
2017-01-12 Thread Antonio Trujillo Carmona
Tengo que recompilar el paquete freerdp2-x11 que esta en sid.
Como me he encontrado problemas de compatibilidades de librerías he
creado una maquina virtual con streecht/sid solo para este proceso, al
intentar instalar apt-build me da :
# apt install apt-build
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias  
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes NUEVOS:
0 actualizados, 1 nuevos se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.
Se necesita descargar 0 B/42,1 kB de archivos.
Se utilizarán 180 kB de espacio de disco adicional después de esta
Preconfigurando paquetes ...
Seleccionando el paquete apt-build previamente no seleccionado.
(Leyendo la base de datos ... 92041 ficheros o directorios instalados
Preparando para desempaquetar .../apt-build_0.12.45_amd64.deb ...
Desempaquetando apt-build (0.12.45) ...
Configurando apt-build (0.12.45) ...
sed: character class syntax is [[:space:]], not [:space:]
dpkg: error al procesar el paquete apt-build (--configure):
 el subproceso instalado el script post-installation devolvió el código
de salida de error 4
Procesando disparadores para man-db ( ...
Se encontraron errores al procesar:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


*Antonio Trujillo Carmona*

*Técnico de redes y sistemas.*

*Subdirección de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones*

Servicio Andaluz de Salud. Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía


Tel. +34 670947670 747670)

Re: Problemes per muntar disc dur extern USB

2017-01-12 Thread Narcis Garcia
«NAS» i «Disc Dur USB» són dues coses diferents. Suposo que es tracta de
la segona, ja que no va per xarxa i «pots» administrar la taula de

Quan facis la nova partició «com cal», si ho fas via S.ATA, aleshores
comprova que tant per USB com per S.ATA es veu exactament el mateix, no
fos cas que el sistema operatiu empotrat del «Xtreamer Pro» faci algun
tipus de traducció de sectors o particions.

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at lists.debian.org archives.
El 12/01/17 a les 23:04, Pep ha escrit:
> Hola.
> Si l'Xtreamer porta una mena de S.O.  per fer de reproductor, però al
> connectar-lo per USB entra en mode NAS / Disc Dur USB.
> Si. Es pot treure i endollar-lo (mitjançant SATA) però dubto que el
> resultat sigui diferent (o potser m'equivoco...)
> Potser hauré de fer el que dius, fer una partició "com deu mana" amb el
> gparted. Hauré de buscar un lloc per salvar dades ...
> Gracies,
> Pep
> El 12/01/17 a les 12:35, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
>> Podries aclarir si el «Xtreamer Pro» porta sistema operatiu? Es pot
>> extreure aquest disc de 3TB i endollar-lo directament a un ordinador?
>> Si les respostes són No i No, jo també provaria el formateig total, amb
>> taula de particions GPT feta pel programari lliure (G/parted).
>> Naturalment et convindrà traslladar les dades per fer-ho.
>> __
>> I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
>> masked enough at lists.debian.org archives.
>> El 12/01/17 a les 12:26, Pep ha escrit:
>>> Gràcies Josep.
>>> El firmware del Xtreamer es l'ultim i abans de tornar a formatejar
>>> (conté dades, pelis i musica bàsicament) voldria intentar algun altre
>>> cosa. Després de intentar mirar-ho al gparted, me diu "Can't have a
>>> partition outside the disk!" i malgrat que veu la partició surt una
>>> icona d'advertència.
>>> ParticióName Sistema de fitxers   
>>> MidaUtilitzatNo UtilitzatSenyalador  
>>> dev/sdd1Microsoft reserved partitionntfs128.00MiB2.45
>>> MiB125.55 MiBmsftres
>>> dev/sdd2  (*)  Basic data partition ntfs2.73
>>> TiB------msftdata
>>> On hi ha l'asterisc surt l'icona d'advertència.
>>> Salut
>>> Pep
>>> El 12/01/17 a les 12:05, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:
>>> On 12 Jan 2017 11:15, "Pep" >
>>> wrote:
>>> Bones.
>>> En primer lloc disculpeu si la consulta es massa "newbie" però la
>>> veritat es que porto cercant al google dies i no trobo res adient.
>>> Consulto aqui per si algú de valtros s'ha trobat amb el mateix problema.
 No m'hi he trobat però cercant una mica he trobat això:

 - actualitza firmware.
 - si és un aparell d'aquests que incorpora sistema operatiu, formata
 el disc des de l'aparell.
 - també podria ser tema MBR/GPT ja que el disc és de 3 TB i cal
 preparar-lo en GPT...


 Tinc un Xtreamer Pro que faig servir de disc extern USB. Dintre
 tinc dos
 discs, un de 2TB i l'altre de 3 TB.

 Al de 2 TB puc accedir sense cap problema, mel munta
 automàticament, en
 canvi al de 3 no(s'escull amb un interruptor quin vols). Faig
 servir un
 Debian Stretch 64 bits (potser aquí rau el problema...) Al
 muntar-lo en
 consola me tira:

 NTFS signature is missing.
 Failed to mount '/dev/sdd': L’argument passat no és vàlid
 The device '/dev/sdd' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
 Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
 partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

 Gracies per endavant.



Re: Jessie or stretch for server

2017-01-12 Thread kamaraju kusumanchi
On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 8:25 AM, Dan  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to install Debian on a file server (NFS and postgres) for a
> small group of people. It will be in an intranet, no direct connection
> to Internet.
> Should I install Jessie or Stretch? I've always used stable. My
> understanding is that at this point Stretch is quite stable, the
> versions of the packages won't change and there won't be major changes
> in the packages, only security/bug updates.
> In a few months the Stretch Debian installation will automatically
> become "stable". Is that correct?
> If I install Jessie I'll have to update very soon.

Others have already provided you with good answers. Going with Jessie
is the safe bet at the moment.

You might also find the FAQ I wrote many years ago on this very
helpful. At that time Stable is called Sarge, Testing is called Etch.
Just substitute those words with Jessie and Stretch while reading it
and you should be fine! :)

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi | http://raju.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Blog

Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread kamaraju kusumanchi
On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 11:53 PM, David Wright  wrote:
> On Wed 11 Jan 2017 at 22:38:48 (-0500), kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
>> Just unalias the alias corresponding to edit (the one you set up in
>> ~/.zshrc) before launching reportbug. After that set it back. IIUC
>> there is no need to launch a bash subshell to do this. You can do
>> everything while you are in zsh.
>> So the sequence of commands would be
>> % unalias edit
>> % reportbug &
>> % alias edit='emacsclient -c -s /tmp/emacs1000/server'
> If you're going to do it that way, you've really got to
> interrogate the old value and restore it afterwards, rather
> than having edit defined in two places. Otherwise, how do
> you keep them in sync.
> Most people wouldn't run reportbug often enough to worry
> about a subshell, would they?

I have another idea to try. You can specify the editor explicitly by
using the -e option.

% reportbug -e emacs

or set the EDITOR environment variable for just the reportbug command.
For example

% EDITOR=emacs reportbug

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi | http://raju.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Blog

Re: how to config wireless card

2017-01-12 Thread Johan DS

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 2:28 AM, Long Wind  wrote:

> below is output by iwconfig
> which command should I use?
> lono wireless extensions.
> eth3  no wireless extensions.
> wifi0 IEEE 802.11-DS  ESSID:""
>   Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated
>   Bit Rate:0 kb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm   Sensitivity=0/65535
>   Retry limit:16   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
>   Encryption key:off
>   Power Management:off
>   Link Quality=0/100  Signal level=-113 dBm  Noise level=0 dBm
>   Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
>   Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0
> eth4  IEEE 802.11-DS  ESSID:""
>   Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated
>   Bit Rate:0 kb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm   Sensitivity=0/65535
>   Retry limit:16   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
>   Encryption key:off
>   Power Management:off
>   Link Quality=0/100  Signal level=-113 dBm  Noise level=0 dBm
>   Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
>   Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

Re: how to config wireless card

2017-01-12 Thread Long Wind
below is output by iwconfig
which command should I use?

lono wireless extensions.

eth3  no wireless extensions.

wifi0 IEEE 802.11-DS  ESSID:""
  Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated
  Bit Rate:0 kb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm   Sensitivity=0/65535
  Retry limit:16   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
  Encryption key:off
  Power Management:off
  Link Quality=0/100  Signal level=-113 dBm  Noise level=0 dBm
  Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
  Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

eth4  IEEE 802.11-DS  ESSID:""
  Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated
  Bit Rate:0 kb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm   Sensitivity=0/65535
  Retry limit:16   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
  Encryption key:off
  Power Management:off
  Link Quality=0/100  Signal level=-113 dBm  Noise level=0 dBm
  Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
  Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

Re: Cannot autostart apps after boot

2017-01-12 Thread Tony Baldwin

Are these programmes, or services?
if the latter, use rcconf
I wish I could you give you my simple solution for programmes,
but I use openbox, not gnome.

Good luck,

On 01/12/2017 04:41 PM, Вадим Колчев wrote:


Cannot autostart apps after boot. Tried 3 methods:

1) used gnome-tweak-tool and added app to autostart there - no luck;
2) used /etc/rc.local to provide path to app I need to autostart - no luck;
3) used .config/autostart - put myprogram.destop file there - still no luck.

What could I be doing wrong?

Best regards,

all tony, all the time

Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread Haricophile
Le Thu, 12 Jan 2017 18:38:02 +0100,
Klaus Becker  a écrit :

> je ne comprends pas "sudo" : ça s'utilise par défaut sous Ubuntu,
> mais pas sous Debian.

Sauf si on ne renseigne pas le mot de passe root à l'install si je ne

> $ sudo ls
> [sudo] Mot de passe de klaus : 
> Désolé, l'utilisateur klaus n'est pas autorisé à exécuter « /bin/ls »
> en tant que root sur 1stein.
> Et je n'ai pas envie de modifier sudoers pour pouvoir utiliser sudo,
> sauf exexption rare.

il n'y a pas d'exception, c'est un choix sur la manière de contrôler
les accès, mais tout ce qu'on peut faire avec l'un on peut le faire
avec l'autre. Pour la culture générale :

"su -c" ça fait un peu comme sudo pour lancer une commande qui n'a pas
besoin d'un terminal (par F2...), ou gksu.

inversement "sudo -s" dans un terminal ça fait un peu comme "su" quand
on n'a pas d'environnement root.

Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread Haricophile
Le Thu, 12 Jan 2017 18:47:46 +0100,
andre_deb...@numericable.fr a écrit :

> Ok, mais Pulseaudio est-il nécessaire ?

Non, on peut utiliser directement Alsa ou un autre système comme jackd
bien connu de ceux qui font de la MAO.

Pulseaudio est une facilité qui détecte "a chaud" les branchements et
gère le son réseau, dans l'optique d'un ordi polyvalent pour un
utilisateur "final".

Re: how to config wireless card

2017-01-12 Thread Henning Follmann
On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 07:09:31AM +0800, Long Wind wrote:
> Thank Henning Follmann!
> >From messages displayed, I think it recognize my card
> I know kernel support my card
> I don't have gnome, i prefer to set it up on command line
> I have installed wireless package, can't figure out to how to do it.

I tell you that you do not post sufficient information so anyone could help
you and this is your answer?
I am getting bored here.

And honestly, even if you prefer manual setup, your post indicates you

So again learn how to post smart questions and read this:



Henning Follmann   | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

Re: how to config wireless card

2017-01-12 Thread Long Wind
Thank Henning Follmann!

>From messages displayed, I think it recognize my card
I know kernel support my card
I don't have gnome, i prefer to set it up on command line
I have installed wireless package, can't figure out to how to do it.

Re: how to config wireless card

2017-01-12 Thread Henning Follmann
On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 06:37:30AM +0800, Long Wind wrote:
> I have installed a wireless card
> the kernel recognize it
How do you know?

> but how to config it? I mean "how to connect it to a wireless router"
> In Windows XP I have configed it, it's easy.
gratulations again.
> Thanks!

OK, how to ask smart questions.
Since there are so many ways how you can set up debian there are also many
answers to your question. Since nobody really has a magic crystal bowl you
have to be a bit more detailed how you 
1.) explain what you did
2.) expected
3.) which expectations failed to materialize and any error you got.

If you have a default installation with a gnome desktop:
- go to the upper right corner.
- klick
- enable wireless
- pick your essid
- enter you password

As you said: it's easy my friend.


Henning Follmann   | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

how to config wireless card

2017-01-12 Thread Long Wind
I have installed a wireless card
the kernel recognize it
but how to config it? I mean "how to connect it to a wireless router"

In Windows XP I have configed it, it's easy.


Re: Problemes per muntar disc dur extern USB

2017-01-12 Thread Pep

Si l'Xtreamer porta una mena de S.O.  per fer de reproductor, però al
connectar-lo per USB entra en mode NAS / Disc Dur USB.

Si. Es pot treure i endollar-lo (mitjançant SATA) però dubto que el
resultat sigui diferent (o potser m'equivoco...)

Potser hauré de fer el que dius, fer una partició "com deu mana" amb el
gparted. Hauré de buscar un lloc per salvar dades ...



El 12/01/17 a les 12:35, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
> Podries aclarir si el «Xtreamer Pro» porta sistema operatiu? Es pot
> extreure aquest disc de 3TB i endollar-lo directament a un ordinador?
> Si les respostes són No i No, jo també provaria el formateig total, amb
> taula de particions GPT feta pel programari lliure (G/parted).
> Naturalment et convindrà traslladar les dades per fer-ho.
> __
> I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
> masked enough at lists.debian.org archives.
> El 12/01/17 a les 12:26, Pep ha escrit:
>> Gràcies Josep.
>> El firmware del Xtreamer es l'ultim i abans de tornar a formatejar
>> (conté dades, pelis i musica bàsicament) voldria intentar algun altre
>> cosa. Després de intentar mirar-ho al gparted, me diu "Can't have a
>> partition outside the disk!" i malgrat que veu la partició surt una
>> icona d'advertència.
>> ParticióName Sistema de fitxers   
>> MidaUtilitzatNo UtilitzatSenyalador  
>> dev/sdd1Microsoft reserved partitionntfs128.00MiB2.45
>> MiB125.55 MiBmsftres
>> dev/sdd2  (*)  Basic data partition ntfs2.73
>> TiB------msftdata
>> On hi ha l'asterisc surt l'icona d'advertència.
>> Salut
>> Pep
>> El 12/01/17 a les 12:05, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:
>> On 12 Jan 2017 11:15, "Pep" >
>> wrote:
>> Bones.
>> En primer lloc disculpeu si la consulta es massa "newbie" però la
>> veritat es que porto cercant al google dies i no trobo res adient.
>> Consulto aqui per si algú de valtros s'ha trobat amb el mateix problema.
>>> No m'hi he trobat però cercant una mica he trobat això:
>>> - actualitza firmware.
>>> - si és un aparell d'aquests que incorpora sistema operatiu, formata
>>> el disc des de l'aparell.
>>> - també podria ser tema MBR/GPT ja que el disc és de 3 TB i cal
>>> preparar-lo en GPT...
>>> Josep 
>>> Tinc un Xtreamer Pro que faig servir de disc extern USB. Dintre
>>> tinc dos
>>> discs, un de 2TB i l'altre de 3 TB.
>>> Al de 2 TB puc accedir sense cap problema, mel munta
>>> automàticament, en
>>> canvi al de 3 no(s'escull amb un interruptor quin vols). Faig
>>> servir un
>>> Debian Stretch 64 bits (potser aquí rau el problema...) Al
>>> muntar-lo en
>>> consola me tira:
>>> NTFS signature is missing.
>>> Failed to mount '/dev/sdd': L’argument passat no és vàlid
>>> The device '/dev/sdd' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
>>> Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
>>> partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?
>>> Gracies per endavant.
>>> Pep

Re: Problemes per muntar disc dur extern USB

2017-01-12 Thread Pep

El 12/01/17 a les 12:45, Eloi ha escrit:
> El 12/01/17 a les 10:56, Pep ha escrit:
>> Bones.
>> En primer lloc disculpeu si la consulta es massa "newbie" però la
>> veritat es que porto cercant al google dies i no trobo res adient.
>> Consulto aqui per si algú de valtros s'ha trobat amb el mateix problema.
>> Tinc un Xtreamer Pro que faig servir de disc extern USB. Dintre tinc dos
>> discs, un de 2TB i l'altre de 3 TB.
>> Al de 2 TB puc accedir sense cap problema, mel munta automàticament, en
>> canvi al de 3 no(s'escull amb un interruptor quin vols). Faig servir un
>> Debian Stretch 64 bits (potser aquí rau el problema...) Al muntar-lo en
>> consola me tira:
>> NTFS signature is missing.
>> Failed to mount '/dev/sdd': L’argument passat no és vàlid
>> The device '/dev/sdd' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
>> Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
>> partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?
>> Gracies per endavant.
>> Pep
> Abans que res, comento a cegues perquè desconec quin tipus de dispositiu
> és aquest "disc dur extern doble".
> Entenc que tens un selector físic que et permet escollir quin dels dos
> discs s'usa. No podria ser que al canviar el selector el nucli segueix
> creient que el segon disc té la mateixa mida que el primer? Això també
> quadraria amb el fet que no puguis muntar una partició NTFS, ja que
> aquestes desen la metadata just al mig de la partició. Si tenim en
> compte que el punt mig de 2GB està a 1GB però el de 3GB a 1.5GB, doncs
> podria ser que no troba la metadata NTFS on creu que hauria d'estar i no
> munta. També explicaria l'error de tenir una partició que surti fora del
> disc.
> Has provat a veure si pots accedir al disc amb el selector canviat abans
> d'arrencar la màquina o reiniciar-la just després de tocar-lo?
No, al canviar el selector es com si se desconnectés el disc i deixa de
He provat amb un raspbian i amb un altre debian antic i munta el disc
(en la posició A, ón esta el disc de 3TB) però només veu una "partició"?
de 128 MB, pero la de 2.7/2.8TB de dades no la veu. Aquest disc està
formatejat desde guindo$ o sigui que podria ser que no estigui
correctament feta la partició? (Tinc que investigar això del GPT)

Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread MERLIN Philippe
Le jeudi 12 janvier 2017, 18:47:46 CET andre_deb...@numericable.fr a écrit :
> On Thursday 12 January 2017 18:31:46 bernard schoenacker wrote:
> > apt-get install pavucontrol
> Ok, mais Pulseaudio est-il nécessaire ?
> André
Pour moi, je n'ai jamais aimé Pulseaudio et je l'ai désinstallé au maximum de 
mon ordi, si on a Kde il est impossible de le supprimer complètement.
Philippe Merlin

Cannot autostart apps after boot

2017-01-12 Thread Вадим Колчев

Cannot autostart apps after boot. Tried 3 methods:

1) used gnome-tweak-tool and added app to autostart there - no luck;
2) used /etc/rc.local to provide path to app I need to autostart - no luck;
3) used .config/autostart - put myprogram.destop file there - still no luck.

What could I be doing wrong?

Best regards,

Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread David Wright
On Thu 12 Jan 2017 at 11:44:52 (-0500), Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 05:34:52PM +0100, Nicolas George wrote:
> > Le tridi 23 nivôse, an CCXXV, Greg Wooledge a écrit :
> > > $ (unalias edit; reportbug)
> > > 
> > > I'd be very shocked if that doesn't work in zsh.
> > 
> > I'd be very shocked if that did anything useful with any shell.
> Oh.  You're right.  Wow, aliases are horrible.

Not too horrible to use for simple static substitution.
I don't want to have to type things like
~/bin/midi2ly --start-quant=16 --duration-quant=16 --explicit-durations
or remember which way round to type font sizes in
setfont Lat15-Terminus20x10
But I'd agree they're not fit for juggling with.

> wooledg@wooledg:~$ type foo
> foo is aliased to `echo bar'
> wooledg@wooledg:~$ unalias foo; foo
> bar
> wooledg@wooledg:~$ foo
> bash: foo: command not found
> Bah!

Sure, but you can't say you weren't warned!
"always put alias definitions on a separate line, and do not use alias
in compound commands."

But if the alias is not meant to affect the operation of reportbug,
it is odd that unsetting it appears (according to the OP) to fix
their problem.


Re: Jessie or stretch for server

2017-01-12 Thread John L. Ries
One of the advantages and disadvantages of the stable Debian distro is its
conservatism.  The advantage is that it is very stable and well tested.
The disadvantage is that you don't get the new cool features, but you
usually don't want those on a server anyway; and if you do, then there are
other distros that are probably more appropriate.

John L. Ries  |
Salford Systems   |
Phone: (619)543-8880 x107 |
or (435)867-8885  |

On Thu, 12 Jan 2017, Brian wrote:

> On Thu 12 Jan 2017 at 11:43:02 -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 14:25:30 +0100 Dan  wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I'm going to install Debian on a file server (NFS and postgres) for a
> > > small group of people. It will be in an intranet, no direct connection
> > > to Internet.
> > >
> > > Should I install Jessie or Stretch? I've always used stable. My
> > > understanding is that at this point Stretch is quite stable, the
> > > versions of the packages won't change and there won't be major changes
> > > in the packages, only security/bug updates.
> >
> > Jessie.  It's rock solid.  It's had years of bug and security fixes
> > under its belt. Stretch is still in development. It's not even frozen,
> > yet. That's tentatively scheduled for February.
> No real argument there. We have a fact or two.
> > > In a few months the Stretch Debian installation will automatically
> > > become "stable". Is that correct?
> >
> > More than a few.  I expect it to become "stable" toward the end of this
> > year, if luck smiles on it.
> Sorry to use technical language, but your expectations are bollocks.
> Now you can produce a stream of argument which supports your "end of
> this year" assertion.
> > > If I install Jessie I'll have to update very soon.
> >
> > Why?  Just because Stretch is the newest?  Or is it because, Jessie
> > Is "old?"  "New" doesn't necessarily mean "better."  Just
> > because it's old stable, doesn't mean it stops working.  I'm still
> > using Wheezy. Works fine 99.9% of the time. (For example, I can't play
> > Netflix on it. libnss3 library too old.)  It still gets security
> That's a 100% failure for Netfix users.
> > updates and bug fixes under the extended support program, and will
> > continue to do so until Stretch is released as the new stable.
> Wheezy doesn't get bug fixes (not in the sense you imply).
> > Besides, you can always dist-upgrade "in situ," when or if, it becomes
> > necessary.
> If "new" in Debian doesn't mean "better", what does it mean?
> --
> Brian.
> > B
> >

Re: Jessie or stretch for server

2017-01-12 Thread Brian
On Thu 12 Jan 2017 at 11:43:02 -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 14:25:30 +0100 Dan  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm going to install Debian on a file server (NFS and postgres) for a
> > small group of people. It will be in an intranet, no direct connection
> > to Internet.
> > 
> > Should I install Jessie or Stretch? I've always used stable. My
> > understanding is that at this point Stretch is quite stable, the
> > versions of the packages won't change and there won't be major changes
> > in the packages, only security/bug updates.
> Jessie.  It's rock solid.  It's had years of bug and security fixes
> under its belt. Stretch is still in development. It's not even frozen,
> yet. That's tentatively scheduled for February.

No real argument there. We have a fact or two.

> > In a few months the Stretch Debian installation will automatically
> > become "stable". Is that correct?
> More than a few.  I expect it to become "stable" toward the end of this
> year, if luck smiles on it.

Sorry to use technical language, but your expectations are bollocks.

Now you can produce a stream of argument which supports your "end of
this year" assertion.

> > If I install Jessie I'll have to update very soon.
> Why?  Just because Stretch is the newest?  Or is it because, Jessie
> Is "old?"  "New" doesn't necessarily mean "better."  Just
> because it's old stable, doesn't mean it stops working.  I'm still
> using Wheezy. Works fine 99.9% of the time. (For example, I can't play
> Netflix on it. libnss3 library too old.)  It still gets security

That's a 100% failure for Netfix users.

> updates and bug fixes under the extended support program, and will
> continue to do so until Stretch is released as the new stable. 

Wheezy doesn't get bug fixes (not in the sense you imply).
> Besides, you can always dist-upgrade "in situ," when or if, it becomes
> necessary.

If "new" in Debian doesn't mean "better", what does it mean?

> B

Re: Jessie or stretch for server

2017-01-12 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 14:25:30 +0100 Dan  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm going to install Debian on a file server (NFS and postgres) for a
> small group of people. It will be in an intranet, no direct connection
> to Internet.
> Should I install Jessie or Stretch? I've always used stable. My
> understanding is that at this point Stretch is quite stable, the
> versions of the packages won't change and there won't be major changes
> in the packages, only security/bug updates.

Jessie.  It's rock solid.  It's had years of bug and security fixes
under its belt. Stretch is still in development. It's not even frozen,
yet. That's tentatively scheduled for February.

> In a few months the Stretch Debian installation will automatically
> become "stable". Is that correct?

More than a few.  I expect it to become "stable" toward the end of this
year, if luck smiles on it.

> If I install Jessie I'll have to update very soon.

Why?  Just because Stretch is the newest?  Or is it because, Jessie
Is "old?"  "New" doesn't necessarily mean "better."  Just
because it's old stable, doesn't mean it stops working.  I'm still
using Wheezy. Works fine 99.9% of the time. (For example, I can't play
Netflix on it. libnss3 library too old.)  It still gets security
updates and bug fixes under the extended support program, and will
continue to do so until Stretch is released as the new stable. 

Besides, you can always dist-upgrade "in situ," when or if, it becomes


Re: apt-get is not following preferences.d

2017-01-12 Thread Sven Hartge
Matthias Bodenbinder  wrote:

> What is going wrong here? Any idea?

Possibly https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=849382


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Jessie or stretch for server

2017-01-12 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2017-01-12, Henning Follmann  wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 02:25:30PM +0100, Dan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm going to install Debian on a file server (NFS and postgres) for a
>> small group of people. It will be in an intranet, no direct connection
>> to Internet.
>> Should I install Jessie or Stretch? I've always used stable. My
>> understanding is that at this point Stretch is quite stable, the
>> versions of the packages won't change and there won't be major changes
>> in the packages, only security/bug updates.
>> In a few months the Stretch Debian installation will automatically
>> become "stable". Is that correct?
>> If I install Jessie I'll have to update very soon.
>> Thanks,
>> Daniel
> I almost always pick "stable". The only question you have to ask yourself:
> Will "stable" cover all of my requirements? If you can answer "yes" to this
> go with stable.
> Changes in strech can be as interrupting as having to upgrade _once_. So
> there is no benefit just because you might have to "upgrade soon".
> -H

I completely agree. Bear in mind too that jessie will continue to be
supported for at least one year after the release of stretch. There will
be no immediate pressure to upgrade.



Re: How to fix screen resolution ( has been set to 1024 * 768 )

2017-01-12 Thread Michael Fothergill
On 12 January 2017 at 18:50, Michael Fothergill <
michael.fotherg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 12 January 2017 at 17:50, Cathy Gramze  wrote:
>> And what video card/chipset do you have? I got the 1024x768 until I
>> installed firmware-Linux-nonfree to get the firmware for my integrated
>> Intel graphics. Perhaps you, too need some firmware. It's the best bet when
>> other distros Just Work, as they include non-free drivers by default, and
>> Debian doesn't.
>> cathy
> Presumably if you ran gNewSense which is a version of Debian recommended
> by the Free Software Foundation then you would have to use xorg.conf to set
> the screen resolution.
> Think gNewSense = orthodox ; Debian = reformed; Ubuntu =
> secular/heterodox..
> MF ​​
>> On 01/12/2017 06:36 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
>>> On Monday 09 January 2017 10:34:23 manashpal wrote:
 After installing Debian latest Jessie in my system, I am getting a
 screen resolution, but my monitor can render 1366*768. it is unlikely to
 have got such a unexpected screen resolution like 1024*768. on the other
 hand ubuntu, fedora, kali and many more linux distros has never
 me such a way. how can I fix it ? kindly let me know the steps I will

>>> Which Desktop Environment, if any, are you using?
>>> Lisi

Re: Some function keys not working on a ThinkPad W550s

2017-01-12 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 25 Nov 2016 23:27:46 -0200
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh  wrote:

> On Fri, 25 Nov 2016, Celejar wrote:


> > Some of the function keys work (e.g., Fn-F5/F6 for brightness down/up),
> > but some do not (e.g., F1-F3 for volume control, and F4 for suspend
> > (suspend works fine out of the box via the Xfce suspend hooks)). Any
> > idea how to fix / troubleshoot this?
> run xev, and check if you get X events.  If you do, you need to get xfce
> to handle these X events somehow (can't help you there).

Okay. Pressing and releasing the Fn keys (I tried by first setting
FnLk, to avoid clutter and confusion with the events for the Fn key
presses and releases) does not generate any KeyPress / KeyRelease
events, just MappingNotify and KeymapNotify events, like so

MappingNotify event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
request MappingKeyboard, first_keycode 8, count 248

KeymapNotify event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
keys:  1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

I usually see just KeymapNotify events, and I can't work out a pattern
for when the MappingNotify ones are triggered, or what the serial nn
numbers mean (they aren't always the same for the same keys).

To clarify: I get these same results both for the Fn keys that work
(brightness control) as well as for those that (seem to) do nothing
(volume control).

What does this mean, and what to do / try next?

> If you don't see anything in xev, use the stuff in package input-utils
> to trace events in the thinkpad-acpi input device, and also on the main
> keyboard input device (lsinput, input-events).  That might help.


>   Henrique Holschuh

Thanks much for the help,

Re: apt-get is not following preferences.d

2017-01-12 Thread Michael Lange
On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 19:35:59 +0100
Matthias Bodenbinder  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a weird behaviour on one of my debian boxes. It is running Mint
> LMDE and the issue is the following:
> I have several additional sources defined: debian testing, debian
> backports, etc. I have defined priorities for the repos so that testing
> has prio 300 and does not replace the stable packages automatically.
> That works fine if I do an "apt-get update" followed by an "apt-get
> dist-upgrade". No issue.
> The issue only occurs directly after boot. Somehow there is an "apt-get
> update" excecuted during boot time and this is ignoring the repo
> priorities. If I do a "apt-get dist-upgrade" directly after boot it
> wants to upgrade all packages to the testing version ("1547 upgraded,
> 358 newly installed, 97 to remove and 36 not upgraded."). This is a
> mistake.
Just a shot in the dark:
maybe the apt-get update at boot time is done before a network connection
has been established? I noticed that this can lead to the exact behavior
you describe when pinning is in use. Apparently a bug in apt.



.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

It would be illogical to kill without reason.
-- Spock, "Journey to Babel", stardate 3842.4

apt-get is not following preferences.d

2017-01-12 Thread Matthias Bodenbinder

I have a weird behaviour on one of my debian boxes. It is running Mint LMDE and 
the issue is the following:

I have several additional sources defined: debian testing, debian backports, 
etc. I have defined priorities for the repos so that testing has prio 300 and 
does not replace the stable packages automatically. That works fine if I do an 
"apt-get update" followed by an "apt-get dist-upgrade". No issue.

The issue only occurs directly after boot. Somehow there is an "apt-get update" 
excecuted during boot time and this is ignoring the repo priorities. If I do a 
"apt-get dist-upgrade" directly after boot it wants to upgrade all packages to 
the testing version ("1547 upgraded, 358 newly installed, 97 to remove and 36 
not upgraded."). This is a mistake.

After boot the priorities are all set to 500. Example:

12# apt-cache policy zip vim-common
  Installed: 3.0-8
  Candidate: 3.0-11
  Version table:
 3.0-11 0
500 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ testing/main amd64 Packages
 *** 3.0-8 0
500 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ jessie/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  Installed: 2:7.4.488-7+deb8u1
  Candidate: 2:8.0.0134-1
  Version table:
 2:8.0.0134-1 0
500 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ testing/main amd64 Packages
 *** 2:7.4.488-7+deb8u1 0
500 http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 2:7.4.488-7 0
500 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ jessie/main amd64 Packages

If I do an "apt-get update" everything is back to normal. 

15# apt-cache policy zip vim-common
  Installed: 3.0-8
  Candidate: 3.0-8
  Version table:
 3.0-11 0
300 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ testing/main amd64 Packages
 *** 3.0-8 0
500 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ jessie/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  Installed: 2:7.4.488-7+deb8u1
  Candidate: 2:7.4.488-7+deb8u1
  Version table:
 2:8.0.0134-1 0
300 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ testing/main amd64 Packages
 *** 2:7.4.488-7+deb8u1 0
500 http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 2:7.4.488-7 0
500 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ jessie/main amd64 Packages

What is going wrong here? Any idea?


Re: How to fix screen resolution ( has been set to 1024 * 768 )

2017-01-12 Thread Cathy Gramze
And what video card/chipset do you have? I got the 1024x768 until I 
installed firmware-Linux-nonfree to get the firmware for my integrated 
Intel graphics. Perhaps you, too need some firmware. It's the best bet 
when other distros Just Work, as they include non-free drivers by 
default, and Debian doesn't.


On 01/12/2017 06:36 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Monday 09 January 2017 10:34:23 manashpal wrote:

After installing Debian latest Jessie in my system, I am getting a 1024*768
screen resolution, but my monitor can render 1366*768. it is unlikely to
have got such a unexpected screen resolution like 1024*768. on the other
hand ubuntu, fedora, kali and many more linux distros has never disappoint
me such a way. how can I fix it ? kindly let me know the steps I will

Which Desktop Environment, if any, are you using?


Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread andre_debian
On Thursday 12 January 2017 18:31:46 bernard schoenacker wrote:
> apt-get install pavucontrol

Ok, mais Pulseaudio est-il nécessaire ?


Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread Klaus Becker
On jeudi 12 janvier 2017 18:31:46 CET bernard schoenacker wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 18:06:24 +0100
> andre_deb...@numericable.fr wrote:
> > lspci -k
> bonjour,
> sudo apt-get install pavucontrol
> slt
> bernard


je ne comprends pas "sudo" : ça s'utilise par défaut sous Ubuntu, mais pas 
sous Debian.

$ sudo ls
[sudo] Mot de passe de klaus : 
Désolé, l'utilisateur klaus n'est pas autorisé à exécuter « /bin/ls » en tant 
que root sur 1stein.

Et je n'ai pas envie de modifier sudoers pour pouvoir utiliser sudo, sauf 
exexption rare.



Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread bernard schoenacker
On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 18:06:24 +0100
andre_deb...@numericable.fr wrote:

> lspci -k


sudo apt-get install pavucontrol

bernard schoenacker 

Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread Boyan Penkov

On 01/12/2017 11:15 AM, David Wright wrote:
> On Thu 12 Jan 2017 at 01:05:06 (-0500), kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 11:53 PM, David Wright  
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed 11 Jan 2017 at 22:38:48 (-0500), kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
 Just unalias the alias corresponding to edit (the one you set up in
 ~/.zshrc) before launching reportbug. After that set it back. IIUC
 there is no need to launch a bash subshell to do this. You can do
 everything while you are in zsh.

 So the sequence of commands would be

 % unalias edit
 % reportbug &
 % alias edit='emacsclient -c -s /tmp/emacs1000/server'
>>> If you're going to do it that way, you've really got to
>>> interrogate the old value and restore it afterwards, rather
>>> than having edit defined in two places. Otherwise, how do
>>> you keep them in sync.
>>> Most people wouldn't run reportbug often enough to worry
>>> about a subshell, would they?
>> There are always multiple ways to solve a problem often with different
>> advantages/disadvantages. I do not have a problem with subshell per
>> se. My point is that the previously proposed solution requires OP to
>> start a different shell (i.e. zsh users starting bash). What is to
>> assume that there is no such alias defined in ~/.bashrc?
> No, I did not propose that the OP start a different type of shell.
> It surprised me that the OP did.

My thinking there was that I'd be able to not have to work around not
reading my zshrc, but unalias and re-source does work just as well.

> My solution was to start a subshell of the same type as their normal
> shell. However, as I'm only familiar with bash, I started off with
> "In bash, ..." and finished with "I haven't bothered to search all
> the subsections of man zsh, but there may be something similar."
> In other words, I think the OP could do a similar thing (start a
> subshell with edit unaliased) entirely in zsh. However, unlike with
> bash, which covers most things in "man bash", zsh appears to have
> 17 man pages. Commands like alias/unalias are typically builtin.
> I am not going to the bother of searching all 17 for the appropriate
> incantations in zsh. I left that as an exercise for the OP to check
> out in their own (or any other) shell.
>> Little bit of a side note: I work on systems where my home directory
>> is mounted across multiple machines. On different machines I use
>> different shells. To keep my aliases synced across all these machines,
>> I place all my aliases in a separate file and source that file in
>> ~/.zshrc, ~/.bashrc etc.,
> Then you're a better person than I am to check/know whether my method
> is possible with zsh. I would still maintain that defining the same
> alias in two places is not good advice. But then, my advice would
> be to use, say, edt rather than edit as the alias. I have two aliases
> for emacs: nwemacs and bigemacs (nw and big suffice).
> Others have suggested not to use an alias at all.
> Cheers,
> David.

Boyan Penkov

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread andre_debian
On Thursday 12 January 2017 13:51:05 steve wrote:
> Ce serait aussi intéressant de faire en root:
> lspci -k
> et voir quel module pilote la carte son.
> Et aussi de voir dans /var/log/dpkg.log quel paquet aurait pu impacter
> la carte.

>serait il possible de vérifier les droits (groupe audio) ?
> grep audio /etc/group
> audio:x:29:pulse,bernard
> je laisse la main à d'autres

En purgeant alsabase et pulseaudio, en les réinstallant,
puis reboot, le son fonctionne, la carte son est bien détectée.

J'ai lancé alsamixer en root, testé le son sous KDE, ça a tout bloqué Jessie,
hard reboot nécessaire.

alsamixer en user fonctionne et me propose 3 solutions :
- Par défaut (pulseaudio ?),
- HDA Intel MID,

Laquelle choisir ?
Est-ce que Pulseaudio est nécessaire ?
Peut-on choisir l'un ou l'autre : alsa-base OU Pulseaudio ?



Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 05:34:52PM +0100, Nicolas George wrote:
> Le tridi 23 nivôse, an CCXXV, Greg Wooledge a écrit :
> > $ (unalias edit; reportbug)
> > 
> > I'd be very shocked if that doesn't work in zsh.
> I'd be very shocked if that did anything useful with any shell.

Oh.  You're right.  Wow, aliases are horrible.

wooledg@wooledg:~$ type foo
foo is aliased to `echo bar'
wooledg@wooledg:~$ unalias foo; foo
wooledg@wooledg:~$ foo
bash: foo: command not found


Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread Nicolas George
Le tridi 23 nivôse, an CCXXV, Greg Wooledge a écrit :
> $ (unalias edit; reportbug)
> I'd be very shocked if that doesn't work in zsh.

I'd be very shocked if that did anything useful with any shell.

> However, I am still extremely confused about why an interactive shell
> alias (in ANY shell) would affect the operations of reportbug.  Does


> reportbug run "edit" in a $SHELL of the user's choosing after sourcing
> all of the user's dot files?  Or is this some bizarre zsh thing?

Zsh has a ~/.zshenv file that is sourced by all shells, interactive or
not, including script interpreters (#!/bin/zsh), shells started by cron
or procmail, etc. It is very useful for environment and environment-like
(umask, limits) settings. Putting alias in it would be a very very bad
idea, I hope the OP did not do that. But even if that did happen, the
unalias would have no effect, since ~/.zshenv would be sourced again.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 10:15:35AM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> In other words, I think the OP could do a similar thing (start a
> subshell with edit unaliased) entirely in zsh.

$ (unalias edit; reportbug)

I'd be very shocked if that doesn't work in zsh.  It works in all the
Bourne-family shells.  (Fails in csh, but nothing about "fails in csh"
should surprise anyone at this point.)

However, I am still extremely confused about why an interactive shell
alias (in ANY shell) would affect the operations of reportbug.  Does
reportbug run "edit" in a $SHELL of the user's choosing after sourcing
all of the user's dot files?  Or is this some bizarre zsh thing?

Normally I would expect a program to use the user's $EDITOR or $VISUAL
environment variable to decide which editor to run.  I would also not
expect aliases to be defined at that point.

Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread David Wright
On Thu 12 Jan 2017 at 01:05:06 (-0500), kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 11:53 PM, David Wright  
> wrote:
> > On Wed 11 Jan 2017 at 22:38:48 (-0500), kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> >
> >> Just unalias the alias corresponding to edit (the one you set up in
> >> ~/.zshrc) before launching reportbug. After that set it back. IIUC
> >> there is no need to launch a bash subshell to do this. You can do
> >> everything while you are in zsh.
> >>
> >> So the sequence of commands would be
> >>
> >> % unalias edit
> >> % reportbug &
> >> % alias edit='emacsclient -c -s /tmp/emacs1000/server'
> >
> > If you're going to do it that way, you've really got to
> > interrogate the old value and restore it afterwards, rather
> > than having edit defined in two places. Otherwise, how do
> > you keep them in sync.
> >
> > Most people wouldn't run reportbug often enough to worry
> > about a subshell, would they?
> There are always multiple ways to solve a problem often with different
> advantages/disadvantages. I do not have a problem with subshell per
> se. My point is that the previously proposed solution requires OP to
> start a different shell (i.e. zsh users starting bash). What is to
> assume that there is no such alias defined in ~/.bashrc?

No, I did not propose that the OP start a different type of shell.
It surprised me that the OP did.

My solution was to start a subshell of the same type as their normal
shell. However, as I'm only familiar with bash, I started off with
"In bash, ..." and finished with "I haven't bothered to search all
the subsections of man zsh, but there may be something similar."

In other words, I think the OP could do a similar thing (start a
subshell with edit unaliased) entirely in zsh. However, unlike with
bash, which covers most things in "man bash", zsh appears to have
17 man pages. Commands like alias/unalias are typically builtin.
I am not going to the bother of searching all 17 for the appropriate
incantations in zsh. I left that as an exercise for the OP to check
out in their own (or any other) shell.

> Little bit of a side note: I work on systems where my home directory
> is mounted across multiple machines. On different machines I use
> different shells. To keep my aliases synced across all these machines,
> I place all my aliases in a separate file and source that file in
> ~/.zshrc, ~/.bashrc etc.,

Then you're a better person than I am to check/know whether my method
is possible with zsh. I would still maintain that defining the same
alias in two places is not good advice. But then, my advice would
be to use, say, edt rather than edit as the alias. I have two aliases
for emacs: nwemacs and bigemacs (nw and big suffice).
Others have suggested not to use an alias at all.


Salesforce Desk using companies contacts

2017-01-12 Thread ray . edwards


We have the new, redesigned *Salesforce Desk users list*, including email
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Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Much obliged,

*Ray *

Information Specialist

 To quit, please respond with Remove.

Re: Jessie or stretch for server

2017-01-12 Thread Henning Follmann
On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 02:25:30PM +0100, Dan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to install Debian on a file server (NFS and postgres) for a
> small group of people. It will be in an intranet, no direct connection
> to Internet.
> Should I install Jessie or Stretch? I've always used stable. My
> understanding is that at this point Stretch is quite stable, the
> versions of the packages won't change and there won't be major changes
> in the packages, only security/bug updates.
> In a few months the Stretch Debian installation will automatically
> become "stable". Is that correct?
> If I install Jessie I'll have to update very soon.
> Thanks,
> Daniel

I almost always pick "stable". The only question you have to ask yourself:
Will "stable" cover all of my requirements? If you can answer "yes" to this
go with stable.

Changes in strech can be as interrupting as having to upgrade _once_. So
there is no benefit just because you might have to "upgrade soon".


Henning Follmann   | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

Re: Jessie or stretch for server

2017-01-12 Thread Georgi Naplatanov
On 01/12/2017 03:25 PM, Dan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to install Debian on a file server (NFS and postgres) for a
> small group of people. It will be in an intranet, no direct connection
> to Internet.
> Should I install Jessie or Stretch? I've always used stable. 

If the server will be used by developers only then you can install
either version - 8 or 9, but if it will be production server then stable
is better than testing.

> understanding is that at this point Stretch is quite stable, the
> versions of the packages won't change and there won't be major changes
> in the packages, only security/bug updates.
> In a few months the Stretch Debian installation will automatically
> become "stable". Is that correct?

A freeze period usually takes at least 6 months so I wouldn't say "a few


Kind regards

Re: Conflicto con virtualbox

2017-01-12 Thread Calabaza
El día 11 de enero de 2017, 21:35, Miguel Matos

>>> Gracias, pero ya lo había resuelto, como me suele pasar: rompiendo
>>> todo y sin haber lanzado nada. El fallo vino fue del kernel nuevecito
>>> que le puse,
>>> me tocó eliminarlo y quedarme con la versión anterior. Luego de eso
>>> pude usar el virtualbox 5.1.

>> Ya lo habías resuelto pero no fuiste capaz de colocar solucionado o
>> hacer mención a la solución.  Uf

Yo también esperaba cada día
a que diga algo al respecto sobre lo que se le preguntó en otros correos.

> Sin embargo, no es "la solución" definitiva.

¿y cual es "la solución definitiva" que tu esperas?

> Por lo tanto,
> necesitaré o que alguien haya superado eso antes con el kernel versión
> 4.8 en debian jessie estable. ¡Y remarco el estable!;

Umm... por aquí hay alguna pista, hasta ahora nunca dijiste que estabas usando
un kernel 4.8 que _NO_ está en el repositorio de Jessie (salvo backports)

y haciendo una búsqueda en los repositorios [0] veo que en jessie-backports
hay virtualbox-5.1, así que es muy probable que el virtualbox de oracle funcione
con el kernel 4-8 que está en jessie-backports [1]

Seguramente sólo te faltó instalar las cabeceras del kernel [2] que
son requeridas
para construir el módulo del kernel de Vbox para esa versión del kernel.

[0] https://packages.debian.org/jessie-backports/virtualbox
[1] https://packages.debian.org/jessie-backports/linux-image-amd64
[2] https://packages.debian.org/jessie-backports/linux-headers-4.8.0-0.bpo.2-686

Si utilizabas la versión de jessie-backports luego de instalar el
kernel deberías hacer un
# dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-dkms
y debería regenerarte el módulo faltante.

Como no utilizo la versión de oracle, pues imagino
que con un
# dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox
te debería permitir reconstruir el módulo faltante.

Un abrazo,

§~^Calabaza^~§ from Villa Elisa, Paraguay

http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netiquette | http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1855.txt


Re: Jessie or stretch for server

2017-01-12 Thread Jochen Spieker
> In a few months the Stretch Debian installation will automatically
> become "stable". Is that correct?

If you use "stretch" in the sources.list (instead of "testing"), then
yes, your stretch installation will stay at stretch.

> If I install Jessie I'll have to update very soon.

Jessie is going to have security support for about a year after the
release of stretch:


I see weapons of mass destruction as shameful but necessary.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Jessie or stretch for server

2017-01-12 Thread Dan

I'm going to install Debian on a file server (NFS and postgres) for a
small group of people. It will be in an intranet, no direct connection
to Internet.

Should I install Jessie or Stretch? I've always used stable. My
understanding is that at this point Stretch is quite stable, the
versions of the packages won't change and there won't be major changes
in the packages, only security/bug updates.

In a few months the Stretch Debian installation will automatically
become "stable". Is that correct?

If I install Jessie I'll have to update very soon.


Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread steve

Le 12-01-2017, à 12:34:21 +0100, André Debian a écrit :

lspci |grep Audio   (rendre compte sur la liste) :

# lspci |grep Audio
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High
Definition Audio (rev 05)
02:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Redwood HDMI
Audio [Radeon HD 5000 Series]

Ce serait aussi intéressant de faire en root:

lspci -k

et voir quel module pilote la carte son.

Et aussi de voir dans /var/log/dpkg.log quel paquet aurait pu impacter
la carte.

Re: kde install accessibility experience

2017-01-12 Thread Jude DaShiell
This was an issue in Jessie Stable I hadn't downloaded the Stretch iso 
before I had that install failure.

On Wed, 11 Jan 2017, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:

Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 22:23:08
From: kamaraju kusumanchi 
To: Jude DaShiell ,
Subject: Re: kde install accessibility experience

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 2:05 AM, Jude DaShiell  wrote:

Earlier I wrote the kde-accessibility list and asked how to get kde
accessibility working with kde installed on a system specifically screen
reading accessibility.  I was advised I would need to install the whole orca
dependency stack and get orca up and running and from orca then get
kdespeech started.  I was also told kdespeech would read qt stuff orca
cannot read but wouldn't do much more beyond that.
I tried it and had an interesting install failure experience.

I do not have any suggestion for your problem. But it probably will
help someone else facing a similar issue if you could tell whether
this is an issue in Jessie (currently stable) or in Stretch (currently
testing) installation.


Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread Boyan Penkov

Boyan Penkov

> On Jan 12, 2017, at 1:05 AM, kamaraju kusumanchi 
>  wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 11:53 PM, David Wright  
> wrote:
>> On Wed 11 Jan 2017 at 22:38:48 (-0500), kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
>>> Just unalias the alias corresponding to edit (the one you set up in
>>> ~/.zshrc) before launching reportbug. After that set it back. IIUC
>>> there is no need to launch a bash subshell to do this. You can do
>>> everything while you are in zsh.
>>> So the sequence of commands would be
>>> % unalias edit
>>> % reportbug &
>>> % alias edit='emacsclient -c -s /tmp/emacs1000/server'
>> If you're going to do it that way, you've really got to
>> interrogate the old value and restore it afterwards, rather
>> than having edit defined in two places. Otherwise, how do
>> you keep them in sync.
>> Most people wouldn't run reportbug often enough to worry
>> about a subshell, would they?
> There are always multiple ways to solve a problem often with different
> advantages/disadvantages. I do not have a problem with subshell per
> se. My point is that the previously proposed solution requires OP to
> start a different shell (i.e. zsh users starting bash). What is to
> assume that there is no such alias defined in ~/.bashrc?

Good catch — since this is a single-user setup, I know it’s not in this case.  
But the method you have is more elegant.

> Little bit of a side note: I work on systems where my home directory
> is mounted across multiple machines. On different machines I use
> different shells. To keep my aliases synced across all these machines,
> I place all my aliases in a separate file and source that file in
> ~/.zshrc, ~/.bashrc etc.,
> raju
> -- 
> Kamaraju S Kusumanchi | http://raju.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Blog

Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread Boyan Penkov

Boyan Penkov

> On Jan 11, 2017, at 11:53 PM, David Wright  wrote:
> On Wed 11 Jan 2017 at 22:38:48 (-0500), kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
>> So the sequence of commands would be
>> % unalias edit
>> % reportbug &
>> % alias edit='emacsclient -c -s /tmp/emacs1000/server'
> If you're going to do it that way, you've really got to
> interrogate the old value and restore it afterwards, rather
> than having edit defined in two places. Otherwise, how do
> you keep them in sync.

I did feel the same way, but was going to simply re-source my .zshrc after the 
report bug run is over.

> Most people wouldn't run reportbug often enough to worry
> about a subshell, would they?
> Cheers,
> David.

Re: Problemes per muntar disc dur extern USB

2017-01-12 Thread Narcis Garcia
Podries aclarir si el «Xtreamer Pro» porta sistema operatiu? Es pot
extreure aquest disc de 3TB i endollar-lo directament a un ordinador?

Si les respostes són No i No, jo també provaria el formateig total, amb
taula de particions GPT feta pel programari lliure (G/parted).
Naturalment et convindrà traslladar les dades per fer-ho.

El 12/01/17 a les 12:26, Pep ha escrit:
> Gràcies Josep.
> El firmware del Xtreamer es l'ultim i abans de tornar a formatejar
> (conté dades, pelis i musica bàsicament) voldria intentar algun altre
> cosa. Després de intentar mirar-ho al gparted, me diu "Can't have a
> partition outside the disk!" i malgrat que veu la partició surt una
> icona d'advertència.
> ParticióName Sistema de fitxers   
> MidaUtilitzatNo UtilitzatSenyalador  
> dev/sdd1Microsoft reserved partitionntfs128.00MiB2.45
> MiB125.55 MiBmsftres
> dev/sdd2  (*)  Basic data partition ntfs2.73
> TiB------msftdata
> On hi ha l'asterisc surt l'icona d'advertència.
> Salut
> Pep
> El 12/01/17 a les 12:05, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:
> On 12 Jan 2017 11:15, "Pep" >
> wrote:
> Bones.
> En primer lloc disculpeu si la consulta es massa "newbie" però la
> veritat es que porto cercant al google dies i no trobo res adient.
> Consulto aqui per si algú de valtros s'ha trobat amb el mateix problema.
>> No m'hi he trobat però cercant una mica he trobat això:
>> - actualitza firmware.
>> - si és un aparell d'aquests que incorpora sistema operatiu, formata
>> el disc des de l'aparell.
>> - també podria ser tema MBR/GPT ja que el disc és de 3 TB i cal
>> preparar-lo en GPT...
>> Josep 
>> Tinc un Xtreamer Pro que faig servir de disc extern USB. Dintre
>> tinc dos
>> discs, un de 2TB i l'altre de 3 TB.
>> Al de 2 TB puc accedir sense cap problema, mel munta
>> automàticament, en
>> canvi al de 3 no(s'escull amb un interruptor quin vols). Faig
>> servir un
>> Debian Stretch 64 bits (potser aquí rau el problema...) Al
>> muntar-lo en
>> consola me tira:
>> NTFS signature is missing.
>> Failed to mount '/dev/sdd': L’argument passat no és vàlid
>> The device '/dev/sdd' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
>> Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
>> partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?
>> Gracies per endavant.
>> Pep

Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread bernard schoenacker
On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 12:34:21 +0100
andre_deb...@numericable.fr wrote:

> On Thursday 12 January 2017 11:00:33 bernard schoenacker wrote:
> > pourquoi n'avoir pas lancé alsamixer puis   ?
> # alsamixer
> No protocol specified
> xcb_connection_has_error() returned true
> No protocol specified
> xcb_connection_has_error() returned true
> ALSA lib pulse.c:243:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect:
> Accès refusée, le mixeur ne peut pas être ouvert: Connexion refusée
> $ alsamixer
> Failed to create secure directory (/run/user/1000/pulse): 
> Permission non accordée
> > lspci |grep Audio   (rendre compte sur la liste) :
> # lspci |grep Audio
> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset
> High Definition Audio (rev 05)
> 02:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Redwood
> HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 5000 Series]
> Merci.
> André


serait il possible de vérifier les droits (groupe audio) ?

grep audio /etc/group


je laisse la main à d'autres


bernard schoenacker 

Re: Problemes per muntar disc dur extern USB

2017-01-12 Thread Eloi
El 12/01/17 a les 10:56, Pep ha escrit:
> Bones.
> En primer lloc disculpeu si la consulta es massa "newbie" però la
> veritat es que porto cercant al google dies i no trobo res adient.
> Consulto aqui per si algú de valtros s'ha trobat amb el mateix problema.
> Tinc un Xtreamer Pro que faig servir de disc extern USB. Dintre tinc dos
> discs, un de 2TB i l'altre de 3 TB.
> Al de 2 TB puc accedir sense cap problema, mel munta automàticament, en
> canvi al de 3 no(s'escull amb un interruptor quin vols). Faig servir un
> Debian Stretch 64 bits (potser aquí rau el problema...) Al muntar-lo en
> consola me tira:
> NTFS signature is missing.
> Failed to mount '/dev/sdd': L’argument passat no és vàlid
> The device '/dev/sdd' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
> Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
> partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?
> Gracies per endavant.
> Pep

Abans que res, comento a cegues perquè desconec quin tipus de dispositiu
és aquest "disc dur extern doble".

Entenc que tens un selector físic que et permet escollir quin dels dos
discs s'usa. No podria ser que al canviar el selector el nucli segueix
creient que el segon disc té la mateixa mida que el primer? Això també
quadraria amb el fet que no puguis muntar una partició NTFS, ja que
aquestes desen la metadata just al mig de la partició. Si tenim en
compte que el punt mig de 2GB està a 1GB però el de 3GB a 1.5GB, doncs
podria ser que no troba la metadata NTFS on creu que hauria d'estar i no
munta. També explicaria l'error de tenir una partició que surti fora del

Has provat a veure si pots accedir al disc amb el selector canviat abans
d'arrencar la màquina o reiniciar-la just després de tocar-lo?

Re: Problemes per muntar disc dur extern USB

2017-01-12 Thread Narcis Garcia
Podries aclarir si el «Xtreamer Pro» porta sistema operatiu? Es pot
extreure aquest disc de 3TB i endollar-lo directament a un ordinador?

Si les respostes són No i No, jo també provaria el formateig total, amb
taula de particions GPT feta pel programari lliure (G/parted).
Naturalment et convindrà traslladar les dades per fer-ho.

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at lists.debian.org archives.

El 12/01/17 a les 12:26, Pep ha escrit:
> Gràcies Josep.
> El firmware del Xtreamer es l'ultim i abans de tornar a formatejar
> (conté dades, pelis i musica bàsicament) voldria intentar algun altre
> cosa. Després de intentar mirar-ho al gparted, me diu "Can't have a
> partition outside the disk!" i malgrat que veu la partició surt una
> icona d'advertència.
> ParticióName Sistema de fitxers   
> MidaUtilitzatNo UtilitzatSenyalador  
> dev/sdd1Microsoft reserved partitionntfs128.00MiB2.45
> MiB125.55 MiBmsftres
> dev/sdd2  (*)  Basic data partition ntfs2.73
> TiB------msftdata
> On hi ha l'asterisc surt l'icona d'advertència.
> Salut
> Pep
> El 12/01/17 a les 12:05, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:
> On 12 Jan 2017 11:15, "Pep" >
> wrote:
> Bones.
> En primer lloc disculpeu si la consulta es massa "newbie" però la
> veritat es que porto cercant al google dies i no trobo res adient.
> Consulto aqui per si algú de valtros s'ha trobat amb el mateix problema.
>> No m'hi he trobat però cercant una mica he trobat això:
>> - actualitza firmware.
>> - si és un aparell d'aquests que incorpora sistema operatiu, formata
>> el disc des de l'aparell.
>> - també podria ser tema MBR/GPT ja que el disc és de 3 TB i cal
>> preparar-lo en GPT...
>> Josep 
>> Tinc un Xtreamer Pro que faig servir de disc extern USB. Dintre
>> tinc dos
>> discs, un de 2TB i l'altre de 3 TB.
>> Al de 2 TB puc accedir sense cap problema, mel munta
>> automàticament, en
>> canvi al de 3 no(s'escull amb un interruptor quin vols). Faig
>> servir un
>> Debian Stretch 64 bits (potser aquí rau el problema...) Al
>> muntar-lo en
>> consola me tira:
>> NTFS signature is missing.
>> Failed to mount '/dev/sdd': L’argument passat no és vàlid
>> The device '/dev/sdd' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
>> Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
>> partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?
>> Gracies per endavant.
>> Pep

Re: How to fix screen resolution ( has been set to 1024 * 768 )

2017-01-12 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 09 January 2017 10:34:23 manashpal wrote:
> After installing Debian latest Jessie in my system, I am getting a 1024*768
> screen resolution, but my monitor can render 1366*768. it is unlikely to
> have got such a unexpected screen resolution like 1024*768. on the other
> hand ubuntu, fedora, kali and many more linux distros has never disappoint
> me such a way. how can I fix it ? kindly let me know the steps I will
> follow.thanks.m@n@sh..p@l

Which Desktop Environment, if any, are you using?


Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread andre_debian
On Thursday 12 January 2017 11:00:33 bernard schoenacker wrote:
> pourquoi n'avoir pas lancé alsamixer puis   ?

# alsamixer
No protocol specified
xcb_connection_has_error() returned true
No protocol specified
xcb_connection_has_error() returned true
ALSA lib pulse.c:243:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Accès 
refusée, le mixeur ne peut pas être ouvert: Connexion refusée

$ alsamixer
Failed to create secure directory (/run/user/1000/pulse): 
Permission non accordée

> lspci |grep Audio   (rendre compte sur la liste) :
# lspci |grep Audio
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High 
Definition Audio (rev 05)
02:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Redwood HDMI 
Audio [Radeon HD 5000 Series]



Re: Problemes per muntar disc dur extern USB

2017-01-12 Thread Pep
Gràcies Josep.

El firmware del Xtreamer es l'ultim i abans de tornar a formatejar
(conté dades, pelis i musica bàsicament) voldria intentar algun altre
cosa. Després de intentar mirar-ho al gparted, me diu "Can't have a
partition outside the disk!" i malgrat que veu la partició surt una
icona d'advertència.

ParticióName Sistema de fitxers   
MidaUtilitzatNo UtilitzatSenyalador  

dev/sdd1Microsoft reserved partitionntfs128.00MiB2.45
MiB125.55 MiBmsftres

dev/sdd2  (*)  Basic data partition ntfs2.73

On hi ha l'asterisc surt l'icona d'advertència.

El 12/01/17 a les 12:05, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:

On 12 Jan 2017 11:15, "Pep" >


En primer lloc disculpeu si la consulta es massa "newbie" però la
veritat es que porto cercant al google dies i no trobo res adient.
Consulto aqui per si algú de valtros s'ha trobat amb el mateix problema.

> No m'hi he trobat però cercant una mica he trobat això:
> - actualitza firmware.
> - si és un aparell d'aquests que incorpora sistema operatiu, formata
> el disc des de l'aparell.
> - també podria ser tema MBR/GPT ja que el disc és de 3 TB i cal
> preparar-lo en GPT...
> Josep 
> Tinc un Xtreamer Pro que faig servir de disc extern USB. Dintre
> tinc dos
> discs, un de 2TB i l'altre de 3 TB.
> Al de 2 TB puc accedir sense cap problema, mel munta
> automàticament, en
> canvi al de 3 no(s'escull amb un interruptor quin vols). Faig
> servir un
> Debian Stretch 64 bits (potser aquí rau el problema...) Al
> muntar-lo en
> consola me tira:
> NTFS signature is missing.
> Failed to mount '/dev/sdd': L’argument passat no és vàlid
> The device '/dev/sdd' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
> Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
> partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?
> Gracies per endavant.
> Pep

Succé för Bara en tanke - av årets föreläsare Dennis Westerberg

2017-01-12 Thread Månadens Säljbok
Du befinner dig alltid endast en tanke ifrån glädje, ro och harmoni.
Läs på webben 
Dennis Westerberg blev utsedd till Årets Föreläsare. Hans bok Bara en tanke gör 
snabb succé och klättrar på listorna!

Upplever du ständig stress och riskerar att bli utbränd? Är du ovanligt 
svartsjuk eller vantrivs
du på jobbet? Har du svårt att sova och vill
undvika tabletterna?

Då är den här boken något för dig.
Lider du av oro, ångest eller depression? Reagerar du ofta med ilska eller 
lägger du all skuld på dig själv? Plågas du av tvångs- eller självmordstankar? 
Har du ätstörningar eller vill du ta dig
ur ett missbruk?
Bara en tanke 
 ger dig allt du behöver för att uppleva psykiskt välmående. Oberoende av yttre 

Så här säger en läsare:
”En ”måste-bok” för chefer, ledare, ledningsgrupper, föräldrar, par och 
framförallt människor. Alla har nytta av den.”
Christer Paulsson VD, Sverigeflyg

Författare till boken är Dennis Westerberg. Han fick i förra veckan priset 
Årets Föreläsare. Han är mental coach.
Med främsta kompetenser inom sådant som rör mental hälsa, personlig utveckling, 
arbetsglädje, kreativitet, kommunikation och ledarskap.

Dennis har genom åren hjälpt hundratals människor att bryta negativa 
tankemönster, för att i stället kunna uppleva lycka, harmoni och välbefinnande.

Vi rekommenderar Bara en tanke 
 varmt. Till dig eller någon som du vill hjälpa. Boken är det självklara valet 
till Månadens säljbok i februari.

Boken gör succé och låg vid releasen högt på listorna.

Trevlig läsning!

Hur kan Bara en tanke 
 bli din guide till ett villkorslöst välmående?

Dennis lär oss att det bästa sättet att finna lycka, harmoni
och välbefinnande är att skaffa sig en genuin förståelse
kring hur vi människor fungerar rent mentalt.

När vi väl fått denna förståelse, denna insikt, behövs inga
nya tekniker eller metoder som erbjuds för att bli lycklig,
eller redskap som sägs hjälpa oss att hantera stress,
öka på självkänslan eller bygga upp ett bättre självförtroende.

Insikten i sig, ger oss allt vi behöver för att må bra. I alla sammanhang. 
Alltid. Den här boken är en guidning till en
sådan insikt, till sådan förståelse.

Läsaren får ta del av en väldigt annorlunda beskrivning av hur vårt psyke 
fungerar. En beskrivning som förmodligen helt skiljer sig från det som de allra 
flesta av oss trott har varit sant.

Tills nu!

Så här säger Bosse Skoglund, legendarisk trummis i
Peps Perssons band om Bara en tanke:

”Denna bok kan jag verkligen rekommendera alla. Läs den!”

Vem vill du hjälpa till en bättre psykisk hälsa?
Beställ ett par exemplar av Bara en tanke 
 redan idag.
Ett till dig själv och ett till någon du tycker om.

Ta chansen att möta ljuset och våren med en guide till
ditt villkorslösa välmående. 



Trevlig läsning!
Månadens säljbok
Adresskälla: Månadens säljbok
avanmälan [http://www.epostservice.com/unsub.asp?33797228&75A249A29919&316622]

Problemes per muntar disc dur extern USB

2017-01-12 Thread Pep

En primer lloc disculpeu si la consulta es massa "newbie" però la
veritat es que porto cercant al google dies i no trobo res adient.
Consulto aqui per si algú de valtros s'ha trobat amb el mateix problema.

Tinc un Xtreamer Pro que faig servir de disc extern USB. Dintre tinc dos
discs, un de 2TB i l'altre de 3 TB.

Al de 2 TB puc accedir sense cap problema, mel munta automàticament, en
canvi al de 3 no(s'escull amb un interruptor quin vols). Faig servir un
Debian Stretch 64 bits (potser aquí rau el problema...) Al muntar-lo en
consola me tira:

NTFS signature is missing.
Failed to mount '/dev/sdd': L’argument passat no és vàlid
The device '/dev/sdd' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

Gracies per endavant.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 09:27:17AM -0500, Boyan Penkov wrote:
> I am trying to use reportbug to file a bug report.
> However, my .zshrc contains "alias edit='emacsclient -c -s
> /tmp/emacs1000/server", as I have an emacs session running and would like
> to be able to use "edit file.txt" in the terminal to spawn a connection to
> emacsclient.
> Ok, fine -- what's the workaround?

Set your PATH to include a directory under your control, e.g. $HOME/bin, such
that it has precedence over the standard paths, and put a script 'edit' in
there which launches emacs as you wish (probably prefixed with 'exec' and
suffixed with "$@". Use this approach instead of shell aliases.
Don't forget to set it +x

Jonathan Dowland
Please do not CC me, I am subscribed to the list.

Description: Digital signature

Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread bernard schoenacker
On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 10:49:03 +0100
andre_deb...@numericable.fr wrote:

> On Thursday 12 January 2017 03:55:53 bernard schoenacker wrote:
> > On Wed, 11 Jan 2017 22:41:25 +0100
> > andre_deb...@numericable.fr wrote:
> > > Sur un portable, avec Jessie, ma carte réseau "hda-intel",
> > > n'est plus détectée :
> > > lshw m'indique :
> > > aucun module spécifique n'a été chargé pour ce matériel,
> > > cat /proc/asound/cards : no soundcards
> > > Il semble que cette panne s'est produite à la suite d'un upgrade.
> > > Que peut-il se passer ?
> > serait il possible de vérifier si firmware-intel-sound
> > est installé ?
> > application :
> > apt policy firmware-intel-sound
> > bernard
> Ce ne serait pas plutôt cette commande :
> apt-cache policy firmware-intel-sound
> firmware-intel-sound:
> Installé : 20160824-1~bpo8+1
> Candidat : 20160824-1~bpo8+1
> Table de version :
>  *** 20160824-1~bpo8+1 0
> 100 http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ jessie-backports/non-free i386
> Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> > serait il possible de vérifier avec alsa si la sortie pointe
> > vers hdmi ?
> Comment dois je faire pour le savoir ?
> André

pourquoi n'avoir pas lancé alsamixer puis   ?

lspci |grep Audio   (rendre compte sur la liste)


bernard schoenacker 

Re: no soundcards

2017-01-12 Thread andre_debian
On Thursday 12 January 2017 03:55:53 bernard schoenacker wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Jan 2017 22:41:25 +0100
> andre_deb...@numericable.fr wrote:
> > Sur un portable, avec Jessie, ma carte réseau "hda-intel",
> > n'est plus détectée :
> > lshw m'indique :
> > aucun module spécifique n'a été chargé pour ce matériel,
> > cat /proc/asound/cards : no soundcards
> > Il semble que cette panne s'est produite à la suite d'un upgrade.
> > Que peut-il se passer ?

> serait il possible de vérifier si firmware-intel-sound
> est installé ?
> application :
> apt policy firmware-intel-sound
> bernard

Ce ne serait pas plutôt cette commande :

apt-cache policy firmware-intel-sound
Installé : 20160824-1~bpo8+1
Candidat : 20160824-1~bpo8+1
Table de version :
 *** 20160824-1~bpo8+1 0
100 http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ jessie-backports/non-free i386 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

> serait il possible de vérifier avec alsa si la sortie pointe
> vers hdmi ?

Comment dois je faire pour le savoir ?


Re: reportbug and remapped "edit"

2017-01-12 Thread Nicolas George
Le duodi 22 nivôse, an CCXXV, kamaraju kusumanchi a écrit :
> So the sequence of commands would be
> % unalias edit
> % reportbug &
> % alias edit='emacsclient -c -s /tmp/emacs1000/server'

What is supposed to be the purpose of this? Alias are an internal
feature of shells, they do not affect external programs like reportbug.

  Nicolas George

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