Lenny Update + Eclipse

2010-06-28 Thread Oscar Osta Pueyo
Avui volia fer un update de la lenny i abans de tot he anat a
http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100626 per veure una mica el canvis.

I, oh sorpresa!!! A removed packages surt eclipse...

Per si algú vol fer el updated i fa servir eclipse.

Oscar Osta Pueyo

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Re: Lenny Update + Eclipse

2010-06-28 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
Si fas una busca a packages et retorna que el packet existeix a etch,
squeeze i a sid peró no a lenny
Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974
e-mail: p...@nubiola.cat

El 28 de juny de 2010 11:44, Oscar Osta Pueyo
oostap.lis...@gmail.com ha escrit:
 Avui volia fer un update de la lenny i abans de tot he anat a
 http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100626 per veure una mica el canvis.

 I, oh sorpresa!!! A removed packages surt eclipse...

 Per si algú vol fer el updated i fa servir eclipse.

 Oscar Osta Pueyo

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-catalan-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

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Re: Lenny Update + Eclipse

2010-06-28 Thread Joan

La setmana pasada van informar d'alguna incompatibilitat amb el paquet
xul-runner i per aixo eliminaven l'eclipse de stable

Veieu http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100626 per mes info ( a l'apartat de
removed packages)


El 28 de juny de 2010 13:43, Pere Nubiola Radigales p...@nubiola.cat ha

 Si fas una busca a packages et retorna que el packet existeix a etch,
 squeeze i a sid peró no a lenny
 Pere Nubiola Radigales
 Telf: +34 656316974
 e-mail: p...@nubiola.cat

 El 28 de juny de 2010 11:44, Oscar Osta Pueyo
 oostap.lis...@gmail.com ha escrit:
  Avui volia fer un update de la lenny i abans de tot he anat a
  http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100626 per veure una mica el canvis.
  I, oh sorpresa!!! A removed packages surt eclipse...
  Per si algú vol fer el updated i fa servir eclipse.
  Oscar Osta Pueyo
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-catalan-requ...@lists.debian.org
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-catalan-requ...@lists.debian.org
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Re: Lenny Update + Eclipse

2010-06-28 Thread Pep Nieto
Per cert, de quina manera feu l'update de lenny perque sigui mes segur?

El dl 28 de 06 de 2010 a les 11:44 +0200, en/na Oscar Osta Pueyo va
 Avui volia fer un update de la lenny i abans de tot he anat a
 http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100626 per veure una mica el canvis.
 I, oh sorpresa!!! A removed packages surt eclipse...
 Per si algú vol fer el updated i fa servir eclipse.
 Oscar Osta Pueyo
Pep Nieto Luque | gpg.id F80D342E
Linux User 331482
mail: jni...@tinet.cat
ICQ: 16070
//  )   

Description: Això és una part	d'un missatge signada digitalment

Re: Lenny Update + Eclipse

2010-06-28 Thread Antoni Villalonga
Jo normalment faig: aptitude update  aptitude autoclean  aptitude
full-upgrade -y

Suposo que la forma més segura és no posar el -y i, pot ser, llevar
aptitude autoclean.
Per tan... aptitude update  aptitude full-upgrade

Per altra banda, hi ha la opció de fer un aptitude safe-upgrade,
t'assegures que no esborrarà paquets.
Si hi ha moltes coses pendents d'actualitzar pot ser una passa prèvia
al full-upgrade.

No sé que dir-te, suposo que cadascú te la seva recomanació basada en
Jo et recomano directament: aptitude update  aptitude autoclean 
aptitude full-upgrade i que vigilis si s'esborren paquets importants.


El 28 de juny de 2010 14:52, Pep Nieto ha escrit:
 Per cert, de quina manera feu l'update de lenny perque sigui mes segur?

 El dl 28 de 06 de 2010 a les 11:44 +0200, en/na Oscar Osta Pueyo va
 Avui volia fer un update de la lenny i abans de tot he anat a
 http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100626 per veure una mica el canvis.

 I, oh sorpresa!!! A removed packages surt eclipse...

 Per si algú vol fer el updated i fa servir eclipse.

I'm a carny. I live for games of chance. - Heroes 4x13

Antoni Villalonga i Noceras
#Bloc# ~ http://friki.CAT
#Jabber# ~ fr...@bulmalug.net

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IX Jornades de Programari Lliure: crida a la participació

2010-06-28 Thread Leopold Palomo Avellaneda

:Data: 2 de juliol de 2010.
:Lloc: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
  Campus Diagonal Nord.
  Sala d'actes de la Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona.
  Edifici B6.
  Carrer Jordi Girona,1-3.
:Inscripció: gratuïta, a partir del 23 de juny de 2010 al portal.
:Portal: http://www.jornadespl.org
:Contacte: secreta...@jornadespl.org

Què són?

Les jornades són una trobada de desenvolupadors i usuaris de
programari lliure que té com a principal objectiu generar i compartir
coneixement sobre el programari lliure, i difondre'l a la societat.

Quins temes s'hi tractaran?

Aquí teniu el programa provisional d'aquesta edició.

= =

 9:45 10Inauguració
1010:30 Pau Gangonells i Pere Ramon Erro Mas. Programari lliure en
la gestió d'un centre educatiu
10:30 11Àngels Mustienes. El Programari lliure i eduCAT 1x1 a
l'IES Sant Just Desvern
1111:30 pausa cafè
11:30 13Taula rodona: Programari i coneixement lliure en eduCAT 1x1
1315:30 pausa dinar
15:30 16Oscar Miras. Colaboració i desenevolupament en xarxa d'un
projecte de software lliure com a PFC
1616:30 Antoni Barba. El programari lliure i el canvi de model productiu
16:30 18Taula rodona: Aspectes econòmics del programari lliure
1818:30 pausa cafè
18:30 19Pedro López-Cabanillas. MIDI en Linux
1919:30 CTTI. Balanç del full de ruta
19:30 20:30 LLeïr Borràs (GironaOnRails). Mètodes àgils de
programació, ruby, rails, ... (per confirmar)
21:00 ? Sopar de les jornades
= =

Podeu trobar versions per imprimir a la web de les jornades.

Com estar informats?

* Si us subscriviu a la llista de distribució de les jornades
 (http://llistes.cpl.upc.edu/listinfo/jpl-info) us
 mantindrem informats de les darreres novetats referents a les
 jornades. Aquesta llista és moderada i de baix tràfic (vuit
 missatges l'any com a molt).

* També podeu restar amatents a la pàgina web de les jornades o emprar
 una subscripció RSS via http://www.jornadespl.org/jpl/news/RSS

Qui les organitza?

La Càtedra de Programari Lliure de la UPC (http://www.cpl.upc.edu) amb
el suport de l'Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Manresa
(http://www.epsem.upc.edu/), l'escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria
Industrial de Barcelona (http://www.etseib.upc.edu/), i l'Institut de
Ciències de l'Educació de la UPC (http://www-ice.upc.edu/).

La llista de persones que les organitzen la trobareu a les pàgines de
les jornades

Qui les patrocina?

Tot i que l'edició d'enguany no ha necessitat patrocinadors pel seu
format reduït a un únic dia, les jornades no haurien estat possibles
sense el suport d'un bon nombre d'associacions, organitzacions i
empreses que ha patrocinat les edicions anteriors

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Re: wlanconfig : erreur de segmentation

2010-06-28 Thread Frédéric Boiteux
Le Sat, 26 Jun 2010 16:22:16 +0200,
steve dl...@bluewin.ch a écrit :

 Suite à votre discussion sur la version du noyau de testing, j'ai
 installé le 2.6.32-5 (avant j'avais le -trunk qui allait très bien).
 Maintenant, quand j'essaie de créer un AP avec ma carte wifi
 5:02.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros
 AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) 
 j'obtiens une erreur de segmentation :
 localhost kernel: [ 1749.090444] wlanconfig[23856]: segfault at
 603b60 ip 00603b60 sp 7fffbfc70cf8 error 15 in
 Le driver se charge correctement (iwconfig le montre), mais la
 création d'un AP déclenche cette erreur.
 J'ai utilisé la dernière version du svn de madwifi (ce que je faisais
 d'habitude), puis essayé le madwifi-source de Debian (via m-a, mais il
 ne compile pas). Toujours la même erreur de segmentation. Ce qui est
 bizarre c'est que le paquet madwifi-tools (d'où provient wlanconfig)
 n'a pas changé de version depuis un bon moment.
 Donc je ne sais pas d'où provient cette erreur et je ne sais pas non
 plus la tracer au plus précis.
 Une idée pour m'en sortir ?

Ta carte n'est-elle pas gérée par le pilote ath5k intégré au noyau ? Cela 
t'éviterait de jouer avec le pilote externe madwifi...


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Re: Re: forcer l'indexe des cartes son

2010-06-28 Thread Alexandre
en fait je ne vais peut-être pas avoir besoin de poster un nouveau message : 
en suivant les instructions suivantes :
# alsactl init
# alsamixer
# alsactl store
je peux utiliser ma carte son pci. J'atends mon prochain redémarrage pour être 
certain que ça fonctionne à coup sûr.

Merci pour votre aide.

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/201006281154.06955.alex5...@laposte.net

Re: Re: Re: forcer l'indexe des cartes son

2010-06-28 Thread Alexandre
bon, je n'ai plus de problème de freeze. Par contre la plus part des 
applications veulent utiliser la carte intégrée, ce qui ne m'arrange pas.
- Amarok a été configuré via phonon (du coup j'iamgine que ca va marcher pour 
toutes les applications kde),
- Dragon player fonction (grâce à ce qui précède j'imagine),
- VLC ne fonctionne pas et dans le menu de configuration audio, après avoir 
choisi ALSA je n'ai droit qu'au périphérique prédéfini,
- Les navigateurs (rekonq, midori, iceweasel) utilisent la carte son intégrée 
(et là je ne vois pas du tout où changer cela).

J'ai donc voulu forcer l'indexage avec la pcm en 0 et la carte intégrée en 1, 
ce que j'ai cru faire dans alsa-base.conf. Après un reboot, je refais alsactl 
init, alsamixer et alsactl store, mais j'ai toujours la carte pcm en position 
1... J'imagine que alsactl modifie un fichier de config qui a le dernier mot 
alsa-conf ? Sauriez-vous comment faire en sorte que toutes mes applications 
utilise par défault la carte pcm ie :
 1 [CMI8768]: CMI8738-MC8 - C-Media CMI8768
  C-Media CMI8768 at 0xa400, irq 22

Merci pour vos nouvelles aides à cenir, alex

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/201006281525.18774.alex5...@laposte.net

scp en conservant les droits

2010-06-28 Thread Tahar BEN ACHOUR
Bonjour à tous,

Y a t'il un moyen de faire une copie par ssh d'un serveur à un autre en 
conservant les droits des fichiers de la machine source vers la machine cible ? 
j'ai un très grand nombre de fichier à copier et j'aimerai conserver les mêmes 
droits afin d'éviter de reparcourir le tout et remettre les bons droits.

Merci pour votre aide.

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/694721.28033...@web26302.mail.ukl.yahoo.com

Re: scp en conservant les droits

2010-06-28 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14788ième jour après Epoch,
Tahar BEN ACHOUR écrivait:

 Bonjour à tous,

 Y a t'il un moyen de faire une copie par ssh d'un serveur à un autre
 en conservant les droits des fichiers de la machine source vers la
 machine cible ? j'ai un très grand nombre de fichier à copier et
 j'aimerai conserver les mêmes droits afin d'éviter de reparcourir le
 tout et remettre les bons droits.

avec rsync plutôt. Je ne pense pas que scp préserve les droits.

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/87pqzbjkdw@fermat.tourde.home

Re: scp en conservant les droits

2010-06-28 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

Le 28/06/2010 16:34, François TOURDE a écrit :

Le 14788ième jour après Epoch,
Tahar BEN ACHOUR écrivait:


Bonjour à tous,

Y a t'il un moyen de faire une copie par ssh d'un serveur à un autre
en conservant les droits des fichiers de la machine source vers la
machine cible ? j'ai un très grand nombre de fichier à copier et
j'aimerai conserver les mêmes droits afin d'éviter de reparcourir le
tout et remettre les bons droits.

avec rsync plutôt. Je ne pense pas que scp préserve les droits.


Je confirme ! rsync est fait pour ce genre de chose, entre autre...

Peut-être l'option -p (preserve) de scp, mais j'ai jamais essayé...



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Re : scp en conservant les droits

2010-06-28 Thread Tahar BEN ACHOUR
Merci pour votre aide, j'utiliserai rsync je n'y avais pas pensé, pourtant je 
l'avais déjà utilisé pas mal de fois ^^

Merci beaucoup.

- Message d'origine 
 De : C. Mourad Jaber m...@nativobject.net
 À : debian-user-french@lists.debian.org
 Envoyé le : Lun 28 juin 2010, 15h 52min 43s
 Objet : Re: scp en conservant les droits
 Le 28/06/2010 16:34, François TOURDE a écrit :
 Le 14788ième jour après 
 Tahar BEN ACHOUR écrivait:

 Bonjour à tous,

 Y a t'il un moyen de faire 
 une copie par ssh d'un serveur à un autre
 en conservant les droits 
 des fichiers de la machine source vers la
 machine cible ? j'ai un 
 très grand nombre de fichier à copier et
 j'aimerai conserver les 
 mêmes droits afin d'éviter de reparcourir le
 tout et remettre les 
 bons droits.
 avec rsync plutôt. Je ne 
 pense pas que scp préserve les droits.

 confirme ! rsync est fait pour ce genre de chose, entre 

Peut-être l'option -p (preserve) de scp, mais j'ai jamais 



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Re: scp en conservant les droits

2010-06-28 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 04:34:51PM +0200, François TOURDE wrote:
 avec rsync plutôt. Je ne pense pas que scp préserve les droits.

N'est-ce pas ce que scp -p fait?


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Re: scp en conservant les droits

2010-06-28 Thread Anthony Bourguignon
Le 28/06/2010 16:30, Tahar BEN ACHOUR a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,
 Y a t'il un moyen de faire une copie par ssh d'un serveur à un autre en 
 conservant les droits des fichiers de la machine source vers la machine cible 
 ? j'ai un très grand nombre de fichier à copier et j'aimerai conserver les 
 mêmes droits afin d'éviter de reparcourir le tout et remettre les bons droits.
 Merci pour votre aide.

J'avais fait un billet sur mon blog il y a un certain temps de ça :
. Si tu as besoin ou non d'une connexion sécurisée, regarde le deuxième

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Re: forcer l'indexe des cartes son

2010-06-28 Thread Raphaël POITEVIN
Le 28/06/10, Alexandrealex5...@laposte.net a écrit :
 bon, je n'ai plus de problème de freeze. Par contre la plus part des
 applications veulent utiliser la carte intégrée, ce qui ne m'arrange pas.
 - Amarok a été configuré via phonon (du coup j'iamgine que ca va marcher
 toutes les applications kde),
 - Dragon player fonction (grâce à ce qui précède j'imagine),
 - VLC ne fonctionne pas et dans le menu de configuration audio, après avoir
 choisi ALSA je n'ai droit qu'au périphérique prédéfini,
 - Les navigateurs (rekonq, midori, iceweasel) utilisent la carte son
 (et là je ne vois pas du tout où changer cela).

Est-ce que tes cartes sons ont toujours le même numéro à chaque fois,
je veux dire par ex, ta carte interne 0 et externe 1 ?
Dans ce cas, j'ai une astuce :
Lancer par ex iceweasel avec un shell script du genre :
export ALSA_CARD=1

Si bien entendu ta carte externe est en 1. Tu peux faire un test pour
savoir si éventuellement ta carte ne serait pas branchée pour qu'il
lance avec la carte interne, moi j'ai fait un grep sur
/proc/asound/cards, mais ce n'est certainement pas ce qu'il y a de
plus propre.


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Re: scp en conservant les droits

2010-06-28 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14788ième jour après Epoch,
Yves Rutschle écrivait:

 On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 04:34:51PM +0200, François TOURDE wrote:
 avec rsync plutôt. Je ne pense pas que scp préserve les droits.

 N'est-ce pas ce que scp -p fait?

Non, il préserve les dates (atime, mtime...) et les droits (?) mais pas
les owners/groups des fichiers.

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/87mxufi2sw@fermat.tourde.home

Re: forcer l'indexe des cartes son

2010-06-28 Thread j.seq

 Message du 28/06/10 17:31
 De : Raphaël POITEVIN 
 A : Alexandre 
 Copie à : debian-user-french@lists.debian.org
 Objet : Re: forcer l'indexe des cartes son
 Si bien entendu ta carte externe est en 1. Tu peux faire un test pour
 savoir si éventuellement ta carte ne serait pas branchée pour qu'il
 lance avec la carte interne, moi j'ai fait un grep sur
 /proc/asound/cards, mais ce n'est certainement pas ce qu'il y a de
 plus propre.

Ce que j'ai fait également avec 3 fichiers pour deux cartes qui se chargent 
aléatoirement dans un ordre ou un autre.

Un test :

# Provides: autoSndCard
# Required-Start: $local_fs
# Required-Stop: $local_fs
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Copy correct SndCard number to /etc/asound.conf
# Description: Copy correct SndCard number to /etc/asound.conf

# Copie le fichier asound.conf qui va bien
# pour la carte son [CK8S ]: NFORCE - NVidia CK8S

card=`cat /proc/asound/cards | grep CK | cut -c 2`
rm -f /etc/asound.conf
cp /etc/asound-files/asound.$card /etc/asound.conf

et les deux fichiers de conf (selon ordre de chargement)

# /etc/asound-files/asound.0
### perso
# idée du site http://seehuhn.de/pages/alsa

defaults.ctl.card 0
defaults.pcm.card 0
defaults.timer.card 0

# /etc/asound-files/asound.1
### perso
# idée du site http://seehuhn.de/pages/alsa

defaults.ctl.card 1
defaults.pcm.card 1
defaults.timer.card 1


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail www.laposte.net

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Re: forcer l'indexe des cartes son

2010-06-28 Thread Raphaël POITEVIN
Le 28/06/10, j.seqj@laposte.net a écrit :
 Ce que j'ai fait également avec 3 fichiers pour deux cartes qui se chargent
 aléatoirement dans un ordre ou un autre.

 Un test :

 # Provides: autoSndCard
 # Required-Start: $local_fs
 # Required-Stop: $local_fs
 # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
 # Short-Description: Copy correct SndCard number to /etc/asound.conf
 # Description: Copy correct SndCard number to /etc/asound.conf

 # Copie le fichier asound.conf qui va bien
 # pour la carte son [CK8S ]: NFORCE - NVidia CK8S

 card=`cat /proc/asound/cards | grep CK | cut -c 2`
 rm -f /etc/asound.conf
 cp /etc/asound-files/asound.$card /etc/asound.conf

A ce niveau là, au lieu d'écraser le fichier puis copier, tu pourrais
faire un lien symbolique, ça me semble un peu plus linuxien. Mais bon,
juste une petite suggestion au passage.

 et les deux fichiers de conf (selon ordre de chargement)

 # /etc/asound-files/asound.0
 ### perso
 # idée du site http://seehuhn.de/pages/alsa

 defaults.ctl.card 0
 defaults.pcm.card 0
 defaults.timer.card 0

 # /etc/asound-files/asound.1
 ### perso
 # idée du site http://seehuhn.de/pages/alsa

 defaults.ctl.card 1
 defaults.pcm.card 1
 defaults.timer.card 1


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Re: forcer l'indexe des cartes son

2010-06-28 Thread j.seq

 Message du 28/06/10 22:24
 De : Raphaël POITEVIN 
 A : j.seq 
 Copie à : debian-user-french@lists.debian.org
 Objet : Re: forcer l'indexe des cartes son

 Le 28/06/10, j.seq a écrit :
  Ce que j'ai fait également avec 3 fichiers pour deux cartes qui se chargent
  aléatoirement dans un ordre ou un autre.
  Un test :

# Provides: autoSndCard
# Required-Start: $local_fs
# Required-Stop: $local_fs
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Copy correct SndCard number to /etc/asound.conf
# Description: Copy correct SndCard number to /etc/asound.conf

# Copie le fichier asound.conf qui va bien
# pour la carte son [CK8S ]: NFORCE - NVidia CK8S

card=`cat /proc/asound/cards | grep CK | cut -c 2`
ln -sf /etc/asound-files/asound.$card /etc/asound.conf

 A ce niveau là, au lieu d'écraser le fichier puis copier, tu pourrais
 faire un lien symbolique, ça me semble un peu plus linuxien. Mais bon,
 juste une petite suggestion au passage.

A vot' service.
On (en) apprend tous les jours.

  et les deux fichiers de conf (selon ordre de chargement)
  # /etc/asound-files/asound.0
  ### perso
  # idée du site http://seehuhn.de/pages/alsa
  defaults.ctl.card 0
  defaults.pcm.card 0
  defaults.timer.card 0
  # /etc/asound-files/asound.1
  ### perso
  # idée du site http://seehuhn.de/pages/alsa
  defaults.ctl.card 1
  defaults.pcm.card 1
  defaults.timer.card 1


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail www.laposte.net

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Re: wlanconfig : erreur de segmentation

2010-06-28 Thread steve
Le 28-06-2010, à 09:15:00 +0200, Frédéric Boiteux (fboit...@calistel.com) a 
écrit :

 Ta carte n'est-elle pas gérée par le pilote ath5k intégré au noyau ?
 Cela t'éviterait de jouer avec le pilote externe madwifi...

Si en fait, depuis la version 2.6.32, ath5k permet le mode AP. J'ai fait
quelques tests qui semblent être concluants, à ceci de près que le
débit est bien plus lent qu'avec le driver madwifi « classique ».
Peut-être est-ce une mauvais configuration de ma part, je cherche

J'avais blacklisté ce driver car pendant la « saison » lenny (2.6.26),
il ne permettait pas la création d'un point accès). Maintenant c'est le
cas, par contre je ne sais toujours pas s'il permet d'en créer
plusieurs. (Si quelqu'un sait...)

Merci pour votre aide,

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RE: adduser problem

2010-06-28 Thread Michał Leon Grzegorczyk
Mój skrypt jest bardzo prosty, uruchamia tylko polecenie adduser z
odpowiednimi przełącznikami.
adduser --home /home/ftp/katalog --ingroup ftp --shell /bin/false

Później wpisywałem tylko nazwę usera I hasło.


-Original Message-
From: Marcin Owsiany [mailto:porri...@owsiany.pl] On Behalf Of Marcin
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 1:19 PM
To: debian-user-polish@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: adduser problem

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 11:35:10PM +0200, Michał Leon Grzegorczyk wrote:
 Po ostatniej aktualizacji pakietów mam problem z dodawaniem 
 użytkowników za pomocą polecenia adduser.
 Mianowicie, napisałem prosty skrypcik po którego uruchomieniu 
 wystarczyło że podam login i hasło.
 Teraz przy odpalaniu skryptu dostaję informację:
 adduser: Only one or two names allowed.
 To samo jeśli spróbuję uruchomić polecenie adduser z przełącznikami 
 ale bez nazwy użytkownika.

Pokaż dokładnie co próbujesz robić. W Twoim skrypciku dodaj set -x na
początku - będzie widać jakie polecenia wykonuje.

Marcin Owsiany porri...@debian.org http://marcin.owsiany.pl/
GnuPG: 1024D/60F41216  FE67 DA2D 0ACA FC5E 3F75  D6F6 3A0D 8AA0 60F4 1216

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Problem z dns-ami

2010-06-28 Thread Marek Zdybel
Od dłuższego czasu serwer zwraca mi takie oto info w logach...

 Jun 29 04:20:26 122-mia-3 named[3931]: client
 query (cache) 'pizza.xorg.pl/A/IN' denied
 Jun 29 04:20:26 122-mia-3 named[3931]: client
 query (cache) 'pizza.xorg.pl/A/IN' denied
 Jun 29 04:20:26 122-mia-3 named[3931]: client
 query (cache) 'pizza.xorg.pl/A/IN' denied
 Jun 29 04:20:45 122-mia-3 named[3931]: client
 query (cache) 'pizza.xorg.pl/A/IN' denied
 Jun 29 04:20:45 122-mia-3 named[3931]: client
 query (cache) 'pizza.xorg.pl/A/IN' denied
 Jun 29 04:20:46 122-mia-3 named[3931]: client
 query (cache) 'pizza.xorg.pl/A/IN' denied
 Jun 29 04:20:46 122-mia-3 named[3931]: client
 query (cache) 'pizza.xorg.pl/A/IN' denied
 Jun 29 04:20:46 122-mia-3 named[3931]: client
 query (cache) 'pizza.xorg.pl/A/IN' denied
 Jun 29 04:20:46 122-mia-3 named[3931]: client
 query (cache) 'pizza.xorg.pl/A/IN' denied

Domena ta kiedyś wisiała na serwerze, lecz już od pół roku nie istnieje
kiedy to wywaliłem wpisy w dns-ach zarówno u siebie jak i u operatora...
Powtarzające się co jakiś czas logi są dość irytujące... można się ich w
jakiś sposób pozbyć?


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Grub2 con LVM - error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).

2010-06-28 Thread AngelD
Tengo un problemilla con grub2 en Squeeze. Tras una
actualización, cada vez que se ejecuta update-grub o update-grub2
me da un mensaje tipo:

 /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev

Parece que es un problema nuevo, introducido a partir del
kernel 2.6.32-5, pero no encuentro una solución razonable.

Por el camino y las pruebas, he perdido el parámetro root=
del grub, teniéndolo que incluir este a mano en cada reinicio. He
intentado recuperarlo añadiendolo al  '/etc/default/grub'

 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=rootfstype=ext4 root=/dev/mapper/rootvg/root

pero como 'update-grub' no funciona, esto tampoco, aunque creo
que añadir un segundo parámetro root= tampoco es buena idea

Como solución temporal he añadido esta ruta a mano en el
'/boot/grub/grub.cfg', pero cada actualización tendré que repetir esto.

Saludos --- Angel

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Re: Grub2 con LVM - error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).

2010-06-28 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 12:57:39 +0200, AngelD escribió:

 Tengo un problemilla con grub2 en Squeeze. Tras una actualización, cada
 vez que se ejecuta update-grub o update-grub2 me da un mensaje tipo:
  /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev
   Parece que es un problema nuevo, introducido a partir del
 kernel 2.6.32-5, pero no encuentro una solución razonable.


Por el BTS comentan actualizar al grub de sid:


No sé si será tu caso.



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flashplugin 10.1

2010-06-28 Thread fernandojoseGmail

Tengo problemas con la página de maps.google.es que ahora me pide la
versión de flash 10.

He intentado ir a la página de adobbe, pero siempre acabo en un
asistente que no inicia la descarga. (Tengo Lenny 32)

He buscado alguna url que me permita bajarlo a mano pero nada no lo
encuentro, alguno me puede echar una mano.

Saludos y gracias de antemano.


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

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Re: Grub2 con LVM - error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).

2010-06-28 Thread Alexis Medina

El 28/06/10 07:05, Camaleón escribió:

El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 12:57:39 +0200, AngelD escribió:


Tengo un problemilla con grub2 en Squeeze. Tras una actualización, cada
vez que se ejecuta update-grub o update-grub2 me da un mensaje tipo:

  /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev

Parece que es un problema nuevo, introducido a partir del
kernel 2.6.32-5, pero no encuentro una solución razonable.


Por el BTS comentan actualizar al grub de sid:


No sé si será tu caso.


*mi caso fue que grub2 no me montaba la partición como punto de 
arranque, prueba a ver si te sirve,  lo hice con las utilidades de disco 
en las herramientas del sistema*

Re: flashplugin 10.1

2010-06-28 Thread Sergio

fernandojoseGmail escribió:


Tengo problemas con la página de maps.google.es que ahora me pide la
versión de flash 10.

He intentado ir a la página de adobbe, pero siempre acabo en un
asistente que no inicia la descarga. (Tengo Lenny 32)

He buscado alguna url que me permita bajarlo a mano pero nada no lo
encuentro, alguno me puede echar una mano.

Saludos y gracias de antemano.


Te conviene descargarlo de acá
elegí la opción tar.gz y lo descomprimís en la carpeta /plugins de 
Firefox. A mí me funcionó de esa manera.


Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
jabber: sergio.b...@jabber.org
Linux counter: 486274

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Re: flashplugin 10.1

2010-06-28 Thread fernandojoseGmail
Sergio wrote:
 fernandojoseGmail escribió:

 Tengo problemas con la página de maps.google.es que ahora me pide la
 versión de flash 10.

 He intentado ir a la página de adobbe, pero siempre acabo en un
 asistente que no inicia la descarga. (Tengo Lenny 32)

 He buscado alguna url que me permita bajarlo a mano pero nada no lo
 encuentro, alguno me puede echar una mano.

 Saludos y gracias de antemano.

 Te conviene descargarlo de acá
 elegí la opción tar.gz y lo descomprimís en la carpeta /plugins de
 Firefox. A mí me funcionó de esa manera.

Gracias por tu respuesta, pero es en esas páginas donde tengo el
problema se supone que debe iniciar la descarga, pero le doy al botón y
no pasa nada.
Uso iceweasel 3.06 y he probado a permitir ventanas emergentes, tengo
java activado, etc..., pero nada.



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

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Re: flashplugin 10.1

2010-06-28 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 14:32:27 +0200, fernandojoseGmail escribió:

 Sergio wrote:

 Te conviene descargarlo de acá
 elegí la opción tar.gz y lo descomprimís en la carpeta /plugins de
 Firefox. A mí me funcionó de esa manera.
 Gracias por tu respuesta, pero es en esas páginas donde tengo el
 problema se supone que debe iniciar la descarga, pero le doy al botón y
 no pasa nada.
 Uso iceweasel 3.06 y he probado a permitir ventanas emergentes, tengo
 java activado, etc..., pero nada.

La URI completa:




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Re: flashplugin 10.1

2010-06-28 Thread fernandojoseGmail
Camaleón wrote:
 El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 14:32:27 +0200, fernandojoseGmail escribió:
 Sergio wrote:
 Te conviene descargarlo de acá
 elegí la opción tar.gz y lo descomprimís en la carpeta /plugins de
 Firefox. A mí me funcionó de esa manera.

 Gracias por tu respuesta, pero es en esas páginas donde tengo el
 problema se supone que debe iniciar la descarga, pero le doy al botón y
 no pasa nada.
 Uso iceweasel 3.06 y he probado a permitir ventanas emergentes, tengo
 java activado, etc..., pero nada.
 La URI completa:

Estoy en las mismas..


La descarga comenzará automáticamente.
Si no comienza, Haga clic aquí* para obtener información sobre
resolución de problemas.

Si aparece un cuadro de diálogo con las opciones de ejecutar o guardar,
seleccione la de ejecutar.

Pero no hay descarga...

Probaré en mi casa, a ver si va a ser algún bloqueo del firewall...

Saludos y gracias de nuevo.


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

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Re: flashplugin 10.1

2010-06-28 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 15:09:59 +0200, fernandojoseGmail escribió:

 Camaleón wrote:

 La URI completa:
 Estoy en las mismas..

Carallo :-)

 Pero no hay descarga...
 Probaré en mi casa, a ver si va a ser algún bloqueo del firewall...

El plugin también está en debian-multimedia:




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[Solución] Grub2 con LVM - error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).

2010-06-28 Thread AngelD
El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 11:35:57 + (UTC)
Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:

 El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 12:57:39 +0200, AngelD escribió:
  Tengo un problemilla con grub2 en Squeeze. Tras una actualización,
  cada vez que se ejecuta update-grub o update-grub2 me da un
  mensaje tipo:
   /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev
  Parece que es un problema nuevo, introducido a partir del
  kernel 2.6.32-5, pero no encuentro una solución razonable.
 Por el BTS comentan actualizar al grub de sid:

Sí, es la solución fácil. He instalado los paquetes:


a mano con 'dpkg', y ha vuelto a la normalidad. 

Saludos --- Angel

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OT: Virtual Box - Squeeze - Pasar a Fisico

2010-06-28 Thread Ricardo Delgado
Lista, buenos dias, estoy utilizando Virtualbox en un squeeze con varios 
equipos virtualizados 1 Lenny, 1 Ubuntu, 1 xp.

  La consulta puntual, que no encontre en google (o no supe como buscar ...) es 
la siguiente.

Puedo volcar un equipo virtual a un equipo fisico? como lo haria? acaso 
un DD me serviria?

   Algun link con ejemplo?

   Muchas Gracias y Saludos


 @   @ )
-oOOo-( )---oOOo--
| Ricardo Delgado |
| |
| | 
| |
| |
| |
 ooo0(   )
 (  ) ) /
  \ ((_/

Por Favor, no hagas Top Posting

Por Favor, sin formato html

Sin formatos propietarios.

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Xen y Windows

2010-06-28 Thread Carlos Valderrama
Buenos días a todos, tengo un inconveniente que ojala me puedan guiar para
solucionarlo, tengo una tarro con debian Lenny y Xen cuando creo una VM en
Linux todo perfecto, pero cuando quiero crear una VM con Windows y quiero
conectarme por VNC para seguir la instalación no aparece nada de nada, no sé
en que parte me he quedado o que estoy haciendo mal.


Esta es mi configuración para mi Windows


kernel = '/usr/lib/xen-3.2-1/boot/hvmloader'

builder = 'hvm'

memory = '256'



vcpus = 1


# Disks

disk = [ 'file:/home/xen/domains/w2k2003/w2k2003.img,ioemu:hda,w',



# Hostname

name = 'W2003R2'


# Networking

vif = ['type=ioemu, bridge=xenbr0']


# Behaviour


on_poweroff = 'destroy'

on_reboot = 'restart'

on_crash = 'restart'


# Behaviour






nographic = 0



Como les digo ojala me pudieran dar una mano.






Re: OT: Virtual Box - Squeeze - Pasar a Fisico

2010-06-28 Thread AngelD
El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 07:08:17 -0700 (PDT)
Ricardo Delgado ricardodelgad...@yahoo.com.ar escribió:

 Lista, buenos dias, estoy utilizando Virtualbox en un squeeze con
 varios equipos virtualizados 1 Lenny, 1 Ubuntu, 1 xp.
   La consulta puntual, que no encontre en google (o no supe como
 buscar ...) es la siguiente.
 Puedo volcar un equipo virtual a un equipo fisico? como lo
 haria? acaso un DD me serviria?

Se puede volcar un equipo virtual a uno físico. Según el [1]tipo
de imagen, el proceso puede ser diferente. En mi caso son imágenes RAW,
y para volcarlas con un DD a un disco de igual o mayor tamaño (si es
mayor, el espacio restante quedará sin asignar). Si utilizas imágenes
VDI, creo que necesitarías convertir estas a RAW con [2]vditool.

En algunos [3]foros hablan de 'converttoraw', pero intuyo que
con 'vditool' es suficiente.

Tras este paso, sólo hay que cambiar los controladores por los
correspondientes a la máquina física.

Saludos --- Angel


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Re: Xen y Windows

2010-06-28 Thread AngelD
El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 09:11:42 -0500
Carlos Valderrama cva...@perucam.com escribió:

 Buenos días a todos, tengo un inconveniente que ojala me puedan guiar
 para solucionarlo, tengo una tarro con debian Lenny y Xen cuando creo
 una VM en Linux todo perfecto, pero cuando quiero crear una VM con
 Windows y quiero conectarme por VNC para seguir la instalación no
 aparece nada de nada, no sé en que parte me he quedado o que estoy
 haciendo mal.
 Esta es mi configuración para mi Windows
 kernel = '/usr/lib/xen-3.2-1/boot/hvmloader'
 builder = 'hvm'
 memory = '256'
 vcpus = 1
 # Disks
 disk = [ 'file:/home/xen/domains/w2k2003/w2k2003.img,ioemu:hda,w',
 # Hostname
 name = 'W2003R2'
 # Networking
 vif = ['type=ioemu, bridge=xenbr0']
 # Behaviour
 on_poweroff = 'destroy'
 on_reboot = 'restart'
 on_crash = 'restart'
 # Behaviour
 nographic = 0 

¿Cómo te intentas conectar?. Porque la conexión vnc sólo se
exporta en la máquina local, no siendo accesible desde el exterior a
menos que uses túneles ssh o el parámetro vnclisten.

Saludos --- Angel

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Re: Xen y Windows

2010-06-28 Thread Javier Charne

El 28/06/10 11:11, Carlos Valderrama escribió:

Buenos días a todos, tengo un inconveniente que ojala me puedan guiar 
para solucionarlo, tengo una tarro con debian Lenny y Xen cuando creo 
una VM en Linux todo perfecto, pero cuando quiero crear una VM con 
Windows y quiero conectarme por VNC para seguir la instalación no 
aparece nada de nada, no sé en que parte me he quedado o que estoy 
haciendo mal.

Esta es mi configuración para mi Windows

kernel = '/usr/lib/xen-3.2-1/boot/hvmloader'

builder = 'hvm'

memory = '256'



vcpus = 1


Muy buenas. ¿Tenés qemu-dm instalado?
Me pasó hace unos meses que, al actualizar Xen, me quedé sin qemu-dm.
Googleando, encontré que quien mantenía el paquete para Debian, a fin 
del año pasado dejó de hacerlo 

Entonces, tuve que poner en las fuentes

deb http://ftparchive.gplhost.com/debian/   lenny main

e instalar el qemu-dm para que funcionaran mis máquinas con windows.



Re: flashplugin 10.1

2010-06-28 Thread Sergio Bess

Camaleón escribió:

El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 15:09:59 +0200, fernandojoseGmail escribió:


Camaleón wrote:

La URI completa:



Estoy en las mismas..

Carallo :-)



Pero no hay descarga...

Probaré en mi casa, a ver si va a ser algún bloqueo del firewall...

El plugin también está en debian-multimedia:



Si no das pie con bola, avisame y te lo mando al privado, creo que pesa 
unos 8 Mb más o menos.

Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
jabber: sergio.b...@jabber.org
Linux counter: 486274

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Re: flashplugin 10.1

2010-06-28 Thread Jorge A. Secreto
La uri de descarga


Jorge A Secreto
Analista de Sistemas
MP 361

Re: Otro participante, para pase de periodista

2010-06-28 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
Angel Eduardo Marin Quintero
C.C. 14325332
Celular 3106186890
blog: http://angeleduardomarin.blogspot.com/

Caro, otro problema es que yo no puedo viajar sino hasta pasado mañana, porque
estoy sin plata, estoy reuniendo.

El día 28 de junio de 2010 05:54, carolina botero
carobot...@gmail.com escribió:
 pasame los datos por favor

 2010/6/24 carolina botero carobot...@gmail.com

 Recuerdamelo la prox semana

 2010/6/24 Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco hald...@gmail.com

 Bueno, entonces me avisas.

 El día 23 de junio de 2010 21:31, carolina botero
 carobot...@gmail.com escribió:
  Ya se cerraron los pases de prensa, parece que habrá excepccionales
  campus, habrá que confirmar
  2010/6/23 Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco hald...@gmail.com
  Hola carolina, tarde pero conseguí un bloggero, que había estado
  escribiendo artículos
  para el voletín mensual del Movimiento Mundial de Jovenes para la
  Democracia. Ahora
  está pasando algunas cosas para su blog.
  Dime si se puede hacer algo para conseguirle un pase.

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Re: Otro participante, para pase de periodista

2010-06-28 Thread Luis Lezcano Airaldi

El 28/06/10 14:18, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:

Angel Eduardo Marin Quintero
C.C. 14325332
Celular 3106186890
blog: http://angeleduardomarin.blogspot.com/

Caro, otro problema es que yo no puedo viajar sino hasta pasado mañana, porque
estoy sin plata, estoy reuniendo.

El día 28 de junio de 2010 05:54, carolina botero
carobot...@gmail.com  escribió:

pasame los datos por favor

2010/6/24 carolina boterocarobot...@gmail.com

Recuerdamelo la prox semana

2010/6/24 Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozcohald...@gmail.com

Bueno, entonces me avisas.

El día 23 de junio de 2010 21:31, carolina botero
carobot...@gmail.com  escribió:

Ya se cerraron los pases de prensa, parece que habrá excepccionales
campus, habrá que confirmar

2010/6/23 Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozcohald...@gmail.com

Hola carolina, tarde pero conseguí un bloggero, que había estado
escribiendo artículos
para el voletín mensual del Movimiento Mundial de Jovenes para la
Democracia. Ahora
está pasando algunas cosas para su blog.

Dime si se puede hacer algo para conseguirle un pase.


Es Boletín, no voletín!


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Re: flashplugin 10.1

2010-06-28 Thread Juan Marcos Delgado Alcantar
El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 13:24:24 +, Camaleón escribió:

 El Mon, 28 Jun 2010 15:09:59 +0200, fernandojoseGmail escribió:
 Camaleón wrote:
 La URI completa:
 Estoy en las mismas..
 Carallo :-)
 Pero no hay descarga...
 Probaré en mi casa, a ver si va a ser algún bloqueo del firewall...
 El plugin también está en debian-multimedia:

Pueden añadir esto a su source.list, cambiando sid por la versión de 
Debian que estén usando.

deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main non-free


Marcos Delgado

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Pidgin + Squeeze

2010-06-28 Thread Frank Morales
Saludos a todos en la lista, estoy usando Debian Squeeze y me he instalado el 
Pidgin que trae en su repo que es la version 2.7.1, en el mismo ya tengo mis 
cuentas yahoo,jabber configuradas, pero el problema esta en que cuando abro el 
pidgin los user no se me conectan, se me quedan en blanco el pidgin, entonces 
tengo que desconectarlo manualmente las cuentas y volverlo a conectar para que 
se puedan conectar ?? alguien me pudiera decir como areglo ese problemita ???

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/359858.75377...@web27808.mail.ukl.yahoo.com

Re: Caracteres especiales en los nombres de los ficheros en Debian (duda)

2010-06-28 Thread Juan Marcos Delgado Alcantar
El Sun, 27 Jun 2010 23:21:40 +0200, Camaleón escribió:

 El 2010-06-27 a las 22:04 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:
 (reenvío a la lista)
 El 27/06/10 10:50, Camaleón escribió:
 ¿Te pasa con todos los archivos con caracteres no ascii,
 independientemente de donde te vengan? Es decir, ¿te pasa cuando
 accedes o abres los archivos desde un recurso samba o también te
 sucede lo mismo cuando te envían un archivo adjunto con caracteres no
 ascii por correo electrónico o cuando accedes a esos archivos desde
 una llave USB...?

 Lo pregunto para delimitar el problema a la configuración de samba o
 si el problema es de configuración global del sistema.

 Hola a t...@s:

 Gracias por contestar Guillermo, Camaleón.

 Soy profesor en un Instituto y me comunico a través del correo
 electrónico con mis alumnos, y ahí es donde más problemas tengo, ya que
 no puedo abrir los adjuntos que vienen con algún carácter especial (ñ,
 acentos, etc.). El Instituto se trabaja con Windows (El gobierno
 canario es pro Windows), cuando copia algún fichero en el Instituto,
 con algún carácter de los mencionados, en un disco portátil que tengo,
 y después lo paso a mi ordenador (con Debian), no me deja copiarlo me
 da error. Supongo que el error esta em mi configuración pero no se, ya
 me diréis,

 Reitero mi agradecimiento por la ayuda.
 Pues sí que es raro :-?
 Lo primero creo que sería comprobar que tienes el locale configurado
 correctamente. Ejecuta locale y pon el resultado.
 Otra cosa... ¿ves el nombre del archivo con algún carácter extraño, o
 ves bien que hay una eñe pero no puedes abrirlo?
 Sería interesante que pudieras subir a algún servidor un archivo de esos
 (cuyo contenido sea público) para que podamos verlo :-?

Yo he tenido ese mismo problema con openoffice.org, básicamente con 
archivos que llegan por correo y en memorias usb. Y hay que cambiarles el 
nombre para que OOo los pueda abrir. 


Marcos Delgado

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Re: Pidgin + Squeeze

2010-06-28 Thread Jaime Velázquez
El 28 de junio de 2010 18:49, Frank Morales masterh...@yahoo.es escribió:

 Saludos a todos en la lista, estoy usando Debian Squeeze y me he instalado
 el Pidgin que trae en su repo que es la version 2.7.1, en el mismo ya tengo
 mis cuentas yahoo,jabber configuradas, pero el problema esta en que cuando
 abro el pidgin los user no se me conectan, se me quedan en blanco el pidgin,
 entonces tengo que desconectarlo manualmente las cuentas y volverlo a
 conectar para que se puedan conectar ?? alguien me pudiera decir como areglo
 ese problemita ???

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-spanish-requ...@lists.debian.org
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Re: Pidgin + Squeeze

2010-06-28 Thread Jaime Velázquez
A mi me paso exactamente lo mismo... aparentemente si tenias Debian
conectado a Internet en el momento de la instalación este configura el
dispositivo de red de manera extraña... en mi caso  ni siquiera el icono de
red marcaba que hubiese alguna conexión... la solución:

Edita el archivo /etc/network/interfaces y quita las últimas 2 lineas
dejándolo así...

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

Re: -- Email Alerta--(debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org),

2010-06-28 Thread Joao Emanuel
Em 27 de junho de 2010 18:22, Flamarion Jorge

 Hash: SHA1

 On 27-06-2010 15:50, ::Webmaster Suporte wrote:
  Caro (debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org),
  Esta mensagem é do nosso Serviço de Tecnologia da Informação a todos os
  nossos assinantes. Estamos atualizando nosso banco de dados e e-mail
  centro e esta é a nossa última notificação para you.We ter enviado
  várias mensagens para você sem resposta de você.
  Nós estamos apagando todos Mail utilizadas para criar mais espaço para
  novas contas. A fim de não ser suspenso, você terá que atualizar sua
  conta, fornecendo as informações abaixo:
  Confirmar os seus detalhes e-mail.
  E-mail ID: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
  Senha E-mail: ...
  E-mail de confirmação de senha: 
  Se você não conseguir confirmar a sua utilização contínua dos nossos
  serviços, confirmando sua senha de e-mail agora, sua conta será
  desativar e você não será capaz de acessar seu e-mail.
  Você deve imediatamente responder este e-mail e digite sua senha na
  coluna da senha acima.
  Obrigado pela sua compreensão.
  Centro de Suporte.



 No canto superior direito tem um botão Report as spam.
 Por favor não hesitem em clicar nele.


 - --
 Flamarion Jorge
 OpenPGP Key: 6CA750E1
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
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Joao Emanuel

Arquivos multimidia nao abrem no Debian Squeeze

2010-06-28 Thread gustavo
Caros, utilizo o debian squeeze com o repositorio multimidia. Depois de uma
atualização na semana passada, os videos e musicas em wma não rodam mais no
totem e nos outros programas. Mas consigo assistir se digito mplayer
arquivo. Alguém teve problema semelhante?




2010-06-28 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac

Salve galera,

Alguém já instalou o OpenVPN-AS (access server) no Debian?
No site não tem pacote especifico para o Debian, então peguei o do 
Ubuntu. A instalação ocorreu normalmente, mas não consigo acessar a 
interface web. O socket está aberto e escutando, segundo o netstat, e o 
log do serviço inclusive registra meu acesso, mas a resposta que tenho 
no browser é a seguinte: The webpage is not available: Error 324 
(net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Unknown error.

Alguém tem alguma solução?

Leonardo Carneiro

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4c28b601.4040...@veltrac.com.br

vboxdrv não instala junto com o Virtu albox

2010-06-28 Thread Daniel Vieira Dias
 Pessoal, estou tentando usar o virtualbox no meu squeeze e até agora 
não foi possível pois não consigo saber onde arrumar o módulo vboxdrv 
para instalar.

primeiro eu instalei o virtualbox-ose e quando fui rodar uma máquina vei 
a mensagem da falta do módulo solicitando que instalasse o pacote 
virtualbox-ose-dkms e rodasse o comendo modprobe vboxdrv.

O drama é que o pacote já está instalado e nada do dito módulo exitir.

# modprobe vboxdrv
FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.

# modprobe -l |grep vbo
!! nada !

# /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose restart
Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules.
Starting VirtualBox kernel modulesNo suitable module for running kernel 
found ... failed!


em /var/log/syslog
Jun 28 10:12:25 rpocrrpo-80035 udevd[9288]: specified group 'vboxusers' 
Jun 28 10:12:25 rpocrrpo-80035 udevd[9288]: specified group 'vboxusers' 

mas mesmo criando este grupo nada resolve

# cat /var/log/vbox-install.log

VirtualBox 3.2.6 r63112 installer, built 2010-06-25T14:18:40Z.

Testing system setup...
Could not find the Linux kernel header files - the directories
  /lib/modules/2.6.32-3-686/build/include and /usr/src/linux/include
  do not exist.
Giving up due to the problems mentioned above.

# dpkg -l |grep linux
ii  doc-linux-text 
2008.08-1  Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in ASCII format
ii  firmware-linux-free
2.6.32-15  Binary firmware for various drivers in 
the Linux kernel
ii  libselinux1
2.0.94-1   SELinux runtime shared libraries
ii  libv4l-0   
0.8.0-1Collection of video4linux support libraries
ii  linux-base 
2.6.32-15  Linux image base package
ii  linux-headers-2.6-686  
2.6.32+27  Header files for Linux 2.6-686 (meta-package)
ii  linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686 
2.6.32-15  Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-686
ii  linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common  
2.6.32-15  Common header files for Linux 2.6.32-5
ii  linux-image-2.6.32-3-686   
2.6.32-9   Linux 2.6.32 for modern PCs
ii  linux-kbuild-2.6.32
2.6.32-1   Kbuild infrastructure for Linux 2.6.32
ii  linux-libc-dev 
2.6.32-15  Linux support headers for userspace 
ii  linux-sound-base   
1.0.23+dfsg-1  base package for ALSA and OSS sound systems
ii  linux-support-2.6.32-5 
2.6.32-15  Support files for Linux 2.6.32
ii  playonlinux
3.7.6-1front-end for Wine
ii  util-linux 
2.17.2-3.1 Miscellaneous system utilities
ii  util-linux-locales 
2.17.2-3.1 Locales files for util-linux

onde estou errando? ou os pacote estão bugados?


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4c28b791.8060...@netsite.com.br

Re: Arquivos multimidia nao abrem no Debian Squeeze

2010-06-28 Thread Moisés Lima
   Bom dia Gustavo,

   Fera utiliza o Gnome Mplayer e o SMPlayer.

   Posta posteriormente como foi.


  Moisés Lima

Em 28 de junho de 2010 11:46, gustavo ggusm...@googlemail.com escreveu:

 Caros, utilizo o debian squeeze com o repositorio multimidia. Depois de uma
 atualização na semana passada, os videos e musicas em wma não rodam mais no
 totem e nos outros programas. Mas consigo assistir se digito mplayer
 arquivo. Alguém teve problema semelhante?



Re: vboxdrv não instala junto com o Virtualbox

2010-06-28 Thread Fábio Rabelo
O módulo é compilado no momento da instalação .

Se o Sr. simplesmente digitou  apt-get install vistualbox-ose  é bastante
provável que algumas dependências não tenham sido instaladas, verifique se
os cabeçalhos ( headers ) do seu kernel estão instalados, se não instale-os

Por exemplo, se o seu kernel for linux-image-2.6.32-2-amd64  instale o
linux-headers-2.6.32-amd64 .

E depois disso remova e instale novamente o virtualbox

apt-get --purge remove virtualbox-ose-dkms

apt-get install virtualbox-ose-dkms

E acompanhe as msg no instante de instalação .

Provavelmente na primeira vez q o Sr. instalou foi emitida uma msg de erro
no instalnte em que o módulo seria compilado, mas o Sr. nem notou esta msg

Fábio Rabelo

2010/6/28 Daniel Vieira Dias dand...@netsite.com.br

  Pessoal, estou tentando usar o virtualbox no meu squeeze e até agora não
 foi possível pois não consigo saber onde arrumar o módulo vboxdrv para

 primeiro eu instalei o virtualbox-ose e quando fui rodar uma máquina vei a
 mensagem da falta do módulo solicitando que instalasse o pacote
 virtualbox-ose-dkms e rodasse o comendo modprobe vboxdrv.
 O drama é que o pacote já está instalado e nada do dito módulo exitir.

 # modprobe vboxdrv
 FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.

 # modprobe -l |grep vbo
 !! nada !

 # /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose restart
 Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules.
 Starting VirtualBox kernel modulesNo suitable module for running kernel
 found ... failed!

 em /var/log/syslog
 Jun 28 10:12:25 rpocrrpo-80035 udevd[9288]: specified group 'vboxusers'
 Jun 28 10:12:25 rpocrrpo-80035 udevd[9288]: specified group 'vboxusers'
 mas mesmo criando este grupo nada resolve

 # cat /var/log/vbox-install.log

 VirtualBox 3.2.6 r63112 installer, built 2010-06-25T14:18:40Z.

 Testing system setup...
 Could not find the Linux kernel header files - the directories
  /lib/modules/2.6.32-3-686/build/include and /usr/src/linux/include
  do not exist.
 Giving up due to the problems mentioned above.

 # dpkg -l |grep linux
 ii  doc-linux-text 2008.08-1
  Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in ASCII format
 ii  firmware-linux-free2.6.32-15
  Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kernel
 ii  libselinux12.0.94-1
 SELinux runtime shared libraries
 ii  libv4l-0   0.8.0-1
  Collection of video4linux support libraries
 ii  linux-base 2.6.32-15
  Linux image base package
 ii  linux-headers-2.6-686  2.6.32+27
  Header files for Linux 2.6-686 (meta-package)
 ii  linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686 2.6.32-15
  Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-686
 ii  linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common  2.6.32-15
  Common header files for Linux 2.6.32-5
 ii  linux-image-2.6.32-3-686   2.6.32-9
 Linux 2.6.32 for modern PCs
 ii  linux-kbuild-2.6.322.6.32-1
 Kbuild infrastructure for Linux 2.6.32
 ii  linux-libc-dev 2.6.32-15
  Linux support headers for userspace development
 ii  linux-sound-base   1.0.23+dfsg-1
  base package for ALSA and OSS sound systems
 ii  linux-support-2.6.32-5 2.6.32-15
  Support files for Linux 2.6.32
 ii  playonlinux3.7.6-1
  front-end for Wine
 ii  util-linux 2.17.2-3.1
 Miscellaneous system utilities
 ii  util-linux-locales 2.17.2-3.1
 Locales files for util-linux

 onde estou errando? ou os pacote estão bugados?


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4c28b791.8060...@netsite.com.br

Re: vboxdrv não instala junto com o Virtualbox

2010-06-28 Thread hamacker
Toda mudança de kernel trazida por atualizações automáticas requeirerá
a atualização do módulo vboxdrv que manualmente poderá ser executada
com o comado :
m-a a-i virtualbox-ose-source (se for a versao opensource)
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup (versao comercial)

[]'s e sucesso.

2010/6/28 Daniel Vieira Dias dand...@netsite.com.br:
  Pessoal, estou tentando usar o virtualbox no meu squeeze e até agora não
 foi possível pois não consigo saber onde arrumar o módulo vboxdrv para

 primeiro eu instalei o virtualbox-ose e quando fui rodar uma máquina vei a
 mensagem da falta do módulo solicitando que instalasse o pacote
 virtualbox-ose-dkms e rodasse o comendo modprobe vboxdrv.
 O drama é que o pacote já está instalado e nada do dito módulo exitir.

 # modprobe vboxdrv
 FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.

 # modprobe -l |grep vbo
 !! nada !

 # /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose restart
 Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules.
 Starting VirtualBox kernel modulesNo suitable module for running kernel
 found ... failed!

 em /var/log/syslog
 Jun 28 10:12:25 rpocrrpo-80035 udevd[9288]: specified group 'vboxusers'
 Jun 28 10:12:25 rpocrrpo-80035 udevd[9288]: specified group 'vboxusers'
 mas mesmo criando este grupo nada resolve

 # cat /var/log/vbox-install.log

 VirtualBox 3.2.6 r63112 installer, built 2010-06-25T14:18:40Z.

 Testing system setup...
 Could not find the Linux kernel header files - the directories
  /lib/modules/2.6.32-3-686/build/include and /usr/src/linux/include
  do not exist.
 Giving up due to the problems mentioned above.

 # dpkg -l |grep linux
 ii  doc-linux-text                         2008.08-1
  Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in ASCII format
 ii  firmware-linux-free                    2.6.32-15
  Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kernel
 ii  libselinux1                            2.0.94-1
 SELinux runtime shared libraries
 ii  libv4l-0                               0.8.0-1
  Collection of video4linux support libraries
 ii  linux-base                             2.6.32-15
  Linux image base package
 ii  linux-headers-2.6-686                  2.6.32+27
  Header files for Linux 2.6-686 (meta-package)
 ii  linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686             2.6.32-15
  Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-686
 ii  linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common          2.6.32-15
  Common header files for Linux 2.6.32-5
 ii  linux-image-2.6.32-3-686               2.6.32-9
 Linux 2.6.32 for modern PCs
 ii  linux-kbuild-2.6.32                    2.6.32-1
 Kbuild infrastructure for Linux 2.6.32
 ii  linux-libc-dev                         2.6.32-15
  Linux support headers for userspace development
 ii  linux-sound-base                       1.0.23+dfsg-1
  base package for ALSA and OSS sound systems
 ii  linux-support-2.6.32-5                 2.6.32-15
  Support files for Linux 2.6.32
 ii  playonlinux                            3.7.6-1
  front-end for Wine
 ii  util-linux                             2.17.2-3.1
 Miscellaneous system utilities
 ii  util-linux-locales                     2.17.2-3.1
 Locales files for util-linux

 onde estou errando? ou os pacote estão bugados?


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4c28b791.8060...@netsite.com.br

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Res: -- Email Alerta--(debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org),

2010-06-28 Thread Anacleto Pavão

Você deve imediatamente responder este e-mail e digite sua senha na coluna da 
senha acima. 
Obrigado pela sua compreensão. 

(Isso deve ser piada. Um e-mail solicitanto senha???)

De: ::Webmaster Suporte itsu...@mail2webmaster.com
Para: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Enviadas: Domingo, 27 de Junho de 2010 14:50:42
Assunto: -- Email Alerta--(debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org),

Caro (debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org), 

Esta mensagem é do nosso Serviço de Tecnologia da Informação a todos os nossos 
assinantes. Estamos atualizando nosso banco de dados e e-mail centro e esta é a 
nossa última notificação para you.We ter enviado várias mensagens para você sem 
resposta de você. 

Nós estamos apagando todos Mail utilizadas para criar mais espaço para novas 
contas. A fim de não ser suspenso, você terá que atualizar sua conta, 
fornecendo as informações abaixo: 

Confirmar os seus detalhes e-mail. 

E-mail ID: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org 
Senha E-mail: ...
E-mail de confirmação de senha: 

Se você não conseguir confirmar a sua utilização contínua dos nossos serviços, 
confirmando sua senha de e-mail agora, sua conta será desativar e você não será 
capaz de acessar seu e-mail. 

Você deve imediatamente responder este e-mail e digite sua senha na coluna da 
senha acima. 
Obrigado pela sua compreensão. 

Centro de Suporte. 


Re: vboxdrv não instala junto com o V irtualbox

2010-06-28 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
Na verdade, o dkms resolve justamente isso. Ele recompila sozinho o 
driver toda vez que o kernel for atualizado.

On 06/28/2010 12:16 PM, hamacker wrote:

Toda mudança de kernel trazida por atualizações automáticas requeirerá
a atualização do módulo vboxdrv que manualmente poderá ser executada
com o comado :
m-a a-i virtualbox-ose-source (se for a versao opensource)
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup (versao comercial)

[]'s e sucesso.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4c28c9cf.40...@veltrac.com.br

Re: vboxdrv não instala junto com o V irtualbox

2010-06-28 Thread Daniel Vieira Dias

 Em 28-06-2010 12:08, Fábio Rabelo escreveu:

O módulo é compilado no momento da instalação .

Se o Sr. simplesmente digitou  apt-get install vistualbox-ose  é 
bastante provável que algumas dependências não tenham sido instaladas, 
verifique se os cabeçalhos ( headers ) do seu kernel estão instalados, 
se não instale-os .

Por exemplo, se o seu kernel for linux-image-2.6.32-2-amd64  instale o 
linux-headers-2.6.32-amd64 .

E depois disso remova e instale novamente o virtualbox

apt-get --purge remove virtualbox-ose-dkms

apt-get install virtualbox-ose-dkms

E acompanhe as msg no instante de instalação .

Provavelmente na primeira vez q o Sr. instalou foi emitida uma msg de 
erro no instalnte em que o módulo seria compilado, mas o Sr. nem notou 
esta msg 
Estes processos eu já fiz e refiz varias vezes usando --purge e --purge 
Quando o apt instala o virtualbox-ose ele adiciona todas as dependencias 
incluindo linux-headers, virtualbox-ose-dkms e dkms, o problema é que os 
headers da imagem 2.6.32-3 não existe, somente para 2.6.32-5. Veja:

# uname -an
Linux 2.6.32-3-686 #1 SMP Thu Feb 25 06:14:20 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

# apt-cache search linux-headers-2.6.32-*
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-486 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-486
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686-bigmem - Header files for Linux 

linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-686
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-all-i386 - All header files for Linux 2.6.32
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-all - All header files for Linux 2.6.32
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-amd64 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common-openvz - Common header files for Linux 
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common-vserver - Common header files for Linux 
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common-xen - Common header files for Linux 

linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common - Common header files for Linux 2.6.32-5
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-openvz-686 - Header files for Linux 
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-vserver-686-bigmem - Header files for Linux 
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-vserver-686 - Header files for Linux 

linux-headers-2.6.32-5-xen-686 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-xen-686

Nas instalações não sugem nenhuma mensagem de erro, somente a que postei 
no primeiro e-mail dizendo que o serviço virtualbox falhou pela falta do 

Removi tudo com purge e autoremove incluindo os headers e tentei 
atualizar o image do kernel para 2.6.32-5 porém este não instala, veja 
como finaliza:

Configurando linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 (2.6.32-15) ...
Running depmod.
Running update-initramfs.
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3_tso5.bin for module tg3
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3_tso.bin for module tg3
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3.bin for module tg3
) points to /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
 (/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686) -- doing nothing at 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.postinst line 400.

) points to /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686
 (/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686) -- doing nothing at 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.postinst line 400.

Running update-grub.
/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).
User postinst hook script [update-grub] exited with value 1
dpkg: erro processando linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 (--configure):
 sub-processo installed post-installation script retornou estado de 
saída de erro 1

Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Vasculhei os logs: kern, dmesg, messages, apt, dpkg, syslogdebug e 
outros mas nada achei que pudesse ajudar.

Fábio Rabelo

2010/6/28 Daniel Vieira Dias dand...@netsite.com.br 

 Pessoal, estou tentando usar o virtualbox no meu squeeze e até
agora não foi possível pois não consigo saber onde arrumar o
módulo vboxdrv para instalar.

primeiro eu instalei o virtualbox-ose e quando fui rodar uma
máquina vei a mensagem da falta do módulo solicitando que
instalasse o pacote virtualbox-ose-dkms e rodasse o comendo
modprobe vboxdrv.
O drama é que o pacote já está instalado e nada do dito módulo exitir.

# modprobe vboxdrv
FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.

# modprobe -l |grep vbo
!! nada !

# /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose restart
Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules.
Starting VirtualBox kernel modulesNo suitable module for running
kernel found ... failed!

em /var/log/syslog
Jun 28 10:12:25 rpocrrpo-80035 udevd[9288]: specified group
'vboxusers' unknown
Jun 28 10:12:25 rpocrrpo-80035 udevd[9288]: specified group
'vboxusers' unknown
mas mesmo criando este 

Re: vboxdrv não instala junto com o V irtualbox

2010-06-28 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
Oi Daniel, não tenho ctz absoluta do que vou falar, então me perdoem se 
estiver falando besteira, mas acho que esses pacotes não estão prontos. 
No Lenny roda tudo tranquilo.

Nesses caso, ou vc instala um kernel mais antigo (que tenha todos os 
pacotes completos, acho que o 31 está certo), ou compila tudo na mão =S.

On 06/28/2010 01:29 PM, Daniel Vieira Dias wrote:

Em 28-06-2010 12:08, Fábio Rabelo escreveu:

O módulo é compilado no momento da instalação .

Se o Sr. simplesmente digitou  apt-get install vistualbox-ose  é 
bastante provável que algumas dependências não tenham sido 
instaladas, verifique se os cabeçalhos ( headers ) do seu kernel 
estão instalados, se não instale-os .

Por exemplo, se o seu kernel for linux-image-2.6.32-2-amd64  instale 
o linux-headers-2.6.32-amd64 .

E depois disso remova e instale novamente o virtualbox

apt-get --purge remove virtualbox-ose-dkms

apt-get install virtualbox-ose-dkms

E acompanhe as msg no instante de instalação .

Provavelmente na primeira vez q o Sr. instalou foi emitida uma msg de 
erro no instalnte em que o módulo seria compilado, mas o Sr. nem 
notou esta msg 
Estes processos eu já fiz e refiz varias vezes usando --purge e 
--purge autoremove.
Quando o apt instala o virtualbox-ose ele adiciona todas as 
dependencias incluindo linux-headers, virtualbox-ose-dkms e dkms, o 
problema é que os headers da imagem 2.6.32-3 não existe, somente para 
2.6.32-5. Veja:

# uname -an
Linux 2.6.32-3-686 #1 SMP Thu Feb 25 06:14:20 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

# apt-cache search linux-headers-2.6.32-*
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-486 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-486
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686-bigmem - Header files for Linux 

linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-686
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-all-i386 - All header files for Linux 2.6.32
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-all - All header files for Linux 2.6.32
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-amd64 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common-openvz - Common header files for Linux 
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common-vserver - Common header files for Linux 
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common-xen - Common header files for Linux 

linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common - Common header files for Linux 2.6.32-5
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-openvz-686 - Header files for Linux 
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-vserver-686-bigmem - Header files for Linux 
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-vserver-686 - Header files for Linux 

linux-headers-2.6.32-5-xen-686 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-xen-686

Nas instalações não sugem nenhuma mensagem de erro, somente a que 
postei no primeiro e-mail dizendo que o serviço virtualbox falhou pela 
falta do módulo.

Removi tudo com purge e autoremove incluindo os headers e tentei 
atualizar o image do kernel para 2.6.32-5 porém este não instala, veja 
como finaliza:

Configurando linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 (2.6.32-15) ...
Running depmod.
Running update-initramfs.
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3_tso5.bin for 
module tg3
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3_tso.bin for 
module tg3

W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3.bin for module tg3
) points to /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
 (/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686) -- doing nothing at 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.postinst line 400.

) points to /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686
 (/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686) -- doing nothing at 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.postinst line 400.

Running update-grub.
/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev 

User postinst hook script [update-grub] exited with value 1
dpkg: erro processando linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 (--configure):
 sub-processo installed post-installation script retornou estado de 
saída de erro 1

Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Vasculhei os logs: kern, dmesg, messages, apt, dpkg, syslogdebug e 
outros mas nada achei que pudesse ajudar.

Fábio Rabelo

2010/6/28 Daniel Vieira Dias dand...@netsite.com.br 

 Pessoal, estou tentando usar o virtualbox no meu squeeze e até
agora não foi possível pois não consigo saber onde arrumar o
módulo vboxdrv para instalar.

primeiro eu instalei o virtualbox-ose e quando fui rodar uma
máquina vei a mensagem da falta do módulo solicitando que
instalasse o pacote virtualbox-ose-dkms e rodasse o comendo
modprobe vboxdrv.
O drama é que o pacote já está instalado e nada do dito módulo

# modprobe vboxdrv
FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.

# modprobe -l |grep vbo
!! nada !

# /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose 

Ajuda com Sendmail

2010-06-28 Thread Edson - PMSS
Tenho um servidor com o Sendmail configurado e funcionando corretamente. 
Estou com dúvida em como fazer as seguintes coisas:

1 - Fazer com que dois usuários tenham acesso à mesma conta de e-mail. 
Tanto mensagens enviadas como recebidas.

2 - Criar um domínio virtual no sendmail. Quero que o sendmail funcione 
como um ISP.

Detalhe: no item 1, um alias resolve parcialmente o problema, pois dois 
usuários receberam mensagens simultaneamente, mas um deles não terá 
acesso aos e-mails enviados.

Desde já agradeço a colaboração.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4c28c4b6.6040...@saosebastiao.sp.gov.br

Re: Ajuda com Sendmail

2010-06-28 Thread Francisco Aparecido da Silva
Prezado Edson, item 1) você pode ter as pessoas compartilhando a conta, já
que ambos poderão ler as mensagens enviadas/recebidas. Para o item 2), uma
boa sugestão seria ler o tópico oficial em [1] e se persistir alguma dúvia
ou problema, avise na lista.

[2] http://www.sendmail.org/tips/virtualHosting


Edson - PMSS wrote:
 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: 
 Gecko/20100423 Thunderbird/3.0.4
 Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 12:50:14 -0300
 From: Edson - PMSS edson.ama...@saosebastiao.sp.gov.br
 To: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Ajuda com Sendmail
 Tenho um servidor com o Sendmail configurado e funcionando corretamente.  
 Estou com dúvida em como fazer as seguintes coisas:

 1 - Fazer com que dois usuários tenham acesso à mesma conta de e-mail.  
 Tanto mensagens enviadas como recebidas.

 2 - Criar um domínio virtual no sendmail. Quero que o sendmail funcione  
 como um ISP.

 Detalhe: no item 1, um alias resolve parcialmente o problema, pois dois  
 usuários receberam mensagens simultaneamente, mas um deles não terá  
 acesso aos e-mails enviados.

 Desde já agradeço a colaboração.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
 Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4c28c4b6.6040...@saosebastiao.sp.gov.br

Francisco Aparecido da silva(fafanet)
   Blog: http://blog.silva.eti.br
   Home Page  http://silva.eti.br
GNU/Linux user:239412 GPG ID:01BC73D6
  /\  Document Freedom Day- Liberate your documents
 _\/` http://documentfreedom.org/ - March 31st 2010

Description: Digital signature

Re: append em arquivos compactados

2010-06-28 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 26-06-2010 09:28, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac wrote:
 Oi Felipe, estou ciente da função append do tar, mas infelizmente isso
 não serve para bz2 ou gzip. Até onde eu sei eu tenho que descompactar,
 usar o append e compactar novamente. Mas valeu a dica mesmo assim.

Ooops. Para arquivos compactados, o único truque diferente
de descompactar e recompactar seria agregar, ou seja,
simplesmente adicionar o .tar.gz ao novo arquivo.

$ tar -czvf novo.tar.gz antigo.tar.gz dir1 arq1 arq1

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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SUPRIMIR mensagens do boot do debian

2010-06-28 Thread roberval.s...@gmail.com


galera, eu acho que essa pergunta já foi respondida mas não achei lendo 
a lista... então vou me arriscar a perguntar assim mesmo:

lá vai:

como suprimir todas as mensagens que ficam rolando no boot do debian?

explico, não gostaria de mostrar todas as linhas com mensagens que 
aparecem quando a maquina está iniciando, gostaria que aparecesse apenas 
uma frase, por exemplo aguarde..

será difícil isso?

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4c292395.4050...@gmail.com

Re: SUPRIMIR mensagens do boot do debian

2010-06-28 Thread André Nunes
Dá uma olhada:




André Nunes Batista
Blog: http://tagesuhu.wordpress.com/
PGP Public Key: 0x7b0590cb6722cf80

2010/6/28 roberval.s...@gmail.com roberval.s...@gmail.com


 galera, eu acho que essa pergunta já foi respondida mas não achei lendo a
 lista... então vou me arriscar a perguntar assim mesmo:
 lá vai:

 como suprimir todas as mensagens que ficam rolando no boot do debian?

 explico, não gostaria de mostrar todas as linhas com mensagens que aparecem
 quando a maquina está iniciando, gostaria que aparecesse apenas uma frase,
 por exemplo aguarde..

 será difícil isso?

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4c292395.4050...@gmail.com

Re: vboxdrv não instala junto com o Virtualbox

2010-06-28 Thread Adriano

Primeiro instale os pacotes necessários para a operação:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-source build-essential

Em seguida, compile o módulo com

sudo m-a a-i virtualbox-ose-source

Uma vez compilado, levante o módulo:

sudo modprobe vboxdrv  


--- Em seg, 28/6/10, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac lscarne...@veltrac.com.br 

De: Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
Assunto: Re: vboxdrv não instala junto com o Virtualbox
Para: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Data: Segunda-feira, 28 de Junho de 2010, 13:44

Oi Daniel, não tenho ctz absoluta do que vou falar, então me perdoem se estiver 
falando besteira, mas acho que esses pacotes não estão prontos. No Lenny roda 
tudo tranquilo.

Nesses caso, ou vc instala um kernel mais antigo (que tenha todos os pacotes 
completos, acho que o 31 está certo), ou compila tudo na mão =S.

On 06/28/2010 01:29 PM, Daniel Vieira Dias wrote:
 Em 28-06-2010 12:08, Fábio Rabelo escreveu:
 O módulo é compilado no momento da instalação .
 Se o Sr. simplesmente digitou  apt-get install vistualbox-ose  é bastante 
 provável que algumas dependências não tenham sido instaladas, verifique se 
 os cabeçalhos ( headers ) do seu kernel estão instalados, se não instale-os .
 Por exemplo, se o seu kernel for linux-image-2.6.32-2-amd64  instale o 
 linux-headers-2.6.32-amd64 .
 E depois disso remova e instale novamente o virtualbox
 apt-get --purge remove virtualbox-ose-dkms
 apt-get install virtualbox-ose-dkms
 E acompanhe as msg no instante de instalação .
 Provavelmente na primeira vez q o Sr. instalou foi emitida uma msg de erro 
 no instalnte em que o módulo seria compilado, mas o Sr. nem notou esta msg 
 Estes processos eu já fiz e refiz varias vezes usando --purge e --purge 
 Quando o apt instala o virtualbox-ose ele adiciona todas as dependencias 
 incluindo linux-headers, virtualbox-ose-dkms e dkms, o problema é que os 
 headers da imagem 2.6.32-3 não existe, somente para 2.6.32-5. Veja:
 # uname -an
 Linux 2.6.32-3-686 #1 SMP Thu Feb 25 06:14:20 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
 # apt-cache search linux-headers-2.6.32-*
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-486 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-486
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686-bigmem - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-686-bigmem
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-686
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-all-i386 - All header files for Linux 2.6.32
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-all - All header files for Linux 2.6.32
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-amd64 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common-openvz - Common header files for Linux 
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common-vserver - Common header files for Linux 
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common-xen - Common header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-xen
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common - Common header files for Linux 2.6.32-5
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-openvz-686 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-openvz-686
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-vserver-686-bigmem - Header files for Linux 
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-vserver-686 - Header files for Linux 
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-xen-686 - Header files for Linux 2.6.32-5-xen-686
 Nas instalações não sugem nenhuma mensagem de erro, somente a que postei no 
 primeiro e-mail dizendo que o serviço virtualbox falhou pela falta do módulo.
 Removi tudo com purge e autoremove incluindo os headers e tentei atualizar o 
 image do kernel para 2.6.32-5 porém este não instala, veja como finaliza:
 Configurando linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 (2.6.32-15) ...
 Running depmod.
 Running update-initramfs.
 update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3_tso5.bin for module tg3
 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3_tso.bin for module tg3
 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3.bin for module tg3
 ) points to /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
  (/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686) -- doing nothing at 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.postinst line 400.
 ) points to /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686
  (/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686) -- doing nothing at 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.postinst line 400.
 Running update-grub.
 /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).
 User postinst hook script [update-grub] exited with value 1
 dpkg: erro processando linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 (--configure):
  sub-processo installed post-installation script retornou estado de saída de 
erro 1
 Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 Vasculhei os logs: kern, dmesg, messages, apt, dpkg, syslogdebug e outros mas 
 nada achei que pudesse ajudar.
 Fábio Rabelo
 2010/6/28 Daniel Vieira Dias dand...@netsite.com.br 

Re: Compiling kernel took a lot of disk space.

2010-06-28 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Lu, 28 iun 10, 10:51:02, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
 PS: Certainly this is not my real name. 8-) I am not from an English
 country. Some people cannot pronounce my name right. So I use this

That doesn't stop me from using my real name ;)

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: suspend to disk unreliable?

2010-06-28 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 27. 06. 2010 18:24:28 je Mark napisal(a):

I realize it's mostly due to the drivers not being open.  Sometimes  
headache and tears are because we realize we have to accept a  

In my case, the compromise I had to accept was with the (flaky) closed  
Broadcom wireless driver. On the other hand, I am happy to say that  
both Suspend and Hibernation worked out of the box on both my laptop w/  
ATI onboard video and proprietary fglrx driver and my desktop w/ Intel  
onboard video. (I use Lenny on both).

my 2¢


Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/1277711691.542...@compax

Re: Using OTP tokens on Debian

2010-06-28 Thread Gabor Heja

Hi all,

I found on Vasco's site[1] they say the IDENTIKEY server works on Ubuntu.

Have anyone used this server? Is the Digipass GO3/GO6 supported in this



On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 11:13:06 +0200, Gabor Heja kakaopor1...@stdio.hu
 Hi all,
 I am currently looking for a hardware based OTP solution for PAM
 authentication on Debian (to use SSH).
 I have found a few solutions, one looks good (Aladdin eToken PASS) as it
 supported by the LinOTP Community Edition, while another one (Aladdin
 eToken NG–OTP) is only supported by the Enterprise Edition.
 I have also found Vasco Digipass GO3/GO6, but I was unable to find any
 Linux references regarding this.
 Do you have any experiences with hardware based OTP tokens?
 What do/did you use on the machine for this purpose?
 Thank you for your suggestions, answers, comments!

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Re: Compiling kernel took a lot of disk space.

2010-06-28 Thread Lisi
On Monday 28 June 2010 08:44:15 Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Lu, 28 iun 10, 10:51:02, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
  PS: Certainly this is not my real name. 8-) I am not from an English
  country. Some people cannot pronounce my name right. So I use this

 That doesn't stop me from using my real name ;)

Nor me :-)  (I am in fact from England - but my name isn't.)


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Packages not found

2010-06-28 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby
Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,

On a fresh Lenny install,  when running apt-get update, I get:

 W: Failed to fetch
 http://security.debian.org/dists/lenny/updates /main /binary-i386/Packages
 404 Not Found [IP: 80]

when verifying by browsing
http://security.debian.org/dists/lenny/updates/main/binary-i386/ there
is no Packages file but only Packages.gz and Packages.bz2

Why doesnt my apt see Packages.* files?

This is my sources.list:

deb ftp://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian  lenny  main 
deb ftp://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian  lenny-proposed-updates main 
deb ftp://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian-volatile lenny/volatile main 
deb http://security.debian.org/lenny/updates   main 
deb-src http://security.debian.org/lenny/updates   main 

aptitude update, same error...

Misaotra, Thanks, Merci.

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Re: Compiling kernel took a lot of disk space.

2010-06-28 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 10:44:15AM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Lu, 28 iun 10, 10:51:02, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
  PS: Certainly this is not my real name. 8-) I am not from an English
  country. Some people cannot pronounce my name right. So I use this
 That doesn't stop me from using my real name ;)

Though English people have no problem pronouncing your name.

So I guess we're still looking for an example of a non-English name
that can't be pronounced right. Can't think of any.

Tzafrir Cohen | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il || a Mutt's
tzaf...@cohens.org.il ||  best
tzaf...@debian.org|| friend

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/20100628111214.gm17...@pear.tzafrir.org.il

Re: Compiling kernel took a lot of disk space.

2010-06-28 Thread Sjoerd Hardeman
Op 28-06-10 13:12, Tzafrir Cohen schreef:
 On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 10:44:15AM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Lu, 28 iun 10, 10:51:02, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
 PS: Certainly this is not my real name. 8-) I am not from an English
 country. Some people cannot pronounce my name right. So I use this

 That doesn't stop me from using my real name ;)
 Though English people have no problem pronouncing your name.
 So I guess we're still looking for an example of a non-English name
 that can't be pronounced right. Can't think of any.
Well, each name *can* in principle be pronounced right. Yet, non-Dutch
people have a hard time with my name.

Sjoerd (pronounced a bit like 'should' with an r instead of an l.
Somehow that's very difficult)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

X11 error at login: no screens found

2010-06-28 Thread Charles Blair
   I recently upgraded from etch to lenny, and most features
of the system seemed to be working.

   After a day or two with the new system, I am getting a
character-based screen to log in, instead of the X display.

   Below, I give the output from typing startx, and the
xorg.conf file.

*  Output from startx  **

Script started on Mon 28 Jun 2010 06:30:15 AM CDT
localhost:/home/ceblair# startx

X Window System Version 7.1.1
Release Date: 12 May 2006
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.1.1
Build Operating System: UNKNOWN 
Current Operating System: Linux localhost 2.6.26-2-486 #1 Sat Dec 26 08:37:39 
UTC 2009 i686
Build Date: 29 May 2008
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, Time: Mon Jun 28 06:30:21 2010
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf

(EE) Failed to load module nv (module does not exist, 0)
(EE) No drivers available.

Fatal server error:
no screens found

waiting for X server to begin accepting connections 
giving up.

   The file /etc/X11/xorg.conf **

Section Files
# path to defoma fonts

Section Module

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Keyboard
Driver  kbd
Option  CoreKeyboard
Option  XkbRules  xorg
Option  XkbModel  pc104
Option  XkbLayout us

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Configured Mouse
Driver  mouse
Option  CorePointer
Option  Device/dev/input/mice
Option  Protocol  ImPS/2
Option  Emulate3Buttons   true

Section Device
Identifier  nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE]
Driver  nv
BusID   PCI:0:5:0

Section Monitor
Identifier  NXM76LCD
Option  DPMS

Section Screen
Identifier  Default Screen
Device  nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE]
Monitor NXM76LCD
SubSection Display
Depth   1
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 832x624 
800x600 720x400 640x480
SubSection Display
Depth   4
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 832x624 
800x600 720x400 640x480
SubSection Display
Depth   8
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 832x624 
800x600 720x400 640x480
SubSection Display
Depth   15
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 832x624 
800x600 720x400 640x480
SubSection Display
Depth   16
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 832x624 
800x600 720x400 640x480
SubSection Display
Depth   24
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 832x624 
800x600 720x400 640x480

Section ServerLayout
Identifier  Default Layout
Screen  Default Screen
InputDevice Generic Keyboard
InputDevice Configured Mouse

Section DRI

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Re: X11 error at login: no screens found

2010-06-28 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-06-28 14:07 +0200, Charles Blair wrote:

I recently upgraded from etch to lenny, and most features
 of the system seemed to be working.

After a day or two with the new system, I am getting a
 character-based screen to log in, instead of the X display.

Did X work previously?

 (EE) Failed to load module nv (module does not exist, 0)
 (EE) No drivers available.

Please run debsums xserver-xorg-video-nv.


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Re: gpart can retire now

2010-06-28 Thread Ron Johnson

On 06/27/2010 04:30 PM, T o n g wrote:


[sorry about the cross-posting first]

The gpart package that find lost partitions, has anyone try to test if it
still works? Luckily my whole partition table is wiped clean by a
running away Windows app, and I get the chance to test it. The result? --


even when I specify it). Given my drive is newer, I am not surprised that
it did not work, because gpart appears not having be updated since 2001,
and it still at version 0.1.

It is fruitless to tell d-u that gpart must go.

You must file a bug against it stating your assertion and your 

Seek truth from facts.

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Re: Compiling kernel took a lot of disk space.

2010-06-28 Thread Stephen Powell
On Mon, 28 Jun 2010 07:20:05 -0400 (EDT), Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
 Op 28-06-10 13:12, Tzafrir Cohen schreef:
 On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 10:44:15AM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Lu, 28 iun 10, 10:51:02, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
 PS: Certainly this is not my real name. 8-) I am not from an English
 country. Some people cannot pronounce my name right. So I use this

 That doesn't stop me from using my real name ;)
 Though English people have no problem pronouncing your name.
 So I guess we're still looking for an example of a non-English name
 that can't be pronounced right. Can't think of any.
 Well, each name *can* in principle be pronounced right. Yet, non-Dutch
 people have a hard time with my name.
 Sjoerd (pronounced a bit like 'should' with an r instead of an l.
 Somehow that's very difficult)

These are all interesting points, but they are all irrelevant to e-mail.
In an e-mail, one doesn't need to be able to pronounce a name.  One only
needs to be able to copy and paste.  Thus, the justification of the
use of a pseudonym on the grounds that other people can't pronounce it
right is not a valid one for the e-mail media.

My own name, Stephen, though an English name in an English-speaking
country, and a name that appears in the Holy Bible,
has often been mispronounced as Steffan instead of Steven.
But I still use my real name in e-mails.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Compiling kernel took a lot of disk space.

2010-06-28 Thread Lisi
On Monday 28 June 2010 12:12:23 Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
 So I guess we're still looking for an example of a non-English name
 that can't be pronounced right. Can't think of any.

It isn't a case of whether it can be correctly pronounced, but of whether it 


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KDE: rearranging virtual desktops

2010-06-28 Thread lee

is it possible to arrange the virtual desktops under KDE in such a way
that they make a square? I want 4x4 virtual desktops, i. e. four rows
with four culumns each.

KDE makes only two columns with eight virtual desktops instead.

27/06/2010 04:03:46 The X server says there are 10 mouse buttons.

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Re: Amarok and MTP devices

2010-06-28 Thread Cassiano Leal
On 28 June 2010 10:41, Michael Schuerig mich...@schuerig.de wrote:
 On Monday 28 June 2010, you wrote:
 Ah! Try running Amarok first, then connecting your player. This is
 the way that I trigger MTP support. If I plug the player before
 running Amarok, then it is recognized as USB mass storage.


 are you using Amarok 2.3? I can't see where and how it supports mobile
 players at all. Amarok 1.4 had this feature, but as far as I can tell,
 it just isn't there anymore.



I'm taking the discussion back to the list as it might be of use to
someone else.

I am running Amarok 2.3.1 under KDE 4.4.3. After I plug the player in,
it appears alongside Local Collection, under Local Music in the
Media Sources tab.

I have pasted a screenshot here: http://imagebin.ca/view/hGkwpHf6.html


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Re: Amarok and MTP devices

2010-06-28 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Monday 28 June 2010, Cassiano Leal wrote:
 On 28 June 2010 10:41, Michael Schuerig mich...@schuerig.de wrote:
  On Monday 28 June 2010, you wrote:
  Ah! Try running Amarok first, then connecting your player. This is
  the way that I trigger MTP support. If I plug the player before
  running Amarok, then it is recognized as USB mass storage.
  are you using Amarok 2.3? I can't see where and how it supports
  mobile players at all. Amarok 1.4 had this feature, but as far as
  I can tell, it just isn't there anymore.
 I'm taking the discussion back to the list as it might be of use to
 someone else.
 I am running Amarok 2.3.1 under KDE 4.4.3. After I plug the player
 in, it appears alongside Local Collection, under Local Music in
 the Media Sources tab.
 I have pasted a screenshot here:

Indeed, now I'm seeing it, too. I had enabled Merged View (rightmost 
button in the toolbar for Local Music) and in that view mode there is 
no indication at all that an external device has been detected and 

Thanks for being persistent enough to convince me.


Michael Schuerig

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Re: Compiling kernel took a lot of disk space.

2010-06-28 Thread H.S.
On 27/06/10 10:51 PM, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
 Thank you guys.
 I have not follow Stephen's guide, but I figured the reason out. It
 seems like an ext3's fault. The space (i-node wise) was used 5.x GB,
 but the actual space (data wise) was used only 1 GB. So a lot of space
 was just empty and wasted.

I experience the same thing some weeks ago (had to use a different
machine with a larger hard disk to get the job done). It is interesting
to note that you think that ext3 is at fault here. How did you find that
out? I would like to know whether it is a problem with ext3 at this time
in Unstable.


Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on gmane.org. Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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Re: suspend to disk unreliable?

2010-06-28 Thread Osamu Aoki

I do not exactly know your problem but suspend and hibernate are not always
exclusive things.  Some configuration puts system into suspend to memory while
having the same data stored into harddisk too.  So you win in both boot time
and complete battery drain situation.

see uswsusp package.

Description: tools to use userspace software suspend provided by Linux

 This package (also known as µswsusp or simply suspend) contains the programs to
 use the userspace software suspend facility available in Linux kernels
 2.6.17-rc1 and higher. It allows the system to have its state saved to disk and
 be powered off. On restarting, it will be put back in the state it was left in
 (this is sometimes called hibernation). 
 It also includes a program to suspend the system to RAM after the state is
 saved to disk. In that state, the system still uses power, but resuming is
 faster. If the battery depletes, the state is resumed from disk without data
 Optional features include encrypting the system snapshot and a themeable splash
 screen during the suspend and resume processes. 
 To use this package you need a Linux kernel version 2.6.17-rc1 or newer
 configured to use an initramfs. Hooks and scripts to integrate with
 initramfs-tools are provided.
Homepage: http://suspend.sourceforge.net/

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Need dependency bug workaround for pulseaudio.

2010-06-28 Thread John W Foster
I need dependency bug workaround for pulseaudio. I'm getting this error
when I try to install pulseaudio.

  Depends: libpulse0 (=0.9.21-1) but 0.9.21-1.2+b1 is to be installed
 Recommends: pulseaudio-module-x11 but it is not going to be installed
 Recommends: pulseaudio-esound-compat but it is not going to be

Any tips are appreciated.

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Re: Amarok and MTP devices

2010-06-28 Thread Cassiano Leal
On 28 June 2010 11:27, Michael Schuerig mich...@schuerig.de wrote:
 On Monday 28 June 2010, Cassiano Leal wrote:
 On 28 June 2010 10:41, Michael Schuerig mich...@schuerig.de wrote:
  On Monday 28 June 2010, you wrote:
  Ah! Try running Amarok first, then connecting your player. This is
  the way that I trigger MTP support. If I plug the player before
  running Amarok, then it is recognized as USB mass storage.
  are you using Amarok 2.3? I can't see where and how it supports
  mobile players at all. Amarok 1.4 had this feature, but as far as
  I can tell, it just isn't there anymore.


 I'm taking the discussion back to the list as it might be of use to
 someone else.

 I am running Amarok 2.3.1 under KDE 4.4.3. After I plug the player
 in, it appears alongside Local Collection, under Local Music in
 the Media Sources tab.

 I have pasted a screenshot here:

 Indeed, now I'm seeing it, too. I had enabled Merged View (rightmost
 button in the toolbar for Local Music) and in that view mode there is
 no indication at all that an external device has been detected and

 Thanks for being persistent enough to convince me.



I didn't even know that such a Merged View existed, so thanks for
pointing that out too!


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Re: Fw: Re: Re: switching to console and zapping

2010-06-28 Thread lee
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 07:17:56PM -0500, cjns1...@gmail.com wrote:
 -- Original Message --
 From: cjns1...@gmail.com
 Date: Jun. 27 2010 02:26PM
 Subject: Re: Re: switching to console and zapping
 buggy video driver? try Driver vesa in device section of xorg.conf.


Is this driver that buggy?

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Re: switching to console and zapping

2010-06-28 Thread lee
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 03:21:58PM +0200, lee wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 11:59:25PM +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 03:36:03PM +0200, lee wrote:
   On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 07:54:50AM +, Sascha Silbe wrote:
No idea why VT switching doesn't work for you. To get Ctrl+Alt+BS 
again you need to change /etc/default/keyboard:

 Hm, ok, but what do I do when I still can't switch or zap? I'll have
 to try with another window manager, like enlightenment ...

Ok, I still can't switch with other window managers. I didn't try
zapping yet, though.

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Re: gpart can retire now

2010-06-28 Thread green
T o n g wrote at 2010-06-27 21:22 -0500:
 On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 15:37:31 -0800, Greg Madden wrote:
 But actually, there is a much better cli way:
 To backup the current disk partition setting, use the following command:
   sfdisk -d /dev/$HD | tee partition.$HD.info
 Most importantly, partitions can be recreated by this simple command:
   # recreate partition
   sfdisk --no-reread /dev/$HD  partition.$HD.info
 Then reboot ASAP. 

Great tip; thanks.

Description: Digital signature

Re: suspend to disk unreliable?

2010-06-28 Thread lee
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 04:05:57PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 17:28:45 +0200, lee wrote:
  On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 01:43:49PM +, Camaleón wrote:
  And how do you suspend to disk? By pressing a button, running a
  script...? You said in your first writing that (sic) after suspending
  to disk during the night and resuming... you were having problems to
  restore, so how did you triggered suspension? :-?
  As I said in a previous posting, I used:
  # echo  8589934592  /sys/power/image_size 
  # echo platform  /sys/power/disk; echo disk  /sys/power/state
 Where did you get that steps to hibernate? :-?

It's in the kernel dokumentation, see Documentation/power/swsusp.txt.

  Mow I'm wondering what to use instead.
 man pm-action will tell.

Thanks! What's the difference between pm-hibernate and above method?
Since the relevant directories under /etc are empty, there doesn't
seem to be anything special getting done when using pm-hibernate.

  The s2ram tool allows you to suspend the system to RAM and restore the
  state of the graphics adapter after the resume automatically.  For this
  purpose it uses the code out of vbetool and radeontool utilities, needed
  for handling quite a lot of graphics cards after the resume from RAM. 
 It seems you are reading the wrong paragrah... you should be interested 
 in s2disk, instead :-)

Yes, but doesn't the same apply when suspending to disk? The
appropriate state of the graphics card has to be recreated in both

  /etc/pm/ is only a directory containing other directories.
 man pm-action then :-)

Yeah, see above, what's the difference making pm-hibernate more
reliable than what the kernel documentation suggests?

  Do I have to take it that there's no Debian way of suspending to disk
  (unless you use gnome maybe)? 
 Why? Just take it as you need to read the docs, test and try.

Well, I'm trying to figure it out and to get it working reliable, but
I don't really know which docs to read.

  It's a feature that should work out of the
  box, like another option for the shutdown command (shutdown -std now,
  for example, to suspend to disk) ...
 Yes, but power management is managed different on every DE. In fact, 
 hibernation and suspension can fail on many systems as not every piece of 
 hardware has been previously tested and certified to perform well with 
 such actions :-/

Meaning that it might not work at all with my hardware ...

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How do I recover from modprobe mistakes?

2010-06-28 Thread postid


Last night I was playing around with a new install on my IBM R40 laptop. 
I'm making this a lean, fast system. I loaded just the base system and 
was building from there. I was looking for some monitoring tools and 
tried lm_sensors (I did the sensor-detect) and then discovered that some 
Thinkpads can be damaged (messes with the EEPROM security chip) by the 
scan process and/or the i2c-i801 module and I was looking at what I 
needed to do to back away from this.

I thought that when I'd originally done a modprobe -l there had been 
only a half a pagefull listed there, but later when I did the same 
command there were many more modules listed. I  recall trying to do a 
modprobe -l with a wildcard as I was looking for a particular module and 
I goofed and left out the -l . Which leads me to question #1: Could I 
have accidentally loaded a whole group of available modules?

Question 2: Is it possible for me to list modules by the date that they 
were installed? I'd especially like to know when the i2c-i801 module was 

Question 3  4: Lsmod currently lists about 67 modules loaded; is that 
normal for a basic system? If not, then must I install the system all 
over again to revert to a less-cluttered state?

Please cc me since I am not currently on the list.


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Re: suspend to disk unreliable?

2010-06-28 Thread lee
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 09:24:28AM -0700, Mark wrote:
 I would never use Suspend on a desktop due to lack of battery/UPS present.
 As for Hibernate, it takes as long to do a fresh boot as a resume from
 Hibernate on my desktops so really there's not much point there.

The point is saving power by turning off the computer (like over
night) and yet be able to continue exactly where you left. The only
alternative to suspend to disk is to leave it running, which is what
I'm trying to avoid to save power.

If it doesn't work 100% reliably without a lot of testing, I'll have
to leave it running: poor choice Linux offers in that :(

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Re: suspend to disk unreliable?

2010-06-28 Thread lee
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:16:07AM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
 I do not exactly know your problem but suspend and hibernate are not always
 exclusive things.  Some configuration puts system into suspend to memory while
 having the same data stored into harddisk too.  So you win in both boot time
 and complete battery drain situation.

Yes, but I don't want to suspend to RAM because the point is to save
power, and suspend to RAM will fail when the power fails. And I'm not
talking about a laptop.

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Re: gpart can retire now

2010-06-28 Thread Mark Allums

On 6/27/2010 4:30 PM, T o n g wrote:

The gpart package that find lost partitions, has anyone try to test if it
still works? Luckily my whole partition table is wiped clean by a
running away Windows app, and I get the chance to test it.

I have had very good results with TestDisk.  It is about 1 year since 
the most recent release, though, so it does not handle btrfs or ext4. 
But it handles just about everything else, and it knows about lvm/lvm2 
and Linux RAID.  It is open source, and there is a Debian Packaging of 
it.  Recommended.

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Re: switching to console and zapping

2010-06-28 Thread Alan Chandler

On 28/06/10 17:11, lee wrote:

On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 03:21:58PM +0200, lee wrote:

On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 11:59:25PM +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 03:36:03PM +0200, lee wrote:

On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 07:54:50AM +, Sascha Silbe wrote:

No idea why VT switching doesn't work for you. To get Ctrl+Alt+BS working
again you need to change /etc/default/keyboard:


Hm, ok, but what do I do when I still can't switch or zap? I'll have
to try with another window manager, like enlightenment ...

Ok, I still can't switch with other window managers. I didn't try
zapping yet, though.

I am being asked when I see your messages that you have asked for a read 
receipt.  Are you getting lots of them?

For me it is mildly annoying and pointless for this list.

Alan Chandler

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Current solution for ia32 on amd64?

2010-06-28 Thread hatta
I am having trouble figuring out what the right way to install i386 packages 
on AMD64 Sid is.  Specifically, I need to install some 32-bit dev packages 
so I can compile Wine.  (for regression testing)  I have ia32-libs 
installed, but it doesn't contain the development packages I need. 

The Wine wiki tells me to use ia32-apt-get.  I do not have ia32-apt-get 
installed, and apt-get tells me there is no installation candidate.  I can't 
find it on packages.debian.org 

I've also seen some talk of ia32-libs-tools.  That I have installed, but 
apparently it could cause breakage down the line.  In any case, I have not 
been able to convert a package successfully. (I get tail: cannot open 
`debian/changelog' for reading: No such file or directory) 

I hope this isn't a tired topic.  I've done some searching, and I haven't 
found a good solution, and no posts on the topic since the middle of 2009.  
Is there a right way to do this yet?

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Re: suspend to disk unreliable?

2010-06-28 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:22:48 +0200, lee wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 04:05:57PM +, Camaleón wrote:

 Where did you get that steps to hibernate? :-?
 It's in the kernel dokumentation, see Documentation/power/swsusp.txt.

Then you should read about how to debugg swsusp when restoration 
fails :-)

 man pm-action will tell.
 Thanks! What's the difference between pm-hibernate and above method?

Dunno, as I already told you, there are severeal methods for sending the 
machine to sleep. You should try all of them and choose the one that 
works better for your hardware configuration.

 Since the relevant directories under /etc are empty, there doesn't seem
 to be anything special getting done when using pm-hibernate.

Try ;-)

At least you will get all the errors dumped into /var/log/pm-

 It seems you are reading the wrong paragrah... you should be interested
 in s2disk, instead :-)
 Yes, but doesn't the same apply when suspending to disk? The appropriate
 state of the graphics card has to be recreated in both cases.

pm-hibernate will care about that.

 man pm-action then :-)
 Yeah, see above, what's the difference making pm-hibernate more reliable
 than what the kernel documentation suggests?

They are different methods. I don't know the insides, just test both and 
keep the one that works better.

 Why? Just take it as you need to read the docs, test and try.
 Well, I'm trying to figure it out and to get it working reliable, but I
 don't really know which docs to read.

The ones I already told you. Whatever method you are using to put the 
computer to hibernate, you should debbug it if it fails. pm-hibernate 
writes a log under /var/log/... the other ones I dunno.

 Yes, but power management is managed different on every DE. In fact,
 hibernation and suspension can fail on many systems as not every piece
 of hardware has been previously tested and certified to perform well
 with such actions :-/
 Meaning that it might not work at all with my hardware ...

Of course! Power mananer it's kind a lottery :-)

Almost any computer is certified to work with Windows but not linux so 
hibernation and suspension workd like a charm on windows systems but have 
some problems on linux systems. Manufacturers do not tend to certfy their 
system for linux, so you have to test and try :-( 



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Deterring mail relay attempts

2010-06-28 Thread Alan Chandler
I have just moved my mail server (exim4 split config based) from one 
machine to another, and in doing so started examining the logs.  I am 
being hit with multiple attempts to relay - several a second.  They come 
in bursts from one host, then come from somewhere else.

I would like to put some for of inconvenient barrier up so perhaps they 
stop bothering me.

What is a good way of deterring them?

I've added

delay = 10s

in conf.d/acl/30_exim4-config_check_rcpt


# Insist that any other recipient address that we accept is either in one of
# our local domains, or is in a domain for which we explicitly allow
# relaying. Any other domain is rejected as being unacceptable for relaying.
message = relay not permitted
domains = +local_domains : +relay_to_domains
delay = 10s

Does this hang on to the incoming connection for 10 seconds? Is this a 
mini teergrube?  Is 10s a sensible figure?

Alan Chandler

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Re: Current solution for ia32 on amd64?

2010-06-28 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-06-28 18:51 +0200, ha...@softhome.net wrote:

 I am having trouble figuring out what the right way to install i386
 packages on AMD64 Sid is.  Specifically, I need to install some 32-bit
 dev packages so I can compile Wine.  (for regression testing)  I have
 ia32-libs installed, but it doesn't contain the development packages I

 The Wine wiki tells me to use ia32-apt-get.  I do not have
 ia32-apt-get installed, and apt-get tells me there is no installation
 candidate.  I can't find it on packages.debian.org 

It has been removed from Debian because it was too buggy and badly
messed around with the package management system.

 I've also seen some talk of ia32-libs-tools.  That I have installed,
 but apparently it could cause breakage down the line.  In any case, I
 have not been able to convert a package successfully. (I get tail:
 cannot open `debian/changelog' for reading: No such file or directory) 

Where did you get this ia32-libs-tools from?

 I hope this isn't a tired topic.  I've done some searching, and I
 haven't found a good solution, and no posts on the topic since the
 middle of 2009.  Is there a right way to do this yet?

For now I would recommend to build wine in an i386 chroot.


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Re: suspend to disk unreliable?

2010-06-28 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 28. 06. 2010 18:30:42 je lee napisal(a):

Yes, but I don't want to suspend to RAM because the point is to save
power, and suspend to RAM will fail when the power fails.

In that case, pm-suspend-hybrid should give you the best of both  
worlds. Anyway, suspend to RAM *does* save some power (and quite some  
heat) even on a desktop.


Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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Re: Need dependency bug workaround for pulseaudio.

2010-06-28 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 07:36, John W Foster jfoster81...@verizon.net wrote:
 I need dependency bug workaround for pulseaudio. I'm getting this error
 when I try to install pulseaudio.

  Depends: libpulse0 (=0.9.21-1) but 0.9.21-1.2+b1 is to be installed
  Recommends: pulseaudio-module-x11 but it is not going to be installed
  Recommends: pulseaudio-esound-compat but it is not going to be

I'd just use aptitude in interactive mode. I've never seen the point of trying
to fiddle around with unusual dependency situations on the CLI when TUI
mode is available.

Also, it may just be a partially updated mirror issue - when you updated,
it had received some, but not all of the new PA packages. Update again
and try again in that case.

I would install  pulseaudio-module-x11 and pulseaudio-esound-compat
as well.

Kelly Clowers

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Re: suspend to disk unreliable?

2010-06-28 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Lu, 28 iun 10, 18:30:42, lee wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:16:07AM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
  I do not exactly know your problem but suspend and hibernate are not always
  exclusive things.  Some configuration puts system into suspend to memory 
  having the same data stored into harddisk too.  So you win in both boot time
  and complete battery drain situation.
 Yes, but I don't want to suspend to RAM because the point is to save
 power, and suspend to RAM will fail when the power fails. And I'm not
 talking about a laptop.

It doesn't matter it's not a laptop, assume a power failure. s2both will 
save the relevant data to disk and then suspend-to-ram.

The amount of power needed for the ram is at least one order of 
magnitude smaller than the usual power consumption (especially on more 
power-hungry desktop hardware), but you can still resume from disk in 
case power fails.

And resuming from suspend-to-ram is also much faster ;)

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Re: X11 error at login: no screens found

2010-06-28 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 05:07, Charles Blair c-bl...@illinois.edu wrote:
   I recently upgraded from etch to lenny, and most features
 of the system seemed to be working.

   After a day or two with the new system, I am getting a
 character-based screen to log in, instead of the X display.

   Below, I give the output from typing startx, and the
 xorg.conf file.

It can't find the nv drivers, check that it is installed
(package xserver-xorg-video-nv).

And just to be modern and up-to-date, after you have that
sorted out, you could try moving xorg.conf to xorg.conf.old
and see if everything works that way (good chance it will).
If you do need an xorg.conf, it will probably be just one
section or so.

Kelly Clowers

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