Re: Jus thinking - Low level X GUI with shaders

2021-02-07 Thread tomas
On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 10:07:28PM -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > You have reinvented NeWS with Display PostScript
> > . Don't get me wrong, it was a great
> > idea, ahead of its time, and not especially well (or efficiently)
> > implemented at the time, so it may well be ripe for reinvention.
> I think nowadays the idea is called HTML, where the display server is
> called "web browser" and Javascript has replaced Display Postscript.

...or how an otherwise decently sound design principle evolves into an
advertisment industry fueled Frankensteinish nightmare ;-)

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: Re: Fichero demasiado grande

2021-02-07 Thread Camaleón
El 2021-02-07 a las 17:07 -0500, Aristobulo_Pinzón escribió:

> Tienes razón, sistema de archivos FAT...

Para memorias USB, FAT32 está bien porque el medio tiene tamaños 
limitados, pero para discos duros de gran capacidad poner FAT no es lo 
más conveniente, y no sólo por las limitaciones técnicas que tiene y que 
acabas de padecer (tamaño máximos de los archivos y particiones, número 
de subdirectorios, no admite cifrado, etc...) sino porque te arriesgas a 
pérdidas de datos si se trata de un volumen que montas y desmontas al 
vuelo (disco duro con conexión USB).

> Y lo comico es que pensaba pasar a esa partición los videos para 
> resguardarlos...
> Es un disco nuevo en que formato lo debería poner?..

Si no necesitas compatibilidad con sistemas Windows, o puedes acceder 
al medio desde la red donde el sistema de archivos del anfitrión es 
indiferente para el cliente invitado, XFS se recomienda para archivos 
gordos. Ext4 también es una buena opción.

Si necesitas acceder a esos datos directamente desde un sistema Windows 
(p. ej. si tienes instalado Windows y Linux en el mismo equipo), 
entonces NTFS no sería mala opción. Eso sí, en este caso formatea el 
disco desde Windows, mejor.



Re: Sobre ffmpeg.

2021-02-07 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 En principio NO uses la FALACIA de desplazamiento para sustentar una idea 
Lo cual quiere decir que NO pongas la culpa en quien padece, acusando de la 
forma "ahora que a ti no te funcione o no quiere decir" lo cual es FALSO.
Usando esa FALACIA que usas yo también podría decir ésto: "Ahora si vos te 
conforma usar basuras no quiere decir que nosotros debamos usar las basuras que 
tu usas" ¡Esa es la fórmula falaz que TU usas!

De los sistemas que indicas sólo Cinelerra-GG y Kdenlive son editores 
SEMI-profesionales de video con GRANDES PROBLEMAS de soporte y desarrollo. 
Cinelerra además es inestable.
Cuando se edita video en forma PROFESIONAL se necesita COMPATIBILIDAD, 
ESTABILIDAD y RAPIDEZ y un gran universo de ad-ons que en Cinelerra-GG y 
Kdenlive NO existen. Por otra parte tanto Cinelerra-GG como Kdenlive son 
lentísimos al renderizar. En cambio Vegas Movie Studio no sólo es más rápido en 
renderizar sino que además el proceso de renderizado puede hacerlo en forma 
simultánea en varias máquinas conectadas en red por lo que el tiempo se acorta 
muchísimo. Esto NO se puede hacer con ningún editor bajo Linux. También está el 
Adobe Premiere Pro con miles de efectos preinstalados los cuales NO existen en 
NINGÚN editor para Linux

Y hablando de FreeCAD... si haces un plano de un edificio y lo llevas a que te 
lo aprueben en el municipio... TE LO TIRAN POR LA CABEZA... Así de simple... 

Mira... trabajé en sistemas desde 1974 (empece con UNIX), ahora tengo dos 
empresas (nada que ver con sistemas) una de edicion de video y otra bursátil... 
lo mío es buscar lo eficiente (más resultados con menos recursos) así que NO me 
quiero romper la cabeza por ahorrarme dos pesos y tampoco quiero que algo NO se 
haga porque en Linux NO se puede hacer. Linux es bueno para muchas cosas pero 
para edicion de video le falta MUCHO, pero mucho mucho. Ya probamos todo editor 
bajo Linux que se nos ha cruzado y todos ellos están muy por debajo de Sony 
Vegas y de Adobe Premiere. Y... para transcodificación NO hay nada mejor que el 
Format Factory que trabaja en Windows... en Linux NO hay cosa que siquiera se 
le asemeje aunque sea un cachito. 


El lunes, 8 de febrero de 2021 00:39:39 ART, Walter Casanova 

No estoy de acuerdo.

en gnu/linux tienes excelente Herraminetas, para edicion, tanto de video,
audio y imagenes, con sus matices ó carencias obviamente.
claro ejemplo de
Blender, Krita, Gimp, Inkscape, Cinelerra-GG, Kdenlive, Olive ( en
desarrollo), Natron, Ardour, Audacity, Mixxx. Freecad etc.

para la gran Mayoria estos programas son mas que suficientes.
ahora que a ti no te funcione o no quiere decir que no sea util para los

Incluso productoras como Weta Digital usan Linux.



Re: IP-CONFIG: no response | eth0 hardware address DHCP RARP

2021-02-07 Thread Jeremy A.
On 2021-02-07 9:40 p.m., Elias Pereira wrote:
> hello,
> I have debian 10 in a xenserver 7.0 vm with static ip and keeps trying 
> dhcp. Already removed some packages that could be interfering, but must 
> still have something installed.
> the post messages

Do you have NetworkManger or DHCPCD isntalled?


Re: Compared with debian 10.7, debian 10.8 (with realtime kernel) cyclictest test max latency has increased significantly

2021-02-07 Thread Peter Ehlert

On 2/7/21 6:22 PM, Hongbo Li wrote:

hi!My machine used to run debian 10.7 with realtime kernel 
(linux-img-rt-amd64),everything is ok.  A four hours cyclictest test has a 
result with max latency 8 microseconds. Yesterday I upgraded my machine to 
debian 10.8,
please read about Debian Point Releases ...

and the version of kernel did not change ( 4.19.0-14-rt-amd64), but a new 
cyclictest test see a significantly increased max latency with 40 microseconds. 
I don't know why, please help me.

someone else might be able to explain cyclictest testing

Re: Sobre ffmpeg.

2021-02-07 Thread Walter Casanova
El domingo, 7 de febrero de 2021 23:41:02 -03 Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena 
>  A ver...
> LINUX jamás ha tenido buenos programas para manejar/editar videos. Te lo
> digo por experiencia PROFESIONAL pues tengo una empresa de edición de
> videos. Con LINUX... olvídate. Así que si te pinta por ahí algún Windows
> prestado puedes usar el FormatFactory un programa que pasa cualquier cosa
> (literalmente) a cualquier cosa (literalmente) tanto sea gráficos, audio o
> video y además lo hace rápido y bien. Imposible (o por lo menos muy
> difícil) mejorar el desempeño del FormatFactory.
> Si te empecinas y lo quieres hacer con LINUX... bueh... lo que tienes es el
> FFMPEG que es una colección de software libre que puede grabar, convertir
> (transcodificar) y hacer streaming de audio y vídeo. ffmpeg: incluye una
> herramienta de línea de comandos para convertir audio o video de un formato
> a otro... o sea te rompes la cabeza tratando de usar linea de comandos que
> para algunos "nerds" será muy "cool" pero... para otros como YO que lidié
> con líneas de comandos desde que comencé (1974) en esto de la informática
> NOS TIENE PODRIDOS, CANSADOS... es un incordio.
> Así que te convendría usar el VideoMorph o el WinFF para Linux que no es más
> ni menos una interfaz gráfica para manejar el ffmpeg cosa que parece poca
> pero en realidad suele ahorrar más de un dolor de cabeza y varias
> complicaciones.
> Ahora... MI recomendación es que si necesitas trabajar seguido con videos...
> usa Windows, en LINUX HAY muy pocas cosas "masomeno" aceptables para editar
> / transcodificar videos.
> Saludos
>  El viernes, 5 de febrero de 2021 01:27:43 ART, luis
>  escribió:
>  Hola,
> Alguien conoce cómo convertir videos netflix -descargados en el móvil- con 
> ffmpeg en la pc? :)

no estoy de acuerdo.

en gnu/linux tienes excelente Herraminetas, para edicion, tanto de video, 
audio y imagenes, con sus matices ó carencias obviamente. 
claro ejemplo de
Blender, Krita, Gimp, Inkscape, Cinelerra-GG, Kdenlive, Olive ( en 
desarrollo), Natron, Ardour, Audacity, Mixxx. Freecad etc.

para la gran Mayoria estos programas son mas que suficientes.
ahora que a ti no te funcione o no quiere decir que no sea util para los 

Incluso productoras como Weta Digital usan Linux.


Re: Jus thinking - Low level X GUI with shaders

2021-02-07 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 10:07:28PM -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > You have reinvented NeWS with Display PostScript
> > . Don't get me wrong, it was a great
> > idea, ahead of its time, and not especially well (or efficiently)
> > implemented at the time, so it may well be ripe for reinvention.
> I think nowadays the idea is called HTML, where the display server is
> called "web browser" and Javascript has replaced Display Postscript.

You're not wrong, in the sense that that covers a wide variety of use
cases. There remains a niche for rich desktop GUIs that 1) can display
remotely, 2) execute sandboxed code on the display server, and 3) play nice
with a windowing system rather than being just a "page". I wouldn't be
unhappy with that sandboxed code being JavaScript (or even WASM). I would
be unhappy with every GUI app I use running a web server and launching a
browser to http://localhost:/

> Stefan

Re: Jus thinking - Low level X GUI with shaders

2021-02-07 Thread Stefan Monnier
> You have reinvented NeWS with Display PostScript
> . Don't get me wrong, it was a great
> idea, ahead of its time, and not especially well (or efficiently)
> implemented at the time, so it may well be ripe for reinvention.

I think nowadays the idea is called HTML, where the display server is
called "web browser" and Javascript has replaced Display Postscript.


Re: Sobre ffmpeg.

2021-02-07 Thread Deiby Herrera
Usa Cinelerra gg o Davinci Resolve y que la fuerza te acompañe...

El dom., 7 de febrero de 2021 8:41 p. m., Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena <> escribió:

> A ver...
> LINUX jamás ha tenido buenos programas para manejar/editar videos. Te lo
> digo por experiencia PROFESIONAL pues tengo una empresa de edición de
> videos. Con LINUX... olvídate.
> Así que si te pinta por ahí algún Windows prestado puedes usar el
> FormatFactory un programa que pasa cualquier cosa (literalmente) a
> cualquier cosa (literalmente) tanto sea gráficos, audio o video y además lo
> hace rápido y bien. Imposible (o por lo menos muy difícil) mejorar el
> desempeño del FormatFactory.
> Si te empecinas y lo quieres hacer con LINUX... bueh... lo que tienes es
> el FFMPEG que es una colección de software libre que puede grabar,
> convertir (transcodificar) y hacer streaming de audio y vídeo. ffmpeg:
> incluye una herramienta de línea de comandos para convertir audio o video
> de un formato a otro... o sea te rompes la cabeza tratando de usar linea de
> comandos que para algunos "nerds" será muy "cool" pero... para otros como
> YO que lidié con líneas de comandos desde que comencé (1974) en esto de la
> informática NOS TIENE PODRIDOS, CANSADOS... es un incordio.
> Así que te convendría usar el VideoMorph o el WinFF para Linux que no es
> más ni menos una interfaz gráfica para manejar el ffmpeg cosa que parece
> poca pero en realidad suele ahorrar más de un dolor de cabeza y varias
> complicaciones.
> Ahora... MI recomendación es que si necesitas trabajar seguido con
> videos... usa Windows, en LINUX HAY muy pocas cosas "masomeno" aceptables
> para editar / transcodificar videos.
> Saludos
> El viernes, 5 de febrero de 2021 01:27:43 ART, luis 
> escribió:
> Hola,
> Alguien conoce cómo convertir videos netflix -descargados en el móvil-
> con
> ffmpeg en la pc? :)
> --
> Saludos,
> Luis

Incorrect password Debian 10.8 after installation

2021-02-07 Thread John Berden

I'm installing Debian 10.8 with a console installer. I use ISO 

After starting the system, I get a request for the user's password.
I enter the correct password that I specified during installation. But I 
get a message that I entered the wrong password.

Why and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!

Developers repositories and Python

2021-02-07 Thread John Berden

Can you recommend any trusted repositories for installing the latest 
developer packages, including Python?

Thanks in advance!

IP-CONFIG: no response | eth0 hardware address DHCP RARP

2021-02-07 Thread Elias Pereira

I have debian 10 in a xenserver 7.0 vm with static ip and keeps trying
dhcp. Already removed some packages that could be interfering, but must
still have something installed.
the post messages

Re: Sobre ffmpeg.

2021-02-07 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 A ver...
LINUX jamás ha tenido buenos programas para manejar/editar videos. Te lo digo 
por experiencia PROFESIONAL pues tengo una empresa de edición de videos. Con 
LINUX... olvídate.
Así que si te pinta por ahí algún Windows prestado puedes usar el FormatFactory 
un programa que pasa cualquier cosa (literalmente) a cualquier cosa 
(literalmente) tanto sea gráficos, audio o video y además lo hace rápido y 
bien. Imposible (o por lo menos muy difícil) mejorar el desempeño del 

Si te empecinas y lo quieres hacer con LINUX... bueh... lo que tienes es el 
FFMPEG que es una colección de software libre que puede grabar, convertir 
(transcodificar) y hacer streaming de audio y vídeo. ffmpeg: incluye una 
herramienta de línea de comandos para convertir audio o video de un formato a 
otro... o sea te rompes la cabeza tratando de usar linea de comandos que para 
algunos "nerds" será muy "cool" pero... para otros como YO que lidié con líneas 
de comandos desde que comencé (1974) en esto de la informática NOS TIENE 
PODRIDOS, CANSADOS... es un incordio.

Así que te convendría usar el VideoMorph o el WinFF para Linux que no es más ni 
menos una interfaz gráfica para manejar el ffmpeg cosa que parece poca pero en 
realidad suele ahorrar más de un dolor de cabeza y varias complicaciones.

Ahora... MI recomendación es que si necesitas trabajar seguido con videos... 
usa Windows, en LINUX HAY muy pocas cosas "masomeno" aceptables para editar / 
transcodificar videos.

 El viernes, 5 de febrero de 2021 01:27:43 ART, luis  

Alguien conoce cómo convertir videos netflix -descargados en el móvil- con  
ffmpeg en la pc? :)



Re: Jus thinking - Low level X GUI with shaders

2021-02-07 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 10:53:19AM +0100, Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to share my thoughts considering remote appliation
> problem.
> In beginnig there was X server :) It was designed in mind to enable
> using of applications in distributed environment. You could open window
> which was just running on other computer.
> But I just look into idea that you do not need to do so. I think it
> could be possible to pass shader program to X server (even as string).
> This shader program could be whole GUI lib. It could manage theme,
> layouts, fonts, widgets, data model on its own on x server. It would
> depend on widget system how exchange data between client and server.

You have reinvented NeWS with Display PostScript
. Don't get me wrong, it was a great
idea, ahead of its time, and not especially well (or efficiently)
implemented at the time, so it may well be ripe for reinvention. Given that
we have much better facilities for sandboxing and hardware accelerated
graphics than we did at the time, now might be the time.

> Cheers,
>Marek Mosiewicz

Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-07 Thread Gregory Seidman
If you want a Linux router/AP, I recommend OpenWRT over Debian. It runs on
a variety of router hardware, but also PCs:

Importantly, it uses UCI
 for configuration of
switches, networks, 802.11 (wifi) radios, SSIDs, firewalls, etc. which
substantially simplifies handling the issues you are encountering. Its web
interface (luci) works directly with the UCI config files, so it's easy to
switch between editing a file and working in the web UI.


On Sat, Feb 06, 2021 at 02:29:08AM -0800, John Conover wrote:
> A wireless router made with hostapd/dnsmasq/dhcpcd is fairly easy, and
> works well with iptables, with one shortcoming.
> After antagonizing the Google for hours, I can not find any way to add
> reserved IPs based on the the MAC address of devices connected on
> wlan0, (presumably in dhcpcd.conf.) Seems kind of a simple oversight
> for a wireless AP.
> Am I correct in my assumption?
> Thanks,
> John
> -- 
> John Conover,,

Re: Fichero demasiado grande

2021-02-07 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 En LINUX lo común es usar un sistema de archivos ext4 con tabla de particiones 

OJO... También se puede usar sistema de archivos ext4 con tabla de particiones 
MBR pero... GPT es muchísimo mejor.

En LINUX evita (mientras puedas) usar FAT. 

 El domingo, 7 de febrero de 2021 19:24:11 ART, Aristobulo_Pinzón 
 Tienes razón, sistema de archivos FAT...
Y lo comico es que pensaba pasar a esa partición los videos para 
Es un disco nuevo en que formato lo debería poner?..
Muchas Gracias.


Re: Re: Fichero demasiado grande

2021-02-07 Thread Aristobulo_Pinzón
Tienes razón, sistema de archivos FAT...
Y lo comico es que pensaba pasar a esa partición los videos para 
Es un disco nuevo en que formato lo debería poner?..
Muchas Gracias.

Re: Sobre ffmpeg.

2021-02-07 Thread Aristobulo_Pinzón
ffmpeg -i  nuevo_video.mp4

Re: Fichero demasiado grande

2021-02-07 Thread Juan Gomez (Txonta)

El 7/2/21 a las 22:17, Aristobulo_Pinzón escribió:

Buen tiempo para todos :-) Se me complico la copia de un video de más de 4 GB, 
y me aparece este mensaje de error cp: error al escribir en '/media/.../ 
Fichero demasiado grande. Existe alguna herramienta que lo haga?. LA VERSIÓN DE 

No tendrás un espacio libre menor a 4 GB en  '/media/.../ ??


   

Re: Fichero demasiado grande

2021-02-07 Thread Parodper
El problema debe estar en a donde estás copiando el fichero. Por ejemplo 
el sistema de archivos FAT no permite archivos de más de 4 GB.

O 07/02/21 ás 22:17, Aristobulo_Pinzón escribiu:

Buen tiempo para todos :-) Se me complico la copia de un video de más de 4 GB, 
y me aparece este mensaje de error cp: error al escribir en '/media/.../ 
Fichero demasiado grande. Existe alguna herramienta que lo haga?. LA VERSIÓN DE 

Fichero demasiado grande

2021-02-07 Thread Aristobulo_Pinzón
Buen tiempo para todos :-) Se me complico la copia de un video de más de 4 GB, 
y me aparece este mensaje de error cp: error al escribir en '/media/.../ 
Fichero demasiado grande. Existe alguna herramienta que lo haga?. LA VERSIÓN DE 

Re: Default webbrowser voor XFCE terminal

2021-02-07 Thread Geert Stappers
On Wed, Feb 03, 2021 at 08:05:29PM +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 08:39:13PM +0100, henk van ballegooijen wrote:
> > Op 02-02-2021 om 18:46 schreef Geert Stappers:
> > > Hoi,
> > > 
> > > In XFCE terminal worden URLs als URLs herkent
> > > en zijn die aan te klikken.
> > > Er wordt dan een webbrowser (tabblad) geopend.
> > > 
> > > Op welke configuratieplaats staat
> > > welke webbrowser gebruikt moet worden?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Eerder was het Firefox en dat vond ik wel goed.
> > > Nu is het per ongeluk[1] Chromium geworden.
> > > Hoe nu weer terug naar goed?
> > > 
> > De XFCE terminal pakt volgens mij de standaardtoepassing
> > voor het openen van URLs.
> > Deze is in te stellen in het Instellingen menu *(**xfce4*-settings-manager):
> > |  Instellingen >
> > |  Instellingen- en systeeembeheerder >
> > |  Standaardtoepassingen >
> > |  Internet
> Menu pad gevolgd, kwam uit bij een setting die op Firefox ESR staat.
> Die instelling opnieuw gezet.  (En ik zal dadelijk nog log-out & log-in
> doen)

Klacht is weg  \o/

> > Eventueel zijn standaardtoepassingen voor verschillende MIME-types aan te
> > passen in:
> > |   Instellingen >
> > |   Instellingen- en systeeembeheerder > 
> > |   Standaardtoepassingen > 
> > |   Overige
> Lijkt op FF te staan. Niet opnieuw gezet omdat het er meerdere zijn
> en omdat MIME-type  en URL  iet wat van elkaar verschillen.
> > Groet,
> > Henk van Ballegooijen
> Dank
> Groeten
> Geert Stappers
> [1] een foutje van mij, weet niet welke actie het was.
> -- 
> Silence is hard to parse

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

Strange statistics from gparted

2021-02-07 Thread Richard Owlett

I am experimenting with custom installs of MATE on Debian 10.7 .
My goal is to minimize its footprint on disk, and reduce menu clutter.
I have a default install with / on sda1.
The custom install has / on sda2.
Both installs use /sda3 for /home.

When running gparted from the first, it reports
  sda1 used space is 3.85 GB
  sda2 used space is 2.25 GB

When running gparted from the second, it reports
  sda1 used space is 4.77 GB
  sda2 used space is 1.80 GB

TIA ;}

Re: Problems installing from flash drive.

2021-02-07 Thread songbird
Richard Owlett wrote:
> That works.
> Your choice of directory names in the path to the files extracted from 
> each ISO broke my current mental logjam.


  yes, that's what i did, years ago, so the added parts in the
line about security weren't needed back then.  glad it works.  :)


Re: Download Pages are, Locked??!???

2021-02-07 Thread Peter Ehlert

On 2/7/21 9:19 AM, Linux-Fan wrote:

Peter Ehlert writes:

On 2/7/21 7:44 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote:

Stephen wrote:

Suddenly the download pages are forbidden?

What is going on?

Apologies, something screwed up and left the release directory not
readable. Fixed now. :-/

still not working here...

Which URL are you trying to access?

I checked again, am no longer getting the 403

I can open the live images:

and the installation media:

and others I just checked randomly just fine.


thanks, those are also working here now


Re: Download Pages are, Locked??!???

2021-02-07 Thread Linux-Fan

Peter Ehlert writes:

On 2/7/21 7:44 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote:

Stephen wrote:

Suddenly the download pages are forbidden?

What is going on?

Apologies, something screwed up and left the release directory not
readable. Fixed now. :-/

still not working here...

Which URL are you trying to access?

I can open the live images:

and the installation media:

and others I just checked randomly just fine.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread john doe

On 2/7/2021 5:57 PM, john doe wrote:

On 2/7/2021 5:51 PM, Felix Miata wrote:

john doe composed on 2021-02-07 15:35 (UTC+0100):

I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was configured
on Buster and works well.

now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.

Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts,

This makes it unclear what you have.

Yes, apologies for this.

I should have said that Stretch and Buster are on the same machine.

if yes, how did you do it?


Stretch and Buster are not running at the same time.

I have several multiboot systems with RAID. I simply copy
/etc/mdadm.conf from the
original Linux installation to each additional Linux installation, and
mdadm is installed, which means I copied from older installation to
newer. Whether
anything about RAID configuration changed between Stretch and Buster
that would
prevent the newer from working with the older I have no idea.

Looks like I was missing mdadm on Stretch.

Thanks to anyone for their input and feedback.

Much appriciated.

I installed mdadm, after a reboot everything is working.
'/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf' was auto-generated.

Thanks all.

John Doe

Re: Download Pages are, Locked??!???

2021-02-07 Thread Peter Ehlert

On 2/7/21 7:44 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote:

Stephen wrote:

Suddenly the download pages are forbidden?

What is going on?

Apologies, something screwed up and left the release directory not
readable. Fixed now. :-/

still not working here...

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread john doe

On 2/7/2021 5:51 PM, Felix Miata wrote:

john doe composed on 2021-02-07 15:35 (UTC+0100):

I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was configured
on Buster and works well.

now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.

Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts,

This makes it unclear what you have.

Yes, apologies for this.

I should have said that Stretch and Buster are on the same machine.

if yes, how did you do it?


Stretch and Buster are not running at the same time.

I have several multiboot systems with RAID. I simply copy /etc/mdadm.conf from 
original Linux installation to each additional Linux installation, and ensure
mdadm is installed, which means I copied from older installation to newer. 
anything about RAID configuration changed between Stretch and Buster that would
prevent the newer from working with the older I have no idea.

Looks like I was missing mdadm on Stretch.

Thanks to anyone for their input and feedback.

Much appriciated.

John Doe

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread Felix Miata
john doe composed on 2021-02-07 15:35 (UTC+0100):

> I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was configured
> on Buster and works well.

> now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.

> Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts,

This makes it unclear what you have.

> if yes, how did you do it?

> P.S.

> Stretch and Buster are not running at the same time. 

I have several multiboot systems with RAID. I simply copy /etc/mdadm.conf from 
original Linux installation to each additional Linux installation, and ensure
mdadm is installed, which means I copied from older installation to newer. 
anything about RAID configuration changed between Stretch and Buster that would
prevent the newer from working with the older I have no idea.
Evolution as taught in public schools, like religion,
is based on faith, not on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread deloptes
Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:

> Probably you haven't installed "mdadm" package on Stretch.
> Also it is generally a good idea to create a configuration file
> "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" [1] on Stretch.
> You can use this command to create array configuration string from
> metadata on disks:
> # mdadm --examine --scan
> To check array status:
> # mdadm --detail /dev/md0

I think this is the correct answer.

The mdadm.conf file can also be copied over from buster.

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread Sven Hartge
Michael Howard  wrote:
> On 07/02/2021 15:44, Sven Hartge wrote:
>> Michael Howard  wrote:
>>> On 07/02/2021 14:35, john doe wrote:

 I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was
 configured on Buster and works well.

 now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.

 Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts, if yes,
 how did you do it?
>>> iSCSI?

>> Why?
>> The RAID is on the same system. They clearly wrote "multiboot".

> OP did indeed write multiboot but he also wrote 'multiple hosts'

Hmm, indeed.

> You have a problem?

Only with OP not describing his setup and problem clearly enough.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Download Pages are, Locked??!???

2021-02-07 Thread Steve McIntyre
Stephen wrote:
>Suddenly the download pages are forbidden?
>What is going on?

Apologies, something screwed up and left the release directory not
readable. Fixed now. :-/

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge,
"You can't barbecue lettuce!" -- Ellie Crane

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread Michael Howard

On 07/02/2021 15:44, Sven Hartge wrote:

Michael Howard  wrote:

On 07/02/2021 14:35, john doe wrote:

I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was configured
on Buster and works well.

now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.

Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts, if yes, how
did you do it?



The RAID is on the same system. They clearly wrote "multiboot".

OP did indeed write multiboot but he also wrote 'multiple hosts'

You have a problem?

Michael Howard.

Re: Download Pages are, Locked??!???

2021-02-07 Thread Stephen P. Molnar

Thanks for the reply.

I'll just wait to see what happens.

On 02/07/2021 09:51 AM, Sven Hartge wrote:

Stephen P. Molnar  wrote:

Suddenly the download pages are forbidden?

My guess is that this has to do with the Debian 10.8 point release ISO
image preparation.


Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.
614.312.7528 (c)
Skype:  smolnar1

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread john doe

On 2/7/2021 4:39 PM, Michael Howard wrote:

On 07/02/2021 14:35, john doe wrote:


I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was configured
on Buster and works well.

now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.

Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts, if yes, how
did you do it?


Stretch and Buster are on the same machine.
I was hoping to be able to mount the raid configured on Buster from
Stretch, with something like:

$ mount /dev/md0 md0
mount: special device /dev/md0 does not exist

The same command works fine on Buster, Mdadm is not installed on Stretch.

John Doe

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 07.02.2021 19:35, john doe wrote:


I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was configured
on Buster and works well.

now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.

Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts, if yes, how
did you do it?


Stretch and Buster are not running at the same time.

John Doe

Probably you haven't installed "mdadm" package on Stretch.
Also it is generally a good idea to create a configuration file 
"/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" [1] on Stretch.
You can use this command to create array configuration string from 
metadata on disks:

# mdadm --examine --scan

To check array status:
# mdadm --detail /dev/md0

[1] $ man 5 mdadm.conf


With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread Sven Hartge
john doe  wrote:
> Debians,

> I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was configured
> on Buster and works well.

> now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.

> Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts, if yes, how
> did you do it?

That should work out of the box. Have you tried it and it didn't work?
What errors did you get?


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread Sven Hartge
Michael Howard  wrote:
> On 07/02/2021 14:35, john doe wrote:

>> I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was configured
>> on Buster and works well.
>> now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.
>> Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts, if yes, how
>> did you do it?

> iSCSI?


The RAID is on the same system. They clearly wrote "multiboot".


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread Michael Howard

On 07/02/2021 14:35, john doe wrote:


I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was configured
on Buster and works well.

now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.

Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts, if yes, how
did you do it?


Michael Howard.

Re: Sobre ffmpeg.

2021-02-07 Thread Camaleón
El 2021-02-04 a las 23:19 -0500, luis escribió:

> Alguien conoce cómo convertir videos netflix -descargados en el móvil- con
> ffmpeg en la pc? :)

Desconozco el tipo de engendro de protección DRM que usará Netflix y 
demás servicios de «streaming», pero si tienes un archivo de vídeo 
descargado, ábrelo con cualqier aplicación que lo pueda leer para ver 
qué cóodec AV usa y si ffmpeg puede convertirlo a otro contenedor.



Re: referente a instalacion de SO Linux

2021-02-07 Thread Camaleón
El 2021-02-07 a las 08:53 +0100, Camaleón escribió:

No me di cuenta de que este mensaje debe ir dirigido a la lista de 
usuarios, no a la de traducción. Lo reenvío a la lista correcta.


> El 2021-02-06 a las 21:14 +0100, Juan Manuel Garcia Alarcon escribió:
> > estoy interesado en instalar Debian o algun sistema operativo similar de
> > Linux para un pc con procesador AMD Athlon tm 64 X2  dual core procesador
> > 4200+ 2.20 GHZ, 2GB de ram y sistema operativo de 32 bits. 
> Es un aquipo viejito y con poca RAM pero para uso sencillo te podrá servir. 
> Antes de instalar, yo suelo cargar una imagen LiveCD de Debian para ver 
> si me va a dar problemas y si se carga bien ya me animo a formatear e 
> instalarlo.
> Para un equipo antiguo y con poca RAM yo te recomendaría instalar 
> Debian estable (64 bits si el procesador lo admite) con XFCE como 
> entorno de escritorio.
> Si nos dices que imagen has descargado e instalado, mejor.
> > Estoy intentando instalarlo, el programa me indica que esta instalado
> > pero aparecen las tipica informacion previa al incio del escritorio y 
> > se queda bloqueado o con la pantalla negra. Tenia Windows 7 y en teoria
> > lo he formateado. No se que modelos puede haber disponibles y soy nuevo
> > en Linux. Les pido que no me envien enlaces a otras paginas y me digan 
> > directamente que modelos concretos hay o si la version, que es la 10, 
> > es o no compatible.
> No me queda claro si el sistema se ha instalado correctamente y al 
> reiniciar tras la instalación la pantalla se queda en negro o es que el 
> instalador no se ha llegado a iniciar y ves la pantalla en negro.
> Si el sistema está instalado, podrás ver el gestor de arranque (GRUB), 
> y seleccionar la opción Opciones avanzadas → ... (recovery mode). 
> Selecciona esa opción para ver si logras llegar a una terminal con un 
> cursor parpadeante.
> Si aún no está instalado, lo que fallará es el instalador, algún 
> problema tendrá para cargar el modo gráfico o con el kernel, pueden ser 
> varias cosas por eso mejor si nos das más datos para saber en qué fase 
> te encuentras.
> Saludos,
> -- 
> Camaleón 


Re: Download Pages are, Locked??!???

2021-02-07 Thread Sven Hartge
Stephen P. Molnar  wrote:

> Suddenly the download pages are forbidden?

My guess is that this has to do with the Debian 10.8 point release ISO
image preparation.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Download Pages are, Locked??!???

2021-02-07 Thread Stephen P. Molnar

Suddenly the download pages are forbidden?

What is going on?

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.
614.312.7528 (c)
Skype:  smolnar1

Accessing raid from multiple hosts

2021-02-07 Thread john doe


I have a multiboot system (Buster and Stretch),, the raid was configured
on Buster and works well.

now, I need to access that same raid from Stretch.

Has anyone been able to access a raid from multiple hosts, if yes, how
did you do it?


Stretch and Buster are not running at the same time.

John Doe

Re: Sound Issue

2021-02-07 Thread Rainer Dorsch
Thank you for your reply, Andrea.

Am Samstag, 6. Februar 2021, 23:52:24 CET schrieb Andrea Borgia:
> Il 06/02/21 20:53, Rainer Dorsch ha scritto:
> > sound was working for years on my Debian System w/o any issue with
> > pulseaudio. Since a few weeks I have problems with the on-board Intel
> > sound, listed as
> I'm having a similar issue and it might be because of this bug:

I am on stable with 12.2-4+deb10u1
> With this command I get the audio back, at least until the next reboot
> or plug/unplug cycle:
> pacmd unload-module module-udev-detect && pacmd load-module
> module-udev-detect

Does not work for me.

Maybe that is the sign to upgrade to bullseye :-)


Rainer Dorsch

Jus thinking - Low level X GUI with shaders

2021-02-07 Thread Marek Mosiewicz

I would like to share my thoughts considering remote appliation

In beginnig there was X server :) It was designed in mind to enable
using of applications in distributed environment. You could open window
which was just running on other computer.

Time passed and things changed. There is attitiude to use Wayland for
Unix GUI which is fast versitile and easy, but not remote.

On other side remote apps tend to be run in browser, which is nightmare
for developer.

X server demise is caused, by difficult problem it tries to solve.
Abstracting GUI toolit protocool is painful. 

But I just look into idea that you do not need to do so. I think it
could be possible to pass shader program to X server (even as string).
This shader program could be whole GUI lib. It could manage theme,
layouts, fonts, widgets, data model on its own on x server. It would
depend on widget system how exchange data between client and server.

There are already similar solutions done in browser by libs like Apache
Wicket, ZKOSS and others. They act for user input, send it to server
and server sends updates client. However client state (or rather X
server) is rich and you update it by widget properties so communication
is really efficient.

   Marek Mosiewicz

Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-07 Thread John Conover
Tixy writes:
> On Sat, 2021-02-06 at 11:00 -0800, John Conover wrote:
> > Stefan Monnier writes:
> > > > A wireless router made with hostapd/dnsmasq/dhcpcd is fairly easy, and
> > > > works well with iptables, with one shortcoming.
> > > > 
> > > > After antagonizing the Google for hours, I can not find any way to add
> > > > reserved IPs based on the the MAC address of devices connected on
> > > > wlan0, (presumably in dhcpcd.conf.) Seems kind of a simple oversight
> > > > for a wireless AP.
> > > 
> > > I'm not familiar with dhcpd, but dnsmasq's built-in DHCP server has been
> > > perfectly sufficient so far and it lets you specify fixed IPs based on
> > > MACs by simply putting those in the `/etc/ethers` file.
> > > 
> > 
> > Thank you, Stefan.
> > 
> > Works like a charm. The syntax of /etc/ethers is ':' delimited MAC
> > address, followed by a space delimiter, followed by the IPv4 IP
> > address, per IP reservation. That IP address must also be in
> > /etc/hosts.
> I didn't know about /etc/ethers, on my system I allocate fixed IP
> addresses and hostnames by adding a lines to dnsmasq.conf like
> dhcp-host=MAC-Address,IP-Address,Hostname,Lease-Time
> I guess there's more than one way to skin this cat.

Hi Tixy.

For the archives, the documentation to configuration of dnsmasq(1) is
in /etc/dnsmasq.conf, the dnsmasq configuration file. It is verbose,
and there are many options. Read thoroughly.

It is a very impressive accomplishment, and works well, and is fairly
easy to get working, (once familiar with the configuration file.)

As a closing note, the DHCP/DNS services, (for wlan0,) are configured
in the /etc/dnsmasq.conf file, *_NOT_* /etc/dhcpcd.conf, which is the
usual alternative.

(This is where I went astray-I mean the name is dnsmasq, probably
meaning it is something to do with dns, duh.)

Thanks to all,



John Conover,,

Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-07 Thread Tixy
On Sat, 2021-02-06 at 11:00 -0800, John Conover wrote:
> Stefan Monnier writes:
> > > A wireless router made with hostapd/dnsmasq/dhcpcd is fairly easy, and
> > > works well with iptables, with one shortcoming.
> > > 
> > > After antagonizing the Google for hours, I can not find any way to add
> > > reserved IPs based on the the MAC address of devices connected on
> > > wlan0, (presumably in dhcpcd.conf.) Seems kind of a simple oversight
> > > for a wireless AP.
> > 
> > I'm not familiar with dhcpd, but dnsmasq's built-in DHCP server has been
> > perfectly sufficient so far and it lets you specify fixed IPs based on
> > MACs by simply putting those in the `/etc/ethers` file.
> > 
> Thank you, Stefan.
> Works like a charm. The syntax of /etc/ethers is ':' delimited MAC
> address, followed by a space delimiter, followed by the IPv4 IP
> address, per IP reservation. That IP address must also be in
> /etc/hosts.

I didn't know about /etc/ethers, on my system I allocate fixed IP
addresses and hostnames by adding a lines to dnsmasq.conf like


I guess there's more than one way to skin this cat.
