Re: problema de seguretat a USB

2014-09-05 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Segons he llegit avui, sembla que es totalment indetectable, ja que
aprofita el firmware i actua quan l'equip interroga al dispositiu sobre que
i qui es.
Quan te n'adones ja ha fet la feina.

*Xavier De Yzaguirre*

El dia 4 setembre de 2014 17:03, Josep Lladonosa ha

 Gràcies per compartir.

 Al firmware!

 A Linux només trobo perill si s'executen coses des d'un usb o que hagin
 passat per aquest.
  On 4 Sep 2014 16:28, Pedro wrote:

 Algú té més informació sobre això?



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Re: problema de seguretat a USB

2014-09-05 Thread Ermengol Bota
El dia 5 setembre de 2014 23:23, Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura ha escrit:

 Segons he llegit avui, sembla que es totalment indetectable, ja que
 aprofita el firmware i actua quan l'equip interroga al dispositiu sobre que
 i qui es.
 Quan te n'adones ja ha fet la feina.

Sabeu en que es diferencia del que va sortir ja fa uns anys sobre fer un
USB, que sense forma de teclat ni de ratoli, actues com a teclat / ratoli
enviant certes combinacions a la màquina
L'explicació teòrica:

El dispositiu (per 30$)

* Ermengol *
* Els ordinadors no resolen problemes, *
* simplement executen solucions   *

Rép : problema de seguretat a USB

2014-09-05 Thread mi . demur

un article en francés[QUOTIDIENNE]-20140807-[ACTU-USB-:-decouverte-d-une-vulnerabilite-impossible-a-corriger]

la font de l'investigacio en Alemanya

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Re: [RÉSOLU] Gérer l'envoi des rapports de cron

2014-09-05 Thread Pierre Malard
Le 4 sept. 2014 à 12:06, Adrien a écrit :
 Le 04/09/2014 10:26, Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :
 Le jeudi 04 septembre 2014, Pierre Malard a écrit...
 Une solution est donc de s’assurer que les lancements cron soient
 silencieux.  Éventuellement, on peut encapsuler cette commande, si
 elle est trop bavarde, dans un script d’analyse qui se charge soit
 d’envoyer lui-même le mail d’alerte, 
 Sinon, tu envoies le résultat de la commande à /dev/null, ce qui va la
 rendre silencieuse, pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Éventuellement,
 comme précisé dans le reste du message (que j'ai coupé), ne renvoyer que
 la sortie standard vers /dev/null, et conserver la sortie d'erreur en
 Bonjour Jean-Michel et Pierre,
 Merci pour vos réponses. Suite à mon premier message, j'avais
 effectivement modifié les commandes pour envoyer toutes les sorties
 standard vers le GPSF (Grand Puits Sans Fond, /dev/null). Et
 effectivement je n'ai plus qu'un seul Cron qui me rappelle à son bon
 souvenir, car il tombe en erreur.

Une solution un peu comme le verre d’alcool, il faut se méfier des abus.
C’est un peu comme casser le thermomètre pour résoudre un problème
de température… Personnellement, je préfère la solution proposée par
Jean-Michel. Elle est plus raisonnable.


Pierre Malard

  « On ne peut pas pousser à fond l'éducation politique et l'éducation
tout court de masses sans l'accompagner d'un développement
économique, culturel et social parallèle. »
   Romain Gary - Les racines 
du ciel
   |\  _,,,---,,_
   /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_
  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
 '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)   πr

perl -e '$_=q#: 3|\ 5_,3-3,2_: 3/,`.'''`''' 5-.  ;-;;,_:  |,A-  ) )-,_. ,\ 
(  `'''-''': '''-3'''2(_/--'''  `-'''\_): 
- -- Ce message n’engage que son auteur --

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [RÉSOLU] Gérer l'envoi des rapports de cron

2014-09-05 Thread Adrien
Le 05/09/2014 08:25, Pierre Malard a écrit :

 Une solution un peu comme le verre d’alcool, il faut se méfier des abus.
 C’est un peu comme casser le thermomètre pour résoudre un problème
 de température… Personnellement, je préfère la solution proposée par
 Jean-Michel. Elle est plus raisonnable.

Tu as raison. Par ailleurs, il s'agit pour la plupart de sauvegardes git.
Pour info : les commandes git-pull, git-commit et git-push ont des
options --quiet. Mais il faut que l'option soit après la commande git,
sinon git tombe en erreur.
Par ailleurs, l'option -q / --quiet n'existe pas pour toutes les
commandes de git (par exemple, il n'y en a pas pour git-status, ce qui
est normal).

Bref. Merci !


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

la batterie se décharge - mate

2014-09-05 Thread Jean-Louis Louër


j'ai un portable en Wheezy, avec l'interface graphique Mate. Quand je 
débranche le fil d'alimentation, la batterie se met en action bien sur 
et sur l'écran apparait un message la batterie se décharge.

Je n'ai pas trouvé où désactiver ce message. Si quelqu'un a la réponse...


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Re: [resolu] Re: The Gimp et Iscan

2014-09-05 Thread maderios

On 09/05/2014 12:22 AM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:

Le Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:55:52 +0200
Adrien a écrit:

Bon, premier essai manqué !
Voyons autre chose : n'y aurait-il pas un fichier
/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/iscan ? Si c'est un lien symbolique, je pense
que tu pourrais le retirer.

L'idée est de garder iscan, mais de le désynchroniser de Gimp.


Merci. C'était bien ça !

Ton explication n'est pas claire.   Le fait d'avoir 

te donne accès à iscan dans Gimp mais ne lance pas iscan.
Aucun plugin de Gimp n'est lancé automatiquement.

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RE: [resolu] Re: The Gimp et Iscan

2014-09-05 Thread valentin OVD
Mais ils sont chargées automatiquement, donc peut être qu'il se lance au 


De :
Envoyé : ‎05/‎09/‎2014 10:25
À :
Objet : Re: [resolu] Re: The Gimp et Iscan

On 09/05/2014 12:22 AM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
 Le Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:55:52 +0200
 Adrien a écrit:

 Bon, premier essai manqué !
 Voyons autre chose : n'y aurait-il pas un fichier
 /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/iscan ? Si c'est un lien symbolique, je pense
 que tu pourrais le retirer.

 L'idée est de garder iscan, mais de le désynchroniser de Gimp.


 Merci. C'était bien ça !

Ton explication n'est pas claire.   Le fait d'avoir
te donne accès à iscan dans Gimp mais ne lance pas iscan.
Aucun plugin de Gimp n'est lancé automatiquement.

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Touche de fonction sur protable

2014-09-05 Thread Benoit B
Bonjour à tous,

La seule touche de fonction qui est activée sur mon portable c'est
#define KEY_SLEEP   142 /* SC System Sleep */

Avec Fn Esc


J'ai vérifié avec:
showkey -k
C'est bien 142.

D'autre part, deux raccourci de fonction que j'aimerais en priorité c'est
Fn flèche bas
Fn flèche haut
correspondant respectivement à :


Comment faire pour que ça marche ?

Pour contourner cette difficulté, j'utilise xbindkeys, mais ça ne marche
que sous X, ce qui ne m'arrange pas trop :

#Augmanter le luminausité
sudo setbrightness +1 

# Dimiuer la luminosité
sudo setbrightness -1 
Dans .xbindkeysrc.

Quant à setbrightness, c'est un bout de code C qui écrit dans l'ACPI.
Merci à je ne sais plus qui (tu n'as pas signé ton code, mais tu le
reconnaîtras) sur cette liste pour l'exemple,de code que j'ai adapté à mon

Comment lier:
setbrightness +1 à #define KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP225 (Fn flèche haut)
setbrightness -1 à #define KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN  224 (Fn flèche bas)
En mode console(sans X) ?

Ou est-ce définit pour :
KEY_SLEEP   142 /* SC System Sleep */

Avec Fn Esc ?
Si je vois comment c'est fait pour la mise en veille, j'aurai probablement
l'inspiration pour les autres touches de fonction.

Merci d'avance
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h

#define BRIGHTNESS_FILE /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
#define MAX_BRIGHTNESS_FILE /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness
//#define PRINT_DEBUG 1

void mod_brightness(int delta);
void set_brightness(int bright);
int get_brightness();
int get_max_brightness();

int main(int nbParam, char *argVect[])
  int bright = 0;
  int is_delta = 0;

  // si le nombre de paramètres est inférieur à 2 il n'y en a pas assez
  if (nbParam  2)
  printf(%s [+|-]VALUE\n, argVect[0]);

  // argVect[0] contient le nom de l'exécutable
  //atoi retourne la valeur numérique du tableau de caractère contenu dans argVect[1]
  bright = atoi(argVect[1]);
  if (argVect[1][0] == '+' || bright  0) // si argVect[1] contient +n OU -n
is_delta = 1;

  if (is_delta)
  if (bright  0)
	printf(Increasing brightness by %d\n, bright);
  else if (bright  0)
	printf(Decreasing brightness by %d\n, -bright);
  fprintf(stderr, Setting brightness to %d\n, bright);

  return 0;

void mod_brightness(int delta)
  int bright;

  bright = get_brightness(BRIGHTNESS_FILE);
  fprintf(stderr, Old brightness was %d\n, bright);
  bright += delta;

void set_brightness(int bright)
  FILE *fd;
  int brightnessMax = get_brightness(MAX_BRIGHTNESS_FILE);

  if (bright  0)
bright = 0;
  else if (bright  brightnessMax)
bright = brightnessMax;
  fd = fopen(BRIGHTNESS_FILE, w);
  if (!fd)
  perror(Unable to open  BRIGHTNESS_FILE);
  fprintf(fd, %d\n, bright);
  if (ferror(fd))
  perror(Unable to write  BRIGHTNESS_FILE);

int get_brightness(char *nomFichier)
  FILE *fd;
  char buffer[64];
  size_t r;

  fd = fopen(nomFichier, r);
  if (!fd)
  r = fread(buffer, 1, 63, fd);
  if (ferror(fd) || !r)
  buffer[r] = 0;
  return atoi(buffer);

[résolu] Re: Pb de routage entre deux sites via openvpn

2014-09-05 Thread Yann COHEN

Résolu :
le nom du fichier ccd qui contient les options spécifique du client doit
être le full qualified name du client qui se connecte : avec le nom de
domaine complet.


Le vendredi 29 août 2014 à 18:29 +0200, Yann Cohen a écrit : 
 je sèche sur un problème de routage entre deux sites qui sont connectés
 via openvpn.
 Chaque coté du tunnel est un serveur debian (old-stable et jessie).
 Le serveur (firewall) est coté old-stable, le client coté jessie.
 Le serveur dessert les réseaux, et
 Le vpn est dans le plan d'@
 Le client (sky) dessert le réseau
 la table de routage coté serveur est la suivante :

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bluetooth.service et obexpushd

2014-09-05 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Il semble, mais je ne connais pas vraiment systemd, qu'il y ait une
incompatibilité entre le lancement actuel (Jessie) de bluetooth.service
et le fonctionnement de sdptool et obexpushd

Normalement, bluetooth est lancé tel quel
Mais dans ce cas, si on fait un `sdptool browse local`, on a une erreur
du genre « ne peut contacter le serveur sdp local » (en anglais dans le
texte). Et le lancement de obexpushd échoue.

La littérature Googleienne dit qu'il faut lancer bluetoothd avec
l'option --compat
Ce que j'ai rajouté dans /lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service, et ça va
franchement mieux. Je ne pense pas que ce soit vraiment top pour la
maintenance, soit dit en passant.

Alors bug ? Pas bug ?


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Upgrader Wheezy dernière version

2014-09-05 Thread andre_debian

Je suis sous Wheezy et désire l'upgrader en dernière version,
les commandes à taper après apt-get update sont :
# apt-get upgrade ou apt-get dist-upgrade ?



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Re: Upgrader Wheezy dernière version

2014-09-05 Thread BERTRAND Joël a écrit :


Je suis sous Wheezy et désire l'upgrader en dernière version,
les commandes à taper après apt-get update sont :
# apt-get upgrade ou apt-get dist-upgrade ?




	Personnellement, je fais toujours un apt-get update suivi d'un apt-get 
install -t version_de_la_distribution_que_je_veux apt pour éviter les 
désagréments gaguesques d'apt. Ensuite, un apt-get dist-upgrade fait le 
boulot correctement.



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Re: skype dans jessie

2014-09-05 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Thursday 04 September 2014 17:48:12 David BERCOT wrote:
 Ceci signifie donc que la seule vérification effectuée par Microsoft
 est... légère ;-)
 Mais si ça marche...
 P.S. : je vais d'ailleurs le tester de ce pas car, bien que n'étant pas
 dérangé par pulseaudio, en 4.3, j'ai un souci de proxy...
 Le Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:08:02 +0200,
 Thierry Chatelet a écrit :
 On Tuesday 02 September 2014 14:10:58 pascatgm wrote:
  Bonjour la liste
  Depuis une récente mise à jour skype ne fonctionne plus dans jessie
  chez moi...Sans aucun message d'erreur.
  Quelqu'un aurait il des lumières ?
  Merci d'avance
 Dans la liste en anglais:
 Hi folks,
 I managed to get an older version of skype (the multiarch debian
 package) getting connected to skype. As you might have noticed, the
 new version is pulseaudio needed /what a crap!) and the older version
 (4.2) inhibits to connect to the server.
 So I found a simple solution:
 - Install the 4.2 package.
 - start a hexeditor and open the file /usr/bin/skype
 - search for and change this to
 - save the file
 - restart skype and
 - voila! It is now connecting to the server again!
 No pulseaudio needed any more! Yeah!
 Have fun!

Donne le résultat, mais dans la liste anglaise tous avaient l' air enchantés

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Re: skype dans jessie

2014-09-05 Thread prego jérémy


ça fonctionne parfaitement !

merci pour cette astuce !


Le 05/09/2014 18:13, Thierry Chatelet a écrit :

On Thursday 04 September 2014 17:48:12 David BERCOT wrote:

Ceci signifie donc que la seule vérification effectuée par Microsoft
est... légère ;-)

Mais si ça marche...


P.S. : je vais d'ailleurs le tester de ce pas car, bien que n'étant pas
dérangé par pulseaudio, en 4.3, j'ai un souci de proxy...

Le Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:08:02 +0200,

Thierry  a écrit :

On Tuesday 02 September 2014 14:10:58 pascatgm wrote:

Bonjour la liste

Depuis une récente mise à jour skype ne fonctionne plus dans jessie
chez moi...Sans aucun message d'erreur.
Quelqu'un aurait il des lumières ?

Merci d'avance


Dans la liste en anglais:

Hi folks,

I managed to get an older version of skype (the multiarch debian
package) getting connected to skype. As you might have noticed, the
new version is pulseaudio needed /what a crap!) and the older version
(4.2) inhibits to connect to the server.

So I found a simple solution:
- Install the 4.2 package.
- start a hexeditor and open the file /usr/bin/skype
- search for and change this to
- save the file
- restart skype and
- voila! It is now connecting to the server again!

No pulseaudio needed any more! Yeah!

Have fun!


Donne le résultat, mais dans la liste anglaise tous avaient l' air enchantés


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Re: [résolu] Re: Pb de routage entre deux sites via openvpn

2014-09-05 Thread Christophe


Le 05/09/2014 13:20, Yann COHEN a écrit :

Résolu :
le nom du fichier ccd qui contient les options spécifique du client doit
être le full qualified name du client qui se connecte : avec le nom de
domaine complet.


En fait ça dépend surtout de comment tu as nommé le certificat client à 
sa création (champ Common Name) : c'est la dessus que le ccd se base 
pour pousser les options spécifiques au client.


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Re: [resolu] Re: The Gimp et Iscan

2014-09-05 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:25:01 +0200
maderios a écrit:

 On 09/05/2014 12:22 AM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
  Le Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:55:52 +0200
  Adrien a écrit:
  Bon, premier essai manqué !
  Voyons autre chose : n'y aurait-il pas un fichier
  /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/iscan ? Si c'est un lien symbolique, je pense
  que tu pourrais le retirer.
  L'idée est de garder iscan, mais de le désynchroniser de Gimp.
  Merci. C'était bien ça !
 Ton explication n'est pas claire.   Le fait d'avoir 
 te donne accès à iscan dans Gimp mais ne lance pas iscan.
 Aucun plugin de Gimp n'est lancé automatiquement.

Dans ce cas comment faire tout en gardant le lien ?


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Re: skype dans jessie

2014-09-05 Thread David BERCOT

En fait, j'ai trouvé encore plus simple ;-)

Dans le fichier /etc/hosts (mais on doit pouvoir faire mieux), il
suffit d'ajouter :

Ainsi, la vérification n'est plus faite...


Le Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:16:52 +0200,
prego jérémy a écrit :

ça fonctionne parfaitement !

merci pour cette astuce !


Le 05/09/2014 18:13, Thierry Chatelet a écrit :
 On Thursday 04 September 2014 17:48:12 David BERCOT wrote:

 Ceci signifie donc que la seule vérification effectuée par Microsoft
 est... légère ;-)

 Mais si ça marche...


 P.S. : je vais d'ailleurs le tester de ce pas car, bien que n'étant
 pas dérangé par pulseaudio, en 4.3, j'ai un souci de proxy...

 Le Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:08:02 +0200,

 Thierry  a écrit :
 On Tuesday 02 September 2014 14:10:58 pascatgm wrote:

 Bonjour la liste

 Depuis une récente mise à jour skype ne fonctionne plus dans
 jessie chez moi...Sans aucun message d'erreur.
 Quelqu'un aurait il des lumières ?

 Merci d'avance

 Dans la liste en anglais:

 Hi folks,

 I managed to get an older version of skype (the multiarch debian
 package) getting connected to skype. As you might have noticed, the
 new version is pulseaudio needed /what a crap!) and the older
 version (4.2) inhibits to connect to the server.

 So I found a simple solution:
 - Install the 4.2 package.
 - start a hexeditor and open the file /usr/bin/skype
 - search for and change this to
 - save the file
 - restart skype and
 - voila! It is now connecting to the server again!

 No pulseaudio needed any more! Yeah!

 Have fun!


 Donne le résultat, mais dans la liste anglaise tous avaient l' air
 enchantés Thierry

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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-05 Thread Antonio Moreno

El 04/09/14 18:39, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:28:09 +0200, Antonio Moreno escribió:

El 04/09/14 18:16, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:03:06 +0200, Antonio Moreno escribió:

El 04/09/14 17:48, Camaleón escribió:


Bueno, esto tiene más lógica. Postfix retiene (deferred) el correo porque
no se puede comunicar con Dovecot.

En cuanto a los errores, Google sugiere que compruebes si tienes instalado
el paquete dovecot-mysql.

Ya lo vi muchas gracias por tu respuesta, pero sigo atascado jajaja


Sep  4 18:24:34 correo dovecot: auth-worker(393): mysql( Connected 
to database mailserver
Sep  4 18:24:34 correo dovecot: auth-worker(393): Warning: mysql: Query failed, 
retrying: Table 'mailserver.users' doesn't exist
Sep  4 18:24:34 correo dovecot: auth-worker(393): Error: 
sql( User query failed: Table 'mailserver.users' doesn't 
exist (using built-in default user_query: SELECT home, uid, gid FROM users 
WHERE username = '%n' AND domain = '%d')

A mí me parece que le has dicho a Dovecot: Oye, mis usuarios están en
una base de datos sql pero como que se ha olvidado configurar esa base
de datos, las tablas y todo eso. Y claro, el pobre Postfix no le puede
entregar el correo a Dovecot porque éste tiene una crisis de identidad.

He revisado la configuracion de /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext y todo
lo que tiene esa select aparece comentado, seguire investigando.

A este paso me hago investigador privado jajajaja

Si has seguido alguna guía, manda el enlace para que podamos ver los
pasos que has dado. Si vas por libre, sigue revisando los registros
de Dovecot con cada cambio que hagas que ya parece que te queda poco :-)


Buenos dias

Estoy siguiendo esta guia

Pero he cambiado tanto los archivos de configuracion por problemas que 
tampoco es que sea igual 100 %, de todas formas revisare bien toda la 
documentacion de dovecot.

Muchas gracias

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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-05 Thread Antonio Moreno

El 04/09/14 18:39, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:28:09 +0200, Antonio Moreno escribió:

El 04/09/14 18:16, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:03:06 +0200, Antonio Moreno escribió:

El 04/09/14 17:48, Camaleón escribió:


Bueno, esto tiene más lógica. Postfix retiene (deferred) el correo porque
no se puede comunicar con Dovecot.

En cuanto a los errores, Google sugiere que compruebes si tienes instalado
el paquete dovecot-mysql.

Ya lo vi muchas gracias por tu respuesta, pero sigo atascado jajaja


Sep  4 18:24:34 correo dovecot: auth-worker(393): mysql( Connected 
to database mailserver
Sep  4 18:24:34 correo dovecot: auth-worker(393): Warning: mysql: Query failed, 
retrying: Table 'mailserver.users' doesn't exist
Sep  4 18:24:34 correo dovecot: auth-worker(393): Error: 
sql( User query failed: Table 'mailserver.users' doesn't 
exist (using built-in default user_query: SELECT home, uid, gid FROM users 
WHERE username = '%n' AND domain = '%d')

A mí me parece que le has dicho a Dovecot: Oye, mis usuarios están en
una base de datos sql pero como que se ha olvidado configurar esa base
de datos, las tablas y todo eso. Y claro, el pobre Postfix no le puede
entregar el correo a Dovecot porque éste tiene una crisis de identidad.

He revisado la configuracion de /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext y todo
lo que tiene esa select aparece comentado, seguire investigando.

A este paso me hago investigador privado jajajaja

Si has seguido alguna guía, manda el enlace para que podamos ver los
pasos que has dado. Si vas por libre, sigue revisando los registros
de Dovecot con cada cambio que hagas que ya parece que te queda poco :-)


Problema solucionado me faltaba la linea user_query

user_query = SELECT '/home/vmail/%d/%n' AS home, 5000 AS uid, 5000 AS 
gid, CONCAT('*:bytes=', CAST(quota AS CHAR)) AS quota_rule FROM mailbox 
WHERE username = '%u' AND active = '1'

Ahora el problema que tengo es que no encuentra el usuario

Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/pickup[4106]: 48F3F2C0533: uid=0 from=root
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/cleanup[4657]: 48F3F2C0533:
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 48F3F2C0533:, size=286, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/pipe[4650]: 48F3F2C0533:, relay=dovecot, delay=0.05, 
delays=0.02/0/0/0.03, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (user unknown)
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/cleanup[4657]: 52F8C2C1409:
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 52F8C2C1409: from=, 
size=2002, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/bounce[4656]: 48F3F2C0533: sender 
non-delivery notification: 52F8C2C1409

Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 48F3F2C0533: removed
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/pipe[4650]: 52F8C2C1409:,, relay=dovecot, 
delay=0.04, delays=0.01/0/0/0.03, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (user unknown)

Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 52F8C2C1409: removed

Seguire revisando configuraciones jejeje

Un saludo

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[OFF-TOPIC] Pasar parametro usuario y contraseña a tiger vncviewer en consola

2014-09-05 Thread Maykel Franco
Hola buenas, uso tiger vncviewer para conectarme a las máquinas virtuales.
El caso es que necesito soporte TLS, por eso he usado tigervnc y no el
clásico vncviewer que no tiene soporte TLS, aunque el comando que uso para
conectarme es vncviewer proporcionado por tigervnc...

La idea es que cuando me voy a conectar uso:

vncviewer ip:puerto

Y ya me sale una ventanit apara que introduzca el usuario y
contraseña...Eso una vez vale, pero si necesito conectar muchas veces al
día es un peñazo tener que meterla cada 2 x 3...

Estoy mirando haber como le puedo pasar el parámetro de usuario y
contraseña en el propio comando antes de conectar, pero no encuentro nada.
De lo que encuentro es para vncviewer sin soporte TLS , cliente básico que
se instala cuando instalas algún paquete de vnc client o server, no


Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Pasar parametro usuario y contraseña a tiger vncviewer en consola

2014-09-05 Thread Maykel Franco
El 5 de septiembre de 2014, 10:20, Maykel Franco

 Hola buenas, uso tiger vncviewer para conectarme a las máquinas virtuales.
 El caso es que necesito soporte TLS, por eso he usado tigervnc y no el
 clásico vncviewer que no tiene soporte TLS, aunque el comando que uso para
 conectarme es vncviewer proporcionado por tigervnc...

 La idea es que cuando me voy a conectar uso:

 vncviewer ip:puerto

 Y ya me sale una ventanit apara que introduzca el usuario y
 contraseña...Eso una vez vale, pero si necesito conectar muchas veces al
 día es un peñazo tener que meterla cada 2 x 3...

 Estoy mirando haber como le puedo pasar el parámetro de usuario y
 contraseña en el propio comando antes de conectar, pero no encuentro nada.
 De lo que encuentro es para vncviewer sin soporte TLS , cliente básico que
 se instala cuando instalas algún paquete de vnc client o server, no


Según he mirado en su man de tigervnc vncviewer , sólo hay una opción para
pasar la contraseña en texto plano pero no funciona, me pide el usuario y
contraseña igualmente:

Yo necesito pasarle no sólo el password, también el user.


echo password | vncviewer -autopass host:display


Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-05 Thread Antonio Moreno

El 04/09/14 16:08, Antonio Moreno escribió:


Como ya he comentado he solucionado casi todos los problemas salvo este

Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/pickup[4106]: 48F3F2C0533: uid=0 from=root
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/cleanup[4657]: 48F3F2C0533:
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 48F3F2C0533:, size=286, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/pipe[4650]: 48F3F2C0533:, relay=dovecot, delay=0.05, 
delays=0.02/0/0/0.03, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (user unknown)
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/cleanup[4657]: 52F8C2C1409:
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 52F8C2C1409: from=, 
size=2002, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/bounce[4656]: 48F3F2C0533: sender 
non-delivery notification: 52F8C2C1409

Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 48F3F2C0533: removed
Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/pipe[4650]: 52F8C2C1409:,, relay=dovecot, 
delay=0.04, delays=0.01/0/0/0.03, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (user unknown)

Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 52F8C2C1409: removed

Por lo que he podido leer en google mi problema esta en el 

virtual_alias_maps = 

He revisado 2 millones de veces esta linea pero no veo que puede estar 
mal, alguien me puede ayudar???

Muchas gracias

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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-05 Thread Manolo Díaz
El viernes, 5 sep 2014 a las 13:31 horas (UTC+2),
Antonio Moreno escribió:

Por lo que he podido leer en google mi problema esta en el 

virtual_alias_maps = 

He revisado 2 millones de veces esta linea pero no veo que puede estar 
mal, alguien me puede ayudar???

En lugar de leer 2 millones de veces (tirando por lo bajo) esa línea, a
lo mejor sería buena idea leer esos dos ficheros de configuración,
buscar qué significa lo que allí se dice y ver los campos de las tablas
de mysql asociadas y sus contendidos para que te hagas una buena idea de
dónde está el problema.

Manolo Díaz

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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-05 Thread Juan Guil
El día 5 de septiembre de 2014, 14:17, Manolo Díaz escribió:
 El viernes, 5 sep 2014 a las 13:31 horas (UTC+2),
 Antonio Moreno escribió:

Por lo que he podido leer en google mi problema esta en el

virtual_alias_maps =

He revisado 2 millones de veces esta linea pero no veo que puede estar
mal, alguien me puede ayudar???

 En lugar de leer 2 millones de veces (tirando por lo bajo) esa línea, a
 lo mejor sería buena idea leer esos dos ficheros de configuración,
 buscar qué significa lo que allí se dice y ver los campos de las tablas
 de mysql asociadas y sus contendidos para que te hagas una buena idea de
 dónde está el problema.

 Manolo Díaz

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Yo te diria.
Has revisado bien si estan todas las tablas en la base de datos mysql?
en la consulta q

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Re: Systemd

2014-09-05 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:33:01 -0300, Rivera Valdez escribió:

(corrijo el top-posting y el html)

 2014-09-04 13:09 GMT-03:00 Camaleón
 El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:32:44 +0200, Mario Ariel Guerra escribió:


  - A mi jucio la situación con systemd es gravísima, creo que hay que
  arremangarnos y aunar esfuerzos por ejemplo con la gente de Gentoo
  que están haciendo eudev, o con los escritorios alternativos a Gnome
  como Mate (que al parecer no tiene dependencias con systemd), y
  tratando que los otros escritorios como KDE y XFCE no generen
  dependencias duras hacia systemd.

 Comparto tu preocupación. Yo por mi parte cada vez me siento más
 incómoda con mi sistema: desde kde 3.5 (y ya ha llovido) todo lo
 relacionado con en entorno de escritorio ha ido a mucho (pero mucho)
 peor. Sólo se salva el kernel que con cada nueva versión sigue
 aportando mejoras en lugar de pifias.

 No me queda claro por lo que están diciendo: ¿systemd es un componente
 necesario en las versiones actuales de Debian como SO, o solamente de
 algunos escritorios específicos (x ej. GNOME)?

systemd es el nuevo gestor de servicios predeterminado (lo será a partir 
de Debian 8) es decir, que se instala directamente salvo que le digas lo 
contrario pero no es un componente necesario, podrás instalar y usar el 
gestor de servicios que prefieras, no sin algún que otro dolor de cabeza 
y sacrificando la instalación de los paquetes que lo tengan marcado como 



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Re: [OT] Wheezy+Postfix+Dovecot+LDAP-Problema mapeo dir en IMAP/POP3

2014-09-05 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 19:12:34 -0300, Diego H. Cancelo escribió:

 El 04/09/14 12:09, Camaleón escribió:

 Se me ocurren dos cosas que podrían estar molestando a Dovecot:
 1/ Revisa la configuración que tienes en Postfix para ver si es
 Por este lado está OK...

Te lo comento porque si no recuerdo mal tenías definidas dos cosas:
mailbox_command = /usr/local/lib/dovecot/deliver
dovecot   unix  -   n   n   -   -   pipe
  flags=DRhu user=nobody:mail argv=/usr/local/lib/dovecot/deliver -d 

No me hagas mucho caso pero de la información de la wiki hay algo que no 
me encaja:

1/ ¿Es necesario que tener las dos opciones de configuración activadas?
Es decir, me da la sensación de que sólo una de ellas sería suficiente
(mailbox_command → cuando se usan usuarios del sistema y la entrada para
dovecot en el cuando se usan usuarios virtuales).

2/ Por otra parte, la línea de ejemplo que ponen en la wiki para la 
entrada de dovecot en el añade un parámetro adicional al
binario -f ${sender} que en tu línea no aparece.

No digo que esté mal, ojo, sólo apunto las diferencias que veo con 
respecto a la configuración de la documentación oficial aunque siempre
conviene leer también la documentación o el README del paquete de Debian 
que ya sabemos que los empaquetadores hacen muchos cambios :-)

 2/ En OpenLDAP, que no haya valores de variables contradictorias con
 los datos de Dovecot
 Justamente esto es lo que me temo... que la info en el árbol LDAP (el
 home del user en este caso) me esta pisando mi config 'mail_home =
 /var/vmail/%d/%n' que tengo seteada en Dovecot.
 Acá en este parcial del log muestra:
 1- consulta al ldap (us/home/uid/gid)
 2- respuesta (donde se ve homeDirectory=/home/usersldap/sspeirone)
 3- toma maildir++: root=/home/usersldap/sspeirone/mail 
 4- saved mail to INBOX
 2014-09-04 18:52:23 auth: Debug: ldap( user search: 
 base=dc=epea1,dc=com,dc=ar scope=subtree 
 2014-09-04 18:52:23 auth: Debug: ldap( result: 
 uidNumber=10003 gidNumber=10002 homeDirectory=/hom e/usersldap/sspeirone 
 2014-09-04 18:52:23 lda( Debug: maildir++: 
 root=/home/usersldap/sspeirone/mail, index=, control=, 
 inbox=/home/usersldap/sspeirone/mail, alt=
 2014-09-04 18:52:23 lda( Info: msgid=unspecified: 
 saved mail to INBOX : Subject: prueba
 Por más que yo NO haya especificado que tome el directorio de destino
 del correo desde LDAP usa el home especificado ahí en vez del seteado en
 Dovecot. Investigare por este lado :p


Rebuscando en la wiki de Dovecot encontré estas páginas:

Domain (%d) is empty

Passdb LDAP with authentication binds

(sección Examples)

En este caso lo que sucede es que se pierde el valor de la variable 
%d (dominio) que le llega vacía a Dovecot y que según los ejemplos
que hay en el último enlace parece que la madre del cordero está en
los argumentos que se le pasan a userdb en la plantilla ldap.



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Re: OT.: Parece que el sistema pasa a suspensión en vez de apagar

2014-09-05 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 23:11:59 -0400, Paulo Riquelme escribió:

 El día 4 de septiembre de 2014, 10:10, Camaleón


 Hombre, pues sí. Mira a ver si encuentras alguna entrada más
 relacionada con la batería (ejecuta como root grep -i battery
 Eres seco jaj, claro que eran pocas líneas, las pego acá:


 Sep  2 22:59:25 ROQ515HP kernel: [9.698283] ACPI: Battery Slot
 [BAT1] (battery present)
 Sep  3 00:33:33 ROQ515HP kernel: [ 5667.532225] [Firmware Bug]:
 battery: (dis)charge rate invalid.


Pues no hay nada nuevo. Al menos detecta que hay una batería conectada :-P

 Por cierto ¿por qué desenchufas el equipo de la toma eléctrica? :-?

 Son dos los momentos en que hago eso:
 Si es cuando termino de usarlo es porque lo guardo Si es cuando lo
 estoy utilizando es porque leí que para cuidar estas baterías de
 polímero de lithio se debe cargar parcialmente, desde 20%
 hasta 85%  más menos.  Así que al cargarse más de 85% lo desconecto y
 sigo con batería.

 Yo te recomendaría que no lo desconectaras.

 Además, las baterías de Li-Ion no necesitan ningún tipo de
 mantenimiento preventivo (más bien al contrario puesto que cuantas más
 veces la recargues antes acortas su vida puesto que como todas las
 baterías recargables tienen un número limitado de ciclos de carga) y
 los dispositivos desconectan cuando están cargadas.
 mmm, no encontré las páginas que decían esto para poder responder bien,
 pero escribían sobre el ciclo que se completaba al cargar por ejemplo
 50% + 30% + 20% se contaría como un ciclo y no como 3 veces.
 Pero bueno, a estas alturas eres como un sensei real para mí así que
 como dices tú, vamos que a ojos cerrados te hago caso x)

Yo es que a las baterías no les hago ni caso, es decir, las de plomo 
ácido sé que empiezan a fallar a los 4-5 años (como mucho y sni no han 
reventado antes) y las más modernicas de ion-litio pues a partir de los 
3-4 años no es que fallen pero sí que notas una degradación evidente y la 
autonomía empieza a decaer, las cuides como las cuides y hagas lo que 
hagas así que si dependes de ellas lo mejor es reemplazarlas.


 Lo que viene para mí y este asunto es darme tiempos razonables mayores a
 un día para hacer las pruebas necesarias y obtener resultados más
 objetivos, ya que en este tema cada una de las pruebas necesita su buen
 tiempo, la información que me has brindado me ha servido bastante y
 quisiera que me sigas ayudando luego de esta pausa si no fuera mucha
 la molestia.

No te vuelvas loco con el WOL, prueba primero a desactivar el servicio 
laptop-mode para ver si hay algún cambio con el nivel de la batería y 
en base a eso sigues haciendo más pruebas.



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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-05 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:03:36 +0200, Antonio Moreno escribió:

 El 04/09/14 18:39, Camaleón escribió:


 Si has seguido alguna guía, manda el enlace para que podamos ver los
 pasos que has dado. Si vas por libre, sigue revisando los registros de
 Dovecot con cada cambio que hagas que ya parece que te queda poco :-)

 Problema solucionado me faltaba la linea user_query

Guay :-)
 user_query = SELECT '/home/vmail/%d/%n' AS home, 5000 AS uid, 5000 AS gid, 
 CONCAT('*:bytes=', CAST(quota AS CHAR)) AS quota_rule FROM mailbox WHERE 
 username = '%u' AND active = '1'
 Ahora el problema que tengo es que no encuentra el usuario
 Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/pickup[4106]: 48F3F2C0533: uid=0 from=root
 Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/cleanup[4657]: 48F3F2C0533:
 Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 48F3F2C0533:, size=286, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
 Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/pipe[4650]: 48F3F2C0533:, relay=dovecot, delay=0.05, delays=0.02/0/0/0.03, 
 dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (user unknown)
 Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/cleanup[4657]: 52F8C2C1409:
 Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 52F8C2C1409: from=, size=2002, 
 nrcpt=1 (queue active)
 Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/bounce[4656]: 48F3F2C0533: sender non-delivery 
 notification: 52F8C2C1409 
 Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 48F3F2C0533: removed 
 Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/pipe[4650]: 52F8C2C1409:,, relay=dovecot, 
 delay=0.04, delays=0.01/0/0/0.03, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (user unknown) 
 Sep  5 09:57:42 correo postfix/qmgr[32147]: 52F8C2C1409: removed


Entiendo que Postfix le pasa el correo a Dovecot (que actúa como LDA) 
pero también que tiene hacer una comprobación mínima de que el 
usuario existe por lo que interesa saber qué contienen los archivos 
relativos a la bdd sql y que son los que apuntan a estas variables:

virtual_mailbox_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/
virtual_mailbox_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/
virtual_alias_maps = 

Omite los datos sensibles.



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Re: Problema de saturación de red

2014-09-05 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:52:08 -0500, Antonio Galicia escribió:

 Tengo un problema que me trae de cabeza con un equipo con debian 7.
 Resulta que después de un rato de estar funcionando bien la interfase
 de red se satura (o es lo que suponemos) por lo que empieza a
 contestar lento aun desde la consola. Si quitamos físicamente el cable
 de la tarjeta regresa la respuesta normal.

¿La lentitud del sistema se produce sólo cuando se accede desde la red 
local? ¿Habéis revisado los registros? ¿Tenéis algún servicio que esté 
escuchando peticiones desde el exterior?
 Originalmente tenía Squeeze y funcionaba sin problema pero al
 actualizar a Wheezy empezaron los problemas. Para descartar algún
 problema con la actualización se re-instaló desde cero, primer
 problema es que no trae driver para la tarjeta así que a cargar el
 driver y el problema persistió. Le agregamos una tarjeta genérica sin
 cambio. Lo virtualizamos y ahora vive dentro de un vmware ESXi y no se
 corrige el fallo.


Si funcionaba bien en Squeeze y falla en Wheezy me hace pensar que el 
problema puede ser del controlador de la tarjeta de red que seguramente 
se haya actualizado y pueda tener algún bug o regresión que no estaba 
presente en la versión anterior. 

Pero si os pasa también con una tarjeta de red distinta que use un driver 
genérico (incluido en el kernel) entonces podría ser un problema del 
kernel, probad con una versión superior (p. ej., la de los backports) a 
ver si notáis alguna diferencia.



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Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Pasar parametro usuario y contraseña a tiger vncviewer en consola

2014-09-05 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:36:03 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:


 El 5 de septiembre de 2014, 10:20, Maykel Franco
 Hola buenas, uso tiger vncviewer para conectarme a las máquinas


 Estoy mirando haber como le puedo pasar el parámetro de usuario y
 contraseña en el propio comando antes de conectar, pero no encuentro
 De lo que encuentro es para vncviewer sin soporte TLS , cliente básico
 que se instala cuando instalas algún paquete de vnc client o server, no

 Según he mirado en su man de tigervnc vncviewer , sólo hay una opción
 para pasar la contraseña en texto plano pero no funciona, me pide el
 usuario y contraseña igualmente:
 Yo necesito pasarle no sólo el password, también el user.
 echo password | vncviewer -autopass host:display

Hum... mi ojo de cristal ve dos parámetros en ese enlace que mandas:

-user username
User name for Unix login authentication. Default is to use current Unix 
user name. If this option was given, the viewer will prefer Unix login 
authentication over the standard VNC authentication. 

-passwd passwd-file
File from which to get the password (as generated by the vncpasswd(1) 
program). This option affects only the standard VNC authentication.

vncviewer -user usuario -passwd archivo_con_contraseña host:display

Ahora bien, cosa distinta es que pasando estos dos argumentos 
correctamente pues no funcione :-)



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Re: Problema de saturación de red

2014-09-05 Thread Antonio Galicia
2014-09-05 10:38 GMT-05:00 Camaleón

 Tengo un problema que me trae de cabeza con un equipo con debian 7.
 Resulta que después de un rato de estar funcionando bien la interfase
 de red se satura (o es lo que suponemos) por lo que empieza a
 contestar lento aun desde la consola. Si quitamos físicamente el cable
 de la tarjeta regresa la respuesta normal.

 ¿La lentitud del sistema se produce sólo cuando se accede desde la red
 local? ¿Habéis revisado los registros? ¿Tenéis algún servicio que esté
 escuchando peticiones desde el exterior?

No, se produce desde fuera de la red. Como dije, entre las acciones
que tomé esta el poner el equipo detrás de un router por lo que ahora
la máquina recibe las conexiones nateadas y tiene una IP privada de la
red local. Historia:

* Linux con IP privada y Squeeze. Todo bien
* Linux con IP privada y Wheezy upgradeado. Se degrada al punto que
no responde ni desde la consola. Si se desconecta el cable regresa a
la normalidad pero sin conexión sirve como un bonito (y caro)
calentador de aire
* Se reinstala desde cero y se detecta que esta versión no trae driver
para la tarjeta por lo que se instala el paquete non-free. Sin cambio,
se sigue presentando el problema
* Se descaga el driver directo de la página del fabricante, en este
caso HP. Mismo resultado
* Se instala tarjeta de red genérica con probado soporte de linux.
Mismo resultado, la tarjeta original no se puede remover, está
incorporada al mobo.
* Se instala vmware ESXi y se monta linux como VM. Sin cambio
* Se pone un router como FW al frente de la caja, ahora cuando se
presenta el problema el equipo responde normalmente desde la red
interna y desde la consola pero no hay manera de llegar desde fuera de
la red. Si se reinicia el router se restablece la comunicación
* Se saca la máquina de la DMZ y asinga la IP pública, se instala
switch y se implementa una vlan. Ahora es el switch quien se congela
por decirlo de alguna manera.

 Si funcionaba bien en Squeeze y falla en Wheezy me hace pensar que el
 problema puede ser del controlador de la tarjeta de red que seguramente
 se haya actualizado y pueda tener algún bug o regresión que no estaba
 presente en la versión anterior.

Eso piensé, por ello cambié de tarjeta y lo virtualize.

 Pero si os pasa también con una tarjeta de red distinta que use un driver
 genérico (incluido en el kernel) entonces podría ser un problema del
 kernel, probad con una versión superior (p. ej., la de los backports) a
 ver si notáis alguna diferencia.

En el inter de todo esto se ha actualizado en debian un par de veces
el kernel sin que esto cambie algo, incluso probé con el genérico que
trae el instalador. Me faltan dos cosas por hacer: compilar un kernel
con la últimísima versión disponible y regresarme a Squeeze. Otra es
moverme a redhat, centos, suse o algún otro pero es de esas cosas que
no quiero hacer tampoco.

 Antonio Galicia

Eram quod es, eris quod sum

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Re: Problema de saturación de red

2014-09-05 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 05 Sep 2014 11:23:20 -0500, Antonio Galicia escribió:

 2014-09-05 10:38 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 Tengo un problema que me trae de cabeza con un equipo con debian 7.
 Resulta que después de un rato de estar funcionando bien la interfase
 de red se satura (o es lo que suponemos) por lo que empieza a
 contestar lento aun desde la consola. Si quitamos físicamente el cable
 de la tarjeta regresa la respuesta normal.
 ¿La lentitud del sistema se produce sólo cuando se accede desde la red
 local? ¿Habéis revisado los registros? ¿Tenéis algún servicio que esté
 escuchando peticiones desde el exterior?
 No, se produce desde fuera de la red. Como dije, entre las acciones que
 tomé esta el poner el equipo detrás de un router por lo que ahora la
 máquina recibe las conexiones nateadas y tiene una IP privada de la red

¿Quieres decir que la respuesta del sistema en local es buena y no se 
ralentiza y sólo se atora cuando accedes desde un equipo remoto desde 
fuera de la red local?



Sí, creo que lo has comentado antes. Por cierto, ¿qué tipo de adaptador 
de red monta esa placa que necesita de un driver (que no firmware) 

 Si funcionaba bien en Squeeze y falla en Wheezy me hace pensar que el
 problema puede ser del controlador de la tarjeta de red que seguramente
 se haya actualizado y pueda tener algún bug o regresión que no estaba
 presente en la versión anterior.
 Eso piensé, por ello cambié de tarjeta y lo virtualize.
 Pero si os pasa también con una tarjeta de red distinta que use un
 driver genérico (incluido en el kernel) entonces podría ser un problema
 del kernel, probad con una versión superior (p. ej., la de los
 backports) a ver si notáis alguna diferencia.
 En el inter de todo esto se ha actualizado en debian un par de veces el
 kernel sin que esto cambie algo, incluso probé con el genérico que trae
 el instalador. 

Las actualizaciones que recibe el kernel de la versión estable son muy 
ligeras por decirlo de alguna manera, contienen parches de seguridad y 
alguna que otra mejora pero para notar un cambio de verdad tienes que 
probar con una versión del kernel superior (wheezy lleva la 3.2 y en el 
backports está la 3.14, lo que visto con ojos kernelianos -un año 
kerneliano equivalen a 5 años humanos- es un mundo de diferencia).

 Me faltan dos cosas por hacer: compilar un kernel con la
 últimísima versión disponible y regresarme a Squeeze. 

Pues a eso me refiero, pero no hace falta que compiles teniendo un 
paquete deb listo para usar ;-)

 Otra es moverme a redhat, centos, suse o algún otro pero es de esas
 cosas que no quiero hacer tampoco.

Antes de moverte, prueba con una LiveCD no vaya a ser que el mismo 
problema lo tengas con el resto de distribuciones.



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Cómo instalar debian jessie con sysvinit

2014-09-05 Thread Exell E. Franklin J.
Cordial saludo
¿Existe alguna manera  tener una instalación nueva en debian jessie
  que instale sysvinit y obvie systemd?

Re: Cómo instalar debian jessie con sysvinit

2014-09-05 Thread Manolo Díaz
El viernes, 5 sep 2014 a las 21:11 horas (UTC+2),
Exell E. Franklin J. escribió:

Cordial saludo
¿Existe alguna manera  tener una instalación nueva en debian jessie
  que instale sysvinit y obvie systemd?

Debian Jessie vendrá con systemd como sistema de inicio predeterminado,
y con sysv y upstart como alternativos. Ahora bien, todavía no sé si el
instalador te dejará elegir entre ellos.

Tampoco sé hasta que punto se puede prescindir por completo de él,
habida cuenta de que dbus depende de systemd, y los entornos de
escritorios que conozco dependen en alguna medida de dbus.

Manolo Díaz

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Re: Cómo instalar debian jessie con sysvinit

2014-09-05 Thread agronomo

On 09/05/2014 12:55 PM, Manolo Díaz wrote:

El viernes, 5 sep 2014 a las 21:11 horas (UTC+2),
Exell E. Franklin J. escribió:

Cordial saludo
¿Existe alguna manera  tener una instalación nueva en debian jessie
  que instale sysvinit y obvie systemd?


Debian Jessie vendrá con systemd como sistema de inicio predeterminado,
y con sysv y upstart como alternativos. Ahora bien, todavía no sé si el
instalador te dejará elegir entre ellos.

Tampoco sé hasta que punto se puede prescindir por completo de él,
habida cuenta de que dbus depende de systemd, y los entornos de
escritorios que conozco dependen en alguna medida de dbus.


Gentoo, parece que esta desarrollando un sustituto de dbus al estilo 
Unix! Y se esta validando en Slackware.

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Re: OT.: Parece que el sistema pasa a suspensión en vez de apagar

2014-09-05 Thread Paulo Riquelme
El día 5 de septiembre de 2014, 11:04, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 23:11:59 -0400, Paulo Riquelme escribió:

 El día 4 de septiembre de 2014, 10:10, Camaleón


 Hombre, pues sí. Mira a ver si encuentras alguna entrada más
 relacionada con la batería (ejecuta como root grep -i battery

 Eres seco jaj, claro que eran pocas líneas, las pego acá:


 Sep  2 22:59:25 ROQ515HP kernel: [9.698283] ACPI: Battery Slot
 [BAT1] (battery present)
 Sep  3 00:33:33 ROQ515HP kernel: [ 5667.532225] [Firmware Bug]:
 battery: (dis)charge rate invalid.


 Pues no hay nada nuevo. Al menos detecta que hay una batería conectada :-P

 Por cierto ¿por qué desenchufas el equipo de la toma eléctrica? :-?

 Son dos los momentos en que hago eso:
 Si es cuando termino de usarlo es porque lo guardo Si es cuando lo
 estoy utilizando es porque leí que para cuidar estas baterías de
 polímero de lithio se debe cargar parcialmente, desde 20%
 hasta 85%  más menos.  Así que al cargarse más de 85% lo desconecto y
 sigo con batería.

 Yo te recomendaría que no lo desconectaras.

 Además, las baterías de Li-Ion no necesitan ningún tipo de
 mantenimiento preventivo (más bien al contrario puesto que cuantas más
 veces la recargues antes acortas su vida puesto que como todas las
 baterías recargables tienen un número limitado de ciclos de carga) y
 los dispositivos desconectan cuando están cargadas.

 mmm, no encontré las páginas que decían esto para poder responder bien,
 pero escribían sobre el ciclo que se completaba al cargar por ejemplo
 50% + 30% + 20% se contaría como un ciclo y no como 3 veces.
 Pero bueno, a estas alturas eres como un sensei real para mí así que
 como dices tú, vamos que a ojos cerrados te hago caso x)

 Yo es que a las baterías no les hago ni caso, es decir, las de plomo
 ácido sé que empiezan a fallar a los 4-5 años (como mucho y sni no han
 reventado antes) y las más modernicas de ion-litio pues a partir de los
 3-4 años no es que fallen pero sí que notas una degradación evidente y la
 autonomía empieza a decaer, las cuides como las cuides y hagas lo que
 hagas así que si dependes de ellas lo mejor es reemplazarlas.


 Lo que viene para mí y este asunto es darme tiempos razonables mayores a
 un día para hacer las pruebas necesarias y obtener resultados más
 objetivos, ya que en este tema cada una de las pruebas necesita su buen
 tiempo, la información que me has brindado me ha servido bastante y
 quisiera que me sigas ayudando luego de esta pausa si no fuera mucha
 la molestia.

 No te vuelvas loco con el WOL, prueba primero a desactivar el servicio
 laptop-mode para ver si hay algún cambio con el nivel de la batería y
 en base a eso sigues haciendo más pruebas.

ok, hoy voy a hacer eso y voy a mirar más allá del WOL, aunque lo
encuentro harto en páginas de tipos que también han tenido notebooks
hp, como por ejamplo:

hablan de gestión de rtc, del famoso WOL, hwclock, ACPI, también de un
 informe de error (48711); Pero este hilo era de noviembre 2012, ese
informe de error ¿quiere decir que los responsables del proyecto
aceptaron esto como un aspecto a mejorar del sistema? y si fue así a
estas alturas de 2014 se debiera considerar como un caso superado?

Por último, en esa página salen instrucciones para crear un ejecutable
con estas líneas:
/sbin/ethtool -s eth0 wol d
acpitool -w | grep enabled | grep -v LID | sed -e '1,$s/
*\([0-9]*\)\..*$/\1/' | xargs -n 1 acpitool -W

pero no me logro enterar dónde y nombre del archivo donde debe ir
esto, entiendo que es para desactivar algunos módulos a la hora de
apagar.  Sobre el archivo /proc/acpi/wakeup al que se hace referencia
para ver los resultados de la instrucción anterior, el mio tiene esto:


Device  S-state   Status   Sysfs node
XHC1  S4*disabled
RP01  S4*disabled  pci::00:1c.0
PXSX  S4*disabled
RP02  S4*disabled  pci::00:1c.1
PXSX  S4*disabled  pci::02:00.0
RP03  S4*disabled  pci::00:1c.2
PXSX  S4*disabled  pci::03:00.0
RP04  S5*disabled  pci::00:1c.3
PXSX  S5*disabled  pci::04:00.0
EHC1  S3*enabled   pci::00:1d.0
PWRB  S4*enabled
BRCM  S0*disabled

Bueno, sobre la prueba diaria que estoy haciendo ayer apagué sin estar
conectado a AC y con el módulo de ethernet del laptop-mode-tools
activado, nuevamente chupó como 6% de batería durante 18 horas apagado

Saludos, gracias por el tiempo.


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Re: Systemd

2014-09-05 Thread agronomo
On 03/09/14 06:45 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 El Tue, 02 Sep 2014 14:15:42 -0700, agronomo escribió:

 Antes de probar otras alternativas, en varios escritorios Debian
 estable, y 2 servidores Debian estable. Me gustaria saber con certeza
 (por favor solo hechos reales), si es posible tener Debian Estable
 (Escritorios y Servidores) sin nada relacionado con Systemd? Me aparecen
 varios paquetes!

 En la versión estable aún hay poco rastro de systemd. ¿Qué paquetes te 
 aparecen? Yo sólo tengo este en un entorno de escritorio:

 sm01@stt008:~$ dpkg -l | grep -i systemd
 ii  libsystemd-login0:amd64   44-11
 +deb7u4   amd64systemd login utility library

 Y el motivo de su presencia se debe a:

 sm01@stt008:~$ aptitude why libsystemd-login0
 i   lightdm Depende dbus 
 i A dbusDepende libsystemd-login0 (= 31)

 En cambio, en los servidores no tengo ningún paquete/biblioteca de 


# aptitude search systemd
p   libpam-systemd   - system and service manager -
PAM module  
p   libsystemd-daemon-dev  - systemd utility library -
development files  
i A libsystemd-daemon0- systemd utility
p   libsystemd-id128-0   - systemd 128 bit ID utility
p   libsystemd-id128-dev   - systemd 128 bit ID utility library -
development files   
p   libsystemd-journal-dev - systemd journal utility library -
development files  
p   libsystemd-journal0  - systemd journal utility
p   libsystemd-login-dev- systemd login utility library -
development files
i A libsystemd-login0 - systemd login utility
p   live-config-systemd  - Live System Configuration Scripts
(systemd backend)  
p   systemd   - system and service
p   systemd-gui - system and service manager -
p   systemd-sysv  - system and service manager - SysV links


hasta luego.

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Software para Gerencia de Horas em serviços TI

2014-09-05 Thread Messias Manoel da Silva Junior
Pessoal boa tarde,

Estou a procura de algum software que possa gerenciar as horas
eventualmente contratas, caso não for utilizadas as horas contratadas/mês,
deverá acumular em um banco de horas. Se possível ser capaz de integração
com sistemas help desk ou se os senhores souber algum help desk que já
venha essa solução.

Se alguém souber de alguma aplicação.
Obrigado a todos.

Messias Manoel da Silva Junior
Analista de Suporte
MD Brasil T.I e Telecom
Linux User: #491808
Linux  LPIC1 - Linux Pronfessional Institute Certification
Novell DCTE - Data Center Technical Specialist
Novell CLA   - Novell Certified Linux Administrator


 / v \   Use GNU/Linux!: :`  :
 /( )\   `. `'`

Para as lagartixas só posso dizer, treine muito e vire um calango, e
continue admirando os crocodilos

Re: host hostname not found

2014-09-05 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Thu, Sep 04, 2014 at 08:26:38PM -0400, Podrigal, Aron wrote:
 Any idea what can be the cause? I am installing proxmox-ve and when
 starting pve-cluster it fails with [main] crit: Unable to get local IP
 address. So I tried to look up with host utility and it does not resolve.

What does grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf give you?

Do you have libnss-myhostname installed?

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Re: host hostname not found

2014-09-05 Thread Reco

On Thu, Sep 04, 2014 at 08:26:38PM -0400, Podrigal, Aron wrote:
 Any idea what can be the cause? I am installing proxmox-ve and when starting 
 pve-cluster it fails with [main] crit: Unable to get local IP address. So I 
 to look up with host utility and it does not resolve.
 host localhost
 Host localhost not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

This is the way it should be - you DNS tells you that it knows nothing
about localhost hostname (because host utility only does DNS requests).
If you need to test the validity of /etc/hosts, you should use:

getent hosts localhost

 /etc/hosts       localhost
 in /etc/nsswitch.conf  I have
 hosts:          files dns

While this may look good, I believe you're missing a customary entry
pointing to your hostname in /etc/hosts. I.e.

your_static_ip_here your_hostname_here


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Re: IPv6 neighbor solicitations to use link-local source address

2014-09-05 Thread mett
On Thu, 4 Sep 2014 13:12:38 +0200
Julien b wrote:

 2014-09-04 12:32 GMT+02:00 mett
  On Thu, 4 Sep 2014 18:50:01 +0900
  mett wrote:
   On Thu, 4 Sep 2014 09:12:46 +0200
   Julien b wrote:
Hi mett, thank you for your answer. I hope that I'm not
top-posting too ping6 -I doesn't change anything, the box is
still using the global scope address.
Best regards
2014-09-04 2:32 GMT+02:00 mett
 On Thu, 4 Sep 2014 09:04:00 +0900
 mett wrote:

  When pinging link-local addresses, u need to specify the
  exit interface. So maybe if u specify the exit interface
  and another link-local as destination, you might be able to
  do it:
  mett@asus:~$ ip -6 add show
  1: lo: LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP mtu 16436
  inet6 ::1/128 scope host
 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  2: eth0: BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP mtu 1500 qlen
  1000 inet6 fe80::20c:6eff:fef8:7d1c/64 scope link
 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  root@tamirrsso:/var/log# ip -6 add show
  3: eth0: BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP mtu 1500 qlen
  1000 inet6 fe80::207:95ff:fed5:2fda/64 scope link
 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  mett@asus:~$ ping6 -I eth0 fe80::207:95ff:fed5:2fda
  PING fe80::207:95ff:fed5:2fda(fe80::207:95ff:fed5:2fda) from
  fe80::20c:6eff:fef8:7d1c eth0: 56 data bytes 64 bytes from
  fe80::207:95ff:fed5:2fda: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.433 ms 64
  bytes from fe80::207:95ff:fed5:2fda: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64
  time=0.205 ms 64 bytes from fe80::207:95ff:fed5:2fda:
  icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.201 ms 64 bytes from
  fe80::207:95ff:fed5:2fda: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.256 ms 64
  bytes from fe80::207:95ff:fed5:2fda: icmp_seq=5 ttl=64
  time=0.199 ms
  On Wed, 3 Sep 2014 15:55:38 +0200
  Julien b wrote:
   Hello everybody
   I'm very new to so please appologize if
   I am doing something wrong by sending this email. I'm
   just out of idea with a behavior in NDP and must find a
   solution. I didn't find anything on the internet.
   RFC4861 section 7.2.2 says that the source address in NDP
   neighbor solicitations can be any one of the addresses
   assigned to the interface. It also says that using the
   prompting packet's source address ensures that the
   recipient installs it in its neighbor cache. The latter
   is the behavior I can see on my boxes (a debian 6.0.9 +
   custom kernel 3.2.14) and also on a Centos one.
   # ip -6 addr list
   1: lo: LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP mtu 16436
   inet6 ::1/128 scope host
  valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
   3: eth0: BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP mtu 1500 qlen
   1000 inet6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::32/64 scope global
  valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
   inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe02:3cbd/64 scope link
  valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
   # ping6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33 -c 3 /dev/null 
   # tcpdump -nli eth0 icmp6
   18:09:04.726908 IP6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::32 
   ff02::1:ff00:33: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has
   2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33, length 32 18:09:04.727373 IP6
   2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33  2a10:7e40:edf6:100::32: ICMP6,
   neighbor advertisement, tgt is 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33,
   length 32 18:09:04.727391 IP6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::32 
   2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33: ICMP6, echo request, seq 1,
   length 64 18:09:04.727738 IP6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33 
   2a10:7e40:edf6:100::32: ICMP6, echo reply, seq 1, length
   My question is : How can I force ndp to use the link-local
   address assigned to that outgoing device ? (in the trace
   above, ndp would then send the neighbor solicitation with
   fe80::a00:27ff:fe02:3cbd source address).
   This is requested by our customer for security reasons
   and as far as I can see it complies with RFC4861 as well.
   If someone had a clue how to do that or if it's just
   impossible, I would really appreciate your help.
   Thank you
   Best resgards

 By the way, sorry for top-posting...

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   U cannot ping 

Aw: Re: GUI fails after upgrade from wheezy to jessie

2014-09-05 Thread Hans Heider

Hi Hans,

thank you for sharing your ideas.

I used apt-get dist-upgrade for my upgrade from wheezy to jessie. Kernel command line in grub does not have any vga= options.

I removed gdm3 and x11-session from /etc/init.rd/ but somehow Xorg still got started. Cannot image how/why?

Regarding the first problem:

- As lxde was already installed, I additionally installed xfce. However, this did not change the situation at all.

- Afterwards, I installed kdm as a replacement for gdm3 (not uninstalled) - problem partly solved! No more kernel faults and window manager now shows up soon after X is started. However, two less critical problems persist:

* screen resolution is strange (not using whole screen) and I cannot select usage of different monitors via EeePC FN + XX keys any more. All this worked fine in wheezy.

* nm-applet does not work properly, message like Policy Kit authorization failed: challenge needed for org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Device.Control are diplayed. I will try to use information from and to fix it as soon as I have time for it. To help others with similar problem I will report the result.

Does the FN + XX-key combination work for you?

Regarding second problem:

- still exists, could not find a workaround

Regarding third problem:

- after running apt-get remove lilypond lilypond-doc lilypond-doc-html - problem solved!



Gesendet:Donnerstag, 04. September 2014 um 12:48 Uhr

Betreff:Re: GUI fails after upgrade from wheezy to jessie

Am Donnerstag, 4. September 2014, 10:57:47 schrieb Hans Heider:
 Hi all,

 I just upgraded from Debian stable (wheezy) to testing (jessie).
 Unfortunately, I encountered three different problems which are (in
 decending severity): 1. The GUI became totally unusable. After booting X is
 started up but in 99% of all tries it just leaves me with a blank screen.
 Only once the gdm3 interface came up very slowly and I was able to log in,
 however the hole system froze after about one minute and I had to perform a
 hard reset. With removing the quiet from kernel command line I just see
 that X is started (displays OK) - no further errors reported. I managed
 to obtain the kernal fault trace attached to this email. This problem
 occurs every time and I have no clue how to fix it. Tried to add
 nomodeset to the kernel command line but no result. Additionally, the
 kernel fault seems to occur multiple times in a row. I can force the kernel
 fault to occure with # killall Xorg gdm3 gdm-session-manager which seems
 to restart the whole gui (however I do not know how restarts this
 services). After this command I am automatically taken to terminal 7 with a
 running GUI / blank screen. 2. During boot the system hangs for quite
 some time with displaying the message A start job is running for
 . I found this and the
 system continues to boot, but it is still something I would like to fix.
 Any ideas? 3. Do to Bug #758787
 ( my apt became
 useless. Does anybody know of a workaround?
 My system is a laptop with Intel Atom processor and an onboard Intel
 Graphics chip. Kernel version is 3.14-2-686-pae.
 Dmesg also just gives me the report found in attachment. I could not find
 any helpful information in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or /var/log/Xorg.1.log
 neither in /var/log/syslog. Google gives no solution either...
 Any help is greatly appreciated.



Hi Hans,

I am running Jessie on an netbook EEEPC 1005HAG, which is an atom processor
and an Intel 945 graphics chip. It is running very well.

So let me try to help.

First, check out, that during upgrade no needed packages were uninstalled.
This mostly when using aptitude. For upgrade I still prefer apt-get dist-
upgrade. Later you can finetune with aptitude.

Second, do not use any vga= option in grub. For this hardware, I got best
results in letting the kernel decide, which resolution to use. Otherwise you
might get in trouble with X.

Third, just for trying, install some other window manager, I suggest LXDE. It
is fast and stable.

Fourth, for testing purposes, remove /etc/init.d/gdm and /etc/init.d/kdm
somewhere else. Doing so, X is not started automatically. But you can start X
with the commad startx in the commandline as root. So you can see, if errors
appear, and what really happens. If everything is running fine later, you can
just rem,ove the files back.

Fifth, again, just for testing purposes, you can install grub-legacy. On this
older system I am quite happy with it. However, some people will now say, it
does not have any effects on X - and they may be right.

I hope, this will help a little, to find the reason for the problem.


Re: IPV6 dns server running on IPV4 Connection??

2014-09-05 Thread Darac Marjal
On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 01:52:16AM +, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 On Wed, 03 Sep 2014 22:16:12 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
  Whoops... should have gone to the list. Sorry about that!
  On 9/3/2014 10:48 AM, John Foster wrote:
  I have Verizon as my ISP; of course they don't want or allow the
  running of static addressed servers. However they seem to be ignoring
  most IPV6 systems connection. I.E. I can browse IPV6 network
  connections and my router from Verizon has IPV6 settings enabled for
  both DHCPv6  Staticv6 connections. I am wondering if it would be
  possible to set up bind to run on my server with IPV6 initialized and
  run my server using it as an IPV6 static site while they (Verizon)
  happily use the same IPV4 installation they are already using. Could
  this setup coexist on one machine. BTW: I am able to set up IPV6 DNS
  thru Godaddy at their dns zone manager for my server, to point to my
  unique IPV6 address. Only issue thereafter is where to get the proper
  IPV6 unique addres for my machine.
  ANY suggestions or comment are greatly appreciated.
  Even if you get a unique IPV6 address, Verizon would have to tell the
  rest of the internet the routing to your address.  And unless you get it
  from Verizon, chances are they aren't going to do it.
  Yes, it could coexist on one machine - but ANY IP routing is dependent
  on the next machine in the chain passing the routing information on.
  Without this, no one (not even someone else on the Verizon network) will
  be able to access your IP.
  Your best bet is going to be to get an IPV6 address from Verizon.  But
  please remember - most internet users (and even many ISPs) are still
  using IPV4 only, and will not be able to access your site.
 There's a company I heard of a few years ago that provides IPv6-over-IPv3 
 tunnelling.  I think it's called Hurricane Electric.  Look it up, see if 
 it fits your needs.

Actually,  Hurricane Electric  (among many  other providers[1])  provide
IPv6 over IPv4 (I'm going to assume that was a typo, though, as IPv3 was
an experimental version which was retired in 1979).

You can basically  think of these tunnel brokers as  being your IPv6 ISP
(with Verizon  etc being  the IPv4  ISP). The  real difference  is that,
instead  of providing  IPv4 over  ADSL/VDSL etc  and providing  you with
equipment to terminate that line, the tunnel brokers rely on you already
having a physical connection and  provide you internet access over that,


Description: Digital signature

Re: apt-get update during boot

2014-09-05 Thread Darac Marjal
On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 07:21:09AM +0200, Matthias Bodenbinder wrote:
 somehow my system is running an apt-get update or something similar during 
 boot. Whenever I login after boot I can do a apt-get dist-upgrade directly 
 because the package list is already up to date. If I am too fast with the 
 apt-get dist-upgrade it even complains that the database is locked by 
 another process. waiting a few more seconds solves that. And this is true 
 regardless which desktop I use: kde, xfce or cinnamon.
 I could not find any hint ffpr apt in /etc/init.d or /etc/xdg/autostart. So 
 where is that apt-get update happening? is it webmin?

There are a number of programs I can think that would do that. apt-cron,
unattended-upgrades and  friends will  update apt in  order to  find new
packages to install automatically. munin-node  will also update in order
to count the number of new packages (if you have that graph enabled).

So, you probably  also want to check crontabs (both  the system ones and
local ones for all users).

 I am using debian testing
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Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-05 Thread Johann Spies
With Xiphos currently not available for Testing I want to use Bibletime but
it's output is unreadable indicating an encoding problem.  I cannot see
anywhere in the configuration options  of Bibletime where that can be

Does anybody on this list know how to configure Bibletime correctly for my

My available locales:

cat /etc/default/locale
#  File generated by update-locale

Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: Aw: Re: GUI fails after upgrade from wheezy to jessie

2014-09-05 Thread Hans
Am Freitag, 5. September 2014, 10:15:36 schrieb Hans Heider:
 Hi Hans,
 thank you for sharing your ideas.
 I used apt-get dist-upgrade for my upgrade from wheezy to jessie. Kernel
 command line in grub does not have any vga= options. 
 I removed gdm3 and x11-session from /etc/init.rd/ but somehow Xorg still
 got started. Cannot image how/why? 

Hmm, that should not be. Check, if there is any other loginmanager active in 
init.d. Search at kdm, gdm and lightdm. Just remove all of them. Maybe you 
might want to deinstall all of them. I suggest, to purge them, too. (either 
aptitude purge packagename or apt-get --purge packagename)

Apropos purging: the comman aptitude purge ~c purges all configurations of all 
deinstalled packages and libs. So these do not interfere.

Can you see the output, when you do startx as root from the prompt? There 
should appear some messages.

 Regarding the first problem:
 - As lxde was already installed, I additionally installed xfce. However,
 this did not change the situation at all. - Afterwards, I installed kdm as
 a replacement for gdm3 (not uninstalled) - problem partly solved! 

Yes, kdm is working also fine. But for testing purposes move it away from 
/etc/init.d/, just like gdm.
 No more
 kernel faults and window manager now shows up soon after X is started.

 However, two less critical problems persist: * screen resolution is strange
 (not using whole screen) and I cannot select usage of different monitors
 via EeePC FN + XX keys any more. 

Hmm, this should work. Did you install the package eeepc-acpi-scripts? If yes, 
look at the configuration of it. Note: FN + Space, FN + F6 do not work after 
reboot. They are working again, when you did a dpkg-reconfigure eeepc-acpi-
scripts - until next reboot. I sent a bugreport, but still no one cared. 
 All this worked fine in wheezy. *
 nm-applet does not work properly, message like Policy Kit authorization
 failed: challenge needed for org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Device.Control
 are diplayed. I will try to use information from
Network-manager is not woorking very well on an EEEPC. I suggest to change to 
wicd. If you want to use a GSM-card, try umtsmon. It is an old qt4-package, 
but working very very well. I am no coder, but I tried to change it to use 
qt5, but still got no success. For this I am not experienced enough. and to fix it as soon as I
 have time for it. To help others with similar problem I will report the
 Does the FN + XX-key combination work for you?
 Regarding second problem:
 - still exists, could not find a workaround
 Regarding third problem:
 - after running apt-get remove lilypond lilypond-doc lilypond-doc-html -
 problem solved! 

Try also apt-get autoremove, and if you know, what you are doing, you can also 
try orphaner. This will remove a lot of crap from your system. If after that 
something is missing, just reinstall it.


Good luck!


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Re: apt-get update during boot

2014-09-05 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 07:21:09AM +0200, Matthias Bodenbinder wrote:
 somehow my system is running an apt-get update or something similar
 during boot. Whenever I login after boot I can do a apt-get
 dist-upgrade directly because the package list is already up to date.
 If I am too fast with the apt-get dist-upgrade it even complains
 that the database is locked by another process. waiting a few more
 seconds solves that. 
 And this is true regardless which desktop I use:
 kde, xfce or cinnamon.
 I could not find any hint ffpr apt in /etc/init.d or
 /etc/xdg/autostart. So where is that apt-get update happening? is it

root@tal:~# apt-cache search webmin

Are you running third-party software?

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-05 Thread Richard Owlett

Johann Spies wrote:

With Xiphos currently not available for Testing I want to use
Bibletime but it's output is unreadable indicating an encoding
problem.  I cannot see anywhere in the configuration options  of
Bibletime where that can be changed.

Does anybody on this list know how to configure Bibletime
correctly for my system?

My available locales:

cat /etc/default/locale
#  File generated by update-locale


The project home pages appear to be


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Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-05 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 04:56:49AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Johann Spies wrote:
 With Xiphos currently not available for Testing I want to use
 Bibletime but it's output is unreadable indicating an encoding
 problem.  I cannot see anywhere in the configuration options  of
 Bibletime where that can be changed.
 Does anybody on this list know how to configure Bibletime
 correctly for my system?
 My available locales:
 cat /etc/default/locale
 #  File generated by update-locale
 The project home pages appear to be

According to thine package description:
bibletime-data - Documentation and data for bibletime, a bible study tool
does that not help thou?

Perhaps, if thou produced any error messages help might be forthwith a
bit more quickly.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Patch wheezy's glibc to run on ancient kernel (2.6.16)?

2014-09-05 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hi Sven,

 This is not too worrying since the 2.6.16 kernel has been unsupported
 since 2008, and is even two years older.

Sure, for debian it is fine - however for me, being limited to that
old kernel, it is a showstopper.
Granted, the use-case is rather obscure ;)

 Probably.  To patch eglibc for supporting older kernels, change the
 MIN_KERNEL_SUPPORTED variable in debian/sysdeps/ and update the
 check in debian/ for the minimum kernel version

Thanks for the hint about debian/, I would
have missed it for sure.

Package rebuild went without any issues on a chroot-wheezy on my
raspberry, and the patched wheezy works perfectly on my Nokia-770 with
Linux-2.6.16, and is currently compiling stuff directly on the target.
To my surprise the linker didn't complain at all, even though all
libraries and binaries contain 2.6.26 as minimum kernel version.

To me this shows one of the benefits of the loose coupling the
packages within a linux distribution - running Windows-7 userland on a
WinXP kernel wouldn't be that easy I guess ;)

Best regards and thanks a lot for your help, Clemens

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Multiarch apt-get install removes packages?

2014-09-05 Thread Will Payne


Can anyone throw any light on why installing ia32-libs has removed 
important packages from my server? During a puppet run, puppet ran the 

/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install 

.. and apt removed things like postgres and puppet from the system. I've 
found old bugs related to aptitude not handling conflicts well in 
multiarch mode but can't find any recent similar issues..

(Apt log entry included below)

Any tips appreciated..

Start-Date: 2014-09-01  09:59:18
Commandline: /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold 
install ia32-libs
Install: libopenal1:i386 (1.14-4), sane-utils:amd64 (1.0.22-7.4, 
automatic), libedit2:i386 (2.11-20080614-5), libkrb5-3:i386 
(1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2, automatic), libpam0g:i386 (1.1.3-7.1), 
libts-0.0-0:i386 (1.0-11, automatic), libk5crypto3:i386 
(1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2, automatic), libpopt0:i386 (1.16-7), 
libstdc++5:i386 (3.3.6-25), libstdc++6:i386 (4.7.2-5, automatic), 
libxfixes3:i386 (5.0-4+deb7u1, automatic), uuid-runtime:amd64 
(2.20.1-5.3, automatic), libxcomposite1:i386 (0.4.3-2), 
libldap-2.4-2:i386 (2.4.31-1+nmu2, automatic), libgphoto2-l10n:amd64 
(2.4.14-2, automatic), libv4l-0:amd64 (0.8.8-3, automatic), 
libv4l-0:i386 (0.8.8-3, automatic), liblcms1:i386 (1.19.dfsg-1.2), 
ia32-libs-i386:i386 (0.4), libgphoto2-port0:amd64 (2.4.14-2, automatic), 
libgphoto2-port0:i386 (2.4.14-2, automatic), libidn11:i386 (1.25-2, 
automatic), libnss3:i386 (3.14.5-1+deb7u1, automatic), libwrap0:i386 
(7.6.q-24, automatic), libcaca0:i386 (0.99.beta18-1, automatic), 
libfile-copy-recursive-perl:amd64 (0.38-1, automatic), 
libsamplerate0:i386 (0.1.8-5, automatic), libacl1:i386 (2.2.51-8), 
libcomerr2:i386 (1.42.5-1.1), libselinux1:i386 (2.1.9-5), libjpeg8:i386 
(8d-1+deb7u1, automatic), ia32-libs:amd64 (0.4), libsvga1:i386 
(1.4.3-33), libdrm-radeon1:i386 (2.4.40-1~deb7u2, automatic), 
libdbus-1-3:i386 (1.6.8-1+deb7u3, automatic), libaio1:i386 (0.3.109-3), 
libsane:amd64 (1.0.22-7.4, automatic), libsane:i386 (1.0.22-7.4), 
odbcinst1debian2:amd64 (2.2.14p2-5, automatic), odbcinst1debian2:i386 
(2.2.14p2-5), update-inetd:amd64 (4.43, automatic), libtinfo5:i386 
(5.9-10, automatic), libxxf86vm1:i386 (1.1.2-1+deb7u1, automatic), 
libcap2:i386 (2.22-1.2), libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 (8.0.5-4+deb7u2, 
automatic), libtdb1:i386 (1.2.10-2), libxcb-glx0:i386 (1.8.1-2+deb7u1, 
automatic), libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 (8.0.5-4+deb7u2, automatic), 
libx86-1:i386 (1.1+ds1-10, automatic), libjack-jackd2-0:i386 
(1.9.8~dfsg.4+20120529git007cdc37-5), libxslt1.1:i386 (1.1.26-14.1), 
libnspr4-0d:i386 (4.9.2-1+deb7u2), libx11-xcb1:i386 (1.5.0-1+deb7u1, 
automatic), libgnutls26:i386 (2.12.20-8+deb7u2, automatic), 
libglapi-mesa:i386 (8.0.5-4+deb7u2, automatic), libopenal-data:amd64 
(1.14-4, automatic), odbcinst:amd64 (2.2.14p2-5, automatic), 
libjbig0:i386 (2.0-2+deb7u1), libbsd0:i386 (0.4.2-1), 
libsigc++-2.0-0c2a:i386 (2.2.10-0.2), libxmuu1:i386 (1.1.1-1), 
libtasn1-3:i386 (2.13-2, automatic), libfreetype6:i386 (2.4.9-1.1, 
automatic), libexpat1:i386 (2.1.0-1+deb7u1, automatic), 
libv4lconvert0:amd64 (0.8.8-3, automatic), libv4lconvert0:i386 (0.8.8-3, 
automatic), liblzma5:i386 (5.1.1alpha+20120614-2, automatic), 
libdirectfb-1.2-9:i386 (, libavahi-common-data:i386 
(0.6.31-2, automatic), libc6-i686:i386 (2.13-38+deb7u4, automatic), 
acl:amd64 (2.2.51-8, automatic), libncursesw5:i386 (5.9-10, automatic), 
libffi5:i386 (3.0.10-3, automatic), libjson0:i386 (0.10-1.2, automatic), 
libgcc1:i386 (4.7.2-5, automatic), libxcb1:i386 (1.8.1-2+deb7u1, 
automatic), libp11-kit0:i386 (0.12-3, automatic), libdrm2:i386 
(2.4.40-1~deb7u2, automatic), libxau6:i386 (1.0.7-1, automatic), 
libsdl1.2debian:i386 (1.2.15-5), libxaw7:i386 (1.0.10-2), libgdbm3:i386 
(1.8.3-11), libcups2:i386 (1.5.3-5+deb7u4), libcurl3:i386 
(7.26.0-1+wheezy9), libfltk1.1:i386 (1.1.10-14), libxinerama1:i386 
(1.1.2-1+deb7u1, automatic), libesd0:i386 (0.2.41-10+b1), 
libkrb5support0:i386 (1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2, automatic), libxft2:i386 
(2.3.1-1, automatic), libssh2-1:i386 (1.4.2-1.1, automatic), 
libdrm-nouveau1a:i386 (2.4.40-1~deb7u2, automatic), libice6:i386 
(1.0.8-2, automatic), libxdmcp6:i386 (1.1.1-1, automatic), 
libieee1284-3:amd64 (0.2.11-10, automatic), libieee1284-3:i386 
(0.2.11-10), libgcrypt11:i386 (1.5.0-5+deb7u1, automatic), 
libdrm-intel1:i386 (2.4.40-1~deb7u2, automatic), libxml2:i386 
(2.8.0+dfsg1-7+wheezy1), libkeyutils1:i386 (1.5.5-3, automatic), 
lesstif2:i386 (0.95.2-1.1), liblzo2-2:i386 (2.06-1+deb7u1), libxmu6:i386 
(1.1.1-1, automatic), libgpm2:i386 (1.20.4-6, automatic), 
libvorbisfile3:i386 (1.3.2-1.3), libsane-common:amd64 (1.0.22-7.4, 
automatic), esound-common:amd64 (0.2.41-10, automatic), libasound2:i386 
(1.0.25-4, automatic), libxpm4:amd64 (3.5.10-1, automatic), libxpm4:i386 
(3.5.10-1, automatic), libflac8:i386 (1.2.1-6), libusb-0.1-4:i386 
(0.1.12-20+nmu1, automatic), libxrender1:i386 (0.9.7-1+deb7u1, 
automatic), libnspr4:i386 

Re: apt-get update during boot

2014-09-05 Thread Jochen Spieker
Matthias Bodenbinder:
 somehow my system is running an apt-get update or something similar
 during boot. Whenever I login after boot I can do a apt-get
 dist-upgrade directly because the package list is already up to date.
 If I am too fast with the apt-get dist-upgrade it even complains
 that the database is locked by another process. waiting a few more
 seconds solves that. And this is true regardless which desktop I use:
 kde, xfce or cinnamon.

I guess this is just /etc/cron.daily/apt from the apt package in
conjunction with anacron. Take a look at the file, the documentation is
right at the top of the file.

I wish I could achieve a 'just stepped out of the salon' look more
often. Or at least once.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Multiarch apt-get install removes packages?

2014-09-05 Thread Darac Marjal
On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 01:21:01PM +0100, Will Payne wrote:
 Can anyone throw any light on why installing ia32-libs has removed important
 packages from my server? During a puppet run, puppet ran the command..
 /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install ia32-libs

ia32-libs is NOT multiarch and is deprecated.

The appropriate method, now, is to install dpkg 1.16.2 or newer, issue
dpkg --add-architecture arch (such as dpkg --add-architecture
i386) followed by apt-get update. You will now see a bunch of
packages ending in :i386. These are the actual debian packages from
the i386 tree and can be installed alongside their amd64 brethren.

The problem is that ia32-libs was a big slab of i386 libraries. Maybe
you didn't need all of them, maybe you needed more than was there. But
is was a terrible hack. With the new system, dpkg is aware that your
system can run binaries from multiple architectures and handles
dependencies appropriately.

So, with a true multiarch system, it is perfectly acceptable to install
a 32-bit program package (rather than a 32-bit program wrapped in a
64-bit package) and the 32-bit libraries will get pulled in.

For full details:

 .. and apt removed things like postgres and puppet from the system. I've
 found old bugs related to aptitude not handling conflicts well in multiarch
 mode but can't find any recent similar issues..
 (Apt log entry included below)
 Any tips appreciated..
 Start-Date: 2014-09-01  09:59:18
 Commandline: /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold
 install ia32-libs
 Install: libopenal1:i386 (1.14-4), sane-utils:amd64 (1.0.22-7.4, automatic),
 libedit2:i386 (2.11-20080614-5), libkrb5-3:i386 (1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2,
 automatic), libpam0g:i386 (1.1.3-7.1), libts-0.0-0:i386 (1.0-11, automatic),
 libk5crypto3:i386 (1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2, automatic), libpopt0:i386 (1.16-7),
 libstdc++5:i386 (3.3.6-25), libstdc++6:i386 (4.7.2-5, automatic),
 libxfixes3:i386 (5.0-4+deb7u1, automatic), uuid-runtime:amd64 (2.20.1-5.3,
 automatic), libxcomposite1:i386 (0.4.3-2), libldap-2.4-2:i386
 (2.4.31-1+nmu2, automatic), libgphoto2-l10n:amd64 (2.4.14-2, automatic),
 libv4l-0:amd64 (0.8.8-3, automatic), libv4l-0:i386 (0.8.8-3, automatic),
 liblcms1:i386 (1.19.dfsg-1.2), ia32-libs-i386:i386 (0.4),
 libgphoto2-port0:amd64 (2.4.14-2, automatic), libgphoto2-port0:i386
 (2.4.14-2, automatic), libidn11:i386 (1.25-2, automatic), libnss3:i386
 (3.14.5-1+deb7u1, automatic), libwrap0:i386 (7.6.q-24, automatic),
 libcaca0:i386 (0.99.beta18-1, automatic), libfile-copy-recursive-perl:amd64
 (0.38-1, automatic), libsamplerate0:i386 (0.1.8-5, automatic), libacl1:i386
 (2.2.51-8), libcomerr2:i386 (1.42.5-1.1), libselinux1:i386 (2.1.9-5),
 libjpeg8:i386 (8d-1+deb7u1, automatic), ia32-libs:amd64 (0.4), libsvga1:i386
 (1.4.3-33), libdrm-radeon1:i386 (2.4.40-1~deb7u2, automatic),
 libdbus-1-3:i386 (1.6.8-1+deb7u3, automatic), libaio1:i386 (0.3.109-3),
 libsane:amd64 (1.0.22-7.4, automatic), libsane:i386 (1.0.22-7.4),
 odbcinst1debian2:amd64 (2.2.14p2-5, automatic), odbcinst1debian2:i386
 (2.2.14p2-5), update-inetd:amd64 (4.43, automatic), libtinfo5:i386 (5.9-10,
 automatic), libxxf86vm1:i386 (1.1.2-1+deb7u1, automatic), libcap2:i386
 (2.22-1.2), libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 (8.0.5-4+deb7u2, automatic), libtdb1:i386
 (1.2.10-2), libxcb-glx0:i386 (1.8.1-2+deb7u1, automatic),
 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 (8.0.5-4+deb7u2, automatic), libx86-1:i386 (1.1+ds1-10,
 automatic), libjack-jackd2-0:i386 (1.9.8~dfsg.4+20120529git007cdc37-5),
 libxslt1.1:i386 (1.1.26-14.1), libnspr4-0d:i386 (4.9.2-1+deb7u2),
 libx11-xcb1:i386 (1.5.0-1+deb7u1, automatic), libgnutls26:i386
 (2.12.20-8+deb7u2, automatic), libglapi-mesa:i386 (8.0.5-4+deb7u2,
 automatic), libopenal-data:amd64 (1.14-4, automatic), odbcinst:amd64
 (2.2.14p2-5, automatic), libjbig0:i386 (2.0-2+deb7u1), libbsd0:i386
 (0.4.2-1), libsigc++-2.0-0c2a:i386 (2.2.10-0.2), libxmuu1:i386 (1.1.1-1),
 libtasn1-3:i386 (2.13-2, automatic), libfreetype6:i386 (2.4.9-1.1,
 automatic), libexpat1:i386 (2.1.0-1+deb7u1, automatic), libv4lconvert0:amd64
 (0.8.8-3, automatic), libv4lconvert0:i386 (0.8.8-3, automatic),
 liblzma5:i386 (5.1.1alpha+20120614-2, automatic), libdirectfb-1.2-9:i386
 (, libavahi-common-data:i386 (0.6.31-2, automatic),
 libc6-i686:i386 (2.13-38+deb7u4, automatic), acl:amd64 (2.2.51-8,
 automatic), libncursesw5:i386 (5.9-10, automatic), libffi5:i386 (3.0.10-3,
 automatic), libjson0:i386 (0.10-1.2, automatic), libgcc1:i386 (4.7.2-5,
 automatic), libxcb1:i386 (1.8.1-2+deb7u1, automatic), libp11-kit0:i386
 (0.12-3, automatic), libdrm2:i386 (2.4.40-1~deb7u2, automatic), libxau6:i386
 (1.0.7-1, automatic), libsdl1.2debian:i386 (1.2.15-5), libxaw7:i386
 (1.0.10-2), libgdbm3:i386 (1.8.3-11), libcups2:i386 (1.5.3-5+deb7u4),
 libcurl3:i386 (7.26.0-1+wheezy9), libfltk1.1:i386 (1.1.10-14),
 libxinerama1:i386 (1.1.2-1+deb7u1, automatic), libesd0:i386 (0.2.41-10+b1),

Re: Multiarch apt-get install removes packages?

2014-09-05 Thread Will Payne

On 2014-09-05 13:36, Darac Marjal wrote:

On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 01:21:01PM +0100, Will Payne wrote:


Can anyone throw any light on why installing ia32-libs has removed 

packages from my server? During a puppet run, puppet ran the command..

/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install 

ia32-libs is NOT multiarch and is deprecated.


Ta for that. Doesn't explain why apt removed those packages but if I can 
restrict the libs installed then that'll probably avoid the issue..


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Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-05 Thread Joel Rees

2014/09/05 19:45 Chris Bannister

 On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 04:56:49AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
  Johann Spies wrote:
  The project home pages appear to be

 According to thine package description:

... thy package description

 bibletime-data - Documentation and data for bibletime, a bible study tool
 does that not help thou?

Doth it help thee not?

Mmmm, no, that isn't quite right. Punt:

Art thou not holpen thereby?

 Perhaps, if thou produced any error messages help might be forthwith a
 bit more quickly.

Mayhap, hadst thou shown the incurred error message thou mightest
be helped forthwith.


Joel Rees

Computer memory is just fancy paper,
CPUs just fancy pens:
All is a stream of text
flowing from the past into the future.

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Re: Multiarch apt-get install removes packages?

2014-09-05 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Fri, 05 Sep 2014, Darac Marjal wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 01:21:01PM +0100, Will Payne wrote:
  Can anyone throw any light on why installing ia32-libs has removed important
  packages from my server? During a puppet run, puppet ran the command..
  /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install ia32-libs
 ia32-libs is NOT multiarch and is deprecated.

Its description is:

This is a transitional package used to migrate the ia32-libs package to
true multiarch. It can be removed once nothing on the system depends on it.

This package requires multiarch to be enabled before it can be installed,
use dpkg --add-architecture i386. 

It is present in Debian stable for a good reason, and it is not deprecated
there, but you need to use it correctly.

It has been removed in testing and unstable, as it is no longer necessary
for Debian Jessie (because we don't support upgrades that skip a stable

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: host hostname not found

2014-09-05 Thread Podrigal, Aron
I did not have libnss-myhostname installed. I think it was always shipped
with the debian installation, at least on wheezy 7.4 through 7.5, I now had
wheezy 7.6 installed, Was this changed in 7.6 or I'm just wrong?

However I installed libnss-myhostname, amd I am now able to start proxmox
pve-cluster, which I wasn't able before due to failing local dns lookup.

But still when I do host localhost, I still get not found.  Is that the
intended behavior? I just checked on different environments and I see tjat
on mac os im also getting not found for localhost. So looks like Reco is
right that thos is intended behavior. But on my other debian boxes  7.6 it
does work, so my question is why does it work there? So in short, was there
any change in the last release?

On Thu, Sep 04, 2014 at 08:26:38PM -0400, Podrigal, Aron wrote:
 Any idea what can be the cause? I am installing proxmox-ve and when
 starting pve-cluster it fails with [main] crit: Unable to get local IP
 address. So I tried to look up with host utility and it does not resolve.

What does grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf give you?

Do you have libnss-myhostname installed?

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Re: finding a dependency chain

2014-09-05 Thread davidson

On Thu, 4 Sep 2014, wrote:

On Wed, 3 Sep 2014, Rob Owens wrote:

- Original Message -

From: Kelly Clowers

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Rob Owens wrote:

I'm trying to figure out, for example, what causes brasero to
ultimately depend on systemd.  I found a utility called debtree,
but it produces too much output to be of use to me -- it shows all
dependency chains starting at brasero, but I am only interested in
the one that ends at systemd.

Can anybody suggest another utility, or maybe the proper syntax to
make debtree do what I want?



I just used vim to search through debtree's .dot output (for such a
complex thing, way easier than trying to look at the image file),
and then followed up by looking around in aptitude interactive

Thanks.  That is much easier than looking at the image file!

I'd still like to find a method to specify the start point and end
point, and get output of a single dependency chain.  If anybody
knows a way, please post it.

seems like this pipeline

$ apt-cache --recurse -i depends brasero |tac

yields the elements in question, and in a convenient order (children
before parents), but with a whole bunch of irrelevance interleaved.

piping it to something like the following clears away the irrelevant

note the careful choice of words above: *something like*

$ cat above_kludge


while read line
do if [[ $line =~ ^${pattrn}$ ]]  # Found node C.
then echo $line   # Admit node C to output.
pattrn=$line  # Ground the pattern.
else if [[ $line =~ [[:blank:]]${pattrn}$ ]]  # Found node C listed
  # above its parent.
then pattrn='[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*'   # Seek the parent.

did some more tests this morning.  ouch.  above kludge has problems.

version below works better:



  while IFS='' read line
  if [[ $seek_parent -eq 1 ]]  [[ $line =~ ^${pattrn}$ ]]
  echo $line
  elif [[ $seek_parent -eq 0 ]]  [[ $line =~ [[:space:]]${pattrn}$ ]]

so, like this:

$ apt-cache --recurse -i depends brasero |tac |above_kludge '.*systemd.*'

er, no.  that won't work in general.  for better results, replace '.'
on the line above with '[[:alnum:][:punct:]]'.

so, more like this:

  $ apt-cache --recurse -i depends brasero |tac |\
above_kludge '[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*systemd[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*'



while in general there might be multiple paths, above kludge will find
just one of them.


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Re: host hostname not found

2014-09-05 Thread Brian
On Fri 05 Sep 2014 at 10:49:15 -0400, Podrigal, Aron wrote:

 I did not have libnss-myhostname installed. I think it was always shipped
 with the debian installation, at least on wheezy 7.4 through 7.5, I now had
 wheezy 7.6 installed, Was this changed in 7.6 or I'm just wrong?

libnss-myhostname is Priority: extra and has no reverse depends, so it
would not be expected to come with any Wheezy release.

 However I installed libnss-myhostname, amd I am now able to start proxmox
 pve-cluster, which I wasn't able before due to failing local dns lookup.

There is no failing local DNS lookup. It has pointed been out your
/etc/hosts has a line missing. It would look like this  hostname

or this  hostname.domain  hostname

and is put there by the installer.

libnss-myhostname works without that line being present.

What does getent hosts $(hostname) give?
 But still when I do host localhost, I still get not found.  Is that the
 intended behavior? I just checked on different environments and I see tjat
 on mac os im also getting not found for localhost. So looks like Reco is
 right that thos is intended behavior. But on my other debian boxes  7.6 it
 does work, so my question is why does it work there? So in short, was there
 any change in the last release?

It isn't possible for the host command to come up with an IP for
localhost using the DNS. You have a possible misconfiguration.

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Make n-m not touch WWAN

2014-09-05 Thread Matt Ventura

I don't recall this happening until recent updates, but on my laptop
with testing installed, any time network-manager starts/restarts, it
will rfkill my WWAN card. I use the card exclusively as a GPS, so I
want n-m to pretend it doesn't exist. Is there something like
unmanaged-devices but for WWAN cards?

Matt Ventura

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Re: Make n-m not touch WWAN

2014-09-05 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 05.09.2014 21:14, schrieb Matt Ventura:
 I don't recall this happening until recent updates, but on my laptop
 with testing installed, any time network-manager starts/restarts, it
 will rfkill my WWAN card. I use the card exclusively as a GPS, so I
 want n-m to pretend it doesn't exist. Is there something like
 unmanaged-devices but for WWAN cards?

You could try something like


in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: host hostname not found

2014-09-05 Thread Podrigal, Aron
ok, a fresh install of debian 7.6, here is my settings, I don't have
installed yet

root@test1:~# cat /etc/hosts localhost test1

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

root@test1:~# getent hosts $(hostname) test1

root@test1:~# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.
# If you have the `glibc-doc-reference' and `info' packages installed, try:
# `info libc Name Service Switch' for information about this file.

passwd: compat
group:  compat
shadow: compat

hosts:  files dns
networks:   files

protocols:  db files
services:   db files
ethers: db files
rpc:db files

netgroup:   nis

root@test1:~# host -v $(hostname)
Trying test1
Host test1 not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
Received 98 bytes from in 14 ms

Clearly, it skips /etc/hosts entries.

After digging around, I noticed, that I had always setup DNS records for my
hosts prior to doing the installations, which caused me the confusion on
what was happening. I thought that the looking up my hostname resolves
correctly by getting the ip from /etc/hosts, which I was wrong.

So yes, host does not look in /etc/hosts by default.

On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Brian wrote:

 On Fri 05 Sep 2014 at 10:49:15 -0400, Podrigal, Aron wrote:

  I did not have libnss-myhostname installed. I think it was always shipped
  with the debian installation, at least on wheezy 7.4 through 7.5, I now
  wheezy 7.6 installed, Was this changed in 7.6 or I'm just wrong?

 libnss-myhostname is Priority: extra and has no reverse depends, so it
 would not be expected to come with any Wheezy release.

  However I installed libnss-myhostname, amd I am now able to start proxmox
  pve-cluster, which I wasn't able before due to failing local dns lookup.

 There is no failing local DNS lookup. It has pointed been out your
 /etc/hosts has a line missing. It would look like this  hostname

 or this  hostname.domain  hostname

 and is put there by the installer.

 libnss-myhostname works without that line being present.

 What does getent hosts $(hostname) give?

  But still when I do host localhost, I still get not found.  Is that the
  intended behavior? I just checked on different environments and I see
  on mac os im also getting not found for localhost. So looks like Reco is
  right that thos is intended behavior. But on my other debian boxes  7.6
  does work, so my question is why does it work there? So in short, was
  any change in the last release?

 It isn't possible for the host command to come up with an IP for
 localhost using the DNS. You have a possible misconfiguration.

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Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-05 Thread Johann Spies
On 5 September 2014 15:01, Joel Rees wrote:


  bibletime-data - Documentation and data for bibletime, a bible study tool
  does that not help thou?

 Doth it help thee not?

 Mmmm, no, that isn't quite right. Punt:

 Art thou not holpen thereby?

 Mayhap, hadst thou shown the incurred error message thou mightest
 be helped forthwith.


Grapjas! :)

No error messages.

Just output like this:

�� p�� 1 01� 2 x�͒ 3 �d� 4 x�͒ 5 x�͒ 6 ��� 7 x�͒ 8 x�͒ 9
x�͒ 10 x�͒ 11 x�͒ 12 x�͒ 13 14 x�͒ 15 x�͒ 16 x�͒ 17 x�͒ 18
x�͒ 19 � 20 x�͒ 21 x�͒ 22 x�͒ 23 о� 24 x�͒ 25 x�͒ 26 x�͒
27 x�͒ 28 x�͒ 29 x�͒ 30 x�͒ 31 x�͒

If you can read that, wonderful!

You apparently did not read my email properly:)

Enjoy your day.


Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: Choose your side on the Linux divide

2014-09-05 Thread lee
Zenaan Harkness writes:

 On 8/28/14, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 August 2014 22:51:13 Steve Litt wrote:
 you shouldn't express your opinion!

 Of course you should express your opinion, but not over and
 over and over and over again ad nauseam and beyond.  We all
 know your opinion.  Please give it a rest.

 I shall have to amend my previous statement:

 The Internet is my pulpit, no matter -what- I have to say,
 and no matter *how *many times* I want to say it,
 and debian-user@ldo was created for me to repeat what
 I want to say, so y'all get to hear it repeatedly, until I'm
 satisfied that everyone has truly heard what I want to say!

Neither this mailing list, nor the internet was created for you any more
than for anyone else, and I doubt it was created for the purpose of ppl
repeating themselves all the time.

 Anything less is denying me my freedom to express my
 opinion. So if you don't like it, go swing the Debian COC
 past us all and prove me wrong.

Unfortunately, that's arguable:  You are using other ppl's resources to
express your opinion.  Should I, for example, decide not to receive your
emails, I might simply be dedicating my resources to other purposes
rather than denying you your freedom.  Fortunately, it's not so simple
to force your freedom upon others.

Alas, I would have to dedicate resources to deny receiving your emails.
Do you seriously want to deny other ppl the freedom to dedicate their
resources to what they want to dedicate them to by forcing them to
dedicate them to denying receiving your emails instead?  If you do, I
vote that you should not be allowed to post to this mailing list.

And now tell us: What would be the point of having the freedom to
express your opinion when nobody hears it because everyone has decided
to ignore or not to receive what you are saying?

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-05 Thread lee

how would I figure out what the last commit to a remote repo was without
first fetching or pulling the remote repo?

Assume that I have a local copy, say cloned yesterday.  Today I would
like to be informed automatically of new commits without fetching or
pulling from the remote repo.  It would suffice to know whether there
have been new commits or not.

'git log -1 --date=relative --format=%at' gives me a very useful output
for my local instance of the repo, but there doesn't seem to be any way
to get this kind of output for the remote repo.  Or is there?

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: Choose your side on the Linux divide

2014-09-05 Thread lee
Martin Read writes:

 On 31/08/14 14:21, lee wrote:
 It doesn't even have decent documentation

 Opinions appear to vary on this matter; ISTR that when the TC were
 called upon to decide on the default init system for jessie, Russ
 Allbery experimented with all three of the proposed replacements and
 found systemd to be the best-documented out of sysvinit, upstart,
 systemd, and openrc.

When documentation for A and B are worse than the documentation for C,
that doesn't mean that the documentation for C doesn't suck.

One example for outstanding documentation is the documentation of exim.
Is there anything for systemd that would come even remotely close?

 and makes things that are
 easily done with sysvinit a very difficult and cumbersome task which
 requires a lot of trial and error because you can't figure out what it
 actually does how.

 Could you provide a specific example, so that we can see the severity
 and extent of the problem?

run squid-2.7 on Fedora 20, being started and shut down automatically

That was a nightmare to get to work with systemd.  With sysvinit, it
would have been a very simple task.  Ever since I tried, I hate systemd.

Another example is that the devs even refuse to fix the bug with their
misunderstanding of the meaning of disabled.  When I consider that
they don't even understand what disabled means and when I look at the
documentation, I really wonder what kind of awful mess the source code
of systemd might be.

Does anyone know how old these ppl are?

You can also find examples in posts to the Fedora users' mailing list
where ppl have figured out that systemd doesn't start things in the
right order --- which might be more due to the package managers or devs
being confused about things than to some sort of malfunction of systemd.
However, it can be taken as an indication that the confusion and
obfuscation systemd is encumbered with has begun to take its toll on

IIRC, some ppl on that list have suspected that once RHEL users find out
that systemd screws up booting their machines big time and starts to
create all kinds of problems Redhat might face a problem they need to

However, I have unsubscribed from that list because I will have no part
in the Fedora Projects' philosophy of trying to tell ppl what they have
to think.  Besides, I also don't like their extreme disregard of their
users which makes their claim that they want to lead the advancement of
FOSS totally ridiculous at best and otherwise evil.

For another example, see the thread here: Errors at login : in which
log can I get the message ?

Why can't systemd use logfiles which I can read?  That it can't already
removes it from my list of usable software because I will need readable
log files as soon as I have to fix a problem.

Some ppl on the Fedora list reported that the system won't even boot
when the binary file systemd uses to write what otherwise would be log
entries to is damaged in some way.  Congratulations to the devs if they
are really that retarded!

Are there any signs that they will fix such problems?

Even when they fix them, systemd still turns the system into a
black-box, and it may be time to find an alternative to Linux which is
reliable.  Perhaps I need to start looking at FreeBSD?  Or at what?

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: backup drive has died.

2014-09-05 Thread lee
Sharon Kimble writes:

 Last night my backup drive died and is now totally unresponsive, but it
 did give this error message when I tried to access it -

 Error mounting /dev/sde1 at /media/boudiccas/back1: Command-line
 `mount -t ext4 -o uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid /dev/sde1
 /media/boudiccas/back1' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: wrong fs
 type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sde1, missing codepage or helper
 program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
 dmesg | tail or so

 Is there any way in which I can access the contents of the drive please?

Try to mount it with appropriate options?

Either you can mount it and use it without errors, especially sector
errors, or you can't.  When you get sector errors or when the drive
becomes unresponsive in some way, or when it makes grinding or clunking
noises, replace the drive.

Besides, USB drives are not suited for backups.  Actually, they aren't
really suited for anything unless any reliability whatsoever can be

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-05 Thread lee
Doug writes:

 On 09/02/2014 07:35 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
 On Tue, 02 Sep 2014, Rob Owens wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Biebl

 Am 02.09.2014 22:18, schrieb Rob Owens:
 I removed the systemd package from my Jessie system, and it took
 brasero with it.  Brasero depends on gvfs, and gvfs has some
 trail of dependencies that leads to systemd.  I'm thinking that
 the gvfs dependency doesn't make sense for brasero, but I wanted
 to get input from this list before I file a bug against brasero.

 Can anybody think of a valid reason why brasero should depend on
 brasero depends on gvfs so it can detect removable media.
 For a burning application this is pretty much essential.

 Ah, I was thinking about the SMB:// features and things like that.  I
 didn't realize gvfs was used to detect removable media.
 Also, brasero is a GNOME app.  So, it's going to have GNOME dependencies
 to work properly.  If you're using the default XFCE desktop with Jessie,
 why not try XFCE's xfburn instead.  On my GNOME-free (Openbox only)
 Wheezy system, I use it. Runs fine for what little burning I do.


 It didn't need systemd before, so why should it need it now?

Debian has decided to feature several init systems, so any dependency on
an init system you're not using because you're using another one is a
bug that needs to be reported and fixed.

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-05 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Johann Spies wrote:

 On 5 September 2014 15:01, Joel Rees wrote:


  bibletime-data - Documentation and data for bibletime, a bible study
  does that not help thou?

 Doth it help thee not?

 Mmmm, no, that isn't quite right. Punt:

 Art thou not holpen thereby?

 Mayhap, hadst thou shown the incurred error message thou mightest
 be helped forthwith.


 Grapjas! :)

Dankie. En jy is welkom. (Courtesy . ;)

 No error messages.

 Just output like this:

 �� p�� 1 01� 2 x �͒ 3 �d� 4 x �͒ 5 x �͒ 6 ��� 7 x �͒ 8 x �͒ 9 x �͒ 10 x �͒
 11 x �͒ 12 x �͒ 13 14 x �͒ 15 x �͒ 16 x �͒ 17 x �͒ 18 x �͒ 19 � 20 x �͒ 21 x
 �͒ 22 x �͒ 23 о� 24 x �͒ 25 x �͒ 26 x �͒ 27 x �͒ 28 x �͒ 29 x �͒ 30 x �͒ 31
 x �͒

Have you checked the logs? (I'm always forgetting to do that, myself.)
What I would do is open a shell window, bring up some garbled output
in bibletime, and then do

ls -lart /var/log

to see if it generated any log messages. Then, assuming
something.log comes up in the right time frame, use

tail -40 /var/log/something.log

or maybe even tail -400 to go far enough back. If you switch to a
virtual console rather than use a terminal app, you'll need to pipe
through more or less:

tail -400 /var/log/something.log | less

Some of the logs will require you to raise privileges:

sudo tail -400 /var/log/messages

 If you can read that, wonderful!

Well, no, you're going to have to capture the text before the
substitution takes place and send it in a plaintext mail instead of
html/rich text if you want me to try to read it. If you are on a
tablet, don't use google's mail app from the playstore. You'll need a
mail app that can send the text plain. (At least, I haven't found a
way to send plaintext from that.)

The things I'd do to try to read it -- first, I'd try to get it into a
file. Unfortunately, most text editors are too helpful these days, so
you'll end up doing something like

tr \n \n  garbled.text

then paste the garbled text in and hit ctrl-d to end it. If what you
get in garbled.text looks exactly like what you pasted in, the
substitution had already occurred by the time you got it copied. You
can check with hexdump:

hexdump -C garbled.text | less

and if you see a lot of ef bf bd sequences, that's the Unicode
substitution character and your copy is definitely too late.

If garbled.text looks like it might actually contain some text you're
trying to look at, you can try opening it with a unicode-aware text
editor like gedit. Usually, you have to get a blank document up, then
use the file-open menu to open the file, but remember to select the
assumed encoding, UTF-8 or one of the legacy encodings, before you hit
the open button. You'll likely need to add encodings to the dialog, as
well, to get your legacy encoding into the list of selectable

You may have to delete an octet or two from the front to get started.
(cut command in a shell, redirecting to garbled2.text or something so
you don't lose what you're trying to work with.)

 You apparently did not read my email properly:)

Well, I assume that Chris was wondering whether you had read, for example,

and, say, the installation and tutorial sections of

 Enjoy your day.

Bibletime is not really what I'd call end-user. Very much a work in
progress, a tool for translators who are willing to put up with some
rough edges. It can be used for reading and research, but it's more in
the line of a tool for collaboration. (Which isn't a bad thing,
really, but you have to expect a bit of a learning curve.)

(And if I want a Japanese translation of the Bible available for it,
it looks like I'm going to be the one setting the project up and
leading/doing the translation, and negotiating with the JBS.)


 Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
 my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.

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Re: Choose your side on the Linux divide

2014-09-05 Thread davidson

On Sat, 6 Sep 2014, lee wrote:

Zenaan Harkness writes:

On 8/28/14, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Wednesday 27 August 2014 22:51:13 Steve Litt wrote:

you shouldn't express your opinion!

Of course you should express your opinion, but not over and
over and over and over again ad nauseam and beyond.  We all
know your opinion.  Please give it a rest.

I shall have to amend my previous statement:

The Internet is my pulpit, no matter -what- I have to say,
and no matter *how *many times* I want to say it,
and debian-user@ldo was created for me to repeat what
I want to say, so y'all get to hear it repeatedly, until I'm
satisfied that everyone has truly heard what I want to say!

Neither this mailing list, nor the internet was created for you any more
than for anyone else, and I doubt it was created for the purpose of ppl
repeating themselves all the time.

Anything less is denying me my freedom to express my
opinion. So if you don't like it, go swing the Debian COC
past us all and prove me wrong.

Unfortunately, that's arguable:  You are using other ppl's resources to
express your opinion.  Should I, for example, decide not to receive your
emails, I might simply be dedicating my resources to other purposes
rather than denying you your freedom.  Fortunately, it's not so simple
to force your freedom upon others.

Alas, I would have to dedicate resources to deny receiving your emails.
Do you seriously want to deny other ppl the freedom to dedicate their
resources to what they want to dedicate them to by forcing them to
dedicate them to denying receiving your emails instead?  If you do, I
vote that you should not be allowed to post to this mailing list.

And now tell us: What would be the point of having the freedom to
express your opinion when nobody hears it because everyone has decided
to ignore or not to receive what you are saying?

unless i am mistaken, tptb have already made that decision for
everyone on the listserv, and banished zenaan.

consquently, wrt this list, (1) zenaan cannot express himself here,
and (2) we cannot decide whether to listen to him.

i hereby dub your last question the Koan of Silence.


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Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-05 Thread Charles Kroeger
 Just output like this:
 27 x�͒ 28 x�͒ 29 x�͒ 30 x�͒ 31 x�͒

Looks like Bibletime Mandarin


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Re: Make n-m not touch WWAN

2014-09-05 Thread Matt Ventura

On 9/5/2014 2:10 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:

Am 05.09.2014 21:14, schrieb Matt Ventura:

I don't recall this happening until recent updates, but on my laptop
with testing installed, any time network-manager starts/restarts, it
will rfkill my WWAN card. I use the card exclusively as a GPS, so I
want n-m to pretend it doesn't exist. Is there something like
unmanaged-devices but for WWAN cards?

You could try something like


in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

But the problem is that the card doesn't actually expose any network interface
until I tell n-m to actually connect to a cellular network with the card (I 
have a plan for the card so it obviously fails). Even then, it's just a ppp 
with no MAC address, so I don't know what I would put in the config.

This bug seems to be deeper though. When I rfkill unblock the card, after some 
the option in n-m applet's context menu to enable mobile broadband will appear.
However, if I enable this option and disable it, it will rfkill the card and I 
lose that option to toggle it in the menu. It looks like this is a bug with how
n-m handles the card. The card (Sierra Wireless MC5725) will drop off the USB
entirely, so I guess n-m thinks the card is gone and doesn't give me the option 
re-enable it.

As for why it disables it to begin with, it appears that if you have the
Mobile Broadband option disabled in the menu, it will rfkill the card for you.
Except in this case, it becomes a chicken-and-egg problem because it ends up 
the card from itself and thinking it doesn't exist, thus not giving me the 
option to
enable it to begin with.

I'll probably file a bug report somewhere about this, but in the meantime, is 
a way to just get it to ignore the card? Or does enabling mobile broadband in 
menu activate the card without really doing anything? I don't want it using any
unnecessary cpu/mem/power compared to before the update that broke this.

Matt Ventura

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Re: Make n-m not touch WWAN

2014-09-05 Thread Bzzzz
On Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:12:32 -0700
Matt Ventura wrote:

 I'll probably file a bug report somewhere about this, but in the
 meantime, is there a way to just get it to ignore the card? Or does
 enabling mobile broadband in the menu activate the card without really
 doing anything? I don't want it using any unnecessary cpu/mem/power
 compared to before the update that broke this.
 Ace Ventura
You can fill a bug if you want, but I don't think it one.

The problem is the MODEM is apparently not dissociable
from the GPS.  If it is really so, you're stuck.

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Re: Make n-m not touch WWAN

2014-09-05 Thread Matt Ventura

On 9/5/2014 7:24 PM, B wrote:

On Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:12:32 -0700
Matt  wrote:

I'll probably file a bug report somewhere about this, but in the
meantime, is there a way to just get it to ignore the card? Or does
enabling mobile broadband in the menu activate the card without really
doing anything? I don't want it using any unnecessary cpu/mem/power
compared to before the update that broke this.

Ace Ventura

You can fill a bug if you want, but I don't think it one.

The problem is the MODEM is apparently not dissociable
from the GPS.  If it is really so, you're stuck.

They're dissociable in that they share a control channel
(ttyUSB0 = control, ttyUSB1 = data, ttyUSB2 = GPS output) and they
share the rfkill.

However, before some update at some point (I don't know where
exactly because ironically I used to have my rc.local rfkill the
card to save some battery life since I didn't need GPS), n-m
would allow me to leave the card in that state where I don't
Mobile Broadband in the menu is disabled, but it didn't rfkill
the card. If having MB enabled but not connected to any network
does exactly the same thing, then that would be an acceptable
solution to my problem.

I can live with this regression since it's a bit of a corner case,
but there's definitely at least one bug in all of this: it shouldn't
be removing the option to (re)enable the card because it no longer
sees it.

Matt Ventura

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Re: Make n-m not touch WWAN

2014-09-05 Thread Bzzzz
On Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:44:30 -0700
Matt Ventura wrote:

 They're dissociable in that they share a control channel
 (ttyUSB0 = control, ttyUSB1 = data, ttyUSB2 = GPS output) and they
 share the rfkill.

(Could it be a rfkill bug?) Anyway, you're right: fill a bug.

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Re: finding a dependency chain

2014-09-05 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 9/3/14, Rob Owens wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Kelly Clowers

 I just used vim to search through debtree's .dot output (for such a
 complex thing, way easier than trying to look at the image file), and
 then followed up by looking around in aptitude interactive mode.

 Thanks.  That is much easier than looking at the image file!

 I'd still like to find a method to specify the start point and end point,
 and get output of a single dependency chain.  If anybody knows a way, please
 post it.

Found something the other day while scouring the Net to fix some or
another issue here. Am sure this is probably not doing quite what
you're seeking. Hoping it's still maybe a start for training some
program to do that since it's already (unverified so allegedly)
reporting ALL dependencies..

If it's a far lesser [function] than what you've already been chatting
about, I'd love to hear the difference. Really trying to learn this
stuff inside out.. Hoping to contribute sooner than later. :)

The command is:

apt-cache showpkg packageName

It outputs this (apologies, is a little extensive but decided to leave intact):


elf@northpole:~$ apt-cache showpkg wvdial
Package: wvdial
 Description Language:
  MD5: b8bf30c8dfd4d09e02af74bf497505d6
 Description Language: en
  MD5: b8bf30c8dfd4d09e02af74bf497505d6

 Description Language:
  MD5: b8bf30c8dfd4d09e02af74bf497505d6
 Description Language: en
  MD5: b8bf30c8dfd4d09e02af74bf497505d6

Reverse Depends:

1.61-4.1 - ppp (2 2.3.0) debconf (18 0.5.00) cdebconf (0 (null)) libc6
(2 2.3.4) libgcc1 (2 1:4.1.1) libstdc++6 (2 4.1.1) libuniconf4.6 (0
(null)) libwvstreams4.6-base (0 (null)) libwvstreams4.6-extras (0
(null)) debconf (18 0.5) debconf-2.0 (0 (null)) wvdial:i386 (0 (null))
1.61-4build1 - ppp (2 2.3.0) debconf (18 0.5.00) cdebconf (0 (null))
libc6 (2 2.4) libstdc++6 (2 4.1.1) libuniconf4.6 (0 (null))
libwvstreams4.6-base (0 (null)) libwvstreams4.6-extras (0 (null))
debconf (18 0.5) debconf-2.0 (0 (null)) wvdial:i386 (0 (null))
1.61-4.1 -
1.61-4build1 -
Reverse Provides:


Hoping that's on topic.. In particular, having that as a latest
personal find just showed me how much average users are probably not
tapping anywhere near what's available to us in Debian and its

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-05 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 7:04 AM, lee wrote:

 how would I figure out what the last commit to a remote repo was without
 first fetching or pulling the remote repo?

 Assume that I have a local copy, say cloned yesterday.  Today I would
 like to be informed automatically of new commits without fetching or
 pulling from the remote repo.  It would suffice to know whether there
 have been new commits or not.

 'git log -1 --date=relative --format=%at' gives me a very useful output
 for my local instance of the repo, but there doesn't seem to be any way
 to get this kind of output for the remote repo.  Or is there?

 Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

The more I think about this, the more I think you are trying to do
something the hard way.

Is setting your head and running a diff or status insufficient? If so,
I'm tending to think you might want two local repositories, one to
track the remote, and one that you work in.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.

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Re: backup drive has died.

2014-09-05 Thread Ric Moore

On 09/05/2014 07:32 PM, lee wrote:

Sharon Kimble writes:

Is there any way in which I can access the contents of the drive please?

Try to mount it with appropriate options?

Either you can mount it and use it without errors, especially sector
errors, or you can't.  When you get sector errors or when the drive
becomes unresponsive in some way, or when it makes grinding or clunking
noises, replace the drive.

I revived a drive by purchasing a replacement drive PCB board for it. It 
was cheap enough, and the data on it valuable enough, to spring $30 for 
it in hopes that it would work. It did and I got the data off toot 
sweet. Check places on the net like this one:

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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Re: Foto's gecomprimeerd mailen

2014-09-05 Thread Germ van Ek | Esyst
De beste oplossing zou volgens mij zijn om dit simpelweg niet te doen, en 
intern of extern een foto of bestand upload systeempje te regelen en dan een 
link hier naartoe maken in de mail. 

Wil je toch via mail versturen, dan zou je nog via Nautilus een plugin kunnen 
maken die de geselecteerde bestanden comprimeert en vervolgens ofwel Enigmail 
aanroept met het gecomprimeerde bestand als parameter, ofwel zelfstandig de 
mail kan versturen. 

Als je mail wilt sturen naar een ander bedrijf dan loop je toch al snel tegen 
mail grootte limieten aan, dus gewoon een file upload lijkt mij veruit te 
preveren. Dropbox of een zakelijke variant hiervan. 

Met vriendelijke groeten, 
Germ van Ek 
Esyst BV 

- Oorspronkelijk bericht -

Van: Paul van der Vlis 
Aan: debian-user-dutch 
Verzonden: Maandag 1 september 2014 11:47:49 
Onderwerp: Re: Foto's gecomprimeerd mailen 

op 31-08-14 13:52, Jan-Rens Reitsma schreef: 

 Bestaan er al camera's die foto's kunnen maken van 1,5 GB in .jpg 
 formaat? (Het lijkt me sterk, maar ik houd de ontwikkelingen op het 
 gebied van de digitale fotografie allang niet meer bij.) 

Lijkt me niet. RAW foto's kunnen wel groot zijn. 

 Hoe denk je dan dat bijvoorbeeld Enigmail werkt? 
 Als ik in de source van Enigmail kijk dan zie ik in elk geval 
 verschillende directories met JavaScript-, Python- en C++-files. (IDL = 
 C++ voor XPCOM-interfaces van Mozilla. Ik bedoelde dat je bepaalde 
 JavaScript-functies in DHTML/XHTML, om veiligheidsredenen, meestal niet 
 kunt gebruiken.) Ik denk dat de XPCOM-interfaces in de eerste plaats 
 nodig zijn om Enigmail door Thunderbird/Icedove als module te kunnen 
 laden. Misschien kan Enigmail ook door andere applicaties met een 
 geschikte XPCOM-interface gebruikt worden. 

Wat ik wou zeggen is dat Enigmail GPG kan aanroepen, dus een extern 
programma op je sysstem. In elk geval werkt het zo onder Debian. 

 Volgens mij is het belangrijk om vanaf het begin precies te begrijpen 
 wat het probleem is, want anders weet je niet waar je moet beginnen en 
 waar je moet uitkomen. Ik begrijp niet precies wat het probleem van jouw 
 klant is. 
 De (gecomprimeerde) plaatjes moeten van schijf (eventueel dmv een 
 Nautilus-plugin) door Icedove als attachment aan mailtjes toegevoegd 
 worden, begrijp ik. 


 Wil je klant veel mailtjes, met een enkele afbeelding in de bijlage, 
 versturen? Of hoeft hij maar weinig mailtjes te versturen met veel 
 afbeeldingen in de bijlage? 

Weinig mailtjes met vaak veel afbeeldingen. 


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen 

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Re: Foto's gecomprimeerd mailen

2014-09-05 Thread Paul van der Vlis
op 05-09-14 09:45, Germ van Ek | Esyst schreef:
 De beste oplossing zou volgens mij zijn om dit simpelweg niet te doen,
 en intern of extern een foto of bestand upload systeempje te regelen en
 dan een link hier naartoe maken in de mail.

Er zit wel wat in wat je zegt, maar ik geloof dat ik toch liever foto's
per mail verstuur. Dat is toch meer private.

 Wil je toch via mail versturen, dan zou je nog via Nautilus een plugin
 kunnen maken die de geselecteerde bestanden comprimeert 

Naar zo'n soort oplossing was ik dus op zoek.

 en vervolgens
 ofwel Enigmail aanroept met het gecomprimeerde bestand als parameter,
 ofwel zelfstandig de mail kan versturen.

Het lijkt me zinniger om het default e-mail programma op de computer aan
te roepen. Dat kan desgewenst ook encryptie regelen.

Weet hier iemand toevallig of je ook een webmail programma kunt
instellen als je default e-mail programma?

 Als je mail wilt sturen naar een ander bedrijf dan loop je toch al snel
 tegen mail grootte limieten aan, 

Dat was vroeger wel een punt, maar tegenwoordig valt dat reuze mee.
Zeker als je de foto's eerst comprimeert.

Overigens gaat het om private mail.

 dus gewoon een file upload lijkt mij
 veruit te preveren. Dropbox of een zakelijke variant hiervan.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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Re: Power management en herrie van de fan's

2014-09-05 Thread Paul van der Vlis
op 05-09-14 09:38, Germ van Ek | Esyst schreef:

 Wij hebben zelf hier een Qnap draaien, hier zit ook een x86 processortje

Ik bedoelde een Qnap met een ARM processor.

Die zijn namelijk veel zuiniger dam eem X86 processor. Zo uit mijn hoofd
7 watt of zoiets!  En ze werken ook met Debian.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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Re: Foto's gecomprimeerd mailen

2014-09-05 Thread Jan-Rens Reitsma

On 09/05/2014 11:40 AM, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

op 05-09-14 11:26, Jan-Rens Reitsma schreef:

Ik zag dat de afbeeldingen van 3000x4000 px van mijn (niet zo nieuwe,
goedkope) pocketcamera tussen de 2,7 en 6,0 MB groot zijn. De
afbeeldingen van 1,5 MB van je klant zijn dus niet groot te noemen.
Verder comprimeren, tot (ver) onder de 100 kB, levert volgens mij een
fors kwaliteitsverlies op.

Dat klopt, maar de foto's hoeven niet te worden afgedrukt, alleen op een
scherm bekeken.

Foto's van onder de 100 KB zijn goed genoeg denk ik. Maar mocht dat niet
zo zijn dan kan het wat worden bijgesteld.

Ik denk dat Marktplaats de foto's nog een converteert om ze aan het 
gewenste formaat op hun site aan te passen. Dat levert weer (een klein 
beetje?) kwaliteitsverlies op.

Wil je klant veel mailtjes, met een enkele afbeelding in de bijlage,
versturen? Of hoeft hij maar weinig mailtjes te versturen met veel
afbeeldingen in de bijlage?

Weinig mailtjes met vaak veel afbeeldingen.

Zouden je klanten tegen een limiet aanlopen omdat ze met sommige emails
te veel plaatjes in de bijage proberen te versturen? Dat probleem los je
met het verder comprimeren van de plaatjes niet op.

Ze lopen niet tegen limieten aan als ze 20 MB aan foto's versturen. En
dat zijn dan nog maar 14 foto's.

Met 100 kB zouden je klanten zonder probleem 200 foto's kunnen versturen 
begrijp ik.

Als die foto's gecomprimeerd worden zal
er dus al helemaal geen probleem zijn.

Als ze niet tegen een limiet aanlopen, wat is het probleem dan?

Ik zou liever iets anders willen dan een script.
Een plugin of een programma.

Als ik me niet vergis gaat het om een gebruiksvriendelijke toepassing 
(= GUI?) voor je klanten. Je kunt toch een GUI met de nodige toeters, 
bellen en ballonnen aan je script (laten) maken? Dan heb je een 
programma. Is dat geen oplossing?

Ik zal binnenkort shrunked-image-resizer gaan proberen. Maar zoals ik
al schreef werkt de actuele versie niet met Icedove 24 uit stable.
Dus ik wacht nog even op Icedove 31.

Als je alleen een GUI voor een conversiescript nodig hebt, dan wil ik 
wel proberen om in mijn vrije tijd in Python (of eventueel in Java of 
Qt) een geschikte GUI voor je te maken. Ik heb nog geen ervaring met het 
ontwerpen van GUI's in Python (of in Qt).

(Eerlijk gezegd ben ik niet dol op het ontwikkelen van GUI's. Van 
origine ben ik namelijk geen IT'er maar een rekenaar.)


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Re: Power management en herrie van de fan's

2014-09-05 Thread Winfried Tilanus
On 01-09-14 14:01, Frans van Berckel wrote:


 Hoe zou jij dat doen? Wil een server, als deze niet zoveel te doen
 heeft, wat minder vermogen laten verbruiken. Staat toch 24 * 7 aan.
 Lees wat minder warmte stoken en dus wat minder herrie van de fan's. Heb
 je hier ervaring mee? Welke stappen heb jij ondernomen?

Ik heb zelf twee servers hier thuis staan.

In de meterkast staat een kleine energiezuinige ARM server met SSD. Die
doet vooral routing en wat kleine server taken. Deze is helemaal passief
gekoeld (met een externe voeding) en gebruikt weinig stroom. Voor de
meeste taken is 'ie ruim voldoende. Alleen als iets echt processor
intensief wordt of veel disk I/O nodig heeft, merk je zijn beperkingen.

Daarnaast heb ik achter de bank een grote server staan die dienst doet
als fileserver / backupserver / media server / PVR. Op dat systeem draai
ik ook een lading virtuele machines voor mijn testomgeving en
transcodeer ik ook regelmatig films etc. Die server heeft een standaard
(lees: energie vretende) intel processor, een SSD voor het OS en HDD's
in raid opstelling voor de bestanden. Het is een zeer ruim bemeten kast
met geluidsisolatie, stille case fans, stille voeding en stille CPU-fan.
De HDD's zijn met rubberen dopjes trillingsvrij gemonteerd (etc).

Beide servers zijn al behoorlijk oud. Van de grote server heb ik
indertijd de case, de fans en CPU-koeler bij ikbenstil gekocht, maar
toen ik recent een stille computer voor mijn schoonouders samenstelde
viel het me op dat inmiddels ook bij gewone winkels stille componenten
goed verkrijgbaar zijn.

Uit je vraag wordt mij niet helemaal duidelijk of het je vooral om het
stil gaat of vooral om het energiezuinige. Dat zijn namelijk twee
verschillende dingen: ook energie zuinige systemen kunnen een irritant
fannetje hebben en zoals mijn tweede systeem bewijst kan een flink
opgetuigd actief gekoeld systeem ook doodstil zijn.

Natuurlijk geldt wel: hoe minder warmte een systeem produceert, hoe
makkelijker het stil te maken is. En tegenovergesteld: op het moment dat
je twee zware videokaarten in je systeem gaat zetten, wordt natuurlijk
een stuk moeilijker om alles op een stille manier koel te houden.

 Zelf reeds naar sensors en fancontrol zitten kijken.

Dat kan wel iets helpen: ik heb een systeem staan met een i3 processor
waarvan de load doorgaans verwaarloosbaar is. Die produceert dan zo
weinig hitte dat de stock koeler van de i3 (die niet als echt stil
bekend staat) zo langzaam kan draaien dat je nog steeds niets hoort.

Op systemen met een zwaardere belasting heb ik slechtere ervaring met
fancontrol: knijpen levert dan al snel hogere temperaturen op en dat
betekent minder betrouwbaarheid. Het zelfde geldt voor passieve
voedingen. Op nauwelijks belaste of zeer energie zuinige systemen kan je
of een case fan of je voedingsfan weglaten. Maar in de andere gevallen
ga je het toch in de temperatuur merken. En een goede voeding met een
stille fan is ook (zo goed als) onhoorbaar.



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Re: Foto's gecomprimeerd mailen

2014-09-05 Thread Sjoerd Hiemstra
Paul van der Vlis:
 Ik zou liever iets anders willen dan een script.
 Een plugin of een programma.

Waar ik nou met mijn boerenverstand aan zit te denken.

Alle pas gemaakte, nieuwe foto's dient men in een bepaalde map te
zetten, b.v. met de naam originele_foto's.

Je maakt een script dat het volgende doet:
- Alle foto's die in originele_foto's staan, worden verkleind neergezet
  in een map met de naam emailfoto's;
- originele_foto's wordt leeggemaakt;
- het mailprogramma wordt gestart.

Alle foto's die je voor het mailen zou kunnen gebruiken, zijn nu te
vinden in de map emailfoto's.

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