Re: awk not just using the Field separator as such. it is using the blank space as well ...

2023-02-14 Thread DdB
Am 15.02.2023 um 08:21 schrieb DdB:
> $ awk --version
> GNU Awk 4.2.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 4.0.2, GNU MP 6.1.2)
> Copyright © 1989, 1991-2018 Free Software Foundation.

even mawk would. see:
$ mawk -W version

compiled limits:
max NF 32767
sprintf buffer  2040

$ echo "Adams, Fred, and Ken Aizawa \"The Bounds of Cognition\"" | mawk
-F'\"' '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) print $i;}'
Adams, Fred, and Ken Aizawa
The Bounds of Cognition

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Michel Verdier
Le 15 février 2023 gene heskett a écrit :

> gene@bpi54:~$ grep -i bpi54 /etc/hosts
> bpi54.coyote.denbpi54
> gene@bpi54:~$ getent hosts bpi54
> fe80::4765:bca4:565d:3c6 bpi54
> gene@bpi54:~$ ping -c1 coyote (this machines alias in /etc/hosts)
> ping: coyote: Name or service not known

If coyote is really an alias and not part of domain name give us
grep -i coyote /etc/hosts

For what you show bpi54 is the short hostname so you need to do
ping -c1 bpi54
and not
ping -c1 coyote

Re: awk not just using the Field separator as such. it is using the blank space as well ...

2023-02-14 Thread DdB
Am 15.02.2023 um 07:25 schrieb Albretch Mueller:
> $ _L="Adams, Fred, and Ken Aizawa \"The Bounds of Cognition\""
> echo "// __ \$_L: |${_L}|"
> _AR=($(echo "${_L}" | awk -F'\"' '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) print $i}' ))
> _AR_L=${#_AR[@]}
> echo "// __ \$_AR_L: |${_AR_L}|"
> for(( _IX=0; _IX<${_AR_L}; _IX++ )); do
>  echo "// __ [$_IX/$_AR_L): |${_AR[$_IX]}|"
> done
what awk are you using? gnu awk works fine. see:

$ echo "Adams, Fred, and Ken Aizawa \"The Bounds of Cognition\"" | awk
-F'\"' '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) print $i;}'
Adams, Fred, and Ken Aizawa
The Bounds of Cognition

$ awk --version
GNU Awk 4.2.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 4.0.2, GNU MP 6.1.2)
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Re: Flatpak memory usage

2023-02-14 Thread paulf
On Wed, 15 Feb 2023 07:11:02 +0100

> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 10:36:12PM -0500,
> wrote:
> [...]
> > I find the trend disturbing. If you have a lot of apps running, and
> > they're all these types of packages, you're going to be using
> > considerably more memory [...]
> I'm not a friend of flatpaks and similar concepts, either. For me,
> it's not memory use, but the shifting of power from a distrubution
> model to single applications. I find that makes software less "free".
> In a distro, applications have to get along with each other, agree
> on a common set of libraries, file system layout, etc. I think this
> is a Good Thing. Every app carrying its own little distro is like
> neoliberal hell. No wonder it uses up more resources ;-D

I'd forgotten about that angle. IIRC, snaps are controlled by
Canonical. Flathub controls flatpaks. Appimages can be built by anyone,
but they are one file with *everything* in them.

I trust Debian to audit and ensure my packages are secure and
interoperable. I don't necessarily trust Canonical or Flathub.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

awk not just using the Field separator as such. it is using the blank space as well ...

2023-02-14 Thread Albretch Mueller
 Once again one of my silly problems ;-). I search and search for an
answer/the reason why this is happening.

$ _L="Adams, Fred, and Ken Aizawa \"The Bounds of Cognition\""
echo "// __ \$_L: |${_L}|"
_AR=($(echo "${_L}" | awk -F'\"' '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) print $i}' ))
echo "// __ \$_AR_L: |${_AR_L}|"
for(( _IX=0; _IX<${_AR_L}; _IX++ )); do
 echo "// __ [$_IX/$_AR_L): |${_AR[$_IX]}|"
// __ $_L: |Adams, Fred, and Ken Aizawa "The Bounds of Cognition"|
// __ $_AR_L: |9|
// __ [0/9): |Adams,|
// __ [1/9): |Fred,|
// __ [2/9): |and|
// __ [3/9): |Ken|
// __ [4/9): |Aizawa|
// __ [5/9): |The|
// __ [6/9): |Bounds|
// __ [7/9): |of|
// __ [8/9): |Cognition|

 This is the result I am looking for (probably the last empty string
could be discarded):

 // __ $_L: |Adams, Fred, and Ken Aizawa "The Bounds of Cognition"|
// __ $_AR_L: |3|
// __ [0/3): |Adams, Fred, and Ken Aizawa |
// __ [1/3): |The Bounds of Cognition|
// __ [2/3): ||


Re: Flatpak memory usage

2023-02-14 Thread tomas
On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 10:36:12PM -0500, wrote:


> I find the trend disturbing. If you have a lot of apps running, and
> they're all these types of packages, you're going to be using
> considerably more memory [...]

I'm not a friend of flatpaks and similar concepts, either. For me,
it's not memory use, but the shifting of power from a distrubution
model to single applications. I find that makes software less "free".

In a distro, applications have to get along with each other, agree
on a common set of libraries, file system layout, etc. I think this
is a Good Thing. Every app carrying its own little distro is like
neoliberal hell. No wonder it uses up more resources ;-D

> Maybe I'm weird.

I seem to be even weirder :)


Description: PGP signature

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread gene heskett

On 2/14/23 18:12, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 05:51:52PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:

Already done that a month or so ago, to satisfy my own curiosity, the answer
is yes host lookups did fail again without it.

And just to make sure, I just went to it, removed the lsattr i, from
resolv.conf, commented that line and rebooted.

Why on earth did you reboot?  Just edit the file, ping something, see
whether it works, and if it doesn't work, SHOW US THE DETAILS!

Just to make sure there wasn't any leftovers.

I can ping just
fine, but this machine, 20 feet of cat5 away, is Name or service not found,
no local network IOW.

Please show us at least the following:

An sh -Y into bpi54 still works.  So: copy/paste both directions.

cat /etc/debian_version


uname -a
Linux bpi54 5.19.16-meson64 #22.08.6 SMP PREEMPT Tue Oct 18 07:08:32 UTC 
2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux



cat /etc/hostname


grep hosts: /etc/nsswitch.conf

hosts:  files mymachines dns myhostname

cat /etc/host.conf

multi on

cat /etc/resolv.conf

# Generated by NetworkManager

grep -i WHATEVER /etc/hosts

gene@bpi54:~$ grep -i WHATEVER /etc/hosts
gene@bpi54:~$ grep -i bpi54 /etc/hosts   bpi54.coyote.denbpi54

getent hosts WHATEVER

gene@bpi54:~$ getent hosts WHATEVER
gene@bpi54:~$ getent hosts coyote
gene@bpi54:~$ getent hosts bpi54
fe80::4765:bca4:565d:3c6 bpi54

ping -c1 WHATEVER

gene@bpi54:~$ ping -c1 coyote (this machines alias in /etc/hosts)
ping: coyote: Name or service not known
gene@bpi54:~$ ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from 
( icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=62.8 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 62.839/62.839/62.839/0.000 ms

... where "WHATEVER" is the name of the machine you are trying to ping,
which is failing.

Also, anything else that you can think of that I might have forgotten.
We *really* need to know how to reproduce this.

I note my #comment has been removed from resolv.conf, so network mangler
has been there and rewritten it. That is the reason I normally do a
sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
as soon as I save after adding my "search hosts, nameserver" line to it,
otherwise Network Mangler will destroy it as it is right now.

Your turn, I'm going back to bed.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: Flatpak memory usage

2023-02-14 Thread paulf
On Tue, 14 Feb 2023 23:55:03 +0100
Oliver Schoede  wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Feb 2023 09:35:34 -0500
>  wrote:
> >Am I correct in assuming that package formats like Flatpak, Snap and
> >Appimage, because they package up everything with the executable,
> >would consume more system memory?

> Flatpak is the odd one out and doesn't exactly work like this. Rather
> than completely self-contained images, the packages aren't that much
> different from what we have in Debian. The difference being that as
> for dependencies it's more of an all or nothing affair.

I principally wanted to confirm my suspicions about memory usage.
There's been increasing usage of Flatpaks, Snaps and Appimages. As
though it's a solution to the "problem" of distributions' own package
management systems. And now Fedora is openly embracing Flatpaks.

I find the trend disturbing. If you have a lot of apps running, and
they're all these types of packages, you're going to be using
considerably more memory. The alarming increase in the size of the
Linux kernel is yet another symptom of this idea that, because memory
is cheap, we simply use more. In my mind, it's a little like having
access to unlimited amounts of water and thus using all of it you can.
Or gasoline/petrol. Or food.

I don't have a problem with Debian's packaging system, and am generally
satisfied with the stable but older versions of Debian packages. They
get the job done.

Maybe I'm weird.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 05:51:52PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> Already done that a month or so ago, to satisfy my own curiosity, the answer
> is yes host lookups did fail again without it.
> And just to make sure, I just went to it, removed the lsattr i, from
> resolv.conf, commented that line and rebooted.

Why on earth did you reboot?  Just edit the file, ping something, see
whether it works, and if it doesn't work, SHOW US THE DETAILS!

> I can ping just
> fine, but this machine, 20 feet of cat5 away, is Name or service not found,
> no local network IOW.

Please show us at least the following:

cat /etc/debian_version
uname -a
cat /etc/hostname
grep hosts: /etc/nsswitch.conf
cat /etc/host.conf
cat /etc/resolv.conf
grep -i WHATEVER /etc/hosts
getent hosts WHATEVER
ping -c1 WHATEVER

... where "WHATEVER" is the name of the machine you are trying to ping,
which is failing.

Also, anything else that you can think of that I might have forgotten.
We *really* need to know how to reproduce this.

Re: Flatpak memory usage

2023-02-14 Thread Oliver Schoede
On Mon, 13 Feb 2023 09:35:34 -0500

>Am I correct in assuming that package formats like Flatpak, Snap and
>Appimage, because they package up everything with the executable, would
>consume more system memory? One of the reasons to use these formats is
>to avoid library version mismatches, and peg the libraries which
>accompany an executable at a certain version. But if this is true, then
>it stands to reason that the executable would use, for example, GNOME
>libraries which aren't the same as what's on your system being shared
>by other software. Thus, when you launch X flatpak, it must load its
>own version of the GNOME libraries. Which would take up more system

Flatpak is the odd one out and doesn't exactly work like this. Rather
than completely self-contained images, the packages aren't that much
different from what we have in Debian. The difference being that as for
dependencies it's more of an all or nothing affair. Or what's called a
"runtime", basically a small userland mostly tied to specific desktop
environments. Clearly not as economical, especially if all you need is
a single app, which to be fair isn't Flatpak's intented use case, or
everything you're using needs a different runtime. It's also simpler
though. With nothing but, say, GTK software you might always get away
with a single runtime. I do, although with very few apps installed.
Yes, if you're then also running something installed via Debian, or yet
another package manager, with the same dependencies, there's
redundancy, this is true even where versions match. I wouldn't rack my
brains on that however, modern loaders are quite intelligent and
dynamic linking is selective in a sense. I guess it's quite attractive
for people like me who are not even using one of the full-blown DEs
like GNOME, so there's little that must be resident all the time and
I'm more flexibel in "load balancing" if need be, which should be
almost never considering today's memory supplies. And I don't think any
of these solutions is specifically catering to resource-constrained
systems. With that you're probably always better off with installing
from a single source.


Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread gene heskett

On 2/14/23 15:20, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 03:01:18PM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:

On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 03:02:22PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:

Yes Greg, you keep telling me that. But I'm in the process of bringing
up a 3dprinter farm, each printer with a bpi5 to manage octoprint. Joing
the other 4 on this net running buster and linuxcnc.

Just last week I added another bpi5, copied the /etc/hosts file and
restarted networking. It could NOT find the other machines on my net
UNTIL I added that search directive to resolv.conf.  This net is about
50/50 buster and bullseye.

If what you say is true, that should not have been the fix, so explain
again why its not working, cuz it is.

Because you change a bunch of things all the same time in a non-repeatable
fashion, lose track of what you've done, and decide that the nonsense line
did something.

As an experiment, Gene, what happens if you comment out or remove
the "search files, dns" (or whatever the exact syntax was) line in
your /etc/resolv.conf file?  Do /etc/hosts lookups stop working?

Already done that a month or so ago, to satisfy my own curiosity, the 
answer is yes host lookups did fail again without it.

And just to make sure, I just went to it, removed the lsattr i, from 
resolv.conf, commented that line and rebooted. I can ping just 
fine, but this machine, 20 feet of cat5 away, is Name or service not 
found, no local network IOW.

Make what you will of that, maybe, just maybe, we'll solve a problem 
you've claimed does not exist. But it does. And I'm tired to being 
called a liar, in nicer terminology.

I'll leave it that way, using it as a test bed, at least until I need to 
put it to work, currently at least 2 weeks or more in the future since 
its eventual home is running an ender5+ I'm rebuilding from the frame 
up, Starting with triangulating the frame and a 3 phase nema 23 
stepper/servo running on 42 volts for its Y drive. X drive is flying 
weight, subject to whatever works AND is light enough a 1NM nema23 can 
throw it around at 200 or more mm a second.  That is the Achilles heel 
of the Ender 5 +, anything over 50mm will lose Y home long before the 
print is done.  The last straw was 17days into a 28 day job, making 
outer housings for a BIG woodworkers vise screw, 6 up on the enders big 

If they do, this is *huge* news, and I'd love to have all of the
relevant information to be able to reproduce this result, so that I
can begin to understand it.

If they don't, well, you know what that means.

Yup, back to calling me a liar.


Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 03:01:18PM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 03:02:22PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> > Yes Greg, you keep telling me that. But I'm in the process of bringing
> > up a 3dprinter farm, each printer with a bpi5 to manage octoprint. Joing
> > the other 4 on this net running buster and linuxcnc.
> > 
> > Just last week I added another bpi5, copied the /etc/hosts file and
> > restarted networking. It could NOT find the other machines on my net
> > UNTIL I added that search directive to resolv.conf.  This net is about
> > 50/50 buster and bullseye.
> > 
> > If what you say is true, that should not have been the fix, so explain
> > again why its not working, cuz it is.
> Because you change a bunch of things all the same time in a non-repeatable
> fashion, lose track of what you've done, and decide that the nonsense line
> did something.

As an experiment, Gene, what happens if you comment out or remove
the "search files, dns" (or whatever the exact syntax was) line in
your /etc/resolv.conf file?  Do /etc/hosts lookups stop working?

If they do, this is *huge* news, and I'd love to have all of the
relevant information to be able to reproduce this result, so that I
can begin to understand it.

If they don't, well, you know what that means.

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Michael Stone

On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 02:33:12PM +, Tim Woodall wrote:

On Fri, 10 Feb 2023, jeremy ardley wrote:

you can ping them as in

ping fe80::87d:c6ff:fea4:a6fc

ooh, I didn't know that worked.

Same as
ping fe80::87d:c6ff:fea4:a6fc%eth0

on my machines at least. No idea how it picks the interface when there's
more than one.

The interface seems mandatory for ssh for me:

tim@einstein(4):~ (none)$ ssh fe80::1
ssh: connect to host fe80::1 port 22: Invalid argument
tim@einstein(4):~ (none)$

You actually have an fe80::1 IP address on your system? That would be 
highly unusual. If you don't, why would you expect it to respond?

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Michael Stone

On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 03:02:22PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
Yes Greg, you keep telling me that. But I'm in the process of bringing 
up a 3dprinter farm, each printer with a bpi5 to manage octoprint. 
Joing the other 4 on this net running buster and linuxcnc.

Just last week I added another bpi5, copied the /etc/hosts file and 
restarted networking. It could NOT find the other machines on my net 
UNTIL I added that search directive to resolv.conf.  This net is about 
50/50 buster and bullseye.

If what you say is true, that should not have been the fix, so explain 
again why its not working, cuz it is.

Because you change a bunch of things all the same time in a 
non-repeatable fashion, lose track of what you've done, and decide that 
the nonsense line did something.

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Michael Stone

On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 07:42:59PM +, Brian wrote:

I was attracted by this idea and it gave me pause for
thought. Leaving aside printers that include a network
interface, the IPP-over-USB standard applies to a
non-network-capable  printer.

The specs require IPP (put in firmware, I suppose) and
DNS-SD discovery (again in firmware). Little extra cost?
AFAICT, a networking stack is not specified. Why should
it be for an isolated machine?

Because that's how IPP works: IPP-over-USB essentially creates a 
point-to-point network to the printer, which is then addressed via TCP 
just like any other networked printer. Historically there was a 
significant cost associated with adding a networking stack (more 
processors, memory, etc), but as everything gets more integrated it's 
essentially a zero-cost addition. It's not going to be added to old 
hardware, but not many new designs are likely to be introduced without 

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread gene heskett

On 2/14/23 10:49, David Wright wrote:

Wisely done: we don't need it twice … and logs can be lengthy.

I have seen the on my system, too.
It is a Debian Bullseye. To check if Debian works on this hardware I
have simply select the xfce4 option in the installer. Either the avahi
stuff or xfce4 triggered the setup of the adress.
Disabling the start of the avahi-daemon did not change the situation.
Deinstall of avahi-daemon did not help, too.

Today I have deleted almost everything of avahi and xfce4. After a
reboot the is no more configured.

Yes, and that's a problem for anyone trying to replicate the
configuration of these addresses: we usually never see files
and logs from offending systems, but just reports of package
deletion or, even less helpful, so-called nuking of random files.


Alright guys, I may have an existing system here that shows a 169, but 
not as default. Running Armbian bullseye AND xfce4, in fact I have 2 of 
them that show an ip r of:

gene@bpi54:~$ ip r

default via dev eth0 proto static metric 100 dev eth0 scope link metric 1000 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src 
metric 100

Probably have 4 of them, but only two are powered ATM, and the other is 
busy running klipper and a 3d printer.
And networking is running fine on all 4 despite its being present as it 
is not the default. And all are using xfce4, because the gnome screen 
blanker is an instant crash and burn, requiring a power down reset to 
recover from. The xfce4 blanker Just Works.

The reason you've never seen any logs etc is that if its the default. 
there is no way in hell to get you those logs or other info because 
there is no network to get it to you.  We could take screen pix, but my 
camera makes 5 meg jpegs the server won't take.

So maybe we can figure out whats different about Armbian that makes it 
work. Give me some troubleshooting commands to see if we can figure out 
whats different about armbian that makes it work when there's no way in 
hell to make it work with a debian install of bullseye and going clear 
back at least to stretch, maybe further? Except nuking avahi and rebooting.

Maybe this is your chance to come up with a fix that doesn't get us a 
sermon, questioning our intelligence for doing it.

That I don't mind saying gets old. You aren't dealing with a dummy. I've 
passed several of those tests in my time, getting scores within the top 
1%, made 147 on the Iowa IQ test, made 98 out of 100 on the AFQT in the 
middle of Korea, next best in 140 other boys that day was 36, and in 
'72, made 123 out of 125 on the CET test by walking in the door and 
putting my $20 bill to sit for the test on the professors desk. He'd 
been teaching that 2 year coarse for 5 years and I, just a stranger 
walking in the door was the first to pass that test. Without cracking a 
book I hadn't already devoured years before. I still have a mental 
picture of how high his eyebrows went when I turned in the paper, 45 
minutes into the 4 hours allocated, when he laid the answer stencil on 
it and saw a sea of black he had never seen before. Priceless. ;o)>

Take care & stay well, everybody.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Christoph Brinkhaus
Am Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 09:48:11AM -0600 schrieb David Wright:

Hello David,

> On Mon 13 Feb 2023 at 11:39:31 (+0100), Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 09:29:16PM -0600 schrieb David Wright:
> > > On Fri 10 Feb 2023 at 06:40:42 (+0100), wrote:
> > > > On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 03:32:46PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> > > > > On 2/9/23 07:53, wrote:
> > > > > > On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 07:32:18AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > [...]
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > > (I have no idea what mdns4_minimal is, but Debian put it there, 
> > > > > > > and it
> > > > > > > hasn't caused a problem yet so I left it alone.)
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > This is a zeroconf thingy. My box hasn't that, because I banned 
> > > > > > Avahi
> > > > > > and its ilk long ago.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Just out of curiosity: does your box have one of those funny 
> > > > > > link-local
> > > > > > IPv4 addresses?
> > 
> > [deleted almost everything]
> Wisely done: we don't need it twice … and logs can be lengthy.
> > I have seen the on my system, too.
> > It is a Debian Bullseye. To check if Debian works on this hardware I
> > have simply select the xfce4 option in the installer. Either the avahi
> > stuff or xfce4 triggered the setup of the adress.
> > Disabling the start of the avahi-daemon did not change the situation.
> > Deinstall of avahi-daemon did not help, too.
> > 
> > Today I have deleted almost everything of avahi and xfce4. After a
> > reboot the is no more configured.
> Yes, and that's a problem for anyone trying to replicate the
> configuration of these addresses: we usually never see files
> and logs from offending systems, but just reports of package
> deletion or, even less helpful, so-called nuking of random files.

Ok, this is true. Fortunately I have a git repository of /etc.
The diff is as below:

X11/Xsession.d/55xfce4-session (gone)
alternatives/lightdm-greeter (gone)
alternatives/x-session-manager (gone)
alternatives/x-session-manager.1.gz (gone)
avahi/avahi-autoipd.action (gone)
avahi/avahi-daemon.conf (gone)
avahi/hosts (gone)
dbus-1/system.d/avahi-dbus.conf (gone)
default/avahi-daemon (gone)
dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/avahi-autoipd (gone)
.../dhclient-exit-hooks.d/zzz_avahi-autoipd (gone)
init.d/avahi-daemon (gone)
ipp-usb/ipp-usb.conf (gone)
network/if-down.d/avahi-autoipd (gone)
network/if-up.d/avahi-autoipd (gone)
rc0.d/K01avahi-daemon (gone)
rc1.d/K01avahi-daemon (gone)
rc2.d/K01avahi-daemon (gone)
rc3.d/K01avahi-daemon (gone)
rc4.d/K01avahi-daemon (gone)
rc5.d/K01avahi-daemon (gone)
rc6.d/K01avahi-daemon (gone)
xdg/autostart/xscreensaver.desktop (gone)
xdg/xfce4/Xft.xrdb (gone)
.../xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml (gone)
xdg/xfce4/xinitrc (gone)
xfce4/defaults.list (gone)
40 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 841 deletions(-)

May be this gives some information. If not I can reproduce the issue
and provide logs as required.

Now there is no in any file of /etc.

Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.

Re: something that can display a Thumbs.db?

2023-02-14 Thread Linux-Fan writes:

On Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 07:20:17PM +0100, Linux-Fan wrote:


> ~~~
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/usr/bin/vinetto", line 418, in 
>print(" " + TNid + " " + TNtimestamp + " " + TNname)
> TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str
> ~~~

HAH. Python3 and its OCD type system. Perhaps you might want to
try running it with Python2 (their character type systems are
broken in different ways).

At least a cursory attempt at doing this failed:

$ python2 /usr/bin/vinetto -o /tmp .../Thumbs.db
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/bin/vinetto", line 40, in 
   import vinetto.vinreport
ImportError: No module named vinetto.vinreport

On Github, there seems to be a newer version available where porting to  
Python 3 has progressed further. If users run into the error above, I'd  
suggest them to try the version from Github?



Description: PGP signature

Re: Brother printer ages (was: ipv6 maybe has arrived)

2023-02-14 Thread Felix Miata
gene heskett composed on 2023-02-14 08:21 (UTC-0500):

> Greg Wooledge wrote:

>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 07:07:58 (UTC-0500), gene heskett wrote:

>>> Are you saying that this printer has been sitting on the Staples display for
>>> 5 years when I bought it new about when it first showed up there 2 years
>>> ago?

>> Had to dig through the archive to find the model number (HL-L2320D)
>> again, since it was snipped in this part of the thread.  Once I found
>> the model number, I did a Google search, and this was one of the results:

>> Brother HL-L2320D L2300D best budget laser printer review
>> › watch
>> 7:51
>> A quick demonstration and review of the Brother HL-L2320D laser printer.Buy 
>> it on Amazon here: buy the similar ...
>> YouTube · DarkStoneCastle · Dec 21, 2016

>> So... yeah, I guess we're saying that your printer was 5 years old at the
>> moment you bought it.  Or at least, that it was a 5-year-old *design*,
>> even if that particular printer had been assembled more recently.

>> Now, personally I don't consider a 7-year-old product to be an antique,
>> but maybe Brian does.  I certainly can't speak for him on this topic.

> Good grief, I had no clue the design is that old.

Did you ever open its manual? Brother ships a plastic bag with such things as
driver disc, manual, warranty registration card and such with its printers.
Generally these things have a copyright date on or in them somewhere. From the
paper manuals from my two most recent Brother acquisitions:

MFC-J480DW - © 2015
MFC-8910DW - © 2012

The one for my HL-5470DW is more effectively squirreled since I moved. Its pdf
manual has no date near its front or back that I could spot, but the timestamp 
it is 122 months ago, same as a freshly downloaded copy.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Nicolas George
David Wright (12023-02-14):
> > lsusb -v > /tmp/1
> > sudo lsusb -v > /tmp/2
> > diff -u /tmp/1 /tmp/2

> Irrespective of the lines that interested Brian, how did your system
> manage to produce no output

I copy-pasted only the commands, not their output.


  Nicolas George

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread David Wright
On Tue 14 Feb 2023 at 13:32:37 (+0100), Nicolas George wrote:
> Brian (12023-02-14):
> > > FWIW, if you invoke lsusb with the -v option, you need
> > > some superpowers. So better "sudo lsusb -v".
> > I do not believe that to be the case.
> experiment > belief
> lsusb -v > /tmp/1
> sudo lsusb -v > /tmp/2
> diff -u /tmp/1 /tmp/2
> Regards,

Irrespective of the lines that interested Brian, how did your system
manage to produce no output, whereas Greg's and all of my systems
produce lots; in my case, 95, 141, 226, 278 and 303 lines.
(Greg used sudo, whereas I logged in as root.)

The extra sections that root reports appear to be variously:
  Hub Descriptor:
Hub Port Status:
  Binary Object Store Descriptor:
  Device Qualifier (for other device speed):


Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread David Wright
On Mon 13 Feb 2023 at 11:39:31 (+0100), Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> Am Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 09:29:16PM -0600 schrieb David Wright:
> please excuse the late reply. I have had a side discussion with Tomas
> in German about the issue I observed, too.
> > On Fri 10 Feb 2023 at 06:40:42 (+0100), wrote:
> > > On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 03:32:46PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> > > > On 2/9/23 07:53, wrote:
> > > > > On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 07:32:18AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > [...]
> > > > > 
> > > > > > (I have no idea what mdns4_minimal is, but Debian put it there, and 
> > > > > > it
> > > > > > hasn't caused a problem yet so I left it alone.)
> > > > > 
> > > > > This is a zeroconf thingy. My box hasn't that, because I banned Avahi
> > > > > and its ilk long ago.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Just out of curiosity: does your box have one of those funny 
> > > > > link-local
> > > > > IPv4 addresses?
> [deleted almost everything]

Wisely done: we don't need it twice … and logs can be lengthy.

> I have seen the on my system, too.
> It is a Debian Bullseye. To check if Debian works on this hardware I
> have simply select the xfce4 option in the installer. Either the avahi
> stuff or xfce4 triggered the setup of the adress.
> Disabling the start of the avahi-daemon did not change the situation.
> Deinstall of avahi-daemon did not help, too.
> Today I have deleted almost everything of avahi and xfce4. After a
> reboot the is no more configured.

Yes, and that's a problem for anyone trying to replicate the
configuration of these addresses: we usually never see files
and logs from offending systems, but just reports of package
deletion or, even less helpful, so-called nuking of random files.


Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Stefan Monnier
> Network printers from 2016 almost certainly (always in my
> experience) do ship with IPP-over-USB. For some reason USB-only
> devices generally do not provide it; it's very hit-and-miss.

IPP-over-USB basically requires the whole traditional networking stack,
so it's no surprise that it's usually present in printers that include
a network interface (very little extra cost) and not in
USB-only printers.


Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread gene heskett

On 2/14/23 07:58, Brian wrote:

Brother HL-L2320D L2300D best budget laser printer review › watch
A quick demonstration and review of the Brother HL-L2320D laser printer.Buy it 
on Amazon here: buy the similar ...
YouTube · DarkStoneCastle · Dec 21, 2016

So... yeah, I guess we're saying that your printer was 5 years old at the
moment you bought it.  Or at least, that it was a 5-year-old *design*,
even if that particular printer had been assembled more recently.

The Brother HL-L2320D seems to have come on the market in early
2016. I haven't any idea when Staples decided to stock it.

Now, personally I don't consider a 7-year-old product to be an antique,
but maybe Brian does.  I certainly can't speak for him on this topic.

I do not consider a 7-year-old product to be an antique. The
significance of 2016 is that it is four years after the
IPP-over-USB standard was ratified.

Network printers from 2016 almost certainly (always in my
experience) do ship with IPP-over-USB. For some reason USB-only
devices generally do not provide it; it's very hit-and-miss.

I do not know why all vendors (not just Brother) have taken that
decision. It's a real pain as it effectively makes the printer
a legacy model and very much limits how it fits into the Debian
printing ecosystem.

The big scanner/printer has an ip address, but its a lot slower when 
using ipv4 to operate it, I wiresharked it back about jessie, and found 
why, the cups driver for IPP was sending a bad crc the first 6 times it 
tried to wake it up before it decided to send a good crc, so there was a 
1 minute time killer just to wake it up. Then it was about a 5 kilobaud 
circuit, about a minute a text page. Its at least 5x faster on a usb2 
circuit. A ping works in 0.5 milliseconds, but that doesn't wake it up. 
Its much faster on a usb circuit.

I made some noise about it at the time, but was ignored. I don't know if 
dfu could update its firmware, or if its too old for that.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Brian
On Tue 14 Feb 2023 at 14:02:05 +0100, Nicolas George wrote:

> Greg Wooledge (12023-02-14):
> > It's certainly more than "the error messages went away".
> Yes, but Reco was smarter than us, with the "> /dev/null".

OK, my belief, backed up by experience, is that sudo is
not needed to obtain the specific information I was after.


Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread gene heskett

On 2/14/23 07:21, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 07:07:58AM -0500, gene heskett wrote:

On 2/14/23 06:29, Brian wrote:

Anyway, this USB-only printer from 2016 does not provide
an IPP-over-USB service. This is not unexpected.

Are you saying that this printer has been sitting on the Staples display for
5 years when I bought it new about when it first showed up there 2 years

Had to dig through the archive to find the model number (HL-L2320D)
again, since it was snipped in this part of the thread.  Once I found
the model number, I did a Google search, and this was one of the results:

Brother HL-L2320D L2300D best budget laser printer review › watch
A quick demonstration and review of the Brother HL-L2320D laser printer.Buy it 
on Amazon here: buy the similar ...
YouTube · DarkStoneCastle · Dec 21, 2016

So... yeah, I guess we're saying that your printer was 5 years old at the
moment you bought it.  Or at least, that it was a 5-year-old *design*,
even if that particular printer had been assembled more recently.

Now, personally I don't consider a 7-year-old product to be an antique,
but maybe Brian does.  I certainly can't speak for him on this topic.

Good grief, I had no clue the design is that old.

Antique? I resemble that, but at 88 yo most would agree I'm one. 7 years 
is the little girl across the street. I've been here long enough the 5 
year old girl next door has turned 37 and has a 14 year old boy a foot 
taller than me.

Take care & stay well.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Nicolas George
Greg Wooledge (12023-02-14):
> It's certainly more than "the error messages went away".

Yes, but Reco was smarter than us, with the "> /dev/null".


  Nicolas George

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 03:37:58PM +0300, Reco wrote:
> lsusb -v >/dev/null
> sudo lsusb -v >/dev/null
> First one shows: "Couldn't open device, some information will be
> missing". Second one does not.

diff -u <(lsusb -v 2>&1) <(sudo lsusb -v 2>&1) | less

gives me 252 lines of diff output.  There's at least one whole new section,
and some lines get additional details, like:

-  iInterface  5 
+  iInterface  5 Bulk-In, Bulk-Out, Interface

It's certainly more than "the error messages went away".

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Brian
On Tue 14 Feb 2023 at 07:21:00 -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 07:07:58AM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> > On 2/14/23 06:29, Brian wrote:
> > > Anyway, this USB-only printer from 2016 does not provide
> > > an IPP-over-USB service. This is not unexpected.
> > > 
> > Are you saying that this printer has been sitting on the Staples display for
> > 5 years when I bought it new about when it first showed up there 2 years
> > ago?
> Had to dig through the archive to find the model number (HL-L2320D)
> again, since it was snipped in this part of the thread.  Once I found
> the model number, I did a Google search, and this was one of the results:
> Brother HL-L2320D L2300D best budget laser printer review
> › watch
> 7:51
> A quick demonstration and review of the Brother HL-L2320D laser printer.Buy 
> it on Amazon here: buy the similar ...
> YouTube · DarkStoneCastle · Dec 21, 2016
> So... yeah, I guess we're saying that your printer was 5 years old at the
> moment you bought it.  Or at least, that it was a 5-year-old *design*,
> even if that particular printer had been assembled more recently.

The Brother HL-L2320D seems to have come on the market in early
2016. I haven't any idea when Staples decided to stock it.

> Now, personally I don't consider a 7-year-old product to be an antique,
> but maybe Brian does.  I certainly can't speak for him on this topic.

I do not consider a 7-year-old product to be an antique. The
significance of 2016 is that it is four years after the
IPP-over-USB standard was ratified.

Network printers from 2016 almost certainly (always in my
experience) do ship with IPP-over-USB. For some reason USB-only
devices generally do not provide it; it's very hit-and-miss.

I do not know why all vendors (not just Brother) have taken that
decision. It's a real pain as it effectively makes the printer
a legacy model and very much limits how it fits into the Debian
printing ecosystem.


Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Reco

On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 01:32:37PM +0100, Nicolas George wrote:
> Brian (12023-02-14):
> > > FWIW, if you invoke lsusb with the -v option, you need
> > > some superpowers. So better "sudo lsusb -v".
> > I do not believe that to be the case.
> experiment > belief


lsusb -v >/dev/null

sudo lsusb -v >/dev/null

First one shows: "Couldn't open device, some information will be
missing". Second one does not.


Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Nicolas George
Brian (12023-02-14):
> > FWIW, if you invoke lsusb with the -v option, you need
> > some superpowers. So better "sudo lsusb -v".
> I do not believe that to be the case.

experiment > belief

lsusb -v > /tmp/1
sudo lsusb -v > /tmp/2
diff -u /tmp/1 /tmp/2


  Nicolas George

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 07:07:58AM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> On 2/14/23 06:29, Brian wrote:
> > Anyway, this USB-only printer from 2016 does not provide
> > an IPP-over-USB service. This is not unexpected.
> > 
> Are you saying that this printer has been sitting on the Staples display for
> 5 years when I bought it new about when it first showed up there 2 years
> ago?

Had to dig through the archive to find the model number (HL-L2320D)
again, since it was snipped in this part of the thread.  Once I found
the model number, I did a Google search, and this was one of the results:

Brother HL-L2320D L2300D best budget laser printer review › watch
A quick demonstration and review of the Brother HL-L2320D laser printer.Buy it 
on Amazon here: buy the similar ...
YouTube · DarkStoneCastle · Dec 21, 2016

So... yeah, I guess we're saying that your printer was 5 years old at the
moment you bought it.  Or at least, that it was a 5-year-old *design*,
even if that particular printer had been assembled more recently.

Now, personally I don't consider a 7-year-old product to be an antique,
but maybe Brian does.  I certainly can't speak for him on this topic.

Re: X11 and hot-plugged keyboards and multiple layouts

2023-02-14 Thread Anssi Saari
Nicolas George  writes:

> Nicolas George (12020-02-19):
>> 8<8<8<8< xi2watch.c >8>8>8>8
> Hi.
> I am replying to my own mail of three years ago where I explained how to
> configure X11 to set different layouts on different keyboards and handle
> hot-plugging without root privileges. Since a standard tool did not
> exist yet, I had attached a small program of mine to do it.
> I have seen this code reproduced on the web, so at least somebody is
> using it. Good.
> Then it might interest you that I have made an extended version of it
> and published it:

I finally gave xi2bind a try, using the hierarchy option to do something
(run xmodmap) when a keyboard is plugged in. Or in my case, I have a USB
switch which connects or disconnects a USB hub with my mouse and
keyboard connected to the hub.

It works fine but usage was a little baffling and it doesn't help the
example on how to use the hierarchy command doesn't work due to wrong

With some work I think I've worked out which event when the keyboard is
plugged in I should use to run xmodmap, out of the six that happen when
my keyboard is plugged in. With the mouse and hub the total number of
events is actually 16!

For sure it doesn't really matter if xmodmap runs sixteen or six times
or only once but it feels right.

So for adding my extra keys to my quite normal US layout keyboard this
works fine. Unfortunately something weird happens with the modifier keys
and my extra keys working depend on setting Alt_R to mode_switch and
that's not something I can automate currently. Nothing to do with
xi2bind though.

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread gene heskett

On 2/14/23 06:29, Brian wrote:

On Tue 14 Feb 2023 at 06:23:34 +0100, wrote:

On Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 04:04:29PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:

On 2/13/23 14:10, Brian wrote:

lsusb -v | grep -A 3 bInterfaceClass.*7

FWIW, if you invoke lsusb with the -v option, you need
some superpowers. So better "sudo lsusb -v".

I do not believe that to be the case.

As your user run 'lsusb -v | less' and clear the screen
(CTRL-L) or scroll up and down. Observations? Gene
Heskett did use sudo. Note the different messages.

Anyway, this USB-only printer from 2016 does not provide
an IPP-over-USB service. This is not unexpected.

Are you saying that this printer has been sitting on the Staples display 
for 5 years when I bought it new about when it first showed up there 2 
years ago? And I bought it to  replace an older but nearly like model 
that had decided it did not have a toner insert when it had a new one of 
the proper ID in it and had been using it for a couple reams of paper 

I find it quite unlikely this printer is 7 yeas old. My bigger, tabloid 
sized printer, yes, easily 7 years old as I originally bought it to do 
rockhopper printouts of the control logic of my linuxcnc machines with 
fewer sheets of tabloid sized paper. A single machine can output enough 
logic info to piece together, taping sheets together to cover a wall, 
more than covering a single 4x8 foot sheet of plywood. Great for 
troubleshooting but eats shop space like M's candy.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: OT - Experiencia usando Rclone

2023-02-14 Thread Jorge Abel Secreto
Hola Roberto, muchas gracias por tu respuesta.

El dom, 12 feb 2023 a la(s) 04:27, Roberto J. Blandino Cisneros
( escribió:
> No, he tenido experiencia con ese.
> Sin embargo depende de lo que deseas realizar, si es realizar una 
> sincronización entre dos equipos visibles, rsync es suficiente.
> Incluso sincronizando entre equipos remotos no accesibles pero que tengan 
> salida a internet, creando un vpn entre ambas y luego un rsync.
> Otro metodo es usar mega, o alguna nube y mantienes sincronizado en ambos 
> lugares.
> Si ya tienes una nube rclone, lo que lei es para sincronizar algo a una o 
> varias nubes. Esto sería útil si no quieres tener el cliente de cada nube 
> instalado por ejemplo.

Este es justamente el caso. Sumar varios almacenamientos web, por ej
Google Drive + Mega, o dos Google Drive.

> Por el momento yo he usando rsync para sincronizar entre dos objetos, ya sea 
> local-local o local-remoto.
> Saludos.

> On 10/2/23 06:14, Jorge Abel Secreto wrote:
> Hola!!
> Alguien usa/ha usado rclone ?
> Experiencia, resultado?
> Gracias y sepan disculpar el OT, por favor.
> Saludos
> --
> Jorge A Secreto
> Analista de Sistemas
> MP 361

Jorge A Secreto
Analista de Sistemas
MP 361

Re: ipv6 maybe has arrived.

2023-02-14 Thread Brian
On Tue 14 Feb 2023 at 06:23:34 +0100, wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 04:04:29PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> > On 2/13/23 14:10, Brian wrote:
> > > lsusb -v | grep -A 3 bInterfaceClass.*7
> FWIW, if you invoke lsusb with the -v option, you need
> some superpowers. So better "sudo lsusb -v".

I do not believe that to be the case.

As your user run 'lsusb -v | less' and clear the screen
(CTRL-L) or scroll up and down. Observations? Gene
Heskett did use sudo. Note the different messages.

Anyway, this USB-only printer from 2016 does not provide
an IPP-over-USB service. This is not unexpected.


Re: quel espace laisser à Windows

2023-02-14 Thread Hugues Larrive
--- Original Message ---
Le lundi 13 février 2023 à 09:51, ptilou  a écrit :

> Bonjour,


> Je ne suis pas venu m’engueler avec qui que ce soit , je demande comment 
> utiliser gcc pour compiler davinci resolve, on me parle de virus ?

Ben en fait je crois que le problème est que tu n'es pas dans la bonne 
discussion, là le hors-sujet c'est "quel espace laisser à Windows".

Pour ton sujet "Davinci resolv ?" je t'ai déjà répondu que ce n'est pas un 
logiciel libre donc le source n'est pas disponible donc il n'y a rien a 

> Donc j’ai trouve ca , pour expliquer , ce qu’est le code source :

> Donc finisant par sh, cela signifie que c’est un script batsh, et donc on 
> cherche qui a compile cela pour savoir ce que cela donne ...

C'est un script bash donc ça ne se compile pas. Il permet de lancer
la version linux de davinci resolve prévue pour centos dans un conteneur centos 
sur un système ubuntu.

> Sinon, faut etre un charlot pour parler d’anti virus sous Linux, et donc 
> rootkit est plus mie a jour, mie ou ?

Sauf que c'était un [hors-]sujet sur Windows...

> Voila je republirai des image libre de droit quand j’aurai paye Apple et si 
> j’ai choisie Apple alors que ca Chiole ( tous droit depose au enseignants du 
> droit ), c’est parce que ce qui achete les photo brille de lumiere, jusqu’a 
> que le son me nous parviennent ….

Là je ne vois pas le rapport...

> —
> Ptilou

publickey - - 0xE9429B87.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: quel espace laisser à Windows

2023-02-14 Thread Hugues Larrive

--- Original Message ---
Le dimanche 12 février 2023 à 15:41, ajh-valmer  a écrit :



> On Sunday 12 February 2023 12:46:30 ptilou wrote:

> > Je me demande pourquoi tu dis ca avec cette signature,
> > deja que ceu qui sont dans les petit papier me disent avoir
> > 2 tiers d echecs avec cela comme discours , je me dis si ca va pas ,
> > je vais avoir des problemes pas un fournisseur ?.
> > Je prend meme pas le temps de consulter les document surminfoggreffe,
> > un president de cci, disait que je fais parti des gentilles, imagine ce qui
> > ne te disent rien se qu il en font ,,,
> > Donc vaut conclure que ce qui achete des pc linux c est madame michu
> > peut etre ? Librement
> > Tu parle de virus, vraiment vous etes des charlots
> > Ptilou


> Existe t-il un Chat-GPT capable de traduire de tels écrits ?
> (Aura t-il la capacité de le faire sauf par réponse d'aller se faire voir).

Voici la réponse de Chat-GPT :

Je suis désolé, mais je ne comprends pas votre message. Il semble contenir 
plusieurs phrases disjointes et sans contexte clair. Si vous pouvez préciser 
votre question ou votre préoccupation, je serais heureux de vous aider.

publickey - - 0xE9429B87.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian 10 planté par mise à jour pour autre version (+ récente)

2023-02-14 Thread Sébastien NOBILI


Le 2023-02-13 17:39, Romain P. a écrit :

La commande " dpkg -l | awk  '/libc-bin/ {print $2,$3}'" renvoie
"libc-bin 2.28-10+deb10u2".

Les 3 commandes contenant "apt" renvoient
"GLIBC_2.34" et "GLIBC_2.35" "not found".

Le système a donc toujours une libc (bonne nouvelle) mais la version 
n'est pas

celle attendue par apt.

La commande commençant par "wget" indique que le téléchargement a été 

Y aurait-il autre chose a effectuer ?

Au point où tu en es, ton système est dans un état non-prévu. Ça se 
répare mais
c'est complexe, ce sera long et il faudra sûrement forcer un peu. Ça 
peut fonctionner

(ça m'est déjà arrivé plusieurs fois) et ça sera très enrichissant.

Tu n'auras pas la garantie d'avoir retrouvé un système complètement 

As-tu le temps et l'envie de te lancer dedans ?

Si la réponse est non, alors sauvegarde ce qui t'est cher et réinstalle.

Si la réponse est oui, alors sauvegarde ce qui t'est cher et (au choix) 

- installe le .deb de la libc que tu as téléchargé (via la commande 

  avec la commande suivante :
   dpkg -i libc-bin_2.36-8_amd64.deb
- télécharge apt/stable et installe-le avec dpkg :

   dpkg -i apt_2.2.4_amd64.deb

Ça risque de commencer à coincer dès cette étape, il faudra analyser 
pourquoi et insister.

Ensuite il faudra faire le downgrade du système.
