Re: Migració de codi

2008-10-12 Thread Jordi Funollet
Hola Pau,

No tinc cap resposta a la teva pregunta inicial (un emulador de Linux per 
Windows). Peró per al teu projecte de final de carrera se m'acudeix 
un workaround (potser ja hi has pensat).

Perquè no fas servir la clàssica estructura client-servidor? Deixes l'apertium 
corrent a un servidor i els teus clients li passen les peticions i mostren 
les respostes. Menys maldecaps, res de cross-compiling... etc.

### Jordi Funollet

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problemes amb la wifi d'un portàtil thinkpad t61 (firmware-iwlwifi)

2008-10-12 Thread Quiron
Hola a tothom!

Us escric per demanar-vos ajuda.

Porto un temps barallant-me amb la wifi del meu portàtil, un thinkpad t61,
de lenovo. La targeta de xarxa wireless és la Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
[Golan] i pel que tinc entès el controlador que l'ha de fer funcionar és el
iwlwifi, que està en el paquet firmware-iwlwifi.

Estic usant debian sid, amb el nucli 2.6.26. El modul el tinc carregat o
això em sembla.

#lsmod |grep iwl
iwl496592904  0
iwlcore23520  1 iwl4965
rfkill  5652  1 iwlcore
iwl394578772  0
firmware_class  6816  3 iwl4965,pcmcia,iwl3945
mac80211  139680  3 iwl4965,iwlcore,iwl3945
cfg80211   21576  3 iwl4965,iwl3945,mac80211
led_class   3908  3 iwlcore,iwl3945,thinkpad_acpi

He provat practicament tot el que se m'ha acudit, canviant la versió del
nucli a 2.6.25 i a 2.6.22. També les diferents versions del firmware que hi
ha a la web del projecte (

Els simptomes són els següents. El 'iwlist scan' em detecta les xarxes
inalambriques que hi ha, però al realitzar el iwconfig essid nom_de_la_xarxa
per que es connecti es realitza l'asociació però no arriba a conectar. És a
dir, si faig 'iwconfig' m'apareix que el wlan0 està asosciat al essid però
al Acess Point posa Not-Associated. De la mateixa manera el 'iwlist ap'
tampoc em trova cap acess point.

No entenc que passa, estic desorientat i no se que més provar, per això us
demano ajuda. També val a dir, que crec haver repetit el mateix procés
d'instalació i configuració que en una anterior instalació de debian sid en
la mateixa màquina em va permetre usar la wifi.

Agraïria molt qualsevol ajuda, indicació o pista.

Moltes gràcies.


Benvingut a l'Atzusac d'en Tux:

Julià Mestieri

  |o_o |
  |:_/  |
 //\ \
(|  | )
/'\_   _/`\Usuari de linux num: 369329
\___)=(__/   Linux user number 369329

Re: Migració de codi

2008-10-12 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
A Dijous 09 Octubre 2008, Pau Climent i Pérez va escriure:

 Com a projecte de final de carrera estic creant una interfície gràfica
 per a l'Apertium, el sistema de traducció automàtica de la Universitat
 d'Alacant (, que ara mateix està sent desenvolupat
 per gent arreu del món (podeu instal·lar els paquets des del codi o bé
 apeteguetejant-los dels repositoris de Debian i Ubuntu).

 La cosa és que caldria que la interfície gràfica que desenvolupem
 funcione [també] al Windows, i això suposa que necessite fer córrer el
 codi del motor de l'apertium en aquest @#%!! sistema.

 La qüestió, és que he provat a compilar-lo amb MinGW i amb CygWin
 (cosins germans), i no ho aconseguisc per la manca de suport per a
 l'wstring (apertium fa servir Unicode). Algú que hi treballa al
 projecte, diu que la nova versió del gcc del MinGW sí que li permet
 compilar, però que encara no n'ha documentat el procés.

 Un amic m'ha comentat el cross-compiling (generar binaris per al
 Windows des del GCC/GNU/Linux), però m'ha dit que necessitaria una
 vesprada per explicar-me com es faria, ja que no és trivial.

 També he vist per ahí una biblioteca STL, anomenada STLPort (però
 caldria modificar el codi de l'apertium perquè per comptes de cridar a
 std::wstring, cridés a la nova wstring).

 Em preguntava, si a l'igual que existeix un WinE per a fer anar els
 programes de Win32 a GNU/Linux, existia una solució inversa, que faça
 córrer els binaris de GNU/Linux a Windows. He estat googlejant, i no
 he trobat res lliure.

No sé de res com el que demanes. No sé si et pot servir el coLinux que és una 
versió del kernel de Linux que funciona sobre windows (no és un emulador). Jo 
l'he fet servir per algun problema semblant i m'ha funcionat correctament.

 Perdoneu si vos sembla que el tema d'aquest missatge és off-topic, per
 no estar directament relacionat amb Debian,


Albert Cervera i Areny

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mapa de la xarxa

2008-10-12 Thread XAvi
jo tinc un amic que te un bloc on possa aio i moltes altres coses
interessants. Mira *laguaridadelmal*


2008/10/8 Ricard Pradell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi ha un tal etherape que fa una cosa semblant...


 2008/10/7 David Trigo Chávez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  De fet el programa que he trobat, es el Fluke Network Inspector, però era
 per saber si hi havia un altre que no fos propietari que fes ell sol el mapa
 de la xarxa.

 He trobat el Nagios, però no es el que estic buscant justament.

 Continuo la cerca, si trobo alguna cosa ja comentaré.
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Re: corrector ortogràfi c pel vim

2008-10-12 Thread Ernest Adrogué
11/10/08 @ 23:21 (+0200), thus spake Jordà Polo:
 La gent del vim ja distribueix els fitxers de diccionari[1] i
 suggeriments[2] per a molts idiomes, entre els quals hi ha el català. Fa
 un temps fins i tot hi havia paquets Debian a experimental, però es van
 acabar descartant perquè en alguns casos requerien molts recursos.

No ho sabia això...

 D'altra banda és molt fàcil obtenir-los automàticament (si utilitzeu una
 versió del vim prou recent). N'hi ha prou amb afegir aquesta línia al
   let g:spellfile_URL = ''
 Amb això, la primera vegada que sol·liciteu una correcció, us demanarà
 si voleu descarregar-vos el fitxer corresponent.

Molt pràctic!

Doncs, allò que deia a l'altre missatge millor oblidar-ho xD


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problemes amb la wifi d'un portàtil think pad t61 (firmware-iwlwifi)

2008-10-12 Thread Miguel Gea Milvaques
Hash: SHA1

Quiron wrote:
 Hola a tothom!

Hola Quiron,

Jo la tinc i em funciona sense problemes. La versió del nucli 2.6.25
donava prou problemes i no enllaçava dos de cada tres vegades. Amb la
2.6.26 han desaparegut molts dels problemes. Te una cosa una mica
especial, que necessita fer un ifconfig up abans de associar. Per fer-ho
jo tinc al meu /etc/network/interfaces

auto wlan1
iface wlan1 inet dhcp
pre-up ip link set wlan1 up

Amb eixe pre-up, a mi en va desaparèixer eixe problema.

Espere que et serveixi.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Panne d'accè s au fichier NFS

2008-10-12 Thread steve
Bonjour la liste,

Suite à une mise à niveau vers lenny, j'ai eu quelques soucis au
redémarrage, les partitions /dev/md* n'étaient plus montées. Grâce à la
commande 'mdadm-startall', le système a pu être redémarré mais subsiste
quelques problèmes.

Dans /var/lib/apt/lists/ :

ls: ne peut accéder security.debian.org_dists_lenny_updates_Release:
Panne d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder www.debian-multimedia.org_dists_lenny_Release.gpg:
Panne d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder
Panne d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder Panne d'accès
au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder
Panne d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder
Panne d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder Panne
d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder Panne
d'accès au fichier NFS
total 8
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 8192 oct 12 10:15 partial
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??

Il n'y a rien en NFS sur cette machine.

Impossible de les effacer, avec l'erreur noté dans le sujet de ce
message. Et en voulant faire un 'aptitude safe-upgrade', les paquets du
jours à mettre à jour ne sont plus certifiés :

ATTENTION : des versions non certifiées des paquets suivants vont
être installées.

Des paquets non certifiés peuvent compromettre la sécurité de votre
système. Vous ne devriez les installer que si vous êtes certain
que c'est bien votre intention.

  hdparm dhcp3-client liblircclient0 logrotate dhcp3-common
  xserver-xorg-core openssh-client console-data xprint ssh libsysfs2
openssh-server eject sysfsutils

Des idées pour m'en sortir sur ce coup ?

Merci d'avance et bon dimanche.


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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Panne d'accès au fichier NFS

2008-10-12 Thread Pascal Le Bris

steve a écrit :

Bonjour la liste,



Suite à une mise à niveau vers lenny, j'ai eu quelques soucis au
redémarrage, les partitions /dev/md* n'étaient plus montées. Grâce à la
commande 'mdadm-startall', le système a pu être redémarré mais subsiste
quelques problèmes.

Dans /var/lib/apt/lists/ :

ls: ne peut accéder security.debian.org_dists_lenny_updates_Release:
Panne d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder www.debian-multimedia.org_dists_lenny_Release.gpg:
Panne d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder
Panne d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder Panne d'accès
au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder
Panne d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder
Panne d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder Panne
d'accès au fichier NFS
ls: ne peut accéder Panne
d'accès au fichier NFS
total 8
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 8192 oct 12 10:15 partial
-? ? ??   ??
-? ? ??   ??

Il n'y a rien en NFS sur cette machine.

Impossible de les effacer, avec l'erreur noté dans le sujet de ce
message. Et en voulant faire un 'aptitude safe-upgrade', les paquets du
jours à mettre à jour ne sont plus certifiés :

ATTENTION : des versions non certifiées des paquets suivants vont
être installées.

Des paquets non certifiés peuvent compromettre la sécurité de votre
système. Vous ne devriez les installer que si vous êtes certain
que c'est bien votre intention.

  hdparm dhcp3-client liblircclient0 logrotate dhcp3-common
  xserver-xorg-core openssh-client console-data xprint ssh libsysfs2
openssh-server eject sysfsutils

Des idées pour m'en sortir sur ce coup ?


ce ne serait pas un  pb de RAID
que dit cat /proc/mdstat

Merci d'avance et bon dimanche.




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Re: Panne d'accè s au fichier NFS

2008-10-12 Thread steve
Le 2008-10-12, à 10:27:10 +0200, Pascal Le Bris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) a écrit :

 Impossible de les effacer, avec l'erreur noté dans le sujet de ce
 message. Et en voulant faire un 'aptitude safe-upgrade', les paquets du
 jours à mettre à jour ne sont plus certifiés :

 ATTENTION : des versions non certifiées des paquets suivants vont
 être installées.

 Des paquets non certifiés peuvent compromettre la sécurité de votre
 système. Vous ne devriez les installer que si vous êtes certain
 que c'est bien votre intention.

   hdparm dhcp3-client liblircclient0 logrotate dhcp3-common
   xserver-xorg-core openssh-client console-data xprint ssh libsysfs2
 openssh-server eject sysfsutils

 Des idées pour m'en sortir sur ce coup ?

 ce ne serait pas un  pb de RAID

si c'est en raid 1, après le redémarrage, seule md0 (partition /) était

 que dit cat /proc/mdstat

Que du normal :

Personalities : [raid1]
md1 : active raid1 hda3[0] sda3[1]
  8297472 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md2 : active raid1 hda5[0] sda5[1]
  1461760 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md3 : active raid1 hda6[0] sda6[1]
  9767424 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md4 : active raid1 hda7[0] sda7[1]
  11719296 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md5 : active raid1 hda11[0] sda11[1]
  6835520 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md0 : active raid1 hda2[0] sda2[1]
  979840 blocks [2/2] [UU]

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Re: script pour regrouper plus commandes shell

2008-10-12 Thread Geoffroy Youri B.
Thomas Harding a écrit :
 On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 05:55:29PM +0200, Anne sophie Lantz wrote:
 j'ai commencé à apprendre le shell, mais bon pas facile.
 Cherche ABS (Advanced Bash Scripting Guide) dans ton moteur de
 recherche préféré.
Je confirme, excellente doc pour apprendre. Traduite en français.

Le projet de traduction :


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info : mots de passe sous Iceweasel

2008-10-12 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Pour info, dès fois que ce soit lié à une mise à jour de Lenny.

Hier j'ai fait une maj de ma Lenny amd64. Pas de maj de iceweasel, mais
une maj de libmozjs et xulrunner2.9. Ce matin, plus de mots de passe
enregistrés. Hasard ? Après avoir essayé pas mal de choses, j'ai créé un
nouveau profil en démarrant `iceweasel -ProfileManager`. Puis j'ai
détruit le profil nouvellement créé et j'ai redémarré Iceweasel sur le
profil par défaut. Les mots de passe sont de nouveau visibles.


A.E.L. Sarl (R.C.S CASTRES 490843240)

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[Disque dur]Erreur Smart

2008-10-12 Thread Vincent H.
Bonjour la liste,

Bien, j'ai un disque dur qui refuse de se monter depuis hier. Après
plusieurs recherche j'ai découvert les smarttools (d'ailleurs un
article sur debian times est sortit aujourd'hui, coïncidences…).

J'ai fait un test et il en ressort le log suivant :

Ma question est la suivante. Quels outils (je suis sous debian lenny)
pourraient m'aider à réparer ces erreurs ? Y-a-t-il un moyen de
récupérer mes données ?

Merci d'avance et bon dimanche !


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Panne d'accè s au fichier NFS

2008-10-12 Thread Edi Stojicevic
* steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-10-12 13:41:49 +0200] wrote :

 Après enquête, il me semble que les raid 1 (sauf celui sur /) ne
 démarrent pas au boot. Je dois faire un
 pour les activer et ensuite un
 mount -a 
 pour les monter.
 Mais au reboot, seule md0 est démarrée et montée.
 Comment puis-je faire pour que ces devices soient activées lors du boot
 Merci d'avance

man fstab

. ''`.  (\___/) E d i   S T O J I C E V I C
: :'  : (='.'=) 
`. `~'  ()_() GPG: 0x1237B032

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Re: Panne d'accè s au fichier NFS

2008-10-12 Thread steve
Le 2008-10-12, à 10:40:45 +0200, steve ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) a écrit :

 Lignes : 61
 Le 2008-10-12, à 10:27:10 +0200, Pascal Le Bris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) a écrit :
  Impossible de les effacer, avec l'erreur noté dans le sujet de ce
  message. Et en voulant faire un 'aptitude safe-upgrade', les paquets du
  jours à mettre à jour ne sont plus certifiés :
  ATTENTION : des versions non certifiées des paquets suivants vont
  être installées.
  Des paquets non certifiés peuvent compromettre la sécurité de votre
  système. Vous ne devriez les installer que si vous êtes certain
  que c'est bien votre intention.
hdparm dhcp3-client liblircclient0 logrotate dhcp3-common
xserver-xorg-core openssh-client console-data xprint ssh libsysfs2
  openssh-server eject sysfsutils
  Des idées pour m'en sortir sur ce coup ?

  ce ne serait pas un  pb de RAID
 si c'est en raid 1, après le redémarrage, seule md0 (partition /) était
  que dit cat /proc/mdstat
 Que du normal :
 Personalities : [raid1]
 md1 : active raid1 hda3[0] sda3[1]
   8297472 blocks [2/2] [UU]
   md2 : active raid1 hda5[0] sda5[1]
 1461760 blocks [2/2] [UU]
   md3 : active raid1 hda6[0] sda6[1]
 9767424 blocks [2/2] [UU]
   md4 : active raid1 hda7[0] sda7[1]
 11719296 blocks [2/2] [UU]
   md5 : active raid1 hda11[0] sda11[1]
 6835520 blocks [2/2] [UU]
   md0 : active raid1 hda2[0] sda2[1]
 979840 blocks [2/2] [UU]

Après enquête, il me semble que les raid 1 (sauf celui sur /) ne
démarrent pas au boot. Je dois faire un


pour les activer et ensuite un

mount -a 

pour les monter.

Mais au reboot, seule md0 est démarrée et montée.

Comment puis-je faire pour que ces devices soient activées lors du boot

Merci d'avance

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[Résolu] Re: Panne d'accès au fichier NFS

2008-10-12 Thread steve
Le 2008-10-12, à 12:55:45 +0100, Edi Stojicevic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) a écrit :

 * steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-10-12 13:41:49 +0200] wrote :
  Après enquête, il me semble que les raid 1 (sauf celui sur /) ne
  démarrent pas au boot. Je dois faire un
  pour les activer et ensuite un
  mount -a 
  pour les monter.
  Mais au reboot, seule md0 est démarrée et montée.
  Comment puis-je faire pour que ces devices soient activées lors du boot
  Merci d'avance
 man fstab

Non ce n'était pas ça, c'était dans /etc/default/mdadm, la variable


alors qu'elle aurait dû être positionnée à 'all'. Est-ce dû au passage à
lenny (bug ?), that's the question ... ?

bon dimanche

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problème libgeo-metar-perl stable/testing

2008-10-12 Thread Remi Suinot
Bonjour all;
Je me pose une question. J'ai remarqué une différence de comportement entre
les paquets stable et testing de libgeo-metar-perl.
(stable = 1.14-5 / testing = 1.15-1)
sur le site de l'auteur 
(, je  
vois que la dernière version est numéroté 1.14
Et les différences sont sensible entre les deux (avec la version 1.15):
$ perl LFBL

Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Geo/ line 

donc, à qui rapporter le 'bug'? 


Merci de m'avoir lu jusqu'ici, longue Vie et Prosperite.

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Re: [Disque dur]Erreur Smart

2008-10-12 Thread François Boisson
Le Sun, 12 Oct 2008 12:44:20 +0200
Vincent H. [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:

 Bonjour la liste,
 Bien, j'ai un disque dur qui refuse de se monter depuis hier. Après
 plusieurs recherche j'ai découvert les smarttools (d'ailleurs un
 article sur debian times est sortit aujourd'hui, coïncidences…).
 J'ai fait un test et il en ressort le log suivant :
 Ma question est la suivante. Quels outils (je suis sous debian lenny)
 pourraient m'aider à réparer ces erreurs ? Y-a-t-il un moyen de
 récupérer mes données ?

À vue de nez il a chauffé d'une part et il y a des erreurs disques d'autre
part. Il serait intéressant de voir si tous les secteurs sont morts ou pas.
Les outils de récupération sont testdisk pour essayer de refaire les tables
de partitions et photorec pour récupérer les fichiers. Si vraiment rien ne
marche, essaye cette méthode que j'ai utilisé avec succès 2 fois: tu démontes
le disque dur, tu le met au congélateur un bon quart d'heure puis tu le
remontes et lance plusieurs tentatives de lecture. Dès que ça se débloque (si
ça se débloque), tu fais un backup complet du disque et tu jettes le disque.

François Boisson

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Re: [Disque dur]Erreur Smart

2008-10-12 Thread François Cerbelle

François Boisson a écrit :

de partitions et photorec pour récupérer les fichiers. Si vraiment rien ne
marche, essaye cette méthode que j'ai utilisé avec succès 2 fois: tu démontes
le disque dur, tu le met au congélateur un bon quart d'heure puis tu le
remontes et lance plusieurs tentatives de lecture. Dès que ça se débloque (si
ça se débloque), tu fais un backup complet du disque et tu jettes le disque.

Tiens, on a les meme méthodes, moi c'était avec un portable complet car 
le CPU chauffait ! ;-)


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son+couleurs avec webcam

2008-10-12 Thread maderios

Je viens de configurer une webcam logitech pro 5000 sur Lenny :
Ça marche avec le module uvc du noyau 2.6.26

- impossibilité d'envoyer du son avec skype,  par contre, j'entends très 
bien la voix du test d'appel.
- couleurs épouvantables (peaux violacées), j'ai testé luvcview mais ce 
n'est pas concluant pour contrôler les couleurs.

-comment modifier définitivement les permissions de /dev/vide0 ?

Merci pour toute info ou retour d'expérience

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Re: son+couleurs avec webcam

2008-10-12 Thread thveillon.debian

maderios a écrit :

Je viens de configurer une webcam logitech pro 5000 sur Lenny :
Ça marche avec le module uvc du noyau 2.6.26

- impossibilité d'envoyer du son avec skype,  par contre, j'entends très 
bien la voix du test d'appel.
- couleurs épouvantables (peaux violacées), j'ai testé luvcview mais ce 
n'est pas concluant pour contrôler les couleurs.

-comment modifier définitivement les permissions de /dev/vide0 ?

Merci pour toute info ou retour d'expérience


tu peux essayer Guvcview

L'application a été développée et testée originalement avec une qc pro 5000.

Un petit topo en français :

Pour le son, il faut vérifier que le module son snd-usb-audio d'alsa 
soit bien chargé, et indiquer le bon périphérique de capture dans Skype 
(usb device...).
Je crois que Skype utilise toujours par défaut le système de son oss, 
il faut que la couche d'émulation oss d'alsa soit active (paquet 
alsa-oss) et les modules correspondant chargés (snd_pcm_oss, 
snd_mixer_oss, ...).

Quel est le problème avec les permissions de /dev/video0 ? L'utilisateur 
fait partie du groupe video ?


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Re: problème d'affichage avec iceweasel (iceweasel 3 contre firefox 3 = 0/1)

2008-10-12 Thread Philippe Merlin
Le lundi 6 octobre 2008, mess-mate a écrit :
 Philippe Merlin wrote:
  Le samedi 4 octobre 2008, Philippe Merlin a écrit :
  Philippe Merlin wrote:
  La version de Debian de ma machine est une lenny à jour. Depuis que
  je suis passé en iceweasel 3 j'ai une impossibilité de voir
  certaines informations avec iceweasel. Par exemple si je vais dans
  les pages jaunes ou blanche de l'annuaire et si je clique sur plan
   en dessous d'une 
  je profite du bug  référencé 495749 
  le bug : décrit
  exactement mon pb et en plus mon environnement.
  Dans mon premier message, j'avais aussi indiqué que j'envisageais
  d'installer sur la même machine iceweasel et firefox, pour pouvoir savoir
  si firefox3 a le même comportement qu'iceweasel.  Es ce possible,  si oui
  comment ? Dans l'impossibilité de le faire, Es ce facile d'installer 
  provisoirement Firefox3 à la place d'iceweasel ?
  Merci de vos conseils.

 Pas de problème pour installer firefox3, je le conseille d'ailleurs pour
 une migration future vers lenny.
 Il suffit de le télécharger et l'installer dans par ex. /opt.
 Il reprendra ton ancienne config (./mozilla) et fera un check de tes
 add-ons pour la conformité.
 Effectivement cela s'installe très facilement , en testant le Firefox,   je 
n'ai plus ce bug , il semble donc bien lié à la transformation de firefox3 en 
J'ai donc légèrement modifié l'intitulé de mon message en  un résultat de 
Dans ton message si j'ai bien compris tu sembles indiqué pour la version 
Debian lenny iceweasel serait abandonné au profit de firefox ? ??

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Re: problème d'affichage avec iceweasel ( iceweasel 3 contre firefox 3 = 0/1)

2008-10-12 Thread mess-mate

Philippe Merlin wrote:

Le lundi 6 octobre 2008, mess-mate a écrit :

Philippe Merlin wrote:


Le samedi 4 octobre 2008, Philippe Merlin a écrit :

Philippe Merlin wrote:

La version de Debian de ma machine est une lenny à jour. Depuis que
je suis passé en iceweasel 3 j'ai une impossibilité de voir
certaines informations avec iceweasel. Par exemple si je vais dans
les pages jaunes ou blanche de l'annuaire et si je clique sur plan
 en dessous d'une 

je profite du bug  référencé 495749 


le bug : décrit
exactement mon pb et en plus mon environnement.

Dans mon premier message, j'avais aussi indiqué que j'envisageais
d'installer sur la même machine iceweasel et firefox, pour pouvoir savoir
si firefox3 a le même comportement qu'iceweasel.  Es ce possible,  si oui
comment ? Dans l'impossibilité de le faire, Es ce facile d'installer 
provisoirement Firefox3 à la place d'iceweasel ?

Merci de vos conseils.

Pas de problème pour installer firefox3, je le conseille d'ailleurs pour
une migration future vers lenny.
Il suffit de le télécharger et l'installer dans par ex. /opt.
Il reprendra ton ancienne config (./mozilla) et fera un check de tes
add-ons pour la conformité.

 Effectivement cela s'installe très facilement , en testant le Firefox,   je 
n'ai plus ce bug , il semble donc bien lié à la transformation de firefox3 en 
J'ai donc légèrement modifié l'intitulé de mon message en  un résultat de 
Dans ton message si j'ai bien compris tu sembles indiqué pour la version 
Debian lenny iceweasel serait abandonné au profit de firefox ? ??



Pas abandonné... Tu reprends tout simplement ta ./mozilla de etch et tu 
la copie dans lenny.

La tranformation a été effectué dans ta ./mozilla de etch lorsque tu as 
installé firefox3 dans etch et puis firefox n'est plus utile dans lenny 
puisque tu y a iceweasel ( je me demande où est la différence si ce 
n'est que le nom).

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: son+couleurs avec webcam

2008-10-12 Thread maderios

thveillon.debian a écrit :

maderios a écrit :

Je viens de configurer une webcam logitech pro 5000 sur Lenny :
Ça marche avec le module uvc du noyau 2.6.26

- impossibilité d'envoyer du son avec skype,  par contre, j'entends 
très bien la voix du test d'appel.
- couleurs épouvantables (peaux violacées), j'ai testé luvcview mais 
ce n'est pas concluant pour contrôler les couleurs.

-comment modifier définitivement les permissions de /dev/vide0 ?

Merci pour toute info ou retour d'expérience


tu peux essayer Guvcview

L'application a été développée et testée originalement avec une qc pro 

Un petit topo en français :

Pour le son, il faut vérifier que le module son snd-usb-audio d'alsa 
soit bien chargé, et indiquer le bon périphérique de capture dans Skype 
(usb device...).
Je crois que Skype utilise toujours par défaut le système de son oss, 
il faut que la couche d'émulation oss d'alsa soit active (paquet 
alsa-oss) et les modules correspondant chargés (snd_pcm_oss, 
snd_mixer_oss, ...).

Quel est le problème avec les permissions de /dev/video0 ? L'utilisateur 
fait partie du groupe video ?


Bon, j'ai tout résolu (merci à luvcview qui mériterait d'être dans 
Lenny), sauf le son pour skype
J'ai bien chargé snd_pcm_oss, snd_mixer_oss et tout ce qui est possible 
pour l'oss et alsa-oss, module son USB, rien n'y fait...


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problème d'affichage avec iceweasel (iceweasel 3 contre firefox 3 = 0/1)

2008-10-12 Thread Philippe Merlin
Le dimanche 12 octobre 2008, mess-mate a écrit :
 Philippe Merlin wrote:
  Le lundi 6 octobre 2008, mess-mate a écrit :
  Philippe Merlin wrote:
  Le samedi 4 octobre 2008, Philippe Merlin a écrit :
  Philippe Merlin wrote:
  La version de Debian de ma machine est une lenny à jour. Depuis
  que je suis passé en iceweasel 3 j'ai une impossibilité de voir
  certaines informations avec iceweasel. Par exemple si je vais dans
  les pages jaunes ou blanche de l'annuaire et si je clique sur
  plan en dessous d'une 
  je profite du bug  référencé 495749 
  le bug :
  décrit exactement mon pb et en plus mon environnement.
  Dans mon premier message, j'avais aussi indiqué que j'envisageais
  d'installer sur la même machine iceweasel et firefox, pour pouvoir
  savoir si firefox3 a le même comportement qu'iceweasel.  Es ce
  possible,  si oui comment ? Dans l'impossibilité de le faire, Es ce
  facile d'installer provisoirement Firefox3 à la place d'iceweasel ?
  Merci de vos conseils.
  Pas de problème pour installer firefox3, je le conseille d'ailleurs pour
  une migration future vers lenny.
  Il suffit de le télécharger et l'installer dans par ex. /opt.
  Il reprendra ton ancienne config (./mozilla) et fera un check de tes
  add-ons pour la conformité.
   Effectivement cela s'installe très facilement , en testant le Firefox,  
  je n'ai plus ce bug , il semble donc bien lié à la transformation de
  firefox3 en iceweasel3.
  J'ai donc légèrement modifié l'intitulé de mon message en  un résultat de
  Dans ton message si j'ai bien compris tu sembles indiqué pour la version
  Debian lenny iceweasel serait abandonné au profit de firefox ? ??

 puis firefox n'est plus utile dans lenny
 puisque tu y a iceweasel ( je me demande où est la différence si ce
 n'est que le nom).
Je vois qu'on c'est mal compris, se suis en Lenny et j'ai actuellement 
iceweasel et firefox installé.
Et  firefox marche mieux que le clone Debian iceweasel, c'est ce que je crois 
avoir démontré du moins dans mon cas.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: son+couleurs avec webcam

2008-10-12 Thread thveillon.debian

maderios a écrit :

Bon, j'ai tout résolu (merci à luvcview qui mériterait d'être dans 
Lenny), sauf le son pour skype
J'ai bien chargé snd_pcm_oss, snd_mixer_oss et tout ce qui est possible 
pour l'oss et alsa-oss, module son USB, rien n'y fait...


Tu veux dire merci à Guvcview ? Parce que Luvcview est dans Debian 
main depuis un moment, mais effectivement Guvcview mériterait de s'y 

(pour ceux qui n'auraient pas suivi, oui je fais de la pub à cette jolie 
application ;-), qui le mérite ! )

Concernant ton problème de son, je ne peux pas t'aider de manière plus 
spécifique car je suis sur Lenny amd64, et je fais tourner Skype en 
version static, pour être plus précis la version des dépôts Medibuntu 
destiné à Ubuntu 8.04 (je sais, c'est mal, et ce n'est pas recommandé, 
mais pour un paquet static ça ne pose aucun problème).

Ça marche parfaitement, je n'ai pas compilé le support oss dans mon 
noyau, donc en 100% alsa, et je peux faire une conversation Skype avec 
amarok qui tourne sans problème. Si tu pense avoir essayé toutes les 
solutions normales (le son marche avec autre chose que Skype ?), et 
que tu veuilles essayer cette méthode tu peux trouver les paquets 
skype-static et skype-common sur le dépôt Medibuntu:

Il y a un petit topo sur l'installation sur Lenny amd64 en français ici :

Attention, comme dit précédemment le fait de récupérer des paquets 
Ubuntu pour Debian n'est pas recommandable, si ça ne marche pas il ne 
faudra pas pleurer chez Ubuntu ni Debian... Mais est-ce pire que de 
télécharger un logiciel de toute façon propriétaire sur le serveur de 
Skype ?

En tout cas chez moi ça fonctionne.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: son+couleurs avec webcam

2008-10-12 Thread thveillon.debian

La réponse m'a été adressée en direct, je fais suivre à la liste :

maderios a écrit :

thveillon.debian a écrit :

maderios a écrit :

Bon, j'ai tout résolu (merci à luvcview qui mériterait d'être dans 
Lenny), sauf le son pour skype
J'ai bien chargé snd_pcm_oss, snd_mixer_oss et tout ce qui est 
possible pour l'oss et alsa-oss, module son USB, rien n'y fait...


Tu veux dire merci à Guvcview ? Parce que Luvcview est dans Debian 
main depuis un moment, mais effectivement Guvcview mériterait de s'y 

(pour ceux qui n'auraient pas suivi, oui je fais de la pub à cette 
jolie application ;-), qui le mérite ! )

Concernant ton problème de son, je ne peux pas t'aider de manière plus 
spécifique car je suis sur Lenny amd64, et je fais tourner Skype en 
version static, pour être plus précis la version des dépôts Medibuntu 
destiné à Ubuntu 8.04 (je sais, c'est mal, et ce n'est pas recommandé, 
mais pour un paquet static ça ne pose aucun problème).

Ça marche parfaitement, je n'ai pas compilé le support oss dans mon 
noyau, donc en 100% alsa, et je peux faire une conversation Skype avec 
amarok qui tourne sans problème. Si tu pense avoir essayé toutes les 
solutions normales (le son marche avec autre chose que Skype ?), et 
que tu veuilles essayer cette méthode tu peux trouver les paquets 
skype-static et skype-common sur le dépôt Medibuntu:

Il y a un petit topo sur l'installation sur Lenny amd64 en français ici :

Attention, comme dit précédemment le fait de récupérer des paquets 
Ubuntu pour Debian n'est pas recommandable, si ça ne marche pas il ne 
faudra pas pleurer chez Ubuntu ni Debian... Mais est-ce pire que de 
télécharger un logiciel de toute façon propriétaire sur le serveur de 
Skype ?

En tout cas chez moi ça fonctionne.


 OK, je n'ai pas de religion, je vais tester les paquets Ubuntu.
 Sinon j'essaierai alsa compilé hors noyau.

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Re: problèm e libgeo-metar-perl stable/testing

2008-10-12 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 03:01:38PM +0200, Remi Suinot a écrit :
 sur le site de l'auteur 
 (, je  
 vois que la dernière version est numéroté 1.14
 Et les différences sont sensible entre les deux (avec la version 1.15):
 $ perl LFBL
 Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Geo/ line 
 donc, à qui rapporter le 'bug'? 


l'auteur a changé, comme indiqué dans le fichier de révisions du paquet

Lorsque l'on construit le paquet, les tests de régression s'exécutent
sans problème:

  /usr/bin/make test
  make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/buildd/libgeo-metar-perl-1.15'
  PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e
  test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch') t/*.t
  All tests successful.
  Files=1, Tests=7,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.02

Il faudrait un peu plus d'informations pour déterminer si l'erreur
provient de Geo::METAR, ou si c'est qui l'utilise mal.


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japon

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Re: Czy działa Wam miastomuzyki (RMF) ?

2008-10-12 Thread Michal R. Hoffmann

On 12/10/08 09:58, Krzysztof Kaczmar wrote:

ffmpeg nie potrzebuje plików binarnych do formatów 0x160 i 0x161
(wmav1 i wmav2), formaty 0x162 (wmav3, używane na i
0x163 nie są najwyraźniej wspierane.

WMAv3 jest albo opatentowany, lub ma zbyt restrykcyjną licencję by
doczekał się otwartej implementacji. Jeżeli bardzo Ci zależy na tym
radiu (są setki innych), możesz:

  * zainstalować 32-bitowego mplayera w chroot lub tak:
  * wypróbować realplayera:
  * wydać pieniądze na
Jeszcze raz dzięki za pomoc. No cóż, aż tak zdeterminowany nie jestem, 
tak jak piszesz, są setki innych stacji. Przynajmniej się kilku rzeczy 
nauczyłem (wykorzystanie curl, gst-inspect-0.10) :)

Pozdrawiam serdecznie,
Michał R. Hoffmann

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Visualizador bases de datos

2008-10-12 Thread Marc

En/na Hector Oron ha escrit:


Tengo una base de datos con la que no estoy muy familiarizado, está en
postgresql aunque de vez en cuando me pasa el mismo problema con bases
de datos mysql.
La pregunta en cuestión es si conoceis algún programa que permita
consultar y/o administrar los datos de estas bases mediante una
interficie gráfica o web.

Saludos y gracias


para el postgresql parece que hay algo similar al phpmyadmin que ya te 
han comentado (y que yo te recomendaría sin dudad), no lo he probado 
pero parece que está en los repos:

aptitude install phppgadmin

Saludos !!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compiz fusion en lenny amd64

2008-10-12 Thread Francisco Aravena
Asi es ejecuta esa manera con los binarios de la pagina web de nvidia,  en
mi laptop anterior tenia una Nvidia 6010 excelente tarjeta, al tirar los
drivers desde los repositorios me pasaba lo que decias tu.

asi, que lo hacia asi.

1) bajar el driver para mi arquitectura.

2) luego ejecutaba en control alt f1 (la idea es ir a consola pura y dura)
o tambien ejcutar en una consola como root # /etc/init.d/gdm stop

3) apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`  gcc, build-essential (como dice

4) export CC=gcc-4.1 (aunque este paso le decia que no e igual me lo

5) y luego ejecutar # sh NVIDIA*.run

y listo...

seria todo y tu grafica pasaria de una Nintendo XD a un sistema con
GNU/LInux ...
Eso es lo que me gusta de linux la comunidad y que en realidad las
instalaciones son mas faciles que de otros sistemas operativos
mil formas para todo .D

Francisco Aravena

| Este mensaje no contiene virus ya que fue escrito en una PC con
| sistema
| This message doesn't contain viruses, because it has been created with
| Linux.

2008/10/10 Moises Brenes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 2008/10/10 xploiting [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hola lista, he intentado instalar compiz fusion, siguiendo varios
  manuales en la red, y con ninguno lo he conseguido.
  Utilizo Debien Lenny plataforma amd64 tarjeta envidia 7900 GS .
  Cada vez que hago apt-get install nvidia-glx se me estropea el
  servidor grafico y tengo que reinstalar gdm o kdm
  alguna sugerencia?

 Instala utilizando el binario de Nvidia:

 teniendo instalado los headers

 # apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`

 gcc, build-essential

 seteas la variable de entorno del compilar, ya que utiliza la version 4.1

 # export CC=gcc-4.1

 y entonces ejecuta el binario(si lo deseas este te configura el
 fichero del x server, pero no del todo para utilizar compiz, hay que
 hacer unos retoques).

 * Yo siempre utilizo este, y me trabaja bien(tambien uso Lenny AMD64).

 Ejemplo de mi xorg.conf


 Section ServerLayout
Identifier Layout0
Screen 0  Screen0
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer

 Section Files
RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb

 Section Module
Load   dbe
Load   extmod
Load   freetype
Load   glx

 Section InputDevice
Identifier Mouse0
Driver mouse
Option Protocol auto
Option Device /dev/psaux
Option Emulate3Buttons true
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

 Section InputDevice
Identifier Keyboard0
Driver kbd
Option XkbRules xorg   # añadido
Option XkbLayout  us, es  # añadido

 Section Monitor
Identifier Monitor0
VendorName Dell
ModelName  1908FP
HorizSync   30.0 - 81.0
VertRefresh 56.0 - 76.0
Option DPMS

 Section Device
Identifier Device0
Driver nvidia
VendorName NVIDIA Corporation
Option XAANoOffscreenPixmaps true  # añadido manualmente
Option RenderAccel true# añadido
Option AllowGLXWithComposite true   # añadido manualmente

 Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Device0
Option  AddARGBGLXVisuals True
SubSection Display
Depth   24

 Section Extensions#
 añadido manualmente
Option  Composite Enable# añadido
 EndSection  #
 añadido manualmente


 シャカ |
 debian gnu/linux

 Para que no se me olvide


Re: /etc/network/interfaces

2008-10-12 Thread Alberto Molina Coballes
El sáb, 11-10-2008 a las 16:03 +0200, Pablo Braulio escribió:
 Hash: SHA1
  Hola Pablo, simplemente comentando la linea auto eth0, la iface no va
  a levantar..
  # auto eth0
 Pero en ese caso al iniciar tendría que hacer ifup eth0 o ifup wlan0.
 Es decir, que me da lo mismo apagar luego la tarjeta que encender la que
 Lo he preguntado porque creo que debe existir algo para evitar esto.

¿Has probado a poner allow-hotplug eth0 en lugar de auto eth0?

Eso debe levantarte eth0 sólo cuando tengas el cable conectado.

Además están las opciones de mapping que aparecen en el man de
interfaces, pero es un poco complicado.

Aparte de esto está Network-Manager.

Alberto Molina Coballes

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Visualizador bases de datos

2008-10-12 Thread Maximiliano Marin Bustos
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Marc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 En/na Hector Oron ha escrit:


 Tengo una base de datos con la que no estoy muy familiarizado, está en
 postgresql aunque de vez en cuando me pasa el mismo problema con bases
 de datos mysql.
 La pregunta en cuestión es si conoceis algún programa que permita
 consultar y/o administrar los datos de estas bases mediante una
 interficie gráfica o web.

 Saludos y gracias

 para el postgresql parece que hay algo similar al phpmyadmin que ya te han
 comentado (y que yo te recomendaría sin dudad), no lo he probado pero parece
 que está en los repos:

 aptitude install phppgadmin

 Saludos !!

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Tambien esta el pgadmin3 que esuna aplicacion de escritorio
Maximiliano Marin

Actualizar a GTK+2.10 o Superior para Firefox 3

2008-10-12 Thread MatLnx
Buenas tardes a todos, mi nombre es Matias y hace poco volvi a instalar
nuevamente Debian en la Notebook ya que debia tener windows por
cuestiones de facultad (Maldito visual estudio .net jeje).

El tema es que al querer instalar el firefox 3 me dice que debo
actualizar a GTK+2.10 o mas nuevo.

En internet encontré 5 o 6 formas diferentes para hacerlo y realmente no
pude con ningúna (estoy medio oxidado actualmente pero de a poco nos
iremos aflojando).

Alguno me podrá resumir como puedo hacer o si tiene algún link que me
aclare un poco las ideas, estaría muy agradecido...

Desde ya muchisimas gracias por su ayuda, y espero poder aportar a
partir de ahora.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

desactivar boton de reinicio y apagado

2008-10-12 Thread 73m876n9t
Buenos dias, alguien de casualidad sabe como desactivar el boton de apagar,,
reinicio para un usuario de gnome- ya le he quitado los permisos a reboot,
halt, lo cambie de grupo
modifique el archivo gdm.conf y los usuarios me siguen reiniciando las

muchas gracias por la colaboracion

Actualizar a GTK+2.10 o Superior para Firefox 3

2008-10-12 Thread MatLnx
Buenas tardes a todos, mi nombre es Matias y hace poco volvi a instalar
nuevamente Debian en la Notebook ya que debia tener windows por
cuestiones de facultad (Maldito visual estudio .net jeje).

El tema es que al querer instalar el firefox 3 me dice que debo
actualizar a GTK+2.10 o mas nuevo.

En internet encontré 5 o 6 formas diferentes para hacerlo y realmente no
pude con ningúna (estoy medio oxidado actualmente pero de a poco nos
iremos aflojando).

Alguno me podrá resumir como puedo hacer o si tiene algún link que me
aclare un poco las ideas, estaría muy agradecido...

Desde ya muchisimas gracias por su ayuda, y espero poder aportar a
partir de ahora.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OT test

2008-10-12 Thread Felix Perez
usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mensaje extraño cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail

2008-10-12 Thread Felix Perez
Hola estimados, a alguien mas le esta llegando este tipo de emnsajes?

fecha   12 de octubre de 2008 0:08
asunto  Notificación de estado de entrega (Error)
enviado por

ocultar detalles 0:08 (17 horas antes)


Notificación de estado de entrega generada automáticamente.

Error en la entrega a los siguientes destinatarios.


Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1

-- Mensaje reenviado --
From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lista-debian
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 23:05:47 -0400
Subject: [OT] cambira tamaño memoria grafica a hp compaq nc6400
Hola amigos, pues como dice el asunto del post quiero saber si se
puede cambiar el tamaño de la memoria grafica para este modelo, el que
tengo tiene la tarjeta integrada, pero en la bios no hay ninguna
opcion para alterar dicho monto de memoria.  Este notebook es el
t2400 a 1,83mhz


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-spa

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mensaje extraño cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail

2008-10-12 Thread Alberto Vicat

Felix Perez escribió:

Hola estimados, a alguien mas le esta llegando este tipo de emnsajes?

fecha   12 de octubre de 2008 0:08
asunto  Notificación de estado de entrega (Error)
enviado por

ocultar detalles 0:08 (17 horas antes)


Notificación de estado de entrega generada automáticamente.

Error en la entrega a los siguientes destinatarios.


Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1

-- Mensaje reenviado --
From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lista-debian
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 23:05:47 -0400
Subject: [OT] cambira tamaño memoria grafica a hp compaq nc6400
Hola amigos, pues como dice el asunto del post quiero saber si se
puede cambiar el tamaño de la memoria grafica para este modelo, el que
tengo tiene la tarjeta integrada, pero en la bios no hay ninguna
opcion para alterar dicho monto de memoria.  Este notebook es el
t2400 a 1,83mhz


Sí, a mí me llegó uno igualito ayer, después de responderte precisamente 
a vos sobre el tema del que había mandado su pregunta a la lista 
inglesa, en español.
Supongo yo que es algún suscriptor de la lista cuya dirección está ahora 
inaccesible, y cuando la lista le envía el mensaje a él (como a todos) 
se genera esa respuesta de error.

Pero creo que los demás seguimos recibiendo normalmente.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mensaje extraño cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail

2008-10-12 Thread Julian Esteban Perconti
- Original Message - 
From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lista-debian
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 5:12 PM
Subject: mensaje extraño cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail

Hola estimados, a alguien mas le esta llegando este tipo de emnsajes?

fecha 12 de octubre de 2008 0:08
asunto Notificación de estado de entrega (Error)
enviado por

ocultar detalles 0:08 (17 horas antes)


Notificación de estado de entrega generada automáticamente.

Error en la entrega a los siguientes destinatarios.


Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1

-- Mensaje reenviado --
From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lista-debian
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 23:05:47 -0400
Subject: [OT] cambira tamaño memoria grafica a hp compaq nc6400
Hola amigos, pues como dice el asunto del post quiero saber si se
puede cambiar el tamaño de la memoria grafica para este modelo, el que
tengo tiene la tarjeta integrada, pero en la bios no hay ninguna
opcion para alterar dicho monto de memoria.  Este notebook es el
t2400 a 1,83mhz


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-spa

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 

Hola Felix, a mi tambien me estuvieron llegando.., al parecer es un problema 
de la lista.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT test

2008-10-12 Thread Alberto Vicat

Felix Perez escribió:

Yo lo recibí. Totalmente en blanco, pero llegó.
En estos casos es mejor escribir algún texto.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlpp

2008-10-12 Thread Stéphane Glondu
Javier wrote:
 g++ -static /root/mysql/mysql++-3.0.0/libmysqlpp.a fax.cpp -o fax
 todo funciona correctamente, sin embargo si necesito unirlo con otras
 librerías... la cosa ya cambia. Los errores comienzan a ser grande.
 g++ -static /usr/lib/libpthread.a /usr/lib/libvmime.a
 /root/mysql/mysql++-3.0.0/libmysqlpp.a fax.cpp -o fax
 g++ -lpthread -lvmime -static /root/mysql/mysql++-3.0.0/libmysqlpp.a
 fax.cpp -o fax
 También probé a ponerle -lmysqlclient -lz, pero no cambian los errores :S
 Los errores que suelta:
 /tmp/ccjs6XSo.o: In function `fax::notify(std::basic_stringchar,
 std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar ,
 std::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar
 fax.cpp:(.text+0x16f9): undefined reference to
 fax.cpp:(.text+0x173f): undefined reference to
 std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar  const)'
 fax.cpp:(.text+0x1757): undefined reference to
 `vmime::messageBuilder::setExpeditor(vmime::mailbox const)'
 fax.cpp:(.text+0x1813): undefined reference to

¿Has probado compilar estáticamente un programa que utiliza vime
solamente (no pthread, no libmysqlpp)?


Stéphane Glondu

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mensaje extraño cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail

2008-10-12 Thread dayer
2008/10/12 Julian Esteban Perconti [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 - Original Message -
 From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: lista-debian
 Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 5:12 PM
 Subject: mensaje extraño cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail

 Hola estimados, a alguien mas le esta llegando este tipo de emnsajes?

 fecha 12 de octubre de 2008 0:08
 asunto Notificación de estado de entrega (Error)
 enviado por

 ocultar detalles 0:08 (17 horas antes)


 Notificación de estado de entrega generada automáticamente.

 Error en la entrega a los siguientes destinatarios.


 Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Action: failed
 Status: 5.1.1

 -- Mensaje reenviado --
 From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: lista-debian
 Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 23:05:47 -0400
 Subject: [OT] cambira tamaño memoria grafica a hp compaq nc6400
 Hola amigos, pues como dice el asunto del post quiero saber si se
 puede cambiar el tamaño de la memoria grafica para este modelo, el que
 tengo tiene la tarjeta integrada, pero en la bios no hay ninguna
 opcion para alterar dicho monto de memoria.  Este notebook es el
 t2400 a 1,83mhz


 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-spa

 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Hola Felix, a mi tambien me estuvieron llegando.., al parecer es un problema
 de la lista.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ayer precisamente iba a escribir sobre eso, porque empezaba a
sospechar de que mi spam estuviera alcanzando niveles de imitar
mensajes de la lista xD

Un saludo

Decidle al Duque que agradecemos sus palabras, pero este es un Tercio español

Re: desactivar boton de reinicio y apagado

2008-10-12 Thread dayer
2008/10/12 73m876n9t [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Buenos dias, alguien de casualidad sabe como desactivar el boton de apagar,,
 reinicio para un usuario de gnome- ya le he quitado los permisos a reboot,
 halt, lo cambie de grupo
 modifique el archivo gdm.conf y los usuarios me siguen reiniciando las

 muchas gracias por la colaboracion

Mientras das con la solución software podrías probar con la hardware
desenganchando los botones de la parte frontal de las carcasas y
escondiéndolos dentro. Así seguro que por experto que sea cualquier
usuario le va a costar más reiniciarlo jejeje. He buscado un ratillo y
no he encontrado sobre como hacerlo, pero es muy curioso lo que


Decidle al Duque que agradecemos sus palabras, pero este es un Tercio español

Squid no bloquea sitios.

2008-10-12 Thread Julian Esteban Perconti
Saludos lista, hace ya unos dias que logre encontrar las reglas adecuadas 
para redireccionar las peticiones del puerto 80 en un GW a un squid-box, 
Funciona todo bien exepto lo mencionado en el asunto, squid no bloquea 
sitios. Lo que inicialmente probe fue:

acl yo src
acl deny_flog url_regex -i /etc/squid/deny-flog

http_access deny yo deny_flog

# squid -k reconfigure
# /etc/init.d/squid restart.

contenido /etc/squid/deny_flog:

Y fotolog anda que vuela.

2do intento:

acl yo src
acl deny_flog  dstdomain

http_access deny yo deny_flog

# squid -k reconfigure
# /etc/init.d/squid restart.

Y fotolog anda que vuela.

3er intento (el mas llamativo) :

acl deny_flog dstdomain
http_access deny deny_flog

# squid -k reconfigure
# /etc/init.d/squid restart.

Y con este 3er intento, fotolog muere como cucaracha, el problema de esto es 
que solo quiero denegar el acceso a mi ip, no a toda la lan.
Bueno, busque info y de aca
saque todo lo que mas pude y entendi. Googleando, todos forman las ACL's y 
http_access de la misma forma.
El orden de las reglas? estan bien, es decir.., primero deniego a flog y 
despues si (mas abajo) http_access allow our_networks.

Tambien probe al reves, digamos: http_access allow yo !deny_flog (y nada). 
Al parecer el problema esta cuando le especifico el origen.

Por ahora (y hasta por ahi nomas) me las estoy arreglando con unas reglas de 
iptables en el GW , lo cual me parece un desperdicio, teniendo un proxy 
transparente, ademas tengo muchos sitios mas por bloquear.., y tambien tengo 
la idea de implementar el squidguard, que lei por ahi.., pero recien en 
estos dos dias me sente con el tema squid.. asi que.. por ahora lo basico.

   Bueno gracias de antemano y perdon por el extenso mail.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ¿Dónde encontrar Crossmeta?

2008-10-12 Thread Carlos Albornoz
dayer escribió:
 2008/10/12 carlos albornoz [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 dayer escribió:
 2008/10/11 mariodebian [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 El sáb, 11-10-2008 a las 18:13 +0200, dayer escribió:
 Hola, hace un tiempo que vengo utilizando XFS como sistema de
 archivos, pero a veces necesito utilizar Windows XP sin más remedio y
 acceder a mi /home (que está en XFS y no sé cómo funcionaría si lo
 convierto a NTFS). He leído en muchos sitios la existencia de un
 driver de Crossmeta que permite acceder a particiones en XFS desde
 Windows XP, pero la página web a la que todos dirigen ahora es de
 publicidad, habrán perdido el dominio, y no encuentro manera de dar
 con él. ¿Alguien lo utilizó/utiliza y guardó el instalador?

 Un saludo.

 ¿Has probado con

 Parece que si hay algo:

 (no se si es ese archivo el que buscas)


 Muchas gracias, ya sabiendo que uno de los archivos se llama así he
 indagado y una web en chino me ha mandado a un enlace de Rapidshare
 donde estaba la otra.

 Voy a probarlos :)

 podrias poner el link para tenerlo

 uno nunca sabe XD


 Carlos Albornoz C.
 Linux User #360502
 fono: 97864420

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


 Perdón!!! Si es que leo cada pelotera que tiene la gente con el
 asunto... porque por todos lados encuentro temas de gente en foros que
 dice que no le funciona y nadie les responde (pero creo que es porque
 la gente se piensa que es cuestión de instalar y listo, y no, hay que
 mirarse el manual debido a que hay que trastear en consola desde
 Windows jejeje).

 No he podido sacarlo todo de un mismo sitio pero estos son los
 archivos a los que aluden en tantas y tantas webs que mandan  la que
 ya no existe, o al menos ahora a la publicidad xD

 (obtenidos de

 (obtenido de googlear; ojo que en el mismo directorio hay también un
 crossmeta-nfs pero es la 1_0_1, anterior a la de los enlaces

 Y ya que la cosa parece chunga, aquí algunos mirrors:

 manual y nfs-

 PD: aún no me he puesto a instalarlo y probarlo, sólo he mirado el
 manual por encima y parece que el es el
 importante, que lleva el instalador, pero es bueno también agenciarse
 el crossmeta_jumpstart.pdf que es el manual

 PD2: @Carlos Albornoz, guárdalos bien que ya ves en qué idiomas son
 las webs por donde aún se puede rescatar xD

se agradece, los subo inmediatamente a mi server para que no se pierdan
( )


Carlos Albornoz C.
Linux User #360502
fono: 97864420

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mensaje extraño cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail

2008-10-12 Thread Maximiliano Marin Bustos
2008/10/12 dayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 2008/10/12 Julian Esteban Perconti [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  - Original Message -
  From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: lista-debian
  Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 5:12 PM
  Subject: mensaje extraño cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail
  Hola estimados, a alguien mas le esta llegando este tipo de emnsajes?
  fecha 12 de octubre de 2008 0:08
  asunto Notificación de estado de entrega (Error)
  enviado por
  ocultar detalles 0:08 (17 horas antes)
  Notificación de estado de entrega generada automáticamente.
  Error en la entrega a los siguientes destinatarios.
  Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Action: failed
  Status: 5.1.1
  -- Mensaje reenviado --
  From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: lista-debian
  Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 23:05:47 -0400
  Subject: [OT] cambira tamaño memoria grafica a hp compaq nc6400
  Hola amigos, pues como dice el asunto del post quiero saber si se
  puede cambiar el tamaño de la memoria grafica para este modelo, el que
  tengo tiene la tarjeta integrada, pero en la bios no hay ninguna
  opcion para alterar dicho monto de memoria.  Este notebook es el
  t2400 a 1,83mhz
  usuario linux  #274354
  normas de la lista:
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-spa
  usuario linux  #274354
  normas de la lista:
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
  Hola Felix, a mi tambien me estuvieron llegando.., al parecer es un
  de la lista.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Ayer precisamente iba a escribir sobre eso, porque empezaba a
 sospechar de que mi spam estuviera alcanzando niveles de imitar
 mensajes de la lista xD

 Un saludo

 Decidle al Duque que agradecemos sus palabras, pero este es un Tercio

O quiza alguien esta mandando correos desde su localost y quien sabe qe
invento tiene

Maximiliano Marin

Re: OT test

2008-10-12 Thread Felix Perez
2008/10/12 Alberto Vicat [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Felix Perez escribió:

 Yo lo recibí. Totalmente en blanco, pero llegó.
 En estos casos es mejor escribir algún texto.

Si disculpen, es que era para probar el tema de ese correo postmaster
que me esta llegando.



 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mensaje extrao cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail

2008-10-12 Thread Julian Esteban Perconti
- Mensaje original - 
De: Maximiliano Marin Bustos

Para: Lista. Debian
Enviado: Domingo, 12 de Octubre de 2008 21:02
Asunto: Re: mensaje extrao cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail

2008/10/12 dayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008/10/12 Julian Esteban Perconti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lista-debian
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 5:12 PM
Subject: mensaje extra?o cuando escribo a la lista desde gmail

Hola estimados, a alguien mas le esta llegando este tipo de emnsajes?

fecha 12 de octubre de 2008 0:08
asunto Notificaci?n de estado de entrega (Error)
enviado por

ocultar detalles 0:08 (17 horas antes)


Notificaci?n de estado de entrega generada autom?ticamente.

Error en la entrega a los siguientes destinatarios.


Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1

-- Mensaje reenviado --
From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: lista-debian
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 23:05:47 -0400
Subject: [OT] cambira tama?o memoria grafica a hp compaq nc6400
Hola amigos, pues como dice el asunto del post quiero saber si se
puede cambiar el tama?o de la memoria grafica para este modelo, el que
tengo tiene la tarjeta integrada, pero en la bios no hay ninguna
opcion para alterar dicho monto de memoria.  Este notebook es el
t2400 a 1,83mhz


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-spa

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Hola Felix, a mi tambien me estuvieron llegando.., al parecer es un problema
de la lista.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ayer precisamente iba a escribir sobre eso, porque empezaba a
sospechar de que mi spam estuviera alcanzando niveles de imitar
mensajes de la lista xD

Un saludo

Decidle al Duque que agradecemos sus palabras, pero este es un Tercio espa?ol

O quiza alguien esta mandando correos desde su localost y quien sabe qe invento 

Maximiliano Marin

Por Favor!
No manden en formato HTML.
Mata la cabeza y viola las normas. 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: curso linux

2008-10-12 Thread Professor Quesada
Caro Espindola

Tem a Utah também e essas que o colega citou
esses tópicos são ensinados no LCN da Utah.
Mas dica abaixe esse Guia Foca e treine esses tópicos antes de fazer
algum curso pois assim as dúvidas existirão.
Quanto mais envolvido com o assunto tiver melhor aproveitamento terá
nesses cursos independente de escola ou professor.
Para esses assuntos que você citou eu aconselharia você ter base em
instalação de Gnu/Linux.
Redes e executar comandos via modo texto.

Boa sorte na sua busca.

Um abraço cordial
Aparecido Quesada

On 10/10/08, Allison Vollmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: escreveu:
 Ola, gostaria de saber qual o melhor curso de Linux Debian que ensine
 a instalação e configuração de maquinas clientes e principalmente de
 servidores com os serviços de DNS, DHCP etc. Obrigado.

 Conheça já o Windows Live Spaces, o site de relacionamentos do
 Messenger! Crie já o seu!

 É bem completo, muitos aprenderam através dele e é atualizado meio
 direto, também pode ser usado como um guia de consulta

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Fwd: Backup em Dvd - Alguém tem?]

2008-10-12 Thread Alexandre Martani
2008/10/10 Daniel Ribeiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Você pode especificar o diretorio sem problemas a hora que for gerar o
 arquivo ISO.

 Daniel Ribeiro

 Fábio de Sousa wrote:

 Muito Obrigado, pela atenção de todos

 Só mais uma dúvida!!!
 Na verdade iriei copiar um diretório com vários arquivos e sub-diretórios...
 A minha dúvida é o seguinte: terei que criar um único arquivo, no caso
 poderia usar o comando  tar, ou seria simplesmente indicar o diretório?

Creio que gravar direto vai destruir as permissões dos arquivos.. Se
isso for importante, é melhor usar o tar antes. Além de também ser
útil para comprimir os dados..

Alexandre Martani - amartani em gmail com

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solução de domínio virtual com: Postfix, MySQL e Cyrus

2008-10-12 Thread Rodolfo Barbosa

Olá pessoal,

Eu tenho um a solução de e-mail com domínios virtuais utilizando o 
Postfix, Dovecot e Mysql e quero troca-la para uma solução com Postfix, 
Cyrus e MySQL.

Até o momento, não encontrei nada que pudesse me ajudar na Internet, 
alguém conhece alguma documentação que possa me ajudar?

Rodolfo Barbosa
Lunar Consultoria

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Solução de domínio virtual com: Postfix, MySQL e Cyrus

2008-10-12 Thread Adauto Serpa

Me desculpe te responder com outra pergunta ; ) Tenho uma solução acredito eu
com que seje igual a sua, O que está faltando na sua solução não está te
atendendo ???  Acho que pode ser interessante pra mim também !!!

até mais,

Adauto Serpa
Tecnólogo em Informática

2008/10/12 Rodolfo Barbosa [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Olá pessoal,

 Eu tenho um a solução de e-mail com domínios virtuais utilizando o Postfix,
 Dovecot e Mysql e quero troca-la para uma solução com Postfix, Cyrus e

 Até o momento, não encontrei nada que pudesse me ajudar na Internet, alguém
 conhece alguma documentação que possa me ajudar?

 Rodolfo Barbosa
 Lunar Consultoria

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug ou Erro

2008-10-12 Thread Tinti
Ola estou usando o debian lenny 64 bit e estou tendo problemas com o pacote
Ou o programa não acha a biblioteca ou ele retorna o seguinte erro:

error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class:

Eu coloquei a biblioteca no /ur/lib32/ apesar dela ser 64 salvo me engano
entao o erro pode ser por causa disso.

Mss em qualquer caso estou avisando grato.

Vinicius Tinti - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here Goes Nothing
Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried
Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.

Re: Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier And MySQL (Debian-Etch)

2008-10-12 Thread Fabiano Pires
Parece que o servidor está tentando acessar um diretório chamado e não está conseguindo. Verifique se o mesmo existe e
também as permissões.
Fabiano Pires
Livrando você da escória da Internet

2008/9/21 Caio Abreu Ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On (21/09/08 22:47), Caio Abreu Ferreira wrote:
  Estou configurarndo o Debian Etch para trabalhar como servidor de e-mail
  o mysql e domínio virtual. Para isso estou seguindo um howto do
  HowtoForge[1]. Infelizmente estou tendo problema para realizar a
  autenticação. Para inserir os dados do usuário no mysql executei os
  mysql -u root -p
  USE mail;
  INSERT INTO `domains` (`domain`) VALUES ('');
  INSERT INTO `users` (`email`, `password`, `quota`) VALUES
  ('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', ENCRYPT('12345'), 10485760);
  Para verificar se os dados foram inseridos de forma correta realizei o
  seguinte teste
  neutrino:~# telnet localhost 110
  Connected to localhost.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  +OK Hello there.
  user sales
  +OK Password required.
  pass 12345
  -ERR Login failed.
  Revisei todo os passos do tutorial mas infelismente não encontrei o que
  estau causando o erro.
  Por acaso alguém da lista já utilizou esse tutorial e teve esse tipo de


 Descobri o que estava errado

 O correto é [EMAIL PROTECTED] e não somente sales

 Depois de arrumar esse problema agora surgiu outro. Realizei o mesmo teste,
 com a devia alteração e agora esta aparecendo a mensagem de eroo:

 # telnet localhost 110
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 +OK Hello there.
 +OK Password required.
 pass 12345
 -ERR chdir failed
 Connection closed by foreign host.

 Alguma idéia?



  .''`.   Caio Abreu Ferreira
 `. `'`   Debian User

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Fabiano Pires
Livrando você da escória da Internet

Re: Bug ou Erro

2008-10-12 Thread Eddie

Esta instalado esse pacote?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sanal diskleri bağlamak

2008-10-12 Thread Hilmi
2008/10/9 Ali Deniz EREN [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ubuntu üzerine virtualbox ile debian sanal makineler kurdum. Diskler
 denemeler yapıyorum. Virtualbox vdi dosyaları şeklinde sanal diskler
 oluşturuyor. Bu diskleri sisteme bağlayabilir miyim (bu örnekte sistem
 ubuntu)?  Bağladıktan sonra üzerinde normal disklerde yapabildiğim
 yapabilir miyim? Dizinler arasında dolaşmak, silmek, kopyalamak, aramak vs

Eğer vdi dosyanız fixed size ise (yada dönüştürürseniz)  normal raw
disk (loop image) şeklinde bağlayabilirsiniz ancak bazı hackler yapmak
gerekiyo. mount parametrelerinde offset değeri gibi. Bunların detaylı
açıklaması VirtualBox forumlarında olması lazım.

 Hatta bağlamadan tıpkı /dev/sda şeklinde erişilen diskler şeklinde
 davranabilir miyim. Örneğin fdisk, parted, mkfs.* işlermleri için. Data
 kurtarma işlemleri yapabilir miyim.

Bu söylediğiniz işlemleri yapmak daha zor. vditool diye bir araçla
bazı işlemler yapabilirsiniz.
Ama bana kalırsa dosyaları network üzerinden (NFS, SMBFS, FTP vs.) ile
taşımak diskleri de normal live CD ler ile sanal makina üzerinden açıp
düzenlemek daha kolay olur.

Howto: Accessing VirtualBox VDI Disks on the Host Computer
- Hide quoted text -

 Bunu daha önce deneyen var mı acaba, ya da bir döküman vs.

 İyi çalışmalar.

iyi çalışmalar

 Ali Deniz EREN

Re: Filing bug reports in Debian (was Re: Debian Stole My Name!)

2008-10-12 Thread Hal Vaughan
On Saturday 11 October 2008, Steve Kemp wrote:
   Anyway I think I've clarified my previous mail sufficiently, so
  I'll happily stop now.  I think we've probably both made our points
  sufficiently.  The next thing to do is to either consider ways to
  help raise awareness of expectations on both sides of the
 bug-reporting fence, or report upstream instead of Debian if you feel
 that you're consistently failing to achieve resolution with us.

And that's what I'm doing by making my point: Raising the awareness of 
the issue.  Notice several other people have also commented on similar 
situations, so I'm not alone.

Awareness has been raised and someone pointed out that some DDs are 
posting on this thread.  While that may be like preaching to the choir 
(the ones participating in a thread like this are obviously showing 
enough interest that they're not the ones ignoring or being short with 
bug reporters), at least there are some who are seeing several people 
comment on this issue and there's always a good chance they may bring 
the situation up with other DDs.  Since it seems clear that some of us 
feel DDs don't care about user comments and bug reports, perhaps if 
some DDs themselves bring this up when it can be discussed with other 
DDs, it might make a difference.


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Re: Compile vanilla 2.6.27 using make-kpkg

2008-10-12 Thread Eugene V. Lyubimkin
Adrian Levi wrote:
 I'm having troubles compiling a vanilla 2.6.27 kernel using
 kernel-package. Looks like there is a new iwl4965 driver and I'd like
 to try it out.
 The kernel compiles correctly using the usual toolchain provided with
 the sources but fails on the packaging part using make-kpkg.
 The compile process gets all the way to the end and fails with
 debian/stamp/Install: Is a directory
 The exact command line I'm using at the top level linux-2.6.27 direcory is:
 fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --arch amd64 kernel_image
 have tried to compile this in etch and lenny with no luck, can someone
 else confirm that it works for them?
New kernel-package with many recent improvements are in Sid now, try it.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, Ukrainian C++ developer.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Installing Etch With TFTP: Linux starts, I/O Stops

2008-10-12 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 05:12:47AM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:
 On Saturday 11 October 2008, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 01:06:41AM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:
   On Friday 10 October 2008, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
Where is the actual install media?
   That's one thing I'm not clear about.  Not one article I've found
   on the web that has explained this has said where to put any
   install media.  I was beginning to wonder if data was automatically
   pulled from a URL or something since I did not see instructions on
   placing any other install files.
  Indeed, the install guide is not so clear at this point. It merely
  points you to a complete tarball that includes the whole PXE network
  layout. But doesn't really tell you how to add it to an existing
 I did find out, from experience, though, that there is no need for an 
 installation medium.  The entire install was either in the initrd or 
 downloaded by the installer that was in there.  I don't have that page 
 in my browser at the moment so I don't remember if it was in a wiki or 
 not.  I think it may have been.  I did get an account on the Soekris 
 wiki, which had the instructions for everything to do except how to set 
 up the PXEBoot (and for that it linked to the page we're discussing) 
 and I added in the part about specifying the console as the serial 
 device and the baud rate in the config file.
 Oh, and as an experiment, considering all the trouble I had, at one 
 point I just unzipped the entire netboot.tgz (or was it tar.gz?) file 
 in the tftpboot directory and edited the default config file and it 
 worked perfectly.  I think it was easier to add 2-3 lines to the config 
 file than to be straight on which file to delete and which link to 
 delete and replace.

Which is why I prefer a preseed file to point to the mirror.

Tzafrir Cohen | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is || a Mutt's
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing Etch With TFTP: Linux starts, I/O Stops

2008-10-12 Thread Hal Vaughan
On Saturday 11 October 2008, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 01:06:41AM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:
  On Friday 10 October 2008, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
   Where is the actual install media?
  That's one thing I'm not clear about.  Not one article I've found
  on the web that has explained this has said where to put any
  install media.  I was beginning to wonder if data was automatically
  pulled from a URL or something since I did not see instructions on
  placing any other install files.

 Indeed, the install guide is not so clear at this point. It merely
 points you to a complete tarball that includes the whole PXE network
 layout. But doesn't really tell you how to add it to an existing

I did find out, from experience, though, that there is no need for an 
installation medium.  The entire install was either in the initrd or 
downloaded by the installer that was in there.  I don't have that page 
in my browser at the moment so I don't remember if it was in a wiki or 
not.  I think it may have been.  I did get an account on the Soekris 
wiki, which had the instructions for everything to do except how to set 
up the PXEBoot (and for that it linked to the page we're discussing) 
and I added in the part about specifying the console as the serial 
device and the baud rate in the config file.

Oh, and as an experiment, considering all the trouble I had, at one 
point I just unzipped the entire netboot.tgz (or was it tar.gz?) file 
in the tftpboot directory and edited the default config file and it 
worked perfectly.  I think it was easier to add 2-3 lines to the config 
file than to be straight on which file to delete and which link to 
delete and replace.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compile vanilla 2.6.27 using make-kpkg

2008-10-12 Thread Adrian Levi
2008/10/12 thveillon.debian [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've used Lenny default for the kernel I'm currently running
 (11.001-something I think), and then tried 11.007 from Sid with good
 The .config is from my previously home-rolled 2.6.26-6, gcc is Lenny 4.3.2,
 config is nothing fancy, enabled most of the new stuff, except the
 kexec/kdump hibernation method, and optimize_inlining which I didn't set.
 But I don't think many config options could prevent the package creation.


I have since tried compiling the kernel in a clean lenny debootstrap
chroot sucessfully.
Strangely is was called,

But it boots and works, must be a version incompatibility somewhere, I
still have etch repositories in my sources list so something must be
held but not reported.

This install was a test install to iron all the bugs out of my new
laptop and I always intended on a fresh final install as soon as I
figure out how to get everything working.

24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: understand the logs

2008-10-12 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Ron Johnson wrote:

On 10/11/08 18:24, Abel McClendon wrote:

 On Sat, 11 Oct 2008 19:09:23 -0400
 Daryl Styrk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oct 11 14:08:45 debian kernel: [44140.916755] Inbound IN=wlan0 OUT=
MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:17:f2:eb:42:2e:08:00 SRC=
DST= LEN=113 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=62369 PROTO=UDP
SPT=631 DPT=631 LEN=93


But what is the way to avoid those messages entirely?
At one time (and still) I installed ulog to keep those messages in one 
place but now they clutter up syslog and kernel.log


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Re: Compile vanilla 2.6.27 using make-kpkg

2008-10-12 Thread Adrian Levi
2008/10/12 thveillon.debian [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Adrian Levi a écrit :

 I have since tried compiling the kernel in a clean lenny debootstrap
 chroot sucessfully.
 Strangely is was called,

 Maybe you enabled xen support in the config : CONFIG_XEN

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/linux-2.6.27$ cat .config|grep XEN
# CONFIG_XEN is not set
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/linux-2.6.27$

 But it boots and works, must be a version incompatibility somewhere, I
 still have etch repositories in my sources list so something must be
 held but not reported.

 Remove Etch sources then ? Aptitude should do the rest.

Thanks, done.



24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing Etch With TFTP: Linux starts, I/O Stops

2008-10-12 Thread Hal Vaughan
On Sunday 12 October 2008, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 05:12:47AM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:
  On Saturday 11 October 2008, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
   On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 01:06:41AM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:
On Friday 10 October 2008, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
 Where is the actual install media?
That's one thing I'm not clear about.  Not one article I've
found on the web that has explained this has said where to put
any install media.  I was beginning to wonder if data was
automatically pulled from a URL or something since I did not
see instructions on placing any other install files.
   Indeed, the install guide is not so clear at this point. It
   merely points you to a complete tarball that includes the whole
   PXE network layout. But doesn't really tell you how to add it to
   an existing layout.
  I did find out, from experience, though, that there is no need for
  an installation medium.  The entire install was either in the
  initrd or downloaded by the installer that was in there.  I don't
  have that page in my browser at the moment so I don't remember if
  it was in a wiki or not.  I think it may have been.  I did get an
  account on the Soekris wiki, which had the instructions for
  everything to do except how to set up the PXEBoot (and for that it
  linked to the page we're discussing) and I added in the part about
  specifying the console as the serial device and the baud rate in
  the config file.
  Oh, and as an experiment, considering all the trouble I had, at one
  point I just unzipped the entire netboot.tgz (or was it tar.gz?)
  file in the tftpboot directory and edited the default config file
  and it worked perfectly.  I think it was easier to add 2-3 lines to
  the config file than to be straight on which file to delete and
  which link to delete and replace.

 Which is why I prefer a preseed file to point to the mirror.

At this point, I've got mine working and likely won't need it again 
until/unless I reinstall in the future instead of just upgrading from 
Etch to Lenny and so on.  For now mine stays as it is, mainly as part 
of the if it ain't broke, don't fix it idea, but this is something 
I'll certainly look into if I have to change it around in the future.

The irony is the PXEBoot server I set up on the old system will be 
transferred to the one I just set up using PXEBoot soon.  I'll just 
transfer it with rsync.  When it comes time to make changes, I'll look 
at the preseed file and see if that works for me.  Thanks for making 
the point.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Compile vanilla 2.6.27 using make-kpkg

2008-10-12 Thread Adrian Levi
I'm having troubles compiling a vanilla 2.6.27 kernel using
kernel-package. Looks like there is a new iwl4965 driver and I'd like
to try it out.

The kernel compiles correctly using the usual toolchain provided with
the sources but fails on the packaging part using make-kpkg.

The compile process gets all the way to the end and fails with
debian/stamp/Install: Is a directory
The exact command line I'm using at the top level linux-2.6.27 direcory is:
fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --arch amd64 kernel_image

have tried to compile this in etch and lenny with no luck, can someone
else confirm that it works for them?


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compile vanilla 2.6.27 using make-kpkg

2008-10-12 Thread thveillon.debian

Adrian Levi a écrit :

I have since tried compiling the kernel in a clean lenny debootstrap
chroot sucessfully.
Strangely is was called,

Maybe you enabled xen support in the config : CONFIG_XEN

But it boots and works, must be a version incompatibility somewhere, I
still have etch repositories in my sources list so something must be
held but not reported.

Remove Etch sources then ? Aptitude should do the rest.




with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compile vanilla 2.6.27 using make-kpkg

2008-10-12 Thread Adrian Levi
2008/10/12 thveillon.debian [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm using a 2.6.27 compiled from sources since the day it was
 released, running fine. I compiled it with Lenny default kernel-package, the
 Debian way, and had no trouble.
 I then compiled it with Sid newly revised kernel-package for testing (aka
 fun !) purpose, the compilation went smoothly, including creation of
 kernel-headers, but I didn't actually try the resulting kernel yet.

 I'm on Lenny amd64.

 Basically command is :

 make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version -vanilla64 --revision 2 kernel-image

But you ended up with a .deb package at the end, Mine is failing
before creating the package.
My installed kernel-package version is 11.007 what was yours?

What did you use for a .config file? Mine is from linux-image-2.6.26
in lenny, answered the few new questions and went with that.
I will try your command but can't see how the --append-to-version and
--revision options would stop it from working.

As soon as it stops compiling again, I'll post the exact error message.


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compile vanilla 2.6.27 using make-kpkg

2008-10-12 Thread thveillon.debian

Adrian Levi a écrit :

I'm having troubles compiling a vanilla 2.6.27 kernel using
kernel-package. Looks like there is a new iwl4965 driver and I'd like
to try it out.

The kernel compiles correctly using the usual toolchain provided with
the sources but fails on the packaging part using make-kpkg.

The compile process gets all the way to the end and fails with
debian/stamp/Install: Is a directory
The exact command line I'm using at the top level linux-2.6.27 direcory is:
fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --arch amd64 kernel_image

have tried to compile this in etch and lenny with no luck, can someone
else confirm that it works for them?



I'm using a 2.6.27 compiled from sources since the day it was 
released, running fine. I compiled it with Lenny default kernel-package, 
the Debian way, and had no trouble.
I then compiled it with Sid newly revised kernel-package for testing 
(aka fun !) purpose, the compilation went smoothly, including creation 
of kernel-headers, but I didn't actually try the resulting kernel yet.

I'm on Lenny amd64.

Basically command is :

make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version -vanilla64 --revision 2 
kernel-image kernel-headers


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Re: Compile vanilla 2.6.27 using make-kpkg

2008-10-12 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2008-10-12 10:43 +0200, Adrian Levi wrote:

 I'm having troubles compiling a vanilla 2.6.27 kernel using
 kernel-package. Looks like there is a new iwl4965 driver and I'd like
 to try it out.

 The kernel compiles correctly using the usual toolchain provided with
 the sources but fails on the packaging part using make-kpkg.

Have you tried kernel-package 11.007 from sid?

 The compile process gets all the way to the end and fails with
 debian/stamp/Install: Is a directory
 The exact command line I'm using at the top level linux-2.6.27 direcory is:
 fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --arch amd64 kernel_image

 have tried to compile this in etch and lenny with no luck, can someone
 else confirm that it works for them?

I haven't tried to build a 64-bit kernel yet, but without --arch amd64
kernel-package 11.007 worked for me with 2.6.27.


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Re: Compile vanilla 2.6.27 using make-kpkg

2008-10-12 Thread thveillon.debian

Adrian Levi a écrit :

But you ended up with a .deb package at the end, Mine is failing
before creating the package.
My installed kernel-package version is 11.007 what was yours?

What did you use for a .config file? Mine is from linux-image-2.6.26
in lenny, answered the few new questions and went with that.
I will try your command but can't see how the --append-to-version and
--revision options would stop it from working.

As soon as it stops compiling again, I'll post the exact error message.


I've used Lenny default for the kernel I'm currently running 
(11.001-something I think), and then tried 11.007 from Sid with good 
The .config is from my previously home-rolled 2.6.26-6, gcc is Lenny 
4.3.2, config is nothing fancy, enabled most of the new stuff, except 
the kexec/kdump hibernation method, and optimize_inlining which I 
didn't set. But I don't think many config options could prevent the 
package creation.


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Re: Can't run aptitude

2008-10-12 Thread Jochen Schulz
Dennis Wicks:
 When I try to do nearly anything with aptitude I get
 dgwicks:~# aptitude update
 Writing extended state information... Done
 Err lenny/updates Release.gpg
   Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect
   (111 Connection refused)

To me that looks like you have a http_proxy environment variable set.  I
think Synaptic and aptitude honour that. Or you have set the
corresponding option in apt.conf.

Nothing is as I planned it.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

[OT] Does this have hardware issues

2008-10-12 Thread Neil
Hi all

I am beginning to have some hardware troubles with my good old P4P800,
so I was thinking of grabbing me a new one:

Corsair 2x2GB DDR3 SDRAM PC10666 CL9.0 XMS3 DHX
Gigabyte GA-EP35C-DS3R iP35, SATA2 RAID, GLAN, 8CH
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.00GHz 1333 6MB Box
LG DVD-/+/RAM GH22LP20 22x/22x/16x LS Retail
MSI Videokaart PCI-e GeForce 9500GT 512MB 2xDVI/HDMI Silent
OCZ Solid State Disk 30GB SATA300, 2C30G
Zalman Powersupply ZM-460B-APS 460W

I wil use some old 160GB Western digital hdd's for storage. I still
have them lying around, so I guess I do not need a new one (just a
decent backup program)

Does this seem like a sane setup to you all?
Does anyone know wether this will work under Linux?


There are three kinds of people: Those who can count, and those who cannot count
**  Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature, please!  **

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Communication between VMed Debian and Windows

2008-10-12 Thread Neo Li
Thanks, I didn't realize I just sent the mail to you. Am I right this time?

On 10/10/08, H.S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 H. S. wrote:

  On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 3:32 AM, Neo Li [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have VMware tools installed and daemon run, but still don't find
  shared folder in /mnt/hgfs. I type modprobe vmhgfs and the response
  is FATAL: Model vmhgfs not found. Or maybe it has something to do
  with vmxnet driver?

 hmm ... I am not familiar with hgfs. But looking at
 it appears it allows folders sharing between the guest and the host.
 Never tried that so I am not sure what could be wrong.

 If this doesn't work as expected by you, you could always look at samba
 and/or shared folders perhaps.

chmod, or better solutions ?

2008-10-12 Thread Shams Fantar
Hi all,

I'd like to know if it's very fine and clean to chmod -R 700 / ; Or
are there any better solutions ? My purpose beeing that local users
can't access/read any file which isn't in their own home directory.

Civil Engineering section project :
« A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. »

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: chmod, or better solutions ?

2008-10-12 Thread Jochen Schulz
Shams Fantar:
 I'd like to know if it's very fine and clean to chmod -R 700 / ;

This will prevent non-root users from reading *any* file on the system.

If user 'shams' wants to list his home directory /home/shams, he has to
have permissions to list / and /home as well.

 Or are there any better solutions ? My purpose beeing that local users
 can't access/read any file which isn't in their own home directory.

The only idea that pops into my mind would be chroots for every user.
But I don't see a point in doing that.

Driving behind lorries carrying hazardous chemicals makes me wish for a
simpler life.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: chmod, or better solutions ?

2008-10-12 Thread Eugene V. Lyubimkin
Shams Fantar wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'd like to know if it's very fine and clean to chmod -R 700 / ; Or
 are there any better solutions ? My purpose beeing that local users
 can't access/read any file which isn't in their own home directory.
No, this is definitely wrong approach - risk to get broken system is very high.
What task do you want to do?
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, Ukrainian C++ developer.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: chmod, or better solutions ?

2008-10-12 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 03:56:09PM +0200, Shams Fantar wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'd like to know if it's very fine and clean to chmod -R 700 / ; Or
 are there any better solutions ? My purpose beeing that local users
 can't access/read any file which isn't in their own home directory.

Most likely it is not what you want and very bad idea.  What will you
gain by doing this in cool mind.  (This will probably provide broken
system to users since he can not even access /bin/bash :-)

You should read:

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Re: chmod, or better solutions ?

2008-10-12 Thread Shams Fantar
Osamu Aoki wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 03:56:09PM +0200, Shams Fantar wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'd like to know if it's very fine and clean to chmod -R 700 / ; Or
 are there any better solutions ? My purpose beeing that local users
 can't access/read any file which isn't in their own home directory.

 Most likely it is not what you want and very bad idea.  What will you
 gain by doing this in cool mind.  (This will probably provide broken
 system to users since he can not even access /bin/bash :-)

 You should read:


Thank you, I'm going to read these pages.

I'll come back if I don't have the answers I want. ;-)

See you,

Civil Engineering section project :
« A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. »

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: chmod, or better solutions ?

2008-10-12 Thread Shams Fantar
Eugene V. Lyubimkin wrote:
 Shams Fantar wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'd like to know if it's very fine and clean to chmod -R 700 / ; Or
 are there any better solutions ? My purpose beeing that local users
 can't access/read any file which isn't in their own home directory.
 No, this is definitely wrong approach - risk to get broken system is very 
 What task do you want to do?

My purpose beeing that local users can't access/read any file which
isn't in their own home directory. :P

Civil Engineering section project :
« A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. »

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: chmod, or better solutions ?

2008-10-12 Thread Shams Fantar
Jochen Schulz wrote:
 Shams Fantar:
 I'd like to know if it's very fine and clean to chmod -R 700 / ;

 This will prevent non-root users from reading *any* file on the system.

 If user 'shams' wants to list his home directory /home/shams, he has to
 have permissions to list / and /home as well.

 Or are there any better solutions ? My purpose beeing that local users
 can't access/read any file which isn't in their own home directory.

 The only idea that pops into my mind would be chroots for every user.
 But I don't see a point in doing that.


Yes, this is what I was thinking.

Civil Engineering section project :
« A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. »

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Filing bug reports in Debian (was Re: Debian Stole My Name!)

2008-10-12 Thread Daniel Burrows
On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 12:23:01PM -0400, Hal Vaughan [EMAIL PROTECTED] was 
heard to say:
 His (Christian's) comments were This has nothing to do with aptitude.  
 Then he goes on to talk about update-grub and that I asked for it.  No.  
 I didn't ask for it.  I remember that situation enough to remember that 
 one reason I was frustrated was I did what I thought was a normal 
 upgrade and didn't specify other programs be run.  If it was run, it 
 was run by aptitude or a package script (speaking from my perception 
 now).  Then he goes on to tell me about the postinst_hook and 
 At that point I'm wondering, What the heck are those?  Why do I care?  
 Why is he telling me this?  I don't know if he's just trying to dazzle 
 me with bs or to make me feel like an idiot because he knows so much 
 and I know nothing.

  I've been working with Christian for years on the aptitude package;
he was its translation coordinator before Jens took over.  I've never
met him, but the impression I have from email contact is that he's one
of the most humane individuals I've collaborated with in the free
software world.  I've certainly never seen him try to humiliate a user
in response to a bug report.  He also doesn't usually fiddle with
technical bug reports, because he isn't a coder and doesn't have very
strong technical skills; I'm not sure why he did in this case.

  Regardless, I don't see his mail as being at all impolite; just
a little terse.

 What would be wrong with saying, It wasn't aptitude that did this.  It 
 was a package you were updating, which could be the kernel or grub 
 itself, and the bug would pertain to one of them.?

  It's hard, when replying to a bug, to figure out the level of detail
to include.  He included enough information for someone to figure out
what was going on if they were familiar with the Debian system.  I can
see the point that more information would have been helpful, but this is
an easy mistake to make and I'd hardly call it an insult.  (and before
you ask: why don't we, as developers, always include all the relevant
information?  Sometimes we just forget that other people don't have it
at their fingertips; sometimes we're in a hurry and biased towards
writing a short response; sometimes we just screw up.  Sorry, we're
humans)  It's an easy mistake to remedy, though: just politely ask for
more information, as you did in this case.

  That's separate from being outright rude.  I think we've all done this
sometimes; the unfortunate thing is that since we usually interact with
each user once, the one who gets a snippy reply on a day when we're
tired or out of sorts thinks that's representative of how we always
treat people.  In companies where people pay real money for the code,
this is dealt with by having people who are trained and paid well for
the psychic burden of always pretending to be in a good mood.  Since we
don't have employees, we don't have that particular nicety in Debian.

 Actually, now that were discussing this, I find that helpful and 
 frustrating.  Again, I'm saying, Something is wrong, and he's 
 saying, It's not my job.  Then he says he thinks this is what 
 happens.  Now he's someone who knows the inner workings and I had 
 already said basically what he just surmised, but at least he sees my 
 point.  But rather than pointing me in a direction that would help me 
 know what to do, he continues with, Then something else changed 
 it...but I have no idea what did so. The file does not belong to any 
 package.  Certainly the bug is not, definitely not, an aptitude bug. 
 You can't blame aptitude for every problem happening with packages it 
 Do you see why I feel like this was a waste?  I took the time to write 
 up a bug and explain what I could.  I don't know apt or aptitude.  All 
 I know, as someone who uses those programs, is that I ran one and it 
 borked my system.  All I get in response is, Nope, not my package.  
 Something else, but not mine.

  I can see why you might feel it was frustrating.  Particularly if you
automatically assume that the guy on the other end is a malicious,
arrogant jerk rather than someone who's overworked and trying to deal
with a bug that's clearly misdirected.

  As for the response of Christian Perrier, I'm sure he didn't mean to
  be rude[2], it's just that the tone is hard to replicate in writing.
 And I'm supposed to know this --how?

  By not assuming that every slightly terse reply you get is a
declaration of war?  We're all imperfect humans trying to work this
out together, and sometimes we file a bug report in the wrong place, or
send a reply that in retrospect was clearly inadequate.  In real life
we work these things out with body language and tone of voice, which
aren't available in email, but also by asking for clarification and
for followups, which are.  If you don't understand something, ask.

 Okay, I'm being snippy with that comment, but there's a reason for it.  
 The point has 

Shutdown hooks

2008-10-12 Thread Bhasker C V


 I was trying to find out if there are any shutdown hooks.
 What i mean by this is that i must be able to have some conditions met 
before actual shutdown starts.

 Eg:- Suppose there is a very important process running, the hook must
  check this and if the hook returns non-zero, the system must
  refuse a requested shutdown.

I can write a wrapper to /sbin/shutdown for doing this, but i am just 
trying to find out if there is any method already available for doing this ?


Bhasker C V
Registered Linux user: #306349 (
The box said Requires Windows 95, NT, or better, so I installed Linux.

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interpreting smartmontools output

2008-10-12 Thread Johan Grönqvist


I read about smartmontools on debian package a day, and tried it out.
Running smartctl -A /dev/sda on my recent laptop (bought it this 
spring) gave me 8 times pre-fail and 15 times old_age.

On a two-year old machine, that would worry me, but my instincts are now 
instead to mistrust smartmontools. Is this a reasonable approach?

I had severe problems with lost file systems just after I bought the 
computer, but after setting the kernel to use soft iommu, that problem 
went away. Apart from that I never noticed anything strange with the disk.

(I use Lenny amd64)

Has anyone else experienced similar results?


/ johan

Output of smartmontools pasted below

johan-laptop:~# smartctl -i /dev/sda
smartctl version 5.38 [x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-8 
Bruce Allen

Home page is

Device Model: TOSHIBA MK1646GSX
Serial Number:28ORT4HAT
Firmware Version: LB113J
User Capacity:160 041 885 696 bytes
Device is:Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]
ATA Version is:   8
ATA Standard is:  Exact ATA specification draft version not indicated
Local Time is:Sun Oct 12 18:37:18 2008 CEST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

johan-laptop:~# smartctl -A /dev/sda
smartctl version 5.38 [x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-8 
Bruce Allen

Home page is

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000b   100   100   050Pre-fail 
Always   -   0
  2 Throughput_Performance  0x0005   100   100   050Pre-fail 
Offline  -   0
  3 Spin_Up_Time0x0027   100   100   001Pre-fail 
Always   -   1698
  4 Start_Stop_Count0x0032   100   100   000Old_age 
Always   -   382
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   050Pre-fail 
Always   -   0
  7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000b   100   100   050Pre-fail 
Always   -   0
  8 Seek_Time_Performance   0x0005   100   100   050Pre-fail 
Offline  -   0
  9 Power_On_Hours  0x0032   098   098   000Old_age 
Always   -   1066
 10 Spin_Retry_Count0x0033   107   100   030Pre-fail 
Always   -   0
 12 Power_Cycle_Count   0x0032   100   100   000Old_age 
Always   -   381
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032   100   100   000Old_age   Always 
  -   23
193 Load_Cycle_Count0x0032   100   100   000Old_age   Always 
  -   4966
194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022   100   100   000Old_age   Always 
  -   54 (Lifetime Min/Max 21/66)
196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032   100   100   000Old_age   Always 
  -   0
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0032   100   100   000Old_age   Always 
  -   0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0030   100   100   000Old_age 
Offline  -   0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count0x0032   200   200   000Old_age   Always 
  -   0
220 Disk_Shift  0x0002   100   100   000Old_age   Always 
  -   64
222 Loaded_Hours0x0032   098   098   000Old_age   Always 
  -   1008
223 Load_Retry_Count0x0032   100   100   000Old_age   Always 
  -   0
224 Load_Friction   0x0022   100   100   000Old_age   Always 
  -   0
226 Load-in_Time0x0026   100   100   000Old_age   Always 
  -   319
240 Head_Flying_Hours   0x0001   100   100   001Pre-fail 
Offline  -   0

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New Kernel

2008-10-12 Thread Matthew Lane

Hello all,

I'm new to debian, just switched over from ubuntu.  I heard news of the 
new 2.6.27 kernel coming out, and has atheros driver support.  My laptop 
has an atheros card I haven't gotten to work yet, and I'd like to get 
the new kernel to get that card working.  My kernel is 2.6.18, running 
the latest distro of debian.  I understand I can compile my own kernel 
if I wish to, but I never have.  I'm also aware has daily 
image builds, but I don't really know how to install a kernel image or 
compile my own as I've never done it.  Thanks for the help!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Communication between VMed Debian and Windows

2008-10-12 Thread H.S.
Neo Li wrote:
 Thanks, I didn't realize I just sent the mail to you. Am I right this time?


I am not sure which mail reading tool you are using, but Thunderbird (or
Icedove in Debian) won't let you reply to the list with the reply-to
button; it puts the sender in the To: field. Or that is what I make of
all the discussion that comes up on this list periodically. Similar case
with gmail. One to explicitly add the list address, or perhaps use

I believe there is extension for Thunderbird with provides a
reply-to-list button.



Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New Kernel

2008-10-12 Thread Shams Fantar
Matthew Lane wrote:
 Hello all,

 I'm new to debian, just switched over from ubuntu.  I heard news of
 the new 2.6.27 kernel coming out, and has atheros driver support.  My
 laptop has an atheros card I haven't gotten to work yet, and I'd like
 to get the new kernel to get that card working.  My kernel is 2.6.18,
 running the latest distro of debian.  I understand I can compile my
 own kernel if I wish to, but I never have.  I'm also aware
 has daily image builds, but I don't really know how to install a
 kernel image or compile my own as I've never done it.  Thanks for the

You should search on Google. There are lots of helps about that. If you
already have compiled under Ubuntu, this is the same thing with Debian. 
For example, take a look at

Civil Engineering section project :
« A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. »

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Re: chmod, or better solutions ?

2008-10-12 Thread John Hasler
Shams Fantar writes:
 I'd like to know if it's very fine and clean to chmod -R 700 /

That would be a very, very, very bad idea.  It would cripple your system
and you would probably end up reinstalling.

 My purpose beeing that local users can't access/read any file which isn't
 in their own home directory.

Then they would not be able to run any programs.  What are you trying to
achieve?  You can easily arrange for them not to be able to access each
other's files.
John Hasler

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Re: Shutdown hooks

2008-10-12 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 09:56:00PM +0530, Bhasker C V wrote:
 I can write a wrapper to /sbin/shutdown for doing this, but i am just  
 trying to find out if there is any method already available for doing 
 this ?

/etc/rc0.d and /etc/rc6.d should be where you should place hooks for
running programs as you shut down or restart the machine
respectively. The convention is to put the scripts in /etc/init.d and
then create symlinks in /etc/rcn.d, best handled with update-rc.d.


Kumar Appaiah

Description: Digital signature

Re: New Kernel

2008-10-12 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2008-10-12 18:45 +0200, Matthew Lane wrote:

 Hello all,

 I'm new to debian, just switched over from ubuntu.  I heard news of
 the new 2.6.27 kernel coming out, and has atheros driver support.  My
 laptop has an atheros card I haven't gotten to work yet, and I'd like
 to get the new kernel to get that card working.  My kernel is 2.6.18,
 running the latest distro of debian.  I understand I can compile my
 own kernel if I wish to, but I never have.  I'm also aware
 has daily image builds, but I don't really know how to install a
 kernel image or compile my own as I've never done it.  Thanks for the

If you don't want to build your own kernel, has links to a repository you can
include in your sources.list.  It seems that 2.6.27 hasn't been packaged
yet, but 2.6.27-rc9 is available and should be very close.


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Re: chmod, or better solutions ?

2008-10-12 Thread Ron Johnson

On 10/12/08 08:56, Shams Fantar wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to know if it's very fine and clean to chmod -R 700 / ; Or
are there any better solutions ? My purpose beeing that local users
can't access/read any file which isn't in their own home directory.

As others have said, this is pretty much guaranteed to break your 

Here's something that will *mostly* work, and is restricted to 
simply adding the Read bit to All users.

# chmod -R a+r /home

The problem is that this command is also a bit broad, and you'll 
have to go back and fix everyone's ~/.gnupg plus maybe some others 
that I can't think of at the moment.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Help a man when he is in trouble and he will remember you when
he is in trouble again.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Shutdown hooks

2008-10-12 Thread Ron Johnson

On 10/12/08 11:56, Kumar Appaiah wrote:

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 09:56:00PM +0530, Bhasker C V wrote:
I can write a wrapper to /sbin/shutdown for doing this, but i am just  
trying to find out if there is any method already available for doing 
this ?

/etc/rc0.d and /etc/rc6.d should be where you should place hooks for
running programs as you shut down or restart the machine
respectively. The convention is to put the scripts in /etc/init.d and
then create symlinks in /etc/rcn.d, best handled with update-rc.d.

But it's too late then.  The shutdown can't be stopped, I think.

I'd wrap /sbin/shutdown.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Help a man when he is in trouble and he will remember you when
he is in trouble again.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: chmod, or better solutions ?

2008-10-12 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
John Hasler wrote:
 Shams Fantar writes:
 My purpose beeing that local users can't access/read any file which isn't
 in their own home directory.

 Then they would not be able to run any programs.  What are you trying to
 achieve?  You can easily arrange for them not to be able to access each
 other's files.

Just to complement, even if you give access to /bin, /usr/bin and other
places where there are programs, these programs may need other files to
work, sometimes even system files. The innocent 'ls', for example, needs
access to /etc/passwd in order to map numerical user ids to their names
in long listings.

Stellar rays prove fibbing never pays.  Embezzlement is another matter.


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Re: Filing bug reports in Debian (was Re: Debian Stole My Name!)

2008-10-12 Thread Hal Vaughan
On Sunday 12 October 2008, Daniel Burrows wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 12:23:01PM -0400, Hal Vaughan 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
  His (Christian's) comments were This has nothing to do with
  aptitude. Then he goes on to talk about update-grub and that I
  asked for it.  No. I didn't ask for it.  I remember that situation
  enough to remember that one reason I was frustrated was I did what
  I thought was a normal upgrade and didn't specify other programs be
  run.  If it was run, it was run by aptitude or a package script
  (speaking from my perception now).  Then he goes on to tell me
  about the postinst_hook and postrm_hook.
  At that point I'm wondering, What the heck are those?  Why do I
  care? Why is he telling me this?  I don't know if he's just trying
  to dazzle me with bs or to make me feel like an idiot because he
  knows so much and I know nothing.

   I've been working with Christian for years on the aptitude package;
 he was its translation coordinator before Jens took over.  I've never
 met him, but the impression I have from email contact is that he's
 one of the most humane individuals I've collaborated with in the free
 software world.  I've certainly never seen him try to humiliate a
 user in response to a bug report.  He also doesn't usually fiddle
 with technical bug reports, because he isn't a coder and doesn't have
 very strong technical skills; I'm not sure why he did in this case.

   Regardless, I don't see his mail as being at all impolite; just
 a little terse.

I'll ask you to read in this context: 1) You know very little about how 
packages in Debian are maintained, 2) You know nothing about the 
internals of apt, 3) You do not know Christian at all, have no idea 
what he is like, and do not know what to expect, and 4) You have just 
found what has every appearance of a severe bug: Upgrading some files 
can keep a system from booting.  While your problem is resolved, you're 
trying to help the distro you prefer keep that from happening to anyone 

With that in mind, notice that nothing said in those posts is at all 
helpful.  There is no effort, in any of his responses, to say, Yes, 
there is a problem here, and while it's not my job to solve it, here's 
where to look next.  What there is, terms of a response, is, It's not 
a bug, at least not one I have to worry about.

There was also the point that I bought up of him saying I did things I 
did not do, which left me confused.  (He said I specified to run 
update-grub, which I stated I never did unless some package did it 
without me knowing it.)  That's another point that he made no effort to 
clarify.  While it's a small thing, it's just one of many things that 
left me with the feeling his concern was more to close it out than to 
solve the overall problem.

Also note that this bug includes reporting a bug that can make a system 
100% non-functional.  Yes, it's a serious bug, yet the response is 
basically, Not my problem, go away.  Notice he specifically mentions 
this list as a forum to address it in, which is where I brought it up 
originally.  It may not be outright rude, but when someone brings up a 
bug that is serious enough to disable a Debian based system and the 
response is, It's not my problem, would you consider that just terse 
or something more?  Just what would you call it when someone, who can 
help, doesn't want to bother assisting someone who has found a serious 

And note I'm discussing the action, NOT the person.  I don't know the 
person.  For all I know he may spend all his free time feeding needy 
children.  I don't know and I'm not getting in to that.  That's not the 
point of discussion and neither is Christian's personality.

Also remember, this is ONE example, the one under discussion and not the 
sole one I've run in to.   I was not the one that provided this as an 
example.  I would not hold up a post, bug report, or any piece of 
writing as an example of poor behavior in a forum unless the person 
were participating in that forum where he would be able to directly 
defend himself.

  What would be wrong with saying, It wasn't aptitude that did this.
   It was a package you were updating, which could be the kernel or
  grub itself, and the bug would pertain to one of them.?

   It's hard, when replying to a bug, to figure out the level of
 detail to include.  He included enough information for someone to
 figure out what was going on if they were familiar with the Debian

With what degree of familiarity?  I couldn't figure it out.  Now you can 
go on and call me an idiot, but I test well into the genius range, have 
depended on only my income from my business based on my own programming 
for 7 years, and have basically taught myself all the programing 
languages I now use (I'm not counting BASIC, FORTRAN, and VAX 11/780 
Assember that I learned in college, since I no longer use any of those 
languages).  While I fixed my system, I was left with no idea of 

Re: Shutdown hooks

2008-10-12 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 12:21:50PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
 /etc/rc0.d and /etc/rc6.d should be where you should place hooks for
 running programs as you shut down or restart the machine
 respectively. The convention is to put the scripts in /etc/init.d and
 then create symlinks in /etc/rcn.d, best handled with update-rc.d.

 But it's too late then.  The shutdown can't be stopped, I think.

 I'd wrap /sbin/shutdown.

Oh, you're right. I thought that he wanted to shut down the service as
the shutdown occurred.

I guess wrapping the command you use for shutting down is the simplest
way then.


Kumar Appaiah

Description: Digital signature

Re: New Kernel

2008-10-12 Thread Victor Muchica
On 12 oct, 11:50, Matthew Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 I'm new to debian, just switched over from ubuntu.  I heard news of the
 new 2.6.27 kernel coming out, and has atheros driver support.  My laptop
 has an atheros card I haven't gotten to work yet, and I'd like to get
 the new kernel to get that card working.  My kernel is 2.6.18, running
 the latest distro of debian.  I understand I can compile my own kernel
 if I wish to, but I never have.  I'm also aware has daily
 image builds, but I don't really know how to install a kernel image or
 compile my own as I've never done it.  Thanks for the help!

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I also have an atheros card working with debian lenny kernel: 2.6.26-1-
You can visit:

and download:

It has the lastest kernel and I have no problems at all

I hope it helps

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Filing bug reports in Debian (was Re: Debian Stole My Name!)

2008-10-12 Thread Daniel Burrows
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 01:56:57PM -0400, Hal Vaughan [EMAIL PROTECTED] was 
heard to say:
 On Sunday 12 October 2008, Daniel Burrows wrote:
Regardless, I don't see his mail as being at all impolite; just
  a little terse.
 I'll ask you to read in this context: 1) You know very little about how 
 packages in Debian are maintained, 2) You know nothing about the 
 internals of apt, 3) You do not know Christian at all, have no idea 
 what he is like, and do not know what to expect, and 4) You have just 
 found what has every appearance of a severe bug: Upgrading some files 
 can keep a system from booting.  While your problem is resolved, you're 
 trying to help the distro you prefer keep that from happening to anyone 

  I agree that this sort of bug report reply is annoying.  I'm just
saying that so far in this thread I've seen Christian accused of
various forms of trying to make users feel like idiots, being someone
who shouldn't be handling bug reports, a developer who is full or
air, someone who has no sense of social ettiquite, etc, etc, etc. [0]
This is not true.  I don't know what was in his mind when he wrote
the bug report to which you referred (obviously), but I don't think
he was trying to blow you off.  I don't think there's any point in
further retreads of this ancient bug, we're just going in circles.

  [0] his name may not have been used, but his reply to this bug report
  was being held up as an example of this type of individual.

It's hard, when replying to a bug, to figure out the level of
  detail to include.  He included enough information for someone to
  figure out what was going on if they were familiar with the Debian
 With what degree of familiarity?  I couldn't figure it out.  Now you can 
 go on and call me an idiot, but I test well into the genius range, have 
 depended on only my income from my business based on my own programming 
 for 7 years, and have basically taught myself all the programing 
 languages I now use (I'm not counting BASIC, FORTRAN, and VAX 11/780 
 Assember that I learned in college, since I no longer use any of those 
 languages).  While I fixed my system, I was left with no idea of what 
 was actually going on and wasn't sure what to do if I wanted to make 
 sure someone could prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

  I didn't say he was right!  My point is that this is a judgment call
that sometimes gets made incorrectly.  You cannot realistically expect
us to never make mistakes.

  I can see the point that more information would have been 
  helpful, but this is an easy mistake to make and I'd hardly call it
  an insult.  
 Who said it was an insult?

I don't know if he's just trying to dazzle me with bs or to make me
 feel like an idiot because he knows so much and I know nothing.

  I took that to mean that you thought he was insulting you.  Apologies
if I misunderstood.

 Maybe it's from the jobs I had along the way, but I cannot imagine being 
 part of an organization and someone coming to me for help and 
 saying, It's not my problem, without doing my best to give them SOME 
 clue on where to go next.

  Like I said, I don't think there's any more point in discussing the
history here.  When I handle misdirected bugs, I usually reassign them
to an appropriate package.  I don't know why Christian didn't;
obviously it was a mistake on his part.

 Rude is a subjective term.  Being terse isn't always being rude and one 
 person's rude is another person's terse.  However, as you point out, 
 there are times when a developer is tired or out of sorts.  That's not 
 a particularly good time to respond to the public (or whatever term 
 you want to use.  True, you don't have employees, but was there a 
 deadline hanging over his head so he *had* to respond at that time?

  Personally, I try not to reply to bug reports when I'm not in the
right state of mind.  However, I've also found that there's a strong
correlation between lacking the judgment to reply to bug reports and
lacking the judgment to decide whether I have sufficient judgment to
reply to bug reports. :-/

I can see why you might feel it was frustrating.  Particularly if
  you automatically assume that the guy on the other end is a
  malicious, arrogant jerk rather than someone who's overworked and
  trying to deal with a bug that's clearly misdirected.
 Where did anyone automatically make that assumption?  I don't see where 
 anyone said there was such an assumption or why there's a need to bring 
 it up.

  This is the general impression I got from reading your emails in this
thread, the same way you got a general impression that Debian developers
are hostile and uncooperative.  e.g., and I bring this up only so you
know what I'm talking about, take this comment:

I'll go even farther: In most cases they've been outright hostile and
 I've had times where they've told me off to justify closing the bug.

 I'm a geek to the core, but the 

Re: Filing bug reports in Debian (was Re: Debian Stole My Name!)

2008-10-12 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 13:56:57 -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:


 I'll ask you to read in this context: 1) You know very little about how 
 packages in Debian are maintained, 2) You know nothing about the 
 internals of apt, 3) You do not know Christian at all, have no idea 
 what he is like, and do not know what to expect, and 4) You have just 
 found what has every appearance of a severe bug: Upgrading some files 
 can keep a system from booting.  While your problem is resolved, you're 
 trying to help the distro you prefer keep that from happening to anyone 
 With that in mind, notice that nothing said in those posts is at all 

Quoting from the first reply:

| Please look in /etc/kernel-img.conf, you'll probably find:
| postinst_hook = /sbin/update-grub
| postrm_hook   = /sbin/update-grub

Quoting from the second reply:

| I suggest you also read the comments in /boot/grub/menu.lst. They
| explain very well that some sections of the file are likely to be
| overwritten when the file is regenerated by update-grub.
| I guess that the update you made installed a new kernel image...which
| trigger an update of the grub menu file when the postinst script of
| the kernel image package is run.

These are the comments right at the beginning of /boot/grub/menu.lst:

| # menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)
| #grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),
| #grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub
| #and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.

and a bit further down in the same file:

|## lines between the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST markers will be modified
|## by the debian update-grub script except for the default options below
|## DO NOT UNCOMMENT THEM, Just edit them to your needs

Quoting from the manpage of update-grub:

| The  update-grub  script  can be ran automagically from the
| /etc/kernel-img.conf file by adding the following lines:
| postinst_hook = update-grub
| postrm_hook = update-grub
| do_bootloader = no
| For further information related to /etc/kernel-img.conf, see the
| manpage kernel-img.conf(5).

The manpage of kernel-img.conf explains the hooks in more detail.

 There is no effort, in any of his responses, to say, Yes, 
 there is a problem here, and while it's not my job to solve it, here's 
 where to look next.

He told you where to look next. 

 where to look next.  What there is, terms of a response, is, It's not 
 a bug, at least not one I have to worry about.

You never provided details on why update-grub broke your system. If you
customized menu.lst yourself without reading the comments in the
original file and the documentation referenced therein then your
subsequent problem is not a serious bug.

 There was also the point that I bought up of him saying I did things I 
 did not do, which left me confused.  (He said I specified to run 
 update-grub, which I stated I never did unless some package did it 
 without me knowing it.)  That's another point that he made no effort to 
 clarify.  While it's a small thing, it's just one of many things that 
 left me with the feeling his concern was more to close it out than to 
 solve the overall problem.

He had already given you all the necessary information to fix your
problem, and there was no indication that a system with a standard
menu.lst would be affected.

 Also note that this bug includes reporting a bug that can make a system 
 100% non-functional.  Yes, it's a serious bug, yet the response is 
 basically, Not my problem, go away.  Notice he specifically mentions 
 this list as a forum to address it in, which is where I brought it up 
 originally.  It may not be outright rude, but when someone brings up a 
 bug that is serious enough to disable a Debian based system and the 
 response is, It's not my problem, would you consider that just terse 
 or something more?  Just what would you call it when someone, who can 
 help, doesn't want to bother assisting someone who has found a serious 

He did assist you.


 Maybe it's from the jobs I had along the way, but I cannot imagine being 
 part of an organization and someone coming to me for help and 
 saying, It's not my problem, without doing my best to give them SOME 
 clue on where to go next.

He gave you clues where to go next.

 Again, it's a serious bug.  Does it make sense, if someone says, This 
 action makes a computer unbootable to not try to prevent it from 
 happening to others also using Debian?

You never followed up with evidence that a standard system would be
affected and nobody else reported this problem, therefore the bug was


  Florian   |

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Re: Filing bug reports in Debian (was Re: Debian Stole My Name!)

2008-10-12 Thread Hal Vaughan
On Sunday 12 October 2008, Daniel Burrows wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 01:56:57PM -0400, Hal Vaughan 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
  On Sunday 12 October 2008, Daniel Burrows wrote:
 Regardless, I don't see his mail as being at all impolite; just
   a little terse.
  I'll ask you to read in this context: 1) You know very little about
  how packages in Debian are maintained, 2) You know nothing about
  the internals of apt, 3) You do not know Christian at all, have no
  idea what he is like, and do not know what to expect, and 4) You
  have just found what has every appearance of a severe bug:
  Upgrading some files can keep a system from booting.  While your
  problem is resolved, you're trying to help the distro you prefer
  keep that from happening to anyone else.

   I agree that this sort of bug report reply is annoying.  I'm just
 saying that so far in this thread I've seen Christian accused of
 various forms of trying to make users feel like idiots, being someone
 who shouldn't be handling bug reports, a developer who is full or
 air, someone who has no sense of social ettiquite, etc, etc, etc.
 [0] This is not true.  I don't know what was in his mind when he
 wrote the bug report to which you referred (obviously), but I don't
 think he was trying to blow you off.  I don't think there's any point
 in further retreads of this ancient bug, we're just going in circles.

   [0] his name may not have been used, but his reply to this bug
 report was being held up as an example of this type of individual.

 It's hard, when replying to a bug, to figure out the level of
   detail to include.  He included enough information for someone to
   figure out what was going on if they were familiar with the
   Debian system.
  With what degree of familiarity?  I couldn't figure it out.  Now
  you can go on and call me an idiot, but I test well into the genius
  range, have depended on only my income from my business based on my
  own programming for 7 years, and have basically taught myself all
  the programing languages I now use (I'm not counting BASIC,
  FORTRAN, and VAX 11/780 Assember that I learned in college, since I
  no longer use any of those languages).  While I fixed my system, I
  was left with no idea of what was actually going on and wasn't sure
  what to do if I wanted to make sure someone could prevent this kind
  of thing from happening again.

   I didn't say he was right!  My point is that this is a judgment
 call that sometimes gets made incorrectly.  You cannot realistically
 expect us to never make mistakes.

   I can see the point that more information would have been
   helpful, but this is an easy mistake to make and I'd hardly call
   it an insult.
  Who said it was an insult?

 I don't know if he's just trying to dazzle me with bs or to make me
  feel like an idiot because he knows so much and I know nothing.

   I took that to mean that you thought he was insulting you. 
 Apologies if I misunderstood.

  Maybe it's from the jobs I had along the way, but I cannot imagine
  being part of an organization and someone coming to me for help and
  saying, It's not my problem, without doing my best to give them
  SOME clue on where to go next.

   Like I said, I don't think there's any more point in discussing the
 history here.  When I handle misdirected bugs, I usually reassign
 them to an appropriate package.  I don't know why Christian didn't;
 obviously it was a mistake on his part.

  Rude is a subjective term.  Being terse isn't always being rude and
  one person's rude is another person's terse.  However, as you point
  out, there are times when a developer is tired or out of sorts. 
  That's not a particularly good time to respond to the public (or
  whatever term you want to use.  True, you don't have employees, but
  was there a deadline hanging over his head so he *had* to respond
  at that time?

   Personally, I try not to reply to bug reports when I'm not in the
 right state of mind.  However, I've also found that there's a strong
 correlation between lacking the judgment to reply to bug reports and
 lacking the judgment to decide whether I have sufficient judgment to
 reply to bug reports. :-/

 I can see why you might feel it was frustrating.  Particularly
   if you automatically assume that the guy on the other end is a
   malicious, arrogant jerk rather than someone who's overworked and
   trying to deal with a bug that's clearly misdirected.
  Where did anyone automatically make that assumption?  I don't see
  where anyone said there was such an assumption or why there's a
  need to bring it up.

   This is the general impression I got from reading your emails in
 this thread, the same way you got a general impression that Debian
 developers are hostile and uncooperative.  e.g., and I bring this up
 only so you know what I'm talking about, take this comment:

 I'll go even farther: In most cases they've been outright hostile
 and I've had times 

Re: New Kernel

2008-10-12 Thread Matthew Lane
Thanks for all the friendly help.  I've added the repository to my apt 
sources, and when I do an apt-get upgrade it tries to upgrade to the 
same kernel version (2.6.18).  I don't mind installing rc9, I'd just 
like to get my hands on a 2.6.27.  I've read a bit about needing to edit 
my grub boot menu once I've installed a kernel image, and I have no 
problem doing that, I just am curious where I can get a package (.deb?) 
to install the 2.6.27 kernel image, and where it would be located to add 
to my grub boot menu.

Sven Joachim wrote:

On 2008-10-12 18:45 +0200, Matthew Lane wrote:


Hello all,

I'm new to debian, just switched over from ubuntu.  I heard news of
the new 2.6.27 kernel coming out, and has atheros driver support.  My
laptop has an atheros card I haven't gotten to work yet, and I'd like
to get the new kernel to get that card working.  My kernel is 2.6.18,
running the latest distro of debian.  I understand I can compile my
own kernel if I wish to, but I never have.  I'm also aware
has daily image builds, but I don't really know how to install a
kernel image or compile my own as I've never done it.  Thanks for the

If you don't want to build your own kernel, has links to a repository you can
include in your sources.list.  It seems that 2.6.27 hasn't been packaged
yet, but 2.6.27-rc9 is available and should be very close.



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Re: New Kernel

2008-10-12 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2008-10-12 23:01 +0200, Matthew Lane wrote:

 Thanks for all the friendly help.  I've added the repository to my apt
 sources, and when I do an apt-get upgrade it tries to upgrade to the
 same kernel version (2.6.18).  I don't mind installing rc9, I'd just
 like to get my hands on a 2.6.27.

Did you add the trunk repository to your sources.list?  AFAIK only
that includes the latest and greatest kernels.

  I've read a bit about needing to
 edit my grub boot menu once I've installed a kernel image, and I have
 no problem doing that, I just am curious where I can get a package
 (.deb?) to install the 2.6.27 kernel image, and where it would be
 located to add to my grub boot menu.

Normally the new kernel should appear in your Grub menu automatically,
as update-grub is run by the linux-image* postinst.


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