Re: Newbie needs help on X win!!!

1999-09-19 Thread Adrian Thompson
Hello,  Depending on what graphics card you have, install the required Xserver. 
XF86_SVGA.   that one is very generic to most graphic card types.  Install 
the bins and then the rest is up to you... like apps and games.

You will be required to configure a script called /etc/XF86Config, but there 
programs that will do that for you like the /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config bin.  Be 
to input your monitor vertical and horizontal sync rates (GET IT RIGHT) and
information on your graphics card.  ie. vid RAM and clocks.  The xf86config 
will prob for clocks for you.  I'm not going to write a novel, but I hope that 


Tam Ma wrote:

 Hi guys,

 Hi guys,

 I just install slink and all of the packages that I need. Now I want
 installl X window but I don't know which packages to install. Can you guys
 give me a list of packages I should Install to get X window working. I
 don't want anything fancy yet, right now I just want ordinary X window and
 maybe with file manager like Gnome or something.

 Thanx so much.

 Tam Ma

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Re: Installing/Debianizing WindowMaker themes

1999-09-19 Thread Adrian Thompson
Hello,  Windowmaker makes a dir in your home dir called 
Under this dir is the dir Themes
gunzip theme.tar.gz | -xvfIN the theme dir.  Your theme will be added.


Salman Ahmed wrote:

 How can I either install WindowMaker theme tarballs
 or debianize them and then install via dpkg/apt ?

 Running slink + some potato debs (WindowMaker-0.60).


 Salman Ahmed
 ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

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Debian FDisk

1999-09-13 Thread Adrian Thompson

Linux fdisk doesn't see past 1024 cylindars,  I have a 20.4GB HD which
requires over 2000 cylindars.  As well I have win95 on hda1,  I want to
put linux on hda2, however lilo doesn't sit well in a FAT32, or screws
up because of the HD size.

Hardware specs:  MB =ASUS Flagship 1999
   BIOS   =AWARD PNP 1998---(hope
this helps)
   HD  =MAXTOR 20.4GB
patition sizes:   hda1=7.5GB(win95),  hda2=10GB(linux?),

Is there a new lilo and fdisk that will work, or do I have to reinstall
linux on hda1 (which would SUCK!).

Thanx for reading, -=Adrian=-