Re: Tiny fonts, was Re: system lock up, not sure if related to "your system is too slow"

2022-03-13 Thread songbird
David Wright wrote:
> For 1280x720, you could try 1920x1080, or 960x540, according
> to how large you want the characters. With a screen having
> a wide aspect ratio, you might try 1600x900, 800x450, and
> so on (ie native resolution ÷ small integer).

  thank you, i've already got that taken care of by the
what i wrote in the other message.  it wasn't enough to
just change the font, but rerunning the configure step
which copied the relevant files to /etc/ so
they were available during early boot stage.

  i've not had any more lock ups recently but i'm also
running a different kernel now so perhaps it was a bug in
there someplace that got squashed.  for that i would need
some kind of way to trace everything that is running and
put it in a log that persists, but not so much that it
plugs up my entire system.  i'm hoping it's just fixed and
gone, but ...


Re: Claws-mail Address Book Bug?

2022-03-13 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, Cindy Sue Causey wrote:

On 3/12/22, Brad Rogers  wrote:

On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 09:19:52 +1100
Charlie  wrote:

Discovered that when I looked for the mailing list on the net.
I dare not say googled because there is some controversy about

IKWYM, but in most circles that word is still the 'go to' one as the verb
for "use a search engine"

I remember very early on where there was at least one headline that
said Google was considering court action over the use of its name as a
verb (copyright, trademark, etc):

That never made sense because being repetitively used as a common verb
meant they had arrived, were mainstream at least with tech folks, and
received free publicity every time it occurred.

Cindy :)

likely the producers of Aspirin wouldn't like the producers of Tylenol 
advertising Tylenol as "the best Aspirin there is!"

oddly and from another angle, it used to be the case in German law 
that 'comparative advertising' was verboten: "any advertising which 
directly or indirectly identifies a competitor or goods or services 
offered by a competitor" says the write-up at 

it is permitted now it seems.

anyway, I'm guessing (not having read the link) Google is aiming at 
competitors, not the general public.



Verbum sat sapienti.

Re: Errors scrolling on boot

2022-03-13 Thread Charles Curley
On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 23:04:02 +
James Allsopp  wrote:

> Hi,
> I found dmesg -D which stopped the errors scrolling but I can't find
> the problem in the logs, or why it's not booting further.

Can you show us the last 40 lines or so of syslog where it stops

> Would not
> having these firmwares installed prevent the boot continuing?

Firmware for wifi, probably not. You just wouldn't get a network

> I'd
> understand that I wouldn't have any wireless, but I've a very old usb
> dongle that will work.

At least with the dongle you should be able to install firmware
packages to test them, copy log files to another computer so you can
email snippits to the list.

> The problem I have is that I also have var mounted as zfs, but that's
> not mounting properly and I can't tell whether it's the upgrade
> stopping zfs working or the firmwares stopping the boot before then.

Now you tell us! Again, we'll need to see actual error messages, such
as log entries.

> dmesg isn't that informative and neither is journalctl -xe,
> unfortunately I can't copy either.

You found the iwlwifi* error. Is that not in syslog or dmesg?

See above on the USB dongle.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

iwd + systemd-networkd + resolvconf wrinkles

2022-03-13 Thread David Wright
This might be considered a reply to:
or the couple of threads around:
or even:

Now that wicd has gone (no Python2), and allegedly wpasupplicant
is not long for this world, I was casting round for a simple way
to run iwd + resolvconf + systemd-networkd as replacement.

  iwd   Highly functional & low resource & DHCP client.
Minimally documented¹, only does wifi (no wired)

  resolvconfShould configure varying nameservers into
resolv.conf for different networks/interfaces.

  systemd-networkd  Runs the wired interfaces.

As the debian-installer installs wpasupplicant, this is
necessarily a conversion process, outlined briefly here,
a combination of howto and diary:

Install iwd, and resolvconf if necessary. You may then need to reboot
if the wifi interface has already been renamed by the kernel, ie if
it's not wlan0. (With buster, there's a missing file that needs adding
first; see below).

$ systemctl --now disable wpa_supplicant.service
$ systemctl --now enable iwd.service

(Those commands are quieter when done as root, or with sudo.)

$ iwctl
Waiting for IWD to start...

This section is interactive. Some of the commands here are just to
confirm its actions and replies. Don't type the "iwctl" before each
command: it's only needed when typing into a bash prompt, as opposed
to the [iwd]# prompt².

  iwctl adapter list
  iwctl adapter phy0 show
  iwctl device list
  iwctl device wlan0 show
  iwctl station list
  iwctl station wlan0 show
  iwctl station wlan0 get-networks
  iwctl station wlan0 connect YourSSID
Type the network passphrase for Cascade5G psk.
Passphrase: *
  iwctl known-networks list
  iwctl station wlan0 show

By the end of all this, the link should be working, and a file
like this will have been written (that only root can see):

# cat /var/lib/iwd/YourSSID.psk 

The other file that I have created on my bullseye is:

# /etc/iwd/main.conf
# use DHCP client built into iwd:
# for use only when travelling:
# systemd-resolved would otherwise default:

That should be enough to get connected to a router via wifi
as soon as it boots up, with DHCP supplying an IP address, and
contents for resolv.conf. However, the latter does not happen
until I make one other change.

The problem appears to be that iwd doesn't have necessary
permission to mess with /run/resolvconf and /etc/resolv.conf.
AIUI it's not file permissions, but internal policy within
systemd. The simplest fix seems to be:³

# cp -ip /lib/systemd/system/iwd.service /etc/systemd/system/

# edit /etc/systemd/system/iwd.service and add these two lines
  to the end of the [Service] section:


The error being eliminated can be seen in /var/log/daemon.log:

  iwd[…]: /usr/sbin/resolvconf: 57: cannot create
 /run/resolvconf/run-lock: Read-only file system
  iwd[…]: resolve: /usr/sbin/resolvconf exited with status (512).

After fixing and rebooting, you should get something like:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   0 enable-updates
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  60 interface
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 298 resolv.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   0 run-lock

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 23 wlan0.dns

Note that the comments in /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf are
misleading, and assume that we're using systemd-resolved.
Running  "resolvectl status", as suggested there, gives:
Failed to get global data: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service not found.

Why don't I use systemd-resolved? (a) I don't understand its
documentation, nor its diagnostic output, and (b) it was slow
resolving, say,, and threw an error rather than
resolve Not a lot of use to me.

If you try this on buster, which has a very old version of iwd,
you need to create this file to prevent the kernel from renaming
the wifi interface, which can cause a race with iwd.

# /etc/systemd/network/
# prevent udev from renaming this interface:
NamePolicy=keep kernel

Also, the EnableNetworkConfiguration=true doesn't appear to
have been implemented on buster's version 0.14, so the IP
configuration has to be left up to systemd-networkd with:

# cat /etc/systemd/network/ 

(/usr/lib/systemd/network/ is
taken from bullseye, but simplified.) However, I haven't seen
any nameservers being added to resolv.conf in buster.

Back in bullseye, I can simultaneously configure a 

Re: Claws-mail Address Book Bug?

2022-03-13 Thread David Wright
On Sun 13 Mar 2022 at 16:02:25 (+), Brad Rogers wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 11:51:03 -0400
> Cindy Sue Causey  wrote:
> > I remember very early on where there was at least one headline that
> > said Google was considering court action over the use of its name as a
> > verb (copyright, trademark, etc):
> > 
> Against who?  I mean, since the term was used by everyone (for certain
> values of everyone), short of suing the *entire* population, what did
> they expect to achieve?
> > 
> >

As the article says, publishers of Websters, sorry, dictionaries.
Or rather, any publisher that bandies them about, without making
it clear that they're registered/proprietary.

> > That never made sense because being repetitively used as a common verb
> > meant they had arrived, were mainstream at least with tech folks, and
> > received free publicity every time it occurred.

It works both ways. Unless companies spend time and money defending
their trademarks, then they become generic through usage, by default.
Each company has to decide on which works better, threatening lawsuits,
or other ways of advertising their brand.

> Hoover never sued anyone for use of their name as a substitute for the
> term vacuuming.

Exactly, which may be why conventional wisdom says they could never
win a case against the word hoovering, in a British court anyway.

> Nor did AVO sue for use of their name as a substitute for multimeter.

Not quite in the same league.

> Companies these days seem to be run by idiots.  Clever idiots, yes.  But
> idiots, just the same.   :-)

That lets a lot of CEOs off the hook: just plead stupidity for the
harm that some of them do.


Re: Installing/Preparing Debian on a headless system

2022-03-13 Thread David Wright
On Wed 09 Mar 2022 at 16:18:08 (+), Brian wrote:
> On Wed 09 Mar 2022 at 17:08:21 +0100, Christian Britz wrote:
> > On 2022-03-09 16:53 UTC+0100, Christian Britz wrote:
> > > On 2022-03-09 16:50 UTC+0100, Brian wrote:
> > >> The short answer is that you use the network-console udeb. To do that,
> > >> I preseed wirh
> > >>
> > >>   d-i anna/choose_modules string network-console
> > >>
> > >> I boot with  a netinst using hd-media and pressed from a file.
> > > That sounds very interesting, can you please give a little bit more of
> > > details? I never have worked with preseeding before.
> > Re-thinking about it, I probably can't use the Debian installer on the
> > Raspi (it does not support UEFI). I probably need to modify one of the
> > images at
> Sorry, I do not know anything about UEFI and the installer. I will,
> however, guide you through the steps to use preseeding and get a
> network console.

That would be most helpful if you would post that.


Tiny fonts, was Re: system lock up, not sure if related to "your system is too slow"

2022-03-13 Thread David Wright
On Thu 10 Mar 2022 at 08:44:10 (-0500), songbird wrote:
> Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:

> > Did you take a look into `dmesg -l err` and `Xorg.log` in this case?
>   no, i didn't, too hard for me to see or sit to squint at the 
> screen to be able to read.  the login prompt and screen fonts
> are so small that i type it all in by memory and can usually 
> get it right.  i used to have it set up where all the terminal 
> fonts would come up with a big enough font that i'd not have 
> that problem, but i've not been dealing much with the raw 
> terminal screens enough to do it on this system yet.

The trick I use to workaround this problem is:

. When the grub screen appears, press "E" instead of Return,

. Look at the Grub script that appears (you don't need to be
  able to actually /read/ it).

. The bottom line is the initrd line, preceded by a comment line,
  The third line from the bottom is the kernel line.

. Press  enough times to reach the bottom (you can just see
  the cursor appear below the bottom line), then  twice, followed
  by . That puts the cursor at the end of the kernel line.

. Type  video=1280x720

. Type Ctrl-X to boot.

For 1280x720, you could try 1920x1080, or 960x540, according
to how large you want the characters. With a screen having
a wide aspect ratio, you might try 1600x900, 800x450, and
so on (ie native resolution ÷ small integer).


Re: voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread gene heskett
On Sunday, 13 March 2022 10:19:13 EDT Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 09:56:38AM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> > On Sunday, 13 March 2022 07:19:39 EDT piorunz wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > Let me just tackle on your HDD issue, as I can't help really with
> > > fans
> > > and voltage.
> > > 
> > > On 13/03/2022 08:15, gene heskett wrote:
> > > > All of this did work on stretch, on this mobo. But now its
> > > > running
> > > > bullseye, and the last 2T seagate drive committed suicide last
> > > > night
> > > > so I have no backup facilities left, I assume it was a "shingled"
> > > > drive, and they are the last seacrate drives I'll own... Ever.
> > 
> > And no one would tell me how to disable or remove them despite my
> > repeated queries,  So I have now found out how to send that bs to
> > /dev/ null, but a reboot is still a reinstall as theres no way to
> > prevent the automatic install of those two facilities in the
> > installer, and there is no way to reboot w/o does a full powerdown,
> > with this lashup needlessly power cycling the drives. Various other
> > things have since occured, each of which has led to a re-install.
> > Wash rinse and repeat about 25 times since early october. Frustrated
> > at the lack of help with my problem because all the recommendations
> > are to unplug ALL the usb stuff during an install, but I have only 1
> > keyboard/mouse kit thats wired, and even that is usb2, not ps2. So
> > how the hell do I install without a keyboard and mouse?
> Gene,
> Several people have told you - including me off-list in response to
> your messages. If you remove USB-serial - esp. FTDI converters and
> similar, this will work for the period of the install. Keyboards and
> mice do NOT trigger brltty / espeak - or you'd never be able to
> install at all. Likewise Logitech and similar dongles for wifi
> keyboards / mice. Random serial leads, maybe.
> > And last evening about dark, the 2nd drive of those twins went
> > offline
> > even though it wasn't mounted, causing smartctl to block kmails
> > ability to queue a new message. Seemingly unrelated to /dev/sdc
> > going offline, but thats what happened. So I tried to reboot. and
> > found my wireless keyboard and mouse were no longer found by the
> > bios despite my finding earlier that they had to be plugged into the
> > bottom accessory breakout for usb2 only stuff. Grub finds them just
> > fine.  After two or so minutes of the bios waiting to find a
> > keyboard and giving up.
> Try plugging the dongle into a USB port rather than onto a cable. USB 2
> or USB 3 shouldn't matter.
> > And you folks are giving me hell for getting frustrated? Something is
> > going to hell in this system and I'm trying to find it. The psu is
> > plenty big enough at 400 watts, nothing is overheating, I've got
> > gkrellm watching about 11 temps and the highest is 31C.  It did find
> > the cpu fan before this reboot, but 4 more reboots since last
> > evening, during the first of which I did get to the bios but only
> > the mouse actually worked, but the bios does find all those sensors,
> > showing them normal in every detail.
> Not giving you hell for getting frustrated - frustration is only too
> human and we all get there - but perhaps for not separating issues and
> helping us to help you with data. Venting in the list will help ease
> your frustration but doesn't do anything for us to help you.
> There's a bunch of devices listed there: 2 x USB hubs / plug in USB
> cards? 
No, but this mobo comes with lots of ports and breakout panels to fill 
empty back panel slots. two usb3's, 2 usb2's on the rear panel tower, and 
headers on the mobo for 4 more of each speed. the keyboard and mouse 
dongles are plugged into a hub on a 5 foot cable to get them close to the 
keyboard and mouse. I could probably plug the dongles in directly, 
haven't tried until I just moved the keyboard and it still works. And so 
does the mouse. They are now plugged into he back panel of the tower case 
and facing me.  Maybe the bios can find them again if it doesn't have to 
go thru a hub.

> If you don't _need_ firewire there: strip out the card. Make
> life simpler.

I have a Sony handicam, uses 8mm metal tapes at about 4 times the 
resolution of vhs. I shoot weddings for friends and such with it, and 
make them into semi hidef cd or dvd copies to keep. firewire and kino 
work really well for that. The camera is in fact plugged in to keep its 
battery charged.
> Strip down to minimal, check, checklist as you put stuff back in.
>  If you're not sure about your Seagate drives -
> they may still be OK - use smartctl and check what they're doing.

They are now both dead to smartctl. Not answering the phone so to speak. 
And apparently smartctl can block everything else. I pulled its data 
cable which seems to have stopped that hang.

> > I am a CET, and I don't think my psu is doing funnies, I just took a
> > dvm and checked the 5 volts on the back of 

Re: got a mdadm puzzler

2022-03-13 Thread gene heskett
On Sunday, 13 March 2022 15:02:15 EDT Andy Smith wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 01:06:39PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> > On Saturday, 12 March 2022 08:50:07 EST Andy Smith wrote:
> > > I think it still might be worth changing the cable and/or moving
> > > the
> > > drive about to see if the error follows the drive or stays with the
> > > port.
> […]
> > Difficult at best. All 4 drives from the same purchase, mounted 2 to
> > the 3.5" adapter, and all 4 shoved into a front panel-less drive
> > cage below the floppy slot in a huge tower case about 17 yo. Rather
> > than blame data cables, I'd start by changing out the power splitter
> > cables, this psu doesn't have near enough sata power plugs for 7
> > drives, only 1 of which is spinning rust.

And that one quit answering the phone fron smartctl yesterday afternoon. 
That was my backup src. So that cable will be hooked to a 1T SSD yet 
today which will be formatted and /home copied to it as that is a huge 
majority of what I need for a backup.  Thats next on the agenda before I 
do anything else. If I casn get a sata power cable out, that might get 
done w/o a powerdown since that seems to be the reinstall generator. 
Got that done, hooked a fresh data cable up to /dev/sdc's socket on the 
mobo, then carefully inserted the power plug, and /dev/sdc just reported 
a temp change from smartctl's scan.

But while I was doing that, I wrote a copy of LinuxCNC's latest buster 
install iso to a key, so if I can get it to boot from a key, I'll have a 
buster install ready to go.

The raid10 is sde-f-g-h, and this drive I must have had it the raid 
before , and is now showing up at /dev/sdd. and on further checking, I've 
rebooted since disconnecting /dev/sdc, and udev has helpfully reset the 
drives on damned letter down, to d-e-f-g. gr. But where the hell 
is it, the drive I just hooked up is marked as an EVO-870 but /dev/sdc is 
an EVO-860 & 500gigs. /dev/sdb is a 240G ADATA 650, and /dev/sdc is 
reporting its a EVO-860 of 500G. Obviously fdisk is getting bogus data 
from some place. You'd better hope I can reboot.  But first clean up /
dev/sdb and reformat & copy /home to it so I might stand a chance of 
recovering my work.

Have fun Charles cuz I sure as heck am not.

> I don't think you need to replace every cable (power and data) at
> once. If you locate which drive is on ata6 now, and move it to
> another port, then whether the error follows the drive or stays with
> the port will provide useful information.

Its in a card cage with a big fan in front and the psu blocking the rear, 
It will be a powerdown to do that. But I don't have much hope, the cable 
I unplugged to get it off the bus was plugged in correctly. If I can get 
the power cable unplugged, then its drawer can be removed from the front.

> Just try to only change one thing at a time so if symptoms do change
> then you can tell what you did to provoke that.

That would be nice,  if the change was easy to do insitu. Its not. 
> Cheers,
> Andy
> --
> -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
> .

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

Re: Errors scrolling on boot

2022-03-13 Thread James Allsopp
I found dmesg -D which stopped the errors scrolling but I can't find the
problem in the logs, or why it's not booting further. Would not having
these firmwares installed prevent the boot continuing? I'd understand that
I wouldn't have any wireless, but I've a very old usb dongle that will work.

The problem I have is that I also have var mounted as zfs, but that's not
mounting properly and I can't tell whether it's the upgrade stopping zfs
working or the firmwares stopping the boot before then.

dmesg isn't that informative and neither is journalctl -xe, unfortunately I
can't copy either.



On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 at 22:44, Charles Curley <> wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 22:16:46 +
> "Andrew M.A. Cater"  wrote:
> > If you used the official media without firmware: add contrib and
> > non-free to your /etc/apt/sources.list and try and install the
> > firmware / boot with the unofficial non-free .iso, use this as rescue
> > medium and install the appropriate non-free firmware you may need.
> That sounds like an Intel wifi adapter. You may want the firmware
> package firmware-iwlwifi.
> --
> Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Can not start a script with systemd

2022-03-13 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 12:24:24AM +0200, Alexis Grigoriou wrote:
>  I got it working, but not how I would rather like it. But I will post
> my solution just in case anyone benefits from it. It seems that the
> User= directive does not load the user's environment, so I ommited that
> directive.

As I said, you may need to set various environment variables such as
HOME.  Once you've identified all of the variables that are needed,
and set them in the unit file or in the wrapper script, then you can
do away with that "su" thing.

Re: Errors scrolling on boot

2022-03-13 Thread Charles Curley
On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 22:16:46 +
"Andrew M.A. Cater"  wrote:

> If you used the official media without firmware: add contrib and
> non-free to your /etc/apt/sources.list and try and install the
> firmware / boot with the unofficial non-free .iso, use this as rescue
> medium and install the appropriate non-free firmware you may need.

That sounds like an Intel wifi adapter. You may want the firmware
package firmware-iwlwifi.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Can not start a script with systemd

2022-03-13 Thread Alexis Grigoriou
On Sun, 2022-03-13 at 16:46 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> If it requires environment variables like HOME to be defined, then
> you
> might need to add those.  Either in the unit file, or in the wrapper
> script.
> Looks like the systemd version uses an "Environment=" directive, from
> systemd.exec(5).  (The hardest part of all this is guessing which man
> page each thing is in, because there are at least three separate man
> pages -- systemd.unit, systemd.service, systemd.exec.)

 I got it working, but not how I would rather like it. But I will post
my solution just in case anyone benefits from it. It seems that the
User= directive does not load the user's environment, so I ommited that
directive. From the unit file I call a script that does 'su -c
aaserver' and everything after runs as the aaserver user.

  Description=Alien Arena Dedicated Server

  su -c aaserver '/home/aaserver/' > /dev/null &
  screen -S cir -d -m rlwrap -A /home/aaserver/aa/alienarena-ded +set \
game arena +exec ctfir.cfg

 In my 1st post I ommited the screen command to keep things simple.
 And thanks again for your help and time, much appreciated

Re: voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread piorunz

On 13/03/2022 21:48, gene heskett wrote:

Ok, so you got it replaced under warranty, right?

no, not no but hell no, i and done with seagate,

Both of them were out of warranty when you bought them, or you just
decided to not get free warranty replacement on the second one because
*they are all so sh*te*?

The first to fail, last october is a 2TB Barracuda ST2000DM006, SN
Z4XAWQ6V, PN 2DM164-302
and it been sitting in somebody's warehouse since 9MAR2018 SO ITS WELL

And what is the second one?

Ha! I have 4 of them, EXACTLY the same drives, running in my server
currently. They are not shingled.

MY stats so far:
Device Model: ST2000DM006-2DM164 (4096 bytes sector)
Power On: 23571 hours
Power Cycles: 1127  (20 hours/cycle)
Temperature: 28 °C
Total Written: 1098 TiB

Device Model: ST2000DM006-2DM164 (4096 bytes sector)
Power On: 26957 hours
Power Cycles: 708  (38 hours/cycle)
Temperature: 29 °C
Total Written: 1387 TiB

Device Model: ST2000DM006-2DM164 (4096 bytes sector)
Power On: 26973 hours
Power Cycles: 708  (38 hours/cycle)
Temperature: 30 °C
Total Written: 912 TiB

Device Model: ST2000DM006-2DM164 (4096 bytes sector)
Power On: 23570 hours
Power Cycles: 1133  (20 hours/cycle)
Temperature: 29 °C
Runtime Bad Blocks: 2
Total Written: 455 TiB

Totally fine for me... 25 thousand hours on each in average, running
perfectly fine 24/7 doing constant heavy server load.

 That means Seagate is not so s**te after all?! How come?
Your "evidence-based testing" proved that all present and future
Seagates are totally worthless forever, no?

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: Errors scrolling on boot

2022-03-13 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 10:10:40PM +, James Allsopp wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just upgraded my system to Bullseye and run into a problem on reboot.
> I'm just getting an error, endlessly:
> [timestamp] Bluetooth: hci0: Reading Intel version information failed (-22)
> [timestamp] Bluetooth: hci0:
> There's an iwlwifi*.ucode error near the start but everything gets
> overwhelmed with the Bluetooth errors.
> I can't make these messages stop, and the system won't boot to a gui,
> although I can log in as root. It's very hard to use. I really need an "OK,
> I get it!" option so I can work on the machine. I've managed to stop
> Bluetooth as a service, but still get these errors on reboot. The cards are
> part of the MSI x570S motherboard, so I can't disconnect them to get a
> working system.
> Any ideas? I'm thinking I might have to chroot and use isenkram?
> Thanks
> James


If you used the official media without firmware: add contrib and non-free
to your /etc/apt/sources.list and try and install the firmware / boot with
the unofficial non-free .iso, use this as rescue medium and install the 
appropriate non-free firmware you may need.

If all else fails, give us more details of your system to help us debug
for you :)

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

Errors scrolling on boot

2022-03-13 Thread James Allsopp
I've just upgraded my system to Bullseye and run into a problem on reboot.

I'm just getting an error, endlessly:
[timestamp] Bluetooth: hci0: Reading Intel version information failed (-22)
[timestamp] Bluetooth: hci0:

There's an iwlwifi*.ucode error near the start but everything gets
overwhelmed with the Bluetooth errors.

I can't make these messages stop, and the system won't boot to a gui,
although I can log in as root. It's very hard to use. I really need an "OK,
I get it!" option so I can work on the machine. I've managed to stop
Bluetooth as a service, but still get these errors on reboot. The cards are
part of the MSI x570S motherboard, so I can't disconnect them to get a
working system.

Any ideas? I'm thinking I might have to chroot and use isenkram?

Re: Seagate HDDs (was: voltage monitoring Q)

2022-03-13 Thread Felix Miata
gene heskett composed on 2022-03-13 17:48 (UTC-0400):

> The first to fail, last october is a 2TB Barracuda ST2000DM006, SN 
> Z4XAWQ6V, PN 2DM164-302
> and it been sitting in somebody's warehouse since 9MAR2018 SO ITS WELL 

My ST2000DM006 Z4Z7NKTD was made 2017-02-08, about 4 months before I bought it. 
trouble so far, thought the STB it's in hasn't been powered up 24/7 since 
nearly 2
years ago.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

Re: voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread gene heskett
On Sunday, 13 March 2022 17:07:00 EDT piorunz wrote:
> On 13/03/2022 13:56, gene heskett wrote:
> > Thats debatable. I had 2 of them purchased last summer to replace a
> > couple of 1T's that were getting too small.
> Still under warranty then. Get them replaced by Seagate.
> > I was put into he boot
> > position in August from backups, the other was put in as amandatapes
> > when that install was running stretch ok. The first one disappeaed
> > in the middle of the night in early october,
> Ok, so you got it replaced under warranty, right?

no, not no but hell no, i and done with seagate, I'll be all SSD's before 
the day is over. Money doesn't count when there is no dependability. Thts 
what I thought I was buying when I skiped over the cheaper WD's.
> > (...) So how the hell do I install without a keyboard and
> > mouse? (...) > keyboard and mouse were no longer found by the bios
> > (...)> 
>  > Something is
>  > going to hell in this system and I'm trying to find it. (...)
> All this is totally irrelevant, I cut it out, won't be commenting or
> replying to your adventure stories
> > And you folks are giving me hell for getting frustrated?
> Who it giving you hell? Which folks? You replying to me here in this
> post. I simply suggested that you SHOULD determine is Seagate drive was
> shingled or not, before saying something like "all Seagate is bad
> forever". Don't imply or assume. VERIFY.
> > That drive that failed last night is the second of two I bought less
> > than a year back. Older seagates were bulletproof, I've one laying
> > around here someplace with 70,000 spinning hours on it, was still ok
> > when I took it out as it was my amanda drive and 93% full. 25
> > reallocated sectors at about 1000 hours, still 25 reallocated
> > sectors 70,000 spinning hours later. Seagate did make good drives,
> > once upon a time.
> 1. Get your Seagate replaced under warranty,
> 2. Check if it's shingled or not, in time you spend writing irrelevant
> side-story in your post you would find that info already.
> 3. Share model here someone I am sure will find this info for you if
> you don't know how/not willing to.
The first to fail, last october is a 2TB Barracuda ST2000DM006, SN 
Z4XAWQ6V, PN 2DM164-302
and it been sitting in somebody's warehouse since 9MAR2018 SO ITS WELL 

So I'm going to copy /home to a 240g that I was using for amanda's dump 
buffer, hoping it will fit, and reboot if it will. Then, just maybe 
catting /proc/mdstat might make some sense. Right now drive(0) is not the 
first drive in the array.

Or, while I'm doing that, maybe some one can tell me how to refresh that 
to match what I in fact actually have.
> --
> With kindest regards, Piotr.
> ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀
> ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
> ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀
> ⠈⠳⣄
> .

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

Re: voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread piorunz

On 13/03/2022 13:56, gene heskett wrote:

Thats debatable. I had 2 of them purchased last summer to replace a
couple of 1T's that were getting too small.

Still under warranty then. Get them replaced by Seagate.

I was put into he boot
position in August from backups, the other was put in as amandatapes when
that install was running stretch ok. The first one disappeaed in the
middle of the night in early october,

Ok, so you got it replaced under warranty, right?

(...) So how the hell do I install without a keyboard and
mouse? (...) > keyboard and mouse were no longer found by the bios (...)

> Something is
> going to hell in this system and I'm trying to find it. (...)

All this is totally irrelevant, I cut it out, won't be commenting or
replying to your adventure stories

And you folks are giving me hell for getting frustrated?

Who it giving you hell? Which folks? You replying to me here in this
post. I simply suggested that you SHOULD determine is Seagate drive was
shingled or not, before saying something like "all Seagate is bad
forever". Don't imply or assume. VERIFY.

That drive that failed last night is the second of two I bought less than
a year back. Older seagates were bulletproof, I've one laying around here
someplace with 70,000 spinning hours on it, was still ok when I took it
out as it was my amanda drive and 93% full. 25 reallocated sectors at
about 1000 hours, still 25 reallocated sectors 70,000 spinning hours
later. Seagate did make good drives, once upon a time.

1. Get your Seagate replaced under warranty,
2. Check if it's shingled or not, in time you spend writing irrelevant
side-story in your post you would find that info already.
3. Share model here someone I am sure will find this info for you if you
don't know how/not willing to.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: Can not start a script with systemd

2022-03-13 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 10:05:11PM +0200, Alexis Grigoriou wrote:
>  I still get an error and alienarena-ded does not load.

What's the error?

> I forgot to
> mention that the server doesn't run in the background but when loaded
> it stays in it's console.

That's good.  That's what you want.

> I tried all the options you suggested, with
> and without the wrapper script and as exec and forking type.
>  I did like your last approach which I hoped would have worked. It does
> seem more simple to let systemd handle the whole thing. Oh, and one
> more thing, the .cfg file is in a other directory (~/.local/share/cor-
> games/arena) I do believe this has to do with some XDG stuff, but I
> assume that the User=aaserver directive handles that.

If it requires environment variables like HOME to be defined, then you
might need to add those.  Either in the unit file, or in the wrapper

Looks like the systemd version uses an "Environment=" directive, from
systemd.exec(5).  (The hardest part of all this is guessing which man
page each thing is in, because there are at least three separate man
pages -- systemd.unit, systemd.service, systemd.exec.)

Re: Can not start a script with systemd

2022-03-13 Thread Alexis Grigoriou
On Sun, 2022-03-13 at 10:17 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> Or, if you want to get rid of the wrapper script entirely:
> =
> [Unit]
> Description=Alien Arena Dedicated Server
> [Service]
> Type=exec
> User=aaserver
> WorkingDirectory=/home/aaserver/aa
> ExecStart=/home/aaserver/aa/alienarena-ded +set game arena +exec
> ctfir.cfg
> [Install]
> =

 Thanks for your informative reply and making things more clearer to

 I still get an error and alienarena-ded does not load. I forgot to
mention that the server doesn't run in the background but when loaded
it stays in it's console. I tried all the options you suggested, with
and without the wrapper script and as exec and forking type.
 I did like your last approach which I hoped would have worked. It does
seem more simple to let systemd handle the whole thing. Oh, and one
more thing, the .cfg file is in a other directory (~/.local/share/cor-
games/arena) I do believe this has to do with some XDG stuff, but I
assume that the User=aaserver directive handles that.

Re: voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread gene heskett
On Sunday, 13 March 2022 12:59:40 EDT Charles Curley wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 04:15:38 -0400
> gene heskett  wrote:
> > What do I install into a bullseye system, that will monitor the fans
> > and psu voltages on this mobo? lm-sensors, mbmon and friends from the
> > bullseye repos have been installed but apparently theres still a
> > missing link. What might it be?
> Did you run sensors-detect successfully?

As a matter of fact, yes, had it re-write the modprobe stuff, restarted 
kmod, gkrellm etc. No luck. Still no fans or voltages in gkrellm.

> --
> Does anybody read signatures any more?
> .
TAke care Charles, and stay well.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

Re: got a mdadm puzzler

2022-03-13 Thread Andy Smith

On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 01:06:39PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> On Saturday, 12 March 2022 08:50:07 EST Andy Smith wrote:
> > I think it still might be worth changing the cable and/or moving the
> > drive about to see if the error follows the drive or stays with the
> > port.


> Difficult at best. All 4 drives from the same purchase, mounted 2 to the 
> 3.5" adapter, and all 4 shoved into a front panel-less drive cage below 
> the floppy slot in a huge tower case about 17 yo. Rather than blame data 
> cables, I'd start by changing out the power splitter cables, this psu 
> doesn't have near enough sata power plugs for 7 drives, only 1 of which 
> is spinning rust.

I don't think you need to replace every cable (power and data) at
once. If you locate which drive is on ata6 now, and move it to
another port, then whether the error follows the drive or stays with
the port will provide useful information.

Just try to only change one thing at a time so if symptoms do change
then you can tell what you did to provoke that.


-- -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

Re: Claws-mail Address Book Bug?

2022-03-13 Thread Nicholas Geovanis
On Sun, Mar 13, 2022, 11:26 AM mick crane  wrote:

> On 2022-03-13 16:02, Brad Rogers wrote:
> > On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 11:51:03 -0400
> > Cindy Sue Causey  wrote:
> >
> > Hello Cindy,
> >
> >> said Google was considering court action over the use of its name as a
> >
> > Against who?  I mean, since the term was used by everyone (for certain
> > values of everyone), short of suing the *entire* population, what did
> > they expect to achieve?
> >
> > Hoover never sued anyone for use of their name as a substitute for the
> > term vacuuming.  Nor did AVO sue for use of their name as a substitute
> > for multimeter.
> >
> > Companies these days seem to be run by idiots.  Clever idiots, yes.
> > But
> > idiots, just the same.   :-)
> over 20 odd years ago a friend said his American friends were all
> complaining that their children wanted to be copyright lawyers.

The subfield has been ennobled with a loftier name in those past 20 years
:-) intellectual property rights law :-)
I think John Marshall Law School here in Chicago had the first specialty by
that name. But law schools are just commodities after all. Bought, sold,
traded :-) It is now the law school of the Univ of Illinois at Chicago :-)

> --
> Key ID4BFEBB31

Re: voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread Charles Curley
On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 04:15:38 -0400
gene heskett  wrote:

> What do I install into a bullseye system, that will monitor the fans
> and psu voltages on this mobo? lm-sensors, mbmon and friends from the 
> bullseye repos have been installed but apparently theres still a
> missing link. What might it be?

Did you run sensors-detect successfully?

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Claws-mail Address Book Bug?

2022-03-13 Thread mick crane

On 2022-03-13 16:02, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 11:51:03 -0400
Cindy Sue Causey  wrote:

Hello Cindy,

said Google was considering court action over the use of its name as a

Against who?  I mean, since the term was used by everyone (for certain
values of everyone), short of suing the *entire* population, what did
they expect to achieve?

Hoover never sued anyone for use of their name as a substitute for the
term vacuuming.  Nor did AVO sue for use of their name as a substitute
for multimeter.

Companies these days seem to be run by idiots.  Clever idiots, yes.  

idiots, just the same.   :-)

over 20 odd years ago a friend said his American friends were all 
complaining that their children wanted to be copyright lawyers.



Re: Claws-mail Address Book Bug?

2022-03-13 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 11:51:03 -0400
Cindy Sue Causey  wrote:

Hello Cindy,

>said Google was considering court action over the use of its name as a

Against who?  I mean, since the term was used by everyone (for certain
values of everyone), short of suing the *entire* population, what did
they expect to achieve?

Hoover never sued anyone for use of their name as a substitute for the
term vacuuming.  Nor did AVO sue for use of their name as a substitute
for multimeter.

Companies these days seem to be run by idiots.  Clever idiots, yes.  But
idiots, just the same.   :-)

 Regards  _
 / )  "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
/ _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
I hit the ground, boy have I arrived!
The History Of The World (Part 1) - The Damned

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Claws-mail Address Book Bug?

2022-03-13 Thread Cindy Sue Causey
On 3/12/22, Brad Rogers  wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 09:19:52 +1100
> Charlie  wrote:
>>  Discovered that when I looked for the mailing list on the net.
>>  I dare not say googled because there is some controversy about
> IKWYM, but in most circles that word is still the 'go to' one as the verb
> for "use a search engine"

I remember very early on where there was at least one headline that
said Google was considering court action over the use of its name as a
verb (copyright, trademark, etc):

That never made sense because being repetitively used as a common verb
meant they had arrived, were mainstream at least with tech folks, and
received free publicity every time it occurred.

Cindy :)
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

Re: Can not start a script with systemd

2022-03-13 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 01:44:23PM +0200, Alexis Grigoriou wrote:
>  The script to start alienarena-ded:
>#! /bin/sh
>killall alienarena-ded
>sleep 5
>cd /home/aaserver/aa
>./alienarena-ded +set game arena +exec ctfir.cfg
>exit 0

There are two or three problems with this.  I'll start with the most
obvious and important ones first:

1) You didn't check the result of cd.  If the cd fails, then you might
   end up running the wrong command.  Of course, it's not *likely* that
   there is an alienarena-ded command in another directory, so maybe
   you'll be fortunate enough that the command following cd will also
   fail.  But there's no reason to assume it.

   cd /home/aaserver/aa || exit 1

2) You didn't "exec" the alienarena-ded command.  This means your script
   forks alienarena-ded as a child process, and then both the script and
   the alienarena-ded hang around in memory together, as separate PIDs.

   exec ./alienarena-ded +set game arena +exec ctfir.cfg

Note: in order for this to work correctly, the alienarena-ded should
run as a simple foreground task.  It must not fork and abandon a child
process ("self-daemonizing" or "self-backgrounding").  If it does this
by default, look for an option to stop it from doing this.  If it has
no such options, then the entire remainder of this email is incorrect,
and you'll have to rewrite everything for a Type=forking service.

And the less obvious problem:

3) You appear to be relying on the killall command to clean up previous
   instances of the alienarena-ded command.  Don't do this.  Write
   everything correctly, and then let systemd manage it all.

In fact, you don't need this wrapper script at all.  Everything it does
should be handled by a properly written systemd unit.

But for now, let's just keep the wrapper script, and have the systemd
unit invoke the wrapper script, which will then invoke the alienarena-ded

Here's the corrected wrapper script:

cd /home/aaserver/aa || exit 1
exec ./alienarena-ded +set game arena +exec ctfir.cfg

> And the unit file:
>Description=Alien Arena Dedicated Server
>ExecStop=/usr/bin/killall alienarena-ded

You have Type=exec but the way you wrote your original wrapper script
(with the forked-not-exec'ed alienarena-ded) should actually have been

With the corrected wrapper script, and assuming the alienarena-ded
program doesn't self-background, we can now use Type=exec.  We also
don't need the ExecStop= line or the ExecReload= line.  By omitting
the ExecStop= you're telling systemd to just send a SIGTERM, which is
what we want.  You don't need the killall any more, because now that
the alienarena-ded process is a direct child of systemd, systemd can
manage it normally.

You also don't want ExecReload= here.  You don't have a "configuration
reload" feature to invoke.  All you're doing there is stopping (badly!)
and then restarting the original program.  That's not really a reload;
it's a restart.

So, here's our new unit file:

Description=Alien Arena Dedicated Server



Closing notes: your wrapper script is doing its own "cd" (change
directory) command.  That's not wrong.  But it would be better if the
working directory were specified in the systemd unit file, along with
the User= directive.  That would keep all of the fundamental setup
in one place.  So, something like this:


You could also leave the cd command in the wrapper script, as a bit
of redundant protection.

Or, if you want to get rid of the wrapper script entirely:

Description=Alien Arena Dedicated Server

ExecStart=/home/aaserver/aa/alienarena-ded +set game arena +exec ctfir.cfg


Re: voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread mick crane

On 2022-03-13 08:15, gene heskett wrote:

Greetings all;

This mobo is an ASUS Z370-AII, and I'd like to use gkrellm to monitor 

voltages and those fans that have tachs. But those are not detected by
gkrellm, or any of the usual culprits.  Temps are working fine.

All of this did work on stretch, on this mobo. But now its running
bullseye, and the last 2T seagate drive committed suicide last night so 

have no backup facilities left, I assume it was a "shingled" drive, and
they are the last seacrate drives I'll own... Ever.

What do I install into a bullseye system, that will monitor the fans 

psu voltages on this mobo? lm-sensors, mbmon and friends from the
bullseye repos have been installed but apparently theres still a 

link. What might it be?

with a quick look.
sensor viewer that came along with default bullseye installation of Xfce 
looks to be xfce4-sensors.

The GUI has temperatures but the tachometers tab is empty.
"man Xfce4-sensors" doesn't really say how to get tachometer 



Re: voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 09:56:38AM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> On Sunday, 13 March 2022 07:19:39 EDT piorunz wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Let me just tackle on your HDD issue, as I can't help really with fans
> > and voltage.
> > 
> > On 13/03/2022 08:15, gene heskett wrote:
> > > All of this did work on stretch, on this mobo. But now its running
> > > bullseye, and the last 2T seagate drive committed suicide last night
> > > so I have no backup facilities left, I assume it was a "shingled"
> > > drive, and they are the last seacrate drives I'll own... Ever.
> > 
> And no one would tell me how to disable or remove them despite my 
> repeated queries,  So I have now found out how to send that bs to /dev/
> null, but a reboot is still a reinstall as theres no way to prevent the 
> automatic install of those two facilities in the installer, and there is 
> no way to reboot w/o does a full powerdown, with this lashup needlessly 
> power cycling the drives. Various other things have since occured, each 
> of which has led to a re-install. Wash rinse and repeat about 25 times 
> since early october. Frustrated at the lack of help with my problem 
> because all the recommendations are to unplug ALL the usb stuff during an 
> install, but I have only 1 keyboard/mouse kit thats wired, and even that 
> is usb2, not ps2. So how the hell do I install without a keyboard and  
> mouse? 


Several people have told you - including me off-list in response to your
messages. If you remove USB-serial - esp. FTDI converters and similar, this
will work for the period of the install. Keyboards and mice do NOT trigger
brltty / espeak - or you'd never be able to install at all. Likewise Logitech
and similar dongles for wifi keyboards / mice. Random serial leads, maybe.

> And last evening about dark, the 2nd drive of those twins went offline 
> even though it wasn't mounted, causing smartctl to block kmails ability 
> to queue a new message. Seemingly unrelated to /dev/sdc going offline, 
> but thats what happened. So I tried to reboot. and found my wireless 
> keyboard and mouse were no longer found by the bios despite my finding 
> earlier that they had to be plugged into the bottom accessory breakout 
> for usb2 only stuff. Grub finds them just fine.  After two or so minutes 
> of the bios waiting to find a keyboard and giving up.

Try plugging the dongle into a USB port rather than onto a cable. USB 2 or 
USB 3 shouldn't matter.

> And you folks are giving me hell for getting frustrated? Something is 
> going to hell in this system and I'm trying to find it. The psu is plenty 
> big enough at 400 watts, nothing is overheating, I've got gkrellm 
> watching about 11 temps and the highest is 31C.  It did find the cpu fan 
> before this reboot, but 4 more reboots since last evening, during the 
> first of which I did get to the bios but only the mouse actually worked, 
> but the bios does find all those sensors, showing them normal in every 
> detail.

Not giving you hell for getting frustrated - frustration is only too human
and we all get there - but perhaps for not separating issues and helping us
to help you with data. Venting in the list will help ease your frustration
but doesn't do anything for us to help you.

There's a bunch of devices listed there: 2 x USB hubs / plug in USB cards?
If you don't _need_ firewire there: strip out the card. Make life simpler.

Strip down to minimal, check, checklist as you put stuff back in.

 If you're not sure about your Seagate drives -
they may still be OK - use smartctl and check what they're doing.

> I am a CET, and I don't think my psu is doing funnies, I just took a dvm 
> and checked the 5 volts on the back of a drive connector at 5.08 steady, 
> and the 12 volts at the same connector at 12.09 to 12.10 volts. So until 
> proved different, the psu is good.
> And as sudo, I was unable to write a file from lshw to /lshw.out. no 
> permission? But I was able to write it to /tmp/lshw.out so its attached.
> I don't see anything glaringly wrong, but theres 35kb of it, maybe you 
> guys can. I can fix anything you find except my empty coffee cup, the pot 
> is empty too, so thats next.
> That drive that failed last night is the second of two I bought less than 
> a year back. Older seagates were bulletproof, I've one laying around here 
> someplace with 70,000 spinning hours on it, was still ok when I took it 
> out as it was my amanda drive and 93% full. 25 reallocated sectors at 
> about 1000 hours, still 25 reallocated sectors 70,000 spinning hours 
> later. Seagate did make good drives, once upon a time.
> > --
> > With kindest regards, Piotr.
> > 
> > ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀
> > ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
> > ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀
> > ⠈⠳⣄
> > 
> > .
> Thanks all, please stay well.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett.
> -- 

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>  soap, ballot, jury, and 

Re: voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread gene heskett
On Sunday, 13 March 2022 07:19:39 EDT piorunz wrote:
> Hi,
> Let me just tackle on your HDD issue, as I can't help really with fans
> and voltage.
> On 13/03/2022 08:15, gene heskett wrote:
> > All of this did work on stretch, on this mobo. But now its running
> > bullseye, and the last 2T seagate drive committed suicide last night
> > so I have no backup facilities left, I assume it was a "shingled"
> > drive, and they are the last seacrate drives I'll own... Ever.
> Drives die. That's normal. Don't assume if was a shingled drive so it
> must have died because of that. Check it thoroughly by model and
> specifications. You decided to "ban" Seagate by mere assumption, that's
> wrong.
Thats debatable. I had 2 of them purchased last summer to replace a 
couple of 1T's that were getting too small. I was put into he boot 
position in August from backups, the other was put in as amandatapes when 
that install was running stretch ok. The first one disappeaed in the 
middle of the night in early october, which began the reboot=reinstall 
nightmare I've been subjected to since, necause somebody has decreed that 
if a usb to serial adapter was found during the unstall, it absolutely 
HAD to be a braille interface, so brltty and orca just had to be 
installed, but because brltty couldn't find an actual braille interface, 
it blasted the syslogs every 20 seconds with its error messages, making 
the log file so big the machine became slugish to the point of 
unusability in about 3 days. each 20 interval was about 17 lines of 
errors being logged.

And no one would tell me how to disable or remove them despite my 
repeated queries,  So I have now found out how to send that bs to /dev/
null, but a reboot is still a reinstall as theres no way to prevent the 
automatic install of those two facilities in the installer, and there is 
no way to reboot w/o does a full powerdown, with this lashup needlessly 
power cycling the drives. Various other things have since occured, each 
of which has led to a re-install. Wash rinse and repeat about 25 times 
since early october. Frustrated at the lack of help with my problem 
because all the recommendations are to unplug ALL the usb stuff during an 
install, but I have only 1 keyboard/mouse kit thats wired, and even that 
is usb2, not ps2. So how the hell do I install without a keyboard and  

And last evening about dark, the 2nd drive of those twins went offline 
even though it wasn't mounted, causing smartctl to block kmails ability 
to queue a new message. Seemingly unrelated to /dev/sdc going offline, 
but thats what happened. So I tried to reboot. and found my wireless 
keyboard and mouse were no longer found by the bios despite my finding 
earlier that they had to be plugged into the bottom accessory breakout 
for usb2 only stuff. Grub finds them just fine.  After two or so minutes 
of the bios waiting to find a keyboard and giving up.

And you folks are giving me hell for getting frustrated? Something is 
going to hell in this system and I'm trying to find it. The psu is plenty 
big enough at 400 watts, nothing is overheating, I've got gkrellm 
watching about 11 temps and the highest is 31C.  It did find the cpu fan 
before this reboot, but 4 more reboots since last evening, during the 
first of which I did get to the bios but only the mouse actually worked, 
but the bios does find all those sensors, showing them normal in every 

I am a CET, and I don't think my psu is doing funnies, I just took a dvm 
and checked the 5 volts on the back of a drive connector at 5.08 steady, 
and the 12 volts at the same connector at 12.09 to 12.10 volts. So until 
proved different, the psu is good.

And as sudo, I was unable to write a file from lshw to /lshw.out. no 
permission? But I was able to write it to /tmp/lshw.out so its attached.

I don't see anything glaringly wrong, but theres 35kb of it, maybe you 
guys can. I can fix anything you find except my empty coffee cup, the pot 
is empty too, so thats next.

That drive that failed last night is the second of two I bought less than 
a year back. Older seagates were bulletproof, I've one laying around here 
someplace with 70,000 spinning hours on it, was still ok when I took it 
out as it was my amanda drive and 93% full. 25 reallocated sectors at 
about 1000 hours, still 25 reallocated sectors 70,000 spinning hours 
later. Seagate did make good drives, once upon a time.
> --
> With kindest regards, Piotr.
> ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀
> ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
> ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀
> ⠈⠳⣄
> .
Thanks all, please stay well.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
description: Desktop Computer
product: System Product Name (SKU)
vendor: System 

Re: Ukrainian language

2022-03-13 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 07:48:41AM +0100, Ihor Sovych wrote:
> Good afternoon Dear developers of my favorite DEBIAN OS.
> My name is Ihor Sovych, I am Ukrainian.
> I understand that you are very busy people, but anyway - I ask you very much
> to make the Ukrainian language in the Debian OS full-fledged.
> This is necessary for us Ukrainians!!! Thank you for what you do!!.
> -- 
> With kind regards, Ihor Sovych

Hello Ihor,

We have very few Ukrainian developers and so we are reliant on the efforts
of volunteers to translate documentation, the wiki site, the web site.

If you can help us to help you by finding volunteers to improve Ukrainian
language support, it would be most welcomed.

We do have various translation teams and a method of working: I am sure
that the debian-www team - the web team - could use some help. 
There is no Ukrainian localisation list but there is a list discussing
localisation and translation in general.

This page may help: I can't tell how accurate it is because I don't read or
speak Ukrainian.

There is a debian-ukrainian list - it does not appear very active but
the users there may also be helpful. is the last activity
from 2021/04. is the Debian index in Ukrainian.
I notice that there are probably many pages that are not translated into

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

Can not start a script with systemd

2022-03-13 Thread Alexis Grigoriou
Hello list,

 I'm running a game server on a VPS (Alien Arena). I have a script to
load it and it works fine when I invoke it. However when trying to load
it from systemd it always fails. Also this is my first attemp to load
something from systemd. Fresh install debian stable fully updated.

 The script to start alienarena-ded:

   #! /bin/sh
   killall alienarena-ded
   sleep 5
   cd /home/aaserver/aa
   ./alienarena-ded +set game arena +exec ctfir.cfg
   exit 0

And the unit file:

   Description=Alien Arena Dedicated Server

   ExecStop=/usr/bin/killall alienarena-ded


 For the service type I have tried exec, simple and forking. All have
the same behaviour:

aas.service - Alien Arena Dedicated Server
 Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/aas.service; enabled; vendor
preset: enabled)
 Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2022-03-13 12:13:40
CET; 7min ago
Process: 3053 ExecStart=/home/aaserver/ (code=exited,
Process: 3059 ExecStop=/usr/bin/killall alienarena-ded
(code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 3053 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CPU: 11ms

Mar 13 12:13:35 nanos systemd[1]: Starting Alien Arena Dedicated
Mar 13 12:13:35 nanos systemd[1]: Started Alien Arena Dedicated Server.
Mar 13 12:13:35 nanos[3054]: alienarena-ded: no process found
Mar 13 12:13:40 nanos killall[3059]: alienarena-ded: no process found
Mar 13 12:13:40 nanos systemd[1]: aas.service: Control process exited,
code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Mar 13 12:13:40 nanos systemd[1]: aas.service: Failed with result

 Any help is appreciated

Re: Ukrainian language

2022-03-13 Thread piorunz

On 13/03/2022 06:48, Ihor Sovych wrote:

Good afternoon Dear developers of my favorite DEBIAN OS.

My name is Ihor Sovych, I am Ukrainian.

I understand that you are very busy people, but anyway - I ask you very
much to make the Ukrainian language in the Debian OS full-fledged.

Hi Igor!
This Debian group is for Debian users, not developers. You will meet
normal people here just like you :)

Debian is in Ukrainian already. Maybe you missed this? You can select
Ukrainian (I think) already in Debian Installer:

This is necessary for us Ukrainians!!!

I don't think so. Learning English is more necessary for Ukrainians,
unless you want to stay in your country - in that case you already have
Debian in Ukrainian, so problem is solved. But outside of your country,
I'd say, unfortunately, you need to learn a new language if you want to
be successful.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread piorunz


Let me just tackle on your HDD issue, as I can't help really with fans
and voltage.

On 13/03/2022 08:15, gene heskett wrote:

All of this did work on stretch, on this mobo. But now its running
bullseye, and the last 2T seagate drive committed suicide last night so I
have no backup facilities left, I assume it was a "shingled" drive, and
they are the last seacrate drives I'll own... Ever.

Drives die. That's normal. Don't assume if was a shingled drive so it
must have died because of that. Check it thoroughly by model and
specifications. You decided to "ban" Seagate by mere assumption, that's

With kindest regards, Piotr.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

voltage monitoring Q

2022-03-13 Thread gene heskett
Greetings all;

This mobo is an ASUS Z370-AII, and I'd like to use gkrellm to monitor psu 
voltages and those fans that have tachs. But those are not detected by 
gkrellm, or any of the usual culprits.  Temps are working fine.

All of this did work on stretch, on this mobo. But now its running 
bullseye, and the last 2T seagate drive committed suicide last night so I 
have no backup facilities left, I assume it was a "shingled" drive, and 
they are the last seacrate drives I'll own... Ever.

What do I install into a bullseye system, that will monitor the fans and 
psu voltages on this mobo? lm-sensors, mbmon and friends from the 
bullseye repos have been installed but apparently theres still a missing 
link. What might it be?

Thank you.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

Re: Claws-mail Address Book Bug?

2022-03-13 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 09:19:52 +1100
Charlie  wrote:

Hello Charlie,

>   Thanks Brad,

You're welcome.

>   Discovered that when I looked for the mailing list on the net.
>   I dare not say googled because there is some controversy about

IKWYM, but in most circles that word is still the 'go to' one as the verb
for "use a search engine"

>Strange, can only assume things have changed, but when I started using
>Linux, people would say, RTFM or google is your friend. [shrug]

People do still say RTFM, but not as much as they used to.
However, google has *never* been your friend. ;-)

>Everything changes I suppose.

Except change.  That's a constant.

(oh, the oxymoronic irony)

 Regards  _
 / )  "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
/ _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
But they didn't tell him the first two didn't count
Tin Soldiers - Stiff Little Fingers

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Claws-mail Address Book Bug?

2022-03-13 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 12 Mar 2022 15:13:05 -0700
Charles Curley  wrote:

Hello Charles,

>I don't think so. Control-V works correctly (insert text from the
>clipboard) in other applications, and in other parts of claws-mail,
>such as the compose window and preference menu. I looked through

Each part of Claws Mail is independent (WRT short cut key combos), so
short cuts in the address book won't affect other parts of CM.  Further,
changes in CM's shortcuts won't affect other apps.  However..

>~/.claws-mail/menurc and nothing looked like it was creating such an
>shortcut, for the address book or anywhere else.

.that would seem to be conclusive.

>> >Has anyone else seen this?
>> 'fraid not.  Sorry.  


 Regards  _
 / )  "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
/ _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
You criticize us, you say we're sh*t, but we're up here doin' it
We're The League - Anti-Nowhere League

Description: OpenPGP digital signature