Re: Hola

2016-09-24 Thread divagante

El 25/09/16 a las 02:02, alparkom escribió:

Y porque no usar Debian?

 Supongo yo no lo eligen porque a debian siempre le falta '5 para 1 
peso' y hay que meterle cosas a mano propia. Aparte de la experiencia 
visual y cruda que deja en los 'desktop-environent'

 Yo lo uso hace 7 anyos y siempre me sucedio.

Por lo demas si bien hay mucha -pero mucha!- informacion de como hacer 
tu propia distro basada en debian y como crear un 'mirror' de los 
repositorios, tanto escrita como en videos por todo el internet -- no 
olvido que estas en cuba, espero poder leer por aqui algo de experiencia 
personal comentada en primera mano. Es algo super interesante pero jamas 
lo necesite hacer.

 Saludos desde el sur.

El 25/09/16 a las 00:56, Lesly Cintra escribió:

Buenas, tengo un problema, me gustaría suscribirme a esta lista de
correo pero no tengo internet, ¿me pueden ayudar?
Otro favor que les quiero pedir de todo corazón es que me ayuden con
el tema de como crear una distribución basada en Debian ya que la
creemos la mejor distribución GNU/Linux y al ser cubanos y no tener
internet en los hogares se nos hace imposible acceder a los
repositorios, por lo que queremos (varios amigos mios y yo) crear una
distro basada en Debian y crear nuestro propio repositorio de paquetes.
Agradecemos de antemano la ayuda que nos puedan brindar.

Atentamente ..::LESCLAZ::..


Re: libre office fail

2016-09-24 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 09:22:23PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> Desperate, I tried to use command line to open an odt file. I got this
> running sid:
> This is critical. :( Ric

I'm sorry that this doesn't move you closer to an immediate solution, 
but do you really need to be using Sid? The words "sid", "critical" and 
"desperate", close together in the same sentence or close to it, is a 
little bit of a red flag...

If you have truly critical processes / work stuff that you have to get 
done, sid wouldn't seem like the place to do it. Jessie is still pretty 
functional you know... I run stretch on boxes I don't mind breaking 
occasionally and Jessie on those I do. I have neither a compelling 
reason to use sid nor the time to devote to fixing it when it breaks, 
interesting learning experience though that would be. (and why do I 
capitalise Jessie and not stretch or sid? Who knows?)

Of course no reason you shouldn't run sid if you want to, but not for 
critical stuff...


Re: Hola

2016-09-24 Thread alparkom

Y porque no usar Debian?

El 25/09/16 a las 00:56, Lesly Cintra escribió:

Buenas, tengo un problema, me gustaría suscribirme a esta lista de 
correo pero no tengo internet, ¿me pueden ayudar?
Otro favor que les quiero pedir de todo corazón es que me ayuden con 
el tema de como crear una distribución basada en Debian ya que la 
creemos la mejor distribución GNU/Linux y al ser cubanos y no tener 
internet en los hogares se nos hace imposible acceder a los 
repositorios, por lo que queremos (varios amigos mios y yo) crear una 
distro basada en Debian y crear nuestro propio repositorio de paquetes.

Agradecemos de antemano la ayuda que nos puedan brindar.

Atentamente ..::LESCLAZ::..


2016-09-24 Thread Lesly Cintra
Buenas, tengo un problema, me gustaría suscribirme a esta lista de correo pero 
no tengo internet, ¿me pueden ayudar?
Otro favor que les quiero pedir de todo corazón es que me ayuden con el tema de 
como crear una distribución basada en Debian ya que la creemos la mejor 
distribución GNU/Linux y al ser cubanos y no tener internet en los hogares se 
nos hace imposible acceder a los repositorios, por lo que queremos (varios 
amigos mios y yo) crear una distro basada en Debian y crear nuestro propio 
repositorio de paquetes.
Agradecemos de antemano la ayuda que nos puedan brindar.

Atentamente ..::LESCLAZ::..

Re: libre office fail

2016-09-24 Thread Ric Moore

On 09/24/2016 10:39 PM, Carl Fink wrote:

On 09/24/2016 09:22 PM, Ric Moore wrote:

Desperate, I tried to use command line to open an odt file. I got this
running sid:

ric@iam:~/Documents/Dennis/pdf$ libreoffice

(soffice:14215): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_size_request:
assertion 'width >= -1' failed

This is critical. :( Ric

Information that might help would include what distro you are running.
Sid? Given that this is a GTK error, one might also suggest posting
versions of stuff like the various GTK libraries (libgtk*). Just

Since I'm running fully updated sid all the gtk packages are "testing". 
My head hurts. I'm wondering if I could just rip out the gtk3 packages?? Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Servidor para receber sms

2016-09-24 Thread Rodrigo Cunha
Olá srs. estou montando um projeto e gostaria de saber se existe algum
servidor Linux que possa receber mensagens sms.
Gostaria de saber também qual seria o o hardware compatível com Linux para
o cartão sms.
:) Vlw!!!

Rodrigo da Silva Cunha

Re: libre office fail

2016-09-24 Thread Carl Fink

On 09/24/2016 09:22 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
Desperate, I tried to use command line to open an odt file. I got this 
running sid:

ric@iam:~/Documents/Dennis/pdf$ libreoffice 

(soffice:14215): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_size_request: 
assertion 'width >= -1' failed


This is critical. :( Ric

Information that might help would include what distro you are running.
Sid? Given that this is a GTK error, one might also suggest posting
versions of stuff like the various GTK libraries (libgtk*). Just

Carl Fink

libre office fail

2016-09-24 Thread Ric Moore
Desperate, I tried to use command line to open an odt file. I got this 
running sid:

ric@iam:~/Documents/Dennis/pdf$ libreoffice National_Reentry_Resources.odt

(soffice:14215): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_size_request: assertion 
'width >= -1' failed


This is critical. :( Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Office borked

2016-09-24 Thread Ric Moore
Has anyone else noticed that the drop down menus in Office writer no 
longer work???  This is making me REAL crazy. It's the same problem 
reported with synaptic.

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: Tableau de bord Mate

2016-09-24 Thread Frederic MASSOT

Le 21/09/2016 à 11:48, Haricophile a écrit :

Le Tue, 20 Sep 2016 09:51:51 +0200,
Frédéric MASSOT  a écrit :

MATE 1.16 va arriver plus vite que prévu, depuis ce week-end beaucoup
de composant de MATE passent de la version 1.15 à la version 1.16. La
roadmap de la 1.16 va être écourtée.

Chic ! Les bugs actuels sont très bloquants, je sais c'est
testing/unstable mais entre buggé et bloqué

MATE 1.16 est sortie mercredi 21, les paquets Debian arrivent :

Je viens de rédiger la dépêche sur la sortie de MATE 1.16 sur LinuxFR :

Elle n'est pas encore publiée, vous pouvez apporter de corrections et 

|  |
|   |
| +33.(0)  +33.(0) |

Re: anyone having problems with python on debian testing

2016-09-24 Thread emetib
running as root to get the journal.

no errors.


2016-09-24 Thread Simó Albert i Beltran

Hem creat una sala a matrix per xerrar de Debian en català.

Us hi esperem ;-)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: eth1 - eth0

2016-09-24 Thread jordi
El ds 24 de 09 de 2016 a les 23:21 +0200, en/na Simó Albert i Beltran va
> Ho pots configurar a /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

Gracies, ja he fet el canvi i funciona.



Re: Propera trobada?

2016-09-24 Thread Simó Albert i Beltran
Busquem una data?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Ben Caradoc-Davies

On 25/09/16 01:26, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:

Good morning! Just a heads up that upgrading the following two
packages attempts to remove 141 unrelated packages in Sid/Unstable
this morning:
perl 5.24.1~rc3-2
perl-base 5.24.1~rc3-2

Before running "apt-get dist-upgrade", I always simulate first with:

apt-get dist-upgrade -s -V

in case "apt-get dist-upgrade" want to resolve a conflict by doing 
something helpful like removing most of an architecture or desktop. The 
same simulation works with "apt-get upgrade", which is much less 
aggressive and continues to work during a dist-upgrade-breaking transition.

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies 
Transient Software Limited 
New Zealand

Re: eth1 - eth0

2016-09-24 Thread Simó Albert i Beltran
Ho pots configurar a /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OT] Flash Player para linux "strikes back"

2016-09-24 Thread Altair Linux
Linux no esta implantado aun en la educacion (escuelas, institutos y
universidades) porque "no interesa". ¿Y porque "no interesa"?. Porque
muchas veces las personas que tienen que decidir tienen mentalidad del
siglo pasado y muchas veces tambien el comercial de turno ha hecho
bien el trabajo que le han enviado a hacer.

Eso sencillamente resume la inmensa mayoria de los casos. Yo he visto
mucho FUD (duda, miedo, incertidumbre) por parte de comerciales tanto
a empresas, como a particulares como a instituciones. Poco a poco va
cambiando, pero aun el cambio es lento, a veces muy lento.

Tambien el conocido "si funciona no lo toques", o el conocido "siempre
se ha hecho asi", etc. Motivos hay miles.

Tambien quiero incluir en esta respuesta a los comerciales que tienen
orden de la empresa de decir lo que les han dicho que digan.
Comerciales que funcionan en plan: hay que vender, y si para vender
hay que mentirle al cliente, pues se le miente. Y son comerciales que
saben perfectamente que estan mintiendo, y les trae sin cuidado porque
estan para vender y punto. Y si, he visto esto.

En cuanto a los politicos, me dijeron una vez hace años que a la
inmensa mayoria no les interesa linux unicamente porque no pueden
coger comision. Y si el politico de turno no se lleva su comision, no
se mueve nada.

Y tambien hay gente que conoce solamente windows y no tiene ningun
interes en probar otros sistemas operativos porque no los usan ni en
el trabajo ni en casa. Alla ellos, es su decision.

Volviendo al inicio del tema, la vuelta de flash: ya sabemos mas que
de sobra que flash es un colador en temas de seguridad, si quieren
tener problemas de seguridad y pagar para que se los solucionen es
su decision.

eth1 - eth0

2016-09-24 Thread jordi
Bones, us voldria fer una pregunta sobre les interfícies de xarxa.

Tenia un port ethernet connectat en un slot pci de la placa base -->

I un altre que ja porta la placa base i que tenia desactivat --> eth1

La xarxa em funcionava amb eth0 però aquest maquinari s'ha espatllat i
l'he tret i he activat el de la placa base, per la qual cosa ara em
funciona amb eth1.

No trobo com canviar eth1 a eth0, i penso que deu ser qüestió de on
tingui físicament connectat aquest port, es així o ho puc canviar?

Bàsicament es una qüestió estètica, però em trobo que hi ha alguns
programes que estan configurats per utilitzar eth0 com a port

Abans de tocar res, voldria tenir-ne informació, gràcies.


Re: installing firmware during stretch install

2016-09-24 Thread Glenn Holmer
On 09/24/2016 03:32 PM, pcr1 wrote:
> Hi.  I am trying to install stretch onto my AMD64 box using wifi. During
> install I get a missing firmware message asking me to supply
> rtl_nic/rtl8168g-2fw on removable media.  I found rtl8168g-2fw on my
> laptop in lib/firmware/rtl_nic and copied it to a folder I labled
> rtl_nic on a flash drive.  Then I ran the install again on my AMD box
> and clicked yes when asked for the missing firmware after I plugged in
> the flash drive.  Did I do that right?  My install still does not
> configure the network and says my network hardware may not be working
> properly.  All help is appreciated.

See the line that starts "Alternatively, there are now versions of the
'netinst' CD images that also include all the non-free firmware packages
directly", the link is:

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

vncserver problems

2016-09-24 Thread Glenn Holmer
Fresh install of Debian testing on a machine that runs headless. I want
to start an X session from my .vnc/xstartup. Installed with XFCE.

The machine was previously running Jessie (which is still there in a
GRUB multi-boot configuration), so I configured testing according to my
notes from Jessie. But I am seeing some strange things in vncviewer:

1) Right-clicks do nothing in synaptic, and the menus don't drop down
when left-clicked. I see the same symptoms in virt-manager.

2) Tab key doesn't work in xfce4-terminal (it acts as though I had
pressed alt-tab, switching to another app on the screen). Doesn't work
in an authentication dialog in Firefox either, but it doesn't switch
apps (that one I can get around that by clicking on the next field).

I wanted to try uninstalling tightvncserver and trying vnc4server
instead, but it doesn't seem to be in the repo...? However it is in
sid's repo. Anyway, installed from there with no difference at all.

My .vnc/xstartup file has just two lines:
. /etc/X11/Xsession

and I'm starting vncserver like this:
vncserver :1 -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24 -name www1

Can anyone help?

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

installing firmware during stretch install

2016-09-24 Thread pcr1
Hi.  I am trying to install stretch onto my AMD64 box using wifi. During 
install I get a missing firmware message asking me to supply 
rtl_nic/rtl8168g-2fw on removable media.  I found rtl8168g-2fw on my 
laptop in lib/firmware/rtl_nic and copied it to a folder I labled 
rtl_nic on a flash drive.  Then I ran the install again on my AMD box 
and clicked yes when asked for the missing firmware after I plugged in 
the flash drive.  Did I do that right?  My install still does not 
configure the network and says my network hardware may not be working 
properly.  All help is appreciated.


Re: Répertoire idoine de Firefox ?

2016-09-24 Thread andre_debian
> Le Sat, 24 Sep 2016 19:18:37 +0200,
> a écrit :
> > Quel est le bon endroit pour placer le répertoire Firefox ?
> > Je l'ai mis dans "/opt/firefox", droits root:root.
> > Pas de problèmes, sauf que je ne peux pas l'upgrader en ligne,
> > depuis le navigateur, sinon de réinstaller les fichiers dans le 
> > répertoire, pour avoir la dernière version.

On Saturday 24 September 2016 22:05:50 Bernard Schoenacker wrote:
> pourquoi vouloir placer firefox dans /opt (?)
> il est à placer dans /usr/local pour le fichier tar.bz2 :

"/opt/" ou "/usr/local/" , quelle importance ?

Quel est ce groupe "staff" de /usr/local ?

Mon objectif est de pouvoir upgrader Firefox
à partir du navigateur.


Re: Répertoire idoine de Firefox ?

2016-09-24 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 24 Sep 2016 19:18:37 +0200, a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Quel est le bon endroit pour placer le répertoire Firefox ?
> Je l'ai mis dans "/opt/firefox", droits root:root.
> Pas de problèmes, sauf que je ne peux pas l'upgrader en ligne,
> depuis le navigateur, sinon de réinstaller les fichiers dans le 
> répertoire, pour avoir la dernière version.
> Merci.
> André


pourquoi vouloir placer firefox dans /opt (?)
il est à placer dans /usr/local pour le fichier tar.bz2

lien pour le tar.bz2 :

ensuite voici une alternative :


sudo -s cat >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mozilla.list 

Re: Un portable Lenovo interdit de Linux

2016-09-24 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 24 Sep 2016 19:46:07 +0200, a écrit :

> On Friday 23 September 2016 12:33:25 old system geek wrote:
> > L'important c'est de ne pas choisir une marque un passé de bandit.
> > Le 19 février 2015, Lenovo a reconnu avoir inséré un adware
> > (logiciel de publicité) parmi plusieurs de ses modèles d'ordinateur
> > vendus partout dans le monde9. Ce logiciel était chargé de la
> > diffusion de publicités indésirables au sein des différents
> > navigateurs Internet, le logiciel est aussi capable d'intercepter
> > les données transitant par le biais d'une connexion sécurisée ainsi
> > que de remplacer les certificats des sites visités par ses propres
> > certificats. source:
> >  
> Il s'agissait d'un adware sous leur Windows pré-installé,
> qui a été retiré depuis.
> L'article :


et ça c'est quoi (?) :


Re: Failed to execute child process (no such file or directory), but the script DOES exist in $HOME/bin, openbox users, especially take a look, please.

2016-09-24 Thread Brian
On Fri 23 Sep 2016 at 17:36:11 +0100, Brian wrote:

> ~/.xsessionrc was introduced in 2007 in response to a perceived problem.
> If the choice of DE (or WM) and terminal is left in the care of the
> system's x-session-manager, x-window-manager and x-terminal-emulator
> nothing need be put in ~/.xsession. In fact, it lloks like nothing can
> go in ~/.xsession because it requires 'exec fvwm' or some such line. (I
> suppose if x-window-manager was fvwm and ~/.xsession had 'exec fvwm'
> 50x11-common_determine-startup would cope with it. The relevance of
> ~/.xsessionrc to the startup procedure would then become questionable). 

Having seen that ~/xsessionrc does nothing particularly special for
starting an X session (apart from what has been described earlier) we
can move on to

  > There are typically two kinds of commands you may wish to use
  > in this file: 

Only two? Where does that leave

  xterm &
  setroot -solid blue

Where would they go?

  > You may place environment variable definitions here, directly:
  > export SOME_VAR="some value"

You may; but any advantage it gives is not explained. One may as well be
reading the lightdm manual for guidance about what a session manager

  > You may dot in some other POSIX shell configuration file:
  > if [ -r  > ~/.profile ]; then . ~/.profile; fi

This (like environment variable definitions) can be put in ~/.xsession.
Substituting ~/xsession for ~/.xinitrc in the first two paragraphs of
this Arch wiki page

reinforces the the concept.

I don't think I shall be pointing a user to this wiki page in its
present state.


Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Seeker

First off I have been playing around with 'compose > text' and 'send >
text' options in Thunderbird so I apologize ahead of time if A: lines
are excessively long and B: that is an issue for you in whatever you
are using to read this.

On 9/24/2016 8:33 AM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:

What you're saying about the use of "apt-get upgrade", that's just
what I was saying the other day about the difference in how "apt-get
install" and "apt-get upgrade" reacts...

Except that...

In the case I was saying the other day, it wasn't like this.
Libreoffice was installing fine via "apt-get install". There were no
glitches, no potentially negative advisements, to be seen in the
"install" action towards upgrade. BUT if I performed a wide open,
generic "apt-get upgrade" (purely on a whim), many libreoffice
packages (including libreoffice itself) were then held back.

Just tested it again and am still receiving the following (regarding
libreoffice only via "apt-get upgrade"):

"The following packages have been kept back: libreoffice
libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer libreoffice-base
libreoffice-base-core libreoffice-base-drivers libreoffice-calc
libreoffice-core libreoffice-draw libreoffice-impress
libreoffice-math libreoffice-report-builder-bin
libreoffice-sdbc-firebird libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb

Per your suggestion, perl and perl-base are, YES, additionally now
included in what's being reported as being held back for that same
"apt-get upgrade" just now. :)

Normal behavior for 'apt-get upgrade', will not install anything new in
a literal, based on package name sort of way and also will not install
anything that would cause a package to be removed. So if upgrading
LibreOffice would pull in something you don't already have it will get
held back. If there is a version as part of the package name so
libsomething01 would have to be removed and libsomething02 would have to
be install, then you have a removal of a package you have and install of
something you don't so again it gets held back.

I have not looked into what all differences there are between 'apt
upgrade' versus 'apt-get upgrade', but one difference is that 'apt
upgrade' will pull in new packages in order to upgrade something you
already have.

I don't normally upgrade from the command line, so have not used 'apt
upgrade' enough to notice if it will do the upgrade in cases where
libsomething01 has to be removed and libsomething02 has to be installed.

Later, Seeker

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread John Hasler
Christian Seiler wrote:
> it's IMHO a good idea to subscribe to debian-release for anyone
> running pure sid, so they can have an overview over currently active
> transitions.

It's also a good idea to subscribe to debian-devel-announce.  This
transition was announced there, but the announcement unfortunately was
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 06:36:21PM +0200, Christian Seiler wrote:
> Regarding the original problem: I'd recommend to anyone running
> sid to also have testing in their sources.list - so they can
> force the installation of an older package version while a
> transition is still ongoing. Also, it's IMHO a good idea to
> subscribe to debian-release for anyone running pure sid, so they
> can have an overview over currently active transitions.
> Regards,
> Christian

There is a large scale Perl transition going on - up to 400 packages
will be affected - a note's just been posted to the debian-devel
mailing list.

Don't file bugs - do expect some breakage - there is a published
transition plan.

Usual course of affairs for sid and to be expected from time to time:
as Cindy-Sue has already mentioned.

Leave it for a week / ten days and it will settle or update daily
and watch breakage gradually decrease.

IMHO - Including testing will just produce a Frankendebian where you can
never be sure what you have from where and which _will_ burn you
at some point.

All the best,

Andy C

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread John Hasler

Copied from debian-devel-announce:

From: Dominic Hargreaves 
Subject: Perl 5.24 transition underway
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2016 18:57:14 +0100 (17 minutes, 7 seconds ago)
Mail-Followup-To: Dominic Hargreaves ,

Yesterday[0] I uploaded Perl 5.24 to Debian unstable, starting a 500+ package
transition. Wide uninstallability is to be expected in sid for the next
few days until the necessary rebuilds have been completed. Please avoid
unnecessary uploads of affected packages [1] until the transition is
over and perl has migrated to testing. There is no need to submit
bug reports against perl about the uninstallability of related
packages during this transition.

See the "perldelta" document [2] for information
on upstream changes since 5.22.


[0] I'm sorry that this message has only been distributed now. It was
originally sent yesterday, but the list server blackholed it.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread John Hasler
Package: cron-apt
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 43
Maintainer: Ola Lundqvist 
Architecture: all
Version: 0.9.3
Depends: apt
Recommends: liblockfile1, mailx, cron | cron-daemon
 /etc/cron.d/cron-apt 293b1638131468f398152865bac245d4
 /etc/logrotate.d/cron-apt a733dd41a64a7cc134ef258e852d135f
 /etc/cron-apt/action.d/0-update bd7e303bb529e32e21411dab0e365376
 /etc/cron-apt/action.d/3-download 5a3653966fa49e0ab13a83e005cf5ed1
 /etc/cron-apt/config 4cec1bc433bbc073eec573c94d5f9f2e
Description-en: automatic update of packages using apt-get
 Contains a tool that is run by a cron job at regular intervals. By default it
 just updates the package list and downloads new packages without installing.
 You can instruct it to run anything that you can do with apt-get
 (or aptitude).
 It can optionally send mail to the system administrator on errors, log
 to syslog or a separate log file.
 Observe that this tool may be a security risk, so you should not set it
 to do more than necessary. Automatic upgrade of all packages is NOT
 recommended unless you are in full control of the package repository.
Description-md5: 2e64c2fc7f0c5ac0fd844be065a8a152

John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: Un portable Lenovo interdit de Linux

2016-09-24 Thread andre_debian
On Friday 23 September 2016 12:33:25 old system geek wrote:
> L'important c'est de ne pas choisir une marque un passé de bandit.
> Le 19 février 2015, Lenovo a reconnu avoir inséré un adware (logiciel
> de publicité) parmi plusieurs de ses modèles d'ordinateur vendus
> partout dans le monde9. Ce logiciel était chargé de la diffusion de
> publicités indésirables au sein des différents navigateurs Internet,
> le logiciel est aussi capable d'intercepter les données transitant par
> le biais d'une connexion sécurisée ainsi que de remplacer les
> certificats des sites visités par ses propres certificats.
> source:

Il s'agissait d'un adware sous leur Windows pré-installé,
qui a été retiré depuis.

L'article :

Répertoire idoine de Firefox ?

2016-09-24 Thread andre_debian

Quel est le bon endroit pour placer le répertoire Firefox ?

Je l'ai mis dans "/opt/firefox", droits root:root.

Pas de problèmes, sauf que je ne peux pas l'upgrader en ligne,
depuis le navigateur, sinon de réinstaller les fichiers dans le 
répertoire, pour avoir la dernière version.



Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Glenn English

> On Sep 24, 2016, at 7:26 AM, Cindy-Sue Causey  
> wrote:
> Am on dialup and have to be
> selective about the order in which packages are upgraded

Have you considered a local, partial mirror? A 64G thumbdrive doesn't cost 
much, it'd hold a lot of .debs, the local mirror can be added at the top of 
your apt sources file, and cron could run the update at night. There are 
scripts readily available to do this.

The script I use is pretty old, but it keeps my mirror up to date, and it's a 
good sport about being stopped and starting again where it left off.

Glenn English

Re: Strange Gnome-terminal behaviour

2016-09-24 Thread Joe
On Sat, 24 Sep 2016 23:29:00 +0900
Mark Fletcher  wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 09:20:20AM -0500, Dutch Ingraham wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 11:00:33PM +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:  
> > > On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 03:28:41AM -0500, Dutch Ingraham wrote:  
> > > >   
> > 
> > Have you tried backing out of X to a console and observing the
> > behaviour there?
> >   
> I hadn't, but I just tried it now and, like all applications except 
> Gnome terminal, it works perfectly, with no problems, exactly as I
> would expect.

Anything in /var/log/syslog when it happens? In sid, GTK is spraying
out GtkScrollBar errors...


Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Christian Seiler
On 09/24/2016 06:02 PM, Glenn English wrote:
>> On Sep 24, 2016, at 7:44 AM, wrote:
>> For my own education, I'm not sure what you mean by "backup your current 
>> state
>> before upgrading"--does that mean a full backup of your system, or is there 
>> a 
>> way to somehow save the current "state" of the package list on your system 
>> so 
>> that you can easily request those packages be restored if something goes 
>> wrong?
> I think that saving the contents of /var/cache/apt/archive(s?) will
> save copies of all the .debs installed on your machine. OTOH, it also
> gets .debs that *used* to be on your machine. If you're running sid,
> bring a big thumbdrive...

Note that the new apt wrapper removes .debs after installation by
default. (apt-get and aptitude will keep the .deb files though.)

So if you use

apt install foo


apt upgrade

then the packages that were downloaded won't be there after the
installation completed successfully. (They will be in the cache
directory after download and before the installation is done.)

You can change that behavior via:

echo 'Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages "true";' \
  > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01keep-debs

(See also /usr/share/doc/apt/NEWS.Debian.gz for details.)

Regarding the original problem: I'd recommend to anyone running
sid to also have testing in their sources.list - so they can
force the installation of an older package version while a
transition is still ongoing. Also, it's IMHO a good idea to
subscribe to debian-release for anyone running pure sid, so they
can have an overview over currently active transitions.


Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Glenn English

> On Sep 24, 2016, at 7:44 AM, wrote:
> For my own education, I'm not sure what you mean by "backup your current state
> before upgrading"--does that mean a full backup of your system, or is there a 
> way to somehow save the current "state" of the package list on your system so 
> that you can easily request those packages be restored if something goes 
> wrong?

I think that saving the contents of /var/cache/apt/archive(s?) will save copies 
of all the .debs installed on your machine. OTOH, it also gets .debs that 
*used* to be on your machine. If you're running sid, bring a big thumbdrive...

Glenn English

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 9/24/16,  wrote:
> On Saturday, September 24, 2016 09:26:36 AM Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
>> Good morning! Just a heads up that upgrading the following two
>> packages attempts to remove 141 unrelated packages in Sid/Unstable
>> this morning:
>> Just sharing because I was in a hurry and almost let it happen. I
>> don't want anyone else to accidentally do the same. For newcomers,
>> *always* protect yourself by making sure you backup your current state
>> before upgrading, specifically for days like today.
> For my own education, I'm not sure what you mean by "backup your current
> state
> before upgrading"--does that mean a full backup of your system, or is there
> a
> way to somehow save the current "state" of the package list on your system
> so
> that you can easily request those packages be restored if something goes
> wrong?

I don't always express myself in the best of ways. It just means get
into the very regular habit of backing up *EVERYTHING* in such a way
that, should things ever fail (AND THEY DO), five minutes and a new
hard drive later (for example), you're already back in action.

I write that regularly because both my cognitive [disability] and
financial situation are such that backups didn't/don't occur as they
should. Don't to do what I do. Protect yourself as best you can by
backing up everything that's important very regularly.

How to do so is a personal *_CHOICE_* each user makes. I use rsync but
have seen others have reasonable objections as to why they don't and
why they use other programs successfully. Searching the Debian-User
email archives is one route to go to see what others prefer.

On searching the email archives, there are a couple of us who have
experienced a glitch where we don't get good results by searching
directly through the Debian website. My favored alternative is to
search Debian's archives via a search engine. I enter pertinent
keywords, e.g. "backup", then additionally something like
"" or "debian-user" into that search engine's query.
Depending on what I need, I'll alternatively type in ""

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 9/24/16, Sven Hartge  wrote:
> Cindy-Sue Causey  wrote:
>> Good morning! Just a heads up that upgrading the following two
>> packages attempts to remove 141 unrelated packages in Sid/Unstable
>> this morning:
>> perl 5.24.1~rc3-2
>> perl-base 5.24.1~rc3-2
>> I grab AMD64 packages in case that makes a difference AND I have other
>> larger packages still waiting to be upgraded, as well.A total of
>> almost 400MB the last couple days! Am on dialup and have to be
>> selective about the order in which packages are upgraded in between
>> taking the opportunity to actually participate online.
>> Yes, a bug has been filed, just minutes ago, and only against Perl at this
>> time.
> Why would you think this is a bug? This is just a normal Perl-API
> transition, the packages need to be rebuild against the new perl to be
> compatible.
> This _is_ Unstable after all, things like this happen all the time.

YES, I know this is Unstable. That's why I specifically made that
declaration in the email's subject line and other (i.e. "the bug
report", grin). I'm one of the ones who issues that statement herself
on regular occasion.

I'm actually looking around at various distributions/releases because
Unstable is so constantly changing right now. There's 400MB+ needing
upgraded again, potentially almost 500MB since that 400MB+ number is
courtesy "apt-get upgrade", GRIN.

YES, that is Unstable's *expected* business as usual and opens the
door to consider the *_CHOICE_* of potentially better using that much
download time plus server wear-and-tear to make a new start somehow.

> Just use only "apt upgrade" for a few days until the transition is over.
> See as well.

This email's very wholesome purpose was to serve as a notice to
newbies (and people like me with cognitive disabilities) who
could/would miss that they need to pay wide open attention today.

"apt-get install". It *does* stop and give you that advisement
that you're about to remove a bunch of packages. It's then the user's
*_CHOICE_* to select yes or no regarding continuing the operation.

It *would be nice* if there was an even more visual... a more "stern",
stimulating trigger.. of some kind. Just this second, I don't know
what would help newer users AND keep seasoned users happy at the same

I saw this as a bug because 141 packages were being not only disabled
but removed. Along the lines of my thoughts about apt-get's advisement
in more extreme situations like this, perhaps a nice wishlist item for
reportbug would be that it... I don't know guides the user based
on its finding of the Sid/Unstable declaration (variable), as well,
e.g. that part where reportbug picks up and reports this:

"Debian Release: stretch/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')"

What you're saying about the use of "apt-get upgrade", that's just
what I was saying the other day about the difference in how "apt-get
install" and "apt-get upgrade" reacts...

Except that...

In the case I was saying the other day, it wasn't like this.
Libreoffice was installing fine via "apt-get install". There were no
glitches, no potentially negative advisements, to be seen in the
"install" action towards upgrade. BUT if I performed a wide open,
generic "apt-get upgrade" (purely on a whim), many libreoffice
packages (including libreoffice itself) were then held back.

Just tested it again and am still receiving the following (regarding
libreoffice only via "apt-get upgrade"):

"The following packages have been kept back:
  libreoffice libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer libreoffice-base
libreoffice-base-core libreoffice-base-drivers libreoffice-calc
libreoffice-core libreoffice-draw libreoffice-impress libreoffice-math
libreoffice-report-builder-bin libreoffice-sdbc-firebird
libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb libreoffice-writer"

Per your suggestion, perl and perl-base are, YES, additionally now
included in what's being reported as being held back for that same
"apt-get upgrade" just now. :)

PS There are a couple other packages in there that have been in there
for a VERY. LONG. TIME. Won't mention any names publicly here
mostly because I'm not 100% sure why they're there.

One's a possibly much lesser known but the other is something touched
on with the most basic of installs via debootstrap. I think that one's
ok to let have its head with package deletion via "apt-get install",
but I need to *cognitively* understand first before following through.

The one most basic of packages wants to remove openjdk-7-jre and
openjdk-7-jre-headless. By doing things as manually as I have to do, I
experience the nice advantage of knowing that openjdk-8-jre and
openjdk-8-jre-headless are installed as the wave of the Future. I just
don't want to a-sume it's ok to let the prior ones being automatically
deleted until I read someone with authority saying that's the next
step up, 

Re: Typing Cyrillic script with a UK keyboard in an en-gb setting

2016-09-24 Thread Christian Seiler
On 09/24/2016 05:07 PM, wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Sep 2016, Lisi Reisz wrote:
>> My husband has just asked to do this.  His system is vanilla from this point
>> of view.  (Mine is in a mess, with a messed-up scim and no foreign
>> fonts "working", but that is another story.)
>> Advice please on the best way to achieve this for him.  I.e., what do those 
>> of
>> you doing this or similar find works comfortably.
> This is what I use in my /etc/default/keyboard file:
>$ grep '^[^#]' /etc/default/keyboard
> The "ru" portion of the XKBLAYOUT value, and the "grp:caps_toggle"
> setting in XKBOPTIONS are the relevant parts for your purposes.
> It makes capslock a toggle between en_US, russian, and syrian arabic
> keyboard layout.

That's a valid way of doing this (most desktop environments allow you
to define multiple keyboard layouts + a shortcut to switch without you
having to fiddle with Xkb btw.), I personally find it really hard
though to write Cyrillic with a Russian keyboard layout, if the
characters aren't printed on the keyboard. Of course, I grew up with
the Latin layout, and I don't have any real muscle memory for the
Cyrillic layout. (Typing then would be a LOT of trial and error for

If you indeed grew up on a Russion keyboard, your suggestion of just
switching the layout is probably the easier solution. It's just not
something I'd personally be able to use in any efficient manner.


Re: Typing Cyrillic script with a UK keyboard in an en-gb setting

2016-09-24 Thread Christian Seiler
On 09/24/2016 04:10 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> My husband has just asked to do this.  His system is vanilla from this point 
> of view.  (Mine is in a mess, with a messed-up scim and no foreign 
> fonts "working", but that is another story.)  
> Advice please on the best way to achieve this for him.  I.e., what do those 
> of 
> you doing this or similar find works comfortably.

There's ibus and the ibus-table-translit package, so all GUI applications
that support ibus [1] will allow you to enter cyrillic characters via
typing latin equivalents. (ibus is a generic input framework originally
designed for complex scripts, such as Chinese, but now supports a lot of
things, just search for packages with ibus-table- in their name. Btw.
there's also a package for traditional Russian, if you're interested in
really old writings. For any modern Russian I would recommend just using
the aforementioned ibus-table-translit though.)

For example, typing "b" will give you a б, typing "v" will give you a в,
typing "ya" will give you a я, typing "yo" will give you a ё, and so on.

ibus is not completely trivial to setup, but it's not terribly difficult
either. It does take a bit of getting used to, but if you switch the
method back to "English", the keyboard will behave as you'd normally

Alternatively, there's something similar but as a website, called
which does the same in the Browser (Javascript required) - most Russian
people I know use that regularly.

Also, in case this is archived and people find this: for Mac OS X user
there appears to be
which I believe does the same thing that ibus-table-translit does.
(Never tried it though.)

Hope that helps.


[1] See for details. Also, ibus-setup
is your friend.

Re: New Dell Inspiron: Screen flicker (SOLVED)

2016-09-24 Thread Harris Paltrowitz

> Felix Miata wrote:
> Harris composed on 2016-09-17 09:38 (UTC-0400):
> Felix Miata wrote:
> Harris composed on 2016-09-17 08:57 (UTC):
> I just got a new Dell laptop to replace my former one that I ran Debian on 
> with no issues -- unfortunately with this one, the screen flickers when I 
> have it at essentially the next-to-highest brightness setting. I say 
> "essentially" because it happens in GNOME at the second-highest brightness 
> level (using the keyboard up/down buttons) although in other desktops (e.g., 
> Xfce) I cannot reproduce the problem using these keys, because Xfce does not 
> have such fine increments when I use the keys -- the increments are larger. 
> However, I CAN reproduce the problem in Xfce (as well as in LXDE and MATE) if 
> I (a) reproduce the problem in GNOME using the keys, then (b) log out and log 
> into one of these other DE's without touching the brightness keys.
> It appears that this is not a problem with the hardware, as I did a test of 
> reinstalling Windows 10 (which is what shipped with this laptop) and the 
> problem did not appear. However, now that I've learned that the brightness 
> keys produce different brightness percentages depending on the specific 
> desktop environment, I can't be sure that this does not happen in Windows.
> Anyway, does anyone have any knowledge of this type of problem, and advice on 
> some potential solutions?
> Here are my system specs:
> Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series
> Intel Core i3-5005U Processor (3M Cache, 2.00 GHz)
> 4GB, 1600MHz, DDR3L memory
> Intel HD Graphics 5500
> 15.6-inch HD (1366 x 768) Truelife LED-Backlit Display
> - In GNOME Settings, the graphics is indicated as Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe 
> (LLVM 3.5, 256 bits)
> I'm running Jessie 8.5.
> Thanks very much in advance!
> Give a driver switch a try:
> # apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-intel
> # apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-modesetting
> restart Xserver.
> Next time, include output from 'lspci -v'.
> Forgot to mention originally why:
> Thanks Felix, but the problem is still there. I ran the purge and
> install as you mentioned, but during the install it said that nothing
> was installed as the package was already there. Here's how I restarted
> Xserver:
> invoke-rc.d gdm restart
> I also restarted the system after that.
> Here's the output from lspci -v :
> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U
> Integrated Graphics (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
>   Subsystem: Dell Device 06b0
>   Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 64
>   Memory at a800 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]
>   Memory at b000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
>   I/O ports at 4000 [size=64]
>   Expansion ROM at  [disabled]
>   Capabilities: [90] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit-
>   Capabilities: [d0] Power Management version 2
>   Capabilities: [a4] PCI Advanced Features
>   Kernel driver in use: i915
> Bummer. Maybe if Google can't find you anything useful about Broadwell on 
> Linux, try asking on 
>  or one of the web forums, such as:
> or a forum or mailing list that matches your preferred DEs, Gnome, XFCE LXDE, 
> Mate. Possibly this is one of those things that results from escalating 
> demands from the hardware. Maybe in TDE it wouldn't happen.
> IIRC, flicker is a subject I've seen on the intel-gfx mailing list, so you 
> might start with its archive.
> Stretch is so far along in development that it might be a good place to 
> start, especially if you have disk space available to add it rather than 
> replacing Jessie.
> Knoppix is the best of live media, Debian-based too. It's latest is newer 
> than Jessie, so it's probably worth burning one to see what happens.

I was able to see this flicker issue on the BIOS video-adjustment screen…  
which tells me that it’s a hardware or inherent software issue with the laptop 
itself, not Debian!  The unit is on its way back to Dell now.

Should have tried this first!!

Thanks again.

Re: anyone having problems with python on debian testing

2016-09-24 Thread Michael Lange

On Fri, 23 Sep 2016 15:32:34 -0700 (PDT)
emetib  wrote:

> michael, 
> it's not any modules that i know of.  only using re for the three
> scripts that i'm using.  as stated it's working on all of my other
> virts, so i'm not that worried about it right now.
> i can't make anything crash.
> it's just the output from the third that's not getting wrote to the
> file, and that i can't explain right now.

Maybe a problem with permissions? Are there any error messages?



Re: Typing Cyrillic script with a UK keyboard in an en-gb setting

2016-09-24 Thread davidson

On Sat, 24 Sep 2016, Lisi Reisz wrote:

My husband has just asked to do this.  His system is vanilla from this point
of view.  (Mine is in a mess, with a messed-up scim and no foreign
fonts "working", but that is another story.)

Advice please on the best way to achieve this for him.  I.e., what do those of
you doing this or similar find works comfortably.

This is what I use in my /etc/default/keyboard file:

   $ grep '^[^#]' /etc/default/keyboard

The "ru" portion of the XKBLAYOUT value, and the "grp:caps_toggle"
setting in XKBOPTIONS are the relevant parts for your purposes.

It makes capslock a toggle between en_US, russian, and syrian arabic
keyboard layout.

The usual capslock function is still available via Shift+Capslock.

I'll be interested to see other responses.

Re: Strange Gnome-terminal behaviour

2016-09-24 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 09:20:20AM -0500, Dutch Ingraham wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 11:00:33PM +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 03:28:41AM -0500, Dutch Ingraham wrote:
> > > 
> Have you tried backing out of X to a console and observing the behaviour
> there?

I hadn't, but I just tried it now and, like all applications except 
Gnome terminal, it works perfectly, with no problems, exactly as I would 


Re: Strange Gnome-terminal behaviour

2016-09-24 Thread Dutch Ingraham
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 11:00:33PM +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 03:28:41AM -0500, Dutch Ingraham wrote:
> > 
> > I can't address the emulator's scrolling behavior in general, but in
> > specific to mutt, you can add:
> > 
> > set pager_stop = yes
> > 
> > to your .muttrc and that will stop the automatic flip to the next
> > message.  A nice work-a-round until the emulator issue is resolved,
> > anyway.
> > 
> Thanks for that, that will help in the meantime. But the general 
> scrolling problems in the terminal history, in vi, in less etc are still 
> driving me nuts!

Have you tried backing out of X to a console and observing the behaviour

Re: Strange Gnome-terminal behaviour

2016-09-24 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 03:28:41AM -0500, Dutch Ingraham wrote:
> I can't address the emulator's scrolling behavior in general, but in
> specific to mutt, you can add:
> set pager_stop = yes
> to your .muttrc and that will stop the automatic flip to the next
> message.  A nice work-a-round until the emulator issue is resolved,
> anyway.
Thanks for that, that will help in the meantime. But the general 
scrolling problems in the terminal history, in vi, in less etc are still 
driving me nuts!


Typing Cyrillic script with a UK keyboard in an en-gb setting

2016-09-24 Thread Lisi Reisz
My husband has just asked to do this.  His system is vanilla from this point 
of view.  (Mine is in a mess, with a messed-up scim and no foreign 
fonts "working", but that is another story.)  

Advice please on the best way to achieve this for him.  I.e., what do those of 
you doing this or similar find works comfortably.


Re: sending authorized_keys to localhost from an account being created with adduser --disabled-password [was] Re: Need a tutorial

2016-09-24 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 04:41:00PM +, Stephan Beck wrote:
> Thank you very much, Tomás.

glad to help.


> But once my user's (in your terminology, steph's) public key is in the
> test account's authorized_keys file, user steph can login without
> superpowers, by presenting the private part of the key (well ssh-agent
> does it, if I understand things correctly), can't I?

That's how it's supposed to work (strictly speaking it doesn't present
the private part of the key, but just a *proof* that it is in control
of said private part, which the host account (test) can check).

The ssh-agent is just in charge of keeping unlocked private keys around
so that you only have to unlock them with your passphrase once per

> My great mistake was to think that localhost, although being on the same
> machine, acts as a somewhat separated server and for that reason the
> public keys of all users have to be deposited physically, in a sort of
> directory structure within localhost (not in the user's directory),as it
> is the case on a remote server. But, as Greg made very clear, I'm
> already on the same machine. That was the conceptual mistake I made.

Exactly: the authorized_keys is a per-account thing, meaning "whoever
has the private key corresponding to *this* public key is allowed
to log in as me". Note that you even can restrict what commands are
allowed for each private key -- a "backup" user would only be allowed
to invoke a specific backup script at login, for example.

> > (the chown just in case authorized_keys didn't exist before).


> >   - creating the user's home directory from a prepared skeleton
> > already containing an "authorized_keys" as you need it
> Ah, that would be fine, but I guess, this time it has to be the hard
> way, by typing, without prepared skeletons.

And it would only make sense if you go "industrial", as in "every user
on this box shall allow the user "backup" to invoke the per-user
backup script" or some such. I haven't needed that. Just a copy (or
an ssh-copy-id, if at he beginning the password access is available).

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Sven Hartge
Cindy-Sue Causey  wrote:
> Good morning! Just a heads up that upgrading the following two
> packages attempts to remove 141 unrelated packages in Sid/Unstable
> this morning:

> perl 5.24.1~rc3-2
> perl-base 5.24.1~rc3-2

> I grab AMD64 packages in case that makes a difference AND I have other
> larger packages still waiting to be upgraded, as well.A total of
> almost 400MB the last couple days! Am on dialup and have to be
> selective about the order in which packages are upgraded in between
> taking the opportunity to actually participate online.

> Yes, a bug has been filed, just minutes ago, and only against Perl at this 
> time.

Why would you think this is a bug? This is just a normal Perl-API
transition, the packages need to be rebuild against the new perl to be

This _is_ Unstable after all, things like this happen all the time.

Just use only "apt upgrade" for a few days until the transition is over.

See as well.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread rhkramer
On Saturday, September 24, 2016 09:26:36 AM Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
> Good morning! Just a heads up that upgrading the following two
> packages attempts to remove 141 unrelated packages in Sid/Unstable
> this morning:


> Just sharing because I was in a hurry and almost let it happen. I
> don't want anyone else to accidentally do the same. For newcomers,
> *always* protect yourself by making sure you backup your current state
> before upgrading, specifically for days like today.

For my own education, I'm not sure what you mean by "backup your current state
before upgrading"--does that mean a full backup of your system, or is there a 
way to somehow save the current "state" of the package list on your system so 
that you can easily request those packages be restored if something goes 

WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
Good morning! Just a heads up that upgrading the following two
packages attempts to remove 141 unrelated packages in Sid/Unstable
this morning:

perl 5.24.1~rc3-2
perl-base 5.24.1~rc3-2

I grab AMD64 packages in case that makes a difference AND I have other
larger packages still waiting to be upgraded, as well.A total of
almost 400MB the last couple days! Am on dialup and have to be
selective about the order in which packages are upgraded in between
taking the opportunity to actually participate online.

Yes, a bug has been filed, just minutes ago, and only against Perl at this time.

Just sharing because I was in a hurry and almost let it happen. I
don't want anyone else to accidentally do the same. For newcomers,
*always* protect yourself by making sure you backup your current state
before upgrading, specifically for days like today.

Good luck and Happy Debian'ing!

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

Re: [OT] Flash Player para linux "strikes back"

2016-09-24 Thread Javier Silva
El 5/9/2016 4:09 p. m., "Altair Linux"  escribió:
> Creo que te voy a decir una cosa que NO es nada nueva. Mientras
> ciertas paginas web (correcto, me refiero a ESAS paginas web) usen
> flash para los temas de videos, flash va a seguir existiendo en el
> mundo de Linux.
> ¿O me va alguien a decir que flash se usa actuamente en Linux como
> opcion principal para algo diferente a lo indicado antes?.

Hola Altair y lista,
Te voy a decir un uso que se le da en España y no es para juegos ni para
vídeos, aunque no voy a entrar en si lo pueden hacer de otra forma, pues es
evidente que lo deberían hacer de otra forma:

Lo institutos de nuestro país aún sirven (algunos) libros electrónicos con
tecnología flash integrada y no es una opción el no adquirir dichas
licencias, lo único que le queda a los padres (aunque me consta que ninguno
más se ha quejado, excepto mi unidad familiar) ha sido el poder dejar
constancia de mi preocupación, la cual ha quedado 'anotada'.

Tampoco acaban de entender mi preocupación con hacer servir otras
tecnologías además del flash, como el seguir usando las applets Java para
diferentes trabajos.

Un saludo,

主动打开国际市场!!联系 QQ:3246075707

2016-09-24 Thread peninvest . 63923

主动打开国际市场!!联系 QQ:3246075707



Re: Strange Gnome-terminal behaviour

2016-09-24 Thread Dutch Ingraham
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 05:02:36PM +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> Recently, Gnome terminal's scrolling behaviour has gone strange. If I am
> looking at a man page, or scrolling through a long text file with less
> etc, or even just scrolling back through terminal history using
> Shift-PgUp and Shift-PgDn, it sometimes gets "stuck" and doesn't scroll.
> Then if I repeat the keystroke to scroll, it does it twice, skipping a
> screenful. This is particularly annoying for example in Mutt, where
> scrolling too far down a message causes Mutt to move to the next
> message. I end up missing the end of the message and have to go back a
> message to read it -- and then of course Mutt takes me back to the START
> of the previous message, so I have to scroll down again, and guess what,
> sod's law, it gets stuck in the same place... Picture the scene as I get
> steadily more irritated... 

I can't address the emulator's scrolling behavior in general, but in
specific to mutt, you can add:

set pager_stop = yes

to your .muttrc and that will stop the automatic flip to the next
message.  A nice work-a-round until the emulator issue is resolved,

Strange Gnome-terminal behaviour

2016-09-24 Thread Mark Fletcher
Has anyone else noticed strange behaviour around scrolling in Gnome
Terminal starting (fairly) recently in Jessie?

I am using a long-standing Jessie install which is by no means a new
install, but started life I think as etch and has been upgraded
repeatedly. I use, as I assume is obvious, Gnome. The hardware is a
self-built circa 2009 Intel Core i7 920-based PC with 24GB RAM and 2x
1TB SSDs (they were HDDs, but with this list's help I upgraded them
earlier this year).

Recently, Gnome terminal's scrolling behaviour has gone strange. If I am
looking at a man page, or scrolling through a long text file with less
etc, or even just scrolling back through terminal history using
Shift-PgUp and Shift-PgDn, it sometimes gets "stuck" and doesn't scroll.
Then if I repeat the keystroke to scroll, it does it twice, skipping a
screenful. This is particularly annoying for example in Mutt, where
scrolling too far down a message causes Mutt to move to the next
message. I end up missing the end of the message and have to go back a
message to read it -- and then of course Mutt takes me back to the START
of the previous message, so I have to scroll down again, and guess what,
sod's law, it gets stuck in the same place... Picture the scene as I get
steadily more irritated... 

I have the impression that throwing in enough extra keystrokes
eventually "wakes it up" (eg scroll-up, scroll-down, scroll-up,
scroll-down), and that if I wait long enough (about a minute or so) it
eventually reacts to the "missing" keystroke. But I have not been able
to verify this in a satisfyingly scientific way, so it could just be

I have noticed this behaviour now and then for a while, but it seems to
have got noticeably worse in the last 2-3 days. I did a Jessie update
earlier today, the first in about 2 weeks, which updated 86 packages or
so -- the problem existed both before and after the update.

I have also noticed that the next keystroke that isn't a scrolling
command usually "wakes it up" as well, and it has obeyed the scrolling
command, just hasn't updated the window to show that. For example, in
vi, I open a large text file (large just means "bigger than the window")
and use G to scroll to the bottom. Sometimes the screen updates,
sometimes it doesn't. Then I hit i to insert text. If the screen hadn't
updated, NOW it does, and indeed I am at the bottom of the file and
inserting where I want to. But the screen didn't show me that at first
when it should have.

I suppose I should try a different terminal and see if that makes a
difference, I haven't tried that yet, any recommendations for a good

Other apps are completely responsive and normal eg LibreOffice, IntelliJ
IDEA, Evolution. The machine gives no sign of being in any other form of
distress. Load is normal (hovering around 1.0 when I am running both my
Windows VMs, close to 0 when not -- problem in terminal is evidenced
both when VMs are running and when they are not).

Not sure where I should be looking for the source of the problem.
Keyboard is completely normal in other apps. (it is a Japanese keyboard,
in a British English language environment, in case that matters. That is
what I have been using all along).

Anyone else seeing similar symptoms?


Re: Resolved: Failed to execute child process (no such file or directory), but the script DOES exist in $HOME/bin, openbox users, especially take a look, please.

2016-09-24 Thread Seeker

On 9/23/2016 10:28 AM, Brian wrote:

On Fri 23 Sep 2016 at 10:07:43 -0700, Seeker wrote:

On 9/22/2016 6:18 PM, Seeker wrote:

In spite of the existence of 60xprofile and the fact that '~/.xprofile' did
get sourced in the ast, I'm not finding any information on when you
might expect xprofile/.xprofile to get sourced or not sourced.

To the very best of my knowledge ~/.xprofile has never been a feature of
Debian's X configuration files in /etc/X11. However, it is acted on by
gdm3 in *its* Xsession script.

What does

  dpkg -S /full/path/to/60xprofile

give you?

It tells me 'no path found matching pattern'

Looks like a leftover from something possibly non-debian. Last modified
date 2007 if you trust that to mean anything.

Running cruft on the system now to see what it has to report.

The list of unexaplained files is big, but outside of 60xprofile and
stuff in '/usr/src' it mostly looks like autogenerated stuff.

I still have a directory in /usr/src for the 2.4.23 kernel and google
tells me that was released Nov 2003, so it's been sometime before that
since I've done a clean install. Following unstable the whole time and
making the transition from 32bit to 64bit the hard way somewhere along
the way. I have had my binge and 'dpkg --purge --force-depends' moments
along the way where I looked for and deleted related orphaned stuff
before re-installing some or all of the purged packages, but it seems
reasonable to expect I didn't get all the orphaned stuff along the way.

So it looks like '~/.xsessionrc' is way to go.

For what? In what circumstance?

For me personally, I only ever remember using .profile/.xprofile to set
environment variables (my memory is terrible). The path mainly, but 
other things come up once in a while. Seemed like it was short lived,

but there was a variable that could be set to make
'Ctrl'+'Alt'+'Backspace' work in your X session. I had a locale issue
at one point, so was setting the locale in .profile/.xprofile (whatever
worked at the time) for a while, 'till I got that real issue sorted out.

These are the things I would use '~/.xsessionrc' for.

I guess the next question would be

Can we expect this to continue working over the long haul with a Wayland
session or will we have to start putting things into


It has it's uses.

If I want a program to run independently of what desktop session I am
running, I create a .desktop file or grab an existing one and modify it,
then put it in '~/.config/autostart/'.

I made a copy of '/etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop' in my
'~/.config/autostart/' and changed 'Exec=start-pulseaudio-x11' to
'Exec=' so pulse doesn't start automatically but is still available.
KDE did have it's own .desktop file for starting pulseaudio, but I
don't currently see one in '/etc/xdg/autostart' there may or may not
still be one in a KDE specific directory, I do have a
pulseaudio-kde.desktop file in my autostart that also has the target of
the 'Exec=' line removed.

Later, Seeker

Re: cant get to desktop anymore

2016-09-24 Thread Ric Moore

On 09/21/2016 04:52 PM, Stephen Powell wrote:

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016, at 16:32, Stephen Powell wrote:

I did notice one thing peculiar.  startx output is written to the terminal
of vt1, of course, even though it's running as a background task.  And I got
the error message

modprobe: FATAL: Module mach64 not found in directory /lib/modules/xxx

where xxx is the identity of the running kernel.  Strange.  The kernel has
never had a mach64 module in it, as far as I know.  mach64 is the name
of the X driver, but there is no kernel module by that name.

One other thing I noticed.  It may or may not be related.  "web" (i.e.
epiphany-browser) is broken.  When I click on the icon for changing settings
(including listing bookmarks), nothing happens.  I switched back to chromium,
which seems to be working fine.

Lovely "upgrade", Debian!

AHHA!! Check /var/log/lightdm/seat0-greeter.log
Yup, GTK warning:

(lightdm-gtk-greeter:690): Gtk-WARNING **: Drawing a gadget with
negative dime
nsions. Did you forget to allocate a size? (node menubar owner
There is a zillion of those warnings. Are you seeing this Stephan??
Anyone else?? Is anyone seeing gtk being reported in the bug track?? Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: problemas de autenticacion squirrelmail

2016-09-24 Thread Norveris Noa Labañino

El 24/09/16 a las 00:51, OddieX escribió:

2016-09-23 19:50 GMT-03:00 Norveris Noa Labañino :

Gracias hermano por responder:

El puerto 143 y 993 estan habilitados para imap, he hecho varias pruebas, y
los log del servidor de correo (IredMail) el dovecot me muestra esto:

Sep 23 17:50:07 imap-login: Info: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in
0 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,
Sep 23 17:50:23 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in 0
secs): user=<>, method=CRAM-MD5, rip=, lip=,
Sep 23 17:50:23 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in 0
secs): user=<>, method=DIGEST-MD5, rip=, lip=,
Sep 23 17:51:27 imap-login: Info: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in
0 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,
Sep 23 17:52:08 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs):
user=<>, rip=, lip=, session=
Sep 23 17:29:36 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in 0
secs): user=<>, method=CRAM-MD5, rip=, lip=,
Sep 23 17:29:36 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in 0
secs): user=<>, method=DIGEST-MD5, rip=, lip=,
Sep 23 17:30:00 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs):
user=<>, rip=, lip=, session=
Sep 23 17:30:15 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in 0
secs): user=<>, method=CRAM-MD5, rip=, lip=,
Sep 23 17:30:15 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in 0
secs): user=<>, method=DIGEST-MD5, rip=, lip=,
Sep 23 17:30:29 imap-login: Info: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in
0 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,
Sep 23 17:30:53 imap-login: Info: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in
0 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,

Si se daran cuenta he probado con diferentes metodos PLAIN LOGIN DIGEST-MD5

y con cada uno el webmail me da errores diferentes, ejemplo:

con el metodo:

Authentication type: plain  o login o CRAM-MD5 o DIGEST-MD5
Secure IMAP (TLS)  : true

me da este error

Error connecting to IMAP server: tls://
0 :

con el metodo

Authentication type: plain

Secure IMAP (TLS)  : false,

el webmail me da este error

Unknown user or password incorrect.

con el metodo

Authentication type: login

Secure IMAP (TLS)  : false

el webmail me da este error

ERROR:Bad request: The IMAP server is reporting that plain text logins are
disabled. Using CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5 authentication instead may work.
Also, the use of TLS may allow SquirrelMail to login. Please contact your
system administrator and report this error.

con el metodo

Authentication type: CRAM-MD5 o DIGEST-MD5

Secure IMAP (TLS)  : false

el webmail me da este error

ERROR:Bad request: IMAP server does not appear to support the authentication
method selected. Please contact your system administrator.

El 23/09/16 a las 18:25, OddieX escribió:

El día 23 de septiembre de 2016, 19:13, Norveris Noa Labañino

Colegas estoy usando un servidor IredMail, y funciona perfecto con su
webmail, he montado otro servidor para alojar un webmail externo que se
conecte al server IredMail, he provado con roundcube y squirrelmail, y no he
podido encontrar la manera de poder ver los correos en un servidor webmail
externo al iredmail.

alguna sugerencias.

Tenes que habilitarle el puerto 143 "IMAP" para afuera para que tanto
squirrel o roundcube puedan consultar los correos...

De todas maneras, deberias brindarnos un poco mas de informacion para
poder determinar la falla... Con tu explicacion digamos que estamos en
el aire :P

Envia los archivos de configuracion, no se que usas por ej cyrus o
curier, pero fijate el archivo imap.conf que tengas!

Uso IredMail un complemento de postfix+dovecot+*OpenLDAP* +*Amavisd* 
+rouncube en un servidor externo rouncube y tambien estoy probando 
squirrelmail con los dos webmail estos ultimos mencionados es que me 
esta dando el problema, repito que el webmail que se encuentra en el 
mismo servidor de correo funciona muy bien.

la configuracion de imap.conf

## IMAP specific settings

protocol imap {


la configuracion de dovecot

# Listen addresses.
#   - '*' means all available IPv4 addresses.
#   - '[::]' means all available IPv6 addresses.
# Listen on all available addresses by default
listen = *

#base_dir = /var/run/dovecot
mail_plugins = quota

# Enabled mail protocols.
protocols = pop3 imap sieve

# User/group who owns the message files:
mail_uid = 2000
mail_gid = 2000

# Assign uid to virtual users.
first_valid_uid = 2000
last_valid_uid = 2000

# Logging. Reference: