testing apt-get not upgrading

2004-12-03 Thread Brendan J Simon
I'm running testing and apt-get wont upgrade quite a few packages.
I'm want to upgrade to mozilla-firefox and mozilla-thunderbird but these 
are being held back, along with quite a few other files.
I'm doing the standard apt-get update/upgrade.

If I do apt-get install mozilla-firefox it will install it but it is 
telling me it is going to remove a whole lot of packages like gnome and 
gnome-core.  I do not want that, at least I think I don't.

If I try to apt-get install gnome, it tells me it can't becuase of other 
packages like gnome-office.

If I apt-get install gnome-office, it will upgrade but will remove 
gnome.  How can installing gnome-office remove gnome ???
Is gnome, gnome-themes, gnome-core, etc no longer required ???

Is there anything I can do or do I just have to wait until these 
dependencies are fixed.  This doesn't happen on another machine I have 
at work but I think that is because gnome isn't installed.

Brendan Simon.
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mozilla profile problem

2004-08-06 Thread Brendan J Simon
I have a problem with Mozilla.  For some reason Mozilla is asking me to 
choose a profile (I think something must have got upgraded).

I cannot choose my default profile.  I've had a similar problem in the 
past where I created a new profile and then copied the folder to the new 
profile name.

I create a new profile and I can see that a directory is created in the 
.mozilla folder but there are still no profiles to choose from (in the GUI).

Another strange thing is choosing folders.  It seems to be ignored 

What is happening with my Mozilla (testing dist) ???
I can't get to all my email folders, address books, etc.
Many thanks for any help.
Brendan Simon.
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gnome-session, sawfish problems on Apple Powerbook

2003-11-02 Thread Brendan J Simon

I'm using xfree86 4.3.0 on a PowerBook 17 laptop running Debian testing 
I can't seem to get gnome-session to run.  It just hangs and I have to 
kill X manually.  It doesn't work from gdm or kdm either.  I also have 
tried running it manually from an xterm.
gnome 2.2 is installed.

Has anybody else seen these problems?
Is there some broken dependencies which means I haven't got something 
installed which gnome needs?

Also the sawfish pager sucks!!!  It seems to be a normal window and if 
you expand it and click in some space it creates a new page.  I don't 
like this at all.  Yuk!!!

Anyway, I really would like to get gnome up and running.  Any help 
appreciated.  Please CC me as well as the list.
Brendan Simon.

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Thinkpad A22 problems with xfree86 ver 4

2003-10-28 Thread Brendan J Simon
I upgraded a friends Thinkpad A22 to xfree86 version 4.  Was running 
version 3.
Now X doesn't work properly.
The X server is shutting down (being sent a signal 4) whenever there is 
inactivity for 20 minutes.
Also a virtual console is behaving similarly as it automatically logs 
out whenever inactivity exceeds 20 minutes.
NOTE: by inactivity I mean no key presses of mouse movements.

Is this an X problem?  The virtual console symptoms imply that it is 
not.  It sounds more like some sort of security setting that logs off a 
user after inactivity timeout.  Is it something to do with APM or 
possibly BIOS settings 

Has anyone else experience similar problems ??

Any ideas, clues or suggestions on how to fix this

Many many thanks for any help or advice.  Please CC me directly as well 
as replying to the list.
Brendan Simon.

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Spam filter recommendation

2003-10-27 Thread Brendan J Simon

Can anyone recommend a good spam filter for Debian???
I use Mozilla as my mail client on an Apple PowerBook and also an Intel 

Are there differences in power and ease of use between all the various 
spam filters?
Which are the most actively used and maintained?
Which are the most accurate at detecting spam?

Could you please CC me as well as the list.

Many thanks,
Brendan Simon.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

bugzilla: can't create new bug but can query existing bugs

2003-05-29 Thread Brendan J Simon
I'm running the latest stable distro and am having problems with 
bugzilla.  It used to work on an older version of bugzilla and/or 
debian.  The machine hasn't been used for a while and I've done an 
apt-get update and upgrade.  All went well, however my bugzilla does not 
seem to be quite right.  I can perform queries ok but I can't create new 
bugs.  I get the following messages.

Possible bug database corruption has been detected. Please send mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with details of what you were doing when this 
message appeared. Thank you.

src = All ProductFoo ProductBar ProductX
default = Other
Any idea how I can solve this problem ???

Many thanks,
Brendan Simon.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

exim/courier-imap login problems

2002-09-23 Thread Brendan J Simon

I'm currently running exim MTA for a small group.  Most are using POP 
cleints but I prefer to use IMAP.  I would also like to use IMAP with 
SSL/TLS support.  I have been running the package called imap and it 
has been working fine except that it takes up 70MB of memory.  I'm not 
sure whiy but maybe it's got something to do with Exim storing files in 
MBOX format ???  My inbox (/var/mail/bjsimon) is 14MB.

 From reading some of the posts on this list, I think I can configure 
Exim to use maildir format.  Does anyone know if this will reduce the 
memory used for imapd ?

Will my exisiting mail still be available ?  If so, do I have to do 
anything special ?

 From the debian package information and courier docs, it seems that 
courier is quite big and well thoguht out.  Can anyone shed some light 
on how it compares with Exim as an MTA ?  Is it better, faster, more 
scaleable than Exim.  What are the pros and cons (briefly).

I tried the courier-imap and courier-imap-ssl packages but could not get 
any of them to work.  My mail client couldn't login.  I believe I am 
using the PAM authentication module so I shouldn't need the /etc/userdb 
file, right ??  It should just work using the standard user logins right ???

Thanks for any help (ps, I'm using Debian 3.0 on PowerPC and Intel systems)
Kind regards,
Brendan Simon.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: freeswan on testing/2.4.18 kernel

2002-04-15 Thread Brendan J Simon

Noah Meyerhans wrote:

On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 06:40:22PM +1000, Brendan J Simon wrote:

The two mahcines have an IP address of 192.168.51 and  My 
/etc/ipsec.conf looks like this (see end of message).  I've tried with 
and without the leftsubnet and rightsubnet settings but I can't seem to 
get a netmask of in the route tables.

Try telling Freeswan to use transport mode instead of the default tunnel
mode for ESP encapsulation.  Add 'type=transport' to the conn section
for this link.  Don't add any subnet or nexthop lines.

Let me know if this doesn't help you.  I've had no problems setting up
IPsec on local subnets, and can probably find something else helpful for
you if you still need it.

I tried 'type=transport' in the connection section and it had no effect :(
I tried both with the *subnet options commented out and not commented 
out.  No difference.

It's freeswan 1.96 BTW.
Has anyone got 1.96 working from the Debian distro ?
Is it broker ??
I might try the 1.95 stable version from the freeswan site.

Thanks for any advice, suggestions or pointers.
Brendan Simon.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

freeswan on testing/2.4.18 kernel

2002-04-12 Thread Brendan J Simon
I'm trying to get FreeS/WAN working on two old Pentium machines which 
are on the same subnet.  This is just for testing before I open the 
firewall to an FreeS/WAN IPSec server so that I can have a VPN from home 
to work :)

The two mahcines have an IP address of 192.168.51 and  My 
/etc/ipsec.conf looks like this (see end of message).  I've tried with 
and without the leftsubnet and rightsubnet settings but I can't seem to 
get a netmask of in the route tables.

I'm using debian 2.4.18-585tsc kernels and have applied the freeswan 
patches from the unstable distrobution (export PATCH_THE_KERNEL=YES and 
make-kpkg ...).

After starting ipsec with /etc/init.d/ipsec restart, I get the 
following which seems incorrect.  Notice the netmasks are NOT!!!

$ ipsec look
ned Fri Apr 12 13:31:32 EST 2002
ipsec0-eth0 mtu=16260(1500)-1500
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt 
Iface UG   40 0  0 
eth0   U40 0  0 
eth0   U40 0  0 

$ route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse 
Iface *   U 0  00 eth0 *   U 0  00 

default firewall.ctam.l UG0  00 eth0

$ cat /etc/ipsec.conf
# /etc/ipsec.conf - FreeS/WAN IPsec configuration file

# More elaborate and more varied sample configurations can be found
# in FreeS/WAN's doc/examples file, and in the HTML documentation.

# basic configuration
config setup
   # THIS SETTING MUST BE CORRECT or almost nothing will work;
   # %defaultroute is okay for most simple cases.
   # Debug-logging controls:  none for (almost) none, all for lots.
   # Use auto= parameters in conn descriptions to control startup actions.
   # Close down old connection when new one using same ID shows up.

# defaults for subsequent connection descriptions
# (mostly to fix internal defaults which, in retrospect, were badly chosen)
conn %default

# VPN connection
# ned.ctam.com.au - homer.ctam.com.au
conn ned-homer
   # Left security gateway, subnet behind it, next hop toward right.
   # Right security gateway, subnet behind it, next hop toward left.
   # To authorize this connection, but not actually start it, at startup,
   # uncomment this.

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* Re: ADSL with woody or what is this newbie doing completly wrong?

2002-02-10 Thread Brendan J Simon

Hi Stefan,

The only way I can get my ADSL link to work is to do and ifdown ethX 
first then followed by a pon dsl-provider.  It will not start 
automatically at boot so I manually run the following script.

   poff dsl-provider
   route del default
   ifconfig eth0 down
   pon dsl-provider

I'm not sure if it will solve your problem but it works for me.  I wish 
it would work from a reboot.  Maybe someone on the list can give me some 

Brendan Simon.

HELP. I can't login as root !!!

2002-01-31 Thread Brendan J Simon

Please help.  I can't logon to my system as root.  I'm running testing 
on a AMD Athlon 1600XP machine with 256MB RAM and 40GB hard disk.

I used to be able to login but I upgraded some packanges and now I can 
not login as root on the console nor via gdm.  I can login as a normal 
user but when I try to su I get a segfault.  The password is 
definately correct as I get different responses for wrong passwords. 
When the password is correct I see the welcome to Debian 3.0 message 
but then it throws me straight out.

Please help as I can not do any more apt-get upgrades or other sys admin 
maintenance.  Please reply to me with reply all as well as the list.

Brendan Simon.

debian: bugzilla questions

2001-12-19 Thread Brendan J Simon

I've just installed bugzilla on a machine running testing and a few 
bits from unstable.   I have few questions.

1) This is being used in a closed group and closely administered, so I 
do not want any user to add their own account.  ie. I want all account 
to setup by the administrator.  I could n't find an option in bugzilla 
to restrict this.  Can this be done ???

2) There is file /etc/bugzilla/localconfig which I have edited so that I 
only display the platforms and operating systems that are pertinent to 
our projects.  I can not for the life of me get these modifications to 
show up on the my browsers.  I've tried restarting mysql and apache 
using /etc/init.d/mysql restart and /etc/init.d/apache restart but 
it didn't make any differece.  Is this file actually used ?  How can I 
get bugzilla to read the new settings ???

Thanks for any help or pointers,
Brendan Simon.

debian-user: Online banking. How can I write a script

2001-12-02 Thread Brendan J Simon

Does anyone know how to write a script to obtain online banking 
information ??
I'm a C/C++ programmer and know a little python too.  I'm thinking about 
Java for this app though it may also be wxpython.

I basically want to be able to download (daily) my balances and 
transactions from my online banking.  I want to put this information in 
a database so that I have a permanet database record of all my account 

Does anyone know how I would go about doing this ?
Do the python or pearl libraries have enough security functionallity to 
obtain this information ?
Would I need any specialised information from the Bank (from a 
programmers view point.  Obviously I need to have my username and password).

Thanks for any help, suggestions or pointers,
Brendan Simon.

debian: bugzilla for next release

2001-11-22 Thread Brendan J Simon

Does anyone know if bugzilla going to be in the next release of Debian ??
I see it's in unstable but hasn't even made it to testing yet.  It's 
been in unstable for a little while now.

I'd really like to see it in stable for the next relese.

Thanks for any info,
Brendan Simon.

debian-user: exim to ISP setup

2001-11-19 Thread Brendan J Simon

I have a few users on a LAN connected to an ISP via a permanent dial up 
connection.  Some messages with large attachments never get through to a 
user is the USA (I'm in Australia).  I'm thinking that there may be some 
outs coming into play due to the slow dial up connection.  I assume the 
exim mail agent is talking directly to the SMTP server in the USA.  What 
I would prefer to do is send the email to my ISPs SMTP server and have 
it forward it on to the USA user.  This should help dramatically if it 
is a time out problem and seems a smarter thing to do in general.

I've read the exim docs and configuration file but can't see how to 
configure this.  Can this be done and how do I do it ???

Thanks for any help or pointers,
Brendan Simon.

debian: usb logitech mouse help with devfs required

2001-09-03 Thread Brendan J Simon

I'm trying to get my USB Logitech optical mouse to work with my Pentium 
machine.  It is currently running a mixture of testing and stable 
distros.  I am currently using the latest kernel-image-2.4.x-k6 with 
devfs and xfree86 from stable (ie. not version 4.x.x).

I have been searching the net and found links to devfs and usb.  I have 
since found out that my motherboard is an SiS board and requires the 
OHCI USB driver.  I have managed to load usb-core, usb-ohci, and 
usbmouse drivers via modprobe.  I can get the drivers to recognise my 
mouse and it prints appropriate messages to the console when I plug the 
mouse in and out of the USB port.  I am expecting that devfs will show 
/dev/input/mouse* and/or /dev/input/mice and/or /dev/usb/* entries but I 
don't get anything.  I can't point XF86Config to any valid mouse driver.

Can someone please point me in the right direction.  How do I get devfs 
to give me appropriate entries for my USB Logitech optical mouse.

Brendan Simon.

debian: Recommendation for scanner/printer/fax/copier

2001-07-26 Thread Brendan J Simon

I'm running an Apple Titanium G4 and an Intel Pentium-II machine (both 
with Debian ofcourse).  I would like to purchase a scanner but would 
also like to be able to do photocopies.  I could use a computer to scan 
then print but that can be a bit inefficient.  I was thinking of an all 
in one unit that HP, Cannon or maybe Brother produce.  Are there any 
recommendations from other Linux users.

I would prefer a Laser printing engine but they seem harder to come by. 
I would also prefer a printer with inbuilt postscript (I always have 
seem to have problems with ghostscript).  I think USB is the way to go 
though an ethernet connection would be even better.

If there is nothing suitable then recommendations on individual products 
would be greatly appreciated.

Brendan Simon.

debian: gnome is slower with testing distro

2001-07-20 Thread Brendan J Simon
I've been using testing for a while now on my Apple G4 laptop.  I also 
use some unstable packages but the apt defaults are set to testing.  I 
am using GNOME and Sawmill and I do an apt update/upgrade everyday.  In 
the last month or so I have noticed that GNOME is *really* slow when 
invoking apps.  eg. clicking on the gnome-terminal icon in the 
gnome-panel.  Also, when saving the current session via the gnome menus, 
the message box that confirms the settings have been saved takes a long 
time to appear.  I'm talking multiple seconds which is eons in computer 

Has anyone else noticed this problem ?
Any solutions or suggestions ?

Brendan Simon.

Re: debian: mozilla-0.9.1 not as good as mozilla-0.8.1

2001-07-11 Thread Brendan J Simon

Faheem Mitha wrote:

Thanks Paul.  I hadn't installed the PSM.  I have now installed it but 
unfortunately it still doesn't work.  I just get a sreen saying please 
wait while downloading your account information.

I have similar problems (with Wachovia). What is your bank?   Faheem.

My bank is ANZ in Australia.  www.anz.com

debian: mozilla-0.9.1 not as good as mozilla-0.8.1

2001-07-10 Thread Brendan J Simon

I have manually installed versions of mozilla on my PowerPC laptop. 
Version 0.8.1 worked fine with my internet banking and other java web 
sites.  I was so pleased to see Mozilla-0.9.1 in the testing 
distribution and promptly did an upgrade.  I now can not access any of 
my banking.  I'm not sure if Mozilla-0.9.2 will fix this.  I hope so.

Any idea when Mozilla-0.9.2 or fixes to Mozilla-0.9.1 will be available 
in testing or unstable ???

Any ideas on how to get java stuff working properly with the existing 
Mozilla-0.9.1 ???

Brendan Simon.

Re: debian: mozilla-0.9.1 not as good as mozilla-0.8.1

2001-07-10 Thread Brendan J Simon

Thanks Paul.  I hadn't installed the PSM.  I have now installed it but 
unfortunately it still doesn't work.  I just get a sreen saying please 
wait while downloading your account information.

Brendan Simon.

Paul D. Smith wrote:

%% Brendan J Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 bjs I have manually installed versions of mozilla on my PowerPC
 bjs laptop. Version 0.8.1 worked fine with my internet banking and
 bjs other java web sites.  I was so pleased to see Mozilla-0.9.1 in
 bjs the testing distribution and promptly did an upgrade.  I now can
 bjs not access any of my banking.  I'm not sure if Mozilla-0.9.2 will
 bjs fix this.  I hope so.

It sounds to me like you haven't installed the Mozilla PSM (Pesonal
Security Manager) module.

Try apt-get install mozilla-psm

debian: cvs server giving permission denied

2001-04-04 Thread Brendan J Simon
I've got a CVS server on a PowerMac running Debian GNU Linux (stable).  
I can checkout from the repository but I can not do simple operations 
like status or update.  This only happens when performing these 
operations on directories with subdirectories (excluding CVS).  Is this 
a known problem and how do I solve it.

Brendan Simon.

Re: debian: cvs server giving permission denied

2001-04-04 Thread Brendan J Simon
They all looked OK, then I noticed that CVSROOT had ownership/group of 
root/root.  I changed the group to cvsusers and now everything works 
ok.  Thanks for giving me the prod to the obvious.

Brendan Simon.

Doug McNaught wrote:

Brendan J Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I've got a CVS server on a PowerMac running Debian GNU Linux
(stable).  I can checkout from the repository but I can not do
simple operations like status or update.  This only happens when
performing these operations on directories with subdirectories
(excluding CVS).  Is this a known problem and how do I solve it.

Sanity check:  does the user the server runs as have write access to
all the directories in the repository?


debian: size of stable, testing and unstable files

2001-03-28 Thread Brendan J Simon

I'm considering mirroring Debian for our company.  I'd like to know how 
much diskspace I would require.  Can someone tell me the size of the 
following Debian Distros.  Is there a webpage with this information ??  
Is it automagically updated ???

Diskspace required for each of these Debian distros:

Intel x86/stable
Intel x86/testing
Intel x86/unstable


Brendan Simon.

debian: wxWindows and wxPyton.

2001-03-04 Thread Brendan J Simon
I would really love some updated wxPython and wxWindows (wxGtk, wxMotif) 
packages for Debian.  Some of these may not even exist now (eg. 
wxPython).  Is there anybody working on a wxPython for Debian ???

If so are there any plans to update to the latest python, wxWindows and 
wxPython sources before the freeze starts for unstable ???

Brendan Simon.

Re: debian-user: strange problem with VIM and cursor keys.

2001-02-27 Thread Brendan J Simon

Matthew Dalton wrote:

Brendan J Simon wrote:

When I use VIM in an X terminal (eg. gnometerm), I can't use the cursor
keys to navigate whilst in insert mode.
*However*, if I have a ~/.vimrc file with nothing in it, I *can*
navigate with the cursor keys in insert mode.
Very strange.  Is this a bug or have I got something wrong with my setup.

I'm guessing that there's a system-wide vimrc in /etc somewhere which is
disabling the cursor keys. A .vimrc in your $HOME (even an empty one)
would override the /etc one if it exists, which is probably why what is
happening is happening.

Of course, with no Debian box nearby to check I can't be sure. Poke
around /etc and see what you find. Also try 'man vim'.

I've done a `find /etc -iname *vim*` and nothing came up.


debian-user: strange problem with VIM and cursor keys.

2001-02-26 Thread Brendan J Simon

When I use VIM in an X terminal (eg. gnometerm), I can't use the cursor 
keys to navigate whilst in insert mode.
*However*, if I have a ~/.vimrc file with nothing in it, I *can* 
navigate with the cursor keys in insert mode.

Very strange.  Is this a bug or have I got something wrong with my setup.

Brendan Simon.

Re: debian: where can I find ieeefp.h header file.

2001-02-05 Thread Brendan J Simon

Pollywog wrote:

libc5-altdev: /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/include/i386/ieeefp.h

OK I found this by doing the search, but I have a powerpc based 
machine.  It doesn't seem to be available for powerpc !!!

Anyone know if I can install this from a non-debian source ???

libc5-altdev: /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/include/m68k/ieeefp.h

Can't PowerPC use that?

It's not in the package lists.  apt-cache pkgnames | grep libc5 yields :
* netscape  communicator packages deleted *

Why is ieeefp.h 486 specific ???

Brendan Simon.

debian: where can I find ieeefp.h header file.

2001-02-04 Thread Brendan J Simon

I'm trying to compile SystemC (opensource C++ HDL) from 
www.systemc.org.  It configures but will not build because it can't find 
ieeefp.h.  Does this file exist in any debian pacakges ?  If so, which 
one ???

Is there anyway to search the package contents for files (eg. using 
apt-cache search or something similar) ???

Brendan Simon.

Re: debian: where can I find ieeefp.h header file.

2001-02-04 Thread Brendan J Simon

Pollywog wrote:

I'm trying to compile SystemC (opensource C++ HDL) from 
www.systemc.org.  It configures but will not build because it can't find 
ieeefp.h.  Does this file exist in any debian pacakges ?  If so, which 
one ???

libc5-altdev: /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/include/i386/ieeefp.h

OK I found this by doing the search, but I have a powerpc based 
machine.  It doesn't seem to be available for powerpc !!!

Anyone know if I can install this from a non-debian source ???

Brendan Simon.

Re: Why choose Debian?

2001-01-17 Thread Brendan J Simon

* I started off with Slackware in the early days.  It was very good.

* I got tired of compiling packages from *.tar.gz files.  I'd heard all 
the hype about Red Hat and it's package management system and thought 
this is the way all systems should work.  I installed it and was very 
impressed (initially).  Backspace didn't work properly in xterms which 
pissed me off.  I then tried installing some rpms off the Net.  I needed 
other rpms due to dependencies.  RedHat was becoming more and more 
commercially orientated.  Argghhh 

* I heard about Debian's amazing package management system.  It worked 
out dependencies automatically and installed them automatically.  This 
is surely better than RH.  I installed it and was very confused by 
dselect.  Once someone pointed me to apt-get then I was blown away.  
There is nothing that comes close to doing an apt-get update; apt-get 
upgrade.  RH apparently do have something similar but you have to pay 
for it.  Bloody fools !!!

* Debian is the only OS that supports the platforms I use (Intel x86, 
PowerPC, m68k).  You could run different distributions on different 
platforms but that does not make sense.  Every distribution has a 
different way of doing things.  I wan't simple clean administration.  
Debian allows me to learn system admin once for all platforms.

* Debian is the only OS I know that supports the GNU HURD.  Although I 
don't have any real intention to use GNU HURD kernel (though I am 
curious), it was evidence enough for me that Debian was architectured 
properly so that even the kernel can be swapped in/out.  There are a lot 
of clever and determined people involved with Debian.

* Debian is very honest and has no commercial biases.

Brendan Simon.

debian: SNMPv3 with privacy support

2000-10-26 Thread Brendan J Simon
I'm trying to do an snmpget with privacy support.  I get an error
message saying
snmpget: USM encryption error

Someone told me that this is because the debian binary has been compiled
without the SSL support.  Is this due to export restrictions ???
Is there an snmp deb compiled with privacy support ??
If so where can I find it ??

If I had to modify and compile from the sources, what is the easiest way
to do this.

Brendan Simon.

debian-user: exim, unknown user.

2000-10-12 Thread Brendan J Simon
I have setup a mail server using exim.  I have it working pretty well,
but I can't figure out how to send mail for non existant users to a real
user.  eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't exist so I would like all mail sent to
this address to be forwarded to another account (eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  I'd
appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.

Brendan Simon.

debian: dos2unix and unix2dos utilities.

2000-10-01 Thread Brendan J Simon
Are there any dos2unix and unix2dos command line utilities in any of the
debian pacages ???
I've done an apt-cache search ... but can't find anything suitable.

Brendan Simon.

debian: mail spool directory ???

2000-10-01 Thread Brendan J Simon
What is the official mail spool directory ?
/var/spool/mail ?
/var/mail ?

I'm running a PowerMac G4 with exim.  Things were working fine till I
tried to install zmailer.  I had a few errors so I switched back to exim
for the time being.  I could no longer read my mail through an IMAP
client running on another machine nor through elm running on the same
machine as the server.

elm was looking for mail in /var/spool/mail but the mail was actually in
/var/mail.  I think there must have been a symbolic link from
/var/spool/mail to /var/mail.  I recreated the link and everything seems
Is this the correct setup ?
If so, why was the link removed in the exim to zmailer to exim
changeover ?

I assume there is an official Debian location for mail, where all mail
clients should look.

Thanks for any help,
Brendan Simon.

debian: lpr wont suppress headers

2000-09-28 Thread Brendan J Simon
I'm using Debian-2.2 on Intel and PowerPC platforms.  I am using
magicfilter and lprng (couldn't get lpr working on my PowerMacs).  It
prints fine but I always get a header page printed.  lpr -h does
suppress the header page correctly but I don't want to have to type this
everytime.  I have put the :sh: option in my printcap which should
supress the header page but it doesn't.  What do I have to do to
suppress the header page ???

Here is my /etc/printcap.

rlp|Remote printer entry\

debian: C library man pages

2000-09-26 Thread Brendan J Simon

I can't find the C library manpages.  I'm running Potato on a PowerMac
and Intel system.
I have install manpages, libc6 and glibc-doc.  I can't find any other
appropriate package by using apt-cache pkgnames or apt-cache search.

What package do I need to install to get the C library manpages.

Brendan Simon.

Re: debian: C library man pages

2000-09-26 Thread Brendan J Simon

Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 05:31:22PM +1100, Brendan J Simon wrote:
  I can't find the C library manpages.  I'm running Potato on a PowerMac
  and Intel system.
  I have install manpages, libc6 and glibc-doc.  I can't find any other
  appropriate package by using apt-cache pkgnames or apt-cache search.
  What package do I need to install to get the C library manpages.


 However, you should get into the habit of using 'info' for the C
 library documentation - the info documentation is in glibc-doc, and
 kept in sync with the library, while the man pages are often years out
 of date.

I *hate* the user interface for info.  man is so much easier.
Is there a better way to use info other than the command line info command.  The
gnome-help-browser is OK but I can't do searches with it.

Brendan Simon.

Re: a2ps with 4 up printing.

2000-09-17 Thread Brendan J Simon
Michel Dänzer wrote:

 Brendan J Simon wrote:

  Is psnup part of some debian package ?

 Yep, psutils.

I couldn't find it with apt-cache search psnup.

a2ps with 4 up printing.

2000-09-15 Thread Brendan J Simon
I'm trying to print a postscript document with 4 pages to a single page.

a2ps -4 file.ps complains that it can't find psnup.
I've done an apt-cache search psnup and an apt-cache pkgnames | grep
ps but I can't find anything.
Is psnup part of some debian package ?

Brendan Simon.

debian: dhcpcd with Microsoft Windows2000 server

2000-09-14 Thread Brendan J Simon
Our company has a Win2000 Domain server which has DNS and DHCP
services.  I have installed dhcpcd on our Debian Linux machines
(PowerMac G4, PowerBook Pismo and a P133 machine) and they obtain the IP
address and gateway from the Win2000 server without any problems.  The
problem I have is that the DNS *is* being automatically updated for the
Win2000 clients but *not* for the Linux machines.  I can't work out why.

Does the dhcp client on the Win2000 clients work differently to the
Linux dhcpcd ?

Is it a Win2000 server problem ?  Does it use WINS + DNS when using
Win2000 clients and pure DNS when using the Linux dhcpcd client ?  I
know very little about Win2000 and next to nothing about WINS.

Can anyone suggest a solution to get dhcpcd working on the Linux
machines so that the Win2000 server updates its DNS automagically.

Brendan Simon.

Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-13 Thread Brendan J Simon
I need to install some IMAP and POP3 servers so users can read mail via
Netscape/Outlook on other machines.  I have exim as my mail server.  I'm
running Debian Potato on a PowerMac G4.

The choice (according to apt-get -s install imap-server) of available
imap servers is:
  imap 4.7c-1
  courier-imap 0.31-1

The choice (according to apt-get -s install pop3-server) of available
pop3 servers is:
  cucipop 1.31-13
  qpopper 2.53-5
  ipopd 4.7c-1

Does anyone have any preferences, suggestions or comments regarding
these packages.  I thought I would install imap and ipopd.  Are
these ok or are there better packages ?  qpopper sounds interesting.

Thanks for any advice,
Brendan Simon.

How to get proposed-updates.

2000-09-06 Thread Brendan J Simon
I'm running some PowerPC and Intel machines with Debian 2.2.

How do I edit my /etc/apt/sources.list to access the proposed-updates or
potato-proposed-updates directory on the Debian mirrors.

I searched the archives but didn't come up with anything helpful.  Is
there a README, HOWTO, or website that has this information ?

Brendan Simon.

Re: How to get proposed-updates.

2000-09-06 Thread Brendan J Simon
Don't worry I figured it out.  I didn't have a trailing / after propose-updates.
ie. I had
deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/debian dists/proposed-updates
instead of
deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/debian dists/proposed-updates/

Brendan Simon.

Brendan J Simon wrote:

 I'm running some PowerPC and Intel machines with Debian 2.2.

 How do I edit my /etc/apt/sources.list to access the proposed-updates or
 potato-proposed-updates directory on the Debian mirrors.

 I searched the archives but didn't come up with anything helpful.  Is
 there a README, HOWTO, or website that has this information ?

 Brendan Simon.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: communicator-smotif-47 out of frozen.

2000-04-20 Thread Brendan J Simon
Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:

 As some of you may have noticed, communicator is broken on powerpc now.
 That is,

 apt-get install communicator

 won't work, since communicator-smotif-47 is in woody. I asked Richard
 Braakman [EMAIL PROTECTED] about this and he told me that there are RC
 bugs on the package. I checked this on the BTS and on
 debian-devel-announce, and yes there were RC bugs on
 communicator-smotif-47 but were since fixed and there is no reason IMHO
 why powerpc should be left without a browser (I know there is mozilla, but
 since netscape works ok why leave it out?).
   Same happened with my package dx (there was a RC bug on it, which I
 fixed eons ago). Of course I don't want to be left out of frozen.
   Apart from dx which is a personal matter, I believe communicator isn't
 that's why I posted here. I couldn't think of a better thing to do than
 post here.

Yep.  Lets have communicator.  I use it on other platforms and it is a pretty
good piece of software.
Mozilla is good too but I find that it significantly slower than communicator.
BTW, there are some redraw bugs in communicator.  When the toolbars are
closed/minimized and then maximized, they don't redraw properly and other frames
seem to cover them up.

Brendan Simon.

Where is ps command.

2000-04-04 Thread Brendan J Simon
I am using Debian Potato.  I installed a base 2.1 system from CD and
then did an apt-get dist-upgrade.
The ps command is not available.  I thought it would be part of the
base system but it appears not.

What package do I need to install to get ps ?

How can I find out this kind of information ?
I tried apt-cache search ps | grep util and apt-cache search util
| grep ps but I could see anything.
Is there a better way ?

Please CC any replies to me as well as the list.

Brendan Simon.

Re: TEX: tex.fmt, latex.fmt, jadetex.fmt missing.

2000-03-26 Thread Brendan J Simon
I got it working.  I just addedd the following to my
/etc/apt/sources.list and did an apt-get upgrade
deb http://www.au.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free

Brendan Simon.

I'm not sure, but perhaps run fmtutil?  Just a shot in the dark.


 Brendan == Brendan J Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm having the familiar *.fmt files missing when trying to use
 tex.  The mail archives suggest that the solution is to install
 tex from the proposed-updates directories but that solution
 doesn't work (at least not any more).

 The URL


 does not exist anymore.

 ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux is now at ftp.freesoftware.com but the
 directory path does not exist.  I have setup my
 /etc/apt/sources.list file to

 I have browsed


 and ftp://ftp.debian.org/dists/slink-proposed-updates/ and there
 is no mention of any tex packages.  I point apt at these sites
 any it says that my tex distribution is the newest available
 when I try to install.

 What is the current solution to the tex.fmt, latex.fmt,
 jadetex.fmt problem ?  I'm getting a little frustrated now.  I
 don't want to go back to RedHat.

 I hope someone can help.  Thanks, Brendan Simon.


 Go to an ftp archive and go into the proposed-updates for
 slink. There was some sort of y2k problem with tex where the
 make format or something to that effect failed. Anyway, the
 updated package will work. In fact here is the url for the cdrom
 debian archive.



 On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 12:56:30PM -0800, G. Crimp wrote:

 I've been using TeX at work for a few weeks now.  Last week I
 got a
 new computer and installed 2.1 on it (same as was on the old
 box).  As
 as I can tell, I have all the appropriate tetex packages in
 TeX no
 longer works, though.  When I try to run tex on a .tex file, I
 get the

 following error:

 This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2) I can't find the
 format file `tex.fmt'!

 The tetex docs say to run the command `texconfig init' in such
 case.  When
 I run it I get tons of output, including the following

 [...]  Beginning to dump on file tex.fmt (format=tex
 1999.12.30) [...]  No pages of output.  Transcript written on
 tex.log [...]

 The command continues to run producing similar output
 concerning latex
 metafont.  However, the file tex.fmt is nowhere to be found on
 my file

 system.  Maybe the line No pages of output. explains that.  I
 thought I
 could get some answers from the transcript in tex.log, but that
 not to have been written anywhere either.

 Anybody know what I have done wrong on this new computer, or
 more positively, how I can back to writing documentation with
 TeX ?

TEX: tex.fmt, latex.fmt, jadetex.fmt missing.

2000-03-23 Thread Brendan J Simon
I'm having the familiar *.fmt files missing when trying to use tex.  The
mail archives suggest that the solution is to install tex from the
proposed-updates directories but that solution doesn't work (at least
not any more).


does not exist anymore.

ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux is now at ftp.freesoftware.com but the directory
path does not exist.
I have setup my /etc/apt/sources.list file to

I have browsed

and there is no mention of any tex packages.  I point apt at these sites
any it says that my tex distribution is the newest available when I try
to install.

What is the current solution to the tex.fmt, latex.fmt, jadetex.fmt
problem ?
I'm getting a little frustrated now.  I don't want to go back to RedHat.

I hope someone can help.  Thanks,
Brendan Simon.


Go to an ftp archive and go into the proposed-updates for
slink. There was some sort of y2k problem with tex where
the make format or something to that effect failed. Anyway, the
updated package will work. In fact here is the url for
the cdrom debian archive.



On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 12:56:30PM -0800, G. Crimp wrote:

   I've been using TeX at work for a few weeks now.  Last week I
got a
 new computer and installed 2.1 on it (same as was on the old box).  As
 as I can tell, I have all the appropriate tetex packages in place.
TeX no
 longer works, though.  When I try to run tex on a .tex file, I get the

 following error:

   This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2)
   I can't find the format file `tex.fmt'!

 The tetex docs say to run the command `texconfig init' in such a
case.  When
 I run it I get tons of output, including the following excerpts:

   Beginning to dump on file tex.fmt
(format=tex 1999.12.30)
   No pages of output.
   Transcript written on tex.log

 The command continues to run producing similar output concerning latex
 metafont.  However, the file tex.fmt is nowhere to be found on my file

 system.  Maybe the line No pages of output. explains that.  I
thought I
 could get some answers from the transcript in tex.log, but that file
 not to have been written anywhere either.

 Anybody know what I have done wrong on this new computer, or more
 positively, how I can back to writing documentation with TeX ?