Re: Qu'est-ce que les Chinois du FBI viennent foutre sur ma Debian?

2014-04-24 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage

Le jeudi 24 avril 2014, 00:36:40 Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
  Je ne pense pas que ça jette des paquets légitimes
 C'est pourtant risqué. Il suffirait que la chaîne se trouve
 dans une page HTML quelconque et soit par malchance transmise
 au début d'un segment TCP pour déclencher un faux positif.

  Ce qui serait à mon avis plus risqué, ce serait les clients 
qui enverraient ces requêtes « absolute RequestURI » 
légitimement : elles sont REQUISES pour causer avec un proxy 
mais n’importe quel client peut vouloir les utiliser (ça ne me 
semble pas être interdit par la RFC 2616 et j’appliquerais le 
principe de « rigueur sur les sorties, indulgence sur les 
entrées »).

  De plus, il y a ce petit paragraphe dans la RFC :
« To allow for transition to absoluteURIs in all requests in
  future versions of HTTP, all HTTP/1.1 servers MUST accept the
  absoluteURI form in requests, even though HTTP/1.1 clients
  will only generate them in requests to proxies. »

  Donc couper la connexion sur une requête que le serveur DOIT 
accepter ne me semble pas très sympa (bon, vous me direz, être 
sympa avec quelqu’un qui veut profiter de votre proxy…).

  Au passage, on peut noter qu’il était envisagé que les URI 
absolues soient à l’avenir (celui de HTTP 1.1, en 1999) la forme 
unique ou du moins privilégiée.

  D’un autre côté, tout ça (utilisation privilégiée des URI 
absolues ou filtrage iptables sur le GET) tombera à l’eau, 
puisque SPDY, qui sert de base au brouillon pour HTTP 2.0, 
utilise un tout autre format (méthode, schéma, hôte et chemin 
ont chacun leur en-tête) et donc plus de chaîne « GET bla » en 
début de paquet (sauf sur un découpage malchanceux). Mais bon, 
HTTP 2.0, on a encore le temps, hein…

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: anomalie grub2 avec Jessie_résolu

2014-04-24 Thread maderios

On 04/23/2014 05:52 PM, Didier Link wrote:

Ce comportement est devenu la norme avec Grub 2.02 beta, on a l'entrée
par défaut affichée et pour avoir les autres entrées de kernels il faut
aller sur la 2e ligne Options avancées ... et valider par la touche
entrée ce qui mène à un sous-menu. Touche echap pour revenir au menu

Personnellement je trouve ça pas mal parce que si on a quelques noyaux
en test la liste devenait vite très longue ! ;)

Grub 2.02 beta installé depuis Sid. En ce qui me concerne,  je  ne vois 
pas l'intérêt du sous-menu , sauf si l'on a des dizaines de noyaux à 
tester. Pour désactiver le sous-menu, éditer le fichier grub:

L'option habituelle true,  utilisée pour les autres paramètres,  ne 
fonctionne pas.

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Re: anomalie grub2 avec Jessie_résolu

2014-04-24 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Thu, 24 Apr 2014 14:59:14 +0200,
maderios a écrit :

 On 04/23/2014 05:52 PM, Didier Link wrote:
  Ce comportement est devenu la norme avec Grub 2.02 beta, on a
  l'entrée par défaut affichée et pour avoir les autres entrées de
  kernels il faut aller sur la 2e ligne Options avancées ... et
  valider par la touche entrée ce qui mène à un sous-menu. Touche
  echap pour revenir au menu principal.
  Personnellement je trouve ça pas mal parce que si on a quelques
  noyaux en test la liste devenait vite très longue ! ;)
 Grub 2.02 beta installé depuis Sid. En ce qui me concerne,  je  ne
 vois pas l'intérêt du sous-menu , sauf si l'on a des dizaines de
 noyaux à tester. Pour désactiver le sous-menu, éditer le fichier grub:
 L'option habituelle true,  utilisée pour les autres paramètres,  ne 
 fonctionne pas.


serait il possible d'indiquer le chemin réel et la localisation du 
ficher grub 

ne serait ce point : /etc/default/grub


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2014-04-24 Thread Essodjolo Kahanam

Essodjolo K.

- Reply message -
De : valentin OVD
Pour : Adrien
Cc :
Objet : Hymne/Musique pour Debian ?
Date : jeu., avr. 17, 2014 17:15

Si tu lance ton projet, je serai ravi de t'aider.



De :

Envoyé :
‎17/‎04/‎2014 18:09

À :
valentin OVD

Cc :

Objet :
Re: Hymne/Musique pour Debian ?

Le Wed, 16 Apr 2014 13:37:53 +0200

valentin OVD a écrit ceci :

 Qui à déjà penser à faire une hymne ou une musique pour Debian

 uniquement avec des logiciels libres ? Cela pourrait être pas mal une

 musique officiel pour Debian.


 Qu'en pensez vous ?



 Valentin OVD



Justement, j'en avais parlé il y a quelque temps ; pas pour faire un

hymne ou une musique générale, mais plutôt pour en faire comme une

espèce de thème sonore spécifique à Debian.

Ce qui serait intéressant pour un compositeur, ce serait de connaître

les idées générales et concepts qu'on devrait retrouver dans cette


Par ailleurs, dans quelle esthétique / modèle ? Musique savante,

musiques actuelles, Jazz, ...?

Personnellement, si j'écris une musique, ce serait une musique plutôt

tonale, ou dans un tonal étendu, mais en tous cas à dominante musique

classique / musique savante. 

Après, on a un problème : car quand on pense à Ubuntu, par exemple,

c'est simple : l'identité d'Afrique du Sud permet de cibler directement

une identité sonore. Debian provient du monde entier, donc c'est mooins


En tous cas, je pense que nous avons besoin au moins d'un jingle à

identité forte, simple à reconnaître, et pas lourd (si ça se lance à

chaque démarrage du système et que ça fatigue, les débutants pourraient

avoir du mal à désactiver !).

Je suis ouvert aux idées !



Re: Kernels suspend

2014-04-24 Thread Guillaume Caron
Le 23/04/2014 15:59, jerome moliere a écrit :
 Bonjour a tous,


 je reviens sur ce sujet car il me bouffe la vie, sur mon fidele laptop
 (x230 Lenovo i7 quad - 16 Go) j'ai toujours des problemes lies plus ou
 moins a l'ACPI:
 - pas de suspension (ou du moins ca depend)
 - arret possible ou pas (ca depend)

Question : ta CG est une Nvidia ? La seule machine qui me pose des
problèmes de veille sous Wheezy en est équipée donc je subodore que ça
vient de là.

Plus précisément, je peux la mettre en veille mémoire ou disque mais
elle ne parvient pas à se relancer : j'ai un écran noir dans le premier
cas et un boot normal avec fsck dans le second.

Note que je n'ai essayé qu'avec le pilote nouveau, je n'ai pas testé
avec le propriétaire (je ne sais même pas si elle est supportée, c'est
une « veille » machine).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

vérification partition FAT, à qui faire confiance ?

2014-04-24 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

J'ai un disque externe en FAT et suite un débranchement un peu brutal j'ai
lancé un fsck.vfat -a -v /dev/sdX1 qui me donne :

fsck.vfat -a -v /dev/sdh1
fsck.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)
fsck.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)
Checking we can access the last sector of the filesystem
0x41: Dirty bit is set. Fs was not properly unmounted and some data may be
corrupt. Automatically removing dirty bit.
There are differences between boot sector and its backup.
This is mostly harmless. Differences: (offset:original/backup)
  71:41/20, 72:44/20, 73:56/20, 74:41/20, 75:4e/20, 76:43/20, 77:45/20
  , 78:31/20, 79:32/20, 80:30/20, 81:46/20
  Not automatically fixing this.
Boot sector contents:
System ID mkdosfs
Media byte 0xf8 (hard disk)
   512 bytes per logical sector
  4096 bytes per cluster
32 reserved sectors
First FAT starts at byte 16384 (sector 32)
 2 FATs, 32 bit entries
   1048576 bytes per FAT (= 2048 sectors)
Root directory start at cluster 2 (arbitrary size)
Data area starts at byte 2113536 (sector 4128)
261628 data clusters (1071628288 bytes)
63 sectors/track, 255 heads
 0 hidden sectors
   2097152 sectors total
Reclaiming unconnected clusters.
Checking free cluster summary.
Performing changes.
/dev/sdh1: 49 files, 3272/261628 clusters

J'ai ensuite fait avec -r à la place de -a mais ne sachant quoi répondre à la

1) Copy original to backup
2) Copy backup to original
3) No action

J'ai décidé voir ce que ça donnait sous Windows en lançant une vérif disque. 
Celle-ci n'a détecté aucun problème. Si je refais le fsck.vfat sous Linux il
me trouve toujours un problème. Qu'en penser ?
Si problème il y a que dois-je répondre ? 1 ou 2 ?


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virtualbox et disque dure phisique

2014-04-24 Thread prego jérémy


j'aimer'ai pouvoir utiliser des disque dure phisique dans virtualbox 
/dev/sdb /dev/sdc ... sans devoir lancer la vm en root j'ai bien vu en 
cherchant qu'il  falait ajouter notre user au group disk mais, j'ai une 
avancé je vois bien le sda.
en revanche, les autres semble être dans le group floppy mais si je 
m'ajoute au groupe floppy je ne les vois pas quand même

ls -l /dev/sda
brw-rw---T 1 root disk 8, 0 avril 23 04:47 /dev/sda

ls -l /dev/sde
brw-rw---T 1 root floppy 8, 64 avril 25 05:16 /dev/sde

je précise que le /dev/sde est connecter en usb

désolé pour cette question de noob, mais la je sèche


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Re: virtualbox et disque dure phisique

2014-04-24 Thread Raphaël POITEVIN
prego jérémy writes:
 j'aimer'ai pouvoir utiliser des disque dure phisique dans virtualbox
 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc ... sans devoir lancer la vm en root j'ai bien vu en
 cherchant qu'il  falait ajouter notre user au group disk mais, j'ai
 une avancé je vois bien le sda.
 en revanche, les autres semble être dans le group floppy mais si je
 m'ajoute au groupe floppy je ne les vois pas quand même

Un petit coup d'œil dans la doc,mais évidemment il faut pouvoir lire
l'anglais nous dit qu'il faut créer un fichier .vmdk, un peu comme un
vdi, à ceci prêt qu'il représente le disque physique :
VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /path/to/file.vmdk
  -rawdisk /dev/sda

puis, le rattacher comme un disque virtuel.

Attention quand-même, mieux vaut prévenir que guérir : il précise bien
qu'il est dangereux de tenter de booter le système hôte dans la VM.

 désolé pour cette question de noob, mais la je sèche

Pas tant de noob que ça, pas évident !

Je n'ai rien testé, je ne fais que te traduire et synthétiser la doc.
« Tout chercheur plongé dans la science subit une poussée de bas en haut 
susceptible de lui remonter le moral. »
Monsieur Cyclopède

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Re: virtualbox et disque dure phisique

2014-04-24 Thread prego jérémy

Le 25/04/2014 06:04, Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit :

prego jéré  writes:

j'aimer'ai pouvoir utiliser des disque dure phisique dans virtualbox
/dev/sdb /dev/sdc ... sans devoir lancer la vm en root j'ai bien vu en
cherchant qu'il  falait ajouter notre user au group disk mais, j'ai
une avancé je vois bien le sda.
en revanche, les autres semble être dans le group floppy mais si je
m'ajoute au groupe floppy je ne les vois pas quand même

Un petit coup d'œil dans la doc,mais évidemment il faut pouvoir lire
l'anglais nous dit qu'il faut créer un fichier .vmdk, un peu comme un
vdi, à ceci prêt qu'il représente le disque physique :
VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /path/to/file.vmdk
   -rawdisk /dev/sda


oui oui ça je sais :) je le fais et ça marche super bien, mais jusqu'as 
présent j'arrivais pas a faire voir le /dev/sdx a la commande en 
utilisateur pour créer le vmdk...

mais mon soucis est réglé, j'ai du mal ajouter mon user au group floppy 
j'ai refais la manip et ça fonctionne en user, plus sécurisé que lancer 
la vm en root :)


Attention quand-même, mieux vaut prévenir que guérir : il précise bien
qu'il est dangereux de tenter de booter le système hôte dans la VM.

oui en effet.

désolé pour cette question de noob, mais la je sèche

Pas tant de noob que ça, pas évident !

Je n'ai rien testé, je ne fais que te traduire et synthétiser la doc.

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Re: virtualbox et disque dure phisique

2014-04-24 Thread •‿•
Le 25 avril 2014 06:04, Raphaël POITEVIN a
écrit :

 prego jérémy writes:
  j'aimer'ai pouvoir utiliser des disque dure phisique dans virtualbox
  /dev/sdb /dev/sdc ... sans devoir lancer la vm en root j'ai bien vu en

 VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /path/to/file.vmdk
   -rawdisk /dev/sda


 Je n'ai rien testé, je ne fais que te traduire et synthétiser la doc.

J'utilise cette méthode pour booter une VM sur une clef USB (ClefAgreg).

1. VirtualBox ne connaît que les VM appartenant à l'utilisateur qui a
utilisé VBoxManage
pour creer le fihiervmdk. (ie Root ne peut pas lancer la VM de jeremy.

voici le fichier que j'utilise sur mon Mac pour lancer la VM :

#! /bin/sh

# Les clefs usb peuvent etre associees a differents device donc
# Determiner le device ou se situe la ClefAgreg
DISK=`diskutil list | grep $CLEFNAME | sed -e 's/.*\(disk.*\)s.*$/\1/'`

# Attribuer ce device à l'utilisateur jj (C'est moi 80))
sudo diskutil umountDisk $DISK
sudo chown jj:staff /dev/$DISK

# Dans le repertoire ou se trouve le fichier qui a ete cree prealablement
# VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ClefAgreg.vmdk
-rawdisk /dev/disk1
# attribuer le bon numero de disk
cd ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/
sed -e 's#\/dev/disk.*\#\/dev/'${DISK}'\#'  $CLEFNAME.vmdk 
mv $CLEFNAME.vmdk.copie  $CLEFNAME.vmdk

# Lancer la VM nommee ClefCpge prealablement configuree en mode graphique
# notamment memoire ports usb ...
VBoxManage startvm ClefCpge

Hope this help

(°   Dhénin Jean-Jacques
/ ) 48, rue de la Justice 78300 Poissy

Problemas Nat Asterisk en Debian atravesando 2 firewall

2014-04-24 Thread Maykel Franco
Hola buenas, tengo un servidor asterisk bajo debian. En la misma red
funciona perfecto e incluso en otra red que pasa por el mismo firewall
también funciona.

El problema viene cuando se realizan llamadas atravesando 2 firewall(2
nat), que no se escucha la voz...Según he estado mirando en internet
puede deberse a que necesite utilizar stun.

Uso puertos por defecto 5060 para registro de los clientes y
1:2 para streaming de voz.

Alguien ha tenido problemas con asterisk en debian atravesando por
varios firewall?

Gracias de antemano.


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Re: modificar fstab para remover noexec

2014-04-24 Thread Javier Barroso
2014-04-24 6:30 GMT+02:00 Eduardo A. Bustamante López
 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 09:44:54PM -0400, Rafael Angel Moran Sanchez wrote:
 Buenas amigos de debian, tengo un problema que no encuentro como 
 solucionarlo. necesito un poco de ayuda en lo siguiente. Cuando escribo en 
 la terminal $ Mount, de da informacion hacerca de los discos. Una de las 
 lineas dice esto:

 /dev/sdb1 on /home type ext4 
 El problema que tengo es que no puedo ejecutar archivos en shell, siempre 
 que hago click en el archivo me abre una ventana gedit o cuando arrojo ducho 
 archivo a la terminal me dice permiso denegado, aun siendo root.Leyendo me 
 encontré que noexec prohíbe que se ejecuten programas desde la partición 
 /home . Independientemente de los permisos que tenga. Quisera saber como 
 puedo modificar el archivo fstab para remover/apagar noexec desde la 
 particion de /home. Gracias y espero que no se una molestia.
 No es muy complicado, solo:

 - Abre tu editor con permisos de administrador (sudo vim /etc/fstab,
   por ejemplo)
 - Busca una línea que vaya algo como:
   /dev/sdb1 /home  ext4 nosuid,nodev,noexec,... 0   0
 - Y cámbiala por:
   /dev/sdb1 /home  ext4 nosuid,nodev,... 0   0
 - Guarda el archivo y reinicia la máquina
Si no quieres reiniciar la máquina puedes hacerlo remontando el
sistema de ficheros:

mount -o remount,exec /home

Y modificar el /etc/fstab como te ha comentado Eduardo para la próxima
vez que arranques el ordenador. El montar /home con noexec , creo que
es una medida de seguridad, aunque para mi gusto es un poco paranoica.

Un saludo

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Re: modificar fstab para remover noexec

2014-04-24 Thread Santiago Vila
Y ya puestos, que pruebe con nano:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Lo que parece que está preguntando de hecho es cómo editar /etc/fstab.
Si le decís que use vim igual luego no va a ser capaz de salir...

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Re: Wheezy en ibm system x3550 m3(no detecta disco)

2014-04-24 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Apr 2014 16:40:26 -0300, Francisco javier escribió:

 Hola, quería consultarles si alguien a instalado Debian estable en un
 servidor ibm system x3550 m3, tiene un disco sas de 1terabyte, y al
 momento que el instalador dice, analizando discos, se queda pegado.
   Agradecería  algún tipo de info al respecto.

Algo hay en Google, echa un vistazo:

En principio, asegúrate de que la controladora de disco duro esté soportada
por la versión del kernel que instalas.



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Re: systemd en jessie

2014-04-24 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Apr 2014 19:42:07 +0200, Santiago Vila escribió:

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 04:17:24PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 ¿Qué esperaría yo? Pues dos cosas:
 1/ Configuración/selección de sistema de inicio con, por ejemplo dpkg-
 configure init-system.

 2/ Tras su ejecución, que se almacene el valor seleccionado en un
 archivo independiente en /etc/default/*, y que el gestor de arranque lo
 pueda leer el cargador de arranque.
 El cargaror de arranque (GRUB) *solamente* lee /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
 No van a modificar GRUB para que lea información de dos sitios

Y /etc/grub/grub.cfg lee /etc/default/grub. Así que este último 
podría leer a su vez un archivo de configuración dedicado donde se defina 
el sistema de inicio elegido por el usuario.

 Eso sería bastante absurdo, y si no me crees, pon un bug de tipo
 wishlist y a ver qué te dicen.

No, no lo veo absurdo. Todo lo que sea facilitar el trabajo al 
administrador del sistema me resulta más bien de utilidad.

Otra cosa es, como digo, que la intención sea que sólo haya un sistema de 
inicio y no se quiera perder el tiempo en este tipo de cosas.

 Pero vamos, que editar /etc/default/grub, añadir init=/bin/systemd y
 ejecutar update-grub no es tan difícil.

¿Difícil? Para nada. ¿Intuitivo? Tampoco. Eso es lo que me gustaría que 
se corrigiera.

 Además, ya está decidido que el sistema de arranque *predeterminado*
 de jessie (cuando se convierta en stable) va a ser systemd:

De momento, así es.

Pero predeterminado no significa que no se pueda cambiar por otro (o que 
se conviva con varios), y quien lo quiera hacer tendrá que hacer los 
malabares a los que nos tiene malacostumbrados linux. Al final terminamos 
con sus sistema lleno de remiendos y parches por todos los lados.

 Así que lo que interesa a Debian y a sus usuarios no es precisamente dar
 facilidades para andar cambiando de uno a otro, sino que systemd lo
 utilice cuanta más gente mejor, para que se descubran sus fallos y se
 corrijan cuanto antes, ya que es el que va a usar más gente que nadie.

Ya, claro. Por eso digo que lo que interesa a Debian no es lo que puede  
interesar a otros usuarios. Cada uno barre para su casa ;-)



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Editar el archivo /etc/fstab (era: (unknown))

2014-04-24 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Apr 2014 21:44:54 -0400, Rafael Angel Moran Sanchez escribió:

Rafael, recuerda enviar los mensajes en formato texto plano y poner un 
asunto que sea descriptivo con el problema.

 Buenas amigos de debian, tengo un problema que no encuentro como
 solucionarlo. necesito un poco de ayuda en lo siguiente. Cuando escribo
 en la terminal $ Mount, de da informacion hacerca de los discos. 

Bueno, te da información acerca de los dispositivos que tienes montados.

 Una de las lineas dice esto:
 /dev/sdb1 on /home type ext4 

Para la partición /home que está en ext4, y salvo que tengas unos 
requerimientos específicos ¿no sería mejor usar simplemente las opciones 

 El problema que tengo es que no puedo ejecutar archivos en shell,
 siempre que hago click en el archivo me abre una ventana gedit o cuando
 arrojo ducho archivo a la terminal me dice permiso denegado, aun siendo
 root. Leyendo me encontré que noexec prohíbe que se ejecuten programas
 desde la partición /home . Independientemente de los permisos que
 tenga. Quisera saber como puedo modificar el archivo fstab para remover
 /apagar noexec desde la particion de /home. Gracias y espero que no se
 una molestia. 

Ya te han comentado como editarlo, pero además te recomendaría que lo 
hicieras con un editor de texto que no sea gráfico, es decir, que se 
ejecute desde línea de comandos (mi preferido es el editor interno de  
Midnight Commander, mc), por dos motivos:

1/ Conviene acostumbrarse a trabajar en consola así en el caso de que no 
tengas servidor X ya sabrás manejarte con soltura.

2/ Los editores de texto gráficos pueden dejar rastros que no vemos a 
simple vista (espacios dobles entre palabras o retornos de carro 
adicionales), mientras que los editores de texto sin GUI te lo chivan 



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[OT] Re: Problemas Nat Asterisk en Debian atravesando 2 firewall

2014-04-24 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 24 Apr 2014 10:17:51 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola buenas, tengo un servidor asterisk bajo debian. En la misma red
 funciona perfecto e incluso en otra red que pasa por el mismo firewall
 también funciona.
 El problema viene cuando se realizan llamadas atravesando 2 firewall(2
 nat), que no se escucha la voz...Según he estado mirando en internet
 puede deberse a que necesite utilizar stun.
 Uso puertos por defecto 5060 para registro de los clientes y 1:2
 para streaming de voz.
 Alguien ha tenido problemas con asterisk en debian atravesando por
 varios firewall?

Que la santa espiral te asista, amigo :-)

Vas a tener que hilar fino, fino para ajustar los cortafuegos con el voip, 
yo me las veo y me las deseo con los terminales Cisco SPA5xx (hay varios 
terminales con varias extensiones registradas...) y eso que sólo hay un 
cortafuegos y un NAT de por medio.

Al final tuve que llegar a un consenso: unos terminales usan servidores 
STUN y otros están configurados para hacer NAT traversal con reenvío de 



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Re: Wheezy en ibm system x3550 m3(no detecta disco)

2014-04-24 Thread Cristian Mitchell
El 24 de abril de 2014, 10:21, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 23 Apr 2014 16:40:26 -0300, Francisco javier escribió:

  Hola, quería consultarles si alguien a instalado Debian estable en un
  servidor ibm system x3550 m3, tiene un disco sas de 1terabyte, y al
  momento que el instalador dice, analizando discos, se queda pegado.
Agradecería  algún tipo de info al respecto.

 Algo hay en Google, echa un vistazo:

 En principio, asegúrate de que la controladora de disco duro esté soportada
 por la versión del kernel que instalas.



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Que esta soportado y anda estoy mas que seguro
tengo 15 servidores de estos andando hace 1 año y medio

Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,


2014-04-24 Thread fernando sainz
El día 24 de abril de 2014, 3:44, Rafael Angel Moran Sanchez escribió:
 Buenas amigos de debian, tengo un problema que no encuentro como
 solucionarlo. necesito un poco de ayuda en lo siguiente. Cuando escribo en
 la terminal $ Mount, de da informacion hacerca de los discos. Una de las
 lineas dice esto:

 /dev/sdb1 on /home type ext4

 El problema que tengo es que no puedo ejecutar archivos en shell, siempre
 que hago click en el archivo me abre una ventana gedit o cuando arrojo ducho
 archivo a la terminal me dice permiso denegado, aun siendo root.Leyendo me
 encontré que noexec prohíbe que se ejecuten programas desde la partición
 /home . Independientemente de los permisos que tenga. Quisera saber como
 puedo modificar el archivo fstab para remover/apagar noexec desde la
 particion de /home. Gracias y espero que no se una molestia.

Es una situación extraña.
Viendo que no sabes como editar fstab, supongo que esa linea se te ha
creado en la instalación.
Puedes contar cómo la hiciste.

Bueno, para editar un fichero ya te han dado varias opciones, yo
siempre digo que, aunque sea a nivel muy básico, hay que saber usar el
vi (otros editores no siempre están instalados).


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Re: Arno-Iptables-Firewall en Debian 7.1

2014-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 22 Apr 2014 10:21:19 -0500, Richard Díaz Rodríguez wrote:

(no te olvides de desactivar el hmtl en los mensajes)

 Hola tengo arno-iptables-firewall instalado y configurado para hacer nat
 a mi LAN me gustaria hacer con el que todo el trafico que venga
 destinado para ese server donde tengo arno-iptables-firewall instaldo
 por puero 80 me lo mande para otro server que se encuentra dentro de mi
 LAN y viceversa todo el trafico que venga de ese server por el puerto 80
 me lo mande para internet uso Debian 7.1

La generación de reglas en cortafuegos se me da muy mal, así que 
en lugar de lanzarme a la piscina sin flotador recomendaría que 
revisaras la documentación oficial, por ejemplo:

Q: How can I forward port 21 and 25 to and forward 
port 5000-5010 to

A: Use NAT_FORWARD_TCP and/or NAT_FORWARD_UDP variable(s) in this way:
NAT_FORWARD_TCP=21,25192.168.0.5 5000:5010192.168.0.6
NAT_FORWARD_UDP=21,25192.168.0.5 5000:5010192.168.0.6

Entiendo que para tu caso sería algo similar ya que quieres que el 
tráfico de entrada dirigido al puerto 80 del servidor1 donde tienes
el cortafuegos, lo quieres reenviar a otro servidor2 de la red 
interna y el tráfico de salida por el puerto 80 del servidor2 se 
vaya a la pasarela de salida a Internet que entiendo será un módem
u otro enrutador.



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Re: systemd en jessie

2014-04-24 Thread Santiago Vila
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 01:17:50PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 Eso es lo que me gustaría que se corrigiera.

Sin la corrección que dices, todo se reduce a añadir 17 caracteres a
la línea de arranque del núcleo, y para eso ya existe /etc/default/grub,
se tarda menos que escribir un mensaje a esta lista y no hacen falta
variables nuevas, con GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT ya te valdría.

Pero si de verdad crees que hay algo que debe ser corregido, que se
deben dar facilidades para cambiar de gestor de arranque como se
cambia de camisa, ya estás tardando en poner el bug.

En serio, pon el bug. Quejarte aquí no sirve de nada.

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Boycott a systemd

2014-04-24 Thread German Cardozo
Un grupo del que desconozco su origen, creo el sitio:, supongo que con la buena intención de explicar
las razones por las cuales no estan de acuerdo con este sistema.

Considero cierto, y ya he efectuado algunas revisiones y pruebas, que este
pierde parte de la filosofía UNIX, de hacer las cosas. En especial, el uso
de archivos en formatos no texto o no leibles por humanos, para
almacenar información o configuraciones, forzar el uso de ciertos paquetes
y/o sistemas (udev, dbus), estar diseñado para glibc, entre otros.

Con el simple ánimo de dejar esto a la consideración técnica de todos en la


German Cardozo Chirinos
~ carpe diem ~

Re: systemd en jessie

2014-04-24 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 24 Apr 2014 18:17:10 +0200, Santiago Vila escribió:

 On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 01:17:50PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 Eso es lo que me gustaría que se corrigiera.


 En serio, pon el bug. Quejarte aquí no sirve de nada.

Santiago, yo no me estoy quejando. 

Sé cómo funcionan (más o menos) los proyectos de software libre y sé 
cuándo hay que poner un informe de error o de mejora y cuándo no.

Sinceramente, no lo veo para un bug pero estamos en una lista de correo, 
ha salido el tema y doy mi opinión, nada más. Sí te digo que me gustaría 
que Debian ofreciera otra forma más racional e intuitiva de configurar el 
sistema de inicio, sea el que fuere.



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Re: Boycott a systemd

2014-04-24 Thread Jose Maldonado

El 24/04/14 12:01, German Cardozo escribió:

Un grupo del que desconozco su origen, creo el sitio:, supongo que con la buena intención de explicar
las razones por las cuales no estan de acuerdo con este sistema.

Considero cierto, y ya he efectuado algunas revisiones y pruebas, que este
pierde parte de la filosofía UNIX, de hacer las cosas. En especial, el uso
de archivos en formatos no texto o no leibles por humanos, para
almacenar información o configuraciones, forzar el uso de ciertos paquetes
y/o sistemas (udev, dbus), estar diseñado para glibc, entre otros.

Con el simple ánimo de dejar esto a la consideración técnica de todos en la


German Cardozo Chirinos
~ carpe diem ~

Enjoy your new Windows 9 Linux system! In fairness, systemd does 
provide a mechanism to reserialize and reexecute systemctl in real time. 
If this fails, of course, the system goes down.

Un interesante y muy preocupante punto.

Gracias por la info.

Dios en su Cielo, todo bien en la Tierra

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Re: Boycott a systemd

2014-04-24 Thread consultor
On 04/24/2014 09:31 AM, German Cardozo wrote:
 Un grupo del que desconozco su origen, creo el sitio:, supongo que con la buena intención de explicar
 las razones por las cuales no estan de acuerdo con este sistema.
 Considero cierto, y ya he efectuado algunas revisiones y pruebas, que este
 pierde parte de la filosofía UNIX, de hacer las cosas. En especial, el uso
 de archivos en formatos no texto o no leibles por humanos, para
 almacenar información o configuraciones, forzar el uso de ciertos paquetes
 y/o sistemas (udev, dbus), estar diseñado para glibc, entre otros.
 Con el simple ánimo de dejar esto a la consideración técnica de todos en la
 German Cardozo Chirinos
 ~ carpe diem ~

La Distribucion activa, mas antigua es Slackware, y mantiene el estilo
UNIX (arranque BSD y configuracion en texto plano); le sigue Debian
(inicialmente, con estilo propio).

El objetivo de los mercaderes (personas y grupos que quieren dominar
el mundo, esclavizando a todos); ha sido. destruir y/o apropiarse del
Software libre; los metodos han sido diferentes; la armada de EU, se
atribuye la creacion de internet (cosa que ya existia, solo faltaba el
instrumento); la NSA mete proyectos de seguridad en Debian y promueve la
creacion de capas de software (paneles de control), mete bugs
(posiblemente HeartBleed), mete personas que promuevan la facilidad en
el software libre (eso facilita las intrusiones, y crea grupos que
empiezan a exigir cambios, en vez de crear y auditar codigo); systemd,
es la muestra de codigo complicado y con tendencia a ser codigo cerrado!

La mal llamada, dificultad de usar GNU/Linux, es solamente el proceso
de aprendisaje! La facilidad de uso, solo lleva a ser igual a los
Windows! Y actualmente, la mayoria lo que quiere es un Linux
Windows-izado. Esas personas, en apariencia, son Gurus de Linux; pero
en el fondo son Windowseros. Desconocen la esencia del Software Libre.

Linus Torvals, se nego a introducir codigo de la NSA, pero en la capa de
aplicaciones; la cosa es muy amplia y diferente; y esta en manos de la
mentalidad de los desarrolladores. Los demas, solo somos usuarios

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Gnome3 i VB

2014-04-24 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 23:22 +0200, Per Andersson wrote:
 Förresten fick jag det inte alls fick det att fungera efter att ha installerat
 firmware-linux-nonfree. Det vara bara popupen som inte visas när jag
 loggar in en andra gång...

Kan det vara så att gdm automatiskt ställer in sig på fallback/classic
mode efter att du loggat in första gången? I så fall får du ändra
manuellt I gdm innan du loggar in.

Du kan även dubbelkolla att du har fungerade grafikdrivrutiner med:

 glxinfo | grep OpenGL

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Gnome3 i VB

2014-04-24 Thread Per Andersson
2014-04-24 18:23 GMT+02:00 Sven Arvidsson
 On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 23:22 +0200, Per Andersson wrote:
 Förresten fick jag det inte alls fick det att fungera efter att ha 
 firmware-linux-nonfree. Det vara bara popupen som inte visas när jag
 loggar in en andra gång...

 Kan det vara så att gdm automatiskt ställer in sig på fallback/classic
 mode efter att du loggat in första gången? I så fall får du ändra
 manuellt I gdm innan du loggar in.

 Du kan även dubbelkolla att du har fungerade grafikdrivrutiner med:

  glxinfo | grep OpenGL

Du kan också kolla om direct rendering är på med

$ glxinfo | grep direct
direct rendering: Yes


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Firewall direciona cliente para proxy

2014-04-24 Thread Anderson Bertling
Bom dia!

Tenho o seguinte cenário tenho duas redes, na rede 1 é restrita a qualquer
tipo de tráfego mas eu consigo acessar o servidor de proxy interno, ja a
rede 2 esta liberada a qualquer tipo de trafego, meu problema é que tenho
um servidor na rede 1 e necessito encaminhar emails deste servidor para
contas do gmail por exemplo, fiz um teste com o thunderbird enviando
através do proxy usando o  proxychains e deu certo, mas a aplicação que
estou usando é em php, nesta parte estou com dúvida, como posso encaminhar
a porta 587 para um IP:3128 no firewall sem precisar chamar o proxychains?
Desde ja fico grato pela ajuda...



[OFFTOPIC] Políticas de Uso TI

2014-04-24 Thread Fábio de Sousa
Um salve a todos,

Amigos, estou precisando de algum documento que tenha políticas de uso na
área de TI dentro de uma empresa, se possível deste o Administrador de
Redes até o usuário final.
Estou assumindo o setor de TI de uma empresa e disse que para o meu Diretor
que precisamos tomar algumas medidas para  organizar a casa!
Conversei com ele sobre alguns procedimentos, mas ele quer isso
documentado, para ser assinado por ele e distribuído para todos!
Alguém teria alguma documentação pronta, mesmo que as políticas não seja as
mesmas que vou precisar aqui, mas para eu ter um parâmetro e escrever um
documento, pelo menos com as medidas iniciais que tomaremos!
Quem puder ajudar eu agradeço!
Se quiser postar o link do documento aqui na lista tranquilo, mas se
preferirem enviar para meu email:  - assim que concluir o
documento, faço upload e envio para lista, talvez tenha mais alguém esteja


  ~   *| Fábio de
.ºvº. *| Téc. Inf.*
/(_)\ | *Seja livre, use LINUX*
.^.^. | *Socialmente justo, economicamente viável e tecnologicamente

Pontos vulneráreis e auditoria para o E-SOCIAL

2014-04-24 Thread Peopleup

Mas afinal, o que é preciso fazer na prática para estar pronto ao

Conheça os pontos vulneráveis de parte de suas rotinas em administração
de pessoal e tome ações preventívas para reduzir de forma significativa
o passivo trabalhista e previdenciário.

Realize auditorias preventivas e esteja pronto para atender aos orgãos

Inscreva-se ainda hoje e garanta sua vaga.  Ligue para  11 5071-4379 ou
envie um e-mail para:

Prof. José Carlos Fontão Giudice
22 e 23 de Maio - São Paulo - SP

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Estrutura das Rubricas Através da Prática de Cálculos

   * Salário Mensalista
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   * Horas Extras Noturnas
   * Reflexo das Horas Extras s/ DSR
   * Adicional de Periculosidade
   * Adicional de Insalubridade
   * Auxílio Doença 15 primeiros dias
   * Salário maternidade
   * Salário Família
   * Adiantamento Salarial
   * Participação do empregado no Vale Refeição
   * Participação do empregado na Vale Transporte
   * Contribuição Sindical
   * Contribuição Confederativa
   * Contribuição Assistencial
   * Empréstimos Contratados Lei 10.820/03
   * Cálculo do Imposto de Renda com FAPTI, Previdência Privada, e
Pensão Alimentícia.
   * Totalização dos Descontos
   * Totalização do Valor Líquido a Pagar
   * Formação da Base de Cálculo do INSS empregado e Patronal
   * INSS
   * Formação da Base de Cálculo IRRF
   * IRRF
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   * FGTS

I - Metodologia de Auditagem

   * Atributos da Conta
   * Códigos mediáveis – Férias, 13° Salário, Aviso Prévio
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   * Verbas de Descontos
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   * Conferência de Rescisão e lançamentos e Folha de Pagamento
   * Jornada de Trabalho


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Re: [OFFTOPIC] Políticas de Uso TI

2014-04-24 Thread Cássio Elias
Bom, acredito que o máximo que voce irá chegar seja o máximo que a 
administração passada chegou. Apenas um raciocínio.

Agora, a ITIL não trabalha com esse tipo de documentação não?

De uma estiver errado me corrijam por favor.

Em 24/04/2014 10:32, Fábio de Sousa escreveu:

Um salve a todos,

Amigos, estou precisando de algum documento que tenha políticas de uso 
na área de TI dentro de uma empresa, se possível deste o Administrador 
de Redes até o usuário final.
Estou assumindo o setor de TI de uma empresa e disse que para o meu 
Diretor que precisamos tomar algumas medidas para  organizar a casa!
Conversei com ele sobre alguns procedimentos, mas ele quer isso 
documentado, para ser assinado por ele e distribuído para todos!
Alguém teria alguma documentação pronta, mesmo que as políticas não 
seja as mesmas que vou precisar aqui, mas para eu ter um parâmetro e 
escrever um documento, pelo menos com as medidas iniciais que tomaremos!

Quem puder ajudar eu agradeço!
Se quiser postar o link do documento aqui na lista tranquilo, mas se 
preferirem enviar para meu email:  - assim que concluir o documento, faço 
upload e envio para lista, talvez tenha mais alguém esteja precisando!

​ Grato,​

  ~ /| Fábio de Sousa /
.ºvº. /| Téc. Inf./
/(_)\ | /Seja livre, use LINUX/
.^.^. | /Socialmente justo, economicamente viável e tecnologicamente 

Cássio Elias - Departamento de Informática

Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Leite de Serrania Ltda.

Fone: (35) 3284-1414
Fax:  (35) 3284-1302

Não percais a vossa esperança. No amanhã tudo será diferente e vereis a mão 
poderosa de Deus agir.
O Bem e o Mal não são inimigos! Um está doente, e o outro pode curar!

Re: [OFFTOPIC] Políticas de Uso TI

2014-04-24 Thread Sinval Júnior
Trabalho em empresa do Governo aqui temos um documento enorme. Proíbe até
uso de pendriver. Na minha opinião inútil, visto que para Justiça isso não
tem valor, você não poderá demitir um usuário alegando justa coisa caso ele
descumpra a norma, o melhor que você pode fazer é ter um bom filtro de
conteúdo. E fazer campanhas via e-mail etc...

Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
2 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

#!/usr/bin/env python
nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
print nome
print email

Em 24 de abril de 2014 13:17, Cássio Elias

  Bom, acredito que o máximo que voce irá chegar seja o máximo que a
 administração passada chegou. Apenas um raciocínio.

 Agora, a ITIL não trabalha com esse tipo de documentação não?

 De uma estiver errado me corrijam por favor.

 Em 24/04/2014 10:32, Fábio de Sousa escreveu:

  Um salve a todos,

  Amigos, estou precisando de algum documento que tenha políticas de uso
 na área de TI dentro de uma empresa, se possível deste o Administrador de
 Redes até o usuário final.
  Estou assumindo o setor de TI de uma empresa e disse que para o meu
 Diretor que precisamos tomar algumas medidas para  organizar a casa!
  Conversei com ele sobre alguns procedimentos, mas ele quer isso
 documentado, para ser assinado por ele e distribuído para todos!
 Alguém teria alguma documentação pronta, mesmo que as políticas não seja
 as mesmas que vou precisar aqui, mas para eu ter um parâmetro e escrever um
 documento, pelo menos com as medidas iniciais que tomaremos!
 Quem puder ajudar eu agradeço!
 Se quiser postar o link do documento aqui na lista tranquilo, mas se
 preferirem enviar para meu email:  - assim que concluir
 o documento, faço upload e envio para lista, talvez tenha mais alguém
 esteja precisando!

  ​ Grato,​

   ~   *| Fábio de
 .ºvº. *| Téc. Inf.*
 /(_)\ | *Seja livre, use LINUX*
 .^.^. | *Socialmente justo, economicamente viável e tecnologicamente

 Cássio Elias - Departamento de Informática

 Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Leite de Serrania Ltda.

 Fone: (35) 3284-1414
 Fax:  (35) 3284-1302

 Não percais a vossa esperança. No amanhã tudo será diferente e vereis a mão 
 poderosa de Deus agir.
 O Bem e o Mal não são inimigos! Um está doente, e o outro pode curar!

Re: [OFFTOPIC] Políticas de Uso TI

2014-04-24 Thread Julio
Minha sugestão é você fazer treinamentos da itil e iso 27001 e 27002 , e 
se quiser ir mais longe faça o da iso 2 2011
Tem o site da TI Exames se você morar em locais onde não existe centros 
de treinamento

Em 24-04-2014 10:32, Fábio de Sousa escreveu:

Um salve a todos,

Amigos, estou precisando de algum documento que tenha políticas de uso 
na área de TI dentro de uma empresa, se possível deste o Administrador 
de Redes até o usuário final.
Estou assumindo o setor de TI de uma empresa e disse que para o meu 
Diretor que precisamos tomar algumas medidas para  organizar a casa!
Conversei com ele sobre alguns procedimentos, mas ele quer isso 
documentado, para ser assinado por ele e distribuído para todos!
Alguém teria alguma documentação pronta, mesmo que as políticas não 
seja as mesmas que vou precisar aqui, mas para eu ter um parâmetro e 
escrever um documento, pelo menos com as medidas iniciais que tomaremos!

Quem puder ajudar eu agradeço!
Se quiser postar o link do documento aqui na lista tranquilo, mas se 
preferirem enviar para meu email:  - assim que concluir o documento, faço 
upload e envio para lista, talvez tenha mais alguém esteja precisando!

​ Grato,​

  ~ /| Fábio de Sousa /
.ºvº. /| Téc. Inf./
/(_)\ | /Seja livre, use LINUX/
.^.^. | /Socialmente justo, economicamente viável e tecnologicamente 

Re: [OFFTOPIC] Políticas de Uso TI

2014-04-24 Thread Listeiro 037

Há livros de certificação nesta área no mercado, explicando bem o tema.
Mas prá ser mais profissional, ou contratando alguém especializado, ou
conversando com ele sobre você se certificar. Daí você monta um curso
interno e replica o suficiente do conhecimento com os outros. 

Em Thu, 24 Apr 2014 10:32:03 -0300
Fábio de Sousa escreveu:

 Um salve a todos,
 Amigos, estou precisando de algum documento que tenha políticas de
 uso na área de TI dentro de uma empresa, se possível deste o
 Administrador de Redes até o usuário final.
 Estou assumindo o setor de TI de uma empresa e disse que para o meu
 Diretor que precisamos tomar algumas medidas para  organizar a casa!
 Conversei com ele sobre alguns procedimentos, mas ele quer isso
 documentado, para ser assinado por ele e distribuído para todos!
 Alguém teria alguma documentação pronta, mesmo que as políticas não
 seja as mesmas que vou precisar aqui, mas para eu ter um parâmetro e
 escrever um documento, pelo menos com as medidas iniciais que
 tomaremos! Quem puder ajudar eu agradeço!
 Se quiser postar o link do documento aqui na lista tranquilo, mas se
 preferirem enviar para meu email:  - assim que
 concluir o documento, faço upload e envio para lista, talvez tenha
 mais alguém esteja precisando!
   ~   *| Fábio de
 .ºvº. *| Téc. Inf.*
 /(_)\ | *Seja livre, use LINUX*
 .^.^. | *Socialmente justo, economicamente viável e tecnologicamente

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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Jochen Spieker
Patrick Bartek:
 I don't need lots of storage or big attachment sizes (or any
 attachments really), but I do need IMAP, so I can use Claws.  It must be
 reasonably secure and dependable, i.e, good up times.

I didn't read the whole thread, but I didn't see anyone stepping up and
offering some space on their own servers.

I have a virtual server running wheezy with Dovecot, dspam,
policyd-weight, ClamAV, Roundcube, OwnCloud and whatnot. Storage is
becoming a little bit constrained but otherwise the machine is pretty
much idle. I have only three other e-mail users beside myself plus the
occasional web visitor.

So, if someone needs an account for mail, CardDAV/CalDAV (great for
Android sync!) or little bit of web space: just ask. I do care about
security and availability because I use this system heavily myself.
Obviously, I cannot guarantee anything, though, and you have to trust me
with your data. In any case I recommend encrypting and backing up your
own stuff.

It is not in my power to change anything.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Q: nfs server fails to mount own exported resource, but other client able to mount

2014-04-24 Thread Snow Leopard


I came across strange mount problem on nfs server -- it refuses to 
mount it's own directory while other nfs clients able mount nfs server 
exported directoryjust fine

1. nfs server
OS: wheeze (Debian)
/etc/exports:   /export/home,subtree_check)
drxwrxwrxw  /export/home

2. client1
OS: Valhalla (Red Hat 7.3)
mount -t nfs /mnt
mounts directory without any error

3. client2
OS: squeeze (Debian)
mount -t nfs /mnt
mounts directory without any error

4. client3 (nfs server itself)
OS: wheeze (Debian)
mount -t nfs /mnt
mounts directory without any error

5. client4 (nfs server itself)
OS: wheeze (Debian)
mount -t nfs install:/export/home /mnt
mounts fails with an error

mount -v -t nfs install:/export/home /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:21:36 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 

mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting install:/export/home

mount -v -t nfs /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:22:50 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 

mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting

The error indicates that when I attempt to mount by using FQDN of nfs 
server -- the name resolves to and client resolves to .

cat /etc/hosts   localhost  install

If I modify /etc/hosts to

cat /etc/hosts   localhost
#  install


mount -v -t nfs /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:29:50 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 

mounts directory without any error, while

mount -v -t nfs install:/export/home /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:29:27 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 

mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting install:/export/home

I do not recall when a record appear in /etc/hosts (Squeezy 
and Wheeze both have it) for first time, it is default record added 
during installation.

I puzzled and run out of ideas why nfs server is not able to mount own 
exported directory. I see that mount tries to mount through loopback 
and for some inexplicable to me reason it fails. Why does it happen?

What am I missing?

--- Quote --
The IP address ||in the second line of this example may not be 
found on some other Unix-like systems. The Debian Installer this entry for a 
system without a permanent IP address as a workaround for some software 
(e.g., GNOME) as documented in the bug #719621

--- End of Quote ---

Thank you for any clue how this problem can be fixed.


Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 4/19/2014 3:38 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
 What with my authentication problems with my Yahoo Mail address on this
 list, anyone have personal recommendations for a good, free email
 service ... to run my lists subcriptions through?

You have Cox broadband.  Why aren't you using Cox IMAP?  Most broadband
providers offer multiple email accounts per service connection.  Create
an account for list mail.  Done.



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Re: Alternatives to grub and lilo? was grub2 menu problems

2014-04-24 Thread Kruppt
On 2014-04-23, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Apr 2014 17:54:22 +0600
 Muntasim Ul Haque wrote:

 When I press Enter then it boots into Windows 8 without any problem.
 So I don't have any big issue here except Windows 8 is detected as
 Windows Vista and that occurrence of error message. So what's the

 Grub used to be good software. Predictable, non-surprising, one config
 file you edited with an editor. Those days are gone.

 Now, with grub 2, I need to be an expert on seven or so files that get
 processed into one big one, which acts as the config. I don't mind
 acquiring expertise for something important like LaTeX for writing
 books or Python for making my computer do my bidding, but I don't want
 to spend hours or days gaining expertise just for a program telling the
 computer the kernel and initrd locations, and a few other things. With
 gui, splash screens, frame-buffers, and all sorts of other gobblty-gook.

 I considered going back to LILO, but it still has no understanding of
 filesystems: It's easy to bork and hard to fix. Not as hard as Grub 2

 Is there a simpler bootloader that works with Linux? I don't want GUI.
 I don't want a framebuffer. I don't want a splash screen. And I don't
 want to wade through seven files to turn those things off. Basically,
 I'd like something like LILO that understands ext4.



 Steve Litt*
 Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

There are patched versions of Grub Legacy out there that
*understand* ext4 and the use of UUID's. I know that a LiveCD
Debian varient called Mepis, the latest of the 8.5 versions
has this patched version of GRUB Legacy. If you downloaded 
their latest 8.5 LiveCD you could install this patched version 
of Legacy Grub from the LiveCD. (Without having to install OS)
Also the LiveCD version of ArchBang pre systemd 
had a patched version of Grub Legacy also.
Sorry don't remember the version, just remember that it
was the version pre systemd, as they changed to GRUB2 after
that point in time. I'm sure there are other places to
find this patched version of Grub-Legacy, I just don't remember them
at this point in time. I use both Grub2 and Grub Legacy myself.
I have not messed yet with any UEFI or EFI systems, so can not
comment on that. In my case I use Grub Legacy (installed MBR 
and first ext partition on HDD's) and install all GRUB2 to the 
root partition of all other GNU/Linux installs on drives. 
I can boot directly to any of the other Linux installs 
from Grub-Legacy or chainload to GRUB2 
for it's added features if need be. 
(boot directly from ISO's etc.)

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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Brian wrote:

python-dev isn't required to set up printing. That can be done using
http://localhost:631 or with lpinfo plus lpadmin.

In general: Some additional info on setting up printers;
CUPS can use vendor-supplied PPD files for Postscript printers directly. 
Often these come with the Windows drivers for a printer, or can be found 
on the printer vendor's website.


If you are thinking of buying a new printer, get one with postscript 
support. It makes things a lot easier.


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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Curt
On 2014-04-23, Brian wrote:

 You have already been told: it is not required if you *want* to set up
 printing. You may feel the need to *have to* set it up that way but the
 reasons are unspecified.

I believe he's trying to build the most recent version of hplip (thus
the requirement for development libraries) because his printer,
to function correctly, or to function fully or completely, needs a newer
version of hplip than the one provided in Squeeze.

I read all about it yesterday, found his printer at this site

and indeed there was a table somewhere that gave a minimum hplip version
higher than the one in Squeeze.  However, there was another table which
seemed to indicate that the printer should work (at least partially)
with Debian 6.0.  I am a little confused.

It seems he's downloaded an automagical install script which
configures and builds the hplip software with little user intervention (or
something).  Why it's barfing on the version of python-dev in Squeeze
puzzles me. If you choose to install manually, you must download the
Regular Tarball; the build and install instructions for Debian are
found at this url:

Here's the minimum system requirements:

At the above url it says, amongst other things:

 Python 2.2 or higher and python-devel (Python 2.3+ for fax support)

Isn't 2.3+ lower than the version in Squeeze?

Maybe my comprehension of the whole deal is faulty.

Même l’avenir n’est plus ce qu’il était. 
(Even the future isn't what it used to be).
- Paul Valéry

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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 10:04 +0200, Jochen Spieker wrote:
 So, if someone needs an account for mail, CardDAV/CalDAV (great for
 Android sync!) or little bit of web space: just ask.

Hi Jochen,

I would like to have both, web pace and an email account, but most
important is an email account and web space is completely unimportant.
If you're willing to provide an account for free as in beer, I would be
thankful, but I guess I have nothing to offer to you for barter.

I'm from Germany too and would use the account for Linux and FreeBSD
mailing lists. I wouldn't do arms deal and human trafficking with that
account and I don't care for privacy, since the mailing lists anyway
have open archives. I'm just sick of having bad bounce scores and the
need to switch between accounts to send mail to a lists.

I would prefer over and I need POP/SMTP.


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Re: Bug #693630: Dconf unknown method 'Change'

2014-04-24 Thread James Collier
Hi Berenger (and all),

Thanks very much for the replies.
My installed dconf packages and versions:
james@james-turing:~$ apt-cache search dconf | grep dconf
dconf-cli - simple configuration storage system - utilities
dconf-editor - simple configuration storage system - utilities
dconf-gsettings-backend - simple configuration storage system - GSettings
dconf-service - simple configuration storage system - D-Bus service
dconf-tools - transitional dummy package
libdconf-dbg - simple configuration storage system - debugging symbols
libdconf-dbus-1-0 - simple configuration storage system - D-Bus library
libdconf-dbus-1-dbg - simple configuration storage system - D-Bus debug
libdconf-dbus-1-dev - simple configuration storage system - D-Bus
development files
libdconf-dev - simple configuration storage system - development files
libdconf-doc - simple configuration storage system - documentation
libdconf1 - simple configuration storage system - runtime library
upstart-dconf-bridge - DConf bridge for upstart
james@james-turing:~$ apt-cache policy dconf-service
  Installed: 0.18.0-1
  Candidate: 0.18.0-1
  Version table:
 *** 0.18.0-1 0
500 sid/main amd64 Packages
500 testing/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
james@james-turing:~$ apt-cache policy libdconf1
  Installed: 0.18.0-1
  Candidate: 0.18.0-1
  Version table:
 *** 0.18.0-1 0
500 sid/main amd64 Packages
500 testing/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
james@james-turing:~$ apt-cache policy libdconf-dbus-1-0
  Installed: 0.18.0-1
  Candidate: 0.18.0-1
  Version table:
 *** 0.18.0-1 0
500 sid/main amd64 Packages
500 testing/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

How do I check that all recommended packages are selected? I've just done a
tasksel and noticed Debian desktop environment wasn't selected, but
laptop was. Unfortunately the dconf problem persists. As for ~/.share, it
doesn't exist on my system.


On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 11:11 PM, wrote:

 Le 23.04.2014 09:00, James Collier a écrit :

  Hello everyone,
 first time posting here. Yay!
 I've been having trouble with this dconf bug for some time now. And
 no solution on google seems to help.
  To get this error all I need to do is try to change a setting. e.g.
 open terminal:
 $ gnome-calculator
 Open preferences, change e.g. word size from 64 bits to 32 bits
 close the preferences dialog
  close the gnome-calculator application and a bunch of:
 (gnome-calculator:18860): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes
 to dconf: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No
 such method 'Change'
  warnings pop up. Same thing happens if I want to change desktop
 So what have I tried to fix it:
 * deleted '~/.config/dconf/user'
 * deleted '~/.config/dconf'
  * restarted
 * updated all packages

 FYI I'm running stock unstable fully updated. I'm starting to think
 the fault is mine but no idea where to start. Could someone please
 help me?
  Also can you CC the reply to me as I'm not subscribed to the list.

 James Collier

 Which package exactly do you have about dconf? What I can see on;
 searchon=nameskeywords=dconf is that the only dconf package is only in
 old-stable. Since you are in unstable, I strongly doubt that you are using
 this one...

 I was thinking that it could be a bug introduced in unstable, but all
 dconf* packages seems to have the same version in testing, so my original
 idea about downgrading is not applicable here. Do you have all recommended
 packages installed? One might miss, which would lead to that kind of
 warning. In this case, you could then report the problem back to Debian,
 since it would be a bug. And since you have removed and recreated all your
 configuration files about dconf, I would not be surprised of this.

 Also, you could check if there is related stuff in ~/.share/dconf, and you
 could try to regenerate ~/.share/dbus + ~/.config/dbus.

 Hope it helps.

Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Rob van der Putten

Hi there

Brian wrote:

python-dev isn't required to set up printing. That can be done using
http://localhost:631 or with lpinfo plus lpadmin.

I just look it up. This printer also scans;
You probably need more then just a ppd.


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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Thursday 24 April 2014 11:15:03 Rob van der Putten wrote:
 I just look it up. This printer also scans;
 You probably need more then just a ppd.

You have to set up printing and scanning separately as a rule for all in one 
machines, though the drivers supplied by HP cover both.


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Re: install cinnamon

2014-04-24 Thread Stephen Allen
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 02:58:28PM +0100, Brian wrote:
 On Tue 22 Apr 2014 at 11:48:11 +0100, Brian wrote:
  It would be interesting to know whether this is successful for you.
 On the segfault site Martins provides cinnamon-build.tar.gz. If you
 trust the packages it contains (installing random debs found on the web
 isn't recommended) Cinnamon might run for you on Wheezy after you get
---end quoted text---

Why was Cinnamon removed from the Debian Repos? Much rather have it than
Mate. No one wanted to package it and/or maintain it? Where do these
discussions happen?

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Re: Q: nfs server fails to mount own exported resource, but other client able to mount

2014-04-24 Thread Ron Leach

Escaped from list (:

On 24/04/2014 09:49, Snow Leopard wrote:


I came across strange mount problem on nfs server -- it refuses to
mount it's own directory while other nfs clients able mount nfs server
exported directoryjust fine

1. nfs server
OS: wheeze (Debian)
/etc/exports: /export/home,subtree_check)
drxwrxwrxw /export/home

2. client1
OS: Valhalla (Red Hat 7.3)
mount -t nfs /mnt
mounts directory without any error

3. client2
OS: squeeze (Debian)
mount -t nfs /mnt
mounts directory without any error

4. client3 (nfs server itself)
OS: wheeze (Debian)
mount -t nfs /mnt
mounts directory without any error

5. client4 (nfs server itself)
OS: wheeze (Debian)
mount -t nfs install:/export/home /mnt
mounts fails with an error

mount -v -t nfs install:/export/home /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:21:36 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options
mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting install:/export/home

mount -v -t nfs /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:22:50 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options
mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting

The error indicates that when I attempt to mount by using FQDN of nfs
server -- the name resolves to and client resolves to .

I wonder if it is letting you mount as 'nfs' when you supply the IP
address, but is not letting you mount as 'nfs' when you try to address
the device locally (which doesn't surprise me).

While I don't use mount, I do use fstab to mount the device containing
our nfs export, locally

/dev/md5 /mnt/point ext4 rw,auto,users,exec

(and a mount command can be similarly constructed).

Isn't the 'right' way to mount local filesystems directly as 'ext4' or
whatever, and only mount as 'nfs' if the filesystem has to be accessed
at another IP address?

regards, Ron

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Re: install cinnamon

2014-04-24 Thread Jochen Spieker
Stephen Allen:
 On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 02:58:28PM +0100, Brian wrote:
 On Tue 22 Apr 2014 at 11:48:11 +0100, Brian wrote:
 It would be interesting to know whether this is successful for you.
 On the segfault site Martins provides cinnamon-build.tar.gz. If you
 trust the packages it contains (installing random debs found on the web
 isn't recommended) Cinnamon might run for you on Wheezy after you get
 ---end quoted text---
 Why was Cinnamon removed from the Debian Repos?

It wasn't. It is just only available in sid at the moment:

 Much rather have it than Mate. No one wanted to package it and/or
 maintain it? Where do these discussions happen?

Probably either in a bug report or on debian-devel.

Judging from the state of cinnamon in Debian (package version and
activity in the BTS), it appears that the maintainers need some help to
get Cinnamon into shape before it can be released with Debian.

I often blame my shortcomings on my upbringing.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Details behind a GRUB2 warning message?

2014-04-24 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:22 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Tom H wrote:

 Let's assume that you have two Linux installations on sda, on sda1 and
 sda2, and that grub is embedded in the mbr of sda for sda1 and in the
 pbr/vbr of sda2 for sda2.

 I have two distinct use cases
   1. one machine has multiple Debian installs {primary and logical
   2. one machine has WinXP on sda1 with multiple Debian installs on both
  primary and logical partitions with several logical partitions
  as NTFS

   1. I have no idea what pbr/vbr means
   2. I've not yet Googled 'chainloading of boot loaders'

 If it's sda1's grub to which the bios hands over the boot process,
 you'll be booting the installation on sda2 with one of these three,
 linux (hd0,msdos2)/boot/vmlinuz..., configfile
 (hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg, multiboot
 (hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img, and none of them can be
 affected by the block list issue.

 My machine with only Debian *appears* well behaved.
 My machine with both Windows and Debian gives me fits.

pbr/vbr is partition boot record/volume boot record (I don't know
which of them is more accurate/appropriate) and they refer to the boot
record of a partition as opposed to the boot record of a disk, the

I'm replying to you after 2-3 weeks so you might already have gogoled
chainloading but just in case:

If you're chainloading Linux, then the simplest way is to use one of
the above three methods.

If you're chainloading Windows, then you have to use set root=(hd0,1)
; chainloader +1; and you can use drivemap... or parttool... if
you need to fool the Windows bootloader into thinking that it's on the
first disk or the first partition respectively.

I haven't dual-booted Windows and Linux for a while, but I have, in
the past, when using Windows bootloader rather than grub to boot
WIndows, dd'd the Linux vbr to a file on c:\ and created a
c:\boot.ini entry for Linux. With more recent versions of Windows
you'd have to use bcdedit to add a Linux entry but I've never done so,

FTR, if/when you upgrade your box(es), you should get EFI because it
makes dual-,triple-, ...-booting far simpler.

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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 4:11 AM, Slavko wrote:
 Dňa Mon, 21 Apr 2014 23:51:33 -0500 c. marlow

 Im so exhausted I just about give up on Linux, just about ready to
 scrape up the money, go to walmart and buy me a Windows Machine.. In
 the last week I have tried LMDE both made and cinnamon

 The money reason to switch to Linux? Understand i properly? Only for
 money? IMHO bad choice, free software is about freedom, not about

We Linux users have to get away from this type of religious extremism.

Especially when we profess to be about freedom, but then deny someone
the freedom to choose Linux for non-RMS reasons!

In 100% of companies where I've worked, the /ONLY/ reason that Linux
is being used is because it's cheaper than Mac OS 8/9/X, Solaris,
Windows and for no other reason.

In my personal case, I'm running Ubuntu on a Lenovo laptop because
it's half the price of a similarly specced MacBook, and no other
reason (except possibly some low-level OS tinkering like compiling and
using the latest upstream rc kernel).

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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Tom H
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 14:08 +, wrote:
 Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
 Remote host said: 550 5.7.1 Recipient 
 address rejected: Mail appeared to be SPAM or forged. Ask your 
 Mail/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings or to get removed 
 from DNSBLs; please relay via your ISP ( [RCPT_TO

 OK, now this doesn't work anymore :D. However, not only the providers
 are bad, Debian sees mail as spam, that isn't spam.

 I suspect the end of mailing lists is near :(. More and more people run
 into issues when using mailing lists. The bad, without mailing lists
 Linux will die!

I like your overgeneralization and overdramatization!

Thinking that lists will die because the mail providers that you're
choosing are having issues doesn't mean that lists will die. I suspect
that there are far more (FAR MORE) people who aren't having problems
posting to d-u than people who are.

Thinking that Linux will die once lists die is counting without forums
and and discussions thingies.
I'm not a fan of either of these formats but I'd adapt if need be to
them or to yet another model.

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Re: Alternatives to grub and lilo? was grub2 menu problems

2014-04-24 Thread maderios

On 04/23/2014 06:18 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

Now, with grub 2, I need to be an expert on seven or so files that get
processed into one big one, which acts as the config. I don't mind

You need to edit only one file: /etc/default/grub
and it works...

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Re: Alternatives to grub and lilo? was grub2 menu problems

2014-04-24 Thread Tom H
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

 Grub used to be good software. Predictable, non-surprising, one config
 file you edited with an editor. Those days are gone.

 Now, with grub 2, I need to be an expert on seven or so files that get
 processed into one big one, which acts as the config. I don't mind
 acquiring expertise for something important like LaTeX for writing
 books or Python for making my computer do my bidding, but I don't want
 to spend hours or days gaining expertise just for a program telling the
 computer the kernel and initrd locations, and a few other things. With
 gui, splash screens, frame-buffers, and all sorts of other gobblty-gook.

 I considered going back to LILO, but it still has no understanding of
 filesystems: It's easy to bork and hard to fix. Not as hard as Grub 2

 Is there a simpler bootloader that works with Linux? I don't want GUI.
 I don't want a framebuffer. I don't want a splash screen. And I don't
 want to wade through seven files to turn those things off. Basically,
 I'd like something like LILO that understands ext4.

You don't need to understand all of grub's files in order to use it.
You just have to set the options that you want in /etc/default/grub
and run update-grub.

If you want to create a hand-crafted menu entry, you can edit

And that's it.

If the above isn't allowing you to boot, then file a bug report.

The splash screen isn't a function of the bootloader but of the kernel cmdline.

/etc/default/grub for a text console.

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Re: Alternatives to grub and lilo? was grub2 menu problems

2014-04-24 Thread Darac Marjal
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 03:35:18PM +0200, maderios wrote:
 On 04/23/2014 06:18 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
 Now, with grub 2, I need to be an expert on seven or so files that get
 processed into one big one, which acts as the config. I don't mind
 You need to edit only one file: /etc/default/grub
 and it works...

Which, when it comes down to it, is no really any different to editing
/etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf and running update-exim4.conf (which I
don't see people complaining about)

Description: Digital signature

Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Ken Heard
Hash: SHA1

On 2014-04-24 05:29, Curt wrote:
 On 2014-04-23, Brian wrote:
 You have already been told: it is not required if you *want* to 
 set up printing. You may feel the need to *have to* set it up 
 that way but the reasons are unspecified.
 I believe he's trying to build the most recent version of hplip 
 (thus the requirement for development libraries) because his 
 printer, to function correctly, or to function fully or
 completely, needs a newer version of hplip than the one provided in

Yes indeed.  Besides being a printer, it is also a scanner and a fax

 I read all about it yesterday, found his printer at this site

That site is the *only* place where I found drivers, etc. for this
printer++ -- hence the need to solve the problem described in my
original post, to which Andrei likely provided the solution.

 and indeed there was a table somewhere that gave a minimum hplip 
 version higher than the one in Squeeze.  However, there was
 another table which seemed to indicate that the printer should work
 (at least partially) with Debian 6.0.  I am a little confused.
 It seems he's downloaded an automagical install script which 
 configures and builds the hplip software with little user 
 intervention (or something).  Why it's barfing on the version of 
 python-dev in Squeeze puzzles me. If you choose to install 
 manually, you must download the Regular Tarball; the build and 
 install instructions for Debian are found at this url:

Here's the minimum system requirements:
 At the above url it says, amongst other things:
 Python 2.2 or higher and python-devel (Python 2.3+ for fax 
 Isn't 2.3+ lower than the version in Squeeze?
 Maybe my comprehension of the whole deal is faulty.

I need to look into the points you have raised.  I am confused also. I
may find some answers when I install the drivers after getting my
Wheezy box working.  Thanks for the info.

Regards, Ken

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Q: nfs server fails to mount own exported resource, but other client able to mount

2014-04-24 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 4:49 AM, Snow Leopard wrote:

 I came across strange mount problem on nfs server -- it refuses to mount
 it's own directory while other nfs clients able mount nfs server exported
 directory just fine

 1. nfs server
 OS: wheeze (Debian)
 /etc/exports:   /export/home,subtree_check)
 drxwrxwrxw  /export/home

 2. client1
 OS: Valhalla (Red Hat 7.3)
 mount -t nfs /mnt
 mounts directory without any error

 3. client2
 OS: squeeze (Debian)
 mount -t nfs /mnt
 mounts directory without any error

 4. client3 (nfs server itself)
 OS: wheeze (Debian)
 mount -t nfs /mnt
 mounts directory without any error

 5. client4 (nfs server itself)
 OS: wheeze (Debian)
 mount -t nfs install:/export/home /mnt
 mounts fails with an error

 mount -v -t nfs install:/export/home /mnt
 mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:21:36 2014
 mount.nfs: trying text-based options
 mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
 mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting install:/export/home

 mount -v -t nfs /mnt
 mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:22:50 2014
 mount.nfs: trying text-based options
 mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
 mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting

 The error indicates that when I attempt to mount by using FQDN of nfs server
 -- the name resolves to and client resolves to .

 cat /etc/hosts   localhost  install

 If I modify /etc/hosts to

 cat /etc/hosts   localhost
 #  install


 mount -v -t nfs /mnt
 mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:29:50 2014
 mount.nfs: trying text-based options

 mounts directory without any error, while

 mount -v -t nfs install:/export/home /mnt
 mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:29:27 2014
 mount.nfs: trying text-based options
 mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
 mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting install:/export/home

 I do not recall when a record appear in /etc/hosts (Squeezy and
 Wheeze both have it) for first time, it is default record added during

 I puzzled and run out of ideas why nfs server is not able to mount own
 exported directory. I see that mount tries to mount through loopback and
 for some inexplicable to me reason it fails. Why does it happen?

The entry is a good thing...

Can you mount the nfs share locally using,, or the
dhcp-supplied ip address?

Can you mount the share locally when you add -o vers=3 to the above mounts?

What's in /etc/exports?

What's in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny?

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Re: Alternatives to grub and lilo? was grub2 menu problems

2014-04-24 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 4:38 AM, Kruppt wrote:
 On 2014-04-23, Steve Litt wrote:

 Is there a simpler bootloader that works with Linux? I don't want GUI.
 I don't want a framebuffer. I don't want a splash screen. And I don't
 want to wade through seven files to turn those things off. Basically,
 I'd like something like LILO that understands ext4.

 There are patched versions of Grub Legacy out there that
 *understand* ext4 and the use of UUID's.

The last versions of Fedora's grub1 (IIRC in F15) could read an ext4
filesystem so you could get its src.rpm, unpack, and rebuild it.

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Re: Alternatives to grub and lilo? was grub2 menu problems

2014-04-24 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Darac Marjal wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 03:35:18PM +0200, maderios wrote:
 On 04/23/2014 06:18 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

 Now, with grub 2, I need to be an expert on seven or so files that get
 processed into one big one, which acts as the config. I don't mind

 You need to edit only one file: /etc/default/grub
 and it works...

 Which, when it comes down to it, is no really any different to editing
 /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf and running update-exim4.conf (which I
 don't see people complaining about)

Or editing the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST section in
/boot/grub/menu.lst and running update-grub for grub1.

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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Ken Heard
Hash: SHA1

On 2014-04-23 18:32, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Mi, 23 apr 14, 11:25:50, Ken Heard wrote:
 0. Make sure your packages are ok
 dpkg --audit
 Command returned nothing.
 1. Confirm which packages need to be downgraded
 aptitude search '?narrow(?installed,?origin(backports))'
 This command also returned nothing.
 Oups, forgot they are not in backports *anymore*. Try this instead
 aptitude search '?narrow(?installed?version(bpo))'

Ran this command, and only the following was returned.

E: Expected ',', got ')'.

 2. Make sure you have all needed debs downloaded locally, *in 
 Do you mean creating a local repository for the two debs I need, 
 adding that repository to /etc/apt/sources.list and running
 apt-get update?  The two packages I want to install are already
 in the squeeze repository.
 No, I mean download the .deb files.


 For safety you should probably also have the debs of packages 
 currently installed so you can revert if something goes wrong.
 If you didn't clean apt's cache these will be in 
 That directory contains only 123 deb files; obviously many more
 than 125 are currently installed.  I have never consciously
 cleaned the cache.  Does something in a chron file perhaps clean
 it periodically?
 otherwise download them from
 I looked at the website, it would be quite an effort to find a
 date which would cover the current state of all packages
 installed in the box.  I would doubtless miss many.
 Not all packages, just the debs for python and python-minimal 
 corresponding to your installed versions.

Understood.  Makes the search task much easier.

 3a. use dpkg --force-depends to remove python and
 dpkg --force-depends --purge python python-minimal
 If I understand it correctly, --force-depends will warn me of
 broken dependencies only; it will not remove package chains which
 will not work when those two packages are removed.
 dpkg is a low level tool, if you ask it to remove (just) python and
  python-minimal it will not try to be smart and remove more.
 However, without the --force switch it will refuse to do it,
 because it would result in broken dependencies.


 3b. use dpkg to install the stable versions
 dpkg --install stable deb files
 As the two files I want are already in old stable (squeeze), and
 that is where /etc/apt/sources.list points to, surely all I would
 need to do is merely list them.
 sources.list is for apt, dpkg needs .deb files.

So stable deb files here means the whole file, not just the name as
is done in apt-get and aptitude, e.g., python*.deb -- replacing the
asterisk with all the information between the name and the extension.

 Alternatively you can also use
 dpkg --force-downgrade --install stable deb files
 but my feeling is that purging and installing is safer.
 Probably, but setting up a reverting backup as you described does
 not inspire confidence.  Perhaps it would be better to do without
 printing -- I do not have another printer -- until I can upgrade
 to Wheezy in a month or two.  I could live with that option but
 with bad grace.
 That is your choice to make.

In the meantime between posts I managed to resuscitate an older HP
Deskjet which I can use while in another box I get Wheezy and the new
printer to work.  I still however want to try your proposed solution
in the Squeeze box when there is no longer any danger if something is
irrevocably broken, and report the results to the list.

Regards, Ken

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Re: Details behind a GRUB2 warning message?

2014-04-24 Thread Richard Owlett

Tom H wrote:

On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:22 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tom H wrote:

Let's assume that you have two Linux installations on sda, on sda1 and
sda2, and that grub is embedded in the mbr of sda for sda1 and in the
pbr/vbr of sda2 for sda2.

I have two distinct use cases
   1. one machine has multiple Debian installs {primary and logical
   2. one machine has WinXP on sda1 with multiple Debian installs on both
  primary and logical partitions with several logical partitions
  as NTFS

   1. I have no idea what pbr/vbr means
   2. I've not yet Googled 'chainloading of boot loaders'

If it's sda1's grub to which the bios hands over the boot process,
you'll be booting the installation on sda2 with one of these three,
linux (hd0,msdos2)/boot/vmlinuz..., configfile
(hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg, multiboot
(hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img, and none of them can be
affected by the block list issue.

My machine with only Debian *appears* well behaved.
My machine with both Windows and Debian gives me fits.

pbr/vbr is partition boot record/volume boot record (I don't know
which of them is more accurate/appropriate) and they refer to the boot
record of a partition as opposed to the boot record of a disk, the

I'm replying to you after 2-3 weeks so you might already have gogoled
chainloading but just in case:

If you're chainloading Linux, then the simplest way is to use one of
the above three methods.

If you're chainloading Windows, then you have to use set root=(hd0,1)
; chainloader +1; and you can use drivemap... or parttool... if
you need to fool the Windows bootloader into thinking that it's on the
first disk or the first partition respectively.

I haven't dual-booted Windows and Linux for a while, but I have, in
the past, when using Windows bootloader rather than grub to boot
WIndows, dd'd the Linux vbr to a file on c:\ and created a
c:\boot.ini entry for Linux. With more recent versions of Windows
you'd have to use bcdedit to add a Linux entry but I've never done so,

FTR, if/when you upgrade your box(es), you should get EFI because it
makes dual-,triple-, ...-booting far simpler.

I'm not yet confident of my understanding of chainloading.
I've what is a viable workaround for *MY* habits/desires/quirks.
Basically the active GRUB is on its own partition and I 
manually edit that grub.cfg.

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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Ken Heard
Hash: SHA1

On 2014-04-23 11:08, Lisi Reisz wrote:


 And you've no doubt done this.

I had already tried both your suggestions and found nothing.  The only
place I found anything was  When I tried to
install the necessary I ran into the problem described in my original

What I do find strange is that I managed to install two packages from
squeeze-backports which are no longer in squeeze-backports.
Consequently the procedure followed by for the
printer is looking for the versions of those two packages in squeeze
only and will not let me proceed until I install them.

Because the packages from squeeze-backports have higher version
numbers than their squeeze only equivalents neither apt-get nor
aptitude will let me downgrade only those two packages; both insist on
removing most of the packages for my desktop -- kde-trinity.  Andrei's
proposed solution requires use of dpkg, which is the back end for both
apt-get and aptitude and if used with the appropriate options will do
what I want to do.

Regards, Ken

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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Ken Heard
Hash: SHA1

On 2014-04-23 11:08, Lisi Reisz wrote:


 And you've no doubt done this.

I had already tried both your suggestions and found nothing.  The only
place I found anything was  When I tried to
install the necessary I ran into the problem described in my original

What I do find strange is that I managed to install two packages from
squeeze-backports which are no longer in squeeze-backports.
Consequently the procedure followed by for the
printer is looking for the versions of those two packages in squeeze
only and will not let me proceed until I install them.

Because the packages from squeeze-backports have higher version
numbers than their squeeze only equivalents neither apt-get nor
aptitude will let me downgrade only those two packages; both insist on
removing most of the packages for my desktop -- kde-trinity.  Andrei's
proposed solution requires use of dpkg, which is the back end for both
apt-get and aptitude and if used with the appropriate options will do
what I want to do.

Regards, Ken

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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[Resolved]Re: Preparation of a wishlist bug underway - was [Re: Debian repository available on USB flash rather than CD/DVD sets?]

2014-04-24 Thread Richard Owlett

Richard Owlett wrote:

My procedure will be:
   1. write specification of goal
   2. write rationale behind goals
   3. experiment with trial solutions
   4. create and submit wishlist bug

My original goal was to have all of a repository on a single USB 
flash drive.
I've since found it possible to additionally have a bootable 
image of 1st DVD of set on the first partition of that flash drive.
It also appears feasible to have preseed files on a separate 
partition of that drive.

for some comments.

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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 24 Apr 2014 09:16:51 -0400
Tom H wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 4:11 AM, Slavko wrote:
  Dňa Mon, 21 Apr 2014 23:51:33 -0500 c. marlow
  Im so exhausted I just about give up on Linux, just about ready to
  scrape up the money, go to walmart and buy me a Windows Machine..
  In the last week I have tried LMDE both made and cinnamon
  The money reason to switch to Linux? Understand i properly? Only for
  money? IMHO bad choice, free software is about freedom, not about
 We Linux users have to get away from this type of religious extremism.
 Especially when we profess to be about freedom, but then deny someone
 the freedom to choose Linux for non-RMS reasons!
 In 100% of companies where I've worked, the /ONLY/ reason that Linux
 is being used is because it's cheaper than Mac OS 8/9/X, Solaris,
 Windows and for no other reason.
 In my personal case, I'm running Ubuntu on a Lenovo laptop because
 it's half the price of a similarly specced MacBook, and no other
 reason (except possibly some low-level OS tinkering like compiling and
 using the latest upstream rc kernel).

I'm slightly different than either of you...

One could characterize my reason for running Linux as a monetary
reason, but only if it's made clear that we're not talking about the
dollars and cents cost of software licenses. 

Back in the 1990's I used Windows and commercial software, and spent
about $2K/year on software licenses, and I liked it that way. I still
might like it that way if $2K/year were the only cost.


What's the cost of license tracking? How do you enter, on your balance
sheet, the contingent liability of a visit by the SPA or whatever the
software police call themselves these days? What's the cost of the
extra security measures Windows people must go through to compensate
for Windows' anemic security model? What's the cost, in time and excess
thought, of over-contemplating software because, for practical
purposes, there's no uncrippled try before you buy? What does it cost
your business to go without a particular way of doing something because
you can't try a lot of proprietary solutions? What would be the cost
to you if, during your big presentation, your Windows decided to phone
home to find out whether it's counterfeit, somehow decide that it is,
and shut down in your presentation?

And, perhaps most telling, what would be the cost of sticking with a
vendor you hate because your priceless content is in a form proprietary
to that vendor, and can't easily be converted, because that vendor's
business model is, and always has been, lock-in?

I wrote the following essay about the point made in the preceding


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Brian
On Thu 24 Apr 2014 at 09:53:54 -0400, Ken Heard wrote:

 On 2014-04-24 05:29, Curt wrote:
  On 2014-04-23, Brian wrote:
  You have already been told: it is not required if you *want* to 
  set up printing. You may feel the need to *have to* set it up 
  that way but the reasons are unspecified.
  I believe he's trying to build the most recent version of hplip 
  (thus the requirement for development libraries) because his 
  printer, to function correctly, or to function fully or
  completely, needs a newer version of hplip than the one provided in
 Yes indeed.  Besides being a printer, it is also a scanner and a fax

If you can do without the scanner and fax functions you might find that
providing a PPD to CUPS using localhost:631 is sufficient to enable
printing, A PPD for your machine should be in ~/hplip-3.14.4/prnt/ps.

The ~/hplip-3.14.4 directory is created with 'sh'

  I read all about it yesterday, found his printer at this site
 That site is the *only* place where I found drivers, etc. for this
 printer++ -- hence the need to solve the problem described in my
 original post, to which Andrei likely provided the solution.

Squeeze is lacking support for the m475 because it was frozen before the
device came on the market. Should you get your computer into a sensible
state to satisfy I can assure you the software builds

  Maybe my comprehension of the whole deal is faulty.
 I need to look into the points you have raised.  I am confused also. I
 may find some answers when I install the drivers after getting my
 Wheezy box working.  Thanks for the info.

You do not need to install the drivers as you are doing now because
hplip and printer-driver-postscript-hp support the m475 in stable.

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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 09:16 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 We Linux users have to get away from this type of religious extremism.


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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Brian
On Thu 24 Apr 2014 at 10:39:19 -0400, Ken Heard wrote:

 What I do find strange is that I managed to install two packages from
 squeeze-backports which are no longer in squeeze-backports.

Python 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 was never in squeeze-backports in the first
place. You most likely got it from the unofficial

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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 09:26 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 14:08 +, wrote:
  Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
  Remote host said: 550 5.7.1 Recipient 
  address rejected: Mail appeared to be SPAM or forged. Ask your 
  Mail/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings or to get 
  removed from DNSBLs; please relay via your ISP ( [RCPT_TO
  OK, now this doesn't work anymore :D. However, not only the providers
  are bad, Debian sees mail as spam, that isn't spam.
  I suspect the end of mailing lists is near :(. More and more people run
  into issues when using mailing lists. The bad, without mailing lists
  Linux will die!
 I like your overgeneralization and overdramatization!
 Thinking that lists will die because the mail providers that you're
 choosing are having issues doesn't mean that lists will die. I suspect
 that there are far more (FAR MORE) people who aren't having problems
 posting to d-u than people who are.

This likely is an overdramatization I made, but I guess that indeed more
people have issues than you think.

 Thinking that Linux will die once lists die is counting without forums
 and and discussions thingies.
 I'm not a fan of either of these formats but I'd adapt if need be to
 them or to yet another model.

Assumed the overdramatization wouldn't be an overdramatization, then I'm
right and you're mistaken. Kernel development unlikely would be possible
by a forum, by etc.. Assumed there would be no mailing
lists, then it would be the end of Linux.

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Re: Alternatives to grub and lilo? was grub2 menu problems

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 10:05 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 4:38 AM, Kruppt wrote:
  On 2014-04-23, Steve Litt wrote:
  Is there a simpler bootloader that works with Linux? I don't want GUI.
  I don't want a framebuffer. I don't want a splash screen. And I don't
  want to wade through seven files to turn those things off. Basically,
  I'd like something like LILO that understands ext4.
  There are patched versions of Grub Legacy out there that
  *understand* ext4 and the use of UUID's.
 The last versions of Fedora's grub1 (IIRC in F15) could read an ext4
 filesystem so you could get its src.rpm, unpack, and rebuild it.

I suspect that grub legacy from Debian/*buntus is able to boot into ext4
too, since I used grub legacy. I only switched to grub2, because I tried
to boot FreeBSD without a chainload ... in the end I chainloaded

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Re: Details behind a GRUB2 warning message?

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 09:19 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
 I manually edit that grub.cfg.

So do I :).

And again I like to inform the OP, that syslinux is a bootloader used by
many experienced Linux users who dislike grub. I never tested syslinux,
but it's said, that's it the best bootloader.

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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread John Hasler
Ralf Mardorf writes:
 Assumed there would be no mailing lists, then it would be the end of

If the kernel developers feel that they must have mailing-lists they
will see to it that they have mailing-lists.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 10:57 -0500, John Hasler wrote:
 Ralf Mardorf writes:
  Assumed there would be no mailing lists, then it would be the end of
 If the kernel developers feel that they must have mailing-lists they
 will see to it that they have mailing-lists.

We go round in circles. A user like you and me is needed to give
feedback and a user like you and me usually needs to use available
providers and the available providers at least cause bounce scores.
Assumed somebody does use an averaged provider and is subscribed to a
mailman mailing list, then login and take a look at your bounce score.

Private mails cause no or at least less issues, while mailing lists
seemingly are unwanted by nearly all common providers.

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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 1:12 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
 I wrote the following essay about the point made in the preceding

Time changes many things. For the most part, switching to Linux is far
easier now than it was in 2000/2001; I've migrated the members of my
family with only a few issues of How do I do XYZ?, and the biggest
piece of XYZ wasn't technically a Linux issue (at the same time as
that, I also cut out all Windows Networking, opting instead to have a
git repository of household documents; if I'd wanted to, I could have
just deployed Samba on all systems and let them use file sharing, but
(a) that risks file locking issues and consequent corruption, and (b)
I wanted a full-history repository anyway, so git was the way to go).
And I could have done a near-transparent changeover of our video
hosting from Windows to Linux, except that I didn't understand that
the S-Video spec wasn't going to do 1024x768.

At the same time, Windows has had a decade to demonstrate that it
needs at least some measure of interoperability (at least with itself)
in order to maintain its monopoly. I don't think we'll see a new
version of MS Word that's unable to import documents from previous
versions of Word, for instance. So the theory of Who owns your data?
may still be valid, but ten years of letting Microsoft own your data
haven't shown up any solid business reasons for denying it them; in
fact, if you ask that question around the traps today, most people
will think you're talking about Google or Facebook, not the
manufacturer of your desktop system's software. (And that's also a
legit concern, of course. But a separate one.)

But there's one topic that probably would never have come up ten years
ago, and it's a huge point in favour of free software: Virtual
machines. If I have a valid, licensed copy of some OS, am I allowed to
install it on a VM inside one of my other computers?

* Linux? Well, duh. :)
* Windows? There are some special cases that allow something like four
VMs on a single license, but I haven't dug into the details. You have
to license based on the number of processor cores you're using, etc,
etc, etc. Read the full details before getting too confident.
* Mac OS? You're allowed to virtualize but ONLY under Apple hardware.

I'm pretty sure you can legally take a standard desktop Windows
license and use that on a single VM. Most of the complexity of Windows
VM licensing is aimed at servers, where you might not even have them
all running all the time; but the fact remains that there *is* a lot
of complexity. And Apple put restrictions in that mean it's illegal to
build a box from generic components, install Linux on it, install
VMWare or VirtualBox, and then put a Mac inside it.

And that's just for putting a single VM in. I was talking to someone a
while ago about solving a problem by using virtual machines - lots and
lots of them. Having previously solved similar problems in a similar
way, I thought nothing of the idea of using the VirtualBox Linked
Clone feature to create myriad very similar VMs, run as many of them
concurrently as RAM will allow, and progressively solve the problem;
but that's with Linux, where I know that's within the license terms.
With Windows? That's another few hundred licenses required, right
there. (Although it could be argued that a Linked Clone, being
fundamentally a snapshot that you can restore to, isn't creating a new
machine at all; so you might need only as many licenses as you run
concurrently. But that's one for the lawyers to dig into.)

The trouble with advocating an overall free environment is that most
people will never use any particular freedom. (How many of you here
have dug into the source code of, say, Open SSL, to see if you can
find a bug? I certainly haven't - and I probably wouldn't have spotted
Heartbleed's cause if I had.) Boasting that you can do X, Y, and Z
isn't going to sway someone who does't want to do any of those three
things. What difference will it make to the typical home user that
s/he has, or does not have, the rights to edit the source code for the
desktop web browser? It's not going to happen anyway. How do you
encourage someone to take a walk in the big wide world, when he's much
happier staying inside all day? (Hey, that's me...) Freedom *on its
own* is actually quite useless to most people.


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Re: Mysql database dump quit working

2014-04-24 Thread John W. Foster
On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 22:13 +0100, Steve wrote: 
  I have a mediawiki site running on Mysql db; I just started getting this
  message on my automated backup;
  mysqldump: Got error: 144: Table './mywiki/searchindex' is marked as
  crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed when using LOCK TABLES
   The table is marked as crashed, and an automatic attempt to repair
   Use the MySQL command-line client to repair the table manually:
 mysql --user=root --pass
   USE mediawiki ;- Or whatever your DB is called
   REPAIR TABLE `searchindex`;
   If that fails you should restore your backup.  
  Any ideas?
   Wasn't the message clear?  If not you might wish to submit a bug
  report to the MySQL people to suggest alternative wording which
  makes the problem more explicit.
Hey Thanks: 
That did the trick

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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Slavko

Dňa Thu, 24 Apr 2014 09:16:51 -0400 Tom H napísal:

 On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 4:11 AM, Slavko wrote:
  Dňa Mon, 21 Apr 2014 23:51:33 -0500 c. marlow
  Im so exhausted I just about give up on Linux, just about ready to
  scrape up the money, go to walmart and buy me a Windows Machine..
  In the last week I have tried LMDE both made and cinnamon
  The money reason to switch to Linux? Understand i properly? Only for
  money? IMHO bad choice, free software is about freedom, not about
 We Linux users have to get away from this type of religious extremism.
 Especially when we profess to be about freedom, but then deny someone
 the freedom to choose Linux for non-RMS reasons!

Anybody can do own choices. And anybody can consider (and tell) the
particular choice as bad. One can switch own reason, another one can
switch the software and another one else can ignore my opinion and
continue with own choice. It is a freedom.

Or need we (Linux users) consider all choices to be good due freedom

Please, consider, that most of people (by my experiences), which chose
Linux due money reason only, will expect, that they will have Windows,
Windows without paying the money. It is not bad expectation, they can
have it. But then they are often disappointed, because these system are
too different.



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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2014-04-25 at 02:16 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

Did you really read Steve's blog?

When in Rome, do as the Romans do! :D

I only read the headlines and did a little bit of flying over the

I read the Summary.

Steve, be aware that a lot of folks never ever would use Microsoft or
Apple, but some people anyway prefer something else, instead of Linux.

Most likely they use some kind of BSD, but there are even 2 or 3 people
using something exotic as plan 9, .

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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 2:44 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Fri, 2014-04-25 at 02:16 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

 Did you really read Steve's blog?

Only the one linked-to article.


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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 18:31 +0200, Slavko wrote:
 Windows without paying the money

In Germany it's common that people pay for a Windows PC, IOW it's
including the Windows license and then those Windows users install tons
of cracked proprietary software. 

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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Ken Heard
Hash: SHA1

On 2014-04-24 11:26, Brian wrote:
 On Thu 24 Apr 2014 at 10:39:19 -0400, Ken Heard wrote:
 What I do find strange is that I managed to install two packages
 from squeeze-backports which are no longer in squeeze-backports.
 Python 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 was never in squeeze-backports in the
 first place. You most likely got it from the unofficial

Yes, I most likely did.  I had at one point added to sources.list squeeze-backports iceweasel-release and for a while
was using iceweasel 10.  When I discovered that using that version
caused as many problems as it solved I removed that line from
sources.list and went back to debian's own squeeze-backports and
downgraded to iceweasel 3.something.

I am consequently stuck with python 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 which seems to
work with everything using python, but hplip wants the pure version
of python rather than the unofficial version provided by  So I am back to Andrei's proposed solution, which I
will not be able to try until next month.

Regards, Ken

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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-24 Thread Ken Heard
Hash: SHA1

On 2014-04-24 11:20, Brian wrote:


 If you can do without the scanner and fax functions you might find
 that providing a PPD to CUPS using localhost:631 is sufficient to
 enable printing, A PPD for your machine should be in
 The ~/hplip-3.14.4 directory is created with 'sh'

I found it and installed it using localhost:631 but still get an error
message when I try to print.  As I have already said I cannot follow
up until sometime next month.

 Squeeze is lacking support for the m475 because it was frozen
 before the device came on the market. Should you get your computer
 into a sensible state to satisfy I can assure you
 the software builds successfully.

More than likely.

Regards, Ken

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 On 4/19/2014 3:38 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
  What with my authentication problems with my Yahoo Mail address on
  this list, anyone have personal recommendations for a good, free
  email service ... to run my lists subcriptions through?
 You have Cox broadband.  Why aren't you using Cox IMAP?  Most
 broadband providers offer multiple email accounts per service
 connection.  Create an account for list mail.  Done.

Years ago, when I initially switched to Cox from dialup, and had to deal
with the hassle of notifying everyone of my new addresses, I decided I
needed email addresses (for business and personal) that wouldn't ever
change regardless of where I resided, or who I worked for, or what
Internet provider I used, or even especially if I had one.  So, that
meant Cox was out. Even though I did consider it, I opted to stick with
my original decade plus old plan.  It's way more practical.


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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, Jochen Spieker wrote:

 Patrick Bartek:
  I don't need lots of storage or big attachment sizes (or any
  attachments really), but I do need IMAP, so I can use Claws.  It
  must be reasonably secure and dependable, i.e, good up times.
 I didn't read the whole thread, but I didn't see anyone stepping up
 and offering some space on their own servers.
 I have a virtual server running wheezy with Dovecot, dspam,
 policyd-weight, ClamAV, Roundcube, OwnCloud and whatnot. Storage is
 becoming a little bit constrained but otherwise the machine is pretty
 much idle. I have only three other e-mail users beside myself plus the
 occasional web visitor.
 So, if someone needs an account for mail, CardDAV/CalDAV (great for
 Android sync!) or little bit of web space: just ask. I do care about
 security and availability because I use this system heavily myself.
 Obviously, I cannot guarantee anything, though, and you have to trust
 me with your data. In any case I recommend encrypting and backing up
 your own stuff.

Thanks for the kind and considerate offer, but last night I was
successful in setting up a new gmail account (without Google+) for my
mail lists subscriptions.  I'll post here how I did it as soon as
everything is tested and configured.


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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 10:14 -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, Jochen Spieker wrote:
  Patrick Bartek:
   I don't need lots of storage or big attachment sizes (or any
   attachments really), but I do need IMAP, so I can use Claws.  It
   must be reasonably secure and dependable, i.e, good up times.
  I didn't read the whole thread, but I didn't see anyone stepping up
  and offering some space on their own servers.
  I have a virtual server running wheezy with Dovecot, dspam,
  policyd-weight, ClamAV, Roundcube, OwnCloud and whatnot. Storage is
  becoming a little bit constrained but otherwise the machine is pretty
  much idle. I have only three other e-mail users beside myself plus the
  occasional web visitor.
  So, if someone needs an account for mail, CardDAV/CalDAV (great for
  Android sync!) or little bit of web space: just ask. I do care about
  security and availability because I use this system heavily myself.
  Obviously, I cannot guarantee anything, though, and you have to trust
  me with your data. In any case I recommend encrypting and backing up
  your own stuff.
 Thanks for the kind and considerate offer, but last night I was
 successful in setting up a new gmail account (without Google+) for my
 mail lists subscriptions.  I'll post here how I did it as soon as
 everything is tested and configured.

I seem to have some Google thingy, just because I joined some mailing
list, but without having a gmail account.

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Is it a bug -- mount does not work on interfaces?

2014-04-24 Thread Snow Leopard


OS: wheezy / squeeze

Could somebody explain what wrong?
Why mount refuses to mount through loopback interface?

The issue can be reproduced in your system with next set of commands

root# mkdir -p /exports/home
root# cat  /etc/exports
root# exportfs -ra
root# mount -t nfs /mnt

Is there a cure for this issue? Or am I missing something?


*** Problem Diagnostic ***
*** Tested on Debian Squeezy and Wheezy***
*** apt-get update  apt-get upgrade run before tests ***

root@vega:~# cat /etc/issue
Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 \n \l

root@vega:~# hostname

root@vega:~# cat /etc/hosts   localhost vega

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

root@vega# mkdir -p /export/home

root@vega# cat /etc/exports

root@vega# exportfs

root@vega:~#  showmount -e
Export list for vega:

root@vega:~# egrep -v '^$|^#' /etc/default/portmap

root@vega:~# egrep -v '^#|^$' /etc/hosts.deny
root@vega:~# egrep -v '^#|^$' /etc/hosts.allow

root@vega:~# ifconfig eth0 | grep inet
  inet addr:  Bcast: Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::215:f2ff:fe9e:2e0d/64 Scope:Link

root@vega:~# dpkg -l mount

|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersion Description
ii  mount   2.17.2-9Tools for mounting and manipulating 

root@vega:~# mount -t nfs -v /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 10:22:10 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 

mount.nfs: mount(2): No such file or directory
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'addr='
mount.nfs: prog 13, trying vers=3, prot=6
mount.nfs: trying prog 13 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
mount.nfs: prog 15, trying vers=3, prot=17
mount.nfs: trying prog 15 vers 3 prot UDP port 33667 on /mnt type nfs (rw)

root@vega:~# mount -t nfs -v /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 10:22:58 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 

mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting

root@vega:~# mount -t nfs -v localhost:/export/home /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 10:24:25 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 

mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting localhost:/export/home

root@vega:~# mount -t nfs -v vega:/export/home /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 10:28:09 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 

mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting vega:/export/home

root@vega:~# mount -t nfs -v -o v3 /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 10:30:31 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'v3,addr='
mount.nfs: prog 13, trying vers=3, prot=6
mount.nfs: trying prog 13 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
mount.nfs: prog 15, trying vers=3, prot=17
mount.nfs: trying prog 15 vers 3 prot UDP port 33667
mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting

root@vega:~# mount -t nfs -v -o v3 localhost:/export/home /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 10:30:58 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'v3,addr='
mount.nfs: prog 13, trying vers=3, prot=6
mount.nfs: trying prog 13 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
mount.nfs: prog 15, trying vers=3, prot=17
mount.nfs: trying prog 15 vers 3 prot UDP port 33667
mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting localhost:/export/home

root@vega:~# mount -t nfs -v -o v3 vega:/export/home /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 10:31:19 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'v3,addr='
mount.nfs: prog 13, trying vers=3, prot=6
mount.nfs: trying prog 13 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
mount.nfs: prog 15, trying vers=3, prot=17
mount.nfs: trying prog 15 vers 3 prot 

Re: Q: nfs server fails to mount own exported resource, but other client able to mount

2014-04-24 Thread Snow Leopard


the mystery has been resolved -- question how did I not catch it right away?

I found that my old Red Hat system and Debian Wheezy/Squeezy resolve 
computer name into ip address in different ways.

Red Hat mount maps computer name to DHCP ip address
Debian mount maps computer name to loopback interface

My attention was somewhat distracted and I've missed that in this case 
in /etc/exports a record should look

not like

but instead

The clue was found in logfiles
/var/log/syslog.1:Apr 24 10:29:19 vega mountd[1320]: refused mount 
request from for /export/home (/export/home): unmatched host

The mystery is resolved.


On 4/24/2014 3:25 AM, Ron Leach wrote:

On 24/04/2014 09:49, Snow Leopard wrote:


I came across strange mount problem on nfs server -- it refuses to
mount it's own directory while other nfs clients able mount nfs server
exported directoryjust fine

1. nfs server
OS: wheeze (Debian)
/etc/exports: /export/home,subtree_check)
drxwrxwrxw /export/home

2. client1
OS: Valhalla (Red Hat 7.3)
mount -t nfs /mnt
mounts directory without any error

3. client2
OS: squeeze (Debian)
mount -t nfs /mnt
mounts directory without any error

4. client3 (nfs server itself)
OS: wheeze (Debian)
mount -t nfs /mnt
mounts directory without any error

5. client4 (nfs server itself)
OS: wheeze (Debian)
mount -t nfs install:/export/home /mnt
mounts fails with an error

mount -v -t nfs install:/export/home /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:21:36 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options
mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting install:/export/home

mount -v -t nfs /mnt
mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Apr 24 01:22:50 2014
mount.nfs: trying text-based options
mount.nfs: mount(2): Permission denied
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting

The error indicates that when I attempt to mount by using FQDN of nfs
server -- the name resolves to and client resolves to .

I wonder if it is letting you mount as 'nfs' when you supply the IP 
address, but is not letting you mount as 'nfs' when you try to address 
the device locally (which doesn't surprise me).

While I don't use mount, I do use fstab to mount the device containing 
our nfs export, locally

/dev/md5  /mnt/point  ext4rw,auto,users,exec

Isn't the 'right' way to mount local filesystems directly as 'ext4' or 
whatever, and only mount as 'nfs' if the filesystem has to be accessed 
at another IP address?

regards, Ron

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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Joe
On Thu, 24 Apr 2014 18:31:32 +0200
Slavko wrote:

 Or need we (Linux users) consider all choices to be good due freedom

OK, we're off topic, but maybe I can sneak in a point that doesn't
often get mentioned, before the police turn up...

There are many kinds of freedom. One of the freedoms that non-Windows
people may not even be aware of having is that they own their
computers. Nowhere is off-limits to them (as root), nobody runs daemons
on their system without asking, no software supplier seems to feel that
since you have bought his software, he part-owns your machine and can
run anything he likes on it, contact any Internet sites he wants
without asking, etc...

Yes, the Windows ecosystem is like that. For professional reasons, I
cannot avoid having a Windows laptop, and have replaced my
eight-year-old XP machine with a wretched Windows 8 beast. After two
months, I have established some measure of control over it, but I know I
will never own it...


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Re: Is it a bug -- mount does not work on interfaces?

2014-04-24 Thread Dom

On 24/04/14 18:51, Snow Leopard wrote:


OS: wheezy / squeeze

Could somebody explain what wrong?
Why mount refuses to mount through loopback interface?

The issue can be reproduced in your system with next set of commands

root# mkdir -p /exports/home
root# cat  /etc/exports

This is allowing access to all clients on network

root# exportfs -ra
root# mount -t nfs /mnt

You haven't allowed access to clients on network

You probably need something like this in /etc/exports:

(all on one line, that probably got wrapped)

No bug. Just wrong configuration.

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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 19:42 +0100, Joe wrote:
 nobody runs daemons on their system without asking

True for an expert install of Debian, true for an averaged Arch Linux
install, true for some other installs, but especially untrue for e.g. a
default *buntu install. I don't know a default Debian install, but it
likely will install and at startup start unneeded services too. But I
anyway agree with you. I need XP for some things, running it on a Linux
host, but some days ago I run into issues and now I have to decide to
get another Windows version or to quit at least one need [1].


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Re: Is it a bug -- mount does not work on interfaces? [RESOLVED]

2014-04-24 Thread Snow Leopard

Hi Don,

I found what the problem was about half an hour ago -- the clue was 
found in logfiles

/var/log/syslog.1:Apr 24 10:29:19 vega mountd[1320]: refused mount 
request from for /export/home (/export/home): unmatched host

I got confused with my old configuration (Red Hat 7.3) where 'mount' 
command resolved computer name into DHCP assigned ip address and not to 
loopback/ as it happens in Debian Wheezy/Squeezy.

Once I modified /etc/exports to


everything started to work as expected-- 'mount' has changed it's 
behavior what required an adjustment on my part.

Thank you Don,

On 4/24/2014 12:14 PM, Dom wrote:

On 24/04/14 18:51, Snow Leopard wrote:


OS: wheezy / squeeze

Could somebody explain what wrong?
Why mount refuses to mount through loopback interface?

The issue can be reproduced in your system with next set of commands

root# mkdir -p /exports/home
root# cat  /etc/exports

This is allowing access to all clients on network

root# exportfs -ra
root# mount -t nfs /mnt

You haven't allowed access to clients on network

You probably need something like this in /etc/exports:

(all on one line, that probably got wrapped)

No bug. Just wrong configuration.

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Re: Well I am in XFCE for right now since LDXE keeps crapping out

2014-04-24 Thread Brian
On Thu 24 Apr 2014 at 19:42:44 +0100, Joe wrote:

 OK, we're off topic, but maybe I can sneak in a point that doesn't
 often get mentioned, before the police turn up...

'ello, 'ello, 'ello. What 'ave we got 'ere then? Promoting Free software
are we now, Sir? This is a public place within the meaning of the Act.
Please move along, Sir. And no windows knocking or we will do you.

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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 09:26 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 14:08 +, wrote:

 OK, now this doesn't work anymore :D. However, not only the providers
 are bad, Debian sees mail as spam, that isn't spam.

 I suspect the end of mailing lists is near :(. More and more people run
 into issues when using mailing lists. The bad, without mailing lists
 Linux will die!

 I like your overgeneralization and overdramatization!

 Thinking that lists will die because the mail providers that you're
 choosing are having issues doesn't mean that lists will die. I suspect
 that there are far more (FAR MORE) people who aren't having problems
 posting to d-u than people who are.

 This likely is an overdramatization I made, but I guess that indeed more
 people have issues than you think.

AFAIR, this list has a few thousand users and barely a handful have complained.

 Thinking that Linux will die once lists die is counting without forums
 and and discussions thingies.
 I'm not a fan of either of these formats but I'd adapt if need be to
 them or to yet another model.

 Assumed the overdramatization wouldn't be an overdramatization, then I'm
 right and you're mistaken. Kernel development unlikely would be possible
 by a forum, by etc.. Assumed there would be no mailing
 lists, then it would be the end of Linux.

LKML is a work list and this list is, relative to it, a chit-chat
list. If mailing lists were to become unusable, LKML would switch very
quickly to something else; its users wouldn't be happy about the
change but everyone'd adapt quickly in order to carry on with kernel

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Re: Q: nfs server fails to mount own exported resource, but other client able to mount

2014-04-24 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 2:06 PM, Snow Leopard wrote:

 the mystery has been resolved -- question how did I not catch it right away?

 I found that my old Red Hat system and Debian Wheezy/Squeezy resolve
 computer name into ip address in different ways.

 Red Hat mount maps computer name to DHCP ip address
 Debian mount maps computer name to loopback interface

 My attention was somewhat distracted and I've missed that in this case in
 /etc/exports a record should look

 not like

 but instead

 The clue was found in logfiles
 /var/log/syslog.1:Apr 24 10:29:19 vega mountd[1320]: refused mount request
 from for /export/home (/export/home): unmatched host

 The mystery is resolved.


That's why I'd asked about /etc/exports.

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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 15:40 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 09:26 -0400, Tom H wrote:
  On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 14:08 +, wrote:
  OK, now this doesn't work anymore :D. However, not only the providers
  are bad, Debian sees mail as spam, that isn't spam.
  I suspect the end of mailing lists is near :(. More and more people run
  into issues when using mailing lists. The bad, without mailing lists
  Linux will die!
  I like your overgeneralization and overdramatization!
  Thinking that lists will die because the mail providers that you're
  choosing are having issues doesn't mean that lists will die. I suspect
  that there are far more (FAR MORE) people who aren't having problems
  posting to d-u than people who are.
  This likely is an overdramatization I made, but I guess that indeed more
  people have issues than you think.
 AFAIR, this list has a few thousand users and barely a handful have 

Unlikely that people are only subscribed to this list, that's why assume
that many users have at least issues caused by their provider, with some
mailing lists.

  Thinking that Linux will die once lists die is counting without forums
  and and discussions thingies.
  I'm not a fan of either of these formats but I'd adapt if need be to
  them or to yet another model.
  Assumed the overdramatization wouldn't be an overdramatization, then I'm
  right and you're mistaken. Kernel development unlikely would be possible
  by a forum, by etc.. Assumed there would be no mailing
  lists, then it would be the end of Linux.
 LKML is a work list and this list is, relative to it, a chit-chat
 list. If mailing lists were to become unusable, LKML would switch very
 quickly to something else; its users wouldn't be happy about the
 change but everyone'd adapt quickly in order to carry on with kernel

True, the developers would get addresses by some institutions of higher
education or something like this, but user feedback still is important
for the development.

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Security updates are untrusted

2014-04-24 Thread Carl Johnson
I was just noticing that aptitude warns that a number of packages are
listed as untrusted.  I checked using 'apt-cache policy' and those
appear to be security updates and are from  I
already have the debian-archive-keyring, so I would have expected that
would cover security updates, but obviously not.  I also tried manually
picking up and installing the key recommended at,
but that didn't change anything.

Can anybody suggest what I need to do to get the security updates
properly recognized?

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Re: Security updates are untrusted

2014-04-24 Thread Brian
On Thu 24 Apr 2014 at 14:58:52 -0700, Carl Johnson wrote:

 I was just noticing that aptitude warns that a number of packages are
 listed as untrusted.  I checked using 'apt-cache policy' and those

May we see the output that aptitude displays to you?

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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-24 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 4/24/2014 12:03 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Apr 2014, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 4/19/2014 3:38 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:

 What with my authentication problems with my Yahoo Mail address on
 this list, anyone have personal recommendations for a good, free
 email service ... to run my lists subcriptions through?

 You have Cox broadband.  Why aren't you using Cox IMAP?  Most
 broadband providers offer multiple email accounts per service
 connection.  Create an account for list mail.  Done.
 Years ago, when I initially switched to Cox from dialup, and had to deal
 with the hassle of notifying everyone of my new addresses, I decided I
 needed email addresses (for business and personal) that wouldn't ever
 change regardless of where I resided, or who I worked for, or what
 Internet provider I used, or even especially if I had one.  So, that
 meant Cox was out. Even though I did consider it, I opted to stick with
 my original decade plus old plan.  It's way more practical.

You're asking specifically about an account for list mail only in this
thread.  None of these concerns apply.



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Re: Security updates are untrusted

2014-04-24 Thread Carl Johnson
Brian writes:

 On Thu 24 Apr 2014 at 14:58:52 -0700, Carl Johnson wrote:

 I was just noticing that aptitude warns that a number of packages are
 listed as untrusted.  I checked using 'apt-cache policy' and those

 May we see the output that aptitude displays to you?

Sorry, I should have sent that first.  When using the curses interface
of aptitude it shows this before the package description of pidgin:
  WARNING: This version of pidgin is from an untrusted source!  Installing this
   package could allow a malicious individual to damage or take control
   of your system.
That warning only shows on a few packages, and it only appears to be
some of the security releases.

The ouput of 'apt-cache policy pidgin' is:
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 2.10.9-1~deb7u1
  Version table:
 2.10.9-1~deb7u1 0
500 wheezy/updates/main amd64 Packages
 2.10.6-3 0
500 wheezy/main amd64 Packages

I also should have mentioned that I am using Wheezy and have nothing
pinned.  The lines from apt-sources are:
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb wheezy-updates main contrib non-free
deb wheezy main

I just now told aptitude to do an update, and it appears that all of
those have disappeared now!  Maybe I had gotten a bad update the last
time I had updated.

Sorry for the false alarm and thanks for the reply.

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2014-04-24 Thread latincom
Hello list:
Have you read this stupid things?


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Re: Alternatives to grub and lilo? was grub2 menu problems

2014-04-24 Thread Stephen Powell
On Wed, 23 Apr 2014 12:18:50 -0400 (EDT), Steve Litt wrote:
 I considered going back to LILO, but it still has no understanding of
 filesystems: It's easy to bork and hard to fix.  Not as hard as Grub 2

I did switch back from grub2 to lilo, and I'm glad I did.  I actually
like lilo's file-system-agnostic approach.  And these days, with the
kernel and initramfs hooks in place, it's much harder to bork it than
it used to be.  See my lilo web page below for more information:
 Is there a simpler bootloader that works with Linux?  I don't want GUI.
 I don't want a framebuffer. I don't want a splash screen. And I don't
 want to wade through seven files to turn those things off. Basically,
 I'd like something like LILO that understands ext4.

The closest thing I know to what you describe above is extlinux.  It is
packaged for Debian by a package of the same name.  You might want to
check it out.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Systemd

2014-04-24 Thread staticsafe
On 4/24/2014 19:15, wrote:
 Hello list:
 Have you read this stupid things?

What a waste of bits indeed.


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Re: Systemd

2014-04-24 Thread Joe Pfeiffer
staticsafe writes:

 On 4/24/2014 19:15, wrote:
 Hello list:
 Have you read this stupid things?

 What a waste of bits indeed.

But there's something just special about

1. systemd flies in the face of the Unix philosophy: do one thing
and do it well, representing a complex collection of dozens of
binaries. snip

since lots of little binaries is *exactly* how one has each binary do
one thing and do it well.

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