Re: Debian al discurs d'investidura!

2012-12-29 Thread Xavi
genial que algú de Caliu també es vulgui apuntar a la possible
xerrada/tertúlia, com més col·lectius representats molt millor. La carta
de Caliu al Molt Honorable President de la Generalitat anirà molt per
quan es parli de llibertats de programari.

L'enfocament d'aquestes xerrades crec que, com ja s'ha dit, hauria de
ser no tècnic. Si s'escaigués, més endavant es podria lligar la part
tècnica amb una festa (o festival ;P) d'instal·lació. Com a principal
objectiu d'aquesta xerrada / tertúlia hauria de ser que adoptessin les
tesis de llibertat en programari com a seves i n'entenguessin els
motius. No m'agradaria entrar en Ubuntu vs Debian (o d'altres). Moltes
vegades m'he trobat explicat les 4 llibertats del programari i que, als
pocs segons, em diguin que ells no volen modificar res del programari,
que només volen que les coses de l'ordinador els hi funcionin i, si és
amb programari lliure, doncs millor. Sóc conscient que estem parlant amb
una organització política que ha fet una intervenció al Parlament i, per
tant, ens hauríem de trobar un nivell teòric més avançat.

Intento fer un recull (desordenat) resumit de totes propostes que heu
fet (si em deixo res ho afegim):
- Què és programari lliure i implicacions directes en les persones i
- Filosofia programari lliure: 4 llibertats de programari
- Estàndards oberts (llei 11/2007)
- Programari lliure a l'Administració pública.
  * Implicacions a les Empreses de programari.   
  * Distribucions adaptades per l'ús de l'Adminstració o distribució
estàndard. Com implantar programari lliure a l'administració.
- Xarxes lliures
- Llicències de programari vs economia
- Ubuntu vs Debian

Com reflexió després de la meva experiència personal: sense Debian no
existiria Ubuntu però sense Ubuntu jo no estaria usant Debian avui.
Ubuntu va ser el pas indispensable.

Tornant a la part pràctica, ja he enviat el correu a la CUP de
l'Eixample de Barcelona i estic a l'espera de resposta. Miraré
d'acostar-m'hi en algun moment per concretar.



Al 29/12/12 00:37, En/na Sisco Garcia ha escrit:
 Al 28/12/12 21:09, En/na Ernest Adrogué ha escrit:
 28-12-2012, 13:26 (+0100); Mònica Ramírez Arceda escriu:
 Més temes?
 Hi ha el tema dels estàndards oberts.  Algú s'imagina que el telèfon 112
 (d'emergències, o el que sigui) només funcionés si truques amb un
 MicroSoft i que si truques amb qualsevol altre telèfon només sents
 electricitat estàtica?  Probablement es consideraria un escàndol.  En
 en altres contexts es considera normal.  Per exemple, la web Idescat
 té dades disponibles per baixar en format MicroSoft Excel.  Si les
 obres amb
 qualsevol altre programa només veus una sèrie de símbols
 En aquest sentit, al menys al Departament d'Ensenyament (en sóc
 usuari), tenen una guia per l'ús dels estàndards oberts [1], el que
 passa és que als centres (al menys on jo treballo) és precisament amb
 l'administració, i concretament amb el Departament d'Ensenyament amb
 qui tenim més problemes pels estàndards (treballem amb PL, i tenim
 tots els ordinadors amb Ubuntu).

 Per mi és més important que adoptin estàndards oberts, que no que
 programari lliure.  Els estàndards obert són neutrals, no beneficien ni
 perjudiquen a ningú en particular.  Els estàndards no-oberts
 perjudiquen i
 beneficien a persones concretes.  Normalment beneficien a un monopoli i
 perjudiquen a la resta de la societat.
 No sé si és el més important, és clar que és important perquè els
 usuaris poden fer-ne ús independentment del programari que facin
 servir, però també és important que l'administració faci servir
 programari lliure (evidentment amb estàndards oberts) per tal de no
 promoure cap empresa i donar «vidilla» a les empreses locals,
 promovent el desenvolupament científico-tecnològic local.

 En relació a tot el que s'està parlant en aquest fil, Caliu fa dos
 anys ja va fer una carta al president de la Generalitat (aprofitant el
 canvi de govern) per promoure l'ús del PL a l'administració [2]. Des
 del meu institut la vam adaptar al món educatiu i també la hi vam fer
 arribar (se'ns va respondre donant-nos llargues) [3].

 No sé si aquests documents [1, 2, 3] poden ser útils en aquesta
 discussió o què, aquí els deixo:



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: convertir un fichier video en avi

2012-12-29 Thread Thuban
ffmpeg peut-être une bonne idée

ffmpeg -i fichier.flv fichier.avi

Bonne journée!

Le 08:39:55 le 29 déc. 2012 , Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
   j'ai quelque fichiers flv et je souhaite les réencoder en avi
   quel serait le meilleur outil sachant que j'ai essayé 
   infructeusement pacpl ...
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 ,--.   Xavier Cartron
: /` )  M2 MEFPC   
| `-'   Debian user 
 \_ jabber :

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virtualbox ou xen ?

2012-12-29 Thread ptilou
Bonjour, et bonne fêtes !

Je me demandais si via ma virtual box je pouvais émuler un pros atom ( au 
hasard un N2600 qui ferait tourner un OSX 10.4, ou plus récent si y a un DL )?

Que je suis frappé d'un grave maladie, l'apothicaire parle d'incurabilité et 
séquelle in Vita aeternam : la flémingite Aigu  ...
Donc si vous aviez les fichiers de conf qui vont bien pour xen et virtualbox, 
quelque doc, je vous serai grès de votre présent ...

Mais merci mes seigneurs pour ce logiciel dénommé Debian, vous êtes bien bon 
avec les gueux et manants de l'informatique 



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Re: convertir un fichier video en avi

2012-12-29 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 29 Dec 2012 09:16:54 +0100,
Thuban a écrit :

 ffmpeg peut-être une bonne idée
 ffmpeg -i fichier.flv fichier.avi
 Bonne journée!

merci pour le tuyau, mais la prochaine fois j'utiliserai avconv :

This program is only provided for compatibility and will be
removed in a future release.
Please use avconv instead.

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Re: Erreur de frappe fatal...

2012-12-29 Thread François Boisson
Le Thu, 27 Dec 2012 14:02:19 -0400
David Prévot a écrit:

 Le 27/12/2012 13:41, a écrit :
  Existe t-il un exécutable pour sauvegarder aussi les noms des
  propriétaires des fichiers sous Debian ?
 Vu l'exemple donné, modifier « chmod %m » en « chown %u:%g » devrait
 suffire (et sauvegarde_droit en sauvegarde_proprio pour faire classe).
Ça donne dans ce cas
find . -printf chmod %m %p\nchown %u:%g %p\n 

ou %U:%G suivant ce qu'on préfère. 

François Boisson

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Re: virtualbox ou xen ?

2012-12-29 Thread Mourad Jaber

Le 29/12/2012 11:48, ptilou a écrit :

Bonjour, et bonne fêtes !

Je me demandais si via ma virtual box je pouvais émuler un pros atom ( au 
hasard un N2600 qui ferait tourner un OSX 10.4, ou plus récent si y a un DL )?

Que je suis frappé d'un grave maladie, l'apothicaire parle d'incurabilité et 
séquelle in Vita aeternam : la flémingite Aigu  ...
Donc si vous aviez les fichiers de conf qui vont bien pour xen et virtualbox, 
quelque doc, je vous serai grès de votre présent ...

Mais merci mes seigneurs pour ce logiciel dénommé Debian, vous êtes bien bon 
avec les gueux et manants de l'informatique 




Ni Xen, ni virtualbox pourront émuler un autre pro que celui de la machine pour des 
raisons de performance et de simplicité d'architecture...

La seule solution à ma connaissance est QEMU, les performances seront médiocres puisque 
tout est émulé, mais tu pourra émuler n'importe quel processeur du marché (Atom, Mips, 
Coldfire, ARM...), un certain nombre de matériels (réseau, usb, carte graphique ).



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Re: Debian squeze en IBM 3550 M4

2012-12-29 Thread Flako

 El 29 de diciembre de 2012 02:32, Nicolas Palearió:

  Hola, resulta que tengo un nuevo server, es un IBM X3550 M4, el mismo
 tiene una controladora RAID LSI M5110, resulta que le tengo que instalar
 Debian Squeeze pero a la hora de la deteccion de disco no me encuentra el
 RAID armado por hardware, busque mucho en internet pero aun no doy con la
 solucion. Les agradeceria cualquier info que me pueda orientar o ayudar.

 Hola, tenes que bajar los driver de la pagina de IBM, yo tengo un IBM
3650 M3 con RAID M1015  y los driver están en la pagina.  lo que no se si
están para Debian :) (los vi para Suse).
 Empresa la búsqueda por ahi o usa el ultimo kernel que puedas.


[OT] Comparto con ustedes librerias y proyectos escritas en VALA

2012-12-29 Thread Edwin Dlca
Saludos cordiales a todos.

Hace unos meses atras conoci el lenguaje de programación VALA, ha sido muy
agradable trabajar con él.

 En este tiempo he desarrollado algunas librerias y proyectos que queria
compartir con ustedes, todas funcionan en Linux y Windows.




 El proyecto se trata de un sistema de alarmas comunitarias con
notificaciones via sms, interface web, usando modems GSM. Aun en desarrollo.



 Es un Micro servidor de mensajes de texto, recibe, envia mensajes
automaticamente, tiene lista de contactos, util para implementar sistemas
de mensajes con respuesta automatica, sistemas de Votos, encuestas, etc.
Utiliza modems GSM. Tiene interface web. Aun en desarrollo pero ya es



 Libreria base del proyecto uSMS



 Micro servidor HTTP, se lo puede utilizar para embeber un servidor web en
sus aplicaciones. Es muy basico pero funcional.



 Libreria de apoyo para trabajar con PostgreSQL, es muy pequeña.
Principalmente hace la conexion con la base de datos, los campos
resultantes de una consulta las convierte de STRING a el tipo
correspondiente (int, double, boolean, etc).



 Libreria para codificar y decodificar mensajes de texto (SMS) en formato



 Libreria para trabajar con modems GSM especificamente, trabaja con modems
que soporte tanto modo Texto como PDU.



 *Libreria para comunicacion con puertos seriales.*

Re: Adobe acroread + multiarch

2012-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 28 Dec 2012 12:52:14 -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom escribió:

 Camaleón wrote:
 El Thu, 27 Dec 2012 12:28:21 -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom escribió:


 Más o menos es lo mismo:

 Script started on Mon 24 Dec 2012 03:23:05 PM CST root@SDB03:/#
 apt-get install acroread You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to
 correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   acroread:i386 : Depends: libatk1.0-0:i386 (= 1.12.4) but it is not
 going to be installed
 Jolines :-(
 Algo chistoso: hice una nueva instalación wheezy básica con d-i beta4. Y
 intenté instalar adobereader otra vez... y... todo bien! Los pasos:
 dpkg --add-architecture i386
 apt-get update
 dpkg -i AdbeRdr9.5.1-1_i386linux_enu.deb 
 apt-get -f install
 ii  adobereader-enu9.5.1  i386
 es todo!

Entonces es que sólo te faltaba el paso de añadir la arquitectura para 
que funcionara el multiarch y el gestor de paquetes no se quejara ¿no? 
Qué bien :-)



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Re: [OT] Sobre permisos en samba (create mask = 0570)

2012-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 28 Dec 2012 16:18:23 -0300, enodisarpiz escribió:


 Quizá es porque tienes unos permisos un poco restrictivos sobre el
 recurso share. Vas a tener que jugar con los valores de create mask
 y force create mode hasta que des con una combinación que se ajuste a
 lo que buscas.
 La combinación que está ahora es como quiero que funcionen los permisos,
 el tema es que no está funcionando.
 Pero antes de nada, desde el usuario x del equipo con windows, mira a
 ver qué permisos aparecen sobre los archivos del recurso samba (desde
 el explorador de windows, botón derecho sobre el archivo → propiedades
 → seguridad). Para el usuario Unix User\x) debe estar marcada la
 casilla Permitir [x] Escribir.
 Ya lo verifiqué , está como decis vos.

Pues espero que no esté tal y como digo porque de esa manera el usuario 
x podría eliminar los archivos y creo que no era eso lo que buscabas ;-)

Vuelve a revisar los permisos y comprueba los del grupo Unix Group\y 
para ver cuáles tiene asignado. Si ambos permisos coinciden, los del 
sistema de archivos de linux (que están correctos ya que el grupo y 
tiene el bit de escritura activado rwx) y los de samba, no deberías 
tener problemas.

Otra cosa que puedes probar es con el parámetro admin users = @y (ojo, 
este valor no funciona con una configuración de tipo security = share) 
aunque sólo sea para comprobar si de esta forma te funciona. Esa variable 
otorga privilegios de administrador sobre el recurso compartido (en este 
caso /mnt/sdb1/share) al usuario/grupo especificado (y) así que debes 
usarla con cuidado.



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Re: Debian squeze en IBM 3550 M4

2012-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 28 Dec 2012 18:32:47 -0800, Nicolas Paleari escribió:

(envía los mensajes sin html, gracias...)

 Hola, resulta que tengo un nuevo server, es un IBM X3550 M4, el mismo
 tiene una controladora RAID LSI M5110, resulta que le tengo que instalar
 Debian Squeeze pero a la hora de la deteccion de disco no me encuentra
 el RAID armado por hardware, busque mucho en internet pero aun no doy
 con la solucion. Les agradeceria cualquier info que me pueda orientar o

Tienes más información en la wiki de Debian:

Y una simple búsqueda en Google devuelve este otro enlace con 
instrucciones detallas del problema (en francés pero inteligible o al 
menos traducible):



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Re: Modo seguro

2012-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 29 Dec 2012 01:51:43 -0200, Lucho Lopez escribió:

 Buen día lista :)

Vale, pero responde debajo... corrigiendo.

 El 27/12/12, Camaleón escribió:


 Seguramente necesites instalar el controlador de nvidia pero la versión
 súper-legacy. Tienes más información aquí:

 Hasta donde se al iniciar el live no se crea el archivo
 /etc/X11/xorg.conf pero de todas formas mañana lo voy a probar.
 Agradezco mucho su buena disposición para darme una mano. Saludos

 No es necesario que haya un archivo xorg.conf, las nuevas versiones
 del servidor X se configuran automáticamente.
 Revisé todo el log del Xorgserver. Al comienzo note una linea bastante
 particular donde indicaba los parametros que se le pasaban al kernel al
 momento de iniciar el sistema operativo.
 La linea:
 Kernel command line: initrd=/live/initrd2.img boot=live config noapic
 noapm nodma nomce nolapic nomodeset nosmp vga=normal
 Los parámtros:
 noapic noapm nodma nomce nolapic nomodeset nosmp vga=normal

Bueno, a ver, entiendo que esos parámetros son los que se le pasan al 
kernel cuando inicias en modo seguro.

 Seguí revisando el log y pude ver todos los modulos que iba cargando el
 Xserver. Por último ejecuté un lsmod y noté que nouveau era el módulo
 cargado para video, eso me confirmó que el problema no venía por el lado
 del módulo que usaba el sistema para video ya que siempre cargaba el

Pues ahí debes de tener el problema: el único driver que funciona con tu 
tarjeta es el súper-legacy de nvidia (eso es lo que pone en la página de 
la wiki que te envié antes), así que ya sabes lo que toca ;-)

 Asi que tomé nota de los parametros que se le pasaban al kernel y al
 iniciar nuevamente el sistema edité la entrada de grub con dichos
 parametros. Que sorpresa me llevé cuando se inició gdm3, di justo en el

Hum... no sé si te he entendido bien pero si lo que dices es que has 
añadido los mismos parámetros al kernel no creo que quieras trabajar en 
el modo seguro continuamente :-/
 Aun estoy leyendo que cambian esos parámetros que les hablé, pero son
 los responsables de que funcione correctamente el video.

Comprueba el driver gráfico que te carga con grep -i driver /var/log/



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Re: Modo seguro

2012-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 29 Dec 2012 02:34:50 -0200, Lucho Lopez escribió:

 Bueno era una total locura asumir que todos esos parametros en su
 conjunto hacían que el video funcionara correctamente, así que me puse a
 buscar cual de todos los parametros era el responsable. Por lo visto es:
 nomodeset el cual parece no ser muy recomendado, pero bueno... para algo


Claro, pero es que entonces el driver gráfico que usas debe ser el básico 
vga, yo que tú probaría con el de nvidia, la versión súper-legacy.



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RE: [OT] Sobre permisos en samba (create mask = 0570)

2012-12-29 Thread enodisarpiz
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Camaleón []
 Enviado el: sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012 11:40 a.m.
 Asunto: Re: [OT] Sobre permisos en samba (create mask = 0570)
 El Fri, 28 Dec 2012 16:18:23 -0300, enodisarpiz escribió:
  Quizá es porque tienes unos permisos un poco restrictivos sobre el
  recurso share. Vas a tener que jugar con los valores de create mask
  y force create mode hasta que des con una combinación que se ajuste
  a lo que buscas.
  La combinación que está ahora es como quiero que funcionen los
  permisos, el tema es que no está funcionando.
  Pero antes de nada, desde el usuario x del equipo con windows, mira
  a ver qué permisos aparecen sobre los archivos del recurso samba
  (desde el explorador de windows, botón derecho sobre el archivo →
  propiedades → seguridad). Para el usuario Unix User\x) debe estar
  marcada la casilla Permitir [x] Escribir.
  Ya lo verifiqué , está como decis vos.
 Pues espero que no esté tal y como digo porque de esa manera el usuario
 x podría eliminar los archivos y creo que no era eso lo que buscabas ;-)
 Vuelve a revisar los permisos y comprueba los del grupo Unix Group\y
 para ver cuáles tiene asignado. Si ambos permisos coinciden, los del sistema
 de archivos de linux (que están correctos ya que el grupo y
 tiene el bit de escritura activado rwx) y los de samba, no deberías tener

En Unix Group\y tengo: lectura y ejecución, leer y escribir tildados en 

 Otra cosa que puedes probar es con el parámetro admin users = @y (ojo,
 este valor no funciona con una configuración de tipo security = share)
 aunque sólo sea para comprobar si de esta forma te funciona. Esa variable
 otorga privilegios de administrador sobre el recurso compartido (en este
 caso /mnt/sdb1/share) al usuario/grupo especificado (y) así que debes
 usarla con cuidado.

Lo de admin users = @y, no funcionó.

Lo que me llama la atención es que si yo le doy permisos 770 (a un archivo que 
tenia 570), no importa quien sea el propietario, me deja eliminar el/los 
archivos. No se supone que el primer bit de permisos es para el dueño y el 
segundo para el grupo? Creo que está habieno algún problema de prioridades de 
permisos. Es como que no está obedeciendo a los permisos del grupo.

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Re: [OT] Sobre permisos en samba (create mask = 0570)

2012-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 29 Dec 2012 12:07:13 -0300, enodisarpiz escribió:


 Vuelve a revisar los permisos y comprueba los del grupo Unix Group\y
 para ver cuáles tiene asignado. Si ambos permisos coinciden, los del
 sistema de archivos de linux (que están correctos ya que el grupo y
 tiene el bit de escritura activado rwx) y los de samba, no deberías
 tener problemas.
 En Unix Group\y tengo: lectura y ejecución, leer y escribir
 tildados en permitir.

Parece correcto. Quizá el problema de más arriba, es decir, de los 
permisos del directorio donde se encuentran los archivos (share). 
Verifica que, efectivamente, el grupo y tiene permisos de escritura 
sobre ese directorio.

 Otra cosa que puedes probar es con el parámetro admin users = @y
 (ojo, este valor no funciona con una configuración de tipo security =
 share) aunque sólo sea para comprobar si de esta forma te funciona.
 Esa variable otorga privilegios de administrador sobre el recurso
 compartido (en este caso /mnt/sdb1/share) al usuario/grupo
 especificado (y) así que debes usarla con cuidado.
 Lo de admin users = @y, no funcionó.

Caray, eso quiere decir que ni el usuario root podría borrar ese 
archivo :-/

 Lo que me llama la atención es que si yo le doy permisos 770 (a un
 archivo que tenia 570), no importa quien sea el propietario, me deja
 eliminar el/los archivos. No se supone que el primer bit de permisos es
 para el dueño y el segundo para el grupo? Creo que está habieno algún
 problema de prioridades de permisos. Es como que no está obedeciendo a
 los permisos del grupo.

Revisa los permisos del directorio donde tienes esos archivos, tanto en 
el sistema de archivos de linux (drwxrwx---) como desde el cliente 



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Re: compilar con apt-build

2012-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 28 Dec 2012 16:50:43 -0300, francisco cid escribió:

 me e entusiasmado con esto, y me decidí a compilar todo mi sistema, dado
 que tengo tiempo de sobra, mi pregunta es:
 el sistema apt-build con el comando world, compila todo el sistema, ¿
 tendré problemas si al compilar todo se compile también el compilador.
 ? ¿si el compilador se va a compilar, quien lo compila a él?

Puedes compilar los paquetes pero no instalarlos. 

Se supone que de manera predeterminada los paquetes quedan disponibles en 
/var/cache/apt-build/build/repository pero no creo que se instalen 
automáticamente, habrá que ejecutar una orden específica.

 puede sonar algo tonto, pero no me arriesgaré a compilar todo, y fallar
 por algo minúsculo

Buf... muy lanzado te veo. Yo lo probaría primero en una VM porque me da 
la nariz que tras un apt-build world el sistema no arranca ni a la de 
tres :-P



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RE: [OT] Sobre permisos en samba (create mask = 0570)

2012-12-29 Thread enodisarpiz
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Camaleón []
 Enviado el: sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012 12:38 p.m.
 Asunto: Re: [OT] Sobre permisos en samba (create mask = 0570)
 El Sat, 29 Dec 2012 12:07:13 -0300, enodisarpiz escribió:
  Vuelve a revisar los permisos y comprueba los del grupo Unix Group\y
  para ver cuáles tiene asignado. Si ambos permisos coinciden, los del
  sistema de archivos de linux (que están correctos ya que el grupo y
  tiene el bit de escritura activado rwx) y los de samba, no deberías
  tener problemas.
  En Unix Group\y tengo: lectura y ejecución, leer y escribir
  tildados en permitir.
 Parece correcto. Quizá el problema de más arriba, es decir, de los permisos
 del directorio donde se encuentran los archivos (share).
 Verifica que, efectivamente, el grupo y tiene permisos de escritura sobre
 ese directorio.

Bien, desde la consola del servidor los permisos del recurso en cuestión son 

drwxrwxr-x  5 x y  4096 Dec 29 13:15 share

Y, desde el cliente Windows XP me muestra todas las casillas de permitir y 
denegar vacias (sin tildar).

  Otra cosa que puedes probar es con el parámetro admin users = @y
  (ojo, este valor no funciona con una configuración de tipo security
  share) aunque sólo sea para comprobar si de esta forma te funciona.
  Esa variable otorga privilegios de administrador sobre el recurso
  compartido (en este caso /mnt/sdb1/share) al usuario/grupo
  especificado (y) así que debes usarla con cuidado.
  Lo de admin users = @y, no funcionó.
 Caray, eso quiere decir que ni el usuario root podría borrar ese archivo :-/

No sabia que ese parámetro hacia que el usuario sea root. Bienvenido sea.

  Lo que me llama la atención es que si yo le doy permisos 770 (a un
  archivo que tenia 570), no importa quien sea el propietario, me deja
  eliminar el/los archivos. No se supone que el primer bit de permisos
  es para el dueño y el segundo para el grupo? Creo que está habieno
  algún problema de prioridades de permisos. Es como que no está
  obedeciendo a los permisos del grupo.
 Revisa los permisos del directorio donde tienes esos archivos, tanto en el
 sistema de archivos de linux (drwxrwx---) como desde el cliente windows.


Me sigue haciendo ruido lo que comenté en el e-mail anterior. Por qué es que 
cuando a los permisos del owner le doy máscara 7 cualquier otro usuario si 
puede modificar/eliminar?


Saludos y gracias por tu tiempo.

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Re: [OT] Sobre permisos en samba (create mask = 0570)

2012-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 29 Dec 2012 13:56:30 -0300, enodisarpiz escribió:


 Parece correcto. Quizá el problema de más arriba, es decir, de los
 permisos del directorio donde se encuentran los archivos (share).
 Verifica que, efectivamente, el grupo y tiene permisos de escritura
 sobre ese directorio.
 Bien, desde la consola del servidor los permisos del recurso en cuestión
 son estos:
 drwxrwxr-x  5 x y  4096 Dec 29 13:15 share

Esos permisos parecen más bien 775 pero tú tenías directory mask = 
0770, supongo que ese directorio lo crearías manualmente desde Debian. 
Prueba a crear una carpeta dentro del recurso /share desde el cliente 
windows y verifica después sus permisos, deberían ser 770.

 Y, desde el cliente Windows XP me muestra todas las casillas de permitir
 y denegar vacias (sin tildar). 

Eso no es correcto. Comprueba si tiene asignado permisos especiales 
(botón opciones avanzadas).

  Otra cosa que puedes probar es con el parámetro admin users = @y
  (ojo, este valor no funciona con una configuración de tipo security
  share) aunque sólo sea para comprobar si de esta forma te funciona.
  Esa variable otorga privilegios de administrador sobre el recurso
  compartido (en este caso /mnt/sdb1/share) al usuario/grupo
  especificado (y) así que debes usarla con cuidado.
  Lo de admin users = @y, no funcionó.
 Caray, eso quiere decir que ni el usuario root podría borrar ese
 archivo :-/
 No sabia que ese parámetro hacia que el usuario sea root. Bienvenido
  Lo que me llama la atención es que si yo le doy permisos 770 (a un
  archivo que tenia 570), no importa quien sea el propietario, me deja
  eliminar el/los archivos. No se supone que el primer bit de permisos
  es para el dueño y el segundo para el grupo? Creo que está habieno
  algún problema de prioridades de permisos. Es como que no está
  obedeciendo a los permisos del grupo.
 Revisa los permisos del directorio donde tienes esos archivos, tanto en
 el sistema de archivos de linux (drwxrwx---) como desde el cliente
 Me sigue haciendo ruido lo que comenté en el e-mail anterior. Por qué es
 que cuando a los permisos del owner le doy máscara 7 cualquier otro
 usuario si puede modificar/eliminar?

Porque los permisos POSIX de linux y los de Windows no son comparables, 
me parece que windows interpreta a su manera algunos de los permisos de 
linux (y viceversa). Obviamente, algún parámetro de la configuración de 
samba que se nos escapa está permitiendo eso. 

No estaría de más consultar la documentación de samba sobre este tema, te 
puede dar alguna idea:



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RE: [OT] Sobre permisos en samba (create mask = 0570)

2012-12-29 Thread enodisarpiz
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Camaleón []
 Enviado el: sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012 02:53 p.m.
 Asunto: Re: [OT] Sobre permisos en samba (create mask = 0570)
 El Sat, 29 Dec 2012 13:56:30 -0300, enodisarpiz escribió:
  Parece correcto. Quizá el problema de más arriba, es decir, de los
  permisos del directorio donde se encuentran los archivos (share).
  Verifica que, efectivamente, el grupo y tiene permisos de escritura
  sobre ese directorio.
  Bien, desde la consola del servidor los permisos del recurso en
  cuestión son estos:
  drwxrwxr-x  5 x y  4096 Dec 29 13:15 share
 Esos permisos parecen más bien 775 pero tú tenías directory mask = 0770,
 supongo que ese directorio lo crearías manualmente desde Debian.
 Prueba a crear una carpeta dentro del recurso /share desde el cliente
 windows y verifica después sus permisos, deberían ser 770.

Tu suposición es correcta.

  Y, desde el cliente Windows XP me muestra todas las casillas de
  permitir y denegar vacias (sin tildar).
 Eso no es correcto. Comprueba si tiene asignado permisos especiales (botón
 opciones avanzadas).

Esto también es cierto, en avanzadas del grupo y tengo marcadas todas las 
casillas excepto la de Eliminar. Perdón es que lo vi rápido y cuando me di 
cuenta de que tenía permisos no lo escribí a la lista.

   Otra cosa que puedes probar es con el parámetro admin users = @y
   (ojo, este valor no funciona con una configuración de tipo
   security =
   share) aunque sólo sea para comprobar si de esta forma te funciona.
   Esa variable otorga privilegios de administrador sobre el recurso
   compartido (en este caso /mnt/sdb1/share) al usuario/grupo
   especificado (y) así que debes usarla con cuidado.
   Lo de admin users = @y, no funcionó.
  Caray, eso quiere decir que ni el usuario root podría borrar ese
  archivo :-/
  No sabia que ese parámetro hacia que el usuario sea root. Bienvenido
   Lo que me llama la atención es que si yo le doy permisos 770 (a un
   archivo que tenia 570), no importa quien sea el propietario, me
   deja eliminar el/los archivos. No se supone que el primer bit de
   permisos es para el dueño y el segundo para el grupo? Creo que está
   habieno algún problema de prioridades de permisos. Es como que no
   está obedeciendo a los permisos del grupo.
  Revisa los permisos del directorio donde tienes esos archivos, tanto
  en el sistema de archivos de linux (drwxrwx---) como desde el cliente
  Me sigue haciendo ruido lo que comenté en el e-mail anterior. Por qué
  es que cuando a los permisos del owner le doy máscara 7 cualquier
  otro usuario si puede modificar/eliminar?
 Porque los permisos POSIX de linux y los de Windows no son comparables,
 me parece que windows interpreta a su manera algunos de los permisos
 de linux (y viceversa). Obviamente, algún parámetro de la configuración de
 samba que se nos escapa está permitiendo eso.


 No estaría de más consultar la documentación de samba sobre este tema, te
 puede dar alguna idea:

OK, gracias, estaba al tanto del documento, le voy a dar una re-leída.

Ahora bien, hice una prueba de fuego y hay algo efectivamente que no está 
funcionando bien:

En las propiedades del recurso share de samba usé:

create mask = 750
force create mode = 750
force user = y
forcé group = y

Luego con el usuario x cree un archivo, verifique los permisos, estaban como 
correspondían y la sorpresa es que el usuario x puede eliminar/modificar el 
archivo! Como es esto posible? De mas esta decir que el usuario x no es 
miembro del grupo y y sin embargo puede hacer con el archivo lo que se le 
antoje. No entiendo.

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OT: instalar spip como localhost en debian

2012-12-29 Thread Anamhoo
Saludos lista
Estoy tratando de aprender a usar spip ( en mi
computadora personal pero como soy una neófita en todo esto me atoro en
cosas que tal vez son muy simples, así que el primer problema que tuve
fue con lograr una instalación manual de spip con un localhost.
Lo primero que hice fue recurrir a synaptic e instalar pero no
funcionó.  Estuve buscando un buen rato en la red y al final la
respuesta fue muy simple así que quiero compartirla por si a otros les
pasa o tal vez los que saben más puedan decirnos otras formas.
Las instrucciones que vienen en la página de spip son:
   1.  Descarga el fichero de SPIP y descomprímelo en tu ordenador
personal. Obtendrás una carpeta «SPIP...» que contiene el conjunto de
ficheros del sistema SPIP.
   2. Sube el contenido de esa carpeta (todos los ficheros y las
subcarpetas) a tu sitio (por FTP o por el medio que propongan en tu
alojamiento), al lugar donde desees que sea accesible al público el
sitio gestionado por el sistema: lo más habitual es en la raíz de tu
sitio, aunque esto no es obligatorio.
   3. Conecta con tu navegador al sitio, entrando en una carpeta llamada
«ecrire», donde SPIP mostrará una interfaz gráfica que te permite
configurar el sistema. Una vez que introduzcas la información para la
configuración, SPIP quedará totalmente instalado y podrás comenzar a
trabajar en tu sitio.
En la mayoría de los sitios que explican un poco más el tema para linux
lo que vi es que indican necesario tener una carpeta /opt/lampp/ pero mi
carpeta opt estaba vacía.
Finalmente encontré que para debian squeeze funcionó bien esto:
a) Descargar el archivo spip
b) Descomprimir el archivo y moverlo a /var/www
c) Hacer los cambios adecuados en mysql
El sitio que me dio está respuesta fue:


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Re: [OT] Sobre permisos en samba (create mask = 0570)

2012-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 29 Dec 2012 15:34:24 -0300, enodisarpiz escribió:


 No estaría de más consultar la documentación de samba sobre este tema,
 te puede dar alguna idea:
 OK, gracias, estaba al tanto del documento, le voy a dar una re-leída.

Pues me parece que el quid de la cuestión esta ahí mismo, en los 
apartados Protecting Directories and Files from Deletion y Windows 
NT/200X ACLs and POSIX ACLs Limitations. En el primero dice:

(...) For the record, in the UNIX environment the ability to delete a 
file is controlled by the permissions on the directory that the file is 
in. In other words, a user can delete a file in a directory to which that 
user has write access, even if that user does not own the file.

Vamos, que si un usuario tiene permisos de escritura sobre un directorio, 
puede eliminar archivos contenidos dentro de él lo cual choca con tu idea 
principal de evitar esto mismo.

No sé si definiendo una política de control de acceso más afinada con las 
ACL podrás obtener el resultado que buscas, sería cuestión de 
probarlo :-? 

 Ahora bien, hice una prueba de fuego y hay algo efectivamente que no
 está funcionando bien:
 En las propiedades del recurso share de samba usé:
 create mask = 750
 force create mode = 750
 force user = y
 forcé group = y
 Luego con el usuario x cree un archivo, verifique los permisos,
 estaban como correspondían y la sorpresa es que el usuario x puede
 eliminar/modificar el archivo! Como es esto posible? De mas esta decir
 que el usuario x no es miembro del grupo y y sin embargo puede hacer
 con el archivo lo que se le antoje. No entiendo.

El tema de los permisos de samba es muy complicado ya que no sólo tienes 
que jugar con los permisos posix (de linux) sino que tienes que 
encargarte de éstos sean traducidos e interpretados correctamente en 
el entorno samba ya que el sistema de archivos ntfs usa un modelo acl más 

Acabo de probar a crear un recurso compartido con los datos que has 
enviado en el primer mensaje y no me ha dejado siquiera crear un archivo 
en ese directorio con un valor de create mask = 0570.

En fin, que se trata de hacer pruebas hasta que des con una solución, 
sino perfecta, que al menos te sirva para tu propósito.



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Re: OT: instalar spip como localhost en debian

2012-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 29 Dec 2012 13:42:42 -0600, Anamhoo escribió:

 Estoy tratando de aprender a usar spip ( en mi
 computadora personal pero como soy una neófita en todo esto me atoro en
 cosas que tal vez son muy simples, así que el primer problema que tuve
 fue con lograr una instalación manual de spip con un localhost. Lo
 primero que hice fue recurrir a synaptic e instalar pero no funcionó.


¿Y qué error te daba? 

Porque los paquetes disponibles en los repositorios oficiales no deberían 
dar muchos problemas salvo que tengan algún bug o que sean realmente 
complejos de configurar para lo cual suele haber instrucciones más o 
menos detalladas en la documentación... ¿Consultaste el archivo /usr/


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Re: [ OT ] - Registros de controles medicos

2012-12-29 Thread Rafael A. Isturiz L.
Si quieres algo ya en Debian aptitude install clinica... No te voy a
mandar a buscar en pero si en;...
Existen cualquier cantidad de sistemas para lo que necesitas, con solo un
poco de tiempo podrás encontrar lo que buscas.

P.D. Me parece un poco de mal gusto cuando exiges que no te manden a
preguntar en Google y que necesitas un experto en la materia... Si vienes a
pedir ayuda por lo menos se espera algo de gratitud, porque fácilmente te
pueden mandar a pagar por hacerte el trabajo.


2012/12/27 Diego Sanchez


 Un amigo me pide algun programa para llevar, en lo posible, una mini
 historia clinica de su hija, y obviamente, poder consultar lo que
 quiera en x momento.

 Tiene que ser un programa sencillo, no está planeado tener muchos
 registros como en un centro medico (supongo que como mucho, 4
 registros: mi amigo, la señora, la hija... ¿y futuro/a hijo/a?

 Tampoco entiende mucho de informatica. (y menos de ingles)

 Han visto o escuchado sobre algun programa que me puedan recomendar?
 Que pros y contras encontraron?

 (por favor, no me manden a preguntar a google, estoy buscando alguien
 con experiencia y que me pueda responder)

 Diego - Yo no soy paranoico! (pero que me siguen, me siguen)

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a.k.a. pelox (Debian Powered) |
Barquisimeto [VE] | LinuxUser [238188]

Re: network manager FluxBox

2012-12-29 Thread André Nunes
Não sei de nenhuma solução para o network-manager, mas se vc estiver
disposto a tentar outro software, o wicd é uma ótima alternativa.

André Nunes Batista
PGP Public Key: 0x7b0590cb6722cf80

2012/12/28 FHRB Toledo


 Estou tendo certa dificuldade em conseguir conectar rede wifi com o gnome
 network manager no FluxBox!

 Coloquei o nm-applet para iniciar no arquivo .fluxbox/startup, todavia ao
 escolher uma rede acusa o erro que (32) Not Authorized to Control Network!

 Busquei varias solucoes na internet e nada muda!

 Alguem teria uma solucao?


Ainda Tenho Apt. para Reveillon Copacabana

2012-12-29 Thread Cesar
Caro amigo,
Um inquilino meu que vinha para o Rio cancelou hoje, de última hora, e estou 
com um excelente quarto e sala disponível para aluguar para o Reveillon.

Quarto e Sala grande, no Posto IV em Copacabana, pertinho da Praia, com vista 
lateral para o mar.
Tenho também outro, grande,  de altíssimo luxo que cabem mais pessoas.
Qualquer coisa me telefone no 21 9617-6886 tim - Cesar - não mande e-mail pois 
demora a chegar prefira telefonar também tem o fixo 21 2548-3508

Abraços e Feliz Ano Novo
21 9617-6886
21 2548-3508

Re: network manager FluxBox

2012-12-29 Thread China
+1  pro wicd

Em 29 de dezembro de 2012 15:14, André Nunes escreveu:
 Não sei de nenhuma solução para o network-manager, mas se vc estiver
 disposto a tentar outro software, o wicd é uma ótima alternativa.

 André Nunes Batista
 PGP Public Key: 0x7b0590cb6722cf80

 2012/12/28 FHRB Toledo


 Estou tendo certa dificuldade em conseguir conectar rede wifi com o gnome
 network manager no FluxBox!

 Coloquei o nm-applet para iniciar no arquivo .fluxbox/startup, todavia ao
 escolher uma rede acusa o erro que (32) Not Authorized to Control Network!

 Busquei varias solucoes na internet e nada muda!

 Alguem teria uma solucao?



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Virtualbox'ta Usb'den Sistem Kurulumu

2012-12-29 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
Elimde debian kurulumu olan usb flash disk var. Debian kurulum aşamalarını 
virtualbox yoluyla adım adım ekran görüntülerini almam gerek. Virtualboxta 
debian isimli yeni sanal makina olusturdum. Bunu başlattığımda Boot kısmına 
öntanımlı olarak dvd olarak açılıyor. Ancak bunu flash disk olarak ayarlamak 
istediğimde flash diski kabul etmiyor. Elimdede debian isosu yok. Yeniden 
indirmek istemiyorum. Bunun bir yolu var mı?

Re: Virtualbox'ta Usb'den Sistem Kurulumu

2012-12-29 Thread Metin Şanlı
kullanıcı adınızı vboxusers grubuna ekledinizmi?

# sudo adduser kullanıcıadınız vboxusers

29 Aralık 2012 11:52 tarihinde Gökhan Öztürk yazdı:

 Elimde debian kurulumu olan usb flash disk var. Debian kurulum aşamalarını
 virtualbox yoluyla adım adım ekran görüntülerini almam gerek. Virtualboxta
 debian isimli yeni sanal makina olusturdum. Bunu başlattığımda Boot kısmına
 öntanımlı olarak dvd olarak açılıyor. Ancak bunu flash disk olarak
 ayarlamak istediğimde flash diski kabul etmiyor. Elimdede debian isosu yok.
 Yeniden indirmek istemiyorum. Bunun bir yolu var mı?


Metin Şanlı*

Re: Virtualbox'ta Usb'den Sistem Kurulumu

2012-12-29 Thread Gökşin Akdeniz
Sat, 29 Dec 2012 09:52:32 + (GMT) tarihinde
Gökhan Öztürk yazmış:

 Elimde debian kurulumu olan usb flash disk var. Debian kurulum
 aşamalarını virtualbox yoluyla adım adım ekran görüntülerini almam

Debian Installer ile grafik kurulum seçerseniz kurulum sırasında grafik
kuruluma ait ekran görüntüsünü alabilirsiniz. Ekran görüntüleri kurulum
yaptığınız sabit disk üzerinde saklanır. Sanırım işinizi görür.

Eğer metin tabalı kurulumun ekran görüntülerini alacaksanız VirtualBOx
komut satırından kullanmanız gerekecek. Aşağıdaki komut doğrudan
VirtualBox ekranında gördüğünüz ekranın kenarlıkları vs olmadan png
dosyası olarak alır.

VBoxManage controlvm sanal_makina screenshotpng

 Virtualboxta debian isimli yeni sanal makina olusturdum. Bunu
 başlattığımda Boot kısmına öntanımlı olarak dvd olarak açılıyor.

VirtualBox kurulum kaynakları olarak DVD,Disk,Floppy,Net seçeneklerini
sunar. Bunların dışında bir seçeneği yok. Bunlardan birisini seçemeniz

 Ancak bunu flash disk olarak ayarlamak istediğimde flash diski kabul
 etmiyor. Elimdede debian isosu yok. Yeniden indirmek istemiyorum.
 Bunun bir yolu var mı?

Daha önce yaptığımız bir kurulumda DVD seçip, VirtualBox'ta DVD malum
sanal, harici bir USB DVD seçip kurulum yapmıştım. Sanırım siz de
VirtualBox'ta kurulum kaynağı olarak Disk seçip daha sonra da
sisteme taktığınız USB diski kurulum için kullanılacak disk
olarak belirtip kurulum yapabilirsiniz. Ama bunun için kurulum
yapacağınız diski kullanmayacaksınız, kurulum kaynağı olarak
kullanacağınız ikinci bir diski sanal mankinaya eklemeniz gerekecek.
Gökşin Akdeniz

Description: PGP signature

Yan: Virtualbox'ta Usb'den Sistem Kurulumu

2012-12-29 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
Şöyle bir komut yazmıstım ama aynısı mı bilmiyorumusermod -a -G vboxusers 
kullanici_adi ? 

 Kimden: Metin Şanlı
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 29 Aralık 2012 12:03 Cumartesi
Konu: Re: Virtualbox'ta Usb'den Sistem Kurulumu

kullanıcı adınızı vboxusers grubuna ekledinizmi?

# sudo adduser kullanıcıadınız vboxusers

29 Aralık 2012 11:52 tarihinde Gökhan Öztürk yazdı:

Elimde debian kurulumu olan usb flash disk var. Debian kurulum aşamalarını 
virtualbox yoluyla adım adım ekran görüntülerini almam gerek. Virtualboxta 
debian isimli yeni sanal makina olusturdum. Bunu başlattığımda Boot kısmına 
öntanımlı olarak dvd olarak açılıyor. Ancak bunu flash disk olarak ayarlamak 
istediğimde flash diski kabul etmiyor. Elimdede debian isosu yok. Yeniden 
indirmek istemiyorum. Bunun bir yolu var mı?


Metin Şanlı

Re: NFS Cache (?) Issue

2012-12-29 Thread Rainer Dorsch

thanks for your quick reply.

Am Samstag, 29. Dezember 2012, 02:33:29 schrieb Igor Cicimov:
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Mailingliste wrote:
 acregmin=n The minimum time in seconds that attributes of a regular
 file should be cached before requesting
   fresh information from a server.  The default is 3
acregmax=n The maximum time in seconds that attributes of a
 regular file can be  cached  before  requesting
   fresh information from a server.  The default is 60
acdirmin=n The  minimum  time  in seconds that attributes of a
 directory should be cached before requesting
   fresh information from a server.  The default is 30
acdirmax=n The maximum time in seconds that attributes of a
 directory can be cached before requesting fresh
   information from a server.  The default is 60
 seconds. actimeo=n  Using  actimeo  sets all of acregmin, acregmax,
 acdirmin, and acdirmax to the same value.  There
   is no default value.
 as you can see the default maximum directory attribute cache time is 60
 seconds which doesn't match with your resoults. For both v3 and v4. But in
 v4 there is also:
  noac   Disable  attribute caching, and force synchronous writes.
 This extracts a server perfor-
   mance penalty but it allows two different NFS clients
 to get reasonable good results when
   both clients are actively writing to common
 filesystem on the server.
   fsc   Enable  the  use  of persistent caching to the local
 disk using the FS-Cache facility for
   the given mount point.
 so are you using maybe fsc option during the mount?

Hmm...not that I am aware of:

dell:/home on /mnt/net/dell/home type nfs 

 What happens if you switch to NFS v3?

I see no visible change, even when mounting without autofs:

root@omjuta:~# mount -o vers=3 dell:/home /mnt/dell
root@omjuta:~# ls -l /mnt/dell/
insgesamt 28
drwxr-x--- 83 dorsch  dorsch  4096 28. Dez 22:43 dorsch
drwxr-xr-x 31 kathrin kathrin 4096  8. Jul 12:22 kathrin
drwxr-xr-x 1921112111 4096 21. Dez 2011  kristina
drwxr-xr-x 27 marina  marina  4096  4. Mär 2012  marina
drwxr-xr-x 63 rd  rd  4096 28. Dez 12:55 rd
drwxrwsr-x  21000 users   4096 15. Feb 2010  shared
drwxr-xr-x 27 simon   simon   4096  2. Okt 2011  simon
 Also post the result of:
 # cat /proc/mounts

rd@omjuta:~$ cat /proc/mounts 
rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
none /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
none /proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
none /dev devtmpfs rw,relatime,size=1032652k,nr_inodes=218500,mode=755 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000 0 0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/6b00db99-d16d-42a5-adfc-ec4af1a268d5 / ext4 
rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
tmpfs /lib/init/rw tmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755 0 0
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0
rpc_pipefs /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs rpc_pipefs rw,relatime 0 0
fusectl /sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl rw,relatime 0 0
-hosts /mnt/net autofs 
rw,relatime,fd=7,pgrp=1220,timeout=60,minproto=5,maxproto=5,indirect 0 0
/etc/auto.sshfs /mnt/sshfs autofs 
rw,relatime,fd=13,pgrp=1220,timeout=30,minproto=5,maxproto=5,indirect 0 0
-hosts /mnt/net/dell/home autofs 
rw,relatime,fd=7,pgrp=1220,timeout=60,minproto=5,maxproto=5,offset 0 0
dell:/home/ /mnt/net/dell/home nfs4 
0 0

 # nfsstat -m

root@omjuta:~# nfsstat -m
/mnt/net/dell/home from dell:/home/


 # nfsstat -n -c -v -4

root@omjuta:~# nfsstat -n -c -v 4
Server packet stats:
0  0  0  0   

Server rpc stats:
calls  badcalls   badauthbadclntxdrcall
0  0  0  0  0   

Server reply cache:
hits   misses nocache
0  0  0   

Server file handle cache:
lookup anon   ncachedir  ncachedir  stale
0  0  0  0  0   

Client packet stats:
0  0  0  0   

Client rpc stats:
calls  retransauthrefrsh
54 0  0   

 # uname -a

root@omjuta:~# uname -a
Linux omjuta 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Sun Sep 23 09:49:36 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux

Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Lisi Reisz
Happy New Year everyone!

I have a problem which I know someone else had recently on the list and there 
was a (slightly complicated) solution.  But I am not succeeding in finding 
the thread.  PEBKAC, obviously, since I am sure that it is there.

I want to install Squeeze on a box in/on which the on board network card is 
not recognised in Squeeze.  

The simple solution is just put a different network in the box temporarily 
while I install.  But this box is for a present, it is black, it comes 
without spare blanking plates, and those already there have to be snapped 
out, and cannot be replaced.  I am not keen to spoil the looks as it is a 

So could any kind soul point me at the relevant thread?  It was fairly recent.


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Re: NFS Cache (?) Issue [solved]

2012-12-29 Thread Rainer Dorsch
I found the problem, much simpler than expected:

On the server /home/shared is a different partition:

dell:~# mount
/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
rpc_pipefs on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)
fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)
nfsd on /proc/fs/nfsd type nfsd (rw)
/dev/sda3 on /home/shared type ext3 (rw)

On the client the permissions/ownership before mounting was visible, on the 
server the permissions/ownership after mounting.

Adding /home/shared in /etc/exports solved the problem.

Many thanks,

Am Samstag, 29. Dezember 2012, 11:21:51 schrieb Rainer Dorsch:
 thanks for your quick reply.
 Am Samstag, 29. Dezember 2012, 02:33:29 schrieb Igor Cicimov:
  On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Mailingliste wrote:
  acregmin=n The minimum time in seconds that attributes of a regular
  file should be cached before requesting
fresh information from a server.  The default is 3
 acregmax=n The maximum time in seconds that attributes of a
  regular file can be  cached  before  requesting
fresh information from a server.  The default is 60
 acdirmin=n The  minimum  time  in seconds that attributes of a
  directory should be cached before requesting
fresh information from a server.  The default is 30
 acdirmax=n The maximum time in seconds that attributes of a
  directory can be cached before requesting fresh
information from a server.  The default is 60
  seconds. actimeo=n  Using  actimeo  sets all of acregmin, acregmax,
  acdirmin, and acdirmax to the same value.  There
is no default value.
  as you can see the default maximum directory attribute cache time is 60
  seconds which doesn't match with your resoults. For both v3 and v4. But
  v4 there is also:
   noac   Disable  attribute caching, and force synchronous writes.
  This extracts a server perfor-
mance penalty but it allows two different NFS
  to get reasonable good results when
both clients are actively writing to common
  filesystem on the server.
fsc   Enable  the  use  of persistent caching to the local
  disk using the FS-Cache facility for
the given mount point.
  so are you using maybe fsc option during the mount?
 Hmm...not that I am aware of:
 dell:/home on /mnt/net/dell/home type nfs
  What happens if you switch to NFS v3?
 I see no visible change, even when mounting without autofs:
 root@omjuta:~# mount -o vers=3 dell:/home /mnt/dell
 root@omjuta:~# ls -l /mnt/dell/
 insgesamt 28
 drwxr-x--- 83 dorsch  dorsch  4096 28. Dez 22:43 dorsch
 drwxr-xr-x 31 kathrin kathrin 4096  8. Jul 12:22 kathrin
 drwxr-xr-x 1921112111 4096 21. Dez 2011  kristina
 drwxr-xr-x 27 marina  marina  4096  4. Mär 2012  marina
 drwxr-xr-x 63 rd  rd  4096 28. Dez 12:55 rd
 drwxrwsr-x  21000 users   4096 15. Feb 2010  shared
 drwxr-xr-x 27 simon   simon   4096  2. Okt 2011  simon
  Also post the result of:
  # cat /proc/mounts
 rd@omjuta:~$ cat /proc/mounts
 rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
 none /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
 none /proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
 none /dev devtmpfs rw,relatime,size=1032652k,nr_inodes=218500,mode=755 0 0
 none /dev/pts devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000
 0 0 /dev/disk/by-uuid/6b00db99-d16d-42a5-adfc-ec4af1a268d5 / ext4
 rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
 tmpfs /lib/init/rw tmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755 0 0
 tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0
 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0
 rpc_pipefs /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs rpc_pipefs rw,relatime 0 0
 fusectl /sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl rw,relatime 0 0
 -hosts /mnt/net autofs
 rw,relatime,fd=7,pgrp=1220,timeout=60,minproto=5,maxproto=5,indirect 0 0
 /etc/auto.sshfs /mnt/sshfs autofs
 rw,relatime,fd=13,pgrp=1220,timeout=30,minproto=5,maxproto=5,indirect 0 0
 -hosts /mnt/net/dell/home autofs
 rw,relatime,fd=7,pgrp=1220,timeout=60,minproto=5,maxproto=5,offset 0 0
 dell:/home/ /mnt/net/dell/home nfs4

Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 I have a problem which I know someone else had recently on the list and there
 was a (slightly complicated) solution.  But I am not succeeding in finding
 the thread.  PEBKAC, obviously, since I am sure that it is there.

 I want to install Squeeze on a box in/on which the on board network card is
 not recognised in Squeeze.

 The simple solution is just put a different network in the box temporarily
 while I install.  But this box is for a present, it is black, it comes
 without spare blanking plates, and those already there have to be snapped
 out, and cannot be replaced.  I am not keen to spoil the looks as it is a

 So could any kind soul point me at the relevant thread?  It was fairly recent.

What's the solution to use one of the following?

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Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 29 December 2012 11:19:31 Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  I have a problem which I know someone else had recently on the list and
  there was a (slightly complicated) solution.  But I am not succeeding in
  finding the thread.  PEBKAC, obviously, since I am sure that it is there.
  I want to install Squeeze on a box in/on which the on board network card
  is not recognised in Squeeze.
  The simple solution is just put a different network in the box
  temporarily while I install.  But this box is for a present, it is black,
  it comes without spare blanking plates, and those already there have to
  be snapped out, and cannot be replaced.  I am not keen to spoil the looks
  as it is a present.
  So could any kind soul point me at the relevant thread?  It was fairly

 What's the solution to use one of the following?

Thanks for the answer, Tom.

The driver is free and is in the kernel, just not in the kernel which comes 
with Squeeze.  I need the kernel in squeeze backports, 3.2.0-0.bpo.3-amd64, 
which I know works fine.

Since it is free, it is not going to be in non-free repositories.

For the record, the driver/module I need is atl1c.  But I can't find it 
separately to have available during the installation.  I know that someone 
posted recently how to install a backports kernel during installation, which 
would solve my problem, but I can't find it.  But instructions on how to have 
atl1c available, would be equally welcome.


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Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:14 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Saturday 29 December 2012 11:19:31 Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 I have a problem which I know someone else had recently on the list and
 there was a (slightly complicated) solution.  But I am not succeeding in
 finding the thread.  PEBKAC, obviously, since I am sure that it is there.

 I want to install Squeeze on a box in/on which the on board network card
 is not recognised in Squeeze.

 The simple solution is just put a different network in the box
 temporarily while I install.  But this box is for a present, it is black,
 it comes without spare blanking plates, and those already there have to
 be snapped out, and cannot be replaced.  I am not keen to spoil the looks
 as it is a present.

 So could any kind soul point me at the relevant thread?  It was fairly

 What's the solution to use one of the following?

 Thanks for the answer, Tom.

 The driver is free and is in the kernel, just not in the kernel which comes
 with Squeeze.  I need the kernel in squeeze backports, 3.2.0-0.bpo.3-amd64,
 which I know works fine.

 Since it is free, it is not going to be in non-free repositories.

 For the record, the driver/module I need is atl1c.  But I can't find it
 separately to have available during the installation.  I know that someone
 posted recently how to install a backports kernel during installation, which
 would solve my problem, but I can't find it.  But instructions on how to have
 atl1c available, would be equally welcome.

You're welcome.

Kenshi Muto provides installers with backported kernels so he might
have one/some with atl1c.

You can also insmod the atl1c kernel module from a flash drive during

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Re: Debian install including non free

2012-12-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 12/29/12, Oliver Fairhall wrote:
 is it possible to ... download everything from the
 relevant repositories, and package it in such a way that it is available
 for Debian's installer to use?

check out debmirror package

also try:
apt-cache search debian | egrep mirror

good luck

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Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 06:00:50 -0500 (EST), Lisi Reisz wrote:
 Happy New Year everyone!
 I have a problem which I know someone else had recently on the list and there 
 was a (slightly complicated) solution.  But I am not succeeding in finding 
 the thread.  PEBKAC, obviously, since I am sure that it is there.
 I want to install Squeeze on a box in/on which the on board network card is 
 not recognised in Squeeze.  
 The simple solution is just put a different network in the box temporarily 
 while I install.  But this box is for a present, it is black, it comes 
 without spare blanking plates, and those already there have to be snapped 
 out, and cannot be replaced.  I am not keen to spoil the looks as it is a 
 So could any kind soul point me at the relevant thread?  It was fairly recent.

I don't recall the thread to which you are referring, Lisi, but from the
subject line it sounds like the standard squeeze kernel does not contain the
necessary drivers you need for the built-in network card but a later kernel
does.  Is that right?  Yet you want to install squeeze and not wheezy?
I believe if it were me, I'd install wheezy, using the latest wheezy installer.
wheezy is already in the frozen state, and will probably become the stable
release in a couple of months anyway.  My wife's computer, which until recently
ran squeeze, recently had a problem.  The version of iceweasel which comes
with squeeze couldn't handle some upgrades that Yahoo made to their web mail
interface.  Fields were overlapping.  It was apparently a bug in iceweasel
or a new feature that the Yahoo site was exploiting that was not supported
in the old version of iceweasel.  I suppose that I could have installed a newer
version of iceweasel from backports, but due to the age of squeeze, I decided
to upgrade to wheezy.  Problem solved.

As an alternative, you might try a PCMCIA / PC card network adapter, if your
computer has a slot for these devices, or perhaps a USB network adapter that
squeeze supports.  Installing squeeze with the wheezy installer might work,
since the latest wheezy installer presumably uses a kernel that supports the
built-in network adapter.  But then, after installation, you will need to
boot your system in rescue mode to install a backported kernel, and the
procedure will be non-standard (i.e. wget and dpkg -i, probably).  In short,
I'd install wheezy if I were you. 

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 29 December 2012 13:24:58 Tom H wrote:
 Kenshi Muto provides installers with backported kernels so he might
 have one/some with atl1c.

Thanks, Tom.  I didn't know that.  Downloading now

 You can also insmod the atl1c kernel module from a flash drive during

I couldn't find it.  I was probably looking wrongly. :-(


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Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Saturday 29 December 2012 13:24:58 Tom H wrote:

 Kenshi Muto provides installers with backported kernels so he might
 have one/some with atl1c.

 Thanks, Tom.  I didn't know that.  Downloading now

You're welcome. Hope it's got what you need.

 You can also insmod the atl1c kernel module from a flash drive during

 I couldn't find it.  I was probably looking wrongly. :-(

Did you mount it? :)

Was the filesystem fat or ext2?

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Re: Gnome3 probe

2012-12-29 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:21:58AM -0500, Stephen Allen wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 07:27:47AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
  phi debian wrote:
  Jeez, welcome lxde, adieu gnome3 !!!
  I installed a fresh debian in a guest as server, then apt-get install lxde.
  In a matter of minute I got a theme, with solid backgroud, my
  panel on the right, some usual goodies like synaptic,
  So I know I will be able to move to this.
  I installed lxde also. Big surprise: it pulled in 286 packages! And
  I got yet another filemanager, network manager and a display manager
  that I neither need nor wanted. Is there a truly lightweight install
  of lxde?
 ---end quoted text---
 Absolutely, install OpenBox sans LXDE.
And then you can try adding things like lxpanel and other LXDE
components.  That *may* help you avoid the 286 packages.  Some of those
packages are helpful, though.  gpicview, for instance, is a nice
lightweight photo viewer that gets installed with LXDE.


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Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 29 December 2012 13:52:05 Stephen Powell wrote:
  I want to install Squeeze on a box in/on which the on board network card
  is not recognised in Squeeze.
  The simple solution is just put a different network card in the box
  temporarily while I install.  But this box is for a present, it is black,
  it comes without spare blanking plates, and those already there have to
  be snapped out, and cannot be replaced.  I am not keen to spoil the looks
  as it is a present.
  So could any kind soul point me at the relevant thread?  It was fairly

 I don't recall the thread to which you are referring, Lisi, but from the
 subject line it sounds like the standard squeeze kernel does not contain
 the necessary drivers you need for the built-in network card but a later
 kernel does.  Is that right?  


 Yet you want to install squeeze and not 
 wheezy? I believe if it were me, I'd install wheezy, using the latest
 wheezy installer.

My first thought too.  My husband has specifically requested Stable, not 
Testing, and KDE3.  If I could give him a stable system, I don't think that 
he would care - or even know - that it is not Stable.  Getting Trinity to 
work stably on Wheezy was likely to be a challenge, but well worth a try.

So yesterday I downloaded yesterday's daily build and installed it.  All 
went swimmingly until I tried to reboot.  Nada.  There was nothing there, or 
anyhow the BIOS couldn't see it.

This may have been partly because Windows had been installed. %*£%^!  I buy 
from that firm *because* they don't preinstall Windows unless you 
specifically ask (and pay for!) it.  

It took some getting rid of, so my temper was a little short by the time I 
came to Debian and, I thought, sanity.  I won't bore you with all the 
problems, but they were legion.

And - sadly the tin hat on it - TDE (aka KDE3) is still rather shaky on 
Wheezy.  I could get it going, but I am not sure how stable it would be.  Had 
Wheezy installed OK I would have tried it, but as it didn't that rather 
settled the matter!

I shall try Kenshi Muto's CD and take it from there.

 As an alternative, you might try a PCMCIA / PC card network adapter, if
 your computer has a slot for these devices,  

see above. :-( 

 In short, I'd install wheezy if I were you. 

Yes, I would if I were me too.  I use TDE, but it is quite stable enough on 
Wheezy for me.  But it is a present for my husband's 80th birthday.  I have 
talked about what he wants in terms of a reinstall on his old computer, and 
he is both clear and adamant.  He hates change, so I added as an inducement 
that he could only have Squeeze for a limited amount of time now anyway.  In 
this case, he'd rather have change and go to Wheezy when he has to do so.

He is away at the moment, and I want to have it up and running when he comes 
back in the middle of the week.

Thanks for the help.


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Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 29 December 2012 14:30:02 Tom H wrote:
 Did you mount it? :)

 Was the filesystem fat or ext2?

I couldn't find the kernel module to download it in the first place!!  Just 
vast numbers of hits telling me that I needed a newer kernel.  Since I 
already knew that, it didn't help much. :-(


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Re: X-posting alert: Multiple songs playing simultaneously (Amarok)

2012-12-29 Thread AG

On 28/12/12 15:31, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 02:11:14PM +, AG wrote:

I may be stepping all over some or other netiquette, for which I apologise.

I don't see how; your message to this list wasn't cross-posted

That's OK then.

I thought that the Debian user community might want to be aware of
the response from one of the Amarok team I received when asking
about a problem I had with Amarok in Squeeze playing two (or more)
tracks simultaneously.


Simply because the Amarok folk (or Myriam anyway) (a) advocates dropping 
Debian in favour of a derived distro with a faster release cycle and (b) 
expects people to update their system to match Amarok releases, when the 
software is buggy in a past release. As I replied in my original post - 
that's like the tail wagging the dog.

I just don't think that Myriam's response was at all helpful - and
say as much - and for her to propose that I change my distro in
order to match Amarok's release cycles is quite absurd.

Her response was pretty good compared to some other responses I've seen
regarding bugs in old (as far as the developers are concerned) software.
Usually, its something like: Upgrade to latest version from cvs and see
if bug is still present.

Well, that's hardly a justification or an excuse, especially if 
developers give a hoot about their user base.

Sometimes you just get a rude remark when they realise you aren't
running the latest version.

Again, which begs the question. Yes, of course new releases fix older 
bugs, but to just dismiss an older version that was released as okay at 
the time by blithely suggesting that one upgrades misses the point.

Anyway ... I don't mean to start any flaming, but just wanted to
know - am I over-reacting to this post from Myriam?


Fair enough. Anyway, I'm now using Clementine which is everything I 
would expect from what Amarok used to be - reliable and fit for purpose.

[Snipped actual post details]
Please just post the url to the actual message, although eight minutes
is probably too short for it to appear in their archives.

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CURRENTLY INSOLUBLE was:Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 29 December 2012 14:16:56 Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Saturday 29 December 2012 13:24:58 Tom H wrote:
  Kenshi Muto provides installers with backported kernels so he might
  have one/some with atl1c.

 Thanks, Tom.  I didn't know that.  Downloading now

Sadly, after seeming to install fine, it has failed to boot. :-( It is exactly 
the same motherboard as in the one I built for myself a few months ago.  Mine 
installed straight off without any real problems.  I had to install a temporary 
network card, but that was no big deal.

This one is being a constant nightmare.  It seems to be impossible to install 
any Debian.  I am at a loss to know what to try next.  Other, of course, than 
writing a stiff letter to the managing director of teh firm I bought it from.

It is behaving progressively worse.  I think that something must in fact be 
damaged.  It won't even start booting up now, not even the post screen or the 
BIOS options.

:-(  And I was so looking forward to having it all set up for when my husband 
got home.

Thanks for all the help, guys.


Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Saturday 29 December 2012 14:30:02 Tom H wrote:

 Did you mount it? :)

 Was the filesystem fat or ext2?

 I couldn't find the kernel module to download it in the first place!!  Just
 vast numbers of hits telling me that I needed a newer kernel.  Since I
 already knew that, it didn't help much. :-(

Oh. I thought that you meant that you had a flash drive but couldn't
insmod from it. Sorry.

If the 6.0 repos have it, you can search for it with apt-file.

If the 6.0 repos don't have it, you can set up non-standard
sources.list and cache locations for 7.0 (so as not to overwrite the
6.0 files) and search for it.

Once you find it, you can download the deb (apt-get download ...),
specifying the sources.list and cache locations used for 7.0 if that's
where it is. Then ar x deb (you'll need binutils for ar) and
cp the file out of ./lib/modules/

For the download, I'd suggest creating and cd'ing to a temporary
directory that you'd delete once you copy the file that you need out
of it.

(You could download the source of that package and untar it, etc, but
the deb's simpler for something like this.)

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Re: X-posting alert: Multiple songs playing simultaneously (Amarok)

2012-12-29 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 12/29/2012 10:21 AM, AG wrote:

On 28/12/12 15:31, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 02:11:14PM +, AG wrote:

I may be stepping all over some or other netiquette, for which I

I don't see how; your message to this list wasn't cross-posted

That's OK then.

I thought that the Debian user community might want to be aware of
the response from one of the Amarok team I received when asking
about a problem I had with Amarok in Squeeze playing two (or more)
tracks simultaneously.


Simply because the Amarok folk (or Myriam anyway) (a) advocates dropping
Debian in favour of a derived distro with a faster release cycle and (b)
expects people to update their system to match Amarok releases, when the
software is buggy in a past release. As I replied in my original post -
that's like the tail wagging the dog.

Sorry, after spending 5 years in a software support position for IBM, I 
have to agree with Amarok.  It is very expensive to keep debugging 
problems which have already been fixed.  New versions come out, and 
after a period of time, the older version is not supported.  It's like 
that with every company.

Yes, Debian is slow in updating the software.  Many of us appreciate 
that fact. I, for one, don't have time to keep updating systems as fast 
as some distros come out with updates (and my customers don't like to 
pay for unnecessary updates to stable systems).

Of course, there are other solutions.  You don't HAVE to stick with the 
Debian version.  You could install the product separately, or even 
create a .deb file for the newer version (and even submit it for 
consideration for an update).

I just don't think that Myriam's response was at all helpful - and
say as much - and for her to propose that I change my distro in
order to match Amarok's release cycles is quite absurd.

Her response was pretty good compared to some other responses I've seen
regarding bugs in old (as far as the developers are concerned) software.
Usually, its something like: Upgrade to latest version from cvs and see
if bug is still present.

Well, that's hardly a justification or an excuse, especially if
developers give a hoot about their user base.

I'm sure they care about their user base.  However, that doesn't mean 
they need to maintain software forever.  The problem with Debian not 
updating fast enough is not THEIR problem.  But you're blaming them.

Sometimes you just get a rude remark when they realise you aren't
running the latest version.

Again, which begs the question. Yes, of course new releases fix older
bugs, but to just dismiss an older version that was released as okay at
the time by blithely suggesting that one upgrades misses the point.

Are you willing to pay for their time to debug the problem and see if 
it's fixed in a newer release?  If so, I'm sure they would be willing to 
work with you.

Anyway ... I don't mean to start any flaming, but just wanted to
know - am I over-reacting to this post from Myriam?


Fair enough. Anyway, I'm now using Clementine which is everything I
would expect from what Amarok used to be - reliable and fit for purpose.

I also agree, you are over-reacting.

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Re: CURRENTLY INSOLUBLE was:Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 12/29/2012 11:12 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Saturday 29 December 2012 14:16:56 Lisi Reisz wrote:

  On Saturday 29 December 2012 13:24:58 Tom H wrote:

   Kenshi Muto provides installers with backported kernels so he might

   have one/some with atl1c.


  Thanks, Tom.  I didn't know that.  Downloading now

Sadly, after seeming to install fine, it has failed to boot. :-( It is
exactly the same motherboard as in the one I built for myself a few
months ago. Mine installed straight off without any real problems. I had
to install a temporary network card, but that was no big deal.

This one is being a constant nightmare. It seems to be impossible to
install any Debian. I am at a loss to know what to try next. Other, of
course, than writing a stiff letter to the managing director of teh firm
I bought it from.

It is behaving progressively worse. I think that something must in fact
be damaged. It won't even start booting up now, not even the post screen
or the BIOS options.

:-( And I was so looking forward to having it all set up for when my
husband got home.

Thanks for all the help, guys.



Hmmm, sounds like you have a major problem now - possibly that was 
coming on before you tried to install Debian, which would explain the 

If you don't get the POST screen or BIOS options, you've got hardware 
problems well beyond anything Debian (or Windoze, for that matter) could 
cause.  Is the system still under warranty?

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Re: CURRENTLY INSOLUBLE was:Re: Installing a backported kernel on Squeeze at an early stage.

2012-12-29 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 29 December 2012 17:34:42 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/29/2012 11:12 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  It is behaving progressively worse. I think that something must in fact
  be damaged. It won't even start booting up now, not even the post screen
  or the BIOS options.
  :-( And I was so looking forward to having it all set up for when my
  husband got home.
  Thanks for all the help, guys.


 Hmmm, sounds like you have a major problem now - possibly that was
 coming on before you tried to install Debian, which would explain the

Yes, I realise that now. :-(

 If you don't get the POST screen or BIOS options, you've got hardware
 problems well beyond anything Debian (or Windoze, for that matter) could
 cause.  Is the system still under warranty?

It's brand new.  This was supposed to be the initial set-up.  That's why I am 
so fed up.  I wanted my husband to get his shiny new system, all set up and 
working, as his 80th birthday present, as soon as he got home; instead of 
which he hasn't got a computer to use at all, since I have dismantled the old 
system.  And he is my transport.  If the store will immediately accept 
responsibility, I can I suppose get a taxi (cab) there, and then back, but I 
am still fed up.

Again, thanks, guys.


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Re: X-posting alert: Multiple songs playing simultaneously (Amarok)

2012-12-29 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:21 AM, AG wrote:
 On 28/12/12 15:31, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 02:11:14PM +, AG wrote:

 I thought that the Debian user community might want to be aware of
 the response from one of the Amarok team I received when asking
 about a problem I had with Amarok in Squeeze playing two (or more)
 tracks simultaneously.


 Simply because the Amarok folk (or Myriam anyway) (a) advocates dropping
 Debian in favour of a derived distro with a faster release cycle and (b)
 expects people to update their system to match Amarok releases, when the
 software is buggy in a past release. As I replied in my original post -
 that's like the tail wagging the dog.

Debian (and other slow-moving distributions) have a problem with
applications that are fast-moving. The developers either don't have
the resources to work on a older release (most likely) or prefer to
focus on new features, etc.

Amarok isn't the only such desktop application. There are even
non-desktop applications that have this problem:

 I just don't think that Myriam's response was at all helpful - and
 say as much - and for her to propose that I change my distro in
 order to match Amarok's release cycles is quite absurd.

 Her response was pretty good compared to some other responses I've seen
 regarding bugs in old (as far as the developers are concerned) software.
 Usually, its something like: Upgrade to latest version from cvs and see
 if bug is still present.

 Well, that's hardly a justification or an excuse, especially if developers
 give a hoot about their user base.

You can't simply assume that they don't care; keeping more than one
version up-to-date takes bodies. The latest Fedora release has been
delayed by a couple of months because of a switch to a new installer
that's proved problematic and the impossibility of keeping the old
installer up-to-date as a fallback because of the entire development
team had to focus on the new installer. So even RH doesn't have the
resources for dual-track development (or prefers not to expend the
development and QA resources for dual-track development).

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Re: Tools to retrieve images from dead hard drive and/or deleted partitions

2012-12-29 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 01:53:01PM +0100, wrote:
 This will be a problem, as you should first image the disk(s) and
 work from the images, not the physical disk. It is especially
 important for the disk throwing errors, every read attempt may worsen
 it's condition. Use tools like (g)ddrescue to make a copy despite
 I know, and am able to understand the why. Maybe ddrescue or
 another tool is able to build partial images? It would not be the
 panacea, but maybe a little better?
 Buying a HD of more than 1Tb (for (1), for (2) it would only be
 more than 500Gb ) is not really an idea I like, HD are not exactly
 what I name cheap.
I think it's doubtful that your friend's 500 Gb and 1 Tb drives are full
of photos.  I just checked my directory of photos and video clips (from
2002 to present) and it's 120 Gb.

If you use photorec, you can tell it which file types you want to
rescue.  This will allow you to ignore everything but photos for now,
and photorec will tell you (if I remember correctly) how much space
those files will take up.  You may find that you have enough storage
space after all.


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Ainda Tenho Apt. para Reveillon Copacabana

2012-12-29 Thread Cesar
Caro amigo,
Um inquilino meu que vinha para o Rio cancelou hoje, de última hora, e estou 
com um excelente quarto e sala disponível para aluguar para o Reveillon.

Quarto e Sala grande, no Posto IV em Copacabana, pertinho da Praia, com vista 
lateral para o mar.
Tenho também outro, grande,  de altíssimo luxo que cabem mais pessoas.
Qualquer coisa me telefone no 21 9617-6886 tim - Cesar - não mande e-mail pois 
demora a chegar prefira telefonar também tem o fixo 21 2548-3508

Abraços e Feliz Ano Novo
21 9617-6886
21 2548-3508

Re: Help netbooting a diskless, [headless] system [solved/tips]

2012-12-29 Thread Ross Boylan
I got things working and made some  discoveries along the way.  Maybe I
should put this material on a wiki; any suggestions where?

I cheated in a couple of ways.  I built the original system image and
initrd on another system with the same architecture as the target.  And
I gave up on headless, connecting a keyboard and monitor/TV, though I
probably could have got by without that if I did everything right.

My original view that I could just point the diskless system at an ISO
image (exported over NFS) was mistaken because both the initrd and the
system need to be tweaked to work over NFS.

Also, the target system hardware/BIOS does not appear to support remote
management (as in power on/off, tweak BIOS, access early boot
process--one can use ssh once the system is up).  I haven't even gotten
wake on LAN to work, though I have a feeling there's a way.

Relative to regular install, I needed to
1. Set BOOT=NFS and MODULES=netboot in the initramfs.conf that creates
the initrd.
2. Disable automatically bringing up the network interface, since it's
already up (and I think bringing it up screws up the NFS root).
3. Set kernel parameters for NFS root in my syslinux.cfg file
4. Modify fstab for NFS root and selected filesystems on tmpfs
5. Modify the resolver files so that the system knows where the
nameservers and gateways are.

Since the network does not come up in the regular boot sequence (because
it is already up) events that are usually triggered on network up do not
happen.  In particular, the resolver does not get set and NFS mounts
never happen.  For the latter I put
mount -a -t nfs
in /etc/rc.local--thanks to Bob Proulx.

Here's the startup sequence:
1. Power system on.  PXE booting gets basic info from DHCP, and then
uses TFTP to access files.
2. The first file it gets is pxelinux.0 (because that is the file DHCP
says to use).  pxelinux.0 come from the syslinux package.
3. Around here the syslinux code takes over.  It asks for a
configuration file (via TFTP).  It tries a series of names; I named the
config file with the UUID of the booting system to avoid the delay of
multiple searches.
The configuration file is governed by syslinux rules and syntax.
4. Finally the config file specifies a VM and initrd (still files to be
served by TFTP), and the linux kernel takes over.

For basic setup I used advice from
 (but the fstab recommendation is out of date)

LTSP also has clues, but it was not what I wanted, since I wanted to run
a complete system, not just an X server.

There are multiple places and ways to specify an NFS root; it may be
possible to do it just in DHCP.

I built the original filesystem, including the pxelinux.0, kernel, and
initrd files to be served by tftp, using a Debian installer in a VM.

I attempted to install the system directly onto the target system
remotely, but could not get that to work.  It may be possible if you
preseed enough answers to get an ssh server up; I didn't do any

The target system was amd64 while my server is i386.  I tried to
generate an appropriate filesystem using my server and debootstrap
--arch=amd64 --foreign.  But the result didn't even have a kernel, and
certainly wasn't ready to be netbooted.



dhcpd.conf (excerpt)
# docs say next 2 are the defaults anyway
allow booting;
allow bootp;
host mythtv {
  hardware ethernet ; #myth box

  # added from tftpclient, though some looks as if it should be general
  option routers;
  option routers;
  option subnet-mask;
  # next line is clearly a no-op since this path is oboslete and empty
  option root-path;
   filename pxelinux.0;

config file (name is UUID) for syslinux
default htpc
LABEL htpc
KERNEL vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-amd64
APPEND root=/dev/nfs netboot=nfs nfsroot= 
initrd=initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64  --
timeout 50
totaltimeout 300
/config for syslinux
I had some trouble using the stock config files, originally obtained for
netbooting the Debian installer, and getting the relative directories
right.  I used the stripped down file above instead.

+ setup for NFS exports + installation of the necessary files for tftp

proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
/dev/nfs /   nfs 

Re: Tools to retrieve images from dead hard drive and/or deleted partitions

2012-12-29 Thread Brad Alexander
On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 4:17 PM, wrote:

 I have a hard disk (1Tb, the bigger) which gave me many errors when I am
 trying to read it. It makes it very slow to even read, but I've been able to
 determine that it contains jpg images with a classic file browser. I did not
 managed to copy any data on a safer place...
 I am feared I will not even be able to retrieve one photo with my
 conventional hardware... but maybe some of you will have an idea?

If this drive is giving errors, you might try sticking it in a plastic
bag and putting it in the freezer for a couple of hours. It may give
you some life out of a dying drive. I used this method on an old drive
(this was back around 2000 or so), and was able to get enough life
back in it to pull the data. Here is a lifehacker article from 2010
which documents it:


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Re: Help netbooting a diskless, [headless] system [solved/tips]

2012-12-29 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 12:33:15PM -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
 I got things working and made some  discoveries along the way.  Maybe I
 should put this material on a wiki; any suggestions where?

Create account at and think about putting it there under
appropriate location.  You are doing good job ... I haven't read it but
it is non-trivial to work under consumer grade network router.

When you put it, please describe network configuration with schematic
picture etc.  



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Re: Proofreading of Debian documentation - was [Re: Preseeding - keyboard-configuration issue]

2012-12-29 Thread Charles Kroeger
On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 14:00:02 +0100
Richard Owlett wrote:

 What is a SIG?
 Special Interest Group
 Is it an Americanism?

Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft

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admin password?

2012-12-29 Thread Dionyssis Goulimis

I downloaded the last edition of Debian yesterday but I can't remember
my Admin password, what is the best way to recover it?


Dionyssis Goulimis

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Re: admin password?

2012-12-29 Thread Dionyssis Goulimis

I downloaded the last edition of Debian yesterday but I can't remember
my Admin password, what is the best way to stop using an Admin password?


Dionyssis Goulimis

2012/12/30, Dionyssis Goulimis

 I downloaded the last edition of Debian yesterday but I can't remember
 my Admin password, what is the best way to recover it?


 Dionyssis Goulimis

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Re: admin password?

2012-12-29 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 06:51:38AM +0200, Dionyssis Goulimis wrote:
 I downloaded the last edition of Debian yesterday but I can't remember
 my Admin password, what is the best way to stop using an Admin password?

You mean the root password. It might be quicker to reinstall, and don't
forget it this time! :)

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: admin password?

2012-12-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
If your normal user is in /etc/sudoers, then run
sudo su - root
to become the root user. With sudo, you have to enter your normal
password to use it.
good luck

On 12/30/12, Dionyssis Goulimis wrote:

 I downloaded the last edition of Debian yesterday but I can't remember
 my Admin password, what is the best way to stop using an Admin password?


 Dionyssis Goulimis

 2012/12/30, Dionyssis Goulimis

 I downloaded the last edition of Debian yesterday but I can't remember
 my Admin password, what is the best way to recover it?


 Dionyssis Goulimis

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Re: admin password?

2012-12-29 Thread Yaro Kasear
If that option doesn't work out, you can usually grab any old Linux live 
media of the same architecture as what you have installed and set up a 
chroot onto your install, which will get you root access onto your 
installed system.

Then you just run passwd to change it.

On 12/29/2012 11:58 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

If your normal user is in /etc/sudoers, then run
sudo su - root
to become the root user. With sudo, you have to enter your normal
password to use it.
good luck

On 12/30/12, Dionyssis Goulimis wrote:


I downloaded the last edition of Debian yesterday but I can't remember
my Admin password, what is the best way to stop using an Admin password?


Dionyssis Goulimis

2012/12/30, Dionyssis Goulimis


I downloaded the last edition of Debian yesterday but I can't remember
my Admin password, what is the best way to recover it?


Dionyssis Goulimis

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Re: admin password?

2012-12-29 Thread Go Linux
--- On Sat, 12/29/12, Dionyssis Goulimis wrote:

 From: Dionyssis Goulimis
 Subject: admin password?
 Date: Saturday, December 29, 2012, 10:50 PM
 I downloaded the last edition of Debian yesterday but I
 can't remember
 my Admin password, what is the best way to recover it?
 Dionyssis Goulimis

This has saved me more than once:

No need to reinstall etc.

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