absence de son

2012-07-28 Thread mi demur
l'application lecteur de musique lit le CD; mais on n'entend pas le  
son; la connexion de l'ecran a l'ordinateur est en HDMI.

est ce une configuration ou preferences defectueuses ?

Avec mes remerciements,

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Re: absence de son

2012-07-28 Thread Yannick Palanque

À 2012-07-28T20:49:33+0200,
mi demur mi.de...@tinet.cat écrivit :

 l'application lecteur de musique lit le CD; mais on n'entend pas le  
 son; la connexion de l'ecran a l'ordinateur est en HDMI.
 est ce une configuration ou preferences defectueuses ?
 Avec mes remerciements,

Quelle application exactement ? As-tu regardé les réglages du volume ?
Quelle est la carte graphique, le pilote utilisé ?

Si c'est une Radeon avec un noyau  3, il faut ajouter
« radeon.audio=1 » à la ligne de démarrage du noyau.

Yannick Palanque

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Re : absence de son

2012-07-28 Thread nicolas . patrois
Le 28/07/2012 20:49:33, mi demur a écrit :

 l'application lecteur de musique lit le CD; mais on n'entend pas le  
 son; la connexion de l'ecran a l'ordinateur est en HDMI.
 est ce une configuration ou preferences defectueuses ?

Ça se fait encore, la liaison directe du lecteur de CD à la carte son 
avec deux tous petits fils ?

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des 
humains ? Un cerveau plus gros ?
P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...

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Wysyłanie sms-ów z poziomu skryptu.

2012-07-28 Thread Rafał Radecki

Mam aktualnie do wdrożenia wysyłanie sms-ów z hosta w odseparowanej
serwerowni (brak zasięgu sieci GSM) na telefony polskich operatorów.
W skrócie skrypt ma sprawdzać wykonanie pewnych zadań i w określonych
warunkach doprowadzać do wysłania sms na określony nr telefonu.
Podczas poszukiwań natrafiłem na:
Jakie macie doświadczenia z ich usługami? Czy polecacie tego typu
rozwiązania? Jakieś alternatywy?


Re: Wysyłanie sms-ów z poziomu skryptu.

2012-07-28 Thread Paweł Różański

On 28.07.2012 12:29, Rafał Radecki wrote:


Mam aktualnie do wdrożenia wysyłanie sms-ów z hosta w odseparowanej
serwerowni (brak zasięgu sieci GSM) na telefony polskich operatorów.
W skrócie skrypt ma sprawdzać wykonanie pewnych zadań i w określonych
warunkach doprowadzać do wysłania sms na określony nr telefonu.
Podczas poszukiwań natrafiłem na:
http://promosms.pl http://promosms.pl/
http://www.smsapi.pl http://www.smsapi.pl/
Jakie macie doświadczenia z ich usługami? Czy polecacie tego typu
rozwiązania? Jakieś alternatywy?

Do wysyłki SMSów prywatnie (drobne powiadomienia, wysyłka z cli - nie 
cierpię klepać SMS na telefonie) korzystam z http://smscenter.pl/ i 
mojego skryptu http://rozie.blox.pl/strony/smssender.html[1]

Obsługują statusy poprawności wysyłki, jest możliwość ustawienia 
wysłania SMS o spadku stanu konta poniżej zdefiniowanej wartości 
(przydatne przy prepaid). Cena to aktualnie 6 gr/SMS.

Działa OK - na przestrzeni paru lat i ~250 SMS, nie kojarzę by zdarzyła 
mi się niedostępność serwisu, SMSy są dostarczane były szybko.


[1] Kiedyś był plan dodania innych serwisów, ale nie znalazłem ich 
jakoś, albo nie miały API via http. Jakbyś wybrał coś innego i był 
zainteresowany rozwojem skryptu - daj znać.

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Re: Error con openoffice en debian sid.

2012-07-28 Thread Evgeny M. Zubok
Marcos Delgado juanm...@gmail.com writes:

 Uso apache openoffice y recientemente actualice a la versión 3.4, pero
 tenía ese problema con la versión anterior. Acá esta una imagen que
 muestra el problema:


 En la imagen se muestran un serie de opciones para seleccionar, pero
 como pueden ver, solamente se marca la última (Empezar a partir de un
 documento inicial guardado recientemente), cuando deberían mostrarse

¿Qué tema usas? ¿GTK+ u openoffice nativo? Si no recuerdo mal, hay el
paquete openoffice.org-gtk.

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Re: Broadcom 43227

2012-07-28 Thread Marc Marí
Hola todos

Parece que he conseguido compilar el módulo e instalarlo desde la
página oficial: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php/
Voy a testearlo a ver si da buen resultado, o es como el de xubuntu
que era muy inestable

Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra atención y un saludo

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Re: Broadcom 43227

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 27 Jul 2012 22:04:07 +0200, Marc Marí escribió:

(algo pasa con tus mensajes que aparecen deshilados y sin referencias)

 Camaleón, quería decir que me explicases lo de tendrás que compilar el
 driver a mano (o instalar un kernel superior desde los backports)., me
 he explicado mal. Aunque es interesante leer el porqué de no HTML :D
 Gracias de antemano

Juvar, a saber... para eso sirve el punto y aparte, quillo, para 
separar las frases :-P

¿Qué quieres que te explique exactamente? En resumen, el chipset de tu 
tarjeta inalámbrica está soportado por el driver wl (el driver 
propietario de broadcom) el cual puedes conseguir de tres formas 

- Con wheezy lo puedes instalas directamente desde los repositorios

- Con squeeze necesitarás un kernel superior para poder instalar el 
paquete broadcom-sta que hay en los repos porque el que incluye squeeze 
parece que no admite tu chipset y este driver se compila contra una 
versiónd el kernel específica por lo que para instalar el broadcom-sta 
de wheezy necesitarás un kernel 3.x:


- Con squeeze, si no quieres cambiar de kernel podrías descargar el 
driver desde Broadcom y compilarlo manualmente. Las instrucciones, aquí:




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Re: Error con openoffice en debian sid.

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 27 Jul 2012 20:25:53 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 Uso apache openoffice y recientemente actualice a la versión 3.4, pero
 tenía ese problema con la versión anterior. Acá esta una imagen que
 muestra el problema: http://i49.tinypic.com/2mqntp5.jpg
 En la imagen se muestran un serie de opciones para seleccionar, pero
 como pueden ver, solamente se marca la última (Empezar a partir de un
 documento inicial guardado recientemente), cuando deberían mostrarse

Sí, debería haber un botón de opción en cada una de ellas :-?

 No es cuestión del gestor de ventanas, 


Hum... quizá esté relacionado indirectamente con esto porque parece un 
problema con el estilo. Podrías intentar lanzarlo con la variable de 
entorno¹ OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP establecida a none ya que no tienes ni 
KDE ni GNOME, por ejemplo:

OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=none oowriter

 ni tampoco cuestión de usuarios, por que con otro usuario
 aparece la misma situación.
 Utilizo la siguiente tarjeta gráfica: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller:
 Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV505 [Radeon X1550 Series]
 Ya que en mi lap (con una tarjeta intel) no tengo ese problema. He
 buscado en internet, pero no he encontrado pistas, así que esa es la
 razón del mensaje.

Tampoco estaría de más que compararas los paquetes que tienes instalados 
en ambos equipos (donde funciona y donde no) para ver si te falta alguno 
de integración de OOo con el entorno tal y como te apunta Evgeny.

 No podré ver esta computadora hasta el lunes, así que cualquier prueba
 esperará hasta ese día.

Ya contarás :-)




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Re: Duda sobre aptitude

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 28 Jul 2012 03:32:47 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

 El 27/07/12 17:41, Camaleón escribió:


 La duda, esto es normal o tengo mal en mi Debian Wheezy. En caso de
 esto último se puede solucionar. Gracias de antemano.
 Si no recuerdo mal, la descarga de las traducciones era configurable.
 Mira a ver qué te devuelve un apt-config dump | grep -i lang.

 Otra cosa es el error que te aparece al final, ¿es cosmético o te
 impide actualizar/instalar paquetes? :-?

 Hola a tod@s
 Gracias Camaleón por contestar,
 Camaleón, hice lo que decias y sale lo siguiente:
 root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-config dump | grep -i lang


Rediez :-O

Pues ya sabes, si quieres que sólo se descargue actualizaciones de los 
paquetes de idiomas que tengas instalados (¿inglés y español?) tendrás 
que configurarlo desde /etc/apt.conf.d/, bien utilizando algunos de los 
archivos de configuración ya creados (por ejemplo, 70debconf) o creando 
uno para esto con el nombre que quieras y que contenga:

Acquire::Languages es_ES;
Acquire::Languages es;
Acquire::Languages en;
Acquire::Languages none;

Y prueba de nuevo a ejecutar apt-config dump | grep -i lang para ver 
qué dice ahora.

 Lo que salia al final, debe ser aleatorio, pues ahora he vuelto hacer un
 update y no salio. Cuando salio no me pedía que instalara nada.

Ah, vale :-)



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Re: Broadcom 43227

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 28 Jul 2012 11:08:47 +0200, Marc Marí escribió:

 Hola todos

Marc, ¿usas el webmail de Gmail? Si es así, cómo estás respondiendo a los 
mensajes? Te lo comento porque se está creando un nuevo hilo por cada 
correo que mandas :-?

 Parece que he conseguido compilar el módulo e instalarlo desde la página
 oficial: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php/ Voy a
 testearlo a ver si da buen resultado, o es como el de xubuntu que era
 muy inestable

Ah, perfecto. Ya nos dirás cómo va :-)



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Debian 8 se llamará Jessie

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón

Pues eso, que lo acabo de leer en la lista de Anuncios¹:


It's become a tradition that the reward for reading all the way through
our first post-freeze mail is to be one of the first few to know the
name of the next release.  Continuing in that vein, we are happy to
announce that Debian 8.0 will be known as Jessie.

Vuelven las damas a Debian :-P




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Re: Debian 8 se llamará Jessie

2012-07-28 Thread Edgar Vargas
2012/7/28, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com:

 Pues eso, que lo acabo de leer en la lista de Anuncios¹:


 It's become a tradition that the reward for reading all the way through
 our first post-freeze mail is to be one of the first few to know the
 name of the next release.  Continuing in that vein, we are happy to
 announce that Debian 8.0 will be known as Jessie.

 Vuelven las damas a Debian :-P

Me parece muy bien, gracias por mantenernos informados amiga, saludos.




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Re: Debian 8 se llamará Jessie

2012-07-28 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El sáb, 28-07-2012 a las 11:18 +, Camaleón escribió: 
 Pues eso, que lo acabo de leer en la lista de Anuncios¹:
 It's become a tradition that the reward for reading all the way through
 our first post-freeze mail is to be one of the first few to know the
 name of the next release.  Continuing in that vein, we are happy to
 announce that Debian 8.0 will be known as Jessie.
¿ya van por el 8?, nossa... parece que fue ayer cuando me llegó una
encomienda con los 3 CD con potato (creo que era el 2,1)

 Vuelven las damas a Debian :-P

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Re: Broadcom 43227

2012-07-28 Thread Marc Marí
¿Así respondo mejor?

Tengo google chrome installado, y tengo configurado gmail para que
procese los enlaces de correo, así que le doy a los de abajo (le
estaba dando a reply to debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org, y
ahora pruebo con reply to Camaleón on-list). Si así no es como lo
tengo que hacer, o hay algun problema, puedes decírmelo e intentaré
mejorarlo la próxima vez que pregunte :D

Por otra parte: llevo todo el día usando el driver, reiniciando el
ordenador y descargando paquetes para configurarlo todo a mi gusto y
va perfectamente, ni reconexiones ni pérdidas de conexión, ni más
lento de lo habitual... Nada, va perfectamente. Así que si puedo poner
en algún sitio de la documentación la manera de instalar bien el
driver para el BCM43227, también agradecería que me lo dijeses (¿en el
wiki?), y así puedo ayudar a esta magnífica comunidad.

Muchas gracias a tí, Camaleón y a todos los que respondieron!

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Re: Broadcom 43227

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 28 Jul 2012 17:07:29 +0200, Marc Marí escribió:

 ¿Así respondo mejor?

Pues no :-)

A ver, mira cómo se ven tus correos:


Aunque aparecen dentro del mismo hilo, tus correos no contienen la 
cabecera References: que es lo que permite que los mensajes anidarse 
correctamente (este correo, por ejemplo, debería estar dentro del mío 
al que has respondido pero aparece fuera).

Y otra cosa, intenta no borrar todo el contenido del mensaje al que 
respondes porque se pierde el contexto de la conversación (tú y yo 
sabemos de lo que hablamos porque estamos participando activamente en 
este hilo pero otros listeros que no lo hayan seguido no tendrán ni idea 
de qué va la cosa).

 Tengo google chrome installado, y tengo configurado gmail para que
 procese los enlaces de correo, así que le doy a los de abajo (le estaba
 dando a reply to debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org, y ahora pruebo
 con reply to Camaleón on-list). Si así no es como lo tengo que hacer,
 o hay algun problema, puedes decírmelo e intentaré mejorarlo la próxima
 vez que pregunte :D

¡Ahhh! Vale... ¿No me digas que estás usando el enlace que hay debajo de 
la página web de los archivos de la lista para responder? :-O

Es mejor que te suscribas a la lista para que recibas los correos en tu 
buzón (si no quieres recibir mensajes también puedes utilizar un cliente 
de news/nntp, si te interesa más este tema me dices y te explico cómo va).

 Por otra parte: llevo todo el día usando el driver, reiniciando el
 ordenador y descargando paquetes para configurarlo todo a mi gusto y va
 perfectamente, ni reconexiones ni pérdidas de conexión, ni más lento de
 lo habitual... Nada, va perfectamente. 

Oye, pues qué bueno.

 Así que si puedo poner en algún sitio de la documentación la manera de
 instalar bien el driver para el BCM43227, también agradecería que me
 lo dijeses (¿en el wiki?), y así puedo ayudar a esta magnífica

Eso sería genial :-)

Puedes darte de alta en la wiki de Debian para poder editar las páginas y 
añadir los pasos para instalar ese driver en la misma página:


Podrías crear un nuevo apartado (p. ej., 6. Cómo compilar el driver 
desde las fuentes del fabricante (802.11 Linux STA driver) y detallar 
los pasos que has seguido.

 Muchas gracias a tí, Camaleón y a todos los que respondieron!

A mandar.



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[OT] Firefox con https:// → búsquedas lentorras

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón

Desde que en Firefox 14.x se ha habilitado de manera predeterminada el 
protocolo https:// para las búsquedas contextuales (seleccionar texto → 
botón derecho → buscar en Google), la búsqueda se ha vuelto más lenta de 
lo habitual.

¿Le pasa esto a alguien más?



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Re: [OT] Firefox con https:// → búsquedas lentorras

2012-07-28 Thread Juan Lavieri


El 28/07/12 11:53, Camaleón escribió:


Desde que en Firefox 14.x se ha habilitado de manera predeterminada el
protocolo https:// para las búsquedas contextuales (seleccionar texto →
botón derecho → buscar en Google), la búsqueda se ha vuelto más lenta de
lo habitual.

¿Le pasa esto a alguien más?

A mi me anda de lo mejor,  tengo Iceweasel 10.0.6.

¿Que versión tienes?



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Re: [OT] Firefox con https:// → búsquedas lentorras

2012-07-28 Thread Francisco Antonio

El 28/07/12 17:10, Juan Lavieri escribió:


El 28/07/12 11:53, Camaleón escribió:


Desde que en Firefox 14.x se ha habilitado de manera predeterminada el
protocolo https:// para las búsquedas contextuales (seleccionar texto →
botón derecho → buscar en Google), la búsqueda se ha vuelto más 
lenta de

lo habitual.

¿Le pasa esto a alguien más?

A mi me anda de lo mejor,  tengo Iceweasel 10.0.6.

¿Que versión tienes?



yo ando con iceweasel 10.0.6 y chromium por lo tanto no hay problema 
alguno con estos navegadores incluso los recomiendo.-

char esp[] _attribute_ ((section(.text))) /* e.s.p
release */
= \xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68
cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755

 Linux Counter ( http://counter.li.org )
 Usuario #551263

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Actualizar debian lenny a squeeze con lilo (cosas a tener en cuenta)

2012-07-28 Thread enodisarpiz
Hola lista, me encuentro con la tarea de actualizar un servidor corriendo
lenny con el bootloader LILO, mi pregunta es… que tengo que tener en cuenta
a la hora de reinciar el servidor luego de apt-get upgrade? Para después de
reinciar y hacer el dist-upgrade. Mi miedo es que el servidor no bootee
luego del upgrade de los paquetes.


Debo ejecutar lilo previo al reincio?


Sin mas, saludos a tod@s.

Problema com UNRAR

2012-07-28 Thread Listeiro 037
Olá a todos.

Alguém teve problema com um dos últimos unrar-free quando tentou usar?

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Benjamin Disraeli

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Re: Problema com UNRAR

2012-07-28 Thread Leandro
Alguns pacotes em rar não são descompactados com o uso do unrar-free, 
normalmente qdo são criados por softwares não livres.

Para esses casos é necessário usar o pacote unrar.


Leandro Henrique Stein
Analista de Informática
Claro: (41) 9935-9960
Tim: (41) 9802-9109
Skype: leandro.h.stein
Twitter: @leandrohstein

Desculpar-se é um sinal de fraqueza. Exceto entre amigos - Leroy 
Jethro Gibbs

Em 28-07-2012 22:49, Listeiro 037 escreveu:

Olá a todos.

Alguém teve problema com um dos últimos unrar-free quando tentou usar?

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Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Brad Alexander stor...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 8:20 AM, J. B baksh...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 19:58:39 +0800
 Umarzuki Mochlis umarz...@gmail.com wrote:

 2012/7/25 Muhammad Yousuf Khan sir...@gmail.com:
  need suggestions, i know there are few populer mail servers like
  postfix, sandmail etc out there.
  here is some details about my office.
  1. 20 users.
  2. pop from main server
  3. send via SMTP
  4. local mail distribution IMAP
  i am not looking in to easy or hard mail server. what i am looking is
  it should be good for my carrier and  for my office too.
  secure, stable, web base console etc.
  btw, i have heard that there is a mailserver called zimbra. but i
  think debian is not natively supporting it.
  any help would be appreciable.

 check iredmail. Easy to install.

 zimbra mail server
 ispmail server

 I wouldn't run zimbra unless you have pretty powerful hardware. I ran
 zimbra on a p4 with 1.5gb of ram and was rebooting it weekly. The java
 processes would deplete memory in that time.

 I have since replaced it with a much lighter vm running postfix +
 dovecot (imap/pop server) + roundcube (webmail).


is there any good howto on Debian Squeeze on following tools

-postfixadmin (web interface)

btw i have a question in my mind . postfix is mail server. but the
question raising in my mind if postfix is the complete server then why
we have to add several other tools like mentioned above
(dovecot,spamassassin etc) ?

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Re: [SOLVED] gtk-color-scheme for gtk3 themes not being applied?

2012-07-28 Thread Adrian Fita
On 28/07/12 00:30, Adrian Fita wrote:
 How does one configure a theme's color settings for gtk3? :S

Fixed. It turns out I was editing the wrong file.

gtk3 colors are defined in the gtk.css file of the theme. I just copied
the whole theme's gtk-3.0 directory contents into ~/.config/gtk-3.0 and
edited gtk.css.

Adrian Fita

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Thread supplicate

2012-07-28 Thread Srdja Micic

Hi, when I was about 16 I made an thread on your site, a rather bad one, with 
lots of question and exclamation marks etc., with my real name. Every time 
somebody googles me, that thread shows up. Is there any possiblity that you 
could erase that thread. It would really mean a lot to me in terms of future 

The thread in question:


Thank  you very much!


Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 28 iul 12, 12:53:19, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 is there any good howto on Debian Squeeze on following tools
 -postfixadmin (web interface)
 btw i have a question in my mind . postfix is mail server. but the
 question raising in my mind if postfix is the complete server then why
 we have to add several other tools like mentioned above
 (dovecot,spamassassin etc) ?

Depends on what you consider a complete server. Mail is being 
sent/received only via SMTP, which is handled entirely by postfix. This 
means it is quite possible to run a mail server with postfix alone.

However, you probably want users to be able to access the received mail 
without logging in on the mail server (as a matter of policy or 
convenience or both). Because of this you need dovecot and roundcube.

Spamassasin and clamav are needed for spam and virus filtering, which 
would not make sense to integrate in a mail transport agent.

Postfixadmin is just for your convenience.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Jochen Spieker
Muhammad Yousuf Khan:
 btw i have a question in my mind . postfix is mail server. but the
 question raising in my mind if postfix is the complete server then why
 we have to add several other tools like mentioned above
 (dovecot,spamassassin etc) ?

When Unix/Linux people talk about mail servers, they usually mean MTAs
(mail transport agents). That's the software that talks SMTP and moves
mail between systems, e.g. from your mail host to the mail server of
your recipient and vice versa. Postfix is a quite popular MTA, even
though Debian defaults to Exim.

Dovecot is an IMAP and POP3 server. Its purpose is to make mail
accessible to your users in case they use a mail user agent (Outlook,
Thunderbird/Iceweasel, mutt etc.).

Roundcube does the same, but by using a web interface instead of using
IMAP/POP. You can always offer both because Roundcube needs an IMAP
server in the background anyway.

Spamassassin is a mail filtering tool that your MTA can use in order to
decide to reject or silently delete unwanted mail. There are other
programs with a similar functionality.

The Unix philosophy is still one job, one tool. And for each job you
can pick the tool most suitable to you from a variety of alternatives.

The downside is that you have to learn all those tools and how to plug
them together. The upside is that you learn all those tools. :) That
helps to diagnose problems and solve specific requirements in your

The all-in-one approach is probably ok for closed systems, maybe without
a dedicated administrator. In case of Zimbra you get additional
groupware functionality , like a calendar service. For external mail
routing, personally I would always pick one of the standard MTAs. For
office environments, people mix both approaches by using a standard MTA
for external communication and use some kind of groupware internally.

I lust after strangers but only date people from the office.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Why is FQDN not found?

2012-07-28 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 27 iul 12, 13:45:36, Kent West wrote:
 As mentioned in another post, changing the line in /etc/nsswitch.conf from:
 hosts:  files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4
 hosts:  files dns mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] mdns4
 seems to have solved my problem. But for the sake of completeness,
 here is the data you asked for (after the fix):


 westk@westek:~$ dpkg -l *avahi*

 westk@westek:~$ dpkg -l *mdns*
 | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
 |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
 ||/ Name  Version ArchitectureDescription
 un  lib32nss-mdns none  (no description available)
 ii  libnss-mdns   0.10-3.2amd64   NSS module
 for Multicast DNS name resolution

I think that getting rid of libnss-mdns would have achieved the same 
effect, but since it might be pulled in by too many packages your 
solution is fine.

Kind regards,
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Description: Digital signature

Re: the rest of the postgresql mystery

2012-07-28 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 06:25:45AM -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 Files from previous versions of postgresql are on the system and I found 
 it impossible to remove those packages with aptitude after several 
 attempts.  For that reason I will be reinstalling debian and not 
 reinstalling postgresql later.

Which packages, and what commands did you use?

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Printers using free software only

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 27 Jul 2012 18:26:05 +0100, Brian wrote:

 On Fri 27 Jul 2012 at 16:21:42 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 27 Jul 2012 16:43:24 +0100, Brian wrote:
  Its a balance. Pros and cons. With a PDF printer:
 Define a PDF printer. What's that?


 Because until now I have not seen a thing like 1/ and PostScript
 printer modules are truly costly (it can take up to $200/300) :-)

Uh, what is this link for? :-?

I'm not talking about printers but PostScript modules to enable Adobe 
PostScript 3 language emulation support and these modules are also very 

 And please don't complain about the price. You did ask and this is
 debian-user - not debian-market_place. :)

It's a rather costly addon device, of course I complain when is going to 
be deprecated in favor of softy-based PDF converstions ;-)

Anyway, you did not respond to the question about what you consider to be 
a PDF printer.

  I don't think I would want to criticise the PostScript centred
  workflow solely on this.
 No, of course, me neither.
 But what I wouldn't like to see is a moving to PDF just because the
 sake of moving to something more manageable without having into account
 technical reasons but simplicity and force-joining (that is, if CUPS -
 owned by Apple- moves on PDF, linux will follow without questioning the
 pros and cons). I would like to see, now more than ever, less
 dependency on CUPS (by dependency I mean here that it would be nice
 to have different alternatives as powerful as CUPS).
 Moving to a PDF workflow was a considered decision based on technical

You mean the above mentioned four easies? :-P

 A good deal of the CUPS printing system is now managed directly by 
 Debian/Ubuntu and not by upstream.

That's good but still dependant of the main CUPS development done by Apple.

 Well, I still can't speak on pdftopdf because is too new (there you
 have a con) and not present in my system while pstops is:

 If you are using Lenny, what do you expect!

I expect to use a solution/system/method (you can call it as you want) that 
has been tested harshly over the years and has been working okay.



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Re: Why is FQDN not found?

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 27 Jul 2012 13:33:07 -0500, Kent West wrote:

 On 07/27/2012 11:35 AM, Camaleón wrote:


 I remember something related to the /etc/nsswitch.conf file, the
 order of the queried facilities and also the avahi issue with .local
 Just for testing purposes yo can try with:

 hosts:  files dns mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] mdns4


 Changing the order of the hosts: line to:
 hosts:  files dns mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] mdns4
 as you suggested above, seems to have solved the problem:
 westk@westek:~$ ping k1000.acu.local
 PING k1000.acu.local ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=62 time=0.126 ms ^C64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=62 time=0.138 ms
 --- k1000.acu.local ping statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 2
 received, 0% packet loss, time 5001ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev =
 0.126/0.132/0.138/0.006 ms


Ah, good!

 Will this cause me any problems?

There shouldn't be any problems as you are only prorizing the order of 
the queried mechanisms. What you should avoid is using a .local address 
as the domain name becasuse that's Avahi's realm¹ (I use .site 
instead) :-)




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Re: Printing files under KDE in wheezy

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:40:00 -0700, T Elcor wrote:

 I'm a bit confused what packages I need to install to be able to print
 files under KDE in wheezy. Is it lpr, cups or pdq? Something else?

To print to a physical printer you need a printing service. The election 
of the service will depend on your needs.

More info here:


Thought basically and simplifying a lot, yes: you need CUPS :-)



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Re: Thread supplicate

2012-07-28 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 07/28/2012 05:32 AM, Srdja Micic wrote:
Hi, when I was about 16 I made an thread on your site, a rather bad 
one, with lots of question and exclamation marks etc., with my real 
name. Every time somebody googles me, that thread shows up. Is there 
any possiblity that you could erase that thread.

Basically, no.

It would really mean a lot to me in terms of future employment.

The thread in question:


... and you've just drawn more attention to it (and probably increased 
that message's page rank in Google). 


Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Brad Alexander
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 3:53 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan sir...@gmail.com wrote:

 -postfixadmin (web interface)

 btw i have a question in my mind . postfix is mail server. but the
 question raising in my mind if postfix is the complete server then why
 we have to add several other tools like mentioned above
 (dovecot,spamassassin etc) ?

Postfix (and sendmail and it's ilk) are actually known as Mail
Tranport Agents (MTAs). They are responsible for getting the mail from
point A to point B. The other pieces are responsible for routing the
mail locally (the mail user agent -- MUA), classifying and eliminating
SPAM, etc. Think of the MTA as the airport. The MTA's responsibility
is only to get you from one airport to the other, you (or the MUA) are
responsible for getting from home (composing the message) to the
originating airport, and from the destination airport to your final

Make more sense?

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Re: [Partial Solution] Re: wifi connect _FAILS_ - was [Re: FROZEN Wheezy netinst - Where to get?]

2012-07-28 Thread Richard Owlett

Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Vi, 27 iul 12, 07:00:08, Richard Owlett wrote:

Unfortunately I did not keep a record of what choices I made so I
don't now exactly what was done differently. I've a gut feeling the
problem may be more a man-machine interface than software
problem. Operator error is not ruled out ;/

/var/log/installer/ may help.

Kind regards,

What I see there seems to answer Where am I? rather than 
How did I get here?.
I think Brian's last answer points me in right direction. I 
can't see any reason for what I'm looking for to be 
preserved beyond a reboot.

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Re: SD slot read card failed.

2012-07-28 Thread lina
On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 10:46 PM, Kelly Clowers kelly.clow...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 1:18 AM, Keith McKenzie km3...@gmail.com wrote:
 @ lina
 I just don't want to waste the slot, if it can be used.

 I'm thinking your slot only supports SD  not SDHC cards.

 I have an early netbook that will only read 1gb or 2gb SD cards,  a
 more recent netbook that reads SDHC 8gb cards perfectly.
 However, if I use a converter, I can read  write to my 8gb cards.

 So, if you want to use it, use a SD to USB stick type converter, that
 way it works just like plugging in a pendrive

 (I have no idea if any work with SDXC cards.)

 Seems like a good possibility.

 Lina, how old is the computer with the built-in slot?
 Also, if you run lspci -v or lsusb on the command line,
 can you find the SD controller? Knowing what it is,
 we could probably figure out if it supports SDHC.

 Alternatively it could be that it has simply failed. Do
 you have other cards you could test in it? Especially
 smaller cards or ones that you know have worked in
 the past.

The 8GB Kingston SD4 also not readable.


[24419.038216] sdhci: Switching to 1.8V signalling voltage failed,
retrying with S18R set to 0
[24426.235820] applesmc: FS! : read arg fail
[24431.394326] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card
[24433.473964] sdhci: Switching to 1.8V signalling voltage failed,
retrying with S18R set to 0

I don't have other card, btw, both cards can be accessed by the card
reader indirectly.


 Kelly Clowers

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Re: Printers using free software only

2012-07-28 Thread Brian
On Sat 28 Jul 2012 at 10:58:02 +, Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 27 Jul 2012 18:26:05 +0100, Brian wrote:
 Uh, what is this link for? :-?

You didn't read all of the content? It matches your 1/. Here is
another one:



 Anyway, you did not respond to the question about what you consider to be 
 a PDF printer.

I rather think I did. Twice now.

  Moving to a PDF workflow was a considered decision based on technical
 You mean the above mentioned four easies? :-P

No. I mean taking the link you already have


reading it as a whole and following up on how the system was developed.
The third and fourth paragraphs of Roger Leigh's post might help with
any searches.

  A good deal of the CUPS printing system is now managed directly by 
  Debian/Ubuntu and not by upstream.
 That's good but still dependant of the main CUPS development done by Apple.

It would have been more accurate if I had mentioned the Linux Foundation
and OpenPrinting instead of just Debian/Ubuntu.

  If you are using Lenny, what do you expect!
 I expect to use a solution/system/method (you can call it as you want) that 
 has been tested harshly over the years and has been working okay.

Some of us have been doing precisely that (using and testing) for three
or four years. When you get to Squeeze or Wheezy you can join in too.

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Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
actually i have spent 3 years working with Mailer daemon v7.0 so when
ever some one say a name mail server unintentionally mailer daemon
comes in my mind. this is my first time that i am implementing MTA on
linux.since i have just started to shift from Microsoft to Linux.
there is lot to learn.

but your individual help i have learn alot.


On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 4:55 PM, Brad Alexander stor...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 3:53 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan sir...@gmail.com 

 -postfixadmin (web interface)

 btw i have a question in my mind . postfix is mail server. but the
 question raising in my mind if postfix is the complete server then why
 we have to add several other tools like mentioned above
 (dovecot,spamassassin etc) ?

 Postfix (and sendmail and it's ilk) are actually known as Mail
 Tranport Agents (MTAs). They are responsible for getting the mail from
 point A to point B. The other pieces are responsible for routing the
 mail locally (the mail user agent -- MUA), classifying and eliminating
 SPAM, etc. Think of the MTA as the airport. The MTA's responsibility
 is only to get you from one airport to the other, you (or the MUA) are
 responsible for getting from home (composing the message) to the
 originating airport, and from the destination airport to your final

 Make more sense?

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Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 4:55 PM, Brad Alexander stor...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 3:53 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan sir...@gmail.com 

 -postfixadmin (web interface)

 btw i have a question in my mind . postfix is mail server. but the
 question raising in my mind if postfix is the complete server then why
 we have to add several other tools like mentioned above
 (dovecot,spamassassin etc) ?

 Postfix (and sendmail and it's ilk) are actually known as Mail
 Tranport Agents (MTAs). They are responsible for getting the mail from
 point A to point B. The other pieces are responsible for routing the
 mail locally (the mail user agent -- MUA), classifying and eliminating
 SPAM, etc. Think of the MTA as the airport. The MTA's responsibility
 is only to get you from one airport to the other, you (or the MUA) are
 responsible for getting from home (composing the message) to the
 originating airport, and from the destination airport to your final

 Make more sense?

thanks, good example. if i say ISPs which provide SMTP relay. are
using MTA where they dont want to store emails (unlike i have to do in
office) rather just relay all the messages to destination. Correct?


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Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Brad Alexander
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan sir...@gmail.com wrote:

 thanks, good example. if i say ISPs which provide SMTP relay. are
 using MTA where they dont want to store emails (unlike i have to do in
 office) rather just relay all the messages to destination. Correct?

Generally correct, though it could be done a couple of ways. ISP
machines could have local messages that they have to process, e.g.
system messages such as cron output and the like, so they may still
have some manner of MUA...or they may route that type of message to a
different machine. This can be done using aliases, such as in


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Re: Printers using free software only

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 13:49:53 +0100, Brian wrote:

 On Sat 28 Jul 2012 at 10:58:02 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 27 Jul 2012 18:26:05 +0100, Brian wrote:
 Uh, what is this link for? :-?
 You didn't read all of the content? 

What content? The advertizing? Of course not, unless you pointed me to 
the interesting part.

 It matches your 1/. Here is another one:


Ah, you must be referring to:

Print languages, standard HP PCL 6; HP PCL 5c; HP postscript level 3 
emulation; direct PDF printing v 1.4

But I already knew there are printers in the market that direct print to 
PDF (as well as options 2/ and 3/ are also possible). I did not asked 
about that. I asked what *you* were speaking/referring to when you talked 
about PDF printers.

Side note: do you known what's the required/recommended memory to 
directly print to PDF? And what happens with PDF v1.7, will you have to 
buy a new module for supporting the new upcoming standards? :-)

 Anyway, you did not respond to the question about what you consider to
 be a PDF printer.
 I rather think I did. Twice now.

I think you didn't. You only sent a link with no further indication, 
that's not a valid answer for a select the one that applies (1/, 2/ or 3/)
test ;-)

  Moving to a PDF workflow was a considered decision based on technical
 You mean the above mentioned four easies? :-P
 No. I mean taking the link you already have


There are no technical reasons (neither what's the real gain for users) 
listed there but how to start using the new filter facility within CUPS.

 reading it as a whole and following up on how the system was developed.
 The third and fourth paragraphs of Roger Leigh's post might help with
 any searches.

I've found another doc comparing for options:


But I'd say the author is not neutral ;-)

  A good deal of the CUPS printing system is now managed directly by
  Debian/Ubuntu and not by upstream.
 That's good but still dependant of the main CUPS development done by
 It would have been more accurate if I had mentioned the Linux Foundation
 and OpenPrinting instead of just Debian/Ubuntu.

The main issue still remains: CUPS is Apple's baby.

  If you are using Lenny, what do you expect!
 I expect to use a solution/system/method (you can call it as you want)
 that has been tested harshly over the years and has been working okay.
 Some of us have been doing precisely that (using and testing) for three
 or four years. When you get to Squeeze or Wheezy you can join in too.

All my printers support PostScript directly, why should I ignore that fact?



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Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 18:01:09 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 actually i have spent 3 years working with Mailer daemon v7.0 so when
 ever some one say a name mail server unintentionally mailer daemon
 comes in my mind. this is my first time that i am implementing MTA on
 linux.since i have just started to shift from Microsoft to Linux. there
 is lot to learn.

I first switched -time ago- from MDaemon (v3.2) when I installed a Linux 
system and had to select a good replacement for it. 

Hint: write down in a paper what's your current mail system data flow 
(user's mailboxes, incoming/outgoing messages, filter needings, anti-spam/
malware needings, local/remote connections...), what are your current 
requirements and what are the tasks that MDaemon is doing right now. This 
will help you to get the big picture for a better understanding.

Zimbra can be seen as a tool more in the line of what MDaemon is (an all 
in one solution providing pop3/imap/smtp/webmail/AV/filtering/
multipop...) but that can be an advantage only for the first days when 
you setup but as time passes, it will reveal that using separate tools 
for each task has more benefits that relying in just one service for the 
mail system.



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Auto mounting Westerni Digital external Hard disk.

2012-07-28 Thread L V Gandhi
I have squeeze in two machines a PC and a net book.
I have the following 80-usb-wd.rules file in /etc/usb/rules.d/ folder.
ATTRS{serial}==57442D575845304139395337303334, SYMLINK+=wd%n
ATTRS{serial}==57442D575845304139395337303334, RUN+=/bin/mkdir
ATTRS{serial}==57442D575845304139395337303334, RUN+=/bin/mount -t
auto -o rw,uid=1000,umask=022,posix,shortname=winnt /dev/wd1
/media/wd, OPTIONS=last_rule
ACTION==remove, SUBSYSTEMS==usb,
ATTRS{serial}==57442D575845304139395337303334, RUN+=/bin/umount
ACTION==remove, SUBSYSTEMS==usb,
ATTRS{serial}==57442D575845304139395337303334, RUN+=/bin/rmdir
/media/wd, OPTIONS=last_rule
Previously it used to work in both machines. Now it is not working in
PC, though files exists in both machines.

Any solutions to find out reasons why it is not working PC?
L V Gandhi

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Re: Thread supplicate

2012-07-28 Thread Eike Lantzsch
On Saturday 28 July 2012 04:32:34 Srdja Micic wrote:
 Hi, when I was about 16 I made an thread on your site, a rather bad one,
 with lots of question and exclamation marks etc., with my real name. Every
 time somebody googles me, that thread shows up. Is there any possiblity
 that you could erase that thread. It would really mean a lot to me in
 terms of future employment.
[thread snipped]

The Internet (and the Web) are quite unforgiving and rather retentive.
If you contribute to an open software project and/or to helping others out by 
answering their questions seriously, than the thread in question will over 
time become more and more insignificant for prospective employers.
Helping a software project does not necessaraily involve programming or 
packaging. You might want to translate, proofread or do testing.
You seem to be proficient in English and translating into your mothertongue 
might help to bolster your reputation and support other users at the same 

Kind regards

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Re: black screen but have audio playing

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 10:57:16 +0800, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

 on squeeze amd64, when i played video with totem  mplayer 
 - no video/screen is black
 - only audio
 video black, only sound


Have you checked if it happens with all kind of video files? From ogg to 
mpeg, comercial DVD's, avi...  also, have you checked with VideoLAN? It 
uses its own codecs instead the system's one, so it can be a good test to 
discard a problem coming from the codecs.

 Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory [vdpau] Error when calling
 vdp_device_create_x11: 1
 Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
 Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)

What ffmpeg package do you have installed? Debian's stock or the one from 

 there's a nvidia related message but there's no nvidia vga on my laptop


Mmm... Sandy Bridge uses to have dual VGA chipsets but anyway, vdpau is 
not nvidia specific. Do you have libvdpau1 installed? BTW, Google says 
that libvdpau_nvidia.so warning can be harmless.



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Re: Auto mounting Westerni Digital external Hard disk.

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 19:28:22 +0530, L V Gandhi wrote:

 I have squeeze in two machines a PC and a net book. I have the following
 80-usb-wd.rules file in /etc/usb/rules.d/ folder. 
 Any solutions to find out reasons why it is not working PC?

Can't tell what can be wrong from your specific ruleset but I would try 
to debug udev on real time. I don't know if this will be still a valid 


Or maybe this one which Google suggested and looks more recent:




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Debian 8 to be called Jessie

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón

I just read it from debian-devel-announce¹:


It's become a tradition that the reward for reading all the way through
our first post-freeze mail is to be one of the first few to know the
name of the next release.  Continuing in that vein, we are happy to
announce that Debian 8.0 will be known as Jessie.

Ladies come back to Debian :-P




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Re: debian wheezy netinst questions

2012-07-28 Thread Jude DaShiell
This situation gets funny, so anyone reading further is warned to be 
sitting on the floor or you'll likely get hurt falling off of your chairs.  
The talking arch linux disk and instructions for installing talking 
archlinux had changed but even with that I managed to get archlinux to 
partition and format the seagate baracooda 7200 1500GB drive I have.  
Since I didn't have the current talking arch disk and the brailled 
instructions I wrote no longer apply, I figure why not roll the dice and 
see if debian will thrash the drive like it did before.  So I start over 
with a debian install and this time no disk thrashing and debian installed 
on the Seagate Baracooda 7200 1500GB drive with no problems.  I find it 
funny when a competing Linux ends up doing a critical part of the job yet 
can't complete an installation and then the original desired Linux finally 
does install on the drive.  Archlinux is a small operating system and I 
have many smaller sata drives I can and will install that system on at a 
later time since small systems work well on small drives.  Larger systems 
need larger drives.

eventually fails; software eventually works, no amount of band width can 
fix poor design

Jude jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net

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Re: Printers using free software only

2012-07-28 Thread Brian
On Sat 28 Jul 2012 at 13:37:22 +, Camaleón wrote:

 On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 13:49:53 +0100, Brian wrote:
  It matches your 1/. Here is another one:
 Ah, you must be referring to:
 Print languages, standard HP PCL 6; HP PCL 5c; HP postscript level 3 
 emulation; direct PDF printing v 1.4
 But I already knew there are printers in the market that direct print to 
 PDF (as well as options 2/ and 3/ are also possible). I did not asked 
 about that. I asked what *you* were speaking/referring to when you talked 
 about PDF printers.

Your multiple choice quiz had

 1/ A physical device (printer) with physical PDF interpreter
  on it (PDF add-on card)?


 Because until now I have not seen a thing like 1/ . . , .

Looks like I misunderstood you.

Anyway: a PostScript printer has a PostScript interpreter; a PCL printer
has a PCL interpreter; a PDF printer has a PDF interpreter. They accept
print jobs sent directly to them in the supported language.

 Side note: do you known what's the required/recommended memory to 
 directly print to PDF? And what happens with PDF v1.7, will you have to 
 buy a new module for supporting the new upcoming standards? :-)

I've no idea, really. The two links I supplied mention 0.5 GB and 1,0 GB.

  No. I mean taking the link you already have
 There are no technical reasons (neither what's the real gain for users) 
 listed there but how to start using the new filter facility within CUPS.

We'll have to disagree on that, then

  reading it as a whole and following up on how the system was developed.
  The third and fourth paragraphs of Roger Leigh's post might help with
  any searches.
 I've found another doc comparing for options:
 But I'd say the author is not neutral ;-)

Possibly not. But he should be expected to know what he is writing about.

  Some of us have been doing precisely that (using and testing) for three
  or four years. When you get to Squeeze or Wheezy you can join in too.
 All my printers support PostScript directly, why should I ignore that fact?

You shouldn't. Just keep sending PostScript to CUPS and it will be printed.

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http.debian.net different error message

2012-07-28 Thread Jude DaShiell
87% [Connecting to debian.cc.lehigh.edu]E: Method gave invalid 200 URI 
Start message

Hardware eventually fails; software eventually works, no amount of band
width can fix poor design

Jude jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Installing - partitioning failing

2012-07-28 Thread Gary
I have a system with a Windows 7 installation (NTFS) which I'd like to
keep and use alongside Debian. During the installation process I
reduced the size of the main partition which left a hole that the
installer labelled unusable. I wasn't sure what to do with that, but
tried to use LVM to get it to use that as the place where it should
create a group (whatever that is).When I selected it and pressed

Return, the system complained. With a bunch of question marks. There
was no recognisable text at all. After that, the installer can't do
anything with the partitions - it fails to recognise them, I think,
and just springs back to the main menu when I try to select that
option again.

What have I done wrong? How do I fix it? Why is the installer giving
me sh1t? :-(

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Re: Printers using free software only

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 16:17:22 +0100, Brian wrote:

 On Sat 28 Jul 2012 at 13:37:22 +, Camaleón wrote:


 But I already knew there are printers in the market that direct print
 to PDF (as well as options 2/ and 3/ are also possible). I did not
 asked about that. I asked what *you* were speaking/referring to when
 you talked about PDF printers.
 Your multiple choice quiz had
  1/ A physical device (printer) with physical PDF interpreter
   on it (PDF add-on card)?
  Because until now I have not seen a thing like 1/ . . , .
 Looks like I misunderstood you.

No, you read it right. 

The printers that I'm aware about their PDF capabities used system 2/ 
instead 1/, that is, a software (driver/firmware) to do the transform 
from job input to PDF output. I'm unsure about how the HP printer you 
mentioned does the PDF job, internally.

 Anyway: a PostScript printer has a PostScript interpreter; a PCL printer
 has a PCL interpreter; a PDF printer has a PDF interpreter. They accept
 print jobs sent directly to them in the supported language.

And that's the key. No transformations are needed, no necessity for 
interpreting the input, it's direct. When the printer lacks from PCL6 or 
PS or PDF interpreter you're missing that capability.

Does your printer integrate a PDF interprerter? The ones I managed do 
not, just PCL6 and PostScript.

 Side note: do you known what's the required/recommended memory to
 directly print to PDF? And what happens with PDF v1.7, will you have to
 buy a new module for supporting the new upcoming standards? :-)
 I've no idea, really. The two links I supplied mention 0.5 GB and 1,0

That's the stock memory that comes with the printer (500 MiB) and the 
maximum allowed (up to 1 GiB). Those are very high numbers not 
available for the vast majority of the printing devices.

Anyway, want I wanted to say is that if PostScript required a good amount 
of memory so the job outputs quickly, PDF can even require even more. Not 

  No. I mean taking the link you already have
 There are no technical reasons (neither what's the real gain for users)
 listed there but how to start using the new filter facility within
 We'll have to disagree on that, then

There's little room for disagreements here; quod scripsi, scripsi :-)

  reading it as a whole and following up on how the system was
  developed. The third and fourth paragraphs of Roger Leigh's post
  might help with any searches.
 I've found another doc comparing for options:
 But I'd say the author is not neutral ;-)
 Possibly not. But he should be expected to know what he is writing

Sure, but there can be another interests behind the words.

  Some of us have been doing precisely that (using and testing) for
  three or four years. When you get to Squeeze or Wheezy you can join
  in too.
 All my printers support PostScript directly, why should I ignore that
 You shouldn't. Just keep sending PostScript to CUPS and it will be

That's indeed my plan :-)



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Re: Auto mounting Westerni Digital external Hard disk.

2012-07-28 Thread L V Gandhi
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 7:58 PM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 19:28:22 +0530, L V Gandhi wrote:

 I have squeeze in two machines a PC and a net book. I have the following
 80-usb-wd.rules file in /etc/usb/rules.d/ folder.
 Any solutions to find out reasons why it is not working PC?

 Can't tell what can be wrong from your specific ruleset but I would try
 to debug udev on real time. I don't know if this will be still a valid


 Or maybe this one which Google suggested and looks more recent:



Thanks for response.
None of the link gave any useful idea.
my rules file is made as per
with title Automounting a USB Hard Drive in Debian Squeeze ...

However now it started working on its own.

L V Gandhi

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Re: startx vs. xdm

2012-07-28 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 01:31:51PM -0400, John L. Cunningham wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 09:20:02AM -0800, peasth...@shaw.ca wrote:
  In the process of trying to make xmonad work I've found 
  that startx fails whereas xdm succeeds.  The logs are here.
  startx fails: http://carnot.yi.org/Xorg.0.log.old
  xdm succeeds: http://carnot.yi.org/Xorg.0.log 
  My summary of the differences follows.
  Any insights to direct further studies?
 I would only note that startx and xdm don't necessarily look at the same
 startup files.  xdm looks for .xsession and startx looks for .xinitrc.

I use startx, and only have an .xsessionrc file. I know it is read
because of the xterm settings.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Auto mounting Westerni Digital external Hard disk.

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 21:25:25 +0530, L V Gandhi wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 7:58 PM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can't tell what can be wrong from your specific ruleset but I would try
 to debug udev on real time. I don't know if this will be still a valid


 Or maybe this one which Google suggested and looks more recent:


 Thanks for response.
 None of the link gave any useful idea. 

No? Wow... they point to some useful tools for debugging udev rules :-?

 my rules file is made as per http://okomestudio.net/biboroku/?p=1402
 with title Automounting a USB Hard Drive in Debian Squeeze ...
 However now it started working on its own.

Ah, okay then. Magic is an undervalued feature of today's computing :-)



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internet probably broken

2012-07-28 Thread Jude DaShiell
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates/non-free amd64 Packages
47% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]E: 
Method gave invalid 200 URI Start message

Every contact made with http.debian.net eventually gave the kind of 
message shown above today.  Probaly some link in the internet between me 
and all of these servers got broken.  Eventually I'll be able to do a full 
aptitude update but apparently not today.

eventually fails; software eventually works, no amount of band width can 
fix poor design

Jude jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net

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Re: Installing - partitioning failing

2012-07-28 Thread Gary Dale

On 28/07/12 11:41 AM, Gary wrote:

I have a system with a Windows 7 installation (NTFS) which I'd like to
keep and use alongside Debian. During the installation process I
reduced the size of the main partition which left a hole that the
installer labelled unusable. I wasn't sure what to do with that, but
tried to use LVM to get it to use that as the place where it should
create a group (whatever that is).When I selected it and pressed

Return, the system complained. With a bunch of question marks. There
was no recognisable text at all. After that, the installer can't do
anything with the partitions - it fails to recognise them, I think,
and just springs back to the main menu when I try to select that
option again.

What have I done wrong? How do I fix it? Why is the installer giving
me sh1t? :-(

You can download the gparted .iso file (google it). This will boot into 
a graphical environment for partitioning your hard disk(s).

You also may want to boot back into Windows and let the Windows chkdsk 
fix any problems it finds. Windows sometimes does funny things with 
partitions  filesystems that makes resizing them painful at times.

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Re: http.debian.net different error message

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 11:35:06 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Different than what, exactly? What are you comparing?

Should your replies were kept in the same thread they will be easier to 
follow :-)

 87% [Connecting to debian.cc.lehigh.edu]E: Method gave invalid 200 URI
 Start message

And the above error comes after you...? More info is needed.

Anyway, you can report any problem you think you're facing with a 
concrete mirror by using the proper channel:


The code, issues, etc
If you are having issues with the redirector itself, *please email me* 
instead. Hash sum mismatches, poor mirror selection, etc., I'd like to 
know about all that.

P.S. Bolded text is mine.



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Re: internet probably broken

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 12:12:11 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:

(yet another new thread... :-) )

 Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates/non-free amd64 Packages
 47% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]E:
 Method gave invalid 200 URI Start message
 Every contact made with http.debian.net eventually gave the kind of
 message shown above today.  Probaly some link in the internet between me
 and all of these servers got broken.  Eventually I'll be able to do a
 full aptitude update but apparently not today.

It can be a temporary network glitch or that you tried the update in the 
middle of a rebuilding/updating packages. Try later.



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Re: Installing - partitioning failing

2012-07-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 16:41:57 +0100, Gary wrote:

 I have a system with a Windows 7 installation (NTFS) which I'd like to
 keep and use alongside Debian. During the installation process I
 reduced the size of the main partition which left a hole that the
 installer labelled unusable. I wasn't sure what to do with that, but
 tried to use LVM to get it to use that as the place where it should
 create a group (whatever that is).When I selected it and pressed
 Return, the system complained. With a bunch of question marks. There was
 no recognisable text at all. After that, the installer can't do anything
 with the partitions - it fails to recognise them, I think, and just
 springs back to the main menu when I try to select that option again.
 What have I done wrong? How do I fix it? Why is the installer giving me
 sh1t? :-(

First thing to do when resizing NTFS partitions is performing a scan disk 
and defragmentation over the partition, better from Windows itself. Then, 
from Gparted LiveCD do whatever you need (resizing and creating new 
partitions...) and finally, run Debian installer.

I never do these (delicate) operations from the installer itself to avoid 

Also, an LVM partitioning scheme can be rather complicated, I would not 
select it unless I fully understand why is for and how it is used.



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Re: Installing - partitioning failing

2012-07-28 Thread Gary
Camaleón wrote:

 First thing to do when resizing NTFS partitions is performing a scan disk 
 and defragmentation over the partition, better from Windows itself.

Yeah, I did that.

 from Gparted LiveCD do whatever you need (resizing and creating new 
 partitions...) and finally, run Debian installer.

Thanks. You and (the other) Gary have both suggested that. Just
burning the CD now :)

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Re: startx vs. xdm

2012-07-28 Thread Javier Vasquez
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Chris Bannister
cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 01:31:51PM -0400, John L. Cunningham wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 09:20:02AM -0800, peasth...@shaw.ca wrote:
  In the process of trying to make xmonad work I've found
  that startx fails whereas xdm succeeds.  The logs are here.
  startx fails: http://carnot.yi.org/Xorg.0.log.old
  xdm succeeds: http://carnot.yi.org/Xorg.0.log
  My summary of the differences follows.
  Any insights to direct further studies?

 I would only note that startx and xdm don't necessarily look at the same
 startup files.  xdm looks for .xsession and startx looks for .xinitrc.

 I use startx, and only have an .xsessionrc file. I know it is read
 because of the xterm settings.

Resources, whether for xterm, urxvt, or similar, usually are not
configured into .xinitrc, neither .xsession (I never used
.xsessionrc).  Instead they are specified in .Xresources and
.Xdefaults.  However it might be you xrdb them from .xsessionrc,
though .Xdefaults the old days was supposed to beloaded automatically
without being loaded through xrdb.

Now, to make both startx and xdm (and other DMs using .xsession) what
is required is to have .xinitrc with execute permissions (.xsession
requires them for for several DMs if I recall correctly since it gets
executed), and then create a link from .xinitrc to .xsession.

Also, from the old days, .Xdefaults can be a link to .Xresources, so
the resources loaded by default are the .Xresources.  Now a days, this
might have changed, some .xininitrc files even evaluate if .Xresources
exists to then xrdb them...



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links won't open using icedove/wheezy

2012-07-28 Thread Whit Hansell
Just checking to see if others are having the same problem.

Using Wheezy and a couple of months ago (guessing)  I did a dist-upgrade
and all of a sudden my links would only open a new iceweasel window and
only to my home page.  I have been patient waiting to see if this bug
would get fixed but so far it hasn't.  I've been to what I think is
icedove bugs pages and it seems they have the bug listed but am not sure
because some of the explanation is not the best.

Anyone else having the same problem or know of something i can do to
correct this problem if it is actually in my lap?



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Re: Installing - partitioning failing

2012-07-28 Thread Gary
Fixed! Thanks, all.

The suggested tool worked perfectly, and the problem was indeed that there were 
4 primary partitions.

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Re: hard-link question

2012-07-28 Thread Gary Dale

On 28/07/12 03:08 PM, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

this output is before i hard-linked a 4.4 MB mp3 file

$ df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2677688728 112432972 531334324  18% /
tmpfs  1987692 0   1987692   0% /lib/init/rw
udev   1981764   244   1981520   1% /dev
tmpfs  1987692 4   1987688   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1   297560 49172233028  18% /boot

this is after hard-linked that file

umarzuki@v470:~/Videos$ df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2677688728 112432940 531334356  18% /
tmpfs  1987692 0   1987692   0% /lib/init/rw
udev   1981764   244   1981520   1% /dev
tmpfs  1987692 4   1987688   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1   297560 49172233028  18% /boot

this is after I deleted the original mp3 file

umarzuki@v470:~/Videos$ df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2677688728 112432996 531334300  18% /
tmpfs  1987692 0   1987692   0% /lib/init/rw
udev   1981764   244   1981520   1% /dev
tmpfs  1987692 4   1987688   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1   297560 49172233028  18% /boot

i can still play the mp3 file.
Of course. A hard link is basically the same as a directory entry 
pointing to the file.

Why is that the used space is reduced (/dev/sda2) after I hard-linked
that mp3 file?
Why is that the used space is increased after I deleted the source mp3 file?
Could be something to do with the file system being used. The journal, 
for example, might shrink or grow. It may have little or nothing to do 
with the hard linking.

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Re: gnome doesn't know monitor size under nvidia x server

2012-07-28 Thread Gary Dale

On 28/07/12 03:24 PM, Britton Kerin wrote:

I installed all the nvidia driver kernel xserver packages, but now
it seems that gnome doesn't know what size the monitor is anymore
(all fonts way too large etc.)

System-Preferences-Monitors looks like the attached screenshot
The odd thing is the explicitly set resolution value is correct.  But there
is also all the stuff about the monitor being unknown.

Any help or advice how to fix this greatly appreciated,
Had the same problem myself with an ATI card. X uses kernel mode 
switching these days, or at least tries to, and that usually means 
loading a kernel module for your video card in addition to having the 
correct xserver drivers.

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Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 18:01:09 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 actually i have spent 3 years working with Mailer daemon v7.0 so when
 ever some one say a name mail server unintentionally mailer daemon
 comes in my mind. this is my first time that i am implementing MTA on
 linux.since i have just started to shift from Microsoft to Linux. there
 is lot to learn.

 I first switched -time ago- from MDaemon (v3.2) when I installed a Linux
 system and had to select a good replacement for it.

 Hint: write down in a paper what's your current mail system data flow
 (user's mailboxes, incoming/outgoing messages, filter needings, anti-spam/
 malware needings, local/remote connections...), what are your current
 requirements and what are the tasks that MDaemon is doing right now. This
 will help you to get the big picture for a better understanding.

sorry i think i explain a bit wrong. i was using Mdeamon in my last
company my current company is fetching emails from mail server from
our service provider.

since we fetch the email via pop and sent via smtp the problem is i
need to make backup of individual PST. therefore i presented the idea
to management for IMAP. so i think my basic need are. POP emails from
hosted server. IMAP for local users, ldap for AddressBook/contents
update. spam filter and antivirus scan. and obviously Web access for
clients. and i dont know if SQL database is better then local mail
folders. because mdeamon use to store data in a folder. but i think
SQL is much more better then that.

 Zimbra can be seen as a tool more in the line of what MDaemon is (an all
 in one solution providing pop3/imap/smtp/webmail/AV/filtering/
 multipop...) but that can be an advantage only for the first days when
 you setup but as time passes, it will reveal that using separate tools
 for each task has more benefits that relying in just one service for the
 mail system.



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Re: gnome doesn't know monitor size under nvidia x server

2012-07-28 Thread Yaro Kasear

On 07/28/2012 02:41 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 28/07/12 03:24 PM, Britton Kerin wrote:

I installed all the nvidia driver kernel xserver packages, but now
it seems that gnome doesn't know what size the monitor is anymore
(all fonts way too large etc.)

System-Preferences-Monitors looks like the attached screenshot
The odd thing is the explicitly set resolution value is correct.  But 

is also all the stuff about the monitor being unknown.

Any help or advice how to fix this greatly appreciated,
Had the same problem myself with an ATI card. X uses kernel mode 
switching these days, or at least tries to, and that usually means 
loading a kernel module for your video card in addition to having the 
correct xserver drivers.

Since the official (And proprietary.) nVidia driver has no support for 
KMS, this sort of feature never natively works in a desktop 
environments' own monitor settings. My recommendation is to install 
nVidia's settings utility and use that, since it WILL accurately report 
both monitors and their resolution.

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Re: Installing - partitioning failing

2012-07-28 Thread Lisi
Sorry all.  Sent this by mistake to Gary off-list.  Forwarding here now for 
completeness for the archives.


--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: Installing - partitioning failing
Date: Saturday 28 July 2012
From: Lisi lisi.re...@gmail.com
To: Gary listgj-...@yahoo.co.uk

On Saturday 28 July 2012 16:41:57 Gary wrote:
 I have a system with a Windows 7 installation (NTFS) which I'd like to
 keep and use alongside Debian. During the installation process I
 reduced the size of the main partition which left a hole that the
 installer labelled unusable. I wasn't sure what to do with that, but
 tried to use LVM to get it to use that as the place where it should
 create a group (whatever that is).When I selected it and pressed

I had this error message and struggled with it.  The problem turned out to be 
that there were 4 primary partitions, so there were no available partitions.  
I deleted one of the partitions, recreated it as extended, and then used the 
remaining space as another extended partition.

 Return, the system complained. With a bunch of question marks. There
 was no recognisable text at all. After that, the installer can't do
 anything with the partitions - it fails to recognise them, I think,
 and just springs back to the main menu when I try to select that
 option again.

Sorry, can't help with this.

 What have I done wrong? How do I fix it? Why is the installer giving
 me sh1t? :-(


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Re: gnome doesn't know monitor size under nvidia x server

2012-07-28 Thread Robert Holtzm
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 03:43:15PM -0500, Yaro Kasear wrote:

 Since the official (And proprietary.) nVidia driver has no support
 for KMS, this sort of feature never natively works in a desktop
 environments' own monitor settings. My recommendation is to install
 nVidia's settings utility and use that, since it WILL accurately
 report both monitors and their resolution.

I see a number of nVidia packages that could be the one you're referring
to, ie nvidia-settings, nvidia-smi and nvidia-xconfig. One of these or

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the beer.
Key ID: 8D549279

Description: Digital signature

Re: Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Clive Standbridge
 is there any good howto on Debian Squeeze on following tools
 -postfixadmin (web interface)

Most of that list is covered by the tutorials at

I have used the tutorial for Debian Lenny and found it very helpful;
it both tells you what to do and explains things.

The tutorial has since been updated for Squeeze although I haven't
looked at that version.


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Re: Debian 8 to be called Jessie

2012-07-28 Thread Paul Johnson
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 7:31 AM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:

 It's become a tradition that the reward for reading all the way through
 our first post-freeze mail is to be one of the first few to know the
 name of the next release.  Continuing in that vein, we are happy to
 announce that Debian 8.0 will be known as Jessie.

Trying to remember which Toy Story character this was...

Re: Debian 8 to be called Jessie

2012-07-28 Thread Tony van der Hoff
On 28/07/12 22:49, Paul Johnson wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 7:31 AM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:

 It's become a tradition that the reward for reading all the way through
 our first post-freeze mail is to be one of the first few to know the
 name of the next release.  Continuing in that vein, we are happy to
 announce that Debian 8.0 will be known as Jessie.

 Trying to remember which Toy Story character this was...

Tony van der Hoff| mailto:t...@vanderhoff.org
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Re: Debian 8 to be called Jessie

2012-07-28 Thread Mateusz Łukasik

W dniu 28.07.2012 o 23:49 Paul Johnson ba...@ursamundi.org pisze:On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 7:31 AM, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:

It's become a tradition that the reward for reading all the way through
our first post-freeze mail is to be one of the first few to know the
name of the next release. Continuing in that vein, we are happy to
announce that Debian 8.0 will be known as "Jessie".Trying to remember which Toy Story character this was...This is that character:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/4f/Jessietoystory3.jpg

HTPC box - XBMC sound problem

2012-07-28 Thread José Luis Segura Lucas
Hi all!

I buy a few time ago a new box for HTPC usage. It has a Nvidia Ion2 HDMI
graphic card and it works very fine, but I have some problems.

I installed Debian Unstable, with Gnome as graphical environment. The, I
discover that XBMC was added to the Debian repositories, so I installed
it. On Gnome, without XBMC, I can't configure the Pulseaudio output. The
only way to hear something by the HDMI sound output on my TV was using
Mplayer frontends that allows to configure the audio output to use,
using one of the Alsa outputs (alsa:device=hw=1.7). It works fine, and I
assume that it will work using XBMC, but it doesn't.

First, I uninstalled Pulseaudio, because I was not using any of this
features and its configuration on Gnome breaks my pulseaudio
configuration files in some way I only can recover the control over it
removing the pulse-files to recover the default ones.

Then, I tried to configure the same audio output on XBMC, but I was
unsuccessful. At the end, I tried with some .asoundrc magic, but it was
apparently ignored.

Has anybody a similar problem? Somebody has configured XBMC to use the
HDMI output?

Best regards and thanks in advance.

José Luis Segura Lucas

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Thread supplicate

2012-07-28 Thread Kevin Mark
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 10:32:34AM +0200, Srdja Micic wrote:
 Hi, when I was about 16 I made an thread on your site, a rather bad one, with
 lots of question and exclamation marks etc., with my real name. Every time
 somebody googles me, that thread shows up. Is there any possiblity that you
 could erase that thread. It would really mean a lot to me in terms of future
 The thread in question:
 Thank  you very much!

I looked at the message with the help of google translate and it didnt look
that bad to me. It also looks like you sent this message to more people than
was needed. I'm not a Debian project member but from reading past messages
about similar requires, they usually dont delete posts as that is not the
nature of Debian, it defaults to 'open', and also the fact that your post would
be mirrored to more places, so you'd still have to ask every other website to
do it to be truly effective. Another good point to learn is about anonymity,
pseudonymity and the need to create less traceable aliases on the internet.
Because when we are only allowed to use 'real names' on web site, your problem
is made worse, and its even worse for people who are part of minority groups or
under military regimes.

|  .''`.  == Debian GNU/Linux ==.| http://kevix.myopenid.com..|
| : :' : The Universal OS| mysite.verizon.net/kevin.mark/.|
| `. `'   http://www.debian.org/.| http://counter.li.org [#238656]|
|___`-Unless I ask to be CCd,.assume I am subscribed._|

A shortcut is the longest distance between two points.

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Re: gnome doesn't know monitor size under nvidia x server

2012-07-28 Thread Yaro Kasear

On 07/28/2012 04:14 PM, Robert Holtzm wrote:

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 03:43:15PM -0500, Yaro Kasear wrote:


Since the official (And proprietary.) nVidia driver has no support
for KMS, this sort of feature never natively works in a desktop
environments' own monitor settings. My recommendation is to install
nVidia's settings utility and use that, since it WILL accurately
report both monitors and their resolution.

I see a number of nVidia packages that could be the one you're referring
to, ie nvidia-settings, nvidia-smi and nvidia-xconfig. One of these or

Oh! Forgive me. That would be nvidia-settings. It's actually a pretty 
neat utility, worth looking at!

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Re: internet probably broken

2012-07-28 Thread Stephen Allen
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 12:12:11PM -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates/non-free amd64 Packages
 47% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]E: 
 Method gave invalid 200 URI Start message
 Every contact made with http.debian.net eventually gave the kind of 
 message shown above today.  Probaly some link in the internet between me 
 and all of these servers got broken.  Eventually I'll be able to do a full 
 aptitude update but apparently not today.

I'm confused. You're using debian.net OR debian.org? AFAK *net is the
official address for repositories.

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Re: Printing files under KDE in wheezy

2012-07-28 Thread T Elcor
--- On Sat, 7/28/12, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:

 To print to a physical printer you need a printing service.
 The election 
 of the service will depend on your needs.
 More info here:
 Thought basically and simplifying a lot, yes: you need CUPS

Thanks, I'll try that.

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Re: mail server

2012-07-28 Thread Chris Bannister
[Please trim your posts.]

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 12:53:19PM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 is there any good howto on Debian Squeeze on following tools

Google is your friend. It also corrects spelling mistakes. :)


Web Results 1 - 10 of about 276,000 for +squeeze +postfidx +howto. (0.34 


Web Results 1 - 10 of about 65,300 for +squeeze +dovecot +howto. (0.34 seconds)

 -postfixadmin (web interface)

Web Results 1 - 10 of about 36,000 for +squeeze +postfixadmin +howto. (0.41 


Web Results 1 - 10 of about 27,200 for +squeeze +roundcube +howto. (0.31 


Web Results 1 - 1 of about 1 for +squeeze +spamassassin +how to. (0.16 seconds)
Showing results for +squeeze +spamassassin +how to. Search instead for +squeeze 
+spamassassin +howto


Web Results 1 - 10 of about 24,800,000 for +squeeze +clamv +howto. (0.41 
Did you mean: +squeeze +clamav +howto

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: gnome doesn't know monitor size under nvidia x server

2012-07-28 Thread Robert Holtzm
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 08:32:22PM -0500, Yaro Kasear wrote:
 On 07/28/2012 04:14 PM, Robert Holtzm wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 03:43:15PM -0500, Yaro Kasear wrote:
 Since the official (And proprietary.) nVidia driver has no support
 for KMS, this sort of feature never natively works in a desktop
 environments' own monitor settings. My recommendation is to install
 nVidia's settings utility and use that, since it WILL accurately
 report both monitors and their resolution.
 I see a number of nVidia packages that could be the one you're referring
 to, ie nvidia-settings, nvidia-smi and nvidia-xconfig. One of these or
 Oh! Forgive me. That would be nvidia-settings. It's actually a
 pretty neat utility, worth looking at!


Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the beer.
Key ID: 8D549279

Description: Digital signature

Re: Qcow2 perikelen

2012-07-28 Thread Wouter Verhelst
On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 10:50:52AM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
 Op 27-07-12 07:07, Wouter Verhelst schreef:
  On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 02:43:19PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
  maar ik zie geen kans hem te gebruiken in de installer omdat ik via de
  seriele poort installeer. De installer begint met de vraag om de taal,
  Ik zou niet weten hoe ik kon kiezen voor de expert-install.
  Vreemd genoeg kan ik bij de taal ook alleen kiezen tussen Engels en C.
  Volgens mij zijn dit bugs in de installer.
  Feature, not a bug.
  Omdat sommige talen (waaronder Nederlands) karakters gebruiken die niet
  in 7-bit ASCII zitten, en omdat 8-bit karakters een seriële console om
  zeep kunnen helpen, worden niet-engelstalige opties bij een seriële
  installatie gedisabled.
 Aha, dat is duidelijk.
 Alhoewel, tegenwoordig is een 8 bits console toch ook vrij gebruikelijk
 zou ik denken.

Niet op een seriële poort.

 Maar waarom wordt de eerste pagina overgeslagen?
 Op deze manier kan ik geen expert-install doen of boot-opties meegeven.
 Stel ik zou een KDE desktop willen, dat kan nu niet.

Kies back op het eerste scherm waar je dat kan, en pas dan de
debconf-prioriteit aan naar 'low'. Da's het zelfde als expert mode.

The volume of a pizza of thickness a and radius z can be described by
the following formula:

pi zz a

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