Problem to apt-get dist-upgrade

2015-08-20 Thread Magnus R

Dear all,

I run Debian Unstable. I haven't been able to do a

apt-get dist-upgrade

for some time now since it wants to remove some essential packages
which after upgrading is not installable anymore, for example konsole
and okular.

The output from apt-get dist-upgrade is:

Calculating upgrade... The following packages were automatically
installed and are no longer required:

g++-4.9 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base:i386 hdf5-helpers icu-devtools ipython isympy kdelibs-bin konsole-kpart liba52-0.7.4-dev libarpack2 libarpack2-dev libaudio2:i386 libavcodec-dev libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra56:i386 libavformat-dev libavresample-ffmpeg2:i386 libavutil-dev libavutil-ffmpeg54:i386 libblacs-mpi-dev libblacs-openmpi1 libblas-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-filesystem1.55.0 libboost-iostreams1.55.0 libboost-math-dev libboost-mpi-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-program-options1.55.0 libboost-regex1.58.0 libboost-serialization-dev libboost-thread1.55.0 libboost-timer-dev libbtf1.2.0 libcdparanoia0:i386 libcf0 libcsparse3.1.2 libcxsparse3.1.2 libdbusmenu-qt5-2 libdc1394-22-dev libdolfin1.5 libeigen3-dev libexiv2-14 libfaac-dev libfaad-dev libfftw3-mpi-dev libfftw3-mpi3 libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libgl2ps-dev libgl2ps0 libgomp1:i386 libgsm1-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0:i386 libgstreamer1.0-0:i386 libhdf5-8 libhdf5-cpp-8 libhdf5-dev 
libhdf5-mpi-dev libhdf5-openmpi-8 libhdf5-openmpi-dev libhypre-2.8.0b libhypre-dev libicu-dev libjs-jquery-ui libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-data libkf5auth5 libkf5bookmarks-data libkf5bookmarks5 libkf5codecs-data libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5 libkf5config-bin libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5 libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data libkf5configwidgets5 libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5globalaccel-bin libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data libkf5i18n5 libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5 libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5kdelibs4support-data libkf5kdelibs4support5 libkf5kdelibs4support5-bin libkf5kiocore5 libkf5kiofilewidgets5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5notifications-data libkf5notifications5 libkf5notifyconfig-data libkf5notifyconfig5 libkf5par

ts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5pty-data libkf5pty5 
libkf5service-bin libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5 
libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5 
libkf5textwidgets-data libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5widgetsaddons-data 
libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5 
libkf5xmlgui-bin libkf5xmlgui-data libkf5xmlgui5 libkjsembed4 libklu1.2.1 
libkntlm4 libkrosscore4 liblapack-dev liblcms2-2:i386 libldl2.1.0 libmng1:i386 
libmp3lame-dev libmumps-4.10.0 libmumps-dev libnepomuk4 libnepomukquery4a 
libnepomukutils4 libnetcdf-dev libnetcdf7 libnetcdfc++4 libnetcdfc7 libnetcdff5 
libogg-dev libopencore-amrnb-dev libopencore-amrwb-dev liborc-0.4-dev 
libparpack2 libpetsc3.4.2 libpetsc3.4.2-dev libphonon4qt5-4 libpng12-dev 
libpolkit-qt5-1-1 libptscotch-5.1 libptscotch-dev libqt4-dbus:i386 
libqt4-network:i386 libqt4-opengl:i386 libqt4-xml:i386 libqt4-xmlpatterns:i386 
libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 libqt5gui5 libqt5network5 libqt5printsupp
ort5 libqt5script5 libqt5svg5 libqt5test5 libqt5widgets5 libqt5x11extras5 
libqt5xml5 libqtcore4:i386 libqtdbus4:i386 libqtgui4:i386 libqtwebkit4:i386 
libraw1394-dev libraw1394-tools libscalapack-mpi-dev libscalapack-openmpi1 
libschroedinger-dev libscotch-5.1 libscotch-dev libshine3:i386 libslepc3.4.2 
libslepc3.4.2-dev libsoxr0:i386 libspooles-dev libspooles2.2 libspqr1.3.1 
libsqlite3-0:i386 libssl1.0.0:i386 libsuitesparse-dev libsuperlu-dev 
libsuperlu4 libswresample-dev libswresample-ffmpeg1:i386 libswscale-dev 
libtheora-dev libtwolame0:i386 libvorbis-dev libvtk5-dev libvtk5-qt4-dev 
libvtk5.8 libvtk5.8-qt4 libwavpack1:i386 libwebp5:i386 libx264-146:i386 
libx264-dev libxcb-xkb1 libxft-dev libxkbcommon-x11-0 libxml2-dev libxss-dev 
libxt6:i386 libxv1:i386 libxvidcore-dev linux-headers-4.0.0-2-amd64 
linux-headers-4.0.0-2-common linux-image-4.0.0-2-amd64 linux-kbuild-4.0 
mpi-default-bin openmpi-bin pgadmin3-data pyro python-colorama python-dateutil 
python-decorator python-distlib python-
ffc python-fiat python-funcsigs python-gmpy python-instant python-matplotlib 
python-matplotlib-data python-mock python-mpmath python-netcdf python-pbr 
python-pip python-pmw python-pyglet python-pyx python-scientific 
python-scitools python-simplegeneric python-sympy python-tz python-ufl 
python-ufl-doc python-vtk python-wheel qttranslations5-l10n sonnet-plugins swig 
swig2.0 tcl-vtk tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev x11proto-scrnsaver-dev

Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.  Done

The following packages will be REMOVED:

dolfin-bin dolfin-doc fenics katepart kde-runtime kdelibs5-plugins 

Re: no pulse audio- so now new sound trouble

2015-08-20 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:07:11PM -0700, wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 07:34:30 +0200


 i'll give it a try.
 again notice that this is a problem report from 3 years ago.
 this is a persistent problem, and almost certainly the reason i probably 
 installed pulse audio.

Perhaps I should try to get some sound out of my browser, just
to check this...

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [OT] Error al copiar en disco duro

2015-08-20 Thread Salvador Garcia Z.
Muy ocasionalmente respondo un correo y esta vez es para pedir que no
ataquen a camaleón.
En ocasiones se puede uno desesperar, pero aporta mucho y esta claro que su
conocimiento es muy amplio
El ago 19, 2015 10:15 AM, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 19 Aug 2015 13:30:05 -0300, Flako escribió:

  El día 19 de agosto de 2015, 10:40, Camaleón
  Creo que se te olvida el hecho de que el disco está fallando ya,
  presenta errores de acceso al copiar datos lo cual te puede dejar el
  equipo medio colgado.
  Camaleon:  yo noto que muchas veces contestas a lo que vos crees como
  son las cosas y no lees los link que estan para leeer... por mi esta
  bien.. se libre.. pero si manenes eso vas a mantener en tu estado de
  conocimiento (por no decir otra cosa) y no vas a aprender cosas

 ¿Qué links quieres que lea? Los que has enviado en el correo anterior los
 conozco, así como las aplicaciones que mencionas y es lo que te estoy
 refutando precisamente, que hablas de unas herramientas que da la
 impresión no has usado o que no sabes cómo funcionan.

  Y en tal caso, si mantenes esa postura lo lo opines como una verdad
  absoluta, te pido que siempre inicies el párrafo con yo creo que es:

 Pues mira, en este caso concreto no es que crea, es que lo sé porque lo
 he sufrido en mis propias carnes ;-)



Re: Problem to apt-get dist-upgrade

2015-08-20 Thread Joe
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 09:12:19 +0200 (CEST)
Magnus R wrote:

 Dear all,
 I run Debian Unstable. I haven't been able to do a
 apt-get dist-upgrade
 for some time now since it wants to remove some essential packages
 which after upgrading is not installable anymore, for example konsole
 and okular.


 Is there anything I can do to fix this?


 Or do I just have to wait
 until the packages I need are back to normal (that is installable).

Yes. There is a new revision of the C libraries available. It is not
compatible with [the existing compile state of] some of your current
packages, and some packages require it. If you want one of the new
packages, whether for installation or upgrade, the new libraries are
necessary, which in turn requires the removal of those packages which
won't work with it.

There is no way to satisfy the requirements, until the existing
incompatible packages are made to work with the new libraries. There's
probably only a small number directly involved, but the large web of
dependencies spreads the trouble to hundreds of packages.

If you have aptitude installed, and if you don't it's too late to
install the current version, you might try an aptitude full-upgrade.
This is equivalent to the apt-get dist-upgrade, but with better
dependency resolution. I don't think you will gain much, my aptitude
goes away and thinks for a while, and then gives up, something I've
never seen happen before. It offers to spend longer looking, but it
isn't going to find an answer.

I presume you are still doing an apt-get upgrade, which should deal
with most of the packages which aren't involved in the current mess. I'm
seeing aptitude safe-upgrade working for twenty to thirty packages a
day. You might, with very careful cherry-picking, manage another two or
three, which I was doing using Synaptic. I've given up now, as it's not
worth wading through over two hundred to find a couple which work.


RE: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-20 Thread Bonno Bloksma
 In general, one wants NO-BREAK SPACE to be displayed just like a space.

 Why would I want a character that doesn't behave as a space to be displayed
 as a normal space? (For example, in the shell, as in the OP's original 
 It seems a recipe for confusion at best, and for exploits at worst.

I do not understand if you are specifically asking for the relevance of the 
NO-BREAK SPACE or just in the case of the console.
In general the no-break space is used in a lot of languages where a Dutch word 
like 's morgens consist of 2 parts that should always stay together and not 
have the 's on the end of one line and the morgens on the next.
The no-brake space can also be used when writing about money and I would write 
$ 500 and I would not want the $ to be at the end of one line and the number to 
be at the next line.

If you are talking about console use, indeed I would not know why I would want 
/ need it there.

Bonno Bloksma

Re: no pulse audio- so now new sound trouble

2015-08-20 Thread briand
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 07:34:30 +0200 wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 07:06:50PM -0700, wrote:
  On Wed, 19 Aug 2015 07:25:09 +0200 wrote:
   Hash: SHA1
   On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 09:13:20PM -0700, wrote:

Audacious works because it allows me to select the audio device.

However playing audio in iceweasel does not work.
   Have you tried to select the sound card with alsamixer?
  i forgot to say, the correct audio output comes up as default device in 
 This sounds bizarre. The only hit I find in the intratubes matching
 what you describe is here:
 which might be interpreted as the browser is using slot 0, regardless
 of what the user chooses. I still can't quite believe that, but it
 might something to try.

i'll give it a try.
again notice that this is a problem report from 3 years ago.

this is a persistent problem, and almost certainly the reason i probably 
installed pulse audio.


Re: problema con el correo web en debian 8 64bit

2015-08-20 Thread luis

El 2015-08-20 9:44, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 19 Aug 2015 15:49:23 -0400, luis escribió:

Buenas tardes a todos


Luis, ya te hemos respondido en otro hilo a esta misma pregunta.

Si tienes algún problema con lo comentado, nos lo dices pero no abras 

hilo nuevo para un mismo problema.


Ahh no me di cuenta, es que estaba en cosas de hospitalmis disculpas

Ya me funcionó el webmail, gracias a todos los que me han respondidp y 
aquí dejo todo lo que lo solucionaba

Se modifica el archivo /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, e incluimos la linea:  
Alias /webmail/ /usr/share/squirrelmail/  con esto es más que 

Ahora me queda instalar y configurar

1. El antivirus para postfix-dovecot.
2. Algo para spam
3. limitar algunos usuarios a enviar y recibir 4 MB en adjunto y otros a 
8 MB de adjuntos como máximo

4. Generador de bitácoras via web como el sarg pero para correo.

Es primera vez que instalo un servidor de correo con postfix estaba 
usando Zentyal.

Zimbra es muy pesado consume mucho, por ahora me quedo con 

Que otro ambiente web hay para esto ??? roundcube no se si existe algo 
mejor y ligero.

Acepto todas las sugerencias

Gracias a todos

Re: [testing] paquets non authentifiés

2015-08-20 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Thu, 20 Aug 2015 08:58:54 +0200
maderios a écrit:

 Le 19/08/2015 13:36, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  Depuis quelques jours je constate que les paquets ne sont plus
  authentifiés. Comment cela se fait-il ?
  PS: je suis sur le miroir
 Ceci est arrivé maint fois. Dans ce cas là, je change de dépôt.

Je suis repassé sur est tout est rentré dans l'ordre ...


Re: problema con el correo web en debian 8 64bit

2015-08-20 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 20 Aug 2015 12:59:29 -0400, luis escribió:

 El 2015-08-20 9:44, Camaleón escribió:


 Luis, ya te hemos respondido en otro hilo a esta misma pregunta.
 Si tienes algún problema con lo comentado, nos lo dices pero no abras
 un hilo nuevo para un mismo problema.
 Ahh no me di cuenta, es que estaba en cosas de hospitalmis disculpas
 Ya me funcionó el webmail, gracias a todos los que me han respondidp y
 aquí dejo todo lo que lo solucionaba
 Se modifica el archivo /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, e incluimos la linea:
 Alias /webmail/ /usr/share/squirrelmail/  con esto es más que

Pues perfecto :-)

 Ahora me queda instalar y configurar
 1. El antivirus para postfix-dovecot.

ClamaAV trabaja bastante bien.

 2. Algo para spam 

El combo SpamAssassin + AmavisdNew se integra bien con Postfix.

 3. limitar algunos usuarios a enviar y recibir 4 MB en
 adjunto y otros a 8 MB de adjuntos como máximo 

Para esto necesitarás Policyd.

 4. Generador de bitácoras via web como el sarg pero para correo.

Si quieres estadísticas con grafiquitos y esas cosas te puede servir 
AWStats, pero a mí no me terminó de convencer, me gustó mas pflogsumm 
pero te da sólo texto frío y no sé si aún existirá :-?

Otra opción es usar un graficador para Postfix si ya usas RRDd 

 Es primera vez que instalo un servidor de correo con postfix estaba
 usando Zentyal.
 Zimbra es muy pesado consume mucho, por ahora me quedo con

¿Verdad que sí? Mucho mejor :-)
 Que otro ambiente web hay para esto ??? roundcube no se si existe algo
 mejor y ligero.

¿Para el webmail? Opta por alguno que se integre bien con Dovecot. Tienes 
Horde pero personalmente se me antoja muy feote. Roundcube es más chic y 
también tira de PHP.



kde5 - the problems do not stop

2015-08-20 Thread Hans
Hello list,

upgrading in debian/testing let me install kde5. Although I got some problems 
at the beginning, I managed to get it working. However, some minor problems 
still occured, for example sddm will not start and the process konsole will 
not end, although I closed konsole. 

But these are minor problems, as I can change to kdm or lxdm, and for konsole 
I can kill the process manually.

But now, after my last update, KDE will not start. The splashscreen of KDE5 is 
starting, its progress bar fullfilles to the end and then it hangs.

I reverted the last libs and packages (of the last update, where it was 
working), but got no success. Additionally I moved ~/.kde from my home-
directory, with the same result.

IMO it could be caused by the mix of kde4 and kde5 libs and packages. Of 
course, I could revert to debian/stable or maybe to debian/unstable, but both 
solutions brings a lot other disadvantages.

I do not believe the users could do much, as it is a problem with the packages 
and their versions. IMO it would help, if all KDE5 dependencies would be 
available in debian/testing, not only in debian/unstable. 

To remove all kde4 packages is no good idea, as it will affect a lot of other 
kde applications, which the user might not want to deinstall.

Yes, I admit, we are at the moment in an unlucky situation, and I admit, I 
have no solution for it. For the users I only can give the advice:

Do not update your running system, when you are running debian/stable.
If you are running debian/stable - leave it that way!

Debian/stable is running fine, no problems here.

Maybe someone has more ideas and maybe someone has an idea, why KDE5 is no 
starting no more. Would be appreciated! 

Hope, this helps a little bit.

Best regards


Re: Anyone else having password failures at

2015-08-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Thursday 20 August 2015 06:15:40 Gene Heskett wrote:
  I'm not having problems.  So far.  Your email came via Gmail, and I'll
  send this via Gmail and see if it goes through.  If it arrives, it
  did. ;-)

 Not much of a test Lisi.

You asked if other people were having problems, I thought.  That tested that I 
am not.  So if it isn't much of a test, then I was answering the wrong 


Re: Sobre headers y virtualbox

2015-08-20 Thread Alba Ferri
Sorry, que ayer me tuve que ir...

Sip...el tema de tener tiempo es fundamental para hacer las cosas bien...

Bueno Camaleón esto es lo que sale:

dpkg -l | grep -i -e linux-headers -e build-essential
ii  build-essential11.6
   i386 Informational list of build-essential
ii  linux-headers-3.16.0-4-686-pae3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u3
i386 Header files for Linux 3.16.0-4-686-pae
ii  linux-headers-3.16.0-4-common   3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u3
i386 Common header files for Linux 3.16.0-4
ii  linux-headers-686-pae 3.16+63
   i386 Header files for Linux 686-pae configuration


El día 19 de agosto de 2015, 19:47, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 19 Aug 2015 19:23:56 +0200, Alba Ferri escribió:

 Pues no se qué elegí para instalar la debian, pero la cuestion es que me
 daba error el apt-get update  upgrade, por lo que os digo que no
 encontraba los paquetes i686 en el main y al añadir la arq se

 Cuando se tiene un problema es mejor parar y resolverlo antes de seguir
 con otras cosas porque al final se te va a volver en tu contra :-)

 La lista de arquitecturas que admite Debian es esta:

 Básicamente, dentro de los 32 bits encuentras agrupados a i386/i486/i586/
 i686, por lo tanto, ese error que dices que te aparecía (tal y como lo
 describes) no es normal y habría que analizarlo a fondo.

 Acabo de desinstalar y volver a instalar vitualbox y al final:

 ¿Y qué pasó con el paquete linux-headers-*? :-?

 Supongo que habrás seguido los pasos de la wiki para instalar los


 Building only for 3.14-1-686-pae
 Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the
 kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed.


 Aquí te dice que no se ha podido generar el módulo para el kernel actual
 porque no encuentra las fuentes, de ahí que te falle luego al cargar el
 módulo de virtualbox. Ejecuta y manda a la lista lo siguiente:

 dpkg -l | grep -i -e linux-headers -e build-essential



Re: [testing] paquets non authentifiés

2015-08-20 Thread maderios

Le 19/08/2015 13:36, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :


Depuis quelques jours je constate que les paquets ne sont plus
authentifiés. Comment cela se fait-il ?

PS: je suis sur le miroir

Ceci est arrivé maint fois. Dans ce cas là, je change de dépôt.


Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-20 Thread Martin Read

On 20/08/15 06:59, Bonno Bloksma wrote:

If you are talking about console use, indeed I would not know why I would want 
/ need it there.

Because you might be using your terminal to edit an input file for a 
document processing system which contains the character, or to create 
new files that contain the character.

The terminal has no really reliable way of determining what you're doing 
in the terminal, so can't legitimately decide *for you* whether it 
should be doing magic to mark your no-break spaces as not being regular 
spaces (and/or convert no-break spaces in its input into regular 
spaces). Even individual terminal-interactive programs would be on 
somewhat shaky ground making that decision.

One could reasonably argue for squelch no-break spaces in input as a 
toggleable feature of terminal emulators, but I suspect that there's 
room for Excitement with such a feature.

So all in all, the best way to deal with this is almost certainly for 
the status quo to be left intact (Alt-Spacebar emits U+00A0 NO-BREAK 
SPACE), and for users who don't like the status quo to modify their X 
keymaps to make Alt-Spacebar emit U+0020 SPACE instead.SPACE.

Re: Problem to apt-get dist-upgrade

2015-08-20 Thread Sven Hartge
Magnus R wrote:

 Is there anything I can do to fix this? Or do I just have to wait
 until the packages I need are back to normal (that is installable).

There are several very big libary and compiler transitions going on at
the moment.

You can upgrade upgradable packages by using only apt upgrade instead
of dist-upgrade, but other than that you just have to wait.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Problem to apt-get dist-upgrade

2015-08-20 Thread Magnus R

Is there anything I can do to fix this? Or do I just have to wait
until the packages I need are back to normal (that is installable).

There are several very big libary and compiler transitions going on at
the moment.

You can upgrade upgradable packages by using only apt upgrade instead
of dist-upgrade, but other than that you just have to wait.

Ok that is what I suspected. Thank you so much!




Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Lenteur mailq et bizarrerie sudo + timeout

2015-08-20 Thread Soliman Hindy
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 01:06:59PM +0200, Grégory Bulot wrote:


 - avez-vous exécuter la commande strace sur le process mailq ?
 Non je ne l'avais pas fait. Par contre j'avais hier un tty qui
 consommais 20% de cpu, après un kill de ce tty (ouais, je suis un peu
 bourrin), plus de latence mailq

Merci pour l'information, j'aurais pas pensé que c'était un tty qui aurait
posé problème.

 D'autre part même si ce n'est pas en rapport direct, il existe un
 plugin nagios qui permet de monitorer une file d'attente
 (check_mailq) :
 Je regarderais pour l'utiliser sous xymon :-)

Bon hack ;)

Soliman Hindy

Description: Digital signature

Re: Starting, installing Redmine

2015-08-20 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:21:24PM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:
 On 08/19/2015 10:17 PM, wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 06:55:46PM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:
 On 08/19/2015 12:52 PM, Alex Mestiashvili wrote:
 8. cp /usr/share/doc/redmine/examples/apache2-passenger-alias.conf
 This might be a bug in the documentation. OTOH, if you could do steps
 9-10, /etc/apache2/sites-available/apache2-passenger-alias.conf
 must have been present, because basically:
 When I got to step 8, I actually fixed the problem by doing the cp
 that you suggested.
 After that I could do the rest of the steps without errors.


 9. a2ensite apache2-passenger-alias
just symlinks /etc/apache2/sites-available/apache2-passenger-alias.conf
to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled. The command would have probably complained
about the missing file in sites-available.
 10. edit
 /etc/apache2/sites-available/apache2-passenger-alias.conf, set
 servername to localhost
 You couldn't have done this unless the file in (8) already had been
 OK -- to help debug that, could you please try the following:
 - - list the directory /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and make sure that
there is an entry apache2-passenger-alias.conf there (and that
this entry is a simlink to the file of the same name in
 - - show us the content of this file?
 I'm sorry that I haven't access to a Jessie system at the moment,
 otherwise I'd try out myself
 - -- tomás
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
 content of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
 root@supercrunch:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled# ll
 total 0
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Apr 28 00:22 000-default.conf -
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 19 18:42 apache2-passenger-alias.conf
 - ../sites-available/apache2-passenger-alias.conf
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Aug 17 19:37 redmine.conf -
 And content of /etc/apache2/sites-available
 root@supercrunch:/etc/apache2/sites-available# ll
 total 20
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1472 Aug 19 12:33 000-default.conf
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  739 Aug 19 18:43 apache2-passenger-alias.conf
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6437 Feb  1  2015 default-ssl.conf
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  529 Aug 19 12:53 redmine.conf

This looks sane so far. Although I'm a bit confused by seeing a
apache2-passenger-alias *and* a redmine conf. But that might
be OK.

 And the content of apache2-passenger-alias.conf
 # The passenger module (from the libapache2-mod-passenger package) must be
 # enabled
 VirtualHost *:80
 # ServerName localhost
 # this is the passenger config
 RailsEnv production
 SetEnv X_DEBIAN_SITEID default
 PassengerDefaultUser www-data
 # apache2 serves public files
 Alias /redmine/plugin_assets/ /var/cache/redmine/default/plugin_assets/
 Alias /redmine /usr/share/redmine/public
 Location /redmine
 PassengerBaseURI /redmine
 PassengerAppRoot /usr/share/redmine
 Directory /usr/share/redmine/public
 Allow from all
 Options -MultiViews
 Require all granted

Looks sane too. Are the directories /usr/share/redmine and
/usr/share/redmine/public populated and readable by user www-data?
What about /var/cache/redmine/...? (this possibly needs to be
writable by www-data as well, I don't know for sure).

What do the apache logs (/var/log/apache/...) say (especially the
error.log at start)?

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: kde5 - the problems do not stop

2015-08-20 Thread Gabriel Corona
 But now, after my last update, KDE will not start. The splashscreen of KDE5 
 starting, its progress bar fullfilles to the end and then it hangs.

I had the same issue and fixed it by reverting libkdecorations2-5 and
libkdecorations2private5 to 5.3.2-1 as indicated in [1].



Re: Sobre headers y virtualbox

2015-08-20 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 06:34:38PM +0200, Alba Ferri wrote:
 Tengo una Debian 8.
 uname -a
 Linux debianita 3.14-1-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.14.12-1 (2014-07-11) i686

No, no tienes Debian 8.

Debian 8 viene con Linux 3.16. Si no lo tienes instalado, o teniéndolo
instalado no lo estás usando, no tienes Debian 8 todavía.

Lo que parece es que has instalado jessie antes de que fuera estable,
y todavía no te has actualizado del todo.

Actualízate del todo al jessie de hoy y reinicia, entonces tendrás el
núcleo de Debian 8 y entonces será cuando los manuales y tutoriales
que sugieren usar uname -r te funcionarán de verdad.

Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-20 Thread ken

On 08/20/2015 01:59 AM, Bonno Bloksma wrote:


In general, one wants NO-BREAK SPACE to be displayed just like a space.

Why would I want a character that doesn't behave as a space to be displayed
as a normal space? (For example, in the shell, as in the OP's original 
It seems a recipe for confusion at best, and for exploits at worst.

I do not understand if you are specifically asking for the relevance of the 
NO-BREAK SPACE or just in the case of the console.
In general the no-break space is used in a lot of languages where a Dutch word 
like 's morgens consist of 2 parts that should always stay together and not 
have the 's on the end of one line and the morgens on the next.
The no-brake space can also be used when writing about money and I would write 
$ 500 and I would not want the $ to be at the end of one line and the number to 
be at the next line.

If you are talking about console use, indeed I would not know why I would want 
/ need it there.

Bonno Bloksma

The expression look like is a bit ambiguous, as it can mean either 
look *approximately* like or look *exactly like.  Perhaps we can all 
agree that a non-break space should look similar to a regular space, but 
*not* be visually indistinguishable from it.

I can see at least one console usage for a non-break space (and there 
could always be other uses invented in future which we can't foresee 
now):  If someone wants to use a CLI utility to search for, and possibly 
do some replacement of, an expression containing a non-break space, then 
of course they'd need to type the non-break space in the console.  For 
example, if you wanted to mass-edit old (pre-non-break-space) documents 
to include the non-break space character, you'd probably want to run a 
command to replace 's morgens' with 'snon-break spacemorgens' in the 

Re: Starting, installing Redmine

2015-08-20 Thread Gary Roach

On 08/19/2015 10:17 PM, wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 06:55:46PM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:

On 08/19/2015 12:52 PM, Alex Mestiashvili wrote:


8. cp /usr/share/doc/redmine/examples/apache2-passenger-alias.conf


This might be a bug in the documentation. OTOH, if you could do steps
9-10, /etc/apache2/sites-available/apache2-passenger-alias.conf
must have been present, because basically:
When I got to step 8, I actually fixed the problem by doing the cp that 
you suggested.

After that I could do the rest of the steps without errors.

9. a2ensite apache2-passenger-alias

   just symlinks /etc/apache2/sites-available/apache2-passenger-alias.conf
   to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled. The command would have probably complained
   about the missing file in sites-available.

10. edit
/etc/apache2/sites-available/apache2-passenger-alias.conf, set
servername to localhost

You couldn't have done this unless the file in (8) already had been

OK -- to help debug that, could you please try the following:

- - list the directory /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and make sure that
   there is an entry apache2-passenger-alias.conf there (and that
   this entry is a simlink to the file of the same name in

- - show us the content of this file?

I'm sorry that I haven't access to a Jessie system at the moment,
otherwise I'd try out myself

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


content of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
root@supercrunch:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled# ll
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Apr 28 00:22 000-default.conf - 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 19 18:42 apache2-passenger-alias.conf - 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Aug 17 19:37 redmine.conf - 

And content of /etc/apache2/sites-available
root@supercrunch:/etc/apache2/sites-available# ll
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1472 Aug 19 12:33 000-default.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  739 Aug 19 18:43 apache2-passenger-alias.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6437 Feb  1  2015 default-ssl.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  529 Aug 19 12:53 redmine.conf

And the content of apache2-passenger-alias.conf
# The passenger module (from the libapache2-mod-passenger package) must be
# enabled
VirtualHost *:80
# ServerName localhost
# this is the passenger config
RailsEnv production
SetEnv X_DEBIAN_SITEID default
PassengerDefaultUser www-data
# apache2 serves public files
Alias /redmine/plugin_assets/ 

Alias /redmine /usr/share/redmine/public
Location /redmine
PassengerBaseURI /redmine
PassengerAppRoot /usr/share/redmine
Directory /usr/share/redmine/public
Allow from all
Options -MultiViews
Require all granted

I hope this helps

Gary R,

Re: Starting, installing Redmine

2015-08-20 Thread Alex Mestiashvili

Hash: SHA256

On 08/20/2015 09:35 AM, wrote:
 content of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
  root@supercrunch:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled# ll
  total 0
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Apr 28 00:22 000-default.conf -
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 19 18:42 apache2-passenger-alias.conf
  - ../sites-available/apache2-passenger-alias.conf
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Aug 17 19:37 redmine.conf -

 This looks sane so far. Although I'm a bit confused by seeing a
 apache2-passenger-alias *and* a redmine conf. But that might
 be OK.

I would disable the redmine.conf as it can overlap with
And it makes no sense to have 2 configs for the same application.

  And the content of apache2-passenger-alias.conf
  # The passenger module (from the libapache2-mod-passenger package)
must be
  # enabled
  VirtualHost *:80
  # ServerName localhost
  # this is the passenger config
  RailsEnv production
  SetEnv X_DEBIAN_SITEID default
  PassengerDefaultUser www-data
  # apache2 serves public files
  Alias /redmine/plugin_assets/
  Alias /redmine /usr/share/redmine/public
  Location /redmine
  PassengerBaseURI /redmine
  PassengerAppRoot /usr/share/redmine
  Directory /usr/share/redmine/public
  Allow from all
  Options -MultiViews
  Require all granted

You haven't set the ServerName .
Please set it and restart apache2
Version: GnuPG v1


Re: Anyone else having password failures at

2015-08-20 Thread Brian
On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 08:39:35 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Thursday 20 August 2015 06:15:40 Gene Heskett wrote:
   I'm not having problems.  So far.  Your email came via Gmail, and I'll
   send this via Gmail and see if it goes through.  If it arrives, it
   did. ;-)
  Not much of a test Lisi.
 You asked if other people were having problems, I thought.  That tested that 
 am not.  So if it isn't much of a test, then I was answering the wrong 

I have no problem collecting mail from a gmail account. His problem is
probably his setup.

openssl s_client -connect

  [SSL negotiation snipped]

+OK send PASS
pass password1
-ERR [AUTH] Username and password not accepted.

Gene should have better luck because the password is known to him.

Re: Starting, installing Redmine

2015-08-20 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 09:53:52AM +0200, Alex Mestiashvili wrote:

 I would disable the redmine.conf as it can overlap with
 And it makes no sense to have 2 configs for the same application.

Here's where my lack of knowledge shows.


 You haven't set the ServerName .
 Please set it and restart apache2

Good catch, Alex -- this probably is it!

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: VC keyboard configuration

2015-08-20 Thread Thomas Schmitt

David Wright wrote:
 An important file is /etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz
 What I haven't worked out is: what puts this cache file together?
 It's obviously been constructed because near the end it says:
 # The content of this file will be appended to the keyboard layout.
 followed by commented examples of changes one might make.
 Where was the so-called this file found when this cache was

On Debian 8.1:

  # fgrep -r 'will be appended to the keyboard layout' /etc


  /etc/console-setup/ The content of this file will be appended to 
the keyboard layout. looks like the tail of my cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz.

  # fgrep -r '' /usr 

  /usr/bin/ckbcomp:my $file1 = /etc/console-setup/;
  /usr/bin/ckbcomp:my $file2 = $installdir/etc/console-setup/;

David Wright wrote in How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?:
 I don't want
 X's involvement, except in as much as it shares configuration files
 like /etc/default/keyboard.

I understand from man 5 keyboard that this file is part of X.
But /usr/bin/ckbcomp is a perl script which in its header
talks of loadkeys, which is a kernel thing.

When experimenting with XKB, did you take into respect the statement
  udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change
in man 5 keyboard ?

Have a nice day :)


Re: trouble reconfiguring xserver-xorg

2015-08-20 Thread Haines Brown
On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 10:52:50PM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
 On 2015-08-20 21:17 +0200, Haines Brown wrote:
  Startx on a jessie desktop machine goes to a VESA display instead of the
  higher resolution supported by my video card.
 That could be a kernel bug, or the sign of a failing monitor (it might
 no longer give correct EDID information, for instance).  Running
 dmesg | grep nouveau might give some hints.

Unlikely to be a monitor problem. I'm running Wheezy on another disk on
this machine without any problem. The dmesg does not report anything
unusual. Among the lines are:

  nouveau [DEVICE] chipset G86 (NV86)
  irq 48 for MSI (MSI-X)
  nouveau [DRM] failed to create encoder 0/1/0: -19
  fbcon: nouveaufb (fb0) is primary device
  [drm] Intitialized nouveau 1.1.2/ 20120801 for .01.00.0 on minor 0

  I decided to reconfigure xserver-xorg

 No, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is not supposed to do anything these
 days.  If you want to try a different video driver (say, the modesetting
 driver), you can try this 4-line /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
 --8---cut here---start-8---
 Section Device
   Identifier  n
   Driver  modesetting
 --8---cut here---end---8---

This configuration worked, but still in VESA mode.

I'm running fluxbox with no desktop environment. Fluxbox comes up. So I
guess the issue is that the resolution capabilities of nouveau (and
modesetting) are not being accessed even though the module is loaded. 


Re: kde5 - the problems do not stop

2015-08-20 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 12:19:28 +0200
Hans wrote:

Hello Hans,

Something with or similar, IIRC.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Bet you thought you had it all worked out
Problem - Sex Pistols

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Sobre headers y virtualbox

2015-08-20 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 06:34:38PM +0200, Alba Ferri wrote:

Tu problema, por si mi email anterior no se acaba de entender, es que
en jessie ya no está disponible el paquete linux-headers-etc que se
corresponde con el núcleo que estás usando, por eso debes actualizarte
a jessie del todo, o como mínimo y para no tener problemas con
virtualbox, usar el núcleo de jessie.

Re: kde5 - the problems do not stop

2015-08-20 Thread Hans
Am Donnerstag, 20. August 2015, 12:03:43 schrieb Gabriel Corona:
  But now, after my last update, KDE will not start. The splashscreen of
  KDE5 is starting, its progress bar fullfilles to the end and then it
 I had the same issue and fixed it by reverting libkdecorations2-5 and
 libkdecorations2private5 to 5.3.2-1 as indicated in [1].

Oh, that is interesting. This is exactly, what I wanted to do. But the former 
version was no more in the repo. Just disappeared!

I know, there is a repo, that helds all packages removed from the repo, but 
fogot the URL. Something with or similar. Or did you get 
them some elsewhere?



Re: [CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread Mauricio Tavares
On Aug 20, 2015 6:54 AM, ken wrote:

 One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs
Blu-Ray.  I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling
reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray?

   First of all, is this going to be your desktop or a server? If the
later, can't see the point for blueray. One of the compelling reasons
against is that only movies use it. Second, it has dmr crap in it that
might require binary only spyware to work. Third, they behave like Android
phones in that they keep pushing new releases but no firmware updates for
older devices; you have to keep on buying new devices which only change
from old one by having brand new spyware. If I were to read in my blueray
movies - legal to do FYI - I would do so somewhere else or find external
drive that can read it.

On the positive side, blueray sounds cooler than DVD.
 CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread ken

On 08/20/2015 07:04 AM, Hal Wigoda wrote:

I wouldn't outfit a computer with blu-ray

(Sent from iPhone, so please accept my apologies in advance for any spelling or 
grammatical errors.)

On Aug 20, 2015, at 5:53 AM, ken wrote:

One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs Blu-Ray.  
I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling reason, as a Linux 
guy, to want to get Blu-ray?

Is that a personal preference, or are there reasons?

Re: Postfix en debian 7 -Reglas

2015-08-20 Thread Ariel
bueno en respuesta a quien piensa que es un misterio la posible solucion 
que le acabo de enviar a la persona que tiene la duda le digo que no es 
ningun misterio pero tengo entendido que por las listas no se pueden 
enviar archivos adjuntos, vale, no obstante pongo a modo general que le 
acabo de enviar un manual bastante completo de como configurar postfix 
en dicho manual va contenido la autenticacion en el envio de correos y 
el uso de (postfix-pcre), en fin que puede tratar de enviar un correo 
mediante un usuario existente en el dominio pero si el passw de este 
usuario no existe o coincide con el passw real el correo no es enviado.

igualmente para la persona que que se refiere al misterio antes de 
manifestar una idea debe pensar el por que de las cosas no le parece???

no obstante si tiene esa misma duda con gusto le envio mi manual.

El 17/08/2015 16:43, Felix Perez escribió:

El día 17 de agosto de 2015, 14:32, Ariel escribió:

eso es suplantacion de identidad, dame un correo pa enviarte un manual al
privado de como resolverlo.

U, que misterio...

¿Se dignara el listero a compartir lo que sabe?
¿Se podrá solucionar el problema?
¿Entenderá, que la lista es para compartir?

Todo esto, no lo sabremos nunca, ni en esta lista, ni en ningún otro canal

un abrazo

El 15/08/2015 17:57, Memo Robles escribió:

Ubique la IP del atacante con postcat -vq coladelcorreo y luego con un cat
/var/log/mail.log | grep IP y ya lo bloquee con un IPTABLES pero el detalle
es que cada dia lo tengo que estar haciendo :(.

Recien encontre esto

Passed CLEAN, [] [] -, mail_id: wW6FKgTYvWY8, Hits: 6.003, size: 354,
queued_as: 630CB920CC1, 34176 ms

el correo ni siquiera existe pero el problema que lo
estan enviando de mi servidor y no tengo en mis dominios a hotmail.

Estoy leyendo esto
  aver si encuentro algo.

Gracias y saludos

Subject: Re: Postfix en debian 7 -Reglas
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2015 18:27:03 -0300

El sáb, 15-08-2015 a las 10:07 -0700, Memo Robles escribió:

Hola, buenos dias.

Como estan? Me podrian apoyar por favor, tengo un servidor postfix en
el cual me estan metiendo goles, resulta alguien se estan enviando
corro de mi servidor de cuentas que no existen en mi servidor como -(hacia) etc ect. Ya tengo
Fail2ban y reglas en posfix:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
permit_sasl_authenticated, check_sender_access
hash:/etc/postfix/lista_blanca, reject_unauth_destination,
reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_rbl_client,
reject_rbl_client, reject_rbl_client, check_policy_service inet:, permit

smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_non_fqdn_sender,
reject_unknown_sender_domain, permit_mynetworks, permit

Alguien sabra de como evitar que envien correos de mi servidor con
dominios ajenos a los que tengo dados de alta?

Gracias y buen sabado.

fijate en el log con que usuario entraron para mandar los correos (no
recuerdo exactamente pero era algo de sasl_login o algo así lo que te
interesa buscar), cambiale la clave, y cuando llame para preguntar
porque no puede enviar (y probablemente recibir) e-mails, lo cagás a
pedos como decimos por aquí

Re: [CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread Hal Wigoda
I wouldn't outfit a computer with blu-ray

(Sent from iPhone, so please accept my apologies in advance for any spelling or 
grammatical errors.)

 On Aug 20, 2015, at 5:53 AM, ken wrote:
 One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs 
 Blu-Ray.  I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling 
 reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray?
 CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread ken

On 08/20/2015 07:35 AM, Nicolas George wrote:

Second, it [Blu-ray] has dmr crap in it that
might require binary only spyware to work.

DVD-Video has them too, the only difference is that the crypto in the DRM
for DVD is terribly broken.

Broken in the sense that data is corrupted or in the sense that the 
DMR  is crackable?

Re: [CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 07:21:24AM -0400, ken wrote:
 On 08/20/2015 07:04 AM, Hal Wigoda wrote:


 Is that a personal preference, or are there reasons?

Others have responded too, but I think it's worth re-stating it in
a short, sweet form: they got DRM (spelt around here as Digital
Restrictions Management) right-er than in the first round (DVD).

This makes it less compatible with a free operating system.

Whereas we could work around that reasonably with libdvdcss in
the first round, they are much more draconian now and just accept
that a whole bunch of players stop working (disabling their key
when it becomes compromised).

So expect some interoperability problems. They are by design.

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread Hal Wigoda
Personal preference.   Who uses blu ray?   Who uses DVDs?


(Sent from iPhone, so please accept my apologies in advance for any spelling or 
grammatical errors.)

 On Aug 20, 2015, at 6:21 AM, ken wrote:
 On 08/20/2015 07:04 AM, Hal Wigoda wrote:
 I wouldn't outfit a computer with blu-ray
 (Sent from iPhone, so please accept my apologies in advance for any spelling 
 or grammatical errors.)
 On Aug 20, 2015, at 5:53 AM, ken wrote:
 One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs 
 Blu-Ray.  I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling 
 reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray?
 Is that a personal preference, or are there reasons?
 CentOS mailing list

Re: Problems with php5-fpm/nginx/ownCloud after upgrade

2015-08-20 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Hash: SHA1


For documentation purposes, if someone might stumple on this.

On debian-user-german it was suggested [1] that a new snippet has been
added to nginx for FastCGI [0]. Using that snippet solved my issue.

Peter Ludikovsky

[0] Bug report:

Am 17.08.2015 um 14:31 schrieb Peter Ludikovsky:
 Recently, I upgraded my home server from Wheezy to Jessie. Ever
 since my PHP web stack doesn't work anymore, mostly affecting the
 ownCloud installation. The problem manifests itself as an empty
 page served.
 Software/Versions: * ownCloud 8.1.1, installed from their Debian
 repo * nginx 1.6.2-5 * php5(-fpm) 5.6.9+dfsg-0+deb8u1 * postgresql
 So far I've attempted to enable FPM logging, but the log files
 remain suspiciously absent or empty. nginx doesn't see an error
 coming back. If I run ownClouds index.php on the command line I get
 the source for the login page just fine. Listening in on the FPM
 port I see that only an empty response is returned.
 I have attached the scrubbed configuration files for nginx and
 Any help is much appreciated.
 Regards, Peter Ludikovsky
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)


Re: kde5 - the problems do not stop

2015-08-20 Thread Gabriel Corona
 I know, there is a repo, that helds all packages removed from the repo, but 
 fogot the URL. Something with or similar. Or did you get 
 them some elsewhere?

I installed them from my cache:

cd /var/cache/apt/archives
sudo dpkg -i libkdecorations2-5_4%3a5.3.2-1_amd64.deb \


Fwd: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread John T. Haggerty
Future proofing mostly. Blueray drives should be backwards compatible with

-- Forwarded message -
From: ken
Date: Thu, Aug 20, 2015, 04:54
Subject: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray
To: CentOS mailing list, Debian Users

One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs
Blu-Ray.  I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling
reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray?

Re: [CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread Nicolas George
Le tridi 3 fructidor, an CCXXIII, Mauricio Tavares a écrit :
 One of the compelling reasons
 against is that only movies use it.

Unless the drive can also burn BD-R disks, in which case you have a
reasonably-priced way of storing 22.5 gigaoctsts of data. Five years ago, it
was well worth the price as a backup for mechanic drives. Nowadays, it is
still interesting depending on the use case.

 Second, it has dmr crap in it that
 might require binary only spyware to work.

DVD-Video has them too, the only difference is that the crypto in the DRM
for DVD is terribly broken.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: [CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread John Hodrien

On Thu, 20 Aug 2015, Hal Wigoda wrote:

Personal preference.   Who uses blu ray?   Who uses DVDs?

This really isn't a winning discussion.

If you want to read/write blu-ray disks, then buy a blu-ray reader/writer.  If
you don't, don't.

You can get a blu ray writer for ~£50, so it really shouldn't be a big
decision.  If you don't buy one and later find you want one, you buy an
external one for basically the same money.

Don't lose sleep over it.


new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread ken
One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs 
Blu-Ray.  I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling 
reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray?

Re: no pulse audio- so now new sound trouble

2015-08-20 Thread briand
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 10:08:40 +0200
Nicolas George wrote:

 Le duodi 2 fructidor, an CCXXIII, a écrit :
  pcm.!default {
  type hw
  card 2
 With this, you are bypassing all the ALSA plugin infrastructure. In
 particular, you are bypassing the dmix plugin that allows to share the sound
 device between several processes without a server. If some process happens
 to keep the sound device open, it blocks any other process from playing
 You also are bypassing the plug plugin responsible for converting the input
 into a format acceptable by the hardware.


i deleted that from my file.

it was no help.


metatrader 4

2015-08-20 Thread Ben Case
can you get metatrader 4 software in Debian or can you use mt4's from
different brokers?

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Nicolas George
Le tridi 3 fructidor, an CCXXIII, Brian a écrit :
 Yes. Without system integrity a user's files are worthless. Protecting
 the system protects *all* users. That is the responsibility of the

So basically, you are saying that protecting the system is more important
than protecting the users' files because protecting the system protects the
users' files, and not seeing the contradiction in it.

The truth is that the system is only a tool, and only the users' files have
specific value. If the system is corrupted, you can wipe it and reinstall it
from scratch in a few hours. If the users' files are corrupted, you may lose
days, months, years of work depending on how sloppy you were with the
backups. And of course, the users' files contain personal information that
can allow to drain the bank account, impersonate persons, steal trade
secrets, etc.

Sure, corrupting the system may be a way of accessing the users' files, but
the real value is in the users' files.

(Well, that and the bandwidth, to use the zombie box in DDoS and to
distribute prOn and warez.)


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-20 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-08-19 16:33:09 -0500, David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Thomas Schmitt (
  But the typographical purpose of NO-BREAK SPACE is to look
  like space without inviting an automatic line break.
  So making it look not like space would be absurd.
 But shell input is not a typographical context. Most source code
 isn't, except in literals. Documents generally are because they are

The point is that the terminal cannot do the difference between
a NBSP coming from shell input and a NBSP coming from a displayed
document. So, it should render a NBSP exactly like a normal space.
And it is up to the application (the shell, an editor in some
mode, etc.) to render NBSP in a special way if needed.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-20 Thread David Wright
Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
 On 2015-08-19 12:55:39 -0500, David Wright wrote:
  Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
   In general, one wants NO-BREAK SPACE to be displayed just like a space.
  Why would I want a character that doesn't behave as a space to be
  displayed as a normal space? (For example, in the shell, as in the
  OP's original question.) It seems a recipe for confusion at best,
  and for exploits at worst.
 When reading a text, such as an e-mail message, a HTML document, or
 a ReadMe file, one doesn't expect a difference. Otherwise this would
 be disturbing.

Yes, that's what I wrote yesterday in this sub-thread: Documents
generally are [in a typographical context] because they are
displayed/printed. which was in answer to But the typographical
purpose of NO-BREAK SPACE is to look like space without inviting an
automatic line break. [You commented on this very sub-thread at
Fri, 21 Aug 2015 02:15:50 +0200, five minutes after this comment.]

Your e-mail message, a HTML document, or a ReadMe file, these are
all examples of typographical documents. A shell script, (excluding
literals) and the hand-typed input to a shell are not in a
typographical context.


Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Brian
On Fri 21 Aug 2015 at 00:19:55 +0200, Nicolas George wrote:

 Le tridi 3 fructidor, an CCXXIII, Brian a écrit :
  But it really doesn't matter how much malware a user has stacked up in
  their $HOME as long as the system is safe.
 Do you really consider that the system, mostly made from files widely
 distributed, is more precious than the users' personal files?

Yes. Without system integrity a user's files are worthless. Protecting
the system protects *all* users. That is the responsibility of the

An individual user who destroys part of his own precious space takes the
responsibility on his own shoulders. The effect is not to affect other
users and the system survives. All is well with the world.

Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-20 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-08-19 12:55:39 -0500, David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
  In general, one wants NO-BREAK SPACE to be displayed just like a space.
 Why would I want a character that doesn't behave as a space to be
 displayed as a normal space? (For example, in the shell, as in the
 OP's original question.) It seems a recipe for confusion at best,
 and for exploits at worst.

When reading a text, such as an e-mail message, a HTML document, or
a ReadMe file, one doesn't expect a difference. Otherwise this would
be disturbing.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-20 Thread David Wright
Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
 On 2015-08-19 16:33:09 -0500, David Wright wrote:
  Quoting Thomas Schmitt (
   But the typographical purpose of NO-BREAK SPACE is to look
   like space without inviting an automatic line break.
   So making it look not like space would be absurd.
  But shell input is not a typographical context. Most source code
  isn't, except in literals. Documents generally are because they are
 The point is that the terminal cannot do the difference between
 a NBSP coming from shell input and a NBSP coming from a displayed
 document. So, it should render a NBSP exactly like a normal space.
 And it is up to the application (the shell, an editor in some
 mode, etc.) to render NBSP in a special way if needed.

Why not? Let's substitute TAB TAB for NBSP in your comment.
My terminal happily swallows TAB TAB with cat  file, and renders
it correctly with cat file. But when I type TAB TAB as shell input,
I get Display all 3402 possibilities? (y or n). It seems to be able
to do the difference in this case.

So my point is, rendering NBSP in a special way *is* needed (because NBSP
is not treated as firstclass whitespace and, it appears, never can be).


Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Diogene Laerce

Le 20/08/2015 19:58, Dwijesh Gajadur a écrit :
 Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or
 for linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended
 antivirus for Debian?
 Thank you in advance.

Required no, advised I guess.

You should have a look at clamav for this.

Good luck,

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

  Diogene Laerce

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Brian
On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 20:24:16 +0200, Diogene Laerce wrote:

 Le 20/08/2015 19:58, Dwijesh Gajadur a écrit :
  Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or
  for linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended
  antivirus for Debian?
  Thank you in advance.
 Required no, advised I guess.

You guessed wrong.

Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Dwijesh Gajadur
Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or for
linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended antivirus
for Debian?
Thank you in advance.

With Kind Regards,

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Ron
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 19:33:17 +0100
Brian wrote:

 On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 20:24:16 +0200, Diogene Laerce wrote:

   Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or
   for linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended
   antivirus for Debian?
   Thank you in advance.

  Required no, advised I guess.

 You guessed wrong.

Although I know that proof-of-concept viruses (virii ?) have been created in 
computer labs, has anyone seen one alive in the wild ?
  Le client n'a jamais tort.
   -- César Ritz

   -- --

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Ron
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 21:58:50 +0400
Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:

 Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or for
 linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended antivirus
 for Debian?

The only time you may want an anti-virus is when you are running a mail server, 
so you can avoid spreading infected mails.

Probability of a virus infecting your Linux box is at the present time 
  Le client n'a jamais tort.
   -- César Ritz

   -- --

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Brian
On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 14:08:44 -0400, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:

 On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 21:58:50 +0400
 Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
  Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or for
  linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended antivirus
  for Debian?
 The only time you may want an anti-virus is when you are running a
 mail server, so you can avoid spreading infected mails.

... to OSs which are susceptible to such viruses. It's a good neighbour

 Probability of a virus infecting your Linux box is at the present time

Agreed. But do not run as root.

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread doug

On 08/20/2015 01:58 PM, Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or 
for linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended 
antivirus for Debian?

Thank you in advance.

With Kind Regards,
I use clamav. I don't remember ever seeing it find an actual virus! Use 
freshclam (from a root terminal)

to upgrade it every so often.


Re: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread Nicolas George
Le tridi 3 fructidor, an CCXXIII, doug a écrit :
 If the DVD is not  a writer as well as a player, it's not a good deal at
 all, but BluRay is worse

Why would it be worse? Anything a DVD drive can do, a BD drive is supposed
to be able to do as well.

Really, there is no hesitation: if the only difference is between a drive
that can read CDs and DVDs and a drive that can read CDs, DVDs and BDs, the
second is a better choice.

If there are other differences (price? quality? burning capability?), we can
not give advice unless we know about it.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Brian
On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 21:58:50 +0400, Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:

 Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or for
 linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended antivirus
 for Debian?
 Thank you in advance.

None is needed.

Re: Postfix en debian 7 -Reglas

2015-08-20 Thread Debian Linux
Si me interesa el manual.
Si me envia a mi dirección de correo lo subiré a una página web para que
puedan descargar quien lo desee

Vicente Castillo

El 20 de agosto de 2015, 10:47, Felix Perez

 El día 20 de agosto de 2015, 9:05, Ariel escribió:
  bueno en respuesta a quien piensa que es un misterio la posible solucion
  le acabo de enviar a la persona que tiene la duda le digo que no es
  misterio pero tengo entendido que por las listas no se pueden enviar
  archivos adjuntos, vale, no obstante pongo a modo general que le acabo de
  enviar un manual bastante completo de como configurar postfix en dicho
  manual va contenido la autenticacion en el envio de correos y el uso de
  (postfix-pcre), en fin que puede tratar de enviar un correo mediante un
  usuario existente en el dominio pero si el passw de este usuario no
 existe o
  coincide con el passw real el correo no es enviado.
  igualmente para la persona que que se refiere al misterio antes de
  manifestar una idea debe pensar el por que de las cosas no le parece???
  no obstante si tiene esa misma duda con gusto le envio mi manual.

 Estimado ya que me parece que no esta acostumbrado al uso de las
 listas, le comento que la idea es compartir conocimiento, conocimiento
 que quedará almacenado y posiblemente será consultado por alguien más
 que le ocurra el mismo problema.  De eso se trata la lista, no se
 trata de dar soluciones en privado, a no ser que sea su estrategia
 para captar clientes y/o controlarlos.

 Y no muchas gracias, pero no me interesa su manual.


  El 17/08/2015 16:43, Felix Perez escribió:
  El día 17 de agosto de 2015, 14:32, Ariel
  eso es suplantacion de identidad, dame un correo pa enviarte un manual
  privado de como resolverlo.
  U, que misterio...
  ¿Se dignara el listero a compartir lo que sabe?
  ¿Se podrá solucionar el problema?
  ¿Entenderá, que la lista es para compartir?
  Todo esto, no lo sabremos nunca, ni en esta lista, ni en ningún otro
  un abrazo
  El 15/08/2015 17:57, Memo Robles escribió:
  Ubique la IP del atacante con postcat -vq coladelcorreo y luego con un
  /var/log/mail.log | grep IP y ya lo bloquee con un IPTABLES pero el
  es que cada dia lo tengo que estar haciendo :(.
  Recien encontre esto
  Passed CLEAN, [] [] -, mail_id: wW6FKgTYvWY8, Hits: 6.003, size:
  queued_as: 630CB920CC1, 34176 ms
  el correo ni siquiera existe pero el problema que
  estan enviando de mi servidor y no tengo en mis dominios a hotmail.
  Estoy leyendo esto
aver si encuentro algo.
  Gracias y saludos
  Subject: Re: Postfix en debian 7 -Reglas
  Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2015 18:27:03 -0300
  El sáb, 15-08-2015 a las 10:07 -0700, Memo Robles escribió:
  Hola, buenos dias.
  Como estan? Me podrian apoyar por favor, tengo un servidor postfix en
  el cual me estan metiendo goles, resulta alguien se estan enviando
  corro de mi servidor de cuentas que no existen en mi servidor como -(hacia) etc ect. Ya tengo
  Fail2ban y reglas en posfix:
  smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
  permit_sasl_authenticated, check_sender_access
  hash:/etc/postfix/lista_blanca, reject_unauth_destination,
  reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_rbl_client,
  reject_rbl_client, reject_rbl_client, check_policy_service inet:, permit
  smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
  permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_non_fqdn_sender,
  reject_unknown_sender_domain, permit_mynetworks, permit
  Alguien sabra de como evitar que envien correos de mi servidor con
  dominios ajenos a los que tengo dados de alta?
  Gracias y buen sabado.
  fijate en el log con que usuario entraron para mandar los correos (no
  recuerdo exactamente pero era algo de sasl_login o algo así lo que te
  interesa buscar), cambiale la clave, y cuando llame para preguntar
  porque no puede enviar (y probablemente recibir) e-mails, lo cagás a
  pedos como decimos por aquí

 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Re: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread doug

On 08/20/2015 12:53 PM, ken wrote:

On 08/20/2015 10:14 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 20/08/15 06:53 AM, ken wrote:

One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs
Blu-Ray.  I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling
reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray?

The decision isn't that simple. As others have pointed out, the no
optical drive option also needs to be considered.

I've considered that, but the folks who designed the laptop didn't.  
The choice is, as I said, either Blu-ray or DVD.  Of course I could 
tear out whichever came in the machine, or simply not use it ever.  
But I figure, since it's there, I may as well see which would serve 
better, and for what.  Hence the post.


If the DVD is not  a writer as well as a player, it's not a good deal at 
all, but BluRay is worse--are you

actually going to watch movies on a laptop?


Re: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 14:48:11 -0400
doug wrote:

Hello doug,

actually going to watch movies on a laptop?

Why not?  People watch them on a wristwatch these days.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Keep your drink just give em the money
U  Ur Hand - P!nk

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 21:58:50 +0400
Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:

Hello Dwijesh,

Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or for
linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended
antivirus for Debian?

The viruses that run on linux (any distro) are few and far between.
Existing almost entirely as proof of concept.

As Renaud points out, if you run a mailserver, then you would be well
advised to run AV software.  That software will be looking for Windows
malware though, not linux.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Every single one of us
Devil Inside - INXS

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Anyone else having password failures at

2015-08-20 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 20 August 2015 03:39:35 Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Thursday 20 August 2015 06:15:40 Gene Heskett wrote:
   I'm not having problems.  So far.  Your email came via Gmail, and
   I'll send this via Gmail and see if it goes through.  If it
   arrives, it did. ;-)
  Not much of a test Lisi.

 You asked if other people were having problems, I thought.  That
 tested that I am not.  So if it isn't much of a test, then I was
 answering the wrong problem.

I was perhaps a litggle short there, my apologies.

As a gmail user yourself, you probably did whatever it took to restore 
your service access quite some time back. I did not, and now it appears 
that whatever gmail did back then, has now been done to the aliased 
access that shentel setup when they farmed their email service out to 
gmail.  So I am now locked out of both accounts, leaving my access thru 
the tv stations server as my only path.

There is a migration notice about it, with zero details, on the web page that says I would get an email with instructions.  
However, if its been received, spamassassin or clamav grabbed it and 
disposed of it. I have not seen it.  And now that I am blocked at the 
login stage, I never will because they would obviously send it thru 
their account.

I'll input a cold leftover cuppa and maybe be awake enough to deal with 
their phone system, which last night took approximately 20 minutes just 
to get to the waiting on a tech to answer stage.  And another 20 minutes 
later I'm still listening to crappy elevator music  I had other fish to 
fry, writing the gcode and carving a clamping ring for what will be a 
spindle lock for my new milling machine.  Both are being a right PITA as 
I forgot to add the diameter of the cutting tool to the outside face.

To clarify my poorly worded question, has anyone else suddenly found 
their access to gmail cut off because of a password authentifican error 
AND has not even changed the dot on an i in your settings within the 
last 6 months?

Thanks Lisi.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page

Re: Sobre headers y virtualbox

2015-08-20 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 20 Aug 2015 10:36:42 +0200, Alba Ferri escribió:

(corrijo el top-posting)
 El día 19 de agosto de 2015, 19:47, Camaleón
 El Wed, 19 Aug 2015 19:23:56 +0200, Alba Ferri escribió:


 Building only for 3.14-1-686-pae 
 Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the 
 kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed.


 Aquí te dice que no se ha podido generar el módulo para el kernel
 actual porque no encuentra las fuentes, de ahí que te falle luego al
 cargar el módulo de virtualbox. Ejecuta y manda a la lista lo

 dpkg -l | grep -i -e linux-headers -e build-essential

 Sorry, que ayer me tuve que ir...
 Sip...el tema de tener tiempo es fundamental para hacer las cosas
 Bueno Camaleón esto es lo que sale:
 dpkg -l | grep -i -e linux-headers -e build-essential 
 ii  build-essential i386 Informational list of build-essential packages 
 ii  linux-headers-3.16.0-4-686-pae 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u3 i386 Header files 
 for Linux 3.16.0-4-686-pae 
 ii  linux-headers-3.16.0-4-common  3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u3 i386 Common header 
 files for Linux 3.16.0-4 
 ii  linux-headers-686-pae 3.16+63 i386 Header files for Linux 686-pae 
 configuration (meta-package)

Bien, tienes todos los paquetes necesarios para compilar el módulo de 
virtualbox pero la versión de los paquetes (3.16) no coincide con la del 
kernel (3.14) que tienes instalado. ¿Es posible que no hayas actualizado 
el sistema desde que instalaste Jessie? 

Si es así, tienes que ejecutar:

apt-get update  apt-get -V upgrade

Para actualizar el sistema con los últimos paquetes que haya en los 
repositorios (asegúrate de que estén apuntando a jessie) y después 
ya podrás volver a ejecutar dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-dkms y 
dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox para regenerar el módulo del kernel
de virtualbox.



Re: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread Stefan Monnier
 One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs
 Blu-Ray.  I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling
 reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray?

Get neither: nowadays an optical reader is just a relic of the past,
making your laptop heavier and reducing (ever so slightly) your
battery life.


Re: [Cómo] Actualizar Firefox (y Thunderbird) desde consola

2015-08-20 Thread Óscar Triana - Suportium

Y apt-get update y luego apt-get upgrade??

El 20/08/2015 a las 16:02, Camaleón escribió:


Siempre me había preguntado cómo se podría actualizar Firefox y
Thunderbird (me refiero a los paquetes que se instalan desde su web
oficial) desde una consola sin necesidad de tener que iniciar la
aplicación ni tener que instalar de nuevo los programas.

Ayer, al ejecutar la rutina de actualización de Firefox me decía que no
había nuevas versiones disponibles cuando realmente sí las había
(versión instalada 40.0, versión disponible 40.0.2). No me hacía gracia
tener que instalar de nuevo el navegador pero era la respuesta más común
que encontré por los foros de Mozilla, así que rebuscando un poco más
encontré estos pasos en su wiki:

En el artículo detalla el procedimiento para instalar un archivo de
actualización diferencia/parcial (.mar) sobre una instalación existente,
ejecutado todo ello desde consola, lo cual no sólo me venía bien para
este caso sino que también sirve cuando, por el motivo que sea, se tiene
que realizar una instalación desde consola (p. ej., si sólo te puede
acceder mediante ssh a un servidor con un cliente sin entorno gráfico o
se quiere automatizar la actualización por medio de un script).

El caso es que los pasos descritos funcionan perfectamente (yo lo probé
en mi equipo personal que tiene Wheezy 64 bits y Firefox 64 bits
descargado e instalado desde la página de Mozilla). Lo pongo por si a
alguien le sirve. Obviamente, si se tiene instalado los paquetes desde los
repositorios de Debian esto no es necesario, que para eso ya está apt ;-)


Óscar Triana.

Responsable técnico - Suportium: S.I.I.


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Re: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread Gary Dale

On 20/08/15 06:53 AM, ken wrote:
One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs 
Blu-Ray.  I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling 
reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray?

The decision isn't that simple. As others have pointed out, the no 
optical drive option also needs to be considered.

Another point to consider is does the Blu-Ray drive support the new 
m-discs? (see Not all of them do.

M-Disc's big selling feature is long-term stability, making it good for 
archiving or other long-term storage uses.

All optical discs have limited capacity compared with today's hard 
drives and SSDs. However the optical drive offers essentially unlimited 
capacity by swapping discs. The media is generally mechanically stable 
and with M-Discs is also chemically stable so it's not a simple case of 
which is better, hard drive or optical but rather which one suits your 
purposes better?

I'm still a fan of optical media for archiving so I've been using 
Blu-Ray for several years now. At 25G per disc, I can store multiple 
years of work on one disc. However as anyone with a PVR will attest, 25G 
is not sufficient for backing up a media library. Still, putting 
precious family videos on optical material is a reasonable precaution.

Re: Anyone else having password failures at

2015-08-20 Thread Frédéric Marchal
On Thursday 20 August 2015 07:53:33 Joel Rees wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 7:22 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
  They apparently did something just before 15:00 local time (GMT-4=EDT
  today, as both mailfilter and fetchmail are now reporting a password
  authorization failure.
  Thats two separate config files, neither of which has been into an editor
  to even change the size of the top dot of an i in about 2 years.
  So, is it me, or has gmail changed the protocol somehow?
 Any chance it's the old problem with Google's chain to a root CA?

Could you elaborate on this problem?

Kmail just popped a warning this morning about an invalid google certificate. 
Kmail claims that the root certificate is not valid for that purpose 
(whatever that means)…

I would like to know how to make sure whether it is safe to accept the 
certificate or not.

My employer's gateway may be providing a fake certificate to monitor the SSL 
communication but I don't know how to tell if the certificate was rewritten by 
the legitimate gateway or by a rogue third party or if google messed up.



cons25 Terminal is Almost but not Quite Right for a Job.

2015-08-20 Thread Martin McCormick
I normally use vt100 when in command-line mode but I
needed a different terminal for dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config.
The garbage I get is what one usually receives when the
application is expecting to see a cons25 terminal so that is what
I set $TERM to as in:

export TERM=cons25

It works much better but there are still lots of raw escape
sequences that pop up when the next screen is about to display so
my question is whether there is a better choice of terminal
keeping in mind that this is the command line.

At least with cons25, the arrows seem to work and the
cursor ends up in the right place.

On a scale of 1-10, this problem is maybe a 3, not a show
stopper but a bit annoying and usually indicates there are other
things that may not work right.

Martin McCormick

Re: should I get rid of pulse audio ?

2015-08-20 Thread Nicolas George
Le quartidi 4 fructidor, an CCXXIII, Chris Bannister a écrit :
 What file(s) are you talking about here?

~ $ apt-file show -x '^pulseaudio$' | grep '/usr/share/alsa'
pulseaudio: /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.d/pulse.conf
pulseaudio: /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf

You can see that, at the very least, having pulseaudio installed will affect
the ALSA configuration. In the past, the result was making it completely
unusable without running the daemon.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: [Cómo] Actualizar Firefox (y Thunderbird) desde consola

2015-08-20 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 20 Aug 2015 16:07:10 +0200, Óscar Triana - S.I.I. escribió:

 El 20/08/2015 a las 16:02, Camaleón escribió:


 (...) Obviamente, si se tiene instalado los paquetes desde
 los repositorios de Debian esto no es necesario, que para eso ya está
 apt ;-)

 Y apt-get update y luego apt-get upgrade??

Pues eso, que no es necesario ;-)

Llega un momento en el ciclo de vida de Debian en el que dejan de 
mantener los programas de Mozilla así que yo al final opté por descargar 
e instalarlos directamente desde Mozilla para mantenerlos siempre 



Re: Anyone else having password failures at

2015-08-20 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 20 August 2015 08:40:10 Gene Heskett wrote:

 On Thursday 20 August 2015 03:39:35 Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Thursday 20 August 2015 06:15:40 Gene Heskett wrote:
I'm not having problems.  So far.  Your email came via Gmail,
and I'll send this via Gmail and see if it goes through.  If it
arrives, it did. ;-)
   Not much of a test Lisi.
  You asked if other people were having problems, I thought.  That
  tested that I am not.  So if it isn't much of a test, then I was
  answering the wrong problem.

 I was perhaps a litggle short there, my apologies.

 As a gmail user yourself, you probably did whatever it took to restore
 your service access quite some time back. I did not, and now it
 appears that whatever gmail did back then, has now been done to the
 aliased access that shentel setup when they farmed their email service
 out to gmail.  So I am now locked out of both accounts, leaving my
 access thru the tv stations server as my only path.

 There is a migration notice about it, with zero details, on the web page that says I would get an email with instructions.
 However, if its been received, spamassassin or clamav grabbed it and
 disposed of it. I have not seen it.  And now that I am blocked at the
 login stage, I never will because they would obviously send it thru
 their account.

 I'll input a cold leftover cuppa and maybe be awake enough to deal
 with their phone system, which last night took approximately 20
 minutes just to get to the waiting on a tech to answer stage.  And
 another 20 minutes later I'm still listening to crappy elevator music
  I had other fish to fry, writing the gcode and carving a clamping
 ring for what will be a spindle lock for my new milling machine.  Both
 are being a right PITA as I forgot to add the diameter of the cutting
 tool to the outside face.

 To clarify my poorly worded question, has anyone else suddenly found
 their access to gmail cut off because of a password authentifican
 error AND has not even changed the dot on an i in your settings within
 the last 6 months?

update: called them.  They fired gmail and have setup their own servers 
again, at a address.  So a change in the fetchmail poll 
line to the correct server got me a pile of waiting msgs,  but while 
i've made the smtp changes in the kmail send menu, kmail refuses to use 
it, or even offer it as an alternate sending account.  So I am listening 
to some pan pipes on hold again.  Sucks, about 10-33 torr.

 Thanks Lisi.

 Cheers, Gene Heskett

Cheers, Gene Heskett
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page

Re: Starting, installing Redmine

2015-08-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 09:34:23AM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Wednesday 19 August 2015 06:23:07 wrote:
  I'm sitting here at Debconf [3], among literally hundreds of Debian
  developers, all of them working hard (many of them in their free
 I thought all of them did it in their free time.
  to give to us this fantastic distribution.
 I think I have said before, the only possible words are thank you.  It's 
 fantastic what you all do.
  I understand your  
  frustration (I often swear at my computer too, and do even worse
  things), but I think the best way forward is to get involved.
 Some of us just aren't enough use for that, sadly.   So all we can do is be 
 grateful.  And remember:
 You can please all of the people some of the time and
 you can please some of the people all of the time; but
 you cannot please all of the people all of the time.
 And I actually think that you cannot please some of the people ever.

To be fair, there are some Debian.readme which make no sense to an end
user. I've seen some Debian.readme files which talk about about how to
compile the program. Hello? Isn't Debian a binary distribution.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

[Cómo] Actualizar Firefox (y Thunderbird) desde consola

2015-08-20 Thread Camaleón

Siempre me había preguntado cómo se podría actualizar Firefox y 
Thunderbird (me refiero a los paquetes que se instalan desde su web 
oficial) desde una consola sin necesidad de tener que iniciar la 
aplicación ni tener que instalar de nuevo los programas.

Ayer, al ejecutar la rutina de actualización de Firefox me decía que no 
había nuevas versiones disponibles cuando realmente sí las había 
(versión instalada 40.0, versión disponible 40.0.2). No me hacía gracia 
tener que instalar de nuevo el navegador pero era la respuesta más común 
que encontré por los foros de Mozilla, así que rebuscando un poco más 
encontré estos pasos en su wiki:

En el artículo detalla el procedimiento para instalar un archivo de 
actualización diferencia/parcial (.mar) sobre una instalación existente, 
ejecutado todo ello desde consola, lo cual no sólo me venía bien para 
este caso sino que también sirve cuando, por el motivo que sea, se tiene 
que realizar una instalación desde consola (p. ej., si sólo te puede 
acceder mediante ssh a un servidor con un cliente sin entorno gráfico o 
se quiere automatizar la actualización por medio de un script).

El caso es que los pasos descritos funcionan perfectamente (yo lo probé 
en mi equipo personal que tiene Wheezy 64 bits y Firefox 64 bits 
descargado e instalado desde la página de Mozilla). Lo pongo por si a 
alguien le sirve. Obviamente, si se tiene instalado los paquetes desde los
repositorios de Debian esto no es necesario, que para eso ya está apt ;-)



[OT] fuera de tema. (Era: no ataquen a Camaleón)

2015-08-20 Thread fernando sainz
El día 20 de agosto de 2015, 9:18, Salvador Garcia Z. escribió:
 Muy ocasionalmente respondo un correo y esta vez es para pedir que no
 ataquen a camaleón.
 En ocasiones se puede uno desesperar, pero aporta mucho y esta claro que su
 conocimiento es muy amplio

 El ago 19, 2015 10:15 AM, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 19 Aug 2015 13:30:05 -0300, Flako escribió:

Pues ya que lo haces ocasionalmente, podías haber elegido algo
interesante para responder, y de paso hacerlo bien.

Como tu respuesta no tiene nada que ver con el tema al que respondes,
deberías haber creado un hilo (correo) nuevo.

Lo has hecho haciendo top-posting, alqo que a tu amiga Camaleón no
le gusta nada, y tiene razón, no es la forma correcta de hacerlo.

Te doy la razón en eso de que puede desesperar, no tanto en eso de que
aporte mucho (salvo si te refieres a ruido).

Podemos hablar de sus virtudes: Es muy hábil usando el buscador, y
debe tener un buen nivel de inglés.

Sin embargo es de un arrogante subido, se cree con derecho a ignorar
al resto de los componentes de la lista, de los que cuando no sabe la
solución a algún tema, utiliza sus respuestas, sin darles el crédito
que merecen, componiendo un mensaje nuevo, como si no hubiera leído
sus respuestas. (Cosa que dudo, porque no es algo casual, sino que se
repite constantemente en el tiempo).

También esa actitud de creer que todos los mensajes van dirigidos a
ella, que por cierto ni siquiera debe estar subscrita a la lista.
Porque a ella no le molestará, pero a los que estamos subscritos los
mensajes nos llegan según se escriben, y por tanto todo ese correo
basura que genera es a veces bastante molesto. (Imagina que todos
tuvieramos ese comportamiento de responder a todos los correos...)

Podría seguir, pero no vale la pena.

Así que, querido vampiro,
recibe un cordial saludo.


Re: [CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-20 Thread Thomas Schmitt

ken wrote:
 One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs
 Blu-Ray.  I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling
 reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray?

If you want to backup disk files, then BD is much less
cumbersome than DVD. My Debian 8 installation except $HOME,
$WORK, and $DISKWASTE needs 10 GB of base backup as ISO 9660.
This would need to be split onto 3 DVD+RW. If i wanted
to do incremental backups, i'd have to juggle with about
5 DVDs.

The BD-RE medium is half full after two months and 9
incremental updates. I expect it to take years of future
system changes. (There is also an ISO image on hard disk.
For the case of smaller mishaps and as backup of the
backup if the BD-RE fails some day.)

$HOME, $WORK, $DISKWASTE have their own backups.
Backup-worthy $DISKWASTE is on 12 BD-R plus a BD-RE
for updates.
(One would probably consider to use an old hdd in a
 USB box instead.)

Mauricio Tavares wrote:
 One of the compelling reasons against is that only movies use it. 

BD-R and BD-RE are general purpose storage media.

BD-RE is directly usable as block device like a USB stick.
Format it by a burn program and then use dd, mkfs, mount,
and alike. Suffer poor rw-filesytem performance, though.

BD-R (and BD-RE) can be written by burn programs. At least
four backends are known to work:
  growisofs, cdrecord, cdrskin, xorriso

 On the positive side, blueray sounds cooler than DVD.

Yeah. Optiarc BD-5300S at full speed sounds like a Ducati.

Gary Dale wrote (on debian-user only):
 Another point to consider is does the Blu-Ray drive support the new
 m-discs? (see Not all of them do.

The BD-R M-discs are compatible with vanilla Blu-ray burners.
The DVD+R M-discs need specially enhanced DVD burners (from LG).

 M-Disc's big selling feature is long-term stability, making it good for
 archiving or other long-term storage uses.

Reports from real use cases are still sparse.
The media aren't cheap.

 the optical drive offers essentially unlimited capacity by
 swapping discs.

Optical media are quite suitable for long term storage.
Rugged and easy to bundle in a cake box.
I can still checkread with my newest drive the CDs which
i made in 1999 on a long deceased Yamaha burner.

Price per capacity is better than with USB sticks but cannot
compete with a modern hard disk in a USB box. Especially if
you add the price of the BD burner.

many wrote:
 [video playback, DRM]

Well, this is a topic where you need to have your lawyer ready.

 Personal preference.   Who uses blu ray?   Who uses DVDs?

We should not forget that there once were media called CD.

I use all three types for data storage and transport.

Have a nice day :)


Re: problema con el correo web en debian 8 64bit

2015-08-20 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 19 Aug 2015 15:49:23 -0400, luis escribió:

 Buenas tardes a todos


Luis, ya te hemos respondido en otro hilo a esta misma pregunta. 

Si tienes algún problema con lo comentado, nos lo dices pero no abras un 
hilo nuevo para un mismo problema.



Re: Postfix en debian 7 -Reglas

2015-08-20 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 15/08/15 14:07, Memo Robles wrote:

Hola, buenos dias.

Como estan? Me podrian apoyar por favor, tengo un servidor postfix en 
el cual me estan metiendo goles, resulta alguien se estan enviando 
corro de mi servidor de cuentas que no existen en mi servidor como -(hacia) etc ect. Ya tengo 
Fail2ban y reglas en posfix:

*smtpd_recipient_restrictions* = permit_mynetworks, 
permit_sasl_authenticated, check_sender_access 
hash:/etc/postfix/lista_blanca, reject_unauth_destination, 
reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_rbl_client, 
reject_rbl_client, reject_rbl_client, check_policy_service inet:, permit

smtpd_sender_restrictions* = permit_mynetworks, 
permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_non_fqdn_sender, 
reject_unknown_sender_domain, permit_mynetworks, permit

 Alguien sabra de como evitar que envien correos de mi servidor con 
dominios ajenos a los que tengo dados de alta?

Gracias y buen sabado.

Si usas SASL lo puedes resolver con algunas reglas de postfix. Usa estas 
directivas en la configuración, la idea es que cuando alguien mande 
correo Postfix chequee el usuario autenticado y no lo deje mandar si el 
from no concide con

Primero hay que definir una tabla especial

smtpd_sender_login_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/sender_login_maps

/(^.*)@( ${1}
/(^.*)@( ${1}

La entrada de esta tabla es el usurio sasl que se autentica y solo 
coincide si el from es ese usuario + o 
Cualquier otra dirección de from no coincidirá.

Luego debes hacer el chequeo de esta tabla en las restricciones a nivel 
del sender (smtpd_sender_restrictions). Fijate de poner la regla 
reject_autenticated_sender_login_mismatch antess que 

Por ejemplo:

smtpd_sender_restrictions =
check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access,

Konsole output Esta configuración me resultó muy útil para las cuentas 
internas hackeadas donde los spammer modificaban el from de los correos 

Espero que te sirva.



nosh version 1.18

2015-08-20 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard

nosh is now up to version 1.18


The big news for this release is the nosh-run-system-manager Debian 
binary package.  This, and the new additional service bundles in 
nosh-bundles, package up everything that is needed for running an 
entirely nosh-managed basic Debian system with the nosh system-manager 
program as process #1.  And so the entry on the roadmap WWW page is 
crossed out.  Some notes:

* Don't forget that the Nosh Guide has a whole chapter on troubleshooting.
* With that package alone, you get very little running.  This is 
intentional.  You'll have to install other nosh-run packages, or add 
presets, for the various other things that you want.  To get an OpenSSH 
server running, for example, you'll need a local preset file (named, 
say, /etc/system-control/presets/20-sshd.preset) with enable sshd and 
enable cyclog@sshd before (re-)installing nosh-bundles.  
(Re-)Installing the nosh-bundles package (re-)applies all current 
presets, including your local ones, and auto-starts all enabled services.
* If you are running the freedesktop services, read the notes 
hyperlinked-from the package download page.
* You may have spotted that there's a choice between running udev and 
busybox mdev.  (You pretty much must run one or the other for a fully 
functional system.)  The nosh-run-busybox-mdev package is broken.  I 
forgot to write the adapter tool.  I've written it ready for version 
1.19.  There will be more said on the subject of busybox mdev in the 
1.19 announcement, therefore.
* It's also intentional that you don't get System 5 shim commands for 
the likes of telinit and halt unless you install the 
nosh-systemv-shims package.  system-control poweroff works without the 
presence of the shims, of course.
* For novices, I recommend starting with nosh-run-kernel-vt . 
nosh-run-user-vt still requires a manual step, after re-building the 
service configuration each time, of system-control disable 
* The recovery mode misbehaviour is a known problem.  I'm 
investigating.  As a local fix, boot with init=/bin/sh on the kernel 
command line and then run exec /sbin/init -s or even exec /sbin/init 
-b from that shell prompt.

This is not the only news, of course.  The BSD crowd should not feel 
left out, moreover.

There are four long-standing problems with the Linux libkqueue library.  
One of those problems causes svscan a.k.a. service-dt-scanner to be 
spuriously woken up.  This doesn't affect Debian but does affect Linux 
operating systems such as Gentoo that have more recent versions of that 
library.  This has been worked around in version 1.18.

The pre-built mount@-, fsck@-, mount@-usr, fsck@-usr, mount@-var, and 
fsck@-var service bundles have been removed.  Generation of the service 
bundles for mounting and checking volumes is now entirely based upon the 
auto-creation system in /etc/system-control/convert/ .  If you are 
installing from scratch by hand, then you must remember to redo all in 
that directory.  The nosh-bundles package does this for you as part of 
its post-install procedures.

The problem with the local-syslog-read service on Linux providing the 
wrong socket (the BSD one) has been fixed.

The tools now speak true TAI, rather than UTC-10.  There's an 
explanation of the consequences of this in the manual pages for cyclog, 
tai64n, and tai64nlocal.

The /etc/fstab conversion system now recognizes remote filesystem types 
and attaches the generated services to .

Re: should I get rid of pulse audio ?

2015-08-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 04:18:32PM +0200, Nicolas George wrote:
 Le primidi 1er fructidor, an CCXXIII, Ric Moore a écrit :
  Pulse generally is a pussycat. It sits on top of alsa and if alsa is broken,
  pulse is broken.
 On the other hand, there are situations where ALSA works perfectly and just
 INSTALLING the pulseaudio package would break it, even if it was absolutely
 not used.
 You can see traces of that problem in the configuration snippets that
 pulseaudio drops in ALSA:
 @hooks [
 func pulse_load_if_running
 files [
 errors false
 pcm.!default {
 type pulse
 hint {
 show on
 description Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server
 The pulse_load_if_running guard was not always present.

What file(s) are you talking about here?

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

Reservas até dia 31 Agosto

2015-08-20 Thread ESPECIAL REVEILLON 2015

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Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 10:46:40PM +0100, Brian wrote:


 Your point is a good one, as is John Hasler's.
 But it really doesn't matter how much malware a user has stacked up in
 their $HOME as long as the system is safe. The safeness of the system
 doesn't (or shouldn't) depend on the vagaries of popularity.

That's the sysadmin point of view. The user, OTOH does care about her
files. I don't care as much about the health state of /bin/ls as I do
about the health state of my home subdirectory called ~/.banking :-)

Of course, a compromised /bin/ls can compromise my ~/.banking and not
the other way around, but I think you get what I mean...

(That's what makes browser attacks so interesting these days. The
browser runs under the user's credentials and is executing random
stuff from the net (javascript). The browser vendors keep mending
their sandboxes time and again. This is going to be a fun watch
for a while -- and it's platform-independent!)

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-20 Thread Erwan David
On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 04:56:54AM CEST, David Wright said:
 Quoting Vincent Lefevre (
  On 2015-08-19 16:33:09 -0500, David Wright wrote:
   Quoting Thomas Schmitt (
But the typographical purpose of NO-BREAK SPACE is to look
like space without inviting an automatic line break.
So making it look not like space would be absurd.
   But shell input is not a typographical context. Most source code
   isn't, except in literals. Documents generally are because they are
  The point is that the terminal cannot do the difference between
  a NBSP coming from shell input and a NBSP coming from a displayed
  document. So, it should render a NBSP exactly like a normal space.
  And it is up to the application (the shell, an editor in some
  mode, etc.) to render NBSP in a special way if needed.
 Why not? Let's substitute TAB TAB for NBSP in your comment.
 My terminal happily swallows TAB TAB with cat  file, and renders
 it correctly with cat file. But when I type TAB TAB as shell input,
 I get Display all 3402 possibilities? (y or n). It seems to be able
 to do the difference in this case.

1) You're speaking input, Vincent was speaking output

2) it's the shell which makes a different treatment than cat. Exactly
what Vincent said. It is up to the application running in the shell to
do what is needed.

[Résolu] Logrotate qui ignore le fichier '/etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog' modifié.

2015-08-20 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le lundi 17 août 2015 à 17:02, Stéphane GARGOLY a 
écrit :
 Pour finir et pour peu que je n'aurai pas d'autre(s) surprise(s) concernant
 Logrotate, je vais passer ce fil de discussion en statut résolu - via un
 prochain message - dans quelques jours, après vérification par
 l'intermédiaire de la commande 'ls -l /var/log/syslo*'. :-)

Comme promis, je reviens pour considérer mon problème comme résolu car j'ai 
obtenu ce que je voulais d'après le résultat de la commande 'ls -l 
/var/log/syslo*' que j'ai lancé aujourd'hui :

-rw-r- 1 root adm  43062 août  21 05:20 syslog
-rw-r- 1 root adm  10429 août  17 01:18 syslog.20150816.gz
-rw-r- 1 root adm  11948 août  18 01:17 syslog.20150817.gz
-rw-r- 1 root adm  12611 août  19 01:18 syslog.20150818.gz
-rw-r- 1 root adm  12580 août  20 01:17 syslog.20150819.gz
-rw-r- 1 root adm 192677 août  21 01:18 syslog.20150820

Donc c'est bien l'absence du paramètre dateext qui m'a causé le soucis 
initial. :-)

Une fois de plus, je remercie Jean-Jacques D. pour sa réponse.

Une dernière chose : je confirme bien qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de lancer la 
commande 'logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf' car, même en son absence, les 
nouveaux paramètres sont tenus compte lors du prochain passage via Cron.

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Brian
On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 15:57:26 -0400, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:

 On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 20:30:18 +0100
 Brian wrote:
   I refuse to take your advice to install AV software simply because
   I have a mail server. I am not well advised.
 Or you neglect your duty to the clients of your mail server.

I've said as much in

If you have responsibility for other people's accounts you might run an
antivirus. Otherwise the need for one on Debian is zero.

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Brian
On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 15:11:09 -0500, David Wright wrote:

 Quoting Brian (
  On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 19:24:49 +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
   On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 21:58:50 +0400
   Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
   Hello Dwijesh,
   Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or for
   linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended
   antivirus for Debian?
   The viruses that run on linux (any distro) are few and far between.
  To the extent that they don't exist. So the frequency of them is not an
   Existing almost entirely as proof of concept.
   As Renaud points out, if you run a mailserver, then you would be well
   advised to run AV software.  That software will be looking for Windows
   malware though, not linux.
  I run a mail server on Debian. All mail is handled by it. I do not run
  AV software, Where am I going wrong? I refuse to take your advice to
  install AV software simply because I have a mail server. I am not well
 I'm getting confused. You posted earlier:
 On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 14:08:44 -0400, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
  On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 21:58:50 +0400
  Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
   Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or for
   linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended 
   for Debian?
  The only time you may want an anti-virus is when you are running a
  mail server, so you can avoid spreading infected mails.
 ... to OSs which are susceptible to such viruses. It's a good neighbour
 Could you clarify for me what you mean. Should you or shouldn't you
 run AV software when running a mail server?

If your users are on Debian I cannot see why you should do.

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Ron
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 15:45:09 -0500
John Hasler wrote:

 the main reason why we needn't worry about it on the desktop is
 that there are so few of us using it that it not worth the criminals'
 time to create it.

Another is that our systems are not nearly as standardized as those from 
Redmont, which makes it more difficult to create something that will work on 
most Linux systems.
 The Truth which makes men free is for the most part
   the truth which men prefer not to hear.
 -- Herbert Agar

   -- --

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread John Hasler
While it would be possible (though very difficult) to write malware for
Linux the main reason why we needn't worry about it on the desktop is
that there are so few of us using it that it not worth the criminals'
time to create it.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: trouble reconfiguring xserver-xorg

2015-08-20 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2015-08-20 21:17 +0200, Haines Brown wrote:

 Startx on a jessie desktop machine goes to a VESA display instead of the
 higher resolution supported by my video card.

That could be a kernel bug, or the sign of a failing monitor (it might
no longer give correct EDID information, for instance).  Running
dmesg | grep nouveau might give some hints.

 In Xorg log is the error:

   (EE) NOUVEAU(0): [COPY] failed to allocate class

   I searched on line for what this means without luck. Only a hint that
   it might be a harmless errpr. Anyone know? 

It probably means that you have a Tesla card which does not have a copy
engine, in which case the error message is indeed harmless.  From a chat
I had last year on IRC[1] with upstream (zwenna is me, imirkin_ is
Nouveau developer Ilia Mirkin):

| 12:08 #nouveau:  zwenna xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.11 prints an an X_ERROR 
message in the X log file
| 12:08 #nouveau:  zwenna (EE) NOUVEAU(0): [COPY] failed to allocate class.
| 12:08 #nouveau:  zwenna it seems to work fine though
| 12:09 #nouveau:  imirkin_ zwenna: mind uploading your xorg log + dmesg to 
| 12:13 #nouveau:  zwenna imirkin_: Xorg log at
| 12:14 #nouveau:  imirkin_ zwenna: ah yeah. G86 doesn't have a copy engine...
| 12:14 #nouveau:  zwenna dmesg is probably not that useful, I booted over 
two weeks ago
| 12:14 #nouveau:  imirkin_ yeah, the xorg log is enough
| 12:14 #nouveau:  imirkin_ let me take a look at the code...
| 12:14 #nouveau:  imirkin_ it shouldn't even be trying to create a copy 
| 12:16 #nouveau:  imirkin_ zwenna: it's harmless. there should be a check in 
the TESLA bit of nouveau_copy.c...
| 12:19 #nouveau:  imirkin_ (although i wonder if pcrypt2 can be used for 
| 12:20 #nouveau:  imirkin_ i forget if it can do rects or just straight up 
| 12:22 #nouveau:  imirkin_ nope, no rects. so it's stuck with m2mf. which is 
| 12:29 #nouveau:  imirkin_ zwenna: i sent a patch to the list:
| 12:34 #nouveau:  zwenna imirkin_: thanks 

The patch was committed to git[2], but no new release has been made yet.

 I decided to reconfigure xserver-xorg

   # dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

   This only returned me to the # prompt without asking any
   questions. Should it not be asking questions even if the nouveau
   driver does not allocate class?

No, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is not supposed to do anything these
days.  If you want to try a different video driver (say, the modesetting
driver), you can try this 4-line /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

--8---cut here---start-8---
Section Device
Identifier  n
Driver  modesetting
--8---cut here---end---8---



Re: Starting, installing Redmine

2015-08-20 Thread Gary Roach

On 08/20/2015 02:01 AM, wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 09:53:52AM +0200, Alex Mestiashvili wrote:

I would disable the redmine.conf as it can overlap with
And it makes no sense to have 2 configs for the same application.
I removed the redmine.conf file. It seemed to be a duplicate of the 
-alias.conf file

Here's where my lack of knowledge shows.


You haven't set the ServerName .
Please set it and restart apache2
I thought localhost or would be OK since I am running as a 
stand alone application. If this
isn't true then I guess I don't understand the meaning of ServerName. 
I'm running 4 computers plus several wireless devices behind a verizon 
router firewall. I use for all the devices. I have a dummy
domain name of but I sort of stuck it in as a place holder 
when asked for a workgroup or
domain. I do have internal dns setup to translate between names and IP 
addresses. The apache2 server and Redmine are both running on superX 
at .

I tried several different things in server name with no good results.

With respect to  Tomas's suggestion about file access, I have www-data 
included in group root. This may not be good security but I just want 
the thing to work at this point. I'll worry about security later if need be.

Good catch, Alex -- this probably is it!

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


I really appreciate your help

Gary R.

Re: Me vs. Qemu

2015-08-20 Thread Bob Weber

On 08/20/2015 11:26 AM, Bob Bernstein wrote:
 I am back to the list to submit virt progress (or lack thereof) reports.

 I have what appears to be a working OpenBSD vm running in a very little tiny
 qemu window (have yet to launch X) on my Jessie.

 Please review the following steps I took. They may be flawed so much as to
 account for the _lack of networking_ on the openbsd instance.

 (I chose the install option of dhcp rather than
 give the vm a static ipv4 address That choice, dhcp,
 works when I use it with my Vmware Player on Windows 7
 and the same OpenBSD iso image. More later...)

 I sorta guessed my way thru some of this stuff:

 To make the raw disk:
 1.# qemu-img create myimage.img 12G

 To make the vm:
 2. # qemu-system-x86_64 -boot d -cdrom cd57.iso

 To launch my new vm:
 3. # qemu-system-x86_64 myimage.img

 Comments/corrections/excoriations are welcome!

If you run a GUI then Virtual Machine Manager makes this all a snap.  VMM
manages guest network, guest storage and guests through libvirtd.  Just open a
guest window and click run.  Thats all there is to it.  Of course you have to
configure the guest... things like cpu cores, memory, network and display 


Re: cons25 Terminal is Almost but not Quite Right for a Job.

2015-08-20 Thread Martin McCormick
Darac Marjal wrote:
 What terminal are you using? Are you using an actual vt100 terminal, a
 vt(NNN) terminal (e.g. a vt200 or vt400 or similar), the linux virtual
 console, a terminal emulator (such as xterm, gnome-terminal etc)?
 Ideally, TERM should be set to the name of the actual terminal equipment
 you're using, which will then give the input/output systems (mostly
 ncurses) the best idea of how to translate the programmer's wishes onto
 your display.

I believe that that was the problem. Thank you. I have
had a line in .bash_profile as well as .screenrc that set the
terminal to vt100. That was left over from before I retired last
March. At work, I was logging in to both Linux and FreeBSD boxes
all day long and I seem to recall that the BSD-based boxes were
happier when I identified as a vt100 terminal. The Linux terminal
appears to mostly speak the same escape codes as the vtXXX
After changing to a linux terminal, the stray escapes
went away when I set $TERM to cons25.

I now must go through .screenrc to make sure that the
terminal is set to Linux or at least make sure it inherits that
from the environment when it is called.


Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Thursday 20 August 2015 20:50:43 Miles Fidelman wrote:
 Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
  On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 19:33:17 +0100
  Brian wrote:
  On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 20:24:16 +0200, Diogene Laerce wrote:
  Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or
  for linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended
  antivirus for Debian?
  Thank you in advance.
  Required no, advised I guess.
  You guessed wrong.
  Although I know that proof-of-concept viruses (virii ?) have been created
  in computer labs, has anyone seen one alive in the wild ?

 Yes.  There are lots of things that attack Linux, including various
 rootkits (see for a partial
 list).  Then try googling Mayhem and Shellshock (hint: can you say

 There are also quite  few threats that are not so much Linux-specific as
 application-specific.  For example there are LOTS of things that attack
 Wordpress - I see probes and attacks in my logs by the thousands (daily)
 - and managed to get infected at one point.  Needless to say, that
 installation has been hardened significantly.

 And then there are the attacks on the linux derivatives that run on
 various network devices like routers and IPMI boxes.  (Just what you
 want attached to a server, a remote console server that will give up its
 password if asked nicely.  Also got bit by that - someone launched a
 reflection attack against a commercial game server, through one of our
 console servers.)

 Linux is naturally secure is bulls*t.  It's more secure than Windows,
 but that's not saying an awful lot.

The question wasn't about security in general, when no-one is totally secure.  
But about viruses specifically.  They are low risk on a Linux box.


Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Ron
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 20:30:18 +0100
Brian wrote:

  I refuse to take your advice to install AV software simply because I have a 
 mail server. I am not well advised.

Or you neglect your duty to the clients of your mail server.
 You can always rely on America doing the right thing
   Once it has exhausted the alternatives.
  - Sir Winston Churchill

   -- --

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread David Wright
Quoting Brian (
 On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 19:24:49 +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
  On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 21:58:50 +0400
  Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
  Hello Dwijesh,
  Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or for
  linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended
  antivirus for Debian?
  The viruses that run on linux (any distro) are few and far between.
 To the extent that they don't exist. So the frequency of them is not an
  Existing almost entirely as proof of concept.
  As Renaud points out, if you run a mailserver, then you would be well
  advised to run AV software.  That software will be looking for Windows
  malware though, not linux.
 I run a mail server on Debian. All mail is handled by it. I do not run
 AV software, Where am I going wrong? I refuse to take your advice to
 install AV software simply because I have a mail server. I am not well

I'm getting confused. You posted earlier:

On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 14:08:44 -0400, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:

 On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 21:58:50 +0400
 Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:

  Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for Debian or for
  linux in general. And if it is required, what are the recommended antivirus
  for Debian?

 The only time you may want an anti-virus is when you are running a
 mail server, so you can avoid spreading infected mails.

... to OSs which are susceptible to such viruses. It's a good neighbour

Could you clarify for me what you mean. Should you or shouldn't you
run AV software when running a mail server?


Re: Ian, this tutorial’s for you

2015-08-20 Thread Tiffany T
Hey Ian,
My emails have been ending up in the spam folder more often than I'd like 
lately and just wanted to make sure it didn't happen for you - forgetting about 
it is OK though ;)
Let me know when you can.

Tiffany |
Udemy, as featured in:
Fortune: Online education marketplace Udemy raises $65 million for 
international expansion...
Forbes: Closing The Skills Gap: How Udemy Is Helping Anyone Learn Anything
TIME Money: How I Made $100,000 Teaching Online

I know not everyone likes getting emails like this, so if you don’t want to to 
receive emails like this anymore, simply reply (politely, please!) and let me 

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 1:05 pm, Tiffany T wrote:
Hi Ian,
 Just checking in to make sure you received my first email. Let me know when 
 you have a moment - I'd really appreciate it!
 Tiffany |
 Udemy, as featured in:
 Fortune: Online education marketplace Udemy raises $65 million for 
 international expansion...
 Forbes: Closing The Skills Gap: How Udemy Is Helping Anyone Learn Anything
 TIME Money: How I Made $100,000 Teaching Online
 I know not everyone likes getting emails like this, so if you don’t want to 
 to receive emails like this anymore, simply reply (politely, please!) and let 
 me know.
 On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 7:12 am, Tiffany T wrote:
 Hi Ian, 
  I'm from an education company called Udemy, and we have lots of students 
  learning about Ruby on Rails. We like putting together free guides for 
  them, so we came up with this free Ruby on Rails tutorial.
  We realized that our students aren't the only ones who might benefit from 
  it, and my job was to go out and find others who might find it useful. When 
  I found your site, I saw that you posted this tutorial from Railscasts – I 
  really liked that page as well! Ours is similar and I think your readers 
  would enjoy it just as much. Would you like to post it?  
  I'll check in with you in a few days to see what you think.
  Tiffany |
  Udemy, as featured in:
  Fortune: Online education marketplace Udemy raises $65 million for 
  international expansion...
  Forbes: Closing The Skills Gap: How Udemy Is Helping Anyone Learn Anything
  TIME Money: How I Made $100,000 Teaching Online
  I know not everyone likes getting emails like this, so if you don’t want to 
  to receive emails like this anymore, simply reply (politely, please!) and 
  let me know.

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Stefan Monnier

Nobody serious would claim that a system like GNU/Linux can be immune.
But that doesn't mean that anti-virus software is a good way to protect
a GNU/Linux system.


Re: [Cómo] Actualizar Firefox (y Thunderbird) desde consola

2015-08-20 Thread Javier Silva
El 20/8/2015 4:14 p. m., Camaleón escribió:

 El Thu, 20 Aug 2015 16:07:10 +0200, Óscar Triana - S.I.I. escribió:

  El 20/08/2015 a las 16:02, Camaleón escribió:


  (...) Obviamente, si se tiene instalado los paquetes desde
  los repositorios de Debian esto no es necesario, que para eso ya está
  apt ;-)

  Y apt-get update y luego apt-get upgrade??

 Pues eso, que no es necesario ;-)

 Llega un momento en el ciclo de vida de Debian en el que dejan de
 mantener los programas de Mozilla así que yo al final opté por descargar
 e instalarlos directamente desde Mozilla para mantenerlos siempre


En Debian se dispone siempre de las versiones ESR, creo haber comentado
este tema con anterioridad.

Hace unos días ha entrado la 38.2 ESR la cual reemplaza a la 31.8 anterior
y la próxima que aparecerá si se sigue la hoja de ruta, será la 44 o 45
según la congelen en Mozilla.

Además el equipo de Debian, nunca publican la revisión que acaba en 0,
dejan pasar de 2 a 3 revisiones hasta que se estabilizan los fallos.

Observa que Mozilla también mantiene las 2 versiones aplicando los parches
de seguridad correspondientes, es este caso se solaparon (si no recuerdo
mal), las versiones 31.7 y 31.8 con las 38.0, 38.0.1, 38.1 y 38.2.

La diferencia entre ambas versiones es que la ESR es mucho más estable y
recibes menos cambios nuevos que pueden afectar al funcionamiento general
del navegador y no te aseguran que vayan a estar presentes al siguiente mes
(esto ha ocurrido alguna vez).

Creo que recibe antes la corrección de fallos de seguridad la ESR que la
normal, aunque esto último no lo puedo asegurar.

Un saludo,
Javier Silva.

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