Re: mount.ecryptfs_private in .xsession with autologin

2021-11-01 Thread Lucio Crusca

On Nov 1, 2021 I wrote:
(actually a Raspbian, but I assume it's no different 

I've now tried installing a clean Debian 11 with Nodm in a virtual 
machine and I face exactly the same problem, so we can safely exclude 
any Raspbian-specific problems.

Re: Volledige iso van Debian

2021-11-01 Thread Geert Stappers
On Mon, Nov 01, 2021 at 09:56:43PM +0100, Koen Wybo wrote:
> Met de opkomst van grote USB-sticks zou het ook mogelijk moeten zijn om 1
> grote installatie-USB te maken met daarop alle - maar dan ook alle -
> Debiansoftware op voor 1 release (bijv. alles van Debian 11.1). Dit zou zeer
> handig zijn voor installatie op offline computers.
> Na wat geëxperimenteer kom ik uit bij jigdo maar dit werkt niet volledig. Zo
> kan ik met
> jigdo-lite 
> Wel de volledige 22GB  van Blue-RayDisc 1 te downloaden maar niet
> automatisch deze van BD-2 toe te voegen (hoewel ik de correcte locatie naar
> BD-2 heb opgegeven).
> Hoe maak je een volledige ISO van Debian zonder onderverdeling in BD-1, 2...
> (of DVD-1,2,3,4...)
heeft o.a.

  To use this with apt, add this line to your sources.list file:

deb file:/var/local/debian bullseye main contrib

Dat is niet een antwoord op de vraag,
hopelijk wel een oplossing voor het probleem  (offline computers)

> Vriendelijke groet,
> Koen Wybo

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

Volledige iso van Debian

2021-11-01 Thread Koen Wybo
Met de opkomst van grote USB-sticks zou het ook mogelijk moeten zijn om 
1 grote installatie-USB te maken met daarop alle - maar dan ook alle - 
Debiansoftware op voor 1 release (bijv. alles van Debian 11.1). Dit zou 
zeer handig zijn voor installatie op offline computers.

Na wat geëxperimenteer kom ik uit bij jigdo maar dit werkt niet 
volledig. Zo kan ik met
Wel de volledige 22GB  van Blue-RayDisc 1 te downloaden maar niet 
automatisch deze van BD-2 toe te voegen (hoewel ik de correcte locatie 
naar BD-2 heb opgegeven).

Hoe maak je een volledige ISO van Debian zonder onderverdeling in BD-1, 
2... (of DVD-1,2,3,4...)

Vriendelijke groet,

Koen Wybo

Re: (deb-cat) Configurar frequencia de refresc de PackageKitD

2021-11-01 Thread Vicen Rodriguez
Hola de nou, Narcís:

Les opcions que dius, jo les veig si vaig a:

Configuració de Gmome, 'Quant a -> Actualitzacions de programari ->
"Menú de la part superior dreta" -> Actualitzar preferències

En comptes d'anar a:

Configuració de Gmome, 'Quant a -> Actualitzacions de programari ->
"Menú de la part superior dreta" -> Repositoris de programari 

Per altra banda, a mí la interfície gràfica que crec que cerques se
m'obre també si pico el següent a un terminal:

/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk

Aleshores, vaig a 'Updates' i allà tinc les opcions.

Respecte a on es desen els canvis d'aquest quadre: per al paràmetre que
cerques, em sembla que és a '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades', i la
línia en concret és la següent:

APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "14";

Això indicaría que es faci la comprovació cada 14 dies. SI el valor és
"1", la comprovació es farà cada dia.



El dom, 31-10-2021 a las 11:33 +0100, Narcis Garcia escribió:
> Bon dia,
> Jo trobo opcions d'aquesta mena amb l'aplicació «Software & Updates» 
> (software-properties-gtk) on tinc aquestes opcions seleccionades a la
> seva solapa «Updates»:
> Automatically check for updates: Never
> No trobo on es desen aquests valors.
> Si faig servir el camí que em dius dels paràmetres del Gnome, vaig a 
> parar al catàleg de «Programari» (gnome-software) el qual té un botó
> de 
> menú amb l'opció «Preferències d'actualització»
> Allà només tinc seleccionable «Actualitzacións automàtiques» [Sí/No]
> i 
> «Notificacions de les act.autom.» [Sí/No]
> Tampoc no trobo on es desen els canvis d'aquest quadre.
> Ni em fa efecte.
> Narcis Garcia
> __
> I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't 
> masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive
> administrator 
> should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
> El 29/10/21 a les 18:00, Vicen Rodriguez ha escrit:
> > Bon dia, Narcís:
> > 
> > Crec que l'opció que cerques és a les preferències:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Entenc que es tractaria de canviar la frequència a cada quinze
> > dies.
> > 
> > En el meu cas, veig que puc fer-ho anant a Configuració de Gmome,
> > 'Quant 
> > a -> Actualitzacions de programari -> "Menú de la part superior
> > dreta" 
> > -> Repositoris de programari -> Updates -> Automatically check for 
> > updates: Cada dos setmanes".
> > 
> > Salut,
> > 
> > Vicen
> > 
> > 
> > El jue, 28-10-2021 a las 09:33 +0200, Narcis Garcia escribió:
> > > Bon dia,
> > > 
> > > Tinc instal·lat el gnome-software , el qual depen de packagekit,
> > > un
> > > programari intermediari entre les eines comunes d'usuari i el
> > > sistema de
> > > paquets, en el cas de Debian, APT.
> > > PackageKit habilita un servei permanent que de tant en tant
> > > actualitza
> > > el catàleg de programari, i permet a les eines d'escriptori
> > > avisar que
> > > hi ha actualitzacions disponibles.
> > > 
> > > El cas és que això pasa massa sovint per a mi: Quasi cada dia
> > > veig
> > > l'avís en pantalla de nous paquets actualitzables, i m'agradaria
> > > que ho
> > > fes només cada quinze dies o un mes.
> > > He cercat i no he trobat res aplicable: Algú sap com es
> > > reconfigura la
> > > freqüència amb la qual packagekitd es refresca els repositoris?
> > > 
> > > Gràcies.
> > > 
> > 

Re: LXQT desktop environment hangs?

2021-11-01 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Monday,  1 Nov 2021 at 14:53, piorunz wrote:
> Glad I could help you move to (hopefully) right direction. 

Thank you for all the suggestions.

My solution is straightforward: I open Firefox when I need it (usually
these days only for banking, using eww in Emacs for most everything else
web related... ;-)) and then close it immediately.  No performance
issues then!

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.60 & org 9.5 on Debian 11.1

Re: Man pages for gcc

2021-11-01 Thread Nicholas Geovanis
On Sun, Oct 31, 2021, 5:05 PM Nate Bargmann  wrote:

> * On 2021 31 Oct 16:27 -0500, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
> > The info command is what you want for gcc. You may need to install the
> > package for gcc info files. Another set of commands you might need info
> > files for are coreutils. Try "info coreutils".
> While info is probably installed, a much better user experience is the
> 'pinfo' package since it uses Lynx like motion and color highlighting
> for hyperlinks.

Never used pinfo, thanks. I'll try it. You see, over time my browsers get
more primitive. I'm in the last trench now, it's curl and wget now :-)

Which reminds me, when using windowed character mode tools like these, it's
important to set the terminal type correctly in the Linux sessions
environment variables. But also make sure it lines up with the terminal
type in the terminal emulation software you may be using. Otherwise the
screen is soup.

- Nate
> --
> "The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
> possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
> Web:
> Projects:
> GPG fingerprint: 82D6 4F6B 0E67 CD41 F689 BBA6 FB2C 5130 D55A 8819

Re: LXQT desktop environment hangs?

2021-11-01 Thread piorunz

On 01/11/2021 14:02, Eric S Fraga wrote:

Your comment about the GPU driver is helpful as I probably don't have
the optimum graphics card settings (I do very little graphical work:
mostly text in Emacs all day long...).  I have an nvidia graphics card
and my experience with nvidia has never been positive, to be fair.

Glad I could help you move to (hopefully) right direction. Nvidia
provides closed source drivers only which are known to have errors and
bugs. I you don't use closed source drivers, open source equivalent -
nouveau driver, is (or could be) even more buggy and basic.

Sometimes Nvidia drivers are blacklisted in browsers and you have no
acceleration whatsoever, because of bugs. Can you change your GPU to
AMD? To Radeon card with open source driver? I do 4K 60FPS gaming on my
radeon card with open source driver, no problems at all. Didn't hang on
me since I installed Bullseye.

Please check hardware acceleration settings in Firefox. Maybe they can
be enabled, disabled, changed, or reset to default. Reason of this
procedure is that Firefox works better with your GPU. See what you can
do, start from about:support page in Firefox. But that perhaps is
offtopic discussion in this Debian mailing list.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Can't connect bluetooth headset after resent update (testing)

2021-11-01 Thread Олександр Скоропад
In bluetooth log there is only one line:

Nov 1 16:09:10 Skoropad bluetoothd[1204]: src/service.c:btd_service_connect() 
a2dp-sink profile connect failed for 00:16:94:42:30:F4: Protocol not available
I've found that there were similar error with previous versions of pipewire and 
apt history shows that there was pipewire update couple of days before issue (I 
don't use headset everyday), so maybe it's related to this isue

Re: LXQT desktop environment hangs?

2021-11-01 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Monday,  1 Nov 2021 at 10:38, piorunz wrote:
> Sorry if you felt offended. 

Not offended! :-)

> No single application should slow down entire system with 32GB of RAM, 2

Agreed, it shouldn't.  But my experience is that it does.  Why?  I don't

Your comment about the GPU driver is helpful as I probably don't have
the optimum graphics card settings (I do very little graphical work:
mostly text in Emacs all day long...).  I have an nvidia graphics card
and my experience with nvidia has never been positive, to be fair.

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.60 & org 9.5 on Debian 11.1

Re: LXQT desktop environment hangs?

2021-11-01 Thread piorunz

On 01/11/2021 13:14, Tixy wrote:

Sure it can, depends on how many processes and threads the application
uses. E.g. transcoding a video will quite happily eat most of the time
on all my CPUs

In that case just decrease Firefox priority using htop when already
running, or nice during starting Firefox so CPU priority setting is
inherited to it's children processes. Even set priority to idle. That
way, Firefox eating all CPU time will not have any impact on other
programs running in your machine.

Everything can be sorted out. Even fact that Firefox spawns dozens of
processes as you add more tabs - just disable multiprocess spawning in
Firefox settings. Another proof that Firefox can be running for months
without any problem - problem it always in hardware or in the user not
being aware of configuration options available.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: LXQT desktop environment hangs?

2021-11-01 Thread Tixy
On Mon, 2021-11-01 at 10:38 +, piorunz wrote:
> No single application should slow down entire system with 32GB of RAM, 2
> CPUs and multiple threads, unless something is misconfigured...

Sure it can, depends on how many processes and threads the application
uses. E.g. transcoding a video will quite happily eat most of the time
on all my CPUs, as will compiling a large program. And whilst I have no
performance problems with Firefox, myself, I see that it's config on my
machine is set to use 8 process by default, and sure enough there's
lot's of processes spawned when opening several tabs (which I don't
normally do). If I then turn off the ad blocker and enable javascript,
then it seems to use up to 100% of a single CPU total when doing
'nothing'. (Presumably that's crap and malicious java script doing
whatever it does.)


Re: LXQT desktop environment hangs?

2021-11-01 Thread piorunz

On 01/11/2021 07:58, Eric S Fraga wrote:

On Sunday, 31 Oct 2021 at 09:17, piorunz wrote:

Nah. Problem is your computer, not Firefox.

Rather dismissive?

Everything else on this "slow" computer (yes, it's old but has 4
dual-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz processors and 32 GB
RAM) works just fine otherwise.  Drive and memory all test fine.

Only Firefox causes me problems if I let it run for a long time.  My
system is up 24/7.

YMMV, of course, and that's great for you.  But don't dismiss other
people's experiences so out of hand please.

Sorry if you felt offended. But you said yourself "It can slow the whole
system down in my experience."

No single application should slow down entire system with 32GB of RAM, 2
CPUs and multiple threads, unless something is misconfigured or
suboptimal, like GPU driver for example. I have 64GB of ECC RAM in this
machine, Firefox ESR didn't crashed even once since I installed
Bullseye, I never close it. I use Radeon card with open source driver.
GPU has a big effect on browsers, because they use hardware acceleration.
What GPU you have?

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

mount.ecryptfs_private in .xsession with autologin

2021-11-01 Thread Lucio Crusca

Hello all,

this is a cross-post from, where I got no asnwers nor 
comments, so if you are interested in the bounty I set there you can 
answer there (too):

I'm trying to decrypt the `Private` directory inside a user `$HOME` 
automatically at system startup. The system is a Debian GNU/Linux 10 
(actually a Raspbian, but I assume it's no different to this end) that 
uses NoDM [1] to start Xorg. It automatically logs the unprivileged user 
in and it runs the `$HOME/.xsession` startup script.

I have the following script, that is being called by .xsession:

#!/bin/bash -x
# Original by Michael Halcrow, IBM
# Extracted to a stand-alone script by Dustin Kirkland
# Edited on 2021-10-28 by Lucio Crusca



if /sbin/mount.ecryptfs_private ; then
exit 0

if [ -f "$WPF" -a -f "$MPSF" ]; then
if [ $(wc -l < "$MPSF") = "1" ]; then
			if printf "%s\0" "$LP" | ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase "$WPF" - | 
ecryptfs-add-passphrase -; then

echo Ok
echo incorrect LP
exit 1
			if printf "%s\0" "$LP" | 
ecryptfs-insert-wrapped-passphrase-into-keyring "$WPF" - ; then

echo Ok
echo incorrect LP
exit 1
echo Setup error
exit 1
exit 0

It is a stripped down version of `/usr/bin/ecryptfs-mount-private`. It 
executes just the same commands, but it expects the LP environment 
variable to contain the passphrase instead of asking for the passphrase 

I saved this script as `$HOME/`. When my system boots and 
NoDM starts, it executes .xsession that in turn calls my script, 
redirecting `stdout` and `stderr` to a logfile for debug. The thing does 
not work, in that it outputs this:

+ /sbin/mount.ecryptfs_private
mount: No such file or directory

However if I connect to the system via `ssh` and run the same 
`` script, logged in as the same user configured in Nodm, the 
script flawlessy works. Just in case you wonder, the LP variable is 
correctly set in both cases (already checked in the logfile).

I've already tried switching from Nodm to lightdm-autologin-greeter [2], 
but I get just the same outcome.

How do I make `mount.ecryptfs_private` work when called during autologin?


Re: [Hors Sujet] calcul d'un couple maxi transmis en mécanique des solides (Rpg)

2021-11-01 Thread Sylvain

sinon (ancien prof de si) le simulateur multiphysique OPENMODELICA 
permet d'étudier l'ensemble : de la commande d'un moteur jusqu'à la 
charge (on peut faire varier le couple résistant) et bien d'autre choses.


Le 01/11/2021 à 09:13, elguero eric a écrit :

pour ce genre de question je trouve
que le forum futura-sciences n'est
pas mal. Il y a une rubrique
"technologies" où tu pourras
obtenir des réponses précises.


Le dimanche 31 octobre 2021 à 19:20:07 UTC+1, Bernard Schoenacker 
 a écrit :


Je recherche la valeur maxi (Rpg) d'un couple à transmettre
sur un axe en acier de diamètre 15 mm ...

Re: [Hors Sujet] calcul d'un couple maxi transmis en mécanique des solides (Rpg)

2021-11-01 Thread elguero eric
pour ce genre de question je trouve
que le forum futura-sciences n'est
pas mal. Il y a une rubrique
"technologies" où tu pourras
obtenir des réponses précises.


Le dimanche 31 octobre 2021 à 19:20:07 UTC+1, Bernard Schoenacker 
 a écrit : 


Je recherche la valeur maxi (Rpg) d'un couple à transmettre 
sur un axe en acier de diamètre 15 mm ...

Re: LXQT desktop environment hangs?

2021-11-01 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Sunday, 31 Oct 2021 at 09:17, piorunz wrote:
> Nah. Problem is your computer, not Firefox. 

Rather dismissive?

Everything else on this "slow" computer (yes, it's old but has 4
dual-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz processors and 32 GB
RAM) works just fine otherwise.  Drive and memory all test fine.

Only Firefox causes me problems if I let it run for a long time.  My
system is up 24/7.

YMMV, of course, and that's great for you.  But don't dismiss other
people's experiences so out of hand please.

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.60 & org 9.5 on Debian 11.1