Re: Triple boot with MS XP

2010-06-16 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Wed, 6/16/10, Ron Johnson wrote:

 To do what, exactly?  Access files or triple boot?

Sorry, I'm triple booting now, I'm planning on changing /home file to their own 

 What's so cheesy about it?

Cheesy that I wouldn't just write straight to the partition with /home files, 
from XP. The way I have it setup now, info is stored on a ntfs named storage, 
any OS can read/write. That said, I don't really use XP that much anyway. 

 Not unless there's something you aren't telling us. 
 Like how your Subject doesn't seem to match the contents of
 your post.

Should I rename the thread? Sorry if I did a bad job on the subject.

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Re: Triple boot with MS XP

2010-06-16 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Wed, 6/16/10, Huang, Tao wrote:

 why do you need to access the /home partition when using winxp? ntfs 
doesn't support POXIS file ownership and permissions natively. so keep you 
/home partition to a linux filesystem. you can have a separate storage 
partition for shared documents and files, mount it to the /home hierarchy or 
somewhere else, and access it with each of your installed os. 

Thanks for you advice, I'm going to explore these options. The main reason I'd 
like access for XP is iTunes for my iPhone. Seems silly to have 16GB of 
information repeated for XP  Linux /home.

 btw, what's keeping you from moving your winxp into virtualization?

Video games mostly. But I don't play that often. I've got a computer I'm about 
to put together as Linux only, so I'm sure I'll start virtualization with it.


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Re: Triple boot with MS XP

2010-06-16 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Wed, 6/16/10, Ron Johnson wrote:

 No sane person would.  If you *do* treat storage as
 /home, then 
 You're Doing It Wrong.

The main reason I'd do this is access for XP, iTunes for my iPhone. Seems silly 
to have 16GB of information repeated for an XP  Linux /home. So right now my 
/home folders are all empty  this Storage partition holds what would go in 
/home. I'm not sure one's sanity comes into question here...?

 What you do a bad job of is using Yahoo, somehow blasting
 the thread 
 model, and not word wrapping.  I lay most of the blame
 on Yahoo.

He's right  it was on my to do list. I just went over to settings, I couldn't 
find anything to fix it. SO annoying. I looked at GMail, didn't see setting for 
this either. I like doing E-mail off the web, but that might have to change.

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Re: Triple boot with MS XP

2010-06-16 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Wed, 6/16/10, Ron Johnson wrote:

 Symlink the NTFS iTunes directory to some place under

I've never heard this term Symlink. I'm off to Google, but if you care to 
elaborate, please feel free!


Re: Triple boot with MS XP

2010-06-16 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Wed, 6/16/10, Ron Johnson wrote:

 Gmail doesn't seem to suffer the non-wrapping problem.

I'll go subscribe right now.


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Triple boot with MS XP

2010-06-15 Thread ABSDoug
If this isn't on topic, sorry ahead of time  perhaps you can point me in the 
right place?

I've been reading up on having a separate partition for your /home files. For 
quite some time, I've been using a ntfs partition named storage as it makes 
re-install or fresh install of OS much easier. While it's WAY neat that two 
different distros of Linux can share the /home partition, I still need MS at 
times. I figure I can't be the only one, but after looking on the net, I 
couldn't decide the best way. I could use Linux to pull files off of the MS XP 
ntfs partition easy enough, but it seems cheesy. All the options to allow XP to 
see the Linux partition have permission issues as well as hidden extensions 
that can't be hidden. Dangerous trumps cheesy. It would seem grabbing what I 
need in XP partition from within Linux is the answer... is there something I've 
overlooked? I'm gunna get into virtualization at some point, but I'm just not 
ready to nuke XP, there are times it's the only thing I can get to work (like 
my Netbook internal 3G)


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Re: Debian asking for DVD... (FYI)

2010-06-10 Thread ABSDoug
You misunderstood my post here... or more likely never actually read it? FYI 
means, For Your Information. I was pointing out what was confusing the hell out 
of me that I SOLVED. I saw a post that had SOLVED in the subject, I should ( 
will) do that in the future. 

Here it is again:

 ABSDoug wrote:

If you boot up a fresh install of Debian  after you boot up, plug in your 
Ethernet cable  try to add software, Debian asks for the install disk. If you 
plug in Ethernet BEFORE you boot up it will look online for software.
Alexander Batischev answered:
 You already have an answer, it appeared in one of your (numerous) threads 
few days ago:

 On Tue, 8 Jun 2010 18:32:09 -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
When adding packages, your system needs to know where to look. To find out, it 
looks at the list in /etc/apt/sources.list. Take a look at that. You'll 
probably see that the first item(s) in the list refer to the install disk.  So, 
until you get internet connection, you're gonna need to use some other means . 
. . like the install disk to get packages.

I read this post, but before I went  made any changes, I hooked up the 
Ethernet cord *BEFORE* booting up Debian. Update  Package Manager stopped 
asking for the install disk  downloaded from the Internet. Problem SOLVED, 
MYSELF, above post irrelevant to my situation. I did not edit anything in 
sources.list. Like I said, FYI if someone is ever having this issue again.

Alexander Batischev answered:
 Well, usually people want to learn, not just do what they're told to do. If 
you have no willing to solve your problems by yourself (or at least *try* to do 
so), Linux (probably) is not for you. That's my opinion, anyway.

I guess you were wrong this time, cause I did solve it myself. AND when I tried 
to SHARE my solution, you jumped all over me. Maybe read what someone wrote 
before you jump all over them.

Also, I'm confused... why would I rather NOT have an Internet connection? Why 
would it be better to do my research from another OS, then reboot, then... well 
I'm not sure what since the problem WAS getting on the Internet. Kinda 
difficult to do reaseach on the Internet about your Internet connection not 
working. Maybe you like difficult... or being difficult. Not me, I'll ask if 
there is an easy way EVERY time. 

ANYWAY, I'm on the Internet, I'm researching all these changes  hopefully, I 
can even start installing dual boot MS  Linux on some friend's computers. The 
only thing 1 of my friends seems to be able to do with her computer is screw up 

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Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash Debian

2010-06-10 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Thu, 6/10/10, John Hasler wrote:

 Iceweasel is not merely a clone of Firefox.  It _is_
 Firefox.  It's
 called Iceweasel in Debian because Mozilla doesn't want
 Debian to use
 the trademarked Firefox name.

Thanks for that clarification. In doing some more reading... isn't Firefox the 
most important FOSS software out there? Even MS people that don't know Linux 
know Firefox, someone I read pointed this out. But maybe this is off topic?

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Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash Debian

2010-06-10 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Thu, 6/10/10, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:

 He will ask you the exact URL...

If *I* was the person posting advice, *I* would have posted the URL. But then I 
try to make things EASY when helping... as opposed to being difficult on a list 
designed to help people.


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Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash Debian

2010-06-10 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Thu, 6/10/10, Alexander Batischev wrote:

Have you ever read How to Ask Questions in a Smart Way, nice howto by Eric 
Steve Raymond? If no, my advice is to read it. 


What, no link? ;-) 

I've got it bookmarked.


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SOLVED Re: Debian asking for DVD... (FYI)

2010-06-10 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Thu, 6/10/10, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

 Think :) - This is by design, particularly if you consider
 the use of network install media.

Yep, that's what got me thinking... if I plug the Ethernet cord in BEFORE 
booting up, what happens then? Problem solved!
 1. Rare case now - you have no network at all. All
 installation must be done from CDs / DVDs. The apt sources
 list points to the DVD install media by default (You have
 nothing else, right?).
No. As I wrote: (bold added)

If you boot up a fresh install of Debian  AFTER you boot up, plug in your 
Ethernet cable  try to add software, Debian asks for the install disk. -- IF 

Don't mean to shout, but I was clearly not clear! A few people didn't 
understand what I meant.


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Re: ntfs-config

2010-06-10 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Thu, 6/10/10, 刘宇辉 wrote:

 1.First we can rely on a software  ntfs-3g (it may be installed by default)
   # aptitude install ntfs-3g 

I got that far, but wasn't sure what to do next.

 2. make dir that you want to mount ,here i assume it as /mnt/ntfs
   $mkdir /mnt/nfts 

I did some reading, but wasn't sure how this should look. A partition is simply 
represented as a simple folder to Linux. Neat!

 3. we edit the file ... (snip) 

Thanks again. I was afraid to mess with fstab on my own since I screwed it all 
up in Ubuntu. I'm still reading up on fstab. I've got the blkid terminal 
command  a couple good web pages. fstab is still messed up in Ubuntu, but I'll 
get it! Thanks again! BUT... I have a permission issue with that partition. I 
logged in as root, but could not effect change. Owner is unknown on this 

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Re: SOLVED Re: Debian asking for DVD... (FYI)

2010-06-10 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Thu, 6/10/10, Mark wrote:

All modifiable in under 1 minute via /etc/apt/sources.list, for future 

That is what I read, was on my way to doing that  said to myself, I wonder if 
I put the Ethernet cord in 1st... yeah sources.list, been reading it's the same 
as adding to Software Sources, but faster if you know what you're doing.


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SOLVED Re: ntfs-config

2010-06-10 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Thu, 6/10/10, Rob Owens wrote:

 Rule of thumb:  back up files before messing with
 them.  In the case of
 fstab, as root (or sudo):
 cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
 That way you can always go back to what was working before
 you messed
 with it.

I'm never going to forget that nor make that mistake again. So easy too.

 By the way, I'm pretty sure most desktop environments have
 provisions for accessing ntfs, and you don't need to mess
 with fstab.
 The ntfs drive is usually found under computer in the
 file manager.

Found something called Disk Manager, works just like ntfs-config. Don't know 
why I didn't find it the 1st 2X I look for something like ntfs-config, but I 
found it!

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Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash Debian

2010-06-10 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Thu, 6/10/10, Neal Hogan wrote:

 Fuck off!

Now that I know Mr. Hogan here doesn't have anything intelligent to add, off to 
the kill file with him!


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Re: Acer Aspire One wireless issue

2010-06-09 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Now wireless does’nt seem to work out of the box so you
 need to:

Worked great, thank YOU so much! I'm online wireless in Debian typing this. 
(Now I've got some educational research in what I exactly did  how it worked)

 To get your awesome wireless led to blink for you based on
 traffic, put these lines in /etc/rc.local, just above the
 string exit 0 (below doesn't work).
#(your root password)
now choose your editor of choice, i prefer gedit so I type the following
#gedit /etc/rc.local

Now add the following two lines above (exit 0)
sysctl -w dev.wifi0.ledpin=3 (For it to be a constant light change it to “-3)
sysctl -w dev.wifi0.softled=1

Ok, I got you so far, but this next part... 

Now for the wifi kill switch uses these keycodes (also to
use in rc.local):

Am I putting this (below), verbatim above (exit 0), or is this a file I need to 
open up in /usr/bin/...?

/usr/bin/setkeycodes e055 159
/usr/bin/setkeycodes e056 158

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Re: Stable vs Unstable Testing

2010-06-09 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Wed, 6/9/10, Johan Grönqvist wrote:

From what I have seen so far, I would recommend ubuntu 9.10 for your netbook, 
followed by debian testing or unstable.


Thanks so much for your input. I've got madwifi working Debian on my Acer 
Aspire One. I'm still using stable it would seem. I'm gunna play around with 
this  also stick with Ubuntu 9.10(until Ubuntu 10.04 gets torrents/wireless 
issue fixed or find I like Debian better) 

As for what I'm looking for in an OS... eventually I'd love to be able to 
install Linux on computers that I maintain for friends, especially their old 
ones. MS Windows... my friends find new ways of screwing it up! Ubuntu 
*Netbook* Edition not working on my *Netbook* didn't inspire me to install 
Ubuntu on a friends computer. I'd rather skip latest-gratest for 
reliability/dependability with just about everything in life, so Debian Stable 
sounds like my style. We'll see.

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Debian asking for DVD... (FYI)

2010-06-09 Thread ABSDoug
If you boot up a fresh install of Debian  after you boot up, plug in your 
Ethernet cable  try to add software, Debian asks for the install disk. If you 
plug in Ethernet BEFORE you boot up it will look online for software. WOW, that 
was frustrating! I'm FINALLY online with Debian on my Acer Aspire One. Special 
thanks to Hugo Vanwoerkom. Instead of telling me to look it up, requiring me to 
reboot into another OS to get online, he just told me exactly what I needed to 
do. Now I can do all the learning  testing of Debian from INSIDE Debian. 
Thanks again Hugo! Ok I'm off the install Skype  see how to auto-mount ntfs 
partitions... if anyone has some advice on the the ntfs auto-mount, I'm gunna 
start a new thread. I was using ntfs-config in Ubuntu 9.10, but I don't see 
that in Debian Synaptic Package Manager.


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2010-06-09 Thread ABSDoug
If anyone has some quick advice on ntfs auto-mount... I was using ntfs-config 
in Ubuntu 9.10, but I don't see that in Debian Synaptic Package Manager.


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Re: Acer Aspire One wireless issue

2010-06-09 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Wed, 6/9/10, Tom H wrote:


This kill-file thing is great. Simple, easy  I don't have to waste my time or 
anyone else's with non-tech stuff. Thanks to all that have suggested it!


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Re: ntfs-config

2010-06-09 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Thu, 6/10/10, Monsieur Louk wrote:

You mean you have some HDs with ntfs partitions you'd like to mount at 

That is exactly it. I have an ntfs partition I store all my personal files.

You could always edit your /etc/rc.local file and put some 'mount' command 
lines in it

I could if I knew how! I don't know how to edit rc.local, never even opened the 
file till now.


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Web browsers, Adobe Flash Debian

2010-06-09 Thread ABSDoug

I've been Googling Ephathy vs Firefox vs Opera as well as Adobe Flash. I'm not 
sure what is the best direction to go. I've got an iPhone, so I'm a bit familar 
with what sucks ( doesn't) about Adobe Flash. Without it, a good portion of 
the web is not accessable, unless there is something I'm missing? I also read a 
bit why Ubuntu uses Firefox  Debian doesn't. None of what I read was a 
decision maker. You can install Firefox or Opera, but I'm not sure of the 
easiest/best way. Is there a way/is the best way, to add something to Software 

After a few bumps in the road, I'm finding Debian Stable as easy to use as 
Ubuntu. Thanks for all that helped, it is really cool of you.


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Re: New to Debian (what I've done so far)

2010-06-08 Thread ABSDoug
Sorry... I messed up! I thought I had made a disk with the full install... I 
made another copy of the net install. I've got it working. Now for getting my 
wireless working. I'll start another thread.


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Acer Aspire One wireless issue

2010-06-08 Thread ABSDoug

I'm new to Debian, over from Ubuntu. Wireless on the AA1 does not pick up my 
router. Any advice? TIA 


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Re: Acer Aspire One wireless issue

2010-06-08 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Javier Barroso wrote:

From: Javier Barroso

Please search in google, and read docs, before asking here,



I'm already there, but not sure what I'm reading so far.


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Re: Acer Aspire One wireless issue

2010-06-08 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Lisi wrote:

 Are you sure that you clicked on the link??  It's obvious what you are 
reading there. 

I'm quiet sure. I was reading that page when I clicked on said link... same 
exact page opened in another tab. Quite a few options, none of which are 
clearly the right one. I do know I want to stick with stable Debian, which 
cuts things down a bit. Backports, the more I read the less I like that idea.

 Search the list archives.  There was a thread on this in February which 
shows what I did (via some helpful advice from this list) to get wireless going 
on my Acer Aspire One. 

This is all new to me, so I haven't figured out how to search archives. I only 
just found out archives exist.

 You have received a lot of advice to do some searching/research on this 
problem, but you do not appear to have done any.  Nor do you appear to have 
read all the replies that you have already received. 

I don't know how, but I was not receiving any replies. I only started seeing 
replies when I started the thread before this one.

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Re: Help for Ubuntu user trying Debian

2010-06-08 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Chris Bannister wrote:

 Can you login as root?

I got the installation correct finally. I can get to GUI, log in as root. It 
started another thread... can't get my wireless working on my Acer Aspire One. 


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Re: Acer Aspire One wireless issue

2010-06-08 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Joe wrote:

 The first question is whether it picks up anybody's router.
 Is is a wireless problem, or a compatibility problem?
 Actually, the first first question is whether wireless is
 even turned on. I once got my Aspire One into a state where
 the wireless could not be enabled. After an hour or two, I
 turned to other things, and a couple of days later noticed
 that the wireless light was back on. I still have no idea
 why this happened.

Sorry. To be more clear, I get wireless connection in Ubuntu 9.10  XP, but in 
Debian, no signal, not mine, not the neighbors.

 As I'm sure you know, Ubuntu is based on Debian, so it
 shouldn't be hard. Personally, while I run a Sid workstation
 and Lenny server, I've gone for Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my
 Aspire One, as Debian is a general-purpose OS, and UNR is
 targeted specifically at netbooks. Horses for courses: I
 wouldn't use Sid on a server, nor, usually, Stable on a
 workstation. I just ignore the Ubuntu kiddie stuff, and I've
 added openvpn and a bit of iptables wrangling.

My reason for coming over to Debian was the latest Ubuntu 10.04. When I run 
torrents, after a short time I lose connection. Doesn't happen in XP or 9.10. 
After I tried  failed to get a solution, I started wondering out loud how it 
was possible Ubuntu *Netbook* addition wasn't working on my netbook. That was 
when the discussion of Debian stable came up.  

 But it shouldn't be hard to see what Ubuntu is running that
 Debian isn't: you have Synaptic on Ubuntu, which I find
 easier for tracking down this kind of issue than aptitude,
 which I prefer for installation and updating. Along with
 lsmod, /var/log/dmesg and a bit of poking about in /etc,
 this should solve the problem.
 UNR will run 'live', from a USB stick, so you can see what
 it does with wireless without affecting the Debian
 installation. While there's more than one way to do
 wireless, I'd stick with the way Ubuntu does it, as I know
 that works.

Or does it? It works in 9.10, but not 10.04.

 And no, if I knew more about wireless myself, I'd be more
 specific, I'm just outlining how I'd go about finding the

It seems like I'm in over my head. Sounds like I'd need to take a collage 
course on Linux or have a LOT of time on my hands. I bought  read a book, but 
a lot of this stuff is still Latin to me.


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Re: Acer Aspire One wireless issue

2010-06-08 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Now wireless does’nt seem to work out of the box so you
 need to:
 Make sure that non-free and contrib are selected in the
 package list.
 Open a terminal and type the following:
 #(Your root password)
 # apt-get update
 # apt-get install build-essential module-assistant

Finally made it over to the router, in my roommate's room. After trying above  
trying Synaptic... oy... system asks for the install disk... out comes the 
external drive, in goes the disk... but the system keeps asking for the disk 
even though I've got the disk in the external drive. This being a netbook, 
there is no internal drive.

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Stable vs Unstable Testing

2010-06-08 Thread ABSDoug
 I originally wrote:
I do know I want to stick with stable Debian 

 Someone else wrote:
I my opinion there is no need to do so. Squeeze is close to freeze, soon it 
will became stable. You better run it. Personally I run it on my EeePC and have 
(almost) no problems. Advantage of running testing is newer drivers. Also you 
would not need backports. 

Arthur Machlas wrote:
Agreed. For your netbook Squeeze is the best route. If it makes you feel better 
though, aside from the fact that Squeeze will be stable in the next 6 months or 
so (crosses fingers), your old Ubuntu friend is a snapshot of Unstable with 
some patches and bugfixes.

Thanks a BUNCH for all the responds! If I'm repeating myself, forgive, I'm not 
sure what you've read so far (had some posting issues, now resolved). I'd like 
to explain my desire to use Debian stable so as to get some education here, 
cause I'm confused now. My reason for wanting stable (is it called Freeze?) 
was because of a suggestion on the Ubuntu list. 10.04 UNE has problems with 
torrents dropping my wireless connection on my Acer Aspire One. My 1st reaction 
was, how in the WORLD does the Ubuntu *Netbook* Edition (formally Remix) not 
work on my *netbook*!? On the Ubuntu list, there was talk about the 6-month 
release schedule, talk of Ubuntu being based on unstable Debian  that the 
answer might be Debian stable if you don't want problems. This was the 1st time 
I had heard of stable  unstable, I only knew there was testing, which I 
wanted to avoid. Sounded very reasonable, with a name like stable  finding 
out Debian is the SOURCE for
 other distros, I'm thinking stable is what you'd use if you don't want to be a 
Guinea pig. So I ran right over here. That's what got me here, but now I'm 
wondering if I'm going to go with unstable Squeeze, what does that offer over 
Ubuntu 9.10 (Remix). 9.10 (unlike 10.04) works well on my Acer Aspire One. I 
remember when Windows 7 testing was being given away  most people I knew 
installed it right away. I wanted no part of testing software having no idea 
about this stable vs unstable issue. Hoping to get a good education on this! TIA


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Re: Acer Aspire One wireless issue

2010-06-08 Thread ABSDoug
My very 1st kill file entry, ever smile

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Robert Holtzman wrote:

 He seems to be following the same pattern he did on the
 list. He wants to be spoon fed. 
 Bob Holtzman
 Key ID: 8D549279
 If you think you're getting free lunch,
  check the price of the beer


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Re: Acer Aspire One wireless issue

2010-06-08 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Neal Hogan wrote:

 When adding packages, your system needs to know where to look. To find out, 
it looks at the list in /etc/apt/sources.list. Take a look at that. You'll 
probably see that the first item(s) in the list refer to the install disk.  So, 
until you get internet connection, you're gonna need to use some other means . 
. . like the install disk to get packages. 

Sorry if I wasn't clear... I WAS on the Internet... so confusing. I hooked up 
to the router in my roommate's room, but it was still asking for the disk...? 
I'm pretty sure what I was looking for wouldn't be on the disk anyway.

 Once you get connected, DO SOME HOMEWORK and figure out how to edit that 
file so that the system does not want to look at the install disk all of the 
time, but rather looks out at the web.

I was hoping it was a quick fix someone could suggest, but at least now I know 
what file I'm trying to edit, thanks!

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Help new Debian user

2010-06-07 Thread ABSDoug
I've been using Ubuntu for a couple years now. I want to try Debian. I'm real 
weak on the terminal. When I was doing the GUI install, I could not get a 
wireless connection(router is physically located in a part of the house I DON'T 
rent). So now I boot up  get the terminal. Trying to install Gnome got me no 
where. What do I do next? TIA!


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Re: Help new Debian user

2010-06-07 Thread ABSDoug
--- On Mon, 6/7/10, Andrei Popescu wrote:

 Read the replies you got to your previous mail ;)
 P.S. Sorry for the CC, I assumed you are not subscribed.

Damn, I didn't see ANY responds to my post. But I'm seeing this one. Now what?


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New user: Did not see any responds

2010-06-07 Thread ABSDoug
I don't know what happen, but I reposted my question  someone posted that I 
should look at the 1st E-mail string I started... but I didn't see anything.

I'm an Ubuntu user who wants to try out Debian. I'm weak on terminal. I'm only 
getting terminal on Debian now. I don't know what to do next. TIA.


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New to Debian (what I've done so far)

2010-06-07 Thread ABSDoug
1st, tried to do Installing Debian GNU/Linux via the 
Internet(debian-504-i386-netinst.iso) but could not connect to wireless. At 
the time I did not have physical access to the router, but that can be done now 
if necessary. 

2nd, tried the big DVD image (debian-504-i386-DVD-1.iso). Tried to run GUI, no 
go. Tried to install Gnome  got E: coundn't find package Gnome.
That's where I'm at so far. TIA. 

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Re: New to Debian (what I've done so far)

2010-06-07 Thread ABSDoug

--- On Mon, 6/7/10, Javier Barroso wrote:

From: Javier Barroso
Subject: Re: New to Debian (what I've done so far)
To: ABSDoug
Date: Monday, June 7, 2010, 6:25 PM

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 12:13 AM, ABSDoug wrote:

1st, tried to do Installing Debian GNU/Linux via the 
Internet(debian-504-i386-netinst.iso) but could not connect to wireless. At 
the time I did not have physical access to the router, but that can be done now 
if necessary.

2nd, tried the big DVD image (debian-504-i386-DVD-1.iso). Tried to run GUI, no 
go. Tried to install Gnome  got E: coundn't find package Gnome.
That's where I'm at so far. TIA. 

See and reply our 

From DVD you can install an desktop standard which include gnome

PD: I'm CCing you, but if you are subscripted I shouldn't do it

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Re: New to Debian (what I've done so far)

2010-06-07 Thread ABSDoug
I'm in Windows right now for my iPhone... SO slow, that last blank E-mail was a 
Windows freeze issue. 

Javier, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!  yes I'm subscribed... 
don't know why I didn't get the orginal replys to my original post, but I am 

--- On Mon, 6/7/10, Javier Barroso wrote:

See and reply our 

From DVD you can install an desktop standard which include gnome

PD: I'm CCing you, but if you are subscripted I shouldn't do it


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Help for Ubuntu user trying Debian

2010-06-06 Thread ABSDoug
I'm real weak on the terminal. When I was doing the GUI install, I could not 
get a wireless connection(router is physically located in a part of the house I 
DON'T rent). So now I boot up  get the terminal. Trying to install Gnome got 
me no where. What do I do next? TIA!


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