Re: OFF TOPIC - Problemas com mysql

2022-04-22 Thread Gustavo Villela Goulart
Opá Mauricio, boa noite!

Vc mexeu na conf do mysql?

Por default o path do datadir é: /var/lib/mysql
Seu datadir esta assim: /dbase/mysql

Se vc alterou essa configuração na mão, ou as aplicações que vc esta usando
fizeram essa alteração, é o que esta causando o problema.
Para vc alterar o datadir do mysql, faça assim:
   - Pare o mysql
   - Copie todos os arquivos de /var/lib/mysql para o novo diretório
   - Altere o path  datadir= /dbase/mysql
  - Inicie o mysql

Se vc não fez assim e só copiou os datafiles do bacula e da outra
aplicação, não vai funcionar. Se copiou com o banco funcionando(mysql
startado), provavelmente corrompeu os arquivos.

Espero ter ajudado.

Em sex., 22 de abr. de 2022 às 19:25, Mauricio Neto 

> Amigo boa tarde.
> Desculpe o off topic já que se trata de um problema de mysql e não Debian
> mas como nesta comunidade temos conhecedores de tudo relato uma situação
> muito estranha na esperança que algum dos amigos já tenham visto algo
> parecido, ou posam indicar um forum mais apropriado...
> Instalei o mysql 8.0, Apache2, PHP7.4, o Moodle (EAD) e o Bacula backup.
> tudo funcionando perfeitamente durante alguns dias e sem que ocorresse
> qualquer evento estranho tenho o seguinte cenário:
> As aplicações não encontram os databases.
> O  mysql -u root passa a conectar sem senha ou usando a opção -p aceita
> qualquer besteira que eu digite como senha. Originalmente criado com senha
> como sempre o faço e situação verificada quando esquecia ou errava  a
> digitação da senha :-)
> No repositório do mysql   (/dbase/mysql) existi os banco de dados moodle e
> bacula como pode ser visto com o ls mas o comando mysql show databases não
> mostra os bancos.
> O comando select user   não mostra os usuários moodle e bacula criados
> anteriormente para as respectivas bases de dados e o não aparece mais
> nenhum hash de senha para o root.
> Efetuei um teste definindo uma nova senha para o root com o comando ALTER
> conforme pode ser visto abaixo mas a senha não foi criada...
> O repositório do banco de dados (/dbase/mysql) esta usando o filesystem
> XFS.
> Qualquer ajuda sera bem vinda, inclusive a indicação de um forum sobre
> mysql.
> Agradecendo a todos,
> Mauricio Neto
> =
> +Teste do bacula
> bconsole
> Connecting to Director Enterprise:9101
> 1000 OK: 10002 Enterprise-dir Version: 11.0.5 (03 June 2021)
> Enter a period to cancel a command.
> *list volumes
> Automatically selected Catalog: EnterpriseCatalog
> Could not open catalog database "bacula".
> mysql.c:290 Unable to connect to MySQL server.
> Database=bacula User=bacula
> MySQL connect failed either server not running or your authorization is
> incorrect.
> You have messages.
> *mess
> 22-abr 01:25 Enterprise-dir JobId 4: No Jobs found to prune.
> 22-abr 01:25 Enterprise-dir JobId 4: Begin pruning Files.
> 22-abr 01:25 Enterprise-dir JobId 4: No Files found to prune.
> 22-abr 01:25 Enterprise-dir JobId 4: End auto prune.
> *list jobs
> Could not open catalog database "bacula".
> mysql.c:290 Unable to connect to MySQL server.
> Database=bacula User=bacula
> MySQL connect failed either server not running or your authorization is
> incorrect.
> ==
> + Configuração mysql
> /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d# more mysqld.cnf
> [mysqld]
> pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
> socket= /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
> datadir= /dbase/mysql
> log-error= /var/log/mysql/error.log
> innodb_file_per_table= 1
> character-set-server= utf8mb4
> collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci
> skip-character-set-client-handshake
> [mysql]
> default-character-set = utf8mb4
> ===
> ++ Usando o mysql
> mysql -u root
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> mysql> show databases;
> ++
> | Database   |
> ++
> | information_schema |
> | mysql  |
> | performance_schema |
> | sys|
> ++
> 4 rows in set (0,01 sec)
> ==
> ls /dbase/mysql
>  auto.cnf binlog.04 binlog.09 client-cert.pem
> ibdata1  mysql   server-cert.pem
>  *bacula* binlog.05 binlog.10
>  client-key.pem   ib_logfile0 mysql.ibd   server-key.pem
>  binlog.01 binlog.06 binlog.index'#ib_16384_0.dblwr'
> ib_logfile1 performance_schema   sys
>  binlog.02 binlog.07 ca-key.pem'#ib_16384_1.dblwr'
> '#innodb_temp'   private_key.pem   undo_001
>  binlog.03 binlog.08 ca.pem ib_buffer_pool
> *moodle*  public_key.pem   undo_002
> mysql> select user, host, 

Re: Solved (partially) Re: What happened?

2022-04-22 Thread Dennis Wicks

The Wanderer wrote on 4/21/22 17:14:

On 2022-04-21 at 14:37, Dennis Wicks wrote:

Dennis Wicks wrote on 4/16/22 18:16:

When I first installed Debian 10, I installed Win 10 in a
virtual machine using KVM/QEMU and everything just worked. I
could copy/paste between host and vm and access host disks
in the vm. And zfs file systems worked.

The main problem was that dpkg would kill the system trying
to setup

Mark this SOLVED (partially): software problem.

dpkg continued to kill the system trying to setup
linux-headers. I discovered that dpkg will purge the
linux-headers package and then I can try installing again.
On one try I was running pg on dkms in an attempt to see
what was going on that killed the machine. Two times I got a
long screen full of tasks running various types of cc just
before the crash.

What's "pg"? It doesn't appear to be e.g. a shell builtin ('type pg'
reports 'bash: type: pg: not found'), and I don't find it in the
archive. For example,

$ apt-file search -x /pg$

finds only two results, from the package grass-core, which appear to be
(parts of? related to?) database drivers.

I set up my pg to repeat every few secs and spooled the
output to a file. Then I started a tail on that spool file.
Surprise!! It ran to completion!

Here is my analysis: I have a big system. An AMD 8 core
Ryzen running at 3.8GHz with 64GB of memory. I think that
without any other load on the machine some task is getting
started before it should and either steps on a task that
should have finished by that time or can't find something
that was supposed to be created by a task that hasn't run
yet. It has to be something serious because all the
screens/sessions are cleared and the system is frozen. I
have to use the reset button to re-start and once or twice I
have had to cycle the power to get re-booted.

This doesn't look like a terribly likely scenario to me, but if it *is*
what's happening, that's definitely a bug - though a bug in what is less
than clear.

Sorry, pg = ps

That is the only thing I can think of that it might be. I 
have run dpkg --configure -a or with a specific package name 
and every time the package was linux-image-... or 
linux-headers-... it killed my machine. It happened with 
kernel 4.19.0-18-amd64 and 4.19.0-20-amd64. I ran it a dozen 
or more times with the same results. The two times that I 
caught any output from ps that was useful it was running 
many tasks of cc.

Re: Why does this take so much time?

2022-04-22 Thread Charles Curley
On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 18:46:39 +
"Andrew M.A. Cater"  wrote:

> Thanks for stepping in with concrete help - it's good that we had
> someone else running Signal to help.

I was in a position to help, so I did. I have not so far heard back
from Steve whether he has found a solution.

> I think the point I wanted to make is that we _can't_ be expected to
> help out on all third party .debs, especially when that .deb is
> compiled against an obsolescent version of Ubuntu. Likewise "I'm
> running Linux Mint / TDE and I can't find support in their channel -
> please help"

I agree, people should not expect help on 3rd party applications,
frankendebians, or other situations that run against the standard
advice around here. I think you did a good job of explaining this to

Once in a while, someone asks for help in such a situation, and someone
else is in a position to give it. But that's the exception. So I have
no problem with someone asking. I do take exception to some twatwaffle
getting irate because no-one answered his badly framed and off-topic

Besides, we're all volunteers here, something some people can't seem to
get wedged between their ears.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

OFF TOPIC - Problemas com mysql

2022-04-22 Thread Mauricio Neto

Amigo boa tarde.

Desculpe o off topic já que se trata de um problema de mysql e não 
Debian mas como nesta comunidade temos conhecedores de tudo relato uma 
situação muito estranha na esperança que algum dos amigos já tenham 
visto algo parecido, ou posam indicar um forum mais apropriado...

Instalei o mysql 8.0, Apache2, PHP7.4, o Moodle (EAD) e o Bacula backup. 
tudo funcionando perfeitamente durante alguns dias e sem que ocorresse 
qualquer evento estranho tenho o seguinte cenário:

As aplicações não encontram os databases.

O  mysql -u root passa a conectar sem senha ou usando a opção -p aceita 
qualquer besteira que eu digite como senha. Originalmente criado com 
senha como sempre o faço e situação verificada quando esquecia ou 
errava  a digitação da senha :-)

No repositório do mysql   (/dbase/mysql) existi os banco de dados moodle 
e bacula como pode ser visto com o ls mas o comando mysql show databases 
não mostra os bancos.

O comando select user   não mostra os usuários moodle e bacula 
criados anteriormente para as respectivas bases de dados e o não aparece 
mais nenhum hash de senha para o root.
Efetuei um teste definindo uma nova senha para o root com o comando 
ALTER  conforme pode ser visto abaixo mas a senha não foi criada...

O repositório do banco de dados (/dbase/mysql) esta usando o filesystem XFS.

Qualquer ajuda sera bem vinda, inclusive a indicação de um forum sobre 

Agradecendo a todos,
Mauricio Neto


+Teste do bacula

Connecting to Director Enterprise:9101
1000 OK: 10002 Enterprise-dir Version: 11.0.5 (03 June 2021)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
*list volumes
Automatically selected Catalog: EnterpriseCatalog
Could not open catalog database "bacula".
mysql.c:290 Unable to connect to MySQL server.
Database=bacula User=bacula
MySQL connect failed either server not running or your authorization is 

You have messages.
22-abr 01:25 Enterprise-dir JobId 4: No Jobs found to prune.
22-abr 01:25 Enterprise-dir JobId 4: Begin pruning Files.
22-abr 01:25 Enterprise-dir JobId 4: No Files found to prune.
22-abr 01:25 Enterprise-dir JobId 4: End auto prune.

*list jobs
Could not open catalog database "bacula".
mysql.c:290 Unable to connect to MySQL server.
Database=bacula User=bacula
MySQL connect failed either server not running or your authorization is 

+ Configuração mysql

/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d# more mysqld.cnf

pid-file    = /var/run/mysqld/
socket        = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
datadir        = /dbase/mysql
log-error    = /var/log/mysql/error.log

innodb_file_per_table    = 1
character-set-server    = utf8mb4
collation-server     = utf8mb4_unicode_ci

default-character-set = utf8mb4
++ Usando o mysql

mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

mysql> show databases;
| Database   |
| information_schema |
| mysql  |
| performance_schema |
| sys    |
4 rows in set (0,01 sec)
ls /dbase/mysql
 auto.cnf     binlog.04     binlog.09  client-cert.pem  
ibdata1      mysql server-cert.pem
*bacula*         binlog.05     binlog.10  client-key.pem   
ib_logfile0 mysql.ibd server-key.pem
 binlog.01     binlog.06     binlog.index '#ib_16384_0.dblwr'   
ib_logfile1 performance_schema   sys
 binlog.02     binlog.07     ca-key.pem '#ib_16384_1.dblwr'  
'#innodb_temp'   private_key.pem       undo_001
 binlog.03     binlog.08     ca.pem  ib_buffer_pool *moodle*    
  public_key.pem undo_002

mysql> select user, host, authentication_string from mysql.user;
| user | host  | authentication_string |
| mysql.infoschema | localhost | 
| mysql.session    | localhost | 
| mysql.sys    | localhost | 

| root | localhost | |
4 rows in set (0,00 sec)

Defino uma senha para root 

double affiche avec Lenovo Legion 5 17ARH05H

2022-04-22 Thread Christophe_VANHOUTTE

J'ai deux carte graphique dans mon PC portable.

Je vous activer un monteurs externe sauf que
ARANDR ne voir pas,  il voit: '' eDP-1''

J'ai copié cette ligne de commande qui me donne les deux cartes graphique:

 lspci -vnn | grep -A 12 '\''[030[02]\]' | grep -Ei "vga|3d|display|kernel"

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation TU116M 
[GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Mobile] [10de:2191] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA 

Kernel driver in use: nouveau
Kernel modules: nouveau
05:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 
[AMD/ATI] Renoir [1002:1636] (rev c6) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

Kernel driver in use: amdgpu
Kernel modules: amdgpu

Je suis coincé pour activer les deuxième moniteur ou bien même de 
choisir une carte graphique par défaut.

Merci pour vos astuces.


Debian Duster 10.8|Kernel 4.19.0-14-amd64|Xorg 1.20.4 & Xfce 4.12  #  # Il faut dire GNU/Linux :)
GNU/Linux : May the Force be with you !

Re: Debian 9 Xfce intermittent keyboard and mouse erratic behavior or lockup

2022-04-22 Thread David Christensen

On 4/21/2022 5:28 PM, David Christensen wrote:

On 4/21/22 13:50, David Wright wrote:

On Thu 21 Apr 2022 at 01:02:56 (-0700), David Christensen wrote:

What package do I file a bug report against?

It's not clear from reading your posts (unless it requires some
correlation, on my part, of your observations) whether you have
had storms on USB2 ports on several machines, 

Yes -- at least two laptops and one desktop.

or only on ones that appear to work intermittently.

The USB 2.0 ports in the desktop are the most recent lock up.  I do not 
recall a lock up in the laptops recently; just GUI random pointing 
device storms.

If the former, have they always involved the KVM?

The USB 2.0 failures occur with and without the KVM switch.

The USB 3.0 correct behavior occurs with and without the KVM switch.

Do you configure the mouse at all, bearing in mind that unplugging
and replugging it may lose that configuration. (I don't know how
KVMs fit into this model.)

Changing pointing device settings via Xfce Applications Menu -> Settings 
-> Mouse and Touchpad does not seem to affect the failures, but I have 
not made many changes.

Always bearing in mind that reporting against Debian 9 might only
result in a stifled yawn.

The same problem exists in Debian 9, 10, and 11.  I can readily file bug 
reports against Debian 9 and 11 (I wiped and reused my Debian 10 SSD).

I saw one GUI input event storm in ~6 hours of use following the above 
post with Debian 9, KVM, and USB 3.0.


Re: Why does this take so much time?

2022-04-22 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 12:17:27PM -0600, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 17:48:06 +
> "Andrew M.A. Cater"  wrote:
> > Mixing .deb packages from multiple Debian/Debian-derived
> > distributions is normally a very bad idea -
> >
> In general I agree with this. However, this is what the signal folks
> tell Debian users to do. So if they answer Steve at all, that is likely
> what they will tell him to do.

Hi Charles,

Thanks for stepping in with concrete help - it's good that we had someone
else running Signal to help. I think the point I wanted to make is that
we _can't_ be expected to help out on all third party .debs, especially
when that .deb is compiled against an obsolescent version of Ubuntu.
Likewise "I'm running Linux Mint / TDE and I can't find support in their
channel - please help"

A large chunk of the mails here are sorting out:

"I don't know how to edit an /etc/apt/sources.list" or
"I added some app from some site and it all broke" or
"I mixed Ubuntu and Debian and now I don't know what I have"

Those are almost as popular as the favourite:

"I did something, then I did something else then X happened so I did Y
and now it's not working but I've no idea how I got here" 

which is a well known thread starter here.

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

Re: Why does this take so much time?

2022-04-22 Thread Charles Curley
On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 17:48:06 +
"Andrew M.A. Cater"  wrote:

> Mixing .deb packages from multiple Debian/Debian-derived
> distributions is normally a very bad idea -

In general I agree with this. However, this is what the signal folks
tell Debian users to do. So if they answer Steve at all, that is likely
what they will tell him to do.

root@hawk:~# apt show signal-desktop
Package: signal-desktop
Version: 5.40.0
Priority: optional
Section: default
Maintainer: Signal Messenger, LLC 
Installed-Size: 375 MB
Depends: libnotify4, libxtst6, libnss3, libasound2, libxss1
Recommends: libappindicator3-1
Vendor: Signal Messenger, LLC 
License: AGPL-3.0-only
Download-Size: 116 MB
APT-Manual-Installed: yes
APT-Sources: xenial/main amd64 Packages
Description: Private messaging from your desktop

N: There are 43 additional records. Please use the '-a' switch to see them.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Why does this take so much time?

2022-04-22 Thread Charles Curley
On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 19:26:47 +0200
steve  wrote:

> When I 'apt update', the following URL takes ages:
> Atteint :2 xenial InRelease
> Why? Do you see the same?

As luck would have it, I just had an update for signal (5.40) waiting
for me. I saw no noticeable delay.

What is your sources.list for signal? I have:

root@hawk:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list 
deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/signal-desktop-keyring.gpg] xenial main

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Why does this take so much time?

2022-04-22 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 07:26:47PM +0200, steve wrote:
> Hi,
> When I 'apt update', the following URL takes ages:
> Atteint :2 xenial InRelease
> Why? Do you see the same?
> Best,
> s

Hi steve,

Sorry: This is a third party .deb package which appears to be packaged
for an Ubuntu release 16.04  (Xenial Xerus) that is now out of standard
support from Canonical with effect from the release of Jammy Jellyfish 

I'm not sure we can help you on this list and I would suggest that you

Mixing .deb packages from multiple Debian/Debian-derived distributions is
normally a very bad idea -

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

Why does this take so much time?

2022-04-22 Thread steve


When I 'apt update', the following URL takes ages:

Atteint :2 xenial InRelease

Why? Do you see the same?



[SOLVED] Re: Openbox and multiple screens.

2022-04-22 Thread peter
Hello Davidson,  thanks for the reply.

From: davidson 
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2022 23:07:28 + (UTC)
>  $ man 7 X
> ...
> ... -geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT+XOFF+YOFF ...

This line in ~/.config/openbox/autostart starts firefox without recognition of 
(sleep 3s && firefox -geometry 800x600+1000+20 ) & doesn't mention geometry but 
suggested this.
(sleep 3s && xterm -e firefox -height 480 -width 640 ) &
Good, that works.

Google and a bit of luck led to this page 
and the link to this.

This command with a click on the target window is critical to 
identification of a window.
obxprop | grep "^_OB_APP"

This stanza puts the firefox window at the upper left of the right 

   1300 0 

A window with these properties 
stumped me until recognizing that this stanza provides a default 
(matches any window) case.

   10 10 

For now this is the complete applications stanza in 

# Default window location at the upper left of display coordinates.

   10 10 

   1300 0 

There might be a way to include window height and width in rc.xml but 
I'm content to leave them in /home/me/.config/openbox/autostart for 

From: davidson 
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2022 23:07:28 + (UTC)
> As for which screen, see the section titled "DISPLAY NAMES" in the
> same manual.

Here display :0 spans the two screens.  One display coordinate system 
can be used directly as above.

Thanks again, ... P.

mobile: +1 778 951 5147
  VoIP: +1 604 670 0140
   48.7693 N 123.3053 W

Re: system freeze

2022-04-22 Thread mick crane

On 2022-04-20 21:52, Felix Miata wrote:

You left out the S part of inxi -SGayz, so we don't see the kernel
parameters to confirm whether radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1
was in effect on the current boot.

well that's 2 days, touch wood, and we have stability.
many thanks.


Re: What is z3fold and do I need it? (error: /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 12: /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/local.conf: z3fold: not found)

2022-04-22 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Fri, 04 Mar 2022, Ottavio Caruso wrote:
> ~$ sudo find /lib/modules/ -iname "*z3fold*"
> /lib/modules/4.19.0-17-amd64/kernel/mm/z3fold.ko
> /lib/modules/4.19.0-14-amd64/kernel/mm/z3fold.ko
> /lib/modules/4.19.0-8-amd64/kernel/mm/z3fold.ko
> Then why doesn't it load up?

update-initramfs -u -v, and check the debug output.  Maybe it will have
a hint on what failed.

  Henrique Holschuh

Unable to boot with LVM.

2022-04-22 Thread Maliga Saman

I get an error while trying to setup LVM and boot from it. Please find the 
screenshot of the error attached with this email.

Any ideas?

Maliga Saman.
Mobile: +91 9444281879

Unable to boot with LVM.

2022-04-22 Thread Maliga Saman

I get an error while trying to setup LVM and boot from it. Please find the 
screenshot of the error attached with this email.

Any ideas?

Maliga Saman.
Mobile: +91 9444281879

Unable to boot with LVM.

2022-04-22 Thread Maliga Saman

I get an error while trying to setup LVM and boot from it. Please find the 
screenshot of the error attached with this email.

Any ideas?

Maliga Saman.
Mobile: +91 9444281879

Re: Desktop environment and VNC

2022-04-22 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 08:57:36AM +0200, Julius Hamilton wrote:
> There are many VNC servers that can be installed from apt, but you also
> need a desktop environment, which can be installed from tasksel.
> I see in tasksel that I already have Debian Desktop Environment and GNOME
> installed.
> I am pretty sure my VNC server is running and fine as it is except a DE is
> not running so that’s why I can’t connect.
> Is it enough to launch the DE, open a new screen with Screen, then launch
> the VNC?

There are two kinds of VNC servers.

The first kind runs a VNC session which is totally independent of what's
running on the physical display (if anything).

The second kind runs inside an existing X11 session, and replicates that
X11 session as a VNC session.  I only know of *one* VNC server which does
this, and its name is "x11vnc".

> Does the VNC depend on the DE having been launched first?

Only the second kind (x11vnc) does.

> Or do I have to launch the DE from the VNC’s xstartup file?

For everything else, yeah.  That's how it would normally be done.

With most VNC servers, you get a command called "vncserver" which is a
symlink to whatever the real command is.  And to start a VNC session as
yourself, you would login, and then run something like:

  vncserver :1

This would attempt to start a VNC session on the :1 display.  Obviously,
if something is already using :1 this will fail.  You'd need to use :2
or whatever, in that case.

Each VNC session is accessible by a separate TCP port, which is some
constant plus the display number.  The VNC client software should give
you some way to select which port/session you want to connect to,
usually with :1 or :2 or whatever display number as the indicator.

For more details, see the documentation for whichever VNC server package
you choose to try.

Oh, one last thing: you may not want to run a full-blown desktop
environment as your VNC session.  I mean, you *can*, but it's probably
overkill, and some of the fancy features may not work right.  You
may want to install a traditional window manager and use that for your
VNC session(s) instead.  But it's totally up to you, as we don't know
what your specific needs are.

(I've got some end users at work who use VNC sessions for working from
home on a specific task.  I installed fvwm and configured a basic menu
and a VNC session startup script for them to use.  They all adapted to
it quite well.)

Re: Debian 9 Xfce intermittent keyboard and mouse erratic behavior or lockup

2022-04-22 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 05:28:35PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:
> On 4/21/22 13:50, David Wright wrote:
> > On Thu 21 Apr 2022 at 01:02:56 (-0700), David Christensen wrote:
> > > What package do I file a bug report against?
> > 
> > It's not clear from reading your posts (unless it requires some
> > correlation, on my part, of your observations) whether you have
> > had storms on USB2 ports on several machines,
> Yes -- at least two laptops and one desktop.
> > or only on ones that appear to work intermittently.
> The USB 2.0 ports in the desktop are the most recent lock up.  I do not
> recall a lock up in the laptops recently; just GUI random pointing device
> storms.
> > If the former, have they always involved the KVM?
> The USB 2.0 failures occur with and without the KVM switch.
> The USB 3.0 correct behavior occurs with and without the KVM switch.
> > Do you configure the mouse at all, bearing in mind that unplugging
> > and replugging it may lose that configuration. (I don't know how
> > KVMs fit into this model.)
> Changing pointing device settings via Xfce Applications Menu -> Settings ->
> Mouse and Touchpad does not seem to affect the failures, but I have not made
> many changes.
> > Always bearing in mind that reporting against Debian 9 might only
> > result in a stifled yawn.
> The same problem exists in Debian 9, 10, and 11.  I can readily file bug
> reports against Debian 9 and 11 (I wiped and reused my Debian 10 SSD).
> David

Hello David(s)

Bearing in mind that LTS support for Debian 9 Stretch ends in approximately
two months (2022-06-30), I'd suggest that a bug report there will probably 
not attract significant attention, though there is likely to be a final
point release as it goes out of LTS.

I would advise anybody running Debian 9 now to consider moving forwards to
10 or 11. Debian 10's EOL for stable support before transition to LTS is 
approximately 2022-08 -

If it's a bug on 9/10/11 and there's a KVM involved - it's likely to be 
the KVM in all honesty - I have similar problems with a KVM not recognising
a trackball until it's unplugged/replugged. USB 2.0 for that one.

All the very best, as ever, 

Andy Cater

Audacity parameter 'phase_shift' out of range [0 - 30]

2022-04-22 Thread davenull


While trying to debug Audacity

- too much background noise
- unusable preferences menus on GTK DE (LXDE) with dark theme, even with 
dark theme from audacity menu.

I launched it from the terminal too see if there is any error and I got 
this error

[AVAudioResampleContext @ 0x55c8497eb4c0] Value 160.00 for parameter 
'phase_shift' out of range [0 - 30]

That certainly haven't anything to do with the broken dark-theme 
(partial dark theme, with grey text on white background in the options 
names in prefs), and probably nothing to do with background noise. But 
I still want to correct that parameter, so I least I don't have another 
broken option/parameter to worry about and I could focus on the initial 
problems. The problem is I'm not familiar with Audacity at all, so 
I have no idea how/where to change this menus.

I don't use Audacity often, chances than I have forced any parameter out 
of range is pretty, but still, I thought maybe I did, so I deleted 
audacity.cfg file so Audacity recreates the default config, but doesn't 
correct that error so it probably the default config from Debian 
package. At least on Debian old stable. I don't have time for full 
upgrade at the moment, though I should do it as soon as possible. But 
I'm still not even even sure it will correct the described problems. 
Until I can do the fill upgrade, I'd still like to correct the 
'phase_shift' parameter value. Does anyone know where it can be done ? 
Doesn't look like that 160.00 value stored in a text-file because 
ag_silversearcher (like grep but better) didn't find anything on my 
homedir for "phase_shift". And of course, I looked for audacity 
parameters in /etc but I found nothing.

I'd like to either find where is "phase_shift" stored so I can modify 
it, or to know where (audacity.cfg in homedir?)) and how (syntax) to 
override it. OR doen it come from another software than audacity itself 
? (audio server) ?

PS : Not to mention the spyware "telemetry" in the newer versions, v3.x 
I think ?. I wanted to tried Tenacity but not packaged for Debian, but 
I'd rather avoid AppImage stuff (because it is annoying in terms of 
maintenance/security/upgrade management), and it doesn't even start by 
the way, it required some library which isn't included in the Image and 
can't be installed on Debian because of dependency conflict.

in het Nederlands

2022-04-22 Thread steef

Aan Paul van der Vlis. en ev. anderemn?

Beste Paul,

Ik word geconfronteerd met iets waarmee ik nog nooit te maken heb gehad. Een soort drietrapsraket aan beveiligingen voor website 
waarop ik dingen voor de rouwpraktijk van mijn vrouw pleeg te regelen. Inloggen gaat per certificaat: dat is ok.
Vervolgens wordt een pincode plus ww gevraagd. Is ook ok. En dan, dat is (nog) niet ok, een 2FA beveiliging. Volgens mij zijn daar 
libpam module(s) voor nodig waarmee ik geen enkele ervaring heb. De website = VEZOZO (voor zorg en zorgverleners/instellingen). 
Mijn vraag: wil je als je wilt en kunt mij hiermee helpen? Zodat ik als vcanouds die website weer op kan?

Hoop van je te 'horen'

Je buurman,

Steef  (met de handen in het haar)
E Casimirlaan7

debian_linux gebruiker sinds 1998

[Path forward] WAS: Changing from Debian 9.13 to Debian 11.3

2022-04-22 Thread Richard Owlett

On 04/21/2022 07:03 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

I am not upgrading in place.

I currently have Debian 9.13 installed on one partition with /home on a 
different partition.

I will install Debian 11.3 on a fresh partition and have /home remain on 
its current partition.

I'm aware of cautions about upgrading in-place  cf 

Are there things to be aware of when using the same /home partition on 

Yes. This discussion has pointed out several things I wish I had been 
aware of when I had done the original install.

Debian 11 will be installed on a different physical machine which has 
much more physical disk space and an available SSD slot.

I will use a separate /home partition and take a look at possible 
additional partitions while moving data piecemeal from this machine.

Thanks to all for some education.

Re: has received bounces from you

2022-04-22 Thread Sébastien NOBILI


Le 2022-04-21 10:53, ajh-valmer a écrit :

On Thursday 21 April 2022 00:45:14 Debian Listmaster Team wrote:

In the last seven days we've seen bounces for the following list:
8 bounces out of 25 mails in 7 days (32%, kick-score is 80%)
If the bounce-rate passes the kick-score, our bounce-detection will 

remove your subscription.


Voici ce que je reçois, visiblement avec Free,
mes mails ne passent plus pour raisons de spams...
(envoi mail d'un inscrit à la liste Debian est-il un spam ?)

Mes mails envoyés à à la liste Debian ne me reviennent plus.

Tu as ça en envoyant par le Webmail de Free ou bien par ton MUA ?

(Dans l'absolu c'est pas très grave et habituel qu'il y ait des bounces 
sur les
listes Debian, notamment lorsque du spam est relayé via elles, mais 32% 
c'est un
score que je n'ai jamais eu, donc la situation mérite de s'en 


Re: (deb-cat) Nomes 1 nucli visible amb processador i7-960

2022-04-22 Thread Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't 
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator 
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

El 19/4/22 a les 9:28, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:

On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 08:39, Narcis Garcia > wrote:

Joan, no sé si et vaig donar les gràcies per les teves aportacions, que
són les que em van deixar la qüestió encara una mica oberta per a

M'agradaria de nou revisar «in situ» la configuració de la BIOS, però
encara no he tingut oportunitat d'anar al local on hi ha aquest

Cercant per Internet m'ha coincidit el problema amb altres a qui el
«dmesg» ens dóna això:
$ sudo dmesg | grep -ie smp
[    0.00] Linux version 5.10.0-13-amd64
) (gcc-10 (Debian 10.2.1-6)
20210110, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.35.2) #1 SMP Debian
5.10.106-1 (2022-03-17)
[    0.011607] found SMP MP-table at [mem 0x000ff780-0x000ff78f]
[    0.028155] smpboot: Boot CPU (id 0) not listed by BIOS
[    0.028156] smpboot: Allowing 1 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
[    0.089892] Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 32K
[    0.094262] smpboot: SMP disabled
[    0.095019] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
[    0.095020] smp: Brought up 1 node, 1 CPU
[    0.095021] smpboot: Max logical packages: 1
[    0.095022] smpboot: Total of 1 processors activated (6414.37

és a dir, que Linux no detecta CAP processador ni nucli, i aleshores
assumeix que n'hi ha un.

N'hi ha que ho atribueixen a problemes amb ACPI/APIC:
$ sudo dmesg | grep -ie APIC
[    0.028146] ACPI: No APIC-table, disabling MPS
[    0.086114] APIC: ACPI MADT or MP tables are not detected
[    0.086139] APIC: Switch to virtual wire mode setup with no
[    0.086139] Not enabling interrupt remapping due to skipped
IO-APIC setup
[    1.062116] intel_idle: Local APIC timer is reliable in C1

He provat amb aquestes combinacions de paràmetre per a Linux, i la
última és la única que M'HA DONAT BON RESULTAT:
nolapic noapic

Has provat aquests?



Gràcies; provat sense bon resultat.
Encara segueixo amb acpi=off

$ nproc

Aleshores, em pregunto com ho haig de fer per a què l'ordinador es
aturar per programari, ja que ACPI em sembla que és la única via per a
fer efectiu un «poweroff».

He trobat que n'hi ha que ho resolgueren actualitzant la BIOS, que
és el
primer que jo ja havia fet.

Aquí n'hi ha que comenten, sota un problema semblant, que Debian
obté el
GRUB d'un repositori amb un defecte per a «memcpy», però imagino que no
té res a veure amb el meu problema:

Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 20/2/22 a les 9:54, Joan Baptista ha escrit:
 > Hola, Narcís.
 > Si per el que sembla, ja has revisat i comprovat que a la teva
BIOS tot
 > està bé i a la BIOS et detecta tots els nuclis, potser seria el
 > de provar diferents comandes i/o programes dintre del teu Debian
 > GNU/Linux (que no veig quina versió utilitzes ... suposo que la
 > 11.2 oi?).
 > Jo també m'he trobat en diferents distribucions basades en Debian
11.x i
 > Debian "sid" que no mostrava correctament tots els nuclis i fils del
 > processador, tot i que era en processadors bastant mes antics, i
 > depenent de la instrucció que utilitzava.
 > Espero que això t'ajudi enlloc de despistar-te. Jo no faig servir la
 > comanda "journalctl" però a mes del tradicional "cat /proc/cpuinfo"
 > també utilitzo "lscpu",  "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu cores' " per
 > saber quants nuclis i "lscpu | grep 'CPU(s):' " per saber quants
fils em
 > detecta el meu GNU/Linux basat en un Debian recent.
 > Amb el que t'he llegit en aquesta llista ja imagino que ben poc
et puc
 > ensenyar jo a tu i sospito que si et recomano afegir-li una
 > gràfica al teu Debian amb CPU intel i7-960 i provar CPU-G i

Desktop environment and VNC

2022-04-22 Thread Julius Hamilton

I am having some difficulty connecting to Debian 11 Bullseye via VNC.

I am trying to understand the situation comprehensively.

There are many VNC servers that can be installed from apt, but you also
need a desktop environment, which can be installed from tasksel.

I see in tasksel that I already have Debian Desktop Environment and GNOME

I am pretty sure my VNC server is running and fine as it is except a DE is
not running so that’s why I can’t connect.

Is it enough to launch the DE, open a new screen with Screen, then launch
the VNC?

Does the VNC depend on the DE having been launched first?

Or do I have to launch the DE from the VNC’s xstartup file?

One thing I am also struggling with is finding the launch commands for the
DEs I install with tasksel; they don’t seem to correspond to their names.
I.e., I know I installed gnome, but don’t know the command to launch it. Is
there an easy way to scan your system for DE launch commands?

I think “systemctl start gdm3” might do it.

So is the most smooth and straightforward way to get VNC going putting that
in my .vnc/xstartup file? Is that it or is there anything else to be sure
to do?

Thanks very much,