Re: Eliminar fitxers iguals.

2007-09-09 Thread ilion1250
En/na Mateu ha escrit:
 Bon dia!

 Avui me n'he adonat que tenc el disc dur ple del tot. He estat cercant
 per la web a veure si trobava algun programa o alguna cosa que em
 pugui ajudar a disminuir una mica el tamany de les meves dades. No he
 trobat gaire cosa, sobretot cercava alguna eina que em permetes
 esborrar repeticions de fitxers, segur que hi ha mes d'un fixer que hi
 és dues vegades dins el disc dur.

 Donç la pregunta és, sabeu d'alguna eina que permeti fer aixó?
 Com ho feu vosaltres per economitzar l'espao del disc?

A la revista Linux Magazine d' aquest mes hi ha un article sobre un
programa anomenat deborphan el qual sembla que recerca paquets sense cap
dependència per eliminar-los, encara no he tingut temps de llegir l'
article detingudament i no ho posat res en pràctica, sembla que només
serveix per netejar una mica/.
La web es
També pots fer una ullada als menús per detectar programes que no facis
servir i desinstal.lar-los, també deixar un sol escriptori en el cas de
que en tinguis més d' un.
Jo en cap cas esborraria de forma manual cap fitxer de / teòricament
no hauries de tenir fitxers repetits (tingues en compte que pots tenir
fitxers amb el mateix nom a directoris diferents jo n' he trobat però jo
no els esborraria), hi tindràs algun fitxer sense dependència i paquets
corresponents als programes que tinguis instal.lats.

Per el directori /home hauries d' actuar segons les teves preferències,
vull dir que potser hi ha fitxers que no fas servir sovint i que per
exemple els pots guardar a un DVD+-RW i així alliberes espai, una altra
possbilitat es guardar els fitxers de /home a un disc USB extern.
També pots comprimir i arxivar els fitxers amb Ark.

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Re: Ocupació paquets instal·lats

2007-09-09 Thread Cubells
En/na Benjamí Villoslada ha escrit:

  Hi ha qualque ordre per a saber l'ocupació dels diferents paquets 
  Una mena de 'dpkg -l | grep ^i' però amb una columna 'size' que no trob 
  enlloc %-)


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo dpkg -p aptitude | grep Installed-Size
Installed-Size: 8556


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Re: Ocupació paquets instal·lats

2007-09-09 Thread Jordi Funollet
Benjamí Villoslada dixit:
 El Diumenge 09 Setembre 2007, Jordi Funollet va escriure:
    $ dpkg-query --showformat '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' --show

 Moltes gràcies!  M'havia oblidat del tot del query,

I jo, gairebé del tot. L'he tingut que buscar al man. ;-)

### Jordi Funollet

Re: [ipw3945] Se connecte a certains réseaux mais pas a d'autres.

2007-09-09 Thread BM

C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :

On 02.09.2007 18:57, Daniel Huhardeaux wrote:

Charles Plessy a écrit :

Bonjour a tous,

Je viens d'acquérir un portable Lenovo ayant une puce Intel 3954 ABG, et
après avoir installé les paquets « non-free » et « contrib », patatras,
mon portable refuse de se connecter correctement a ma borner airport.

Les symptômes sont les suivants :
 - soit il n'arrive a rien,
 - soit il arrive a avoir un IP, mais ne peut pas communiquer avec les
   machines du LAN,
 - soit des situations intermédiaires.



j'ai un problème identique avec ipw3945 dans les dernières versions 
(SID ~ 3 mois): avec certains PA c'est fonctionnel (Ex Linksys  WRT54G 
/OpenWrt WR9) avec d'autres non (Même Linksys WRT54G mais OpenWRT 
Kamikaze ou Linksys WRT54G firmware d'origine)

Il va sans dire qu'avant ces dernières versions, je n'ai jamais eu de 
problème avec ipw3945 et attend avec impatience les drivers iwl


J'ai également des soucis de connexion avec  un ipw3945, j'ai conservé 
un noyau 2.6.18 (module ipw3945 v 1.0.3) pour pouvoir me connecter aux 
AP récalcitrants (les routeurs FON et en particulier le mien :(( )...
Je ne comprends pas trop d'où ça vient (modification dans la pile 
wireless ?), mais depuis le noyau 2.6.21, il est très difficile de se 

J'ai un Asus W5F équipé de :


05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG 
Network Connection (rev 02

uname -a
Linux asus-bm 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Fri Aug 31 00:55:27 UTC 2007 i686 

pour me connecter via ma fonera j'utilise ces scripts:


ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth1 down
killall -q dhclient
killall -q wpa_supplicant
wpa_supplicant -Bw -Dwext -ieth1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
iwconfig eth1 essid FON_BMA_prive
dhclient  eth1





proto=WPA RSN
pairwise=TKIP CCMP


et cela fonctionne 8 fois sur 10 environ.

Parfois je dois faire un

modprobe -r ipw3945
modprobe ipw3945


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Re: Problème install debian netinstall 40r1 i386

2007-09-09 Thread Jeremy Guitton
Le mardi 04 septembre 2007 à 16:45 +0200, bruno a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,
 Voilà un petit résumé de mon problème et des solutions essayées.
 J'essaye en vain d'installer la netinstall 40r1 (j'ai essayé une ancienne et 
 la dernière version),
 j'ai vérifié les md5sum, le tout sur un serveur dell1950.
 Bref la procédure d'installation se passe bien mais arrivée au moment de 
 l'installation de base cela télécharge les 95 paquets
 puis se bloque une fois terminé :
 Choisir et installer les logiciels
 Téléchargement du fichier 95 de 95
 J'ai recommencé 4fois et toujours pareil alors qu'il y a 2mois j'avais fait 
 de même et tout c'était bien passé.
 Si quelqu'un a une idée je suis preneur parce que là je ne sais plus quoi 


je suis dans le même cas que toi et apparemment on expérimente le bug . J'ai lancé un fil sur la liste
debian-boot où on m'a donné un lien vers une image à tester, tu peut
aller y faire un tour.


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Re: Problème avec le noyau 2.6.22

2007-09-09 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
Milou [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Je ne sais pas si c'est encore d'actualité, mais je viens d'avoir un pb
 similaire en installant un 2.6.22 de debian
 Cet andouille n'utilise plus que /dev/sdXX pour tous les disques durs,
 qu'ils soient sata ou ide...

Ce n'est pas une andouille, c'est libata, qui utilise le sous-système
SCSI, y compris pour les disques PATA. Ca marche très bien, mais la
migration doit être un minimum préparée.

 Bref, pour moi la solution a été de modifier le /boot/grub/menu.lst et
 le /etc/fstab

Sur mon petit serveur etch, j'ai ceci dans /boot/grub/menu.lst:

## ## Start Default Options ##
## default kernel options
## default kernel options for automagic boot options
## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
## where x.y.z is kernel version. Minor versions can be omitted.
## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
##  kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
##  kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
# kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
# kopt_2_6_21=root=/dev/sda1 ro
# kopt_2_6_22=root=/dev/sda1 ro
# kopt_2_6_23=root=/dev/sda1 ro

Ces trois dernières lignes sont importantes, car elle indiquent
à update-grub les options de boot spécifiques aux versions de
noyaux. De cette manière, plus de surprise.

Quant aux systèmes de fichiers, en utilisant des labels, il n'y a plus
rien à toucher:

# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
LABEL=/ /   ext3noatime,nodiratime,barrier=1,commit=60  
0 1
LABEL=/home /home   xfs noatime,nodiratime  0 2
LABEL=swap  noneswapsw  0 0

Mes deux centimes,

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Re: Marvell 88SE61XX

2007-09-09 Thread Klaus Becker
Am Sonntag, 9. September 2007 11:10 schrieb fred:
 Klaus Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  Am Freitag, 7. September 2007 23:49 schrieb fred:
  Klaus Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
   Le graveur IDE fonctionne sous Vista, je suppose parce que Vista
   inclut un pilote IDE pour Marvell 88SE61XX. Pour Linux, le matos est
   encore trop récent. J'ai dit au vendeur que le noyau inclut un pilote
   Marvell 88SE61XX, et il m'a répondu que ça doit être pour un
   contrôleur sata, mais pas IDE.
  Le MARVELL 88SE61xx est estampillé « PATA » càd IDE, dans
  mon noyo
  Mais il est aussi spécifié : support limité :-(

Salut Fred,

quelle est la solution dans ce cas? Attendre un nouveau noyau avec un meilleur 
support du MARVELL 88SE61xx?


toshiba u200-163+debian+lm-sensors+coretemp

2007-09-09 Thread Thierry B

J'ai un laptop intel core duo toshiba u200-163, avec une debian lenny.

En voulant voir si lm-sensors, me detecte quelques modules, voila ce que
j'ai eu:

Some CPUs or memory controllers may also contain embedded sensors.
Do you want to scan for them? (YES/no): YES
AMD K8 thermal sensors...   No
Intel Core family thermal sensor... Success!
(driver `coretemp')
Intel AMB FB-DIMM thermal sensor... No

Now follows a summary of the probes I have just done.
Just press ENTER to continue:

Driver `coretemp' (should be inserted):
  Detects correctly:
  * Chip `Intel Core family thermal sensor' (confidence: 9)

I will now generate the commands needed to load the required modules.
Just press ENTER to continue:

To make the sensors modules behave correctly, add these lines to

#cut here
# Chip drivers
# Warning: the required module coretemp is not currently installed
# on your system. For status of 2.6 kernel ports check
# If driver is built
# into the kernel, or unavailable, comment out the following line.
#cut here

Do you want to add these lines to /etc/modules automatically? (yes/NO)yes

Apparemment, coretemp n'existe toujours pas avec le kernel 2.6.21

Est-ce que ca vaut plus le coup d'essayer de:

le compiler à partir de la source de ce lien ?
- Prendre le noyau binaire 2.6.22 de sid
- Attendre que ca sorte sous lenny

Merci :-)

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aptitude install me detecte de vieux noyaux en auto-complétion

2007-09-09 Thread Thierry B

En voulant voir s'il y avait de nouveaux noyaux de dispo pour lenny,
avec aptitude install, en auto-complétion, je suis tombé sur

Ce noyau n'existe plus, ca fait un moment que je l'avais viré.

D'ailleurs, un aptitude purge dessus ne fonctionne pas.

Pour voir s'il restait des traces quelque part de ce noyau (comme nom de
fichier ou comme texte à l'intérieur d'un fichier), j'ai même fait:

find /usr/ -type f|xargs grep -i linux-image-
find /etc/ -type f|xargs grep -i linux-image-
find /usr/ -type f|grep -i linux-image-
find /etc/ -type f|grep -i linux-image-

mais rien...

Niveau performance, tout est nikel, mais bon, ca prouve juste qu'il y a
quelque chose de pas propre dans ma debian, enfin qui s'est mal fait en
désinstallant ce noyau (je ne m'en rappelle plus trop depuis le temps).

Que me conseillez-vous de faire?

Merci :-)

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serveur sous sarge: problème de tar sur le contenu d'un LV

2007-09-09 Thread Thierry B

J'ai un serveur sous debian sarge (pas encore eu le temps de le passer
sous etch lol).

J'utilise raid + lvm et donc j'ai un LV en reiserfs dédié aux mails.

J'ai voulu faire un tar du contenu de ce LV, pour sauvegarder l'ensemble
de mes mails.

J'ai fait comme ceci:

Création d'un snapshot de mon LV Mail
lvcreate --snapshot --size 200M --name Sauvegarde_Mails /dev/VG0/Mail

Montage de ce LV:
mount /dev/mapper/VG0-Sauvegarde_Mails /mnt/sauvegarde_mails/

Je me place à l'endoit où est monté le snapshot
cd /mnt/sauvegarde_mails/

Je fais mon tar et je stocke le tar.gz dans /mnt/sauvegardes_systeme
tar -czvf /mnt/sauvegardes_systeme/Mails.tgz .

Mais vers la fin du tar, voila un exemple de ce que j'obtiens:

tar: ./xxx/joelle/Maildir/.CB News/cur: ne peut stat: Permission non acco
tar: ./xxx/joelle/Maildir/.CB News/new: ne peut stat: Permission non acco
tar: ./xxx/joelle/Maildir/.CB News/tmp: ne peut stat: Permission non acco
tar: ./xxx/joelle/Maildir/.CB News/courierimapuiddb: ne peut stat: Permis
sion non accordée
tar: ./xxx/joelle/Maildir/.CB News/courierimapkeywords: ne peut stat: Per
mission non accordée
tar: ./xxx/joelle/Maildir/.CB News/courierimapacl: ne peut stat: Permissi
on non accordée
tar: ./xxx/joelle/Maildir/.CB News/maildirfolder: ne peut stat: Permissio
n non accordée

Je précise que lors de la création du snapshot, et de la sauvegarde, je
ne démonte pas mon LV Mail, car il me semble bien qu'un snapshot, ca
soit fait pour ca.

Sinon j'ai quand même démonté mon LV Mail, et j'ai fait un:
reiserfsck /dev/VG0/Mail

mais ca se termine en disant:

No corruptions found
There are on the filesystem:
Leaves 41641
Internal nodes 278
Directories 820
Other files 145754
Data block pointers 893582 (0 of them are zero)
Safe links 0
reiserfsck finished at Sun Sep  2 15:38:26 2007

Au final, j'ai bien mon tar.gz, mais bon c'est pas normal, je pense
d'avoir tous ces messages d'erreurs non?

Merci :-)

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Re: aptitude install me detecte de vieux noyaux en auto-complétion

2007-09-09 Thread Julien Valroff
Le dimanche 09 septembre 2007 à 15:24 +0200, Thierry B a écrit :
 En voulant voir s'il y avait de nouveaux noyaux de dispo pour lenny,
 avec aptitude install, en auto-complétion, je suis tombé sur
 Ce noyau n'existe plus, ca fait un moment que je l'avais viré.
 D'ailleurs, un aptitude purge dessus ne fonctionne pas.

Ce sont des paquets qui ont le statut 'purge ok
not-installed' (typiquement, des paquets installés manuellement avec
'dpkg -i' qui ne sont pas dans les dépôts).

 Pour voir s'il restait des traces quelque part de ce noyau (comme nom de
 fichier ou comme texte à l'intérieur d'un fichier), j'ai même fait:
 find /usr/ -type f|xargs grep -i linux-image-
 find /etc/ -type f|xargs grep -i linux-image-
 find /usr/ -type f|grep -i linux-image-
 find /etc/ -type f|grep -i linux-image-
 mais rien...

Il faut regarder dans /var/lib/dpkg/status

 Niveau performance, tout est nikel, mais bon, ca prouve juste qu'il y a
 quelque chose de pas propre dans ma debian, enfin qui s'est mal fait en
 désinstallant ce noyau (je ne m'en rappelle plus trop depuis le temps).
 Que me conseillez-vous de faire?

J'avais posé la même question ici il y a quelques temps (je dirais
environ 2 ans, je n'ai pas retrouvé mon message), la discussion avait
permis l'écriture d'un petit script, que j'ai mis en ligne sur mon
blog :


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Re: Marvell 88SE61XX

2007-09-09 Thread Klaus Becker
Am Sonntag, 9. September 2007 16:53 schrieb fred:
 Klaus Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  Salut Fred,
  quelle est la solution dans ce cas? Attendre un nouveau noyau avec un
  meilleur support du MARVELL 88SE61xx?

 Bonne question.
 Ça ne coute rien d'essayer avec ce driver-là, non ?

pour ça, il faut recompiler le noyau non?


 Cela ne semble pas avoir changé dans le dernier, le


2.6.21 pb spca5xx

2007-09-09 Thread Marc


Suite au passage sur un noyau 'uname-r' = 2.6.21-2-686, je ne peux plus 
installer spca5xx!!!

Je suis passée par: m-a update,prepare,a-i spca5xx
ou encore par ./config make make install mais toujours pas moyen.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/boot# modprobe spca5xx
FATAL: Module spca5xx not found.

je suis en leny, j'ai tenté un chmod 777 -R sur le répertoire spca5xx, ...
Si qq à une idée je suis prenneur

Bonne fin de WE

fn;quoted-printable:Marc Jarl=C3=A9gand
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:Linux? Il y a moins bien, mais c'est plus cher.=0D=0A=
	Software is like sex, it's better when it's free (Linus Torvalds)

Grub menu.lst perdue.

2007-09-09 Thread Mark


Suite à un upgrade je suis passé au noyau:
Linux ServerDebian 2.6.21-2-686 #1 SMP Wed Jul 11 03:53:02 UTC 2007 i686 

et depuis je ne vois plus mon fichier /boot/grub/menu.lst !!!

Pire le répertoire /boot semble vide. !!!

very strange, je peut faire un cd /boot mais un ls -las donne rien!

un mount donne:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/boot# mount
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-root on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-home on /home type ext3 (rw)
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-tmp on /tmp type ext3 (rw)
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-usr on /usr type ext3 (rw)
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-var on /var type ext3 (rw)
binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc 

un df -h donne: (utilisation de LVM)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/boot# df -h
Sys. de fich. Tail. Occ. Disp. %Occ. Monté sur
  268M  222M   32M  88% /
tmpfs 316M 0  316M   0% /lib/init/rw
udev   10M   76K   10M   1% /dev
tmpfs 316M 0  316M   0% /dev/shm
  220G   30G  179G  15% /home
  380M   11M  350M   3% /tmp
  4,7G  3,4G  1,2G  75% /usr
  2,9G  434M  2,3G  16% /var

Je ne comprend pas ce qui peut se passer!
et pourtant elle tourne (pardon grub s'affiche bien au démarrage).

Notre ami commun n'est pas bavard sur le sujet (ou je m'y prend comme un 
manche, qui à dit oui ?).

Si qq à une idée !!!
PS en bootant avec un noyau 2.6.18 /boot/grub/menu.lst est normalement 

Heu autre info je suis sous lenny!!!

Bonne fin de WE,

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: aptitude install me detecte de vieux noyaux en auto-complétion

2007-09-09 Thread Thierry B
Julien Valroff a écrit :
 Le dimanche 09 septembre 2007 à 15:24 +0200, Thierry B a écrit :

 En voulant voir s'il y avait de nouveaux noyaux de dispo pour lenny,
 avec aptitude install, en auto-complétion, je suis tombé sur

 Ce noyau n'existe plus, ca fait un moment que je l'avais viré.

 D'ailleurs, un aptitude purge dessus ne fonctionne pas.
 Ce sont des paquets qui ont le statut 'purge ok
 not-installed' (typiquement, des paquets installés manuellement avec
 'dpkg -i' qui ne sont pas dans les dépôts).
 Pour voir s'il restait des traces quelque part de ce noyau (comme nom de
 fichier ou comme texte à l'intérieur d'un fichier), j'ai même fait:

 find /usr/ -type f|xargs grep -i linux-image-
 find /etc/ -type f|xargs grep -i linux-image-
 find /usr/ -type f|grep -i linux-image-
 find /etc/ -type f|grep -i linux-image-

 mais rien...
 Il faut regarder dans /var/lib/dpkg/status
 Niveau performance, tout est nikel, mais bon, ca prouve juste qu'il y a
 quelque chose de pas propre dans ma debian, enfin qui s'est mal fait en
 désinstallant ce noyau (je ne m'en rappelle plus trop depuis le temps).

 Que me conseillez-vous de faire?
 J'avais posé la même question ici il y a quelques temps (je dirais
 environ 2 ans, je n'ai pas retrouvé mon message), la discussion avait
 permis l'écriture d'un petit script, que j'ai mis en ligne sur mon
 blog :

Merci, c'est nikel avec ce script :-)

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StockGuru Blog: ECOtality (ETLY) - Just the Beginning of Tax Incentives -- Looking at Candidates and Their Positions

2007-09-09 Thread Stock Guru
Just the Beginning of Tax Incentives -- Looking at Candidates and Their 

ECOtality, Inc. (OTCBB: ETLY)

ECOtality stands to be the beneficiary of current directions which support 
research and development in alternative fuels and tax credits for the use of 
alternative fuels. It is important to understand current legislation in the 
U.S. Congress is probably not the end of incentives and tax credits for 
alternative energy. Each candidate has addressed this issue.

I think it's important to understand where ECOtality fits into the political 

Our next president will lead the way in future directives. Here's where the 
candidates stand -- alphabetically by party and candidate.


Each of the dozen major candidates for president has called for less dependence 
on foreign oil and more use of alternative fuels. The candidates differ on how 
to get there.


Joe Biden: Calls energy independence his first priority. Supports expanded 
use of alternative fuels. Pledges a substantial national commitment by 
dramatically increasing investment in energy and climate change research and 
technology so that the United States becomes the world leader in developing and 
exporting alternative energy.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Supports starting a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund 
to pay for the research and development of alternative energies. Oil companies 
could pay into the fund or invest in alternative energies. Favors eliminating 
oil industry tax breaks. Opposes drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Reserve 
and along the U.S. coast. However, backed increased drilling in the Gulf Coast 
to pay for Hurricane Katrina rebuilding.

Chris Dodd: Wants to cut 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, end 
dependence on Middle East oil by 2015. Would impose a corporate carbon tax that 
could raise $50 billion a year to pay for research into alternative energies. 
Would use tax incentives to encourage the purchase of hybrid vehicles. Wants 
all new government vehicles to be powered by an alternative energy source.

John Edwards: Would cut oil imports by a third by 2025. Favors a $13 
billion-a-year New Energy Economy Fund, paid for through the sale of greenhouse 
gas pollution permits and the repeal of oil company subsidies. Fund would 
support biofuels and help auto companies modernize so they could meet new 40 
mile-a-gallon fuel standards. Would require oil companies to install ethanol 
pumps at 25 percent of their gas stations and require all new cars sold after 
2010 to be flex fuel vehicles. Opposes oil
drilling along the U.S. coast.

Barack Obama: Supports tax credits for companies that install ethanol refueling 
pumps. Has legislation requiring oil companies that made $1 billion or more in 
profits during the first quarter of 2006 invest 1 percent of those profits in 
installing ethanol pumps. Supports offering auto companies federal help with 
their health- care costs in exchange for the production of more hybrid 
vehicles. Opposes drilling along the U.S. coast.

Bill Richardson: Has called for reducing oil demand by 50 percent by 2020. 
Backs the production of vehicles that could get 100 miles per gallon. Would 
double fuel-efficiency requirement to 50 miles a gallon by 2020. Would 
eliminate some oil company tax subsidies and sell greenhouse gas permits. 
Opposes drilling along the U.S. coast.


Sam Brownback: Wants North America to be energy self-reliant in 15 years. 
Favors increased domestic oil production, including drilling in Alaska's Arctic 
National Wildlife Refuge. Backs more oil imports from Canada and expanded use 
of alternative fuels. Supported a bill that would have allowed oil and gas 
drilling off the U.S. coast.

Rudy Giuliani: Opposes a tax on greenhouse gas emissions. Open to building more 
nuclear power plants. Supports more conservation and expanded use of 
alternative energy sources, especially ethanol. Backs more oil and gas 
exploration off the U.S. coast.

Mike Huckabee: Says the first thing he would do as president is present 
Congress with his plan to achieve energy independence. Pledges to have the 
country energy independent by the end of his second term. Calls for more 
exploration, more conservation and expanded use of alternative fuels.

Duncan Hunter: Supports authorizing the construction of new oil refineries. 
Backs use of clean coal programs. Would eliminate federal taxes on 
alternative energy sources. Supports tax breaks for oil and gas production. Has 
opposed raising fuel-efficiency standards. Would drill in the Arctic National 
Wildlife Reserve and off the U.S. coast.

John McCain: Backs expanded use of alternative energy sources. Opposes federal 
subsidies for all of those sources. Called for more use of nuclear energy and 
use of energy produced from cleaner coal. Would not answer directly a question 
regarding oil and gas drilling on the outer continental shelf, an area three to 

Re: Grub menu.lst perdue.

2007-09-09 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Mark a écrit :


Suite à un upgrade je suis passé au noyau:
Linux ServerDebian 2.6.21-2-686 #1 SMP Wed Jul 11 03:53:02 UTC 2007 
i686 GNU/Linux

et depuis je ne vois plus mon fichier /boot/grub/menu.lst !!!

Pire le répertoire /boot semble vide. !!!

very strange, je peut faire un cd /boot mais un ls -las donne rien!

un mount donne:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/boot# mount
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-root on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-home on /home type ext3 (rw)
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-tmp on /tmp type ext3 (rw)
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-usr on /usr type ext3 (rw)
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-var on /var type ext3 (rw)
binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc 

un df -h donne: (utilisation de LVM)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/boot# df -h
Sys. de fich. Tail. Occ. Disp. %Occ. Monté sur
  268M  222M   32M  88% /
tmpfs 316M 0  316M   0% /lib/init/rw
udev   10M   76K   10M   1% /dev
tmpfs 316M 0  316M   0% /dev/shm
  220G   30G  179G  15% /home
  380M   11M  350M   3% /tmp
  4,7G  3,4G  1,2G  75% /usr
  2,9G  434M  2,3G  16% /var

Je ne comprend pas ce qui peut se passer!
et pourtant elle tourne (pardon grub s'affiche bien au démarrage).

Notre ami commun n'est pas bavard sur le sujet (ou je m'y prend comme 
un manche, qui à dit oui ?).

Si qq à une idée !!!
PS en bootant avec un noyau 2.6.18 /boot/grub/menu.lst est normalement 

Heu autre info je suis sous lenny!!!
C'est que /boot doit être une partition à part et qu'elle n'est pas 
montée. ;-)


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Re: 2.6.21 pb spca5xx

2007-09-09 Thread Claude Bobey

J'imagine que spca5xx est le module pour une webcam. Ce module est utile 
jusqu'au noyau 2.6.11. Depuis c'est le module gspca qui est de mise et 
en plus dans le noyau directement donc :

# aptitude install gspca-modules-2.6.21-2-686 (dans ton cas)
et cela devrait aller. Plus d'info ici :

Marc a écrit :


Suite au passage sur un noyau 'uname-r' = 2.6.21-2-686, je ne peux 
plus installer spca5xx!!!

Je suis passée par: m-a update,prepare,a-i spca5xx
ou encore par ./config make make install mais toujours pas moyen.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/boot# modprobe spca5xx
FATAL: Module spca5xx not found.

je suis en leny, j'ai tenté un chmod 777 -R sur le répertoire spca5xx, 

Si qq à une idée je suis prenneur

Bonne fin de WE

fn:Claude Bobey
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problème avec le noyau 2.6.22

2007-09-09 Thread Sylvain Sauvage
Nicolas KOWALSKI, dimanche 9 septembre 2007, 12:04:42 CEST
 Quant aux systèmes de fichiers, en utilisant des labels, il n'y a plus
 rien à toucher:
 # file system mount point   type  options dump  pass
 LABEL=/   /   ext3
 noatime,nodiratime,barrier=1,commit=60  0 1
 LABEL=/home   /home   xfs noatime,nodiratime  0 2
 LABEL=swapnoneswapsw  0 0

  Pour info, les / dans les étiquettes peuvent poser des problèmes :
les partitions n’apparaissent plus dans /dev/disk/by-label.

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: Grub menu.lst perdue.

2007-09-09 Thread Daniel Caillibaud

Mark a écrit :


Suite à un upgrade je suis passé au noyau:
Linux ServerDebian 2.6.21-2-686 #1 SMP Wed Jul 11 03:53:02 UTC 2007 i686 

et depuis je ne vois plus mon fichier /boot/grub/menu.lst !!!

PS en bootant avec un noyau 2.6.18 /boot/grub/menu.lst est normalement 

Si tu as le choix du noyau au boot, c'est que grub voit bien son 
Si tu ne le vois plus après le boot, c'est (comme disait Daniel) probablement 
que /boot n'est pas monté.
Quand tu boot sur 2.6.18, que sort mount ?
Cela doit te donner des indications sur la partition de /boot qui ne serait pas montée en 2.6.21, essaie alors un 
montage manuel en 2.6.21 et donne le message d'erreur (qui doit être dans ton syslog ou dmesg).


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Feng Shui Tid-Bit #1

2007-09-09 Thread Gabrielle Alizay
Title: Untitled Document





  Feng Shui premise: Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science based on practical, proven 
theories. They work, regardless 
of your beliefs, religion, or values.
is recommended to breathe, relax, and have fun with this skill. You do not need to have a home that looks like 
a “Chinese Cure House” for Feng Shui to work. You can if that is what you naturally like, 
but all styles (French provincial, Minimalist, bad taste, and 
so on…) are all just as effective—when applied with intention.

Plan: Learn to trust the above ideas. No Fear Shui. Fun(g) Sway instead. 
For more of this relaxed learning, read my article:

Shui and Chocolate” at
through intention—Gabrielle Alizay

On-site and phone Feng Shui 
  Buy my book:

  Join the club:
  Enjoy good Karma: 

  2007 Gabrielle Alizay




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Unsubscription Complete

2007-09-09 Thread Stock Guru Unsubscribe
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Feng Shui Tid-Bit #1

2007-09-09 Thread Gabrielle Alizay
Title: Untitled Document





  Feng Shui premise: Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science based on practical, proven 
theories. They work, regardless 
of your beliefs, religion, or values.
is recommended to breathe, relax, and have fun with this skill. You do not need to have a home that looks like 
a “Chinese Cure House” for Feng Shui to work. You can if that is what you naturally like, 
but all styles (French provincial, Minimalist, bad taste, and 
so on…) are all just as effective—when applied with intention.

Plan: Learn to trust the above ideas. No Fear Shui. Fun(g) Sway instead. 
For more of this relaxed learning, read my article:

Shui and Chocolate” at
through intention—Gabrielle Alizay

On-site and phone Feng Shui 
  Buy my book:

  Join the club:
  Enjoy good Karma: 

  2007 Gabrielle Alizay




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2007-09-09 Thread Subscriber Services
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Re: Grub menu.lst perdue.

2007-09-09 Thread olinuxx

 Si tu as le choix du noyau au boot, c'est que grub voit bien son
 Si tu ne le vois plus après le boot, c'est (comme disait Daniel)
 probablement que /boot n'est pas monté.

Ou que tu as monté un répertoire vide par au-dessus de ton /boot


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2007-09-09 Thread Arkadiusz Krysiak
Dnia 6-09-2007 o godz. 21:08 Piotr Konieczny napisał(a):
 On Thu, 6 Sep 2007, Arkadiusz Krysiak wrote:
  Problem w tym że to konfigurowałem. niestety totalny olew jeśli chodzi o
  sygnał dzwonienia.
  Już z lekka zgłupłem.
  czy jest jakaś opcja wymuszająca by mgetty podniósł słuchawkę?
 -n - liczba dzwonków po ilu ma podnieść. Poza tym spróbuj zmusić
 go do pokazywania większej ilości informacji (-x). Modem jest na
 pewno sprawny? Ostatnio miałem taki problem jak modem się zawiesił i
 trzeba było go przestartować (modem zewnętrzny). Jeśli to wewnętrzny
 to zacząłym od restartu maszyny.
 Piotr Konieczny

Dzięki za info.

Walka jakiej nie widziałeś! KSW eliminacje, 
nie wszyscy przejdą cało! 
Zobacz na żywo we Wrocławiu już 15 września. 
Więcej -

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2007-09-09 Thread Damian Ryszka


	Mam zainstalowanego Debiana Etch. Compiza zainstalowałem z paczek,  
korzystam z KDE. Dręczą mnie 2 sprawy. Pierwsza jest taka, ze nie znam  
żadnej aplikacji, umożliwiającej konfiguraję Compiza w sensie graficznym,  
np. czy ma być obracający się cube, pływające okienka itp. Druga sprawa to  
wystartowanie KDE z już uruchomionym Compizem. Przez długi czas, miałem w  
~/.kde/Autostart głupi skrypt, który jedynie wywoływał compiz --replace.  
Efekt tego był taki, że po zalogowaniu się do systemu, widziałem jak  
włącza się Compiz. Wydaje mi się, że jest na to jakaś inna metoda..  
Przegooglowałem, przeczytałem, że opcją jest zapisanie sesji z już  
uruchomionym Compizem, jednak nie widze takiej opcji w kcontrol.

Dzięki za wszelkie sugestie.

Damian Ryszka

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Report: Worldwide Obesity Management, 2007-2015

2007-09-09 Thread MedMarket Diligence
Dear Colleague:
Based on your involvement with obesity, MedMarket Diligence would like to alert 
you to a forthcoming report (to be published by September 15, 2007) on the 
Worldwide Market for the Clinical Management of Obesity, 2007-2015.
This report is available for purchase with a pre-publication discount of $500 
off the regular price of $4,250, but I wanted to add another $250 discount for 
individuals such as yourself in the field of obesity.
You may order online or by order form (be certain to note discounts on the 
form).  The $500 discount expires when the report publishes, but the extra $250 
off will be available through September 30, 2007.  To get the extra $250 off, 
use the coupon code 1189270878 or bariatric07 on checkout from the online 
store or just note it on the PDF order form.
Below is a brief description of the report:
The MedMarket Diligence report on obesity, Worldwide Market for the Clinical 
Management of Obesity, 2007-2015, is a detailed market and technology 
assessment and forecast of the products and technologies in the clinical 
management of obesity. The report describes the current and projected patient 
population in obesity, detailing their incidence in the U.S., Europe, and Rest 
of World, and the clinical practices in obesity management encompassing 
surgical approaches, medical supervised severely restricted diets, drug 
therapies, OTC treatments, biopharmaceuticals, non-pharmacologic approaches and 
weight maintenance approaches. The report describes clinical trends in the 
management of the obese. The report details the products on the market and the 
status of those in development for bariatric surgery, drug therapy, gastric 
stimulation devices, brain stimulation devices, combination therapies and 
genetic therapy, and provides current and forecast of the market for these 
products in the U.S., Europe and Rest of World. The report profiles key 
companies in the market, detailing the current products, products in 
development, market position and overall businesses in obesity management.
The report is described in detail, with a complete table of contents and list 
of exhibits, here.
MedMarket Diligence provides tactical information and insight to the medical 
products, investment and other industries on the status and outlook for 
advanced medical technologies. The company publishes MedMarkets, a range of 
medical technology market and assessment  Reports and the new Medtech Startups 
Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.
Kind regards,
Patrick Driscoll
MedMarket Diligence, LLC
51 Fairfield
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 USA
(949) 859-3401
(949) 837-4558 fax
Toll-free (US): 1-866-820-1357

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[OT] Votar debian para Lenovo

2007-09-09 Thread ak

Para quien le interese...

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Re: ¿Alguien a usado mybashburn?

2007-09-09 Thread Marcos Delgado
El 8/09/07, mariodebian [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 El sáb, 08-09-2007 a las 10:21 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:
  El 8/09/07, Jonatan Fierro Sáez [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
Quizás no fui claro, uso el programa en debian lenny (versión de
pruebas). Como puedes ver en la descripción* de los programas que
mencionas, tanto cdrecord como mkisofs no son paquetes reales, son
enlaces simbólicos a los programas wodim y genisoimage
respectivamente, que fue lo que yo hice, poner enlaces simbólicos a
dichos programas.
   por que no intentas instalar los paquetes de la version estable (cdrecord 
   mkisofs), o si no descargar cdrtools de
  Porque no debería de hacer falta, si el programa esta en Debian,
  debería de usar los paquetes disponibles en Debian, es un paquete
  oficial. En la descripción del programa*
  no hace mención a los programas cdrecord ni mkisofs. Reitero, menciona
  a wodim y genisoimage. Pero cuando lo ejecutas aparece el error.

 Y, ¿qué tal si hablas con la persona responsable del paquete en Debian?

 Puedes mandarle un mail privado en nuestro idioma, además suele publicar
 bastante por el planeta Debian en español.



Gracias Mario, es lo que voy a hacer, pero antes quería verificar que
no fuera un caso aislado. Pero por los comentarios parece que nadie a
usado este programa.

Un cordial saludo.
Marcos Delgado.

Wengophone y Jabber

2007-09-09 Thread Alejandro Facultad
Hola, estoy usando un server Asterisk SIP para voip y un Jabberd2 para 
chateo todo en mi intranet. Luego de leer que el unico cliente de 
software libre que permite integrar las dos caracteristicas es el 
Wengophone 2.1.1, lo descargue a mis maquinas Debian Etch con apt-get d 
elos repositorios indicados para probar, dado que yo necesito que haya 
un solo cliente de voip+presencia+mensajeria instantanea.

Cuando pruebo hablar por voip/SIP entre mis clientes de la intranet anda 
bien, pero cuando intento comunicarme via Jabber (luego de crear una 
cuenta y agregar los demas contactos), me es imposible ver a los demas 
contactos ya que los veo siempre OFFLINE y nunca puedo chatear.

Si chateo via Jabber usando clientes como Psi o Gaim me anda barbaro.

Alguno sabe si hay algun truco para usar Jabber dentro de Wengophone ???

Muchas gracias


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KDM en testing y sid no me funciona, ¿como puedo solucionarlo?

2007-09-09 Thread ZorroPlateado
Cuando cierro una sesión gráfica de kde y tiene que volver a kdm 
resultar que 
no lo carga. Me imagino que esto con la actual versión de kdm le ocurrirá a 
mas gente, ¿alguien sabe que solucion tomar o esperar a que llueva una 
version con el problema solucionado desde sid?

Re: Problema con Amavis + Clam después de cada actualización.

2007-09-09 Thread Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática

Josue Marrero Bermúdez escreveu:

Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática wrote:

Actualicé hoy Clamav en una PC con Debian Etch. Después de reiniciar 
el servicio (clamav-daemon) empezaron los siguientes mensajes:

Sep  7 15:17:25 mordred amavis[23431]: (23431-01) (!!) WARN: all 
primary virus scanners failed, considering backups
Sep  7 15:17:25 mordred amavis[23430]: (23430-01) (!!) ClamAV-clamd 
av-scanner FAILED: Too many retries to talk to 
/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl (Can't connect to UNIX socket 
/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl: No existe el fichero o el directorio) at 
(eval 44) line 268.

Lo que dice el mensaje ya lo entiendo, pero lo que no entiendo es 
porque no se crea el archivo clamd.ctl. Traté de reiniciar Clamav y 
Amavisd-new y siguen saliendo los errores.

Alguna sugestión?


Te falta instalar clamav-daemonque es que crea ese fichero que 
faltaa mi me pasaba lo mismo y con eso resolví..

Espero te sirva de ayuda

Gracias por la sugerencia, pero según dpkg (y me memoria, jeje), está 
instalado clamav-daemon:

clamav  install
clamav-base install
clamav-daemon   install

Además existe el demonio que lo ejecuta (/etc/init.d/clamav-daemon).

Enfin, sigo tratanto de resolver el problema. Lo que veo (y según 
dijeron también en otro mensaje en este hilo) es que el archivo 
clamd.ctl lleva tiempo a ser creado y a veces se tranca y no se crea 
el archivo.

A seguir buscando una solución...


Miguel Da Silva
Administrador de Red
Centro de Matemática -
Facultad de Ciencias -
Universidad de la República -

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: förslag på kompatibel färglaser?

2007-09-09 Thread Tore Ericsson
fredag 7 september 2007 19:04 skrev Björn Johansson:
 Per Eric Rosén wrote:
  Behöver en färglaser som fungerar bra med Debian (viss fokus på att
  kunna skriva ut foto lokalt och från andra burkar) och finns på den
  svenska markanden. Gärna en modell som har hyfsat inköpspris (= 4000
  kr) och hyfsad drifsekonomi. Den ska användas från en Windowsburk
  också, antingen via samba (som nuvarande laserjet 5L) eller
  nätverksskrivare. Finns det?
  Svar till listan eller privat tages tacksamt emot :-)
  vänliga hälsningar
  /Per Eric
  ^): Per Eric Rosén
  /   [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG 7A7A BD68 ADC0 01E1 F560 79FD 33D1 1EC3 1EBB 7311

 Vad sägs om HP Color LaserJet 2605?
 Inköpspriset ligger på 2868 kr inkl. moms.
 ( )

 Driftskostnader när man kollar på kostnader för patroner så ligger
 dom på  695 kr/st.

 Den ska fungera till Debian!

 /Björn, Debian användare

 Hårdvara: Powerbook G3, 333mhz, 320MB RAM och 40GB hårddisk m. 8MB cache
 Operativsystem: Debian Etch

En sats färgpatroner ser ut att kosta 1.25(3x656 + 556) = 3155 kr -- är det 
inte egentligen en 'engångsskrivare' -- köp en ny när färgen tar slut!?

Re: förslag på kompatibel färglaser?

2007-09-09 Thread Björn Johansson

Tore Ericsson wrote:

fredag 7 september 2007 19:04 skrev Björn Johansson:

Per Eric Rosén wrote:


Behöver en färglaser som fungerar bra med Debian (viss fokus på att
kunna skriva ut foto lokalt och från andra burkar) och finns på den
svenska markanden. Gärna en modell som har hyfsat inköpspris (= 4000
kr) och hyfsad drifsekonomi. Den ska användas från en Windowsburk
också, antingen via samba (som nuvarande laserjet 5L) eller
nätverksskrivare. Finns det?

Svar till listan eller privat tages tacksamt emot :-)

vänliga hälsningar
/Per Eric
^): Per Eric Rosén
/   [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG 7A7A BD68 ADC0 01E1 F560 79FD 33D1 1EC3 1EBB 7311

Vad sägs om HP Color LaserJet 2605?
Inköpspriset ligger på 2868 kr inkl. moms.
( )

Driftskostnader när man kollar på kostnader för patroner så ligger
dom på  695 kr/st.

Den ska fungera till Debian!

/Björn, Debian användare

Hårdvara: Powerbook G3, 333mhz, 320MB RAM och 40GB hårddisk m. 8MB cache
Operativsystem: Debian Etch

En sats färgpatroner ser ut att kosta 1.25(3x656 + 556) = 3155 kr -- är det 
inte egentligen en 'engångsskrivare' -- köp en ny när färgen tar slut!?


Hmm... antar att det finns billigare alternativ på marknaden idag, kanske?
Men såg att det fungerade till Debian, så det var därför jag
rekommenderade den.

Vill man satsa på en färglaser och samtidigt vara ekonomisk så tror jag 
att det inte är så lätt, men det finns givetivis andra fabrikat på 
marknaden. Dustin och Komplett är 2 leverantörer som jag själv brukar 
kolla på mycket på.


bokföring i Debian?

2007-09-09 Thread Samuel Blomqvist
Hash: SHA1


Någon som har förslag på ett lättanvänt bokföringsprogram som fungerar i

Helst billigt...

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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A Museum of Tropical Treasures

2007-09-09 Thread Orchid Garden Eco-Village

Orchid Garden Eco-Village
14.5 Mile, Western Highway
Belize, Belize 225

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Configuração placa wireless Intel3945 em notebook

2007-09-09 Thread Helder Lima

Instalei o debian 4.0 em meu notebook D520 dell( Core duo, 512 MB RAM, 60 GB 
HD), porém não consegui fazer a placa wireless funcionar, já tentei os 
seguintes comandos, mas não houve sucesso.

#aptitude install ipw3945d ipw3945-source module-assistant 
ipw3945-modules-'uname -r'

#m-a prepare

#m-a a-i ipw3945

#modprobe ipw3945

Porém no boot aparece o erro

ipw3945: ipw3945.ucode load failed: Reason -2
ipw3945: Could not read microcode: -2
ipw3945: probe of :0c:00.0 failed with error -2

Quando executo um /etc/init.d/ipw3945d start, surge a mensagem seguinte:
* Not starting ipw3945 regulatory daemon, driver not loaded.

Como faço para o debian reconhecer a minha placa e configura-la adequadamente?

  Flickr agora em português. Você clica, todo mundo vê.

Re: Configuração placa wireless Intel3945 em notebook

2007-09-09 Thread Guilherme Rocha
Em 09/09/07, Helder Lima[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Instalei o debian 4.0 em meu notebook D520 dell( Core duo, 512 MB RAM, 60 GB
 HD), porém não consegui fazer a placa wireless funcionar, já tentei os
 seguintes comandos, mas não houve sucesso.

 #aptitude install ipw3945d ipw3945-source module-assistant
 ipw3945-modules-'uname -r'

 #m-a prepare

 #m-a a-i ipw3945

 #modprobe ipw3945

 Porém no boot aparece o erro

 ipw3945: ipw3945.ucode load failed: Reason -2
 ipw3945: Could not read microcode: -2
 ipw3945: probe of :0c:00.0 failed with error -2

 Quando executo um /etc/init.d/ipw3945d start, surge a mensagem seguinte:
 * Not starting ipw3945 regulatory daemon, driver not loaded.

 Como faço para o debian reconhecer a minha placa e configura-la

Olá Helder,

eu tenho uma placa igual a sua, e está rodando bem.

Me parece que vc está quase lá, acho que falta vc instalar o firmware adequado

i   firmware-ipw3945  - Binary firmware for Intel Wireless 3945

e subir o modulo ipw3945, com:  #insmod ipw3945

para a minha funcionar legal eu apenas instalei os pacotes
ipw3945-source, ipw3945d ipw3945-source, ipw3945-modules-'uname -r'
e  firmware-ipw3945.  SEM o Module-assistant...

depois disso subi o módulo como descrito acima e subi o daemon ipw3945d .

Em seguida ativei a placa no notebook (aqui é através de Fn+F2)

e pimba!!!  já era.


Guilherme Rocha
Mobile 55 71 92133568
Keep on hackin' in the free world!

Re: erro na clonagem de DVD pelo k3b e pelo mkisofs

2007-09-09 Thread Eduardo Gurgel
Talvez possa ser um problema no sistema de arquivos.

Em 08/09/07, Anderson Roberto Grella [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Olá, pessoal!

 Fui clonar um DVD já prontinho pelo k3b e quando ele estava quase
 terminando de gravar a imagem no HD, fechou de repente. Fiquei sem saber
 o que houve. Percebi que o tamanho da imagem não era compatível com o
 que eu tinha no DVD. Então, fui fazer a imagem diretamente pelo mkisofs
 para ver o que acontecia. Ao chegar num tamanho de arquivo que agora não
 me lembro corretamente qual era (por volta de 3,2 GB, eu acho), recebi a
 mensagem de que excedeu o tamanho limite de arquivo. O espaço livre que
 eu tinha de HD nesse diretório temporário que eu estava gravando a
 imagem era maior que 5 GB.

 Isso tem solução? Alguém me dá uma dica? Estou usando o Debian Sarge.

 Anderson Roberto Grella

 Linux Registered User #152832
 Debian GNU/Linux User

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Eduardo Gurgel Pinho
(PET - Computação - UFC)

Linux User #415930 / Gentoo

Fwd: Configuração placa wireless Intel3945 em notebook

2007-09-09 Thread Guilherme Rocha
repassando, pra ficar no histórico...

-- Forwarded message --
From: Helder Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 09/09/2007 18:52
Subject: Res: Configuração placa wireless Intel3945 em notebook
To: Guilherme Rocha [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Muito grato! Guilherme

Foi só instalar o firmware e funcionou, após o modprobe e um reboot no notebook.

- Mensagem original 
De: Guilherme Rocha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviadas: Domingo, 9 de Setembro de 2007 18:23:44
Assunto: Re: Configuração placa wireless Intel3945 em notebook

Em 09/09/07, Helder Lima[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Instalei o debian 4.0 em meu notebook D520 dell( Core duo, 512 MB RAM, 60 GB
 HD), porém não consegui fazer a placa wireless funcionar, já tentei os
 seguintes comandos, mas não houve sucesso.

 #aptitude install ipw3945d ipw3945-source module-assistant
 ipw3945-modules-'uname -r'

 #m-a prepare

 #m-a a-i ipw3945

 #modprobe ipw3945

 Porém no boot aparece o erro

 ipw3945: ipw3945.ucode load failed: Reason -2
 ipw3945: Could not read microcode: -2
 ipw3945: probe of :0c:00.0 failed with error -2

 Quando executo um /etc/init.d/ipw3945d start, surge a mensagem seguinte:
 * Not starting ipw3945 regulatory daemon, driver not loaded.

 Como faço para o debian reconhecer a minha placa e configura-la

Olá Helder,

eu tenho uma placa igual a sua, e está rodando bem.

Me parece que vc está quase lá, acho que falta vc instalar o firmware adequado

i   firmware-ipw3945  - Binary firmware for Intel Wireless 3945

e subir o modulo ipw3945, com:  #insmod ipw3945

para a minha funcionar legal eu apenas instalei os pacotes
ipw3945-source, ipw3945d ipw3945-source, ipw3945-modules-'uname -r'
e  firmware-ipw3945.  SEM o Module-assistant...

depois disso subi o módulo como descrito acima e subi o daemon ipw3945d .

Em seguida ativei a placa no notebook (aqui é através de Fn+F2)

e pimba!!!  já era.


Guilherme Rocha
Mobile 55 71 92133568
Keep on hackin' in the free world!

 Flickr agora em português. Você clica, todo mundo vê. Saiba mais.

Guilherme Rocha
Mobile 55 71 92133568
Keep on hackin' in the free world!

evolution desconectado

2007-09-09 Thread Leandro de Araujo Julio
Pessoal minha duvida é a seguinte, uso o evolution e quando inicio ele
usando a conexão wireless ele inicia no modo de desconectado, mas quando
uso a conexão por cabo ele inicia normalmente, ou seja conectado, queria
saber porque isso acontece e se tem como fazer ele começar conectado de
qualquer maneira que esteja a minha conexão.

In a World without Walls and Fences, who need Windows and Gates? -
Think different. -Think Linux.

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Re: mysql5.0 dan önceki versiyonlar

2007-09-09 Thread digital design
mrb Arkadaşlar,

üşenmeden netten Debian Etch (amd64) 21 CD sini de indirdim. Kurulum
yaparken benden ilk CD haricinde başka CD istemedi. Paket yöneticisi ile
program eklerken ise netten yükleme yapıyor. şu CDleri nasıl kullanabilirim.
Tekrar netten yükleme yapmasını istemiyorum.. Kurulumların CDden yapılması
için neler yapabilirim..

Yardımlarınız için teşekkürler,


The current status of tetex - texlive transition?

2007-09-09 Thread Wei Chen
Hash: SHA1


I am running up-to-date Etch on my desktop. I would like to upgrade to
Lenny recently.

I wonder the current status of tetex - texlive transition. Is there
going to be any known problem during the upgrade? Do I need to purge
some related packages in advance? Thank you.

$ aptitude search ~i~ntetex
i A tetex-base   - Basic TeX input files of teTeX
i A tetex-bin- The teTeX programs
i A tetex-doc- The documentation component of the
i   tetex-extra  - Additional TeX input files of teTeX

- --

Wei Chen
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: text consoles 8-12 and german umlauts

2007-09-09 Thread Robert Epprecht
Mumia, thanks a lot for taking your time.

Mumia W.. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 09/08/2007 10:49 AM, Robert Epprecht wrote:
 Mumia W.. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I don't know exactly the function of APP_CHARSET_MAP in
 /etc/console-tools/config, but you could try setting it for the
 VC's in questions, e.g.


 Iso05 may be wrong for your system. Use what you think is most appropriate.

 Where can I find out what other possibilities I have, and what they mean?

 dpkg -L console-tools | grep man

That's quite a lot to study, and not so easy to understand.
I'm not through yet...

 What could be appropriate on ordinary PC hardware for english and
 german? How could I find out what consoles 1-6 use (which seems

 Try iso01 through iso06.

Noone of them gave me german umlauts on consoles 8 through 12 (like I
do have them on console 1 through 6).

 BTW: I have no idea which program uses /etc/console-tools/config and
 where it is called in the boot process and under which name.

 It looks like it's /etc/rcS.d/

Yes I had seen this one, but I thought it would only be called in
single user mode. There is no such link in the other /etc/rcS.n
directories. Probably I do not understand that right.

 It might also be a good idea to do dpkg-reconfigure locales; that
 might set up your consoles for your default locale.

Tried that, no change.

 How do you attempt to enter German umlauts? How would you enter ö at
 the console?

I press the key right of 'l' which gives me 'ö' on consoles 1 through 6
but garbage on 8-12.

Robert Epprecht

Re: need deb package help

2007-09-09 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 03:37:50AM -, PhxVyper wrote:

 What I need to know is how do I take a deb package libapache2-mod-php5
 that I have installed and get it to work with php5-mcrypt?  The PHP
 site says that PHP has to be installed with the --with-mcrypt in order
 to get it to work, but if that is the case, why would there be a
 separate php5-mcrypt package that can be installed?

Upstream (the PHP site) always talks about compiling stuff, because this 
is the only way that should work on any platform. If you want to do it 
The Debian Way (tm) (which I strongly recommend) then you probably need 
to do some configuration change. Debian specific stuff can always be 
found in /usr/share/doc/packagename/README.Debian

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: read/write compressed fs

2007-09-09 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 09/09/07 00:36, Alex Samad wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 08:34:54PM -0500, Mumia W.. wrote:
 On 09/08/2007 06:53 PM, Alex Samad wrote:
 I have a separate lvm for my /usr/share/doc, I would like to have this on 
 a compressed fs, just recently loaded libgcj-doc which took up ~500Mb for 
 a 45M deb file mainly text files.
 is there a debian way of doing that ?
 Although it relates to encryption, some of the ideas in this document may 
 help you with your disk compression quest. Install doc-linux-nonfree-text 
 from Sarge and read /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/Disk-Encryption-HOWTO.gz
 Interesting read and at first I thought this might be a solution, but does 
 encryption also mean compression ?

What?  Don't you want to encrypt all your Java docs?  Secret
stuff!!!  The DHS might break your door down and take your computer.

Seriously, though: Google has some info on a compressed FUSE.  That
may help you.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
Hit him with a fish, and he goes away for good!

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: how to compile a xen dom0 kernel the debian way

2007-09-09 Thread Andy Smith
Hi Jonas,

On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 04:33:43AM +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
 i would like to give xen a try, but i didn't manage to compile a dom0
 host kernel yet.

Do you need to?  What is wrong with Debian's xen kernels?

 that's because i would like to use a recent linux kernel (2.6.20 at
 least), build it the debian way (with make-kpkg), and as well build
 some external modules (nvidia-legacy-96xx, ivtv) with module-assistent
 for it.

You can't use a kernel, as the xen feature is a patch
developed external to the mainline kernel.

You can use the normal Debian kernel source and compile like you
would normally, making sure to select the xen patch.

This will result in a kernel you can use with module-assistant.  But
you can use module-assistant with the stock debian xen kernel so I
am not clear as tp why you need to do this.

 so how do you compile a xen dom0 host-kernel? is it possible with recent 
 kernel sources, and where do i find the corresponding xen patches?

They come with Debian's kernel source.


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Where to find missing documentation

2007-09-09 Thread Raj Kiran Grandhi


Is there any way to get most of the documentation that has been removed from 
the debian repositories? I can always get the documentation manually from the 
respective project sites, but then, I would be losing the functionality of 
'apt' and manually updating and maintaining the documentation is a major pain. 
Is there an easy way to do this?


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Re: text consoles 8-12 and german umlauts

2007-09-09 Thread Robert Epprecht
Robert Epprecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Mumia W.. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 BTW: I have no idea which program uses /etc/console-tools/config and
 where it is called in the boot process and under which name.

 It looks like it's /etc/rcS.d/

 Yes I had seen this one, but I thought it would only be called in
 single user mode. There is no such link in the other /etc/rcS.n
 directories. ^^

Sorry, I meant rc1.d rc2.d rc3.d rc4.d rc5.d rc6.d

Still searching...
Robert Epprecht

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Re: text consoles 8-12 and german umlauts

2007-09-09 Thread Robert Epprecht
Robert Epprecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 BTW: I have no idea which program uses /etc/console-tools/config and
 where it is called in the boot process and under which name.

 It looks like it's /etc/rcS.d/

 I thought it would only be called in single user mode.

Before somebody takes his time to explain my error:
'man init'  showed me that my assumption was wrong: /etc/rcS.d/ skripts
are called at boot time (not for single user mode).

Sorry for the noise!
Robert Epprecht

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Re: Where to find missing documentation

2007-09-09 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 01:13:30PM +0530, Raj Kiran Grandhi wrote:

 Is there any way to get most of the documentation that has been removed 
 from the debian repositories? I can always get the documentation manually 
 from the respective project sites, but then, I would be losing the 
 functionality of 'apt' and manually updating and maintaining the 
 documentation is a major pain. Is there an easy way to do this?

I think many docs have been moved to non-free, though you are not
being clear about which documentation.

For example, the ConTeXt typesetting package has it's doc in
context-doc-nonfree, which is in pool/non-free/c/context-doc-nonfree/

So, you might want to add non-free to your sources.list, if you
already haven't done so.

Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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Re: Where to find missing documentation

2007-09-09 Thread Raj Kiran Grandhi

I think many docs have been moved to non-free, though you are not
being clear about which documentation.

For example, the ConTeXt typesetting package has it's doc in
context-doc-nonfree, which is in pool/non-free/c/context-doc-nonfree/

So, you might want to add non-free to your sources.list, if you
already haven't done so.


Some of the documentation has indeed been moved to 'nonfree', like gcc, tetex 
and phpdoc, and I had no trouble installing those.

But many manpages refer to the complete documentation, but 'info command' 
gives me the manual page itself. Examples are bash, cp, mv, etc. I have been so used 
to firing up the info documentation of bash and feel crippled trying to navigate it 

Then there are packages like mysql where the documentation is not present even 
in the nonfree section. After being used to apt-getting for the past four years 
since I converted to debian, it is a bit frustrating to have to do things 
manually. I hope most of the documentation makes it atleast into the 'non-free' 
section so that maintaining current versions of the documentation is taken care 

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Re: The current status of tetex - texlive transition?

2007-09-09 Thread Russell L. Harris
* Wei Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [070909 01:14]:
 Hash: SHA1
 I am running up-to-date Etch on my desktop. I would like to upgrade to
 Lenny recently.
 I wonder the current status of tetex - texlive transition. Is there
 going to be any known problem during the upgrade? Do I need to purge
 some related packages in advance? Thank you.
 $ aptitude search ~i~ntetex
 i A tetex-base   - Basic TeX input files of teTeX
 i A tetex-bin- The teTeX programs
 i A tetex-doc- The documentation component of the
 i   tetex-extra  - Additional TeX input files of teTeX
 - --
 Wei Chen

I am no expert, but I do make extensive use of texlive daily.

This matter has been discussed on this list over the past several
months (see the list archives).  Some have had problems upgrading from
tetex to texlive; others have upgraded without difficulty.

The approach which I took -- which appears to provide the best
guarantee against problems -- is not to upgrade, but simply to
completely uninstall tetex (that is, not only uninstall, but also
purge the tetex configuration files), and then install texlive.

As to the tetex - texlive transition, there appear to be a few
packages which run under tetex but not texlive.  I personally have not
encountered such packages.  However, the fact of the matter is that
tetex no longer is supported, so eventually packages which once worked
under tetex are going to quit working under tetex.

Otherwise, once texlive is installed, it appears to me to work exactly
as did tetex.  I have no complaints.  


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Re: Loading and blacklisting modules

2007-09-09 Thread Davide Mancusi

Andrei Popescu ha scritto:

The pcspkr module needs this:

install pcspkr /bin/true


That didn't help. However, adding a blacklist=floppy option to kernel 
boot did the trick. I think floppy is included in the initrd image and 
is loaded by the kernel in the early phases of boot; I also suspect this 
happens because I let the Debian installer load floppy when I set up 
my system.

Thank you for the help.


A tautology is a thing which is tautological.
Time flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like a banana.

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Re: Where to find missing documentation

2007-09-09 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 02:01:55PM +0530, Raj Kiran Grandhi wrote:
 But many manpages refer to the complete documentation, but 'info command' 
 gives me the manual page itself. Examples are bash, cp, mv, etc. I have 
 been so used to firing up the info documentation of bash and feel crippled 
 trying to navigate it manpage.

Something tells me that info coreutils might be what you are looking
for, at least for mv, rm etc. Is this so?

At least for bash, note that bash-doc has a dfsg extension in the
source version. So, I am sure the non-free parts have been
removed. But the description of bash-doc clearly says info format,
which is incorrect.

See the bugs for bash-doc. They require addressing, but haven't been
addressed in a long time.;dist=unstable

 Then there are packages like mysql where the documentation is not present 
 even in the nonfree section. After being used to apt-getting for the past 
 four years since I converted to debian, it is a bit frustrating to have to 
 do things manually. I hope most of the documentation makes it atleast into 
 the 'non-free' section so that maintaining current versions of the 
 documentation is taken care of.

I agree with this. If not for MySQL (I don't use it), at least for
bash, please provide the info files in non-free.


Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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als root kein KDE-Programm startbar

2007-09-09 Thread Matthias Meyer

In einem Terminal in KDE kann ich zwar mit su root werden, aber ich kann
keine KDE-Programme starten. Beispiel:

PlayMobil:# kwrite
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

kwrite: cannot connect to X server :0

Es ist auch nicht möglich sich als root in KDE anzumelden (was ich auch
nicht brauche, wenn su funktioniert)

Wo muss ich was einstellen?

Don't panic

Re: what is /command directory?

2007-09-09 Thread Chris Bannister
[ Sorry this is a late posting, haven't been reading much mail lately, 
but ... 

I noticed I had the same /command directory, ... so

dpkg -S /command
(pulled in by 'djbdns-installer')

a 'dpkg --purge daemontools' got rid of the '/command /service and
/package' directories.

[ nothing new below ] 

On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 11:27:26AM +0100, Richard Lyons wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 05:58:13AM -0400, Mark Neidorff wrote:
  On Saturday 25 August 2007 07:52 pm, Richard Lyons wrote:
   I just noticed with a sinking feeling that my root partition is 96% full.
   I do wish I hadn't let the installer use LVM and choose its own sizes.
   Now I am stuck trying to work round its choices.  I also notice a number
   of directories I've never heard of before under root:
  command, package, service
   'service' contains a symlink to /etc/tinydns, left over from an attempt
   to install tinydns, I assume.  Is it likely the others also belong to
   tinydns, because if so I can delete them as it didn't run anyway.
  On my system, /service and /command are each 4k since they only contain 
  links.  /package is 1.8M. 
  Check yours from a terminal (as root) with:
  #du -h /command
  #du -h /service
  #du -h /package
  These directories belong to the DJB series of packages, so if you are not 
  using tinydns, you can remove them, but you will be saving very little 
 Thanks Mark.  I have now removed them -- and a stack of symlinks to them
 in /usr/bin /usr/local/bin and so on.  And then I remembered I had to
 purge package djbinstaller as well!  Pity it never worked though --
 people who use tinydns speak well of it.
 No, you are right, it saves little space, but it does tidy things up and
 remove some non FHS directories.

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Re: als root kein KDE-Programm startbar

2007-09-09 Thread Davide Mancusi

Matthias Meyer ha scritto:


In einem Terminal in KDE kann ich zwar mit su root werden, aber ich kann
keine KDE-Programme starten. Beispiel:

PlayMobil:# kwrite
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

kwrite: cannot connect to X server :0

Es ist auch nicht möglich sich als root in KDE anzumelden (was ich auch
nicht brauche, wenn su funktioniert)

Wo muss ich was einstellen?


If I understand you correctly, your problem is that root is not 
authorised to connect to the X server. The way I work around this (which 
might be not the best one) is to create a symlink to 
/home/davide/.Xauthority in /root/ (of course, change /home/davide/ to 
the path of your home folder), because my machine is single-user; more 
complicated situations might require the use of xauth. See man xauth and 
man Xsecurity.

By the way, this is an English list :-)


A tautology is a thing which is tautological.
Time flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like a banana.

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HAL Problem - nautilus does not display Devices/Partitions correctly

2007-09-09 Thread Bernd Aufrecht

i have recently installed HAL and the gnome-volume-manager on unstable
Now when i open nautilus it seems that HAL mounts some additional
Partitions that are not in my fstab, for example a 93,1 GB-Volume
which i have created but not used yet.

Nautilus looks like this:

93,1 GB-Volume
/mnt/stuff (139,2 GB)

When i restart dbus with:

/etc/init.d/dbus restart
Stopping Hardware abstraction layer: hald.
Stopping System Tools Backends: system-tools-backends.
Stopping system message bus: dbus.
Starting system message bus: dbus.
Starting System Tools Backends: system-tools-backends.
Starting Hardware abstraction layer: hald.

the 93,1 GB-Volume is gone and the stuff Partiton is only displayed
by name. The DVD/DVD-RW Drives are also now under their correct mountpoints.


I though before i report this a bug i make sure that this is not a
faulty configuration on my side.

Here are corresponding lines of my /etc/fstab
/dev/hda  /mnt/dvdrw  iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0  0
/dev/hdb  /mnt/dvdiso9660 ro,user,noauto  0  0
/dev/sda7 /mnt/stuff  xfs rw,user 0  0

If you need more information please let me know.


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Loading and blacklisting modules

2007-09-09 Thread pinniped

That didn't help. However, adding a blacklist=floppy
option to kernel boot did the trick. I think floppy is
included in the initrd image and is loaded by the kernel
in the early phases of boot; I also suspect this happens
because I let the Debian installer load floppy when I
set up my system.

That is (somewhat) correct; the scripts which create the initrd image will 
normally (in the default install) put all framebuffer, acpi, filesystem, and 
hard disk drivers into the image.  Have a look in 
/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf to get some idea what goes on. I had 
problems a few months ago when I changed my kernel and discovered that the 
scripts included (but didn't load) the 'md' driver.

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Re: als root kein KDE-Programm startbar

2007-09-09 Thread Simon Brandmair

On Sun, 09 Sep 2007 12:40:05 +0200 Matthias Meyer wrote:
 In einem Terminal in KDE kann ich zwar mit su root werden, aber ich kann
 keine KDE-Programme starten. Beispiel:

Das ist eine englischsprachige Liste, postet das nochmal nach


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Re: Loading and blacklisting modules

2007-09-09 Thread Davide Mancusi

pinniped ha scritto:

That is (somewhat) correct; the scripts which create the initrd image
will normally (in the default install) put all framebuffer, acpi,
filesystem, and hard disk drivers into the image.  Have a look in
/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf to get some idea what goes on.

I did, but the only way I found to control modules included in the 
initrd is the MODULES option in initramfs.conf (presently set to 
MODULES=most). I can't see any way to exclude floppy (I could specify 
a list, of course, but how do I know what modules are included by most?).

I wonder what you get in initramfs.conf if you do not select to load 
floppy when installing. Does it get loaded anyway?


A tautology is a thing which is tautological.
Time flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like a banana.

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etch - how to relax security of xconsole and Xnest

2007-09-09 Thread Martin Waller


When I try and run 'xconsole' as a normal user, I get the error message 
Couldn't open console'.

When I try to use Xnest to get a root x login (gdm), I get the error 
message 'System administrator is not allowed to login to this screen'.

I understand the need for secuity, but would like to be able  see 
xconsole as a normal user and Xnest into  localhost as root occasionally.

I did man xconsole - nothing relevant came up; also man console_ioctls - 
nothing relevant came up.

I have also reduced my x security so that root can remotely login via 
gdm from other machines on the local net - specifically via xdmcp from 
either Exceed, XWin32 or even Xnest from cygwin on a windoze box.

Trouble is Xnest on the lcoalhost can't...

Can anyone help with these two niggling problems?



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Re: how to compile a xen dom0 kernel the debian way

2007-09-09 Thread Jonas Meurer
On 09/09/2007 Andy Smith wrote:
 Hi Jonas,

Hey Andi,

  i would like to give xen a try, but i didn't manage to compile a dom0
  host kernel yet.
 Do you need to?  What is wrong with Debian's xen kernels?

I don't think that there's anything wrong with debian's default kernels,
but I always use a selfcompiled kernel, and I'dd like to learn howto
compile a xen dom0 kernel as well.

Additionally it seems like current debian/unstable has no precompiled
xen dom0 linux-images, at least for amd64 (x86_64):

# apt-cache search linux-image | grep xen

  that's because i would like to use a recent linux kernel (2.6.20 at
  least), build it the debian way (with make-kpkg), and as well build
  some external modules (nvidia-legacy-96xx, ivtv) with module-assistent
  for it.
 You can't use a kernel, as the xen feature is a patch
 developed external to the mainline kernel.

That's clear, but I could use a kernel and patch it with the
corresponding xen patch, right?

 You can use the normal Debian kernel source and compile like you
 would normally, making sure to select the xen patch.

Unfortunately, this simply doesn't work. If I run 'make menuconfig' in
debians linux-source-2.6.22 sources, I don't get any xen options in
the submenu 'processor-type and features'.

  so how do you compile a xen dom0 host-kernel? is it possible with recent 
  kernel sources, and where do i find the corresponding xen patches?
 They come with Debian's kernel source.

Then maybe they come only for i386? As already written, on my amd64
system, I cannot find any xen options in debians linux-source-2.6.22.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Always falling to grub prompt

2007-09-09 Thread Mumia W..

On 09/08/2007 11:40 PM, Victor Munoz wrote:

Well, it was not me anyway :-). grub decided it was time to get 
confused last week, after months of normal operation.


Hello Victor. I would try reinstalling the failing kernels; if you do 
this, copy the kernel .deb files out of /var/cache/apt/archives first, 
because those kernels are probably no longer available on the Debian 

I *might* also try reinstalling Grub using grub-install yada yada. 
However, if you install to the MBR, you must be sure that Grub will be 
able to boot Windows. Have bootdisks for both Windows and Linux handy.

I think it's safer to let Windows have the MBR, and configure NTLOADER 
to chain-load a Linux partition.

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Re: text consoles 8-12 and german umlauts

2007-09-09 Thread Mumia W..

On 09/09/2007 01:33 AM, Robert Epprecht wrote:

Mumia, thanks a lot for taking your time.

Mumia W.. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On 09/08/2007 10:49 AM, Robert Epprecht wrote:

Mumia W.. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I don't know exactly the function of APP_CHARSET_MAP in
/etc/console-tools/config, but you could try setting it for the
VC's in questions, e.g.


Iso05 may be wrong for your system. Use what you think is most appropriate.

Where can I find out what other possibilities I have, and what they mean?

dpkg -L console-tools | grep man

That's quite a lot to study, and not so easy to understand.
I'm not through yet...

Man 4 console looks like a good starting point. However, the values 
for APP_CHARSET_MAP don't seem to be documented in the console-tools 

What could be appropriate on ordinary PC hardware for english and
german? How could I find out what consoles 1-6 use (which seems

Try iso01 through iso06.

Noone of them gave me german umlauts on consoles 8 through 12 (like I
do have them on console 1 through 6).

BTW: I have no idea which program uses /etc/console-tools/config and
where it is called in the boot process and under which name.

It looks like it's /etc/rcS.d/

Yes I had seen this one, but I thought it would only be called in
single user mode. There is no such link in the other /etc/rcS.n
directories. Probably I do not understand that right.

S is the startup runlevel; when the machine boots, it starts in S 
before going to the destination runlevel, e.g. 2.

It might also be a good idea to do dpkg-reconfigure locales; that
might set up your consoles for your default locale.

Tried that, no change.

How do you attempt to enter German umlauts? How would you enter ö at
the console?

I press the key right of 'l' which gives me 'ö' on consoles 1 through 6
but garbage on 8-12.

Robert Epprecht

I don't think I have too many more ideas--except to try random values 
for iso## and hope that the machine doesn't crash.

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Re: Asus P5k SE Debian Etch

2007-09-09 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 12:47:40AM +0200, Richard Riley wrote:
 Unfortunately that is not really an option as I don't have another SATA
 system or access to any Debian using freinds and colleagues.

I forget: is the problem that you can't get debian installed or that
once installed it can't see the DVD?

If its just inability to get it installed, try using a USB stick per the
installation manual with hd-media.  Once installed, if there's a kernel
module available, you should be able to access the DVD.


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Re: The current status of tetex - texlive transition?

2007-09-09 Thread Wei Chen
Hash: SHA1

Russell L. Harris wrote:
 * Wei Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [070909 01:14]:
 Hash: SHA1


 I am running up-to-date Etch on my desktop. I would like to upgrade to
 Lenny recently.

 I wonder the current status of tetex - texlive transition. Is there
 going to be any known problem during the upgrade? Do I need to purge
 some related packages in advance? Thank you.

 $ aptitude search ~i~ntetex
 i A tetex-base   - Basic TeX input files of teTeX
 i A tetex-bin- The teTeX programs
 i A tetex-doc- The documentation component of the
 i   tetex-extra  - Additional TeX input files of teTeX

 - --

 Wei Chen
 I am no expert, but I do make extensive use of texlive daily.
 This matter has been discussed on this list over the past several
 months (see the list archives).  Some have had problems upgrading from
 tetex to texlive; others have upgraded without difficulty.
 The approach which I took -- which appears to provide the best
 guarantee against problems -- is not to upgrade, but simply to
 completely uninstall tetex (that is, not only uninstall, but also
 purge the tetex configuration files), and then install texlive.
 As to the tetex - texlive transition, there appear to be a few
 packages which run under tetex but not texlive.  I personally have not
 encountered such packages.  However, the fact of the matter is that
 tetex no longer is supported, so eventually packages which once worked
 under tetex are going to quit working under tetex.
 Otherwise, once texlive is installed, it appears to me to work exactly
 as did tetex.  I have no complaints.  

Thank you for your response. I shall do accordingly, i.e. purge the
tetex related packages and then upgrade, and report the result later.

- --

Wei Chen
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: clamav: uptodate or not?

2007-09-09 Thread Mark Neidorff
On Thursday 06 September 2007 04:44 pm, Mumia W.. wrote:
 On 09/06/2007 02:19 PM, Rody wrote:
  How can i tell if clamav is up to date?
  If i run freshclam as root it tells me that is up to date, but
  as all mirrors refuse to connect, i can't say if and any other
  file are ever updated. (too often connections with outdated version)
  When i run the gui antivirus scanner (1.1.2) that uses clamav, it tells
  me the virus database is 3 months old. Trying to update from that program
  is useless however, as freshclam needs to be setuid clamav. I did that
  once, but when it was updated to a new version, it removed that setuid
  part. So i left it as it was probably not ment to be set setuid?
  The problem comes down to the makers of clamav dictating that everyone
  should use their latest version.

 I agree this is annoying.

  I also understand why debian wouldn't want to put
  this latest version in etch's repo just yet.
  I'm curious as to what is the recommended way to handle this: stick with
  the debian releases or install clamav by hand each time they come up with
  yet another new version...

 I recommend installing from

 Then configure sudo to allow your normal user account to start freshclam.

Folks, you are confusing two different things.  The clamav engine and the 
definitions are separate updates.  The freshclam program updates the 
databses, not the clamav engine.  The OP needs to check on why the mirrors 
are not connecting.  Is the cron job set to run exactly on the hour or at a 
busy time?

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Re: Always falling to grub prompt

2007-09-09 Thread Victor Munoz
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 07:05:39AM -0500, Mumia W.. wrote:

 Hello Victor. I would try reinstalling the failing kernels; if you do 
 this, copy the kernel .deb files out of /var/cache/apt/archives first, 
 because those kernels are probably no longer available on the Debian 

I tried leaving only one entry in menu.lst, corresponding to one
working kernel (2.6.18 I think), but got the boot prompt anyway.

 I *might* also try reinstalling Grub using grub-install yada yada. 
 However, if you install to the MBR, you must be sure that Grub will be 
 able to boot Windows. Have bootdisks for both Windows and Linux handy.

Using Debian disc 1 in rescue mode, I re-installed the boot loader,
and nothing. Maybe I should do it manually?


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Re: Vote for Debian on Lenovo

2007-09-09 Thread Victor Muchica
On 9 sep, 00:10, arijit sarkar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Sep 2007 3:55:21 am Andrew Sackville-West wrote: On Sun, Sep 
 09, 2007 at 12:20:29AM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:

  thanks for the head up. vote cast, interesting to note that Untunbu is
  leading the pack by a lot with deb a distant second (something like
  900+ for U with 200+ for deb) and then the rest are way down the
  line. If the poll is any indicator of what they choose (and we all
  know its not), then we can be assured of some flavor of


  too bad I just bought a lappy. oh well.


 voted for debian. thanks for the information.

 Arijit Sarkar
 Kolkata, India

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I also voted for debian
it sems we'll see a debian based distro


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My boyfriend's prick keeps slipping out.

2007-09-09 Thread Garry T. Keller
Chicks always laughed at me and even youths did in the municipal water closet!
Well, now I sriek at them, because I took Mega.  Dik
for 4 months and now my dick is badly bigger than national.
them. After only 5 minutes, Steve Finnan crossed in a
option irregularities.
such companies make billions on the back of other
get-go after loosing 2-1 in the first leg of the series.
Strong earthquake in Sumatra

Re: MSI nVidia NX7600GT-T2D256E

2007-09-09 Thread Pál Csányi
2007/9/8, Florian Kulzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 22:25:02 +0200, Pál Csányi wrote:
  2007/9/8, Florian Kulzer:
   On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 19:00:58 +0200, Pál Csányi wrote:


I reverted too to the nv driver and I have no crash so far, but
some application just can't to start.
I get the error message on xterm window:
$ /usr/brlcad/bin/mged
Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...Xlib:  extension GLX
missing on display :0.0.
Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.


$ neverputt
neverputt: Couldn't find matching GLX visual
Any advices?
   Make sure you have
   in the Modules section of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
  I have it. Still get the error message abowe.

 Did you use the nvidia installer script earlier? In that case you have
 to reinstall the xserver-xorg package to restore the original Xorg
 GLX module (/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/

Yes, I did.

I reinstalled the xserver-xorg package.

 If that does not fix it then you should post the output of

That does not fix it.

 egrep -i '^\((EE|WW)\)|glx' /var/log/Xorg.0.log

I attach the output to this mail.

Regards, Paul Csanyi

Description: Binary data

Small USB stick system

2007-09-09 Thread John Wojnaroski


Trying to run Debian off of a USB memory stick (4GB)...  working with etch.

Did an install from a DVD and the machine boots just fine.

At this point, just a basic linux machine but have room for the X 
windows package.  The linux version is 2.6.8.  Tried to extract the 
.config from the binary, but does not appear it was compiled with that 

Problem I'm having is trying to recompile a new kernel (2.6.17) and 
reboot.  Using grub and getting to the usual kernel panic point.  ;-)

Has anyone been successful in building and booting a linux kernel on a 
memory stick?

Here is the relevant grub section

## ## End Default Options ##

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.8-2-386
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-2-386 root=/dev/sda1 ro
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.8-2-386

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.8-2-386 (recovery mode)
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-2-386 root=/dev/sda1 ro single
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.8-2-386

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda1 ro
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.8-2-386

and the fstab file

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
/dev/sda1   /   ext3defaults,errors=remount-ro 0   1
/dev/sda5   noneswapsw  0   0
/dev/hdc/media/cdrom0   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0   0

Browsed the howtos and found nothing on the subject.

Again, the installed binary works just fine, the version compiled from 
source bombs.  Best guess something is wrong/missing in the new kernel, 
but can't find it for the life of me

Thanks for any help/suggestions/tips or places to look for info


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Re: clamav: uptodate or not?

2007-09-09 Thread Mumia W..

On 09/09/2007 09:42 AM, Mark Neidorff wrote:

On Thursday 06 September 2007 04:44 pm, Mumia W.. wrote:

On 09/06/2007 02:19 PM, Rody wrote:

How can i tell if clamav is up to date?

If i run freshclam as root it tells me that is up to date, but
as all mirrors refuse to connect, i can't say if and any other
file are ever updated. (too often connections with outdated version)

When i run the gui antivirus scanner (1.1.2) that uses clamav, it tells
me the virus database is 3 months old. Trying to update from that program
is useless however, as freshclam needs to be setuid clamav. I did that
once, but when it was updated to a new version, it removed that setuid
part. So i left it as it was probably not ment to be set setuid?

The problem comes down to the makers of clamav dictating that everyone
should use their latest version.

I agree this is annoying.

I also understand why debian wouldn't want to put
this latest version in etch's repo just yet.

I'm curious as to what is the recommended way to handle this: stick with
the debian releases or install clamav by hand each time they come up with
yet another new version...


I recommend installing from

Then configure sudo to allow your normal user account to start freshclam.

Folks, you are confusing two different things.

I'm not confused.

The clamav engine and the 
definitions are separate updates.  The freshclam program updates the 
databses, not the clamav engine.  The OP needs to check on why the mirrors 
are not connecting.  Is the cron job set to run exactly on the hour or at a 
busy time?

The OP told us why the mirrors are not connecting. For whatever reasons, 
clamav mirrors reject connections from old freshclam clients if those 
connections are made too frequently (they are).

So updating the clamav engine is a *requirement* if you want consistent 
updates. At first, I compiled clamav from the source, but those 
bas^Wnice people at clamav update the engine about 18.2 times each 
second, so I decided to go with .

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Re: als root kein KDE-Programm startbar

2007-09-09 Thread Matthias Meyer
Matthias Meyer wrote:

 In einem Terminal in KDE kann ich zwar mit su root werden, aber ich kann
 keine KDE-Programme starten. Beispiel:
 PlayMobil:# kwrite
 Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
 Xlib: No protocol specified
 kwrite: cannot connect to X server :0
 Es ist auch nicht möglich sich als root in KDE anzumelden (was ich auch
 nicht brauche, wenn su funktioniert)
 Wo muss ich was einstellen?

Thanks. And sorry for selecting the wrong list :-)
Don't panic

Re: etc/X11/xorg.conf format change?

2007-09-09 Thread Wayne Topa
Michael M.([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
 I recently reinstalled Debian Lenny and have just realized that my
 new /etc/X11/xorg.conf has some substantial differences from the version
 I had previously.  (I was also using Lenny previously, upgraded from
 Etch rather than installed from scratch.)  Gone are the Files and
 Modules sections.  Yet, at least so far, everything seems to be
 working fine.  The log indicates that numerous modules are loaded and
 contains a line:
 (==) ModulePath set to /usr/lib/xorg/modules
 I don't have any logs from my previous install to compare, but I did
 save the old xorg.conf.
 I guess, as long as there are no problems going forward, it's nothing to
 worry about.  I just thought I would've seen some discussion about a
 change like that -- big chunks of the file going away -- since
 historically configuring XFree86/Xorg has often given users headaches
 and there has always been a lot of discussion about the conf file.  When
 did this happen?
 And funnily enough, this is the first time any Linux install has
 configured the correct optimal resolution  refresh rate for this
 machine  monitor from the get-go.  Previously I have had always to edit
 the conf file to add it in.



Is reading in the bathroom considered Multi-Tasking.

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Re: Always falling to grub prompt

2007-09-09 Thread Wayne Topa
Victor Munoz([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
 On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 10:53:20PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
  It's late and I'm tired but something looks wrong to me.
  Do you have 4 hard drives or is this one (1) HD with 
  You say  /dev/hdd [(hd1,0)]
  But to me /dev/hda - (hd0,0)
/hdb - (hd1,0)
/hdc - (hd2,0)
/hdd - (hd3,0)
 That would be the logical order, but here hda and hdb have to do with
 the cdrom. I get this from dmesg:
 dmesg | grep hda
 ide0: BM-DMA at 0xd000-0xd007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
 hda: HL-DT-ST GCE-8320B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
 hda: ATAPI 40X CD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 8192kB Cache, DMA
 Then hdc is the 10G disk for Windows, and hdd the 160G disk for sid.
 If I type root hd( at the boot prompt, it only gives me 0 and 1 as
 options, and a later kernel command actually finds vmlinuz in
 (hd1,0)/boot. So I guess this is ok.
  I'm confused.  How many HD's do you have, 1 or 2 or ?
 2, as I said, and a cdrom, recognized as hda. 

It might be just me, as I have never seen/heard of a system set up
that way.  I have always put my HD's on the promary IDE interfaces (A
 B) and the CD/DVD's on the secondary IDE interfaces (C  D).  It may
or may not be necessary but that is how I always have seen it done.

  I hope I'm wrong but I think you are confusing grub as much as me.
 Well, it was not me anyway :-). grub decided it was time to get
 confused last week, after months of normalVoperation.

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.22-2-686
---   root(hd1,0)
  kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-2-686 root=/dev/hdd1 ro
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-2-686

Grub did the 2 -- Lines?  The root line says hdb and the kernel line
says hdd. No wonder it won't boot.  Yet the older kernels boot up with
the same (wrong looking) root and kernel lines, so I am wrong.  I have
not yet upgraded any of my sid partitions to the 2.6.22-2 kernel.
Maybe I have this problem to look forward to or maybe I should wait
till it (whatever 'it' is) gets fixed.

Sorry I could not help.


Hit any user to continue.

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Re: Always falling to grub prompt

2007-09-09 Thread Wackojacko

Wayne Topa wrote:

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.22-2-686
---   root(hd1,0)
  kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-2-686 root=/dev/hdd1 ro
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-2-686

Grub did the 2 -- Lines?  The root line says hdb and the kernel line
says hdd. No wonder it won't boot.  Yet the older kernels boot up with
the same (wrong looking) root and kernel lines, so I am wrong.  I have
not yet upgraded any of my sid partitions to the 2.6.22-2 kernel.
Maybe I have this problem to look forward to or maybe I should wait
till it (whatever 'it' is) gets fixed.

Sorry I could not help.


Not necessarily.  Grub uses /boot/grub/ to identify which HDD 
maps to which (hd?).  It might be useful to see the OP's 
file, but grub could just ignore hda and hdb as they are not HDD.



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Re: Always falling to grub prompt

2007-09-09 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 09:32:03PM -0400, Victor Munoz wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 09:07:39PM -0400, Victor Munoz wrote:
  Disk /dev/hdd: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
  255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
  Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
  Disk identifier: 0x00014f58
 Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
  /dev/hdd1   *   1   19331   155276226   83  Linux
  /dev/hdd2   19332   19457 1012095   82  Linux swap / Solaris
  As I'm typing this, I notice for the first time that hdd1 is marked as
  bootable. That's not correct, right? Is is possible that something
  during some upgrade did it without me knowing? I will try to delete
  the boot flag...
 Ok, I'm disappointed. It didn't work. hdd has no bootable partitions,
 and I still get the grub prompt, and using configfile complains about

I read the other part of this thread and I'm not sure those guys are
barking up the right tree, though they could be. I think it is
perfectly valid for grub and the kernel to have different device names
for the drives and so long as you keep track of which context you're
working in, then I think you're alright. 

One thing that might be helpful is what does the BIOS call those
drives? In your bios setup screen there will be the usual table of
harddrives and their positions on the motherboard, as the bios sees
them. Can you provide that info for us? please include how the bios is
addressing them (LBA etc).

What motherboard is this and how old is it? It looks like you are
facing an ancient problem with BIOS that couldn't see beyond the first
1024 cylinders. With your large / partition, I'd bet those non-working
kernels are beyond the range that the bios can see, and I'm willing to
bet that your bios is configured incorrectly to see those higher


Description: Digital signature

Re: Small USB stick system

2007-09-09 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 08:53:48AM -0700, John Wojnaroski wrote:

 Trying to run Debian off of a USB memory stick (4GB)...  working with etch.

 Did an install from a DVD and the machine boots just fine.

 At this point, just a basic linux machine but have room for the X windows 
 package.  The linux version is 2.6.8. 

Are you sure this is etch? sarge has kernel 2.6.8, etch has 2.6.18

 Tried to extract the .config from the binary, but does not appear it 
 was compiled with that option.

What do you mean by that? The config for Debian standard kernels can be 
found in /boot

[snip menu.lst and fstab]

 Again, the installed binary works just fine, the version compiled from 
 source bombs.  Best guess something is wrong/missing in the new 
 kernel, but can't find it for the life of me

Why do you want to recompile the kernel? And what error messages do you 
get when it bombs.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Loading and blacklisting modules

2007-09-09 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 01:40:11PM +0200, Davide Mancusi wrote:
 pinniped ha scritto:
 That is (somewhat) correct; the scripts which create the initrd image
 will normally (in the default install) put all framebuffer, acpi,
 filesystem, and hard disk drivers into the image.  Have a look in
 /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf to get some idea what goes on.

 I did, but the only way I found to control modules included in the initrd 
 is the MODULES option in initramfs.conf (presently set to MODULES=most). I 
 can't see any way to exclude floppy (I could specify a list, of course, 
 but how do I know what modules are included by most?).

you can look in the initrd itself, google for instructions on
unpacking it, or wait for madduck (and others) to notice this thread
and pipe up about it.

You can mess around with initrd all you want without serious
risk. Just rename the current working initrd to something sensible;
mess around with the configs and build a new one and try it on a
reboot. If it fails, reboot again and select the known working one by
editing your grub parameters and try again. 

You certainly won't go very far wrong by selecting MODULES=dep or
whatever it is. That will then only insert the modules that are
required to boot the system based on the current hardware (not sure
what foo it uses to do this) requirements. But it will certainly get
you a smaller initrd and may help with certain persistently loaded
modules (like floppy).

 I wonder what you get in initramfs.conf if you do not select to load 
 floppy when installing. Does it get loaded anyway?

I suspect that these are completely seperate processes.


Description: Digital signature

Re: After Installing ISO Image I cant access GUI and Nedd sources.list file

2007-09-09 Thread Jochen Schulz
Andrei Popescu:
 On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 09:46:50AM +0200, Jochen Schulz wrote:
 If you wanted to install pure Debian stable, this is most probably not
 what you want. The installer should have asked you about that anyway.
 But well, here's what I guess is what you want/need:
 deb   etch   main contrib non-free
 AFAIK is kept only for legacy reasons.

Thanks, nice to know. I just took my own entried and removed the country

Nothing is as I planned it.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Always falling to grub prompt

2007-09-09 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 01:15:58PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
 Victor Munoz([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
  On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 10:53:20PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
 It might be just me, as I have never seen/heard of a system set up
 that way.  I have always put my HD's on the promary IDE interfaces (A
  B) and the CD/DVD's on the secondary IDE interfaces (C  D).  It may
 or may not be necessary but that is how I always have seen it done.

Not necessarily.  Since performance is poor if you have two hard drives
on one controller (e.g. hda and hdb), I've always put the boot drive as
the first hard drive (e.g. hda) since that is what some BIOSs look for.
Then removeable media on hdb, a second hard (if used) on hdc, then other
media on hdd.

Also, don't confuse Grub's hd0 or hd1 as necessarily /dev/hda or
/dev/hdb.  Grub goes with the order of drives as the BIOS sees them.  

The other question you've received is also valid:  is this Etch, why a
custom kernel, what errors with a normal kernel, etc.

Is there a reason that you didn't put your boot hard drive as the first
drive on the first controller?  Since I haven't run M$ since 3.1, I
don't know what would happen if you swapped the drives around.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to compile a xen dom0 kernel the debian way

2007-09-09 Thread Andy Smith
Hi Jonas,

On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 03:03:09PM +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
 On 09/09/2007 Andy Smith wrote:
  Hi Jonas,
 Hey Andi,
   i would like to give xen a try, but i didn't manage to compile a dom0
   host kernel yet.
  Do you need to?  What is wrong with Debian's xen kernels?
 I don't think that there's anything wrong with debian's default kernels,
 but I always use a selfcompiled kernel, and I'dd like to learn howto
 compile a xen dom0 kernel as well.

Okay.  Well It has been a long time (6 months+) since I did this as
these days the stock debian xen kernels are fine for me, but..

  You can use the normal Debian kernel source and compile like you
  would normally, making sure to select the xen patch.
 Unfortunately, this simply doesn't work. If I run 'make menuconfig' in
 debians linux-source-2.6.22 sources, I don't get any xen options in
 the submenu 'processor-type and features'.

So you have also installed linux-patch-debian-* and then done:

$ sudo make-kpkg --added-patches xen clean
$ sudo make-kpkg --added-patches xen kernel-image


Also back when I did it, this bug was present and needed the
described workaround:

That is what I mean by making sure to select the xen patch.  It's
the same process as used for making your own linux-vserver kernel.

If you still have problems I would recommend the debian xen package
mailing list.


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Description: Digital signature

Re: After Installing ISO Image I cant access GUI and Nedd sources.list file

2007-09-09 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 08:12:55PM +0200, Jochen Schulz wrote:
 Andrei Popescu:
  On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 09:46:50AM +0200, Jochen Schulz wrote:
  If you wanted to install pure Debian stable, this is most probably not
  what you want. The installer should have asked you about that anyway.
  But well, here's what I guess is what you want/need:
  deb   etch   main contrib non-free
  AFAIK is kept only for legacy reasons.
 Thanks, nice to know. I just took my own entried and removed the country

Do you mean put in instead of removed?

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: MSI nVidia NX7600GT-T2D256E

2007-09-09 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 17:46:01 +0200, Pál Csányi wrote:
 2007/9/8, Florian Kulzer:


  Did you use the nvidia installer script earlier? In that case you have
  to reinstall the xserver-xorg package to restore the original Xorg
  GLX module (/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
 Yes, I did.
 I reinstalled the xserver-xorg package.
  If that does not fix it then you should post the output of
 That does not fix it.
  egrep -i '^\((EE|WW)\)|glx' /var/log/Xorg.0.log
 I attach the output to this mail.

Your X server still tries to use nvidia's GLX module:

(II) LoadModule: glx
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module glx: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
(II) Loading extension GLX
(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)

Try to reinstall xserver-xorg-core.

  Florian   |

My complaints to Murphy about sex spam on the list are being rejected

2007-09-09 Thread Nigel Henry
I've just complained twice about s-x spam that's turning up on the list, and 
neither of my posts are to be seen anywhere. Murphy seems to be moderating 
complaints from legitimate users of the list, but allowing spa--ers to do 
what they like.

I've had a few drinks, but am especially pi--ed off with p--is enlargement 
spam on this list. Come on guys. Get your sh-t together, and get rid of the 

And I'm going to keep on sending complaints, until something positive is done.

I like this list, but am not in any way interested in a pe-is enlargement. I'm 
59 years old, nothing works anymore, and the people that are posting this 
stuff to the list are the ultimate scum of the planet. Give me a shotgun, and 
I'll take them out.

Nigel. Seriously pished off.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sex spam again on the list

2007-09-09 Thread Nigel Henry
This has got more than a joke now. We are being bombarded with s-x spam yet 
again. I can't send it to Spamcop because it will identify the list as the 

Come on Murphy, get your act together, get the sawn-off out of it's case, and 
filter these spammers off the list. One way or the other I couldn't care less 
how you do it. If their, what passes for brains end up splaterred over the 
nearest wall is no big deal to me.

I've got bogofilter running on Kmail, but because of the high volume on the 
list, Debian-user is filtered before bogofilter has a go at the remaining 
stuff. Most of the pe-is size related stuff ends up in the trash, where it 
belongs, but I'm stuck with the spam that get's filtered into individual 
mailing boxes before bogofilter has a go at it.

Sorry if this sounds a bit sarcastic, but I'm feeling sarcastic at the moment, 
as I don't want this cr-p on my machine.

I don't have a shotgun, or hunting rifle, but I'd be game for an organised 
shoot if the spammers were the targets.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: My complaints to Murphy about sex spam on the list are being rejected

2007-09-09 Thread KS
Nigel Henry wrote:
 On Sunday 09 September 2007 20:57, Nigel Henry wrote:
 I've just complained twice about s-x spam that's turning up on the list,
 and neither of my posts are to be seen anywhere. Murphy seems to be
 moderating complaints from legitimate users of the list, but allowing
 spa--ers to do what they like.

 I've had a few drinks, but am especially pi--ed off with p--is enlargement
 spam on this list. Come on guys. Get your sh-t together, and get rid of the

 And I'm going to keep on sending complaints, until something positive is

 I like this list, but am not in any way interested in a pe-is enlargement.
 I'm 59 years old, nothing works anymore, and the people that are posting
 this stuff to the list are the ultimate scum of the planet. Give me a
 shotgun, and I'll take them out.

 Nigel. Seriously pished off.
 It's amazing that this has turned up on the list, and I've had to edit many 
 words even to send it, and yet my complaints to Murphy about the sex spam 
 that's plaguing the list still havn't arrived.
 While I'm writing this another sex spam has arrived in my Debian-user mailbox.
 A serious question.  How can the spa--ers post to the list, using any words 
 they like, and yet when I complain to the list using the same words they do, 
 I am blocked from posting???

The only way I know to report spam is to click the Report Spam button
on the web interface for list archives. Can that be done via
Iceweasel(or other mail clients) interface so that users don't have to
go and find that particular email archive in the browser?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Always falling to grub prompt

2007-09-09 Thread Victor Munoz
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 01:15:58PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
  Well, it was not me anyway :-). grub decided it was time to get
  confused last week, after months of normalVoperation.
 title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.22-2-686
 ---   root(hd1,0)
   kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-2-686 root=/dev/hdd1 ro
 initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-2-686
 Grub did the 2 -- Lines?  The root line says hdb and the kernel line
 says hdd. No wonder it won't boot.  Yet the older kernels boot up with
 the same (wrong looking) root and kernel lines, so I am wrong.  I have
 not yet upgraded any of my sid partitions to the 2.6.22-2 kernel.
 Maybe I have this problem to look forward to or maybe I should wait
 till it (whatever 'it' is) gets fixed., as posted in the original mail, correctly maps grub and
device names:

/boot/grub$ cat 
(hd0)   /dev/hdc
(hd1)   /dev/hdd

So probably there's no problem here.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Always falling to grub prompt

2007-09-09 Thread Victor Munoz
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 06:46:14PM +0100, Wackojacko wrote:
 Not necessarily.  Grub uses /boot/grub/ to identify which HDD 
 maps to which (hd?).  It might be useful to see the OP's 
 file, but grub could just ignore hda and hdb as they are not HDD.

I did post it in the original post, and the map looks correct.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sex spam again on the list

2007-09-09 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 09:15:32PM +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
 This has got more than a joke now. We are being bombarded with s-x spam yet 


 Sorry if this sounds a bit sarcastic, but I'm feeling sarcastic at the 
 as I don't want this cr-p on my machine.

I know this doesn't really help you, but I've seen a *massive*
increase in spam hitting my one server in the last couple of
days. Previously I was seeing something like 50 spam a day hitting me
(this is after clamav kicks out the virus laden ones, so its not an
absolute number). In the last couple of days, I've seen that number
pretty much quadruple to around 200 per day. My false negatives have
gone up correspondingly as well from a couple getting through
spamassassin per day to something like 30-50 getting past s-a.
Interestingly the subjects I'm seeing come through d-u are exactly the
same as the ones getting through my local s-a, so some spammer has hit
on a formula that is working at the moment. Apparently, this girl is
having quite a problem make her extra-curricular activities work in a
satisfactory manner... ;-O

Not only has the overall number gone up, but the effectiveness has
gone up by an order of magnitude.

I wonder if this is a side-effect of the mis-named Storm Worm activity
that's going on right now. 

 I don't have a shotgun, or hunting rifle, but I'd be game for an organised 
 shoot if the spammers were the targets.

I need targets to practice my joint-locks and choke-holds on... ;)


Description: Digital signature

Re: My complaints to Murphy about sex spam on the list are being rejected

2007-09-09 Thread KS
KS wrote:
 Nigel Henry wrote:
 On Sunday 09 September 2007 20:57, Nigel Henry wrote:
 I've just complained twice about s-x spam that's turning up on the list,
 and neither of my posts are to be seen anywhere. Murphy seems to be
 moderating complaints from legitimate users of the list, but allowing
 spa--ers to do what they like.

 I've had a few drinks, but am especially pi--ed off with p--is enlargement
 spam on this list. Come on guys. Get your sh-t together, and get rid of the

 And I'm going to keep on sending complaints, until something positive is

 I like this list, but am not in any way interested in a pe-is enlargement.
 I'm 59 years old, nothing works anymore, and the people that are posting
 this stuff to the list are the ultimate scum of the planet. Give me a
 shotgun, and I'll take them out.

 Nigel. Seriously pished off.
 It's amazing that this has turned up on the list, and I've had to edit many 
 words even to send it, and yet my complaints to Murphy about the sex spam 
 that's plaguing the list still havn't arrived.

 While I'm writing this another sex spam has arrived in my Debian-user 

 A serious question.  How can the spa--ers post to the list, using any words 
 they like, and yet when I complain to the list using the same words they do, 
 I am blocked from posting???


 The only way I know to report spam is to click the Report Spam button
 on the web interface for list archives. Can that be done via
 Iceweasel(or other mail clients) interface so that users don't have to
 go and find that particular email archive in the browser?

BTW, all those spam messages were detected as spam by Iceweasel and
moved to the Junk folder automatically. But that does not communicate
with the spam filters for d-u and is local only.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: My complaints to Murphy about sex spam on the list are being rejected

2007-09-09 Thread Nigel Henry
On Sunday 09 September 2007 20:57, Nigel Henry wrote:
 I've just complained twice about s-x spam that's turning up on the list,
 and neither of my posts are to be seen anywhere. Murphy seems to be
 moderating complaints from legitimate users of the list, but allowing
 spa--ers to do what they like.

 I've had a few drinks, but am especially pi--ed off with p--is enlargement
 spam on this list. Come on guys. Get your sh-t together, and get rid of the

 And I'm going to keep on sending complaints, until something positive is

 I like this list, but am not in any way interested in a pe-is enlargement.
 I'm 59 years old, nothing works anymore, and the people that are posting
 this stuff to the list are the ultimate scum of the planet. Give me a
 shotgun, and I'll take them out.

 Nigel. Seriously pished off.

It's amazing that this has turned up on the list, and I've had to edit many 
words even to send it, and yet my complaints to Murphy about the sex spam 
that's plaguing the list still havn't arrived.

While I'm writing this another sex spam has arrived in my Debian-user mailbox.

A serious question.  How can the spa--ers post to the list, using any words 
they like, and yet when I complain to the list using the same words they do, 
I am blocked from posting???


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MSI nVidia NX7600GT-T2D256E

2007-09-09 Thread Pál Csányi
2007/9/9, Florian Kulzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 17:46:01 +0200, Pál Csányi wrote:
  2007/9/8, Florian Kulzer:


   Did you use the nvidia installer script earlier? In that case you have
   to reinstall the xserver-xorg package to restore the original Xorg
   GLX module (/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
  Yes, I did.
  I reinstalled the xserver-xorg package.
   If that does not fix it then you should post the output of
  That does not fix it.
   egrep -i '^\((EE|WW)\)|glx' /var/log/Xorg.0.log
  I attach the output to this mail.

 Your X server still tries to use nvidia's GLX module:

 (II) LoadModule: glx
 (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
 (II) Module glx: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
 (II) Loading extension GLX
 (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)

 Try to reinstall xserver-xorg-core.

I tryed, but that not help. I restart X Window and the problem remains.

(II) LoadModule: glx
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module glx: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
(II) Loading extension GLX
(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)

Regards, Paul Csanyi

Re: MSI nVidia NX7600GT-T2D256E

2007-09-09 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 21:08:01 +0200, Pál Csányi wrote:
 2007/9/9, Florian Kulzer:
  On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 17:46:01 +0200, Pál Csányi wrote:
   2007/9/8, Florian Kulzer:
Did you use the nvidia installer script earlier? In that case you have
to reinstall the xserver-xorg package to restore the original Xorg
GLX module (/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
   Yes, I did.
   I reinstalled the xserver-xorg package.
If that does not fix it then you should post the output of
   That does not fix it.
egrep -i '^\((EE|WW)\)|glx' /var/log/Xorg.0.log
   I attach the output to this mail.
  Your X server still tries to use nvidia's GLX module:


  Try to reinstall xserver-xorg-core.
 I tryed, but that not help. I restart X Window and the problem remains.
 (II) LoadModule: glx
 (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
 (II) Module glx: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
 (II) Loading extension GLX
 (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)

Please post the output of the following commands:

ls -l /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/

dpkg -l \*nvidia\*

dpkg-divert --list '*glx*'

ls -l /etc/init.d/nvidia*

  Florian   |

Re: MSI nVidia NX7600GT-T2D256E

2007-09-09 Thread Pál Csányi
2007/9/9, Florian Kulzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 21:08:01 +0200, Pál Csányi wrote:
  2007/9/9, Florian Kulzer:
   On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 17:46:01 +0200, Pál Csányi wrote:
2007/9/8, Florian Kulzer:
 Did you use the nvidia installer script earlier? In that case you have
 to reinstall the xserver-xorg package to restore the original Xorg
 GLX module (/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
Yes, I did.
I reinstalled the xserver-xorg package.
 If that does not fix it then you should post the output of
That does not fix it.
 egrep -i '^\((EE|WW)\)|glx' /var/log/Xorg.0.log
I attach the output to this mail.
   Your X server still tries to use nvidia's GLX module:


   Try to reinstall xserver-xorg-core.
  I tryed, but that not help. I restart X Window and the problem remains.
  (II) LoadModule: glx
  (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
  (II) Module glx: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
  (II) Loading extension GLX
  (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not 

 Please post the output of the following commands:

 ls -l /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/

 dpkg -l \*nvidia\*

ii  nvidia-glx 1.0.8776-4 NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x driver
un  nvidia-glx-dev none (no description available)
pn  nvidia-glx-legacy  none (no description available)
un  nvidia-glx-src none (no description available)
un  nvidia-kernel  none (no description available)
un  nvidia-kernel-1.0. none (no description available)
pn  nvidia-kernel-2.6- none (no description available)
ii  nvidia-kernel-2.6. 1.0.8776-4+custom. NVIDIA binary kernel module
for Linux 2.6.18
rc  nvidia-kernel-2.6. 1.0.8776+6 NVIDIA binary kernel module
for Linux 2.6.18-4-486
pn  nvidia-kernel-2.6. none (no description available)
ii  nvidia-kernel-2.6. 1.0.8776-4+2.6.18. NVIDIA binary kernel module
for Linux 2.6.18-5-686
ii  nvidia-kernel-comm 20051028+1 NVIDIA binary kernel module
common files
un  nvidia-kernel-lega none (no description available)
pn  nvidia-kernel-lega none (no description available)
un  nvidia-kernel-lega none (no description available)
ii  nvidia-kernel-sour 1.0.8776-4 NVIDIA binary kernel module source
un  nvidia-kernel-src  none (no description available)
ii  nvidia-settings1.0+20060516-3 Tool of configuring the
NVIDIA graphics driver
ii  nvidia-xconfig 1.0+20051122-2 The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool

 dpkg-divert --list '*glx*'
bash: dpkg-divert: command not found

dpkg -l '*glx*'
ii  libgl1-mesa-glx6.5.1-0.6  A free implementation of the
OpenGL API -- GLX runti
ii  nvidia-glx 1.0.8776-4 NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x driver
un  nvidia-glx-dev none (no description available)
pn  nvidia-glx-legacy  none (no description available)
un  nvidia-glx-src none (no description available)

 ls -l /etc/init.d/nvidia*

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2574 2007-01-05 05:51 /etc/init.d/nvidia-glx
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  860 2005-10-29 04:48 /etc/init.d/nvidia-kernel

Regards, Paul Csanyi

Re: My complaints to Murphy about sex spam on the list are being rejected

2007-09-09 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 03:35:41PM -0400, KS wrote:
 KS wrote:
  Nigel Henry wrote:
  A serious question.  How can the spa--ers post to the list, using any 
  they like, and yet when I complain to the list using the same words they 
  I am blocked from posting???
  The only way I know to report spam is to click the Report Spam button
  on the web interface for list archives. Can that be done via
  Iceweasel(or other mail clients) interface so that users don't have to
  go and find that particular email archive in the browser?
 BTW, all those spam messages were detected as spam by Iceweasel and
 moved to the Junk folder automatically. But that does not communicate
 with the spam filters for d-u and is local only.

One of the most recent spams had a spam score over 20, at what level
does murphy kick them?


Description: Digital signature

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