/dev/fd is missing, how comes?

2020-08-07 Thread Harald Dunkel

Hi folks,

after booting my desktop PC this morning it seems that /dev/fd is
missing. This breaks dkms.

How comes? Which tool/package/service was supposed to create the
symlink for /dev/fd?

Every insightful comment is highly appreciated

Re: Apt-get vs Aptitude vs Apt

2020-08-07 Thread Teemu Likonen
* 2020-08-07 20:04:24-03, riveravaldez wrote:

> On Friday, August 7, 2020, Joe  wrote:
>> I believe it is still aptitude.
>> However, the length of time it takes increases sharply with number of
>> packages to be upgraded. If you have more than a hundred or so, (not
>> unusual on unstable) it may take a very long time. It is usually not
>> the method recommended for upgrading Debian stable to the next
>> version.
> What is the recommended method?

When upgrading Debian stable to the next stable version always read the
release notes and follow its guide for upgrading. Use the tools and
commands recommended there. The recommended tools and upgrade procedure
have changed in the past and can change in the future so the only good
answer is to read the notes every time.


For normal security upgrades and package installations user can choose
any tool. The difference is that apt-get and other apt-* tools are more
low level and stable to use in scripts. Obviously it can be used
interactively too. Apt and Aptitude are meant for interactive use.

/// Teemu Likonen - .-.. http://www.iki.fi/tlikonen/
// OpenPGP: 4E1055DC84E9DFF613D78557719D69D324539450

Description: PGP signature

Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread Stefan Monnier
>   No, I am talking about "Extra space taken, extra power used 24/7".
>   An external device just does not use that much power

It can easily end up consuming about as much power as my BananaPi, so it
risks doubling the power consumption.

>   or take a lot of space.

I suspect my wife would disagree.

 Right, RAID-over-USB is of course going to blow my SSD-over-SATA out of
 the water by a wide margin (not!).
>>> On the Banana Pi it can.
>> I'm not sure what makes you think so.  In terms of bandwidth USB2 limits
>   With some exceptions, the Pi boards use micro SD cards.  They are
>   slower than an external drive.  I have confirmed that.

I'm talking about SSD-over-SATA, not SD cards.

I specifically chose boards using the A20 CPU (like the BananaPi)
because that SoC comes with a real SATA port (tho its driver was limited
to about 50MB/s write speed for some reason until a fairly recent kernel

>   This thread is about a NAS, remember?  By definition it is
>   a repository of data.

Fair enough.  We drifted to laptops and such, but indeed the subject
was NAS.  So yes, I have data there (mostly music/photos/videos, and backups)

 And if I keep my home partition in it, the "presto" comes with the
 footnote "after you logout and log back in" (fun!)
>>> You lost me.  Why log out?
>> In my experience unplugging a USB disk while it's mounted is a recipe
>> for hangs and replugging it will not always bring the partition back to life.
>   Why do that?  Boot the machine with the array attached.

Booting is something I do very rarely.

 It's no different, indeed, except a bit more expensive and bigger.
>>> Well, OK.  How much is down-time worth?
>> What down time?
>> You mean the time to walk over and grab my hot spare laptop?
>   Which does not have the information on the failed laptop.

As mentioned at the beginning of the thread, the vast majority of the
files on are regularly pushed to a Git server or are under IMAP, so
anything older than a couple of hours (give or take) will be available
to the hot spare.

>   If that information is at all important, it constitutes downtime
>   to recover it. For a NAS, that can be pretty big.

The files on my servers change even much more slowly, so I sync the two
servers manually (by running an `rsync` script) whenever I put important
new info on them (i.e. new music/photos/videos).

>> Even more so when that downtime only happens once every 10 years or so
>> (my rate so far is a bit lower than that, but let's assume that a drive
>> of mine will fail tomorrow).
>   I had to deal with six failed drives last month.

I've had to deal with 2 failed drives over my lifetime so far ;-)

>> No, I'm just saying that RAID will save me from this trouble once every
>> 10 years, but other things will still cause me to lose some of my work
>> several times a year, so the gain of RAID is a drop in the ocean.
>   All I can say as a 40 year veteran in this industry is that is not
>   my experience.

That's because your use cases are very different from mine (I don't
think the 5 years less than you of "veteranism" is the deciding factor).

>> As I said, downtime is minimal because I have other machines I can use
>> "on the spot".
>   Again, not with the data from the failed system.

The only really valuable data that I produce is code, and when I lose the
last N hours of code I wrote, it takes me much less than N hours to
reproduce it.  And drive failure is but one reason why I sometimes lose code.

>   Yet again, missing any data on the old machine.  If that data is not
>   important, then fine, although it begs the question, "Why have a 
> computer at all?"  If a backup exists, then the data can be recovered onto
> the new system, but that takes *TIME*.  Any data not on a backup must be
> manually recovered by reproducing the original work, and that can really
> take *TIME*.  In my case, sometimes months.  I am talking about a real-world
> scenario, here, which actually happened, not a hypothetical.  I am also
> talking about five digits in terms of the cost.

I've been a sysadmin, and have used RAID then (there wasn't even
a question of using RAID or not).  But different use-cases call for
different choices.

>> Yes, I agree that RAID can be handy in some contexts.
>   No, it is *ESSENTIAL* whenever time and data are important.

Redundancy is essential, yes.  RAID is one way to get redundancy.
Not the only one.


Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread Leslie Rhorer

On 8/7/2020 6:23 PM, David Christensen wrote:

??Filesystem?? Size?? Used Avail Use% Mounted on

??/dev/md0 28T 22T?? 6.0T?? 79% /RAID
??Backup:/Backup 44T 44T?? 512K 100% /Backup

The NAS array is 8 @ 5 TB live drives and 1 @ 5 TB hot spare?

It was.  I was in the process of upgrading.  Now it is 8 x 8 + 8

The backup system array is 8 @ 8 TB data drives and 1 @ 8 TB hot spare?

	Yep.  I always upgrade the backup before I upgrade the main array. 
Well, wait a second.  To be clear, that is 6 x 8T of data, plus 2 x 8T 
of parity, plus 1 x 8T of spare.


	No.  I don't feel a need for LVM on the data arrays.  I use the entire, 
unpartitioned drive for /RAID.
AIUI you are running desktop motherboards without ECC memory and XFS 
does not protect against bit rot.?? Are you concerned?

	Yes.  I have routines that compare the data on the main array and the 
backup array via checksum.  When needed, the backups supply a third 
vote.  The odds of two bits flipping at the very same spot are 
astronomically low.  There has been some bit rot, but so far it has been 

I agree that the 79% usage on the NAS array means action is required.


As I understand md RAID6, the only way to add capacity is to backup, 
rebuild the array with additional and/or larger drives, and restore (?).

No, not at all.  To add a drive:

`mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdX`
`mdadm -v  /dev/md0 --grow --raid-devices=Y`

	Note if an internal bitmap is set, it must be removed prior to growing 
the array.  It can be added back once the grow operation is complete.

	To increase the drive size, replace any smaller drives with larger 
drives one at a time:

`mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdX`
`mdadm /dev/md0 --fail /dev/sdY`

	Once all the drives are larger than the current device size used by the 

`mdadm /dev/md0 --grow`

	This will set the device size based upon the smallest device in the 
array.  The device size can be set to a smaller value using the -z 
parameter.  Once the array is grown, the filesystem needs to be expanded 
via the tool used for that purpose for the given file system.

Are you concerned about 100% usage on the backup server array?

	Some, yes.  I am going to fix it by removing some very large but 
unnecessary files.  It has only been at 100% for a few days.

 > plus several T of additional files I don't need on the main server.

44 TB total - 22 TB backup = 22 TB additional.?? That explains the 100% 

	Actually, no.  There are not two backup copies on the file system. 
Believe it or not, there are 22T of files from other sources.

Have you considered putting the additional files on another server that 
is not backed up, only archived?

	They should no longer be needed.  Once I confirm that (in a few minutes 
from now, actually), they will be deleted.  If any of the files in 
question turn out to be necessary, I will do that very thing.

On 2020-08-06 18:58, Leslie Rhorer wrote:
 > The servers have 10G optical links between them.?? A full backup to the
 > RAID 6 array takes several days.

One 10 Gbps network connection per server?

	Yes.  I don't have slots for additional NIC boards, and my boards only 
have one port.

22E+12 bytes in 2.8 days is ~90 MB/s.?? That is a fraction of 4 Gbps and 
an even smaller fraction of 10 Gbps.?? Have you identified the bottleneck?

That was a calculated number.  Did I make a mistake?


	Oops.  That should have been about 15 hours or so.  The transfer rate 
for a large file is close to 4Gbps, which is about the best I would 
expect from this hardware.  It's good enough.

 > A full backup to single drives takes
 > 2 weeks, because single drives are limited to about 800Mbps, while the
 > array can gulp down nerly 4Gbps.?? Nightly backups (via rsync) take a
 > few minutes, at most.

800 Mbps network throughput should be ~88 MB/s HDD throughput.?? 2 to 4 
TB drives should be faster.?? Have you identified the bottleneck?

	It's probbably the internal SATA controller on this old motherboard. 
I'm not using a high-dollar controller for external drives.  Again, 
since I don't do this sort of thing daily, I am not worried about it.  I 
start the backup and walk away.  When I come back, it's done. 
Differential backups are small, so I only very rarely need a second drive.

44E+12 bytes in 15 days is ~34 MB/s.?? Is this due to a DAR manual 
workflow that limits you to one or two archive drives per day?

No, that's about what I get on average transfers to external drives.

Are you using hot-swap for the archive drives??? What make and model 
rack??? What HBA/RAID card??? Same for hot spares and HBA??? Same for the 
16 bay rack, HBA, port replicators?

	Yes on the hot swap.  I just use a little eSATA docking station 
attached to an eSATA port on the motherboard.  'Definitely a poor man's 

If you have two HDD hot-swap bays, can 

Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye (Solucionado)

2020-08-07 Thread Abogado

El 7/8/20 a las 19:10, Camaleón escribió:

El 2020-08-07 a las 18:48 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

El 7/8/20 a las 18:46, Camaleón escribió:

Yo probaría, grosso modo, eliminar la impresora desde la página de
configuración de CUPS y volverla a instalar. Para ello:

1/ Acceder a la página de configuración de CUPS, pero como te deja,
primero reiniciar o detener/iniciar el servicio: como súperusuario (service cups

2/ Ir a la web: http://localhost:631

3/ Si no carga la página de configuración de CUPS entonces el problema
es del servicio, algo le pasa. Nos lo dices y seguimos indagando por


Ya he reiniciado el servicio, pero me sigue saliendo en firefox lo siguiente
"Firefox no puede establecer una conexión con el servidor en localhost:631."

Ejecuta y manda la salida de esta orden:

cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e listen

root@debianPAPA:~# cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
WebInterface Yes

Edita el archivo «/etc/cups/cupsd.conf» (tendrás que hacerlo como
súperusuario), busca esas líneas y deja esto:

Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
WebInterface Yes

Es decir:

Añadir localhost:631
Dejar sólo una línea de cups.sock (comenta # la otra)
Mantener webinterface

Guarda los cambios, reinicia el servicio de CUPS y prueba a acceder a la
configuracón vía web para seguir con el siguiente paso (eliminar y
volver a añadir la impresora).



Aunque no pudo ser, gracias Camaleón por tu todo.

Al final purgue todo lo que tiene que ver con hplip:
# apt autoremove --purge hplip hplip-gui

Y todo lo que tiene que ver con cups
apt autoremove --purge cups-daemon

deje vació las carpetas /etc/cups y /etc/hp

Y volví a instalar hpli hplip-gui y cups-daemon

Y instale la impresora a través de la página localhost:631 que ahora si 
me dejo entrar e instalar.

La carpeta /etc/cups contiene:

La carpeta /etc/hp no se por qué permanece vacía.

Reitero agradecimiento

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Redes Sociales: 

Re: ssh key used for login

2020-08-07 Thread Kushal Kumaran
Rainer Dorsch  writes:

> Hi,
> can anybody tell if there is a way to find out the ssh key (out of the ones 
> listed in authorized keys) was used for login to the current session?

See the environment="NAME=value" part in the authorized_keys(5) manpage.
You can have each entry in authorized_keys set a different value for
some variable you pick.

You may also be able to use command="command" creatively.  This is what
gitolite does: https://gitolite.com/gitolite/glssh


Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread Leslie Rhorer

On 8/7/2020 10:48 AM, Stefan Monnier wrote:

Extra space taken, extra power used 24/7 (which in turn requires an
extra plug because the poor BananaPi can't provide all that power),

Now it is my turn to ask, "Seriously?"

[ See, our use cases *are* very different.  ]
Yes, in my experience Banana Pis quickly become unreliable if you push
their power system a bit (e.g. I've had no end of problems with it until
I finally found a good enough USB cable to provide power).

	No, I am talking about "Extra space taken, extra power used 24/7".  An 
external device just does not use that much power or take a lot of space.

Extra failures (more hardware => more failures), ...

More failures on average, but far less serious and costly ones.

In terms of monetary cost, the RAID solution is definitely on the "more
expensive" side (at least overall, and I can't see why it would be
cheaper "on the spot" when a you need to replace a failing drive).

	RAID originally stood for "Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks". 
Folks now tend to use "Redundant Array of Independent Disks", in part 
because many RAID arrays use very expensive disks, but also because the 
delta in cost between large, fast disks and smaller, slower disks is no 
longer all that high.  Nonetheless, it is still true a collection of 
smaller disks can be less expensive than a large disk, especially if one 
already has some smaller disks laying around.

RAID is basically an insurance.

Not entirely.  A RAID 5 or RAID 6 array is far, far faster than
a single hard drive.

Right, RAID-over-USB is of course going to blow my SSD-over-SATA out of
the water by a wide margin (not!).

On the Banana Pi it can.

I'm not sure what makes you think so.  In terms of bandwidth USB2 limits

	With some exceptions, the Pi boards use micro SD cards.  They are 
slower than an external drive.  I have confirmed that.

It is also much larger than a single hard drive, sometimes at
less expense than a single large hard drive.

That's great if you happen to be in that spot, but that's not my case.

What spot?  You mentioned cost.  For many configurations, 4 small
drives are cheaper than 1 large one.

My space needs are sufficiently low that I don't need to buy an
expensive large drive.  The drive with the lowest cost in terms of "GB
per $" is plenty for my needs.

	This thread is about a NAS, remember?  By definition it is a repository 
of data.

I don't think it can because you then have to sync the external drive
with two different internal drives and that seems to be asking for a lot
of trouble because of the need to keep your different systems 100% in-sync.

That is very simple to accomplish.  A boot script will do it.

And if I keep my home partition in it, the "presto" comes with the
footnote "after you logout and log back in" (fun!)

You lost me.  Why log out?

In my experience unplugging a USB disk while it's mounted is a recipe
for hangs and replugging it will not always bring the partition back to life.

	Why do that?  Boot the machine with the array attached.  In any case, 
we are talking about an available option, here.  It exists with an 
external device.  It does not without.  One chooses to avail one's self 
of an available option, or not.  Without the option, there is no choice. 
 I definitely prefer options.

but if I don't keep my home partition on it, then my home partition
is again not protects by RAID at which point I'm starting to wonder
what I would put on that RAID.

Data, but then I definitely recommend putting /home on the external
array, so the question is a bit moot.

I don't have other data than /home on my laptop.

Again, I remind you this thread is about a NAS.

It's really not any different logically than an external drive,
except it is faster, larger, and more robust.

It's no different, indeed, except a bit more expensive and bigger.

Well, OK.  How much is down-time worth?

What down time?
You mean the time to walk over and grab my hot spare laptop?

	Which does not have the information on the failed laptop.  If that 
information is at all important, it constitutes downtime to recover it. 
For a NAS, that can be pretty big.

If you consider the cost of the downtime associated with
a failed system to be trivial, then that aspect is
not important.

That's exactly my point.

Does that relate well to the thread?  To other people setting up a NAS?

Even more so when that downtime only happens once every 10 years or so
(my rate so far is a bit lower than that, but let's assume that a drive
of mine will fail tomorrow).

	I had to deal with six failed drives last month.  While higher than 
most months, it isn't a record, either.  My downtime? Zero.  Compare 
that to a Windows system which suffered a catastrophic failure of its 
RAID array a few months ago.  I 

Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread David Christensen

On 2020-07-29 16:41, Leslie Rhorer wrote:
 I run a pair of Debian servers.  One is essentially a NAS, and the 
other is a backup system.  Both have 30TB (soon to be 48TB) arrays.  I 
am running XFS

 Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

 /dev/md0 28T   22T  6.0T  79% /RAID
 Backup:/Backup   44T   44T  512K 100% /Backup

On 2020-08-02 13:09, Leslie Rhorer wrote:
> servers can easily pump out more than 4Gbps to clients

On 2020-08-05 18:38, Leslie Rhorer wrote:
> A full backup of my main array to hard drive media will take a minimum
> of 15 days.  Transferring across the 10G link to my backup server
> would take a minimum of 2.8 days.

> The backup server is an exact mirror of the main server,

The NAS array is 8 @ 5 TB live drives and 1 @ 5 TB hot spare?

The backup system array is 8 @ 8 TB data drives and 1 @ 8 TB hot spare?


AIUI you are running desktop motherboards without ECC memory and XFS 
does not protect against bit rot.  Are you concerned?

I agree that the 79% usage on the NAS array means action is required.

As I understand md RAID6, the only way to add capacity is to backup, 
rebuild the array with additional and/or larger drives, and restore (?).

Are you concerned about 100% usage on the backup server array?

> plus several T of additional files I don't need on the main server.

44 TB total - 22 TB backup = 22 TB additional.  That explains the 100% 

Have you considered putting the additional files on another server that 
is not backed up, only archived?

On 2020-08-06 18:58, Leslie Rhorer wrote:
> The servers have 10G optical links between them.  A full backup to the
> RAID 6 array takes several days.

One 10 Gbps network connection per server?

22E+12 bytes in 2.8 days is ~90 MB/s.  That is a fraction of 4 Gbps and 
an even smaller fraction of 10 Gbps.  Have you identified the bottleneck?

> A full backup to single drives takes
> 2 weeks, because single drives are limited to about 800Mbps, while the
> array can gulp down nerly 4Gbps.  Nightly backups (via rsync) take a
> few minutes, at most.

800 Mbps network throughput should be ~88 MB/s HDD throughput.  2 to 4 
TB drives should be faster.  Have you identified the bottleneck?

44E+12 bytes in 15 days is ~34 MB/s.  Is this due to a DAR manual 
workflow that limits you to one or two archive drives per day?

Are you using hot-swap for the archive drives?  What make and model 
rack?  What HBA/RAID card?  Same for hot spares and HBA?  Same for the 
16 bay rack, HBA, port replicators?

If you have two HDD hot-swap bays, can DAR leap-frog destination media? 
 E.g. You insert two archive drives and have DAR begin writing to the 
first.  When the first is full, DAR begins writing to the second and 
notifies you.  You pull the first drive, insert the third drive, and 
notify DAR.  When the second drive is full, DAR begins writing to the 
third, and notifies you.  Etc.?

If you have many HDD hot-swap bays, can DAR write in parallel?  With 

In my experience, HDD's that are stored for long periods have the bad 
habit of failing within hours of being put back into service.  Does this 
concern you?

What is your data destruction policy?

One design pattern for ZFS is a pool of striped virtual devices (VDEV), 
each VDEV being two or more mirrored drives of the same size and type 
(e.g. SSD, SAS, SATA, etc.).  Cache, intent log, and spare devices can 
be added for performance and/or reliability.  To add capacity, you 
insert another pair of drives and add them into the pool as a VDEV 
mirror.  The top-level file system is automatically resized.  File 
systems without size restrictions can use the additional capacity. 
Performance increases.  For backup, choices include replication to 
another pool and mirror tricks (add one drive to each VDEV mirror, allow 
it to resilver, remove one drive from each mirror in rotation).


Re: Apt-get vs Aptitude vs Apt

2020-08-07 Thread riveravaldez
On Friday, August 7, 2020, Joe  wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 13:31:53 -0400
> Default User  wrote:
>> So, all other things being equal, which is currently considered to be
>> the best at dependency resolution?
> I believe it is still aptitude.
> However, the length of time it takes increases sharply with number of
> packages to be upgraded. If you have more than a hundred or so, (not
> unusual on unstable) it may take a very long time. It is usually not
> the method recommended for upgrading Debian stable to the next version.

What is the recommended method?

BTW, I keep using apt-get for everything. Should I expect any kind of

Thanks a lot.

Re: Qt5 & SQLite

2020-08-07 Thread OddieX
El vie., 7 ago. 2020 a las 18:55, JavierDebian
() escribió:
> Buenas tardes.
> Habida cuenta de que se me ha presentado la posibilidad de re-programar
> un sistema, gracias a Dios sin tiempo de entrega ni de especificaciones
> mandatorias, es que estoy queriendo usar algo nuevo y moderno.
> Me explico mejor.
> En 1996 programé un sistema de administración en Clipper, y lo actualicé
> por última vez en el 2000 con CA-Clipper 5.3. Hasta ahora, funciona en
> entornos Windows en modo compatibilidad.
> Me han pedido que lo traiga al s.XXI, sin apuro.
> Estoy un poco oxidado, pero me estoy desempolvando con varias cosas.
> Empecé a mirar Harbour, pero, me parece que entornos xBase son algo
> viejos; como yo.
> Además, quiero hacer algo que sume las siguientes características:
> - GUI
> - Multiplataforma: Windows y Linux
> - Entorno de red
> - SQL
> Ahora, la pregunta.
> He estado desempolvando mi C++ con Qt5, y mi SQL/RDBMS con SQLite.
> Es la pareja que CREO mejor se adapta a lo que quiero hacer, pues Qt5 me
> deja manejarme con soltura en GUI no sólo desde la consola de
> programación si no también con su IDE, y SQLite es lo más liviano y
> fácil de instalar para los usuarios sin necesidad de montar servidores.
> Qt5 tiene, para mí, la potencia de C++ y me siento a gusto; además,
> puedo inyectar código C++ puro por si lo necesito, y se compila tanto en
> Windows como en Linux con muy pocos retoques.
> Donde más dudas tengo es con la base de datos, pues no tengo idea de,
> por ejemplo, MariaDB. He usado mucho Oracle, pero para eso necesito
> montar un servidor, lo cual es complejo y no se justifica.
> Qt5 soporta https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sql-driver.html
> ¿Tienen alguna otra opción mejor, o más simple, o más popular para trabajar?
> Muchas gracias.

La verdad es que cuando nombraste Qt5 estuve a punto de dejar de leer,
por malas experiencias propias ehhh... La verdad que pareciera q Qt5
(no soy experto) va muy bien ya que Xorg lo utiliza para los entornos
graficos de linux! Pero boeee lei hasta el final y entendi que tu
problema es que no te decidis con que db correr lo que estas

Bueno te cuento... Mariadb es Mysql, solo que Mysql lo compro Oracle y
lo siguio desarrollando para el lado Oracle, MariaDB es el MySQL que
conocemos de hace años, proyecto open source que era MySQL que despues
de venderselo a Oracle lo siguieron manteniendo con otro nombre (la
hicieron barbaro :P)

Yo elegiria para DB de tu proyecto MariaDB, pq el rendimiento de un
SQLite comparado a MariaDB es practicamente igual y no tenes limite
alguno si tu proyecto crece, si queres usar alguna cosa rar q a
veces nos pinta hacer, como algun trigger raro q ejecute mil consultas
o que se yo no se, tiro por tirar huevadas... Pero MariaDB seria la
mejor opcion...

Y nada me puedo equivocar, es mi opinion respecto a mi experiencia, y
a mi preferencia! Si alguien no esta de acuerdo, que diga el
fundamento y le buscamos una mejor alternativa a Javier!

Saludos! (Hacia mil q no tenia tiempo de escribir en la lista! Les
mando saludos a todos!)

Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread rhkramer
On Friday, August 07, 2020 01:36:21 PM Celejar wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 17:21:44 +0100
> Jonathan Dowland  wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 12:03:56PM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> > >Ah, okay. So IIUC, each time you backup you do a full backup, and you
> > >then convert the previous backups into the reverse of the more common
> > >incremental / differential backups.
> > 
> > It's an implementation detail: rdiff-backup does it too, I suspect it's
> > commonly done. From what I recall many version control systems do
> > something similar.
> Thanks. But what's the advantage? Isn't it more work on each backup (of
> which there are typically many), in exchange for less work on restores
> (which are typically quite rare)? What am I missing?

Ok, I went back and did a little research.  RCS, one of the early version 
control systems, used reverse deltas for the main line of development -- 
forward deltas for branches, it's a long story ;-).  

The intent of the reverse deltas in RCS (according to the Tichy paper) was 
(is) to allow fast checkout of the most recent version.

[RCS: A System for Version Control - Purdue e-Pubs]]

Qt5 & SQLite

2020-08-07 Thread JavierDebian

Buenas tardes.

Habida cuenta de que se me ha presentado la posibilidad de re-programar 
un sistema, gracias a Dios sin tiempo de entrega ni de especificaciones 
mandatorias, es que estoy queriendo usar algo nuevo y moderno.

Me explico mejor.
En 1996 programé un sistema de administración en Clipper, y lo actualicé 
por última vez en el 2000 con CA-Clipper 5.3. Hasta ahora, funciona en 
entornos Windows en modo compatibilidad.

Me han pedido que lo traiga al s.XXI, sin apuro.
Estoy un poco oxidado, pero me estoy desempolvando con varias cosas. 
Empecé a mirar Harbour, pero, me parece que entornos xBase son algo 
viejos; como yo.

Además, quiero hacer algo que sume las siguientes características:
- Multiplataforma: Windows y Linux
- Entorno de red

Ahora, la pregunta.
He estado desempolvando mi C++ con Qt5, y mi SQL/RDBMS con SQLite.
Es la pareja que CREO mejor se adapta a lo que quiero hacer, pues Qt5 me 
deja manejarme con soltura en GUI no sólo desde la consola de 
programación si no también con su IDE, y SQLite es lo más liviano y 
fácil de instalar para los usuarios sin necesidad de montar servidores.
Qt5 tiene, para mí, la potencia de C++ y me siento a gusto; además, 
puedo inyectar código C++ puro por si lo necesito, y se compila tanto en 
Windows como en Linux con muy pocos retoques.
Donde más dudas tengo es con la base de datos, pues no tengo idea de, 
por ejemplo, MariaDB. He usado mucho Oracle, pero para eso necesito 
montar un servidor, lo cual es complejo y no se justifica.

Qt5 soporta https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sql-driver.html

¿Tienen alguna otra opción mejor, o más simple, o más popular para trabajar?

Muchas gracias.


Re: ssh key used for login

2020-08-07 Thread Rainer Dorsch
Am Freitag, 7. August 2020, 17:47:31 CEST schrieb john doe:
> On 8/7/2020 5:07 PM, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > can anybody tell if there is a way to find out the ssh key (out of the
> > ones
> > listed in authorized keys) was used for login to the current session?
> Try to increase the log verbosity to 'debug[1|2|3]'.

Thanks for the reply, but it seems my question was not precise enough.

I want to find it out in a script which runs on the server, e.g.

ssh server.domain myscript.sh

Is there a way to find out in myscript.sh which ssh key was used for login. 

There are a number of ssh environment vars, but none of them contains the ssh 
key (or even better the "user label" after the public key):

declare -x SHLVL="1" 
declare -x SSH_CLIENT=" 56018 22" 
declare -x SSH_CONNECTION=" 56018 22" 
declare -x SSH_TTY="/dev/pts/2"


Rainer Dorsch

Re: Alguna documentación sobre crear uma distro hija, osea una distro basada en otra??

2020-08-07 Thread Ricardo Frydman
Tu quieres personalizar tu Ubuntu, y clonarlo en un USB? De eso se trata?
De ser asi, quizas este enlace te sirva:
Si es algo diferente, pues explicalo mejor, a mi no me ha quedado tan claro.
Por otro lado, aqui tienes un Ubuntu sin entorno grafico:

El vie., 7 ago. 2020 a las 14:58, Jose Alfonso ()

> Algo acerca del asunto por favor!? he buscado por la red pero lo único
> que me aparece es crear un From Scratch y eso es una distro desde
> cero, yo lo que quiero hacer es un proyecto personal pero ni proyecto
> es, es solo que quiero quitarle algunos paquetes a un ISO de ubuntu y
> añadirle otros tbien para eliminarle todo el entorno grafico y
> portarlo a una USB. Si alguien sabe por favor respondame al correo.!

Re: Apt-get vs Aptitude vs Apt

2020-08-07 Thread Joe
On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 13:31:53 -0400
Default User  wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Recently there was a thread about aptitude dependency resolution
> limitations.
> Years ago, I believe I read in the Debian documentation that aptitude
> was preferred to apt-get, because it seemed to have better dependency
> resolution.
> Now, we have apt, as well.
> So, all other things being equal, which is currently considered to be
> the best at dependency resolution?

I believe it is still aptitude.

However, the length of time it takes increases sharply with number of
packages to be upgraded. If you have more than a hundred or so, (not
unusual on unstable) it may take a very long time. It is usually not
the method recommended for upgrading Debian stable to the next version.


Re: ssh key used for login

2020-08-07 Thread tomas
On Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 07:09:34PM +0200, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> Am Freitag, 7. August 2020, 17:47:31 CEST schrieb john doe:
> > On 8/7/2020 5:07 PM, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > can anybody tell if there is a way to find out the ssh key (out of the
> > > ones
> > > listed in authorized keys) was used for login to the current session?
> > 
> > Try to increase the log verbosity to 'debug[1|2|3]'.
> > 
> Thanks for the reply, but it seems my question was not precise enough.
> I want to find it out in a script which runs on the server, e.g.
> ssh server.domain myscript.sh
> Is there a way to find out in myscript.sh which ssh key was used for login. 
> There are a number of ssh environment vars, but none of them contains the ssh 
> key (or even better the "user label" after the public key):
> declare -x SHLVL="1" 
> declare -x SSH_CLIENT=" 56018 22" 
> declare -x SSH_CONNECTION=" 56018 22" 
> declare -x SSH_TTY="/dev/pts/2"

The ssh(1) man page says, in the section "ENVIRONMENT":

  SSH_USER_AUTH  Optionally set by sshd(8), this variable may contain
 a pathname to a file that lists the authentication
 methods successfully used when the session was established,
 including any public keys that were used.

so you need to convince sshd to do that trick for you. In sshd_config, you have

  Writes a temporary file containing a list of authentication
  methods and public credentials (e.g. keys) used to authenticate
  the user.  The location of the file is exposed to the user
  session through the SSH_USER_AUTH environment variable.  The
  default is no.

So perhaps those are the bricks you need. Note that I haven't tried it out.

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: #include

2020-08-07 Thread Jose Alfonso
A mi ni me instala los paquetes por lo que no puedo trabajar con gtk,
me da errores de dependencias

El 26/7/20, Camaleón  escribió:
> El 2020-07-26 a las 15:19 -0600, Channel Herrera escribió:
>> #include  buenas algun programador en C/C++ como corrijo el
>> error de que no existe..
> Los dos paquetes que contienen ese archivo son:
> libgtk2.0-dev
> libgtk-3-dev
> Comprueba que tengas instalado al menos uno.
> Si el problema es de rutas, en Google¹ tienes varios resultados, p.
> ej.:
> Ubuntu 16.10 GTK 3.0 Include Path for Headers
> https://askubuntu.com/questions/892625/ubuntu-16-10-gtk-3-0-include-path-for-headers
> ¹https://www.google.com/search?complete=0=en=1m8eX5qvBcGIac7nh7gO=%23include+gtk%2Fgtk.h+not+found
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón

Alguna documentación sobre crear uma distro hija, osea una distro basada en otra??

2020-08-07 Thread Jose Alfonso
Algo acerca del asunto por favor!? he buscado por la red pero lo único
que me aparece es crear un From Scratch y eso es una distro desde
cero, yo lo que quiero hacer es un proyecto personal pero ni proyecto
es, es solo que quiero quitarle algunos paquetes a un ISO de ubuntu y
añadirle otros tbien para eliminarle todo el entorno grafico y
portarlo a una USB. Si alguien sabe por favor respondame al correo.!

Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Ricardo Frydman
Pero no dices que usas hplip? Porque no la reinstalas con hplip?

El vie., 7 ago. 2020 a las 14:28, José Manuel (Abogado) (<
eb8cx...@infonegocio.com>) escribió:

> El 7/8/20 a las 19:10, Camaleón escribió:
> > El 2020-08-07 a las 18:48 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:
> >
> >> El 7/8/20 a las 18:46, Camaleón escribió:
> > Yo probaría, grosso modo, eliminar la impresora desde la página de
> > configuración de CUPS y volverla a instalar. Para ello:
> >
> > 1/ Acceder a la página de configuración de CUPS, pero como te deja,
> > primero reiniciar o detener/iniciar el servicio: como súperusuario
> (service cups
> > restart)
> >
> > 2/ Ir a la web: http://localhost:631
> >
> > 3/ Si no carga la página de configuración de CUPS entonces el
> problema
> > es del servicio, algo le pasa. Nos lo dices y seguimos indagando por
> > ahí.
> >>> (...)
> >>>
>  Ya he reiniciado el servicio, pero me sigue saliendo en firefox lo
> siguiente
>  "Firefox no puede establecer una conexión con el servidor en
> localhost:631."
> >>> Ejecuta y manda la salida de esta orden:
> >>>
> >>> cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e listen
> >>>
> >> root@debianPAPA:~# cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface
> -e
> >> listen
> >> Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
> >> Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
> >> WebInterface Yes
> > Edita el archivo «/etc/cups/cupsd.conf» (tendrás que hacerlo como
> > súperusuario), busca esas líneas y deja esto:
> >
> > Listen localhost:631
> > Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
> > WebInterface Yes
> >
> > Es decir:
> >
> > Añadir localhost:631
> > Dejar sólo una línea de cups.sock (comenta # la otra)
> > Mantener webinterface
> >
> > Guarda los cambios, reinicia el servicio de CUPS y prueba a acceder a la
> > configuracón vía web para seguir con el siguiente paso (eliminar y
> > volver a añadir la impresora).
> >
> > Saludos,
> >
> Gracias de nuevo y disculpa las molestias que te ocasiono.
> Así queda en las primeras 10 líneas
> LogLevel warn
> PageLogFormat
> MaxLogSize 0
> localhost:631
> Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
> # Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
> Browsing On
> BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd
> DefaultAuthType Basic
> WebInterface Yes
> después reinicio: service cups restart
> Pero sigo igual: no puedo entrar en la página localhost:631 para borrar
> la impresora e instalarla de nuevo.
> ¿debería reiniciar el sistema para estos cambios o no?
> --
> Un saludo,
> José Manuel
> Gran Canaria/España
> Redes Sociales:  https://www.instagram.com/jdomrol52/
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/joseman52/
> Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
> no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem"

Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Miguel Ángel

Hola José.

A mí si me deja entrar mediante el puerto 631 a la interfaz de CUPS, 
pero si lo que quieres es eliminar una impresora supongo que alguna 
utilidad gráfica como "system-config-printer" de GNOME o el equivalente 
en otros entornos de escritorio haga lo mismo internamente, que alguien 
me corrija si me equivoco. Si necesitas usar una línea de comandos he 
encontrado una guía de CUPS aquí https://www.cups.org/doc/admin.html

Por otra parte lo del número del modelo de impresora es bastante común 
que no coincida ya que muchos fabricantes usan el mismo driver para una 
serie de modelos con numeración parecida. Por ejemplo yo tengo una HP 
Photosmart C4480 y uso el driver C4400-series.

El 7/8/20 a las 20:28, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

El 7/8/20 a las 19:10, Camaleón escribió:

El 2020-08-07 a las 18:48 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

El 7/8/20 a las 18:46, Camaleón escribió:

Yo probaría, grosso modo, eliminar la impresora desde la página de
configuración de CUPS y volverla a instalar. Para ello:

1/ Acceder a la página de configuración de CUPS, pero como te deja,
primero reiniciar o detener/iniciar el servicio: como 
súperusuario (service cups


2/ Ir a la web: http://localhost:631

3/ Si no carga la página de configuración de CUPS entonces el 

es del servicio, algo le pasa. Nos lo dices y seguimos indagando por


Ya he reiniciado el servicio, pero me sigue saliendo en firefox lo 
"Firefox no puede establecer una conexión con el servidor en 

Ejecuta y manda la salida de esta orden:

cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e listen

root@debianPAPA:~# cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e 
WebInterface -e

Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
WebInterface Yes

Edita el archivo «/etc/cups/cupsd.conf» (tendrás que hacerlo como
súperusuario), busca esas líneas y deja esto:

Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
WebInterface Yes

Es decir:

Añadir localhost:631
Dejar sólo una línea de cups.sock (comenta # la otra)
Mantener webinterface

Guarda los cambios, reinicia el servicio de CUPS y prueba a acceder a la
configuracón vía web para seguir con el siguiente paso (eliminar y
volver a añadir la impresora).


Gracias de nuevo y disculpa las molestias que te ocasiono.

Así queda en las primeras 10 líneas
LogLevel warn
MaxLogSize 0
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
# Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
Browsing On
BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd
DefaultAuthType Basic
WebInterface Yes

después reinicio: service cups restart
Pero sigo igual: no puedo entrar en la página localhost:631 para 
borrar la impresora e instalarla de nuevo.

¿debería reiniciar el sistema para estos cambios o no?

Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Abogado

El 7/8/20 a las 19:10, Camaleón escribió:

El 2020-08-07 a las 18:48 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

El 7/8/20 a las 18:46, Camaleón escribió:

Yo probaría, grosso modo, eliminar la impresora desde la página de
configuración de CUPS y volverla a instalar. Para ello:

1/ Acceder a la página de configuración de CUPS, pero como te deja,
primero reiniciar o detener/iniciar el servicio: como súperusuario (service cups

2/ Ir a la web: http://localhost:631

3/ Si no carga la página de configuración de CUPS entonces el problema
es del servicio, algo le pasa. Nos lo dices y seguimos indagando por


Ya he reiniciado el servicio, pero me sigue saliendo en firefox lo siguiente
"Firefox no puede establecer una conexión con el servidor en localhost:631."

Ejecuta y manda la salida de esta orden:

cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e listen

root@debianPAPA:~# cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
WebInterface Yes

Edita el archivo «/etc/cups/cupsd.conf» (tendrás que hacerlo como
súperusuario), busca esas líneas y deja esto:

Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
WebInterface Yes

Es decir:

Añadir localhost:631
Dejar sólo una línea de cups.sock (comenta # la otra)
Mantener webinterface

Guarda los cambios, reinicia el servicio de CUPS y prueba a acceder a la
configuracón vía web para seguir con el siguiente paso (eliminar y
volver a añadir la impresora).


Gracias de nuevo y disculpa las molestias que te ocasiono.

Así queda en las primeras 10 líneas
LogLevel warn
MaxLogSize 0
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
# Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
Browsing On
BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd
DefaultAuthType Basic
WebInterface Yes

después reinicio: service cups restart
Pero sigo igual: no puedo entrar en la página localhost:631 para borrar 
la impresora e instalarla de nuevo.

¿debería reiniciar el sistema para estos cambios o no?

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Redes Sociales: 

Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Camaleón
El 2020-08-07 a las 18:48 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

> El 7/8/20 a las 18:46, Camaleón escribió:

> > > > Yo probaría, grosso modo, eliminar la impresora desde la página de
> > > > configuración de CUPS y volverla a instalar. Para ello:
> > > > 
> > > > 1/ Acceder a la página de configuración de CUPS, pero como te deja,
> > > > primero reiniciar o detener/iniciar el servicio: como súperusuario 
> > > > (service cups
> > > > restart)
> > > > 
> > > > 2/ Ir a la web: http://localhost:631
> > > > 
> > > > 3/ Si no carga la página de configuración de CUPS entonces el problema
> > > > es del servicio, algo le pasa. Nos lo dices y seguimos indagando por
> > > > ahí.
> > (...)
> > 
> > > Ya he reiniciado el servicio, pero me sigue saliendo en firefox lo 
> > > siguiente
> > > "Firefox no puede establecer una conexión con el servidor en 
> > > localhost:631."
> > Ejecuta y manda la salida de esta orden:
> > 
> > cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e listen
> > 
> root@debianPAPA:~# cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e
> listen
> Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
> Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
> WebInterface Yes

Edita el archivo «/etc/cups/cupsd.conf» (tendrás que hacerlo como 
súperusuario), busca esas líneas y deja esto:

Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
WebInterface Yes

Es decir:

Añadir localhost:631
Dejar sólo una línea de cups.sock (comenta # la otra)
Mantener webinterface

Guarda los cambios, reinicia el servicio de CUPS y prueba a acceder a la
configuracón vía web para seguir con el siguiente paso (eliminar y 
volver a añadir la impresora).



Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Abogado

El 7/8/20 a las 18:46, Camaleón escribió:

El 2020-08-07 a las 18:33 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

El 7/8/20 a las 18:12, Camaleón escribió:


Esos son los trabajos encolados que no ha podido imprimir.

ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found interface 
conf=0, iface=0, altset=1, index=3
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel driver 
on interface=0 ret=0
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
claim_interface 7/1/4: Device or resource busy
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found interface 
conf=0, iface=4, altset=0, index=9
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel driver 
on interface=4 ret=0
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
claim_interface ff/4/1: Device or resource busy
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found interface 
conf=0, iface=0, altset=0, index=11
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel driver 
on interface=0 ret=0
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
claim_interface ff/cc/0: Device or resource busy
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: prnt/backend/hp.c 825: INFO: open device 
failed stat=21: hp:/usb/HP_Officejet_Pro>

Aquí se para y la última línea esta en rojo

Hum... los mensajes del kernel la detectan como «ocupada».

Yo probaría, grosso modo, eliminar la impresora desde la página de
configuración de CUPS y volverla a instalar. Para ello:

1/ Acceder a la página de configuración de CUPS, pero como te deja,
primero reiniciar o detener/iniciar el servicio: como súperusuario (service cups

2/ Ir a la web: http://localhost:631

3/ Si no carga la página de configuración de CUPS entonces el problema
es del servicio, algo le pasa. Nos lo dices y seguimos indagando por


Ya he reiniciado el servicio, pero me sigue saliendo en firefox lo siguiente
"Firefox no puede establecer una conexión con el servidor en localhost:631."

Ejecuta y manda la salida de esta orden:

cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e listen


root@debianPAPA:~# cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e 

Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
WebInterface Yes

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Redes Sociales: 

Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Camaleón
El 2020-08-07 a las 18:33 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

> El 7/8/20 a las 18:12, Camaleón escribió:


> > Esos son los trabajos encolados que no ha podido imprimir.
> > > ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found 
> > > interface conf=0, iface=0, altset=1, index=3
> > > ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel 
> > > driver on interface=0 ret=0
> > > ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
> > > claim_interface 7/1/4: Device or resource busy
> > > ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found 
> > > interface conf=0, iface=4, altset=0, index=9
> > > ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel 
> > > driver on interface=4 ret=0
> > > ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
> > > claim_interface ff/4/1: Device or resource busy
> > > ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found 
> > > interface conf=0, iface=0, altset=0, index=11
> > > ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel 
> > > driver on interface=0 ret=0
> > > ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
> > > claim_interface ff/cc/0: Device or resource busy
> > > ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: prnt/backend/hp.c 825: INFO: open 
> > > device failed stat=21: hp:/usb/HP_Officejet_Pro>
> > > 
> > > Aquí se para y la última línea esta en rojo
> > Hum... los mensajes del kernel la detectan como «ocupada».
> > 
> > Yo probaría, grosso modo, eliminar la impresora desde la página de
> > configuración de CUPS y volverla a instalar. Para ello:
> > 
> > 1/ Acceder a la página de configuración de CUPS, pero como te deja,
> > primero reiniciar o detener/iniciar el servicio: como súperusuario (service 
> > cups
> > restart)
> > 
> > 2/ Ir a la web: http://localhost:631
> > 
> > 3/ Si no carga la página de configuración de CUPS entonces el problema
> > es del servicio, algo le pasa. Nos lo dices y seguimos indagando por
> > ahí.


> Ya he reiniciado el servicio, pero me sigue saliendo en firefox lo siguiente
> "Firefox no puede establecer una conexión con el servidor en localhost:631."

Ejecuta y manda la salida de esta orden:

cat /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -i -e WebInterface -e listen



Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 17:21:44 +0100
Jonathan Dowland  wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 12:03:56PM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> >Ah, okay. So IIUC, each time you backup you do a full backup, and you then
> >convert the previous backups into the reverse of the more common
> >incremental / differential backups.
> It's an implementation detail: rdiff-backup does it too, I suspect it's
> commonly done. From what I recall many version control systems do
> something similar.

Thanks. But what's the advantage? Isn't it more work on each backup (of
which there are typically many), in exchange for less work on restores
(which are typically quite rare)? What am I missing?


Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Abogado

El 7/8/20 a las 18:12, Camaleón escribió:

El 2020-08-07 a las 17:12 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

El 7/8/20 a las 16:42, Camaleón escribió:


Si intento imprimir desde un pdf o libreoffice
En la aplicación de Configuración de impresión - localhost: se ve la
impresora y aparece en la cola de la impresora, lo que quería imprimir pero
no imprime e indica en el estado me pregunta ¿No conectada?

Hum... es como si el servicio CUPS no estuviera funcionando.

¿Qué te devuelve la orden ejecutada como súperusurio «service cups status»?


HP no tiene soporte para linux, se hace gracias a hplip, y (por lo menos yo
no se como verlo) no se sabe el nivel de tinta, si lo tiene para windows

Bueno, HPLIP es un proyecto de HP. Y desde HPLIP podrás ver el nivel de
tinta si la impresora se comunica correctamente con el sistema.

- El paquete CUPS me indica que esta en la última versión la 2.3.3-2
root@debianPAPA:~# apt install cups
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
cups ya está en su versión más reciente (2.3.3-2).
0 actualizados, 0 nuevos se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.


- Mi impresora es la 8615, pero desde que la instale aparece el 8610

Bien, no creo que eso sea problemático. Los modelos son muy cercanos y
ambos están soportados por HPLIP.

root@debianPAPA:~# service cups status
● cups.service - CUPS Scheduler
  Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; disabled; vendor 
preset: enabled)
  Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-08-07 16:52:37 WEST; 10min ago

Bueno, parece que el servicio CUPS está activo (ejecutándose) pero ese
«disabled» a mí no me aparece:

root@stt008:~# service cups status
● cups.service - CUPS Scheduler
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; enabled; vendor preset: 
Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-08-07 07:17:21 CEST; 11h ago
  Docs: man:cupsd(8)
  Main PID: 461 (cupsd)
 Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/cups.service
├─ 461 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
└─7845 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://

ago 07 07:17:21 stt008 systemd[1]: Started CUPS Scheduler.

TriggeredBy: ● cups.socket
    Docs: man:cupsd(8)
    Main PID: 28750 (cupsd)
   Tasks: 15 (limit: 9364)
  Memory: 534.3M
  CGroup: /system.slice/cups.service
  ├─28750 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
  ├─28755 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
  ├─28756 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
  ├─28757 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
  ├─28758 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
  ├─28760 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610 91 eb8cxw Sin título 1.odt 1 
InputSlot=Auto PageSize=A4 job-uuid=urn:uuid:c6>
  ├─28761 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610 91 eb8cxw Sin título 1.odt 1 
InputSlot=Auto PageSize=A4 job-uuid=urn:uuid:c6>
  ├─28762 hp:/usb/HP_Officejet_Pro_8610?serial=CN49PDX2VS 91 eb8cxw 
Sin título 1.odt 1 InputSlot=Auto PageSi>
  ├─28765 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610_2 93 eb8cxw NS.pdf 1 Collate 
finishings=3 fit-to-page job-billing media=A4 n>
  ├─28766 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610_2 93 eb8cxw NS.pdf 1 Collate 
finishings=3 fit-to-page job-billing media=A4 n>
  ├─28768 hp:/usb/HP_Officejet_Pro_8610?serial=CN49PDX2VS 93 eb8cxw 
NS.pdf 1 Collate finishings=3 fit-to-pag>
-dNOMEDIAATTRS -dShowAcroForm -sstdout=%stder>
  ├─28772 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
-dNOMEDIAATTRS -dShowAcroForm -sstdout=%stder>

Esos son los trabajos encolados que no ha podido imprimir.

ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found interface 
conf=0, iface=0, altset=1, index=3
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel driver 
on interface=0 ret=0
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
claim_interface 7/1/4: Device or resource busy
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found interface 
conf=0, iface=4, altset=0, index=9
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel driver 
on interface=4 ret=0
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
claim_interface ff/4/1: Device or resource busy
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found interface 
conf=0, iface=0, altset=0, index=11
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel driver 
on interface=0 ret=0
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
claim_interface ff/cc/0: Device or resource busy
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: prnt/backend/hp.c 825: INFO: open device 
failed stat=21: hp:/usb/HP_Officejet_Pro>

Aquí se para y la última línea esta en rojo

Hum... los mensajes del kernel la detectan como «ocupada».


Apt-get vs Aptitude vs Apt

2020-08-07 Thread Default User
Hey guys,

Recently there was a thread about aptitude dependency resolution

Years ago, I believe I read in the Debian documentation that aptitude was
preferred to apt-get, because it seemed to have better dependency

Now, we have apt, as well.

So, all other things being equal, which is currently considered to be the
best at dependency resolution?

Re: AppArmor or Telepathy error

2020-08-07 Thread Brian
On Fri 07 Aug 2020 at 08:11:12 -0700, Kushal Kumaran wrote:

> Henning Follmann  writes:
> > On Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 12:48:19PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> >> On Fri 07 Aug 2020 at 07:32:12 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> >> 
> >> > On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 08:16:14PM -0400, Henning Follmann wrote:
> >> > > Aug 06 19:55:20 typer audit[4039]: AVC apparmor="DENIED"
> >> > > operation="open" profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-*"
> >> > > name="/usr/share/perl/5.28.1/strict.pm" pid=4039
> >> > > comm="telepathy-haze" requested_mask="r" denied
> >> > 
> >> > > honestly it looks like apparmor is preventing a perl script to execute.
> >> > 
> >> > I agree.
> >> > 
> >> > > I guess I should report this. Is the apparmor the right place to 
> >> > > report?
> >> > 
> >> > The right place would be whichever package contains the AppArmor
> >> > profile.  I'm guessing that's some package with "telepathy" in its
> >> > name.
> >> 
> >> A very useful page to read is
> >> 
> >>   https://wiki.debian.org/AppArmor/Reportbug
> >> 
> >
> > Thanks for the link.
> > So I went down the rabbit hole and read it. After Greg's answer I am
> > now a bit more confused. If I understood the AppArmor-ReportBug website
> > correctly it should be reported against apparmor. But then who will
> > update the profile in the telepathy package?
> >
> The page says you need to report the bug to whichever package ships the
> apparmor profile.  In this case, that happens to be
> telepathy-mission-control-5
> (https://packages.debian.org/buster/amd64/telepathy-mission-control-5/filelist)
> with the additional usertags as described on the wiki page.


It is also useful  to appreciate that the apparmor team is generally
very responsive to bug reports. At least, that is my experience.


Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Camaleón
El 2020-08-07 a las 17:12 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

> El 7/8/20 a las 16:42, Camaleón escribió:


> > > Si intento imprimir desde un pdf o libreoffice
> > > En la aplicación de Configuración de impresión - localhost: se ve la
> > > impresora y aparece en la cola de la impresora, lo que quería imprimir 
> > > pero
> > > no imprime e indica en el estado me pregunta ¿No conectada?
> > Hum... es como si el servicio CUPS no estuviera funcionando.
> > 
> > ¿Qué te devuelve la orden ejecutada como súperusurio «service cups status»?
> > 
> > (...)
> > 
> > > HP no tiene soporte para linux, se hace gracias a hplip, y (por lo menos 
> > > yo
> > > no se como verlo) no se sabe el nivel de tinta, si lo tiene para windows
> > Bueno, HPLIP es un proyecto de HP. Y desde HPLIP podrás ver el nivel de
> > tinta si la impresora se comunica correctamente con el sistema.
> > 
> - El paquete CUPS me indica que esta en la última versión la 2.3.3-2
> root@debianPAPA:~# apt install cups
> Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
> Creando árbol de dependencias
> Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
> cups ya está en su versión más reciente (2.3.3-2).
> 0 actualizados, 0 nuevos se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.
> -
> - Mi impresora es la 8615, pero desde que la instale aparece el 8610

Bien, no creo que eso sea problemático. Los modelos son muy cercanos y 
ambos están soportados por HPLIP. 
> root@debianPAPA:~# service cups status
> ● cups.service - CUPS Scheduler
>  Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; disabled; vendor 
> preset: enabled)
>  Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-08-07 16:52:37 WEST; 10min ago

Bueno, parece que el servicio CUPS está activo (ejecutándose) pero ese 
«disabled» a mí no me aparece:

root@stt008:~# service cups status
● cups.service - CUPS Scheduler
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; enabled; vendor preset: 
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-08-07 07:17:21 CEST; 11h ago
 Docs: man:cupsd(8)
 Main PID: 461 (cupsd)
Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/cups.service
   ├─ 461 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
   └─7845 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://

ago 07 07:17:21 stt008 systemd[1]: Started CUPS Scheduler.

> TriggeredBy: ● cups.socket
>    Docs: man:cupsd(8)
>    Main PID: 28750 (cupsd)
>   Tasks: 15 (limit: 9364)
>  Memory: 534.3M
>  CGroup: /system.slice/cups.service
>  ├─28750 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
>  ├─28755 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
>  ├─28756 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
>  ├─28757 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
>  ├─28758 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
>  ├─28760 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610 91 eb8cxw Sin título 1.odt 1 
> InputSlot=Auto PageSize=A4 job-uuid=urn:uuid:c6>
>  ├─28761 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610 91 eb8cxw Sin título 1.odt 1 
> InputSlot=Auto PageSize=A4 job-uuid=urn:uuid:c6>
>  ├─28762 hp:/usb/HP_Officejet_Pro_8610?serial=CN49PDX2VS 91 
> eb8cxw Sin título 1.odt 1 InputSlot=Auto PageSi>
>  ├─28765 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610_2 93 eb8cxw NS.pdf 1 Collate 
> finishings=3 fit-to-page job-billing media=A4 n>
>  ├─28766 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610_2 93 eb8cxw NS.pdf 1 Collate 
> finishings=3 fit-to-page job-billing media=A4 n>
>  ├─28768 hp:/usb/HP_Officejet_Pro_8610?serial=CN49PDX2VS 93 
> eb8cxw NS.pdf 1 Collate finishings=3 fit-to-pag>
> -dNOMEDIAATTRS -dShowAcroForm -sstdout=%stder>
>  ├─28772 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
> -dNOMEDIAATTRS -dShowAcroForm -sstdout=%stder>

Esos son los trabajos encolados que no ha podido imprimir.
> ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found interface 
> conf=0, iface=0, altset=1, index=3
> ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel 
> driver on interface=0 ret=0
> ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
> claim_interface 7/1/4: Device or resource busy
> ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found interface 
> conf=0, iface=4, altset=0, index=9
> ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel 
> driver on interface=4 ret=0
> ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
> claim_interface ff/4/1: Device or resource busy
> ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found interface 
> conf=0, iface=0, altset=0, index=11
> ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel 
> driver on interface=0 ret=0
> ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
> claim_interface ff/cc/0: Device or resource busy
> ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: prnt/backend/hp.c 825: INFO: open 
> device failed 

Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread Jonathan Dowland

On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 12:03:56PM -0400, Celejar wrote:

Ah, okay. So IIUC, each time you backup you do a full backup, and you then
convert the previous backups into the reverse of the more common
incremental / differential backups.

It's an implementation detail: rdiff-backup does it too, I suspect it's
commonly done. From what I recall many version control systems do
something similar.

Please do not CC me, I am subscribed to the list.

  Jonathan Dowland
   https://jmtd.net

Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread Jonathan Dowland

On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 10:04:28AM -0500, Leslie Rhorer wrote:
	And how useful is that? There are very few duplicate files on my 
systems, because I use applications to eliminate duplicates. 
Eliminating duplicates in a live data repository is far more important 
than doing it on backup media.

The scenario in which it is useful is when you have moved a large amount
of data around in the source, and the next incremental backup needs to
account for that. Some tools (e.g. rdiff-backup) will generate a large
incremental backup, which contains the data for all of the moved files
in their new locations. A Borg backup merely notes the new path of the
files. You can therefore store more backups in the same amount of space.

It's actually one of the main reasons I am moving from rdiff-backup to

Please do not CC me, I am subscribed to the list.

  Jonathan Dowland
   https://jmtd.net

Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Abogado

El 7/8/20 a las 16:42, Camaleón escribió:

El 2020-08-07 a las 15:42 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

El 7/8/20 a las 15:02, Camaleón escribió:

El 2020-08-07 a las 11:01 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:


Mirando en Google no encontrado nada de bullseye lo que encuentro es sobre
buster. Y sobre buster habla de hplip, he comprobado que tengo instalada la
última versión así como cups y cups-client, tengo mi usuario en lpadmin,
pero no consigo que funcione por lo que me dirijo a la lista para ver si me
podéis ayudar antes de reinstalar todo el sistema. Gracias de antemano.

No dices exactamente cuál es el problema que experiementas, es decir:

¿HPLIP ve a la impresora (niveles de tinta, detecta comunicación,

¿Qué sucede cuando mandas imprimir desde cualquier aplicación, p. ej.
LibreOffice o una página web? ¿Se queda encolado el trabajo, aparece
algún error en HPLIP?

¿Ves a la impresra desde CUPS (http://localhost:631)?

Hasta ahora no tenia problemas, es ahora cuando han empezado a surgir.

Quizá el paquete CUPS se ha actualizado y te esté dando guerra.

lsusb si reconoce la impresora


Bus 002 Device 010: ID 03f0:7112 HP, Inc HP Officejet Pro 8610


Te la detecta como 8610 no 8615 ¿qué modelo tienes exactamente?

Si intento imprimir desde un pdf o libreoffice
En la aplicación de Configuración de impresión - localhost: se ve la
impresora y aparece en la cola de la impresora, lo que quería imprimir pero
no imprime e indica en el estado me pregunta ¿No conectada?

Hum... es como si el servicio CUPS no estuviera funcionando.

¿Qué te devuelve la orden ejecutada como súperusurio «service cups status»?


HP no tiene soporte para linux, se hace gracias a hplip, y (por lo menos yo
no se como verlo) no se sabe el nivel de tinta, si lo tiene para windows

Bueno, HPLIP es un proyecto de HP. Y desde HPLIP podrás ver el nivel de
tinta si la impresora se comunica correctamente con el sistema.


- El paquete CUPS me indica que esta en la última versión la 2.3.3-2
root@debianPAPA:~# apt install cups
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
cups ya está en su versión más reciente (2.3.3-2).
0 actualizados, 0 nuevos se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.


- Mi impresora es la 8615, pero desde que la instale aparece el 8610


root@debianPAPA:~# service cups status
● cups.service - CUPS Scheduler
 Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; disabled; vendor 
preset: enabled)

 Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-08-07 16:52:37 WEST; 10min ago
TriggeredBy: ● cups.socket
   Docs: man:cupsd(8)
   Main PID: 28750 (cupsd)
  Tasks: 15 (limit: 9364)
 Memory: 534.3M
 CGroup: /system.slice/cups.service
 ├─28750 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
 ├─28755 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
 ├─28756 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
 ├─28757 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
 ├─28758 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
 ├─28760 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610 91 eb8cxw Sin título 1.odt 1 
InputSlot=Auto PageSize=A4 job-uuid=urn:uuid:c6>
 ├─28761 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610 91 eb8cxw Sin título 1.odt 1 
InputSlot=Auto PageSize=A4 job-uuid=urn:uuid:c6>
 ├─28762 hp:/usb/HP_Officejet_Pro_8610?serial=CN49PDX2VS 91 
eb8cxw Sin título 1.odt 1 InputSlot=Auto PageSi>
 ├─28765 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610_2 93 eb8cxw NS.pdf 1 Collate 
finishings=3 fit-to-page job-billing media=A4 n>
 ├─28766 HP_Officejet_Pro_8610_2 93 eb8cxw NS.pdf 1 Collate 
finishings=3 fit-to-page job-billing media=A4 n>
 ├─28768 hp:/usb/HP_Officejet_Pro_8610?serial=CN49PDX2VS 93 
eb8cxw NS.pdf 1 Collate finishings=3 fit-to-pag>
 ├─28769 gs -dQUIET -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH 
-dNOINTERPOLATE -dNOMEDIAATTRS -dShowAcroForm -sstdout=%stder>

 ├─28772 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
 └─28811 gs -dQUIET -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH 
-dNOINTERPOLATE -dNOMEDIAATTRS -dShowAcroForm -sstdout=%stder>

ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found 
interface conf=0, iface=0, altset=1, index=3
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel 
driver on interface=0 ret=0
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
claim_interface 7/1/4: Device or resource busy
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found 
interface conf=0, iface=4, altset=0, index=9
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel 
driver on interface=4 ret=0
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 515: invalid 
claim_interface ff/4/1: Device or resource busy
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 427: Found 
interface conf=0, iface=0, altset=0, index=11
ago 07 17:02:38 debianPAPA hp[28762]: io/hpmud/musb.c 389: Active kernel 
driver on interface=0 ret=0

Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread Stefan Monnier
>> Extra space taken, extra power used 24/7 (which in turn requires an
>> extra plug because the poor BananaPi can't provide all that power),
>   Now it is my turn to ask, "Seriously?"

[ See, our use cases *are* very different.  ]
Yes, in my experience Banana Pis quickly become unreliable if you push
their power system a bit (e.g. I've had no end of problems with it until
I finally found a good enough USB cable to provide power).

>> Extra failures (more hardware => more failures), ...
>   More failures on average, but far less serious and costly ones.

In terms of monetary cost, the RAID solution is definitely on the "more
expensive" side (at least overall, and I can't see why it would be
cheaper "on the spot" when a you need to replace a failing drive).

As for less serious, as explained I have enough machine-level redundancy
that any hardware failure isn't really serious.

 RAID is basically an insurance.
>>> Not entirely.  A RAID 5 or RAID 6 array is far, far faster than
>>> a single hard drive.
>> Right, RAID-over-USB is of course going to blow my SSD-over-SATA out of
>> the water by a wide margin (not!).
>   On the Banana Pi it can.

I'm not sure what makes you think so.  In terms of bandwidth USB2 limits
you to about 30MB/s so even with the old 50MB/s max write speed limit of
the A20's SATA driver you're still going to lose, and in terms of
latency I have a hard time imagining how your RAID will be sufficiently
faster than a single SSD to overcome USB2's slowness.

>>> It is also much larger than a single hard drive, sometimes at
>>> less expense than a single large hard drive.
>> That's great if you happen to be in that spot, but that's not my case.
>   What spot?  You mentioned cost.  For many configurations, 4 small
>   drives are cheaper than 1 large one.

My space needs are sufficiently low that I don't need to buy an
expensive large drive.  The drive with the lowest cost in terms of "GB
per $" is plenty for my needs.

>>> It is also portable from one system to another.  Unplug the array
>>> from the laptop, plug it in to the Banana Pi, and presto! The array
>>> is now attached to the Pi.
>> Wonderful.  But then it's not a RAID shared with the internal drive
>> any more.  So it won't protect my root partition.
>   It can, but I probably would not.

I don't think it can because you then have to sync the external drive
with two different internal drives and that seems to be asking for a lot
of trouble because of the need to keep your different systems 100% in-sync.

>> And if I keep my home partition in it, the "presto" comes with the
>> footnote "after you logout and log back in" (fun!)
>   You lost me.  Why log out?

In my experience unplugging a USB disk while it's mounted is a recipe
for hangs and replugging it will not always bring the partition back to life.

>> but if I don't keep my home partition on it, then my home partition
>> is again not protects by RAID at which point I'm starting to wonder
>> what I would put on that RAID.
>   Data, but then I definitely recommend putting /home on the external
>   array, so the question is a bit moot.

I don't have other data than /home on my laptop.

>>> It's really not any different logically than an external drive,
>>> except it is faster, larger, and more robust.
>> It's no different, indeed, except a bit more expensive and bigger.
>   Well, OK.  How much is down-time worth?

What down time?
You mean the time to walk over and grab my hot spare laptop?

>   If you consider the cost of the downtime associated with
>   a failed system to be trivial, then that aspect is
>   not important.

That's exactly my point.

Even more so when that downtime only happens once every 10 years or so
(my rate so far is a bit lower than that, but let's assume that a drive
of mine will fail tomorrow).

>> But more importantly: there's a reason why I'm not using an external
>> drive at all in the first place.
>   I am sure there is.  Do you admit that external drives are extremely
>   popular?  Literally millions of them are sold every year.

Yes, and so were floppys and optical drives.  I stopped using floppys
when I got access to the internet, and I never started using optical
drives because... well I already had access to the internet at that
point ;-)

>   Yes, of course.  I mistook what you were saying.  Are you
>   suggesting that is not the case for a non-RAID system, however?

No, I'm just saying that RAID will save me from this trouble once every
10 years, but other things will still cause me to lose some of my work
several times a year, so the gain of RAID is a drop in the ocean.

>>> That is another matter.  Indeed, it is probably the most likely
>>> reason a need for a backup solution exists.
>> For my use-case, RAID would cost a fair bit of money and inconvenience,
>> and the benefit would be rare and minor.
>   How much does downtime 

Re: ssh key used for login

2020-08-07 Thread john doe

On 8/7/2020 5:07 PM, Rainer Dorsch wrote:


can anybody tell if there is a way to find out the ssh key (out of the ones
listed in authorized keys) was used for login to the current session?

Try to increase the log verbosity to 'debug[1|2|3]'.

John Doe

Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Camaleón
El 2020-08-07 a las 15:42 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

> El 7/8/20 a las 15:02, Camaleón escribió:
> > El 2020-08-07 a las 11:01 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:


> > > Mirando en Google no encontrado nada de bullseye lo que encuentro es sobre
> > > buster. Y sobre buster habla de hplip, he comprobado que tengo instalada 
> > > la
> > > última versión así como cups y cups-client, tengo mi usuario en lpadmin,
> > > pero no consigo que funcione por lo que me dirijo a la lista para ver si 
> > > me
> > > podéis ayudar antes de reinstalar todo el sistema. Gracias de antemano.
> > No dices exactamente cuál es el problema que experiementas, es decir:
> > 
> > ¿HPLIP ve a la impresora (niveles de tinta, detecta comunicación,
> > etc...)?
> > 
> > ¿Qué sucede cuando mandas imprimir desde cualquier aplicación, p. ej.
> > LibreOffice o una página web? ¿Se queda encolado el trabajo, aparece
> > algún error en HPLIP?
> > 
> > ¿Ves a la impresra desde CUPS (http://localhost:631)?
> Hasta ahora no tenia problemas, es ahora cuando han empezado a surgir.

Quizá el paquete CUPS se ha actualizado y te esté dando guerra.

> lsusb si reconoce la impresora


> Bus 002 Device 010: ID 03f0:7112 HP, Inc HP Officejet Pro 8610


Te la detecta como 8610 no 8615 ¿qué modelo tienes exactamente?

> Si intento imprimir desde un pdf o libreoffice
> En la aplicación de Configuración de impresión - localhost: se ve la
> impresora y aparece en la cola de la impresora, lo que quería imprimir pero
> no imprime e indica en el estado me pregunta ¿No conectada?

Hum... es como si el servicio CUPS no estuviera funcionando. 

¿Qué te devuelve la orden ejecutada como súperusurio «service cups status»?


> HP no tiene soporte para linux, se hace gracias a hplip, y (por lo menos yo
> no se como verlo) no se sabe el nivel de tinta, si lo tiene para windows

Bueno, HPLIP es un proyecto de HP. Y desde HPLIP podrás ver el nivel de 
tinta si la impresora se comunica correctamente con el sistema.



ssh key used for login

2020-08-07 Thread Rainer Dorsch

can anybody tell if there is a way to find out the ssh key (out of the ones 
listed in authorized keys) was used for login to the current session?


Rainer Dorsch

Re: SANE default scanner

2020-08-07 Thread Nicolas George
George Shuklin (12020-08-07):
> > scanimage -d "hpaio:/net/deskjet_3050a_j611_series?ip="
> > xsane "hpaio:/net/deskjet_3050a_j611_series?ip="
> > 
> > Where do I write this URL so that tools find it without having to tell
> > them each time?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> I've just yesterday got a partial success by just adding this
> into /etc/sane.d/saned.conf
> tcp

Thank you. But hpaio and saned are two different protocols, and
apparently SANE lacks a cross-protocol configuration system.


  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Re: SANE default scanner

2020-08-07 Thread George Shuklin

On 27/07/2020 12:58, Nicolas George wrote:


This may be an obvious thing, but I cannot find the answer.

I can scan with:

scanimage -d "hpaio:/net/deskjet_3050a_j611_series?ip="
xsane "hpaio:/net/deskjet_3050a_j611_series?ip="

Where do I write this URL so that tools find it without having to tell
them each time?


I've just yesterday got a partial success by just adding this
into /etc/sane.d/saned.conf


After that scanimage just works.

(that was our office scanner). I was able to scan from normal position 
but wasn't able to use feeder.

Re: AppArmor or Telepathy error

2020-08-07 Thread Kushal Kumaran
Henning Follmann  writes:

> On Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 12:48:19PM +0100, Brian wrote:
>> On Fri 07 Aug 2020 at 07:32:12 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
>> > On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 08:16:14PM -0400, Henning Follmann wrote:
>> > > Aug 06 19:55:20 typer audit[4039]: AVC apparmor="DENIED"
>> > > operation="open" profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-*"
>> > > name="/usr/share/perl/5.28.1/strict.pm" pid=4039
>> > > comm="telepathy-haze" requested_mask="r" denied
>> > 
>> > > honestly it looks like apparmor is preventing a perl script to execute.
>> > 
>> > I agree.
>> > 
>> > > I guess I should report this. Is the apparmor the right place to report?
>> > 
>> > The right place would be whichever package contains the AppArmor
>> > profile.  I'm guessing that's some package with "telepathy" in its
>> > name.
>> A very useful page to read is
>>   https://wiki.debian.org/AppArmor/Reportbug
> Thanks for the link.
> So I went down the rabbit hole and read it. After Greg's answer I am
> now a bit more confused. If I understood the AppArmor-ReportBug website
> correctly it should be reported against apparmor. But then who will
> update the profile in the telepathy package?

The page says you need to report the bug to whichever package ships the
apparmor profile.  In this case, that happens to be
with the additional usertags as described on the wiki page.


Re: aptitude problem with control file (in stretch)

2020-08-07 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2020-08-07 14:08 +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote:

> On 8/5/20 6:29 PM, Sven Joachim wrote:
>> I am not sure I understand what you actually want to do, though.
> I am maintaining a set of meta packages, referencing the packages
> to install on my hosts. To avoid having separate meta packages for
> each new Debian version I have to use conditional dependencies, like
> Package: sample-setup
> Architecture: all
> Depends: ${misc:Depends}
>   , sample-setup-chroot
>   :
>   , nvme-cli | base-files ( << 9 )
>   :
> Meaning nvme-cli has to be installed for Debian 9 or newer.
> This package
> Package: sample-lxc
> Architecture: all
> Depends: ${misc:Depends}
>   , cgmanager | systemd
>   , debootstrap
>   , lxc
>   , lxc-templates | lxc ( << 3 )
> :
> did not work as expected (IMHO), apparently because (1:2 << 3) = false.

That's what I meant to tell you in my first reply, sorry if it was
unclear.  I think changing the dependency to
"lxc-templates | lxc ( << 1:3 )" is what you want here.

See deb-version(7) for how dpkg (and apt) compares versions.


Re: AppArmor or Telepathy error

2020-08-07 Thread Henning Follmann
On Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 12:48:19PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> On Fri 07 Aug 2020 at 07:32:12 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 08:16:14PM -0400, Henning Follmann wrote:
> > > Aug 06 19:55:20 typer audit[4039]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" 
> > > profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-*" 
> > > name="/usr/share/perl/5.28.1/strict.pm" pid=4039 comm="telepathy-haze" 
> > > requested_mask="r" denied
> > 
> > > honestly it looks like apparmor is preventing a perl script to execute.
> > 
> > I agree.
> > 
> > > I guess I should report this. Is the apparmor the right place to report?
> > 
> > The right place would be whichever package contains the AppArmor
> > profile.  I'm guessing that's some package with "telepathy" in its
> > name.
> A very useful page to read is
>   https://wiki.debian.org/AppArmor/Reportbug

Thanks for the link.
So I went down the rabbit hole and read it. After Greg's answer I am
now a bit more confused. If I understood the AppArmor-ReportBug website
correctly it should be reported against apparmor. But then who will
update the profile in the telepathy package?


Henning Follmann   | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Abogado

El 7/8/20 a las 15:02, Camaleón escribió:

El 2020-08-07 a las 11:01 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

Tengo una impresora multifunción HP Officejet Pro 8615 Hasta ahora podía
imprimir desde Debian Bullseye pero de pronto ya no puedo hacer nada desde
Debian (desde la impresora no tengo problemas).

Debian testing es una versión que cambia continuamente y puede romper
cosas (USB, drivers...). Si no estás familiarizado con ese tipo de
situaciones deberías considerar instalar una versión estable que te
dará menos problemas.

Mirando en Google no encontrado nada de bullseye lo que encuentro es sobre
buster. Y sobre buster habla de hplip, he comprobado que tengo instalada la
última versión así como cups y cups-client, tengo mi usuario en lpadmin,
pero no consigo que funcione por lo que me dirijo a la lista para ver si me
podéis ayudar antes de reinstalar todo el sistema. Gracias de antemano.

No dices exactamente cuál es el problema que experiementas, es decir:

¿HPLIP ve a la impresora (niveles de tinta, detecta comunicación,

¿Qué sucede cuando mandas imprimir desde cualquier aplicación, p. ej.
LibreOffice o una página web? ¿Se queda encolado el trabajo, aparece
algún error en HPLIP?

¿Ves a la impresra desde CUPS (http://localhost:631)?


Hola Camaleón

Gracias por contestar.

Hasta ahora no tenia problemas, es ahora cuando han empezado a surgir.

lsusb si reconoce la impresora

root@debianPAPA:~# lsusb
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 8087:8000 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:8008 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 25dd:3111 BIT4ID miniLector EVO
Bus 002 Device 010: ID 03f0:7112 HP, Inc HP Officejet Pro 8610
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 045e:07b9 Microsoft Corp. Wired Keyboard 200
Bus 002 Device 005: ID 1bcf:0005 Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc. 
Optical Mouse

Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

Si intento imprimir desde un pdf o libreoffice
En la aplicación de Configuración de impresión - localhost: se ve la 
impresora y aparece en la cola de la impresora, lo que quería imprimir 
pero no imprime e indica en el estado me pregunta ¿No conectada?

Si lo intento desde xsane para escanear no me reconoce la impresora.

He revisado los paquetes que dependen de hplip (página de Debian) y 
tengo todos.

He intentado entrar en la página http://localhost:631 para ver la 
impresora (que antes podía entrar) ahora Firefox me indica lo siguiente 
"Firefox no puede establecer una conexión con el servidor en localhost:631."

HP no tiene soporte para linux, se hace gracias a hplip, y (por lo menos 
yo no se como verlo) no se sabe el nivel de tinta, si lo tiene para windows

En fin no se solucionarlo.

Reitero mi agradecimiento.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Redes Sociales: 

Re: Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Camaleón
El 2020-08-07 a las 11:01 +0100, José Manuel (Abogado) escribió:

> Tengo una impresora multifunción HP Officejet Pro 8615 Hasta ahora podía
> imprimir desde Debian Bullseye pero de pronto ya no puedo hacer nada desde
> Debian (desde la impresora no tengo problemas).

Debian testing es una versión que cambia continuamente y puede romper 
cosas (USB, drivers...). Si no estás familiarizado con ese tipo de 
situaciones deberías considerar instalar una versión estable que te 
dará menos problemas.

> Mirando en Google no encontrado nada de bullseye lo que encuentro es sobre
> buster. Y sobre buster habla de hplip, he comprobado que tengo instalada la
> última versión así como cups y cups-client, tengo mi usuario en lpadmin,
> pero no consigo que funcione por lo que me dirijo a la lista para ver si me
> podéis ayudar antes de reinstalar todo el sistema. Gracias de antemano.

No dices exactamente cuál es el problema que experiementas, es decir:

¿HPLIP ve a la impresora (niveles de tinta, detecta comunicación, 

¿Qué sucede cuando mandas imprimir desde cualquier aplicación, p. ej. 
LibreOffice o una página web? ¿Se queda encolado el trabajo, aparece 
algún error en HPLIP?

¿Ves a la impresra desde CUPS (http://localhost:631)?



Re: Example(s) of recutils project flow? - was [FOSS equivalents of *OLD* database and spreadsheet tools?]

2020-08-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 08/07/2020 06:46 AM, David wrote:

On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 at 21:31, Richard Owlett  wrote:

On 07/27/2020 10:13 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:

You may wish to have a look at recutils:


I've done a first read of the well written manual which has many
examples of individual commands. Are there any examples of project
workflow using shell scripts or Tcl?


I had done similar search with DuckDuckGo receiving similarly useless hits.
I tried more restrictive forms of your search i.e.

The second is especially irrelevant - it *ACTIVELY* ignores request that 
"recutils" *MUST* be present.

That's why I'm looking for a human's answer.
Thank you.

Re: AppArmor or Telepathy error

2020-08-07 Thread Brian
On Fri 07 Aug 2020 at 07:32:12 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 08:16:14PM -0400, Henning Follmann wrote:
> > Aug 06 19:55:20 typer audit[4039]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" 
> > profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-*" 
> > name="/usr/share/perl/5.28.1/strict.pm" pid=4039 comm="telepathy-haze" 
> > requested_mask="r" denied
> > honestly it looks like apparmor is preventing a perl script to execute.
> I agree.
> > I guess I should report this. Is the apparmor the right place to report?
> The right place would be whichever package contains the AppArmor
> profile.  I'm guessing that's some package with "telepathy" in its
> name.

A very useful page to read is



Re: aptitude problem with control file (in stretch)

2020-08-07 Thread Harald Dunkel

On 8/5/20 6:29 PM, Sven Joachim wrote:

I am not sure I understand what you actually want to do, though.

I am maintaining a set of meta packages, referencing the packages
to install on my hosts. To avoid having separate meta packages for
each new Debian version I have to use conditional dependencies, like

Package: sample-setup
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
, sample-setup-chroot
, nvme-cli | base-files ( << 9 )

Meaning nvme-cli has to be installed for Debian 9 or newer.

This package

Package: sample-lxc
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
, cgmanager | systemd
, debootstrap
, lxc
, lxc-templates | lxc ( << 3 )

did not work as expected (IMHO), apparently because (1:2 << 3) = false.


Re: Example(s) of recutils project flow? - was [FOSS equivalents of *OLD* database and spreadsheet tools?]

2020-08-07 Thread David
On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 at 21:31, Richard Owlett  wrote:
> On 07/27/2020 10:13 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:
> > You may wish to have a look at recutils:

> > https://www.gnu.org/software/recutils/

> I've done a first read of the well written manual which has many
> examples of individual commands. Are there any examples of project
> workflow using shell scripts or Tcl?


Re: AppArmor or Telepathy error

2020-08-07 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 08:16:14PM -0400, Henning Follmann wrote:
> Aug 06 19:55:20 typer audit[4039]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" 
> profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-*" 
> name="/usr/share/perl/5.28.1/strict.pm" pid=4039 comm="telepathy-haze" 
> requested_mask="r" denied

> honestly it looks like apparmor is preventing a perl script to execute.

I agree.

> I guess I should report this. Is the apparmor the right place to report?

The right place would be whichever package contains the AppArmor
profile.  I'm guessing that's some package with "telepathy" in its

Example(s) of recutils project flow? - was [FOSS equivalents of *OLD* database and spreadsheet tools?]

2020-08-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 07/27/2020 10:13 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:

You may wish to have a look at recutils:


but it may not have some of the functionality you wish (although you
could build on it with shell scripts & awk, say).

I've done a first read of the well written manual which has many 
examples of individual commands. Are there any examples of project 
workflow using shell scripts or Tcl?


Problemas con hplip para impresora HP en Debian Bullseye

2020-08-07 Thread Abogado


Tengo una impresora multifunción HP Officejet Pro 8615 Hasta ahora podía 
imprimir desde Debian Bullseye pero de pronto ya no puedo hacer nada 
desde Debian (desde la impresora no tengo problemas).
Mirando en Google no encontrado nada de bullseye lo que encuentro es 
sobre buster. Y sobre buster habla de hplip, he comprobado que tengo 
instalada la última versión así como cups y cups-client, tengo mi 
usuario en lpadmin, pero no consigo que funcione por lo que me dirijo a 
la lista para ver si me podéis ayudar antes de reinstalar todo el 
sistema. Gracias de antemano.

Espero noticias.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Redes Sociales: 

Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread Leslie Rhorer

On 8/6/2020 11:08 AM, Stefan Monnier wrote:

For better performance, more space, and higher throughput, I would
probably create a RAID 4 or RAID 6 array from the external enclosure
and use it as the data repository.

And you suggest I put a 4-drive enclosure in my backpack next to my laptop?

Yes.  Also a bottle of water and a pocket knife.

For the BananaPi, the suggestion is marginally less problematic but
still: a non-trivial constraint with significant immediate downsides.

Such as?

Extra space taken, extra power used 24/7 (which in turn requires an
extra plug because the poor BananaPi can't provide all that power),

Now it is my turn to ask, "Seriously?"

extra costs (the single drive I use was itself more than 3/4 the price
of the whole system, so adding a second drive (complete with external
power supply and enclosure) would double the price of the system),

	The Banana Pi is indeed extremely economical.  I have ten of them, plus 
17 Raspberry Pi 3B computers.

Extra failures (more hardware => more failures), ...

More failures on average, but far less serious and costly ones.

RAID is basically an insurance.

Not entirely.  A RAID 5 or RAID 6 array is far, far faster than
a single hard drive.

Right, RAID-over-USB is of course going to blow my SSD-over-SATA out of
the water by a wide margin (not!).

	On the Banana Pi it can.  On the laptop, probably not, assuming as you 
say, an SSD.

It is also much larger than a single hard drive, sometimes at
less expense than a single large hard drive.

That's great if you happen to be in that spot, but that's not my case.

	What spot?  You mentioned cost.  For many configurations, 4 small 
drives are cheaper than 1 large one.

It is also portable from one system to another.  Unplug the array
from the laptop, plug it in to the Banana Pi, and presto! The array
is now attached to the Pi.

Wonderful.  But then it's not a RAID shared with the internal drive
any more.  So it won't protect my root partition.

	It can, but I probably would not.  Assuimng / is, say, 20G or so, one 
can create a loop device on the array of the same size and make the 
internal drive and the loop device a RAID 1 mirror.  If the main drive 
fails, install a new drive, partition it, boot from a thumb drive, make 
the new partition a mirror of the eternal file.  Go away for an hour or two.

	The same can be done making a partition on the external drives instead 
of a loop device, but it is a little less flexible.

And if I keep my home
partition in it, the "presto" comes with the footnote "after you logout
and log back in" (fun!)

You lost me.  Why log out?

but if I don't keep my home partition on it,
then my home partition is again not protects by RAID at which point I'm
starting to wonder what I would put on that RAID.

	Data, but then I definitely recommend putting /home on the external 
array, so the question is a bit moot.

It's really not any different logically than an external drive,
except it is faster, larger, and more robust.

It's no different, indeed, except a bit more expensive and bigger.

	Well, OK.  How much is down-time worth?  If you consider the cost of 
the downtime associated with a failed system to be trivial, then that 
aspect is not important.

But more importantly: there's a reason why I'm not using an external
drive at all in the first place.

	I am sure there is.  Do you admit that external drives are extremely 
popular?  Literally millions of them are sold every year.

If a disk dies in the RAID, you still have to replace it

	Well, one should.  It's not required, and there have been cases where I 
could not replace a failed drive for several days.

and the
performance is affected for a while.  The cost is never
completely eliminated.

	It is affected during the rebuild, not the time between the failure and 
replacing the drive.  One can manage the amount of impact, however, and 
one can always delay the rebuild until off hours.

anyway (not to mention that RAID doesn't prevent me from losing work
when the OS or my editor crashes

Uh, yeah, it can.  It definitely can be used to eliminate data loss
when the OS crashes,

Of course it can't: when the OS crashes, the unsaved work in your editor
is lost.

	Yes, of course.  I mistook what you were saying.  Are you suggesting 
that is not the case for a non-RAID system, however?

That is another matter.  Indeed, it is probably the most likely
reason a need for a backup solution exists.

For my use-case, RAID would cost a fair bit of money and inconvenience,
and the benefit would be rare and minor.

	How much does downtime and time to rebuild a system cost you?  For many 
of us, even an hour of downtime is very expensive, and rebuilding a 
machine during peak hours can be hideously costly.  

Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

2020-08-07 Thread deloptes
Leslie Rhorer wrote:

> Come on.  Be honest.  How many messages in this or any other forum can
> you specifically remember from a year ago?  When was the last time you
> read a post more than a year old?  My servers have a permanent and
> non-volatile memory (thank heavens), but I don't, and neither does the
> average Debian user.

Well, few days ago I read few threads from 2013/14 and I remember few that
were helpful to me from past few years.

I was referring the internet as a cache. The young people (I am also not
that young) are very pragmatic. Most of them want to work from the phone if
possible :D. I think it goes like phone, tablet, laptop and a desktop. The
desktop they see as a tool to play games, because the hardware required
does not fit into the other type of devices.

I think the next generation will look at laptops the way this now is looking
at desktops.

I also agree that there are notebooks where you can put two disks inside,
but I was not sure for the newer models with NMVIe or M.2 slots. On the
older models I would replace the CD/DVD ROM with a case holding an SSD, but
newer models do not have even CD ROM drive.