OffTopic: TallerLINUX Cambia de dirección.

2001-04-11 Thread Webmaster - TallerLinux
Amigos Linuxeros:

Debido a que fue cancelado el dominio de Tallerlinux, lo he cambiado
temporalmente a la siguiente dirección Lamento
los problemas y/o dificultades que este inconveniente les haya causado.

Víctor A. valenzuela

Re[2]: fetchmail

2001-04-11 Thread Josep
En fecha Tuesday, April 10, 2001, 11:58:02 PM, escribió:

A Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez dijo:
 Tengo el siguiente problema con fetchmail

Creo que podriamos hacer un club...;-)
¿Alguien sabe como solucionar el siguiente problema?:

Mi servidor de correo, pongamos, y mi dirección
de correo [EMAIL PROTECTED] como se le indica a fetchmail?

He probado con lo que dicen en varios documentos haciendo:


pero entonces fetchmail contesta que intenta entrar en la cuenta
En cambio, si pongo la orden:


intenta acceder a la cuenta correcta pero al servidor, como
es lógico,, lo cual no es correcto, ya que el nombre
completo del servidor es el que ya he dicho al inicio.
¿Hay alguna manera para decirle a fetchmail que no coincide el
servidor con el dominio del login, o algo parecido? Ya no sé
por donde intentarlo...

Gracias mil por anticipado.


Re: Hola, necesito recondaciones de software para las sig. tareas:

2001-04-11 Thread Antonio Castro
On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Daniel Payno wrote:

 Hola Antonio...
 decías, el 09:16-10/abr/2001:
  Elige lo que te de la gana pero prueba afio, merece la pena.
 Pues yo prefiero rsync, la verdad

Me parece que no tiene nada que ver.

Me da la sensacion que rsync lo usas para minimizar la
cantidad de información transferida, pero no está pensado
para hacer copias de seguridad. Combinando find con afio
puedes hacer un sistema de copias que combine copias globales
cada bastante tiempo con copias incrementales muy frecuentes,
muy rápidas y muy seguras. 

La verdad es que no das detalles de lo que haces realmente.
No comentas tipo de soporte usado etc.. pero sinceramente
dudo que estés haciendo las cosas bien. Es importantísimo
poder confiar en las copias realizadas. afio da una seguridad
muy grande. Esta pensado para eso.

Pienso escribir un largo capítulo sobre copias de seguridad 
en mi curso.

   Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
 666   gcc: you're going to hell for this code style

Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| *** 1.700 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en ***Donde_Linux*** |
| |

Re: Re[2]: fetchmail

2001-04-11 Thread Thomas Bliesener
On Wed, Apr, 11, 2001 at 08:53:25 +0200, Josep wrote:

 fetchmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

¿Olvidaste la opción -u?

¿Qué pasa con 
fetchmail -u [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* Debian = GNU/Linux XP *

no puedo entrar con el GDM

2001-04-11 Thread Fernández Piqueras, Joaquín
Llego esta mañana y arranco el ordenador, entro a traves del gdm como
usuario normal y me acuerdo de que hoy toca actualizar Debian. Salto a una
consola (ctrl+alt+F1) entro como root y ejecuto apt-get update y apt-get
upgrade. veo que se pone a actualizar practicamente todo en gnome (y eso que
no hacia ni una semana que habia actualizado Debian). tres minutos mas tarde
acaba de actualizar. Cierro la consola, salto a la sesion grafica que tenia
abierta y como la habia abierto antes de actualizar se me ocurre que quizas
deberia cerrarla y volverla a abrir (por si acaso).
La cuestion es que despues de cerrarla no he conseguido volver a entrar a
traves del gdm, ni como usuario normal, ni como root. Desde consola puedo
entrar como root ejecutando startx, pero como usuario no puedo, no me da
ningun mensaje de error ni nada parecido. simplemente, no acaba de arrancar
y me retorna a la consola.
Desde el gdm, tanto como usuario, como root, parece que valida bien, pero me
retorna otra vez al login.
A ver si me podeis echar un cable, decirme lo que he de mirar, porque me he
hecho un lio con los logs y sigo sin ver donde esta el fallo. ¿a alguien le
ha pasado algo parecido despues de actualizar?
Por si sirve de algo, cojo los paquetes de unstable pero como voy
actualizando practicamente cada dia, no suelo tener problemas. lo de hoy, no
me lo explico.


Chip i810 y XWindows

2001-04-11 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Me han traído un PC con la tarjeta gráfica en la placa base y tiene el
chip i810. No soy capaz de configurar Xwindow. Tengo el kernel 2.4.1 y
potato con las opciones de i810 activadas y he bajado un Xserver en
formato rpm y luego debianizado XFCom_i810. El problema que me parece
que ocurre es que no ve la memoria de la tarjeta gráfica. Me ha parecido
leer que las xfree con el xserver SVGA también soporta este chip, pero
ni con un servidor ni con el otro soy capaz de arrancar las XWindows.
Con XF86Setup consigo arrancar una configuración pero debe ser a 320 x
300 y 8bits, porque cuando me conmuta y me presenta la pantalla de
xdvinetune (o algo así) solo me presenta un cuarto de pantalla y no veo
ni los botones para abortar con el ratón.

¿Alguién tiene esta tarjeta gráfica en placa base y que me pueda enviar
el fichero XF86Config y el xserver que usa ? O la manera de solucionar
el problema.


deshacer dselect

2001-04-11 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Un amigo usa dselect... y ya van dos veces que entra dentro dselect, y
entonces sale pero no quiere hacer nada y no hace control+c. Entonces hace
apt-get install algo... y quiere hacerle todo lo que no quería hacer...
hay alguna manera de decirle que se olvide de lo dicho con dselect?

Y ya que estamos, en woody se sigue usando dselect? o aptitude ya está

Muchas gracias

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #Linux User: 87347 || Nick: Pinux
   Me llaman 'el seis pesetas'...porque me paso de duro.

Re: no puedo entrar con el GDM

2001-04-11 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, abr 11, 2001 at 09:52:17 +0200, Fernández Piqueras, Joaquín wrote:


 Llego esta mañana y arranco el ordenador, entro a traves del gdm como
 usuario normal y me acuerdo de que hoy toca actualizar Debian. Salto a una

Vale, lo mismo me ha pasado a mi, estás usando unstable por lo que veo, al
leer los ficheros de error de inicio de sesión de gdm (~/.gdm-errors) se puede 
comprobar que es un problema con la versión de OpenSSL pues aparece:

OpenSSL version mismatch. Built against 90600f, you have 90601f.

Si me entero de como se resuelve esto en breve lo mando a la lista, voy a
preguntar por ahí.

Son las cosas que tiene usar unstable, nada recomendable para el que ha de
usar el sistema para producción, yo tengo unstable en el portátil para
desarrollo debian, sino tendría potato ;-)

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

Re: deshacer dselect

2001-04-11 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, abr 11, 2001 at 11:01:33 +, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:


 Un amigo usa dselect... y ya van dos veces que entra dentro dselect, y
 entonces sale pero no quiere hacer nada y no hace control+c. Entonces hace
 apt-get install algo... y quiere hacerle todo lo que no quería hacer...
 hay alguna manera de decirle que se olvide de lo dicho con dselect?

Como root, debería tener cuidado con lo que hace y deshace pero bueno,
Debian tiene recurso para ello y en /var/lib/dpkg se guardan versiones
anteriores del fichero de estado de la base de paquetes del sistema.

Puede hacer 

$ cp /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status-BACKUP  --- MUY IMPORTANTE
$ cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status

y ver si ese estado era el que tenía antes de estropearlo, si no, que pruebe
con los anteriores.

 Y ya que estamos, en woody se sigue usando dselect? o aptitude ya está

aptitude no está maduro pero avanza rápido, hay varios frentes para la
interfaz de apt que sustituya el uso de dselect como deity pero están en
fase de análisis y desarrollo, dselect será un peñazo (que conste que a mi
me sigue gustando, será la costumbre) pero es muy muy muy estable y robusto.

 Muchas gracias

Muchas denadas, saludos.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

Linux, Unix, Windows y ADSL

2001-04-11 Thread Carlos López
Buenas a todos.

Necesito saber que tipo de problemas puede haber con
Linux y cualquier tipo de Unix si contrato una linea

Adicionalmente, ¿ alguien me puede aconsejar un
proveedor decente ???


Do You Yahoo!?
Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis

Re: Linux, Unix, Windows y ADSL

2001-04-11 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, abr 11, 2001 at 05:15:46 -0500, Carlos López wrote:
 Buenas a todos.


 Necesito saber que tipo de problemas puede haber con
 Linux y cualquier tipo de Unix si contrato una linea

Teniendo soporte en el sistema para tarjetas de red ethernet y contratando
el servicio ADSL mediante un router externo, ningún problema.

 Adicionalmente, ¿ alguien me puede aconsejar un
 proveedor decente ???

Yo lo tengo con Infonegocio (Telefónica Data, es un servicio para
profesionales) y salvo el tiempo de espera para la instalación (ahora es
mucho menos, yo los pillé cuando estaban comenzando a implantarlo en mi
ciudad y estaban más que despistados) todo me ha ido perfecto.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

Desinstalación forzada

2001-04-11 Thread igonsos

Un saludo a todos.

Simplemente quería saber si, lo que acabo de hacer, 
hay una forma más 'civilizada' de llevarlo a cabo. Resulta que me bajé el 
qmail-src y, tras la compilación (que hay que ver lo fácil que te lo ponen con 
build-"package" :)) resulta que intenté instalarlo. Lógicamente me dio un 
conflicto con postfix.

Al tratar de desinstalar postfix dio errores de 
dependencias de paquetes como at, logrotate y alguno más. Solución: forcé la 
desinstalación de postfix e instale qmail. ¿Es esta la solución óptima o hay 
alguna forma más 'elegante' de hacerlo?

Como siempre, un millón de gracias ;)

Imobach gonzález Sosa
osoh en irch-hispano

Cómo corregir el error de unstable con ssh

2001-04-11 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola, como alguno que otro en la lista y otro foro ha tenido en la última
actualización de unstable problemas debidos a que no puede entrar en las X,
o usar ssh, etc, la forma de resolverlo es de lo más debianera :)

fakeroot apt-get source -b ssh

Y ya sólo queda instalar los paquetes ssh_2.5.2p2-1_i386.deb y

¿Cual era el problema?, pues muy tonto:
   ssh de unstable está actualmente roto debido a que OpenSSH está 
   compilado contra libssl0.9.6 y en la última actualización este paquete 
   se actualizó a libssl0.9.6a-1. 
   Regenerando los paquetes deb mediante 'apt-get source...' e instalandolos,
   problema resuelto.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

Embeber 'pdf' en la ventana del ordenador

2001-04-11 Thread Manuel Jiménez
Hola a todos.
¿Se os ocurre alguna forma de embeber un documento pdf abierto por xpdf en la
ventana del navegador, tal como hace el plugin de acroread?
¡El acroread de linux es un horror!

Usuario de Debian GNU/Linux, Potato.
Registro 90705 en
ICQ UIN: #63192058

Re: Embeber 'pdf' en la ventana del ordenador

2001-04-11 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, abr 11, 2001 at 12:13:35 +, Manuel Jiménez wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 ¿Se os ocurre alguna forma de embeber un documento pdf abierto por xpdf en la
 ventana del navegador, tal como hace el plugin de acroread?

Usa konkeror sobre KDE2 y fliparás :)
Te lo dice un Gnomero 0:-)

 ¡El acroread de linux es un horror!

Suscribo tu exclamación, saludos.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

Re: Embeber 'pdf' en la ventana del ordenador

2001-04-11 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Hay un plugin antiguo, genérico, y que debería funcionar para
cualquier programa que se llama xswallow. El problema es que, por
limitaciones de distribución, se ha quitado de Debian, pero lo puedes
encontrar en


On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 12:13:35PM +, Manuel Jiménez wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 ¿Se os ocurre alguna forma de embeber un documento pdf abierto por xpdf en la
 ventana del navegador, tal como hace el plugin de acroread?
 ¡El acroread de linux es un horror!
 Usuario de Debian GNU/Linux, Potato.
 Registro 90705 en
 ICQ UIN: #63192058
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re[4]: fetchmail

2001-04-11 Thread Josep
En fecha Wednesday, April 11, 2001, 9:36:25 AM, escribió:

TB On Wed, Apr, 11, 2001 at 08:53:25 +0200, Josep wrote:

 fetchmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TB ¿Olvidaste la opción -u?

oh, oh

TB ¿Qué pasa con 
TB fetchmail -u [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
TB  ^^

Pasa que un servidor ya no sabe ni leer
Gracias mil, ya funciona.
Ahora a pelearme con procmail y mutt X-).

 Josepmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Solucion] GLX para usuarios no root

2001-04-11 Thread Rawsock
El Mié 11 Abr 2001 00:01, Amaya escribió:
 Adrián Baños Sabater dijo:
  Más que una solución es prueba de mi incompetencia ¬¬U.  No se me paso
  por la cabeza cambiar la profundidad de color de las X en un principio.
  Vamos, que si pongo todo a 16bpp OpenGL va de vicio. Ahora me gustaria
  saber si es posible cambiar los bpp como usuario .. o como se hace ..  o
  decirme que RTFM .. etc.

 Para las X 4.0.x: startx -- -depth 24

Parece que tras la ultima actualizacion a Woody se ha arreglado el problema, 
ahora ya tira todo bien. Ni me hace falta entrar como root ni en 16bpp. Sin 
embargo, estoy usando el mismo driver para acelerar las X ( el d NVIDIA ). 
No, si resulta que los chicos estos de NVIDIA no son unos cebelloas y todo :^ 

Lo realmente raro es que no vi rastro en , o quizas el error 
era solo reproducible en mi maquina. En fin ... otro expediente X.


2001-04-11 Thread Toni B
Hola tropa

Sabeis de algun buen programa gràfico para ftp?

Antes usaba xftp -el de la SuSE- pero aca no lo encuentro i el KBear no me 
conecta-ja veré que le pasa-.




 Antoni Bella Perez 
# [Pàgina de traduccions del nucli Linux]
# [P`agina del Nucleo Linux en catalan]

Re: Embeber 'pdf' en la ventana del ordenador

2001-04-11 Thread Manuel Jiménez
El mié, 11 de abr de 2001, a las 04:56:36 +0200, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a dijo:

   Hay un plugin antiguo, genérico, y que debería funcionar para
 cualquier programa que se llama xswallow. (...)

Pues exactamente eso era lo que quería. Había olvidado completamente 
ese plugin desde la Debian 1.3 (claro: eran mis comienzos y había tanto que
aprender ...)
   Embebe el xpdf sin problemas y con rapidez. Sólo que convierte el 'popup' con
el 'copyrigth' en el típico 'Netscape subprocess error'.
   ¡Ah! la instalación con tu 'deb' reclama dependencias con el metapaquete
Netscape, así que lo instalé a las bravas en el '.netscape' de usuario.
Gracias y un abrazo:

---fin de respuesta a mensaje [EMAIL PROTECTED]---

Usuario de Debian GNU/Linux, Potato.
Registro 90705 en
ICQ UIN: #63192058

alguien trabajando con netsaint????

2001-04-11 Thread Pablo
me gustaria ponerme en contacto
si es posible

Re: Embeber 'pdf' en la ventana del ordenador

2001-04-11 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 05:36:23PM +, Manuel Jiménez wrote:
 El mié, 11 de abr de 2001, a las 04:56:36 +0200, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a 
¡Ah! la instalación con tu 'deb' reclama dependencias con el metapaquete
 Netscape, así que lo instalé a las bravas en el '.netscape' de usuario.
 Gracias y un abrazo:

Si, el problema es que no esta actualizado al sistema actual de
dependencias de netscape :(



2001-04-11 Thread Miguel Angel
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 06:59:26PM +0200, Toni B wrote:
 Hola tropa
 Sabeis de algun buen programa gràfico para ftp?
Hola, si te mola está el gftp (usa GTK+). No es de
lo mejor que hay en cuanto a estabilidad pero para
un uso normal está bien.   Lo de la estabilidad lo
digo porque fue el único programa capaz de bloquear
mi PC,  concretamente bloqueaba las X en una RedHat
6.2, aunque en Debian no me ha dado ningún problema.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Miguel Ángel Vilela ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 A.k.a. miguev at IRC-Hispano and Gulic.
 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias (Spain).
 Fingerprint: AB5C C6D7 FC75 0AE9 CE7A  23AD D05B C23A 7E32 B773
 Clave GPG en   ||  Buscar: miguev
 Web: (en desarrollo)
 ICQ:  #72624205 || Nick: miguev
 GULIC - Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias -
 Powered by Linux 2.4.2 on a Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 Potato
 Linux Registered User #184518 (
 Linux Registered Box   #81674 (IBM Aptiva 2175-352, P120, 32RAM, 1GB)
 Linux Driver Petition  #73209 (

   (@ @)
 ¡Qué dulde es el sueño en la primavera!
 No me despierta el alba
 hasta que por doquier se oye
 el canto de las aves vocinegras.
 Anoche escuché el ruido
 del viendo y de la lluvia.
 Y me pregunto:
 ¿cuántas flores se habrán caido?

Men Haoran / Madrugada de primavera.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Particiones

2001-04-11 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Yo tengo un RAID0 con 6 discos, 4 en dos canales IDE y 2 en un SCSI, todos
juntos en amor y compañía, y no ha petado todavía. La verdad es que lo
monté con urgencia por necesidad de espacio, pensando en cambiarlo, pero
en dos meses que lleva va genial.


El 11 Apr 2001 a las 12:10AM +0200, Andres Herrera escribio:
 El Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 09:26:51AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disidio iscribir:
  Vale la pena montar un RAID0 para una pc hogareña?
  Digo, que ventajas puede tener respecto de una configuración normal (es más
 Hombre, rápida sí que es, aunque se puede estropear todo si lo montas con
 discos IDE colocados en el mismo canal.
 Quizás es una configuración demasiado insegura para según qué cosas, pero si
 necesitas mejorar el rendimiento de disco sin utilizar más recursos el RAID0 
 una posibilidad fácil y que da rendimiento.
 Andres Herrera[EMAIL PROTECTED] | N.Reg: 66054
 Debian Potato  | bqp/AndresHE
 Clave GPG:

Andres Seco Hernandez- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MCP ID 445900 -
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway   -
Debian GNU/Linux -
Grupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux  de  Guadalajara  y
alrededores  -

Description: PGP signature

necesito informacion

2001-04-11 Thread TUSALUD TULUA

nesecito reseña historica del sistema operativo 
ventajas , deventajas
versiones etc
gracias por su 

Re: Fallo en arranque de Potato

2001-04-11 Thread Bella Tabucci

On Tuesday 10 April 2001 22:15, Bella Tabucci wrote:
 Hola! Buenas Noches.

 a) Hechos.- Potato 2.2.17, ayer funcionaba bien y fue parada con el comando
 'halt'. Hoy martes, no arranca. Inicia el arranque, lee las particiones y
 emite el siguiente mensaje:
 'Transaction Block Size =512
 Invalid session number or type of track
 Kernel Panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01'

 La version normal no arranca, un nucleo compilado, de la misma
 distribucion, bajo el nombre 22, tampoco. Desde boot-disk tampoco, desde
 rescue-disk dandole el parametro 'rescue root=/dev/had1/...

 2) ¿por que se ha producido?
 3) ¿tiene arreglo?
 4) ¿Como?

UNA RESPUESTA DIJO:Cuando te salga el prompt de LILO al arrancar desde el CD de 
rescue root=/dev/hda1

Lamentablemente no se trata del LILO.
lo del had1 y hda1 es un error mecanografico al enviar el correo.
He logrado, instalando otro disco como esclavo, que tambien tiene instalado
Debian, pasar el fsck, con el siguiente comando:
fsck -t /dev/hda1
Y dice que no puede abrir el disco, que parace haber un bloque defectuoso
y me dice que lo intente con el e2fsck. Lo he intentado de la siguiente manera
e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/hda1 tambien con
e2fsck -b 16385 /dev/hda1 y con algunos bloques más (sumando siempre el doble)

Y dice que no puede encontrar la extension ext2, literlamente dice:
can`t fin ext2 filesystem on dev ide, bad superblock on /dev/hda1, or too many 

La sesion tenia abierta, en el momento de ser cerrada, dos usuarios, uno de 
ellos con 
las X abiertas. Se cerró desde root, sin cerrar las X.
Puede ser que venga el problema de ahí?.
No puedo acceder al HD, ¿podria ser un problema de hardware?, simplemente que 
el disco haya petado.
Lamento dar la tabarra con ello, pero es que llevo dos dias casi desesperado 
sin poder trabajar por tener no documentos
que habia en ese disco.
Gracias otra vez.
Un saludo

Obtenha o seu email gratis na Comunidade Lusofona!
Portugal em Linha -

Sustituir gs

2001-04-11 Thread Hue-Bond
 En  hay un link a  un ftp de donde  te puedes
 bajar un  ghostscript que incluye  el driver  stp con el  que puedo
 hacer funcionar  mi flamante  impresora nueva.  El problema  es que
 para ponerlo tengo que quitar el gs que viene con Debian.

Package: ghostview
Depends: libpaperg, gs, [...]

Package: pstotext 
Depends: gs, libc6 (= 2.1)

Package: mgetty-fax
Depends: [...], gs, perl5

Package: gv
Depends: gs, [...]

 No puedo  quitarlo. ¿Qué  salidas me quedan?  (los que  vayan a
 decir Crea un paquete .deb con el nuevo gs que pasen al siguiente
 mensaje :^)).

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

RE: Problemas con Locales

2001-04-11 Thread Oscar Martin
Hola, otravez:

No puedo cargar el paquete locales. Apt me dice que hay conflictos con la 
libc6 (tengo la 2.2.2-1). Se deinstalo cuando cargue Netscape. Estoy 
bloqueado con este tema, por que hay paquetes que no puedo instalar al 
depender de locales (poor ejemplo, no he podido instalar hoy gdm)
Estoy clavado, asi cualquier ayuda me vendra muy bien.Gracias

-Mensaje original-
Enviado el: martes 10 de abril de 2001 1:57
Asunto: Re: Problemas con Locales

On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 10:57:37PM +0200, Oscar Martin wrote:

 Hola a todos,

 Se que en alguna ocasion se ha tratado este tema en la lista, pero no
 preste atencion porque entonces no me afectaba.
 El caso es que al instalar Netscape apt me advirtio de que habria 
 con locales y lo desinstalo.
 Ahora aun puedo escribir n y acentos pero, por ejemplo, ls no los 
 en pantalla. He revisado el fichero etc/profile y parece que esta en 
 El comando locale parece que muestra todo bien. Sin embargo, 
 me sale un aviso de Perl diciendo que hay problema con mi configuracion 
 locales, y que me asegure de que esta soportada en mi sistema.Sin ir mas
 lejos me ha pasado hoy instalando gv.

 ?Hay solucion? Gracias.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

primero ke nada comprueba ke tienes en /etc/environment LANG=spanish.
Asegurate tb ke tienes instalado los paketes para poder castellanizar la 
debian.Ahora vete a /etc/locale.gen. Editalo, con el vi, si usas otro no 
funcionara X))Bueno, bromas aparte, aki descomentas es_ES ISO-8859-1 y le 
pones # al ke este ya. Luego ejecuta locale-gen y ya no deberias tener 
problemas. Bueno, eso es todo. Hasta otra.


Orgullo Vikingo

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Sustituir gs

2001-04-11 Thread Christoph Simon
On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 22:54:30 +0200
Hue-Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  En  hay un link a  un ftp de donde  te puedes
  bajar un  ghostscript que incluye  el driver  stp con el  que puedo
  hacer funcionar  mi flamante  impresora nueva.  El problema  es que
  para ponerlo tengo que quitar el gs que viene con Debian.
 Package: ghostview
 Depends: libpaperg, gs, [...]
 Package: pstotext 
 Depends: gs, libc6 (= 2.1)
 Package: mgetty-fax
 Depends: [...], gs, perl5
 Package: gv
 Depends: gs, [...]
  No puedo  quitarlo. ¿Qué  salidas me quedan?  (los que  vayan a
  decir Crea un paquete .deb con el nuevo gs que pasen al siguiente
  mensaje :^)).

Puedes instalarlo en /usr/local/bin/. Puede que tengas que ajustar
algún directório, pero normalmente, desde el shell, vas a ejecutar

Christoph Simon

HP 694C endemoniada!!!

2001-04-11 Thread Miguel Angel

Hola, gente

Llevo varios ratos tratando de configurar mi linda
impresora  HP DeskJet 694C  que me  temo  que esta
poseida.  He probado en mi PC y en un portatil, no
funciona en ninguno la simple orden:

$ cat /etc/printcap  /dev/lp0

Los sintomas cuando ejecuto esa orden  (tanto como
usuario como root)  son:  La impresora coge papel,
se lo piensa un momento,  parpadea  primero el led
verde (power) y luego se queda con el led superior
parpadeando  (quejandose  de que no  tiene papel).
Entonces pulso el boton correspondiente al led (el
superior)  para  indicarle  que coga el  papel), y
coge el papel,  hace como que  imprime una linea y
escupe la hoja.

Otros comando que no resultan:

$ lpr /etc/printcap
$ pdq /etc/printcap (o como fuera para imprimir X)

Ahora mismo tengo instalados  lprng y magicfilter,
he probado con el  /etc/printcap  para  impresoras
matriciales y con el generado por el  magicfilter,
incluso en el  PC he intetado con PDQ,  pero sigue
sin dar resultado.  Lo curioso es  que en ruindous
la impresora funciona,  pero en Linux solamente lo
consegui una vez (RedHat 5.2).   Ya he visitado la   y   me   he   leido  el
Impresion-COMO.  EL kernel que uso es el 2.4.2 con
todo el  soporte para impresion  y puerto paralelo
metido directamente en el kernel, sin modulos.

La verdad, no se ya si sera cosa de la impresora o
de mi querida Potato,  pero estoy a punto de tirar
la  impresora  a  froi pro saco  y  comprarme  una
Lexmark  (que dice su fabricante que tiene drivers
para Linux). En fin, a ver si tengo suerte y algun
alma caritativa me da una soluciona a este enigma.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Miguel Ángel Vilela ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 A.k.a. miguev at IRC-Hispano and Gulic.
 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias  (Spain).
 Fingerprint: AB5C C6D7 FC75 0AE9 CE7A  23AD D05B C23A 7E32 B773
 Clave GPG en   ||  Buscar: miguev
 Web: (en desarrollo)
 ICQ:  #72624205 || Nick: miguev
 GULIC - Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias -
 Powered by Linux 2.4.2 on a Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 Potato
 Linux Registered User #184518 (
 Linux Registered Box   #81674 (IBM Aptiva 2175-352, P120, 32RAM, 1GB)
 Linux Driver Petition  #73209 (

   (@ @)
 ¿Qué se quiere decir cuando se habla de sacrificios a los ídolos?
 --preguntaron a rabí Bunam--. ¡Es impensable que un ser humano
 pueda ofrecer hoy día un sacrificio a un ídolo!
 Y el respondió:
 - Pues os daré un ejemplo. Imaginad a un hombre justo y piadoso,
   sentado a la mesa con otros convidados. De buena gana comería un
   poco más, pero la idea de desacreditarse ante los ojos de los
   demás lo reprime. Ha hecho un sacrificio a un ídolo.

 Cuento hasidim.

Description: PGP signature

Re: SOLICITO: XF86Config de Tarjetas S3 con Xfree 4

2001-04-11 Thread Luis M. García
El Dom 08 Abr 2001 12:43, Francisco Vila Doncel escribió:
 Ruego encarecidamente a cualquiera que use una tarjeta con chip S3 que
 me envíe su archivo de configuración de XFree versión 4, a ver si
 consigo al menos por comparación obtener una resolución decente en mi
 pantalla. Os lo agradeceré mucho. Un saludo a todos,

Este es el mío. Aunque las frecuencias de refresco del monitor son 
bastante conservadoras, consulta el manual de tu monitor por si acaso.
Lo tengo para una resolución de 1024x768, profundidad de color 24.

Section ServerLayout
Identifier XFree86 Configured
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard

Section Files
RgbPath  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
ModulePath   /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/

Section Module
Load  GLcore
Load  dbe
Load  dri
Load  extmod
Load  glx
Load  pex5
Load  record
Load  xie

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  keyboard
Option  Protocol Standard
Option  XkbRules xfree86
Option  XkbModel pc105
Option  XkbLayout es

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse0
Driver  mouse
Option  Protocol microsoft
Option  Device /dev/ttyS0

Section Monitor
Identifier   Monitor0
VendorName   AFC
VertRefresh  50-90

Section Device
### Available Driver options are:-
#Option slow_edodram
#Option slow_dram
#Option fast_dram
#Option fpm_vram
#Option pci_burst
#Option fifo_conservative
#Option fifo_moderate
#Option fifo_aggressive
#Option pci_retry
#Option NoAccel
#Option early_ras_precharge
#Option late_ras_precharge
#Option lcd_center
#Option set_lcdclk
#Option set_mclk
#Option set_refclk
#Option show_cache
#Option HWCursor
#Option SWCursor
#Option ShadowFB
#Option Rotate
#Option UseFB
Identifier  Card0
Driver  s3virge
VendorName  S3
BoardName   ViRGE/GX2
BusID   PCI:0:14:0

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Card0
DefaultColorDepth 24
SubSection Display
Depth 1
SubSection Display
Depth 4
SubSection Display
Depth 8
SubSection Display
Depth 15
SubSection Display
Depth 16
SubSection Display
Depth 24
Modes 1024x768

Section DRI

Re: Re[4]: fetchmail

2001-04-11 Thread Thomas Bliesener
On Wed, Apr, 11, 2001 at 17:16:36 +0200, Josep wrote:

 Ahora a pelearme con procmail y mutt X-).

Es la parte más interesante. ;-)

Arranco fetchmail normalmente con crond, pero con 

macro index G !fetchmail -v\r
macro browser G !fetchmail -v\r

lo puedes hacer también manualmente desde mutt con G. (Toda mi config
de fetchmail se encuentra en .fetchmailrc)

BTW, el estandard de marcar un reply es Re: y no Re[xy]:. Espero que se
mejore con mutt. ;-)
* Debian = GNU/Linux XP *

Re: [OT] IP sobrando

2001-04-11 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Sei que é Off-Topic (pra isso o [OT] no Subject), mas algum de vocês teria
 um (apenas um) IPzinho sobrando que pudesse me 'dar' (ou seja, deixar eu
 usar)? Quem tiver IP sobrando, de qualquer forma, e tiver a fim de saber o
 que eu tô afim de fazer, me manda uma mensagem (só pra mim). O resto, favor
 ignorar o meu pedido de esmola. :P

Posso pensar no caso.  Mas é 100 reaus mais o dinheiro do busão ;-)


Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Tel.: + 55 11 6224-1795
Division Multiservice Networks - First Deployments
Public Key =
(pgp-i 2.6.3)

\ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - Contra mail HTML
 X   ASCII ribbon campaign  - Against HTML mail
/ \

Linux na Folha de SP

2001-04-11 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro

Saiu hoje uma reportagem no caderno de informática sobre alternativas 
Windows.  Claro que apareceu o Linux.  Não é lá uma reportagem técnica, mas 
apresenta uma visão bem clara aos mais leigos.

Dispenso flames e comentários vazios sobre a reportagem.

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Tel.: + 55 11 6224-1795
Division Multiservice Networks - First Deployments
Public Key =
(pgp-i 2.6.3)

\ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - Contra mail HTML
 X   ASCII ribbon campaign  - Against HTML mail
/ \

RE: Linux na Folha de SP e no A Tarde

2001-04-11 Thread Marcus Brito
   Saiu hoje uma reportagem no caderno de informática
 sobre alternativas ao
 Windows.  Claro que apareceu o Linux.  Não é lá uma
 reportagem técnica, mas
 apresenta uma visão bem clara aos mais leigos.

Essa mesma reportagem saiu tambem no Jornal A Tarde (SSA/BA). O titulo era
Micro pode passar sem Windows. Para quem nao viu, a reportagem pode ser
encontrada em:

O texto eh exatamente o mesmo nos dois jornais. Escolha o seu predileto :P~

 Dispenso flames e comentários vazios sobre a reportagem.

Idem. Mas na folha ja sairam outras que nao dispensaria tanto, como

E depois alguem me explica porque na Folha eles gostam tanto de


Re: Linux na Folha de SP

2001-04-11 Thread Hilton Fernandes
Muito bem comentado: matéria leve, mas clara, para todo tipo de leigos.

Gostaria de falar de outra matéria, publicada na revista Amanhã, ou

A revista A Manhã é bem mais pretensiosa, uma espécie de edição
brasileira da famosa Wired americana, e se apresenta como revista de
economia e negócios.  Sua edição de março/2001 (ainda nas bancas),
publicou matéria de capa: Software Livre, Ameaça ao Windows.

Esperava algo no estilo Folha Informatica, mas para meu pouco
conhecimento do Linux, achei muito bem escrita e informativa.  Explicam
que o Linux deve ser chamado GNU/Linux, e mantém isso ao longo do texto
-- coisa que não vejo nem nos emails daqui. ;-)

Informam que a ameaça é mais em termos de servidores que desktops. Etc.

Acho que é uma matéria decente -- dentro do que conheço e do que pude
ler.  Melhor que a de revistas como InfoExame, cuja parcialidade
provocou fúria e um thread monstruoso neste grupo. 

Se tiver que recomendar para alguém, pode indicar...

[]s Hilton

--- Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Saiu hoje uma reportagem no caderno de informática sobre
 alternativas ao 
 Windows.  Claro que apareceu o Linux.  Não é lá uma reportagem
 técnica, mas 
 apresenta uma visão bem clara aos mais leigos.
   Dispenso flames e comentários vazios sobre a reportagem.
 Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Tel.: + 55 11 6224-1795
 Division Multiservice Networks - First Deployments
 Public Key =
 (pgp-i 2.6.3)
 \ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - Contra mail HTML
  X   ASCII ribbon campaign  - Against HTML mail
 / \
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Linux na Folha de SP

2001-04-11 Thread Carlos Laviola
Hash: SHA1

On 11-Apr-2001 Hilton Fernandes wrote:
 que o Linux deve ser chamado GNU/Linux, e mantém isso ao longo do
 -- coisa que não vejo nem nos emails daqui. ;-)

É uma questão de costume. Além disso, nem tudo em meu sistema é GNU,
então em vez de falar GNU/BSD/Artistic/.../Linux, eu falo Linux, em
referência ao kernel.

- -- 
carlos laviola - icq #55799523
$ chown us:us /your_base -R
chown: what you say!!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


GNU (Re: Linux na Folha de SP)

2001-04-11 Thread Lalo Martins
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 07:24:55PM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
 ? uma quest?o de costume. Al?m disso, nem tudo em meu sistema ? GNU,
 ent?o em vez de falar GNU/BSD/Artistic/.../Linux, eu falo Linux, em
 refer?ncia ao kernel.

Essa história de novo? :-/

O nome GNU não se refere ao fato de todos os componentes terem
sido desenvolvidos pelo projeto GNU. O objetivo do projeto era
criar um sistema inteiro que fosse livre, mesmo que pra isso
alguns componentes fossem adaptados de outras fontes.

Esse sistema que nós usamos hoje - principalmente o Debian - é
praticamente o sistema que vinha sendo reunido e integrado pelo
projeto GNU há anos, powered by o kernel Linux. Por isso que
muita gente acha injusto chamar de Linux e não de GNU.

Eu pessoalmente gosto de dizer que uso GNU, ponto. Nem GNU/Linux.

Senão, quem usa Windows ME teria que dizer que usa DOS, se o
critério for o kernel ;-)

   I say a prayer now our love's departed
That you'll come back to stay
  Bring back the perfect day[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key:

Brazil of Darkness (RPG)  ---

Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Known Human Nick Rusnov
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED]it was written:
  Anyway...   Does anybody know what steps I need to do in order make ssh
work so I can log in remotely?   I wanted to try to use Tera Term Pro with
the SSH extenstion to log onto my Linux machine from a Windows machine on
the local network.

Right now if I type:

ssh -v -l root rocky

  I get this error message about authenticity not being established.   I
made a 'indentification' and an authorization file in the  ~/.ssh directory
along with the keys created by ssh-keygen, but I really don't know what I'm
doing.  I just tried to do what it said in the HOWTO link above, and nothing
seems to work.

Hmm, maybe when you installed ssh you didn't opt to run the ssh server also.

This is easily remidied, however, if this is indeed the case, with most modern
Debian installations:

dpkg-reconfigure ssh

Then anser yes (generally by using the left and right arrows to select yes, then
hitting enter) when it asks you if you'd like to run the sshd server.

As for running telnet, telnet is fine as long as you know your network is 
and secure (eg a private subnet lan of which you are the only user) .. otherwise
your passwords are exposed in cleartext to anyone who cares to listen.


as always,
Developer - Systems Engineer - Mad System Guru - MOO Sales
he picks up scraps of information/he's adept at adaptation
because for strangers and arrangers/constant change is here to stay

ssh problems

2001-04-11 Thread Tomaas Ortega

hey guys
im getting these errors when running ssh i was wondering if 
anyone could help me 

debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_2.5.2p2debug1: 
load_private_key_autodetect: type 0 RSA1Disabling protocol version 2. Could 
not load host keydebug1: Bind to port 22 on

all keygens are installed as well as sshdand rsa and dsa
im stumped as to what it could be
any help would be greatly appreciated

Tomaas Ortega"Hey, does anybody else hear that giant 
sucking sound? That's my will to live" - coming

Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread ktb
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 11:37:32PM -0400, Kevin Stokes wrote:
Once again I find myself helpless.   As unreliable and as frustrating as
 Windows is, in Linux it seems like you can't do anything without asking for
   I wanted to remotely login from a Windows machine to my linux machine.  So
 I wanted to install telnetd.   Everyone said, 'shame on you, telnet is
 simply awful.  You should be chained to the wall and whipped for wanting to
 use telnet!   Use 'ssh' instead.'

I would encourage you to give putty a try.  It is an ssh client
that will fit on a floppy.  Easy to use.  You can nab it at -
grab putty.exe

Check and make sure you have sshd running on your Debian machine -
deb:~$ ps ax | grep sshd
  260 ?S  0:08 /usr/sbin/sshd   
If it is you should be able to just fire up putty and point it to your
Debian machine.

  And he drowns.  You start searching archives and HOWTO's.  Each thing you
 find leads you in 10 different directions;  10 more places to look for
 answers.  Only each of those ten leads simply bring up 10 more questions and
 strange things you never heard of.It seems like there is a infinite sea
 of little config files, and nested /etc directories, and devices and weird
 little two-letter commands.And for each of these, there are man pages
 with 20 options, and completely obscure text which makes no sense unless you
 already know everything.
   You can tell this from the tone of most newbie posts.   They are
 embarrassed to have to ask these questions.   They (read me) have a tough
 time asking a question which uses terminology correctly, or even coming up a
 question that makes sense.

Linux is hard to learn.  There is no getting around it.  There is no
reason for anyone to be embarrassed to ask questions here, if they have
made a genuine effort to solve the problem on their own first.  Don't
expect to get everything working over-night.  Just keep plugging away,
one thing at a time and you will get there.  Relax and have some fun
solving problems:)

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: Upgrading to Progeny ?

2001-04-11 Thread Zac Epkes
From what i know, apt-get will install the latest version that is available 
to it, so it should downgrade to the newer packages in its list... and if 
it doesnt download the older upgrade software it shouldnt matter...

- overid3 =)

On Tuesday 10 April 2001 12:18, Hall Stevenson wrote:
  On Tuesday 10 April 2001 14:27, Hall Stevenson wrote:
   I'm currently running Debian sid or unstable and the idea
   of upgrading (is it really upgrading ?? :-)) to Progeny has
   crossed my mind. Is doing so feasible ?? Can apt-get
   handle the differences in package version numbers, if there
   are differences ??
  I heard that Progeny is based on Woody, so this would be a
  downgrade. And I recently read on this list that apt cannot
  downgrade a whole distribution. (Someone please correct me
  if I'm wrong.) Looks like you best start with fresh formmatted
  harddrive to install Progeny. If you do it, please tell me and
  perhaps the list what you think about it, when you're done.

 If what you think is true, you (and others) will have to find out from
 someone else. ;-) I'm not interested in downgrading, if that's what the
 case would be. I was hoping that Progeny may have a somewhat parallel
 branch to Debian's sid. Actually, I'm sure they do or do they only use
 stable packages and do whatever modifications they do from those ??

 I'll check around their website some more...


Installation Problem (Debian Linux)

2001-04-11 Thread sujit_pandit
Dear Sir,
I have a PC with 20GB Hard disk, 810 Intel Chipset Motherboard and P-III 700 
CPU. In my hard disk, there are two partition, First partition (i.e Pri. Dos 
portion) contain Windows'98 OS. I have already installed Debian Linux in my 
Second Partition, after installation I am facing various problem, please solve 
my proble.

Problem 1: After Installation ( your mentioned procedure which was avalable in 
your CD) , I found that all the files are not installed.

Problem 2: Xwindow is not working.There I found a error message.

Thanking you

email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - a free web based e-mail service that also pays!!!

startx not working

2001-04-11 Thread Kevin C. Smith
Running Debian unstable.
Just did an upgrade and now startx does not work. Can start xdm, but
will now go further then the login screen. 
This happen to anyone else, and what is causing it?

Kevin C. Smith There are three kinds of men. The one that learns 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]by reading. The few who learn by observation. The
   rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for
   themselves.  -- Will Rogers   

Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Paul D. Smith
%% Known Human Nick Rusnov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  khnr As for running telnet, telnet is fine as long as you know your
  khnr network is private and secure (eg a private subnet lan of which
  khnr you are the only user) .. otherwise your passwords are exposed
  khnr in cleartext to anyone who cares to listen.

On my local network I have installed and run telnet-ssl and telnetd-ssl.
This is normal telnet authentication, but your password, etc. is sent
encrypted instead of in the clear.  That's enough paranoia for me, since
I have a very strict firewall guarding it.

Check it out (apt-get install telnet-ssl telnetd-ssl).

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]HASMAT--HA Software Methods  Tools
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

Re: combo GUI/text mail client

2001-04-11 Thread Speed Blue
You can use fetchmail to get mail from server (fetchmail-ssl for ssl pop3), 
fetchmail copy mail in local mailbox.
and after you can read your mail with :
  - sylpheed for exemple (GTK interface)
  - mutt in text mode

You must configure the two mail client for use the same directory.
 Here's what I'd like to have: a mail client that I can access via a
 nice, flashy GUI when I'm sitting at my desk, or via a simple
 text-mode interface when I'm connecting remotely.
 Actually, it's my wife I'm primarily thinking about.  She uses our
 computer at home (Debian, natch) to read/send mail using Netscape.
 She also occasionally connects from her parents' house, or from work
 using ssh and getting a simple shell (text) interface.  Right now, she
 uses pine for this, but this sucks because:
  * netscape slurps up all read mail into its own 'nsmail' directory,
so she can only read new mail
  * netscape and pine don't (can't?) share addressbooks, so they either
get out of sync, or require more attention than one would like to
offer them
 I have been looking for such a beast, without any luck.  Gnus works
 pretty well for me, but as I'm trying to *stay* married, I'm unwilling
 to inflict Gnus on my wife at this time.
 Any ideas?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  EPITA - Promo 2004
   Debian/GNU Addict

Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Karsten M. Self
First tip:  when posting regarding a problem, start a new thread, don't
reply to an existing one.  In threaded mailreaders (I use mutt) your
posts shows up well into an existing but unrelated thread.  Though at
least you're attached to a related SSH problem here

on Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 11:37:32PM -0400, Kevin Stokes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
Once again I find myself helpless.   As unreliable and as
 frustrating as Windows is, in Linux it seems like you can't do
 anything without asking for help.


   I wanted to remotely login from a Windows machine to my linux
 machine.  So I wanted to install telnetd.   Everyone said, 'shame on
 you, telnet is simply awful.  You should be chained to the wall and
 whipped for wanting to use telnet!   Use 'ssh' instead.'


   Well, ssh got installed along with everything when I installed
 linux.   So I read the man pages for ssh.   As is typical of the linux
 world, it is about 15 pages of utter gobbedly-gook.  To be fair, man
 pages are not meant for newbies to learn linux from scratch.

Well, you can always try:

   $ ssh

Which produces, as first line of output:

Usage: ssh [options] host [command]

...along with 32 lines of brief help.

 So I search until I find a HOWTO on ssh.   This would be nice if it
 worked, but of course it doesn't.   Everything seems to be different.
 Their suggestions fail.  The paths are different.
 Now I can explain the title of my post.  Linux is amazing.  There is
 source code, and binaries and gigabytes of documentation about
 everything under the sun.   All free!   But it all seems nearly
 useless.   Take a newbie, and drop him into the sea of freebies.

It's not for everyone.  Particularly not in pure form.  If you like it,
great.  If you don't -- there's Legacy MS Windows, there's Mac, there's
now MacOS X, which is housetrained Unix, there's BeOS, there's the
*BSDs, but they're pretty similar to GNU/Linux (though some would argue
the man pages are better, though if you really want tender loving
personal attention, do something to catch Theo's eye).  Most of us
are willing to help out, but don't waste our time.  You're a newbie,
you're having problems.  I've been using GNU/Linux for four years, Unix
for fourteen, and I'm having my own problems -- snort, glimpse, DNS,

GNU/Linux is a grown-up's operating system.  You're expected to know
your way around, or be able to figure it out.  If you can't or won't,
we're fine by that.  But don't blame it on GNU/Linux or us.  It works,
it's free.  There's some knowledge to learn.  Stop whinging.

Shut the computer down and listen to Secret Journey by Sting.  There
is enlightenment, grasshopper.  The enlightement is realizing there is
no enlightentment.

The keys to mailing list support:

  - Identify your problem.  As best as possible.  The program, the error
output, and the objective are good starts.  If you're not sure, say
so.  Don't whinge.

  - Know your help tools.  The man pages.  Apropos.  The HOWTOs.  grep.
Google.  A few good books (poke around my webpage, they're listed).

  - Pick an appropriate subject (program, problem, error output if
possible).  I don't need to know you're a newbie (though you can say
same in body), and no, it's not urgent for me.  Stop whinging!

  - Provide all pertinant information, while keeping your posts short
and sweet and to the point.  Quit it with the whinging already.

I've got a lot of free time on my hands right now, and I'm still
reduced to rolling through debian-user looking for unanswered posts
with concise titles that haven't been extensively responded to,
which I might provide some insight on.  YouYou're wasting my
time.  But there's a broader lesson to be learned, some I'm typing
this into the list archives, Google, and possibly a few personal
archives.  An no fscking whinging!

  - Tattoo this to your chest.  If you can't read in mirror, have it
reversed so you can read it every morning.

How to Report Bugs Effectively
Simon Tatham

(Note:  I originally saw this posted at Freshmeat, bylined by
jeff covey jeff.covey at on February 26th 2000, but
it's disappeared from there, and is currently credited to Simon
Tatham.  The Freshmeat link was:

  And he drowns.  You start searching archives and HOWTO's.  Each thing you
 find leads you in 10 different directions;  10 more places to look for

At this point, stop and ask for guidance.  Local support, or a small
group, is helpful for those small little problems.  Larger lists may
have expertise, but also often much noise.


   Take the last time I needed help.  A generous and helpful person told me
 to do the 

gtcd/sound problems

2001-04-11 Thread jdls


When trying to play gtcd I get error playing cd...but it's an audio cd (an 
introduction to classical music)..what is wrong here?

Also, when I try to play login.wav (gnome's file) no sound is coming out...I 
have unmuted the mixer via gamix, mixer and pcm oss drivers are loaded together 
with the soundcard..speaker is connected properly...what else could I have 

Hoping for some kind of info



ps pls. cc me when replying to this message...thanks

Re: startx not working

2001-04-11 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 12:18:17AM -0500, Kevin C. Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Running Debian unstable.
 Just did an upgrade and now startx does not work. Can start xdm, but
 will now go further then the login screen. 
 This happen to anyone else, and what is causing it?

More data required.  

What command(s) are you running? 
What output are you seeing?
What do your logfiles show?


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: combo GUI/text mail client

2001-04-11 Thread Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier

On 10 Apr 2001, Joseph Dane wrote:

 Here's what I'd like to have: a mail client that I can access via a
 nice, flashy GUI when I'm sitting at my desk, or via a simple
 text-mode interface when I'm connecting remotely.


I'm slightly hesitant to suggest it, since it's not really
Free Software but Pine might be what you're looking for. 

Pine is fairly user-friendly, and you can find a LGPL program patch
called xP which provides a GUI for Pine. It's in development, so
it may not be the most stable proggy, but it's a start.  

 I have been looking for such a beast, without any luck.  Gnus works
 pretty well for me, but as I'm trying to *stay* married, I'm unwilling
 to inflict Gnus on my wife at this time.

Probably a very good idea... :)

Take care,

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier
ICQ: 43599611
Liberty's too precious a thing to be buried in books... Men 
should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives 
and say: I'm free to think and to speak. My ancestors couldn't, I 
can, and my children will. Boys ought to grow up remembering that. 
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington -- James Stewart

Re: startx not working

2001-04-11 Thread Raghavendra Bhat
Kevin C. Smith posts:

 now startx does not work. Can start xdm, but will now
 go further then the login screen.  This happen to 
 anyone else, and what is causing it?

It is an issue with the pam modules/library.  Happened
after you specifically updated your 'libpam0g' package.
The drm module permissions are creating this issue here,
at my end.

Keeping the  Air-Waves FREE...Amateur Radio
Keeping your Software  FREE.the GNU Project
Keeping the  W W W FREEDebian GNU/${kernel}

DNS question

2001-04-11 Thread Angel

I need to make up a dominium, but with only a server. I will like to
use some DNS server not on my site, ¿can somebody help me? Of course I
have static IP. And if I have to put DNS server on my machine, what can
I use to make it?

Thank you for all!!!


HELP - CS423x sound config and Progeny Debian 1.0

2001-04-11 Thread carl . tan

HI all,

Have a problem with sound cards containing these chips.

Here's my PC setup:

DELL Optiplex GX1
Pentium III-500
192Mb RAM
15GB Hard Disk (Win98, 2 partitions)
4GB Hard Disk (Linux)
Sound Chip (Crystal-423x, as reported by Progeny Install), on motherboard

Here's my LInux setup
1. Installed Potato
2. Installed Helix Gnome (now Ximian)
3. Installed Progeny 1.0

Kernel: 2.2.18pre15
Boot: using GRUB

Modules Installed:

AC97 codec
OSS Sound Support
OSS SoundCore
Yamaha (or something) MPU-401 support

Sound-related software installed:
Alsaconf 0.4.x (latest from apt-get)

Sound card settings as reported by Win 98 (Device Manager)
Cyrstal Codec:
I/O   0x534 - 0x537
IRQ   5
DMA   1
DMA   0
I/O   0x388 - 0x38B

Crystal System Control registers:
I/O   0xF00 - 0xF07

I/O   0x330 - 0x331

Problem Description

2.2.18pre15 kernel already had a cs4232.o to load but failed with device or
resource busy error.

1. tried modprobe cs4232 io=0x534 irq=5 dma=1 dma=0
2. response Device or resource busy; insmod  failed

3. tried alsaconf (tried cs4232 and cs423x drivers) with above settings +
MPU-401 irq=5, pnp io=0x120, DMA size (4k and 64k)
4. response alsa driver was not loaded

5. tried sndconfig
6. response cannot detect card, specify manually

7. specify in sndconfig io=0x534 irq=5 dma=1 dma=0 mpu=0x330 mpu irq=5
8. response sound related drivers already in /etc/modules.conf; delete
appropriate files in /etc/modutils and re-run update modutils

Any help here to get it started (either ALSA or sndconfig or modprobe I'm
not fussy :-) would be greatly appreciated.

I tried google and read many suggestions (all of them reflected by my attempts
above), but to no avail.

I think Debian's great for all other software installations, but sound support
on debian is not as automated as I would have liked it to be.

Thanks for your attention and time.

Best regards
Carl Tan.

ISDN and modem dial-in ... stuck

2001-04-11 Thread Peter Horton

Anyone managed to get ISDN dial-in and modem dial-in going on the same box ?
I've got the ISDN dial-in working fine (synchronous PPP using 'ipppd'), but
when I try and dial-in using a modem via 'mgetty' and 'pppd' I can't get a
link. The system logs shows that 'ipppd' is mistakenly reporting an incoming
ISDN call :-(. If I shutdown the ISDN subsystem then the modem dial-in works.
I've tried using 'ipppd' instead of 'pppd' for the modem but that doesn't work

This is with a stock 2.2.19 kernel, all the other packages are from Debian



Cannot login to server running RH6.2

2001-04-11 Thread Saran

I know that this list does not deal with Red Hat Linux issues, but then this
is the most helpful list that I can think of that has good support.  The
discussion list on sux.  Typically I use Debian on my system.
Since this is my company's server...

Ok, here's the problem : I cannot seem to login to my server.  When I do a
telnet session, an error message appears :
telnetd: /bin/login: No such file or directory; and immediately it
terminates the session.  I FTPed into the server and checked the /bin dir.
and most certainly that file is missing.  I tried to even login on the
console itself, and it goes fine for the login but when I press enter, it
returns to the login prompt.  I cannot login at all to my system.

How do I install back that login file in to the /bin directory.  Where can I
get that file from.  The only way that I can login to the system is : linux
single, and that method doesn't start the net connection, and I do not have
my RH Linux 6.2 CDs with me.

What happened to my system.  This just popped up out of nowhere.  Quite a
few others have the similar problems on RH discussion list, but so far there
is no answer to the questions.

Is this a bug on RH Linux ? or is this a virus, or hacker or what ?

Does this thing happen to Debian ?  As far as I have used my Debian system,
it hasn't given me any problems.  Only thing slacking is a good
administration tool for it like smitty. :-)

Thanks in advance.


Re: sources.list

2001-04-11 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 05:10:15PM -0500, Geordie Birch wrote:
 not all packages missing from woody are extinct though - some are in
 stable and unstable, but don't meet the criteria for inclusion in testing.
 if you really needed such a (non-extinct) package and did not want to
 install debs from unstable then you would need to get it from the stable
 stable (sorry!).

ooh, that one smarts! :)

americans should never read anything so subversive as what's at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!

Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Paul D. Smith
%% Kevin Stokes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ks I wanted to remotely login from a Windows machine to my linux
  ks machine.  So I wanted to install telnetd.  Everyone said, 'shame
  ks on you, telnet is simply awful.  You should be chained to the wall
  ks and whipped for wanting to use telnet!  Use 'ssh' instead.'

As with all of the 'Net, don't believe everything you read.  You should
understand the security issues involved with telnet.  Your password will
be sent in cleartext over the network between your system and the remote
system.  Anyone capable of intercepting that network traffic will be
able to steal your password, then log in to the target system (and any
other systems where you use the same password).

If you understand these risks and you're OK with them, telnet is fine.
In general, though, it's better to avoid insecure protocols like telnet:
get into the habit now to avoid trouble later.

Remember that you must have the telnet _server_ installed on Linux if
you want to log into the Linux box from another system; make sure the
telnetd package is installed (apt-get install telnetd).

  ks Well, ssh got installed along with everything when I installed
  ks linux.  So I read the man pages for ssh.  As is typical of the
  ks linux world, it is about 15 pages of utter gobbedly-gook.  To be
  ks fair, man pages are not meant for newbies to learn linux from
  ks scratch.

Indeed.  And, things like ssh are more complex than most commands.

Note there are a large number of web sites, etc. devoted to helping
Linux newbies.  There are also books, both hardcopy and online

There's lots of resources, but most of it is on the net, not on your
local box.

  ks So I search until I find a HOWTO on ssh.  This would be nice if it
  ks worked, but of course it doesn't.  Everything seems to be
  ks different.  Their suggestions fail.  The paths are different.


This describes obtaining and installing ssh from scratch.  It's also
talking about a completely different version of SSH; this is the
commercial SSH; Debian uses the free version created by the OpenBSD
folks, OpenSSH.  In short, this HOWTO does not really apply well to
Debian, or even most other Linux distros.  Why someone thinks it's a
good idea to explain how to install the proprietary version of SSH on a
Linux box in January, 2001 is beyond me.  Ask the Linux Gazette what the
heck they're thinking.

In short, ignore this HOWTO.  See below.

As for directories; here's something to know:

When Debian packages are built to install on your system, they install
in the system directories (/usr/bin, etc.)

When you build packages yourself, they typically install in directories
specifically set aside for users to install software, under /usr/local.
This is A Good Thing, since it allows you to install your own copies of
software in a clean way, without disrupting the system versions.

  ks There is something that Linux needs much more than anything else,
  ks and that is a decent help system.  We need something about 50
  ks times larger than the man pages.  Something which always has an
  ks extensive chapter in simple layman language, and lots of examples
  ks with clear steps with *explanations*.  And also a way to get to
  ks the more typically man page type stuff for the people who need
  ks that.

  ks Who is willing to create such a thing?  Not me, I'm not a Linux
  ks devotee.

That's the problem.  The people writing the program write documentation
that makes sense to them and to other people using it.  This
documentation is naturally technical in nature.  There's a certain
critical mass of knowledge you need to obtain before you can really
start understanding the documentation.

What's needed is for people like _you_ to help write super newbie
docs.  We can't do it.  We're not newbies.  We don't know what newbies

  ks But the bottom line is that the Windows Help system totally blows
  ks away all the confusing HOWTO's, man pages, or archived email
  ks searches.

See, here's a prime example of the differences in our perspective.

The Windows Help system _sucks_ huge boulders through coffee stirrers.
It totally blows chunks.

It has _NOTHING_ in it that I could ever possibly need to be told.  I
ask it how to do something and it never tells me, it just gives me some
generic mush, if anything, that's totally obvious in the first place.

I wanted to know how to remap my CAPSLOCK key to be a control key.  It
didn't know.  I wanted to know how to keep my CDROM drive from spinning
down so quickly.  It didn't know.  I wanted to find out a hundred things
like that.  Windows Help was utterly and completely useless.

Sure, it was great if I wanted to know that C-x was the keyboard
shortcut for Cut and C-v was the shortcut for Paste.  Whoop-de-doo.


  ks Anyway...  Does anybody know what steps I need to do in order make
  ks ssh work so I can log in remotely?  I wanted to try to use 

Re: Cannot login to server running RH6.2

2001-04-11 Thread Kevin Easton

 I know that this list does not deal with Red Hat Linux issues, but then
 is the most helpful list that I can think of that has good support.  The
 discussion list on sux.  Typically I use Debian on my system.
 Since this is my company's server...

 Ok, here's the problem : I cannot seem to login to my server.  When I do a
 telnet session, an error message appears :
 telnetd: /bin/login: No such file or directory; and immediately it
 terminates the session.  I FTPed into the server and checked the /bin dir.
 and most certainly that file is missing.  I tried to even login on the
 console itself, and it goes fine for the login but when I press enter, it
 returns to the login prompt.  I cannot login at all to my system.

 How do I install back that login file in to the /bin directory.  Where can
 get that file from.  The only way that I can login to the system is :
 single, and that method doesn't start the net connection, and I do not
 my RH Linux 6.2 CDs with me.

 What happened to my system.  This just popped up out of nowhere.  Quite a
 few others have the similar problems on RH discussion list, but so far
 is no answer to the questions.

 Is this a bug on RH Linux ? or is this a virus, or hacker or what ?

 Does this thing happen to Debian ?  As far as I have used my Debian
 it hasn't given me any problems.  Only thing slacking is a good
 administration tool for it like smitty. :-)

 Thanks in advance.


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

One way of fixing the problem would be to ftp into your box while in
multiuser mode, and copy the binary on to the machine that way (just get a
copy of /bin/login from another linux machine - preferably another RH6.2
machine).  Then, boot up in single user mode and move it into the /bin

As to how it happened... I don't have much to suggest except that it's
possible that your machine was cracked into - be very suspicious of the
machine until you confirm that this hasn't happened.  Look through the logs
for anything suspicious, compare the version of system binaries such as 'ps'
and 'ls' against known-good copies from an equivalent system, and watch for
unusual network traffic.  This may be a good excuse to rebuild the machine
as a Debian box... :)

- Kevin.

Re: combo GUI/text mail client

2001-04-11 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 04:58:46PM -1000, Joseph Dane wrote:
 Here's what I'd like to have: a mail client that I can access via a
 nice, flashy GUI when I'm sitting at my desk, or via a simple
 text-mode interface when I'm connecting remotely.
 Actually, it's my wife I'm primarily thinking about.  She uses our
 computer at home (Debian, natch) to read/send mail using Netscape.
 She also occasionally connects from her parents' house, or from work
 using ssh and getting a simple shell (text) interface.  Right now, she
 uses pine for this, but this sucks because:
  * netscape slurps up all read mail into its own 'nsmail' directory,
so she can only read new mail

Kmail keeps its mail standard mboxes in ~/Mail, which is where mutt
saves its mboxes too.  kmail can be tought to look for new mail in
/var/mail/$USER though it insists on `downloading' it to ~/Mail/inbox

so a mutt + Kmail might make a fairly cooperative pair.

  * netscape and pine don't (can't?) share addressbooks, so they either
get out of sync, or require more attention than one would like to
offer them

im not sure about this, mutt uses a very simple text based format for
mail aliases (address book) i have no idea what kmail uses.  

 I have been looking for such a beast, without any luck.  Gnus works
 pretty well for me, but as I'm trying to *stay* married, I'm unwilling
 to inflict Gnus on my wife at this time.

heh ;-)

have her try mutt, maybe she will like it enough to just ditch the
silly GUI MUAs ;-)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

my network device

2001-04-11 Thread Govaere Jan

I've got an compaq 10/100 TX UTP Controller fon a Compaq Proliant 800.  I
want to install it and I don't know how ?

The dmesg | grep eth0 doesnt't print nothing.

Thanks for your help

Re: auto add

2001-04-11 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 10:43:16PM +0100, Barbara and Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
 Will lots of help from this list I have configured the lo and eth0
 interfaces to load at system startup by correctly setting these up in the
 etc/network/interfaces file.
 How do I set up the general loopback network address
 at the moment I am using the keyin
 route add -net netmask lo
 can I put this in etc/network/interfaces? or will the normally defined lo
 iface clash with this information?

note: this may be irrelevant, but it shouldn't reformat your hard
drive, if you're lucky. (are you feeling lucky?)

one thing i recommend to just about anybody who breathes on this
list is

apt-get install ipmasq

which will create some firewall rules and routing defaults based
on your network setup, as defined in /etc/network/interfaces.
it's not as secure as it could be, i hear, but it's a great
starting point.

here's my config, if it helps:

# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# loopback gizmo
iface lo inet loopback

# local intRAnet
iface eth0 inet static

# connecting to the rest of the planet
iface eth1 inet static
# gateway to the world == the cablemodem:

all other computers on my intRAnet point to as their

and don't forget to do

/etc/init.d/networking restart

after munging anything in /etc/network/interfaces
(i'm using potato, that's how it works for me).

americans should never read anything so subversive as what's at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!

Re: 8-bit characters

2001-04-11 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 06:33:04PM -0400, D-Man wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 01:46:34PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 | pooh. i tried setting LESSCHARSET=iso8859 (and latin1) via
 | bash 'export' so it'd be an environment variable, but even LESS
 | still displays high-bit (8-bit) characters as chinese:
 | % export LESSCHARSET=latin1
 | % zless /etc/console-tools/default.kmap.gz
 | [snip]
 | compose '^' 'u' to 'û'
 | compose '' 'U' to 'Ü'
 | compose '' 'u' to 'ü'
 | compose '\'' 'Y' to 'Ý'
 | compose '\'' 'y' to 'ý'
 | compose 'T' 'H' to 'Þ'
 | compose 't' 'h' to 'þ'
 | compose 's' 's' to 'ß'
 | compose '' 'y' to 'ÿ'
 | compose 's' 'z' to 'ß'
 | compose 'i' 'j' to 'ÿ'
 Still looks fine here.  Try
 $ cp /etc/console-tools/default.kmap.gz /tmp
 $ gunzip /tmp/default.kmap.gz
 $ less /tmp/default.kmap
 Perhaps zless doesn't use the same environment variables as less?

nope. in VI (which i'd expect to be unaffected by LESS*
environment variables) they're still chinese under krxvt
and semi-greek under console.

when viewing your message in MUTT under krxvt they all show as
'?' so i thought mutt was intercepting 8-bit chars and
transposing ? for each; but then at console (alt-ctl-f2) i see
the pseudo-greek again, even in the mutt 'message-view' mode. so
i'm lost.

mutt = '?'
vi   = chinese(?)
CONSOLE (ctl-alt-f2):
mutt = semi-greek
vi   = semi-greek

i'd like to specify latin1 or one of the iso sets... ?


so i could still use some pointers on how to get CONSOLE sessions
to switch alternate 8-bit charsets (from greek to latin1)? and
same for XTERM/RXVT sessions under X (from chinese? to latin1)?

americans should never read anything so subversive as what's at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!

Re: koffice -- how-to?

2001-04-11 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 08:47:36PM +0100, Chris Howells wrote:
 From: will trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  there seems to be a bunch of nouns missing there. how do i figure
  out (where be the fligging manual) what command to issue to get
  into spreadsheet (kspread) or wordprocessing (kword)?
 I'm not familiar with the apt-get method of install KDE (since I just
 download the tar.gzs and compile them), but you should be able to run the
 applications by just typing 'kspread', 'kword', or 'koshell' for the KOffice

i'm looking to play nice with the debian package-management
system so my upgrades won't clobber anything i've installed on
purpose, and so i can keep up with the latest when it gets
refreshed with a new version.

where i got stuck was after

apt-get install koffice-libs

and what i was looking for -- SOLVED -- was

apt-get install kword kspread krayon kpresenter killustrator kchart

so apparently you must install each component (application?)

seems to me like

apt-get install koffice

could do a dependency-include kind of thing to install all the
software. no?


but getting back to the html documentation for koffice ... is
there a non-screwy version that includes all the pertinent nouns,

americans should never read anything so subversive as what's at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!

Re: HP Scanjet4200C

2001-04-11 Thread Brian May
 Glen == Glen Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Glen Hi Brian, I have had a 4200c for over a year now, and it
Glen took me quite awhile to get it working with Debian. Here's
Glen what I had to do: Go to Sourceforge and download the SANE
Glen drivers as tarballs.  Download a patch for the 4200c and
Glen apply it to the SANE driver.  Install the Patched SANE
Glen driver (I couldn't figure out how to use the DEBs for SANE
Glen because they don't have the patch applied) Hack a few lines
Glen in the scanner module file of your kernel and recompile the
Glen kernel (This is explained in the Source Forge page for the
Glen 4200c patch) You will need to be using a kernel with USB
Glen support.  Make a link to the scanner.

Yuck. I was hoping everything would work without any modifications,
but it looks like everything has to be modified.

Do you have the sourceforge URL?

Glen When you are done with this, then you will be able to use
Glen xsane to perform your scans. You won't be able to use the
Glen GIMP plugin for SANE, though. Also, the scanner produces
Glen weird distortions (the x axis is stretched out).

Double yuck. Why doesn't the GIMP plugin work? Is the distortion even? 
ie will an image resize compensate?

Glen In short, the 4200c is the most disappointing computer
Glen hardware purchase that I have made. The only reason I have
Glen Windows still on my computer as a dual boot is to use the
Glen scanner. I have seen no progress with the patch in 6 months
Glen or so, either. I will probably end up trying to trade it for
Glen another Linux-supported SANE-compatible scanner.

Please let me know if you see any improvements... although it sounds
similar with my experience with colour printers, too.

Is it just the 4200c which is bad, or all HP scanners? If I were to
purchase another scanner and wanted one that is Linux compatible what
should I get?

Thanks for your reply.

Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 10:52:54PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 now MacOS X, which is housetrained Unix, [...]

thats not what i would call it.  i would call it a neutered Unix thats
been run over by a truck.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread will trillich
okay, paul, i'm officially recruiting you, hammer-and-tongs, as a
newbiedoc contributor. your prose is wonderful and echoes frmo
hill and dale with a sparkling clarity that... oh, hell, you can
write, man! delightful!

and kevin, when the light goes on, and all the fog clears,
imagine how much hair-pulling you'll save the next poor soul if
you document what you learned... hmm?

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 03:39:55AM -0400, Paul D. Smith wrote:
 %% Kevin Stokes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   ks There is something that Linux needs much more than anything else,
   ks and that is a decent help system.  We need something about 50
   ks times larger than the man pages.  Something which always has an
   ks extensive chapter in simple layman language, and lots of examples
   ks with clear steps with *explanations*.  And also a way to get to
   ks the more typically man page type stuff for the people who need
   ks that.
   ks Who is willing to create such a thing?  Not me, I'm not a Linux
   ks devotee.
 That's the problem.  The people writing the program write documentation
 that makes sense to them and to other people using it.  This
 documentation is naturally technical in nature.  There's a certain
 critical mass of knowledge you need to obtain before you can really
 start understanding the documentation.
 What's needed is for people like _you_ to help write super newbie
 docs.  We can't do it.  We're not newbies.  We don't know what newbies

i beg to differ!

   ks But the bottom line is that the Windows Help system totally blows
   ks away all the confusing HOWTO's, man pages, or archived email
   ks searches.
 See, here's a prime example of the differences in our perspective.
 The Windows Help system _sucks_ huge boulders through coffee stirrers.
 It totally blows chunks.

that may wind up in a ~/.signature soon! :)

   ks Anyway...  Does anybody know what steps I need to do in order make
   ks ssh work so I can log in remotely?  I wanted to try to use Tera
   ks Term Pro with the SSH extenstion to log onto my Linux machine from
   ks a Windows machine on the local network.
   ks Right now if I type:
   ks ssh -v -l root rocky
 Here's the thing.
 You can't login remotely as root, by default, over ssh: the ssh setup
 disallows this (as with everything in UNIX, this is configurable if you
 really want to do it--it's a bad idea so it's disabled initially).
 You don't want to work as root, at all, ever, anytime, anywhere,
 anyplace.  Even for testing.  _Especially_ for testing.  Use root only
 when you must do root operations, then run screaming into the bushes
 again immediately after you've done that operation.


 Be careful!  That private key is like your password; anyone who gets a
 copy can get into your system.  It's a good idea to sign the key with a
 passphrase when ssh-keygen asks for one: then people not only need the
 private key but they also need your passphrase.  This is more secure
 because the passphrase is used only to unlock the key locally; neither
 the passphrase _NOR_ the key itself are ever transmitted over the
 Public/private key cryptography is not the most straightforward thing in
 the world, unfortunately.

or fortunately, depending on which facet you're looking into. :)

americans should never read anything so subversive as what's at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!

Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 03:39:55AM -0400, Paul D. Smith wrote:
 Be root:
   # groupadd kevin
   # useradd -g kevin -m kevin
   # passwd kevin

um you only have to do it that way if you use roothat.  debian has a
very nice utility that does all 3 of those steps in one simple

 Be root:

# adduser kevin

thats it, it will create the group, the user, ask you for a password,
and ask you for nice things like your full name and such.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: mysterious ipchains deny from 192.168.*.* ??

2001-04-11 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 12:52:22PM -0700, Brandon High wrote:
 On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, will trillich wrote:
  here's a logcheck message i got recently, where ipchains is
  logging certain unwelcome hits (based on what's primarily the
  default ipmasq filtering rules)--
  - Forwarded message from root [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Security Violations
  Apr  8 17:45:10 server kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1 L=28 S=0x00 I=11290 F=0x T=128 (#7)
 PROTO=1 means that it was an ICMP packet. Someone is trying to ping you.
 Look at /usr/include/netinet/ip_icmp.h for an explanation of ICMP types. The
 type is listed after the : on your host address.

okay. and that someone is at, right? so i can
figure out from that ip which domain they're in:

% whois
America Online, Inc. (NETBLK-AOL-172BLK)
   12100 Sunrise Valley Drive
   Reston, VA 20191

   Netname: AOL-172BLK
   Netblock: -
   Maintainer: AOL

no surprise there.


so now here's the BIG mystery --

Apr  8 17:59:48 server kernel: Packet log:
input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=56 S=0x00 I=12140 F=0x4000 T=240 (#4)

where did THIS packet come from? ? that's an
intranet ip, a localnet / lan address, theoretically from
somewhere inside the building. but all we've got inside here
is 192.168.1.* !!


americans should never read anything so subversive as what's at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!

Buerk :

2001-04-11 Thread Joris Lambrecht
If i'm out of line someone please let me know, don't want to offend any
I kept thinking about some post talking about a debian newbie mailinglist.

Why would we want that ? I think it's a rather fascist thing to do, i've
encountered this kind of nonsense on several other mailinglists and allways
feel bad about it. 

Why make debian/linux or any other mailinglist an elite forum ? Can you
imagine yourself way back when you started out using linux giving advice to
people who were just trying their first install ? Bet you would have nuked a
couple of systems before you got things running smoothly. People who oppose
to newbies posting to a list should simply remove themselves from it or
write some mailfilter to filter out newbie messages. 

I also wonder what the big deal is, if wouldn't take any intermediate user
too long to answer the type of questions newbies are asking would it ?

Maybe it would be a good idea for newbies to prefix there mails with NB : or
Newbie : just like there exists a habit of using OT : for off-topic
messages. This should also help out the people who simply don't want to be
bothered with newbie questions.



Re: my network device

2001-04-11 Thread Daniel Freedman
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001, Govaere Jan wrote:
 I've got an compaq 10/100 TX UTP Controller fon a Compaq Proliant 800.  I
 want to install it and I don't know how ?
 The dmesg | grep eth0 doesnt't print nothing.
 Thanks for your help


Google is your friend...

It brings up for me an old page of Compaq's (now existing only in
Google cache):

According to this page:

At this time, the embedded NIC card on the Compaq ProLiant 1600,
1600R, and 1850R is based on the Texas Instruments ThunderLAN
chipset. Similar dual-speed and single-speed PCI cards are available
in the marketplace, under several different brand names. Both the
embedded and PCI cards are controlled by the TI ThunderLAN (TLAN)
device driver written by James Banks of Caldera Systems,
Inc. ( mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]).

More info can be found on page at above link.

Hope this helps and take care,


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

Re: koffice -- how-to?

2001-04-11 Thread will trillich
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 03:03:04AM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 what i was looking for -- SOLVED -- was
   apt-get install kword kspread krayon kpresenter killustrator kchart

well, i THOUGHT everything was solved. alas...

% kspread 
koffice (lib kofficecore): ERROR: Couldn't find the native MimeType in 
kspread's desktop file. Check your installation !
% killustrator 
koffice (lib kofficecore): ERROR: Couldn't find the native MimeType in 
killustrator's desktop file. Check your installation !

suggestions hereby solicited; current sources.list follows.

# /etc/apt/sources.list
deb stable main non-free contrib
deb stable/non-US main contrib 

deb potato/updates main 
contrib non-free
deb potato/non-US main contrib 
deb potato/updates main contrib non-free

deb stable main crypto optional qt1apps
stable main

americans should never read anything so subversive as what's at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!

Re: 2Gb files

2001-04-11 Thread david . jackson

/dev/zero just provides a source of data eg
cat -A   /dev/zero | head -c 20

I was using dd as a quick way of trying to create a large (2GB) file.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 10:00:59AM +0200, Joris Lambrecht wrote:
 first of all, forgive me my ignorance, i wonder what you are doing with dd
 over here 
 are you logging the output of /dev/zero or what ? 
 -Original Message-
 Sent: dinsdag 10 april 2001 19:07
 Subject: 2Gb files
 Hi, I'm looking for hints on using  2GB files
 I'm using a 2.4.3 kernel-image compiled from debian kernel-source
 package. After installing the corresponding kernel-headers deb I
 created, I have recompiled glibc (2.2.2-4) with a
 #apt-get --build source glibc 
 then installed the created debs...
 #dpkg -i ./libc6-dev_2.2.2-4_i386.deb ./libc6_2.2.2-4_i386.deb
 I then build fileutils,
 #apt-get -t testing --build source fileutils
 and install them,
 #dpkg -i ./fileutils_4.0.43-1_i386.deb
 Unfortunately a
 #/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=file2 bs=1024 count=3553600
 gives me a
 File size limit exceeded
 I've tried this in ext2fs and reiserfs and have tried a --build
 source and install of their respective progs packages, recreation
 of filesystems but I still have the 2GB limit. 
 Any ideas? What I should be checking?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: combo GUI/text mail client

2001-04-11 Thread Glyn Millington
On 10 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's what I'd like to have: a mail client that I can access via a
 nice, flashy GUI when I'm sitting at my desk, or via a simple
 text-mode interface when I'm connecting remotely.

Mutt!  Will run in an terminal under X and on the console equally well.
You can link it to whatever editor takes your fancy - emacs if you like
but Jed, Joe, or the glorious Vim are all possibles.

But hey, why not Gnus?  These shared struggles cement a marriage! (Or
sink it...)

Good luck

so here we are then
   Running Debian/Gnu Linux  
   9:55am  up  1:17,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.08, 0.08

RE: Buerk :

2001-04-11 Thread Dave Whiteley
Hear, hear,
Me too!

We were all newbies once. We are (probably) all pseudo newbies when
we start working in a new area.

Welcome newbies. Help newbies. 

And thank you to everyone who has helped me directly, or via the

Debian people are nice people. :-)


E-Mail: Dave Whiteley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 11-Apr-2001
Time: 09:37:56
Phone: 0113 233 2059

Missing .sig   (I am trying to give them up.)

NB : RE: Buerk :

2001-04-11 Thread Subramaniam Aiyer \(CTS\)
bieng a newbie i would have to agree with you. there really is a lot of
problems that a newbie faces with debian right from i guess
the NB thing is fine.i will take care to c that all my mails are precceded
with this identifier.
thanx guyz,

-Original Message-
From: Joris Lambrecht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2001 1:52 PM
To: ''
Subject: Buerk : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If i'm out of line someone please let me know, don't want to offend any
I kept thinking about some post talking about a debian newbie mailinglist.

Why would we want that ? I think it's a rather fascist thing to do, i've
encountered this kind of nonsense on several other mailinglists and allways
feel bad about it. 

Why make debian/linux or any other mailinglist an elite forum ? Can you
imagine yourself way back when you started out using linux giving advice to
people who were just trying their first install ? Bet you would have nuked a
couple of systems before you got things running smoothly. People who oppose
to newbies posting to a list should simply remove themselves from it or
write some mailfilter to filter out newbie messages. 

I also wonder what the big deal is, if wouldn't take any intermediate user
too long to answer the type of questions newbies are asking would it ?

Maybe it would be a good idea for newbies to prefix there mails with NB : or
Newbie : just like there exists a habit of using OT : for off-topic
messages. This should also help out the people who simply don't want to be
bothered with newbie questions.



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are for the sole use of the 
intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. 
If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply 
e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Any unauthorised review, 
use, disclosure, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email 
or any action taken in reliance on this e-mail is strictly prohibited and may 
be unlawful.
Visit us at

RE: 2Gb files

2001-04-11 Thread Joris Lambrecht
To be honest, i don't have the answer but i think this has allready been
discussed some time ago, so you'll be able to find info on this in the



-Original Message-
Sent: woensdag 11 april 2001 10:25
To: Joris Lambrecht;
Subject: Re: 2Gb files

/dev/zero just provides a source of data eg
cat -A   /dev/zero | head -c 20

I was using dd as a quick way of trying to create a large (2GB) file.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 10:00:59AM +0200, Joris Lambrecht wrote:
 first of all, forgive me my ignorance, i wonder what you are doing with dd
 over here 
 are you logging the output of /dev/zero or what ? 
 -Original Message-
 Sent: dinsdag 10 april 2001 19:07
 Subject: 2Gb files
 Hi, I'm looking for hints on using  2GB files
 I'm using a 2.4.3 kernel-image compiled from debian kernel-source
 package. After installing the corresponding kernel-headers deb I
 created, I have recompiled glibc (2.2.2-4) with a
 #apt-get --build source glibc 
 then installed the created debs...
 #dpkg -i ./libc6-dev_2.2.2-4_i386.deb ./libc6_2.2.2-4_i386.deb
 I then build fileutils,
 #apt-get -t testing --build source fileutils
 and install them,
 #dpkg -i ./fileutils_4.0.43-1_i386.deb
 Unfortunately a
 #/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=file2 bs=1024 count=3553600
 gives me a
 File size limit exceeded
 I've tried this in ext2fs and reiserfs and have tried a --build
 source and install of their respective progs packages, recreation
 of filesystems but I still have the 2GB limit. 
 Any ideas? What I should be checking?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: No chance to get my IntellyMouse working under X

2001-04-11 Thread Andrea Vettorello
Raffaele Sandrini wrote:

 Hi all I need some help. I tried now everithing to get my IntelliMouse
 Morking under X 4.0.2. Not succsesfull until today.I have gpm disabled
 to do not confuse X. I tried every protocol X serves on the psaux
 port. But my mouses flips around and stays in the right upper corner
 of the screen. I have a VIA chipset, is there somewhat relatet to

If it could be of any help, i've included a snip of my
/etx/X11/XF86Config-4 (i have a VIA chipset too):

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Configured Mouse
Driver  mouse
Option  CorePointer
Option  Device/dev/gpmdata
Option  Protocol  ImPS/2
Option  Emulate3Buttons   false
Option  Buttons   5
Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5

I have see another option (but i ignore what this does) with an
autoconfigured one:

Option  SendCoreEventstrue

You could try to look at, there is a lot of
resource (and IIRC a forum) related to mouse (in particular, wheel


Re: Buerk :

2001-04-11 Thread will trillich
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 09:42:25AM +0100, Dave Whiteley wrote:
 Hear, hear,
 Me too!
 We were all newbies once. We are (probably) all pseudo newbies when
 we start working in a new area.
 Welcome newbies. Help newbies. 

Certainly! And hopefully, if some questions seem too silly to
answer then don't! Someone else will realize it was a question
they faced last month, and will lend a hand. Who knows -- maybe
next year's gnu-software leader will be this afternoon's newbie!

At some point we've all had to ask questions that seemed too
simple to be believed. The way we get past it is by finding the
answers -- sometimes on our own, sometimes with a bit of help,
sometimes with a silver spoon jammed up a nostril.

If you're short on temper, just skip it and let the next soul
pitch in. This is volunteer, after all. If you don't want to
help, then ignore it (delete it?) and move on to more challenging

Discouraging someone who might just be the next R.Schwartz or
L.Stein simply because you're impatient or moody for an
afternoon, just isn't worth the risk... imagine our loss!


americans should never read anything so subversive as what's at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!

why does getdomainname(2) answer (none)?

2001-04-11 Thread Tim Showalter
Hi.  I'm curious why my Debian systems always answers getdomainname()
with (none).  Actually, one of the FreeBSD machines I use responds
with , but I'm still curious why it doesn't work.

It looks like the dnsdomainname only uses getdomainname() if you ask
about NIS.  Both glibc and the hostname source seem to agree on this.

What am I missing, or is the documentation just bogus?



Fw: su in X

2001-04-11 Thread Erik van der Meulen
Dear list, this should be easy, but I have not managed yet...
I run Gnome desktop as a 'regular' user. If I need to do systemsmanagment, I
do 'su -' in a terminal to get root access. Only if I need to start an X app
(just installed red-carper), I get an error:

  Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

Can anyone suggest how to avoid this? I recall something with export
display, but do not get it to work...

Thanks a lot.

Erk van der Meulen

NB I probably end up wanting to have a menu-button for this application. Is
'sudo' than the way to go?

Re: /etc/network/interfaces help please

2001-04-11 Thread Barbara and Rory Campbell-Lange
On 9/4/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm confused about what I should be writing in the interfaces file.
  iface eth0 inet static address netmask 

 need to break that into separate lines--
   iface eth0 inet static
   # gateway xx.yy.zz.qq
 man interfaces

Thanks for the help, Will: that sorted it.

I'm also having trouble setting the lo net address. Can this be
done in the interfaces file?

Cheers, and thanks again.

command for closing windowmaker

2001-04-11 Thread Arnout Engelen

Right now I use a combination of WindowMaker and the gnome
'panel' application as my environment. When I want to log
out, it takes 4 clicks. (rightclick, WindowManagers, Exit,
OK). Is there a command for closing WindowMaker, so I can
put a button on the panel to log off? (like 'click-enter')?


RE: Fw: su in X

2001-04-11 Thread Dave Whiteley
I had a similar problem a bit ago. I seem to recall that I fixed it
by making root's ~/.Xauthority file a symbolic link to my version
of the same file.

Sounds horrid, but it works - as long as you are always su-ing from
the same login name. 


On 11-Apr-2001 Erik van der Meulen wrote:
 Dear list, this should be easy, but I have not managed yet...
 I run Gnome desktop as a 'regular' user. If I need to do
 systemsmanagment, I
 do 'su -' in a terminal to get root access. Only if I need to start
 an X app
 (just installed red-carper), I get an error:
   Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
 Can anyone suggest how to avoid this? I recall something with
 display, but do not get it to work...
 Thanks a lot.
 Erk van der Meulen
 NB I probably end up wanting to have a menu-button for this
 application. Is
 'sudo' than the way to go?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

E-Mail: Dave Whiteley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 11-Apr-2001
Time: 10:45:54
Phone: 0113 233 2059

Missing .sig   (I am trying to give them up.)

Re: Fw: su in X

2001-04-11 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 10:49:18AM +0100, Dave Whiteley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 I had a similar problem a bit ago. I seem to recall that I fixed it
 by making root's ~/.Xauthority file a symbolic link to my version
 of the same file.

Don't do that.

Instead, as root:

$ xauth -merge ~$user/.xauthority

...for appropriate values of $user.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Postgres do.maintenance

2001-04-11 Thread ppeti

I've just installed postgresql 7.0 from unstable. Everything is ok, 
except for the do.maintenance script. Right now it's running for 392 
minutes eating up 70% CPU constantly, though I have only 1 
postgres database and no data in it.

This doesn't seem to be the healthy behaviour to me. Is it?


PS. Please cc me i'm not on the list

Re: Fw: su in X

2001-04-11 Thread Dave Whiteley
Thanks, I thought it sounded horrid.

I presume that this is a one off fix. You need to do it each time you


On 11-Apr-2001 Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 10:49:18AM +0100, Dave Whiteley
 I had a similar problem a bit ago. I seem to recall that I fixed
 by making root's ~/.Xauthority file a symbolic link to my
 of the same file.
 Don't do that.
 Instead, as root:
 $ xauth -merge ~$user/.xauthority
 ...for appropriate values of $user.
 Karsten M. Self
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5

E-Mail: Dave Whiteley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 11-Apr-2001
Time: 11:03:47
Phone: 0113 233 2059

Missing .sig   (I am trying to give them up.)

Re: command for closing windowmaker

2001-04-11 Thread Oliver Elphick
Arnout Engelen wrote:
  Right now I use a combination of WindowMaker and the gnome
  'panel' application as my environment. When I want to log
  out, it takes 4 clicks. (rightclick, WindowManagers, Exit,
  OK). Is there a command for closing WindowMaker, so I can
  put a button on the panel to log off? (like 'click-enter')?

With the same combination, I use the gnome-panel's logout icon - 2
clicks (icon, OK).

Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is
  anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one
  of you sick? He should call the elders of the church
  to pray over him...The prayer of a righteous man is
  powerful and effective. James 5:13,14,16 

Re: 2Gb files

2001-04-11 Thread david . jackson
Hi - I'm looking for a tale of success, suggestion of something to check,
or a link to a more detailed recipe for  2GB files on i386 using debian 

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 10:44:49AM +0200, Joris Lambrecht wrote:
 To be honest, i don't have the answer but i think this has allready been
 discussed some time ago, so you'll be able to find info on this in the

Right, well I had already had a scan of the list archives and all I could 
gather from them, aside from moving to a 64bit architecture, was that for 
a 2.4 series kernel the main requirement was to recompile the c library 
with the 2.4 kernel headers.  This is why I have followed the prescription 

Some deleted correspondence

  I'm using a 2.4.3 kernel-image compiled from debian kernel-source
  package. After installing the corresponding kernel-headers deb I
  created, I have recompiled glibc (2.2.2-4) with a
  #apt-get --build source glibc 
  then installed the created debs...
  #dpkg -i ./libc6-dev_2.2.2-4_i386.deb ./libc6_2.2.2-4_i386.deb
  I then build fileutils,
  #apt-get -t testing --build source fileutils
  and install them,
  #dpkg -i ./fileutils_4.0.43-1_i386.deb
  Unfortunately a
  #/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=file2 bs=1024 count=3553600
  gives me a
  File size limit exceeded
  I've tried this in ext2fs and reiserfs and have tried a --build
  source and install of their respective progs packages, recreation
  of filesystems but I still have the 2GB limit. 
  Any ideas? What I should be checking?

RE: su in X

2001-04-11 Thread Kuhar, Mike
When you log in as a regular user, and you 'su -' to root, you have to
define you 'export DISPLAY=:0.0' again.  The minus sign after the su command
means that you want to assume root's environment.  So if there is not an
explicit export DISPLAY statement in /root/.bash_profile or /root/.bashrc,
the root environment has no idea what the display should be.

Hope this helps  -mk

 -Original Message-
 From: Erik van der Meulen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:26 AM
 Subject: Fw: su in X
 Dear list, this should be easy, but I have not managed yet...
 I run Gnome desktop as a 'regular' user. If I need to do 
 systemsmanagment, I
 do 'su -' in a terminal to get root access. Only if I need to 
 start an X app
 (just installed red-carper), I get an error:
   Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
 Can anyone suggest how to avoid this? I recall something with export
 display, but do not get it to work...
 Thanks a lot.
 Erk van der Meulen
 NB I probably end up wanting to have a menu-button for this 
 application. Is
 'sudo' than the way to go?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 

Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 01:22:42AM -0400, Paul D. Smith wrote:
 On my local network I have installed and run telnet-ssl and telnetd-ssl.
 This is normal telnet authentication, but your password, etc. is sent
 encrypted instead of in the clear.  That's enough paranoia for me, since
 I have a very strict firewall guarding it.

Are there any decent SSL telnet clients for non Unix platforms?


| Web:
| PGP Public Key: 

Description: PGP signature

Change various settings of Exim

2001-04-11 Thread Raffaele Sandrini
Hi all,

Is it possible to change default settings of Exim. 
E.g. i type an Email address wrong then i have faulty email laying around for 
20 days and i have to delete it manually. Can i get Exim to send me an 
mail-failure after the mail can't be send for 1 hour or 1 day?

Raffaele Sandrini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Check out the most powerfull Linux desktop at !!
Check out the best Linux distribution at (

RE: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Joris Lambrecht
Since you're asking for non-unix platforms try this search on google
returned good results
I would advise TeraTerm if you're living in an English native country. There
are some issues with international keyboards wich couldn't be resolved, at
least not by me.



-Original Message-
From: Noah L. Meyerhans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 11 april 2001 13:04
To: Debian User List
Subject: Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 01:22:42AM -0400, Paul D. Smith wrote:
 On my local network I have installed and run telnet-ssl and telnetd-ssl.
 This is normal telnet authentication, but your password, etc. is sent
 encrypted instead of in the clear.  That's enough paranoia for me, since
 I have a very strict firewall guarding it.

Are there any decent SSL telnet clients for non Unix platforms?


| Web:
| PGP Public Key: 

Re: Fw: su in X

2001-04-11 Thread Ethan Benson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 11:25:46AM +0200, Erik van der Meulen wrote:
 Dear list, this should be easy, but I have not managed yet...
 I run Gnome desktop as a 'regular' user. If I need to do systemsmanagment, I
 do 'su -' in a terminal to get root access. Only if I need to start an X app
 (just installed red-carper), I get an error:
   Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
 Can anyone suggest how to avoid this? I recall something with export
 display, but do not get it to work...

X11 apps should not be run as root, if it requires that its broken.  

why can't these developers write the GUI program to run as a
unprivileged user using a tiny, non-GUI, non-X program to do the
privileged stuff.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Fw: su in X

2001-04-11 Thread Colin Watson
On 11-Apr-2001 Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 10:49:18AM +0100, Dave Whiteley
 I had a similar problem a bit ago. I seem to recall that I fixed it
 by making root's ~/.Xauthority file a symbolic link to my version
 of the same file.
 Don't do that.
 Instead, as root:
 $ xauth -merge ~$user/.xauthority
 ...for appropriate values of $user.

Coo, thank you, I've been wondering what the right way to do that was
(Dave's solution was the neatest way I knew).

Thanks, I thought it sounded horrid.

I presume that this is a one off fix. You need to do it each time you

I guess something like:

  [ $DISPLAY ]  xauth -merge ~$user/.Xauthority

... in root's .bashrc would do, assuming there's only one plausible
value of $user.

Or, for hack value, 'ssh -X [EMAIL PROTECTED]' will do the job if you have
PermitRootLogin turned on. :)


Re: 2Gb files

2001-04-11 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes

Maybe you've received better suggestion, but any way I'll offer
my $0.02.
When you recompiled libc, where the compiler looks for the
kernel's header?
I mean: it might be the case that gcc is using
/usr/include/linux (2.2.18) for the kernel's header instead of your
/usr/src/linux/include/linux (2.4.3)
So I think that for enable 2GB files you should copy all
/usr/src/linux/include/linux to /usr/include/linux and then try to
recompile glibc.
Just my $0.02

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Exim config settings

2001-04-11 Thread Eugene van Zyl

How do I get exim to add a Delivered-to: header for each email?

Eugene van Zyl

Re: Postgres do.maintenance

2001-04-11 Thread Oliver Elphick
  I've just installed postgresql 7.0 from unstable. Everything is ok, 
  except for the do.maintenance script. Right now it's running for 392 
  minutes eating up 70% CPU constantly, though I have only 1 
  postgres database and no data in it.
  This doesn't seem to be the healthy behaviour to me. Is it?
I have seen a similar report; the diagnosis in that case was that it
was actively waiting for a password to be entered.


1: follow the instructions in /etc/cron.d/postgresql on supplying a
password to do.maintenance.

2: in /etc/cron.d/postgresql or in do maintenance set PGHOST to localhost
and export it.  Make sure postmaster is started with -i option (ALLOWTCPIP
option in /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init).  In /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf,
add the line

  host   all  ident sameuser

This will allow any user to connect through TCP/IP on localhost as himself
without giving a password.  He will not be able to change identity.

Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is
  anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one
  of you sick? He should call the elders of the church
  to pray over him...The prayer of a righteous man is
  powerful and effective. James 5:13,14,16 

Re: Buerk :

2001-04-11 Thread Colin Watson
Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If i'm out of line someone please let me know, don't want to offend any


Maybe it would be a good idea for newbies to prefix there mails with NB : or
Newbie : just like there exists a habit of using OT : for off-topic
messages. This should also help out the people who simply don't want to be
bothered with newbie questions.

Bah, no sense encouraging people to classify themselves as newbies -
people who are aware enough of their limitations to say that are usually
not a great problem to answer, and tend to be more clueful than they
think they are anyway. (Where was it that I saw an essay on the way
people who classified themselves as most computer-literate had a higher
chance of performing least well in tests?)


Re: Woody nukes Gnome

2001-04-11 Thread Glen Snyder
If I purge all of the ximian and helix files, that's practically every
application I use99 packages not to mention the others that will
probably be removed because of dependency problems. Debian Woody sets up
gnome 1.0.56 Ximian Woody  has installed  1.2.11 for some time
now. I think an itsy-bitsy file like libart2 caused everything to cave
in (that seems to be one of the files causing the problem).

I've looked at the correspondence between the Ximian and Debianand
accusations about who does not support who. It sounds like Ximian threw
up their hands out of frustration when they said they would no longer
offer support for testing.


Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-11 Thread Kevin Stokes
PS - People take all their accumulated windows knowledge for
granted.  Years and years and years of it, and then expect that
they can learn a new OS over night.  Simply rediculous.

  The truth is that I have *never* purchased or read a book on using the
Windows operating system.   I've never had to go online and look for DOC,
with the exception of when Microsoft stuff crashes, in which case you can
use their knowledge base.   I had never even used the Windows Help system
until my network didn't work.  And then it was useful stuff.   Their network
stuff for 95/98 is a mess, and doesn't work right.  But the help file was
readable and gave you clear instructions on what you were supposed to do.

   Anyway, the purpose of my post was not to criticize Linux.   The purpose
was to point out to people that Linux could have a much brighter future than
it does now.   My point is for every page which is actually readable by a
newbie, there are 100 pages of stuff which is incomprehensible to him.   A
zillion pages on how to do all kinds of exotic cool things, and hardly any
organized info on how to get Linux running with a GUI so you can run a
word-processor, internet browser, email, and and be able to get printouts.
And those pages which *are* suitable for newbies are mixed in with all the
expert stuff.

   So I like Linux itself, and am pretty soured on Windows.   But in my
opinion people who are devoted to Linux could improve the market share
dramatically by spending less time coming up with new kernels and versions
of everything, and more time looking at why people who try Linux turn away
after a short experiment.

-Kevin Stokes

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