOT work !!! People have tried to put their
friends/relatives names on all five thinking they could get all the money. But
it does not work this way. Believe us, and Do Not try to change anything other 

 what is instructed. If you do, it will not work for you.
Remember, honesty reaps the reward!!!


1 After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and
REMOVE the name  address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person
has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune

2 Move the name  address in REPORT # 4 down to REPORT # 5.

3 Move the name  address in REPORT # 3 down TO REPORT # 4.

4 Move the name  address in REPORT # 2 down TO REPORT # 3.

5 Move the name  address in REPORT # 1 down TO REPORT # 2

6 Insert YOUR name  

Re: Change group to access hardward is the right way?

2001-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 04:19:05PM -0500, Chun Kit Edwin Lau wrote:
 but that's create a problem if I don't add disk group coz I can't access my
 cdrom under 2.4.1 with DevFs kernel. my cdrom is a ide atapi cdrom and in
 /dev/ it is /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd with root.disk group. I
 need it for listerning to audio cd

chgrp cdrom 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature


2001-02-26 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli
hi all,

oldnews:/home/marcadrian# ifconfig eth0
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:21:C9:94:8D
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

oldnews:/home/marcadrian# ifconfig eth0 -allmulti up
oldnews:/home/marcadrian# ifconfig eth0
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:21:C9:94:8D
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

shouldnt the MULTICAST part dissapear if ive specified no multicast? i want
to rid my network of multicast because im sure someone is flooding it with
multicast traffic, so if i can disable multicast on this interface i can rid
myself of the problem ;-)

can anyone help?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Administrator
Connect infobahn Australia
+61 2 92120387

Re: Getting to the GUI...

2001-02-26 Thread Nicole Zimmerman

 (4) When install finishes log into root and do
 apt-get install xserver-mach64
 and say yes to making it the default xserver.
 It starts up XF86Setup and I configure what I think
 is the correct monitor choice - 8514 for starters.
 When I hit [Done] the Xserver barfs - no screens 
 configured so therefore get the infamous  (by this time)
 can't connect error 111 message.

This isn't really enough information to fix this sort of problem from.
Try starting X with `startx  xlog.log` and then after your Xserver fails
to load, check in the xlog.log for more information. There has to be a
reason your screens aren't configured. 

 What am I missing?  I ask this because 3 other people within the last few
 days have also made mention of this same problem with the X server - the
 can't connect, 111 error.  Two were on this reflector and one was in a
 private mailing.  I would hazard a guess that it is all tied up in one's
 monitor selection, perhaps coupled with the choice of monitor mode

if you look at the Screen section of your XF86Config you'd get a little
bit of a picture of a screen. A screen combines the driver for your
card with the monitor and the depth/mode information. If any one of these
things goes wrong, a screen can't be created and you get the errno111.


Re: sblive

2001-02-26 Thread Pascal Hos
I was having similar problems until I tried creative's drivers. You can get 
them at
Just compile you kernel with modular sound support and support for the OSS 
sound modules without selecting the emu10k1 module. Reboot with the new 
kernel and then build the creative drivers and they should work.

Good luck,


On Monday 26 February 2001 00:45, Alexander Pott wrote:
 Can anyone help?

 I am having trouble setting up my sblive.
 When I use lsmod I can see that the emu10k1 driver is loaded but is
 unused. The soundcore module is also loaded.
 When I list the pci device the sblive is there and using the correct

 But when I use a program like gcd to play an audio cd I can't hear
 anything. I have used gmix to set the volume levels so it is not that.

 Also when I use cat /dev/sndstat it doesn't show any drivers loaded.

 What am I doing wrong?

Re: multicast?

2001-02-26 Thread Pascal Hos
You should type: ifconfig eth0 -multicast up

Pascal Hos

On Monday 26 February 2001 01:38, Marc-Adrian Napoli wrote:
 hi all,

 oldnews:/home/marcadrian# ifconfig eth0
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:21:C9:94:8D
   inet addr:  Bcast: 

 oldnews:/home/marcadrian# ifconfig eth0 -allmulti up
 oldnews:/home/marcadrian# ifconfig eth0
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:21:C9:94:8D
   inet addr:  Bcast: 

 shouldnt the MULTICAST part dissapear if ive specified no multicast? i want
 to rid my network of multicast because im sure someone is flooding it with
 multicast traffic, so if i can disable multicast on this interface i can
 rid myself of the problem ;-)

 can anyone help?


 Marc-Adrian Napoli
 Network Administrator
 Connect infobahn Australia
 +61 2 92120387

Re: openacs configuration

2001-02-26 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 04:21:38PM -0800, Aaron Brashears wrote:
 Everything is set up (with an earlier version of aolserver, since the
 testing/unstable deb is badly broken) but the openacsconfig command
 fails to create the required databases. Postgresql is running, and
 configured to be a tcp listener. Here's a short synopsis of what happens:

can you connect to pgsql via tcp for certain?

use DBI;
my $dbh=DBI-connect(dbi:Pg:dbname=whatever:host=localhost)
|| die 'canna connect';

(try 'perl -MCPAN -e shell' and 'install DBI DBD::Pg' if you
don't have those perl modules)

 I have point to in the hosts file, and
 ping works correctly. I know the database hasn't
 been created yet, since psql only shows the template1 database in the
 output form the \l command.

telnet localhost postgresportnumber
to be sure it's listening...

It is always hazardous to ask Why? in science, but it is often
interesting to do so just the same.
-- Isaac Asimov, 'The Genetic Code'

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!

Re: X on a Fujitsu Lifebook 420D (fwd)

2001-02-26 Thread Jo Geraerts

 I tried to set the vga=770 in lilo.conf but nothing happens, and I get an

Try vga=0x770. These are hexadecimal nr's, not decimal.


trying to *touch* makefile to fix the date stamp

2001-02-26 Thread jdls
I think I have screwed up my date stamp since I get a complaining message from 
make. I need to make the date current on all the makefiles in my system. Using 
the command

$find  -name [Mm]akefile -exec touch \{\} \; doesn't seem to work... 

any one help me please...



Re: trying to *touch* makefile to fix the date stamp

2001-02-26 Thread Daniel Jones
On Sun, 2 Jan 2000 04:11:43 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think I have screwed up my date stamp since I get a complaining message from 
make. I need to make the date current on all the makefiles in my system. Using 
the command

$find  -name [Mm]akefile -exec touch \{\} \; doesn't seem to work... 

any one help me please...



Well, you might start by setting your system clock.  If you
check the top of this message, you'll see:

On Sun, 2 Jan 2000 04:11:43 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Unless there's a SERIOUS delay in the system somewhere, your
system clock is wrong.  And touching everything is simply
going to set their date to your current system date, which
seems to be 2 Jan as of when you sent that yesterday.

mailman problems

2001-02-26 Thread Martin Würtele

since yesterday I've got a strange problem with mailman:
it doesn't send any mail, logs no errors, and /var/log/ says:
sendmail[13150]: LAA13150: to=|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post first2002t, 
delay=00:00:00, xdel ay=00:00:00, mailer=prog, stat=unknown mailer error 126

any idea what could be wrong, it's been working perfect for months...

yours martin

30DC 1D28 1D79 32F5 5E67  3ABB 28EE B35A 3E8D CCC0

Re: openacs configuration

2001-02-26 Thread Aaron Brashears
Just to bring a little closure on this...

It ends up that I didn't have the aolserver postgress driver
installed. That was a big pain because of conflicting package
dependencies which made it impossible to simply apt-get what I
needed. Eventually, I compiled the driver from source (and submitted a
small patch to the upstream people at and then proceeded
to find a lot of little problems with the openacsconfig script which I
was able to circumvent by manually doing most of the work.


2001-02-26 Thread Johan Groth
I'm an old Red Hatter that have resently converted to Debian (or rather
Stormix Linux 2000 Deluxe). I've upgraded my system to woody to get X4.0.2. I
also installed modutils 2.4.2 so I can compile a 2.4.2 kernel. And here is my
problem that I hope someone on this list can help me with. 

I boot Linux from a SCSI HD which means that either SCSI support must be
compiled into the kernel or you use an initrd-image and have SCSI support
compiled as modules. 

As I always have had SCSI compiled as modules in Red Hat I thought I should
use the same method here. But in order to get that to work I need to create an
initrd-image that can load the scsi modules at boot time and for that I've
always used mkinitrd which is a Red Hat supplied script. I have no idea how
that script made an initrd-image so I'm a bit lost here because mkinitrd does
not exist on my machine. 

What is the Debian way to make an initrd-image?


Johan Groth (xghjn) ! Tel. mobil: 0703 - 24 25 27
Cell Network!   Kontoret:  054 - 14 25 27
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ! Bofors: 0586 - 820 14

Re: help: libc6 install (was: Re: task-c-dev install)

2001-02-26 Thread Colin Watson
Marcelo Chiapparini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.3-15) but 2.2-4 is to be installed
  E: Sorry, broken packages

I was curious about the numbers associated to libc6, 2.1.3-15 (which is 
in the stable branch) vs 2.2.-4 which is in the testing branch. Now 
I remember that some time ago, when I was trying to install balsa, I 
installed the version of balsa which was in woody (unstable at that time), and 
the libc6 libs where updated in the process. Now I don't have balsa 
anymore, I remove it, but I think that something was messed up whith libc6, 
perhaps some information regarding woody? I am running potato 2.2.r2, and I 
want to keep stick with it. How can I fix it? 

If you've installed woody's libc6, you either have to install woody's
libc6-dev as well or else downgrade to potato's libc6, not mix and
match. You could download the .deb for potato's libc6 and install it
with 'dpkg -i'; if balsa is the only thing you installed which depended
on woody's libc6 then it should be relatively painless, otherwise you
might have to do a bit more work.

I tried to remove libc6 in order to install it again from stable, but a 
huge amount of packages will be removed in the process and I am afraid to 
mess up even more my system...

Do *not* attempt to remove libc6 under any circumstances. :) Downgrade
it in place.

In general, if you're running stable, be careful about upgrading to
individual packages in testing/unstable; make sure you know what
packages are going to be upgraded in the process.


Re: libapt-pkg2.7

2001-02-26 Thread Colin Watson
Jimmy Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I was wondering if anyone might know when libapt-pkg2.7 might come out?
I am using 'unstable', and really miss the 'console-apt'(a.k.a. capt).

libapt-pkg2.7 was provided by the old apt, and is now obsolete. Wait for
a new console-apt package to be released; a bug has already been filed.


Re: First of all

2001-02-26 Thread Colin Watson
Herbert de Castro Georg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm a quite new user of Debian linux and I need very much help here...
but first of all:

I'm using netscape 4.73 and I tryied to configure de newsgroup reader to
contact and subscribe to But Netscape can't contact
the server although the server is online.

Does someone read these news from netscape using the news reader? Or,
does someone knows how to do it? is not a news server. You could try looking for the
linux.debian.* hierarchy on your provider's server: some might carry it
already, or you could ask them to do so.


Drawing diagrams of servers

2001-02-26 Thread Russell Coker
I want to draw some diagrams of a network showing things such as user 
uploads files to an FTP server, FTP server uses rsync to push data to web 
server, users download data from web server.  I want to do this will little 
boxes representing each machine etc.

Years ago I used visio to do this on Windows.

I tried Kivio (KDE visio-like program) but it doesn't allow me to specify 
types of lines between objects (I want arrows to show direction the data 
flows), it doesn't seem to allow labels on lines, and is generally klunky.

Is there a good program in Debian that allows this?

Please CC me direct when you reply, I'm not on the list.

-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark   Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page

Re: Can't Locate binfmt... something to worry about?

2001-02-26 Thread Colin Watson
On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 06:02:37PM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:
 I've been getting the msg every two or three days now and know that it's
 origin is a program accessing an empty file. The questions are:
 1. Does this happen on most systems?
 2. Is it something particular to this system, and if so, how track down
 what is causing it?
 I've had xlogmaster on daemon log open almost continuously but have
 missed catching it in the act...
 Any ideas or suggestions appreciated.

From - /usr/src/linux/Documentation/binfmt_misc.txt

binfmt_misc isn't his problem, it's trying to execute random other files
for some reason, at which point the kernel constructs a module name
based on the first two bytes of the file and tries to modprobe it; it
only goes near binfmt_misc if that module has specifically registered
itself as knowing about the binary format in question. I haven't worked
out exactly what's causing it for him yet.

Kernel Support for miscellaneous (your favourite) Binary Formats v1.1

You can enable/disable binfmt_misc or one binary type by echoing 0 (to
disable) or 1 (to enable) to /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/status or
/proc/.../the_name. Catting the file tells you the current status of
binfmt_misc/the entry.

You can remove one entry or all entries by echoing -1 to
/proc/.../the_name or /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/status.

plug Try the binfmt-support package in unstable, which should make
things a little easier to manage. /plug :)


Re: Drawing diagrams of servers

2001-02-26 Thread Bram Dumolin

Russell Coker([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 01:07:07PM +0100:
 I want to draw some diagrams of a network showing things such as user 
 uploads files to an FTP server, FTP server uses rsync to push data to web 
 server, users download data from web server.  I want to do this will little 
 boxes representing each machine etc.
 Years ago I used visio to do this on Windows.
 I tried Kivio (KDE visio-like program) but it doesn't allow me to specify 
 types of lines between objects (I want arrows to show direction the data 
 flows), it doesn't seem to allow labels on lines, and is generally klunky.
 Is there a good program in Debian that allows this?
 Please CC me direct when you reply, I'm not on the list.

I'm not sure if this is what you want but try dia :)

 People using html in email should be shot.

If clear thinking created sparks, we could safely store dynamite in
James Watt's office.
-- Wayne Shannon, KRON-TV

By US Code Title 47, Sec.227(a)(2)(B), a computer/modem/printer meets the 
definition of a telephone fax machine. By Sec.227(b)(1)(C), it is unlawful to 
send any unsolicited advertisement to such equipment. By Sec.227(b)(3)(C), a 
violation of the aforementioned Section is punishable by action to recover 
actual monetary loss, or $500, whichever is greater, for each violation.

Re: Drawing diagrams of servers

2001-02-26 Thread Danie Roux
Bram Dumolin wrote:


 Russell Coker([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 01:07:07PM +0100:
  I want to draw some diagrams of a network showing things such as user
  uploads files to an FTP server, FTP server uses rsync to push data to web
  server, users download data from web server.  I want to do this will little
  boxes representing each machine etc.
  Years ago I used visio to do this on Windows.
  I tried Kivio (KDE visio-like program) but it doesn't allow me to specify
  types of lines between objects (I want arrows to show direction the data
  flows), it doesn't seem to allow labels on lines, and is generally klunky.
  Is there a good program in Debian that allows this?
  Please CC me direct when you reply, I'm not on the list.

 I'm not sure if this is what you want but try dia :)

Or try tkined. Part of scotty I believe?

It doesn't only draw diagrams though, more of a network troubleshooting tool.

Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix

Re: did something stupid - removed gzip

2001-02-26 Thread Colin Watson
Jason N. Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Okay, I just did something that, in hindsight, was very stupid.  :)  I have 
been getting a lot of errors from gzip, so I decided to apt-get remove it 
and then re-install it.

Since somebody's already answered this, I'll just add that what you
really want to do in this situation, for any package, is 'apt-get
--reinstall install package'.



Re: wine and woody

2001-02-26 Thread David Purton
On 25 Feb 2001, Pollywog wrote:

 On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 02:40:15 +,
   On 25 Feb 2001 02:30:43 UTC, Pollywog said:
 Try installing xlibosmesa3
 That might help; it worked for me.
   xlibosmesa3 from unstable
 Now the problem seems to be that when I try to install Windows apps,
 they look for Windows files that WINE does not yet have, and point to
 where they can be obtained at Microsoft's website.   At least the
 xlibosmesa errors are no longer a problem.  I don't want to install
 Windows on my machine, so I will have to wait for future updates of

I've only had success in installing fairly simple programs as well, but
why not try getting those files from the m$ web site and put them in
windows/system and see if it goes?

Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars 
on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...

Francis A Schaeffer

David Purton

Re: dependency problem with dpk

2001-02-26 Thread Colin Watson
Philipp Bliedung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I installed the new libc6 version (2.2.1-1) on my potato box.

Don't do that if you don't know what you're doing. :)

Would it be possible to add the testing directories to my sources.list
and get all the packages with apt-get from the Debian server? Would
'apt-get upgrade' work then? I don't want to upgrade to testing
completely (!!) but I want the blic6 package work !
What can I do?
When I downgraded to the 'old' version of libc6 (2.1.3-10) dpkg broke


If you can't get the old package reinstalled, you might as well upgrade
to testing. Put it in your sources.list, apt-get update, apt-get


Re: tool to get the size of each packages?

2001-02-26 Thread Colin Watson
Tam,  Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there any tool(s) to get a report of each package's used size in the 
Debian 2.2 system? I know that the new console-apt can show the 
package's packed size and install size, but I cannot find such function in 
the dpkg. Anyone kind to tell me where can I get this info?

'dpkg -p foo' will show the size of the compressed foo package among its
output, 'dpkg -s foo' will show the installed size once foo is


Re: Naming Custom Kernels

2001-02-26 Thread Jürgen A. Erhard
Hash: SHA1

 Martin == Martin =?iso-8859-1?Q?W=FCrtele?= Martin writes:

Martin On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 03:31:49PM -0500, David Raeker-Jordan wrote:
Martin (...)

 What is EXTRAVERSION for and what problems might I cause? Is EXTRAVERSION
 only to be used by the official maintainer, or can it safely be edited by
 mere mortals?

Martin AFAIK EXTRAVERSION is used for patched kernels, e.g. when I applied 
Martin patches for kernel 2.2.xx they became 2.2.xx-RAID, same I had with 
Martin patches.

Whoever edits the top-level Makefile before last compilation decides

Yes, patches often do set EXTRAVERSION, but that's of no consequences;
I can't think of a reason a patched kernel should check the
EXTRAVERSION to see whether it's correctly set (not to mention that
it's probably not that easy to get at the version string from any
random place in the kernel code).

At least that's what I go by... all my custom kernels do wear an

And this has the added benefit that multiple different kernels (built
for different machines) can reside in the same apt-able repository
without conflict...


Bye, J

- -- 
Jürgen A. Erhard[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
  My WebHome:
Debian GNU/Linux (
  Premature optimization is the root of all evil.  -- Donald .E. Knuth
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Use Mailcrypt and GnuPG


installation problem

2001-02-26 Thread Viljo Marrandi

When i try to install (actually upgrade) mysql i get following error:

(Reading database ... 15899 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace mysql-server 3.22.32-3 (using
.../mysql-server_3.22.32-4_i386.deb) ...
Can't locate object method value via package Debconf::Question at
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 76.
dpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 255
dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...
Can't locate object method value via package Debconf::Question at
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 76.
dpkg: error processing
/var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server_3.22.32-4_i386.deb (--unpack):
 subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 255

One thing that might be, is that i get the same error when i try to
configure Debconf:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/install# dpkg --pending --configure
Setting up debconf ( ...
Can't locate object method value via package Debconf::Question at
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 76.
dpkg: error processing debconf (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 255

What should i do?


Re: mkinitrd

2001-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 12:50:35PM +0100, Johan Groth wrote:
 I'm an old Red Hatter that have resently converted to Debian (or rather
 Stormix Linux 2000 Deluxe). I've upgraded my system to woody to get X4.0.2. I
 also installed modutils 2.4.2 so I can compile a 2.4.2 kernel. And here is my
 problem that I hope someone on this list can help me with. 
 I boot Linux from a SCSI HD which means that either SCSI support must be
 compiled into the kernel or you use an initrd-image and have SCSI support
 compiled as modules. 

if your going to compile your own kernel why on earth would you want
to subject yourself to the extra trouble of using the initrd kludge to
bootstrap your system??  the reason redhat does this is so the default
kernel is not bloated with every scsi driver in the kernel (whether
that is really that much of an advantage is debatable) when you custom
compile a kernel you can include only the scsi driver you need and
compile it right into the kernel, not as a module.  this is simpler
and cleaner.

compiling it as a module gives you zero benifit, you won't ever be
able to remove the module from the running kernel since you would
instantly lose access to the root (and all other) filesystems.  

 As I always have had SCSI compiled as modules in Red Hat I thought I should

leave your redhat ways behind, for they are baggage you no longer

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mozilla instability - followup

2001-02-26 Thread Xucaen
Hi. I just installed mozilla off my debian 2.2r2
CD's. I ran it for the first time from xterm, and
while I was using it, it just dissapeared, just
like you mentioned. the error in the xterm window
said segmentation error and gave some
it hasn't happened since (it's only been a day) 
I'm using FVWM window manager, X 3.3.6


 On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 10:46:22PM -0500, Glenn
 Becker wrote:
  I thought it might be a good idea to see if I
 could get an error output
  for this problem, so tried firing up Mozilla
 from the command line - to my
  surprise, the browser worked fine when
 invoked this way! I could enter
  addresses in the location bar without the
 browser crashing on
  However, the problem re-appeared when I
 opened Mozilla with wmaker or
  blackbox menus. So: there is a way to avoid
 the problem, but I'd still
  like to know *why* this happens and if there
 is a way to fix it. It's in
  the mildly-annoying-but-why-does-it-happen
   Whenever I try to interact with Mozilla at
 all, whether it's entering a
   new address in the location field or
 filling out a form, doing so blows
   the app away. It just disappears. I attempt
 to put the cursor in the
   location field, hit backspace and the whole
 thing goes away.
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble?

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Naming Custom Kernels

2001-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 01:27:01PM +0100, Jürgen A. Erhard wrote:
 Whoever edits the top-level Makefile before last compilation decides
 Yes, patches often do set EXTRAVERSION, but that's of no consequences;
 I can't think of a reason a patched kernel should check the
 EXTRAVERSION to see whether it's correctly set (not to mention that
 it's probably not that easy to get at the version string from any
 random place in the kernel code).

if all the absurd versioning convention used in the late 2.4
development is not proof that there is no magic to the value of
EXTRAVERSION i don't know what is...



Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mozilla instability - followup

2001-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 05:02:56AM -0800, Xucaen wrote:
 Hi. I just installed mozilla off my debian 2.2r2
 CD's. I ran it for the first time from xterm, and
 while I was using it, it just dissapeared, just
 like you mentioned. the error in the xterm window
 said segmentation error and gave some
 it hasn't happened since (it's only been a day) 
 I'm using FVWM window manager, X 3.3.6

rm -rf ~/.mozilla

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

RE: Drawing diagrams of servers

2001-02-26 Thread Ted Harding
On 26-Feb-01 Russell Coker wrote:
 I want to draw some diagrams of a network showing things such as user 
 uploads files to an FTP server, FTP server uses rsync to push data to
 web server, users download data from web server.  I want to do this
 will little boxes representing each machine etc.
 Years ago I used visio to do this on Windows.
 I tried Kivio (KDE visio-like program) but it doesn't allow me to
 specify types of lines between objects (I want arrows to show
 direction the data flows), it doesn't seem to allow labels on lines,
 and is generally klunky.
 Is there a good program in Debian that allows this?

Assuming you want a static diagram (e.g. which simply shows the
layout and sequence of events, etc) and not one which is updated
dynamically from a database of user activity, then I suggest that
a good way is to learn to use groff with the pic preprocessor.

Pic was tailor-made for exactly this sort of thing, and is quite
easy to use once you have got the hang of it.

Best wishes.

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 284 7749
Date: 26-Feb-01   Time: 12:56:28
-- XFMail --

Re: mkinitrd

2001-02-26 Thread Johan Groth
Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 12:50:35PM +0100, Johan Groth wrote:
  I'm an old Red Hatter that have resently converted to Debian (or rather
  Stormix Linux 2000 Deluxe). I've upgraded my system to woody to get
 X4.0.2. I
  also installed modutils 2.4.2 so I can compile a 2.4.2 kernel. And here is
  problem that I hope someone on this list can help me with.
  I boot Linux from a SCSI HD which means that either SCSI support must be
  compiled into the kernel or you use an initrd-image and have SCSI support
  compiled as modules.
 if your going to compile your own kernel why on earth would you want
 to subject yourself to the extra trouble of using the initrd kludge to
 bootstrap your system??  the reason redhat does this is so the default
 kernel is not bloated with every scsi driver in the kernel (whether
 that is really that much of an advantage is debatable) when you custom
 compile a kernel you can include only the scsi driver you need and
 compile it right into the kernel, not as a module.  this is simpler
 and cleaner.
 compiling it as a module gives you zero benifit, you won't ever be
 able to remove the module from the running kernel since you would
 instantly lose access to the root (and all other) filesystems.

I agree that having SCSI compiled as a module gives me no benefits but I still
want to do an initrd-image. Your suggestion, which I appreciate very much,
does not solve my problem; it goes around it.

Thanks for your reply though,

Johan Groth (xghjn) ! Tel. mobil: 0703 - 24 25 27
Cell Network!   Kontoret:  054 - 14 25 27
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ! Bofors: 0586 - 820 14

Re: mkinitrd

2001-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 02:10:31PM +0100, Johan Groth wrote:
 I agree that having SCSI compiled as a module gives me no benefits but I still
 want to do an initrd-image. Your suggestion, which I appreciate very much,
 does not solve my problem; it goes around it.

i am not clear on what you need an initrd for then.  but if you really
want one make it manually.  its just a ext2 filesystem on an ordinary
file, which is gzipped.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature


2001-02-26 Thread Tibor D.

I've installed the Netscape Communicator debs, and I installed the 
Mozilla 0.8 from

When I start up only the communicator, it runs ok.
When I start up only mozilla, it runs ok.
But: when I first start up mozilla, and then I'd like to start 
communicator too, then another mozilla-window is opening instead of 

Any ideas how to solve thist? I sometimes want to use both apps.


2001-02-26 Thread Martin Marconcini
I'd like to thank everybody who helped me setting up my primary networking.
I am now about to update the entire 2.1 slink to 2.2. potato using apt-get


Martin Marconcini.

Re: Drawing diagrams of servers

2001-02-26 Thread Russell Coker
On Monday 26 February 2001 13:15, Bram Dumolin wrote:
  I want to draw some diagrams of a network showing things such as user
  uploads files to an FTP server, FTP server uses rsync to push data to web
  server, users download data from web server.  I want to do this will
  little boxes representing each machine etc.
  Years ago I used visio to do this on Windows.
  I tried Kivio (KDE visio-like program) but it doesn't allow me to specify
  types of lines between objects (I want arrows to show direction the data
  flows), it doesn't seem to allow labels on lines, and is generally
  Is there a good program in Debian that allows this?
  Please CC me direct when you reply, I'm not on the list.

 I'm not sure if this is what you want but try dia :)

Thanks, I'm using DIA and it's pretty good.  It misses a few things such as 
the ability to put text in the center of a box and have the text get moved 
whenever the box gets moved.  But generally it does what is required and 
hasn't crashed on me yet.
I highly recommend that everyone who does basic web publishing of technical 
content install dia!

A finished version of kivio would be a much better program, but unfortunately 
kivio SEGV's, it only saves as it's own format or PS (and broken PS at that), 
and doesn't do arrows properly.

Thanks to Bram Dumolin for the reference to tkined (scotty).  I haven't 
checked it out as dia is a program dedicated to my task which seems to work 

-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark   Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page

Re: Mozilla instability - followup

2001-02-26 Thread Glenn Becker

I ran this command on the advice of someone in the #debian channel on ... it *did* clear out preferences, etc, but the problem
remained ... it does appear to have something to do with the way the w
manager menu is calling mozilla. It operates beautifully from the command

Glenn Becker
Online Producer, Community

At 4:08am on Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Ethan Benson wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 05:02:56AM -0800, Xucaen wrote:
  Hi. I just installed mozilla off my debian 2.2r2
  CD's. I ran it for the first time from xterm, and
  while I was using it, it just dissapeared, just
  like you mentioned. the error in the xterm window
  said segmentation error and gave some
  it hasn't happened since (it's only been a day) 
  I'm using FVWM window manager, X 3.3.6
 rm -rf ~/.mozilla
 Ethan Benson

Re: mkinitrd

2001-02-26 Thread Johan Groth
Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 02:10:31PM +0100, Johan Groth wrote:
  I agree that having SCSI compiled as a module gives me no benefits but I
  want to do an initrd-image. Your suggestion, which I appreciate very much,
  does not solve my problem; it goes around it.
 i am not clear on what you need an initrd for then.  but if you really
 want one make it manually.  its just a ext2 filesystem on an ordinary
 file, which is gzipped.

I want to boot the system the same way Storm Linux installed it and that was
with scsi support compiled as modules. And as you already know, if you compile
all scsi support as modules you need initrd so it can load the scsi modules at
boot time in order to get access to the root system. But you seem to know how
to make a initrd file. Is it something you can share with me?


Johan Groth (xghjn) ! Tel. mobil: 0703 - 24 25 27
Cell Network!   Kontoret:  054 - 14 25 27
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ! Bofors: 0586 - 820 14

Re: Drawing diagrams of servers

2001-02-26 Thread Bram Dumolin

Russell Coker([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 02:26:01PM +0100:

 Thanks to Bram Dumolin for the reference to tkined (scotty).  I haven't 
 checked it out as dia is a program dedicated to my task which seems to work 

actually I didn't mention it but someone whose email didn't come through :


thank him :)

 People using html in email should be shot.

My father was a creole, his father a Negro, and his father a monkey; my
family, it seems, begins where yours left off.
-- Alexandre Dumas, pere

By US Code Title 47, Sec.227(a)(2)(B), a computer/modem/printer meets the 
definition of a telephone fax machine. By Sec.227(b)(1)(C), it is unlawful to 
send any unsolicited advertisement to such equipment. By Sec.227(b)(3)(C), a 
violation of the aforementioned Section is punishable by action to recover 
actual monetary loss, or $500, whichever is greater, for each violation.

Re: Drawing diagrams of servers

2001-02-26 Thread Russell Coker
On Monday 26 February 2001 14:44, Bram Dumolin wrote:
 Russell Coker([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 02:26:01PM +0100:
  Thanks to Bram Dumolin for the reference to tkined (scotty).  I haven't
  checked it out as dia is a program dedicated to my task which seems to
  work well.

 actually I didn't mention it but someone whose email didn't come through :


You are correct, thanks Danie!

I've been a bit rushed today and I copied the wrong thing in my email 

-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark   Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page

Re: mkinitrd

2001-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
please don't CC replies, i read the list and don't need two copies.  

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 02:36:31PM +0100, Johan Groth wrote:
 I want to boot the system the same way Storm Linux installed it and that was
 with scsi support compiled as modules. And as you already know, if you compile
 all scsi support as modules you need initrd so it can load the scsi modules at
 boot time in order to get access to the root system. But you seem to know how
 to make a initrd file. Is it something you can share with me?

what i am saying is that this method of booting is more complicated
and thus more prone to failure, then simply hitting `y' instead of `m'
to precisely one option in your kernel configuration.   as far as the
rest of the system is concerned all you need to change is deleting
initrd= from your lilo.conf or grub menu.lst.  no other changes are

there is no legitimate reason for using an initrd in this situation
unless you are using the standard kernel packages built by storm, and
those will include the initrd for you.  for a custom kernel you are
expected to configure it correctly, that is with scsi drivers compiled
in and NOT as modules.  

as for building initrds, its a complicated and non-trivial procedure i
don't have time to explain such a thing. especially when its 100%
unecessary.   just compile the scsi driver into your kernel. you could
have done that and had your system booting with the new kernel in the
time it has taken to write these mails.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Drawing diagrams of servers

2001-02-26 Thread Helen McCall
Hello Russell,

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Russell Coker wrote:

 I want to draw some diagrams of a network showing things such as user 
 uploads files to an FTP server, FTP server uses rsync to push data to web 
 server, users download data from web server.  I want to do this will little 
 boxes representing each machine etc.

I use xfig for all diagrams. You will probably find that xfig can solve
your problems if you either use it to draw your diagrams, or else just use
it to annotate them afterwards.
 Years ago I used visio to do this on Windows.
 I tried Kivio (KDE visio-like program) but it doesn't allow me to specify 
 types of lines between objects (I want arrows to show direction the data 
 flows), it doesn't seem to allow labels on lines, and is generally klunky.
 Is there a good program in Debian that allows this?

You will probably find that Kivio will output its drawings in a format
which xfig can import. If so then just draw your diagrams and then import
them into xfig for final labelling.

If you have imported your diagrams into xfig, then you could produce an
xfig library containing all the Kivio symbols, and so use xfig to draw all
of your diagrams in future. I have done things like this for a variety of
purposes including technical diagrams, GIS mapping, scientific diagrams,

The xfig diagrams are saved in a readable ASCII file format which is easy
to understand. Therefore you can relatively easily generate them
automatically from your own database, and so you should be able to create
a database of all your user interactions, and have it automatically
generate editable diagrams for all your purposes.

 Please CC me direct when you reply, I'm not on the list.

I have copied it to you personally. I hope my help is of some use.

Helen McCall


Re: Mozilla instability - followup

2001-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 08:33:59AM -0500, Glenn Becker wrote:
 I ran this command on the advice of someone in the #debian channel on ... it *did* clear out preferences, etc, but the problem
 remained ... it does appear to have something to do with the way the w
 manager menu is calling mozilla. It operates beautifully from the command

this reminds me of the old joke `doctor it hurts when i do this!
doctor then don't do that then!'  

mozilla 21  /dev/null  

that will run mozilla in the background sending all that garbage it
pukes out to /dev/null. 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: sblive

2001-02-26 Thread Alexey Vyskubov
 Also when I use cat /dev/sndstat it doesn't show any drivers loaded.

It's ok for emu10k1 driver.

You cannot play only audio CD? Or you tried some wave-like data too, e.g. mp3,
.wav etc?

Alexey Vyskubov
(at home)
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: mkinitrd

2001-02-26 Thread Johan Groth
Ethan Benson wrote:


 what i am saying is that this method of booting is more complicated
 and thus more prone to failure, then simply hitting `y' instead of `m'
 to precisely one option in your kernel configuration.   as far as the
 rest of the system is concerned all you need to change is deleting
 initrd= from your lilo.conf or grub menu.lst.  no other changes are

I agree and I know it works. I've done method before.

 there is no legitimate reason for using an initrd in this situation
 unless you are using the standard kernel packages built by storm, and
 those will include the initrd for you.  for a custom kernel you are
 expected to configure it correctly, that is with scsi drivers compiled
 in and NOT as modules.

And if I want to build a generic kernel for a couple of friends? A retorical
question. :) No need to answer that.

 as for building initrds, its a complicated and non-trivial procedure i
 don't have time to explain such a thing. especially when its 100%
 unecessary.   just compile the scsi driver into your kernel. you could
 have done that and had your system booting with the new kernel in the
 time it has taken to write these mails.

I see. I hope I can find mkinitrd somewhere because that is the script I need.
Anyway, I thank you for your time and your persuasive answers. :)

Best regards,

Johan Groth (xghjn) ! Tel. mobil: 0703 - 24 25 27
Cell Network!   Kontoret:  054 - 14 25 27
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ! Bofors: 0586 - 820 14

Re: First of all

2001-02-26 Thread Herbert de Castro Georg
Well, that explains everything... the best I can do for this list is to create
some filters, then...

Thanks, anyway...

Colin Watson wrote:

 Herbert de Castro Georg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm a quite new user of Debian linux and I need very much help here...
 but first of all:
 I'm using netscape 4.73 and I tryied to configure de newsgroup reader to
 contact and subscribe to But Netscape can't contact
 the server although the server is online.
 Does someone read these news from netscape using the news reader? Or,
 does someone knows how to do it? is not a news server. You could try looking for the
 linux.debian.* hierarchy on your provider's server: some might carry it
 already, or you could ask them to do so.


Re: Procmail, pine, imapd and bogus mailboxes...

2001-02-26 Thread Thomas Guettler
On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 05:17:24AM +, Gavin Hamill wrote:
 I'm writing here 'because I never had this problem with Slackware' :)
 Okie, in /var/spool/mail, I have a symlink from 'gdh' to my real mailbox
 in /home/gdh/Mailbox, and this link in this preset dir lets crappy stuff
 like pine and UW's imapd work correctly...
 However, I've moved to Debian unstable, with qmail as the MTA, and
 procmail as the MDA (?) ... Alas procmail complains very loudly when it
 sees a link in /var/spool/mail - and as it's manpage says, will rename the
 link to BOGUS.gdh.blahblah ...
 What I'd like to know is.. is there a way around this, or to disable this
 'feature' of procmail?
 If someone has a more elegant solution I'm all ears, and yes I know the
 nicest solution is probably mutt and Courier-IMAP, but I like pine I'm

Do you really need this link? Why don't you don't you filter your
mails to different mboxes in your $HOME with procmail? (With a

Pine should be able to do this, maybe UW-imap not.

Thomas Guettler

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