Re: sane et pilotes 32 bits

2014-04-15 Thread Haricophile
Le lundi 14 avril 2014 à 01:17 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit : 
 Depuis ma migration en 64 bits j'ai perdu l'usage de mon scanner Epson
 Perfection 3170 Photo.
 En 32 bits il fonctionnait avec le pilotes Epson
 iscan-plugin-gt-9400_1.0.0-2_i386.deb mais celui n'existe qu'en 32 bits.
 J'ai essayé en l'installant quand même mais ça ne fonctionne pas.
 Savez-vous s'il existe une solution ?

C'est curieux ta version. Sur le site d'Epson, j'ai :

Pas de deb au passage, et pas de version 64 bits comme pour mon
V200-photo. Ce qui est certain c'est qu'il faut bien prendre la version
pour gcc 3.4 et supérieur.

La dernière remarque c'est que le support long terme et les asiatiques,
ça fait 2.

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KMail et messagerie électronique locale déficiente

2014-04-15 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Pour la première fois que je utilise notre distribution (sur mon ordinateur 
fixe Sirius), je compte mettre en place un système de messagerie électronique 
interne (voir note a).

Note a : il s'agit de permettre aux différents utilisateurs (qui ont un compte 
sur Sirius) de se communiquer entre eux par l'intermédiaire du courriel (et 
grâce au client KDE KMail).

Lors de l'installation de Wheezy GNU/Linux (version 7.4 et architecture amd64) 
au 1er mars dernier, j'ai, entre autres, :
 - donné comme nom de machine 'sirius' et nom de domaine 'milky-way',
 - choisi, comme environnement de bureau, KDE version 4.8.4 et
 - sélectionné, parmi les tâches, celle s'intitulant Serveur de courrier 
(avec Exim).

Notons que :
 - j'utilise uniquement les paquets proposés par Wheezy (et qui sont 
constamment mis à jour).
 - le lien symbolique /usr/sbin/sendmail pointe bien vers le fichier 
 - je n'ai pas touché à la configuration d'Exim (donc, pas de 
pour les paquets 'exim4' et 'exim4-*') et
 - le paquet 'procmail' est installé,

Aux cours du fonctionnement de mon système GNU/Linux, Exim semble avoir bien 
démarré si j'en crois au résultat de la commande service exim4 status (sous 
root) :
[ ok ] checking separate queue runner daemon...done (not running).
 [ ok ] checking combined SMTP listener and queue runner daemon...done  

Par la suite, j'ai créé (avec 'adduser' et pour l'instant) 2 comptes 
utilisateurs 'guest' et 'stephane'.

Pour l'utilisateur guest, après avoir lancé sa session KDE et démarré 
l'application KMail), j'ai créé 2 identités 'guest@sirius' et 
'guest@sirius.milky-way'. J'ai constaté que les comptes de réception Compte 
local (avec Procmail) et d'envoi Sendmail ont été déjà mis en place.

J'ai fait de la même manière pour l'utilisateur stephane (et avec 
'stephane@sirius' et 'stephane@sirius.milky-way').

Après avoir configuré KMail et toujours pour chacun des 2 utilisateurs 
précités, j'ai envoyé des courriels à l'autre pour vérifier si la communication 
se passe bien entre les deux.

Donc l'utilisateur guest à envoyé 4 courriels (pour utiliser toutes les 
combinaisons possibles) dont :
 - un à stephane@sirius de la part de guest@sirius
 - un à stephane@sirius.milky-way de la part de guest@sirius
 - un à stephane@sirius de la part de guest@sirius.milky-way
 - un à stephane@sirius.milky-way de la part de guest@sirius.milky-way

Et il en est de même pour l'utilisateur stephane.

Seulement, à mon grand dépit, aucun des 2 utilisateurs n'a reçu le moindre 
courriel de la part de l'autre. :-(

En faisant des recherche sur mon système GNU/Linux, je constate que :
 - Les fichiers guest et stephane sont bien présents dans le répertoire 
/var/mail et
 - Les fichiers journaux /var/log/mail.* ne donnent rien de particulier.

J'ai essayé de faire de recherche sur Internet (soit sur le site Internet de 
Debian ou soit à l'aide de Google) mais je n'ai rien trouvé de probant. Mais 
bon, il est possible que je suis passé à coté ou que que je suis pris comme un 
pied... :-)

Aussi, si vous avez une solution, un conseil ou une piste à me proposer, je 
vous remercie d'avance.

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: KMail et messagerie électronique locale déficiente

2014-04-15 Thread didier gaumet
faire un
 dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
devrait résoudre ton problème

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Re: KMail et messagerie électronique locale déficiente

2014-04-15 Thread stephane . gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

En complément de mon précédent courriel, j'ajoute que trois choses suivantes.

 - Le fichier '/etc/hosts' contient les données suivantes :

 - Les fichiers journaux mainlog (dans le répertoire /var/log/exim4) 
contiennent les informations suivantes (voir notes a et c) :
2014-04-14 16:44:32 1WZjzk-0001K8-U2 = stephane@sirius U=stephane P=local 
S=550 id=201404141644.32845.stephane@sirius
 2014-04-14 16:44:33 1WZjzk-0001K8-U2 ** guest@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing to 
remote domains not supported
 2014-04-14 16:44:33 1WZjzl-0001KC-4Y =  R=1WZjzk-0001K8-U2 U=Debian-exim 
P=local S=1359
 2014-04-14 16:44:33 1WZjzk-0001K8-U2 Completed
 2014-04-14 16:44:33 1WZjzl-0001KC-4Y ** stephane@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing 
to remote domains not supported
 2014-04-14 16:44:33 1WZjzl-0001KC-4Y Frozen (delivery error message)
 2014-04-14 16:46:27 1WZk1b-0001KS-O6 = stephane@sirius U=stephane P=local 
S=592 id=201404141646.27654.stephane@sirius
 2014-04-14 16:46:27 1WZk1b-0001KS-O6 = guest guest@sirius.milky-way 
R=local_user T=mail_spool
 2014-04-14 16:46:27 1WZk1b-0001KS-O6 Completed
 2014-04-14 16:47:54 1WZk30-0001Kh-Qc = stephane@sirius.milky-way U=stephane 
P=local S=610 id=201404141647.54735.stephane@sirius.milky-way
 2014-04-14 16:47:54 1WZk30-0001Kh-Qc ** guest@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing to 
remote domains not supported
 2014-04-14 16:47:55 1WZk31-0001Kl-0r =  R=1WZk30-0001Kh-Qc U=Debian-exim 
P=local S=1449
 2014-04-14 16:47:55 1WZk30-0001Kh-Qc Completed
 2014-04-14 16:47:55 1WZk31-0001Kl-0r = stephane stephane@sirius.milky-way 
R=local_user T=mail_spool
 2014-04-14 16:47:55 1WZk31-0001Kl-0r Completed
 2014-04-14 16:49:14 1WZk4I-0001L0-J9 = stephane@sirius.milky-way U=stephane 
P=local S=640 id=201404141649.14501.stephane@sirius.milky-way
 2014-04-14 16:49:14 1WZk4I-0001L0-J9 = guest guest@sirius.milky-way 
R=local_user T=mail_spool
 2014-04-14 16:49:14 1WZk4I-0001L0-J9 Completed

 -  ainsi que (voir note b et c)
2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001S8-3r = guest@sirius U=guest P=local S=465 
 2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001S8-3r ** stephane@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing 
to remote domains not supported
 2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001SC-9O =  R=1WZko6-0001S8-3r U=Debian-exim 
P=local S=1271
 2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001S8-3r Completed
 2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001SC-9O ** guest@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing to 
remote domains not supported
 2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001SC-9O Frozen (delivery error message)
 2014-04-14 17:38:43 1WZkqB-0001SO-5k = guest@sirius U=guest P=local S=515 
 2014-04-14 17:38:43 1WZkqB-0001SO-5k = stephane stephane@sirius.milky-way 
R=local_user T=mail_spool
 2014-04-14 17:38:43 1WZkqB-0001SO-5k Completed
 2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Sq-2I = guest@sirius.milky-way U=guest 
P=local S=525 id=201404141740.47985.guest@sirius.milky-way
 2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Sq-2I ** stephane@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing 
to remote domains not supported
 2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Su-8E =  R=1WZksC-0001Sq-2I U=Debian-exim 
P=local S=1361
 2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Sq-2I Completed
 2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Su-8E = guest guest@sirius.milky-way 
R=local_user T=mail_spool
 2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Su-8E Completed
 2014-04-14 17:42:48 1WZku8-0001T7-UR = guest@sirius.milky-way U=guest 
P=local S=555 id=201404141742.48857.guest@sirius.milky-way
 2014-04-14 17:42:49 1WZku8-0001T7-UR = stephane stephane@sirius.milky-way 
R=local_user T=mail_spool
 2014-04-14 17:42:49 1WZku8-0001T7-UR Completed

Note a : c'est effectivement entre 16:44 et 16:49 (du 14/04/14) que 
l'utilisateur stephane a envoyé ses courriels à l'utilisateur guest.

Note b : et c'est, ensuite, entre 17:36 et 17:42 (du 14/04/14) que guest a 
envoyé ses courriels à stephane.

Note c : En consultant ces journaux, j'ai remarqué régulièrement des Mailing 
to remote domains not supported, autrement dit Envoi à des domaines distants 
non supporté. Plutôt perturbant vu que les envois (et les réceptions) se font 
uniquement en local... :-/

A Didier Gaumet : merci pour ta réponse et en attendant que je reconfigure le 
paquet que tu as cité, je donne le résultat de la commande debconf-show 
exim4-config (sous root) :
  exim4/dc_other_hostnames: sirius.milky-way
   exim4/dc_eximconfig_configtype: local delivery only; not on a network
   exim4/no_config: true
   exim4/mailname: sirius.milky-way
   exim4/use_split_config: false
   exim4/dc_localdelivery: mbox format in /var/mail/
   exim4/dc_local_interfaces: ; ::1
   exim4/dc_minimaldns: false

La configuration actuelle est-elle insuffisante ?

En particulier, dois-je ajouter l'adresse IP '' à 

Re: KMail et messagerie électronique locale déficiente

2014-04-15 Thread nb

Je pense qu'il faut au moins:
dc_other_hostnames='sirius.milky-way : sirius' dans 

peut-être aussi localhost (séparateur ':')

Pour vérifier si les mails ont été reçus, il faut regarder dans 
/var/mail/utilisateur (guest ou stephane)

De plus, pour t'affranchir des pbs liés au client mail, fais des tests avec 


Le Mardi 15 Avril 2014 19:20 CEST, a écrit:

 Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

 En complément de mon précédent courriel, j'ajoute que trois choses suivantes.

  - Le fichier '/etc/hosts' contient les données suivantes :

  - Les fichiers journaux mainlog (dans le répertoire /var/log/exim4)
 contiennent les informations suivantes (voir notes a et c) :
 2014-04-14 16:44:32 1WZjzk-0001K8-U2 = stephane@sirius U=stephane P=local
 S=550 id=201404141644.32845.stephane@sirius
  2014-04-14 16:44:33 1WZjzk-0001K8-U2 ** guest@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing to
 remote domains not supported
  2014-04-14 16:44:33 1WZjzl-0001KC-4Y =  R=1WZjzk-0001K8-U2 U=Debian-exim
 P=local S=1359
  2014-04-14 16:44:33 1WZjzk-0001K8-U2 Completed
  2014-04-14 16:44:33 1WZjzl-0001KC-4Y ** stephane@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing
 to remote domains not supported
  2014-04-14 16:44:33 1WZjzl-0001KC-4Y Frozen (delivery error message)
  2014-04-14 16:46:27 1WZk1b-0001KS-O6 = stephane@sirius U=stephane P=local
 S=592 id=201404141646.27654.stephane@sirius
  2014-04-14 16:46:27 1WZk1b-0001KS-O6 = guest guest@sirius.milky-way
 R=local_user T=mail_spool
  2014-04-14 16:46:27 1WZk1b-0001KS-O6 Completed
  2014-04-14 16:47:54 1WZk30-0001Kh-Qc = stephane@sirius.milky-way U=stephane
 P=local S=610 id=201404141647.54735.stephane@sirius.milky-way
  2014-04-14 16:47:54 1WZk30-0001Kh-Qc ** guest@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing to
 remote domains not supported
  2014-04-14 16:47:55 1WZk31-0001Kl-0r =  R=1WZk30-0001Kh-Qc U=Debian-exim
 P=local S=1449
  2014-04-14 16:47:55 1WZk30-0001Kh-Qc Completed
  2014-04-14 16:47:55 1WZk31-0001Kl-0r = stephane stephane@sirius.milky-way
 R=local_user T=mail_spool
  2014-04-14 16:47:55 1WZk31-0001Kl-0r Completed
  2014-04-14 16:49:14 1WZk4I-0001L0-J9 = stephane@sirius.milky-way U=stephane
 P=local S=640 id=201404141649.14501.stephane@sirius.milky-way
  2014-04-14 16:49:14 1WZk4I-0001L0-J9 = guest guest@sirius.milky-way
 R=local_user T=mail_spool
  2014-04-14 16:49:14 1WZk4I-0001L0-J9 Completed

  -  ainsi que (voir note b et c)
 2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001S8-3r = guest@sirius U=guest P=local S=465
  2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001S8-3r ** stephane@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing
 to remote domains not supported
  2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001SC-9O =  R=1WZko6-0001S8-3r U=Debian-exim
 P=local S=1271
  2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001S8-3r Completed
  2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001SC-9O ** guest@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing to
 remote domains not supported
  2014-04-14 17:36:34 1WZko6-0001SC-9O Frozen (delivery error message)
  2014-04-14 17:38:43 1WZkqB-0001SO-5k = guest@sirius U=guest P=local S=515
  2014-04-14 17:38:43 1WZkqB-0001SO-5k = stephane stephane@sirius.milky-way
 R=local_user T=mail_spool
  2014-04-14 17:38:43 1WZkqB-0001SO-5k Completed
  2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Sq-2I = guest@sirius.milky-way U=guest
 P=local S=525 id=201404141740.47985.guest@sirius.milky-way
  2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Sq-2I ** stephane@sirius R=nonlocal: Mailing
 to remote domains not supported
  2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Su-8E =  R=1WZksC-0001Sq-2I U=Debian-exim
 P=local S=1361
  2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Sq-2I Completed
  2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Su-8E = guest guest@sirius.milky-way
 R=local_user T=mail_spool
  2014-04-14 17:40:48 1WZksC-0001Su-8E Completed
  2014-04-14 17:42:48 1WZku8-0001T7-UR = guest@sirius.milky-way U=guest
 P=local S=555 id=201404141742.48857.guest@sirius.milky-way
  2014-04-14 17:42:49 1WZku8-0001T7-UR = stephane stephane@sirius.milky-way
 R=local_user T=mail_spool
  2014-04-14 17:42:49 1WZku8-0001T7-UR Completed

 Note a : c'est effectivement entre 16:44 et 16:49 (du 14/04/14) que

 l'utilisateur stephane a envoyé ses courriels à l'utilisateur guest.

 Note b : et c'est, ensuite, entre 17:36 et 17:42 (du 14/04/14) que guest a
 envoyé ses courriels à stephane.

 Note c : En consultant ces journaux, j'ai remarqué régulièrement des Mailing
 to remote domains not supported, autrement dit Envoi à des domaines distants
 non supporté. Plutôt perturbant vu que les envois (et les réceptions) se font
 uniquement en local... :-/

 A Didier Gaumet : merci pour ta réponse et en attendant que je reconfigure le
 paquet que tu as cité, je donne le résultat de la commande debconf-show
 exim4-config (sous root) :
   exim4/dc_other_hostnames: sirius.milky-way
exim4/dc_eximconfig_configtype: local delivery only; not on a network
exim4/no_config: true

Re: sane et pilotes 32 bits

2014-04-15 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Tue, 15 Apr 2014 09:50:55 +0200
Haricophile a écrit:

 Le lundi 14 avril 2014 à 01:17 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit : 
  Depuis ma migration en 64 bits j'ai perdu l'usage de mon scanner Epson
  Perfection 3170 Photo.
  En 32 bits il fonctionnait avec le pilotes Epson
  iscan-plugin-gt-9400_1.0.0-2_i386.deb mais celui n'existe qu'en 32 bits.
  J'ai essayé en l'installant quand même mais ça ne fonctionne pas.
  Savez-vous s'il existe une solution ?
 C'est curieux ta version. Sur le site d'Epson, j'ai :

C'est le deb que j'avais généré à partir du rpm de l'époque.


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Re: dérive du menu xfce

2014-04-15 Thread Francois Mescam
On 14/04/2014 21:20, Kohler Gerard wrote:

 je suis sous Debian Jessie,
 j'utilise Xfce comme bureau, mais j'ai de gros problème avec mes menus :

 je n'arrive pas à gérer correctement les menus sauf à aller à la
 mano modifier les fichiers de /usr/share/appliations/

 mais surtout depuis quelques temps lorsque je clique sur le menu
 Terminal Xfce j'ai un terminal Xfce qui s'ouvre avec un terminal
 Gnome, et lorsque je veux en fermer un , les deux se ferment. De plus
 le terminal Gnome est inutilisable car je ne peux rien écrire dessus.
 Ce comportement n'existe pas dans d'autres sessions que la mienne !

Dans ~/.config/autostart il y a les .desktop lancés lors du début de
session et dans .local/applications ceux de la session mis dans le menu
xfce. Peut-être regarder la-dedans.

 Francois Mescam Tel:+33 6 16 05 77 61

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: usuario

2014-04-15 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 14 Apr 2014, Carlos Zuniga wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Santiago Vila wrote:
  On Mon, 14 Apr 2014, Edward Villarroel (EDD) wrote:
  none /home/usuario  tmpfs   uid=1001,gid=1001,mode=755 0   0
  en el fstab
  pero hay tambien tengo una linea que monta en la capeta
  /home/usuario/Nube un HD de red no tendre problemas con eso?
  No deberías tener problema, siempre que /home/usuario esté primero en
  el fstab para que se monte primero.
 Uhmm, no tiene que existir la carpeta /home/usuario/Nube para poder
 montarla? si /home/usuario es un tmpfs entonces Nube no existirá y el
 nfs no se montará.

Tienes toda la razón, al ser un disco RAM este caso es especial y no
es tan sencillo.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: impresión a cups desde windows 7 [(no) solucionado]

2014-04-15 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El vie, 11-04-2014 a las 16:13 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 11 Apr 2014 13:01:00 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
  El vie, 11-04-2014 a las 15:47 +, Camaleón escribió:
   Entonces... tengo mi debian testing, con una impresora brother conectada
   por usb que funciona bien en linux.
   La configuré en cups como compartida y me puse a agregarla en otros linux
   (imprime) windows xp (imprime) y entonces mi jefe -con win7- me preguntó
   como agregarla, le pasé la url http://mi ip:631/printers/impresora y no
  Revisa este enlace:
  Share USB Printer on the network via CUPS and IPP
  es exactamente como lo hice, y salvo windows 7, funciona. 
  Pero empiezo a pensar que debería consultar el soporte de microsoft...
  si anda en xp, anda en linux, y anda en freebsd, el problema no está en
  mi servidor de cups
 Perfecto, pues ahora revisa este otro (huele a samba...).
 Printer on Linux cups server - can't print from Windows 7
 O busca por el error en Google, creo que esa la clave:
 Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for windows-ext (no URI) from
 Por ejemplo:
 Windows 7 client Printer Queue fails when printing to CUPS Server via IPP

hay algún hotfix para win, que no resuelve el problema, al menos no para
mi, así que ni modo, a resignarse instalando y configurando samba :-/


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FW: Manual OpenLDAP

2014-04-15 Thread yacton richol

 Subject: RE: Manual OpenLDAP
 Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 21:01:46 -0400
  Subject: Re: Manual OpenLDAP
  Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 16:44:30 +
  El Mon, 14 Apr 2014 11:58:16 -0400, yacton richol escribió:
  Buenos dias a tod@s, aprovecho para presentarme Soy Yacton Richol de
  Venezuela, nuevo en esta lista.
  Hola y bienvenido.
  Recuerda que hay que desactivar el formato html cuando mandes mensajes a 
  esta lista.
  Queria saber si por casualidad alguno de ustedes tendran algun manual de
  OpenLDAP para la version actual y que quieran compartir. He tratado de
  hacerlo con muchos que encontre por la web pero no he podido ponerlo a
  Además del manual oficial:
  Tienes algo en la wiki de Debian:
  Y otros tantos en Google, como este:
  Si te quedas atorado en algún paso en concreto de la configuración, es 
  mejor que digas en cuál exactamente y qué errores te aparecen.
 Buenas les comento que pude hacerlo gracias a este tutorial que esta muy 
 esta vez no me quede trabado en ningun punto. 
 ahora me quedo la duda si quiero unir un pc con windows 7 como haria?
 Yacton Richol
No se si llego el mensaje anterior.   

Re: FW: Manual OpenLDAP

2014-04-15 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 15 Apr 2014 08:08:57 -0400, yacton richol escribió:


Ojo, que esa no es la dirección de correo de la lista.

Y Yacton, intenta usar un cliente de correo estándar porque el que sea 
que estés usando (¿webmail de Hotmail?) para mandar los mensajes no 
respeta los hilados.

 Buenas les comento que pude hacerlo gracias a este tutorial que esta
 muy bueno
 esta vez no me quede trabado en ningun punto. 

Pues qué bueno, me alegra que ya lo tengas.

 ahora me quedo la duda si quiero unir un pc con windows 7 como haria?

Si te refieres a *unir en red* tendrás que usar samba pero abre mejor un 
hilo nuevo si vas a hablar de otro tema distinto. Si te refieres a otra 
cosa es mejor que nos de más detalles de lo que quieres hacer.
 No se si llego el mensaje anterior. 

No, no llegó porque lo enviaste a una dirección incorrecta.



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Re: impresión a cups desde windows 7 [(no) solucionado]

2014-04-15 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 15 Apr 2014 08:56:22 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:

 El vie, 11-04-2014 a las 16:13 +, Camaleón escribió:


  es exactamente como lo hice, y salvo windows 7, funciona.
  Pero empiezo a pensar que debería consultar el soporte de
  microsoft... si anda en xp, anda en linux, y anda en freebsd, el
  problema no está en mi servidor de cups
 Perfecto, pues ahora revisa este otro (huele a samba...).


 Windows 7 client Printer Queue fails when printing to CUPS Server via
 hay algún hotfix para win, que no resuelve el problema, al menos no para
 mi, así que ni modo, a resignarse instalando y configurando samba :-/

Qué lástima. 

Pensaba que con el hotfix te valdría porque parece un claro problema de 
Windows con la impresión vía IPP y como la impresora no tiene tarjeta de 
red no te queda otra que tirar de samba ;-(



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2014-04-15 Thread yacton richol

 Subject: Re: FW: Manual OpenLDAP
 Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 13:16:45 +

 El Tue, 15 Apr 2014 08:08:57 -0400, yacton richol escribió:


 Ojo, que esa no es la dirección de correo de la lista.

 Y Yacton, intenta usar un cliente de correo estándar porque el que sea
 que estés usando (¿webmail de Hotmail?) para mandar los mensajes no
 respeta los hilados.

  Buenas les comento que pude hacerlo gracias a este tutorial que esta
  muy bueno
  esta vez no me quede trabado en ningun punto.

 Pues qué bueno, me alegra que ya lo tengas.

  ahora me quedo la duda si quiero unir un pc con windows 7 como haria?

 Si te refieres a *unir en red* tendrás que usar samba pero abre mejor un
 hilo nuevo si vas a hablar de otro tema distinto. Si te refieres a otra
 cosa es mejor que nos de más detalles de lo que quieres hacer.

  No se si llego el mensaje anterior.

 No, no llegó porque lo enviaste a una dirección incorrecta.



Estoy usando webmail de hotmail, porque ando en el trabajo ... tratare de 
escribir cuando este en mi PC

por el otro lado ayer estuve instalando Samba, pero no termine ahora cuando 
llege me pongo a terminar... si hace falta abro otro tema.

asi que como dice Camaleon esto ya esta solicionado... 

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Re: Actualización de la ISO - Open SSL heartbleed bug. [Solucionado].

2014-04-15 Thread esmunarriz

El 12/04/14 20:50, Santiago Vila escribió:

On Sat, 12 Apr 2014, esmunarriz wrote:

Estimada comunidad, gracias por vuestra ayuda e interés. He actualizado debian
Wheezy de mi HD pero me queda la duda de si habrán actualizado las imágenes
.iso de la web oficial de debian.

Para conectarme a web's donde voy a suministrar datos sensibles inicio
mediante un USB con arranque en debian y desconectando mi HD fisicamente. Tras
este fallo de seguridad, ¿debería formatear el USB e instalar de nuevo una
imagen booteable de debian con el fallo ya corregido? ¿Estarán ya actualizadas
las imágenes? ¿como podría comprobarlo?.

Las imágenes ISO de instalación de Debian se actualizan únicamente
cuando se publica una point release. La última point release de
Debian stable es la 7.4 y este error se descubrió después, por lo que
los paquetes corregidos están en pero no en la ISO
de instalación. Por lo tanto, no encontrarás ninguna imagen ISO de
instalación actualizada hasta que salga Debian 7.5, y eso no será
hasta dentro de dos semanas.

Pero si lo que tienes en tu USB es una Debian normal instalada en un
USB (no un Live CD copiado al USB), entonces todo esto es *irrelevante*.
En este caso lo que debe hacerse es

apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade

y dará igual si instalaste el sistema con una ISO de Debian 7.0 que si
lo hiciste con una ISO de Debian 7.2. El resultado será la Debian
stable de hoy en día, con las actualizaciones de seguridad a fecha de
hoy en día.

Pero incluso esto último también es irrelevante si se tiene en cuenta
que el problema de este bug es fundamentalmente que esté presente en
los servidores a los que nos conectamos.

Esto es: Da igual que nuestro sistema de escritorio esté perfectamente
actualizado si luego nos conectamos a una web que no lo está. El verdadero
problema es saber qué webs son vulnerables y cuáles no.

En resumen: Ocúpate por supuesto por la seguridad de tu sistema de
escritorio, pero ocúpate mucho más por preguntarle a tu banco que si ya
ha corregido este error en sus servidores.

Estimados Santiago Vila y Camaleón, gracias por vuestra
ayuda/aclaración e interés. No pude agradecerles antes
debido a un problema de mi cliente de correo.

Saludos cordiales.

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[¿OT?] ¿Problemas para actualizar flash player?

2014-04-15 Thread Eduardo Rios


Desde la semana pasada veo en la Web de Flash Player que la última 
versión disponible para Linux es la versión

Actualmente tengo instalada la

Todos los días hago un

 update-flashplugin-nonfree --install

pero no ocurre nada.

Si desinstalo el paquete flashplugin-nonfree (1:3.4) y lo vuelvo a 
instalar, se instala la versión que ya tengo, y no la nueva.

¿A alguien más le pasa, o es que no lo hago bien? Hasta ahora, he ido 
actualizando sin problemas con  update-flashplugin-nonfree --install


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Re: [¿OT?] ¿Problemas para actualizar flash player?

2014-04-15 Thread Angel A. Guadarrama B.

El 15/04/14 14:10, Eduardo Rios escribió:


Desde la semana pasada veo en la Web de Flash Player que la última 
versión disponible para Linux es la versión

Actualmente tengo instalada la

Todos los días hago un

 update-flashplugin-nonfree --install

pero no ocurre nada.

Si desinstalo el paquete flashplugin-nonfree (1:3.4) y lo vuelvo a 
instalar, se instala la versión que ya tengo, y no la nueva.

¿A alguien más le pasa, o es que no lo hago bien? Hasta ahora, he ido 
actualizando sin problemas con  update-flashplugin-nonfree --install

A mi me esta ocurriendo igual, pensé era el proxy.

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[OT] problemas con conexion ftp

2014-04-15 Thread

Hola lista:

Estoy tratando de configurar el vsftp para dar el servicio de ftp en 
mi red, el tema es que donde voy a alojar los archivos es en un NAS 
que hay en mi red, al cual me conecto sin problemas, pero cuando trato 
de acceder al ftp me pide usuario y contraseña. Por favor, alguien 
sabe como configurar el vsftp de manera que no pida usuario y 
contraseña y cambiandole el archivo por defecto al usuario anonimo.

Gracias por adelantado,


Ing. Salvador Martín
Profesor Dpto. Mecánica
Universidad de Matanzas
Camilo Cienfuegos

Unidad y eficiencia por nuestro socialismo.

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Re: [¿OT?] ¿Problemas para actualizar flash player?

2014-04-15 Thread jors

On 15/04/14 21:16, Angel A. Guadarrama B. wrote:

El 15/04/14 14:10, Eduardo Rios escribió:


Desde la semana pasada veo en la Web de Flash Player que la última
versión disponible para Linux es la versión

Actualmente tengo instalada la

Todos los días hago un

 update-flashplugin-nonfree --install

pero no ocurre nada.

Si desinstalo el paquete flashplugin-nonfree (1:3.4) y lo vuelvo a
instalar, se instala la versión que ya tengo, y no la nueva.

¿A alguien más le pasa, o es que no lo hago bien? Hasta ahora, he ido
actualizando sin problemas con  update-flashplugin-nonfree --install

A mi me esta ocurriendo igual, pensé era el proxy.

Parece un bug ya reportado:


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Re: [¿OT?] ¿Problemas para actualizar flash player?

2014-04-15 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Tue, 15 Apr 2014 22:26:56 +0200
jors wrote:

Descárgalo manualmente

e instálalo de forma manual.

Es muy reciente esta actualización por eso no esta reflejada en el repositorio.

MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Description: PGP signature

Re: The Heartbleed Bug

2014-04-15 Thread Helio Loureiro
Ótimos links.  Valeu!

Helio Loureiro

Em 14 de abril de 2014 21:52, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh


 Não sei se algum resumo realmente atualizado e em profundidade já está
 disponível em português, mas segue material em inglês.

 Análise técnica:

 Exemplo de porque OpenSSL é uma fria:

 Análise realmente interessante sobre como tratar bugs de classe

 PS: não parei para olhar se esses links estão 100% atualizados. O vazamento
 de chaves secretas e certificados foi confirmado, e não é nem sequer muito
 improvável como alguns desesperadamente tentavam acreditar.

   One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
   where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
   Henrique Holschuh

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Re: video ATI/AMD no testing (Jessie)

2014-04-15 Thread Bruno Schneider
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Ricardo Rafante escreveu:
 Parceiro estou com o mesmo problema aqui. =(
 Se vc apertar ctrl-alt-f1 fazer login no shell e depois executar o comando
 startx, nesse momento ele vai para outra tty, volte para tty1 com o
 ctrl-alt-f1 então vc vai ver o que esta acontecendo no aparece isso daqui:


 ja procurei na internet e até agora não consegui resolver o problema, então
 desinstalei o fglrx e estou usando o genérico =/

 Alguém sabe como resolver isso?

Ricardo, obrigado pela resposta, estou repassando ela para a lista.
Seu log do Xorg, assim como o meu, não apresenta erros. Você também
está usando gdm e gnome?

Bruno Schneider

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Re: The Heartbleed Bug

2014-04-15 Thread Rodolfo
Amigo, vou facilitar para você, para não gerar discussão. Esse link trata
de falhas de segurança descobertas a muito tempo e que agora estão sendo
notícias na mídia, uma delas é referente ao Heartbleed, que consiste num
ataque chamado Man-in-the-Middle. Acredito que você nem o link chegou a
ler, ou não conseguiu interpretar a notícia. E não é má-fé.

Em 14 de abril de 2014 18:14, André Nunes Batista

 On Mon, 2014-04-14 at 12:48 -0400, Rodolfo wrote:
  Só pra vocês lerem quem descobriu esse bug e do SSH também, já faz tempo
  isso, acho que esse alarde todo ta me cheirando a conotação
  comercial.sei lá...deixa pra lá. Segue link


 Não sei se má-fé ou preguiça, mas fato é que este link é de uma notícia
 de 2009. Se você quer contribuir para o debate, o mínimo é ler antes
 para saber do que se trata.

 Além dos ótimos links passados pelo Henrique
 estes dois podem ser muito úteis:

 1: Teste de servidores vulneráveis:

 2: Lista de servidores ainda vulneráveis:

 André N. Batista

Re: The Heartbleed Bug

2014-04-15 Thread Edson Araújo
Quando eu li o tal link, intepretei da forma citada pelo Rodolfo e achei válido 
o fato de mostrar que as falhas só são corrigidas depois que o pior acontece.

Pow, a falha passar na revisão... sei não. Mas é confortante pensar que foi 
sem querer querendo #sqn - mas de certa forma erros assim acontecem mesmo com 
supervisão e tal.

~Edson Araújo
graduate in information systems
formed in technical of computer networking
twitter: @edsonlead
Em Terça-feira, 15 de Abril de 2014 9:12, Rodolfo escreveu:
Amigo, vou facilitar para você, para não gerar discussão. Esse link trata de 
falhas de segurança descobertas a muito tempo e que agora estão sendo notícias 
na mídia, uma delas é referente ao Heartbleed, que consiste num ataque chamado 
Man-in-the-Middle. Acredito que você nem o link chegou a ler, ou não conseguiu 
interpretar a notícia. E não é má-fé.

Em 14 de abril de 2014 18:14, André Nunes Batista 

On Mon, 2014-04-14 at 12:48 -0400, Rodolfo wrote:
 Só pra vocês lerem quem descobriu esse bug e do SSH também, já faz tempo
 isso, acho que esse alarde todo ta me cheirando a conotação
 comercial.sei lá...deixa pra lá. Segue link


Não sei se má-fé ou preguiça, mas fato é que este link é de uma notícia
de 2009. Se você quer contribuir para o debate, o mínimo é ler antes
para saber do que se trata.

Além dos ótimos links passados pelo Henrique
estes dois podem ser muito úteis:

1: Teste de servidores vulneráveis:

2: Lista de servidores ainda vulneráveis:

André N. Batista

Re: video ATI/AMD no testing (Jessie)

2014-04-15 Thread Ricardo Rafante
Sim estou
Em 15/04/2014 08:42, Bruno Schneider escreveu:

 On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Ricardo Rafante escreveu:
  Parceiro estou com o mesmo problema aqui. =(
  Se vc apertar ctrl-alt-f1 fazer login no shell e depois executar o
  startx, nesse momento ele vai para outra tty, volte para tty1 com o
  ctrl-alt-f1 então vc vai ver o que esta acontecendo no aparece isso
  ja procurei na internet e até agora não consegui resolver o problema,
  desinstalei o fglrx e estou usando o genérico =/
  Alguém sabe como resolver isso?

 Ricardo, obrigado pela resposta, estou repassando ela para a lista.
 Seu log do Xorg, assim como o meu, não apresenta erros. Você também
 está usando gdm e gnome?

 Bruno Schneider

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Debian 7 samba lixeira

2014-04-15 Thread Gustavo Villela

Antes meu samba funcionava da seguinte maneira. O usuário suporte apagava
um arquivo do compartilhamento F dentro da pasta teste, então o samba fazia
o seguinte:

O samba criava em /var/spool/samba/lixeira

a pasta teste, e colocava o arquivo deletado lá dentro.

Atualizei o debian para versão 7, agora ta acontecendo o seguinte, o samba
cria o diretório teste, mas o arquivo não aparece lá dentro, o mesmo some.

O que mudou?

Minha conf.

# Auditoria

   vfs objects = recycle, full_audit
   full_audit:facility = LOCAL5
   full_audit:priority = NOTICE
   full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%S
   full_audit:success = rename rmdir unlink
   full_audit:failure = none

   # Controle da Lixeira

   recycle:maxsize = 0
   recycle:repository = /var/spool/samba/lixeira/%U
   recycle:directory_mode = 0777
   recycle:subdir_mode = 0777
   recycle:keeptree = Yes
   recycle:touch = True
   recycle:exclude =
   recycle:exclude_dir = tmp, temp, cache
   recycle:versions = Yes

Alguem pode ajudar?

Re: The Heartbleed Bug

2014-04-15 Thread André Nunes Batista
On Tue, 2014-04-15 at 08:12 -0400, Rodolfo wrote:
 Amigo, vou facilitar para você, para não gerar discussão. Esse link
 trata de falhas de segurança descobertas a muito tempo e que agora
 estão sendo notícias na mídia, uma delas é referente ao Heartbleed,
 que consiste num ataque chamado Man-in-the-Middle. Acredito que você
 nem o link chegou a ler, ou não conseguiu interpretar a notícia. E não
 é má-fé.
E eu vou facilitar para os demais: à época em que esta notícia fora
publicada, o heartbleed bug ainda não havia sido inserido no openssl
pelo Neel Mehta e o CVE-2014-0160* contém uma descrição que seja sequer
próxima de MitM.
 Em 14 de abril de 2014 18:14, André Nunes Batista escreveu:
 On Mon, 2014-04-14 at 12:48 -0400, Rodolfo wrote:
  Só pra vocês lerem quem descobriu esse bug e do SSH também,
 já faz tempo
  isso, acho que esse alarde todo ta me cheirando a conotação
  comercial.sei lá...deixa pra lá. Segue link
 Não sei se má-fé ou preguiça, mas fato é que este link é de
 uma notícia
 de 2009. Se você quer contribuir para o debate, o mínimo é ler
 para saber do que se trata.
 Além dos ótimos links passados pelo Henrique
 estes dois podem ser muito úteis:
 1: Teste de servidores vulneráveis:
 2: Lista de servidores ainda vulneráveis:
 André N. Batista

André N. Batista

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Debian 7 samba lixeira

2014-04-15 Thread Cássio Elias

confira a permissão das pastas e quem é o dono e as permissões de grupo.
pode ser problema de permissão.

Em 15/04/2014 12:19, Gustavo Villela escreveu:


Antes meu samba funcionava da seguinte maneira. O usuário suporte 
apagava um arquivo do compartilhamento F dentro da pasta teste, então 
o samba fazia o seguinte:

O samba criava em /var/spool/samba/lixeira

a pasta teste, e colocava o arquivo deletado lá dentro.

Atualizei o debian para versão 7, agora ta acontecendo o seguinte, o 
samba cria o diretório teste, mas o arquivo não aparece lá dentro, o 
mesmo some.

O que mudou?

Minha conf.

# Auditoria

   vfs objects = recycle, full_audit
   full_audit:facility = LOCAL5
   full_audit:priority = NOTICE
   full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%S
   full_audit:success = rename rmdir unlink
   full_audit:failure = none

   # Controle da Lixeira

   recycle:maxsize = 0
   recycle:repository = /var/spool/samba/lixeira/%U
   recycle:directory_mode = 0777
   recycle:subdir_mode = 0777
   recycle:keeptree = Yes
   recycle:touch = True
   recycle:exclude =
   recycle:exclude_dir = tmp, temp, cache
   recycle:versions = Yes

Alguem pode ajudar?

Cássio Elias - Departamento de Informática

Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Leite de Serrania Ltda.

Fone: (35) 3284-1414
Fax:  (35) 3284-1302

Não percais a vossa esperança. No amanhã tudo será diferente e vereis a mão 
poderosa de Deus agir.
O Bem e o Mal não são inimigos! Um está doente, e o outro pode curar!

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Re: Debian 7 samba lixeira

2014-04-15 Thread Gustavo Villela

As permissões estão ok, senão nem a pasta seria criada. Só o arquivo que
não é movido para lá.

Em 15 de abril de 2014 13:32, Cássio Elias

 confira a permissão das pastas e quem é o dono e as permissões de grupo.
 pode ser problema de permissão.

 Em 15/04/2014 12:19, Gustavo Villela escreveu:


 Antes meu samba funcionava da seguinte maneira. O usuário suporte apagava
 um arquivo do compartilhamento F dentro da pasta teste, então o samba fazia
 o seguinte:

 O samba criava em /var/spool/samba/lixeira

 a pasta teste, e colocava o arquivo deletado lá dentro.

 Atualizei o debian para versão 7, agora ta acontecendo o seguinte, o
 samba cria o diretório teste, mas o arquivo não aparece lá dentro, o mesmo

 O que mudou?

 Minha conf.

 # Auditoria

vfs objects = recycle, full_audit
full_audit:facility = LOCAL5
full_audit:priority = NOTICE
full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%S
full_audit:success = rename rmdir unlink
full_audit:failure = none

# Controle da Lixeira

recycle:maxsize = 0
recycle:repository = /var/spool/samba/lixeira/%U
recycle:directory_mode = 0777
recycle:subdir_mode = 0777
recycle:keeptree = Yes
recycle:touch = True
recycle:exclude =
recycle:exclude_dir = tmp, temp, cache
recycle:versions = Yes

 Alguem pode ajudar?

 Cássio Elias - Departamento de Informática

 Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Leite de Serrania Ltda.

 Fone: (35) 3284-1414
 Fax:  (35) 3284-1302

 Não percais a vossa esperança. No amanhã tudo será diferente e vereis a
 mão poderosa de Deus agir.
 O Bem e o Mal não são inimigos! Um está doente, e o outro pode curar!

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Debian 7 samba lixeira

2014-04-15 Thread Rafael Balbino
   Boa tarde Gustavo,

   Você esta usando samba4, correto ? qual a versão que você está usando ?

Rafael Balbino

Em 15 de abril de 2014 14:21, Gustavo Villela gville...@gmail.comescreveu:


 As permissões estão ok, senão nem a pasta seria criada. Só o arquivo que
 não é movido para lá.

 Em 15 de abril de 2014 13:32, Cássio Elias

 confira a permissão das pastas e quem é o dono e as permissões de grupo.
 pode ser problema de permissão.

 Em 15/04/2014 12:19, Gustavo Villela escreveu:


 Antes meu samba funcionava da seguinte maneira. O usuário suporte
 apagava um arquivo do compartilhamento F dentro da pasta teste, então o
 samba fazia o seguinte:

 O samba criava em /var/spool/samba/lixeira

 a pasta teste, e colocava o arquivo deletado lá dentro.

 Atualizei o debian para versão 7, agora ta acontecendo o seguinte, o
 samba cria o diretório teste, mas o arquivo não aparece lá dentro, o mesmo

 O que mudou?

 Minha conf.

 # Auditoria

vfs objects = recycle, full_audit
full_audit:facility = LOCAL5
full_audit:priority = NOTICE
full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%S
full_audit:success = rename rmdir unlink
full_audit:failure = none

# Controle da Lixeira

recycle:maxsize = 0
recycle:repository = /var/spool/samba/lixeira/%U
recycle:directory_mode = 0777
recycle:subdir_mode = 0777
recycle:keeptree = Yes
recycle:touch = True
recycle:exclude =
recycle:exclude_dir = tmp, temp, cache
recycle:versions = Yes

 Alguem pode ajudar?

 Cássio Elias - Departamento de Informática

 Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Leite de Serrania Ltda.

 Fone: (35) 3284-1414
 Fax:  (35) 3284-1302

 Não percais a vossa esperança. No amanhã tudo será diferente e vereis a
 mão poderosa de Deus agir.
 O Bem e o Mal não são inimigos! Um está doente, e o outro pode curar!

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Debian 7 samba lixeira

2014-04-15 Thread Gustavo Villela
Não ... Estou usando a versão 3.6.6

Em 15 de abril de 2014 14:40, Rafael Balbino rflbalb...@gmail.comescreveu:

Boa tarde Gustavo,

Você esta usando samba4, correto ? qual a versão que você está usando ?

 Rafael Balbino

 Em 15 de abril de 2014 14:21, Gustavo Villela gville...@gmail.comescreveu:


 As permissões estão ok, senão nem a pasta seria criada. Só o arquivo que
 não é movido para lá.

 Em 15 de abril de 2014 13:32, Cássio Elias

 confira a permissão das pastas e quem é o dono e as permissões de grupo.
 pode ser problema de permissão.

 Em 15/04/2014 12:19, Gustavo Villela escreveu:


 Antes meu samba funcionava da seguinte maneira. O usuário suporte
 apagava um arquivo do compartilhamento F dentro da pasta teste, então o
 samba fazia o seguinte:

 O samba criava em /var/spool/samba/lixeira

 a pasta teste, e colocava o arquivo deletado lá dentro.

 Atualizei o debian para versão 7, agora ta acontecendo o seguinte, o
 samba cria o diretório teste, mas o arquivo não aparece lá dentro, o mesmo

 O que mudou?

 Minha conf.

 # Auditoria

vfs objects = recycle, full_audit
full_audit:facility = LOCAL5
full_audit:priority = NOTICE
full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%S
full_audit:success = rename rmdir unlink
full_audit:failure = none

# Controle da Lixeira

recycle:maxsize = 0
recycle:repository = /var/spool/samba/lixeira/%U
recycle:directory_mode = 0777
recycle:subdir_mode = 0777
recycle:keeptree = Yes
recycle:touch = True
recycle:exclude =
recycle:exclude_dir = tmp, temp, cache
recycle:versions = Yes

 Alguem pode ajudar?

 Cássio Elias - Departamento de Informática

 Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Leite de Serrania Ltda.

 Fone: (35) 3284-1414
 Fax:  (35) 3284-1302

 Não percais a vossa esperança. No amanhã tudo será diferente e vereis a
 mão poderosa de Deus agir.
 O Bem e o Mal não são inimigos! Um está doente, e o outro pode curar!

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Debian 7 samba lixeira

2014-04-15 Thread Cássio Elias
Faz o seguinte, tenta ver nos logs o que é feito quando você deleta um 
arquivo e esta pasta é criada...

Qual o processo o samba segue...

Em 15/04/2014 14:21, Gustavo Villela escreveu:


As permissões estão ok, senão nem a pasta seria criada. Só o arquivo 
que não é movido para lá.

Em 15 de abril de 2014 13:32, Cássio Elias escreveu:

confira a permissão das pastas e quem é o dono e as permissões de
pode ser problema de permissão.

Em 15/04/2014 12:19, Gustavo Villela escreveu:


Antes meu samba funcionava da seguinte maneira. O usuário
suporte apagava um arquivo do compartilhamento F dentro da
pasta teste, então o samba fazia o seguinte:

O samba criava em /var/spool/samba/lixeira

a pasta teste, e colocava o arquivo deletado lá dentro.

Atualizei o debian para versão 7, agora ta acontecendo o
seguinte, o samba cria o diretório teste, mas o arquivo não
aparece lá dentro, o mesmo some.

O que mudou?

Minha conf.

# Auditoria

   vfs objects = recycle, full_audit
   full_audit:facility = LOCAL5
   full_audit:priority = NOTICE
   full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%S
   full_audit:success = rename rmdir unlink
   full_audit:failure = none

   # Controle da Lixeira

   recycle:maxsize = 0
   recycle:repository = /var/spool/samba/lixeira/%U
   recycle:directory_mode = 0777
   recycle:subdir_mode = 0777
   recycle:keeptree = Yes
   recycle:touch = True
   recycle:exclude =
   recycle:exclude_dir = tmp, temp, cache
   recycle:versions = Yes

Alguem pode ajudar?


Cássio Elias - Departamento de Informática

Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Leite de Serrania Ltda.

Fone: (35) 3284-1414
Fax:  (35) 3284-1302

Não percais a vossa esperança. No amanhã tudo será diferente e
vereis a mão poderosa de Deus agir.
O Bem e o Mal não são inimigos! Um está doente, e o outro pode

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Cássio Elias - Departamento de Informática

Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Leite de Serrania Ltda.

Fone: (35) 3284-1414
Fax:  (35) 3284-1302

Não percais a vossa esperança. No amanhã tudo será diferente e vereis a mão 
poderosa de Deus agir.
O Bem e o Mal não são inimigos! Um está doente, e o outro pode curar!

Re: Debian 7 samba lixeira

2014-04-15 Thread Rafael Balbino
Eu tenho um problema semelhante com o meu recycle bin, sendo que no
samba4 do debian stable.

Lendo documentações a versão 4.0 no repositório stable não está com o
modulo s3fs funcionando corretamente.

Estou vendo se acho tempo para parar este samba para migrar ele para a
versão 4.1 para ver se corrige isso.

Rafael Balbino

Em 15 de abril de 2014 14:46, Gustavo Villela gville...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Não ... Estou usando a versão 3.6.6

 Em 15 de abril de 2014 14:40, Rafael Balbino rflbalb...@gmail.comescreveu:

Boa tarde Gustavo,

Você esta usando samba4, correto ? qual a versão que você está usando ?

 Rafael Balbino

 Em 15 de abril de 2014 14:21, Gustavo Villela gville...@gmail.comescreveu:


 As permissões estão ok, senão nem a pasta seria criada. Só o arquivo que
 não é movido para lá.

 Em 15 de abril de 2014 13:32, Cássio Elias

 confira a permissão das pastas e quem é o dono e as permissões de grupo.
 pode ser problema de permissão.

 Em 15/04/2014 12:19, Gustavo Villela escreveu:


 Antes meu samba funcionava da seguinte maneira. O usuário suporte
 apagava um arquivo do compartilhamento F dentro da pasta teste, então o
 samba fazia o seguinte:

 O samba criava em /var/spool/samba/lixeira

 a pasta teste, e colocava o arquivo deletado lá dentro.

 Atualizei o debian para versão 7, agora ta acontecendo o seguinte, o
 samba cria o diretório teste, mas o arquivo não aparece lá dentro, o mesmo

 O que mudou?

 Minha conf.

 # Auditoria

vfs objects = recycle, full_audit
full_audit:facility = LOCAL5
full_audit:priority = NOTICE
full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%S
full_audit:success = rename rmdir unlink
full_audit:failure = none

# Controle da Lixeira

recycle:maxsize = 0
recycle:repository = /var/spool/samba/lixeira/%U
recycle:directory_mode = 0777
recycle:subdir_mode = 0777
recycle:keeptree = Yes
recycle:touch = True
recycle:exclude =
recycle:exclude_dir = tmp, temp, cache
recycle:versions = Yes

 Alguem pode ajudar?

 Cássio Elias - Departamento de Informática

 Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Leite de Serrania Ltda.

 Fone: (35) 3284-1414
 Fax:  (35) 3284-1302

 Não percais a vossa esperança. No amanhã tudo será diferente e vereis
 a mão poderosa de Deus agir.
 O Bem e o Mal não são inimigos! Um está doente, e o outro pode curar!

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Heartbleed (was ... Re: My fellow (Debian) Linux users ...)

2014-04-15 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Dienstag, 15. April 2014, 11:41:34 schrieb Richard Hector:
 On 15/04/14 02:03, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
  I certainly wouldn't jump to conclusions that they're a bank therefore
   they use IBM mainframes therefore they don't use OpenSSL therefore
   they're invulnerable, 
  I jumped to no conclusion.  Do you see the word bank in my original
  statement below?  No, you see financial institutions.
 Sorry. I'll add the logical step: ... they're a bank therefore they're
 a financial institution therefore they use IBM mainframes ...

I read that certain banks in Germany had the heartbleed bug and are in the 
process of fixing it  – which they hopefully completed by now.

So I recommend to ask your bank whether they had this issue *or* change your 
access data to it *just in case*.

Instead of guessing. Guessing or speculation does not help a single bit with 
this bug. This bug is digital. Either some webserver had it or not. And if it 
had it… someone may have exploited it.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: Heartbleed (was ... Re: My fellow (Debian) Linux users ...)

2014-04-15 Thread Curt
On 2014-04-15, John Hasler wrote:

 If I did any online banking (I don't) I'd change all the passwords no
 matter what the banks said and consider closing the accounts and opening
 new ones with different account numbers as well.  Maybe with different

Except that in the case of an uncorrected vulnerability you might then
be offering the black hats your new password, whereas they might not have
been aware of the old one (before the news broke).

Logic would seem to suggest changing passwords for sites with corrected
heartbleed vulnerabilities; how to garner that information, or whether
it is safe to assume this or that financial institution has, or would
have, or must have, fixed the bug by now I will leave as exercise for
the reader.

Well, not entirely: here is the mashable list for the big boys:

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schroot issues

2014-04-15 Thread Andrew McGlashan

I've got a situation whereby there is a shared server that I need to
give an organization access to particular directories.

What I've devised, but it isn't working for the other side..., is the

Debian Squeeze with schroot installed and a special schroot called
squeeze-zzz, here is the section from the /etc/schroot/schroot.conf file:

  description=Debian squeeze (stable)

The schroot has specific bind mounted directories that the remote users
need full access to.

Now the schroot works /mostly/ fine as a login shell via remote access
using public/private keys.  A standard ssh login gives them a shell
and access to the required directory trees.

The server's /etc/passwd shell entries for each user is setup as a
script file:


This is one of those files:


  /usr/bin/schroot /bin/bash

So, that's pretty simple, and they can connect to the schroot okay from
a remote location.  The required schroot area is the default, so no need
to have that in the login script file.

Normally (with a standard shell), you can do the following:

   ssh server_in_config ls

And if the /server/ is set up appropriately in the ~user/.ssh/config
file with the right host, port, username and key file, then you'll see
the output of 'ls' without any problem.  But using the schroot, it gets
stuck and won't run the ls command

Consequently the following won't work either:

   scp -pr server_in_config:/remote_dir/ /tmp

[again, that works perfectly well with a normal shell, but not with schroot]

Here is the final part of a verbose attempt to copy a directory tree:

debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
Authenticated to remote_server ([115.nnn.nnn.nn]:22).
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug1: Requesting
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug1: Sending environment.
debug1: Sending env LANG = en_AU.UTF-8
debug1: Sending command: scp -v -r -p -f /remote_dir/

The schroot process on the server end just hangs there. with a new
process as follows:
   sshd: zzz.user1@notty

The process tree on the server looks like this:

# pstree -alpG 12295
schroot,12295 /bin/bash

 - really simple, bash is running, but the scp command is not passed.

Now I did suggest the person do a reverse scp from the server once
logged in, but they don't have an ssh server of their own to copy back to.

Everything works perfectly well with the latest WinSCP 5.5.3 (just
released) -- but the client has Linux and Mac machines and they don't
want to get Wine working (WinSCP 5.5.3 has /better/ support for Wine
according to WinSCP site).

Version details:
schroot   1.4.19-1+squeeze1
[debian]  6.0.9

 openssh-blacklist-extra  0.4.1
 openssh-client   1:5.5p1-6+squeeze5
 openssh-server   1:5.5p1-6+squeeze5

Any ideas?   I really do want to limit their file access to directories
as needed, hence the schroot requirement.

Kind Regards

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Re: Heartbleed (was ... Re: My fellow (Debian) Linux users ...)

2014-04-15 Thread Richard Hector
On 14/04/14 23:41, Richard Hector wrote:
 The only local bank I've heard any info about is Kiwibank, who are
 apparently not vulnerable due to running their systems on Windows.

Heh. It turns out my bank, ASB, apparently uses Windows/IIS as well. I
have yet to decide whether I'm happy about that. I guess I'm happy for now.



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Re: Cropping a large collection of .PNG screenshots

2014-04-15 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 3:03 AM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 I have a few hundred screen shots I want to put on a web page, but
 they are all full-screen and I want to crop to the real contents.
 This is an identical region in all cases.  So I want to script it.

 So, 2 questions:
 A) What's the best tool for the job?  Gimp, irfanview, or something else?
 B) Is there a script already in existence where I can just change the
 crop rectangle?  I really don't want to learn a new language for a
 one-time job.

SOLVED.  Thanks to whoever gave me the clue that convert(1) could do the
cropping.  That and 2 bash scripts do all the work.

Since what I start with is batches of 150 screenshots, I move them onto a
portable drive using my Windows laptop, then on Linux I rename them from
the awkward scheme used by my device (Kindle HDX) with bash:
  if [ $# != 1 ] ; then
echo Needs exactly one argument
   exit 1
  for i in *.png ; do
mv $i $(printf $name-%03i.png $x)
(( x++ ))

Then, with a batch in it's own directory, since the cropping is always
exactly the same:
if [ $# != 0 ] ; then
  echo Needs no argument
  exit 1
for i in *.png ; do
  convert $i -crop 1600x1600+0+530\! -resize 12.5% ../Curated/$i

I move them from directory Curated into an appropriately named directory
and I'm off to creating the next batch.
Kevin O'Gorman

programmer, n. an organism that transmutes caffeine into software.
Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Re: debian install wireless fails on laptop with Ralink RT3290 wireless, what to do?

2014-04-15 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 14 April 2014 10:30:25 didier gaumet wrote:
 I have a HP Pavilion dm1 with a RT3290 chipset: I have installed
 Debian Stable via ethernet, then installed kernel + firmwares from

This is what I usually do.  And if even the ethernet card isn't 
recognised I temporarily install an old ethernet card, get 
Wheezy/$VERSION (I have been doing this for some time!) installed (I 
use the net-install CD) and then sort out the drivers.

When I can, I use an installer with non-free firmware.  But it can be 
tricky to find one!  I believe there is a Wheezy one at the moment, 
but don't know where on the Debian site it is hiding.

I'm a great believer in free software, but quite fancy keeping my nose 
attached to my face. ;-)


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Re: Cropping a large collection of .PNG screenshots

2014-04-15 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Tue, 15 Apr 2014, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 3:03 AM, Kevin O'Gorman
  I have a few hundred screen shots I want to put on a web page, but
  they are all full-screen and I want to crop to the real contents.
  This is an identical region in all cases.  So I want to script it.
  So, 2 questions:
  A) What's the best tool for the job?  Gimp, irfanview, or something
  else? B) Is there a script already in existence where I can just
  change the crop rectangle?  I really don't want to learn a new
  language for a one-time job.
 SOLVED.  Thanks to whoever gave me the clue that convert(1) could do
 the cropping.  That and 2 bash scripts do all the work.

Take a look at convert's cousin mogrify.  It does everything convert
does but saves the changes to the original file name. So, use it on
copies if you want to save the originals.  Works great for batch
processing.  I could never get convert to batch process properly.

Use rename to batch rename.

Using those two utilities, you won't need any scripts.


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Re: Cropping a large collection of .PNG screenshots

2014-04-15 Thread Slavko

Dňa Tue, 15 Apr 2014 03:48:29 -0700 Kevin O'Gorman napísal:

 SOLVED.  Thanks to whoever gave me the clue that convert(1) could do
 the cropping.  That and 2 bash scripts do all the work.

See this

it contains simple solution to find proper dimensions for cropping
graphically, via GIMP, and then use them in batch script - i often use
this for cropping e.g. VBox's screenshots, which adds some noise around
screen ;)



Description: PGP signature

Re: Heartbleed (was ... Re: My fellow (Debian) Linux users ...)

2014-04-15 Thread Stephen Allen
On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 02:11:00PM +1200, Richard Hector wrote:
 On 15/04/14 12:59, shawn wilson wrote:
  That statement was made in the sense that at least the bank could have
   issued a statement along the lines of 'you may have heard of the
   heartbleed bug, we can assure all of our customers that we are not
   affected by this bug and there is no need to panic.'
  No, I don't want to hear from my bank unless there's a problem. If
  everything is going OK, don't spam me. If its not, by all means, let me
  know. This didn't affect them so don't tell me anything.
 They don't need to send an email, or anything intrusive. They just need
 to put a big notice on the login page of their internet banking site -
 along with (or instead of) all the ads they have for cheap loans or term
 deposits or whatever. It would make virtually no difference to the speed
 of logging in, and would reassure me that they take security seriously.

Indeed - that is what the Royal Bank of Canada did (They werent

BTW Revenue Canada was hacked by this bug and publicly admitted so. So
far only a minimal number of people were affected. They were offline for
several days.

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Re: Adobe flash security

2014-04-15 Thread Stephen Allen
On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 03:25:08PM +0200, Rob van der Putten wrote:
 Hi there
 Stephen Allen wrote:
 +1 Not installed. :(
 A manual install, as suggested by Arthur, works.
 For i386, download;
 I renamed /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ to and copied the from the tar to
 A bit blunt, but it will have to do for now.
---end quoted text---

Thanks Rob

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Partial (clumsy) success [Re: Copying complete SET of installation DVDs to a USB stick]

2014-04-15 Thread Richard Owlett

Rick Thomas wrote:

On Apr 12, 2014, at 7:01 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

I will be installing Debian at locations which DO NOT have internet.
Instead of juggling a stack of DVDs, I want everything on a USB stick.
I am using Debian 6.0.5 as test case - it's what I have available.
There was no problem copying the first DVD to the beginning of the USB stick 
with dd.
I did a preliminary test by booting to the USB stick and the install
 program apparently worked OK.
[snip what didn't work at all ;]

Hi Richard,

Have you tried using dd to make images of the DVDs on the extended part of the 
USB stick?  E.g.:
 # put DVD1 in the drive
 dd if=/dev/cdrom0 of=/media/mydrive/DVD1.iso bs=1M
 eject cdrom
 # put DVD2 in the drive
 dd if=/dev/cdrom0 of=/media/mydrive/DVD2.iso bs=1M
 # and so on...
them loop-mounting the images?

That was the way to go ;)

I'm not sure what you would have to do inside the installer to get the loop-mounted 
images into the installers sources.list file, but I'm sure a bit of wiki 
and/or FAQ scratching would answer that question.  Once you figure out the necessary 
magic, you can probably pre-seed it into your installer image on the front part of the 
USB stick.

I know this is just a sketch of a solution, but it's all I've got time for 
right now.  Anyway, it's the approach I'd take if I had the problem.

Hope it helps!
Good luck and let us know if you come up with something that works!

I will try to give enough detail that someone could duplicate 
what I've done.

My environment:
  1. Lenovo R61 ThinkPad with intentionally no network connectivity
  2. 64 GB USB flash drive
  3. Set of physical install DVDs (Debian 6.0.5 was all 
available when I started)

  4. A reasonably typical install of Squeeze using Gnome2 DE

My procedure:
  1. Copy DVD 1 of 8 to beginning of flash drive using dd
  2. Create an ext2 partition on remainder of drive using 
Gparted, labeling

 it squeeze_dvds
  3. Copy each of the 8 DVDs to that partition using dd
 I now have files dvd1.iso thru dvd8.iso on that partition.
 Remembering to mount the partition - (guess who didn't ;)
  4. Create mount points with
 mkdir /home/richard/tst/dvd1
 mkdir /home/richard/tst/dvd8
   5. Loop mount the files with
mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop /media/squeeze_dvds/dvd1.iso 

mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop /media/squeeze_dvds/dvd8.iso 
   6.  Replace contents of /etc/apt/sources.list with {no 
contrib files on last DVD}

deb file:/home/richard/tst/dvd1 squeeze contrib main
deb file:/home/richard/tst/dvd7 squeeze contrib main
deb file:/home/richard/tst/dvd8 squeeze main
   7. In Synaptic type Ctrl+R to reload package information
   8. Install desired additional packages

When marking a package as to install, a warning message is 
triggered saying the package cannot be authenticated. I don't 
understand. I assumed that by copying with dd all relevant 
information would  be available.

As my eventual goal is to do semi-automated installs at a remote 
site without carrying a clutter of DVDs, I need to answer:

  1. how to have preseed.cfg on the flash drive?
  2. how to loop mount the ISO images during install?


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Matrox G450 PCI DVI with modern xorg ?

2014-04-15 Thread Mark Carroll
I have a Matrox G450 video card in a 5v 33MHz PCI slot in an old system.
I hope to get DVI output from it, I don't care about using the other
head. While the console is fine, I can't get xorg to work with it.

I have tried various approaches. I've tried installing xorg from both
wheezy and sid. I've tried downloading the and
from Matrox and using Option IgnoreABI instead of using the one from
xserver-xorg-video-mga. I have tried setting DigitalScreen options in
xorg.conf. I've tried un-blacklisting matroxfb_base.ko, not that I have
managed to get any /dev/fb? devices to appear, in case Option UseFBDev
or Driver fbdev helped. Basically, I've googled for ideas and tried
the ones I could, yet startx always acts as if to just turn off the
video output altogether. I can't switch to any other virtual consoles,
but if I start xorg in parallel with a sleep 20 ; killall xinit then
eventually the monitor wakes back up and I get to see my console again.

Rather than trying many more speculative adjustments, I am wondering:
does anybody else actually have this hardware working with a modern 
xorg under Debian? If so, maybe you can share what you have in relevant
configuration, and what you had to do? Or, failing that, does anyone
have any suggestions? (Spend more on video cards, perhaps!)

-- Mark

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Upgrade from wheezy to testing and wine

2014-04-15 Thread Kevin Price
I upgraded 64 bit wheezy to testing(Jessie) yesterday. 32 bit wine applications
worked great until I ran apt-get autoremove. This broke quite a few
32 bit wine applications for me. I narrowed it down to two packages
that were autoremoved: libxinerama1:i386 and libxrandr2:i386. Should I file
a bug against a package suggesting including these as dependencies and if so
how do I figure out which package should require them? 

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Duplicate sources.list entry

2014-04-15 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom


Running Sid with the same sources.list for about a year now.

Suddenly when running 'apt-get update' I get:

W: Duplicate sources.list entry 
stable/main amd64 Packages 
W: Duplicate sources.list entry 
stable/main i386 Packages 

W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

But my sources.list is:

deb sid main contrib non-free
deb-src sid main contrib non-free
deb sid main

and there are no duplicate entries.

What's going on?


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Re: Duplicate sources.list entry

2014-04-15 Thread John Hasler
Hugo writes:
 But my sources.list is:

 deb sid main contrib non-free
 deb-src sid main contrib non-free
 deb sid main

 and there are no duplicate entries.

 What's going on?

You installed Chrome, thereby allowing Google to install stuff in the
/etc/apt/sources.list.d directory.  Whatever is there gets included with
the contents of sources.list.  You need to talk to Google about it.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Duplicate sources.list entry

2014-04-15 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

John Hasler wrote:

Hugo writes:

But my sources.list is:

deb sid main contrib non-free
deb-src sid main contrib non-free
deb sid main

and there are no duplicate entries.

What's going on?

You installed Chrome, thereby allowing Google to install stuff in the
/etc/apt/sources.list.d directory.  Whatever is there gets included with
the contents of sources.list.  You need to talk to Google about it.

that dir. had in it google-chrome-beta.list and google-chrome.list.
They both had:

deb stable main

So I removed google-chrome.list and the problem disappeared. But why did 
that show up now? Google changed that entry?


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Duplicate sources.list entry

2014-04-15 Thread Charles Kroeger
This is a curious message: 

#apt-get update

Reading package lists... Done

W: Duplicate sources.list entry 
amd64 Packages


W: Duplicate sources.list entry 
i386 Packages


W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

If I go into /var/lib/apt/lists/ and remove etc. they are only
replaced automatically after closing the file (edited with vim saved and closed
with shift-ZZ)

obviously running apt-get update is not going to correct these problems so if
removing the listed duplicate sources.list entries is futile because these 
are not actually in my sources.list. Is there some other sources.list the 
refers to?

I'm actually using the google chrome beta browser Version 35.0.1916.27 beta aura
from google and it works pretty damn good.

thanks for your consideration

System Information
GTK+ 2.24.23 / GLib 2.40.0
Locale: en_US.UTF-8 (charset: UTF-8)
Operating System: Linux 3.10-1-amd64 (x86_64)
jessie/sid combination



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Wayland in Debian

2014-04-15 Thread Ric Moore
Funny thing, after dinking around in synaptic, I'm finding a lot of 
lib-wayland packages installed within Jessie. I tried to un-install and 
got a message that even my solitaire game would be removed. Yeow! I 
noted that weston was there in the repo, but not installed. What's the 
state of the art concerning wayland/weston and Debian? Is it the answer 
to a prayer regarding older laptops with shoddy displays when running X? Ric


My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:

There are two Great Sins in the world...

..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.

Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.

X-oldie-warning: Toothless but still vicious

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Re: Duplicate sources.list entry

2014-04-15 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

John Hasler wrote:

Hugo writes:

But my sources.list is:

deb sid main contrib non-free
deb-src sid main contrib non-free
deb sid main

and there are no duplicate entries.

What's going on?

You installed Chrome, thereby allowing Google to install stuff in the
/etc/apt/sources.list.d directory.  Whatever is there gets included with
the contents of sources.list.  You need to talk to Google about it.

that dir. had in it google-chrome-beta.list and google-chrome.list.
They both had:

deb stable main

So I removed google-chrome.list and the problem disappeared. But why did 
that show up now? Google changed that entry?

Yes. google-chrome-beta.list was added the last dist-upgrade on April 
13th causing the duplicate. Bad Google :-( Thanks, John.


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Re: Heartbleed (was ... Re: My fellow (Debian) Linux users ...)

2014-04-15 Thread Charles Kroeger
On Tue, 15 Apr 2014 07:00:03 +0200
shawn wilson wrote:

  On Apr 14, 2014 11:01 AM, Chris Bannister

   On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 01:55:04AM -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

   I read

Here's the article from Bruce's CRYPT-GRAM from April 15, 2014:


Heartbleed is a catastrophic bug in OpenSSL:

 The Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the
 memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of
 the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret keys used to
 identify the service providers and to encrypt the traffic, the
 names and passwords of the users and the actual content. This
 allows attackers to eavesdrop communications, steal data
 directly from the services and users and to impersonate
 services and users.

Basically, an attacker can grab 64K of memory from a server.  The attack 
leaves no trace, and can be done multiple times to grab a different 
random 64K of memory.  This means that anything in memory -- SSL private 
keys, user keys, anything -- is vulnerable.  And you have to assume that 
it is all compromised.  All of it.

Catastrophic is the right word.  On the scale of 1 to 10, this is an 11.

The bug has been patched.  After you patch your systems, you have to get 
a new public/private key pair, update your SSL certificate, and then 
change every password that could potentially be affected.

At this point, the probability is close to one that every target has had 
its private keys extracted by multiple intelligence agencies.  The real 
question is whether or not someone deliberately inserted this bug into 
OpenSSL, and has had two years of unfettered access to everything.  My 
guess is accident, but I have no proof.

More about Heartbleed on my blog:


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unpack error

2014-04-15 Thread Frank McCormick

I installed youtube-dl on the Sid installation tonight
and noticed a dpkg error  which didn't halt the process.

This is what happened:

Selecting previously unselected package libavdevice53:i386.
(Reading database ... 147371 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libavdevice53_6%3a9.11-3+b2_i386.deb ...
Unpacking libavdevice53:i386 (6:9.11-3+b2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libavfilter3:i386.
Preparing to unpack .../libavfilter3_6%3a9.11-3+b2_i386.deb ...
Unpacking libavfilter3:i386 (6:9.11-3+b2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libav-tools.
Preparing to unpack .../libav-tools_6%3a9.11-3+b2_i386.deb ...
dpkg: error: --compare-versions takes three arguments: version 
relation version

Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*];
Use 'apt' or 'aptitude' for user-friendly package management;
Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;
Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;
Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;

Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through 'less' or 
'more' !

Unpacking libav-tools (6:9.11-3+b2) ...

Is this a major problem? I ask because the installation went ahead
without aborting.

When the rich get richer they get more powerful
and that puts them in the position to lobby for policies
to make them even richer.
- former Clinton advisor Larry Summers

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Sun/Oracle Java

2014-04-15 Thread Oliver Fairhall


Setting up a new machine, noticed that Sun/Oracle Java is no longer 
available to Debian.

Saw a post here with an explanation:

Unfortunately, there are limitations and issues with OpenJDK, and 
incompatibilities with various software.

I'm not sure how it has worked in the past, but presumably someone 
manually built the installation package for Debian. Would it be possible 
to do this for oneself? I assume there is no source available to 
compile. Is it feasible to convert an rpm release for use with Debian? 
I've tried this sort of thing before, but with mixed results.

Sorry if this has been covered already - I couldn't see mention of it in 
my email search.



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Re: Heartbleed (was ... Re: My fellow (Debian) Linux users ...)

2014-04-15 Thread Bill Wood
On Tue, 2014-04-15 at 15:55 -0400, Stephen Allen wrote:
   . . .
 BTW Revenue Canada was hacked by this bug and publicly admitted so. So
 far only a minimal number of people were affected. They were offline for
 several days.

I've been following this thread since it started, as well as some other
Internet sites that have been mentioned, and I have noticed that
everyone talks about the impact on the financial services sector but no
one has mentioned the health care information sector.  I understand that
healthcare systems use SSL a great deal, and medical identity theft has
risen sharply in recent years.  Does anyone know if there have been any
exploits of Heartbleed in this sector, or if any healthcare
organizations have said anything about fixing the problem?

Bill Wood

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Re: Sun/Oracle Java

2014-04-15 Thread Luis Eduardo Cortes
2014-04-16 0:27 GMT-03:00 Oliver Fairhall

 Setting up a new machine, noticed that Sun/Oracle Java is no longer
 available to Debian.

 Saw a post here with an explanation:

 Unfortunately, there are limitations and issues with OpenJDK, and
 incompatibilities with various software.

 I'm not sure how it has worked in the past, but presumably someone manually
 built the installation package for Debian. Would it be possible to do this
 for oneself? I assume there is no source available to compile. Is it
 feasible to convert an rpm release for use with Debian? I've tried this sort
 of thing before, but with mixed results.

 Sorry if this has been covered already - I couldn't see mention of it in my
 email search.

Googling I've found this article:

Hope this is helpful for you.


Usuario Linux Registrado # 342019
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Re: Sun/Oracle Java

2014-04-15 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 16/04/14 13:27, Oliver Fairhall wrote:
 Setting up a new machine, noticed that Sun/Oracle Java is no longer
 available to Debian.
 Saw a post here with an explanation:
 Unfortunately, there are limitations and issues with OpenJDK, and
 incompatibilities with various software.
 I'm not sure how it has worked in the past, but presumably someone
 manually built the installation package for Debian. Would it be possible
 to do this for oneself? I assume there is no source available to
 compile. Is it feasible to convert an rpm release for use with Debian?
 I've tried this sort of thing before, but with mixed results.

On Wheezy you can make a debian package of the latest java.
It just works.

Install java-package from Sid.
Download the latest java package.
Use java-package to make a debian package.
Use dpkg -i to install the debian package.

e.g. for last jre on Wheezy (after installing the Sid java-package):-
Removed symbolic links to and from
/plugins directories

Removed previously installed versions from /usr/lib/java and /usr/lib/jvm

Iceweasel → Tools → Addons → Plugins
Disabled and removed earlier Java version

In the same directory as the recently downloaded Oracle java package:-
# make-jpkg jre-7u21-linux-i586.tar.gz
su -c “dpkg -i oracle-j2re1.7_1.7.0+update21_i386.deb”
Selecting previously deselected package oracle-j2re1.7.
(Reading database ... 243736 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking oracle-j2re1.7 (from oracle-j2re1.7_1.7.0+update21_i386.deb) ...
Setting up oracle-j2re1.7 (1.7.0+update21) ...
update-alternatives: warning: alternative
/usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_09/bin/java (part of link group java) doesn't
exist. Removing from list of alternatives.
update-alternatives: warning: /etc/alternatives/java is dangling, it
will be updated with best choice.
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java to
provide /usr/bin/java (java) in auto mode.
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.7-oracle/bin/ControlPanel
to provide /usr/bin/ControlPanel (ControlPanel) in auto mode.
update-alternatives: using
/usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.7-oracle/lib/i386/ to provide
/usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins/ ( in
auto mode.
update-alternatives: using
/usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.7-oracle/lib/i386/ to provide
/usr/lib/chromium/plugins/ ( in
auto mode.

 Sorry if this has been covered already - I couldn't see mention of it in
 my email search.

Kind regards

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Re: Haswell en Debian stable

2014-04-15 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 01-04-14 23:31, Paul van der Vlis schreef:
 Op 01-04-14 19:31, Jochem Berndsen schreef:

 De Intel Haswell processoren (=vierde generatie) worden op het moment
 standaard verkocht als je een Intel computer koopt.

 Ik heb een Intel Core i7-4770K met een Gigabyte Z87MX-D3H moederbord.

Ik probeer het nu met een goedkoop Asus H81M-plus moederbordje met een
i5 processor.

 Dat is inderdaad Haswell technologie.
 Debian stable werkt zonder problemen. Ik moest wel de e1000e driver
 (voor ethernet) zelf compileren.

De Realtek chip op 'mijn' moederbord doet het zonder problemen.

 Ik heb vooral mijn twijfels over de ingebouwde video, die gaf in het
 verleden problemen.
 De ingebouwde videokaart gebruik ik niet, ik heb een losse NVidia-kaart
 die zonder problemen werkt.

De ingebouwde video van de Haswell processor doet het wel, maar 3D doet
het niet. Ik heb er daarom een ATI kaartje bij in gestopt. Na het
installeren van firmware-nonfree doet 3D het nu.

In het begin miste de suspend en de hypernate opties in het Gnome menu.
Opeens waren ze er echter wel, wat daar voor heeft gezorgd weet ik niet.

Ik heb nog wat moeite met de ingebouwde geluidskaart. Deze werkt wel,
maar ik moet het volume wel erg hoog zetten om iets te horen. Als ik met
alsamixer op de commandline kijk, dan zie ik dat het volume op 0 staat
als het halverwege is. Als je dan nog zachter gaat dan gaat front
achteruit, tot dat op 0 staat. Er is hier iets niet goed.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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