ssh stopped working today

1999-10-21 Thread Ben Messinger
Any help on this will be greatly appreciated!

This morning when I tried to use ssh to log into my debian firewall from
the private network I get no response. But I can telnet to my isp's server
and then ssh back into the debian firewall from there with no problem.

I have been ssh'ing into the firewall from the private network for months
with no problem. What could have changed? I have changed no settings, and
there is no evidence of a break-in (that I can see).

It seems strange that I can log in from the public side of the firewall,
but not the private side. What could have changed?

-Ben Messigner

This mail was sent from a 100% Microsoft-free (aka GPF-free) environment.
Have a stable day. Use Linux.

update: ssh stopped working

1999-10-21 Thread Ben Messinger
If you read my last post you know that ssh started acting up on my
firewall. I could log in from the public side, but got no responce from
the private side.

In the last hour it has mysteriously started working again. I made no
system changes at all -- it just fixed it's self.

Does anyone know what's up with this? It was 100% reliable for months -
today is the first time there has been a problem.

-Ben Messinger

This mail was sent from a 100% Microsoft-free (aka GPF-free) environment.
Have a stable day. Use Linux.

Re: Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!

1999-10-14 Thread Ben Messinger
On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Adam Shand wrote:

  i don't care if an app crashes, as long as it doesn't take anything else
  down with it. NT does it to me all thje time..doing normal things then
  BAM!  thats the kinda crash that REALLY pisses me off.
 upgrade to glibc 2.1 and you will care.  it gets really bad.  just to
 reiterate.  there is no unknown problem here.  if you are running a system
 with libc5 or glibc 2.0 you are fine and won't have any problems with
 netscape.  it is only when you upgrade to glibc 2.1 that you have problems.

Netscape fine with glibc2.0? Not. It has been crashing on me since day
one and has only gotten worse with newer versions whether libc5 or

I think the original poster meant Netscape 4.71 sucks rocks.


This mail was sent from a 100% Microsoft-free (aka GPF-free) environment.
Have a stable day. Use Linux.

Re: Berolist

1999-09-29 Thread Ben Messinger
Matt Kopishke wrote:
 I am trying to configure Berolist under Slink. 

 I have tried every thing I can think of, I also have tried smartlist,
 Majordomo, and mailman with out any luck, all thought I had Majordomo
 running while back on a different install.  I have yet to find a easy list
 server to set up, maybe it's my bad luck but every one else say they don't
 have problems like I do...

I wasted a lot of time trying to get Berolist working and finally went
to smartlist. I couldn't keep Berolist from seg-faulting. I even
compiled my own and it still was seg-faulting. Smartlist was harder to
configure than Berolist, but easier than Majordomo and is working well.

Ben Messinger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This email contains no tyops.

Re: loop devices?

1999-09-25 Thread Ben Messinger
Steve George wrote:
 I am looking into using loop devices so I can encrypt stuff onto a floppy 
 file system.  I am stuck right at the start with loop devices.  The manual 
 says to do the following:
 dd if=/dev/zero of=/file bs=1k count=100
 losetup -e des /dev/loop0 /file
 Password: type a password
 Init (up to 16 hex digits):
 This is the part I am stuck on...what hex digits am I supposed to type??
 I've tried hitting return and typing randomly..I can't find anything in 
 the man pages or the kernel src docs.
 Anyone know what I should type please?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Linux Journal, July '98 Issue #51 page 64-67
Encrypted File Systems, by Bear Giles

The procedure he outlines for creating an encryped floppy is as follows
(assuming the kernel mods have already been done):

# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k count=1440
# losetup -e des /dev/loop0 /dev/fd0
Pass phrase: yourpasswordhere
# mke2fs /dev/loop0
# losetup -d /dev/loop0

You can substitute des with idea if idea is installed.
The first line initializes the floppy with 'random data'.
The second command sets up the loopback device to be over the floppy.
The third command is the standard mkfs utility.
The fourth line releases the loopback device.

To mount the floppy do the following:

#mount /dev/fd0 /mnt -text2,loop,encryption=des

You should then be prompted for a passphrase.

Let us know if this works.

Ben Messinger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This email contains no tyops.

berolist mail-list server

1999-09-18 Thread Ben Messinger
I am trying to get the mailing-list server berolist working. Setting
it up includes adding aliases such as:

listname : |/usr/sbin/list listname

So you see that mail sent to listname gets piped to the program
/usr/sbin/list , or at least that is what is suppose to happen. When I
do send mail to listname it doesn't get delivered. When I try to flush
the mail que with runq I see messages such as:

V 1999-09-17 22:06:25 11S7dL-00039J-00 Neither the system_aliases
director nor the address_pipe transport set a uid for local delivery of
|/usr/sbin/list news

So, it says no uid was set. Is this a problem with my exim
configuration? How do I get a uid set? I am assuming this is the
problem. I have read the bug reports for berolist, one of which says
that permissions are wrong and to change /usr/sbin/list to SUID
lists.lists to make it work. Did I do this correctly by issuing the

# chown list.list /usr/sbin/list
# chmod u+s /usr/sbin/list

ls -l now shows:

-rwsr-xr-x   1 list list20620 Oct 14  1998 /usr/sbin/list

But I still get the same problem including the same message from runq.
Any thoughts? I would really like to get berolist working since it seems
just right for what I need. Majordomo or another full-feature list-serve
would be overkill for what I am doing, so I hope I don't have to resort
setting up one of them instead.


Ben Messinger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This email contains no tyops.

Re: debs for WindowMaker sound stuff?

1999-06-16 Thread Ben Messinger
Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Since I've managed to get sound working to some degree, I thought I'd
 play with some of the sound options of WM, only I can't seem to find any
 debs for them. Does anyone know where I might find debs for WSoundPrefs,
 wmsoundconfig, and WMSound? If not, then I guess I'll roll 'em myself.

Slink debs for wmsound are at:

The other sound related packages are listed there, but the deb's are
missing (tarballs are there though). Perhaps they are still being
prepared. I updated WM and wmsound tonight from the above url with no

Ben Messinger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux is coming. What side of the paradigm shift will you be on?

Re: [off topic] installing linux from scratch

1999-06-08 Thread Ben Messinger

This mail was sent from a 100% Microsoft-free (aka GPF-free) environment.
Have a stable day. Use Linux.

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Armin Wegner wrote:

 can anybody tell where to find information on how to install linux
 from c source code. 
 Currently I'm using Debian. Debian is fine. But there is no support for
 my Riva TNT chipset in X 

Anouncements that NetGod has made slink .deb's of xfee 3.3.3.x have been
all over this list for the past few days. -- I personally instlaled the
updates from his site last night. Look at the list archive over the last
two days for the url. 

So I've installed version from 
 source to /usr/local. Now there are many very anoying problems with the
 dpkg dependency check, when installing application for X. dpkg won't let
 me install twm without installing xbase, etc. before. 
 dpkg is missing an option to tell it, that an package has been installed
 by hand and there is no need to install the .deb package.

Acctually, the better way to do this it to make a .deb package from the
source, and then install the .deb package. Debian has a most wonderful
package management system - don't try to out-smart it or bypass it. Making
.deb's is as easy as compiling - but like I said, the work has already
been done. 

 I'm using very few package. Propably it's an option for me, to install
 linux from source code. My /usr/local is bigger then /usr.


RE: I am not impressed with Debian so far.

1999-06-08 Thread Ben Messinger

This mail was sent from a 100% Microsoft-free (aka GPF-free) environment.
Have a stable day. Use Linux.

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Patrick Colbeck wrote:

 Hey, my hard drive did the sudden thrashing thing last night too. Its
 never done it before (well it has in NT but not in Linux). All I was
 doing was reading mail remotely over a dialup line using xemacs in a
 kterm in KDE 1.1.1 (from snowcrash). It stopped after a while (about 4 
 minutes) and has been fine since. This never happened before in RedHat 
 or with Hamm. Is this a KDE thing perhaps ?. I am running on an AST M
 series Laptop which has 48Mb ram and a 2GB Linux partition with about
 1300MB free and a 92MB swap file.

I don't think it's a KDE thing. I think it is a cron thing (or an
anacron thing, or whatever scheduler you are using.)


A thank-you regarding exim deb (fwd)

1999-06-01 Thread Ben Messinger

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 11:16:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ben Messinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]--- oops, typo!
Subject: A thank-you regarding exim deb

I just installed/configured exim and it was refreshingly easy. Thank you
for your work on this package. I am assuming you are responsible for the
post-install script? Thanks for adding the section to allow
forwarding from local networks specified by ip. This was a God-send. I
have a small network that needs access to this server, and I have no need
or desire to set up a dns server just for these 5 boxen. Your set-up
worked great and the mail is flowing like water now. I am busy at work and
really needed to get mail working in a hurry, and because it went so
smoothly and quickly I had to take a minute (which I now have because of
your efforts) and thank you for your work. You package maintainers are the
unsung heros and should get more recognition in my oppinion. Keep up the
good work.


PS - I hope you don't mind that I cc'd this to debian-user. I hope
that other package maintainers will see this and know that you are all
appreciated. We sometimes take for granted all the work that has been done
so that us non-developers can just type apt-get update ; apt-get
dist-upgrade and then just sit back and watch the magic happen. Thanks.

Ben Messinger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haberling Financial Group

Re: making linux look bad

1999-05-16 Thread Ben Messinger
tf wrote:
 Hey everybody
 I make linux look bad.  I've been messing with it for almost 2 years and have 
 never had it running well enough to use.  So.  can
 someone give me a strategy to follow?  I'm obviously going about this  the 
 wrong way.  I think it would help if I got ppp
 working-both pon and wvdail dial out, but leave the line open and not 
 connected to anything.  right now, my only internet
 connection is via windows.

This is awful! But luckily you have come to the right place. The Debian
community is a wealth of information and expertise unsurpassed by any
other distribution follownig in my experience (ymmv).

Ok, here are my recomendations, to be followed by some of my personal
experiences. This may get long so I will start with the summary and you
can stop reading beyond that if it gets boring.

1. Catalog _all_ of your hardware and ensure that _every_ piece is
supported (well).

2. If you have hardware that is not supported then buy, barter, or
trade, for pieces that are.

3. Aquire some desk references - good Linux books. Buy two and you will
be amazed at how often the answer you are looking for is in book 'A' but
not 'B'. Then you will find the answer to another question only in book
'B'. There are to many good books to list, but you need at least one.
This is not an option - get one or more.

4. Set some goals and priorities for getting things working. 
a) get a solid installation completed.
b) get ppp working -- important. use to access info for solving all
other pronblems.
d) start with the next most important feature and work on it until you
get it working.
e) repeat step 'd' untill everything works.
f) after all your hardware is working keep learing (shell scripting,
compiling sources, etc.)

Personal experiences:

Don't get discouraged. The first time I installed Linux it took me
_months_ to get all of my hardware working correctly. Then one day I sat
down in front of the thing and everything was working. That was so
great. The turning point for me was the day I realized that every time I
got stuck and couldn't find a solution to a problem I would boot Windoze
(ie. I would take the easy way out.). I realized that as long as I kept
dropping back to Windoze every time Linux got tough I would never learn.
At that point I decided to try an experiment - total immersion. I
resolved not to boot windows at any cost. I wanted to do two things:
1)learn more by forcing myself to find solutions to Linux problems, and
2) To see if Linux really could supply all I needed from a computer.
Well it worked. In '98 I removed windows to make more space for Linux --
I hadn't booted windoze in over a year! It was not easy at first, but in
the first two months of project total immersion I learned more than I
had in the previous _year_ of dual-booting.

If you do this I am sure you will look back in three months and be
amazed at how far you have come. I know that not everyone can make that
level of commitment to using Linux, but I recommend it if you can. 

The good news is that it gets easier as you learn more. There will come
a day when you can sit down in front of a bare system and walk away an
hour later leaving a fully configured system complete with network,
printing, sound, x-windows, etc. And even better, you will know how to
use it! Then the fun begins.

Hang in there. We will be here to help.
Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Only dead fish go with the flow. Use Debian/GNU Linux.

Re: 2 network cards revisited

1999-05-13 Thread Ben Messinger
MR wrote:
 /etc/lilo.conf now looks like:
 append=ether=11,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x240,eth1
 ran liloconfig and let it install a boot block using the current lilo config.
 rebooted.. and only 1 card is picked up (looks like nothing changed)

Make your append entry the first line. I am using two NIC's in this way.
You might also try being more ambiguous and let the kernel find the
addresses on its own. My lilo.conf looks like this:

append = ether=0,0,eth1

#safety net - this is a known working kernel

Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Only dead fish go with the flow. Use Debian/GNU Linux.

Re: Cobalt Qube

1999-05-05 Thread Ben Messinger
G. Crimp wrote:
 Anyone know anything about the Cobalt Qube.  I have someone asking
 me questions about setting up a Linux environment for himself (diskless,
 fanless box, remember ?).  He specifically asked me about the Qube.

My ISP has one. They love it (they showed it off to me last month). It
will run something like 500 virtual hosts, and is blazingly fast. It is
not a Linux box that happens to be running a web server. It is the other
way around -- It is designed _specifically_ as a web server and that is
all it does. Trying to use it as a desktop-application server would be
well beyond it's design scope.

Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Only dead fish go with the flow. Use Debian/GNU Linux.

Re: Switching windows managers

1999-05-04 Thread Ben Messinger
Christian Dysthe wrote:
 I was wondering if there is any software available that makes it easy to 
 window managers without having to edit too many ini files.

Go to and look for guichooser. It is a gtk app that works
great for switching between window managers, and it is easy to set up.

When you startx you get a panel with a list of window managers. You
click on the one you want to start and away you go. When you quit that
window manager the panel pops up again and you can select a different wm
or choose to quit x.
Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Only dead fish go with the flow. Use Debian/GNU Linux.

Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-08 Thread Ben Messinger
Pollywog wrote:
 I get those annoying MAGIC COOKIE warnings when I su from a regular user and
 this even happens when I use vim after 'su'.  I am still able to edit stuff,
 and the only problem is when I need to run some X program as superuser.
 I saw somewhere how to deal with this Xauth stuff, but I don't remember where.
 [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I am also having the same trouble. I didn't see a reply to Andrew's
question, so I wanted to add that I am also interested in solving this
one. I never encountered this problem when I was using other (lesser)
distributions. Please help if you know the answer. There are some tools
like gnome-apt that I would like to use without having to end my
x-session and start a new one as root.

Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux user.

NIC trouble

1999-04-08 Thread Ben Messinger
I just picked up some cheap used NE2K pci ethernet cards to use for a
home lan. I installed two in this Linux box since it may become a
proxy-gateway/firewall for a DSL connection soon. 

I re-compiled the kernel to support the cards, and set my BIOS to use
irq's that were available. This is the relevant boot message:

ne2k-pci.c:v0.99L 2/7/98 D. Becker/P. Gortmaker
ne2k-pci.c: PCI NE2000 clone 'Winbond 89C940' at I/O 0x6c00, IRQ 10.
eth0: PCI NE2000 found at 0x6c00, IRQ 10, 00:20:78:14:51:6B.
ne2k-pci.c: PCI NE2000 clone 'Winbond 89C940' at I/O 0x7000, IRQ 5.
eth1: PCI NE2000 found at 0x7000, IRQ 5, 00:20:78:12:8C:3C.

I made entries in /etc/init.d/network so that it now reads:

#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
route add -net netmask dev eth0

But when the above is executed at boot time it returns the following

SIOCSIFNETMASK: Cannot assign requested address
SIOCSIFBRDADDR: Cannot assign requested address

The card (eth0) is now listed in the routing table, as well as being
identified by ifconfig, but I can not pass packets to my other computers
although I see the light blinking on the card when I try to ping another

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.



Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux user.

Re: Convert FAT32 to FAT16 with windows 98

1999-03-30 Thread Ben Messinger
 FAT32 does not appear to be just a new partition type, which can coexist
 with FAT16  Linux partitions.
 Both utilities I tried (Win95 FDISK  Maxtor Maxblast) required either all
 FAT32 or no FAT32, and Linux FDISK was then unable to add any Linux/FAT16
 partitions, once there was a FAT32 partition.
 A comment in the PartitionMagic blurb
 ( also seems to indicate that FAT32
 takes over the entire hard drive:
For those consumers
who find themselves with a
 FAT32 partition when they buy a
new drive, PartitionMagic can
 convert FAT32 partitions to
FAT16 partitions so that
 users can continue to use other
operating systems and
 Does anyone know how to mix FAT32/FAT16/Linux partitions on a single hard
 I want to do this because my 99.9%-full 1.2GB FAT16 partition expanded to
 1.6GB when I copied it to a 2GB FAT16 partition(due to a larger cluster
 size, I guess), but took only 800MB on a FAT32 partition.

I have used PartitionMagic to mix fat16/fat32 partitions on the same
drive on two different computers - one with a WD ide and the other with
a Quantum ide. I had no problems what so ever. For example one with four
partitions was formatted like this:
/dev/hda1 linux swap
/dev/hda2 ext2  (Linux /)
/dev/hda3 fat32 (windows c:)
/dev/hda4 fat16 (mounted as d: in windows, and /dosd in Linux)


Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux user.

Re: Convert FAT32 to FAT16 with windows 98.

1999-03-29 Thread Ben Messinger
 Nick Rudd wrote:
 yes i have only windows 98 installed on my computer. I was wondering
 if there was any way that i could convert FAT 32 back into FAT16
 without reinstalling windows.
 Chris Smith

Partition Magic will convert from fat16 to fat32 or vice-versa. It does
it with a gui and is quite easy and in my experience safe. I have
converted a partition to fat32 and then back to fat16 at a later date
with no problems.

One responder asked why would you not want to leave it fat32. My
experience is that lilo will not work on the mbr of a fat32 drive, and
also a fat32 drive is slower than the same drive with fat16. But that
doesn't really matter to me anymore - now _all_ my partitions are ext2


Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux user.

Enlightenment .15.x for Slink

1999-03-20 Thread Ben Messinger
Are there any E .15.x debs for Slink yet? I would hate to compile if
someone has already done the work. I have kept apt pointed at; as was
previously mentioned on the list, but as of yet there is only an
unstable directory. Am I looking in the wrong place or just not being
patient enough? (my humble respect goes out to all Debian developers -
you do tremendous work.)


Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux user.

Re: Enlightenment .15.x for Slink

1999-03-20 Thread Ben Messinger
 *- On 19 Mar, Ben Messinger wrote about Enlightenment .15.x for Slink
  Are there any E .15.x debs for Slink yet? 

 they are at
 deb enlightenment/ 

Unless I am mistaken these are debs for Potato, not Slink. Here is a
portion of the Packages file from that directory:

Package: enlightenment
Version: 0.15.4-1
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Maintainer: Brian M. Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depends: freetype2, imlib1(= 1.9.4-1), libaudiofile0, libc6 (= 2.1),
libesd0, libfnlib0, libjpeg62, libpng2, libtiff3g, libungif3g (= 3.0-2)
| giflib3g (= 3.0-5.2), xlib6g (= 3.3-5), zlib1g (= 1:1.1.3),

Anyone else?

Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux user.

Re: Using crontab to update Debian

1999-03-12 Thread Ben Messinger
 Quoting Shaleh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  On 09-Mar-99 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
   Hi Debian users,
   In my country (Brazil) I only have to pay one tax between 0:00 and
   6:00 AM independent of call time.
   I'm start thinking to get my home machine live at night and set crontab
   to use pon or wvdial (I have two account, one with pon and other with
   wvdial) and use /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/script_to_upgrade.
   Am I following the right path to solution?
   The script will be only:
   apt-get update
   apt-get dist-upgrade
   Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
  Yes, except for the fact that the install needs you there to hit enter a few
  times.  Apt says is this correct [Y/n], press enter to continue.  The
  packages scripts may ask you for info as well.

You can add the -y switch to your apt-get command to automatically
answer yes to all the promts. This would facilitate unattended
updates. Be shure to read your logs though to see what got replaced
durring the night! I set my system up like this. It has worked _almost_
perfectly (having your dot-files replaced without your knowledge can be
anoying). It is nice though to wake up each morning to find that
_everything_ on your system is up to date.

Two examples of problems I encountered are:

1. One day after some updates gnome stopped working. I never use it
anyway so I didn't even try to fix it yet.

2. Another day I went to print a document and couldn't access /dev/lp0.
Apt-get had updated the lpr package durring the night and replaced the
permissions file with a new one that locked me out. Easy to fix, but an

Good luck.
- Ben Messinger
If Micro$oft were a pharmacutical company I would hate to think what
might do to get us to buy more pain medication.

please recommend 3d video card

1999-03-12 Thread Ben Messinger
A large electronics/computer store is closing their store where I live
and they are having a liquidation sale tommorow. I thought this might be
the time to upgrade a few things and would like recomendations on a 3D
video card. I only use Linux, so 'WinTendo' performance is a non-issue.
Please let me know what you recommend for best Linux support and
Thanks in advance!

If Micro$oft were a pharmacutical company I would hate to think what
might do to get us to buy more pain medication.

Re: SOLVED: samba 2.0 troubles (mostly)

1999-03-02 Thread Ben Messinger
Daniel J. Brosemer wrote:
 I gave it one last stab after the small success with your /etc/hosts
 suggestion I figured there were more resolution problems, and so I bit the
 bullet and enabled the builtin WINS server in samba, pointed the win95 box
 at it, and all appears to work.  I don't like this because I think there
 should be a better way, but in the meantime, I'll use this as it appears
 to work.

Enabling WINS in Samba solved my problems as well. Win95 is broken -- It
will not reference lmhosts if DNS is enabled. Because of this all my
windoze clients were polling like crazy. Enabling WINS on the Samba
server eliminated all polling traffic and really sped things up. YMMV.

There are no accidents, only plans other people make and don't tell you

Re: realaudio with 2.2.2

1999-03-01 Thread Ben Messinger
Bob Nielsen wrote:
 I saw some messages about realaudio not working with 2.2.x.
 I've been able to get it to work with some sites (which use video) and not
 others.  Does anyone know if Real is going to have an upgrade soon?   G2?

I have a good friend who is a sysadmin for my isp (which is really handy
at times!). One of the former sysadmins that he worked with now works
for RealNetworks and they stay in touch. The guy at RealNetworks says
they are working on a Linux G2 player but doesn't know (or won't tell)
any more than that. At least it is nice to know we will probably get one


There are no accidents, only plans other people make and don't tell you

raplayer deb package?

1999-02-13 Thread Ben Messinger
Is there a deb installer for the realaudio player? If so what is the
package name/path?

There are no accidents, only plans other people make and don't tell you

Re: Slink, xbase-common and xdm...

1999-02-10 Thread Ben Messinger
Hogland, Thomas E. wrote:
 Interesting - if I can ever figure out how to get into the system I'll do
 that :-) There's no way to shut down and reboot clean - xdm won't do
 anything till you log in g...

I was having the same problem. I was able to do a ctrl+alt+F1 to
get to the console. Try that. From there I was able to edit Xsession and
remove that hideous retched loathsome xdm.


There are no accidents, only plans other people make and don't tell you

Re: slashdot poll

1999-02-10 Thread Ben Messinger
Paul Seelig wrote:
 On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:
  RH is a commercially-based distro, so they can spend loads of cash on
  advertising etc, so they are the most popular, despite Debian's inherantly
  free-er nature, and techincal superiority
 Redhat is a distribution geared at ease of use. That's why Linus
 himself uses Redhat and not Debian.  Debian with all it's technical
 superiority would definitely benefit from becoming a bit more user
 friendly as well. This should be possible without dumbing down or
 sacrificing technical advantages but might in the contrary actually
 add to it's overall quality.

I my oppinion this would be hard to do (make Debian easier without
sacrifices). To be technically superior demands certain sacrifices. This
is why race cars do not have air-conditioners and cup-holders. You start
worying about comfort and ease of use and you end up with a mini-van
instead of an F1 car -- or in our case RH instead of Debian.

There are no accidents, only plans other people make and don't tell you

Re: slashdot poll

1999-02-10 Thread Ben Messinger
Pollywog wrote:
 Several people have told me that as newbies (first time install) they got
 RedHat up and on the net in 15 minutes, but I don't believe any of them.

I recently installed RH just to see what the big deal was about. I was
totally offended by the hands-off install. The hardware detection was
kool, but I know my hardware anyway. When the install was complete x
started right up. No problem so far other than the fact that it
installed the whole thing on one big 3.1gig partition and totally
ignoring /dev/hdb. Then I tried to set up ppp. Looked easy. I followed
the menus, typed here, clicked there and so on and so forth. But it
wouldn't dial. So I thought I would take a look at the scripts to see
what might be wrong. One look at the scripts and I knew that this system
was designed to be opperated from a gui front-end only. I browsed around
all the regular system files and everything was unfamiliar. Nothing
seemed to be where it should have been, and what I could find I could
not understand. My previous experience has been with Debian, SuSE, and
Slack. With those you can check under the hood and know what you are
looking at. I was totaly put off by RH. I took it off my box and put
Debian back on within an hour. And by the way, I had ppp working within
a few minutes after the install was complete. Maybe a newbie could have
gotten ppp working for me under RH, but I think anyone with Linux
experience would have had a hard time. g

Is RH the Anti-Unix Linux?


There are no accidents, only plans other people make and don't tell you

having just one problem with 2.2.1

1999-01-30 Thread Ben Messinger
I compiled 2.2.1 and have only found one problem on my system. I changed
my working printcap to identify lp0 as the printer (was lp1 under 2.1),
and dmesg reports that the parralel port is detected at boot. However, I
get permission errors when I try to print. For example, $ cat testfile
 lpr returns ^Ano connect permissions. Trying to print from Netscape mail 
 client returns the error no connect permissions, job 'cfA224jedi' transfer 
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed. So I made lp0 world writable and tried again 
 (maybe wrong approach, but I am new at this). Now I get nothing. So I su root 
 and do a $ lpc status lp0 and get ^Ano connect permissions.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

By the way, so far printing is the only problem I have had with 2.2.1
under slink. Some said they had problems with ppp under 2.2.0, but mine
is working fine. Also, support for my sound-card (Opti/MAD16) is much
improved over 2.1.x.


just one problem with 2.2.1 - solved!

1999-01-30 Thread Ben Messinger
Ben Messinger wrote:
 I compiled 2.2.1 and have only found one problem on my system. I changed
 my working printcap to identify lp0 as the printer (was lp1 under 2.1),
 and dmesg reports that the parralel port is detected at boot. However, I
 get permission errors when I try to print. snip

Well, I thought this was a problem caused by the new kernel (or my
mis-configuration of it rather), but It was the new lpr package that was
the culprit (permissions in /etc/lpd.perms). Thanks Mario, Heikki, Eric,
and Matthew for clueing me in. I got a little complacent lately and have
been just doing an 'apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade' once a week
to stay on top of slink without paying close attention to what got
updated. I will pay a little more attention to it from now on. g.


lurker's printer problem solved!

1999-01-28 Thread Ben Messinger
I want to thank Bob Nielson for the answers, and Craig Hodges for asking
the questions! Because of your thread today you helped me solve my own
printer problem that I was to embarassed to ask the list about. Thanks

This list has made the transition to Debian smoother than I could have
hoped for. If you are new to Linux and trying to decide which
distribution to use -- go with Debian. I wish I had not wasted the last
2 years with other distributions. Debian is a delight, and the Linux
community's best kept secret!

slink vs. staroffice 5.0

1999-01-22 Thread Ben Messinger
I had staroffice 5.0 working under hamm, but it broke when I updated to
slink. I am assuming due to differences in between hamm and
slink. Is this right? Is there a way to keep slink and still get
staroffice working again? Everything else I use is working fine.


Re: slink vs. staroffice 5.0

1999-01-22 Thread Ben Messinger
Ben Messinger wrote:
 I had staroffice 5.0 working under hamm, but it broke when I updated to
 slink. I am assuming due to differences in between hamm and
 slink. Is this right? Is there a way to keep slink and still get
 staroffice working again? Everything else I use is working fine.

False alarm. Somehow I lost an environment variable I had previously
set. All is well now.

Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

1999-01-20 Thread Ben Messinger
Rafael Kitover wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 05:47:49PM +1030, Mark Phillips wrote:
  I've just installed the slink version of apt-get.  Am I right in
  thinking that to upgrade to slink, I should run:
  apt-get update
  apt-get dist-upgrade


  What happens if my ppp link dies in the middle?
 apt handles these things very gracefully, and will pick up where it left
 off last time.

This is true, but it can go wrong.

This happened to me, and apt did resume and finish - but the package
that it was getting when the ppp link was severed got corrupted (or
incomplete download). All other packages were ok, but this was the cause
of much sorrow when the corrupt package disabled the package system
until it was removed by hand and reference to it removed from the
package database. If you use a static ip this probably won't happen to
you, but if you use dynamic ip, beware.


removing/updating a stuck package

1999-01-14 Thread Ben Messinger
While using apt-get to update my packages (144mb worth) I lost my ppp
connection. I re-connected and resumed the update, but the package that
was being downloaded when the connection was lost got corrupted (all
other packages upgraded properly). This package (ftape) is now stuck
part installed/part uninstalled/part updated. 

Now when I try to remove the ftape package(s) I get the following

running dpkg --pending --remove ...
dpkg: error processing ftape-module-2.0.34 (--remove):
 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
 reinstall it before attempting a removal.
(Reading database ... 42762 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing ftape-module-2.0.35 ...
No diversion `diversion of /lib/modules/=KVERS/misc/ftape.o to
/lib/modules/2.0.35/misc/ftape.o.old by ftape-module-2.0.35', none
can't open /lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep
dpkg: error processing ftape-module-2.0.35 (--remove):
 subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of ftape-util:
 ftape-module-2.0.35 depends on ftape-util.
dpkg: error processing ftape-util (--remove):
 dependency problems - not removing
Errors were encountered while processing:

dpkg --remove returned error exit status 1.
Press RETURN to continue.

#Trying to re-install it results in:

Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  ftape-module-2.0.34 ftape-module-2.0.35 ftape-util 
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 3 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0b of archives. After unpacking 1705k will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y 


Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall
Press enter to continue.

installation script returned error exit status 100.
Press RETURN to continue.

Any idea how to correct this? I am not able to install/remove any
packages at this time due to this situation. Please advise. Thanks in

-Ben Messinger

Re: Remote boot question

1999-01-08 Thread Ben Messinger
Eric Monson wrote:
 We are setting up a network with Linux and need some help. We are
 attempting to remote (network) boot the Win95 systems that we already
 have as
 clients for our Linux server. The problem is this: We have been looking
 using ROM chips plugged into the network cards on the clients, but
 solutions are too expensive. We could burn the ROMs ourselves, but we
 have no
 program to burn in.
 We were wondering if anyone could help us find a less expensive /
 Sincerely yours,
 Eric Richard Monson

If I understand you correctly you are just trying to re-boot win95 pc's
from a Linux box. Is this right? Ok, here is the easy solution. Many
will cringe and scoff, but it works and it is free. Use BackOrofice
(yea, the one from the cult of the dead cow). It should work great for
this. It is free and can be configured so as to be secure.

You will need BackOrofice server to place on the win95 pc's, and the
BackOrofice Linux client to control them.


-Ben Messiger

Re: AMD K6-2 3D Now 300 MHz

1999-01-02 Thread Ben Messinger
Darko Martic wrote:
 Hi !
 Are there any problems about using the processor from the subject with
 Debian linux ? I'm buying a new processor and I think I'll buy that one.
 Thanx !

I am using that processor on two boxen with no problems. One is a server
that has been up continuously since I booted it for the first time over
two months ago.


looking for xconfig

1998-12-26 Thread Ben Messinger
Can someone please tell me which package contains the xconfig program
(for configuring kernel compile options)? I haved looked everywhere I
can think of. I even did a grep of the Packages files and found nothing.
Thanks in advance. 


Re: True Type Fonts

1998-12-24 Thread Ben Messinger
AJ wrote:
 i installed xfstt copied my true type fonts from windows to /var/ttfonts
 ran xfstt --sync but when i run gimp i only have access to the fonts i
 used to have what did i do wrong?

You are almost there. Now you have to add the font-path to your .xinitrc
or from command line per the xfstt documentation (sorry, don't have it


strange windowmaker behavior

1998-12-24 Thread Ben Messinger
These problems existed using the wmaker package from hamm as well as the
wmaker package from /frozen. (wmaker_0.20.3-1.deb)

I am having trouble with my x sessions using windowmaker. I have
windowmaker set as the default window-manager. When I run startx
windowmaker starts up with no dock, only an xterm and an icon with the
windowmaker logo.

If I exit my session and remove the ~/GNUstep directory windowmaker runs
correctly (I think). The dock and clip are there, and I can add apps to
the dock, use the WPrefs app, use the clip, etc.

But, as soon as I close x (even if I save session) the next time I
startx the dock is gone again, and there is just the wm logo in the
corner of the screen. If I remove the ~/GNUstep dir again the problem
goes away, but only lasts for that session.

I am new to Debian - I have recently moved to Debian from SuSE. 

Thank you for your help.
