Re: batería portátil a vegades càrrega

2010-10-30 Thread Lluís Gras
Hola Joseba

Jo m'he trobat quelcom semblant amb un notebook Asus i la única manera
d'aconseguir que carregui es traient la bateria i tornant-la a connectar amb
el cable de càrrega connectat, cosa que no crc que sigui massa bona pel
conjunt però així va.

Agur-siau ;-)

2010/10/30 Joseba

 tinc un portátil Dell XPS M1330 que porta una batería model WR050 amb un
 kernel 2.6.32-5-686 i que vaig comprar amb ubuntu i vaig canviar per debian.
 Des de sempre he tingut problemes amb la batería, ja que a vegades càrrega
 i moltes vegades no.
 Haveu tingut cap problema similar? Sabeu com puc resoldre el problema?
 Moltes gràcies.

 El precio que pagan las personas buenas por su indiferencia
 en los asuntos públicos es ser gobernados por malvados.

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Re: Busque consells per instal·lar una debian en 2 o 3 discos

2010-10-30 Thread XAvi
He trobat adient el enviar açò a la llista. Per aquells que estiguen
interessats en el tema del tamany dels sectors, crec que els servira.

Al link
de fer fdisk -l i he vist que la sortida podria servir per

Un poc més avall fa referència a aquest altre on posa el
exemple de un disc dur *ST33221A* de *Seagate* te les sigüents
especificacions: *cilindros* = 6.253, *cabezas* = 16 y *sectores* = 63. El
número total de sectors direccionals es, por tant, 6.253*16*63 = 6.303.024
sectors. Si cada sector enmagatzema 512 bytes de informació, la capacitat
máxima d'aquest disc duro serà de 6.303.024 sectors * 512 bytes/sector = bytes ~ 3 GB.

He trobat també això que deies (Orestes Mas) dels 4k als discs nous ací
el que deies dels 4k

El 29 d’octubre de 2010 16:30, Orestes Mas ha escrit:

  El Divendres dia Divendres 29 Octubre 2010 XAvi XAvi
 va escriure:

  Mot interessant això de alinear les particions amb la mida interna del


  Val miraré de que estiguen ben alineades les particions. També pegaré una

  miradeta als discs per veure si els sectors que tinc son de 4k o

  que mirant la carcassa del disc ho trobaré.

 Si t'interessa digues-m'ho i t'envio en privat (per no carregar la llista)
 una documentació que em vaig baixar, i que parla del tema.

 Jo encara n'haig de treure l'entrellat completament, perquè jo tinc un
 sistema una mica complex: 2 discs idèntics, cadascun d'ells amb taula de
 particions GPT i 2 particions: una petita pel GRUB2 (flag bios_grub del
 parted) i l'altra com a membre d'un RAID 1 amb el disc germà. Aquest RAID és
 un volum físic LVM2 (pertanyent a un únic grup de volums, sobre el qual faig
 3 particions: Arrel, /home i swap.

 La història és que els volums LVM també llegeixen el disc a base dels seus
 propis chunks, que poden ser de la mateixa mida (o no) i estar aliniats (o
 no) amb els del RAID i els del disc físic.

 Quan ho entens deu ser cosa només d'aplicar una recepta senzilla, però fins
 que no ho aclareixes... :-(

 El cas és que, ho repeteixo, només aliniant les 2 particions primàries del
 disc a una frontera de 4k he notat una millora notable del rendiment del
 disc respecte a com el tenia formatat abans (abans que em petés un disc i
 aprofités per refer-ho tot).

 NOTA: Aquest aliniament implica generalment perdre una mica d'espai al
 principi del disc (no es pot iniciar una partició al chunk zero perquè allí
 hi ha el MBR i la taula de particions, i has d'anar a cercar l'aliniament
 següent), però aixó no és gaire problemàtic en els discs d'avui en dia.

 NOTA 2: El parted té una ordre (align_check) per comprovar si una partició
 està ben aliniada o no.


Pas de son avec deezer

2010-10-30 Thread Thierry Chatelet
Le son marche bien sous mes différentes machines en squeeze, mais aucune n' a 
de son avec deezer. En démarrant iceweasel en console, j'ai cette erreur: Gdk-
WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead, mais je ne pense pas que ça a un 
rapport avec l'absence de son, car j'ai la même erreur sur youtube, et là, le 
son marche bien. Suis-je le seul à avoir ce problème?  Egalement des pistes de 
recherches Merci

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problème encodage des caractères

2010-10-30 Thread jean

Ce que j'ai fait:

Avec la commande convmv -r --notest -f ISO-8859-15 -t UTF-8 ./ j'ai
modifié l'encodage de mon dossier /home

Dans une console j'ai utilisé la commande unicode_start. Ainsi j'ai
mes carac. acc. en console et terminal mais pas pas sous
dolphin ou Konqueror. Si je renomme les fichiers dans Dolphin avec é ou
à, ils sont transformé en ? dans un terminal.

Je peux ouvrir mes fichiers avec openoffice en ligne de commande mais
openoffice me dit que le fichier n'existe pas sous Dolphin, pas moyen
de l'ouvrir.
Si je remplace les car. acc. par a ou e je n'ai plus ces problèmes.

Mes locales sont les suivantes mais je ne sais pas si ça a voir 


Je sèche et si quelqu'un pouvait éclairer ma lanterne
Merci d'avance

Jean Monnat

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Re: problème encodage des caractè

2010-10-30 Thread jean

Le Sat, 30 Oct 2010 14:00:01 +0200,
jean a écrit :

Ce que j'ai fait:

Avec la commande convmv -r --notest -f ISO-8859-15 -t UTF-8 ./ j'ai
modifié l'encodage de mon dossier /home

Dans une console j'ai utilisé la commande unicode_start. Ainsi j'ai
mes carac. acc. en console et terminal mais pas pas sous
dolphin ou Konqueror. Si je renomme les fichiers dans Dolphin avec é ou
à, ils sont transformé en ? dans un terminal.

Je peux ouvrir mes fichiers avec openoffice en ligne de commande mais
openoffice me dit que le fichier n'existe pas sous Dolphin, pas moyen
de l'ouvrir.
Si je remplace les car. acc. par a ou e je n'ai plus ces problèmes.

Mes locales sont les suivantes mais je ne sais pas si ça a voir 


Je sèche et si quelqu'un pouvait éclairer ma lanterne
Merci d'avance

Jean Monnat

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Re: problème encodage des caractè

2010-10-30 Thread bernard . schoenacker
- Mail d'origine -
De: jean
Envoyé: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 14:29:17 +0200 (CEST)
Objet: Re: problème encodage des caractè

Le Sat, 30 Oct 2010 14:00:01 +0200,
jean a écrit :

Ce que j'ai fait:

Avec la commande convmv -r --notest -f ISO-8859-15 -t UTF-8 ./ j'ai
modifié l'encodage de mon dossier /home

Dans une console j'ai utilisé la commande unicode_start. Ainsi j'ai
mes carac. acc. en console et terminal mais pas pas sous
dolphin ou Konqueror. Si je renomme les fichiers dans Dolphin avec é ou
à, ils sont transformé en ? dans un terminal.

Je peux ouvrir mes fichiers avec openoffice en ligne de commande mais
openoffice me dit que le fichier n'existe pas sous Dolphin, pas moyen
de l'ouvrir.
Si je remplace les car. acc. par a ou e je n'ai plus ces problèmes.

Mes locales sont les suivantes mais je ne sais pas si ça a voir 


Je sèche et si quelqu'un pouvait éclairer ma lanterne
Merci d'avance

Jean Monnat


il ne faut quand même pas prendre l'helvétie pour des lanternes 
et pas en faire tout un chni ...

la solution de base consiste simplement é vérifier ton fichier de conf :
cat  ~/.profile 

#  language-env DON'T MODIFY THIS LINE!
# settings for french speaking users

# set LANG
export LANG
#  language-env end DON'T MODIFY THIS LINE!

donc prière de corriger le tir pour ne pas que l'opération tombe 
dans le Rogtigraben ...

source de l'info:  help slackware 
mots clefs : Dolphin UTF-9


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Squeeze : Démarrage de postfix, fetchmail et spampd

2010-10-30 Thread Alain Rpnpif

Squeeze comporte le nouveau système de démarrage en parallèle
des /etc/init.d/*.

Les dépendances de démarrage des services postfix, fetchmail et
spampd est étrange et illogique pour moi.

Fetchmail devrait impérativement être démarré après Postfix
($mail-transport-agent). Spampd devrait être démarré avant Postfix car
il est en lien étroit avec celui-ci.

Ce qui fait qu'on devrait avoir un démarrage dans cet ordre pour
éviter de perdre des courriels :
1 spampd
2 postfix
3 fetchmail

Voici ce que l'on trouve dans les init.d :

Pour fetchmail
# Provides:  fetchmail
# Required-Start:$network $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs
# Should-Start:  $mail-transport-agent exim4 $named
# Should-Stop:   $mail-transport-agent exim4

Pour Postfix 
# Provides:  postfix mail-transport-agent
# Required-Start:$local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $named $network $time
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $named $network
# Should-Start:  postgresql mysql clamav-daemon postgrey
# Should-Stop:   postgresql mysql clamav-daemon
postgrey spamassassin

Pour Spampd
# Provides: spampd
# Required-Start:   $remote_fs $syslog $network $named $time
# Required-Stop:$remote_fs $syslog $network $named $time

D'après moi, ces dépendances sont boguées pour les raisons suivantes :

1 D'abord spamassassin doit être désactivé
dans /etc/default/spamassassin car il ne doit pas être lancé étant en
conflit avec spampd mais il doit être installé car indispensable à
Donc postfix ne devrait pas avoir de dépendance à spamassassin mais à
quelque chose comme une variable appelée par exemple $antispam qui
prendrait la valeur spamassassin si ce dernier est effectivement
utilisé ou spampd si c'est celui-ci ou autre ; pour moi ce serait

2 L'ordre de démarrage est 1 fetchmail, 2 postfix, 3 spampd, c'est à
dire à l'envers.
Fetchmail rapatrie les courriels mais ne peut pas les délivrer
(postfix n'est pas encore lancé). Il y a donc risque de perte de

3 Un transporteur de courriel est indispensable pour fetchmail donc on
devrait avoir : # Required-Start: $mail-transport-agent au lieu de

4 # Required-Start: $mail-transport-agent
ne donne pas la priorité à Postfix devant fetchmail comme il est censé
le faire. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi cela ne marche pas ce qui fait
que fetchmail démarre en premier (bogue de update-rc.d ?)

En résumé voici les modifications que je préconise :

Pour fetchmail
# Provides:  fetchmail
# Required-Start:$network $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $mail-transport-agent
# Should-Start: $named
# Should-Stop:

Pour Postfix 
# Provides:  postfix mail-transport-agent
# Required-Start:$local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $named $network $time
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $named $network
# Should-Start:  postgresql mysql clamav-daemon postgrey
# Should-Stop:   postgresql mysql clamav-daemon
postgrey $antispam

Pour Spampd
# Provides: spampd antispam
# Required-Start:   $remote_fs $syslog $network $named $time
# Required-Stop:$remote_fs $syslog $network $named $time

Pour Spamassassin
# Provides: spampassassin antispam
(avec risque de faux conflit avec spampd). À revoir. Il y a
contradiction ou conflit entre l'activation
dans /etc/default/spamassassin et le démarrage du
service /etc/init.d/spamassassin.

Ces problèmes n'existant qu'au démarrage ont pu échappé car la plupart
des serveurs ne sont que rarement démarrés, ce n'est pas le cas du mien.

Ma question :
Qu'en pensez-vous ? Me trompe-je ? 
À quels paquets affecter les bogues (parce que je suppose que plusieurs
paquets sont en cause) ?

À vous lire.
Alain Rpnpif

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Re: Squeeze : Démarrage de postfix, fetchmail et spampd

2010-10-30 Thread Alain Rpnpif
Le 30 octobre 2010, Alain Rpnpif a écrit :

 Squeeze comporte le nouveau système de démarrage en parallèle
 des /etc/init.d/*.
 Les dépendances de démarrage des services postfix, fetchmail et
 spampd est étrange et illogique pour moi.

J'ai trouvé.
Une partie de la réponse est ici :

C'est postfix qui est en vrac...

Alain Rpnpif

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RESOLU Re: snapshot

2010-10-30 Thread mess-mate

On 10/29/2010 09:09 PM, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 02:39:50PM +0200,  wrote
  a message of 14 lines which said:

quelqu'un connait une application qui peut faire un snapshot d'une
partie seulement de l'écran ?

xwd, dans le paquetage x11-apps.

Copie uniquement la fenêtre pointée.

Merci à tous.
Shutter ou Gimp font l'affaite pour moi.

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udev rules

2010-10-30 Thread mess-mate

depuis quelque temps j'avais au boot un message comme quoi un rule 
n'était pas valide.

Il manquait à la fin de
un   à la fin de la dernière ligne.
Si cela peut être utile.

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Re: snapshot

2010-10-30 Thread Xavier Oswald
On 14:39 Fri 29 Oct , mess-mate wrote:
 quelqu'un connait une application qui peut faire un snapshot d'une
 partie seulement de l'écran ?
 Ksnapshot ne le permet pas en squeeze.

Utilise 'scrot', cet outil est vraiment sympa et légé.

Xavier Oswald
GNU/Linux Debian Developer -
GPG key ID: 0x464B8DE3

Description: Digital signature

Re: Pas de son avec deezer

2010-10-30 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Saturday 30 October 2010 11:33:57 Thierry Chatelet wrote:
 Le son marche bien sous mes différentes machines en squeeze, mais aucune n'
 a de son avec deezer. En démarrant iceweasel en console, j'ai cette
 erreur: Gdk- WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead, mais je ne pense
 pas que ça a un rapport avec l'absence de son, car j'ai la même erreur sur
 youtube, et là, le son marche bien. Suis-je le seul à avoir ce problème? 
 Egalement des pistes de recherches Merci

Hello, personne n'a de problème?

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Re: Pas de son avec deezer

2010-10-30 Thread Tulum
Le dimanche 31 octobre 2010 01:36:59 Thierry Chatelet, vous avez écrit :
 On Saturday 30 October 2010 11:33:57 Thierry Chatelet wrote:
  Le son marche bien sous mes différentes machines en squeeze, mais aucune
  n' a de son avec deezer. En démarrant iceweasel en console, j'ai cette
  erreur: Gdk- WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead, mais je ne pense
  pas que ça a un rapport avec l'absence de son, car j'ai la même erreur
  sur youtube, et là, le son marche bien. Suis-je le seul à avoir ce
  problème? Egalement des pistes de recherches Merci
 Hello, personne n'a de problème?
Je viens d'essayer. Ca ne marche pas non plus chez moi, Debian Squeeze/Sid 
X64, plugin flash du site d'Adobe.
Il semble que le lecteur n'arrive pas à trouver les titres : il enchaine les 
titres de la liste de lecture puis s'arrête, comme si les titres n'étaient pas 

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Kernel para netbooks

2010-10-30 Thread Esteban Monge
Hola, logré compilar un kernel para netbooks en Debian, basado en un
proyecto para Arch Linux, soy inexperto en estas cosas, pero logré generar
un kernel funcional de 6MB mas o menos y sus cabeceras del mismo tamaño
mas o menos. Lo documenté acá:


Tec. Esteban Monge Marín
Tel: (506) 8337-3301
To build free societies you must limit the control of the past

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Kernel para netbooks

2010-10-30 Thread Esteban Monge
Hola, logré compilar un kernel para netbooks en Debian, basado en un
proyecto para Arch Linux, soy inexperto en estas cosas, pero logré generar
un kernel funcional de 6MB mas o menos y sus cabeceras del mismo tamaño
mas o menos. Lo documenté acá:


Tec. Esteban Monge Marín
Tel: (506) 8337-3301
To build free societies you must limit the control of the past

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indicador de bateria en portatil ACER Aspire 5745G

2010-10-30 Thread xve

Hola amigos, recientemente, me he comprado un portatil ACER Aspire 5745G,
el cual he conseguido que todo funcione correctamente a excepcion del 
indicador de la bateria...

La informacion que me devuelve acpi...
# acpi
Battery 0: Unknown, 0%, rate information unavailable

Agradeceria si alguien me puede echar una mano con este tema.

Utilizo la version debian/testing con kde.

Un saludo y gracias anticipadas.

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Re: PDC Samba + Open LDAP. Los usuarios no pueden ejecutar aplicaciones

2010-10-30 Thread Yo mismo

Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:
 El 29/10/10 13:25, Yo mismo escribió:

 Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:

 El 29/10/10 13:12, Yo mismo escribió:
 Hola a todos!!!

 He configurado un PDC con Debian Lenny con Samba y Open LDAP. En
 el PDC funciona sin problemas. En la red hay 4 Windws XP Professional y
 Vista Ultimate. El caso es que a pesar de que todas las carpetas
 se crean correctamente y los usuarios se logean sin problemas (no tengo
 recurrente problema de que windows no encuentra el perfil móvil),
 usuarios se loguean en el dominio a través de Windows XP la única
 que per mite ejecutar es el explorer. En windows Vista no hay ningún

 He hecho diferentes pruebas, he dado permisos de lectura y ejecución
 disco C en una máquina a los usuarios de dominio y control total a
 como la del Firefox para ver si así se solucionaba algo, pero recibo el
 mismo mensaje (el mismo en todos los equipos con XP) Esta operación ha
 cancelada debido a las restricciones especificadas para este equipo.
 políticas están por defecto, al igual que la configuraciónde seguridad
 he hecho ninguna modificación a través de gpedit.msc ni de secpol.msc),
 los equipos han estado conectados antes a otro dominio. La verdad es
 sé qué más mirar y en internet no he encontrado ninguna solución

 ¿Alguien se ha encontrado con un problema similar?

 Gracias por vuestra ayuda

 No tienes ningún archivo de políticas en tu recurso netlogon? XP hace
 caso de las viejas políticas que no se manejaban por Active Directory.
 Creería que vista no hace caso de dichas políticas. Por defecto, estas
 viejas políticas se configuraban en un archivo llamado NTConfig.POL.


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 Sí, acabo de generar un ntconfig.pol, pero lo he dejado todo desmarcado y
 sigue haciendo lo mismo. También probé a hacerlo trabajar sin el
 ntconfig.pol, pero nada.

 Gracias por tu respuesta

 Tienes que tener cuidado porque el método de NTConfig.POL deja deja los 
 cambios escritos en el registro de cada estación de trabajo. 
 Generalmente para solucionarlo hay que generar otro archivo de 
 configuración con las opción sin configurar.
 De la documentación de samba¹:
 The *grayed out* state simply means that the Policy will be overlooked. 
 For example, if the computer does not have the registry setting enabled, 
 it still will not be enabled, and vice-versa.
 The *checked* state means that the policy will be in effect on the
 While the *cleared* state means that the registry setting will be 
 cleared (if in fact it was enabled in the first place).
 It might sound a little odd that there are 3 states for the policies, 
 but once you throw in different groups you will quickly see why there 
 are 3 states. A brief example of using a cleared state is to enable the 
 policy of Disable registry editing tools to the Default User 
 Container, but than clearing that policy for the Domain Administrators 
 container, thus allowing anyone in the Domain Admin group access to 
 registry editing tools, while other users that are not a Domain Admin 
 will not be able to launch any registry editor.
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Ya generé un archivo nuevo con las opciones sin configurar, pero sigue sin
funcionar. ¿Podría tener algo que ver el hecho de que la configuración de
samba esté en inglés y la de los windows en castellano?
Hay una cosa que me llama la atención y es que si trabajo con un usuario al
que no le encuentra el perfil móvil, no aplica ningún tipo de restricción a
nivel de ejecución de aplicaciones.

Gracias de nuevo
View this message in context:
Sent from the debian-user-spanish mailing list archive at

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Re: indicador de bateria en portatil ACER Aspire 5745G

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 30 Oct 2010 09:31:47 +0200, xve escribió:

 Hola amigos, recientemente, me he comprado un portatil ACER Aspire
 5745G, en
 el cual he conseguido que todo funcione correctamente a excepcion del
 indicador de la bateria...
 La informacion que me devuelve acpi... # acpi
 Battery 0: Unknown, 0%, rate information unavailable

Mira a ver si tienes la última BIOS disponible.



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Re: ¿Funciona igual fstab?

2010-10-30 Thread JAP

El 29/10/10 17:51, Santiago José López Borrazás escribió:

Hash: SHA512

El 29/10/10 22:45, Camaleón escribió:

Si cambias de disco duro (por ejemplo, si clonas un sistema completo a
otro disco) tendrás que cambiar el UUID y ajustarlo al del nuevo disco,
por eso se llamada identificador único ;-)

Exacto. Cuando clonas, el UUID es distinto entre uno a otro. Y por
supuesto, que sé perfectamente que es un 'identificador único', debido a
que, es por generación UUID aleatoria.


Si realmente CLONAS un disco, clona hasta la UUID.
Lo sé por experiencia propia.
Tenía un disco igual al cual clonaba una vez al mes, por las dudas.
Cuando cambié al nuevo sistema, arrancaba en forma aleatoria de uno u 
otro disco, pues AMBOS tenían la misma UUID

Sólo con un montaje por label podrías mantener el mismo fstab, pero no
te lo recomiendo, no al menos para unidades de disco del sistema.

No. Si ya lo sé, que luego se puede editar el /etc/fstab para apuntar al
nuevo UUID y no fallarle al sistema. Bien lo sé yo. Que para eso, se
puede hacer tranquilamente con cualquier CD/DVD de Debian para hacerlo
como 'Rescue', y hacer esos cambios montando y retocando dicho fichero.

Aún así, me tranquiliza, ya que, cuando se hacen cambios con el kernel
apuntando a qué /dev/ se dedique o no, y luego me haga la cosa de lo
mejor sin apuntar a otro dispositivo /dev/ que no esté presente.

Con ello, el GRUB2, lo hace al menos así, para 'ayudarme' luego con el
tema (que por cierto, si cambias de disco o clonas, de ahí, debes hacer
el 'update-grub' para que surtan los cambios en modo chroot y montado
con el CD/DVD de Debian o cualquier otro que te plazca).


- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.




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Re: ¿Funciona igual fstab?

2010-10-30 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

El 30/10/10 16:58, JAP escribió:
 Si realmente CLONAS un disco, clona hasta la UUID.
 Lo sé por experiencia propia.
 Tenía un disco igual al cual clonaba una vez al mes, por las dudas.
 Cuando cambié al nuevo sistema, arrancaba en forma aleatoria de uno u 
 otro disco, pues AMBOS tenían la misma UUID

Sólo era un comentario. Dado a que, dicha cuestión, no la he hecho
directamente aún. Sí hice un 'dd', pero no en el caso específico del
tema. Que oyes, me puedo equivocar. Como todo el mundo.

- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.


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error openvpn

2010-10-30 Thread Jorge Hequera
Hola amigos, estoy teniendo un problema al que no le encuntro solucion.

Una breve descripcion:

Por problemas de hardware, instale un debian para ser usado como
firewall/gateway. Originalmente, esta configuracion estaba sobre etch,
asi que aproveche para ponerlo en stable.

Pude hacer funcionar el networking, el firewall, el nateo, sin mayores
problemas. puedo lograr que inicie correctamente la/s vpn. Aqui el log:

[16118]: openvpn_execve: external program may not be called due to
setting of --script-security level
[16118]: script failed: external program fork failed

Estoy usando la misma conf que antes, es decir, simplemente copie los
archivos de configuracion, ya que estaba funcionando correctamente.

No encuentro informacion en la net, que me sea de ayuda, probe
instalando desde el codigo fuente desde la web dfe opnvpn (0) pero
tengo un problema al compilar, asi que postergue esta opcion.

Alguna sugerencia?

Gracias por vuestros comentarios.



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Leer ebooks desde Debian

2010-10-30 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

Hola a t...@s,

Quisiera leer ebooks desde mi Debian squeeze, me podías indicar como 
poder hacerlo, que programa debo instalar para poder leer los ebooks, 
gracias de antemano.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

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Re: Leer ebooks desde Debian

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 30 Oct 2010 17:37:58 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

 Quisiera leer ebooks desde mi Debian squeeze, me podías indicar como
 poder hacerlo, que programa debo instalar para poder leer los ebooks,
 gracias de antemano.

¿Qué tipo de formato?

Okular admite epub, me parece y para firefox hay una extensión 
(epubreader) que también puede leer este tipo de formato.



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Re: Leer ebooks desde Debian

2010-10-30 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

El 30/10/10 17:52, Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 30 Oct 2010 17:37:58 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:


Quisiera leer ebooks desde mi Debian squeeze, me podías indicar como
poder hacerlo, que programa debo instalar para poder leer los ebooks,
gracias de antemano.

¿Qué tipo de formato?

Okular admite epub, me parece y para firefox hay una extensión
(epubreader) que también puede leer este tipo de formato.



Hola a t...@s,

Camaleón, disculpa pero me equivoque y te lo mande al privado.
Te reitero mi agradecimiento por contestar. El fichero es el siguiente: 
Si se lee con Adobe Digital Editions, pero yo quisiera hacerlo con 
programas compatibles con Debian, si puede ser.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

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Re: Leer ebooks desde Debian

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 30 Oct 2010 18:11:59 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

 El 30/10/10 17:52, Camaleón escribió:

 ¿Qué tipo de formato?

 Okular admite epub, me parece y para firefox hay una extensión
 (epubreader) que también puede leer este tipo de formato.

 Camaleón, disculpa pero me equivoque y te lo mande al privado. Te
 reitero mi agradecimiento por contestar. El fichero es el siguiente:
 Si se lee con Adobe Digital Editions, pero yo quisiera hacerlo con
 programas compatibles con Debian, si puede ser.

Bufff, eso es otro de los engendros de Adobe:

.acsm file format converter??

Suerte :-)



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Re: indicador de bateria en portatil ACER Aspire 5745G [solucionado]

2010-10-30 Thread xve
Mil gracias Camaleón, era eso exactamente... he actualizado a la ver. 1.16 y 
ha funcinado correctamente.

Un saludo y gracias nuevamente.

El Saturday 30 October 2010, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 30 Oct 2010 09:31:47 +0200, xve escribió:
  Hola amigos, recientemente, me he comprado un portatil ACER Aspire
  5745G, en
  el cual he conseguido que todo funcione correctamente a excepcion del
  indicador de la bateria...
  La informacion que me devuelve acpi... # acpi
  Battery 0: Unknown, 0%, rate information unavailable
 Mira a ver si tienes la última BIOS disponible.


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Re: error openvpn

2010-10-30 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/10/30 Jorge Hequera

 Hola amigos, estoy teniendo un problema al que no le encuntro solucion.

 Una breve descripcion:

 Por problemas de hardware, instale un debian para ser usado como
 firewall/gateway. Originalmente, esta configuracion estaba sobre etch,
 asi que aproveche para ponerlo en stable.

 Pude hacer funcionar el networking, el firewall, el nateo, sin mayores
 problemas. puedo lograr que inicie correctamente la/s vpn. Aqui el log:

 [16118]: openvpn_execve: external program may not be called due to
 setting of --script-security level
 [16118]: script failed: external program fork failed

 Estoy usando la misma conf que antes, es decir, simplemente copie los
 archivos de configuracion, ya que estaba funcionando correctamente.

 No encuentro informacion en la net, que me sea de ayuda, probe
 instalando desde el codigo fuente desde la web dfe opnvpn (0) pero
 tengo un problema al compilar, asi que postergue esta opcion.

 Alguna sugerencia?

Me gustaría ver tu configuración de la vpn. Al parecer estas llamando a un
script externo a openvpn (seguramente 'up' o 'down') y por seguridad no te
deja ejecutarlo.

Re: error openvpn

2010-10-30 Thread Jorge Hequera
El día 30 de octubre de 2010 18:01, Marc Aymerich escribió:

 2010/10/30 Jorge Hequera

 Hola amigos, estoy teniendo un problema al que no le encuntro solucion.

 Una breve descripcion:

 Por problemas de hardware, instale un debian para ser usado como
 firewall/gateway. Originalmente, esta configuracion estaba sobre etch,
 asi que aproveche para ponerlo en stable.

 Pude hacer funcionar el networking, el firewall, el nateo, sin mayores
 problemas. puedo lograr que inicie correctamente la/s vpn. Aqui el log:

 [16118]: openvpn_execve: external program may not be called due to
 setting of --script-security level
 [16118]: script failed: external program fork failed

 Estoy usando la misma conf que antes, es decir, simplemente copie los
 archivos de configuracion, ya que estaba funcionando correctamente.

 No encuentro informacion en la net, que me sea de ayuda, probe
 instalando desde el codigo fuente desde la web dfe opnvpn (0) pero
 tengo un problema al compilar, asi que postergue esta opcion.

 Alguna sugerencia?

 Me gustaría ver tu configuración de la vpn. Al parecer estas llamando a un
 script externo a openvpn (seguramente 'up' o 'down') y por seguridad no te
 deja ejecutarlo.

Hola Marc, gracias por tus comentarios. Te comento, encontre la
solucion añadiendo al archivo  nodo_vpn1.conf la siguiente sentencia:

script-security 2

De ese modo, no da error y permite iniciar normalemente la vpn.

Si, efectivamente el problema era la imposibilidad de ejecutar el
scrip .up, que define el ruteo asi:

/sbin/route add -net netmask gw $5
/sbin/route add -net netmask gw $5

Y que por el  --script-security level no me permitia ejecutarlo,
impidiendo el inicio de la vpn.

Lo que me queda averiguar, por curiosidad mas que por necesidad es si
es un cambio en debian o en el binario openvpn, debo revisar el

Gracias de todos modos.


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Re: error openvpn

2010-10-30 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/10/30 Jorge Hequera

 El día 30 de octubre de 2010 18:01, Marc Aymerich escribió:
  2010/10/30 Jorge Hequera
  Hola amigos, estoy teniendo un problema al que no le encuntro solucion.
  Una breve descripcion:
  Por problemas de hardware, instale un debian para ser usado como
  firewall/gateway. Originalmente, esta configuracion estaba sobre etch,
  asi que aproveche para ponerlo en stable.
  Pude hacer funcionar el networking, el firewall, el nateo, sin mayores
  problemas. puedo lograr que inicie correctamente la/s vpn. Aqui el log:
  [16118]: openvpn_execve: external program may not be called due to
  setting of --script-security level
  [16118]: script failed: external program fork failed
  Estoy usando la misma conf que antes, es decir, simplemente copie los
  archivos de configuracion, ya que estaba funcionando correctamente.
  No encuentro informacion en la net, que me sea de ayuda, probe
  instalando desde el codigo fuente desde la web dfe opnvpn (0) pero
  tengo un problema al compilar, asi que postergue esta opcion.
  Alguna sugerencia?
  Me gustaría ver tu configuración de la vpn. Al parecer estas llamando a
  script externo a openvpn (seguramente 'up' o 'down') y por seguridad no
  deja ejecutarlo.

 Hola Marc, gracias por tus comentarios. Te comento, encontre la
 solucion añadiendo al archivo  nodo_vpn1.conf la siguiente sentencia:

 script-security 2

 De ese modo, no da error y permite iniciar normalemente la vpn.

Me alegra que ya lo tengas solucionado y gracias por compartir la solución
un saludo !!


Re: error openvpn

2010-10-30 Thread Jorge Hequera
El día 30 de octubre de 2010 18:30, Marc Aymerich escribió:

 2010/10/30 Jorge Hequera

 El día 30 de octubre de 2010 18:01, Marc Aymerich escribió:
  2010/10/30 Jorge Hequera
  Hola amigos, estoy teniendo un problema al que no le encuntro solucion.
  Una breve descripcion:
  Por problemas de hardware, instale un debian para ser usado como
  firewall/gateway. Originalmente, esta configuracion estaba sobre etch,
  asi que aproveche para ponerlo en stable.
  Pude hacer funcionar el networking, el firewall, el nateo, sin mayores
  problemas. puedo lograr que inicie correctamente la/s vpn. Aqui el log:
  [16118]: openvpn_execve: external program may not be called due to
  setting of --script-security level
  [16118]: script failed: external program fork failed
  Estoy usando la misma conf que antes, es decir, simplemente copie los
  archivos de configuracion, ya que estaba funcionando correctamente.
  No encuentro informacion en la net, que me sea de ayuda, probe
  instalando desde el codigo fuente desde la web dfe opnvpn (0) pero
  tengo un problema al compilar, asi que postergue esta opcion.
  Alguna sugerencia?
  Me gustaría ver tu configuración de la vpn. Al parecer estas llamando a
  script externo a openvpn (seguramente 'up' o 'down') y por seguridad no
  deja ejecutarlo.

 Hola Marc, gracias por tus comentarios. Te comento, encontre la
 solucion añadiendo al archivo  nodo_vpn1.conf la siguiente sentencia:

 script-security 2

 De ese modo, no da error y permite iniciar normalemente la vpn.

 Me alegra que ya lo tengas solucionado y gracias por compartir la solución
 un saludo !!


Gracias a ti y a los compañeros debianitas :D

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servidor web facil

2010-10-30 Thread juan alejandro martines linares
Hola amigos quisiera usar Xampp o wamp pero no los veo en mis
repositorios de ubuntu 10.4 me pueden dar una variante que haga lo mismo
que tenga lo mismo mysql,php apache, es que lo que me dieron en la
escuela es el xamp que esta muy bueno pero es para windows, entonces no
se si puedo adaptarlo en mi version de ubuntu,o si puedo encontrar al go
como eso o mejor aqui en mis repos , gracias de antemano 


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: servidor web facil

2010-10-30 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2010/10/30 juan alejandro martines linares
 Hola amigos quisiera usar Xampp o wamp pero no los veo en mis
 repositorios de ubuntu 10.4 me pueden dar una variante que haga lo mismo
 que tenga lo mismo mysql,php apache, es que lo que me dieron en la
 escuela es el xamp que esta muy bueno pero es para windows, entonces no
 se si puedo adaptarlo en mi version de ubuntu,o si puedo encontrar al go
 como eso o mejor aqui en mis repos , gracias de antemano

Todo ya viene en los repos, solo es cuestion de instalarlo

aptitude install apache2 mysql-server php5-mysql phpmyadmin

Linux Registered User # 386081
A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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Re: servidor web facil

2010-10-30 Thread Felix Perez
El día 30 de octubre de 2010 14:14, juan alejandro martines linares escribió:
 Hola amigos quisiera usar Xampp o wamp pero no los veo en mis
 repositorios de ubuntu 10.4 me pueden dar una variante que haga lo mismo
 que tenga lo mismo mysql,php apache, es que lo que me dieron en la
 escuela es el xamp que esta muy bueno pero es para windows, entonces no
 se si puedo adaptarlo en mi version de ubuntu,o si puedo encontrar al go
 como eso o mejor aqui en mis repos , gracias de antemano

Esta no es la lista de ubuntu, ya que ubuntu no es igual a debian.

Pero puedes instalarlos individualmente, así aprenderás más.
aptitude install apache2 mysql-server php5-mysql phpmyadmin o si lo
prefieres con synaptic.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: how to tell what packages are unused on a debian server?

2010-10-30 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 30 oct 10, 14:05:37, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 [I created my own aptitude front-end which has logging]

How is this different from /var/log/aptitude ?

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: sid: 'git command' works but not 'git-command'

2010-10-30 Thread Salvatore Bonaccorso
Hi Joel

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 05:53:38PM -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
 Is there any configuration option for this, or
 do I need to create a bunch of aliases?
 Thanks. I wonder who decided to make this change.
 Is it a Debian or a git decision? Or perhaps a bug?
 'man git-merge' is present, but not executable 'git-merge'.

In the 'NEWS.Debian.gz of the git-core package you can read the

---[ NEWS.Debian.gz ]-
git-core (1:1.6.0-1) experimental; urgency=low

  Most of the programs are now installed outside the default $PATH,
  except for git, gitk and some server side programs that need
  to be accessible for technical reasons.  Invoking a git subcommand
  as git-xyzzy from the command line has been deprecated since
  early 2006 (and officially announced in the 1.5.4 release notes);
  using the git-xyzzy form in scripts after adding the output from
  git --exec-path to the $PATH is still supported in this release,
  but users are again strongly encouraged to adjust their scripts to
  use the git xyzzy form, as this support might be dropped in later

 -- Gerrit Pape  Sun, 24 Aug 2008 22:31:44 +

Hmm, hope this info helps you. Do not know yet in which version it
then finally got dropped.


Description: Digital signature

Re: how to tell what packages are unused on a debian server?

2010-10-30 Thread Chris Davies
Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 Okay, I tried the change and let it finish the report.

 I found all in use, except for php5, but there is a bunch of php5 
 stuff that is in use.

Arrgghh. You're now making me /think/ about the script, rather than it
being a throwaway suggestion(!) Upon further investigation, the atime
for a symbolic link is (inevitably) updated when it's deferenced, so
you need to skip those, too.

The find statement thus becomes
find $(readlink -f $F) -atime -180

On my laptop it's tricky for me to test this as I mount everything
noatime. On a couple of servers I've got, though, the results feel
approximately correct.

If you're finding that everything is in use then at this stage it's
probable that you've made a filesystem backup with tar or cpio, which
obviously reads every single file, unfortunately making atime useless.

Good luck!

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Re: how to tell what packages are unused on a debian server?

2010-10-30 Thread Andrew McGlashan

Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Sb, 30 oct 10, 14:05:37, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

[I created my own aptitude front-end which has logging]

How is this different from /var/log/aptitude ?

Okay, I didn't know that was there, but the logging I do is different.


Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

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Re: how to tell what packages are unused on a debian server?

2010-10-30 Thread Andrew McGlashan

Chris Davies wrote:

The find statement thus becomes
find $(readlink -f $F) -atime -180

Okay, I got the exact same result.

If you're finding that everything is in use then at this stage it's
probable that you've made a filesystem backup with tar or cpio, which
obviously reads every single file, unfortunately making atime useless.

I use dump and restore test (I know some files will change and be 
inconsistent, but that is okay).  I plan to use lvm snapshots soon to 
make sure everything is 100% consistent.

Don't use tar or cpio for backups.

I also use rsync for backups to other areas and remotely, so that might 
update atimes?  I don't think it should.

Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

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Re: how to tell what packages are unused on a debian server?

2010-10-30 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 30 oct 10, 19:42:34, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sb, 30 oct 10, 14:05:37, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 [I created my own aptitude front-end which has logging]
 How is this different from /var/log/aptitude ?
 Okay, I didn't know that was there, but the logging I do is different.

Would you mind going into details? Are you aware of /var/log/dpkg.log 
too? How about sending a patch to aptitude?

P.S. No need to CC me, I am subscribed
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Installation Size Different - bug ?

2010-10-30 Thread Mich Mich
Install One :
Installed Debian Squeeze onto my laptop using the netinst cd.
During installation, I did not have access to the internet and installed the
Standard System during tasksel.

Install Two :
Installed Debian Squeeze onto my desktop using the same netinst cd.
However, this time I had connected the desktop to my router during
installation. Similarly installed the Standard System.

Both system were later installed with KDE and working fine.
Noticed that immediate after installation of the Standard System, the
desktop had more files installed eg. the exim package.
No other MTA was found installed in the laptop Debian installation.

Any idea why the extra packages (eg exim) are installed when desktop is
connected to the router?
Are they actually required?

Does it means that
- we've found a way to install Debian with less packages (since laptop
installation is stable and have less packages) , or
- we've found a bug in the installation process (ie assuming laptop
installation is unstable, which is currently not the case)

Appreciate any advise.

Re: procmail and Unicode header lines (RFC 2047)

2010-10-30 Thread Stanisław Findeisen
On 2010-10-29 21:35, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Stanisław Findeisen wrote:
 Is there any support in Debian for Unicode e-mail header lines
 processing, e.g. with procmail?
 Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEE7eiROJTUlViU4JSclLyVIGyhC?=

 so they need to be decoded before doing anything useful with them. (See:
 As far as I know there is no support in procmail for decoding those
 fields.  I have always needed to create rules working with the encoded
 Example from some localized mailman filtering:
   * 1^0 ^Subject: [^ ]+ post from
   * 1^0 ^Subject: .*El_envio_a_
   * 1^0 ^Subject: .*Un_envoi_sur_la_liste_
   * 1^0 ^Subject: .*_taraf=FDndan_g=F6nderilen_
 Using wildcards for the interesting characters has worked fairly well
 with the European languages.  But I have no experience and no
 suggestion for your example JP locale though.

Hm I wrote this little script:

It is easy to use it in .procmailrc along with formail (you decode
encoded subject (or any other field) and *then* you search for your
patterns of interest). Then you can, for instance, modify the subject
and encode it back.

It works for me, at least.

OpenPGP: DFD9 0146 3794 9CF6 17EA  D63F DBF5 8AA8 3B31 FE8A

Like hardship, risk  challenge?  --- Follow Jesus!!

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Re: Installation Size Different - bug ?

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 17:28:18 +0800, Mich Mich wrote:


 Any idea why the extra packages (eg exim) are installed when desktop is
 connected to the router?
 Are they actually required?

Dunno why, true is that in my laptop I lack Exim also, maybe because I 
installed the laptop pattern and this does not trigger the installation 
of a full e-mail server :-?

It would be interesting that you list all the packages from both systems 
and then compare them, something like:

From laptop:
dpkg --get-selections  $HOME/Desktop/comp1.txt

From desktop:
dpkg --get-selections  $HOME/Desktop/comp2.txt

And then run diff:

diff $HOME/Desktop/comp1.txt $HOME/Desktop/comp2.txt  $HOME/Desktop/diff.txt

diff.txt will show you all the packages installed in desktop not 
present in laptop.



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Re: Recording A/V from embedded Flash player

2010-10-30 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 30. 10. 2010 03:36:31 je Bob napisal(a):

I don't have squid installed @themo so can't test but does this  
tutorial not apply to modern versions?

From the looks of it, I guess it does. Of special interest are the  

# TESTING: Caching everything like crazy
#refresh_pattern ^http: 60 100% 70 override-expire  
override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload ignore-no-cache  
ignore-private ignore-auth


You have to uncomment the second line of course ;P


Certifiable Loonix User #481801  Please reply to the list, not to  

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Re: sound not working after computer upgrade

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 29 Oct 2010 18:29:57 -0400, Rodney D. Myers wrote:

 On 10/29/10 6:05 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 Do you have ESD enabled? If so, try to disable.
 Also, recheck your sound device permissions:
 s...@stt008:~$ ls -l /dev/snd
 total 0
 crw-rw 1 root audio 116,  0 oct 29 07:42 controlC0
 crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 24 oct 29 07:42 pcmC0D0c
 crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 16 oct 29 23:56 pcmC0D0p
 crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 28 oct 29 07:42 pcmC0D4c
 crw-rw 1 root audio 116,  1 oct 29 07:42 seq
 crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 33 oct 29 07:42 timer
 My permissions match yours.
 esd claims to be running;
 esd: Esound sound daemon already running or stale UNIX socket
 This socket already exists indicating esd is already running. Exiting...

Hum... what happens if you stop ESD daemon?

Another thing you can try is playing the file with an external app, like 
totem from command line, i.e., totem /usr/share/sounds/purple/send.wav 
and see what happens :-?



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Re: how to tell what packages are unused on a debian server?

2010-10-30 Thread Andrew McGlashan

Hi Andrei,

Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Sb, 30 oct 10, 19:42:34, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Sb, 30 oct 10, 14:05:37, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

[I created my own aptitude front-end which has logging]

How is this different from /var/log/aptitude ?

Okay, I didn't know that was there, but the logging I do is different.

Would you mind going into details? Are you aware of /var/log/dpkg.log 
too? How about sending a patch to aptitude?

In a nutshell, I capture all the standard output from an install in one 
file, together with a show of the package [as it was at install time] 
-- not sure I'll ever need to refer back to this.

The other things I do are to keep a simple history of all aptitude use 
by logging the parameters used for each invocation.

If packages are removed or installed, I create a new set of files that 
describes the installed packages -- this is so that I can track changes 
over time.

All the extra stuff that I do is there to help documents somewhat 
changes to the system.

At the end of the day, the standard /var/log/dpkg.log and 
/var/log/aptitude will probably give enough info for most people -- so I 
can't see any benefit in patching something that isn't broken, it is 
only different to the logging that I create for myself.  My simple 
script is there for anyone who wants it -- it is pretty basic, but 
effective for my needs.

I guess my main objective is to provide an historical picture of what 
was installed when and such information might be useful for machine 
rebuilds or as a reference for a completely new build on another machine.

Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

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Re: sound not working after computer upgrade

2010-10-30 Thread Rodney D. Myers
On 10/30/10 7:19 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 29 Oct 2010 18:29:57 -0400, Rodney D. Myers wrote:
  On 10/29/10 6:05 PM, Camaleón wrote:
  Do you have ESD enabled? If so, try to disable.
  Also, recheck your sound device permissions:
  s...@stt008:~$ ls -l /dev/snd
  total 0
  crw-rw 1 root audio 116,  0 oct 29 07:42 controlC0
  crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 24 oct 29 07:42 pcmC0D0c
  crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 16 oct 29 23:56 pcmC0D0p
  crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 28 oct 29 07:42 pcmC0D4c
  crw-rw 1 root audio 116,  1 oct 29 07:42 seq
  crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 33 oct 29 07:42 timer
  My permissions match yours.
  esd claims to be running;
  esd: Esound sound daemon already running or stale UNIX socket
  This socket already exists indicating esd is already running. Exiting...
 Hum... what happens if you stop ESD daemon?
 Another thing you can try is playing the file with an external app, like 
 totem from command line, i.e., totem /usr/share/sounds/purple/send.wav 
 and see what happens :-?

That would do it.

Now, do I need ESD to run the system? Or do I need to try and figure out
why ESD is doing this?


Rodney D. Myers
mailman452   mailman42_5

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin - 1759

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Re: sound not working after computer upgrade

2010-10-30 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 08:22:50AM -0400, Rodney D. Myers wrote:
 On 10/30/10 7:19 AM, Camaleón wrote:
  On Fri, 29 Oct 2010 18:29:57 -0400, Rodney D. Myers wrote:
   On 10/29/10 6:05 PM, Camaleón wrote:
   Do you have ESD enabled? If so, try to disable.
   Also, recheck your sound device permissions:
   s...@stt008:~$ ls -l /dev/snd
   total 0
   crw-rw 1 root audio 116,  0 oct 29 07:42 controlC0
   crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 24 oct 29 07:42 pcmC0D0c
   crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 16 oct 29 23:56 pcmC0D0p
   crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 28 oct 29 07:42 pcmC0D4c
   crw-rw 1 root audio 116,  1 oct 29 07:42 seq
   crw-rw 1 root audio 116, 33 oct 29 07:42 timer
   My permissions match yours.
   esd claims to be running;
   esd: Esound sound daemon already running or stale UNIX socket
   This socket already exists indicating esd is already running. Exiting...
  Hum... what happens if you stop ESD daemon?
  Another thing you can try is playing the file with an external app, like 
  totem from command line, i.e., totem /usr/share/sounds/purple/send.wav 
  and see what happens :-?
 That would do it.
 Now, do I need ESD to run the system? Or do I need to try and figure out
 why ESD is doing this?
ESD has a lock file of sorts.  It's in the /tmp/.esd directory.  You can
try removing that entire directory (it will be recreated when the next
user logs in).  It's possible that due to a bug, ESD is still locked to
another user.


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Gnome requests password to mount NTFS drive

2010-10-30 Thread Rob Owens
On a fresh Squeeze system, Gnome is asking for the root password when
mounting an NTFS drive (/dev/sda1, which houses Windows OS).  ntfs-3g is
installed, but is not being used for some reason.  

This install started as a standard system and then I installed
gnome-desktop-environment, so perhaps something got missed that is
installed/configured during a normal installation.

Any tips on how to fix this?

My user is a member of the fuse group.


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Re: sound not working after computer upgrade

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
El 2010-10-30 a las 08:30 -0400, Rodney D. Myers escribió:

(resending to the list)

 On 10/30/10 7:19 AM, Camaleón wrote:
  Hum... what happens if you stop ESD daemon?
  Another thing you can try is playing the file with an external app, like 
  totem from command line, i.e., totem /usr/share/sounds/purple/send.wav 
  and see what happens :-?
 Damn, google is your friend. Found an article from 2007
 that stated adding this tidbit would help;
 default_options=-as 1
 it did.

Good to know you finally go it working.



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Re: Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' home server - Installation guide

2010-10-30 Thread lee
On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 09:14:35PM +0200, Itay wrote:
 on physical boxes, it might be more cost effective to virtualize them. There
 are a number of options here, including
 * openvz
 * linux-vserver
 * kvm
 * xen
 * vmware
 * virtualbox

That´s qemu-kvm. It´s missing decent documentation on how to set up
networking and on how to use it with virsh, and you have to run the
VMs as root.

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Re: Gnome requests password to mount NTFS drive

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 09:25:13 -0400, Rob Owens wrote:

 On a fresh Squeeze system, Gnome is asking for the root password when
 mounting an NTFS drive (/dev/sda1, which houses Windows OS).  ntfs-3g is
 installed, but is not being used for some reason.


How are you mounting the NTFS volume, at boot time by using and entry in 
/etc/fstab or manually running the mount command?

OTOH, ntfs-3g should be used if writing capabilities are required for  
NTFS volume.



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Re: Gnome requests password to mount NTFS drive

2010-10-30 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 01:56:51PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 09:25:13 -0400, Rob Owens wrote:
  On a fresh Squeeze system, Gnome is asking for the root password when
  mounting an NTFS drive (/dev/sda1, which houses Windows OS).  ntfs-3g is
  installed, but is not being used for some reason.
 How are you mounting the NTFS volume, at boot time by using and entry in 
 /etc/fstab or manually running the mount command?
 OTOH, ntfs-3g should be used if writing capabilities are required for  
 NTFS volume.
It's a laptop I'm setting up for a Linux newbie, so I'm trying to get it
to mount using the Gnome menus (Places, 50GB Hard Drive). 

Writing to NTFS is required for me.


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Re: kernel org: 2.6.36 is stable

2010-10-30 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:


Kernel org has 2.6.36 as stable.
Anybody tried that?

I tried it, with success ;-)

Had to install Nvidia driver 260.19.12 instead of 195.36.24 because the 
latter gets an error.

and VMware-Player-3.1.2-301548 does not compile. Of course not.


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Re: Wohin logt der Networkmanager / VPN

2010-10-30 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 20 October 2010 15:31:33 Klistvud wrote:
 Dne, 20. 10. 2010 09:09:16 je Frank Lanitz napisal(a):
  Danke. Leider wirft er für die VPN-Problematik keine Einträge dort  
  Gibt es für das VPNC-Plugin noch eine extra Logfile?

 This is an English-language list, so you would probably get more  
 answers if you wrote in English.

Or if he wrote in German on the German language list!  I assume that there is 


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Re: KMail - forwarding issues

2010-10-30 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 19 October 2010 20:55:07 Camaleón wrote:
  Is there a trick to forwarding emails in KMail so that all that happens
  is that the OP's email content is preserved along with any attachments
  but that the OP's details can be edited out?

 AFAICT, no.

Copy and paste the email content and attach the attachment?

I personally don't actually want all email clients to be identical.  We have 
choice.  Those who like what Icedove does can use Icedove, those who love 
Pine can use Pine, and those of us who love Kmail can use Kmail.

You can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all 
of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time. :-)


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Re: Gnome requests password to mount NTFS drive

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 10:19:43 -0400, Rob Owens wrote:

 On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 01:56:51PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 09:25:13 -0400, Rob Owens wrote:
  On a fresh Squeeze system, Gnome is asking for the root password when
  mounting an NTFS drive (/dev/sda1, which houses Windows OS).  ntfs-3g
  is installed, but is not being used for some reason.
 How are you mounting the NTFS volume, at boot time by using and entry
 in /etc/fstab or manually running the mount command?
 OTOH, ntfs-3g should be used if writing capabilities are required for
 NTFS volume.
 It's a laptop I'm setting up for a Linux newbie, so I'm trying to get it
 to mount using the Gnome menus (Places, 50GB Hard Drive).
 Writing to NTFS is required for me.

Ah, yes. If you are mounting the drive using Nautilus, it will ask the 
root password, that is the expected behavior.

If you want to avoid this you can use /etc/fstab and define an static 
mount point from there to get the drive mounted under /windows/C, for 
instance, and using ntfs-3g as module for managing this.

Then, create a shorcut in desktop pointing to /windows/C so the user 
has only to pointclick to access windows hard disk.



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Re: KMail - forwarding issues

2010-10-30 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sat October 30 2010, Lisi wrote:
   Is there a trick to forwarding emails in KMail so that all that happens
   is that the OP's email content is preserved along with any attachments
   but that the OP's details can be edited out?
  AFAICT, no.

 Copy and paste the email content and attach the attachment?

 I personally don't actually want all email clients to be identical.  We
 have choice.  Those who like what Icedove does can use Icedove, those who
 love Pine can use Pine, and those of us who love Kmail can use Kmail.

what about redirect?? that'd the way I send most things that I forward to my 

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: KMail - forwarding issues

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 15:41:04 +0100, Lisi wrote:

 On Tuesday 19 October 2010 20:55:07 Camaleón wrote:
  Is there a trick to forwarding emails in KMail so that all that
  happens is that the OP's email content is preserved along with any
  attachments but that the OP's details can be edited out?

 AFAICT, no.
 Copy and paste the email content and attach the attachment?

Kmail only allows to forward as an attachment the original e-mail but 
many people do not know what to do with an e-mail attached and also, this 
breaks the inline (in-situ, over the original e-mail) corrections or 

Besides, many people are scared about attachments (under windows minds 
an attachment is a synonym of problems/viruses/scam/phishing) and they 
just prefer to not openning the attachment so, in the event the forwarded 
e-mail contains important information, they just completely miss it and e-
mail becomes useless (then you have to place a call and tell the 
recipient user the e-mail was coming from you and contains important 
information he has to read...). You can spend whole morning just to 
achieve this :-)
 I personally don't actually want all email clients to be identical.  We
 have choice.  Those who like what Icedove does can use Icedove, those
 who love Pine can use Pine, and those of us who love Kmail can use

Yes, choice is important. But real choice is about having the ability 
to select what do you want to use every time without the needing to 
renounce a program (Kmail) at all just because is not able to properly 
handle html.
 You can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the
 people all of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of
 the time. :-)

You can please all the people all the time by allowing the user to be 
able to be free of using the best e-mail format for every situation. And 
so it does Thunderbird/Icedove but not Kmail :-(



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Re: Re (3): routing

2010-10-30 Thread lee
On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 10:09:18AM -0700, wrote:
 Thanks for the feedback.  You are the first to mention these errors.
 From: lee l...@yun.yagibdah.d.
 Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 17:53:31 +0200
  There's no zone ubc defined on dalton. 
 The concept is OpenVPN tunnel zone and the Web page was using 
 the two names ubc and vpn ambiguously.  Now it is the vpn zone.

Shorewall usually doesn´t start when you refer to zones that aren´t

  On dalton, you're not masquerading all the local zones but only those 
  connected via eth0.
 I don't understand.  There is only one local zone.  It is loc 
 and it includes all subnets  /etc/shorewall/masq 
 specifies that these subnets are masqueraded via eth0.

# dalton:/etc/shorewall/interfaces 
net eth0detect
loc eth1detect  tcpflags,nosmurfs 
loc eth3detect  tcpflags,nosmurfs 
loc eth5detect  tcpflags,nosmurfs 
loc ppp+ 
# This is for the openvpn tunnel. 
vpn tun0 

# dalton:/etc/shorewall/masq 
#Masq all the local subnets.  Includes Cantor and the PPP link. 

According to [1], eth0 is the net zone, and there are four
interfaces for the loc zone. You´re masquerading eth0, which is the
net zone, and none of the of local zones: not gona work.


  How's joule connected to dalton?
 By the OpenVPN tunnel shown in the illustrations.

You have on both Carnot and Dalton: not gona work. It
seems weird that you have connected a hub to your internet
connection. How´s the connection provided?

You have two IPs on Cantor on the same physical interface?

What´s the purpose of having various machines connected via a modem?
 Links to these illustrations are at the top of NetworksPage.html.

Oh, I didn´t see that ...

 Also, thanks to udev, I have a better way of naming the interfaces.
 Can add that to the notes next week.

Keep things simple.

You´re trying to do too many things at once. I´d ignore the right side
of the drawings at first and the various machines as well.

Then I´d change the cabling, i. e. get a switch or, if none is
available, use the hub instead. Plug the switch/hub into eth1 on

Simplify IPs, like assign to Carnot and to
Cantor; if Cantor needs two IPs, also give it Give to eth1 on Dalton.

Set up a nameserver on Dalton.

I take it that is the public IP to use, so that would
be the IP of eth0 on Dalton. Then for Dalton it´s


net eth0
loc eth1




# net {
net $FW DROPinfo
net all DROPinfo
# }

# $FW {

# loc {
loc net ACCEPT

Give to ppp0 on Dalton and and to the various machines.

This provides an internet connection for everyone on the right side
through Dalton. If you don´t need that, you can disallow access and
disable masquerading with shorewall and use the IPs within VPN instead
(see below).

Set up things on right side pretty much the same way.

For hosts other than the firewalls which need to be reachable from the
internet, add DNAT entries to the shorewall rules.

Now for the VPN, it is most important to remember that every machine
that needs to be reachable through the VPN MUST have (a second) IP
address for that. You can give several IPs to the same physical
interface. It´ll give you a virtual interface which is called, for
example, eth0:1.

You could use another subnet for the VPN, like Then
you just add routes to route the traffic for this subnet through the
VPN. For example, Carnot would have an interface eth0:1 with the IP and Dalton would have eth1:1 with Dalton
would be the gateway for Carnot for eth0:1.

It´s confusing because things magically work by themselves once you
set up the routing and shorewall correctly :) Setting up a name server
helps a great deal in sorting things out.

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kill pidof question

2010-10-30 Thread Thomas H. George
I frequently have to kill iceape - it locks up on some images.

Of course the command pidof iceape-bin will return the pid to standard
output and I can then use this information to kill the program.
Certainly it must be possible to combine these steps into a single
command line but my efforts to do so have all failed.  Would some pro at
scripting please set me straight?


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Re: Wohin logt der Networkmanager / VPN

2010-10-30 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 30. 10. 2010 16:31:59 je Lisi napisal(a):

On Wednesday 20 October 2010 15:31:33 Klistvud wrote:

 This is an English-language list, so you would probably get more  
 answers if you wrote in English.

Or if he wrote in German on the German language list!  I assume that  
there is



Beats me. English, German ... it's all Greek to me.



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Re: kill pidof question

2010-10-30 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 30. 10. 2010 16:27:17 je Thomas H. George napisal(a):

I frequently have to kill iceape - it locks up on some images.

Of course the command pidof iceape-bin will return the pid to standard
output and I can then use this information to kill the program.
Certainly it must be possible to combine these steps into a single
command line but my efforts to do so have all failed.  Would some pro  

scripting please set me straight?


killall iceape-bin

do, or are your looking for something more specific?


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Re: KMail - forwarding issues

2010-10-30 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sat October 30 2010, Camaleón wrote:
 You can please all the people all the time by allowing the user to be
 able to be free of using the best e-mail format for every situation. And
 so it does Thunderbird/Icedove but not Kmail :-(

yes, I didn't finish reading the OP's original request, I forgot about the
OP's details can be edited out?

I used thunderbird all last week, while I was on vacation, and I love the 
ability to forward emails, while keeping the HTML formatting AND removing all 
the offending Email To:'s and

the question is, do I want to try to go to all the trouble of converting my 
years of kmail mail, to MBOX format... 
Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: kill pidof question

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 10:27:17 -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:

 I frequently have to kill iceape - it locks up on some images.
 Of course the command pidof iceape-bin will return the pid to standard
 output and I can then use this information to kill the program.
 Certainly it must be possible to combine these steps into a single
 command line but my efforts to do so have all failed.  Would some pro at
 scripting please set me straight?

kill `pidof iceape-bin`



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Re: KMail - forwarding issues

2010-10-30 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 11:34:18 -0400, Paul Cartwright wrote:


 the question is, do I want to try to go to all the trouble of converting
 my years of kmail mail, to MBOX format...

Yes, that's another handicap :-)

I love maildir and Kmail has the ability to play fine with both formats 
(mbox and maildir) while Icedove only works (internally, for local mail) 
with mbox and searching strings in Icedove is bit slow if mbox files are 
big (measured in GiB :-P).

I finally had to renounce KMail at work, not just because I switched to 
GNOME but for its inability of handling HTML as it should.

For you... well, if you are not forced to properly render HTML 
messages, just keep Kmail, I've always found it to be a great MUA.



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Size of minimal Debian installation

2010-10-30 Thread Jason Hsu, embedded engineer, Linux user
I have a minimal Debian installation on a 2 GB VirtualBox hard drive.  By 
minimal, I mean the 150 MB Netinstall ISO without any of the packages (not even 
the base system) I was given the option to install during the initial 
installation process.  And I haven't even added anything yet.

When I go to the / directory and type du -s, I get 355960, or nearly 360 MB.  
I'm using a dynamic (rather than fixed) hard drive, and its size is 601 MB.

How can Debian with nothing added on be almost triple the size of Puppy Linux?  
I've heard that Debian can be configured to be just as light or even lighter 
than Puppy Linux.

And do Debian and the host OS show different sizes for my virtual Debian 
installation?  Why is there a 241 MB difference?  The error is almost double 
the size of Puppy Linux.

Jason Hsu, Linux-literate embedded engineer
(952) 715-7661

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Re: KMail - forwarding issues

2010-10-30 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Sat, 2010-10-30 at 15:48 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 11:34:18 -0400, Paul Cartwright wrote:
  the question is, do I want to try to go to all the trouble of converting
  my years of kmail mail, to MBOX format...
 Yes, that's another handicap :-)
 I love maildir and Kmail has the ability to play fine with both formats 
 (mbox and maildir) while Icedove only works (internally, for local mail) 
 with mbox and searching strings in Icedove is bit slow if mbox files are 
 big (measured in GiB :-P).
 I finally had to renounce KMail at work, not just because I switched to 
 GNOME but for its inability of handling HTML as it should.
 For you... well, if you are not forced to properly render HTML 
 messages, just keep Kmail, I've always found it to be a great MUA.
I know Camaleon is already supportive of this but here's one more plug
for the bounty building to fix this problem in KMail - - scroll toward the end -
it's very long but the bounty details are at the end.  Thanks - John

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Re: kernel org: 2.6.36 is stable

2010-10-30 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:


Kernel org has 2.6.36 as stable.
Anybody tried that?

I tried it, with success ;-)

Had to install Nvidia driver 260.19.12 instead of 195.36.24 because 
the latter gets an error.

and VMware-Player-3.1.2-301548 does not compile. Of course not.

This is stupid of course. The error I got was:

/tmp/vmware-root/modules/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c: In function
/tmp/vmware-root/modules/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c:3706: error: 'const
struct file_operations' has no member named 'ioctl'
/tmp/vmware-root/modules/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c:3710: error: 'const
struct file_operations' has no member named 'ioctl'

Well, in /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source I do: 'tar xf vmmon.tar'
and in /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c line
#3677 the error is bracketed by an '#ifndef VMMON_USE_HIGH_RES_TIMERS'
is set.

That is the kernel option in 'processor type and features' - High
Resolution Timer Support.

I don't have that set. Why not? I don't recall and my system
installation blog doesn't have anything about that.

So I set it and recompile the kernel. Then I redo:
vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
and the error goes away... ;-)

This brings up 2 items: I wished I had the history of my kernel options,
why are things set or not set? Let's see what other sideeffects are

Secondly vmware, come on boys, I have to do this mickey mouse to get
your products to work?


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Re: kill pidof question

2010-10-30 Thread Thomas H. George
On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 03:37:01PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 10:27:17 -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:
  I frequently have to kill iceape - it locks up on some images.
  Of course the command pidof iceape-bin will return the pid to standard
  output and I can then use this information to kill the program.
  Certainly it must be possible to combine these steps into a single
  command line but my efforts to do so have all failed.  Would some pro at
  scripting please set me straight?
 kill `pidof iceape-bin`
Thanks, this works.  I had not known the use of backward single quotes.
I'll read up on them.
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Re: Size of minimal Debian installation

2010-10-30 Thread Morgan Gangwere
On 10/30/2010 9:49 AM, Jason Hsu, embedded engineer, Linux user wrote:
 I have a minimal Debian installation on a 2 GB VirtualBox hard drive.  By 
 minimal, I mean the 150 MB Netinstall ISO without any of the packages (not 
 even the base system) I was given the option to install during the initial 
 installation process.  And I haven't even added anything yet.

There's minimal and then there's /minimal/. Debian's netinst does add
some things, and some of the additions can be a bit awkward. For one,
the Base System package actually adds quite a bit.

Here's the biggest hogs:
gcc and friends
manpages (Puppy iirc uses none)
initrd/kernel (puppy uses a REALLY stripped down kernel and a REALLY
well compressed one at that)
kernel modules (there's some added overhead)
apt's cache
any and all graphical environments.

 When I go to the / directory and type du -s, I get 355960, or nearly 360 MB.

Sounds about right for the netinst's defaults.

 I'm using a dynamic (rather than fixed) hard drive, and its size is
601 MB.

Sounds like your VM is playing games. Dynamic usually means there's
more accounting to do.

 How can Debian with nothing added on be almost triple the size of Puppy 
 Linux?  I've heard that Debian can be configured to be just as light or even 
 lighter than Puppy Linux.

Puppy pales in comparison to TinyCore (10MB with X and a wm and a
package manager)

 And do Debian and the host OS show different sizes for my virtual Debian 
 installation?  Why is there a 241 MB difference?  The error is almost double 
 the size of Puppy Linux.

I again call shenanigans on your VM.


Morgan Gangwere

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Re: Size of minimal Debian installation

2010-10-30 Thread Volkan YAZICI

Before reading following lines, I want to remind you that official
Debian GNU/Linux installation is not optimized for constrained space
requirements, where Puppy Linux is. Consider manual pages, lots of
automation related scripts all around the place, a full featured libc
(consider uclibc), dozens of optional modules added for flexibility to
all userbase. (E.g. It is funny that gnupg depends on libusb, etc.)

On Sat, 30 Oct 2010, Jason Hsu writes:
 I have a minimal Debian installation on a 2 GB VirtualBox hard drive.
 By minimal, I mean the 150 MB Netinstall ISO without any of the
 packages (not even the base system) I was given the option to
 install during the initial installation process. And I haven't even
 added anything yet.

 When I go to the / directory and type du -s, I get 355960, or nearly
 360 MB. I'm using a dynamic (rather than fixed) hard drive, and its
 size is 601 MB.


- aptitude clean

- Purge removed packages.

- Do not select any packages during installation. (Neither Standard
  System, etc.)

- After installation, remove unnecessary packages as well. (For
  instance, laptop-detect, tasksel, tasksel-data, eject, etc.)

- du -sh /* for more clues.

 How can Debian with nothing added on be almost triple the size of
 Puppy Linux? I've heard that Debian can be configured to be just as
 light or even lighter than Puppy Linux.

Yes it can. Google would probably help with some keyword adjustments.

 And do Debian and the host OS show different sizes for my virtual
 Debian installation?  Why is there a 241 MB difference?  The error is
 almost double the size of Puppy Linux.

This is due to the previously used space while downloading 
uncompressing .deb packages. Filesystem is extended to handle new size
requirements. After installation, these requirements are possibly
disappeared. But filesystem was once extended, and VM just displays its
extended size. Try creating a huge file and removing it. VM will still
display the max. size of the extended fs and won't be affected by the
removal of the same file.


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Re: procmail and Unicode header lines (RFC 2047)

2010-10-30 Thread Bob Proulx
Stanisław Findeisen wrote:
  Is there any support in Debian for Unicode e-mail header lines
  processing, e.g. with procmail?
  Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEE7eiROJTUlViU4JSclLyVIGyhC?=
 Hm I wrote this little script:
 It is easy to use it in .procmailrc along with formail (you decode
 encoded subject (or any other field) and *then* you search for your
 patterns of interest). Then you can, for instance, modify the subject
 and encode it back.
 It works for me, at least.

Neat!  I will have to check it out.


Description: Digital signature

Re: kill pidof question

2010-10-30 Thread Bob Proulx
Thomas H. George wrote:
 Camaleón wrote:
  kill `pidof iceape-bin`

 Thanks, this works.  I had not known the use of backward single quotes.
 I'll read up on them.

Better is the newer $(...) way because $(...)'s can be nested.  The
backticks are great for single simple commands.  But if you try to
nest them then the quoting rules become quite hard.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Size of minimal Debian installation

2010-10-30 Thread Bob Proulx
Jason Hsu, embedded engineer, Linux user wrote:
 I have a minimal Debian installation ...

You might be interested in reading through a discussion that is
happening right now on debian-devel:

And note that on Monday a new month appears in the archive and so any
continuation of that discussion next week will need to be located in
the next month's page.


Description: Digital signature

Trying to use a Nokia N95 as a modem over USB

2010-10-30 Thread Andrew Malcolmson
I'm trying to use the GSM data connection of my Nokia N95-3 as a modem
for my Squeeze laptop over USB.

The Ubuntu wiki indicates that my Nokia is compatible with USB
tethering but a patch to hal rules is required (As per a bug report
filed in 2008 but still open.):

The wiki page:

The bug report:

The patch file:

I'm trying to understand how to apply the patch.  I downloaded the
patch file to /etc/udev/rules.d and run 'sudo patch -p0
filename.patch' but patch hangs.  I'm not familiar with applying
patches.  Is my command wrong is this something to do with a patch
created in 2008 for Ubuntu will not work on a 2010 Debian?

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Re: Trying to use a Nokia N95 as a modem over USB

2010-10-30 Thread David Sastre
On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 04:35:55PM -0400, Andrew Malcolmson wrote:
 I'm trying to use the GSM data connection of my Nokia N95-3 as a modem
 for my Squeeze laptop over USB.
 The Ubuntu wiki indicates that my Nokia is compatible with USB
 tethering but a patch to hal rules is required (As per a bug report
 filed in 2008 but still open.):
 The wiki page:
 The bug report:
 The patch file:
 I'm trying to understand how to apply the patch.  I downloaded the
 patch file to /etc/udev/rules.d and run 'sudo patch -p0
 filename.patch' but patch hangs.  I'm not familiar with applying
 patches.  Is my command wrong is this something to do with a patch
 created in 2008 for Ubuntu will not work on a 2010 Debian?

I think you should do:

$ sudo patch -p0  filename.patch

Note the redirection.

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Description: Digital signature

Re: Trying to use a Nokia N95 as a modem over USB

2010-10-30 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 16:35:55 -0400, Andrew Malcolmson wrote:
 I'm trying to use the GSM data connection of my Nokia N95-3 as a modem
 for my Squeeze laptop over USB.
 The Ubuntu wiki indicates that my Nokia is compatible with USB
 tethering but a patch to hal rules is required (As per a bug report
 filed in 2008 but still open.):
 The wiki page:
 The bug report:
 The patch file:
 I'm trying to understand how to apply the patch.  I downloaded the
 patch file to /etc/udev/rules.d and run 'sudo patch -p0
 filename.patch' but patch hangs.  I'm not familiar with applying
 patches.  Is my command wrong is this something to do with a patch
 created in 2008 for Ubuntu will not work on a 2010 Debian?

It is supposed to work like this:

$ sudo patch -d /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/  
patching file 10-modem.fdi
Hunk #1 succeeded at 519 with fuzz 2 (offset 218 lines).

This means that 10-modem.fdi on Sid/Squeeze is different from how it was
when the patch was created, but patch seems to think that it
nevertheless found the right place to insert the modification. The
patched 10-modem.fdi looks reasonable to me, but I do not have a Nokia
N95-3 and therefore I cannot be sure if it works. You can revert the
patch if necessary:

sudo patch -Rd /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/  

  Florian   |

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Re: KMail - forwarding issues

2010-10-30 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 30 October 2010 16:05:43 Camaleón wrote:
 Kmail only allows to forward as an attachment the original e-mail

That is simply not correct.  You can forward as attachment, in line, as a 
digest or redirect.  I always use in line for exactly the reasons you give.


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Re: KMail - forwarding issues

2010-10-30 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 20 October 2010 10:05:43 Paul Cartwright wrote:
 On Tue October 19 2010, Mike Bird wrote:
  I use KMail/Kontact in KDE 3.5 in Lenny.
  Does pressing T (Edit Message) and changing the To address
  at the top come anywhere close to the functionality you need?

 no, it puts everything down at the bottom as an attachment. message
 formatting is lost.

I always forward in line.  I have KMail 1.9.9.


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Re: KMail - forwarding issues

2010-10-30 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 20 October 2010 13:12:53 Mihira Fernando wrote:
   On 10/20/2010 05:16 PM, Paul Cartwright wrote:
  On Wed October 20 2010, AG wrote:
  However, bottom line: so far this is the most viable solution to the
  forwarding issue.  I'm sorry to read that it doesn't work for you in a
  similar way Paul.
  ok, I tried it again on another email that had an Encapsulated message.
  When I hit T it attached that message. I double-clicked on the attached
  message, which still included the OP email address, to  from.. and it
  was not inline with the original pictures, like I received it.

 AFAIK, inline images makes the mail HTML and Kmail screws that up when
 you try to forward it. This is due its limited support for HTML mails.
 (Lack of HTML mail  support is the reason I switched to Thunderbird
 from this otherwise perfect mail client as well ).
 Forwarding a Text only mail or mail with attachments the standard way
 allows you to edit out any information that you do not which to forward.

I have finally understood that the rest of you want HTML functionality.  I 
have always thought that KMail's lack of friendliness to HTML is one of its 


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Re: Trying to use a Nokia N95 as a modem over USB

2010-10-30 Thread Andrew Malcolmson
Thanks guys: adding the redirection and using '-d' to point to the
location of the file to be patched did it.

However, through much Googling I'm learning that since HAL is now
deprecated in favor of udev, the rules format in fdi files must be
converted to the new udev format as explained at the bottom of this

So, my next task is to convert the data in the patch to udev-speak and
save it to a new rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d which I understand is
where custom rules should be saved.

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What packages do I need for the ROX desktop environment?

2010-10-30 Thread Jason Hsu, embedded engineer, Linux user
What packages do I need for the ROX desktop environment?  This is the same DE 
used in Puppy Linux.  The clickable icons on the Puppy Linux desktop are 
provided by ROX, which provides the functionality of GNOME or KDE in a MUCH 
lighter package.

Jason Hsu, Linux-literate embedded engineer
(952) 715-7661

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Re: aptitude called chromium-browser obsolete

2010-10-30 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Wed, 08 Sep 2010 19:42:39 +0200, wrote in

 Le 08/09/2010 19:25, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:
  Kind of an odd thing showed up on three Debian testing systems this
  morning. This all use Xfce for the DE, and they use the
  /etc/apt/sources.list configured like so:
  deb testing main
  deb-src testing main
  deb testing/updates main
  deb-src testing/updates main
  Because of the straw poll thread I had installed chromium-browser
  and midori just to check them out.
  This morning I did my usual check for software upgrades using
  aptitude, and it placed chromium-browser and its dependency into
  the obsolete software category!
  I wasn't too heartbroken. I just went ahead and removed it (and
  midori, too, since I really wasn't finding them to be as useful for
  my particular purpose as Iceweasel.
  I don't remember seeing chromium-browser on the removal lists. Did I
  miss it, or is something else afoot?
  - Gilbert
 Hi, this blog entry explains the problem Chromium is facing:
 It's still available in Sid in version 6.0.472.53~r57914-3

..and it should be dropped and replaced with version 7.something:

..I use Debian's experimental 7.0.544.0~r61416-1 on my 
2 i686 boxes, but I can't find it for amd64.

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;o)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: aptitude called chromium-browser obsolete

2010-10-30 Thread Jordan Metzmeier
On 10/30/2010 10:57 PM, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 ..and it should be dropped and replaced with version 7.something:
 ..I use Debian's experimental 7.0.544.0~r61416-1 on my 
 2 i686 boxes, but I can't find it for amd64.

There have already been numerous other discussions on why it is not...

Jordan Metzmeier

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Re: Samsung R540 Video Card (ATI Mobility Radeon HD545v)

2010-10-30 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Thu, 30 Sep 2010 00:02:43 +0300, Volkan wrote in message

 On Wed, 29 Sep 2010, Volkan YAZICI writes:
  I'm having very disappointing moments after switching from Lenovo
  3000 N200 to Samsung R540. It took half of my day to get wireless
  working. Anyway, I installed the ATI Catalyst 10.9 Proprietary
  Linux x86 Display Driver[1], but couldn't set the screen
  resolution to 1600x1200. (From Xorg logs, I infer that video card
  is capable of such screen resolutions and I hope screen supports
  that as well.) I attached my output. (It
  includes dmesg, xorg.conf, Xorg.0.log, and tons of other
  diagnostics.) Would somebody mind helping me to figure out what am
  I missing? Is the system capable of displaying the screen at
  1600x1200 resolution?
 Nevermind. Stupid notebook, it's limited with 1366x768! Damn! Sorry
 for the false alarm. make a little more noise: ;o)  Did you try the radeon 
and radeonhd drivers?  
How do they compare with ATI's proprietary driver on your 
notebook, performancewise?

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;o)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: X/kernel compatibiity?

2010-10-30 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Fri, 29 Oct 2010 21:41:30 -0700, Ross wrote in message

 On Sat, 2010-10-30 at 05:23 +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
  On Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:17:00 -0700, Ross wrote in message
   On Wed, 2010-10-27 at 18:43 +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
On 2010-10-26 22:13 +0200, Ross Boylan wrote:
 After a recent upgrade, my monitor started behaving poorly
 (shrunk vertically and flickering
  ...horizontally by a coupla millimeters?
 No, the shrinkage was vertical, said so, I asked about the flickering. ;o)

 maybe 5 mm on each side.
  ..I simply made a new modeline. ;o)
 I have a minimalist xorg.conf; almost everything is autodetected.

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;o)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Packages for reboot and shutdown

2010-10-30 Thread Jason Hsu, embedded engineer, Linux user
What package do I need to add to a minimal Debian installation so that I can 
reboot or shut down from GNOME, XFCE, Fluxbox, IceWM, etc.?

Jason Hsu, Linux-literate embedded engineer
(952) 715-7661

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Re: Packages for reboot and shutdown

2010-10-30 Thread Mark Allums

On 10/30/2010 11:23 PM, Jason Hsu, embedded engineer, Linux user wrote:

What package do I need to add to a minimal Debian installation so that I can 
reboot or shut down from GNOME, XFCE, Fluxbox, IceWM, etc.?


GDM and GNOME, for example, already know how to run shutdown as in:

#shutdown now -r

for reboot.

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Re: What packages do I need for the ROX desktop environment?

2010-10-30 Thread Phil Requirements
On 2010-10-30 20:55:12 -0500, Jason Hsu, embedded engineer, Linux user wrote:
 What packages do I need for the ROX desktop environment?  This is
 the same DE used in Puppy Linux.  The clickable icons on the Puppy
 Linux desktop are provided by ROX, which provides the functionality
 of GNOME or KDE in a MUCH lighter package.

I don't think I would call Rox a desktop environment. It's more
like a multi-faceted app. It definitely doesn't have the scope
of a desktop environment, and yes it would be very much smaller.

Try these:

aptitude search ^rox
aptitude show rox-filer
sudo aptitude install rox-filer -s

Hope that helps,


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Re: Trying to use a Nokia N95 as a modem over USB

2010-10-30 Thread Andrew McGlashan


I prefer to use a travel router solution myself -- such as the Netcomm 
T1 ... it allows standard connectivity via WLAN whilst offering firewall 


Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

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Re: Trigger in package meerdere keren uitgevoerd

2010-10-30 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Hoi Geert,

 Ik gebruik Puppet om mijn firewall te beheren. Nou ben ik een pakket (noem
 het 'xyz') aan het maken, dat een service installeert, waarvoor er een
 gaatje in de firewall moet worden geprikt. Het pakket levert zelf de
 firewall rules aan in een file, en na installatie moet Puppet een 'reload'
 krijgen, om de firewall te reloaden met de nieuwe rules.

 Ik heb daarom in Puppet een trigger gedefinieerd, genaamd 'puppet-reload'.
 In de 'triggers' file van Puppet staat:

   interest puppet-reload

 In de triggers file van mijn pakket 'xyz' staat:

   activate puppet-reload


 Op zijn minst de post install files en de triggerscripts.

 Dat had ik toch al grotendeels gedaan. De code in het postinst script is
 niet relevant, want die werkt gewoon, maar voor de volledigheid:

   if [ $1 = triggered ]; then
   invoke-rc.d puppet reload || true

 Het probleem is dus, dat tijdens een installatie met aptitude deze code
 twee keer wordt uitgevoerd, terwijl ik dat eigenlijk maar 1 x zou willen.

 Bij installatie met 'dpkg -i' treedt dit probleem niet op.

 Is dit een bug in Apt(itude)?
 Waar de bug zit is mij nog niet duidelijk.

Nee, mij ook niet.

 En eigenlijk is het mij het probleem nog niet duidelijk.

Ik quote mezelf:
Het probleem is dus, dat tijdens een installatie met aptitude deze code
twee keer wordt uitgevoerd, terwijl ik dat eigenlijk maar 1 x zou

 Ik ben van mijn mening dat de winst te halen is
 in een goede omschrijving van het probleem.

Sorry, ik waardeer je inzet zeer, en ik geef toe dat mijn eerste mail
voor verbetering vatbaar was, maar als het probleem nu nog niet
duidelijk is, dan weet ik het ook niet meer.

 Misschien moeten we ons ook wel focussen op de oorspronkelijke wens:
  Een nieuwe service achter de firewall moet bereikbaar worden.

Nee, dat was niet mijn vraag. Ik kan honderdduizend manieren verzinnen
om een firewall te bouwen. Mijn vraag heeft ook helemaal niets met een
firewall te maken, vandaar dat ik die informatie in mijn eerste mail had
weggelaten. Het gaat erom, dat package triggers niet werken zoals ik
verwacht dat ze werken. Welke packages er in het spel zijn, doet er niet
zoveel toe.

 Mijn inschatting is dat een ssh server en een http server
 _niet_ tegen Puppet aanschoppen (die op zijn beurt tegen de firewall
 schopt )

 Enfin, terug naar het trigger probleem.
   E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
   A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
   Setting up pakketnaam (versie).
 Wat is pakketnaam in bovenstaande situatie?  Puppet of xyz ???


   if [ $1 = triggered ]; then
   invoke-rc.d puppet reload || true
 In welk package zit die programma code ??

In puppet.postinst. Let wel, die zit niet in het standaard puppet
pakket, het is een toevoeging van mijzelf.

 Ik ben mij er van bewust dat ik nog alleen maar vragen aan het stellen
 ben. Maar ja, ik had ook al gezegd dat het probleem mij niet duidelijk
 is. En jullie zien vast wel dat er nog mee gedacht wordt door mij.

Zoals gezegd, dat wordt gewaardeerd. Maar ik krijg wel de indruk, dat je
niet echt bekend bent met de werking van triggers, in ieder geval niet
met het implementeren ervan. Ik heb het gevoel dat ik nu dingen aan het
uitleggen ben, die gewoon voor de hand liggen, voor iemand met voldoende
kennis van de materie. Het spijt mij als ik me hierin vergis.

 Tussen de regels door heb ik gelezen[2] dat
dpkg -i xyz_0.02_all.deb
 goed gaat. Ik heb echter graag de output van dat commando.
 En het schijnt[3] dat
aptitude install xyz
 misgaat. Daar ook graag de output van.
 Geert Stappers
 [1] Ik lees het als een puppet trigger. Dit gaat toch over package
 [2] Alleen 'dpkg -i' was te lezen. De rest heb ik moeten verzinnen.
 Ik stel het erg op prijs dat hele commandoregels getoond worden.
 [3] Alleen Apt(itude) kwam voorbij. De rest heb ik moeten verzinnen.
 Ik stel het erg op prijs dat hele commandoregels getoond worden.

En ik kies er meestal voor om overbodige informatie zoveel mogelijk weg
te laten.

Ik heb de output niet direct bij de hand nu, maar de relevante regels zijn:

$ sudo aptitude install xyz
Unpacking xyz (1.0) ...
Processing triggers for puppet ...
 * Reloading puppet agent
Setting up xyz (1.0) ...
Processing triggers for puppet ...
 * Reloading puppet agent

Bij installatie met 'dpkg -i xyz_1.0_all.deb' komen die 'processing
triggers for puppet' maar 1 x voorbij, zoals ik het -ook bij aptitude-
zou verwachten.


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