Re: claws-mail

2023-11-13 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Mon, 13 Nov 2023 04:39:02 + (UTC), wrote:

>I'm running bookworm on a Raspberry Pi 4b.
>mike@rpi4b3:~> uname -a  
>Linux MikesPI 6.1.0-rpi4-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.1.54-1+rpt2 
>(2023-10-05) aarch64 GNU/Linux
>This install didn't include exim4, postfix or anything supplying sendmail 
> and fetchmail won't work without an MTA.
>I've set up several accounts in claws-mail for email accounts at 
> and but so far haven't got them right to  the point that claws-mail 
> will collect mail from any of those accounts via POP mail.
>I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to get claws-mail working, so far 
> the only suggestions I've gotten from the Raspberry Pi forum is to switch to 
> thunderbird.
>I don't understand how either will handle local email like comes from cron 
> or other system programs and I depend on several scripts to do daily checks 
> on the system which cron emails me about on my buster system which has exim4, 
> fetchmail and mutt installed. Obviously I can install those here too but 
> suspect if I get this system set up correctly it should perform similarly.
>Any advice appreciated.

I believe gmail _requires_ OAUTH2 authorisation for "non-secure apps"
nowadays - which is pretty much all apps except gmails own.

See for how to set it
up (It's a bit complicated) - I have stopped using gmail with
claws-mail, and don't use gmail very much. (They do a very bad job at
following mail standards, which your problem is a good example of).

My suggestion is to use another mail provider if possible.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: how do I stop FF from jumping workspaces when I click on a link in t-bird

2023-01-08 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sun, 8 Jan 2023 12:40:05 -0500,
gene heskett wrote:

>it is most inconvenient to have it jump workspaces and open the link on top of 
>the tbird screen.

Which desktop environment are you on? - I think I might have seen
somewhere that you are on Xfce (but I am not sure) -

in that case - see

which might be the cause of your problems. Change that setting to something you 

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Firefox / dbus standard file browser application

2021-12-24 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sun, 12 Dec 2021 17:24:47 +0100,
Andreas Ronnquist wrote:

>I'm Debian stable, Xfce desktop, and have recently gone from Chromium
>to firefox-esr.
>Now I discover that in Firefox, pressing "open containing folder" in
>the "downloaded files" list, opens Thunar, but I want it to open Caja
>which I use as default file browser. 
>I have already set it where I have found it in settings, as in
>the "default programs" dialog, and other places, but it seems like
>Firefox uses dbus to get which file browser to use.
>Where do I set dbus and Firefox to use Caja instead of Thunar?

I finally solved this by simply removing Thunar completely from my
install. Then finally firefox uses caja as wanted.

This unfortunately removes the Xfce task, but I install my needed
packages by hand, so I can live with that.

My problem is basically solved, but I would love to find a way to set
caja as default dbus filemanager without needing to uninstall thunar.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Firefox / dbus standard file browser application

2021-12-12 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sun, 12 Dec 2021 09:58:14 -0700,
Charles Curley wrote:

>On Sun, 12 Dec 2021 17:24:47 +0100
>Andreas Ronnquist  wrote:
>> I'm Debian stable, Xfce desktop, and have recently gone from Chromium
>> to firefox-esr.
>> Now I discover that in Firefox, pressing "open containing folder" in
>> the "downloaded files" list, opens Thunar, but I want it to open Caja
>> which I use as default file browser. 
>> I have already set it where I have found it in settings, as in
>> the "default programs" dialog, and other places, but it seems like
>> Firefox uses dbus to get which file browser to use.
>> Where do I set dbus and Firefox to use Caja instead of Thunar?  
>Have you tried the Default Applications applet?
>Right click on the desktop -> Applications -> Settings -> Default
>Applications -> Utilities.

Yes, I have - that is what I meant with the "default programs" dialog.
Sorry, I translate from my user interface which is in Swedish, and I
might not get the correct window titles 100 % correct in English.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Firefox / dbus standard file browser application

2021-12-12 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

I'm Debian stable, Xfce desktop, and have recently gone from Chromium
to firefox-esr.

Now I discover that in Firefox, pressing "open containing folder" in
the "downloaded files" list, opens Thunar, but I want it to open Caja
which I use as default file browser. 

I have already set it where I have found it in settings, as in
the "default programs" dialog, and other places, but it seems like
Firefox uses dbus to get which file browser to use.

Where do I set dbus and Firefox to use Caja instead of Thunar?

-- Andreas Rönnquist

[Please don't CC me, if I mail to a mailinglist, I am subscribed to it.]

Re: Mouse left button acts really strange

2021-10-12 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sat, 9 Oct 2021 20:52:25 +0200, wrote:

>I really like Logitech mouses (fast scrolling!), but when used often
>they break each one/two year.
>Sometimes wire most of the time left button.
>I buy them per 3. 

Indeed - I just replaced the faulty one with a new one of the same
model - the problem has gone away.

It was the hardware.

Thank you to everybody who has helped or tried to help.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Mouse left button acts really strange

2021-10-09 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sat, 9 Oct 2021 10:41:53 -0400,
Dan Ritter wrote:

>Andreas Rönnquist wrote: 
>> I have massive problems with my Logitech M705 - Or specifically with
>> the left mouse button. Sometimes (very often) singleclick becomes
>> double-click, dragging items is very hard, it drops the drag before I
>> release the mouse button. Clicking on the terminal icon in my xfce
>> panel often starts three terminals. The weird thing is that mouse
>> movement and the mousewheel works just fine. No problls. The weird
>> thing is that mouse movement andems there of any
>> kind.
>> On my latest boot of the system, it looked to me like the button
>> acted normally for about one minute, but then the usual crap started
>> happening again, so I assume that the mouse hardware is fine. (I have
>> also tried another mouse - same behaviour).  
>I see this problem with Logitech wireless pointer products
>(mouse, trackball...) when the distance between the USB receiver
>and the pointing device is marginal or partially blocked. That
>includes a distance of less than one meter where the USB
>receiver is blocked by metal in the computer's case from seeing
>the mouse.
>If you get a USB extension cable or otherwise relocate the USB
>receiver so that it is closer and has unblocked line of sight to
>the mouse, I suspect your problem will go away.


Thanks - I have tried with both lowering the range between the mouse to
the receiver, but that doesn't help (It's at about 30 cm now) - in fact,
it is the same if I swap to a corded mouse (Also logitech, if that would
matter). Really frustrating stuff. Sometimes it goes away, and I think
the problem is solved, but without exception, the problem comes back
(within minutes).

It could be that both those mice are indeed broken - but to me that
seems unlikely (I won't rule it out though).

Testing with yet another mouse (non Logitech) the problem is gone.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: in-reply-to=%3C20210604174014.513c0fee@debian-i7%3E=Re:%20Re:%20Debian%20svensk%20IRC-kanal

2021-06-10 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 10 Jun 2021 04:44:43 +0200,
Hund wrote:

>> är en alias för OFTC-servern. Dessutom så finns dom
>>flesta Debian-kanaler på OFTC. Så det kan vara smidigt att ha svensk
>>Debian-support på samma server som alla andra Debian-kanaler...  
>Då är ju frågan varför du tog upp det och frågade vad som var ett bra
>val från början om Debian redan har valt att flytta till OFTC?
>Och varför har du den där attityden mot mig? 

Inget beslut är taget ännu. Jag ville bara informera att OFTC har dom
flesta av Debians övriga IRC-kanaler (och även en, och
argumentera för att det kan vara bra att ha alla kanaler samlade på
samma server. 

Dessutom handlar det inte om att flytta någonting - Det handlar om en
länk på svenska delen av Debian-webben, det är inga IRC-kanaler som
kommer att stängas ner, utan det handlar _bara_ om vad som länkas från

Om du tolkar punkterna som att jag har attityd, så kan jag meddela att det
inte var det som var meningen.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: in-reply-to=%3C20210604174014.513c0fee@debian-i7%3E=Re:%20Re:%20Debian%20svensk%20IRC-kanal

2021-06-09 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Wed, 9 Jun 2021 20:33:45 +0200,
Hund wrote:

>> Nu har det gått mer än en vecka sedan jag postade det här, och det
>> enda svar som har skickats håller med om att det räcker med att länka
>> OFTC-kanalen. Så därför kommer jag att utföra detta om ingen kommer
>> med några protester. (Låt säga att jag ger det en vecka till).
>> Intresset verkar minst sagt svalt, så jag antar att det inte är några
>> problem.  
>Hur kommer det sig att du valde OFTC före Libera Chat? Rent spontant
>känner jag att Libera Chat känns som ett bättre val då de har en mer
>modern infrastruktur. De är ju egentligen typ freenode 2.0 kan man
>säga, medan OFTC saknar en hel del saker som många är van med, bland
>annat SASL.
>En annan fördel med Libera Chat är att de tillåter att man skapar
>organisationer där, så att att man kan reservera kanaler och hela
>stackar om man så önskar, exempelvis `#debian-*`. På köpet får man
>också cloaks, exempelvis "Debian/Member/sedan dela ut till vem man vill. OFTC erbjuder så vitt jag vet inget
>av detta.
> är en alias för OFTC-servern. Dessutom så finns dom
flesta Debian-kanaler på OFTC. Så det kan vara smidigt att ha svensk
Debian-support på samma server som alla andra Debian-kanaler...

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Debian svensk IRC-kanal

2021-06-04 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 27 May 2021 15:04:48 +0200,
Andreas Rönnquist wrote:

>Som ni kanske har märkt har freenode lagt ner, och Debian har haft en
>IRC-kanal för svensk support där (som nu har flyttats till servern
>libera_chat), som länkas på debians webb. [1]
>Ska vi fortsätta att länka på både servern libera-chat och
>på OFTC från webbsidan? Det är så pass lite trafik på dessa sammanlagt,
>så jag anser väl att en skulle absolut räcka, men jag vill absolut inte
>ta ett beslut på egen hand och trampa på någons tår.
>Topic på OFTC-kanalen länkar också, vilken även den verkar
>väldigt död, har någon här koll på det?
>Finns det en poäng att länka till både OFTC och libera-chat för
>IRC-support på svenska?
>Tankar och idéer skulle uppskattas!

Nu har det gått mer än en vecka sedan jag postade det här, och det enda
svar som har skickats håller med om att det räcker med att länka
OFTC-kanalen. Så därför kommer jag att utföra detta om ingen kommer med
några protester. (Låt säga att jag ger det en vecka till).

Intresset verkar minst sagt svalt, så jag antar att det inte är några

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Who installed package "foo"?

2020-11-01 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sun, 1 Nov 2020 18:59:16 +0700,
Victor Sudakov wrote:

>Dear Colleagues,
>When I want to figure out what package has installed package "foo" as a
>dependency, is there a less barbaric method than 
>apt-get -s remove foo 


aptitude why [package]

which should do what you ask.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: reprepro using a gpg certificate

2020-09-28 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 15:01:25 +0200,
Philipp Ewald wrote:

>you dont need a password on a gpg-key so if its not required you can
>remove the password and script

That is right of course - but how is this security-wise? I guess in my
case it doesn't matter much though.

Thanks for your input!

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: reprepro using a gpg certificate

2020-09-28 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 08:23:54 -0400,
Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

>On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 01:59:52PM +0200, Andreas Rönnquist wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have managed to setup a personal repository for backports from
>> unstable to stable only for personal usage. Everything works just
>> fine, with one small exception:
>> After I dput a package I must login to the repository server, and run
>> a shell script containing the reprepro command, which I cannot
>> automate, since it requests entry of a password for a gpg key.
>> Does anyone have some simple instructions to setup reprepro so I
>> don't have to enter this password by hand - I understand that I can
>> use some kind of gpg certificate to get around this, but I haven't
>> managed to set it up properly.
>> I want to do the reprepro command in a crontab so that eventual
>> uploaded packages get processed automatically every X minutes, but
>> then it (of course) cannot require someone to fill in a gpg password.
>Have you looked at the keychain package?  It allows you to cache SSH
>and GPG keys.  I have used it to automate tasks that require both.
>Essentially, you will need to log in once after the system boots and
>load the key(s) you want to use for automation.  Your scripts will need
>to source a shell script snippet with environment variables that let it
>connect to the running agent(s) and they can just operate like normal.
>The agent(s) handle all of the interactions with ssh and/or gpg
>regarding the unlocking of keys and such.

keychain indeed looks exactly like what I need.

Thank you!

best regards
-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: libgtk-3.0 debug package?

2020-03-28 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sat, 28 Mar 2020 10:33:09 -0400,
Sylvain Archenault wrote:

>Is there a debug package for libgtk-3.0 amd64 for sid?
>I was only able to find this page:

dbgsym packages are available from the Debian repositories - please add
something like this to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb unstable-debug main

And then simply install the package


and it should work fine.


for the announcement.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Why do I need to give the whole key when trying to delete a public keypair?

2019-04-26 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 21:09:33 +,
shirish शिरीष wrote:

>Dear all,
>I am sharing a specific key so it's simple and easy to show -
>$ apt-key list
>pub   rsa4096 2014-11-21 [SC] [expires: 2022-11-19]
>  D211 6914 1CEC D440 F2EB  8DDA 9D6D 8F6B C857 C906
>uid   [ unknown] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing
>Key (8/jessie) 
>$ sudo apt-key del D21169141CECD440F2EB8DDA9D6D8F6BC857C906
>[sudo] password for shirish:
>Again running the apt-key list tells me that the key is no longer
>I tried it with some different keys if using the short keycode for
>e.g. if just using the first 8 alphanumeric keys it works, but found
>it doesn't.

I am not 100% sure I am understanding you correctly, but the short
keyID for a gpg key is the _last_ 8 characters and not the 8 first -
With the key you describe above, the short keyID is C857C906.

This might be the cause of your confusion.

And in addition to this, see

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: What means "<<" in dependencies at

2019-03-10 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sun, 10 Mar 2019 14:14:52 -0500,
Kent West wrote:

>> dep: python3  (<< 3.7) dep:
>> python3  (>= 3.5~)  
>The ">=" surely means "greater than or equal to", but what is "<<"?
>"less than or less than"?
>Even more interesting is that "aptitude install python3-kivy" only
>shows one "<" (which makes sense to me as "less than"):
>The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>>  python3-kivy : Depends: python3 (< 3.7) but 3.7.2-1 is installed
>and in the description of the package in the aptitude console:
>Depends: python3-gst-1.0, python3 (< 3.7), python3 (>= 3.5~), ...
>It's not a typo, unless other pages have similar typos (sometimes being
>">>" - "greater than or greater than"?).  
>Also, is the answer documented somewhere? I've researched
>unproductively for several hours.


It's documented in Debian policy:

>The relations allowed are <<, <=, =, >= and >> for strictly earlier,
>earlier or equal, exactly equal, later or equal and strictly later,

>The relations < and > were previously allowed, but they were
>confusingly defined to mean earlier/later or equal rather than
>strictly earlier/later. dpkg still supports them with a warning, but
>they are no longer allowed by Debian Policy.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Chromium adress bar Ctrl+Left/Right

2018-10-10 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 19:29:03 +0200,
Sven Joachim wrote:

>On 2018-10-10 18:36 +0200, Andreas Ronnquist wrote:
>> Using Chromium on Debian stable (if that matters) - is there any way
>> to customise on what characters a Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right in the
>> adress bar stops at?  
>I am not aware of any, but I am not a Chromium expert.
>> As it is now, it stops on forward slash (/), but It
>> doesn't stop on dot (.) - which I would like it to do.  
>At least you are not the first one to complain, see

Thanks - I have posted a comment in the upstream bug tracker - Chromium
packagers for some reason want bugs that doesn't directly is about
packaging to be reported to upstream at once.

(Posted my comment here:)

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Chromium adress bar Ctrl+Left/Right

2018-10-10 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

Using Chromium on Debian stable (if that matters) - is there any way to
customise on what characters a Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right in the
adress bar stops at? As it is now, it stops on forward slash (/), but It
doesn't stop on dot (.) - which I would like it to do.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

[Please don't CC me, if I mail to a mailinglist, I am subscribed to it.]

Re: trouble by new install of claws mail

2018-09-14 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 13 Sep 2018 23:50:04 +0200,
arne wrote:

>The message:
>"Your Claws Mail configuration is from a newer version than the version
>which you are currently using."
>Claws Mail is right.
>I did copy Claws settings from debian testing to a new system on
>I do not want to loose my settings.
>Claws seems to work OK but the message remains.
>Any ideas on  how to solve this?
>And no, I do not want to switch to testing again.

See my previous answer, it is described in more detail at

and see the details under "Manual downgrading to the previous version".

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: trouble by new install of claws mail

2018-09-13 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 13 Sep 2018 23:50:04 +0200,
arne wrote:

>The message:
>"Your Claws Mail configuration is from a newer version than the version
>which you are currently using."
>Claws Mail is right.
>I did copy Claws settings from debian testing to a new system on
>I do not want to loose my settings.
>Claws seems to work OK but the message remains.
>Any ideas on  how to solve this?



and change every line containing "config_version" from 3 (which it is in
the version from testing) to 2 - once for each account you have.

I have done this recently, and didn't notice any regressions.

Also, notice that claws-mail 3.17.1 is available from backports.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: xdg-open drives me crazy

2018-07-26 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 26 Jul 2018 20:21:07 +0200,
Markus Grunwald wrote:

>A few programs that I use, in turn use xdg-open. With web-pages, it
>gets it completely wrong, no matter what I do:
>% xdg-settings get default-web-browser
>% echo $BROWSER
> % grep -i bin /usr/share/xfce4/helpers/chromium.desktop
>/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop:Exec=/usr/bin/chromium %U
>But what does that damn thing open? Firefox...
>What can I do ...?

It looks in your output like you are using Xfce - what is set in
"Preferred Applications" under Web Browser?

also test

exo-open --launch WebBrowser

which is a Xfce specific way. See

for more info.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Bug#900533: The most annoying bug ever: , fix it!

2018-07-24 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sun, 22 Jul 2018 17:19:42 +0100,
Phil Wyett wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On Sun, 2018-07-22 at 18:55 +0300, Askar Safin wrote:
- 8< -
>> I am unable listen music using anymore.
>> Bad Chromium version was installed through stretch-security
>> repository into every Stretch installation.
- 8< -
>67.0.3396.87-1~deb9u1 is the latest version. Please update your system.

That's the point - the version in stable-security, which version-number
you describe above still has the problem, which was introduced by the
security update.

In Debian-stable there is no fixed version, but you have to build one

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Description: OpenPGP digital signatur

Re: PGP Email Client

2018-07-08 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sun, 8 Jul 2018 10:18:25 -0700,
HP Garcia wrote:

>Can anyone recommend an email client that can handle PGP? I'm currently
>using Claws-Mail 3.14.1

Why not Claws-Mail? With the correct plugins (claws-mail-pgpinline or
claws-mail-pgpmime) that should be packaged in Debian it handles pgp
just fine.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Description: OpenPGP digital signatur

Re: Debian 9, Wine och Firefox

2017-06-19 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Mon, 19 Jun 2017 10:49:01 +0100 (CET),
Peter Krefting wrote:

>Efter att jag uppgraderat till Debian 9 på en av mina datorer kan inte
>min Wine-Firefox (version 53, 54 startar inte alls) inte längre
>ansluta till webben. Det hjälper inte att byta til Wine 2.0
>Jag kör Firefox i Wine för att kunna använda Windows-versionen av
>Flash, eftersom den stöder en DRM-metod en strömningstjänst jag
>använder kräver, vilket inte Linux-Flash gör. Det har fungerat fint
>fram till nu i Debian 8.
>Är det någon som har testat och fått det att fungera?

Jag har för mig att jag hade samma problem med Wine från
Debian-förråden, och kör istället framgångsrikt paketet winehq-stable
(vilket för närvarande är Wine 2.0.1) från Wines eget förråd:

Detta på Stretch, linux 4.9.0 (standardkärnan för Stretch), Firefox ESR
52.2.0 (32-bitars) för Windows.

Flash och strömning med min TV-tjänst fungerar fin-fint.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Mouse pointer _sometimes_ too big

2017-04-24 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Mon, 24 Apr 2017 09:33:46 -0400,
Ric Moore<> wrote:

>On 04/22/2017 03:53 PM, Andreas Ronnquist wrote:
>> This is on Xfce, Debian stable with some backports (Kernel and Nvidia
>> drivers), Geforce 1070 graphics card, two monitors connected,
>> 2560x1440
>> + 1920x1200.
>> My Xfce Mouse & pointer settings has pointer size set to 16, and Xfce
>> DPI is set to 96.
>> Where should I start to look for problems?  
>Does the cursor increase in size from one monitor to the next?? Ric

Not in a way that I don't expect, the bitmap is the same, but the
different screens have different pixel size, so it looks smaller on my
bigger screen. (This is not part of my problem).

My problem is where it is a completely different mouse
image (different size) depending on where on the screen I have the
mouse - 

I have uploaded an (somewhat bad) image of the different mouse sizes

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Mouse pointer _sometimes_ too big

2017-04-22 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

I have just got myself a new nice monitor, and after setting it up and
playing around with settings I have a problem where my mouse cursor is
sometimes showing too large.

Most GTK2-programs shows the mouse too large, except Firefox, which
shows it normal size _except_ when hovering the window titlebar. 

(Actually, I just discovered in Firefox that when pressing the menus to
activate the submenus the mouse gets bigger too).

This is on Xfce, Debian stable with some backports (Kernel and Nvidia
drivers), Geforce 1070 graphics card, two monitors connected, 2560x1440
+ 1920x1200.

My Xfce Mouse & pointer settings has pointer size set to 16, and Xfce
DPI is set to 96.

Where should I start to look for problems?

-- Andreas Rönnquist

[Please don't CC me, if I mail to a mailinglist, I am subscribed to it.]

Re: Suitable text editor [NOT word processor] or workaround?

2017-03-16 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 08:56:12 -0500,
Richard Owlett<> wrote:

>On 03/16/2017 07:27 AM, Andreas Ronnquist wrote:
>> On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 13:16:19 +0100,
>> Andreas Ronnquist<> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 06:38:52 -0500,
>>> Richard Owlett<> wrote:
>>>> My environment is Jessie (8.6.0) with MATE desktop.
>>>> I require two things:
>>>>  1. a search and replace which can include a "newline" in new
>>>> string. 2. display/edit 2 files simultaneously *side by side*
>>>> MATE's standard editor (Pluma) can handle the first easily.
>>>> I see no way to open 2 instances of Pluma in separate windows - a
>>>> la Notepad in WindowsXP. Pluma will only open multiple files in
>>>> multiple tabs.
>>>> The two files are nearly identical and need them displayed
>>>> simultaneously for instant visual comparison. Opening one of the
>>>> files read only would be acceptable but not preferable.
>>> You are looking for the --new-window option, from the terminal:
>>> pluma file1.txt &
>>> pluma --new-window file2.txt &
>That's a neat solution.
>What should I have read that I obviously didn't?

pluma --help

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Suitable text editor [NOT word processor] or workaround?

2017-03-16 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 13:16:19 +0100,
Andreas Ronnquist<> wrote:

>On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 06:38:52 -0500,
>Richard Owlett<> wrote:
>>My environment is Jessie (8.6.0) with MATE desktop.
>>I require two things:
>>  1. a search and replace which can include a "newline" in new string.
>>  2. display/edit 2 files simultaneously *side by side*
>>MATE's standard editor (Pluma) can handle the first easily.
>>I see no way to open 2 instances of Pluma in separate windows - a la
>>Notepad in WindowsXP. Pluma will only open multiple files in multiple
>>The two files are nearly identical and need them displayed
>>simultaneously for instant visual comparison. Opening one of the files
>>read only would be acceptable but not preferable.
>You are looking for the --new-window option, from the terminal:
>pluma file1.txt &
>pluma --new-window file2.txt &

And there is a menu option when right-clicking a tab (if there is
more than one tab open in Pluma) - "Move to New Window"

(Both these options are on Pluma 1.16.0, from unstable - the
functionality might not be available in older versions).

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: Suitable text editor [NOT word processor] or workaround?

2017-03-16 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 06:38:52 -0500,
Richard Owlett wrote:

>My environment is Jessie (8.6.0) with MATE desktop.
>I require two things:
>  1. a search and replace which can include a "newline" in new string.
>  2. display/edit 2 files simultaneously *side by side*
>MATE's standard editor (Pluma) can handle the first easily.
>I see no way to open 2 instances of Pluma in separate windows - a la
>Notepad in WindowsXP. Pluma will only open multiple files in multiple
>The two files are nearly identical and need them displayed
>simultaneously for instant visual comparison. Opening one of the files
>read only would be acceptable but not preferable.

You are looking for the --new-window option, from the terminal:

pluma file1.txt &
pluma --new-window file2.txt &

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: bugs in reportbug ?

2017-01-29 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Mon, 30 Jan 2017 00:37:42 -0500,
Frank M wrote:

>Tried to file a bug today using reportbug but it crashed:
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/reportbug", line 2233, in 
> main()
>   File "/usr/bin/reportbug", line 1084, in main
> if newui.initialize():
>   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportbug/ui/", line
> 1580, in initialize gi.require_version('Vte', '2.91')
>   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/", line 118, in
> require_version raise ValueError('Namespace %s not available' %
> namespace)
>ValueError: Namespace Vte not available
>Does this look familiar to anyone ?
>I am running 64 bit stretch and reportbug is the latest version.

See #851968 [1] - you will need to install the packages gir1.2-vte-2.91
and python3-gi-cairo for the GTK+ interface to work.

1 -

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Re: gedit ger felmeddelande

2016-01-23 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 13:19:18 +0100
Andreas Ronnquist <> wrote:

>On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 12:03:57 +0100,
>Thomas Dahlen<> wrote:
>>Hej Andreas!
>>Tack för ditt svar!
>>Det var bara att avaktivera i gedits pref-menu!
>>Noterar din sista rad ... "...ingen Gnome/gedit-fantast" vad kör du
>>själv för editor?
>Jag kör själv Xfce, och föredrar i första hand SciTE [1], och i andra
>hand Emacs. Men då programmerar jag mestadels C/C++.
>Precis som August beskriver i sitt mail har jag väldigt svårt för
>"Client-Side decorations" som kom med Gtk3, och som jag anser används i
>alldeles för många program.

Gah, jag skulle ju lägga till en länk vid [1]:


Re: gufw problem

2015-12-12 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 10 Dec 2015 14:43:00 -0500
Francis Gerund  wrote:

>[re:  "Most people who post here subscribe to the list, so they will
>receive any response you make to the debian-user list. If you send to
>the list and to them, they get two copies of each message."]
>Just a note on email addressing:
>I was using gmail, with it's built-in interface.  Although the default
>reply setting was set to "reply all", for some reason it automatically
>adds the email address of the last person to reply to a thread, in
>addition to ALSO replying to the whole list.
>If I don't remember to manually edit the "send to" address line,
>someone gets an extra treat in their inbox.
>If anyones does get this sent to their own address in addition to the
>one sent to the list, please say so on the list, so that I will know
>and try to find some way to fix it "automatically".

This has been discussed with google, but they don't seem very eager to
fix the problem at all.

Some fruitless discussions can be found here:!msg/gmail/-Lc4hn9DuJg/1G3eqiEYJ6AJ


Re: Koll av CD/DVD

2015-10-07 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Wed, 7 Oct 2015 06:14:29 +0200
Rolf Edlund  wrote:

>Finns det nagot enkelt satt att kolla dom CD/DVD skivor man nyligen
>brannt, Med typ MD5SUM. Sa man dels vet att branningen har lyckats,
>och att man ar 100 pa att det inte ligger nagot som inte bor finnas pa
>skivan ?

Det finns alltid MD5SUM och SHA1SUMS och dylikt för släppt media - se i
samma mapp som du hämtade aktuell ISO-fil. Exempelvis, iso-filen som
länkas från förstasidan på heter

och för den hittas MD5 och SHA1 i

Därifrån länkas , 
Där du kan hitta mer detaljerad information om hur det skall användas.


Re: DebConf15

2015-08-16 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sun, 16 Aug 2015 13:34:17 +0200
Rolf Edlund wrote:


Sitter just nu och tittar pa ett rum med 5 personer, annars ar det
helt tomt, Samtidigt som det snurrar bilder fran HP, pa en duk. Just
nu droppade in ytterligare en kille i rummet. Sa det ar inte mycket
som hander just nu. Nu gick killen som nyss kom in i rummet, ut igen.

Dagens schema:

- Det sätter igång igen klockan 14.


Re: Linuxträffar Halmstad

2015-06-17 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Mon, 15 Jun 2015 22:21:09 +0200
Per Andersson wrote:

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Andreas Ronnquist wrote:
 On Mon, 15 Jun 2015 11:07:35 +0200
 Jeremiah Foster wrote:

2015-06-14 17:05 GMT+02:00 Andreas Ronnquist


Hej Andreas,

 Finns det något Linuxfolk i Halmstad som är sugna på att träffas
 för att snacka Linux över en fika eller matbit?

Is it okay to forward your email to the FOSS Göteborg group? I.e. I think there are people from Varberg
and Halmstad on that list. har ju folk från hela norden,
så det finns säkert några i Danmark som är hyfsat nära för en
lite längre exkursion?


Tackar för tipset - min tanke är ju dock egentligen regelbundna
träffar, så jag vet inte hur relevant det är för icke-svenska


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Re: Linuxträffar Halmstad

2015-06-15 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Mon, 15 Jun 2015 11:07:35 +0200
Jeremiah Foster wrote:

2015-06-14 17:05 GMT+02:00 Andreas Ronnquist


Hej Andreas,

 Finns det något Linuxfolk i Halmstad som är sugna på att träffas för
 att snacka Linux över en fika eller matbit?

Is it okay to forward your email to the FOSS Göteborg group? I.e. I think there are people from Varberg
and Halmstad on that list.

Ah, faktum är att jag är prenumerant på den listan jag också - jag kan
ta å vidarebefordra dit själv.

Tackar för tipset, jag höll på att missa den! :)


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Linuxträffar Halmstad

2015-06-14 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

Finns det något Linuxfolk i Halmstad som är sugna på att träffas för
att snacka Linux över en fika eller matbit?

Om ni är engagerade i Debian så kan ni vara intresserade av
nyckelsignering, jag är DD och kan erbjuda nyckelsignering -

Alla är så klart välkomna, oberoende av distribution man kör.

Förslag och idéer välkomnas.

(Det är fritt fram att vidarebefordra detta meddelande till andra media
där intresserade kan tänkas finnas).

Finns det något intresse för detta?

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Description: OpenPGP digital signatur

Re: out of the box wifi adapter

2015-05-15 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 14 May 2015 18:25:46 -0700
Raymond Jennings wrote:

I need to install a wifi adapter to my newly built desktop machine.

It needs to attach to either usb or the rj45 port, and I'd like to
avoid models that require downloaded firmware or ndiswrapper or the

Any options out there?  I'm willing to buy stuff online if needed.

The N300 from netgear I have isn't installing, even on the netinst cd
with firmware.

This seems like a great alternative:

(I haven't tried it myself though).


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Re: Fotohanteringsprogram i Jessie?

2015-05-02 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sat, 2 May 2015 21:19:46 +,
Michael Kjö wrote:

Jag har hittills med gott resultat (trots diverse små men irriterande
buggar) använt F-Spot som fotohanterare (digital asset manager). Denna
finns inte kvar i Jessie, kanske eftersom den inte verkar ha
uppdaterats sedan 2010.

Jag kan naturligtvis ladda ner källkoden och bygga den själv (vilket
jag kanske vill göra ändå för att fixa dessa små irriterande buggar,
men det är en annan fråga), men är det någon som vet vilken
applikation som Debian tänker sig att man ska använda istället för

Du skulle kunna testa shotwell, som finns paketerat i Jessie. Dock, jag
använder varken f-spot eller shotwell själv, så jag är fel person att
bedöma dess brister eller fördelar. Dessutom så har shotwell det nya
gränssnittet som många andra Gnome3-program tyvärr har fått och som jag
har extremt svårt för (Speciellt eftersom jag inte använder Gnome

Men, jag hittade detta:

så det skulle _kanske_ kunna vara nåt för dig.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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Re: Debian 8 är nu släppt

2015-05-01 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 30 Apr 2015 06:42:44 +0200,
Rolf wrote:

Den 26 april 2015 11:48 skrev Anders Jackson
 Snällt! Tyvärr är det inget som jag kan använda mig av (sniff!).

 Ta en titt på Hurricane Ellectric för en gratis tunnel (med
 ett /64-nät eller ett /56 om man frågar) eller installera gogoc för
 en IPv6 för surfa eller registrera och få ett /56-nät.

 Naturligtvis med globala adresser, IPv6 FTW.

Frågade min ISP hur deras inställning till IPv6 var. Fick då till
svar, att dom nu håller på att gå byta. Och när/om vårat stadsnät
klarar IPv6, så är det full fart som gäller.

Btw, såg att Debian Gnu/Hurd nu har släppts. Får ladda hem den, och se
vad skillnaden är.

Rapporter om dina upplevelser med Hurd skulle uppskattas - jag har mina
funderingar på att göra en test i en virtualboxmaskin jag med...

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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Re: Systemet hänger sig när jag försöker växla användare i gnome

2015-04-26 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:09:44 +0200,
Andreas wrote:

On Sat, 25 Apr 2015 19:32:16 +0200,
Thomas wrote:


Jag kör senaste version av wheezy och kan inte växla användare i
gnome. Så fort jag väljer växla användare i menyn till höger får jag
en svart skärm och systemet hänger sig. Jag kan inte ens trycka
ctrl+alt+f1, f2 ... Jag har testat på flera av mina PC-system och
samma sak händer.

Är det någon som har en förklaring tar jag tacksamt emot den.

Vilken display-manager kör du? Terminalkommandot

cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager

avslöjar det om du inte vet. Själv kör jag en Wheezy med Xfce, lightdm
och xscreensaver som skärmsläckare och jag har för mig att
standardalternativet i lightdm var för gdm eller liknande istället

^ standardalternativet i xscreensaver skall det där vara förståss. 

för mitt lightdm. (Det var lite lätt bökigt att ställa in så jag kunde
logga in med en ny användare i LightDM när man valde det alternativet i

Men, som sagt, jag kör inte Gnome och har inte stenkoll på hur det
fungerar där. 

-- Andreas Rönnquist

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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Re: Systemet hänger sig när jag försöker växla användare i gnome

2015-04-26 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sat, 25 Apr 2015 19:32:16 +0200,
Thomas wrote:


Jag kör senaste version av wheezy och kan inte växla användare i
gnome. Så fort jag väljer växla användare i menyn till höger får jag
en svart skärm och systemet hänger sig. Jag kan inte ens trycka
ctrl+alt+f1, f2 ... Jag har testat på flera av mina PC-system och
samma sak händer.

Är det någon som har en förklaring tar jag tacksamt emot den.

Vilken display-manager kör du? Terminalkommandot

cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager

avslöjar det om du inte vet. Själv kör jag en Wheezy med Xfce, lightdm
och xscreensaver som skärmsläckare och jag har för mig att
standardalternativet i lightdm var för gdm eller liknande istället
för mitt lightdm. (Det var lite lätt bökigt att ställa in så jag kunde
logga in med en ny användare i LightDM när man valde det alternativet i

Men, som sagt, jag kör inte Gnome och har inte stenkoll på hur det
fungerar där. 

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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Re: Debian 8 release

2015-04-04 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Fri, 03 Apr 2015 16:10:54 +0200,
Rolf wrote:

Den 2015-04-03 15:40, Roger Steneteg skrev:
 låter intressant

 Jag bor i göteborg.

 On April 3, 2015 3:35:22 PM CEST, Rolf Edlund
-- 8 --

 Är det några fler som skulle haka på, som oxå bor i södra delen
 av Sverige ?

Då skulle vi iaf vara tre. Men några fler tycker jag vi borde kunna
skrapa ihop, som bor här nere på söderns framsida. Andra är självklart
oxå  välkommna.. :).

Vad säger ni Andreas och Roger. Ska vi typ vänta minnst en vecka, innan
vi bestämmer oss för var vi isf ska träffas ?

För min del spelar inte Göteborg eller Halmstad någon roll. Eftersom
jag har lika långt ( kort :) till bägge från Varberg.

Det tycker jag låter bra. I samband med detta kan jag förstås även
erbjuda signaturer av gpg-nycklar om det skulle vara någon som är
intresserad av detta. (Jag är Debianutvecklare).

-- Andreas Rönnquist

Description: OpenPGP digital signatur

Re: Debian 8 release

2015-04-03 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Wed, 01 Apr 2015 16:39:06 +0200,
Rolf wrote:

Den 2015-04-01 16:24, Helio Loureiro skrev:
 Time for another Debian meeting?

 Would have been fun. Where ?

 Added in wiki.

Aha. Stockholm. Sorry, to far for me.

But I'm sure that others who live closer to Stockholm, will gladly

Inget planerat i södra Sverige? Jag finns själv i Halmstad och det vore
trevligt att träffa lite Debianfolk (här eller på annan ort, jag har
ju inte skitlångt ner till Skåne exempelvis).

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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Re: need git suggestion

2011-12-28 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 11:07:37 +0530
J. Bakshi wrote:
 we are working in svn environment. We like to upgrade our-self to git 
 We have both Linux/windows environment but max. is Linux. Could any one 
 suggest a
 good online guide as well as GUI clients for quick starting the git ?

If you can stand the commandline, the following screen-cast is brilliant:

best regards

Description: PGP signature

Re: svenska linuxförening

2011-04-28 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

Vänligen svara inte till mig personligen, utan till listan - jag läser

För medlemskap i Svenska Linuxföreningen, se


On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 16:08:28 +0200
Bardia Zakeri wrote:

 - Original Message - 
 From: Andreas Rönnquist
 Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 2:56 PM
 Subject: Re: svenska linuxförening
 On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 14:31:37 +0200
 Bardia Zakeri wrote:
  vad är de för organisation
 Svenska Linuxföreningen är en förening för alla som är intresserade av
 fri programvara och öppen källkod såsom till exempel GNU/Linux,
 FreeBSD, Apache och MySQL. Föreningen består av drygt 5000 medlemmar
 över hela landet och det är dessa som står för föreningens aktiviteter
 samt artiklar, nyheter och annat på webbplatsen.
 citerat från
 Andreas Rönnquist
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Andreas Rönnquist

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Re: Regression ger suddig bild under Linux 2.6.38

2011-04-16 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Sat, 16 Apr 2011 17:15:16 +0200
Martin Bergström wrote:

 Kör Debian testing (wheezy) och för någon vecka sedan uppgraderades
 Linux-kärnan från linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 2.6.32-31 till
 linux-image-2.6.38-2-686 2.6.38-3. Då fick jag en regression i form av
 att det blev suddigt i två horisontella band på min nya fina bildskärm.
 Med 2.6.38 tycker bildskärmen att video-signalen är i 1920x1198, inte
 1920x1200 som med 2.6.32. Datorn verkar anse att upplösningen är
 1920x1200 oavsett.

Kör du intel-drivrutinerna som är packeterade i Wheezy, eller en
egenbyggd verison?

Det ser ut som om Wheezy (än så länge) har 2.14.0 packeterad -
Uppströms så släpptes dock 2.15.0 bara här om dagen, vilken inte verkar
ha hunnit packeteras i Debian ännu - se


Standard-svar som uppström brukar ge på såna här frågor brukar väl vara
kompilera senaste versionen och testa med den, så om det inte är
senaste versionen du kör så skulle jag rekommendera att först testa
det. (Eller då vänta tills den kommer till Wheezy.)

Om det är versionen från testing som du kör så kan du ju felrapportera
detta mot paketet xserver-xorg-video-intel i debian.

hoppas jag har kunnat vara lite till hjälp varjefall. (jag kör inte
intel-grafiken just nu själv..) 

Andreas Ronnquist

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Need to reconfigure sound on every boot

2009-11-03 Thread Andreas Ronnquist


I need to do a alsaconf after every boot, otherwise I don't get any
sound. This is on a ABit motherboard, Nvidia nforce 590 chipset, with
built-in sound. How can I make it configure the built-in sound-card
automatically on every boot?

I am running debian stable, Linux 2.6.26-2, amd64, and I'm under the
impression that this has changed somewhat recently.

thanks in advance
Andreas Ronnquist

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Re: Need to reconfigure sound on every boot

2009-11-03 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Tue, 03 Nov 2009 20:58:40 -0500
Dave Witbrodt wrote:

 Neal Hogan wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Andreas Ronnquist wrote:
  I need to do a alsaconf after every boot, otherwise I don't get any
  sound. This is on a ABit motherboard, Nvidia nforce 590 chipset, with
  built-in sound. How can I make it configure the built-in sound-card
  automatically on every boot?


I found out a solution - Rebooting I discovered that it gave me warnings
cannot enumerate USB device - and looking at the debian forums I found
these posts:

So - I tried to disconnect my USB webcam and rebooting, using fewer USB
devices, sound is back! No need to alsaconf any longer! The behaviour is 
consistent even when rebooting.

Thank you guys for your time.

Andreas Ronnquist

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Re: Pidgin problems on stable (amd64)

2009-08-20 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:59:02 +0200
Sven Joachim wrote:

 On 2009-08-20 03:15 +0200, Andreas Ronnquist wrote:
  Trying to update pidgin after the last security-bulletin [1] i run into
  libpurple0 requires libdbus-glib-1-2 (=0.78), on amd64 [2] but
  only 0.76-1 is availible on amd64. [3]
  any solution?
 File a bug report against that version of libpurple0, severity
 serious.  Apparently it had not been built in a Lenny environment.
 Note that reportbug will use the version installed on your system in the
 bug's Version: pseudoheader, you should edit it to say 2.4.3-4lenny3.

Thanks, bug report availible here: 

best regards
Andreas Ronnquist

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Pidgin problems on stable (amd64)

2009-08-19 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

Trying to update pidgin after the last security-bulletin [1] i run into

libpurple0 requires libdbus-glib-1-2 (=0.78), on amd64 [2] but

only 0.76-1 is availible on amd64. [3]

any solution?


best regards
Andreas Ronnquist

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Re: Problem installing nvidia driver after upgrading from etch to lenny...

2009-08-05 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Thu, 6 Aug 2009 02:27:26 +1000
Frank Gallacher wrote:

 I have just upgraded from etch to lenny on my PC (kernel 2.6.26-2-686)
 I had installed the nvidia driver for NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT Graphics Card
 which was working OK,
 (Version 173.14.05 under etch)
 After the upgrade, gdm was crashing saying it couldn't find the driver;
 When I tried to reinstall it, the installer complained about the version of
 saying it didn't exactly match the compiler used to compile the kernel (gcc
 The installed compiler is:
 gcc (Debian 4.3.2-1.1) 4.3.2
 I downloaded the latest version of the nvidia driver (185.18.31) from the
 the same error message occurred...
 Does anybody have any hints on how to get the driver loaded into a kernel???

Install the package gcc-4.1 if it isn't installed already, and run

export CC=gcc-4.1 

before running the nvidia installer.

(Several versions of gcc can be installed at the same time, so you do
not loose the 4.3 version when installing the 4.1 version.)

best regards
Andreas Ronnquist

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Gnome Terminal blinking cursor

2009-04-07 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

Is there a way to turn off Gnome-terminals cursor blinking on Lenny?
I have tried via gconf-editor, but that doesn't seem to have any effect.

best regards
Andreas Ronnquist

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old Pidgin problem resurfacing

2009-03-09 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

I am seeing behaviour similar to bug

on an up to date Lenny (488852 is closed for a long time) - Is the
solution to compile a newer Pidgin, or should I wait for an update to

or is it just me?

best regards
Andreas Ronnquist

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gdebi reporting swedish characters wrong?

2009-01-28 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

I have created a debian package of a program I am developing, all working fine. 
I make the debian control using SciTE, entering my name as maintainer - but 
then using gdebi-gtk to look on the built package I am listed with the swedish 
characters wrong - how come? Using the simple editor mousepad does also list my 
surname the right way in the control file just as SciTE.

A friend of mine using Ubuntu lists it correctly with the version of gdebi he 
got, so it seems as I've got it right in the control file after all, and gdebi 
is at fault.

Any ideas to why this is?

This is on a fully up to date Lenny machine, using XFCE as desktop.

/Andreas Rönnquist

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bash keyboard combination problems

2008-10-15 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

I have screwed up my keyboard settings in bash - As it is now I cannot
use Ctrl+right or Ctrl+left as shortcuts to move to next/previous word,
even though Ctrl+B and Ctrl+F works just fine. How do I restore this?
Find my current /etc/inputrc attached. I am using urxvt as my
X-terminal and there I get the desired behaviour just fine.

I have lines like these listed in inputrc:

\e[5C: forward-word
\e[5D: backward-word

But I have yet to find the correct code for the wanted behavior in my
bash terminals.

Thanks in advance

Andreas Ronnquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Binary data

Debian-prylar svenska postorder?

2008-10-13 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

Vart får man tag på Debian-prylar egentligen? Jag har hittat butiker som säljer 
linuxprylar (icke distro-specifika), och butiker som fokuserar sig på andra 
distros, men ingen som har nåt utbud för debian-grejer. Jag tänker på inom 
Sverige specifikt. Det verkar som dom flesta numer bara har Debian-cd's/dvd's.

Det jag är ute efter är en snygg debian-mugg vilket jag hittade på en dansk 
nätbutik, men ingen svensk.

Länkarna från Debians hemsida har antingen bara cds/dvd's eller så är det 
utländska butiker..

Någon som har några tips?

Andreas Ronnquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Debian-prylar svenska postorder?

2008-10-13 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:26:25 +0200 (CEST)
Martin Bagge / brother [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Andreas Ronnquist wrote:
  Någon som har några tips?
 verkar ju vara helt okej. donerar till projektet, baserat i EU och muggen 
 pyntar du bara 78:- för.

Tackar! Det verkar bli ett klart acceptabelt pris även med frakt. Jag
trodde väl att det skulle bli dyrare än vad det verkar bli iom att det
inte är i Sverige, men ack så fel man kan ha.

Och att en del går till projektet är ju absolut en fördel!

Återigen, tackar!

Andreas Ronnquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: X terminal problems

2008-10-11 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Fri, 10 Oct 2008 18:57:14 +0200
Andreas Ronnquist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a weird problem with my X-terminals (I've got the same behaviour
 using xterm / urxvt and xfce4-terminal.) - When stepping through what I
 have previously entered using the up/down keys the line doesn't get
 completely cleared.
 For example - Enter 
 # Whatever whatever whateverwhatever whateverwhatever whateverwhatever 
 whatever important commands ENTER
 Prompt is now
 press up key
 # Whatever whatever whateverwhatever whateverwhatever whateverwhatever 
 whatever important commands
 press down key
 Prompt shows:
 # Whatevercursor
 and then it's like the first 8 characters is part of the prompt, and
 won't go away no matter how much I press backspace. (a simple enter
 restores the prompt though.)
 Is it some buffer that I must increase or something simple like that?
 It is only evident if I enter a really long line.

Solved it myself, got a faulty PS1 setup in ~/.bashrc, restored it to a
sane one and all is good.

Andreas Ronnquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

X terminal problems

2008-10-10 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

I have a weird problem with my X-terminals (I've got the same behaviour
using xterm / urxvt and xfce4-terminal.) - When stepping through what I
have previously entered using the up/down keys the line doesn't get
completely cleared.

For example - Enter 

# Whatever whatever whateverwhatever whateverwhatever whateverwhatever whatever 
important commands ENTER

Prompt is now

press up key

# Whatever whatever whateverwhatever whateverwhatever whateverwhatever whatever 
important commands

press down key

Prompt shows:
# Whatevercursor

and then it's like the first 8 characters is part of the prompt, and
won't go away no matter how much I press backspace. (a simple enter
restores the prompt though.)

Is it some buffer that I must increase or something simple like that?
It is only evident if I enter a really long line.

Help would be much appreciated.

/Andreas Rönnquist

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: grub-pc problem

2008-09-23 Thread Andreas Ronnquist
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 23:11:57 -0700 (PDT)
Djingo Cacadril [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Look at /boot/grub/menu.lst
 This is the file containing the menu, and is loaded by grub during boot.
 Your grub.cfg file is only used when menu.lst is rewritten after installing
 a new kernel. I don't know grub.cfg format, but it has unbalanced braces.
 There is an extra '}' character on line 82.

That was indeed it! (I guess I was too focused on the
line that came up in the actual error-message)...

Many thanks.

Andreas Ronnquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

grub-pc problem

2008-09-22 Thread Andreas Ronnquist

Booting my computer I get the following error (nicely presented with
the grub background.) 

syntax error
Incorrect Command
(Line 45-45)

Pressing enter (or any key) gets me further to the actual grub menu, and
from that point I get no errors or problems at all. 

This is on an up-to-date Lenny install. - grub-pc version  1.96
+20080724-10 My /boot/grub/grub.cfg is attached. (Though the actual
error doesn't specify which file the error is in)

Does anyone know what might be the problem?
Help would be much appreciated.

Andreas Ronnquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Binary data