Terminaux très lents

2014-10-16 Thread Adrien
Bonjour à tous,

Je ne sais pas comment mieux nommer ceci. Ce matin en me levant, les
terminaux réagissent en une seconde ou plus lorsque je valide une
commande. Lorsque je tape du texte, cependant, c'est bon. Ce
comportement survient que je sois sous gnu screen ou sous une console

Lorsque je vais sous un TTY, la console est beaucoup plus réactive si je
reprends une session screen existante, mais si je lance un apt-get
install il bloque à lecture des listes de paquets 0%

Pareil si je relance le gnome-terminal.

Les dernières choses que j'ai faites sont un peu de bidouillage avec des
images/conteneurs Docker, et j'ai arrêté le système avec pm-suspend.

Je suis sous une debian-wheezy avec xfce et quelques paquets de
wheezy-backports et de sid. Jusque là aucun problème, le soir je faisais
un pm-suspend, et le matin je réveillais ma machine, ceci sans problème
avec un uptime de plusieurs mois. Mais depuis quelques jours (j'associe
ça plutôt à l'installation de Docker), le système semble avoir des
problèmes de latence parfois, comme là sous la console.

Je confirme que cela fait dix minutes que j'ai lancé un `apt-get install
reportbug`, et il bloque toujours à lecture des listes de paquets 0%

Par contre, il n'y a apparemment aucun problème sous XFCE pour le moment...

Merci de votre aide ! Je peux vous donner des renseignements
supplémentaires si vous le désirez.


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Re: Terminaux très lents

2014-10-16 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le jeudi 16 octobre 2014 à  9:06, Adrien a écrit :
 Je ne sais pas comment mieux nommer ceci. Ce matin en me levant, les
 terminaux réagissent en une seconde ou plus lorsque je valide une
 commande. Lorsque je tape du texte, cependant, c'est bon. Ce
 comportement survient que je sois sous gnu screen ou sous une console

Je ne connais pas particulièrement Docker… Mais ton problème pourrait être dû à
une latence dans l'affichage (éventuellement induite par Docker). Si tu lances
un « find / », est-ce que les lignes défilent rapidement ?

Quand tu constates cette latence, que vois-tu dans top (ou htop) ? J'imagine
bien Xorg occupant plus de CPU que la normale…


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Re: parcours de millions de fichiers

2014-10-16 Thread Philippe Gras

Je remonte ce sujet parce que je n'ai pas de tâche cron pour Locate,

Dans crontab je n'ai que les tâches que j'ai moi-même programmées.

Y a-t-il un autre endroit où locate se mettrait à jour ?

Sur la doc. Ubuntu, il est écrit que Locate se met à jour avec Anacron.

J'ai des fichiers Anacron sur ma Debian, mais ce programme n'a pas
l'air d'être déployé.

Il n'est pas mentionné dans le détail du paquet locate.

Je cherche cette tâche cron dans le but de la désactiver, si elle  

Le 9 oct. 14 à 11:06, daniel huhardeaux a écrit :

Le 09/10/2014 10:55, Sébastien NOBILI a écrit :


Il suffit de retirer la màj de cron et le tour est joué.
Retirer la mise-à-jour de cron rend l'intérêt de locate plutôt  
limité. L'idée
lancée par Belaïd était justement de profiter du fait que la base  
locate est à
jour et que donc la réponse sera rapide. Si la base n'est plus à  
jour, la
réponse ne sera plus rapide et donc la solution perd tout son  

Il faut lire ce que j'ai écrit: j'ai répondu à François qui disait  
que le update de la base se faisait automatiquement = non, c'est  
une tâche cron qui s'en occupe, on peut donc désactiver cette màj  
auto. Ce qui fait que pour le problème cité par Belaïd on peut  
parfaitement installer et utiliser locate -en faisant le update une  
fois avant la recherche- puis le laisser sur le serveur _sans_ que  
cela n'induise le problème soulevé par François. Dans 6 mois il lui  
suffira de refaire l'update manuellement avant la nouvelle recherche.


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Re: parcours de millions de fichiers

2014-10-16 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 16/10/2014 21:55, Philippe Gras a écrit :

Je remonte ce sujet parce que je n'ai pas de tâche cron pour Locate,

Dans crontab je n'ai que les tâches que j'ai moi-même programmées.

Y a-t-il un autre endroit où locate se mettrait à jour ?

Sur la doc. Ubuntu, il est écrit que Locate se met à jour avec Anacron.

J'ai des fichiers Anacron sur ma Debian, mais ce programme n'a pas
l'air d'être déployé.

Il n'est pas mentionné dans le détail du paquet locate.

Je cherche cette tâche cron dans le but de la désactiver, si elle existe.

Wheezy: /etc/cron.daily/mlocate

Le 9 oct. 14 à 11:06, daniel huhardeaux a écrit :

Le 09/10/2014 10:55, Sébastien NOBILI a écrit :


Il suffit de retirer la màj de cron et le tour est joué.
Retirer la mise-à-jour de cron rend l'intérêt de locate plutôt 
limité. L'idée
lancée par Belaïd était justement de profiter du fait que la base 
locate est à
jour et que donc la réponse sera rapide. Si la base n'est plus à 
jour, la

réponse ne sera plus rapide et donc la solution perd tout son intérêt.

Il faut lire ce que j'ai écrit: j'ai répondu à François qui disait 
que le update de la base se faisait automatiquement = non, c'est une 
tâche cron qui s'en occupe, on peut donc désactiver cette màj auto. 
Ce qui fait que pour le problème cité par Belaïd on peut parfaitement 
installer et utiliser locate -en faisant le update une fois avant la 
recherche- puis le laisser sur le serveur _sans_ que cela n'induise 
le problème soulevé par François. Dans 6 mois il lui suffira de 
refaire l'update manuellement avant la nouvelle recherche.


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Re: parcours de millions de fichiers

2014-10-16 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le jeudi 16 octobre 2014 à 21:55, Philippe Gras a écrit :
 Je remonte ce sujet parce que je n'ai pas de tâche cron pour Locate,
 Dans crontab je n'ai que les tâches que j'ai moi-même programmées.
 Y a-t-il un autre endroit où locate se mettrait à jour ?

Chez moi (Wheezy) :
$ dpkg -L locate | grep cron


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Re: La carpeta raíz se llena sin motivo

2014-10-16 Thread Antonio Trujillo Carmona
El mié, 15-10-2014 a las 00:06 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:
 Tengo Debian Jessie  con una partición para la raíz de 902G  y otra para 
 home de 1,8T.
 Pues desde hace poco la partición raí­z se llena al 100%, si reinicio no 
 me deja entrar de nuevo, se queda en bucle del siguiente aviso  [Núm en 
 aumento] rt2800 pci 000:05:00.0: firmvare: failed to load rt2860.bin (-2)
 Entro en modo si fallos, y compruebo que la carpeta /var es la pesada y 
 dentro de ella la carpeta /log con unos 800G, borro ficheros hasta 
 reducirlo a 131G, y reinicio. hace un amago de entrar en el bucle unas 
 20 lí­neas, pero consigo entrar. Así­ estoy un tiempo hasta que se 
 vuelve a llenar y si reinicio el sistema volvemos a inicial todo el 
 proceso indicado antes.
 He buscado en Google y gracias a ello, he podido hacer lo anterior, pero 
 no doy con la solución definitiva.
 Me podí­an ayudar indicándome donde puede estar el fallo y como 
 solucionarlo. Gracias de antemano
 Espero noticias de ustedes y reitero mi agradecimiento.
 Un saludo,
 José Manuel
 Gran Canaria/España
 Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
 no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

 Revisa si tienes bien instalada/configurada rotatelog para evitar
 se formen ficheros de log muy gordos.
 Si ves que hay un mensaje muy recurrente intenta repararlo, en este
 prueba a instalr el paquete que necesistas:
 # apt-cache search rt2860.bin
 firmware-ralink - Binary firmware for Ralink wireless cards
Perdonar por haber roto la cadena de mensajes, entre lo que recivo en
privado y el tener varios servidores me he hecho un lio.
En privado he recibido:

 Hola Antonio,
 El paquete rotalelog no se encuentra. Si esta instalado el
Ha sido un fallo mio el paquete se llama logrotate, no rotatelog.

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Re: Seleccionar texto en consola para copiar borrar

2014-10-16 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2014-10-15 17:31 GMT-05:00 fernando sainz fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com:
 El día 15 de octubre de 2014, 23:53, Maykel Franco
 maykeldeb...@gmail.com escribió:
 Hola buenas, me gustaría saber si se puede copiar texto en la consola como
 si de un bloc de notas se tratase. Y no tener que seleccionar el texto
 usando el ratón.

 Nunca e visto esto en ningún lado.


 No entiendo muy bien lo que quieres hacer.

 Si ejecutas un comando en consola y quieres capturar lo que pinta tal
 vez te sirva el comando tee.

 $ ls | tee kk.txt

Y si lo quieres en el clipboard puedes usar el comando xclip:

$ ls | xclip -sel clip

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Montar recurso con espacios en el fstab con mount.cifs

2014-10-16 Thread Nicolas

Primeramente ya he montado recursos con mount.cifs desde una maquina linux
a una windows dentro del fstab, pero el recurso compartido dentro del
windows no ha tenido espacios.

Mi pregunta es como hago si este recurso que comparte windows tiene
espacios, es decir, he hecho:

// Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos cifs

// Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos ... (con comillas)

//\ Tecnico
/home/usuario/archivos ... (usando \ )

y ninguno me funciona, cuando hago mount -a me dice error en la linea 8
que es donde esta ese comando.

Por supuesto como verán Soporte Tecnico tiene un espacio.

Por supuesto lo probé en consola como root haciendo:

mount.cifs // Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos -o
user=ndisquin (con comillas)

Y funciono, lo único que no me deja escribir en la carpeta archivos ni
siquiera agregándole el uid=1000 y gid=1000 como opción.

Nicolás Disquin

Re: Montar recurso con espacios en el fstab con mount.cifs

2014-10-16 Thread fernando sainz
El día 16 de octubre de 2014, 15:04, Nicolas niko...@gmail.com escribió:

 Primeramente ya he montado recursos con mount.cifs desde una maquina linux a
 una windows dentro del fstab, pero el recurso compartido dentro del windows
 no ha tenido espacios.

 Mi pregunta es como hago si este recurso que comparte windows tiene
 espacios, es decir, he hecho:

 // Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos cifs

 // Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos ... (con comillas)

 //\ Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos ... (usando \ )

 y ninguno me funciona, cuando hago mount -a me dice error en la linea 8
 que es donde esta ese comando.

 Por supuesto como verán Soporte Tecnico tiene un espacio.

 Por supuesto lo probé en consola como root haciendo:

 mount.cifs // Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos -o
 user=ndisquin (con comillas)

 Y funciono, lo único que no me deja escribir en la carpeta archivos ni
 siquiera agregándole el uid=1000 y gid=1000 como opción.

 Nicolás Disquin

Del man de fstab (No lo he probado...)

 If the name of the mount point contains spaces these can be escaped
as `\040'.


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Re: Problemas Samba + *.mdb

2014-10-16 Thread Marcos Germán Capelari

Después de ver lo que me paso Gastón, estoy verificando que por alguna
cuestión los archivos nuevos se crean como solo lectura.
Ejemplo, el usuario A crea un archivo y lo cierra. Cuando lo abre
nuevamente le aparece como solo lectura.
Esto NO ocurre con archivos ya creados sino con los nuevos.

Puede ser alguna cuestión de herencia? dado que no me copia los permisos
para subcarpetas

El 15 de octubre de 2014, 17:16, Marcos Germán Capelari 
marcoscapel...@gmail.com escribió:


 Después de ver lo que me paso Gastón, estoy verificando que por alguna
 cuestión los archivos nuevos se crean como solo lectura.
 Ejemplo, el usuario A crea un archivo y lo cierra. Cuando lo abre
 nuevamente le aparece como solo lectura.
 Esto NO ocurre con archivos ya creados sino con los nuevos.

 Marcos Germán Capelari
 Teléfono: (+54) 0351 - 4281906
 Móvil: (+54) 0351 - 152505843
 Córdoba - Argentina

 Mail/Msn: marcoscapel...@gmail.com

Marcos Germán Capelari
Teléfono: (+54) 0351 - 4281906
Móvil: (+54) 0351 - 152505843
Córdoba - Argentina

Mail/Msn: marcoscapel...@gmail.com

Re: Alternativas para server de correo sobre Debian

2014-10-16 Thread ciracusa

On 15/10/14 18:34, Angel Claudio Alvarez wrote:

El Wed, 15 Oct 2014 10:52:26 -0300
ciracusacirac...@gmail.com  escribió:


Hola Lista.

Les consulto, estoy analizando la idea de montar mi propio server de
correo para alojar 150 cuentas (mas o menos) en modalidad pop3/smtp
(osea no van a ser imap).

Que solución aconsejan?

Que opinión les merece Zimbra?

es interno?? es para una empresa??

Angel, a que te refieres con interno?

Por otro lado si, es para una Empresa, por eso mencionaba que eran 150 

Que opinas?

Muchas Gracias.



Muchas Gracias.


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Re: Alternativas para server de correo sobre Debian

2014-10-16 Thread ciracusa

Alejandro, gracias por tu respuesta.

Te respondo entre tus líneas:

On 15/10/14 18:25, Alejandro G Sánchez martínez wrote:

El Mié 15 Oct 2014 10:52:26 ciracusa escribió:

Hola Lista.

Les consulto, estoy analizando la idea de montar mi propio server de
correo para alojar 150 cuentas (mas o menos) en modalidad pop3/smtp
(osea no van a ser imap).

Que solución aconsejan?

Que opinión les merece Zimbra?

Muchas Gracias.


postfix, dovecot mysql y listo, zimbra  la versiòn libire es más un engaño que
otra cosa y la otra versión no es libre, no vale la pena ni mencionar.,

Porque dices que Zimbra es un engaño?

Ademas zimbra tiene postfix y todo eso en su capa baja

Que implica que tenga postfix en su capa baja?

Muchas Gracias.



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Re: Alternativas para server de correo sobre Debian

2014-10-16 Thread Ariel Alvarez
yo me voy por la variante postfix, me imagino si estas solicitando 
opiniones acerca de que MTA utilizar no tengas mucha idea de como 
funcionan los mas conocidos, asi que por tanto creo que para comenzar 
postfix seria tu mejor variante, muy popular, flexible, seguro, y puedes 
encontrar muchisima informacion acerca de el en internet.

El 16/10/2014 9:53, ciracusa escribió:

Alejandro, gracias por tu respuesta.

Te respondo entre tus líneas:

On 15/10/14 18:25, Alejandro G Sánchez martínez wrote:

El Mié 15 Oct 2014 10:52:26 ciracusa escribió:

Hola Lista.

Les consulto, estoy analizando la idea de montar mi propio server de
correo para alojar 150 cuentas (mas o menos) en modalidad pop3/smtp
(osea no van a ser imap).

Que solución aconsejan?

Que opinión les merece Zimbra?

Muchas Gracias.

postfix, dovecot mysql y listo, zimbra  la versiòn libire es más un 
engaño que

otra cosa y la otra versión no es libre, no vale la pena ni mencionar.,

Porque dices que Zimbra es un engaño?

Ademas zimbra tiene postfix y todo eso en su capa baja

Que implica que tenga postfix en su capa baja?

Muchas Gracias.


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Re: Seleccionar texto en consola para copiar borrar

2014-10-16 Thread Maykel Franco
El 16 de octubre de 2014, 14:24, Carlos Zuniga carlos@gmail.com

 2014-10-15 17:31 GMT-05:00 fernando sainz fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com:
  El día 15 de octubre de 2014, 23:53, Maykel Franco
  maykeldeb...@gmail.com escribió:
  Hola buenas, me gustaría saber si se puede copiar texto en la consola
  si de un bloc de notas se tratase. Y no tener que seleccionar el texto
  usando el ratón.
  Nunca e visto esto en ningún lado.
  No entiendo muy bien lo que quieres hacer.
  Si ejecutas un comando en consola y quieres capturar lo que pinta tal
  vez te sirva el comando tee.
  $ ls | tee kk.txt

 Y si lo quieres en el clipboard puedes usar el comando xclip:

 $ ls | xclip -sel clip

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Me refiero a copiar, pegar, seleccionar texto sin el ratón. Sólo usando el

Por lo que veo con screen puedes hacerlo.


Re: Alternativas para server de correo sobre Debian

2014-10-16 Thread Flako
El día 15 de octubre de 2014, 10:52, ciracusa cirac...@gmail.com escribió:
 Hola Lista.

 Les consulto, estoy analizando la idea de montar mi propio server de correo
 para alojar 150 cuentas (mas o menos) en modalidad pop3/smtp (osea no van a
 ser imap).

 Que solución aconsejan?

 Que opinión les merece Zimbra?

 Zimbra en su version OpenSource funciona muy bien y es muy
estable, lo podes usar en modo web o en modo cliente desktop.
 Es facil de instalar, y lo bueno es que ya trae todo integrado.
(integrar todos sos módulos a mano te llevaría tiempo...)

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Re: Alternativas para server de correo sobre Debian

2014-10-16 Thread ciracusa

On 16/10/14 12:00, Flako wrote:

El día 15 de octubre de 2014, 10:52, ciracusacirac...@gmail.com  escribió:

Hola Lista.

Les consulto, estoy analizando la idea de montar mi propio server de correo
para alojar 150 cuentas (mas o menos) en modalidad pop3/smtp (osea no van a
ser imap).

Que solución aconsejan?

Que opinión les merece Zimbra?

  Zimbra en su version OpenSource funciona muy bien y es muy
estable, lo podes usar en modo web o en modo cliente desktop.
  Es facil de instalar, y lo bueno es que ya trae todo integrado.
(integrar todos sos módulos a mano te llevaría tiempo...)


Gracias Flako.

Vos lo probaste sobre alguna versión en particular de Debian?

Muchas Gracias.


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Re: Seleccionar texto en consola para copiar borrar

2014-10-16 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:53:01 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

(lo tuyo con el hmtl es crónico...)

 Hola buenas, me gustaría saber si se puede copiar texto en la consola
 como si de un bloc de notas se tratase. Y no tener que seleccionar el
 texto usando el ratón.
 Nunca e visto esto en ningún lado.

¿Te refieres a una consola (xterm, etc...) o a una terminal (tty)?

Para ambas puedes usar GPM pero requiere ratón. 

También puedes realizar operaciones básica de copia-pega/corta con Crtl+Y/
Ctrl+U/Ctrl+K. En los entornos donde no hay servidor gráfico suelo usar 
Midnight Commander que facilita mucho el trabajo diario.



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Re: Seleccionar texto en consola para copiar borrar

2014-10-16 Thread Maykel Franco
El 16 de octubre de 2014, 17:17, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:

 El Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:53:01 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 (lo tuyo con el hmtl es crónico...)

  Hola buenas, me gustaría saber si se puede copiar texto en la consola
  como si de un bloc de notas se tratase. Y no tener que seleccionar el
  texto usando el ratón.
  Nunca e visto esto en ningún lado.

 ¿Te refieres a una consola (xterm, etc...) o a una terminal (tty)?

Me refiero abrir una terminal gnome terminal, konsole, yakuake...Y
estas escribiendo por ejemplo:

ls -ld /var/www

Y acabar de escribirlo, se queda tu puntero detrás de la ultima w, y
quieres copiar solo /var/www , como si estuvieras en un
notepad...Ctrl+May + flecha direccion seleccionas...Y luego copias con
ctrl + C , por ejemplo, pues hacer eso mismo en la terminal, aunque
los atajos de tecla sean diferentes.

Es lo que comentaba, que screen lo permite, pero ya tengo que ejecutar
screen..Lo quería hacer esté en la consola que esté.



 Para ambas puedes usar GPM pero requiere ratón.

 También puedes realizar operaciones básica de copia-pega/corta con Crtl+Y/
 Ctrl+U/Ctrl+K. En los entornos donde no hay servidor gráfico suelo usar
 Midnight Commander que facilita mucho el trabajo diario.



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Re: Problema mutt para enviar archivos adjuntos

2014-10-16 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 15 Oct 2014 20:36:05 -0300, Ricardo escribió:

 El día 7 de octubre de 2014, 11:59, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com
 El Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:24:52 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:


 echo Cuerpo del mensaje | mutt -a zztirar.png -s este es el asunto
 mim...@gmail.com Can't stat mim...@gmail.com: No existe el fichero o
 el directorio

 Ya lo intente varias veces y modificando la posicion del adjunto,
 atnes, despues de el asunto y sigue igual.

 ¿Cual sera el problema?

 Pues espera que revise el manual... vale, hay que añadir 2 guiones:

 echo Cuerpo del mensaje | mutt -a zztirar.png -s este es el asunto
 -- usua...@example.com

 Quizás sirva este link también:

Sí, dice básicamente lo mismo, que para adjuntos hay que usar el 
argumento -a. El problema era que hay que añadir dos guiones (--) para 
separar el archivo del destinatario.



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Re: Alternativas para server de correo sobre Debian

2014-10-16 Thread Flako
El día 16 de octubre de 2014, 12:01, ciracusa cirac...@gmail.com escribió:
 On 16/10/14 12:00, Flako wrote:

 El día 15 de octubre de 2014, 10:52, ciracusacirac...@gmail.com

 Hola Lista.

 Les consulto, estoy analizando la idea de montar mi propio server de
 para alojar 150 cuentas (mas o menos) en modalidad pop3/smtp (osea no van
 ser imap).

 Que solución aconsejan?

 Que opinión les merece Zimbra?

   Zimbra en su version OpenSource funciona muy bien y es muy
 estable, lo podes usar en modo web o en modo cliente desktop.
   Es facil de instalar, y lo bueno es que ya trae todo integrado.
 (integrar todos sos módulos a mano te llevaría tiempo...)

 Gracias Flako.

 Vos lo probaste sobre alguna versión en particular de Debian?

 Muchas Gracias.

Yo instale y administre  Zimbra 6.0 hace un par de años para 50
usuarios, era pocos pero me permitio aprender y dar un servicio de
calidad a los usuarios.
Fue sobre debian pero no me acuerdo ahora que versión, por lo que
tengo entendido hace tiempo que Debian no es soportado por Zimbra, yo
te recomiendo que elijas una de las distribuciones  soportadas.
Zimbra instala varios programas y los integra,  en caso que la
integración quedara mal por incompatibilidad de la distribución,
encontrar el error te va a costa mucho esfuerzo, y como generalmente
son modulos/programas que uno no sabe configurar (porque lo hizo
Zimbra) se empeora la situacion.
 En zimbragr...@googlegroups.com podes econtrar ayuda especifica.

  Y por otro lado, no te olvides que Zimbra 6.0 es open source a
medias, porque basa toda su infraestructura en open source pero el la
interface web(GUI) no lo es.  Esto hace que si dejan de proveer Zimbra
Open Source, vas a dejar de tener actualizaciones del GUI, pero tus
correos siguen siendo libre en tu postfix :)


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Re: Montar recurso con espacios en el fstab con mount.cifs

2014-10-16 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 16 Oct 2014 08:34:08 -0430, Nicolas escribió:


(ese html...)

 Primeramente ya he montado recursos con mount.cifs desde una maquina
 linux a una windows dentro del fstab, pero el recurso compartido dentro
 del windows no ha tenido espacios.
 Mi pregunta es como hago si este recurso que comparte windows tiene
 espacios, es decir, he hecho:
 // Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos cifs
 // Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos ... (con comillas)
 //\ Tecnico
 /home/usuario/archivos ... (usando \ )
 y ninguno me funciona, cuando hago mount -a me dice error en la linea
 que es donde esta ese comando.
 Por supuesto como verán Soporte Tecnico tiene un espacio.

Una sencilla búsqueda en Google te resuelve el problema ;-)


 Por supuesto lo probé en consola como root haciendo:
 mount.cifs // Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos -o
 user=ndisquin (con comillas)
 Y funciono, lo único que no me deja escribir en la carpeta archivos ni
 siquiera agregándole el uid=1000 y gid=1000 como opción.

Tendrás que usar los mismos argumentos que en el fstab, es decir:

mount.cifs // Tecnico /home/usuario/archivos -o 



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Re: Problemas Samba + *.mdb

2014-10-16 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 16 Oct 2014 10:28:32 -0300, Marcos Germán Capelari escribió:

 Después de ver lo que me paso Gastón, estoy verificando que por alguna
 cuestión los archivos nuevos se crean como solo lectura.
 Ejemplo, el usuario A crea un archivo y lo cierra. Cuando lo abre
 nuevamente le aparece como solo lectura.
 Esto NO ocurre con archivos ya creados sino con los nuevos.

Pues sin más datos es complicado saber qué ha pasado.

¿Por qué no nos dices qué cambios has hecho en el archivo de 
configuración de samba si es que hiciste alguno?

 Puede ser alguna cuestión de herencia? dado que no me copia los permisos
 para subcarpetas

Puede ser un problema de herencia o de que los directorios o el recursos 
mismo no tiene los permisos correctos.



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Problema actualizar Chrome

2014-10-16 Thread Ing. Nelson Guerra

 Mensaje original 
Subject:Re: Update problem
From:Cyril Brulebois k...@debian.org
To:Nelson Guerra nelsonguerra...@gmail.com

Nelson Guerra nelsonguerra...@gmail.com (2014-10-16):
 Hola, estoy escribiendo desde Argentina.
 Recientemente actualicé el navegador Google Chrome y otros paquetes
 mediante Synaptic, pero desde entonces este navegador ya no funciona.
 Mi sistema operativo es Debian 7 estable con escritorio gnome 3, en una
 portátil Presario f500.
 Ojalá ustedes puedan ayudarme.
 Saludos, Nelson


I believe you should be able to find some help on the Spanish user list:


Re: Seleccionar texto en consola para copiar borrar

2014-10-16 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:24:22 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El 16 de octubre de 2014, 17:17, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:

 El Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:53:01 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 (lo tuyo con el hmtl es crónico...)

  Hola buenas, me gustaría saber si se puede copiar texto en la consola
  como si de un bloc de notas se tratase. Y no tener que seleccionar el
  texto usando el ratón.
  Nunca e visto esto en ningún lado.

 ¿Te refieres a una consola (xterm, etc...) o a una terminal (tty)?
 Me refiero abrir una terminal gnome terminal, konsole, yakuake...Y estas
 escribiendo por ejemplo:
 ls -ld /var/www
 Y acabar de escribirlo, se queda tu puntero detrás de la ultima w, y
 quieres copiar solo /var/www , como si estuvieras en un
 notepad...Ctrl+May + flecha direccion seleccionas...Y luego copias con
 ctrl + C , por ejemplo, pues hacer eso mismo en la terminal, aunque los
 atajos de tecla sean diferentes.


Escribes ls -ld /var/www
Pones el cursor delante del texto a copiar (/)
Pulsas Ctrl+K (cortar hacia delante →)
Pulsas Ctrl+Y (pegar)

Pero vamos, que cada terminal gráfica tiene sus propios atajos de teclado 
y no quieres conocerte los de todas, pues usa siempre xterm o MC ;-)



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Re: DHCP: máquinas que consumen dos ips

2014-10-16 Thread sio2
El Tue, 14 de Oct de 2014, a las 02:01:16PM +, Camaleón dijo:

 Pero ahí no dice que el uso único de MAC como identificador vulnere 
 ninguna especificación ni normativa, sólo avisa de que ese valor no es 
 fiable y puede cambiar por lo que recomiendan (MAY) usar otro sistema. De 
 hecho dice expresamente (MUST) que si el cliente no envía UID alguno el 
 servidor usará la MAC. Además, nada te impide usar la dirección MAC como 
 identificador (UID) ;-)

Claro, si el cliente no envía UID se usa la MAC, pero al cliente no lo
controlas, así que no puedes forzarlo que no te envíe un UID y, si te lo
envía, debes (MUST) usarlo. Si el servidor no atiende el UID y sólo se
fija en la MAC, viola el RFC.

 Me refería a que en tu configuración, que no tiene configurada ninguna
 reserva específica de direcciones IP para los clientes (ya has dicho
 que no quieres usar la opción de fixed-address) cuando un equipo
 pide renovar la IP no solicita al servidor ninguna en concreto, sólo
 que la renueve.

La opción fixed-address está fijada en el servidor: el cliente no
tiene nada que ver con ella (salvo que tiene la MAC que hay en la
declaración host). Así que haya fixed-address o no la haya el
cliente siempre se comporta de la misma manera: pidiendo la última ip
que se le concedió. El que actúa de diferente forma es el servidor, que
siempre le da la misma en cualquier caso (incluso si no coinciden los

Para comprobar el one-lease-per-client true;, yo mismo me metí en la
caché del cliente y sustituí un 66, por un 67; para hacerle creer al
cliente que le habían concedido anteriormente la 67. Cuando volví a
pedir ip, el servidor le dio la .67 y desechó la .66: señal de que el
cliente le había pedido la .67.

 Simplemente que revises cuándo expiran los leases de los clientes y mires 
 a ver si no te convendría hacerlos perpetuos (que no renueven bajo 
 ninguna circunstancia), así el servidor sólo les asignará una dirección.

Eso no resuelve el problema: mi problema no es que expiren las ips, sino
que una MAC puede recibir varias concesiones si se enviaron distintos
UID. Es más, esto agravaría el problema: si las concesiones son cortas,
puede que tenga suerte y, cuando arranque linux, ya haya expirado la
concesión que se hizo cuando arranqué windows.

Sí soluciona el problema fixed-address, porque se puede asociar la ip
a una MAC con independencia del UID.

 Hombre, el comentario que he puesto antes es de la lista de usuarios de 
 ISC (DHCP), no se alguien que pasaba por ahí ;-) y como ves, la 
 definición del manual da lugar a muchas interpretaciones.

Yo, en realidad, lo que veo es gente que interpreta más o menos lo mismo
que interpreté yo, pero a la que luego no le salen las cosas. Y, además,
no hay nadie que argumente por qué no salen.

No sé, o hay un error en la programación o un error en la documentación.

  Creo que la interpretación más lógica es la siguiente:
  1. En el servidor hay una reserva vigente asociada a una MAC.
  2. Le llega la petición de un cliente con una MAC igual, pero distinto
 UID (si el UID fuera el mismo, no hay ningún problema).
  3. El servidor desecha la reserva anterior asociada a esa MAC y le da
 una ip al cliente. No se especifica que sea la misma o no. Incluso
 podría ser distinta, si el propio cliente le sugiere que le dé otra
 diferente. El caso es que en el servidor siempre hay una sóla reserva
 asociada a cada MAC (de ahí el nombre de deny duplicates).
 Pero no serviría para el propósito que persigue el deny duplicates que 
 es evitar que un cliente solicite direcciones IP indiscriminadamente y 
 las agote.

¿Por qué no? Si al concedérsele una IP, se desechan las otras
concesiones a esa misma MAC, resulta que una MAC sólo estaría reservando
en cada momento una sola IP. Por tanto, un cliente (entendiendo
cliente=MAC) no agotaría indiscriminadamente ips.

 Los resultados que has obtenido son los mismos que los que ha obtenido el 
 resto de personas que lo han intentado pensando que servía para eso. Se 
 ve que no.

Es cierto, no tengo mucha fe. De todos modos, algunos de los casos que
he consultado en internet tenían un error manifiesto de configuración:
la MAC no la habían declarado en una declaración HOST, cosa que el
manual dice que es necesario.

Otros en cambio, sí lo habían hecho...

Ya hice la prueba de meter a las máquinas que arrancan por red
(PXEClient) en una clase aparte y hacerles:

a) Cortita la concesión de la ip.
b) Meterlos en el pool general, de manera que reciban una ip del rango
   que queda para las máquinas que no son de ninguna clase en especial.

Con eso y con configurar el dhclient para que envíe el mismo UID que
linux, basta. No me entusiasma la solución, pero no hay otra (excepto la
de usar fixed-address, claro).



   El hombre que se ríe de todo es que todo lo desprecia. La
mujer que se ríe de todo es que sabe que tiene una
dentadura bonita.
  --- Enrique Jardiel Poncela ---


Re: Backups con lvm snapshot en caliente - tamaño necesario

2014-10-16 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 9 de octubre de 2014, 23:57, Maykel Franco
maykeldeb...@gmail.com escribió:

 El 09/10/2014 23:16, Flako subfo...@gmail.com escribió:

 El día 9 de octubre de 2014, 18:00, Maykel Franco
 maykeldeb...@gmail.com escribió:
  Buenas, voy hacer un backup de un volúmen lógico, añadiendo
  previamente otro disco al volumen de grupo y me preguntaba cuanto
  almacenamiento hace falta para poder crear el snapshot.
  - Volumen lógico de 20 GB, ocupados 15GB.
  Si meto un disco de 100GB, por ejemplo, haría falta crear un snapshot
  de como mínimo el tamaño del volúmen lógico, es decir, 20GB, o
  bastaría con 15 GB.

 El tamaño del snapshot tiene que ser el espacio que va a crecer el
 filesystem de tu LV-Original desde el momento que crear el snapshots
 hasta que lo borras el snapshot.

 Es decir si lo vas a mantener durante un dia, y esperas que tu
 filesystem no cresca mas de  5GB, crea un snapshot de 5G, otra forma
 de verlo es si tu filesystem tiene libre 100GB, crea un snapshot de
 101GB y nunca vas a tener problemas.

 Perfecto. Estaba casi seguro de que era asi pero me ha liado el tutoriales.




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Aprovecho este hilo para preguntar si alguien sabe como se traduce la
variable Free PE , es decir, cuanto espacio realmente en MB te quedan
disponibles en un Volumen Group de LVM. En este caso 12799

  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name   /dev/sdc1
  VG Name   test
  PV Size   450.00 GiB / not usable 3.00 MiB
  Allocatable   yes
  PE Size   4.00 MiB
  Total PE  115199
  Free PE   12799
  Allocated PE  102400
  PV UUID   kd9hiO-1zzD-nraa-ntzO-fdLk-eOEX-y8vRHf


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2014-10-16 Thread Marcelino Osoria Pérez
tengo el sgte problema con mi zona de dns, mi  isp me realizo la dekagacion
de zona de la sgte forma:

112/29 IN NS master.epscu.co.cu.

Re: dns

2014-10-16 Thread Alejandro G Sánchez martínez
El Jue 16 Oct 2014 09:24:33 Marcelino Osoria Pérez escribió:
 tengo el sgte problema con mi zona de dns, mi  isp me realizo la dekagacion
 de zona de la sgte forma:
 112/29 IN NS master.epscu.co.cu.

No se se se una dekagaciòn , supongo que duces declaración o delegación.

y bueno ¿cual es el problema?

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Re: Alternativas para server de correo sobre Debian

2014-10-16 Thread Alejandro G Sánchez martínez
El Jue 16 Oct 2014 10:53:27 ciracusa escribió:
 Alejandro, gracias por tu respuesta.
 Te respondo entre tus líneas:
 On 15/10/14 18:25, Alejandro G Sánchez martínez wrote:
  El Mié 15 Oct 2014 10:52:26 ciracusa escribió:
  Hola Lista.
  Les consulto, estoy analizando la idea de montar mi propio server de
  correo para alojar 150 cuentas (mas o menos) en modalidad pop3/smtp
  (osea no van a ser imap).
  Que solución aconsejan?
  Que opinión les merece Zimbra?
  Muchas Gracias.
  postfix, dovecot mysql y listo, zimbra  la versiòn libire es más un engaño
  que otra cosa y la otra versión no es libre, no vale la pena ni
 Porque dices que Zimbra es un engaño?
zimbra gratuito seudo libre tiene muchas limitaciones con respecto al de pago 
y no le veo caso utilizarlo precisamente por esas limitaciones, te va aperdir 
plugin para algunas cosas y terminaras utilizandolo com un MTA normal o todo 
por web

  Ademas zimbra tiene postfix y todo eso en su capa baja
 Que implica que tenga postfix en su capa baja?
Zimpara es una capa deaplicacion que maneja por debajo postfix dovecot mysql, y 
pone esa capara para hacer tareas de compartir recursos entre usuarios, a 
groso modo dicho, pero el maneo de el correo  en zimbra se hace con postfix y 
muchas herramientas libres

Por eso te recomiendo solo utilizar y personalizar esas mismas herramientas,.

yo lo pondria asì utiliza posftfiz dovecot, spamassasing, clamav, mysql, apache 
roundcube , postfixadmin.

 Muchas Gracias.

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Re: Problemas Samba + *.mdb

2014-10-16 Thread Marcos Germán Capelari

básicamente la configuración del samba es la siguiente:

workgroup = colegio
realm = colegio.lan
server string = Fileserver
security = ADS
password server = ad.colegio.lan
syslog = 0
load printers = No
domain master = No
wins server =
template shell = /bin/bash
winbind separator = +
winbind enum users = Yes
winbind enum groups = Yes
winbind use default domain = Yes
idmap config * : range = 1-2
idmap config * : backend = tdb
path = /opt/sambashare

valid users = @domain users
read only = No
create mask = 0770
directory mask = 0770
inherit permissions = Yes
inherit acls = Yes
inherit owner = Yes
map acl inherit = Yes
hide special files = Yes
store dos attributes = Yes
oplocks = No
   veto oplock files = /*.mdb/*.MDB/*.dbf/*.DBF/*.xlsx/*.xls

root@sambafs:/opt# ls -ld SAMBASHARE/
drwxrwxr--+ 10 capelari domain users 4096 oct 11 15:54 SAMBASHARE/

root@sambafs:/opt# getfacl SAMBASHARE
# owner: capelari
# group: domain\040users

con los archivos es lo siguiente:

cuando el usuario crea archivos se los genera de la siguiente manera, desde
su desktop (Windows XP)

rwxr-+   1 capelari domain users  4096 oct 16 10:19 tirar

Como explicaba antes, se genera bien el archivo. Cuando lo quieren abrir de
nuevo lo hacen solo lectura y por lo tanto no se puede hacer nada sobre el

Marcos Germán Capelari
Teléfono: (+54) 0351 - 4281906
Móvil: (+54) 0351 - 152505843
Córdoba - Argentina

Mail/Msn: marcoscapel...@gmail.com

Re: DHCP: máquinas que consumen dos ips

2014-10-16 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:27:37 +0200, José Miguel (sio2) escribió:

 El Tue, 14 de Oct de 2014, a las 02:01:16PM +, Camaleón dijo:
 Pero ahí no dice que el uso único de MAC como identificador vulnere
 ninguna especificación ni normativa, sólo avisa de que ese valor no es
 fiable y puede cambiar por lo que recomiendan (MAY) usar otro sistema.
 De hecho dice expresamente (MUST) que si el cliente no envía UID alguno
 el servidor usará la MAC. Además, nada te impide usar la dirección MAC
 como identificador (UID) ;-)
 Claro, si el cliente no envía UID se usa la MAC, pero al cliente no lo
 controlas, así que no puedes forzarlo que no te envíe un UID y, si te lo
 envía, debes (MUST) usarlo. Si el servidor no atiende el UID y sólo se
 fija en la MAC, viola el RFC.

Sí, eso está claro, pero estamos hablando de tu caso donde además 
necesitas una configuración muy concreta y donde sí controlas los 
clientes y puedes elegir enviar el valor que prefieras (UID o MAC). Y 
además, puedes configurar los clientes para que envíen como UID la 
dirección MAC.

 Me refería a que en tu configuración, que no tiene configurada ninguna
 reserva específica de direcciones IP para los clientes (ya has dicho
 que no quieres usar la opción de fixed-address) cuando un equipo pide
 renovar la IP no solicita al servidor ninguna en concreto, sólo que la
 La opción fixed-address está fijada en el servidor: el cliente no
 tiene nada que ver con ella (salvo que tiene la MAC que hay en la
 declaración host). Así que haya fixed-address o no la haya el
 cliente siempre se comporta de la misma manera: pidiendo la última ip
 que se le concedió. El que actúa de diferente forma es el servidor, que
 siempre le da la misma en cualquier caso (incluso si no coinciden los

¿Dices que el cliente mantiene una base de datos local con la última 
dirección que se le ha asignado y solicita esa dirección cuando tiene que 
renovar la IP? Pensaba que eso no dependía del cliente sino del servidor.

 Para comprobar el one-lease-per-client true;, yo mismo me metí en la
 caché del cliente y sustituí un 66, por un 67; para hacerle creer al
 cliente que le habían concedido anteriormente la 67. Cuando volví a
 pedir ip, el servidor le dio la .67 y desechó la .66: señal de que el
 cliente le había pedido la .67.

Bueno, ahí estás manipulando la configuración y además sin reiniciar los 
demonios, no es una prueba fiable. De todas formas, si aumentas el nivel 
de depuración del registro esa información debería aparecer en el syslog, 
bien del cliente o del servidor.

 Simplemente que revises cuándo expiran los leases de los clientes y
 mires a ver si no te convendría hacerlos perpetuos (que no renueven
 bajo ninguna circunstancia), así el servidor sólo les asignará una
 Eso no resuelve el problema: mi problema no es que expiren las ips, sino
 que una MAC puede recibir varias concesiones si se enviaron distintos
 UID. Es más, esto agravaría el problema: si las concesiones son cortas,
 puede que tenga suerte y, cuando arranque linux, ya haya expirado la
 concesión que se hizo cuando arranqué windows.

¿Y no crees que si los clientes no solicitaran la renovación el servidor 
mantendría una única IP (la primera que les ha dado) para cada uno de 

 Sí soluciona el problema fixed-address, porque se puede asociar la ip
 a una MAC con independencia del UID.

Pero ya has dicho que esta opción no la querías usar ¿no? :-?

 Hombre, el comentario que he puesto antes es de la lista de usuarios de
 ISC (DHCP), no se alguien que pasaba por ahí ;-) y como ves, la
 definición del manual da lugar a muchas interpretaciones.
 Yo, en realidad, lo que veo es gente que interpreta más o menos lo mismo
 que interpreté yo, pero a la que luego no le salen las cosas. Y, además,
 no hay nadie que argumente por qué no salen.
 No sé, o hay un error en la programación o un error en la documentación.

Yo apuesto más por el fallo humano, que nos gustaría que se tratara de un 
parámetro que haga lo que queremos pero que sirve para otra cosa O:-)

  Creo que la interpretación más lógica es la siguiente:
  1. En el servidor hay una reserva vigente asociada a una MAC.
  2. Le llega la petición de un cliente con una MAC igual, pero
 UID (si el UID fuera el mismo, no hay ningún problema).
  3. El servidor desecha la reserva anterior asociada a esa MAC y le da
 una ip al cliente. No se especifica que sea la misma o no. Incluso
 podría ser distinta, si el propio cliente le sugiere que le dé
 otra diferente. El caso es que en el servidor siempre hay una sóla
 reserva asociada a cada MAC (de ahí el nombre de deny
 Pero no serviría para el propósito que persigue el deny duplicates
 que es evitar que un cliente solicite direcciones IP
 indiscriminadamente y las agote.
 ¿Por qué no? Si al concedérsele una IP, se desechan las otras
 concesiones a esa misma MAC, resulta que una MAC sólo estaría reservando
 en cada 

Re: Backups con lvm snapshot en caliente - tamaño necesario

2014-10-16 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 16 Oct 2014 18:32:01 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Aprovecho este hilo para preguntar si alguien sabe como se traduce la
 variable Free PE , es decir, cuanto espacio realmente en MB te quedan
 disponibles en un Volumen Group de LVM. En este caso 12799
   --- Physical volume ---
   PV Name   /dev/sdc1 VG Name   test PV Size
 450.00 GiB / not usable 3.00 MiB Allocatable   yes
   PE Size   4.00 MiB Total PE  115199 Free PE   
  12799 Allocated PE  102400 PV UUID  

¿Has probado con pvs?

Te lo comento por esto:

How can I find out the free space on an LVM PV in human readable format?



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Forzado a detener mutt

2014-10-16 Thread Debia Linux

Casi cometo una barbaridad, casi envio toda la base de datos del los
Centros Deportivos y Culturales a TODOS LOS USUARIOS...

Me vi forzado a detener mutt con Ctrlc+c y cerrar intempestivamente xterm.

Ahora que deseo enviar mail desde la consola... tengo el siguiente error.

No se pudo bloquear /home/$USER/sent con dotlock.

¿Alguna idea?.


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Re: DHCP: máquinas que consumen dos ips

2014-10-16 Thread sio2
El Thu, 16 de Oct de 2014, a las 06:07:37PM +, Camaleón dijo:

 Sí, eso está claro, pero estamos hablando de tu caso donde además 
 necesitas una configuración muy concreta y donde sí controlas los 
 clientes y puedes elegir enviar el valor que prefieras (UID o MAC). Y 
 además, puedes configurar los clientes para que envíen como UID la 
 dirección MAC.

No, no puedo, aunque controle los clientes; porque, aun habiendo en
principio dos soluciones:

a) Hacer que todos los sistemas enviaran el mismo UID.
b) Hacer que ningún sistema enviara el UID.

La a) no puedo hacerla porque no puedo manipular el arranque por red.
La b) no puedo hacerla porque el cliente de windows siempre envía un UID
y no hay forma de que no lo envíe: lo más que deja es cambiarlo, pero
siempre envía uno.

 ¿Dices que el cliente mantiene una base de datos local con la última 
 dirección que se le ha asignado y solicita esa dirección cuando tiene que 
 renovar la IP?i

Sí, en /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.nombre_interfaz.conf. El cliente le
sugiere al servidor una ip (la última que se le concedió)

 Pensaba que eso no dependía del cliente sino del servidor.

La concesión de la IP depende en última instancia del servidor, pero el
cliente puede sugerirle una ip (opción 50), cuando hace la petición. Si
no hay ningún impedimento, el servidor le hace caso, y se la entrega.

 Bueno, ahí estás manipulando la configuración y además sin reiniciar los 
 demonios, no es una prueba fiable.

Da igual que reinicie el demonio: la caché está en un fichero. Si lo
reinicio, el servidor sigue recordando qué ips entregó, porque las lee
del fichero. Para limpiar la caché del servidor DHCP hay que vaciar por
completo ese fichero (/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.conf).

 De todas formas, si aumentas el nivel 
 de depuración del registro esa información debería aparecer en el syslog, 
 bien del cliente o del servidor.

Por curiosidad, si tengo tiempo uno de estos días miraré a ver si en
syslog dice algo diferente el servidor con el deny duplicates o sin él.

 ¿Y no crees que si los clientes no solicitaran la renovación el servidor 
 mantendría una única IP (la primera que les ha dado) para cada uno de 

No creo que sea un problema de renovaciones: más bien es un problema de
revocaciones. Me he dado cuenta de que cuando en linux se baja la
interfaz, dhclient le dice al servidor DHCP que libere la ip, y éste lo
hace, aunque la concesión pudiera haberse alargado más. Con los windows
en cambio no parece que pase eso: aunque el sistema se apague, la
concesión sigue vigente, así que si luego arranco linux la ip que se
concedió en windows, sigue ocupada. Si windows obrara como linux, no
habría ningún problema, salvo en el caso de que se apagara windows de
improviso (por un corte de luz) y la petición de revocación no se

  Sí soluciona el problema fixed-address, porque se puede asociar la ip
  a una MAC con independencia del UID.
 Pero ya has dicho que esta opción no la querías usar ¿no? :-?

Sí, ya dije eso.

 No sé, o hay un error en la programación o un error en la documentación.
 Yo apuesto más por el fallo humano, que nos gustaría que se tratara de un 
 parámetro que haga lo que queremos pero que sirve para otra cosa O:-)

Bueno, en ese caso es un error de documentación: se interpreta una cosa
que no es. Además, no hay nadie (o yo no lo he visto) que diga por qué
no funciona y cuál es la verdadera interpretación.

 Porque entonces el cliente podría estar pidiendo direcciones IP distintas 
 continuamente, primero una (, luego otra ( y 
 reserva la anterior, luego pide otra (192.168.0.n) y aunque sigue con la 
 primera reservada no la usa, luego pide otra y se le da la reservada 
 ( y así... 

No, cada vez que pidiera una ip distinta y se le concediera, se
liberarían todas las ips que se hubieran asignado anteriormente a esa
MAC (eso es lo que yo y muchos entendemos al leer el manual). Por
tanto, un cliente podría haber tenido muchas ips, pero sólo habría
ocupado una en cada momento.


Un saludo. Gracias.

   Sabed que menda es don Mendo.
  --- Muñoz Seca ---

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Re: Alternativas para server de correo sobre Debian

2014-10-16 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Thu, 16 Oct 2014 10:51:27 -0300
ciracusa cirac...@gmail.com escribió:

 On 15/10/14 18:34, Angel Claudio Alvarez wrote:
  El Wed, 15 Oct 2014 10:52:26 -0300
  ciracusacirac...@gmail.com  escribió:
  Hola Lista.
  Les consulto, estoy analizando la idea de montar mi propio server de
  correo para alojar 150 cuentas (mas o menos) en modalidad pop3/smtp
  (osea no van a ser imap).
  Que solución aconsejan?
  Que opinión les merece Zimbra?
  es interno?? es para una empresa??
 Angel, a que te refieres con interno?
 Por otro lado si, es para una Empresa, por eso mencionaba que eran 150 
 Que opinas?

Interno me referia a si va a ser utilizado dentro de un ambito controlado ( 

si es asi yo me inclinaria por zimbra, te facilita la administracion ( la podes 
delegar en un admin y te olvidas). Tenes todo controlado amen de tener agenda, 
contactos centralizados y otras cositas que le facilitan la vida al admin.

 Muchas Gracias.
  Muchas Gracias.
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Angel Claudio Alvarez an...@angel-alvarez.com.ar

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RE: Actualizar red hat 6.3 (Santiago) a 6.3 (FINAL)

2014-10-16 Thread William Romero

 From: felix.listadeb...@gmail.com
 Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 01:40:48 -0300
 Subject: Re: Actualizar red hat 6.3 (Santiago) a 6.3 (FINAL)
 To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org

 El día 15 de octubre de 2014, 18:31, Angel Claudio Alvarez
 an...@angel-alvarez.com.ar escribió:
 El Sat, 11 Oct 2014 09:25:50 -0300
 Felix Perez felix.listadeb...@gmail.com escribió:

 El día 11 de octubre de 2014, 2:56, William Romero
 wromer...@hotmail.com escribió:

 ¿Se puede hacer usado yum o es mejor instalarlo desde 0?

 Un saludo.

 Que yo sepa , red hat es linux!!!. De todas formas si me pudierais 
 ayudar os lo agradeceria.

 Ya y? Bueno ahora cuéntanos el chiste.

 Suse , como siempre el Pele de Angel Claudio no tenes idea de lo que 
 dices .

 para su informacion red hat se unio en diciembre 2013 con centos y salio 
 la version 7 , el cual solo esta disponible a 64 bits.

 Instalar desde cero si que no sabeis nada bien por eso, pero hay mucha 
 documentacion de esto tambien

 U. No hay caso. En fin es lo que hay.

 Me parece que le voy a tener que hacer un dibujo para explicarle al infeliz 
 la ironia
 que me recomendas Felix? uso gimp??

Infeliz la madre que TP. Usa mas bien tu lapiz pues solo para tontos como tu AC.



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Re: Forzado a detener mutt

2014-10-16 Thread Debia Linux
2014-10-16 14:27 GMT-05:00 Debia Linux debianer...@gmail.com:

 Casi cometo una barbaridad, casi envio toda la base de datos del los
 Centros Deportivos y Culturales a TODOS LOS USUARIOS...

 Me vi forzado a detener mutt con Ctrlc+c y cerrar intempestivamente xterm.

 Ahora que deseo enviar mail desde la consola... tengo el siguiente error.

 No se pudo bloquear /home/$USER/sent con dotlock.

Problema corregido, solo elimine el archivo /home/$USER/sent.lock con sudo.

sudo /home/$USER/sent.lock

 ¿Alguna idea?.


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Re: como atualizar kernel?

2014-10-16 Thread Gunther Furtado
André e demais membros,

Executei as mudanças da seguinte maneira: diminuí em 1 GB a partição
/home, e, neste espaço, criei uma partição nova para /, copiei o
conteúdo do / antigo e apaguei o conteúdo deste último.

Não consegui reinstalar o grub usando o cd de instalação em /dev/sda:
Recebi um Erro Fatal sem maiores explicações.

Consegui bootar usando os comando do grub.

 set prefix=(hd0,10)/boot/grub
 set root=hd0,10
 insmod normal

e atualizei o kernel.

Pergunta 1: como mudar o env do grub de maneira permanente? ( save_env
prefix, não é um comando reconhecido)

Pergunta 2: devo tentar reinstalar o grub em /dev/sda10 ou montar /dev/sda1
(antigo root) como o novo /boot para tentar usar o env do grub antigo?



¿De dónde viene tu mentir,
y adónde empieza tu verdad?
¡Parece broma tu mirar,
llanto parece tu reír! Violeta Parra

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

Em 14 de outubro de 2014 09:58, Gunther Furtado gunfurt...@gmail.com

 Obrigado, André.

 Vou executar à noite e posto o resultado.



 ¿De dónde viene tu mentir,
 y adónde empieza tu verdad?
 ¡Parece broma tu mirar,
 llanto parece tu reír! Violeta Parra

 Gunther Furtado
 Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

 Em 13 de outubro de 2014 14:40, Andre N Batista andrenbati...@gmail.com

 On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 12:02:54PM -0300, Gunther Furtado wrote:
  Toda vez que tento atualizar o pacote linux-image-686-pae da testing ele
  tenta instalar o linux-image-3.16-2-686-pae e surge um erro:
  dpkg: error processing archive
   cannot copy extracted data for
  './lib/modules/3.16-2-686-pae/kernel/drivers/scsi/megaraid.ko' to
  unexpected end of file or stream
  dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)
  sempre nos drivers scsi, mas nem sempre no megaraid
  Acho que, apesar do erro ser 'unexpected end of file or stream', isto
  relacionado à falta de espaço em /.
  root@kidos:~# df -h
  Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda1   315M  223M   71M  76% /
  udev 10M 0   10M   0% /dev
  tmpfs   200M  5,2M  195M   3% /run
  tmpfs   500M   92K  500M   1% /dev/shm
  tmpfs   5,0M  4,0K  5,0M   1% /run/lock
  tmpfs   500M 0  500M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
  /dev/sda978G  713M   74G   1% /home
  /dev/sda6   2,7G  585M  2,0G  23% /var
  /dev/sda5   8,2G  3,0G  4,8G  38% /usr
  tmpfs   100M  4,0K  100M   1% /run/user/109
  /dev/sda8   360M  2,8M  335M   1% /tmp
  tmpfs   100M  8,0K  100M   1% /run/user/1000
  Os modulos da versão instalada do kernel ocupam 111,0 MB. Imaginando
 que o
  memo espaço deva ser ocupado pelos módulos novos, é preciso liberar uns
  60MB em / para conseguir atualizar o kernel. localepurge instalado e
  operando, /var e /tmp em partições separadas.
  O diretório  /lib etá ocupando 175,3 MB, ou seja, mais de metade de /,
  /bin+/bin/etc=26MB, então, se eu quiser liberar 50 MB, tenho que apagar
  alguma coisa em /lib?

 Você poderia apagar se soubesse o que está apagando. Apagar no escuro,
 só se vc tiver um backup. Por outro lado, em vez de apagar, vc pode
 temporariamente mudar estes arquivos para outra partição e symlinkar ou
 montar a
 /lib lá, com isso talvez ganhe esse espaço extra que esteja faltando
 para instalar o novo kernel.

  Preciso liberar 50MB em /lib:
  root@kidos:~# du -kh --max-depth=1 /lib
  Alguém sabe dizer se tem alguma valor fora do normal na lita acima?
  Acho que posso quebrar o sistema se apagar alguma coisa, logo, não vou
  liberar espaço em /lib.
  Vou ter que apelar para redimensionamentos de partições, é isso?
  Uma dúvida: porque o particionador automático do instalador do Debian
  reserva tão pouco espaço para /?

 Depende do modo de instalação que você escolheu. Quando cria partições
 separadas para /, /tmp, /usr, /var, a idéia é reduzir ao mínimo o core
 do sistema operacional e dos binários e arquivos de configuração que
 fazem seu sistema operar.

 Com isto, outros softwares tidos como menos essenciais ou não
 relacionado com funções administrativas ficam isolados em outra
 partição, o que garante alguma proteção hipotética de acesso a estas
 ferramentas. Além disso, pode-se formatar 

Re[2]: Como remover o Akamaihd

2014-10-16 Thread Nelson Pereira Ramos

Olá Paulino.

Eu não acredito, como eu disse, que se trata apenas de um malware 
que afeta o navegador. Explico, vejam minhas tentativas:

1 - Excluir os profiles do Chrome e Firefox de todos os usuários. 
Resultado: Malware ainda presente;
2 - Excluir os profiles do Chrome e Firefox de todos os usuários, 
remover as aplicações com o purge e reinstalar as aplicações. 
Resultado: Malware ainda presente;
3 - Excluir os profiles do Chrome e Firefox de todos os usuários, 
remover as aplicações com o purge, zerar o cache do apt e reinstalar 
as aplicações. Resultado: Malware ainda presente;

Acho que isso levanta suspeitas, no mínimo, de que o buraco é mais 

Obrigado pela atenção.

Se mais alguém tiver alguma outra dica, ficarei muito feliz em ouvir (ou 
ler, melhor dizendo).


-- Mensagem original --
De: Paulino Kenji Sato pks...@gmail.com
Para: Lista Debian debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Enviado(s): 15/10/2014 16:57:01
Assunto: Re: Como remover o Akamaihd

Bom dia.
Esse Akamaihd parece ser somente um dessas extensões que afetam somente 
o navegador. Um profile novo resolve.

Essa semana me deparei com um problema muito mais sério.
Quando instalo o debian, uma das primeiras providencias e configurar o 
sshd para não aceitar login do root.
Em um host, pelo visto não fiz isso. Esse host a principio deveria 
ficar em uma intranet, sem conexão com a internet. Em alguma época, 
tive que configurar um redirecionamento no roteador para ter acesso a 
esse host, porta 22022 mapeda para tal. A senha to root, ficou com uma 
facinha de lembrar.
Outro dia enquanto estava fazendo uma manutenção nesse host, vejo na 
lista do ps algo suspeito, um processo /etc/spell. Um exec rodando a 
partir do /etc ? Muito suspeito.
Submeti esse arquivo ao site virustotal, deu que 19 de 54 anti-vírus 
detectaram como vírus.
Ad-Aware Linux.Mayday.C 20141015 Avast ELF:Elknot-M [Trj] 20141015 
BitDefender Linux.Mayday.C 20141015 CAT-QuickHeal Linux.Elknot.E61 
20141015 DrWeb Linux.DDoS.1 20141015 ESET-NOD32 Linux/Agent.W 20141015 
Emsisoft Linux.Mayday.C (B) 20141015 F-Secure Linux.Mayday.C 20141015 
GData Linux.Mayday.C 20141015 Ikarus DoS.Linux.Elknot 20141015 
Kaspersky HEUR:Backdoor.Linux.Mayday.h 20141015 MicroWorld-eScan 
Linux.Mayday.C 20141015 Microsoft DoS:Linux/Elknot.E 20141015 Qihoo-360 
Trojan.Generic 20141015 Sophos Linux/DDoS-AZ 20141015 Symantec 
Trojan.Chikdos.B!gen1 20141015 Tencent Linux.Backdoor.Mayday.Hoew 
20141015 Zillya Downloader.OpenConnection.JS.104102 20141015 nProtect 
Linux.Mayday.C 20141015

O ClamAV diz que esta ok. Amostra enviada a eles.

Ação adequada nesse caso seria providenciar uma nova maquina e 
substituir, e colocar a comprometida em quarentena. Mas, a analize 
inicial mostrou que nenhum outro arquivo aparenta ter sido alterado. 
Além do binário /etc/spell o rc.local foi modificado, com as seguintes 

/etc/init.d/iptables stop
service iptables stop
SuSEfirewall2 stop
reSuSEfirewall2 stop
chmod 0755 /etc/spell
nohup /etc/spell  /dev/null 21

um usuário chamado kang com id 0 também foi criado, com senha.

O /etc/spell e um binário estaticamente lincado.

spell: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically 
linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.4, not stripped

md5sum: 242efa8a7d52332a11a810ac069023e7
shasum: 4841ffda99f86188582b2c548fd9c1e1e98ea4ab
algumas palavras que surgem quando se usa o strings

Pela pesquisa que fiz, variações desse 'bicho estão infectando 
roteadores SOHO.
Nesse caso, foi via ssh, mas nada impede que isso seja injetado por 
outros meios, como bugs na shell, daemons, etc.

Uma analise de caso similar.

Esse caso da freenode e bem mais preocupante


2014-10-15 13:46 GMT-03:00 Leandro leandro...@gmail.com:
Cara monitore pelo shell a atividade ao abrir o navegador assim e mais 
acertivo de mata-lo top ps iostat...

Em 15/10/2014 13:30, Nelson Ramos nelson.pra...@gmail.com 

Obrigado pela resposta!

  Concordo que zerando o disco e reinstalando o sistema resolverá 
o problema, porém se o malware entrou, deve ter uma forma de 
removê-lo de lá sem reinstalar tudo, e é esse o caminho que eu 
gostaria de trilhar. Não descarto a sua sugestão, mas prefiro deixar 
para pô-la em prática quando as demais alternativas menos destrutivas 
tiverem se esgotado.

  Se mais alguém tiver alguma sugestão neste sentido será muito 
bem vinda.

Obrigado a todos!

Em 15 de outubro de 2014 07:40, julio santos peppe 
juliope...@gmail.com escreveu:
O porque desse malware estar infectado em uma máquina linux, agora 

vem mais ao caso, sugestão:

- tudo o que você possa fazer agora dentro do sistema pode ser
monitorado pelo MALWARE, portanto sugiro que salve seus dados 

Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Ansgar Burchardt
Steve Litt sl...@troubleshooters.com writes:
 OK, I'll be the first to admit that after Red Hat caused the demise of
 ConsoleKit (and probably lots more important software), I am free to
 take significant time out of my day job (that feeds my family) and
 rescue all sorts of software that Red Hat deliberately scuttled. Even
 though, apparently unlike 80% of today's kernel developers, nobody pays
 me to do it.

You are free to do so in your free time. It would be a more constructive
use than trying to annoy other people (who spend their free time on
Linux) until they do so for you for free.


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Re: OT (Sorta): Pepperflash Now Working on Wheezy 64-bit

2014-10-16 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Wed, 15 Oct 2014, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Patrick Bartek wrote:
  Just got latest upgrade of Chrome Stable (38.0.2125.104-1) for my
  Wheezy 64-bit (Openbox WM only) directly from Google repo.
  Pepperflash player ( now working.
  And it only took a month and a half. ;-)
 with libc6 from Jessie?

Don't know.  Haven't taken time to check.  But if it were, it was part
of the Chrome update.  I didn't install it.


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Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:54:02 +0100
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard j.deboynepollard-newsgro...@ntlworld.com

  I have a similar lack of  awareness and/or understanding about all
   the *kit packages / projects / tools / what-have-you, actually; I'm
   not positive I even know how many there are, much less all of their
 This should help:
 Put yourself in the position of someone writing a desktop system
 for Linux and the BSDs.  You've reached the part where you're writing
 a control panel gadget for allowing system administrators (and 

[clip amazingly detailed and helpful summary of the helper daemons and

Thank you Jonathan. I have a much better understanding of the situation

Interestingly, the stuff Jonathan described was part of my reason for
migrating from Ubuntu to Debian. I've always felt unease at those GUI
admin tools. And also, of course, Plymouth isn't required in Debian
(unless you use Xfce, but then you can just disable Plymouth).

Let me ask you one more question: Is there any way that I personally
could make wicd independent of all of those helper daemons that are now
welded to systemd, or would I have to drop all the way back to
wpa-supplicant to get rid of the need for those daemons?



Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:12:51AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
 OK, I'll be the first to admit that after Red Hat caused the demise of
 ConsoleKit (and probably lots more important software), I am free to
 take significant time out of my day job (that feeds my family) and
 rescue all sorts of software that Red Hat deliberately scuttled.

You're being completely ludicrous, Steve. The extent of your sense of
entitlement is breathtaking. Here you are on a list dedicated to an OS
built almost entirely by volunteers and you're not prepared to roll
your sleeves up, but you're more than happy to tell everyone how they
should do it, and what they should do.

I'm not going to engage with you any more on this list.

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Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 08:10:47 +0200
Ansgar Burchardt ans...@debian.org wrote:

 Steve Litt sl...@troubleshooters.com writes:
  OK, I'll be the first to admit that after Red Hat caused the demise
  of ConsoleKit (and probably lots more important software), I am
  free to take significant time out of my day job (that feeds my
  family) and rescue all sorts of software that Red Hat deliberately
  scuttled. Even though, apparently unlike 80% of today's kernel
  developers, nobody pays me to do it.
 You are free to do so in your free time. It would be a more
 constructive use than trying to annoy other people (who spend their
 free time on Linux) until they do so for you for free.

So, reading between the lines, you find my saying don't break Linux


Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: alpine status?

2014-10-16 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 04:33:06AM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
 So, was it correct that  Bret's information is out of date., as you posted?

The guy is subscribed now, mistakes happen, how about everyone just moves on?

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Re: debian-advocacy?

2014-10-16 Thread Anders Wegge Keller
On Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:01:44 -0700
Bob Holtzman hol...@cox.net wrote:

 What I read of your post wasn't dissent. It was character

 Please let me know how to point out that an idiotic behaviour is disruptive
to the whole process, without actually telling the person in question, that
he's an idiot?


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Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Joel Rees
2014/10/16 15:34 Jonathan Dowland j...@debian.org:

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:12:51AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
  OK, I'll be the first to admit that after Red Hat caused the demise of
  ConsoleKit (and probably lots more important software), I am free to
  take significant time out of my day job (that feeds my family) and
  rescue all sorts of software that Red Hat deliberately scuttled.

 You're being completely ludicrous, Steve. The extent of your sense of
 entitlement is breathtaking. Here you are on a list dedicated to an OS
 built almost entirely by volunteers and you're not prepared to roll
 your sleeves up, but you're more than happy to tell everyone how they
 should do it, and what they should do.

 I'm not going to engage with you any more on this list.

I think it would help if we wouldn't assume the other guy is freeloading,
just because he seems to have time to be looking places we not to, or
because he shares his work in different ways.

FWIW, I've been getting three or four hours of sleep at night for the last
month, and I haven't touched any of my personal projects since before
summer, including one that should have been making my day job significantly
easier by now.

Joel Rees

Computer memory is just fancy paper,
CPUs just fancy pens.
All is a stream of text
flowing from the past into the future.

Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Ansgar Burchardt
Steve Litt sl...@troubleshooters.com writes:
 Ansgar Burchardt ans...@debian.org wrote:
 Steve Litt sl...@troubleshooters.com writes:
  OK, I'll be the first to admit that after Red Hat caused the demise
  of ConsoleKit (and probably lots more important software), I am
  free to take significant time out of my day job (that feeds my
  family) and rescue all sorts of software that Red Hat deliberately
  scuttled. Even though, apparently unlike 80% of today's kernel
  developers, nobody pays me to do it.
 You are free to do so in your free time. It would be a more
 constructive use than trying to annoy other people (who spend their
 free time on Linux) until they do so for you for free.

 So, reading between the lines, you find my saying don't break Linux

No, what I find annoying is telling volunteer what they have to do
without doing anything yourself on the issues you raise and repeating
don't break Linux endlessly. I think everybody knows by now you
believe that, there's no (constructive) use in further repeating it.

As a comparison: I don't go to the PHP mailing lists and tell them that
they have to fix their namespace operator (\) or rewrite software I
might want to use in a sane[1] language. I think the current systemd
threads here are pretty much that.

In fact, I've become annoyed enough by these threads that I won't bother
to look at sysvinit support in my packages any longer -- if it breaks I
won't look at it myself. I won't spend my free time on fixing things for
people who annoy me.


  [1] According to my view of the world ;)

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Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Joe
On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:54:02 +0100
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard j.deboynepollard-newsgro...@ntlworld.com

  I have a similar lack of  awareness and/or understanding about all
   the *kit packages / projects / tools / what-have-you, actually; I'm
   not positive I even know how many there are, much less all of their
 This should help:

Another vote of thanks.


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Re: hdmi video output

2014-10-16 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

On Mon, 6 Oct 2014, Darac Marjal wrote:

The easiest option is probably to boot with only the HDMI connected.

  As I already said, that works, but there are 2 problems:

  1/ In graphic mode, the right part of the screen (about one half) is much 
darker than
 the left one
 The problem is probably related to the X11 config(cf the attached file 

  2/ bad quality of the text console. I  already described it in my last post, 
and setting
 changed nothing.
 After checking that this problem does not occur when using the built-in 
VGA socket,
 it seems that it is not related to the choosen font or the screen 
 I don't see what else to do.

   I have now the check what happens with Windows.

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings:  version 319.82  (buildd@babin)  Mon Feb 10 11:52:54 UTC 2014

Section ServerLayout
Identifier Layout0
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
Option Xinerama 0

Section Files

Section InputDevice
# generated from default
Identifier Mouse0
Driver mouse
Option Protocol auto
Option Device /dev/psaux
Option Emulate3Buttons no
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

Section InputDevice
# generated from default
Identifier Keyboard0
Driver kbd

Section Monitor
# HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid
Identifier Monitor0
VendorName Unknown
ModelName  LG Electronics W2242
HorizSync   30.0 - 83.0
VertRefresh 56.0 - 75.0
Option DPMS

Section Device
Identifier Device0
Driver nvidia
VendorName NVIDIA Corporation
BoardName  GeForce GTX 750 Ti

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Device0
Option Stereo 0
Option nvidiaXineramaInfoOrder CRT-0
Option metamodes 1680x1050 +0+0
SubSection Display
Depth   24

Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Joe
On Wed, 15 Oct 2014 22:12:41 +0100
Brad Rogers b...@fineby.me.uk wrote:

 On Wed, 15 Oct 2014 21:44:30 +0100
 Joe j...@jretrading.com wrote:
 Hello Joe,
 It is *not* OK to silently delete an already accepted email, it does
 Unfortunately, it happens;  Send an email with a large attachment(1)
 and there are quite a few servers that will silently drop it.  The
 worst of it is you can never know for certain if you're going to get
 bitten because routing can vary.
 (1) 4Meg or so used to do the trick.  Things might be different now as
 more and more messages contain massive amounts of HTML and imagery.

Possibly so, but in every case somebody has messed up. Firstly an MTA
trying to send a large file should query whether the receiving server
is happy with that. There will be receive limits on email size directly,
but also the recipient's mailbox may not have enough spare space, and
policy may be to refuse the large email rather than quarantine it
somewhere else. If the receiving server isn't happy, the transaction is
aborted and the sender told.

If the sending server sends more than the receiver is happy with, even
if no protest was raised earlier, or no warning of the size was
given, the receiver can simply not acknowledge receipt, or indeed
just terminate the TCP session, and again the sending server notifies
the email sender, possibly after a couple of re-tries if it has not
been explicitly told that the message isn't welcome.

If a large email is accepted, but only later it is found that it cannot
be delivered by reason of some policy, then it's up to the receiving
server to tell the recipient. 

I'm not for a moment doubting that it happens as you say, but there's
no need for it in the case of a legitimate email, it is always possible
either for the receiving server to fail to complete the SMTP
transaction, or for recipient-end processing to inform the recipient of
any post-acceptance delivery problems. Either the sender or the
recipient *can* be told.


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Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 07:33:38 +0100
Jonathan Dowland j...@debian.org wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:12:51AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
  OK, I'll be the first to admit that after Red Hat caused the demise
  of ConsoleKit (and probably lots more important software), I am
  free to take significant time out of my day job (that feeds my
  family) and rescue all sorts of software that Red Hat deliberately
 You're being completely ludicrous, Steve. The extent of your sense of
 entitlement is breathtaking. 

I've asked for two software changes in my life:

1) Add character styles to LyX
2) Add real ePub export to LyX

Every other need I had, I either wrote software for it, or worked
around it. Several of the softwares I wrote for it I released as Free
Software, one of which is in the Debian repositories right now.

I'm not asking anyone to change Debian. I'm asking them *not* to change
it. Leave well enough alone. It's not too late.

 Here you are on a list dedicated to an OS
 built almost entirely by volunteers and you're not prepared to roll
 your sleeves up, but you're more than happy to tell everyone how they
 should do it, and what they should do.

You used the word ludicrous. I'll tell you what's ludicrous. Implying
that if I don't roll up my sleeve and make alternatives for everything
that systemd welded together, but instead say don't weld it, I'm
entitled. It took a lot of people to do this damage to Linux, many of
them paid handsomely for their damage: One guy, or even a few guys,
aren't going to undo it.

You state that Linux is built almost entirely by volunteers. Do you have
a reference for that? If the whole OS is anything like the kernel, a
heck of a lot of those volunteers get a paycheck for their volunteerism.


Then there's this idea that if you're not writing C code, you're not
doing anything for Linux. I'm actually going to write an entire article
on that, but suffice it to say a lot of people have done a lot of
different things to make Linux succeed, and a lot of those things
weren't writing code. And very few of those things have anything to do
with writing systemd related code.

 I'm not going to engage with you any more on this list.

That's your choice. Believe me, I don't like it either, and if there
were any reasonable low maintenance desktop Linux distros, I'd have
simply migrated and wouldn't be on this list. I didn't yell on the
Ubuntu list about Plymouth, I just moved.

The problem is, this systemd thing is a concerted effort to change to
all major distros to what Leonnart Poettering calls a real OS and I
call fewer interchangeable parts. You can't escape it by switching
major desktop distros. The one hope is to keep talking it up on the one
major distro that might have the guts to defy Red Hat.

Actually, I take it all back: I *do* have a sense of entitlement. I
feel entitled to use a reasonable facimile of the same OS that, for
thirteen years, I've used, written about, created software for,
created user groups for, and recruited others to use.


Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 16 oct 14, 07:31:56, Joel Rees wrote:
 2014/10/16 5:59 Andrei POPESCU andreimpope...@gmail.com:
  The problem with this approach is that it's not fine-grained enough,
  i.e. it can't distinguish between users logged in locally or via ssh.
  This means Mallory could easily spy on Alice remotely, just by being a
  member of 'audio' and 'video'.
 Two thoughts that this problem brings to mind --
 (1) Why should it matter? Local? Remote? A hole is a hole.
It doesn't. Mallory could as well just set up a program to record from 
the audio/video devices.

 (1.5) How does ssh deal with making connections private? Any clues there?

I don't know what you mean by this.

 (2) There are times when I don't want to have to be logged in as an admin
 user to be able to make an ephemeral group. I've understood that for ten
 years. When am I going to make the time to construct the package to manage
 it within the standard unix permissions model?

Same here.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: failed to start remount root and kernel file system

2014-10-16 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:00:21PM +0800, lina wrote:
 Any suggestions about
 failed to start remount root and kernel file system
 Is it due to updating issue? some package like systemd, or util-linux?
 Jessie box.

Dunno. Is it an fstab issue? I'm only guessing here because you haven't
given us much information.  What is the actual error message?

I haven't had to diagnose any systemd booting issues, yet, cause it
hasn't failed. So have you any strange configurations --- do you need to
mount anything over nfs, for example.

Is this your laptop? Is it encrypted?

All these are just guesses, but hopefully someone will be able to help
if they know the error messages etc.

Oh, is this a new Jessie box, *OR*, have you been running Jessie for a
while and the latest update caused this?

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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recent, stable (debian-based) desktop solution without blobs?

2014-10-16 Thread Wim Bertels

which distro would u recommend given the following wishes:
- debian/debian based
- stable 
- recent (ie debian stable being to old for the desktop in my opinion)
- no blobs (ie closed firmware for example) in the kernel or default
- having the option to choose non free software

Is it correct to assume the only derivatives of debian containing no
kernel blobs are the ones listed on fsf (and debian itself)?


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Re: how to identify reverse dependencies?

2014-10-16 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 15 oct 14, 22:58:49, The Wanderer wrote:
 IOW, I think he wasn't talking about systemd per se, but about apparent
 false-positive results from the aptitude reverse-dependency search.

In other posts to this Slavko alluded to recompiling packages to get rid 
of systemd dependencies.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Fwd: failed to start remount root and kernel file system

2014-10-16 Thread lina
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Chris Bannister
cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:00:21PM +0800, lina wrote:
 Any suggestions about

 failed to start remount root and kernel file system

 Is it due to updating issue? some package like systemd, or util-linux?

 Jessie box.

 Dunno. Is it an fstab issue? I'm only guessing here because you haven't
 given us much information.  What is the actual error message?

dove systemd[1]: /usr appears to be on its own filesystem and is not
already mounted, this is not a supported setup.

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# file system mount point type options dump pass
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
# / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=2a687c3c-ffb4-4577-9781-beb6b88eb71b / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# /backup was on /dev/sda14 during installation
UUID=114ea034-62b3-4266-b80f-e8bd43c90bfe /mnt/backup ext4 defaults,noauto 0 2
# /boot was on /dev/sda4 during installation
UUID=f38f09c1-8cc3-485f-8235-1b23fc26fcc9 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2
# /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
UUID=c826cf6e-a284-4741-a8e4-89b75991d801 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
# /scratch was on /dev/sda13 during installation
UUID=25ad7887-39b1-4375-b9aa-0840cb84cb75 /scratch ext4 defaults 0 2
# /tmp was on /dev/sda8 during installation
UUID=ba00a966-7352-4749-b478-788fea4f1a83 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 2
# /usr was on /dev/sda9 during installation
UUID=49ce4cbd-7ac8-4b2d-84da-85143d214ee3 /usr ext4 defaults 0 2
# /usr/local was on /dev/sda10 during installation
UUID=f013d06c-641d-4340-a620-9aeb3ce9a356 /usr/local ext4 defaults 0 2
# /var was on /dev/sda11 during installation
UUID=4c106bc2-cb98-4795-9cff-6da66d0da771 /var ext4 defaults 0 2
# /var/local was on /dev/sda12 during installation
UUID=97068b98-deae-4d79-baa1-0e3110aa18b6 /var/local ext4 defaults 0 2
# swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
UUID=0dc0ac69-7e3a-43d5-8582-aac085053f83 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
# mac was on /dev/sda2
/dev/sda2 /mnt/mac hfsplus ro,nouser,noauto,noexec 0 0

 I haven't had to diagnose any systemd booting issues, yet, cause it
 hasn't failed. So have you any strange configurations --- do you need to
 mount anything over nfs, for example.

 Is this your laptop? Is it encrypted?

laptop, no encrypted

 All these are just guesses, but hopefully someone will be able to help
 if they know the error messages etc.

 Oh, is this a new Jessie box, *OR*, have you been running Jessie for a
 while and the latest update caused this?

I have been running Jessie for a long period. Yes, it is caused by the
last update of the systemed and util-linux.

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Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 09:23:02 +0100
Joe j...@jretrading.com wrote:

Hello Joe,

{snipped explanations}
All very useful info, thanks;  Cleared up a few things for me.

I'm not for a moment doubting that it happens as you say, but there's
no need for it in the case of a legitimate email, it is always possible

I suspect that it happens as part of a mis-guided (or ill-conceived)
anti-spam policy (any attachment that large *must* have a nasty payload,
etc, etc.)  To be fair, I've not fallen foul of the problem for some
time.  Having said that, there's been little need for me to send or
receive large files for some time.

These days, if I do need to transmit or receive large files, I upload
them to a file-space somewhere and ask the intended recipient to
download them, and ask them to do the same, so I can download.  This has
the (minor) bonus that people's mailboxes don't get clogged, and they
can download at a time that's convenient to them, rather than when it's
handy for me to send it.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
I'm spending all my money and it's going up my nose
Teenage Depression - Eddie  The Hot Rods

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: failed to start remount root and kernel file system

2014-10-16 Thread lina
It doesn't mount the /usr /var /tmp

Timed out waiting for device dev-disk-by\x ...
Dependency failed for /var

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:29 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Chris Bannister
 cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:00:21PM +0800, lina wrote:
 Any suggestions about

 failed to start remount root and kernel file system

 Is it due to updating issue? some package like systemd, or util-linux?

 Jessie box.

 Dunno. Is it an fstab issue? I'm only guessing here because you haven't
 given us much information.  What is the actual error message?

 dove systemd[1]: /usr appears to be on its own filesystem and is not
 already mounted, this is not a supported setup.

 # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
 # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
 # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
 # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
 # file system mount point type options dump pass
 proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
 # / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
 UUID=2a687c3c-ffb4-4577-9781-beb6b88eb71b / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
 # /backup was on /dev/sda14 during installation
 UUID=114ea034-62b3-4266-b80f-e8bd43c90bfe /mnt/backup ext4 defaults,noauto 0 2
 # /boot was on /dev/sda4 during installation
 UUID=f38f09c1-8cc3-485f-8235-1b23fc26fcc9 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
 UUID=c826cf6e-a284-4741-a8e4-89b75991d801 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /scratch was on /dev/sda13 during installation
 UUID=25ad7887-39b1-4375-b9aa-0840cb84cb75 /scratch ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /tmp was on /dev/sda8 during installation
 UUID=ba00a966-7352-4749-b478-788fea4f1a83 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /usr was on /dev/sda9 during installation
 UUID=49ce4cbd-7ac8-4b2d-84da-85143d214ee3 /usr ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /usr/local was on /dev/sda10 during installation
 UUID=f013d06c-641d-4340-a620-9aeb3ce9a356 /usr/local ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /var was on /dev/sda11 during installation
 UUID=4c106bc2-cb98-4795-9cff-6da66d0da771 /var ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /var/local was on /dev/sda12 during installation
 UUID=97068b98-deae-4d79-baa1-0e3110aa18b6 /var/local ext4 defaults 0 2
 # swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
 UUID=0dc0ac69-7e3a-43d5-8582-aac085053f83 none swap sw 0 0
 /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
 # mac was on /dev/sda2
 /dev/sda2 /mnt/mac hfsplus ro,nouser,noauto,noexec 0 0

 I haven't had to diagnose any systemd booting issues, yet, cause it
 hasn't failed. So have you any strange configurations --- do you need to
 mount anything over nfs, for example.

 Is this your laptop? Is it encrypted?

 laptop, no encrypted

 All these are just guesses, but hopefully someone will be able to help
 if they know the error messages etc.

 Oh, is this a new Jessie box, *OR*, have you been running Jessie for a
 while and the latest update caused this?

 I have been running Jessie for a long period. Yes, it is caused by the
 last update of the systemed and util-linux.

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Re: failed to start remount root and kernel file system

2014-10-16 Thread lina

I am still not clear about how to fix it. It is exactly like the
problem mentioned in this bug.

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 It doesn't mount the /usr /var /tmp

 Timed out waiting for device dev-disk-by\x ...
 Dependency failed for /var

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:29 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Chris Bannister
 cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:00:21PM +0800, lina wrote:
 Any suggestions about

 failed to start remount root and kernel file system

 Is it due to updating issue? some package like systemd, or util-linux?

 Jessie box.

 Dunno. Is it an fstab issue? I'm only guessing here because you haven't
 given us much information.  What is the actual error message?

 dove systemd[1]: /usr appears to be on its own filesystem and is not
 already mounted, this is not a supported setup.

 # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
 # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
 # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
 # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
 # file system mount point type options dump pass
 proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
 # / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
 UUID=2a687c3c-ffb4-4577-9781-beb6b88eb71b / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
 # /backup was on /dev/sda14 during installation
 UUID=114ea034-62b3-4266-b80f-e8bd43c90bfe /mnt/backup ext4 defaults,noauto 0 
 # /boot was on /dev/sda4 during installation
 UUID=f38f09c1-8cc3-485f-8235-1b23fc26fcc9 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
 UUID=c826cf6e-a284-4741-a8e4-89b75991d801 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /scratch was on /dev/sda13 during installation
 UUID=25ad7887-39b1-4375-b9aa-0840cb84cb75 /scratch ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /tmp was on /dev/sda8 during installation
 UUID=ba00a966-7352-4749-b478-788fea4f1a83 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /usr was on /dev/sda9 during installation
 UUID=49ce4cbd-7ac8-4b2d-84da-85143d214ee3 /usr ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /usr/local was on /dev/sda10 during installation
 UUID=f013d06c-641d-4340-a620-9aeb3ce9a356 /usr/local ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /var was on /dev/sda11 during installation
 UUID=4c106bc2-cb98-4795-9cff-6da66d0da771 /var ext4 defaults 0 2
 # /var/local was on /dev/sda12 during installation
 UUID=97068b98-deae-4d79-baa1-0e3110aa18b6 /var/local ext4 defaults 0 2
 # swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
 UUID=0dc0ac69-7e3a-43d5-8582-aac085053f83 none swap sw 0 0
 /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
 # mac was on /dev/sda2
 /dev/sda2 /mnt/mac hfsplus ro,nouser,noauto,noexec 0 0

 I haven't had to diagnose any systemd booting issues, yet, cause it
 hasn't failed. So have you any strange configurations --- do you need to
 mount anything over nfs, for example.

 Is this your laptop? Is it encrypted?

 laptop, no encrypted

 All these are just guesses, but hopefully someone will be able to help
 if they know the error messages etc.

 Oh, is this a new Jessie box, *OR*, have you been running Jessie for a
 while and the latest update caused this?

 I have been running Jessie for a long period. Yes, it is caused by the
 last update of the systemed and util-linux.

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Re: debian-advocacy?

2014-10-16 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach David L. Craig dlc@gmail.com [2014-10-14 00:16 +0200]:
 Jessie may need to be widely considered the Vista of Debian
 releases before a majority of DDs are willing to revisit the init

Meanwhile, everyone who thinks this was the wrong decision should
work to ensure that sysvinit continues to work, and should try to
break dependencies between software and what some people think are
essentials for the desktop.

Or engage with upstream and help shape systemd so it eventually
reaches Debian standards…


 The is currently no means to garner meaningful data about
 Jessie's approval ratings, which likely means the release
 team will, as usual, just guess what will fly.  They've
 had an enviable run, to be sure.

The benefits of Debian, its policy and this community still far
outweigh the problems imposed by systemd. And most alternatives also
(will have to) incorporate systemd, so the only thing you can argue
is that systemd is currently weighing down the quality of Linux in
general. But it's open-source and we can make it ours and better.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft madduck@d.o @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
the condition of perfection is idleness.
 the aim of perfection is youth.
-- oscar wilde

Description: Digital signature (see http://martin-krafft.net/gpg/sig-policy/999bbcc4/current)

Re: failed to start remount root and kernel file system

2014-10-16 Thread Darac Marjal
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 05:54:26PM +0800, lina wrote:
 I am still not clear about how to fix it. It is exactly like the
 problem mentioned in this bug.

Ah, I ran into that problem myself the other day. My solution was:

 * Add break=premount to the end of your kernel commandline and boot
   * If you have panic=something set, remove it. For some reason,
 those two options conflict and you won't get a shell, even though
 you explicitly asked for one
 * The initramfs will break out to a shell before any file systems are
 * At the shell run lvm vgchange -ay. This will make all your LVM LVs
 * Press Ctrl+D to exit the shell and continue booting.
 * With the system now up (hopefully), create the following file as

 lvm vgchange -ay
 * Make the file executable (chmod +x ...)
 * Rebuild the initramfs with sudo update-initramfs -u

Your system should now boot reliably.

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
  It doesn't mount the /usr /var /tmp
  Timed out waiting for device dev-disk-by\x ...
  Dependency failed for /var
  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:29 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Chris Bannister
  cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:00:21PM +0800, lina wrote:
  Any suggestions about
  failed to start remount root and kernel file system
  Is it due to updating issue? some package like systemd, or util-linux?
  Jessie box.
  Dunno. Is it an fstab issue? I'm only guessing here because you haven't
  given us much information.  What is the actual error message?
  dove systemd[1]: /usr appears to be on its own filesystem and is not
  already mounted, this is not a supported setup.
  # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
  # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
  # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
  # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
  # file system mount point type options dump pass
  proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
  # / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
  UUID=2a687c3c-ffb4-4577-9781-beb6b88eb71b / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
  # /backup was on /dev/sda14 during installation
  UUID=114ea034-62b3-4266-b80f-e8bd43c90bfe /mnt/backup ext4 defaults,noauto 
  0 2
  # /boot was on /dev/sda4 during installation
  UUID=f38f09c1-8cc3-485f-8235-1b23fc26fcc9 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
  UUID=c826cf6e-a284-4741-a8e4-89b75991d801 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /scratch was on /dev/sda13 during installation
  UUID=25ad7887-39b1-4375-b9aa-0840cb84cb75 /scratch ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /tmp was on /dev/sda8 during installation
  UUID=ba00a966-7352-4749-b478-788fea4f1a83 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /usr was on /dev/sda9 during installation
  UUID=49ce4cbd-7ac8-4b2d-84da-85143d214ee3 /usr ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /usr/local was on /dev/sda10 during installation
  UUID=f013d06c-641d-4340-a620-9aeb3ce9a356 /usr/local ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /var was on /dev/sda11 during installation
  UUID=4c106bc2-cb98-4795-9cff-6da66d0da771 /var ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /var/local was on /dev/sda12 during installation
  UUID=97068b98-deae-4d79-baa1-0e3110aa18b6 /var/local ext4 defaults 0 2
  # swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
  UUID=0dc0ac69-7e3a-43d5-8582-aac085053f83 none swap sw 0 0
  /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
  # mac was on /dev/sda2
  /dev/sda2 /mnt/mac hfsplus ro,nouser,noauto,noexec 0 0
  I haven't had to diagnose any systemd booting issues, yet, cause it
  hasn't failed. So have you any strange configurations --- do you need to
  mount anything over nfs, for example.
  Is this your laptop? Is it encrypted?
  laptop, no encrypted
  All these are just guesses, but hopefully someone will be able to help
  if they know the error messages etc.
  Oh, is this a new Jessie box, *OR*, have you been running Jessie for a
  while and the latest update caused this?
  I have been running Jessie for a long period. Yes, it is caused by the
  last update of the systemed and util-linux.
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-requ...@lists.debian.org 
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Tanstaafl
On 10/15/2014 3:13 PM, Miles Fidelman mfidel...@meetinghouse.net wrote:
 Tanstaafl wrote:
 1. email to invalid recipients should be rejected at the RCPT-TO stage,

 Easier said then done - at least when a server does relaying, but 
 clearly ideal when possible.

No, it is 100% easily done.

For servers under your control, you just do it. If you don't know how
and are unwilling or unable to learn how, then you have no business
running a mail server.

For servers not under your direct control, but for whom your server is
the official relay for final delivery (which means you need the current
list o valid recipients), you either require them to allow you to
perform recipient verification, or to provide you with a constantly up
to date list of valid recpients, or you don't act as their relay.


 Generally agree with you in principle.  And that's certainly the 
 standards-compliant policy.
 In practice I support a few dozen mailing lists - operational 
 necessity dictates dropping a lot of stuff silently.

Lists are different, and definitely fall into the category of 'best
effort, but no promises'...

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Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Tanstaafl
Please do not send to me directly, I am on the list.

On 10/15/2014 3:15 PM, Jerry Stuckle jstuc...@attglobal.net wrote:
 On 10/15/2014 12:40 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
 Easy enough to prove. By all means, quote the actual text of me saying
 this was 'OK'...

 You said:
 However, once a message has been accepted - ie, *after* the DATA phase
 is complete, it should never be bounced, it should be delivered - or,
 worse, quarantined, or worst case, deleted (ie, if it is later found to
 contain a malicious payload).

And nowhere do you see the word 'OK'. As I said, please do NOT put words
in my mouth.

 It is either OK to delete an email or it is not.  You can't have it both
 ways.  If, as according to your other statements, it is not OK to delete
 emails, then you are violating your own rules by deleting mails - for
 ANY reason.

If you are unable to see the difference between a rare, extreme worst
case scenario of having discovered an email that you accepted for
delivery contains a malicious payload, and deleting an email for no
other reason than the recipient has a typo in it, then you have no
business running a mail server.

 Your reason is i.e. if it is later found to contain a malicious
 payload.  My reason is It is addressed to a non-existent user.
 Either both are OK or neither is OK.

So, you obviously have no business running a mail server.

 you keep saying that the RECEIVING server 'sends a message back to
 the originator' - unless maybe you simply have a hard time saying
 what you really mean, which always causes confusion.

 it does send a message back to the originator - it may only be a
 status code, but it is still a message.

 The status code is not *sent* anywhere - it is a response directly to
 the connecting machine.

 Then how does it get back to the sending server?  Magic?

Can you not read? The CONNECTING MACHINE - the one that was directly
talking to YOUR server - is responmsible for that part of the
transaction. Spambots DO NOT DO THIS.

 It is then the responsibility of that machine that was talking to your
 server to pass the response code back to the originating *server* (not
 the sender of the email - there is a difference).

 I didn't say the sender of the email.

Maybe not, but I have no desire to go back through this thread to see
whether you ever did or not. You are apparently incapable of
communicating with semantic precision, so this time I'm really done.

Respond if you like, I won't see it.

 And you still can't quote an RFC which indicates what I am doing breaks
 SMTP.  That's because there isn't one and I am NOT breaking SMTP.

As I said, there is no rule that says that you have to violate an RFC to
break SMTP.

Accepting invalid recipients then silently deleting them breaks SMTP for
the vast majority of internet email users.

You are free to break it all you want... on your server.

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Re: debian-advocacy?

2014-10-16 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Thursday 16 October 2014 07:55:40 Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
 On Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:01:44 -0700

 Bob Holtzman hol...@cox.net wrote:
  What I read of your post wasn't dissent. It was character

  Please let me know how to point out that an idiotic behaviour is
 disruptive to the whole process, without actually telling the person in
 question, that he's an idiot?

The person in question most emphatically is NOT an idiot.


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Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Tanstaafl
On 10/15/2014 4:44 PM, Joe j...@jretrading.com wrote:
 However, if the Reply-To: is forged, i.e. if it is spam, the
 alternative is considerably less OK. Bouncing a spam message simply
 delivers *the* *entire* *message* to an innocent third party, having
 been laundered through your (presumably legitimate and respectable) mail
 So it isn't OK, but there's no alternative to doing it. That's how you
 have it both ways.

Spam doesn't have to be deleted, it can be quarantined. That is the best
way to handle spam once it has been accepted.

I don't even delete the malicious stuff, although I don't deliver it to
the recipient.

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Re: debian-advocacy?

2014-10-16 Thread Anders Wegge Keller
On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:38:59 +0100
Lisi Reisz lisi.re...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thursday 16 October 2014 07:55:40 Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
  On Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:01:44 -0700
  Bob Holtzman hol...@cox.net wrote:
   What I read of your post wasn't dissent. It was character
   Please let me know how to point out that an idiotic behaviour is
  disruptive to the whole process, without actually telling the person in
  question, that he's an idiot?
 The person in question most emphatically is NOT an idiot.

 In this case he is. The condescending way of dismissing a very real issue
to be talked over is not an example of outstanding intellect in my book.


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Re: OT: Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Tanstaafl
On 10/15/2014 4:58 PM, Joe j...@jretrading.com wrote:
 It's worth some effort, at the moment it is the single most effective
 anti-spam measure. If you outsource your mail, it's worth going to some
 trouble to find a hosting company who will hold and accept updates for
 a list of valid recipients.

Or even easier, just get them to agree to let you perform recipient
verification in realtime.

 if it is spam, there's nobody to tell, and you don't want to send a
 copy of the spam to the forged Reply-To: address.

Of course not - which is why you REJECT it instead of ACCEPT+BOUNCE..

 3. once an email has been accepted for final delivery, every effort
 should be taken to deliver the message to the recipient, whether to
 their Inbox clean or tagged as spam (if a spam threshhold is met),
 or to a spam quarantine,

 Which shouldn't be a problem if there's a valid recipient.

Well, since everything I'm talking about is not accepting mail for
invalid recipients, not sure why you felt the need to say that.

 Yes, and a log kept.

Anyone who runs a mail server and doesn't keep logs shouldn't be running
a mail server.

 *And* the postmaster address monitored,

Anyone who runs a mail server and doesn't monitor the postmaster address
shouldn't be running a mail server.

 and a request to know the disposition of a vanished email should be 
 answered, along with the reason. Especially if the request is 
 accompanied by one of your message IDs...


 Of course. Already-accepted spam *must* be silently dropped.

Absolutely NOT!

It should be *delivered*, either tagged as spam to the Inbox, or to a
quarantine, but it should be delivered. I only allow tagged delivery for
more sophisticated users. Normal users have to check their quarantine.

The only exception on my system is anything with a verified malicious
payload, which is delivered to an admin mailbox, not to the intended

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Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Tanstaafl
On 10/15/2014 5:12 PM, Brad Rogers b...@fineby.me.uk wrote:
 Send an email with a large attachment(1) and there are quite a few
 servers that will silently drop it.

Anyone who does that is breaking SMTP. If you don't want messages over a
certain size, REJECT them, but absolutely do not EVER accept then
silently delete them, that is just plain stupid.

 The worst of it is you can never know for certain if you're going to
 get bitten because routing can vary.

It isn't about routing problems, it is about properly configuring your

 (1) 4Meg or so used to do the trick.  Things might be different now as
 more and more messages contain massive amounts of HTML and imagery.

Google accepts 25MB+, as does Outlook.com and most other freemailers
now. That is our limit here too.

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Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Tanstaafl
On 10/15/2014 8:37 PM, Jerry Stuckle jstuc...@attglobal.net wrote:
 Tanstaafl couldn't answer it, and you can't either, because it's not
 violating any.

I did answer it, you just ignored it or don't understand it.


You do not have to violate an RFC to break SMTP.

Here is a real world example:

Improperly configured TCP filtering features on firewalls and routers
don't violate any specific RFC, but they certainly can break SMTP (and
other things too).

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Re: debian-advocacy?

2014-10-16 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Thursday 16 October 2014 11:46:46 Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
 On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:38:59 +0100

 Lisi Reisz lisi.re...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Thursday 16 October 2014 07:55:40 Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
   On Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:01:44 -0700
   Bob Holtzman hol...@cox.net wrote:
What I read of your post wasn't dissent. It was character
Please let me know how to point out that an idiotic behaviour is
   disruptive to the whole process, without actually telling the person in
   question, that he's an idiot?
  The person in question most emphatically is NOT an idiot.

  In this case he is. The condescending way of dismissing a very real issue
 to be talked over is not an example of outstanding intellect in my book.

My golly, you are an arrogant self-opinionated individual.  As well as 
misinformed and mistaken.


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[lina.lastn...@gmail.com: Re: failed to start remount root and kernel file system

2014-10-16 Thread Chris Bannister

Lina, could you post to the list only, please.
I haven't dived into systemd issues -- so can't help you, hoping someone
else can.

I see you refer to a [1], but it is not there! :)

- Forwarded message from lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com -

Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:29:18 +0800
From: lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com
To: Chris Bannister cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz
Subject: Re: failed to start remount root and kernel file system

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Chris Bannister
cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:00:21PM +0800, lina wrote:
 Any suggestions about

 failed to start remount root and kernel file system

 Is it due to updating issue? some package like systemd, or util-linux?

 Jessie box.

 Dunno. Is it an fstab issue? I'm only guessing here because you haven't
 given us much information.  What is the actual error message?

dove systemd[1]: /usr appears to be on its own filesystem and is not
already mounted, this is not a supported setup.

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# file system mount point type options dump pass
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
# / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=2a687c3c-ffb4-4577-9781-beb6b88eb71b / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# /backup was on /dev/sda14 during installation
UUID=114ea034-62b3-4266-b80f-e8bd43c90bfe /mnt/backup ext4 defaults,noauto 0 2
# /boot was on /dev/sda4 during installation
UUID=f38f09c1-8cc3-485f-8235-1b23fc26fcc9 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2
# /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
UUID=c826cf6e-a284-4741-a8e4-89b75991d801 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
# /scratch was on /dev/sda13 during installation
UUID=25ad7887-39b1-4375-b9aa-0840cb84cb75 /scratch ext4 defaults 0 2
# /tmp was on /dev/sda8 during installation
UUID=ba00a966-7352-4749-b478-788fea4f1a83 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 2
# /usr was on /dev/sda9 during installation
UUID=49ce4cbd-7ac8-4b2d-84da-85143d214ee3 /usr ext4 defaults 0 2
# /usr/local was on /dev/sda10 during installation
UUID=f013d06c-641d-4340-a620-9aeb3ce9a356 /usr/local ext4 defaults 0 2
# /var was on /dev/sda11 during installation
UUID=4c106bc2-cb98-4795-9cff-6da66d0da771 /var ext4 defaults 0 2
# /var/local was on /dev/sda12 during installation
UUID=97068b98-deae-4d79-baa1-0e3110aa18b6 /var/local ext4 defaults 0 2
# swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
UUID=0dc0ac69-7e3a-43d5-8582-aac085053f83 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
# mac was on /dev/sda2
/dev/sda2 /mnt/mac hfsplus ro,nouser,noauto,noexec 0 0

 I haven't had to diagnose any systemd booting issues, yet, cause it
 hasn't failed. So have you any strange configurations --- do you need to
 mount anything over nfs, for example.

 Is this your laptop? Is it encrypted?

laptop, no encrypted

 All these are just guesses, but hopefully someone will be able to help
 if they know the error messages etc.

 Oh, is this a new Jessie box, *OR*, have you been running Jessie for a
 while and the latest update caused this?

I have been running Jessie for a long period. Yes, it is caused by the
last update of the systemed and util-linux.

- End forwarded message -

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: OT: Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 06:50:01AM -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:
 Anyone who runs a mail server and doesn't keep logs shouldn't be running
 a mail server.
  *And* the postmaster address monitored,
 Anyone who runs a mail server and doesn't monitor the postmaster address
 shouldn't be running a mail server.

Tell that to yahoo, they *don't seem* to have a postmaster address nor an
abuse address. :(

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Joel Rees
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Tanstaafl tansta...@libertytrek.org wrote:
 On 10/15/2014 8:37 PM, Jerry Stuckle jstuc...@attglobal.net wrote:
 Tanstaafl couldn't answer it, and you can't either, because it's not
 violating any.

 I did answer it, you just ignored it or don't understand it.


 You do not have to violate an RFC to break SMTP.

 Here is a real world example:

 Improperly configured TCP filtering features on firewalls and routers
 don't violate any specific RFC, but they certainly can break SMTP (and
 other things too).

Thus, we can understand that you are an idealist that would rather see
your version of SMTP rules be followed by everyone than try to follow
the RFC yourself.

Where are your SMTP rules spelled out, by the way?

Joel Rees

Be careful when you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself.

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Re: debian-advocacy?

2014-10-16 Thread Anders Wegge Keller
On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:59:24 +0100
Lisi Reisz lisi.re...@gmail.com wrote:

 My golly, you are an arrogant self-opinionated individual.  As well as 
 misinformed and mistaken.

 Thank you for those kind words. However, I think you are undermining your
attempt at establishing your moral superiority, by using them.


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Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 06:54:09 -0400
Tanstaafl tansta...@libertytrek.org wrote:

Hello Tanstaafl,

On 10/15/2014 5:12 PM, Brad Rogers b...@fineby.me.uk wrote:
 Send an email with a large attachment(1) and there are quite a few
 servers that will silently drop it.  
Anyone who does that is breaking SMTP. If you don't want messages over 

Yes, that's the point.

certain size, REJECT them, but absolutely do not EVER accept then
silently delete them, that is just plain stupid.

Oh I agree, wholeheartedly.  As I said in my reply to Joe, I suspect
it's part of a misguided anti-malware program.

 The worst of it is you can never know for certain if you're going to
 get bitten because routing can vary.  
It isn't about routing problems, it is about properly configuring your

What I meant was that, since at any given time a route from A-B can vary
due to, for example a server being down, you can't be sure which route
the mail will take and therefore, which server(s) it'll pass through and
what their reject/drop rules are.  So, not routing per se, but
unpredictable consequences of passing through certain servers.

 (1) 4Meg or so used to do the trick.  Things might be different now s
Google accepts 25MB+, as does Outlook.com and most other freemailers
now. That is our limit here too.

Things are much better than I hoped then.  I'll keep that in mind for
future use.  Thanks.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
I must be hallucinating, watching angels celebrating
There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart) - Eurythmics

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Miles Fidelman

Ansgar Burchardt wrote:

Steve Litt sl...@troubleshooters.com writes:

Ansgar Burchardt ans...@debian.org wrote:

Steve Litt sl...@troubleshooters.com writes:

OK, I'll be the first to admit that after Red Hat caused the demise
of ConsoleKit (and probably lots more important software), I am
free to take significant time out of my day job (that feeds my
family) and rescue all sorts of software that Red Hat deliberately
scuttled. Even though, apparently unlike 80% of today's kernel
developers, nobody pays me to do it.

You are free to do so in your free time. It would be a more
constructive use than trying to annoy other people (who spend their
free time on Linux) until they do so for you for free.

So, reading between the lines, you find my saying don't break Linux

No, what I find annoying is telling volunteer what they have to do
without doing anything yourself on the issues you raise and repeating
don't break Linux endlessly. I think everybody knows by now you
believe that, there's no (constructive) use in further repeating it.

So, by your logic, if a horde of volunteers blow into town after a 
crisis - then proceed to muck things up, all in the name of helping - 
nobody has a right to complain?

And, it's worth noting that, given how many people working on Linux (and 
other open source projects) are paid by their employers to do so, this 
is not about the actions of volunteers.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Jonathan Dowland
Guys -

Please take this off-list. Things have gone way, way past the point where
this is of an interest or relevance to anyone else on this list.

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Re: OT: Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 16/10/14 22:31, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 06:50:01AM -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:

 Anyone who runs a mail server and doesn't keep logs shouldn't be running
 a mail server.

  *And* the postmaster address monitored,

 Anyone who runs a mail server and doesn't monitor the postmaster address
 shouldn't be running a mail server.
 Tell that to yahoo, they *don't seem* to have a postmaster address nor an
 abuse address. :(


NOTE: I haven't tried them, but they're valid email addresses (don't ask).

If you are having problems lately (last six months) it's likely that you
haven't deployed SPF and DKIM - contentious issues for, um, the more
conservative mail admin. I like SPF and DKIM - guess I'm not that
conservative. Increasingly you'll find you'll need it - more of us, less
conservative mail admin are deploying it and slowly switching to dumping
mail that doesn't. Without SPF  DKIM it's usually trivial to spoof a
sender, one day spammers might work that out.

SMTP Error codes:-

You'll find other related links on the same page.

Kind regards

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Re: OT_Enlightenment Terminology-0.7 released

2014-10-16 Thread maderios

On 10/15/2014 08:53 AM, maderios wrote:

To compile Terminology,  install all Enlightenment + Efl dev libs
packages, of course...

I apologize: only  EFL dev packages needing, not Enlightenment


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Re: failed to start remount root and kernel file system

2014-10-16 Thread lina
  * Add break=premount to the end of your kernel commandline and boot

At the grub stage, there is no reaction to the e or c I pressed.

* If you have panic=something set, remove it. For some reason,
  those two options conflict and you won't get a shell, even though
  you explicitly asked for one
  * The initramfs will break out to a shell before any file systems are
  * At the shell run lvm vgchange -ay. This will make all your LVM LVs
  * Press Ctrl+D to exit the shell and continue booting.
  * With the system now up (hopefully), create the following file as

  lvm vgchange -ay
  * Make the file executable (chmod +x ...)
  * Rebuild the initramfs with sudo update-initramfs -u

 Your system should now boot reliably.

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
  It doesn't mount the /usr /var /tmp
  Timed out waiting for device dev-disk-by\x ...
  Dependency failed for /var
  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:29 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Chris Bannister
  cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:00:21PM +0800, lina wrote:
  Any suggestions about
  failed to start remount root and kernel file system
  Is it due to updating issue? some package like systemd, or util-linux?
  Jessie box.
  Dunno. Is it an fstab issue? I'm only guessing here because you haven't
  given us much information.  What is the actual error message?
  dove systemd[1]: /usr appears to be on its own filesystem and is not
  already mounted, this is not a supported setup.
  # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
  # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
  # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
  # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
  # file system mount point type options dump pass
  proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
  # / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
  UUID=2a687c3c-ffb4-4577-9781-beb6b88eb71b / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
  # /backup was on /dev/sda14 during installation
  UUID=114ea034-62b3-4266-b80f-e8bd43c90bfe /mnt/backup ext4 
  defaults,noauto 0 2
  # /boot was on /dev/sda4 during installation
  UUID=f38f09c1-8cc3-485f-8235-1b23fc26fcc9 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
  UUID=c826cf6e-a284-4741-a8e4-89b75991d801 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /scratch was on /dev/sda13 during installation
  UUID=25ad7887-39b1-4375-b9aa-0840cb84cb75 /scratch ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /tmp was on /dev/sda8 during installation
  UUID=ba00a966-7352-4749-b478-788fea4f1a83 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /usr was on /dev/sda9 during installation
  UUID=49ce4cbd-7ac8-4b2d-84da-85143d214ee3 /usr ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /usr/local was on /dev/sda10 during installation
  UUID=f013d06c-641d-4340-a620-9aeb3ce9a356 /usr/local ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /var was on /dev/sda11 during installation
  UUID=4c106bc2-cb98-4795-9cff-6da66d0da771 /var ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /var/local was on /dev/sda12 during installation
  UUID=97068b98-deae-4d79-baa1-0e3110aa18b6 /var/local ext4 defaults 0 2
  # swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
  UUID=0dc0ac69-7e3a-43d5-8582-aac085053f83 none swap sw 0 0
  /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
  # mac was on /dev/sda2
  /dev/sda2 /mnt/mac hfsplus ro,nouser,noauto,noexec 0 0
  I haven't had to diagnose any systemd booting issues, yet, cause it
  hasn't failed. So have you any strange configurations --- do you need to
  mount anything over nfs, for example.
  Is this your laptop? Is it encrypted?
  laptop, no encrypted
  All these are just guesses, but hopefully someone will be able to help
  if they know the error messages etc.
  Oh, is this a new Jessie box, *OR*, have you been running Jessie for a
  while and the latest update caused this?
  I have been running Jessie for a long period. Yes, it is caused by the
  last update of the systemed and util-linux.

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Re: OT: Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Tanstaafl
On 10/16/2014 7:31 AM, Chris Bannister cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 06:50:01AM -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:
 Anyone who runs a mail server and doesn't monitor the postmaster address
 shouldn't be running a mail server.

 Tell that to yahoo, they *don't seem* to have a postmaster address nor an
 abuse address. :(

Then they shouldn't be running a mail server... ;)

And they are in violation of the RFC that mandates that these two
addresses always be available and monitored.

But I'm sure they couldn't care less... ;)

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Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Ansgar Burchardt
On 10/16/2014 14:07, Miles Fidelman wrote:
 Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
 No, what I find annoying is telling volunteer what they have to do
 without doing anything yourself on the issues you raise and repeating
 don't break Linux endlessly. I think everybody knows by now you
 believe that, there's no (constructive) use in further repeating it.
 So, by your logic, if a horde of volunteers blow into town after a
 crisis - then proceed to muck things up, all in the name of helping -
 nobody has a right to complain?

No, I'm complaining exactly about that: there's a nice town and some
guests have decided to rampage through town because they don't like what
the people building the town do. The guests also use megaphones during
the night hours when people would like to sleep to point out how wrong
the people building the town are.


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Re: Would discussion of improving sysv-init be on topic?

2014-10-16 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2014 15 Oct 19:39 -0500, Joel Rees wrote:
 systemd's problems would best be discussed at the systemd project. (Modulo
 the willingness of the devs over there to discuss them.)
 What I'm thinking is to talk about specific features to enable the sort of
 managing services that systemd seems to be aimed at, and how to implement
 them, where existing alternatives exist and how well they work,
 With enough discussion, we might be able to get enough mass to get a
 project started and get it (mostly) off-list.

Perhaps you are not aware of the development project for sysvinit that
already exists:


That would be a far better place to get involved.

- Nate


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more: http://www.n0nb.us

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Re: Recipient validation - WAS: Re: Moderated posts?

2014-10-16 Thread Tanstaafl
On 10/16/2014 7:40 AM, Joel Rees joel.r...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Tanstaafl tansta...@libertytrek.org wrote:
  On 10/15/2014 8:37 PM, Jerry Stuckle jstuc...@attglobal.net wrote:
  Tanstaafl couldn't answer it, and you can't either, because it's not
  violating any.
  I did answer it, you just ignored it or don't understand it.
  You do not have to violate an RFC to break SMTP.
  Here is a real world example:
  Improperly configured TCP filtering features on firewalls and routers
  don't violate any specific RFC, but they certainly can break SMTP (and
  other things too).
 Thus, we can understand that you are an idealist that would rather see
 your version of SMTP rules be followed by everyone than try to follow
 the RFC yourself.
 Where are your SMTP rules spelled out, by the way?

Ok, I just went and looked it up, and lo and behold...

RFC 2821 is the controlling RFC if I'm not mistaken...


In there you'll find this:

   The second step in the procedure is the RCPT command.

  RCPT TO:forward-path [ SP rcpt-parameters ] CRLF

   The first or only argument to this command includes a forward-path
   (normally a mailbox and domain, always surrounded by  and 
   brackets) identifying one recipient.  If accepted, the SMTP server
   returns a 250 OK reply and stores the forward-path.  If the recipient
   is known not to be a deliverable address, the SMTP server returns a
   550 reply, typically with a string such as no such user -  and the
   mailbox name (other circumstances and reply codes are possible).
   This step of the procedure can be repeated any number of times.

So, how do you 'interpret' the pertinent part:

If the recipient is known not to be a deliverable address, the SMTP
server returns a 550 reply, typically with a string such as no such
user -  and the mailbox name (other circumstances and reply codes are


Sounds to me like a mandate to reject invalid recipients at the RCPT-TO

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Re: Would discussion of improving sysv-init be on topic?

2014-10-16 Thread Joel Rees
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 9:33 PM, Nate Bargmann n...@n0nb.us wrote:
 * On 2014 15 Oct 19:39 -0500, Joel Rees wrote:
 systemd's problems would best be discussed at the systemd project. (Modulo
 the willingness of the devs over there to discuss them.)

 What I'm thinking is to talk about specific features to enable the sort of
 managing services that systemd seems to be aimed at, and how to implement
 them, where existing alternatives exist and how well they work,

 With enough discussion, we might be able to get enough mass to get a
 project started and get it (mostly) off-list.

 Perhaps you are not aware of the development project for sysvinit that
 already exists:


 That would be a far better place to get involved.

Would that be debian's sysv-init?

Joel Rees

Be careful when you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself.

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Cups to cups question

2014-10-16 Thread L.M.J


 I have a server (serverA) where I use the command lp -h printserver 
... to print to a printer attached on the printserver : it works 

 I also registered remote printer on printserver via lpadmin -p PRVA 
-D PRVA -o printer-error-policy=retry-job -E
 When I print from my printserver to PRVA, the spool is accepted 
directly and then, transfered to the CUPS hosted on remoteserver01. 
Then, CUPS on the remoteserver01 send the spool to the printer PRVA 
: it works.

 Now, I try to print from serverA lp -d PRVA -h printserver ..., 
got this error : Printer or class not registered. Any ideas ?


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Re: Would discussion of improving sysv-init be on topic?

2014-10-16 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2014 16 Oct 07:54 -0500, Joel Rees wrote:
 Would that be debian's sysv-init?

That link is from the sysvinit-core package's description in Sid's
Aptitude.  Presumably it is the upstream project.

- Nate


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

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Re: failed to start remount root and kernel file system

2014-10-16 Thread lina
I installed the lvm and its dependencies, it shows
/local-premount/lvm: not found

problem persists ...

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 8:25 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
  * Add break=premount to the end of your kernel commandline and boot

 At the grub stage, there is no reaction to the e or c I pressed.

* If you have panic=something set, remove it. For some reason,
  those two options conflict and you won't get a shell, even though
  you explicitly asked for one
  * The initramfs will break out to a shell before any file systems are
  * At the shell run lvm vgchange -ay. This will make all your LVM LVs
  * Press Ctrl+D to exit the shell and continue booting.
  * With the system now up (hopefully), create the following file as

  lvm vgchange -ay
  * Make the file executable (chmod +x ...)
  * Rebuild the initramfs with sudo update-initramfs -u

 Your system should now boot reliably.

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
  It doesn't mount the /usr /var /tmp
  Timed out waiting for device dev-disk-by\x ...
  Dependency failed for /var
  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:29 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Chris Bannister
  cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:00:21PM +0800, lina wrote:
  Any suggestions about
  failed to start remount root and kernel file system
  Is it due to updating issue? some package like systemd, or util-linux?
  Jessie box.
  Dunno. Is it an fstab issue? I'm only guessing here because you haven't
  given us much information.  What is the actual error message?
  dove systemd[1]: /usr appears to be on its own filesystem and is not
  already mounted, this is not a supported setup.
  # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
  # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
  # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name 
  # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
  # file system mount point type options dump pass
  proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
  # / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
  UUID=2a687c3c-ffb4-4577-9781-beb6b88eb71b / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
  # /backup was on /dev/sda14 during installation
  UUID=114ea034-62b3-4266-b80f-e8bd43c90bfe /mnt/backup ext4 
  defaults,noauto 0 2
  # /boot was on /dev/sda4 during installation
  UUID=f38f09c1-8cc3-485f-8235-1b23fc26fcc9 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
  UUID=c826cf6e-a284-4741-a8e4-89b75991d801 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /scratch was on /dev/sda13 during installation
  UUID=25ad7887-39b1-4375-b9aa-0840cb84cb75 /scratch ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /tmp was on /dev/sda8 during installation
  UUID=ba00a966-7352-4749-b478-788fea4f1a83 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /usr was on /dev/sda9 during installation
  UUID=49ce4cbd-7ac8-4b2d-84da-85143d214ee3 /usr ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /usr/local was on /dev/sda10 during installation
  UUID=f013d06c-641d-4340-a620-9aeb3ce9a356 /usr/local ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /var was on /dev/sda11 during installation
  UUID=4c106bc2-cb98-4795-9cff-6da66d0da771 /var ext4 defaults 0 2
  # /var/local was on /dev/sda12 during installation
  UUID=97068b98-deae-4d79-baa1-0e3110aa18b6 /var/local ext4 defaults 0 2
  # swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
  UUID=0dc0ac69-7e3a-43d5-8582-aac085053f83 none swap sw 0 0
  /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
  # mac was on /dev/sda2
  /dev/sda2 /mnt/mac hfsplus ro,nouser,noauto,noexec 0 0
  I haven't had to diagnose any systemd booting issues, yet, cause it
  hasn't failed. So have you any strange configurations --- do you need to
  mount anything over nfs, for example.
  Is this your laptop? Is it encrypted?
  laptop, no encrypted
  All these are just guesses, but hopefully someone will be able to help
  if they know the error messages etc.
  Oh, is this a new Jessie box, *OR*, have you been running Jessie for a
  while and the latest update caused this?
  I have been running Jessie for a long period. Yes, it is caused by the
  last update of the systemed and util-linux.

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cant create a bootable iso with the 7.6

2014-10-16 Thread Domenico Curigliano
Hello guys,

I experienced an issue with the 7.6 iso downloaded from debian.org.
I don't understand what could be wrong. I tried to burn the iso file
with nero on windows, k3b on linux and I also tried to create a usb
bootable device to install debian.

I tried to boot in a lenovo and a sony vaio.
Of course the bios were setted to run the boot device used and there is
no security option enabled to avoid a new os installation or live cd boot.

any idea guys?


Domenico Curigliano
Penetration Tester

Tel: +44 (0) 84 5056 8694
Mob: +44 (0) 74 7716 8320


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Re: failed to start remount root and kernel file system

2014-10-16 Thread Darac Marjal
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 08:58:37PM +0800, lina wrote:
 I installed the lvm and its dependencies, it shows
 /local-premount/lvm: not found
 problem persists ...

Well, if you're not using LVM, then yes that won't apply. It wasn't
possible to tell that from your fstab.

Basically, the error you're getting is telling you that the initramfs
can't find the disk with UUID=4c106bc2-cb98-4795-9cff-6da66d0da771. If
you're able to use the break=premount option, then you can run blkid
in the shell to see what block devices are available at that point. If
the device with that UUID isn't in the list, then you'll need to look at
your system to work out why not (has the device gone missing? has the
UUID (which is a property of the file system) changed? has some
subsystem (LVM in *my* case) not started?).

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 8:25 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
   * Add break=premount to the end of your kernel commandline and boot
  At the grub stage, there is no reaction to the e or c I pressed.
 * If you have panic=something set, remove it. For some reason,
   those two options conflict and you won't get a shell, even though
   you explicitly asked for one
   * The initramfs will break out to a shell before any file systems are
   * At the shell run lvm vgchange -ay. This will make all your LVM LVs
   * Press Ctrl+D to exit the shell and continue booting.
   * With the system now up (hopefully), create the following file as
   lvm vgchange -ay
   * Make the file executable (chmod +x ...)
   * Rebuild the initramfs with sudo update-initramfs -u
  Your system should now boot reliably.
  On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
   It doesn't mount the /usr /var /tmp
   Timed out waiting for device dev-disk-by\x ...
   Dependency failed for /var
   On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:29 PM, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Chris Bannister
   cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
   On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:00:21PM +0800, lina wrote:
   Any suggestions about
   failed to start remount root and kernel file system
   Is it due to updating issue? some package like systemd, or 
   Jessie box.
   Dunno. Is it an fstab issue? I'm only guessing here because you 
   given us much information.  What is the actual error message?
   dove systemd[1]: /usr appears to be on its own filesystem and is not
   already mounted, this is not a supported setup.
   # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
   # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
   # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name 
   # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
   # file system mount point type options dump pass
   proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
   # / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
   UUID=2a687c3c-ffb4-4577-9781-beb6b88eb71b / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
   # /backup was on /dev/sda14 during installation
   UUID=114ea034-62b3-4266-b80f-e8bd43c90bfe /mnt/backup ext4 
   defaults,noauto 0 2
   # /boot was on /dev/sda4 during installation
   UUID=f38f09c1-8cc3-485f-8235-1b23fc26fcc9 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2
   # /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
   UUID=c826cf6e-a284-4741-a8e4-89b75991d801 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
   # /scratch was on /dev/sda13 during installation
   UUID=25ad7887-39b1-4375-b9aa-0840cb84cb75 /scratch ext4 defaults 0 2
   # /tmp was on /dev/sda8 during installation
   UUID=ba00a966-7352-4749-b478-788fea4f1a83 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 2
   # /usr was on /dev/sda9 during installation
   UUID=49ce4cbd-7ac8-4b2d-84da-85143d214ee3 /usr ext4 defaults 0 2
   # /usr/local was on /dev/sda10 during installation
   UUID=f013d06c-641d-4340-a620-9aeb3ce9a356 /usr/local ext4 defaults 0 2
   # /var was on /dev/sda11 during installation
   UUID=4c106bc2-cb98-4795-9cff-6da66d0da771 /var ext4 defaults 0 2
   # /var/local was on /dev/sda12 during installation
   UUID=97068b98-deae-4d79-baa1-0e3110aa18b6 /var/local ext4 defaults 0 2
   # swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
   UUID=0dc0ac69-7e3a-43d5-8582-aac085053f83 none swap sw 0 0
   /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
   # mac was on /dev/sda2
   /dev/sda2 /mnt/mac hfsplus ro,nouser,noauto,noexec 0 0
   I haven't had to diagnose any systemd booting issues, yet, cause it
   hasn't failed. So have you any strange configurations --- do you need 
   mount anything over nfs, for example.
   Is this your laptop? Is it encrypted?
   laptop, no encrypted
   All these are just guesses, but hopefully someone will be able to help
   if they know the error messages etc.
   Oh, is this a new Jessie box, *OR*, have you been running Jessie for a
   while and the latest update caused this?
   I have been running Jessie for a 

Re: debian-advocacy?

2014-10-16 Thread The Wanderer
On 10/16/2014 at 06:17 AM, martin f krafft wrote:

 also sprach David L. Craig dlc@gmail.com [2014-10-14 00:16
 Jessie may need to be widely considered the Vista of Debian
 releases before a majority of DDs are willing to revisit the init
 Meanwhile, everyone who thinks this was the wrong decision should
 work to ensure that sysvinit continues to work, and should try to
 break dependencies between software and what some people think are
 essentials for the desktop.
 Or engage with upstream and help shape systemd so it eventually
 reaches Debian standards…

But what are Debian standards?

The people who voted to make systemd the default init system presumably
think that it already does meet Debian standards, at least to within
acceptable tolerances.

The people advocating for systemd on the Debian lists presumably think

From my own perspective, I don't know about Debian standards in any
detailed and specific way, but shaping systemd so that it meets *my*
standards in that regard would involve changes which have been
explicitly pre-rejected by upstream - and would quite possibly require
either major re-architecting or even redesign, and maybe even dropping
some of the features and/or functionality which it currently provides.

None of that is likely to ever happen, so it is unlikely that systemd
will ever come to meet my standards in these regards, whether anyone
engages with upstream for that purpose or not.

 The is currently no means to garner meaningful data about Jessie's
 approval ratings, which likely means the release team will, as
 usual, just guess what will fly.  They've had an enviable run, to
 be sure.
 The benefits of Debian, its policy and this community still far
 outweigh the problems imposed by systemd. And most alternatives also
 (will have to) incorporate systemd, so the only thing you can argue
 is that systemd is currently weighing down the quality of Linux in
 general. But it's open-source and we can make it ours and better.

Not without forking or reimplementing it, I'm pretty sure.

It appears that some people have already done that, in two or three
different projects at least; I've heard of uselessd and systembsd, among
possibly others, though I'm not following (or more than peripherally
aware of) any of them specifically yet.

I think it's unlikely that any of them will be able to meet the
standards which I would find appropriate while also retaining all the
features / functionality on which upstreams have chosen to depend, but I
would be very glad to be wrong.

Working to support and improve those forks would indeed probably be a
good, and potentially productive, idea.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: cant create a bootable iso with the 7.6

2014-10-16 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Thursday 16 October 2014 13:45:04 Domenico Curigliano wrote:
 Hello guys,

 I experienced an issue with the 7.6 iso downloaded from debian.org.
 I don't understand what could be wrong. I tried to burn the iso file
 with nero on windows, k3b on linux and I also tried to create a usb
 bootable device to install debian.

 I tried to boot in a lenovo and a sony vaio.
 Of course the bios were setted to run the boot device used and there is
 no security option enabled to avoid a new os installation or live cd boot.

Did you run a hash sum check?


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Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?)

2014-10-16 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 02:31:15PM +0200, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
 On 10/16/2014 14:07, Miles Fidelman wrote:
  Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
  No, what I find annoying is telling volunteer what they have to do
  without doing anything yourself on the issues you raise and repeating
  don't break Linux endlessly. I think everybody knows by now you
  believe that, there's no (constructive) use in further repeating it.
  So, by your logic, if a horde of volunteers blow into town after a
  crisis - then proceed to muck things up, all in the name of helping -
  nobody has a right to complain?
 No, I'm complaining exactly about that: there's a nice town and some
 guests have decided to rampage through town because they don't like what
 the people building the town do. The guests also use megaphones during
 the night hours when people would like to sleep to point out how wrong
 the people building the town are.

And the people who are trying to sleep in their comfy bachelor luxury
condos get abused when they tell them to keep the noise down.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Who is systemd-gpt-auto-generator, and why does s/he not like my partition table?

2014-10-16 Thread James P. Wallen

On 10/15/2014 02:45 PM, Jape Person wrote:

On 10/15/2014 01:38 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:

On Wed, 15 Oct 2014, Sven Joachim wrote:

I don't think there is actually an I/O error here, looking at the code
systemd-gpt-auto-generator makes this error up:

| errno = 0;
| r = blkid_probe_lookup_value(b, PTTYPE, pttype, NULL);
| if (r != 0) {
| if (errno == 0)
| errno = EIO;
| log_error(Failed to determine partition table type of %s: 
%m, node);
| return -errno;

Somebody who is familiar with libblkid (i.e. not me) might explain why
blkid_probe_lookup_value() apparently failed but did not set errno.

Great catch. Yeah, blkid_probe_lookup_value apparently just returns -1
on all errors, regardless of what the error was.

This is probably a bug in systemd-gpt-auto-generator, but upstream (and
the maintainer) would know much more than I.

Thank you, both!

I'll see if I can file a cogent bug report.

Please let me know if you have particular suggestions about that.

Just wanted to note that I did file a bug report 
(765...@bugs.debian.org). It was even almost cogent, except for the part 
where I pasted the contents of /etc/fstab into the template area after I 
had already given bugreport permission to gather that information 
itself! Der!

Again, thanks to Sven and Don for your interest.


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Re: cant create a bootable iso with the 7.6

2014-10-16 Thread Brian
On Thu 16 Oct 2014 at 13:45:04 +0100, Domenico Curigliano wrote:

 I experienced an issue with the 7.6 iso downloaded from debian.org.
 I don't understand what could be wrong. I tried to burn the iso file
 with nero on windows, k3b on linux and I also tried to create a usb
 bootable device to install debian.
 I tried to boot in a lenovo and a sony vaio.
 Of course the bios were setted to run the boot device used and there is
 no security option enabled to avoid a new os installation or live cd boot.
 any idea guys?

Let's look at the your USB creation. On which operating system was it
done? What was it done with? Did you read the Installation Manual?

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Re: how to identify reverse dependencies?

2014-10-16 Thread Slavko

Dňa Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:02:45 +0300 Andrei POPESCU
andreimpope...@gmail.com napísal:

 On Mi, 15 oct 14, 22:58:49, The Wanderer wrote:
  IOW, I think he wasn't talking about systemd per se, but about
  apparent false-positive results from the aptitude
  reverse-dependency search.
 In other posts to this Slavko alluded to recompiling packages to get
 rid of systemd dependencies.

This is true i have some package rebuilded by myself to remove some
unwanted dependencies, but this doesn't matter, because aptitude shows
(once again):

aptitude search -w 60 -F %c%a %p %v '~i?depends(libsystemd0)'
ih cups-daemon1.7.5-1
ih dbus   1.8.8-1sla1   
i  erlang-base1:17.1-dfsg-7 
ih fcgiwrap   1.1.0-2   
ih gvfs-daemons   1.20.3-1  
ih libpolkit-backend-1-0  0.105-6.1 
ih libpolkit-gobject-1-0  0.105-6.1 
ih libpulse0  5.0-6sla1 
ih php5-fpm   5.6.0+dfsg-1  
ih systemd204-14
ih udisks22.1.3-3   

I add the versions now - only packages with sla1 are my own versions.

LANG=C dpkg -l libsystemd0
dpkg-query: no packages found matching libsystemd0

To be sure:

aptitude search -w 60 -F %c%a %p %v 'libsystemd0'
p  libsystemd0žiadne  
p  libsystemd0:i386   žiadne  

Now, please, tell to us, how can any package depend on package, which
is not installed? And i am curious too, how any package can take
advantages from not installed package.

You tell us that this is not the same thing. AFAIK here is only one
Depends (not dependency) for all packages and then it is the same
thing. Or has the systemd some special meaning of the APT dependencies?

If Depends tell, that it must be installed, then i must have broken APT,
but it is not. APT is happy, dependencies are satisfied, only aptitude
ignores exact version of the installed package for this type of search.
And this is, what i want point to.

Ad systemd: thanks to systemd i found this behavior, because i never
need to research reverse dependencies into dept before. Then i use it
as example, but you get the red flag in front of eyes, when you see the
systemd word. ;-)

BTW, the usage (and liking) of the systemd is bad measurement of
the wisdom/stupidity, in both direction.



Description: PGP signature

Re: preseeding question (yes, re. systemd / sysvinit-core)

2014-10-16 Thread Brian
On Wed 15 Oct 2014 at 21:47:45 -0400, Miles Fidelman wrote:

 Brian wrote:
 I'd suggest that the principal udeb package to consider as responsible
 for installing the base system is bootstrap-base. It runs debootstrap.
 Debian Policy specifies the base packages as being of Priority: required
 and Priority: important.
 actually, after looking at some more installer documentation
 (http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/doc/internals/ch02.html) - I'm
 thinking it's more likely to be the base-installer package

bootstrap-base has the package description 'Install the base system' and
depends on base-installer. An installer log has

  Oct  7 16:48:43 main-menu[190]: INFO: Menu item 'bootstrap-base' selected

followed by debootstrap installing the base system. An example is

  Oct  7 16:49:33 debootstrap: Preparing to unpack 
.../archives/init_1.21_i386.deb ...
  Oct  7 16:49:33 debootstrap: dpkg: regarding .../archives/init_1.21_i386.deb 
containing init, pre-dependency problem:
  Oct  7 16:49:33 debootstrap:  init pre-depends on systemd-sysv | 
sysvinit-core | upstart
  Oct  7 16:49:33 debootstrap:   systemd-sysv is not installed.
  Oct  7 16:49:33 debootstrap:   sysvinit-core is not installed.
  Oct  7 16:49:33 debootstrap:   upstart is not installed.
  Oct  7 16:49:33 debootstrap:
  Oct  7 16:49:33 debootstrap: dpkg: warning: ignoring pre-dependency problem!

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Re: Who is systemd-gpt-auto-generator, and why does s/he not like my partition table?

2014-10-16 Thread Jape Person

On 10/15/2014 02:45 PM, Jape Person wrote:

On 10/15/2014 01:38 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:

On Wed, 15 Oct 2014, Sven Joachim wrote:

I don't think there is actually an I/O error here, looking at the code
systemd-gpt-auto-generator makes this error up:

| errno = 0;
| r = blkid_probe_lookup_value(b, PTTYPE, pttype, NULL);
| if (r != 0) {
| if (errno == 0)
| errno = EIO;
| log_error(Failed to determine partition table type of %s: 
%m, node);
| return -errno;

Somebody who is familiar with libblkid (i.e. not me) might explain why
blkid_probe_lookup_value() apparently failed but did not set errno.

Great catch. Yeah, blkid_probe_lookup_value apparently just returns -1
on all errors, regardless of what the error was.

This is probably a bug in systemd-gpt-auto-generator, but upstream (and
the maintainer) would know much more than I.

Thank you, both!

I'll see if I can file a cogent bug report.

Please let me know if you have particular suggestions about that.

I filed a bug report -- 765...@bugs.danubian.org -- a few minutes ago.

I'm sorry if this is a duplicate notification. I accidentally sent the 
original from the wrong e-mail account and wanted to be sure you knew 
that Jape (nickname) and Jim were the same person.

Again, thank you Sven and Don, for your help.


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Re: cant create a bootable iso with the 7.6

2014-10-16 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:45:04PM +0100, Domenico Curigliano wrote:
 Hello guys,
 I experienced an issue with the 7.6 iso downloaded from debian.org.
 I don't understand what could be wrong. I tried to burn the iso file
 with nero on windows, k3b on linux and I also tried to create a usb
 bootable device to install debian.
 I tried to boot in a lenovo and a sony vaio.
 Of course the bios were setted to run the boot device used and there is
 no security option enabled to avoid a new os installation or live cd boot.
 any idea guys?

No. What iso did you download? What linux command did you use to burn it?
What do you mean it didn't boot? What error messages did you get?

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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