Re: developpement en C

2010-09-25 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 23:06:22 +0200
rk wrote:

 Je connais déjà un peu le langage C et ce qui m’intéresse c’est la
 programmation orientée réseau.
 J'aimerai pour me perfectionner développer une application pour la
 messagerie instantanée en utilisant la librairie GTK et Qt, je ne sais pas

Gtk (utilisé par Gnome) est un jeu de plusieurs libraries en C (dont
gtk, glib, gobject...), alors que Qt (utilisé par KDE) est un jeu de
plusieurs libraries en C++.

Pour installer les paquets utiles à ce genre de développement (qui
ressemble à empathy, que je ne connais pas) on décrouvre d'abord avec 

 % apt-cache search gnome chat 

quels sont les paquets qui y ressemblent, donc ici:

empathy - GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client
empathy-common - GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client (common
files) empathy-dbg - GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client (debug
symbols) nautilus-sendto-empathy - GNOME multi-protocol chat and call
client (nautilus-sendto plugin) xchat-gnome - a new frontend to the
popular X-Chat IRC client xchat-gnome-common - a new frontend to the
popular X-Chat IRC client ayttm - Universal instant messaging client
ggz-gnome-client - GGZ Gaming Zone: core client for the GNOME desktop
gmfsk - MFSK, RTTY and other digital mode terminal for HF/amateur radio
gnome-do - Quickly perform actions on your desktop
xchat-gnome-indicator - XChat-GNOME Indicator Plugin

Ensuite on peut par exemple installer les dépendances pour les
construire par 

   aptitude build-dep empathy xchat-gnome

Concernant le développement d'une application chat en réseau, il est
essentiel de bien comprendre les appels systèmes de multiplexages d'E/S
comme select, pselect, poll. La page de man select_tut est utile à lire.

Ensuite, avec GTK, il faut bien comprendre la boucle d'événeemnts
et les canaux

Enfin, il existe plusieurs forums d'aide sur GTK, notamment avant d'y poser une question en anglais,
documentez vous un peu et indiquez y vos essais et vos lectures.

Par ailleurs, il existe d'autres langages, plus faciles à utiliser que
le C, et tout aussi efficaces. Par exemple Ocaml
qui est interfacé à GTK par LablGtk
l'inférence de type d'Ocaml rend la programmation beaucoup plus concise
(moins de ligne de code à écrire) et plus sûre (le compilateur trouve
les erreurs de typages).

Bon développement.
email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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Re: attaque par force brute

2010-09-25 Thread Franck Joncourt

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 11:01:25PM +0200, wrote:
 pour se protéger de ce genre d'attaque il y a fail2ban qui est assez
 efficace et qui laisse des logs très clair.

Fwknop est plus adapté je pense, car l'accès SSH est dévérouillé sur
authentification auprès du serveur fwknop.

Franck Joncourt

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OpenCa avec Debian

2010-09-25 Thread fabrice test
Bonjour à tous,
Je cherche à monter une petite autorité de certification locale afin de 
délivrer des certificats pour la messagerie. Je recherche du côté des solutions 
PKI complète et notamment OPENCA. Mais difficile de trouver une documentation 
d'installation avec Debian.
Quelqu'un aurait il trouver des tutoriaux son installation avec une Debian ou 
éventuellement un retour d'expérience sur la manière de si prendre.
Ou peut être existe t il une autre solution plus facile à prendre en main.
En tout cas merci pour votre aide et/ou suggestion.


Re: pb wifi

2010-09-25 Thread Papinux
Le Fri, 24 Sep 2010 22:58:45 +0200, rk a écrit :

 J'avoue que j'ai du mal à comprendre ce qui se passe car au dernier
 redémarrage tout s'est bien passé, l'adresse ip a été obtenue dès le
 J'en déduis que la config est bonne, c'était plus sûrement un pb réseau.
 Je ne peux pas te donner ma config, car je ne suis plus sur place mais je ne
 suis plus sûr que cela ait un intérêt.

Sans doute pour toi, mais si tu veux des réponses il faut nous donner
des informations notamment la configuration.
Le cas échéant, ne t'étonnes pas de ne pas avoir de réponse, les
devinettes ne sont plus de notre age.


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Re: Reconnaissance carte ethernet

2010-09-25 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Frédéric ZULIAN a écrit :

 J'ai retrouvé mes cartes mais effectivement sous des noms différents : 
 eth5 eth2 
 Mais qu'est ce que udev vient faire la dedans : udev renamed network
 interface eth0 to eth5

Une des fonctionnalités d'udev est justement d'assurer un nommage
persistant des interfaces réseau connues, par défaut en se basant sur
les adresses MAC.

Quand le noyau crée une interface réseau, il lui donne un nom qui dépend
de l'ordre d'énumération et notifie udev. Udev regarde si une de ses
règles fait référence à son adresse MAC ou son nom. Si l'adresse MAC
correspond mais pas le nom, il renomme l'interface avec le nom cible
spécifié dans la règle. Si le nom correspond mais pas l'adresse MAC,
cela signifie que ce nom est réservé à une autre interface et il la
renomme avec un nom non réservé et crée une nouvelle règle de nommage
persistant pour cette adresse MAC.

Les règles de nommage persistant créées par udev sont dans un fichier
NN-persistent-net.rules (où NN est un nombre) situé dans
/etc/udev/rules.d/ ; elles sont créées par le biais du fichier
NN-persistent-net-generator.rules (où NN est un autre nombre) qui peut
être situé dans le même répertoire ou dans /lib/udev/rules.d/ selon la
version d'udev.

Cela part d'une intention louable, mais parfois udev s'emmêle les
pinceaux. Pour diverses raisons, il peut arriver qu'udev ne reconnaisse
pas une interface. Une cause connue est, pour les contrôleurs ethernet
intégrés à la carte mère, l'inversion de l'ordre des octets de l'adresse
MAC entre le BIOS de la carte mère et le pilote. Quand cela résulte en
une adresse MAC invalide (non unicast), le noyau la remplace par une
adresse MAC aléatoire différente à chaque démarrage, ce qui empêche udev
de la reconnaître avec ses règles par défaut. Autre cause possible : le
changement de format des règles d'udev d'une version à l'autre suite à
une mise à jour.

Et après les gens s'étonnent que je refuse udev sur la machine qui me
sert de routeur...

 C'est la première fois que je me retrouve avec des cartes réseau 
 renommées par le système.

Bienvenue au club.
Quel est l'historique récent de l'installation ? Installation ou mise à
niveau, remplacement de carte réseau ?

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Re: lenteur audio =)

2010-09-25 Thread Aurelien
On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 06:45:59PM +0200, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote :
 Le vendredi 24 septembre 2010 à 16:17:20, Aurelien a écrit :
  On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 04:11:46PM +0200, n.hicher wrote :
   En effet, si je ne lance pas jackd le tempo est plus lent,
   quand je le lance, le son est normal.
   Étonnant =)
  En fait, non.
  Si jack est paramétré pour une fréquence d'échantillonnage à
  48kHz, il va jouer 48000 échantillon par secondes. Si ton
  fichier d'origine était échantillonné à 44100kHz, les
  échantillons vont être joués trop rapidement. Résultat, la
  vitesse d'exécution et la hauteur vont être augmentées.
  C'est le même principe que de jouer un 33 tours en 45 ou
 Euh, sauf que : Nicolas dis que sans jack, ça déconne, avec 
 jack, c’est bon. Donc jack rétablirait la bonne vitesse.

Ah oui, tiens... J'avais pas fait gaffe.

 Est-ce que ce ne serait pas les fichiers qui sont marqués 
 44,1 kHz alors qu’ils sont en 48 kHz (ou similaire) ?  Parce 
 que, perso, je n’utilise pas jack mais je joue des fichiers 
 échantillonnés en 11, 22, 32, 44,1 ou 48 kHz sans problème : les 
 logiciels sont censés se débrouiller correctement.

Oui, ils suréchantillonnent. Tant que tu n'es pas en basse latence,
j'imagine que ça n'est pas un souci. Pour les fichier 48kHz, tu ne dois
pas en trouver souvent (à part sur les DVD, tu me diras).

Donc, pour résumer, avec jack c'est bon, et sans ça ne l'est pas. Et ce
quel que soit le logiciel que tu utilises (quel logiciel utilises-tu,
d'ailleurs ?) ?

  Sylvain Sauvage
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Re: lenteur audio =)

2010-09-25 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le samedi 25 septembre 2010 à 13:35:16, Aurelien a écrit :
 Pour les fichier 48kHz, tu ne dois pas en trouver souvent (à
 part sur les DVD, tu me diras).

Et les flux DVB (TNT) et les flux vidéo (TV) et audio (Radio) de 
la Freebox et sûrement d’autres…

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: probleme console et xwindow

2010-09-25 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 24 septembre 2010 à 22:33:32, rk a écrit :
 J’étais connecté à mon serveur X et tout à coup j’ai eu un
 écran noir, comme dans une console et au bout de quelques
 secondes, le message d’erreur est apparu à intervalle
 Je ne sais pas s’il y a un lien de cause à effet mais cela
 semblait être le cas.

  Non, c’est plutôt que ton serveur X a planté et que tu t’es 
retrouvé sur sa console (la 7 ou la 8 ; les 6 premières ayant 
généralement un login en attente), laquelle relaie les messages 
d’erreur du noyau que tu as alors vu apparaître alors qu’ils 
t’étaient cachés lorsque tu étais sous X.

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: lenteur audio =)

2010-09-25 Thread Aurelien
On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 03:38:08PM +0200, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote :
 Le samedi 25 septembre 2010 à 13:35:16, Aurelien a écrit :
  Pour les fichier 48kHz, tu ne dois pas en trouver souvent (à
  part sur les DVD, tu me diras).
 Et les flux DVB (TNT) et les flux vidéo (TV)

Oui, mais un logiciel susceptible de lire du DVD doit, de fait, être
adapté pour lire du 48kHz.

 et audio (Radio) de 
 la Freebox et sûrement d’autres…

C'est vrai ? flux radio en 48kHz ? Ca n'a pas de sens, c'est vraiment
idiot si c'est le cas. La norme CD audio est à 44.1kHz, et du coup, les
prods sont faites dans ce sens, avec potentiellement un
suréchantillonnage à 88.2kHz lors du mixage. Du coup, les radios vont se
mettre à faire du rééchantillonnage avec interpolation, etc. C'est
dommage Enfin


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Re: OpenCa avec Debian

2010-09-25 Thread David Pinson


Bonjour à tous,
Je cherche à monter une petite autorité de certification locale afin
de délivrer des certificats pour la messagerie. Je recherche du côté des
solutions PKI complète et notamment OPENCA. Mais difficile de trouver
une documentation d'installation avec Debian.
Quelqu'un aurait il trouver des tutoriaux son installation avec une
Debian ou éventuellement un retour d'expérience sur la manière de si

Je ne sais pas si ce lien peut t'aider ?

Sinon depuis un wiki (en anglais):

Linuxement vôtre,

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Re: pb wifi

2010-09-25 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14877ième jour après Epoch,
Papinux écrivait:

 Le cas échéant, ne t'étonnes pas de ne pas avoir de réponse, les
 devinettes ne sont plus de notre age.

Allons, papy, et les boules de cristal, c'est pas pour les chiens :P

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RE: pb wifi

2010-09-25 Thread rk
Ok !! 
Ma config : 
Fichier /etc/network/interfaces : 
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
   wireless-essid monssid

Mon AP wifi : D-Link DAP-1160 relié au réseau sur un switch, sur lequel est
Connecté la passerelle abritant le serveur dhcp.
J'ai ignoré pour le moment l'aspect sécurité.

Merci pour ton aide

-Message d'origine-
De : Papinux [] 
Envoyé : samedi 25 septembre 2010 10:54
À :
Objet : Re: pb wifi

Le Fri, 24 Sep 2010 22:58:45 +0200, rk a écrit :

 J'avoue que j'ai du mal à comprendre ce qui se passe car au dernier
 redémarrage tout s'est bien passé, l'adresse ip a été obtenue dès le
 J'en déduis que la config est bonne, c'était plus sûrement un pb réseau.
 Je ne peux pas te donner ma config, car je ne suis plus sur place mais je
 suis plus sûr que cela ait un intérêt.

Sans doute pour toi, mais si tu veux des réponses il faut nous donner
des informations notamment la configuration.
Le cas échéant, ne t'étonnes pas de ne pas avoir de réponse, les
devinettes ne sont plus de notre age.


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Re: pure-ftp et liens

2010-09-25 Thread Guy Roussin


J'ai finalement posé un bug en upstream et j'ai pu avoir des éléments pour 
une solution à mon problème. Les voici :

 L'option -b (--brokenclients) transforme automatiquement les liens en 
 C'est le cas sur les versions récentes de Pure-FTPd, je ne suis pas sûr 
que celle
 qui est dans Lenny soit récente.
 Mais tu peux toujours recompiler depuis le code source (la dernière 
version stable
 est la 1.0.29) ou peut-être installer des backports.

 J'ai ajouté l'option -b au lancement de pure-ftp fourni par lenny (1.0.21)
 l'option est documentée et acceptée par cette version de pure-ftp.
 Malheureusement elle ne marche pas (au moins dans mon cas). Les liens sont
 toujours vus comme tels sur les clients ftp.

 Aussi, suivant votre conseil, je suis parti des sources squeeze (1.0.28) 
 à la sauce debian (wrapper,...) que j'ai compilé avec la méthode debian
 (dpkg-buildpackage) après avoir installé les dépendances (apt-get build-dep).
 La compilation n'a pas posé de problèmes particuliers. J'ai alors installé
 les paquets générés à la place de ceux fournis par lenny (dpkg -i).

 Je n'ai plus le problème avec cette version ! mon client gftp copie sans 
 les dossiers issus de liens (ln -s)


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Re: Echec installation Debian Lenny

2010-09-25 Thread Guy Roussin

Je vois qq possibilités :
Erreur sur le nommage hda - sda ou hda - hdb
Essayer de modifier les occurrences de hda dans les options de grub au
démarrage (touche e) . cf la ligne initrd
Autre possibilité : arrêter le pc, débrancher le disque qui contient w$
pour voir et redémarrer ...
Sinon vérifier aussi qu'une clef usb ou disque externe n'est pas branché ...


Le 24/09/2010 23:17, rk a écrit :


Je viens d'installé debian lenny sur un pc équipés de deux disques durs IDE1
et IDE2.
J'ai installé lenny sur l'un des deux , l'autre ayant le système W...s
L'installation s'est fort bien passée mais au redémarrage le système plante
quasi immédiatement.
Voici les messages :

Decompressing Linux ...
Booting the kernel.
Laoding ...
kinit : name_to_dev_t(/dev/hda7)=hda7(3,7)
kinit : trying to resume from /dev/hda7
kinit : No resume image, doing normal boot ..
mount : mounting /dev/hda1 on /root failed : No such device
mount : mounting /dev on /root/dev failed : No such file or directory
mount : mounting /sys on /root/sys failed : No such file or directory
mount : mounting /proc on /root/proc failed : No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init.
No init found. Try passing init=bootarg.

BusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian 1:1.10.2-2) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
/bin/sh : can't access tty; job control turned off

Merci pour votre aide.

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Re: Mldonkey-server ne dém arre plus / mlnet démarre

2010-09-25 Thread Aurelien
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 09:05:45PM +0200, Aurelien wrote :
 On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 06:40:03PM +0200, Mouarf wrote :
  Le dimanche 19 septembre 2010 12:21:13, Aurelien a écrit :
   Je me permets de relancer, n'ayant toujours trouvé ni le problème, ni
   une piste pour le résoudre.
   Si quelqu'un a un semblant d'idée pour m'orienter.
  Jettes un oeil dans /etc/default/mldonkey-server tu as l'emplacement du 
  dossier de mldonkey. Si tu n'a rien changé, le log devrait s'y trouver. Oui 
  c'est bizzare mais chez moi c'est comme ça, y'a un mlnet.log dans le 
  répertoire MLDONKEY_DIR indiqué dans /etc/default/mldonkey-server.
  La mise a jour a peut etre/surement modifié le fichier. 
 En effet, j'ai ce fichier là qui traîne également. Mais la dernière
 ligne de log là-dedans date du 23/06/2009. Zob.
 Et globalement, voilà ce que j'arrive à récupérer comme logs :
 2010/09/19 21:01:09 [cO] Started logging...
 2010/09/19 21:01:09 Setting option log_file
 2010/09/19 21:01:09 [cO] Logging in .//var/log/mldonkey/mlnet.log
 2010/09/19 21:01:09 [cO] Started logging...
 2010/09/19 21:01:09 [dcCO] LETS reverse clients list NOW
 Donc rien de vraiment inquiétant, sauf que derrière, il ne se passe
 rien. Toujours pas de démon qui tourne, donc pas de fichier
 /var/run/mldonkey/ et évidemment, la connexion html ne
 fonctionne pas.
 Bref, le serveur ne démarre pas.
 Bon, j'ai évidemment l'option de réinstaller (je ne sais plus si je ne
 l'ai pas déjà fait), mais :
 1. ça n'est pas très satisfaisant en termes de recherche du problème et
 de sa solution
 2. j'ai plusieurs téléchargements assez importants qui étaient en cours
 et qui ne sont pas terminés, et je voudrais être sûr de pouvoir les
 redémarrer (je fais partie de la France de la fracture numérique, je
 crois, avec -des fois- des descentes à 200ko/s -mais plutôt en dessous
 en général-, loin de la borne, loin.).
 Merci d'avance.

J'ai finalement trouvé la solution.
Le problème qui empêchait le démarrage était une connerie, un fichier
qui n'aurait pas dû être là (shared_files.ini.tmp) et qui lorsqu'il est
là empêche le démarrage.
Mais, en fait, le vrai souci est que, comme l'explique le rapport de bug
31021, lorsque le serveur est lancé en démon, il n'écrit pas l'erreur
qui l'empêche de démarrer ni sut stderr ni dans les logs :

Du coup, la solution pour connaître la source du problème était de
lancer la commande mlnet dans le répertoire /var/lib/mldonkey, et à ce
moment là, l'erreur apparaissait.

Merci à ceux qui m'ont aidé.

A plus tard.


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Re: pb wifi

2010-09-25 Thread Papinux
Le Sat, 25 Sep 2010 18:18:26 +0200, rk a écrit :

 Ok !! 
 Ma config : 
 Fichier /etc/network/interfaces : 
 iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid monssid

Peut être que la config suivante devrait mieux fonctionner:

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp 
wireless-essid monssid

(voir man interfaces)


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[HS] échantillonnage audio [était: lenteur audio =)]

2010-09-25 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le samedi 25 septembre 2010 à 16:05:40, Aurelien a écrit :
 On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 03:38:08PM +0200, Sylvain L. Sauvage 
wrote :
  Le samedi 25 septembre 2010 à 13:35:16, Aurelien a écrit :
   Pour les fichier 48kHz, tu ne dois pas en trouver souvent
   (à part sur les DVD, tu me diras).
  Et les flux DVB (TNT) et les flux vidéo (TV)
 Oui, mais un logiciel susceptible de lire du DVD doit, de
 fait, être adapté pour lire du 48kHz.
  et audio (Radio) de
  la Freebox et sûrement d’autres…
 C'est vrai ? flux radio en 48kHz ? Ca n'a pas de sens, c'est
 vraiment idiot si c'est le cas. La norme CD audio est à
 44.1kHz, et du coup, les prods sont faites dans ce sens,
 avec potentiellement un suréchantillonnage à 88.2kHz lors du
 mixage. Du coup, les radios vont se mettre à faire du
 rééchantillonnage avec interpolation, etc. C'est dommage

Oh, t’inquiète pas, c’est bien tout pourri (au minimum 
« métallique »).

En fait, je ne sais pas comment est leur source mais ils doivent 
tout ré-échantillonner pour que le flux radio soit de même type 
que les flux TV : MPEG-2 TS avec le son en MP3 48 kHz et… 
192 kbps !
  (Il y a aussi une vidéo envoyée pour la radio : une espèce de 
logo qui tourne ; plusieurs radios sur chacun des 13 flux radio, 
chaque radio étant sur un pid différent.)
  Peut-être que c’est plus simple de tout avoir en 48 kHz à la 
distribution que d’avoir à y faire gaffe une fois arrivé dans la 
Freebox ?

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: [HS] échantillonnage audio [était: lenteur audio =)]

2010-09-25 Thread Aurelien
On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 07:40:36PM +0200, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote :
 Le samedi 25 septembre 2010 à 16:05:40, Aurelien a écrit :
  On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 03:38:08PM +0200, Sylvain L. Sauvage 
 wrote :
   Le samedi 25 septembre 2010 à 13:35:16, Aurelien a écrit :
Pour les fichier 48kHz, tu ne dois pas en trouver souvent
(à part sur les DVD, tu me diras).
   Et les flux DVB (TNT) et les flux vidéo (TV)
  Oui, mais un logiciel susceptible de lire du DVD doit, de
  fait, être adapté pour lire du 48kHz.
   et audio (Radio) de
   la Freebox et sûrement d’autres…
  C'est vrai ? flux radio en 48kHz ? Ca n'a pas de sens, c'est
  vraiment idiot si c'est le cas. La norme CD audio est à
  44.1kHz, et du coup, les prods sont faites dans ce sens,
  avec potentiellement un suréchantillonnage à 88.2kHz lors du
  mixage. Du coup, les radios vont se mettre à faire du
  rééchantillonnage avec interpolation, etc. C'est dommage
 Oh, t’inquiète pas, c’est bien tout pourri (au minimum 
 « métallique »).
 En fait, je ne sais pas comment est leur source mais ils doivent 
 tout ré-échantillonner pour que le flux radio soit de même type 
 que les flux TV : MPEG-2 TS avec le son en MP3 48 kHz et… 
 192 kbps !

Ouais, OK. Déjà mp3 + 48kHz, tu te demandes un peu le pourquoi du
comment, mais 192kbps bref, comment mettre plus d'échantillons par
seconde, sans ajouter d'info (oire plutôt en en perdant) pour mieux la
détériorer par la suite Youyou.

   (Il y a aussi une vidéo envoyée pour la radio : une espèce de 
 logo qui tourne ; plusieurs radios sur chacun des 13 flux radio, 
 chaque radio étant sur un pid différent.)
   Peut-être que c’est plus simple de tout avoir en 48 kHz à la 
 distribution que d’avoir à y faire gaffe une fois arrivé dans la 
 Freebox ?

Sans doute, il doit bien y avoir une raison. Je doute qu'elle soit
esthétique, cependant ! ;)

  Sylvain Sauvage
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2010-09-25 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

Ahora sí. Ya mismo, como he compilado a noche con los paquetes que
faltaban para compilar, parece que ya la cosa funciona...:

Linux dell #1 SMP Sat Sep 25 02:18:30 CEST 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Por el momento, parece que no se casca, pero hay una cosa que me mosquea
y no sé porqué *quiere* hacer un algo cuando hace un 'remount'...:

Sep 25 09:04:51 dell kernel: [  275.372870] EXT4-fs (sdb3): re-mounted.
Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=0
Sep 25 09:04:51 dell kernel: [  275.515767] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted.
Opts: commit=0

Y eso sí, después de hacer el montaje en el inicio,...

Por ello, parece que no me da errores de ningún tipo, ni fallos.

Cruzo los dedos, porque a este paso, también, por lo que veo, el número
de procesos ha bajado considerablemente. Antes, tenía una friolera
cantidad de casi 300 procesos (sí, con el kernel que tenía
compilado, pero sin esos paquetes para compilar el kernel). Ahora mismo,
tengo al menos, unos 212 fijos. Parece que va bien.

Yo me bajé para compilar el kernel, con el config, pero para bigmem:

Con ello, me duró una hora y pico. _Creo_ que ya no existirán ya más
problemas. A ver lo que hace.

Si vuelvo a experimentar fallos, vuelvo al (o al .22, que ya
lo hay)...

- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.


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Re: Computador nao desliga

2010-09-25 Thread Andre Luiz FM
Sugiro que vc faça o teste usando outro kernel pra ver se o problema

2010/9/24 Rodolfo

 Me da o nome do modelo da tua placa mãe que eu te ajudo, parece que você
 falou antes sua configuração mas não prestei atenção =D. Fala ae, qual o
 modelo da tua placa mãe ?

 Em 24 de setembro de 2010 18:09, Ronaldo Reis Junior 

 Vou tentar fazer isto de atualizar a BIOS e ver no que da, daí retorno para
 a lista. Mas é que nem sei por onde começar, nunca atualizei uma BIOS.

 Vou dar uma procurada.


 Em 24-09-2010 17:26, Gunther Furtado escreveu:

  Em 24 de setembro de 2010 17:20,  escreveu:

 Bom, atualize sua Bios como o pessoal ta falando ae, se o problema
 a gente mete bronca de novo.

 Em 24 de setembro de 2010 16:10, Renato S. Yamane

 Em 24-09-2010 08:02, Ronaldo Reis Junior escreveu:

 testei isto tanto pelo modconf quando pelo modprobe apm

 Installing module apm. If the device isn't there, or isn't configured
 correctly, this could cause your system to pause for up to a minute.

 FATAL: Error inserting apm
 (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/kernel/arch/x86/kernel/apm.ko): No such

 Installation failed.

 não tem este módulo.

 O módulo existe. O que não existe é um hardware compatível (no such

 Se o módulo não existisse, a mensagem de erro seria:
 # modprobe apm
 FATAL: Module apm not found

 Interessante é que ele deveria ser um módulo, vejam:
 # cat /boot/config-2.6.32-5-686 | grep APM
 # CONFIG_APM_DO_ENABLE is not set
 # CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set

 Será que seria isto? O ACPI não substitui o APM? Meio confuso isto

 APM é ultrapassado.
 Volto a repetir... Atualize a BIOS.
 Como já disseram, há usuários com o mesmo modelo de computador e tudo
 funciona perfeitamente.

 Ô Ronaldo, atualiza aí vai...



 11ª lei - Você deve conhecer mais de sua dissertação do que seu

  --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.

   Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

 |  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
 | : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
 | `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
 |   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 |
 | | LinuxUser#: 205366

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

André Luiz Fraga Moreira
Linux Professional Institute Certified - LPIC-1
Twitter e @andreluizfm

Re: Reiniciando configurações de rede

2010-09-25 Thread Andre Luiz FM
Verifique também se o nome das interfaces no arquivo /etc/network/interfaces
está de acordo com a saída do comando ifconfig -a.

2010/9/21 Adauto Serpa


 Não se isso é um bug do debian ou um padrão, sei que para que seu o
 comando /etc/init.d/networking restart
 funcionar as interfaces devem ser configuradas como auto em vez de

 Ex: auto eth0 

 Acredito que esse seja o seu problema.


 Adauto Serpa

 Em 21 de setembro de 2010 13:07, Leandro Moreira escreveu:
  Migrei um servidor no ultimo fim de senama, durante os testes de carga e
  funcionamento, tive que fazer alterações nas interaces de rede, ao
  o serviço de rede (/etc/init.d/network restart) ele simplesmente derrubou
  todas as interfaces de rede do meu servidor, so retornando após o reboot.
  Existe alguma outra forma de reiniciar os serviços de rede sem ter q
  Leandro Moreira
  Network Administrator
  LPIC1 - Linux Professional Institute Certified
  Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

André Luiz Fraga Moreira
Linux Professional Institute Certified - LPIC-1
Twitter e @andreluizfm

Re: Computador nao desliga

2010-09-25 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior


Meu computador é um Compaq 510

Veja o resultado de meu lscpi

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile GME965/GLE960 Memory 
Controller Hub (rev 0c)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 
GME965/GLE960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GME965/GLE960 
Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)
00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI 
Controller #4 (rev 03)
00:1a.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB2 EHCI 
Controller #2 (rev 03)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio 
Controller (rev 03)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) PCI Express 
Port 1 (rev 03)
00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) PCI Express 
Port 2 (rev 03)
00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) PCI Express 
Port 5 (rev 03)
00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) PCI Express 
Port 6 (rev 03)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI 
Controller #1 (rev 03)
00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI 
Controller #2 (rev 03)
00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI 
Controller #3 (rev 03)
00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB2 EHCI 
Controller #1 (rev 03)

00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev f3)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801HEM (ICH8M) LPC Interface 
Controller (rev 03)
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801HBM/HEM (ICH8M/ICH8M-E) 
IDE Controller (rev 03)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 82801HBM/HEM (ICH8M/ICH8M-E) 
SATA AHCI Controller (rev 03)
10:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvA 
Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)
30:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8042 PCI-E 
Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 10)


Em 24-09-2010 21:29, Rodolfo escreveu:
Me da o nome do modelo da tua placa mãe que eu te ajudo, parece que 
você falou antes sua configuração mas não prestei atenção =D. Fala ae, 
qual o modelo da tua placa mãe ?

Em 24 de setembro de 2010 18:09, Ronaldo Reis Junior escreveu:

Vou tentar fazer isto de atualizar a BIOS e ver no que da, daí
retorno para a lista. Mas é que nem sei por onde começar, nunca
atualizei uma BIOS.

Vou dar uma procurada.


Em 24-09-2010 17:26, Gunther Furtado escreveu:

Em 24 de setembro de 2010 17:20,  escreveu:

Bom, atualize sua Bios como o pessoal ta falando ae, se o
problema persistir
a gente mete bronca de novo.

Em 24 de setembro de 2010 16:10, Renato S.

Em 24-09-2010 08:02, Ronaldo Reis Junior escreveu:

testei isto tanto pelo modconf quando pelo
modprobe apm

Installing module apm. If the device isn't there,
or isn't configured
correctly, this could cause your system to pause
for up to a minute.

FATAL: Error inserting apm
No such

Installation failed.

não tem este módulo.

O módulo existe. O que não existe é um hardware
compatível (no such

Se o módulo não existisse, a mensagem de erro seria:
# modprobe apm
FATAL: Module apm not found

Interessante é que ele deveria ser um módulo, vejam:
# cat /boot/config-2.6.32-5-686 | grep APM
# CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set

Será que seria isto? O ACPI não substitui o APM?
Meio confuso isto tudo.

APM é ultrapassado.
Volto a repetir... Atualize a BIOS.
Como já disseram, há usuários com o mesmo modelo de
computador e tudo
funciona perfeitamente.

Ô Ronaldo, atualiza aí vai...



11ª lei - Você deve conhecer mais de sua dissertação do que seu


 --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the 

Re: Computador nao desliga

2010-09-25 Thread Gunther Furtado

Em 24Set2010 (sexta), Ronaldo Reis Junior disse:

 Vou tentar fazer isto de atualizar a BIOS e ver no que da, daí
 retorno para a lista. Mas é que nem sei por onde começar, nunca
 atualizei uma BIOS.
 Vou dar uma procurada.

 Em 24-09-2010 17:26, Gunther Furtado escreveu:
  Em 24 de setembro de 2010 17:20,
  Bom, atualize sua Bios como o pessoal ta falando ae, se o problema
  persistir a gente mete bronca de novo.
  Em 24 de setembro de 2010 16:10, Renato S. escreveu:
  Em 24-09-2010 08:02, Ronaldo Reis Junior escreveu:
  testei isto tanto pelo modconf quando pelo modprobe apm
  Installing module apm. If the device isn't there, or isn't
  configured correctly, this could cause your system to pause for
  up to a minute.
  FATAL: Error inserting apm
  (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/kernel/arch/x86/kernel/apm.ko): No
  such device
  Installation failed.
  não tem este módulo.
  O módulo existe. O que não existe é um hardware compatível (no
  such device).
  Se o módulo não existisse, a mensagem de erro seria:
  # modprobe apm
  FATAL: Module apm not found
  Interessante é que ele deveria ser um módulo, vejam:
  # cat /boot/config-2.6.32-5-686 | grep APM
  # CONFIG_APM_DO_ENABLE is not set
  # CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set
  # CONFIG_APM_ALLOW_INTS is not set
  Será que seria isto? O ACPI não substitui o APM? Meio confuso
  isto tudo. 
  APM é ultrapassado.
  Volto a repetir... Atualize a BIOS.
  Como já disseram, há usuários com o mesmo modelo de computador e
  tudo funciona perfeitamente.
  Ô Ronaldo, atualiza aí vai...


...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Computador nao desliga

2010-09-25 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior


até tentei colocar o kernel da stable para testar só o desligamento, mas 
não funcionou.

Vou tentar achar um jeito de atualizar a BIOS, pode ser isto. O problema 
é que tem algumas coisas para o tal de Compaq EVO D510 que eu acho que é 
diferente do meu que é só 510.

Mas vou continuar procurando.


Em 25-09-2010 08:28, Andre Luiz FM escreveu:
Sugiro que vc faça o teste usando outro kernel pra ver se o problema 

2010/9/24 Rodolfo

Me da o nome do modelo da tua placa mãe que eu te ajudo, parece
que você falou antes sua configuração mas não prestei atenção =D.
Fala ae, qual o modelo da tua placa mãe ?

Em 24 de setembro de 2010 18:09, Ronaldo Reis Junior escreveu:

Vou tentar fazer isto de atualizar a BIOS e ver no que da, daí
retorno para a lista. Mas é que nem sei por onde começar,
nunca atualizei uma BIOS.

Vou dar uma procurada.


Em 24-09-2010 17:26, Gunther Furtado escreveu:

Em 24 de setembro de 2010 17:20,

Bom, atualize sua Bios como o pessoal ta falando ae,
se o problema persistir
a gente mete bronca de novo.

Em 24 de setembro de 2010 16:10, Renato S.

Em 24-09-2010 08:02, Ronaldo Reis Junior escreveu:

testei isto tanto pelo modconf quando pelo
modprobe apm

Installing module apm. If the device isn't
there, or isn't configured
correctly, this could cause your system to
pause for up to a minute.

FATAL: Error inserting apm

No such

Installation failed.

não tem este módulo.

O módulo existe. O que não existe é um hardware
compatível (no such

Se o módulo não existisse, a mensagem de erro seria:
# modprobe apm
FATAL: Module apm not found

Interessante é que ele deveria ser um módulo,
# cat /boot/config-2.6.32-5-686 | grep APM
# CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set

Será que seria isto? O ACPI não substitui o
APM? Meio confuso isto tudo.

APM é ultrapassado.
Volto a repetir... Atualize a BIOS.
Como já disseram, há usuários com o mesmo modelo
de computador e tudo
funciona perfeitamente.

Ô Ronaldo, atualiza aí vai...



11ª lei - Você deve conhecer mais de sua dissertação do que seu


 --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445,
p. 228.

 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

|  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 |
| | LinuxUser#: 205366

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

André Luiz Fraga Moreira
Linux Professional Institute Certified - LPIC-1
Twitter e @andreluizfm

18ª lei - Seu orientador quer escrever a melhor carta de recomendação
  possível para você.

  --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.

 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

|  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e 

Re: Computador nao desliga

2010-09-25 Thread Gunther Furtado

Em 25Set2010 (sábado), Ronaldo Reis Junior disse:

 Meu computador é um Compaq 510
 Veja o resultado de meu lscpi

de uma olhada em um pacote chamado dmidecode.



...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Computador nao desliga

2010-09-25 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior



testei, veja o resultado, mas não sei bem como isto ajuda.

r...@ppgcbix:/home/ronaldo# biosdecode
# biosdecode 2.9
PNP BIOS 1.0 present.
Event Notification: Polling
Event Notification Flag Address: 0x000F5196
Real Mode 16-bit Code Address: F000:51B7
Real Mode 16-bit Data Address: F000:
16-bit Protected Mode Code Address: 0x000F519E
16-bit Protected Mode Data Address: 0x000F
OEM Device Identifier: DA\3000
PCI Interrupt Routing 1.0 present.
Router ID: 00:1f.0
Exclusive IRQs: 5 10 11
Compatible Router: 8086:2641
Slot Entry 1: ID 00:03, on-board
Slot Entry 2: ID 00:02, on-board
Slot Entry 3: ID 00:1f, on-board
Slot Entry 4: ID 00:1c, on-board
Slot Entry 5: ID 08:00, on-board
Slot Entry 6: ID 10:00, on-board
Slot Entry 7: ID 18:00, on-board
Slot Entry 8: ID 20:00, on-board
Slot Entry 9: ID 28:00, on-board
Slot Entry 10: ID 02:04, on-board
Slot Entry 11: ID 00:1d, on-board
Slot Entry 12: ID 00:1a, on-board
ACPI 2.0 present.
OEM Identifier: HP
RSD Table 32-bit Address: 0x7F7C8178
XSD Table 64-bit Address: 0x7F7C81C8
SYSID present.
Revision: 0
Structure Table Address: 0x000F9971
Number Of Structures: 1
BIOS32 Service Directory present.
Revision: 0
Calling Interface Address: 0x000F
SMBIOS 2.4 present.
Structure Table Length: 1236 bytes
Structure Table Address: 0x000F284B
Number Of Structures: 25
Maximum Structure Size: 336 bytes

Em 25-09-2010 11:47, Gunther Furtado escreveu:

Em 25Set2010 (sábado), Ronaldo Reis  disse:



Meu computador é um Compaq 510

Veja o resultado de meu lscpi


de uma olhada em um pacote chamado dmidecode.




11ª lei - Você deve conhecer mais de sua dissertação do que seu

  --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.

 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

|  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 |
| | LinuxUser#: 205366

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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Re: Computador nao desliga

2010-09-25 Thread Gunther Furtado

Em 25Set2010 (sábado), Ronaldo Reis Junior disse:

 testei, veja o resultado, mas não sei bem como isto ajuda.

não testei, nem entendi direito. se alguém da lista puder explicar...


...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


2010-09-25 Thread raiox.spoofing
Pessoal. existe uma maneira de enviar meus logs tipo, logs do snort para
existe um script?


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Re: Tavsiye edeceğini z Web Sunucusu (Hosting)

2010-09-25 Thread Onur Aslan
Eger sadece bir blog ihtiyaciniz varsa, ucretsiz blog saglayan firmalari da
(, tercih edebilirsiniz. Kendi domaininizi de sisteme
girerek istediginiz isim altinda yayim yapabilirsiniz.

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 05:33:39AM -0700, ahmet nurlu wrote:
 Merhaba Liste,
 Kendime bir blog sayfası açmak istiyorum (Çoğunlukla ders notları yüklenecek 
 ve ders için bir forum sayfası yapılacak) 100 MB'ı geçmeyecek bir hesap benim 
 için uygun. Hangi Sunucu şirketini tavsiye edersiniz (Linux uyumlu olması  
 1.tercih sebibidir)? Ayrıca sizin Linux üzerinde kullandığınız blog 
 programları hangisidir? Blog ve Html üzerine fazla bilgim yok ve nerden 
 başlayacağımı bilmiyorum. 
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

  .''`.Debian GNU/Linux
 :  :' :   Onur Aslan  0x900CB80C
 `.  `'web:
   `-  gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0x900CB80C

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Fwd: yo bro

2010-09-25 Thread csharp221
hello, I know how rough it's been for everyone with less money flow. I was 
fired from my job a year and a half ago myself. I ended up startng my own 
thing. It's hard to explain but I found a local news article that can put it in 
better words. You should really check it out and make 800 a day like them!  a 
href=;Check the article right now/a

Re: lilo config is busted, need help fixing it

2010-09-25 Thread briand
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:18:25 -0400 (EDT)
Stephen Powell wrote:

Before I post all that stuff, let me show you exactly what's happening
on boot.  I think there is something very strange going on and it may
not be lilo.

  Lin_img0 is : /boot/vmlinuz

When I boot using that entry I get the following error:

   kernel-Panic: not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown
   - block(8,2)


  Lin_img0 root=/dev/sda2


When I use the lilo entry Lin_2.6.32img5, /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64,
AND specify root=/dev/sda2, i.e.

  Lin_2.6.32img5 root=/dev/sda2

I get the following weirdness:

  Running /scripts/local-premount

  resume: could not stat the resume device 
  file /dev/disk/by-uuid/558d7790-5914-4949

  enter full path:

at that point I enter /dev/sda2 and then it boots normally.

don't have any idea what the uuid it's try to use is, but this is a
real WTF !?

It seems like I have two different problems.  I have a lilo entry that
doesn't work at all and another one which dumps me into this resume

Here's a really interesting observation:

The Lin_img0 lilo entry behaves differently from the Lin_2.6.32img5, BUT
THEY BOTH USE THE SAME IMAGE !  /boot/vmlinuz is a symlink to



 On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 20:42:56 -0400 (EDT), wrote:
  I've run lilo and rebooted multiple times and always get the same
 Interesting.  What happens if you specify
 as an argument to the boot prompt?

I get the above resume weirdness.

 Please post your entire /etc/lilo.conf.  Also post:

# Generated by liloconfig

# This allows booting from any partition on disks with more than 1024
# cylinders.

# Specifies the boot device

# Specifies the device that should be mounted as root.
# If the special name CURRENT is used, the root device is set to the
# device on which the root file system is currently mounted. If the root
# has been changed with  -r , the respective device is used. If the
# variable ROOT is omitted, the root device setting contained in the
# kernel image is used. It can be changed with the rdev program.

# Bitmap configuration for /boot/debianlilo.bmp
# bitmap=/boot/debianlilo.bmp
# bmp-colors=1,,0;9,,0
# bmp-table=106p,144p,2,9,144p
# bmp-timer=514p,144p,6,8,0

# Enables map compaction:
# Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single
# read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the map
# smaller. Using COMPACT is especially recommended when booting from a
# floppy disk.
# compact

# Install the specified file as the new boot sector.
# LILO supports built in boot sectory, you only need
# to specify the type, choose one from 'text', 'menu' or 'bitmap'.
# new: install=bmp  old: install=/boot/boot-bmp.b
# new: install=text old: install=/boot/boot-text.b
# new: install=menu old: install=/boot/boot-menu.b or boot.b
# default: 'menu' is default, unless you have a bitmap= line
# Note: install=bmp must be used to see the bitmap menu.
# install=bmp

# Specifies the number of _tenths_ of a second LILO should
# wait before booting the first image.  LILO
# doesn't wait if DELAY is omitted or if DELAY is set to zero.
# delay=50

# Prompt to use certaing image. If prompt is specified without timeout,
# boot will not take place unless you hit RETURN

# Enable large memory mode.

# Specifies the location of the map file. If MAP is
# omitted, a file /boot/map is used.

# Specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected when
# booting. The following values are recognized (case is ignored):
#   NORMAL  select normal 80x25 text mode.
#   EXTENDED  select 80x50 text mode. The word EXTENDED can be
# abbreviated to EXT.
#   ASK  stop and ask for user input (at boot time).
#   number  use the corresponding text mode. A list of available modes
# can be obtained by booting with  vga=ask  and pressing [Enter].

# Defines non-standard parameters for the specified disk.

# If you are using removable USB drivers (with mass-storage)
# you will need to tell LILO to not use these devices even
# if defined in /etc/fstab and referenced in /proc/partitions.
# Adjust these lines to your devices:
# disk=/dev/sda inaccessible

# These images were automagically added. You may need to edit something.

label=Lin img0

label=Lin 2.6.26img2

label=Lin 2.6.31img3

label=Lin 2.6.32img4

label=Lin 2.6.32img5

Re: lilo config is busted, need help fixing it

2010-09-25 Thread briand
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 00:17:30 -0500
Stan Hoeppner wrote: put forth on 9/24/2010 7:42 PM:
  right now I'm thinking I've got something misconfigured, but what ??
  Running lilo manually should fix whatever's going on and it most
  certainly isn't.
 Did you possibly lose your BIOS LBA configuration before the
 dist-upgrade, and didn't know it?  If your CMOS battery had died,
 which is quite common on 4-5+ year old systems, and you rebooted the
 PC, when it came back up your BIOS data would be at defaults.  In
 this case your disk geometry in the BIOS may have changed from say,
 If this occurred, it might explain your problems.  Once the system
 is booted after you manually specify /dev/sda2 at the prompt, the ATA
 driver may be defaulting to LBA mode.  Thus, when you run lilo, it's
 basing sector translation on block offsets using LBA.  When you
 reboot, if the BIOS is set to NORMAL (CHS) or LARGE, the translation
 isn't going to match what lilo saved in the MBR or the first sector
 of a partition, whichever method you use.
 When you specify /dev/sda2 at the prompt, the bootloader is working
 with the current BIOS translation setting and correctly finds the disk
 sectors for the root filesystem.  This may explain why you can
 successfully boot in this manner, but not using the normal automatic
 lilo boot--the sector translations may be different.
 This is all a shot in the dark and I could be smoking crack.  But, it
 _seems_ possible given your symptoms.  Check your mobo BIOS, or PCI
 card disk controller BIOS, if that's what your disk is attached to,
 and make sure the drive translation is set to LBA, which is likely
 what it was before.

I have it set to auto which is what it's always been set to.


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Re: iceweasel seg faults when closing tabs

2010-09-25 Thread briand
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 00:39:21 -0500
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

 On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 20:45:37 -0700 wrote:
  Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
 doh!  strong evidence that it's the flash plugin.  damn, I really
 should take my own advice.
 oh, how I hate flash.
 Uninstall Adobe Flash, clear all your cookies, install Gnash and its
 Mozilla plugin, and try it out.  It's relatively painless to move
 back if it doesn't suit your needs.[1]  Gnash in testing is supposed
 to have 100% of videos working, and some other sites use
 similar enough video embedding that they work as well.
 If it doesn't work in Gnash, I simply do without it.  But, even if
 your desire for flash contest exceeds your dedication to Free
 Software, it is worth a try. I imagine the Gnash maintainers are
 actually more interested resolving issues on Debian (and other Free
 OSes) than Adobe.
 [1] Just reverse the process -- uninstall Gnash, clear your cookies,
 reinstall Adobe Flash.

Thanks to you and Scott for the advice.

I've removed flash and that seems to have fixed the problem.  Hasn't
crashed in quite a while.  The SO wants flash so I put it in her home
directory .mozilla/plugins.  She is not as heavy a tab user.  the
strange thing is that she _does_ use tabs, and hasn't seen this
happen.  This is very interesting since I see it die quite often.

One very interesting detail is that I have two X sessions up and
running, mine and hers, with mine on set-up using 

  startx -- :1

I wonder if that has something to do with it...

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Re: Can I have a working VLC in Lenny, and transcode, and ffmpeg?

2010-09-25 Thread Angus Hedger
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 10:58:33 +1000
Scott Ferguson wrote:

 Hi all,
on lenny i386 I use VLC for viewing and ripping ffflash - which
 works fine.
 I'd like to install transcode and ffmpeg without pulling in libavutil*
 from (which previously has broken VLC).
 For reasons too lengthy to list here - I do not want to use something
 as a replacement for VLC.
 Thanks in advance for constructive advice.
VLC with libavutil* from d-m works at the moment, it has not broken
again since that one time!

You could try pulling in libavutil from main, eg 
sudo aptitude -t lenny libavutil49

Then pull in transcode from d-m and it might not pull in the newer
version, unless it depends on it.

Otherwise, you can compile transcode against the lenny libacutil see
here [1]

But, to be honist, just try the d-m VLC/Transcode, its working
perfectly for me here (I am using AMD64 rather than i386, so ymmv, but
it should be fine!)

Good luck



Angus Hedger

Debian GNU/Linux User   PGP Public Key 0xEE6A4B97

Description: PGP signature

Re: resume from hibernate [in squeeze]

2010-09-25 Thread Morgan Gangwere
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 02:21:58 +0200

I've been noticing the same basic problem.

I've installed acpid, hibernate, laptop-detect etc and even rebooted
and when I try to suspend, it doesnt come up right.

Could this be a lack of the uswusup package in squeeze?
Morgan Gangwere

BOFH excuse #394

Secure shell immediately.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Can I have a working VLC in Lenny, and transcode, and ffmpeg?

2010-09-25 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 25/09/10 18:33, Angus Hedger wrote:
 On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 10:58:33 +1000
 Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Hi all,
on lenny i386 I use VLC for viewing and ripping ffflash - which
 works fine.
 I'd like to install transcode and ffmpeg without pulling in libavutil*
 from (which previously has broken VLC).
 For reasons too lengthy to list here - I do not want to use something
 as a replacement for VLC.
 Thanks in advance for constructive advice.

 VLC with libavutil* from d-m works at the moment, it has not broken
 again since that one time!
 You could try pulling in libavutil from main, eg 
 sudo aptitude -t lenny libavutil49
 Then pull in transcode from d-m and it might not pull in the newer
 version, unless it depends on it.
 Otherwise, you can compile transcode against the lenny libacutil see
 here [1]
 But, to be honist, just try the d-m VLC/Transcode, its working
 perfectly for me here (I am using AMD64 rather than i386, so ymmv, but
 it should be fine!)
 Good luck
 Angus Hedger
 Debian GNU/Linux User PGP Public Key 0xEE6A4B97

Thanks Angus,
 I shall try your suggestion.


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Re: Re (2): configuration of subordinate interface in a bridge; was Linux hub

2010-09-25 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 04:12:47PM -0700, wrote:
 From: Jesus_M. Navarro
 Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 05:42:40 +0200
 Certainly that is sensible.  I was distracted by
 where eth0 and eth1 are both configured before br0 is created.


 No, you've not missed anything in my view.  This is one of those rare cases 
 where reading the inadvisable.

Well, it is a wiki! If you feel the content is incorrect/misleading
please correct it.

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: Exim4 setup for LAMP web site.

2010-09-25 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 07:41:45 -0700, Gary Roach wrote:

 On 01/-10/-28163 11:59 AM, wrote:

 Host-not-in-DNS means that you have no valid DNS name and when
 destination mail system is doing DNS lookup can not verify you, thus
 rejecting emails from this source.
 Provide valid entry in dns for your mail server and then it should
 work. - --

 I got that a valid DNS name isn't present. What do I do about it. Does
 this mean that I need to submit something to my ISP or use one of my
 existing email accounts for a name or stick in something from the
 returns I get from running host. I know what them problem is. I just
 don't know how to fix it. I use Verizon Fios with  an M1424WR router if
 that is any help.

I think the approach could be one of the following:

- You need address masquerading to hide/transform the current invalid 
domain name (which exim gets by default) to a real one.

- You need to configure the web server application to send out e-mails 
from a defined (valid) e-mail address.



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Re: lilo config is busted, need help fixing it

2010-09-25 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 00:54:12 -0400 (EDT), Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Stephen Powell put forth on 9/24/2010 4:06 PM:
 Current stock Debian kernels for the
 amd64 architecture are right on the ragged edge of being too
 large for lilo to load below the 16M line
 And the bulk of these ~16MB stock kernels is the initrd, correct?  Wow
 those are huge.  I'm so glad I roll my own, from source, and
 forgo the kitchen sink initrd setups of the stock kernels.
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root 1.5M Jul  9 09:29 vmlinuz-
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root 490K Jul  9 09:29
 -rw-r--r--  1 root root  29K Jul  9 09:29 config-
 At my pace of kernel file growth, I won't hit the lilo 22.8 16MB limit
 for a few decades. :)
 Correct me if I'm wrong Stephen, but isn't this 16MB ceiling more of a
 block device controller BIOS limitation than a lilo limitation?

There are a couple of misconceptions here.  It is true that the initial
RAM disk images on disk, when the default value of MODULES=most is
specified, are larger than the size of
the kernel image on disk.  But that is not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about the kernel itself.  You see, the kernel image on disk,
which gets loaded by lilo into memory, is partially compressed.
That is, a small portion of the kernel code at the beginning of the
kernel is uncompressed, but the majority of it is compressed.  That's
why the kernel image has the naming comvention vmlinuz-* instead of
vmlinux-*.  (The initial RAM disk image on disk is compressed too.)

When lilo transfers control to the kernel, one of the first things
the kernel does is to decompress its compressed portion.  From what
I can tell, it allocates some memory somewhere large enough to hold
the decompressed portion of itself, does the decompression, frees
the compressed portion of kernel memory, allocates a new chunk of
memory starting where the compressed portion resides and the same
size as the uncompressed hunk, copies the uncompressed hunk there,
and then frees the working copy of the uncompressed hunk.  The net
effect is that the compressed kernel is decompressed in place.
The compressed initial RAM file system image, also loaded by lilo,
has not yet been touched at this point.  lilo tries to load the
compressed kernel image between the 1M line and the 15M line
(total 14M), even when large-memory is specified, at as low an
address as possible.  lilo must determine whether the *decompressed*
kernel will fit in this space.  If not, memory above 16M must be

The compression ratio for an amd64-architecture kernel is significantly
higher than for an i386-architecture kernel.  The current version
of lilo underestimates the uncompressed size of an amd64-architecture
kernel and may decide that the kernel will fit between 1M and 15M,
when in reality, it won't.  This is especially likely if the compressed
initial RAM file system image is also being loaded in this space.
lilo 23.0 fixes this problem.  The uncompressed sizes of stock
amd64 kernel images are quite large, and are close to the 14M limit
of below-16M loading.  If the uncompressed kernel won't fit there,
then it must be loaded above 16M, even if the compressed image will fit
below 16M easily.

Some old BIOS do not support the BIOS calls that lilo, running in real
mode, uses to copy a block of memory above the 16M line.  This can
be tested for using the lilo diagnostic diskette that I have posted
on my web site.  But I am not aware of any 64-bit machines with this

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: resume from hibernate

2010-09-25 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 17:25:58 -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Since I run sid on a laptop I decided to play with hibernate, carefully.
 But I'm missing something: hibernate saves memory to swap and turns off
 the machine. Then to resume I hit the power button and grub appears, I
 select the partition and it boots, finding fault with the not unmounted
 partitions :-(
 How does one resume?

What does your log say (/var/log/pm-suspend.log)?



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Re: resume from hibernate

2010-09-25 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Camaleón wrote:

On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 17:25:58 -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Since I run sid on a laptop I decided to play with hibernate, carefully.
But I'm missing something: hibernate saves memory to swap and turns off
the machine. Then to resume I hit the power button and grub appears, I
select the partition and it boots, finding fault with the not unmounted
partitions :-(

How does one resume?

What does your log say (/var/log/pm-suspend.log)?

Does not exist


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Re: resume from hibernate

2010-09-25 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 08:27:20 -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:

 How does one resume?
 What does your log say (/var/log/pm-suspend.log)?
 Does not exist

How do you trigger hibernation?



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Re: Aptitude: does not update.

2010-09-25 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 18:03:03 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 Mabe repos are still syncing? :-?
 Then it is interesting to know, how long it takes (up to which amount of
 time). I'm no expert in the repo support / etc, but seems to me the repo
 being relatively small - to take syncing so long time - about 24 hours
 have passed since my last email on this wise.

Try now.

I've just received the following update notification:

[VUA 69-1] Updated clamav version

And yep, this time it works :-)



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perforated letters (not only in) iceweasel

2010-09-25 Thread Christoph Groth
Dear fellow Debian users,

since several months I observe a strange problem mostly in iceweasel
(from current Debian testing), but also occasionally in other
applications: quite often one or a few characters on a web page lack
some parts of them (for example, there is a horizontal
background-colored line in the lower part of an h).  The error affects
only some characters of some fonts of a certain size.  All identical
characters of same font and size are always affected equally.  A cropped
screen shot which illustrates the problem is attached to this message.

Restarting iceweasel makes the problem disappear in it's previous
incarnation: all letters will be shown properly, or some other might
acquire gaps.

There is another display problem in iceweasel which may or may not be

Sometimes, when the contents of a web page are redrawn after switching
virtual screens or scrolling, some part of the text is replaced by
nothing or cruft (random-looking bits).  One method to make this stuff
disappear is force redrawing by switching virtual screens or selecting
the affected text.

This problem has persisted since at least three months.  Despite spending
quite some time I could not find any solution or reference to something

Has anyone ever experienced something similar?

This problem could be hardware-related, as another machine also running
Debian testing is not affected by it.

The display controller on the affected machine is identified by lspci as

00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML 
Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)

A log of xorg starting up is attached.  I'm grateful for any hints.


attachment: perforated.png

Description: Binary data

Re: Slow sendmail start up

2010-09-25 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 03:54:55 +, T o n g wrote:

 There is an extremely long delay when sendmail first start up, right
  Starting Mail Transport Agent (MTA): sendmail
 The googled answer that I get is to put in startic IP, or use full host
 name, but this is a live system. Is there any other way to solve it?


It seems to be a common issue (meaning: I also experience that delay with 

Check if that helps:

Especially, the /etc/resolv.conf setup may be useful.



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Re: resume from hibernate

2010-09-25 Thread Petr Voralek

  On 09/25/2010 12:30 AM, *Hugo Vanwoerkom* wrote, and I quote (in part):

 But I'm missing something: hibernate saves memory to swap and turns off 
 the machine. Then to resume I hit the power button and grub appears, I 
 select the partition and it boots, finding fault with the not unmounted 
 partitions :-(

  Do you have defined a correct (swap) partition for the resume in
/etc/default/grub?  Something like:
  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=vga=791 resume=/dev/sda2
where is especially important part 'resume=/dev/sda2' ('/dev/sda2' is
swap partition on my thinkpad)...

Petr Voralek(JabberID:

 Headline:  Dead man found in cemetery

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: perforated letters (not only in) iceweasel

2010-09-25 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 16:16:22 +0200, Christoph Groth wrote:

 since several months I observe a strange problem mostly in iceweasel
 (from current Debian testing), but also occasionally in other
 applications: quite often one or a few characters on a web page lack
 some parts of them (for example, there is a horizontal
 background-colored line in the lower part of an h).  The error affects
 only some characters of some fonts of a certain size.  All identical
 characters of same font and size are always affected equally.  A cropped
 screen shot which illustrates the problem is attached to this message.


Mmm, could it be related to this bug? :-?

xserver-xorg-video-intel: partial display corruption / mostly text / Mobile 



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hp deskjet 2050 scanner not working

2010-09-25 Thread Jozsef Vadkan
I bought a $subject all-in-one printer/scanner.

i just want to use the scanner. why doest kooka, xsane recognize it?
what steps do i need, to bring it to life? or is its not supported

thank you!! :(

# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.6 (lenny)
Codename:   lenny

# lsusb
Bus 007 Device 009: ID 03f0:8711 Hewlett-Packard

Sep 25 16:57:52 debian kernel: [21247.251332] usb 7-1: new high speed
USB device using ehci_hcd and address 11
Sep 25 16:57:52 debian kernel: [21247.385187] usb 7-1: configuration
#1 chosen from 1 choice
Sep 25 16:57:52 debian kernel: [21247.385828] usblp0: USB
Bidirectional printer dev 11 if 1 alt 0 proto 2 vid 0x03F0 pid 0x8711
Sep 25 16:57:52 debian kernel: [21247.385828] usb 7-1: New USB device
found, idVendor=03f0, idProduct=8711
Sep 25 16:57:52 debian kernel: [21247.385828] usb 7-1: New USB device
strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
Sep 25 16:57:52 debian kernel: [21247.385851] usb 7-1: Product:
Deskjet 2050 J510 series
Sep 25 16:57:52 debian kernel: [21247.385855] usb 7-1: Manufacturer: HP
Sep 25 16:57:52 debian kernel: [21247.385857] usb 7-1: SerialNumber: 

# apt-get -t lenny-backports install hplip

$ dpkg -l|grep -i hplip
ii  hplip 3.10.5-4~bpo50+1
   HP Linux Printing and Imaging System
ii  hplip-cups3.10.5-4~bpo50+1
   HP Linux Printing and Imaging - CUPS Raster
driver (hpc
ii  hplip-data3.10.5-4~bpo50+1
   HP Linux Printing and Imaging - data files
rc  hplip-gui 2.8.6.b-4
   HP Linux Printing and Imaging - GUI

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Re: perforated letters (not only in) iceweasel

2010-09-25 Thread Christoph Groth
Camaleón writes:

 On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 16:16:22 +0200, Christoph Groth wrote:

 since several months I observe a strange problem mostly in iceweasel
 (from current Debian testing), but also occasionally in other
 applications: quite often one or a few characters on a web page lack
 some parts of them (for example, there is a horizontal
 background-colored line in the lower part of an h).  The error affects
 only some characters of some fonts of a certain size.  All identical
 characters of same font and size are always affected equally.  A cropped
 screen shot which illustrates the problem is attached to this message.


 Mmm, could it be related to this bug? :-?

 xserver-xorg-video-intel: partial display corruption / mostly text / Mobile 

At least the second part of my problem (not the perforated letters) looks
very similar.  I would not be surprised if the perforated letters had
the same cause.

Thank you for finding this bug report.  It was not yet there last time I


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Re: hp deskjet 2050 scanner not working

2010-09-25 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 17:00:50 +0200, Jozsef Vadkan wrote:

 I bought a $subject all-in-one printer/scanner.
 i just want to use the scanner. why doest kooka, xsane recognize it?
 what steps do i need, to bring it to life? or is its not supported yet?

It seems to be unsupported, at least with HPLIP ;-(



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Re: resume from hibernate

2010-09-25 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Camaleón wrote:

On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 08:27:20 -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Camaleón wrote:

How does one resume?

What does your log say (/var/log/pm-suspend.log)?

Does not exist

How do you trigger hibernation?

By using the command 'hibernate'


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Re: resume from hibernate

2010-09-25 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Petr Voralek wrote:


  On 09/25/2010 12:30 AM, *Hugo Vanwoerkom* wrote, and I quote (in part):

But I'm missing something: hibernate saves memory to swap and turns off 
the machine. Then to resume I hit the power button and grub appears, I 
select the partition and it boots, finding fault with the not unmounted 
partitions :-(

  Do you have defined a correct (swap) partition for the resume in
/etc/default/grub?  Something like:
  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=vga=791 resume=/dev/sda2
where is especially important part 'resume=/dev/sda2' ('/dev/sda2' is
swap partition on my thinkpad)...

Yes: resume=/dev/sda7


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Re: resume from hibernate

2010-09-25 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 10:21:04 -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 08:27:20 -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Camaleón wrote:
 How does one resume?
 What does your log say (/var/log/pm-suspend.log)?

 Does not exist
 How do you trigger hibernation?
 By using the command 'hibernate'

Then man 5 hibernate.conf to see how to configure hibernate to 
generate a log file you can look at when something goes wrong.

And also, looking at...


...will not hurt. It's plenty of configuration samples (step by step 
guides), tips and work-arounds that cover many use cases.



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Re: hp deskjet 2050 scanner not working

2010-09-25 Thread Jozsef Vadkan
so i have to install a windows xp in virtualbox? :D my god.. :D:P

On 25 September 2010 17:17, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 17:00:50 +0200, Jozsef Vadkan wrote:

 I bought a $subject all-in-one printer/scanner.

 i just want to use the scanner. why doest kooka, xsane recognize it?
 what steps do i need, to bring it to life? or is its not supported yet?

 It seems to be unsupported, at least with HPLIP ;-(



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Re: Aptitude: does not update.

2010-09-25 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Camaleón:

 Try now.

Yea, 48 hours latter, it did work. Probably, the repo is the culprit.
Next time I'll waiting for at least such a period of time. :)

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Re: lilo config is busted, need help fixing it

2010-09-25 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 03:40:04 -0400 (EDT), wrote:
 Before I post all that stuff, let me show you exactly what's happening
 on boot.  I think there is something very strange going on and it may
 not be lilo.
   Lin_img0 is : /boot/vmlinuz
 When I boot using that entry I get the following error:
kernel-Panic: not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown
- block(8,2)
   Lin_img0 root=/dev/sda2

After looking at your /etc/lilo.conf file, I'm not surprised.  More later.
 When I use the lilo entry Lin_2.6.32img5, /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64,
 AND specify root=/dev/sda2, i.e.
   Lin_2.6.32img5 root=/dev/sda2
 I get the following weirdness:
   Running /scripts/local-premount
   resume: could not stat the resume device 
   file /dev/disk/by-uuid/558d7790-5914-4949
   enter full path:
 at that point I enter /dev/sda2 and then it boots normally.
 don't have any idea what the uuid it's try to use is, but this is a
 real WTF !?

OK, I'm also goint to need to see the contents of


I'm also going to need
to see the output of the following commands:

   ls -Al /dev/disk/by-id/
   ls -Al /dev/disk/by-uuid/

 It seems like I have two different problems.  I have a lilo entry that
 doesn't work at all and another one which dumps me into this resume

 Here's a really interesting observation:
 The Lin_img0 lilo entry behaves differently from the Lin_2.6.32img5, BUT
 THEY BOTH USE THE SAME IMAGE !  /boot/vmlinuz is a symlink to

That makes sense, given your config file.
 Stephen Powell wrote:
 Interesting.  What happens if you specify
 as an argument to the boot prompt?
 I get the above resume weirdness.

Good.  It's consistent.  That means that the kernel is treating




as equivalent, which it should.

 Stephen Powell wrote:
 Please post your entire /etc/lilo.conf.
 # Generated by liloconfig
 # This allows booting from any partition on disks with more than 1024
 # cylinders.
 # Specifies the boot device
 # Specifies the device that should be mounted as root.
 # If the special name CURRENT is used, the root device is set to the
 # device on which the root file system is currently mounted. If the root
 # has been changed with  -r , the respective device is used. If the
 # variable ROOT is omitted, the root device setting contained in the
 # kernel image is used. It can be changed with the rdev program.
 # Bitmap configuration for /boot/debianlilo.bmp
 # bitmap=/boot/debianlilo.bmp
 # bmp-colors=1,,0;9,,0
 # bmp-table=106p,144p,2,9,144p
 # bmp-timer=514p,144p,6,8,0
 # Enables map compaction:
 # Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single
 # read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the map
 # smaller. Using COMPACT is especially recommended when booting from a
 # floppy disk.
 # compact

I would uncomment the above compact line for performance reasons,
but this is not your problem and it is not required.
 # Install the specified file as the new boot sector.
 # LILO supports built in boot sectory, you only need
 # to specify the type, choose one from 'text', 'menu' or 'bitmap'.
 # new: install=bmp  old: install=/boot/boot-bmp.b
 # new: install=text old: install=/boot/boot-text.b
 # new: install=menu old: install=/boot/boot-menu.b or boot.b
 # default: 'menu' is default, unless you have a bitmap= line
 # Note: install=bmp must be used to see the bitmap menu.
 # install=bmp
 # Specifies the number of _tenths_ of a second LILO should
 # wait before booting the first image.  LILO
 # doesn't wait if DELAY is omitted or if DELAY is set to zero.
 # delay=50
 # Prompt to use certaing image. If prompt is specified without timeout,
 # boot will not take place unless you hit RETURN
 # Enable large memory mode.

 # Specifies the location of the map file. If MAP is
 # omitted, a file /boot/map is used.
 # Specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected when
 # booting. The following values are recognized (case is ignored):
 #   NORMAL  select normal 80x25 text mode.
 #   EXTENDED  select 80x50 text mode. The word EXTENDED can be
 # abbreviated to EXT.
 #   ASK  stop and ask for user input (at boot time).
 #   number  use the corresponding text mode. A list of available modes
 # can be obtained by booting with  vga=ask  and pressing [Enter].
 # Defines non-standard parameters for the specified disk.
 # If you are using removable USB drivers (with mass-storage)
 # you will need to tell LILO to not use these devices even
 # if defined in /etc/fstab and referenced in /proc/partitions.
 # Adjust these lines to your devices:
 # disk=/dev/sda inaccessible
 # These images were automagically 

Re: hp deskjet 2050 scanner not working

2010-09-25 Thread Sjoerd Hiemstra
Jozsef Vadkan wrote:
 I bought a $subject all-in-one printer/scanner.
 i just want to use the scanner. why doest kooka, xsane recognize it?

Before buying a scanner, you should have checked whether it is
supported, at

BTW, I guess you mean 'Scanjet' instead of 'Deskjet'?

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Re: hp deskjet 2050 scanner not working

2010-09-25 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 17:45:18 +0200, Jozsef Vadkan wrote:

 On 25 September 2010 17:17, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 17:00:50 +0200, Jozsef Vadkan wrote:

 I bought a $subject all-in-one printer/scanner.

 i just want to use the scanner. why doest kooka, xsane recognize it?
 what steps do i need, to bring it to life? or is its not supported

 It seems to be unsupported, at least with HPLIP ;-(

 so i have to install a windows xp in virtualbox? :D my god.. :D:P

At least at this right moment, I'd say yes :-(

But as per the above links (the first one), it's like HPLIP could be 
adding scanner capabilty in a future release :-)



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Re: resume from hibernate

2010-09-25 Thread Morgan Gangwere
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 16:14:28 +0200
Petr Voralek wrote:
 /etc/default/grub?  Something like:
   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=vga=791 resume=/dev/sda2
 where is especially important part 'resume=/dev/sda2' ('/dev/sda2' is
 swap partition on my thinkpad)...

I too have a partition for this. /dev/sda2 is labeled in my boot as
resume partiton. It doesn't matter if I use pm-hibernate or
hibernate... here's my log:

%indroracat /var/log/hibernate.log [/home/indrora]
11:29 Starting suspend at Sat Sep 25 10:51:18 MDT 2010
hibernate: [01] Executing CheckLastResume ... 
hibernate: [01] Executing CheckRunlevel ... 
hibernate: [01] Executing LockFileGet ... 
hibernate: [01] Executing NewKernelFileCheck ... 
hibernate: [10] Executing EnsureSysfsPowerStateCapable ... 
hibernate: [11] Executing XHacksSuspendHook1 ... 
hibernate: [59] Executing RemountXFSBootRO ... 
hibernate: [89] Executing SaveKernelModprobe ... 
hibernate: [91] Executing ModulesUnloadBlacklist ... 
Some modules failed to unload: snd_maestro3
hibernate: Aborting suspend due to errors in ModulesUnloadBlacklist
(use --force to override). hibernate: [90] Executing ModulesLoad ... 
hibernate: [89] Executing RestoreKernelModprobe ... 
hibernate: [85] Executing XHacksResumeHook2 ... 
hibernate: [70] Executing ClockRestore ... 
hibernate: [70] Executing ClockRestore ... 
hibernate: [59] Executing RemountXFSBootRW ... 
hibernate: [11] Executing XHacksResumeHook1 ... 
hibernate: [01] Executing NoteLastResume ... 
hibernate: [01] Executing LockFilePut ... 
Resumed at Sat Sep 25 10:51:21 MDT 2010

Apparently, my ess maestro3 card must be getting in the way... but it
doesn't go away if I unload the driver manually.

Morgan Gangwere

BOFH excuse #956

Bogon generator had pepsi spilled on it.

Description: PGP signature

AMD 'cool quiet' stopped working in squeeze (and lenny?)

2010-09-25 Thread Paul E Condon
I have a made for pieces computer. One of the pieces is an Asus
M2V motherboard containing an AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 2800+

I have been running Squeeze and updating occasionally. I updated
yesterday (or perhaps day before) and there was a new kernel version,
so, of course, I rebooted. Now the fan always runs at full speed.
Before it would run a few seconds at full speed and then slow down
to a much more acceptable gentle whine. I think this has to do with
AMD Cool and Quiet technology, but all the hits that I get in
Google are really old and don't help me. (The only kernels mentioned
are in the K7/8 sequence which has ceased to exist, so far as I can

I think I need to tweek something that is already installed, but I
have no idea what its name is, and I have already done enough mucking
about (tried to revert to Lenny) so that I probably need to do a clean
re-install. But what Debian packages relate to AMD Cool and Quiet? 
What should I make sure to install? What programs do I run to adjust/
enable Cool and Quiet? And what is the cute Linux community name for
this stuff?

Paul E Condon

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Re: Kvm usermode networking

2010-09-25 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In i7jp57$, T o n g wrote:
How do I use the '-net user' kvm command-line option?

-net command-line options must be provided in pairs to be effective.  The 
first one must be a -net nic to give the internal view of the device (i.e. 
how the guest sees it).  The second one should be a -net user/tap/socket to 
give the external view of the device (i.e. how the host handles it).

(Yes, this isn't entirely clear from the documentation.  I know because I live 
with a qemu hacker.)

According to

| By default, if you enable the usermode networking using the '-net
| user' command-line option, the guest OS will get an IP address in
| the address space and the host OS will be reachable
| at

% man qemu | grep -B 2 -A 1 'default configuration'
   -net none
   Indicate that no network devices should be configured. It is used
   to override the default configuration (-net nic -net user) which is
   activated if no -net options are provided.

(The default configuration is not *just* -net user.)
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Comments on proposed partitioning scheme

2010-09-25 Thread Charles Turner
I'm a new GNU/Linux user. I've recently received a desktop with lots
of disk space and I've been thinking about how to use it effectively.
It will contain lots of multimedia files, and later I want to set up
mail  web servers on it, primarily for edification rather than
production, so these are my constraints while I planned the scheme.
Any comments on whether I'll regret doing the following would be
appreciated since I'm led to believe that the encryption phase of big
disks can take a very long time if you do it properly (so I'd rather
minimise passes due to stupidity :p).

I have two 80GB disks, which will hold my system files.
I have two 500GB disks which will be my home drive.

I plan to mirror both sets of disks using RAID1.

My mirrored 80GB disks will contain the following, the format of my
examples is mount_point (size) [options]
/boot (1 GB) [unencrypted, RAID1]
/   (5 GB) [encrypted, RAID1]
/var   (20 GB) [encrypted, RAID1]
/tmp  (500 MB) [encrypted, RAID1]
/usr   (rest of space) [encrypted, RAID1]
swap (4 GB) [encrypted] (I have 4 GB of RAM)

My mirrored 500GB with contain the following,
/home (500GB) [encrypted, RAID1]

Do you think this is a silly/decent scheme? Am I being naive about
anything? Your comments much appreciated.

Thanks a lot for your time,

Charlie Turner

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

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Ladder logic editor PLC simulator

2010-09-25 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi all!

Anybody know any good Ladder logic editor  PLC simulator that can be
used with Debian GNU/Linux? I was looking for in Internet although I
did not find something potable. In the control systems laboratory of
the university told us that we will use Siemens' Logo soft comfort, but
I've downloaded of the site of Siemens the demo version for GNU/Linux and,
lamentably, it fails to be executed.

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Fingerprint: BFB3 08D6 B4D1 31B2 72B9  29CE 6696 BF1B 14E6 1D37
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Lenny - Linux user #188.598

Description: Digital signature

Re: hp deskjet 2050 scanner not working

2010-09-25 Thread Jozsef Vadkan
the problem is that i installed a windows xp on virtualbox, and it
recognizes [devmgmt.msc] the 2050...but it doesn't scan :D omg..

On 25 September 2010 19:30, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 17:45:18 +0200, Jozsef Vadkan wrote:

 On 25 September 2010 17:17, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 17:00:50 +0200, Jozsef Vadkan wrote:

 I bought a $subject all-in-one printer/scanner.

 i just want to use the scanner. why doest kooka, xsane recognize it?
 what steps do i need, to bring it to life? or is its not supported

 It seems to be unsupported, at least with HPLIP ;-(

 so i have to install a windows xp in virtualbox? :D my god.. :D:P

 At least at this right moment, I'd say yes :-(

 But as per the above links (the first one), it's like HPLIP could be
 adding scanner capabilty in a future release :-)



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Re: Comments on proposed partitioning scheme

2010-09-25 Thread Aniruddha
Here's my opinion:

* I wouldn't use raid for a desktop system but a backup program such
as rsnapshot. You can mirror each disk this way, the main advantage is
that when you throw something away by accident it is still there in
your  backup while with raid you would have lost it.  Raid (and lvm)
can make disaster recovery more difficult
* I think encryption is not well suited for a desktop system, unless
you have some special need for it (e.g. laptop). It creates extra
overhead, meaning it is a lot slower then a normal file system + it
makes disaster recovery more difficult.
* Furthermore I prefer a simple partion scheme: mine is:

/dev/sda1 swap 1 GB
/dev/sda2 / 100 GB
/dev/sda3 /home 889 GB

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Re: AMD 'cool quiet' stopped working in squeeze (and lenny?)

2010-09-25 Thread Aniruddha
I have found some information at the link below. Apparently only
mobile processors are supported. You could try:

modprobe processor
modprobe powernowd-k8

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Re: (OT) Re: mschap-v2 de Linux a Windows

2010-09-25 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

 On 09/24/2010 07:12 AM, Camaleón wrote:

Anyway, he also sends the same message to the Spanish list, so don't
worry about that, people in there answer his questions.

I wonder if he reads the answers there, because he seems not to read the 
ones in this list.


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Re: Comments on proposed partitioning scheme

2010-09-25 Thread Angus Hedger
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 22:05:50 +0100
Charles Turner wrote:
 I have two 80GB disks, which will hold my system files.
 I have two 500GB disks which will be my home drive.
 I plan to mirror both sets of disks using RAID1.
 My mirrored 80GB disks will contain the following, the format of my
 examples is mount_point (size) [options]
 /boot (1 GB) [unencrypted, RAID1]

Only really needs to be about 100MB, 300meg if you need room for loads
of kernels (I have the stock debian one and a custom built one and
my /boot is only 30.9MB)

 /   (5 GB) [encrypted, RAID1]
 /var   (20 GB) [encrypted, RAID1]
 /tmp  (500 MB) [encrypted, RAID1]
 /usr   (rest of space) [encrypted, RAID1]
 swap (4 GB) [encrypted] (I have 4 GB of RAM)
 My mirrored 500GB with contain the following,
 /home (500GB) [encrypted, RAID1]
 Do you think this is a silly/decent scheme? Am I being naive about
 anything? Your comments much appreciated.

If you want such a complex set-up, try using LVM [1].
Myself, I would just have 

80gig hdd's in raid 1

/boot 500meg
/ Rest

500gig HDD's


 Thanks a lot for your time,



Angus Hedger

Debian GNU/Linux User   PGP Public Key 0xEE6A4B97

Description: PGP signature

Re: how to display duplicates between 2 repos

2010-09-25 Thread Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 21:04, Camaleón wrote:
 On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 14:10:21 +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:

 I got 2 repos locally. One is a copy of Squeeze and another is one
 managed by repoupdate (and has stuff not available in Debian official
 repos, but also has stuff from Sid). Are there ready-made tools that
 would generate a list of duplicate packages between the two? I plan to
 use this list to reduce disc usage by removing them from the
 repoupdate-managed repo.

 Not sure if there is already a specific tool for Debian repos but
 fdupes could help (it's a generic tool to find duplicate files).

Thanks for that. I also got the same reply elsewhere:


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Re: Ladder logic editor PLC simulator

2010-09-25 Thread Olaf Reitmaier Veracierta

Some projects...


Daniel Bareiro wrote:

Hi all!

Anybody know any good Ladder logic editor  PLC simulator that can be
used with Debian GNU/Linux? I was looking for in Internet although I
did not find something potable. In the control systems laboratory of
the university told us that we will use Siemens' Logo soft comfort, but
I've downloaded of the site of Siemens the demo version for GNU/Linux and,
lamentably, it fails to be executed.

Thanks in advance for your replies.


  You don't know where your shadow will fall, 

Ing. Olaf Reitmaier Veracierta
Personal Web Page -- --

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New sound card on amd64

2010-09-25 Thread vr
I'm using Debian unstable amd64 with an Intel DP55WB motherboard with
on-board audio.

I bought a replacement HT Omega Claro+ sound card with a CMI8788 chipset
because I'm after optical output to hook to a surround receiver.

I powered off my Debian system, inserted the new card, powered on and went
straight in the motherboard BIOS and disabled the on-board Intel sound
card.  Then I booted to Debian.

I've un-muted everything in alsamixer and set the volumes to 84.  The
device is seen and is set to C-Media CMI8788 in alsamixer.

I get audio out of the 1/8th inch jack ports but I cannot get audio out of
the optical port.

I did an apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade (no errors).

I can successfully speaker-test -Dplug:spdif -c2 with no errors, though
I'm not sure if that's completely accurate syntax to test the optical out.

Is there some other bit needed to make the optical port come alive?

Do I need to issue some command to flush remnants the old Intel drivers

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Re: AMD 'cool quiet' stopped working in squeeze (and lenny?)

2010-09-25 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20100925_233536, Aniruddha wrote:
 I have found some information at the link below. Apparently only
 mobile processors are supported. You could try:
 modprobe processor
 modprobe powernowd-k8

Thanks, but ...

The how-to is just the sort of thing I was asking for. What to
modprobe, etc.  The discussion there agrees with you that only the
mobile processors are supported. But the fan on my mo-bo would start
fast and slow down during boot up. It did this for several years ---
until about 150 hours ago. Now it keeps going fast. Something
changed. Was there a 'bug' in the software that allowed it to control
the fan even though the manufacturer specified that it wouldn't? And
that 'bug' has been 'fixed'? A mighty strange bug.

Even now there is a slight hesitation in the fan speed at the moment
during boot-up when it used to slow. But then it regains speed.

When I try to install the modules using modprobe, there is an error
message that asserts that they are not found. But the .ko files are
there on disk and are listed by modprobe -l. So I would count the
detailed wording of the error message as a bug. It is seriously
misleading to claim a reason for failure to load that is easily found
to be false. 'incompatible with CPU hardware' might be better words,
if in fact there really is an incompatiblity.

I hope there is a recovery fix for my computer, but I think I'll
have to learn to live with the noise.

Paul E Condon

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[SOLVED] Re: New sound card on amd64

2010-09-25 Thread vr
Setting the S/PDIF Loopback in alsamixer [Off] seems to do the trick.

On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 19:24:51 -0400, vr wrote:
 I'm using Debian unstable amd64 with an Intel DP55WB motherboard with
 on-board audio.
 I bought a replacement HT Omega Claro+ sound card with a CMI8788 chipset
 because I'm after optical output to hook to a surround receiver.
 I powered off my Debian system, inserted the new card, powered on and
 straight in the motherboard BIOS and disabled the on-board Intel sound
 card.  Then I booted to Debian.
 I've un-muted everything in alsamixer and set the volumes to 84.  The
 device is seen and is set to C-Media CMI8788 in alsamixer.
 I get audio out of the 1/8th inch jack ports but I cannot get audio out
 the optical port.
 I did an apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade (no errors).
 I can successfully speaker-test -Dplug:spdif -c2 with no errors, though
 I'm not sure if that's completely accurate syntax to test the optical
 Is there some other bit needed to make the optical port come alive?
 Do I need to issue some command to flush remnants the old Intel drivers

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Re: AMD 'cool quiet' stopped working in squeeze (and lenny?)

2010-09-25 Thread Damon L. Chesser
On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 18:58 -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
 On 20100925_233536, Aniruddha wrote:
  I have found some information at the link below. Apparently only
  mobile processors are supported. You could try:
  modprobe processor
  modprobe powernowd-k8
 Thanks, but ...
 The how-to is just the sort of thing I was asking for. What to
 modprobe, etc.  The discussion there agrees with you that only the
 mobile processors are supported. But the fan on my mo-bo would start
 fast and slow down during boot up. It did this for several years ---
 until about 150 hours ago. Now it keeps going fast. Something
 changed. Was there a 'bug' in the software that allowed it to control
 the fan even though the manufacturer specified that it wouldn't? And
 that 'bug' has been 'fixed'? A mighty strange bug.
 Even now there is a slight hesitation in the fan speed at the moment
 during boot-up when it used to slow. But then it regains speed.
 When I try to install the modules using modprobe, there is an error
 message that asserts that they are not found. But the .ko files are
 there on disk and are listed by modprobe -l. So I would count the
 detailed wording of the error message as a bug. It is seriously
 misleading to claim a reason for failure to load that is easily found
 to be false. 'incompatible with CPU hardware' might be better words,
 if in fact there really is an incompatiblity.

I have the same issue and a post here has gone un-answered.

cat /etc/debian_version 

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model name
model name  : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+
model name  : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+

sudo modprobe powernow_k8
WARNING: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf line 2: ignoring bad line
starting with 'test'
FATAL: Error inserting powernow_k8
 No such device

 I hope there is a recovery fix for my computer, but I think I'll
 have to learn to live with the noise.
 Paul E Condon


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Re: AMD 'cool quiet' stopped working in squeeze (and lenny?)

2010-09-25 Thread Damon L. Chesser
On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 22:37 -0400, Damon L. Chesser wrote:
 On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 18:58 -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
  On 20100925_233536, Aniruddha wrote:
   I have found some information at the link below. Apparently only
   mobile processors are supported. You could try:
   modprobe processor
   modprobe powernowd-k8
  Thanks, but ...
  The how-to is just the sort of thing I was asking for. What to
  modprobe, etc.  The discussion there agrees with you that only the
  mobile processors are supported. But the fan on my mo-bo would start
  fast and slow down during boot up. It did this for several years ---
  until about 150 hours ago. Now it keeps going fast. Something
  changed. Was there a 'bug' in the software that allowed it to control
  the fan even though the manufacturer specified that it wouldn't? And
  that 'bug' has been 'fixed'? A mighty strange bug.
  Even now there is a slight hesitation in the fan speed at the moment
  during boot-up when it used to slow. But then it regains speed.
  When I try to install the modules using modprobe, there is an error
  message that asserts that they are not found. But the .ko files are
  there on disk and are listed by modprobe -l. So I would count the
  detailed wording of the error message as a bug. It is seriously
  misleading to claim a reason for failure to load that is easily found
  to be false. 'incompatible with CPU hardware' might be better words,
  if in fact there really is an incompatiblity.
 I have the same issue and a post here has gone un-answered.
 cat /etc/debian_version 
 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model name
 model name: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+
 model name: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+
 sudo modprobe powernow_k8
 WARNING: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf line 2: ignoring bad line
 starting with 'test'
 FATAL: Error inserting powernow_k8
  No such device

and now, I am answering my own question:  BIOS AMD Cool and Quite was
OFF.  Doh.  Doh.  Doh.  Turned it on, it worked as expected.

Anybody know of a way to take back an email?
  I hope there is a recovery fix for my computer, but I think I'll
  have to learn to live with the noise.
  Paul E Condon


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Re: AMD 'cool quiet' stopped working in squeeze (and lenny?)

2010-09-25 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Paul E Condon put forth on 9/25/2010 7:58 PM:

 Thanks, but ...

Paul you're hardware handicapped.  :(  All the modern Asus boards (and
many others) have the Qfan-2 feature which controls fan speed based on
user configurable BIOS settings.  Apparently you never read your
motherboard manual.  You need no OS level software to control the fan speed.

You can whine over it worked but now it doesn't, and why is that? or
you can simply go into your BIOS and set it the way you want and be done
with it.

Your case is but one of many reasons I've have scolded this industry for
many years WRT OS/application level control of hardware features such as
voltages, frequencies, and fan speeds.  If the hardware and/or BIOS are
designed properly, there is no need for application software level controls.

Pull out your mobo manual and solve your problem.


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video card reccomendation

2010-09-25 Thread Rick Pasotto
I need to get an agp video card so take the video load off the regular
bus. Also my new monitor has 1600x900 resolution and the openchrome
driver doesn't recognize that resolution. I don't play games, so it's
mostly for text, web, and an occasional video file.

What would be the least expensive card for my needs?

When fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make lemonade. -- Dale Carnegie
Rick Pasottor...@niof.net

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Re: video card reccomendation

2010-09-25 Thread Carlos Bergero
Hash: SHA1

Probably any on-board Intel chip card would do, if you really only need
text. Though if you wont some thing a little bit better, the smalles
nvidia available is you choice, drivers work really great in them.


El 26/09/10 00:51, Rick Pasotto escribió:
 I need to get an agp video card so take the video load off the regular
 bus. Also my new monitor has 1600x900 resolution and the openchrome
 driver doesn't recognize that resolution. I don't play games, so it's
 mostly for text, web, and an occasional video file.
 What would be the least expensive card for my needs?

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