Re: Ptit bleme sur le site

2001-08-25 Thread didier Belot
  le Vendredi 24 août 2001 à 23:54, l'éminent Denis Barbier
[EMAIL PROTECTED] écrivait : 

DB On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 06:54:56PM +0200, Mohamed Gharbi
DB wrote:
 Bonjour, j'ai ptit bleme lorsque je vais sur le site et que je choisis un serveur prés de chez moi et
 donc france et il me donne une page à caractère asiatique.

DB Si le problème persiste après avoir lu
DB peux-tu détailler le
DB problème (navigateur utilisé, version, ...)

idem pour moi sur
avec Debian potato, noyau 2.2.17, et Mozilla (gnome1.4 ximian), les
langues sélectionnées étant:


Note: ça marche impec avec Netscape 4.75, ainsi qu'avec Opera 5.0b6!

Re: Outlook mieux que fetchmail ?

2001-08-25 Thread Etienne Gos
On Saturday 25 August 2001 01:39, Frédéric Bothamy wrote:
 Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie wrote:


  Sous Outlook Express, il est d'après mon père possible de récupérer ses
  mails en POP3 tout en les laissant sur le serveur (je traduis, hein), de
  façon à pouvoir par la suite les rappatrier depuis une autre machine
  (exemple des mails professionnels qu'on récupère aussi @ home, tout en
  gardant une copie pour le bureau).


  Savez vous si fetchmail sait faire cela (le contraire m'étonnerait bcp,
  mais j'ai pas réussi à trouver les bonnes options) ?

Pour fetchmail, je ne sais pas, mais j'utilise kmail et là il est possible de 
laisser les messages sur le serveur (POP3).
/Settings/Configure/Network/Incoming mail/Modify account 
avec l'option Delete Mail from Server non activée


Re: Outlook mieux que fetchmail ?

2001-08-25 Thread ada

Le Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 09:41:03AM +0200, Etienne Gos a tapoté:
- X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- From: Etienne Gos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- To: Frédéric Bothamy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Subject: Re: Outlook mieux que fetchmail ?
- Cc:
- Resent-Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Resent-From:
- X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/357
- Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Resent-Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 09:39:37 +0200 (CEST)
- On Saturday 25 August 2001 01:39, Frédéric Bothamy wrote:
-  Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie wrote:
-   Bonjour


-  [...]
-   Sous Outlook Express, il est d'après mon père possible de récupérer ses
-   mails en POP3 tout en les laissant sur le serveur (je traduis, hein), de
-   façon à pouvoir par la suite les rappatrier depuis une autre machine
-   (exemple des mails professionnels qu'on récupère aussi @ home, tout en
-   gardant une copie pour le bureau).
-  [...]
-   Savez vous si fetchmail sait faire cela (le contraire m'étonnerait bcp,
-   mais j'ai pas réussi à trouver les bonnes options) ?
- Pour fetchmail, je ne sais pas, mais j'utilise kmail et là il est possible 
- laisser les messages sur le serveur (POP3).
- /Settings/Configure/Network/Incoming mail/Modify account 
- avec l'option Delete Mail from Server non activée

# man fetchmail

-k, --keep
  (Keyword:  keep)  Keep  retrieved  messages  on  the
  remote  mailserver.   Normally,  messages are deleted from
  the folder on the mailserver after they have been retrieved.
  Specifying the keep option causes retrieved messages to remain
  in your folder  on  the mailserver.  This option does not work
  with ETRN or ODMR.

Bonne journée. 

  /==--: ADrien Auzanneau :--==\
 * DarkSnow*
 |   6FD67F64|
 * Perso:   *

Re: Outlook mieux que fetchmail ?

2001-08-25 Thread Pierre Crescenzo

 Sous Outlook Express, il est d'après mon père possible de récupérer
 ses mails en POP3 tout en les laissant sur le serveur (je traduis,
 hein), de façon à pouvoir par la suite les rappatrier depuis une
 autre machine (exemple des mails professionnels qu'on récupère aussi
 @ home, tout en gardant une copie pour le bureau).
 Or fetchmail avec l'option keep rebalance à chaque fois la
 totalité des mails présents sur le serveur POP3, et pas seulement
 les nouveaux mails. Vu que personnellement je n'ai pas besoin de
 garder une copie de mes mails sur le serveur je n'ai jamais eu à
 effectuer cette manip, et la je sèche un peu.

Je ne comprends pas trop cette histoire de rebalance à chaque fois la totalité 
des mails présents sur le serveur POP3. Je ne crois pas que fetchmail 
rebalance quoi que ce soit.

Je l'utilise depuis deux ans avec keep dans le .fetchmailrc et, sauf si je 
mets --flush comme argument d'appel de fetchmail, rien n'est effacé sur le 

Exemple d'une entrée de mon .fetchmailrc :
poll protocol pop3 uidl user moi password *** is [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] here keep

Si j'ai bien compris c'est le comportement souhaité...


[CITATION ALÉATOIRE : Je pompe donc je suis. Devise shadok]

Pierre Crescenzo

Re: Outlook mieux que fetchmail ?

2001-08-25 Thread Nicolas Boos
Le Fri, 24 Aug 2001 23:47:13 +0200,
Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie [EMAIL PROTECTED] a ecrit:




 Sous Outlook Express, il est d'après mon père possible de récupérer ses mails 
 en POP3 tout en les laissant sur le serveur (je traduis, hein), de façon à 
 pouvoir par la suite les rappatrier depuis une autre machine (exemple des 
 mails professionnels qu'on récupère aussi @ home, tout en gardant une copie 
 pour le bureau).

Sylpheed, gestionnaire de courrier pour X, intègre une large portion du code
de fetchmail. Dans les options, il y a une case à cocher ou décocher:

 Suppression des messages du serveur un fois reçus

Donc, comme dans Outlook...



Re: Problème avec Gnucash...

2001-08-25 Thread Christian Marillat
 LR == Laurent Rathle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 essayé d'installer la version gnucash de la branche unstable (1.6.1-3), et là 
 aprés de nombreux problèmes de dépendences, j'ai été arrêté parce qu'il me 
 demandait :

 libgtkhtml13 alors qu'il n'existe pas mais qu'il y a libgtkhtml14
 libgal8 alors qu'il n'existe pas mais qu'il y a libgal9

 Bogue d'installation ? Enfin, tant que la version que je possède fonctionne, 
 tout va bien.

Non, gnucash et le seul programme qui dépend de libgtkhtml13 et de
libgal8, il suffit que le mainteneur refasse une compilation. Quand une
nouvelle version de lib est uploadée la précédente est automatiquement
enlevée, d'où les problème de dépendance.

A noter que la version d'instable a exactement le même problème que toi
Voir #109275 et #109277


Re: Outlook mieux que fetchmail ?

2001-08-25 Thread Laurent CREPET
On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 11:47:13PM +0200, Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie wrote:
 Je suis en train de configurer une babasse sous Debian (patate) pour mes 
 parents (configuration des icônes sur le bureau, configuration Internet etc). 
 A ce sujet, ils m'ont posé une colle :-)
 Sous Outlook Express, il est d'après mon père possible de récupérer ses mails 
 en POP3 tout en les laissant sur le serveur (je traduis, hein), de façon à 
 pouvoir par la suite les rappatrier depuis une autre machine (exemple des 
 mails professionnels qu'on récupère aussi @ home, tout en gardant une copie 
 pour le bureau).
 Or fetchmail avec l'option keep rebalance à chaque fois la totalité des 
 mails présents sur le serveur POP3, et pas seulement les nouveaux mails. Vu 
 que personnellement je n'ai pas besoin de garder une copie de mes mails sur 
 le serveur je n'ai jamais eu à effectuer cette manip, et la je sèche un peu.
 Savez vous si fetchmail sait faire cela (le contraire m'étonnerait bcp, mais 
 j'ai pas réussi à trouver les bonnes options) ?
 Merci pour votre aide

Dans le man de fetchmail, tu devrais trouver le bonheur de
tes parents:

   keep   -kDon't  delete  seen  messages from

et son inverse:

   fetchall   -aFetch all messages whether seen or

(j'utilise fetchmail 5.8.17, mais cette option est dispo depuis
bien longtemps, je pense)


Re: your mail --problème libc6, dépendance--

2001-08-25 Thread Bruno Durning
Le Fri, Aug 24, 2001 à 23:46:25 +0200, Grégoire Cachet posa entre autre
sur le net:
 bonsoir a tous !!
 Ca y est, j'ai resolu mon probleme avec pppd : trois jours a
 m'arracher les cheveux sur le net ...
 cependant, en testant et en essayant de l'upgrader, j'ai installé deux
 versions unstable ppp-2.4.1 et libc6-2.4.4 parce ppp en dependait
 le probleme de libc6 c'est que certains packages cherchent maintenant
 son ancienne version, car pour arriver a l'installer je suis allé a la
 methode barbare avec dpkg
 maintenant j'arrive plus a passer a la version precedente, et ce ni
 avec apt-get (apt-get install --reinstall libc6-.deb), ni avec
 dpkg -r
 Ce dernier veut un programme repondant au nom de ldconfig
 En faisant un apt-cache search ldconfig bah ca me renvoie rien ...
 Je suis allé sur le site de debian, dans la rubrique sur les packages
 et la impossible de le trouver aussi.
 Y a pas quelqu'un qui veut m'aider ? sachant que si je fait un apt-get
 remove libc6 il me propose d'enlever les 3/4 de ce qu'il y a sur mon
 Je vais pas reinstaller pour un malheureux package quand meme !!!
 merci d'avance a tous pour vos reponses
 j'ai une question subsidiaire :
 j'ai installé gnome a l'installe, j'ai bien des executables gnome-xxx,
 dont gnome-session, mais comme faire pour lancer gnome au lieu de
 wmaker ??  j'ai essayé de rajouter un exec gnome-session a mon
 ~/.xinitrc mais ca n'y change rien
 Ya forcement quelqu'un qui pourra me repondre ici !! merci d'avance
 @+ gregoire 
 ps : encore une question : comment est-ce que certains font pour avoir
 une signature aleatoire avec une citation sympa ?? Quel programme ou
 plugin installer ??

Sur le site des pacquets debian il faut chercher dans le second champ
pour ldconfig et il te dit que le soft est fourni par la libc6.

A propos de la libc6, le malheureux package, il faut savoir que c'est
la librairie dynamique des fonctions C, en claire (si j'ai bien compris)
la plus part des programmmes en C lui font appel (il n'y en pas beaucoup
qui s'en passe) donc c'est LE pacquet important

Si tu veux installer la version précédente tu peux essayer  apt-get
--force-yes (après bien sur avoir lu la page de manuel de apt-get
!!!). Je n'ai jamais essayé cette option donc.

Conseil pour plus tard évites la méthode bourin avec dpkg. Le
apt-get de woody est très puissant et je crois me rappeler que nicolasxx
(Boos) a fait un pacquet de ce logiciel pour potato (chercher son site
dans les archives) puis en lire la doc autour de l'option -t  et
puis il y a -s qui permet de simuler ce qui peut éviter de faire de
grosses bétises (perso parmis les pacquets que je ne veux absolument pas
passer en unstable il y a la libc6 ..). Par ailleurs tu peux aussi
essayé apt-get -b source ton_pacquet_ppp

NB: pour gnome, il lui faut un window manager, (eg comme WM), essai
sawmill il va bien avec gnome... (mettre sawmill sur la première ligne
du xinitrc puis exec gnome-session sur la seconde, si mes souvenirs sont

Bon courage.

Bruno D.

Re: Outlook mieux que fetchmail ?

2001-08-25 Thread Mikael Berthe
Le samedi 25 août à 11:24,
Laurent CREPET [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 Dans le man de fetchmail, tu devrais trouver le bonheur de
 tes parents:
keep   -kDon't  delete  seen  messages from
 et son inverse:
fetchall   -aFetch all messages whether seen or

Voir aussi l'option uidl (-U, --uidl), je suppose...


Potato et SpeedTouch : mariage difficile ?

2001-08-25 Thread Jean-Pierre Pourrez
L'ADSL étant arrivé depuis peu dans mon trou perdu, j'ai acquis
un adapteur SPeedTouch à connecter sur le port USB.
Après visite du site de Benoit Papillault et lecture du HOW-TO
pour le SpeedTouch, j'ai réussi à obtenir ma connexion Internet
avec la bête avec une RedHat 7.1.
La machine est destinée à servir de serveur de réseau et j'ai voulu
basculer sur une distrib. plus sûre donc je me suis tourné vers la
potato 2.2r3 et j'ai récupéré la dernière version du kernel soit
la 2.2.19.
Après compilation pour le support USB, je vois bien le SpeedTouch
avec `cat /proc/bus/usb/devices`. Mais au moment de l'authentification
sur Internet j'obtiens un message d'erreur.

Après relecture de la doc, je suis bloqué sur les points suivantes :
- il faut un pppd avec version =2.4 qui n'existe pas dans la potato
- l'option du noyau CONFIG_PPP_SYNC_TTY est absente de la version 2.2.19

Quelq'un a-t-il réussi à faire marcher le SpeedTouch avec la Potato
ou faut-il attendre la sortie de la Woody en version stable ?

N.B. : j'aurais pu installer un kernel 2.4 mais je redoute la dépendance
des paquets et la perte de IpChains.

Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider, je lui en serais infiniment reconnaissant.

Re: Outlook mieux que fetchmail ?

2001-08-25 Thread Laurent CREPET
On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 12:24:10PM +0200, Mikael Berthe wrote:
 Le samedi 25 août à 11:24,
 Laurent CREPET [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  Dans le man de fetchmail, tu devrais trouver le bonheur de
  tes parents:
 keep   -kDon't  delete  seen  messages from
  et son inverse:
 fetchall   -aFetch all messages whether seen or
 Voir aussi l'option uidl (-U, --uidl), je suppose...



module pppoe

2001-08-25 Thread Benoit Friry


J'ai une petite question non-Debian, à laquelle je n'ai pas trouvé de
réponse ni sur le web, ni dans les archives.

Quel est l'intérêt de mettre le pppoe dans le noyau, plutôt que de
bêtement utiliser les pilotes de Roaring-Penguin ?

(A priori, j'avais appris qu'il fallait mettre le maximum en espace
utilisateur... )



bon, ok. Mais il s'agit d'un patch pour un trou de sécurité relativement
énorme, et pas d'un patch pour intégrer le super nouveau pilote pour le
-+- CG in Debian-french :  -+-

[HS] Re: your mail --problème libc6, dépendance--

2001-08-25 Thread Benoit Friry
  Y a pas quelqu'un qui veut m'aider ? sachant que si je fait un apt-get
  remove libc6 il me propose d'enlever les 3/4 de ce qu'il y a sur mon

 A propos de la libc6, le malheureux package, il faut savoir que c'est
 la librairie dynamique des fonctions C, en claire (si j'ai bien compris)
 la plus part des programmmes en C lui font appel (il n'y en pas beaucoup
 qui s'en passe) donc c'est LE pacquet important

Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas :


PS spécial néophytes : NE PAS FAIRE CE QUE DIT CE HOWTO !
   vous êtes prévenus.

je suis assez têtu et utilise toujours Linux en root et en voulant effacer
tous les fichiers dans un repertoire j'ai fait un rm -fr *  or en tapant sur
entree je me suis rendu compte que je suis sur / : oooups
   -+- T in Guide du linuxien pervers : Et paf le tétu -+-

Re: Potato et SpeedTouch : mariage difficile ?

2001-08-25 Thread Aurélien Campéas

Pour Potato je suis sur le pb. SpeedTouch en ce moment...
La première étape serait à mon avis de passer en 2.4.9 par exemple. Pour 
ça, tu dois rajouter dans ton /etc/apt/sources.list la ligne suivante :

deb potato main

qui va mettre à jour les binutils, modutils et autres pppd nécessaires à 
une bonne coopération avec 2.4.

Ca marche très bien.
La suite coule de source puisque tu l'as fait pour Linux RatHead 7.

Jean-Pierre Pourrez wrote:

L'ADSL étant arrivé depuis peu dans mon trou perdu, j'ai acquis
un adapteur SPeedTouch à connecter sur le port USB.
Après visite du site de Benoit Papillault et lecture du HOW-TO
pour le SpeedTouch, j'ai réussi à obtenir ma connexion Internet
avec la bête avec une RedHat 7.1.
La machine est destinée à servir de serveur de réseau et j'ai voulu
basculer sur une distrib. plus sûre donc je me suis tourné vers la
potato 2.2r3 et j'ai récupéré la dernière version du kernel soit
la 2.2.19.
Après compilation pour le support USB, je vois bien le SpeedTouch
avec `cat /proc/bus/usb/devices`. Mais au moment de l'authentification
sur Internet j'obtiens un message d'erreur.

Après relecture de la doc, je suis bloqué sur les points suivantes :
- il faut un pppd avec version =2.4 qui n'existe pas dans la potato
- l'option du noyau CONFIG_PPP_SYNC_TTY est absente de la version 2.2.19

Quelq'un a-t-il réussi à faire marcher le SpeedTouch avec la Potato
ou faut-il attendre la sortie de la Woody en version stable ?

N.B. : j'aurais pu installer un kernel 2.4 mais je redoute la dépendance
des paquets et la perte de IpChains.

Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider, je lui en serais infiniment reconnaissant.

Re: Potato et SpeedTouch : mariage difficile ?

2001-08-25 Thread Sam
On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 09:09:50PM +0200, Jean-Pierre Pourrez wrote:
 L'ADSL étant arrivé depuis peu dans mon trou perdu, j'ai acquis
 un adapteur SPeedTouch à connecter sur le port USB.
 Après visite du site de Benoit Papillault et lecture du HOW-TO
 pour le SpeedTouch, j'ai réussi à obtenir ma connexion Internet
 avec la bête avec une RedHat 7.1.
 La machine est destinée à servir de serveur de réseau et j'ai voulu
 basculer sur une distrib. plus sûre donc je me suis tourné vers la
 potato 2.2r3 et j'ai récupéré la dernière version du kernel soit
 la 2.2.19.
 Après compilation pour le support USB, je vois bien le SpeedTouch
 avec `cat /proc/bus/usb/devices`. Mais au moment de l'authentification
 sur Internet j'obtiens un message d'erreur.
 Après relecture de la doc, je suis bloqué sur les points suivantes :
 - il faut un pppd avec version =2.4 qui n'existe pas dans la potato
 - l'option du noyau CONFIG_PPP_SYNC_TTY est absente de la version 2.2.19
 Quelq'un a-t-il réussi à faire marcher le SpeedTouch avec la Potato
 ou faut-il attendre la sortie de la Woody en version stable ?
 N.B. : j'aurais pu installer un kernel 2.4 mais je redoute la dépendance
 des paquets et la perte de IpChains.
 Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider, je lui en serais infiniment reconnaissant.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ce modem est du hardware bien specifique.
Je doute que beaucoup de gens utilisent ce modem ici, je fait partit de ces 
peut de gens, et malheureusement, 1- je suis en unstable et non en potato, 2- 
Mon modem est sur une autre machine qui tourne sur FreeBSD :).
Si tu as des bug avec le driver je te conseille tres fortement d'aller sur irc: , #speedtouch. C'est la ba que le driver se developpe, et 
donc la bas que tu aura la meilleur aide, et tj la bas que tu peut (et doit ? ) 
faire les bug report.
En esperant avoir aider , A+ 

Re: s?lection ? la souris

2001-08-25 Thread Frédéric Bothamy

Pierre Crescenzo wrote:

Bonjour à tous,

Sélectionner un identificateur (souvent un nom de fichier) à la souris
dans un xterm (double-clic gauche) est très pratique. Mais ce système
utilise notamment le souligné (_) et les caractères accentués comme
séparateurs, ce qui l'est moins. Comment changer cela ? Je ne vois pas
où intervenir...

Le contexte est une potato 2.2r3 avec X + icewm-gnome +

Dans les Préférences, il y a l'option Sélection-par-mot des caractères 
qui correspond exactement à ce que tu recherches. Il suffit de rajouter 
le caractère _ à la fin de la liste pour ça. Après, je ne peux 
malheureusement pas t'assurer que la version de potato de gnome-terminal 
soit suffisament à jour (version 1.0.55) alors que j'ai l'option sur la Sinon, Eterm le fait par défaut chez moi (0.8.10).

Merci d'avance.

De rien


Re: distribucion

2001-08-25 Thread Santiago Vila
Hugo Gutiérrez:
 ¿existe alguna distribucion de GNU/Linux que sea de origen mexicano?

¿Origen? ¿Qué es eso del origen? :-)

A ver, el núcleo es de Finlandia, las órdenes ls, cp, mv son de
Boston, muchas utilidades de red son de California (es un decir).

¿Concretamente qué es lo que quieres que sea de orgen mexicano y por qué?

Re: Evitar correo duplicado (cross-post)

2001-08-25 Thread Santiago Vila
Fermín Manzanedo:
 Santiago Vila:
  Por otro lado, que el MAILDIR y el DEFAULT sean el mismo lo veo chungo.

 Si no te importa darme alguna orientación al respecto. Lo tengo así
 desde que lo instalé y no me ha dado problema pero si dices que es
 chungo... :-?

DEFAULT es a donde van los mensajes después de que procmail ha leído
el .procmailrc completo y no ha encontrado niguna regla que encaje.

Normalmente DEFAULT es un fichero, si le pones un directorio
que existe igual te lo entrega en formato MH, o vete tú a saber.

Posiblemente no has notado la diferencia porque, como has dicho, tienes
una regla al final del todo que dice


con lo cual no importa mucho cuál sea el valor que le hayas dado a DEFAULT.

Podrías quitar esa regla si pones al principio algo como esto:


Re: Problema con los cds de audio

2001-08-25 Thread Francisco Jesús Martínez Serrano
On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 05:21:29PM -0500, Oscar M. Seoane wrote:
 ¡Hola a toda la lista!
 Mi problema es el siguiente:
 Uso Debian Potato con KDE 2.0.1
 Cuando introduzco un cd de música en el lector de cds y quiero montar la
 unidad, recibo un mensaje que dice más o menos así:
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,or too
 many mounted filesystems

Si quieres montar CD's de audio, prueba a escribir en konqueror:


En KDE 2.2 funciona y con el 2.1 creo recordar que también. Si tienes
instalados compresores de OggVorbis, te permite ripear las canciones
arrastrandolas a una carpeta. También accede a una base de datos de cddb
para obtener los nombres de las canciones.

Un Saludo

Description: PGP signature

Re: ya ejecute el Xf86setup y marca error

2001-08-25 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


 x: exec of /usr/bin/x11/xf86_svga failed

quizás te falta instalar el paquete xfree86-svga (era así?)

 _x11 transSocketUnixConnect: Can´t connect: errno= 111 giving up
 _xinit:connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to x server
 _xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error

a mi eso alguna vez me ha pasado y con modprobe unix me ha funcionado

(es referente a los sockets de unix)

no creo que sea tu caso pero por si acaso...

Carles Pina i Estany | Nick: Pinux / Pine / Teufeus

Re: raton con rueda en debian

2001-08-25 Thread Binarius
 Disculpa la molestia le di seguimiento a tu duda respecto al
 intellimouse yo
 tengo el mismo problema y no se como solucionarlo hasta ahora
 tengo en mi
 XF86Config esto
 Section Pointer
Device  /dev/mouse

¿donde apunta /dev/mouse?
yo lo tengo apuntando a /dev/gpmdata

Emulate3Timeout 50

esta linea la tengo comentada

Resolution  200
Buttons 5
ZAxisMapping4 5
 pero no funciona.
 Algun tip???  gracias de antemano

ademas de la configuracion de las X, tenia que resolver un conflicto con el 
modifica el fichero gpm.conf 


creo que con esto funcionara, pero dame un toque si tienes algun problema

hasta luego =8)

Debian, por que yo lo valgo.

Re: configuracion de apt

2001-08-25 Thread Alfonso Cepeda Caballos
El Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 09:00:40PM -0300, recibí un mensaje de
El Debianita User diciendo:
 Mi consulta es la siguiente:
 por accidente borre algunos archivos del kde entonces me vi en la necesidad 
 de volverlos a instalar trate de usar apt-get pero no dio resulatdo por lo 
 que me vi obligado a usar el comando dpkg --install archivo.deb lo que 
 soluciono el problema pero el apt-get siguio sin solucionarse.
 Si no estoy equivocado el apt-get busca los paquetes en  
 /etc/apt/sources.list no?,entonces mediante el comando vi sources.list
 agrege la siguiente linea 
deb file://var/cache/apt/archives
El apt-get no mira lo que pones en sources.list, hasta que haces un apt-get
update. El apt-get update cuando vé la linea esa de arriba busca en ese
subdirectorio un fichero llamado Packages.gz que contienen comprimido un
listado de todos los ficheros .deb del subdirectorio, con un formato
parecido al que tiene los Contents de los servidores de paquetes.

El fichero Packages.gz se genera con:
dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null  Packages
y después comprimiendolos con 
gzip Packages

Sin embargo, no se yo si le va a gustar mucho al apt-get que los paquetes
que tiene que coger estén en el mismo subdirectorio donde guarda las copias
de los .deb que se baja.

Hoy me siento inspirado:

¡Era todo tan diferente antes de que todo cambiara!.

Alfonso Cepeda Caballos   Escuela Superior de Ingenieros
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Departamento de Ingeniería de
   Sistemas y Automática

Actualizar de Potato a Woody.

2001-08-25 Thread El Debianita User
Saludos Debianitas!!
Ante todo agradecer su ayuda sobre mis preguntas sobre el apt y el manejo de 
paquetes en debian cada dia lo tengo mas claro, obstante me queda 
este interrogante el apt busca los paquetes a actualizar/instalar/desinstalar 
del  /etc/apt/sources.list pero y dpkg? tambien buscara ahi?.
La siguiente pregunta/consulta es si alguien podra decirme cuales son las 
lineas del sources.list para pasar de potato a woody ya que se que woody a 
pasado a congelamiento,verdad?,si alguien me lo puede decir lo agradecere.
Por otra parte en he leido que hay un canal de irc para debian 
pero como me conecto?(perdon si pregunto una burrada,pero nunca use el irc)
es ese un canal *oficial* de debian?,hay otros en castellano?
Sin mas molestias por ahora los saluda..
Juan Ortiz

Re: Actualizar de Potato a Woody.

2001-08-25 Thread German Poo Caaman~o
El Debianita User wrote:
 Ante todo agradecer su ayuda sobre mis preguntas sobre el apt y el manejo de
 paquetes en debian cada dia lo tengo mas claro, obstante me queda
 este interrogante el apt busca los paquetes a actualizar/instalar/desinstalar
 del  /etc/apt/sources.list pero y dpkg? tambien buscara ahi?.
 La siguiente pregunta/consulta es si alguien podra decirme cuales son las
 lineas del sources.list para pasar de potato a woody ya que se que woody a
 pasado a congelamiento,verdad?,si alguien me lo puede decir lo agradecere.
 Por otra parte en he leido que hay un canal de irc para debian
 pero como me conecto?(perdon si pregunto una burrada,pero nunca use el irc)
 es ese un canal *oficial* de debian?,hay otros en castellano?
 Sin mas molestias por ahora los saluda..

German Poo Caaman~o
La historia no se lee, se escribe

Re: Actualizar de Potato a Woody.

2001-08-25 Thread Imobach González Sosa
On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 04:35:08PM -0300, El Debianita User wrote:
 Saludos Debianitas!!

Saludos... ¿o era debianeros? ;) Eso se discutió en barrapunto.

 Ante todo agradecer su ayuda sobre mis preguntas sobre el apt y el manejo de 
 paquetes en debian cada dia lo tengo mas claro, obstante me queda 
 este interrogante el apt busca los paquetes a actualizar/instalar/desinstalar 
 del  /etc/apt/sources.list pero y dpkg? tambien buscara ahi?.

Digamos que apt viene a actuar como front end de dpkg. No son lo mismo.
dpkg funciona más a bajo nivel: no se encarga de buscar paquetes ni nada
por el estilo: simplemente gestiona su instalación/desinstalación (y otras 

apt no instala los paquetes, sino que los busca e invoca a dpkg para que éste
se encarge de instalarlos. Además, apt resuelve las dependencias, cosa
que dpkg no hace por sí sólo.

 La siguiente pregunta/consulta es si alguien podra decirme cuales son las 
 lineas del sources.list para pasar de potato a woody ya que se que woody a 
 pasado a congelamiento,verdad?,si alguien me lo puede decir lo agradecere.

Yo tengo esto en mi sources.list:

# Debian `Woody'
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free

 Por otra parte en he leido que hay un canal de irc para debian 
 pero como me conecto?(perdon si pregunto una burrada,pero nunca use el irc)
 es ese un canal *oficial* de debian?,hay otros en castellano?

Yo normalmente entro en el irc-hispano: ahí hay un canal #debian. Para ello
necesitas un cliente de irc (aunque creo que hay acceso mediante la web
del irc-hispano:

Si te decantas por un cliente en lugar de un acceso web, tienes distintas
alternativas: yo empecé con xchat (bastante sencillo de usar... es para 
Pero actualmente me peleo con bitchx (para consola... genial)... aunque andan
por ahí otros como el irssi y un largo etcétera. Si usas potato, haz un

$ apt-cache search irc

y fíjate en los resultados.

En cualquiera de estos haces una conexión a un servidor como, 
o y hay otros. Y desde ahí puedes acceder a ese canal
(/join #debian).

 Sin mas molestias por ahora los saluda..

¿Molestias? No es molestia.

 Juan Ortiz

Un saludo y suerte.

(o_.'   Imobach González Sosa
osoh en irc-hispano
Usuario Linux #201634
Debian GNU/Linux `Woody' con núcleo 2.4.9 sobre AMD K7 Athlon

La gente no necesita amor, lo que necesita es triunfar en una cosa u otra.
-- Charles Bukowski --

Re: Sons do Gnome

2001-08-25 Thread Marcelo Santana
On Fri, 24 Aug 2001 16:24:13 -0300
Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 01:37:14AM -0300, Marcelo Santana wrote:
  Alô manos da lista!!!
  Tenho uma dúvida que desde o meu início no Debian nunca encontrei 
  resposta...alguém sabe como fazer para ativar os sons que são emitidos nos 
  eventos existentes no Gnome? Pois embora no gerenciador central os sons 
  estejam habilitados, em nenhum evento escuto nada, ha não ser quando quero 
  ouvir uma música ou coisa do tipo.
 Você tem o pacote gnome-audio? Pois é ele que contém os sons do GNOME.
Oi Carlos!

Sim, tenho o mesmo instalado, mas nada de som em nehum evento do gnome, 
tem idéia do que possa ser? :(


++Marcelo Gomes de Santana - DarkStar - Linux User #208778  
+ () +Debian GNU/Linux -
+  ~@@~  +  O Linux que você procura!! -   + 
+  (..)= Gnu!+Não basta ser Linux, tem que ser Debian GNU/Linux!!!  
+  `oo'/=\  \~._ +Um Homem vale pelo que pensa,
+ _|  |_ |_  + pensa pelo que sabe e
++   sabe pelo que lê.   Rui Barbosa   

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problemas com conexao Telnet

2001-08-25 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Verifique se o serviço telnet está acessível através do /etc/hosts.allow

Jose Eduardo wrote:
 JEduardo Wrote:
 Estou com problemas no telnet, aparentemente apareceu apos tentar 
 instalar o pacote
 nfs-kernel ( nao sei o que poderia ser ) Quanto tento fazer a conexao,
 escape character is '^]'.
 Debian GNU/Linux 
 e congela, aparentemente no faz login, independente de onde e do usuario ( 
 hosts.* tudo ok ).
 o que poderia ser ?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

* Falamos em matar o tempo como se, infelizmente, não fosse o tempo que
nos matasse.

Re: software Livre

2001-08-25 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Isso nunca aconteceu aqui... já acabei com muitos SCSI's resets, erros
sequencia de comandos. Fiz os testes com o kernel 2.4.3 mas algo pode
mudado no código sg do kernel. 

Tente habilitar o DMA do seu leitor de CD-ROM e irq unmask (hdparm -c1
-u1 /dev/hd?)
para ver se a situação melhora :-)

Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
 Em Fri, 24 Aug 2001 08:55:42 -0400
 Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  não podem gravar um CD e ler em uma unidade de 52x que é arriscado
  acabar em um
  buffer underrun). :-))
 hmmm... será que foi isso que eu fiz aqui que deu um kernel Panic na
 minha cara?! =(
 Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
 |  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
 | : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
 | `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
 |   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

P. Qual a diferença entre o vírus e o Windows 98?
R. O vírus funciona conforme o prometido.

Re: software Livre

2001-08-25 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sat, 25 Aug 2001 08:54:14 -0400
Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Isso nunca aconteceu aqui... já acabei com muitos SCSI's resets, erros
 sequencia de comandos. Fiz os testes com o kernel 2.4.3 mas algo pode
 mudado no código sg do kernel. 
foi exatamente o que aconteceu... aí deu um dump na tela e deu kernel
panic =)

 Tente habilitar o DMA do seu leitor de CD-ROM e irq unmask (hdparm -c1
 -u1 /dev/hd?)
 para ver se a situação melhora :-)


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

default browser

2001-08-25 Thread Larry Fletcher
How do I change the default browser from konqueror back to lynx or
netscape?  What happened is I installed konqueror to see what it
looked like and now when I try to view an attachment in mutt I get an
error that says sh: konqueror: command not found.

It seems like the answer would be archived somewhere, but I just can't
find it.


Re: how do i extract a bullet from my foot (tar woes)

2001-08-25 Thread Paul Mackinney
Karsten M. Self muttered:
 on Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 11:17:32AM +1000, Brian May ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I'm trying to remember a trick (probably in O'Reilly's _UNIX Power
 Tools_) for removing files by inode...
Arg. In my first System V admin class, the instructor showed us how to
specify the filename in octal so that you could manipulate filenames
with un-typable chars. I realize that this trick would probably fail
here (a dash - is a dash - is a dash -), but can anyone remind me how to 
do this?

Paul Mackinney
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Please note new email address

Re: Progeny vs. Libranet vs Pure Debian.

2001-08-25 Thread Joel Mayes
 DanSV == DanSV  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DanSV I was wondering what the best way to install and then
DanSV maintain debian is.  I have tried libranet, but not progeny
DanSV or just pure debian (beyond 2.1 that is).  I want a simple
DanSV install, and hard-ware recognition on the level of mandrake
DanSV (they say they can get 3D support with an ati rage128
DanSV (2000), whereas progeny says it does not.  Good printer
DanSV support is a must, but I also want to get under the
DanSV hood.  (I ruled out mandrake as I had an rpm muckup that
DanSV trashed my box and had me starting over with
DanSV debian.  Debian packaging is superior (A Mandrake distro
DanSV based on debs would be the ultimate in my humble opinion).
DanSV Does anyone have any experience with progeny? (eg. getting
DanSV it then upgrading to debian unstable, mixing packages, etc)
DanSV What is the best way?

G'day DanSV,

All Linux hardware support is dependent on the kernel / software
installed so if you can get support for one video card with one
distribution you can get it for all the other, with maybe a bit of

IMHO Debian Testing is the best choice for a home PC, you get current
versions of all the main programs very good support from other users
in list like this ( It might be a good idea not to continue to post
HTML messages though :) and it very stable.

The best way to get a Debian testing install is to do a plain debian
install then edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and replace all the
stables with testings and do an apt-get update  apt-get
dist-upgrade this will take quite some time

I've heard good things about Progeny but haven't used it my self, the
Progeny web-site says

Progeny Debian, a commercial version of Debian,
is now available for purchase, which includes a printed manual,
support, and 90-days of Progeny Service Network. Progeny Debian is
also available for download. Progeny Debian provides an enhanced
feature set that includes easy graphical installation, hardware
detection support, and improved configuration and management tools.

So if you want hardware support and a graphical install Progeny is
probably for you.


Mp3 on XMMS are faster

2001-08-25 Thread usucapiao

My xmms plays the mp3 files too fast...i dont know why...
(xmms 1.2.5)

Can't into my server ?

2001-08-25 Thread Tommy Wu

   I just install a new woody linux box.
   But I found that I can't telnet into this box even in localhost.
   I can use any other protocol to this server, like ssh, ftp, www... but
   only telnet can't work.
   when I try to telnet localhost, I got the message like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet localhost
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 woody
Connection closed by foreign host.

the log in syslog/daemon.log like:

Aug 25 13:03:15 hisdb in.telnetd[3817]: connect from

   there is no any other log found.
   I also try to running another telnetd in debug mode, as 

/usr/sbin/in.telnetd -debug 99 -D report

   and try to telnet localhost 99 again, got:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet localhost 99
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
td: ttloop
td: netflush 43 chars
td: ttloop read 3 chars
td: recv wont AUTHENTICATION
td: send do TERMINAL TYPE
td: send do TSPEED
td: send do XDISPLOC
td: send do NEW-ENVIRON
td: ttloop
td: netflush 173 chars
td: ttloop read 12 chars
td: recv will TERMINAL TYPE
td: recv will TSPEED
td: recv wont XDISPLOC
td: recv will NEW-ENVIRON
td: ttloop
td: netflush 158 chars
td: ttloop read 34 chars
td: netflush 26 chars
td: recv suboption TERMINAL-SPEED IS 38400,38400
td: netflush 50 chars
td: recv suboption ENVIRON IS
td: netflush 32 chars
td: recv suboption TERMINAL-TYPE IS xterm
td: send will SUPPRESS GO AHEAD
td: send do ECHO
td: send do NAWS
td: send will STATUS
td: send do LFLOW
td: ttloop
td: netflush 182 chars
td: ttloop read 24 chars
td: recv wont ECHO
td: recv will NAWS
td: netflush 97 chars
td: recv suboption NAWS 0 0 (0) 0 0 (0)
td: netflush 41 chars
td: recv do STATUS
td: recv will LFLOW
td: send will ECHO
td: Entering processing loop
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 woody
td: netflush 142 chars
Connection closed by foreign host.

I also has more than 3 linux server runnig the same version, but there is 
no such
problem Is the a configure problem or something I missing ?

Any suggestion ? Thanks a lots.


Tommy Wu
ICQ: 22766091
Mobile Phone: +886 936 909490
TeaTime BBS +886 2 31515964 24Hrs V.Everything

Re: apt-get cannot get any files (404)

2001-08-25 Thread Mark Robinson

   when I try to update the system I get 404 for all files, anybody knows
 what's the problem? The update of package list works fine but when it
 starts doenloading packages all I see is 404, here's what it looks like:

 jojda:/home/erik# apt-get update  apt-get -f dist-upgrade
 Hit unstable/non-US/main Packages
 Hit unstable/non-US/main Release
 Hit unstable/non-US/contrib Packages
 Hit unstable/non-US/contrib Release
 Err unstable/main samba 2.2.1a-5
   404 Not Found [IP: 80]
 Err unstable/main samba-common 2.2.1a-5
   404 Not Found [IP: 80]
 Err unstable/main samba-doc 2.2.1a-5
   404 Not Found [IP: 80]
 Err unstable/main smbclient 2.2.1a-5
   404 Not Found [IP: 80]
 Err unstable/main smbfs 2.2.1a-5
   404 Not Found [IP: 80]

This has been happening for  a while. It is a time of day issue. It seems
that the index files are uploaded first as part of the daily update (1900
GMT), and then the .deb files. This means that the indices are pointing to
files that are not yet there. Wait an hour or two and try again.

That's my guess and it works for me.


Re: sid images

2001-08-25 Thread Joel Mayes
 Eduardo == Eduardo Gargiulo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Eduardo Hi all.  Where can I find the iso images of debian
Eduardo unstable?

Last time I looked Linux System Labs Australia ( sold
unstable ISO's, couldn't tell you how current they are though


Re: caps lock...num lock...whatever...

2001-08-25 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 07:49:34AM +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BTW what is  /dev/null all about ?

 if tty  /dev/null 21 ; then
   case $(basename `tty`) in

I added that in because, under certain circumstances (although I
don't recall _which_ circumstances), evaluating $(basename `tty`)
would spew an error because there wasn't a valid tty to work with.
So I call tty first and redirect everything to /dev/null just to get
the exit status, so that I can verify that there is a tty before
trying to examine it.

Of course, checking the man page now to see if it would remind me of
when the case statement would fail, I see that `tty -s` would do the
same thing as my stdout/stderr redirection...

With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. - Alan Cox
To prevent unauthorized reading... - Adobe eBook reader license

Re: sid images

2001-08-25 Thread Mark Robinson
I found unofficial sid images last week at

Sadly this now only contains a README which states :

 we have had to delete the sid iso images due to lack
 of disk space - once we get more disk, i can look at
 making them available again.

 if you know of anyone willing to sponsor a debian
 archive in australia, please contact me.


Hurd and Woody images are still there though.


Re: Galeon problem ...

2001-08-25 Thread Steven Yap
On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 12:24:11PM -0500, Richard Cobbe wrote:
 Lo, on Friday, August 24, Steven Yap did write:
  I had that problem as well, but I got it to work.  One difference is that
  built galeon from a tarball (ver 0.12) and installed it in /usr/local/
  instead of a deb source package.
 Yeah, I've done the same.  I can't actually get to the debian packages.  I
 don't know if it's significant, but I didn't supply any arguments to

Neither did I. :) 

  I made a link in /etc/gconf/schemas to
 Ok, done.  As you say, it didn't work---same error.
  That should have worked but it didn't.  Then I discovered the entries in
  ~/.gconf/schemas/apps/galeon/ had values of
  instead of yap.yap .  Changed that, and galeon now starts up fine.

Oops! The above was a red herring. Using a different user account which
had never ran galeon before, I started galeon and I got the starting
galeon for the first time dialogues.  So the galeon schema directories
I had mentioned above should not play any role on whether galeon starts
or not.

Mind you, I did just recompile galeon to use the 0.9.3 Mozilla package
I had installed today.

 [rcclinux:~]$ /bin/ls -AlF ~/.gconf
 total 4
 drwx--S---2 cobbecobbe4096 Aug 24 12:17 
 I'm obviously missing something here.  I tried creating the directory you
 mentioned, but that didn't help either---same error.

Oh...I should have mentioned that ~/.gconf/schemas/apps/galeon contains
a whole heirachy of directories which seems to be mirroring the contents
of /usr/local/etc/gconf/schemas/galeon.schemas, like so:

-  begin snippet 

~ Fri Aug 24
obsolescence[51] ls -AFl .gconf/schemas/
total 1
-rw---1 yap  yap 0 Aug 19 15:33 %gconf.xml
drwx--3 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 apps/

~ Fri Aug 24
obsolescence[52] ls -AFl .gconf/schemas/apps/
total 1
-rw---1 yap  yap 0 Aug 19 15:33 %gconf.xml
drwx--9 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 galeon/

~ Fri Aug 24
obsolescence[53] ls -AFl .gconf/schemas/apps/galeon/
total 8
-rw---1 yap  yap   654 Aug 19 15:33 %gconf.xml
drwx--6 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 Advanced/
drwx--5 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 Browsing/
drwx--5 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 Handlers/
drwx--2 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 Print/
drwx--4 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 Rendering/
drwx--7 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 State/
drwx--6 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 UI/

~ Fri Aug 24
obsolescence[54] ls -AFl .gconf/schemas/apps/galeon/Advanced/
total 4
-rw---1 yap  yap 0 Aug 19 15:33 %gconf.xml
drwx--2 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 Crash/
drwx--2 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 Filtering/
drwx--2 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 Network/
drwx--2 yap  yap  1024 Aug 19 15:33 Persistent/

~ Fri Aug 24
obsolescence[55] ls -AFl .gconf/schemas/apps/galeon/Advanced/Crash/
total 1
-rw---1 yap  yap   642 Aug 19 15:33 %gconf.xml

--- end snippet 

Looking in the .gconf directory of the other user, I can't find the
schemas directory, although the ~/.gconf/apps/galeon hierachies were
created by galeon when it was ran.

Hmm ... google google ... try this:

  gconftool --install-schema-file /etc/gconf/schemas/*

as root, which should make the galeon schema available. Found this at

If that fails, well, Karsten's advice to use a pre-gconf galeon may be
the most convenient way to go for now.

 I don't actually use the gnome desktop.  Is that system perhaps creating
 some files that galeon's looking for?

I don't know.  I shouldn't think so. 

steven yap

XFree86\xf86cfg system crash

2001-08-25 Thread R1nso13
okay, so after learning that XF86Setup is not working anymore (why did they 
do that? it seemed like a really good prog) i've installed xserver-XFree86, 
etc. so that i could run XFree86 (and in effect, xf86cfg which is dependent 
on it). So i installed the packages, and just ran XFree86 as root with no 
arguments to make sure that it was installed and everything, which it is\was. 
 Then I ran XFree86 -configure (one of the suggested XF86Setup replacements i 
was referred to), and.. nothing. Screen goes blank and I have to hit 
ctrl-alt-delete several times before it reboots okay.  So then, being 
somewhat stubborn, I try to run xf86cfg which yields the same results.  Maybe 
I should go with the old adage If you want something done right, do it 
yourself and edit the configuration file manually.  My dilemma is that my 
mouse isn't recognized.  When i just run the X sever by itself ( '$ X' ) , it 
starts but the mouse doesn't move, and startx complains about an invalid 
argument in relation to /dev/mouse.  So i guess i just need to edit the 
pointer section of the config file.  I've got the standard Microsoft mouse 
with a little roll button dealie, and pretty much a standard debian 
configuration, so what should i call the protocol and what's the device file 
(and anything else i probably should tack on there)? Init isn't starting gpm 
so i think its just a configuration file problem.  
But all the same, this xf86cfg thing has gotten kind of personal... i mean, i 
just want to be able to get it to work for no other reason than its really 
bothering me (well, not that much but still).  So any theories a/b why 
xf86cfg and XFree86 -configure are crashing my system?

Re: how do i extract a bullet from my foot (tar woes)

2001-08-25 Thread Cliff Sarginson
On Saturday 25 August 2001 06:56, Paul Mackinney wrote:
 Karsten M. Self muttered:
  on Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 11:17:32AM +1000, Brian May
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: I'm trying to remember a trick (probably in
  O'Reilly's _UNIX Power Tools_) for removing files by inode...

 Arg. In my first System V admin class, the instructor showed us how
 to specify the filename in octal so that you could manipulate
 filenames with un-typable chars. I realize that this trick would
 probably fail here (a dash - is a dash - is a dash -), but can anyone
 remind me how to do this?


The usual way of specifying octal is \0xx replacing xx by the 
appropriate digits.
The -b option to ls will show you these...

Re: caps lock...num lock...whatever...

2001-08-25 Thread Cliff Sarginson
On Saturday 25 August 2001 04:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BTW what is  /dev/null all about ?


man 4 null


Re: netgear fa311 NIC driver

2001-08-25 Thread Donald Becker
On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 10:54:18PM -0400, Donald Becker wrote:
However, it is
behaving strangely.  I repeatedly get the error message:

eth1: Something Wicked Happened! 18000
  Hmmm, the Rx status steck overflowed.
  I don't see this with my driver release.
  This is very unusual -- either the driver misconfigured the chip, or the
  chip couldn't get any PCI bus bandwidth to transfer Rx descriptors.
 Could that be the fault of a buggy BIOS or chipset?  For what it's
 worth, I saw this problem on both a FIC PA2013 motherboard (I forget the
 pci chipset used there) and an ABIT KT7A with a VIA Apollo KT133

It could be the fault of a BIOS that configures the card with a too-low
PCI latency timer.  Too low is referenced to other devices on the PCI
bus, not an absolute value.

  That's pretty unlikely, unless the interrupt is blocked for a really
  long time.  That's a problem with another driver on the system, not with
  sharing IRQs.
 Interesting.  I should swap the card back in and see which other devices
 the card is sharing IRQs with.  I did move it to a different slot at one
 pointin an attempt to make sure it was sharing interrupts with different
 devices, but maybe it still got stuck sharing with a buggy driver.

It doesn't matter (much) which other devices the natsemi chip is sharing
IRQs with.  The problem is any other driver which blocks interrupt service.

  As usual, my primary reply is that I don't support modified drivers.  If
  you touch it, you should be willing to test and maintain the whole
  I will debug problems that you can reproduce on an original driver.
 I had no trouble duplicating the problem in the original driver
 (assuming, of course, that the version of natsemi.c included in Linux
 2.4 counts as original).

No, it doesn't.  Read the source code and you'll see it was modified.

 ...  There was a SCSI card in the configuration (using the
 sym53c8xx driver), so that may have been involved.  But as I said, I
 don't know right now which cards were sharing IRQs.

I suspect the SCSI driver played a role in the problem.

Donald Becker   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scyld Computing Corporation
410 Severn Ave. Suite 210   Second Generation Beowulf Clusters
Annapolis MD 21403  410-990-9993


2001-08-25 Thread peter rosenkranz

i own an ibm ps/2 8580 with two 300 mb esdi harddisks, which are attached to 
an esdi adapter. maybe this causes a failure at the partition check with 
following messages:

partition check:
ps/2 esdi: normal esdi adapter found in slot 8
ps/2 esdi: dma arbitration level : 5
ps/2 esdi: hard reset ...
ps/2 esdi: attention error. interrupt status : 2f
ps/2 esdi: status: 00
ps/2 esdi: reset interrupt after 196 jiffies: 1.96 sec
ps/2 esdi: drive 0
ps/2 esdi: ps2esdi_out_command timed out (1)

the partition of drive c: (drive 0?) is fat16
the partition of drive d: is dos extended
the partition option: ed=cyl,head,sec won't change these boot failure messages.
(boot: linux ed=cyl,head,sec ?!)
many thanks!

peter rosenkranz
rinnboeckstr. 27/12
1110 vienna, austria
tel.: +4317433454

Re: default browser

2001-08-25 Thread Larry Fletcher
Problem solved!  After figuring out how to 'grep' every text file on
the system I found that '/etc/mailcap' was full of 'konqueror' entries
and running 'update-mime' removed them.  Now mutt is back to using
lynx to view attachments. 

On Aug 24, 2001, Larry Fletcher wrote:
 How do I change the default browser from konqueror back to lynx or
 netscape?  What happened is I installed konqueror to see what it
 looked like and now when I try to view an attachment in mutt I get an
 error that says sh: konqueror: command not found.
 It seems like the answer would be archived somewhere, but I just can't
 find it.

Superflous Emacs backup files

2001-08-25 Thread Martin Schulze

I noticed that GNU Emacs seems to create tons of files like
.saves-16657-finlandia.Infodrom.North.DE~ in $HOME which don't
get removed.  What's the way to prevent this?



We all know Linux is great... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds.
-- Linus Torvalds

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.


2001-08-25 Thread greg
will force on demande d from msspider


2001-08-25 Thread greg
wimps donut reply

Re: caps lock...num lock...whatever...

2001-08-25 Thread Cliff Sarginson
On Saturday 25 August 2001 07:21, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 07:49:34AM +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  BTW what is  /dev/null all about ?
  if tty  /dev/null 21 ; then
case $(basename `tty`) in

 I added that in because, under certain circumstances (although I
 don't recall _which_ circumstances), 
Processes lose their controlling tty when they detach themselves
from it.

Re: adding multiple users, newuser? and vim

2001-08-25 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 05:38:56PM -0700, Mike Egglestone wrote:
 I have a txt file in this format:
 joe blow
 john smith
 john doe
 I would like to use newusers to add about 500 accounts to my system,
 but how do I quickly make the txt file look like this:

Write a script to read stdin and print to stdout.

while (STDIN) {
($n1, $n2) = split / /;
print $n1,_,$n2,:password:,$pid,

I bet bash, sed, awk, python,... can do same thing...
~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,

Re: adding multiple users, newuser? and vim

2001-08-25 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 05:38:56PM -0700, Mike Egglestone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 I have a txt file in this format:
 joe blow
 john smith
 john doe
 I would like to use newusers to add about 500 accounts to my system,
 but how do I quickly make the txt file look like this:
 Is there some good vim commands that would allow me to add 
 the extra stuff that newusers needs in order to add the accounts?
 Or is there some better way to add accounts from a txt file?

Interestingly enough, I've got to do a similar task.

The following awk script should get you started:

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
user= substr( tolower( first ), 1, 1 ) tolower( last )
printf( %s:password:%d:%d:%s %s,,/home/$1$2:/bin/bash\n,  \
user, uid, gid, first, last, uid \

Save that as newusers.awk and make it executable.  Invoke with:

$ ./newusers.awk  userlist

...where userlist is as you specify.

If you provide passwords as a third field, you can modify the script to
generate a password as well.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: The Sound of Silence

2001-08-25 Thread Sean Quinlan
* Curt Howland [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-08-25 04:00):
 The error now is something like Cannot Open /dev/dsp and the sound
 still does not work.

Add yourself to the audio group like this

# adduser curt audio

Logout, log in again, and then try your sound, it should work now.


Sean Quinlan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: default browser

2001-08-25 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 11:03:20PM -0700, Larry Fletcher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Aug 24, 2001, Larry Fletcher wrote:
  How do I change the default browser from konqueror back to lynx or
  netscape?  What happened is I installed konqueror to see what it
  looked like and now when I try to view an attachment in mutt I get an
  error that says sh: konqueror: command not found.
  It seems like the answer would be archived somewhere, but I just can't
  find it.
 Problem solved!  After figuring out how to 'grep' every text file on
 the system I found that '/etc/mailcap' was full of 'konqueror' entries
 and running 'update-mime' removed them.  Now mutt is back to using
 lynx to view attachments. 

You may also find urlview is being used to view inline links in mutt.
The programs utilized are specified in /etc/urlview/, in
the section marked Configurable Section.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mp3 on XMMS are faster

2001-08-25 Thread Hereward Cooper

 My xmms plays the mp3 files too fast...i dont know why...
 (xmms 1.2.5)

Have you tried to change the output plugin under preferences?


Re: adding multiple users, newuser? and vim

2001-08-25 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 05:38:56PM -0700, Mike Egglestone wrote:
 joe blow
 john smith
 john doe
 I would like to use newusers to add about 500 accounts to my system,
 but how do I quickly make the txt file look like this:

You can also use bash:

while read n1 n2; do
let pid=$pid+1
echo ${n1}_${n2}:password:${pid}:${pid}:,,,/home/${n1}_${n2}:/bin/bash

filter your source data with this script.  Then onto newusers.  :-)

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,

Problem with the installaion of debian locking up

2001-08-25 Thread Mark Seven Smith
Problem: Debian CD B1 bombs either when choosing modules, or
before (can even happen right off the bat, scrolling through the
keyboard selection screen!)

The suggested way to install Debian is to use the CD's; so bought
some, and I can boot from them.  However, in the early part,
after partitioning (although this can happen even before then),
when I am scrolling through the lists (like when choosing the
modules to install) I will be using the arrow keys, or the
PageUp/PageDown keys, and suddenly a keystroke will cause what
appears to be a NewLine, making a blank (black) interruption of
the screen for one text line, and then everything locks up.
Nothing can be done except to hit a hard RESET.

I first began trying to install Debian via downloads, I had
planned on finishing up with a Network install (I have cable
modem Internet service).

Then, I tried using a copy of Debian from the back of the book,
Learning Debian/GNU Linux.

Finally, I bought the latest version (Potato) of Debian from the
Computer Help Guy in Canada (

All of these installation programs acted the same way.

I suspect a problem with hardware compatibility with my AGP slot
ATI RAGE 128 video card (it seems to be not listed in the
hardware compatibility list, although other, similar ATI cards
are listed).

I have used other Linux distros before; esp. RedHat (up to 6.1),
and SuSE 6.4 (SuSE is TOO EASY!  Not at all a challenge,
everything is done FOR you!  sheesh!  ;-)

I have read the installation manual online; and I have gone
through and read the FAQs and other stuff; but I really don't
know what to make of this curious install program bombing, or
locking up or whatever.  I never get very far, never get to see
the program actually working.

One idea that I have is to install a different distro of Linux,
then use it to build a new kernel image for Debian that has video
card support--but what if the problem isn't the video card?  Plus
I have never built a new kernel before (I suppose it's about time
! ;-)  Anyway, I just wanted to ask if anyone recognizes this
problem before I go to such extremes.  I would like to go ALL
DEBIAN in this adventure.

 Anyway, I have the following equipment: 

ABit BX6 motherboard
PII 400 MHz
300 Watt power supply
256 MB of RAM
2 6-gig HDD's
80-pin HDD ribbon cable (purchased for a defunct 30-gig drive
 that was 100 DMA, but got *MUNCHED* by WINDOWS 2000!)
ATI RAGE 128 AGP-slot video card
standard Creative SoundBlaster sound card (the cheapest one! :-)
52X CD-ROM (it works fine booting the CD's for Debian)
Debian Linux 2.2.19pre17, kernel-image-2.2.19pre17_2.2.19pre17-1
D-Link DFE-530 TX PCI fast ethernet adapter
Epson 777 printer, new (uses USB port or parallel, but it doesn't
if it is plugged in or not, I still get the same difficulties
trying to install).

Thanks in advance,

--Mark Seven Smith

Re: Do I need ldso

2001-08-25 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 24 Aug 2001, John Hasler wrote:
 Aquila writes:
  ... the one in the (obsolete) ldso package is an old version (1.9.11?)
  and is for libc5...
 The most recent version of the ldso package is also 'Priority: optional'.
 The libc5 package depends on it.
 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI

Well, this was why I asked the question originally. Dlocate -s says that
ldso is in the oldlibs section and is optional, yet if you tell apt-get
to remove it you are told it is essential and you have to remove it
explicitly. I don't see how it can be both optional and essential.

Anthony Campbell - running Debian GNU/Linux (Windows-free zone).
For electronic books (Homeomythology and The Assassins of Alamut), skeptical 
essays, and over 130 book reviews, go to

Le style est l'homme meme. (Style is the man himself.)

allowing users to upload

2001-08-25 Thread Martin F Krafft
i operate a couple of non-profit servers for friends to host their
websites. there is only ssh, no ftp, but most users are mac or
windoze, and so they have considerable difficulty uploading, even with
the OpenSSL or other comparable scp-featuring packages. i would like
to enable user ftp for them to facilitate, but it's too much of a
security risk due to clear text passwords being sent over the wire. so
i am wondering what other alternatives there are to allow users easy
remote management of their websites, similar to ftp. or is there even
an ssh-capable rsync client for mac and windoze, preferably, of
course, with a GUI?

thanks for any thoughts,
martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as i was going up the stair
i met a man who wasn't there.
he wasn't there again today.
i wish, i wish he'd stay away.
   --hughes mearns

Re: Running Dosemu as root

2001-08-25 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 25 Aug 2001, George Petri wrote:
 On Saturday 25 August 2001 13:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I got dosemu1.0.2 and it seems it is now impossible to run it as root.
  Is this true?
 This is a bug and you need to download the source and
 in src/plugin/coopthreads/coopthreads.h change
 -#if 1
 +#if 0
  #include unistd.h

I had the same problem for a time but it seems to have been fixed in the
latest deb version of dosemu: 1.0.2-5.

  As far as I can tell, I need to run it as root to get
  read/write access on a mounted windows partition where there are dos
  programs I like to use.
 That depends on how your windows partitions were mounted.

I think that what the original poster wants to do is to mount the dos
partition directly, without using hdimage. This is what I do myself, and
it has to be done as root, using sudo, otherwise you get messages about
not having access to the lock files.


Anthony Campbell - running Debian GNU/Linux (Windows-free zone).
For electronic books (Homeomythology and The Assassins of Alamut), skeptical 
essays, and over 130 book reviews, go to

L'art d'ennuyer est de tout dire. (The way to become a bore is to say

apt-get download size

2001-08-25 Thread Anita Lewis
Hi.  I'm running woody and do apt-get upgrade weekly.  Why does it sometimes
download something like 24Mb and only use something like 1.5Mb?  That is
what is happening today and I've seen it quite often.


xawtv questions

2001-08-25 Thread Timeboy


Yesterday i tried my first installation of my tv card (BT878) and my first try
to run it with xawtv. It seems to be very god. I can watch tv and have a fine

But there are two warnings if i run xawtv in gnome-terminal:

This is xawtv-3.55, running on Linux/i686 (2.4.5)
WARNING: Your X-Server has no DGA support.
WARNING: couldn't find framebuffer base adress, try manual
 configuration (v4l-conf -a addr)

What is DGA support? And why is xawtv running, if it don't know the framebuffer

Then: xawtv only runs in mode grabdisplay. Overlay don't work but my tv card
can work with this.

And: I have the Hauppage WinTV stereo. But i can only hear the tv sound in mono.
It is not possible to change the settings in audio options to stereo. Only
autodetect and mono are possible to click. Why?


Re: The Sound of Silence

2001-08-25 Thread harshu
 So I am using the sbc60xxwdt module.
 The error now is something like Cannot Open /dev/dsp and the sound
 still does not work.

  This typically happens when the module is not yet loaded. It also
happens if the permissions of /dev/dsp /dev/mixer are not correct. you
could change the permission to 666. 


Chaos is found in the greatest abundance wherever order is being sought.
It always defeats order for it is better organized.

Re: allowing users to upload

2001-08-25 Thread Cliff Sarginson
On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 11:30:32AM +0200, Martin F Krafft wrote:
 i operate a couple of non-profit servers for friends to host their
 websites. there is only ssh, no ftp, but most users are mac or
 windoze, and so they have considerable difficulty uploading, even with
 the OpenSSL or other comparable scp-featuring packages. i would like
 to enable user ftp for them to facilitate, but it's too much of a
 security risk due to clear text passwords being sent over the wire. so
 i am wondering what other alternatives there are to allow users easy
 remote management of their websites, similar to ftp. or is there even
 an ssh-capable rsync client for mac and windoze, preferably, of
 course, with a GUI?
You could use anonymous FTP, set up properly it is quite secure.
Be especially sure that the upload directory has write but NOT read
permissions; otherwise you may find you have become a half-way
house to all sorts of unsavoury things.
This means you have to vet the uploads and move appropriate ones
to the download directory.

good luck

Re: Problem with the installaion of debian locking up

2001-08-25 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 01:36:37AM -0700, Mark Seven Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Problem: Debian CD B1 bombs either when choosing modules, or before
 (can even happen right off the bat, scrolling through the keyboard
 selection screen!)
 The suggested way to install Debian is to use the CD's; so bought
 some, and I can boot from them.  However, in the early part, after
 partitioning (although this can happen even before then), when I am
 scrolling through the lists (like when choosing the modules to
 install) I will be using the arrow keys, or the PageUp/PageDown keys,
 and suddenly a keystroke will cause what appears to be a NewLine,
 making a blank (black) interruption of the screen for one text line,
 and then everything locks up. 

I presume this is in console mode, not Xor framebuffer.  You using
that at all?

You also fail to specify what you've had on this box before and/or
whether you've had problems with other OSs.

Sounds like you're in dselect when this happens.  It would be helpful to
know which of the following have any effect:

  - ctrl-Z
  - ctrl-C
  - alt-F2-12(that's alt plus any of the function keys 2-12.)
  - ctrlaltdel

I don't know if the installation kernel has Magic SysRQ compiled in, if
it does, you might care to try the following, in sequence:

  - altsysrq-k  : kill programs in current console
  - altsysrq-p  : registers to console
  - altsysrq-t  : tasks to console
  - altsysrq-m  : memory to console
  - altsysrq-s  : sync disks
  - altsysrq-u  : mount disks readonly
  - altsysrq-b  : reboot system

 Nothing can be done except to hit a hard RESET.

Define hard reset.  Is this:

  - ctrlaltdel, aka three fingered salute?
  - warm-boot reset button on your system.
  - cold-boot (power-cycle) reset.

 I first began trying to install Debian via downloads, I had planned on
 finishing up with a Network install (I have cable modem Internet
 Then, I tried using a copy of Debian from the back of the book,
 Learning Debian/GNU Linux.

The book and CD are very poor.  They can be used for installation,
however many people report serious problems.

 Finally, I bought the latest version (Potato) of Debian from the
 Computer Help Guy in Canada (
 All of these installation programs acted the same way.

I strongly suspect hardware problems or compatibility issues.

 I suspect a problem with hardware compatibility with my AGP slot
 ATI RAGE 128 video card (it seems to be not listed in the
 hardware compatibility list, although other, similar ATI cards
 are listed).

Strongly recommend Googling this card.  ati rage 128 linux AGP lockup
OR freeze OR crash produces some interesting results.  It appears
that the card may be poorly supported under GNU/Linux, and/or that using
framebuffer may be a good alternative.

 I have used other Linux distros before; esp. RedHat (up to 6.1),
 and SuSE 6.4 (SuSE is TOO EASY!  Not at all a challenge,
 everything is done FOR you!  sheesh!  ;-)

Have you tried another distro on this box? 

I'd very strongly recommend trying the LNX-BBC bootable business card,
it's a very cleverly assembled recovery / rescue / diagnostic system,
and autodetects and correctly configures an enormous amount of hardware.

 I have read the installation manual online; and I have gone
 through and read the FAQs and other stuff; but I really don't
 know what to make of this curious install program bombing, or
 locking up or whatever.  I never get very far, never get to see
 the program actually working.
 One idea that I have is to install a different distro of Linux,
 then use it to build a new kernel image for Debian that has video
 card support--but what if the problem isn't the video card?  

I don't think that building kernel support is going to make a difference
in console mode.  I could be wrong.

 Plus I have never built a new kernel before (I suppose it's about time
 ! ;-)  Anyway, I just wanted to ask if anyone recognizes this problem
 before I go to such extremes.  I would like to go ALL DEBIAN in this
  Anyway, I have the following equipment: 
 ABit BX6 motherboard
 PII 400 MHz
 300 Watt power supply
 256 MB of RAM
 2 6-gig HDD's
 80-pin HDD ribbon cable (purchased for a defunct 30-gig drive
  that was 100 DMA, but got *MUNCHED* by WINDOWS 2000!)
 ATI RAGE 128 AGP-slot video card
 standard Creative SoundBlaster sound card (the cheapest one! :-)
 52X CD-ROM (it works fine booting the CD's for Debian)
 Debian Linux 2.2.19pre17, kernel-image-2.2.19pre17_2.2.19pre17-1
 D-Link DFE-530 TX PCI fast ethernet adapter
 Epson 777 printer, new (uses USB port or parallel, but it doesn't
 if it is plugged in or not, I still get the same difficulties
 trying to install).
 Thanks in advance,
 --Mark Seven Smith
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL 

Re: apt-get download size

2001-08-25 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 05:31:42AM -0400, Anita Lewis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Hi.  I'm running woody and do apt-get upgrade weekly.  Why does it sometimes
 download something like 24Mb and only use something like 1.5Mb?  That is
 what is happening today and I've seen it quite often.

Possibly:  you're updating a package.  There are 24MBs to download, but
after replacing the existing package version, there's only a 1.5MB

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature


2001-08-25 Thread zolia

when i adduser user newgroup, then i need to logout from the first shell
i am in to activate changes. Is there a way to activate without logout?

Antanas Masevicius Kaunas University of Technology
Studentu 48a-101   Computer Center
LT-3028 Kaunas LITNET NOC UNIX Systems Administrator
Lithuania  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: allowing users to upload

2001-08-25 Thread Alson van der Meulen
On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 11:30:32AM +0200, Martin F Krafft wrote:
 i operate a couple of non-profit servers for friends to host their
 websites. there is only ssh, no ftp, but most users are mac or
 windoze, and so they have considerable difficulty uploading, even with
 the OpenSSL or other comparable scp-featuring packages. i would like
 to enable user ftp for them to facilitate, but it's too much of a
 security risk due to clear text passwords being sent over the wire. so
 i am wondering what other alternatives there are to allow users easy
 remote management of their websites, similar to ftp. or is there even
 an ssh-capable rsync client for mac and windoze, preferably, of
 course, with a GUI?
There are some windows FTP clients that support SFTP iirc, you'll need
ssh = ~2.3.0 on the server side to make it work (guess building from
source from woody on potato works). Don't use the sftp package from
potato, it's protocol is different from the ssh one afaik.

(ssh-2.9p2 compiled for potato is available from, you'll need
libssl095a from

Re: apt-get download size

2001-08-25 Thread Mark Robinson
 Hi.  I'm running woody and do apt-get upgrade weekly.  Why does it
 download something like 24Mb and only use something like 1.5Mb?  That is
 what is happening today and I've seen it quite often.


It all depends on how many of the packages have been upgraded in the
distribution since you last upgraded your machine.


Re: swapon and raid systems

2001-08-25 Thread Cory Snavely
 I have a couple of systems that use kernel RAIDs (specifically,
 mirrors).  The systems also have regular (non-mirrored) partitions for
 swap. When the systems boot, the swap partitions don't get installed. I
 have isolated it to the fact that the boot scripts first grep for
 resync in /proc/mdstat, and only run swapon if the grep fails (i.e,
 there's no resync string in /proc/mdstat).

Which boot script is that? I can understand the logic of not wanting to swap
on an md device that's getting a RAID resync, but it surprises me that even
non-mirrored swap would be passed over as well.

 Unfortunately, it appears that at boot time, these systems *always* have
 resync in mdstat, because swap never seems to be added after a
 reboot. Which leads to some questions:

 1. what is the purpose of this check?
 2. is it normal for my raids to always be resyncing at boot (*)?
 3. suggestions for a good (maintainable) approach to ensuring that my
non-RAID swap partitions always get enabled at boot?

 (*) Thinking back, I think that all of the reboots on these systems have
 been due to abnormal causes (i.e., a power failure yesterday), so
 maybe resyncing is normal after unplanned reboots?

All of my raidtools experience is with RedHat, but if you watch a graceful
shutdown closely, the last thing the kernel should do is mark each RAID
member's superblock with a clean flag. Then that's used when the device is
raidstarted again. If all members are clean, then no resync is needed;
otherwise, generally it is. I'm reasonably sure that's what forcing your
resyncs at boot.

I'd recommend watching a few graceful reboots closely to see exactly what's
happening with the resyncs and with the swap activation.

Re: xawtv questions

2001-08-25 Thread Matthias Richter
Timeboy wrote on Sat Aug 25, 2001 at 11:33:07AM:
 What is DGA support? And why is xawtv running, if it don't know the
 framebuffer adress?

DGA means Direct Graphics Access. Do you have a 'load glx'-Line in
your XF86Config-4, 'Section Module'?

 Then: xawtv only runs in mode grabdisplay. Overlay don't work but my tv card
 can work with this.

IIRC you need DGA to get overlay.
I have an old bt848 and a Matrox G-Series graphics board, overlay has
always worked great.

 And: I have the Hauppage WinTV stereo. But i can only hear the tv
 sound in mono.

Might be broadcast is in Mono as well?

Matthias Richter --+- stud. soz.  inf. -+--
--GPG Public Key:

· Projekt Deutscher Wortschatz: URL:

Description: PGP signature

CD not bootable

2001-08-25 Thread Visvanath Ratnaweera
Hi all

This must be a pretty standard question but I couldn'f find what I need.

I have the Debian 2.2 (Potato) CD's which were the source of quite a few
installation. In all those I could boot from the CD.

The present candidate, a Toshiba Satellite Laptop with Pentium 266 MMX, 
refuses to boot from the CD. I made a rescue floppy from DOS usring rawrite2 
which boots fine.

This is the quesiton: How do I install by making a minimum number of floppies?

Ideally this rescue CD should be suffiecient. The kernel in the rescue floppy
recognizes the CD. Can I give something like linux root= so that the CD
will take control?


Re: Do I need ldso

2001-08-25 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 09:40:06AM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 Well, this was why I asked the question originally. Dlocate -s says that
 ldso is in the oldlibs section and is optional, yet if you tell apt-get
 to remove it you are told it is essential and you have to remove it
 explicitly. I don't see how it can be both optional and essential.

Optional in woody and essential in potato?  Your description of the
situation sounds like what I would expect if your installed ldso
package is from a version where it's optional, but your sources.list
currently points at a version where it's essential.

With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. - Alan Cox
To prevent unauthorized reading... - Adobe eBook reader license

Re: XFree86\xf86cfg system crash

2001-08-25 Thread Pedro Neves

I'm having the same problem, and I also don't understand why thy ended with
XF86Setup. I read that they're working on a replacement, but until it's
available I guess the only thing to do is edit XF86 config manually...
Regarding the mouse, there's a document in Xfree86 docs about the mice and
its protocols.
They also advise about possible crashes on some systems after running
XFree86 - configure, so I guess yours and mine are some of those systems,
although I cannot explain why it crashes (maybe something to do with probing

good luck


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 6:54 AM
Subject: XFree86\xf86cfg system crash

 okay, so after learning that XF86Setup is not working anymore (why did
 do that? it seemed like a really good prog) i've installed
 etc. so that i could run XFree86 (and in effect, xf86cfg which is
 on it). So i installed the packages, and just ran XFree86 as root with no
 arguments to make sure that it was installed and everything, which it
  Then I ran XFree86 -configure (one of the suggested XF86Setup
replacements i
 was referred to), and.. nothing. Screen goes blank and I have to hit
 ctrl-alt-delete several times before it reboots okay.  So then, being
 somewhat stubborn, I try to run xf86cfg which yields the same results.
 I should go with the old adage If you want something done right, do it
 yourself and edit the configuration file manually.  My dilemma is that my
 mouse isn't recognized.  When i just run the X sever by itself ( '$ X' ) ,
 starts but the mouse doesn't move, and startx complains about an invalid
 argument in relation to /dev/mouse.  So i guess i just need to edit the
 pointer section of the config file.  I've got the standard Microsoft mouse
 with a little roll button dealie, and pretty much a standard debian
 configuration, so what should i call the protocol and what's the device
 (and anything else i probably should tack on there)? Init isn't starting
 so i think its just a configuration file problem.
 But all the same, this xf86cfg thing has gotten kind of personal... i
mean, i
 just want to be able to get it to work for no other reason than its really
 bothering me (well, not that much but still).  So any theories a/b why
 xf86cfg and XFree86 -configure are crashing my system?

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: CD not bootable

2001-08-25 Thread Pedro Neves

normally I boot my Toshiba Satellite with a Windows Startup Disk with CD-ROM
After it loads, I run the boot.bat inside Install directory on the Debian CD
and that's it.

Good luck

- Original Message -
From: Visvanath Ratnaweera [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 1:07 PM
Subject: CD not bootable

 Hi all

 This must be a pretty standard question but I couldn'f find what I need.

 I have the Debian 2.2 (Potato) CD's which were the source of quite a few
 installation. In all those I could boot from the CD.

 The present candidate, a Toshiba Satellite Laptop with Pentium 266 MMX,
 refuses to boot from the CD. I made a rescue floppy from DOS usring
 which boots fine.

 This is the quesiton: How do I install by making a minimum number of

 Ideally this rescue CD should be suffiecient. The kernel in the rescue
 recognizes the CD. Can I give something like linux root= so that the
 will take control?


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: XFree86\xf86cfg system crash

2001-08-25 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Hello together,

xf86cfg seems to do not work without any parameters.
Try using xf86cfg -textmode . It worked fine for me many times.

hope it helps


On Saturday 25 August 2001 13:34, Pedro Neves spoke wisely:

 I'm having the same problem, and I also don't understand why thy ended with
 XF86Setup. I read that they're working on a replacement, but until it's
 available I guess the only thing to do is edit XF86 config manually...
 Regarding the mouse, there's a document in Xfree86 docs about the mice and
 its protocols.
 They also advise about possible crashes on some systems after running
 XFree86 - configure, so I guess yours and mine are some of those systems,
 although I cannot explain why it crashes (maybe something to do with
 probing procedures?).

 good luck


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 6:54 AM
 Subject: XFree86\xf86cfg system crash

  okay, so after learning that XF86Setup is not working anymore (why did


  do that? it seemed like a really good prog) i've installed


  etc. so that i could run XFree86 (and in effect, xf86cfg which is


  on it). So i installed the packages, and just ran XFree86 as root with no
  arguments to make sure that it was installed and everything, which it


   Then I ran XFree86 -configure (one of the suggested XF86Setup

 replacements i

  was referred to), and.. nothing. Screen goes blank and I have to hit
  ctrl-alt-delete several times before it reboots okay.  So then, being
  somewhat stubborn, I try to run xf86cfg which yields the same results.


  I should go with the old adage If you want something done right, do it
  yourself and edit the configuration file manually.  My dilemma is that
  my mouse isn't recognized.  When i just run the X sever by itself ( '$ X'
  ) ,


  starts but the mouse doesn't move, and startx complains about an invalid
  argument in relation to /dev/mouse.  So i guess i just need to edit the
  pointer section of the config file.  I've got the standard Microsoft
  mouse with a little roll button dealie, and pretty much a standard debian
  configuration, so what should i call the protocol and what's the device


  (and anything else i probably should tack on there)? Init isn't starting


  so i think its just a configuration file problem.
  But all the same, this xf86cfg thing has gotten kind of personal... i

 mean, i

  just want to be able to get it to work for no other reason than its
  really bothering me (well, not that much but still).  So any theories a/b
  why xf86cfg and XFree86 -configure are crashing my system?
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Daniel Kleine-Albers

Re: xawtv questions

2001-08-25 Thread Timeboy

On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 13:16:59 +0200, Matthias Richter wrote:

 ** Timeboy wrote on Sat Aug 25, 2001 at 11:33:07AM:
 **  What is DGA support? And why is xawtv running, if it don't know the
 **  framebuffer adress?
 ** DGA means Direct Graphics Access. Do you have a 'load glx'-Line in
 ** your XF86Config-4, 'Section Module'?

Yes! Just i uncommented this line and made a logout/login to restart xfree. 
But it had no effect. What i have to do, to get DGA support?

 **  And: I have the Hauppage WinTV stereo. But i can only hear the tv
 **  sound in mono.
 ** Might be broadcast is in Mono as well?

Yes! I tried to get stereo sound by receiving a sender that broadcast in


YACDBP (Yet another cd-burning...)

2001-08-25 Thread Hall Stevenson
Has anyone successfully use gtoaster to copy an audio CD ?? I've tried
it a few times and each time, gtoaster reports the burn was successful.
It fixates the disc, so that's not an issue. When I try it in my home
cd-player (which has always played CDs I've burned okay in the past), it
'reads' the disc and 'sees' all the tracks. I can skip from track 1 to
track 2 to track 3 etc, etc. Problem is, there's no sound.

Any ideas ??

Thanks in advance

Re: xawtv questions

2001-08-25 Thread Matthias Richter
Hallo Timeboy,
Timeboy schrieb am Samstag, den 25. August 2001:
 On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 13:16:59 +0200, Matthias Richter wrote:
  ** DGA means Direct Graphics Access. Do you have a 'load glx'-Line in
  ** your XF86Config-4, 'Section Module'?
 Yes! Just i uncommented this line and made a logout/login to restart xfree. 
 But it had no effect. What i have to do, to get DGA support?

Does XFree86-DGA appear in the output of xdpyinfo?
Does your graphics-chip (which one?) support DGA?

Matthias Richter --+- stud. soz.  inf. -+--
--GPG Public Key:

· Projekt Deutscher Wortschatz: URL:

Description: PGP signature

Re: [sid] TrueType in XFree86 4.1.0

2001-08-25 Thread Hall Stevenson
* Stephen Gran ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010825 08:18]:
 Are you running xfs-xtt? It's the true type font server for X -
 runs seperately from xfs, and is apparently the only thinf that can
 correctly interpret true type fonts.

If you're running a standalone box, and not 'serving' fonts to other
machines, xfs (or xfs-xtt) is not needed. I have purged xfs from my
machine and am using TT fonts just fine. XFree86 v4 and higher take care
of them for me.

 Install, and add these lines to the font path of XF86Config-4:
 FontPath unix/:7110 
 FontPath unix/:7100

Here's mine:

# FontPath  unix/:7100# local font server
# if the local font server has problems, we can fall back on
# these
# FontPath  /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi
# FontPath  /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled

'xlsfonts | grep arial' shows dozens of variations of arial. For



[OT] German-English translation tools

2001-08-25 Thread Andrew Perrin
Does anyone know of any free (or at least reasonably cheap) tools to
assist in translation? I'm explicitly *not* looking for a program that
attempts to fully translate texts, but rather something to help with some
of the dirty work as I begin translating some previously unavailable
articles from German. It could be something as simple as a fairly
comprehensive electronic dictionary, or possibly an NLP tool that makes a
stab at syntax as well.  Available for linux or solaris is a very large
plus, but I'll put up with windows if I absolutely have to.

Thanks for any advice.

Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

Re: Superflous Emacs backup files

2001-08-25 Thread Alan Shutko
Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I noticed that GNU Emacs seems to create tons of files like
 .saves-16657-finlandia.Infodrom.North.DE~ in $HOME which don't
 get removed.  What's the way to prevent this?

Those are session recovery files, so if your emacs crashes, you can do
a M-x recover-session and it'll do a M-x recover-file on each file.
Those files should be deleted if Emacs exists normally (C-x C-c, close
gadget on the window).

There was a bug in earlier versions of Emacs where those files
wouldn't be deleted, but that's fixed by 20.7.  

ISTR some method of turning them off entirely, but don't have Emacs
20.7 handy to check.  Emacs 21 will move them to their own

Alan Shutko [EMAIL PROTECTED] - In a variety of flavors!
I've already told you more than I know.

Re: [OT] German-English translation tools

2001-08-25 Thread Calvin Chong
- Original Message -
From: Andrew Perrin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 10:03 PM
Subject: [OT] German-English translation tools

 Does anyone know of any free (or at least reasonably cheap) tools to
 assist in translation? I'm explicitly *not* looking for a program that
 attempts to fully translate texts, but rather something to help with some
 of the dirty work as I begin translating some previously unavailable
 articles from German. It could be something as simple as a fairly
 comprehensive electronic dictionary, or possibly an NLP tool that makes a
 stab at syntax as well.  Available for linux or solaris is a very large
 plus, but I'll put up with windows if I absolutely have to.

I think that babelfish will do

 Thanks for any advice.

 Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
   269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: [sid] TrueType in XFree86 4.1.0

2001-08-25 Thread Sean
Doesn't running the font server help performance a little? Seems like I 
remember hearing this somewhere, but I could easily be mistaken.

btw ... xfs-xtt works well here on sid.


On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 10:04:39 -0500
Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 * Stephen Gran ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010825 08:18]:
  Are you running xfs-xtt? It's the true type font server for X -
  runs seperately from xfs, and is apparently the only thinf that can
  correctly interpret true type fonts.
 If you're running a standalone box, and not 'serving' fonts to other
 machines, xfs (or xfs-xtt) is not needed. I have purged xfs from my
 machine and am using TT fonts just fine. XFree86 v4 and higher take care
 of them for me.
  Install, and add these lines to the font path of XF86Config-4:
  FontPath unix/:7110 
  FontPath unix/:7100
 Here's mine:
 # FontPath  unix/:7100# local font server
 # if the local font server has problems, we can fall back on
 # these
 # FontPath  /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi
 # FontPath  /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled
 'xlsfonts | grep arial' shows dozens of variations of arial. For
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenGPG key available from

Description: PGP signature

XFree86 4.x RENDER extension...

2001-08-25 Thread Aaron Traas
I'm running Woody with Xfree86 4, and am wondering what I have to do to
get the RENDER extension to work, and thus get KDE to anti-alias fonts.
Can someone point me in the right direction? 

BTW: My graphics adapter is an ATI Rage Mobility Pro, and the system is
a Dell Inspiron 7500.


Help! telnetd not working!

2001-08-25 Thread Aaron Traas
I just installed debian on a new system today. Everything is working
beautifully, except telnetd. I'm using xinetd (also tried inetd), and
when I attempt to telnet to the machine, it sends me the contents of
/etc/, and then eats up 99% CPU and just hangs. I don't know
what to do. Any help would be appreciated.

--Aaron Traas

2.4.9 ppp woes

2001-08-25 Thread Matt Chatterley

Hi all,

I've just installed Woody on Linux box which I've 
been meaning to reinstall for ages (I used Debian 1.3.1 and 2.0 some time ago, 
but had been using RH6 until now); this reinstall coincided with the 
installation of ADSL in my flat -- the new box is intended to handle that 
connection, provide a few services, and be a samba logon server for my home 

After problems with kernel 2.4.8 (failing to 
recognize an IDE drive), I installed 2.4.9 from source.

However, when I run PPPD (I've applied the PPPoATM 
patches, and compiled a patched version of PPPD 2.4.0), it complains that 
PPP_GENERIC is not installed in my kernel. It is. I've selected, infact, every 
single PPP option (as a test), and have tried both with them as modules (and 
then physically loaded them by hand), and directly in the kernel.

Has anyone else had problems with PPP under 2.4.9, 
or with the PPPoATM patch(es), or does anyone have any suggestions? I've run out 
of ideas.



Re: latex docu

2001-08-25 Thread Brian Potkin
On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 10:21:36PM +0100, Frank Zimmermann wrote:

 I'd like to learn LaTex. therefore I wnted to read the Latex docu
 under /usr/share/doc/texmf/general/latex2e.dvi.gz. Konqueror can't
 open the file and the only way I've been able to read it so far is to
 copy it to my home directory, unzip it and read display the .dvi file.
 But I don't beleave this is way how to read a documentation. How do I
 read it without all that hassle?

Some suggestions.  Try

texdoc /usr/share/doc/texmf/latex/general/latex2e

It would seem that

texdoc latex2e

should be sufficient but that doesn't work for me.  Note the lack of the
.dvi.gz ending.  Should you want a man page to consult the stable
distribution does not have one so look at

Searching the debian-user and debian-tetex-maint mailing lists with
`dvi' and `xdvi' is informative.  Look for a recent thread (March 2001)
entitled `gzipped dvi's'.

Alternatively, give

see /usr/share/doc/texmf/latex/general/latex2e.dvi.gz

a go.


Re: Do I need ldso

2001-08-25 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 25 Aug 2001, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 09:40:06AM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  Well, this was why I asked the question originally. Dlocate -s says that
  ldso is in the oldlibs section and is optional, yet if you tell apt-get
  to remove it you are told it is essential and you have to remove it
  explicitly. I don't see how it can be both optional and essential.
 Optional in woody and essential in potato?  Your description of the
 situation sounds like what I would expect if your installed ldso
 package is from a version where it's optional, but your sources.list
 currently points at a version where it's essential.
 With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
 safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. - Alan Cox
 To prevent unauthorized reading... - Adobe eBook reader license

Could be. This was originally a potato version but I've been keeping up
to date with testing for many months now.

Anthony Campbell - running Debian GNU/Linux (Windows-free zone).
For electronic books (Homeomythology and The Assassins of Alamut), skeptical 
essays, and over 130 book reviews, go to

Man can do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wills. 

Re: Do I need ldso

2001-08-25 Thread John Hasler
Anthony Campbell wrote:
 Well, this was why I asked the question originally. Dlocate -s says that
 ldso is in the oldlibs section and is optional, yet if you tell apt-get
 to remove it you are told it is essential and you have to remove it
 explicitly. I don't see how it can be both optional and essential.

I just now upgraded ldso to 1.9.11-15 on my unstable box and took a look.
dpkg claims that it is essential while apt-get says it's optional.  Apt
removed it without complaining.

Looks like some sort of a packaging bug.  I wrote to the maintainer about
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: netgear fa311 NIC driver

2001-08-25 Thread bedlam
On Fri, 24 August 2001, Donald Becker wrote:

 On 24 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, 24 August 2001, Donald Becker wrote:
   On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 05:50:25PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have upgraded to kernel 2.4.9 so I would have support for the
 netgear fa311 NIC, specifically the natsemi driver.
   You didn't need to upgrade your kernel.
  I had problems with this before I upgraded the kernel, I couldn't
  compile the driver. 
 What problem did you have?
 With what kernel?

I tried downloading and compiling the natsemi.c source code, but I got an 
incredibly long list of parse errors and undefined variables.  I was using the 
Debian 2.2 official release, Linux 2.2.19pre17.

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Re: allowing users to upload

2001-08-25 Thread Martin F Krafft
also sprach Cliff Sarginson (on Sat, 25 Aug 2001 11:43:24AM +0200):
 You could use anonymous FTP, set up properly it is quite secure.
 Be especially sure that the upload directory has write but NOT read
 permissions; otherwise you may find you have become a half-way
 house to all sorts of unsavoury things.

um, and how exactly does this enable multiple users to update their
respective webpages remotely?

 This means you have to vet the uploads and move appropriate ones
 to the download directory.

i'll do that in my free time then... no, this won't work.

thanks though,

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if you stick a stock of liquor in your locker,
 it is slick to stick a lock upon your stock. 
  or some joker who is slicker,
  will trick you of your liquor,
 if you fail to lock your liquor with a lock.

Description: PGP signature

Remounting / read-only

2001-08-25 Thread Jeremy

Howdy group!

I was wondering how I'm supposed to remount root readonly.  From what I can
figure I'm supposed to issue the command mount -o remount,ro /, but I only
get a mount: / is busy message.  I've tried it without the comma between
remount and ro, and it seems to go through okay, but I'm not 100% sure that
it's now read-only.  How can I check on this?  If I just type mount, I see
all the options that are given in my fstab, but not what the current status
is (rw or ro) on any given mount point.  If it helps, I was thinking it would
be best to make a backup of / with it as ro so that no data is changed during
the backup process and keep from corrupting any data.  (Also, a particular
program I want to try out [partimage] requires it to be mounted ro.)

Thanks for any help!

Re: netgear fa311 NIC driver

2001-08-25 Thread bedlam
On Fri, 24 August 2001, Donald Becker wrote:

 On 24 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, 24 August 2001, Donald Becker wrote:
   On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 05:50:25PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have upgraded to kernel 2.4.9 so I would have support for the
 netgear fa311 NIC, specifically the natsemi driver.
   You didn't need to upgrade your kernel.

I've downloaded the driver and supporting header files, and I used the extra 
options listed for the 2.4 kernel and I still get a couple of errors:

natsemi.c:xxx:structure has no member named 'tbusy'
natsemi.c:xxx:structure has no member named 'interrupt'

These both occur at several points in the file.  My first assumption is I'm 
missing another header file, but I don't really know.  I'm not a programmer... 
but I'm learning.

Sign up for ICQmail at

Re: xawtv questions

2001-08-25 Thread Timeboy

On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 15:59:04 +0200, Matthias Richter wrote:

 ** Hallo Timeboy,
 ** Timeboy schrieb am Samstag, den 25. August 2001:
 **  Yes! Just i uncommented this line and made a logout/login to restart 
 **  But it had no effect. What i have to do, to get DGA support?
 ** Does XFree86-DGA appear in the output of xdpyinfo?


 ** Does your graphics-chip (which one?) support DGA?

I don't know it. I have no manuals for this hardware. It's an ATI Rage Pro 
card (Mach64).


Re: allowing users to upload

2001-08-25 Thread Tim Moss

Martin F Krafft wrote:

i operate a couple of non-profit servers for friends to host their
websites. there is only ssh, no ftp, but most users are mac or
windoze, and so they have considerable difficulty uploading, even with
the OpenSSL or other comparable scp-featuring packages. i would like
to enable user ftp for them to facilitate, but it's too much of a
security risk due to clear text passwords being sent over the wire. so
i am wondering what other alternatives there are to allow users easy
remote management of their websites, similar to ftp. or is there even
an ssh-capable rsync client for mac and windoze, preferably, of
course, with a GUI?

thanks for any thoughts,
martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You could use ssh to create a secure tunnel by forwarding ftp 
connections on the client to the server then configure the ftp software 
on the client to communicate with localhost and ssh will automatically 
forward all traffic to the server. Don't forget ftp uses two ports, 20 
and 21. Exactly where this forwarding is configured depends on the ssh 
software being used but I know at least some software for Windows and 
Mac support this feature. Here is the section from the man page for 
openssh describing how to set this up. The basic idea is the same for 
other ssh software.

-L port:host:hostport
Specifies that the given port on the local (client) host is to be 
forwarded to the given host and port on the remote side.  This works by 
allocating a socket to listen to port on the local side, and whenever a 
connection is made to this port, the connection is forwarded over the 
secure channel, and a connection is made to host port hostport from the 
remote machine.  Port forwardings can also be specified in the 
configuration file.  Only root can forward privileged ports.

So, for example, if the remote server is called popserver, my openssh 
command line to tunnel port 110 (POP) would be

ssh -L 110:localhost:110 popserver

- the first 110 is the local port to forward from (this could actually 
be any unused port but, if you can, it's easier to use the standard port 
for the protocol since some client software won't let you specify an 
alternative port to use)

- localhost is the destination machine relative to popserver
- the second 110 is the port on the destination machine to forward to

now if I type this in another terminal on my local machine (not in the 
ssh connection I just established)

telnet localhost 110

I will get the POP login on popserver and the whole communication 
between my machine and popserver is encrypted, unlike the standard POP 
protocol which sends everything in the clear.

I like this method because, other than configuring your applications 
(one time) to connect to localhost instead of the real server (this 
works just as well for IMAP, SMTP, etc), this is completely transparent 
to the client application. You just have to have the ssh software 
running and connected to the real server with the ports forwarded (most 
likely in the background - I used to make it a startup item when I had 
to use those other operating systems).

Re: Remounting / read-only

2001-08-25 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sat, Aug 25, 2001 at 07:00:38AM -0500, Jeremy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Howdy group!
 I was wondering how I'm supposed to remount root readonly.  From what
 I can figure I'm supposed to issue the command mount -o remount,ro
 /, but I only get a mount: / is busy message.  

Do you have any processes open and writing to the root fs?  lsof should
help you here.

 I've tried it without the comma between remount and ro, and it seems
 to go through okay, but I'm not 100% sure that it's now read-only.
 How can I check on this?  

$ cat /proc/mounts

The data used by mount to show currently mounted partitions and status
comes from /etc/fstab, which can't be updated when / is readonly ;-)

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

update-menus fails for normal user, but not for root

2001-08-25 Thread Rich
Howdy all,

not too long ago, update-menus stopped working for me suddenly... now i just 
get a long string similar to the following message:

rm: cannot unlink `/usr/share/applnk/Multimedia/Debian': Permission denied 
ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/share/applnk/Multimedia/Debian/Sound' to 
`/home/rich/.kde/share/applnk/Debian/Sound': Permission denied

it still works when logged in as root, however. I have purged and 
re-installed menu, but it still does the same thing - any ideas?

thanks in advance,


Re: xawtv questions

2001-08-25 Thread Matthias Richter
Timeboy wrote on Sat Aug 25, 2001 at 06:05:34PM:
 On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 15:59:04 +0200, Matthias Richter wrote:
  ** Does XFree86-DGA appear in the output of xdpyinfo?

/var/log/XFree86.0.log should tell you more about errors X encountered
during startup. Is there some error related to DGA?

  ** Does your graphics-chip (which one?) support DGA?
 I don't know it. I have no manuals for this hardware. It's an ATI Rage Pro 
 card (Mach64).

I had an Ati Rage IIc and overlay worked (I'm not sure if it worked with
XFree-4, it did with Xfree-3), so I guess your card should be all right.
I've sent you my XF86Config for that card via PM, be careful about it,
it might do no good to your monitor.

Matthias Richter --+- stud. soz.  inf. -+--
--GPG Public Key:

· Projekt Deutscher Wortschatz: URL:

Description: PGP signature

Re: gnuclient xemacs

2001-08-25 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Jonathan David Wheelhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Recently I upgraded xemacs to xemacs21-gnome-nomule_21.4.3-3 (now it's
 21.4 ie.  xemacs21-gnome-nomule 21.4.4-1) on my sid box.  It converted
 my ~/.emacs to ~/.xemacs/custom.el and ~/.xemacs/init.el.  I normally
 have xemacs start gnuserv.  init.el has (gnuserv-start).  Then, in
 Mutt, I have the editor set to gnuclient.  This worked fine for me
 before the upgrade.  Now, it doesn't and I had to change the editor to
 vim so I can type this email.

Poor guy ;-)

I found that the gnome versions of Xemacs21 are crappy since long
time. I went back to pure xemacs21-nomule (version 21.4.4-1 for time
being) because of problems with gnus -- the problems went away. No
problems with gnuserv/-client either.



2001-08-25 Thread shyamk
I am having a problem with  cfdisk . I want it to rearrange the free space into
partitions of the type I desire .

I get default as Linux which does not happen to be the same as Linux ext2 
ext2 does not get accepted and  it defaults to Linux . It means that a 
comand like
  mount -t ext2 /dev/hda13 /mnt/sp_13
gives you the error ststing that the partition is of thr type Linux which fstab 
the system does not understand.

Ironically , secondary DOS as a type can not be taken by the mount -t msdos !

For the former , I suspect that it is because the disk space is drawing to a 
close. I
just have 400 odd MBs to carve out.

Please help .


Quality can Never be Quantified . It exists by itself and Quantity might hand 
it an
untimely demise if blown out of the very fragile proportions that constitute it 

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