Re: Detailed Leafpad manual [not just manpage]?

2022-12-04 Thread Bob McGowan

On 12/4/22 03:29 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
I wish to document a personal project.The desired format will resemble 
the outline for term papers we wrote in school in the 50's. Except 
some items may be a short paragraph or two long.

I did a web search for text editors with an auto-indent feature.
The only one I recognized was Leafpad. But I couldn't find appropriate 
documentation or "howto". Where would I find it?

Any other suggestions for a basic text editor in the Debian repository 
with an auto-indent feature. I'm not interested in a full blown word 


By "outline for term papers", I presume you mean:

    I.  Topic A

        1.  Topic A subtopic A

        2.  Topic A subtopic B

            a.  Topic A subtopic B subsubtopc A

    II.  Topic B

    ...and so on.

"Autoindenting" should be a standard feature of any text editor use for 

I've used gvim for many years and it has this feature.  You can set it 
during the edit sessions by typing ":set ai", or put "set ai" (or "set 
autoindent") in your .vimrc or .gvimrc file.

To make it work conveniently, you might also want to set the tabstop, 
which by default is 8 spaces, to something less so you don't use up your 
paper width too quickly.  An indent of 2 is enough for basic visibility 
but 3 or 4 might be a bit nicer to work with the outline number part of 
the line.  This would allow you to indent a short paragraph under the 
outline heading such that it lines up with heading text, as in:

    I.  Topic A

       Paragraph ...

I hope this helps.


Getting PC with Ubuntu; change to Debian?

2022-12-04 Thread Patrick Wiseman
Hello, fellow Debian users:

I've had Debian on my computers for a very long time (can't remember
exactly when but early 2000's for sure); and I've had Lenovo laptops for
ages too. I finally need to replace my main laptop (an at least 10-year old
ThinkPad), so I've bought an X1 from Lenovo, with Ubuntu pre-installed (to
be delivered in January).

So, a question. Should I side-grade to Debian (and, if so, how easy would
it be to do that?)? Or will I be happy with Ubuntu (which is, after all, a
Debian derivative)?

I'm very familiar and comfortable with Debian (was happy with 'testing' for
a long time, but have lately reverted to 'stable'). And, although I'm a
rare participant on this list, I enjoy the lurk and would presumably need
to go elsewhere if I had questions about my Ubuntu experience.

Thoughts will be welcome.


Re: Trying to use a KDE lib but stymied by CMake [solved]

2022-12-04 Thread Ross Boylan
On Sat, Nov 26, 2022 at 11:55 AM Ross Boylan
> I am trying to compile a program that calls libkpmcore; it is not
> graphical.  My main interest is in tracing through what scandevices()
> does.
> Since KDE uses CMake, I figured I should too.  But I'm having trouble
> getting the include paths (and quite possibly the libraries if I get
> past that) into the compiler

The general KDE Frameworks tutorial,, says
the target_link_libraries declaration "will not only link the tutorial
target against the KArchive library, it will set up the include paths
properly as well."  This suggests that target_link_libraries takes
care of things for other projects as well.  That isn't quite true for
KPMcore;  KPMcore's README says an explicit include is necessary too,
and I verified it is necessary even with the target_link_libraries.
But once I added


all the other matters, like the include path for Qt, took care of themselves.

The README for the KPMcore doesn't really have enough info to get a
program working, but there are some test programs that do:

Still don't know if there's a way to get cmake --help-module to give
useful info.


Re: ad/tracker/cdn servers lists

2022-12-04 Thread Jeffrey Walton
On Sun, Dec 4, 2022 at 12:08 PM Yassine Chaouche
> I'd like to filter out noise from the dns queries log : ad servers, cdn and 
> trackers domains.
> Anyone knows where I can find good lists that are ready to be used by grep 
> and such tools?

I would probably start by looking at Firefox's implementation. I don't
know the specific implementation files to point at, though.


Re: loss of screen resolution

2022-12-04 Thread Felix Miata
Kleene, Steven (kleenesj) composed on 2022-12-04 18:03 (UTC):

> I do have /usr/lib/xserver-xorg-video-intel.  I don't have
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ but do have /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ with the
> following:
>   10-amdgpu.conf  10-quirks.conf  10-radeon.conf  40-libinput.conf  
> 70-wacom.conf
> It wasn't obvious to me that these were relevant.

> I don't have any useful spare hardware at home, although I do at work.  I
> could steal a VGA cable to test here.

If nothing yet suggested works, a more flexible solution than a manually 
& hard-coded modeline applied after X has already started is letting the server
generate one on startup based upon the formerly provided EDID basics I retrieved
from your old Xorg.0.log:

Ranges: V min: 50 V max: 61 Hz, H min: 30 H max: 83 kHz

Save the following as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-vga.conf:

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "DefaultMonitor"
VendorName  "Dell"
ModelName   "U2412M"
HorizSync   30-83
VertRefresh 50-61
Option  "PreferredMode" "1920x1200"

This early application ought to make it behave more like it used to, unless the
problem is actually inside the display. I've had two 1920x1200s die on me, a 
made in 2005 and a Lenovo made in 2009. My 2560x1080 Dell only lasted 5 years
before refusing to power on any more. :~( The two 1920x1200 I have now are 2011
NEC and 2012 Samsung.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

Re: DNSSEC working but SSHFP reported as insecure

2022-12-04 Thread Casey Deccio

> On Dec 3, 2022, at 12:37 PM, Andre Rodier  wrote:
> On Sat, 2022-12-03 at 12:09 -0700, Casey Deccio wrote:
>> It could be that your default DNS resolver is not validating.  ssh simply 
>> looks at the result of the DNSSEC validation
>> provided by your default resolver [1], so if it's not validating then you 
>> will never get "secure".  In the example in
>> your original post, you queried, which is a validating resolver.  
>> But your default resolver might yield
>> different results.  To test, do the following:
>> $ dig +dnssec sshfp
>> And look for the presence of the "ad" (authenticated data) flag in the 
>> response.
>> Casey
>> [1]
> Thanks for your suggestion.
> I was already using in /etc/resolv.conf, when I had the issue.
> I am running Debian Bullseye.

Even so, please invoke the dig command above and check that the "ad" flag is 
present in the response.

If you see the "ad" flag there, then run your ssh command again, but before you 
do, start something like the following before you invoke your ssh command:

sudo tcpdump -n -w ssh-dns.pcap port 53

(Modify according to your setup...)

Then open ssh-dns.pcap in Wireshark and inspect the DNS response for the 
presence of the "ad" flag.

Here is my output from running ssh on my (nearly) stock debian bullseye system:

casey@rome:~$ ssh -o VerifyHostKeyDNS=ask -o UpdateHostKeys=no
The authenticity of host ' 
(2001:19f0:7402:86e:5400:4ff:fe38:b9b4)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:AMS/SI0c2IA2hufsFiTcE61/q7JYA5TtNUT6FRz1dd4.
Matching host key fingerprint found in DNS.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? no
Host key verification failed.
casey@rome:~$ ssh -o VerifyHostKeyDNS=yes -o UpdateHostKeys=no Permission denied (publickey).

You can see that when I used VerifyHostKeyDNS=yes, it clearly trusted the host, 
based on the SSHFP record.


Re: Debian failed

2022-12-04 Thread Jeffrey Walton
On Sun, Dec 4, 2022 at 5:30 PM hw  wrote:
> On Sun, 2022-12-04 at 20:58 +, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 09:49:59PM +0100, hw wrote:
> > > On Sun, 2022-12-04 at 13:58 -0500, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> > > > On Sun, Dec 4, 2022 at 9:53 AM hw  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > so I wanted to have Debian on a Precision R7910 with AMD graphics card
> > > > > and it failed because it refuses to use the amdgpu module.  I tried
> > > > > forcing to load it when booting and it still didn't work.
> > > > >
> > > > > So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
> > > > > get AMD cards to work.
> > > >
> > > > I think you need around the 5.15 kernel.
> > >
> > > It was fully updated and the amdgpu module would load after forcing it,
> > > yet it didn't work right.  This is something that should --- and does
> > > with Fedora --- work right out of the box.
> > >
> >
> > If Jeffrey is right - and Debian stable will install, then install the 6.0 
> > kernel from backports and a more up to date firmware?
> Thanks, if I try again, that would be worth a try.

Yeah, a newer kernel is probably worth a try. The 5.8 kernel may work.
The 5.15 kernel will work based on my experience.

For completeness, here is the mini-pc I was having trouble with: . It is described as 'AMD Ryzen 5
5560U with AMD Radeon Graphics'.

Here's the result of inxi on Mint 20.3 with the 5.4 kernel. Notice the
use of 'ati,fbdev' drivers.

# inxi -Fxxxz
  Kernel: 5.4.0-135-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 9.4.0
  Console: tty 0 dm: LightDM 1.30.0 Distro: Linux Mint 20.3 Una
  base: Ubuntu 20.04 focal
  Type: Mini-pc Mobo: AZW model: SER v: V1.0 serial: N/A
  UEFI: American Megatrends LLC. v: FP655U504 date: 09/13/2022
  Topology: 6-Core model: AMD Ryzen 5 5560U with Radeon Graphics bits: 64
  type: MT MCP arch: Zen 3 L1 cache: 384 KiB L2 cache: 3072 KiB
  L3 cache: 8192 KiB
  flags: avx avx2 lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 sse4a ssse3 svm
  bogomips: 55095
  Speed: 1330 MHz min/max: 1600/2300 MHz boost: enabled Core speeds (MHz):
  1: 1330 2: 1329 3: 1330 4: 1330 5: 1330 6: 1330 7: 1331 8: 1331 9: 1597
  10: 1597 11: 1330 12: 1328
  Device-1: AMD driver: N/A bus ID: 04:00.0 chip ID: 1002:1638
  Display: server: 1.20.13 driver: ati,fbdev
  unloaded: modesetting,radeon,vesa tty: 80x24
  Message: Advanced graphics data unavailable in console for root.
  Device-1: AMD driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel bus ID: 04:00.1
  chip ID: 1002:1637
  Device-2: AMD Raven/Raven2/FireFlight/Renoir Audio Processor
  driver: snd_rn_pci_acp3x v: kernel bus ID: 04:00.5 chip ID: 1022:15e2
  Device-3: AMD Family 17h HD Audio driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel
  bus ID: 04:00.6 chip ID: 1022:15e3
  Sound Server: ALSA v: k5.4.0-135-generic
  Device-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
  driver: r8169 v: kernel port: f000 bus ID: 01:00.0 chip ID: 10ec:8168
  IF: enp1s0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: 
  Device-2: MEDIATEK driver: N/A port: f000 bus ID: 02:00.0
  chip ID: 14c3:0608
  Local Storage: total: 465.76 GiB used: 21.62 GiB (4.6%)
  ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 vendor: Samsung model: SSD 970 EVO Plus 500GB
  size: 465.76 GiB speed: 31.6 Gb/s lanes: 4 serial:  rev: 2B2QEXM7
  scheme: GPT
  ID-1: / size: 441.93 GiB used: 21.61 GiB (4.9%) fs: ext4
  dev: /dev/nvme0n1p2
  ID-2: swap-1 size: 15.96 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) fs: swap
  dev: /dev/nvme0n1p3
  Message: No sensors data was found. Is sensors configured?
  Processes: 276 Uptime: 1h 01m Memory: 12.66 GiB used: 1.81 GiB (14.3%)
  Init: systemd v: 245 runlevel: 5 Compilers: gcc: 9.4.0 alt: 9
  clang: 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 Shell: bash v: 5.0.17 running in: tty 0 (SSH)
  inxi: 3.0.38

And inxi on Mint 21 with the 5.15 kernel. Notice the use of the 'amdgpu' driver.

$ inxi -Frxxxz
  Kernel: 5.15.0-56-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 11.3.0
Desktop: Cinnamon 5.4.12 tk: GTK 3.24.33 wm: Mutter vt: 7
dm: LightDM 1.30.0 Distro: Linux Mint 21 Vanessa base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy
  Type: Mini-pc Mobo: AZW model: SER v: V1.0 serial: 
UEFI: American Megatrends LLC. v: FP655U504 date: 09/13/2022
  Info: 6-core model: AMD Ryzen 5 5560U with Radeon Graphics bits: 64
type: MT MCP smt: enabled arch: Zen 3 rev: 0 cache: L1: 384 KiB L2: 3 MiB
L3: 8 MiB
  Speed (MHz): avg: 1881 high: 2256 min/max: 400/4062 boost: enabled cores:
1: 1809 2: 1806 3: 1801 4: 1806 5: 2256 6: 2253 7: 1808 8: 1810 9: 1807
10: 1810 11: 1809 12: 1807 bogomips: 55095
  Flags: avx avx2 ht lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 sse4a ssse3 svm
  Device-1: AMD Cezanne driver: amdgpu v: kernel pcie: speed: 8 GT/s
lanes: 16 ports: active: HDMI-A-2 empty: HDMI-A-1 bus-ID: 04:00.0
chip-ID: 1002:1638 class-ID: 0300
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: driver: X: loaded: amdgpu,ati

Re: loss of screen resolution

2022-12-04 Thread Kleene, Steven (kleenesj)
On December 1, 2022 9:41 PM, I wrote:
>> Out of the blue today, my usual screen resolution (1920x1200) became
>> unavailable. ...

On December 4, 2022 1:26 AM, Felix Miata  replied:
> Your old Xorg.0.logs differ significantly from your current ones ...
> This suggests to me your EDID is currently being misread or is incomplete.
> Does your VGA cable have 15 pins on both ends, or only 14? ...

It has 14 pins.  This monitor and cable have worked fine since 2014 with this
desktop running Debian.  About a week before the problem started, I did
disconnect the VGA cable from the desktop input.  I just reseated it
carefully and even rebooted, but that didn't fix the problem.  Maybe I fried
something messing with the connection.

I can confirm that my /var/log/Xorg.0.log (Jul  3  2021) has the EDID content
while ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log (Dec  4 11:57) does not.

> Something to try: switch display driver from modesetting to intel. If
> xserver-xorg-video-intel is not installed, it should be used automatically if
> you install it. If it's already installed, then likely there's a .conf file
> in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ specifically calling it that you could switch to
> calling intel instead.

I do have /usr/lib/xserver-xorg-video-intel.  I don't have
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ but do have /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ with the
  10-amdgpu.conf  10-quirks.conf  10-radeon.conf  40-libinput.conf  
It wasn't obvious to me that these were relevant.

I don't have any useful spare hardware at home, although I do at work.  I
could steal a VGA cable to test here.

Thanks again.

From: Felix Miata 
Sent: Sunday, December 4, 2022 1:26 AM
Subject: Re: loss of screen resolution

External Email: Use Caution

Kleene, Steven (kleenesj) composed on 2022-12-02 02:41 (UTC):
Your old Xorg.0.logs differ significantly from your current ones, and my
own on a similar Intel GPU. In what follows, the current ones and the old
ones omit everything between the first and last lines:

[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): EDID for output VGA-1
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Manufacturer: DEL  Model: a079  Serial#: 810693964
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Year: 2014  Week: 24
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): EDID Version: 1.3
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Analog Display Input,  Input Voltage Level: 
0.700/0.300 V
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Sync:  Separate  Composite  SyncOnGreen
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Max Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 52  vert.: 32
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Gamma: 2.20
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): DPMS capabilities: StandBy Suspend Off; RGB/Color 
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): First detailed timing is preferred mode
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): redX: 0.640 redY: 0.330   greenX: 0.300 greenY: 
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): blueX: 0.150 blueY: 0.060   whiteX: 0.313 whiteY: 
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Supported established timings:
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): 720x400@70Hz
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): 640x480@60Hz
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): 800x600@60Hz
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): 1024x768@60Hz
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Manufacturer's mask: 0
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Supported standard timings:
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): #0: hsize: 1280  vsize 960  refresh: 60  vid: 
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): #1: hsize: 1280  vsize 1024  refresh: 60  vid: 
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): #2: hsize: 1600  vsize 1200  refresh: 60  vid: 
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): #3: hsize: 1680  vsize 1050  refresh: 60  vid: 179
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): #4: hsize: 1920  vsize 1080  refresh: 60  vid: 
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Supported detailed timing:
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): clock: 154.0 MHz   Image Size:  518 x 324 mm
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): h_active: 1920  h_sync: 1968  h_sync_end 2000 
h_blank_end 2080 h_border: 0
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): v_active: 1200  v_sync: 1203  v_sync_end 1209 
v_blanking: 1235 v_border: 0
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Serial No: YMYH146D0R5L
[  2059.607] (II) modeset(0): Monitor name: DELL U2412M
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0): Ranges: V min: 50 V max: 61 Hz, H min: 30 H max: 
83 kHz, PixClock max 175 MHz
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0): EDID (in hex):
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0):   000010ac79a04c355230
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0):   181801030e342078eaee95a3544c9926
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0):   0f5054a1080081408180a940b300d1c0
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0):   010101010101283c80a070b023403020
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0):   36000644211a00ff00594d59
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0):   48313436443052354c0a00fc0044
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0):   454c4c2055323431324d0a2000fd
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0):   00323d1e5311000a2020202020200092
[  2059.608] (II) modeset(0): Printing probed modes for output VGA-1

This suggests to me your EDID is currently being misread or is incomplete.
Does your VGA cable have 15 pins on 

Re: Debian failed

2022-12-04 Thread hw
On Sun, 2022-12-04 at 20:58 +, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 09:49:59PM +0100, hw wrote:
> > On Sun, 2022-12-04 at 13:58 -0500, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> > > On Sun, Dec 4, 2022 at 9:53 AM hw  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > so I wanted to have Debian on a Precision R7910 with AMD graphics card
> > > > and it failed because it refuses to use the amdgpu module.  I tried
> > > > forcing to load it when booting and it still didn't work.
> > > > 
> > > > So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
> > > > get AMD cards to work.
> > > 
> > > I think you need around the 5.15 kernel.
> > 
> > It was fully updated and the amdgpu module would load after forcing it,
> > yet it didn't work right.  This is something that should --- and does
> > with Fedora --- work right out of the box.
> > 
> If Jeffrey is right - and Debian stable will install, then install the 6.0 
> kernel from backports and a more up to date firmware?

Thanks, if I try again, that would be worth a try.

Re: Debian failed

2022-12-04 Thread hw
On Sun, 2022-12-04 at 09:06 -0700, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Sun, 04 Dec 2022 15:52:31 +0100
> hw  wrote:
> > so I wanted to have Debian on a Precision R7910 with AMD graphics card
> > and it failed because it refuses to use the amdgpu module.  I tried
> > forcing to load it when booting and it still didn't work.
> > 
> > So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
> > get AMD cards to work.
> Before I get started with some questions to help you debug the problem,
> did you want some serious debugging assistance, or did you simply want
> to whine?

I'm not whining, I was merely telling.  There must be quite a few people
using AMD cards who must have been running into the same problem.

I can't very well debug this any further since I need the machine
working, so I installed Fedora instead, and I also have currently an
NVIDIA card installed.

After experiencing Debian, I'm no longer really inclined to use it on
workstations.  I'm re-considering Gentoo, but that has had overwhelming
problems in the past with updating which I don't want to have again.

> First serious debugging question: have you consulted Hardware for Linux?

No, why would I?  I expect AMD cards to work out of the box because the
driver comes with the kernel.  It does with Fedora.

When you search for the problem you'll find that I'm not the only one to
have it, and I can only assume that Debian is simply too old.

I just checked and they don't have data about the AMD card.

Re: Debian failed

2022-12-04 Thread hw
On Sun, 2022-12-04 at 15:00 +, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 03:52:31PM +0100, hw wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > so I wanted to have Debian on a Precision R7910 with AMD graphics card
> > and it failed because it refuses to use the amdgpu module.  I tried
> > forcing to load it when booting and it still didn't work.
> > 
> > So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
> > get AMD cards to work.
> > 
> Hi hw
> How did you install - what image, what steps?


> Did you use the firmware installer?

Installed the radeon firmware with aptitude.

> You *only* have the ADMFirePro and no Nvidia card.

No, it's a RX 6600 XT.  Since that card is built unreasonably large, I
put a NVIDIA 1080ti FE into the workstation which I thought is broken. 
However, at least with nouveau drivers, the card works fine.  Once I can
install NVIDIA drivers I'll see if it still works ...

They need to make AMD cards that aren't too large to fit ...

Re: Debian failed

2022-12-04 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 09:49:59PM +0100, hw wrote:
> On Sun, 2022-12-04 at 13:58 -0500, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 4, 2022 at 9:53 AM hw  wrote:
> > > 
> > > so I wanted to have Debian on a Precision R7910 with AMD graphics card
> > > and it failed because it refuses to use the amdgpu module.  I tried
> > > forcing to load it when booting and it still didn't work.
> > > 
> > > So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
> > > get AMD cards to work.
> > 
> > I think you need around the 5.15 kernel.
> It was fully updated and the amdgpu module would load after forcing it,
> yet it didn't work right.  This is something that should --- and does
> with Fedora --- work right out of the box.

If Jeffrey is right - and Debian stable will install, then install the 6.0 
kernel from backports and a more up to date firmware?

All the very best

Andy Cater 

Re: Debian failed

2022-12-04 Thread hw
On Sun, 2022-12-04 at 13:58 -0500, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 4, 2022 at 9:53 AM hw  wrote:
> > 
> > so I wanted to have Debian on a Precision R7910 with AMD graphics card
> > and it failed because it refuses to use the amdgpu module.  I tried
> > forcing to load it when booting and it still didn't work.
> > 
> > So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
> > get AMD cards to work.
> I think you need around the 5.15 kernel.

It was fully updated and the amdgpu module would load after forcing it,
yet it didn't work right.  This is something that should --- and does
with Fedora --- work right out of the box.

Sv: debian mate

2022-12-04 Thread mattias jonsson
Ja altså ljudet funkar
En äldre stationär dator
Går ex inte sänka ljudet inne i mate satt säga
Så man får sänka via alsamixer inne i terminalen
Så den startar med maxvolym
Finns altså ingen Icon för att sänka ljud
Skickades från E-post för 

Från: Jonathan Sélea
Skickat: den 4 december 2022 18:16
Till: mattias jonsson
Ämne: Re: debian mate

Du behöver nog förklara lite hur din setup ser ut.

Är det en VM? Vilken hypervisor?
Ser du ljudenheterna med lspci?

Eller har du installerat den på En laptop/desktop?

// Jonathan

On Dec 4, 2022 08:09, mattias jonsson  wrote:

Installerade debian mate från dvd

Men visa ikoner, ex för ljudet

Är inte där

Installerade mate-desktop-environment-extras

Ingen skillnad

Vad har ja missat?

Skickades från E-post för 

Re: Questions about installing Debian on a laptop

2022-12-04 Thread David Christensen

On 12/4/22 05:52, Gabor Urban wrote:


I am planning to install Debian on a laptop the first time.That will not be
my first installing but I never used notebooks for that. I have found a lot
of useful information but I would like to have some guidance at the start.

What are the most important issues selecting a laptop I should be mindful

Thanks in advance,

As other readers have mentioned, the Linux kernel in Debian Stable is 
typically a year old or more.  So, the latest hardware might no be 
supported.  My newest laptop is a 2019 Dell Latitude 5400 with an Intel 
Core i7-8665U.  My oldest laptop is a 2007 Dell Inspiron E1505 with an 
Intel Core 2 T7400 (upgraded).  Both have Intel integrated graphics 
(only).  Both run Debian.  Both needed non-free Wi-Fi firmware packages.

I agree with the suggestion to test with Debian Live prior to laptop 
purchase or Debian installation.  I would use an image without 
proprietary firmware, so that I could identify firmware issues.  I use 
the Xfce desktop; choose the desktop you prefer, if any:


I typically go one step further and install Debian onto a portable drive 
of some sort (e.g. USB flash drive, SATA SSD with adapter, etc.).  I 
then install whatever drivers, firmware, etc., are needed for my various 
machines; plus my favorite sysadmin/ devops tools.

If you have a make/ model/ series/ range of laptop in mind, I suggest 
posting a message to this list asking if anyone has experience running 
Debian on that laptop.


Re: ad/tracker/cdn servers lists

2022-12-04 Thread Gökşin Akdeniz

4.12.2022 20:07 tarihinde Yassine Chaouche yazdı:

Hello all,

I'd like to filter out noise from the dns queries log : ad servers, cdn 
and trackers domains.
Anyone knows where I can find good lists that are ready to be used by 
grep and such tools?

Dnscrypt-proxy git hub pages has a config file with many repos for 
domain names. A python script is also available for generating a 
complete list f domains. I hope it helps.

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian failed

2022-12-04 Thread Jeffrey Walton
On Sun, Dec 4, 2022 at 9:53 AM hw  wrote:
> so I wanted to have Debian on a Precision R7910 with AMD graphics card
> and it failed because it refuses to use the amdgpu module.  I tried
> forcing to load it when booting and it still didn't work.
> So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
> get AMD cards to work.

I think you need around the 5.15 kernel.

I just went through the same on a new machine with Linux Mint. The old
Mint machine used an Intel chip. I used Clonezilla to move the
filesystem to the new machine with a Ryzen 5 and integrated Radeon
Graphics. The amdgpu driver would not load.

I finally tracked it down to the 5.4 kernel from the old machine and
Linux Mint 20.3. Once I ran the Mint upgrade to Mint 21, the upgrade
installed the 5.15 kernel, and video was Ok.

(Thanks to the folks on the Linux Mint forums for pointing me in the
right direction. I spent hours trying to get amdgpu to load).


Re: problem getting debian live to run

2022-12-04 Thread Joe
On Sun, 4 Dec 2022 04:21:47 + (UTC)
L Dimov  wrote:

>  On Thursday, December 1, 2022, 10:12:21 PM GMT+1, Andrew M.A. Cater
>  wrote:
> I try hard not to use the live CD but to use the normal Debian
> installer instead.
I take your point, but when things get tough, it's worth trying the
latest Knoppix CD download.

Knoppix cannot normally be cleanly updated, so it is of no use as a
working distribution, but it specialises in detecting and running
recent hardware.

If it does run OK (it certainly ought to if Mint does), then we can go
through the process of finding out what it is using that the standard
Debian installation does not provide. It is based on Debian, mainly
sid, so anything it can do, Debian can usually also do once we know
what is required.

If later drivers are needed that require a later infrastructure or
kernel than stable provides, we may be out of luck. I've tried
installing testing from scratch recently, claws-mail is missing
completely, and there are library problems.


Re: GPG problems

2022-12-04 Thread Alain D D Williams
On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 04:28:00PM +0200, Teemu Likonen wrote:
> * 2022-12-04 12:05:56+, Alain D. D. Williams wrote:
> > Part of the problem is the hopeless message "Server indicated a
> > failure" which says little. Any idea how I could get something more
> > informative ?
> You can change debug logging level. Edit ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf file and
> write something like this:
> debug-level expert  #or: guru
> log-file /tmp/dirmngr-log.txt
> Then kill dirmngr
> $ gpgconf --kill dirmngr
> and try key servers again. See the log file mentioned above.

Thanks ... it does not really help (I attach it).
The message is:

command 'KS_PUT' failed: Server indicated a failure 

I ran it with debugging on the Debian 11 machine where it works.

I put the PIv4 address for into /etc/hosts - the Debian 10
machine has IPv6 that works, the Debian 11 machine is IPv4 only. No change.

Alain Williams
Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT 
+44 (0) 787 668 0256
Parliament Hill Computers Ltd. Registration Information:
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.0] permanently loaded certificates: 138
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.0] runtime cached certificates: 0
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.0]trusted certificates: 138 
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] handler for fd 6 started
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> # Home: /home/addw/.gnupg
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> # Config: 
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> OK Dirmngr 2.2.27 at your 
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] connection from process 18850 (1000:1000)
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 <- GETINFO version
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> D 2.2.27
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> OK
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 <- KEYSERVER
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> S KEYSERVER 
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> OK
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 <- KS_PUT
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> INQUIRE KEYBLOCK
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 <- [ 44 20 98 33 04 60 ec 50 
1f 16 09 2b 06 01 04 01 ...(626 byte(s) skipped) ]
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 <- END
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> INQUIRE KEYBLOCK_INFO
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 <- D 
 D D Williams :::%0Auid:1670002234Alain D D 
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 <- END
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] command 'KS_PUT' failed: Server indicated 
a failure 
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> ERR 219 Server indicated a 
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 <- BYE
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> OK closing connection
2022-12-04 17:44:27 dirmngr[18851.6] handler for fd 6 terminated
2022-12-04 17:55:27 dirmngr[18851.0] running scheduled tasks
2022-12-04 18:05:28 dirmngr[18851.0] running scheduled tasks
2022-12-04 18:15:28 dirmngr[18851.0] running scheduled tasks
2022-12-04 18:25:29 dirmngr[18851.0] running scheduled tasks
2022-12-04 18:33:58 dirmngr[18851.6] handler for fd 6 started
2022-12-04 18:33:58 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> # Home: /home/addw/.gnupg
2022-12-04 18:33:58 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> # Config: 
2022-12-04 18:33:58 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> OK Dirmngr 2.2.27 at your 
2022-12-04 18:33:58 dirmngr[18851.6] connection from process 22347 (1000:1000)
2022-12-04 18:33:58 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 <- KILLDIRMNGR
2022-12-04 18:33:58 dirmngr[18851.6] DBG: chan_6 -> OK closing connection
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.0] permanently loaded certificates: 138
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.0] runtime cached certificates: 0
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.0]trusted certificates: 138 
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.6] handler for fd 6 started
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.6] DBG: chan_6 -> # Home: /home/addw/.gnupg
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.6] DBG: chan_6 -> # Config: 
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.6] DBG: chan_6 -> OK Dirmngr 2.2.27 at your 
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.6] connection from process 22360 (1000:1000)
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.6] DBG: chan_6 <- GETINFO version
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.6] DBG: chan_6 -> D 2.2.27
2022-12-04 18:36:18 dirmngr[22361.6] 

Re: Detailed Leafpad manual [not just manpage]?

2022-12-04 Thread Siard
On Sun, 4 Dec 2022 05:29 -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I wish to document a personal project.The desired format will resemble 
> the outline for term papers we wrote in school in the 50's. Except some 
> items may be a short paragraph or two long.

Like some others here, I can only guess what those outlines look like.

> I did a web search for text editors with an auto-indent feature.
> The only one I recognized was Leafpad. But I couldn't find appropriate 
> documentation or "howto". Where would I find it?

Leafpad is just a simple text editor, it does not need documentation.
Just check Options > Auto indent from the menu.
I still have it installed in Bookworm. It was in active development from
2004 till 2010. I think it's a pity Debian removed it for that reason;
it's perfect as it is, it does not need further development.
I have another distro, OpenSUSE, where it is still available.

> Any other suggestions for a basic text editor in the Debian repository 
> with an auto-indent feature. I'm not interested in a full blown word 
> processor.

IMO, a good editor for this purpose would be the Bluefish editor.
It basically supports programming and markup languages.
Indentations may be tabs or spaces.
The size of the indentations is configurable.
The indentation of selected lines may be increased or decreased in one go.

Re: Re : comment trouver (sur Debian ou Ubuntu) le pays géographique d'une adresse IPv4 ou IPv6?

2022-12-04 Thread chezlagrenouille

c'est bien à Jussieu :-)


whois -Bd 2002:a05:6358:50c4:b0:df:c970:db78


whois -Bd

Le 04/12/2022 à 18:32, benoit a écrit :
Le dimanche 4 décembre 2022 à 13:41, Basile Starynkevitch 
 a écrit :


Soit une adresse IPv6 telle que 2002:a05:6358:50c4:b0:df:c970:db78 ou 
une adresse IPv4 telle que  On suppose que ce sont 
des adresses IP fixes!

Comment (quelles commandes utiliser, ou quelles bibliothèques 
logicielles libres ) trouver le pays géographique (ou même la 
région) où se trouvent ces machines (probablement Unix ou Linux 
toutes les deux)?

J'ai essayé ça

Mais ça passe par une api externe...


amicalement:momo alias lagrenouille (^ö^)
Serveur Debian en auto-hébergement

Re: Detailed Leafpad manual [not just manpage]?

2022-12-04 Thread Curt
On 2022-12-04, David Wright  wrote:
> On Sun 04 Dec 2022 at 05:29:58 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:
>> I wish to document a personal project.The desired format will resemble
>> the outline for term papers we wrote in school in the 50's. Except
>> some items may be a short paragraph or two long.
> Tragically I missed out on a US education, so unlike some others
> here, I can't tell just what these term paper outlines look like.

I equally tragically did benefit from one but still remain uncertain
what a term paper outline from the fifties might look like precisely. 

>> I did a web search for text editors with an auto-indent feature.
>> The only one I recognized was Leafpad. But I couldn't find appropriate
>> documentation or "howto". Where would I find it?
> Never heard of it. I prefer sticking to widely used, well-supported
> editors like emacs.
>> Any other suggestions for a basic text editor in the Debian repository
>> with an auto-indent feature. I'm not interested in a full blown word
>> processor.

How about the latex outline package, which has the merit of being short
and sweet?

> There's a wiki which mentions several different circumstances that
> might apply in your case:
> Cheers,
> David.


Re : comment trouver (sur Debian ou Ubuntu) le pays géographique d'une adresse IPv4 ou IPv6?

2022-12-04 Thread benoit
Le dimanche 4 décembre 2022 à 13:41, Basile Starynkevitch 
 a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Soit une adresse IPv6 telle que 2002:a05:6358:50c4:b0:df:c970:db78 ou une 
> adresse IPv4 telle que  On suppose que ce sont des adresses 
> IP fixes!
> Comment (quelles commandes utiliser, ou quelles bibliothèques logicielles 
> libres ) trouver le pays géographique (ou même la région) où se trouvent 
> ces machines (probablement Unix ou Linux toutes les deux)?

J'ai essayé ça

Mais ça passe par une api externe...

Re: [off] MacBook ?

2022-12-04 Thread ptilou
Le dimanche 4 décembre 2022 à 17:20:03 UTC+1, elguero eric a écrit :
> Le dimanche 4 décembre 2022 à 16:40:30 UTC+1, ptilou  a 
> écrit : 
> >J’aimerai d’autre avis …
> salut, j'ai installé FreeBSD sur un ordinateur portable HP. 
> Pour un usage en poste de travail "de base"  (un peu de 
> calcul scientifique, de gnaldouillage sur internet et de 
> visionage de DVD) c'est très similaire à Linux. 
> Le script d'installation est très facile à suivre (du moins 
> quand on valide les choix par défaut, ce que j'avais fait, 
> n'y connaissant rien). A mon avis tu n'as pas besoin 
> d'assistance pour installer FreeBSD. 
> du coup, pour reprendre ton message initial, je doute 
> que ça soit beaucoup plus performant que Linux (vu 
> que ça fait les mêmes choses à peu près de la même 
> façon). 
> je suis revenu à Debian essentiellement parce que la 
> communauté Linux est incomparablement plus vaste, 
> mais FreeBSD fonctionne sans problème. 

Ben pour BSD j’ai vu que la gestion disque dur est différentes de Linux, et 
donc cela m’a semblé plus pointu ?

J’ai essaye de compiler sur un P133, OBSD, quand je ne modifie pas la 
configuration générique aucun problème elle fonctionne comme papa dans maman, 
par contre quand j’enlève des périphériques que l’ordinateur n’a pas la 
compilation échoue systématiquement, je me suis posé la question d’un contrôl 
par cles de hash, j’avais demandé à Miod, qui ne m’a jamais repondu !

Je l’ai installé NetBsd, bon il est en minimal , j’ai essayé de relancer 
l’installation par ajouter dès paquets, il fige, je ne sais pas pourquoi 
peut-être quelqu’un à endomage la cles quand je l’ai monté sur W11 ?, mais dès 
le départ, quand il avait une partition de restauration sur un peux qui 
n’existe plus , il a planté plusieur fois peut-être un défaut matériel, 
possible aussi quelqu’un qui soit venu y toucher ?


ad/tracker/cdn servers lists

2022-12-04 Thread Yassine Chaouche

Hello all,

I'd like to filter out noise from the dns queries log : ad servers, cdn and 
trackers domains.
Anyone knows where I can find good lists that are ready to be used by grep and 
such tools?

My plan is to do something like "grep -f /data/domains.txt -v "

I wonder if it's the right approach though and if grep is optimized for this.


Yassine -- sysadm


side work gigs wanted.

debian mate

2022-12-04 Thread mattias jonsson
Installerade debian mate från dvd
Men visa ikoner, ex för ljudet
Är inte där
Installerade mate-desktop-environment-extras
Ingen skillnad
Vad har ja missat?

Skickades från E-post för 

Re: Detailed Leafpad manual [not just manpage]?

2022-12-04 Thread Andreas Rönnquist
On Sun, 4 Dec 2022 05:29:58 -0600,
Richard Owlett wrote:

>I wish to document a personal project.The desired format will resemble
>the outline for term papers we wrote in school in the 50's. Except
>some items may be a short paragraph or two long.
>I did a web search for text editors with an auto-indent feature.
>The only one I recognized was Leafpad. But I couldn't find appropriate
>documentation or "howto". Where would I find it?
>Any other suggestions for a basic text editor in the Debian repository
>with an auto-indent feature. I'm not interested in a full blown word

It seems leafpad is obsolete and not maintained any longer (It is only
available in Debian Stretch).

If you could try something else, I would try mousepad (which actually
is a fork of leafpad).

If you would be ready to try something new and are not afraid of
massive amount of settings (and thereby possibilities) but still
GTK-based, I would try SciTE.

(Yes, I am biased regarding SciTE, since I'm one of the Debian package

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Questions about installing Debian on a laptop

2022-12-04 Thread Charles Curley
On Sun, 4 Dec 2022 14:52:22 +0100
Gabor Urban  wrote:

> What are the most important issues selecting a laptop I should be
> mindful about?

The first thing I would do, even before buying the thing, is consult
Hardware for Linux to see what experience others have reported.

And when you finish your installation, successfully or not, please
contribute back.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: [off] MacBook ?

2022-12-04 Thread elguero eric
Le dimanche 4 décembre 2022 à 16:40:30 UTC+1, ptilou  a écrit 

>J’aimerai d’autre avis …

salut, j'ai installé FreeBSD sur un ordinateur portable HP.
Pour un usage en poste de travail "de base"  (un peu de
calcul scientifique, de gnaldouillage sur internet et de
visionage de DVD) c'est très similaire à Linux.
Le script d'installation est très facile à suivre (du moins
quand on valide les choix par défaut, ce que j'avais fait,
n'y connaissant rien). A mon avis tu n'as pas besoin
d'assistance pour installer FreeBSD.

du coup, pour reprendre ton message initial, je doute
que ça soit beaucoup plus performant que Linux (vu
que ça fait les mêmes choses à peu près de la même

je suis revenu à Debian essentiellement parce que la
communauté Linux est incomparablement plus vaste,
mais FreeBSD fonctionne sans problème.


Re: Debian failed

2022-12-04 Thread Charles Curley
On Sun, 04 Dec 2022 15:52:31 +0100
hw  wrote:

> so I wanted to have Debian on a Precision R7910 with AMD graphics card
> and it failed because it refuses to use the amdgpu module.  I tried
> forcing to load it when booting and it still didn't work.
> So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
> get AMD cards to work.

Before I get started with some questions to help you debug the problem,
did you want some serious debugging assistance, or did you simply want
to whine?

First serious debugging question: have you consulted Hardware for Linux?

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Detailed Leafpad manual [not just manpage]?

2022-12-04 Thread David Wright
On Sun 04 Dec 2022 at 05:29:58 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:
> I wish to document a personal project.The desired format will resemble
> the outline for term papers we wrote in school in the 50's. Except
> some items may be a short paragraph or two long.

Tragically I missed out on a US education, so unlike some others
here, I can't tell just what these term paper outlines look like.

> I did a web search for text editors with an auto-indent feature.
> The only one I recognized was Leafpad. But I couldn't find appropriate
> documentation or "howto". Where would I find it?

Never heard of it. I prefer sticking to widely used, well-supported
editors like emacs.

> Any other suggestions for a basic text editor in the Debian repository
> with an auto-indent feature. I'm not interested in a full blown word
> processor.

There's a wiki which mentions several different circumstances that
might apply in your case:


Re: Detailed Leafpad manual [not just manpage]?

2022-12-04 Thread Charles Curley
On Sun, 4 Dec 2022 12:56:57 +
"Andrew M.A. Cater"  wrote:

> Might I suggest gedit or similar. Or even emacs or vim :)

In Emacs' case (and probably in vim's) there may well be a mode that
will do what the OP wants. Text mode will maintain auto-indentation for
you. Also, look into outline mode for emacs.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: comment trouver (sur Debian ou Ubuntu) le pays géographique d'une adresse IPv4 ou IPv6?

2022-12-04 Thread hamster

Le 04/12/2022 à 16:36, ptilou a écrit :

Man name

~$ man name
Aucune entrée de manuel pour name

Y'a pas de paquet qui s'appelle "name"

Je me dit donc que c'est une commande qui fait partie d'un paquet qui ne 
s'appelle pas "name". Donc il doit y avoir un paquet qui installe un 
fichier s’appelant "name". Ben en fait oui, et y'en a meme plein

Donc ma question c'est que dois-je mettre apres "apt install" ???

Re: [off] MacBook ?

2022-12-04 Thread ptilou
Le vendredi 2 décembre 2022 à 21:30:03 UTC+1, ptilou a écrit :
> Le vendredi 2 décembre 2022 à 17:40:03 UTC+1, Samy (Zaclys) a écrit : 
> > Le 02/12/2022 à 13:05, ptilou a écrit : 
> > > Slt, 
> > > 
> > > J’ai récupéré à la bene deux Mac, y a un c’est du dualcore, deja avec 
> > > uefi. 
> > > 
> > > Et donc je cherche quelqu’un pour m’installer BSD, c’est quand même 
> > > beaucoup plus performant que Debian ? Ou ! 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > De rien
> J’ai pas dit merci, j’aimerais savoir où sont les autreS messageS ? 

Concrètement, je ne comprend pas la procedure pour booter, parce que, j’ai un 
problème , mais la n’ai pas le sujet !
(Il peut venir de la machine, de la cles usb support micro sdcard, ou peut-être 
des deux paramètre ou du wifi ?)
Comme on est dimanche je suis dans un centre commercial et le download est a 
230 ko/s, pratique pour 5 Go !

Voila quelqu’un a meme de partager une opinion émanant d’une utilisation des 
deux systèmes ….

J’aimerai d’autre avis …

> J’ai deja à apprendre la loi a deux autorites régaliennes, si en plus je dois 
> faire administrateur de nntp, je vais chanter je veux vivre ? 

Je me suis mélangé les pinceaux avec d’autre messages ailleurs, j’ai compris 
apres la commande post ou get avec l’interface chrome ?
(Ou y a eu des naissances depuis www1 ?)

> — 
> Ptilou

Re: comment trouver (sur Debian ou Ubuntu) le pays géographique d'une adresse IPv4 ou IPv6?

2022-12-04 Thread ptilou
Man name


Le dimanche 4 décembre 2022 à 13:50:03 UTC+1, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Soit une adresse IPv6 telle que 2002:a05:6358:50c4:b0:df:c970:db78 ou une 
> adresse IPv4 telle que  On suppose que ce sont des adresses 
> IP fixes!
> Comment (quelles commandes utiliser, ou quelles bibliothèques logicielles 
> libres ) trouver le pays géographique (ou même la région) où se trouvent 
> ces machines (probablement Unix ou Linux toutes les deux)?
> (Pour c'est probablement à Paris LIP6 Jussieu, où j'ai soutenu 
> ma thèse en 1990).
> Bon dimanche.
> NB. Je cherche des partenaires intéressés par le logiciel libre embryonnaire 
> RefPerSys en  Contactez moi alors aussi par 
> courriel au bureau (CEA LIST) en
> -- 
> Basile Starynkevitch  
> (only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
> 92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
> web page:

Re: Questions about installing Debian on a laptop

2022-12-04 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 04.12.2022 18:52, Gabor Urban wrote:


I am planning to install Debian on a laptop the first time.That will 
not be my first installing but I never used notebooks for that. I have 
found a lot of useful information but I would like to have some 
guidance at the start.

What are the most important issues selecting a laptop I should be 
mindful about?

Probably the most problematic point of a Linux laptop is a wireless 
connectivity, both WiFi and Bluetooth.
It's always better to check beforehand if wireless adapter that comes 
preinstalled is supported natively by Linux kernel [1], or would work 
with external drivers (kernel modules) supplied by device manufacturer.
Another thing to keep in mind, is to get a laptop with a MUX switch (AKA 
Advanced Optimus) to be able to select between CPU internal and discrete 
While classic Optimus technology could work out of the box, it is 
usually a headache to make it work, because hardware implementation is 
different for every laptop manufacturer.
So it is better to just select discrete VGA in BIOS as primary, and MUX 
switch allows you to do that.

If you already have the laptop handy you can test how it would work with 
Debian Live [2] before removing preinstalled OS.
It's better to choose from images with non-free firmware included to 
save yourself some time from extra troubleshooting while trying make 
things work.


With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: Debian failed

2022-12-04 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 03:52:31PM +0100, hw wrote:
> Hi,
> so I wanted to have Debian on a Precision R7910 with AMD graphics card
> and it failed because it refuses to use the amdgpu module.  I tried
> forcing to load it when booting and it still didn't work.
> So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
> get AMD cards to work.

Hi hw

How did you install - what image, what steps?

Did you use the firmware installer?

You *only* have the ADMFirePro and no Nvidia card.

All best,

Andy C. 

Re: comment trouver (sur Debian ou Ubuntu) le pays géographique d'une adresse IPv4 ou IPv6?

2022-12-04 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Bonjour, par pays



Le 04/12/2022 à 13:41, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :


Soit une adresse IPv6 telle que 2002:a05:6358:50c4:b0:df:c970:db78 ou 
une adresse IPv4 telle que  On suppose que ce sont 
des adresses IP fixes!

Comment (quelles commandes utiliser, ou quelles bibliothèques 
logicielles libres ) trouver le pays géographique (ou même la 
région) où se trouvent ces machines (probablement Unix ou Linux toutes 
les deux)?

(Pour c'est probablement à Paris LIP6 Jussieu, où j'ai 
soutenu ma thèse en 1990).

Bon dimanche.

NB. Je cherche des partenaires intéressés par le logiciel libre 
embryonnaire RefPerSys en  Contactez moi 
alors aussi par courriel au bureau (CEA LIST ) 

Basile Starynkevitch
(only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
web page:

Debian failed

2022-12-04 Thread hw


so I wanted to have Debian on a Precision R7910 with AMD graphics card
and it failed because it refuses to use the amdgpu module.  I tried
forcing to load it when booting and it still didn't work.

So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
get AMD cards to work.

Re: Questions about installing Debian on a laptop

2022-12-04 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 02:52:22PM +0100, Gabor Urban wrote:
> Hi,
> I am planning to install Debian on a laptop the first time.That will not be
> my first installing but I never used notebooks for that. I have found a lot
> of useful information but I would like to have some guidance at the start.
> What are the most important issues selecting a laptop I should be mindful
> about?
> Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Urbán Gábor
> Linux is like a wigwam: no Gates, no Windows and an Apache inside.

Use the firmware .iso -

If the laptop is really new, do you need to keep whatever is on there already?

A VERY new laptop from the very latest ranges might need to be ruuning 
something later than Debian stable, but in general, that shouldn't be a problem.

All best, as ever,

Andy C.

Re: GPG problems

2022-12-04 Thread Teemu Likonen
* 2022-12-04 12:05:56+, Alain D. D. Williams wrote:

> Part of the problem is the hopeless message "Server indicated a
> failure" which says little. Any idea how I could get something more
> informative ?

You can change debug logging level. Edit ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf file and
write something like this:

debug-level expert  #or: guru
log-file /tmp/dirmngr-log.txt

Then kill dirmngr

$ gpgconf --kill dirmngr

and try key servers again. See the log file mentioned above.

/// Teemu Likonen - .-..
// OpenPGP: 6965F03973F0D4CA22B9410F0F2CAE0E07608462

Description: PGP signature

Questions about installing Debian on a laptop

2022-12-04 Thread Gabor Urban

I am planning to install Debian on a laptop the first time.That will not be
my first installing but I never used notebooks for that. I have found a lot
of useful information but I would like to have some guidance at the start.

What are the most important issues selecting a laptop I should be mindful

Thanks in advance,
Urbán Gábor

Linux is like a wigwam: no Gates, no Windows and an Apache inside.

Re : comment trouver (sur Debian ou Ubuntu) le pays géographique d'une adresse IPv4 ou IPv6?

2022-12-04 Thread benoit
Le dimanche 4 décembre 2022 à 13:41, Basile Starynkevitch 
 a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Soit une adresse IPv6 telle que 2002:a05:6358:50c4:b0:df:c970:db78 ou une 
> adresse IPv4 telle que  On suppose que ce sont des adresses 
> IP fixes!
> Comment (quelles commandes utiliser, ou quelles bibliothèques logicielles 
> libres ) trouver le pays géographique (ou même la région) où se trouvent 
> ces machines (probablement Unix ou Linux toutes les deux)?
> (Pour c'est probablement à Paris LIP6 Jussieu, où j'ai soutenu 
> ma thèse en 1990).


Perso, je ferais appel à une API externe:

C'est presque toutes les options proposées sur stackoverflow


Re: pb wifi en installant sur Asus vivobook 14

2022-12-04 Thread Pierre Couderc

On 12/4/22 11:24, Haricophile wrote:

Le Fri, 2 Dec 2022 12:19:53 +0100,
Pierre Couderc  a écrit :

Merci, en fait , je n'en suis pas  encore là, j'en suis à comprendre
pouruqoi mon interface que je trouve dans lspci, n'est pas listé par

Je prefere ne pas utiliser network-manager mais seulement

Mais il fuat que j'arrive à detecter cette santée interface...

Au fait, je ne sais pas si c'est résolu, mais il existe des PC avec un
bouton ou une touche Fn+quelquechose qui coupe le wifi, pas toujours en
amont de la carte. Ça peut faire une carte détectée en hardware mais
pas en software selon la manière dont c'est bidouillé (je ne suis pas
dans la tête des fabricants).

Si je regarde le nouveau PC pro de ma femme, c'est plutôt le contraire,
le wifi ne se coupe pas et... il n'y a plus de carte ethernet, il faut
brancher une base pour être en filaire.

Mmm, j'ai un peu honte...

J'avais lu quelque part qu'il fallait un noyau plus récent. Je le 
builde... Ca ne marche toujours pas...

Je décide d'installer la "testing", et pendant qu'elle se charge 
d'installer Arch, par curiosité intellectuelle, pour essayer Arch 
installe sans problème et reconnait ma carte !

Pour l'instant ce PC est  toujours sous Arch...

Ce n'est pas une position de principe, toute mon infrastructure est en 
debian et pour de bonnes raisons :  je me souviens du WE où le serveur 
ubuntu mis à jour le vendredi soir avait planté toute la téléphonie de 
l'entreprise(asterix) et provoqué mon passage à debian durant  le WE...

Re: comment trouver (sur Debian ou Ubuntu) le pays géographique d'une adresse IPv4 ou IPv6?

2022-12-04 Thread Jean-Marc

Le 4/12/22 à 13:41, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :
Comment (quelles commandes utiliser, ou quelles bibliothèques 
logicielles libres ) trouver le pays géographique (ou même la 
région) où se trouvent ces machines (probablement Unix ou Linux toutes 
les deux)?

par exemple.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: comment trouver (sur Debian ou Ubuntu) le pays géographique d'une adresse IPv4 ou IPv6?

2022-12-04 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

- Mail original - 

> De: "Basile Starynkevitch" 
> À:
> Cc: "Debian user french" 
> Envoyé: Dimanche 4 Décembre 2022 13:41:25
> Objet: comment trouver (sur Debian ou Ubuntu) le pays géographique
> d'une adresse IPv4 ou IPv6?

> Bonjour,
> Soit une adresse IPv6 telle que 2002:a05:6358:50c4:b0:df:c970:db78 ou
> une adresse IPv4 telle que  On suppose que ce sont
> des adresses IP fixes!

> Comment (quelles commandes utiliser, ou quelles bibliothèques
> logicielles libres ) trouver le pays géographique (ou même la
> région) où se trouvent ces machines (probablement Unix ou Linux
> toutes les deux)?

> (Pour c'est probablement à Paris LIP6 Jussieu, où j'ai
> soutenu ma thèse en 1990).

> Bon dimanche.

> NB. Je cherche des partenaires intéressés par le logiciel libre
> embryonnaire RefPerSys en  Contactez moi
> alors aussi par courriel au bureau ( CEA LIST ) en

> --
> Basile Starynkevitch  (only mine opinions /
> les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
> 92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
> web page:


j'ai recherché et voici ce que j'ai trouvé :



Re: Detailed Leafpad manual [not just manpage]?

2022-12-04 Thread The Wanderer
On 2022-12-04 at 07:56, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 05:29:58AM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
>> I wish to document a personal project.The desired format will
>> resemble the outline for term papers we wrote in school in the
>> 50's. Except some items may be a short paragraph or two long.
>> I did a web search for text editors with an auto-indent feature. 
>> The only one I recognized was Leafpad. But I couldn't find
>> appropriate documentation or "howto". Where would I find it?
>> Any other suggestions for a basic text editor in the Debian
>> repository with an auto-indent feature. I'm not interested in a
>> full blown word processor.
>> TIA
> Richard,
> Leafpad was removed from Debian quite a while ago in Stretch -
> oldoldstable.
> Might I suggest gedit or similar. Or even emacs or vim :)

I'll note that a "based-on" editor called Mousepad is available in
current stable and testing, and a "forked from" editor called l3afpad is
available in current testing.

Neither of those addresses the original question about a manual, though,
unless one of them happens to come with it in e.g.

I do see that the listed homepage for Mousepad is, and that seems to be
documentationary, although it's not clear whether it'd be in-depth
enough for what was requested.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Detailed Leafpad manual [not just manpage]?

2022-12-04 Thread jeremy ardley

On 4/12/22 20:56, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 05:29:58AM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:

I wish to document a personal project.The desired format will resemble the
outline for term papers we wrote in school in the 50's. Except some items
may be a short paragraph or two long.

I did a web search for text editors with an auto-indent feature.
The only one I recognized was Leafpad. But I couldn't find appropriate
documentation or "howto". Where would I find it?

Any other suggestions for a basic text editor in the Debian repository with
an auto-indent feature. I'm not interested in a full blown word processor.



Leafpad was removed from Debian quite a while ago in Stretch - oldoldstable.

To get the man 'look', just use your regular text editor (I prefer nano) 
and run through


Re: Detailed Leafpad manual [not just manpage]?

2022-12-04 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 05:29:58AM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I wish to document a personal project.The desired format will resemble the
> outline for term papers we wrote in school in the 50's. Except some items
> may be a short paragraph or two long.
> I did a web search for text editors with an auto-indent feature.
> The only one I recognized was Leafpad. But I couldn't find appropriate
> documentation or "howto". Where would I find it?
> Any other suggestions for a basic text editor in the Debian repository with
> an auto-indent feature. I'm not interested in a full blown word processor.


Leafpad was removed from Debian quite a while ago in Stretch - oldoldstable.

Might I suggest gedit or similar. Or even emacs or vim :)

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater


comment trouver (sur Debian ou Ubuntu) le pays géographique d'une adresse IPv4 ou IPv6?

2022-12-04 Thread Basile Starynkevitch


Soit une adresse IPv6 telle que 2002:a05:6358:50c4:b0:df:c970:db78 ou 
une adresse IPv4 telle que  On suppose que ce sont des 
adresses IP fixes!

Comment (quelles commandes utiliser, ou quelles bibliothèques 
logicielles libres ) trouver le pays géographique (ou même la 
région) où se trouvent ces machines (probablement Unix ou Linux toutes 
les deux)?

(Pour c'est probablement à Paris LIP6 Jussieu, où j'ai 
soutenu ma thèse en 1990).

Bon dimanche.

NB. Je cherche des partenaires intéressés par le logiciel libre 
embryonnaire RefPerSys en  Contactez moi alors 
aussi par courriel au bureau (CEA LIST ) en

Basile Starynkevitch
(only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
web page:

Re: GPG problems

2022-12-04 Thread Alain D D Williams
On Sat, Dec 03, 2022 at 02:59:41PM -0500, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

> should be operational. It responds to ping.
> Also have a look at
> .

No, that is not the issue. It works on Debian 11 but not Debian 10, both
attempts within a few minutes of each other, both connect to 

Both run the same version of gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.27
(I installed from backports on Debian 10)

gpg reports the version of libgcrypt On Debian 10 it is 1.8.4 on Debian 11 it
is 1.8.8 Could that be an issue ? I am reluctant to speculatively upgrade for
fear of breaking something else.

Part of the problem is the hopeless message "Server indicated a failure" which
says little. Any idea how I could get something more informative ?

Alain Williams
Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT 
+44 (0) 787 668 0256
Parliament Hill Computers Ltd. Registration Information:

Re: pb wifi en installant sur Asus vivobook 14

2022-12-04 Thread Basile Starynkevitch

On 12/4/22 11:24, Haricophile wrote:

Le Fri, 2 Dec 2022 12:19:53 +0100,
Pierre Couderc  a écrit :

Merci, en fait , je n'en suis pas  encore là, j'en suis à comprendre
pouruqoi mon interface que je trouve dans lspci, n'est pas listé par

Je prefere ne pas utiliser network-manager mais seulement

Mais il fuat que j'arrive à detecter cette santée interface...

Au fait, je ne sais pas si c'est résolu, mais il existe des PC avec un
bouton ou une touche Fn+quelquechose qui coupe le wifi, pas toujours en
amont de la carte.

Oui, c'est le cas sur mon portable ACER AN-517-51-72CQ (touches FN F3)

 Voir aussi (en anglais)

Bon dimanche.

PS je cherche des partenaires intéressés par RefPerSys en

Basile Starynkevitch  
(only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
web page:

Detailed Leafpad manual [not just manpage]?

2022-12-04 Thread Richard Owlett
I wish to document a personal project.The desired format will resemble 
the outline for term papers we wrote in school in the 50's. Except some 
items may be a short paragraph or two long.

I did a web search for text editors with an auto-indent feature.
The only one I recognized was Leafpad. But I couldn't find appropriate 
documentation or "howto". Where would I find it?

Any other suggestions for a basic text editor in the Debian repository 
with an auto-indent feature. I'm not interested in a full blown word 


Re: pb wifi en installant sur Asus vivobook 14

2022-12-04 Thread Haricophile
Le Fri, 2 Dec 2022 12:19:53 +0100,
Pierre Couderc  a écrit :

> Merci, en fait , je n'en suis pas  encore là, j'en suis à comprendre 
> pouruqoi mon interface que je trouve dans lspci, n'est pas listé par 
> iwlist...
> Je prefere ne pas utiliser network-manager mais seulement
> wpa-supplicant.
> Mais il fuat que j'arrive à detecter cette santée interface...

Au fait, je ne sais pas si c'est résolu, mais il existe des PC avec un
bouton ou une touche Fn+quelquechose qui coupe le wifi, pas toujours en
amont de la carte. Ça peut faire une carte détectée en hardware mais
pas en software selon la manière dont c'est bidouillé (je ne suis pas
dans la tête des fabricants).

Si je regarde le nouveau PC pro de ma femme, c'est plutôt le contraire,
le wifi ne se coupe pas et... il n'y a plus de carte ethernet, il faut
brancher une base pour être en filaire.