[OT] Mesures contra l'spam literari (Era: ¿Què valores més d'un text literari?)

2011-12-21 Thread Eloi Notario
A Dimarts, 20 de desembre de 2011 23:11:14, Josep Sànchez va escriure:

 Reporteu-ho com correu brossa, o no ho acabarem mai això...

Millor encara, escriviu al contacte administratiu que surt al registre WHOIS 
del domini: d...@dominispersonals.com

Jo ja ho he fet.

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Re: aptitude full-upgrade casse beaucoup de choses

2011-12-21 Thread Jérôme
Le samedi 17 décembre 2011 à 19:43 +0100, thierry.leur...@asgardian.be a
écrit :
 Je n'ai jamais vraiment eu de problème avec full-upgrade.
 Je prends toujours soin de bien de vérifier ce qui fait.
 Le dernier problème que j'ai rencontre suite a un update provenait de
 2 paquets dont la nouvelle version ne plait pas a ma carte vidéo

Problème ou pas c'est la méthode imprudente. Un safe-upgrade, et s'il
reste des mises à jour à faire on examine soigneusement ce qu'il faut
faire. Éventuellement c'est un simple full-upgrade. Et je rappelle que
aptitude full-upgrade un_paquet_précis  ça fonctionne.

Sinon c'est au petit bonheur la chance, selon les paquets installés. Le
principe général pour tout ces trucs algorithmiques est quand même de
faire le minimum sauf nécessité. La flemme intelligente.

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Re: Installer SeleniumIDE avec Iceweasel

2011-12-21 Thread Olivier
J'ai suivi les instructions :

Une remarque au passage:
les instructions sont très précises et d'une grande qualité (bravo aux
rédacteurs); toutefois et sauf erreur de ma part, la commande pour
installer la version la plus récente d'Iceweasel n'est pas explicitée
dans le document cité plus haut.

J'ai tenté et obtenu :
# apt-get -s install iceweasel
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Certains paquets ne peuvent être installés. Ceci peut signifier
que vous avez demandé l'impossible, ou bien, si vous utilisez
la distribution unstable, que certains paquets n'ont pas encore
été créés ou ne sont pas sortis d'Incoming.
L'information suivante devrait vous aider à résoudre la situation :

Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites :
 iceweasel : Dépend: xulrunner-9.0 (= 9.0-1~bpo60+1) mais ne sera pas installé
E: Paquets défectueux

Est-ce consécutif à la sortie récente de Firefox 9.0 ?
Si oui, existe-t-il alors un moyen pour installer sans attendre une
version précédente ?


Le 16/12/11, Olivieroza_4...@yahoo.fr a écrit :
 Le 15/12/11, stevedl...@bluewin.ch a écrit :

 Le 15-12-2011, à 16:35:08 +0100, Olivier (oza_4...@yahoo.fr) a écrit :


 J'utilise Squeeze.
 Je souhaite évaluer Selenium IDE (cf http://seleniumhq.org) qui est un
 plugin Firefox.

 Quand j'essaie d'installer dans Iceweasel un des fichiers
 télé-chargeables à l'adresse
 http://release.seleniumhq.org/selenium-ide/, l'installation se termine
 par une message d'incompatibilité entre le plugin et Iceweasel.

 Quelle version d'iceweasel ?
 le 3.5.16

 Pourriez-vous m'indiquer comment procéder ou me metre sur la bonne voie

 Utiliser la version backport d'iceweasel :
 http://wiki.debian-facile.org/logiciel :iceweasel
 je ne connaissais ce dépôt
 deb http://mozilla.debian.net/ squeeze-backports iceweasel-release


 OK , merci beaucoup.
 Je vais essayer (et rendrai compte ici)

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Martian source? Dois je aller vir le SETI?

2011-12-21 Thread Olivier Pavilla

Dans mon /var/log/messages
J'ai ceci :
Dec 22 06:35:43 korriban kernel: [  274.053568] cfg80211: (525
KHz - 533 KHz @ 4 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm)
Dec 22 06:35:43 korriban kernel: [  274.053572] cfg80211: (549
KHz - 571 KHz @ 4 KHz), (N/A, 2700 mBm)
Dec 22 06:35:43 korriban kernel: [  274.154435] martian source from, on dev wlan0
Dec 22 06:35:43 korriban kernel: [  274.154440] ll header:
Dec 22 06:35:47 korriban kernel: [  278.281753] martian source from, on dev wlan0
Dec 22 06:35:47 korriban kernel: [  278.281759] ll header:
Dec 22 06:35:49 korriban kernel: [  280.371745] martian source from, on dev wlan0
Dec 22 06:35:49 korriban kernel: [  280.371752] ll header:
Dec 22 06:35:50 korriban kernel: [  280.431507] martian source from, on dev wlan0
Dec 22 06:35:50 korriban kernel: [  280.431514] ll header:

Mais qu'est ce donc que c'est martiens et que faire pour m'en protéger?
J'ai requêté le pôte de tout le monde, Google la pieuvre. Les premiers
résultats ce sont des gens qui comme moi ont des martians source mais
dont peu de monde apporte une réponse en contre mesure et le reste des
premiers résultats parlent de kernel. Mais moi, je n'ai pas envie de me
taper la compilation de KErnel. J'ai perdu l'habitude :(

Dois je appeler le SETI? Le YETI? Fox Meuld'or et sa bombshell scully?

Olivier Pavilla
Les fautes d'orthographes de mes propos sont sous licence Ane bâté 1.0

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[ZAPYTANIE] Hosting - rozwiązania hostingowe dla Ciebie i Twojej Firmy.

2011-12-21 Thread Hosting z RABATEM
Otwórz tą wiadomość aplikacją obsługującą wiadomości HTML

Re: [OT] Qué netbook recomiendan para usar Debian?

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 18 Dec 2011 16:05:23 -0300, Darío escribió:

 Hola lista, estoy pensando en comprar una netbook y quisiera saber cuál
 me pueden recomendar, el uso que le voy a dar es esencialmente uso de
 programas de cálculo numérico (como Octave/Scilab/Maxima) y también
 Internet obiviamente, y de paso probar distros con OpenVZ. Preferencia
 de marcas no sé, pero me cae muy bien Samsung porque es uno de los pocos
 que hace reproductores digitales que soportan .ogg

Yo no te recomendaría ningún netbook. Creo que iría a por un portátil 
ligero con pantalla de 13 o similar que a la larga tienen más ventajas.

¿Marcas? Toshiba, HP, Lenovo... para netbooks te dará más o menos lo 
mismo, casi todos montan idénticos componentes/chipsets. Te puedo decir 
que tengo un Compaq Mini CQ10 520ES con Debian Wheezy y funciona muy bien.

Elijas lo que elijas, que vaya bien cargado de RAM :-)



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Re: [OT] Qué netbook recomiendan para usar Debian?

2011-12-21 Thread Darío

 Yo no te recomendaría ningún netbook. Creo que iría a por un portátil
 ligero con pantalla de 13 o similar que a la larga tienen más ventajas.

 ¿Marcas? Toshiba, HP, Lenovo... para netbooks te dará más o menos lo
 mismo, casi todos montan idénticos componentes/chipsets. Te puedo decir
 que tengo un Compaq Mini CQ10 520ES con Debian Wheezy y funciona muy bien.

 Elijas lo que elijas, que vaya bien cargado de RAM :-)



Gracias por la recomendación, pero estaba buscando una netbook
principalmente por el peso, ya que el uso que le voy a dar va a ser para
trasladarla a la facultad, y este año estuve usando la notebook de mi
hermana y la verdad que con los libros y demás se me hace pesado el viaje.

Preferentemente preferiría la notebook pero hoy por hoy con la tecnología
actual no creo que haya mucha diferencia entre ambas, obviando la pantalla
y teclado claro, y el precio!!


 |-| Por favor, no utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el
 |-| bio de documentos, como DOC, XLS, BMP, PPT, RAR, MP3,  DWG,
 |-| MOV,  FLV,  WMV, etc.  sino  HTML, ODT,  ODT,  DJVU,  PDF, TXT,
 |-| CSV, PNG, FLAC, OGV, GZ, BZ2 o cualquier otro que no obligue  a
 |-| un programa de un fabricante concreto.
 |-| Vea http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html
 |-| también http://www.vaslibre.org.ve/publicaciones/odfvsooxml-es.pdf

Re: Sobre grup

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 19 Dec 2011 08:55:20 -0600, Luis escribió:

 On Fri, 16 Dec 2011 15:34:25 -0600, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:

 Bueno que se está instalando NOVA Linux(distro cubana) a unas
 máquinas y
 en algunas se instaló bien pero en otras parece que se instaló pero
 dio problemas con el GRUB,

 ¿Qué problemas?
 La máquina tiene windows xp instalado y se instaló también NOVA. El
 proceso de instalación se realiza bien hasta la parte final cuando
 comienza a instalar el GRUB. Luego cuando va por el 50% la pantalla se
 queda colgada. Entonces cuando inicias no levanta porque no instaló el
 cargador de arranque.

Pues no sé qué tipo de instalador usa NOVA pero si es similar al de 
Debian quizá el sistema no se haya instalado por completo. 

A ver, el proceso de instalación no debe de acabar abruptamente con la 
pantalla colgada, yo que tú empezaría a instalar desde cero y si quieres, 
salta el paso de la instalación del cargador de arranque, no instales 
nada, una vez que finalice la instalación correctamente y reinicies, 
inicia con el CD de instalación (o con cualquier LiveCD que tengas), dile 
que quieres iniciar un sistema instalado, arranca y una vez dentro ya 
instalas el cargador de arranque.

Pero la instalación debe finalizar limpiamente.

 De la provincia, tomado de internet, le enviaron unos pasos a ejecutar y
 todo salió bien. No los tengo aquí, les prometo que los postearé para
 que los vean pero si puedo comentarlos con mis palabras pues estuve
 razonándolos  :)
 1. Se inicia con un CD live, en este caso se hizo con uno de Ubuntu 9.04


Eso es más o menos lo que te comento más arriba pero mejor que crear un 
entorno chrooteado (que son los pasos que has puesto), inicia 
directamente desde el sistema instalado e instala GRUB desde ahí.

 A jusgar por mi instuición, lo que se hace en este proceso es instalar
 el GRUB en el sistema averiado a partir del sistema que está en RAM.
 Cómo estoy?  8-)

Más o menos... pero es mejor instalar el GRUB que trae NOVA que no otro 
GRUB, por si acaso.



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Re: [OT]GNOME 3 en Debian Wheezy?

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 19 Dec 2011 15:57:54 +0100, dayer escribió:

 El día 16 de diciembre de 2011 16:40, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com
 El Tue, 13 Dec 2011 21:43:52 +0100, Lucas Sánchez Sagrado escribió:

 Lo que no te gusta es gnome-shell no GNOME3 ;-)

 Y eso que el gnome-shell de openSUSE está muy pulido...

 En Debian Squeeze estoy genial con GNOME 2, pero ¿se

 Sí, lo llevará.

 Seguramente GNOME3 con gnome-shell en su versión 3.2 o la 3.4.

 Como ya han dicho algunos de ustedes, es cuestión de acostumbrarse,
 además de que llegue a estar completa la migración de GNOME 2 a GNOME 3
 y en una versión que permita más personalizaciones, como la 3.2 o
 superiores. No me parece justo comparar el GNOME 3 que hay a día de hoy
 en «testing» con el que está en Arch o Fedora 16. En estas últimas
 distribuciones las versiones son más recientes que las de Debian y se
 puede, por ejemplo, añadir extensiones.

Creo que el GNOME de Sid está más actualizado.



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Re: [OT] Qué netbook recomiendan para usar Debian?

2011-12-21 Thread JulHer
Hash: SHA1

El 21/12/11 13:20, Darío escribió:
 Gracias por la recomendación, pero estaba buscando una netbook 
 principalmente por el peso

Pues mira el Asus eeepc x101


Cuesta como unos 170 euros.

Un saludo


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Re: Disco IDE como /dev/sdx

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 19 Dec 2011 07:56:46 -0800, Fernando Castillo escribió:

 Hola, soy nuevo en la lista, tengo un servidor que le empiezo a hacer
 mantenimiento y me lo dejaron con Debian Squeeze.
 Tengo una duda sobre el tipo de discos, fijandome con fdisk -l me
 reporta discos del tipo /dev/sdx, con lo cual yo creia eran SATA, ahora
 cuando voy a revisar el server resulta que son IDE, no era que los IDE
 se nombraban /dev/hdx ? en que momento cambio eso y porque si alguien

Buf... se renombraron hace 5-6 años cuando se fusionó con libata. ¿El por 
qué? Supongo que para unificar criterios y evitar la duplicación de 
código. En kernel newbies tienes más datos:

Libata PATA (Parallel ATA) merge

 como puedo saber exactamente que tipo de discos tengo en el servidor?

¿Te refieres a si son IDE/SATA/SCSI/SAS/FC...?

La salida de smartctl -i /dev/sda (o hdparm -I /dev/sda) te dice la 
marca y el modelo del disco, luego podrás buscarlo en la KB del 



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MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i en Debian Squeeze

2011-12-21 Thread Mauro Sánchez
Buenos días.
Tengo un servidor IBM x3550 M3, que tiene una placa RAID LSI 9240-4i.
Busqué en la página del fabricante y los drivers vienen para Debian
Lenny, en los cuales, durante los pasos de la instalación, además de
copiar el modulo del kernel (megaraid_sas.ko) hay que copiarse también
una initrd.img para el kernel 2.6.26, que ya la proporcionan ellos.
Pero el kernel de la instalación de Squeeze es 2.6.32.
Mi pregunta es, ¿puedo llegar a utlizar ese módulo y generar mi propia
initrd.img para usarla en la instalación de Squeeze? Si es posible,
¿cómo sería la forma de hacerlo?
Muchas gracias.
Mauro Sánchez.

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Re: Problemas con repo local

2011-12-21 Thread Paradix ;)

El 20/12/2011 17:57, Juan Lavieri escribió:

Hola amigo.

Hola Juan

Estoy viendo lo siguiente:

El 17/12/11 20:34, Paradix ;) escribió:

El 17/12/2011 19:48, Pere Casas escribió:

Puedes pegar el archivo: /etc/apt/sources.list

aqui va

# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 CD
Binary-1 20110205-17:27]/ squeeze main

deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 CD
Binary-1 20110205-17:27]/ squeeze main

#deb http://ftp.sld.cu/debian/ squeeze main
#deb-src http://ftp.sld.cu/debian/ squeeze main
deb file:///mnt/repo-red/debian squeeze main

tienes /// antes de mnt. La página man de sources.list dice lo siguiente:

comienzo de la cita:

Usa el archivo local (o montado mediante NFS) en «/home/jason/debian»
para «stable/main», «stable/contrib», y «stable/non-free».

deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free

le he puesto asi y me ha fallado ... es lo que mas me ha llamado la 
atención, en resumen que lo he probado con /, // y ///, me falla con todas

Fin fe la cita.

Si esa no es la causa del problema pregunto: El nombre que colocas en el
archivo sources.list lo escribiste o lo copiaste y pegaste. Si es esto
último tal vez haya un caracter raro metido en medio del nombre (no se
es una flecha mas)

lo escribi, cuidando siempre la correcta ortografia, a menos que '-' sea 
considerado como un caracter raro todo a la vista está correcto

# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
#deb http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main
# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
#deb-src http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main

# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
#deb http://ftp.sld.cu/debian/ squeeze-updates main
# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
#deb-src http://ftp.sld.cu/debian/ squeeze-updates main

Que permisos tienes a

el recurso compartido tiene todos los permisos, el disco donde esta el
repo esta formateado con ntfs pero ahi los permisos ni siquiera se
tocaron, Todos tiene todos los permisos

El recurso puede tener los permisos que quieras el asunto es que root
pueda leer el archivo en este caso Packages.gz.
Ejecuta ls -l para asegurarte que tienes ese acceso.

este es el resultado de ls -l sobre el directorio en cuestion:

total 14849
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6566963 jul  1 13:48 Packages.bz2
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8633701 jul  1 13:48 Packages.gz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  97 jul  1 13:48 Release

no me acabo de empapar bien con el tema de los permisos en linux ... 
para mi está normal ... soy un poco bruto aun para esto ;)

¿Seguro que dentro del directorio aparece Packages.gz con P mayúscula?
¿Está bien escrito? (A mi me sucedió una vez y creo que ni fui el
primero ni seré el último)

si, esta con su P bien mayuscula :D

Son solo sugerencias.

todas las sugerencias que me envian son bien examinadas, cualquiera 
podria ser una solución


Juan Lavieri

Saludos para ti tambien

Paradix  ;)

Haciendo abogacía por el software libre adonde voy


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas

Infomed: http://www.sld.cu/

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Re: Problemas con Paquetes (solucionado)

2011-12-21 Thread Paradix ;)

Hola lista

Hace unos días comentaba por acá un suceso que había tenido trabajando 
con una maquina virtual en casa. Dicha maquina virtual tiene Debian 
Squeeze, está montada sobre vmware para win.

El tema fue que instalando unos paquetes no advertí que la particion de 
win donde esta el disco de la virtual se estaba quedando sin espacio y 
en un momento dado petó, dejandome sin poder instalar nada debido a 
algunos paquetes que se quedaron en camino... el mensaje que me devolvía 
apt-get cada vez que intentaba correrlo era este:

root@squeeze:/var/cache/apt/archives# apt-get install gnome-wine-icon-theme
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
Paquetes sugeridos:
  arc-wine shiki-wine-theme
Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
1 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 82 no actualizados.
1 no instalados del todo o eliminados.
Se necesita descargar 0 B/356 kB de archivos.
Se utilizarán 2626 kB de espacio de disco adicional después de esta 

Leyendo lista de cambios... Hecho.
Seleccionando el paquete gnome-wine-icon-theme previamente no seleccionado.
(Leyendo la base de datos ...
dpkg: aviso: falta el fichero de lista de ficheros del paquete 
`gnome-wine-icon-theme', se supondrá que el paquete no tiene ningún 
fichero actualmente instalado.

(Leyendo la base de datos ... 95%dpkg: error fatal irrecuperable, abortando:
 falta un salto de línea nueva al final del fichero de lista de 
ficheros del paquete `gnome-noble-icon-theme'

E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

probe con dpk --configure -a, dpkg --configure -a -pending, apt-get 
install -f, apt-get clean, apt-get autoclean y nada, entraba a 
/var/cache/apt/archives y eliminaba todo al igual que en 
/var/cache/apt/archives/partial, no tenia solución  ayer haciendo 
experimentos locos tratando de averiguar donde el manejador de paquetes 
dejaba toda la info de la instalación pendiente revise el codigo de 
dpkg-reconfigure y cai en cuenta que en /var/lib/dpkg/status el pone la 
informacion de los paquetes que instala y los que están pendiente por 
instalar, edite con nano y busque toda referencia acerca de los paquetes 
gnome-noble-icon-theme y gnome-wine-icon-theme las cuales elimine de 
status, luego de salvar y salir busque con find todo lo que oliera a 
ambos nombres y les di rm ;) ... luego tipee apt-get install -f y todo 
ok ya puedo instalar nuevamente sin lio

no creo que sea una solución ortodoxa ... pero al menos hasta ahora me 
salvo de un problema (ya estaba pensando en dar solución con el metodo 
windows, es decir, reinstalar todo) ... pienso que quizá esto sirva de 
solución a alguno ... alguna critica es aceptada


Paradix  ;)

Haciendo abogacía por el software libre adonde voy


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas

Infomed: http://www.sld.cu/

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Re: Imprimir con HP Deskjet 2050 Todo-en-uno

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 19 Dec 2011 20:51:52 +0100, Lucas Sánchez escribió:

 Buenas, sigo probando un poco de todo en Debian y hoy pensé en probar la
 impresora (una HP Deskjet 2050 J510 series), pero no sé como hacerlo la
 (y conociendo a HP, seguro que no hay drivers), ¿alguien puede ayudarme?

Al contrario... HP es de las pocas empresas que soporta Linux en sus 
drivers de impresoras y equipos multifunción (hay algunas excepciones).

En concreto, tu modelo está soportado desde la versión 3.10.6¹ de hplip, y 
si tienes squeeze, la tienes disponible en los repos de Debian.

La forma más sencilla de configurar los dispositivos multifunción es a 
través de esta utilidad (hplip) ya que te configurará la impresora, el 
escáner y el fax (en caso de tenerlo).

La interfaz web de CUPS (http://localhost:631) suele ser conveniente para 
la gestión de equipos con mono-función, es decir, impresoras.




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Re: access point con pc

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 19 Dec 2011 23:47:18 -0300, Daniel Esteban Arias escribió:

 Hola a todos, 

Hola, intenta no enviar mensajes con formato html, que se leen fatal :-(

 mi consulta es la siguiente: Estoy intentando configurar
 un access point con una pc, he consultado en google y no se q es lo q
 ya que consigo estos resultados:


Antes de nada, asegúrate de que el driver que usas tiene soporte para 
configurar la tarjeta como punto de acceso, ya que no todos los 
controladores ni todas las tarjetas lo permiten.

Aquí tienes la lista:


Más información para configurar ese modo:




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Re: Errores (Hard Disk)

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 20 Dec 2011 12:06:27 +0100, Alfonso Pinto escribió:

 2011/12/13 Nico nicopi...@gmail.com:


 Hice lo que me dijiste y el test duró menos de 1 segundo.. acá dejo el
 log a ver si
 alguien tiene una idea de que puede estar pasando.

 197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0032   200   200   000Old_age Always   
 -   62
 Eso es malo, muy malo. 



197 0xC5 Current Pending Sector Count Lower

Count of unstable sectors (waiting to be remapped, because of read 
errors). If an unstable sector is subsequently read successfully, this 
value is decreased and the sector is not remapped. Read errors on a 
sector will not remap the sector (since it might be readable later); 
instead, the drive firmware remembers that the sector needs to be 
remapped, and remaps it the next time it's written.[25]

Los valores más peligrosos del smartctl son los que están marcados como 
pre_fail, mientras que Current_Pending_Sectors pertenece a la 
categoría old_age lo cual sólo indica antigüedad, pero no fallo de por 

Este valor hay que interpretarlo teniendo en cuenta el resto de 
resultados (entiendo que se corresponde con los problemas detectados y 
registrados por smartctl) y lo más importante, controlando que no 
aumente, ya que si vemos que se va incrementando rápidamente puede 
indicar efectivamente un problema grave.



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Re: [OT] Qué netbook recomiendan para usar Debian?

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:20:10 -0300, Darío escribió:

 Yo no te recomendaría ningún netbook. Creo que iría a por un portátil
 ligero con pantalla de 13 o similar que a la larga tienen más

 ¿Marcas? Toshiba, HP, Lenovo... para netbooks te dará más o menos lo
 mismo, casi todos montan idénticos componentes/chipsets. Te puedo decir
 que tengo un Compaq Mini CQ10 520ES con Debian Wheezy y funciona muy

 Elijas lo que elijas, que vaya bien cargado de RAM :-)

 Gracias por la recomendación, pero estaba buscando una netbook
 principalmente por el peso, ya que el uso que le voy a dar va a ser para
 trasladarla a la facultad, y este año estuve usando la notebook de mi
 hermana y la verdad que con los libros y demás se me hace pesado el

Precisamente... los portátiles ligeros de hoy en día pesan entre 1,2 y 
1,5 kg, lo cual no está nada mal.

 Preferentemente preferiría la notebook pero hoy por hoy con la
 tecnología actual no creo que haya mucha diferencia entre ambas,
 obviando la pantalla y teclado claro, y el precio!!

La diferencia en cuanto a prestaciones es notable y la diferencia de 
precio puede ser mínima. Sólo te diré que Dell acaba de anunciar que se 
sale del mercado de netbooks¹, por algo será... los netbooks son otro 
juguete roto más de la industria tecnológica.




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Re: MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i en Debian Squeeze

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 21 Dec 2011 10:21:28 -0300, Mauro Sánchez escribió:

 Tengo un servidor IBM x3550 M3, que tiene una placa RAID LSI 9240-4i.

Me parece que esa controladora tiene soporte directo en el kernel, es 
decir, no te debería hacer falta instalar ningún driver para que te la 
detecte el sistema.


¿Qué te decía el instalador? ¿No te reconocía el RAID?

 Busqué en la página del fabricante y los drivers vienen para Debian
 Lenny, en los cuales, durante los pasos de la instalación, además de
 copiar el modulo del kernel (megaraid_sas.ko) hay que copiarse también
 una initrd.img para el kernel 2.6.26, que ya la proporcionan ellos. Pero
 el kernel de la instalación de Squeeze es 2.6.32. Mi pregunta es, ¿puedo
 llegar a utlizar ese módulo y generar mi propia initrd.img para usarla
 en la instalación de Squeeze? Si es posible, ¿cómo sería la forma de

No, los drivers del fabricante son para un kernel distinto, no te sirven. 
Si lo necesitas, contacta con LSI y pídeles los drivers para Squeeze.



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Re: access point con pc

2011-12-21 Thread enodisarpiz
On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 14:14:38 + (UTC), Camaleón noela...@gmail.com
 El Mon, 19 Dec 2011 23:47:18 -0300, Daniel Esteban Arias escribió:
 Hola a todos, 
 Hola, intenta no enviar mensajes con formato html, que se leen fatal :-(
 mi consulta es la siguiente: Estoy intentando configurar
 un access point con una pc, he consultado en google y no se q es lo q
 ya que consigo estos resultados:
 Antes de nada, asegúrate de que el driver que usas tiene soporte para 
 configurar la tarjeta como punto de acceso, ya que no todos los 
 controladores ni todas las tarjetas lo permiten.
 Aquí tienes la lista:
 Más información para configurar ese modo:

Saludos, hace algunos años hice lo mismo que usted esta intentando, a
continuación le proporciono algunos scrpits que solía usar.

Espero que sirva.


wlanconfig ath0 destroy
wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap

/sbin/iwpriv ath0 mode 3
/sbin/ifconfig ath0 192.168.x.x
/sbin/iwconfig ath0 essid su_nombre channel 8

y este lo usaba porque a veces se colgaba (daba un error específico, pero
no recuerdo el nombre ahora mismo).


/sbin/iwpriv ath0 bgscan0  \
/sbin/iwpriv ath0 protmode  0  \
/sbin/iwpriv ath0 rssi11a   11  \
/sbin/iwpriv ath0 rssi11b   11  \
/sbin/iwpriv ath0 rssi11g   11  \
/sbin/iwpriv ath0 bintval   500  \
/sbin/iwpriv ath0 ff0  \
/sbin/iwpriv ath0 burst 0  \
/sbin/iwpriv ath0 abolt 0 
#/sbin/sysctl -w dev.wifi0.diversity=0  \
#/sbin/sysctl -w dev.wifi0.txantenna=1  \
#/sbin/sysctl -w dev.wifi0.rxantenna=1

Y respecto de lo que dice Camaleón, es cierto, no todas las placa soportan
el modo master (pero vi que ya la pudo poner en dicho modo). Yo lo hacía
con una D-Link con chip Atheros y usaba el driver madwifi.

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Re: Imprimir con HP Deskjet 2050 Todo-en-uno

2011-12-21 Thread Jhosue Rui

El 21/12/11 09:39, Camaleón escribió:

El Mon, 19 Dec 2011 20:51:52 +0100, Lucas Sánchez escribió:

Buenas, sigo probando un poco de todo en Debian y hoy pensé en probar la
impresora (una HP Deskjet 2050 J510 series), pero no sé como hacerlo la
(y conociendo a HP, seguro que no hay drivers), ¿alguien puede ayudarme?

Al contrario... HP es de las pocas empresas que soporta Linux en sus
drivers de impresoras y equipos multifunción (hay algunas excepciones).

En concreto, tu modelo está soportado desde la versión 3.10.6¹ de hplip, y
si tienes squeeze, la tienes disponible en los repos de Debian.

La forma más sencilla de configurar los dispositivos multifunción es a
través de esta utilidad (hplip) ya que te configurará la impresora, el
escáner y el fax (en caso de tenerlo).

La interfaz web de CUPS (http://localhost:631) suele ser conveniente para
la gestión de equipos con mono-función, es decir, impresoras.




Totalmente de acuerdo. Puedes hacerlo por el http://localhost:631 o por 
el siempre confiable hp-setup desde la linea de comandos como root

claro esta previo un  apt-get install hplip

Por comentar.

Por favor, NO utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el
intercambio de documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, PDF, TXT, CSV o
cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un fabricante
concreto. Vea http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html

usuario linux registrado #387231

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Re: Problemas con repo local

2011-12-21 Thread Juan Lavieri

Hola Paradix.

Estoy viendo algo extraño en este mensaje.  A ver si me explico: (bajar)

El 17/12/11 17:07, Paradix ;) escribió:

Hola lista

En el trabajo tengo los repos de squeeze. Los tengo en un disco en una 
pc con windogs, pero el directorio donde están se encuentra compartido 
para toda la red.

Hace poco monte Debian en una de las PC, desde la misma, monto el 
recurso compartido de esta forma:

mount -t cifs // /mnt/repo-red -o 

esto termina de forma exitosa, puedo acceder sin problemas a 
/mnt/repo-red. Luego voy al sources.list y pongo lo siguiente:

deb file:/mnt/repo-red/debian squeeze main

cuando doy apt-get update me devuelve este mensaje

root@squeeze:/home/paradix# apt-get update
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 CD 
Binary-1 20110205-17:27] squeeze Release.gpg

Ign file: squeeze Release.gpg
Ign file:/mnt/repo-red/debian/ squeeze/main Translation-en
Ign file:/mnt/repo-red/debian/ squeeze/main Translation-es
Ign file: squeeze Release
Ign file: squeeze/main i386 Packages
Err file: squeeze/main i386 Packages
  Fichero no encontrado
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 CD 
Binary-1 20110205-17:27]/ squeeze/main Translation-en
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 CD 
Binary-1 20110205-17:27]/ squeeze/main Translation-es
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 CD 
Binary-1 20110205-17:27] squeeze Release
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 CD 
Binary-1 20110205-17:27] squeeze/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex

En Icedove,  la línea que sigue tiene las siguientes características:

W: Imposible obtener 
Fichero no encontrado

la ruta file:/mnt/.. .gz aparece en azul claro y subrayada como 
cualquier url, pero si coloco el puntero del ratón sobre la misma en la 
parte de abajo me indica que dicha url es:

file:///mnt/   Es decir 3 / y veo que tienes un solo / al 
principio.  No se si esto es normal o no, pero tal vez otro listero 
pueda corroboralo y quizás explicar qué sucede.  Yo no tengo ni idea.

E: No se han podido descargar algunos archivos de índice, se han 
ignorado, o se ha utilizado unos antiguos en su lugar.

He cambiado la linea del deb file... a cualquiera de estas

Por otro lado en esta línea:

deb file://mnt/repo-red/debian squeeze main

Al indicarla con el puntero del ratón, me aparece abajo:

file:///repo-red/debian.   Es decir, coloca /// y se come la palabra mnt.

En la línea siguiente no cambia nada.

deb file:///mnt/repo-red/debian squeeze main

pero me vuelve a dar el mismo error

¿Donde me puedo estar equivocando? he mirado man sources.list cientos 
de veces y no doy con el error, los repos no tienen problemas, si los 
pongo en la pc donde estan los mismos a que los sirva un servidor web 
puedo utilizarlos sin lio ¿que debo hacer?

No tengo idea de lo que pasa, pero es evidente que no está buscando los 
paquetes en la ruta correcta.

Por lo pronto lo que se me ocurre es que utilices un editor no gráfico, 
como nano por ejemplo y reescribe la ruta dentro del sources.list.

salu2 y esperando ayuda

Saludos y éxito

Juan Lavieri

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Duvidas rsync

2011-12-21 Thread Anderson Bertling
Bom dia
Alguém sabe como posso clonar as homes dos usuarios, não copiado os
arquivos ocultos, para que o novo sistema crie sozinho?  procurei na net
mas nao achei
Desde ja fico grato !


Anderson Bertling

Re: Formatar USB em NTFS

2011-12-21 Thread Bruno Schneider

 Se o seu único problema é a perda de espaço após a formatação em extx, tente 
 informar a opção -m 1. Dessa forma, o sistema reservará apenas 1% do espaço 
 em disco para o root (o normal é 5%).

Num pendrive eu colocaria -m 0. Não vejo motivo para deixar espaço
de reserva nesse caso.

Outra opção é dividir o arquivo em partes para satisfazer as limitações do FAT.

Bruno Schneider

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Erro instalação Debian 6

2011-12-21 Thread Samuel Andrade Teixeira

Bom dia, Lista! Estou tentando instalar o Debian com o cd 1 que baixei no site 
do mesmo em um hd samsung de 500 GB. Nesse hd existe uma partição primária de 
430 GB NTFS (dados) e mais duas em etx4 (/ e swap) usando restante do hd. 
Consigo executar a instalação normalmente, sendo que raiz eu coloco como 
primária e no início do hd e a swap como lógica, quando terminar a instalação e 
após reinicia o sistema, me retorna a seguinte mensagem:
grub loading welcome to grub
error out of diskentering rescue modegrub rescue
Erro de disco? Problema com o grub? Contato com ajuda de vocês. Obrigado!!!

--Att,Samuel Andrade Teixeira
Antes de imprimir este e-mail, pense em sua responsabilidade e compromisso com 
o Meio Ambiente.-- 

FW: Erro instalação Debian 6

2011-12-21 Thread Samuel Andrade Teixeira

rs.. correção. a swap não está em etx4.

--Att,Samuel Andrade Teixeira
Antes de imprimir este e-mail, pense em sua responsabilidade e compromisso com 
o Meio Ambiente--

 Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:25:14 -0300
 Subject: Re: Erro instalação Debian 6
 From: fred.maran...@gmail.com
 To: kerne...@yahoo.com.br
 Em 21 de dezembro de 2011 09:02, Samuel Andrade Teixeira
 kerne...@yahoo.com.br escreveu:
  Bom dia, Lista! Estou tentando instalar o Debian com o cd 1 que baixei no
  site do mesmo em um hd samsung de 500 GB. Nesse hd existe uma partição
  primária de 430 GB NTFS (dados) e mais duas em etx4 (/ e swap) usando
  restante do hd.
 Só uma correção. a swap não é ext4. é um tipo de sistema de arquivos
 específico de swap.
  Consigo executar a instalação normalmente, sendo que raiz eu
  coloco como primária e no início do hd e a swap como lógica, quando terminar
  a instalação e após reinicia o sistema, me retorna a seguinte mensagem:
  grub loading
  welcome to grub
  error out of disk
  entering rescue mode
  grub rescue
  Erro de disco? Problema com o grub? Contato com ajuda de vocês. Obrigado!!!
 não achei este erro nas lista de erros do grub pela internet. tem
 certeza que copiou certo? é error out of disk mesmo?
 Você poderia reinstalar e nos dizer que opções escolheu na parte de
 configuração do grub no instalador?
 Qual versão do debian você está tentando instalar? tem um arquivo
 readme na raiz do CD com esta informação. coloque o cd em outra
 máquina funcionando e nos diga.
 Depois desta mensagem o debian liga?
  Samuel Andrade Teixeira
  Antes de imprimir este e-mail, pense em sua responsabilidade e compromisso
  com o Meio Ambiente.

Re: Duvidas rsync

2011-12-21 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
Em Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:21:06 -0200
Anderson Bertling andersonbertl...@gmail.com escreveu:

 Bom dia
 Alguém sabe como posso clonar as homes dos usuarios, não
 copiado os arquivos ocultos, para que o novo sistema crie
 sozinho?  procurei na net mas nao achei
 Desde ja fico grato !

Bom dia, Anderson. Talvez você precise da opção --exclude
do rsync.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Duvidas rsync

2011-12-21 Thread Anderson Bertling
opa obrigado!

Em 21 de dezembro de 2011 11:05, Adriano Rafael Gomes

 Em Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:21:06 -0200
 Anderson Bertling andersonbertl...@gmail.com escreveu:

  Bom dia
  Alguém sabe como posso clonar as homes dos usuarios, não
  copiado os arquivos ocultos, para que o novo sistema crie
  sozinho?  procurei na net mas nao achei
  Desde ja fico grato !

 Bom dia, Anderson. Talvez você precise da opção --exclude
 do rsync.


Anderson Bertling

Re: Erro instalação Debian 6

2011-12-21 Thread Gunther Furtado
Qua, 21.12.2011, Samuel Andrade Teixeira disse:

 rs.. correção. a swap não está em etx4.
 --Att,Samuel Andrade Teixeira
 Antes de imprimir este e-mail, pense em sua responsabilidade e
 compromisso com o Meio Ambiente--
  Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:25:14 -0300
  Subject: Re: Erro instalação Debian 6
  From: fred.maran...@gmail.com
  To: kerne...@yahoo.com.br
  Em 21 de dezembro de 2011 09:02, Samuel Andrade Teixeira
  kerne...@yahoo.com.br escreveu:
   Bom dia, Lista! Estou tentando instalar o Debian com o cd 1 que
   baixei no site do mesmo em um hd samsung de 500 GB. Nesse hd
   existe uma partição primária de 430 GB NTFS (dados) e mais duas
   em etx4 (/ e swap) usando restante do hd.


Só uma sugestão: Se sua intenção é só instalar o Debian (se vc não
estiver debugando nada), apague as partições que vc pretende usar com o
debian e tente deixar o particionador resolver o particionamento pra vc.


  Só uma correção. a swap não é ext4. é um tipo de sistema de arquivos
  específico de swap.
   Consigo executar a instalação normalmente, sendo que raiz eu
   coloco como primária e no início do hd e a swap como lógica,
   quando terminar a instalação e após reinicia o sistema, me
   retorna a seguinte mensagem:
   grub loading
   welcome to grub
   error out of disk
   entering rescue mode
   grub rescue
   Erro de disco? Problema com o grub? Contato com ajuda de vocês.
  não achei este erro nas lista de erros do grub pela internet. tem
  certeza que copiou certo? é error out of disk mesmo?
  Você poderia reinstalar e nos dizer que opções escolheu na parte de
  configuração do grub no instalador?
  Qual versão do debian você está tentando instalar? tem um arquivo
  readme na raiz do CD com esta informação. coloque o cd em outra
  máquina funcionando e nos diga.
  Depois desta mensagem o debian liga?
   Samuel Andrade Teixeira
   Antes de imprimir este e-mail, pense em sua responsabilidade e
   compromisso com o Meio Ambiente.

...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em www.manuchao.net

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: vmware e placa de rede

2011-12-21 Thread Caio Ferreira

Com a ajuda de algumas pessoas da lista consegui evoluir.

Até agora fiz o seguinte:

- identificar placa de rede
# lspci | grep Ethernet

- adicionar o cd-rom no apt
# apt-cdrom add

- kernel
# make menuconfig
Network device support  Ethernet  AMD PCnet32 PCI support

- compilar o kernel
# make dep
# make bzImage
# make modules
# make modules_install

- ativar módulo
# modprobe pcnet32
PCI: Found IRQ 9 for device 00:11.0
eth0: registred as PCnet/PCI II
pcnet32: 1 cards_found

Até ai nenhum problema, o módulo foi carregado com sucesso. O problema
esta ocorrendo agora quanto tento ativar a placa de rede. Executo o
comando ifup eth0 e aparece uma mensagem de erro indicando que houve
falha no carregamento da placa de rede.

- ativar placa de rede
# ifup eth0
Failed to bring up eth0

Será que é necessário carregar algum outro módulo antes do pcnet32?

Desde já agradeço pela ajuda.


 .''`.   Caio Abreu Ferreira
: :'  :  abreuf...@gmail.com
`. `'`   Debian User

2011/12/11 Caio Ferreira abreuf...@gmail.com:

 Estou tendo problema com uma vmware linux a onde a placa de rede não
 esta sendo reconhecida.

 A um bom tempo atras montei um servidor LAMP, kernel versão 2.4.xx,
 para um cliente. Infelizmente o disco rígido deste servidor começou a
 apresentar problema de badblock. Como a versão dos softwares deste
 servidor são muito antigas, kernel versão 2.4.x, mysql versão 4.x e
 php versão 4.x, não me arrisco a querer fazer a atualização dos
 softwares pois vai dar problema. Para isso resolvi virtualizar o
 servidor e deixar os softwares com as versões antigas. Para fazer essa
 virtualização fiz o seguinte.

 1 - conectei um segundo disco rígido no servidor;
 2 - dei o boot no servidor através do cd do Ubuntu Rescue Remix;
 3 - executei o comando ddrescue e criei um arquivo com a imagem do
 disco rígido com defeito, ddrescue /dev/hda /mnt/img/server.IMG;
 4 - desconectei o disco rígido do servidor com problema e conectei no
 servidor novo;
 5 - criei uma máquina virtual do zero;
 6 - executei o comando ddrescue no sentido inverso, da imagem para o
 disco rígido virtual, ddrescue /mnt/img/server.IMG /dev/sda;

 Todo o processo ocorreu com sucesso exceto a placa de rede. O servidor
 esta subindo normalmente mas infelizmente a placa de rede não esta
 sendo reconhecida/carregada. Eu estou imaginando que o linux virtual
 não esteja reconhecendo a placa de rede ou o módulo referente a essa
 placa de rede virtual não esta sendo reconhecida. Alguém por acaso
 teria alguma ideia do que pode esta ocorrendo?

 Desde já obrigado pela ajuda !!

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rsyc duvidas

2011-12-21 Thread Anderson Bertling
estou clonado o home dos usuários em um servidor tenho
/dev/sdb2  66G   61G  1,5G  98% /home
no servidor clone
/dev/sda5   295G  196M280G   1% /home
estou usando o comando
rsync -Cazv --progress --exclude=.* --exclude=.*/ /home root@
e por incrível que parece quando estou clonando o home do clone chega a
100%  alguem sabe o que pode ser ?


Anderson Bertling

Re: Erro instalação Debian 6

2011-12-21 Thread Leandro Henrique Stein

Eu indicaria a separação,   pelo menos, da /home.

Já tive problemas com alguns pacotes JAVA + Tomcat que quebraram minha

Se não tivesse om a home separada poderia ter perdido dados na reinstalação
do Debian.


Leandro Henrique Stein
Analista de Informática
Claro: (41) 9935-9960
Tim: (41) 9802-9109
Skype: leandro.h.stein
Twitter: @leandrohstein

Descupar-se é um sinal de fraqueza. Exceto entre amigos - Leroy Jethro

Em 21 de dezembro de 2011 13:23, Samuel Andrade Teixeira 
kerne...@yahoo.com.br escreveu:

  Vou seguir a recomendação dos colegas. Existe um padrão de
 particionamento? Normalmente para desktop uso raiz em uma partição e swap
 em outra de 2GB apenas.


 Samuel Andrade Teixeira

 Antes de imprimir este e-mail, pense em sua responsabilidade e compromisso
 com o Meio Ambiente


  Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 11:29:59 -0200
  From: gunfurt...@gmail.com
  To: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org

  Subject: Re: Erro instalação Debian 6
  Qua, 21.12.2011, Samuel Andrade Teixeira disse:
   rs.. correção. a swap não está em etx4.
   --Att,Samuel Andrade Teixeira
   Antes de imprimir este e-mail, pense em sua responsabilidade e
   compromisso com o Meio Ambiente--
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:25:14 -0300
Subject: Re: Erro instalação Debian 6
From: fred.maran...@gmail.com
To: kerne...@yahoo.com.br
Em 21 de dezembro de 2011 09:02, Samuel Andrade Teixeira
kerne...@yahoo.com.br escreveu:
 Bom dia, Lista! Estou tentando instalar o Debian com o cd 1 que
 baixei no site do mesmo em um hd samsung de 500 GB. Nesse hd
 existe uma partição primária de 430 GB NTFS (dados) e mais duas
 em etx4 (/ e swap) usando restante do hd.
  Só uma sugestão: Se sua intenção é só instalar o Debian (se vc não
  estiver debugando nada), apague as partições que vc pretende usar com o
  debian e tente deixar o particionador resolver o particionamento pra vc.
Só uma correção. a swap não é ext4. é um tipo de sistema de arquivos
específico de swap.
 Consigo executar a instalação normalmente, sendo que raiz eu
 coloco como primária e no início do hd e a swap como lógica,
 quando terminar a instalação e após reinicia o sistema, me
 retorna a seguinte mensagem:


 grub loading
 welcome to grub

 error out of disk
 entering rescue mode
 grub rescue


 Erro de disco? Problema com o grub? Contato com ajuda de vocês.
não achei este erro nas lista de erros do grub pela internet. tem
certeza que copiou certo? é error out of disk mesmo?
Você poderia reinstalar e nos dizer que opções escolheu na parte de
configuração do grub no instalador?
Qual versão do debian você está tentando instalar? tem um arquivo
readme na raiz do CD com esta informação. coloque o cd em outra
máquina funcionando e nos diga.
Depois desta mensagem o debian liga?


 Samuel Andrade Teixeira

 Antes de imprimir este e-mail, pense em sua responsabilidade e
 compromisso com o Meio Ambiente.

  ...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em www.manuchao.net
  Gunther Furtado
  Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil
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Re: rsyc duvidas

2011-12-21 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
Em Wed, 21 Dec 2011 12:36:17 -0200
Anderson Bertling andersonbertl...@gmail.com escreveu:

 estou usando o comando
 rsync -Cazv --progress --exclude=.*
 --exclude=.*/ /home root@ /

Tente rodar o rsync com --dry-run e analisar a lista de

Você pode também procurar no clone quais são os maiores
arquivos com find . -size +50M ou com du -sm * | sort

Description: PGP signature

Acesso USB através do servidor Apache

2011-12-21 Thread hax0r3x hax0r
Olá pessoal,

Tenho um servidor web (Apache) e fiz um script PHP para acessar a porta USB
(do próprio servidor). A intenção é controlar um Arduino pela web, mas
com problema nas permissões de leitura/escrita na USB.

Já adicionei meu usuário ao grupo 'dialout' para ter acesso a USB, mas ao
executar o script nada ocorre, a não ser que eu deixe acesso total ao
dispositivo /dev/ttyACM0, o que não posso deixar, por questões de segurança.

Alguem sabe o que devo fazer?

um abraço!

Re: Impedir que usuarios desliguem computador

2011-12-21 Thread Fernando Silva
Eu retiraria o SUID bit dos comandos halt, shutdown (...) e colocaria o
comando reboot no sudoers, para que os usuários possam rebootar
normalmente, faz sentido ?

On 20-12-2011 20:37, Rafael Henrique da Silva Correia wrote:
 Também não testei mas pode dar certo...

 # alias halt=echo desliga
 # alias shutdown=echo desliga

 Entre outros... :D

 Em 20 de dezembro de 2011 15:38, Anderson Bertling
 andersonbertl...@gmail.com mailto:andersonbertl...@gmail.com escreveu:

 em geral 

 gconftool-2 --direct --config-source
 xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --type boolean --set
 /apps/panel/global/disable_log_out true

 qq coisa da um toque 

 Em 20 de dezembro de 2011 15:34, André Nunes
 andrenbati...@gmail.com mailto:andrenbati...@gmail.com escreveu:

 Não testei, mas tente retirar a permissão de execução dos comandos
 poweroff, halt e shutdown.

 chmod 700 xxx

 O problema é que assim não será possível sequer reiniciar o

 André Nunes Batista
 Blog: http://tagesuhu.wordpress.com/
 PGP Public Key: 0x7b0590cb6722cf80

 2011/12/20 Luiz Henrique Rauber Rodrigues
 luiz.rau...@gmail.com mailto:luiz.rau...@gmail.com:
  arranca o botão power das máquinas ou coloca uma fita
 adesivo sobre o botão
  dizendo não desligar ;)
  ou, por acpi acredito que consiga (nunca fiz), até busquei
 pra ñ chutar tão
  errado e via a recomendação pra brincar com acpi-support-base
  Em 20 de dezembro de 2011 08:25, Ronaldo Reis Júnior
 chryso...@gmail.com mailto:chryso...@gmail.com
  como faço para desabilitar a permissão de usuários
 desligarem o debian?
  Reiniciar não tem problema, mas quero impedir o
 desligamento, seja via kde
  ou via gdm.
  11ª lei - Você deve conhecer mais de sua dissertação do que seu
   --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol
 445, p. 228.
   Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior
  |  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e
  | : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila
  | `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
  |   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 tel:%2838%29%203229-8192 |
 ronaldo.r...@unimontes.br mailto:ronaldo.r...@unimontes.br
  | http://www.ppgcb.unimontes.br/lecc | LinuxUser#: 205366
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
  Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4ef06283.9010...@gmail.com
  Luiz Henrique Rauber Rodrigues
  Consultor em TI Esp. Gerenc. Projetos
  51 9850 0533 - 55 8412 0309 - RS
  luiz.rau...@gmail.com mailto:luiz.rau...@gmail.com -
 luizrauber.blogspot.com http://luizrauber.blogspot.com
  /* Antes de imprimir este e-mail, pense se é realmente
 importante isso em
  evitar desperdício também é conscientização ambiental */

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 Anderson Bertling

 Rafael Henrique da Silva Correia

 Administrador de Sistemas Linux
 Certificado pela LPIC - 101
 ID: LPI000160699

Re: Impedir que usuarios desliguem computador

2011-12-21 Thread hamacker
Coloca os referidos comandos através do sudoers, provavelmente esses
botoes no gnome/kde disaparam o shutdown, reboot, etc... então
bastaria colocar estes comandos atrás do sudoers daí só desligaria
digitando sua própria senha e ainda por cima usando o comando 'sudo'
ou 'gtksudo'.

Agora, se estamos falando do ser mítico chamado usuario é bom se
preparar para desligamentos abruptos inesperados. Vão meter o dedão no
desligar ou puxar a tomada, vai vendo

Em 20 de dezembro de 2011 08:25, Ronaldo Reis Júnior
chryso...@gmail.com escreveu:

 como faço para desabilitar a permissão de usuários desligarem o debian?
 Reiniciar não tem problema, mas quero impedir o desligamento, seja via kde
 ou via gdm.


 11ª lei - Você deve conhecer mais de sua dissertação do que seu

      --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.

  Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

 |  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
 | : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
 | `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
 |   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 | ronaldo.r...@unimontes.br
 | http://www.ppgcb.unimontes.br/lecc | LinuxUser#: 205366

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Re: rsyc duvidas

2011-12-21 Thread silva . eti . br
Ola Anderson, me parece que esta sendo clonado[1] o /home no / da outra
máquina e não no /home como é o sua intenção. Note que o usuário root não
poderia ter acessos de ssh e em contrapartida, de rsync. Pense nisso.

[1] sincronização 


On Wed 21 Dec 2011, Anderson Bertling wrote:
 From: Anderson Bertling andersonbertl...@gmail.com
 To: Debian User Portuguese debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
 Subject: rsyc duvidas
 estou clonado o home dos usuários em um servidor tenho
 /dev/sdb2  66G   61G  1,5G  98% /home
 no servidor clone
 /dev/sda5   295G  196M280G   1% /home
 estou usando o comando
 rsync -Cazv --progress --exclude=.* --exclude=.*/ /home root@
 e por incrível que parece quando estou clonando o home do clone chega a
 100%  alguem sabe o que pode ser ?
 Anderson Bertling

Francisco Aparecido da Silva (fafanet)
   Blog: http://blog.silva.eti.br
GNU/Linux user:239412 GPG ID:01BC73D6

Description: Digital signature

Re: Going to 64bit

2011-12-21 Thread David Baron
On Monday 23 Kislev 5772 18:13:35 David Baron wrote:
 Using instructions on http://www.v13.gr/blog/?p=11, I have available a
 debootstraped amd64 squeeze using a dselect-upgrade based on my existing
 installation (which is Sid). Since his instructions are older than
 multiarch and based on lenny, I would like to know how to proceed. The
 gyst is:
 1. mv /usr out of way and replace with that from the amd64. OK, better, do
 not copy over after saving a copy?
 2. Back up /etc just in case.
  I am not sure if these are correct now:
 3. mv any /lib32, lib64 out of the way (I have no emul) He mv to an /i386
 4 ln -s /lib /lib64
 5. ln -s /emul/ia32-linux/lib /lib32
 Or these:
 mv  /myamd64/emul /
 // probably corret:
 mv /sbin /i386
 mv /myamd64/sbin /
 mv /bin /i386
 /i386/bin/mv /myamd64/bin / (note his trick here--would cp -a be better for
 all this stuff?)
 This is worst part:
 mv /lib /i386
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/i386/lib
 /i386/lib/ld-2.7.so /i386/bin/mv /myamd64/lib /
 Note this trick as well. Versions may be different.

Actually, much better to do all this from the rescue-CD and avoid the issues! 
Very easy from there. Next time.

I did not mv my /lib but simply copied over it. Want my modules.

However, with a Sid system (I upgraded that from the chroot), would it not be 
sufficient and more desirable to simply copy the /lib/gnu-amd64... folder and 
the ld-linux?

Since I copied over from a testing system upgraded to Sid, I have a load of 
so's and so.# files in /lib once again. Should I ger rid of all of these 
except for the ld-linux? A repeat question from a while back: What belongs in 

All of this can be easily tried out from the rescue-CD. If its chroot works, 
all is well. Can proceed to /usr: I only swiched bin,sbin,lib, share (needed), 
those i586* (needed?) and the lib32 instead of lib64.

 After this, one has options what to do with /var
 I would probalby replace the /var/cache and /var/lib with those in myamd64
 He then mv the System*, iniitrd* vmlinuz* config* to the i386 save
 directory Reinstall the 64 bit kernels
 lilo.conf just to use those, etc., reboot and LOL :-)
I was not able to reinstall the kernels. Problem was that dpkg still wanted 
i386 so wanted to reinstall everything. No go.

Since I kept my /lib/modules, I was able to reboot this system. Too many 
things did not work, though I actually, after copying xkbd and xfont stuff, 
got X going. But attempting KDE was too disruptive.

With the rescue CD, I put everything back and rebooted. Only the errant KDE 
session tried was disrupted but this is always the case, nothing to do with 
why. Got it mostly fixed but this tends to heal itself eventually. 
I.e.,somethings are working again that had not been for a while and others are 
not (but forgivable).

The main problem seems to be after doing all this, that dpkg still prints 
architecture i386. So I cannot reinstall and kernel or update-initramfs 
instead to reflect the new system map. Failing this, I will stay with the old 

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Re: boot from a iso with grub-imageboot problem

2011-12-21 Thread afuentes
On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 11:57 +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 21/12/11 04:26, afuentes wrote:
  I installed grub-imageboot. 
 I assume you're referring to the Wheezy package, not the Grml package.

I actually tried both :)
grub-imageboot and grml-rescueboot. grml-rescueboot is only supposed to
boot grml isos, not generic ones :)
Im on current testing, btw

   When I try to boot the isos, i get
  Linux-bzImage error: file not found
  i changed the conf-file 
 What conf file? /etc/default/grub??

I changed the folders the isos goes

  to point to a directory on my home and run
  udpate-grub2 successfully.
 Did you see your isos being added to the grub.cfg?

Yup, thats why i was able to select them at boot time

  /home is in a lvm volume (in case it matters)
 At what point during the booting of the isos from beneath /home, in an
 lvm, is the lvm accessible? ;-)

Im not sure i understand you. The lvm is not usually handled by the live
isos in my experience. Is that your question?

The package grml-rescueboot manages to bootup images from lvm
partitions :S

  This is the directory with the isos:
  rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  723517440 Dec 20 16:37
  -rw-r--r-- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm   176160768 Sep  2 11:46
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  679477248 Aug 30 10:47
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  200278016 Aug 30 10:15
  -rw-r--r-- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm   436207616 Nov 14 14:13
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes 1173356544 Sep  3 04:49
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes   18874368 Dec  9 14:22
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes   1068 Aug 22 12:08
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  592445440 Aug 22 13:01
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  69904 Dec 20 16:46
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes 1077379072 Dec  1 12:02
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes 1066518528 Nov 30 09:22
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  707788800 Dec 20 16:43
  drwxr-xr-x 2 afuentes afuentes   4096 Nov 10 13:40 pkg
  -rw--- 1 afuentes afuentes  721127424 Aug 17 13:21
  -rw-r--r-- 1 vde2-net libvirt   713529344 Jul 19 22:05
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  732112896 Sep  8 14:21
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  731164672 Dec 20 12:53
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  715436032 Nov 15 15:48
  -rw-r--r-- 1 vde2-net libvirt   621817856 Aug 26 13:03
  -rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  434065408 Sep  8 14:30
  Does anybody know what am i missing?
 I haven't used grub-imageboot for a while (since it was a Grml package)
 but... when I did, I had the iso images beneath /boot on an USBKey using
 FAT32. I had problems with other filesystems[*1]
 Posting grub.cfg might be instructive.

I pasted it at the end of mail [1]

  grub-imageboot doesn't use a
 loopback system to extract the kernel and initrd, which makes it
 difficult to figure out what's going on (it maps iso directly into memory).
 Note that memdisk ISO emulation is tricky[*2] - some images will use it,
 others require different versions (or memtest), or simply won't work.

i think grml-rescueboot uses the loopback thing and thats why its able
to at least try to boot the ubuntu iso :)
Anyway, I can do it with a pen, if i were able to make this work, it
would be super convenient :)

 I'd suggest you use a simple USBkey setup to try and isolate your problem.

how exactly? I mean, When I try to boot from the grub entry, i dont know
what log to look for, or how to use the live-pen to debug this :S

 I found grub-imageboot to be more trouble than it's worth for booting
 Linux systems. Great for non-Linux systems though

Non-linux bootable iso's? like what if may I ask?

thank you, cheers!


 [*2]See (when the site's back up):-
 Iceweasel/Firefox extensions for finding answers to Debian questions:-

[1] cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg

# It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
if [ 

Re: boot from a iso with grub-imageboot problem

2011-12-21 Thread Wayne Topa

On 12/20/2011 12:26 PM, afuentes wrote:

I installed grub-imageboot. When I try to boot the isos, i get
Linux-bzImage error: file not found

i changed the conf-file to point to a directory on my home and run
udpate-grub2 successfully.

/home is in a lvm volume (in case it matters)

This is the directory with the isos:

rw-r--r-- 1 afuentes afuentes  723517440 Dec 20 16:37
-rw-r--r-- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm   176160768 Sep  2 11:46

- Snip --

Does anybody know what am i missing?


Can you show us what the /etc/default/grub-imageboot file looks like.

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bcm4331 firmware installer package

2011-12-21 Thread lina

I don't know which one (else) can be fit for bcm4331 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 02)

From http://wiki.debian.org/bcm43xx#b43_and_b43legacy

I tried:

1] aptitude install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer

No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation
No supported card found.
Use proper b43 or b43legacy firmware.

2] # aptitude install firmware-b43-installer

No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation
Unsupported device(s) found: PCI id 14e4:4331

both of the listed are not working,

lspci showed:

03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4331 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 02)

Thanks for providing some suggestions or links.

P.S extra info:

$ uname -a
Linux debian 3.2.0-rc6-3.2-mj-lina #1 SMP Sat Dec 17 13:14:26 SGT 2011
x86_64 GNU/Linux

# modprobe b43
# lsmod | grep -e b43 -e bcma
b43   349208  0
mac80211  228257  1 b43
cfg80211  173366  2 b43,mac80211
ssb52359  1 b43
pcmcia 40840  2 b43,ssb
rng_core   12614  1 b43
bcma   23572  1 b43
mmc_core   84258  4 b43,ssb,sdhci_pci,sdhci

# dmesg
[29546.428354] b43-phy0: Broadcom 4331 WLAN found (core revision 29)
[29546.428389] bcma: Switched to core: 0x812
[29546.428819] b43-phy0 ERROR: FOUND UNSUPPORTED PHY (Analog 9, Type
7, Revision 1)
[29546.428837] b43: probe of bcma0:0 failed with error -95
[29546.428878] Broadcom 43xx driver loaded [ Features: PMNLS ]
[29683.101838] applesmc: F1Mn: write arg fail

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Re: how to examine the wireless

2011-12-21 Thread lina
On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 2:48 AM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 01:51:02 +0800, lina wrote:

 Trouble with Macbook Pro 8,2 (broadcom 4331) and latest b43

 thanks, I checked. the failure of probe of bcma0:0 and  b43-phy0 ERROR:
 FOUND UNSUPPORTED PHY (Analog 9, Type 7, Revision 1)

 was because I failed to find the proper firmware installer, right?
 neither firmware-b43-installer nor  firmware-b43-lpphy-installer is fit.

 at present

 To be sincere, I'm not sure. The user of that thread is also logging
 the same message although he seems to have loaded the proper firmware

 This is what he reports:

 [ 3281.316383] b43-phy0 ERROR: FOUND UNSUPPORTED PHY (Analog 9, Type 7, 
 Revision 1)
 [ 3281.316391] b43: probe of bcma0:0 failed with error -95
 [ 3281.316417] Broadcom 43xx driver loaded [ Features: PMNLS, Firmware-ID: 
 FW13 ]

 Besides, consider reporting your findings/problems at linuxwireless
 mailing list :-)

 Thanks, I just subscribed. but at present still don't get a better
 understanding about what's going on.


 Me neither.

 The problem is that your only chance to get your wifi card running is by
 means of the b43 driver from kernel 3.2, at least for now because no
 other broadcom drivers seems to have support for it ;-(

Haha ... thanks

Just minutes ago I sent an email to the  linuxwireless list (not sure
it's the exact list you recommended).

just repeated what we went through in this threads.

I did not make any progress in understanding this issue those days,
haha ... pretty occupied by other things.


Best wishes,


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Re: RAID 1 - software or hardware.

2011-12-21 Thread yudi v
  You would need
 a second compatible hardware raid controller to use in order to
 extract the data from the drives.  The hardware raid controllers I
 have used have not allowed me to access the data without a compatible
 raid controller.

If it's in RAID 1, I was under the impression that I would be able to
mount that disk on another system and be able to access my data. I
came to this conclusion because in RAID 1 each disk has the full
contents unlike in parity.

So what does the data look like when you mount it on another system?

Kind regards,

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Re: boot from a iso with grub-imageboot problem

2011-12-21 Thread Wayne Topa

On 12/21/2011 04:02 AM, afuentes wrote:

On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 11:57 +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 21/12/11 04:26, afuentes wrote:

I installed grub-imageboot.

I assume you're referring to the Wheezy package, not the Grml package.

I actually tried both :)
grub-imageboot and grml-rescueboot. grml-rescueboot is only supposed to
boot grml isos, not generic ones :)
Im on current testing, btw

  When I try to boot the isos, i get
Linux-bzImage error: file not found
i changed the conf-file

What conf file? /etc/default/grub??

I changed the folders the isos goes

The .iso file(s) have to be in /boot/images/ . Change the default back 
to boot/images, copy one of your .iso files to /boot/images, do 
update-greb then grub-install and it does load the .iso file.

Just tested here on wheezy.


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Re: boot from a iso with grub-imageboot problem

2011-12-21 Thread afuentes
On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 05:53 -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:
 Can you show us what the /etc/default/grub-imageboot file looks like.

with pleasure :)

cat /etc/default/grub-imageboot

# Where to find the iso/floppy images


# You can override the boot options for iso/floppy images here
# see http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/MEMDISK for details


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Re: Lack of sound

2011-12-21 Thread Sharon Kimble
I've already reinstalled vlc and it made no difference, I did sudo
apt-get remove vlc, sudo apt-get autoremove, sudo apt-get purge, sudo
apt-get install vlc and just let it pull things in that it required.

I think that i've tried virtually every sound menu item available on
vlc but all to no avail, sorry.


On 21 December 2011 05:35, Porcia Silvia esculen...@gmx.co.uk wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 05:30:02 +0100
 Sharon Kimble wrote:

am now using alsa. The problem occurred when we
 were trying to debug a problem with playing mp4 films on VLC, my
 preferred programme for playing and watching films.

 It may be something as simple as selecting the correct 'device' in VLC in the
 menu items of audio in VLC..the reason I say this is I had a similar problem
 not long ago and this was the solution. VLC tends to select the system
 default. As you've just changed over from pulseaudio to ALSA try reinstalling
 VLC again perhaps or check the menu for the output device and select the
 correct one.

 I don't suppose you meant to say you were trying to watch mp4 films..did you
 mean mp4 files? If this was the case, I'm not sure VLC will play mp4..isn't
 that a proprietary encoding from Nero?

 Just curious.

 ⇾ ps

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Re: Lack of sound

2011-12-21 Thread lina
# alsactl init

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've already reinstalled vlc and it made no difference, I did sudo
 apt-get remove vlc, sudo apt-get autoremove, sudo apt-get purge, sudo
 apt-get install vlc and just let it pull things in that it required.

 I think that i've tried virtually every sound menu item available on
 vlc but all to no avail, sorry.


 On 21 December 2011 05:35, Porcia Silvia esculen...@gmx.co.uk wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 05:30:02 +0100
 Sharon Kimble wrote:

am now using alsa. The problem occurred when we
 were trying to debug a problem with playing mp4 films on VLC, my
 preferred programme for playing and watching films.

 It may be something as simple as selecting the correct 'device' in VLC in the
 menu items of audio in VLC..the reason I say this is I had a similar problem
 not long ago and this was the solution. VLC tends to select the system
 default. As you've just changed over from pulseaudio to ALSA try reinstalling
 VLC again perhaps or check the menu for the output device and select the
 correct one.

 I don't suppose you meant to say you were trying to watch mp4 films..did you
 mean mp4 files? If this was the case, I'm not sure VLC will play mp4..isn't
 that a proprietary encoding from Nero?

 Just curious.

 ⇾ ps

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 Registered Linux user 334501

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Re: Lack of sound

2011-12-21 Thread Sharon Kimble
This gives command not found.


On 21 December 2011 12:41, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 # alsactl init

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've already reinstalled vlc and it made no difference, I did sudo
 apt-get remove vlc, sudo apt-get autoremove, sudo apt-get purge, sudo
 apt-get install vlc and just let it pull things in that it required.

 I think that i've tried virtually every sound menu item available on
 vlc but all to no avail, sorry.


 On 21 December 2011 05:35, Porcia Silvia esculen...@gmx.co.uk wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 05:30:02 +0100
 Sharon Kimble wrote:

am now using alsa. The problem occurred when we
 were trying to debug a problem with playing mp4 films on VLC, my
 preferred programme for playing and watching films.

 It may be something as simple as selecting the correct 'device' in VLC in 
 menu items of audio in VLC..the reason I say this is I had a similar problem
 not long ago and this was the solution. VLC tends to select the system
 default. As you've just changed over from pulseaudio to ALSA try 
 VLC again perhaps or check the menu for the output device and select the
 correct one.

 I don't suppose you meant to say you were trying to watch mp4 films..did you
 mean mp4 files? If this was the case, I'm not sure VLC will play mp4..isn't
 that a proprietary encoding from Nero?

 Just curious.

 ⇾ ps

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 efever http://www.efever.blogspot.com/
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 Registered Linux user 334501

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Debian 6.0.2, KDE 4.4.5, LibreOffice 3.4.3
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Re: Everything seems to cause a reboot

2011-12-21 Thread Stephen Powell
On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 21:37:43 -0500 (EST), Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Yet none of this will fix his reboot issue, if indeed it's caused by the
 onboard 8042, which I suspect.  I think the kernel parm mentioned by
 Paul is Darren's best bet at this point at getting the Model M working
 My guess is that Darren's Sandy Bridge motherboard simply doesn't like
 that old KB with the inbuilt 8042, and the way the chip handles A20
 switching.  To prove this theory Darren needs to try a modern KB.  If
 that doesn't fix it, then we dive into the Intel graphics driver, mobo
 BIOS settings, possible bad motherboard, etc.

For diagnostic purposes, it probably is a good idea to try another
keyboard, temporarily at least.  But I have seen an incorrect keyboard
definition cause reboot problems.  Another machine I use has a Dell
SK-8125 USB keyboard.  This keyboard model has 103 keys.  It doesn't
match the default pc105 key mapping.  I had reboot problems with it
too, until I set XKBMODEL to dellsk8125.  It works fine now.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Lack of sound

2011-12-21 Thread lina
as root run
alsactl init

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 This gives command not found.


 On 21 December 2011 12:41, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 # alsactl init

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've already reinstalled vlc and it made no difference, I did sudo
 apt-get remove vlc, sudo apt-get autoremove, sudo apt-get purge, sudo
 apt-get install vlc and just let it pull things in that it required.

 I think that i've tried virtually every sound menu item available on
 vlc but all to no avail, sorry.


 On 21 December 2011 05:35, Porcia Silvia esculen...@gmx.co.uk wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 05:30:02 +0100
 Sharon Kimble wrote:

am now using alsa. The problem occurred when we
 were trying to debug a problem with playing mp4 films on VLC, my
 preferred programme for playing and watching films.

 It may be something as simple as selecting the correct 'device' in VLC in 
 menu items of audio in VLC..the reason I say this is I had a similar 
 not long ago and this was the solution. VLC tends to select the system
 default. As you've just changed over from pulseaudio to ALSA try 
 VLC again perhaps or check the menu for the output device and select the
 correct one.

 I don't suppose you meant to say you were trying to watch mp4 films..did 
 mean mp4 files? If this was the case, I'm not sure VLC will play mp4..isn't
 that a proprietary encoding from Nero?

 Just curious.

 ⇾ ps

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Re: Lack of sound

2011-12-21 Thread lina
work for me,

# alsactl init
Found hardware: HDA-Intel Cirrus Logic CS4206
HDA:10134206,106b1d00,00100301 0x8086 0x7270
Hardware is initialized using a generic method

Few days ago my laptop just become dumb.

we might have different hardware. sorry.

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 9:03 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 as root run
 alsactl init

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 This gives command not found.


 On 21 December 2011 12:41, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 # alsactl init

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've already reinstalled vlc and it made no difference, I did sudo
 apt-get remove vlc, sudo apt-get autoremove, sudo apt-get purge, sudo
 apt-get install vlc and just let it pull things in that it required.

 I think that i've tried virtually every sound menu item available on
 vlc but all to no avail, sorry.


 On 21 December 2011 05:35, Porcia Silvia esculen...@gmx.co.uk wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 05:30:02 +0100
 Sharon Kimble wrote:

am now using alsa. The problem occurred when we
 were trying to debug a problem with playing mp4 films on VLC, my
 preferred programme for playing and watching films.

 It may be something as simple as selecting the correct 'device' in VLC in 
 menu items of audio in VLC..the reason I say this is I had a similar 
 not long ago and this was the solution. VLC tends to select the system
 default. As you've just changed over from pulseaudio to ALSA try 
 VLC again perhaps or check the menu for the output device and select the
 correct one.

 I don't suppose you meant to say you were trying to watch mp4 films..did 
 mean mp4 files? If this was the case, I'm not sure VLC will play 
 that a proprietary encoding from Nero?

 Just curious.

 ⇾ ps

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 efever http://www.efever.blogspot.com/
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 Registered Linux user 334501

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 Debian 6.0.2, KDE 4.4.5, LibreOffice 3.4.3
 Registered Linux user 334501

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Re: Lack of sound

2011-12-21 Thread Sharon Kimble
This now gives ;-
 sudo alsactl init
[sudo] password for boztu:
Unknown hardware: CMI8738-MC6 CMedia PCI  0x13f6 0x0111
Hardware is initialized using a guess method


On 21 December 2011 13:03, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 as root run
 alsactl init

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 This gives command not found.


 On 21 December 2011 12:41, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 # alsactl init

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've already reinstalled vlc and it made no difference, I did sudo
 apt-get remove vlc, sudo apt-get autoremove, sudo apt-get purge, sudo
 apt-get install vlc and just let it pull things in that it required.

 I think that i've tried virtually every sound menu item available on
 vlc but all to no avail, sorry.


 On 21 December 2011 05:35, Porcia Silvia esculen...@gmx.co.uk wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 05:30:02 +0100
 Sharon Kimble wrote:

am now using alsa. The problem occurred when we
 were trying to debug a problem with playing mp4 films on VLC, my
 preferred programme for playing and watching films.

 It may be something as simple as selecting the correct 'device' in VLC in 
 menu items of audio in VLC..the reason I say this is I had a similar 
 not long ago and this was the solution. VLC tends to select the system
 default. As you've just changed over from pulseaudio to ALSA try 
 VLC again perhaps or check the menu for the output device and select the
 correct one.

 I don't suppose you meant to say you were trying to watch mp4 films..did 
 mean mp4 files? If this was the case, I'm not sure VLC will play 
 that a proprietary encoding from Nero?

 Just curious.

 ⇾ ps

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 efever http://www.efever.blogspot.com/
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Re: Lack of sound

2011-12-21 Thread Sharon Kimble
I forgot to say, how do I get the sound card recognised then please?


On 21 December 2011 13:09, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 This now gives ;-
  sudo alsactl init
 [sudo] password for boztu:
 Unknown hardware: CMI8738-MC6 CMedia PCI  0x13f6 0x0111
 Hardware is initialized using a guess method


 On 21 December 2011 13:03, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 as root run
 alsactl init

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 This gives command not found.


 On 21 December 2011 12:41, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 # alsactl init

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've already reinstalled vlc and it made no difference, I did sudo
 apt-get remove vlc, sudo apt-get autoremove, sudo apt-get purge, sudo
 apt-get install vlc and just let it pull things in that it required.

 I think that i've tried virtually every sound menu item available on
 vlc but all to no avail, sorry.


 On 21 December 2011 05:35, Porcia Silvia esculen...@gmx.co.uk wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 05:30:02 +0100
 Sharon Kimble wrote:

am now using alsa. The problem occurred when we
 were trying to debug a problem with playing mp4 films on VLC, my
 preferred programme for playing and watching films.

 It may be something as simple as selecting the correct 'device' in VLC 
 in the
 menu items of audio in VLC..the reason I say this is I had a similar 
 not long ago and this was the solution. VLC tends to select the system
 default. As you've just changed over from pulseaudio to ALSA try 
 VLC again perhaps or check the menu for the output device and select the
 correct one.

 I don't suppose you meant to say you were trying to watch mp4 films..did 
 mean mp4 files? If this was the case, I'm not sure VLC will play 
 that a proprietary encoding from Nero?

 Just curious.

 ⇾ ps

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Re: boot from a iso with grub-imageboot problem

2011-12-21 Thread Wayne Topa

On 12/21/2011 06:38 AM, afuentes wrote:

On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 05:53 -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:

Can you show us what the /etc/default/grub-imageboot file looks like.

with pleasure :)

cat /etc/default/grub-imageboot

# Where to find the iso/floppy images


I tried that too and it does not work. Why, because you are booting the 
iso NOT your (squeeze/wheezy/sid) the .iso file does not know about your 
home directory.  You have to put the iso file in /boot/images/ for it to 

This does work to boot iso's I no longer have floppies so don't know 
about the #IMAGEOPTS=rawimg entry.


# You can override the boot options for iso/floppy images here
# see http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/MEMDISK for details


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Re: lxde customize look and feel

2011-12-21 Thread Rob Owens
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 11:29:12AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 I installed lxde in a VM running Debian Wheezy under vmplayer, to
 see what it is like.
 Preferences - Customize Look and Feel does nothing. Is that
 supposed to be that way?
 What would I be missing? I installed lxde with 'apt-get
 --no-install-recommends install lxde' because otherwise I would
 install the universe, just too many notes :-)
On Wheezy, I tried running lxappearance from the command line, and it
fails with errors.  Maybe try that and google the errors.  I *think*
that Customize Look and Feel would probably call lxappearance.


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New User Help

2011-12-21 Thread Martin, Larry D
I am doing an install on an IBM Z9 LPAR of 6.0.3.

The install was going smoothly until I got to Configure direct access storage 
device.  I supplied an address and was ask if I wanted to format it; I said 
yes and when it finished it went back to the previous screen.  It just keeps 
alternating these screens.  How do I move forward?

Thanks,   .Larry

Larry D. Martin
Mainframe Systems Support
Office of Information Technology and Communications

Re: what's the best media player ?

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 23:44:16 +0800, lina wrote:

 which media player is your favoriate and love to recommend.

I'm not a fanatic movie/music watcher/listener so I use the system's 
default, that is Totem, which in the end covers all of my non-excentric 
needs :-)

 I have a problem in using movie player, it's kinda of funny when open
 some song with it, all the process just being killed and came to login
 interface. (more like the new-started laptop without truely re-start).

Should I have to choose a different media player I would look into 
VideoLAN or MPlayer. I have used both in the past and were very good.



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Re: Lack of sound

2011-12-21 Thread Sharon Kimble
SOLVED - I've just switched on the speakers and found that I’ve got
full sound again,Christmas has been saved and my son will be pleased!
I don’t know whether it was because of all the tinkering today or
because of the forced reboot this morning due to a power cut, but its
now working properly again. Thanks to all who helped.


On 21 December 2011 13:19, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I forgot to say, how do I get the sound card recognised then please?


 On 21 December 2011 13:09, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 This now gives ;-
  sudo alsactl init
 [sudo] password for boztu:
 Unknown hardware: CMI8738-MC6 CMedia PCI  0x13f6 0x0111
 Hardware is initialized using a guess method


 On 21 December 2011 13:03, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 as root run
 alsactl init

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com wrote:
 This gives command not found.


 On 21 December 2011 12:41, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 # alsactl init

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Sharon Kimble skimbl...@gmail.com 
 I've already reinstalled vlc and it made no difference, I did sudo
 apt-get remove vlc, sudo apt-get autoremove, sudo apt-get purge, sudo
 apt-get install vlc and just let it pull things in that it required.

 I think that i've tried virtually every sound menu item available on
 vlc but all to no avail, sorry.


 On 21 December 2011 05:35, Porcia Silvia esculen...@gmx.co.uk wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 05:30:02 +0100
 Sharon Kimble wrote:

am now using alsa. The problem occurred when we
 were trying to debug a problem with playing mp4 films on VLC, my
 preferred programme for playing and watching films.

 It may be something as simple as selecting the correct 'device' in VLC 
 in the
 menu items of audio in VLC..the reason I say this is I had a similar 
 not long ago and this was the solution. VLC tends to select the system
 default. As you've just changed over from pulseaudio to ALSA try 
 VLC again perhaps or check the menu for the output device and select the
 correct one.

 I don't suppose you meant to say you were trying to watch mp4 
 films..did you
 mean mp4 files? If this was the case, I'm not sure VLC will play 
 that a proprietary encoding from Nero?

 Just curious.

 ⇾ ps

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Re: X Window: Setting up mouse scroll for OOo Calc to one raw

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 17:34:25 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Camaleón noela...@gmail.com writes:
 On Sat, 17 Dec 2011 12:05:53 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I'm running Debian GNU/Linux SID and my X Window uses Window Maker as
 a window manager.
 I'm using OpenOffice.org Calc very often and I want to setup mouse
 scroll in X so when I scroll with mice then in OOo Calc raws goes
 up/down only one raw and not three raws.

 So what you are basically seeking is a way for setting the mouse scroll
 to a different value other than three lines at a time, right?
 The way to setup scrolling only one raw in OpenOffice.org Calc using
 mouse wheel button is to setup somehow the X Window, eg. to setup mouse
 driver to different value then the default, right? 

Yes, or so I think.

 If one setup this successfully I don't know how would this appeares in
 other applications than OOo?

Mouse scroll can be set from X server as well as per application basis, 
that is, you can set Xorg to use a value (e.g., scroll 3 lines at a time) 
that will be used system wide affecting all of the programs but you can 
also set a different value for one application which will affect just 
that app. Firefox, for instance, can be configured to use a different 
mouse scrolling value so I guess there can be others... I don't know for 
OpenOffice, though :-?

 in xorg.conf but this setup only the wheel button and not it's speed
 or what that is needed for for setup scrolling in Calc or in other

 I'm not sure how to achieve this. There has to be an option for the
 current mouse driver you are using (mouse, evdev...?) but e.g., man
 evdev returns no option available to control this setting.
 From the Xorg.0.log I find these lines:
 (II) config/udev: Adding input device ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse
 (**) ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse: Applying InputClass evdev pointer catchall
 (II) Using input driver 'evdev' for 'ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse' 
 (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/evdev_drv.so 

There you have it. So the question is now how to instruct that driver 
(evdev) to use a different scrolling value, I see nothing at all a the man 
page nor in the docs :-?

 Searching with Google using keywords 'evdev scroll wheel' gives to me no
 answer for this. Thanks!

Yep, there is not much information on the matter or at least I was unable to 
find a clear way to configure it. 

I would ask this question directly at Xorg's users mailing list:




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Re: Find which package has installed some file under /etc

2011-12-21 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 11:06:04PM +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Ma, 20 dec 11, 20:56:11, Osamu Aoki wrote:
  On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 12:29:01AM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
   The point is what the Debian Policy says. 
  Anyway, if you feel strong to enforce this ipart of policy, most
  effective thing to do is file a wishlist bug with patch to lintian to
  enforce package_name for both init.d script and default file.
 AFAIK init.d scripts always belong to a package, so not the same thing 
 (name clashes would be detected by dpkg).

Yah ... that is why no DD cares about hypothetical name crash and live
with common sense.


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Re: Force USB low speed on an specific port.

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 19:28:43 +0100, Marc Aymerich wrote:

 Today I've tried to connect my mouse through +10meters USB cable. Seems
 that it works pretty well despite of what the RFC says about maximum
 cable lenght :) the only problem I have is that ~5% of mouse clicks are

The only problem?! You're very optimistic :-)

 I want to try putting the bus speed to a lower rate. Is this posible ?
 for example, can I force a USB2.0 bus to work in USB1.0 mode or
 something like that?

Yes, well, you can use an USB 1.0/1.1 cable with a USB 2.0 hub/device, 
the speed will be automatically reduced to the lowest speed of all the 
involved compotents which in this case will be the cable.

But there has to be a better way to extend the distance by using 
repeaters (hubs) or USB specific designed cables that can achieve longer 



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Re: How to make Nepomuk semantic desktop switched off by default in KDE 4 in Debian?

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 19 Dec 2011 22:58:19 +0100, wzabo...@elektron.elka.pw.edu.pl

 After last upgrade of Gnome in debian/testing I have switched myself and
 my users to KDE4.
 However there is one problem - when Nepomuk services start to index the
 users directory, the system becomes totally unresponsive. It affects
 even my Dell Vostro with 4-core HT CPU. Other, slower machines work even
 I have instructed all users to switch off Nepomuk semantic desktop in
 system settings, but I'd like to change the system settings so, that
 when a new user account is created, this service is switched off by
 default. Is there any easy way to achieve that?

AFAIK, Nepomuk is required for some Kmail features are available, so 
before turning it off I would first ensure your users don't need it at 

To disable Nepomuk system-wide... Mmm, you could try to move/rename the 
autostart file (/usr/share/autostart/nepomukserver.desktop) so it's not 
executed for every user after login, although I don't know if just this 
will do the trick :-?



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Re: Which way to program this?

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 05:18:00 -0500, Mark Neidorff wrote:

 I am considering writing a visual department scheduler for schools. 
 The concept is similar to an appointment calendar, but I'd like to
 include drag 'n drop functionality.  A supervisor is provided with
 teaching session objects that meet in fixed time periods (call them
 1-12).  The supervisor drags and drops them onto the individual
 teacher's schedule.  This application should be cross platform, able to
 run in windows, mac and linux.  So, it seems easy to me to conceptualize
 this in a web browser, but  what language/development envoronment would
 be appropriate for this project?
 Any thoughts are welcome.

Hum... if something like Google Calendar (i.e., based on iCalendar) is 
not enough for your requirements, I would go for any of these solutions:


Tip: filter/sort first by license type (open source) and then compare 
their features, programming language...



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Re: Samsung notebook question

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 13:55:36 -0500, I Rattan wrote:

 Any one running Debian (or derivative) on Samsung NP-N145-JP02US

If you put it in that succinct way... nope :-)



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Re: RAID 1 - software or hardware.

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 16:11:32 +1000, yudi v wrote:

 Will be installing a new system and would like to have the following
 Should I use the RAID controller on the motherboard (not sure how
 reliable it will be) or use software RAID?

I'd go for hardware RAID as long as there is a true and real hardware 
RAID controller behind with a battery backup et al (in brief, a *good* 
RAID controller, not the motherboard's one which are usually nothing but 
fakeraid and a pile of unforeseen problems).

Otherwise I would use software RAID (md).



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2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 18:24:19 +0100, Alex Padoly wrote:

 How do you do to run fecthmail with gmail with POP3 protocol, I can't
 it! How do you do to write the file .fetcmailrc. Thanks!




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Re: intel i5, system config question

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 14:50:53 +1000, yudi v wrote:

 I will be building a new desktop with intel i5. Which option should I
 go with squeeze and update to kernel 3+
 install Wheezy
 This will be my main production PC. I would like it to be as stable as

If you need stability install the stable branch :-)

AFAICT, Wheezy is expected to be freeze on June 2012 so there is still a 
long run until it's released.

If you are unsure about the hardware support for the i5 chipset in 
Squeeze, try first with Debian's LiveCD and see how it goes, what it 
detects, what fails...



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Re: kernel failure

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 16:04:56 -0300, Gerardo A. Mirkin wrote:

 I just subscribed to the mailing list. I net-installed Debian 6.0 on an
 Asus eeepc 1215p netbook and everything seemed ok, including updates of
 the kernel and firmware to access the net. However, after an update of
 several packages (appart from kernel) including wicd, and
 knetworkmanager a kernel failure message pop-up window appears on the
 screen from time to time.
 Some additional info you might request, before quoting the kernel
 failure message:


 Kernel failure message 1:
 [ cut here ]
 Hardware name: 1215P
 NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0 (atl1c): transmit queue 0 timed out 


Looks quite similar to this:




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Re: Fwd: How to refresh Nautilus file view.

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 14:27:55 +, Russell Gadd wrote:

 How is the mount point set? Dynamically or statically?

 Sorry not sure what you mean by Dynamically or statically?. 

Yes, I'll explain.

By dynamically I mean the mount point is accessed on the fly, by using 
smb:// protocol in Nautilus.

By statically I wanted to say it was a mount point defined at /etc/
fstab, which seems to be the case.

 I have a line in fstab as follows:
 //nasbox/dataNAS /mnt/nas cifs 
 (not sure if all these options are strictly needed or correct but the
 mount is ok)

Okay, it looks right to me. Should there is any illegal option you would 
get a warning when booting (something like unrecognized option in /etc/fstab 
at line nn).

 Does Ctrl+R (reload) do the trick? If not, how about closing/opening
 Nautilus? Or just by relogin?

 No none of this works. It's not just Nautilus because the ls command in
 the Gnome terminal also fails to see the nas.

- What's the output of mount command after the system restores from 

- Does manully enforcing the mounting the dataNAS share work after 

- Are there any errors/warnings entries registered at the logs?

Google has found a similar situation here:

Samba mount point becomes inaccessible after hibernation/suspend 

But it's *very* old (2005), this has been to be addressed and solved by now :-?



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Re: boot from a iso with grub-imageboot problem

2011-12-21 Thread afuentes
On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 09:28 -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:
 On 12/21/2011 06:38 AM, afuentes wrote:
  On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 05:53 -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:
  Can you show us what the /etc/default/grub-imageboot file looks like.
  with pleasure :)
  cat /etc/default/grub-imageboot
  # Where to find the iso/floppy images
 I tried that too and it does not work. Why, because you are booting the 
 iso NOT your (squeeze/wheezy/sid) the .iso file does not know about your 
 home directory.  You have to put the iso file in /boot/images/ for it to 

well, the weird thing is that grml-rescueboot is a very similar package
(similar configure file to read isos, etc...) and ITS ABLE to find the
isos, even if in my /home :)

Try it yourself, i kid you not :). I tried with grml-rescueboot and its
able to find the iso.


PD: the thing is, my boot partition is very small and outside lvm, i
should have to resize everything. And i think its technically possible
to read from there, coz other similar program (same authors i think) its
able to do it ... :)

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Re: how to examine the wireless

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 19:02:51 +0800, lina wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 2:48 AM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:


 Besides, consider reporting your findings/problems at linuxwireless
 mailing list :-)

 Thanks, I just subscribed. but at present still don't get a better
 understanding about what's going on.


 Me neither.

 The problem is that your only chance to get your wifi card running is
 by means of the b43 driver from kernel 3.2, at least for now because
 no other broadcom drivers seems to have support for it ;-(
 Haha ... thanks
 Just minutes ago I sent an email to the  linuxwireless list (not sure
 it's the exact list you recommended).

Yes, that was the list. Now wait and hope someone can give you any 
hint :-)

 just repeated what we went through in this threads.
 I did not make any progress in understanding this issue those days, haha
 ... pretty occupied by other things.

At least you're still connected to the world by means of the wired 
adapter ;-)



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Re: Force USB low speed on an specific port.

2011-12-21 Thread Marc Aymerich
On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Alan Greenberger ala...@ptd.net wrote:
 On 2011-12-18, Marc Aymerich glicer...@gmail.com wrote:
 Today I've tried to connect my mouse through +10meters USB cable.
 Seems that it works pretty well despite of what the RFC says about
 maximum cable lenght :) the only problem I have is that ~5% of mouse
 clicks are lost. I want to try putting the bus speed to a lower rate.
 Is this posible ? for example, can I force a USB2.0 bus to work in
 USB1.0 mode or something like that?


 Mice don't do USB2.  They are Low Speed USB1 devices.  To see this, type
 lsusb to get the bus and device numbers of the mouse and then lsusb -t
 which should show something like:
    |__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=HID, Driver=usbhid, 1.5M
 showing that it is running at 1.5 Mbits/sec

Acctually i didn't mention that between the cable and the mouse there
is a usb2.0 hub (lcd monitor with usb)

/:  Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci_hcd/8p, 480M
|__ Port 2: Dev 9, If 0, Class=hub, Driver=hub/4p, 480M
|__ Port 1: Dev 10, If 0, Class=HID, Driver=usbhid, 1.5M

So the cable speed is 480M.


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Re: Force USB low speed on an specific port.

2011-12-21 Thread Marc Aymerich
On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 19:28:43 +0100, Marc Aymerich wrote:

 Today I've tried to connect my mouse through +10meters USB cable. Seems
 that it works pretty well despite of what the RFC says about maximum
 cable lenght :) the only problem I have is that ~5% of mouse clicks are

 The only problem?! You're very optimistic :-)

I didn't expect that this was going to work at all.. :)

 I want to try putting the bus speed to a lower rate. Is this posible ?
 for example, can I force a USB2.0 bus to work in USB1.0 mode or
 something like that?

 Yes, well, you can use an USB 1.0/1.1 cable with a USB 2.0 hub/device,
 the speed will be automatically reduced to the lowest speed of all the
 involved compotents which in this case will be the cable.

 But there has to be a better way to extend the distance by using
 repeaters (hubs) or USB specific designed cables that can achieve longer

Yes, sure, I can buy a new bluetooth mouse too, but it will be great
if I can solve this just with the components that I already have. btw,
if the driver can change the bus speed according to the type of cable
(usb1/usb2) it is a shame not have this kind of control through OS.


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Re: Force USB low speed on an specific port.

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 18:11:03 +0100, Marc Aymerich wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:

 I want to try putting the bus speed to a lower rate. Is this posible ?
 for example, can I force a USB2.0 bus to work in USB1.0 mode or
 something like that?

 Yes, well, you can use an USB 1.0/1.1 cable with a USB 2.0 hub/device,
 the speed will be automatically reduced to the lowest speed of all the
 involved compotents which in this case will be the cable.

 But there has to be a better way to extend the distance by using
 repeaters (hubs) or USB specific designed cables that can achieve
 longer distances.

 Yes, sure, I can buy a new bluetooth mouse too, but it will be great if
 I can solve this just with the components that I already have. btw, if
 the driver can change the bus speed according to the type of cable
 (usb1/usb2) it is a shame not have this kind of control through OS.

To be sincere, I don't know how to slowdown the speed of an USB host per 
port... not even from a Windows based system :-?

It would be nice indeed, to be able to separate the ports by means of a 
software based solution. That way, by connecting USB 1.0/1.1 devices into 
USB 2.0 host controller it won't slow the whole thing to the minimum 
speed which is what happens right now.



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Re: boot from a iso with grub-imageboot problem

2011-12-21 Thread Wayne Topa

On 12/21/2011 11:25 AM, afuentes wrote:

On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 09:28 -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:

On 12/21/2011 06:38 AM, afuentes wrote:

On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 05:53 -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:

Can you show us what the /etc/default/grub-imageboot file looks like.

with pleasure :)

cat /etc/default/grub-imageboot

# Where to find the iso/floppy images


I tried that too and it does not work. Why, because you are booting the
iso NOT your (squeeze/wheezy/sid) the .iso file does not know about your
home directory.  You have to put the iso file in /boot/images/ for it to

well, the weird thing is that grml-rescueboot is a very similar package
(similar configure file to read isos, etc...) and ITS ABLE to find the
isos, even if in my /home :)

Try it yourself, i kid you not :). I tried with grml-rescueboot and its
able to find the iso.


You are correct, grml-rescue can find the location of the ISOs with the
location entered into /etc/default/grml-rescue-boot.  BUT, here on 
wheezy, even though the iso's are included in the Grub2 boot screen,  it 
does not load them.   :-(   That is why I was trying out grub-imageboot. 
 I also don't want my iso's in /boot but it does load


Maybe a wishlist item for grub-imageboot.  :-)

PD: the thing is, my boot partition is very small and outside lvm, i
should have to resize everything. And i think its technically possible
to read from there, coz other similar program (same authors i think) its
able to do it ... :)

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Re: bcm4331 firmware installer package

2011-12-21 Thread Arend van Spriel
On 12/21/2011 11:59 AM, lina wrote:
 I don't know which one (else) can be fit for bcm4331 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 02)
 From http://wiki.debian.org/bcm43xx#b43_and_b43legacy
 I tried:
 1] aptitude install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer
 No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation
 No supported card found.
 Use proper b43 or b43legacy firmware.
 2] # aptitude install firmware-b43-installer
 No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation
 Unsupported device(s) found: PCI id 14e4:4331
 both of the listed are not working,

The bcm4331 support in b43 is pretty new so I do not expect distros are
providing packages for it. Your best bet is to get linux-firmware repo
from git.kernel.org. Probably the b43 developers can point you to the
specific firmware file you need to use for that phy.

 [29546.428819] b43-phy0 ERROR: FOUND UNSUPPORTED PHY (Analog 9, Type
 7, Revision 1)

Gr. AvS

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Re: Samba CUPS connection to localhost:631 timeout causes momentary interrupt in data stream from Samba server to clients

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 19 Dec 2011 12:32:08 -0500, Jonathan Polom wrote:


 Why is printing enabled on a system that has no connected printers and
 doesn't even have CUPS installed? 


I think that's a Samba default setting and AFAIK, Debian tends to keep 
the upstream defaults untouched unless there's a very strong and good 
reason to do it otherwise.



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Re: RAID 1 - software or hardware.

2011-12-21 Thread Bob Proulx
yudi v wrote:
  You would need a second compatible hardware raid controller to use
  in order to extract the data from the drives.  The hardware raid
  controllers I have used have not allowed me to access the data
  without a compatible raid controller.
 If it's in RAID 1, I was under the impression that I would be able to
 mount that disk on another system and be able to access my data. I
 came to this conclusion because in RAID 1 each disk has the full
 contents unlike in parity.

Most motherboard raid controllers are what are called BIOS fake raid
and use a different disk format making the data unreadable on a
different controller in a different system.  The data is all there but
usually simply not accessible by the standard programs because of the
unique format.  Most of the time these are not compatible with other
controllers making data recovery on a different system problematic.

 So what does the data look like when you mount it on another system?

You are in the best situation to know.  Install a test using the
hardware raid and then try moving one disk to a different system and
mounting it there.  If it works then great.  If not then you will
know.  Also you might try benchmarking the different configurations
too.  Often the results are not intuitive.


Description: Digital signature

Re: bcm4331 firmware installer package

2011-12-21 Thread Larry Finger

On 12/21/2011 04:59 AM, lina wrote:


I don't know which one (else) can be fit for bcm4331 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 02)

From http://wiki.debian.org/bcm43xx#b43_and_b43legacy

I tried:

1] aptitude install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer

No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation
No supported card found.
Use proper b43 or b43legacy firmware.

2] # aptitude install firmware-b43-installer

No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation
Unsupported device(s) found: PCI id 14e4:4331

both of the listed are not working,

lspci showed:

03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4331 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 02)

Thanks for providing some suggestions or links.

P.S extra info:

$ uname -a
Linux debian 3.2.0-rc6-3.2-mj-lina #1 SMP Sat Dec 17 13:14:26 SGT 2011
x86_64 GNU/Linux

# modprobe b43
# lsmod | grep -e b43 -e bcma
b43   349208  0
mac80211  228257  1 b43
cfg80211  173366  2 b43,mac80211
ssb52359  1 b43
pcmcia 40840  2 b43,ssb
rng_core   12614  1 b43
bcma   23572  1 b43
mmc_core   84258  4 b43,ssb,sdhci_pci,sdhci

# dmesg
[29546.428354] b43-phy0: Broadcom 4331 WLAN found (core revision 29)
[29546.428389] bcma: Switched to core: 0x812
[29546.428819] b43-phy0 ERROR: FOUND UNSUPPORTED PHY (Analog 9, Type
7, Revision 1)
[29546.428837] b43: probe of bcma0:0 failed with error -95
[29546.428878] Broadcom 43xx driver loaded [ Features: PMNLS ]
[29683.101838] applesmc: F1Mn: write arg fail

Missing firmware is not yet the problem.

As the ERROR message above says, the PHY contained in the BCM4331 is not 
supported by your version of b43. It takes kernel 3.2-rc3+. You can also get 
that version of the driver by installing the latest version of bleeding-edge 
compat-wireless found at http://linuxwireless.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/. 
You will need to build that code, unless Debian has such a package.

Once you get the correct version of b43, then the firmware and the firmware 
cutter are available at http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43.


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Re: lxde customize look and feel

2011-12-21 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Rob Owens wrote:

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 11:29:12AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:


I installed lxde in a VM running Debian Wheezy under vmplayer, to
see what it is like.

Preferences - Customize Look and Feel does nothing. Is that
supposed to be that way?

What would I be missing? I installed lxde with 'apt-get
--no-install-recommends install lxde' because otherwise I would
install the universe, just too many notes :-)

On Wheezy, I tried running lxappearance from the command line, and it
fails with errors.  Maybe try that and google the errors.  I *think*
that Customize Look and Feel would probably call lxappearance.

Indeed, it is 650609 and that also provides a solution: use the Squeeze 
version of lxappearance, and that works.


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Re: Everything seems to cause a reboot

2011-12-21 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 11:01:45 +1100, goossens wrote:

 I have a i7 quad core 2600K, running current squeeze 6.0.3 with default
 Gnome installation.
 2.6.32-5-amd64 kernel, 8 GB ram.
 When I try to shutdown, reboot, logout, switch user or Ctrl-Alt-Fn to
 switch tty the machine does a hard reset and reboots.
 It does not do this if I use  sysv-rc-conf to turn off gdm, so that it
 boots into a CLI instead of GUI.


To me looks like a problem with ACPI... how about booting the system by 
appending to the kernel line acpi=off? This will completely disable 
ACPI subsystem which is not good for your computer's health but maybe we 
can have a clue here.

In addition, is this problem happening after a fresh installation or just 
came after a system or hardwrae update? 

I would also test with a LiveCD (either from Debian or another 
distribution) to see if it behaves the same.



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Re: bcm4331 firmware installer package

2011-12-21 Thread Rafał Miłecki
2011/12/21 Arend van Spriel ar...@broadcom.com:
 On 12/21/2011 11:59 AM, lina wrote:

 I don't know which one (else) can be fit for bcm4331 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 02)

 From http://wiki.debian.org/bcm43xx#b43_and_b43legacy

 I tried:

 1] aptitude install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer

 No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation
 No supported card found.
 Use proper b43 or b43legacy firmware.

 2] # aptitude install firmware-b43-installer

 No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation
 Unsupported device(s) found: PCI id 14e4:4331

 both of the listed are not working,

 The bcm4331 support in b43 is pretty new so I do not expect distros are
 providing packages for it. Your best bet is to get linux-firmware repo
 from git.kernel.org. Probably the b43 developers can point you to the
 specific firmware file you need to use for that phy.

Arend: I'm not sure how to say it nice... but there is only one
company starting with B having copyrights to the BCM4331 firmware.
Only this company can legally submit BCM4331 firmware to
linux-firmware repo.


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Unidentified subject!

2011-12-21 Thread peasthope
*   In-reply-to: 20111220205521.GJ3296@think.nuvreauspam
*   References: 171057234.68576.57886@heaviside.invalid 
Subject: Re (3): automating execution of script.

*   From: Andrei Popescu andreimpope...@gmail.com
*   Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 22:55:21 +0200
# apt-get install incron
$ incrontab -e
/home/pe/control.sh IN_MODIFY /home/pe/bin/do_stuff

Simple solution to a simple problem.  Thanks.

root@joule:/etc# cat /etc/incron.allow

peter@joule:~$ ls -l script
-rwx-- 1 peter peter 3607 Dec 21 11:06 script
peter@joule:~$ /home/peter/script
peter@joule:~$ incrontab -l
/home/peter/script IN_MODIFY /home/peter/script  /home/peter/result

From another system, ftp a fresh version of script.
peter@joule:~$ ls -l script
-rwx-- 1 peter peter 3608 Dec 21 11:06 script

It should have been executed with the stderr and stdout 
put into result but it failed.  Any observations?

Thanks again,   ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  Former telephone 1 360 450 2132.  
bcc: peasthope ... shaw.ca

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Re (3): automating execution of script.

2011-12-21 Thread peasthope
A second copy of the message with syntax of the header corrected.

*   From: Andrei Popescu andreimpope...@gmail.com
*   Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 22:55:21 +0200
# apt-get install incron
$ incrontab -e
/home/pe/control.sh IN_MODIFY /home/pe/bin/do_stuff

Simple solution to a simple problem.  Thanks.

root@joule:/etc# cat /etc/incron.allow

peter@joule:~$ ls -l script
-rwx-- 1 peter peter 3607 Dec 21 11:06 script
peter@joule:~$ /home/peter/script
peter@joule:~$ incrontab -l
/home/peter/script IN_MODIFY /home/peter/script  /home/peter/result

From another system, ftp a fresh version of script.
peter@joule:~$ ls -l script
-rwx-- 1 peter peter 3608 Dec 21 11:06 script

It should have been executed with the stderr and stdout 
put into result but it failed.  Any observations?

Thanks again,   ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  Former telephone 1 360 450 2132.  
bcc: peasthope ... shaw.ca

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Re: Re (3): automating execution of script.

2011-12-21 Thread Bob Proulx
peasth...@shaw.ca wrote:
 /home/peter/script IN_MODIFY /home/peter/script  /home/peter/result
 It should have been executed with the stderr and stdout 
 put into result but it failed.  Any observations?

Using  is bash specific syntax.  I expect that it was executed
with /bin/sh which is not bash by default.  /bin/sh is dash, a posix
shell, by default and won't have bash extensions.  And even if /bin/sh
happens to be bash then bash will be operating in standards mode and
won't have that syntax then either.

Try this portable shell redirection instead:

  /home/peter/script IN_MODIFY /home/peter/script /home/peter/result 21


Description: Digital signature

Re: Iceweasel 9.0 not loading https pages [SOLVED]

2011-12-21 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 21/12/11 13:14, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 I can't find any existing bug reports for this... 


After more testing on several Squeeze boxes this morning - the problem
is consistent. Upgrading from Iceweasel 8 to Iceweasel 9 on Squeeze
(using squeeze-backports iceweasel-release) gives you an upgraded
browser incapable of https connections. :-(

After following a suggestion from Santhosh Thottingal I installed
libnss3-1d_3.13.1.with.ckbi.1.88-1~bpo60+1_i386.deb from backports and
the problem is solved. :-)

Australian, and some other mirrors don't seem to be functioning this
morning. Used:-


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Ownership of external usb hard drive

2011-12-21 Thread Sharon Kimble
I have an external usb hard drive that I use solely for storing
backups which are done every three hours of my home folder. It is
'owned' by root, but I want to have the user boztu to have ownership
of it so that boztu can write to it from their cron backup program,
but how do I do it please?

At the moment root writes to it at midnight and creates a new dated
folder, because only root has write access to it. Then every three
hours boztu writes to it and backs up the changes in the home folder,
but I want user boztu to do =all= of it including creating the new
dated folder.

Does this make sense?

A taste of linux http://www.sharons.org.uk/taste/index.html
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Debian 6.0.3, Gnome, LibreOffice 3.4.3
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Re: New User Help

2011-12-21 Thread Stephen Powell
On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:22:03 -0500 (EST), Larry D Martin wrote:
 I am doing an install on an IBM Z9 LPAR of 6.0.3.
 The install was going smoothly until I got to
 Configure direct access storage device.  I supplied an address
 and was ask if I wanted to format it; I said yes and when it
 finished it went back to the previous screen.  It just keeps
 alternating these screens.  How do I move forward?

This type of question probably should have been posted to
debian-s...@lists.debian.org.  But I will attempt to answer it.
I have installed Debian on a z890, but it was not in an LPAR:
it was in a virtual machine under z/VM.  And it's been a while
since I did a from-scratch-install on a mainframe; so I'm a bit
rusty.  Anyway ...

First of all, when you give the installer a device number,
I believe it wants it in the form 0.0., where  is the
device number as it would be known to, say, z/OS.  Secondly,
if a letter (A-F) is included in the device address, make sure
you specify it in lower case (a-f), which is not intuitive to
mainframers.  For example, device address 30A would be specified
as 0.0.030a.  (Not including the period at the end of the sentence,
of course.)  Third, assuming that you are using PuTTY as your
SSH client, make sure that you set the translation to UTF-8,
as the default is ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1).  The Debian installer assumes
UTF-8, and the scroll bars and such will look terrible, maybe
not even functional, if the code page is not UTF-8.

Window - Translation
  Character set translation on received data
  Received data assumed to be in which character set

See if that helps any.  (You do know to switch to an SSH client
immediately after configuring the network and the SSH server
used by the installer, right?)

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Ownership of external usb hard drive

2011-12-21 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 22/12/11 11:26, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 I have an external usb hard drive that I use solely for storing
 backups which are done every three hours of my home folder. It is
 'owned' by root, but I want to have the user boztu to have ownership
 of it so that boztu can write to it from their cron backup program,
 but how do I do it please?
 At the moment root writes to it at midnight and creates a new dated
 folder, because only root has write access to it. Then every three
 hours boztu writes to it and backs up the changes in the home folder,
 but I want user boztu to do =all= of it including creating the new
 dated folder.
 Does this make sense?

Assuming you mount it somewhere beneath /media, and that SOLID (or
whatever) is set to mount the drive there everytime

# chown -R boztu:boztu /media/somewhere


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Re: RAID 1 - software or hardware.

2011-12-21 Thread yudi v
 I'd go for hardware RAID as long as there is a true and real hardware
 RAID controller behind with a battery backup et al (in brief, a *good*
 RAID controller, not the motherboard's one which are usually nothing but
 fakeraid and a pile of unforeseen problems).

 Otherwise I would use software RAID (md).

 Aren't hardware RAID cards really expensive. I am just trying to get some
form of redundancy. I wish linux has something similar to ZFS. The options
in ZFS for data redundancy are just awesome.

I guess my best bet is to go with software RAID.


Re: intel i5, system config question

2011-12-21 Thread yudi v

 If you are unsure about the hardware support for the i5 chipset in
 Squeeze, try first with Debian's LiveCD and see how it goes, what it
 detects, what fails...



how easy is it to update to kernel 3+ in squeeze?

Re: Everything seems to cause a reboot

2011-12-21 Thread goossens
s I said, the first step is to simply buy a cheapo modern PS/2 or USB
keyboard and see if the problem goes away.  If it does, try a USB
adapter on the Model M.  If that works, great.  If not, more
troubleshooting awaits you. :(


btw I have usb mouse.  Machine only has a single ps2 port, coloured half
purple half pink.

So if I boot into recovery and startx  (no gdm) I still get reboot on
Alt-Ctrl-F1.  If I use a cheapo ps2 kb, same problem.  If I use a usb
keyboard, same problem.  It seems to be an issue with X remapping some of
the hardware control codes (I'm sure my terminology is bad).

So as far as I can see It is not the kb.  And as I said, I get weird
behaviour when I logout through the gui, making no use of the KB at all.

I have used this kb with squeeze i386 no worries.  I have also used it on
slack 12.2 i386.  I am wondering if it relates to the AMD64 port in some
nefarious way.  I am going to boot a live disk and see if my machine
behaves then.

So far, it looks really weird.  It does not seem to be hardware since if I
boot to CLI I get a well-behaved system.  Does X add a layer that
reinteprets all the signals regarding reboot, Alt-Ctrl-F1, etc, and could
it be getting them wrong?  I get the bad behaviour if I don't load HAL,
btw.  Whatever HAL is.

Many thanks


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Re: Ownership of external usb hard drive

2011-12-21 Thread Sharon Kimble
On 22 December 2011 00:59, Scott Ferguson
prettyfly.producti...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 22/12/11 11:26, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 I have an external usb hard drive that I use solely for storing
 backups which are done every three hours of my home folder. It is
 'owned' by root, but I want to have the user boztu to have ownership
 of it so that boztu can write to it from their cron backup program,
 but how do I do it please?

 At the moment root writes to it at midnight and creates a new dated
 folder, because only root has write access to it. Then every three
 hours boztu writes to it and backs up the changes in the home folder,
 but I want user boztu to do =all= of it including creating the new
 dated folder.

 Does this make sense?


 Assuming you mount it somewhere beneath /media, and that SOLID (or
 whatever) is set to mount the drive there everytime

 # chown -R boztu:boztu /media/somewhere

Thanks Scott for this.
As the drive is owned by root should it be run as sudo? Thinking
logically, yes, so I'm running it as sudo accordingly, and its got
just over five months of backups to chomp its way through! :)

A taste of linux http://www.sharons.org.uk/taste/index.html
efever http://www.efever.blogspot.com/
Debian 6.0.2, KDE 4.4.5, LibreOffice 3.4.3
Registered Linux user 334501

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Debian 6.0.3 i386 - g++ hello.cpp - error: iostream.h: No such file or directory

2011-12-21 Thread David Christensen


I'm attempting to compile C++ hello, world! on Debian 6.0.3 i386 and 
seem to be missing iostream.h (?).  libstdc++6 seems to be installed 
(?).  Do I need one of these packages?


Please see console session, below.

Any suggestions?



2011-12-21 17:30:10 dpchrist@p43400e ~/sandbox/cpp
$ g++ hello.cpp
hello.cpp:1:22: error: iostream.h: No such file or directory
hello.cpp:3: error: '::main' must return 'int'
hello.cpp: In function 'int main()':
hello.cpp:5: error: 'cout' is not a member of 'std'

2011-12-21 17:30:11 dpchrist@p43400e ~/sandbox/cpp
$ cat hello.cpp
#include iostream.h
using namespace std;
void main ()
std::cout  hello, world!;

2011-12-21 17:30:18 dpchrist@p43400e ~/sandbox/cpp
$ cat /etc/debian_version

2011-12-21 17:30:26 dpchrist@p43400e ~/sandbox/cpp
$ g++ --version
g++ (Debian 4.4.5-8) 4.4.5
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

2011-12-21 17:30:30 dpchrist@p43400e ~/sandbox/cpp
$ sudo apt-get install libstdc++6-4.4-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libstdc++6-4.4-dev is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 21 not upgraded.

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Re: Ownership of external usb hard drive

2011-12-21 Thread Ashton Fagg

On 22/12/11 11:39, Sharon Kimble wrote:

As the drive is owned by root should it be run as sudo?

Yes, or as root (su -c 'chown blah blah').


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Re: Ownership of external usb hard drive

2011-12-21 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 22/12/11 12:39, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 On 22 December 2011 00:59, Scott Ferguson 
 prettyfly.producti...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 22/12/11 11:26, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 I have an external usb hard drive that I use solely for storing 
 backups which are done every three hours of my home folder. It
 is 'owned' by root, but I want to have the user boztu to have
 ownership of it so that boztu can write to it from their cron
 backup program, but how do I do it please?
 At the moment root writes to it at midnight and creates a new
 dated folder, because only root has write access to it. Then
 every three hours boztu writes to it and backs up the changes in
 the home folder, but I want user boztu to do =all= of it
 including creating the new dated folder.
 Does this make sense?
 Assuming you mount it somewhere beneath /media, and that SOLID (or 
 whatever) is set to mount the drive there everytime
 # chown -R boztu:boztu /media/somewhere
 Thanks Scott for this. As the drive is owned by root should it be run
 as sudo?

The # means run the command as root - saves me asking whether you use sudo.
My apologies for:- ;presuming you'd understand my shorthand ;forgetting
that others read the list.

 Thinking logically, yes, so I'm running it as sudo accordingly, and
 its got just over five months of backups to chomp its way through!

Saves discovering boztu has less rights than root! ;-p

Still shouldn't take more than a few minutes to run through. You might
want to consider incremental backups during the day - and a complete
backup at the end of each day if space is going to become a problem.
Once you've finished changing the permissions for the directory you're
backing up to (/media/somewhere) it will be owned by boztu, but still
writable by root, (and remain owned by boztu). There are other ways to
achieve similar results but they involve group permissions I'm not
comfortable with.

 Thanks Sharon.

Cheers (and happy solstice season)

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Re: Debian 6.0.3 i386 - g++ hello.cpp - error: iostream.h: No such file or directory

2011-12-21 Thread Bob Proulx
David Christensen wrote:
 I'm attempting to compile C++ hello, world! on Debian 6.0.3 i386
 and seem to be missing iostream.h (?).  libstdc++6 seems to be
 installed (?).  Do I need one of these packages?

No.  The problem is that C++ has changed significantly over the
years.  You are operating from obsolete documentation.  The new names
for the header files no longer contain a .h on the end.

Try compiling this program instead.

#include iostream
int main ()
  std::cout  hello, world!  std::endl;
  return 0;


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian 6.0.3 i386 - g++ hello.cpp - error: iostream.h: No such file or directory

2011-12-21 Thread David Christensen

On 12/21/2011 06:26 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

The problem is that C++ has changed significantly over the
years.  You are operating from obsolete documentation.  The new names
for the header files no longer contain a .h on the end.
Try compiling this program instead.
int main ()
   std::cout  hello, world!  std::endl;
   return 0;


I used C++ 1995~2001 (Borland C++, Borland C++ Builder, embedded 
cross-compilers, etc., all on Windows).  What would be some good books 
for current C++ on Debian Squeeze?


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Installing multiboot system ... advice?

2011-12-21 Thread Dennis Wicks

Greetings all,

I would like to install a multiboot system but I don't have 
any free partitions that are anywhere near large enough.

Is there any way that I can install into a directory on my 
existing boot/root volume? Say in /new-sys ??

I have been looking at the doc that I have found on Grub but 
they only talk about installing into a separate hard drive 

I already have Grub on the existing system (Lenny).

Thanks for any help!

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Re: Find which package has installed some file under /etc

2011-12-21 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2011-12-20 14:20:51 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 But I think this discussion of /etc/default/ collisions is all rather
 academic.  No one has yet to mention any real world case of a problem.
 Just the potential that it might be a problem.  Unless it is a real
 problem, and I haven't seen it yet, then I don't think there is much
 benefit trying to prevent it, since it hasn't been happening.

I thought about writing a script that would automatically clean up
the /etc/default directory, but if some filenames are not based on
package names, there would be real problems.

Vincent Lefèvre vinc...@vinc17.net - Web: http://www.vinc17.net/
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: http://www.vinc17.net/blog/
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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