Re: Compartir wifi mediante un AP wifi...

2016-07-17 Thread luisededios


Aun sigo sin terminar del armar mi sistema, es decir, según el bosquejo de  

Bueno, entonces imagino una red así:

Internet   laptop otros
Wifi --->wlan0 - wlan1  --->  otros

# The loopback network interface
auto lo eth0 wlan0
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp

auto br0
iface br0 inet dhcp
bridge-ports wlan0 wlan0:0

donde wlan0 es una interfaz física y wlan1 es virtual, pero el sistema no  
puede adicionar ni wlan0 ni wlan0:0 al puente br0, me informa: operación  
no soportada

Sin embargo, los móviles reciben mi señal pero no pueden registrarse en mi  
AP por la cuestión de las IPs


Mi laptop debe recibir IP por dhcp desde el AP wifi de etecsa pero para  
implementar mi AP wifi en mi equipo, -pregunto- debo implementar dns y  
dhcp? Bueno, por si o por no, los tengo implementados pero aun así no  
consigo lo esperado y deduzco que el problema está en que no logro armar  
el puente. Qué me falta?

En esta misma laptop tengo win7 con connectify y trabaja de maravillas.

Otra pregunta que me viene a la mente, el problema podría tratarse de los  
drivers que he instalado para mi adpatador wifi, pues no son los  

Alquien podría echarme una mano?


Re: Fwd: Duvida -- Proxy Transparente protocolo https

2016-07-17 Thread Flávio

Esse procedimento não quebra alguma norma estabelecida nas RFC´s?

Em 17/07/2016 19:22, lucas castro escreveu:

Na hora de importar na chave no navegador você pode marca a chave para 
confiar apenas para identificar chaves. Nunca fiz sniff para testar 
isso. Também tem a opção de apenas fazer túnel para algumas algumas 
conexões que o recomendo para sites como os de bancos.

Em 16 de jul de 2016 5:09 PM, "Rodrigo Cunha" 
> escreveu:

-- Mensagem encaminhada --
De: *Rodrigo Cunha* >
Data: 16 de julho de 2016 00:07
Assunto: Duvida -- Proxy Transparente protocolo https

Olá srs, estou com duvidas quanto ao proxy transparente com
atuação sobre o protocolo https.
Tenho uma questão sobre a segurança, porque em meu entendimento
quando há uma conexão segura, além da autenticidade do website ser
"garantida" por uma entidade certificadora também existe a
criptografia no texto enviado.

Minha duvida é, se eu snifar a rede em um website seguro
utilizando o proxy transparente eu não iria obter dados como o
login e senha em websites que utilizam https.Uma vez que a ponte
segura será feita entre meu squid e o servidor e não entre o
navegador do usuário e o servidor.

Alguém já fez esse teste?


Rodrigo da Silva Cunha


Rodrigo da Silva Cunha

Re: MC opens incorrect application from file extension....

2016-07-17 Thread Charles Schroeder

- Original Message -
From: Charles Schroeder 
To: Debian User 
Sent: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 10:18:58 +1000 (EST)
Subject: MC opens incorrect application from file extension

Just having a problem with MC where I click on a file: file.odg

MC attempts to open it with iceweasel asking what should this file be opened 
with in the future?

I have attempted to write the correct instruction in ~/.config/mc But obviously 
not correctly as it still doesn't work?

Tried to find how to edit the MC .config file on the web, but obviously not 
asking the right question. A pointer to a page that demonstrates this would be 

Failing that or if preffered to that, would someone please help me with the way 
to write the section that will open the .odt .odg and other LibreOffice files 
through MC.


To answer myself:

Apologies for the noise, LibreOffice appears broken and I must have missed the 
bug report when I upgraded my system:

 b1 - #796058 - libreoffice: app seems to hang itself

Apologies again,

MC opens incorrect application from file extension....

2016-07-17 Thread Charles Schroeder

Just having a problem with MC where I click on a file: file.odg

MC attempts to open it with iceweasel asking what should this file be opened 
with in the future?

I have attempted to write the correct instruction in ~/.config/mc But obviously 
not correctly as it still doesn't work?

Tried to find how to edit the MC .config file on the web, but obviously not 
asking the right question. A pointer to a page that demonstrates this would be 

Failing that or if preffered to that, would someone please help me with the way 
to write the section that will open the .odt .odg and other LibreOffice files 
through MC.


Re: Fwd: Duvida -- Proxy Transparente protocolo https

2016-07-17 Thread lucas castro
Na hora de importar na chave no navegador você pode marca a chave para
confiar apenas para identificar chaves. Nunca fiz sniff para testar isso.
Também tem a opção de apenas fazer túnel para algumas algumas conexões que
o recomendo para sites como os de bancos.

Em 16 de jul de 2016 5:09 PM, "Rodrigo Cunha" 

> -- Mensagem encaminhada --
> De: Rodrigo Cunha 
> Data: 16 de julho de 2016 00:07
> Assunto: Duvida -- Proxy Transparente protocolo https
> Para:
> Olá srs, estou com duvidas quanto ao proxy transparente com atuação sobre
> o protocolo https.
> Tenho uma questão sobre a segurança, porque em meu entendimento quando há
> uma conexão segura, além da autenticidade do website ser "garantida" por
> uma entidade certificadora também existe a criptografia no texto enviado.
> Minha duvida é, se eu snifar a rede em um website seguro utilizando o
> proxy transparente eu não iria obter dados como o login e senha em websites
> que utilizam https.Uma vez que a ponte segura será feita entre meu squid e
> o servidor e não entre o navegador do usuário e o servidor.
> Alguém já fez esse teste?
> --
> Atenciosamente,
> Rodrigo da Silva Cunha
> --
> Atenciosamente,
> Rodrigo da Silva Cunha

Re: connaitre l'arborescence d'un paquet

2016-07-17 Thread honeyshell
And the winner is ;-)

Mince Pas d'anglais ici.

Re: connaitre l'arborescence d'un paquet

2016-07-17 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sun, 17 Jul 2016 19:49:01 +0200,
""  a
écrit :

> bonjour
> apt-file list nom-paquet, que le paquet soit installé ou non
> Le 16/07/2016 à 18:17, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
> > bonjour,
> >
> > je viens de tester une fedora et j'ai trouvé une commande fedora
> > intéressante qui liste l'arborescence du paquet à installer
> >
> > quel est le nom de la commande en debian ?
> >
> > slt
> > bernard
> >  


j'ai aussi essayé avec : apt-file show nom-paquet

et c'est tout bon


Re: connaitre l'arborescence d'un paquet

2016-07-17 Thread


apt-file list nom-paquet, que le paquet soit installé ou non

Le 16/07/2016 à 18:17, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :


je viens de tester une fedora et j'ai trouvé une commande fedora
intéressante qui liste l'arborescence du paquet à installer

quel est le nom de la commande en debian ?


een enkel package uit unstable of non-free

2016-07-17 Thread Geert Stappers


Het is me te vaak gebeuren dat ik een enkel package
uit non-free of unstable nodig had.

Voor firmware uit non-free paste ik apt-sources aan, "apt-get update"
installeerde het ene package met de WIFI driver
en dan de apt-sources wijzigingen weer ongedaan maken.

Voor nieuwe versie van een package ging ik met een webbrowser naar
zocht met de hand de gewenste versie, "copy" URL op "clipboard"
en dan in een ander scherm `wget` "paste" URL van "clipbord".
Daar nog een dpkg install achter aan.

Ik heb software geschreven om van dat gekloot af te zijn
en die software draait als service. De service heet "do303".
'303' als in "HTTP 303 See other".

Wat voorbeelden



Verdere beschrijving op

Doe je voordeel met dit bericht.

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

Failing to add libs to ld

2016-07-17 Thread Edi The Raven
Short version : I am trying to run matlab on debian 8.5 jessie@x86_64 + 
fglrx-driver.It complains about not founding in some filepath. I 
search for them, find them and then softlink to the requested filepath. Add 
them to a custom matlab.conf in /etc/ and then ldconfig.But the 
libs won't show.
sudo ldconfig -p | grep fglrx
[sudo] password for editheraven: (libc6,x86-64) => 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (libc6) => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

Longer version:
I run matlab 2016 on Jessie 8.5/x86_64. I use fglrx-driver from the repos with 
these outputs.
LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxgears
libGL: AtiGetClientDriverName: 15.20.3 fglrx (screen 0)
ukiDynamicMajor: found major device number 249
ukiDynamicMajor: found major device number 249
ukiDynamicMajor: found major device number 249
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card0
ukiOpenDevice: open result is 4, (OK)
ukiGetBusid returned 'PCI:1:0:0'
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card1
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card2
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card3
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card4
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card5
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card6
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card7
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card8
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card9
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card10
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card11
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card12
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card13
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card14
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card15
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiDynamicMajor: found major device number 249
ukiOpenByBusid: Searching for BusID PCI:1:0:0
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card0
ukiOpenDevice: open result is 4, (OK)
ukiOpenByBusid: ukiOpenMinor returns 4
ukiOpenByBusid: ukiGetBusid reports PCI:1:0:0
ukiDynamicMajor: found major device number 249
ukiDynamicMajor: found major device number 249
ukiOpenByBusid: Searching for BusID PCI:1:0:0
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card0
ukiOpenDevice: open result is 5, (OK)
ukiOpenByBusid: ukiOpenMinor returns 5
ukiOpenByBusid: ukiGetBusid reports PCI:1:0:0
ukiDynamicMajor: found major device number 249
ukiDynamicMajor: found major device number 249
ukiDynamicMajor: found major device number 249
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card0
ukiOpenDevice: open result is 8, (OK)
ukiGetBusid returned 'PCI:1:0:0'
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card1
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card2
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card3
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card4
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card5
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card6
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card7
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card8
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card9
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card10
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card11
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card12
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card13
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card14
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card15
ukiOpenDevice: UKI_ERR_NOT_ROOT
ukiDynamicMajor: found major device number 249
ukiOpenByBusid: Searching for BusID PCI:1:0:0
ukiOpenDevice: node name is /dev/ati/card0
ukiOpenDevice: open result is 8, (OK)
ukiOpenByBusid: ukiOpenMinor returns 8
ukiOpenByBusid: ukiGetBusid reports PCI:1:0:0
33291 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6657.978 FPS[/code]

glxinfo | grep direct
direct rendering: Yes
    GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect, GL_AMD_name_gen_delete,
    GL_ARB_direct_state_access, GL_ARB_draw_buffers,
    GL_ARB_draw_indirect, GL_ARB_draw_instanced, GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts,
    GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect, GL_ARB_multisample, GL_ARB_multitexture,
    GL_EXT_copy_buffer, GL_EXT_copy_texture, 

Re: Foto's van een Android device

2016-07-17 Thread Sjoerd Hiemstra
Op zaterdag 16 juli schreef Geert Stappers:
> Hoe halen jullie foto's van een Android toestel?

Via WiFi. Android-toestel en PC moeten daarvoor op dezelfde router
zitten; PC bedraad of ook via WiFi.
Op het Android-toestel heb ik Software Data Cable geïnstalleerd.
Die laat na een druk op 'Sync PC' een ftp-adres zien, dat je vanaf de PC
kunt benaderen.
De meeste file managers hebben wel ingebouwde ftp. Heb je het ftp-adres
daar eenmaal ingesteld, dan is dit verder de allersnelste en handigste
methode die ik ken.

Re: Internationalisation

2016-07-17 Thread Byung-Hee HWANG (황병희)
On 2016년 7월 17일 오후 6시 11분 25초 GMT+09:00, Mark Fletcher  
>Hello list
>I'm trying to set up multi-lingual capability on a new-installed Debian
>Stretch machine, I can't get Japanese input to work and ...


FYI, Google's Noto CJK font is good/perfact for UTF-8 environments, i'm using 
now it  under Ubuntu 12.04.

Debian also have Noto CJK fonts as package.


^고맙습니다 감사합니다_^))//

Re: Internationalisation

2016-07-17 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 9:35 PM orang Aumori Jepun 

> >Hello list
> Hi , Mark.
> You may create ja_JP.UTF-8 locale using dpgk-reconfigure locale if you
> have not created it.

Yup, forgot to mention, but I had done that.

> And,
> -right click the ibus icon on the task bar
> -select "Preferences" on the menu
> -"iBus Preferences" window shows up , and click "Input Method" tab.
> - then , input methods list appears .
>   and if you can not see "Japanese-Anthy" on that list,
>  press "Add" button ,
>  select "japanese" ,
>  and then select "Anthy" ,
>  then Japanese-Anthy should be added on the Input Method list.
OK this has the ring of truth to it -- thanks! I can't check right now as
the computer is in my son's room and he's sleeping, but I will try it in
the morning and report back. From memory, I don't think Anthy was there to
be selected, which may mean I've failed to install something I need, but I
will check again before saying that with any confidence. Thanks a lot for
your help!


Re: Internationalisation

2016-07-17 Thread orang Aumori Jepun
>Hello list

Hi , Mark.

>partially-Japanese-ised environment. The K menu is mostly in Japanese.

>(romaji as the Japanese call them). Can anyone guess what stupid mistake
>I have made? I did install the fonts packages recommended on the wiki

You may create ja_JP.UTF-8 locale using dpgk-reconfigure locale if you have not 
created it.
-right click the ibus icon on the task bar 
-select "Preferences" on the menu
-"iBus Preferences" window shows up , and click "Input Method" tab.
- then , input methods list appears . 
  and if you can not see "Japanese-Anthy" on that list, 
         press "Add" button ,
         select "japanese" , 
         and then select "Anthy" ,
         then Japanese-Anthy should be added on the Input Method list.

After that, win key + space key  switches throurgh input methods. 
select Anthy with it , then you should be able to use Japanese.
And , left click on the Anthy icon , select "input mode" on the menu,
you can choose input mode ( hiragana , katakana , direct input , so on)

Hope this helps.


2016-07-17 Thread Mark Fletcher
Hello list

I'm trying to set up multi-lingual capability on a new-installed Debian
Stretch machine, I can't get Japanese input to work and I am starting to
think I am doing (or failing to do) something enormously stupid.

I've installed stretch on an "Affinity" mini-PC purchased in Japan,
where I live. Yesterday I updated everything to latest available. It's a
Core i3 if I remember right with 2GB of RAM and 64GB SSD. I've decided
to give this to my 12-year-old son who has recently started showing an
interest in learning to program for iOS and Android devices. I thought
we'd get started on Android and see how he goes, then start thinking
about setting up a VM environment for him to do iOS development if his
interest sticks. Although I'm traditionally a Gnome user I've installed
KDE on this machine as I originally intended this machine as an
experiment to see what other DEs were like these days before I got the
idea to use it for this purpose.

Now the last thing on earth I'd ever want is a computer trying to
communicate with me, or expecting me to communicate with it, in
Japanese. But my son, being half-Japanese, sees the world, and more to
the point the computer screen, through different eyes -- younger,
fresher, less myopic, and most importantly rather keener to read

I've created an account for him (and another for his eight-year-old
brother, to keep sibling rivalry out of it) on the machine. I've read
the instructions on the Debian Wiki[1] although I suspect these are
somewhat old and they are a not-great translation from the Japanese
page, I think. They basically cover a bunch of packages that need to be
installed, all of which I installed except the supposedly KDE-specific
one which does not exist. Instead I found kde-l10n-ja, which I
installed. I also picked ibus-anthy for input as I have used that
successfully in Gnome (although I don't remember well how I did it, I
don't recall it being a major struggle).

A terminal launched from inside KDE shows my LANG env variable set to
en_GB.UTF8, which is what I chose at install time, but from looking at
profile and bashrc scripts in /etc and my home dir I cannot for the life
of me figure out how that is getting set, except it is
in /etc/default/locale. I assume some part of KDE is reading that and
setting LANG accordingly.

The goal I want to get to is to give my son as Japanese an environment
as possible when he logs in, and a fully English environment for me when
I log in. I have this on Windows 8 on my laptop, and if Windows can do
it, obviously Debian can do it better...

After installing the packages recommended by the wiki page[1], and the
additional package mentioned above which may or may not be necessary,
and selecting in KDE System settings the Japanese language when logged
in as my son, and then rebooting, my son can log into a
partially-Japanese-ised environment. The K menu is mostly in Japanese.
LibreOffice is not even though I installed the internationalisation
package mentioned on the wiki for it. Presumably something needs turning
on there. But the biggest problem I have right now is that Japanese
INPUT is not working. I have got Ibus on the task bar and if I right
click it I can see Japanese is selected, but if I try to type in any
window -- a terminal (where error messages are in Japanese), or
LibreOffice Word, etc, it steadfastly types regular alphabet characters
(romaji as the Japanese call them). Can anyone guess what stupid mistake
I have made? I did install the fonts packages recommended on the wiki

As I say I have Japanese input working in Gnome under Jessie on my main
machine, although I don't recall much about how I set it up -- my memory
is I installed a bunch of packages and it just worked. Now I want to get
it working on KDE under stretch. Backing away from KDE and using Gnome
is a last-resort option, but I am not confident I will do any better
there as I don't remember how I got it working before and also I believe
KDE is a little more similar to Windows and will make an easier
transition for my son who has learned Windows at school.




Re: Installation issue

2016-07-17 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 17/07/2016 à 09:36, Andre Majorel a écrit :

For a shell to type the ping command in, try [ctrl]-[alt]-[f2],
[ctrl]-[alt]-[f3] and so on. To go back to the Debian installer,
[ctrl]-[alt]-[f1], if memory serves.

Or Alt+F5 if the installer is in graphic mode.
Note that you don't need to press Ctrl to switch from a text console.

Re: off topic Question of the day..

2016-07-17 Thread Andre Majorel
On 2016-07-16 13:49 +, Curt wrote:

> She was putting her foot down, but it went into her mouth.

Did she ? In any case, hearing someone from the US poke fun at
the UK for being late in updating their unit system "vaut son
pesant de cacahuètes", as people might say around these parts.

André Majorel, a spambot's best friend.

Re: Installation issue

2016-07-17 Thread Andre Majorel
On 2016-07-17 00:42 -0500, David Wright wrote:
> On Sat 16 Jul 2016 at 20:57:55 (-0700), Adolfo Gonzalez wrote:
> > Hi there, I've tried to install from Internet but during the
> > process I get across choosing a mirror, after I choose it it
> > takes me to a screen with a title "choose a mirror of the
> > debian archive" in. which I'm ask to enter "HTTP proxy
> > information (blank for none)", since I'm using a Wi-Fi
> > connection and haven,t got a clue what information is that I
> > leave it blank but, it always shows me a "bad archive
> > mirror", please HELP
> Blank for the proxy is fine. It's likely the error is before that.
> Here are the responses I select. See how they compare with yours.
> Configure the package manager
> Use a network mirror? yes
> Protocol for downloads: http

Yes, HTTP over FTP as the latter doesn't always work well or at
all through firewalls.

> Debian archive mirror country: United States
> Debian archive mirror:
> HTTP proxy:

And is the computer actually connected to the internet ? Can you
ping or whatever from the machine you're trying to
install Debian on ? If not, go back to the "configure the
network" step in the Debian installer.

For a shell to type the ping command in, try [ctrl]-[alt]-[f2],
[ctrl]-[alt]-[f3] and so on. To go back to the Debian installer,
[ctrl]-[alt]-[f1], if memory serves.

André Majorel 
Discriminating spammers prefer