scanimage -L ne trouve pas mon scanner (en tant que user)

2010-07-31 Thread Grégory Bulot

Question concerne saned, Debian stable

A chaque redémarrage de mon pc, le périphérique associé à mon scanner
usb se retrouve avec les droits lp:vboxusers (/dev/bus/usb/001/006)

je suis obligé en root de faire un hp-check pour trouver sur quel bus
est mon scanner/imprimante (/dev/bus/usb/001/006 dans le cas présent)

puis refaire un chown lp:saned /dev/bus/usb/001/006
Ensuite en tant qu'utilisateur il est possible de scanner ...

Comment puis-je savoir quel script modifier (/etc/udev/rules.d/* ?)
pour affecter les bon droits ?

Note :  
grep -ri 03f0 /etc/udev/* | grep 0011 
ne me retourne aucun résultat, sachant que le lsusb pour ce combiné lp, scan 
est 03f0:0011

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Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-07-31 Thread giggz

derrière mon routeur j'ai :
un NAS
un laptop
un eeepc

le NAS est configuré pour faire du ftp, du cifs et du NFS vers ces
machines. Chaque machine a une ip fixe attribuée par le routeur.

je veux récupérer un fichier situé sur mon NAS à partir de mon eeepc
sous debian lenny/backport. et ça ne fonctionne pas. Les symptomes sont
les suivants :
- je peux me connecter sans problème de mon eeepc vers le NAS via ftp,
cifs ou NFS. je peux lister et me balader dans mes partages. Par contre
dès que j'essaye de récupérer un fichier, le transfert se bloque quelque
soit le logiciel utilisé (ftp, gftp, NFS+rsync, cifs+rsync). et il me
transfère 12K... :D

Voilà ce que j'ai tenté :
- j'ai bouté mon eeepc sous w7. aucun problème de transfert via samba.
- j'ai bouté mon eeepc sous backtrack. aucun problème de transfert via ftp.
- je pensais à une mauvaise configuration du NAS; j'ai donc tenté avec
mon autre laptop sous SID. aucun problème. tout marche : ftp, cifs et NFS.
- j'ai pensé à un problème de droits: les users sont les mêmes entre mon
laptop et mon eeepc...avec les mêmes uid.; j'ai tenté de télécharger
dans /tmp...ça ne marche pas. le transfert se bloque toujours après 12K...
- j'ai pensé à un problème de parefeu. j'ai désactivé le parefeu. j'ai
activé le parefeu en laissant tout ouvert...le problème persiste...

bref je n'y comprends plus rien. Si vous avez des idées d'où ça peut surtout où chercher...

j'ai oublié de préciser: j'ai évidemment regarder les logs (messages,
syslog, auth, user) et rien de rien...

Merci d'avance

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Re: Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-07-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg

giggz a écrit :
 je veux récupérer un fichier situé sur mon NAS à partir de mon eeepc
 sous debian lenny/backport. et ça ne fonctionne pas. Les symptomes sont
 les suivants :
 - je peux me connecter sans problème de mon eeepc vers le NAS via ftp,
 cifs ou NFS. je peux lister et me balader dans mes partages. Par contre
 dès que j'essaye de récupérer un fichier, le transfert se bloque quelque
 soit le logiciel utilisé (ftp, gftp, NFS+rsync, cifs+rsync). et il me
 transfère 12K... :D

Est-ce que le transfert d'un fichier de moins de 12 ko marche ?
Et dans l'autre sens, est-ce que l'envoi d'un fichier de plus de 12 ko
marche ?

 - j'ai bouté mon eeepc sous w7. aucun problème de transfert via samba.
 - j'ai bouté mon eeepc sous backtrack. aucun problème de transfert via ftp.
 - je pensais à une mauvaise configuration du NAS; j'ai donc tenté avec
 mon autre laptop sous SID. aucun problème. tout marche : ftp, cifs et NFS.

C'est peut-être un problème réseau, au niveau TCP/IP, comme une option
TCP mal gérée d'un côté ou de l'autre. Quelles versions de noyau sur les
différentes machines ? Tu pourrais faire une capture de trafic lors d'un
transfert (en FTP de préférence, c'est plus simple) quand ça marche et
quand ça bloque pour comparer.

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Re: Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-07-31 Thread giggz
Le 31/07/2010 13:24, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 giggz a écrit :

 je veux récupérer un fichier situé sur mon NAS à partir de mon eeepc
 sous debian lenny/backport. et ça ne fonctionne pas. Les symptomes sont
 les suivants :
 - je peux me connecter sans problème de mon eeepc vers le NAS via ftp,
 cifs ou NFS. je peux lister et me balader dans mes partages. Par contre
 dès que j'essaye de récupérer un fichier, le transfert se bloque quelque
 soit le logiciel utilisé (ftp, gftp, NFS+rsync, cifs+rsync). et il me
 transfère 12K... :D
 Est-ce que le transfert d'un fichier de moins de 12 ko marche ?

oui mais c'est très lent.

 Et dans l'autre sens, est-ce que l'envoi d'un fichier de plus de 12 ko
 marche ?

oui (test avec un fichier de 100Mo) avec un taux de transfert rapide
normal pour du 100Mb/s.

 - j'ai bouté mon eeepc sous w7. aucun problème de transfert via samba.
 - j'ai bouté mon eeepc sous backtrack. aucun problème de transfert via ftp.
 - je pensais à une mauvaise configuration du NAS; j'ai donc tenté avec
 mon autre laptop sous SID. aucun problème. tout marche : ftp, cifs et NFS.
 C'est peut-être un problème réseau, au niveau TCP/IP, comme une option
 TCP mal gérée d'un côté ou de l'autre. Quelles versions de noyau sur les
 différentes machines ? Tu pourrais faire une capture de trafic lors d'un
 transfert (en FTP de préférence, c'est plus simple) quand ça marche et
 quand ça bloque pour comparer.

sur le eeepc j'ai une debian lenny + backport. J'ai le dernier kernel de
backport le :

sur le laptop j'ai une debian sid avec un compilé à la main.

Pour la capture j'utilise quoi ? tcpdump ou wireshark ? quel est le plus
simple à utiliser pour qqn qui n'y connait pas grand chose ?


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Re: Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-07-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg
giggz a écrit :
 Pour la capture j'utilise quoi ? tcpdump ou wireshark ?

Peu importe, celui que tu sais le mieux utiliser.
Il y a aussi tshark, la version console de wireshark.

 quel est le plus
 simple à utiliser pour qqn qui n'y connait pas grand chose ?

Probablement wireshark, parce que c'est graphique.
Mais tcpdump est simple à utiliser pour afficher une trace facile à
copier à la souris ou à rediriger dans un fichier :

# tcpdump -ni interface host adresse_ip_nas
(ctrl+c pour quitter)

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Re: Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-07-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 # tcpdump -ni interface host adresse_ip_nas
 (ctrl+c pour quitter)

A la réflexion, l'option -v serait utile pour afficher plus des détails
sur les paquets.

# tcpdump -nvi interface host adresse_ip_nas

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Re: Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-07-31 Thread giggz
Le 31/07/2010 14:16, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 giggz a écrit :

 Pour la capture j'utilise quoi ? tcpdump ou wireshark ?
 Peu importe, celui que tu sais le mieux utiliser.
 Il y a aussi tshark, la version console de wireshark.
 quel est le plus
 simple à utiliser pour qqn qui n'y connait pas grand chose ?
 Probablement wireshark, parce que c'est graphique.
 Mais tcpdump est simple à utiliser pour afficher une trace facile à
 copier à la souris ou à rediriger dans un fichier :
 # tcpdump -ni interface host adresse_ip_nas
 (ctrl+c pour quitter)

je fais un
tcpdump -nvi eth0 host adresse_ip_nas  pb_NAS.txt

question de NooB : les login/password en ftp sont en clair. si je
copie/colle ce que me sort tcpdump, est ce que  mon login/password est
lisible ?

Merci :)

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Re: Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-07-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg
giggz a écrit :
 question de NooB : les login/password en ftp sont en clair. si je
 copie/colle ce que me sort tcpdump, est ce que  mon login/password est
 lisible ?

Normalement par défaut tcpdump ne fait pas l'analyse du protocole FTP
(wireshark/tshark si en revanche) et n'affiche pas non plus les données
des paquets, seulement les champs des en-têtes. Mais ça dépend peut-être
des versions.

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Re: scanimage -L ne trouve pas mon scanner (en tant que user)

2010-07-31 Thread JF Straeten

[Sorry pour le 1ier reply privé ; me suis *encore* fait avoir...]

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:57:36AM +0200, Grégory Bulot wrote:

 Question concerne saned, Debian stable

Même plutôt udev ;)

 Comment puis-je savoir quel script modifier (/etc/udev/rules.d/* ?)
 pour affecter les bon droits ?

 Note :
   grep -ri 03f0 /etc/udev/* | grep 0011
 ne me retourne aucun résultat, sachant que le lsusb pour ce combiné lp, scan 

Si '0011' est l'idProduct de ton scanner HP, il n'est pas dans les
règles udev...

Essaye un peu d'ajouter la ligne suivante :

SYSFS{idVendor}==03f0, SYSFS{idProduct}==0011, MODE=0664, GROUP=scanner,

soit directement dans /etc/udev/rules.d/z60_libsane.rules, soit
(mieux, je crois[1]), dans /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules (que tu crées
au besoin).


[1] D'après /usr/share/doc/udev/writing_udev_rules/index.html :

 « Files in /etc/udev/rules.d/ are parsed in lexical order, and in
 some circumstances, the order in which rules are parsed is important.
 In general, you want your own rules to be parsed before the defaults,
 so I suggest you create a file at /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules
 and write all your rules into this file. »

Suivre ça semble donc plus indiqué en cas d'upgrade (modulo le fait
que ton scanner est peut-être maintenant dans les nouvelles

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Re: Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-07-31 Thread giggz
Le 31/07/2010 14:39, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 giggz a écrit :

 question de NooB : les login/password en ftp sont en clair. si je
 copie/colle ce que me sort tcpdump, est ce que  mon login/password est
 lisible ?
 Normalement par défaut tcpdump ne fait pas l'analyse du protocole FTP
 (wireshark/tshark si en revanche) et n'affiche pas non plus les données
 des paquets, seulement les champs des en-têtes. Mais ça dépend peut-être
 des versions.

ok. je joins le fichier en question. apparemment je ne vois pas mon mot
de passe...c'est déjà ça. dis moi qd même, s'il te plait, si je dois ou
non changer mon password ;)

En gros voilà ce que j'ai fait :
je me connecte sur mon NAS en ftp -p
ensuite je me balade dans mes répertoires et lance un get.
rien ne se passe.
je fais un ctrl+c
et encore un autre.
puis bye
et voilà.

Merci d'avance
14:24:39.874317 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 46792, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 44) S, cksum 0x1e6a 
(correct), 2487174152:2487174152(0) win 5808 mss 1452
14:24:39.874537 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), 
length 44) S, cksum 0x39f4 (correct), 
619233108:619233108(0) ack 2487174153 win 5840 mss 1460
14:24:39.874653 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 46793, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 40) ., cksum 0x51d1 
(correct), ack 1 win 5808
14:24:39.913398 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54843, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 102) P 1:63(62) ack 1 win 
14:24:39.913523 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 46794, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 40) ., cksum 0x5193 
(correct), ack 63 win 5808
14:24:41.039400 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 46795, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 52) P, cksum 0x8180 
(incorrect (- 0xb886), 1:13(12) ack 63 win 5808
14:24:41.039608 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54844, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 40) ., cksum 0x5167 
(correct), ack 13 win 5840
14:24:41.048400 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54845, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 73) P, cksum 0x4201 
(correct), 63:96(33) ack 13 win 5840
14:24:41.048513 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 46796, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 40) ., cksum 0x5166 
(correct), ack 96 win 5808
14:24:43.991953 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 46797, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 54) P, cksum 0x8182 
(incorrect (- 0x6891), 13:27(14) ack 96 win 5808
14:24:44.025514 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54846, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 40) ., cksum 0x5138 
(correct), ack 27 win 5840
14:24:44.085207 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54847, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 66) P, cksum 0x70c2 
(correct), 96:122(26) ack 27 win 5840
14:24:44.085331 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 46798, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 40) ., cksum 0x513e 
(correct), ack 122 win 5808
14:24:44.085444 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 46799, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 46) P, cksum 0x817a 
(incorrect (- 0x9d78), 27:33(6) ack 122 win 5808
14:24:44.085624 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54848, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 40) ., cksum 0x5118 
(correct), ack 33 win 5840
14:24:44.089889 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54849, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 59) P, cksum 0xe9ac 
(correct), 122:141(19) ack 33 win 5840
14:24:44.127296 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 46800, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 40) ., cksum 0x5125 
(correct), ack 141 win 5808
14:24:47.747473 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 46801, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 46) P, cksum 0x817a 
(incorrect (- 0xa075), 33:39(6) ack 141 win 5808
14:24:47.755380 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54850, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 89) P 141:190(49) ack 39 win 
14:24:47.755508 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 46802, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 40) ., cksum 0x50ee 
(correct), ack 190 win 5808
14:24:47.755666 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 13693, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 44) S, cksum 0xac50 
(correct), 2613432078:2613432078(0) win 5808 mss 1452
14:24:47.755863 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), 
length 44) S, cksum 0x5cac (correct), 
617753241:617753241(0) ack 2613432079 win 5840 mss 


2010-07-31 Thread Le Farfadet Spatial

Salut à tous !

Ne prenez pas en compte ce message, il s'agit d'un test : je 
n'arrive plus à envoyer de message à la liste et je n'arrive pas non 
plus à en envoyer à « listmaster ».

À bientôt.


L'antre du farfadet :
Textes, musiques et peintures

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2010-07-31 Thread Zuthos
Habituellement, je n'aime pas beaucoup le flash. Voir pas du tout.

Hors, je suis obligé d'utilisé un site demandant la derniére version d'adove 

Il semble que pour nous, il faut utiliser flashplugins-nonfree.

Toutefois, je n'arrive pas à le trouver. Mes recherches à l'aide de Google et 
Exalad non rien donné :-(

Merci de me mettre sur une piste

Belle prise. Ce matin, a Miami, le shérif John Devan a fait une prise 
record de cocaïne : 1 g dans chaque narine.
-+- Les nuls -+-

Description: Digital signature

Netinstall sur usb plante, il veut un CD

2010-07-31 Thread ml


J'essaye d'installer une squeeze sur mon netbook (dell mini9) depuis une
clé usb (créée avec unetbootin, avec les iso netinstall ou cd1 du weekly
build de squeeze).
ça boot, le programme d'install se lance correctement, mais après langue
et clavier il veut absolument charger les drivers pour un lecteur de
cd-rom, et évidemment c'est difficile (y'en a pas), et pas moyen d'aller
plus loin... (idem en netinstall et avec le cd1)

Une idée ?


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Re: flashplugins-nonfree

2010-07-31 Thread David Prévot
Hash: SHA1

Le 31/07/2010 14:44, Zuthos a écrit :


 Il semble que pour nous, il faut utiliser flashplugins-nonfree.
 Toutefois, je n'arrive pas à le trouver.

Enlève le « s » :

$ apt-cache show flashplugin-nonfree
Package: flashplugin-nonfree
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/web
Description-fr: Lecteur Flash d'Adobe - greffon pour navigateur
 Ce paquet télécharge le lecteur Flash d'Adobe. C'est un greffon de type

Mérite le détour, d'autant plus lors de l'utilisation d'amd64...

 Mes recherches à l'aide de Google et Exalad non rien donné :-(

La prochaine fois utilise Debian ;-) :

$ apt-cache search flash plugin nonfree
flashplugin-nonfree - Lecteur Flash d'Adobe - greffon pour navigateur



Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Netinstall sur usb plante, il veut un CD

2010-07-31 Thread David Prévot
Hash: SHA1

Le 31/07/2010 14:59, a écrit :
 J'essaye d'installer une squeeze sur mon netbook (dell mini9) depuis une
 clé usb (créée avec unetbootin, avec les iso netinstall ou cd1 du weekly
 build de squeeze).

Pourquoi ne pas plutôt la méthode décrite dans le guide d'installation ?



Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: flashplugins-nonfree

2010-07-31 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Saturday 31 July 2010 20:44:30 Zuthos wrote:
 Habituellement, je n'aime pas beaucoup le flash. Voir pas du tout.
 Hors, je suis obligé d'utilisé un site demandant la derniére version
 d'adove flash.
 Il semble que pour nous, il faut utiliser flashplugins-nonfree.
 Toutefois, je n'arrive pas à le trouver. Mes recherches à l'aide de Google
 et Exalad non rien donné :-(
 Merci de me mettre sur une piste

Lenny, squeeze ou sid?

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Re: Test

2010-07-31 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14821ième jour après Epoch,
Le Farfadet Spatial écrivait:

 Salut à tous !

 Ne prenez pas en compte ce message, il s'agit d'un test : je
 n'arrive plus à envoyer de message à la liste et je n'arrive pas non
 plus à en envoyer à « listmaster ».

Un peu de lecture, surtout le 6ième point:

Tu aurais pû en profiter pour par exemple donner des codes d'erreur, des
extraits de ta log, etc...

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Re: Test

2010-07-31 Thread Le Farfelu Spécial
Le Sat, 31 Jul 2010 22:57:10 +0200, (François TOURDE) a écrit :

 Le 14821ième jour après Epoch,
 Le Farfadet Spatial écrivait:
  Salut à tous !
  Ne prenez pas en compte ce message, il s'agit d'un test : je
  n'arrive plus à envoyer de message à la liste et je n'arrive pas non
  plus à en envoyer à « listmaster ».
 Un peu de lecture, surtout le 6ième point:
 Tu aurais pû en profiter pour par exemple donner des codes d'erreur, des
 extraits de ta log, etc...
Je me demandais qui allait soulever ce point le premier :)

X-rated movies are all alike ... the only thing they leave to the
imagination is the plot.

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Re: Test

2010-07-31 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14821ième jour après Epoch,
Le Farfelu Spécial écrivait:

 Le Sat, 31 Jul 2010 22:57:10 +0200, (François TOURDE) a écrit :

 Le 14821ième jour après Epoch,
 Le Farfadet Spatial écrivait:
  Salut à tous !
  Ne prenez pas en compte ce message, il s'agit d'un test : je
  n'arrive plus à envoyer de message à la liste et je n'arrive pas non
  plus à en envoyer à « listmaster ».
 Un peu de lecture, surtout le 6ième point:
 Tu aurais pû en profiter pour par exemple donner des codes d'erreur, des
 extraits de ta log, etc...
 Je me demandais qui allait soulever ce point le premier :)

Bah, facile... Forcément un chieur ;)

En tout cas, ravi de voir que ça remarche.

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Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread AngelD
Tengo una magnífica impresora (Konica Minolta Magicolor 2500W)
que no funciona en Linux bajo ningún concepto. Para solucionarlo he
optado por instalar una máquina virtual con Windows para que haga de
servidor de impresión para esta impresora.

Una vez instalada la máquina virtual con KVM, le paso la
impresora, enchufada en un puerto USB de la máquina host, por medio
del parámetro '-usb -usbdevice host:132b:2045'.

En la máquina virtual, la impresora es detectada e instalada
correctamente, pero a la hora de imprimir, da un [1]casque, que no soy
capaz de solucionar.

He probado a virtualizar el usb por dirección (-usb -usbdevice
host:2.4), pero con los mismos resultados.

¿Alguien tiene experiencia con un problema similar?. Se admiten

Saludos --- Angel


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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 13:09:36 +0200, AngelD escribió:

   En la máquina virtual, la impresora es detectada e instalada
 correctamente, pero a la hora de imprimir, da un [1]casque, que no soy
 capaz de solucionar.

Asegúrate de que windows está actualizado (con el último SP disponible) y 
que el driver de la impresora esté también actualizado.



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Re: OT: Dia del SYSADMIN

2010-07-31 Thread ghostDancer
2010/7/30 Juan Manuel Acuña Barrera

 El 31/07/2010, a las 15:31, Ali Moreno escribió:

 Feliz dia igual =)

 El día 31 de julio de 2010 14:14, max escribió:

 El 30 de julio de 2010 15:03, Ricardo Delgado escribió:

 Celebremos el dia del Sysadmin
 Cada año se celebra el día del administrador de sistemas el último viernes
 de Julio, que quiere decir hoy. Como lo mas probable es que los únicos que
 nos saludemos en este día seamos administradores o ex-administradores de
 sistemas, aprovecho para hacerlo

 He aquí algunas definiciones, el resto en los links asociados, o en el tio

 Administrador de Sistemas

 Dícese de la persona a cargo del funcionamiento de la infraestructura IT
 de una organización privada o de gobierno, también aplicable al sujeto que
 camina entre el equipamiento informático, cables y demás personas de la
 empresa, con aire apesadumbrado y gesticulando en forma permanente, Gurú 
 Bash, Reparador de printers y excelente generador de soluciones de código a
 bajo costo, también identificable como persona que siempre sabe menos que
 los consultores, pero siempre hace más.,-locas-computadoras.html


             @   @ )
 -oOOo-( )---oOOo--
 |     Ricardo Delgado             |
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     ooo0            (   )
     (  )             ) /
      \ (            (_/

 Por Favor, no hagas Top Posting

 Por Favor, sin formato html

 Sin formatos propietarios.

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 Feliz dia para todos!,

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 Igual, feliz día para todos los colegas!!!


 Juan Manuel Acuña.

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Igualmente y para los que deseen tener una buena aventura (en inglés) :

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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread AngelD
El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 11:42:57 + (UTC)
Camaleón escribió:

 El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 13:09:36 +0200, AngelD escribió:
  En la máquina virtual, la impresora es detectada e instalada
  correctamente, pero a la hora de imprimir, da un [1]casque, que no
  soy capaz de solucionar.
 Asegúrate de que windows está actualizado (con el último SP
 disponible) y que el driver de la impresora esté también actualizado.

No tenía intención de instalar nada más en esta máquina (es un
SP2), y el driver de la impresora es el último disponible. ¿Realmente
una subida de SP puede solucionarme unos problemas de virtualización?.

Saludos --- Angel

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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread fernando sainz
El día 31 de julio de 2010 13:09, AngelD escribió:
        Tengo una magnífica impresora (Konica Minolta Magicolor 2500W)
 que no funciona en Linux bajo ningún concepto. Para solucionarlo he
 optado por instalar una máquina virtual con Windows para que haga de
 servidor de impresión para esta impresora.

        Una vez instalada la máquina virtual con KVM, le paso la
 impresora, enchufada en un puerto USB de la máquina host, por medio
 del parámetro '-usb -usbdevice host:132b:2045'.

        En la máquina virtual, la impresora es detectada e instalada
 correctamente, pero a la hora de imprimir, da un [1]casque, que no soy
 capaz de solucionar.

        He probado a virtualizar el usb por dirección (-usb -usbdevice
 host:2.4), pero con los mismos resultados.

        ¿Alguien tiene experiencia con un problema similar?. Se admiten

        Saludos --- Angel


Yo he intentado conectar una tarjeta usb wifi a la máquina virtual,
pero determinado tipo de dispositivos que neciesitan digamos funcionar
en tiempo real, no funcionan...

De todas formas mira esta página donde dice algo de no cargar drivers
en la maquina host para ese puerto.



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2010-07-31 Thread Gustavo Tinelli







  E- mails

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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 14:03:58 +0200, AngelD escribió:

 El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 11:42:57 + (UTC) Camaleón
 El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 13:09:36 +0200, AngelD escribió:
 En la máquina virtual, la impresora es detectada e instalada
  correctamente, pero a la hora de imprimir, da un [1]casque, que no
  soy capaz de solucionar.
 Asegúrate de que windows está actualizado (con el último SP disponible)
 y que el driver de la impresora esté también actualizado.
   No tenía intención de instalar nada más en esta máquina (es un
 SP2), y el driver de la impresora es el último disponible. ¿Realmente
 una subida de SP puede solucionarme unos problemas de virtualización?.

Es Windows, tienes que tenerlo actualizado, sí o sí :-)

Y ese pantallazo (BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER) me huele a que el problema es de 
Windows (drivers), no tanto de la VM. No sería la primera vez que sale 
una BSOD por un problema con los controladores...

Prueba a conectar una llave USB a ver si salta de igual forma.



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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread AngelD
El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 12:14:33 + (UTC)
Camaleón escribió:

 El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 14:03:58 +0200, AngelD escribió:
  El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 11:42:57 + (UTC) Camaleón escribió:
  El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 13:09:36 +0200, AngelD escribió:
En la máquina virtual, la impresora es detectada e
   instalada correctamente, pero a la hora de imprimir, da un
   [1]casque, que no soy capaz de solucionar.
  Asegúrate de que windows está actualizado (con el último SP
  disponible) y que el driver de la impresora esté también
  No tenía intención de instalar nada más en esta máquina (es
  un SP2), y el driver de la impresora es el último disponible.
  ¿Realmente una subida de SP puede solucionarme unos problemas de
 Es Windows, tienes que tenerlo actualizado, sí o sí :-)
 Y ese pantallazo (BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER) me huele a que el problema es
 de Windows (drivers), no tanto de la VM. No sería la primera vez que
 sale una BSOD por un problema con los controladores...

No soy el único con [1]casques parecidos, pero con un teléfono
en vez de una impresora. 

Saludos --- Angel


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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 15:01:52 +0200, AngelD escribió:

 El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 12:14:33 + (UTC) Camaleón

 Es Windows, tienes que tenerlo actualizado, sí o sí :-)
 Y ese pantallazo (BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER) me huele a que el problema es
 de Windows (drivers), no tanto de la VM. No sería la primera vez que
 sale una BSOD por un problema con los controladores...
   No soy el único con [1]casques parecidos, pero con un teléfono
 en vez de una impresora.

Son errores distintos (DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR EQUAL) que en cualquier 
caso también se dan en windows instalados sobre hierros, vamos, que son 
errores muy comunes.

Mantener windows actualizado -salvo en contadísimas excepciones- siempre 
es una buena idea (independientemente de este problema en concreto): el 
equipo está más seguro y descartas un error de los controladores 



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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread AngelD
El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 13:14:19 + (UTC)
Camaleón escribió:

 El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 15:01:52 +0200, AngelD escribió:
  El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 12:14:33 + (UTC) Camaleón escribió:
  Es Windows, tienes que tenerlo actualizado, sí o sí :-)
  Y ese pantallazo (BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER) me huele a que el problema
  es de Windows (drivers), no tanto de la VM. No sería la primera
  vez que sale una BSOD por un problema con los controladores...
  No soy el único con [1]casques parecidos, pero con un
  teléfono en vez de una impresora.
 Son errores distintos (DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR EQUAL) que en
 cualquier caso también se dan en windows instalados sobre hierros,
 vamos, que son errores muy comunes.
 Mantener windows actualizado -salvo en contadísimas excepciones-
 siempre es una buena idea (independientemente de este problema en
 concreto): el equipo está más seguro y descartas un error de los
 controladores instalados, 

Dios, ¡me están aleccionando! :-). Tras instalar el SP3, repito,
que el error es de la virtualización, y el error es el [1]mismo, o en el
mismo módulo, lo que pasa que creo envié el [2]pantallazo equivocado.

Saludos --- Angel


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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 16:00:20 +0200, AngelD escribió:

 El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 13:14:19 + (UTC) Camaleón escribió:


 Mantener windows actualizado -salvo en contadísimas excepciones-
 siempre es una buena idea (independientemente de este problema en
 concreto): el equipo está más seguro y descartas un error de los
 controladores instalados,
   Dios, ¡me están aleccionando! :-). 

Los windows también hay que mantenerlos al día :-)

 Tras instalar el SP3, repito,
 que el error es de la virtualización, y el error es el [1]mismo, o en el
 mismo módulo, lo que pasa que creo envié el [2]pantallazo equivocado.

Bueno, pues ya has descartado un posible error y tienes el windows más 
seguro. Ahora comprueba el driver de la impresora, que sea la última 
   Saludos --- Angel

Sí, antes enviaste un pantallazo distinto (BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER).



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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread Facundo
2010/7/31 Camaleón
 El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 16:00:20 +0200, AngelD escribió:

 El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 13:14:19 + (UTC) Camaleón escribió:


 Mantener windows actualizado -salvo en contadísimas excepciones-
 siempre es una buena idea (independientemente de este problema en
 concreto): el equipo está más seguro y descartas un error de los
 controladores instalados,

       Dios, ¡me están aleccionando! :-).

 Los windows también hay que mantenerlos al día :-)

O evitarlos.

¿Has probado algo de esto?

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2010-07-31 Thread Dennis Ruiz

Re: OT: Dia del SYSADMIN

2010-07-31 Thread yordanis

Ricardo Delgado escribió:

Celebremos el dia del Sysadmin
Cada año se celebra el día del administrador de sistemas el último viernes de 
Julio, que quiere decir hoy. Como lo mas probable es que los únicos que nos 
saludemos en este día seamos administradores o ex-administradores de sistemas, 
aprovecho para hacerlo

He aquí algunas definiciones, el resto en los links asociados, o en el tio 

Administrador de Sistemas

Dícese de la persona a cargo del funcionamiento de la infraestructura IT de una 
organización privada o de gobierno, también aplicable al sujeto que camina 
entre el equipamiento informático, cables y demás personas de la empresa, con 
aire apesadumbrado y gesticulando en forma permanente, Gurú del Bash, Reparador 
de printers y excelente generador de soluciones de código a bajo costo, también 
identificable como persona que siempre sabe menos que los consultores, pero 
siempre hace más.,-locas-computadoras.html


 @   @ )
-oOOo-( )---oOOo--
| Ricardo Delgado |
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 ooo0(   )
 (  ) ) /
  \ ((_/

Por Favor, no hagas Top Posting

Por Favor, sin formato html

Sin formatos propietarios.



Jajajaja. es cierto, felicidades a todos en nuetro día.

Yordanis Peláez F.
admin   DME Santo Domingo, Villa Clara
Ubuntu User #26077
GNU/Linux user  #459987 (
Soy real a menos que sea declarado entero

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bloquear un rango de ip's con iptables

2010-07-31 Thread Marc Aymerich
Durante todo el día un spammer esta dando por el culo a mi servidor de
correo. No sé como lo hace pero de alguna forma consigue los passwords
de los usuarios y empieza a mandar spam des de su cuenta. El tipo se
conecta desde varias ip's pero todas dentro de un rango. Con iptables
quería descartar el trafico de ese rango pero desgraciadamente me
estoy perdiendo algo:

mail:~# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables v1.4.2: host/network `-s' not found
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.

qua hago maaal?¿


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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread AngelD
El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 13:50:32 -0300
Facundo escribió:

 ¿Has probado algo de esto?

Si, infructuosamente. Aparte de estar el proyecto parado (la
última actualización es del 2007), para la m2500w no existe nada.

Saludos --- Angel

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Re: bloquear un rango de ip's con iptables

2010-07-31 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/7/31 Marc Aymerich
 Durante todo el día un spammer esta dando por el culo a mi servidor de
 correo. No sé como lo hace pero de alguna forma consigue los passwords
 de los usuarios y empieza a mandar spam des de su cuenta. El tipo se
 conecta desde varias ip's pero todas dentro de un rango. Con iptables
 quería descartar el trafico de ese rango pero desgraciadamente me
 estoy perdiendo algo:

 mail:~# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
 iptables v1.4.2: host/network `-s' not found
 Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.

 qua hago maaal?¿

 Alguien ve la diferencia?
mail:~# iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables v1.4.2: host/network `-s' not found
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
mail:~# iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP

Porque yo no la veo y una funciona y la otra no :)



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Re: bloquear un rango de ip's con iptables

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 21:06:23 +0200, Marc Aymerich escribió:

 2010/7/31 Marc Aymerich:
 Durante todo el día un spammer esta dando por el culo a mi servidor de
 correo. No sé como lo hace pero de alguna forma consigue los passwords
 de los usuarios y empieza a mandar spam des de su cuenta. El tipo se
 conecta desde varias ip's pero todas dentro de un rango. Con iptables
 quería descartar el trafico de ese rango pero desgraciadamente me estoy
 perdiendo algo:

 mail:~# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP iptables v1.4.2:
 host/network `-s' not found Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables
 --help' for more information.

 qua hago maaal?¿

  Alguien ve la diferencia?
 mail:~# iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP iptables v1.4.2:
 host/network `-s' not found Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables
 --help' for more information. mail:~# iptables -I INPUT -s
 -j DROP
 Porque yo no la veo y una funciona y la otra no :)

¿Quizá por el orden de las reglas?

Con -A (append) se añade una regla al final, con -I (insert) se añade 
la primera de todas, es decir, es la primera que ejecuta. Quizá tengas 
alguna otra regla que invalide (permita el tráfico) la que estabas 
añadiendo ahora con append.

Personalmente me preocuparía más lo de las contraseñas de los usuarios. 
Supongo que las cambiarás ¿no? :-?



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Re: Virtualizando con KVM una impresora USB

2010-07-31 Thread Felix Perez
El día 31 de julio de 2010 07:09, AngelD escribió:
        Tengo una magnífica impresora (Konica Minolta Magicolor 2500W)
 que no funciona en Linux bajo ningún concepto. Para solucionarlo he
 optado por instalar una máquina virtual con Windows para que haga de
 servidor de impresión para esta impresora.

        Una vez instalada la máquina virtual con KVM, le paso la
 impresora, enchufada en un puerto USB de la máquina host, por medio
 del parámetro '-usb -usbdevice host:132b:2045'.

        En la máquina virtual, la impresora es detectada e instalada
 correctamente, pero a la hora de imprimir, da un [1]casque, que no soy
 capaz de solucionar.

        He probado a virtualizar el usb por dirección (-usb -usbdevice
 host:2.4), pero con los mismos resultados.

        ¿Alguien tiene experiencia con un problema similar?. Se admiten

Has probado con VirtualBox,tiempo atrás me paso algo parecido con una
laser,  no me acuerdo como, lo que si si funciono finalmente.


        Saludos --- Angel


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usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: bloquear un rango de ip's con iptables

2010-07-31 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/7/31 Camaleón
 El Sat, 31 Jul 2010 21:06:23 +0200, Marc Aymerich escribió:

 2010/7/31 Marc Aymerich:
 Durante todo el día un spammer esta dando por el culo a mi servidor de
 correo. No sé como lo hace pero de alguna forma consigue los passwords
 de los usuarios y empieza a mandar spam des de su cuenta. El tipo se
 conecta desde varias ip's pero todas dentro de un rango. Con iptables
 quería descartar el trafico de ese rango pero desgraciadamente me estoy
 perdiendo algo:

 mail:~# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP iptables v1.4.2:
 host/network `-s' not found Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables
 --help' for more information.

 qua hago maaal?¿

  Alguien ve la diferencia?
 mail:~# iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP iptables v1.4.2:
 host/network `-s' not found Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables
 --help' for more information. mail:~# iptables -I INPUT -s
 -j DROP

 Porque yo no la veo y una funciona y la otra no :)

 ¿Quizá por el orden de las reglas?

 Con -A (append) se añade una regla al final, con -I (insert) se añade
 la primera de todas, es decir, es la primera que ejecuta. Quizá tengas
 alguna otra regla que invalide (permita el tráfico) la que estabas
 añadiendo ahora con append.

El problema estaba en el espacio delante de la -s, que no sé como se
ha creado pero no es un espacio normal, un regalito del sitio de donde
lo he copiado.

mail:~# iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables v1.4.2: host/network `-s' not found
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
mail:~# iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP

la primera ejecución es la mala con el espacio raro. La segunda la he
reescrito a mano y ha funcionado :) Fíjate que iptables se queja de
que  `-s' no es una red valida. y así es, en todo caso
debería quejarse de '' sin el -s

curioso :)

 Personalmente me preocuparía más lo de las contraseñas de los usuarios.
 Supongo que las cambiarás ¿no? :-?

jeje, lo primero que he hecho ha sido desactivarlos con un * en el SHA
y limpiar el spam de las colas del postfix :). El lunes ya llamaremos
a los usuarios para decirles su nuevo password.

Justamente entre ayer y hoy hemos recibido un montón de mails
suplantando el remitente por el de soporte técnico y pidiendo los
passwords del correo. seguramente que el spammer ha obtenido los datos
por este sistema.

Espero que no nos haya metido en alguna lista de spammers :(


Saludos !


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Tarjeta de sonido

2010-07-31 Thread Altair Linux

me han pedido consejo para comprar una tarjeta de sonido que funcione bien
en Windows y Linux. El ordenador es de uso basico: algo de ofimatica con
openoffice, navegacion por Internet, ver peliculas, videoconferencia, juegos
no demasiado exigentes, etc. Se va a comprar en una tienda APP, mas que nada
por comodidad de que tienen una al lado de casa.

APP tiene tarjetas de sonido de creative. Yo tengo una y mi experiencia es
mala, porque uso ALSA y solo oigo sonido, usando el driver CA106, que no
tiene aun posibilidad de micro. En la web de ALSA no he visto cambios desde
la ultima vez que mire.

¿Recomendais alguna?, gracias.

Ajuda com DNS reverso

2010-07-31 Thread Leandro Moreira
Realizei a migração do link de internet da empresa onde trabalho e por
consequencia tive que migrar o DNS, as configurações foram refeitas por uma
outra pessoa ele colcou uma série  de configurações definuindo uma camada de
segurança ao servidoro, mas estou encontrando dificuldades na publicação da
zona  reversa, pela análise do log, conforme abaixo ela e publicada

Jul 31 11:18:00 atena named[13906]: zone
sending notifies (serial 2010050405)
Jul 31 11:18:00 atena named[13906]: zone
192-255.160.XXX.XXX.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN/view_externa: sending notifies (serial
Quanto vou fazer alguma consulta ao meu reverso ele esta apontando para o
DNS da prestadora de telecom, alguem teve algum problema desse tipo?
Nosso DNS slave fica hospedado na operadoda de telecom, e na entidade de
registro, consta o primário como sendo o meu DNS e o secondario o DNS da
A replica de nossa zona esta sendo envida normalmente para o DNS slave, mas
nao justifica o DNS da operadora estar carregando a zona reverse, se a zona
primária esta sendo carreda normalmente, resolvendo nomes sem problema
Desde já agradeço a ajuda.

Leandro Moreira
Network Administrator
LPIC1 - Linux Professional Institute Certified
Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

Re: Ajuda com DNS reverso

2010-07-31 Thread Fábio Rabelo
Eu já perdi a conta de quantas vezes esta mesma pergunta foi feita na lista

O DNS reverso é controlado pela operadora !!

O Sr. TEM que entrar em contato com a sua operadora, de acordo com o seu
texto a Telecom !!!

ELES é que vão configurar o seu reverso, de acordo com o que o Sr. lhes
solicite !!!

E esta resposta está no histórico da lista, MUITAS VEZES !

Fábio Rabelo

Em 31 de julho de 2010 11:25, Leandro Moreira

 Realizei a migração do link de internet da empresa onde trabalho e por
 consequencia tive que migrar o DNS, as configurações foram refeitas por uma
 outra pessoa ele colcou uma série  de configurações definuindo uma camada de
 segurança ao servidoro, mas estou encontrando dificuldades na publicação da
 zona  reversa, pela análise do log, conforme abaixo ela e publicada

 Jul 31 11:18:00 atena named[13906]: zone
 sending notifies (serial 2010050405)
 Jul 31 11:18:00 atena named[13906]: zone
 192-255.160.XXX.XXX.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN/view_externa: sending notifies (serial
  Quanto vou fazer alguma consulta ao meu reverso ele esta apontando para o
 DNS da prestadora de telecom, alguem teve algum problema desse tipo?
 Nosso DNS slave fica hospedado na operadoda de telecom, e na entidade de
 registro, consta o primário como sendo o meu DNS e o secondario o DNS da
 A replica de nossa zona esta sendo envida normalmente para o DNS slave, mas
 nao justifica o DNS da operadora estar carregando a zona reverse, se a zona
 primária esta sendo carreda normalmente, resolvendo nomes sem problema
 Desde já agradeço a ajuda.

 Leandro Moreira
 Network Administrator
 LPIC1 - Linux Professional Institute Certified
 Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

Re: Ajuda com DNS reverso

2010-07-31 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 31-07-2010 11:02, Fábio Rabelo wrote:
 O DNS reverso é controlado pela operadora !!

Nem sempre.

Algumas operadoras como a Oi/BrasilTelecom usam delegação de
reverso sem classe (RFC2317), neste caso, quem controla o
reverso é o responsável pelo bloco, a operadora só aponta
para o servidor de nomes informado.

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Ajuda com DNS reverso

2010-07-31 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 31-07-2010 10:25, Leandro Moreira wrote:
 Jul 31 11:18:00 atena named[13906]: zone 
 sending notifies (serial 2010050405)
 Jul 31 11:18:00 atena named[13906]: zone 
 192-255.160.XXX.XXX.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN/view_externa: sending notifies (serial 

 Quanto vou fazer alguma consulta ao meu reverso ele esta apontando para
 o DNS da prestadora de telecom, alguem teve algum problema desse tipo?

Você precisa entender como o seu reverso funciona.

Há basicamente dois modelos, o controlado pela operadora e o
delegado para o usuário/cliente.  No primeiro modelo, você
manda a lista de IPs/nomes e eles configuram, no segundo,
eles apontam para o seu servidor e você configura.

O log acima é tipico do segundo modelo por causa desse
intervalo: 192-255

 Nosso DNS slave fica hospedado na operadoda de telecom, e na entidade de
 registro, consta o primário como sendo o meu DNS e o secondario o DNS da

Quem é master/slave não importa para o reverso, importa
quem é o autoritário, se será o DNS da operadora ou o
seu e isso só sua operadora pode responder.

 A replica de nossa zona esta sendo envida normalmente para o DNS slave,
 mas nao justifica o DNS da operadora estar carregando a zona reverse, se
 a zona primária esta sendo carreda normalmente, resolvendo nomes sem
 problema algum.

Finalmente, isso é um problema de configuração de DNS,
do seu servidor e do seu contrato com a operadora. Há
pouca coisa que a lista pode fazer para ajudá-lo.

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Ajuda com DNS reverso

2010-07-31 Thread Leandro Moreira
Exatamente a operadora antiga funcionava da segunda forma por isso nao tinha
dificuldade com o reverso, vou verificar se essa operadora possibilita
apontar para para o meu reverso.
Muito obtigado pela ajuda.


Leandro Moreira

Em 31 de julho de 2010 15:48, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) escreveu:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 31-07-2010 10:25, Leandro Moreira wrote:
  Jul 31 11:18:00 atena named[13906]: zone
 sending notifies (serial 2010050405)
  Jul 31 11:18:00 atena named[13906]: zone
 192-255.160.XXX.XXX.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN/view_externa: sending notifies (serial

  Quanto vou fazer alguma consulta ao meu reverso ele esta apontando para
  o DNS da prestadora de telecom, alguem teve algum problema desse tipo?

 Você precisa entender como o seu reverso funciona.

 Há basicamente dois modelos, o controlado pela operadora e o
 delegado para o usuário/cliente.  No primeiro modelo, você
 manda a lista de IPs/nomes e eles configuram, no segundo,
 eles apontam para o seu servidor e você configura.

 O log acima é tipico do segundo modelo por causa desse
 intervalo: 192-255

  Nosso DNS slave fica hospedado na operadoda de telecom, e na entidade de
  registro, consta o primário como sendo o meu DNS e o secondario o DNS da

 Quem é master/slave não importa para o reverso, importa
 quem é o autoritário, se será o DNS da operadora ou o
 seu e isso só sua operadora pode responder.

  A replica de nossa zona esta sendo envida normalmente para o DNS slave,
  mas nao justifica o DNS da operadora estar carregando a zona reverse, se
  a zona primária esta sendo carreda normalmente, resolvendo nomes sem
  problema algum.

 Finalmente, isso é um problema de configuração de DNS,
 do seu servidor e do seu contrato com a operadora. Há
 pouca coisa que a lista pode fazer para ajudá-lo.

 - --
 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
 Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Leandro Moreira
Network Administrator
LPIC1 - Linux Professional Institute Certified
Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

Re: Ajuda com DNS reverso

2010-07-31 Thread Francisco Aparecido da Silva
Já  configurei  diversos  DNS  em  IPs  pertencentes  a  OI/Brasiltelecom.
Normalmente  eles  não  delegam  a consulta do DNS para a rede do cliente.
Você  precisa entrar em contato com a equipe técnica e pedir que isso seja
feito.  Não  é padrão fazer um contrato e automaticamente ter as consultas
delegadas   à   sua   rede. Citei esta operadora, mas aplica-se à outras. 

Boa sorte

Felipe  Augusto  van  de  Wiel  (faw)  wrote:
 User-Agent:   Mozilla/5.0  (X11;  U;  Linux  i686;  en-US;  rv:
 Gecko/20100721  Iceape/2.0.6  Lightning/1.0b1  Date:  Sat,  31  Jul 2010
 14:44:43-0400   From:   Felipe   Augusto   van   de   Wiel   (faw) Reply-To: d-u-p To: d-u-p  Subject:  Re:  Ajuda  com DNS
 Hash: SHA1
 On 31-07-2010 11:02, Fábio Rabelo wrote:
  O DNS reverso é controlado pela operadora !!
 Nem sempre.
 Algumas operadoras como a Oi/BrasilTelecom usam delegação de
 reverso sem classe (RFC2317), neste caso, quem controla o
 reverso é o responsável pelo bloco, a operadora só aponta
 para o servidor de nomes informado.
 - -- 
 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
 Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Francisco Aparecido da silva(fafanet)
   Home Page
GNU/Linux user:239412 GPG ID:01BC73D6
  /\  Document Freedom Day- Liberate your documents
 _\/` - March 31st 2010

Description: Digital signature

Re: Ajuda com DNS reverso

2010-07-31 Thread Leandro Moreira
Em contato com a operadora verifiquei que o reverso aponta para o DNS deles
e nao para o meu DNS, fiz essa solicitaçãom, agradeço a todos pela valiosa


Leandro Moreira.

Em 31 de julho de 2010 15:48, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) escreveu:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 31-07-2010 10:25, Leandro Moreira wrote:
  Jul 31 11:18:00 atena named[13906]: zone
 sending notifies (serial 2010050405)
  Jul 31 11:18:00 atena named[13906]: zone
 192-255.160.XXX.XXX.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN/view_externa: sending notifies (serial

  Quanto vou fazer alguma consulta ao meu reverso ele esta apontando para
  o DNS da prestadora de telecom, alguem teve algum problema desse tipo?

 Você precisa entender como o seu reverso funciona.

 Há basicamente dois modelos, o controlado pela operadora e o
 delegado para o usuário/cliente.  No primeiro modelo, você
 manda a lista de IPs/nomes e eles configuram, no segundo,
 eles apontam para o seu servidor e você configura.

 O log acima é tipico do segundo modelo por causa desse
 intervalo: 192-255

  Nosso DNS slave fica hospedado na operadoda de telecom, e na entidade de
  registro, consta o primário como sendo o meu DNS e o secondario o DNS da

 Quem é master/slave não importa para o reverso, importa
 quem é o autoritário, se será o DNS da operadora ou o
 seu e isso só sua operadora pode responder.

  A replica de nossa zona esta sendo envida normalmente para o DNS slave,
  mas nao justifica o DNS da operadora estar carregando a zona reverse, se
  a zona primária esta sendo carreda normalmente, resolvendo nomes sem
  problema algum.

 Finalmente, isso é um problema de configuração de DNS,
 do seu servidor e do seu contrato com a operadora. Há
 pouca coisa que a lista pode fazer para ajudá-lo.

 - --
 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
 Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Leandro Moreira
Network Administrator
LPIC1 - Linux Professional Institute Certified
Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

Lenny impressora

2010-07-31 Thread Rodolfo Barbosa

Instalei uma impressora Samsung ML-2010 e aparentemente está
tudo correto. O problema é que quando mando imprimir
qualquer coisa nada acontece. Olho a fila de impressão e o
trabalho aparece como concluído mas a impressora
simplesmente não dá qualquer sinal de vida.

Dei uma olhada naquele gerenciador de impressoras do gnome,
e vi que os controles para impressão de página teste da
impressora estão esmaecidos. Tem algo que eu deve fazer? Fiz
uma pesquisa no Google e não tive muita sorte. Pois não vi
ninguém que tivesse tido um problema como esse.

Rodolfo Barbosa
Lunar Consultoria
CEL: +55 (35) 9132-0764

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Java e flash no iceweasel

2010-07-31 Thread Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito
Boa noite a todos!

Pós varias tentativas e pesquisas, não encontrando e não sabendo mais o que
fazer resolvi vir aqui.
Seguinte não consigo acessar o Banco do Brasil, ou qualquer aplicação java,
ja baixei e instalei, ja instaleis os que tem no repositório e nada.
Outra coisa que também ta rolando é youtube não roda os vídeos, ja instalei
o flash, porem nada.

Será bug do iceweasel? alguém ja passou por isso, como resolveu?


Marcos Egito
GNU/Linux User #491326
081-8762 - 4378 celular OI, 081-3456 - 9739 casa
Skype maregito, MSN, Gtalk

A grandeza de um ser humano depende da intensidade de suas relações com
(Saint xupéry)

Re: Java e flash no iceweasel

2010-07-31 Thread mrCliQ
Boa Noite amigo Marcos

Em Relação ao BB, da uma olhada em
pode ser que ti ajude, sobre o flash, verifique se o gnash plugin esta
instalado, se tiver desinstale e instale/eixe somente o flash plugin
da adobe.


Marcio Riccardo - mrCliQ

Em 31 de julho de 2010 19:39, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito escreveu:

 Boa noite a todos!

 Pós varias tentativas e pesquisas, não encontrando e não sabendo mais o que 
 fazer resolvi vir aqui.
 Seguinte não consigo acessar o Banco do Brasil, ou qualquer aplicação java, 
 ja baixei e instalei, ja instaleis os que tem no repositório e nada.
 Outra coisa que também ta rolando é youtube não roda os vídeos, ja instalei o 
 flash, porem nada.

 Será bug do iceweasel? alguém ja passou por isso, como resolveu?


 Marcos Egito
 GNU/Linux User #491326
 081-8762 - 4378 celular OI, 081-3456 - 9739 casa
 Skype maregito, MSN, Gtalk

 A grandeza de um ser humano depende da intensidade de suas relações com 
 (Saint xupéry)

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Re: Java e flash no iceweasel

2010-07-31 Thread André Nunes
O problema com o banco do brasil eu ainda não tinha encontrado solução
também, vou tentar a que foi sugerida.

Quanto ao flash, desinstale o pacote swfdec-mozilla, remova a pasta
~/.macromedia e instale o pacote flashplugin-nonfree.

André Nunes Batista
PGP Public Key: 0x7b0590cb6722cf80

2010/7/31 mrCliQ
 Boa Noite amigo Marcos

 Em Relação ao BB, da uma olhada em
 pode ser que ti ajude, sobre o flash, verifique se o gnash plugin esta
 instalado, se tiver desinstale e instale/eixe somente o flash plugin
 da adobe.


 Marcio Riccardo - mrCliQ

 Em 31 de julho de 2010 19:39, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito escreveu:

 Boa noite a todos!

 Pós varias tentativas e pesquisas, não encontrando e não sabendo mais o que 
 fazer resolvi vir aqui.
 Seguinte não consigo acessar o Banco do Brasil, ou qualquer aplicação java, 
 ja baixei e instalei, ja instaleis os que tem no repositório e nada.
 Outra coisa que também ta rolando é youtube não roda os vídeos, ja instalei 
 o flash, porem nada.

 Será bug do iceweasel? alguém ja passou por isso, como resolveu?


 Marcos Egito
 GNU/Linux User #491326
 081-8762 - 4378 celular OI, 081-3456 - 9739 casa
 Skype maregito, MSN, Gtalk

 A grandeza de um ser humano depende da intensidade de suas relações com 
 (Saint xupéry)

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SD card question

2010-07-31 Thread Zoran Kolic
I have a question regarding SD card, which should be used to
upgrade firmware on ebook reader. I assume there will be just
one try before bricking the device.
The card should be formatted as ext3, followed with copying
untarred files to it. At first, I did not formatted it again,
since it was brand new card. I made ext3 partition and piped
untarred files directly to the card (usb card reader). After
a while, brain worm started to move and ask if I should do
explicite format first. Does it matter at all?
Try to mount SD card as vfat failed, as ext3 succeeded. Should
I repeat steps with fdisk first anyway?
Best regards


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Re: Successful install of nautilus-dropbox from Ubuntu deb leaves dependency error

2010-07-31 Thread Vincenzo Tibullo
2010/7/31 Patrick Wiseman
 Hello, all:

 I installed the amd54 Ubuntu deb of nautilus-dropbox.  In order to do
 that, I had to override a dependency problem:

 dpkg --force-depends-version -i nautilus-dropbox_0.6.3_amd64.deb
 (Reading database ... 230573 files and directories currently installed.)
 Preparing to replace nautilus-dropbox 0.6.3 (using
 nautilus-dropbox_0.6.3_amd64.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement nautilus-dropbox ...
 dpkg: nautilus-dropbox: dependency problems, but configuring anyway as
 you requested:
  nautilus-dropbox depends on libnautilus-extension1 (= 1:2.22.2); however:
  Version of libnautilus-extension1 on system is 2.30.1-1.
 Setting up nautilus-dropbox (0.6.3) ...

 Evidently the lib-nautilus package in testing is actually OK, being
 later than the one expected, which is why I felt confident in forcing
 the install.  And the application installed and works flawlessly.  But
 now aptitude complains of a dependency error and recommends removing
 nautilus-dropbox.  I shall, of course, ignore the recommendation, but
 is there any way to tell aptitude that all is actually well?

But dropbox is not in debian repo now?
Btw, when it was not, a picked up ubuntu version like you, but
modified the .deb this way
1) unpacking it with dpkg-deb -x, dpkg-deb -e
2) modifying 1:2.22.2 to 2.22.2 in the control file
3) repacking it with dpkg-deb -b
hope this help


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Re: How is 'pppd' launched while starting

2010-07-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 31 iul 10, 05:12:13, Guo Jiahua wrote:
 Hi, everyone,
 I'm a user of DEBIAN 5.0. And I use adsl to connect to the Internet. I
 think pppd is the key program to connect.
 My ISP requires a MAC address which is different from my laptop.
 So, I think, I must change the MAC address (by using command ip link
 set ethX address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) before pppd launched when starting
 Thus, I wander how is pppd launched while linux starting, by a script in
 '/etc/rc*.d/' or in other way.
 Thank you very much.

Please give more details about your setup. ADSL implies you have some 
modem, but those usually don't care about your MAC. Do you have an 
ethernet cable from your ISP going directly to your computer and then 
you have to use PPPoE? Have a look at /etc/network/interfaces and
'man interfaces'.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Successful install of nautilus-dropbox from Ubuntu deb leaves dependency error

2010-07-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Vi, 30 iul 10, 18:36:38, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
 Hello, all:
 I installed the amd54 Ubuntu deb of nautilus-dropbox.  In order to do
 that, I had to override a dependency problem:
 dpkg --force-depends-version -i nautilus-dropbox_0.6.3_amd64.deb
 (Reading database ... 230573 files and directories currently installed.)
 Preparing to replace nautilus-dropbox 0.6.3 (using
 nautilus-dropbox_0.6.3_amd64.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement nautilus-dropbox ...
 dpkg: nautilus-dropbox: dependency problems, but configuring anyway as
 you requested:
  nautilus-dropbox depends on libnautilus-extension1 (= 1:2.22.2); however:
   Version of libnautilus-extension1 on system is 2.30.1-1.
 Setting up nautilus-dropbox (0.6.3) ...
 Evidently the lib-nautilus package in testing is actually OK, being
 later than the one expected, which is why I felt confident in forcing
 the install.

I would not feel so confident in forcing dependencies on a package meant 
to handle my files... You probably have a very good backup strategy, 
including checking for corruption and such.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Fwd: peluang bisnes online!!!

2010-07-31 Thread darmiwati sahril

Re: my (simple) sudoers doesn't work

2010-07-31 Thread Gvdmoort
Le ven 30 jui, Gauthier Vandemoortele m'a écrit:
 # Cmnd alias specification
 Cmnd_Alias SLEEP = /usr/sbin/acpitool -S
 Cmnd_Alias HALT = /usr/sbin/halt
 Cmnd_Alias REBOOT = /usr/sbin/reboot

I'm sorry, you can disregard this post, it was only mistakes in the
path of the command (take care of copy-paste...):

 Cmnd_Alias SLEEP = /usr/bin/acpitool -S
 Cmnd_Alias HALT = /sbin/halt
 Cmnd_Alias REBOOT = /sbin/reboot


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Re: How can I emulate Debian for PowerPC on Intel processor?

2010-07-31 Thread Christian Simo

Thank you for your help!


On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Miles Fidelman

 Christian Simo wrote:

  I currently virtualize with vmware,
  Please how can I  run Debian for PPC on Intel or How can I emulate Intel
  support PPC OS

 and then,

  I got two Unix OS: Debian for PPC and AIX IBM for PPC.

 My computer CPU is a Intel with Host OS Windows XP.

 So, I don't know how to emulate this CPU to run these OS.

  This may be a silly question, but WHY are you trying to do this?  AIX
 only runs on PPC (unless you're running AIX v1 or v2) but Debian certainly
 runs on Intel.  It might be simpler to build a new VM based on Debian for
 Intel - it would certainly perform a lot better than emulating a PPC.

 Now, if you were asking about emulating PPC so you could run AIX under
 VMware, you might start by looking here:

 Miles Fidelman

 In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
 Infnord  practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-07-31 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Friday 30 July 2010 04:01:10 Sthu Deus wrote:
 Good day.
 Yet, do You know a guide or something that explains the *Debian* FS
 structure: which dir. is for what.
 Having separated programs from data w/ diver partitions, I have put the
 on a single partition. All is working well, except I want to be as
 close to Debian standards as I can yet reaching my goals, therefore I
 would to know what is the best place for those in FS structure, and,
 may, Debinish way.

HTH although it may be a bit OT.

Debian is not particularly sensitive to having many separate mount points, but 
there are a few limitations to remember:

/etc and /lib must be part of /, unless you are willing to roll your own 
initramfs and can manage to mount them before starting the standard Debian 
boot process.

/var should be a filesystem that fully support POSIX locking semantics, which 
may mean not NFS.

/home and /usr/local are, intentionally, not (or rarely) written to by the 
package manager and standard daemons.

At the minimum I recommend / and /home to be separate file systems, even for 
single-user systems.  You may also want to put /usr/local on a separate file 
system, I found it useful to share /usr/local with other distributions before.

For a multi-user system, all user-writable locations should be separate file 
systems from system file systems.  At the least, /var/tmp, /tmp, and /home 
should be separate file systems.  /dev/shm may be user writable, but in modern 
system /dev is already a tmpfs file system, so no worries.  This is mainly to 
prevent users of filling up system disks and making trouble for the 
administrator.  In the past, the also prevent a specific type of hardlink 
attack, but dpkg now prevents that attack independent of file system layout.  
If you run a daemon that allows users to store data which is put in /var, it 
should also be separate.

I prefer /usr, /opt, and /srv as separate file system as well, but that is 
simply to keep / small.

The most file systems I use is like this:
/ -- (something fast)
/boot -- RAID 1, bootable, of course.
/home -- (something large, sharable with other OSes)
/tmp -- tmpfs
/usr/local -- (something large, sharable with other UNIX/Linux OSes)
/var/tmp -- (something fast)
/var/cache -- (something fast)

Debian handles it fine.

As far as which file system to use, I have the most experience with reiserfs.  
The killer feature was online growing and offline shrinking.  I don't 
recommend it anymore, but I'm not yet comfortable enough to recommend btrfs 
for production file systems.  So, right now I don't have a recommendation.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 16:23:25 -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:18:33AM +, Camale�n wrote:
 On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 16:01:10 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
  Yet, do You know a guide or something that explains the *Debian* FS
  structure: which dir. is for what.
 I've found this:
 Debian Policy Manual
 Chapter 9 - The Operating System
 9.1 File system hierarchy
 9.1.1 File System Structure ***
 Not sure if that suits your needs :-?
 Additional docs:
 He will never buy the last two links. They don't say they are the
 Official Debian Way.

Why not? As long as Debian sticks to FSH 2.3 (with the exceptions 
mentioned in the first link from Debian Policy Manual) I think the last 
two links full match his requirements and better yet, explain the which 
dir if for what question.



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Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-07-31 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 31 July 2010 10:38:28 Camaleón wrote:
  He will never buy the last two links. They don't say they are the
  Official Debian Way.

 Why not? As long as Debian sticks to FSH 2.3 (with the exceptions
 mentioned in the first link from Debian Policy Manual) I think the last
 two links full match his requirements and better yet, explain the which
 dir if for what question.

I think that you have missed the humour, Camaleón.  That is the difficulty of 
a cross-culture, cross-language ml. :-(  


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Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 10:56:12 +0100, Lisi wrote:

 On Saturday 31 July 2010 10:38:28 Camaleón wrote:
  He will never buy the last two links. They don't say they are the
  Official Debian Way.

 Why not? As long as Debian sticks to FSH 2.3 (with the exceptions
 mentioned in the first link from Debian Policy Manual) I think the last
 two links full match his requirements and better yet, explain the
 which dir if for what question.
 I think that you have missed the humour, Camaleón.  That is the
 difficulty of a cross-culture, cross-language ml. :-(

Oh... I thought it was a real complain or so it appears if someone 
comes to the list and reads the thread. I just wanted to clarify a bit 
the context, meaning, we (Debian) are in the standard path :-)



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Re: SD card question

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 07:53:13 +0200, Zoran Kolic wrote:

 I have a question regarding SD card, which should be used to upgrade
 firmware on ebook reader. I assume there will be just one try before
 bricking the device.

Do you have a link to the firmware upgrade instructions so we can review 
the full process and the required steps?

 The card should be formatted as ext3, followed with copying untarred
 files to it. 

Ext3 is not very common under windows/mac systems and Fat32 tend to be 
the norm for these devices. Are you sure the SD card has to be formatted 
using ext3?

 At first, I did not formatted it again, since it was brand
 new card. I made ext3 partition and piped untarred files directly to the
 card (usb card reader). After a while, brain worm started to move and
 ask if I should do explicite format first. Does it matter at all? 

SD cards come from factory with Fat32, so I would reformat the SD card 
with ext3, just in case :-?

 Try to mount SD card as vfat failed, as ext3 succeeded. Should I repeat 
 steps with fdisk first anyway? Best regards

Maybe the error comes from another place. Are you getting any message or 
warning on the e-book when trying to perform the firmware upgrade?



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Re: SD card question

2010-07-31 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 7/31/2010 12:53 AM, Zoran Kolic wrote:

I have a question regarding SD card, which should be used to
upgrade firmware on ebook reader. I assume there will be just
one try before bricking the device.
The card should be formatted as ext3, followed with copying
untarred files to it. At first, I did not formatted it again,
since it was brand new card. I made ext3 partition and piped
untarred files directly to the card (usb card reader). After
a while, brain worm started to move and ask if I should do
explicite format first. Does it matter at all?
Try to mount SD card as vfat failed, as ext3 succeeded. Should
I repeat steps with fdisk first anyway?
Best regards

What error does it get when you mount it via command line? Is this an 
Android based E-Reader? Or better yet, who makes the E-Reader and why 
are they not doing firmware upgrades via the memory in the device if 
it's public facing?

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Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-07-31 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 31. 07. 2010 11:37:27 je Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. napisal(a):

/var should be a filesystem that fully support POSIX locking  
semantics, which

may mean not NFS.

Interesting. Makes me wonder how can this requirement be met when  
setting up diskless Debian clients (PXE boot over NFS)?


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CNN vidoes no playable in iceape (mozilla browser)

2010-07-31 Thread H.S.


Anyone else having trouble playing videos on CCN website? I don't 
frequent it and am not sure if this happens with all the vidoes there. 
On Debian Testing amd64, in iceape with flashplayer, flashblock, 
noscript and adblock installed, I am not able to play the video linked 
on this news article:

I have allowed and in my noscripts controls, but the 
video page does not appear to load at all.

All other vidoes appear to work. BBC and youtube works, for example.

Meahwhile, I am searching if I can find that same interview with Assange 
somewhere else, but no luck yet.



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Re: hypervisor choices on Debian Testing amd64

2010-07-31 Thread H.S.

On 30/07/10 06:02 PM, Gilles Mocellin wrote:

The most straight virtualisation solution on Debian testing (squeeze) is KVM.
You can use virt-manager and libvirt to manage the VMs.

virt-manager can also manage Xen VMs.

Thanks for these suggestions. I am looking into these as well.


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Re: CUPS upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze breaks encryption - HELP

2010-07-31 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Thu, 2010-07-29 at 10:17 +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 03:22:31 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
  On Thu, 2010-07-29 at 06:41 +, Camaleón wrote:
   On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 01:46:40 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
Hello, all.  We are in quite a pickle tonight - our CUPS printing is
complete broken after an upgrade.  The cups error_log is filled with
Bad request line VCB from 172.x.x.1!'  Printers do not appear in
Gnome or OpenOffice and, even though they appear in KDE, they are
   I remember a similar thread:
   Help - CUPS printing stopped working
   So maybe you are hitting this bug?
   cups: https interface has SSL error (SSL received a record that exceeded 
   the maximum permissible length)
  Yes, that looks like it and there does not appear to be a patch or
  workaround yet :(
 Both the older thread and the bug report show that an SSL error is
 encountered when an SSL connection to the CUPS web interface is
 attempted on the standard, unencrypted CUPS port (631). As far as I
 know, that is the normal behavior with 1.4.4. #590610 looks like
 misunderstanding or a user configuration error to me. Your problem might
 very well be a different issue.
 In your case, I would:
 - Use netstat on the cups server to check on which port it listens for
   the SSL connections.
 - Verify that the CUPS web interface works for an https connection to
   that port (not necessarily 631), first from the server itself and then
   from the client.
 - Try to specify the SSL port explicitly in all server URLs configured
   on the client.
 - If that does not help, use tcpdump or strace -enetwork to see exactly
   which connections on which ports the client is attempting when it
   tries to print a document.
 Note: I do not use encrypted CUPS connections myself, so the above
 advice involves some guesswork. I don't know on which port(s) CUPS
 printing (as opposed to the CUPS web interface) negotiates encrypted
 connections. Maybe some changes of the procedure were introduced in the
 newer CUPS version, so I would also have a look at the changelog with
 that in mind.

Thanks very much.  I thought the idea of user error very possible as I
am by no means a CUPS expert.  In the past, we have used the same port
for encrypted and unencrypted traffic.  So I tried to specify a
different port for SSL with SSLListen only to have CUPS not accept it
and issue an unknown directive error.  After a bit of searching, I see
in the cups 1.2b1 release notes:

The scheduler now automatically detects SSL/TLS clients without using
the SSLPort/SSLListen directives.

That was our previous experience anyway.  So I am assuming this is a new
bug.  Any other ideas? Thanks again - John

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Re: How is 'pppd' launched while starting

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 05:20:59 +0800, Guo Jiahua wrote:

 I'm a user of DEBIAN 5.0. And I use adsl to connect to the Internet. I
 think pppd is the key program to connect. My ISP requires a MAC address
 which is different from my laptop. So, I think, I must change the MAC
 address (by using command ip link set ethX address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)
 before pppd launched when starting up
 Thus, I wander how is pppd launched while linux starting, by a script in
 '/etc/rc*.d/' or in other way.
 Thank you very much.

So, basically you want to clone the MAC address of one device to another, 
right? I've read about that option which is mostly included in some 
neutral routers (wan routers for adsl and cable).

Check if that helps:

Working with MAC addresses

Not sure if that will also work with pppoe links :-?

BTW, I think network scripts are placed under /etc/network/if-up.d/* or 

Additional information:

5.5.11. The PPPoE connection



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Re: CNN vidoes no playable in iceape (mozilla browser)

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 11:17:45 -0400, H.S. wrote:

 Anyone else having trouble playing videos on CCN website? I don't
 frequent it and am not sure if this happens with all the vidoes there.
 On Debian Testing amd64, in iceape with flashplayer, flashblock,
 noscript and adblock installed, I am not able to play the video linked
 on this news article:


Does it play if you disable Iceape add-ons (flashblock, noscript and 



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dosfslabel linux-base grub mess

2010-07-31 Thread Thomas H. George
TWIMC: The following is a summary of the problems I encountered when the
kernel image vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64 was released.

1. A dist-upgrade loaded and tried to install linux-base and the
2.6.32-5 kernel image.  The install failed with error messages from

2. Running dosfslabel on each partition of the systems hard drives gave
an error only for the partition /dev/hda1.  In the distant past this
partition had been a windoze partition but long ago had been reformated
as an ext2 partition.  To remove any trace of the old windoze
installation all the files were backed up and every partition on
/dev/hda was deleted, re-created and formated as ext3 partitions.  After
this dosfslabel no longer gave an error when run on the individual
partitions but the installation of linux-base still failed with an error
message from dosfslabel.

3. There remained the possibility of a remnant of windoze in the MBR so
lilo was used to write a new MBR to boot kernel image 2.6.32-3 on
/dev/hda.  The MBR's on the other two hard drives, sda and sdb, were
written by grub.  The system booted normally from any of the three hard
drives but the installation of linux-base still failed with an error
message from dosfslabel.

4.  It was suggested that the presence of usb devices was causing the
problem so all were disconnected.  The installation of linux-base still
failed with an error message for dosfslabel.

5.  The fstab contained entries cdrom drives and usb storage devices
which accessed vfat files.  The fstab was backed up and edited to
include only the ext3 hard drive partitions. Finally linux-base and the
2.6.32-5 kernel image were successfully installed.

6. During the installation of the new kernel the fstab was modified to
identify the hard drives by their UUID's.  The system then could no
longer be booted from MBR's installed by grub.  The boot tried to load
the new 2.6.32-5 kernel but failed when the root directory could not be

7. The system still booted normally to the 2.6.32-3 kernel from the MBR
installed on /dev/hda by lilo.  At this point the entries for the cdrom
drives and usb drives were restored to fstab, lilo.conf was edited to
include the new 2.6.32-5 kernel image, lilo was run and the system
rebooted.  Reboots from /dev/sda and from /dev/sdb still failed but
boots from /dev/hda worked fine loading the 2.6.32-5 kernel image.

8. The astounding current difficulty is made clear by the following
listing of fstab 

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
# /dev/sdb1 /   ext3errors=remount-ro   0   1
UUID=bfcd3316-153a-4279-ab86-286906857b98   /   ext3
errors=remount-ro   0   1
# /dev/sdb5 noneswapsw  0   0   
UUID=4b1523d0-bec9-4565-b085-0a151469b8db   noneswapsw  
0   0   

# formerly named /dev/sda1 is now:
UUID=507caf8f-f9cd-4ed2-91cc-3e46ae942e9d   /bkups  ext3
rw,user,noauto  0   2
# /dev/sda5 /ubuntu ext3defaults0   2
UUID=28a4eb99-6213-4b82-96a2-42b45097e256   /ubuntu ext3
defaults0   2
# /dev/sda6 /data   ext3defaults0   2
UUID=36cb29b0-2694-4dee-9ae4-10351963b979   /data   ext3
defaults0   2

/dev/fd0/media/floppy0  autorw,user,noauto  0   0

# /dev/hda1 /temp   ext2rw,user,auto0   2
UUID=4a2915d8-60cf-498e-a15c-f0bc6ebdb25e   /temp   ext2
rw,user,auto0   2
# /dev/hda5 /storageext2defaults0   2
UUID=408287f4-8b15-42d1-b6d3-bfeaefde3002   /storageext2
defaults0   2

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass

/dev/cdrom  /cdrom  iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0   0

/dev/scd0   /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
/dev/scd0   /media/cddata   autoro,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/scd1   /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0

/dev/sdc1   /usbkey autorw,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/sdc5   /media/bkup ext3rw,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/sdc/media/fuze vfatrw,user,noauto  0   0

/dev/sr0/media/cdrw iso9660 rw,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/sr1/dvdrw  iso9660 rw,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/sg0/sony   iso9660 rw,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/sg1/usbdrive   vfatrw,user,noauto  0   0

as compared to the output of df -h

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted 

Re: SD card question

2010-07-31 Thread Zoran Kolic
 Do you have a link to the firmware upgrade instructions so we can review 
 the full process and the required steps?

Mixing answers to save space.

Kobo ereader. They tend to upgrade using win desktop app
over usb adapter. Some canadian stores got SD card to un-
brick devices after failed upgrade. Image is not regular
one, but has 100% of success.

 Ext3 is not very common under windows/mac systems and Fat32 tend to be 
 the norm for these devices. Are you sure the SD card has to be formatted 
 using ext3?


 SD cards come from factory with Fat32, so I would reformat the SD card 
 with ext3, just in case :-?

I did. I simply made mkfs.ext3 /dev/whatever.
No fdisk first. That is the question I ask. Do I need that
fdisk first or not?

 Maybe the error comes from another place. Are you getting any message or 
 warning on the e-book when trying to perform the firmware upgrade?

It should be normal to not be able to mount vfat partition
as ext3 one. I expected an error and I got it. So far. so good.
Mounting as ext3 was fine.

 What error does it get when you mount it via command line? Is this an  
 Android based E-Reader? Or better yet, who makes the E-Reader and why  
 are they not doing firmware upgrades via the memory in the device if  
 it's public facing?

Intended for people not willing to use anything but win, I suppose.
SD card method is not public, but used to overcome pretty strange
policy: go to the store on another continent and upgrade. Or install
win and upgrade. And brick and go to another continent.

My fear was: have I missed fdisk for bad? I think upgrade procedure
first mounts the card. If not, why it should be ext3 anyway?
Best regards and thanx to all.


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Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-07-31 Thread Robert Holtzman
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:56:12AM +0100, Lisi wrote:
 On Saturday 31 July 2010 10:38:28 Camaleón wrote:
   He will never buy the last two links. They don't say they are the
   Official Debian Way.
  Why not? As long as Debian sticks to FSH 2.3 (with the exceptions
  mentioned in the first link from Debian Policy Manual) I think the last
  two links full match his requirements and better yet, explain the which
  dir if for what question.
 I think that you have missed the humour, Camaleón.  That is the difficulty of 
 a cross-culture, cross-language ml. :-(  

Not *completely* humorous. The OP seems obsessed with Officialness and
Debianness to an inordinate degree. (Look Ma, I made up two words.)

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer

Description: Digital signature

Re: SD card question

2010-07-31 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 18:34:52 +0200, Zoran Kolic wrote:

 Do you have a link to the firmware upgrade instructions so we can
 review the full process and the required steps?
 Mixing answers to save space.
 Kobo ereader. They tend to upgrade using win desktop app over usb
 adapter. Some canadian stores got SD card to un- brick devices after
 failed upgrade. Image is not regular one, but has 100% of success.

Did they provide any instructions on how to proceed with the upgrade?
 Ext3 is not very common under windows/mac systems and Fat32 tend to be
 the norm for these devices. Are you sure the SD card has to be
 formatted using ext3?

Mmm, okay :-)
 SD cards come from factory with Fat32, so I would reformat the SD card
 with ext3, just in case :-?
 I did. I simply made mkfs.ext3 /dev/whatever. No fdisk first. That is
 the question I ask. Do I need that fdisk first or not?

As root, fdisk -l /dev/sdx (sdx → adjust it to point the SD device) 
and check what it says.

fdisk is for creating partitions and I suppose there must be already 
one created for the SD card, if not, you had experiencing problems for 
mounting (and accesisng) to its contents which doesn't seem to be the 

 Maybe the error comes from another place. Are you getting any message
 or warning on the e-book when trying to perform the firmware upgrade?
 It should be normal to not be able to mount vfat partition as ext3 one.
 I expected an error and I got it. So far. so good. Mounting as ext3 was

Yes, but I was referring when you click any button/option to proceed with 
the upgrade. Did you get any error? What steps did you follow (you 
inserted the SD card with the required files on it, and then... what 


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Re: need native app to listen to internet radios

2010-07-31 Thread Aaron Toponce
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:00:30PM +0530, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
Is there any good native linux app for streaming online radio? I
prefer shoutcast.

Do you want a native GNU/Linux application, or an online streaming site?
Shoutcast isn't an installable application. Shoutcast is an online radio
streaming service.

If you want a good online radio, I recommend or If you
want a good installable application from the Debian repositories, then I
suggest the lastfm application, Banshee, Exaile or Amarok.

So, maybe you should clarify what you want?

Description: Digital signature

Re: samba: mounting as cifs not working (works in Windows though)

2010-07-31 Thread H.S.

On 29/07/10 02:26 PM, Mr Smiley wrote:

Sorry, also try

echo 0  /proc/fs/cifs/LinuxExtensionsEnabled

and then smbmount again.

It's one of the two, but at the mo can't remember which, but both at the same 
time won't hurt.


  echo 0  /proc/fs/cifs/OplockEnabled

  then try and smbmount again.

Sorry, I don't think I understand. Please note the following:
~$ cat /proc/fs/cifs/LinuxExtensionsEnabled
cat: /proc/fs/cifs/LinuxExtensionsEnabled: No such file or directory
~$ ls /proc/fs/cifs
ls: cannot access /proc/fs/cifs: No such file or directory
~$ ls /proc/fs
ext4  jbd2  nfsd

I don't have the cifs directory in /proc/fs neither on the server nor on 
the client.


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Re: samba: mounting as cifs not working (works in Windows though)

2010-07-31 Thread H.S.

On 29/07/10 02:23 PM, Stephan Seitz wrote:

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 11:11:31AM -0400, H.S. wrote:

~$ sudo mount -v -t cifs -o user=username //sambaserver/Share
Password:  username's password here 
mount.cifs kernel mount options:

mount error(13): Permission denied

Stupid question, but from what I remember using mount.smbfs and
mount.cifs (when it could be run by a normal user because of s-bit), the
target directory must belong to the user doing the mount call.

I don’t know, what directory owner is required if you do the command via
sudo, but what permissions has ~/mnt/Share?

Just to try this I created a new directory (on the server):
drwxr-xr-x   2 hs hs 4096 Jul 29 14:29 testsamba

and the relevant stanze in smb.conf:
comment = Test Samba share
browsable = yes
guest ok = no
path = /mnt/testsamba
writable = yes
force create mode = 0770
force directory mode = 0775

Restarted samba but I am getting the same error (mount error(13): 
Permission denied) on the client.


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Re: dosfslabel linux-base grub mess

2010-07-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 31 iul 10, 12:42:35, Thomas H. George wrote:
 6. During the installation of the new kernel the fstab was modified to
 identify the hard drives by their UUID's.  The system then could no
 longer be booted from MBR's installed by grub.  The boot tried to load
 the new 2.6.32-5 kernel but failed when the root directory could not be

I assume this is grub1 (legacy). Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the 

# kopt=root=/dev/Xda other_kernel_opts


# kopt=root=UUID=uuid_of_root_part other_kernel_opts

and then run 'update-grub'
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Re: Embedded System Recommendations

2010-07-31 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 03:04:04PM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:
 Okay, that's a start.  I have no problem with leaving x86, just as 
 long as I can easily get Debian running on it -- and can easily
 replicate that when I need more.
 Any other names that you know work with Debian?

SheevaPlug / GuruPlug work quite well with Debian:

BeagleBoard seems less optimal for that purpose. For instance, no
on-board ethernet.

Another x86 system to look at is:

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best|| friend

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Re: dosfslabel linux-base grub mess

2010-07-31 Thread Thomas H. George
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 09:05:45PM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sb, 31 iul 10, 12:42:35, Thomas H. George wrote:
  6. During the installation of the new kernel the fstab was modified to
  identify the hard drives by their UUID's.  The system then could no
  longer be booted from MBR's installed by grub.  The boot tried to load
  the new 2.6.32-5 kernel but failed when the root directory could not be
 I assume this is grub1 (legacy). Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the 
 # kopt=root=/dev/Xda other_kernel_opts
 # kopt=root=UUID=uuid_of_root_part other_kernel_opts
 and then run 'update-grub'
It is grub2.  I checked and the # kopt is in the new format and the
UUID is that of the root partition.  I ran update-grub just to be sure
and now the system will boot from a MBR written by grub.  The output of
df -h is still the same mixed up mess.


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Re: dosfslabel linux-base grub mess

2010-07-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 31 iul 10, 14:46:55, Thomas H. George wrote:
 It is grub2.  I checked and the # kopt is in the new format and the
 UUID is that of the root partition.  I ran update-grub just to be sure
 and now the system will boot from a MBR written by grub.  The output of
 df -h is still the same mixed up mess.

Device names are not stable (not changing), only UUIDs and LABELs are.

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Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-07-31 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 31 July 2010 18:21:14 Robert Holtzman wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:56:12AM +0100, Lisi wrote:
  On Saturday 31 July 2010 10:38:28 Camaleón wrote:
He will never buy the last two links. They don't say they are the
Official Debian Way.
   Why not? As long as Debian sticks to FSH 2.3 (with the exceptions
   mentioned in the first link from Debian Policy Manual) I think the last
   two links full match his requirements and better yet, explain the
   which dir if for what question.
  I think that you have missed the humour, Camaleón.  That is the
  difficulty of a cross-culture, cross-language ml. :-(

 Not *completely* humorous. The OP seems obsessed with Officialness and
 Debianness to an inordinate degree. (Look Ma, I made up two words.)

I entirely agree - but you were commenting on the OP not the fs, and I found 
it wryly humerous..  Most good humour has a strong core of truth.  If it were 
nonsense it wouldn't be funny.  (Unless it was utter gibberish, of course, 
like e.g. The Jabberwocky.)

Sorry if it was meant entirely seriously (as Camaleón took it) and I was in 
error in taking it in any other way.


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Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-07-31 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Saturday 31 July 2010 10:16:50 Klistvud wrote:
 Dne, 31. 07. 2010 11:37:27 je Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. napisal(a):
  /var should be a filesystem that fully support POSIX locking
  semantics, which
  may mean not NFS.
 Interesting. Makes me wonder how can this requirement be met when
 setting up diskless Debian clients (PXE boot over NFS)?

IIRC, some combinations of NFS server/client do support full POSIX locking 

Failing that: tmpfs and/or symlinks, possibly.  Debian doesn't store lock 
files in the same location as data files, so it may be possible to partition 
it further into places that need locking (tmpfs) and places that store 
persistent data (nfs).

It may even be that Debian only requires /var/lock to have full POSIX locking.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: dosfslabel linux-base grub mess

2010-07-31 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20100731_225121, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sb, 31 iul 10, 14:46:55, Thomas H. George wrote:
  It is grub2.  I checked and the # kopt is in the new format and the
  UUID is that of the root partition.  I ran update-grub just to be sure
  and now the system will boot from a MBR written by grub.  The output of
  df -h is still the same mixed up mess.
 Device names are not stable (not changing), only UUIDs and LABELs are.

UUID is not entirely stable. If during a new install you choose to have
a partition re-initialized, the partitioning software also writes a new,
different UUID into its superblock. For a label, you have the option of
giving the same value as it had before.

Paul E Condon

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Re: dosfslabel linux-base grub mess

2010-07-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 31 iul 10, 15:15:16, Paul E Condon wrote:
 On 20100731_225121, Andrei Popescu wrote:
  On Sb, 31 iul 10, 14:46:55, Thomas H. George wrote:
   It is grub2.  I checked and the # kopt is in the new format and the
   UUID is that of the root partition.  I ran update-grub just to be sure
   and now the system will boot from a MBR written by grub.  The output of
   df -h is still the same mixed up mess.
  Device names are not stable (not changing), only UUIDs and LABELs are.
 UUID is not entirely stable. If during a new install you choose to have
 a partition re-initialized, the partitioning software also writes a new,
 different UUID into its superblock. For a label, you have the option of
 giving the same value as it had before.

Of course UUID changes or re-format :) What I meant was that device 
names can change for other reasons (I remember posts about machines 
having different device names across reboots with the *same* kernel).

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Re: dosfslabel linux-base grub mess

2010-07-31 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Saturday 31 July 2010 11:42:35 Thomas H. George wrote:
 as compared to the output of df -h
 FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sdc1  71G   39G   29G  58% /
 tmpfs 2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /lib/init/rw
 udev  2.0G  252K  2.0G   1% /dev
 tmpfs 2.0G 0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
 /dev/sda5  44G  180M   42G   1% /ubuntu
 /dev/sda6 276G   43G  219G  17% /data
 /dev/sdb1 1.7G   35M  1.6G   3% /temp
 /dev/sdb5  27G   13G   13G  51% /storage
 Note that the root directory is shown on /dev/sdc1 which should be an
 empty cdrom drive!  There are no entries for /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda5 but
 their contents are shown on /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb5!  The root directory
 is really on sdb1 and lilo knows this.

Do an (ls -ld /dev/[sh]d*) for me.  I think you'll see there are no longer any 
hd devices and that your cdrom and usb-key now have a different sd letter.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: dosfslabel linux-base grub mess

2010-07-31 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Saturday 31 July 2010 16:15:16 Paul E Condon wrote:
 On 20100731_225121, Andrei Popescu wrote:
  On Sb, 31 iul 10, 14:46:55, Thomas H. George wrote:
   It is grub2.  I checked and the # kopt is in the new format and the
   UUID is that of the root partition.  I ran update-grub just to be sure
   and now the system will boot from a MBR written by grub.  The output of
   df -h is still the same mixed up mess.
  Device names are not stable (not changing), only UUIDs and LABELs are.
 UUID is not entirely stable. If during a new install you choose to have
 a partition re-initialized, the partitioning software also writes a new,
 different UUID into its superblock. For a label, you have the option of
 giving the same value as it had before.

UUIDs are attached to the file system and are stable.

In the case above, you have a new file system, so you get a new UUID.

UUIDs and LABELs are not unique though.  LVM snapshots (and similar 
technologies) can result in two file systems have the same UUID and LABEL.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-07-31 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Saturday 31 July 2010 04:37:27 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 For a multi-user system, all user-writable locations should be separate
 file systems from system file systems.  At the least, /var/tmp, /tmp,
 and /home should be separate file systems.  /dev/shm may be user writable,
 but in modern system /dev is already a tmpfs file system, so no worries. 
 This is mainly to prevent users of filling up system disks and making
 trouble for the administrator.  In the past, the also prevent a specific
 type of hardlink attack, but dpkg now prevents that attack independent of
 file system layout. If you run a daemon that allows users to store data
 which is put in /var, it should also be separate.

Here's the o+wt directories on my laptop.  These are good candidates for 
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: CNN vidoes no playable in iceape (mozilla browser)

2010-07-31 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 11:17:45 -0400, H.S. wrote:
 Anyone else having trouble playing videos on CCN website? I don't
 frequent it and am not sure if this happens with all the vidoes
 there. On Debian Testing amd64, in iceape with flashplayer,
 flashblock, noscript and adblock installed, I am not able to play
 the video linked on this news article:

I can play it on my Sid system (iceweasel 3.6.7 form experimental,
flashplayer-mozilla 1:, flashblock 1.5.13, noscript 2.0)

 I have allowed and in my noscripts controls, but
 the video page does not appear to load at all.

I did that, too, and then I clicked on the flashblock placeholder icon
for the video; it loaded and played normally.

Note that I have my user agent string set to Firefox/3.6.7; I have
found that some websites send you IE-specific, broken HTML if the user
agent is, for example, Iceweasel instead of Firefox. (I did not test
if this is the case for CNN, though.)

 All other vidoes appear to work. BBC and youtube works, for example.
 Meahwhile, I am searching if I can find that same interview with
 Assange somewhere else, but no luck yet.

Executive summary: Assange cordially invites the 22nd United States
Secretary of Defense to kiss him where the sun does not shine.

  Florian   |

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Re: How is 'pppd' launched while starting

2010-07-31 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 05:12:13AM +0800, Guo Jiahua wrote:
 Hi, everyone,
 I'm a user of DEBIAN 5.0. And I use adsl to connect to the Internet. I
 think pppd is the key program to connect.
 My ISP requires a MAC address which is different from my laptop.

MAC ?  IN what way they require MAC address?  What are they using?

Is this MAC adress the one for your home gateway router or your home
gateway router limits you only to this?

 So, I think, I must change the MAC address (by using command ip link
 set ethX address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) before pppd launched when starting
 Thus, I wander how is pppd launched while linux starting, by a script in
 '/etc/rc*.d/' or in other way.
 Thank you very much.

Does your system connect directly by pppoe?  

If ISP supplys gateway machine, you may need dhcp to connect to it.  I
know some home wireless router limit MAC address. 



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Re: Debian FS structure.

2010-07-31 Thread Robert Holtzman
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:12:17PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
 On Saturday 31 July 2010 18:21:14 Robert Holtzman wrote:
  On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:56:12AM +0100, Lisi wrote:
  Not *completely* humorous. The OP seems obsessed with Officialness and
  Debianness to an inordinate degree. (Look Ma, I made up two words.)
 I entirely agree - but you were commenting on the OP not the fs, and I found 
 it wryly humerous..  Most good humour has a strong core of truth.  If it were 
 nonsense it wouldn't be funny.  (Unless it was utter gibberish, of course, 
 like e.g. The Jabberwocky.) 
 Sorry if it was meant entirely seriously (as Camaleón took it) and I was in 
 error in taking it in any other way.

You were not in error. Notice I said not *completely* humorous.

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer

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Re: CNN vidoes no playable in iceape (mozilla browser)

2010-07-31 Thread H.S.

On 31/07/10 06:02 PM, Florian Kulzer wrote:

I did that, too, and then I clicked on the flashblock placeholder icon
for the video; it loaded and played normally.

Yes, that is due to flashblock, I have to click that too to let 
flashplayer do its job. Didn't work on cnn for me.

Note that I have my user agent string set to Firefox/3.6.7; I have
found that some websites send you IE-specific, broken HTML if the user
agent is, for example, Iceweasel instead of Firefox. (I did not test
if this is the case for CNN, though.)

Well, that might be the problem then, since I created a brand new test 
profile, disable the extensions and tried the video without any luck. So 
I doubt it is the extensions' problem. Probably is the identification 
string issue. I will check as soon as I can.

Executive summary: Assange cordially invites the 22nd United States
Secretary of Defense to kiss him where the sun does not shine.

Ah! Right.



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Re: SD card question

2010-07-31 Thread Zoran Kolic
 Did they provide any instructions on how to proceed with the upgrade?

Kobo hides SD card upgrade, just as snake hides it's legs.

 As root, fdisk -l /dev/sdx (sdx ??? adjust it to point the SD device) 
 and check what it says.

Since the card is new, it is labeled as fat. No surprise here.
Taking it out of plastic cover, I mkfs.ext3 it. No more, no less.

 fdisk is for creating partitions and I suppose there must be already 
 one created for the SD card, if not, you had experiencing problems for 
 mounting (and accesisng) to its contents which doesn't seem to be the 

Seems to be pretty happy card so far. You wonder why I have
no more data on the subject. My reader is on the way, I have
no hands on it yet. The firmware on it is old and manufacturer
has better one, version 1.4. I will reflash as soon as I can.

 Yes, but I was referring when you click any button/option to proceed with 
 the upgrade. Did you get any error? What steps did you follow (you 
 inserted the SD card with the required files on it, and then... what 

Sd card should be inserted first. Middle button on the pad
has to be pressed and the reader powered up. It takes some
time, without human interference. Nothing more. Upgrade via
usb adapter often fails, but I cannot say what errors are.
SD card upgrade never failed, or it was not reported back.
The very reason I wanna do that this way.
K, when I get the reader, will try to use card I made. If it
has something to complain, gonna make the same card with
fdisk first.
Thanx all.


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