Re: 'screen' error: Must be connected to a terminal

2001-11-03 Thread Adam Lazur
Alan Shutko ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 ii  libc6  2.2.4-5GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone

 Works fine.

Yes, the bug that Karsten is describing is a bug in libc6 2.2.4-4,
specifically in ttyname() not working properly for setgid executables.

Running a version of libc6 != 2.2.4-4 solves the problem.

Adam Lazur, Cluster Monkey

Re: can't locate module tap0 (tap1,tap2,...,tap15)

2000-11-13 Thread Adam Lazur
Krzys Majewski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
  Look in /lib/modules/x.y.z/ where x.y.z is your linux kernel version.
  If the modules are not there, you will have to compile them from the kernel
  (first, check if they are not included as part of the kernel).
 Hrm no, I think the tap modules are aliases for something,
 and I'm wondering where to find the list of aliases.

I use the tap0 stuff to do networking with user mode linux... I don't know
what's requesting that interface on your computer however.

On my 2.4.0-test10 box it's the ethertap module which enables tap*, though
IIRC it was listed as an obsolete feature in favor of something else?

Maybe not a solution to your problem, but at least a coupla more data


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: G400, DRI, X4, and 4 million dollars

2000-11-05 Thread Adam Lazur
Mike Cathcart ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:

  Well, ok, I lied, but who was going to read another boring email about the 
 G400 and DRI? Well, enough for sensationalistic email...
[ snip ]
 glxinfo output:
[ snip ]
 OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
 OpenGL version string: 1.2 Mesa 3.4
[ snip ]

Looks like you're using the Mesa libs. When I got dri rocking with xf4 and
a G400, I downloaded the binary of libGL from xf4 and the binary of libGLU
(or something along those lines) from I don't know if
the xf4 libGL and libGLU are packaged for debian or not...

My experience with the Matrox dri drivers is that they work alright for
3D, but hose the 2d display stuff (weird lines all over the place). So you
either run X to run 3D stuff (in 16bpp no less), or  you run it to do 2D
stuff (and get some real work done).


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: Q: Can E menu use console commands?

2000-11-05 Thread Adam Lazur
Jonathan Gift ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 In MWM I could pass shell commands as a menu, and I think Window Maker
 allowed it. Can I do it in Enlightenment? I want to use the
 import -root... to take a screenshot. Other uses come to mind.

Why not edit ~/.enlightenment/ (and the other menus it points to) ?


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: XFree86 4.0.1 and Voodoo3 -- how do I test?

2000-11-05 Thread Adam Lazur
Thomas J. Hamman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 Okay, I have the latest 2.4.0 test kernel compiled with DRI and the 3dfx
 driver, I have XFree86 4.0.1 running fine
 Now how do I even find out if I have 3D hardware acceleration working?

Check out


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: /bin/false

2000-10-28 Thread Adam Lazur
Flavio Alberto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 I'm find /bin/false for intall in my Debian box?

apt-get install shellutils


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: IMP error: 'document contained no data'

2000-10-18 Thread Adam Lazur
Harald Thingelstad ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 My best guess is the php3 (and php4) security update this weekend fucked
 something up with horde/imp.

See bugs #74892 and #74885 .

A downgrade to the older php will fix your problem for now... though you
go without the security fix.


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: IMP error: 'document contained no data'

2000-10-18 Thread Adam Lazur
Matthew Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 Thanks for the reply, Adam.  Seeing as I'm really only a quasi-nerd :),
 can you tell me just how serious the security hole is?  I can use Pine for
 my email on the server in question, but I was just about to set up IMP as
 the primary mail system here at work, and I obviously don't want to do
 that if users can't send messages or if there's a significant security

It's a remote root exploitable bug. The published temp fix with the (old)
exploitable version is to disable error logging to avoid the format string

You can do this by making sure your /etc/php3/apache/php3.ini has the

log_errors = Off

It's up to you to assess if you want imp to work with the old version and
no error logging (which I think is default on debian) or if it's too


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: crypt() woes - error in man page?

2000-10-18 Thread Adam Lazur
Peter Jay Salzman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 i think there's an error in the man page for crypt()...
   usage: char *crypt(const char *key, const char *salt);


   char *pass1 = crypt(salt1, key);
   char *pass2 = crypt(salt2, key);

should be:
char *pass1 = crypt(key, salt1);
char *pass2 = crypt(key, salt2);


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: Like expr, but for floating point numbers?

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Lazur
Krzys Majewski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 and I take their average with awk. This gives me some floating point
 number. Now I would like to  compare, in a shell script, this floating
 point number to some  other floating point  number. How do  people do

You could probably use awk to do it.

Anyways, here's a quick shell function that I whipped up to do simple
comparison... really, dealing with floating point in the shell is messy.
Also, this may be bash specific... I don't know if plain sh supports the $
# and % stuff.

# returns 0 if $1  $2
# returns 1 if $1  $2
# returns 2 if $1 = $2
# returns 3
cmp() {
local int_a=${1%.*}
local dec_a=${1#*.}
local int_b=${2%.*}
local dec_b=${2#*.}

[ $int_a -lt $int_b ]  return 0
[ $int_b -lt $int_a ]  return 1
[ $int_b -eq $int_a ]  {
[ $dec_a -lt $dec_b ]  return 0 
[ $dec_b -lt $dec_a ]  return 1 
[ $dec_b -eq $dec_a ]  return 2
return 3

I don't think the first -eq comparision is required, but it makes it a bit
more complete. It'll only work for decimals x.y where x and y are not


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: Getting CPU load (from /proc/?)

2000-09-28 Thread Adam Lazur
Arcady Genkin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
  You could try 'vmstat 1', which will poll every second.
 Cool!  Where could I get its source code?

apt-get source procps


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: system v

2000-09-21 Thread Adam Lazur
Manfred Kissel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 is there a tool in the debian distribution like ntsysv in red-hat
 which i can manage my init scripts to start and stop in different

Check out rcconf

Description: Configure rc?.d/ scripts
 rcconf is the configuration tool of rc?.d/ directory, which is CUI interface
 to the update-rc.d command.


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: shell program help wanted!

2000-09-14 Thread Adam Lazur
Emil Pedersen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 What about:

$[i+1] will also work

I don't use $(( )) ever since I found $[ ] and got used to using $( )
instead of ` `


[  icq #3354423 | |  ]

Re: Switching pine to mutt - but...

1999-04-16 Thread Adam Lazur
Shao Zhang ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 By the way, does mutt have anything similar to the pine's
 addressbook?? I know the alias command can do that in mutt, but I
 still find pine's addressbook is very usefull. Eg, if I want to send
 a mail to 10 people, I can just select them in pine, but in mutt, do
 I have to type out all of those ten people's alias? Creating a
 mailing list is not that usefull because I won't send mails to these
 ten in future, and probably it will be a different 10 people

Simple Answer: hit Tab twice in the To: field inside of mutt

Long Rant Answer: I think you may have to prompt for To: address, or
you could probably do it in the post-edit send menu by changing the
To: address, but anyway, when you get to the To: prompt in the status
bar hit tab twice, this will bring up your addressbook (a list of
your aliases from your alias file). When you're in there you can
simply select/deselect recipients by hitting enter on their names. Hit
'q' to exit this menu, and all of the people you selected should be
filled in on the To: line.

HTH (YMMV on the keystrokes as I don't use the pine simulation muttrc)


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

 The only 'intuitive' interface is the nipple. After that, it's all
  learned. -Bruce Ediger, in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.

Re: NT vs Linux as web server

1999-04-14 Thread Adam Lazur
Peter S Galbraith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 My IT manager just EMailed me this article (CC'ed to a bunch of
 Directors, of course):
  Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 is 2.5 times faster than Linux as
  a File Server and 3.7 times faster as a Web Server.
 I'm sure I could dig up opposing reviews.  Anyone know of any?

Linux Weekly News ( is formulating a reply about the
inconsistencies/inaccuracies of those tests (I believe the samba
server was somewhat crippled among other things), not to mention that
they were sponsored BY Microsoft. Check out the response on Slashdot
( for other problems.

As my Probability and Statistics professor says you can make
statistics say whatever you want, but it's not always accurate


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

  Besides, I think Slackware sounds better than 'Microsoft,' don't
   you? -Patrick Volkerding

Re: NT vs Linux as web server

1999-04-14 Thread Adam Lazur
Adam Lazur ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 Linux Weekly News ( is formulating a reply about the
 ^ doh, make that .net

   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

  Besides, I think Slackware sounds better than 'Microsoft,' don't
   you? -Patrick Volkerding

Re: X-window client?

1999-03-28 Thread Adam Lazur
George Bonser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, David Bartholow wrote:
  I need to get to my debian 5.2 system from my
 There is no such thing as Debian-5.2

heh, he may mean RedCra^H^H^HHat...

  Windows NT workstation. Is there a free x-windows
  client for windows that anyone knows of?
 Not that I know of. The closest you can come is VNC.

There is MI/X I believe, I've never used it, but it's worth a
try... check out


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -
 [ Protect privacy, boycott Intel: ]

being able to break security doesn't make you a hacker any more than
 being able to hotwire cars makes you an automotive engineer -ESR

Re: Enlightenment .15.x for Slink

1999-03-20 Thread Adam Lazur
Ben Messinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 Are there any E .15.x debs for Slink yet? I would hate to compile if
 someone has already done the work. I have kept apt pointed at; as was
 previously mentioned on the list, but as of yet there is only an
 unstable directory. Am I looking in the wrong place or just not being
 patient enough? (my humble respect goes out to all Debian developers -
 you do tremendous work.)

they're located at
I'm not at my machine right now, else I'd give you the line to add to
your sources.list file for apt... there's a little trial and error
about syntax with the slashes if you haven't done it before...



   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -
 [ Protect privacy, boycott Intel: ]

Whenever the dragon's teeth of technological change are sown, we reap
 a whirlwind of violence. -Marshall McLuhan

Re: gnome library

1999-03-18 Thread Adam Lazur
 I have a probleme when I run a gnome application, like gnome-stones.
 I have this message :
 gnome-stones: error in loading shared libraries:
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: poptHelpOptions
 Do you know, what I have to do.

Wait until the gnome packages are fixed... or if you can't wait, run
the stuff that's too unstable to merge with potato (unstable) in the
gnome staging area by adding:

deb unstable main

to your /etc/apt/sources.list


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

 The only 'intuitive' interface is the nipple. After that, it's all
  learned. -Bruce Ediger, in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.

Re: GNOME 0.99.8 debs anywhere?

1999-02-23 Thread Adam Lazur
Paul Nathan Puri ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 The mirrors only have the new GNOME in the rpm format.  Does
 anyone know where I can find the new GNOME release in the
 favorite format (i.e., deb)?  Thanks...

Try (or It's the site maintained by
the Debian GNOME maintainer.


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -
   Protect privacy, boycott Intel:

Version: 3.12
GE d(---) s++:++ a19 C$ UL++$ P+$ L++$ E W++
N+ o++ K--- w-- O- M-- V? PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t--- 5-- X++
R tv+ b+ DI D+ G(-) e h r++ z+

Re: GNOME 0.99.8 debs anywhere?

1999-02-23 Thread Adam Lazur
Bruno Boettcher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
  Try (or It's the site maintained by
  the Debian GNOME maintainer.
 maybe i searched not enough but the last deb's i found there were for the .30
 version of gnome

the packages I see in /pub/debian/pkgs/gnome-*/latest_i386/ are all
looking to be 0.99.4


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -
   Protect privacy, boycott Intel:

Re: pine mutt

1999-02-20 Thread Adam Lazur
Steve Willer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
  Now I use mutt and tin and am quite happy with both.
 Sounds like mutt wasn't too good for news either.

AFAIK mutt isn't currently meant to be a news reader. There are
patches to make it do news however, but they aren't incorporated into
the stable (Beta) release yet (I believe they're still under

Anyways, I started out using pine, then went to elm, and now I'm at
mutt and can't complain at all. I'd suggest that if you're not into
editting plain text config files however, that you don't migrate to
mutt, as setting up a good .muttrc takes a little time. IMO mutt isn't
a MUA for the average user, but more for the technical types.


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

The Internet is like crack for smart people -- Arsenio Hall

Off Topic: .pcf to TTF ?

1999-01-28 Thread Adam Lazur
Is there a util that will convert a font from .pcf to some form of TTF?


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

Re: Is it possible to scroll back and see bootup messages on console?

1998-11-27 Thread Adam Lazur
Thus spake Stan Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   In FreeBSD, you can hit the {Scroll Lock} button and scroll back on the
   console using {Page Up and {Page Donw} keys.
   Is there anything similar in Debian?

as mentioned before... I think the shift page up/down combo
works... but if it's just bootup messages you're looking for you can
type 'dmesg' at the prompt and it will spit out all the kernel bootup
stuff. HTH


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

 Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
-- Benjamin Franklin

apt-get update errors?

1998-11-05 Thread Adam Lazur
Whenever I run apt-get update with slink stuff in my sources.list I
end up getting like 20 errors similar to:

Get slink/main makedev [16.1k]
Error slink/main makedev
 550 /debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/base/makedev_2.3.1-4.deb:
 not a plain file.

is there something I'm missing?


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

Whenever the dragon's teeth of technological change are sown, we reap
 a whirlwind of violence. -Marshall McLuhan

Re: apt-get update errors?

1998-11-05 Thread Adam Lazur
Thus spake Adam Lazur ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Whenever I run apt-get update with slink stuff in my sources.list I
  ^ doh, I meant apt-get upgrade after I run
  apt-get update


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

Whenever the dragon's teeth of technological change are sown, we reap
 a whirlwind of violence. -Marshall McLuhan

Re: apt-get update errors? FIXED

1998-11-05 Thread Adam Lazur
Thus spake Adam Lazur ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

  Whenever I run apt-get update with slink stuff in my sources.list I
   ^ doh, I meant apt-get upgrade after I run
 apt-get update

fixed it by switching my slink site to


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

Whenever the dragon's teeth of technological change are sown, we reap
 a whirlwind of violence. -Marshall McLuhan

Re: Emacs command line option

1998-10-30 Thread Adam Lazur
 The second point is that I don't want emacs to always use
 auto-fill-mode but only if it is invoked by mutt.
 But I noticed that the auto-fill-mode breaks always at 70 chars. Even
 if I try to override the value. Strange thing.

here's what I have in my ~/.muttrc to accomplish the auto-fill-mode 
when emacs is invoked from mutt.

set editor=emacs -nw %s --eval '(setq make-backup-files nil) (auto-fill-mode)'

though all you really need is:

set editor=emacs %s --eval '(auto-fill-mode)'


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

 After all, how do you give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt when
  you know that if you throw it into a room with truth, you'd risk a
  matter/anti-matter explosion.
  -from N. Petreley's column, Down to the Wire,  9/96 issue of

help with fonts in X ?

1998-10-06 Thread Adam Lazur
I'm failing to see how I can use a particular font in certain X
applications. I installed rasterman's nexus font (available from or somewhere similar) as a fixed width font and use
it in my rxvts (rxvt -fn nexus) and it works fine. However, I'd like
to use it in The Gimp, maybe Netscape, and elsewhere possibly
later, but it *never* shows up in the list of fonts even in Netscape
under fixed width fonts. Is there an entry in my XF86Config that I
have to edit to get this font to be listed with the rest of the
default fonts for these applications? It's already in my fontpath as
rxvt finds it with no problems... I think I'm missing a
fundamental X font concept somewhere


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

   People disagree with me.  I just ignore them.
-Linus Torvalds, regarding the use of C++ for the Linux kernel.

Re: debian as secretary?

1998-10-02 Thread Adam Lazur
You can use a program still in development called 'spk'.
It does exactly what you want, and more. It'll only work with USR
voice modems though I believe. In any event, here's the URL: 


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

   Windows 98 packs with solitare,  Linux packs with DOOM.
   You can have your deck of cards. I'll take a chainsaw.

Hard drive woes...

1998-09-21 Thread Adam Lazur
The fan on my power supply recently siezed up, I have since replaced
it, but it was not working for 2 days without me noticing. This
allowed my box to get HOT, and as a result my hard drive isn't too
happy anymore... In my MS-DOS partition (have to use Visual Cafe for
work) scandisk found several bad sectors, and has since corrected
them (marked bad). I know there are bad sectors in my Linux partition,
as when I try to use man for anything I get:

Updating index cache for path `/usr/man'. Wait...
gzip: /usr/man/man1/dumpkeys.1.gz: Input/output error

and the corresponding messages in /var/log/messages are:

Sep 21 18:39:00 LazC0M kernel: hda: read_intr: status=0x59 {
DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error } 
Sep 21 18:39:00 LazC0M kernel: hda: read_intr: error=0x40 {
UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=12253958, sector=3900158 
Sep 21 18:39:00 LazC0M kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:03,
sector 3900158

I plan on scrapping this hard drive as it's progressively getting
worse, but don't have the money for a new hard drive just yet. 

Is there any way to mark these sectors as 'bad' and limp it along


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

 After all, how do you give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt when
  you know that if you throw it into a room with truth, you'd risk a
  matter/anti-matter explosion.
  -from N. Petreley's column, Down to the Wire,  9/96 issue of

Re: identd

1998-08-18 Thread Adam Lazur
search for cidentd on the web, it makes use of a .authlie file in the
user's home directory I believe . . . 


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

Version: 3.12
GE d(---) s++:++ a19 C$ UL++$ P+$ L++$ E W++
N+ o++ K--- w-- O- M-- V? PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t--- 5-- X++
R tv+ b+ DI D+ G(-) e h r++ z+

Re: Trouble With Simple Thing.

1998-07-30 Thread Adam Lazur
 Chris Wong wrote:
  I'm sorta new to Debian.. and I was wondering if anyone could help
   me with limiting users to their own directory. I've read docs about it,
   but still can't get it working. Anyone help? Thanks.
 I don't understand what you want to do.

I believe what he's looking for is a chroot type of thing, like
anonymous ftp. Where a user gets assigned his home dir and they
can't play anywhere else in the filesystem. I think there's something
in the passwd file to set that up, if I'm not mistaken, but then
again, I could be . . .


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

Whenever the dragon's teeth of technological change are sown, we reap
 a whirlwind of violence. -Marshall McLuhan

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Re: chroot in passwd? (WAS: Re: Trouble With Simple Thing.)

1998-07-30 Thread Adam Lazur
On Thu, Jul 30, 1998 at 02:08:00AM -0700, Chris Wong wrote:
   That's exactly what I want.. in ftp, I'm stuck.. I thought it would be 
 so users don't get lost in the filesystem if they changed to the root dir.

Quoted from

5. Restricted Filesystem

chroot() system call : changes a process's view of the filesystem
in SVR4, if the shell field for a user in the /etc/passwd file is
filled with *, then the login program will make a chroot() call on
the home directory field.
copy some files in the /etc, /lib, /usr/lib, /bin .. to other

End Quote

looks like you're looking for something to that efect?


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

Whenever the dragon's teeth of technological change are sown, we reap
 a whirlwind of violence. -Marshall McLuhan

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: changing partition size

1998-07-28 Thread Adam Lazur
 Partition Magic is an _excellent_ program for resizing partitions.  I have
 entrusted my disk to it on numerous occasions (and so have some of my
 friends) and it has never had a problem.  Too bad it's a DOS/Windows
 program and won't resize ext2 partitions.  :(

Word on the street is Parition Magic 4.0 will be able to resize ext2
partitions as well as the normal PM3 DOS/Win stuff. It'll still run
from DOS (possibly emu?) though.


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

 After all, how do you give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt when
  you know that if you throw it into a room with truth, you'd risk a
  matter/anti-matter explosion.
  -from N. Petreley's column, Down to the Wire,  9/96 issue of

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