Re: Seguiment en viu de la DebConf12 a Nicaragua

2012-10-07 Thread Pedro
Una pregunta, la debconf d'aquest any s'ha fet amb dvswitch [1]?
Si la resposta és no, amb quin



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Re: Seguiment en viu de la DebConf12 a Nicaragua

2012-10-07 Thread Simó Albert i Beltran

Una pregunta, la debconf d'aquest any s'ha fet amb dvswitch [1]?


Si, aquesta va ser una peça del muntatge:

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Re: Installation sur partition GPT

2012-10-07 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le samedi 6 octobre 2012 à 21:08:03, Eddy F. a écrit :


 Après toute l'aide que j'ai reçue ici, il est normal que
 j'apporte un petit retour.


 J'ai finalement téléchargé l'iso
 debian-wheezy-amd64-efi-test4.iso sur le site fourni par
 Anthony :
 Petit doute, dans les caractéristiques de cette partiton, il
 n'est pas indiqué qu'elle doit être montée dans /boot/efi.
 Dois-je l'indiquer manuellement ? Bon je m'abstiens et fais
 confiance à l'installateur. Il semble que j'ai eu raison.

  Oui, il indiqué un peu partout qu’elle doit être montée 
quelque part mais, pour leur installation et mises à jour, les 
chargeurs semblent préfèrer qu’elle ne le soit pas.
  En tout cas, l’avoir dans la fstab en noauto permet d’aller y 
voir rapidement en cas de pépin.

 Et voilà. Non seulement grub est capable de démarrer le
 windows 7 mais en plus j'ai pu constater que update-grub
 fonctionne bien aussi en uefi et n'aurai donc pas trop de
 problème lors des maj du noyau.


 Un grand merci à tout le monde.

  De rien.

  Oh, en ce qui concerne le bogue sur le module os-prober, est-
ce que tu pourrais le compléter en expliquant ton 
contournement ?

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Installation sur partition GPT

2012-10-07 Thread Eddy F.
Le dimanche 7 octobre 2012 15:35:02, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Le samedi 6 octobre 2012 à 21:08:03, Eddy F. a écrit :
  Petit doute, dans les caractéristiques de cette partiton, il
  n'est pas indiqué qu'elle doit être montée dans /boot/efi.
  Dois-je l'indiquer manuellement ? Bon je m'abstiens et fais
  confiance à l'installateur. Il semble que j'ai eu raison.
   Oui, il indiqué un peu partout qu’elle doit être montée 
 quelque part mais, pour leur installation et mises à jour, les 
 chargeurs semblent préfèrer qu’elle ne le soit pas.
   En tout cas, l’avoir dans la fstab en noauto permet d’aller y 
 voir rapidement en cas de pépin.

Je précise pour être bien clair ce que j'ai voulu dire.
Au moment de l'étape de partitionnement manuel dans l'installateur, on
peut sélectionner chaque partition et lui attribuer son type (ext4,
vfat...), dire si on veut la monter et où, dire s'il faut la formater.

Quand j'ai regardé ce qu'il en était pour la partition de boot uefi,
il n'y avait aucun point de montage indiqué. J'ai hésité à l'indiquer
moi même puis je me suis dit que j'allais faire confiance à

Et l'installateur a bien décidé de la monter là où il faut et de créer
une entrée ad-hoc dans le fstab.  Maintenant, quand je tape mount je
peux voir :

/dev/sda3 on /boot/efi type vfat 

  Et voilà. Non seulement grub est capable de démarrer le
  windows 7 mais en plus j'ai pu constater que update-grub
  fonctionne bien aussi en uefi et n'aurai donc pas trop de
  problème lors des maj du noyau.
  Un grand merci à tout le monde.
   De rien.
   Oh, en ce qui concerne le bogue sur le module os-prober, est-
 ce que tu pourrais le compléter en expliquant ton 
 contournement ?

Pourquoi pas ? J'ai hésité à le faire. Cela ne servira sans doute pas
à grand chose au mainteneur du paquet puisque le contournement que
j'utilise consiste justement à ne pas utiliser os-prober et que de
toute façon le mainteneur a sans doute bien compris la nature du
problème bien expliquée dans le rapport de bug existant.

Mais peut-être cela servira-t-il à quelqu'un qui cherche une solution
provisoire. Je vais voir ce que je peux faire...

Eddy F.

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Re: Installation sur partition GPT

2012-10-07 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le dimanche 7 octobre 2012 à 16:32:45, Eddy F. a écrit :
 Je précise pour être bien clair ce que j'ai voulu dire.
 Au moment de l'étape de partitionnement manuel dans
 l'installateur, on peut sélectionner chaque partition et lui
 attribuer son type (ext4, vfat...), dire si on veut la
 monter et où, dire s'il faut la formater.
 Quand j'ai regardé ce qu'il en était pour la partition de
 boot uefi, il n'y avait aucun point de montage indiqué. J'ai
 hésité à l'indiquer moi même puis je me suis dit que
 j'allais faire confiance à l'installateur.
 Et l'installateur a bien décidé de la monter là où il faut et
 de créer une entrée ad-hoc dans le fstab.  Maintenant, quand
 je tape mount je peux voir :
 /dev/sda3 on /boot/efi type vfat

  Ah, ok. Chez moi, lors des màj, elilo se plaint si elle est 
déjà montée. (Et le grub-1 modifié de Fedora aussi je crois…)

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Postfix : correspondance utilisateur@domaine utilisateur@machine ?

2012-10-07 Thread Adrien Caillot


J'ai installé postfix sur mon serveur (Debian squeeze).

Dans /etc/aliases j'ai :

root:   adrien

Et si j'écris, depuis la machine, un e-mail à root ou à adrien, je le 
reçois bien sur mon adresse Free.
Idem si j'écris depuis l'extérieur un e-mail à 
root@monserveur.mondomaine ou adrien@monserveur.mondomaine.

Par contre, si j'écris un e-mail à root@mondomaine ou adrien@mondomaine, 
je reçois un mail d'erreur.

adrien@mondomaine: host mail.domaine[92.X.X.X] said: 550
5.1.1 adrien@mondomaine: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in
virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command)

Mes questions : est-ce que ce comportement est normal par défaut ?
Est-ce que je peux le modifier pour avoir une correspondance directe 
entre une adresse machin@mondomaine et l'utilisateur machin sur le serveur ?

Cela me pose problème car j'ai installé mailman et les mailing-lists ne 
fonctionnent que si j'écris à liste@monserveur.mondomaine alors que je 
voudrais écrire directement à liste@mondomaine.

(J'ai bien trouvé une solution en mettant un alias dans 
/etc/postfix/virtual de liste@mondomaine vers 
liste@monserveur.mondomaine mais c'est très lourd à gérer si je dois 
faire ça pour toutes les listes ainsi que toutes les adresses utilisées 
par mailman pour gérer les listes (-request, etc.).)

Je sèche sur ce problème, que je n'avais pourtant pas eu sur mon ancien 
serveur (Debian Lenny) avec une configuration comparable.



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Re: Postfix : correspondance utilisateur@domaine utilisateur@machine ?

2012-10-07 Thread Patrice Pillot


Le 07/10/2012 20:05, Adrien Caillot a écrit :

Idem si j'écris depuis l'extérieur un e-mail à root@monserveur.mondomaine ou

Par contre, si j'écris un e-mail à root@mondomaine ou adrien@mondomaine, je
reçois un mail d'erreur.

En voyant du côté de :

peut-être ?


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Re: Postfix : correspondance utilisateur@domaine utilisateur@machine ?

2012-10-07 Thread mouss
Le 07/10/2012 20:05, Adrien Caillot a écrit :
 J'ai installé postfix sur mon serveur (Debian squeeze).
 Dans /etc/aliases j'ai :
 root:   adrien
 Et si j'écris, depuis la machine, un e-mail à root ou à adrien, je le
 reçois bien sur mon adresse Free.
 Idem si j'écris depuis l'extérieur un e-mail à
 root@monserveur.mondomaine ou adrien@monserveur.mondomaine.
 Par contre, si j'écris un e-mail à root@mondomaine ou adrien@mondomaine,
 je reçois un mail d'erreur.
 adrien@mondomaine: host mail.domaine[92.X.X.X] said: 550
 5.1.1 adrien@mondomaine: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in
 virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command)

mondomain est virtuel (l'erreur dit virtual alias table), alors que
/etc/aliases ne s'applique qu'aux domaines locaux càd ceux qui sont
dans mydestination. et non, on ne peut pas mettre un domaine dans deux
classes différentes.

 Mes questions : est-ce que ce comportement est normal par défaut ?

oui. cf ci-dessus.

 Est-ce que je peux le modifier pour avoir une correspondance directe
 entre une adresse machin@mondomaine et l'utilisateur machin sur le
 serveur ?

si le domain est virtuel, alors il faut utilise virtual_alias_maps.

 Cela me pose problème car j'ai installé mailman et les mailing-lists ne
 fonctionnent que si j'écris à liste@monserveur.mondomaine alors que je
 voudrais écrire directement à liste@mondomaine.

pourquoi pas liste@listes.mondomaine ?

comme ça; tu ajoutes listes.mondomaine dans mydestination et ton
/etc/aliases marchera.

en plus, isoler le domaines des listes a ses intérêtes (comme par
exemple mettre un MX spécifique, si jamais t'as une IP libre; le filtrer
différemment, ... etc.)

 (J'ai bien trouvé une solution en mettant un alias dans
 /etc/postfix/virtual de liste@mondomaine vers
 liste@monserveur.mondomaine mais c'est très lourd à gérer si je dois
 faire ça pour toutes les listes ainsi que toutes les adresses utilisées
 par mailman pour gérer les listes (-request, etc.).)

si tu tiens à liste@mondomaine, tu vas être obligé. mais tu peux
utiliser un script pour te générer les aliases.

 Je sèche sur ce problème, que je n'avais pourtant pas eu sur mon ancien
 serveur (Debian Lenny) avec une configuration comparable.

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Re: como cambio el idioma de todo debian al español.

2012-10-07 Thread Marc Olive
On Sunday 07 October 2012 03:35:57 Fabián Bonetti wrote:
 On Sun, 7 Oct 2012 01:19:03 +
 Victor Hugo Cespedes Zuleta wrote:
 Localización de Debian al español


 Una vez hecho ésto se instalarán la mayoría de los paquetes útiles para
 hispanoparlantes y su sistema estará adaptado para usar el español.
 Tenga en cuenta que localization-config modifica la configuración del
 sistema general para adaptarla al idioma escogido. Si no quiere modificar
 su sistema de forma global sino sólo el entorno de un usuario utilice el
 paquete language-env (y la aplicación set-language-env)
 Aqui mas informacion

Quizas tambien tengas que instalar los paquetes con las traducciones de 
algunos programas, como:

# aptitude install iceweasel-l10n-es-es libreoffice-l10n-es kde-l10n-es...
$ aptitude search l10n-es

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: limitar cantidad de envios de correo con postfix

2012-10-07 Thread jors

On 05/10/12 17:21, linux wrote:

El 04/10/12 15:18, jors escribió:

On 02/10/12 22:35, linux wrote:

Saludos lista como puedo limitar la cantidad de envios de mensajes por
direccion de correo, es decir, quiero que pepito@x.x envie 10 mensajes
al dia y cuando exeda esa cantidad se no pueda enviar mas, o por ejemplo
a veces se usa el correo para chatear, quisiera evitar que hagan esta
acción, espero puedan ayudarme.

postfix-policyd es tu amigo (mírate el parámetro throttle).


donde encuentro el postfix-policyd y que parte estan los parametros de
configuracion, lo he buscado he tratado de instalarlo pero no lo encuentro

Puedes instalarlo de los repositorios y leer un poco aquí:

PD. Responde a la lista.

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Ejecutar comando minutos despues

2012-10-07 Thread Jose Pablo Rojas
Tengo un script que ejecuta un proceso para abrir un puerto, pero
quiero que luego de la ejecución de este, 30 minutos después ejecute
otro script, el detalle es que el script inicial se ejecuta
manualmente por lo que no puedo ponerlo en el crontab.
Es posible hacer esto sin tener que hacer un sleep en el script
inicial para ejecutar el segundo script? He buscado con el comando
cron, pero creo que no es para el objetivo que quiero, o la verdad no
estoy seguro porque no lo he logrado.
Saludos de antemano.

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Re: Ejecutar comando minutos despues

2012-10-07 Thread alexissaucedo
Php? Un while do puede andar, igual es consecutivo el script? 
Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Personal (

-Original Message-
From: Jose Pablo Rojas
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 14:31:28 
Subject:  Ejecutar comando minutos despues

Tengo un script que ejecuta un proceso para abrir un puerto, pero
quiero que luego de la ejecuci=F3n de este, 30 minutos despu=E9s ejecute
otro script, el detalle es que el script inicial se ejecuta
manualmente por lo que no puedo ponerlo en el crontab.
Es posible hacer esto sin tener que hacer un sleep en el script
inicial para ejecutar el segundo script? He buscado con el comando
cron, pero creo que no es para el objetivo que quiero, o la verdad no
estoy seguro porque no lo he logrado.
Saludos de antemano.

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Re: Ejecutar comando minutos despues

2012-10-07 Thread fernando sainz
El día 7 de octubre de 2012 22:31, Jose Pablo Rojas escribió:
 Tengo un script que ejecuta un proceso para abrir un puerto, pero
 quiero que luego de la ejecución de este, 30 minutos después ejecute
 otro script, el detalle es que el script inicial se ejecuta
 manualmente por lo que no puedo ponerlo en el crontab.
 Es posible hacer esto sin tener que hacer un sleep en el script
 inicial para ejecutar el segundo script? He buscado con el comando
 cron, pero creo que no es para el objetivo que quiero, o la verdad no
 estoy seguro porque no lo he logrado.
 Saludos de antemano.

Mira a ver si el comando at te vale.


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Re: Ejecutar comando minutos despues

2012-10-07 Thread Adrià
2012/10/7 fernando sainz
 El día 7 de octubre de 2012 22:31, Jose Pablo Rojas escribió:
 Tengo un script que ejecuta un proceso para abrir un puerto, pero
 quiero que luego de la ejecución de este, 30 minutos después ejecute
 otro script, el detalle es que el script inicial se ejecuta
 manualmente por lo que no puedo ponerlo en el crontab.
 Es posible hacer esto sin tener que hacer un sleep en el script
 inicial para ejecutar el segundo script? He buscado con el comando
 cron, pero creo que no es para el objetivo que quiero, o la verdad no
 estoy seguro porque no lo he logrado.
 Saludos de antemano.

 Mira a ver si el comando at te vale.


Existe tambien, puestos a dar alternativas, el comando wait

Adrià García-Alzórriz

Senior Specialist
Browns  Chickens Dept.

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Squid con 2 tarjetas de red y 2 internet's

2012-10-07 Thread Memo Robles

Hola, buenas tardes.
-Bueno les platico, tengo 2 salidas a internet ( y
-Instale debian + squid stable en un servidor.
-Configuro el servidor con dos tarjetas de red 
   address  192.168.1
-Ya funciona las 2 salidas, ya funciona squid con las 2 ips del server (.1 y 
-Tengo pc's clientes, a la mitad le configuro para que utilize proxy; para que salgan por el internet .254
-Pero a la otra mitad les configuro para que utilize proxy 
para que salgan por el internet .253
Aqui esta lo que no entiendo: TODO SALE POR EL INTERNET .254 osea por el eth0
Alguien sabe por que? tendre que utilizar iptables? 
por favor f1 jeje
De antemano gracias

pirateplayer svtplay

2012-10-07 Thread anders f

Hej !

Har någon testat pirateplayer (finns på för
att ladda ned från ?

Jag försökte installera pirateplayer 0.4.3 på debian 6.0.4 men det gick inget 
Någon som lyckats ?

anders f

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Re: Olá Amigos, chegou a hora!

2012-10-07 Thread Flavio M Matsumoto
Que nome mais infeliz, pensei que era para legalizar o jogo do bicho! Se
ainda fosse defender os pinguins, não ficaria tão acintosamente off-topic
da lista.

Nem sei de que município é este sujeito, mas peço aos membros da lista não
votarem nele! Se não nos respeita com spam, não merece nossa confiança. Da
minha parte, já denunciei no site abaixo como spam:

Prof. Dr. Flávio M. Matsumoto
UFPR - ET - Departamento de Química
Caixa Postal 19050, 81531-990, Curitiba, PR.
Linux user #66569 (

Em Sab, Outubro 6, 2012 2:12 am, 43043 - Leandro Bicho Legal escreveu:
 Olá amigos e amigas,

 Gostaria de agradecer o grande apoio que venho recebendo diariamente para
 minha reeleição de Vereador e apresentar algumas informações.
 Apresento inicialmente um pequeno resumo das principais ações:


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Re: Olá Amigos, chegou a hora!

2012-10-07 Thread Hélder Pinheiro
É muito complicado colocar a mail list com moderação? Outra coisa que
deveríamos começar a fazer é ir ao site do Debian e denunciar os email no

Hélder Pinheiro
No dia 07/10/2012 11:56, Flavio M Matsumoto escreveu:

 Que nome mais infeliz, pensei que era para legalizar o jogo do bicho! Se
 ainda fosse defender os pinguins, não ficaria tão acintosamente off-topic
 da lista.

 Nem sei de que município é este sujeito, mas peço aos membros da lista não
 votarem nele! Se não nos respeita com spam, não merece nossa confiança. Da
 minha parte, já denunciei no site abaixo como spam:

 Prof. Dr. Flávio M. Matsumoto
 UFPR - ET - Departamento de Química
 Caixa Postal 19050, 81531-990, Curitiba, PR.
 Linux user #66569 (

 Em Sab, Outubro 6, 2012 2:12 am, 43043 - Leandro Bicho Legal escreveu:
  Olá amigos e amigas,
  Gostaria de agradecer o grande apoio que venho recebendo diariamente para
  minha reeleição de Vereador e apresentar algumas informações.
  Apresento inicialmente um pequeno resumo das principais ações:

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Re: Firewall escrevendo log no lugar errado

2012-10-07 Thread Fabiano Pires
O iptables só loga o que for especiicado pra ele logar. Assim, você precisa
rever suas regras de FW. Nelas, em algum ponto está a linha que gera esse
log. Para evitar que logue em mais de uma arquivo, reveja as confiurações
do rsyslog, syslog ou syslog-ng (mas entenda o que está fazendo antes de
mexer !!!)

Fabiano Pires

Em 4 de outubro de 2012 15:37, Jessica Nunes escreveu:

 Boa Tarde pessoal,

 Eu trabalho com alguns servidores Linux e em todos eles o firewall está
 escrevendo a mesma mensagem de log
 no /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog e no /var/log/kern.log, e isso tá
 ficando grande.
 Se alguém tiver uma dica de por que ele tá fazendo isso e o que seria o
 certo dele fazer, onde ele deveria escrever na

 Essa é a mensagem lá do log:

 Oct  4 15:06:41 server1 kernel: [18274367.072214] *** DROP INPUT ***
 IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:50:56:00:02:15:08:00 SRC=
 DST= LEN=78 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=7590 PROTO=UDP
 SPT=137 DPT=137 LEN=58
 Oct  4 15:06:41 server1 kernel: [18274367.083022] *** DROP INPUT ***
 IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:50:56:70:4a:31:08:00 SRC=
 DST= LEN=78 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=31282 PROTO=UDP
 SPT=137 DPT=137 LEN=58


 Jessica Nunes
 Graduanda em Sistemas de Informação na

Re: Olá Amigos, chegou a hora!

2012-10-07 Thread Cleber Ianes

É uma pena que a votação já seja hoje, mas se ainda der tempo...
Quem iria votar nele, por favor, não votem.
Quem sabe assim ele compreenda que cada ambiente tem suas regras que
devem ser seguidas, se ele não consegue seguir as regras básicas de
uma lista como irá respeitar as regras da sociedade???

Em 07-10-2012 08:00, Hélder Pinheiro escreveu:

  É muito complicado colocar a mail list com moderação?
Outra coisa que deveríamos começar a fazer é ir ao site do
Debian e denunciar os email no spam 
Hélder Pinheiro 
  No dia 07/10/2012 11:56, "Flavio M

  Que nome mais infeliz, pensei que era para legalizar o jogo do
  bicho! Se
  ainda fosse defender os pinguins, não ficaria tão
  acintosamente off-topic
  da lista.
  Nem sei de que município é este sujeito, mas peço aos membros
  da lista não
  votarem nele! Se não nos respeita com spam, não merece nossa
  confiança. Da
  minha parte, já denunciei no site abaixo como spam:
  Prof. Dr. Flávio M. Matsumoto
  UFPR - ET - Departamento de Química
  Caixa Postal 19050, 81531-990, Curitiba, PR.
  Linux user #66569 (
  Em Sab, Outubro 6, 2012 2:12 am, 43043 - Leandro Bicho Legal
   Olá amigos e amigas,
   Gostaria de agradecer o grande apoio que venho recebendo
  diariamente para
   minha reeleição de Vereador e apresentar algumas
   Apresento inicialmente um pequeno resumo das principais
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact


Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338

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Re: Servidores Desligando sozinho....

2012-10-07 Thread Keppler

Olá Paulino, obrigado pelo reply.

Uma das máquinas desliga completamente.
A outra, que é mais estranho, tem hora que desliga e tem hora que fica 
como se fosse em estado de hibernação como vc sugeriu.
Como faço para verificar isto? (verificar se está ocorrendo alguma 
hibernação) ?

Olhei o syslog mas não vi nada de estranho..
E vc teria alguma outra sugestão?

On 05-10-2012 18:38, Paulino Kenji Sato wrote:



Olá Pessoal.
TEm algo estranho acontecendo com 2 servidores meus.
Neles tenho instalado o squeeze amd-64 e eles são servidores somente de
internet, ou seja, basicamente rodo um Squid e um Firewall (iptables).


Como já disseram, verifique o syslog, em busca de algo suspeito, ou ao
menos será possivel determinar quando o ultimo log antes de desligar
(e religar) foi feito.
Quendas de energia, a não ser que tenha um nobreak sinalizando, não
serão registrados, o log simplesmente para em determinada hora. Bem
como o uso do botão de reset.
Desligamentos intencionais, seja via comando ou pelo botão estarão registrados.

O desligamento e total? O led sinalizador de ligado fica apagado?
Não estaria entrando em hibernação (suspensão)?
Ou, talvez, tenta entrar em suspensão, mas falha e acaba desligando mesmo assim?

Se ainda não tiver pistas, use um syslog remoto ou mesmo um console
remoto, via serial RS232 ou rede, mantendo o terminal sempre aberto e
assim ter as ultimas atividades a mostra.

Em maquinas que ficam e precisam estar o tempo todos ligados, e
indispensável o uso de um  sistema de fornecimento auxiliar de
energia, que, pelo menos um sistema que forneça energia para que a
maquina desligue de forma adequada. Esses sistemas devem ser capazes
de informar ao sistema operacional que houve uma queda de energia.


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Re: Firewall escrevendo log no lugar errado

2012-10-07 Thread Adiel de Lima Ribeiro
Boa noite Jessica, para logar as regras do Iptables em um arquivo em
serapado faça isso:
A regra que irá logar deve ficar antes da regra que permitirá ou
bloqueará o acesso, por exemplo:
iptables -A INPUT -i eth12 -d -p tcp --dport 666 -j LOG
--log-prefix iptables  - Tenho o SSH rodando na porta 666, criei a
regra de fará o log das conexões.
iptables -A INPUT -i eth12 -d -p tcp --dport 666 --syn -m
state --state NEW -j ACCEPT  - Depois criei a regra que liberará o
Note que a regra logara o acesso como iptables.
Depois crie no rsyslog uma regra para filtrar isso e enviar para o
arquivo em separado:
:msg, contains, iptables  /var/log/iptables.log   - essa linha
logará tudo que tiver iptables no arquivo /var/log/iptables.log
 ~-   Essa linha diz para que depois que for logado a mensagem
deve ser descartada,evitando o log no messages ou syslog.

On Sun, 2012-10-07 at 12:10 -0300, Fabiano Pires wrote:

 O iptables só loga o que for especiicado pra ele logar. Assim, você precisa
 rever suas regras de FW. Nelas, em algum ponto está a linha que gera esse
 log. Para evitar que logue em mais de uma arquivo, reveja as confiurações
 do rsyslog, syslog ou syslog-ng (mas entenda o que está fazendo antes de
 mexer !!!)
 Fabiano Pires
 Em 4 de outubro de 2012 15:37, Jessica Nunes escreveu:
  Boa Tarde pessoal,
  Eu trabalho com alguns servidores Linux e em todos eles o firewall está
  escrevendo a mesma mensagem de log
  no /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog e no /var/log/kern.log, e isso tá
  ficando grande.
  Se alguém tiver uma dica de por que ele tá fazendo isso e o que seria o
  certo dele fazer, onde ele deveria escrever na
  Essa é a mensagem lá do log:
  Oct  4 15:06:41 server1 kernel: [18274367.072214] *** DROP INPUT ***
  IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:50:56:00:02:15:08:00 SRC=
  DST= LEN=78 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=7590 PROTO=UDP
  SPT=137 DPT=137 LEN=58
  Oct  4 15:06:41 server1 kernel: [18274367.083022] *** DROP INPUT ***
  IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:50:56:70:4a:31:08:00 SRC=
  DST= LEN=78 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=31282 PROTO=UDP
  SPT=137 DPT=137 LEN=58
  Jessica Nunes
  Graduanda em Sistemas de Informação na

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Re: Firewall escrevendo log no lugar errado

2012-10-07 Thread Adiel de Lima Ribeiro
Boa noite Jessica, para logar as regras do Iptables em um arquivo em
serapado faça isso:
A regra que irá logar deve ficar antes da regra que permitirá ou
bloqueará o acesso, por exemplo:
iptables -A INPUT -i eth12 -d -p tcp --dport 666 -j LOG
--log-prefix iptables  - Tenho o SSH rodando na porta 666, criei a
regra de fará o log das conexões.
iptables -A INPUT -i eth12 -d -p tcp --dport 666 --syn -m
state --state NEW -j ACCEPT  - Depois criei a regra que liberará o
Note que a regra logara o acesso como iptables.
Depois crie um rsyslog uma regra para filtrar isso e enviar para o
arquivo em separado:
:msg, contains, iptables  /var/log/iptables.log   - essa linha
logará tudo que tiver iptables no arquivo /var/log/iptables.log
 ~-   Essa linha diz para que depois que for logado a mensagem
deve ser descartada,evitando o log no messages ou syslog.

On Sun, 2012-10-07 at 12:10 -0300, Fabiano Pires wrote: 

 O iptables só loga o que for especiicado pra ele logar. Assim, você precisa
 rever suas regras de FW. Nelas, em algum ponto está a linha que gera esse
 log. Para evitar que logue em mais de uma arquivo, reveja as confiurações
 do rsyslog, syslog ou syslog-ng (mas entenda o que está fazendo antes de
 mexer !!!)
 Fabiano Pires
 Em 4 de outubro de 2012 15:37, Jessica Nunes escreveu:
  Boa Tarde pessoal,
  Eu trabalho com alguns servidores Linux e em todos eles o firewall está
  escrevendo a mesma mensagem de log
  no /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog e no /var/log/kern.log, e isso tá
  ficando grande.
  Se alguém tiver uma dica de por que ele tá fazendo isso e o que seria o
  certo dele fazer, onde ele deveria escrever na
  Essa é a mensagem lá do log:
  Oct  4 15:06:41 server1 kernel: [18274367.072214] *** DROP INPUT ***
  IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:50:56:00:02:15:08:00 SRC=
  DST= LEN=78 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=7590 PROTO=UDP
  SPT=137 DPT=137 LEN=58
  Oct  4 15:06:41 server1 kernel: [18274367.083022] *** DROP INPUT ***
  IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:50:56:70:4a:31:08:00 SRC=
  DST= LEN=78 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=31282 PROTO=UDP
  SPT=137 DPT=137 LEN=58
  Jessica Nunes
  Graduanda em Sistemas de Informação na

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Security support for CMSes

2012-10-07 Thread Peter Viskup

Hello everybody,
I am using Drupal6 from Debian repositories as I thought that Debian is 
taking care of the security fixes and therefore I do not have to take 
care too much.
Unfortunately one of my sites was cracked and there were none of 
security fixes released in June 2012 by Drupal community backported to 
main release till today. The only 'fixed' version of Drupal6 is 
available on

Do you use Debian versions of CMSes?
Are you continuously checking the main releases and checking the states 
of Debian packages?
What are your proposals for running any CMS available in Debian 
Does somebody have similar experience from the past or with another CMS 
from Debian repositories?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Peter Viskup

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Re: dynamic IP assignment on servers = brain damage

2012-10-07 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 10/6/2012 7:43 AM, Miles Fidelman wrote:
 Tom H wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 This thread reinforces what experienced server admins round the world
 have known forever:

 DO NOT USE dynamic network address assignment on servers.

 The problem in this thread is but one of many that can/will result from
 using dynamic IP assignment with servers.  If the OP had mentioned his
 use of dynamic IP up front he would have saved himself, and the rest of
 us, much time.
 I've had to deal with VPS instances using what I call (in between my
 ears!) semi-static ip settings: static but dynamically-assigned ip
 addresses. The box gets an ip address via dhcp but it's always the
 same, (I assume) based on the NIC's MAC address.

 Which also comes up if one is net booting - the server has to pick up
 its IP address from the boot server, based on its MAC address.

But this is only a temporary address during PXE boot.  You'd still
want/have a static IP in the OS image which goes live once the kernel is


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Re: dynamic IP assignment on servers = brain damage

2012-10-07 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 10/6/2012 1:52 PM, Satoru Otsubo wrote:

 The problem in this thread is but one of many that can/will result from
 using dynamic IP assignment with servers.  If the OP had mentioned his
 use of dynamic IP up front he would have saved himself, and the rest of
 us, much time.

 Pardon me.
 I did not understand that dynamic IP assignment was an important factor to 
 solve the problem.
 I apologize that you and the others took much time to consider the cause of 
 the problem.
 And pardon me for my poor English.

No need to apologize Satoru.  I was simply surprised that you were using
dynamic IP.

Your router isn't responding in a timely fashion when the server
requests an IP address.  Thus the server has no IPv6 address in the
stack when Apache loads, which causes your problem.  It loads later,
manually, because the router has responded, very late, with an address
assignment, but after Apache2 needs it.

The proper fix is to use a static IP address.


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Re: Security support for CMSes

2012-10-07 Thread Wolf Halton
I am sorry to hear your site was cracked. I run Drupal on Debian as well.
The fundamental flaw here is the lag time between drupal update and
packaging on debian. I run drupal 7 for new sites. Installs are not the
simplest things in the world, but it comes in handy in an ongoing fashion
to have done the work. That way you are sure of your database user and pass
as well as exact location of files.
As an engineer, you reasonably want to make the process as simple as
possible but no simpler. Packages with public web interfaces like drupal
take more care and feeding than any other kind of package I can think of.
It is not a Debian issue. Any Linux packager would have a hard time keeping
up with a community-maintained monster like drupal. Even if you are running
Sid, not suggested for production environment, there is too much lag to
trust package maintainers to do the updates for you.

Wolf Halton
Apache developer:
On Oct 7, 2012 6:22 AM, Peter Viskup wrote:

 Hello everybody,
 I am using Drupal6 from Debian repositories as I thought that Debian is
 taking care of the security fixes and therefore I do not have to take care
 too much.
 Unfortunately one of my sites was cracked and there were none of security
 fixes released in June 2012 by Drupal community backported to main release
 till today. The only 'fixed' version of Drupal6 is available on
 Do you use Debian versions of CMSes?
 Are you continuously checking the main releases and checking the states of
 Debian packages?
 What are your proposals for running any CMS available in Debian
 Does somebody have similar experience from the past or with another CMS
 from Debian repositories?
 Thank you.

 Best regards,
 Peter Viskup

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Re: Security support for CMSes

2012-10-07 Thread Rob Owens
On Sun, Oct 07, 2012 at 09:02:23AM -0400, Wolf Halton wrote:
 I am sorry to hear your site was cracked. I run Drupal on Debian as well.
 The fundamental flaw here is the lag time between drupal update and
 packaging on debian. I run drupal 7 for new sites. Installs are not the
 simplest things in the world, but it comes in handy in an ongoing fashion
 to have done the work. That way you are sure of your database user and pass
 as well as exact location of files.
 As an engineer, you reasonably want to make the process as simple as
 possible but no simpler. Packages with public web interfaces like drupal
 take more care and feeding than any other kind of package I can think of.
 It is not a Debian issue. Any Linux packager would have a hard time keeping
 up with a community-maintained monster like drupal. Even if you are running
 Sid, not suggested for production environment, there is too much lag to
 trust package maintainers to do the updates for you.
If this is true, then I have to wonder what is the point of having a
Debian package for Drupal at all.  I always figured that there was a
benefit in using a Debian-packaged version of software like Drupal,
MediaWiki, Wordpress, etc. because I wouldn't have to do manual updates
in order to get security fixes.


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Re: Security support for CMSes

2012-10-07 Thread Robert Pommrich

Am 07.10.2012 12:19, schrieb Peter Viskup:
 Hello everybody,
 I am using Drupal6 from Debian repositories as I thought that Debian is
 taking care of the security fixes and therefore I do not have to take
 care too much.
 Unfortunately one of my sites was cracked and there were none of
 security fixes released in June 2012 by Drupal community backported to
 main release till today. The only 'fixed' version of Drupal6 is
 available on
 Do you use Debian versions of CMSes?
 Are you continuously checking the main releases and checking the states
 of Debian packages?
 What are your proposals for running any CMS available in Debian
 Does somebody have similar experience from the past or with another CMS
 from Debian repositories?

you should address the issue to the maintainer,
and the security team [1] ( or, which I put in CC.

Looking at

there are 2 issues which are not fixed in the current stable version of
drupal6. Perhaps the maintainer and/or the security team overlooked them.


 Thank you.
 Best regards,
 Peter Viskup

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Re: Screen Aspect Ratio

2012-10-07 Thread Stephen P. Molnar

On 10/04/2012 06:17 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:

Good time of the day, Stephen.

You wrote:

As a result of my stupidity in attempting to modify the screen
drivers I have managed to change my display into something really

The aspect ratio is off and the number of available fonts is really
limited. (I also have OpenSUSE 12.2 on another HD and the screen is
normal, leading me to conclude that the problem lies in Debian)

I have switched to Debian and am wondering what display utilities are
available?  Google hasn't been on any help

If You did some config. modifications by a normal user, then You can
simply move all the user's home dir. content to another place and then

If did that under root user, then You have to reconfigure those
services, for example by simple removal of the config.s to safe place
and restart the service, OR using debian package reconfigurator, or
download from Internet its options OR reinstall the package having
purged it previously.


I think that I have located the problem.  The monitor resolution is set 
at 1280x1024 by Debian.  Also there are only four solutions listed in 
System Settings/Size and Orientation.

I have an OpenSUSE 12.2 installatopn on another hadr drive in the systen 
and it's resolution is 1680x1050 with eleven additional different 

I had a screen resolution of 1680x1024 for the Debian desktop before I 
started trying to change the dcreen drivers.  That's what I would like 
to get back, but don't have any idea how to accomplish this.  I did look 
at the Synaptic Package Manager logs and removed the mistakes that I 
made and reinstalled the packages I'd removed, but that didn't correct 
the problem.

I would assume that there may be a configuration file lurking somewhere 
that has to be edited, but I am leery of making any changes, as I 
clearly don't know what I'm doing.

Any assistance will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.  Life is a fuzzy set
Foundation for Chemistry  Stochastic and multivariate
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype:  smolnar1

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Re: Screen Aspect Ratio

2012-10-07 Thread Gary Dale

On 04/10/12 06:17 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:

Good time of the day, Stephen.

You wrote:

As a result of my stupidity in attempting to modify the screen
drivers I have managed to change my display into something really

The aspect ratio is off and the number of available fonts is really
limited. (I also have OpenSUSE 12.2 on another HD and the screen is
normal, leading me to conclude that the problem lies in Debian)

I have switched to Debian and am wondering what display utilities are
available?  Google hasn't been on any help

If You did some config. modifications by a normal user, then You can
simply move all the user's home dir. content to another place and then

If did that under root user, then You have to reconfigure those
services, for example by simple removal of the config.s to safe place
and restart the service, OR using debian package reconfigurator, or
download from Internet its options OR reinstall the package having
purged it previously.

The main X configuration file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf. If you rename this, 
Debian/X will try to detect your display and adapter.

You can also boot to a root prompt and try X -configure to produce an 
xorg.conf file to experiment with.

If you are using proprietary drivers, they each have a configuration 
utility that should help.

Sthu's suggestion of using the purge option with apt-get/aptitude is 
also worth trying.

And there's the kernel mode setting driver to consider. If it's not set 
properly, you can get into all kinds of problems.

You will also find a /etc/X11/fonts directory that may have been screwed 
up. If so, you could try renaming it then re-installing X.

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Re: Security support for CMSes

2012-10-07 Thread Wolf Halton
Wolf Halton
Apache developer:
On Oct 7, 2012 10:01 AM, Robert Pommrich wrote:


 Am 07.10.2012 12:19, schrieb Peter Viskup:
  Hello everybody,
  I am using Drupal6 from Debian repositories as I thought that Debian is
  taking care of the security fixes and therefore I do not have to take
  care too much.
  Unfortunately one of my sites was cracked and there were none of
  security fixes released in June 2012 by Drupal community backported to
  main release till today. The only 'fixed' version of Drupal6 is
  available on
  Do you use Debian versions of CMSes?
  Are you continuously checking the main releases and checking the states
  of Debian packages?
  What are your proposals for running any CMS available in Debian
  Does somebody have similar experience from the past or with another CMS
  from Debian repositories?

 you should address the issue to the maintainer,
 and the security team [1] ( or, which I put in CC.

 Looking at

 there are 2 issues which are not fixed in the current stable version of
 drupal6. Perhaps the maintainer and/or the security team overlooked them.


  Thank you.
  Best regards,
  Peter Viskup

The reason to have a drupal package or any other community or multiverse
package is most likely that somebody had the inclination to do the
packaging. Whether it be a good plan to use it is up to the individual user.


PS I know it is hard to be objective when ones own site has neen cracked.
Computer security is not a state; it is a process.  The more third-parties
involved in ones security, the easier it is to delegate security to them. I
get email updates from my drupal sites with module and core updates. I use
drush to update all and the whole process takes less than 10 minutes.
One could automate this with a cron job, but I like to know which modules
are neing updated.

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Re: Screen Aspect Ratio

2012-10-07 Thread Stephen P. Molnar

On 10/07/2012 11:58 AM, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:

On 10/07/2012 11:20 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 04/10/12 06:17 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:

Good time of the day, Stephen.

You wrote:

As a result of my stupidity in attempting to modify the screen
drivers I have managed to change my display into something really

The aspect ratio is off and the number of available fonts is really
limited. (I also have OpenSUSE 12.2 on another HD and the screen is
normal, leading me to conclude that the problem lies in Debian)

I have switched to Debian and am wondering what display utilities are
available? Google hasn't been on any help

If You did some config. modifications by a normal user, then You can
simply move all the user's home dir. content to another place and then

If did that under root user, then You have to reconfigure those
services, for example by simple removal of the config.s to safe place
and restart the service, OR using debian package reconfigurator, or
download from Internet its options OR reinstall the package having
purged it previously.


The main X configuration file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf. If you rename this,
Debian/X will try to detect your display and adapter.

You can also boot to a root prompt and try X -configure to produce an
xorg.conf file to experiment with.

If you are using proprietary drivers, they each have a configuration
utility that should help.

Sthu's suggestion of using the purge option with apt-get/aptitude is
also worth trying.

And there's the kernel mode setting driver to consider. If it's not set
properly, you can get into all kinds of problems.

You will also find a /etc/X11/fonts directory that may have been screwed
up. If so, you could try renaming it then re-installing X.

Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. There is no xorg.conf
filer on the system.

I opened a cosole as root and got:

computation@debian:~$ su
root@debian:/home/computation# X -configure

Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 0
If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
and start again.

Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
for help.

Please advise.

Again, thanks in advance.

I wrote the above as little too fast.

I just logged on to Debian as root and ran X -configure.  Hereis the result:

Section ServerLayout
Identifier Configured
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard

Section Files
ModulePath   /usr/lib/xorg/modules
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi
FontPath /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType
FontPath built-ins

Section Module
Load  extmod
Load  dri2
Load  dbe
Load  glx
Load  dri
Load  record

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  kbd

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse0
Driver  mouse
Option  Protocol auto
Option  Device /dev/input/mice
Option  ZAxisMapping 4 5 6 7

Section Monitor
#DisplaySize  470   300 # mm
Identifier   Monitor0
VendorName   CMO
ModelNameCMC 22 W
HorizSync30.0 - 82.0
VertRefresh  56.0 - 76.0
Option  DPMS

Section Device
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: i: integer, f: float, bool: True/False,
### string: String, freq: f Hz/kHz/MHz
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option SWcursor# [bool]
#Option HWcursor# [bool]
#Option NoAccel # [bool]
#Option ShadowFB# [bool]
#Option UseFBDev# [bool]
#Option Rotate  # [str]
#Option VideoKey# i
#Option FlatPanel   # [bool]
#Option FPDither# [bool]
#Option CrtcNumber  # i
#Option FPScale # [bool]
#Option FPTweak # i
#Option DualHead# [bool]
Identifier  Card0
Driver  nv
VendorName  nVidia Corporation
BoardName   NV44 [GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM)]
BusID   PCI:6:0:0

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Card0
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 1

Re: rtorrent on low_disk_space.

2012-10-07 Thread Artifex Maximus
On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 8:00 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:
 I think you need registration there.

 I can not find the list! May, You know one?

 What prelocate means? Preallocate disk space for torrent content?

 rtorrent takes disk space before it actually fills it w/ torrent data.
 I.e. torrent can be downloaded just 1% while on the disk it is located
 for whole 100%. - So, though there is little free space remain, yet the
 torrent can be successfully downloaded/uploaded already - but the
 amazing (uncontrollable for me) check, prevents that to happen.

Thanks. Which version are you using? I am using latest git revision on
FreeBSD and only selected files use disk space others are zero in
length. I wrote a little script which links rtorrent and libtorrent
statically and makes easy to use side-by-side with stable version.

Now I do not understand your logic. Do you want to download bigger
torrent than your free space? How? You need as much space as your
torrent because torrent needs your downloaded chunks. Or just select
files which you want to download and that occupies (nearly) as much
space as your selection.


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Re: rtorrent on low_disk_space.

2012-10-07 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Chris.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

 Is the line the same? Did you restart rtorrent?

Yes. Of course restarted!

 Version difference. (Although I doubt that is the issue.)
 tal% rtorrent -h
 Rakshasa's BitTorrent client version 0.9.2.

Same here. :o)


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Re: Debian Small CD install netinst.iso

2012-10-07 Thread Wally Lepore
On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 5:46 AM, Brian wrote:

 You will have a good idea what to expect after reading Chapter 6 of the

Hi Brian

Chapter 6 discusses using the Debian Installer. I am not utilizing the
installer. I downloaded the netinst.iso file. Is there a difference?

Here is the link that describes the netinst file that I downloaded.

  You will also have prepared for the possible need for firmware by
 unzipping the file you get from

 to a USB stick after reading Section 2.2.

I'm not understanding please. Do I download the .zip file you
suggested and run that from the USB stick and that alone will tell me
if any firmware is needed for my system prior to running the netinst
CD I created?

Appreciate the help in getting Debian installed.

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Re: Screen Aspect Ratio

2012-10-07 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Stephen.

You wrote:

 I think that I have located the problem.  The monitor resolution is
 set at 1280x1024 by Debian.  Also there are only four solutions
 listed in System Settings/Size and Orientation.
 I have an OpenSUSE 12.2 installatopn on another hadr drive in the
 systen and it's resolution is 1680x1050 with eleven additional
 different resolutions.

If You want to play w/ resolutions, then try 

xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1680x1050

Here You can change VGA w/ LVDS - if it be a laptop.

or using xorg.conf (first generate one for Your system, then adjust
line Modes in something similar):

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Card0
SubSection Display
Depth 24
Modes 1680x1050


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Re: rtorrent on low_disk_space.

2012-10-07 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Artifex.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You wrote:

I saw that! - Do not know why did not use it - probably because at that
point I did not think to write to, but was looking for solution, then
latter when was looking for the list - did not find the list! :o)

 Thanks. Which version are you using? I am using latest git revision on
 FreeBSD and only selected files use disk space others are zero in
 length. I wrote a little script which links rtorrent and libtorrent
 statically and makes easy to use side-by-side with stable version.

I'm using 0.9.2 on wheezy.

 Now I do not understand your logic. Do you want to download bigger
 torrent than your free space? How? You need as much space as your

No. I want to feel the space already reserved for torrents. And make so
that the space check will not prevent it.

 torrent because torrent needs your downloaded chunks. Or just select
 files which you want to download and that occupies (nearly) as much
 space as your selection.

Wow! I did not know that I can choose files to download within single
torrent! Thank You for the tip!


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Re: Security support for CMSes

2012-10-07 Thread Wolf Halton
Wolf Halton
Apache developer:
On Oct 7, 2012 11:54 AM, Johan Grönqvist

 2012-10-07 17:38, Wolf Halton skrev:

 The reason to have a drupal package or any other community or multiverse
 package is most likely that somebody had the inclination to do the
 packaging. Whether it be a good plan to use it is up to the individual

 I typically think of it as a downside of ubuntu installations that their
security support policy separates their large repository into a small main
section with security support, and a large universe section which does not
promise any security support.

 I always thought debian was better in the sense that there was security
support for all of debian main, which is much larger than ubuntu main.

 Is that belief misguided?

Debian has main, contrib and non-free categories. I don't think drupal is
in main. Could easily be wrong about that.


 [I am aware that this is a community distribution, that everyone has too
little spare time to solve my problems, etc. This is in no way a complaint,
I enjoy debian a lot. This is merely a question.]

 (I do not use drupal myself anymore, but both mediawiki and gallery, as
well as webservers without CMSs)



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Re: Security support for CMSes

2012-10-07 Thread Nico Golde
* Robert Pommrich [2012-10-07 16:01]:
 Am 07.10.2012 12:19, schrieb Peter Viskup:
  Hello everybody,
  I am using Drupal6 from Debian repositories as I thought that Debian is
  taking care of the security fixes and therefore I do not have to take
  care too much.
  Unfortunately one of my sites was cracked and there were none of
  security fixes released in June 2012 by Drupal community backported to
  main release till today. The only 'fixed' version of Drupal6 is
  available on
  Do you use Debian versions of CMSes?
  Are you continuously checking the main releases and checking the states
  of Debian packages?
  What are your proposals for running any CMS available in Debian
  Does somebody have similar experience from the past or with another CMS
  from Debian repositories?
 you should address the issue to the maintainer,
 and the security team [1] ( or, which I put in CC.
 Looking at
 there are 2 issues which are not fixed in the current stable version of
 drupal6. Perhaps the maintainer and/or the security team overlooked them.

Providing security updates for packages in Debian is still based on voluntary 
work. Therefore it can happen sometimes that either a security fix is 
overlooked or no person has committed to provide/release an updated package.
The latter probably applies in this case.

Can you further specify what exactly you mean by cracked? This would be 
interesting as even though two CVE ids are marked as unfixed in stable, none 
of the issues qualifies for example to execute code on a remote drupal 

Kind regards
Nico Golde - - - GPG: 0xA0A0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Screen Aspect Ratio

2012-10-07 Thread Gary Dale

On 07/10/12 12:13 PM, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:

On 10/07/2012 11:58 AM, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:

On 10/07/2012 11:20 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 04/10/12 06:17 AM, Sthu Deus wrote:

Good time of the day, Stephen.

You wrote:

As a result of my stupidity in attempting to modify the screen
drivers I have managed to change my display into something really

The aspect ratio is off and the number of available fonts is really
limited. (I also have OpenSUSE 12.2 on another HD and the screen is
normal, leading me to conclude that the problem lies in Debian)

I have switched to Debian and am wondering what display utilities are
available? Google hasn't been on any help

If You did some config. modifications by a normal user, then You can
simply move all the user's home dir. content to another place and then

If did that under root user, then You have to reconfigure those
services, for example by simple removal of the config.s to safe place
and restart the service, OR using debian package reconfigurator, or
download from Internet its options OR reinstall the package having
purged it previously.

The main X configuration file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf. If you rename 

Debian/X will try to detect your display and adapter.

You can also boot to a root prompt and try X -configure to produce an
xorg.conf file to experiment with.

If you are using proprietary drivers, they each have a configuration
utility that should help.

Sthu's suggestion of using the purge option with apt-get/aptitude is
also worth trying.

And there's the kernel mode setting driver to consider. If it's not set
properly, you can get into all kinds of problems.

You will also find a /etc/X11/fonts directory that may have been 

up. If so, you could try renaming it then re-installing X.

Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. There is no xorg.conf
filer on the system.

I opened a cosole as root and got:

computation@debian:~$ su
root@debian:/home/computation# X -configure

Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 0
If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
and start again.

Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
for help.

Please advise.

Again, thanks in advance.

I wrote the above as little too fast.

I just logged on to Debian as root and ran X -configure.  Hereis the 

Section ServerLayout
Identifier Configured
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard

Section Files
ModulePath   /usr/lib/xorg/modules
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi
FontPath /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType
FontPath built-ins

Section Module
Load  extmod
Load  dri2
Load  dbe
Load  glx
Load  dri
Load  record

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  kbd

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse0
Driver  mouse
OptionProtocol auto
OptionDevice /dev/input/mice
OptionZAxisMapping 4 5 6 7

Section Monitor
#DisplaySize  470   300# mm
Identifier   Monitor0
VendorName   CMO
ModelNameCMC 22 W
HorizSync30.0 - 82.0
VertRefresh  56.0 - 76.0

Section Device
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: i: integer, f: float, bool: True/False,
### string: String, freq: f Hz/kHz/MHz
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option SWcursor   # [bool]
#Option HWcursor   # [bool]
#Option NoAccel# [bool]
#Option ShadowFB   # [bool]
#Option UseFBDev   # [bool]
#Option Rotate # [str]
#Option VideoKey   # i
#Option FlatPanel  # [bool]
#Option FPDither   # [bool]
#Option CrtcNumber # i
#Option FPScale# [bool]
#Option FPTweak# i
#Option DualHead   # [bool]
Identifier  Card0
Driver  nv
VendorName  nVidia Corporation
BoardName   NV44 [GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM)]
BusID   PCI:6:0:0

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Card0
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 1
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 4
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0

Fwd: Re: Security support for CMSes

2012-10-07 Thread Robert Pommrich
Putting it back to the list where it came from.

Betreff: Re: Security support for CMSes
Datum: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 20:25:11 +0200
Von: Nico Golde
An: Robert Pommrich
Kopie (CC):,

* Robert Pommrich [2012-10-07 16:01]:
 Am 07.10.2012 12:19, schrieb Peter Viskup:
  Hello everybody,
  I am using Drupal6 from Debian repositories as I thought that Debian is
  taking care of the security fixes and therefore I do not have to take
  care too much.
  Unfortunately one of my sites was cracked and there were none of
  security fixes released in June 2012 by Drupal community backported to
  main release till today. The only 'fixed' version of Drupal6 is
  available on
  Do you use Debian versions of CMSes?
  Are you continuously checking the main releases and checking the states
  of Debian packages?
  What are your proposals for running any CMS available in Debian
  Does somebody have similar experience from the past or with another CMS
  from Debian repositories?
 you should address the issue to the maintainer,
 and the security team [1] ( or, which I put in CC.
 Looking at
 there are 2 issues which are not fixed in the current stable version of
 drupal6. Perhaps the maintainer and/or the security team overlooked them.

Providing security updates for packages in Debian is still based on
work. Therefore it can happen sometimes that either a security fix is
overlooked or no person has committed to provide/release an updated package.
The latter probably applies in this case.

Can you further specify what exactly you mean by cracked? This would be
interesting as even though two CVE ids are marked as unfixed in stable,
of the issues qualifies for example to execute code on a remote drupal

Kind regards
Nico Golde - - - GPG: 0xA0A0

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Re: Installation problem on Dell Latitude D810

2012-10-07 Thread Cesar Enrique Garcia Dabo

 Thanks a lot!
 I have now successfully installed  Debian with image firmware-6.0.6-amd64-
i386-netinst.iso and it works fine. I used that because I read that my wifi 
needs non free firmware. However the WLAN configuration didn't work. The card 
was detected but when trying to look for access points it wouldn't find any. 
 I ended up using the ethernet cable, but is it normal that it cannot find any 
wlan network? The firmware seems to be installed, at least it asked to agree on 
the license...

On Saturday 06 October 2012 14:35:50 Brian wrote:
 On Sat 06 Oct 2012 at 15:02:17 +0200, Cesar Enrique Garcia Dabo wrote:
   I am trying to install Debian 6.0 on a rather old laptop Latitude D810.
 You are not trying hard enough. :)
  However it hangs when detecting network hardware using the graphical
 Please see below.
   On the same machine I was able to boot Fedora 17 without problems.
   I have tried also connecting an ethernet cable but it also hangs.
The kernel messages on the same machine using kernel 3.5.3 from F17 are:
  [   16.608061] tg3.c:v3.123 (March 21, 2012)
  [   16.617814] tg3 :02:00.0: eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95751) rev 4001]
  (PCI Express) MAC address 00:14:22:e2:2d:9a
  [   16.617825] tg3 :02:00.0: eth0: attached PHY is 5750
  (10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet) (WireSpeed[1], EEE[0])
  [   16.617834] tg3 :02:00.0: eth0: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0]
  ASF[0] TSOcap[1]
  [   16.617842] tg3 :02:00.0: eth0: dma_rwctrl[7618]
  dma_mask[64-bit] ...
  [   17.285950] ipw2200: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200/2915 Network Driver,
  [   17.285957] ipw2200: Copyright(c) 2003-2006 Intel Corporation
  [   17.286183] ipw2200: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network
   I am using image debian-wheezy-DI-b1-i386-netinst.iso.
 This is a beta image for Wheezy. What has happened to you is a known bug
 in d-i.
   Do you know any way to install it on this laptop?
 Use a Squeeze 6.0.5 install image.

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Re: Debian Small CD install netinst.iso

2012-10-07 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20121007_140524, Wally Lepore wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 5:46 AM, Brian wrote:
  You will have a good idea what to expect after reading Chapter 6 of the
 Hi Brian
 Chapter 6 discusses using the Debian Installer. I am not utilizing the
 installer. I downloaded the netinst.iso file. Is there a difference?
 Here is the link that describes the netinst file that I downloaded.
   You will also have prepared for the possible need for firmware by
  unzipping the file you get from
  to a USB stick after reading Section 2.2.
 I'm not understanding please. Do I download the .zip file you
 suggested and run that from the USB stick and that alone will tell me
 if any firmware is needed for my system prior to running the netinst
 CD I created?
 Appreciate the help in getting Debian installed.


Windows and Debian use different file systems on disk. I think Windows
is incapable of modifying data on extN formatted disks that Debian
uses. And Windows does have some safety checks that keep you from
mistakenly formatting a disk that already has a non-Windows format on

Conversely, Debian can read and write the Windows file system, but
only if you tell it to mount the Windows disk. During install you will
be given a opportunity to select what disks and partitions you want
Debian to mount in detail. Use this opportunity. Make sure you see the
Windows disk while configuring, and be sure you select do not mount.


Paul E Condon

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[NIT] Re: Debian Small CD install netinst.iso

2012-10-07 Thread Neal Murphy
On Sunday, October 07, 2012 03:18:25 PM Paul E Condon wrote:
 Windows and Debian use different file systems on disk. I think Windows
 is incapable of modifying data on extN formatted disks that Debian

A minor NIT to pick.

There is an EXT3 driver for Winders that enables it to read and write certain 
Linux file systems. It worked quite well, though it's been some years since I 
used it.

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Re: [NIT] Re: Debian Small CD install netinst.iso

2012-10-07 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20121007_152845, Neal Murphy wrote:
 On Sunday, October 07, 2012 03:18:25 PM Paul E Condon wrote:
  Windows and Debian use different file systems on disk. I think Windows
  is incapable of modifying data on extN formatted disks that Debian
 A minor NIT to pick.
 There is an EXT3 driver for Winders that enables it to read and write certain 
 Linux file systems. It worked quite well, though it's been some years since I 
 used it.

I didn't know that. 

I had assumed that your Windows computer is a plain vanilla Windows
machine with the only software on it purchased from a Microsoft
approved software outlet. 

But if the computer you have has been powned by a Debian hating Linux
guru to has placed a version of Linux some other Linus on it in a
hidden location waiting and watching for a Debian install ... Well
even paranoids can have enemies.  Be afraid, be very afraid... ;-)

Paul E Condon

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Re: Debian Small CD install netinst.iso

2012-10-07 Thread Brian
On Sun 07 Oct 2012 at 14:05:24 -0400, Wally Lepore wrote:

 Chapter 6 discusses using the Debian Installer. I am not utilizing the
 installer. I downloaded the netinst.iso file. Is there a difference?

No difference. They are the same thing.

 I'm not understanding please. Do I download the .zip file you


and run that from the USB stick

You do not run it, you unzip it. The contents of the zip file then get

and that alone will tell me
 if any firmware is needed for my system prior to running the netinst
 CD I created?

No. The unpacked files are used by the installer (your netinst,iso) if
they are required. It will tell you if you need to provide firmware.

You have the netinst.iso on a CD, I think. Have you actually booted from
it? If you haven't, do it immediately after reading this mail. Remove
the drive you have Windows on if you must. Read the installer Guide, stop
agonising and get stuck in. You may make mistakes, but so what. It's
only an operating system you are installing, not a procedure to replace a
defective heart. You can always start all over again.

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Re: Installation problem on Dell Latitude D810

2012-10-07 Thread Brian
On Sun 07 Oct 2012 at 20:38:14 +0200, Cesar Enrique Garcia Dabo wrote:

  I have now successfully installed  Debian with image firmware-6.0.6-amd64-
 i386-netinst.iso and it works fine.


 I used that because I read that my wifi 
 needs non free firmware. However the WLAN configuration didn't work. The card 
 was detected but when trying to look for access points it wouldn't find any. 
  I ended up using the ethernet cable, but is it normal that it cannot find 
 wlan network? The firmware seems to be installed, at least it asked to agree 
 the license...

Only WEP is available when installing Squeeze. Maybe that was the problem.
Wheezy has WPA and makes a good job of setting up a wireless connection.

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Re: Debian Small CD install netinst.iso

2012-10-07 Thread Wally Lepore
 On 7 October 2012 19:05, Wally Lepore wrote:

 I'm not understanding please. Do I download the .zip file you
 suggested and run that from the USB stick and that alone will tell me
 if any firmware is needed for my system prior to running the netinst
 CD I created?

 On Oct 7, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Lisi Reisz replied:

 No.  You have to offer that at a later stage when you are asked for it
 by the installer.

Hi Lisi,

Thanks for helping again. Can we please start over? I'm not understanding.

Before installing Debian Squeeze via the netinst.iso file, I was
advised to run the Debian LiveCd to test my systems hardware. Is this
still recommended or should I forget the liveCD and simply begin the
install process to my hard drive using the netinst CD that I burned?

If you do recommend that I simply begin the install to my hard drive,
and if during the install, the installer asked for firmware, then I
place the USB stick into the computer (that has the the firmware on
it) OR should the USB stick already be in the computer prior to the
install? This is confusing and I appreciate your help.

Here is the link where I downloaded the firmware .zip file

 I would strongly recommend using ethernet, not wi-fi, for your net
 install if you possibly can.  It is easier and you are much less
 likely to need firmware.

Thanks for that advice. Yes, I am using ethernet for the net install.

By the way, here is a link to the motherboard I'm using to install
Debian Squeeze. The motherboard is an iWill DVD266R. The board has SMP
as it uses 'two' pentium III processors. It provides up to 4 gigs
'max' of DDR memory however I only have 1 gig of RAM installed. It
should handle Debian Squeeze (basic system) no problem. I can provide
any additional hardware specs if needed.

The Debian detailed instruction guide says that dual processors are
supported. See:

I have the raid controllers turned 'off' and using an 80 gig Western
Digital EIDE hard drive to install Debian to.

Also following instructions on section titled, 3.6.3. Miscellaneous
BIOS Settings

Complete Debian Install instructions for i386

Just trying to get Debian installed. Thank you very much!

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Applications that require root privileges freeze

2012-10-07 Thread Giorgos Kounenis
I did the default installation of Debian 6.06, I log in Gnome as the
created user and every time I try to run an application which requires
root privileges, eg. Synaptic, Users and Groups, etc the application
freezes. I need to run xkill and kill it.

Any ideas what might be going on?


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Editing org.gnome.desktop.background in /etc/gdm3/greeter.settings doesn't change login wallpaper

2012-10-07 Thread Lone Learner
I am trying to change my GNOME 3.4 login background using the instructions

But that method didn't work for me. I am using Debian (Wheezy) testing. My
/etc/gdm3/greeter.settings file is like this:






I have made sure that root as well as Debian-gdm user has permission to
read /opt/wallpapers/space.jpg. I have also run dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 and
/etc/init.d/gdm3 restart. But I don't see space.jpg as the login wallpaper.
What is the issue?

Fwd: Re: Security support for CMSes

2012-10-07 Thread Peter Viskup

Overlooked it was not sent to debian-user list.

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: Security support for CMSes
Date:   Mon, 08 Oct 2012 00:07:56 +0200
From:   Peter Viskup
To: 	Robert Pommrich,,

Hello Nico,

On 10/07/2012 08:25 PM, Nico Golde wrote:

 Providing security updates for packages in Debian is still based on voluntary
 work. Therefore it can happen sometimes that either a security fix is
 overlooked or no person has committed to provide/release an updated package.
 The latter probably applies in this case.

I fully agree on that, understand that and am thankful to everybody
working on Debian project.

 Can you further specify what exactly you mean by cracked? This would be
 interesting as even though two CVE ids are marked as unfixed in stable, none
 of the issues qualifies for example to execute code on a remote drupal

I do not know what security issue was used to crack my site - they used
some Drupal weakness to create some php files in Drupal install dir
remotely and without getting SFTP access.
I had a look on the state of the drupal6 package just after and noticed
there are some critical bugfixes not backported to stable branch.
That's all at the very moment.


Re: Exim4 behaviour when long term failure of outgoing address

2012-10-07 Thread Chris Davies
Alan Chandler wrote:
 I am using Debian Squeeze on a virtual machine that I lease.  It has 
 exim4 (light) version as its mail server.  - its name is

 However, it looks to me like its trying to send a failure e-mail to me 
 locally somehow.

 2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bf-Mx-0C = U=root P=local S=389
 2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bf-Mx-0C ** R=dnslookup 
 T=remote_smtp: retry time not reached for any host after a long failure 
 2012-10-05 07:42:09 1TK1bt-N0-DT remote host address is the local 

It's difficult to tell without knowing the precise setup on the
machine, but this looks like you've aliased root to the offsite address, but then you've got an entry somewhere that tells
avalon that it *is*

This could be an entry in /etc/hosts, an MX or A record in DNS, or some
fancy aliasing somewhere associated with exim itself.

Avalon accordingly tries to deliver to info, locally, and finds that
this does not exist. Because it's already trying to deliver a bounce
message it simply discards the bouncing bounce and aborts.

Unfortunately, without knowing what really is, I can't
run any non-local diagnostics for you. Unless really is
yours, in which case you've got a configuration problem there because
it's not accepting mail.


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Re: Debian Small CD install netinst.iso

2012-10-07 Thread Wally Lepore
On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Brian wrote:
On Sun 07 Oct 2012 at 14:05:24 -0400, Wally Lepore wrote:

 and run that from the USB stick?

 You do not run it, you unzip it. The contents of the zip file then get

Yes I understand how to extract files. Sorry, I meant to say:
After downloading the zip file, do I unpack it to a folder on the USB drive?

I just extracted all the files from the firmware zip file 'as a test'
to see the contents and noticed all the files are .deb files. Ok I
understand now. I thought the firmware zip file contained an iso image
or something that needed to be burned to the USB drive. Sorry for the

 and that alone will tell me if any firmware is needed for my
 system prior to running the netinst CD I created?

 No. The unpacked files are used by the installer (your netinst,iso) if
 they are required. It will tell you if you need to provide firmware.

Ok, therefore both the netinst cd installer and the USB stick have to
be in the computer at boot up? or if the installer asks for the
firmware I simply plug in the USB drive that contains the firmware

 You have the netinst.iso on a CD, I think.

Yes I have it already it burned to a CD.

Have you actually booted from it?

No, not yet.

If you haven't, do it immediately after reading this mail. Remove
 the drive you have Windows on if you must. Read the installer Guide, stop
 agonising and get stuck in. You may make mistakes, but so what. It's
 only an operating system you are installing, not a procedure to replace a
 defective heart. You can always start all over again.

Ok got it! But just to clarify. The reason I was holding back is
because it was suggested that I run the LiveCD first and see if Debian
has any issues with my hardware etc.

So what you are recommending is forget the LiveCD and just boot up the
installer and begin the install process to my hard drive?

Thanks Brian.

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Re: Debian Small CD install netinst.iso

2012-10-07 Thread Brian
On Sun 07 Oct 2012 at 19:02:29 -0400, Wally Lepore wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Brian wrote:
  You do not run it, you unzip it. The contents of the zip file then get
 Yes I understand how to extract files. Sorry, I meant to say:
 After downloading the zip file, do I unpack it to a folder on the USB drive?
 I just extracted all the files from the firmware zip file 'as a test'
 to see the contents and noticed all the files are .deb files. Ok I
 understand now. I thought the firmware zip file contained an iso image
 or something that needed to be burned to the USB drive. Sorry for the

Just copy the extracted .deb files to the USB drive. Or put the firmware
zip file on the drive and extract them there. There is no ned to put
them in a folder on the drive

  No. The unpacked files are used by the installer (your netinst,iso) if
  they are required. It will tell you if you need to provide firmware.
 Ok, therefore both the netinst cd installer and the USB stick have to
 be in the computer at boot up? or if the installer asks for the
 firmware I simply plug in the USB drive that contains the firmware

The USB stick does not have to be in computer at boot time. Take the
second option.

 If you haven't, do it immediately after reading this mail. Remove
  the drive you have Windows on if you must. Read the installer Guide, stop
  agonising and get stuck in. You may make mistakes, but so what. It's
  only an operating system you are installing, not a procedure to replace a
  defective heart. You can always start all over again.
 Ok got it! But just to clarify. The reason I was holding back is
 because it was suggested that I run the LiveCD first and see if Debian
 has any issues with my hardware etc.

The firmware .debs should accomodate just about all the common hardware
a user would meet.
 So what you are recommending is forget the LiveCD and just boot up the
 installer and begin the install process to my hard drive?

That would be my recommendation. If you do not get a move on Wheezy will
have been released. :)

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Re: Re: Security support for CMSes

2012-10-07 Thread Jan Ingvoldstad
On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 12:18 AM, Peter Viskup wrote:

  Overlooked it was not sent to debian-user list.


 I do not know what security issue was used to crack my site - they used
 some Drupal weakness to create some php files in Drupal install dir
 remotely and without getting SFTP access.
 I had a look on the state of the drupal6 package just after and noticed
 there are some critical bugfixes not backported to stable branch.
 That's all at the very moment.

 In my experience, this correlation is good enough to reasonably assume

When a website is compromised, and the software running the website has
known vulnerabilities, there is rarely any need to look further. Such
attacks are usually automated or semi-automated.

You can reduce the problems somewhat by using ModSecurity, and disallowing
a bunch of PHP functions (eval, system, etc.) that many
components/extensions/modules/plugins/themes seem to find useful.

This is not always practical, for instance when you use a third party
webhost which does not offer these options, or when you do not have the
know-how to configure these right.

I suspect that for software like Drupal, using a secondary package manager
such as Portage may actually be better for the sysadmin.

Re: Opzetten van een Postfix, ik zie door de bomen het bos niet meer

2012-10-07 Thread Jeroen Veldhuijzen
Is er niemand die mij kan helpen?
Jeroen Veldhuijzen

Op 2 oktober 2012 21:29 schreef Jeroen Veldhuijzen
veldmu...@gmail.comhet volgende:

 Hallo allemaal,

 Ik zit vast met een postfix server.
 Doel: Emailserver draaien vanuit thuisnetwerk met mijn eigen domeinnaam: (deze staat op mijn naam geregistreerd en is betaald

 Probleem: Het lijkt niet mogelijk om te mailen of te ontvangen vanuit deze

 Wat ik gedaan heb:
 Ik heb de headless server geinstalleerd (Debian 6.0 met de laatste updates
 Ik heb Postfix geinstalleerd en ben met dpkg-reconfigure alle vragen
 doorlopen (zoals geadviseerd wordt in het Debian Handbook.
 Ik heb via mijn dynamische ipadres geregistreerd zodat deze
 altijd te vinden is via
 Ik heb een mx record aangemaakt bij en deze gekoppeld met
 Ik heb mijn router ingesteld op het het doorsturen van poort 25 naar (begin en eindpoort op 25 gezet bij de routerkant en bij
 de server kant).
 Ik heb twee keer gebeld met KPN internet helpdesk om te vragen of poort 25
 standaard geblokkeerd is (eerste keer zou deze geblokkeert zijn maar
 helpdesk wist dit niet zeker, bij navraag schijnt deze geblokkeerd te
 zijn.   Bij een tweede keer bellen krijg ik te horen van een andere
 medewerker dat deze niet geblokkeerd is en dat hij gister nog iemand
 geholpen heeft met zijn mailserver die eerst wel werkte over poort 25 maar
 ineens niet meer).
 Ik heb een mail geprobeerd te sturen naar en
 met Alpine de mailbox van root in de gaten gehouden, paar uur later kreeg
 ik een mail dat het bericht niet afgeleverd kon worden.
 Ik heb geprobeerd vanuit de root mailbox een mail naar mijn gmailaccount
 te sturen, deze is ook nooit aangekomen.

 Ik weet dus even niet meer waar ik het zoeken moet.
 Als ik een telnet verbinding maak vanuit mijn thuisnetwerk naar 25 lukt het:

 jeroen@Ubuntu-Laptop:~$ telnet
 telnet o
 (to) 25
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 220 ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)

 Wanneer ik dit probeer naar of op poort 25 lukt dit niet:

 jeroen@Ubuntu-Laptop:~$ telnet
 telnet o
 (to) 25
 telnet: could not resolve Name or service
 not known

 Misschien komt dit omdat dit vanuit mijn eigen netwerk is.
 Ik heb het ook gezocht in de instelingen in mijn /etc/host
 /etc/resolv.conf files (howto die ik gebruikt 

 root@mail:~# cat /etc/hosts

 # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
 ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
 fe00::0 ip6-localnet
 ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
 ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
 ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
 root@mail:~# cat /etc/hosts

 # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
 ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
 fe00::0 ip6-localnet
 ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
 ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
 ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

  root@mail:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf
 domain lan
 search lan

  Resolv.conf al twee keer domain op gezet en ook
 search maar dit wilt hij elke keer niet bewaren (ik heb hem wel gesaved)

 Ik heb ook in mijn sysctl.conf bestand twee lines veranderd:

 kernel.domainname =

  kernel.hostname = mail

  en daarna sysctl -p gedaan en ook nog een reboot. Dit heeft ook niet

 Hier de instellingen van Postfix:

 root@mail:~# cat /etc/postfix/
 # See /usr/share/postfix/ for a commented, more complete

 # Debian specific:  Specifying a file name will cause the first
 # line of that file to be used as the name.  The Debian default
 # is /etc/mailname.
 #myorigin = /etc/mailname

 smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Debian/GNU)
 biff = no

 # appending .domain is the MUA's job.
 append_dot_mydomain = no

 # Uncomment the next line to generate delayed mail warnings
 #delay_warning_time = 4h

 readme_directory = no

 # TLS parameters
 smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtpd_scache
 smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache

 # See /usr/share/doc/postfix/TLS_README.gz in the postfix-doc package for
 # information on enabling SSL in the smtp client.

 myhostname =
 mydomain =
 alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
 alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
 myorigin = /etc/mailname
 mydestination =, mail, localhost.localdomain,
 relayhost =

Re: Opzetten van een Postfix, ik zie door de bomen het bos niet meer

2012-10-07 Thread Paul Gevers

Even vooraf, ik heb het bij KPN niet gecontroleerd, maar op de TU/e
werkt het ook ongeveer zo.

  1. Een verstuurde e-mail gaat vanwege de laagste prioriteit (50)
 naar “”.
  2. Deze komt niet aan omdat port 25 dicht staat.
  3. De e-mail gaat verder naar “” en wordt ontvangen.
  4. De e-mailserver “” ziet dat deze niet
 verantwoordelijk is voor de e-mail en stuurt deze door naar je
 eigen e-mailserver “”.

 Dat laatste puntje klinkt mij onwaarschijnlijk in de oren, waarom
 zou de relay server mij dan wel ineens over poort 25 kunnen

Je telnet testen van buiten zullen niet werken omdat KPN poort 25
dichtzet. Door die prio in te stellen werkt het er iets omheen. Eerst
probeert ie, dat lukt niet dus probeert ie de
tweede. Die accepteert wel, maar weet dat het niet de finale
eindbestemming is (relay station voor GEREGISTREERDE domeinen). Op de
TU/e wordt er daarna trouwens op A record van het domein in het
e-mailadres gezocht dus maakt de lage prio MX niet eens uit omdat die
niet gebruikt wordt en alleen maar delay oplevert. Omdat KPN binnen z'n
eigen netwerk wel weer poort 25 toestaat gaat de e-mail vervolgens
netjes naar jouw server, maar...

Wat volgens mij de missende schakel is je DNS voor

paul@wollumbin ~ $ dig

;  DiG 9.8.1-P1
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 29556
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

; IN  A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:   120 IN  SOA 260701 604800 2400 1814400 1200


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Opzetten van een Postfix, ik zie door de bomen het bos niet meer

2012-10-07 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Hallo Jeroen,

Zie mijn opmerkingen tussen je tekst:

Op 07-10-12 12:02, Jeroen Veldhuijzen schreef:
 Is er niemand die mij kan helpen?
 Jeroen Veldhuijzen
 Op 2 oktober 2012 21:29 schreef Jeroen Veldhuijzen het volgende:
 Hallo allemaal,
 Ik zit vast met een postfix server.
 Doel: Emailserver draaien vanuit thuisnetwerk met mijn eigen
 (deze staat op mijn naam geregistreerd en is betaald :)).
 Probleem: Het lijkt niet mogelijk om te mailen of te ontvangen
 vanuit deze server.
 Wat ik gedaan heb:
 Ik heb de headless server geinstalleerd (Debian 6.0 met de laatste
 updates erop).
 Ik heb Postfix geinstalleerd en ben met dpkg-reconfigure alle vragen
 doorlopen (zoals geadviseerd wordt in het Debian Handbook.
 Ik heb via mijn dynamische ipadres geregistreerd zodat
 deze altijd te vinden is via

Als je een mailserver wilt draaien is het het beste om een vast IP adres
te hebben. In Nederland worden vaak vaste IP adressen gegeven, in andere
landen is dat minder.

In het verleden gaf KPN altijd vaste IP adressen, maar ik zie de laatste
tijd dat ze bij sommige KPN-providers IP adressen vergeven die wel eens
een enkele keer wijzigen.

 Ik heb een mx record aangemaakt bij en deze gekoppeld

Nee, je hebt hem gekoppeld aan, en met een
tweede MX record naar

paul@server2:~$ host -t MX mail is handled by 50 mail is handled by 100
paul@server2:~$ host
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

En zal het domein niet kennen, en mail dus weigeren.

Verder zie ik in je mail regelmatig http-urls. Een machinenaam schrijf
je als b.v. en absoluut niet als b.v.

 Ik heb mijn router ingesteld op het het doorsturen van poort 25 naar (begin en eindpoort op 25
 gezet bij de routerkant en bij de server kant).
 Ik heb twee keer gebeld met KPN internet helpdesk om te vragen of
 poort 25 standaard geblokkeerd is (eerste keer zou deze geblokkeert
 zijn maar helpdesk wist dit niet zeker, bij navraag schijnt deze
 geblokkeerd te zijn.   Bij een tweede keer bellen krijg ik te
 horen van een andere medewerker dat deze niet geblokkeerd is en dat
 hij gister nog iemand geholpen heeft met zijn mailserver die eerst
 wel werkte over poort 25 maar ineens niet meer).

Sommige providers blokkeren poort 25 naar andere mailservers dan hun
eigen, maar dat gaat steeds om uitgaand verkeer en niet om inkomend verkeer.

Je kunt vrij simpel testen of poort 25 uitgaand geblokkeerd wordt,
bijvoorbeeld met:
telnet 25

Als poort 25 uitgaand geblokkeerd wordt dan zul je een timeout krijgen.
Anders krijg je een vriendelijke melding van mijn mailserver die je kunt
afsluiten met ctrl-] (rechte haak sluiten) en dan quit.

paul@server2:~$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)

telnet quit
Connection closed.

 Ik heb een mail geprobeerd te sturen naar en met Alpine de mailbox van root
 in de gaten gehouden, paar uur later kreeg ik een mail dat het
 bericht niet afgeleverd kon worden.

Ik raad je aan om goed te kijken in /var/log/mail.log.

Postfix houdt zich bezig met het transporteren van e-mail.
Heb je wel een POP of IMAP programma geinstalleerd?

 Ik heb geprobeerd vanuit de root mailbox een mail naar mijn
 gmailaccount te sturen, deze is ook nooit aangekomen.

Wat zegt /var/log/mail.log?

 Ik weet dus even niet meer waar ik het zoeken moet.
 Als ik een telnet verbinding maak vanuit mijn thuisnetwerk naar 25 lukt het:
 jeroen@Ubuntu-Laptop:~$ telnet
 telnet o
 (to) 25
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 220 ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)
 Wanneer ik dit probeer naar of op poort 25 lukt dit niet:
 jeroen@Ubuntu-Laptop:~$ telnet
 telnet o
 (to) 25
 telnet: could not resolve

Re: Opzetten van een Postfix, ik zie door de bomen het bos niet meer

2012-10-07 Thread Vincent Zweije
On Sun, Oct 07, 2012 at 12:55:39PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

||  paul@server2:~$ host -t MX
|| mail is handled by 50
|| mail is handled by 100
||  paul@server2:~$ host
||  Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
||  paul@server2:~$
||  En zal het domein niet kennen, en mail dus weigeren.

En inderdaad, weigert dit:

$dig +short
$telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Sun, 7 Oct 2012 21:02:38 
250 Hello []
250 2.1.0 vinc...@zweije.nlSender OK
550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for
221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel
Connection closed by foreign host.

Dit betekent dat de lage-prioriteit mx entry bij kpn niet gaat helpen.

Een optie die overblijft is om via een andere host dan je
mail te ontvangen, en het dan over een andere poort naar jouw computer
te versturen. Dat vereist dat die andere computer en jouw server een
aparte poort, anders dan 25, afspreken om de mail over te versturen.

Ik ben ook wel eens backup mail exchanger (mx) geweest voor anderen, en
omgekeerd. Niet over een andere poort dan 25, maar intern heb ik wel eens
twee mailservers gehad waarvan er een op poort 24 draaide. Is te doen.

||  Het benaderen via poort 25 is normaal niet het probleem. Waar het om
||  gaat is het verzenden. Mocht poort 25 geblokkeerd zijn naar buiten, dan
||  kun je een relayhost instellen in Postfix. Als relayhost geef je dan de
||  mailserver van je provider. Ik heb meegemaakt (bij Ziggo) dat dit alleen
||  functioneerde als ik de de naam van de mailserver tussen rechte haken
||  zette, dus iets als relayhost = []

Dit geldt voor het verzenden van mail.

Voor het ontvangen van mail mag jouw provider poort 25 naar jou toe niet
blokkeren; anders ben je aangewezen op maatregelen als boven beschreven.

Terzijde: doet rare dingen met IPv6:

$dig ns

;  DiG 9.8.1-P1 ns
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 5812
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 7

;   IN  NS


;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:   IN  A   IN  ::1   IN  A   IN  ::2   IN  A   IN  ::3   IN  ::4

;; Query time: 1 msec
;; SERVER: ::1#53(::1)
;; WHEN: Sun Oct  7 21:22:53 2012
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 261


WTF? Adressen ::1, ::2, ::3, ::4? Dat zijn echt geen globaal bereikbare
IPv6 adressen. Wie de nameservers van probeert te bereiken
over IPv6 gaat ze niet vinden. Stelletje sufferds daar bij

Maar ik dwaal af.

Ciao.   Vincent.
Vincent Zweije   | If you're flamed in a group you  | don't read, does anybody get burnt?
[Xhost should be taken out and shot] |-- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Opzetten van een Postfix, ik zie door de bomen het bos niet meer

2012-10-07 Thread Jeroen Veldhuijzen
Ik moet wel zeggen, maar vijf dagen geen reacties en nu echt veel haha!
Mijn machine is nu uit maar morgen weer proberen.
Thanks allemaal!
Op 7 okt. 2012 21:25 schreef Vincent Zweije het

 On Sun, Oct 07, 2012 at 12:55:39PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

 ||  paul@server2:~$ host -t MX
 || mail is handled by 50
 || mail is handled by 100
 ||  paul@server2:~$ host
 ||  Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
 ||  paul@server2:~$
 ||  En zal het domein niet kennen, en mail dus weigeren.

 En inderdaad, weigert dit:

 $dig +short
 $telnet 25
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 220 Sun, 7 Oct 2012
 21:02:38 +0200
 250 Hello []
 250 2.1.0 vinc...@zweije.nlSender OK
 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for
 221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission
 Connection closed by foreign host.

 Dit betekent dat de lage-prioriteit mx entry bij kpn niet gaat helpen.

 Een optie die overblijft is om via een andere host dan je
 mail te ontvangen, en het dan over een andere poort naar jouw computer
 te versturen. Dat vereist dat die andere computer en jouw server een
 aparte poort, anders dan 25, afspreken om de mail over te versturen.

 Ik ben ook wel eens backup mail exchanger (mx) geweest voor anderen, en
 omgekeerd. Niet over een andere poort dan 25, maar intern heb ik wel eens
 twee mailservers gehad waarvan er een op poort 24 draaide. Is te doen.

 ||  Het benaderen via poort 25 is normaal niet het probleem. Waar het om
 ||  gaat is het verzenden. Mocht poort 25 geblokkeerd zijn naar buiten, dan
 ||  kun je een relayhost instellen in Postfix. Als relayhost geef je dan de
 ||  mailserver van je provider. Ik heb meegemaakt (bij Ziggo) dat dit
 ||  functioneerde als ik de de naam van de mailserver tussen rechte haken
 ||  zette, dus iets als relayhost = []

 Dit geldt voor het verzenden van mail.

 Voor het ontvangen van mail mag jouw provider poort 25 naar jou toe niet
 blokkeren; anders ben je aangewezen op maatregelen als boven beschreven.

 Terzijde: doet rare dingen met IPv6:

 $dig ns

 ;  DiG 9.8.1-P1 ns
 ;; global options: +cmd
 ;; Got answer:
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 5812
 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 7

 ;   IN  NS


 ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:   IN  A   IN  ::1   IN  A   IN  ::2   IN  A   IN  ::3   IN  ::4

 ;; Query time: 1 msec
 ;; SERVER: ::1#53(::1)
 ;; WHEN: Sun Oct  7 21:22:53 2012
 ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 261


 WTF? Adressen ::1, ::2, ::3, ::4? Dat zijn echt geen globaal bereikbare
 IPv6 adressen. Wie de nameservers van probeert te bereiken
 over IPv6 gaat ze niet vinden. Stelletje sufferds daar bij

 Maar ik dwaal af.

 Ciao.   Vincent.
 Vincent Zweije   | If you're flamed in a group you  | don't read, does anybody get
 [Xhost should be taken out and shot] |-- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.