feliç aniversari

2010-08-16 Thread Joan
a tots els debianites ... avui fem 17 anyets ;-)

Les mes sinceres felicitacions a tot l'equip de desenvolupadors , a la
comunitat i a tots els usuaris.

spam dans le DBTS ?

2010-08-16 Thread Jean-Paul Vincent


Voyez-vous les ballons dans


qui proviennent de http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com/
(voir le fichier source)

Qu'est-ce ?

JP Vincent.

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Re: spam dans le DBTS ?

2010-08-16 Thread Kevin Hinault
Le 16 août 2010 10:01, Jean-Paul Vincent jpvince...@orange.fr a écrit :


 Voyez-vous les ballons dans


 qui proviennent de http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com/
 (voir le fichier source)

 Qu'est-ce ?

En effet je les vois aussi.

Je suppose que le logo debian sur les ballons n'est pas innocent et
qu'il y a peut être un lien avec la naissance de debian en aout 1993


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Re: spam dans le DBTS ?

2010-08-16 Thread Kevin Hinault
Le 16 août 2010 10:25, Kevin Hinault hina...@gmail.com a écrit :
 En effet je les vois aussi.

 Je suppose que le logo debian sur les ballons n'est pas innocent et
 qu'il y a peut être un lien avec la naissance de debian en aout 1993

En fait il suffit de cliquer sur un ballon :


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Re: spam dans le DBTS ?

2010-08-16 Thread Ignace Mouzannar
2010/8/16 Jean-Paul Vincent jpvince...@orange.fr:


 Voyez-vous les ballons dans


 qui proviennent de http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com/
 (voir le fichier source)

 Qu'est-ce ?

C'est le 17ième anniversaire depuis la première release de Debian [1]
le 16 Aout 1993.

 Ignace M

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#1993.E2.80.931998

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Re: spam dans le DBTS ?

2010-08-16 Thread Thomas Blein


Voyez-vous les ballons dans


qui proviennent de http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com/
(voir le fichier source)

Qu'est-ce ?

L'anniversaire de Debian!

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Re: Xchat: problème avec DCC - WAS: 3G Orange vs SFR

2010-08-16 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Bernard a écrit :
 sebastien delbarre wrote:

 les DCC  chats requiert l ouverture de ports dans le routeur ( idem 
 pour toutes les formes de dcc ).

Ce n'est pas si simple. L'ouverture (je suppose que tu veux dire la
redirection) de ports dans le routeur NAT ne suffit pas. DCC fait partie
de ces protocoles un peu compliqués comme FTP qui ne passent pas bien à
travers le NAT simple, et qu'il faut traiter spécifiquement. En effet
l'émetteur d'une requête DCC envoie non seulement le numéro de port mais
aussi l'adresse IP sur lesquels il attend la connexion du destinataire.
Or l'adresse d'un poste derrière un routeur NAT, est une adresse privée
(plages,,, injoignable de
l'extérieur. Pour que cela puisse fonctionner, il faut :

- que le routeur inspecte la connexion IRC et remplace l'adresse IP
privée par son adresse publique dans la requête DCC, et crée une
redirection automatique pour le port spécifié ; c'est ce que fait la
plupart des routeurs NAT avec le protocole FTP, mais la prise en charge
de DCC est moins répandue ; Linux en tant que routeur NAT peut le faire
grâce au module nf_nat_irc (anciennement ip_nat_irc).

- ou que le serveur IRC, qui connaît l'adresse publique du routeur NAT
puisque c'est , effectue le remplacement avant de faire suivre la
requête DCC au destinataire ; connaissant très peu IRC, je ne sais pas
si cette pratique existe

- ou que le client remplace de lui même son adresse par l'adresse IP
publique de son routeur NAT, qu'il découvre par un moyen quelconque
(configurée en dur si elle est fixe, avec un nom de domaine dynamique si
elle est variable, par l'intermédiaire d'un site extérieur qui la
renvoie...) ; il faudra en plus lui spécifier une plage de ports locaux
à utiliser pour DCC et définir une redirection de cette plage de ports
vers le poste dans la configuration du routeur NAT.

Du côté du destinataire de la requête DCC il n'y a rien de particulier à
faire puisqu'il établira une connexion sortante.

 Merci pour cette réponse. Voilà donc pourquoi cela fonctionnait en RTC 

Cela fonctionnait en RTC car la connexion était directe sans routeur NAT
entre le modem et le poste, et le poste avait une adresse IP publique.

 (le FAI devait avoir ces ports ouverts dans son routeur), et pas en ADSL 

Les routeurs des FAI - je ne parle pas des box chez les clients - ne
font pas de NAT. Ce serait pareil en ADSL si tu utilisais une connexion
directe avec un simple modem transparent et non une box qui est en fait
un routeur NAT, et donc si le poste recevait une adresse IP publique et
non une adresse privée.

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Gobi 2000 support Debian

2010-08-16 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour à tous,
je voulais savoir si quelqu'un avait installé une machine avec une
carte de ce type ?
La procédure décrite ici est elle la seule envisageable ou il y a t'il
quelque chose de plus spécifique à Debian ? du genre le package qui
fait tout ...
Je vais avoir mon VAIO série Z en fin de semaine, et je voudrai bien
aller vite pour l'installer correctement...

merci par avance

Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
auteur Eyrolles

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Installation de java dans un chroot

2010-08-16 Thread Guy Roussin


Je viens d'installer java (de sun) dans un chroot (j'utilise par la suite
ce chroot comme initrd sur d'autres machine). Je me rend compte que les liens
qui sont crées au moment de l'installation de java sont relatifs au
chemin général de la machine hôte et pas au chroot lui-même.

Exemple extrait d'un find sur le dossier chrooté :

./etc/alternatives/java - 

Au lieu de
./etc/alternatives/java - /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java

Evidemment, /localu/debirf/test/root/ n'a plus de sens dans une machine
qui boote avec un initrd issu de ce chroot (j'utilise debirf pour gérer
la gestion des chroot)

Pour l'instant ma stratégie est de remplacer tous les liens à la main ...
Je pourrais peut-etre aussi faire un lien
/localu/debirf/test/root - /

mais il y a peut-être plus propre ?



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Re: Creer un point d'acces wifi

2010-08-16 Thread Frédéric Boiteux
Le Sat, 24 Jul 2010 08:49:28 +0200,
Le poulpe qui bloppe ! monpou...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Merci des informations, mais je trouve ca incroyable de rester aussi
 dependant d'un hardware.

Et encore, le support wifi s'est énormément amélioré ! Mais la
fonctionnalité que tu demandes ne fonctionne pas sur toutes les cartes,
loin de là.

 Bon, je vais donc faire des recherches sur les petites annonces
 d'occasion pour trouver un chip atheros alors.
 Si vous avez des conseils sur un modele particulier...
 Néanmoins, si quelqu'un arrive a faire un point d'acces sous linux
 sans passer par madwifi, je suis interessé par la conf, parcequ'un
 jour faudra bien arriver a gerrer du wifi sans madwifi :P

MadWifi était l'ancien driver pour les cartes Atheros, maintenant
remplacé par le driver ath5k (et ath9k) directement intégré au noyau.
Attention, je crois que celui-ci ne gère pas qq modèles de cartes
Atheros, il vaut mieux faire attention… mais si quand c'est le cas,
c'est impec, je ne regrette pas d'avoir changé ma carte de mon portable
il y a qq années déjà (désolé je n'ai pas la référence sous la main),
le réseau wifi fonctionne bien mieux qu'avec d'autres portables au même
endroit …


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Re: Creer un point d'acces wifi

2010-08-16 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Le Mon, 16 Aug 2010 18:07:37 +0200,
Frédéric Boiteux fboit...@calistel.com a écrit :

 MadWifi était l'ancien driver pour les cartes Atheros, maintenant
 remplacé par le driver ath5k (et ath9k) directement intégré au noyau.

Pour info, à moins que ça n'ait bcp changé depuis début 2009, ath5k était
incapable d'exploiter gérer certains modes de ma carte, pas plus que de
régler finement la puissance d'émission.

 Attention, je crois que celui-ci ne gère pas qq modèles de cartes
 Atheros, il vaut mieux faire attention… mais si quand c'est le cas,
 c'est impec, je ne regrette pas d'avoir changé ma carte de mon portable
 il y a qq années déjà (désolé je n'ai pas la référence sous la main),
 le réseau wifi fonctionne bien mieux qu'avec d'autres portables au même
 endroit …

C'est dû au type d'antenne retenu parce que ~95% des cartes ont la même
sensibilité d'entrée. 

A joint is just tea for two.

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[resolu] Re: Debian Testing et Google Earth

2010-08-16 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Mon, 16 Aug 2010 00:36:38 +0200
Gaëtan PERRIER gaetan.perr...@neuf.fr a écrit:

 Le Sat, 14 Aug 2010 18:42:12 +0200
 Thierry Chatelet tchate...@free.fr a écrit:
  On Saturday 14 August 2010 00:43:13 Thierry Chatelet wrote:
   En fait, si tu peux attendre demain  dans  la  journée, je dois
   installer un  ordi  en squeeze  32 bits. J' essaierai de mettre
   googleearth dessus et je te tiens au courant.
  Pas de chance, je n' arrive pas à faire le paquet. J'ai  une
  longue liste d'erreurs disant que le fichier googleearth peut être
  conrrompu. Je suis désolé, mais comme je dois livrer le pc ce soir,
  je ne peux pas chercher plus longtemps d'ou vient le problème.
 Bon pour l'instant j'ai réussi à faire un paquet pour la version
 5.1.3535.3218. La version 5.2 actuellement en ligne semble
 passablement bugguée. J'attends donc que la suite situation

J'ai réussi aujourd'hui à installer la version avec un
make-googleearth-package --force
Elle semble fonctionner correctement.


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Re: OT. Salida de Tail -f /var/log/apache.log

2010-08-16 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 15 Aug 2010 18:34:28 -0300, ciracusa escribió:

 Hoy estaba viendo la salida de tail -f /var/log/apache/access.log y vi
 esto: - - [14/Aug/2010:15:25:03 -0300]
 400 343 - -
 Alguien sabe que puede significar?

Ni idea :-?

Parece una petición de cliente con un flujo de datos codificados de 
alguna forma concreta (¿de qué tipo?). Podría haberse generado desde 
algún cliente distinto de un navegador web. 

En cualquier caso, tu servidor devuelve un error 400 bad request.



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Feliz Cumpleaños Debian

2010-08-16 Thread Hector Colina
Hash: SHA1

14 releases, 11 conferencias, 12 arquitecturas oficiales, 117
mantenedores oficiales, 873 desarrolladores, + 40.000 paquetes, Feliz
Cumpleaños Debian
- -- 
Hector Colina. Linux  counter id 131637
Debian user, aka e1th0r, e1th0r en twitter
Mérida-Venezuela http://e1th0r.gulmer.org.ve
Key-id = 4096R/7184DFC9
Fingerprint = E402 A12E 7CF5 F646 E794  1083 F467 0813 7184 DFC9
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Re: Problemas PDC+Samba+LDAP

2010-08-16 Thread Eduardo R . Barrera Pérez

 Solo por verificar ¿El servidor al cual estás tratando de unirte se
 encuentra en el mismo segmento de red de la estación de trabajo?


Creo que yo probe las 2 versiones de ese manual y en el caso de Lenny lo
que no me funciono fue la parte de añadir las PC windows al dominio de
manera automatica, que en el de Etch si funcionaba, por lo que lo que hice
fue crear manualmente las cuentas de las estaciones de trabajo en el
sirvidor ldap y ya despues no tuve problemas para unirlas, desde luego si
tienes muchas estaciones de trabajo eso es logicamente un problema, pero

Eduardo R. Barrera Pérez
Administrador Nodo Jovenclub
Pinar del Rí­o
Web-Site: http://www.pri.jovenclub.cu
Email:  ebarr...@pri.jovenclub.cu
Jabber: ebarr...@jabber.pri.jovenclub.cu
Phone:  0148-755805
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2010-08-16 Thread Nicolas
Bueno ya instale el samba como servidor wins y el dije al dhcp que le diga a
las maquina windows quien es el servidor wins, pero nada las maquinas
windows xp no encuentran el PDC, ya no se que hacer he pensado hasta
instalar otra distribucion como CentOS, y me da lastima porque perderia
otros servidores que ya tenia instalados en la maquina entre ellos el dns.


Nicolás Disquin

Necesito link para manual PDC+SAMBA+LDAp sobre Debian Lenny

2010-08-16 Thread Mario Javier Fernandez
Necesito link para manual PDC+SAMBA+LDAP sobre Debian Jenny.

Le agradecería que pudieran compartirme ese manual preferiblemente en ingles
o español y que ya haya sido probado por ustedes con resultados positivos.



Mario Javier Fernández

Admin. Red Desoft Matanzas.

Re: Necesito link para manual PDC+SAMBA+LDAp sobre Debian Lenny

2010-08-16 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/8/16 Mario Javier Fernandez mario.fernan...@mtz.desoft.cu

  Necesito link para manual PDC+SAMBA+LDAP sobre Debian Jenny.

 Le agradecería que pudieran compartirme ese manual preferiblemente en
 ingles o español y que ya haya sido probado por ustedes con resultados

hola, ¿google está caido? ¿o aún no has probado de poner PDC+SAMBA+LDAP
debian en un buscador ?
yo lo acabo de hacer y funciona :)


Re: Necesito link para manual PDC+SAMBA+LDAp sobre Debian Lenny

2010-08-16 Thread Ali Moreno
El día 17 de agosto de 2010 11:14, Marc Aymerich glicer...@gmail.com escribió:

 2010/8/16 Mario Javier Fernandez mario.fernan...@mtz.desoft.cu

 Necesito link para manual PDC+SAMBA+LDAP sobre Debian Jenny.

 Le agradecería que pudieran compartirme ese manual preferiblemente en
 ingles o español y que ya haya sido probado por ustedes con resultados

 hola, ¿google está caido? ¿o aún no has probado de poner PDC+SAMBA+LDAP
 debian en un buscador ?
 yo lo acabo de hacer y funciona :)


Creo que el amigo Mario dijo que ya haya sido probado por ustedes con
resultados positivos.

Este es el tipo de respuestas que sacan la piedra :S

Digo yo... EMHO... si no tienes nada POSITIVO que aportar... no es
mejor abstenerse?


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2010-08-16 Thread Nicolas
Aqui esta el Link SAMBA+PDC+LDAP Lenny

Espero que a ti las maquinas windows xp si vean el PDC, bueno ya nos

Nicolas Disquin

Re: Problemas SAMBA+PDC+LDAP

2010-08-16 Thread Roberto De Oliveira
El día 16 de agosto de 2010 09:04, Nicolas niko...@gmail.com escribió:
 Bueno ya instale el samba como servidor wins y el dije al dhcp que le diga a
 las maquina windows quien es el servidor wins, pero nada las maquinas
 windows xp no encuentran el PDC, ya no se que hacer he pensado hasta
 instalar otra distribucion como CentOS, y me da lastima porque perderia
 otros servidores que ya tenia instalados en la maquina entre ellos el dns.


 Nicolás Disquin

¿Intentaste con establecer el parámetro WINS directamente en el
Windows? ¿Por casualidad habrás modificado el registro del WinXP con
los parches que trae el paquete samba-doc?
(/usr/share/doc/samba-doc/registry/) No me recuerdo muy bien para que,
pero alguna vez utilicé alguno de ellos.

Roberto De Oliveira

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Re: Problemas SAMBA+PDC+LDAP

2010-08-16 Thread Eduardo R . Barrera Pérez
 Bueno ya instale el samba como servidor wins y el dije al dhcp que le diga
 las maquina windows quien es el servidor wins, pero nada las maquinas
 windows xp no encuentran el PDC, ya no se que hacer he pensado hasta
 instalar otra distribucion como CentOS, y me da lastima porque perderia
 otros servidores que ya tenia instalados en la maquina entre ellos el dns.

Porque las cuentas de las estaciones de trabajo como las estas creando?
Automaticamente o manualmente? Quizas sea ese el problema, te lo comente
en un mensaje anterior a este. Prueba añadir manualmente la cuenta de la
PC, luego verifica que la PC que estas tratando de añadir al dominio tiene
el mismo nombre que tu pusiste cuando añadiste manualmente dicha maquina
al ldap, porque sino coinciden la maquina te da error y no entra al

Eduardo R. Barrera Pérez
Administrador Nodo Jovenclub
Pinar del Rí­o
Web-Site: http://www.pri.jovenclub.cu
Email:  ebarr...@pri.jovenclub.cu
Jabber: ebarr...@jabber.pri.jovenclub.cu
Phone:  0148-755805
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Re: Feliz Cumpleaños Debian

2010-08-16 Thread Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
Me uno a esta Celabración.

Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
Linux Registered User #474919
Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze/sid \n \l
Máquina  #394093_User #143
Por favor, NO utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el
intercambio de documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, PDF, TXT, CSV o
cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un fabricante
concreto. Vea http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html

Por favor considere el medio ambiente antes de imprimir este correo

La meta es conseguir, defender y mantener nuestra libertad

El 16 de agosto de 2010 07:34, Hector Colina hcol...@autistici.orgescribió:

 Hash: SHA1

 14 releases, 11 conferencias, 12 arquitecturas oficiales, 117
 mantenedores oficiales, 873 desarrolladores, + 40.000 paquetes, Feliz
 Cumpleaños Debian
 - --
 Hector Colina. Linux  counter id 131637
 Debian user, aka e1th0r, e1th0r en twitter
 Mérida-Venezuela http://e1th0r.gulmer.org.ve
 Key-id = 4096R/7184DFC9
 Fingerprint = E402 A12E 7CF5 F646 E794  1083 F467 0813 7184 DFC9
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: Feliz Cumpleaños Debian

2010-08-16 Thread Paulo Riquelme
El 16 de agosto de 2010 12:34, Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda 
rasa996...@gmail.com escribió:

 Me uno a esta Celabración.

 Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
 Linux Registered User #474919
 Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze/sid \n \l
 Máquina  #394093_User #143
 Por favor, NO utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el
 intercambio de documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, PDF, TXT, CSV o
 cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un fabricante
 concreto. Vea http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html
 Por favor considere el medio ambiente antes de imprimir este correo
 La meta es conseguir, defender y mantener nuestra libertad

 El 16 de agosto de 2010 07:34, Hector Colina hcol...@autistici.orgescribió:

 Hash: SHA1

 14 releases, 11 conferencias, 12 arquitecturas oficiales, 117
 mantenedores oficiales, 873 desarrolladores, + 40.000 paquetes, Feliz
 Cumpleaños Debian
 - --
 Hector Colina. Linux  counter id 131637
 Debian user, aka e1th0r, e1th0r en twitter
 Mérida-Venezuela http://e1th0r.gulmer.org.ve
 Key-id = 4096R/7184DFC9
 Fingerprint = E402 A12E 7CF5 F646 E794  1083 F467 0813 7184 DFC9
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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 Salud!!! brindemos remotamente con un poco de vino y para los más
curagüillas con vinagre jjaja



Problema con apt-get y firma del repocitorio security

2010-08-16 Thread Carlos Agustín L . Avila
Hola a todos.
Tengo este problema ¿me puede ayudar?
W: GPG error: http://security.debian.org lenny/updates Release: Las
siguientes firms fueron inválidas: NODATA 1 NODATA 2
W: Imposible obtener
 El subproceso bzip2 devolvió un código de error (2)

W: Imposible obtener
 El subproceso bzip2 devolvió un código de error (2)

E: Algunos archivos de índice no se han podido descargar, se han ignorado,
o se ha utilizado unos antiguos en su lugar.

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Re: Necesito link para manual PDC+SAMBA+LDAp sobre Debian Lenny

2010-08-16 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/8/16 Ali Moreno alimor...@gmail.com

 El día 17 de agosto de 2010 11:14, Marc Aymerich glicer...@gmail.com
  2010/8/16 Mario Javier Fernandez mario.fernan...@mtz.desoft.cu
  Necesito link para manual PDC+SAMBA+LDAP sobre Debian Jenny.
  Le agradecería que pudieran compartirme ese manual preferiblemente en
  ingles o español y que ya haya sido probado por ustedes con resultados
  hola, ¿google está caido? ¿o aún no has probado de poner PDC+SAMBA+LDAP
  debian en un buscador ?
  yo lo acabo de hacer y funciona :)

 Creo que el amigo Mario dijo que ya haya sido probado por ustedes con
 resultados positivos.

 Este es el tipo de respuestas que sacan la piedra :S

 Digo yo... EMHO... si no tienes nada POSITIVO que aportar... no es
 mejor abstenerse

Muchas veces los que intentan ayudar, respondiendo a mensajes de esta lista,
lo que hacen es buscan antes la respuesta en google. Como en este caso que
he puesto el subject en google y me ha devuelto infinidad de resultados con
howtos que tenian muy buena pinta. Podría haber pegado cualquiera, pero
pienso que resulta más útil si lo busca uno mismo; puedes elegir el que más
te interesa.

que ya haya sido probado por ustedes con
resultados positivos.

A mi me parece irrelevante, podemos suponer que si escribes un howto es
porque te funciona... ¿tiene que estar certificado por debian-span...@? :) .


Re: Feliz Cumpleaños Debian

2010-08-16 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El día 16 de agosto de 2010 09:34, Hector Colina
hcol...@autistici.org escribió:
 Hash: SHA1

 14 releases, 11 conferencias, 12 arquitecturas oficiales, 117
 mantenedores oficiales, 873 desarrolladores, + 40.000 paquetes, Feliz
 Cumpleaños Debian
 - --
si quieren agradecerle, felicitar o algo por el estilo: http://thank.debian.net/

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Relay Server

2010-08-16 Thread Gary Ariel Sandi Vigabriel
Alguien tiene idea de como hacer un relayserver local sin ir a otro
autentificado en postfix?
ya busque información y no encuentro algo especifico.



 .''`.  **Debian GNU/Linux**  | Gary Ariel Sandi Vigabriel
: :' :  *The Universal O.S.*| gary[dot]gsv[at]gmail[dot]com
`. `'`  Linux User: 448533 | GPG Key ID: 8BAD86EC
  `- http://www.debian.org | Debian GNU/Linux User


2010-08-16 Thread Administrador de Red
Saludos a todos los listeros.

Me llamo Rene, soy de Cuba y estoy empezando en el mundo de linux. Soy 
administrador de una red. Me eh inclinado por la distribución de Ubuntu, 
puede que sea por que no me aya quedado otro remedio ya que ustedes saben 
las limitantes que tenemos por acá. Tengo entendió que ubunto es muy 
parecido a debian asi que opte por ustedes para apoyarme, espero que me 

Cuento con ustedes.

Droguería Ciudad Habana

Re: Hola

2010-08-16 Thread Excalibur
El lun, 16-08-2010 a las 20:09 -0400, Administrador de Red escribió:
 Saludos a todos los listeros.  
 Me llamo Rene, soy de Cuba y estoy empezando en el mundo de linux. Soy
 administrador de una red. Me eh inclinado por la distribución de
 Ubuntu, puede que sea por que no me aya quedado otro remedio ya que
 ustedes saben las limitantes que tenemos por acá. Tengo entendió que
 ubunto es muy parecido a debian asi que opte por ustedes para
 apoyarme, espero que me reciban. 
 Cuento con ustedes.  

Bienvenido Rene!

Hay una pagina en donde podes suscribirte a la lista de correo de Ubuntu
[1]. Ahí van a poder ayudarte mejor que nosotros, ya que a pesar de que
Ubuntu esta basado en Debian, NO es Debian! 


Este es el primer lugar al que deberias ir antes de escribir 
un e-mail. Leelo, entendelo, aceptalo y por favor, aplicalo!
Excalibur - Usuario Linux Registrado #481497
Debian Lenny GNU/Linux 5.0.3

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approx en squeeze

2010-08-16 Thread Abejo
Hola, actualice mi Debian a squeeze, todo ok, pero me encuentro que el approx 
4 no trae para lanzar le demonio, ya volví a reinstalar el paquete y nada, 
alguien tiene alguna idea?

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Re: Hola

2010-08-16 Thread Juan Lavieri

El 16/08/10 19:39, Administrador de Red escribió:

Saludos a todos los listeros.
Me llamo Rene, soy de Cuba y estoy empezando en el mundo de linux. Soy 
administrador de una red. Me eh inclinado por la distribución de 
Ubuntu, puede que sea por que no me aya quedado otro remedio ya que 
ustedes saben las limitantes que tenemos por acá. Tengo entendió que 
ubunto es muy parecido a debian asi que opte por ustedes para 
apoyarme, espero que me reciban.

Cuento con ustedes.

Droguería Ciudad Habana

Hola Rene.

Excelente idea la de utilizar software libre en tus quehaceres.

Bienvenido a la lista.  Con mucho gusto trataremos de responder a todas 
tus preguntas que se relacionen _diectamente_ con Debian GNU/Linux.



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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4c6a0fc2.4020...@gmail.com

Re: approx en squeeze

2010-08-16 Thread Angel Abad
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 01:13:28AM -0300, Abejo wrote:
 Hola, actualice mi Debian a squeeze, todo ok, pero me encuentro que el approx 
 4 no trae para lanzar le demonio, ya volví a reinstalar el paquete y nada, 
 alguien tiene alguna idea?

Buenas, del fichero /usr/share/doc/approx/NEWS.Debian.gz:

approx (4.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  The approx program no longer runs as an independent daemon;
  it is now run by inetd.  Since the listening port and addresses
  can be specified in /etc/inetd.conf, the $port and $interface
  configuration parameters have been removed.  Host access control
  using /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny is also supported by

 -- Eric Cooper e...@cmu.edu  Tue, 10 Mar 2009 13:37:00 -0400

Casi seguro que al instalarse te ha introducido una linea en
/etc/inetd.conf con el puerto en el que escucha y el binario que tiene
que lanzar cada vez que inetd reciva una petición a ese puerto.

Angel Abad

Description: Digital signature

Re: Problema con apt-get y firma del repocitorio security

2010-08-16 Thread Angel Abad
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 12:08:39PM -0500, Carlos Agustín L. Avila wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 Tengo este problema ¿me puede ayudar?
 W: GPG error: http://security.debian.org lenny/updates Release: Las
 siguientes firms fueron inválidas: NODATA 1 NODATA 2
 W: Imposible obtener
  El subproceso bzip2 devolvió un código de error (2)
 W: Imposible obtener
  El subproceso bzip2 devolvió un código de error (2)
 E: Algunos archivos de índice no se han podido descargar, se han ignorado,
 o se ha utilizado unos antiguos en su lugar.

Prueba a instalar el paquete debian-archive-keyring a ver si se te
solucionan los problemas con las firmas gpg del repositorio.

Angel Abad

Description: Digital signature

Re: Configurar apt-get com proxy com autenticacao

2010-08-16 Thread Flávio Oliveira
Bom dia,

Segue link para acesso com e sem autenticacao:


From: Rodolfo 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 6:31 PM
To: debian-user-portuguese 
Subject: Configurar apt-get com proxy com autenticacao

Ola pessoal, preciso de uma ajuda, aqui no trabalho o proxy pede autenticacao, 
estou tentando configurar o apt-get para ser usado através disso, porém sem 

editei meu /etc/environment assim:

HTTP::Proxy usuario:se...@proxy:porta;
alias wget=wget --proxy-user=usuario --proxy-senha=senha

estou aguardando respostas, porque desse jeito não está funcionando.


Re: [ Testando ] Instalar o Debian de um pendriver

2010-08-16 Thread Sheldon Led Martins e Silva
Eu fiz um tutorial bem genérico. Já instalei algumas vezes e todas deram
certo. Veja: tribodoci.net/artigos/debian-netbook/

Espero ter ajudado!

Em 12 de agosto de 2010 14:00, Rodolfo Stangherlin

 Você olhou a documentação do Debian para instalar a partir da USB?


 2010/8/12 Diác. Moretti m...@mitranh.org.br:
  Oi Pessoal!
  Olhando uma sugestão de colega:
  Tive dificuldade em colocar a imagem do boot no PenDriver, pois as
  para isto não me habilitam para o pendriver.
  Olhando outra sugestão...
  usei o software unetbootin-windows Foi muito mais simples e com poucos
  Testei o boot pelo pendriver e está ok, mas semana que vem é irei testar
  Após os testes informo o resultado.
  Agradeço a ajuda.
  Na certeza de nossa imortalidade, seguimos
  nosso caminho fazendo o bem, desejando bem
  e sendo a paixão única de nosso Deus.
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
  Archive: http://lists.debian.org/505362650386426...@mitranh.org.br

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Sheldon Led



2010-08-16 Thread Evaldo

Tenho uma aplicação que ainda usa BDE. Em uma determinada tela ocorre um 
problema que é intermitente:

 O usuário cria um registro e o salva. Depois quando o usuário volta a esta 
e altera o registro e salva em três campos os dados são perdidos.

Como disse anteriormente, o problema é intermitente, Já conferi o object updade 
e não tem nada de anormal, no código, também não tem referencias para os campos 
que estão desaparecendo. 

Alguém já passou por algo parecido e  pode me dar uma luz?

ou pelo menos como eu posso monitorar este problema.




2010-08-16 Thread Evaldo
Desculpem o erro, 

lista errada...
 Evaldo Avelar Marques
 Analista Desenvolvedor  
 Delphi, Python, Oracle, SQlServer, Firebird
 Debian GNU/Linux. Pelo Prazer de ser Livre
 Linux User: 476741

/ v \
  / (   ) \
Tudo que não exige criatividade pode ser feito automaticamente. 


Esta mensagem pode conter informação confidencial e/ou privilegiada. Se você 
for o destinatário ou a pessoa autorizada a receber esta mensagem, não pode 
usar, copiar, ou divulgar as informações nela contidas ou tomar qualquer ação 
baseada nestas informações. Se você recebeu esta mensagem por engano, por 
avise imediatamente o remetente, respondendo o e-mail e em seguida, apague-o.
Agradeço sua cooperação.

From: Evaldo evaldoave...@yahoo.com.br
To: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 10:32:46 AM
Subject: ERRO BDE

Tenho uma aplicação que ainda usa BDE. Em uma determinada tela ocorre um 
problema que é intermitente:

 O usuário cria um registro e o salva. Depois quando o usuário volta a esta 
e altera o registro e salva em três campos os dados são perdidos.

Como disse anteriormente, o problema é intermitente, Já conferi o object updade 
e não tem nada de anormal, no código, também não tem referencias para os campos 
que estão desaparecendo. 

Alguém já passou por algo parecido e  pode me dar uma luz?

ou pelo menos como eu posso monitorar este  problema.



GDM não carrega meu .bashrc

2010-08-16 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior


estou usando o debian testing/unstable. Tem alguns comandos que preciso 
que rode assim que faço o login em meu ambiente (icewm ou kde) mas o GDM 
não está rodando o meu .bashrc. Assim sempre que logo tenho que abrir o 
xterm para que ele rode o .bashrc e com isto defina algumas variáveis.

Como faço para corrigir isto?


5ª lei - Se você acha que está certo e é capaz de convencer o seu
 orientador, ele será muito feliz.

  --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.

 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

|  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 | ronaldo.r...@unimontes.br
| http://www.ppgcb.unimontes.br/lecc | LinuxUser#: 205366

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Re: Debian Squeeze com php 5.2

2010-08-16 Thread mrCliQ
Informações: http://www.dotdeb.org

PHP 5.2
deb http://dotdeb.gosi.at/ stable all
deb-src http://dotdeb.gosi.at/ stable all

PHP 5.3
deb http://php53.dotdeb.org stable all
deb-src http://php53.dotdeb.org stable all

Espero que ajude.

Marcio Riccardo - mrCliQ

Em 16 de agosto de 2010 00:33, Alexandre Pereira Bühler
alexan...@simaoebuhler.com.br escreveu:
  Bom dia,
 É possível instalar o Debian squeeze com php 5.2.6 do lenny?
 Preciso usar o Zend optimizer e ele somente funciona com o php 5.2.

 Alexandre Pereira Bühler
 Técnico Eletroeletrônica - Senai - MG
 Linux User: 397.546
 Colunista: www.delphisophp.com
 Owner: http://br.groups.yahoo.com/group/freepascal/
 Liberdade é essencial. Use GNU/Linux.
 Legalize os softwares de sua empresa

 Simão   Bühler Ltda (Infobrindes)
 Instalação, manutenção e venda de servidores GNU/Linux.
 Hardware acesse, veja e tenha produtos com qualidade, garantia e nota
 Telefone: (41) 3538-5428

 Infobrindes (Simão   Bühler Ltda)
 Brindes e material promocional.
 Telefone: (41) 3532-5428

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Como criar volume para cartao SD?

2010-08-16 Thread EURO
Pessoa da lista,

Poderiam me informar como crio um volume para ler cartoes SD, de maquinas
fotograficas no debian lenny AMD64???



Euro S. Lopes F.
55 11 8538 0253

Duvidas sobre o funcionamento da lista!

2010-08-16 Thread EURO
Amigos da lista.

Desculpem o transtorno mas percebi que minhas postagens de duvidas nao geram

Qual seria o procedimento correto para obter as respostas. Existem labels
especificos para referencias as duvidas?


Euro S. Lopes F.
55 11 8538 0253

Re: Como criar volume para cartao SD?

2010-08-16 Thread Gunther Furtado
Em 16 de agosto de 2010 13:34, EURO euri...@gmail.com escreveu:
 Pessoa da lista,

 Poderiam me informar como crio um volume para ler cartoes SD, de maquinas
 fotograficas no debian lenny AMD64???

Não seis se entendi bem o que você quer fazer. Aqui em casa, eu espeto
a máquina na porta USB e o KDE monta e abre sozinho o pasta.



...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em www.manuchao.net

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: Como criar volume para cartao SD?

2010-08-16 Thread Welington R. Braga
Da mesma forma que todos os outros dispositivos de mídia.

Caso o seu sistema não reconheça sua máquina como um dispositivo de
mídia, vc deverá consultar o nome do dispositivo via, dmesg e montar
manualmente, ou então criar uma regra udev para isso.

Em 16 de agosto de 2010 13:34, EURO euri...@gmail.com escreveu:
 Pessoa da lista,

 Poderiam me informar como crio um volume para ler cartoes SD, de maquinas
 fotograficas no debian lenny AMD64???



 Euro S. Lopes F.
 55 11 8538 0253

Welington Rodrigues Braga
Web: http://www.welrbraga.eti.br
MSN: welrbraga[*]msn·com
Gtalk: welrbraga[*]gmail·com
Yahoo / Skype:  welrbraga
PGP Key: 0x6C7654EB
Linux User #253605

Em tudo somos atribulados, porém não angustiados; perplexos, porém
não desanimados; perseguidos, porém não desamparados; abatidos, porém
não destruídos; - 2Co 4:8,9

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Re: Usuarios lenny: como tenho acentos no teclado?

2010-08-16 Thread Welington R. Braga
Se vc usar o gnome, desmarque a opção Usar disposição separada para
cada janela e após ajustar as preferências clicar no botão Aplicar a
todo o sistema, na janela de preferências do teclado, isso deve
resolver o problema.

Em 30 de junho de 2010 17:11, EURO euri...@gmail.com escreveu:

 Saberiam como faco pra ter acentos no teclado qwerty 82 teclas de um note
 sony vaio?

 Os procedimentos desktop ja tentei. Nao aparece a opcao sony para configurar
 o teclado.

 E qdo valido a opcao Brazil, os acentos funcionam enquanto a janela
 System/Preferences/Keyboard esta aberta. Depois que fecho a janela os
 acentos nao funcionam mais.

 Obrigado a todos


 Euro S. Lopes F.
 55 11 8538 0253

Welington Rodrigues Braga
Web: http://www.welrbraga.eti.br
MSN: welrbraga[*]msn·com
Gtalk: welrbraga[*]gmail·com
Yahoo / Skype:  welrbraga
PGP Key: 0x6C7654EB
Linux User #253605

Em tudo somos atribulados, porém não angustiados; perplexos, porém
não desanimados; perseguidos, porém não desamparados; abatidos, porém
não destruídos; - 2Co 4:8,9

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Bloquear Gtalk pelo Squid

2010-08-16 Thread Marcel Nascimento
Boa noite a todos.

Preciso bloquear o Gtalk pelo meu squid, mas o log de acesso que é gerado ao
acessar o Gmail é o da página principal, não gera outra URL para o Gtalk.
Pesquisei em alguns fóruns é só achei posts com endereços e IPs antigos.

Tentei bloquear as portas 5222 e 5223 (tcp e udp) pelo iptables mas também
não funcionou.

Alguém os endereços do Gtalk ou alguma outra solução?


Marcel N. Ramos

Re: Bloquear Gtalk pelo Squid

2010-08-16 Thread Henry
Em Segunda-feira 16 Agosto 2010, às 20:36:07, Marcel Nascimento escreveu:
 Boa noite a todos.
 Preciso bloquear o Gtalk pelo meu squid, mas o log de acesso que é gerado
 ao acessar o Gmail é o da página principal, não gera outra URL para o
 Gtalk. Pesquisei em alguns fóruns é só achei posts com endereços e IPs
 Tentei bloquear as portas 5222 e 5223 (tcp e udp) pelo iptables mas também
 não funcionou.
 Alguém os endereços do Gtalk ou alguma outra solução?

olá, boa noite. 
veja isso: 


[ ]s, Henry

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Re: GDM não carrega meu .bashrc

2010-08-16 Thread João Olavo Baião de Vasconcelos
2010/8/16 Ronaldo Reis Junior chrys...@gmail.com

 estou usando o debian testing/unstable. Tem alguns comandos que preciso que
 rode assim que faço o login em meu ambiente (icewm ou kde) mas o GDM não
 está rodando o meu .bashrc. Assim sempre que logo tenho que abrir o xterm
 para que ele rode o .bashrc e com isto defina algumas variáveis.

Esse eh o comportamento esperado. O .bashrc é lido toda vez que se abre um
shell interativo. Por exemplo, quando vc abre o xterm.

Quando vc loga no KDE, eh executado um shell de login, ou não-interativo.
Nesse momento, o GDM (ou KDE?) procura por um arquivo de perfil para ler
(.profile ou .bash_profile -- este último tem precedência sobre o .profile).

Ou seja, provavelmente vc quer utilizar o arquivo .bash_profile, se o shell
padrão é o bash.

João Olavo Baião de Vasconcelos
Analista de Sistemas - Infraestrutura

Re: Duvidas sobre o funcionamento da lista!

2010-08-16 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 16-08-2010 15:56, EURO wrote:
 Desculpem o transtorno mas percebi que minhas postagens de duvidas nao
 geram respostas.

As duas outras mensagens que você enviou tiveram respostas.

 Qual seria o procedimento correto para obter as respostas. Existem
 labels especificos para referencias as duvidas?

Torcer pra que alguém saiba a resposta e tenha tempo para
postá-la. :-)

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: Debian Squeeze com php 5.2

2010-08-16 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 16-08-2010 12:46, mrCliQ wrote:
 Informações: http://www.dotdeb.org
 PHP 5.2
 deb http://dotdeb.gosi.at/ stable all
 deb-src http://dotdeb.gosi.at/ stable all
 PHP 5.3
 deb http://php53.dotdeb.org stable all
 deb-src http://php53.dotdeb.org stable all
 Espero que ajude.

Lembre-se apenas que os repositórios acima não
são oficiais do Projeto Debian.  Então procure
certificar-se de que são confiáveis.

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: túnel HTTPS

2010-08-16 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 15-08-2010 18:49, Rafael Moraes wrote:
 estou precisando criar um túnel aonde eu possa jogar todo meu tráfego
 para um servidor da minha preferência via https.

 Ou seja, quero criar um túnel HTTPS. Alguém saberia indicar uma boa
 ferramenta para isso?

 Existem as opções de criar túnel ICMP ou SSH, porém particularmente para
 este caso estariam fora de questão...

Acho que há uma confusão sobre a ideia de túnel
e a ideia de mudança de transporte.

É comum em redes sem fio mal configuradas ter a
possibilidade de usar TCPoverICMP ou TCPoverDNS que
explora a capacidade de transporte dos protocolos para
criar um redirecionamento e liberar o acesso à Internet.

Um túnel HTTPS é um túnel para tráfego HTTP
criptografado, não faria sentido jogar todo o seu tráfego
nesse tipo de túnel.

Um túnel SSH é mais parecido com um túnel SOCKS
que seria um redirecionamento de tráfego através de um
outro host.

Talvez, seja mais fácil você explicar qual é o
problema ao invés de perguntar como implementar uma

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: Estruturação de rede.

2010-08-16 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 15-08-2010 11:15, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito wrote:
 Desculpem se talvez minha duvida não seja pertinente a esta lista.

Não parece ser uma dúvida específica de Debian, e em caso de dúvida,
não custa marcar como OT. :-)

 Seguinte, atualmente tenho em minha casa um lik adsl que estou dividindo
 alguns vizinho (o ajuda a pagar conta hehe), ai aproveitei para aprender
 também visto que tenho um rede, nada melhor para usar esta para fins
 também de estudo.

Se fosse você, eu verificaria o seu contrato de serviço, muitos
deles proíbem o compartilhamento de ADSL residencial entre

[... vamos fingir que eu entendi a sua topologia de rede ...]

 Bom que puder opnar com criticas surgetões, esperiencias ... Agradeço.

Sugiro *fortemente* que você estude um pouco mais sobre redes.
Você não precisa de uma máscara e não faz sentido
fazer as divisões que você quer.

Configurações de rede atendem um propósito, não as fazemos
porque elas são bonitas ou fofinhas, fazemos porque elas
precisam funcionar bem pra serem rápidas ou pra serem
seguras ou pra serem dinâmicas (ou pra serem vários desses
ao mesmo tempo).

Em geral, você teria interesse em separar a rede pública,
da rede da sua casa, da rede compartilhada com o vizinho.
Três redes diferentes, você pode usar 3 placas de rede se
quiser, ou dependendo dos equipamento que possua pode
usar VLANs pra fazer isso.

A partir daí, a configuração de rede é só o primeiro passo
para fazer a segmentação e o isolamento que você deseja.
Você vai precisar determinar quais são os serviços que sua
rede fornecerá e quem pode acessá-los, a partir daí se
preocupar em fazer as configurações necessárias para
alcançar o plano.

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: crash: nexuiz 2.5.2 e debian squeeze

2010-08-16 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 15-08-2010 10:55, Andre Felipe Machado wrote:
 Estou tentando rodar o nexuiz-2.5.2 dos repositórios, no meu note [0] sobre 
 Squeeze e consistentemente entra em APARENTE rápido loop de reiniciar X após 
 alguns minutos de tal forma que é mais fácil desligar a máquina.
 Não sei se é o jogo ou o driver de vídeo Intel.
 Como colher dados suficientes para enviar um bom bug report?

Use o reportbug, ele coletará os dados que o mantenedor acha
importante (desde que o mantenedor tenha fornecido os scripts
de coleta).

Eu não testei o nexuiz nos últimos tempos, mas pelo BTS não
parece existir nenhum grande problema. Você também pode testar
em um hardware diferente (ou com uma placa de rede diferente
pra determinar se o problema persiste).

Provavelmente você terá que instalar os pacotes -dbg do
nexuiz para ter os símbolos de depuração.

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: trinity konqueror

2010-08-16 Thread Jimmy Johnson

Paul Cartwright wrote:
well, I have the trinity session working fine, but now konqueror doesn't work 
for my gnome session or my wifes regular KDE session ( she never logged out 
after I installed trinity).

when i ran konqueror from the terminal I got this error:

QComboBox::pixmap: (history combo) Index 0 out of range

MC works as does nautilus, but konqueror is now crashing.. for me in gnome..

Hi Paul, I can only sympathize with you, I can't get a lot of
applications to start from the menu, like kuser and synaptic or most
anything I need to run as root.

I had a strong feeling there would be problems, at this time there are
no updates for the Ubuntu version which is working without problems and
no updates for the lenny version, so I can only guess that they are
trying to fix some bugs, I'm sure this is going to be a work in progress
for a longtime, I can only hope it will be as good as the Ubuntu version.

If you need something to use right now you should install the Ubuntu
10.04 version. I have more than 10 Operating Systems on this computer
and only work on the Lenny-Trinity install when I want to.
Jimmy Johnson

Ubuntu Lucid and Trinity KDE 3.5.11 - EXT4 at sda10
Registered Linux User #380263

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Re: mounting samsung galaxy S

2010-08-16 Thread Alexander Samad
Okay worked it out, not only do you have to set usb mode, but once
attached to the device (laptop), you have to allow the disks to be
mounted ... another drop down on the Galaxy.


On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 1:01 AM, Alexander Samad a...@samad.com.au wrote:
  [ 1283.819253] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk
  [ 1283.821385] sd 8:0:0:1: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk

 Mmm, there is no info about the SD cards size. Weird.

 Check the USB settings in the phone.

 There really are no USB settings for Android phones, you either mount
 as debug for ADB commands or you mount as Mass Storage so you can access
 phone (depending on phone) and Mass Storage. Have you tried to mount the
 Galaxy S phone via Windows? Tried mounting with a different card in the

 about to try

 I can write to the card via bluetooth...

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Re: squeeze install: Gave up waiting for root devices

2010-08-16 Thread Jimmy Johnson

brownh wrote:

I'm doing a fresh squeeze install from USB key, and it installs grub
0.97 and kernel 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem. A single SATA drive. Boot hangs

 Waiting for root filesystem...
 Gave up waiting for root device.
I edited grub kernel line to add rootdelay=5, which didn't help.

That should be at lest 10 seconds or more, some think it should not be 
less than 15 seconds, 5 seconds is definitely to short.

Jimmy Johnson

Ubuntu Lucid and Trinity KDE 3.5.11 - EXT4 at sda10
Registered Linux User #380263

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Re: building 2.6.35

2010-08-16 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Sun, Aug 15 2010, Stephen Powell wrote:

 On Sun, 15 Aug 2010 13:53:41 -0400 (EDT), Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 With the new versions of kernel-package in Squeeze, running
 make-kpkg clean should almost never be required (if the upstream
 Makefiles are not borked, as they rarely are).  The new make-kpkg
 starts by removing and re-creating ./debian almost always, so the
 explicit clean is redundant.

 That would imply that things like --append-to-version and --revision
 must be specified on every invocation, correct?  One cannot, for example,
 specify --append-to-version and --revision with the kernel_image
 target and then leave them off with a subsequent invocation for the
 modules_image target.

Yes, that is one unfortunate consequence of the change. However,
 I just hit up arrow,  since I usually build my kernel and modules
 pretty much at the same time, so it is usually not that onerous (I also
 use a shell script that uses the same VERSION AND REVISION VALUES,

Either I'm dead or my watch has stopped. Groucho Marx's last words
Manoj Srivastava sriva...@acm.org http://www.golden-gryphon.com/  
4096R/C5779A1C E37E 5EC5 2A01 DA25 AD20  05B6 CF48 9438 C577 9A1C

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OT: Happy birthday Debian

2010-08-16 Thread Thierry Chatelet
Thank you to all the team.

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How to set global java option

2010-08-16 Thread Panayiotis Karabassis
I would like to set an option for all java processes running on my 
system. Specifically -D/java/.net.preferIPv4Stack=true. Where can I do this?

Many thanks in advance,

Re: mdadm without initramfs

2010-08-16 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* martin f krafft [100816 07:33 +0200]:
 also sprach Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. b...@iguanasuicide.net [2010.08.16.0034 
  Last I checked, it is possible to have the kernel itself start the
  root array, via a (series of) kernel command-line arguments.
  However, this doesn't use mdadm or any of its configuration files.
 That only works for the deprecated v0.9 superblocks and requires the
 partitions to be marked with type 0xFD. The whole method is
 deprecated. Use an initramfs.



  Learned men are the cisterns of knowledge, 
  not the fountainheads ;-)

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Re: OT: Happy birthday Debian

2010-08-16 Thread Klistvud
Best wishes, Debian, and may you always manage to keep such high  
To all the people involved in creating and maintaining Debian, a HUGE  
thanx! You're awesome.

Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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Re: OT: Happy birthday Debian

2010-08-16 Thread Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) of Singapore

Happy Birthday Debian Linux!

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)
Citizenship: Singapore Citizen/Singaporean
Facebook account: Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)
Facebook link:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10750083982
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Facebook videos:
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Location: Bedok Reservoir Road, Singapore
ZIP: 470103
My Open Letter (Plea for Medical Help/Assistance) to World Leaders:-

On 08/16/2010 06:27 PM, Klistvud wrote:
Best wishes, Debian, and may you always manage to keep such high 
To all the people involved in creating and maintaining Debian, a HUGE 
thanx! You're awesome.

Certifiable Loonix User #481801

Re: How to set global java option

2010-08-16 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 12:15:33 +0300, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:

 I would like to set an option for all java processes running on my
 system. Specifically -D/java/.net.preferIPv4Stack=true. Where can I do

Have you tested from Java Control Panel/java/view/env. parameters?

Not sure though, if that will only work just for java applets or is a 
user's system wide setting :-?



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Re: OT: Happy birthday Debian

2010-08-16 Thread Alexander Batischev
Thank you, Debian, you're the best ever!

Alexander Batischev

F870 A381 B5F5 D2A1 1B35  4D63 A1A7 1C77 6909 3C81

Description: Digital signature


2010-08-16 Thread Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) of Singapore

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

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Re: OT: Happy birthday Debian

2010-08-16 Thread Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) of Singapore

Happy Birthday Debian Linux!

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)
Citizenship: Singapore Citizen/Singaporean
Facebook account: Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)
Facebook link:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10750083982
Facebook photos:
Facebook videos:
Mobile Phone (Starhub pre-paid): +65-8369-2618
Windows Live Messenger:teoenming at hotmail.com  
Location: Bedok Reservoir Road, Singapore
ZIP: 470103
My Open Letter (Plea for Medical Help/Assistance) to World Leaders:-

On 08/16/2010 06:27 PM, Klistvud wrote:
Best wishes, Debian, and may you always manage to keep such high 
To all the people involved in creating and maintaining Debian, a HUGE 
thanx! You're awesome.

Certifiable Loonix User #481801

Re: How to set global java option

2010-08-16 Thread Stefan Hermes
Hash: SHA1


Am 16.08.2010 11:15, schrieb Panayiotis Karabassis:
 I would like to set an option for all java processes running on my
 system. Specifically -D/java/.net.preferIPv4Stack=true. Where can I do

You can edit
and set
After that you have to run
invoke-rc.d procps restart

- -- 
Stefan Hermes
E-Mail: s...@vodafone.de
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: get kernel version of chroot

2010-08-16 Thread Hartwig Atrops

On Monday 16 August 2010 03:00, T o n g wrote:

 Is it possible to get the kernel version of a chroot system?

 I tried

   chroot chroot_fs uname -r

 but it only reports the kernel version of my current system, not the
 chroot system.

Chroot changes into a different directory structure but does not boot a 
different kernel. uname reports the kernel in use, and that did not change.



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Re: trinity konqueror

2010-08-16 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Sun, 2010-08-15 at 23:00 -0700, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
 Paul Cartwright wrote:
  well, I have the trinity session working fine, but now konqueror doesn't 
  for my gnome session or my wifes regular KDE session ( she never logged out 
  after I installed trinity).
  when i ran konqueror from the terminal I got this error:
  QComboBox::pixmap: (history combo) Index 0 out of range
  MC works as does nautilus, but konqueror is now crashing.. for me in gnome..
 Hi Paul, I can only sympathize with you, I can't get a lot of
 applications to start from the menu, like kuser and synaptic or most
 anything I need to run as root.
 I had a strong feeling there would be problems, at this time there are
 no updates for the Ubuntu version which is working without problems and
 no updates for the lenny version, so I can only guess that they are
 trying to fix some bugs, I'm sure this is going to be a work in progress
 for a longtime, I can only hope it will be as good as the Ubuntu version.
 If you need something to use right now you should install the Ubuntu
 10.04 version. I have more than 10 Operating Systems on this computer
 and only work on the Lenny-Trinity install when I want to.
Strange . . .I've been running it for about a month without those
problems. I do have a few small issues - a dbus error from Beagle
search, some tabs don't work properly in Konqueror as a web browser but
everything fires from the menu just fine.  Of course, in our systems,
there is no root access so I have not tested running anything from the
menu like synaptic - John

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squeeze debootstrap error

2010-08-16 Thread Oleg
Hi, all.

I have squeeze with last upgrades. When I do a debootstrap I get an error:

~# debootstrap squeeze /mnt/ http://ftp.debian.org
I: Retrieving Release
I: Validating Packages
I: Resolving dependencies of required packages...
I: Resolving dependencies of base packages...
I: Found additional required dependencies: insserv libbz2-1.0 libdb4.8 
I: Found additional base dependencies: libnfnetlink0 libsqlite3-0 libudev0 
I: Checking component main on http://ftp.debian.org...
I: Retrieving libacl1
W: Couldn't download package libacl1
I: Retrieving adduser
I: Validating adduser

  ... cut ...

I: Extracting zlib1g...
I: Installing core packages...
W: Failure trying to run: chroot /mnt dpkg --force-depends --install 

  Does anyone have such error?
  Should I file a bug report?

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Re: squeeze install: Gave up waiting for root devices

2010-08-16 Thread brownh
Jimmy Johnson field.engin...@gmail.com writes:

 brownh wrote:

 I assume that the UUID assigned to my hard disk does not match the
 kernel line in GRUB2. Is there any way to find out what the assigned
 ID numbers are?

 Haines Brown

 Yes, as Boyd said, as root in the console type 'blkid'.

Yes, but thar's the rub! If I can't boot, I can't access a console,
but only the (initramfs) prompt. That utility does not know the
command blkid. 

When I do (initramfs) cat /proc/cmdline, I see the same disk UUID as
that being used by GRUB2. Does this mean anything? 

Incidentally, setting rootdelay=15 for the kernel didn't help.


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Re: OT: Happy birthday Debian

2010-08-16 Thread hugo vanwoerkom

Thierry Chatelet wrote:

Thank you to all the team.

The best ever

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pam-ldap breaks dhcp

2010-08-16 Thread Laurent Blume

Hi all,

I'm doing some pam-ldap tests using Lenny in a VBox.

I do all the pam configuration successfully, it tests fine, including login.

However, on first reboot, udev complains a lot about missing groups 
(like in this bug report 

It then continues to boot until it gives the login prompt.
However, at the end of the boot, eth0 is up but not working. Logs in 
daemon.log says that dhcp is continuously trying to be configured, but 
that there is no reply.

Replacing files ldap by files only in /etc/nsswitch.conf then 
rebooting, all works fine.

What gives? What influence does pam-ldap have over dhcp?



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Re: mdadm without initramfs

2010-08-16 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. put forth on 8/15/2010 5:34 PM:
 In 20100815190053.ga4...@gandalf.home.lxtec.de, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
 How do I set up mdadm to create the root array witout an initramfs?
 You can't.  mdadm is a user-space binary that can't be compiled into the 
 kernel images.  Therefore, to run mdadm you need an initramfs, or the file 
 system containing '/' must already be mounted by the kernel.
 Last I checked, it is possible to have the kernel itself start the root 
 via a (series of) kernel command-line arguments.  However, this doesn't use 
 mdadm or any of its configuration files.
 Similarly, mdadm doesn't read the kernel command-line, so it is possible the 
 configurations to diverge.  It may be possible to have a GRUB2 hook to 
 generate the kernel command-line arguments from the mdadm configuration, but 
 I've not seen such a hook.  In the absence of such a hook (or when you are 
 using GRUB2 as your bootloader), you should simply use an initramfs.

This has always been one of my hangups regarding using linux mdraid (or any
soft OS raid) vs hardware raid--proper and seamless handling of a raid
protected boot device, including issues beyond the topic of this thread.  I
hate admitting it, but Microsoft's implementation of a mirrored boot/system
disk is supremely simply compared to getting the same thing from Linux.
Matter of fact, setting up any type/level raid in Windows is much more
straightforward.  And I'm not a big Windows fan, far from it.

I prefer LSI and Intel raid cards.  I should have said merely LSI as the Intel
cards are licensed LSI cards.  Hardware raid isn't as flexible as softraid as
it works at the entire disk level, but boy is it so much easier to work with,
as much faster.  The single biggest advantage to hardware raid is that you
don't have to disk with changing bios boot order or anything like that if you
have to reboot while drive in your boot array is offline/down/dead.  It's all


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2010-08-16 Thread Louis Hinman
I don't see an administrator to address this question to, so please forgive me 
for addressing it to all and sundry:

I was accustomed some time back to post questions on linus.debian.user 
(http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.user/topics).  Recently, I logged 
into this forum and tried to post.

My post was rejected and I was informed I needed to register.  I registered as 
instructed, and now emails sent to  debian-user@lists.debian.org are posted at 

However, if I try to respond within a thread where I am the OP, my response 
never makes it into the thread! 

This is kind of confusing.  Can someone clarify for me what I need to do be a 
full-fledged participant in this discussion group?

Thanks  Best Regards,

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Re: mdadm without initramfs

2010-08-16 Thread Sam Leon

On 08/16/2010 08:14 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. put forth on 8/15/2010 5:34 PM:

In20100815190053.ga4...@gandalf.home.lxtec.de, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:

How do I set up mdadm to create the root array witout an initramfs?

You can't.  mdadm is a user-space binary that can't be compiled into the
kernel images.  Therefore, to run mdadm you need an initramfs, or the file
system containing '/' must already be mounted by the kernel.

Last I checked, it is possible to have the kernel itself start the root array,
via a (series of) kernel command-line arguments.  However, this doesn't use
mdadm or any of its configuration files.

Similarly, mdadm doesn't read the kernel command-line, so it is possible the
configurations to diverge.  It may be possible to have a GRUB2 hook to
generate the kernel command-line arguments from the mdadm configuration, but
I've not seen such a hook.  In the absence of such a hook (or when you are not
using GRUB2 as your bootloader), you should simply use an initramfs.

This has always been one of my hangups regarding using linux mdraid (or any
soft OS raid) vs hardware raid--proper and seamless handling of a raid
protected boot device, including issues beyond the topic of this thread.  I
hate admitting it, but Microsoft's implementation of a mirrored boot/system
disk is supremely simply compared to getting the same thing from Linux.
Matter of fact, setting up any type/level raid in Windows is much more
straightforward.  And I'm not a big Windows fan, far from it.

I prefer LSI and Intel raid cards.  I should have said merely LSI as the Intel
cards are licensed LSI cards.  Hardware raid isn't as flexible as softraid as
it works at the entire disk level, but boy is it so much easier to work with,
as much faster.  The single biggest advantage to hardware raid is that you
don't have to disk with changing bios boot order or anything like that if you
have to reboot while drive in your boot array is offline/down/dead.  It's all

I haven't messed with windows since xp. But I do remember on xp you 
could not have any software raid on the same partition that you booted 
from. Which made it pointless... Did they change the functionality in 
vista or 7 or something?

As far as I know, mdadm is maintained by only one man. So we better just 
be thankful that we have it!


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Re: OT: Happy birthday Debian

2010-08-16 Thread Victor Padro
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 7:28 AM, hugo vanwoerkom hvw59...@care2.com wrote:
 Thierry Chatelet wrote:

 Thank you to all the team.

 The best ever

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Happy Bday Debian!

Keep the Good Work!!


Linux User #452368

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an
understanding of ourselves

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Re: meta-question

2010-08-16 Thread Stephen Powell
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 11:02:22 -0400 (EDT), Louis Hinman wrote:
 I don't see an administrator to address this question to,

There isn't one.

 so please forgive me 
 for addressing it to all and sundry:

No forgiveness needed.

 I was accustomed some time back to post questions on linus.debian.user 
 (http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.user/topics).  Recently, I 
 into this forum and tried to post.
 My post was rejected and I was informed I needed to register.  I registered 
 instructed, and now emails sent to  debian-user@lists.debian.org are posted 
 However, if I try to respond within a thread where I am the OP, my response 
 never makes it into the thread! 
 This is kind of confusing.  Can someone clarify for me what I need to do be a 
 full-fledged participant in this discussion group?
 Thanks  Best Regards,

I suggest that you read the forum via http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/.
If you want to reply to a post, make sure that the addressee is
debian-user@lists.debian.org and not the poster's e-mail address.
If you have a web-based e-mail client that supports mailto:; links,
make sure you click on the debian-user@lists.debian.org link under
Reply to:.

Doing it this way bypasses Google entirely and will not require you
to register.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: meta-question

2010-08-16 Thread John Hasler
Lou writes:
 I don't see an administrator to address this question to...

At the bottom of every article:

  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-requ...@lists.debian.org 
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

 I was accustomed some time back to post questions on linus.debian.user
 (http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.user/topics).  Recently,
 I logged into this forum and tried to post.

That forum is Google's mirror of this debian-user mailing list.  It is
run by Google: the people who run this list have no influence over it.
If you are having problems with it you must talk to Google.

 Can someone clarify for me what I need to do be a full-fledged
 participant in this discussion group?

I suggest that you go to http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/ and
subscribe to the debian-user mailing list.

John Hasler

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Re: meta-question

2010-08-16 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 11:02:22 -0400, Louis Hinman wrote:


 However, if I try to respond within a thread where I am the OP, my
 response never makes it into the thread!

Maybe due to this?

Why aren't my posts appearing?

 This is kind of confusing.  Can someone clarify for me what I need to do
 be a full-fledged participant in this discussion group?

Google usenet groups have a different behaviour than the originating 
mailing lists.

Look, this usenet group seems to be moderated:


Description debian-user[at]lists.debian.org (Moderated)

But the original Debian mailing list is not:


This list is not moderated; posting is allowed by anyone.

Better use the Debian mailing lists resources. You can easily read and 
post into this list within a newsreader (I use Pan), no e-mail client nor 
subscription required.



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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/pan.2010.

Re: mdadm without initramfs

2010-08-16 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Stan Hoeppner s...@hardwarefreak.com [2010.08.16.1514 +0200]:
 This has always been one of my hangups regarding using linux mdraid (or any
 soft OS raid) vs hardware raid--proper and seamless handling of a raid
 protected boot device, including issues beyond the topic of this thread.  I
 hate admitting it, but Microsoft's implementation of a mirrored boot/system
 disk is supremely simply compared to getting the same thing from Linux.

Why don't you use it then? ;)

 I prefer LSI and Intel raid cards.  I should have said merely LSI
 as the Intel cards are licensed LSI cards.  Hardware raid isn't as
 flexible as softraid as it works at the entire disk level, but boy
 is it so much easier to work with,

… until your controller dies and you find out that the manufacturer
does not support the firmware anymore and your data are lost.

 as much faster.

Do you have research backing that up?

 The single biggest advantage to hardware raid is that you don't
 have to disk with changing bios boot order or anything like that
 if you have to reboot while drive in your boot array is
 offline/down/dead.  It's all automatic.

Why would you have to reboot before replacing a dead drive?? That
sounds like you got your priorities wrong.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft madd...@d.o  Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer   http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduckhttp://vcs-pkg.org
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
sailing is, after all, a kind of grace, a kind of magic.
-- phil berman

Description: Digital signature (see http://martin-krafft.net/gpg/)

Re: mdadm without initramfs

2010-08-16 Thread Stan Hoeppner
martin f krafft put forth on 8/16/2010 10:26 AM:

 I prefer LSI and Intel raid cards.  I should have said merely LSI
 as the Intel cards are licensed LSI cards.  Hardware raid isn't as
 flexible as softraid as it works at the entire disk level, but boy
 is it so much easier to work with,
 … until your controller dies and you find out that the manufacturer
 does not support the firmware anymore and your data are lost.

Ever heard of spares?  If not you've not been in this game long.

 as much faster.
 Do you have research backing that up?

You're kidding right?  If not, Google is your friend here.

 The single biggest advantage to hardware raid is that you don't
 have to disk with changing bios boot order or anything like that
 if you have to reboot while drive in your boot array is
 offline/down/dead.  It's all automatic.
 Why would you have to reboot before replacing a dead drive?? That
 sounds like you got your priorities wrong.

DIMM failure, extended power outage, kernel panic, colo personnel reboot the
wrong box in a rack, etc, etc, etc.  Sounds like you are new.


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Re: squeeze debootstrap error

2010-08-16 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-08-16 13:52 +0200, Oleg wrote:

 I have squeeze with last upgrades. When I do a debootstrap I get an error:

 ~# debootstrap squeeze /mnt/ http://ftp.debian.org

To which machine does ftp.debian.org actually resolve for you?  Use ping
to find out.

 I: Retrieving Release
 I: Validating Packages
 I: Resolving dependencies of required packages...
 I: Resolving dependencies of base packages...
 I: Found additional required dependencies: insserv libbz2-1.0 libdb4.8 
 I: Found additional base dependencies: libnfnetlink0 libsqlite3-0 libudev0 
 I: Checking component main on http://ftp.debian.org...
 I: Retrieving libacl1
 W: Couldn't download package libacl1

This is actually a rather fatal error.  Is it reproducible?

 I: Retrieving adduser
 I: Validating adduser

   ... cut ...

 I: Extracting zlib1g...
 I: Installing core packages...
 W: Failure trying to run: chroot /mnt dpkg --force-depends --install 

This is a consequence of the missing libacl1, because /bin/cp is linked
against it, and the base-* packages use cp in their postinst scripts.

   Does anyone have such error?

Probably not.

   Should I file a bug report?

Only if the problem is reproducible and if you can identify the actual
mirror (I think GeoIP is used for ftp.debian.org these days, so it
should be one near you).


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Re: mdadm without initramfs

2010-08-16 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Stan Hoeppner s...@hardwarefreak.com [2010.08.16.1923 +0200]:
  … until your controller dies and you find out that the manufacturer
  does not support the firmware anymore and your data are lost.
 Ever heard of spares?  If not you've not been in this game long.

I've had cases where the spares simply didn't want to work anymore,
after lying around all this time, or where the surrounding hardware
failed and no other hardware could actually address the spares

  Do you have research backing that up?
 You're kidding right?  If not, Google is your friend here.

Google has never been my friend, and likely won't ever be.

So far, I have yet to meet a statistic that credibly backs up this
claim, given that performance is generally bound by spindles these

Your expensive hardware RAID card might well out-perform mdadm on
a Pentium with 15000 RPM drives, but with a modern processor, I have
yet to witness the kernel to be the bottleneck.

 DIMM failure, extended power outage, kernel panic, colo personnel
 reboot the wrong box in a rack, etc, etc, etc.  Sounds like you
 are new.

The chance of these happening after a degradation of an array is
proportional to the admin slack in replacing the drive; and, as you
said, there are spares (with a different meaning, in this case).

Before you reply, consider there is a chance of two drives dying at
once, or the controller going belly-up.

But of course, I don't have to explain this to such a seasoned
person as you. I wonder why you even bother to write in about mdadm.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft madd...@d.o  Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer   http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduckhttp://vcs-pkg.org
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
menschen, welche rasch feuer fangen,
 werden schnell kalt und sind daher im ganzen unzuverlässig.
 - friedrich nietzsche

Description: Digital signature (see http://martin-krafft.net/gpg/)

Reference.net is for Sale

2010-08-16 Thread Toby Clements

To whom it may concern:

We wanted to bring to your attention that Reference.net is available for

Please contact me with any questions you have regarding this sale.

Best Regards,

Toby Clements



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Re: mdadm without initramfs

2010-08-16 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Sam Leon put forth on 8/16/2010 9:49 AM:

 I haven't messed with windows since xp. But I do remember on xp you
 could not have any software raid on the same partition that you booted
 from. Which made it pointless... Did they change the functionality in
 vista or 7 or something?

I was referring to the server products, which have no such restrictions.  I
believe you're thinking of a consumer oriented XP Home edition.  In that
case I'm surprised it offered any software RAID, period.  M$ is usually very
stingy in this regard.

Back in the W2K era, Pro had zero RAID options.  If you wanted software RAID
you had to install a server version of W2K, which was 4 times the price of
Pro, and in most cases more expensive than putting a good low end single
channel SCSI Mylex or Intel PCI RAID card into the Pro box.  At the time,
$employer sold quite a few W2K Pro workstations with hardware RAID cards due
to this very reason.  And the customer got a performance boost for free. ;)


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Re: Transmitting a webcam's flux to the Internet: how?

2010-08-16 Thread s. keeling
Merciadri Luca luca.mercia...@student.ulg.ac.be:
  Many cities/special places, etc., have `live' webcams which allow
  Internet users to see these places `live.' This is often achieved thanks
  to hosting websites, etc. I'm here asking myself how I could, from a
  device (not necessarily a traditional computer), send the webcam flux to
  the Internet.
  Say that I can capture the flux, in a given format, this flux being

$GOOGLE laptop snoop # for your value of GOOGLE

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)http://blinkynet.net/comp/uip5.html  Linux Counter #80292
- -http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.htmlPlease, don't Cc: me.

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Re: meta-question

2010-08-16 Thread s. keeling
Louis Hinman sl...@rcn.com:
  I don't see an administrator to address this question to, so please forgive 
  for addressing it to all and sundry:

Along with the other excellent advice others have suggested, subscribe
to whitel...@lists.debian.org, with all its resulting goodness.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)http://blinkynet.net/comp/uip5.html  Linux Counter #80292
- -http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.htmlPlease, don't Cc: me.

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control apt-get selection for packages having multiple virtual package alternatives

2010-08-16 Thread Johannes Schauer
hi!let me explain with the example of xserver-xorg.  amongst others it has 
dependencies of xserver-xorg-input-all and xserver-xorg-video-all  but both 
dependencies can also be provided by the packages xserver-xorg-input-7  and 
xserver-xorg-video-6.  as you all know, the difference is that the 
meta-packages of xserver-xorg-input-all and  xserver-xorg-video-all will pull 
all video and input packages while the virtual packages of  
xserver-xorg-input-7 and xserver-xorg-video-6 allow only one of the drivers to 
be installed  to satisfy the dependency.as a result apt-get 
install xserver-xorg-video-foobar will not install all video drivers and  
apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-baz will not install all input drivers.
my problem now is, that when i do apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-foobar i 
will still get  xserver-xorg-input all and when i do apt-get install 
xserver-xorg-input-baz i will still get  xserver-xorg-video all.trying to 
resolv this by doing apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-foobar 
xserver-xorg-input-baz  doesnt help and will still get the *-all package of 
input or video whichever is not mentioned  first.so in the general case of 
having a package with several dependencies that are  satisfied by either one 
*-all metapackage or one virtual package where i can select  the package 
providing it - how do i tell apt to select the specific package i want in BOTH  
cases?and in particular: how do i do that for an installation of 
xserver-xorg without removing the  unwanted packages later?cheers  josch

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Re: SMART configuration

2010-08-16 Thread Bob Proulx
T o n g wrote:
 but that setting was overwritten by new smart updates. Now I think it is 
 still OK, and I'll set it back.

There are a few differing schools of thought about conffiles.  One is
to put as little as possible into them so that they never change in
the package and then the user never need to merge changes.  Whatever
the user has, sticks.

But then some other users object that they want lots of commented
examples that they can just uncomment and so other maintainers go the
other way packaging a file with loads of comments.  The problem there
is that when the comments change it means a conffile update even
though no actual content changed.  I find this latter problem

I now just suffer through changes like those, like the recent one to
schroot with comment only changes to the schroot.conf file, that
required me to merge my local configuration into it.  I could refuse
the update since there was no actual content change but then my copy
of the file would diverge more and more over time.  So I just force
myself through it every time now.  Sigh.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Auto enabling swap at boot up

2010-08-16 Thread Bob Proulx
T o n g wrote:
 I remember a distro can automatically pick up the swap partition without 
 me specifying it in fstab file. So it is not Debain that do it 
 automatically, right?

Are you thinking of dphys-swapfile?

  apt-cache show dphys-swapfile

  Description: Autogenerate and use a swap file
   This init.d script exists so one does not need to have a fixed size
   swap partition. Instead install without swap partition and then run
   this, with file size (re-)computed automatically to fit the current
   RAM size.
  Homepage: http://neil.franklin.ch/Projects/dphys-swapfile/

It isn't right for everyone but sounds like what you are asking about.


Description: Digital signature

Re: control apt-get selection for packages having multiple virtual package alternatives

2010-08-16 Thread Jordan Metzmeier
Hash: SHA256

On 08/16/2010 05:08 PM, Johannes Schauer wrote:
 hi!let me explain with the example of xserver-xorg.  amongst others it 
 has dependencies of xserver-xorg-input-all and xserver-xorg-video-all  but 
 both dependencies can also be provided by the packages xserver-xorg-input-7  
 and xserver-xorg-video-6.  as you all know, the difference is that the 
 meta-packages of xserver-xorg-input-all and  xserver-xorg-video-all will pull 
 all video and input packages while the virtual packages of  
 xserver-xorg-input-7 and xserver-xorg-video-6 allow only one of the drivers 
 to be installed  to satisfy the dependency.as a result apt-get install 
 xserver-xorg-video-foobar will not install all video drivers and  apt-get 
 install xserver-xorg-input-baz will not install all input drivers.my 
 problem now is, that when i do apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-foobar i 
 will still get  xserver-xorg-input all and when i do apt-get install 
 xserver-xorg-input-baz i will still get  xserver-xorg-video all.trying to 
 resolv this by doing apt-get ins
tall xserver-xorg-video-foobar xserver-xorg-input-baz  doesnt help and will 
still get the *-all package of input or video whichever is not mentioned  
first.so in the general case of having a package with several dependencies 
that are  satisfied by either one *-all metapackage or one virtual package 
where i can select  the package providing it - how do i tell apt to select the 
specific package i want in BOTH  cases?and in particular: how do i do that 
for an installation of xserver-xorg without removing the  unwanted packages 
later?cheers  josch

You post is difficult to read, as it doesn't have any newlines.

If I understand correctly, you are looking for aptitude unmarkauto foo

- -- 
Jordan Metzmeier
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: mdadm without initramfs

2010-08-16 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In 4c69742e.3080...@hardwarefreak.com, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
martin f krafft put forth on 8/16/2010 10:26 AM:
 I prefer LSI and Intel raid cards.  I should have said merely LSI
 as the Intel cards are licensed LSI cards.  Hardware raid isn't as
 flexible as softraid as it works at the entire disk level, but boy
 is it so much easier to work with,
 … until your controller dies and you find out that the manufacturer
 does not support the firmware anymore and your data are lost.

Ever heard of spares?  If not you've not been in this game long.

Keeping the firmware versions in sync between production and spares is 
difficult to say the least.  I've also found the kernel / mdadm maintainers a 
lot more responsive to issues in their stack than I have found the 
manufacturer of my HW RAID card when I have found issues in their firmware.

 as much faster.
 Do you have research backing that up?

You're kidding right?  If not, Google is your friend here.

My experience is that there's no speed difference between my (at the time) 
expensive HW RAID system and my (at the time) expensive CPUs handling software 

Except in rare cases, it is more $-efficent to buy extra CPU power (on yout MB 
or processor shelf/drawer) that can be used by all processes than it is to buy 
dedicated CPU power (on your HW RAID card) that is only used for RAID tasks.

 The single biggest advantage to hardware raid is that you don't
 have to disk with changing bios boot order or anything like that
 if you have to reboot while drive in your boot array is
 offline/down/dead.  It's all automatic.

I've been required to enter the HW RAID BIOS interface to get a boot after a 

I've also rebooted with failed or rebuilding arrays under the control of mdadm 
and did not have to deal with changing BIOS boot order.

(and vice-versa, of course)

I don't think it is correct to say that particular roadblock is always absent 
when dealing with HW RAID or always present when dealing with mdadm.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.
b...@iguanasuicide.net   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: control apt-get selection for packages having multiple virtual package alternatives

2010-08-16 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
Using aptitude is preferred to using apt-get for most purposes.

In this case, aptitude's curses (or even GTK!) interface might be the best way 
to select which real package you want to satisfy a virtual package dependency.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.
b...@iguanasuicide.net   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Trinity KDE 3.5.11 was Re: How to use two displaies

2010-08-16 Thread Greg Madden
On Thursday 05 August 2010 14:28:50 John A. Sullivan III wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 16:34 -0400, Paul Cartwright wrote:
  On Thu August 5 2010, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
   Trinity is already compiled for Debian Lenny, so why not give it a
   shot? ;-)  Here is the package list with buildlogs/status/etc.:
   If you want to use the repository, just add these lines to your
   sources.list file:
  untu lenny main deb-src
  untu lenny main deb
   http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu lenny
   http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu lenny
  so, if I wanted to install this, I would
  # aptitude install trinity ?

 I'm sorry; I thought I had included that in my previous post but I see I
 did not.

 Install desktop-base-trinity, kdebase-trinity, and kdepim-trinity.

 I use a preferences file such as:

 Package: *
 Pin: release a=stable
 Pin: release o=LP-PPA-trinity-trinity-builddeps
 Pin-Priority: 902

 Package: *
 Pin: release a=stable
 Pin: release o=LP-PPA-trinity-trinity
 Pin-Priority: 901

 Package: *
 Pin: release a=stable
 Pin-Priority: 900

 Package: *
 Pin: release a=lenny-backports
 Pin-Priority: 800

 Package: *
 Pin: release a=testing
 Pin-Priority: 700

 Package: rdesktop
 Pin: version 1.6.0-3.1
 Pin-Priority: 1001

FYI, there are packages built for Squeeze also.



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Re: mdadm without initramfs

2010-08-16 Thread Cameron Hutchison
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. b...@iguanasuicide.net writes:
In 20100815190053.ga4...@gandalf.home.lxtec.de, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
How do I set up mdadm to create the root array witout an initramfs?

You can't.

When did this change?

I have a box (my NAS) that is running Debian stable (lenny) with a
custom 2.6.30 kernel. I never build initramfs images. Currently:

$ df /
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/md0   3842296   1578104   2225156  42% /
$ cat /proc/cmdline
root=/dev/md0 ro 

My /dev/sd[bc]1 partitions are of type 0xFD. /dev/md0 has a version
00.90 superblock.

If I upgrade this kernel, or upgrade to the new stable when it's
released, is this box going to stop booting?

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git hooks fail to run on bare repo

2010-08-16 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
Hi list, 

they may be beter served on a git list, but I'm starting here anyway.

I've got a bare git repo on my server and I push and pull through
http. This works fine, but now I'm trying to run some hooks for
various reasons. 

I've done chmod +x on hooks/post-update and hooks/post-receive in the
bare repo and put in some simple statements to test it -- echo it
works, touch post-update-ran and so forth. Nothing seems to be
working at all. It appears that the scripts are not invoked at all. 

I suspect there may be something simple I'm missing, but my googling
has returned no real results except this: 


which suggests that someone else is having the same problem, but
worked out around it instead of actually fixing it. 

Does anyone have experience and insight into this problem?




Description: Digital signature

Re: git hooks fail to run on bare repo

2010-08-16 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
Ah nevermind, sorry for the noise list. 


hooks not supported over http until version 1.6.6... I'm on stable, so
1.5.6 or so. 


On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 07:59:06PM -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
 Hi list, 
 they may be beter served on a git list, but I'm starting here anyway.
 I've got a bare git repo on my server and I push and pull through
 http. This works fine, but now I'm trying to run some hooks for
 various reasons. 
 I've done chmod +x on hooks/post-update and hooks/post-receive in the
 bare repo and put in some simple statements to test it -- echo it
 works, touch post-update-ran and so forth. Nothing seems to be
 working at all. It appears that the scripts are not invoked at all. 
 I suspect there may be something simple I'm missing, but my googling
 has returned no real results except this: 
 which suggests that someone else is having the same problem, but
 worked out around it instead of actually fixing it. 
 Does anyone have experience and insight into this problem?


Description: Digital signature

Re: mdadm without initramfs

2010-08-16 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Cameron Hutchison li...@xdna.net [2010.08.17.0207 +0200]:
 My /dev/sd[bc]1 partitions are of type 0xFD. /dev/md0 has a version
 00.90 superblock.
 If I upgrade this kernel, or upgrade to the new stable when it's
 released, is this box going to stop booting?

Not for now, as long as the md drivers aren't built as modules.

But it might stop one day.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft madd...@d.o  Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer   http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduckhttp://vcs-pkg.org
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
i don't think so, said rene descartes. just then, he vanished.

Description: Digital signature (see http://martin-krafft.net/gpg/)


2010-08-16 Thread Sjoerd Hiemstra
Nou eens geen probleem, maar ik kwam iets geks tegen.
Bij de laatste update  safe-upgrade in Squeeze werd ook de Opera
browser ge-update, van 10.60 naar 10.61.

Huh? Ik had hem ooit van www.opera.com gedownload en met 'dpkg -i'
geïnstalleerd. Opera heeft wel een repository voor Debian, maar die
staat niet in mijn sources.list. Hoe kan hij dan ge-update zijn?

Heb het opgezocht op www.debian.org/distrib/packages bij 'Search
package directories'. Distribution: any. Section: any. Maar: 
'You have searched for packages that names contain opera in all suites,
all sections, and all architectures.
Sorry, your search gave no results.'

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of het daar vandaan komt?

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