Re: Accéder à Exchange depuis Debian...

2010-10-13 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

 Le 12/10/2010 15:21, David BERCOT a écrit :


C'est une question très classique, mais j'imagine que, au fil du temps,
de nouvelles solutions peuvent apparaître ;-)
Je souhaiterais donc, à partir d'un poste client Debian, accéder à un
serveur Exchange pour la messagerie et, si possible, le calendrier.
Bien évidemment, je ne parle pas d'un simple accès OWA, mais d'un accès
plus complet (stockage local, de préférence en MH).

Afin de cibler vos éventuels conseils, voici déjà ce que j'ai fait...
1. A ma connaissance, le seul logiciel compatible avec le protocole
Exchange est Evolution, via MAPI Exchange. Bon, ça marchotte, ce qui
signifie qu'Evolution plante toutes les 5 minutes...
2. Ensuite, on m'a conseillé DavMail [] qui
est d'ailleurs fourni sous la forme d'un paquet Debian et qui est
indépendant du client de messagerie [très très bonne chose]. Toutefois,
là encore, ça ne marche que si WebDav est activé, ce qui n'est pas le
cas :-(
3. Enfin, il y a la possibilité d'utiliser Outlook dans Wine. Mais ça
ne me satisfait pas vraiment.

Si jamais vous avez donc une bonne idée, ça m'intéresse ;-)

Merci d'avance.



Je pense que tu as cité toutes les options possible !
L'autre choix est de faire activer les connecteurs Imap et webdav-ical de exchange pour 
pouvoir y accéder de manière + standard !



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Outil libre pour mesurer les temps de réponses

2010-10-13 Thread Philippe LAMUR
Connaissez-vous un outils libre, pour mesurer les temps de réponses des 
requetes sur un site web
Pour comparer entre les requetes internes et celles venant de l'exterieur
En vous remerciant d'avance

Re: Outil libre pour mesurer les temps de réponses

2010-10-13 Thread David Hymonnet
J'aurai tendance à dire smokeping.

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Re: debian-devel-french [était: Etat incohérent d' un package]

2010-10-13 Thread jerome moliere
Le 11 octobre 2010 22:57, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Le lundi 11 octobre 2010 à 21:06:48, Julien Valroff a écrit :
 Salut, […]


 et, accessoirement et histoire de justifier la scission, ce
 genre de question irait mieux sur la liste debian-devel-french,
 laquelle ne voit guère passer que quelques messages relatifs à
 des bouffes…

Ok désolé du dérangement je leur enverrai ma question

Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
auteur Eyrolles

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Re: [avis Perso][un peu HS] plugin de navigateur pour les pdf

2010-10-13 Thread Jérôme
Le mardi 12 octobre 2010 à 21:36 +0200, Grégory Bulot a écrit :
 Je me posait la même question, je vois pas l'intérêt de voir un pdf
 dans son navigateur, j'aime bien lire mes pdf en dehors du navigateur.
Sinon on peut mettre un document PDF sur Scribd qui ont une appli flash pour 
ça, on peut s'y inscrire avec le compte de Facebook.

Bon d'accord, je me donne moi même une grande baffe et je sors :

_| ̄|○  gomennasai _| ̄|○  gomennasai _| ̄|○  gomennasai

Jérôme -
Jérôme -

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Re: [debian-vm-builder] Je cherche un outil / méthode d'installation automat ique d'une Debian similaire à debootstrap mais pour kvm + installation automatique de packages à la suite de l'installat

2010-10-13 Thread Stéphane Klein

Le 12/10/2010 15:32, Stéphane Klein a écrit :

Idéalement j'aimerais quelque chose que je peux lancer comme ça :

$ create_vm --template serveur_lamp …

Je viens de trouver quelque chose qui ressemble fortement à ce que je veux :

Exemple d'exécution :

$ sudo ubuntu-vm-builder kvm lucid --addpkg vim

J'ai créé une VM Ubuntu Lucid, l'étape de création a bien fonctionné, 
seulement lors du lancement, rien ne se passe après « Starting up ... »

J'ai refait le test avec la création d'une hardy et là ma VM fonctionne.

ubuntu-vm-builder est basé sur python-vm-builder, il est possible 
d'étendre ce projet via des plugins.

Pour créer des VM Debian, il existe une commande nommée 
debian-vm-builder. C'est aussi basé sur python-vm-builder. La page 
du projet est ici :

Pour le moment je n'ai pas réussi à générer une VM Debian avec 

J'ai rencontré un premier bug qui a été corrigé avec

Par contre j'ai un second bug que je n'ai pas encore corrigé :

Est-ce que quelqu'un a déjà testé debian-vm-builder ? si oui, avez vous 
réussi à générer une VM Lenny ? avez vous rencontré ce bug ?

Pour information, j'utilise debian-vm-builder sous une Ubuntu 10.10

Stéphane Klein - French

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Re: [debian-vm-builder] Je cherche un outil / méthode d'installation automatique d'une Debian similaire à debootstrap mais pour kvm + ins tallation automatique de packages à la suite de l'installat

2010-10-13 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 03:57:13PM +0200, Stéphane Klein a écrit :

 Par contre j'ai un second bug que je n'ai pas encore corrigé :

 Est-ce que quelqu'un a déjà testé debian-vm-builder ? si oui, avez vous  
 réussi à générer une VM Lenny ? avez vous rencontré ce bug ?

Bonjour Stéphane,

debian-vm-builder est issu du projet Google Summer of Code 2009. Il est tombé
dans les limbes ensuite sans qu'il puisse être proposé comme patch à
ubuntu-vm-builder, ni qu'il soit correctement empaqueté. Récemment,
Miguel Landaeta essaye de reprendre le flambeau. N'hésite
pas à le contacter (et à mettre en


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japon

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Re: Outil libre pour mesure r les temps de réponses

2010-10-13 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le mercredi 13 octobre, David Hymonnet écrivit :

 J'aurai tendance à dire smokeping.

Il parle de requetes Web, un simple ping ne mesurera que le réseau, et
encore, s'il y a de la QoS, ça pourrait être totalementdifférent de ce
qu'il se passe au niveau HTTP.

Si tu veu le temps de réponse d'une requete, et bien, utilise wget ou
curl, en mesurant le temps avec time.

Sinon, pour envoyer massivement des requetes, pour tester la charge, il
y a siege.
en faisant un petit aptitude search~dhttp~dbench, j'ai vu aussi wbox et

Description: Digital signature

Re: Outil libre pour mesurer les temps de réponses

2010-10-13 Thread David Hymonnet
Si tu googlais un peu, ça eviterai que tu te rend ridicule en disant des 

Le Mercredi 13 oct 2010 à 19:09:06 (+0200), Gilles Mocellin a écrit :
 Le mercredi 13 octobre, David Hymonnet écrivit :
  J'aurai tendance à dire smokeping.
 Il parle de requetes Web, un simple ping ne mesurera que le réseau, et
 encore, s'il y a de la QoS, ça pourrait être totalementdifférent de ce
 qu'il se passe au niveau HTTP.
 Si tu veu le temps de réponse d'une requete, et bien, utilise wget ou
 curl, en mesurant le temps avec time.
 Sinon, pour envoyer massivement des requetes, pour tester la charge, il
 y a siege.
 en faisant un petit aptitude search~dhttp~dbench, j'ai vu aussi wbox et

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Re: Outil libre pour mesurer les temps de réponses

2010-10-13 Thread Gilbert PEYRANT
A bougieskater :

Avant d'insulter les gens, on apprend le français.

Par ailleurs, le ridicule ne tue pas.


Le 13 octobre 2010 15:16, David Hymonnet a écrit :

 Si tu googlais un peu, ça eviterai que tu te rend ridicule en disant des

 Le Mercredi 13 oct 2010 à 19:09:06 (+0200), Gilles Mocellin a écrit :
  Le mercredi 13 octobre, David Hymonnet écrivit :
   J'aurai tendance à dire smokeping.
  Il parle de requetes Web, un simple ping ne mesurera que le réseau, et
  encore, s'il y a de la QoS, ça pourrait être totalementdifférent de ce
  qu'il se passe au niveau HTTP.
  Si tu veu le temps de réponse d'une requete, et bien, utilise wget ou
  curl, en mesurant le temps avec time.
  Sinon, pour envoyer massivement des requetes, pour tester la charge, il
  y a siege.
  en faisant un petit aptitude search~dhttp~dbench, j'ai vu aussi wbox et

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Re: Outil libre pour mesurer les temps de réponses

2010-10-13 Thread Frédéric Massot

Le 13/10/2010 09:56, Philippe LAMUR a écrit :

Connaissez-vous un outils libre, pour mesurer les temps de réponses des
requetes sur un site web
Pour comparer entre les requetes internes et celles venant de l'exterieur

Il y a ab fournit avec le paquet apache2-utils :

Description: utility programs for webservers
 Provides some add-on programs useful for any webserver.  These include:
  - ab (Apache benchmark tool)

|  |
|   |

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Re: [avis Perso][un peu HS] plugin de navigateur pour les pdf

2010-10-13 Thread Grégory Bulot
Bonjour, Bonsoir, 

Reprise de votre mail en citation, reponses éventuelles au fil du texte

Le Wed, 13 Oct 2010 12:33:05 +0200, Jérôme, vous avez écrit :

 _| ̄|○  gomennasai _| ̄|○  gomennasai _| ̄|○  gomennasai

Mort de rire :-DDD

Grégory BULOT

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RE: partage nfs

2010-10-13 Thread rk
J'ai changé mon approche au niveau du serveur en mettant dans le fichier
La ligne : /home *(rw)
Je pensais que ça marcherai mais le serveur ne veux rien savoir. (refus pour
Mon idée était de partager le répertoire /home avec toutes les machines en
lecture écriture.

-Message d'origine-
De : rk [] 
Envoyé : samedi 9 octobre 2010 23:18
À : 'JF Straeten';
Objet : RE: partage nfs

J'essaierai lundi car je n'ai pas accès aux machines le W.E
A +

-Message d'origine-
De : JF Straeten [] 
Envoyé : samedi 9 octobre 2010 22:46
À :
Objet : Re: partage nfs


On Sat, Oct 09, 2010 at 10:30:56PM +0200, rk wrote:

 Fichier /etc/exports : 
 Des lignes du type : /home/nom_login *(rw, all_squash, anonuid=1004,
 Je ne fais référence à aucune machine dans le fichier /etc/exports , les
 autorisations ne concernent que les utilisateurs.

Je vois...

Ce sont autant de coups de pied dans le noir, hein, mais :

- pourrais-tu réessayer en supprimant les espaces dans les options des
  shares :

  (rw, all_squash, anonuid=1004, anongid=1004,sync)


- et en mettant un TAB entre nom_login et * ;

- aussi, tu as bien un retour chariot à la fin de la dernière ligne ?

- tu ne montes que /home/nom_login, ou tu as plusieurs users qui ont
  tous un répertoire maison sous /home, et donc plusieurs lignes de
  montage du même type ?

  Dans l'affirmative, pourquoi ne pas exporter juste /home, que tu
  montes sur le(s) client(s) au même endroit ?

  Juste pour voir, hein, je ne dis pas que ça influence.

Sais pas si ça aide, mais on cherche en tout cas ;)




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problème ddd

2010-10-13 Thread rk

J’ai un programme à débugger avec ddd, mais je rencontre un problème avec

Le processus est censé lire une valeur n entrée par l’utilisateur (au
clavier), mais lorsque ddd exécute l’instruction

comportant l’instruction scanf, j’essai d’introduire la valeur de n mais je
n’y parviens pas.

Merci de m’indiquer la marche à suivre.


Re: Outil libre pour mesure r les temps de réponses

2010-10-13 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le mercredi 13 octobre, David Hymonnet écrivit :

 Si tu googlais un peu, ça eviterai que tu te rend ridicule en disant des 

Bon, OK, ça a un peu évolué depuis que j'avais regardé.

Cependant, je ne suis pas sur que ça réponde à sont besoin.
Je viens de relire la question, l'aspect requete venant de l'exterieur
reste un problème.

Soit on a la main sur un autre serveur qui peut accéder à notre site Web
par Internet, soit il faut faire appel à des services payant à la Xiti.

J'y pense, j'avais vu chez nous aussi un munin qui faisait des requêtes
via wget pour grapher les temps de réponse de certaines requêtes.

Evidement, des requêtes simples, car s'il faut une session ouverte, des
cookies et remplir un formulaire, c'est pas impossible, mais c'est pas
simple. Là, on peut faire appel au module perle WWW::mechanize.

Description: Digital signature

Re: partage nfs

2010-10-13 Thread JF Straeten


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 10:45:20PM +0200, rk wrote:

 J'ai changé mon approche au niveau du serveur en mettant dans le fichier
 La ligne : /home *(rw)
 Je pensais que ça marcherai mais le serveur ne veux rien savoir. (refus pour
 Mon idée était de partager le répertoire /home avec toutes les machines en
 lecture écriture.

Mmm... ça devrait marcher, c'est fait pour :-/

On va reprendre depuis le début...

Est-ce que les machines se voient bien ?

Un ping de l'une à l'autre passe, et inversement ?

Bête question peut-être, mais sont-elles sur le même subnet ?

Comment se fait leur résolution des noms ? Sont-elles mutuellement
dans le /etc/hosts l'une de l'autre ou bien utilises-tu une autre
méthode ?

Qu'as tu installé comme paquets (relatifs à NFS) sur chacune ? Sur un
client, il faut nfs-common (et ses dépendances) ; sur le serveur as-tu
bien nfs-kernel-server (et ses dépendances) ?

Ensuite, qu'as-tu dans /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} sur les deux ?

Aussi, pas de firewall sur aucune machine, je suppose ?

Encore ensuite, saurais-tu copier in extenso ton /etc/exports ?

(N.B. si d'aventure, tu avais tenté une install de unfs3 ou de
nfs-user-server, gare au format d'/etc/exports...  des petits trucs
changent de l'un à l'autre ; s'assurer que tu as bien le bon.)

Tant qu'on y est, jetons aussi un oeil aux fichiers
/etc/default/nfs-common (des deux, client et serveur) et
/etc/default/nfs-kernel-server du serveur.

Ensuite, fais un exportfs -a sur le serveur (avec en place
l'/etc/exports que tu auras copié), puis essaye de monter depuis un
client et donne la commande de montage utilisée.

En cas de refus, copier les lignes adéquates du syslog du client et du
serveur, pour voir ce qu'ils racontent.

On devrait trouver, c'est quasiment pas possible autrement...




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Re: problème ddd

2010-10-13 Thread Jeremie COURREGES-ANGLAS
Le Wednesday 13 October 2010 à 10:49:43PM, rk a écrit :

 J’ai un programme à débugger avec ddd, mais je rencontre un problème avec

 Le processus est censé lire une valeur n entrée par l’utilisateur (au
 clavier), mais lorsque ddd exécute l’instruction

 comportant l’instruction scanf, j’essai d’introduire la valeur de n mais je
 n’y parviens pas.

 Merci de m’indiquer la marche à suivre.


Si je puis me permettre, deux trois petits conseils :
1) éviter de se laisser guider par son débogueur quand on est en phase de
développement. Une analyse fine des spécifications des fonctions utilisées,
du code lisible et un algo clair, simple, que tu suis à la lettre.
2) Ne pas utiliser scanf() pour saisir des entrées utilisateur, plutôt
fgets() et ensuite un traitement éventuel avec sscanf().
3) Arrêter d'utiliser OutLook comme client mail

Sinon, cette liste est-elle vraiment l'endroit où poser ce genre de questions ?
Si tu connais Usenet, tu pourras y trouver le groupe fr.comp.lang.c .
Ils aurant sans aucun doute des réponses plus pertinentes et rapides à tes
questions par rapport au langage C.


Free software, free society.
Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas
GPG key : 06A11494

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian testing decia servidor x fallo, no esta configurado

2010-10-13 Thread Alejandro Matos
From: Edgar Vargas

To: lista-debian
Sent: Tue, October 12, 2010 7:19:27 PM
Subject: Re: Debian testing decia servidor x fallo, no esta configurado

Hola, pues cuando me fallaba siempe veia que em decia el servidor x fallo, 

ser que no este configurado, ahora se desactivara, reinicie gdm, cuando todo 
este configurado, por eso dije que el servidor x era el problema, pero mi 
pregunta fue, esta correcto lo q hice?, al poner en x11 ese archivo?, con cat 
/xorg.conf, puedo leer que algo hizo, hay muchas cosas q no entiendo, suongo q 
ya esta :O


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Re: i810 vuelve loco al i915.ko

2010-10-13 Thread Horacio
El día 12 de octubre de 2010 18:36, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 12 Oct 2010 17:47:26 -0300, Horacio escribió:

 Holas... tengo una tarjeta on-board i810 en una placa AsRock 485 p...
 donde se instaló debian testing...

 Todo perfecto la reinstalación ... etc... pero de golpe... se queda
 parpadeando el monitor y se bloque la terminal de teclado... accediendo
 por una remota y viendo los log sale cosa como esta...

 [ 7118.476007] [drm:i915_hangcheck_elapsed] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer
 elapsed... GPU hung

 Puede ser que te estés topando con este problema:

 drm/i915: Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung

 No sé si el problema es del driver o del acpid... ya una vez pregunté
 esto, googleé pero nada...

 alguna idea...?

 Tiene pinta de ser el driver de la tarjeta gráfica (supongo que usas el
 intel). Puedes intentar funcionar con el vesa mientras solucionan el
 problema o sacan alguna actualización.


Ok. gracias... veré que puedo hacer... con este bug que afecta a todas
las distros... grrr!!!


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Re: Problema con ath5k y wpasupplicant

2010-10-13 Thread angeld

Mon, 11 Oct 2010, Angel Vicente:

Estoy experimentando problemas al intentar conectar con mi router Sagem,
usando una tarjeta wireless TL-WN651G. Estoy usando WPA2-PSK, pero lo que
veo en los logs es que se asocia con el router y a continuacion deshace la
asociacion. El modulo de la tarjeta es ath5k.

Por internet he visto problemas parecidos con otros drivers, y en varios de
los sitios concluyen que es un problema de software, ya que bajando la
version del kernel, consiguen hacerlo funcionar.

	Esto si que es nuevo. Dudo mucho que haciendo un downgrade del 
kernel logres eliminar el problema que dices.

He querido usar ndiswrapper, pero he descubierto que wpasupplicant (al menos
el de los repositorios oficiales) no funciona con este driver.

	¿Mandeee?. Ndiswrapper funciona con el wpasupplicant de los 
repositorios sin problemas. Pero teniendo el driver nativo, ¿quién desea 

En resumen: se carga el driver de la tarjeta, con iwlist, puedo escanear y
ver los punto de acceso cercanos, pero el PA deshace la asociacion.

Le veo al problema dificil solucion, pero dado que es mi primera experiencia
con wireless en Debian, me gustaria saber vuestras experiencias con ello.

	Mi experiecia con un error similar es que cuando tienes más de un 
gestor de conexiones funcionando, estos se pelean deshaciendo uno lo que 
hace el otro, consiguiendo que la conexión se desvanezca. Así que para 
TODOS los servicios que configuren la red (network-manager, wicd, ...), 
para probar a mano con wpasupplicant, o arranca sólo uno de ellos.

Saludos --- Angel

Re: [OT] - Debian en la Uni

2010-10-13 Thread Alejandro Matos
- Original Message 
 From: Usuario
 To: lista-debian
 Sent: Sat, October 9, 2010 6:37:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [OT] - Debian en la Uni
 En México contra toda mi incredulidad se anuncian en la tele no Debian
 o  algun Linux pero si software GNU. Así es, una empresa de television
 por cable  y triple play vende unas netbook[1] chafisimas que aunque
 usan mocosoft de SO  el resto de la paquetería preinstalada es software
 libre. En el anuncio pasan  el logo de OpenOffice, de Firefox y varios

LOL acabo de llegar de clases y durante la clase el profe estaba encendiendo su 
portátil/laptop, enciende el proyector y plop!!! resulta que usa Debian 
al parecer usa un servidor X bastante ligero (ni siquiera es xfce, creo que se 
llama xterm o algo asi?) la verdad es que fue genial, inclusive le vi el icono 
de iceweasel ^_^

La próxima le preguntaré si usa stable, testing o sid ;)
Alejandro Matos

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Re: [OT] - Debian en la Uni

2010-10-13 Thread fernando sainz
El día 13 de octubre de 2010 16:04, Alejandro Matos escribió:
 - Original Message 
 From: Usuario
 To: lista-debian
 Sent: Sat, October 9, 2010 6:37:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [OT] - Debian en la Uni

 En México contra toda mi incredulidad se anuncian en la tele no Debian
 o  algun Linux pero si software GNU. Así es, una empresa de television
 por cable  y triple play vende unas netbook[1] chafisimas que aunque
 usan mocosoft de SO  el resto de la paquetería preinstalada es software
 libre. En el anuncio pasan  el logo de OpenOffice, de Firefox y varios

 LOL acabo de llegar de clases y durante la clase el profe estaba encendiendo 
 portátil/laptop, enciende el proyector y plop!!! resulta que usa Debian 
 al parecer usa un servidor X bastante ligero (ni siquiera es xfce, creo que se
 llama xterm o algo asi?) la verdad es que fue genial, inclusive le vi el icono
 de iceweasel ^_^

 La próxima le preguntaré si usa stable, testing o sid ;)
 Alejandro Matos

Xterm es un terminal gráfico no un gestor de ventanas.
Es posible arrancar un servidor X sin gestor de ventanas y que corra
un xterm, pero no aporta nada...

A mi me gusta mucho un clásico, el fvwm que como gestor de ventanas
que es solo utiliza los iconos cuando minimizas una aplicación (no
tiene iconos en el fondo), también permite reducir las ventanas a la
barra de título en vez de minimizarlas del todo y tiene uno de los
sistemas de multiples escritorios y escritorios virtuales mas logrados
que he visto.
(Por supuesto está en Debian)


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limitaciones en descargas y ancho de banda en PHP y apache

2010-10-13 Thread Robert J. Briones C.

Estoy tratando de hacer una aplicacion donde tengo diferentes
usuarios, que se conectan de diferentes partes...

mi idea es un foro pra compartir archivos, los archivos se suben en mi
mismo servidor, pero la idea es penalizar a los que no participan y
solo ingresarán a descargar el archivo...

mi idea es darle menos ancho de banda a los que tienen menos mensajes
por ejemplo... que no puedan descargar mas de 1 archivo a las vez...

asi como lo hace rapid share, tambien que por ejemplo que deban
esperar mas tiempo que otros para descargar otro archivo, etc.-

si alguien tiene una idea sobre que iformación buscar, o que paquetes
necesito.. se los agradeciería


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Re: Problema con ath5k y wpasupplicant

2010-10-13 Thread Angel Vicente
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 06:43:59PM +0200, Angel Vicente wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 03:46:15PM +, Camaleón wrote:
  El Mon, 11 Oct 2010 15:58:31 +0200, Angel Vicente escribió:
   On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 01:47:40PM +, Camaleón wrote:
   Yo probaría algo sencillo, como es bajar el cifrado (usar WPA-PSK),
   activar el BSSID (para que el AP se identifique), intentar obtener la
   mejor cobertura posible (evitar interferencias que puedan venir de
   otros aparatos que usen la misma frecuencia) y probar la asociación con
   otro AP para descartar algún problema de incompatibilidad con el
   He probado incluso dejandolo abierto, sin exito. 
  Si lo dejas abierto (o si usas WEP), me parece que wpa_supplicant no 
  entra en juego, seguramente te daría otro error.
   Cuando mencionas las interferencias, ¿te refieres a otros APs?, aqui en
   el vecindario, detecto varios mas. Ahora mismo el PC en cuestion esta
   fisicamente debajo del AP, en el mismo mueble, pero debajo. 
  Si lo tienes cerca, entonces nada. Lo de encontrar otros AP es normal, no 
  creo que influya.
   Lo de probar con otro, no tengo posibilidad ahora mismo; no se si en
   el trabajo hay algun AP que no se este usando, hasta el miercoles no
   podria comprobarlo.
  Okis. Sería interesante para ver si el error te viene del driver, del 
  wpa_supplicant o de alguna incompatibilidad con el AP (no sería la 
  primera vez que lo veo).
  La última vez que me tuve que pegar con wpa_supplicant creo recordar que 
  fue por el BSSID (estaba desactivado en el AP y se perdía la asociación; 
  al activarlo, el problema se esfumó) y también recuerdo que podías 
  ejecutarlo en modo verboso (-dd) para que te registrara más 
  información... no sé, por si vieras algún otro dato que te diera alguna 
  pista :-?
 Tengo novedades, pero tengo que investigar un poco mas: pase el router a WEP
 y configure interfaces para que use wireless-tools, el resultado similar al
 de wpasupplicant, pero con un mensaje que no habia visto antes:
 deauthenticating from [codigo BSSI] by local choice (reason=3),
 googleando un poco, y navegando por un foro de Ubuntu, veo que han probado a
 desinstalar el network-manager; yo en lugar de desinstalar, he detenido el
 servicio, y cuando he hecho ifup wlan0, ha arrancado correctamente, me falta 
 probar con WPA2, pero supongo antes no funcionaba por el mismo motivo.
 Tengo que averiguar si es realmente necesario ese paquete, y en caso 
  como configurar para que no me entorpezca las conexiones wifi.

Bueno, finalmente he configurado network-manager para que no gestione la
tarjeta wirelessy y se arranque desde interfaces; efectivamente era el gestor de
red el que impedia levantar el interface, no pensaba que tendria mayor
precedencia que interfaces.

Muchas gracias a las indicaciones que me han ayudado a encontrar la solucion


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Re: limitaciones en descargas y ancho de banda en PHP y apache

2010-10-13 Thread Felix Perez
El día 13 de octubre de 2010 12:00, Robert J. Briones C. escribió:

 Estoy tratando de hacer una aplicacion donde tengo diferentes
 usuarios, que se conectan de diferentes partes...

 mi idea es un foro pra compartir archivos, los archivos se suben en mi
 mismo servidor, pero la idea es penalizar a los que no participan y
 solo ingresarán a descargar el archivo...

 mi idea es darle menos ancho de banda a los que tienen menos mensajes
 por ejemplo... que no puedan descargar mas de 1 archivo a las vez...

 asi como lo hace rapid share, tambien que por ejemplo que deban
 esperar mas tiempo que otros para descargar otro archivo, etc.-

 si alguien tiene una idea sobre que iformación buscar, o que paquetes
 necesito.. se los agradeciería

Pues como dices en el asunto PHP y Apche.
y con respecto a que información, puedes preguntarle a google.


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: limitaciones en descargas y ancho de banda en PHP y apache

2010-10-13 Thread Cesar Garcia
Puedes limitarlo por apache2 con el módulo libapache2-mod-bw, habrán más
módulos seguro.

Si no recuerdo mal, este módulo, ajusta cada ancho de banda a nivel
general o de VirtualHost.

Ahora es cuestión de echarle imaginación.

Un ejemplo a groso modo:

- Crear diferentes virtualhost (para subdominios) con una configuración
de ancho de banda diferente
- No permitir descargas directa, solo por PHP, para controlar los accesos

En función del tipo de usuario, la descarga lo hara desde un subdominio
u otro. Por lo tango con un cierto ancho de banda

Si el módulo admite configuraciones por directorios y/o localizaciones,
te puedes ahorrar crear varios VirtualHost

Habrán métodos mejores, seguro.

El 13/10/10 17:00, Robert J. Briones C. escribió:

 Estoy tratando de hacer una aplicacion donde tengo diferentes
 usuarios, que se conectan de diferentes partes...

 mi idea es un foro pra compartir archivos, los archivos se suben en mi
 mismo servidor, pero la idea es penalizar a los que no participan y
 solo ingresarán a descargar el archivo...

 mi idea es darle menos ancho de banda a los que tienen menos mensajes
 por ejemplo... que no puedan descargar mas de 1 archivo a las vez...

 asi como lo hace rapid share, tambien que por ejemplo que deban
 esperar mas tiempo que otros para descargar otro archivo, etc.-

 si alguien tiene una idea sobre que iformación buscar, o que paquetes
 necesito.. se los agradeciería



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Re: [OT] Mini cluster o algo por el estilo

2010-10-13 Thread Usuario
Agradezco sus ideas. Probaré ambas y pronto comentaré como lo sulucioné.


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Re: Resolución consola con framebuffer

2010-10-13 Thread G . Sebastián Pedersen
On 10/12/10, Camaleón wrote:
 El Tue, 12 Oct 2010 16:16:38 -0300, G. Sebastián Pedersen escribió:

 On 10/12/10, Camaleón wrote:

 Hum... ¿Qué valores has probado a pasarle con vga=?

 Probé todos los valores que me tire el vga=ask correspondientes a
 1024x768 y a 1280x1024.

 Me refería a manualmente, a los valores que le has dicho que use editando
 a mano el menu.lst. Te lo comento porque valores incorrectos pueden ser
 los causantes de ese out of range.

Los probé editando el menu.lst del GRUB cuando inicia (pulsando
'e')... calculo que es lo mismo, ¿no?
Igualmente por las dudas pruebo, total mal no me hace :)



Saludos y gracias,


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Re: Resolución consola con framebuffer

2010-10-13 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 13 Oct 2010 12:59:15 -0300, G. Sebastián Pedersen escribió:

 On 10/12/10, Camaleón wrote:
 El Tue, 12 Oct 2010 16:16:38 -0300, G. Sebastián Pedersen escribió:

 On 10/12/10, Camaleón wrote:

 Hum... ¿Qué valores has probado a pasarle con vga=?

 Probé todos los valores que me tire el vga=ask correspondientes a
 1024x768 y a 1280x1024.

 Me refería a manualmente, a los valores que le has dicho que use
 editando a mano el menu.lst. Te lo comento porque valores incorrectos
 pueden ser los causantes de ese out of range.
 Los probé editando el menu.lst del GRUB cuando inicia (pulsando 'e')...
 calculo que es lo mismo, ¿no? Igualmente por las dudas pruebo, total mal
 no me hace :)

Sí, pero ¿qué valores?

Por ejemplo, en lenny si pongo vga=791 me da error, tengo que usar 
vga=0x317 y se supone que ambos ofrecen la misma resolución con la 
misma profundidad de bits 1024x768x16 :-)



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Re: Resolución consola con framebuffer

2010-10-13 Thread Leandro Minatel
2010/10/13 Camaleón

 El Wed, 13 Oct 2010 12:59:15 -0300, G. Sebastián Pedersen escribió:

  On 10/12/10, Camaleón wrote:
  El Tue, 12 Oct 2010 16:16:38 -0300, G. Sebastián Pedersen escribió:
  On 10/12/10, Camaleón wrote:
  Hum... ¿Qué valores has probado a pasarle con vga=?
  Probé todos los valores que me tire el vga=ask correspondientes a
  1024x768 y a 1280x1024.
  Me refería a manualmente, a los valores que le has dicho que use
  editando a mano el menu.lst. Te lo comento porque valores incorrectos
  pueden ser los causantes de ese out of range.
  Los probé editando el menu.lst del GRUB cuando inicia (pulsando 'e')...
  calculo que es lo mismo, ¿no? Igualmente por las dudas pruebo, total mal
  no me hace :)

 Sí, pero ¿qué valores?

 Por ejemplo, en lenny si pongo vga=791 me da error, tengo que usar
 vga=0x317 y se supone que ambos ofrecen la misma resolución con la
 misma profundidad de bits 1024x768x16 :-)



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En un server squeeze tengo algo asi en el /etc/default/grub:


y una hermosa fuente Terminus.

Placa de video: una horrenda Trident CyberBlade
Monitor: Un Viewsonic E40 (14)

Una cosa que puedes probar es lo siguiente: en el menu de arranque del GRUB
presionas c y luego en el prompt escribes vbeinfo.


*Por favor, evite enviarme documentos adjuntos en formato Word o PowerPoint.

Re: Resolución consola con framebuffer

2010-10-13 Thread G . Sebastián Pedersen
On 10/13/10, Camaleón wrote:
 El Wed, 13 Oct 2010 12:59:15 -0300, G. Sebastián Pedersen escribió:

 On 10/12/10, Camaleón wrote:
 El Tue, 12 Oct 2010 16:16:38 -0300, G. Sebastián Pedersen escribió:

 On 10/12/10, Camaleón wrote:

 Hum... ¿Qué valores has probado a pasarle con vga=?

 Probé todos los valores que me tire el vga=ask correspondientes a
 1024x768 y a 1280x1024.

 Me refería a manualmente, a los valores que le has dicho que use
 editando a mano el menu.lst. Te lo comento porque valores incorrectos
 pueden ser los causantes de ese out of range.

 Los probé editando el menu.lst del GRUB cuando inicia (pulsando 'e')...
 calculo que es lo mismo, ¿no? Igualmente por las dudas pruebo, total mal
 no me hace :)

 Sí, pero ¿qué valores?

 Por ejemplo, en lenny si pongo vga=791 me da error, tengo que usar
 vga=0x317 y se supone que ambos ofrecen la misma resolución con la
 misma profundidad de bits 1024x768x16 :-)

Ah ok. Sí, probé con vga=0x317 y todos los demás que me da
vga=ask, pero con todos el monitor me tira el out of range.



Saludos y gracias,


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Autenticar Squid Contra DA

2010-10-13 Thread Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes

Tengo problemas al intentar autenticar squid contra el directorio activo. Me
muestra el dialogo de autenticación varios minutos después de haber hecho la
petición, y cuando le paso el usuario y la contraseña no se me autentica.

Envio el fichero y espero sugerencias.

Squid 2.7 sobre Debian 5 Lenny


Lic. Gilberto Luís Díaz Valdés
Director de Informática y Comunicaciones
Empresa de Servicentros Cupet.
70 y 29B, Playa, Ciudad de la Habana
Tel: (07) 2040185


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The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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Plan revove de acristalamientos de la Comunidad de Madrid

2010-10-13 Thread Decoraciones Campos S.L.

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Re: Controle de Banda Debian Lenny

2010-10-13 Thread Junior Polegato - Linux

Em 12-10-2010 22:28, gunix escreveu:

praticamente implantado a solução para controle de banda. Agradeço 
todo esforo a este trabalho a vc.

Porem se possivel me ajude em mais 2 duvidas.
Eu marquei todos os pacotes que vem da eth1 com 1
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -j MARK --set-mark 1
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -j RETURN
e mais abaixo joguei isso para a classe que me da velocidade de acesso 

Imagine que eu tenha 3 clientes:
Tenho que marcar cada 1 com estacao com uma valor diferente e depois 
jogar para as classes?

iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j MARK 
--set-mark 1
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j MARK 
--set-mark 1
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j MARK 
--set-mark 2

iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j RETURN
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j RETURN
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j RETURN
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip handle 1 fw classid 1:11
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip handle 2 fw classid 1:20
é isso?
E quando uso squid? Fiz uma teste e para quem usa proxy a navegação 
parece que fica meio louca. TEm alguem que tem que fazer?

Não testei 100%, mas provavelmente de problemas...


Legal que entendeu o espírito do controle de banda e está 

Quanto a marcar pacotes pelos destinos da sua rede internet, 
este deve ser feito depois de roteamento, pois o pacote chega na eth1 
(PREROUTING) com o IP de destino do seu firewall, o qual verifica na sua 
tabela de roteamento para qual IP da rede internet se destina este 
pacote, então troca o IP dele pelo IP da sua rede interna e então manda 
o pacote para sua interface de rede interna eth0 (POSTROUTING), aí sim 
entram nas regras do TC. Dessa forma o correto seria:

iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j MARK 
--set-mark 1

iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j RETURN
iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j MARK 
--set-mark 1

iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j RETURN
iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j MARK 
--set-mark 2

iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j RETURN
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip handle 1 fw classid 1:11
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip handle 2 fw classid 1:20

Veja que o RETURN fica abaixo de cada regra para que o firewall 
não passe pelas outras desnecessariamente.

Veja também que os pacotes já foram marcados com 1 quando 
chegaram da internet, então apenas precisa marcar com 2 os que não fazem 
parte do balaio, sendo dessa forma desnecessárias as 4 primeiras linhas 

Ainda pode organizar e subdividir sua rede interna em classes 
de IP para não ficar fazendo regras 1 a 1. Por exemplo, IPs de a são da classe, os de a são da classe, de a da classe, aí é só marcar a 
classe de IP e filtrar cada marca para uma classe do TC, e assim não vai 
precisar fazer IP a IP.

 Junior Polegato

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Re: Re: [OFF TOPIC] Qual é a melhor configuracao pa ra modem e roteador wireless?

2010-10-13 Thread Marcelo Laia

Vou fazer esse seu teste. Eu ja testei uma outra dica me enviada ontem
pelo tux, mas nao deu resultado.

No entanto, tenho umas duvidas:

1. Vou conectar o cabo LAN do modem diretamente em uma das 4 portas
RJ45 de saida do meu roteador. Isso mesmo?
2. Nas configuracoes Wan do meu roteador nao tem opcao para nao
configurar. Ha as seguintes opcoes:

WAN Connection Type:
-Dynamic IP, Static IP, PPPoE, 802.1X+Dynamic IP, 802.1X+Static IP,
BigPond Cable, ou L2TP, PPTP.

Qual das acima eu escolho em WAN Connetion type? Dependendo da seleção
acima, ha as seguintes sub-opcoes:

-IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, MTU Size, Primary DNS e
Secondary DNS.

O que seria preenchido em cada uma delas, dada a seleção anterior?
Parece trivial, mas, uma vez que o modem comandará, deve ser algo
dentro da cadeia de IPs do modem (

Outra coisa, eu uso o DHCP do modem ou o do roteador? Atualmente o
modem e o roteador estao fazendo NAT e o modem esta com DHCP
desligado, sendo que o reteador esta com DHCP ligado.

Muito obrigado.



 Já tive alguns problemas com relação ao modelo de configuração utilizado por 
 Bom tente fazer o seguinte não configure a Wan do seu roteador e conecte o 
 da Lan do seu modem direto nas entradas de rede do seu roteador e deixe o
 modem roteado. Escolha um dos dois dispositivos para entregar seu serviço de
 DHCP fazendo com que os micros peguem gateway com o ip do modem e
 verifique se melhorou o desempenho.


 Adauto Serpa

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Re: Re: [OFF TOPIC] Qual é a melhor configuracao pa ra modem e roteador wireless?

2010-10-13 Thread Adauto Serpa

Em 13 de outubro de 2010 09:20, Marcelo Laia marcelol...@gmail.comescreveu:


 Vou fazer esse seu teste. Eu ja testei uma outra dica me enviada ontem
 pelo tux, mas nao deu resultado.

 No entanto, tenho umas duvidas:

 1. Vou conectar o cabo LAN do modem diretamente em uma das 4 portas
 RJ45 de saida do meu roteador. Isso mesmo?

sim, vai apenas perder uma porta, porém ainda vai consegui conectar os 3

 2. Nas configuracoes Wan do meu roteador nao tem opcao para nao
 configurar. Ha as seguintes opcoes:

 WAN Connection Type:
 -Dynamic IP, Static IP, PPPoE, 802.1X+Dynamic IP, 802.1X+Static IP,
 BigPond Cable, ou L2TP, PPTP.

Deixe como Dynamic IP

 Qual das acima eu escolho em WAN Connetion type? Dependendo da seleção
 acima, ha as seguintes sub-opcoes:

 -IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, MTU Size, Primary DNS e
 Secondary DNS.

 O que seria preenchido em cada uma delas, dada a seleção anterior?
 Parece trivial, mas, uma vez que o modem comandará, deve ser algo
 dentro da cadeia de IPs do modem (

Sim, aqui em casa por exemplo meu modem tem o IP e o Roteador
Hoje utilizo o Roteador para distribuir IP(DHPC) e fazer os
filtros/compartilhamento sem fio(Wireless).
O bom dessa configuração que achei é que tenho acesso ao modem e ao roteador
tudo na mesma
mascara de IP, pelo mesmo pra mim facilita a administração dos dois

 Outra coisa, eu uso o DHCP do modem ou o do roteador? Atualmente o
 modem e o roteador estao fazendo NAT e o modem esta com DHCP
 desligado, sendo que o reteador esta com DHCP ligado.

 Muito obrigado.


  Já tive alguns problemas com relação ao modelo de configuração utilizado
 por você.
  Bom tente fazer o seguinte não configure a Wan do seu roteador e conecte
 o cabo
  da Lan do seu modem direto nas entradas de rede do seu roteador e deixe o
  modem roteado. Escolha um dos dois dispositivos para entregar seu serviço
  DHCP fazendo com que os micros peguem gateway com o ip do modem e
  verifique se melhorou o desempenho.
  Adauto Serpa

Outra coisa meu modem é um TP-Link TD8816 e meu roteador é um TL-WR340GD.
Também estou tentando configurar o QoS, mas ainda não o entendi direito se
eu consegui
depois a gente pode trocar mais informações.

um abraço,

Adauto Serpa
Tecnólogo em Informática

Re: acessar pasta html do apache em maquina virtual vmware

2010-10-13 Thread Sandro Wambier
Erro 404 é NOT FOUND, ja revisou suas configurações de virtual hosts?

Em 13 de outubro de 2010 04:19, erico dias escreveu:

 o usuário consta, eu executei a mudança de propriedade e grupo, mas
 continua dando erro 404

 2010/10/12 Rafael Moraes

 Tenha sempre em maos a documentação do apache, é muito completa e fácil de
 entender: erro é devido a permissão
 nos arquivos que vc está tentando acessar.
 Dê permissão ao usuário do apache e vc resolverá isto.

 chown -R www-data.www-data diretorio/

 Este é um exemplo, verifique se este é realmente o user do apache:

 ps aux |grep apache |awk '{print $1}'


 Em 12 de outubro de 2010 00:41, erico dias escreveu:

 pessoal, eu instalei o leny em uma máquina virtual para testar e
 desenvolver sites e talvez até algumas aplicações. Sou iniciante ainda,
 ocorre que nessa configuração, lenny+vmware, não consigo passar da página
 it works do apache.

 já coloquei algumas coisas nele, como joomla, wordpress, mas quando tento
 acessá-los, http://ip-da-vm/wordpress ele retorna erro afirmando que não
 possuo permissão. Há alguma configuração necessária no firewall? Ats
 permissões de pasta foram alteradas para permitir o acesso, mas o erro

 há como fazer isso sem a necessidade de configuração de domínios vituais?

 Rafael Moraes
 Linux Professional Institute Certified - LPI 2
 Cisco Certified Design Associate - CCDA
 Novell Certified Linux Administrator - CLA
 Data Center Technical Specialist - DCTS
 ITIL Foundations Certified

Re: Controle de Banda Debian Lenny

2010-10-13 Thread Maiquel Consalter
Ola Junior,
seguinte explicarei a topologia que tenho.

-- Internet - LINK 1024k.
Preciso controlar o trafego da máquina, onde tudo que vem na
porta 3389 de entrada e saida tenha 512kb, o http, https e ssh 400kb, e o
restante 112.
Porém fiz as regras semelhante a postada, mas so cai na classe 3.
minhas regras:
Obrigado pela ajuda.

Em 13 de outubro de 2010 09:11, Junior Polegato - Linux escreveu:

 Em 12-10-2010 22:28, gunix escreveu:

 praticamente implantado a solução para controle de banda. Agradeço todo
 esforo a este trabalho a vc.
 Porem se possivel me ajude em mais 2 duvidas.
 Eu marquei todos os pacotes que vem da eth1 com 1
 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -j MARK --set-mark 1
 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -j RETURN
 e mais abaixo joguei isso para a classe que me da velocidade de acesso
 Imagine que eu tenha 3 clientes:
 Tenho que marcar cada 1 com estacao com uma valor diferente e depois jogar
 para as classes?
 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j MARK --set-mark
 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j MARK --set-mark
 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j MARK --set-mark
 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j RETURN
 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j RETURN
 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -d -j RETURN
 tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip handle 1 fw classid 1:11
 tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip handle 2 fw classid 1:20
 é isso?
 E quando uso squid? Fiz uma teste e para quem usa proxy a navegação parece
 que fica meio louca. TEm alguem que tem que fazer?
 Não testei 100%, mas provavelmente de problemas...


Legal que entendeu o espírito do controle de banda e está

Quanto a marcar pacotes pelos destinos da sua rede internet, este
 deve ser feito depois de roteamento, pois o pacote chega na eth1
 (PREROUTING) com o IP de destino do seu firewall, o qual verifica na sua
 tabela de roteamento para qual IP da rede internet se destina este pacote,
 então troca o IP dele pelo IP da sua rede interna e então manda o pacote
 para sua interface de rede interna eth0 (POSTROUTING), aí sim entram nas
 regras do TC. Dessa forma o correto seria:

 iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j MARK --set-mark
 iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j RETURN
 iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j MARK --set-mark
 iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j RETURN
 iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j MARK --set-mark
 iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d -j RETURN
 tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip handle 1 fw classid 1:11
 tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip handle 2 fw classid 1:20

Veja que o RETURN fica abaixo de cada regra para que o firewall não
 passe pelas outras desnecessariamente.

Veja também que os pacotes já foram marcados com 1 quando chegaram
 da internet, então apenas precisa marcar com 2 os que não fazem parte do
 balaio, sendo dessa forma desnecessárias as 4 primeiras linhas acima.

Ainda pode organizar e subdividir sua rede interna em classes de IP
 para não ficar fazendo regras 1 a 1. Por exemplo, IPs de a são da classe, os de a
 são da classe, de a da classe, aí é só marcar a classe de IP e filtrar cada marca para
 uma classe do TC, e assim não vai precisar fazer IP a IP.

 Junior Polegato

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Re: Controle de Banda Debian Lenny

2010-10-13 Thread Junior Polegato - Linux

Em 13-10-2010 14:29, Maiquel Consalter escreveu:

Ola Junior,
seguinte explicarei a topologia que tenho.
-- Internet - LINK 1024k.
Preciso controlar o trafego da máquina, onde tudo que vem 
na porta 3389 de entrada e saida tenha 512kb, o http, https e ssh 
400kb, e o restante 112.

Porém fiz as regras semelhante a postada, mas so cai na classe 3.
minhas regras:
Obrigado pela ajuda.


Use -A em vez de -I na marcação do pacotes.

 Junior Polegato

Re: Controle de Banda Debian Lenny

2010-10-13 Thread Junior Polegato - Linux

Em 13-10-2010 14:56, Maiquel Consalter escreveu:

Junior, desconfio que funcionou,
o que acha?

Maiquel, aparentemente sim, tem fazer ping para usar a classe 30, 
download via navegador para usar a classe 20 e a 10 já está sendo usada. 
Veja nos dois sentidos e como se comporta a divisão de banda.

Usando o -I você estava colocando a regra no topo da lista, assim 
sempre encontrava um RETURN antes de um MARK, de forma que nenhum pacote 
estava sendo marcado, o iptables-save -t mangle pode te mostrar isso. 
Use o -I com cuidado quando quer colocar uma regra em determinada 
posição ou no top da lista de regras e sempre verifique a lista final 
com iptables-save -t mangle.

  Junior Polegato

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cups Duvida

2010-10-13 Thread Anderson Bertling
Boa tarde!

Estou com duvida, para montar o servidor cups, procurei no google mas não
entendi, depois de montado o servidor cups, é necessário instalar o drive da
impressora no servidor? como posso fazer isso via console ?


Anderson Bertling

Re: cups Duvida

2010-10-13 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato
2010/10/13 Anderson Bertling
 Boa tarde!

 Estou com duvida, para montar o servidor cups, procurei no google mas não
 entendi, depois de montado o servidor cups, é necessário instalar o drive da
 impressora no servidor? como posso fazer isso via console ?

Sim, precisa instalar o driver da impressora somente no servidor.
Sim, pode fazer via console, mas melhor fazer via a interface web,
libere o acesso remoto, e poderá configurar de qualquer computador da
rede (ou internet).
O arquivo principal e o

Nos clientes, basta o cupslib (provavelmente já instalados). Programas
que usam o cups, vão achar as impressoras da rede automaticamente. (se
configurar o servidor, cupsd, corretamente)

Paulino Kenji Sato

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Re: Re: Re: [OFF TOPIC] Qual é a melhor configuraca o para modem e roteador wireless?

2010-10-13 Thread Marcelo Laia
Adauto, tux e colegas,

Consegui resolver parte do problema. Esta bem mais rapida e estável.
nao ta caindo mais.

Fiz um mix entre as sugestoes que recebi.

Eu percebi que o sistema estava perdendo a rota e que o problema era
no roteador, pois quando eu tentava conectar no roteador pelo ip dele,
dava site not found ou atingiu o tempo limite. Quando eu tentava
conectar ao modem, tambem pelo ip, demoravaa. Quando eu fazia
uma conexao do meu micro para um outro micro da rede, a velocidade era
altissima e era estável. Lembrando que a rede lan se conectava pelo
rotedor wireless. Entao, conclui que havia um problema na passagem de
dados do roteador para o modem.

Ao inves de desabilitar o dhcp no modem, eu o desabilitei no roteador
e mantive o dhcp habilitado no modem. Ajustei os dns no modem.

No modem mantive o ip e no roteador mantive
(wan) estático com gw A LAN no roteador ficou como
(que é o endereco dele para administrar). Se digito o IP
no navegador, não acha nada (?!).

Mas, para se conectar, via wireless, o NM teve que ser ajustado para
usar IP fixo na faixa em todos os computadores, pois eles
não conseguiram obter um IP por meio do dhcp do modem.

Pergunto: o que preciso fazer para que os micros consigam pegar um ip
( a partir do modem, mas fazendo a autenticação no
rotedor por meio de conexao wireless?

Um abracao

Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Diamantina - MG - Brasil (Brazil)
Linux user number 487797

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Oi 3G + Modem Onda MSA405HS

2010-10-13 Thread Edson Marquezani Filho
Pessoal, estou às voltas com um problema chato aqui. Uso Debian na
versão testing.

Estou com um acesso móvel Velox 3G Oi, usando um modem originalmente
da Tim, Onda MSA405HS. Não tenho problema com o modem em si, creio eu,
mas não consigo estabelecer a conexão com o wvdial. Tentei várias
configurações, mas não obtive sucesso. O comando de discagem não
retorna nada.
Fiquei um pouco confuso, cheguei a ver algo relacionado a PIN, e tal,
não entendi.

Alguém tem uma configuração do wvdial que realmente funcione? Estou
precisando ativar esse acesso com urgência.

Obrigado a todos.

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[DEBIAN] script para baixar dados

2010-10-13 Thread


eu to me batendo para criar um script que baixe 'uma tonelada' de 
arquivos PDF de um site, mas to apanhando horrores...

acontece que pelo site já abaixa automaticamente, quando se acessa a 
página...  eu não consigo chegar lá

estrando no navegador, se acesso a página:

ele automaticamente já baixa o arquivo.. da página 1

é preciso fazer isso várias vezes, (as vezes mais de 2000), mudando a 
página para ter o arquivo completo...

ai no bash fiz vários testes...  mas nenhum deles abre a página 
'seguinte', que é o download 'automático'..

se alguém tiver uma dica de como fazer os downloads de uma 'tacada' só, 
DETALHE: ele sempre baixa o arquivo com o mesmo nome... teria que 
renomear na hora de gravar...

[]s Sena

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[DEBIAN] script para baixar dados

2010-10-13 Thread


eu to me batendo para criar um script que baixe 'uma tonelada' de 
arquivos PDF de um site, mas to apanhando horrores...

acontece que pelo site já abaixa automaticamente, quando se acessa a 
página...  eu não consigo chegar lá

estrando no navegador, se acesso a página:

ele automaticamente já baixa o arquivo.. da página 1

é preciso fazer isso várias vezes, (as vezes mais de 2000), mudando a 
página para ter o arquivo completo...

ai no bash fiz vários testes...  mas nenhum deles abre a página 
'seguinte', que é o download 'automático'..

se alguém tiver uma dica de como fazer os downloads de uma 'tacada' só, 
DETALHE: ele sempre baixa o arquivo com o mesmo nome... teria que 
renomear na hora de gravar...

[]s Sena

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Re: [DEBIAN] script para baixar dados

2010-10-13 Thread Humberto Araujo de Sousa
Não seria mais fácil fazer um robozinho no PHP ou no Java para baixar 
esses arquivos para você ?


Humberto Araujo de Sousa
(62) 3223-0652
(62) 9299-7771

Em 13/10/2010 22:27, escreveu:


eu to me batendo para criar um script que baixe 'uma tonelada' de
arquivos PDF de um site, mas to apanhando horrores...

acontece que pelo site já abaixa automaticamente, quando se acessa a
página... eu não consigo chegar lá

estrando no navegador, se acesso a página:

ele automaticamente já baixa o arquivo.. da página 1

é preciso fazer isso várias vezes, (as vezes mais de 2000), mudando a
página para ter o arquivo completo...

ai no bash fiz vários testes... mas nenhum deles abre a página
'seguinte', que é o download 'automático'..

se alguém tiver uma dica de como fazer os downloads de uma 'tacada' só,
DETALHE: ele sempre baixa o arquivo com o mesmo nome... teria que
renomear na hora de gravar...

[]s Sena

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Video Mobile Intel GM45 Express Chipset

2010-10-13 Thread Adauto Serpa

Conseguiu falar com seu amigo ? Tentei trocar o power-manager mais o
problema ainda persiste.
Tentei até desativar o gnome-power-manager, mas mesmo assim ainda continua.
É algo
que não me afeta na usabilidade pelo mesmo ainda, mas me incomoda muito :(

um abraço,

Adauto Serpa

Em 12 de outubro de 2010 23:29, Bruno escreveu:

  Amigo, tenho um colega de trabalho que possui o mesmo notebook. Ele usa
 Debian (squeeze) e tinha o mesmo problema, mas relatou que o mesmo parou
 após um upgrade há alguns meses atrás.

 Experimente trocar de ambiente por um tempo (troque o gnome-power-manager
 pelo xfce4-power-manager) e veja se o problema persiste.

 Amanhã eu pergunto para o meu colega se ele precisou fazer alguma
 configuração extra ou desfazer uma gambiarra que já existia.


 On 10/12/2010 11:20 PM, Adauto Serpa wrote:


  Estou vendo a Squeeze ficando estável, porém meu video Intel Mobile
 Intel® GM45 Express Chipset
 ainda continua dando umas picadas aleatórias. Como isso me incomoda é muito
 chato tem que pisca
 várias vezes. Não sei se realmente é o video ou algo referente ao
 gerenciamento de energia.

  Já vi esse bug nas listas do Ubuntu ! Alguém sabe se esse bug já foi
 reportado no Debian ?

  Meu notebook é um Lenovo G550
 Aqui tem a especificação técnica

  um abraço,

 Adauto Serpa
 Tecnólogo em Informática

Re: Re: Re: [OFF TOPIC] Qual é a melhor configuraca o para modem e roteador wireless?

2010-10-13 Thread Adauto Serpa

O problema é que você está utilizando duas mascaras de IPs diferentes, se
não quiser seguir
minha sugestão, você terá que fazer o seguinte:

No modem colocar ip e desabilitar o DHCP

No Roteador colocar na porta Wan o ip, Gateway e Dns, na Lan
e Habilitar o DHCP com mascara do range de ip

Bom acho que é isso !

Adauto Serpa

Em 13 de outubro de 2010 17:38, Marcelo Laia marcelol...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Adauto, tux e colegas,

 Consegui resolver parte do problema. Esta bem mais rapida e estável.
 nao ta caindo mais.

 Fiz um mix entre as sugestoes que recebi.

 Eu percebi que o sistema estava perdendo a rota e que o problema era
 no roteador, pois quando eu tentava conectar no roteador pelo ip dele,
 dava site not found ou atingiu o tempo limite. Quando eu tentava
 conectar ao modem, tambem pelo ip, demoravaa. Quando eu fazia
 uma conexao do meu micro para um outro micro da rede, a velocidade era
 altissima e era estável. Lembrando que a rede lan se conectava pelo
 rotedor wireless. Entao, conclui que havia um problema na passagem de
 dados do roteador para o modem.

 Ao inves de desabilitar o dhcp no modem, eu o desabilitei no roteador
 e mantive o dhcp habilitado no modem. Ajustei os dns no modem.

 No modem mantive o ip e no roteador mantive
 (wan) estático com gw A LAN no roteador ficou como
 (que é o endereco dele para administrar). Se digito o IP
 no navegador, não acha nada (?!).

 Mas, para se conectar, via wireless, o NM teve que ser ajustado para
 usar IP fixo na faixa em todos os computadores, pois eles
 não conseguiram obter um IP por meio do dhcp do modem.

 Pergunto: o que preciso fazer para que os micros consigam pegar um ip
 ( a partir do modem, mas fazendo a autenticação no
 rotedor por meio de conexao wireless?

 Um abracao

 Marcelo Luiz de Laia
 Diamantina - MG - Brasil (Brazil)
 Linux user number 487797

Re: cups Duvida

2010-10-13 Thread Adauto Serpa
Paulinho Kenji,

Umas das coisa que ainda não consegui fazer é utilizar o Cups dessa forma,
ou seja,
instalando apenas o cups-libs(Cups-client), bom sempre instalei um Cups
Server para imprimir no
servidor Cups onde a impressora estava instalada.

Você tem alguma dica para utilização do modo que você falou via Cups-Client

um abraço,

Adauto Serpa
Tecnólogo em Informática

Em 13 de outubro de 2010 16:13, Paulino Kenji Sato pks...@gmail.comescreveu:

 2010/10/13 Anderson Bertling
  Boa tarde!
  Estou com duvida, para montar o servidor cups, procurei no google mas não
  entendi, depois de montado o servidor cups, é necessário instalar o drive
  impressora no servidor? como posso fazer isso via console ?

 Sim, precisa instalar o driver da impressora somente no servidor.
 Sim, pode fazer via console, mas melhor fazer via a interface web,
 libere o acesso remoto, e poderá configurar de qualquer computador da
 rede (ou internet).
 O arquivo principal e o

 Nos clientes, basta o cupslib (provavelmente já instalados). Programas
 que usam o cups, vão achar as impressoras da rede automaticamente. (se
 configurar o servidor, cupsd, corretamente)

 Paulino Kenji Sato

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Video Mobile Intel GM45 Express Chipset

2010-10-13 Thread

 Em 13-10-2010 23:07, Adauto Serpa escreveu:


Conseguiu falar com seu amigo ? Tentei trocar o power-manager mais o 
problema ainda persiste.
Tentei até desativar o gnome-power-manager, mas mesmo assim ainda 
continua. É algo

que não me afeta na usabilidade pelo mesmo ainda, mas me incomoda muito :(

um abraço,

Adauto Serpa

Em 12 de outubro de 2010 23:29, Bruno escreveu:

Amigo, tenho um colega de trabalho que possui o mesmo notebook.
Ele usa Debian (squeeze) e tinha o mesmo problema, mas relatou que
o mesmo parou após um upgrade há alguns meses atrás.

Experimente trocar de ambiente por um tempo (troque o
gnome-power-manager pelo xfce4-power-manager) e veja se o problema

Amanhã eu pergunto para o meu colega se ele precisou fazer alguma
configuração extra ou desfazer uma gambiarra que já existia.


On 10/12/2010 11:20 PM, Adauto Serpa wrote:


Estou vendo a Squeeze ficando estável, porém meu video Intel
Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset
ainda continua dando umas picadas aleatórias. Como isso me
incomoda é muito chato tem que pisca
várias vezes. Não sei se realmente é o video ou algo referente ao
gerenciamento de energia.

Já vi esse bug nas listas do Ubuntu ! Alguém sabe se esse bug já
foi reportado no Debian ?

Meu notebook é um Lenovo G550
Aqui tem a especificação técnica

um abraço,

Adauto Serpa

Tecnólogo em Informática

Engraçado, eu tenho o mesmo modelo que o seu ( G550), tudo ocorrendo na 
mais perfeita tranquilidade( debian squeeze + gnome )!


User GNU/Linux Debian

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2010-10-13 Thread Özel Alışveriş Kulubu %90'a Varan İndirimlerle





 Duuml;nyaca  uuml;nluuml; seccedil;kin markaları % 90'a 
varan indirimlerle sunan ouml;zel alışveriş kuluuml;buuml;duuml;r. 
Bingomingo, sistemine sadece davetiye ile uuml;ye almaktadır.Bu ouml;zel 
alışveriş deneyiminden faydalanabilmeniz iccedil;in aşağıdaki linke tıklayarak 
uuml;cretsiz olarak katılabilirsiniz. 














Listeden Çıkmak için adresine quot;Çıkarquot; başlıklı Boş bir 
e-posta gönderiniz

Re: WiFi: nm-applet, nm-editor, replace NetworkManager

2010-10-13 Thread Robert Holtzman
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 05:24:58PM -0400, Mike Viau wrote:
  OnTue, 12 Oct 2010 14:11:13 -0700 wrote:
  3. This is not the first time I am having problems with NetworkManager
  here on Debian, so I think I will get rid of it. The question is how to
  switch between available WiFi connections without NetworkManager.
  Wicd from the repos. Much more informative than nm.
 A question about Wicid.
  * ability to connect to (and maintain profiles for) both wired and
wireless networks;
 So does this mean that wicid can _not_ control/setup network bridges (e.g: 
 with brctl)?

Not sure. Try the wicd forum.

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer

Description: Digital signature

Re: tools to improve harddisk performance by short-stroking?

2010-10-13 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年10月10日 05:45, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 IMVHO, I think at least part of the speed increase is based on the fact 
 that the head(s) *never* travel to the back of the harddisk.

A brief search found most of the files on my harddisks are *never*
accessed (since the Debian system installation).

Re: tools to improve harddisk performance by short-stroking?

2010-10-13 Thread Zhang Weiwu

I noticed I can find out files that were never accessed after the 1st
month I installed my debian without any accounting mechanism but only by
atime. In fact, if I pick up a random file on my system, the chance it
was never accessed since after 1month of debian installation is a bit
higher than it was.

On 2010年10月08日 12:42, Tom Furie wrote:
 How do you determine the atime without accessing the file
Checking a file's atime is not considered accessing it.

almust...@orphalese:~$ find Music/ -atime +147
Music/Flamenco. Una antologia de cante y baile andaluces - Poema de la guitarra 
(rito y geografia del Toque) - Vol. 1 de 4.avi
almust...@orphalese:~$ sleep 10
almust...@orphalese:~$ find Music/ -atime +147
Music/Flamenco. Una antologia de cante y baile andaluces - Poema de la guitarra 
(rito y geografia del Toque) - Vol. 1 de 4.avi

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Re: Installing avahi-daemon crashes kernel, corrupts filesystem

2010-10-13 Thread Jason Heeris
On 12 October 2010 19:49, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
 Jason Heeris writes:
 Yay. I'll build one on my PC.


To save me more trouble, can anyone tell me what the key is to
building a kernel exactly the same as what's in
linux-image-2.6.32-5-486? I'm on a PC with amd64 arch, so I created a
i386 chroot:

sudo debootstrap --arch i386 squeeze ia32-chroot

I installed linux-source-2.6.32 (actually from sid, since the one in
squeeze FTBs). Unpack the source, and:

linux32 make menuconfig

...selecting 486 processor family. Then:

linux32 make-kpkg clean
CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 linux32 make-kpkg --initrd
--append-to-version=-custom1 kernel_image kernel_debug

The resulting kernel does not find the root fs, so clearly it is
somehow different to what's in the archive. Where can I get the exact
config for the official 486 kernel?


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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 12. 10. 2010 23:47:45 je Camaleón napisal(a):

Another option is switching to other desktop, like GNOME. That was the
path I took.

Yep, me too. Like Lisi, I needed a desktop environment to get work  
done, not to s/look/curse/g at.


Certifiable Loonix User #481801

Please reply to the list, not to me.

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Re: Installing avahi-daemon crashes kernel, corrupts filesystem

2010-10-13 Thread Jason Heeris
On 13 October 2010 14:45, Jason Heeris wrote:
 To save me more trouble, can anyone tell me what the key is to
 building a kernel exactly the same as what's in

More RTFMing required on my part, sorry. In the DEBIAN.Readme for the
linux-image source package:

Each linux-image-* package provides the complete .config file that
was used to generate it.  This file is installed in /boot.

So I found it in the deb package.

— Jason

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Re: --set-selections - help needed to use this

2010-10-13 Thread Angus Hedger
On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 02:30:38 + (UTC)
s. keeling wrote:
 No offense meant, but wrong attitude.  I've been saying this since
 ca. '97: try again.  The more installs you try, the more you learn
 about the box and the more you know of what you need to know.  You
 learn more about the installer and its capabilities, and what software
 you want/like/dislike.  FFS, it's fun doing it, because you KNOW it's
 eventually going to work, no matter how bleeding edge is your

The best way to truly know how something works it to totally break it
then have to fix it ;) 

 Or, at least that's been my experience.  Have fun with it man.  Bang
 your head on the wall until it falls over!
 Worst case, burn a backup first, then re-install.
 Sheesh.  :-)


Angus Hedger

Debian GNU/Linux User   PGP Public Key 0xEE6A4B97

Description: PGP signature

Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 19:11:29 -0700, Kelly Clowers wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 15:39, Camaleón wrote:

 use plain desktop, disable akonadi, strigi and that stuff, forget
 activities, return to the standard icons on the desktop..
 Out of all the awesome things in KDE4 why would disable some of the very

Because they tend to make plasma crashing, more often than we would like. 
And semantic desktop (nepomuk, akonadi, strigi) is indeed a nice 
feature... when all the components play nice together (this is an ongoing 
work, not fully accomplished right now). Also, it can be very resource 
intensive and old computers can face problems.

But again, I think the point is that people can get what they want, and 
that was precisely the main advantage of KDE (user customization). I have 
to admit that KDE 4.0 was a disaster but nowadays is perfectly workable.



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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Mike Bird
On Tue October 12 2010 22:46:14 Kelly Clowers wrote:
 Akonadi and Strigi and similar technologies are critical to taking the
 desktop to the next level of efficiency and effectiveness. Admittedly,
 that's still in the early stages, but it is clearly where we need to go.

People are working fine in KDE 3 without Akonadi and Strigi and NEPOMUK.

People try KDE 4 and work slower.

I don't object to your choice of KDE 4 as a religion, but please
don't expect people who have to work for a living to waste their
time worshipping KDE 4 during office hours.

Maybe one day the semantic web and the semantic desktop will become
useful.  Maybe not.  For now, the internet and KDE 3 are what works.

--Mike Bird

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Re: WiFi: nm-applet, nm-editor, replace NetworkManager

2010-10-13 Thread Sjoerd Hardeman

Lisi schreef:

On Tuesday 12 October 2010 18:17:15 Stanisław Findeisen wrote:

The question is how to
switch between available WiFi connections without NetworkManager.


$ aptitude show wicd
Package: wicd
Description: wired and wireless network manager
 Wicd is a general-purpose network configuration server which aims to 
provide a simple but flexible interface for connecting to networks. Its 
features include: wide variety of settings.
 * ability to connect to (and maintain profiles for) both wired and 
wireless networks;
 * support for many encryption schemes, including WEP, WPA, WPA2 and 
custom schemes;

 * wireless-tools compatibility;
 * tray icon showing network activity and signal strength;
 * lack of GNOME dependencies (although it does require GTK+), making 
it easy to use in Xfce, Fluxbox, Openbox, Enlightenment, etc.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: WiFi: nm-applet, nm-editor, replace NetworkManager

2010-10-13 Thread Sjoerd Hardeman

Robert Holtzman schreef:

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 05:24:58PM -0400, Mike Viau wrote:

OnTue, 12 Oct 2010 14:11:13 -0700 wrote:

3. This is not the first time I am having problems with NetworkManager
here on Debian, so I think I will get rid of it. The question is how to
switch between available WiFi connections without NetworkManager.

Wicd from the repos. Much more informative than nm.

A question about Wicid.
 * ability to connect to (and maintain profiles for) both wired and
   wireless networks;
So does this mean that wicid can _not_ control/setup network bridges (e.g: with 

Not sure. Try the wicd forum.

It doesn't. I understood support for bridging networks is planned for 
some illustrious wicd v2


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

SOLVED was: Re: --set-selections - help needed to use this

2010-10-13 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 12 October 2010 14:47:56 Lisi wrote:
 I was starting to see arrows pointing every which way!  So I have
 temporarily shelved the problem.  I'll come back to it later.

I was obviously doing something wrong - it is installing as I speak.  Thanks  
for all the help.

Camaleón's link worked well this morning!

I obviously needed a break.

So PEBKAC after all. :-(


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Рaбота ЧП в 2011

2010-10-13 Thread Bcе для чaстногo прeдпpинимaтeля
| Oгрaничений пo юридичeским, буxгалтeрским, инфоpмационным... в 2011 г. нe 
будeт!!! -   |
| нo будeт нeчто неoжидaнное.   
| Чтo нужнo cрoчно узнaть ужe cейчас прo пeрспективы зaконoдательства,  
| чтoбы в 2011 г. нe «слетeть» c единогo налогa?

   Cеминaр • 21 oктября • 2010 г.

   г. Kиeв • ул. Шелковичнaя, 12
   Тeл.: (044) 331-б4-14, 592-75-6Ч


1. Bзноcы в Пeнсиoнный фoнд (c 2011 г.- EДИНЫЙ COЦИAЛЬНЫЙ BЗНОС): 
   кaк пpaвильно pacсчитать зa июль-cентябpь (в т.ч. для членoв ceмьи). 
   Kто тaкиe члeны cемьи и кaк опpеделяется- учаcтвуют ли oни 
   в пpедпринимательской деятeльнoсти. 
   Срoк уплaты, подaча oтчeтoв: какиe нюaнсы сущеcтвуют сeгoдня - 
   кaк этo будeт c 2011 г.

2. Paбота CОДPУЖЕСТВА нecкoльких ЧП и пpeдприятия: 
   покупaть у ЧП или дeлaть парaллельно. 
   Пpeвышeние 500 тыc. • скoлько нужнo ЧП? НAХОЖДЕНИЕ ВСEХ в ОДHОМ OФФИСE. 
   Еcли coдружество связaнные лицa. 
   Pабoта пoд oднoй торгoвой мapкoй. 
   CОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО ФИPМЫ и ЧП c 2011г. - успеeм пoдготовиться.

3. СOТРУДНИЧЕСТВО ФИPМЫ и ЧП: нaкaзание, еcли 50% обoрота c oднoй фиpмoй. 
   Кoгдa oпepации пoпaдaют пoд финмoниторинг.

   oдин из caмыx пеpcпективных видoв дeятeльнoсти 2011. 
   Чeм кoмисcия отличaeтся oт поручeния, тpaнспортной экcпедиции, 
   дpугих посpеднических дoговоров. 
   ЧТO ДEЛAТЬ СEГOДНЯ ПОCPЕДНИКАМ нa ПPOВЕРКЕ - cегодняшняя судебнaя пpактикa.

   (провeрки выплaт пo видaм дeятельности, нe внeceнным в Cвидетeльство eдинoгo 
   кaк сегoдня мoжнo гаpантированно oтбитьcя): 
   пpоблeм c зaпpeтом «нужныx» видoв дeятельности (пpaвовые, бухгaлтерские, 
   тоpговля (оптовaя, pозничная)……) пoxоже нe будeт- 
   тeм нe мeнее 70 % пpедпринимателей, котoрые сeйчaс нa «единoм» дoлжны будут 
   нa oбщую cиcтeму: этo мoжно прeдотвратить( «пoдводныe кaмни» Нaлoгового 
   Aрeнда пocлe 1.01.2011 будeт чаcтичнo зaпрeщена. 
   Удepжание eдиногo cоциaльного взнoса пpи выплaтe доxода пpeдпринимателю - 
   кaк этo зaвисит oт видoв дeятeльности.

   Пpaктикум - кaк пpoвeрить ceбя пeред пpoверкой, чтoбы нe попаcть в штpаф 2,5 
   (пpи oбoроте 500 тыc.). 
   Кaк мoжно обжaлoвать aкт прoверки. 
   Обжaлoвание поcтановлений нa завeдeние уголoвныx дeл. 
   Kритeрии, пo котоpым мoжно спpoгнозировать интeнсивнoсть непpиятностей нa 
   ПРOBЕРКИ: участкoвых, гoспотребстандарта (зaщиты пoтребителей), 
   ГCБЭП (УБEП), УБOП... - кaк спрaвиться c пoследствиями бeз потеpь, 
   нa чтo мoжнo ссылaться пpи незaкoнных пpовeрках. 
   Уплатa HДФЛ c дoлгов c 2010 г. 
   Новaя «paзнaрядка» пo пpоверке теx, ктo зaнимается тopгoвлей (оптовoй, 
рoзничнoй) - 
   уcпeйте подгoтовиться. 
   c чeм сегoдня cталкиваются предпpиниматели, 
   какиe oшибки пpивoдят к УГОЛОBНОЙ ОТBEТСТВЕННОСТИ.

   ужe действуeт c aвгуcтa 2010: кaкиx опepаций нe cтоит пpовoдить. 
   Дoполнительный монитоpинг имущecтва. 
   Пepечень всeх допoлнитeльных уcлoвий 
   пpи кoтopых неожидaнно мoжнo попacть пoд финмoниторинг.

8. ШТPAФЫ зa ОТСУТCТВИЕ приxoдных дoкумeнтов нa товаp: 
   2-крaтный pазмер, 45% ….? 
   Kак пpавильнo зaщитить cвoи пpавa.

9. Bыдaча дoкумeнтoв нa пoкупку тoвapа (уcлуг) – 
   мoжно ли нe имeть докумeнты нa пpиxод тoваpа, чтo делaть, еcли иx нeт. 
   Hовая прaктика пpоверок c кoнца 2009, 2010.

10. Отpажение выpучки пoсле каждoй опeрации: откудa взялoсь тpeбoвание, 
аргумeнты пpoтив.

11. Штpaф зa нe учeт тoварно-материальных ценнocтей - пoчему покa peдкo 
примeняется нa пpaктикe.

Заключeниe грaжданско-правовых договoров c paбoтниками: 
c кaкими кaтегориями рaботников нeльзя зaключать, сpaвнительная 
таблицa нaлогoобложения пo тpудoвoму и грaжданско-правовому. 
нoвaя пoзиция 2010 Пенcиoнного фoнда пo дoговoрам нaлoгoобложения уcлуг, 
поpядoк нaчисления и oтражения в отчeтности единогo социaльного взнocа - 
инновaционные измeнения.

13. KHИГA пo ф № 10: почeму ни в кoeм случae еe HEЛЬЗЯ ТЕPЯТЬ (пoследняя 
пoзиция ГHАУ). 
Рacсмотрение пopядка зaпoлнeния грaф рaсходов и дoxoдов. 
Штрaфы зa непpавильное зaпoлнeние. Пеpиодичность запoлнения (eжедневно...), 
мoгут ли оштpафовать ЧП, сдeлав контpольную зaкупку, 
невeдение учeтa тoвapов пo мecту pеaлизации . 
Запoлнeние гpaфы раcходов - 3 вapиaнта. 
Kак вecти рacходы бeз пoдтвeрждающих дoкументoв.

Какиe дoкументы выдaвать покупaтелю (BЫДAЧА ВCEГДА - A НE 

Re: --set-selections - help needed to use this

2010-10-13 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 13 October 2010 03:30:38 s. keeling wrote:
   I think I'll give it one more try using your link and any tips
   other people have given me by then, and if I still can't do it I'll
   just install normally.

 No offense meant,

None taken!  Thanks for the reply.

 but wrong attitude.  I've been saying this since 
 ca. '97: try again.  The more installs you try, the more you learn
 about the box and the more you know of what you need to know.  You
 learn more about the installer and its capabilities, and what software
 you want/like/dislike.  FFS, it's fun doing it, because you KNOW it's
 eventually going to work, no matter how bleeding edge is your

 Or, at least that's been my experience.  Have fun with it man.  Bang
 your head on the wall until it falls over!

This is my usual policy/habit - frequently seen by others as a character 
flaw ;-).  But the owner of the box had already asked me to give up trying to 
save his old box :-(, and I have to get this new one to him in the near 
future or his (not my!) patience will run out. 

 Worst case, burn a backup first, then re-install.



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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Mike Bird wrote:
On Tue October 12 2010 22:46:14 Kelly Clowers wrote:
 Akonadi and Strigi and similar technologies are critical to taking the
 desktop to the next level of efficiency and effectiveness. Admittedly,
 that's still in the early stages, but it is clearly where we need to go.

People are working fine in KDE 3 without Akonadi and Strigi and NEPOMUK.

People try KDE 4 and work slower.

I don't object to your choice of KDE 4 as a religion, but please
don't expect people who have to work for a living to waste their
time worshipping KDE 4 during office hours.

I use KDE at work and at home and I've been using KDE SC 4 ever since 4.2 was 
released.  By that time, I was able to configure my Plasma desktop the way 
Kicker + KDesktop worked in KDE 3.  Plasma was also much more stable that the 
4.1 or 4.0 release, still I would occasionally have to restart it until 4.3 
came out.

I used it without Akonadi until KDE SC 4.4, when KMail would hang while 
sending mails unless I installed Akonadi.  While I dislike their back-end of 
choice, I've not noticed any slow downs due to Akonadi.  It mostly just 
worked, even when Kontact/KMail indicated that their might be problems.  
Still haven't seen many benefits of using a common storage backend.  Kopete is 
not a good IM client, and Konversation doesn't seem to tie into Akonadi.

Nepomuk is a different story.  I've fought with it a number of times for no 
benefit.  It has a habit of slowing down the system just when I need it to be 
more responsive, so I'll often have to manually turn off the file indexer or 
the whole Nepomuk infrastructure, finish my work, and manually restart 
Nepomuk.  I've tried semantic searching, and it gave me poor results.  I 
certainly don't do it often, so the CPU cycles indexing and the disk space 
spend storing the indexes are mainly lost.

I've yet to actually see someone using a desktop Plasmoid on a day-to-day 
basis and getting any type of productivity increase.

I put up with KDE SC 4 because it is what is supported in the future.  Also, I 
find that Plasma does actually respond faster than KDesktop + Kicker.  But, 
the new technologies that were supposed to change the way I work?  No benefits 
so far, and they do cause a few problems.

Is KDE SC 4 as good as KDE 3?  If you ask me, someone who worked and played in 
KDE 3 and works and plays in KDE SC 4: probably.  I know I had some 
internalized work-arounds for KDE 3's cruft, and the stuff that was available 
in KDE 3 is now either more consistent or faster or both in KDE SC 4.

I do wish people would stop preaching how great Akonadi, Strigi, Nepomuk, etc. 
are going to be awesome so I have to put up with their crap now.  I want a 
desktop that works, preferrably without your socio-technologic 
experimentation.  If you must include it, it needs to stay the fsck out of my 
way.  KDE SC 4 works for me, but it could be improved.

It would be nice if KDE 3 (via Trinity) and KDE SC 4 (via KDE) were both 
available in Squeeze, even if they were not co-installable.  The KDE/Qt 
packaging team doesn't want to deal with supporting that though, and I know 
they don't have enough person-power as is.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread godo

Another option is switching to other desktop, like GNOME. That was the
path I took.


Are you satisfied with Gnome? Is he lighter (CPU, RAM) than KDE4?
Asking because I think switch to something and still didn’t decide.
Fluxbox is favorite for now.

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: Configure radius to run script under different user

2010-10-13 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 17:00:36 +0100, Jennie Kingsland wrote:

Please, don't cross-post.


 If I run radiusd -X from command line as user support, radius starts up
 However if I run the startup script as user support from /etc/init.d by
 entering #./ it comes up with error
 upp...@oxc-rproxy-02:/etc/init.d$ ./
 radiusd: Cannot initialize supplementary group list for user support:
 Operation not permitted

Know nothing about radius, but radiusd.conf¹ seems to say that radius 
server has to be started by root user if you change the default user/
group, although after that, it drops its perms and uses the user-defined 




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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 10:51:24 +0200, godo wrote:

 Another option is switching to other desktop, like GNOME. That was the
 path I took.

 Are you satisfied with Gnome? 

Yes, I am.

 Is he lighter (CPU, RAM) than KDE4? Asking
 because I think switch to something and still didn’t decide. Fluxbox is
 favorite for now.

All I can tell is that I use GNOME in different desktops (Quadcore 8 
GiB / Pentium D 8 GiB / Celeron 1 GiB / VirtualBoxed 1.5 GiB) and in all 
of them performance is pretty satisfactory.



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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread godo

But if you still love KDE, just give KDE 4.5 a chance. Spend 15 minutes
in setting up the way you liked (meaning: remove all the fancy effects,
use plain desktop, disable akonadi, strigi and that stuff, forget
activities, return to the standard icons on the desktop...) and you're
done. You'll get a plain and simple desktop, the same KDE 3.5 used to
be :-)



I'm done all that (on Squeeze almost from beginning) and that’s just not 
it. It's not all in look, it is also in feel and some lost functions. 
Only thru solution will be continuous KDE3 developing or keeping it in life.

I think that I know how Lisi feels.
You know it's like first love, nothing can replace it.
And I feel the same way.

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: Installing avahi-daemon crashes kernel, corrupts filesystem

2010-10-13 Thread Jason Heeris
On 11 October 2010 18:36, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 3. Reproduce the crash, log *everything* since boot.

Before I go off to bugzilla, I just want to check that I've actually
got debugging information here, since to me it doesn't look that
different. Do I need to boot with a special kernel arg?

- Jason
Setting up avahi-daemon (0.6.27-2) ...
Reloading system message bus config...done.
Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: avahi-daemon[  206.608591] BUG: unable to 
handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0004
[  206.611182] IP: [d08f282c] r6040_multicast_list+0x16d/0x1fd [r6040]
[  206.611182] *pde =  
[  206.611182] Oops:  [#1] 
[  206.611182] last sysfs file: /sys/devices/pci:00/:00:0c.0/class
[  206.611182] Modules linked in: loop snd_pcm snd_timer snd soundcore 
snd_page_alloc psmouse pcspkr evdev serio_raw ext3 jbd mbcache sd_mod 
crc_t10dif ohci_hcd pata_it821x libata r6040 ehci_hcd scsi_mod usbcore nls_base 
mii [last unloaded: scsi_wait_scan]
[  206.611182] 
[  206.611182] Pid: 931, comm: avahi-daemon Not tainted (2.6.32-custom1 #3) 
[  206.611182] EIP: 0060:[d08f282c] EFLAGS: 0293 CPU: 0
[  206.611182] EIP is at r6040_multicast_list+0x16d/0x1fd [r6040]
[  206.611182] EAX: 0300 EBX: 0001ee00 ECX:  EDX: 0001ee70
[  206.611182] ESI: ce195800 EDI:  EBP: 0005 ESP: c8efdd38
[  206.611182]  DS: 007b ES: 007b FS:  GS: 00e0 SS: 0068
[  206.611182] Process avahi-daemon (pid: 931, ti=c8efc000 task=ce205040 
[  206.611182] Stack:
[  206.611182]  c8efdd40 0001ee70 01008000 03004000 ce195800 d08f366c 0006 
[  206.611182] 0 c11b4102 ce195800  c11b8a52 ce18f400 cf8e4de0 
ce195800 c11f4aaa
[  206.611182] 0  005e0001 c131fb00 c8e36be0 c11aca9c 00d0 
0256 0060
[  206.611182] Call Trace:
[  206.611182]  [c11b4102] ? __dev_set_rx_mode+0x70/0x73
[  206.611182]  [c11b8a52] ? dev_mc_add+0x35/0x40
[  206.611182]  [c11f4aaa] ? igmp_group_added+0x4a/0xec
[  206.611182]  [c11aca9c] ? sock_kmalloc+0x25/0x33
[  206.611182]  [c11f4d6f] ? ip_mc_inc_group+0x176/0x189
[  206.611182]  [c11f4e3b] ? ip_mc_join_group+0xb9/0xd4
[  206.611182]  [c11d6391] ? do_ip_setsockopt+0x615/0x922
[  206.611182]  [c103299c] ? autoremove_wake_function+0x0/0x29
[  206.611182]  [c11ec74b] ? udp_lib_get_port+0xd9/0x1e4
[  206.611182]  [c11ec84c] ? udp_lib_get_port+0x1da/0x1e4
[  206.611182]  [c121939e] ? ipv6_rcv_saddr_equal+0x0/0x148
[  206.611182]  [c11109ac] ? copy_from_user+0x2a/0x112
[  206.611182]  [c11a8cde] ? sockfd_lookup_light+0x13/0x3f
[  206.611182]  [c11a9be1] ? sys_sendto+0xe8/0x10c
[  206.611182]  [c106b336] ? find_get_page+0x11/0x41
[  206.611182]  [c106c77e] ? lock_page+0x8/0x1c
[  206.611182]  [c106ca99] ? filemap_fault+0x99/0x2ac
[  206.611182]  [c11d66bc] ? ip_setsockopt+0x1e/0x7e
[  206.611182]  [c11aab00] ? sock_common_setsockopt+0x12/0x16
[  206.611182]  [c11a8e4a] ? sys_setsockopt+0x6f/0x8b
[  206.611182]  [c11aa52c] ? sys_socketcall+0x15a/0x1b3
[  206.611182]  [c100308c] ? syscall_call+0x7/0xb
[  206.611182] Code: 0a e8 a4 04 82 f0 8d 53 64 0f b7 44 24 0c e8 97 04 82 f0 
8d 53 66 0f b7 44 24 0e e8 8a 04 82 f0 8d 53 70 31 c9 89 54 24 04 eb 3e 0f b7 
47 04 8d 6f 04 8b 54 24 04 89 0c 24 e8 6c 04 82 f0 0f b7 
[  206.611182] EIP: [d08f282c] r6040_multicast_list+0x16d/0x1fd [r6040] 
SS:ESP 0068:c8efdd38
[  206.611182] CR2: 0004
[  206.614410] ---[ end trace 64d0fbed5ba0b043 ]---
[  206.619171] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt
[  206.625648] Pid: 931, comm: avahi-daemon Tainted: G  D2.6.32-custom1 
[  206.629622] Call Trace:
[  206.631653]  [c123759f] ? panic+0x38/0xdb
[  206.635964]  [c1239270] ? oops_end+0x7e/0x89
[  206.640538]  [c101488e] ? no_context+0x104/0x10d
[  206.645460]  [c123a064] ? do_page_fault+0x0/0x267
[  206.650466]  [c10149ce] ? bad_area_nosemaphore+0xa/0xc
[  206.654433]  [c123897b] ? error_code+0x6b/0x70
[  206.656664]  [d08f282c] ? r6040_multicast_list+0x16d/0x1fd [r6040]
[  206.663187]  [c11b4102] ? __dev_set_rx_mode+0x70/0x73
[  206.668537]  [c11b8a52] ? dev_mc_add+0x35/0x40
[  206.673276]  [c11f4aaa] ? igmp_group_added+0x4a/0xec
[  206.678544]  [c11aca9c] ? sock_kmalloc+0x25/0x33
[  206.682509]  [c11f4d6f] ? ip_mc_inc_group+0x176/0x189
[  206.684808]  [c11f4e3b] ? ip_mc_join_group+0xb9/0xd4
[  206.690074]  [c11d6391] ? do_ip_setsockopt+0x615/0x922
[  206.694043]  [c103299c] ? autoremove_wake_function+0x0/0x29
[  206.697394]  [c11ec74b] ? udp_lib_get_port+0xd9/0x1e4
[  206.702745]  [c11ec84c] ? udp_lib_get_port+0x1da/0x1e4
[  206.706716]  [c121939e] ? ipv6_rcv_saddr_equal+0x0/0x148
[  206.709800]  [c11109ac] ? copy_from_user+0x2a/0x112
[  206.714981]  [c11a8cde] ? sockfd_lookup_light+0x13/0x3f
[  206.718947]  [c11a9be1] ? sys_sendto+0xe8/0x10c
[  206.721343]  [c106b336] ? find_get_page+0x11/0x41
[  206.726348]  [c106c77e] ? lock_page+0x8/0x1c
[  206.730913]  [c106ca99] ? filemap_fault+0x99/0x2ac
[  206.734883]  [c11d66bc] ? 

Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 11:08:36 +0200, godo wrote:

 But if you still love KDE, just give KDE 4.5 a chance. Spend 15 minutes
 in setting up the way you liked (meaning: remove all the fancy effects,
 use plain desktop, disable akonadi, strigi and that stuff, forget
 activities, return to the standard icons on the desktop...) and you're
 done. You'll get a plain and simple desktop, the same KDE 3.5 used to
 be :-)

 I'm done all that (on Squeeze almost from beginning) and that’s just not
 it. It's not all in look, it is also in feel and some lost functions.
 Only thru solution will be continuous KDE3 developing or keeping it in

I am not aware of any lost of functionality. There are bugs, of course, 
as KDE 3.5 had (and as KDE SC 4.5 has). We cannot avoid bugs, they come 
integrated by design :-)

 I think that I know how Lisi feels.
 You know it's like first love, nothing can replace it. And I feel the
 same way.

I also know (sadly, very well) how Lisi feels. I was a KDE 3.5 user for 
almost all my linux life (7 years)... until KDE 4.0 came into scene. 

By that time, I had to make a choice: giving KDE 4.0 an opportunity or 
looking for other DE. I also was aware that KDE devels were not going to 
spend any resource of their time to continue improving the old branch 
(just grave bugzilla reports were to be fixed) and working with KDE 4.0 
was a real pain so I finally switched to GNOME. 

I don't regret that decision and moreover, I won't return to KDE in a 
near future. But people who likes KDE has to understand that KDE 4.5 has 
nothing in common with KDE 4.0. If they like KDE, they should try it.



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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 13. 10. 2010 10:51:24 je godo napisal(a):

Are you satisfied with Gnome?

Very much so. It does an excellent job at getting out of my way, which  
is what I expect from a DE 99% of the time.

Is he lighter (CPU, RAM) than KDE4?

Not noticeably, no. But I don't have to spend a minute of my time  
debugging it. And I literally can't remember when was it that it last  
crashed/froze on me.

Asking because I think switch to something and still didn’t decide.
Fluxbox is favorite for now.

I adore lightweight, fast environments too. Problem is, I also love all  
those little automatisms to be in place and readily available, like  
powerful right-click menus, automounting volumes, power-management,  
network connection management, bluetooth management, and my set of  
faithful yet unobtrusive panel applets showing me CPU temperature, hard  
disk temperature, network traffic, local weather, time of day and so  


Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 12 October 2010 23:39:06 Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 23:20:39 +0100, Lisi wrote:
  On Tuesday 12 October 2010 22:47:45 Camaleón wrote:
  In fact, KDE 4.5 can be (almost 100%) configured to play the same KDE
  3.5 did. It takes some time to get the same lookfeel, but you can
  leave a quite similar desktop.
  quite similar, almost 100%, configured to _play_ the same.  Ouch.
  Spend long enough and you will get something that is almost, but not
  quite, totally unlike tea.  But it still won't _play_ right.  I want to
  *use* my DE not look at it.  I want its looks to be in no way a
  distraction.  Maybe restful on the eyes.  That's all I want the looks to
  But the functionality - now that I mind about, some bits more than

 (after some rant... :-P)

 Yes, yes... I know all that (I've been there).

 But if you still love KDE, just give KDE 4.5 a chance. Spend 15 minutes
 in setting up the way you liked (meaning: remove all the fancy effects,
 use plain desktop, disable akonadi, strigi and that stuff, forget
 activities, return to the standard icons on the desktop...) and you're
 done. You'll get a plain and simple desktop, the same KDE 3.5 used to
 be :-)

  I have continued to use Lenny largely because I do not want to lose KDE
  3.x.x any sooner than I have to.  And because I always hoped that
  someone more knowledgable and adept than I would miss/want KDE 3.5.x as
  much as I did, and carry it forward.  And someone did and has. \o/

 Yep, but supporting KDE 3.5 cannot last forever. You have to face that
 and you'll have to decide what way to choose, just be prepared ;-(

  I have already tried Trinity Kubuntu, with some success, but it was not
  really stable at the time.  So I am going to install Trinity KDE on a
  machine other than my workhorse desktop, but that I am using quite a lot
  at the moment.  I am really looking forward to it.  Squeeze, here I

 Good luck! :-)

 But just in case, give it a chance to KDE 4.5 (play with it in a virtual
 machine and start it from time to time) and also, test another desktops.
 Experience tells me that sticking to just one thing it can be very
 dangerous... and very frustrating.

Why?  KDE 4 has nothing in common with KDE 3 other than the name.  I have 
given KDE 4 a chance.  I don't like it.  I don't understand why there is this 
moral crusade to treat KDE 3 lovers as some kind of pig-headed throwback.  
_Of course_ KDE 3.5.10 is not going to last forever - in fact Trinity KDE has 
already reached 3.5.12.  But it could evolve organically.  And I have been 
trying other DEs.  I have just lived for 10 days with xfce.  I did not find 
it enjoyable.

Of course one day KDE 3 will die.  So will I.  So will GNOME.  So will the 
planet.  I have never said that I will not change - merely that I do not want 
to do so until I have to.

But why is using it dangerous?   There is a good chance that it will outlive 
me. ;-)  And if it doesn't, I'll use something else. :-)  But that something 
else is unlikely to be KDE 4.

Sorry, Camaleón.  I realise that what you are saying is fairly mild.  But I 
have been subject to an onslaught over this by Dotan, who is a KDE 4 zealot, 
so I am a bit touchy about attempts to cajole, persuade, bully or compel, me 
into KDE 4.  KDE 4 seems to be all about look and glitz and nothing about 
function.  Function is important to me.


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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 13. 10. 2010 12:02:02 je Paul Cartwright napisal(a):

have you tried xfce ?? I like it as much as gnome.. and I also  
switched from

KDE... xfce is also powerful, but a little lighter weight.

Thanx for the suggestion. I'll give it a try on a spare box, or a  
virtual machine when I find the time.


Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread steef

Lisi schreef:

On Tuesday 12 October 2010 22:47:45 Camaleón wrote:

In fact, KDE 4.5 can be (almost 100%) configured to play the same KDE 3.5
did. It takes some time to get the same lookfeel, but you can leave a
quite similar desktop.

quite similar, almost 100%, configured to _play_ the same.  Ouch.  Spend
long enough and you will get something that is almost, but not quite, totally
unlike tea.  But it still won't _play_ right.  I want to *use* my DE not look
at it.  I want its looks to be in no way a distraction.  Maybe restful on the
eyes.  That's all I want the looks to do.

But the functionality - now that I mind about, some bits more than others.

I have continued to use Lenny largely because I do not want to lose KDE 3.x.x
any sooner than I have to.  And because I always hoped that someone more
knowledgable and adept than I would miss/want KDE 3.5.x as much as I did, and
carry it forward.  And someone did and has. \o/

I have already tried Trinity Kubuntu, with some success, but it was not really
stable at the time.  So I am going to install Trinity KDE on a machine other
than my workhorse desktop, but that I am using quite a lot at the moment.  I
am really looking forward to it.  Squeeze, here I come!



hi lisi,

you really are someone!  your irony gave me a good laugh.  btw i 
appreciate xfce4 and kde3.x above all else now.



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Re: lazarus fpc - absent

2010-10-13 Thread Johan Scheepers

On 10/10/2010 16:21, Lisi wrote:

On Sunday 10 October 2010 12:58:02 Javier Barroso wrote:

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 1:48 PM,  wrote:

You should be able to use any of the listed mirrors by adding a line to
your /etc/apt/sources.list like this:

deb http:/// sid main
Replacing / with the mirror in question.

Better replace sid with sequeeze in that instructions, and run
aptitude update; aptitude -s install lazarus , to see which packages
will be picked from squeeze

You will need a mixed debian environment (see pinning [1]) or to do a
backport (both are advanced topics)

Seems like lazarus was removed from lenny for legal reasons [2]



Johan seems to want a lot of more up-to-date stuff.  Would he not be better to
use Squeeze in the first place?  After all, it is over two tears since Lenny
was frozen.  Then he wouldn'y have to dive into more complex stuff
immediately.  He does not appear to be sufficiently at home yet to grasp the
difference between Lenny and Sid - let alone to try and run those two




I have downloaded Debian-weekly-test dvd
and all is there. Most on the dvd and some from repo.

I know I am running unstable test but will update regularly.
This mail is from Test.

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Re: Nouveau

2010-10-13 Thread Morten Bo Johansen
Camaleón wrote:

 As Sven points out, there is no current support for 3D in Nuvó driver 
 (there is, but is very experimental and probably highly unstable¹).

 Should you want to play with 3D programs/applications, just install 
 nvidia driver.


Nouveau/Gallium is worth a try at least. A lot of work is being done on
these drivers and depending on the chip in his card, they could turn out
to be a pleasant surprise. I am currently running them on an old FX5200
card and I can play bzflag at 1680x1050 with no problem, but e.g. Torcs
is a little too much. However, more work is being done on the drivers for
the newer cards than the driver for my old card, so you if you have one
of those, you could be in luck even with more demanding games.


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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Tue, 2010-10-12 at 19:11 -0700, Kelly Clowers wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 15:39, Camaleón wrote:
  use plain desktop, disable akonadi, strigi and that stuff, forget
  activities, return to the standard icons on the desktop..
 Out of all the awesome things in KDE4 why would disable some of the
 very best?
 Kelly Clowers
100% CPU utilization, constant disk access - John

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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 10:59:47 +0100, Lisi wrote:

 On Tuesday 12 October 2010 23:39:06 Camaleón wrote:


 But just in case, give it a chance to KDE 4.5 (play with it in a
 virtual machine and start it from time to time) and also, test another
 desktops. Experience tells me that sticking to just one thing it can be
 very dangerous... and very frustrating.
 Why?  KDE 4 has nothing in common with KDE 3 other than the name.  

That is because you are looking at KDE 4.5 with different eyes. It's not 
KDE 4, it's you!. Just let it be the same way KDE 3.5 looked and the 
magic will be done.

 I have given KDE 4 a chance.  I don't like it.  I don't understand why
 there is this moral crusade to treat KDE 3 lovers as some kind of
 pig-headed throwback. 

All that is in your mind. Nobody pretends nothing and noone is forcing 
you to follow one or another path. I am saying what I am seeing and to be 
fair, you can like KDE 4 or not but what you cannot say (not at this 
point of development) is that KDE4 cannot look like KDE 3.5. I've managed 
to did it so and it can be done.

 _Of course_ KDE 3.5.10 is not going to last
 forever - in fact Trinity KDE has already reached 3.5.12.  But it could
 evolve organically.  And I have been trying other DEs.  I have just
 lived for 10 days with xfce.  I did not find it enjoyable.

It is very difficult to add new features for a desktop that its own base 
is over 10 years... and more difficult when there are not many people 
behind the scenes, programming such new additions.

As said, nobody prevents you of using a static KDE 3.5 (hey, there are 
people out there running windows98 and they are so happy :-P) it's just 
that saying you cannot get the same behaviour with KDE 4.5 is at least, 

 Of course one day KDE 3 will die.  So will I.  So will GNOME.  So will
 the planet.  I have never said that I will not change - merely that I do
 not want to do so until I have to.

Open Souce projects move very fast: they can die and born very quickly. 
KDE is a big project that needs a big workforce to succeed.
 But why is using it dangerous?   There is a good chance that it will
 outlive me. ;-)  And if it doesn't, I'll use something else. :-)  But
 that something else is unlikely to be KDE 4.

What is dangerous is using/sticking to just one option (named KDE 3.5 
or KDE 4.5, or GNOME 2.22). Because you, me... all depend of what 
developers want to do with them (keep it, throw it) so I always try to 
keep my mind open to new environments as I don't know what the future 

 Sorry, Camaleón.  I realise that what you are saying is fairly mild. 
 But I have been subject to an onslaught over this by Dotan, who is a KDE
 4 zealot, so I am a bit touchy about attempts to cajole, persuade, bully
 or compel, me into KDE 4.  KDE 4 seems to be all about look and glitz
 and nothing about function.  Function is important to me.

I don't think Dotan is that type of guy. I know him (well, I know his 
posts) from openSUSE mailing list and thanks to him (besides other users) 
and his bugzilla reports, KDE 4 is now completely usable :-)



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Re: WiFi: nm-applet, nm-editor, replace NetworkManager

2010-10-13 Thread Wolodja Wentland
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 22:48 +0100, Wolodja Wentland wrote:
 It works perfectly with eduroam and
Let me elaborate on the eduroam configuration.

For eduroam you choose PEAP with TKIP/MSCHAPV2

Identity: u...@host.tld
Password: YourPassword

You should also obtain the GTE Cybertrust Global Root certificate and
save it to (for example) /etc/wpa_supplicant/cert/gte_cybertrust_root.crt

You might also want to refer to your university's documentation, which
might provide further details.

Good luck
  .''`. Wolodja 
 : :'  :
 `. `'` 4096R/CAF14EFC 
   `-   081C B7CD FF04 2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC

Description: Digital signature
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Re: WiFi: nm-applet, nm-editor, replace NetworkManager

2010-10-13 Thread Arthur Machlas
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Wolodja Wentland wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 22:48 +0100, Wolodja Wentland wrote:
 It works perfectly with eduroam and
 Let me elaborate on the eduroam configuration.

 For eduroam you choose PEAP with TKIP/MSCHAPV2

    Identity: u...@host.tld
    Password: YourPassword

 You should also obtain the GTE Cybertrust Global Root certificate and
 save it to (for example) /etc/wpa_supplicant/cert/gte_cybertrust_root.crt

 You might also want to refer to your university's documentation, which
 might provide further details.

 Good luck
I only used wicd for a short time, but my understanding was that it
supported anything that wpa_supplicant does. Thing is, you have to
write your own profile/template, which requires an understanding of
how to do it in wpa_supplicant, and then how to modify it as a wicd
template. At that point I gave up and said why learn it twice? The
wicd forums can probably give you a more definitive answer.

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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Arthur Machlas
For those wanting to lighten up the gnome desktop, alt+f2,
gconf-editor, ctrl+f the following:

low_resource (enable)
workarounds (disable)
animation (disable all that come up)

The difference between xfce and gnome, for me is negligible, and
losing a decent screensaver, gdm and powermanager not worth it. Once
you install gnome-screensaver, you may as well just install gnome as
it pulls in about 60% of the core components anyway. For those who
want a light-de, LXDE is taking over from XFCE.

On the other hand, when Jack Bauer visited Tony at his home to ask for
help, his computer was running XFCE. So it's got some cool factor.

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Re: WiFi: nm-applet, nm-editor, replace NetworkManager

2010-10-13 Thread Wolodja Wentland
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 07:07 -0500, Arthur Machlas wrote:
 Thing is, you have to
 write your own profile/template, which requires an understanding of
 how to do it in wpa_supplicant, and then how to modify it as a wicd

This might be true for schemes that are not yet supported in wicd, but
the aforementioned WPA2/TKIP with MSCHAPV2 is already offered as a
choice in wicd.

 At that point I gave up and said why learn it twice? The
 wicd forums can probably give you a more definitive answer.

You might want to try wicd again. :)
  .''`. Wolodja 
 : :'  :
 `. `'` 4096R/CAF14EFC 
   `-   081C B7CD FF04 2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC

Description: Digital signature
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Re: Partitioning a drive with Windows 7 already installed

2010-10-13 Thread steef

Γιώργος Πάλλας schreef:

On 13/10/2010 01:24 πμ, Ogya Chief wrote:

 If you care about Windows 7 at all (e.g., for playing games) you 

 back up the Win 7 installation completely before starting. How you go
 about it depends on your new machine. If it came with recovery 

 you should investigate them. With the Ultimate edition, Win 7 comes
 with a good backup program, you can use that. Otherwise, you can look
 to the various alternatives for backing up.

 But I urge you to use something. Most of the programs, free and
 non-free, work properly to shrink a partition, but it is easy to 

 a user error and wipe things out completely.

 If it were me, I would shrink (resize) the partition first, before
 running the Debian installer. That is, take it in reversible stages.
 This is a matter of taste. It isn't strictly necessary.

I have Win 7 home premium. I will find out what tools for 
partitioning/backup came with it and decide on my next course of action.

For backing up the whole disk before starting with dangerous 
operations I suggest Clonezilla (the open-source equivalent of Ghost). 
It use it regularly and hasn't betrayed me.
As for the rest procedures, I also suggest you resize the windows 
partition with gparted from a ubuntu live cd, and then run the debian 

could dd_rescue be a suggestion?


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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Wed October 13 2010, Arthur Machlas wrote:
 For those wanting to lighten up the gnome desktop, alt+f2,
 gconf-editor, ctrl+f the following:

 low_resource (enable)
 workarounds (disable)
 animation (disable all that come up)

when I found those, the value on all said schema .
it didn't find any low_resource, and it found 2 workarounds:

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: Partitioning a drive with Windows 7 already installed

2010-10-13 Thread Γιώργος Πάλλας
On 13/10/2010 02:07 μμ, steef wrote:
 Γιώργος Πάλλας schreef:
 On 13/10/2010 01:24 πμ, Ogya Chief wrote:

  If you care about Windows 7 at all (e.g., for playing games) you
  back up the Win 7 installation completely before starting. How you go
  about it depends on your new machine. If it came with recovery
  you should investigate them. With the Ultimate edition, Win 7 comes
  with a good backup program, you can use that. Otherwise, you can look
  to the various alternatives for backing up.
  But I urge you to use something. Most of the programs, free and
  non-free, work properly to shrink a partition, but it is easy to
  a user error and wipe things out completely.
  If it were me, I would shrink (resize) the partition first, before
  running the Debian installer. That is, take it in reversible stages.
  This is a matter of taste. It isn't strictly necessary.

 I have Win 7 home premium. I will find out what tools for
 partitioning/backup came with it and decide on my next course of

 For backing up the whole disk before starting with dangerous
 operations I suggest Clonezilla (the open-source equivalent of
 Ghost). It use it regularly and hasn't betrayed me.
 As for the rest procedures, I also suggest you resize the windows
 partition with gparted from a ubuntu live cd, and then run the debian

 could dd_rescue be a suggestion?


dd_rescue for backup? Isn't it a bit low-level for the simple use of
backing up a disk? Clonezilla also does recognize the filesystems and
takes up space only for used disk space...

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Arthur Machlas
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Paul Cartwright wrote:
 On Wed October 13 2010, Arthur Machlas wrote:
 For those wanting to lighten up the gnome desktop, alt+f2,
 gconf-editor, ctrl+f the following:

 low_resource (enable)
 workarounds (disable)
 animation (disable all that come up)

 when I found those, the value on all said schema .
 it didn't find any low_resource, and it found 2 workarounds:

Sorry, was going from memory. It's reduced_resources. And you never
touch schema. Therefore, the /apps is the one you want. Oh and check
'include key name' when searching.

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RoundCube not working properly under Lighttpd in Squeeze

2010-10-13 Thread Didar Hossain
Hi all,

I am using Postfix + Dovecot(IMAP) + Lighttpd + RoundCube to get a
webmail service working. However,
when I login from the browser (Firefox 3.0.19), I briefly the initial
inbox view and then within 1-2 seconds
I am automatically returned to the login screen.

I tried changing the rcmail_config['debug_level'] entry, but, still
don't get anything other than a PHP warning
about deprecated usage.

Has anybody been able to get RoundCube + Lighty to work successfully
under Squeeze?


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Re: Partitioning a drive with Windows 7 already installed

2010-10-13 Thread Preston Boyington

Ogya Chief wrote:
At this stage there is no data to backup. 
If there is any other thing I can backup, please let me know.

Since most newer computers don't come with a Restore disc, I would 
suggest burning the Restore partition and any associated utility 
partition to a DVD.  Usually it fits on one.  That way if your hard 
drive goes belly up later you can slap a new one in and put the machine 
back to a factory state if you wish.

I also recommend Clonezilla for taking snapshots of your working system. 
 It's slow on NTFS, but will fly through most Linux friendly filesystems.


Arrant Drivel - really, it's just trash...

Where the road takes me - a highwayman's perspective

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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Wed October 13 2010, Arthur Machlas wrote:
  low_resource (enable)
  workarounds (disable)
  animation (disable all that come up)
  when I found those, the value on all said schema .
  it didn't find any low_resource, and it found 2 workarounds:

 Sorry, was going from memory. It's reduced_resources. And you never
 touch schema. Therefore, the /apps is the one you want. Oh and check
 'include key name' when searching.

thanks! reduced resources I did enable, workarounds was already unchecked.
and you can't find ANY of them if you don't check include key name..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 13 October 2010 12:39:59 Camaleón wrote:
 That is because you are looking at KDE 4.5 with different eyes. It's not
 KDE 4, it's you!. Just let it be the same way KDE 3.5 looked and the
 magic will be done.

It is the functionality that I don't like.  What it looks like is a 


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Re: Installing avahi-daemon crashes kernel, corrupts filesystem

2010-10-13 Thread Jordan Metzmeier
On 10/13/2010 05:16 AM, Jason Heeris wrote:
 Before I go off to bugzilla, I just want to check that I've actually
 got debugging information here, since to me it doesn't look that
 different. Do I need to boot with a special kernel arg?

Looks like this bug was reported on the avahi upstream mailing list [1].

The person responding indicates a kernel problem, which makes sense when
you actually get a kernel panic as a result. This was also indicated on
this list.

The 'reportbug' tool will include quite a bit of information for you in
the report, so adding additional logs to the bug report may not even be

However, it appears that the log you included was the custom kernel you
attempted to use as directed by the others on this list. Make sure you
when you report the bug, you include relevant logs for the kernel
packaged by Debian.

Disabling support for ipv6 can actually be done via a kernel parameter,
so recompiling to remove ipv6 support should not be needed. Use the
kernel parameter ipv6.disable=1.

Good luck!


Jordan Metzmeier

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configure problem

2010-10-13 Thread #ZHAO LINA#

During the installation of one package, after configuration, it showed me like 

$ ./configure
Setting compiler to /usr/bin/gfortran

I installed the gfortran on Debian already, are there some parts I am missing.

What's the next step I should do? Sorry for the naive question.



arpon need eth0 with dhcp,but pppoe cann't get connection if ifup eth0 with dhcp

2010-10-13 Thread yuanwei xu
 I found arp attack under windows,so i installed arpon in Debian
Squeeze,even if there is no ip confiction prompt as windows.
When service arpon is started,it sayed: ERROR: arpon.c:685 @ eth0: no IPv4
address assigned.,then quit with failure.
The problem is my pppoe cann't get connection when dhcp was used on eth0
(nslookup website will fail).
So in my /etc/network/interface is:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto myisp
iface myisp inet ppp
provider dsl-provider

allow-hotplug eth0

and as a result,the ifconfig output is:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:14:0b:36:0f:e5
  inet6 addr: fe80::214:bff:fe36:fe5/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:327783 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:239219 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:363595254 (346.7 MiB)  TX bytes:20418761 (19.4 MiB)
  Interrupt:23 Base address:0x4800

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:249097 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:239183 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
  RX bytes:351496310 (335.2 MiB)  TX bytes:15152829 (14.4 MiB)

if using arpon -i ppp0,then it shows: ERROR: (null) device's datalink is
not supported!

if i start eth0 using dhcp,with ifconfig output below,the arpon can get
started rightly,but nslookup failed.

ifconfig output:
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:14:0b:36:0f:e5
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::214:bff:fe36:fe5/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:331384 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:239548 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:364022940 (347.1 MiB)  TX bytes:20471884 (19.5 MiB)
  Interrupt:23 Base address:0x4800

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:53 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:48 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
  RX bytes:8991 (8.7 KiB)  TX bytes:6578 (6.4 KiB)

What i concern is how can i use arpon with my pppoe connection as there is
such a problem.
Is there arp attack concern in linux?

Re: Installing avahi-daemon crashes kernel, corrupts filesystem

2010-10-13 Thread Jason Heeris
On 13 October 2010 22:35, Jordan Metzmeier wrote:
 The person responding indicates a kernel problem, which makes sense when
 you actually get a kernel panic as a result. This was also indicated on
 this list.

I'm trying to figure out if there's a simpler way to trigger it, but
haven't really figured that out.

 However, it appears that the log you included was the custom kernel you
 attempted to use as directed by the others on this list. Make sure you
 when you report the bug, you include relevant logs for the kernel
 packaged by Debian.

I only used the custom kernel to get debugging information. The
configuration is the same, but I can do both.

 Disabling support for ipv6 can actually be done via a kernel parameter,
 so recompiling to remove ipv6 support should not be needed. Use the
 kernel parameter ipv6.disable=1.

Good point. It seemed that there was no module to blacklist after all.

— Jason

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Re: KDE Question

2010-10-13 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 13 October 2010 12:39:59 Camaleón wrote:
 I don't think Dotan is that type of guy. I know him (well, I know his
 posts) from openSUSE mailing list and thanks to him (besides other users)
 and his bugzilla reports, KDE 4 is now completely usable :-)

Which he was obsessive about.  And he may not bully people on the subject on 
list - but he ceratinly did me off-list.  He just won't allow anyone to 
dislike KDE4.

I have not said taht I want KDE 3 to stand still.  As I have pointed out, it 
isn't doing.  And yes, it may die because it has a small support base - but 
KDE 3.5.10 died because a large support base decided that it would rather 
start again and build a new DE.

I can and do use other DEs and even WMs.  But I like KDE 3 best and see no 
reason to stop using it while is is available and meets my needs.


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Re: Installing avahi-daemon crashes kernel, corrupts filesystem

2010-10-13 Thread Timo Juhani Lindfors
Jason Heeris writes:
 To save me more trouble, can anyone tell me what the key is to
 building a kernel exactly the same as what's in
 linux-image-2.6.32-5-486? I'm on a PC with amd64 arch, so I created a
 i386 chroot:

I have personally used

many times.

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