V international conference History Lessons. First and Second World Wars, history of Russia and the World in 19-21 centuries

2011-04-09 Thread Organizing committee
Советскому народу и советской армии – победителям
во Второй мировой и Великой Отечественной войнах,
посвящается эта Конференция
V международная научно-практическая конференция
Уроки истории. Первая и Вторая мировые войны, история России и Мира 19-21 
веков – фундаментальные и прикладные исследования
23-24 июня 2011 г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Сайт Конференции (Conference site in Russian and English): geohist.org.
Уважаемые коллеги!
Уважаемые господа!
Сообщаем Вам, что 23-24 июня 2011 г. в Санкт-Петербурге будет проведена V 
Международная научно-практическая конференция Уроки истории. Первая и Вторая 
мировые войны, история  России и мира 19-21 веков – фундаментальные и 
прикладные исследования. 
Приглашаем Вас и ваших коллег принять участие в работе Конференции, в том числе 
и в составе Оргкомитета, и выступить с докладом. На пленарных и секционных 
заседаниях Конференции предлагается рассмотреть и обсудить следующие вопросы:
1. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий в России и в мире в 19 веке и 
в первой трети 20 века и их влияние на историю России и мира в 20-21 веках;
2. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий накануне Второй мировой войны 
(ВМВ) и Великой Отечественной войны (ВОВ):
Анализ внутрисоюзных и международных событий накануне войны; 
Анализ процессов предвоенного государственного, промышленного, военного и 
сельскохозяйственного строительства; 
Проблемы подготовки промышленности и советской армии в предвоенные годы; 
Внутриполитическая и международная обстановка накануне ВМВ;  
Анализ технологии подготовки и провоцирования начала войн, на примере ВМВ;
3. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий периодов ВМВ и ВОВ;
Военные и политические события на территориях СССР, Западной Европы, на море и 
на других театрах военных действий; 
Передислокация и перевод промышленных предприятий на производство военной 
продукции в период ведения боевых действий, режим мобилизационной экономики; 
Создание и функционирование партизанского движения, и его вклад в победу СССР 
над Германией. Методы антипартизанской (антитеррористической) борьбы фашистской 
Германии на оккупированных территориях;  
Внутрисоюзные и международные события в период и после завершения ВОВ и их 
геополитические последствия;  
Битва под Москвой, окружение немцев под Сталинградом, Курская дуга и другие 
победы советской армии. Их роль в победе во ВМВ над Германией и её союзниками;  
Блокада, голод, прорыв и ликвидация блокады Ленинграда;  
Атомная бомбардировка авиацией США японских городов Хиросимы и Нагасаки, их 
функциональное назначение.  
Создание НАТО в 1949 году и провоцирование Соединенными Штатами Америки начала 
“холодной войны”. Формирование в США идеологии мирового господства и нового 
миропорядка под прицелом сшатовских военных баз как продолжение глобальной 
политики нацистской Германии;  
Потери гражданских и военных лиц, подсчет экономического ущерба, нанесенного 
Германией и её союзниками Советскому Союзу и другим жертвам их агрессии;  
Патриотизм и героизм советского народа и Красной армии – основа победы СССР во 
Второй мировой войне над фашистской Германией и её союзниками;  
Вклад высокотехнологической промышленности, высокотехнологического оружия и 
высокого уровня фундаментальных и прикладных исследований в победу СССР во 
Второй мировой войне;  
Функциональное назначение Второй мировой войны – геополитический анализ;
4. Исторический и геополитический анализ процессов послевоенного устройства 
Послевоенные военно-политические доктрины США о превентивной атомной 
бомбардировке советских городов и развязывание глобальной “холодной войны; 
Создание оккупационных военных баз США в Европе и Азии - строительство 
глобального фашизма, нацизма и однополярного мира;  
Анализ причинно-следственных связей, геополитических и международных аспектов 
создания ООН, НАТО и, как следствие, Варшавского договора (1955 год) и других 
международных организаций после Второй мировой войны;  
Ялтинское, Хельсинское и другие международные соглашения и договора 
послевоенного мироустройства и проблемы их выполнения;
5. Фальсификация истории и результатов Второй мировой войны – один из методов 
продолжения ведения холодной войны, управления историческими процессами и 
нового передела мира;
6. Внутрисоюзные и Международные события в 1985-2011 годах:
Уничтожение СССР и нарушение мирового баланса сил; 
Проблемы и перспективы восстановления многополярного мира, как мира без войн и 
региональных военных конфликтов;  
Проблемы легитимности процессов приватизации и оценка нанесенного приватизацией 
экономического ущерба России и гражданам России;  
Война Грузии против Южной Осетии и Абхазии в августе 2008 года - продолжение 
реализации агрессии НАТО и Евросоюза по отношению к СНГ;  
Нацизм, фашизм, расизм и геноцид Западной цивилизации в 19-21 веках. Генезис и 
морфология, исторический, геополитический и юридический анализ;  
Разделение должностей Президента и Главнокомандующего как механизм профилактики 
фашизма и 

Re: crypter les données MySQL entre les clients et le serveur

2011-04-09 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Sat, 9 Apr 2011 00:11:10 +0200
halim djerroud halim.cont...@gmail.com wrote:

 Je dispose d'un serveur de base de données MySQL et un logiciel installer
 sur plusieurs clients (Clients lourds) je voudrais sécuriser les données qui
 transitent sur le réseau 

Il me semble qu'avec un MySQL récent on a la possibilité de crypter via
SSL la connexion entre le serveur et le client


Basile STARYNKEVITCH http://starynkevitch.net/Basile/
email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
vers debian-user-french-requ...@lists.debian.org
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS listmas...@lists.debian.org

V international conference History Lessons. First and Second World Wars, history of Russia and the World in 19-21 centuries

2011-04-09 Thread Organizing committee
Советскому народу и советской армии – победителям
во Второй мировой и Великой Отечественной войнах,
посвящается эта Конференция
V международная научно-практическая конференция
Уроки истории. Первая и Вторая мировые войны, история России и Мира 19-21 
веков – фундаментальные и прикладные исследования
23-24 июня 2011 г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Сайт Конференции (Conference site in Russian and English): geohist.org.
Уважаемые коллеги!
Уважаемые господа!
Сообщаем Вам, что 23-24 июня 2011 г. в Санкт-Петербурге будет проведена V 
Международная научно-практическая конференция Уроки истории. Первая и Вторая 
мировые войны, история  России и мира 19-21 веков – фундаментальные и 
прикладные исследования. 
Приглашаем Вас и ваших коллег принять участие в работе Конференции, в том числе 
и в составе Оргкомитета, и выступить с докладом. На пленарных и секционных 
заседаниях Конференции предлагается рассмотреть и обсудить следующие вопросы:
1. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий в России и в мире в 19 веке и 
в первой трети 20 века и их влияние на историю России и мира в 20-21 веках;
2. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий накануне Второй мировой войны 
(ВМВ) и Великой Отечественной войны (ВОВ):
Анализ внутрисоюзных и международных событий накануне войны; 
Анализ процессов предвоенного государственного, промышленного, военного и 
сельскохозяйственного строительства; 
Проблемы подготовки промышленности и советской армии в предвоенные годы; 
Внутриполитическая и международная обстановка накануне ВМВ;  
Анализ технологии подготовки и провоцирования начала войн, на примере ВМВ;
3. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий периодов ВМВ и ВОВ;
Военные и политические события на территориях СССР, Западной Европы, на море и 
на других театрах военных действий; 
Передислокация и перевод промышленных предприятий на производство военной 
продукции в период ведения боевых действий, режим мобилизационной экономики; 
Создание и функционирование партизанского движения, и его вклад в победу СССР 
над Германией. Методы антипартизанской (антитеррористической) борьбы фашистской 
Германии на оккупированных территориях;  
Внутрисоюзные и международные события в период и после завершения ВОВ и их 
геополитические последствия;  
Битва под Москвой, окружение немцев под Сталинградом, Курская дуга и другие 
победы советской армии. Их роль в победе во ВМВ над Германией и её союзниками;  
Блокада, голод, прорыв и ликвидация блокады Ленинграда;  
Атомная бомбардировка авиацией США японских городов Хиросимы и Нагасаки, их 
функциональное назначение.  
Создание НАТО в 1949 году и провоцирование Соединенными Штатами Америки начала 
“холодной войны”. Формирование в США идеологии мирового господства и нового 
миропорядка под прицелом сшатовских военных баз как продолжение глобальной 
политики нацистской Германии;  
Потери гражданских и военных лиц, подсчет экономического ущерба, нанесенного 
Германией и её союзниками Советскому Союзу и другим жертвам их агрессии;  
Патриотизм и героизм советского народа и Красной армии – основа победы СССР во 
Второй мировой войне над фашистской Германией и её союзниками;  
Вклад высокотехнологической промышленности, высокотехнологического оружия и 
высокого уровня фундаментальных и прикладных исследований в победу СССР во 
Второй мировой войне;  
Функциональное назначение Второй мировой войны – геополитический анализ;
4. Исторический и геополитический анализ процессов послевоенного устройства 
Послевоенные военно-политические доктрины США о превентивной атомной 
бомбардировке советских городов и развязывание глобальной “холодной войны; 
Создание оккупационных военных баз США в Европе и Азии - строительство 
глобального фашизма, нацизма и однополярного мира;  
Анализ причинно-следственных связей, геополитических и международных аспектов 
создания ООН, НАТО и, как следствие, Варшавского договора (1955 год) и других 
международных организаций после Второй мировой войны;  
Ялтинское, Хельсинское и другие международные соглашения и договора 
послевоенного мироустройства и проблемы их выполнения;
5. Фальсификация истории и результатов Второй мировой войны – один из методов 
продолжения ведения холодной войны, управления историческими процессами и 
нового передела мира;
6. Внутрисоюзные и Международные события в 1985-2011 годах:
Уничтожение СССР и нарушение мирового баланса сил; 
Проблемы и перспективы восстановления многополярного мира, как мира без войн и 
региональных военных конфликтов;  
Проблемы легитимности процессов приватизации и оценка нанесенного приватизацией 
экономического ущерба России и гражданам России;  
Война Грузии против Южной Осетии и Абхазии в августе 2008 года - продолжение 
реализации агрессии НАТО и Евросоюза по отношению к СНГ;  
Нацизм, фашизм, расизм и геноцид Западной цивилизации в 19-21 веках. Генезис и 
морфология, исторический, геополитический и юридический анализ;  
Разделение должностей Президента и Главнокомандующего как механизм профилактики 
фашизма и 

Aide pour choisir le matériel

2011-04-09 Thread Nicolas FROIDURE (Elitwork)


Après plusieurs années de bons et loyaux services, je compte changer de 
PC fixe et par la même occasion, passer ce dernier sous Debian. 
Cependant, ça fait longtemps que j'ai décroché du montage/démontage de 
PC pour la programmation et je ne sais pas trop quels choix faire, le 
tout ayant bien évolué...

Tout d'abord, mon besoin : optimiser mon temps de travail (réduire 
l'attente) grâce à une importante réactivité de mes logiciels, avoir 
deux écrans (est-ce possible avec GNU/Linux).

Sachant que j'ai en permanence : Firefox (+20 onglets/10 extensions), 
Thunderbird, mon éditeur de code (n++, mais je crois pas qu'il existe 
sous Linux), Filezilla. En plus de manière ponctuelle : Gimp, Inkscape, 
Blender, Zargo, OpenOffice (Writer et Calc). Et certainement, avec le 
passage sous Linux, une console à portée de main. J'utilise aussi Flash, 
mais j'ai mon portable sous Seven.

Pour les écrans, j'aimerai connaître les critères pour choisir un écran 
qui ménage mes yeux vu le temps que je passe devant. Si possible avec un 
réglage de la luminosité ayant une forte amplitude.

Pour la carte mère et le processeur, je souhaiterai qqchose d'assez 
évolutif mais surtout avec de fortes performances. (SandyBridge i7

Pour les données, mon serveur local sous Debian dispose d'un raid1 et je 
stocke tout dessus (NFS est-il le mieux ?). Du coup, je me questionne 
sur l'intérêt d'avoir un disque dur. Peut-être devrais-je utiliser un 
disque SSD (démarrage rapide ?), mais il paraît que ça se dégrade vite 
en cas de lecture écriture successive.

Vu que la RAM coûte pas cher, pensez-vous qu'il soit utile/possible de 
monter un ramdisk au démarrage pour mettre /temp ou autre dessus ?

La carte vidéo m'importe peu, mais il faut qu'elle ne crée pas de 
problème avec le reste. Pas de lecteur CD, pas de graveur mais du USB 
3.0. La carte son de la carte mère me suffira.

Sachant que je pense mettre 800€ ou un peu plus, si ça apporte qqchose, 
pour la tour (hors écrans clavier souris donc). D'ailleurs, pour la 
souris et le clavier USB ou PS/2 ? Si ça existe encore...

Bien-sûr, le matériel doit être compatible Linux et c'est surtout ça qui 
me fait un peu peur à vrai dire.

Merci pour votre aide, pour info, voici ce que j'avais envisagé :
Proc : core i7 950
Ventilo : ?
Carte mère : ?
Mem : OCZ Gold Edition 1x12 Go DDR3
Carte vidéo : GeForce GTX 570 1.3Go
DD : ?
Alim : Antec HCG - 750W
Boitier : Cooler Master HAF-X
Carte USB 3.0

Bon week end.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
vers debian-user-french-requ...@lists.debian.org
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4da01676.7070...@elitwork.com

Aide pour choisir le matériel

2011-04-09 Thread FROIDURE Nicolas


Après plusieurs années de bons et loyaux services, je compte changer de 
PC fixe et par la même occasion, passer ce dernier sous Debian. 
Cependant, ça fait longtemps que j'ai décroché du montage/démontage de 
PC pour la programmation et je ne sais pas trop quels choix faire, le 
tout ayant bien évolué...

Tout d'abord, mon besoin : optimiser mon temps de travail (réduire 
l'attente) grâce à une importante réactivité de mes logiciels, avoir 
deux écrans (est-ce possible avec GNU/Linux).

Sachant que j'ai en permanence : Firefox (+20 onglets/10 extensions), 
Thunderbird, mon éditeur de code (n++, mais je crois pas qu'il existe 
sous Linux), Filezilla. En plus de manière ponctuelle : Gimp, Inkscape, 
Blender, Zargo, OpenOffice (Writer et Calc). Et certainement, avec le 
passage sous Linux, une console à portée de main. J'utilise aussi Flash, 
mais j'ai mon portable sous Seven.

Pour les écrans, j'aimerai connaître les critères pour choisir un écran 
qui ménage mes yeux vu le temps que je passe devant. Si possible avec un 
réglage de la luminosité ayant une forte amplitude.

Pour la carte mère et le processeur, je souhaiterai qqchose d'assez 
évolutif mais surtout avec de fortes performances. (SandyBridge i7

Pour les données, mon serveur local sous Debian dispose d'un raid1 et je 
stocke tout dessus (NFS est-il le mieux ?). Du coup, je me questionne 
sur l'intérêt d'avoir un disque dur. Peut-être devrais-je utiliser un 
disque SSD (démarrage rapide ?), mais il paraît que ça se dégrade vite 
en cas de lecture écriture successive.

Vu que la RAM coûte pas cher, pensez-vous qu'il soit utile/possible de 
monter un ramdisk au démarrage pour mettre /temp ou autre dessus ?

La carte vidéo m'importe peu, mais il faut qu'elle ne crée pas de 
problème avec le reste. Pas de lecteur CD, pas de graveur mais du USB 
3.0. La carte son de la carte mère me suffira.

Sachant que je pense mettre 900€ ou un peu plus, si ça apporte qqchose, 
pour la tour (hors écrans clavier souris donc). D'ailleurs, pour la 
souris et le clavier USB ou PS/2 ? Si ça existe encore...

Bien-sûr, le matériel doit être compatible Linux et c'est surtout ça qui 
me fait un peu peur à vrai dire.

Merci pour votre aide, pour info, voici ce que j'avais envisagé :
Proc : core i7 950
Ventilo : ?
Carte mère : Carte mère GA-X58A-UD3R Core i7 X58+ICH10R 4xDDR3 2xPCIE16 

Mem : OCZ Gold Edition 1x12 Go DDR3
Carte vidéo : GeForce GTX 570 1.3Go
DD : ?
Alim : Antec HCG - 750W
Boitier : Cooler Master HAF-X

Bon week end.

Cordialement, Nicolas Froidure, gérant, Elitwork SARL.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
vers debian-user-french-requ...@lists.debian.org
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4da01aed.6090...@yahoo.fr

Re: Aide pour choisir le matériel

2011-04-09 Thread FROIDURE Nicolas
Désolé pour le doublon. Prendre en compte le dernier message car il y a 
eu des modifs.


Cordialement, Nicolas Froidure, gérant, Elitwork SARL.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
vers debian-user-french-requ...@lists.debian.org
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4da01c43.8030...@yahoo.fr

Re: Aide pour choisir le matériel

2011-04-09 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Sat, 09 Apr 2011 10:38:05 +0200
FROIDURE Nicolas froidure_nico...@yahoo.fr wrote:
 Après plusieurs années de bons et loyaux services, je compte changer de 
 PC fixe et par la même occasion, passer ce dernier sous Debian. 
 Cependant, ça fait longtemps que j'ai décroché du montage/démontage de 
 PC pour la programmation et je ne sais pas trop quels choix faire, le 
 tout ayant bien évolué...

N'importe quel matériel pas trop exotique marche sous Linux. 
Il n'y a pas de souci à se faire. Si tu veux être tranquille, choisis
un matériel qui est paru il y a quelques mois.

 Tout d'abord, mon besoin : optimiser mon temps de travail (réduire 
 l'attente) grâce à une importante réactivité de mes logiciels, avoir 
 deux écrans (est-ce possible avec GNU/Linux).

Oui. J'ai deux écrans sous Debian et une carte graphique ATI (et il y a
quelques années c'était une carte Nvidia). Il peut être utile, avec 2
écrans, d'utiliser le pilote propriétaire (sous ATI, le pilote AMD
Catalyst fglrx).

 Sachant que j'ai en permanence : Firefox (+20 onglets/10 extensions), 
 Thunderbird, mon éditeur de code (n++, mais je crois pas qu'il existe 
 sous Linux), Filezilla. En plus de manière ponctuelle : Gimp, Inkscape, 
 Blender, Zargo, OpenOffice (Writer et Calc). Et certainement, avec le 
 passage sous Linux, une console à portée de main. J'utilise aussi Flash, 
 mais j'ai mon portable sous Seven.

Le lecteur Flash d'adobe marche sous Linux. Et emacs est probablement
bien meilleur que n++.

 Pour les écrans, j'aimerai connaître les critères pour choisir un écran 
 qui ménage mes yeux vu le temps que je passe devant. Si possible avec un 
 réglage de la luminosité ayant une forte amplitude.

Le critère est le même sous Linux et sous Windows. Il me semble que les
écrans plats récents sont confortables. Je passe de longues heures
devant. Une connexion numérique (par exemple DVI) est préférable à une
connexion analogique (VGA), car elle donne une image subjectivement
plus nette.

 Pour la carte mère et le processeur, je souhaiterai qqchose d'assez 
 évolutif mais surtout avec de fortes performances. (SandyBridge i7
 Pour les données, mon serveur local sous Debian dispose d'un raid1 et je 
 stocke tout dessus (NFS est-il le mieux ?). Du coup, je me questionne 
 sur l'intérêt d'avoir un disque dur. Peut-être devrais-je utiliser un 
 disque SSD (démarrage rapide ?), mais il paraît que ça se dégrade vite 
 en cas de lecture écriture successive.

 Vu que la RAM coûte pas cher, pensez-vous qu'il soit utile/possible de 
 monter un ramdisk au démarrage pour mettre /temp ou autre dessus ?

Pas forcément utile: même en Ext3, le noyau utilise fort bien la RAM
comme cache disque. Par contre, je conseille toujours de la RAM de
qualité (probablement de marque). Il y a quelques années, j'ai eu une
expérience douloureuse avec de la RAM no-name sur un portable (elle
merdait, mais memtest ne trouvait rien à redire)

 La carte vidéo m'importe peu, mais il faut qu'elle ne crée pas de 
 problème avec le reste. Pas de lecteur CD, pas de graveur mais du USB 
 3.0. La carte son de la carte mère me suffira.

Un graveur ou lecteur DVD coûte peu et peut toujours servir (notamment
pour l'installation de Linux, qui est plus simple, car les images .iso
sont prêtes à graver).
 Sachant que je pense mettre 900€ ou un peu plus, si ça apporte qqchose, 
 pour la tour (hors écrans clavier souris donc). D'ailleurs, pour la 
 souris et le clavier USB ou PS/2 ? Si ça existe encore...

USB sans hésiter!
 Bien-sûr, le matériel doit être compatible Linux et c'est surtout ça qui 
 me fait un peu peur à vrai dire.

Il n'y a pas à avoir peur. En pratique, n'importe quel matériel est
compatible Linux de nos jours. Pour être tranquille, on pourrait
préférer du matériel paru il y a quelques mois (et peut-être éviter le
materiel tout dernier cri qui vient de paraître au compte-gouttes,
parfois très onéreux).

Il existe des sites qui testent du matériel sous Linux. Par exemple
http://www.phoronix.com et plein d'autres.

Basile STARYNKEVITCH http://starynkevitch.net/Basile/
email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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Re: Aide pour choisir le matériel

2011-04-09 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Le 09/04/2011 10:38, FROIDURE Nicolas a écrit :


[...] Et certainement, avec le passage sous Linux, une console à 
portée de main.
Avec Guake (Gnome) ou Yakuake (Kde) la (les) console(s) est(sont) à 
portée de touche: F12 ;-)


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Re: Aide pour choisir le matériel

2011-04-09 Thread Tulum

 D'ailleurs, pour la
  souris et le clavier USB
Attention, mon pack clavier/souris USB Trust Wireless Deskset 
(http://www.trust.com/16367) n'est pas reconnu pendant l'installation. Aucun 
souci après le premier reboot.

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Re: Aide pour choisir le matériel

2011-04-09 Thread Aéris
Hash: SHA1

Le 09/04/2011 10:50, FROIDURE Nicolas a écrit :
 Désolé pour le doublon. Prendre en compte le dernier message car il y a
 eu des modifs.

Pour un PC garanti compatible Linux et dans ta fourchette de prix, il y
a le très bon revendeur KeyNux:

Un Enterprise SOI7 pour le bureau ou un Scout INI7 pour la maison =)

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: application des theme gtk

2011-04-09 Thread crowd
Le samedi 09 avril 2011 à 00:11 +0200, Adrien a écrit :

 Est-ce que gnome-shell ne t'aurais pas modifié des fichier de
 configuration tel que
 .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 ou .gtkrc-2.0 ? Personnellement, il m'est impossible
 de modifier
 graphiquement le style de mes fenêtres si il est défini dans l'un de ces
 fichiers. Je suppose
 qu'il en va de même pour le reste.
le fichier .gtkrc-2.0 n'a pas été modifié, y a les bons infos :
gtk-font-name=Cantarell 11
include /home/crowd/.gtkrc-2.0.mine

j'ai  oublié de dire que le clic droit sur le bureau lui aussi marche


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Re: Aide pour choisir le matériel

2011-04-09 Thread Jérôme
Le samedi 09 avril 2011 à 11:10 +0200, daniel huhardeaux a écrit :
 Le 09/04/2011 10:38, FROIDURE Nicolas a écrit :
  [...] Et certainement, avec le passage sous Linux, une console à 
  portée de main.
 Avec Guake (Gnome) ou Yakuake (Kde) la (les) console(s) est(sont) à 
 portée de touche: F12 ;-)

Shift-F12 pour moi, la touche F12 étant parfois utilisée pour autre
chose ^_^  en tout cas c'est une console extrêmement pratique. Je

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Re: carte tv reconnue 1 fois sur 2

2011-04-09 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 09/04/11 à 00:15, Jean-Yves F. Barbier 12u...@gmail.com a écrit :
JYFB  Reste bttv, qui a plein de parm, dont
JYFB  parm:   video_nr:video device numbers (array of int)
JYFB  echo 'options bttv video_nr=0'  /etc/modprobe.d/bttv.conf
JYFB  ferait la même chose que les règles udev ?
JYFB vi; malheureusement pour toi, le drv de la WC ne possède pas de parm
JYFB permettant la même chose, et comme c'est lui qui est chargé en premier...
JYFB mais tu peux intervertir les n°:)

Le pb est que le driver de la webcam est visiblement pas toujours chargé en 
premier (en tout
cas il a pas toujours /dev/video0), mais je note que je pourrais fixer bttv sur 
comme ça.

JYFB comme l'a fait remarquer Sylvain, udev permet un réglage fin, mais 
JYFB mal les erreurs éventuelles de conf.

Oui, j'ai fixé les règles udev, ça a l'air de marcher...
J'essaierai de mettre ça sur le wiki debian.


La justice, c'est comme la Sainte Vierge. Si elle n'apparaît pas 
de temps en temps, le doute s'installe.
Michel Audiard

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Re: crypter les données MySQL entre les clients et le serveur

2011-04-09 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 12:11:10AM +0200,
 halim djerroud halim.cont...@gmail.com wrote 
 a message of 47 lines which said:

 existe il une librairie de cryptage en C ?

Chiffrement, pas cryptage.


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clavier multimedia : prise en compte de codes touches.

2011-04-09 Thread moi-meme
J'ai un clavier multimédia avec crunchbang installé (une squeezze légère 
à mettre à sa sauce).
Toutes les touches sont identifiées et fonctionnelles avec :
- un setkeycode en root qui va bien,
- un xmodmap .xmodmaprc dans mon home.

Mais je n'arrive pas à faire le lancement automatique.
Pour setkeycode j'ai essayé :

Pour xmodmap :
- .xsession dans mon home

Je ne vois pas ce qu'il faut faire.

Merci d'avance
C Hiebel

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Re: crypter les données MySQL entre les clients et le serveur

2011-04-09 Thread corbie
Le samedi 9 avril 2011, Stephane Bortzmeyer a écrit :
 On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 12:11:10AM +0200,
  halim djerroud halim.cont...@gmail.com wrote 
  a message of 47 lines which said:
  existe il une librairie de cryptage en C ?
 Chiffrement, pas cryptage.

La cryptographie est une des disciplines de la cryptologie :
la cryptologie englobe la cryptographie, l'écriture secrète,
et la cryptanalyse, l'analyse de cette dernière.

Décrypter = décoder quand on ne connaît pas le code (grâce à la 

Si on utilise bien le terme décrypter, il a bien fallu avant crypter , 
voire encrypter.

bâtir = débâtir
rouler = dérouler

Mais il est vrai que le mot crypter est absent du dictionnaire du français,
le mot décrypter existe bien.


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Re: crypter les données MySQL entre les clients et le serveur

2011-04-09 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le samedi 9 avril 2011 à 20:07:25, cor...@free.fr a écrit :
 Si on utilise bien le terme décrypter, il a bien fallu
 avant crypter , voire encrypter.

  Les relations « si…alors » absolues en linguistique ne 
fonctionnent qu’en Lojban (ou autre langue construite).

 bâtir = débâtir
 rouler = dérouler

  Ben voyons, comme pour :
biner → débiner
crier → décrier
gueuler → dégueuler
livrer → délivrer
penser → dépenser

 Mais il est vrai que le mot crypter est absent du
 dictionnaire du français, le mot décrypter existe bien.

  Ok, donc :
débaucher → baucher
déblayer → blayer
débourser → bourser
décliner → cliner

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: crypter les données MySQL entre les clients et le serveur

2011-04-09 Thread Erwan David
On 09/04/11 20:07, cor...@free.fr wrote:
 Le samedi 9 avril 2011, Stephane Bortzmeyer a écrit :
 On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 12:11:10AM +0200,
  halim djerroud halim.cont...@gmail.com wrote 
  a message of 47 lines which said:
 existe il une librairie de cryptage en C ?
 Chiffrement, pas cryptage.
 La cryptographie est une des disciplines de la cryptologie :
 la cryptologie englobe la cryptographie, l'écriture secrète,
 et la cryptanalyse, l'analyse de cette dernière.
 Décrypter = décoder quand on ne connaît pas le code (grâce à la 
 Si on utilise bien le terme décrypter, il a bien fallu avant crypter , 
 voire encrypter.

Ben non on décrypte un texte qui a été *chiffré*. Et qui peut être
*déchiffré* par celui qui a la clef adaptée.

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Re: clavier multimedia : prise en compte de codes touches.

2011-04-09 Thread moi-meme
Le Sat, 09 Apr 2011 20:00:01 +0200, moi-meme a écrit :

 Mais je n'arrive pas à faire le lancement automatique. Pour setkeycode
 j'ai essayé :
 Pour xmodmap :
 - .xsession dans mon home

avec des manips complémentaires c'est le xmodmap qui ne va pas.

Où faut il donc que je la mette cette commande ?

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Re: crypter les données MySQL entre les clients et le serveur

2011-04-09 Thread corbie
Le samedi 9 avril 2011, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Le samedi 9 avril 2011 à 20:07:25, cor...@free.fr a écrit :
  Si on utilise bien le terme décrypter, il a bien fallu
  avant crypter , voire encrypter :

Réponse bien inutile puisque je disais :
  Mais il est vrai que le mot crypter est absent du
  dictionnaire du français, le mot décrypter existe bien.

On décrypte, ce qui a été crypté,
mais crypter ça n'existe pas, donc : chiffrer.
La Défense Nationale, le Ministères des Affaires étrangères ...
ont un service dit le service du chiffre et leurs employés s'appellent :
les chiffreurs.
  bâtir = débâtir
  rouler = dérouler

   Ben voyons, comme pour :
 biner → débiner
 crier → décrier
 gueuler → dégueuler
 livrer → délivrer
 penser → dépenser

Très drôle, tu as oublié d'autres expressions :
déjeuner = jeuner
défaire = faire
démanger = manger
découler = couler
débiner = biner

  Mais il est vrai que le mot crypter est absent du
  dictionnaire du français, le mot décrypter existe bien.
   Ok, donc :
 débaucher → baucher
 déblayer → blayer
 débourser → bourser
 décliner → cliner
  Sylvain Sauvage

Je me permets d'en rajouter encore pour ta culture personnelle :
décimer = cimer
désirer = sirer
déménager =ménager

Pour faire plaisir à notre ami, toute la ML Debian est invitée 
à poursuivre la liste des expressions ...

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Re: clavier multimedia : prise en compte de codes touches.

2011-04-09 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le 09 Apr 2011 19:45:36 GMT,
moi-meme chie...@free.fr a écrit :

 Le Sat, 09 Apr 2011 20:00:01 +0200, moi-meme a écrit :
  Mais je n'arrive pas à faire le lancement automatique. Pour
  setkeycode j'ai essayé :
  Pour xmodmap :
  - .xsession dans mon home
 avec des manips complémentaires c'est le xmodmap qui ne va pas.
 Où faut il donc que je la mette cette commande ?


voici quelques liens :



remarque :

merci de bien vouloir reconsulter les sujet ayant trait à la 
reconnaissance d'une souris 

cf sujet postés par :

Guy Roussin
David Bercot


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V international conference History Lessons. First and Second World Wars, history of Russia and the World in 19-21 centuries

2011-04-09 Thread Organizing committee
Советскому народу и советской армии – победителям
во Второй мировой и Великой Отечественной войнах,
посвящается эта Конференция
V международная научно-практическая конференция
Уроки истории. Первая и Вторая мировые войны, история России и Мира 19-21 
веков – фундаментальные и прикладные исследования
23-24 июня 2011 г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Сайт Конференции (Conference site in Russian and English): geohist.org.
Уважаемые коллеги!
Уважаемые господа!
Сообщаем Вам, что 23-24 июня 2011 г. в Санкт-Петербурге будет проведена V 
Международная научно-практическая конференция Уроки истории. Первая и Вторая 
мировые войны, история  России и мира 19-21 веков – фундаментальные и 
прикладные исследования. 
Приглашаем Вас и ваших коллег принять участие в работе Конференции, в том числе 
и в составе Оргкомитета, и выступить с докладом. На пленарных и секционных 
заседаниях Конференции предлагается рассмотреть и обсудить следующие вопросы:
1. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий в России и в мире в 19 веке и 
в первой трети 20 века и их влияние на историю России и мира в 20-21 веках;
2. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий накануне Второй мировой войны 
(ВМВ) и Великой Отечественной войны (ВОВ):
Анализ внутрисоюзных и международных событий накануне войны; 
Анализ процессов предвоенного государственного, промышленного, военного и 
сельскохозяйственного строительства; 
Проблемы подготовки промышленности и советской армии в предвоенные годы; 
Внутриполитическая и международная обстановка накануне ВМВ;  
Анализ технологии подготовки и провоцирования начала войн, на примере ВМВ;
3. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий периодов ВМВ и ВОВ;
Военные и политические события на территориях СССР, Западной Европы, на море и 
на других театрах военных действий; 
Передислокация и перевод промышленных предприятий на производство военной 
продукции в период ведения боевых действий, режим мобилизационной экономики; 
Создание и функционирование партизанского движения, и его вклад в победу СССР 
над Германией. Методы антипартизанской (антитеррористической) борьбы фашистской 
Германии на оккупированных территориях;  
Внутрисоюзные и международные события в период и после завершения ВОВ и их 
геополитические последствия;  
Битва под Москвой, окружение немцев под Сталинградом, Курская дуга и другие 
победы советской армии. Их роль в победе во ВМВ над Германией и её союзниками;  
Блокада, голод, прорыв и ликвидация блокады Ленинграда;  
Атомная бомбардировка авиацией США японских городов Хиросимы и Нагасаки, их 
функциональное назначение.  
Создание НАТО в 1949 году и провоцирование Соединенными Штатами Америки начала 
“холодной войны”. Формирование в США идеологии мирового господства и нового 
миропорядка под прицелом сшатовских военных баз как продолжение глобальной 
политики нацистской Германии;  
Потери гражданских и военных лиц, подсчет экономического ущерба, нанесенного 
Германией и её союзниками Советскому Союзу и другим жертвам их агрессии;  
Патриотизм и героизм советского народа и Красной армии – основа победы СССР во 
Второй мировой войне над фашистской Германией и её союзниками;  
Вклад высокотехнологической промышленности, высокотехнологического оружия и 
высокого уровня фундаментальных и прикладных исследований в победу СССР во 
Второй мировой войне;  
Функциональное назначение Второй мировой войны – геополитический анализ;
4. Исторический и геополитический анализ процессов послевоенного устройства 
Послевоенные военно-политические доктрины США о превентивной атомной 
бомбардировке советских городов и развязывание глобальной “холодной войны; 
Создание оккупационных военных баз США в Европе и Азии - строительство 
глобального фашизма, нацизма и однополярного мира;  
Анализ причинно-следственных связей, геополитических и международных аспектов 
создания ООН, НАТО и, как следствие, Варшавского договора (1955 год) и других 
международных организаций после Второй мировой войны;  
Ялтинское, Хельсинское и другие международные соглашения и договора 
послевоенного мироустройства и проблемы их выполнения;
5. Фальсификация истории и результатов Второй мировой войны – один из методов 
продолжения ведения холодной войны, управления историческими процессами и 
нового передела мира;
6. Внутрисоюзные и Международные события в 1985-2011 годах:
Уничтожение СССР и нарушение мирового баланса сил; 
Проблемы и перспективы восстановления многополярного мира, как мира без войн и 
региональных военных конфликтов;  
Проблемы легитимности процессов приватизации и оценка нанесенного приватизацией 
экономического ущерба России и гражданам России;  
Война Грузии против Южной Осетии и Абхазии в августе 2008 года - продолжение 
реализации агрессии НАТО и Евросоюза по отношению к СНГ;  
Нацизм, фашизм, расизм и геноцид Западной цивилизации в 19-21 веках. Генезис и 
морфология, исторический, геополитический и юридический анализ;  
Разделение должностей Президента и Главнокомандующего как механизм профилактики 
фашизма и 

Re: Dirección IP estática se modifica

2011-04-09 Thread BasaBuru
On Viernes 08 Abril 2011 20:47:19 Walter O. Dari escribió:
 A Internet se comunican a través de una antena debido a que no hay
 teléfono en ese lugar. La conexión ya viene ruteada ya que el cable
 que viene de la antena se conecta a un switch Cisco de 8 puertos donde a
 su vez están conectadas las PCs y una impresora con conexión ethernet.

no tendrás otra máquina con esa ip asignada

Todas deberían tener ip estatica segun lo que comentas.

esto parece una de la navaja de occamm :=) lo mas sencillo es lo mas probable.

no te ofendas. es un chiste que no me he podido resistir.

Ya contaras como te ha ido.

Un saludo.


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V international conference History Lessons. First and Second World Wars, history of Russia and the World in 19-21 centuries

2011-04-09 Thread Organizing committee
Советскому народу и советской армии – победителям
во Второй мировой и Великой Отечественной войнах,
посвящается эта Конференция
V международная научно-практическая конференция
Уроки истории. Первая и Вторая мировые войны, история России и Мира 19-21 
веков – фундаментальные и прикладные исследования
23-24 июня 2011 г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Сайт Конференции (Conference site in Russian and English): geohist.org.
Уважаемые коллеги!
Уважаемые господа!
Сообщаем Вам, что 23-24 июня 2011 г. в Санкт-Петербурге будет проведена V 
Международная научно-практическая конференция Уроки истории. Первая и Вторая 
мировые войны, история  России и мира 19-21 веков – фундаментальные и 
прикладные исследования. 
Приглашаем Вас и ваших коллег принять участие в работе Конференции, в том числе 
и в составе Оргкомитета, и выступить с докладом. На пленарных и секционных 
заседаниях Конференции предлагается рассмотреть и обсудить следующие вопросы:
1. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий в России и в мире в 19 веке и 
в первой трети 20 века и их влияние на историю России и мира в 20-21 веках;
2. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий накануне Второй мировой войны 
(ВМВ) и Великой Отечественной войны (ВОВ):
Анализ внутрисоюзных и международных событий накануне войны; 
Анализ процессов предвоенного государственного, промышленного, военного и 
сельскохозяйственного строительства; 
Проблемы подготовки промышленности и советской армии в предвоенные годы; 
Внутриполитическая и международная обстановка накануне ВМВ;  
Анализ технологии подготовки и провоцирования начала войн, на примере ВМВ;
3. Исторический и геополитический анализ событий периодов ВМВ и ВОВ;
Военные и политические события на территориях СССР, Западной Европы, на море и 
на других театрах военных действий; 
Передислокация и перевод промышленных предприятий на производство военной 
продукции в период ведения боевых действий, режим мобилизационной экономики; 
Создание и функционирование партизанского движения, и его вклад в победу СССР 
над Германией. Методы антипартизанской (антитеррористической) борьбы фашистской 
Германии на оккупированных территориях;  
Внутрисоюзные и международные события в период и после завершения ВОВ и их 
геополитические последствия;  
Битва под Москвой, окружение немцев под Сталинградом, Курская дуга и другие 
победы советской армии. Их роль в победе во ВМВ над Германией и её союзниками;  
Блокада, голод, прорыв и ликвидация блокады Ленинграда;  
Атомная бомбардировка авиацией США японских городов Хиросимы и Нагасаки, их 
функциональное назначение.  
Создание НАТО в 1949 году и провоцирование Соединенными Штатами Америки начала 
“холодной войны”. Формирование в США идеологии мирового господства и нового 
миропорядка под прицелом сшатовских военных баз как продолжение глобальной 
политики нацистской Германии;  
Потери гражданских и военных лиц, подсчет экономического ущерба, нанесенного 
Германией и её союзниками Советскому Союзу и другим жертвам их агрессии;  
Патриотизм и героизм советского народа и Красной армии – основа победы СССР во 
Второй мировой войне над фашистской Германией и её союзниками;  
Вклад высокотехнологической промышленности, высокотехнологического оружия и 
высокого уровня фундаментальных и прикладных исследований в победу СССР во 
Второй мировой войне;  
Функциональное назначение Второй мировой войны – геополитический анализ;
4. Исторический и геополитический анализ процессов послевоенного устройства 
Послевоенные военно-политические доктрины США о превентивной атомной 
бомбардировке советских городов и развязывание глобальной “холодной войны; 
Создание оккупационных военных баз США в Европе и Азии - строительство 
глобального фашизма, нацизма и однополярного мира;  
Анализ причинно-следственных связей, геополитических и международных аспектов 
создания ООН, НАТО и, как следствие, Варшавского договора (1955 год) и других 
международных организаций после Второй мировой войны;  
Ялтинское, Хельсинское и другие международные соглашения и договора 
послевоенного мироустройства и проблемы их выполнения;
5. Фальсификация истории и результатов Второй мировой войны – один из методов 
продолжения ведения холодной войны, управления историческими процессами и 
нового передела мира;
6. Внутрисоюзные и Международные события в 1985-2011 годах:
Уничтожение СССР и нарушение мирового баланса сил; 
Проблемы и перспективы восстановления многополярного мира, как мира без войн и 
региональных военных конфликтов;  
Проблемы легитимности процессов приватизации и оценка нанесенного приватизацией 
экономического ущерба России и гражданам России;  
Война Грузии против Южной Осетии и Абхазии в августе 2008 года - продолжение 
реализации агрессии НАТО и Евросоюза по отношению к СНГ;  
Нацизм, фашизм, расизм и геноцид Западной цивилизации в 19-21 веках. Генезис и 
морфология, исторический, геополитический и юридический анализ;  
Разделение должностей Президента и Главнокомандующего как механизм профилактики 
фашизма и 

Re: Dirección IP estática se modifica

2011-04-09 Thread BasaBuru
On Viernes 08 Abril 2011 22:47:29 Victor H De la Luz escribió:

 Para configurar una ip estatica tienes que desactivar el modo
 intinerante del network manager y establecer la IP estatica.

A networkmanager le da igual para el no existe eth2 puesto que esta en ip 

Networkmanager solo controla las tarjetas de red que le dejas en el 

si le dejas una en 
allow-hotplug eth0

Monta la eth0 en automático y  ni  siquiera aparece en el panel de control de 

Un saludo


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Re: sin sonido en testing

2011-04-09 Thread Alejandro
El día 8 de abril de 2011 17:38, alex aponte alex_deb2...@yahoo.com escribió:
 Saludos lista.

 Tengo Debian testing con Kde y luego de una actualización quedé sin sonido. 
 Cuando inicio sesión o pruebo el dispositivo de salida de phonon tengo el 
 siguiente mensaje:
 phonon: el dispositivo reproductor de audio HDA ATI SB (ALC887 Analog) no 

 Como motor he probado con Xine y Gstreamer pero nada.

 Alguien ha pasado por algo similar?

Usas testing? sid? stable?
Alejandro Matos
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

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Re: sin sonido en testing

2011-04-09 Thread BasaBuru
On Viernes 08 Abril 2011 17:38:17 alex aponte escribió:
 Saludos lista.
 Tengo Debian testing con Kde y luego de una actualización quedé sin sonido.
 Cuando inicio sesión o pruebo el dispositivo de salida de phonon tengo el
 siguiente mensaje: phonon: el dispositivo reproductor de audio HDA ATI SB
 (ALC887 Analog) no funciona
 Como motor he probado con Xine y Gstreamer pero nada.
 Alguien ha pasado por algo similar?

Si yo tengo una parecida la ALC889.

Mira en el /var/log/syslog a ver que te dice sobre la tarjeta

Yo por probar/menear el patio instalé jack y cambió la configuración de 
tarjetas reconocidas en multimedia. Luego al rearancar kde me dijo que habia 
dos que no funcionaban y que si las borraba le dije que si y

Me reconoció la tarjeta y sin problemas.

Otra cosa que te puede estar pasando es que uses un kernel vainilla. 
no se si todas la hda intel estarán marcadas como modulo.

Has mirado en los modulos cargados??? lsmod

son los sdn-*

Igual no te carga el módulo snd_hda_intel

Esto es siempre un coñazo. es una de esas cosas imprescindibles

Un saludo


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Re: Añadir repositorio local a apt-cacher para OpenOffice.org

2011-04-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 09 Apr 2011 00:01:18 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 El día 8 de abril de 2011 13:53, Camaleón escribió:

 No, nunca. Entiendo que mucho del rollo de la libertad es una movida
 de Novell para que las muchas distribuciones que usaban sus paquetes
 go-oo se dieran cuenta que era algo realizado por ellos. Y lo
 renombraron Libreoffice.

 Estás equivocado.

 El rollo de la libertad no lo ha promovido Novell sino los propios
 desarrolladores de OOo que no estaban de acuerdo con la política de
 Sun/ Oracle con respecto a OOo y a otros proyectos mantenidos -ahora ya
 desaparecidos- por Oracle (como OpenSolaris).

  los propios desarrolladores de OOo son los que trabajaban para
 Novell, mas dos de RedHat y ahora uno de Cannonical.

No necesariamente. Hay desarrolladores de OOo que se han pasado a LO y 
que no tenían ninguna relación con Novell, RedHat o Canonical.




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Re: sin sonido en testing

2011-04-09 Thread alex aponte

--- El sáb, 4/9/11, Alejandro ama...@gmail.com escribió:

 De: Alejandro ama...@gmail.com
 Asunto: Re: sin sonido en testing
 A: Debian debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Fecha: sábado, 9 de abril de 2011, 05:55 am
 El día 8 de abril de 2011 17:38,
 alex aponte alex_deb2...@yahoo.com
  Saludos lista.
  Tengo Debian testing con Kde y luego de una
 actualización quedé sin sonido. Cuando inicio sesión o
 pruebo el dispositivo de salida de phonon tengo el siguiente
  phonon: el dispositivo reproductor de audio HDA ATI SB
 (ALC887 Analog) no funciona
  Como motor he probado con Xine y Gstreamer pero nada.
  Alguien ha pasado por algo similar?
 Usas testing? sid? stable?


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Re: sin sonido en testing

2011-04-09 Thread alex aponte

--- El sáb, 4/9/11, BasaBuru basab...@basatu.org escribió:

 De: BasaBuru basab...@basatu.org
 Asunto: Re: sin sonido en testing
 A: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Fecha: sábado, 9 de abril de 2011, 07:37 am
 On Viernes 08 Abril 2011 17:38:17
 alex aponte escribió:
  Saludos lista.
  Tengo Debian testing con Kde y luego de una
 actualización quedé sin sonido.
  Cuando inicio sesión o pruebo el dispositivo de
 salida de phonon tengo el
  siguiente mensaje: phonon: el dispositivo reproductor
 de audio HDA ATI SB
  (ALC887 Analog) no funciona
  Como motor he probado con Xine y Gstreamer pero nada.
  Alguien ha pasado por algo similar?
 Si yo tengo una parecida la ALC889.
 Mira en el /var/log/syslog a ver que te dice sobre la
 Yo por probar/menear el patio instalé jack y cambió la
 configuración de 
 tarjetas reconocidas en multimedia. Luego al rearancar kde
 me dijo que habia 
 dos que no funcionaban y que si las borraba le dije que si
 Me reconoció la tarjeta y sin problemas.
 Otra cosa que te puede estar pasando es que uses un kernel
 no se si todas la hda intel estarán marcadas como modulo.
 Has mirado en los modulos cargados??? lsmod
 son los sdn-*
 Igual no te carga el módulo snd_hda_intel
 Esto es siempre un coñazo. es una de esas cosas
 Un saludo

Tengo el kernel de debian: 

Esto es lo que muestra syslog:

Apr  8 11:10:50 localhost kernel: [   12.378609] HDA Intel :00:14.2: PCI 
INT A - GSI 16 (level, low) - IRQ 16
Apr  8 11:10:50 localhost kernel: [   12.486372] hda_codec: ALC887: BIOS 
Apr  8 11:10:50 localhost kernel: [   12.488447] input: HDA Digital PCBeep as 

y aparentemente los módulos están cargados:
snd_hda_codec_realtek   235602  1 
snd_hda_intel  20035  3 
snd_hda_codec  54244  2 snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_intel
snd_hwdep   5380  1 snd_hda_codec
snd_pcm_oss32591  0 
snd_mixer_oss  12606  1 snd_pcm_oss
snd_pcm60503  4 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_pcm_oss
snd_seq_midi4400  0 
snd_rawmidi15515  1 snd_seq_midi
snd_seq_midi_event  4628  1 snd_seq_midi
snd_seq42881  2 snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_midi_event
snd_timer  15582  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq
snd_seq_device  4493  3 snd_seq_midi,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq
snd46446  16 
soundcore   4598  1 snd
snd_page_alloc  6249  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm

Alguna otra idea? 

Gracias de antemano

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Re: sin sonido en testing

2011-04-09 Thread BasaBuru
On Sábado 09 Abril 2011 20:28:36 alex aponte escribió:
 --- El sáb, 4/9/11, BasaBuru basab...@basatu.org escribió:

Entiendo que estas con kde 4.4.5

Instala jack a ver si así reacciona el modulo multimedia. Por que todo esta 
correcto. No veo nada raro.

Has probado con alsaplayer desde consola a tirar un fichero de sonido

Para mi que está en el módulo multimedia de kde que no te esta reconociéndo la 
tarjeta bien. Por que aparecer aparece no?

Un saludo


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Re: sin sonido en testing

2011-04-09 Thread alex aponte

--- El sáb, 4/9/11, BasaBuru basab...@basatu.org escribió:

 De: BasaBuru basab...@basatu.org
 Asunto: Re: sin sonido en testing
 A: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Fecha: sábado, 9 de abril de 2011, 03:22 pm
 On Sábado 09 Abril 2011 20:28:36
 alex aponte escribió:
  --- El sáb, 4/9/11, BasaBuru basab...@basatu.org
 Entiendo que estas con kde 4.4.5
 Instala jack a ver si así reacciona el modulo multimedia.
 Por que todo esta 
 correcto. No veo nada raro.
 Has probado con alsaplayer desde consola a tirar un fichero
 de sonido
 Para mi que está en el módulo multimedia de kde que no te
 esta reconociéndo la 
 tarjeta bien. Por que aparecer aparece no?
 Un saludo

Probé con alsaplayer y aplay como superusuario y sin cargar kde, pero nada.

Alsaplayer saca el siguiente mensaje:

ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
snd_pcm_open: Dispositivo o recurso ocupado (default)
Failed to initialize plugin!
/usr/lib/alsaplayer/output/libalsa_out.so failed to load

y aplay:

ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
aplay: main:654: audio open error: Dispositivo o recurso ocupado

parece problema de ALSA
Al parecer con alsa force-reload se soluciona el problema

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Debian unstable

2011-04-09 Thread mattias
Va heter debian unstable?
Debian 6.0 heter ju squeeze
Har hittat möjligheten att boota debian installer från usb
Men den kräver ison på usbminnet också

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Re: Debian unstable

2011-04-09 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 21:14 +0200, mattias wrote:
 Va heter debian unstable?
 Debian 6.0 heter ju squeeze
 Har hittat möjligheten att boota debian installer från usb
 Men den kräver ison på usbminnet också

Kodnamnet för unstable ändras inte, det är och förblir sid.

Kodnamnet för testing är numera wheezy, en av karaktärena från Toy Story
som passande nog är en pingvin :)

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

RE: Debian unstable

2011-04-09 Thread mattias
Men unstable är det efterföljaren  till wheezy

-Original Message-
From: Sven Arvidsson [mailto:s...@whiz.se] 
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2011 9:41 PM
To: debian-user-swedish@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Debian unstable

On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 21:14 +0200, mattias wrote:
 Va heter debian unstable?
 Debian 6.0 heter ju squeeze
 Har hittat möjligheten att boota debian installer från usb Men den 
 kräver ison på usbminnet också

Kodnamnet för unstable ändras inte, det är och förblir sid.

Kodnamnet för testing är numera wheezy, en av karaktärena från Toy Story som
passande nog är en pingvin :)

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

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Re: apt-get que remover meu sistema todo

2011-04-09 Thread Marcos Carraro
pode tentar utilizar apt-get -f purge

apos um apt-get autoclean

faz alguns testes...
Marcos Carraro
Linux user #511627

Em 9 de abril de 2011 00:08, Cleber Ianes cleberia...@yahoo.com.brescreveu:

 Saudações a todos.
 Tahh, o sistema todo é um pouco de exagero.rsrsrsr
 Estou simplesmente tentando instalar uma versão mais nova do k3b. Baixei-o
 e dei um dpkg -i k3b, ele acusa um monte de dependências. Até aí tudo bem,
 é normal.
 Mas o problema é que para suprir essas dependências eu dei um aptitude -f
 install, aí veio a m, Ele pergunta de eu quero desisntalar 96 pacotes
 do meu sistema, parece-me ser todos do gnome. Eu já fiz isso em uma outra
 oportunidade e perdi todo o sistema, tendo que reinstalar tudo. Isso
 aconteceu outro dia quando tentei instalar o mdadm tbm.
 Alguém sabe o porquê disso e como solucionar

 Ahhh, já tentei com o apt-get -f install, só pra desencargo de
 conciência, e o resultado é o mesmo.


 Cleber Ianes
 Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
 Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP
 cleberianes.blogspot.com -- Linux User #507338

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4d9fcda1.7000...@yahoo.com.br

Re: Problemas com servidor de arquivos Samba e Windows XP

2011-04-09 Thread Marcos Carraro
Bha.. mas a na parte to guest tu tem que especificar quem é o usuário
EHHEHEH guest.. ele vai ter que ser criadoo...

mas se esta funcionando deixe assim

Marcos Carraro
Linux user #511627

Em 8 de abril de 2011 17:40, Rafael Gomes Dantas raf...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Só pra deixar documentado: Segui o artigo desde o começo e consegui fazer a
 configuração funcionar. Creio que o que resolveu foi trocar o guest ok por
 guest only, mas não tenho certeza porque acabei mudando muitas coisas no
 arquivo de uma vez.

 Após trocar os arquivos, tive que reiniciar as máquinas windows xp
 clientes, provavelmente elas usam algum cache que lembra que aquela pasta
 pede senha e usam ele ao invés de perguntar pro servidor novamente.

  2011/4/4 Rafael Gomes Dantas raf...@gmail.com

 É isso sim, vou dar uma lida nesse artigo para ver se ajuda o meu
 problema, obrigado.

 2011/4/4 Marcos Carraro marcos.g.carr...@gmail.com

 onde se encontra o usário guest???


 tenta comenta as linhas

 passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
 passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n
 *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
 unix password sync = Yes

 Pois pelo que eu entendi. Você quer compartilhar as pastas com senha, mas
 uma determinada pasta sem senha??? É isto?

 Marcos Carraro
 Linux user #511627

Re: apt-get que remover meu sistema todo

2011-04-09 Thread tux
Em Sábado 09 Abril 2011, às 00:08:17, Cleber Ianes escreveu:
 Saudações a todos.
 Tahh, o sistema todo é um pouco de exagero.rsrsrsr
 Estou simplesmente tentando instalar uma versão mais nova do k3b.
 Baixei-o e dei um dpkg -i k3b,

Olá, boa tarde

Nesta versão existe algo realmente muito imprescindível para você, sem o qual 
você não irá viver, ou é apenas aquele pecadinho capital do orgulho/soberba de 
ter uma versão mais nova porém incompatível com o resto do seu  sistema? 
(desculpe, não resisti perguntar.. hehehe)

 ele acusa um monte de dependências. Até
 aí tudo bem, é normal.

Bem, pra mim não é. 

 Mas o problema é que para suprir essas dependências eu dei um aptitude
 -f install, 

bad choice, very bad choice. 

 aí veio a m, Ele pergunta de eu quero desisntalar 96
 pacotes do meu sistema,

isso sim, é normal.

 parece-me ser todos do gnome. 

mto estranho, k3b é do kde. Quais pacotes exatamente você viu que precisam ser 

 Eu já fiz isso em
 uma outra oportunidade e perdi todo o sistema, tendo que reinstalar

Eu tbm já dei enter pra muito YES, sem ler direito o que estava escrito 
acima, e já perdi mto tempo reinstalando tb.

 Isso aconteceu outro dia quando tentei instalar o mdadm tbm.
 Alguém sabe o porquê disso 

O porque disso ? vc mandou o aptitude corrigir NA MARRA, AGRESSIVAMENTE o que 
estava dando problema. Ele apenas obedeceu, resolveu o problema que você 
queria resolver, voce mandou instalar as dependências requeridas do k3b a 
qualquer custo, e ele realmente, fez tudo o que vc queria. rsrsrsrs

aptitude -f install
 -f Tenta agressivamente corrigir pacotes quebrados.
apt-get -f install 
  -f  Attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place

e como solucionar

Como solucionar o que exatamente? Vai saber se estes programas instalados, na 
versão em que se encontram,  são incompatíveis com as novas dependências do 
seu sistema. Daí, é só removendo e instalando novas versões mesmo. 

Vamos ver: as vezes não existe solução fácil ou sem dor. 

A solução mais prática é deixar o k3b na versão que o empacotador da sua 
distro deixou. Mais segura e honesta, inclusive. 

O jeito fácil, mas que você discorda em fazer: obedeça o aptitude, e reinstale 
novamente o que ele desinstalar e que faça falta para você.

O jeito dificil ? leia cada uma das dependências que foram marcadas faltantes  
durante o dpkg -i, remova o k3b, e vá instalando/desinstalando uma por uma das 
dependencias.  Costuma resolver, mas toma muito tempo.  Mas acho que esta é 
melhor que a primeira. Se você der sorte, quem sabe na segunda dependência, 
ela instala o resto e ainda por cima remove algum pacote que tá dando 
incompatibilidade com os outros 96. 

imagina que o k3b use uma versão da libfoo, que no seu sistema seja 
incompatível com a versão libxpto, na qual alguns programas estejam linkados. 
Se você realmente quer o k3b que você baixou por ai, o aptitude irá instalar a 
libfoo, irá remover a libxpto e com ela, todo e qualquer pacote que dependa da 
libxpto. Dai quem sabe existam tbm pacotes linkados com a libxpto, dai cabe a 
você instala-los de alguma outra maneira. 

Lembrando que ainda existem os operadores. Alguns pacotes precisam EXATAMENTE 
da versão X, outros precisam da versão MAIOR OU IGUAL, outros da MAIOR, outros 
da MENOR QUE, outros conflitam com uma versão de um pacote, outros conflitam 
qualquer versão do pacote X, e por ai vai. 

 Ahhh, já tentei com o apt-get -f install, só pra desencargo de
 conciência, e o resultado é o mesmo.

De nada. Boa sorte. 


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Re: apt-get que remover meu sistema todo

2011-04-09 Thread Cleber Ianes

Em 09-04-2011 14:00, tux escreveu:

Em Sábado 09 Abril 2011, às 00:08:17, Cleber Ianes escreveu:

Saudações a todos.
Tahh, o sistema todo é um pouco de exagero.rsrsrsr
Estou simplesmente tentando instalar uma versão mais nova do k3b.
Baixei-o e dei um dpkg -i k3b,

Olá, boa tarde

Nesta versão existe algo realmente muito imprescindível para você, sem o qual
você não irá viver, ou é apenas aquele pecadinho capital do orgulho/soberba de
ter uma versão mais nova porém incompatível com o resto do seu  sistema?
(desculpe, não resisti perguntar.. hehehe)

Nossa, acho que só vou instalar programas que sejam extremamente 
importante na minha vida Putz, acabei de descobri que muitas pessoas 
no mundo vivem sem computadores, ou seja, computadores não são 
extremamente necessários.

ele acusa um monte de dependências. Até
aí tudo bem, é normal.

Bem, pra mim não é.
Pra quem instala programas o tempo todo, instalação de dependências são 
comuns sim.

Mas o problema é que para suprir essas dependências eu dei um aptitude
-f install,

bad choice, very bad choice.

aí veio a m, Ele pergunta de eu quero desisntalar 96
pacotes do meu sistema,

isso sim, é normal.

Desinstalar pacotes do sistema é mais comum de que instalar 
dependências?? Essa é novidade.

parece-me ser todos do gnome.

mto estranho, k3b é do kde. Quais pacotes exatamente você viu que precisam ser
O k3b faz parte do kde, ele não é do kde. Hoje eu tenho ele instalado no 
gnome, só que tenha a versão 1.x e quero atualizar.

Eu já fiz isso em
uma outra oportunidade e perdi todo o sistema, tendo que reinstalar

Eu tbm já dei enter pra muito YES, sem ler direito o que estava escrito
acima, e já perdi mto tempo reinstalando tb.

Isso aconteceu outro dia quando tentei instalar o mdadm tbm.
Alguém sabe o porquê disso

O porque disso ? vc mandou o aptitude corrigir NA MARRA, AGRESSIVAMENTE o que
estava dando problema. Ele apenas obedeceu, resolveu o problema que você
queria resolver, voce mandou instalar as dependências requeridas do k3b a
qualquer custo, e ele realmente, fez tudo o que vc queria. rsrsrsrs

aptitude -f install
  -f Tenta agressivamente corrigir pacotes quebrados.
apt-get -f install
   -f  Attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place

e como solucionar

Como solucionar o que exatamente?

Instalar o k3b e o mdadm sem ter que reinstalar tudo.

Vai saber se estes programas instalados, na
versão em que se encontram,  são incompatíveis com as novas dependências do
seu sistema. Daí, é só removendo e instalando novas versões mesmo.

Vamos ver: as vezes não existe solução fácil ou sem dor.

A solução mais prática é deixar o k3b na versão que o empacotador da sua
distro deixou. Mais segura e honesta, inclusive.

O jeito fácil, mas que você discorda em fazer: obedeça o aptitude, e reinstale
novamente o que ele desinstalar e que faça falta para você.

O jeito dificil ? leia cada uma das dependências que foram marcadas faltantes
durante o dpkg -i, remova o k3b, e vá instalando/desinstalando uma por uma das
dependencias.  Costuma resolver, mas toma muito tempo.  Mas acho que esta é
melhor que a primeira. Se você der sorte, quem sabe na segunda dependência,
ela instala o resto e ainda por cima remove algum pacote que tá dando
incompatibilidade com os outros 96.

imagina que o k3b use uma versão da libfoo, que no seu sistema seja
incompatível com a versão libxpto, na qual alguns programas estejam linkados.
Se você realmente quer o k3b que você baixou por ai, o aptitude irá instalar a
libfoo, irá remover a libxpto e com ela, todo e qualquer pacote que dependa da
libxpto. Dai quem sabe existam tbm pacotes linkados com a libxpto, dai cabe a
você instala-los de alguma outra maneira.

Lembrando que ainda existem os operadores. Alguns pacotes precisam EXATAMENTE
da versão X, outros precisam da versão MAIOR OU IGUAL, outros da MAIOR, outros
da MENOR QUE, outros conflitam com uma versão de um pacote, outros conflitam com
qualquer versão do pacote X, e por ai vai.

Por essa parte, obrigado, vou avaliar mais a fundo e esperar apoio de 
mais colegas.

Ahhh, já tentei com o apt-get -f install, só pra desencargo de
conciência, e o resultado é o mesmo.


De nada. Boa sorte.


Obrigado, até mais.

Cleber Ianes
Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP
cleberianes.blogspot.com -- Linux User #507338

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Re: apt-get que remover meu sistema todo

2011-04-09 Thread tux
Em Sábado 09 Abril 2011, às 14:47:52, Cleber Ianes escreveu:
 Em 09-04-2011 14:00, tux escreveu:
  Em Sábado 09 Abril 2011, às 00:08:17, Cleber Ianes escreveu:
  Saudações a todos.
  Tahh, o sistema todo é um pouco de exagero.rsrsrsr
  Estou simplesmente tentando instalar uma versão mais nova do k3b.
  Baixei-o e dei um dpkg -i k3b,


 Por essa parte, obrigado, vou avaliar mais a fundo e esperar apoio de
 mais colegas.

Quem sabe mais colegas estejam esperando pacientemente mais informações do 

Pq comparando a sua mensagem a uma mensagem SOCORRO, eu fui instalar o pacote 
fooboo baixado do site xinguelinguedistro.com no debian e obtive toneladas de 
erros de dependencias, me ajudem , ambas contém o mesmo número de informações 
importantes e pertinentes para o auxílio, hehehe 


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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/201104091548.41880.tux_lit...@yahoo.com

sem som

2011-04-09 Thread manoel araujo
instalie o debian squeeze com o kde porem nao sai nenhum, com eu devo sai

Re: apt-get que remover meu sistema todo

2011-04-09 Thread Cleber Ianes

Em 09-04-2011 15:48, tux escreveu:

Em Sábado 09 Abril 2011, às 14:47:52, Cleber Ianes escreveu:

Em 09-04-2011 14:00, tux escreveu:

Em Sábado 09 Abril 2011, às 00:08:17, Cleber Ianes escreveu:

Saudações a todos.
Tahh, o sistema todo é um pouco de exagero.rsrsrsr
Estou simplesmente tentando instalar uma versão mais nova do k3b.
Baixei-o e dei um dpkg -i k3b,


Por essa parte, obrigado, vou avaliar mais a fundo e esperar apoio de
mais colegas.

Quem sabe mais colegas estejam esperando pacientemente mais informações do

Pq comparando a sua mensagem a uma mensagem SOCORRO, eu fui instalar o pacote
fooboo baixado do site xinguelinguedistro.com no debian e obtive toneladas de
erros de dependencias, me ajudem , ambas contém o mesmo número de informações
importantes e pertinentes para o auxílio, hehehe


Ou talvez os outros colegas tenham lido os detalhes que passei, tais 
como oS programaS e o site fonte, e já tenham passado por algo parecido, 
ou até mesmo estejam participando dessa lista para compartilhar 
conhecimento e não para ficar se achando e dandos respostas do tipo 
Será que vc realemente precisa desse programa??? ou ironizando as 
perguntas que não são tão bem formalizadas quanto as suas, isso é no 
mínimo ridículo.
Quando alguém pergunta algo que eu não entendo, eu fico calado, já que o 
simples fato de não atrapalhar já e uma grande ajuda. Pq vc não faz o 
Aliás, tem sido frequente esse seu comportamento na lista. Várias 
respostas irônicas e se achando superior. Talvez devesse rever seus 
conceitos, principalmente os de comunidade.

Cleber Ianes
Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP
cleberianes.blogspot.com -- Linux User #507338

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4da0b2ac.6030...@yahoo.com.br

Re: apt-get que remover meu sistema todo

2011-04-09 Thread Rodolfo
Aesem querer me meter...mas vocês poderiam discutir isto sem envolver a
lista ok ?


Em 9 de abril de 2011 15:25, Cleber Ianes cleberia...@yahoo.com.brescreveu:

 Em 09-04-2011 15:48, tux escreveu:

 Em Sábado 09 Abril 2011, às 14:47:52, Cleber Ianes escreveu:

 Em 09-04-2011 14:00, tux escreveu:

 Em Sábado 09 Abril 2011, às 00:08:17, Cleber Ianes escreveu:

 Saudações a todos.
 Tahh, o sistema todo é um pouco de exagero.rsrsrsr
 Estou simplesmente tentando instalar uma versão mais nova do k3b.
 Baixei-o e dei um dpkg -i k3b,


 Por essa parte, obrigado, vou avaliar mais a fundo e esperar apoio de
 mais colegas.

 Quem sabe mais colegas estejam esperando pacientemente mais
 informações do

 Pq comparando a sua mensagem a uma mensagem SOCORRO, eu fui instalar o
 fooboo baixado do site xinguelinguedistro.com no debian e obtive
 toneladas de
 erros de dependencias, me ajudem , ambas contém o mesmo número de
 importantes e pertinentes para o auxílio, hehehe


 Ou talvez os outros colegas tenham lido os detalhes que passei, tais como
 oS programaS e o site fonte, e já tenham passado por algo parecido, ou até
 mesmo estejam participando dessa lista para compartilhar conhecimento e não
 para ficar se achando e dandos respostas do tipo Será que vc realemente
 precisa desse programa??? ou ironizando as perguntas que não são tão bem
 formalizadas quanto as suas, isso é no mínimo ridículo.
 Quando alguém pergunta algo que eu não entendo, eu fico calado, já que o
 simples fato de não atrapalhar já e uma grande ajuda. Pq vc não faz o
 Aliás, tem sido frequente esse seu comportamento na lista. Várias respostas
 irônicas e se achando superior. Talvez devesse rever seus conceitos,
 principalmente os de comunidade.

 Cleber Ianes
 Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
 Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP
 cleberianes.blogspot.com -- Linux User #507338

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4da0b2ac.6030...@yahoo.com.br

Re: apt-get que remover meu sistema todo

2011-04-09 Thread Guilherme Rocha

Em 9 de abril de 2011 00:08, Cleber Ianes cleberia...@yahoo.com.brescreveu:

 Saudações a todos.
 Tahh, o sistema todo é um pouco de exagero.rsrsrsr
 Estou simplesmente tentando instalar uma versão mais nova do k3b. Baixei-o
 e dei um dpkg -i k3b, ele acusa um monte de dependências. Até aí tudo bem,
 é normal.
 Mas o problema é que para suprir essas dependências eu dei um aptitude -f
 install, aí veio a m, Ele pergunta de eu quero desisntalar 96 pacotes
 do meu sistema, parece-me ser todos do gnome. Eu já fiz isso em uma outra
 oportunidade e perdi todo o sistema, tendo que reinstalar tudo. Isso
 aconteceu outro dia quando tentei instalar o mdadm tbm.
 Alguém sabe o porquê disso e como solucionar

 Ahhh, já tentei com o apt-get -f install, só pra desencargo de
 conciência, e o resultado é o mesmo.


 Cleber Ianes
 Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
 Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP
 cleberianes.blogspot.com -- Linux User #507338

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4d9fcda1.7000...@yahoo.com.br

Guilherme Rocha
GF7 Doc  Systems - Soluções Tecnológicas
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - World Wide
R. João Goulart, 170  - Rio Pardo - RS - CEP 96640-000
Mobile:  +55 51 81400360 - Home Page:   http://www.gf7.com.br

aniversário do linux

2011-04-09 Thread Fred Maranhão
Alguém sabe o dia do aniversário do linux?

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Re: aniversário do linux

2011-04-09 Thread tux
Em Sábado 09 Abril 2011, às 21:53:58, Fred Maranhão escreveu:
 Alguém sabe o dia do aniversário do linux?

25 de agosto ?

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Re: aniversário do linux

2011-04-09 Thread Suelane Maria

a data é 5 de outubro de 1991.
Esta foi a mensagem publicando a novidade:
Do you pine for the nice days of Minix-1.1, when men were men and
wrote their own device drivers? Are you without a nice project and
just dying to cut your teeth on a OS you can try to modify for your
needs? Are you finding it frustrating when everything works on Minix?
No more all-nighters to get a nifty program working? Then this post
might be just for you.

As I mentioned a month ago, I'm working on a free version of a
Minix-lookalike for AT-386 computers. It has finally reached the stage
where it's even usable (though may not be depending on what you want),
and I am willing to put out the sources for wider distribution.  It is
just version 0.02... but I've sucessfully run bash, gcc, gnu-make,
gnu-sed, compress, etc. under it.


Re: aniversário do linux

2011-04-09 Thread tux
Em Sábado 09 Abril 2011, às 22:14:59, Suelane Maria escreveu:
 a data é 5 de outubro de 1991.
 Esta foi a mensagem publicando a novidade:
 Do you pine for the nice days of Minix-1.1, when men were men and
 wrote their own device drivers? Are you without a nice project and
 just dying to cut your teeth on a OS you can try to modify for your
 needs? Are you finding it frustrating when everything works on Minix?
 No more all-nighters to get a nifty program working? Then this post
 might be just for you.
 As I mentioned a month ago, I'm working on a free version of a
 Minix-lookalike for AT-386 computers. It has finally reached the stage
 where it's even usable (though may not be depending on what you want),
 and I am willing to put out the sources for wider distribution.  It is
 just version 0.02... but I've sucessfully run bash, gcc, gnu-make,
 gnu-sed, compress, etc. under it.


No dia 25 de agosto  ele já tinha um linux na frente dele, bugado que fosse,  
e ate tinha portado bash e gcc, conforme este link abaixo. Então, o linux já 
existia nesta data, e sua existencia estava sendo comunicada ao mundo. 


Embora o desenvolvimento do Linux tenha iniciado em abril de 1991, foi em 25 
de agosto do mesmo ano que Linus Torvalds fez o primeiro anúncio público de 
sua existência, no newsgroup comp.os.minix. A versão 0.01 foi lançada no mês 
seguinte, com 10.239 linhas de código. Assim, o aniversário do Linux acaba 
podendo ser comemorado 3 vezes por ano ;-) Que tal organizar uma festa no seu 
grupo de usuários nesta sexta, dia 25?  


Muito embora o Linux só faça 20 anos oficialmente em agosto de 2011, as 
comemorações já estão começando a pipocar pela internet. E a  Linux Foundation 
já manda ver em várias novidades, com eventos, festas e concursos para os fãs 
do pinguim. E até você pode participar da festança, mandando um vídeo ou 
contando uma história envolvendo o sistema operacional do pinguim! :)


Tem uns gatos-pingados que comemoram no dia 5 de outubro, dia em que foi 
liberado ao publico. 

A data exata de surgimento do Linux é incerta. Para alguns, começou em 25 de 
agosto de 1991, quando Torvalds postou uma mensagem em que avisava estar 
criando um sistema operacional de código aberto. “É apenas um hobby. Não será 
tão grande quanto o GNU”, dizia na mensagem. Para outros, o aniversário do 
Linux é no dia 5 de outubro, quando o primeiro código Linux foi publicado.


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Re: sem som

2011-04-09 Thread Joao Mandl

On 04/09/2011 03:48 PM, manoel araujo wrote:
instalie o debian squeeze com o kde porem nao sai nenhum, com eu devo 
sai dessa?

Execute um dmesg no terminal e poste aqui. Você já usou algum distro 
neste computador / notebook?


João Paulo de Carvalho Mandl

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Re: EeePC and Debian

2011-04-09 Thread Rob Hurle
Thank you very much to everyone who answered my query:

On 8 April 2011 11:18, Chen Wei weichen...@aol.com wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 05:52:25PM +1000, Rob Hurle wrote:
   I have an EeePC 4G (the 701) and I'm trying to put Debian Squeeze on
 to it.  I've RTFM and read the wiki, and got to the stage of having a
 USB stick that boots the netinst version.  The EeePC is connected to
 the Internet by a proven cable (not wireless).  The USB stick boots to
 the install screen (looks good) and I can use the touch pad to
 navigate around that.  But, when I choose anything from that menu, the
 system hangs.  CTL-ALT-DEL reboots, and it seems to be the only way to
 get out of it, short of removing the battery.  The power button does

 it could be a video model problem, try press TAB and custom the boot
 option, *avoid* any fancy vga= parameter.

This worked, and I booted and installed Squeeze.  I had to install
just the base system as disc space on the 4GB model is too limited.
Then I used apt-get to install what I think I need.  First attempt was
to install KDE, which did install, but it took up most of the disc, so
it's now 95% full.  I'm about to look at this issue.  Thanks again.

Rob Hurle
Rob Hurle
ANU, College of Asia and the Pacific
School of Culture, History and Language
Histories of Asia and the Pacific
e-mail:              rob1...@gmail.com
Telephone (ANU): +61 2 6125 3169
Mobile (in VN):  +84 948 243 538
Mobile (in OZ):  +61 417 293 603

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obtaining copy of debian

2011-04-09 Thread Larry Wazny
I have been trying for the last hour to download a copy.  I have not used Linus 
for years, which was Redhat.  I get the parent directory which allows me to do 
nothing.  I have tried http and torrent and have never experienced such 
difficulty. No wonder windows is the most popular as I can download any 
I need by one click.the-waz@rogers,com

Re: obtaining copy of debian

2011-04-09 Thread Ron Johnson

On 04/09/2011 02:36 AM, Larry Wazny wrote:

I have been trying for the last hour to download a copy.  I have not used Linus
for years, which was Redhat.  I get the parent directory which allows me to do
nothing.  I have tried http and torrent and have never experienced such
difficulty. No wonder windows is the most popular as I can download any software
I need by one click.the-waz@rogers,com

Since (a) you don't tell us how or from where you are downloading a copy 
of what, and (b) even my non-geek wife and kids use Linux and easily and 
successfully download stuff with one click...

I call you troll until such time as you read How To Ask Questions The 
Smart Way (http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html) and try 

Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure
the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally
Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749

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Re: Free PDF viewer that can search for text across line-breaks?

2011-04-09 Thread Sjoerd Hardeman
Op 09-04-11 07:52, Hans-J. Ullrich schreef:
 Am Samstag, 9. April 2011 schrieb Arthur Marsh:
 Hi, I'm running Debian unstable but don't have GNOME or KDE 4 installed.

 Can anyone suggest a Free PDF viewer that can search for text phrases
 that may be broken by a line break in the original PDF?

 I've tried xpdf and evince-gtk and neither seem to offer that capability.

 Hello. Did you try kpdf?
kpdf no longer exists. It's been replaced by okular.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Free PDF viewer that can search for text across line-breaks?

2011-04-09 Thread Brian
On Sat 09 Apr 2011 at 15:13:55 +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:

 Hi, I'm running Debian unstable but don't have GNOME or KDE 4 installed.

 Can anyone suggest a Free PDF viewer that can search for text phrases  
 that may be broken by a line break in the original PDF?

Mupdf can do it.

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Re: Managing large numbers (100+) of Debian-based machines

2011-04-09 Thread Peter Beck
On Fri, 2011-04-08 at 13:28 -0400, Rob Owens wrote:
 I have moved my apt-cacher-ng files to a new partition, but kept the
 same path name.  That was successful.  Later I moved it to a different
 machine altogether, and that was also successful. 

Hi Rob,

thanks for the info - will try that next time I'm setting up
apt-cacher-ng. That was the only reason I have changed back to


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Re: obtaining copy of debian

2011-04-09 Thread Davide Baldini

On 04/09/11 09:36, Larry Wazny wrote:

I have been trying for the last hour to download a copy.  I have not
used Linus for years, which was Redhat. I get the parent directory which
allows me to do nothing. I have tried http and torrent and have never
experienced such difficulty. No wonder windows is the most popular as I
can download any software I need by one click.the-waz@rogers,com

It should be easier to try Redhat if you got used with that...
Anyway the following is the debian.org official download image.


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Re: Free PDF viewer that can search for text across line-breaks?

2011-04-09 Thread Arthur Marsh

Brian wrote, on 09/04/11 18:33:

On Sat 09 Apr 2011 at 15:13:55 +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:

Hi, I'm running Debian unstable but don't have GNOME or KDE 4 installed.

Can anyone suggest a Free PDF viewer that can search for text phrases
that may be broken by a line break in the original PDF?

Mupdf can do it.

Thanks, the '/' command in mupdf 'just works' tm.

Is there any Free PDF viewer in Debian that works outside of GNOME/KDE 
that can both search for text across line breaks and allows copying of 
text from the PDF document to the clip-board?


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Re: obtaining copy of debian

2011-04-09 Thread John Hasler
Go to http://www.debian.org/distrib/ and follow instructions.
Alternatively, go to http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/, choose a
vendor, and order a CD.

 No wonder windows is the most popular as I can download any software I
 need by one click.the-waz@rogers,com

You can download an installable copy of Windows 7 there?
John Hasler

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Re: Free PDF viewer that can search for text across line-breaks?

2011-04-09 Thread Brian
On Sat 09 Apr 2011 at 20:50:55 +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:

 Thanks, the '/' command in mupdf 'just works' tm.

 Is there any Free PDF viewer in Debian that works outside of GNOME/KDE  
 that can both search for text across line breaks and allows copying of  
 text from the PDF document to the clip-board?


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Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Dan
I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the
service from rc*.d

For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
/etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth

But then I used service manager from gnome to disable bluetooth. It
disabled the service but it didn't delete the link. So I guess that
there is a standard procedure to disable the service without deleting
the link. Which is that procedure?


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Re: Mouse disappeared after update to squeeze 6.0.1

2011-04-09 Thread Jukka
Steven Sciame sasciame at yahoo.com writes:

 What is the easiest way to downgrade the kernel as a work around for this
problem?debtop:/home/steven# apt-get install
linux-image-2.6.32-5-686=2.6.32-30Reading package lists... DoneBuilding
dependency tree   Reading state information... DoneE: Version '2.6.32-30'
for 'linux-image-2.6.32-5-686' was not founddebtop:/home/steven# Do I need to
build from source at kernel.org or can I use apt?--- On Tue, 3/22/11, Wolodja
Wentland babilen at gmail.com wrote:
 From: Wolodja Wentland babilen at gmail.comSubject: Re: Mouse disappeared
after update to squeeze 6.0.1To: debian-user at lists.debian.orgDate: Tuesday,
March 22, 2011, 6:51
  AMOn Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 09:44 +0100, Estelmann, Christian wrote: Hi, 
After installing all updates on the weekend the mouse pointer disappeared. It
was like the size of the pointer were set to 0px. Klicking and moving was
possible - but without seeing the pointer, it was quite hard do know where you
are.  I downgraded package for package. Now I can say, that when doing this
step: [AKTUALISIERUNG] linux-base 2.6.32-30 - 2.6.32-31 [AKTUALISIERUNG]
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686 2.6.32-30 - 2.6.32-31 [AKTUALISIERUNG]
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common 2.6.32-30 - 2.6.32-31 [AKTUALISIERUNG]
linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 2.6.32-30 - 2.6.32-31 after a reboot the mouse
pointer is not showed. After installing the packages in version 2.6.32-30 it is
back again.  I am using kde and kdm. But I for
  testing I have installed gdm and xfce - the mouse was not visible there,
too. While starting a program, the jumping icon is showed and can be moved -
like nothing is wrong.  I'm not sure if this is the right list, but I thought
I will try. If you need more information just ask about
it.http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=619019Looks as if
downgrading the kernel (as you did) is a workaround for the timebeing. You do
have an intel card, don't you?--   .''`.     Wolodja Wentland   
wolodja.wentland at ed.ac.uk : :'  : `. `'`     4096R/CAF14EFC   `-   
   081C B7CD FF04
  2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC

I have the same problem and i want to downgrade .32-31 to .32-30 .

How this is easily done ?

Best regards

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Re: Mouse disappeared after update to squeeze 6.0.1

2011-04-09 Thread Steven Sciame

--- On Sat, 4/9/11, Jukka jukka.turu...@ppe.inet.fi wrote:

 From: Jukka jukka.turu...@ppe.inet.fi
 Subject: Re: Mouse disappeared after update to squeeze 6.0.1
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Date: Saturday, April 9, 2011, 10:10 AM
 Steven Sciame sasciame at
 yahoo.com writes:
  What is the easiest way to downgrade the kernel as a
 work around for this
 problem?debtop:/home/steven# apt-get install
 linux-image-2.6.32-5-686=2.6.32-30Reading package lists...
 dependency tree   Reading state information...
 DoneE: Version '2.6.32-30'
 for 'linux-image-2.6.32-5-686' was not
 founddebtop:/home/steven# Do I need to
 build from source at kernel.org or can I use apt?--- On
 Tue, 3/22/11, Wolodja
 Wentland babilen at gmail.com wrote:
  From: Wolodja Wentland babilen at
 gmail.comSubject: Re: Mouse disappeared
 after update to squeeze 6.0.1To: debian-user at
 lists.debian.orgDate: Tuesday,
 March 22, 2011, 6:51
   AMOn Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 09:44 +0100,
 Estelmann, Christian wrote: Hi, 
 After installing all updates on the weekend the mouse
 pointer disappeared. It
 was like the size of the pointer were set to 0px.
 Klicking and moving was
 possible - but without seeing the pointer, it was quite
 hard do know where you
 are.  I downgraded package for package. Now I can
 say, that when doing this
 step: [AKTUALISIERUNG] linux-base 2.6.32-30 -
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686 2.6.32-30 - 2.6.32-31
 linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common 2.6.32-30 - 2.6.32-31
 linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 2.6.32-30 - 2.6.32-31
 after a reboot the mouse
 pointer is not showed. After installing the packages in
 version 2.6.32-30 it is
 back again.  I am using kde and kdm. But I for
   testing I have installed gdm and xfce - the
 mouse was not visible there,
 too. While starting a program, the jumping icon is
 showed and can be moved -
 like nothing is wrong.  I'm not sure if this is the
 right list, but I thought
 I will try. If you need more information just ask
 as if
 downgrading the kernel (as you did) is a workaround for the
 timebeing. You do
 have an intel card, don't you?--   .''`.     Wolodja
 wolodja.wentland at ed.ac.uk : :'  : `.
 `'`     4096R/CAF14EFC   `-   
    081C B7CD FF04
   2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC
 I have the same problem and i want to downgrade .32-31 to
 .32-30 .
 How this is easily done ?
 Best regards

I went to kernel.org and downloaded the newest one (2.6.38)  Then I used the 
Debian Kernel Handbook ( http://kernel-handbook.alioth.debian.org/ ) to help me 
build another one.   This fixed the problem for me.  I am hoping that the next 
point release (6.0.2) will fix the bug so I can go back to using the Official 
Debian Releases, but for the time being, this is working.  


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Re: Mouse disappeared after update to squeeze 6.0.1

2011-04-09 Thread Paul Scott

On 04/09/2011 08:10 AM, Jukka wrote:

Steven Sciamesasciameat  yahoo.com  writes:

What is the easiest way to downgrade the kernel as a work around for this

problem?debtop:/home/steven# apt-get install
linux-image-2.6.32-5-686=2.6.32-30Reading package lists... DoneBuilding
dependency tree   Reading state information... DoneE: Version '2.6.32-30'
for 'linux-image-2.6.32-5-686' was not founddebtop:/home/steven# Do I need to
build from source at kernel.org or can I use apt?--- On Tue, 3/22/11, Wolodja
Wentlandbabilenat  gmail.com  wrote:

From: Wolodja Wentlandbabilenat  gmail.comSubject: Re: Mouse disappeared

after update to squeeze 6.0.1To: debian-userat  lists.debian.orgDate: Tuesday,
March 22, 2011, 6:51

  AMOn Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 09:44 +0100, Estelmann, Christian wrote:  Hi,  

After installing all updates on the weekend the mouse pointer  disappeared. It
was like the size of the pointer were set to 0px.  Klicking and moving was
possible - but without seeing the pointer,  it was quite hard do know where you
are.I downgraded package for package. Now I can say, that when doing this
step:  [AKTUALISIERUNG] linux-base 2.6.32-30 -  2.6.32-31  [AKTUALISIERUNG]
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686 2.6.32-30 -  2.6.32-31  [AKTUALISIERUNG]
linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common 2.6.32-30 -  2.6.32-31  [AKTUALISIERUNG]
linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 2.6.32-30 -  2.6.32-31  after a reboot the mouse
pointer is not showed. After installing the  packages in version 2.6.32-30 it 
back again.I am using kde and kdm. But I for

  testing I have installed gdm and  xfce - the mouse was not visible there,

too.  While starting a program, the jumping icon is showed and can be  
moved -
like nothing is wrong.I'm not sure if this is the right list, but I 
I will try.  If you need more information just ask about
it.http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=619019Looks as if
downgrading the kernel (as you did) is a workaround for the timebeing. You do
have an intel card, don't you?--   .''`. Wolodja Wentland
wolodja.wentlandat  ed.ac.uk  : :'  : `. `'` 4096R/CAF14EFC   `-   
081C B7CD FF04

  2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC

I had this problem on my laptop as a result of the bug in udev 167-1.  
It also killed my wireless.  Going back to 166-1 and removing /run/udev 
solved my problems.

Paul Scott

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Re: Free PDF viewer that can search for text across line-breaks?

2011-04-09 Thread Arthur Marsh

Brian wrote, on 09/04/11 23:40:

On Sat 09 Apr 2011 at 20:50:55 +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:

Thanks, the '/' command in mupdf 'just works'tm.

Is there any Free PDF viewer in Debian that works outside of GNOME/KDE
that can both search for text across line breaks and allows copying of
text from the PDF document to the clip-board?


Thanks, right again. From the manual page:

Dragging with the right mouse button selects an area and copies the 
enclosed text to the clipboard buffer.

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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Michael Thompson
On 9 April 2011 16:04, Dan ganc...@gmail.com wrote:
 I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
 thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the
 service from rc*.d

 For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
 /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth

 But then I used service manager from gnome to disable bluetooth. It
 disabled the service but it didn't delete the link. So I guess that
 there is a standard procedure to disable the service without deleting
 the link. Which is that procedure?

Debian Linux has its own script to enable and disable services across
runlevels. It is called update-rc.d. Going by the above example, you
can enable apache webserver as follows:

# update-rc.d apache2 defaults

... this will enable the apache webserver to start in the default run
levels of 2,3,4 and 5. Of course, you can do it explicitly by giving
the run levels instead of the defaults keyword as follows:

# update-rc.d apache2 start 20 2 3 4 5 . stop 80 0 1 6 .

The above command modifies the sym-links in the respective /etc/rcX.d
directories to start or stop the service in the destined runlevels.
Here X stands for a value of 0 to 6 depending on the runlevel. One
thing to note here is the dot (.) which is used to terminate the set
which is important. Also 20 and 80 are the sequence codes which
decides in what order of precedence the scripts in the /etc/init.d/
directory should be started or stopped.

And to disable the service in all the run levels, you execute the command:

# update-rc.d -f apache2 remove

Here -f option which stands for force is mandatory.

But if you want to enable the service only in runlevel 5, you do this instead:

# update-rc.d apache2  start 20 5 . stop 80 0 1 2 3 4 6 .


To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
--William Blake

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CD burning programs with verification

2011-04-09 Thread Jason Hsu
I'm looking for a program in the Debian repository that offers verification but 
with few dependencies.  I use my own antiX-derived distro called Swift Linux 
(www.swiftlinux.org) as my main distro, but I dual boot with Puppy Linux.  
Puppy Linux comes standard with iso2cd and PBurn, but those applications are 
specific to Puppy Linux.

I don't like the GnomeBaker program that comes standard in antiX Linux and need 
a replacement.  GnomeBaker doesn't offer a verification feature.I know that 
XFCE and KDE have their own CD burning programs, but those programs have lots 
of dependencies.

So what CD burning programs do you like that have verification and do NOT have 
lots of dependencies (like the XFCE and KDE tools)?

Jason Hsu jhsu802...@jasonhsu.com

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Re: Printer in Gnome loathes being enabled

2011-04-09 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 08 Apr 2011 01:11:37 +0200, Klistvud wrote:

  From time to time, out of nowhere, my printer refuses to print. When I
 check it via 'System/Administration/Printing/right-click menu on printer
 icon', I see that the menu item 'Enabled' is not ticked. I tick it, I
 get assed for the root password, and then it starts to print. Some
 hours, even days, pass peacefully ... and then it refuses to print


In the line of Tixy's answer, CUPS printers can be configured to perform 
an action on events using Rules which means that you can define a 
policy when the printer encounters any kind of error. Default action is 
stop-printer but there are also abort-job and retry-job actions.



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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 09 apr 11, 11:04:52, Dan wrote:
 I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
 thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the
 service from rc*.d
 For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
 /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth

This might work for a single runlevel, but has unexpected results if you 
remove all symlinks:

,[ man update-rc.d ]
| A common system administration error is to delete the links with the 
| thought that this will disable the service, i.e., that this will pre‐
| vent the service from being started.  However, if all links have been 
| deleted then the next time  the  package  is  upgraded,  the  package's
| postinst script will run update-rc.d again and this will reinstall links 
| at their factory default locations.  The correct way to disable ser‐
| vices is to configure the service as stopped in all runlevels in which 
| it is started by default.  In the System  V  init  system  this  means
| renaming the service's symbolic links from S to K.

 But then I used service manager from gnome to disable bluetooth. It
 disabled the service but it didn't delete the link. So I guess that
 there is a standard procedure to disable the service without deleting
 the link. Which is that procedure?

Besides what is written in 'man update-rc.d' it is also necessary to run 
insserv, which is not very well documented:

# mv /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth /etc/rc3.d/K00bluetooth
# insserv

(the actual number after the K doesn't really matter due to insserv)

# mv /etc/rc3.d/K00bluetooth /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth
# insserv

(the number after the K might be different if insserv changed it and the 
number after the S doesn't matter since insserv will re-order as needed.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 09 apr 11, 16:50:58, Michael Thompson wrote:
 And to disable the service in all the run levels, you execute the command:
 # update-rc.d -f apache2 remove
 Here -f option which stands for force is mandatory.

This will have unwanted side-effects, see the paragraph I quoted in my 
other mail.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: debian testing: upgrade latest few days = nautilus freezes entire desktop when changing directories for a few seconds

2011-04-09 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 08 Apr 2011 12:16:42 +0200, Bjorn Wesen wrote:

 perhaps I shouldn't run testing and not expect problems but anyway I do
 and I wanted to ask if anyone else noticed something like this:
 After yesterdays restart of Xorg, the file-manager in gnome (nautilus)
 completely freezes the desktop for a few seconds every time I click to
 change a directory. Clicking on files to open them works fine.

I have no problem with testing and gnome.
 When the desktop freezes the output of all other windows freeze as well
 as the mouse-cursor. A top running in one terminal shows (after its
 display comes back) a 100% Xorg CPU usage or something similar.
 Nothing in any logs and everything else works fine (including
 file-requesters from other programs). This is what is most strange!
 In conjunction with the Xorg-restart I had updated the binary nvidia
 drivers from 260.19.21 to 260.19.44, but I downgraded this again and
 that didn't help.
 I can go through the painstaking job of checking all testing-packages I
 upgraded the last few days, but thought I'd ask first!

Create a fresh-new user and login from there. If you can still reproduce 
the freeze you can also try with nouveau driver and check if that makes 
any difference.



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Re: Free PDF viewer that can search for text across line-breaks?

2011-04-09 Thread Brian
On Sun 10 Apr 2011 at 01:22:21 +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:

 Thanks, right again. From the manual page:

 Dragging with the right mouse button selects an area and copies the  
 enclosed text to the clipboard buffer.

I generally just paste with the middle mouse button but Parcellite, with
Use Primary (Selection), is a nice clipboard utility.

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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:04:52 -0400, Dan wrote:

 I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
 thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the service
 from rc*.d

I wondered the same in this thread:


(that was a very interesting thread were people pointed out several ways 
to achieve the same goal)

 For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
 /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth
 But then I used service manager from gnome to disable bluetooth. It
 disabled the service but it didn't delete the link. So I guess that
 there is a standard procedure to disable the service without deleting
 the link. Which is that procedure?

I finally disabled the service by issuing update-rc.d service_name 
disable. Full story here:




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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Dan
On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:04:52 -0400, Dan wrote:

 I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
 thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the service
 from rc*.d

 I wondered the same in this thread:


 (that was a very interesting thread were people pointed out several ways
 to achieve the same goal)

 For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
 /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth

 But then I used service manager from gnome to disable bluetooth. It
 disabled the service but it didn't delete the link. So I guess that
 there is a standard procedure to disable the service without deleting
 the link. Which is that procedure?

 I finally disabled the service by issuing update-rc.d service_name
 disable. Full story here:


update-rc.d disable seems to be the best way. It renames the service
so that it starts with K instead with S. But I still do not know how
the gnome service manager is able to disable the service. It does not
make any change in the links in rc*.d and it does not make any change
in /etc/default/bluetooth

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Re: CD burning programs with verification

2011-04-09 Thread David Sastre
On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 11:15:16AM -0500, Jason Hsu wrote:
 I'm looking for a program in the Debian repository that offers verification 
 but with few dependencies.  I use my own antiX-derived distro called Swift 
 Linux (www.swiftlinux.org) as my main distro, but I dual boot with Puppy 
 Linux.  Puppy Linux comes standard with iso2cd and PBurn, but those 
 applications are specific to Puppy Linux.
 I don't like the GnomeBaker program that comes standard in antiX Linux and 
 need a replacement.  GnomeBaker doesn't offer a verification feature.I 
 know that XFCE and KDE have their own CD burning programs, but those programs 
 have lots of dependencies.
 So what CD burning programs do you like that have verification and do NOT 
 have lots of dependencies (like the XFCE and KDE tools)?

wodim + sha256sum


Huella de clave primaria: 0FDA C36F F110 54F4 D42B  D0EB 617D 396C 448B 31EB

Description: Digital signature

Ayuda para instalar debian

2011-04-09 Thread Jacqueline Cruz
Hola comunidad, qieria pedirles ayuda par ver como puedo istalar debian, lo
q pasa es q la primera vez intente bajar un archivo para quemarlo y lo pase
a un cd, pero durant ela istalacion encontre un errorq uno de los archivos
estaba corrupted y yo :S busq en algunos foros el error y lei que era por
la velocidad  a la que se habia quemado el disco , luego intente bajar la
imagen para q lo pudiera instalarlo desde el usb, cambie el boot order par
aq la usb fuera la primera opcion, y tenia los archivos en la usb pero no
booteaba. luego trate de instalarle un pendrive , un universal usb
installer1.8.3.9 , pero cuando trato de seleccionar el archivo no me aparece
ningun archivo.q sea .iso .PEro ahi las tengo en la misma memoria.
asi que no he podido bootear desde la usb

Algun comentario?
Overall rating

Re: Ayuda para instalar debian

2011-04-09 Thread David Sastre
On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 11:24:17AM -0600, Jacqueline Cruz wrote:
 Hola comunidad, qieria pedirles ayuda par ver como puedo istalar debian, lo
 q pasa es q la primera vez intente bajar un archivo para quemarlo y lo pase
 a un cd, pero durant ela istalacion encontre un errorq uno de los archivos
 estaba corrupted y yo :S busq en algunos foros el error y lei que era por
 la velocidad  a la que se habia quemado el disco , luego intente bajar la
 imagen para q lo pudiera instalarlo desde el usb, cambie el boot order par
 aq la usb fuera la primera opcion, y tenia los archivos en la usb pero no
 booteaba. luego trate de instalarle un pendrive , un universal usb
 installer1.8.3.9 , pero cuando trato de seleccionar el archivo no me aparece
 ningun archivo.q sea .iso .PEro ahi las tengo en la misma memoria.
 asi que no he podido bootear desde la usb
 Algun comentario?


Mejor escribe a debian-users-spanish.

Huella de clave primaria: 0FDA C36F F110 54F4 D42B  D0EB 617D 396C 448B 31EB

Description: Digital signature

Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:27:18 -0400, Dan wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Camaleón wrote:


 But then I used service manager from gnome to disable bluetooth. It
 disabled the service but it didn't delete the link. So I guess that
 there is a standard procedure to disable the service without deleting
 the link. Which is that procedure?

 I finally disabled the service by issuing update-rc.d service_name
 disable. Full story here:


 update-rc.d disable seems to be the best way. It renames the service so
 that it starts with K instead with S. But I still do not know how the
 gnome service manager is able to disable the service. It does not make
 any change in the links in rc*.d and it does not make any change in

Hum... good question, let's dig a bit.

I also have bluetooth service disabled by using GNOME's services-
admin utility and indeed the service seems to be off (/etc/init.d/
bluetooth status returns failed!) _but_ grep -i bluetooth /var/log/
syslog* and ps aux | bluetooth both commands return traces of some 
kind of BT service/instance running in background/initalized :-?

Also, /etc/rc.d/* levels shows S20 for bluetooth links in 3,4 and 5 
runlevels while they should be K.

Quite strange...



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Re: CD burning programs with verification

2011-04-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:15:16 -0500, Jason Hsu wrote:

 I'm looking for a program in the Debian repository that offers
 verification but with few dependencies.  


It seems there are not many FLOSS GUI based burning tools out there¹. The 
big and full featured ones (Brasero, K3B...) are binded to lots of 
dependencies. The small alternatives (X-CD-Roast, graveman) are mostly 
unmaintained... and I dunno for Nero Linux :-?




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Xlib: extension NV-GLX missing on display :1.0.

2011-04-09 Thread Marcelo Laia

My 3D acceleration is out. It worked greatly until yesterday.

inael@inael:~$ glxinfo | grep rendering
Xlib:  extension NV-GLX missing on display :1.0.
direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting

inael@inael:~$ grep -B2 'Module class: X.Org Video Driver' /var/log/Xorg.0.log
(II) Module nvidia: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
inael@inael:~$  uname -r

inael:/home/inael# dpkg -l '*nvidia*' | awk '{print $2  $3}'


libgl1-nvidia-alternatives 260.19.44-1
libgl1-nvidia-glx 260.19.44-1
libglx-nvidia-alternatives 260.19.44-1
nvidia-common 20110213+1
nvidia-glx 260.19.44-1
nvidia-kernel-2.6.32-5-686-bigmem 195.36.31+2+4+2.6.32-24
nvidia-kernel-common 20110213+1
nvidia-kernel-dkms 260.19.44-1
nvidia-settings 195.36.24-1
nvidia-vdpau-driver 260.19.44-1
nvidia-xconfig 195.36.31-1


# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings:  version 1.0  (buildd@biber)  Tue May 18 10:36:08 UTC 2010

Section Module
Load glx
Load i2c
Load bitmap
Load ddc
Load dri
Load extmod
Load freetype
Load int10
Load type1
Load vbe
Load evdev

Section ServerFlags
Option AllowEmptyInput off

Section ServerLayout
Identifier  Default Layout
Screen  0   Screen0 0 0
Screen  1   Screen1 0 0
#InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard
#InputDeviceKeyboard1 CoreKeyboard
InputDevice Keyboard0
InputDevice Keyboard1
InputDevice Mouse0CorePointer
Option  Xinerama 0
Option   BlankTime 0
Option   StandbyTime 0
Option   SuspendTime 0
Option   OffTime 0

Section Files

Section InputDevice
# generated from default
Identifier   Mouse0
Driver   mouse
Option   Protocol auto
Option   Device /dev/psaux
Option   Emulate3Buttons no
Option   ZAxisMapping 4 5

Section InputDevice
# generated from default
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  kbd
#Driver evdev
Option  CoreKeyboard
#Option Protocol  evdev
Option  XkbRules  evdev
#Option XkbRules  xorg
Option  XkbLayout br-abnt2
Option  XkbModel  abnt2
Option  XkbVariantdeadkeys

Section Monitor
Identifier  Monitor0
VendorName  AOC
ModelName   AOC 511Vw
#   UseModes16:10
HorizSync   30.0 - 63.0
VertRefresh 50.0 - 60.0
# 1280x800 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 49.68 kHz; pclk: 83.46 MHz
Modeline 1280x800_60.00  83.46  1280 1344 1480 1680  800 801 804
828  -HSync +Vsync
Option  DPMS

Section Device
Identifier  Device0
Driver  nvidia
VendorName  NVIDIA Corporation
BoardName   GeForce 8500 GT
Screen  0

Section Screen
Identifier   Screen0
Device   Device0
Monitor Monitor0
SubSection   Display
Depth   24
Modes   1280x800

#Section InputDevice
#   # generated from default
#   Identifier   Mouse1
#   Driver   mouse
#   Option   Protocol auto
#   Option   Device /dev/psaux
#   Option   Emulate3Buttons no
#   Option   ZAxisMapping 4 5

Section InputDevice
# generated from default
Identifier  Keyboard1
Driver  kbd
#Driver evdev
Option  CoreKeyboard
#Option Protocol  evdev
#Option  Dev Phys  isa0060/serio0/input0
Option  XkbRules  evdev
#Option XkbRules  xorg
Option  XkbLayout br-abnt2
Option  XkbModel  abnt2
Option  XkbVariantdeadkeys

Section Monitor
Identifier  Monitor1
VendorName  AOC
ModelName   AOC 511Vw
Option  UseEDIDFreqs  FALSE
Option  ModeValidationNoEdidModes
HorizSync   30.0 - 63.0
VertRefresh 50.0 - 60.0
# 1280x800 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) 

Tell firefox to quit from a shell script

2011-04-09 Thread Tyler Smith

I want firefox to quit every time I hibernate my laptop. I've tried doing
this using the following bash alias:

  alias shib='pkill firefox ; sudo hibernate'

However, firefox doesn't close cleanly, and I often have problems when I
open it again, with ff complaining that it can't recover my tabs, or
failing to launch the first time and then needing to be called a second

Is there a way I can politely ask firefox to quit, less traumatically
than pkill?



ps. My motivation is that I store a lot of passwords in Firefox, and use
the master password to protect them. However, if firefox doesn't close
when I hibernate the computer, and someone steals my laptop, they can
then access many of my online accounts. If FF closes, they can't get to
my passwords without knowing the master password.

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Re: Free PDF viewer that can search for text across line-breaks?

2011-04-09 Thread Arthur Marsh

Brian wrote, on 10/04/11 01:39:

On Sun 10 Apr 2011 at 01:22:21 +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:

Thanks, right again. From the manual page:

Dragging with the right mouse button selects an area and copies the
enclosed text to the clipboard buffer.

I generally just paste with the middle mouse button but Parcellite, with
Use Primary (Selection), is a nice clipboard utility.

I'm still running KDE 3.5.10, and if I try to select text with the right 
mouse button, I can't access klipper while mupdf is still running /-:.


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Re: Tell firefox to quit from a shell script

2011-04-09 Thread Tyler Smith
Tyler Smith tyler.sm...@eku.edu writes:

 Is there a way I can politely ask firefox to quit, less traumatically
 than pkill?

Hi again,

I think I answered my own question:

  wmctrl -c firefox

appears to do what I need.

Sorry for the noise,


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Re: Tell firefox to quit from a shell script

2011-04-09 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 09 Apr 2011 15:06:13 -0400, Tyler Smith wrote:

 I want firefox to quit every time I hibernate my laptop. I've tried
 doing this using the following bash alias:
   alias shib='pkill firefox ; sudo hibernate'
 However, firefox doesn't close cleanly, and I often have problems when I
 open it again, with ff complaining that it can't recover my tabs, or
 failing to launch the first time and then needing to be called a second
 Is there a way I can politely ask firefox to quit, less traumatically
 than pkill?

Hum... I think it could be this bugture (feature bug):

RFE: A way to shutdown Mozilla from the command line (x-remote or signal).



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RE: Tell firefox to quit from a shell script

2011-04-09 Thread Mike Viau

 On Sat, 9 Apr 2011 16:06:13 -0400 tyler.sm...@eku.edu wrote:

 Tyler Smith  writes:

  Is there a way I can politely ask firefox to quit, less traumatically
  than pkill?

 Hi again,

 I think I answered my own question:

 wmctrl -c firefox

 appears to do what I need.

 Sorry for the noise,


Does that work (to exit gracefully) if Firefox/Iceweasel is running on Gnome or 
KDE as well?


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-lssl problem on debian sprac 64-bit

2011-04-09 Thread A E [Gmail]
Hello All,

I'm trying to install some software on Debian (Squeeze) for Sparc 64-bit.

I have the following installed:

# dpkg --get-selections | egrep -i -e 'ssl|tls'
libcurl3-gnutls install
libcurl4-gnutls-dev install
libgnutls-dev   install
libgnutls26 install
libssl-dev  install
libssl0.9.8 install
openssl install

but during 'make', I keep getting an error message that libssl can't be
found. During the 'configure' script for this software, it was told to build
for a 64-bit platform using the following:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64 ./configure

But the following is still observed in config.log

configure:20961: WARNING: OpenSSL crypto library was not found
configure:20966: checking for TLSv1_method in -lssl
configure:20991: gcc -o conftest -m64  -m64 conftest.c -lssl  -lncurses
 -m64 5
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible
/usr/lib/gcc/sparc-linux-gnu/4.4.5/../../../../lib64/libssl.so when
searching for -lssl
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /lib/../lib64/libssl.so when searching
for -lssl
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/../lib64/libssl.so when
searching for -lssl
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible
/usr/lib/gcc/sparc-linux-gnu/4.4.5/../../../libssl.so when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible
/usr/lib/gcc/sparc-linux-gnu/4.4.5/../../../libssl.a when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/libssl.so when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /lib64/libssl.so when searching for -lssl
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/libssl.so when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libssl.so when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libssl.a when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
| #define HAVE_OPENSSL_TLS1_H 1
configure:21011: WARNING: OpenSSL protocol library was not found
| #define HAVE_OPENSSL_TLS1_H 1
| #define HAVE_OPENSSL_TLS1_H 1
| #define HAVE_OPENSSL_TLS1_H 1
| #define HAVE_OPENSSL_TLS1_H 1

So it finds the SSL libs but thinks they're incompatible, I'm guessing
because of them being 32-Bit libs? I tried creating symlinks in /lib64 and
/usr/lib64 but it still rejects them

How do I fix this? Do I need to download the source for openssl and compile
it for my platform?

Thanks so much

Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Freeman
On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 01:27:18PM -0400, Dan wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:04:52 -0400, Dan wrote:
  I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
  thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the service
  from rc*.d
  I wondered the same in this thread:
  (that was a very interesting thread were people pointed out several ways
  to achieve the same goal)
  For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
  /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth
  But then I used service manager from gnome to disable bluetooth. It
  disabled the service but it didn't delete the link. So I guess that
  there is a standard procedure to disable the service without deleting
  the link. Which is that procedure?
  I finally disabled the service by issuing update-rc.d service_name
  disable. Full story here:
 update-rc.d disable seems to be the best way. It renames the service
 so that it starts with K instead with S. But I still do not know how
 the gnome service manager is able to disable the service. It does not
 make any change in the links in rc*.d and it does not make any change
 in /etc/default/bluetooth
I have an Admin menu item called services that starts services-admin, and
X app that shows all the init.d services. Is this what you are referring to?

There is a check box list of services. However, if I right click on the
listed service, I get a dialog box.

There I can authenticate as root, then click on Status to change between
start, stop and ignore, or Priority to edit the priotiry.

This does edit the rc*.d links.


Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO (or Linux) is the
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Re: Tell firefox to quit from a shell script

2011-04-09 Thread Tyler Smith
Mike Viau vi...@sheridanc.on.ca writes:

 On Sat, 9 Apr 2011 16:06:13 -0400 tyler.sm...@eku.edu wrote:

  Is there a way I can politely ask firefox to quit, less traumatically
  than pkill?

 I think I answered my own question:

 wmctrl -c firefox

 appears to do what I need.

 Does that work (to exit gracefully) if Firefox/Iceweasel is running on
 Gnome or KDE as well?

I don't know, I don't have either of those DE installed. wmctrl appears
to handle a lot of window-manager things that aren't baked into Fluxbox,
but it might not be necessary/compatible with Gnome or KDE.


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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Joel Roth
On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 11:04:52AM -0400, Dan wrote:
 I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
 thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the
 service from rc*.d
 For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
 /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth

Some may disagree (and I've made this point before)
a standard way to prevent a script from
executing in Unixlike system is to set the 

chmod a-x /etc/init.d/bluetooth

 But then I used service manager from gnome to disable bluetooth. It
 disabled the service but it didn't delete the link. So I guess that
 there is a standard procedure to disable the service without deleting
 the link. Which is that procedure?
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Joel Roth

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Re: Debian on a Macbook (Leopard): Xorg installation leads to blank screen on reboot

2011-04-09 Thread Davide Baldini

GM965 graphics controller is well supported now and should work
on defaults with your 2.6.32-5 kernel.

By the first boot you told to start X you needed to manually
issue startx.
But since the second boot, standing at your description, the
blanked screen after some textlines rolled up, would suggest
me X is trying to run by itself.
If you made some changes or installs in between, I'd check
them, especially regarding hald and xorg.conf.

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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 11:05 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 11:04:52AM -0400, Dan wrote:
  I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
  thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the
  service from rc*.d
  For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
  /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth
 Some may disagree (and I've made this point before)
 a standard way to prevent a script from
 executing in Unixlike system is to set the 
 chmod a-x /etc/init.d/bluetooth
I like that way but what happens when it is updated? It also generates
errors on boot and shutdown but those can be ignored.  Thanks - John

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Re: ata2: STST failed (error -5)

2011-04-09 Thread dave boland
On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:06 +, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, 29 Mar 2011 13:07:06 -0400, dave boland wrote:
  On Tue, 29 Mar 2011 16:11 +, Camaleón wrote:
  Hum... you seem to have many IDE devices attached to that box with
  almost all channels occupied (1 hdd and 2 DVD/CD units, if I read it
  correctly...) so Ben's suggestions also makes sense to me (that is,
  recheck all of your IDE device jumpers position to match your current
  configuration and to avoid overlapping). You can even leave connected
  only the DVD unit to load the LiveCD and see how it goes...
  I had a look inside the box last week.  There are three ports.  One is
  used by the floppy, the next the hard drive, and one for two CD's.  The
  hard drive jumper is set correctly; 
 You have to check the jumper for all of the IDE devices (hard disk should 
 be set as master and the other two optical units, one as master and 
 the other as slave. 
  however, the hard drive is connected to the first connector (of two) on
  the ribbon cable.  I'm told that it really should be connected to the
  last connector and a slave drive would be connected to the center
  connector.  I'll move the connectors as soon as I can (bigger fish to
  fry right now).
 As a side note, I avoid using cable-select jumper with CS cables as much 
 as I can. Experience tells me that static configurations use to work more 
 reliably :-)
  But once again, it needs to be pointed out that Debian 5, and its
  derivatives, have no problem with the hard drives.  So something has
  changed, and not for the good.  My question is what has changed and why?
 Maybe something in kernel, I'd say. And is not so uncommon to see those 
 types of changes and having to make some bypass for getting through.
   Additionally, exactly what does this error mean?  At minimum, it would
  be helpful if the error provided more information, or timed out and
  moved on.  I don't think there is a way to look at the log files of a
  failed livecd, so I'm left to guess.
 He, he... kernel guys will tell but I agree the error is not very self-
 explanatory :-)
  Thanks though for the advice.  I'll give it a try as soon as Ii can.
 You're welcome.
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I finally got around to doing a few diagnostics on this problem, and no
change.  First I checked the master slave setting of all three drives. 
The hard drive is set to master, and one CD drive is master the other
one is slave.  The CD's are on IDE2 and the hard drive is on IDE1. 
Next, I disconnected the hard drive from the center connector on the IDE
ribbon cable and then reconnected the drive to the end connector (where
I'm told it should be).  I still get the same errors.

Then I followed a tip one of you passed along and disconnected the drive
ribbon cable completely, and exactly the same thing.

In both cased I can completely use the Mepis 8.5 CD, but the latest
Mepis and the Debian 6 DVD have serious issues with a drive that is not

So what are my options?  Try a new IDE cable?  Try connecting a second
hard drive?  Other suggestions?

  dave boland

http://www.fastmail.fm - Faster than the air-speed velocity of an
  unladen european swallow

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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Freeman
On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 11:05:33AM -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 11:04:52AM -0400, Dan wrote:
  I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
  thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the
  service from rc*.d
  For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
  /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth
 Some may disagree (and I've made this point before)
 a standard way to prevent a script from
 executing in Unixlike system is to set the 
 chmod a-x /etc/init.d/bluetooth

Good enough if it works without issue. But I am a little curious about your
definition of a standard.


Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO (or Linux) is the
answer. --Somebody

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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Dan ganc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
 thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the
 service from rc*.d

 For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
 /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth

 But then I used service manager from gnome to disable bluetooth. It
 disabled the service but it didn't delete the link. So I guess that
 there is a standard procedure to disable the service without deleting
 the link. Which is that procedure?

cp /etc/init.d/bluetooth /etc/insserv/override/
vi /etc/insserv/override/bluetooth
{change the Default-Start and Default-Stop runlevels}
insserv --remove bluetooth
insserv --default bluetooth

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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Joel Roth
On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 05:29:51PM -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
 On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 11:05 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
  On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 11:04:52AM -0400, Dan wrote:
   I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
   thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the
   service from rc*.d
   For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
   /etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth
  Some may disagree (and I've made this point before)
  a standard way to prevent a script from
  executing in Unixlike system is to set the 
  chmod a-x /etc/init.d/bluetooth
 I like that way but what happens when it is updated? It also generates
 errors on boot and shutdown but those can be ignored.  Thanks - John

I believe apt-get recognizes if a script has been modified (including
permission changes) and offers you the option of keeping
your current one, updating, looking at a diff, etc.
So you won't be blindsided.

Use of permissions to control execute permissions is
a Unix standard, even under Debian :-)

By providing a simple yes-or-now, it is suitable for me, as
allows me to work without mastering the intricacies of Debian's

And it seems like a good example of how the Unix approach
allows you to administer your system.
If I needed to automate control of a large number of
systems, there could be advantages to using Debian tools.

 update-rc.d service-name disable

This makes sense, however, note the run-around Camale
had to go through to even find this command.

I might use it next time (now that I know about it)
although then I would have to look at the symlinks 
instead of just the init script to see that a 
service has been disabled.

At least knowing to check permissions has finally
made it through my thickly calcified cranial covering.


Joel Roth

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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 12:50 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 05:29:51PM -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
  On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 11:05 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
   On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 11:04:52AM -0400, Dan wrote:
I would like to know which is the standard way to disable services. I
thought that the standard way is just to delete the link of the
service from rc*.d

For example to disable bluetooth I would just delete the link
/etc/rc3.d/S20bluetooth that points to ../init.d/bluetooth
   Some may disagree (and I've made this point before)
   a standard way to prevent a script from
   executing in Unixlike system is to set the 
   chmod a-x /etc/init.d/bluetooth
  I like that way but what happens when it is updated? It also generates
  errors on boot and shutdown but those can be ignored.  Thanks - John
 I believe apt-get recognizes if a script has been modified (including
 permission changes) and offers you the option of keeping
 your current one, updating, looking at a diff, etc.
 So you won't be blindsided.
That's good and I do recall that.  I would probably want the new script
but at least I would be reminded that I need to change the permissions.
Could be a pain with lots of systems but I see that you address that
 Use of permissions to control execute permissions is
 a Unix standard, even under Debian :-)
 By providing a simple yes-or-now, it is suitable for me, as
 allows me to work without mastering the intricacies of Debian's
 And it seems like a good example of how the Unix approach
 allows you to administer your system.
 If I needed to automate control of a large number of
 systems, there could be advantages to using Debian tools.
  update-rc.d service-name disable
 This makes sense, however, note the run-around Camale
 had to go through to even find this command.
 I might use it next time (now that I know about it)
 although then I would have to look at the symlinks 
 instead of just the init script to see that a 
 service has been disabled.
 At least knowing to check permissions has finally
 made it through my thickly calcified cranial covering.
Once I took the time to learn how to use it, RedHat's chkconfig worked
very well and it was simple to use (chkconfig service on, chkconfig
service off, chkconfig --list service, chkconfig --add service.  I
wonder if that's what insserv is trying to do.  I had never heard of it
until this thread.  Is there a Debian equivalent of chkconfig? Thanks -

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Re: obtaining copy of debian

2011-04-09 Thread Dr. Ed Morbius
on 00:36 Sat 09 Apr, Larry Wazny (the-...@rogers.com) wrote:
 I have been trying for the last hour to download a copy.  I have not
 used Linus for years, which was Redhat.  I get the parent directory
 which allows me to do nothing.  I have tried http and torrent and have
 never experienced such difficulty. No wonder windows is the most
 popular as I can download any software 
 I need by one click.the-waz@rogers,com

If you're going to use Linus, you might want to check with Tove first
for clearance.

If it's Linux you're after, you might want to tell us, say, what
hardware you've got, and what URLs you're attempting to use for
downloading the installer / image.

How hard is it to figure this out?


   Debian - http://www.debian.org/

   Top of the page: Getting Debian - http://www.debian.org/distrib/

   First major heading: Download a small installation image -

   This page is possibly a little confusing as you need to know your
   system's CPU architecture.  For any recent PC hardware, that's
   amd64 -

Download that ISO, and burn it with any *IMAGE* (not file) burning
software. (I don't use Windows so I'm not familiar with what works there,
but IIRC Nero used to work, though I don't know if the native Windows
software does off the top.  For Mac, the CD tool does just fine.

A quick Google search turns up a helpful page from CentOS:


Other useful links would be the Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide:


The Debian Documentation homepage is another good place to start looking
for help:  http://www.debian.org/doc/

I'd particularly recommend the FAQ:


A bit of attitude adjustment might also be in order.

Dr. Ed Morbius, Chief Scientist /|
  Robot Wrangler / Staff Psychologist| When you seek unlimited power
Krell Power Systems Unlimited|  Go to Krell!

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Re: CD burning programs with verification

2011-04-09 Thread Dr. Ed Morbius
on 11:15 Sat 09 Apr, Jason Hsu (jhsu802...@jasonhsu.com) wrote:
 I'm looking for a program in the Debian repository that offers
 verification but with few dependencies.  I use my own antiX-derived
 distro called Swift Linux (www.swiftlinux.org) as my main distro, but
 I dual boot with Puppy Linux.  Puppy Linux comes standard with iso2cd
 and PBurn, but those applications are specific to Puppy Linux.
 I don't like the GnomeBaker program that comes standard in antiX Linux
 and need a replacement.  GnomeBaker doesn't offer a verification
 feature.I know that XFCE and KDE have their own CD burning
 programs, but those programs have lots of dependencies.
 So what CD burning programs do you like that have verification and do
 NOT have lots of dependencies (like the XFCE and KDE tools)?

K3B, though it doesn't satisfy your minimal deps requirement.

You can do your own md5sum / sha1sum verification using any command-line
utilities you choose.  xcdroast + same works for me.

Dr. Ed Morbius, Chief Scientist /|
  Robot Wrangler / Staff Psychologist| When you seek unlimited power
Krell Power Systems Unlimited|  Go to Krell!

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Re: Disable a service

2011-04-09 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 7:32 PM, John A. Sullivan III
jsulli...@opensourcedevel.com wrote:

 Once I took the time to learn how to use it, RedHat's chkconfig worked
 very well and it was simple to use (chkconfig service on, chkconfig
 service off, chkconfig --list service, chkconfig --add service.  I
 wonder if that's what insserv is trying to do.  I had never heard of it
 until this thread.  Is there a Debian equivalent of chkconfig?

apt-get install chkconfig (but it's not quite the same as in RHEL/Fedora)

insserv names/numbers the rcx.d scripts according to the headers in
the init.d scripts.

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Re: Tell firefox to quit from a shell script

2011-04-09 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 12:06 PM, Tyler Smith tyler.sm...@eku.edu wrote:

  alias shib='pkill firefox ; sudo hibernate'

The executable you need to kill is firefox-bin and not just firefox.
Give that a try instead.

Re: Free PDF viewer that can search for text across line-breaks?

2011-04-09 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 4:20 AM, Arthur Marsh

 Is there any Free PDF viewer in Debian that works outside of GNOME/KDE that
 can both search for text across line breaks and allows copying of text from
 the PDF document to the clip-board?

Install pdfgrep and xclip. You can then do something like:

  pdfgrep 'foo.*bar' baz.pdf | xclip

Works for me.

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