[semi-OT] Creating new fonts

2001-03-20 Thread Colin Cashman
Can anybody give me a quick rundown on the process, or point me to docs that 
offer a more complete description, of how to go about
creating a new font?

I'm interesting in developing a couple of custom fonts for a theme I'm 
creating, but have absolutely no idea how!



Re: fetchmail at login

2001-03-15 Thread Colin Cashman
  I want a program to start automatically each time I login into my
  account. In which initializing file should I write the name of the

 You could add the command to your .bashrc file, it will be executed
 after you login.

Might be better to add it to his .bash_profile, unless he's got .bash_profile 
set up to read .bashrc (which, I believe, is not the
default in Debian).

Re: Functionality simular to FreeBSD's jails

2001-03-15 Thread Colin Cashman
 No. chroot is not safe enough. I want to create virtual boxes in which
 I can give root rights to other people and I want to be sure that they
 can't break other boxes.

 AGAIK if you have root you can escape chroot'ed directory. Another
 problems that root can have direct access to devices. I don't want to
 allow it. Good solution is really independant virtual boxes which are
 run from one real. This is what FreeBSD's jails provides. User-mode
 linux kernel seems to allow it too but I'm not sure how stable is it
 and if there are exist any limitations.

I just found a page that might contain what you are looking for:


VSD - Facilitates Linux Virtual Servers within a 'chroot' environment.

The Virtual Server Daemon is free software that creates Linux Virtual Servers 
with the look, feel, and functionality of a dedicated
Linux appliance. This lets web servers and other applications be deployed and 
administered discretely without a security threat.
VSD powered servers run just one instance of the Linux kernel per host server. 
A single Intel P-III with sufficient RAM can service
250 Virtual Servers. VSD was developed for situations where leased lines and 
server colocation were impossible for financial or
technical reasons.

VSD creates replicas of a working GNU Linux file system and uses this as a 
template for Virtual Servers. The replica files (not the
entire OS) are 'hardlinked' to the original image, and share the same inode as 
the original file (which saves disk space). Each
replica is assigned a unique IP address, and a user can then log into that 
Virtual Server transparently using Telnet or FTP.

Using 'chroot' software, the user is then 'locked' into the Virtual Server 
environment and cannot reach adjacent Virtual Servers or
the main Operating System files, thus reducing the security risk.

Re: woody installation

2001-03-08 Thread Colin Cashman
 Or i reccomend slackware if they are more interested in learning. only after
 they are used to linux do i reccomend debian as a reward for getting the
 hard stuff done first(at least in the slackware users). I was suprised how
 many people at my last job chose slackware despite my clear warnings that
 it was a very manual distribution. and these were people that didn't even
 know the word/term/name Linux 6 months earlier.

At what point would you consider somebody ready to be rewarded with Debian? 
What level of knowledge, or what length of experience,
would separate those not-yet-ready from those-who-are-ready?

Bash .bashrc

2001-03-07 Thread Colin Cashman
I have .bashrc set up to support color ls, but .bashrc isn't called when I log 

If I subsequently start a new shell, however, or 'source .bashrc' then the file 
is read and processed.

What's the best way to handle this so it's done automagically upon logging in? 
Just throw source .bashrc onto the end of the
.bash_profile file?

upgrading libc6 from 2.1 to 2.2 - trouble brewing?

2001-03-03 Thread Colin Cashman
Tonight I tried to install the latest version of ssh onto my system, but I
wasn't paying close enough attention to the dependencies. Ssh 2.5.1p1
requires libc-2.2.1-2 or higher, and potato uses libc6-2.1.3-15.

I have a vague recollection of problems running apps using libc-2.1 with
libc-2.2, so I thought I'd ask the list since I'm sure at least one person
has tried it. :)

Should I expect any trouble if I simply upgrade to libc-2.2? If so, what is
the best strategy to resolve those problems?

Thanks in advance!


Getting rid of Vim's startup screen

2001-03-01 Thread Colin Cashman
Every time I start Vim with a new file, I get an intro screen. How do I 
surpress that?

Re: Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Colin Cashman
 Despite my intense dislike for Microsoft, I have an MS IntelliMouse, and I'm
 very fond of it.

If it helps at all, Logitech builds most of Microsoft's mice for them.

I don't know if it works with Debian (still getting my box configured), but I'm 
quite partial to the Logitech USB optical mouse.
Three buttons, one of which is the wheel, and it's about $30. It's not the 
fanciest mouse in the world,  but if you're looking for a
nice, simple optical mouse I'd definitely recommend it. (It is rather 
comfortable in the hand, although it isn't shaped specifically
for right-handers like some of the Microsoft optical mice are.)

Product link: http://www.logitech.com/cf/products/productoverview.cfm/55

Re: Optical mice

2001-03-01 Thread Colin Cashman
 Product link: http://www.logitech.com/cf/products/productoverview.cfm/55

I know it's bad form to reply to oneself, but I thought I should also state 
that this mouse comes with a USB-to-PS/2 adapter. If you
don't have USB support, you can still use the mouse.

I've been running it for several weeks with said adapter, and haven't noticed 
any degredation in accuracy or response.

Muddled explanation of classed vs. classless IPs (was Re: RES: networking partly broken after upgrade to testing)

2001-02-15 Thread Colin Cashman
 I don't know what all this is about. Still, it woke me up.

I was just reading this in one of the TCP/IP books I have, so I'll take a stab 
at explaining it (and let somebody else explain the

IP addresses are divided into host portions and network portions. The host 
portion is assigned by whoever doles out blocks of IP
addresses, and is fixed once you get it. The network portion is what you get to 
play around with after you are assigned your block
of IP addresses. The host portion always comes first. Somebody might assigned 
you the block of IP addresses - The host portion is 45.67, whereas the network potion is .0.1 
- .255.255.

In the olden days, networks were divided into classes: A, B, and C. Class A 
networks had an 8-bit host value, and a 24-bit network
value. So a class A network would appear as 45.xxx.xxx.xxx. On that network, 
you could assign any machine an IP address from - Class B networks had a 16-bit host and a 16-bit 
network value, such as 45.67.xxx.xxx (in the example in
the last paragraph). Class C networks had a 24-bit host and an 8-bit network 
value (45.67.112.xxx).

However, this addressing scheme had its limitations. You might not need the 
65,536 IP addresses provided by a class B network, but
more than the 256 addresses provided by a class C network. In the old days, 
you'd suck it up, take the class B network, and the
unused addresses would go to waste. However, as the Internet grew, IP addresses 
started becoming a scarce commodity. So what
happened was the assignment of IP addresses went from fixed classes to 
classless to prevent that type of waste.

In classless assignment, IP addresses take the form of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/YY. The 
/YY portion tells you how many bits to use as the
host portion, and how many to use as the network portion. Converting from the 
old scheme, a class B address of 45.67.xxx.xxx would
now become 45.67.xxx.xxx/16. Class C addresses would become 45.67.112.xxx/24.

The power that this provides is demonstrated when you need, say, 32,000 
addresses. Obviously, this is more than an old class C
address could provide, but if you picked up a class B address you'd be wasting 
another 32,000+ addresses. So what you do is you take
a class B address and move one bit from the network portion to the host portion 
(e.g., 45.67.xxx.xxx/17 rather than
45.67.xxx.xxx/16). What this does is chops up the 45.67.xxx.xxx range into two 
separate networks, the first going from to, and the second going from to Rather 
than get 32,000+ IP addresses that would go
unassigned, you can get 32,768 addresses - and let somebody else get the other 
32,768 addresses who could actually use them. Instead
of throwing away 32k+ addresses, you only let a few hundred go unassigned.

A netmask address is an alternate way of expressing the /YY for an IP 
address. The netmask is simply the /YY portion converted
into IP address notation. For instance, /16 would become /17 would 
be Using the netmask, you can figure
out how a network is partitioned much easier than you can be simply looking at 

So that's the quite and dirty run-down. I'm sure somebody will step in with 
corrections about math or terminology, but I think you
can get the gist of it from the explanation above.

Re: Muddled explanation of classed vs. classless IPs

2001-02-15 Thread Colin Cashman
 You've made me feel guilty. I would have expressed myself better
 if I'd known you were going to this trouble.

Oops. :)

I actually knew about the range of addresses, but I couldn't remember which 
ones went with which. Besides, I also omitted the fact
that *.0 and *.255 are reserved addresses.

Resetting installed package list?

2001-02-14 Thread Colin Cashman
When I installed Debian 2.2r0 a couple of weeks ago, I did the smallest install 
possible - I let dselect install the default initial
set of packages. Over the past couple of weeks, I've done very small tailoring 
to the system: turned off all network services,
switched a few programs (for instance, purged nvi and installed vim), and 
updated to the most recent security fixes. This weekend
I'm planning on doing a lot of work to the system. I'd like to have a fairly 
minimal system - only those apps that are absolutely
necessary, and little else.

To that end, I'm going to be wandering through dselect quite frequently 
(apt-get is more powerful, but dselect provides a better
overview of what is installed and what isn't). One thing that I've noticed 
about dselect is that if you mark a package (say, marking
an installed package for purge), dselect remembers that setting even if you 
don't go through the process of actually removing that
package. That caused me some consternation one evening when I somehow 
accidentally marked a dozen or so packages for uninstall that
I really wanted to leave alone.

Is it possible to rebuild the installed package list so that it reflects the 
actual status of the packages installed, rather than
what you last marked them as?

Re: OT: M$ Outlook Virus

2001-02-13 Thread Colin Cashman
 while it is tru you can remove most scriptin support with removin the
 microsoft scripting host, what if you're a developer ? Or you're environment
 requires you to be able to run scripts ?

Then you have a handful of choices.

1. Run a virus scanner, and make sure you update it EVERY DAY (even if you know 
that the frequency of updates is slower than that).

2. Have your development machine be an isolated system. Don't connect it to any 
network, or make sure that the network it's on is a
standalone network (not connected to any other networks). This isolates it, and 
means that any files you bring over have to be on
disk - which are much easier to scan for viruses than trying to scan all 
network traffic. (It also has the side-effect of not being
able to spread a virus very far should the network be infected somehow.)

3. Use an email program that does not support scripting. Frankly, there's very 
little reason for scripting to be in an email
program, and whatever bonuses scripting-in-email-apps has are heavily 
outweighed by the possibility for abuse. Find yourself a nice
email app that doesn't support VBS or Javascript (Eudora, I believe, doesn't 
support the scripting, but I'm sure you can find others
as well).

4. Turn off Explorer's hiding of three-letter file extensions. A file named 
AnnaKournikova.jpg.vbs is a big tip-off that something
isn't right. There are, supposedly, viruses that can be loaded even if you 
preview the message, but for the most part just seeing
the attachment filename is enough for you to know that the file shouldn't be 

5. Set up a quarantine. Not having used Outlook much, I can't say exactly how 
to do this, but I'm sure it's possible to set up a
quarantine so that any email containing attachments (or specific attachments, 
such as *.vbs) gets put into a separate folder from
Inbox. While this doesn't technically prevent you from getting exposed, it at 
least puts you on notice that the quarantined files
/may/ contain viruses, and so you're less likely to start double-clicking at 

Re: OT: M$ Outlook Virus

2001-02-13 Thread Colin Cashman
 can someone give me anything that micro$oft ever did which makes
 sense, is secure, and abides to standards???


I can see the sign hanging on the walls of Microsoft:

Security, Standards, Sensibility: Choose Two.


Re: Now Stormix is no more . . .

2001-02-02 Thread Colin Cashman
 Storm is not quite dead yet.

It's, uh, resting. ;)

Dangers in upgrading to unstable?

2001-02-01 Thread Colin Cashman
I recently installed Debian on my laptop, but some of the programs I was 
planning on using exist only in unstable (for instance,
Enlightenment 0.16.5).

What are the dangers in upgrading my system to run unstable? What issues am I 
likely to face if I do upgrade the whole thing to
unstable? Would it simply be better to download the specific unstable packages 
I want and otherwise stick with simply running

Thanks in advance!


Re: Dangers in upgrading to unstable?

2001-02-01 Thread Colin Cashman
 Are you sure you want Enlightenment? It eats a lot of memory...

It's the one I'm most familiar with, and my laptop has 128MB of memory + 256MB 
swap, so I'm not /overly/ concerned about the memory

However, after having read about some of the other window manglers, I'm 
probably going to put on Blackbox and maybe Sawfish and/or
IceWM to see which one I like the best.

 I wouldn't do it unless you really know what you are doing. Upgrade to
 testing in stead of unstable, you may end up with a lot of broken
 packages with unstable (not to say that this couldn't happen with
 testing). Then upgrade the packages you want but which is only
 in unstable, by hand.

I see! Thanks for the advice!