Re: Apm o lo que sea

2001-06-13 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Raul,

On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 10:24:09AM +0200, Raul Benavente wrote:
   Hace algún tiempo actualicé el kernel a 2.4.4 y mas o menos a la vez
 actualice los paquetes que tenía medio viejos, el caso es que antes esto
 funcionaba normal y despues me ha dado algun problema, cuando se apaga se
 queda con power off.

a) insmod apm

b) añade apm al archivo /etc/modules

Con esto ya se apaga el PC solo ;-)

¿Has instalado un kernel de serie de bunk?
A mi no me arranca si no recompilo 2.4.4 activando IDE y ext2, igual su initrd
no incluye soporte IDE :-?

 o se reinicia en vez de apagarse dependiendo de las opciones que tenga en
 la configuración del kernel, si solo fuera eso me daría igual por que darle
 al botón no me cuesta nada, al fin y al cabo eso es una pijadilla, pero la
 cosa falla también por otro lado, cuando lleva un rato sin actividad se
 produce un fundido del monitor al negro y deja de responder totalmente, como
 si se quedara seco y le robaran la vida.

Espero que lo de antes te sirva, ¿nos lo dices en la lista ;-) ?

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

GnuPG keyID: F9BC34B5 en
fingerprint: 2F60 43D5 A297 5458 9067  5A50 0029 9C8D F9BC 34B5

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Description: PGP signature

he perdido el raton en X

2001-06-13 Thread Vicente Vives
Hola a todos.
Me estoy volviendo loco por una tontería, pero que no me deja trabajar.

Resulta que tenía el kde instalado y no tenía problemas, pero al instalar el
gnome dejó de funcionar el raton en las X. En la consola sí funciona, pero no
en las X.
He buscado información por ahí y parece ser que es un bug de debian, pero no he
encontrado como solucionarlo. 

Cualquier idea será bien recibida.

Un saludo y gracias.


webmin ssl

2001-06-13 Thread Fernández Piqueras, Joaquín
Hola, llevo unos dias probando webmin-ssl, va fantastico, pero se supone que
deberia funcionar en conexion segura y no lo hace, alguien sabe que opciones
hay que tocar para que la conexion web se haga a traves de https? he mirado
la ayuda, pero la verdad es que es bastante escueta.

Una ayudita por favor.

Ta lueg

Re: Las dudas con ADSL

2001-06-13 Thread Jose C. García Sogo
On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 09:11:32AM +0200, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
 Hola a todos
 Estamos considerando cambiar el acceso a Internet y pasarlo a ADSL (ahora lo
 tenemos por RDSI). Estamos optando por Retevision, porque ya somos clientes
 y tal.
 La cosa es que me surgen cantidad de dudas que no me sabe resolver el
 Parece ser que existen al menos dos protocolos sobre ADSL, PPP sobre
 ethernet y tuneling (todavia no se cual usa Retevision), en el primer caso
 tendria que recompilar el nucleo para agregar esa caracteristica, pero si
 fuera el segundo, no se si tendria que hacer lo mismo.

  Lo que tienes que hacer para que te funcione en Linux es pillarte el router 
 externo, pues para las tarjetas internas (que son las que normalmente usan 
 PPPoE) no hay todavía unos drivers que funcionen medianamante bien. Con el 
 router externo no tendrás ningún problema, pues lo único que necesitas en 
 el Linux es una tarjeta ethernet.

 Tampoco tengo muy claro como deberia configurar los interfaces, ahora tengo
 uno ethernet, y otro ippp, el primero para nuestra red privada (
 y con ruta por defecto el ippp. (La RDSI, no la quiero quitar, porque
 tenemos algunos clientes que quieren que conectemos con sus redes privadas
 via RDSI), creo que para usar ADSL tengo que poner otro interface ethernet
 conectado al modem, pero no me queda muy claro como deberian de quedar
 configuradas las rutas.

 Pues ahora tendrías dos interfaces ethernet, y las rutas igual que con el 
 ippp, de forma que todos los paquetes que vayan hacia internet salgan por 
 la interfaz que tienes conectada al router. 

  Es decir, que creo que me estoy liando ;), el gateway del servidor de Linux 
 tiene que ser el router.

 Otra cosa que se me ha ocurrido al hilo del parrafo anterior, es la
 identificacion fisica de los interfaces, me explico si pongo (por ejemplo)
 una tarjeta Realtek, y la configuro como eth0, y una 3Com, y la configuro
 como eth1, cuando saque los cables, sere capaz de identificar donde los
 tengo que poner despues, pero si las dos tarjetas son iguales, ¿como se la
 que corresponde a eth0, y eth1?

  Pues probando :) Creo que lo vas a tener que hacer manualmente. O mejor, 
 mira a ver si la Relatek es la que está arriba o abajo y apúntalo. Y luego 
 cuando le asignes a una el eth0 y a la otra el eth1, pues lo apuntas al lado,
 y con eso ya lo tienes ;)

 Saludos y gracias.

  Saludos y de nada.

José Carlos García Sogo Seahorse(-bonobo) developer
jose jaimedelamo eu org

Key-Id: 0x90788E11 
Fingerprint = B06B 023F EAA6 37DC 1E62  B079 4BE0 5825 9078 8E11  

RE: Las dudas con ADSL

2001-06-13 Thread Enrique Factor
Otra forma de saber la correspondencia entre eth y tarjeta es asignandole
distinta IRQ a cada una. Luego apuntas en la tarjeta la irq que tiene
asignada y asi las distingues.

-Mensaje original-
De: Jose C. García Sogo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: miércoles 13 de junio de 2001 12:03
Asunto: Re: Las dudas con ADSL

On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 09:11:32AM +0200, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
 Hola a todos

 Estamos considerando cambiar el acceso a Internet y pasarlo a ADSL (ahora
 tenemos por RDSI). Estamos optando por Retevision, porque ya somos
 y tal.

 La cosa es que me surgen cantidad de dudas que no me sabe resolver el

 Parece ser que existen al menos dos protocolos sobre ADSL, PPP sobre
 ethernet y tuneling (todavia no se cual usa Retevision), en el primer
 tendria que recompilar el nucleo para agregar esa caracteristica, pero si
 fuera el segundo, no se si tendria que hacer lo mismo.

  Lo que tienes que hacer para que te funcione en Linux es pillarte el
 externo, pues para las tarjetas internas (que son las que normalmente usan
 PPPoE) no hay todavía unos drivers que funcionen medianamante bien. Con el
 router externo no tendrás ningún problema, pues lo único que necesitas en
 el Linux es una tarjeta ethernet.

 Tampoco tengo muy claro como deberia configurar los interfaces, ahora
 uno ethernet, y otro ippp, el primero para nuestra red privada
 y con ruta por defecto el ippp. (La RDSI, no la quiero quitar, porque
 tenemos algunos clientes que quieren que conectemos con sus redes
 via RDSI), creo que para usar ADSL tengo que poner otro interface
 conectado al modem, pero no me queda muy claro como deberian de quedar
 configuradas las rutas.

 Pues ahora tendrías dos interfaces ethernet, y las rutas igual que con el
 ippp, de forma que todos los paquetes que vayan hacia internet salgan por
 la interfaz que tienes conectada al router.

  Es decir, que creo que me estoy liando ;), el gateway del servidor de
 tiene que ser el router.

 Otra cosa que se me ha ocurrido al hilo del parrafo anterior, es la
 identificacion fisica de los interfaces, me explico si pongo (por
 una tarjeta Realtek, y la configuro como eth0, y una 3Com, y la configuro
 como eth1, cuando saque los cables, sere capaz de identificar donde los
 tengo que poner despues, pero si las dos tarjetas son iguales, ¿como se
 que corresponde a eth0, y eth1?

  Pues probando :) Creo que lo vas a tener que hacer manualmente. O mejor,
 mira a ver si la Relatek es la que está arriba o abajo y apúntalo. Y luego
 cuando le asignes a una el eth0 y a la otra el eth1, pues lo apuntas al
 y con eso ya lo tienes ;)

 Saludos y gracias.

  Saludos y de nada.

José Carlos García Sogo Seahorse(-bonobo) developer
jose jaimedelamo eu org

Key-Id: 0x90788E11
Fingerprint = B06B 023F EAA6 37DC 1E62  B079 4BE0 5825 9078 8E11

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: procesador textos para consola

2001-06-13 Thread josep . roca
Hola Jose Maria:

 joe es calcado al wordstar tecleando jstar tiene mas compatibilidad, de
 todas maneras yo utilizo los 486 de la siguiente manera, tengo un pentium
 celeron 266 con bastante ram donde tengo una distribucion suse completa,
 con nfs exporto / entero, luego los 486 tienen un disco duro de unos 100
 megas mas viejos que la polka, instalo una distribucion de estas de
 disketes que tenga nfs , una vez instalada vacio las particiones de los
 486 y en el fstab pongo las importaciones del celeron y a ejecutar lo que
 quieras. por supuesto si estan en red. un saludo jose maria

Donde podria encontar mas informacion de como hacer esto?
Quisiera hacer una prueba de como funciona esto, y no se ni por
donde empezar.

Gracias y saludos. Pep.

Josep Roca
Departament de Ped, Obste, Gine i Medicina Preventiva
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Hardware de servidor Compaq y Debian GNU/Linux ¿?

2001-06-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola, estoy viendo servidores para mi empresa y lo que si tengo claro como
comprendereis es que el sistema operativo que quiero es Debian GNU/Linux :)

Me han ofrecido a buen precio un Compaq Proliant ML350 y me gustaría saber
si alguno de vosotros trabaja, a visto o conoce a alguien que lo use sin
problemas sobre una configuración: Debian GNU/Linux como sistema operativo y
clientes con Windows mediante SAMBA.

El hardware que trae el servidor lo adjunto como pdf comprimido, siento
ocupar ancho de banda con un adjunto pero son sólo 6.3Kb, no creo que sea
abusar, es para que alguien se anime y lo vea, es que me corre mucha mucha
prisa saber algo.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

Re: Hardware de servidor Compaq y Debian GNU/Linux ¿?

2001-06-13 Thread Jaume Sabater
No recuerdo el modelo exacto, pero Debiqan corre correctamente sobre un 
Proliant. Lo que me costó un poco de encontrar fué lo de la ethernet, pero 
estaba. Eso si, son caros esos servers... Yo le meteria mano a un clonico ;) 
y la otra mano al bolsillo

A Dimecres 13 Juny 2001 13:38, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez va escriure:
 Hola, estoy viendo servidores para mi empresa y lo que si tengo claro como
 comprendereis es que el sistema operativo que quiero es Debian GNU/Linux :)

 Me han ofrecido a buen precio un Compaq Proliant ML350 y me gustaría saber
 si alguno de vosotros trabaja, a visto o conoce a alguien que lo use sin
 problemas sobre una configuración: Debian GNU/Linux como sistema operativo
 y clientes con Windows mediante SAMBA.

 El hardware que trae el servidor lo adjunto como pdf comprimido, siento
 ocupar ancho de banda con un adjunto pero son sólo 6.3Kb, no creo que sea
 abusar, es para que alguien se anime y lo vea, es que me corre mucha mucha
 prisa saber algo.



   Jaume Sabater Lleal
   ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics

   Sant Pere, 39 - 08911 Badalona
   Avgda. Marquès de Comillas, s/n 
   (Recinte Poble Espanyol) - 08038 Barcelona

   Tel: 93 292 41 00
   Fax: 93 292 42 25

Re: Hardware de servidor Compaq y Debian GNU/Linux ¿?

2001-06-13 Thread Javier Miguel Rodríguez
On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 01:38:14PM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
- Hola, estoy viendo servidores para mi empresa y lo que si tengo claro como
- comprendereis es que el sistema operativo que quiero es Debian GNU/Linux :)

Muy buenas...

- Me han ofrecido a buen precio un Compaq Proliant ML350 y me gustaría saber
- si alguno de vosotros trabaja, a visto o conoce a alguien que lo use sin
- problemas sobre una configuración: Debian GNU/Linux como sistema operativo y
- clientes con Windows mediante SAMBA.

En la empresa en la que trabajo somos revendedores de Compaq. Y
si, Compaq es taco de caro, pero eso de tener garantía de 3 años es algo
que se agradece en una empresa...

Yo suelo trabajar con Linux Alpha (de Compaq, como es obvio), pero
lo que si puedo garantizarte es que toda la fama proliant funciona
perfectamente con Linux

Ya se que suena muy a Compaq es más mejor, pero tío, si quieres
calidad la tienes que pagar... si no, pues clónico que te crió, que seguro
que te ahorras muchas pelas, pero cuando al año y pico te de problemas...
pues nada, a aguantarte

Joer, parece que me llevo comisión :-)

P.D: En tienes
toda la información que quieras sobre hardware proliant con Linux


- El hardware que trae el servidor lo adjunto como pdf comprimido, siento
- ocupar ancho de banda con un adjunto pero son sólo 6.3Kb, no creo que sea
- abusar, es para que alguien se anime y lo vea, es que me corre mucha mucha
- prisa saber algo.
- Saludos.
- -- 
- Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
- 1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468
- --  
- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Powered by Linux 2.4.5

Re: Hardware de servidor Compaq y Debian GNU/Linux ¿?

2001-06-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, jun 13, 2001 at 01:47:17 +0200, Jaume Sabater wrote:
 No recuerdo el modelo exacto, pero Debiqan corre correctamente sobre un 
 Proliant. Lo que me costó un poco de encontrar fué lo de la ethernet, pero 

Por favor, si tienes esa información, te agradecería que la compartieras :)

 estaba. Eso si, son caros esos servers... Yo le meteria mano a un clonico ;) 
 y la otra mano al bolsillo

Ya, si fuera para mi un clónico del tirón pero no es el caso y la garantía y
servicio a domicilio me es crucial.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

Re: Hardware de servidor Compaq y Debian GNU/Linux ¿?

2001-06-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, jun 13, 2001 at 01:53:14 -0400, Javier Miguel Rodríguez wrote:
   Muy buenas...

Buenas, pero calurosas aggg ¡Sevilla es una maravilla! :-??

   En la empresa en la que trabajo somos revendedores de Compaq. Y
 si, Compaq es taco de caro, pero eso de tener garantía de 3 años es algo
 que se agradece en una empresa...

Ajá, muy interesante, revendedor de Compaq y Debianero, si puedes contarme
en privado la película de la garantía soporte y demás cuestiones de atención
al cliente que Compaq tiene y la competencia no soy todo ojos.

   Yo suelo trabajar con Linux Alpha (de Compaq, como es obvio), pero
 lo que si puedo garantizarte es que toda la fama proliant funciona
 perfectamente con Linux

Me alegro de leer eso. Se que me lo intentarán vender con Windows 2000
Server pero no quiero eso, me se maneja bien con Debian GNU/Linux + Samba y
además todos sabemos que es mejor ;-DD

... por no decir de que es _lo correcto_ :-P

   Ya se que suena muy a Compaq es más mejor, pero tío, si quieres
 calidad la tienes que pagar... si no, pues clónico que te crió, que seguro
 que te ahorras muchas pelas, pero cuando al año y pico te de problemas...
 pues nada, a aguantarte

De acuerdo.

   Joer, parece que me llevo comisión :-)

Ya te enviaré un gasllifante cuando me pases más info :-DD

   P.D: En tienes
 toda la información que quieras sobre hardware proliant con Linux

Gracias, ¡a leerlo!.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

Re: Hardware de servidor Compaq y Debian GNU/Linux ¿?

2001-06-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Soy un batracio, siempre se me olvidan los adjuntos :-/
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

Description: Binary data

Re: Hardware_de_servidor_Compaq_y_Debian_GNU/Linux_¿?

2001-06-13 Thread Carlos López
A las buenas.

Pues estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Javier Miguel
Rodríguez. Lo mejorcito que existe en servidor marca
Intel es compaq y con muchísima difrencia del resto
(IBM, HP, etc ..). Los Proliant en concreto los he
usado clusterizados y riete tú de cualquier pc clónico
con Athlon a los megaherzios que quieras (incluido
pentiums). A la vez yo también trabajo con la
plataforma Alpha de compaq y realmente es una
auténtica maravilla (con linux y true64). Y el
servicio técnico es muy pero que muy bueno. 

Recientemente instalé 4 servidores Proliant DL (son
los de rack, no los de mueble), pero no bajo Debian
sino bajo SuSE con ReiserFS y todo fue a las mil
La única recomendación que te hago es que descargues
desde la web de compaq el driver de Compaq Array y de
la web de Intel el driver de la tarjeta de red.
Por lo demás debería irte todo como la seda.

Carlos López.

--- Javier_Viñuales_Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
escribió:  On mié, jun 13, 2001 at 01:53:14 -0400,
 Miguel Rodríguez wrote:
  Muy buenas...
 Buenas, pero calurosas aggg ¡Sevilla es una
 maravilla! :-??
  En la empresa en la que trabajo somos
 revendedores de Compaq. Y
  si, Compaq es taco de caro, pero eso de tener
 garantía de 3 años es algo
  que se agradece en una empresa...
 Ajá, muy interesante, revendedor de Compaq y
 Debianero, si puedes contarme
 en privado la película de la garantía soporte y
 demás cuestiones de atención
 al cliente que Compaq tiene y la competencia no soy
 todo ojos.
  Yo suelo trabajar con Linux Alpha (de Compaq,
 como es obvio), pero
  lo que si puedo garantizarte es que toda la fama
 proliant funciona
  perfectamente con Linux
 Me alegro de leer eso. Se que me lo intentarán
 vender con Windows 2000
 Server pero no quiero eso, me se maneja bien con
 Debian GNU/Linux + Samba y
 además todos sabemos que es mejor ;-DD
 ... por no decir de que es _lo correcto_ :-P
  Ya se que suena muy a Compaq es más mejor, pero
 tío, si quieres
  calidad la tienes que pagar... si no, pues clónico
 que te crió, que seguro
  que te ahorras muchas pelas, pero cuando al año y
 pico te de problemas...
  pues nada, a aguantarte
 De acuerdo.
  Joer, parece que me llevo comisión :-)
 Ya te enviaré un gasllifante cuando me pases más
 info :-DD
  P.D: En tienes
  toda la información que quieras sobre hardware
 proliant con Linux
 Gracias, ¡a leerlo!.
 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
 1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe

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Re: Hardware_de_servidor_Compaq_y_Debian_GNU/Linux_¿?

2001-06-13 Thread Javier Miguel Rodríguez
On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 07:50:11AM -0500, Carlos López wrote:
- A las buenas.
- Pues estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Javier Miguel
- Rodríguez. Lo mejorcito que existe en servidor marca
- Intel es compaq y con muchísima difrencia del resto
- (IBM, HP, etc ..). Los Proliant en concreto los he
- usado clusterizados y riete tú de cualquier pc clónico
- con Athlon a los megaherzios que quieras (incluido
- pentiums). A la vez yo también trabajo con la
- plataforma Alpha de compaq y realmente es una
- auténtica maravilla (con linux y true64). Y el
- servicio técnico es muy pero que muy bueno. 

¡Hombre un compañero! Tú también eres como yo, de
TruCluster y esas cosas... :-) Encantado de conocerte, hombre 

- Recientemente instalé 4 servidores Proliant DL (son
- los de rack, no los de mueble), pero no bajo Debian
- sino bajo SuSE con ReiserFS y todo fue a las mil
- maravillas.

Si... la pena es que Debian NO está certificado para funcionar
con Compaq (Solo SuSE, RedHat, Caldera y TurboLinux), pero vamos, Debian

- La única recomendación que te hago es que descargues
- desde la web de compaq el driver de Compaq Array y de
- la web de Intel el driver de la tarjeta de red.
- Por lo demás debería irte todo como la seda.

Yo estoy desarrollando un cluster de alta disponibilidad,
cortafuegos, control de ancho de banda (QoS) con Debian sobre Alpha,
y es LA CAÑA, riete tú de Firewall-1 de Checkpoint...

- Att.
- Carlos López.
- --- Javier_Viñuales_Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- escribió:  On mié, jun 13, 2001 at 01:53:14 -0400,
- Javier
-  Miguel Rodríguez wrote:
-Muy buenas...
-  Buenas, pero calurosas aggg ¡Sevilla es una
-  maravilla! :-??
-En la empresa en la que trabajo somos
-  revendedores de Compaq. Y
-   si, Compaq es taco de caro, pero eso de tener
-  garantía de 3 años es algo
-   que se agradece en una empresa...
-  Ajá, muy interesante, revendedor de Compaq y
-  Debianero, si puedes contarme
-  en privado la película de la garantía soporte y
-  demás cuestiones de atención
-  al cliente que Compaq tiene y la competencia no soy
-  todo ojos.
-Yo suelo trabajar con Linux Alpha (de Compaq,
-  como es obvio), pero
-   lo que si puedo garantizarte es que toda la fama
-  proliant funciona
-   perfectamente con Linux
-  Me alegro de leer eso. Se que me lo intentarán
-  vender con Windows 2000
-  Server pero no quiero eso, me se maneja bien con
-  Debian GNU/Linux + Samba y
-  además todos sabemos que es mejor ;-DD
-  ... por no decir de que es _lo correcto_ :-P
-Ya se que suena muy a Compaq es más mejor, pero
-  tío, si quieres
-   calidad la tienes que pagar... si no, pues clónico
-  que te crió, que seguro
-   que te ahorras muchas pelas, pero cuando al año y
-  pico te de problemas...
-   pues nada, a aguantarte
-  De acuerdo.
-Joer, parece que me llevo comisión :-)
-  Ya te enviaré un gasllifante cuando me pases más
-  info :-DD
-P.D: En
- tienes
-   toda la información que quieras sobre hardware
-  proliant con Linux
-  Gracias, ¡a leerlo!.
-  Saludos.
-  -- 
-  Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
-  1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468
-  --  
-  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
-  /dev/null
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Re: Hardware_de_servidor_Compaq_y_Debian_GNU/Linux_¿?

2001-06-13 Thread Carlos López

Bueno ya me gustaría poder utilizar el TruCluster pero
no puedo.
En la PowerStation 433au que tengo, tengo instalados
el Tru64 free y la SuSE 7.1 (y solo porque el soft es
mucho más actual). Lo cierto es que Debian realmente
es muy rápida (comparativamente hablando son los
binarios más reducidos que he visto en una distro
completa) pero me fastidia mucho la desactualización
de cierta paquetería (como apache, php, postfix,
openldap, etc ...).

Como firewall ( y aquí alguien se va a enfadar )
prefiero sin dudarlo el OpenBSD. Las maravillas que se
pueden llegar a hacer con el no las conozco en ningún
linux y no tiene nada que envidiar a nigún firewall
comercial ...

--- Javier Miguel Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
escribió:  On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 07:50:11AM -0500,
 López wrote:
 - A las buenas.
 - Pues estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Javier
 - Rodríguez. Lo mejorcito que existe en servidor
 - Intel es compaq y con muchísima difrencia del
 - (IBM, HP, etc ..). Los Proliant en concreto los
 - usado clusterizados y riete tú de cualquier pc
 - con Athlon a los megaherzios que quieras
 - pentiums). A la vez yo también trabajo con la
 - plataforma Alpha de compaq y realmente es una
 - auténtica maravilla (con linux y true64). Y el
 - servicio técnico es muy pero que muy bueno. 
   ¡Hombre un compañero! Tú también eres como yo, de
 TruCluster y esas cosas... :-) Encantado de
 conocerte, hombre 
 - Recientemente instalé 4 servidores Proliant DL
 - los de rack, no los de mueble), pero no bajo
 - sino bajo SuSE con ReiserFS y todo fue a las mil
 - maravillas.
   Si... la pena es que Debian NO está certificado
 para funcionar
 con Compaq (Solo SuSE, RedHat, Caldera y
 TurboLinux), pero vamos, Debian
 - La única recomendación que te hago es que
 - desde la web de compaq el driver de Compaq Array
 y de
 - la web de Intel el driver de la tarjeta de red.
 - Por lo demás debería irte todo como la seda.
   Yo estoy desarrollando un cluster de alta
 cortafuegos, control de ancho de banda (QoS) con
 Debian sobre Alpha,
 y es LA CAÑA, riete tú de Firewall-1 de
 - Att.
 - Carlos López.
 - --- Javier_Viñuales_Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - escribió:  On mié, jun 13, 2001 at 01:53:14
 - Javier
 -  Miguel Rodríguez wrote:
 -  Muy buenas...
 -  Buenas, pero calurosas aggg ¡Sevilla es una
 -  maravilla! :-??
 -  En la empresa en la que trabajo somos
 -  revendedores de Compaq. Y
 -   si, Compaq es taco de caro, pero eso de tener
 -  garantía de 3 años es algo
 -   que se agradece en una empresa...
 -  Ajá, muy interesante, revendedor de Compaq y
 -  Debianero, si puedes contarme
 -  en privado la película de la garantía soporte y
 -  demás cuestiones de atención
 -  al cliente que Compaq tiene y la competencia no
 -  todo ojos.
 -  Yo suelo trabajar con Linux Alpha (de
 -  como es obvio), pero
 -   lo que si puedo garantizarte es que toda la
 -  proliant funciona
 -   perfectamente con Linux
 -  Me alegro de leer eso. Se que me lo intentarán
 -  vender con Windows 2000
 -  Server pero no quiero eso, me se maneja bien
 -  Debian GNU/Linux + Samba y
 -  además todos sabemos que es mejor ;-DD
 -  ... por no decir de que es _lo correcto_ :-P
 -  Ya se que suena muy a Compaq es más mejor,
 -  tío, si quieres
 -   calidad la tienes que pagar... si no, pues
 -  que te crió, que seguro
 -   que te ahorras muchas pelas, pero cuando al
 año y
 -  pico te de problemas...
 -   pues nada, a aguantarte
 -  De acuerdo.
 -  Joer, parece que me llevo comisión :-)
 -  Ya te enviaré un gasllifante cuando me pases
 -  info :-DD
 -  P.D: En
 -   toda la información que quieras sobre
 -  proliant con Linux
 -  Gracias, ¡a leerlo!.
 -  Saludos.
 -  -- 
 -  Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -  GnuPG public information:  pub 
 -  1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8
 -  --  
 -  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 -  /dev/null

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Re: Hardware_de_servidor_Compaq_y_Debian_GNU/Linux_¿?

2001-06-13 Thread ciph3r
Pues a ver si sabemos de él cuando acabes el proyecto... ;)

Espero que se libere bajo GPL...

Un saludo.

 Yo estoy desarrollando un cluster de alta disponibilidad,
 cortafuegos, control de ancho de banda (QoS) con Debian sobre Alpha,
 y es LA CAÑA, riete tú de Firewall-1 de Checkpoint...


2001-06-13 Thread first last
   Buenas. En vista de que tengo espacio libre en el 
disco duro (ya solo me quedan un par de Linuxes en el 
ordenador) pues estoy pensando instalar HURD, pero 
buscando por ahi he visto algo sobre EROS-OS, ?alguien

lo ha probado? He estado mirando en
su pagina web y parece que ahora esta bajo GPL (lo que
lo suyo) y que tambien es un microkernel y ademas
mas o menos eficiente pero inacabado, ?alguna idea?
?Para cuando Debian/GPL-EROS :P?

   Nos vemos


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procesador de testos para consola

2001-06-13 Thread jose maria

 Donde podria encontar mas informacion de como hacer esto?
 Quisiera hacer una prueba de como funciona esto, y no se ni por
 donde empezar.

 Gracias y saludos. Pep.

en la revista solo linux numero 19 que he comprado hace unos dias viene 
detallado de forma bastante clara, ademas trae otras cosas interesantes 
como instalar un servidor interno de irc, por ejemplo para la oficina yo 
lo acabo de poner, si tuvieras problemas o no encontraras la revista, 
vuelve a escribir estoy empezando a poner  todos los pasos en un documento 
detallando todo para acordarme luego.
fundamentalmente tienes que activar en el arranque, inetd, parport, ntdate 
y nis o rpc.ugdd en el servidor, logicamente tambien el servidor nfs, 
luego editas en el fichero /etc/exports, lo que quieres exportar, a que 
ordenador quieres exportarlo y con que permisos
ejemplo facilon,
/homeviejo (rw)  ..lectura y escritura
/usr viejo (ro,root_squash)  ..escritura sin los derechos  
 especiales de root  
/opt viejo (rw,root_squash)   ...lectura.escritur,sin los  
  citados derechos para root
/var viejo (ro,no_root_squash)  ..escritura, sin   
 modificacion de los derechos de root
etc,etc, la seguridad ya es una cosa que tu debes implementar, para probar 
tu mismo, esos son los permisos mas importantes ademas de estos:

link_relative...modificacion de enlaces simbolicos abslutos que
comienzan con / en una secuencia de  
 . . /  esto si montas un sistema de   
ficheros completo de una maquina,  en  
otro caso no tiene sentido, es asi por 
link_absolute ...  no se modifican los enlaces simbolicos
map_identity el cliente usa los mismos identificativos 
  que el servidor user-ID es así por defecto.
map_daemon ...los identificativos de usuario, de cliente y 
   servidor no coincide, con esta opcion el
   nfsd genera una tabla para la conversion de 
   los identificativos de usuario, hay que 
activar el demonio ugidd
para las pruebas del algodon, en el 486 una distribucion en disquetes o en 
cdrom poniendo el minimo de programas en el 486, en una sola particion o 
en varias , no lo he probado pero supongo que incluso las de swap se 
podrian exportar, si hay conocimiento en contrario que se diga, que tenga 
el cliente nfs, parport, cliente nis y ntdate para sincronizar la hora 
corriendolos en el arranque y como peer de la red el servidor. de momento 
el nis para que no se peleen los usuarios de uno y otro ordenador en que 
coincidan su nombre y numero en el sitema, dejalo puesto que primero 
tienes que probar la  funcionalidad del asunto, el tema de la hora pues lo 
configura la red y /etc/hosts donde describiras las maquinas de la red, 
vacia es decir borra el CONTENIDO de los directorios o particiones 
descritas en el 486  /usr /home /var /opt , edita en el fstab las 
importaciones y el punto de montaje
el punto de / lo dejas tal cual
linux:/usr  /usrnfs  defaults 1  2
linux:/home /home   nfs  defaults 1  2
linux:/opt  /optnfs defaults  1  2
linux:/var  /varnfs defaults   1  2
para el cdrom la misma politica si no tienes en el 486.
Creo que no se me olvida nada de todas maneras repasa por si hubiera 
incongruencia clara , y como no me acuerdo si lo enviaste el mensaje a la 
lista o particular cualquier duda antes de cagarla, pregunta en la lista, 
yo tengo los dos sistemas en reiserfs, esto no tiene que ser inconveniente 
puesto que las importaciones son virtuales ademas de en sistema de 
ficheros nfs, pero yo no lo se todo, prueba siempre donde el estropicio 
sea intrancendente, y no te canses de preguntar a los que quieran ayudar, 
y ni caso a tocapelotas y desocupados..un saludo 
jose maria 

Re: Hardware de servidor Compaq y Debian GNU/Linux ¿?

2001-06-13 Thread josep . roca
Hola Jaume:

On 13 Jun 2001, at 13:47, Jaume Sabater wrote:

 No recuerdo el modelo exacto, pero Debiqan corre correctamente sobre un
 Proliant. Lo que me costó un poco de encontrar fué lo de la ethernet, pero

Disculapa la intromision. Tengo un proliant 1850R y no consigo
que potato reconozca la placa de red. Que tendira que buscar y
donde? En el web de compaq solo encuentro cosas sobre redhat y
caldera y en los grupos de noticias solo encuentro unos mensajes
sobre instalacion de potato en este servidor pero... estan en
aleman y no entiendo nada. Gracias por el tiempo y saludos.

Josep Roca
Departament de Ped, Obste, Gine i Medicina Preventiva
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Soporte tarjeta de red en ... Debian ?

2001-06-13 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
 Disculapa la intromision. Tengo un proliant 1850R y no consigo
 que potato reconozca la placa de red. Que tendira que buscar y
 donde? En el web de compaq solo encuentro cosas sobre redhat y
 caldera y en los grupos de noticias solo encuentro unos mensajes
 sobre instalacion de potato en este servidor pero... estan en
 aleman y no entiendo nada. Gracias por el tiempo y saludos.
El soporte te lo da el kernel de linux. Busca en el kernel. Averigua qué tarjeta
tienes y si existe o no un driver para ella en el kernel oficial o en algún otro

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | La planificación es el secreto
en un Pentiun 166   |   del éxito.
RAM 32 Mb kernel 2.2.18 | Extraido de :
Con Linux Debian sid unestble ! |

tarjeta del proliant

2001-06-13 Thread jose maria
 Disculpa la intromision. Tengo un proliant 1850R y no consigo
 que potato reconozca la placa de red. Que tendira que buscar y
 donde? En el web de compaq solo encuentro cosas sobre redhat y
 caldera y en los grupos de noticias solo encuentro unos mensajes
 sobre instalacion de potato en este servidor pero... estan en
 aleman y no entiendo nada. Gracias por el tiempo y saludos.

Si nadie puede responderte y esta soportada como te dicen por el kernel
utiliza el metodo pitagorico, 
lista los modulos existentes y guardalos en un fichero, evidentemente los 
de tu kernel, te saldran los cargados y no cargados.

find /lib/modules/2.4.0-4GB | sortmodulos.txt
less modulos.txt

identifica los de tarjetas de red y en la linea correpondiente a eth0 del 
/etc/modules.conf vas cambiando hasta que des con el apropiado. rcnetwork 
restart para reiniciar cada vez la red, otra opcion es que escribas un 
email a compaq y al distribuidor si no lo sabe por lo menos que te digan 
que protocolo y que estandares cumple. un saludo jose maria

Re: Soporte tarjeta de red en ... Debian ?

2001-06-13 Thread josep . roca

On 13 Jun 2001, at 17:45, Javier Fafián Alvarez wrote:

 El soporte te lo da el kernel de linux. Busca en el kernel. Averigua qué 
 tienes y si existe o no un driver para ella en el kernel oficial o en algún 
Este es el problema: es una Compaq Integrated Netelligent 10/11
TX PCI UTP, y cuando la intento cargar como modulo no la
encuentro. He intentado varios modulos, sin exito. Tampoco he
visto esta tarjeta en ningun COMO. Alguna pista sobre el modulo a
utilizar? Gracias y saludos. Pep.

Josep Roca
Departament de Ped, Obste, Gine i Medicina Preventiva
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Cómo mantener la conexión a Inet?

2001-06-13 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
Hola. Me gustaría saber con qué programa puedo mantener la conexión a
Internet activa... esto es... que si se cae se reconecte... Lo he
intentado con run pon (micuenta) y ná de ná... ¿qué hago mal?


ICQ Nº 31089968

No es oro todo lo que reluce ni toda la gente errante anda
perdida... J.R.R. Tolkien El Señor de los Anillos

Re: Cómo mantener la conexión a Inet?

2001-06-13 Thread alex

 Hola. Me gustaría saber con qué programa puedo mantener la conexión a
 Internet activa... esto es... que si se cae se reconecte... Lo he
 intentado con run pon (micuenta) y ná de ná... ¿qué hago mal?

El wvdial sin ir mas lejos.

Z0MBiE / ELiTE (visit us at

Re: Cómo mantener la conexión a Inet?

2001-06-13 Thread Unikoke
Coordenadas temporales: Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 08:49:26PM +0200
Sujeto: Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
Comunicaba sobre: Cómo mantener la conexión a Inet?

 Hola. Me gustaría saber con qué programa puedo mantener la conexión a
 Internet activa... esto es... que si se cae se reconecte... Lo he

Con la opción persist en /etc/ppp/options


---Llave pública vía E-mail. Asunto: Mandar clave PGP---
Debian 2.1 Slink + apt-get dist-upgrade = Debian 2.2 Potato
Hijo de gran ladrón, es un señorón.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Consejo escaneo de puertos

2001-06-13 Thread Amaya
Cesar dijo:
   Para detectar scaneos esta courtney , incluso iplogger

También está jail :-)

 Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable 
- The Wizard of Oz -
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (Kernel 2.4.2) on this Dell Laptop 


2001-06-13 Thread Santiago Pastorino
Tengo Debian Potato y pasé mis particiones a reiser menos la /boot que
la dejé en ext2 por el momento, esto lo hice con dos discos, en uno
instalé todo el sistema con todas sus particiones en ext2 y en el otro
solamente cree las particiones de reiser vacías, entre con el disco que
tiene el sistema en modo single y copie con el midnight commander todos
los directorios de forma correcta.
Después saque el disco que tiene las particiones en ext2 y puse como
primario ya para empezar a usarlo el de reiser, y obviamente no me
anduvo porque lo hice sin correr lilo, el problema es que como corro
lilo si no puedo arrancar el sistema? se puede hacer booteando con el
disco que esta en ext2, y corriendo lilo + algun parametro?
Que parametros se le pasarían?
Alguna otra idea?
Muchas gracias, saludos.

Copyright does not exist in english and swedish

2001-06-13 Thread Mikael Hedin
The book by Linus Walleij is now available at

deb books/
deb-src books/

if you are interested.  I will not put it in the distribution right
now, but please talk me into it if you want.  The bible is there, so
why not other political texts...


Mikael Hedin, MSc   +46 (0)980 79176
Swedish Institute of Space Physics  +46 (0)8 344979 (home)
Box 812, S-981 28 KIRUNA, Sweden+46 (0)70 5891533 (mobile)
[gpg key fingerprint = 387F A8DB DC2A 50E3 FE26  30C4 5793 29D3 C01B 2A22]

Re: Problemas com modulos.

2001-06-13 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Algot wrote:

   Olá pessoal,

   Deixa eu tentar explicar...

 modules.conf, tem alguma coisa a ver ? Já andaram me falando para
 atualizar o modutils, precisa mesmo ?

sempre que pretender atualizar o seu kernel, leia o Changes em

no caso do modutils, ele é um dos que precisam mudar, junto com vários
outros, na atualização da série 2.2.x para a 2.4.x.

Current Minimal Requirements

Upgrade to at *least* these software revisions before thinking you've
encountered a bug!  If you're unsure what version you're currently
running, the suggested command should tell you.


o  Gnu C  2.91.66# gcc --version
o  Gnu make   3.77   # make --version
o  binutils # ld -v
o  util-linux 2.10o  # fdformat --version
o  modutils   2.4.2  # insmod -V
o  e2fsprogs  1.19   # tune2fs
o  reiserfsprogs  3.x.0j # reiserfsck 21|grep reiserfsprogs
o  pcmcia-cs  3.1.21 # cardmgr -V
o  PPP2.4.0  # pppd --version
o  isdn4k-utils   3.1pre1# isdnctrl 21|grep version


Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

erro compilacao e/ou falta biblioteca

2001-06-13 Thread tropical colchoes ltda

Oi, pessoal

Estou tentando instalar tinycobol, mas estou com 
dificuldades pois falta alguma biblioteca (pacote),
eu programo com Cobol II plus -Micro Base em 
sistema (DOS/WIN9X)
veja o erro que ocorre:

Script started on Wed Jun 13 07:48:33 
2001carlucio:/usr/local/tinycobol-0.52/test.code/t26# makegcc -g -o 
test26 test26.o -L/usr/local/lib -L../../lib -lhtcobol -lm 
-lncurses/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lncursescollect2: ld returned 1 exit 
statusmake: *** [test26] Error 
1carlucio:/usr/local/tinycobol-0.52/test.code/t26# exitexitScript 
done on Wed Jun 13 07:48:43 2001

Ao que parece falta a biblioteca "ncurses" alquem 
instalou ou teve este mesmo
problema, outrossim sou novo em linux.


Re: Leitor de DVD.

2001-06-13 Thread Taupter

Lalo Martins wrote:

alguém conhece um programa que toca DVD disponibilizando os canais de

Eu tenho usado o xine. Não é perfeito e tem seus bugs, mas
funciona, com áudio, e até com esd se vc quiser.

Outra saída interessante é o videolan, disponível em

Pelos meus testes ele é bem mais responsivo que o xine, não possui os 
problemas de falta de sincronismo de vídeo que o xine tem, e tem um 
corretor de aspect ratio que o xine não tem. Outras vantagens são que a 
implementação de legendas é infinitamente melhor (para ser sincero, até 
hoje não consegui ver uma legenda que fosse no xine), a decodificação do 
.IFO permite que a gente veja, por exemplo, o nome das línguas 
disponíveis tanto das trilhas de áudio quanto das legendas. A interface 
é bem mais intuitiva que a do xine, o selecionador de arquivos é um 
selecionador  padrão Gtk++, em vez de ser aquela coisa do xine. Ele 
tem suporte a leitura de DVDs encriptados _sem_usar_o_DeCSS. O site de 
download é francês, o que pode deixar as conciências das pessoas mais 
limpas por não infringir nenhuma lei norte-americana. Se você se 
interessar pelo código-fonte, o videolan possui uma implementação 
completa de abstração de API/interface, toda a pipeline, bem 
documentada, coisa que o pessoal do xine está _tentando_ fazer (ver para o nightly build do 0.5.0 alpha, e ver o 
Claro que o videolan tem contras: não possui playlist, não possui 
(ainda) patches para aceitar aceleração por hardware (placas 
decodificadoras), apesar de parecer não ser tão difícil fazer isso (a 
documentação da API é realmente bem completa), e algumas das interfaces 
(KDE, aalib , Win32(!) e outras) ainda não estarem completamente 

Tive problemas tanto com o xine quanto com o videolan com relação a 
shared memory, e só fui capaz de executá-lo usando o videoout x11.

Não testei o MPlayer, mas ouvi falar coisas boas dele, principalmente 
com relação ao suporte de outros formatos de arquivo.

Fica a recomendação de só se aventurar na decodificação por software se 
você tiver uma máquina que dê conta do recado.

Cláudio da Silveira Pinheiro

Re: erro compilacao e/ou falta biblioteca

2001-06-13 Thread Alander Santos

Saudacoes Calucio,

relamente o problema que se apresenta ao que tudo indica e a falta da 
biblioteca ncurses ( que por sinal e utilizada por uma serie de outras 
aplicacoes no linux ). Vc pode baixar diretor do site da debian a 
biblioteca usando o comando:

apt-get install libncurses5-dev.

Acho que isso deve resolver o problema.

Alander Santos

tropical colchoes ltda wrote:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Oi, pessoal


Estou tentando instalar tinycobol, mas estou com dificuldades pois falta 
alguma biblioteca (pacote),

eu programo com Cobol II plus -Micro Base em sistema (DOS/WIN9X)

veja o erro que ocorre:


Script started on Wed Jun 13 07:48:33 2001
carlucio:/usr/local/tinycobol-0.52/test.code/t26# make
gcc -g -o test26 test26.o  -L/usr/local/lib -L../../lib -lhtcobol -lm 

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [test26] Error 1
carlucio:/usr/local/tinycobol-0.52/test.code/t26# exit
Script done on Wed Jun 13 07:48:43 2001


Ao que parece falta a biblioteca ncurses alquem instalou ou teve este 

problema, outrossim sou novo em linux.



Re: Como colocar aquele gráfico de fundo no grub?

2001-06-13 Thread Alander Santos
fala ai kov blz? ( acho q estou te devendo alguma coisa!!! Nao esquenta 
q assim q estiver pronto eu envio ok. )

Cara tenta a seguinte linha:

splashimage = (hdx,x)/diretorio/imagem

Alander Santos

Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Alô pessoal... qual é a linha de configuração pro menu.lst pra ter uma

imagem no boot do grub? tô com a imagem prontinha... (640x480, 14 cores..)

mas esqueci a linha e em lugar *NENHUM* da documentação do grub eu achei...


dicas? =)





Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov


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Re: Como colocar aquele gráfico de fundo no grub?

2001-06-13 Thread Thadeu Penna
On Sun, 13 May 2001, Alander Santos wrote:

 splashimage = (hdx,x)/diretorio/imagem

Este grub é o oficial, ou precisa de algum patch para aceitar imagens?

___  _ .''`.
 | |_  _. _| _  |_) _ ._ ._  _.   : :'  :
 | | |(_|(_|(/_|_|  |  (/_| || |(_|   `. `'`
 Linux user #50500  `-

Re: Leitor de DVD.

2001-06-13 Thread Lalo Martins
On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 09:32:00AM -0300, Taupter wrote:
 Outra saída interessante é o videolan, disponível em

Parece legal. Eu já tinha esse carinha instalado, pra fazer
testes em broadcasting, e nem tinha me ocorrido que ele também
toca dvd.

# videolan
deb ./

Esvazie sua mente, pequeno gafanhoto.
   Nós temos muito o que aprender... mas primeiro...
   Primeiro você terá que desaprender o que acha que já sabe.
 pgp key:

Brazil of Darkness (RPG)  ---

Compilando pacotes com outros compiladores

2001-06-13 Thread Thadeu Penna

Acho que já perguntei isto aqui, mas fica o aviso para quem tentar
instalar o Debian em uma DEC/Compaq Alpha:
Não existem pacotes do KDE 2 para Potato/Woody para a arquitetura alpha.
Segundo os desenvolvedores, isto se deve a problemas do gcc 2.9.95. Não
perguntei porque a RH 7 tem estes pacotes ;) Minha idéia e reconstruir os
pacotes utilizando o ccc (Compaq C compiler).

quero usar o apt-get -b source x. Como faço para tornar o ccc o
compilador default. Quando usava RPMs eu podia passar a opcao GCC=ccc nos
flags, mas no Debian não tenho a menor idéia. A pergunta poderia ser
também: como mudar as opções de um ./configure, mas utilizando ainda o
apt-get (ou dpkg)?

___  _ .''`.
 | |_  _. _| _  |_) _ ._ ._  _.   : :'  :
 | | |(_|(_|(/_|_|  |  (/_| || |(_|   `. `'`
 Linux user #50500  `-

Re: Linux na memória.

2001-06-13 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Nitrogen wrote:

 É que estou a procura de um sistema que me permita realizar a
 criação/compilação de (pequenos) códigos em C através do Gcc sem contudo
 usar o H.D.

que tal ramdisk? /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ramdisk.txt

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Alguem me ajude!!

2001-06-13 Thread Fabio Ricardo Araujo
Estou com problemas para configurar a minha conexão dvi 
no linux.

Eu tenho um howto de como instalareu fiz tudo igual 
e nadaalias nada de conectar..:(, pois a placa eos 
modulos estao todos carrengando corretamente

Eu n sei se isso tem haver mas, a pessoa que vez esse 
howtousava debian wood, eu tentei instalar 
no potato...

Se alguem puder me ajudar eu agradeçoFalou!!

Re: Como colocar aquele gráfico de fundo no grub?

2001-06-13 Thread Alander Santos

Fala ai cara, blz?

Acredito q seja o oficil pelo menos os pacotes q instalei nao tem diferenca.

Alander Santos



On Sun, 13 May 2001, Alander Santos wrote:




  splashimage = (hdx,x)/diretorio/imagem



Este grub é o oficial, ou precisa de algum patch para aceitar imagens?



___ _ .''`.

| |_ _. _| _ |_) _ ._ ._ _. : :' :

| | |(_|(_|(/_|_| | (/_| || |(_| `. `'`

Linux user #50500 `-




Re: Alguem me ajude!!

2001-06-13 Thread Rodrigo Morais Araujo
On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Fabio Ricardo Araujo wrote:

 Estou com problemas para configurar a minha conex?o dvi
 no linux.

 Eu tenho um howto de como instalareu fiz tudo igual
 e nadaalias nada de conectar..:(, pois a placa eos
 modulos estao todos carrengando corretamente

 Eu n sei se isso tem haver mas, a pessoa que vez esse
 howtousava debian wood, eu tentei instalar
 no potato...

Eu uso no sid, mas antes disso configurei no potato para poder conectar e
atualizar meu GNU/Debian.

 Se alguem puder me ajudar eu agrade?oFalou!!

Se voc? for mais especifico em seu problema, serei grato em ajudar!


--==: Rodrigo Morais Araujo :==--
--==:   :==--
--==:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   :==--

Português no Gnome

2001-06-13 Thread Rafael Sasaki
Não estou conseguindo acentuar as palavras no Gnome. Será que alguém podia
me ajudar a configurar o teclado? Meu teclado é um Microsoft Natural layout
Quando não estou usando o X Windows eu consigo acentuar normalmente. No
Emacs, se eu não estiver no Gnome também. Mas se eu iniciar o Emacs pelo
Gnome eu não consigo.

Obrigado pela ajuda,
  Rafael Sasaki

Re: Português no Gnome

2001-06-13 Thread Kairo F. de Araújo
Em Wed, 13 Jun 2001 20:06:51 -0300
Rafael Sasaki [EMAIL PROTECTED] Escreveu:

 Não estou conseguindo acentuar as palavras no Gnome. Será que alguém podia
 me ajudar a configurar o teclado? Meu teclado é um Microsoft Natural layout
 Quando não estou usando o X Windows eu consigo acentuar normalmente. No
 Emacs, se eu não estiver no Gnome também. Mas se eu iniciar o Emacs pelo
 Gnome eu não consigo.
Eu tive este problema, quando usei para configurar o X o XF86Setup 
ficou normal.
P.S: executei o XF86Setup dentro do X, em um terminal.  

 Obrigado pela ajuda,
   Rafael Sasaki

Kairo F. de Araújo

Pessoal Infos:| Organizador/Fundador  | Grupo de Usuário GNU/Linux de Juiz de 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - UIN: 45349054| Fora-MG -

Administrador de Redes| Projeto de Implantação do CIPSGA
Saúde Colégio e Curso | PIC   |   
Debian GNU/Linux User BR #181 - Linux User Registered #188447
 .''`.  GnuPG User - Caso necessite das chaves públicas, solicite.
: :'  : echo GNU/GPL - GNU FDL (GDL)  Liberdade de Conhecimento
`. `'`  O 'Saber' não ocupa espaço M.A.A
  `-Não envie emails em HTML, ASCII owna !! 
Não é necessário citar esta assinatura nos replays(repostas). thanx!


2001-06-13 Thread XtReAmE

Quais os passos pra construir um pacote .deb?

Fórum Internacional de Software Livre

2001-06-13 Thread hzi

Ae, galera-

Primeiramente, queira me apresentar: eu me chamo Henry e uso o Debian há 
uns 6 meses. Que alívio largar dum RedHat !
Tive a oportunidade de conhecer brevemente os desenvolvedores do Debian 
que foram ao Fórum., entre uma palestra e outra. O assunto Debian criou 
tanto sucesso que o pessoal deixou de dar uma palestra num plenarinho 
para falar para um auditório lotado! É isso aí! teve aquelas perguntas, 
tipo por que que o Debian não usa rpms? E a resposta à altura: porque 
o sistema de pacotes do Debian é muito melhor. :-)

E hoje eu posso exibir com orgulho minha camiseta preta!

E agora a minha dúvida:
Eu perguntei prum pessoal, Kov, Spectra, sobre qual é o problema de usar 
o wvdial...Eu acho inseguro, o cara se loga como root, não é? Mal 
negócio...É só uma questão de chmod? Coisa de principiante, mas é o que 
Como se logar ao provedor de forma segura (sem ser como root, pelo 
menos...)? O que ler? ppp-HOWTO e Securing Linux?

[ ]s

Re: F?rum Internacional de Software Livre

2001-06-13 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
configure o ppp com o utilitario pppconfig.
É bem simples.
Grande abraço,  PH
Quoting hzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Ae, galera-
 Primeiramente, queira me apresentar: eu me chamo Henry e uso o Debian há 
 uns 6 meses. Que alívio largar dum RedHat !
 Tive a oportunidade de conhecer brevemente os desenvolvedores do Debian 
 que foram ao Fórum., entre uma palestra e outra. O assunto Debian criou 
 tanto sucesso que o pessoal deixou de dar uma palestra num plenarinho 
 para falar para um auditório lotado! É isso aí! teve aquelas perguntas, 
 tipo por que que o Debian não usa rpms? E a resposta à altura: porque 
 o sistema de pacotes do Debian é muito melhor. :-)
 E hoje eu posso exibir com orgulho minha camiseta preta!
 E agora a minha dúvida:
 Eu perguntei prum pessoal, Kov, Spectra, sobre qual é o problema de usar 
 o wvdial...Eu acho inseguro, o cara se loga como root, não é? Mal 
 negócio...É só uma questão de chmod? Coisa de principiante, mas é o que 
 Como se logar ao provedor de forma segura (sem ser como root, pelo 
 menos...)? O que ler? ppp-HOWTO e Securing Linux?
 [ ]s
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gostaria de sugestão sobreo que traduzir

2001-06-13 Thread hzi


O que traduzir? Gostaria de ajudar, posso traduzir:
francês - português
italiano - português
inglês - português e vice-versa, sendo que sou *realmente* fluente, e 
não é coisa de cursinho ;-), sendo que eu acho que isso interessa mais, 

Mas não achei a lista do que traduzir. O que é necessário traduzir?

[ ]s

Re: Gostaria de sugestã o sobreo que traduzir

2001-06-13 Thread Israel Mendes Biscaia Filho
Cara, na pagina do projeto Debian-BR,, na
pagina Documentos tem a lista de documentos a serem traduzidos.



On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 01:01:38PM +, hzi wrote:
 O que traduzir? Gostaria de ajudar, posso traduzir:
 francês - português
 italiano - português
 inglês - português e vice-versa, sendo que sou *realmente* fluente, e 
 não é coisa de cursinho ;-), sendo que eu acho que isso interessa mais, 
 Mas não achei a lista do que traduzir. O que é necessário traduzir?
 [ ]s
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

| Israel Mendes Biscaia Filho / [EMAIL PROTECTED] |__|
++  +|oo|+  |
++  +|oo|+  |
|  .''`.  | ICQ 21022872||||
| : :'  : | \/   ||||
| `. `'`  | Website||||
|   `-| \/   ||||
| DEBIAN  | Deadly Razor ||||
|GNU/Linux| \/   ||||
|   www   | Debian-BR  ||||
|.| \/   | _  ||  _ |
| debian  | GNU/Linux User #168128  | \\_||_// |
|.| \/   |  | [] |  |
|   org   |  |  | || |  |
+-+  | /  []  \ |
| ?  ?  ? |  | \__/ |
|?  ?  ?  |  |HVY METAL |
| ?  ?  ? |  |   BASS   |
|?  ?  ?  |  |PLAYER|

USB no kernel 2.4.5

2001-06-13 Thread Rodrigo Morais Araujo
Ol? pessoal, estou tendo um pequeno probleminha ao tentar usar
minha impressora USB que tenho, no kernel do potato (2.2.19) funciona tudo
blz, mas com o kernel que eu compilei o 2.4.5 (com o printer.o carregado!)
ps.: uso o sid.

no dmesg:
printer.c: usblp0: device node registration failed

Agora as op??es marcadas no meu kernel na sess?o USB:



--==: Rodrigo Morais Araujo :==--
--==:   :==--
--==:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   :==--

SN-5100TX or Pulse H1012

2001-06-13 Thread Renai LeMay

I need to find out whether the SN-5100TX 10/100 pci network card and/or the 
Pulse H1012 pci network card are supported under linux.

I think they most probably are, but I need to find out which driver to use 
for them.

(Yes, I have searched google and looked at the linuxdoc hardware 
compatibility list, both without result).



Re: Freeamp MP3 player problem

2001-06-13 Thread Jonas bazz Egidius

David Nusinow wrote:

 On Tuesday 12 June 2001 08:35 pm, Alex Kwan wrote:
  I have used apt to installed the Freeamp, the sound is good
  but have following problems:
  (1) only can play at root, other users can't (can open the
  freeamp but can't play), how to fix it?

 Add whatever users to the 'audio' group.

Don't forget to check that the users also have access to
write to /dev/mixer, otherwise the volume change won't work.

IRL Jonas bazz Egidius IRC   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CEL   +46709841071 WEB
JOB VIM Yes, ofcourse!

Re: Power button doesn't work

2001-06-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 09:34:19PM -0400, D-Man wrote:
 This is correct.  You don't need to recompile your kernel to get APM
 support -- simply add apm=on to the command line.  With grub it
 looks like :
 # Entry 0:
 title   Debian Potato (Linux 2.2.19)
 kernel  /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 read-only apm=on
 # ^^
 You can do the same thing with lilo, I _think_ it is append apm=on
 but I'm not sure because I don't use it.

Close :)


seperate multiple append line args with spaces, like this:

  append=apm=on mem=64M devfs=nomount


Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

[OT]Re: your mail

2001-06-13 Thread Sachin Garg

 A paperless office has about as much chance as a paperless bathroom.

We have paperless bathrooms in the Indian subcontinent :)

Sorry, couldn't help myself ...


Re: All packages ... again.

2001-06-13 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 11:02:00PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Hi ...
 Ok ... so, I was used to the fact that, my system just have one
 program for the main tasks. If  debian has more than one option, I'd
 like to ask again, a couple of things:
 a) If I'm not wrong, the programs can conflict each other, just in the
case of simultaneous usage.  For example, they can compete for the
same directory, the same TCP port, etc. But what could be wrong, if
I install all the programs for the same tasks, and just activate
one of them by configuration.  (and maybe, also configure the
others to desactivate them).

You can do this.  It's more work than the alternative:  installing a
package you're interested in trialling for a period of time, then
reverting to another package if it doesn't work out.

 b) Aprox., How much disk space will be requiered to install ALL the

A friend of mine, Rick Moen, maintains a Debian archive mirror, on about
10 GB of storage.  This represents the compressed format of most
packages, expect a full install to increase this requirement by 50-100%,
possibly more.

 I want to install all the packages, just because I like having the
 program already installed, in the moment I need them ... maybe I
 install some programs that never will be used, but it doesn´t matter
 for me, I prefer that to loose some time downloading, maybe compiling
 and installing the program.

Your concerns are sorely misguided.  You'll spend far more time
attempting this task than you will by installing the packages you need
and testing the ones you're interested in on an as needed basis.   This
will allow you to resolve issues when they arise, rather than fighting
them all at once.

Most debian packages weigh in at a few hundred KB -- even on a 56 K
dialup line (my only current access), you can download and install a
package in a matter of a few minutes, often less.  Some large packages
take longer -- I figure a MB every five minutes or so, do the math.  But
large packages tend to be end-user software which doesn't conflict with
other stuff.  It's mostly the server space that does -- having multiple
webservers, ftp servers, print services, etc., installed, simply doesn't
work.  Debian is designed to identify both dependencies and conflicts.
Your request is guaranteed to raise conflicts.  If you have a high-speed
connection, or are accessing the distribution from CDROMs or a locally
hosted mirror, you'll be able to install packages in seconds.  It would
literally take longer to read the package list from disk, in many cases,
than to download a package from a remote site, when I had a high-speed
Internet connection.

The simple fact is that you'll spend more time trying to force your
system into doing something it's designed to prevent, and it will take
you longer to test various packages out, than if you just use Debian the
way it's designed.  A friend of mine who does technical reviews of
GNU/Linux software for a major tech journal sees Debian as the *only*
way he can do his job.  Because Debian takes so much of the pain out of
trying out new software, it's the best way for him to do his

Listen to the voices of experience.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

RE: All packages ... again.

2001-06-13 Thread Ian Perry
You said:  Listen to the voices of experience.

A few years ago I actually did what this person wanted to do... tried
installing them all.
After several weeks of tooling around and getting nowhere with an extremely
unstable system, I ended up getting out my setup disks, killed the
partitions and started from scratch.  I then did exactly as you suggested...
trialled a few and came up with a regime of packages I liked, and ended up
with a rock solid stable system which never gives any problems


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: All packages ... again.

on Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 11:02:00PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi ...

 Ok ... so, I was used to the fact that, my system just have one
 program for the main tasks. If  debian has more than one option, I'd
 like to ask again, a couple of things:

 a) If I'm not wrong, the programs can conflict each other, just in the
case of simultaneous usage.  For example, they can compete for the
same directory, the same TCP port, etc. But what could be wrong, if
I install all the programs for the same tasks, and just activate
one of them by configuration.  (and maybe, also configure the
others to desactivate them).

You can do this.  It's more work than the alternative:  installing a
package you're interested in trialling for a period of time, then
reverting to another package if it doesn't work out.

 b) Aprox., How much disk space will be requiered to install ALL the

A friend of mine, Rick Moen, maintains a Debian archive mirror, on about
10 GB of storage.  This represents the compressed format of most
packages, expect a full install to increase this requirement by 50-100%,
possibly more.

 I want to install all the packages, just because I like having the
 program already installed, in the moment I need them ... maybe I
 install some programs that never will be used, but it doesn´t matter
 for me, I prefer that to loose some time downloading, maybe compiling
 and installing the program.

Your concerns are sorely misguided.  You'll spend far more time
attempting this task than you will by installing the packages you need
and testing the ones you're interested in on an as needed basis.   This
will allow you to resolve issues when they arise, rather than fighting
them all at once.

Most debian packages weigh in at a few hundred KB -- even on a 56 K
dialup line (my only current access), you can download and install a
package in a matter of a few minutes, often less.  Some large packages
take longer -- I figure a MB every five minutes or so, do the math.  But
large packages tend to be end-user software which doesn't conflict with
other stuff.  It's mostly the server space that does -- having multiple
webservers, ftp servers, print services, etc., installed, simply doesn't
work.  Debian is designed to identify both dependencies and conflicts.
Your request is guaranteed to raise conflicts.  If you have a high-speed
connection, or are accessing the distribution from CDROMs or a locally
hosted mirror, you'll be able to install packages in seconds.  It would
literally take longer to read the package list from disk, in many cases,
than to download a package from a remote site, when I had a high-speed
Internet connection.

The simple fact is that you'll spend more time trying to force your
system into doing something it's designed to prevent, and it will take
you longer to test various packages out, than if you just use Debian the
way it's designed.  A friend of mine who does technical reviews of
GNU/Linux software for a major tech journal sees Debian as the *only*
way he can do his job.  Because Debian takes so much of the pain out of
trying out new software, it's the best way for him to do his

Listen to the voices of experience.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Re: web management question

2001-06-13 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, May 30, 2001 at 01:41:37PM -0500, will trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

...oldie, but...

 On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 01:01:53PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
  The directory ~/public_html is made accessible as:
  ...with the appropriate configuration changes in /etc/apache/access.conf
  and /etc/apache/srm.conf.
   LoadModule userdir_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
   UserDir /var/something/student/*/personal-web-pages
 so when apache got a request for 
 it'd use /var/something/student/bubba/personal-web-pages/something
 as its file-path.

I'm not sure what you're saying.

  - Apache reads the data from ~bubba/public_html.
  - It responds to a request for http://host/~bubba/something/

 i'd either stick with public_html or www.

Um...  Left hand, meet left hand?

  Files in these directories need to be world readable.
 at least www-data readable, if you're using the default
   User www-data
   Group www-data

I think you're both clear and right here.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Power button works but...

2001-06-13 Thread jean-michel le bot

After running shutdown -h now, the system shuts down and issues a
message saying Power down.
But then I have to hit the power button to switch off my computer. This is a 
think I didn't have to do when I was running Mandrake 7.2 instead of Potato 
2r0 : my computer switched off automatically.
So this is my question: is there a way to make my computer switch off 
automatically after 'shutdown -h now' ?
Shall I recompile the kernel for that or is there a more simple way (adding a 
module...) ?

Jean-Michel Le Bot - mailto : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sociologue - LARES - Université Rennes 2

Re: One For The Record Books

2001-06-13 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, May 30, 2001 at 08:19:25PM -0400, Mike ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Vinod Kurup wrote:
  On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 03:10:53PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
   i once got an answer that predated my question, but temporal
   displacement notwithstanding, it was attributable to borked
   clock settings. 
  I need to get myself one of those temporal displacement machines. When's
  that going to get into 'testing'?
 They should go into testing around 2035, and should then be in retail
 outlets sometime around October of 2002.

...the product name will be, naturally, TDM-2001.  It will *actually* be
available on the street in 2000, though early review versions will be
widely used by late 1999.  Hype is scheduled to begin approximately
three years prior to the *planned* ship date of 1998 (note the otherwise
unmentioned product rebranding that's occured due to slippage), in 1995.

All of this work is proceeding as per schedule.  With the exception of
this announcement, which follows the preceeding discussion by two weeks
due to a temporary, but utterly unrelated, space-time anomoly.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: Evolution and Balsa in unstable

2001-06-13 Thread christophe barbé
You should fill a bug for the broken dependencies.
These packages neeed only to build rebuild against the last libgal.

By the way, balsa is outdated (we should certainly fill a bug for that
You can use my build (1.1.5) with the following lines in your sources.list

deb ./
deb ./


On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 05:58:16 Chun Kit Edwin Lau wrote:
 I used to use balsa in unstable but recently balsa dependence is broken. 
 Is it the case of just me.  I think the evolution dependence for libgal6
 is broken too
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lineo France - Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric - 92110 Clichy - France
phone (33). - fax (33).

Re: Power button works but...

2001-06-13 Thread Jonas bazz Egidius
jean-michel le bot wrote:

 So this is my question: is there a way to make my computer switch off
 automatically after 'shutdown -h now' ?
 Shall I recompile the kernel for that or is there a more simple way (adding a
 module...) ?

Do you have apm-support in your kernel?
(General setup - Power Management support)

IRL Jonas bazz Egidius IRC   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CEL   +46709841071 WEB
JOB VIM Yes, ofcourse!

Re: Evolution and Balsa in unstable

2001-06-13 Thread David Nusinow
On Wednesday 13 June 2001 12:05 am, christophe barbé wrote:
 You should fill a bug for the broken dependencies.
 These packages neeed only to build rebuild against the last libgal.

Evolution already has a bug against it for this (it's also been reported a 
lot, as it is a collection of merged bugs). Balsa didn't seem to have one 
though. There were a few others, like gabber that also had this problem.

- David Nusinow

Re: pseudo-image

2001-06-13 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, May 30, 2001 at 06:23:09PM -0500, howard n perkins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 hi im having problems using the pseudo-image kit install. i get the
 kit downloaded and umziped and i get the .list files but when i goto
 make the image file its self and start downloading everything it gets
 to the readme-non-us and then it says its getting the file and then it
 just sits there and the ms-dos prompt box says sleep in the upper
 left. i followed the readme with the kit and did what it said to do
 cause i use to get all those error msg's but now i dont even get that.
 could you possibly help me?

The shift key is located to the left of 'Z' and right of '/'.

I've heard from several people who've had problems with the pseudo-image
kit installer.  I'd recommend you use a different method of
installation, in general an image plus boot floppies tends to cover a
lot of ground.  CD's can be useful where these don't work.

I'd be interested in hearing if anyone *has* had the P-I method work for

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
   Are these opinions my employer's?  Hah!  I don't believe them myself!

Description: PGP signature

Re: speed up modem connection

2001-06-13 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Thu, May 31, 2001 at 12:24:47AM -0700, John Joe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I surf with Netscape 4.0 for Linux and find it much 
 slower than IE 5.0 of MS Winodws. I've change MTU to 576 (MTU is an
 argument to pppd) and it didn't help.
 I connect by 33.6k internal modem. I use Debian 2.1.

If you've got a PIII 200+ and 128+ MB RAM, Galeon or Mozilla should be a
lot faster.  Skipstone may work on less full-blooded systems.
Konqueror's a nice browser, but I don't know its performance profile.
If you're not tied to free software (and you're not if you're running
Netscape), Opera's designed for speed.  Tabbed browsing provides a bit
of an illusion of speed -- you can do a lot of tasks in background while
reading something in the foreground.  Makes even very slow connections
quite bearable.

Junkbuster to kill banners will speed pageloads considerably -- most
banner servers are dog slow.  And that's the least of their offences.

A Squid proxy server can speed browsing considerably.  I get about a 20%
hit rate (not sure if that's objects or bytes) through mine, from a
single user (performance, as hits, actually improves with more use),
that's 20% of my requests that are procured locally rather than
remotely.  I found performance on my wimpy PPro 180 desktop improved
markedly when I offloaded Squid to my P-200 firewall box (who says wimpy
old boxes can't fly ;-) -- it's a bit memory hungry.  Web performance in
general is quite acceptable.

If you can switch that modem of yours for a 56K job (about US$80
according to today's forray to the store), along with the other
suggestions, you should find web browsing performance acceptable, if not

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
   Are these opinions my employer's?  Hah!  I don't believe them myself!

Description: PGP signature

rlinetd: how secure?

2001-06-13 Thread Sebastiaan

I am using rlinetd as replacement for inetd on a firewall. With
rlinetd you can deceide which inetd services are allowed to be available
for the inside and which for the outside world. 
When I do a nmap localhost, echo, discard, daytime, chargen, ftp, telnet,
smtp and time are available (and ssh as daemon). 
When I do a nmap from the internet, only ssh is available.

Now my question: how secure is this daemon, i.e. is it virtually
impossible to penetrate this daemon from the outside world?
Is it a good idea to run rlinetd on a firewall? I want to keep telnet,
smtp and ftp available for my lan.

Thanks in advance,

Re: making an 'Eterm' terminfo entry

2001-06-13 Thread Duane Healing
On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 05:14:39PM -0700, Aaron Brashears wrote:
 I recently put together a new debian box based on unstable. When I
 connect to my local server running debian stable using ssh in Eterm,
 the server complains when I run ncurses based applications such as
 emacs that there is no 'Eterm' TERM type. I hacked a solution quickly
 enough by creating a symlink /etc/terminfo/E/Eterm which pointed to
 This problem is new, and probably pops up with the latest version of
 Eterm (I have another box based on unstable that I haven't upgraded
 for at least a month that works fine) which exports a TERM that stable
 doesn't recognize.
 This seems like a resonable solution. Is there a better one? It
 doesn't smell like a bug, but should I report it against Eterm?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The behavior is defined in the Eterm theme you're using. On my potato
box the default theme is defined in /usr/share/Eterm/themes/Eterm/MAIN.
You'll want a line that reads term_name xterm for Eterm to identify
as an xterm.


-DNAware SoftLabs
OVER the underpass!  UNDER the overpass!  Around the FUTURE and BEYOND REPAIR!!

Compose key in X

2001-06-13 Thread Johann Spies
I have tried using xkeycaps to set the compose key:

keycode 0x4E =  Scroll_Lock NoSymbolMulti_key

When I try it out in emacs, it does not work at all.  In the
gnome-terminal I get
bash: :s^e: substitution failed

In xterm, as in emacs, the Control-Scrollock combination is ignored
and the result is just s^e in stead of sê.

I had it working on another Debian machine but is struggling on this
one: Potato/Storm - helix-gnome

Any ideas?

Johann Spies
Universiteit van Stellenbosch

 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye 
  do, do all to the glory of God.
  I Corinthians 10:31 

Re: 486 router is very slow

2001-06-13 Thread Dragos Delcea
Leen Besselink wrote:

 You know, I don't think you can swap something like netfilter
 I'm not sure how much kernel-'memory' can actually be swapped at all.
 so this might be the problem.

that's the problem: the kernel is not swapable (only NT tries this
and you wouldn't want to see one doing this) _and_ netfilter 
requires kernel memory (it's a kernel process) and it swaps 
I think adding up to 32MB RAM it would make a big difference...


Re: All packages ... again.

2001-06-13 Thread Balbir Thomas
Actually you can come pretty close to installing all. I once did it for the
heck of it and have saved the selctions (if you are interested). Besides I
think it would be a good test of debians  excellent package 
management system to see if a novice users selected all packages , would
dpkg be able to make a sensible default resolution of the dependency 

b thomas

On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 04:17:02PM +1000, Ian Perry wrote:
 You said:  Listen to the voices of experience.
 A few years ago I actually did what this person wanted to do... tried
 installing them all.
 After several weeks of tooling around and getting nowhere with an extremely
 unstable system, I ended up getting out my setup disks, killed the
 partitions and started from scratch.  I then did exactly as you suggested...
 trialled a few and came up with a regime of packages I liked, and ended up
 with a rock solid stable system which never gives any problems
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 4:02 PM
 Subject: Re: All packages ... again.
 on Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 11:02:00PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi ...
  Ok ... so, I was used to the fact that, my system just have one
  program for the main tasks. If  debian has more than one option, I'd
  like to ask again, a couple of things:
  a) If I'm not wrong, the programs can conflict each other, just in the
 case of simultaneous usage.  For example, they can compete for the
 same directory, the same TCP port, etc. But what could be wrong, if
 I install all the programs for the same tasks, and just activate
 one of them by configuration.  (and maybe, also configure the
 others to desactivate them).
 You can do this.  It's more work than the alternative:  installing a
 package you're interested in trialling for a period of time, then
 reverting to another package if it doesn't work out.
  b) Aprox., How much disk space will be requiered to install ALL the
 A friend of mine, Rick Moen, maintains a Debian archive mirror, on about
 10 GB of storage.  This represents the compressed format of most
 packages, expect a full install to increase this requirement by 50-100%,
 possibly more.
  I want to install all the packages, just because I like having the
  program already installed, in the moment I need them ... maybe I
  install some programs that never will be used, but it doesn´t matter
  for me, I prefer that to loose some time downloading, maybe compiling
  and installing the program.
 Your concerns are sorely misguided.  You'll spend far more time
 attempting this task than you will by installing the packages you need
 and testing the ones you're interested in on an as needed basis.   This
 will allow you to resolve issues when they arise, rather than fighting
 them all at once.
 Most debian packages weigh in at a few hundred KB -- even on a 56 K
 dialup line (my only current access), you can download and install a
 package in a matter of a few minutes, often less.  Some large packages
 take longer -- I figure a MB every five minutes or so, do the math.  But
 large packages tend to be end-user software which doesn't conflict with
 other stuff.  It's mostly the server space that does -- having multiple
 webservers, ftp servers, print services, etc., installed, simply doesn't
 work.  Debian is designed to identify both dependencies and conflicts.
 Your request is guaranteed to raise conflicts.  If you have a high-speed
 connection, or are accessing the distribution from CDROMs or a locally
 hosted mirror, you'll be able to install packages in seconds.  It would
 literally take longer to read the package list from disk, in many cases,
 than to download a package from a remote site, when I had a high-speed
 Internet connection.
 The simple fact is that you'll spend more time trying to force your
 system into doing something it's designed to prevent, and it will take
 you longer to test various packages out, than if you just use Debian the
 way it's designed.  A friend of mine who does technical reviews of
 GNU/Linux software for a major tech journal sees Debian as the *only*
 way he can do his job.  Because Debian takes so much of the pain out of
 trying out new software, it's the best way for him to do his
 Listen to the voices of experience.
 Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 \  /,  /  .  

Re: How to use junkbuster in lynx?

2001-06-13 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sun, Jun 03, 2001 at 02:26:30PM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I haven't used junkbuster, but assuming it's a normal proxy server
 (atleast it's interface the browser deals with)
 set the environment variable http_proxy=;

I've got same, but upcased:


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
   Are these opinions my employer's?  Hah!  I don't believe them myself!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT?] ugly screen fonts in .pdf files

2001-06-13 Thread Joerg Johannes
This might be an acroread problem. I have noticed that acroread for
Linux (and all other unices) displays text very ugly, but the windows
one shows them fine. So if you have a .pdf created with pdflatex (as I
do very often, because I need to print them out at university, and there
is no LaTeX :-(( ), it might look ugly on a linux (sun,sgi,...)screen,
but print out perfectly, and look good on windows screens. Have you
tried to look at one of your documents on a windows PC?


Lewis, James M. wrote:
 I am using pdflatex to make .pdf files of a document.  It prints just fine
 but looks bad when viewing with acroread.  Is there some trick to using
 different fonts to make the screen display look good?  I have tried
 using a couple of postscript fonts as well as the usual tex fonts (ccr).
 I have also tried ps2pdf with the same result.  No problems with xdvi
 but I have to send this doc to windows users...

Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: [OT?] ugly screen fonts in .pdf files

2001-06-13 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 13 Jun 2001, Joerg Johannes wrote:
 This might be an acroread problem. I have noticed that acroread for
 Linux (and all other unices) displays text very ugly, but the windows
 one shows them fine. So if you have a .pdf created with pdflatex (as I
 do very often, because I need to print them out at university, and there
 is no LaTeX :-(( ), it might look ugly on a linux (sun,sgi,...)screen,
 but print out perfectly, and look good on windows screens. Have you
 tried to look at one of your documents on a windows PC?
 Lewis, James M. wrote:
  I am using pdflatex to make .pdf files of a document.  It prints just fine
  but looks bad when viewing with acroread.  Is there some trick to using
  different fonts to make the screen display look good?  I have tried
  using a couple of postscript fonts as well as the usual tex fonts (ccr).
  I have also tried ps2pdf with the same result.  No problems with xdvi
  but I have to send this doc to windows users...

I wonder if it has something to do with pdflatex. I've been making some
latex slides using prosper and find that if I convert them to pdf using
pdflatex the text doesn't appear when viewed with acroread. However, if
I convert them via dvips and ps2pdf they do come out OK.


Anthony Campbell - running Gnu/Debian Linux (Windows-free zone).
For electronic books (Homeomythology and The Assassins of Alamut), skeptical 
essays, and over 130 book reviews, go to

Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are
convinced beyond doubt that they are right. [Laurens van der Post]

Re: [OT?] ugly screen fonts in .pdf files

2001-06-13 Thread Joerg Johannes
Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 13 Jun 2001, Joerg Johannes wrote:
  This might be an acroread problem. I have noticed that acroread for
  Linux (and all other unices) displays text very ugly, but the windows
  one shows them fine. So if you have a .pdf created with pdflatex (as I
  do very often, because I need to print them out at university, and there
  is no LaTeX :-(( ), it might look ugly on a linux (sun,sgi,...)screen,
  but print out perfectly, and look good on windows screens. Have you
  tried to look at one of your documents on a windows PC?
  Lewis, James M. wrote:
   I am using pdflatex to make .pdf files of a document.  It prints just fine
   but looks bad when viewing with acroread.  Is there some trick to using
   different fonts to make the screen display look good?  I have tried
   using a couple of postscript fonts as well as the usual tex fonts (ccr).
   I have also tried ps2pdf with the same result.  No problems with xdvi
   but I have to send this doc to windows users...
 I wonder if it has something to do with pdflatex. I've been making some
 latex slides using prosper and find that if I convert them to pdf using
 pdflatex the text doesn't appear when viewed with acroread. However, if
 I convert them via dvips and ps2pdf they do come out OK.

Hmm. I never used prosper, but according to the docs, did you use
and ran pdflatex with this one?


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: Power button works but...

2001-06-13 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, jean-michel le bot wrote:

jlb Hello,
jlb After running shutdown -h now, the system shuts down and issues a
jlb message saying Power down.
jlb But then I have to hit the power button to switch off my computer. This is 
jlb think I didn't have to do when I was running Mandrake 7.2 instead of 
jlb 2r0 : my computer switched off automatically.
jlb So this is my question: is there a way to make my computer switch off 
jlb automatically after 'shutdown -h now' ?
jlb Shall I recompile the kernel for that or is there a more simple way 
(adding a 
jlb module...) ?

edit /etc/lilo.conf and add this to your 'append' line: apm=on

if you don't have anything else in append it should look like this:


don't forget to run lilo after you change the conf file ;)


   ' '(~)' '
Petr [Dingo] Dvorak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coder - Purple Dragon MUD port 
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
 Debian version 2.2.18pre21, up 4 days, 12 users, load average: 1.00

Re: speed up modem connection

2001-06-13 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
on Thu, May 31, 2001 at 12:24:47AM -0700, John Joe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I surf with Netscape 4.0 for Linux and find it much 
 slower than IE 5.0 of MS Winodws. I've change MTU to 576 (MTU is an
 argument to pppd) and it didn't help.
 I connect by 33.6k internal modem. I use Debian 2.1.

you could try editing your /etc/serial.conf and add low_latency to the line
that coresponds with the serial port of your modem, here is what it does:

[snip from setserial (8) manpage]

Minimize the receive latency of the serial device at the cost of
greater CPU utilization.  (Normally there is an average of 5-10ms
latency before characters are handed off to the line discpline to
minimize overhead.)  This is off by default, but certain real-time
applications may find this useful.

i used to had problems with downloads getting interrupted due to some other
process hogged temporarily all the cpu, now i don't have this problem anymore
and my download speed averages 3.6kb/s when connected at 31k, and the downloads
doesn't get interrupted anymore. I have p166 with 96mb ram and i haven't
noticed any cpu utilization increase yet, 90% of the cpu is eaten by the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] client anyway :)

My MTU is set to 1500 and txqueuelen to 10. For the miserable telephone line
that i have this is pretty much the best i could squeeze out of it :)

Don't forget to re-run /etc/init.d/setserial when you done ;)


   ' '(~)' '
Petr [Dingo] Dvorak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coder - Purple Dragon MUD port 
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
 Debian version 2.2.18pre21, up 4 days, 12 users, load average: 1.01

Re: Evolution and Balsa in unstable

2001-06-13 Thread Colin Watson
David Nusinow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wednesday 13 June 2001 12:05 am, christophe barbé wrote:
 You should fill a bug for the broken dependencies.
 These packages neeed only to build rebuild against the last libgal.

Evolution already has a bug against it for this (it's also been reported a 
lot, as it is a collection of merged bugs). Balsa didn't seem to have one 

balsa has one for libltdl0 (I filed it), and when the maintainer fixes
that he'll automatically fix the libgal stuff as well.

There were a few others, like gabber that also had this problem.

gabber is now fixed.



Re: Local non-mirror debian archive

2001-06-13 Thread Colin Watson
John Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 11:34 PM 6/12/01 -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
Dave Sherohman wrote:
 Does any tool currently exist that will create an archive of this sort
 for me?  If not, where can I find documentation on setting it up manually?

apt-ftparchive(1) or dpkg-scanpackages(8), take your pick.

You really need to do something about your broken mailer, btw:

walrus:/home/john# apt-cache show apt-ftparchive
W: Unable to locate package apt-ftparchive
walrus:/home/john# man apt-ftparchive
No manual entry for apt-ftparchive
walrus:/home/john# apt-cache search apt-ftparchive

what's apt-ftparchive? where do we get it?

After the above, the next thing to do is check



COM21 is killing me with ARP

2001-06-13 Thread Sebastiaan

a couple of days ago I installed a COM21 cable modem. Although I can
internet without problems, the modem itself is sending me endless ARP
requests, while my computer does not answer them. I analysed the data with
iptraf, and it looks like this:
ARP request for (46 bytes) from 0050da4b4882 to  on 
eth0   x
ARP request for (46 bytes) from c50d31ce to   on 
ARP request for (46 bytes) from 0020afbd705f to  on 

This makes me nervous. 212.127.*.* is my ISP cable modem network. What is
this, can I stop it?

Thanks in advance,

  NT is the OS of the future. The main engine is the 16-bit Subsystem
  (also called MS-DOS Subsystem). Above that, there is the windoze 95/98
  16-bit Subsystem. Anyone can see that 16+16=32, so windoze NT is a 
  *real* 32-bit system.

how to add application to icewm menu bar

2001-06-13 Thread Alex Kwan

I am using icewm window manager,
how to add application (freeamp)
to the menu bar of icewm, I don't want
type 'freeamp' on the xterm every time.



USB burning

2001-06-13 Thread Frederic de Villamil
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,
I got an USB Sony Spressa burner and I'd like to know if it's linux friendly 
(with kernel recompiling indeed) and which soft handles it
thanks in advance

- --
Trace ta route sans compromissions
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


stopping named from starting

2001-06-13 Thread Jonathan Freiermuth
Hi all.

I play occasionally with bind, but do not want it running full-time. I'm trying 
to learn about it, and am not ready for prime-time. Every time I apt-get 
upgrade and get a new version of bind, it starts itself automatically. This is 
in spite of the fact that I have set all the rc.d links to K. See -

/-([EMAIL PROTECTED])-(32/pts)-(07:19:03:Wednesday Jun 13)- 
ROOT : ls rc*.d/*bind
rc0.d/K20bind@  rc1.d/K20bind@  rc2.d/K20bind@  rc3.d/K20bind@  rc4.d/K20bind@  
rc5.d/K20bind@  rc6.d/K20bind@

What do I need to do to keep the upgrade process from automatically starting 
named ? See below.

/-([EMAIL PROTECTED])-(26/pts)-(19:53:33:Tuesday Jun 12)- 
ROOT : dpkg --configure -a
Setting up bind (8.2.4-1) ...

To be most effective, /etc/resolv.conf should list the IP address of your
local machine ( as a nameserver. It currently does not.

Would you like this to be added? [Y] n
Starting domain name service: named.

Jonathan Freiermuth

Description: PGP signature

Exim trouble

2001-06-13 Thread Rajkumar S.
Hi all,

I have a neatly configured exim running, but having problem with sending
mail to The problem is that the MX record is having an ip
address instead of name

Non-authoritative answer:  preference = 10, mail exchanger =

and the Exim complaints that

it appears that the DNS operator for this domain has installed an invalid
MX record with an IP address instead of a domain name on the right hand

What could be done to solve this. Why is exim refuses to accept an ip as
mx record.


Re: Exim trouble

2001-06-13 Thread Jonas bazz Egidius
Rajkumar S. wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have a neatly configured exim running, but having problem with sending
 mail to The problem is that the MX record is having an ip
 address instead of name

 Non-authoritative answer:  preference = 10, mail exchanger =

 and the Exim complaints that

 it appears that the DNS operator for this domain has installed an invalid
 MX record with an IP address instead of a domain name on the right hand

 What could be done to solve this. Why is exim refuses to accept an ip as
 mx record.

Talk to the admin. Not only exim complains about this!

IRL Jonas bazz Egidius IRC   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CEL   +46709841071 WEB
JOB VIM Yes, ofcourse!

tftp server

2001-06-13 Thread Minervini Luigi
Does anyone know the meaning of the parameters -p -s /tftpboot (coloured in
green) in the following line: 
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/in.tftpd in.tftpd -p -s /tftpboot

thanks a lot 


Re: stopping named from starting

2001-06-13 Thread ktb
On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 07:23:18AM -0400, Jonathan Freiermuth wrote:
 Hi all.
 I play occasionally with bind, but do not want it running full-time. I'm 
 trying to learn about it, and am not ready for prime-time. Every time I 
 apt-get upgrade and get a new version of bind, it starts itself 
 automatically. This is in spite of the fact that I have set all the rc.d 
 links to K. See -
 /-([EMAIL PROTECTED])-(32/pts)-(07:19:03:Wednesday Jun 13)- 
 ROOT : ls rc*.d/*bind
 rc0.d/K20bind@  rc1.d/K20bind@  rc2.d/K20bind@  rc3.d/K20bind@  
 rc4.d/K20bind@  rc5.d/K20bind@  rc6.d/K20bind@
 What do I need to do to keep the upgrade process from automatically starting 
 named ? See below.
 /-([EMAIL PROTECTED])-(26/pts)-(19:53:33:Tuesday Jun 12)- 
 ROOT : dpkg --configure -a
 Setting up bind (8.2.4-1) ...
 To be most effective, /etc/resolv.conf should list the IP address of your
 local machine ( as a nameserver. It currently does not.
 Would you like this to be added? [Y] n
 Starting domain name service: named.

Take a look at the man page for update-rc.d
# update-rc.d -f bind remove
should remove the offending scripts.

Or you could leave the scripts in place and -
# /etc/init.d/bind start
# /etc/init.d/bind stop
# /etc/init.d/bind restart
as needed.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: tftp server

2001-06-13 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 02:25:43PM +0200, Minervini Luigi wrote:
 Does anyone know the meaning of the parameters -p -s /tftpboot (coloured in
 green) in the following line: 
 tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/in.tftpd in.tftpd -p -s /tftpboot

man in.tftp

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: [users] Re: stopping named from starting

2001-06-13 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach ktb (on Wed, 13 Jun 2001 07:25:09AM -0500):
  To be most effective, /etc/resolv.conf should list the IP address of your
  local machine ( as a nameserver. It currently does not.

that should be
i found that once somewhere and never again, but from the source code, creates a direct unix socket rather than going through the
tcp/ip stack and it's therefore even more efficient.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
q:  how did you get into artificial intelligence?
a:  seemed logical -- i didn't have any real intelligence.

Re: IBM Java 1.3 - Anyone get to work?

2001-06-13 Thread ChrisHoover

I have done that.  It does not fix this problem.

Amardeep Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/13/2001 03:29:42 AM

Subject:  Re: IBM Java 1.3 - Anyone get to work?

after adding path to to, did you run ldconfig

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to get DB2 to install and run on my Debian box.  One of the
 programs it needs is java.  IBM is highly recommending that you install
 run their version of java.  I have pulled down the .rpm for it and
 installed it both as a rpm and as a deb (not at the same time).  Anyway,
 matter which way I install it. running any programs that use java (i.e.
 db2cc) complain that can not be found.

 I have added the path to /etc/ where is founc, but
 no avail.  I also tried adding symbolic links to the .so files to
 /usr/local/lib.   This did not work either.

 Please let me know how you got it to work.


Amardeep Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gnome, sawfish and testing...

2001-06-13 Thread Tiago Alves Macambira
Hi folks...

I've just installed potato with reiserfs in a box in my office
and dist-upgraded to woody.  Everything was going just fine when, to my
surprize, i realized that there's no more task-gnome-desktop in woody.
And it got worst: there was no sawfish in testing either!

What is going on with testing? Is there some gnome vs testing
issue I should be aware? Should i just give up and put ximian in my


I may be drunk, but in the morning I will be sober, while you will
still be stupid and ugly. -Winston Churchill
--==( Tiago Alves MaCambira )==- -==( UIN: 5340883  )==--
--==([EMAIL PROTECTED])==- -==(  [EMAIL PROTECTED] )==--

RE: Latex version 2.09 from 7 Dec 89 ??

2001-06-13 Thread Lewis, James M.

 Don't ask me why 'cus I don't know, but my fearless leader has decided
 he needs an ancient version of LaTex on his spiffy new Debian laptop.
 Since this is from Dec 1989, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess I
 can't get a .deb for it :)
 Anyone have a clue where I could find source, and what issues I might
 run into.
 I'm just hoping I don't need to pick through backup tapes from 10yrs
 ago to find this :)

Check out /usr/share/doc/texmf/help/Catalogue/entries/latex209.html
Says it isn't supported anymore but there are places to download it
There is also /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/latex209.def that says
it can be used as latex209 compatibility mode for latex2e.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 

Re: USB burning

2001-06-13 Thread glynis
On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 01:13:08PM +0200, Frederic de Villamil wrote:
 I got an USB Sony Spressa burner and I'd like to know if it's linux 
 (with kernel recompiling indeed) and which soft handles it

i'm using a usb iomega zip cd burner, and it works great with debian
(unstable) and the 2.4.x kernels.  i built scsi support and
usb-storage, which basically makes the usb device look like a scsi
device.  then i just use cdrdao or cdrecord (needed a newer one, which
i know is at least in unstable, i don't know about the other debians)
to burn to the scsi device.

hotplug even loads the usb-storage modules automatically for me when
it sees the drive.

it works quite reliably.

}John Flinchbaugh{__
~~Powered by Linux: Reboots are for hardware upgrades only~~

Description: PGP signature

Re: [users] Re: stopping named from starting

2001-06-13 Thread ktb
On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 02:57:23PM +0200, MaD dUCK wrote:
 also sprach ktb (on Wed, 13 Jun 2001 07:25:09AM -0500):
   To be most effective, /etc/resolv.conf should list the IP address of your
   local machine ( as a nameserver. It currently does not.

I did not sprach this.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: [users] Re: stopping named from starting

2001-06-13 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach ktb (on Wed, 13 Jun 2001 08:31:18AM -0500):
 I did not sprach this.

i am sorry, my bad. should pay more attention to quoting.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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Re: how to add application to icewm menu bar

2001-06-13 Thread Kevin C. Smith
On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 07:07:27PM +0800, Alex Kwan wrote:
 I am using icewm window manager,
 how to add application (freeamp)
 to the menu bar of icewm, I don't want
 type 'freeamp' on the xterm every time.

vi ~/.icewm/toolbar
then add: prog freeamp (icon name) freeamp

You may need to make your own icon. Icewm needs the icons to be in a set of
two sizes like: freeamp_16x16.xpm freeamp_32x32.xpm. I've used icons from
different Windowmaker before and just changed the size to 16x16 and 32x32 with
gimp, then added them to ~/.icewm/icons/. If you do make icons labeled 
freeamp_16x16.xpm and freeamp_32x32.xpm it will look like:

prog freeamp freeamp freeamp
then save and restart icewm.

Kevin C. Smith There are three kinds of men. The one that learns 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]by reading. The few who learn by observation. The
   rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for
   themselves.  -- Will Rogers   


2001-06-13 Thread Andrew D Dixon
Hi All,
I'm trying to setup a telnet daemon on a box running stable (I know, and
I want to use ssh but the software we're using only knows about telnet. 
It's a private lan too so I'm not too concerned.).  I've set everything
up so inetd should spawn the telnet daemon but when I try to connect I
get this error message:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet pig1
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
telnetd: getpty: No such file or directory
Connection closed by foreign host.

I assume there is some problem spawning a getty for this session but I
don't know what's going on.  Anyone have any ideas?

Andrew D. Dixon
Software Engineer
Seranao Networks
978-8973434 x231

Re: [OT?] ugly screen fonts in .pdf files

2001-06-13 Thread David Purton
On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Joerg Johannes wrote:

 This might be an acroread problem. I have noticed that acroread for
 Linux (and all other unices) displays text very ugly, but the windows
 one shows them fine. So if you have a .pdf created with pdflatex (as I
 do very often, because I need to print them out at university, and there
 is no LaTeX :-(( ), it might look ugly on a linux (sun,sgi,...)screen,
 but print out perfectly, and look good on windows screens. Have you
 tried to look at one of your documents on a windows PC?
 Lewis, James M. wrote:
  I am using pdflatex to make .pdf files of a document.  It prints just fine
  but looks bad when viewing with acroread.  Is there some trick to using
  different fonts to make the screen display look good?  I have tried
  using a couple of postscript fonts as well as the usual tex fonts (ccr).
  I have also tried ps2pdf with the same result.  No problems with xdvi
  but I have to send this doc to windows users...

I probably can't solve this if it is the problem, but I know that If any
of the pdf making devices can't find appropriate type1 fonts, bitmap
fonts are substituted.  These print ok, but look terrible on screen.

for example, usually pdflatex gives me good results using the generic
cmr fonts, but stuff created frm musixtex files looks dodgy since there
are no type1 musixtex fonts

I notice that the package tetex-extra comes with a stash load of type1
fonts, so check whether this is installed.



Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars 
on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...

Francis A Schaeffer

David Purton

Re: Latex version 2.09 from 7 Dec 89 ??

2001-06-13 Thread David Z Maze
Jonathan D Proulx [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
JDP Don't ask me why 'cus I don't know, but my fearless leader has decided
JDP he needs an ancient version of LaTex on his spiffy new Debian laptop.
JDP Since this is from Dec 1989, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess I
JDP can't get a .deb for it :)

(This kind of predating that whole Linux thing, yeah.  :-)

JDP Anyone have a clue where I could find source, and what issues I might
JDP run into.

Right Answer: LaTeX2e is intended to be a mostly-compatible successor
to LaTeX 2.09.  LaTeX is one of those bits of software that's actually 
held up to a promise of version compatibility; provided you don't do
anything too arcane, you can try just running your normal latex over
the input file.  It'll spew warnings about compatibility mode, but
that's what you expect.

(I know that LaTeX2e isn't 100% compatible with LaTeX 2.09, but I
don't entirely know what the differences are.  LaTeX2e added some
commands not present in 2.09, so there's a possibility of a namespace
conflict.  I think the other issues can only come up if the author of
the document was a 4th-level TeXpert or higher.)

MIT Answer: Up until a couple of years ago, Athena's default latex
installation was based on LaTeX 2.09.  So if you can find a Linux box
around with the SIPB installation of Red Hat 4.2/Athena 8.0 on it, it
should have a normal LaTeX 2.09.  (Then upgrade it to something more 

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Linux Expo 2001

2001-06-13 Thread Victoria Carson

Need a plasma screen on your Linux Expo stand?
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Best wishes

Victoria Carson
Phenomenon Ltd
1 Benjamin Street
t: 020 7689 3636
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Re: gnome

2001-06-13 Thread Rafael Sasaki
I`ve had this same problem when i upgraded my Gnome. I installed the packege
and it starts working fine now.

Rafael Sasaki

- Original Message -
From: Guilherme Borges [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 9:57 AM
Subject: gnome

 ich wanted to install the new gnome(from ximian).
 I installed with dselect the task-ximian-gnome.
 So far i think I installed all packages.
 But when I try to start gnome or nautilus i get :
 nautilus: error in loading shared libraries:
   cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Does anyboby knows which library is this?
 If it is part of libgdk-pixbuf2,then i've already installed it.

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Why can't I?

2001-06-13 Thread Auke van der Gaast

I'm quite new to Linux... I've tried everything I could find on the 
net regarding this issue, but still it doesn't work.

I'm trying to restrict users' access to only their home dir 
(I don't want them to be able to see or reach / or even /home )
I've already wasted half a day on just that, I'd really appreciate 
it if anyone could tell me what to do.

Thank you in advance,
Auke van der Gaast.

Re: Why can't I?

2001-06-13 Thread ANDREW PERRIN
chmod o-rwx /
chmod o-rwx /home
chgrp root /
chgrp root /home

   Andrew J. Perrin - Assistant Professor of Sociology
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
269 Hamilton Hall CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Auke van der Gaast wrote:

 I'm quite new to Linux... I've tried everything I could find on the 
 net regarding this issue, but still it doesn't work.
 I'm trying to restrict users' access to only their home dir 
 (I don't want them to be able to see or reach / or even /home )
 I've already wasted half a day on just that, I'd really appreciate 
 it if anyone could tell me what to do.
 Thank you in advance,
 Auke van der Gaast.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [users] Re: Why can't I?

2001-06-13 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach ANDREW PERRIN (on Wed, 13 Jun 2001 10:48:29AM -0400):
 chmod o-rwx /
 chmod o-rwx /home
 chgrp root /
 chgrp root /home

at which point you won't be able to access even your homedirectory
anymore. na, you need the x right on directories higher up the
hierarchy from where you want to be.

ideally, you could remove the r right of all directories but the home
dir, then the user could chdir into them, but could not obtain
listings. you don't want to block everything because every user needs
/bin and /usr/bin stuff as well as /lib, /usr/lib, /tmp, and many other
directories below /usr.

consider again. *why* do you want to do this?

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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it usually takes more than three weeks
 to prepare a good impromptu speech.
 -- mark twain

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