Re: Miniatures de fichiers Libre/OpenOffice sous Nautilus de Squeeze

2012-12-08 Thread Alain Rpnpif
Le  4 décembre 2012, Frédéric Massot a écrit :

 Le 03/12/2012 14:57, Alain Rpnpif a écrit :

  Sous Nautilus, je n'arrive pas à obtenir de miniatures de mes fichiers
  OpenDocument (ODT, etc. textes, dessins ou autres) mais dans certains
  répertoires seulement. Pourtant, cela marche dans la plupart des autres.
  Je suis sous Debian Squeeze agrémenté de squeeze-backports. Les autres
  fichiers (PDF, etc.) ne présentent pas ce problème.
  J'ai tenté d'effacer tout sous $HOME/.thumbnails/ de façon à régénérer
  l'ensemble des diapos/miniatures, mais rien y fait.
  J'ai vérifié le contenu des fichiers ODT en cause : la miniature existe
  bien (thumbnail.png). Je ne comprends pas.
 Les miniatures des fichiers ODT sont créées par le paquet ooo-thumbnailer.
 ooo-thumbnailer ne fonctionne plus avec Gnome 3 :

ooo-thumbnailer est bien installé et je rappelle que les miniatures
sont bien générées sous *certains* répertoires et que Squeeze est sous
Gnome 2 et je n'ai pas l'intention de passer à Gnome3 avant... peut-être
jamais (peut-être à Mate ou XFCE).

Une autre idée ?


Alain Rpnpif

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Re: Miniatures de fichiers Libre/OpenOffice sous Nautilus de Squeeze

2012-12-08 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 8 Dec 2012 12:25:50 +0100,
Alain Rpnpif a écrit :

 Le  4 décembre 2012, Frédéric Massot a écrit :
  Le 03/12/2012 14:57, Alain Rpnpif a écrit :
   Sous Nautilus, je n'arrive pas à obtenir de miniatures de mes
   fichiers OpenDocument (ODT, etc. textes, dessins ou autres) mais
   dans certains répertoires seulement. Pourtant, cela marche dans
   la plupart des autres. Je suis sous Debian Squeeze agrémenté de
   squeeze-backports. Les autres fichiers (PDF, etc.) ne présentent
   pas ce problème. J'ai tenté d'effacer tout sous
   $HOME/.thumbnails/ de façon à régénérer l'ensemble des
   diapos/miniatures, mais rien y fait. J'ai vérifié le contenu des
   fichiers ODT en cause : la miniature existe bien (thumbnail.png).
   Je ne comprends pas.
  Les miniatures des fichiers ODT sont créées par le paquet
  ooo-thumbnailer ne fonctionne plus avec Gnome 3 :
 ooo-thumbnailer est bien installé et je rappelle que les miniatures
 sont bien générées sous *certains* répertoires et que Squeeze est sous
 Gnome 2 et je n'ai pas l'intention de passer à Gnome3 avant...
 peut-être jamais (peut-être à Mate ou XFCE).
 Une autre idée ?

serait il possible de faire un essai avec un gestionnaire de

- thunar
- le vieux rox-filer
- dolphin

et de rendre compte sur la liste


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Re: Miniatures de fichiers Libre/OpenOffice sous Nautilus de Squeeze

2012-12-08 Thread maderios

On 12/08/2012 12:25 PM, Alain Rpnpif wrote:

Le  4 décembre 2012, Frédéric Massot a écrit :

Le 03/12/2012 14:57, Alain Rpnpif a écrit :

Sous Nautilus, je n'arrive pas à obtenir de miniatures de mes fichiers
OpenDocument (ODT, etc. textes, dessins ou autres) mais dans certains
répertoires seulement. Pourtant, cela marche dans la plupart des autres.

Une autre idée ?

Quand j'ai constaté il y a  des années la régression de Nautilus 
(surtout dernièrement avec Wheezy), les bugs à répétition non corrigés, 
les manques de fonctionnalités, etc, etc, mon idée à moi fut de 
remplacer Nautilus par Konqueror. Il n'y a pas photo. Il faut l'essayer 
absolument. Pas besoin d'un bureau KDE pour utiliser Konqueror (je n'ai 
ni gnome ni xfce ni kde, j'utilise E17).


Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: phpmyadmin et ssh

2012-12-08 Thread andre_debian

Un redémarrage à froid du serveur (via console Idrac) a permis
de refaire fonctionner SSH + phpmyadmin et à de redonner
jeunesse au serveur.

Je croyais que seul with Windows you must reboot et bien 
with GNU/Linux aussi ... :-)


On Friday 07 December 2012 15:24:08 wrote:
 On Friday 07 December 2012 00:40:17 Mourad Jaber wrote:
  Le 06/12/2012 20:28, a écrit :
   Depuis peu phpmyadmin depuis un poste client distant,
   refuse de s'ouvrir : ça mouline dans le navigateur.
   Je constate que parallèlement, le poste client connecté
   au serveur ssh, se fige : je dois fermer la console.
   Je n'ai rien touché, ni aux configurations de phpmyadmin ni de ssh.
   J'ai tenté dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin
   je me vois proposer de réinstaller la base de données qu'il utilise.
   À moins d'une autre méthode , si je réponds oui mes bases de données
   seront-elles effacées ?
  Tout d'abord, il n'y a pas de lien entre SSH et phpmyadmin, sauf si tu
  utilise ssh comme tunnel pour accéder au serveur ce qui n'est pas le cas
  que tu décris... :

 C'est vrai il n'y a pas de lien entre SSH et phpmyadmin.
 ssh se fige peu après que je passe en root après m'être loggué en mode

  La reconfiguration de phpmyadmin ne va probablement rien changer à la
  choucroute !
  Quand tu ferme la console figée, y'a-t-il un déblocage de ton navigateur
  internet (aucun lien entre les 2, mais au cas où !)... :

 Non pas de déblocage de phpmyadmin.
 Sa fenêtre graphique s'ouvre normalement,  il mouline après que
 j'ai tapé le login = root et le mot de passe.

  As-tu d'autre sites internet sur le serveur http qui héberge phpmyadmin ?

 Il n'y a qu'un seul site Web sur le serveur.

  Si oui, quand tu tente d'y accéder, est-ce que cela provoque le même
  comportement sur ton client ? :

 J'ai plusieurs bases de données gérées par le même phpmyadmin.

  Sur ton serveur, as-tu possibilité de vérifier les logs ssh, apache et
  système ? :

 Oui, vérifiés, pas d'indication de panne : apache2, mysql, auth.log ...

 # /var/log/dbconfig-common# cat dbc.log
 granting access to database phpmyadmin for phpmyadmin@localhost: success.
 verifying access for phpmyadmin@localhost: success.
 creating database phpmyadmin: success.
 verifying database phpmyadmin exists: success.
 populating database via sql...  done.

  Peux-tu reproduire ce comportement avec un autre poste client ?

 Oui, quelquesoit le client = pareil même symptômes.


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Configuration réseau dans un VLAN

2012-12-08 Thread David BERCOT

Afin de gérer des serveurs ESXi situés dans un VLAN, je souhaiterais
configurer ma station Debian dans le même VLAN.

J'ai donc fait quelques recherches et suivi les recommendations en la
matière :
# ip link add link eth0 name eth0.1001 type vlan id 1001
# ip addr add brd dev eth0.1001
# ip link set dev eth0.1001 up

Or, une fois cette configuration mise en place (et apparemment bonne),
impossible de joindre les ESXi...

Auriez-vous une piste qui pourrait m'aider ?

Merci d'avance.


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configuration serveur mail IMAP (dovecot)

2012-12-08 Thread Basile Starynkevitch

J'ai un petit réseau domestique sous Debian/Sid (et Ubuntu/)

Une machine dans un placard, en interne hector.lesours, 
est connectée à l'Internet en tant que
(via un modem ADSL convenablement configuré)
et c'est aussi un serveur SMTP exim4 (et IMAP dovecot). Elle reçoit bien le 
traffic SMTP. 
J'ai du réinstaller Debian il y a 6 ou 9 mois suite à un crash disque.

Mon PC desktop est sur le réseau interne glinka.lesours

Il a quelques comptes mail (demi-douzaine) sur hector.

Je n'arrive plus à accéder par IMAP4 à hector depuis glinka. Par exemple 
sous sylpheed la fenetre Tool-Log Window (Protocol log) donne:

** Could not establish IMAP connection.
* creating IMAP4 connection to hector.lesours:993 ...
* SSL certificate of hector.lesours previously accepted
[17:32:32] IMAP4 1 CAPABILITY
[17:32:32] IMAP4 1 OK Pre-login capabilities listed, post-login capabilities 
have more.
[17:32:32] IMAP4 + 
[17:32:32] IMAP4 
[17:32:32] IMAP4 * BYE Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more 
** LibSylph-WARNING: [17:32:32] IMAP4 authentication failed.

** IMAP4 authentication failed.
[17:32:32] IMAP4 3 LOGOUT
** LibSylph-WARNING: [17:32:32] Could not establish IMAP connection.

** Could not establish IMAP connection.

Sur le serveur hector, j'utilise dovecot comme serveur IMAP
(mais je suis disposé à changer, s'il y a plus simple)

En pratique, je suis réduit depuis des mois à lire mon mél par ssh hector mutt,
ce qui à la longue est parfois inconfortable.

Le fichier /var/log/mail.log contient notamment
Dec  8 17:32:32 hector dovecot: imap(basile): Error: Invalid user settings. 
Refer to server log for more information.
Dec  8 17:32:32 hector dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=basile, method=PLAIN, 
rip=, lip=, mpid=18514, TLS, session=mTv+4FnQQwDAqAAB
Dec  8 17:32:32 hector dovecot: imap(basile): Error: user basile: 
Initialization failed: Namespace '': mbox: mbox root directory can't be a file: 
/var/mail/basile (

le fichier /var/mail/basile existe et il est non-vide.

la commande dovecot -n donne
# 2.1.7: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 3.2.0-3-amd64 x86_64 Debian wheezy/sid 
mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
namespace inbox {
  inbox = yes
  location = mbox:/var/mail/%u
  mailbox Drafts {
special_use = \Drafts
  mailbox Junk {
special_use = \Junk
  mailbox Sent {
special_use = \Sent
  mailbox Sent Messages {
special_use = \Sent
  mailbox Trash {
special_use = \Trash
  prefix = 
passdb {
  driver = pam
plugin {
  sieve = ~/.dovecot.sieve
  sieve_dir = ~/sieve
protocols =  imap
ssl_cert = /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
ssl_key = /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem
userdb {
  driver = passwd

Avez vous des idées???

email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mines, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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Re: Configuration réseau dans un VLAN

2012-12-08 Thread Pascal Hambourg

David BERCOT a écrit :
 Afin de gérer des serveurs ESXi situés dans un VLAN, je souhaiterais
 configurer ma station Debian dans le même VLAN.
 J'ai donc fait quelques recherches et suivi les recommendations en la
 matière :
 # ip link add link eth0 name eth0.1001 type vlan id 1001
 # ip addr add brd dev eth0.1001
 # ip link set dev eth0.1001 up
 Or, une fois cette configuration mise en place (et apparemment bonne),
 impossible de joindre les ESXi...

Le port du switch connecté à la station Debian est-il configuré pour le
trafic taggé de ce VLAN ?

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Re: Configuration réseau dans un VLAN

2012-12-08 Thread David BERCOT
Le Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:18:18 +0100,
Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

David BERCOT a écrit :
 Afin de gérer des serveurs ESXi situés dans un VLAN, je souhaiterais
 configurer ma station Debian dans le même VLAN.
 J'ai donc fait quelques recherches et suivi les recommendations en la
 matière :
 # ip link add link eth0 name eth0.1001 type vlan id 1001
 # ip addr add brd dev eth0.1001
 # ip link set dev eth0.1001 up
 Or, une fois cette configuration mise en place (et apparemment
 bonne), impossible de joindre les ESXi...

Le port du switch connecté à la station Debian est-il configuré pour le
trafic taggé de ce VLAN ?

En effet, il l'est... D'ailleurs, les ESXi se voient entre eux...


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Re: Configuration réseau dans un VLAN

2012-12-08 Thread nono
Le samedi 08 décembre 2012 à 19:02 +0100, David BERCOT a écrit :
 Le Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:18:18 +0100,
 Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 David BERCOT a écrit :
  Afin de gérer des serveurs ESXi situés dans un VLAN, je souhaiterais
  configurer ma station Debian dans le même VLAN.
  J'ai donc fait quelques recherches et suivi les recommendations en la
  matière :
  # ip link add link eth0 name eth0.1001 type vlan id 1001
  # ip addr add brd dev eth0.1001
  # ip link set dev eth0.1001 up

Que donne un « ip -s link » ? C'est juste pour savoir si il y a-t-il des
paquets en réception sur l'interface ? Exemple de résultat :

2: eth0: BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 00:46:3h:47:fd:e5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
RX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped overrun mcast   
89127021   612630   0   0   0  
TX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped carrier collsns 
2270969319210   0   0   0  


  Or, une fois cette configuration mise en place (et apparemment
  bonne), impossible de joindre les ESXi...
 Le port du switch connecté à la station Debian est-il configuré pour le
 trafic taggé de ce VLAN ?
 En effet, il l'est... D'ailleurs, les ESXi se voient entre eux...

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: configuration serveur mail IMAP (dovecot)

2012-12-08 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 8 Dec 2012 17:40:54 +0100,
Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :

 J'ai un petit réseau domestique sous Debian/Sid (et Ubuntu/)
 Une machine dans un placard, en interne hector.lesours, 
 est connectée à l'Internet en tant que
 (via un modem ADSL convenablement configuré)
 et c'est aussi un serveur SMTP exim4 (et IMAP dovecot). Elle reçoit
 bien le traffic SMTP. J'ai du réinstaller Debian il y a 6 ou 9 mois
 suite à un crash disque.
 Mon PC desktop est sur le réseau interne glinka.lesours
 Il a quelques comptes mail (demi-douzaine) sur hector.
 Je n'arrive plus à accéder par IMAP4 à hector depuis glinka. Par
 exemple sous sylpheed la fenetre Tool-Log Window (Protocol log)
 ** Could not establish IMAP connection.
 * creating IMAP4 connection to hector.lesours:993 ...
 * SSL certificate of hector.lesours previously accepted
 [17:32:32] IMAP4 1 OK Pre-login capabilities listed, post-login
 capabilities have more. [17:32:32] IMAP4 2 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN
 [17:32:32] IMAP4 + 
 [17:32:32] IMAP4 
 [17:32:32] IMAP4 * BYE Internal error occurred. Refer to server log
 for more information. ** LibSylph-WARNING: [17:32:32] IMAP4
 authentication failed.
 ** IMAP4 authentication failed.
 [17:32:32] IMAP4 3 LOGOUT
 ** LibSylph-WARNING: [17:32:32] Could not establish IMAP connection.
 ** Could not establish IMAP connection.
 Sur le serveur hector, j'utilise dovecot comme serveur IMAP
 (mais je suis disposé à changer, s'il y a plus simple)
 En pratique, je suis réduit depuis des mois à lire mon mél par ssh
 hector mutt, ce qui à la longue est parfois inconfortable.
 Le fichier /var/log/mail.log contient notamment
 Dec  8 17:32:32 hector dovecot: imap(basile): Error: Invalid user
 settings. Refer to server log for more information. Dec  8 17:32:32
 hector dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=basile, method=PLAIN,
 rip=, lip=, mpid=18514, TLS,
 session=mTv+4FnQQwDAqAAB Dec  8 17:32:32 hector dovecot:
 imap(basile): Error: user basile: Initialization failed: Namespace
 '': mbox: mbox root directory can't be a file: /var/mail/basile
 le fichier /var/mail/basile existe et il est non-vide.
 la commande dovecot -n donne
 # 2.1.7: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
 # OS: Linux 3.2.0-3-amd64 x86_64 Debian wheezy/sid 
 mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
 namespace inbox {
   inbox = yes
   location = mbox:/var/mail/%u
   mailbox Drafts {
 special_use = \Drafts
   mailbox Junk {
 special_use = \Junk
   mailbox Sent {
 special_use = \Sent
   mailbox Sent Messages {
 special_use = \Sent
   mailbox Trash {
 special_use = \Trash
   prefix = 
 passdb {
   driver = pam
 plugin {
   sieve = ~/.dovecot.sieve
   sieve_dir = ~/sieve
 protocols =  imap
 ssl_cert = /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
 ssl_key = /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem
 userdb {
   driver = passwd
 Avez vous des idées???

est il possible d'accéder via ssh au service ?

autrement il est possible de faire les essai avec claws-mail?


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Re: Miniatures de fichiers Libre/OpenOffice sous Nautilus de Squeeze

2012-12-08 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 08 Dec 2012 16:40:11 +0100,
maderios a écrit :

 On 12/08/2012 12:25 PM, Alain Rpnpif wrote:
  Le  4 décembre 2012, Frédéric Massot a écrit :
  Le 03/12/2012 14:57, Alain Rpnpif a écrit :
  Sous Nautilus, je n'arrive pas à obtenir de miniatures de mes
  fichiers OpenDocument (ODT, etc. textes, dessins ou autres) mais
  dans certains répertoires seulement. Pourtant, cela marche dans
  la plupart des autres.
  Une autre idée ?
 Quand j'ai constaté il y a  des années la régression de Nautilus 
 (surtout dernièrement avec Wheezy), les bugs à répétition non
 corrigés, les manques de fonctionnalités, etc, etc, mon idée à moi
 fut de remplacer Nautilus par Konqueror. Il n'y a pas photo. Il faut
 l'essayer absolument. Pas besoin d'un bureau KDE pour utiliser
 Konqueror (je n'ai ni gnome ni xfce ni kde, j'utilise E17).


est tu vraiment certain de ne pas employer dolphin couplé
à konqueror ?

la preuve (partielle) :
apt-cache depend konqueror
Recommande: dolphin
Recommande: kfind

le problème n'est pas au niveau du wm mais du gestionaire de fichier


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Re: configuration serveur mail IMAP (dovecot)

2012-12-08 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Sat, Dec 08, 2012 at 08:33:53PM +0100, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:
   est il possible d'accéder via ssh au service ?

Ca veut dire quoi, accéder par ssh à un service imap??
C'est par quelle option de ssh? -R ???

j'accède sans problème par ssh à hector. C'est comme ça que je lis mon mél:
   ssh hector mutt

Mais mutt est inconfortable pour les méls en HTML ou autre
(Et je préfère l'interface de sylpheed à celle de mutt)


email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mines, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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Re: Configuration réseau dans un VLAN

2012-12-08 Thread Pascal Hambourg
David BERCOT a écrit :
 Le Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:18:18 +0100,

 Or, une fois cette configuration mise en place (et apparemment
 bonne), impossible de joindre les ESXi...

Au fait, comment se caractérise *d'un point de vue réseau IP/ethernet*
joindre les ESXi et impossible de... précisément ?

 Le port du switch connecté à la station Debian est-il configuré pour le
 trafic taggé de ce VLAN ?
 En effet, il l'est... D'ailleurs, les ESXi se voient entre eux...

Les ESXi sont connectés sur d'autres ports du switch, dont je ne vois
pas en quoi c'est pertinent. Ou alors je n'ai pas tout compris.

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Re: Configuration réseau dans un VLAN

2012-12-08 Thread David Hannequin

Ton problème n'a que peu de chose à voir avec la distribution Linux Debian mais 
c'est un problème de configuration de ton switch au niveau Vlan. 

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 8 déc. 2012 à 20:40, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

 David BERCOT a écrit :
 Le Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:18:18 +0100,
 Or, une fois cette configuration mise en place (et apparemment
 bonne), impossible de joindre les ESXi...
 Au fait, comment se caractérise *d'un point de vue réseau IP/ethernet*
 joindre les ESXi et impossible de... précisément ?
 Le port du switch connecté à la station Debian est-il configuré pour le
 trafic taggé de ce VLAN ?
 En effet, il l'est... D'ailleurs, les ESXi se voient entre eux...
 Les ESXi sont connectés sur d'autres ports du switch, dont je ne vois
 pas en quoi c'est pertinent. Ou alors je n'ai pas tout compris.
 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Configuration réseau dans un VLAN

2012-12-08 Thread David BERCOT
Le Sat, 08 Dec 2012 20:40:18 +0100,
Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
David BERCOT a écrit :
 Le Sat, 08 Dec 2012 18:18:18 +0100,

 Or, une fois cette configuration mise en place (et apparemment
 bonne), impossible de joindre les ESXi...

Au fait, comment se caractérise *d'un point de vue réseau IP/ethernet*
joindre les ESXi et impossible de... précisément ?

OK, je développe un peu... Donc, à partir d'un ESXi, un ping vers un
autre ESXi répond...

 Le port du switch connecté à la station Debian est-il configuré
 pour le trafic taggé de ce VLAN ?
 En effet, il l'est... D'ailleurs, les ESXi se voient entre eux...

Les ESXi sont connectés sur d'autres ports du switch, dont je ne vois
pas en quoi c'est pertinent. Ou alors je n'ai pas tout compris.

J'ai configuré tous les ports du switch de la même manière et, même en
changeant de port, le résultat est identique...


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Configuration réseau dans un VLAN

2012-12-08 Thread David BERCOT
Le Sat, 08 Dec 2012 20:19:01 +0100,
nono a écrit :
  J'ai donc fait quelques recherches et suivi les recommendations
  en la matière :
  # ip link add link eth0 name eth0.1001 type vlan id 1001
  # ip addr add brd dev eth0.1001
  # ip link set dev eth0.1001 up

Que donne un « ip -s link » ? C'est juste pour savoir si il y a-t-il
des paquets en réception sur l'interface ? Exemple de résultat :

2: eth0: BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 00:46:3h:47:fd:e5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
RX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped overrun mcast   
89127021   612630   0   0   0  
TX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped carrier collsns 
2270969319210   0   0   0  

Là, je ne suis plus dans cette configuration. Mais, dès que possible,
je ferai le test...



P.S. : je suppose que, si tu réponds ça, c'est que la procédure
utilisée doit être plutôt dans les clous ;-)

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Re: Configuration réseau dans un VLAN

2012-12-08 Thread David Hannequin
À mon avis c'est uniquement un problème de configuration au niveau de tes vlan. 
Pour ma par j'ai ce type de configuration au taff et ça marche sans souscis. 
Est ce que tu as le paquet vlan sur ta debian ( je suppose que oui mais à tout 
hasard ) ?

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 8 déc. 2012 à 22:09, David BERCOT a écrit :

 Le Sat, 08 Dec 2012 20:19:01 +0100,
 nono a écrit :
 J'ai donc fait quelques recherches et suivi les recommendations
 en la matière :
 # ip link add link eth0 name eth0.1001 type vlan id 1001
 # ip addr add brd dev eth0.1001
 # ip link set dev eth0.1001 up
 Que donne un « ip -s link » ? C'est juste pour savoir si il y a-t-il
 des paquets en réception sur l'interface ? Exemple de résultat :
 2: eth0: BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
 state UP qlen 1000
   link/ether 00:46:3h:47:fd:e5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
   RX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped overrun mcast   
   89127021   612630   0   0   0  
   TX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped carrier collsns 
   2270969319210   0   0   0  
 Là, je ne suis plus dans cette configuration. Mais, dès que possible,
 je ferai le test...
 P.S. : je suppose que, si tu réponds ça, c'est que la procédure
 utilisée doit être plutôt dans les clous ;-)
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 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
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Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: configuration serveur mail IMAP (dovecot)

2012-12-08 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Sat, Dec 08, 2012 at 05:40:54PM +0100, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
 Le fichier /var/log/mail.log contient notamment
 Dec  8 17:32:32 hector dovecot: imap(basile): Error: Invalid user settings. 
 Refer to server log for more information.
 Dec  8 17:32:32 hector dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=basile, 
 method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=18514, TLS, 
 Dec  8 17:32:32 hector dovecot: imap(basile): Error: user basile: 
 Initialization failed: Namespace '': mbox: mbox root directory can't be a 
 file: /var/mail/basile (
 le fichier /var/mail/basile existe et il est non-vide.
 la commande dovecot -n donne
 # 2.1.7: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
 # OS: Linux 3.2.0-3-amd64 x86_64 Debian wheezy/sid 
 mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u

Ca c'est bon.

 namespace inbox {
   inbox = yes
   location = mbox:/var/mail/%u

Ici tu redéfinis le *répertoire* de stockage à /var/mail/login. Ce 
n'est pas bon, et correspond à l'erreur du serveur root directory can't 
be a file.

Pour corriger, tu enlèves cette ligne location =  du namespace inbox, 
et tu relances dovecot. Ca ira beaucoup mieux.


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Re: [linux-aktivis] Domain

2012-12-08 Thread T. Surya Fajri
boleh tu om.. gimana caranya untuk membantu?

On 12/8/12, Masim Vavai Sugianto wrote:
 Hi mas Guspur,

 2012/12/8 agus purnomo

 Salam ,

 Hai rekan2 semua pengguna debian Indonesia. saat ini saya berusaha untuk
 mendapatkan domain tersebut dari bapak abdullah koro ( untuk komunitas debian indonesia.
 rekan2 semua sudi kiranya membantu saya untuk mendorong beliau supaya
 tersebut di lepas ke komunitas. oh ya di karenakan domain juga
 mau habis apakah kita juga gotong royong saweran untuk membayar domain

 Untuk 1 domain berapa? Bisa japri? Siapa tahu bisa diambil
 dari dana taktis personal :-)

 Best Regards,

 Masim Vavai Sugianto - Talk is Cheap, Show Me the Code!
 PT. Excellent Infotama Kreasindo,
 Authorized VMWare, Zimbra  SUSE Linux Enterprise  Red Hat Partner
 Implementasi, Training, Konsultasi  Audit Sistem :

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Terima Kasih Sebelumnya / Best Regard
T. Surya Fajri
my blog :

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Postfix + mysql + restricciones

2012-12-08 Thread Jorge Pérez

Salu2s lista
tengo montado un servidor con postfix+postfixadmin+dovecot+mysql+cuotas, 
ahora cuando trato de poner las restricciones de (nacional e 
internacional) de la forma tradicional

# pego esto en el
smtpd_restriction_classes  =

smtpd_sender_restrictions =
   check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/_usuarios_nac_in,
   check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/_usuarios_inter_in,

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
   check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/_usuarios_nac_out,
   check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/_usuarios_inter_out,

inter_out =

inter_in =

nac_out =
   check_recipient_access regexp:/etc/postfix/_filtro_nac,

nac_in =
   check_sender_access regexp:/etc/postfix/_filtro_nac,

smtpd_data_restrictions =

# contenido de _usuarios_nac_out es  -- usuario@dominio nac_out
# contenido de _usuarios_nac_in es -- usuario@dominio nac_in
# contenido de _usuarios_inter_out es  -- usuario@dominio inter_out
# contenido de _usuarios_inter_in es -- usuario@dominio inter_in

de esta forma el servidor restinge el envio según el tipo de usuario 

ahora si lo hago  de esta forma planteada en la lista  (QUE ES LA QUE 

# aquí lo que hago es incluir en la tabla mailbox que usa el 
postfixadmin los campos accessin y accessout y dentro de ellos los 
datos (nacional_in, nacional_out e internacional) segun el tipo de usuario

# pego esto en el
smtpd_restriction_classes =

nacional_in =
 check_sender_access regexp:/etc/postfix/filtro_nac

nacional_ou =
 check_recipient_access regexp:/etc/postfix/filtro_nac

internacional = permit

smtpd_sender_restrictions =

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =


smtpd_data_restrictions =

# el contenido del es este

hosts =
dbname = mail
user = mail
password = mail
table = mailbox
select_field = accessout
where_field = username

# el contenido del es este

hosts =
dbname = mail
user = mail
password = mail
table = mailbox
select_field = accessin
where_field = username

hasta aquí, al hacer las pruebas no hay ningún error en los logs pero el 
servidor no bloquea nada todos los usuarios pueden enviar y recibir a 
todos los dominios libremente.

algún dato de porque no funciona de la segunda forma ??

gracias de antemano


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


Re: Configurar proxy en modo transparente (era: swich ?)

2012-12-08 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 07 Dec 2012 12:45:26 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

 El 07/12/2012, a las 12:40, Camaleón escribió:

 hola list. ok seguinos dando lasa aqui. aver ya tengo servidor proxy
 funcionando pero ahora lo quiero hacer transparente
 Pues déjate de switches y módems (supongo que lo que habrás leído es
 que necesitas _dos tarjetas_ de red...) y léete mejor el manual de la
 aplicación que uses como servidor de proxy (que no dices cuál es) para
 saber cómo tienes que configurarlo en modo transparente ;-)
 En Google encuentras tutoriales y FAQs para aburrir, por ejemplo:
 es squid3 y si se que son dos tarjeta en la eth0 esta el modem y en eth1
 esta el swich. mi pregunta es. como lo configuro ahora en modo
 transparente (ya puse la linea proxy_transparent )

Pues entonces puedes seguir el tutorial que te mandé o cualquier otro de 
los que puedes encontrar buscando en Google y donde se detallan los pasos 
a seguir.



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[OT] Re: Crear un menú personalizado con syslinux

2012-12-08 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 07 Dec 2012 16:11:43 -0500, ruben.cervantes escribió:

 Saludos colegas necesito ayuda con el syslinux 

Vale, pero al menos márcalo como OT ;-)

 quisiera personalizar el menú que me muestra, de tal forma que solo me
 muestre las opciones de arranque, pero sin la tabla que rodea 


Por aquí debes de tener alguna opción para no mostrar el borde de la 



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Re: Postfix + mysql + restricciones

2012-12-08 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 08 Dec 2012 08:26:03 -0500, Jorge Pérez escribió:

 Salu2s lista

(ese html...)

 tengo montado un servidor con postfix+postfixadmin+dovecot+mysql+cuotas,
 ahora cuando trato de poner las restricciones de (nacional e
 internacional) de la forma tradicional


¿Por qué no dices mejor qué es lo que quieres hacer? Es decir, explica 
por qué el sistema de restricciones actual no te sirve y qué es lo que 
quieres cambiar. 

La configuración que tienes actualmente y la que pretendes pueden ser 
útiles pero antes de meterse en faena sería mejor saber cuál es tu 
objetivo porque puede haber varias formas de hacer lo mismo.



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Re: Postfix + mysql + restricciones

2012-12-08 Thread Jorge Pérez

El 08/12/2012 11:28:am, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 08 Dec 2012 08:26:03 -0500, Jorge Pérez escribió:

 Salu2s lista

 (ese html...)

 tengo montado un servidor con postfix+postfixadmin+dovecot+mysql+cuotas,
 ahora cuando trato de poner las restricciones de (nacional e
 internacional) de la forma tradicional


 ¿Por qué no dices mejor qué es lo que quieres hacer? Es decir, explica
 por qué el sistema de restricciones actual no te sirve y qué es lo que
 quieres cambiar.

 La configuración que tienes actualmente y la que pretendes pueden ser
 útiles pero antes de meterse en faena sería mejor saber cuál es tu
 objetivo porque puede haber varias formas de hacer lo mismo.


 (ese html...)

sorry por el html ...

 ¿Por qué no dices mejor qué es lo que quieres hacer? Es decir,
 explica  por qué el sistema de restricciones actual no te sirve
 y qué es lo que  quieres cambiar.

 La configuración que tienes actualmente y la que pretendes pueden ser
 útiles pero antes de meterse en faena sería mejor saber cuál es tu
 objetivo porque puede haber varias formas de hacer lo mismo.

la cosa es que la alta y baja de los usuarios se gestiona por la 
interfaz web del postfixadmin (hay personas encargadas solo para eso) y 
si las restricciones están de la forma tradicional también hay que 
acceder al servidor (por ssh) y agregar los usuarios en los ficheros que 
chequea el postfix según el acceso que vayan a tener (enviar solo a un 
dominio específico o todos), por lo que también tendría que crear un 
usuario con permisos administrativos(para poder modificar los ficheros 
del postfix) y eso no lo veo con mucha seguridad(pueden hacer... ).
Por eso es que si las restricciones se gestionaran usando la vía con 
Mysql no tendrían que acceder al servidor y todo (incluyendo cambio de 
tipo de restricción) sería vía web.
Pero al usar la forma con Mysql(anteriormente expuesta) todos los 
usuarios pueden enviar libremente a todos los dominios, (todo parece que 
se conecta correctamente a la base de datos para hacer el chequeo) o 
será que lo pasa por alto y no chequea?? pero en los log no da ningún error

Saludos y gracias de antemano.


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Postfix + mysql + restricciones

2012-12-08 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 08 Dec 2012 12:48:04 -0500, Jorge Pérez escribió:

 El 08/12/2012 11:28:am, Camaleón escribió:


   ¿Por qué no dices mejor qué es lo que quieres hacer? Es decir,
   explica  por qué el sistema de restricciones actual no te sirve y
   qué es lo que  quieres cambiar.
   La configuración que tienes actualmente y la que pretendes pueden
   ser útiles pero antes de meterse en faena sería mejor saber cuál es
   tu objetivo porque puede haber varias formas de hacer lo mismo.
 la cosa es que la alta y baja de los usuarios se gestiona por la
 interfaz web del postfixadmin (hay personas encargadas solo para eso) y
 si las restricciones están de la forma tradicional también hay que
 acceder al servidor (por ssh) y agregar los usuarios en los ficheros que
 chequea el postfix según el acceso que vayan a tener (enviar solo a un
 dominio específico o todos), por lo que también tendría que crear un
 usuario con permisos administrativos(para poder modificar los ficheros
 del postfix) y eso no lo veo con mucha seguridad(pueden hacer... ). 

Puedes configurar sudo para que el usuario que determines pueda tener 
un acceso administrativo limitado.

 Por eso es que si las restricciones se gestionaran usando la vía con
 Mysql no tendrían que acceder al servidor y todo (incluyendo cambio de
 tipo de restricción) sería vía web. Pero al usar la forma con
 Mysql(anteriormente expuesta) todos los usuarios pueden enviar
 libremente a todos los dominios, (todo parece que se conecta
 correctamente a la base de datos para hacer el chequeo) o será que lo
 pasa por alto y no chequea?? pero en los log no da ningún error

Sigo sin entender lo que quieres hacer exactamente porque no lo 
explicas :-)

A ver, el hecho de usar postfixadmin te limita a lo que te ofrece su 
interfaz web, sí o sí (esa es una de las pegas de utilizar este tipo de 
aplicaciones, que muchas veces se quedan cortas) pero no sé si realmente 
ese el problema que tienes o sencillamente se trata de una configuración 
del Postfix errónea que quieres corregir.



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Re: Postfix + mysql + restricciones

2012-12-08 Thread Jorge Pérez

El 08/12/2012 1:21:pm, Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 08 Dec 2012 12:48:04 -0500, Jorge Pérez escribió:

El 08/12/2012 11:28:am, Camaleón escribió:


   ¿Por qué no dices mejor qué es lo que quieres hacer? Es decir,
   explica  por qué el sistema de restricciones actual no te sirve y
   qué es lo que  quieres cambiar.
   La configuración que tienes actualmente y la que pretendes pueden
   ser útiles pero antes de meterse en faena sería mejor saber cuál es
   tu objetivo porque puede haber varias formas de hacer lo mismo.

la cosa es que la alta y baja de los usuarios se gestiona por la
interfaz web del postfixadmin (hay personas encargadas solo para eso) y
si las restricciones están de la forma tradicional también hay que
acceder al servidor (por ssh) y agregar los usuarios en los ficheros que
chequea el postfix según el acceso que vayan a tener (enviar solo a un
dominio específico o todos), por lo que también tendría que crear un
usuario con permisos administrativos(para poder modificar los ficheros
del postfix) y eso no lo veo con mucha seguridad(pueden hacer... ).

Puedes configurar sudo para que el usuario que determines pueda tener
un acceso administrativo limitado.

Por eso es que si las restricciones se gestionaran usando la vía con
Mysql no tendrían que acceder al servidor y todo (incluyendo cambio de
tipo de restricción) sería vía web. Pero al usar la forma con
Mysql(anteriormente expuesta) todos los usuarios pueden enviar
libremente a todos los dominios, (todo parece que se conecta
correctamente a la base de datos para hacer el chequeo) o será que lo
pasa por alto y no chequea?? pero en los log no da ningún error

Sigo sin entender lo que quieres hacer exactamente porque no lo
explicas :-)

A ver, el hecho de usar postfixadmin te limita a lo que te ofrece su
interfaz web, sí o sí (esa es una de las pegas de utilizar este tipo de
aplicaciones, que muchas veces se quedan cortas) pero no sé si realmente
ese el problema que tienes o sencillamente se trata de una configuración
del Postfix errónea que quieres corregir.


A ver mira, lo que yo quiero hacer es que el postfix en ves de chequear 
que usuarios pueden enviar a todos los dominios y cuales no, dentro de 
los ficheros usuarios_libres y usuarios_restringidos en /etc/postfix

lo que haga sea;
chequear los datos dentro de los campos accessin y accessout (los 
agregue yo) en la tabla mailbox de la BD que usa el postfixadmin y si 
coinciden con las clases nac_in y nac_out el usuario correspondiente 
solo pueda enviar a cierto dominio y si coinciden con inter_in e 
inter_out el usuario correspondiente pueda enviar a cualquier dominio.



Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Proxy offline

2012-12-08 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez
hola. resulta que ya tengo montado squid en un servidor casero. 

ok. empecemos. 
1.- squid esta instalado y configurado ( trnsparente ) 
2.- tarjeta eth1 con ip fija OK 
3.- tarjeta eth2 con ip fija
4.- ip tables configurados según este link
5.- la tarjeta 1 va al modem
6.- la tarjeta 2 va a un swich 
7.- al swich le conecte un router tl-741nd ( tp-link ) 

cual será mi error ? el router si sirve ya lo probé el swich también. y si a 
una maquina le pongo la ip del proxy si funciona.  me pueden ayudar ?  ya tiene 
dias que e andado con esto y aqui e ido poco. poco.  saldos

Re: Proxy offline

2012-12-08 Thread Jorge Pérez

El 08/12/2012 7:55:pm, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez escribió:

hola. resulta que ya tengo montado squid en un servidor casero.

ok. empecemos.
1.- squid esta instalado y configurado ( trnsparente )
2.- tarjeta eth1 con ip fija OK
3.- tarjeta eth2 con ip fija
4.- ip tables configurados según este link
5.- la tarjeta 1 va al modem
6.- la tarjeta 2 va a un swich
7.- al swich le conecte un router tl-741nd ( tp-link )

cual será mi error ? el router si sirve ya lo probé el swich también. y
si a una maquina le pongo la ip del proxy si funciona.  me pueden ayudar
?  ya tiene dias que e andado con esto y aqui e ido poco. poco.  saldos

bueno creo que lo correcto seria así:

internet---eth0-[servidor-casero-con-squid]-eth1---switch---demás pc

en la configuración de eth1 debes poner de gategay la ip de eth0

este script debe ejecutarse al iniciar el sistema (de lo contrario se 
debe ejecutar manualmente para que funcione lo del proxy tranparente)

esto va dentro del script(debe tener al menos permiso 755 )

echo-- Añadiendo Politicas + Cortafuegos Básico...
# Establecemos las políticas por defecto.
iptables -P INPUT DROP
# Para NAT
## NAT 
echo   -- Añadiendo Reglas de NAT...
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
# Las conexiones que estén establecidas = OK
#(para cualquier interfaz)
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# Ponemos en marcha el reenvío de IP (IP forwarding)
# OJO IMPORTANT!!! Si no está a 1 NO FUNCIONA!
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

en la configuración del squid debes poner la opción

http_port 3128 transparent

Salu2s  :)


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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RE: Proxy offline

2012-12-08 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

 Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2012 20:37:09 -0500
 Subject: Re: Proxy offline
 El 08/12/2012 7:55:pm, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez escribió:
  hola. resulta que ya tengo montado squid en un servidor casero.
  ok. empecemos.
  1.- squid esta instalado y configurado ( trnsparente )
  2.- tarjeta eth1 con ip fija OK
  3.- tarjeta eth2 con ip fija
  4.- ip tables configurados según este link
  5.- la tarjeta 1 va al modem
  6.- la tarjeta 2 va a un swich
  7.- al swich le conecte un router tl-741nd ( tp-link )
  cual será mi error ? el router si sirve ya lo probé el swich también. y
  si a una maquina le pongo la ip del proxy si funciona.  me pueden ayudar
  ?  ya tiene dias que e andado con esto y aqui e ido poco. poco.  saldos
 bueno creo que lo correcto seria así:
 internet---eth0-[servidor-casero-con-squid]-eth1---switch---demás pc
 en la configuración de eth1 debes poner de gategay la ip de eth0
 este script debe ejecutarse al iniciar el sistema (de lo contrario se 
 debe ejecutar manualmente para que funcione lo del proxy tranparente)
 esto va dentro del script(debe tener al menos permiso 755 )
 echo-- Añadiendo Politicas + Cortafuegos Básico...
 # Establecemos las políticas por defecto.
 iptables -P INPUT DROP
 iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
 # Para NAT
 ## NAT 
 echo   -- Añadiendo Reglas de NAT...
 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
 # Las conexiones que estén establecidas = OK
 #(para cualquier interfaz)
 iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
 # Ponemos en marcha el reenvío de IP (IP forwarding)
 # OJO IMPORTANT!!! Si no está a 1 NO FUNCIONA!
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 en la configuración del squid debes poner la opción
 http_port 3128 transparent
 Salu2s  :)
 Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
 ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
 Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de 
 usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Ok. eh hecho todo eso pero no eh hecho  la parte que dices que le ponga a la 
segunda tarjeta en gateway la ip de la 0. ya que me sale este error.
Reconfiguring network interfaces...SIOCDELRT: No such processSIOCADDRT: No such 
processFailed to bring up eth2.done.
lo demas todo esta configurado y a un sigo sin internet :(  

Re: Proxy offline

2012-12-08 Thread Jorge Pérez

El 08/12/2012 9:46:pm, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez escribió:

  Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2012 20:37:09 -0500
  Subject: Re: Proxy offline
  El 08/12/2012 7:55:pm, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez escribió:
   hola. resulta que ya tengo montado squid en un servidor casero.
   ok. empecemos.
   1.- squid esta instalado y configurado ( trnsparente )
   2.- tarjeta eth1 con ip fija OK
   3.- tarjeta eth2 con ip fija
   4.- ip tables configurados según este link
   5.- la tarjeta 1 va al modem
   6.- la tarjeta 2 va a un swich
   7.- al swich le conecte un router tl-741nd ( tp-link )
   cual será mi error ? el router si sirve ya lo probé el swich también. y
   si a una maquina le pongo la ip del proxy si funciona. me pueden ayudar
   ? ya tiene dias que e andado con esto y aqui e ido poco. poco. saldos
  bueno creo que lo correcto seria así:
  internet---eth0-[servidor-casero-con-squid]-eth1---switch---demás pc
  en la configuración de eth1 debes poner de gategay la ip de eth0
  este script debe ejecutarse al iniciar el sistema (de lo contrario se
  debe ejecutar manualmente para que funcione lo del proxy tranparente)
  esto va dentro del script(debe tener al menos permiso 755 )
  echo  -- Añadiendo Politicas + Cortafuegos Básico...
  # Establecemos las políticas por defecto.
  iptables -P INPUT DROP
  iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
  # Para NAT
  iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
  ## NAT 
  echo  -- Añadiendo Reglas de NAT...
  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
  # Las conexiones que estén establecidas = OK
  #(para cualquier interfaz)
  iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
  # Ponemos en marcha el reenvío de IP (IP forwarding)
  # OJO IMPORTANT!!! Si no está a 1 NO FUNCIONA!
  echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  en la configuración del squid debes poner la opción
  http_port 3128 transparent
  Salu2s :)
  Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico
que ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del
Sistema Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el
compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las
regulaciones establecidas
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Ok. eh hecho todo eso pero no eh hecho  la parte que dices que le ponga
a la segunda tarjeta en gateway la ip de la 0. ya que me sale este error.

Reconfiguring network interfaces...SIOCDELRT: No such process
SIOCADDRT: No such process
Failed to bring up eth2.

lo demas todo esta configurado y a un sigo sin internet :(

mira en linux (en específico debian que es con el que trabajo, aunque 
ubuntu lo hace igual) nombra las conexiones a partir de 0 (o sea que si 
en tu sistema tienes un eth2 es que tienes 3 tarjetas de red) revisa 
bien en /etc/network/interfaces a la hora de instalar el sistema(SO) 
la que especificas como primaria sería la eth0 (esa la conectas al 
modem/router) y la otra(o si tienes más de una) serían eth1, eth2, 
etc... esas la conectas al switch,prueba que en el mismo 
servidor(localhost) tengas internet, si este funciona, entonces haces 
las configuraciones antes expuestas (script iptables+proxy squid) y 
haces las comprobaciones en las demás pc (ej:ping a la ip del router, 
google ...) si esto funciona debe funcionar el internet



Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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RE: Proxy offline

2012-12-08 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

 Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2012 22:10:57 -0500
 Subject: Re: Proxy offline
 El 08/12/2012 9:46:pm, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez escribió:
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2012 20:37:09 -0500
Subject: Re: Proxy offline
El 08/12/2012 7:55:pm, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez escribió:
 hola. resulta que ya tengo montado squid en un servidor casero.

 ok. empecemos.
 1.- squid esta instalado y configurado ( trnsparente )
 2.- tarjeta eth1 con ip fija OK
 3.- tarjeta eth2 con ip fija
 4.- ip tables configurados según este link
 5.- la tarjeta 1 va al modem
 6.- la tarjeta 2 va a un swich
 7.- al swich le conecte un router tl-741nd ( tp-link )

 cual será mi error ? el router si sirve ya lo probé el swich también. y
 si a una maquina le pongo la ip del proxy si funciona. me pueden ayudar
 ? ya tiene dias que e andado con esto y aqui e ido poco. poco. saldos
bueno creo que lo correcto seria así:
internet---eth0-[servidor-casero-con-squid]-eth1---switch---demás pc
en la configuración de eth1 debes poner de gategay la ip de eth0
este script debe ejecutarse al iniciar el sistema (de lo contrario se
debe ejecutar manualmente para que funcione lo del proxy tranparente)
esto va dentro del script(debe tener al menos permiso 755 )
echo  -- Añadiendo Politicas + Cortafuegos Básico...
# Establecemos las políticas por defecto.
iptables -P INPUT DROP
# Para NAT
## NAT 
echo  -- Añadiendo Reglas de NAT...
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
# Las conexiones que estén establecidas = OK
#(para cualquier interfaz)
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# Ponemos en marcha el reenvío de IP (IP forwarding)
# OJO IMPORTANT!!! Si no está a 1 NO FUNCIONA!
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
en la configuración del squid debes poner la opción
http_port 3128 transparent
Salu2s :)
Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico
  que ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del
  Sistema Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el
  compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las
  regulaciones establecidas
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
  Ok. eh hecho todo eso pero no eh hecho  la parte que dices que le ponga
  a la segunda tarjeta en gateway la ip de la 0. ya que me sale este error.
  Reconfiguring network interfaces...SIOCDELRT: No such process
  SIOCADDRT: No such process
  Failed to bring up eth2.
  lo demas todo esta configurado y a un sigo sin internet :(
 mira en linux (en específico debian que es con el que trabajo, aunque 
 ubuntu lo hace igual) nombra las conexiones a partir de 0 (o sea que si 
 en tu sistema tienes un eth2 es que tienes 3 tarjetas de red) revisa 
 bien en /etc/network/interfaces a la hora de instalar el sistema(SO) 
 la que especificas como primaria sería la eth0 (esa la conectas al 
 modem/router) y la otra(o si tienes más de una) serían eth1, eth2, 
 etc... esas la conectas al switch,prueba que en el mismo 
 servidor(localhost) tengas internet, si este funciona, entonces haces 
 las configuraciones antes expuestas (script iptables+proxy squid) y 
 haces las comprobaciones en las demás pc (ej:ping a la ip del router, 
 google ...) si esto funciona debe funcionar el internet
 Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
 ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
 Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de 
 usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Si asi es. pero en el servidor proxy tengo tres tarjetas ya que la de la 
tarjeta madre esta averiada. y puse dos mas que es la eth1 que va al modem y la 
eth2 que va al switch y si tengo internet con la tarjeta 

Re: Locale issue

2012-12-08 Thread Bob Proulx
ML mail wrote:
 Since now already a few weeks I noticed that my locale settings on
 various Debian 6.0 servers got by some mysterious way broken... For
 example any tool/command using PERL will issue the following
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
 LANGUAGE = (unset),
 LC_ALL = (unset),
 LANG = en_US.UTF-8
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

This error is routinely generated by perl when LANG is set to a locale
that does not exist on the system.  This might be because the locale
isn't configured or it might be because the 'locales' package is not
installed.  Perl has been a good indicator of locale configuration
problems in recent years with this message..

You can demonstrate that this is the problem by temporarily setting
the locale to C and the error will go away.

  $ LC_ALL=C perl -e 0 output...

And show that setting it to a nonexistent locale causes the error.

  $ env -i LC_ALL=nonexistent perl -e 0
  perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
  perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = nonexistent,
LANG = (unset)
  are supported and installed on your system.
  perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

This can be fixed by installing the locales package and configuring
the specified locale.

  # apt-get install locales


  # dpkg-reconfigure locales

Then configure the desired locale and the error will be avoided.


Description: Digital signature

Re: raid recomendation

2012-12-08 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 12/7/2012 5:48 PM, Aaron Toponce wrote:

 A RAID-1 will outperform
 a parity-based RAID using the same disks every time, due to calculating the

This hasn't been true for almost a decade.  Even the slowest of modern
single core x86 CPUs have plenty of excess horsepower for soft RAID
parity, as do ASICs on hardware RAID solutions.  There are two big
problems today with parity arrays.

The first is the IO load and latency of read-modify-write cycles which
occur when partial stripes are updated.  Most write IO is small and
random, typically comprising over 95% of writes for most typically
workloads, mail, file, LDAP, SQL servers for example. Streaming
applications such as video are an exception as they write full stripes.
 Thus for every random write, you first must, at a minimum, read two
disks (data chunk/strip and parity chunk/strip) and write back to both
with the new data chunk and parity chunk.  This is with an optimized
algorithm.  The md/RAID driver has some optimizations to cut down on RMW
penalties.  Many hardware RAID solutions read then write the entire
stripe for scrubbing purposes (i.e. write all disks frequently so media
errors are caught sooner rather than later).  This is a data integrity
feature of higher end controllers.  This implementation is much slower
due to all the extra IO and head movement, but more reliable.

The second is that failed drive rebuilds take FOREVER as all disks are
being read in parallel and parity calculated for every stripe, just to
rebuild one disk.  Even a small count 2TB drive RAID6 array can take
12-24 hours to rebuild.  The recommended max array drive count for
RAID5/6 are 4 and 8 drives respectively.  One of the reasons for this
BCP is rebuild time.  With RAID10 rebuild time is a constant, as you're
simply copying all the sectors from one drive to another.  A 60x2TB
drive RAID10 rebuild will take about 5 hours with low normal workload IO
hitting the array.

 Further, striping across two mirrors will give increased
 performance that parity-based RAID cannot achieve. 

A parity array actually has superior read speed vs a RAID10 array of the
same total spindle count because there are more data spindles.  An 8
drive RAID6 has 6 data spindles, whereas an 8 drive RAID10 only has 4.
Write performance, however, as I mentioned, is an order of magnitude
slower due to RMW.

 Lastly, you can suffer
 any sort of disk failures, provided all mirrors in the stripe remains in

You mean any number not sort.  Yes, with RAID10 you can lose half
the drives in the array as long as no two are in the same mirror pair.
I wouldn't bank on this though.  Many drive dropouts are not due to
problems with the drives, but with the backplanes and cabling.  When
that happens, if you've not staggered your mirrors across HBAs, cables,
and cabinets (which isn't possible with RAID HBAs), you may very well
lose two drives in the same mirror.


 Just my $.02.

And that sums up the value of your ZFS on Linux recommendation, quite
well.  Being a fanboy is fine.  Run it yourself.  But please don't
recommend unsupported, out of tree, difficult for the average Debian
user to install, software, for a general purpose storage solution.

Good hardware RAID is relatively cheap, Linux has md/RAID which isn't
horrible for most workloads, and there are plenty of high quality Linux
filesystems to meet most needs, with EXT4 for casual stuff, JFS and XFS
for heavy duty, though XFS is a much better choice for many reasons; the
big one being that it's actively developed, whereas JFS is mostly in
maintenance only mode.


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Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Maybe I described my problem not exactly enough. My English might be better.
Let me try again.

1. I have a running amd64 system, which is running 32-bit applications 
perfectly (due to ia32-libs)

2. aptitude upgrade wants to deinstall ia32-libs, as there are dependencies in 
i386 repo (ia32-libs:386). According to this, it wants also deinstall my 32-
bit applications (i.e. skype or googleearth)

Now I have two choices

1. I can add i386 to the sources list. This will keep and update ia32-libs and 
keep my 32-bit apps - but it will install al lot of new (unnecessary) libs, 
which I do not need and I do not want to install. It is sure, I do not need 
them, as the 32-bit applications are running perfectly as described above.

I do not want to fill my system, with unnecessary libs (keep it simple stupid)

2. I do NOT add i386, then apt / aptitude wants always to deinstall my 32-bit 
applications, which means, it will destroy a running system.

I do not want this, I want my system kep running.

IMO this is a dependency problem. My suggestions for a solution:

1. Change the dependencies of ia-32-libs, that they do not depend i386-repo.

2. No amd64 package should depend on a package of i386-repo.

IMO this would solve a lot of problems and people can decide, if they want to 
use multiarch or not. At the moment, it looks for me, as people are forced to 
use multiarch, if they want to use any 32-bit application.

But this technically not necessary ( as described above) and it is against 
freedom of choice.

Best regards


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Re: Debian Squeeze; Does this look like a Driver Issue?

2012-12-08 Thread Bob Proulx
Martin McCormick wrote:
 I plugged a USB dongle-style serial converter in to a Debian
 Squeeze system and did generate a ttyUSBx port.

Sounds good.  And the syslog messages you included also looked as if
this was successfully identified.  So...  What is the problem?

 The device it is connected to is not responding at all

What have you tried?  Please tell us exactly the commands you ran and
show any error messages verbatim.

I usually use 'minicom' as a simple to use, point and shoot, serial
communication program.  I would fire it up and see if I could talk to
the device with it.

A great many serial port problems are due to a mismatch of serial port
protocols.  For example if the speed is incorrect then it will have
the appearance of not working at all when it is simply a speed
mismatch.  The smallest detail can completely prevent communication.

 though it does work fine on Windows systems and I suspect it is a
 driver issue due to the behavior both under c-kermit and
 communications software meant to use a serial port and talk to the
 device on the other end which happens to be a two-way radio.

Huh?  What?  Huh?  Obviously whether it is a radio or a toaster
doesn't matter to the serial port it is connected to.

Please tell us what program you are trying to run and what problems
you are seeing.  Don't paraphrase like in the above description.

   It looks like that maybe the correct driver for the USB
 device can not be found so it is trying some sort of default
 mode as a last resort. Here are the syslog messages. What
 exactly does noserial do?

What makes you think this?  You didn't post any information that gave
me any indication of that.  What you posted looked okay to me.

   I think there is a DC voltage sent from the radio when
 it is present as the comm software immediately complains when

What comm software?  'minicom'?  Something else?  Don't keep us

 the device is not present and then waits to time out when it is
 present but that is the only thing different between the
 connected radio and a brick. Log follows:

If the radio is using non-standard use of CTS/RTS/DTR/DSR/DCD then a
standard driver might not work with it.  You might need to hack the
driver for nonstandard usage.  But this is possible.  But it needs
some programming knowledge.  Or you might simply need to disable
hardware flow control.

But please give us something to work with.  You are not saying what
program you are trying to run.  It is impossible to guess.  There are
so many to choose from.  It could be anything.

 Dec  6 20:58:58 wb5agz kernel: [1671016.001397] usb 4-2.3: new full speed USB 
 device using ohci_hcd and address 5
 Dec  6 20:58:58 wb5agz kernel: [1671016.112378] usb 4-2.3: New USB device 
 found, idVendor=067b, idProduct=2303
 Dec  6 20:58:58 wb5agz kernel: [1671016.112393] usb 4-2.3: New USB device 
 strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
 Dec  6 20:58:58 wb5agz kernel: [1671016.112405] usb 4-2.3: Product: 
 USB-Serial Controller
 Dec  6 20:58:58 wb5agz kernel: [1671016.112414] usb 4-2.3: Manufacturer: 
 Prolific Technology Inc.
 Dec  6 20:58:58 wb5agz kernel: [1671016.113082] usb 4-2.3: configuration #1 
 chosen from 1 choice
 Dec  6 20:58:58 wb5agz kernel: [1671016.115558] pl2303 4-2.3:1.0: pl2303 
 converter detected
 Dec  6 20:58:58 wb5agz kernel: [1671016.148702] usb 4-2.3: pl2303 converter 
 now attached to ttyUSB8

UP to this point it all looks very reasonable.  I don't see any
problem.  Using device number 8 is a little unusual.  Usually the
first device would be 0.  You have nine serial ports on your machine?
Wow.  That is a lot.  But it could also be that in troubleshooting
this you have simply wedged up eight of them already and that it has
now reserved those and you are now up to ttyUSB8 as the current device?

 Dec  6 20:58:58 wb5agz NetworkManager: debug [1354849138.962875] 
 nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is 
 Dec  6 20:58:58 wb5agz NetworkManager: debug [1354849138.984126] 
 nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is 
 Dec  6 20:58:59 wb5agz NetworkManager: debug [1354849139.039770] 
 nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is 

This is the scariest thing I have seen.  But by itself doesn't mean
anything.  As a serial device it is probably still functioning okay.

If I want to test that a serial port is working then I will connect to
a known working device.  I like to use a null-modem cable to connect
two computers together.  Then I have access to the data on both sides.
But using a device such as a cisco router or any other device with a
serial port that is known working is also good.  Then you can verify
that your serial port program is functioning.  Then switch over to the
device that you really want to interface with.

Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 07 dec 12, 23:49:56, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 What if you have a package that specifically depends on ia32-libs?
 Specifically icaclient (citrix) which I use to connect to me work
 computer from home.

ia32-libs will still be kept as a transitional package, however it will 
depend on all i386 libraries it used to contain, so the net effect will 
be mostly the same.

If you want to uninstall the unneeded libraries you could either use 
dpkg --force-depends to install the non-Debian package or better use 
equivs to build a dummy package to fulfill the dependency, but in both 
cases you will need to take care that the actually needed libraries are 
installed (e.g. as dependencies of your dummy package).

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 08 dec 12, 12:31:27, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Vi, 07 dec 12, 23:49:56, Marc Shapiro wrote:
  What if you have a package that specifically depends on ia32-libs?
  Specifically icaclient (citrix) which I use to connect to me work
  computer from home.
 ia32-libs will still be kept as a transitional package, however it will 
 depend on all i386 libraries it used to contain, so the net effect will 
 be mostly the same.
 If you want to uninstall the unneeded libraries you could either use 
 dpkg --force-depends to install the non-Debian package or better use 
 equivs to build a dummy package to fulfill the dependency, but in both 
 cases you will need to take care that the actually needed libraries are 
 installed (e.g. as dependencies of your dummy package).

Scrap that. Just install the i386 version of the non-Debian package 
(after activating multiarch) and let apt/itude do its job.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

RE : Re: raid recomendation

2012-12-08 Thread Nicolas Froidure

Envoyé depuis un mobile SamsungStan Hoeppner a écrit 
:On 12/7/2012 5:48 PM, Aaron Toponce wrote:

 A RAID-1 will outperform
 a parity-based RAID using the same disks every time, due to calculating the

This hasn't been true for almost a decade.  Even the slowest of modern
single core x86 CPUs have plenty of excess horsepower for soft RAID
parity, as do ASICs on hardware RAID solutions.  There are two big
problems today with parity arrays.

The first is the IO load and latency of read-modify-write cycles which
occur when partial stripes are updated.  Most write IO is small and
random, typically comprising over 95% of writes for most typically
workloads, mail, file, LDAP, SQL servers for example. Streaming
applications such as video are an exception as they write full stripes.
Thus for every random write, you first must, at a minimum, read two
disks (data chunk/strip and parity chunk/strip) and write back to both
with the new data chunk and parity chunk.  This is with an optimized
algorithm.  The md/RAID driver has some optimizations to cut down on RMW
penalties.  Many hardware RAID solutions read then write the entire
stripe for scrubbing purposes (i.e. write all disks frequently so media
errors are caught sooner rather than later).  This is a data integrity
feature of higher end controllers.  This implementation is much slower
due to all the extra IO and head movement, but more reliable.

The second is that failed drive rebuilds take FOREVER as all disks are
being read in parallel and parity calculated for every stripe, just to
rebuild one disk.  Even a small count 2TB drive RAID6 array can take
12-24 hours to rebuild.  The recommended max array drive count for
RAID5/6 are 4 and 8 drives respectively.  One of the reasons for this
BCP is rebuild time.  With RAID10 rebuild time is a constant, as you're
simply copying all the sectors from one drive to another.  A 60x2TB
drive RAID10 rebuild will take about 5 hours with low normal workload IO
hitting the array.

 Further, striping across two mirrors will give increased
 performance that parity-based RAID cannot achieve. 

A parity array actually has superior read speed vs a RAID10 array of the
same total spindle count because there are more data spindles.  An 8
drive RAID6 has 6 data spindles, whereas an 8 drive RAID10 only has 4.
Write performance, however, as I mentioned, is an order of magnitude
slower due to RMW.

 Lastly, you can suffer
 any sort of disk failures, provided all mirrors in the stripe remains in

You mean any number not sort.  Yes, with RAID10 you can lose half
the drives in the array as long as no two are in the same mirror pair.
I wouldn't bank on this though.  Many drive dropouts are not due to
problems with the drives, but with the backplanes and cabling.  When
that happens, if you've not staggered your mirrors across HBAs, cables,
and cabinets (which isn't possible with RAID HBAs), you may very well
lose two drives in the same mirror.


 Just my $.02.

And that sums up the value of your ZFS on Linux recommendation, quite
well.  Being a fanboy is fine.  Run it yourself.  But please don't
recommend unsupported, out of tree, difficult for the average Debian
user to install, software, for a general purpose storage solution.

Good hardware RAID is relatively cheap, Linux has md/RAID which isn't
horrible for most workloads, and there are plenty of high quality Linux
filesystems to meet most needs, with EXT4 for casual stuff, JFS and XFS
for heavy duty, though XFS is a much better choice for many reasons; the
big one being that it's actively developed, whereas JFS is mostly in
maintenance only mode.


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Re: need lenny.

2012-12-08 Thread Rares Aioanei

On 12/08/12 13:46, Mauro wrote:

My sources list:

deb lenny main contrib non-free
deb lenny-backports main contrib
deb lenny/updates main contrib
deb lenny/volatile main contrib

Is there a valid reason for sticking to Lenny? It's unsupported, you know.

Rares Aioanei

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Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Hans,

Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
 1. I can add i386 to the sources list. This will keep and update ia32-libs 
 keep my 32-bit apps - but it will install al lot of new (unnecessary) libs, 
 which I do not need and I do not want to install. It is sure, I do not need 
 them, as the 32-bit applications are running perfectly as described above.

Exactly. ia32-libs is superseeded by multi-arch, the ia32-libs
package you can upgrade to (version 1:0.4) is actually empty and is
only there to pull in the i386 packages.

 I do not want to fill my system, with unnecessary libs (keep it simple stupid)

This is a simple change in packaging. Chances are that you can
afterwards deinstall ia32-libs (unless you have crappy third-party
software explicitly depending on it) and even remove libraries you
were previously forced to keep (as part of the old ia32-libs package)
but don’t actually need.

 IMO this is a dependency problem. My suggestions for a solution:
 1. Change the dependencies of ia-32-libs, that they do not depend i386-repo.
 2. No amd64 package should depend on a package of i386-repo.

This will mean that users don’t see a clear migration path from amd64
+ ia32-libs to amd64 + multi-arch and that there is no way to ensure
that all libraries previously contained in ia32-libs are installed
after the migration to multi-arch. 

 IMO this would solve a lot of problems and people can decide, if they want to 
 use multiarch or not. At the moment, it looks for me, as people are forced to 
 use multiarch, if they want to use any 32-bit application.

If you don’t want to use multi-arch, stay with Squeeze.
 But this technically not necessary ( as described above) and it is against 
 freedom of choice.

As said before, you actually have more choice with multi-arch than

To reiterate:

Current Squeeze:
- ia32-libs:amd64 contains library X, library Y and library Z in the i386 format
- i386 packages with Architecture:amd64 (such as skype:amd64) can be
  installed, depend on ia32-libs and use these libraries.

Current Wheezy:
- i386 packages can be directly installed as Architecture:i386 and
  directly depend on X:i386 etc. as needed
- ia32-libs:amd64 is empty and depends on X:i386, Y:i386, Z:i386 to
  ensure that if you upgrade from Squeeze, all libraries previously
  found on your system as part of the ia32-libs package are
  installed, furthermore, packages still depend on ia32-libs of
  Architecture:amd64 continue to work.



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Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich

 Current Wheezy:
 - i386 packages can be directly installed as Architecture:i386 and
   directly depend on X:i386 etc. as needed
 - ia32-libs:amd64 is empty and depends on X:i386, Y:i386, Z:i386 to
   ensure that if you upgrade from Squeeze, all libraries previously
   found on your system as part of the ia32-libs package are
   installed, furthermore, packages still depend on ia32-libs of
   Architecture:amd64 continue to work.

I am running wheezy. So, if I understood, I have these choices

1. stay with the old ia32-libs (which content all 32-bit libs) and set ia32-
libs to hold

2. convert to multiarch, get an empty (transitional) ia32-libs package and get 
all needed and new 32-bit-libs from i386.

Ok, I understood. But last question: Does debian make sure, that I get rid 
from the old 32-bit libs included in the old ia32-libs package or do I have to 
search them manually, to get a clean system, without double 32-bit libs?



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Re: need lenny.

2012-12-08 Thread Mauro
On 8 December 2012 13:01, Rares Aioanei wrote:
 On 12/08/12 13:46, Mauro wrote:

 My sources list:

 deb lenny main contrib non-free
 deb lenny-backports main contrib
 deb lenny/updates main contrib
 deb lenny/volatile main contrib

 Is there a valid reason for sticking to Lenny? It's unsupported, you know.

I still have some servers with lenny and I need to install some packages.
I knew that  was established to support old
distributions but it seems does not work.

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Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 08 dec 12, 13:30:02, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
 I am running wheezy. So, if I understood, I have these choices
 1. stay with the old ia32-libs (which content all 32-bit libs) and set ia32-
 libs to hold

Yes, this is another option, but you will get in trouble when (not if) 
non-Debian packagers update their packages to depend on newer libraries 
than the ones available in the ia32-libs bundle. You might be safe for 
wheezy (since it's already frozen), but...

Also, you will not receive any kind of security support from Debian.
 2. convert to multiarch, get an empty (transitional) ia32-libs package and 
 all needed and new 32-bit-libs from i386.
 Ok, I understood. But last question: Does debian make sure, that I get rid 
 from the old 32-bit libs included in the old ia32-libs package or do I have 
 search them manually, to get a clean system, without double 32-bit libs?

When you purge a package (any package) all its files should be removed 
by dpkg, but sometimes packages generate files on install and don't 
clean up on removal[1]. This is usually a bug which should be reported. 
If it's severe enough it should be fixed before the release of wheezy.

[1] this does not include files in a user's $HOME and files that contain 
user data (e.g. databases stored in /var created by a database 
software). If you watch dpkg output carefully you will notice warnings 
like did not remove directory ... because not empty, so that you can 
take a look at the remaining files and decide if you still need them or 

Hope this helps,
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Re: legacy-bootordering in Wheezy?

2012-12-08 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Rob van der Putten wrote:

More weirdness:
I can start inputattach as root, but not as a normal user using a suid

The thing to do is to write a start script and start the mouse just 
_after_ XDM. This works both with and without .legacy-bootordering.

I'll put more info on my website.


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Re: need lenny.

2012-12-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 08 dec 12, 12:46:23, Mauro wrote:
 W: Failed to fetch
  302 Moved [IP: 80]

Hmm, your apt is trying to download the uncompressed Packages file, 
which is actually not available (anymore?) -- even though mentioned in 
the Release file -- and doesn't fall back to the compressed Packages 

You should check your apt configurations for any overrides. 

Kind regards,
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Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Thanks for the answer, Andrei,
but something is still not completely clear.
 When you purge a package (any package) all its files should be removed
 by dpkg, but sometimes packages generate files on install and don't
 clean up on removal[1]. This is usually a bug which should be reported.
 If it's severe enough it should be fixed before the release of wheezy.

Yes, I know that. But removing (and purge ia32-libs) before change to 
multiarch will also remove all 32-bit-apps. But an upgrade will install a 
newer package of ia32-libs + stay the 32-bit-apps + install 32-bit-libs from 
i386. What happens to the old ones from the former ia32-libs? Will they be 
overwritten? Newly linked? Purged? 

Of course, I can deinstall and reinstall the 32-bit-apps after moving to 
multiarch. But is it really necessary?

 [1] this does not include files in a user's $HOME and files that contain
 user data (e.g. databases stored in /var created by a database
 software). If you watch dpkg output carefully you will notice warnings
 like did not remove directory ... because not empty, so that you can
 take a look at the remaining files and decide if you still need them or

Yes, this is how it always was. For these purposes there was mundus
developped, but it is still not in debian. I tried mundus today, but it still 
lacks. Mundus mourns about too old version of gambas3 from debian, it needs a 
newer version of it. However, this is no debian problem at all! Maybe 
sometimes it will appear in debian. I can wait. :))

 Hope this helps,



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Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Hans,

Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
 Ok, I understood. But last question: Does debian make sure, that I get rid 
 from the old 32-bit libs included in the old ia32-libs package or do I have 
 search them manually, to get a clean system, without double 32-bit libs?

If a package is updated, only the files from the new version are left
on the system (modulo configuration files and data files created by
the programm (such as configuration in your ~). These do not apply
here, however).

So, no, you don’t have to search for these libs manually, thanks to a
decent package manager also known as APT :)



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Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 08 dec 12, 14:17:55, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
 Thanks for the answer, Andrei,
 but something is still not completely clear.
  When you purge a package (any package) all its files should be removed
  by dpkg, but sometimes packages generate files on install and don't
  clean up on removal[1]. This is usually a bug which should be reported.
  If it's severe enough it should be fixed before the release of wheezy.
 Yes, I know that. But removing (and purge ia32-libs) before change to 
 multiarch will also remove all 32-bit-apps. But an upgrade will install a 
 newer package of ia32-libs + stay the 32-bit-apps + install 32-bit-libs from 
 i386. What happens to the old ones from the former ia32-libs? Will they be 
 overwritten? Newly linked? Purged? 

The files should be (famous last words) deleted even on upgrade ;)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: need lenny.

2012-12-08 Thread Rick Thomas

On Dec 8, 2012, at 5:14 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Sb, 08 dec 12, 12:46:23, Mauro wrote:

W: Failed to fetch
302 Moved [IP: 80]

Hmm, your apt is trying to download the uncompressed Packages file,
which is actually not available (anymore?) -- even though mentioned in
the Release file -- and doesn't fall back to the compressed Packages

You should check your apt configurations for any overrides.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Have you tried aptitude instead of apt-get?


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Re: need lenny.

2012-12-08 Thread Mauro
On 8 December 2012 16:09, Rick Thomas wrote:

 On Dec 8, 2012, at 5:14 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Sb, 08 dec 12, 12:46:23, Mauro wrote:

 W: Failed to fetch
 302 Moved [IP: 80]

 Hmm, your apt is trying to download the uncompressed Packages file,
 which is actually not available (anymore?) -- even though mentioned in
 the Release file -- and doesn't fall back to the compressed Packages

 You should check your apt configurations for any overrides.

 Kind regards,
 Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

 Have you tried aptitude instead of apt-get?

yes, same error.

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Re: Marvell sata chipset not detecting drives.

2012-12-08 Thread Pascal Hambourg

james okeeffe a écrit :
  cat /etc/modprobe.d/marvell.conf
 options ahci marvell_enable=1
 tail -n 3 /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
 # marvell pata
 blacklist pata_marvell
 I have ran update-initramfs -u but this does not work.
 root@server:~# lspci | grep Marvell
 03:00.0 RAID bus controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE6145 SATA II
 PCI-E controller (rev a1)
 lsmod | sort
It looks like the ahci module is not loaded.
What does modprobe ahci report ?
What happens if you run modprobe ahci ?
Any related kernel messages in the logs ?

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Re: need lenny.

2012-12-08 Thread Rick Thomas

On Dec 8, 2012, at 7:32 AM, Mauro wrote:

Have you tried aptitude instead of apt-get?

yes, same error.

Just a guess, but take a look at backports and see if you can install  
a more modern version of apt or aptitude.

FWIW My lenny box has aptitude version


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For Help!

2012-12-08 Thread Aijun Xuan
Hello, Debian:

First of all, I would like appreciate what Debian had offered to us! I would 
thank GUN very much!

I am a new user. I just set up Debian in my desktop computer. I have a problem. 
I can use the internet browser in Gnom when I am in Debian's main page. But I 
can not browse any other pages like yahoo, google etc.

I know I am aware of Linux very little. Please help me out if you have time!

Thanks! Best Regard!

Aijun, Xuan 

Re: need lenny.

2012-12-08 Thread Mauro
On 8 December 2012 17:37, Rick Thomas wrote:

 On Dec 8, 2012, at 7:32 AM, Mauro wrote:

 Have you tried aptitude instead of apt-get?

 yes, same error.

 Just a guess, but take a look at backports and see if you can install a more
 modern version of apt or aptitude.

 FWIW My lenny box has aptitude version

now works, perhaps a problem of my dns provider.

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Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Akhil Krishnan S
Please point me a link to download Debian as ISO image file. (Wheezy 
Squeeze) Is it suitable to live test?

Thanks in advance :)

Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Gábor Hársfalvi

2012/12/8 Akhil Krishnan S

 Please point me a link to download Debian as ISO image file. (Wheezy 
 Squeeze) Is it suitable to live test?

 Thanks in advance :)

VMWare issue

2012-12-08 Thread alexander
I have squeeze (kernel 2.6.32-amd64 ) . I installed VMWare Player 5
and tried to start an image of Fedora system. The VMWare player
started ok but the virtual machine failed with 'Could not get snapshot
information Moule Snapshot power on failed'. I serched in VMWare
forums for similar message and found some similar case but they were
related to Windows7 operating system. Has anybody seen this message in
Thank you

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Squeeze freeze

2012-12-08 Thread Bill Harris
After 136 days up, I had a hard freeze Wednesday evening, December
5--the system was unresponsive to the mouse, trackpad, keyboard,
attempts to get to a virtual console, and REISUB.  I had to hold the
power button down to shut it off.  Then it would lock up partway through
subsequent boot processes, somewhere after saying it was loading gdm3,
ACPI, checking battery status, or something around there--never as far
as the login screen.

I'm running 

| Linux marbach 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Sep 23 10:07:46 UTC 2012 x86_64 

on an HP dv7 laptop, and it's up-to-date, AFAICT.  It has a dual ATI /
Intel graphics system, and I've only run Debian on the Intel graphics.

I'm looking for help finding and fixing the problem.  What information
do you need to offer advice?

I fired up a LiveCD of Suse, and it worked.  I tested a W7 installation,
and it worked.  Then I rebooted into Debian, and it worked.  I ran it
for several hours.  During that time, I ran SMART tests, and the disk
seemed to be okay.

Early Friday morning, it wouldn't come out of suspend mode--it was again
locked up (I think it brought up X, but, to be honest, I didn't write it
down, and I can't recall with certainty.  Later, I started memtest, and
it ran successfully (I only gave it time to run about 1 1/2 times
through it's tests).  Then I booted into safe mode on Debian and looked
at some of the log files.  I booted W7 again, and then I rebooted
successfully into Debian.  It did come out of suspend mode this morning
just fine.


  I don't /think/ it's hardware.

  It /might/ be related to a previously-known kernel bug, but I'm not
  sure (see below).

  When it freezes, I haven't found a way to power off except with the
  power switch, and I haven't found a way to reboot except by booting
  into W7 or Suse first and then coming back to Squeeze.

Any ideas how to troubleshoot or fix this?  

Thanks for any help.  The remainder of this message lists logfile
snippets and a few comments about them, in case anyone wants those

- auth.log
- messages (partial) from the first freeze and a pointer to bugzilla
- dpkg.log (two snippets)
- messages upon a suspend recovery failure



Possibly interesting logfile snippets:

,[ auth.log--the entire contents from the time it wouldn't unsuspend ]
| Dec  7 05:13:48 marbach gnome-keyring-daemon[2662]: couldn't allocate secure 
memory to keep passwords and or keys from being written to the disk

,[ messages from around the first freeze; see bug number below ]
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750661] [ cut here 
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750690] WARNING: at 
 ieee80211_tx+0x1ad/0x1d3 [mac80211]()
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750694] Hardware name: HP Pavilion dv7 
Notebook PC
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750696] tx refused but queue active
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750698] Modules linked in: xt_limit 
xt_tcpudp ipt_LOG ipt_MASQUERADE xt_DSCP ipt_REJECT nf_conntrack_irc 
nf_conntrack_ftp xt_state aes_x86_64 aes_generic parport_pc ppdev lp parport 
sco bridge stp bnep acpi_cpufreq cpufreq_userspace rfcomm l2cap cpufreq_stats 
cpufreq_conservative bluetooth cpufreq_powersave nfsd lockd nfs_acl auth_rpcgss 
sunrpc exportfs binfmt_misc uinput fuse iptable_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 
nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv4 iptable_mangle iptable_filter ip_tables x_tables 
ext4 jbd2 crc16 loop snd_hda_codec_atihdmi snd_hda_codec_idt arc4 snd_hda_intel 
ecb snd_hda_codec snd_hwdep snd_pcm snd_seq joydev brcm80211(C) hp_accel 
snd_timer snd_seq_device snd lis3lv02d uvcvideo mac80211 radeon soundcore 
videodev ttm i915 cfg80211 drm_kms_helper video input_polldev v4l1_compat 
i2c_i801 led_class snd_page_alloc psmouse output rfkill v4l2_compat_ioctl32 drm 
processor button battery ac wmi serio_raw pcspkr evdev i2c_algo_bit i2c_core 
ext3 jbd mbcache sg sr_mod sd_mod crc
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: _t10dif cdrom ahci ehci_hcd libata thermal 
r8169 mii scsi_mod thermal_sys usbcore nls_base [last unloaded: scsi_wait_scan]
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750791] Pid: 0, comm: swapper Tainted: 
G C 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750795] Call Trace:
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750797]  IRQ  [a030871d] ? 
ieee80211_tx+0x1ad/0x1d3 [mac80211]
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750823]  [a030871d] ? 
ieee80211_tx+0x1ad/0x1d3 [mac80211]
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750830]  [8104df38] ? 
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750835]  [8104dfc0] ? 
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [  668.750845]  [a02f8b34] ? 
sta_info_get+0x2e/0x43 [mac80211]
| Dec  5 21:50:39 marbach kernel: [ 

Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Akhil Krishnan S
Sorry. I cant find a single file as an ISO like i can download from or
Please figure out me one such link.
Sorry if i'm mistaken
On 8 Dec 2012 22:36, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:

 2012/12/8 Akhil Krishnan S

 Please point me a link to download Debian as ISO image file. (Wheezy 
 Squeeze) Is it suitable to live test?

 Thanks in advance :)

Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread legop314

On 08/12/12 18:33, Akhil Krishnan S wrote:

Sorry. I cant find a single file as an ISO like i can download from or

Please figure out me one such link.
Sorry if i'm mistaken

On 8 Dec 2012 22:36, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:

2012/12/8 Akhil Krishnan S

Please point me a link to download Debian as ISO image file.
(Wheezy  Squeeze) Is it suitable to live test?

Thanks in advance :)

Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 08 December 2012 17:33:13 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
 Sorry. I cant find a single file as an ISO like i can download from or
 Please figure out me one such link.
 Sorry if i'm mistaken

You have been given a Debian link.  But a Debian link is not going to give you 
Ubuntu or Linux Mint.  If you want Ubuntu or Linux Mint then that is where 
you need to go.

If you can't figure out a link for yourself, what are you going to do with it 
once you find it?

Have you tried Google?  GIYF.


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Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Akhil Krishnan S
On 8 Dec 2012 23:13, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Saturday 08 December 2012 17:33:13 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
  Sorry. I cant find a single file as an ISO like i can download from or
  Please figure out me one such link.
  Sorry if i'm mistaken

 You have been given a Debian link.  But a Debian link is not going to
give you
 Ubuntu or Linux Mint.  If you want Ubuntu or Linux Mint then that is where
 you need to go.

Lisi, Please read my previous mail.
and understand what im asking for

 If you can't figure out a link for yourself, what are you going to do
with it
 once you find it?

I dont want to explain it you. If you are not interested in helping me.
Please be SHUT UP and allow other to. Please remember that this mailing
list have got you as dowry.

 Have you tried Google?  GIYF.


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Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 08 December 2012 17:52:31 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
 Please remember that this mailing 
 list have got you as dowry.

What on earth do you mean?


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Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Akhil Krishnan S
Have you tried Google? GIYF
On 8 Dec 2012 23:34, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Saturday 08 December 2012 17:52:31 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
  Please remember that this mailing
  list have got you as dowry.

 What on earth do you mean?


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Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Akhil Krishnan S wrote:

 On 8 Dec 2012 23:13, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Saturday 08 December 2012 17:33:13 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
  Sorry. I cant find a single file as an ISO like i can download from or
  Please figure out me one such link.
  Sorry if i'm mistaken

 You have been given a Debian link.  But a Debian link is not going to give
 Ubuntu or Linux Mint.  If you want Ubuntu or Linux Mint then that is where
 you need to go.

 Lisi, Please read my previous mail.
 and understand what im asking for

 If you can't figure out a link for yourself, what are you going to do with
 once you find it?

 I dont want to explain it you. If you are not interested in helping me.
 Please be SHUT UP and allow other to. Please remember that this mailing list
 have got you as dowry.

Your last sentence makes no sense what so ever.

Anyway, you will in fact have to explain yourself to someone here if
you want help, as you have been given two links, but inexplicably
claim you cannot find an iso.

Kelly Clowers

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Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 08 December 2012 18:10:17 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
 Have you tried Google? GIYF

Yes.  Also Wiktionary, Websters and Wikipedia.  I have now added the OED.  All 
agree with me.  Your statement makes absolutely no sense at all.  So I 
repeat, what on earth do you mean?


 On 8 Dec 2012 23:34, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Saturday 08 December 2012 17:52:31 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
   Please remember that this mailing
   list have got you as dowry.
  What on earth do you mean?

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Re: For Help!

2012-12-08 Thread berenger . morel
This sounds like you does not have internet access correctly 

Did you tried anything to know what is happening?

Le 08.12.2012 17:38, Aijun Xuan a écrit :

Hello, Debian:

First of all, I would like appreciate what Debian had offered to us!
I would thank GUN very much!

I am a new user. I just set up Debian in my desktop computer. I have
a problem. I can use the internet browser in Gnom when I am in
Debian's main page. But I can not browse any other pages like yahoo,
google etc.

I know I am aware of Linux very little. Please help me out if you
have time!

Thanks! Best Regard!

Aijun, Xuan

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Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Akhil Krishnan S
Apologizes. No time to speak with intelligents  also not interested to
quarrel to those in above IQ than me.
On 8 Dec 2012 23:54, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Saturday 08 December 2012 18:10:17 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
  Have you tried Google? GIYF

 Yes.  Also Wiktionary, Websters and Wikipedia.  I have now added the OED.
 agree with me.  Your statement makes absolutely no sense at all.  So I
 repeat, what on earth do you mean?

  On 8 Dec 2012 23:34, Lisi Reisz wrote:
   On Saturday 08 December 2012 17:52:31 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
Please remember that this mailing
list have got you as dowry.
   What on earth do you mean?

Re: Debian ISO file

2012-12-08 Thread Akhil Krishnan S
May be an outer topic :)

I've got the link.
On 9 Dec 2012 00:10, Akhil Krishnan S wrote:

 Apologizes. No time to speak with intelligents  also not interested to
 quarrel to those in above IQ than me.
 On 8 Dec 2012 23:54, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Saturday 08 December 2012 18:10:17 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
  Have you tried Google? GIYF

 Yes.  Also Wiktionary, Websters and Wikipedia.  I have now added the OED.
 agree with me.  Your statement makes absolutely no sense at all.  So I
 repeat, what on earth do you mean?

  On 8 Dec 2012 23:34, Lisi Reisz wrote:
   On Saturday 08 December 2012 17:52:31 Akhil Krishnan S wrote:
Please remember that this mailing
list have got you as dowry.
   What on earth do you mean?

alix image

2012-12-08 Thread binary_dreamer

hi. i am trying to setup an image for alix2d13 from pcengines.
i have the setup but i need it to be read only by default. read/write 
only on demand.
i have found a ready image on the net, but it has a lot of modifications 
and it does not suit my needs.
is there a ready to download image of clean install of debian for the 
alix 2d13?

i would be grateful if someone could help me on that.

sincerely yours,

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Re: Squeeze freeze

2012-12-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 08 dec 12, 09:17:48, Bill Harris wrote:
   When it freezes, I haven't found a way to power off except with the
   power switch, and I haven't found a way to reboot except by booting
   into W7 or Suse first and then coming back to Squeeze.

Have you tried unplugging and pulling out the battery after the (forced) 

Sorry, no idea about the freezes except maybe to try a newer kernel 
(backports has 3.2).

Kind regards,
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Re: need lenny.

2012-12-08 Thread Rick Thomas

On Dec 8, 2012, at 9:00 AM, Mauro wrote:

On 8 December 2012 17:37, Rick Thomas wrote:

On Dec 8, 2012, at 7:32 AM, Mauro wrote:

Have you tried aptitude instead of apt-get?

yes, same error.

Just a guess, but take a look at backports and see if you can  
install a more

modern version of apt or aptitude.

FWIW My lenny box has aptitude version

now works, perhaps a problem of my dns provider.

Great!  I wish we knew why  :-/


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NFS automount not happening

2012-12-08 Thread Ross Boylan
I have a diskless workstation running testing, and although
its /etc/fstab is
/dev/nfs /   nfs defaults 0 0
none /tmptmpfs defaults 0 0
none /var/runtmpfs defaults 0 0
none /var/lock   tmpfs defaults 0 0
none /var/tmptmpfs defaults 0 0
none /media  tmpfs defaults 0 0  /mnt/usr/local nfs defaults 0 0   nfs defaults 0 0

The root fs is mounted correctly (during the boot sequence, before it
gets to fstab), but the other 2 NFS filesystems are not.  I can mount
them manually once the system is up.

Can anyone suggest why the NFS automount is not working, or what to do
about it?

I have a theory that the mounts are supposed to happen when the network
device comes up; the regular network up routines are not triggered to
avoid screwing up the root fs.  /etc/network/interfaces has

# The primary network interface
# do not bring up interface twice--PXE already did it
#allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Is my theory correct?

Ross Boylan

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Re: NFS automount not happening

2012-12-08 Thread Michael Biebl
On 08.12.2012 23:09, Ross Boylan wrote: nfs defaults 0 0  /usr/local/var/media   nfs defaults 0 0
 The root fs is mounted correctly (during the boot sequence, before it
 gets to fstab), but the other 2 NFS filesystems are not.  I can mount
 them manually once the system is up.
 Can anyone suggest why the NFS automount is not working, or what to do
 about it?

Use the _netdev option [1] or autofs [2].


[1] man mount

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian Squeeze; Does this look like a Driver Issue?

2012-12-08 Thread Martin McCormick
There are two communications programs I have tried: One
is specifically designed to run on unix systems and talks
specifically to a range of radios of the Wouxun brand. It is
possible that the one I am using is not one of the models this
software is written for. The link for the software is

it's documentation says 9600,n,8,1 which is pretty normal.

The other thing I have tried is c-kermit, setting the tty to
9600,n,8,1. There is not so much as one complaint about the port
but nothing happens if I send the string the documentation says
you should send toget the radio's attention:


followed by a Control-B or 02. The radio is supposed to return a
control-F. You send another 02 and then it sends a ID string
back to you

Nothing happens but since I posted last, I know there
are data being sent out the serial port. I tried 38400 baud and
when typing certain characters, the radio briefly activated its
transmitter. This tells me it is receiving garbage, most likely,
but nonetheless, something is being sent on that serial line. I
may have answered my own question.

Anyway, I appreciate the help.

Martin McCormick

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Re: NFS automount not happening

2012-12-08 Thread Roger Leigh
On Sat, Dec 08, 2012 at 02:09:47PM -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
 I have a diskless workstation running testing, and although
 its /etc/fstab is
 /dev/nfs   /   nfs defaults 0 0
 none   /tmptmpfs defaults 0 0
 none   /var/runtmpfs defaults 0 0
 none   /var/lock   tmpfs defaults 0 0

Remove /var/run and /var/lock from your fstab; they will probably be
being mounted on top of /run and /run/lock, which will cause you
additional problems.  See tmpfs(5).  They are now tmpfs by default
on all systems, so you don't need them.  Also, the mode isn't being
set, so it's also insecure.

Michael's suggestion regarding autofs is definitely worth
exploring for your other NFS mount issues.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
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Re: NFS automount not happening

2012-12-08 Thread Bob Proulx
Ross Boylan wrote:
 I have a diskless workstation running testing, and although
 its /etc/fstab is
 /dev/nfs   /   nfs defaults 0 0
 none   /tmptmpfs defaults 0 0
 none   /var/runtmpfs defaults 0 0
 none   /var/lock   tmpfs defaults 0 0
 none   /var/tmptmpfs defaults 0 0
 none   /media  tmpfs defaults 0 0 nfs defaults 0 0  /usr/local/var/media   nfs defaults 0 0
 The root fs is mounted correctly (during the boot sequence, before it
 gets to fstab), but the other 2 NFS filesystems are not.  I can mount
 them manually once the system is up.

Does sound like a timing issue.  Instead of defaults try using bg
to retry in the background.  Not what you want long term but perhaps a
good debug point.

 Can anyone suggest why the NFS automount is not working, or what to do
 about it?
 I have a theory that the mounts are supposed to happen when the network
 device comes up; the regular network up routines are not triggered to
 avoid screwing up the root fs.  /etc/network/interfaces has
 # The primary network interface
 # do not bring up interface twice--PXE already did it
 #allow-hotplug eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
 Is my theory correct?

Perhaps.  My nfs diskless system has nothing at all in the
/etc/network/interfaces file.  But I don't have NetworkManager
installed either.  (And I am not mounting additional mount points.
Will try a test as soon as I get on the console of it.)

I don't think dhcp is what you want.  You might try manual.

  iface eth0 inet manual


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian Squeeze; Does this look like a Driver Issue?

2012-12-08 Thread Bob Proulx
Martin McCormick wrote:
 There are two communications programs I have tried: One
 is specifically designed to run on unix systems and talks
 specifically to a range of radios of the Wouxun brand.

Cool.  But probably not debuggable.

 It is possible that the one I am using is not one of the models this
 software is written for. The link for the software is

Neat!  I pulled a copy of the source code.  It compiled.  But it did
produce a hand full of 32-bit / 64-bit warnings.  But they were in the
debug output printf statements.  Without looking further it is
probably not going to halt and catch fire or anything.  But the info
output might have issues on a 64-bit machine.

 it's documentation says 9600,n,8,1 which is pretty normal.

Agreed.  That seems pretty normal.

 The other thing I have tried is c-kermit, setting the tty to
 9600,n,8,1. There is not so much as one complaint about the port
 but nothing happens if I send the string the documentation says
 you should send toget the radio's attention:
 followed by a Control-B or 02. The radio is supposed to return a
 control-F. You send another 02 and then it sends a ID string
 back to you

What an arcane handshake protocol!  And an unfortunate choice of
characters because those will be invisible.  You might not be able to
see the handshake with a normal terminal program.

Also there are the hardware handshake signals which can prevent
communication from succeeding.  You might try turning off hardware
flow control.

 Nothing happens but since I posted last, I know there are data being
 sent out the serial port. I tried 38400 baud and when typing certain
 characters, the radio briefly activated its transmitter. This tells
 me it is receiving garbage, most likely, but nonetheless, something
 is being sent on that serial line. I may have answered my own

I would definitely keep trying combinations until you get it working.


Description: Digital signature

Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread CaT
On Sun, Dec 09, 2012 at 03:18:32PM +1100, CaT wrote:
 Felt that was a bit too many packages (182 new i386 packages) to be installed 
 apt-get purge ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk
 For you this will get rid of more packages than you may want. Make a note.
 For me skype is not installed as a deb so that's safe.
 ldd `which skype`
 Gives me a list of libs it uses, including missing, which led to:
 apt-get install libqtgui4:i386 libc6-i686:i386
 apt-get install libqt4-xml:i386
 apt-get install libqt4-dbus:i386 libqt4-network:i386
 apt-get install libxv1:i386
 apt-get install libxss1:i386
 This gives me 39 i386 packages. A -lot- less.

Then I spotted libc6-i386 so...

apt-get purge libc6-i386

Which removed 32bit asound and so you

apt-get install libasound2:i386

And sorted.

System should be clean of 32bit kludges and properly multi-arch now.

  A search of his car uncovered pornography, a homemade sex aid, women's 
  stockings and a Jack Russell terrier.

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Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-08 Thread CaT
On Sat, Dec 08, 2012 at 02:17:55PM +0100, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
 Thanks for the answer, Andrei,
 but something is still not completely clear.
  When you purge a package (any package) all its files should be removed
  by dpkg, but sometimes packages generate files on install and don't
  clean up on removal[1]. This is usually a bug which should be reported.
  If it's severe enough it should be fixed before the release of wheezy.
 Yes, I know that. But removing (and purge ia32-libs) before change to 
 multiarch will also remove all 32-bit-apps. But an upgrade will install a 
 newer package of ia32-libs + stay the 32-bit-apps + install 32-bit-libs from 
 i386. What happens to the old ones from the former ia32-libs? Will they be 
 overwritten? Newly linked? Purged? 

I went:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get -u dist-upgrade

Saw this:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  acl esound-common freeglut3:i386 gcc-4.7-base:i386 gtk2-engines:i386 
gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386 ia32-libs-gtk-i386:i386 ia32-libs-i386:i386 
lesstif2:i386 libacl1:i386 libaio1:i386 libart-2.0-2:i386 libasound2:i386
  libasyncns0:i386 libatk1.0-0:i386 libattr1:i386 libaudio2:i386 
libaudiofile1:i386 libavahi-client3:i386 libavahi-common-data:i386 
libavahi-common3:i386 libbsd0:i386 libc6:i386 libcaca0:i386 libcairo2:i386
  libcanberra-gtk-module:i386 libcanberra-gtk0:i386 libcanberra0:i386 
libcap2:i386 libcomerr2:i386 libcups2:i386 libcurl3:i386 libdatrie1:i386 
libdb5.1:i386 libdbus-1-3:i386 libdbus-glib-1-2:i386 libdirectfb-1.2-9:i386
  libdrm-intel1:i386 libdrm-nouveau1a:i386 libdrm-radeon1:i386 libdrm2:i386 
libedit2:i386 libesd0:i386 libexif12:i386 libexpat1:i386 libffi5:i386 
libflac8:i386 libfltk1.1:i386 libfontconfig1:i386 libfreetype6:i386
  libgail-common:i386 libgail18:i386 libgcc1:i386 libgconf-2-4:i386 
libgconf2-4:i386 libgcrypt11:i386 libgd2-xpm:i386 libgdbm3:i386 
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 
  libglib2.0-0:i386 libglu1-mesa:i386 libgnutls26:i386 libgpg-error0:i386 
libgphoto2-2:i386 libgphoto2-port0:i386 libgssapi-krb5-2:i386 libgtk2.0-0:i386 
libice6:i386 libidn11:i386 libieee1284-3:i386 libjack-jackd2-0:i386
  libjasper1:i386 libjbig0:i386 libjpeg62:i386 libjpeg8:i386 libjson0:i386 
libk5crypto3:i386 libkeyutils1:i386 libkrb5-3:i386 libkrb5support0:i386 
liblcms1:i386 libldap-2.4-2:i386 libltdl7:i386 liblua5.1-0:i386 liblzma5:i386
  liblzo2-2:i386 libmng1:i386 libmpg123-0:i386 libncursesw5:i386 libnspr4:i386 
libnspr4-0d:i386 libnss3:i386 libnss3-1d:i386 libodbc1:i386 libogg0:i386 
libopenal1:i386 libp11-kit0:i386 libpam0g:i386 libpango1.0-0:i386
  libpciaccess0:i386 libpcre3:i386 libpixman-1-0:i386 libpng12-0:i386 
libpopt0:i386 libpulse0:i386 libqt4-dbus:i386 libqt4-network:i386 
libqt4-script:i386 libqt4-test:i386 libqt4-xml:i386 libqtcore4:i386 
  librtmp0:i386 libsamplerate0:i386 libsane:i386 libsane-common libsasl2-2:i386 
libsdl1.2debian:i386 libselinux1:i386 libsigc++-2.0-0c2a:i386 libslang2:i386 
libsm6:i386 libsndfile1:i386 libsqlite3-0:i386 libssh2-1:i386
  libssl1.0.0:i386 libstdc++5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libsvga1:i386 libsysfs2:i386 
libtasn1-3:i386 libtdb1:i386 libthai0:i386 libtiff4:i386 libtinfo5:i386 
libts-0.0-0:i386 libusb-0.1-4:i386 libuuid1:i386 libv4l-0:i386
  libv4lconvert0:i386 libvorbis0a:i386 libvorbisenc2:i386 libvorbisfile3:i386 
libwrap0:i386 libx11-6:i386 libx11-xcb1:i386 libx86-1:i386 libxau6:i386 
libxaw7:i386 libxcb-glx0:i386 libxcb-render-util0:i386 libxcb-render0:i386
  libxcb-shm0:i386 libxcb1:i386 libxcomposite1:i386 libxcursor1:i386 
libxdamage1:i386 libxdmcp6:i386 libxext6:i386 libxfixes3:i386 libxft2:i386 
libxi6:i386 libxinerama1:i386 libxml2:i386 libxmu6:i386 libxmuu1:i386 
  libxpm4:i386 libxrandr2:i386 libxrender1:i386 libxslt1.1:i386 libxss1:i386 
libxt6:i386 libxtst6:i386 libxv1:i386 libxxf86vm1:i386 odbcinst1debian2:i386 
xaw3dg:i386 zlib1g:i386
The following packages will be upgraded:
  ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglapi-mesa 
libglu1-mesa libxml2 libxml2-utils python-libxml2 unzip

Felt that was a bit too many packages (182 new i386 packages) to be installed 

apt-get purge ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk

For you this will get rid of more packages than you may want. Make a note.
For me skype is not installed as a deb so that's safe.

ldd `which skype`

Gives me a list of libs it uses, including missing, which led to:

apt-get install libqtgui4:i386 libc6-i686:i386
apt-get install libqt4-xml:i386
apt-get install libqt4-dbus:i386 libqt4-network:i386
apt-get install libxv1:i386
apt-get install libxss1:i386

This gives me 39 i386 packages. A -lot- less.

The thing with ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk is that they contain lots of packages
within them and debian does not know which you /really/ need. Installing
the 182 just keeps things safe. Note the upgrade of ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk. 
are 130 bytes in size installed. Down from 500MB 

Xen vs. KVM on Debian squeeze

2012-12-08 Thread P. J. McDermott

I'd like to set up virtualization on a home server with a Debian
GNU/Linux squeeze amd64 host and squeeze and wheezy amd64 guests.  I'm
trying to decide between Xen 4.0 (with paravirtualized guests and
probably the xend/xm toolstack) and qemu-kvm 0.12 or 1.1 (with the
libvirt tools).

My experience in this area is currently limited; I've only used qemu-kvm
0.12, and only through Virtual Machine Manager.  So I'm looking for some
advice and answers to help me decide how to set this up.

The server has two 3.0-GHz CPU cores (an AMD CPU with the AMD-V/SVM
virtualization extensions) and 2.0 GiB of RAM (which I'm planning to
either double or triple).

I'd like to run at least five guest systems to build software, manage
mailing lists, serve files, manage a RAID 5 array using md, etc.

So I need a virtualization infrastructure that offers efficient CPU and
I/O virtualization and allows guest systems to gain or forfeit virtual
memory as their loads require (pooling my limited RAM as efficiently as
possible).  (Ease of understanding and maintenance are nice as well,
though I'm happy to read documentation.)

I see that KVM supports a rather simple method of overcommitting memory
[1], relying on Linux's lazy page allocation and swapping [2][3].


I'm not sure I like the idea of freeing memory by swapping, but at
least it's a simple design and easy to set up.  Is there a newer method
in KVM (in Debian squeeze or squeeze-backports) of automatically growing
and shrinking guest systems' virtual memory space in RAM, preferably
without using swap?

Xen used to have a userspace self-ballooning daemon called xenballoond
[4], but it's no longer maintained [5] and it supposedly only supports
Red Hat–family systems [6].


Now Xen supports Transcendent Memory or tmem (self-ballooning and
frontswap self-shrinking) [7][8] instead.

  [8]: drivers/xen/xen-selfballoon.c in Linux 3.1 or later

The tmem code is in the version of Linux in squeeze-backports, and the
XEN_BALLOON option is enabled.  But, as far as I can tell, CLEANCACHE,
XEN_SELFBALLOONING, and FRONTSWAP are disabled.  I'd rather not have to
rebuild the Linux packages to install in my squeeze and wheezy domUs for

All things considered, I'm leaning slightly toward qemu-kvm, because it
looks like it'll do what I need in a simple and familiar way; but I'm
concerned about the performance of the CPU and I/O virtualization and
the page swapping.

Can anyone show me that I've overlooked something about Xen in Debian or
convince me that qemu-kvm will perform fine for my needs?

P. J. McDermott

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