Re: Looking for FOSS supported PCIe x4 SATA 6 Gb/s HBA with 4 or 8 ports

2020-02-10 Thread deloptes
David Christensen wrote:

> Thanks for the data point.
> Did you have to do anything with firmware?

not at all - driver in the kernel is mature - but again it is 3Gb/s per

Honestly I must look inside the server as I do not remember how it is
connected. I have 12 disk bay. It could be I have 2 of these controllers or
a kind of extention.
I open the cage once a year to clean up dust.

Re: Looking for Debian unofficial install for mac with firmware...

2020-02-10 Thread Yvan Masson

Le 10/02/2020 à 12:17, Rick Thomas a écrit :

For a friend...

Does there exist a Buster Debian amd64 installer for mac with non-free firmware?

He has a been given a 2006 vintage quad core  MacPro1,1
That he'd like to get Linux running on.

A live image for the same would be nice too!

Thanks in advance,

Another solution that might be easier (I already had to do it once, 
maybe for the exact same Mac model that did'nt want to boot the installer):

- remove the hard drive from the Mac
- put it in another computer
- install Debian as usual
- put the hard drive back in the Mac
- boot!


Re: [OT] Sistema para realizar exámenes o pruebas on line

2020-02-10 Thread Felix Perez
El lun., 10 de feb. de 2020 a la(s) 19:11,  escribió:
> Felix saludos,
> No sabía que escribo en privado, fui al botón "responder" según indicado en 
> Es mi primera publicación, asi que si 
> me equivoco que me lo avisen.
Jajaja lo volviste a hacer.  Puedes dar en el botón respoder a todos,
eliminar el OP y dejar solo a la lista.
Depende de que estas usando para leer el correo.

> No sé a qué forma de retroalimentación se refiere (¿basta un mensaje de texto 
> a cada ejercicio del examen?), si hace falta el uso de archivos de imágen 
> etc, pero me interesa el asunto y si entiendo mejor el funcionamiento deseado 
> pensaré, si quiere usted, en hacer la ap en github - si al parecer aún no 
> existe.
Dame un par de días y te escribo a tu correo.


> -- Dani

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Comment interdire la consultation de son serveur web sur son IP directe et le port 443?

2020-02-10 Thread G2PC
Comment interdire la consultation de son serveur web sur son IP directe
et le port 443 ?
Est ce que ça a du sens ?

J'ai modifié ma configuration pour interdire la consultation directe du
serveur web sur sont IP directe et le port 80.

Si je tente de modifier le VHost pour ajouter une règle 443, je n'arrive
à rien, je suis redirigé vers le premier site que j'héberge, dans
l'ordre alphabétique.

En même temps, je n'ai pas de certificat pour l'ip seule pour le serveur.
Je note également que certains sites ont été validé et enregistrés pour

Si quelqu'un a un conseil à donner, pour gérer ça ( IP:443 ) à peu près
correctement, si cela est nécessaire ?
Faut t'il s'occuper de la mise en place d'une règle pour bloquer le
trafic sur IP:443 ?

Voilà la conf actuelle, si quelque chose d'anormal SAUTE aux yeux ?és



En complément, je tente de mettre une règle Fail2ban en place, pour
bloquer la consultation directe sur l'adresse IP du serveur.
Par contre, pour le moment, c'est la règle apache-auth qui travaille,
et, qui bloque les indésirables au bout de 3 tentatives, valeur par défaut.
Quand je tente de créer ma propre configuration, apache-ipserveur, le
retrymax passé à 1 n'est pas être pris en compte.
Pour le moment, je continue de lire à ce sujet.

[OT] ¿Cómo agradecer a quien responde a una lista de correo? y ¿cómo funcionan las listas de correo?

2020-02-10 Thread Ricardo Alejandro García Gómez
Muy buen día, me disculpo por no haber seguido las políticas y pautas
requeridas para este espacio; con su colaboración, no ocurrirá más por
mi parte y asimismo por quienes leerán y aplicarán sus respectivas
respuestas obtenidas mediante los servicios de indexación de los
buscadores. Por favor, me podrían decir ¿cómo respondo o agradezco a
quienes me responden?, ocasionalmente recibo a mi bandeja de correo
electrónico algunas respuestas de parte de algunos de ustedes pero he
observado que no recibo respuestas de todos; lo pueden comprobar en
las próximas direcciones web pues falta una respuesta de mi parte
enviada a la siguiente dirección:
con el asunto «Re: Ocultar archivos o carpetas».

He buscado y recibido información de los siguientes sitios pero
desconozco o no comprendo cómo responder para agradecer a quienes me
responden y él último enlace está roto. (toda
la sección 7.2)

Previamente había intentado responder a esta dirección:
pero no funcionó. No deseo continuar con experimentaciones pues no
quiero ser bloqueado por los servidores de debian ni de esta lista de
correo ni introducir basura.

Si no es mucha molestia, ¿podrían darme una guía sobre cómo puedo
responder paso a paso?

Re: Looking for FOSS supported PCIe x4 SATA 6 Gb/s HBA with 4 or 8 ports

2020-02-10 Thread Felix Miata
David Christensen composed on 2020-02-10 16:41 (UTC-0800):

> I am using another Syba SD-SA2PEX-2IR card in one of my computers with a 
> pair of Seagate ST31500341AS 1.5 TB drives.  I used Seagate SeaTools 
> Bootable to erase both.  The erase seemed to proceed okay.  One drive 
> was visibly faster than the other.  However, both jobs finished with 
> "100.00% FAIL".  I am now using FreeBSD and hexdump to verify that the 
> drives are indeed full of zeros.  iostat reports ~98 MB/s for one drive 
> and ~121 MB/s for the other.

I shelved my ST31500341AS several years ago. It doesn't seem to be of
much use now:

# inxi -SMPDxx
System:Host: ab250 Kernel: 4.19.0-6-amd64 x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 
8.3.0 Desktop: Trinity R14.0.8 tk: Qt 3.5.0
   wm: Twin dm: startx Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Machine:   Type: Desktop Mobo: ASUSTeK model: PRIME B250M-C v: Rev X.0x serial: 
171013077301155 UEFI: American Megatrends
   v: 1608 date: 10/21/2019
Drives:Local Storage: total: 1.48 TiB used: 43.82 GiB (2.9%)
   ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 vendor: ZTC model: PCIEG3-128G size: 119.24 GiB 
speed: 31.6 Gb/s lanes: 4 serial: 979021901256
   ID-2: /dev/sda vendor: Seagate model: ST31500341AS size: 1.36 TiB 
speed: 3.0 Gb/s serial: 9VS4Q5FQ temp: 43 C
Partition: ID-1: / size: 7.69 GiB used: 3.95 GiB (51.3%) fs: ext4 dev: 
   ID-2: /home size: 6.14 GiB used: 498.9 MiB (7.9%) fs: ext4 dev: 
   ID-3: swap-1 size: 1.71 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) fs: swap dev: 
# hdparm -t /dev/nvme0n1
 HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 Timing buffered disk reads: 3264 MB in  3.00 seconds = 1087.62 MB/sec
# hdparm -t /dev/sda
 Timing buffered disk reads: read(2097152) returned 1060864 bytes
# iostat -d /dev/sda /dev/nvme0n1
Linux 4.19.0-6-amd64 (ab250)02/10/2020  _x86_64_(4 CPU)
Device tpskB_read/skB_wrtn/skB_readkB_wrtn
nvme0n1  17.61  2170.4060.503758956 104782
sda   0.6428.89 0.00  50032  0

smartctl -x for my Seagate is @

These have my removal from service record:

ISTR finding a dismal reliability record for the model on the web somewhere.
Good luck if you plan to keep your slower one in service. :p
Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Ocultar archivos o carpetas para Windows

2020-02-10 Thread Ricardo Alejandro García Gómez
El 9/2/20 a las 14:26, Ricardo Alejandro García Gómez escribió:

Muy buen día

Me ha encantado debian, muchísimas gracias por su loable labor, con tal ya
no requeriré para mí de Microsoft Windows.

He probado todos los escritorios disponibles para debian de las imágenes vivas
y él que más me gusta es KDE Plasma.

Desafortunadamente, no puedo convencer a las personas de mi rededor para usar
debian y requiero ocultar archivos o carpetas contenidos en memorias USB
que uso con Windows.

Por favor, me podrían decir como oculto una carpeta o un archivo para Windows.
Yo sé que para Linux es muy fácil: añadiendo un «.» antes del nombre del
archivo o carpeta, o creando una lista dentro de un archivo de texto
llamado «.hidden» en el directorio donde está alojado; ¿pero, preferiblemente
mediante un método gráfico si es posible, cómo los oculto para Windows pues
con ambos métodos continúan visibles?

Gracias por su atención.

Muchas gracias a todos por sus respuestas y sugerencias, antes de
preguntar había encontrado un software llamado «fatattr» que funciona de
maravilla para archivos contenidos en sistemas de archivos FAT/16/32 pero
no con exFAT y pienso que sería bueno integrar esta herramienta con alguna
interfaz gráfica para quienes no están familiarizados con una interfaz por
línea de comandos, para quienes vienen enamorados con la filosofía del
software libre y están emprendiendo este trayecto.

Re: Looking for FOSS supported PCIe x4 SATA 6 Gb/s HBA with 4 or 8 ports

2020-02-10 Thread David Christensen

On 2020-02-10 14:28, deloptes wrote:

I have this one for may be 7y already.

08:00.0 SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS1068E
PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS (rev 08)

It is 3Gb/s - don't know about the newer ones, but this one is working
perfectly well for all those years 24/7.

Thanks for the data point.

Did you have to do anything with firmware?


Re: Looking for FOSS supported PCIe x4 SATA 6 Gb/s HBA with 4 or 8 ports

2020-02-10 Thread David Christensen

On 2020-02-10 13:55, Dan Purgert wrote:

On Feb 10, 2020, David Christensen wrote:

It has the following expansion slots:

- One PCI Express 2.0 x16 add-in card connector
- One PCI Express 2.0 x4 add-in card connector
- One PCI Express 2.0 x1 add-in card connector

 a.  While migrating backup data, I recently saw a Syba PCIe x1 two
 port SATA II 3 Gb/s HBA model SD-SA2PEX-2IR throttling under
 sustained load -- it ran at 80-100 MB/s for 4-5 minutes, then at
 ~7 MB/s for two hours. Unacceptable.

That controller makes no sense -- I think someone made a typo somewhere
on the specs (says it's a 2.5 Gb/sec PCIe x1 interface -- maybe they
meant it's PCIe 1.0 compliant, at 2.5 "gigatransfers" per second).

I assume you are referring to the Syba product page:

Looking at Wikipedia, PCI Express link performance table:

I believe 2.5 GT/s produces 2.5 Gb/s under PCIe version 1.0.  So, the 
Syba specification is correct in this case.

As I recall, PCIe 1.0 was in the neighborhood of 200MB/sec sustained for
a x1 slot; 

Wikipedia indicates 250 MB/s throughput.

couple that with a slowish (or damaged) drive, or a
RAM-starved system, and a 7MB/sec transfer isn't exactly outside the
realm of possibilities.  Granted, age of the card could also be a

When I connected the drive to a motherboard SATA port, the transfer 
maintained 80-100 MB/s for the entire duration.  That eliminates the 
drive, the cable, and the RAM.  I concluded the HBA was to blame.  In 
hindsight, it may have been a loose connection.  It's not my computer, 
so I will have to wait for an opportunity for further troubleshooting.

I am using another Syba SD-SA2PEX-2IR card in one of my computers with a 
pair of Seagate ST31500341AS 1.5 TB drives.  I used Seagate SeaTools 
Bootable to erase both.  The erase seemed to proceed okay.  One drive 
was visibly faster than the other.  However, both jobs finished with 
"100.00% FAIL".  I am now using FreeBSD and hexdump to verify that the 
drives are indeed full of zeros.  iostat reports ~98 MB/s for one drive 
and ~121 MB/s for the other.

When verification finishes in 4+ hours, maybe I'll do more 
troubleshooting.  Or, maybe I'll just proceed with the job I was 
supposed to be doing right now but cannot because I bought the wrong 

That said, Seagate SeaTools is built with Tiny Core Linux.  I previously 
had a StarTech PEXSAT32 two port SATA III 6 Gb/s PCIe 2.0 x1 HBA in the 
above computer.  Tiny Core complained loudly during boot, and the drives 
did not appear in the app.  So, whatever StarTech did, Tiny Core did not 
(or vice versa).  I have put in a technical support request with both 
StarTech and Seagate.

These are exactly the kinds of problems I want to avoid in a new HBA 
purchase.  I want to plug it in, connect a bunch of drives, and have 
everything "just work".


Re: Looking for FOSS supported PCIe x4 SATA 6 Gb/s HBA with 4 or 8 ports

2020-02-10 Thread deloptes

> My research thus far:
> 1.  LSI products are popular, but:
>  a.  Most seem to be PCIe x8.
>  b.  STFW I see more than a few posts complaining about changing
> firmware from RAID to non-RAID, buggy firmware releases, and/or
> motherboard BIOS/UEFI incompatibilities with the flash tools.

I have this one for may be 7y already.

08:00.0 SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS1068E
PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS (rev 08)

It is 3Gb/s - don't know about the newer ones, but this one is working
perfectly well for all those years 24/7.


Re: Looking for FOSS supported PCIe x4 SATA 6 Gb/s HBA with 4 or 8 ports

2020-02-10 Thread Felix Miata
David Christensen composed on 2020-02-10 13:23 (UTC-0800):

> Comments? 

Have you considered incorporating newer (nvme) technology? e.g.

Whether compatible with the Q67 chipset I don't know, but it would be a shame if
not. OTOH, that it requires an X16 slot might imply X4 cannot provide enough
bandwidth for 4 M.2 nvme sticks, but maybe X4 would be good enough for 4 M.2 
sticks. Limiting to X4 seems to limit M.2 nvme stick count to 2, and thus maybe
why you're finding only X8 hosts.
Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Looking for FOSS supported PCIe x4 SATA 6 Gb/s HBA with 4 or 8 ports

2020-02-10 Thread Dan Purgert
On Feb 10, 2020, David Christensen wrote:
> [...]
> It has the following expansion slots:
> - One PCI Express 2.0 x16 add-in card connector
> - One PCI Express 2.0 x4 add-in card connector
> - One PCI Express 2.0 x1 add-in card connector
> a.  While migrating backup data, I recently saw a Syba PCIe x1 two
> port SATA II 3 Gb/s HBA model SD-SA2PEX-2IR throttling under
> sustained load -- it ran at 80-100 MB/s for 4-5 minutes, then at
> ~7 MB/s for two hours. Unacceptable.

That controller makes no sense -- I think someone made a typo somewhere
on the specs (says it's a 2.5 Gb/sec PCIe x1 interface -- maybe they
meant it's PCIe 1.0 compliant, at 2.5 "gigatransfers" per second).

As I recall, PCIe 1.0 was in the neighborhood of 200MB/sec sustained for
a x1 slot; couple that with a slowish (or damaged) drive, or a
RAM-starved system, and a 7MB/sec transfer isn't exactly outside the
realm of possibilities.  Granted, age of the card could also be a

|_|_|O| Github:
|O|O|O| PGP: 05CA 9A50 3F2E 1335 4DC5  4AEE 8E11 DDF3 1279 A281

Description: PGP signature

Looking for FOSS supported PCIe x4 SATA 6 Gb/s HBA with 4 or 8 ports

2020-02-10 Thread David Christensen


I have a system with an Intel DQ67SW desktop board:

It has the following expansion slots:

- One PCI Express 2.0 x16 add-in card connector

- One PCI Express 2.0 x4 add-in card connector

- One PCI Express 2.0 x1 add-in card connector

- One Conventional PCI bus connector

I need more SATA III 6 Gb/s ports and am looking for a HBA:

1.  I would prefer using PCIe x4 slot, but can use the x16 slot.

2.  Non-RAID.

3.  At least four SATA ports.

4.  Can handle sustained loads of ~250 MB/s across all SATA ports 

5.  Works OOTB with FreeBSD 12.1, Debian 9, and Debian 10.

6.  Works OOTB with SeaToolsBootable_RC_2.1.2.

7.  New or used.

My research thus far:

1.  LSI products are popular, but:

a.  Most seem to be PCIe x8.

b.  STFW I see more than a few posts complaining about changing 
firmware from RAID to non-RAID, buggy firmware releases, and/or 
motherboard BIOS/UEFI incompatibilities with the flash tools.

2.  Syba offers products:,74

a.  While migrating backup data, I recently saw a Syba PCIe x1 two 
port SATA II 3 Gb/s HBA model SD-SA2PEX-2IR throttling under sustained 
load -- it ran at 80-100 MB/s for 4-5 minutes, then at ~7 MB/s for two 
hours.  Unacceptable.



Re: Repair bootable USB stick

2020-02-10 Thread David Christensen

On 2020-02-09 17:00, ghe2001 wrote:

On Sunday, February 9, 2020 5:10 PM, David Christensen 

# time dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M

Assuming dd has already put the img at the beginning of the thumbDrive, how 
about asking gparted or eq to resize the / partition?

TIMTOWTDI.  I prefer KISS and the big hammer.


Re: [HS] recherche script batch pour doublons !

2020-02-10 Thread Marc Chantreux

j'ai nettoyé un répertoire de photos en utilisant ça:

that_duplicates () {
local ZERO="\x00"
xargs -0 sha1sum |
sed -r "s/ +/$ZERO/" |
awk -F$ZERO -vORS=$ZERO '!sum[$1]++ {print $2}'

c'est à utiliser avec un find devant et un xargs -0 rm derrière.

vu les volumes, la stratégie va compter: si tu as beaucoup de gros fichiers,
il serait peut-être intéressant de faire le sum seulement sur les
premiers ce qui permetterait un premier dédoublonage à l'arache.


Re: Reply to a message in the Web presentation.

2020-02-10 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 10 feb 20, 10:36:18, wrote:
> Given that References includes the In-Reply-To identifier, I'm not 
> sure In-Reply-To  is necessary for threading.  

Without In-Reply-To a mail reader has no way to which message the reply 
belongs, so it's more important than References.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Reply to a message in the Web presentation.

2020-02-10 Thread peter
From: David Wright 
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 00:18:27 -0500
> But your threading has improved after a poor patch earlier this month
> when the magnifying glasses were being pasted inside the links' < >
> again.

Syntax for threading is fairly simple really; but probably not obvious 
to someone new to the list.  After not using it for a year or two I 
forget the details.  I've expanded this section.
If someone can improve further, good.

Given that References includes the In-Reply-To identifier, I'm not 
sure In-Reply-To  is necessary for threading.  Might test one of 
these weeks; at the cost of a little more aggravation to readers.  =8~)

The message archive is public information but if you don't want your 
message cited,  another example can be found.  Anyone can edit.  Or 
notify that you want it changed.

From: David 
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 00:54:19 +1000
> ... the worst effect of community-parasites (trolls, help vampires, 
> etc) is when they trigger conflict amongst the active, contributing, 
> valuable members of the communities that they feed off.

Yes, people tend to follow the easiest path.  Initiative and proactive 
effort are unusual.  Many pages in are undeveloped and 
many have typographical and wiki syntax errors.  A reader has to 
wonder how many others have ignored an easily fixed error or abandoned 
reading rather than spend a few minutes to make an improvement. 
Thousands? Tens of thousands?  That's human nature.  Too little 
tolerance of human nature, can lead to the life of a grouchy old 
  ... P.

Tel: +1 604 670 0140Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

Re: Targeta wifi a Debian 10 Buster

2020-02-10 Thread Guillem Canals
Hola.Moltes gràcies per l'ajuda. Finalment ho he pogut fer afegint la línia deb 
http: // debian buster-backports main non-free   al fitxer 
sources.list dins el directori /etc/apt. D'aquesta manera he pogut instal.lar 
des de synaptic els paquets broadcom-sta-source i broadcom-sta-common.Salut!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On dj., de febr. 6, 2020 at 21:53, papapep wrote:   Hola,

Tinc la mateixa placa i diria que ho vaig configurar amb el broadcom-sta-dkms i 
dependències. Era a Bullseye, però crec que Buster també el té. 


El 5 de febrer de 2020 23.18.35 CET, Guillem Canals  ha 
Bona nit!Vaig instal.lar el Debian 10 Buster en una laptop que ja té bastants 
anys. El problema que tinc és que no trobo la manera de configurar el wifi ja 
que el xipset que porta és Broadcom model BCM4312.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Enviat des del meu dispositiu Android amb el K-9 Mail. Disculpeu la brevetat.  

Re: Ocultar archivos o carpetas para Windows

2020-02-10 Thread Felix Perez
El dom., 9 de feb. de 2020 a la(s) 14:45, Ricardo Alejandro García
Gómez ( escribió:
> Muy buen día
> Me ha encantado debian, muchísimas gracias por su loable labor, con tal ya no 
> requeriré para mí de Microsoft Windows.
> He probado todos los escritorios disponibles para debian de las imágenes 
> vivas y él que más me gusta es KDE Plasma.
> Desafortunadamente, no puedo convencer a las personas de mi rededor para usar 
> debian y requiero ocultar archivos o carpetas contenidos en memorias USB que 
> uso con Windows.
> Por favor, me podrían decir como oculto una carpeta o un archivo para 
> Windows. Yo sé que para Linux es muy fácil: añadiendo un «.» antes del nombre 
> del archivo o carpeta, o creando una lista dentro de un archivo de texto 
> llamado «.hidden» en el directorio donde está alojado; ¿pero, preferiblemente 
> mediante un método gráfico si es posible, cómo los oculto para Windows pues 
> con ambos métodos continúan visibles?
> Gracias por su atención.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Re: Cross debootstrap without root rights

2020-02-10 Thread Christoph Müllner
Hi Josch,

[I did not get your email, I just saw it in the mail archives...]

thanks for the overview and the reference to the bug ticket.
I've succeeded with the fakechroot/fakeroot approach and got the required
inspiration for setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH from your tool and 
(libsystemd-shared wanted to be found as well).

Thanks for your help,

> (please CC me, I'm not subscribed to d-user@l.d.o)
> Quoting Christoph Müllner (2020-02-09 12:54:56)
> > I'd like to run the second stage of debootstrap without root rights, but
> for
> > another architecture (host is x86_64 and target is arm64).
> >
> > I know how to do all that with root rights (i.e qemu-aarch64-static works
> > perfectly here, also, I can recommend using qemu-debootstrap), but I
> can't
> > figure out a way how to do that without root rights.
> >
> > I was expecting that fakechroot and fakeroot will do the necessary
> "magic" to
> > make chroot work for my use-case, but that's not the case (I need to have
> > and in the target rootfs, but I could not
> > find a reliable way to get them in).
> >
> > I found some emails in the archives about similar use cases (from ~10
> years
> > ago).  But I failed to identify the solution in those cases.
> >
> > Therefore I'd like to ask if anyone has a solution for my use case or
> some
> > hints/pointers.
> yes, there are several solutions. Either:
> a) You can use mmdebstrap which is a debootstrap replacement that focuses
> on
>not requiring superuser privileges and has foreign architecture support
>built in:
>$ mmdebstrap --arch=arm64 unstable debian-unstable.tar
> b) There is a proof-of-concept that allows one to run debootstrap with
>unprivileged usernamespaces here: This
> will
>probably also work with --second-stage
> c) Getting fakechroot and fakeroot to work with foreign architectures is
> tricky
>and requires the right being installed and several
>environment variables to be set differently. You can have a look at how
>mmdebstrap does this so that you can maybe replicate that for
> debootstrap:
> Thanks!
> cheers, josch
> On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 12:54 PM Christoph Müllner 
> wrote:
>> Hi Debian users,
>> I'd like to run the second stage of debootstrap without root rights,
>> but for another architecture (host is x86_64 and target is arm64).
>> I know how to do all that with root rights (i.e qemu-aarch64-static works
>> perfectly here,
>> also, I can recommend using qemu-debootstrap), but I can't figure out a
>> way how to do
>> that without root rights.
>> I was expecting that fakechroot and fakeroot will do the necessary "magic"
>> to make chroot work for my use-case, but that's not the case (I need to
>> have
>> and in the target rootfs, but I could not find a
>> reliable way to get them in).
>> I found some emails in the archives about similar use cases (from ~10
>> years ago).
>> But I failed to identify the solution in those cases.
>> Therefore I'd like to ask if anyone has a solution for my use case or
>> some hints/pointers.
>> Thanks,
>> Christoph

Re: [HS] recherche script batch pour doublons !

2020-02-10 Thread hamster
Le 10/02/2020 à 06:52, ptilou a écrit :
> je me retrouve avec des doubles voir plus, ne portant pas les même: nom, 
> date, etc ...
> J'ai fait des sauvegardes, et je cherche un script batch libre

Un ami me souffle rdfind dans l'oreillette, mais j'ai pas testé.

Re: local network capability scanner?

2020-02-10 Thread David Wright
On Fri 07 Feb 2020 at 23:47:59 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 07 February 2020 14:29:08 David Wright wrote:
> > On Fri 07 Feb 2020 at 11:24:46 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > >
> > > I don't use fish that I know of.  Thats not to say mc isn't using
> > > it.  In which case someone has been playing with mc that has no clue
> > > what they are doing.
> Because mc, 22+ years ago was pretty much self-contained.  Now, AFAIAC, 
> mc has been contaminated, albeit invisibly just to keep it working as 
> ways and means have changed. Not always an improvement but it still 
> works for some definition of works. In this case, stretching the hell 
> out of the definition of "works".

I don't understand what you mean by contamination. You desired to
transfer files through mc to a remote machine, and something has to
run there in order to store the files. Are you suggesting that using
bash in that role pollutes mc in some way, whereas mcserv didn't?

> > If you're not running any suitable server at the other end (are you?),
> just an ssh -Y connection, which may at times be supplemented as I also 
> use an sshfs "mount", which works well as long as its user 1000 on both 
> ends of the cable. Root access is disallowed going either way as part of 
> my security model here. I've long since given up on ever keeping an nfs 
> share work here for more than a month or so, somebody is always screwing 
> with it breaking established connections.  Samba/cifs has been broken at 
> weekly intervals since Tridgel? took on a partner many yeas ago now.
> So I use what works, ssh and friends, which tries by encoding the 
> transfer to guard against MITM attacks. And is about 1% more 
> dependable.

AFAICT when you open the connection at the other end (after you see
the message fish: Waiting for initial line...), mc makes a ssh
connection used for transferring commands and files.

But what I meant by asking was whether you had anything like an FTP
server running at the other end (mc could use that if you're allergic
to fish). However, I presume not, judging from the narrative above.


Re: local network capability scanner?

2020-02-10 Thread David Wright
On Sat 08 Feb 2020 at 10:38:19 (-0500), Stefan Monnier wrote:
> >> > I'm not aware that there's a faster way of sending the files once
> >> > you've unpacked the archive locally. After all, you've thrown away the
> >> > benefits of compression and aggregation.
> >> rsync?
> > Sure, if you're updating a tree. But AIUI the OP is transferring
> > a kernel source archive from scratch.
> That's just a special case of "updating".  I do it "all the time".

Yes, I think I expressed that badly. What I meant originally was
faster than sending the archive. When you wrote rsync, I was thinking
you meant rsync for sending the archive, but I see you meant the
unarchived tree. Yes, I would think that would beat mc in the ²…²


Re: how to seamlessly play audio clip

2020-02-10 Thread David Wright
On Sat 08 Feb 2020 at 07:38:10 (+), Long Wind wrote:
> On Saturday, February 8, 2020, 10:51:14 AM GMT+8, David Wright 
>  wrote:  
> > On Fri 07 Feb 2020 at 23:53:06 (+), Long Wind wrote:
> > > i use mplayer -loop 0 to play white noise(it might help sleep by masking 
> > > other noise)
> > > but when it reach end and restart to play againthere's some interval, 
> > > which isn't desirable
> > > any mplayer option or other player i can use so that it plays seamlessly??
> > 
> > You might try mpv instead. It displays the timings at the bottom of
> > the picture, and they stay on screen if you leave the mouse there
> > (otherwise it times out and disappears).
> > 
> > But you can set looping points interactively. Play the video, then
> > press l where you want looping to loop back to (ie the start of
> > section), and again at the end of the section.
> > 
> > mpv also has a configuration parameter for sound files, particularly
> > useful for classical music:
> > 
> > # Music tracks often segue
> > gapless-audio=yes
> Thanks! i've tried mpv with --gapless-audio=yesthe result is somewhat similar 
> to mplayer
> mpv is based on mplayer

Odd, that. I can duplicate your mplayer problem: I generated some
test files of pink noise, a sine wave, and a snippet from an
organ recording's prolonged final chord.

$ sox -n /tmp/pink.wav synth 2 pinknoise
$ lame -b 128 /tmp/pink.wav /tmp/pink.mp3 2> /dev/null

With both wav and mp3 files, the break can be heard clearly using

$ mplayer -noconfig all -loop 0 /tmp/pink.wav
$ mplayer -noconfig all -loop 0 /tmp/pink.mp3

However, I can detect nothing untoward using

$ mpv --no-config --loop=inf /tmp/pink.wav
$ mpv --no-config --loop=inf /tmp/pink.mp3

with all three waveforms.

What emerges on the console seems to indicate that, on looping,
mplayer restarts from scratch, even determining what sort of
file is about to be read (again), whereas mpv just goes back to
the start of the file. (strace could probably confirm this.)

I didn't bother with gapless-audio. It might only be important when
different input files are being processed, rather than looping the
one file.

But also note that these are short files, where everything can
obviously be in held memory. Behaviour may differ with longer ones.

For *noise options, it obviously makes sense to use the posted
solution, and not use files at all.


Re: Force device node link creation

2020-02-10 Thread David Wright
On Fri 07 Feb 2020 at 08:40:47 (+0100), Christoph Pleger wrote:
> On 2020-02-06 19:47, David Wright wrote:
> > On Thu 06 Feb 2020 at 17:56:00 (+0100), Christoph Pleger wrote:
> > > 
> > > I am using a program for automatic creation of a harddisk partitioning
> > > from a configuration file. That file contains device names like
> > > /dev/sda1 etc. for naming the partitions. After the partitioning has
> > > been completed, I want to create an appropriate fstab from the
> > > configuration file and during that step, want to convert partition
> > > device name entries to entries in the form UUID=... For that, I am
> > > using
> > > 
> > > udevadm info --query=symlink --name="$device"
> > > 
> > > where $device is the respective partition. Unfortunaly, the problem
> > > occurs that often - though partitioning was completed and filesystems
> > > created -  links in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ are not yet available when
> > > udevadm is run, so that udevadm returns nothing. So, my question is:
> > > Is it possible to force the device node links to have been created
> > > before calling udevadm? Without long sleeps or sleep loops?
> > 
> > I've only used events after I've done something, like plugging in a
> > stick. Might   udevadm trigger …   help? I would try it out with,
> > say,   udevadm monitor -u -p -s block   running.
> I have already tried udevadm trigger together with udevadm settle, but
> it did not help. Though it seemed to be the solution till Debian 9
> inclusively.

I'm perplexed by the delay in creating the links. Is that the fault of
the kernel rereading the new partition table, or of udev waking up?
If it's the kernel, might the command Thomas Schmitt mentioned in
another thread be useful

  hdparm -z /dev/sdX

for giving it a prod?


Re: Dúvida com mate desktop

2020-02-10 Thread P. J.
> Hoje postei mais um rant sobre GTK.  Treco lixo dos infernos.

opa... seria possível mandar o link? abs

Em 07/02/2020, Helio Loureiro escreveu:
> Hoje postei mais um rant sobre GTK.  Treco lixo dos infernos.
> ./helio
> On Fri, Feb 7, 2020, 16:40 Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA <
>> wrote:
>> Le vendredi 07 février 2020 à 15:29 +0100, Helio Loureiro a écrit :
>> > Jamais será.
>> Para idiotas como eu, é há tempos.
>> > KDE rulez.
>> Acho que se eu tivesse de abandonar o Gnome, voltaria ao StumpWM, que
>> combina com o GNU Emacs e o Conkeror.  Preguiça do KDE.
>> --
>> +55 (61) 3546 7191  gTalk:
>> +55 (61) 99302 2691

|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   Je vois tout

Re: Looking for Debian unofficial install for mac with firmware...

2020-02-10 Thread Stefan Monnier
> As that text says, the "mac" ISOs do/did not contain anything extra
> but rather lack/lacked of UEFI boot entry points and of any UEFI boot
> software.  Some MAC firmwares are said to take offense from UEFI
> bootable ISOs.  Simply try whether yours is among them.  If any
> mentioning of "Debian" appears, then your machine needs no "mac" ISO.

I suspect that if you use something like `refit`, you can select the
"BIOS" aka "windows" aka "BootCamp" boot option which will should obey
the old MBR-based boot.

So just take a standard Debian install image (on USB or CD or HDD) and
if that fails to work, try it again by booting via refit.


Re: OT Problema al borrar archivos en una partición montada con rclone

2020-02-10 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El dom, 09-02-2020 a las 14:23 +0100, jerigondor escribió:
> Hola a todos.
> Acabo de descubrir el programa rclone, que sirve para administrar 
> archivos hospedados en la nube.
> Una de las opciones que trae es la posibilidad de montar el sistema
> de 
> archivos de la nube como una unidad y tener acceso a golpe de click
> a 
> través del explorador de archivos.
> Monto la unidad con:
> rclone mount nombre_del_sistema_remoto: /directorio_de_montaje
> Se monta perfectamente, pero no me permite borrar archivos. Puedo
> crear 
> nuevos archivos, modificar los existentes,renombrarlos,... pero no 
> borrar. Y me refiero a borrar mediante la tecla SUPRIMIR, y que vaya
> a 
> la papelera. Si borro en una terminal mediante rm o pulsando SUPRIMIR
> al 
> mismo tiempo que MAYÚSCULAS (para que no vaya a la papelera), el
> archivo 
> se borra sin problemas. Pero cuando pulso SUPRIMIR me aparece una 
> ventana con el texto:
> No se pudo crear la información de papelera para archivo 
> /directorio_de_montaje/archivo.
> Error de entrada/salida.
> Después de intentar borrar aparece un archivo oculto llamado .Trash. 
> Tanto éste como el archivo a eliminar son propiedad de mi usuario
> con 
> permisos de lectura/escritura.
> Iniciar el administrador de archivos a través de una terminal no me
> da 
> mensajes de error al intentar borrar.
> Una búsqueda en google tampoco arroja mucha luz sobre el asunto.
> Mis datos tecnicos son:
> Debian 10 Buster
> Xfce (Con thunar como administrador de archivos)
> rclone v1.45

se me ocurre -no conozco ese sistema de archivos- que no te deja mandar
a la papelera justamente por no ser un sistema de archivos 'local'. Me
pasó un par de veces borrando por sftp, o on mtp (al enchufar el

Re: iwlwifi sur Bullseye / Sid

2020-02-10 Thread Francois Mescam

J'ai un problème similaire.

Depuis que le noyau 5.4 est arrivé dans testing j'ai comme toi des 
erreurs avec le wifi. Le firmware fait erreur toutes les 3-4 secondes et 
re-essaie sans plus de succès. Moralité je reste avec le kernel 5.3 et 
le wifi fonctionne sans problème à signaler.

lspci m'indique comme controleur wifi :

00:14.3 Network controller: Intel Corporation Cannon Point-LP CNVi 
[Wireless-AC] (rev 30)

Le PC est un ASUSPRO P3540FA-EJ0369R.

Francois Mescam

Le 08/02/2020 à 14:21, G2PC a écrit :

Le 08/02/2020 à 13:14, frague59 a écrit :

C'est pour ça que j'ai viré iwlwifi-firmware

C'est pour ça que je t'ai partagé le lien, car il précise bien
d'installer les deux paquets mais je n'en sais pas plus.
Et avec le pilote propriétaire, ça ne fonctionne pas mieux ?

firmware-iwlwifi et firmware-misc-nonfree

Re: Looking for Debian unofficial install for mac with firmware...

2020-02-10 Thread Steve McIntyre
Hi Rick,

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 03:17:14AM -0800, Rick Thomas wrote:
>For a friend...
>Does there exist a Buster Debian amd64 installer for mac with non-free 
>He has a been given a 2006 vintage quad core  MacPro1,1
>That he'd like to get Linux running on.

Sorry, we've never made a firmware-included version of the
Mac-specific installer image.

Does that machine actually *need* that particular combination? The
mac-specific image is only there for a small number of macs whose
firmware can't cope with both BIOS and UEFI boot machinery in the same
image. It's worth testing with a normal image first. We try *not* to
build a complete matrix of every possible image type with all options,
purely for logistical reasons.

>A live image for the same would be nice too!

Again, that's a lot of effort for a tiny number of possible users at
this point. Sorry.

>I notice that the webpage at
>mentions a mac image as if it *should* be there, but it's not in the
>list of files.  Is that an oversight, or was there a conscious
>decision to drop "mac" support with 10.3 ?

Oops, no. I think that's a bug in the code that generates that web
page. I'll fix that now.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge,
"I can't ever sleep on planes ... call it irrational if you like, but I'm
 afraid I'll miss my stop" -- Vivek Das Mohapatra

Re: Looking for Debian unofficial install for mac with firmware...

2020-02-10 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Rick Thomas wrote:
> I notice that the webpage at
> are/10.3.0+nonfree/amd64/iso-cd/
> mentions a mac image as if it *should* be there, but it's not in the list of
> files.

As that text says, the "mac" ISOs do/did not contain anything extra
but rather lack/lacked of UEFI boot entry points and of any UEFI boot
Some MAC firmwares are said to take offense from UEFI bootable ISOs.
Simply try whether yours is among them.
If any mentioning of "Debian" appears, then your machine needs no "mac" ISO.

If the Mac does not recognize the medium with the Debian "firmware" ISO,
then you could try whether
at least gets to some "Debian" screen.

If so, then next step would to convert
into a "mac" variant.

The UEFI boot entry points of Debian amd64 ISOs are:

- For USB stick a partition of type 0xef in an MBR partition table
  The partition table entry can be deleted on USB stick by a partition
  (Unless the partition editor problems of Jon Magee appear ...)

- For CD/DVD an El Torito catalog entry.
  We could try questionable surgery on byte level, or you could repack
  the ISO according to the example in

  but with the mount point of firmware-10.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso as content
  of variable new_files:

sudo mkdir /mnt/iso
sudo mount "$orig_iso" /mnt/iso

  and without the xorriso options which create the UEFI boot entry points:

-eltorito-alt-boot \
-e boot/grub/efi.img \
-no-emul-boot -isohybrid-gpt-basdat -isohybrid-apm-hfsplus \

Have a nice day :)


Re: [HS] recherche script batch pour doublons !

2020-02-10 Thread Maxime G.

Je me suis servi de jdupes sur un nextcloud hébergeant des archives de 15 ans.
J'ai gagné ~20 Go de doublons accumulés et jamais triés ;)

10 février 2020 07:59 "Contact"  a écrit:

> Bonjour
> fslint (dans les dépôts) vient avec un utilitaire nommé findup
> je n'ai jamais utilisé findup (mais j'ai utilisé fslint : ça marche bien)
> Fslint est une boîte à outils pour nettoyer la charpie du système de
> fichiers. Il comprend une interface graphique GTK+ ainsi qu'une interface
> en ligne de commande et peut être utilisé pour récupérer l'espace disque.
> Il possède une interface pour la désinstallation des paquets, et il peut
> trouver des choses comme :
> - les fichiers en double
> - les noms de fichiers problématiques
> - les fichiers temporaires
> - les mauvais liens symboliques
> - les répertoires vides
> - les binaires non dénudés
> si ça peut aider
> Le 10/02/2020 à 06:52, ptilou a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> J'ai plus de deux terra de données, du à une administration à la "légere" je 
>> me retrouve avec des
>> doubles voir plus, ne portant pas les même: nom, date, etc ...
>> J'ai fait des sauvegardes, et je cherche un script batch libre, mais je peut 
>> utiliser perl, aussi,
>> pour avoir un disque de travail plus petit !
>> Quelqu'un peut me donner le script ?
>> Merci

Re: Looking for Debian unofficial install for mac with firmware...

2020-02-10 Thread Rick Thomas
I notice that the webpage at
mentions a mac image as if it *should* be there, but it's not in the list of 
files.  Is that an oversight, or was there a conscious decision to drop "mac" 
support with 10.3 ?

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020, at 3:17 AM, Rick Thomas wrote:
> For a friend...
> Does there exist a Buster Debian amd64 installer for mac with non-free 
> firmware?
> He has a been given a 2006 vintage quad core  MacPro1,1
> That he'd like to get Linux running on.
> A live image for the same would be nice too!
> Thanks in advance,
> Rick

Looking for Debian unofficial install for mac with firmware...

2020-02-10 Thread Rick Thomas
For a friend...

Does there exist a Buster Debian amd64 installer for mac with non-free firmware?

He has a been given a 2006 vintage quad core  MacPro1,1
That he'd like to get Linux running on.

A live image for the same would be nice too!

Thanks in advance,

Re: Ocultar archivos o carpetas para Windows

2020-02-10 Thread franiortiz hotmail
On Sun, Feb 09, 2020 at 10:21:15PM -0300, JavierDebian wrote:
> El 9/2/20 a las 14:26, Ricardo Alejandro García Gómez escribió:
> >Muy buen día
> >
> >Me ha encantado debian, muchísimas gracias por su loable labor, con tal ya
> >no requeriré para mí de Microsoft Windows.
> >
> >He probado todos los escritorios disponibles para debian de las imágenes
> >vivas y él que más me gusta es KDE Plasma.
> >
> >Desafortunadamente, no puedo convencer a las personas de mi rededor para
> >usar debian y requiero ocultar archivos o carpetas contenidos en memorias
> >USB que uso con Windows.
> >
> >Por favor, me podrían decir como oculto una carpeta o un archivo para
> >Windows. Yo sé que para Linux es muy fácil: añadiendo un «.» antes del
> >nombre del archivo o carpeta, o creando una lista dentro de un archivo de
> >texto llamado «.hidden» en el directorio donde está alojado; ¿pero,
> >preferiblemente mediante un método gráfico si es posible, cómo los oculto
> >para Windows pues con ambos métodos continúan visibles?
> >
> >Gracias por su atención.
> >
> Si el sistema de archivos es fat32 / ntfs, desde linux no se puede.
> En un pendrive, si lo tuyo es reservado, particiona con formato ext3, y es
> casi imposible para un neófito tan siquiera ver qué tiene.
> Y si es muy secreto, como los planos de una bomba H, encríptalos.

Hace mucho que no entro en windows, pero hace unos años tenia el mismo 
problema, usaba esto:

Existe una secuencia de teclas, algo como asi (ÀÂAÂÄÂÀ) que te crea un 
directorio sin nombre o mejor dicho  con "caracteres invisibles"
Despues habia la posibilidad de volverlo oculto, con atribb quiza, lo siento 
hace muchos años.
Espero ayude.

consommation de carburant

2020-02-10 Thread Madeleine Durand

Notre outil vous fournit les meilleures solutions télématiques sur le marché.

Nous vous proposons un système de surveillance de véhicule innovant comprenant 
davantage de fonctionnalités et qui satisfait près de l’ensemble des besoins de 
gestion de flotte existants.

Bénéficiez d’une période d'essai gratuite de 3 mois et explorez sans aucun 
risque l’étendue des fonctionnalités de notre outil.

Souhaitez-vous gérer plus efficacement vos voitures et autres véhicules de 
société ?

Madeleine Durand

Re: Repair bootable USB stick

2020-02-10 Thread Thomas Schmitt

(please Cc: when replying

Jon Magee wrote:
> I ran dd as you suggested, unplugged/replugged the USB, and
> started KDE partition manager. It saw it as an 'unknown device (0 B)'. I
> tried to create a new partition table and got this error:
> Create a new partition table (type: gpt) on ‘/dev/sdc’
> Job: Create new partition table on device ‘/dev/sdc’
> Creating partition table failed: Could not create a new partition table in
> the backend for device ‘/dev/sdc’.
> Create new partition table on device ‘/dev/sdc’: Error
> Create a new partition table (type: gpt) on ‘/dev/sdc’: Error

("Error" is about the most useless problem specification that i can imagine.)

What do you get from inspecting the first two blocks of the device ?
Please show the outputs of

  dd if=/dev/sdc bs=512 count=2 | od -t x1


  /sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sdc

> To follow-up, the previous error was when I made a GPT partition table. An
> MS-DOS table succeeded, but the device still showed as 0 B, with "No valid
> partition table found on this device." (KDE partition manager) In Disks, it
> still shows the old partitions but I can't do anything to them, format or
> otherwise.

This partitioning has probably overwritten the state after the zeroizing
dd run.  Nevertheless, the new state is of interest too.

> In Disks, it
> still shows the old partitions but I can't do anything to them, format or
> otherwise.

We will have to reduce complexity of this problem by avoiding frontend
programs which try to be smart.

Have a nice day :)


consommation de carburant

2020-02-10 Thread Madeleine Durand

Notre outil vous fournit les meilleures solutions télématiques sur le marché.

Nous vous proposons un système de surveillance de véhicule innovant comprenant 
davantage de fonctionnalités et qui satisfait près de l’ensemble des besoins de 
gestion de flotte existants.

Bénéficiez d’une période d'essai gratuite de 3 mois et explorez sans aucun 
risque l’étendue des fonctionnalités de notre outil.

Souhaitez-vous gérer plus efficacement vos voitures et autres véhicules de 
société ?

Madeleine Durand