Re: Recomended dual head video card

2004-10-07 Thread Bill Carlson
On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Dana J. Laude wrote:

 I have a matrox G450 that I picked off eBay for $35 and it works quite
 well and the price was right. It's a older card though, so for gaming 
 I wouldn't really recommend it... although the card works ok, 3D
 stuff is a tad on the slow side.  For normal stuff it works great 
 though, and 2 monitors are very cool.. which I was running under 
 debian unstable with windowmaker.

I run a G450 dual head, be warned there is a problem with gamma correction 
on the second head. From what I gather it is a hardware limitation.

If you don't need gamma correction, not a problem. For my setup with BenQ 
FP951s, they were way too bright and the OSD wouldn't adjust down enough.


Bill Carlson
Systems Administrator[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Anything is possible,
Virtual Hospital  | given time and money.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics  |   
Opinions are mine, not my employer's. | 

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Re: Campus Monitoring System...!

2004-09-15 Thread Bill Carlson
On 15 Sep 2004, Stephen Patterson wrote:

 On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 10:20:15 +0200, Eduard Bosma wrote:
  Hi All!
  I'm looking at the home site of Nagios, and although it looks very
  promising, I can find the last missing piece of information: how does
  Nagios monitor the host?
 The only way I've ever seen nagios monitor internal system states
 (disc usage, cpu usage etc) is via SNMP.  The check_snmp plugin
 supports snmp 1  2, possibly 3 and has command-line options that can
 be used to specify different get and set community names from the
 default public/private, you could take advantage of this and use
 different community names from the default on your snmp devices.

Alternately, there are three ways to get infor from plugins back to the 
Nagios server, they are NRPE, NSCA and check_by_ssh. One could also create 
a new scheme. More info at

Bill Carlson
Systems Administrator[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Anything is possible,
Virtual Hospital  | given time and money.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics  |   
Opinions are mine, not my employer's. | 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to manage services ?

2004-08-04 Thread Bill Carlson
On Tue, 3 Aug 2004, Didar Hussain wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 10:02:07AM +0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am new to debina. I have certain services running like lpd rpc etc. In RedHat 
  there is a command chkconfig with which i can start/ top services for certain run 
  levels or completely stop it from running.
 I do not like unnecessary processes/daemons running, so to have
 them disabled completely irrespective of runlevel, I do:
 update-rc.d -f name remove

A warning: a package that is disabled in this manner will not remain 
disabled if that package is updated. See man page for update-rc.d.

There are also things to watch out for like logrotate. On one machine lpd 
kept popping up every week even though I wanted it off, logrotate was 
restarting it! Better to just remove the package if you really don't want 
it enabled.


Bill Carlson
Systems Administrator[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Anything is possible,
Virtual Hospital  | given time and money.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics  |   
Opinions are mine, not my employer's. | 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Simple Qmail Setup

2004-04-20 Thread Bill Carlson
On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, David Baron wrote:

 I have not found understandable documentation. I have the webmin qmail but do 
 not know what to do with it.
 I want qmail as daemon to service a couple of email addresses, sending through 
 one of them, as well as the system notification email formerly handled 
 through the smail (removed when installing qmail).
 After getting this to work, then I can start thinking about spamassasin and 
 MTA virus checking. First, I need to qmail to work.

Have you looked at ?

I'll leave choice of MTA out of it, as others have failed to do.

Bill Carlson
Systems Administrator[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Anything is possible,
Virtual Hospital  | given time and money.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics  |   
Opinions are mine, not my employer's. | 

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Re: A Newbie LVM Question

2004-03-04 Thread Bill Carlson
On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, stan wrote:

 I geuss at this point I don't have any serious problems with creating these
 links by hand, but I would appreciate soemone who has this workign telling
 me exactly what links ot make. I'm thinking that this needs to run _very_
 early in the startup sequence, right? Before even anything but the root
 disk is mounted.

The Debian Way (TM) appears to be:

update-rd.d lvm defaults

Being somewhat new to Debian, someone please correct if I'm wrong. :)

Bill Carlson
Systems Administrator[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Anything is possible,
Virtual Hospital  | given time and money.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics  |   
Opinions are mine, not my employer's. | 

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Re: unexplained network problems

2004-03-04 Thread Bill Carlson
On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, Marty Landman wrote:

 route add default gw
 Ah, thank you. So perhaps rebooting simply did what I failed to do manually?

Could be, but I don't think so.

 You may want to check the arp table:

Next time check arp when the problem occurs. Could be another machine is 
trying to use the machine's IP.


Bill Carlson
Systems Administrator[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Anything is possible,
Virtual Hospital  | given time and money.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics  |   
Opinions are mine, not my employer's. | 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]