Re: Méthode de stabilisation des release Debian en question...

2013-03-10 Thread maderios

On 03/09/2013 10:49 PM, wrote:

Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 09/03/13 à 11:23, Mourad a écrit :

Ma question est précisement serait-il à votre avis intéressant de découper la 
en plusieurs projets (core, server, desktop...) qui pourrait avoir des cycle de 
différents ? ou bien de limiter l'évolution de la stable en rentrant en 
freezing tous les
6 mois / 1 an après la release?

Je pense que cela aurait un impact positif sur les temps de release (par 
exemple conserver
les mêmes règles pour core et server (0 bugs RC) et les assouplir pour les 

Hum, si j'ai choisi Debian (et sa version stable c'est-à-dire Squeeze) pour mon 
ordinateur fixe, même dans le cadre de l'utilisation bureautique (entre autres...), ce n'est pas 
par hasard ! Par conséquent, je suis plutôt pour le maintien (de manière aussi rigoureuse que 
possible) de la règle qui veut qu'une nouvelle stable ne sera délivrée une fois qu'elle sera bien 
testée, debuggée et sécurisée (voir ) dans son intégralité 
et pas seulement les paquets pour les serveurs. :-|

La stable qui stagne pendant 2 ans pose des problèmes.
Exemples vécus (liste non exhaustive)
- quand elle ne suit pas l'évolution du matériel
- quand certains paquets sont complètement dépassés par des versions 
plus performantes.
- quant certains bugs ne sont pas corrigés alors qu'ils le sont dans les 
dernières versions des logiciels.
- dimension souvent ignorée: on peut facilement attendre 2 ans quand 
l'on est âgé de 25 ou 30 ans. A 60 ans, on tique fortement.  Et à  80 
ans, cela n'a certainement plus de sens..

Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: syslog priority

2013-03-10 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le dimanche 10 mars 2013, a écrit...

 J'ai syslog qui me remplit trés rapidement /var/log/syslog.

 Je voudrai qu'il ne me loggue que ce qui est important.

 D'aprés Google, il faut modifier /etc/syslog.conf 
 Ben j'ai pas ce fichier ...

 Et dans les fichiers de conf de rsyslog je ne vois pas ou determiner les 
 niveaux d'importance des logs (crtiques, importants, debugs ...).

Dans /etc/rsyslog.conf, tu as un ligne avec un *.* qui logue dans
/var/log/syslog. Ça met tout dedans !

Il te faudrait modifier ça (utilisation de la priorité nommée, ou en
utilisant son contraire avec !).

Tu peux également mettre ce tes paramétrages perso dans le dossier
inclus par rsyslog.conf (ils sont inclus avant lecture du reste du
fichier, comme tu peux le voir dans /etc/rsyslog.conf).

Tu peux également utiliser les filtres de rsyslog pour mettre tout ou
partie de ce qui est logé à la poubelle (avec le ~), si tu es capable de
déterminer avec précision les logs inutiles sur une certaine

La page de man de rsyslog.conf en dit pas mal, et, de mémoire, le manuel
en ligne de rsyslog n'est pas mal non plus, avec un certain nombre


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Re: Méthode de stabilisation des release Debian en question...

2013-03-10 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le dimanche 10 mars 2013 à 10:47:36, maderios a écrit :


 - dimension souvent ignorée: on peut facilement attendre 2
 ans quand l'on est âgé de 25 ou 30 ans. A 60 ans, on tique
 fortement.  Et à  80 ans, cela n'a certainement plus de

  Et moi qui pensait que l’impatience était l’apanage de la 
jeunesse… ou est-ce que c’était la patience qui était censée 
venir avec l’âge… ’fin bref le contraire quoi…

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Méthode de stabilisation des release Debian en question...

2013-03-10 Thread maderios

On 03/10/2013 12:15 PM, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

Le dimanche 10 mars 2013 à 10:47:36, maderios a écrit :



- dimension souvent ignorée: on peut facilement attendre 2
ans quand l'on est âgé de 25 ou 30 ans. A 60 ans, on tique
fortement.  Et à  80 ans, cela n'a certainement plus de

   Et moi qui pensait que l’impatience était l’apanage de la
jeunesse… ou est-ce que c’était la patience qui était censée
venir avec l’âge… ’fin bref le contraire quoi…

Patience dans certains contextes, certes Par contre, quand l'on ne 
croit  ni à l'immortalité ni au père noël, les debian stables, avec 
l'âge, on s'en tape de plus en plus Je dirais même que plus on 
vieillit, plus on aime jouer avec l'incertitude. Oui, cela paraît 
contradictoire mais c'est une méthode pour garder la forme. Certains 
font des sudoku, d'autres bidouillent leur système.

Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: Méthode de stabilisation des release Debian en question...

2013-03-10 Thread C Diaz

Le 10/03/2013 12:43, maderios a écrit :

Patience dans certains contextes, certes Par contre, quand l'on ne 
croit  ni à l'immortalité ni au père noël, les debian stables, avec 
l'âge, on s'en tape de plus en plus Je dirais même que plus on 
vieillit, plus on aime jouer avec l'incertitude. Oui, cela paraît 
contradictoire mais c'est une méthode pour garder la forme. Certains 
font des sudoku, d'autres bidouillent leur système.

Oui surtout qu'à 75 ans, je pense que je ne m'énerverais plus parce que 
cups fait des misères alors qu'il me faut impérativement le document 
papier pour demain matin. Vivement la retraite pour que je puisse 
quitter STABLE et jouer avec SID !

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Unidentified subject!

2013-03-10 Thread francesco scaglione
 Hum, si j'ai choisi Debian (et sa version stable c'est-à-dire Squeeze) pour 
 mon ordinateur fixe, même dans le cadre de l'utilisation bureautique (entre 
 autres...), ce n'est pas par hasard ! Par conséquent, je suis plutôt pour le 
 maintien (de manière aussi rigoureuse que possible) de la règle qui veut 
 qu'une nouvelle stable ne sera délivrée une fois qu'elle sera bien testée, 
 debuggée et sécurisée (voir 
 ) dans son intégralité et pas seulement les paquets pour les serveurs. :-|

Oui, mais justement : quelqu'un à la recherche d'une distribution bien
sécurisée pourrait naïvement (mais logiquement, après avoir lu la
documentation) installer Squeeze aujourd'hui et naviguer donc avec
chromium-browser 6.0.472.63~r59945-5+squeeze6 (dernière modification,
9 septembre 2011). 

Alors, si « Stable » est moins sécurisée que « Testing » (pour une
utilisation desktop, par exemple), Mourad a bien raison de se poser le
problème, non ?


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Re: SSMTP et comptes multiples

2013-03-10 Thread JF Straeten


On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 07:23:39AM +0100, Sandro CAZZANIGA wrote:

Est-ce que quelqu'un sait si ssmtp peut gérer deux serveurs mails
pour deux comptes (utilisés avec mutt en l'occurence)? C'est à dire,
en fonction du mail utilisé, il choisirait le bon domaine pour
l'envoi avec les bonnes instructions qui se trouveraient dans

Je crois qu'il te faut un /etc/ssmtp/revaliases pour cela...

Extrait de man ssmtp :


   A reverse alias gives the From: address placed on a user's
   outgoing messages and (optionally) the mailhub these messages
   will be sent through. Example:
   Messages root sends will be identified as from and

   sent through

/etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf - configuration file
/etc/ssmtp/revaliases - reverse aliases file




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Re: SSMTP et comptes multiples

2013-03-10 Thread Sandro CAZZANIGA
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 03:19:12PM +0100, JF Straeten wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 07:23:39AM +0100, Sandro CAZZANIGA wrote:
 Est-ce que quelqu'un sait si ssmtp peut gérer deux serveurs mails
 pour deux comptes (utilisés avec mutt en l'occurence)? C'est à dire,
 en fonction du mail utilisé, il choisirait le bon domaine pour
 l'envoi avec les bonnes instructions qui se trouveraient dans
 Je crois qu'il te faut un /etc/ssmtp/revaliases pour cela...
 Extrait de man ssmtp :

Ouep c'était ça, un bon revaliases et un bon ssmtp.conf :)

Merci bien :)
Sandro Cazzaniga 
Twitter: @Kharec

Description: Digital signature

Re: Méthode de stabilisation des release Debian en question...

2013-03-10 Thread stephane . gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 10/03/13 à 10:47, Maderios a écrit :
 La stable qui stagne pendant 2 ans pose des problèmes.
 Exemples vécus (liste non exhaustive)
 - quand elle ne suit pas l'évolution du matériel
 - quand certains paquets sont complètement dépassés par des versions 
 plus performantes.

A mon avis, c'est, avant tout, un choix entre les versions stable, testing, 
unstable voire experimental pour les plus aventureux (euh très peu pour moi 
:-( ou alors, peut-être un jour, dans le cadre d'un machine virtuelle avec 

Comme cela est expliqué dans la FAQ Debian GNU/Linux (voir la page ), 
concernant les qualités et les défauts de chaque version, on pourrait 
schématiser de la façon suivante (du moins c'est ainsi que je comprends) :

Stable  Testing  Unstable  Experimental
Plus sûre  Moins sûre
Moins déboguée  Plus déboguée
Plus ancienne  Plus récente (a)
Moins compatible  Plus compatible (b)

Et on pourrait énumérer éventuellement d'autres qualités ou défauts. ;-)

(a) Je parle des logiciels que peut proposer une telle version.
(b) Ici, il s'agit des composants internes (processeur, mémoire de masse, carte 
graphique,...) ou des périphériques externes (écran, imprimante, scanner,...) 
pris en charge par une telle version (de façon plus ou moins... optimisée mais 
cela est un autre débat).

A partir de là, chacun fera son choix en fonction de ses besoins et des ses 
souhaits et, surtout, en connaissance de cause.

Pour le reste et pour en revenir au débat initial, je continue à penser tout à 
fait pertinent le choix de Debian qui consiste (en gros) :
- (1) à gérer les 4 (ou même 5 si on ajoute oldstable) versions de manière 
différenciée en fonction de leurs objectifs,
- (2) à décider si un paquet (selon sa propre version) peut entrer dans une 
version (autre que Stable) en fonction de la conformité de ses exigences que 
notre distribution préférée (dont certains jugeront un rien perfectionniste) 
s'est elle-même fixée et
- (3) à juger si Testing (et, avec elle, les milliers de paquets ce qui 
démontre, entre autres, toute la difficulté de la tâche) peut devenir, à un 
moment donné, la nouvelle Stable si elle remplit les critères de qualités qui 
convient à cette version... quitte à attendre plus de 6 mois (ou même plus de 2 
ans ;-) ).

 - quant certains bugs ne sont pas corrigés alors qu'ils le sont dans les 
 dernières versions des logiciels.

Euh, je ne sais pas trop de quels bugs tu veux parler (même si je ne conteste 
pas leur existence vu que j'intègre les mises à jour de sécurité pour ma Stable 
tous les lundis matin quand il y en a) mais, là encore, les bugs contenus dans 
Experimental, Unstable ou Testing (du moins avant sa période de gel et encore 
c'est à vérifier) sont, probablement, plus nombreux et moins anodins que ceux 
de Stable. :-|

 - dimension souvent ignorée: on peut facilement attendre 2 ans quand 
 l'on est âgé de 25 ou 30 ans. A 60 ans, on tique fortement. Et à 80 
 ans, cela n'a certainement plus de sens..

Quel que soit l'âge qu'on a, la patience est une des plus belles vertues, même 
pour les mortels comme nous... :-D

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail

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Re: Méthode de stabilisation des release Debian en question...

2013-03-10 Thread stephane . gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 10/03/13 à 12:43, Maderios a écrit :
 Patience dans certains contextes, certes Par contre, quand l'on ne 
 croit ni à l'immortalité ni au père noël, les debian stables, avec 
 l'âge, on s'en tape de plus en plus Je dirais même que plus on 
 vieillit, plus on aime jouer avec l'incertitude. Oui, cela paraît 
 contradictoire mais c'est une méthode pour garder la forme. Certains 
 font des sudoku, d'autres bidouillent leur système.

Alors, on pleure sa belle jeunesse perdue ? :-D

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: Méthode de stabilisation des release Debian en question...

2013-03-10 Thread maderios

On 03/10/2013 05:48 PM, wrote:

Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 10/03/13 à 10:47, Maderios a écrit :

La stable qui stagne pendant 2 ans pose des problèmes.
Exemples vécus (liste non exhaustive)
- quand elle ne suit pas l'évolution du matériel
- quand certains paquets sont complètement dépassés par des versions
plus performantes.

A mon avis, c'est, avant tout, un choix entre les versions stable, testing, 
unstable voire experimental pour les plus aventureux (euh très peu pour moi :-( ou alors, 
peut-être un jour, dans le cadre d'un machine virtuelle avec VirtualBox).

Comme cela est expliqué dans la FAQ Debian GNU/Linux (voir la page ), concernant les 
qualités et les défauts de chaque version, on pourrait schématiser de la 
façon suivante (du moins c'est ainsi que je comprends) :

Stable  Testing  Unstable  Experimental
Plus sûre  Moins sûre
Moins déboguée  Plus déboguée
Plus ancienne  Plus récente (a)
Moins compatible  Plus compatible (b)

Et on pourrait énumérer éventuellement d'autres qualités ou défauts. ;-)

(a) Je parle des logiciels que peut proposer une telle version.
(b) Ici, il s'agit des composants internes (processeur, mémoire de masse, carte 
graphique,...) ou des périphériques externes (écran, imprimante, scanner,...) 
pris en charge par une telle version (de façon plus ou moins... optimisée mais 
cela est un autre débat).

A partir de là, chacun fera son choix en fonction de ses besoins et des ses 
souhaits et, surtout, en connaissance de cause.

Je préfère une debian sectionnée et c'est ce que j'essaie d'appliquer 
depuis longtemps.
- une base fiable au maximum  pour le kernel, le réseau, tout ce qui 
concerne la stabilité  du système lui-même, l'affichage
- des appli plus avancées, si nécessaire venant de sid ou compilées 
depuis les sources, appli ne mettant pas en cause la sécurité ou la 
- ma politique: pas de centralisation ni de tout en un,  donc exit les 
bureaux gnome, kde, xfce et tous les trucs qui prétendent simplifier la 
vie. Je préfère utiliser des éléments indépendants, paramétrables 
individuellement, c'est plus sûr.
Avantage de la biodiversité : quand un maillon grippe, il est 
remplaçable facilement et seul un maillon est concerné.
- démarche rencontrant évidemment des limites mais applicable sans 
ennuis majeurs.

Pour le reste et pour en revenir au débat initial, je continue à penser tout à 
fait pertinent le choix de Debian qui consiste (en gros) :
- (1) à gérer les 4 (ou même 5 si on ajoute oldstable) versions de manière 
différenciée en fonction de leurs objectifs,
- (2) à décider si un paquet (selon sa propre version) peut entrer dans une 
version (autre que Stable) en fonction de la conformité de ses exigences que 
notre distribution préférée (dont certains jugeront un rien perfectionniste) 
s'est elle-même fixée et
- (3) à juger si Testing (et, avec elle, les milliers de paquets ce qui 
démontre, entre autres, toute la difficulté de la tâche) peut devenir, à un 
moment donné, la nouvelle Stable si elle remplit les critères de qualités qui 
convient à cette version... quitte à attendre plus de 6 mois (ou même plus de 2 
ans ;-) ).

- quant certains bugs ne sont pas corrigés alors qu'ils le sont dans les
dernières versions des logiciels.

Euh, je ne sais pas trop de quels bugs tu veux parler (même si je ne conteste 
pas leur existence vu que j'intègre les mises à jour de sécurité pour ma Stable 
tous les lundis matin quand il y en a) mais, là encore, les bugs contenus dans 
Experimental, Unstable ou Testing (du moins avant sa période de gel et encore 
c'est à vérifier) sont, probablement, plus nombreux et moins anodins que ceux 
de Stable. :-|

Un exemple : Digikam-2.6 est affecté d'un bug concernant les 
métadonnées, bug corrigé dans les versions suivantes, dont la dernière, 
la 3.

Vivement la fin du freeze
Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re:Unidentified subject!

2013-03-10 Thread stephane . gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 10/03/13 à 14:58, Francesco a écrit :
 Oui, mais justement : quelqu'un à la recherche d'une distribution bien
 sécurisée pourrait naïvement (mais logiquement, après avoir lu la
 documentation) installer Squeeze aujourd'hui et naviguer donc avec
 chromium-browser 6.0.472.63~r59945-5+squeeze6 (dernière modification,
 9 septembre 2011). 
 Alors, si « Stable » est moins sécurisée que « Testing » (pour une
 utilisation desktop, par exemple), Mourad a bien raison de se poser le
 problème, non ?

Certes, même Stable peut contenir quelques ratés et on peut citer d'autres 
exemples que chromium-browser. Nul n'est parfait et, sans doute, il n'existe 
pas de distribution parfaite (c'est-à-dire exempte de tout bug) même chez 
Debian comme on le reconnait implicitement par ailleurs (voir ou encore ).

Mais, de façon plus globale et sur une plus longue période, je ne pense pas que 
Unstable et même Testing peuvent rivaliser Stable au niveau de la stabilité ou 
de la sécurité.

Et je ne pense pas que, pour leur crédibilité, les Développeurs (et autres 
Responsables) Debian aient la naïveté (et encore moins l'inconscience) de 
recommander Stable à tous ceux (administrateurs de serveur ou propriétaire d'un 
ordinateur personnel) qui privilègient les critères (que je viens de citer dans 
le paragraphe précédent) pour choisir une distribution basée sur GNU/Linux s'il 
y a un quelconque doute concernant les qualités normalement attribués à Stable 
(du moins par rapport à Unstable et à Testing). :-|

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: Unidentified subject!

2013-03-10 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Mouais mais ça pose quand même pas mal de problèmes. Par exemple si
on prend iceweasel qui lors du début du freeze était en version 10 ESR. Vous
me direz c'est une version ESR donc support à long terme. Oui sauf que le
support des ESR est de 1 an et qu'il s'est terminé en février je crois. L'ESR
actuelle est la 17. Debian stable va donc sortir avec une version d'iceweasel
dépassée et non supportée par les dév mozilla. Vu les problèmes réguliers de
sécurité qu'il y a avec les navigateurs je me pose des questions sur la
pertinence du modèle Debian. Il est pertinent quand le freeze ne dure pas trop
longtemps mais quand il dure plus d'un an ...


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Re: Wheezy grrrrrrrrrrr

2013-03-10 Thread Yannick VOYEAUD

Le 27/02/2013 18:38, Yannick VOYEAUD a écrit :
 Je viens de passer mon poste principal sous Wheezy (abandon d'Ubuntu
 10.10). Mis à part les galères pour avoir l'iso on peut dire que cela
 c'est plutôt bien fait. SAUF que
 1) j'ai perdu mon double écran (Un logiciel sur chaque écran)
 carte graphique NVIDIA ? Me dire comment vérifier ce point
 Ce point est *très* urgent car c'est, entre guillemets, mon outil de

Problème enfin résolu bizarrement ce soir! Je suis totalement incapable
de vous dire ce qui s'est passé.
Est-ce la MAJ d'un paquet ATI qui a solutionné l'incident où autre chose?

 2) les barres du haut et du bas sont noires (impossible d'accéder à leur
 Je les voudraient transparentes et en modifier l'ordonnancement

Ce n'est toujours pas cela et c'est limite crado

 3) iceowl est en anglais (jours et dialogues) Dans Ubuntu c'est en
 français donc ...

Résolu très rapidement grâce à vous.

 4) quoi prendre pour remplacer Gwibber que je n'arrive pas à installer?

Gwibber n'est toujours pas installé convenablement et les autres
solutions trouvées sont, amha, peu confortables.

 5) comment changer la couleur des fenêtres?

Trouvé une solution mais bon ce n'est pas l'idéal.

 6) la touche 'Supp' ne semble pas fonctionner pour supprimer un fichier.

La solution Alt+clic droit fonctionne mais franchement c'est lourd.


Nul n'a droit au superflu tant que chacun n'a pas son nécessaire
(Camille JOUFFRAY 1841-1924, maire de Vienne)
Créateur CimGenWeb:
Journées du Logiciel Libre:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Unidentified subject!

2013-03-10 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le dimanche 10 mars 2013 à 18:57, a écrit :
 Et je ne pense pas que, pour leur crédibilité, les Développeurs (et autres 
 Responsables) Debian aient la naïveté (et encore moins l'inconscience) de 
 recommander Stable à tous ceux (administrateurs de serveur ou propriétaire 
 d'un ordinateur personnel) qui privilègient les critères (que je viens de 
 citer dans le paragraphe précédent) pour choisir une distribution basée sur 
 GNU/Linux s'il y a un quelconque doute concernant les qualités normalement 
 attribués à Stable (du moins par rapport à Unstable et à Testing). :-|

Ce n'est malheureusement pas le cas, étant données :
- la rapidité d'évolution de certains projets amont (les navigateurs sont un
  bon exemple),
- la complexité des interdépendances.

Les développeurs font au mieux, ce qui ne retire rien à leur crédibilité :


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: Méthode de stabilisation des release Debian en question...

2013-03-10 Thread stephane . gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Dans son message du 10/03/13 à 18:56, Maderios a écrit :
 Je préfère une debian sectionnée et c'est ce que j'essaie d'appliquer 
 depuis longtemps.
 - une base fiable au maximum pour le kernel, le réseau, tout ce qui 
 concerne la stabilité du système lui-même, l'affichage
 - des appli plus avancées, si nécessaire venant de sid ou compilées 
 depuis les sources, appli ne mettant pas en cause la sécurité ou la 

Autrement dit du apt-pinning ! Après tout pourquoi pas ? :-)

Mais alors attention aux risques et/ou complications surtout au niveau des 
dépendances entre les paquets (qu'on aurait sélectionné) et en cas de mise à 
jour éventuel de des paquets (surtout venant de Sid)...

De plus, il va falloir jouer finement avec les fichiers de configuration 
sources.list et preferences (dans /etc/apt/) si on ne veut pas se retrouver, en 
totalité ou presque, en Unstable en fin de compte.

Quand à la compilation des sources, il est toujours possible de le faire 
(d'ailleurs la FAQ Debian GNU/Linux l'explique les modalités dans
 ) mais ce ne sera pas forcément plus trivial et moins chronophage...

Dans le 1er cas comme dans l'autre, si on a quelques dizaines de paquets, c'est 
plutôt jouable. Mais si on a plus de 1300 paquets (pour environ 2,7 Go 
concernant mon système GNU/Linux que je considère comme minimaliste même avec 
KDE et OpenOffice), et bien bon courage...

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail

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État de sécurité des navigateurs web

2013-03-10 Thread David Prévot

Le 10/03/2013 15:37, Sébastien NOBILI a écrit :

 Les développeurs font au mieux, ce qui ne retire rien à leur crédibilité :

Sans « .en.html » pour accéder à la traduction :



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Wheezy grrrrrrrrrrr

2013-03-10 Thread Jack.R
On Sun, 10 Mar 2013 20:26:26 +0100
Yannick VOYEAUD wrote:

 Le 27/02/2013 18:38, Yannick VOYEAUD a écrit :
  6) la touche 'Supp' ne semble pas fonctionner pour supprimer un
 La solution Alt+clic droit fonctionne mais franchement c'est lourd.
Je ne suis pas utilisateur de gnome, mais cela ne ferait-il pas
l'affaire:, paragraphe Nautilus 3.4 and

Les bons mots clé semble être gsettings et can-change-accels

Bon tuning

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Re: Instalar driver para Atheros AR8162 (Era: debían inspiron 5420)

2013-03-10 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 09 Mar 2013 22:05:28 -0500, Pablo Magé escribió:


Nah, has ido por el camino fácil... no tenías que haber eliminado 
Squeeze ;-P

 Comparto los pasos que seguí para poder instalar el controlador para una
 Atheros AR8162


 4. Durante la instalación de Debian se indica que el firmware
 iwlwifi-2030-6.ucode o iwlwifi-2030-5.ucode se requiere para instalar la
 red inalámbrica. Dado que no se tenia dicho firmware en el momento se
 instaló Debian sin red.

Pero ese driver es para una tarjeta Intel inalámbrica, no para una 
Atheros cableada.
 6. Mediante una memoria USB, copie el contenido del archivo tgz a
 /lib/firmware, se reinicia y listo trabajó mi conexión inalámbrica.
 Gracias  por los aportes recibidos para lograr la solución de este

¿Y qué hacemos con la Atheros? Cuando la pongas en marcha nos avisas ;-)



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(Solucionado → paquete eliminado) Re: Configurar Squeeze (el programa archivador)

2013-03-10 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 02 Mar 2013 15:42:30 +, Camaleón escribió:


 En fin, he escrito a la lista de desarrolladores a ver si me pueden
 informar sobre esto:

Que la aplicación lleva un año sin actividad... puf. Pues nada, al final 
he eliminado squeeze (y el metapaquete xfce4-goodies) y he instalado 
Xarchiver. Este sí permite la opción que buscaba.

Creo que deberían reemplazar Squeeze por Xarchiver, voy a abrir un 
informe en el BTS de Debian... oops, ya hay uno abriertto:

xfce4-goodies - remove squeeze from dependencies

Pues nada, habrá que apoyar la moción :-)



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Re: (Solucionado → paquete eliminado) Re: Configurar Squeeze (el programa archivador)

2013-03-10 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 10 Mar 2013 14:23:17 +, Camaleón escribió:


 Creo que deberían reemplazar Squeeze por Xarchiver, voy a abrir un
 informe en el BTS de Debian... oops, ya hay uno abriertto:
 xfce4-goodies - remove squeeze from dependencies
 Pues nada, habrá que apoyar la moción :-)

Y tras 5 minutos acabo de eliminar Xarchiver porque no admite archivos 
.jar. Madre mía... cómo estamos, no me extraña que la gente se queje de 
que Linux es para freakies, no es para menos :-/

Pues nada, frikaza que es una, a instalar PeaZip... rediez, el 
instalador falla ¡grrr! A informar... ah, ya hay un bug abierto pero sin 
resolver, pues nada, nada... venga, a añadir más datos:

[Debian Wheezy] libgmp3c2 dependency

Bueno, al menos la versión portátil de PeaZip funciona bien, pero qué mal 
sabor de boca dejan estas cosas: tres aplicaciones que NO funcionan ;-(



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Re: 2 isp [ot]

2013-03-10 Thread Roberto Quiñones

El 07/03/2013 14:28, Felix Perez escribió:

El día 6 de marzo de 2013 11:31, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez escribió:

bueno esto seria un servidor. no hay una manera. de hacerlo por hardware ?

NO hagas top posting por favor.

Existen equipos como el linksys RV082 (habrá otros más modernos) que
permite conectar dos enlaces adsl y trabajar con ambos, no se si sumar
el ancho de banda me imagino que no, pero si el balanceo de carga.


El 05/03/2013, a las 23:46, 

El 06/03/13 01:42, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez escribió:

Hola lista. bueno solo es una duda por si algun dia necesito hacerlo.

eh estado por ahu y me ah surgido una locura. aver. supongamos que tengo 2 isp 
y laa quiero conectar a la misma red. por ejemplo los isp cada una tiene 2 mb 
de descarga y al juntar los dos tendria 4 mb peri como lo hago ? es posible 
esto ? o solo es una idea absurda que se me ah ocurrido ? XD

hola francisco, si es posible hacerlo, podes hacer balanceo de carga y/o
tolerancia a fallos, una forma es a través de bounding [0] otra es con
iproute2 [1]



Javier Obregón (aka 4rkng3l)

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El ancho de banda no se puede sumar al de otro proveedor, tampoco si 
fuese el mismo proveedor pero con distintos enlaces (fibras), pero si es 
fiable lo que comentas de trabajar en un mismo dispositivo con los 2 
enlace para una alta disponibilidad de enlaces en caso de caida de una, 
se sigue usando la otra y si se configura correctamente, el corte no se 
sentiria en lo absoluto a nivel de usuarios al navegar.


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Re: 2 isp [ot]

2013-03-10 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 10 Mar 2013 12:21:11 -0300, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

 El ancho de banda no se puede sumar al de otro proveedor, tampoco si
 fuese el mismo proveedor pero con distintos enlaces (fibras), 


Se llama link aggregation (o broadband bonding) y sí es posible. No 
todos los dispositivos lo admiten pero existen soluciones profesionales 
en el mercado que ya lo implementan.



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Bajar volumen hasta cierto nivel SOX, FADE IN, FADE OUT

2013-03-10 Thread Rantis Cares

He leido varios documentos de SOX en internet (Ya googlee, para que no
digan después que no lo hago).

He comenzado a usar este maravilloso sof... ya encontre mucha
documentacion sobre hacer los FADE IN, FADE OUT y tambien como
modificar la ganancia de un audio. Pero en ninguno he encontrado como
hacer para que haga un FADE OUT hasta cierta cantidad.

Es decir el FADE OUT, realiza una rampa de volumen del 100% hasta
llegar al 0% y yo quiero que al hacer ese mismo efecto realice la
rampa de 100% hasta el 20%.

¿Alguno tiene alguna idea o mas experiencia que yo?.



Al juntarme dia tras dia con los Listeros, mi capacidad intelectual crece
en proporcion inversa a la ignorancia generada. Gracias Linuxeros

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Re: 2 isp [ot]

2013-03-10 Thread Roberto Quiñones

El 10/03/2013 12:47, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 10 Mar 2013 12:21:11 -0300, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

El ancho de banda no se puede sumar al de otro proveedor, tampoco si
fuese el mismo proveedor pero con distintos enlaces (fibras),


Se llama link aggregation (o broadband bonding) y sí es posible. No
todos los dispositivos lo admiten pero existen soluciones profesionales
en el mercado que ya lo implementan.


cuando hablo de sumar me reifiero a que no es posible tener un enlace de 
100 mb de proveedor A y un segundo enlace de 100 mb de proveedor B y 
hacer un unico enlace por el que sale la red hacia internet, dejando un 
enlace de 200 mbps, pero si es posible hacer una alta disponibilidad con 
los dispositivos que hay en el mercado y que te permite tener 2 enlaces 
de un mismo proveedor o de otro, en un mismo dispositivo y que 
practicamente como tu dices que es, configurar por un unico canal sale, 
sale todo por ahi, pero es simplemente una alta disponibilidad, el 
dispositivo sabe por donde enviar mejor el paquete de una comunicacion 
entre maquinas entre los enlaces que tienes unidos.


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Re: 2 isp [ot]

2013-03-10 Thread Ricardo

El 10/03/2013 18:15, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

El 10/03/2013 12:47, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 10 Mar 2013 12:21:11 -0300, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

El ancho de banda no se puede sumar al de otro proveedor, tampoco si
fuese el mismo proveedor pero con distintos enlaces (fibras),


Se llama link aggregation (o broadband bonding) y sí es posible. No
todos los dispositivos lo admiten pero existen soluciones profesionales
en el mercado que ya lo implementan.


cuando hablo de sumar me reifiero a que no es posible tener un enlace 
de 100 mb de proveedor A y un segundo enlace de 100 mb de proveedor B 
y hacer un unico enlace por el que sale la red hacia internet, dejando 
un enlace de 200 mbps, pero si es posible hacer una alta 
disponibilidad con los dispositivos que hay en el mercado y que te 
permite tener 2 enlaces de un mismo proveedor o de otro, en un mismo 
dispositivo y que practicamente como tu dices que es, configurar por 
un unico canal sale, sale todo por ahi, pero es simplemente una alta 
disponibilidad, el dispositivo sabe por donde enviar mejor el paquete 
de una comunicacion entre maquinas entre los enlaces que tienes unidos.

Tal como ya te respondieron no puedes sumar ancho de banda, pero creo 
que este articulo, explica perfectamente lo que deseas hacer:


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Re: Bajar volumen hasta cierto nivel SOX, FADE IN, FADE OUT

2013-03-10 Thread Felix Perez
El día 10 de marzo de 2013 18:11, Rantis Cares escribió:

 He leido varios documentos de SOX en internet (Ya googlee, para que no
 digan después que no lo hago).

 He comenzado a usar este maravilloso sof... ya encontre mucha
 documentacion sobre hacer los FADE IN, FADE OUT y tambien como
 modificar la ganancia de un audio. Pero en ninguno he encontrado como
 hacer para que haga un FADE OUT hasta cierta cantidad.

 Es decir el FADE OUT, realiza una rampa de volumen del 100% hasta
 llegar al 0% y yo quiero que al hacer ese mismo efecto realice la
 rampa de 100% hasta el 20%.

 ¿Alguno tiene alguna idea o mas experiencia que yo?.

¿Qué te respondieron en la lista de SOX?

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Problemas com driver de video no Wheezy

2013-03-10 Thread Deckardbot
Olá Rodolfo,

Então infelizmente esse suporte piorou (no meu caso) no Wheezy.
No Squeeze o driver non-free pelo menos quebrava o galho.


Em 9 de março de 2013 00:40, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Tenho um notebook com driver de video radeon 4250, pior que o sei '-'.

 Em todas as minhas tentativas de melhorar a placa gráfica no linux foram
 mal sucedidas.

 Consegui jogar World Of Warcraft, porem com FPS bem baixo.

 Nos meus testes, feitos com o driver normal que vem com o xorg e com o
 fglrx percebi uma coisa.

 O resultado do glxgears do driver do xorg apresenta resultados em FPS
 superiores ao driver da própria fabricante, porém descobri algo
 interessante: O Driver da fabricante, apesar de perder em performance, é a
 mais certa para renderizar video, pois ela consegue renderizar os pixel
 shaders 2.0, etc etc etc.e o driver da radeon que vem com o xorg nao.

 Concluido, é isso mesmo o resultado mano, FPS baixo mais com boa
 reproducao dos Efeitos suportados pela placa, com o driver do xorg FPS
 elevado mas pessima reproducao dos Efeitos.

 o Suporte ao Linux ainda está longe de ser uma realidade na Radeon, ao
 contrário da NVidia, que tem suporte muito melhor, inclusive meu proximo
 notebook vo comprar com NVidia.


 Em 8 de março de 2013 22:25, Deckardbot escreveu:

 Olá pessoal,

 Estou migrando para o Wheezy apenas com o X server + Fluxbox, mas estou
 problemas com o video, que está muito lento. Alguem pode me ajudar?

 Minha placa é uma ATI Radeon HD 4650M:

 $ lspci | grep VGA
 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI
 M96 [Mobility Radeon HD 4650]

 A primeira coisa que fiz foi instalar o pacote 'mesa-utils' e fazer um
 de desempenho:

 $ glxinfo | grep render
 direct rendering: Yes
 OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 0x209)
 GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend,

 $ glxgears
 4695 frames in 5.0 seconds = 938.896 FPS
 4970 frames in 5.0 seconds = 993.923 FPS
 4921 frames in 5.0 seconds = 984.096 FPS
 5009 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1001.777 FP

 Pesquisando na Debian Wiki[1] entendi que o driver pro Wheezy está
 Sendo assim instalei o pacote 'firmware-linux-nonfree', e até teve uma
 melhora, porem achei muito esquisito o resultado do teste:

 $ glxinfo | grep render
 direct rendering: Yes
 OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV730
 GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra, GL_NV_conditional_render,

 $ glxgears
 300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.998 FPS
 300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.808 FPS
 301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.008 FPS
 301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.007 FPS

 Ou seja, os FPS's cairam ao inves de aumentarem!
 No Squeeze, eu instalei o driver non-free 'fglrx-driver' conforme a
 wiki[2] e
 o desempenho está muito bom perto do Wheezy:

 $ glxinfo | grep render
 direct rendering: Yes
 OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650
 GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color,

 $ glxgears
 35898 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7179.479 FPS
 36590 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7317.944 FPS
 36549 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7309.708 FPS

 Espero que essas informações sejam uteis para resolver o caso.
 Qualquer coisa é só solicitar que eu posto na próxima mensagem.





Re: Servidor (ERRRR) Java

2013-03-10 Thread Kleber Leal
A única dependência é o java (JDK).

Kléber Leal

Não à pirataria. Sim ao Software Livre.

 De: P. J.
Para: Debian-User 
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 6 de Março de 2013 12:02
Assunto: Re: Servidor (E) Java
Em 06/03/13, Fagner escreveu:
 Olá Pessoal!

 Me pediram para pesquisar um servidor Java que possa substituir o Tomcat
 aqui na empresa, de ante mão já me falaram que acharam o JBoss muito
 complicado para instalar e mantes :/

 Então como eu não conheço muita coisa gostaria de sugestões, tem esse aqui:


|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   Je vois tout

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Re: choosing a web browser

2013-03-10 Thread steef

Zenaan Harkness schreef:

I need a sane webbrowser.

Firstly, I'm not interested in rolling releases. In my experience,
Firefox 3.6 was the pinnacle in browsers, in the days when Epiphany
was also a fine option. Things appear to have gone downhill bigtime
since then, as far as I can tell.

Seeking something that is 100% libre, and supported in Debian Wheezy,
to install and admin/maintain for Debian deployments which I do
occasionally for friends and for a human rights association that I
volunteer at ( I have been unable to deploy anything for
six months (besides time constraints, I am struggling with finding a
modern desktop, voip client etc - but I don't want to hijack my own
thread here...)

What I've tried:
* Iceweasel 10 LTS
used for 6 months - I have been running wheezy/testing for 6 months,
and about two weeks ago switched to sid/unstable - I can put up with
various problems for an extended period of time, but I wish to reach
deployability for others not technically versed as I am.
Problems: every now and then, firefox causes a core or two to hit 100%
for a couple seconds, causing the fan to spin up (and this, with no
pages loading, animations stopped, no java, no javascript etc, only
scrolling up and down a single tab/page - eg gmail static (my rural
link too slow for javascript)) - this looks like a GC (garbage
collection) type artifact, and is so obtrusive that I've decided it's
a deal breaker.

The following browsers I've been trying over the last day:

* Midori (using now)
Not showing the tabs
Private browsing option doesn't remember settings (at least, I've
tested proxy setting); tabs do not show at all - I've tried each
binary Preferences setting for always display tabs, then restarting
midori, but no joy.
btw, midori -p does show it's tabs.
Thankfully, CTRL-PgUp/PgDown does cycle amongst tabs, but not seeing
them is a deal breaker.

* Netsurf
Has wacko keybindings: CTRL-PgUp/Down does not change tabs;
CTRL-RightArrow/LeftArrow does change tabs (so when editing in a field
eg writing an email, I cannot jump a word at a time, nor select a word
at a time!); tab key does not include going from address bar to search
bar/field; keyboard scrolling of page does not work well/ sometimes I
can't seem to keyboard scroll at all; I had difficulty copying an
email address off a page (no right click menu option for this).
This keyboard firetruckery is a deal breaker.

* Epiphany
Epiphany. How I loved epiphany back in the days of Gnome 2 and Firefox
3.5, when I took a walk on the wild side of Ubuntu, and settled in on
Ubuntu 8.04.
Firefox 3.6 managed to provide enough reasons use it predominantly.
Back to the present: Epiphany is not showing its toolbar icons; it has
a whole menu bar with a single Web menu. There's a different menu
behind one of the faceless icons on the icon bar.

* Luakit
I installed this, started it up twice, and would love to learn it (I
use vim for most of my editing).
Unfortunately, this browser demands learning its ways, so it is not
suitable for general deployment. As technically gluttonous as I'd like
to be in satisfying my own power-user needs, there are other higher
priorities in my life - facilitating community actions and community
helpers/ volunteers, to do their good work in a relatively secure
environment. This means I must be eating the dog food I deploy.

For me to get to deployment, in this so modern era of amazing omg
integrated unified cross-device ponies and So, are you ready for
BYOD? desktops ... well, it hasn't been possible for me in the last
year. This is incredibly frustrating; battling default samba
configurations is one thing, but I can't even find a deployable
browser, consistent XP-style UI experience etc.

Sorry, sorry, I'm ranting again! I promise I'll keep it to browsers.
There are plenty of other threads we _could_ create.


PS: For those who, like me, didn't know what BYOD meant before
yesterday: Bring Your Own Device.

try seamonkey (mozilla-branch) i use it to my needs (browsing and mailing) for 
years without any trouble.



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Debian-goodies package error (was: RE: How often to reboot a production Web server?)

2013-03-10 Thread Bonno Bloksma

 Today I've run `apt-get update` and `apt-get upgrade` to get security fixes.
 It updated libc6 and some other essential packages.
 Should I reboot my production Web server? If yes, how often?

 If you install the debian-goodies package, you can run checkrestart to see
 what programs are still holding open old libraries - though there are some 
 false positives.
 You can then decide whether you just need to restart a particular service
 (checkrestart will tell you what, in most cases), or whether you need to 

Ok, so I decided to install the Debian-goodies on my machine to test that 
checkrestart command but it broke, so according to the Debian policy I get 
to keep both pieces. ;-)
Any way to fix the pieces?

Get:1 squeeze/main libssh2-1 i386 1.2.6-1 
[77.2 kB]
Get:2 squeeze/main libcurl3 i386 
7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2 [281 kB]
Get:3 squeeze/main curl i386 
7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2 [227 kB]
Get:4 squeeze/main dctrl-tools i386 2.14.5 
[110 kB]
Get:5 squeeze/main debian-goodies all 0.53 
[49.3 kB]
Fetched 746 kB in 1s (571 kB/s)
Selecting previously deselected package libssh2-1.
(Reading database ... 34588 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking libssh2-1 (from .../libssh2-1_1.2.6-1_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package libcurl3.
Unpacking libcurl3 (from .../libcurl3_7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package curl.
Unpacking curl (from .../curl_7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package dctrl-tools.
Unpacking dctrl-tools (from .../dctrl-tools_2.14.5_i386.deb) ...
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dctrl-tools_2.14.5_i386.deb 
 failed in write on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb during 
`./etc/grep-dctrl.rc': No space left on device
configured to not write apport reports
  dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by 
signal (Broken pipe)
Selecting previously deselected package debian-goodies.
Unpacking debian-goodies (from .../debian-goodies_0.53_all.deb) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of debian-goodies:
 debian-goodies depends on dctrl-tools | grep-dctrl; however:
  Package dctrl-tools is not installed.
  Package grep-dctrl is not installed.
dpkg: error processing debian-goodies (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Setting up libssh2-1 (1.2.6-1) ...
ldconfig: Writing of cache data failed: No space left on device
dpkg: error processing libssh2-1 (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libcurl3:
 libcurl3 depends on libssh2-1 (= 1.2); however:
  Package libssh2-1 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing libcurl3 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of curl:
 curl depends on libcurl3 (= 7.16.2-1); however:
  Package libcurl3 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing curl (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

Current status: 1 broken [+1].

The No space left on drive is the wrong symptom, there is plenty of space on 
all partitions.

# df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
   2064208   2064208 0 100% /
tmpfs   511180 0511180   0% /lib/init/rw
udev506252   164506088   1% /dev
tmpfs   511180 0511180   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1   241116 65012163656  29% /boot
 467457616202900 443509180   1% /home
388741 10292358379   3% /tmp
   4922684661488   4011136  15% /usr
   2955216   1666036   1139064  60% /var

So now what?

Bonno Bloksma

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Re: Debian-goodies package error

2013-03-10 Thread Dom

On 10/03/13 08:47, Bonno Bloksma wrote:


Today I've run `apt-get update` and `apt-get upgrade` to get security fixes.

It updated libc6 and some other essential packages.

Should I reboot my production Web server? If yes, how often?

If you install the debian-goodies package, you can run checkrestart to see
what programs are still holding open old libraries - though there are some 
false positives.

You can then decide whether you just need to restart a particular service
(checkrestart will tell you what, in most cases), or whether you need to reboot.

Ok, so I decided to install the Debian-goodies on my machine to test that 
checkrestart command but it broke, so according to the Debian policy I get 
to keep both pieces. ;-)
Any way to fix the pieces?

Get:1 squeeze/main libssh2-1 i386 1.2.6-1 
[77.2 kB]
Get:2 squeeze/main libcurl3 i386 
7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2 [281 kB]
Get:3 squeeze/main curl i386 
7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2 [227 kB]
Get:4 squeeze/main dctrl-tools i386 2.14.5 
[110 kB]
Get:5 squeeze/main debian-goodies all 0.53 
[49.3 kB]
Fetched 746 kB in 1s (571 kB/s)
Selecting previously deselected package libssh2-1.
(Reading database ... 34588 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking libssh2-1 (from .../libssh2-1_1.2.6-1_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package libcurl3.
Unpacking libcurl3 (from .../libcurl3_7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package curl.
Unpacking curl (from .../curl_7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package dctrl-tools.
Unpacking dctrl-tools (from .../dctrl-tools_2.14.5_i386.deb) ...
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dctrl-tools_2.14.5_i386.deb 
  failed in write on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb during 
`./etc/grep-dctrl.rc': No space left on device
configured to not write apport reports
   dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by 
signal (Broken pipe)
Selecting previously deselected package debian-goodies.
Unpacking debian-goodies (from .../debian-goodies_0.53_all.deb) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of debian-goodies:
  debian-goodies depends on dctrl-tools | grep-dctrl; however:
   Package dctrl-tools is not installed.
   Package grep-dctrl is not installed.
dpkg: error processing debian-goodies (--configure):
  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Setting up libssh2-1 (1.2.6-1) ...
ldconfig: Writing of cache data failed: No space left on device
dpkg: error processing libssh2-1 (--configure):
  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libcurl3:
  libcurl3 depends on libssh2-1 (= 1.2); however:
   Package libssh2-1 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing libcurl3 (--configure):
  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of curl:
  curl depends on libcurl3 (= 7.16.2-1); however:
   Package libcurl3 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing curl (--configure):
  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

Current status: 1 broken [+1].

The No space left on drive is the wrong symptom, there is plenty of space on 
all partitions.

# df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
2064208   2064208 0 100% /

Is not that line a dead giveaway? Your / partition is full.


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Re: choosing a web browser

2013-03-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
 try seamonkey (mozilla-branch) i use it to my needs (browsing and mailing)
 for  years without any trouble.

Thanks guys, I forgot about seamonkey.

Found iceape. Will give it a try.

Very much appreciate the pointer/reminder,

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RE: Debian-goodies package error

2013-03-10 Thread Bonno Bloksma
Hi Dom,

 The No space left on drive is the wrong symptom, there is plenty of space 
 on all partitions.

 # df
 Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 2064208   2064208 0 100% /

 Is not that line a dead giveaway? Your / partition is full.

How did I miss that? Ok, found the cause, a test script that created a log file 
but that should not have been running anymore.

# aptitude install debian-goodies
The following NEW packages will be installed:
The following partially installed packages will be configured:
  curl debian-goodies libcurl3 libssh2-1

Current status: 0 broken [-1].

Thanks for pointing it out to me.

Bonno Bloksma

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Re: Wanted: an internet free minimal Debian install

2013-03-10 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
 Richard Owlett wrote:
  Installation iso on a CD or flash drive as desired.  ( target iso
  size is ~100MB, smaller if possible)

 AFAIK Debian CD#1 is the smallest fully standalone install supported.
 But at the time that you are committed to booting from cdrom then
 might as well commit to a fully populated cdrom.  In for a penny, in
 for a pound.  I am sure there are contributed installation media that
 are smaller and standalone.  Anyone could put in the effort to create one.

 Tom H poked me that the netinst image can be used without a network.
 It is 168M and much smaller than the full CD#1.  I just did an install
 test using it in Expert mode and was able to verify that it is indeed
 possible to use the smaller netinst image on a system without a
 network.  Using Expert mode and manual selections it was possible to
 install and avoid seeing any errors.

That is  how I always install, I never install more packages than what
is on the netinst cd till after a reboot I guess I figured everyone knew.


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Re: choosing a web browser

2013-03-10 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 11:44 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 the seamonkey package may be what you're looking for.  It combines firefox
 with thunderbird in a single package and uses less system resources.  It
 also doesn't update constantly either.

Technically, it does not combine them; rather FF and TB split Mozilla
(SeaMonkey) apart.

Mozilla Alpha/Beta/Nightly user since ~2001


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Re: Installer not reading preseed.cfg

2013-03-10 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 7:54 AM, keshav prabhakar wrote:

 oh wow! Frankly, this is the best, most detailed response I have ever gotten
 on any list so far. :)
 but seriously, I can't thank enough for your time and interest. really
 appreciate it.
 I didn't pay much attention to my preseed.cfg yet since I was still trying
 to figure mirror issue. Also, I haven't tried the 'd-i mirror/country string
 manual' part yet and can't wait to try..
 but unfortunately I have to go out now so won't be able to try this for the
 next couple of hours.
 I'll the post details as soon as I try.
 Many Thanks!

You're most welcome.

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Re: Installer not reading preseed.cfg

2013-03-10 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Brian wrote:
 On Fri 08 Mar 2013 at 22:22:25 -0500, Tom H wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 8:30 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Fri 08 Mar 2013 at 19:04:41 -0600, keshav prabhakar wrote:

 netcfg/wireless_wep string#d-i mirror/country string USd-i

 The first post at

 is your situation. The second post gives a solution which is discussed
 further at

 The downside is it's for a different distribution. But you never know.

 When it comes to d-i and preseed, Debian and Ubuntu are the same,
 except for the version names and the installation of a basic system
 (Debian's is d-i tasksel/first multiselect system and Ubuntu's is
 d-i tasksel/first multiselect standard).

 I was being cautious :) and at the time hadn't looked at what the
 preseed recommendations for Mirror settings are at

 Now I have I see
 d-i mirror/country string manual
 is mentioned.

Ubuntu's tweaked d-i here and there (two things that I remember
off-hand is that you have to press F6 to select the expert install and
you're asked whether you want to install grub to all members of an
array when you use mdraid) but it's pretty much the same d-i that
Debian uses.

I have to correct some nonsense above... I interverted Debian and
Ubuntu's d-i tasksel  Debian's basic task is standard and
Ubuntu's is server (not system!). Ubuntu also has standard and
minimal but I've never checked how much smaller than server they
are. Friday night brain-tiredness. Sorry!

 I've never tried it but I think that you can even use kickseed with
 Debian's d-i.

 I wasn't aware of it until it cropped up in the LP bug report. It
 appears to be an alternative to using preconfiguration files with d-i.

When Ubuntu started going after RHEL customers, the latter must've
said that they wanted to stick to kickstart so Ubuntu developed a way
to preseed d-i with kickstart files to a certain extent.

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Re: Installer not reading preseed.cfg

2013-03-10 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 6:25 PM, keshav prabhakar wrote:

 d-i mirror/country string manual
 d-i mirror/suite string stable

 yes, those two lines did the magic! Thanks.
 It started reading from the local server, it's stopping next at
 this error:

No root file system
 No root file system is defined.

 Please correct this from the partitioning menu.

 I googled around and tried replacing 'lvm' with regular:

 #d-i partman-auto/method string lvm
 d-i partman-auto/method string regular

 (and commenting out the related lvm lines)

 and tried replacing 'home' with 'atomic' as well:

 #d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select home
 d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic

 no luck so far. will look into the details in the morning.

I thought that it might be a squeeze v/s wheezy problem so I
downloaded a squeeze netinst and ran your lvm preseed against it. The
VM installed and booted fine.

As a start and without diagnosing further, I'd boot from an install CD
in rescue mode and re-create the initramfs either with
update-initramfs -u -k ... or update-initramfs -d -k ... ;
update-initramfs -c -k 

You might want to run update-grub after that, for good measure; or
even grub-install ... ; update-grub.

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Re: Wanted: an internet free minimal Debian install

2013-03-10 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:

 AFAIK Debian CD#1 is the smallest fully standalone install supported.
 But at the time that you are committed to booting from cdrom then
 might as well commit to a fully populated cdrom. In for a penny, in
 for a pound. I am sure there are contributed installation media that
 are smaller and standalone. Anyone could put in the effort to create one.

 Tom H poked me that the netinst image can be used without a network.
 It is 168M and much smaller than the full CD#1. I just did an install
 test using it in Expert mode and was able to verify that it is indeed
 possible to use the smaller netinst image on a system without a
 network. Using Expert mode and manual selections it was possible to
 install and avoid seeing any errors.

 At this point I can only assume that it is possible to use netinst
 image with the appropriate preseeds for an automated installation. I
 haven't tried it. Seems like it should work okay.

 Thanks Tom for the prodding! :-)

You're welcome.

I used the squeeze netinst with preseed earlier today.

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Refining the question - was [Re: Wanted: an internet free minimal Debian install]

2013-03-10 Thread Richard Owlett
Thank you for the replies received. They made clear that I 
had not adequately separated background information, 
physical constraints, preferences, and ideas on what 
solution should look like [for want of better term - the 
aesthetics of the solution].

I will take my cue from Brian's reply which began I'll 
respond to what is in the subject line.

The strongest physically imposed constraint - no networking 
capability for target machine. This has three 
sub-categories. Some machines have no networking hardware 
installed. In other cases no network infrastructure exists. 
Connectivity on my home machines is via a 56k modem.

The next next issue is CPU and memory. My home machines are 
GHz dual core with GBytes of ram etc. However there are 
donated machines at church that I wish to migrate from OSes 
as old as Win95. I know I'll have to deal with 486 machines. 
There may be some 386 machines (dealing with those on a case 
by case basis would be feasible).

How to define minimal install?   ;/

There's a motivational component. My first exposure to Linux 
was thru Ubuntu and Debian Live CD's. Using them or 
installing from them provided a cluttered system with lots 
of programs which I would never use and CRITICAL software 
not available [neither could connect to internet via dial-up 
so relevant software being in repository was irrelevant]. I 
investigated several Live CD's promoted as being small and 
friendly. They were that and demonstrated that what I wanted 
was feasible but they lacked support and applications I 
wanted. But they got me asking some of the right questions.

There is the philosophical component. Smaller tends to be 
better. Don't install what will not be used. At one point it 
was suggested that I just remove undesired applications. I 
noticed that removing did not reproduce never installed. 
Seems a guarantee of getting bit later.

Some the replies have prompted me to reinvestigate starting 
from the netinst. It may be much more feasible than I though 
when it was first suggested months ago. I've since done 
15-20 installs on my for experimentation only machine. I 
purposely do some things the hard way as my intention is 
to learn the guts of Linux.

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Re: choosing a web browser

2013-03-10 Thread Karl E.

On 10/03/13 01:03:53, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 I need a sane webbrowser.
 What I've tried:
 * Epiphany
 Epiphany. How I loved epiphany back in the days of Gnome 2 and 
 3.5, when I took a walk on the wild side of Ubuntu, and settled in on
 Ubuntu 8.04.
 Firefox 3.6 managed to provide enough reasons use it predominantly.
 Back to the present: Epiphany is not showing its toolbar icons; it 
 a whole menu bar with a single Web menu. There's a different menu
 behind one of the faceless icons on the icon bar.

That sounds very strange - is this with Gnome 3 ?

Karl E. Jorgensen

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Re: Refining the question - was [Re: Wanted: an internet free minimal Debian install]

2013-03-10 Thread Rob Owens
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 09:04:12AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
 The next next issue is CPU and memory. My home machines are GHz dual
 core with GBytes of ram etc. However there are donated machines at
 church that I wish to migrate from OSes as old as Win95. I know I'll
 have to deal with 486 machines. There may be some 386 machines
 (dealing with those on a case by case basis would be feasible).
You might want to look into LTSP.  You configure a server (could be a
5-year-old desktop machine) and diskless thin clients (could be
something as old as a 486) boot from that server.  Networking is
required, but internet is not.  (Internet access may be required
during initial configuration fo the server).  The thin clients (old 
computers) run an X server and not much else.  They display applications 
that are being processed on the server.

I've used it for years and it works pretty well for everything except
watching videos, which tends to saturate the network.

 Some the replies have prompted me to reinvestigate starting from the
 netinst. It may be much more feasible than I though when it was
 first suggested months ago. I've since done 15-20 installs on my
 for experimentation only machine. I purposely do some things the
 hard way as my intention is to learn the guts of Linux.
You can definitely use the netinst cd to get a minimal system.  Just
uncheck all the software groups when it gives you an option to do so.
Typically desktop environment and standard system will be checked
automatically.  You can uncheck both of them.

There is a smaller installation CD called the businesscard CD.  I'm not
sure if it contains everything you need for a minimal system, or if it
requires downloading packages from the internet.


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Re: choosing a web browser

2013-03-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 3/11/13, Karl E. wrote:
 On 10/03/13 01:03:53, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 I need a sane webbrowser.
 * Epiphany
 Epiphany. How I loved epiphany back in the days of Gnome 2 and
 3.5, when I took a walk on the wild side of Ubuntu, and settled in on
 Ubuntu 8.04.
 Firefox 3.6 managed to provide enough reasons use it predominantly.
 Back to the present: Epiphany is not showing its toolbar icons; it
 a whole menu bar with a single Web menu. There's a different menu
 behind one of the faceless icons on the icon bar.

 That sounds very strange - is this with Gnome 3 ?

XFCE 4.8, debian sid.

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Re: choosing a web browser

2013-03-10 Thread Rob Owens
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 12:03:53PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 I need a sane webbrowser.
 Firstly, I'm not interested in rolling releases. In my experience,
 Firefox 3.6 was the pinnacle in browsers, in the days when Epiphany
 was also a fine option. Things appear to have gone downhill bigtime
 since then, as far as I can tell.
I used to keep my users on Debian Stable's version of Iceweasel.  In the
last couple years, though, I've had complaints about certain features of
websites not working properly with the outdated Iceweasel.  Gmail and were two of the offending websites.  Updating to the latest
Iceweasel found at fixed this.  

I guess what I'm saying is that finding a stable version of a web
browser and keeping your users on that version is not necessarily the
best way for you to avoid support calls.  I've had fewer complaints now
that I have Iceweasel automatically update to the newest available


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Re: A question about how to ask a question

2013-03-10 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Mar 09, 2013 at 08:51:47PM +0100, Olivier Cailloux wrote:
 Hi list,
 My question is about... how to best ask a question! That is because
 I have the feeling I am not asking it in the best possible way.
I am very little time these days, so short questions are simply more
attractive to me.  Also, specific questions are more attractive than
broad I can't get this to work type of questions.  

Regarding HDMI specifically, I dealt with my own HDMI problems recently.
I posted to this list and eventually got it solved, but I don't remember
much about it now (although I have a recollection of it being fairly
painful, so maybe I've just blocked it out).  One of my threads is here,
in case it helps you:

Interestingly, I posted a it works on one computer but not the other
type of question recently, and it too went unanswered.

Maybe there's just something too mysterious about that type of


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cannot uninstall linux-image-2.6.32-5-686

2013-03-10 Thread David Zelinsky
I just did an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' from the lasted squeeze update, and
failed to notice it had decided to install a stock kernel image:
linux-image-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-48squeeze1.  I did not want this, since
I'm using a custom kernel, and I'm not sure the stock kernel will even
work.  Worse, the linux-image package did not install properly, with
some part of the post-install script returning errors (zz-update-grub).
The rest of the dist-upgrade appeared to succeed, but the
linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 package is in a half-installed state.

I tried removing the offending package (apt-get remove) but got the
same error from the post-remove script.

How can I fix this?  I want the linux-image package to go away, and also
to make sure 'apt-get dist-upgrade' will not try to install it in the

Here's relevant part of the output from apt-get dist-upgrade:

# apt-get dist-upgrade
Running update-initramfs.
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
Examining /etc/kernel/postinst.d.
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools 2.6.32-5-686 
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub 2.6.32-5-686 
/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).
run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub exited with return code 1
Failed to process /etc/kernel/postinst.d at 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.postinst line 799, STDIN line 2.
dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

And here's what happened when I tried to remove it:

# apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.32-5-686
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  linux-image-2.6-686 linux-image-2.6.32-5-686
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
After this operation, 79.9 MB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? 
(Reading database ... 31079 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing linux-image-2.6-686 ...
Removing linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 ...
Examining /etc/kernel/postrm.d .
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs-tools 2.6.32-5-686 
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub 2.6.32-5-686 
/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).
run-parts: /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub exited with return code 1
Failed to process /etc/kernel/postrm.d at 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.postrm line 234, STDIN line 2.
dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 (--remove):
 subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 2
configured to not write apport reports
  Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Re: Refining the question - was [Re: Wanted: an internet free minimal Debian install]

2013-03-10 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 10 March 2013 14:04:12 Richard Owlett wrote:

 How to define minimal install?   ;/

Richard - had you thought of the Debian Business Card installer?  Even smaller 
and nearer to minimal than the netinstall CD.  And there is a nice howto:

A trifle long in the tooth, but the basic principles haven't changed.


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Re: cannot uninstall linux-image-2.6.32-5-686

2013-03-10 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

David Zelinsky wrote:

I just did an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' from the lasted squeeze update, and
failed to notice it had decided to install a stock kernel image:
linux-image-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-48squeeze1.  I did not want this, since
I'm using a custom kernel, and I'm not sure the stock kernel will even
work.  Worse, the linux-image package did not install properly, with
some part of the post-install script returning errors (zz-update-grub).
The rest of the dist-upgrade appeared to succeed, but the
linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 package is in a half-installed state.

I tried removing the offending package (apt-get remove) but got the
same error from the post-remove script.

How can I fix this?  I want the linux-image package to go away, and also
to make sure 'apt-get dist-upgrade' will not try to install it in the

Here's relevant part of the output from apt-get dist-upgrade:

what happens if you 'dpkg -P linux-image-2.6.32-5-686'


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Rooting an Android Tablet on Debian

2013-03-10 Thread Charles Kroeger
I got a Kobo Arc that runs Android 4.0.4 and would like to become su for this
device. There are paid services but I don't like the sound of them and they're
expensive. Since Android is Debian several times removed,  I was wondering if 
here had a script that might help?

I use Calibre with the Arc for moving books around but Calibre is useless with 
Adobe DRM menace and most of my books require this.



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Problem with LAN Printer in Testing

2013-03-10 Thread Stephen P. Molnar
I have just installed Debian Wheezy/Testing on my main production

HPLIP-3.12.6 sets up the LAN printer, but when I attempt printing a
test page I get the following messages:

computation@abnormal:~$ /usr/bin/hp-printsettings

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.12.6)
Printer Settings Utility ver. 1.0

Copyright (c) 2001-14 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect
to: /home/computation/.cache/keyring-Ai4f8n/pkcs11: No such file or


Any help will be much appreciated.  

Thanks in advance

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Re: Wanted: an internet free minimal Debian install

2013-03-10 Thread Bob Proulx
Kelly Clowers wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  Tom H poked me that the netinst image can be used without a network.
  It is 168M and much smaller than the full CD#1.  I just did an install
  test using it in Expert mode and was able to verify that it is indeed
  possible to use the smaller netinst image on a system without a
  network.  Using Expert mode and manual selections it was possible to
  install and avoid seeing any errors.
 That is  how I always install, I never install more packages than what
 is on the netinst cd till after a reboot I guess I figured everyone knew.

I think that ex-pats coming from other distros don't realize this
because most other distros, I'm looking at you RH, don't really give
the option to only install a subset.  The installer there is really
designed to give you very large chunks.  GNOME, KDE, Software
Development, large chunks like those are selectable or not in the
installer.  Sure you can unselect any of those but the resulting
system is still quite large.  If people are used to that then they
never think that other systems might be different.

But until I tested it I had always thought that the netinst image
_required_ a network in order to set up the sources.list mirrors.  The
normal netinst install path does complain about not having it if there
is no network available.  But those complaints can be either ignored
or the expert path walked through to avoid it.

I think most of us using the netinst image would go ahead and set up
the network sources.list with basic values if nothing else and then
never see any errors from the installer.  Boot to the newly installed
360M system and then adjust sources.list as we desired.


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Re: Refining the question - was [Re: Wanted: an internet free minimal Debian install]

2013-03-10 Thread Richard Owlett

Rob Owens wrote:

On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 09:04:12AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

The next next issue is CPU and memory. My home machines are GHz dual
core with GBytes of ram etc. However there are donated machines at
church that I wish to migrate from OSes as old as Win95. I know I'll
have to deal with 486 machines. There may be some 386 machines
(dealing with those on a case by case basis would be feasible).

You might want to look into LTSP.

This is a mailing list for Lutherans?  ?? ??? [take a look 
at 2nd hit for ;]
For those as acronym challenged as myself, he is likely 
referring to Linux Terminal Server Project q.v.
I can see that being of use in another project I have in 
mind. Totally irrelevant for current problem set.

You configure a server (could be a
5-year-old desktop machine) and diskless thin clients (could be
something as old as a 486) boot from that server.  Networking is
required, but internet is not.

Ohhh, twas life so simple.
To quote myself The strongest physically imposed constraint 
- no networking capability for target machine. ;/

 (Internet access may be required
during initial configuration for the server).  The thin clients (old
computers) run an X server and not much else.  They display applications
that are being processed on the server.

I've used it for years and it works pretty well for everything except
watching videos, which tends to saturate the network.

Some the replies have prompted me to reinvestigate starting from the
netinst. It may be much more feasible than I though when it was
first suggested months ago. I've since done 15-20 installs on my
for experimentation only machine. I purposely do some things the
hard way as my intention is to learn the guts of Linux.

You can definitely use the netinst cd to get a minimal system.  Just
uncheck all the software groups when it gives you an option to do so.
Typically desktop environment and standard system will be checked
automatically.  You can uncheck both of them.

There is a smaller installation CD called the businesscard CD.  I'm not
sure if it contains everything you need for a minimal system, or if it
requires downloading packages from the internet.

It requires internet connection. See under What is the 
difference between the netinst and the business card 

*HOWEVER*, in stating It does not contain the base system, 
but only the installer: even the base packages need to be 
downloaded from the net it declares feasibility of meeting 
my goal(s) - replace net by ??? .

Back when I was a college freshman we had a saying If all 
else fails THIMK! [P.S. no transcription error there;]


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Re: Refining the question - was [Re: Wanted: an internet free minimal Debian install]

2013-03-10 Thread Brian
On Sun 10 Mar 2013 at 10:24:30 -0400, Rob Owens wrote:

 There is a smaller installation CD called the businesscard CD.  I'm not
 sure if it contains everything you need for a minimal system, or if it
 requires downloading packages from the internet.

It contains only the installer components. Everything else is dowloaded
from the internet. But don't go looking for an image of it post-Squeeze
as it is no longer produced or offered as an option.

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Re: cannot uninstall linux-image-2.6.32-5-686

2013-03-10 Thread Bob Proulx
David Zelinsky wrote:
 I just did an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' from the lasted squeeze update, and
 failed to notice it had decided to install a stock kernel image:
 linux-image-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-48squeeze1.  I did not want this, since
 I'm using a custom kernel, and I'm not sure the stock kernel will even

I imagine you had one of these installed:


Those are meta packages that will rotate forward and depend upon the
current package such as linux-image-2.6.32-5-686_2.6.32-48squeeze1.
That is how the rest of us have automated system upgrades.

 Worse, the linux-image package did not install properly, with
 some part of the post-install script returning errors (zz-update-grub).
 The rest of the dist-upgrade appeared to succeed, but the
 linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 package is in a half-installed state.

The zz-update-grub script is part of the grub-pc package.

  $ dlocate /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub
  grub-pc: /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub

I don't know if you are using grub for booting but IIRC those files
are only needed to set up and install grub.  IIRC removing those will
not uninstall grub.  Meaning that you can purge the grub packages that
are causing you problem and that should allow you to to purge the
linux-image packages that you don't want.  Then afterward you can
re-install anything that you may have temporarly uninstalled.

 I tried removing the offending package (apt-get remove) but got the
 same error from the post-remove script.

Using apt-get remove will call dpkg --remove.  And dpkg --purge would
be just the same for running the prerm scripts.  You will need to
avoid the errors from the prerm family of scripts in order to be able
to cleanly remove these.

Normally package scripts are plainly available at in the
/var/lib/dpkg/info/$PACKAGE.* location.  If it is shell script we can
just hack edit the prerm and put in an 'exit 0' to avoid the error and
then remove it.  But in this case the script is a perl script.  (Still
could hack it.  It is going away.)  You can browse the script this way:

  less /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.prerm

That script is going away when you remove the package.  So hacking it
to avoid the error seems like the best solution.  It is simply calling
all of the script parts at /etc/kernel/prerm.d/* and it is the
/etc/kernel/prerm.d/zz-update-grub script that is giving you problem.

 How can I fix this?  I want the linux-image package to go away, and also
 to make sure 'apt-get dist-upgrade' will not try to install it in the

I would hack the /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.prerm
perl script with exit(0); at the top right after the #!/usr/bin/perl
line.  Or I would remove grub-pc to remove the zz-update-grub script.
Probably hacking the first is most direct.  It all depends.

Then to make sure it doesn't come back make sure you do not have any
of these installed:


And for amd64 architecture users (making this posting useful for other
architectures too) it would be:


But of course your apt-get remove is going to remove it for you.  You
can see that in this output that you showed:

 The following packages will be REMOVED:
   linux-image-2.6-686 linux-image-2.6.32-5-686

So with that you will have what you want already.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Refining the question - was [Re: Wanted: an internet free minimal Debian install]

2013-03-10 Thread Richard Owlett

Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Sunday 10 March 2013 14:04:12 Richard Owlett wrote:

How to define minimal install?   ;/


Richard - had you thought of the Debian Business Card installer?

But see my reply to Mr. Owens. I saw his note moments before 
yours ;)

Even smaller
and nearer to minimal than the netinstall CD.  And there is a nice howto:

A trifle long in the tooth, but the basic principles haven't changed.

Though too young to recall taming of fire and invention of 
wheel, I don't consider old bad grin.
I'll test with Squeeze. It just might be foundation I'm 
looking for.


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Re: A question about how to ask a question

2013-03-10 Thread Olivier Cailloux

Hello Zenaan,

Thanks for your detailed answer. On a general note, I tried to include 
details that I thought are at least a bit relevant (thus exclude details 
that I thought are not), in order not to make my post overly long. But 
that also requires some expertise I may lack...

Le 10/03/2013 03:21, Zenaan Harkness a écrit :

On 3/10/13, Olivier  wrote:

My question is about... how to best ask a question! That is because I


Original question:
Hi list,

My graphic card is connected through HDMI to my screen. I get no sound,

* You have not said where your speakers are. There is an implication
that the speakers are in your monitor, but this is not clear.
Yes indeed, my speakers are in my monitor, but I did not mention that 
because I had absolutely no idea that it could possibly matter. Does it?

* I reader, cannot be sure if your problem is simply a sound problem,
or a sound-through-hdmi problem.

I mentioned that sound through the other sound card works.

  I don't have a hdmi connection I
could even test (I use a laptop with a displayport and vga port). So
(artificial example only) I don't want to step in ... I could well
make a useless suggestion or get caught by your lack of
clarity/assumption, or you could be more technically competant, and
since you're talking hdmi, you already know more than I do... example

* Short version: you did not specify whether you are trying to get
sound to go through your HDMI cable. (I just have a line out on my
laptop which I use, for example.)
I thought that was clear, so thanks for mentioning that, I will try to 
make it clearer next time.

and no error messages:

* Here, you do not say where you looked for error messages. Did you
check syslog, did you check the docs for the sound player you are
using to find out if it logs errors to some file somewhere?

* You see, when you say [I got] no error messages it's still
anybody's guess as how competant you are, or if you have truly made an
effort yourself, or not.
Okay, I could have made it more explicit. I meant that when I try 
aplay command line utility, it does not give an error message on the 
line. I assume that it would say so (on sysout or syserr, thus visible 
in the terminal) if it detected an error, as it seems to be designed for 
testing, and since the troubleshooting guide does not mention to look 
for anywhere else for error messages. But I may be wrong.

sounds seem to play correctly, according to
software, but I hear none.

* Did you check your cable is plugged in? You did not say whether you
checked basic things.
I said the sound works on the same computer, with a different OS. It is 
implicit that I do not change the cable configuration between two tests, 
it seems to me. I thought it would be sufficient to exclude a hardware 
problem such as an incorrect cable connection.

As if something was muted, though I checked
alsamixer ten times and activated everything I could.

* You are expressing frustration here. Many people do this (see my
most recent email an hour or so ago for an example), but it's not
useful. I checked ten times could easily be an exaggeration -
implying you might be an emotional hot potato.

True. I’ll remove that.

I use a debian wheezy up to date. On the same computer, but a different
OS (Ubuntu 10.04), sound works.

* This ought to be useful information - but mostly for you to test.

I do not understand the mostly for you to test part.

You haven't said if you used a dual-boot or a live-cd of Ubuntu.

Does that matter? (It is a dual-boot in fact.)

  I am
not technical enough to tell you what files to compare. But I've heard
of asound.rc or maybe it is asoundrc (don't remember sorry), so
you could hunt google for that, and Ubuntu/Debian, and compare the
files between the two OSs. But you have NOT taken advantage of this to
do more research yourself yet.
Well, I did. I have not mentionned it (but maybe I should have) because 
I did not want to make my post even longer and because it should work 
without these files. I checked for existence of any *asound* files in 
my Ubuntu install: there is no. In debian, none either. So I thought 
that’s not somewhere to search further.

The troubleshooting guide for alsa mentions that these files should not 
be used in a working install (see Warning here: If your system won't work without 
[these files], and you are running the most current version of ALSA, you 
probably should file a bug report.

* When you have an apparent known pathway for helping yourself, and
you have not taken it, that should be taken by you first.

* If you do not know what to look for, and are unwilling to google it,
you could ask the question, eg Can someone please advise which files
I can compare, between the Ubuntu and Debian, so I can find out why my
Debian sound does not work?
Well, the Ubuntu install is much older than Debian, thus there is likely 
many differences on the 

Re: Wanted: an internet free minimal Debian install

2013-03-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 3/11/13, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Kelly Clowers wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  Tom H poked me that the netinst image can be used without a network.
  It is 168M and much smaller than the full CD#1.  I just did an install
 That is  how I always install, I never install more packages than what
 is on the netinst cd till after a reboot I guess I figured everyone

 I think that ex-pats coming from other distros don't realize this
 But until I tested it I had always thought that the netinst image
 _required_ a network in order to set up the sources.list mirrors.  The
 normal netinst install path does complain about not having it if there
 is no network available.  But those complaints can be either ignored
 or the expert path walked through to avoid it.

 I think most of us using the netinst image would go ahead and set up
 the network sources.list with basic values if nothing else and then
 never see any errors from the installer.  Boot to the newly installed
 360M system and then adjust sources.list as we desired.

Perhaps there's a marketing opportunity:
Instead of netinst.iso perhaps damn-thats-minimal.iso
And the business card (~80MiB?) firetruckingly-tiny.iso


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Re: Rooting an Android Tablet on Debian

2013-03-10 Thread Carl Fink
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 02:57:18PM -0400, Charles Kroeger wrote:
 I got a Kobo Arc that runs Android 4.0.4 and would like to become su for this
 device. There are paid services but I don't like the sound of them and they're
 expensive. Since Android is Debian several times removed,  I was wondering if 
 here had a script that might help?

There's no mention of the Kobo at the Debian Mobile wiki page:

However, stuff there might be helpful to you.

 I use Calibre with the Arc for moving books around but Calibre is useless 
 with the
 Adobe DRM menace and most of my books require this.

I don't buy any DRM-encumbered books. This does limit me but I find that
Tor, O'Reilly, Smashwords, Baen, etc. supply enough reading matter.

I plan to install Debian on my Asus Tranformer Pad Prime (TF701) soon, but
not in the next week. I will write up a HOWTO at the same time.
Carl Fink 

Read my blog at  Reviews!  Observations!
Stupid mistakes you can correct!

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Re: Two copies of E-Mail (Re: I wish to advocate linux)

2013-03-10 Thread Brian
On Sun 10 Mar 2013 at 15:00:29 +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 Would it be possible to also pipe outgoing mail through procmail or
 similar, on its way to the MTA/SMTP server?

When I initially looked at this I thought maybe, but it did not seem
particularly friendly to do. More to the point, I wasn't prepared to
change anything in my MTA's configuration to get it working.  After all,
I became interested in this complaint about list mails plus CCs, not
because they are an annoyance to me, but as an intriguing problem.

A solution is possible if thinking is in terms of formail rather than

There is a Debian package of proxsmtp. This program can proxy mail to a
local or remote MTA. More to the point, it can run a script which can
process the mail before passing it on. This one, for example:


   TO=$(formail -zxTo:)

   if [ $TO = something which identifies debian-user ] ; then
 formail -I Message-ID: ${MID}

There we are! A Message-ID generator which can be used with MUAs other
than Mutti to mark list mails. Thank you very much for the nudge.

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Re: Two copies of E-Mail (Re: I wish to advocate linux)

2013-03-10 Thread Brian
On Sun 10 Mar 2013 at 00:37:59 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Zenaan Harkness wrote:
  Cool :)
  Thanks for sharing. Appreciated.
 +1.  I also think that is pretty cool.  Since Message-Id is one of the
 few that would be passed through.  However many clients do not do
 this.  I have many problem friends who reply with bad MTAs that break
 Pretty cool just the same though.

Thank you.

An implementation of the idea is below.

If a CC arrives first, it is stored and its Message-ID recorded. A list
mail which comes in later with the same message-ID is saved and the
previous CC deleted using archmbox.

A list mail arriving first is saved and has its Message-ID recorded. A
later arriving CC is deleted because it has the same Message-Id.

A cron job using archmbox can move mails left in possiblecc to inbox at
a suitable time.

Note that another post

suggests a method for generating a Message-ID for the sent list mail
which does not depend on the use of Mutt.

LOG=--- Logging for ${LOGNAME}, 



# msgid.cache has all its data on one line. This does not suit the egrep
# line below.
MIDCACHE=`strings ${TESTDIR}/msgid.cache`

# Get the Message-ID of the mail. Remove leading whitespace.
# MID=`formail -zxMessage-ID` is thought to be less efficient than the
# following:
* ^Message-ID: \/.*

# Recipe 1.
# These are list mails which are not a response to one of my posts. Grab
# them immediately.
* ^List-Id:.*
* !^In-Reply-To:.*

# Recipe 2.
# A list mail which responds to a post of mine. Check if a Cc has aleady
# arrived and delete it if it has. Debian has an archmbox package.
:0Whc ${TESTDIR}/.archmbox.lock:
* ^List-Id:.*
* ^In-Reply-To:.*
* ? echo ${MID} | egrep ${MIDCACHE}
| $ARCHMBOX -k -o -1 -x Message-ID=${MID}

# Recipe 3.
# Record Message-IDs of list mails which are in response to my posts. It
# shouldn't matter if a Cc is aleady deleted.
:0Whc: ${TESTDIR}/.msgid.cache.lock
* ^List-Id:.*
* ^In-Reply-To:.*
| $FORMAIL -D 8192 ${TESTDIR}/msgid.cache

# Recipe 4.
# We want all list mail.
* ^List-Id:.*
* ^In-Reply-To:.*

# Recipe 5.
# Check Message-ID of a Cc.
:0Whc: ${TESTDIR}/.msgid.cache.lock
* !^List-Id:.*
* ^In-Reply-To:.*
| $FORMAIL -D 8192 ${TESTDIR}/msgid.cache

# Recipe 6.
# Cc has arrived after the list mail (unlikely). It is deleted.
:0 a:

# Recipe 7.
# A possible Cc has arrived before the list mail (most likely). It is
# put somewhere safe and only deleted if Recipe 2 sees it exists.

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display issues

2013-03-10 Thread Michael
Debian 6.0.7
LG Flatron monitor model W2253VP

My display is skewed to the right about 1/4 inch.  While in a terminal 
window, I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it comes back to the 
prompt after about two seconds.

I rebooted and logged into root terminal and the same results occur.  I 
tried running Xorg configure and I get the following message:

Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices.

I have only one monitor hooked up.  The monitor works fine in Mint 12.  

Also, there isn't an xorg.conf file under /etc/X11.  I copied the xorg.conf 
file from the Mint partition but all I got was a blank screen so I deleted 
the file.


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Re: A question about how to ask a question

2013-03-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Hi Olivier, I prefer the other guy's answer put it down to bad luck
[that you did not get answer so quickly].

On 3/11/13, Olivier Cailloux wrote:
 Le 10/03/2013 03:21, Zenaan Harkness a écrit :
 My graphic card is connected through HDMI to my screen. I get no sound,
 Yes indeed, my speakers are in my monitor, but I did not mention that
 because I had absolutely no idea that it could possibly matter. Does it?

There _were_ points of lack of clarity, which led to the possibility
(not fact) that you had overlooked something really simple. I am not
familiar with pci graphics cards, but I could imagine a separate
connection for speakers and that you had tested your successful Ubuntu
a long time ago. These things were not clear.

Anyway, sorry I can't help so much on the technical side of this question.

 * I reader, cannot be sure if your problem is simply a sound problem,
 or a sound-through-hdmi problem.
 I mentioned that sound through the other sound card works.

I did not know hdmi is what is coming out of a sound card?


Again, I am simply highlighting, because you asked re asking questions.
So: there is sometimes assumption that when you make an ambiguous or
unclear statement, you might be overlooking something simple. Or you
might be emotional hot potato. Or ...

 and no error messages:
 * Here, you do not say where you looked for error messages. Did you
 check syslog, did you check the docs for the sound player you are
 using to find out if it logs errors to some file somewhere?

 * You see, when you say [I got] no error messages it's still
 anybody's guess as how competant you are, or if you have truly made an
 effort yourself, or not.
 Okay, I could have made it more explicit. I meant that when I try
 aplay command line utility, it does not give an error message on the
 line. I assume that it would say so (on sysout or syserr, thus visible
 in the terminal) if it detected an error, as it seems to be designed for
 testing, and since the troubleshooting guide does not mention to look
 for anywhere else for error messages. But I may be wrong.

Next is may be a search for kernel modules for hdmi sound? I don't
know where to start next on this other than man lsmod and google.
You could compare module list between the ubuntu and the debian

 I said the sound works on the same computer, with a different OS. It is
 implicit that I do not change the cable configuration between two tests,
 it seems to me. I thought it would be sufficient to exclude a hardware
 problem such as an incorrect cable connection.

From your point of view ok.

There are many people who have made simple errors. And, we don't know
if you tested Ubuntu 2 years ago, or yesterday. So how can we know
your fair assumption?

Since you asked re how to ask ...

 You haven't said if you used a dual-boot or a live-cd of Ubuntu.
 Does that matter? (It is a dual-boot in fact.)

Probably would not matter if you had said I tested Ubuntu 10.04
yesterday to make sure it is still working. It does with the following
command: ...

But there were various/too many assumptions that you were asking the
reader of your question to make. This leads to assumptions in the
readers mind which may be NOT in your favour..

This is my main point, regarding asking questions.

 without these files. I checked for existence of any *asound* files in
 my Ubuntu install: there is no. In debian, none either. So I thought
 that’s not somewhere to search further.

Good thought. Now we know you tested that.

 The troubleshooting guide for alsa mentions that these files should not
 be used in a working install (see Warning here: If your system won't work without
 [these files], and you are running the most current version of ALSA, you
 probably should file a bug report.

Now I know that asoundrc should not be used on modern kernels.

Perhaps you should file an alsa bug report?

Just a thought :)

Of course, if that quote had said ... you should probably contact the
alsa-user mailing list then I would have had the thought that doing
so might be a good idea too :)

 * If you do not know what to look for, and are unwilling to google it,
 you could ask the question, eg Can someone please advise which files
 I can compare, between the Ubuntu and Debian, so I can find out why my
 Debian sound does not work?
 Well, the Ubuntu install is much older than Debian, thus there is likely
 many differences on the file level (the driver is older, alsa version is

I agree. Also in light of above information (asoundrc is no longer
expected to be used) - you have tought me something already.

 Or course, if one place no upper bound on the time one is ready to

Of course not assumed you will do :)

 directions. It’s just that there’s a middle ground to be found...

Definitely. This is why we are discussing how to ask good
answer-friendly questions :)

 However, the pathway you are talking about I do not see. My ubuntu

Re: Two copies of E-Mail (Re: I wish to advocate linux)

2013-03-10 Thread David Guntner
Brian grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
 On Sun 10 Mar 2013 at 15:00:29 +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Would it be possible to also pipe outgoing mail through procmail or
 similar, on its way to the MTA/SMTP server?
 When I initially looked at this I thought maybe, but it did not seem
 particularly friendly to do. More to the point, I wasn't prepared to
 change anything in my MTA's configuration to get it working.  After all,
 I became interested in this complaint about list mails plus CCs, not
 because they are an annoyance to me, but as an intriguing problem.
 A solution is possible if thinking is in terms of formail rather than
 There is a Debian package of proxsmtp. This program can proxy mail to a
 local or remote MTA. More to the point, it can run a script which can
 process the mail before passing it on. This one, for example:
TO=$(formail -zxTo:)
if [ $TO = something which identifies debian-user ] ; then
  formail -I Message-ID: ${MID}
 There we are! A Message-ID generator which can be used with MUAs other
 than Mutti to mark list mails. Thank you very much for the nudge.

Question:  Doesn't doing that mess things up for others, should you
reply to said message?  The In-Reply-To: field when you send your reply
is going to now reference the new Message-ID you just put in, and for
those who use readers with threading, won't that break the thread (since
they won't have any messages which are using your new locally-stored


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: display issues

2013-03-10 Thread Wayne Topa

On 03/10/2013 07:23 PM, Michael wrote:

Debian 6.0.7
LG Flatron monitor model W2253VP

My display is skewed to the right about 1/4 inch.  While in a terminal
window, I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it comes back to the
prompt after about two seconds.

I rebooted and logged into root terminal and the same results occur.  I
tried running Xorg configure and I get the following message:

Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices.

That's a new one to me.???

I have only one monitor hooked up.  The monitor works fine in Mint 12.

Mint is not debian.

Also, there isn't an xorg.conf file under /etc/X11.  I copied the xorg.conf
file from the Mint partition but all I got was a blank screen so I deleted
the file.

Again, Mint is not Debian

It would be helpful if we knew what the errors (EE) were in the
/var/log/Xorg0.log file

Haven't used it in years but the xvidtune program might be of help to 
you for centering the screen.  It is in the x11-server-utils package

The more info you provide the better.


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Re: cannot uninstall linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 (SOLVED)

2013-03-10 Thread David Zelinsky
Hugo Vanwoerkom writes:

 David Zelinsky wrote:
 ... Worse, the linux-image package did not install properly, with
 some part of the post-install script returning errors (zz-update-grub).
 The rest of the dist-upgrade appeared to succeed, but the
 linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 package is in a half-installed state.

 I tried removing the offending package (apt-get remove) but got the
 same error from the post-remove script.

 what happens if you 'dpkg -P linux-image-2.6.32-5-686'

Same as running 'apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.32-5-686'.  The problem
was in the postrm script, which as Bob Proulx points out, gets run
by 'dpkg --remove', which is called by either of the above.

Bob Proulx writes:

 ... You can browse the script this way:

   less /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.prerm

 That script is going away when you remove the package.  So hacking it
 to avoid the error seems like the best solution.  It is simply calling
 all of the script parts at /etc/kernel/prerm.d/* and it is the
 /etc/kernel/prerm.d/zz-update-grub script that is giving you problem.
 I would hack the /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-5-686.prerm
 perl script with exit(0); at the top right after the #!/usr/bin/perl
 line.  Or I would remove grub-pc to remove the zz-update-grub script.
 Probably hacking the first is most direct.  It all depends.

It was the '.postrm' script, not '.prerm'.  That script does not go away
with 'apt-get remove', but it does with 'apt-get purge' (or 'dpkg -P').

In any case, I took Bob's suggestion to hobble the script with an exit
statement near the beginning, and that did the trick!  I was able to
purge the package, and apt-get now reports the system up to date.

I also checked that no linux-image package is installed, so presumably
this won't happen again.  But next time I'll also scrutinize the
proposed actions more closely to be sure.

Thanks for all suggestions.


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Re: display issues

2013-03-10 Thread Harvey Kelly
Hi Michael,

 On 03/10/2013 07:23 PM, Michael wrote:
 My display is skewed to the right about 1/4 inch.  While in a terminal
 window, I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it comes back to the
 prompt after about two seconds.

On 11 March 2013 00:02, Wayne Topa wrote:
 It would be helpful if we knew what the errors (EE) were in the
 /var/log/Xorg0.log file
 Haven't used it in years but the xvidtune program might be of help to you
 for centering the screen.  It is in the x11-server-utils package

I had a similar thing about 11 (yes eleven!) years ago when I
installed Potato. As Wayne points out, it was cured by running



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grey screen in googleearth

2013-03-10 Thread sp113438

I ran 'make-googleearth-package' and installed google-earth.
Result: grey screen in the Google-earth window instead of the globe, map. 

My system: 
nvidia-driver ''
kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64

Google Earth about shows:

Google Earth
Build Date
Build Time
5:16:07 pm
Operating System
Linux (
Video Driver
NVIDIA Corporation
Max Texture Size

Any ideas?

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Re: grey screen in googleearth

2013-03-10 Thread Patrick Wiseman
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 10:29 PM, sp113438 wrote:

 I ran 'make-googleearth-package' and installed google-earth.
 Result: grey screen in the Google-earth window instead of the globe, map.

 My system:
 nvidia-driver ''
 kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64

 Google Earth about shows:

 Google Earth
 Build Date
 Build Time
 5:16:07 pm
 Operating System
 Linux (
 Video Driver
 NVIDIA Corporation
 Max Texture Size

 Any ideas?

If I recall correctly (from when I had an nvidia laptop) you might try
installing the nvidia-glx-ia32 package.


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Re: Two copies of E-Mail (Re: I wish to advocate linux)

2013-03-10 Thread Bob Proulx
David Guntner wrote:
 Brian grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
   Would it be possible to also pipe outgoing mail through procmail or
   similar, on its way to the MTA/SMTP server?
  There is a Debian package of proxsmtp. This program can proxy mail to a
  local or remote MTA. More to the point, it can run a script which can
  process the mail before passing it on. This one, for example:
 TO=$(formail -zxTo:)
 if [ $TO = something which identifies debian-user ] ; then
   formail -I Message-ID: ${MID}
  There we are! A Message-ID generator which can be used with MUAs other
  than Mutti to mark list mails. Thank you very much for the nudge.
 Question:  Doesn't doing that mess things up for others, should you
 reply to said message?  The In-Reply-To: field when you send your reply
 is going to now reference the new Message-ID you just put in, and for
 those who use readers with threading, won't that break the thread (since
 they won't have any messages which are using your new locally-stored

This sets a specific Message-Id on outgoing mails only.  This isn't
changing any message that has been replied to.  These are *new*
messages which will be seen for the first time.  This is the same as
any new message posted to the mailing list.  Just setting the
message-id to that pattern conditionally.  It either gets the
NoCcsPlease (or similar) string or it gets the string that the MTA
assigns to it normally.  Either way it is a new message and a new
message id will be assigned to it.


Description: Digital signature

Re: A question about how to ask a question

2013-03-10 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 01:21:23PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Freedom does not mean free of effort.

I like it! :)

Although in this case the OP is not sure what to look for and seems to
have made quite a bit of effort IMHO.

Not knowing Ubuntu myself, and not using HDMI either I can't offer any
help. Although, if it works on Ubuntu but not Debian then I'd safely
assume the hardware is Ok, but I'd still compare drivers.

Google about sound not working, (this list is a good start) and see what
files they suggest to check. Then start comparing.

The OP is in an excellent position of having a working setup to compare
with. Although, do be aware that Ubuntu is not Debian.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Two copies of E-Mail (Re: I wish to advocate linux)

2013-03-10 Thread David Guntner
Bob Proulx grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
 David Guntner wrote:
 Brian grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
 Would it be possible to also pipe outgoing mail through procmail or
 similar, on its way to the MTA/SMTP server?
 There is a Debian package of proxsmtp. This program can proxy mail to a
 local or remote MTA. More to the point, it can run a script which can
 process the mail before passing it on. This one, for example:
TO=$(formail -zxTo:)

if [ $TO = something which identifies debian-user ] ; then
  formail -I Message-ID: ${MID}

 There we are! A Message-ID generator which can be used with MUAs other
 than Mutti to mark list mails. Thank you very much for the nudge.

 Question:  Doesn't doing that mess things up for others, should you
 reply to said message?  The In-Reply-To: field when you send your reply
 is going to now reference the new Message-ID you just put in, and for
 those who use readers with threading, won't that break the thread (since
 they won't have any messages which are using your new locally-stored
 This sets a specific Message-Id on outgoing mails only.  This isn't
 changing any message that has been replied to.  These are *new*
 messages which will be seen for the first time.  This is the same as
 any new message posted to the mailing list.  Just setting the
 message-id to that pattern conditionally.  It either gets the
 NoCcsPlease (or similar) string or it gets the string that the MTA
 assigns to it normally.  Either way it is a new message and a new
 message id will be assigned to it.

Ok, thanks.  It was just that it looked like a recipe for a message
that's coming *in* to your mailbox and having the ID changed.  Thanks
for the clarification.


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