Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació de Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Ferran Jorba

a la feina em deixen un HP Mini 2140 per a anar a un congrés la setmana que ve.
 També em deixen (oh, ah!) instal·lar-hi Debian Squeeze al costadet del Vista
que ja porta la màquina.

Però tot i que m'han ajudat companys meus molt més avesats que jo en temes de
sistemes, també experimentats amb Debian, no hem sabut trobar unes instruccions
que ens permetin crear un USB Full Install de boot.  Volem fer un Full Install
(i potser amb la iso-xfce-lxde) perquè amb el netinstall no ens reconeix cap
tarja de xarxa, ni la interna ni la wireless.

Algú ho ha provat darrerament i té les instruccions clares i precises?

Moltes gràcies,


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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació d e Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
Mira aquesta pagina:
 i escull la iso que t'interessi

Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974

El 2 de juliol de 2010 14:07, Ferran Jorba ha escrit:

 a la feina em deixen un HP Mini 2140 per a anar a un congrés la setmana que 
  També em deixen (oh, ah!) instal·lar-hi Debian Squeeze al costadet del Vista
 que ja porta la màquina.

 Però tot i que m'han ajudat companys meus molt més avesats que jo en temes de
 sistemes, també experimentats amb Debian, no hem sabut trobar unes 
 que ens permetin crear un USB Full Install de boot.  Volem fer un Full Install
 (i potser amb la iso-xfce-lxde) perquè amb el netinstall no ens reconeix cap
 tarja de xarxa, ni la interna ni la wireless.

 Algú ho ha provat darrerament i té les instruccions clares i precises?

 Moltes gràcies,


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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lacià ³ de Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
Mirat aquesta pagina. Permet fer particions grans.
Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974

El 2 de juliol de 2010 14:43, Ferran Jorba ha escrit:
 Hola Pere,

 Mira aquesta pagina:
  i escull la iso que t'interessi

 sí, això ja ho havíem fet.  Potser ho tindria que haver explicat.  Si ho hem
 entès bé, en el moment que fas el zcat debian/squeeze/boot.img.gz /dev/sdb1
 converteixes la teva partició en fat16, que aparentment té un màxim de 256 MB.
 Aleshores, hi quep la netinstall, però sense que ens reconegui la xarxa, però 
 la full, que esperàvem que ens la reconegués.  Els 600 MB no hi queben en els
 230M que ens deixa lliure aquesta partició «downgraded» a fat16.

 Hem vist un, però encara no ens hi hem 

 Gràcies igualment,


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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació de Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Jordi Funollet
La mini-distro GRML ( pot instal·lar-se a disk; em sembla que 
està basada en la 'unstable'. A més, té la opció de fer un 'debootstrap' (de 
la release que vulguis).

### Jordi Funollet

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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació d e Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Javier Silva
2010/7/2 Ferran Jorba

 a la feina em deixen un HP Mini 2140 per a anar a un congrés la setmana que 
  També em deixen (oh, ah!) instal·lar-hi Debian Squeeze al costadet del Vista
 que ja porta la màquina.

 Però tot i que m'han ajudat companys meus molt més avesats que jo en temes de
 sistemes, també experimentats amb Debian, no hem sabut trobar unes 
 que ens permetin crear un USB Full Install de boot.  Volem fer un Full Install
 (i potser amb la iso-xfce-lxde) perquè amb el netinstall no ens reconeix cap
 tarja de xarxa, ni la interna ni la wireless.

 Algú ho ha provat darrerament i té les instruccions clares i precises?

 Moltes gràcies,


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Hola Ferran,
si tens una instal·lació de Squeeze en marxa, també pots instal·lar
unetbootin, despés l'executes i selecciones la imatge ISO que vols
ficar dins la USB i ja tens la teva imatge instal·lada.

Fins ara.
Javier SIlva.

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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació d e Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Lluís Gras
Ara mateix no ho puc confirmar, però diria que les imatges iso actuals de
debian suporten iso-hybrid amb lo que un cop iso-hybridades es poden bolcar
directament a un usb amb un simple cat ... i ara em mata la curiositat, algú
ho pot provar, estic fora vila i amb el 3G no és plan.

El 2 de juliol de 2010 16:27, Javier Silva ha escrit:

 2010/7/2 Ferran Jorba
  a la feina em deixen un HP Mini 2140 per a anar a un congrés la setmana
 que ve.
   També em deixen (oh, ah!) instal·lar-hi Debian Squeeze al costadet del
  que ja porta la màquina.
  Però tot i que m'han ajudat companys meus molt més avesats que jo en
 temes de
  sistemes, també experimentats amb Debian, no hem sabut trobar unes
  que ens permetin crear un USB Full Install de boot.  Volem fer un Full
  (i potser amb la iso-xfce-lxde) perquè amb el netinstall no ens reconeix
  tarja de xarxa, ni la interna ni la wireless.
  Algú ho ha provat darrerament i té les instruccions clares i precises?
  Moltes gràcies,
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Hola Ferran,
 si tens una instal·lació de Squeeze en marxa, també pots instal·lar
 unetbootin, despés l'executes i selecciones la imatge ISO que vols
 ficar dins la USB i ja tens la teva imatge instal·lada.

 Fins ara.
 Javier SIlva.

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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació d e Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Oscar Osta Pueyo

El 2 de juliol de 2010 17:01, Lluís Gras ha escrit:
 Ara mateix no ho puc confirmar, però diria que les imatges iso actuals de
 debian suporten iso-hybrid amb lo que un cop iso-hybridades es poden bolcar
 directament a un usb amb un simple cat ... i ara em mata la curiositat, algú
 ho pot provar, estic fora vila i amb el 3G no és plan.

 El 2 de juliol de 2010 16:27, Javier Silva ha escrit:

 2010/7/2 Ferran Jorba
  a la feina em deixen un HP Mini 2140 per a anar a un congrés la setmana
  que ve.
   També em deixen (oh, ah!) instal·lar-hi Debian Squeeze al costadet del
  que ja porta la màquina.
  Però tot i que m'han ajudat companys meus molt més avesats que jo en
  temes de
  sistemes, també experimentats amb Debian, no hem sabut trobar unes
  que ens permetin crear un USB Full Install de boot.  Volem fer un Full
  (i potser amb la iso-xfce-lxde) perquè amb el netinstall no ens reconeix
  tarja de xarxa, ni la interna ni la wireless.
  Algú ho ha provat darrerament i té les instruccions clares i precises?
  Moltes gràcies,
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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 Hola Ferran,
 si tens una instal·lació de Squeeze en marxa, també pots instal·lar
 unetbootin, despés l'executes i selecciones la imatge ISO que vols
 ficar dins la USB i ja tens la teva imatge instal·lada.

 Fins ara.
 Javier SIlva.

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A debian live hi ha...

Llavors aquesta imatge anirà directa al usb...ho provaré al netbook.

Oscar Osta Pueyo

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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació de Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Ferran Jorba
Hola Jordi,

 La mini-distro GRML ( pot instal·lar-se a disk; em sembla 
 està basada en la 'unstable'. A més, té la opció de fer un 'debootstrap' (de 
 la release que vulguis).

Segurament no teníeu perquè entendre el que no vaig dir: els HP Mini són
netbooks, i per tant tan petits que li treuen tot el que poden.  Aquest,
concretament, no té CD.


PS Escrivint (pof, pof), des del Vifta (agh, ugh) d'aquest mateix ordinador des
de casa

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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació de Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Ferran Jorba
Hola Javier,

 si tens una instal·lació de Squeeze en marxa, també pots instal·lar
 unetbootin, despés l'executes i selecciones la imatge ISO que vols
 ficar dins la USB i ja tens la teva imatge instal·lada.

ja ho havia vist, ja.  Però no.  De sempre sóc fidel a Debian Stable, i no tinc
cap testing enlloc.  De fet, la meva intenció era fer-li el salt amb aquesta
maquineta durant la setmana que ve.  Però m'ho està posant difícil... ;-)


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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació de Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Ferran Jorba
Hola Pere,

 Mirat aquesta pagina. Permet fer particions grans.
  Mira aquesta pagina:
   i escull la iso que t'interessi

em sap molt de greu, perquè em miro i remiro aquesta pàgina i no hi veig les
instruccions que em dius.  Segur que hem fet alguna cosa malament, i tinc
interès en saber com arreglar-ho, però amb el meu company també debianero de la
feina, ens ha semblat que la partio fat32 de 1.2 Gb que havíem creat previament,
en el moment de fer el zcat corresponent, en mostrar un tamany de 230 MB, era
perquè es convertia a fat16.  De fet, això és el que diu el gparted.

Aleshores, interessat com estic en les instruccions que em dones per fer
particions grans segons la pàgina, i donat que jo no les
trobo, et sabria greu ser més concret i o bé indicar-me la secció d'aquesta
pàgina o copiar-me el paràgraf rellevant en la teva resposta perquè jo sigui
capaç d'entendre-ho?

Em sap greu insistir, i gràcies per la teva ajuda,


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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lacià ³ de Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Javier Silva
2010/7/2 Ferran Jorba
 Hola Javier,

 si tens una instal·lació de Squeeze en marxa, també pots instal·lar
 unetbootin, despés l'executes i selecciones la imatge ISO que vols
 ficar dins la USB i ja tens la teva imatge instal·lada.

 ja ho havia vist, ja.  Però no.  De sempre sóc fidel a Debian Stable, i no 
 cap testing enlloc.  De fet, la meva intenció era fer-li el salt amb aquesta
 maquineta durant la setmana que ve.  Però m'ho està posant difícil... ;-)


Perdona, però no ho entenc vols instal·lar Squeeze, però no vols
treballar amb testing?

és una mica contradictori, o he entès malament la teva pregunta inicial!

| a la feina em deixen un HP Mini 2140 per a anar a un congrés la
setmana que ve.
| També em deixen (oh, ah!) instal·lar-hi Debian Squeeze al costadet del Vista
| que ja porta la màquina.

Javier Silva.

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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lacià ³ de Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
Fa un any i pico vaig instalar una kubuntu a la meva follaje.  Els patiments
passats varent fer qué envies un correu a la lliste que potser et pot
ajudar. Busca instalar kubuntu

El 2 de jul de 2010, 6:25 p.m., Ferran Jorba

Hola Javier,

 si tens una instal·lació de Squeeze en marxa, també pots instal·lar
 unetbootin, despés l'executes i selecciones la imatge ISO que vols
 ficar dins la USB i ja tens la teva imatge instal·lada.

ja ho havia vist, ja.  Però no.  De sempre sóc fidel a Debian Stable, i no
cap testing enlloc.  De fet, la meva intenció era fer-li el salt amb aquesta
maquineta durant la setmana que ve.  Però m'ho està posant difícil... ;-)

Ferran -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject ...

Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació de Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Ferran Jorba
  ja ho havia vist, ja.  Però no.  De sempre sóc fidel a Debian Stable, 
  i no tinc cap testing enlloc.  De fet, la meva intenció era fer-li 
  el salt amb aquesta maquineta durant la setmana que ve.  Però m'ho 
  està posant difícil... 
 Perdona, però no ho entenc vols instal·lar Squeeze, però no vols
 treballar amb testing?
 és una mica contradictori, o he entès malament la teva pregunta inicial!

Deu ser que m'explico molt malament.  Resum: amb els meus equips, (quasi) 
sempre vaig amb Debian stable.  Per la setmana que ve em deixaran temporalment 
un equip.  Aleshores, la meva idea és ser temporalment infidel a Debian 
stable, usant Debian testing (squeeze) amb un equip que tampoc no és meu.

Uf, això de fer confessions en públic sobre les meves infidelitats...


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Fwd: Re: Presentar la declaració de renda

2010-07-02 Thread Eloi Notario
Jo al final ho vaig deixar córrer i vaig optar per l'altra signatura 
digital: amb els dits de la mà agafar un bolígraf i estampar el meu 
autògraf a la declaració impresa. Com que igualment havia de passar pel 
banc per altres menesters, vaig aprofitar la visita.

--  Missatge reenviat  --

Assumpte: Re: Presentar la declaració de renda
Data: Divendres 02 Juliol 2010
De: Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
A: Eloi Notario

Jo l'únic que em vaig trobar va ser en la necessitat d'utilitzar una
contrasenya mestre per l'iceweasel, si no no parava de demanar-me-la.
Ja tenia instal·lats els certificats de la FNMT i el meu personal, també
emés per la FNMT, però no habia activat l'us de la clau mestra.
A la fi vaig poder enviar el maleit fitxer .100

Xavier De Yzaguirre

El 7 de juny de 2010 20:00, Eloi Notario ha escrit:

 Haig de reconèixer que no m'hi he barallat a fons, però algú ha
 aconseguit presentar la declaració de la renda via telemàtica (em
 refereixo a enviar el fitxer .100) fent servir un certificat digital?

 En el meu cas, i usant Iceweasel 3.0.6 em surt un alert avisant-me que
 el meu navegador no és compatible tot i que llisten Firefox 2.0 com a
 compatible, i a la pàgina que em surt un cop acceptat el certificat de
 l'idCat, si premo al botó Llegir declaració em salta un error JS i 
 continuo. Ah, també he canviat la configuració que diuen s'ha de 
 però res.

 No sé si posar-me amb el firebug per esbrinar per 
què this.cmpFicheros
 és null o deixar-me de punyetes i carregar un carro ple de petrecols i
 paperassa per anar decidit cap a Hisenda ara que és el gran moment
 ineludible i esperat de fer efectiu el requisit de tributar. Que em
 surt negativa i no els hi penso perdonar :-)


 Eloi Notario.

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Eloi Notario.

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Re: Instruccions per crear un USB d'instal·lació de Squeeze?

2010-07-02 Thread Ferran Jorba
Hola Pere,

 Fa un any i pico vaig instalar una kubuntu a la meva follaje.  Els 
 patiments passats varent fer qué envies un correu a la lliste que 
 potser et pot ajudar.

 Busca instalar kubuntu

Gname no m'hi troba gaire cosa, no.


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2010-07-02 Thread Raphael Hertzog

On Wed, 30 Jun 2010, Yves Vianney wrote:
 tres chere communaute, je vous adresse cette note pour que vous puissiez
 m'aider apprendre de manière plus aisée l'administration système de la
 didtribution Debian

Je vous recommenderai bien mon livre pour cette partie:

Ainsi que le formation Debian d'Alexis de Lattre qui a déjà été citée:

 et surtout participer davantage à son expansion.

J'ai un certain nombres d'articles expliquant de nombreuses manières de

Raphaël Hertzog

Like what I do? Sponsor me:
My Debian goals:

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Re: Debian et Wiki

2010-07-02 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Thu, Jul 01, 2010 at 06:36:26PM +, fabrice test wrote:
 Je serais preneur d'une expérience d'un Wiki sous debian autant dans son 
 usage que dans son installation. Notamment conernant l'un des 2.

J'ai eu utilisé usemod, qui s'installe facilement (apt-get)
et est simple et limité.

J'utilise dokuwiki, qui est légèrement plus manuel à
installer mais très bon avec plein de plugins.

Les deux utilisent des fichiers normaux, parce que les bases
de données ça sert à rien (surtout le vendredi).


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Re: dkms et noyau

2010-07-02 Thread Francois Mescam

On 01/07/2010 16:23, C. Mourad Jaber wrote:

Le 01/07/2010 16:19, Florent Charton a écrit :

Le 01/07/2010 16:10, Courrier Debian a écrit :

Le jeudi 1 juillet 2010 15:32:13, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :

Le 01/07/2010 14:53, Courrier Debian a écrit :

Suite à mes problèmes avec initramfs-tools et suivant vos suggestions
j'ai bazardé le noyau 2.6.32-trunk-amd64 pour 2.6.32-5 tout c'est bien
passé sauf les modules générés par dkms qui ont tous plantés fglrx, et
oracle virtual machine que j'ai du recréé à la main. Existe t'il un
moyen plus sophistiqué pour relancer par l'intermédiaire de dkms une
nouvelle génération des modules noyaux ?
A l'avance merci pour vos réponses.


Je ne crois pas que virtualbox crée de module en utilisant dkms sous
debian, à ma connaissance, ils ne l'ont intégré que pour ubuntu, donc
c'est normal !

pour fglrx, je ne sais pas , j'ai du nvidia...



Si, si  dkms est utilisé pour virtualbox.


il faut utiliser la commande «dkms build» avec les options -m «nom du
module» -v «version du module» pour le construire pour le noyau en
cours. «dkms help» aide un peu avec le contenu de /var/lib/dkms. Je
confirme que virtualbox passe par dkms pour ses modules noyau.

Avec la commande /etc/init.d/virtualbox setup

Bonne continuation

Autant pour moi, je avais lu trop vite la note de la page sur dkms

je n'avais pas vérifier, mais effectivement je confirme l'utilisation de
dkms :|



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Re: dkms et noyau

2010-07-02 Thread Francois Mescam

On 01/07/2010 16:23, C. Mourad Jaber wrote:

Le 01/07/2010 16:19, Florent Charton a écrit :

Le 01/07/2010 16:10, Courrier Debian a écrit :

Le jeudi 1 juillet 2010 15:32:13, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :

Le 01/07/2010 14:53, Courrier Debian a écrit :

Suite à mes problèmes avec initramfs-tools et suivant vos suggestions
j'ai bazardé le noyau 2.6.32-trunk-amd64 pour 2.6.32-5 tout c'est bien
passé sauf les modules générés par dkms qui ont tous plantés fglrx, et
oracle virtual machine que j'ai du recréé à la main. Existe t'il un
moyen plus sophistiqué pour relancer par l'intermédiaire de dkms une
nouvelle génération des modules noyaux ?
A l'avance merci pour vos réponses.


Je ne crois pas que virtualbox crée de module en utilisant dkms sous
debian, à ma connaissance, ils ne l'ont intégré que pour ubuntu, donc
c'est normal !

pour fglrx, je ne sais pas , j'ai du nvidia...



Si, si  dkms est utilisé pour virtualbox.


il faut utiliser la commande «dkms build» avec les options -m «nom du
module» -v «version du module» pour le construire pour le noyau en
cours. «dkms help» aide un peu avec le contenu de /var/lib/dkms. Je
confirme que virtualbox passe par dkms pour ses modules noyau.

Avec la commande /etc/init.d/virtualbox setup

Bonne continuation

Autant pour moi, je avais lu trop vite la note de la page sur dkms

je n'avais pas vérifier, mais effectivement je confirme l'utilisation de
dkms :|



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Re: Debian et Wiki

2010-07-02 Thread Thomas Clavier
Le 01/07/2010 23:09, Grégory Bulot a écrit :
 Mediawiki (le moteur de wikipedia) utilise une base de donnée (mysql
 chez moi).

pour moi, 5 clients avec juste apt-get install mediawiki ... pour
d'autres clients xwiki ... mais ya pas de .deb

Thomas Clavier
+33 (0)6 20 81 81 30   +33 (0)950 783 783

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian et Wiki

2010-07-02 Thread Guillaume Caron
Personnellement, j'ai un petit faible pour MoinMoin :
* il est bien intégré à Debian (paquet python-moinmoin), 
* il s'administre  facilement s'il n'y a qu'un seul site (je reconnais
n'avoir pas testé pour plusieurs),
* il est bien documenté, que ce soit dans /usr/share/doc ou sur son
* il n'est pas très complexe (pas de BD SQL, des fichiers plats).

Sinon, j'avais pu essayé MediaWiki, mais je l'ai trouvé assez lourd à

Guillaume Caron

Le jeudi 01 juillet 2010 à 18:36 +, fabrice test a écrit :
 Bonsoir à tous,
 Je suis à la recherche d'un Wiki à destination d'une PME. Objectif
 principal le partage des connaissances et transmission d'information.
 Actuellement, je regarde du côté de twiki et de foswiki. Avec une
 tendance pour ce dernier.
 Je serais preneur d'une expérience d'un Wiki sous debian autant dans
 son usage que dans son installation. Notamment conernant l'un des 2.
 Merci de votre expérience et votre aide.

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Re: [Aptitude] Echec de mise à jour...

2010-07-02 Thread Dominique Pautrel


Serais-tu atteint par ce bug:

Bon j'ai fini par contourner le problème en passant par Synaptic. J'ai 
supprimé libisc50 puis suis revenu dans Aptitude qui a pu exécuter les 
mises à jour restantes...
Certes malgré mon petit niveau sous Linux je vois bien que ce n'est pas 
propre comme solution, mais j'ai

malgré tout pu parvenir à mes fins...

Ceci pour conclure par mes humbles remerciements à tous pour votre aide. 


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Re: [Aptitude] Echec de mise à jour...

2010-07-02 Thread corbie
Le vendredi 2 juillet 2010, Dominique Pautrel a écrit :
  Serais-tu atteint par ce bug:
 Bon j'ai fini par contourner le problème en passant par Synaptic. J'ai 
 supprimé libisc50 puis suis revenu dans Aptitude qui a pu exécuter les 
 mises à jour restantes...
 Certes malgré mon petit niveau sous Linux je vois bien que ce n'est pas 
 propre comme solution, mais j'ai
 malgré tout pu parvenir à mes fins...
 Ceci pour conclure par mes humbles remerciements à tous pour votre aide. 

J'ai fini par abandonner apt-get et aptitude pour toutes gestions des 
au profit de synaptic.

Un exemple avec aptitude :
Je désinstalle apache1 pour apache2 :
et aptitude me désinstalle Gnome ... et bien d'autres paquets,
pas du tout liés à Apache2.

Peut-être aussi que je ne maitrise pas ces outils apt-get et aptitude :-)

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Re: Debian et Wiki

2010-07-02 Thread JF Straeten
On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 11:36:38AM +0200, Thomas Clavier wrote:

 pour moi, 5 clients avec juste apt-get install mediawiki ... pour
 d'autres clients xwiki ... mais ya pas de .deb

J'ai failli mettre +1, mais non, c'est kwiki que j'utilise.

Assez minimaliste, mais néanmoins suffisant et super simple (à
installer et utiliser).




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Re: Beaucoup de pb de son depuis le dernier update de pulseaudio [suite !]

2010-07-02 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

Le 01/07/2010 15:07, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :


J'ai plusieurs problèmes de son depuis le dernier update de pulse 

Tous les softs utilisant le serveur de son de KDE fonctionne bien, par 
contre, plus rien d'autre, je n'ai plus de son pour vlc, mplayer, 
flash, virtualbox, pour ceux que j'ai testé !

Y'a-t-il des modifications à faire quelque part pour réactiver le son 
sur les logiciels non kde ?



J'ai pas beaucoup avancé sur ce problème, mais il semble que le backend 
xine fonctionne (c'est ce qu'utilise KDE), part contre gstreamer semble 
incapable d'émettre le moindre son :(

Y'a-t-il moyen de diagnostiquer quelque chose dans l'infrastructure de 
son ? je ne vois pas de log particulier...

Le truc qui me semble curieux, c'est que je n'ai aucun outil alsa, mais 
des outils esound !

Est-ce que le jeu des dépendances m'aurait trahi ?



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Re: Debian et Wiki

2010-07-02 Thread fabrice régnier


Le 02/07/2010 13:40, JF Straeten a écrit :

On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 11:36:38AM +0200, Thomas Clavier wrote:

pour moi, 5 clients avec juste apt-get install mediawiki ... pour
d'autres clients xwiki ... mais ya pas de .deb
j'utilise xwiki en prod depuis 3 ans environ. Ce n'est pas ce qu'on 
appelle un wiki simplissime ;) A déconseiller donc pour une utilisation 



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Re: Debian et Wiki

2010-07-02 Thread JF Straeten


On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 05:24:25PM +0200, fabrice régnier wrote:

 j'utilise xwiki en prod depuis 3 ans environ. Ce n'est pas ce qu'on
 appelle un wiki simplissime ;) A déconseiller donc pour une
 utilisation basique.

Tant qu'on y est, je ne vois pas de retour sur ikiwiki, qui a pourtant
l'air pas mal.

Personne ?

'rci d'avance,



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Re: [hs] Des trous dans Shorewall

2010-07-02 Thread Papinux
Le Wed, 30 Jun 2010 13:00:01 +0200, Frédéric ZULIAN a écrit :

 Ben il a installé sur son PC une appli Hamachi  dont le descriptif est
 Le logiciel n'impressionne pas par son interface, très sommaire, mais
 plutôt par sa capacité à traverser sans aucun souci routeur et Firewall
 en cascade
 Comment fait-il donc pour contourner ma config de shorewall ?


hamachi permet de créer un vpn. Comme il se connecte sur un serveur
central via un des ports normalement autorisés (ie 443), il suffit de
repérer les adresses IP de cette société.
En l'occurrence, voici celles que j'ai:,,

quelques règles iptables et l'affaire est dans la sac.

Ceci a un avantage, il est impossible de se connecter sur leurs sites
internet (comme .

Un peu brutal ,je vous l'accorde, mais depuis impossible de s'y



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Re: wlanconfig : erreur de segmentation

2010-07-02 Thread Frédéric Boiteux
Le Tue, 29 Jun 2010 02:54:35 +0200,
steve a écrit :

 Le 28-06-2010, à 09:15:00 +0200, Frédéric Boiteux
 ( a écrit :
  Ta carte n'est-elle pas gérée par le pilote ath5k intégré au noyau ?
  Cela t'éviterait de jouer avec le pilote externe madwifi...
 Si en fait, depuis la version 2.6.32, ath5k permet le mode AP. J'ai
 fait quelques tests qui semblent être concluants, à ceci de près que
 le débit est bien plus lent qu'avec le driver madwifi « classique ».
 Peut-être est-ce une mauvais configuration de ma part, je cherche
 J'avais blacklisté ce driver car pendant la « saison » lenny (2.6.26),
 il ne permettait pas la création d'un point accès). Maintenant c'est
 le cas, par contre je ne sais toujours pas s'il permet d'en créer
 plusieurs. (Si quelqu'un sait...)

Je n'ai jamais testé cette fonctionnalité, mais je crois bien que c'est
justement possible ; Il me semble qu'OpenWRT s'en sert.


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Future version stable Asterisk

2010-07-02 Thread sil

Quelle sera la future version d'Asterisk inclue dans la future stable ?
La page d'information du paquet indique que testing contient la version
1.6, c'est donc celle ci qui devrait être inclue dans la future stable.

Je me pose cette question afin d'anticiper une éventuelle migration.

Merci pour vos lumières;

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iptables filtrado por direccion

2010-07-02 Thread Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

Quiero redirigir las peticiones entrantes a un servidor por su nombre.
Esto es en lugar de que los usuarios pongan balanceador:8080,
balanceador:8081 poner en el servidor DNS alias de forma que weblogic
(por ejemplo) el lo redirija al puerto 8080, si pone web lo redirija al
8081 etc...
He probado dos soluciones pero no me ha funcionado ninguna de ellas:
1: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -i bond0 -m string
--string weblogic -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080

2: (son dos ordenes)
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i bond0 -m string --algo bm --string weblogic
-m recent --set --name weblogic
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp  -m recent --name weblogic --update
-j REDIRECT --to-port 8080 

El servidor (que hace de balanceador) es un debian lenny de 64 bits

Gracias de antemano.

Por favor, NO utilice formatos  de archivo  propietarios para el
intercambio de  documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, RTF, TXT,
CSV o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un
fabricante  concreto para tratar la información contenida en él.

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Re: Acerca de la actualización a Squeeze

2010-07-02 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 01/07/10 22:16, Luhma Emmanuel Castillo Ramírez escribió:

Saludos Lista!!!

Al momento de escribir este correo, estoy actualizando mi maquina 
(¿tendrá algo que ver el hacho de que sea virtual?) de Lenny a 
Squeeze. Solo quiero hacer una pregunta: al momento de ejecutar 
*aptitude safe-upgrade *me aparece las palabras abierto, cerrado, 
diferido y conflicto. Al momento de escribir esto, los números que 
tienen enfrente estan así:

*abierto: 61784; cerrado: 249656; diferido: 40; conflicto: 83*
todo va incrementando; ¿esto es normal o acabo de arruinar algo?

Gracias mil de antemano :)
Me parece que debes tener algún problema con tus sources.list. Cambiaste 
las lineas de dicho archivo para que reflejen los repos de squeeze? 
Luego hiciste: apt-get update?

Fijate si seguiste todos estos pasos porque al parecer está detectando 
un gran problema de dependencias que puede deberse a que la versión de 
Debian no está bien actualizada mediante apt-get update.


Re: OFF TOPIC: Consulta lenguajes programacion para celulares

2010-07-02 Thread Julio
El jue, 01-07-2010 a las 17:16 -0300, Sergio Bess escribió:
 Para alguien que está iniciándose en la programación de aplicaciones 
 para celulares necesito saber si hay algún sitio donde recabar buena 
 información para la plataforma Symbian.

Un saludo


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Re: Acerca de la actualización a Squeeze

2010-07-02 Thread Ricardo Delgado
El día 2 de julio de 2010 09:56, Federico Alberto Sayd escribió:
 El 01/07/10 22:16, Luhma Emmanuel Castillo Ramírez escribió:

 Saludos Lista!!!
 Al momento de escribir este correo, estoy actualizando mi maquina (¿tendrá
 algo que ver el hacho de que sea virtual?) de Lenny a Squeeze. Solo quiero
 hacer una pregunta: al momento de ejecutar aptitude safe-upgrade me aparece
 las palabras abierto, cerrado, diferido y conflicto. Al momento de
 escribir esto, los números que tienen enfrente estan así:
 abierto: 61784; cerrado: 249656; diferido: 40; conflicto: 83
 todo va incrementando; ¿esto es normal o acabo de arruinar algo?
 Gracias mil de antemano :)

 Me parece que debes tener algún problema con tus sources.list. Cambiaste las
 lineas de dicho archivo para que reflejen los repos de squeeze? Luego
 hiciste: apt-get update?

 Fijate si seguiste todos estos pasos porque al parecer está detectando un
 gran problema de dependencias que puede deberse a que la versión de Debian
 no está bien actualizada mediante apt-get update.


Hola, a mi me sucedio algo parecido con un TESTING que hacia mucho
tiempo no actualizaba, es mas tenia corriendo un kernel 2.6.23 si mal
no recuerdo, y me trajo problemas con DBUS (estoy apelando a mi
memoria..) en definitiva no me levantaba el entorno grafico y me daba
otros problemas que ya no recuerdo.

mi solucion fue, actualizar a mano el kernel 2.6.33 (para mi caso) con
DPKG -I LINUX-IMAGEX desde /var/cache/apt/archives (porque la
actualizacion ya habia bajado los paquetes).

luego nuevamente apt-get update aptitude safe-upgrade y problema solucionado.

Este problema se me repitio varias veces porque estoy con un CD
Testing bastante viejito y cuando quiere actualizar obvio son muchos
los cambios desde esa version de CD a la fecha. Ahora tengo una imagen
de la semana pasada y hasta el momento no tuve inconvenientes.

Windows? Reboot
Debian?  beRoot 

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Re: OFF TOPIC: Consulta lenguajes programacion para celulares

2010-07-02 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:13:13 +0200, Julio escribió:

 El jue, 01-07-2010 a las 17:16 -0300, Sergio Bess escribió:
 Para alguien que está iniciándose en la programación de aplicaciones
 para celulares necesito saber si hay algún sitio donde recabar buena
 información para la plataforma Symbian.

Me parece que Nokia anunció hace unos días que los terminales de la serie 
N iban a usar Smeagol (uy, perdón, MeeGo) en lugar de Symbian.

Android es otra de las plataformas emergentes para este tipo de 
terminales, junto con el terrible iOS (iPhone), webOS (Palm/HP), 
Blackberry OS y el cansino Windows Mobile :-)



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Re: OFF TOPIC: Consulta lenguajes programacion para celulares

2010-07-02 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El día 2 de julio de 2010 08:44, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:13:13 +0200, Julio escribió:

 El jue, 01-07-2010 a las 17:16 -0300, Sergio Bess escribió:
 Para alguien que está iniciándose en la programación de aplicaciones
 para celulares necesito saber si hay algún sitio donde recabar buena
 información para la plataforma Symbian.

 Me parece que Nokia anunció hace unos días que los terminales de la serie
 N iban a usar Smeagol (uy, perdón, MeeGo) en lugar de Symbian.

 Android es otra de las plataformas emergentes para este tipo de
 terminales, junto con el terrible iOS (iPhone), webOS (Palm/HP),
 Blackberry OS y el cansino Windows Mobile :-)



Hola, nokia te da esta posibilidad:

Creería que para cualquier movil que soporte las plataformas antes
nombradas qt-embeded te sirve.

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Re: Acerca de la actualización a Squeeze

2010-07-02 Thread Luhma Emmanuel Castillo Ramírez
Saludos Lista!!!

Creo haber solucionado el problema, pero describiré lo que hice:

Primero, paseando por la Red, seguí los pasos para la actualización. Lo que
hice fue cambiar Lenny por Squeeze en mi sources.list y luego hice *aptitude
update, *aunque me di cuenta de que la réplica desde donde había instalado
el sistema ( a partir de el CD de Lenny 5.0.4,
me mandaba, entre todos los caracteres que veía, una *gpg*, que si no me
equivoco, es la llave de acceso para el servidor; tuve que comentar esas
líneas y agregué las de la réplica de Alemania ( squeeze main)...hasta ahí todo bien. Luego
hice un *aptitude install apt dpkg aptitude *y es ahí donde empezó mi
problema, pues primero resolvía unas dependencias, (recuerdo que no me
desinstalaba KDE); cuando daba el *aptitude safe-upgrade *es cuando
aparecían todos los canales de abierto, cerrado, diferido y
conflicto...llegué a tener aproximadamente 6 abiertos, 19 cerrados,
40 diferidos y 80 conflictos. Lo que hice fue actualizar mi sources.list dar
*aptitude update* y luego *aptitude safe-upgrade*, sin hacer primero *aptitude
install apt dpkg aptitude*. Al hacer esto, únicamente obtuve 99 abiertos,
15500 cerrados y 350 conflictos (no recuerdo los diferidos) y me desinstaló
por completo KDE. Reinicie y, al dar *hardinfo* me di cuenta de que ya tengo
Squeeze (dice, más bien, squeeze/sid). Actualicé desde Lenny 5.0.5, la
versión más reciente. De hecho, estoy escribiendo desde mi Squeeze, ya solo
me falta el *aptitude full-upgrade. *¿Cuál es la diferencia entre lo que
hice primero, dar previamente *aptitude install apt dpkg aptitude *y omitir
este paso en lo que hice después?

Gracias mil!!!

El 2 de julio de 2010 08:32, Ricardo Delgado

 El día 2 de julio de 2010 09:56, Federico Alberto Sayd escribió:
  El 01/07/10 22:16, Luhma Emmanuel Castillo Ramírez escribió:
  Saludos Lista!!!
  Al momento de escribir este correo, estoy actualizando mi maquina
  algo que ver el hacho de que sea virtual?) de Lenny a Squeeze. Solo
  hacer una pregunta: al momento de ejecutar aptitude safe-upgrade me
  las palabras abierto, cerrado, diferido y conflicto. Al momento de
  escribir esto, los números que tienen enfrente estan así:
  abierto: 61784; cerrado: 249656; diferido: 40; conflicto: 83
  todo va incrementando; ¿esto es normal o acabo de arruinar algo?
  Gracias mil de antemano :)
  Me parece que debes tener algún problema con tus sources.list. Cambiaste
  lineas de dicho archivo para que reflejen los repos de squeeze? Luego
  hiciste: apt-get update?
  Fijate si seguiste todos estos pasos porque al parecer está detectando un
  gran problema de dependencias que puede deberse a que la versión de
  no está bien actualizada mediante apt-get update.

 Hola, a mi me sucedio algo parecido con un TESTING que hacia mucho
 tiempo no actualizaba, es mas tenia corriendo un kernel 2.6.23 si mal
 no recuerdo, y me trajo problemas con DBUS (estoy apelando a mi
 memoria..) en definitiva no me levantaba el entorno grafico y me daba
 otros problemas que ya no recuerdo.

 mi solucion fue, actualizar a mano el kernel 2.6.33 (para mi caso) con
 DPKG -I LINUX-IMAGEX desde /var/cache/apt/archives (porque la
 actualizacion ya habia bajado los paquetes).

 luego nuevamente apt-get update aptitude safe-upgrade y problema

 Este problema se me repitio varias veces porque estoy con un CD
 Testing bastante viejito y cuando quiere actualizar obvio son muchos
 los cambios desde esa version de CD a la fecha. Ahora tengo una imagen
 de la semana pasada y hasta el momento no tuve inconvenientes.

 Windows? Reboot
 Debian?  beRoot 

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Re: iptables filtrado por direccion

2010-07-02 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/7/2 Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

 Quiero redirigir las peticiones entrantes a un servidor por su nombre.
 Esto es en lugar de que los usuarios pongan balanceador:8080,
 balanceador:8081 poner en el servidor DNS alias de forma que weblogic
 (por ejemplo) el lo redirija al puerto 8080, si pone web lo redirija al
 8081 etc...
 He probado dos soluciones pero no me ha funcionado ninguna de ellas:
 1: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -i bond0 -m string
 --string weblogic -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080

 2: (son dos ordenes)
 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i bond0 -m string --algo bm --string weblogic
 -m recent --set --name weblogic
 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp  -m recent --name weblogic --update
 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080

Apostaria a que iptables no puede hacer lo que quieres. Si te he
entendido bién quieres hacer una redirección HTTP 301. Osea, que al
introduir weblogic.lan al navegador este te redirija a
balanceador.lan:8080, ¿no? Creo que no te va quedar más remedio que
poner un servidor web en el balanceador para las redirecciones.

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Logs squid

2010-07-02 Thread etorres

Quiero dar acceso al fichero access.log del squid a un usuario que trabaja
con windows. No quiero darle acceso al servidor, así, que estoy buscando
alguna formula para que pueda acceder al fichero en el momento que quiera
sin acceder por ssh.

He pensado en compartir el directorio por samba e instalarle el
tailforwin32 para que los pueda visualizar en vivo y en directo.
Seguramente después me pedirá que le saque informes y demás, pero de
momento solo quiere acceder al fichero.

Conoceis alguna forma diferente a la que he pensado?

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Re: Logs squid

2010-07-02 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 02 Jul 2010 18:58:38 +0200, etorres escribió:

 Quiero dar acceso al fichero access.log del squid a un usuario que
 trabaja con windows. No quiero darle acceso al servidor, así, que estoy
 buscando alguna formula para que pueda acceder al fichero en el momento
 que quiera sin acceder por ssh.
 He pensado en compartir el directorio por samba e instalarle el
 tailforwin32 para que los pueda visualizar en vivo y en directo.
 Seguramente después me pedirá que le saque informes y demás, pero de
 momento solo quiere acceder al fichero.
 Conoceis alguna forma diferente a la que he pensado?

Así de primeras me viene a la cabeza un Webmin con acceso local y 
restringido para que sólo pueda acceder a ciertos módulos (lo que ya no 
sé es si webmin permite eso). De esta forma también tendrías cubierto el 
tema de los informes.



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Re: iptables filtrado por direccion

2010-07-02 Thread Angel Alvarez
El día 2 de julio de 2010 07:50, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:

 Quiero redirigir las peticiones entrantes a un servidor por su nombre.
 Esto es en lugar de que los usuarios pongan balanceador:8080,
 balanceador:8081 poner en el servidor DNS alias de forma que weblogic
 (por ejemplo) el lo redirija al puerto 8080, si pone web lo redirija al
 8081 etc...
 He probado dos soluciones pero no me ha funcionado ninguna de ellas:
 1: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -i bond0 -m string
 --string weblogic -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080

 2: (son dos ordenes)
 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i bond0 -m string --algo bm --string weblogic
 -m recent --set --name weblogic
 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp  -m recent --name weblogic --update
 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080

proba con redir

 El servidor (que hace de balanceador) es un debian lenny de 64 bits

 Gracias de antemano.

 Por favor, NO utilice formatos  de archivo  propietarios para el
 intercambio de  documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, RTF, TXT,
 CSV o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un
 fabricante  concreto para tratar la información contenida en él.

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limitar acesso openvpn

2010-07-02 Thread thiago
tenho uma vpn configurada com openvp. Preciso que um determinado
usuário, ao se conectar na rede da vpn, somente tenha acesso a um
servidor, ou seja, pra esse usuário vai ser como se o resto da rede que
todos os outros tem acesso pela vpn não existesse. Alguém pode me
ajudar? Se não fui muito claro me avisem por favor.

Thiago Silveira Alexandre
Security Enginner
Intechne Tecnologia da Informação
(98) 3311 6200
(98) 3311 6219
(98) 8132 1020

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Re: limitar acesso openvpn

2010-07-02 Thread Rafael Moraes
fala amigo

vc pode criar rotas em cada vpn.

Da uma olhada no FAQ do OPENVPN.


Em 2 de julho de 2010 10:00, thiago escreveu:

 tenho uma vpn configurada com openvp. Preciso que um determinado
 usuário, ao se conectar na rede da vpn, somente tenha acesso a um
 servidor, ou seja, pra esse usuário vai ser como se o resto da rede que
 todos os outros tem acesso pela vpn não existesse. Alguém pode me
 ajudar? Se não fui muito claro me avisem por favor.

 Thiago Silveira Alexandre
 Security Enginner
 Intechne Tecnologia da Informação
 (98) 3311 6200
 (98) 3311 6219
 (98) 8132 1020

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Rafael Moraes
Linux Professional Institute Certified - LPI 2
Novell Certified Linux Administrator - CLA
Data Center Technical Specialist - DCTS
ITIL Foundations Certified


2010-07-02 Thread Cristiano

Estou enviando abaixo alguns warnings na versão do kernel 2.6.26-2-686

WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/pnp-hotplug, it
will be ignored in a future release.
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it
will be ignored in a future release.
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/display_class,
it will be ignored in a future release.




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Re: Warnings

2010-07-02 Thread Gunther Furtado

2010/7/2 Cristiano
 Estou enviando abaixo alguns warnings na versão do kernel 2.6.26-2-686

 WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/pnp-hotplug, it
 will be ignored in a future release.
 WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it
 will be ignored in a future release.
 WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/display_class,
 it will be ignored in a future release.

que tal colocar um .conf no final de cada nome de arquivo listado?




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...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Nota Fiscal eletronica SEFAZ-SP

2010-07-02 Thread Flávio R. Lopes

Ola Pessoal.
Possuimos um Firewall com Iptables + Proxy/Squid com autenticação por 

Não estou conseguindo liberar do Proxy o programa da NF-e da Secretaria 
da Fazenda de São Paulo.

O que devo fazer pra funcionar?
Tentei fazer um esquema similar ao do Conectividade Social mas não 

Alguém pode me dar uma ajuda?

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uso pouco convencional do Debian!

2010-07-02 Thread


Vocês já viram essa solução com Debian para clonar partições Windows e 
depois recuperar pelo próprio cliente, sem interferência de técnico?  
como aquela recuperação que os micros Positivo tem??

[]s Sena

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Re: Nota Fiscal eletronica SEFAZ-SP

2010-07-02 Thread ..:: S.e.r.i.a.L ::..

postei uma regra na lista squid-br que creio eu, resolverá seu problema,

aqui na empresa, uso proxy transparente e p/ liberar as estações e
servidores para não passar pelo proxy, faço a seguinte regra de iptables:

# eth0 = tua interface LAN
NFE=  # Coloque aqui  o rangue de ip publico dos servidores de NFE.
LAN=  # Coloque aqui tua classe de ip LAN.

# Cria um chain para tuas exceçoões e aplica o PREROUTING nela.
$FW -t nat -N PROXY
$FW -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j PROXY

# Aqui faz com que qualquer acesso via web a teu servidores de tua rede,
passe direto pelo MASQUERADE, e fazendo log de acesso
$FW -t nat -A PROXY -d -j RETURN
$FW -t nat -I PROXY -d -j LOG --log-prefix=PROXYLAN-

# Aqui libera acesso ao NFE passar direto pelo teu MASQUERADE, e fazendo log
de acesso
$FW -t nat -A PROXY -d $NFE -j RETURN
$FW -t nat -I PROXY -d $NFE -j LOG --log-prefix=NFE-

# Aqui redireciona tua rede LAN para o Proxy
$FW -t nat -A PROXY -s $LAN -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128


Espero ter sido útil.


Em 2 de julho de 2010 13:32, Flávio R. Lopes

 Ola Pessoal.
 Possuimos um Firewall com Iptables + Proxy/Squid com autenticação por

 Não estou conseguindo liberar do Proxy o programa da NF-e da Secretaria da
 Fazenda de São Paulo.

 O que devo fazer pra funcionar?
 Tentei fazer um esquema similar ao do Conectividade Social mas não

 Alguém pode me dar uma ajuda?

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

..:: S.e.r.i.a.L ::..

Re: uso pouco convencional do Debian!

2010-07-02 Thread

Oi Márcio,

olha acho que você não entendeu o que o cara fez ali...  eu acho que é 
um pouco diferente da solução que você arrumou.

veja, no artigo ele mostra um menu logo que liga a maquina...  onde ... 
se não mexer em nada já entra no Windows, ae..  se esse Windows parar..  
ou ser vírus, sei lá...

no próximo boot ele escolhe recuperar.. 
ai.. um debian entra em ação e recupera a máquina windows do cliente 

e o cliente nem fica sabendo como isso acontece!! é tudo automático
não tem que fazer nada!
pelo menos foi o que entendi...

é o mesmo método que a Positovo usa para recuperar seus micros... ou 
seja, o cliente não vai precisar mais levar a máquina para 
re-instalar...  pelo menos até onde entendi.

ae pergunto, alguem tem experiencia com isso? já fez?

[]s Sena

Márcio H. Parreiras wrote:


A Clonezilla ( já vem prontinha para fazer
isto. Há versões baseadas em Debian e Ubuntu.

Veja o que postei ainda hoje:

Finíssima :-)



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Re: uso pouco convencional do Debian!

2010-07-02 Thread Márcio H . Parreiras
Olá de novo :-)

Em 2 de julho de 2010 14:50, escreveu:
 Oi Márcio,

 olha acho que você não entendeu o que o cara fez ali...  eu acho que é um
 pouco diferente da solução que você arrumou.

Entendi sim, mas veja meu ponto de vista:

Não concordo muito com estas soluções automatizadas em mão de leigos,
até porque nós, técnicos, precisamos do pão de cada dia :-). Na
verdade elas servem mais é para descarregar as assistências técnicas
dos fabricantes.

Já vi diversos casos de usuários desesperados depois de ferrarem
tudo ao usar cds de recuperação. Os próprios manuais das máquinas que
vem com estes avisam que a restauração irá apagar todos os dados,
porém recuperar informações de um sistema morto' antes de restaurar
a imagem não é tarefa muito simples para um usuário comum.

Mesmo se movermos as pastas dos usuários para uma outra partição, como
sugerido no artigo, no MS Windows muitos programas (tipo os da Receita
Federal, financeiros, gerenciadores de banco de dados, etc.) gravam
dados na raiz do disco de sistema ou na pasta Arquivos de programas,
por exemplo.

De qualquer forma, também é possível fazer a mesma coisa com a
Clonezilla, veja em,
e ela demora menos de quinze minutos para restaurar uma partição de
10GB, contra cerca de uma hora ou mais gasta pelo processo descrito no

Não estou querendo desmerecer a ideia do autor, somente quis mostrar
uma ótima ferramenta para aqueles que não a conhecem.


Márcio H. Parreiras

GNU/Linux Professional


Pedro Leopoldo - MG - Brazil

Codificação/Encoding: UTF-8

A caixa dizia: 'Requer MS Windows ou superior',
 então eu instalei Debian/GNU Linux

The box said: 'Requires MS Windows or better',
  then I installed Debian/GNU Linux!

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Re: uso pouco convencional do Debian!

2010-07-02 Thread

certo,  passando a régua

1) então tem coisa melhor,
2) dou manutenção em uma empresa com 230 máquinas, preciso desse recurso,
3) o clonezilla tem uma recuperação como no artigo? com somente um 
comando? sem dores de cabeça nem passos pra se dar OK?

4) sem CDs, Discos extras, sem dores de cabeça
5) e em 15 min pra 10GB

agradeço qualquer ajuda

Márcio H. Parreiras wrote:

Olá de novo :-)

Em 2 de julho de 2010 14:50, escreveu:

Oi Márcio,

olha acho que você não entendeu o que o cara fez ali...  eu acho que é um
pouco diferente da solução que você arrumou.

Entendi sim, mas veja meu ponto de vista:

Não concordo muito com estas soluções automatizadas em mão de leigos,
até porque nós, técnicos, precisamos do pão de cada dia :-). Na
verdade elas servem mais é para descarregar as assistências técnicas
dos fabricantes.

Já vi diversos casos de usuários desesperados depois de ferrarem
tudo ao usar cds de recuperação. Os próprios manuais das máquinas que
vem com estes avisam que a restauração irá apagar todos os dados,
porém recuperar informações de um sistema morto' antes de restaurar
a imagem não é tarefa muito simples para um usuário comum.

Mesmo se movermos as pastas dos usuários para uma outra partição, como
sugerido no artigo, no MS Windows muitos programas (tipo os da Receita
Federal, financeiros, gerenciadores de banco de dados, etc.) gravam
dados na raiz do disco de sistema ou na pasta Arquivos de programas,
por exemplo.

De qualquer forma, também é possível fazer a mesma coisa com a
Clonezilla, veja em,
e ela demora menos de quinze minutos para restaurar uma partição de
10GB, contra cerca de uma hora ou mais gasta pelo processo descrito no

Não estou querendo desmerecer a ideia do autor, somente quis mostrar
uma ótima ferramenta para aqueles que não a conhecem.



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Re: firefox images look like bacon strips

2010-07-02 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 11:34:29 +0800, jidanni wrote:

 Can I somehow tell Firefox not to use its strips rendering algorithm,
 and instead use midori's whole picture progressive algorithm?
 Otherwise I am going to go nuts.
 Here's what is left sitting on my screen, day in and day out, when
 Firefox thinks it has already finished rendering the image, and there I
 am having to look at it.


Some tips/tests:

1/ Try launching Firefox with an empty/new profile (no cookies, no 
history, no cache, no configuration settings...)
2/ Try launching Firefox with no plugins enabled
3/ Try with another browser (to discard any problem with vga or drivers)
4/ Try openning a local image with Firefox

 The last one is what
 looks like to me. Of course for you the reader of this bug report,
 WORKSFORME, because you are using a fast connection or something, so
 Firefox's time assumptions work or something. Yes, upon clicking refresh
 the picture looks fine.

Weird. But people in the know of Firefox inners can tell you what can be 
cause of this.
 Anyway, just believe me this is what I am seeing, on all my machines,
 with all websites, and tell me the about:config setting to stop it. I
 can't find which one.

I dunno any option for this that can be tweaked here :-?, but there are 
many values, take a look:
 Version information see

There is someone looking at it :-)



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Re: firefox images look like bacon strips

2010-07-02 Thread Ron Johnson

On 07/01/2010 10:34 PM, wrote:

Version information see

Wel, it looks like the bug is in libcairo2...

Seek truth from facts.

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Re: Deterring mail relay attempts

2010-07-02 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Jo, 01 iul 10, 19:43:44, lee wrote:
  One downside seems to be that it creates lots of exim processes, and
  I am not sure why yet.  It may be open connections with dropping
  data as a result of the recently added iptables rule
 Just to be curious, what is the thinking/idea/advantage behind
 disallowing connections by firewall rules instead of denying the
 relaying or blacklisting the originating IPs through exims

I'm not very familiar with this stuff, but I can imagine:

- two levels of defense
- sparing exim all the useless connections

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core and Debian install

2010-07-02 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby
 Merciadri Luca :
I've never used AMD-based computers, and I've therefore always chosen
i386 as I habitually deal with Intel stuff.

I have ever choosen AMD when possible and they run all Linux flavours
like a charm.
Just for the record, 
- I like challengers, and AMD is Intel's one (with more or less success)
- ATI (graphics) are now owned by AMD and

   Architecte Informatique chez Blueline/Gulfsat:
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Re: was getting disk failure errors, repaired the sectors, now what?

2010-07-02 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Jo, 01 iul 10, 18:42:26, H.S. wrote:
 Okay, did all these, but that set of file not found errors upon console
 login is still there.

They are probably gone. If you want to try to repair the system (versus 
reinstalling from scratch) you can just reinstall each package 
containing the missing files (dpkg -S or apt-file can help).

You might need the --force-confmiss option to dpkg.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: DebianLive

2010-07-02 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Jo, 01 iul 10, 22:42:16, Chris wrote:
 Greetings folks,
 I have been playing a bit with creating live USB flash drives.
 I'm not having much luck finding examples on how to create the live
 flash drive with the ability to install it on the PC hard drive.
 Here's my setup:
 I have an older laptop with a failed CD reader in it so booting off CD
 is pointless. I have successfully created a bootable DebianLive (via
 the wiki) flash drive with Gnome. It's works really, really well! Now,
 what I would like to do is have the option to install to my laptops
 Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

,[ ]
| This is a collaborative wiki to gather information and to discuss 
| technologies used to produce a complex framework to enable production of 
| official Debian Live systems, that uses as much as possible official 
| Debian packages and, for optional hard disk installation, the 
| DebianInstaller. 

AFAIK Live Debian is not meant to be installed to harddisk, but can 
contain the installer. If you like doing things by hand you can also 
just debootstrap.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: First Debian Installation: totally brain-dead. Where do I go from here?

2010-07-02 Thread Andrei Popescu
[Please reply to debian-user only. If you are not subscribed please ask 
for CCs]

(full quote for context)

On Vi, 02 iul 10, 00:49:53, Keith Mitchell wrote:
 I decided to build a Linux box instead of emulating Linux using
 VM-Ware under Windows. I heard Debian was the way to go. I have
 created Red-Hat and Ubuntu Linux boxes in the past with no problems.
 This, my very first Debian installation, and it has been a total
 nightmare! I created a dual-boot installation on my ancient Gateway
 dual-processor workstation as I used to have in the past. This time it
 is XP and Debian. I reassigned one full 70-GB SCSI drive previously
 formatted with an XP NTFS file system to Linux plus another 5-GB of
 swap-space on another physical SCSI drive (for performance). This I
 know is OK.
 I then followed the instructions on the web-site for installing Debian
 with internet connectivity.

Did the network setup step during the installation work?

 The web instructions said burn a minimal CD, and download what you
 need from the internet.
 1. I downloaded the .iso file, and burnt a bootable-CD (not DVD).
 2. I used that CD and installed Debian. I now have a minimal and
 totally brain-dead Linux installation.

It very much depends on the answer to the question above. If your 
connection worked during install you probably didn't select any task 
(like Desktop). If your connection didn't work if couldn't have 
downloaded all the needed packages and you might need DVD1 to get a 
decent install.

 3. There is no gcc compiler. There is no Firefox web browser.
 4. I went back to the Debian web-site for instructions on how to
 proceed from here. There were no instructions for how to proceed from
 here. Even MinGW on Windows has a minimal Linux working set. How do I
 download a file working-set without requesting each file one by one?
 5. Right now it seems my only option is using Gatesware Windows to
 download an Ubuntu distribution, a distribution that does work, use
 the .iso file to create a CD or DVD, and blow away the Debian crap
 that does not work.
 Any suggestions before I blow Debian away?

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Merciadri Luca

For some PC at the university, I need Internet access, but this can't be
achieved directly. That is, I can habitually view web pages, but I first
need to introduce my credentials to the login webpage. Introducing these
credentials is mandatory to have full Internet access. How could I tell
other programs (i.e. scripts using the Internet, etc.) to use these
credentials (in some way)?


Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

The heart has reasons that reason does not understand. (Jacques Bossuet)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 10:32:53 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 For some PC at the university, I need Internet access, but this can't be
 achieved directly. That is, I can habitually view web pages, but I first
 need to introduce my credentials to the login webpage. Introducing these
 credentials is mandatory to have full Internet access. How could I tell
 other programs (i.e. scripts using the Internet, etc.) to use these
 credentials (in some way)?

You mean a proxy?

For GUI apps, you will need to setup wide proxy settings under your DE 

For command line utilities, such wget, it should be already 
contemplated by the program itself so there must an option to pass 
credentials (man program-to-use for details) :-P.



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Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Merciadri Luca
No. That's not at all a proxy. Once you power on the computer, and that
you want to use Internet, say by Firefox, you are directly redirected to
a webpage which asks you your university login  your university
password. Once you have entered this stuff, you are logged on the
network, and everything is okay. That's a little bit like ADSL where you
need to type credentials before using the Internet (at the opposite of
the cable).



Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 10:32:53 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 For some PC at the university, I need Internet access, but this can't be
 achieved directly. That is, I can habitually view web pages, but I first
 need to introduce my credentials to the login webpage. Introducing these
 credentials is mandatory to have full Internet access. How could I tell
 other programs (i.e. scripts using the Internet, etc.) to use these
 credentials (in some way)?

 You mean a proxy?

 For GUI apps, you will need to setup wide proxy settings under your DE 

 For command line utilities, such wget, it should be already 
 contemplated by the program itself so there must an option to pass 
 credentials (man program-to-use for details) :-P.



Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

One man's meat is another man's poison.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: What's the easiest way for a shell script to tell if grub version 1 is installed?

2010-07-02 Thread Anand Sivaram
On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 08:17, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Stephen Powell wrote:
  What's the easiest way for a shell script to tell if grub version 1
  is installed?  It is important to distinguish grub version 1 from
  grub version 2.  For example, can I just do this?
  if [ -f /boot/grub/menu.lst ];then

 If you only need to know if the grub2 *package* is installed then a
 very quick check is to see if the documentation directory for it is
 installed.  Since all packages are required by Debian Policy to have a
 documentation directory.

  if [ -d /usr/share/doc/grub-pc ]; then
echo The Grub2 package is installed.

  Or does that file exist in grub version 2 as well?

 If the machine was upgraded from version 1 to version 2 then the
 menu.lst file will be left behind until manually removed.  Because it
 facilitates returning to version 1 if required.

 But having the package installed doesn't meant that the machine
 actually has grub2 installed in the boot path.  That seems a little
 more difficult.

 I recently read this blog entry by Colin Watson that talked a little
 bit about grub versions and the problems of mixing them.  You might
 find it interesting.


 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


grub2.0, the following commands print version.
grub-setup --version
grub-setup (GRUB) 1.98-1
grub-install --version
grub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1)

for grub1.0
grub --version should print the version.

There is some version information in the MBR also
file -s /dev/sda

Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Michal

On 02/07/2010 10:27, Merciadri Luca wrote:

No. That's not at all a proxy. Once you power on the computer, and that
you want to use Internet, say by Firefox, you are directly redirected to
a webpage which asks you your university login  your university
password. Once you have entered this stuff, you are logged on the
network, and everything is okay. That's a little bit like ADSL where you
need to type credentials before using the Internet (at the opposite of
the cable).


Thanks. you can only use a browser then? You can't use other applications? 
This sounds like the sort of system they have a hotels and such 
like...but there are ways to get around way was even put in 
a Linux magazine a few weeks ago. Have a search around

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Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Merciadri Luca
But I have credentials! So that might be simple if I get a way to share
the credentials with other programs.

Michal wrote:
 On 02/07/2010 10:27, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 No. That's not at all a proxy. Once you power on the computer, and that
 you want to use Internet, say by Firefox, you are directly redirected to
 a webpage which asks you your university login  your university
 password. Once you have entered this stuff, you are logged on the
 network, and everything is okay. That's a little bit like ADSL where you
 need to type credentials before using the Internet (at the opposite of
 the cable).


 Thanks. you can only use a browser then? You can't use other
 applications? This sounds like the sort of system they have a hotels
 and such like...but there are ways to get around way was
 even put in a Linux magazine a few weeks ago. Have a search around

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [SOLVED] Re: wireless (Atheros AR5001) was working on squeeze, then stopped

2010-07-02 Thread Brian C. Wells
On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 22:28 +0200, Klistvud wrote: 
 Dne, 30. 06. 2010 20:51:08 je Brian C. Wells napisal(a):
  Or did some key combo I pressed somehow disable it?
 You betcha. Most notebooks have such key combos (or even dedicated  
 keys), and HPs are no exception. So it looks like you'll have to read  
 the freaking manual that came with your notebook after all!

I don't know where I put the physical manual, but I did download the PDF
version from HP's website.  It has more pictures than explanatory text,
and of course it blithely assumes we'll use Windows, but it says:

Wireless button

Turns the wireless feature on or off, but does not create a
wireless connection.

NOTE: A wireless network must be set up in order to establish a
wireless connection.


Wireless light

Blue: An integrated wireless device, such as a wireless local
area network (WLAN) device and/or a Bluetooth® device, is turned

Amber: All wireless devices are turned off.

That's it.  They don't say anything else about it, and what they do say
doesn't seem to apply to Debian.  Pushing the button doesn't seem to
have any effect, and the light seems to be blue most of the time, even
when the connection wasn't working, and amber sometimes even while I'm
connected.  Sometimes I need to RTFM, but I don't think this is one. :)

 As a sidenote: On my HP, it's not a key, it's a blue LED touch sensor.
 Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 11:47:17 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Michal wrote: you can only use a browser then? You can't use other
 applications? This sounds like the sort of system they have a hotels
 and such like...but there are ways to get around way was
 even put in a Linux magazine a few weeks ago. Have a search around

 But I have credentials! So that might be simple if I get a way to share
 the credentials with other programs.

What is the exact problem you are facing with your current setup (what 
can't you do now and what do you want to achieve)? 

If you share the concrete problem people can provide you a concrete 
solution :-)



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Re: was getting disk failure errors, repaired the sectors, now what?

2010-07-02 Thread lee
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 05:34:22PM -0400, H.S. wrote:
 So now I know that my backups most probably are not trustworthy, the
 ones from the last four or so days. No problem. I do rolling backups
 using cron and rsync. But what I do now?

Now you buy at least two new disks, preferably some that are rated for 24/7,
set them up as a RAID-1 (or RAID-5) with mdadm and copy your data onto
the RAID as best as you can.

NEVER keep data on a single disk only.

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Re: F1 through F6 console screens disappeared

2010-07-02 Thread lee
On Thu, Jul 01, 2010 at 10:37:43AM -0500, John W Foster wrote:
 from the xserver screen. Good so far. Then I tried to switch to the F1
 screen which I use frequently along with all those console based screens
  it would not switch to the console.

Make sure your keyboard is still configured correctly. You might have
created a new xorg.conf, removing any keyboard settings you might have
had there.

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Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Jordan Metzmeier
Hash: SHA256

On 07/02/2010 05:27 AM, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 No. That's not at all a proxy. Once you power on the computer, and that
 you want to use Internet, say by Firefox, you are directly redirected to
 a webpage which asks you your university login  your university
 password. Once you have entered this stuff, you are logged on the
 network, and everything is okay. That's a little bit like ADSL where you
 need to type credentials before using the Internet (at the opposite of
 the cable).

I am not sure of a way around it. The software is known as a captive
portal. That should atleast help you search.


Jordan Metzmeier

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: First Debian Installation: totally brain-dead. Where do I go from here?

2010-07-02 Thread Alan Chandler

On 02/07/10 08:46, Andrei Popescu wrote:

[Please reply to debian-user only. If you are not subscribed please ask
for CCs]

(full quote for context)

On Vi, 02 iul 10, 00:49:53, Keith Mitchell wrote:

I decided to build a Linux box instead of emulating Linux using
VM-Ware under Windows. I heard Debian was the way to go. I have
created Red-Hat and Ubuntu Linux boxes in the past with no problems.

This, my very first Debian installation, and it has been a total
nightmare! I created a dual-boot installation on my ancient Gateway
dual-processor workstation as I used to have in the past. This time it
is XP and Debian. I reassigned one full 70-GB SCSI drive previously
formatted with an XP NTFS file system to Linux plus another 5-GB of
swap-space on another physical SCSI drive (for performance). This I
know is OK.

What network connection do you have?

I then followed the instructions on the web-site for installing Debian
with internet connectivity.

Did the network setup step during the installation work?

The web instructions said burn a minimal CD, and download what you
need from the internet.

1. I downloaded the .iso file, and burnt a bootable-CD (not DVD).
2. I used that CD and installed Debian. I now have a minimal and
totally brain-dead Linux installation.

I don't know what you mean by brain-dead.  Does it connect to the 

Can you look in /etc/apt/sources.list and tell us what is there.  There 
was a question during installation about selecting network mirrors, and 
it should have written the info into this file.

It very much depends on the answer to the question above. If your
connection worked during install you probably didn't select any task
(like Desktop). If your connection didn't work if couldn't have
downloaded all the needed packages and you might need DVD1 to get a
decent install.

To be a bit clearer.  There is a process during install to select some 
standard configurations - if you did this you should have a lot of what 
is missing. If you didn't - no matter - you can select additional 
packages later.  If your /etc/apt/sources.list file is sensible then you 
just run


Once this is running - you can then search for packages by typing '/' 
followed by a pattern (normally just the name or partial name of a 
package you are searching for).  Aptitude should pick up and find the 
next entry that matches as you are typing.  Hit Enter to finish the 
search and then 'n' to just to the next entry matching the search.

To install the ENTIRE gnome desktop for instance you just select 
'gnome'. It then picks up all the dependencies and installs it for you 
(there is a much more normal subset called gnome-desktop-environment and 
I think there may even by a minimal)

3. There is no gcc compiler. There is no Firefox web browser.

Firefox is called Iceweasel in Debian because of licencing issues.  Both 
would have been installed in a normal standard install if you had a 
network connection.

4. I went back to the Debian web-site for instructions on how to
proceed from here. There were no instructions for how to proceed from
here. Even MinGW on Windows has a minimal Linux working set. How do I
download a file working-set without requesting each file one by one?
5. Right now it seems my only option is using Gatesware Windows to
download an Ubuntu distribution, a distribution that does work, use
the .iso file to create a CD or DVD, and blow away the Debian crap
that does not work.

Once you have even a minimal installation (which should not normally be 
the case) you can easily work from there.  No need to download anymore 
CD or DVD files provided the machine is connected to the internet. It is 
only when it is not that you have to rely on these other things.

Any suggestions before I blow Debian away?


1) Ask for help on this list
2) Calm down and don't start with the assumption that Debian is brain 
dead.  Normally it isn't.

Alan Chandler

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Re: DebianLive

2010-07-02 Thread Alan Chandler

On 02/07/10 04:42, Chris wrote:

Greetings folks,

I have been playing a bit with creating live USB flash drives.
I'm not having much luck finding examples on how to create the live
flash drive with the ability to install it on the PC hard drive.

Here's my setup:

I have an older laptop with a failed CD reader in it so booting off CD
is pointless. I have successfully created a bootable DebianLive (via
the wiki) flash drive with Gnome. It's works really, really well! Now,
what I would like to do is have the option to install to my laptops

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

I suggest you make install USBs as described in section 4.3 of the 
installation manual

Alan Chandler

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Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Merciadri Luca
Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 11:47:17 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Michal wrote: you can only use a browser then? You can't use other
 applications? This sounds like the sort of system they have a hotels
 and such like...but there are ways to get around way was
 even put in a Linux magazine a few weeks ago. Have a search around

 But I have credentials! So that might be simple if I get a way to share
 the credentials with other programs.
 What is the exact problem you are facing with your current setup (what 
 can't you do now and what do you want to achieve)? 

 If you share the concrete problem people can provide you a concrete 
 solution :-)


 I think that Mr. Metzmeier has understood the problem; I'll investigate
 using the name he gave. Thanks. :-)


Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

sid doesn't always equal unstable:

2010-07-02 Thread jidanni
See, sid doesn't always equal unstable:
$ apt-cache policy ffmpeg
  Installed: 5:0.6~svn20100603-0.0
  Candidate: 5:0.6~svn20100603-0.0
  Version table:
 *** 5:0.6~svn20100603-0.0 0
500 sid/main Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 4:0.6-2 0
  1 experimental/main Packages
 4:0.5.2-1 0
500 unstable/main Packages
Due to my
# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb sid main
deb experimental main contrib non-free
deb unstable main contrib non-free

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Re: DebianLive

2010-07-02 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 10:38:03 +0300
Andrei Popescu wrote:


 ,[ ]
 | This is a collaborative wiki to gather information and to discuss 
 | technologies used to produce a complex framework to enable production of 
 | official Debian Live systems, that uses as much as possible official 
 | Debian packages and, for optional hard disk installation, the 
 | DebianInstaller. 
 AFAIK Live Debian is not meant to be installed to harddisk, but can 
 contain the installer. If you like doing things by hand you can also 
 just debootstrap.

See here for details about various ways to install to HDD via

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Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 09:17:28 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:


 You mean a proxy?
 For GUI apps, you will need to setup wide proxy settings under your DE 
 For command line utilities, such wget, it should be already 
 contemplated by the program itself so there must an option to pass 
 credentials (man program-to-use for details) :-P.

Just to clarify, many GUI apps can (must?) be internally configured for
proxy use (e.g., IW / FF), just like the CLI apps.

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Re: sid doesn't always equal unstable:

2010-07-02 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
On 07/02/2010 10:14 AM, wrote:
 See, sid doesn't always equal unstable:
 $ apt-cache policy ffmpeg
   Installed: 5:0.6~svn20100603-0.0
   Candidate: 5:0.6~svn20100603-0.0
   Version table:
  *** 5:0.6~svn20100603-0.0 0
 500 sid/main Packages
 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

That's sid from debian-multimedia

  4:0.6-2 0
   1 experimental/main Packages
  4:0.5.2-1 0
 500 unstable/main Packages

That's unstable from debian.

 Due to my
 # cat /etc/apt/sources.list
 deb sid main
 deb experimental main contrib non-free
 deb unstable main contrib non-free

As you can see, you have both debian and debian-multimedia repositories.

I don't care where I sit as long as I get fed.
-- Calvin Trillin


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Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:10:59 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Merciadri Luca wrote:

 What is the exact problem you are facing with your current setup (what
 can't you do now and what do you want to achieve)?

 If you share the concrete problem people can provide you a concrete
 solution :-)


 I think that Mr. Metzmeier has understood the problem; I'll investigate
 using the name he gave. Thanks. :-)


Just put your findings here so we all benefit from it :-)



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Re: Misleading Debian's installer choice

2010-07-02 Thread Merciadri Luca
Rob Owens wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 11:26:56PM +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Mark wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Mark wrote:

  Yes, but you said this wasn't for beginners in your original post so
  if a non-beginner can't get the Bootable Flag set up on the right
  partition to boot, they are not a this point
  probably doesn't apply.
 Okay. But why allowing something that has no interest to be done,
 to be
 done, be it by a beginner or not?

 Good point.  Maybe the code didn't fit into the Debian Installer to
 determine which partitions to allow the user to make bootable?  Your
 guess is as good as mine.
 Same applies for the fact of checking at least two times `/stuff/', for
 different (at least two) partitions. If the effect of using such a
 scheme is documented, this might be interesting to understand what it
 does. But it does not look documented, and I don't understand i) what
 could happen if I used such a scheme; ii) its reason to be there.

 Seems like a good reason to file a bug report, if you ask me.  Before
 doing so, you might want to actually try an installation like that.  Who
 knows, maybe the installer will throw an error on the next screen.
Maybe (for the possibly thrown error). I don't know, and I can't test
nowadays because I simply don't have another PC which could receive a
new Debian install. But if somebody can test, I would appreciate
receiving the results.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Misleading Debian's installer choice

2010-07-02 Thread Lisi
On Friday 02 July 2010 15:14:03 Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Rob Owens wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 11:26:56PM +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:
  Mark wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:
  Mark wrote:
   Yes, but you said this wasn't for beginners in your original post
   so if a non-beginner can't get the Bootable Flag set up on the
   right partition to boot, they are not a this
   point probably doesn't apply.
  Okay. But why allowing something that has no interest to be done,
  to be
  done, be it by a beginner or not?
  Good point.  Maybe the code didn't fit into the Debian Installer to
  determine which partitions to allow the user to make bootable?  Your
  guess is as good as mine.
  Same applies for the fact of checking at least two times `/stuff/', for
  different (at least two) partitions. If the effect of using such a
  scheme is documented, this might be interesting to understand what it
  does. But it does not look documented, and I don't understand i) what
  could happen if I used such a scheme; ii) its reason to be there.
  Seems like a good reason to file a bug report, if you ask me.  Before
  doing so, you might want to actually try an installation like that.  Who
  knows, maybe the installer will throw an error on the next screen.

 Maybe (for the possibly thrown error). I don't know, and I can't test
 nowadays because I simply don't have another PC which could receive a
 new Debian install. But if somebody can test, I would appreciate
 receiving the results.

If I have time, I'll try - once I am clear what it is that you want.  I'm 
afraid that at the moment I haven't succeeded in understanding what it is 
that you want.

In your explanation, try to keep things the right way round: mount partitions 
on mount points, not mount points on partitions.  At the moment I am very 
muddled about what you are trying to do.


P.S.  Sorry, Luca.  I have only just got round to investigating why my emails 
go to you and not the list.  It is a problem that I don't usually have, and I 
forgot just now.  Normally I just click reply and it goes to the list.  I 
usually have to click on reply special to reply to the author.

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Re: SATA disk detected as IDE? SOLVED

2010-07-02 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Paul E Condon put forth on 7/1/2010 6:47 PM:

 I'm lurking here, hoping to learn useful stuff about hard drive
 software...  What is NCQ? (in this context, of course) What is
 ATA_NCQ_HORKAGE list? The only hit that I get on this string in Google
 is a link to this email to which I am responding. TIA

I probably mistyped it Paul.  Let's see...

It's actually ATA_HORKAGE_NONCQ.  Google that.


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Re: DebianLive

2010-07-02 Thread kzsyz

for your reference,

From: Celejar
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: DebianLive

On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 10:38:03 +0300
Andrei Popescu wrote:


,[ ]
| This is a collaborative wiki to gather information and to discuss
| technologies used to produce a complex framework to enable production 

| official Debian Live systems, that uses as much as possible official
| Debian packages and, for optional hard disk installation, the
| DebianInstaller.

AFAIK Live Debian is not meant to be installed to harddisk, but can
contain the installer. If you like doing things by hand you can also
just debootstrap.

See here for details about various ways to install to HDD via

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Re: After installation, my P2 is still unable to launch Debian

2010-07-02 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 22:46:20 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:


 The PC then rebooted, and, after the login screen, nothing happens.
 There's still a background (the default one), but no icon, no menu, no
 shortcut working. The mouse can be moved, but nothing more. The only
 working shortcut is Ctrl-Alt-F8, which gives a blinking `-', but nothing


Have you considered the computer may lack for system resources (such as 
RAM or CPU)? Todays DE (GNOME and KDE) are memory hungry, so couldn't be 
that your machine is very busy? :-?

- What are your PII specs (RAM and CPU)?
- Try to start the system without X (just console) and check how it 
- Run top to watch for high processes consumption of RAM and CPU

If non-GUI environment runs just fine and you still need a DE, think 
about switching into a lightweight GUI desktop.



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Re: martian sources iptables

2010-07-02 Thread Bob McGowan
On 07/01/2010 05:34 PM, cosme wrote:
 He puesto un iptables en Debian lenny y cuando lo reinicio me aparece un
 sin número de mensajes con martian sources.
 Qué significan 
 Jul 1 19:00:47 ns1 kernel: [ 5631.909505] martian source
 from, on dev eth0
 Jul 1 19:00:47 ns1 kernel: [ 5631.909505] ll header:
deleted repeating examples

I don't speak Spanish, though I can read enough to figure some of this
out.  I hope you can handle English ;)

And would be more appropriate for
your request, in any case.

You should look up 'martian packet' on wikipedia for details.
Basically, they are packets from illegal source addresses:  private
network values or unallocated address ranges are a couple of examples.

Bob McGowan

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AM3 socket Asus M4A87TD EVO motherboard work flawlessly in Debian?

2010-07-02 Thread H.S.
I am thinking of getting this one. It appears to be a new one from Asus
and I am wondering if Linux supports it in all ways (networking, sound,
etc.). It is an AMD Socket AM3 motherboard: Asus M4A87TD EVO.

Anybody with this mobo can confirm there are no problems with Debian?
For example, someone has mentioned that he can't get audio to work
properly in this.



Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
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Re: After installation, my P2 is still unable to launch Debian

2010-07-02 Thread Merciadri Luca
Camaleón wrote:
 On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 22:46:20 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:


 The PC then rebooted, and, after the login screen, nothing happens.
 There's still a background (the default one), but no icon, no menu, no
 shortcut working. The mouse can be moved, but nothing more. The only
 working shortcut is Ctrl-Alt-F8, which gives a blinking `-', but nothing


 Have you considered the computer may lack for system resources (such as 
 RAM or CPU)? Todays DE (GNOME and KDE) are memory hungry, so couldn't be 
 that your machine is very busy? :-?

 - What are your PII specs (RAM and CPU)?
896 for RAM. For CPU, this is 350 Mhz, but it can do it!
 - Try to start the system without X (just console) and check how it 
It does nothing. Exactly the same.
 - Run top to watch for high processes consumption of RAM and CPU
I can't! I don't have any access to a suitable console!
 If non-GUI environment runs just fine and you still need a DE, think 
 about switching into a lightweight GUI desktop.
It worked previously with another Debian Lenny, coupled with an older
kernel. No reason for it not to work anymore with a more recent one!

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

If you want a thing done right, do it yourself.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 11:27:13 +0200
Merciadri Luca wrote:

 No. That's not at all a proxy. Once you power on the computer, and that
 you want to use Internet, say by Firefox, you are directly redirected to
 a webpage which asks you your university login  your university
 password. Once you have entered this stuff, you are logged on the
 network, and everything is okay. That's a little bit like ADSL where you
 need to type credentials before using the Internet (at the opposite of
 the cable).

One way to do this is to implement a script that will do the
authentication automatically.  Using Perl, you'd whip something
together using something like WWW::Mechanize.

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Re: AM3 socket Asus M4A87TD EVO motherboard work flawlessly in Debian?

2010-07-02 Thread Ron Johnson

On 07/02/2010 11:45 AM, H.S. wrote:

I am thinking of getting this one. It appears to be a new one from Asus
and I am wondering if Linux supports it in all ways (networking, sound,
etc.). It is an AMD Socket AM3 motherboard: Asus M4A87TD EVO.

Anybody with this mobo can confirm there are no problems with Debian?
For example, someone has mentioned that he can't get audio to work
properly in this.

What chipset does it use?

Seek truth from facts.

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Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'

2010-07-02 Thread Merciadri Luca

Celejar wrote:
 On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 11:27:13 +0200
 Merciadri Luca wrote:

 No. That's not at all a proxy. Once you power on the computer, and that
 you want to use Internet, say by Firefox, you are directly redirected to
 a webpage which asks you your university login  your university
 password. Once you have entered this stuff, you are logged on the
 network, and everything is okay. That's a little bit like ADSL where you
 need to type credentials before using the Internet (at the opposite of
 the cable).


 One way to do this is to implement a script that will do the
 authentication automatically.  Using Perl, you'd whip something
 together using something like WWW::Mechanize.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

There is a thin line between love and hate.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Understanding LVM UUIDS

2010-07-02 Thread Daniel Barclay

Aaron Toponce wrote:

UUIDs are unique to the device/filesystem. 

Are these (disk) UUIDs stored somewhere in the partition (in the
filesystem), or are they stored at or generated from a lower level?

In particular, if one used dd to copy the contents (a file system) of
one partition to another partition, does the target partition end up
with the same UUID or a different UUID?  If you did a byte-for-byte
copy of an entire disk to another disk of the exact same size (and
model, but different serial number), would the UUIDs of partitions
change or still be the same on the target disk?)

(Is it similar to, or different than, the situation with filesystem
labels (specifically, that if you copied a partition as above you'd
end up with two partitions with the same label, and you'd have to
change one (or otherwise deal with the non-uniqueness))?)


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Re: Understanding LVM UUIDS

2010-07-02 Thread Ron Johnson

On 07/02/2010 12:40 PM, Daniel Barclay wrote:

Aaron Toponce wrote:

UUIDs are unique to the device/filesystem.

Are these (disk) UUIDs stored somewhere in the partition (in the
filesystem), or are they stored at or generated from a lower level?

In the superblock.

# dumpe2fs -h /dev/mapper/main_huge_vg-main_huge_lv
dumpe2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Filesystem volume name:   BIG_LV
Last mounted on:  /data/big
Filesystem UUID:  4efe50a9-0915-4022-8446-a036607492b7
Filesystem magic number:  0xEF53
Filesystem revision #:1 (dynamic)
Filesystem features:  has_journal ext_attr resize_inode 
dir_index filetype needs_recovery extent flex_bg sparse_super 
large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize

Filesystem flags: signed_directory_hash
Default mount options:(none)
Filesystem state: clean
Errors behavior:  Continue
Filesystem OS type:   Linux
Inode count:  241491968
Block count:  965967872
Reserved block count: 48298393
Free blocks:  323162178
Free inodes:  241184065
First block:  0
Block size:   4096
Fragment size:4096
Reserved GDT blocks:  793
Blocks per group: 32768
Fragments per group:  32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode blocks per group:   512
Flex block group size:16
Filesystem created:   Thu Jul 23 19:32:26 2009
Last mount time:  Sat May 29 08:46:56 2010
Last write time:  Sat May 29 08:46:56 2010
Mount count:  4
Maximum mount count:  26
Last checked: Sat May  8 21:02:48 2010
Check interval:   15552000 (6 months)
Next check after: Thu Nov  4 21:02:48 2010
Lifetime writes:  1825 GB
Reserved blocks uid:  0 (user root)
Reserved blocks gid:  0 (group root)
First inode:  11
Inode size:   256
Required extra isize: 28
Desired extra isize:  28
Journal inode:8
Default directory hash:   half_md4
Directory Hash Seed:  1a030567-e52e-4f1e-bc60-31a288283802
Journal backup:   inode blocks
Journal features: journal_incompat_revoke
Journal size: 128M
Journal length:   32768
Journal sequence: 0x00032ed5
Journal start:12599

In particular, if one used dd to copy the contents (a file system) of
one partition to another partition, does the target partition end up
with the same UUID or a different UUID? If you did a byte-for-byte
copy of an entire disk to another disk of the exact same size (and
model, but different serial number), would the UUIDs of partitions
change or still be the same on the target disk?)

(Is it similar to, or different than, the situation with filesystem
labels (specifically, that if you copied a partition as above you'd
end up with two partitions with the same label, and you'd have to
change one (or otherwise deal with the non-uniqueness))?)


Seek truth from facts.

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Re: First Debian Installation: totally brain-dead. Where do I go from here?

2010-07-02 Thread Joe

On 02/07/10 14:03, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 02/07/10 08:46, Andrei Popescu wrote:

[Please reply to debian-user only. If you are not subscribed please ask
for CCs]

(full quote for context)

On Vi, 02 iul 10, 00:49:53, Keith Mitchell wrote:

I decided to build a Linux box instead of emulating Linux using
VM-Ware under Windows. I heard Debian was the way to go. I have
created Red-Hat and Ubuntu Linux boxes in the past with no problems.

This, my very first Debian installation, and it has been a total
nightmare! I created a dual-boot installation on my ancient Gateway
dual-processor workstation as I used to have in the past. This time it
is XP and Debian. I reassigned one full 70-GB SCSI drive previously
formatted with an XP NTFS file system to Linux plus another 5-GB of
swap-space on another physical SCSI drive (for performance). This I
know is OK.

What network connection do you have?

I then followed the instructions on the web-site for installing Debian
with internet connectivity.

Did the network setup step during the installation work?

The web instructions said burn a minimal CD, and download what you
need from the internet.

1. I downloaded the .iso file, and burnt a bootable-CD (not DVD).
2. I used that CD and installed Debian. I now have a minimal and
totally brain-dead Linux installation.

I don't know what you mean by brain-dead. Does it connect to the

Can you look in /etc/apt/sources.list and tell us what is there. There
was a question during installation about selecting network mirrors, and
it should have written the info into this file.

It very much depends on the answer to the question above. If your
connection worked during install you probably didn't select any task
(like Desktop). If your connection didn't work if couldn't have
downloaded all the needed packages and you might need DVD1 to get a
decent install.

To be a bit clearer. There is a process during install to select some
standard configurations - if you did this you should have a lot of what
is missing. If you didn't - no matter - you can select additional
packages later. If your /etc/apt/sources.list file is sensible then you
just run


Once this is running - you can then search for packages by typing '/'
followed by a pattern (normally just the name or partial name of a
package you are searching for). Aptitude should pick up and find the
next entry that matches as you are typing. Hit Enter to finish the
search and then 'n' to just to the next entry matching the search.

To install the ENTIRE gnome desktop for instance you just select
'gnome'. It then picks up all the dependencies and installs it for you
(there is a much more normal subset called gnome-desktop-environment and
I think there may even by a minimal)

3. There is no gcc compiler. There is no Firefox web browser.

Firefox is called Iceweasel in Debian because of licencing issues. Both
would have been installed in a normal standard install if you had a
network connection.

4. I went back to the Debian web-site for instructions on how to
proceed from here. There were no instructions for how to proceed from
here. Even MinGW on Windows has a minimal Linux working set. How do I
download a file working-set without requesting each file one by one?
5. Right now it seems my only option is using Gatesware Windows to
download an Ubuntu distribution, a distribution that does work, use
the .iso file to create a CD or DVD, and blow away the Debian crap
that does not work.

Once you have even a minimal installation (which should not normally be
the case) you can easily work from there. No need to download anymore CD
or DVD files provided the machine is connected to the internet. It is
only when it is not that you have to rely on these other things.

Any suggestions before I blow Debian away?


1) Ask for help on this list
2) Calm down and don't start with the assumption that Debian is brain
dead. Normally it isn't.

Sometimes I'm not sure. A couple of years ago, I installed etch from 
scratch on a new machine rather than upgrading and migrating my old 
sarge. The sarge installer was fairly good, so I'd let the standard 
installation go ahead. It was a practice installation, to get the feel 
of it before I got down to the details of partitioning, etc.

It was a netinstall, and so had made considerable use of the Internet, 
and I was a bit taken aback to do the final reboot and find that there 
was no networking. Not even localhost. I filed this as a bug, but of 
course received the usual reply that this wasn't a bug.

In those days I was using fixed addresses on my couple of network 
machines, and so was not running dhcp on the sarge machine. Apparently, 
if during the installation, a dhcp server was not found, and you hadn't 
picked the expert install, you didn't get offered networking. A feature, 
not a bug.

As it happens, I was experienced enough to get it working, but the 
situation might have come as a surprise to a beginner, 

Re: After installation, my P2 is still unable to launch Debian

2010-07-02 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 18:53:10 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:

 Have you considered the computer may lack for system resources (such as
 RAM or CPU)? Todays DE (GNOME and KDE) are memory hungry, so couldn't
 be that your machine is very busy? :-?

 - What are your PII specs (RAM and CPU)?
 896 for RAM. For CPU, this is 350 Mhz, but it can do it!

Are you sure? :-)

RAM is okay but CPU is a bit slow, bus limited, non-multithread, single 

 - Try to start the system without X (just console) and check how it
 It does nothing. Exactly the same.

The same cannot be :-)

Without X you cannot reach the desktop, you should be at console and see 
nothing more than a black screen and a login:_ prompt.

 - Run top to watch for high processes consumption of RAM and CPU
 I can't! I don't have any access to a suitable console!

Then you are still with X loaded. Try to boot in init 1 (single user 
mode). I used to boot at init 3 in openSUSE to get no X environment but 
dunno how can this be done in Debian :-?

 If non-GUI environment runs just fine and you still need a DE, think
 about switching into a lightweight GUI desktop.
 It worked previously with another Debian Lenny, coupled with an older
 kernel. No reason for it not to work anymore with a more recent one!

Ok, ok, calm down :-)



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Re: First Debian Installation: totally brain-dead. Where do I go from here?

2010-07-02 Thread Arthur Machlas
 On Vi, 02 iul 10, 00:49:53, Keith Mitchell wrote:
 I decided to build a Linux box instead of emulating Linux using
 VM-Ware under Windows. I heard Debian was the way to go. I have
 created Red-Hat and Ubuntu Linux boxes in the past with no problems.

Who did you hear this from? Irrelevant, they are wrong. Debian is not
always the way to go. If you heard sometimes Debian is the best way
to go, then I would agree with that.

 This, my very first Debian installation, and it has been a total

You have two choices to wake up from this nightmare: Take the blue
pill, install RedHat, Ubuntu or use Windows. You wake up and believe
whatever you want to believe about Debain. Or take the red pill, with
a glass of humility, and see how far down the rabbit hole goes.

 I then followed the instructions on the web-site for installing Debian
 with internet connectivity.

Provide link.

 The web instructions said burn a minimal CD, and download what you
 need from the internet.

 1. I downloaded the .iso file, and burnt a bootable-CD (not DVD).
 2. I used that CD and installed Debian. I now have a minimal and
 totally brain-dead Linux installation.

Unlike many other distros, Debian does not ship with a brain as it
expects the user to provide one.

 3. There is no gcc compiler. There is no Firefox web browser.

What is installed depends on how you installed it. If the instructions
you read really did only say what you quoted, then they are not very
good instructions. You should provide a link so that we might provide
you with alternate instructions.

Also Debian does not have Firefox, it has Iceweasel.

 4. I went back to the Debian web-site for instructions on how to
 proceed from here. There were no instructions for how to proceed from
 here. Even MinGW on Windows has a minimal Linux working set. How do I
 download a file working-set without requesting each file one by one?

During installation there is something called tasksel. You check a box
that says desktop and it installs some sensible things.

 5. Right now it seems my only option is using Gatesware Windows to
 download an Ubuntu distribution, a distribution that does work, use
 the .iso file to create a CD or DVD, and blow away the Debian crap
 that does not work.

It appears you thought of at least one other option before considering
that one, which unfortunately involved this mailing list.

 Any suggestions before I blow Debian away?

Blow away Ahab, blow it all away.





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Re: Maple 14 and Squeeze (amd64): SOLVED

2010-07-02 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hello List,

finally I resolved the issue.

On 01/07/10 09:12, Jerome BENOIT wrote:

Hello List,

On 30/06/10 21:56, Jordan Metzmeier wrote:

Hash: SHA256

On 06/30/2010 09:25 AM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:

Hello List,

I am installing the last Maple version (Maple 14) on my Squeeze box
the command-in-line works fine, but I have trouble with the Java
A small console pops up with the tile ``Kernel Connection Not
and the message ``waiting for kernel connection''. On the xterm, I get
more details.

Exception in thread kernel startup timeout check
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attempt to change running kernel:
0to starting state.
at com.maplesoft.client.KernelProxy.setKernelStarting(Unknown
com.maplesoft.client.KernelProxy.createKernelConnection(Unknown Source)


Note that the former Maple version (Maple 13.02) works well on my boxes.

I have tried with OpenJDK and Sun-Java: in both case I have the same

Any idea hint is welcome in view to make it work.

Thanks in advance,

This could be bug #560044 [1]. Check out the report, there are details
on how to disable net.ipv6.bindv6only.

I noticed this before my email: it is already disabled on my box.
I guess I had to do so to run Maple 13 properly.



For the record:

The following thread was very useful:

I uninstalled Maple 14, then I installed the lsb-core package,
which appeared to be uninstalled on my box,
then I reinstalled Maple 14 (in console mode, i.e. option `-i console'):
now I can enjoy Maple 14 on my Squeeze box :-)


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Signing Email Messages

2010-07-02 Thread Arthur Machlas
I just recently setup encrypted mail for my personal mail account,
using icedove and enigmail. I'm curious about a general feature of
signing the email. Why can't I just copy the signature portion of
the email, which many people on this list attach to their posts, and
paste it at the bottom of a fake email? Appreciate any comments or
links you may have.


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Re: Signing Email Messages

2010-07-02 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 13:52:47 -0500
Arthur Machlas wrote:

 I just recently setup encrypted mail for my personal mail account,
 using icedove and enigmail. I'm curious about a general feature of
 signing the email. Why can't I just copy the signature portion of
 the email, which many people on this list attach to their posts, and
 paste it at the bottom of a fake email? Appreciate any comments or
 links you may have.

Look at the signatures carefully.  Each one, even from the same signer,
is different, and depends on the exact contents of the message.  The
whole point of a signature is that if one is improperly attached to a
message, it won't match, and the mail reader or other client will
notice this.

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Re: Signing Email Messages

2010-07-02 Thread Arthur Machlas
On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Celejar wrote:
 On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 13:52:47 -0500
 Arthur Machlas wrote:

 I just recently setup encrypted mail for my personal mail account,
 using icedove and enigmail. I'm curious about a general feature of
 signing the email. Why can't I just copy the signature portion of
 the email, which many people on this list attach to their posts, and
 paste it at the bottom of a fake email? Appreciate any comments or
 links you may have.

 Look at the signatures carefully.  Each one, even from the same signer,
 is different, and depends on the exact contents of the message.  The
 whole point of a signature is that if one is improperly attached to a
 message, it won't match, and the mail reader or other client will
 notice this.


Make abundant sense. And I assume they'd need my public key to verify
the signature?

Thanks Celejar

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Re: Signing Email Messages

2010-07-02 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 14:17:50 -0500
Arthur Machlas wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Celejar wrote:
  On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 13:52:47 -0500
  Arthur Machlas wrote:
  I just recently setup encrypted mail for my personal mail account,
  using icedove and enigmail. I'm curious about a general feature of
  signing the email. Why can't I just copy the signature portion of
  the email, which many people on this list attach to their posts, and
  paste it at the bottom of a fake email? Appreciate any comments or
  links you may have.
  Look at the signatures carefully.  Each one, even from the same signer,
  is different, and depends on the exact contents of the message.  The
  whole point of a signature is that if one is improperly attached to a
  message, it won't match, and the mail reader or other client will
  notice this.
 Make abundant sense. And I assume they'd need my public key to verify
 the signature?

Exactly.  A mail client that receives a message signed by you
generally tries to look up your public key from a keyserver.

-- - Feeds OFFLine, an offline RSS/Atom aggregator - remote access via secure (OpenPGP) email - A Simple Sudoku Solver and Generator

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Re: First Debian Installation: totally brain-dead. Where do I go from here?

2010-07-02 Thread Keith Mitchell
Thanks Guys:

Looks like a serious operator malfunction on my part. My first time
with an internet install. In the past, I had a CD with the whole
distribution on it.

First, Sorry. I did not wish to infer that Debian itself is
brain-dead. I meant the minimal installation that I myself created
with almost no applications installed is brain dead.

I wrongly assumed that once installation was complete, I would easily
find a package manager that would finish downloading all packages that
I need.

I spend most of my life on Windows, but prefer to use Open Source
software that runs everywhere. Firefox and Thunderbird do have
copyrighted stuff, however, Iceweasel did not have a Windows
installation, otherwise I would be using it on Windows.

Looks like the only solution is to blow things out and try again from scratch.

Sorry if I broke web-protocol. I do not know what the protocol is here.

Thanks to all for the feedback.


On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Alan Chandler wrote:
 On 02/07/10 08:46, Andrei Popescu wrote:

 [Please reply to debian-user only. If you are not subscribed please ask
 for CCs]

 (full quote for context)

 On Vi, 02 iul 10, 00:49:53, Keith Mitchell wrote:

 I decided to build a Linux box instead of emulating Linux using
 VM-Ware under Windows. I heard Debian was the way to go. I have
 created Red-Hat and Ubuntu Linux boxes in the past with no problems.

 This, my very first Debian installation, and it has been a total
 nightmare! I created a dual-boot installation on my ancient Gateway
 dual-processor workstation as I used to have in the past. This time it
 is XP and Debian. I reassigned one full 70-GB SCSI drive previously
 formatted with an XP NTFS file system to Linux plus another 5-GB of
 swap-space on another physical SCSI drive (for performance). This I
 know is OK.

 What network connection do you have?

 I then followed the instructions on the web-site for installing Debian
 with internet connectivity.

 Did the network setup step during the installation work?

 The web instructions said burn a minimal CD, and download what you
 need from the internet.

 1. I downloaded the .iso file, and burnt a bootable-CD (not DVD).
 2. I used that CD and installed Debian. I now have a minimal and
 totally brain-dead Linux installation.

 I don't know what you mean by brain-dead.  Does it connect to the

 Can you look in /etc/apt/sources.list and tell us what is there.  There was
 a question during installation about selecting network mirrors, and it
 should have written the info into this file.

 It very much depends on the answer to the question above. If your
 connection worked during install you probably didn't select any task
 (like Desktop). If your connection didn't work if couldn't have
 downloaded all the needed packages and you might need DVD1 to get a
 decent install.

 To be a bit clearer.  There is a process during install to select some
 standard configurations - if you did this you should have a lot of what is
 missing. If you didn't - no matter - you can select additional packages
 later.  If your /etc/apt/sources.list file is sensible then you just run


 Once this is running - you can then search for packages by typing '/'
 followed by a pattern (normally just the name or partial name of a package
 you are searching for).  Aptitude should pick up and find the next entry
 that matches as you are typing.  Hit Enter to finish the search and then 'n'
 to just to the next entry matching the search.

 To install the ENTIRE gnome desktop for instance you just select 'gnome'. It
 then picks up all the dependencies and installs it for you (there is a much
 more normal subset called gnome-desktop-environment and I think there may
 even by a minimal)

 3. There is no gcc compiler. There is no Firefox web browser.

 Firefox is called Iceweasel in Debian because of licencing issues.  Both
 would have been installed in a normal standard install if you had a network

 4. I went back to the Debian web-site for instructions on how to
 proceed from here. There were no instructions for how to proceed from
 here. Even MinGW on Windows has a minimal Linux working set. How do I
 download a file working-set without requesting each file one by one?
 5. Right now it seems my only option is using Gatesware Windows to
 download an Ubuntu distribution, a distribution that does work, use
 the .iso file to create a CD or DVD, and blow away the Debian crap
 that does not work.

 Once you have even a minimal installation (which should not normally be the
 case) you can easily work from there.  No need to download anymore CD or DVD
 files provided the machine is connected to the internet. It is only when it
 is not that you have to rely on these other things.

 Any suggestions before I blow Debian away?


 1) Ask for help on this list
 2) Calm down and don't start with the assumption that Debian is brain dead.
  Normally it isn't.

Re: Signing Email Messages

2010-07-02 Thread Brad Rogers
On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 14:17:50 -0500
Arthur Machlas wrote:

Hello Arthur,

 Make abundant sense. And I assume they'd need my public key to verify
 the signature?

Yes.  Upload it to one of the (many) keyservers available for this
purpose, and they won't have to nag you for it.

However, before you upload your public key, make sure you generate a
revocation certificate for it.  That way, if your key par ever do become
compromised, you can still revoke the public key and generate a new key

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
I am alone there's nobody there
I Look Alone - Buzzcocks

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