
2001-05-18 Thread Jaroslaw Spirydowicz
on 18-05-01 0:42, Artur Gorniak wrote:

 dopoki nie ruszy znow
Spróbowałem. SOU#1 :((


2001-05-18 Thread Artur Gorniak
On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 10:40:53AM +0200, Jaroslaw Spirydowicz wrote:
 Spróbowałem. SOU#1 :((
z tego co zauwazylem zrywa polaczenie z timeoutem klient bo proxy
najpierw sciaga caly plik jezlei nie ma go w cache i dopiero potem
odpowiada :-(

najgorzej jest w przypadku tetexa albo kernela :-
trzeba po kilka razy sciagac.
w tej chwili jest to jakies 240MB.
dzisiaj koncze instalke suna wiec pojdzie kilkaset MB ze sparca.

chyba z dyskietkami bylby problem. i z cd-images.
pewnie nie pokazuje katalogu, a jedynie sciaga plikjezeli jest wiadomo
konkretnie co to jest.

czy ja dobrze SOU rozumiem? bo mi sie z mydlem kojarzy l;-


 JOB:  Debian Polish Project   IRC: #debian-pl

pakiety deb

2001-05-18 Thread mec

Mam pytanie czy ktoś z szanownych 
grupowiczów posiada dokumentację , opisyitd jak działają pakiety w Debianie 
(deb) opcje, może jakaś strona www tylkowszystko w polskiej 
wersji?Pozdrawiam Łukasz

Wyjedź z nami na Madagaskar!
Weź udział w konkursie [ ]


2001-05-18 Thread Piotr Potargowicz

Potrzebuje CBQ pod 
ziemniaka. Nie moglem znalezc w binariach na 
Czy bede musial szukac zrodel? i czy CBQ 
dziala pod kernelem 2.4? A moze jest cos lepszego od CBQ?

Piotr Potargowicz


2001-05-18 Thread Artur Gorniak
On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 11:22:25AM +0200, Piotr Potargowicz wrote:
 Potrzebuje CBQ pod ziemniaka.  Nie moglem znalezc w binariach na 
deb dists/stable/

apt-get install iproute


 IRCNET: ArchieI, Joshy, GJosh ArchieI   [EMAIL 
 CHANS:  #radosc, #debian-pl CHANS: #debian-pl


2001-05-18 Thread Ignacio García Fernández

Perdonad el super off topic y la pedrada de pregunta pero... ¿que significa

Es que últimamente lo veo casi por todas partes y no se lo que significa!

Repito: perdón por el off toic, pero no me podía aguantar.

Un saludo.

Ignacio García Fernández

'Un matemático es un ciego en un cuarto oscuro
buscando un gato negro que no está allí'

C. Darwin.


2001-05-18 Thread Juantomas Garcia

At 09:58 18/05/01, Ignacio García Fernández wrote:

Perdonad el super off topic y la pedrada de pregunta pero... ¿que significa

As Know As (conocido como) se utiliza cuando un proyecto o algo
tiene un sinonimo o un alias.

Juantomás GarcíaComite Organizador Expo-Linux 2001


2001-05-18 Thread Jose Fernando Carvajal Vion
realmete Also Known AS

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Juantomas Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: viernes 18 de mayo de 2001 9:59
 Para: Ignacio García Fernández;
 Asunto: Re: OFF TOPIC aka

 At 09:58 18/05/01, Ignacio García Fernández wrote:

 Perdonad el super off topic y la pedrada de pregunta pero...
 ¿que significa

 As Know As (conocido como) se utiliza cuando un proyecto o algo
 tiene un sinonimo o un alias.

 Juantomás GarcíaComite Organizador Expo-Linux 2001

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

alguien tiene el CD de la revista TODO LINUX que viene con KDE?

2001-05-18 Thread Guillermo de la Hoz
Vuelvo a la carga. Disculpad por dar la paliza con el mismo tema.
Tengo ese CD en cuestin, donde viene KDE 2.1 para Debian, en la carpeta
Por ms intentos que he hecho no he sido capaz de instalarlo; ni desde
dselect, ni desde el comando apt-cdrom.
Otra alternativa que me proponiais es utilizar dpkg, pero es que sn ms de
120 ficheros .deb, y me puedo volver loco.
- alguien de vosotros ha instalado KDE desde este CDROM? Me podrais
explicar cmo lo habeis hecho?

A lo mejor resulta que este CD tiene mal algn fichero, como el Packages.gz
y me estoy volviendo loco.
- Tiene que tener Linux instalado algn programa para descomprimir lo
archivos gz? A lo mejor el problema est en que no puede descomprimir de
forma automtica el fichero Packages.gz cuando escanea el disco desde
apt-cdrom add

Muchas gracias
Guillermo de la Hoz Ardiz

Re: Grabar mp3s a cd de audio

2001-05-18 Thread Enzo Dari
 Lei la receta de La Espiral para hacer esto pero me queda una duda, que
 es lo que hace mpg123 -s archivo.mp3?
El calificador -s manda la salida a stdout (salida estándar),
puedes redireccionar la salida (con ) para guardarla en un
archivo. Más fácil es hacer:
mpg123 --cdr archivo.cdr archivo.mp3
mpg123 --wav archivo.wav archivo.mp3
(las opciones --cdr y --wav no están documentadas en la man-page,
el único lugar donde aparecen es si hacés mpg123 --longhelp)

 se puede sustituir por otro programa?, preferentemente GPL.
 Como hago para que actué sobre una lista de archivos?
el freeamp viene con un mpg123.freeamp, que se supone que
reemplaza al mpg123, pero (al menos en la versión que viene
con potato), no tenía implementadas las opciones para escribir
a archivos.
Para escribir a archivo puedes usar el xmms. Lamentablemente
es un programa gráfico, pero te puede ser útil. Tienes que
seleccionar el output plugin de escribir a un file.
Una vez que lo tienes configurado, le das al play y
en lugar de mandar la lista de temas seleccionados a los
parlantes te los escribe en archivos.

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-S. C. de Bariloche, Argentina | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Mi portatil atrasa

2001-05-18 Thread Jordi Román Mejias
Pues eso que mi portatil atrasa y mucho, es normal? , es culpa del APM?, como lo
podria solucionar?

Muchas gracias a todos!

Jordi Román Mejias  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Manager

woody, apache-1.3.19 y PHP4

2001-05-18 Thread José Esteban

Pues eso, que actualizo apache y me desinstala PHP4, pq las depen-
dencias de éste indican:

apache-common (= 1.3.9), apache-common (

Y el apache que instalo es 1.3.19. ¿Qué estricto no, el PHP4?

Imagino que será una precaución por parte del empaquetador, y me gustaría
que alguien me aconsejase sobre la mejor forma de saltarmela, para pro-
barlo, y si no, pues a hacer el downgrade y continuar con mi mezcla
de potato-woody.

He pedido drivers para Linux. Nº 00073030:

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Pruenba. No abrir. Perdon

2001-05-18 Thread Aurelio


ICQ N 31089968

No es oro todo lo que reluce ni toda la gente errante anda
perdida... J.R.R. Tolkien El Se#-1;or de los Anillos

Script para pon

2001-05-18 Thread Joaquín Pérez
 Hola, estoy teniendo problemas para conectar con mi proveedor de
 Internet (básicamente cuando le apetece ,léase están saturados,
 al conectar me da un error de autentificación de password, como 
 se que la conexión está bien por que esto sólo :-)) ocurre las 10
 primeras veces que lo intento, me interesaría un script del tipo
 mientras no conectado exec pon proveedor, pero la verdad no se 
 si pon devuelve algun valor que me diga si está conectado.
 Si alguien tiene un script de ese tipo le agradecería que me
 le enviara, Gracias por adelantado y Adioss.
* Joaquín Pérez Iglesias  *
*  Madrid-Spain   *

Description: PGP signature

gnome, para que el root entre directamente

2001-05-18 Thread fitero_ko

Hola a todos:

Hola a todos, es la segunda vez que me instalo 
debian, y necesito una poca de ayuda, escribo para saber si alguiene me puede 
decir que teno que hacer para queROOT entre directamente al 

Yo lo que estoyintentando hacer es crear un 
archivocon este contenido: "exec gnome-sesison" , este archivo lo llamo 
.xinitec, pero ¿done de lo guardo?

Re: gnome, para que el root entre directamente

2001-05-18 Thread Juan \(Casa\)
 fitero_ko wrote:
 Hola a todos:
 Hola a todos, es la segunda vez que me instalo debian, y necesito una
 poca de ayuda, escribo para saber si alguiene me puede decir que teno
 que hacer para que ROOT entre directamente al GNOME.
Buenas. Mira a ver si tienes en home del root un fichero llamado
.Xclients Si lo tienes estupendo, editalo y pon la siguiente linea:


Si no lo tienes, editalo con tu editor favorito, dale ese nombre
(importante que este con la X mayuscula) y pon esa orden. O si lo
prefieres, busca el path completo, y añadale el path que en mi caso

Un saludo.


2001-05-18 Thread Joaquín Pérez
Hola tengo instalado el Linuxconf y me gustaría acceder a el por la
web, el caso es que al intentarlo por el puerto 98, me dice:
  500 access denied: Check networking/linuxconf network access
pero en los menús de linuxconf no encuentro nada similar al lo
del mensaje, asi que si alguien ha conseguido configurarlo, que me 
lo cuente.Gracias por adelantado.
* Joaquín Pérez Iglesias  *
*  Madrid-Spain   *

Description: PGP signature

isdnutils con kernel 2.4

2001-05-18 Thread Hue-Bond
 No soy muy amigo de instalar .deb's que no estén en stable, por
 lo que prefiero  compilar cualquier cosa que necesite y  no esté en
 stable como por ejemplo las  versiones de los paquetes que necesita
 el núcleo  2.4. Compilé todos  sin problemas usando las  fuentes de
 unstable pero  el isdnutils se  me resiste. He probado  también las
 fuentes de sin éxito.

 Me  bajé el  .deb de  p.d.o/~bunk para  ver sus  dependencias y
 encontrar  con suerte  algún  paquete-dev sin  instalar pero  nada,
 tengo versiones suficientemente actuales tanto de libc6-dev como de
 libncurses5-dev así que no creo que sea problema de eso.

 Me  rindo.  Cederé e  instalaré  el  .deb pero  antes  quisiera
 saber... ¿alguien lo ha instalado ya? ¿Le funciona sin problemas?

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: gnome, para que el root entre directamente

2001-05-18 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 18 May 2001 21:08:58 +0200, fitero_ko wrote:
 Hola a todos:
 Hola a todos, es la segunda vez que me instalo debian, y necesito una poca de 
 ayuda, escribo para saber si alguiene me puede decir que teno que hacer para 
 que ROOT entre directamente al GNOME.
 Yo lo que estoy intentando hacer es crear un archivo con este contenido: 
 exec gnome-sesison , este archivo lo llamo .xinitec, pero ¿done de lo 
en /root, o sea, en el $HOME del usuario root


Re: Script para pon

2001-05-18 Thread Miguel Angel
On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 07:48:15PM +0200, Joaquín Pérez wrote:
  Hola, estoy teniendo problemas para conectar con mi proveedor de
  Internet (básicamente cuando le apetece ,léase están saturados,
  al conectar me da un error de autentificación de password, como 
  se que la conexión está bien por que esto sólo :-)) ocurre las 10
  primeras veces que lo intento, me interesaría un script del tipo
  mientras no conectado exec pon proveedor, pero la verdad no se 
  si pon devuelve algun valor que me diga si está conectado.
  Si alguien tiene un script de ese tipo le agradecería que me
  le enviara, Gracias por adelantado y Adioss.

Hola, te sugiero que pruebes wvdial:

# apt-get install wvdial

le das el número de teléfono de tu ISP, el login, la clave y
te lo deja  todo  preparadito  (incluido detección de  módem
externo  en puerto serie)  para que conectes a  internet con
sólo ejecutar 

# wvdial

Este programa no sólo conectar con el ISP y demás, sino que:

a) Si la conexión falla por algún error, cuelga y vuelve a 
   intentar la conexión automáticamente.
b) Si se corta la conexión mientras la estás usando, sobre
   la marcha vuelve a conectar.
c) Si desconectas el cable  del módem del conector RTB de la
   pared,  se queda intentando conectar indefinidamente, así
   que cuando vuelves a poner el cable en el RTB de la pared
   reestablece la conexión automáticamente. Esto está genial
   para cuando estás  conectado  y alguien quiere llamar por
   teléfono.  Quitas el cable de la pared,  llaman, cuelgan,
   pones  el cable  en la  pared,  y ya  estás  como  antes.
d) Si quieres configurar el  sistema  para que algún usuario
   pueda conectar a internet sin clave de roor es fácil,  un
   par de  cambios de  permisos  y listo.  (En mi sistema el
   usuario www-data lo hace sin problemas)

Suerte ;-)

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Miguel Ángel Vilela ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
| a.k.a. miguev at IRC-Hispano, Gulic  Barrapunto  |
| Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias   (Spain)  |
| Public GPG key at|
| Web: (under construction)  |
| ICQ:  #72624205 || Nick: miguev   |
| Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias - |
| Powered by Linux 2.4.2 on a Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 Potato   |
| Linux Registered User #184518 ( |
| Linux Registered Box   #81674 (IBM Aptiva 2175, P120, 32RAM, 1GB) |
| Linux Driver Petition  #73209 (|
   (@ @)
 Mira --dijo el amigo al amigo sobre el puente--
 la dicha de los peces en el río.
 Pero el otro dijo: ¿Cómo puedes conocer tú, que no eres pez,
 la dicha de los peces en el río?
 Respondió: Por mi dicha sobre el puente.
  Apología china, citada por Lanza del Vasto

Description: PGP signature

Como instalar temas en Sawmill

2001-05-18 Thread Guillermo A. de la Hoz Ardiz,,,

Hola a todos
Me gustaría instalar temas en Gnome Sawfish, pero no se como hacerlo.
Me he conectado a y he pillado uno, con la extensión 
.tar.gz, pero no se como descomprimirlo ni en que directorio dejarlo.
Brujuleando con dselesct he visto una utilidad llamada theme-converters 
que convierte estos temas .tar.gz en ficheros .deb, pero no se como se 
utiliza este conversor

¿Me podeis echar una mano? (Al cuello no, por favor;-))


2001-05-18 Thread Alberto Cerezo
¿Alguien sabría decirme porque tras configurar exim, con Mozilla puedo 
enviar y recibir correo y en cambio con Mutt sólo puedo recibirlo? Me 
dice que está enviado pero quizás se quede encolado en algún lugar que 
no he localizado o simplemente el procedieminto de envío es otro y yo lo 

gracias a todos por anticipado.

Re: Script para pon

2001-05-18 Thread Santi Béjar
Miguel Angel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   # wvdial
   Este programa no sólo conectar con el ISP y demás, sino que:
   a) Si la conexión falla por algún error, cuelga y vuelve a 
  intentar la conexión automáticamente.
   b) Si se corta la conexión mientras la estás usando, sobre
  la marcha vuelve a conectar.
   c) Si desconectas el cable  del módem del conector RTB de la
  pared,  se queda intentando conectar indefinidamente, así
  que cuando vuelves a poner el cable en el RTB de la pared
  reestablece la conexión automáticamente. Esto está genial
  para cuando estás  conectado  y alguien quiere llamar por
  teléfono.  Quitas el cable de la pared,  llaman, cuelgan,
  pones  el cable  en la  pared,  y ya  estás  como  antes.

  Pues yo eso lo tengo puesto sin el wvdial, en /etc/ppp/options tengo:

holdoff 5

  Intenta conectarse a los cinco segundos de pararse la conexion.

   d) Si quieres configurar el  sistema  para que algún usuario
  pueda conectar a internet sin clave de roor es fácil,  un
  par de  cambios de  permisos  y listo.  (En mi sistema el
  usuario www-data lo hace sin problemas)

No se necesita el wvdial

No estoy diciendo que no sea útil, la verda no lo he probado, pero para
lo que dices no hace falta.


Re: Como instalar temas en Sawmill

2001-05-18 Thread gerlo

Guillermo Hola a todos Me gustaría instalar temas en Gnome Sawfish, pero
Guillermo no se como hacerlo.  Me he conectado a y he
Guillermo pillado uno, con la extensión .tar.gz, pero no se como
Guillermo descomprimirlo ni en que directorio dejarlo.

Guillermo Brujuleando con dselesct he visto una utilidad llamada
Guillermo theme-converters que convierte estos temas .tar.gz en ficheros
Guillermo .deb, pero no se como se utiliza este conversor

Guillermo ¿Me podeis echar una mano? (Al cuello no, por favor;-))

Hablo de memoria pero creo que se descomprimían en 
El subdirectorio versión será el número de versión que tienes de sawfish.

pd Este es el primer mensaje que posteo con gnus y aún no le he cogido el
tranquillo. Espero que no produzca demasiados daños colaterales :-)

  Gerardo López [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 X-Windows: ...Japan's secret weapon


2001-05-18 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el sábado 19 de mayo, Alberto Cerezo escribió:
 ¿Alguien sabría decirme porque tras configurar exim, con Mozilla puedo 
 enviar y recibir correo y en cambio con Mutt sólo puedo recibirlo? Me 
 dice que está enviado pero quizás se quede encolado en algún lugar que 
 no he localizado o simplemente el procedieminto de envío es otro y yo lo 

¿Has configurado en netscape un servidor smtp? No uso netscape, pero me
imagino que es así, lo cual significa que el propio netscape está
haciendo el envío (estilo Windows).

Mutt no funciona igual. Mutt le entrega el correo saliente a un programa
especializado en envío de correo (el MTA), que hace esa función
específica y nada más (estilo Unix). En tu caso estás utilizando el
exim, pero no creo que esté correctamente configurado.

Echale un vistazo al directorio /var/spool/exim/msglog a ver lo que
tienes allí. Es posible que ahí encuentres indicaciones del problema.

 gracias a todos por anticipado.
De nada, a mandar.

   O /  O O O O O / O / O / O /  O  Luis Arocha, Data
\__|/|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/|/ larocha at
\\   \   \   \   Islas Canarias
  \\   \   \   \ Spain

Description: PGP signature

[Fwd: Como instalar temas en Sawmill]

2001-05-18 Thread Guillermo A. de la Hoz Ardiz,,,
Así lo he hecho, pero no me lo reconoce. Desde la herramienta de 
configuración del entorno Gnome, en Gestor de ventanas Sawmill, 
apariencia, figura el tema que he seleccionado, pero al darle a probar o 
aceptar no me hace ni caso. También me gustaría poner fondos de pantalla 
o escritorio, pero no se que tipo de ficheros hay que usar ni donde 

Por cierto. ¿Sabeis usar la herramienta theme-converters?

Guillermo Hola a todos Me gustaría instalar temas en Gnome Sawfish, pero
Guillermo no se como hacerlo.  Me he conectado a y he
Guillermo pillado uno, con la extensión .tar.gz, pero no se como
Guillermo descomprimirlo ni en que directorio dejarlo.

Guillermo Brujuleando con dselesct he visto una utilidad llamada
Guillermo theme-converters que convierte estos temas .tar.gz en ficheros
Guillermo .deb, pero no se como se utiliza este conversor

Guillermo ¿Me podeis echar una mano? (Al cuello no, por favor;-))

Hablo de memoria pero creo que se descomprimían en 
El subdirectorio versión será el número de versión que tienes de sawfish.

pd Este es el primer mensaje que posteo con gnus y aún no le he cogido el
tranquillo. Espero que no produzca demasiados daños colaterales :-)

  Gerardo López [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 X-Windows: ...Japan's secret weapon

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

---End Message---

Re: Poca memoria baja en BIOS

2001-05-18 Thread Luis M. García
El Vie 18 May 2001 23:54, Miguel Angel escribió:

   Estoy tratando de  debianizar a un pobre amigo mío que sigue
   desamparado  en el submundo del innombrable.  Lo primero que
   se pone en contra nuestro es que al parecer su PC tiene sólo
   512 KB de memoria baja en la BIOS (64 MB de memoria total) y
   cuando intento arrancar con el CD de  Potato  me dice que no
   puede porque necesita al menos  608 KB  de memoria baja.  La
   cuestión es si  realmente se puede instalar  Debian en un PC
   así  por las buenas  o hay que compilar un kernel reducido
   y metérselo por  floppy.  En el disco duro de ese PC ya está
   instalada la Potato y el LILO está donde tiene que estar. De
   hecho si pongo su disco duro en mi PC funciona perfectamente
   pero en  su PC  no carga el  LILO  ni tampoco puede arrancar
   Linux (el kernel) por falta de memoria.

   ¿Alguna ayudita?  Gracias anticipadas.

No estoy muy seguro de esto, pero tal vez en la configuración de la BIOS 
se pueda tocar algo...


no puedo compilar

2001-05-18 Thread esteban aguilera
debian:~/avifile-0.53.5# ./configure
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... missing
checking host system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for c++... no
checking for g++... no
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C++ compiler (gcc  ) works... no
configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot 
create executables.

que puede ser tengo gcc  

esto me pone muy mal porque no puedo compilar nada.


Ny version as {i,w}-swedish

2001-05-18 Thread Mikael Hedin
Hej!  Jag har lagt upp nya versioner av de svenska ordlitorna.  De är
baserade på ispell-sv, och inte Göran Anderssons egen (?) källa.  Kom
gärna med synpunkter på innehållet och hur de fungerar.  De är en hel
del skillnader, men jag tänkte arbeta in det som saknas från Görans
version i den mån det behövs.  Så för att veta hur det fungerar är det
bra med rapporter och omdömen.  


Mikael Hedin, MSc   +46 (0)980 79176
Swedish Institute of Space Physics  +46 (0)8 344979 (home)
Box 812, S-981 28 KIRUNA, Sweden+46 (0)70 5891533 (mobile)
[gpg key fingerprint = 387F A8DB DC2A 50E3 FE26  30C4 5793 29D3 C01B 2A22]

Gnome menyer på svenska

2001-05-18 Thread Jonas Liljegren
Jag har svenska på mina menyer i Gnome och Sawfish.

Problemet är att alla texter som har åäö i sig inte syns alls. Det
gäller både i sawfish-menyerna, gnome-menyerna och i exempelvis Gnome

Hur gör jag för att det ska fungera?

I övrigt fungerar tangentbord, teckenuppsättning och mappning i
teminalfönster, emacs, och i inmatningsfält i alla gnomeprogram.

/ Jonas  -

Re: Gnome menyer på svenska

2001-05-18 Thread David Westlund
 Problemet är att alla texter som har åäö i sig inte syns alls. Det
 gäller både i sawfish-menyerna, gnome-menyerna och i exempelvis Gnome

Vad har du satt LC_ALL och/eller de andra variablerna som är kopplade till
språket till?

David Westlund

Re: Gnome menyer på svenska

2001-05-18 Thread Johan Dahlin
Hej igen.

Jag vet inte riktig hur man ska göra.
Jag kör numera Red Hat och där har de ett skript som ställer in allt åt
Men, i debian ska det räcka med att:
export LANG=sv_SE
export LC_ALL=sv_SE

och inget annt, sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 kan t.ex ge problem.

Den 18 May 2001 14:04:50 +0200 skrev Jonas Liljegren:
 Johan Dahlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  export LANG=sv_SE (setenv LANG sv_SE)
  ska räcka.
 Tror inte det är det... Menyerna är ju på svenska. Och allt sådant
 fungerar...  Förrutom åäö-raderna...
 Men jag ska försöka lite med det, och återkommer.
 Så här ser /etc/profile ut:
 och locale ger:
 Använder nya locales där man måste editera locale.gen, där jag
 avmarkerat en_US ISO-8859-1 och sv_SE ISO-8859-1.
 X-windows startas via gdm.  Men om jag ändrar i /etc/profile och
 startar om så borde det slå igenom va?  Ska försöka sätta LANG..
 YiiH!!!  =-)  Nu fungerar det!!! 
 Konstigt att LC_CTYPE var sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 även när jag i /etc/profile
 explicit satte det till enbart sv_SE.  Och varför har inte LC_ALL
 citationstecken runt sitt värde?
 Det visade sig att det inte fungerade att enbart sätta LANG=cv_SE  Så
 jag satte istället igång att definiera alla LC separat och lät bli att
 definiera LC_ALL.  Såhär:
 Och det fungerade!   Nu får någon gärna tipsa mig om hur det
 *egentligen* är meningen att man ska göra...
 Tack för hjälpenn iaf!  Nu kan man äntligen konfigurera lite saker, Nu
 när man ser alternativen! =)
  Innan du startar X, naturligtvis.
  Skulle inte det fungera, av någon okänd anledning, sätt också:
  LC_ALL o LC_CTYPE till sv_SE.
  Du kan kolla vad alla variabler är satta till genom att anropa
  Den 18 May 2001 13:17:01 +0200 skrev Jonas Liljegren:
   Jag har svenska på mina menyer i Gnome och Sawfish.
   Problemet är att alla texter som har åäö i sig inte syns alls. Det
   gäller både i sawfish-menyerna, gnome-menyerna och i exempelvis Gnome
   Hur gör jag för att det ska fungera?
   I övrigt fungerar tangentbord, teckenuppsättning och mappning i
   teminalfönster, emacs, och i inmatningsfält i alla gnomeprogram.
   / Jonas  -
   with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  - Johan Dahlin  Address:- 
  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Nygatan 17, nb  -
  - UIN:   1704687523 30 Ulricehamn   -
  - PHONE: +46 (0)321-17559   SWEDEN  -
  - IRC:   zilch on [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -
 / Jonas  -

- Johan Dahlin  Address:- 
- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Nygatan 17, nb  -
- UIN:   1704687523 30 Ulricehamn   -
- PHONE: +46 (0)321-17559   SWEDEN  -
- IRC:   zilch on [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -

Re: Gnome menyer på svenska

2001-05-18 Thread orange
On 18 May 2001, Jonas Liljegren wrote:
Jag har svenska på mina menyer i Gnome och Sawfish.

Problemet är att alla texter som har åäö i sig inte syns alls. Det
gäller både i sawfish-menyerna, gnome-menyerna och i exempelvis Gnome


  det råkar inte vara så enkelt att teckensnittet
du använder i menyerna inte innehåller åäö? ;)


 [x] icq - 496723 [x] url -

Re: problemas com Xfree 4.0.2

2001-05-18 Thread Emerson Val Silva
On Thu, 17 May 2001 04:43:57 -0300
Diego Wentz Antunes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alguem teve algum problema tentando compilar os fontes
 da versao 4.0.2?
 Nao sei se eh apenas comigo, o programa bdftopcf nao esta
 sendo compilado corretamente.
 Se alguem que teve problema parecido puder entrar em contato.

Desculpe não poder ajudar, mas você pode me enviar os fontes do Driver pra 
S3Virge? Estou querendo criar um driver pra minha placa funcionar no X 4, mas 
não roda com o S3Virge normal do X 4.

Não estou querendo baixar o codigo-fonte todo pelo tamanho, são mais de 25MB, 

Como evitar quebra de linha e rolagem excessiva no Emacs?

2001-05-18 Thread Emerson Val Silva

Oi pessoal.

Gostaria de saber como posso evitar a rolagem excessiva que o Emacs faz quando 
o cursor passa dos limites da area de edicao e como evitar a quebra de linha.


Problema solucionado problema encontrado-Impressoras

2001-05-18 Thread HSO.suporte
Eu queria avisar que consegui resolver os problemas da minha conexão de
internet, era um problema de gateway( a rede interna tem um gateway que deve
ser substituido na hora da conexão de internet em vez de por exemplo
gateway= deveria ser o gateway da internet:
gateway=200.qqcoisa.ccc) o que eu tive de fazer foi um script que limpava
todas as rotas e depois  reeescrivia da maneira correta e coloca-lo em
ip-up.d depois um para voltar as coisas da maneira original e coloca-lo em
Bom agora o problema :
Alguem sabe onde conseguir um driver para a impressora
Epson LX-300(uma matricial meio antiga)
Agradeço qq informação.

php and apache problem

2001-05-18 Thread Flavio Alberto
Eu recentemente estou tentando dar suprete ao php no apache do debian...
apt-get install php4... e ele adicionava a linha do modulo nao
/etc/httpd.conf deu tudo certo ele inciava o php direitinho... agora eu
tentei dar suporte ao uma outra mauqina.. mas e coloquei a linha... mas
quando vou tentar acessar o arquivo php ele pede para eu baixar... eu ja
adicinei as linhas AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3 .php e resetei o
paache mas isto nao resvolveu ele ainda vontinua baixandoi os arquivos...


2001-05-18 Thread Flavio Alberto #debian-br
nao sei como anda o projeto de traducao do debian mas os manuais estao
fervendo acho que estao fazendo o boot flopies o kov e baptistsa sabe
didssoo melhor do que eu...
-Mensagem original-
De: Anderson Castrilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: Quinta-feira, 17 de Maio de 2001 09:39

Ola eu gostaria de saber aonde esta a sala #debian-br para eu acesar ela
esta na brasnet ou em outro cervidor ?

Aonde eu poso encontrar versões do debian em potuques ?
Obrigado des de ja

Anderson Castrilla

Re: kernel 2.2.19 to 2.4.4 ( ip masquerade )

2001-05-18 Thread Flavio Alberto
existe algum script ou programa que port as regras de ipchains para
iptables? assim como temos no bind? porta aquirov s 4 para 8?
-Mensagem original-
De: Gustavo Franco - a.k.a _Stratus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: Quarta-feira, 16 de Maio de 2001 17:57
Assunto: Re: kernel 2.2.19 to 2.4.4 ( ip masquerade )

On Wed, 16 May 2001 13:32:55 -0300
Clone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 na versao 2.4.x do kernel o ipchains foi deixado de lado e foi colocado o
 deve ser por isso que voce nao esta cosneguindo resultado positivo com

Isso nao eh bem verdade, na serie 2.4 do Kernel ate mesmo o suporte a
ipfwadm esta inserido!


 Atualizei o kernel para o 2.4.4, antes estava com o 2.2.19.

 Estou tendo problemas em relacao a substituicao do ipmasquerade do
 2.2.19 para o 2.4.4. O script de firewall esta o mais simples possivel,
 enquanto esta somente configurado para que os clientes windows acessem a
 atraves do servidor. As unicas regras sao as seguintes :

 # Habilita IP masquerade
 # Observacao: Estamos usando 192.168.0.x como enderego de
 # nossa rede local e com como mascara de rede.
 /sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ

 # Regras para o servidor poder acessar a internet
 /sbin/ipchains -A output -s -d 0/0 -j ACCEPT
 /sbin/ipchains -A input -s -d 0/0 -j ACCEPT

 Alguem teria um tutorial, texto ou algo parecido que me ajudasse a
 substituir essas duas regras ?!?! O que eh que seria necessario
 kernel para poder utilizar o ipmasqueradin ?!?

 [ ]'s

O novo sistema de firewall da serie 2.4 chama-se netfilter, no netfilter
existe suporte a:
ipfwadm, ipchains e ao novo iptables.Se voce por built-in (*) para o
ipchains nao tera problema algum com ip_masquerading! Verifique isso ao
habilitar o netfilter e posteriormente entrando no menu para configura-lo.La
dentro vc tb pode modular todas as opcoes para o iptables se vc quiser
utiliza-lo futuramente sem recompilar todo o kernel novamente.(eh como eu
utilizo aqui)

Se mesmo assim vc encontrar problemas eu descrevo aqui passo a passo onde
exatamente entrar e o q habilitar e nao habilitar (acho q por agora nao eh
necessario, acredito q vc nao tenha notado a presenca do netfilter

Gustavo R. Franco --
 -- a.k.a _Stratus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 (See Debian GNU/Linux at

RES: UNIX world...

2001-05-18 Thread andremac
Olá Hélio,

-Mensagem original-

  3. Acredito que um dos pontos negativos do UNIX seja o preço.
  Verdade? Se fosse FREE será que todo mundo (com bom senso) o

   Não.  Solaris já é distribuído pelo preço da mídia, Plan9, da ATT,
 é distribuído gratuitamente.  O problema, IMHO, é mesmo quanto às

No caso do Solaris, existe um nondisclosure agreement, em que você
se compromete a não passar o código para mais ninguém, utilizá-lo em outro
projeto, ou distribuir versões modificadas. Comparada à GPL, é quase a mesma
coisa que ter só o binário. O que eles querem na verade é que um monte de
trouxa fique procurando bugs e falhas de segurança de graça. O Plan9, pelo
que eu li, nem é UNIX-like. Tirando o shell, que aceita os mesmos comandos,
é um conceito novo, mais ou menos como o GNU/Hurd. Em comum com o Gnu/Hurd
ele tem a usabilidade, que é quase nula :)

 Também a atualização é muito ruim.  Em qualquer distribuição
 GNU/Linux já existem ferramentas muito superiores neste sentido.

Um vez um amigo meu pediu para ajudar a instalar o Apache em um AIX.
Baixei os fontes, mas o tar que vinha nele era tão antigo que não consegui
abrir o código fonte. Tivemos que ficar com o webserver que vinha no CD,
somente em binário. Detalhe: a máquina era nova.

Um abraço,
André Leão Macedo

Re: php and apache problem

2001-05-18 Thread Andre Luis Lopes
Em Sex 18 Mai 2001 08:15, Flavio Alberto escreveu:
 Eu recentemente estou tentando dar suprete ao php no apache do debian...
 apt-get install php4... e ele adicionava a linha do modulo nao
 /etc/httpd.conf deu tudo certo ele inciava o php direitinho... agora eu
 tentei dar suporte ao uma outra mauqina.. mas e coloquei a linha... mas
 quando vou tentar acessar o arquivo php ele pede para eu baixar... eu ja
 adicinei as linhas AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3 .php e resetei o
 paache mas isto nao resvolveu ele ainda vontinua baixandoi os arquivos...

   Tirado do /etc/apache/httpd.conf (Debian unstable) :

# AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing
# it, or to make certain files to be certain types.
# For example, the PHP 3.x module (not part of the Apache
# distribution - see will typically use:
#AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
#AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
# And for PHP 4.x, use:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

   Aqui funciona muito bem assim, só com a parte relativa ao PHP 4 

   Espero ter ajudado.

André Luís Lopes
Utah Linuxcenter

Re: problemas com Xfree 4.0.2 - Possível resposta :-)

2001-05-18 Thread Andre Luis Lopes
Em Qui 17 Mai 2001 04:43, Diego Wentz Antunes escreveu:

 Alguem teve algum problema tentando compilar os fontes
 da versao 4.0.2?
 Nao sei se eh apenas comigo, o programa bdftopcf nao esta
 sendo compilado corretamente.
 Se alguem que teve problema parecido puder entrar em contato.


 []'s devlware

   Já existem pacotes deb do XFree-4.0.3, não oficiais, para o potato, caso 
seja ele quem você esteja usando. 

Retirado do site do developer destes pacotes não-oficiais :

These are unofficial packages:


You need the following lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb xf403_potato/i386/
deb xf403_potato/all/

You might also need the libfreetype debs at

For even more juicy info, see:

IMPORTANT NOTE: because of the debconf on potato, the configuration of this
X installation might fail or be incomplete.  If this is the case, simply do
it the old-fashioned way by running xf86config.  In addition, you might need
to create a symlink from /etc/X11/X to /usr/bin/X11/XFree86 (this is mostly
because of debhelper, afaics).


   Testei e funcionou na máquina com potato que mantenho em casa. Detalhe : 
uso SiS530/620.

   Espero ter ajudado.

André Luís Lopes
Utah Linuxcenter

Re: Limpando o Debian

2001-05-18 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
dpkg -l 
lista os pacotes.
Os que você não quiser, digite:
apt-get remove --purge pacote.
Um abraço,  PH
Em Fri, 18 May 2001 00:34:29 -0300, Israel Mendes Biscaia Filho

 Falae gente!! Beleza??
 Bom, é o seguinte: Eu, quando fiz a instalação do Debian (2.2r0) a
 vez aqui, eu acabei instalando um monte de bobagens que eu achei que
 interessantes mas nem cheguei a usá-las nem mesmo sei da existência
 O problema é que essa instalação do 2.2r0 dura até hoje, porém eu
 passei pra
 unstable, etc... Minha dúvida é: O que vocês me sugerem para que eu
 eliminar pacotes desnecessários sem muito sofrimento? Uma vez o
 KoV me
 falou do deborphan, que é muuuito legal, porém não consegui ainda o
 ersultado que eu esperava... Só para se ter uma idéia, aqui está a
 tabela de partições:
 FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda3 2.6G  2.0G  487M  81% /
 Então, acho que é só isso... Agradeço desde já a todos que me
 Um abraço,
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Paulo Henrique B de Oliveira
Gerente de Operações - Linux Solutions -
O maior conteúdo de Linux em língua portuguesa - OLinux -
(21)526-7262 ramal 31

Pau no X.

2001-05-18 Thread Algot
Oi gente,
Ainda estou na luta com a sis 530.
Consigo entrar no x, mas não com resolução de 32bpp. Olha aí o que recebo 
quando digito startx --32bpp:

(--) SVGA: XAA: Dashed lines and segments
System: `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb -xkm -m 
br -em1 The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: -emp   -eml 
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the x server keymap/xfree86 

Alguém tem mais alguma sugestão ?

Usuário Linux 187398.
Seja feliz, use Linux...

Re: Limpando o Debian

2001-05-18 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 18 May 2001 10:24:51 -0300
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

   dpkg -l 
   lista os pacotes.
   Os que você não quiser, digite:
   apt-get remove --purge pacote.
exatamente isso que fiz a alguns dias... eu fazia:

dpkg -l | grep ii | cut -c 5- | grep ^a

dava apt-get --purge remove nos pacotes que não queria,
executava o deborphan, removia as libs orfãs e repetia
o processo, agora com 'grep ^b' no final =) fiz até a
z e pronto =)

limpei uns giga hehehe...


   Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|  (___)  |
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |  o o  |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |  \ ^ /  |
|   `-| Think globaly, act localy! |   ()   |

Re: Configuracao xf86free

2001-05-18 Thread Daniel Confortin

pega o driver da sis e segue as instruções que vem junto com 

é barbada...

Vida Longa e Próspera
- Original Message - 

  colchoes ltda 
  Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 5:23 PM
  Subject: Configuracao xf86free
  Oi pessoal,
  instalei debian pouco mais de um 
  estou tentando configurar o meu x-window , e nao 
  estou tendo exito
  estou recebendo mensagem tipo:
  SVGA failled
  tentei configurar no xf86config
  A configuracao do meu PC eh
  AMD-K6 (tm) 3d processor
  24MB RAM
  placa de video sis530 (sis 620) 
  modem motorola pci speackphone
  Alguem pode me dar uma dica mais detalhada para 
  que eu possa ter melho exito


2001-05-18 Thread Fábio Farias

trabalho com linux red hat e conectiva 

e estou com um grande interesse emmigrar para 
o debian
mas estou tendo problemas com documentação em 
portugues alguem se souber de algo e puder mandar para min ficarei 
muito obrigado

Re: imigração

2001-05-18 Thread Pablo Lorenzzoni

Jah tentou


Em Sex 18 Mai 2001 20:36, Fábio Farias escreveu:
| trabalho com linux red hat e conectiva
| e estou com um grande interesse em migrar para o debian
| mas estou tendo problemas com documentação em portugues alguem se
| souber de algo e puder mandar para min ficarei agradecido muito
| obrigado

Pablo Lorenzzoni (Spectra) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can get my public GnuPG key at (Key ID: 
Albert Einstein: Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried 
anything new.


2001-05-18 Thread Nitrogen
Notei que uma das revistas sobre Linux agora vem como Debian 2.2main. (Acho
que é a geek, ou Aquivo Linux, sei lá...)
Não dei muita atenção ao CD, pois já os tenho. O que me interessou foi a
imagem do pingüin, que esta com um tipo de toca com o logotipo da debian.
Alguém sabe se seria possível (e onde) arquirir tal imagen para incluir em
meu desktop?

Thank you!
Leonardo Custodio

Re: imigração

2001-05-18 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Fri, 18 May 2001 20:46:33 -0300, Pablo Lorenzzoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Jah tentou

Além disso, grande parte dos ítens essenciais do site oficial
( já estão traduzidos; os que não estão, vão ser em
breve. Caso você(s) ache(m) algo importante em inglês no site, não deixe de
avisar (pode ser aqui na lista mesmo, ou por e-mail pra kov, error ou eu).

Outra coisa: não esqueça de que, pra ver as páginas em português, você precisa
configurar seu browser pra aceitar Português (genérico) e Inglês, nessa ordem.
Se você puser a variante Português do Brasil e Inglês, vai ver a página em 
Eu recomendo colocar: Português, Português do Brasil e Inglês, nessa ordem
decrescente de preferência.

 Em Sex 18 Mai 2001 20:36, Fábio Farias escreveu:
 | trabalho com linux red hat e conectiva
 | e estou com um grande interesse em migrar para o debian
 | mas estou tendo problemas com documentação em portugues alguem se
 | souber de algo e puder mandar para min ficarei agradecido muito
 | obrigado
 Pablo Lorenzzoni (Spectra) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You can get my public GnuPG key at (Key ID: 
 Albert Einstein: Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried 
 anything new.

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _   Debian-BR Project
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_| uin#: 981913 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594
Lots of people drink from the wrong bottle sometimes.
-- Edith Keeler, The City on the Edge of Forever, stardate unknown

Re: Debian Distro on Floppies?

2001-05-18 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 05:11:12PM -0400, Ken Clarke wrote:
 Hi, I'm trying to find a Linux Distro that can still be obtained for
 floppy installation.  
If this is just for show, I will install Debian with IDEPCI boot floppy.
(Or if you bother to be compatible with some old drives such as
SB-CDROM, I will put standard boot/root/driver disks)

That's 2 disks to boot/root and possibly 3 (7) driver disks.  Also put base
disks which I remember span 11 FD.

Just install with easyway (not expert - no dselect).

Then you have Linux system with most of basic package.
  tar, fsck, gzip, ls, ash, ifconfig, route, ...

Well just in case you need to impress people, get one DOS disk with
etc in .deb files.  install them with dpkg -i.  (They may be already
there in base set, but this is just an idea how to get additional

If you have too much deb files, put them into one subdirectory and use
tar -M to create fixed size series of files and put them onto FD.  

YES, you can do this just for show.

If I were you and need to put linux on archaic box, I take Karsens method
of swapping HD ;-)

Anything is possible in Linux.   

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,

Re: Problem with netgear card

2001-05-18 Thread Travis Place
On Fri, 18 May 2001 23:04:13 John Griffiths wrote:
 At 03:00 AM 5/18/01 -, Brian Schramm wrote:
 Tryed, also I did not try any command paramiters.
 We'll have to hope the big brains have an idea
 I've always just loaded the tulip module on install with those cards and sat 
back to enjoy the ride
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there is a new module called ng_tulip, which has been made for the fa311 
card that you mentioned...the tulip one doesnt work properly in later 
kernels...try the ng_tulip one :)

Re: samba - swat - problem

2001-05-18 Thread Dieter Schicker

Thank you for your hints.
I restarted inetd, but the problem persists ... hm.

--- Willi Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 05:18:36PM +0200, Dieter
 Schicker wrote:
  I just installed Samba 2.2.0 and Swat on my potato
 machine. When I try to
  access swat by typing http://localhost:901;, the
 browser says The
  connection was refused when attempting to contact
  So, I don't know how to get around this problem.
 Take a look in your /etc/inetd.conf and comment out
 the line beginning
 with something like #off# swat ... ... ..
 Then '/etc/init.d/inetd restart' and you should be
 fine ;).
 Regards, Willi
 -- a registered (#210445) user of:Debian
 2.2r3 GNU/Linux
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 Fingerprint: DAD2 E564 B725 E6A3 5A0F  1497 4411
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Re: X hangs in mysterious ways

2001-05-18 Thread Simon Law
On Thu, 17 May 2001, Kevin Ross wrote:

  What's funny is that VESA comes up right, it detects my card
  beautifully; but then it complains that there aren't any screens.
 Sounds like it can't find a matching resolution and refresh rate.  The VESA 
 driver is limited in what resolutions and refresh rates it will support.
 In Section Monitor, try commenting out everything except the Identifier.  
 This will use a default set of refresh rates.
 In Section Screen, try using conservative values.  Like for DefaultDepth, 
 try 16.  And in the Subsection Display for 16 bit, try just 800x600.

I've got VESA to work now.  I had to set it to use a bpp of 8, and
then it came up fine.  My computer has been up for 15 hours now, and I've
been in X all this time; so I guess things are working alright (Although
none of my consoles work now.  *sigh*  Something about the refresh rate
being too low.  (I always thought that text consoles ran at 60Hz.))

Anyway, this leads me to suspect that it's my video card that's
busted (unlikely) or that the X driver is broken.  Should I try going back
to X 4.0.2 and see if that works?  (I had a computer a while ago with the
same type of video card, running X 4.0.2.)

Actually, VESA mode isn't much slower than the accelerated driver.
X 4.0.3 doesn't seem to have working Direct Rendering support for ATI cards
yet.  All I'm missing are the pretty colours, and I can live without them
for the time being.


Exim and several mail domains

2001-05-18 Thread Daniel de los Reyes
I have a machine running exim that has to serve several mail domains. I
understand I should set them up as local domains, but then (correct me
if I'm wrong) if I have domainA and domainB all local users would have
email addresses for both domains.
The thing is I don't really understand what I should do to tell exim
whih users belong to which domain.
Is it just a cuestion of playing with mail_aliases or is there anything
else to be set up in exim.conf
(And yes, I've read the docs about exim's virtual hosting but I don't
quite get it)
Daniel de los Reyes
S2-Selling Soluciones
Valencia Spain
Powered by Debian GNU-Linux 2.2r3

Re: Documentacion sobre el entorno grafico

2001-05-18 Thread Sánchez
/usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/XFree86-FAQ.html (un mirror rápido es el de la Universidad de

Alberto Cabello Sánchez
Servicio de Informática
Universidad de Extremadura
924 298 351 - 924 289 352
Debian 2.2 Potato
Sylpheed 0.4.61

X problems

2001-05-18 Thread harsha
   i was using a potato system. i did a dist-upgrade to woody. the upgrade went 
without a hitch but for X. some packages were of version 3.3.6-18. i tried 
removing 3.3.6-18 but said dependency problems. 

I have Riva TNT2 ULTRA card. downloaded the binary drivers from nvidia and 
installed them. 

i am a newbie so didn't know i how it is quite worked. so assumed that i could 
safely remove xserver-svga. but that left me with out X. i am not quite clear 
on how to solve this. 

another thing i found when i tried to run mplayer -vo xv it says that XVideo 
definton missing. could someone give me links as to what this is all about. i 
wanted to use xine. but for a fs mode one needs Xv. 

how can i get this working,

thanks is advance,


keyboard settings

2001-05-18 Thread Mark Walter
After reinstalling all GNOME packages my keyboard doesn't print umlauts
anymore. LANG=de ( out of /usr/share/locales ) is set and also some values 
in the /etc/X11/XF86Config:

XkbLayout   de
XkbKeymap   xfree86(de)

I've just tried to execute my signature and this error message appears:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = de
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = de
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

Which package is missing ?

echo '$e=5;$p=3;$q=13;$h=$p*$q;while(($e*++$d)%($h-$p-$q+1)-1){};while($t=subst
r(82758c1b8939c7ef5c5d0   1eaa4aa38516aed555+9fe27fd0f5b0b464474b2316eac   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  390a03,$i,3)){$_.=packI,(hex($t)%$h)**$d%$   
h+95;s/_/+/g;$_=($i+=3)%2?uc:lc;print$_\n;}'|perl -nechomp;s/|~|\s*
[EMAIL PROTECTED]//g;print|perl

Re: No loopback interface after upgrading to testing

2001-05-18 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke
Hi Debians!

After upgrading to testing I must setup lo manually after rebooting with
ifup lo. 

I have this in my - not changed - interfaces-file:

| iface lo inet loopback

How can I fix it?


Wem gehört die Einheit?

Re: Debian Distro on Floppies?

2001-05-18 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 04:27:11PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Thu, May 17, 2001 at 05:11:12PM -0400, Ken Clarke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  I'm trying to find a Linux Distro that can still be obtained for
  floppy installation.  Yes I know about just hooking up a CD-ROM drive,
  a modem, or a null-modem connection to this ancient machine I'm
  working with.  
 Swap the harddrive to another case with net and/or CDROM access.
 You can install from floppy, but the amount of disk-swapping is

Actually, it's not that bad now.  If you have a decent net conection you
only need two floppies: rescue.bin and root.bin.  Once you get to the
second floppy (root.bin) you're asked if you would like to install over
the network.  The URL is set up already, as well.  Couldn't ask for a
simpler set up.


Re: Debian Distro on Floppies?

2001-05-18 Thread John Griffiths
Actually, it's not that bad now.  If you have a decent net conection you
only need two floppies: rescue.bin and root.bin.  Once you get to the
second floppy (root.bin) you're asked if you would like to install over
the network.  The URL is set up already, as well.  Couldn't ask for a
simpler set up.


Pretty sure u need the driver disk to get the NIC running... 

Re: Backup schecduling

2001-05-18 Thread Miquel Mart?n L?pez
Well, I like HD mirroring because if the main system dies, I just stick the
backup HD in and reboot, and the system is running again (either on single
user doing some forensics, or 100% functional)
I hadn't considered the option of one of my backup disks dying, still I
don't favour the idea of having just a few days to realize there's a rootkit
before it spreads to the backups... I know, 5 minutes should be enough to
detect rootkits, but just in case...
Thanks for the suggestion!

On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 05:39:15PM -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:
 hi ya miquel
 assuming you want to use two hard disk backups... ( must be important data
 ) ??
 main# mkdir /Backup_1
 main# mkdir /Backup_2
 -- you should alternate between the two backup disks/servers
   - if your main disk and your backup_1 still have
   yesterday on Backup_2
 have fun
 alvin .. sample scripts ...
 Use date... figure out if it even or odd days...
 and mount the even or odd days backup_1 or backup_2
   if ( $odd ) {
 mount Backup_1:/Backup_1 /Backup
   } else {
 mount Backup_2:/Backup_2 /Backup
   -- backup only changes since last full backup
   find /home /etc /root -mtime -$cnt | tar zcvf /Backup/$DATE.tgz
   $cnt += 1
   -- you should do FULL backups once a week or once a month ???
   -- there are major problems with doing just 24hr incrementals
   -- you should perform incrementals since last FULL backup...
 -- if you are worrying about intruders etc... you now have 3 boxes
to worry about instead of just one
 -- you should encrypt your backups if security is an issue
 -- once a month...erase your old backups from few months ago... via cron
 -- one day, when time is available...create a new test file...
   - backup it up by manually doing the backup
   - pretend you just have a major primary disk failure
   - and try to restore everything from backup
 -- now you can rest assured you have a reasonable backup ??
 On Fri, 18 May 2001, Miquel Mart?n L?pez wrote:
  Hi all,
  I am trying to decide on backup schecduling and have several things in
  mind. My system is on a main hard disk, and backups are made by copying this
  HD to another (equal sized) one. 
  Now, the point is I have one main HD and 2 backup HD, and have two criteria:
  a) Backup every one or two days, alternating the backup disks, so that the
  oldest backup is max 4 days old, and the newest is just 2 
  b) Backup every one or two days with the same backup disk, and make weekly
  backups with the other one.
  As you see, it's a compromise between having updated backups and having the
  time to realize problems or intrusions.
  So, just wondering, what do you do/suggest?
  Miquel Martín
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: No loopback interface after upgrading to testing

2001-05-18 Thread Gregory T. Norris
Do you have an auto entry in /etc/network/interfaces?  Mine looks
something like:

 auto lo eth0
 iface lo inet loopback
 iface eth0 inet blah blah

On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 09:01:16AM +0200, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
 Hi Debians!
 After upgrading to testing I must setup lo manually after rebooting with
 ifup lo. 
 I have this in my - not changed - interfaces-file:
 | iface lo inet loopback
 How can I fix it?

Description: PGP signature

user dialout problem.

2001-05-18 Thread V.Suresh
 My problem is, only root is able to dialout and initiate pppd.
 I have added the user to dip and dialout groups, but when as user
 I dialout to ISP, after the connection is established, a lot of errors
 prop up saying pppd cannot be run. As root, I tried changing permissions
 for pppd allowing users, but stilll that didn't work. any help?
  -V.Suresh.  Sureshvatusersdotsourceforgedotnet
---Powered by Debian Potato---
  1:50pm  up 1 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.22, 0.09, 0.03
-Created with Mutt, Sent by Exim - No Microsoft Products Used-

Re: More Dpkg Broken errors

2001-05-18 Thread Andreas Hatz
You should just run the command apt-get --fix-broken install without
any package names. Also make shure you have done apt-get update
recently. It is almost never worth re-installing just because of a small
problem :)

Kieren Diment wrote:
 I tried Andreas' suggestion, and this is what happens:
 # apt-get --fix-broken remove procmail
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
 Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 236kB will be freed.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
 (Reading database ... EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,2)): ext2_free_inode: 
 bit already cleared for inode 20506
 EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,2)): ext2_free_inode: bit already cleared for 
 inode 20512
 EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,2)): ext2_free_inode: bit already cleared for 
 inode 21010
 EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,2)): ext2_free_inode: bit already cleared for 
 inode 20574
 EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,2)): ext2_free_inode: bit already cleared for 
 inode 20576
 EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,2)): ext2_free_inode: bit already cleared for 
 inode 23665
 dpkg: error processing procmail (--remove):
  files list file for package `procmail' contains empty filename
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 Processing was halted because there were too many errors.
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 Can anyone advise how to fix please.  I'm running potato with Kernel
 2.2.17.  Am I going to have to reinstall (please no)?
 Kieren Diment
 (original message and reply below)
  Kieren Diment wrote:
   I was trying to install LyX, with dpkg -i lyx*.deb, but was told that 
   libforms0.89 was not installed.
   So after that I kept making errors, downloading libforms-bin and
   installing that by mistake, downloading libforms and Lyx for the wrong
   Architecture (Mk68 and Sparc) by mistake.  I finally got the correct
   deb files on my local machine and tried (as root)
   # dpkg -i libforms0.89_0.89-9.deb
   and got the following error message
   Selecting previously deselected package libforms0.89.
   (Reading database ... dpkg: error processing libforms0.89_0.89-9.deb 
files list file for package `procmail' contains empty filename
   Errors were encountered while processing:
   Processing was halted because there were too many errors.
   The same error was generated when I tried a-t-get remove procmail
   (thought that re-installing procmail might cure the problem), and now
   my system is un-upgradeable.
   Can anyone help me fix dpkg.  I just found that I was making too many
   trpoes with LaTeX commands and not identifying them until it was too
   late, , and I would like an easier life with LxY.
   Thanks in advance.
 On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 08:17:26PM +1000, Andreas Hatz wrote:
  Have you tried:
  # apt-get --fix-broken remove
  # apt-get --fix-broken install
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: samba - swat - problem

2001-05-18 Thread Pietro Cagnoni
  I just installed Samba 2.2.0 and Swat on my potato machine. When I try to
  access swat by typing http://localhost:901;, the browser says The
  connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost:901.
  So, I don't know how to get around this problem.
 Take a look in your /etc/inetd.conf and comment out the line beginning
 with something like #off# swat ... ... ..
 Then '/etc/init.d/inetd restart' and you should be fine ;).

uh, maybe you mean *uncomment* out ?
you need the swat line to enable the service!
use netstat -a to see if there's actually anybody listening on port 901.

hope it helps.


Re: Debian Distro on Floppies?

2001-05-18 Thread Colin Watson
John Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Rob VanFleet wrote:
Actually, it's not that bad now.  If you have a decent net conection you
only need two floppies: rescue.bin and root.bin.  Once you get to the
second floppy (root.bin) you're asked if you would like to install over
the network.  The URL is set up already, as well.  Couldn't ask for a
simpler set up.

Pretty sure u need the driver disk to get the NIC running... 

Depends on your NIC. I've done it without that several times.


Network starts before PCMCIA

2001-05-18 Thread Patrick Colbeck

I just installed 2.2r3 on a Libretto and it works fine except that on
boot it starts the networking before it starts PCMCIA so the ethernet
card is not initialised. I can do a /etc/init.d/network resart and it
all bursts into life. Is there a recommended way of fixing this issue



Re: staroffice package

2001-05-18 Thread Thomas Deselaers
On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 12:37:51AM +0200, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
 Hey and for all of you who want to be at the bleeding edge: download 
 openoffice from Thats StarOffice v6!
Is there an deb available? OpenOffice is under gpl, isn't it?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ# on request   gpg/pgp welcome

quiet dialup tip - away the modem roar

2001-05-18 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls


I've finally solved my ip-up script and now my scripts are running when I 
connect to my ISP. Wahoo.

Next I hate hearing dialup on modems. It's obnoxious! Here is what I did to 
my /etc/chatscripts/provider file pppconfig made for me:

Under the string: 
# modeminit
'' ATZ
# ispnumber
Now add:OK-AT-OK ATM0 Just before you see Your local dialing number:

This (at least on *my* modem) shuts off the speaker of the modem!
Finally, you can do this if you dial up more then one ISP, just add the entry 
to each of the dialups in /etc/chatscripts/


Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls/TELE: USA-707-442-6579\/A GNU-Debian linux user
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WEB: ICQ: 12741145
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Please Support freedom!

Re: debconf problem

2001-05-18 Thread Viljo Marrandi
  I have following problem - some time ago i was upgragding some parts of
  2.2 system

 To unstable or testing? How long ago, about 3 months, I take it?

unstable i suppose. And yes, it was long time ago, maybe even 3 months

 So you say you just upgraded? This appears like you upgraded to unstable
 *quite* some time ago, and then *downgraded* debconf. Otherwise, why is
 it installing debconf-tiny here?

Absolutely right. Don't ask why i did it... Now i wonder it myself too.

 If you are not trying to run unstable or testing, you need to change all
 occurrances of Debconf::Question to DebConf::Question (note case change) in

I am running stable (as stable as it is now, though). I changed all to
DebConf::Question, still same error :(. Any more ideas on this?

 If you are trying to upgrade to unstable, manually upgrading debconf
 with dpkg will work. You have probably managed to break
 preconfiguration, but if you remove /etc/apt/apt.conf, upgrading debconf
 with apt should work.

Can i force it to restore old configuration? Ie. like it was after stable
install. If i try now to install Debconf it says it's already the newest
version (stable) and thats it.


cp binary cd to hd

2001-05-18 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls


I have 2 cdroms (one is a writer) and three 2.2.r3 binary disks I wanted to 
work into an nfs for a lap top I'm putzing with. I have several 5gb 
partitions on my second drive. Thought I'd just cp binary #3 disk to that 
partition. I watched as it filled the drive.

Question, how does a disk that can only hold 750mb of data fill a 5gb 
partition? :| I'm completely at a loss. It just *seemed* so simple.



Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls/TELE: USA-707-442-6579\/A GNU-Debian linux user
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WEB: ICQ: 12741145
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Please Support freedom!

Re: X hangs in mysterious ways

2001-05-18 Thread Kevin Ross
 I've got VESA to work now.  I had to set it to use a bpp of 8, and
 then it came up fine.  My computer has been up for 15 hours now, and I've
 been in X all this time; so I guess things are working alright (Although
 none of my consoles work now.  *sigh*  Something about the refresh rate
 being too low.  (I always thought that text consoles ran at 60Hz.))

I'm glad you at least have a working and stable system.  Now, you can try
playing with the monitor and screen sections of your config file, to try to
get a display that's more to your liking.  I'm using the VESA driver, too,
because the driver for my video card (Trident) flat out doesn't work with my
card.  I'm able to use 16 bpp, which is colorful enough for me, and I can
switch consoles using Ctrl+Alt+F[1-7] just fine.

 Anyway, this leads me to suspect that it's my video card that's
 busted (unlikely) or that the X driver is broken.  Should I try going back
 to X 4.0.2 and see if that works?  (I had a computer a while ago with the
 same type of video card, running X 4.0.2.)

If 4.0.2 works for you, then sure, why not.

Also, I would suggest bringing this problem up on the XFree86 mailing lists.
Go to

-- Kevin

Re: lprng problem.

2001-05-18 Thread Joel Mayes
On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 10:45:00PM -0500, Dana J . Laude wrote:
 On Thu, 17 May 2001 18:29:12 Joel Mayes wrote:
  G'day All,
  I'm running Debian testing with kernel 2.4.4 and can not get my 
  ( a HP deskjet 690C ) to work, I have the parport, partport_pc, and 
  loaded with the correct irq, ect settings. but any request to the 
  ejects a blank page, except the command 'lp foobar.txt' which 
  No way to print this type of file, ASCII Text' on the top of the 
  I'm using lprng as my printer spooler and 
  I've used lprngtool to set the printer settings.
  Any advice will be repaid with bundle of good karma,
 I just reset my printer tonight, and the permissions are all
 screwed up for lprng.  Try running /usr/sbin/checkpc -f -V and
 see what it says. This checks your printcap for proper
 directorys and permissions.  If it kicks out errors,
 then su and run it again..., this will fix the permissions.
 Although I love debian, I think getting a printer to work
 on this dist sucks.  Just take a look at all the bug reports
 for lpr, lprng and cups.  Note meant as a flame btw, just
 a fix this, improve it *alot* should be intended.

G'day Dana,
Thanks for the reply I've followed your advise but still no
luck, ( no change at all actualy ) just a black page or a 
No way to print this type of file, ASCII Text' message,
printed on the printer :(

I'll agree with you about Debian though, it is the best Dist
I've come acroos out of the 5 - 6 I've tried but it's also the
only one hwere I can't get my !$$%@ printer to work



 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No, Gates always knew the Internet was going to be important, 
just as Oceania has always been at war with East Asia. ;)

X-server Crashes

2001-05-18 Thread David Monarres
I have been having X server crashes on a box that has never reall
had problems (at least that I didn't create) It happens all of the time
when I try and run wine, it seemed to be happening when I would run galeon
+ gedit. I am running a fairly stock sid with extra packages from kitame
(for mozilla/emacs) ,winehq and that is about it. I have only seen this in
the last week and I was wondering if anybody else has been having problems.

Attached is some sysinfo. 
my video card is a TNT 1 and I am running the stock x-server. 
I get this strange AUDIT line in /var/log/XFree86.0.log 

AUDIT: Fri May 18 02:55:11 2001: 13356 X: client 1 rejected from local host
  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1

Thank you in advance
David Monarres [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Distribution:  Debian GNU/Linux
Operating System:  Linux
Distribution Version:  testing/
Operating System Version:  #1 Mon Apr 30 14:14:10 PDT 2001
Operating System Release:  2.4.4
Processor Type:i686
Host Name: matt
User Name: ayeq
X Display Name::0
System Status: 03:01:15 up 1 day,  3:23,  1 user,  load 
average: 0.00, 0.11, 0.08

Re: Mouse in X

2001-05-18 Thread Paul Mackinney

Here's what I'd do:

1. First, if you ever run in text mode (no X-windows) and plan to use gpm,
the first thing is to get gpm working. Type gpmtab to see a list of the
gpm utilities, one of them is the configuration tool.

2. The best tool I've found for X-configuration is XF86Setup. Don't touch
your mouse until you've used the keyboard to select the Mouse setup window,
memorize the keyboard commands to set the mouse type, device, etc. WITHOUT
using the mouse. Only touch the mouse to test motion  buttons until it's
working correctly.

If you are running gpm, then the device you want is probably /dev/gpmdata,
otherwise it's probably /dev/ttyS0 as you note.

Good Luck!

Paul Mackinney
- Original Message -
From: Arlequín [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: Mouse in X

 My mouse is on the first serial port

 I assume that this is /dev/ttyS0, isn't it?

 It is not PS/2

 What furher info do you need???

 Thanks for answering,


 - Original Message -
 From: Joel Mayes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 9:28 PM
 Subject: Re: Mouse in X

  On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 09:16:36PM -0300, Arlequ?n wrote:
   I can set up my X Server to be able to use my mouse...
   and if I try to run the XF86Config, it tries to switch to graphic mode
 and I
   still CAN'T move my pointer.
   I've my 3 button mouse attached to the 1st. Serial Port (isn't a
   I guess...
   But I can't get it work!
  check what protocol X is setup to use with the mouse.
  If your only guessing that the mouse is in tty0 make sure it really
  is, if X is looking to tty0 for the mouse and it's really on tty1 it
  won't work.
  A bit more info might be useful as well
  Joel Mayes

   with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
  No, Gates always knew the Internet was going to be important,
  just as Oceania has always been at war with East Asia. ;)
  (Stolen Quote from a clever /.'er)
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Error base-passwd

2001-05-18 Thread Vincent Morlot

when i try apt-get upgrade on a server (potato) i

1 packages not fully installed or
Need to get 0B/5207kB of archives. After unpacking
773kB will be used.  
Do you want to continue?
Configuring packages
Setting up base-passwd (3.1.10)
Error reading shadow file /etc/group: Numerical
result out of range 
update-passwd has found some differences between
your system accounts   
and the current Debian defaults. It is advisable
to allow update-passwd 
to change your system; without those changes some
packages might not work   
correctly.  For more documentation on the Debian
account policies please

The last of proposed changes

It is highly recommend that you allow
update-passwd to make these changes   
(a backup file of modified files is made with the
extension .old so you can 
always restore the current

May I update your system?
Okay, I am going to make the necessary updates
Reading passwd from
Reading group from
Reading passwd from
Reading shadow from
Reading group from
Error reading shadow file /etc/group: Numerical
result out of range 
dpkg: error processing base-passwd
 subprocess post-installation script returned
error exit status 2   
Errors were encountered while

W: Couldn't stat source package list 'file:
potato/local Packages' (/var/state/a
- stat (2 No such 
file or
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct
these missing files
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error
code (1)  

I've many users define on this servers, how can i
do to upgrade without such problems


Re: Problem installing from cd-rom.

2001-05-18 Thread Frank Zimmermann
Abner Gershon wrote:
 I can boot my Debian 2.2r3 cd-rom just fine but at the
 point in the installation process when the
 applications are to be installed I get a message that
 my cd-rom drive was not auto detected and that I
 should specify a device file for accessing the cd-rom.
 I am clueless about this. Why could debian access
 cd-rom at initial boot but not to load application
 packages? I initially started to install using floppys
 but aborted after I received my cd-roms in the mail. I
 have two cd devices on my computer. Theses are
 described in Windows system resource report as:
 _NEC DV-5700A

The initial boot process is not by Debain, but by the BIOS wich
recognizes you CD as bootable. You should know the device your CDROm
is connected to. If it is the slave of the primary IDE-port it is
called /dev/hdb in Linux. The secondary IDE-port is then /dev/hdc
and /dev/hdd.

Good luck,

alsa-sources broken

2001-05-18 Thread christophe barbé
I've apt-get alsa-sources-0.5
I use a 2.2.19 compiled on my host.
I go under /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver-0.5-0.5.10b-8..
And if I do ./debian/rules binary-modules
I got errors, first because I need to set 
export KSRC=/usr/src/linux
export KVERS=2.2.19
in debian/rules, and after that I have the following error :
sh debian/modules-tools.d/
Error: Need to set all the $KVERS, $KDREV.
make: *** [binary-modules] Error 1

Where comes the problem from ? Should I use an another method ?
Or the package is broken ?


Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lineo France - Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric - 92110 Clichy - France
phone (33). - fax (33).

Re: Mouse in X

2001-05-18 Thread Frank Zimmermann
Arlequín wrote:
 My mouse is on the first serial port
 I assume that this is /dev/ttyS0, isn't it?
 It is not PS/2
 What furher info do you need???
 Thanks for answering,

I guess you have gpm already running. There are sometimes problems
with gpm and  mouse under X. Go to textconsole e. g. Ctrl+Alt+F2),
login as root, type ps -A and if there is a process called gpm kill
it. Then go back to X (Alt+F7) and move the mouse. If it is working
you'll have to chnge the device to /dev/gpmdata, as Paul already mentioned.

BTW, do mind reading 


locales not supported by xlib

2001-05-18 Thread Joerg Johannes
Helo List

After my upgrade to sid, I had to re-generate my locales
(de_DE-Iso8859-1) and set the LC_* environmet variables. That solved the
perl: locale unset problem when using apt-get. Now, when I start any
application under X from an xterm, I get an error message saying
Warning, locale not supportet by xlib, setting locale to C. Now, I
have looked around, and found a locale.alias file in the X11R6/lib/
directory structure and added an alias to my german locale I created
before. Any idea how to make X support german-speaking environment (like
it did in good old potato times)?

The funny thing is, in gnome and gimp, I get a mixture between english
and german messages and menu entries, e.g.the main menu in gimp speaks
english, but the dialog boxes are shown in german, with missing

Thank you 

Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

another one about locales

2001-05-18 Thread Joerg Johannes
Hello again, I just forgot to mention this one:

In X, I have the german keyboard layout, but on the console, I have us
layout. How do I change the console one to german, too?


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: staroffice package

2001-05-18 Thread Frank Zimmermann
Raffaele Sandrini wrote:

 Hey and for all of you who want to be at the bleeding edge: download
 openoffice from Thats StarOffice v6!

But it's not very stable yet and quite buggy as well. I have it at
home and fiddle around with it but I would not recommend in an
prodition environment.


Re: staroffice package

2001-05-18 Thread Frank Zimmermann
Thomas Deselaers wrote:

 Is there an deb available? OpenOffice is under gpl, isn't it?

No htere isn't. You can download the source or a binary with
installer similar to the SO5.2 version. But the installer works
great i never had any problems.



2001-05-18 Thread Keith O'Connell

I have not until recently had cause to use this file, but I put some
Netscape modifications in it. I assumed that with a name like
.Xdefaults, it would load the default values when the X-Server started,
apparently not. 

It seems that to get this file read into the system I have to go to a
terminal and type;

xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults

I should at this point say that I log into X with xdm as a front end. I
know that ~/.Xdefaults loads fine if I use startx at the command line.
Why will it not load with xdm at the front. What is the crucial
difference between the two ways of starting X that relates to
configuration and defaults?

How do I get this file to load automatically at start time?

| Keith O'Connell  | That which does not kill |
| Maidstone, Kent (UK) |  us, usually still hurts. |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   That's just life, I'm afraid   |

Re: samba - swat - problem

2001-05-18 Thread Willi Dyck
On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 10:43:20AM +0200, Pietro Cagnoni wrote:
 uh, maybe you mean *uncomment* out ?

Yes, of course, sorry for my bad english :-)
Regards, Willi

-- a registered (#210445) user of:Debian 2.2r3 GNU/Linux
icq# 49564994###AIM: wdyck###GnuPG-Key:  1024D/8BFCA69B
Fingerprint: DAD2 E564 B725 E6A3 5A0F  1497 4411 F30F 8BFC A69B

Description: PGP signature

Re: No loopback interface after upgrading to testing

2001-05-18 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke
Gregory T. Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Do you have an auto entry in /etc/network/interfaces?  Mine looks
 something like:
  auto lo eth0
  iface lo inet loopback
  iface eth0 inet blah blah

That's it. Strange, in potato I did not need this auto entry.


Jungbrunnen Chile

Re: ~/.Xdefaults

2001-05-18 Thread Brian Potkin
On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 11:50:47AM +0100, Keith O'Connell wrote:

 I have not until recently had cause to use this file, but I put some
 Netscape modifications in it. I assumed that with a name like
 .Xdefaults, it would load the default values when the X-Server started,
 apparently not. 
 It seems that to get this file read into the system I have to go to a
 terminal and type;
 xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults

Debian uses the file ~/.Xresources for your personal modifications.
 I should at this point say that I log into X with xdm as a front end. I
 know that ~/.Xdefaults loads fine if I use startx at the command line.

Are you certain of this?  I use startx and have a recollection that
~/.Xdefaults is not accessed when X is started.  Looking at


would appear to support this view.

 Why will it not load with xdm at the front. What is the crucial
 difference between the two ways of starting X that relates to
 configuration and defaults?
 How do I get this file to load automatically at start time?

/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc indicates there is no difference between using
xdm and startx.


Re: user dialout problem.

2001-05-18 Thread John Hasler
V.Suresh writes:
 any help?

Not without much more information.  _Exactly_ what have you tried and
_exactly_ what happened?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


2001-05-18 Thread Kevin

I'm running testing/woody.  This morning I rebooted and when ifup
tried to run it seems that its using a borked path.  I got ifconfig:
command not found, and route: command not found.  So where does
ifupdown get its path from?


Best way to install tuxracer on testing

2001-05-18 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke

what is the best way to install tuxracer on testing?

I have Kernel 2.4.3, XFree 4.0 and the new nvidia driver. 

tuxracer-data is in testing, tuxracer in unstable

What lines shall I insert in sources.list. Or shall I better install
it from the source.


Roland Koch, Marc Dutroux und die BSE-Dividende

lm-sensors problems

2001-05-18 Thread Philipp Lehman
In order to access the hardware sensors on my motherboard, I installed
the lm-sensors-source package and the corresponding userland
utilities. I need the i2c-viapro kernel module for my MB (VIA
KT133A/82c686b chipset).

Now, when I try to patch the kernel (stricly following the
instructions in the README and INSTALL files) not all lm-sensors
modules are offered when I try to make menuconfig afterwards. The
patches are applied fine without any errors, but the module I need
just doesn't show up in the I²C section of the kernel configuration.

This problem only affects the VIA modules. E.g. lm-sensors comes with
a i2c-piix4.c file and I see an option for Intel PIIX4 support, but
there are no configuration items corresponding to i2c-via.c and
i2c-viapro.c (the latter being the one I need). Has anybody seen this
before? Any ideas?

BTW: I also tried building the modules outside of the kernel source
tree, but compiling fails with an error message. I found an open bug
report filed against lm-sensors-source describing the same problem, so
I guess it's not just me overlooking something in this case.

Philipp Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: quiet dialup tip - away the modem roar

2001-05-18 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
On Fri, 18 May 2001, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:

JIk Now add:   OK-AT-OK ATM0 Just before you see Your local dialing number:

you could also just change the dialing command to ATM0DTphone# - everything
between AT and the next new line char the modem considers a command sequence, 
you would be probably suprised how long init strings some sysops had in the
days of the BBS just to make their connection little more faster/stable :)

add a s11=50 just behind the M0 - that will make your modem dial about 4x
faster, that is if you use tone dialing.  This trick should work just about
anywhere in continental US. 

Anyway .. don't you like to amaze people by being able to tell the connection
speed just by listening to the roar of the modem ?:)


   ' `(~)' `
  Petr [Dingo] Dvorak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Coder - Purple Dragon MUD port 
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-
 Oxymoron: Microsoft Works

Re: cp binary cd to hd

2001-05-18 Thread francisco m . neto
» Jaye Inabnit ke6sls disse isso e eu digo aquilo:

 I have 2 cdroms (one is a writer) and three 2.2.r3 binary disks I wanted to 
 work into an nfs for a lap top I'm putzing with. I have several 5gb 
 partitions on my second drive. Thought I'd just cp binary #3 disk to that 
 partition. I watched as it filled the drive.
 Question, how does a disk that can only hold 750mb of data fill a 5gb 
 partition? :| I'm completely at a loss. It just *seemed* so simple.

That happens because not all the files on the CD are, in fact,
packages. There is a lot of symlinks between the sections of the
CD. cp is not aware of the existence of symlinks, you must tell him
that they are there:

$ cp -d source target


francisco m. neto
(a.k.a Fujikuro)

ICQ # 78493934

Toke au kokoro ga, watashi o kowasu.
-- Ayanami Rei


2001-05-18 Thread DvB
I've got one of these in a pc with debian on it and it's not working.
Running pnpdump tells me there's nothing so I have no clue how to get it
From what I've found searching, I believe this card is an hp J2405A. I
also believe (from the hardware compat howto) that this should use the
lance (amd) kernel module. I'm not certain of this, however, and don't
know what the other config parameteres to modprobe (ioports, irq, etc)
should be... or if I'm just totally on the wrong track :-)
Any suggestions?


Re: Problem with netgear card

2001-05-18 Thread D-Man
On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 02:48:30AM +, Brian Schramm wrote:
| I have a new machine here with a netgear fa311 network card in it.  I want to
| install Debian on it but the only drivers I can find are for Redhat.  Has
| anyone gotten this card to work with Debian?

I have two netgear cards, and I think they are the fa311 (I could be
wrong though).  Mine are ISA cards, one in a Debian box and one in a
DOS/Win95 box.  To get the Debian one working I first put it in a DOS
box, booted with their driver disk and ran the setup utility.  I did
this to turn off PnP.  Then I put it in the Debian box and added the
following to /etc/modules.conf (actually to a different file under
/etc/modutils and ran update-modules) :

alias eth0 ne io=0x300

( I am not at the box right now, and it might have been 
alias eth0 ne2000 io=0x300  )

Everything has worked fine for me.  As others have suggested go to
Donald Becker's site (at and see what he says there.  He is
a smart guy who wrote all (or nearly all) the ethernet drivers for


Re: Best way to install tuxracer on testing

2001-05-18 Thread ray p
The best way to do it is to either add unstable to your sources do a apt-get 
update and then an apt-get install tuxracer and then change your sources back 
and do an apt-get update again. You could also just go to and do 
a search on the packages download the right debs and install them with dpkg -i 
I have installed packages from unstable on my testing box using both these 
methods and have yet to have a problem. Just don't forget to change the sources 
back. :)

On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 03:35:49PM +0200, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
 what is the best way to install tuxracer on testing?
 I have Kernel 2.4.3, XFree 4.0 and the new nvidia driver. 
 tuxracer-data is in testing, tuxracer in unstable
 What lines shall I insert in sources.list. Or shall I better install
 it from the source.
BOFH excuse #23:

improperly oriented keyboard

Description: PGP signature

Module agpgart not loading

2001-05-18 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Hi all,

I have a Matrox G400 video card and have configured X (4.0.3) with the
mga driver and DRI. Upon boot I get an error message, that the drm
module (part of DRI, as I understand) failed to load because of the
agpgart module wasn't loaded before (well, it says: [drm] The mga drm
module requires the agpgart module to function correctly
Please load the agpgart module before you load the mga module)

`modprobe agpgart' fails with following error message:

/lib/modules/2.4.4/kernel/drivers/char/agp/agpgart.o: init_module: No such 
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.4/kernel/drivers/char/agp/agpgart.o: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.4/kernel/drivers/char/agp/agpgart.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.4/kernel/drivers/char/agp/agpgart.o: insmod agpgart failed

I tried to give it the video cards interrupt as parameter (IRQ=11),
but that didn't work either.

Hope someone can give me a helpfull hint ...


Re: Disk mirroring

2001-05-18 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Has cpbk any advantages over mirrordir or rsync?


Re: cp binary cd to hd

2001-05-18 Thread evan . day

 Question, how does a disk that can only hold 750mb of data fill a 5gb
 partition? :| I'm completely at a loss. It just *seemed* so simple.

Two things:

1) Lots of the files on the CD are in fact symbolic links, and when you
run CP it will not copy the symlinks, but the files themselves.  Check
the cp man page for a switch you can pass it that tells it not to copy
the linked files, but recreate the links instead.

2) Depending on the block size of the CD and the HD, small files may
take up much more space on your HD than on the CD. I wouldn't expect
this to account for 4+ GB of space, but it can be significant.

GPG: 1024D/237C1C84 FP: 1615 E312 A6D1 542B C4A6  38B5 69B1 2844 237C
My bologna has first name, it's H-O-M-E-R...

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