Re: More on mutt losing its keymap

2001-06-27 Thread Daniel Martin

 That's what I get for being a command-line freak: everyone else is using
 xterms and xterm termcaps seem to work fine between linux, irix and 
 solaris. I guess I have to sit down and set up linux termcaps on our sun/sgi 
 boxen -- using vt100 as I do now is clearly sub-optimal.

Of course, another option would be to modify your linux terminfo entry
on your machine so that terminfo treats your console similar to the
way it treats vt100; clearly, the console will respond to those same
codes and I'm a bit surprised that the console's terminfo entry is so
different from vt100.  The only reason I can see is that the ncurses
maintainers decided that the Cursor/Application mode switching which
vt* terminals are set up to do was Sick And Wrong (tm).  However,
changing the linux console's entries to the right thing while the
rest of the world still used the mode switching leads to problems like

Also, since you have made this change to your linux terminfo entries,
there isn't really a problem with using vt100 control codes
elsewhere.  There might still be an issue with the numeric keypad; if
you encounter it and it's a problem I'd append \e to the smkx and
rmkx string definitions.  (That'll force the keypad to be numbers or
arrow keys, depending on numlock - I don't think that there are any
applications that use the keypad as keypad keys and that go through
terminfo entries).

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that the linux
terminfo entry should have smkx and rmkx strings that set the cursor
keys properly.

Re: More on mutt losing its keymap

2001-06-26 Thread Daniel Martin

 Hi all,
 I whined before about mutt losing Up and Dn keys seemingly at
 random. Well, it looks like it's not random after all: keymap gets
 screwed after I telnet/ssh to other boxen on the network. Just now
 it happened after I telnetted to an irix machine and that killed the
 session with ^] - quit.
 Any idea what's happening there? -- I'd like to get this fixed, it's
 very annoying when arrow keys stop working all of a sudden.

Ok, here's my guess:

Your cursor keys are getting stuck in Cursor Mode when they should
be in Application Mode or vice versa.  Briefly, vt100-like terminals
(such as xterm or the linux console, or that old vt220 rotting in my
parents' spare room) have two modes that cursor keys can be in - one
in which the keys transmit escape[A, escape[B, escape[C and
escape[D, and one in which they transmit O (that's a capital o) as
the second character instead of [.  (The reason for this has something
to do with DEC marketing and the transition between the vt52 and
vt100, I think)

Anyway, terminals can be switched between the two modes simply by
getting the appropriate escape codes from the other end.  In an ideal
world, there'd be only one set of codes transmitted by the cursor
keys.  In an almost ideal world, mutt would switch to Application
mode on startup, switch back to Cursor mode if you spawned a shell
or put it into the background, and then back again to Apllication
mode once it either comes back to the foreground or the subprocess
exits.  (Or mutt would expect Cursor mode and switch there)

Now, one of these things is not happening, and from your earlier posts
my guess is that mutt expects the cursor keys to be in Cursor mode
and just assumes that they'll be that way.  I make this guess because
each vc initially starts in Cursor mode and switches to
Application mode only when told.
... investigations of mutt, slang and jed I won't bother you with [1]...

Ok, here's what I think the end result is:
1. Cursor mode is the normal mode; if an application switches the
   keys to Application mode, it damn well better switch back.
2. jed can deal with both the Cursor and Application mode key
   sequences no matter what terminal it's on.  I suspect that jed
   falls back on its own keybindings and isn't dependent on what
   slang tells it.
3. the Linux terminal responds to the vt100 codes that switch cursor
   state.  These codes are NOT documented in the console_codes
   manpage. (though the related codes to switch the numeric keypad
   between numbers and escape sequences are documented)
4. For vt100 (and relatives), the terminfo entry says that the
   key sequence for up is Escape-O-A.  The terminfo entry for the
   linux console says that the key sequence for up is Escape-[-A

So I'm undecided as to who's to blame here.

If all access to the console was done through the terminfo entries
that Debian has, then all would be fine - no program would ever send
the linux console the control codes to switch into Application mode,
and every application would expect the console to be in Cursor mode.

However, that's not what's happening here - something keeps switching
your arrow keys into Application mode - probably this is some program
on the far end that either has a terminfo entry for linux that says to
do this or is using a vt100 definition for your terminal.  I'll note
that the terminfo entry for vt100 says that applications which expect
to read in movement keys should, on startup, send the codes that
switch the arrow keys to Application mode and cause the numeric keypad
to send escape sequences.  At the end of the application, that same
terminfo entry says that they should send the codes that return the
keypad to just numbers and the arrow keys to Cursor mode.

As a temporary measure, if you've just disconnected and think that
your cursor keys may be messed up, you can do

TERM=vt100 tput rmkx

Your keys should then work the next time you start up mutt.  But what
you probably want is a permanent fix.  The most elegant solution I can
come up with to fix this is to do the following as root:

infocmp linux  /tmp/linux.tic
echo ' smkx=\E[?1l, rmkx=\E?1l,'  /tmp/linux.tic
tic /tmp/linux.tic
rm /tmp/linux.tic

This will ensure that any application which wishes to use cursor keys
in linux at least has a chance of sending the codes to switch the
console into Cursor mode in case something switched it out.  (Yes, I
do mean for both smkx and rmkx strings to be identical)  You can also
run the same sequence of commands as a non-root user, but that won't
change the system-wide setting.  If you want, before you get rid of
/tmp/linux.tic, you can send it to that IRIX system and use tic there
to teach it about the linux terminal.

Perhaps this adjustment to the terminfo entries for linux could be
sent upstream; I guess filing a bug against ncurses is the way to do

By the way, I found the page

Re: apt-get, upgrade, /var/cache/apt/archives

2000-05-21 Thread Daniel Martin
Jason Gunthorpe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, 19 May 2000, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
  1:) What is the best way to make apt-get use the /archives folder to
  perform the upgrade and return the system to stage 2. above?
 cp /archive/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/

Specifically, apt stores all of the dependency and install-order
information in databases that only need to download the Potato
Packages.gz files to be rebuilt - if you do this, then do your update
and dist-upgrade, apt shouldn't have to download packages again
(except that some of the packages will have changed since you last got 

What this will not restore is any changes you made in which packages
were selected.  This information is stored elsewhere.

Re: /dev/fb not there?

1999-03-04 Thread Daniel Martin
Steve Hsieh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You can use mknod to make them yourself.

Ick.  Inevitably, if you get used to doing things this way, you'll
slip up at some point and create things with the wrong permissions.
A much better solution is to use /dev/MAKEDEV to do it:

/dev/MAKEDEV -v fb

(this must be done as root).

The point is that the existence of files in /dev has little to nothing 
to do with whether or not the kernel supports that device; creating
the device files and supporting those devices in the kernel are
separate tasks.  (I do remember some talk of a kernel patch that would 
make /dev into a virtual filesystem like /proc, so that files would
appear in /dev magically as soon as the kernel was made to support the 
given device, but that's not here yet)

Re: fetchmail, why does it do this?

1999-02-12 Thread Daniel Martin
Ingo Hohmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 12:01:16AM +0100, Helge Hafting wrote:
  Well, maybe fetchmail gives up completely at the first
  broken message?
 At least, thats what it does here.
   But is my own system, and I am able to _MAIL_ to
   [EMAIL PROTECTED], it appears in his spool file, only fetchmail 
   won't get it back...

One thing that may be relevant here is the fetchmail smtphost
setting.  By default, when fetchmail delivers mail it retrieves, the
address it delivers to is the same as the local address that it was
assigned when getting mail.  An example:

I have a box that connects via a ppp dialup line.  When I connect, my
machine is assigned an IP address in the range 128.220.222.*.  For
example, let's say I dial in and get  Then, when
fetchmail connects to my mail server (, it notices that
the local end of the connection is at, and when it
turns around and delivers the mail, it attempts to deliver it to  That is, fetchmail delivers the mail to my machine
through the IP address associated with the ppp connection, instead of
the localhost ( address. (*) Now, since I don't trust the
other people who use my ISP to not try to use my machine as a mail
relay, my machine doesn't accept mail from IP addresses in the
128.220.222.* range.  (In fact, my machine doesn't accept mail from
anything but my own mini-network) Therefore, under the defaults,
fetchmail will fail to be able to deliver mail since the fetchmail
connection will appear to be coming from the IP address that my
machine got when it dialed in.  The default debian exim setup (which
is, in my opinion, a good way to do things) refuses to allow non-local
machines to deliver mail by just sending to the username, not to

The fix for this is to include the line:
defaults smtphost localhost
at the top of your .fetchmailrc file.  This forces fetchmail to
deliver mail to, which means that it will use the loopback
network interface, which is guaranteed to be local.  This means that
my machine accepts the mail, and also means that under debian's
default exim setup, delivery will be allowed to unqualified names.

(*) delivery to localhost used to be the default.  Why fetchmail's
upstream authors changed the default (with only a small note hidden
deep in the documentation) is completely beyond me - I can think of
only very unusual reasons why you'd want the current default behavior,
and many reasons why you'd want the old default behavior.  Fetchmail's
upstream authors have a history of introducing optional features which,
while useful in some cases, will cause many installations to break,
and then of enabling those features by default.  I believe this to be
evidence that the fetchmail author has taken his own writings on the
benefits of bazaar-style development too seriously to impose enough
sanity-checking control on fetchmail.  (For those of you who don't
know, Eric S. Raymond, fetchmail's upstream author, is the author of
The Cathedral and the Bazaar, which many consider to be the
manifesto of the open source movement.  Fetchmail is in fact the
program used as a case study in that article)  For further rantings
about this and other tendencies in the development of fetchmail, see
debian-devel for the past few days.

Re: Removeing N lines from a file

1999-02-12 Thread Daniel Martin
Lance Hoffmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How can I use gawk or some other program to remove a number of lines
 from a text file.  Initially, I only need to delete the top 10 lines
 from a file but it might be useful to know how to delete lines from any
 part of the file.  The top 10 lines from each of these files vary in
 what they may contain so I need to indiscriminately delete them.  I
 figured gawk is what I would need to use to perform this task but if
 someone ones of something else that might do this that would be fine

Well, someone already mentioned sed, but why not just do:
tail +11  infile  outfile

(The + tells tail to start printing things at line 11; to get the
last 11 lines you'd use tail -11)

For similarly removing the end of a file, see head.

Re: A downright wierd Netscape problem

1999-02-08 Thread Daniel Martin
Curt Daugaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When trying to open certain documents in Netscape--for example, the
 Printing-HOWTO at sunsite.unc--the document is not displayed right
 away but starts to download.  When it's done a dialog box appears with
 this message:
Netscape: subprocess diagnostics(stdout/stderr)
Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
[24; 1H [0;10mVim: Error reading input, exiting...
Vim: Finished.
Vim: Warning:Input is not from a terminal
 I have no idea what brought this on.  Does anyone else?  I'd be grateful
 to anyone who can give me a clue.

Well, I don't know what brought it on, but I have an idea of how 
to fix it - go to the Edit-Preferences menu in netscape, then go into
for Navigator-Applications (you may have to click on the little
triangle next to Navigator).  Then, select Plain Text in dialog box
(it's likely all the way at the bottom).  Notice that it's not set up
to be handled by Netscape.  Edit the type and select the Navigator
option button in the Handled by... group.

My; describing how to do something in a GUI is painful - it's so much
easier to say change line 432 to... in the such-and-such file.

Re: docbook-stylesheets

1999-02-08 Thread Daniel Martin

 I'm trying to use the docbook-stylesheets (v. 1.07-1).  I've got a
 simple outline and I've managed to get jade to accept it (after a
 little struggling).  I have two big problems though:
 When I try to use HTML output, I don't get anything generated (or if I
 do I can't find it).  Can anyone tell me why this might be?
 When I use TeX output, I get a fine looking .tex file, but there's no
 instructions on further processing it: tex foo.tex doesn't work :)
 Can anyone help me with that?

I don't know about the html output, but the tex needs to be processed
not with regular tex but with jadetex (which is tex with a load of
extra macros added to it)  Install the jadetex package.

Re: minimum X packages?

1999-02-08 Thread Daniel Martin
Paul Nathan Puri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I recently upgraded to potato.
 Now X starts and immediately dies.  Why would this be?  What are the
 minimum packages necessary to run X under potato (or in general)?

It would probably be because the X maintainer left a typo in
/etc/X11/Xsession that means X starts and immediately dies.

About lines 45-51 of /etx/X11/Xsession, change:

program=$(which $1)


program=$(which $1)

(notice the extra line with ;; in it).  Methinks the X maintainer was
releasing packages after having not slept sufficiently the night
before (at least, when I have errors like this in fvwm95 packages,
that's what the cause is).

Re: apt

1999-02-08 Thread Daniel Martin
Robert Kerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is there a way to make apt not delete the .deb files after it installs

I assume you mean when using apt from dselect; otherwise, apt doesn't
delete them automatically.

There's no easy way.  The non-easy way is to modify
/usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/install and change the line which says:

apt-get clean  echo Press enter to continue.  read RES  exit 0;


(true || apt-get clean )  echo Press enter to continue.  \
read RES  exit 0;

(Oh I suppose you could just remove the reference to apt-get clean
entirely and get something like
 echo Press enter to continue.  read RES  exit 0;
but then how would you remember what you had done and how to undo it?)

Re: GNUcash/Libs

1999-01-27 Thread Daniel Martin
Will Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: = not found
 This is a motif library.  Some versions of Lesstif will work. = not found
 XmHTML doesn't exist as a debian package.  Read the GNUCash readme and get
 the source.
 I've been working on packaging Gnucash (which means packaging XmHTML and
 nana,  also),  but I can't get the gnome version to build,  which is
 really the only one I'm interested in.

First off, nana is already packaged.
Secondly, although xmhtml isn't packaged, gtkxmhtml is packaged, and
that's used for the gnome build.
Thirdly, and most importantly, the gnome ui code is a big mess - even
if it were to somehow miraculously compile (I don't know how those
involved were ever able to build the -gnome RPMS), most features
wouldn't work.  The gnome code really isn't ready for anything but
having some coders attack it - if anything compiles, that's just a
testament to the fact that compilers can put up with a lot.
That said, it seems to work well with lesstif 0.86.9 (the version in
slink), although for that you would have to package XmHTML first.

Re: diald is eating packets

1999-01-26 Thread Daniel Martin
Kenneth F. Ryder III [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 1) how to keep diald from eating the first packet it sees coming across the
 dummy link, and instead hold it and send it down the PPP link once

I think diald does this with UDP packets - with TCP packets there are
other rather annoying issues/problems.  However, the kernel's ipmasq
routines do it, so you'd think there'd be a way.

 2) how to increase the time limit in the standard filter (I'd like to use
 standard.filter over my very primitive one) on the FIRST packet sent out by
 a program (like telnet,  rlogin, etc.)

Well, not quite that, but what I added after a somewhat similar
problem to my /etc/diald/diald.options is:
impulse 30,0,0

This causes the link to always be kept up for at least 30 seconds.

Re: GNUcash/Libs

1999-01-26 Thread Daniel Martin
Timothy Hospedales [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello! I am trying to get GNUCash to work; the binary distribution (1.1.23);
 converted with alien from rpm gives = not found = not found = not found
 Can anyone tell me what packages I need to get these libs?

Well, I don't know about that (that looks weird - I
didn't think there was a readline with that version number), but those 
other two libraries look like motif libraries - you can get 
from lesstif, but I don't know where to get the other ones.

Why don't you try the gnucash-gnome rpm?  That should be liked with
only libs from the gnome project, and you should be able to either
install it immediately or find the libs you need easily in Debian

Re: doom (sorry)

1999-01-19 Thread Daniel Martin
Frankie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Daniel Martin wrote:
  Frankie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I have just d/l doom shareware version, unfortunately, it wants for the X version, and the svga version wants
   What packages are these in?
   I had a look in oldlibs, but I'm not entirely sure what I should look
   for, so O didn't find anything.
  You want the xlib-compat package.  I believe that this package has
  finally disappeared from Debian 2.1, though, so you'll need a 2.0
  (hamm) archive or CD.
 I have the cheapbytes 2.0 CD, and that doesn't seem to have an
 xlib-compat package on it. :-(
 Any ideas where else I might look?

Sorry; It's called xcompat, but you're right - I can't find it in 2.0
at all.  You may have to go back to 1.3.1 to find it.  Assuming you
can't find someone with a 1.3.1 CD, you can get the xcompat and libc4
packages (which I just pulled off my bo CD) from:


c3c4652f43e110de58fe4cec2a22771d  xcompat_3.1.2-4.deb
e161434c2d952ffce8c286d9343ff45a  libc4_4.6.27-15.deb

Unfortunately, I can't include the sources to these packages, as I
happen to have... misplaced my bo source CD.

Why, you may ask, were these packages dropped from Debian?  Well,
basically, because a.out is such an ancient binary format that it
should really be forgotten, and all of the support tools necessary to
make it work make continuing support of a.out format a somewhat
onerous burden.

Besides, these packages can't be built with the current Debian tools,
so it would take some amount of work to bring them up to the state
where they could be included again - it's not merely a matter of
taking on a whole load of rarely-used packages.

That said, I've been wondering why one of those emulators we've got
floating around couldn't be made to run libc4 a.out format...

Description: PGP signature

Re: doom (sorry)

1999-01-18 Thread Daniel Martin
Frankie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have just d/l doom shareware version, unfortunately, it wants for the X version, and the svga version wants
 What packages are these in?
 I had a look in oldlibs, but I'm not entirely sure what I should look
 for, so O didn't find anything.

You want the xlib-compat package.  I believe that this package has
finally disappeared from Debian 2.1, though, so you'll need a 2.0
(hamm) archive or CD.

Re: Soundblaster under Debian 2.0

1999-01-13 Thread Daniel Martin
Ramesh Natarajan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I just installed Debian 2.0 and compiled kernal (2.0.34) with Sound as
 module. I seem to get something working, but not all. I configured my
 /etc/isapnp.conf, did a isapnptools /etc/isapnp.conf followed by
 $insmod sound trace_init=1. On dmesg, I see
Sound initialization started
Sound Blaster 16 (4.16) at 0x220 irq 5 dma 0,5
Yamaha OPL3 FM at 0x388
Sound initialization complete
 when I do cat /dev/sndstat, I see
 Card config:
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 0,5
(SB MPU-401 irq 1 drq 0)
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0
 Iam able to play CD using workman. When I cat some .au to /dev/audio,
 (or when I try saytime) I get no sound. I get no error either. When I do
 rvplayer welcome.rm, I get some error like Codec not
 installed/Compression not supported.
 From what I see in HOWTO, looks like I have MPU stuff not enabled. Is
 this a problem? I donot have MPU 401 support enabled in make config
 (going by help text)
 I used to have RedHat 5.1 with sound working like sweat (using
 sndconfig). Is there a similar tool under debian? (just wanted to be a
 GNU purist for a while :)

No; unfortunately there isn't such an easy sound configuration tool
(anyone want to take apart RedHat's? - and while we're at it, compile
sound as a module in the default kernel?).  However, I have sound
working on my machine, on my PnP Soundblaster clone.  I too get the
MPU thing enclosed in ()'s, so that in and of itself isn't your
problem.  What does the rest of cat /dev/sndstat say?  (specifically,
does it list an audio device?  What does it say about installed
drivers?)  Add a NAME section to your isapnp.conf right before the
(ACT Y) thing, like this:
  (NAME SoundCard)
  (ACT Y)
And then make certain that the VERBOSITY setting at the top of
isapnp.conf is at least 2.  This should make isapnp spit out
information about the card after configuring it - make certain this
information matches what your kernel thinks about your card.

 Thats my main Qn. I have few more :)
 1) I can do startx only as root. Not as any other user. I get some error
 like xlib: conncecion refused by server. If I run xdm, I can log on as
 any user though.

This one is easy.  Look at the file /etc/X11/Xserver.  Read what it

 2) When I try make xconfig for kernal config, I cannot select any of the
 y/m/n options. I can input all text fields (like irq, IO) though.


Re: [offtopic] Dont't ECHO

1998-12-23 Thread Daniel Martin
Nuno Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I'm trying to, using socket programming, ask the remote user for login 
 and password. I would like that password won't appears on remote machine 
 when user is typing it. I already saw RFC's but it doesn't worked ! :(((
  Could someone send me such part of code !? 
  Should IAC + DONT + TELOPT_ECHO sent to socket or client descriptor !? 

You're misunderstanding the RFCs.  In terms of telnet options, the
ECHO refers to whether the local or remote end of the connection
should handle echoing the characters back to the user.  The way telnet
does what it does is by having the server send IAC WILL ECHO and
then having the server only echo those characters that should be
echoed.  I have attached below a transcript of a simple telnet session
to show you what's going on.  You may also need to send the telnet
option that means one character at a time transmission and not
line-by-line mode.  I'm not quite certain how to do this; I believe
it has something to do with manipulating the go-ahead option, and
supressing it.  I'd try to do the following:

Server present login prompt
Client send username
Server present password prompt
Client send password

I'm not certain what you should get if the client isn't willing to do
the supress-go-ahead stuff; if the client responds with a don't
echo, then there's really no way to prevent the password from being

Looking at your mail again, it appears that you are writing both the
client and the server part of this application - if so, then you
shouldn't be touching telnet options at all - you should only deal
with the telnet options if you expect people to be using telnet to
connect to your server.  If you are writing the client as well as the
server, look at the getpass function that someone else mentioned, or
look at the termios(3) manpage for how to turn terminal echoing off.

Here's the transcript of a telnet session to my machine - the CLIENT
or SERVER refers to the machine which sent each bunch of data.  Note
that this transcript is complicated by many other options, but I think
that only the echo and supress-go-ahead options are relevant.  (These
begin around record number 5, below).

Record number 1 (SERVER), length 12

 FFFD18FF FD20FFFD 23FFFD27  .ý..ý .ý#.ý' 01

Record number 2 (CLIENT), length 12

 FFFB18FF FB20FFFC 23FFFB27  .û..û .ü#.û' 01

Record number 3 (SERVER), length 18

 FFFA2001 FFF0FFFA 2701FFF0 FFFA1801 .ú ..ð.ú'..ð.ú.. 01
 FFF0    .ð   02

Record number 4 (CLIENT), length 38

 FFFA2000 33383430 302C3338 343030FF .ú .38400,38400. 01
 F0FFFA27 00FFF0FF FA180068 79706572 ð.ú'..ð.ú..hyper 02
 7465726D FFF0   term.ð   03

Record number 5 (SERVER), length 15

 FFFB03FF FD01FFFD 1B05 FFFD21xx .û..ý..ý..û..ý!  01

Record number 6 (CLIENT), length 24

 FFFD03FF FC01FFFB 1A1F 00500018 .ý..ü..û..ú..P.. 01
 FFF0FFFD 05FFFB21   .ð.ý..û! 02

Record number 7 (SERVER), length 43

 FFFB0144 65626961 6E20474E 552F4C69 .û.Debian GNU/Li 01
 6E757820 736C696E 6B206375 73682E64 nux slink cush.d 02
 796E2E6D 6C2E6F72 670D0Axx  03

Record number 8 (CLIENT), length 3

 FFFD01xx    .ý.  01

Record number 9 (SERVER), length 14

 0D0A6375 7368206C 6F67696E 3A20 ..cush login:01

Record number 10 (CLIENT), length 1

 75xx    u01

Record number 11 (SERVER), length 1

 75xx    u01

Record number 12 (CLIENT), length 1

 73xx    s01

Record number 13 (SERVER), length 1

 73xx    s01

Record number 14 (CLIENT), length 1

 65xx    e01

Record number 15 (SERVER), length 1

 65xx    e01

Record number 16 (CLIENT), length 1

 72xx    r01

Record number 17 (SERVER), length 1

 72xx    r01

Record number 18 (CLIENT), length 1

 6Exx    n01

Record number 19 (SERVER), length 1

 6Exx    n01

Record number 20 (CLIENT), length 1

 61xx    a01

Record number 21 (SERVER), length 1

 61xx    a01

Record number 22 (CLIENT), length 1

 6Dxx    m01

Record number 23 (SERVER), length 1

 6Dxx    m01


Re: refused connect from 'unknown'

1998-12-08 Thread Daniel Martin
Pere Camps [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Can somebody explain me what this is?
 Dec  7 13:52:11 casal in.telnetd[27798]: warning: can't get client address: 
 No route to host
 Dec  7 13:52:12 casal in.telnetd[27798]: refused connect from unknown
   If my machine has a telnet request, then my machine knows the IP
 (at least) of the machine which requests it, no?

No - not if the person connecting disconnects almost instantly; what
can happen is that if the person in question opens and then closes a
connection almost instantly, the connection goes to inetd, which
accepts it, but before tcpd (which is what inetd hands telnet
connections off to, and which is the program generating these log
messages) gets the connection and finds out who's on the other end,
the connection is closed, and tcpd is left without a clue, hence the
confusing error messages.

This is usually done as part of a port scan - testing to see which
ports are accessible on your machine.  There ought to be an option to
inetd to log all tcp connections before passing them off to something
else to handle, but I can see how that could get to be a hassle on a
busy machine.

On the other hand, services which are not run from inetd - for
example, apache on most machines - will know where this connection was 
coming from, and many port scans hit port 80 as well as port 23.

I seem to remember some program that monitored every individual
incoming network packet and logged warning messages about suspicious
packets - I suppose someone will know how to do this with ipchains or
ip firewalling stuff.

Re: No more C++ ?

1998-12-02 Thread Daniel Martin
Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Ossama Othman wrote:
robinson:~/uni/c++/src$ c++ hello.C
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lstdc++: No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I heard some people have the same problem.
But how can I fix it?
   You need libstdc++, install it.
  That's not the solution, at least for me.  I _had_ working C++ prior to
  the __register_frame_info problem upgrades.  I checked /usr/lib.  All of
  the usual C++ libraries are there, including libstdc++-2.8 and 2.9.
 There is a thread in -devel about this, a problem with a link not
 extisting or something, check the recent archive for something on it.

Really?  I couldn't find that thread.  In any case, the problem is
that there's no file - I fixed this by (as root) doing
the following:
  cd /usr/lib
  ln -s

There will be a new libstdc++2.9-dev soon enough.

Re: ANSI Color Escapes in $PS1.. heh.

1998-12-02 Thread Daniel Martin

 How would one check to make sure the terminal is capable of ANSI escape

I'd do this by not coding in the escape sequences directly, but by using 
export PS1=\[`tput setaf [EMAIL PROTECTED] sgr0`\]:\[`tput setaf 4`\]\w\[`tput 

tput is a command-line interface into the terminfo database - if
your terminal is known to be able to handle colors, it'll generate
escape codes and if not it'll generate nothing.  Thus, this prompt
line works just as well on a color-capable xterm as it does on an old
Wyse terminal (which not only can't do color, but barfs if handed
VT-style escape codes).

Re: undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

1998-11-29 Thread Daniel Martin
Eric Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I recently installed Slink on a laptop.  I have the latest versions of all
 the signifigant packages.  When I try to run dselect, groff, or many many
 other things, I get this:
 error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
 How do I fix this???

You complain to upstream maintainers to fix their packages.  Until
they do, you can use an older version of libc6.

I've put the last one I had at:

Why did this happen?  Well, there were a few versions of libc6 which
got out which were broken.  The way they were broken meant that
programs compiled with them (not C, just C++, pascal, and anything
else using certain egcs compilers, as opposed to gcc stuff) couldn't
be run anywhere else - they all had this weird dependency on this odd

Now, once libc6 is fixed, we have this scenario.

In any case, downgrade libc6 until all of your other packages have
been upgraded and this stupid libc6 inconsistency is fixed.

Re: Linux shutdown

1998-11-25 Thread Daniel Martin
Tun Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello ... 
 I was wondering if there was a way for linux to make use of the ATX soft
 power switch...
 For example, shutdown ... totally, power and all just like win9x.
 or, suspend to disk by pressing the momentary button?

Recompile your own kernel (install the kernel-pkg package and either
download a linux .tar.gz source from or install one of
the kernel-source packages) and, when choosing options, enable APM
(which stands for Advanced Power Management).

Re: diald time restriction

1998-11-24 Thread Daniel Martin
Peter Bartosch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 hi debians
 i´ve got only a short question:
 is it possible to restrict diald only to work at e.g. one hour per day?


 and how? (config file, cron-job, etc.)


You can restrict certain portions of the config file to be operative
only at certain times of the day, you can have a cron job completely
shut diald down and start it up at specific times.  It depends what
you mean by work - do you mean only bring the link up if receiving
network activity during certain times of the day, (and keep the link
down unless specifically requested at other times) or do you mean
completely give up managing the link (both in terms of bringing it up
and taking it down on inactivity) during certain times of the day?
Either situation could be done with a config file change, though in
the second situation it's better to use a cron job.

 i don´t use diald at the moment! it´s only to avoid reading more and more ,-)

Re: DEL key in Xemacs

1998-11-24 Thread Daniel Martin
Daniel Elenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have this problem that has been bugging me for quite some time:
 I can't get my DEL key working properly in Xemacs. I want it to always 
 generate delete-char, but it works like backspace, i.e. generates 
 delete-backward-char. I have a swedish keyboard. I've put 
 (require 'iso-syntax) in my .emacs.

One of the most wonderful things about xemacs20 is the extent to which 
it is easily customizeable through the custom.el interface.

Do M-x customize  -  when asked for the group say editing-basics.
One of the choices will be Delete key deletes forward - it is off by 
default; change it, then make certain you both Set and Save the
settings in that group.  Then, it should work as expected (maybe after 
a restart of xemacs).

Re: Ifconfig

1998-11-23 Thread Daniel Martin
Amanda Shuler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a question about ifconfig.
 I have a machine that I am trying to configure to put onto a local
 I'm an assigning it IP address
 I type:
   ifconfig eth0
 then I check it with ifconfig and everything is correct.  I reboot the
 machine, and recheck ifconfig -- it's wrong.  It resets the IP address to everytime!  
 Currently, I do not have this machine physically hooked up to the network,
 because I was just doing the configuration and I didn't want to knock
 another (very important) machine off the network.  If the ethernet card is
 not actually hooked up to the network, will that cause this reset to
 happen upon every boot?
 How do I get it to stay at

ifconfig affects something only so long as the machine isn't rebooted
- the ethernet card itself never knows what IP address it has; only
the kernel knows this.  Therefore, at system startup, the kernel is
told by the intitialization scripts what IP address the ethernet card

This is done in the script /etc/init.d/network - go edit that file to
suit your new IP address.  (That is, change any ifconfig line that's
setting the ip address, or, if there is no such
line, add the ifconfig line you use above to that file).

Re: How to enable DPMS monitor poweroff?

1998-11-22 Thread Daniel Martin
Rick Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The Hardware-HOWTO just says:
   20.1.  VESA Power Savings Protocol (DPMS) monitors
   Support for power savings is included in the Linux kernel. Just use
   setterm to enable support.
 but setterm insists:
   timshel:~$ setterm -powersave on   
   cannot (un)set powersave mode
 I can't find any more details anywhere. I have an ATI mach64 (Grpahics
 Pro Turbo) and a Viewsonic 17GS monitor. Kernel 2.0.32.

setterm is for modifying stuff on the linux console, not from X.
You're probably trying this from an xterm.

Inside X, use the 'xset' command, like this:
xset dpms 
xset dpms 300 600 900

You might consider putting this command into /etc/X11/Xsession, after
the bit about xmodmap.

If you use xdm, you might consider putting this command into
/etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 as well.

I also find 'xset dpms force standby' a nice command when I want to go 
to sleep.  More info on the xset manpage.

Re: more X in slink stuff...

1998-11-15 Thread Daniel Martin
Zack Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm using slink. When I run startx, I get the following errors:
 xauth: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 xauth: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 xinit: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Aside from the fact that X is broken in slink, is there any way around this?
 What deb file is the library available?

I think this may be another case of the two xlib6g packages
causing problems.  The basic story (as I understand it) is that there
was a broken xlib6g that got released accidentally -
although it was very soon replaced with a working one, some people got 
bitten by the bad one.

At least, I think that's what happened.  I've also heard things to the 
effect that the problem is caused by a bad pre- or post-rm script in
the -6 xlib6g.

In any case, go get xlib6g_3.3.2.3a-7.deb again from your local
mirror, make certain that it has md5sum
276d3782f9be91508241592902146e49.  Reinstall it and this error should
clear up.

Description: PGP signature

Re: dual boot Linux/NT question

1998-11-08 Thread Daniel Martin
Damir J. Naden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Rakesh Mohan; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
  BTW, I can now use lilo for branching to NT and linux, this works fine.
 That is interesting. I was never able to do this. Maybe because my NT
 partition was NTFS..

I just today set my system up to do this - and my WinNT partition is
indeed NTFS.

What I did was make a linux boot floppy, install NT (onto a system
that had had Debian on it for ages), boot linux, and then did:
dd if=/dev/hda of=/boot/ntmbr bs=512 count=1

This saved my NT MBR into a file, which I then reference in my
lilo.conf, and then I re-ran lilo.  For reference, here's my


This isn't ideal (lilo doesn't really start NT, but NT's boot menu),
but it works.

Now, as I've forgotten my NT password, I'm going to have to reinstall
it (unless someone here knows the magical files to erase/modify so I
can change my NT administrator password from Linux) so I'm going to
get to go through this again...

Re: /etc/host.deny and co

1998-10-28 Thread Daniel Martin
Linh Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thank you very much!
 Another question if you don't mind?
 Someone mentionned ipfwadm. What do you think about it, how does it
 to tcpwrapper? Does one has to recompile the kernel to use ipfwadm ?

Yes, your kernel has to be compiled to support ipfwadm; no, I don't
know whether or not the default Debian kernel is.

The basic difference is where they operate.  tcpwrappers operates at
the socket level; it gets invoked after a network connection has been
made but before that connection is passed off to the actual program
that does telnet logins, or accepts mail, or ...

ipfwadm puts its blocks in at the kernel level, so that packets trying 
to establish network connections you don't want never make it
through to the kernel logic that would establish a connection.
ipfwadm is most useful when your box is acting as a router, and you
wish to protect machines on one side of the network from machines on
the other side.  But it can also be useful in your case.

As for which is more secure - ipfwadm is certainly the one to use
for the ultra-paranoid.  It is possible that a SYN-flood type DOS
attack (an attack where some malicious person tries to initiate as
many connections as possible in rapid succession - the idea isn't to
break in, but just to bog down your machine and so make your life
miserable) could get through on a tcpwrapper-protected machine and be
blocked on an ipfwadm-secured machine.  However, since you are leaving
port 80 (http connections) open anyway, the attacker would just have
to target that port in their SYN flood.  Also, in my case my machine
is just connected through a phone line, and so packets of any kind can 
only reach my machine comparatively slowly.

tcpwrappers provides for more extensive logging of what's going on in
my experience; I have this silly idea that some day I'm going to get
to file a CERT report because some hacker who'd hacked their way
across many systems wound up in my logs.  Hasn't happened yet, but you
never know...

By the way, that hosts.deny line I use is now:
ALL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] : rfc931 : spawn ((echo %c %a contacting %d; 
/bin/netstat --inet -n; traceroute -p 31434 %a) 21 | mail root)

The echo and dumping to a file in /tmp were earlier debugging
features I meant to change but had never gotten around to.

Re: conflicts in Debian Distributions

1998-10-26 Thread Daniel Martin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lance Arsenault) writes:

 I just would like to know if Debian 2.0 has conflicting software
 in it like Debian 1.3.1 .  
 Background:  Debian 1.3.1 would not let you install all the software
 in the release.  Installing all the software in the release saves a
 lot of time, and hard drive space is cheeper than time.  

Yes, Debian 2.0 also has this feature.  No, it is NOT a problem.
While it may cause (a very small amount of) extra thought at install
time, this is really a benefit to the user.  Besides, the 2.0 setup is 
streamlined so that common configurations can be selected easily at
install time.

 I have used Debian 1.3.1 in the past but I think that having
 packages that confict is a bad thing.  I think that making all the
 packages in Debian compatable would be a big plus.  In Debian 1.3.1
 this is not the cast.  For example you cannot install emacs and
 xemacs in Debian 1.3.1 .  I'm guessing some of the filenames in
 these two packages are the same.  To get rid of this confict you can
 just install them in different directories or something like that.

Well, what do you mean by making all the packages in Debian
compatible?  We would end up with a totally unuseable system.  What do 
you propose we do with, say, the multiple mail delivery programs?
Should I be able to install sendmail, exim, smail, qmail, etc. and
have my machine magically know which one is in charge of getting mail?
Better to have the packages conflict, so that I can make the choice
through the install program, rather than hunting down and disabling
the programs I don't need.

 It's a pain to have to pick through 1000 + packages to install.  I
 prefer to just install all of them without picking through them.
 Hard disk space is now cheep, and time is not.

But by installing everything at once you just move the time burden
around; you don't eliminate it.  You still will have to make decisions 
about which package you use for which task.

Now, perhaps your complaint about install time has to do with the
incredible slowness of the dpkg-cd access method.  This I can
sympathize with - hunting through all the packages to find new ones is
potentially more reliable, but much too slow.  Try adding your CD
drive to /etc/fstab and using the dpkg-mountable method - it is much

The basic problem of conflicting packages is a direct consequence of
the choice Debian offers to users by providing all these
alternatives.  I would rather have a choice than not.

What Debian should do is have a standard list of packages which comes
preselected right after the install, and which the user could tweak
before the first install run in case they wanted to add something
initially.  This standard set shouldn't have any internal conflicts,
so that people can just install the standard set right away.  But
wait!  We already _do_ do this.  What might be nice is having some
help during installation that forced users to realize that install
everything is not a sensible option.  This is not spelled out as
loudly as it should be.

Re: root - password wiped ?? how ??

1998-10-25 Thread Daniel Martin
Richard E. Hawkins Esq. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Thanx but nope, thats not the problem, sysklog 1.3-30 is installed and
  Any other takers ;0)
 I'll take another swing :)
 Could something have switched you to/from shadow passwrds?  This
 is another popular way to loose your root password :)
 If you're not using shadow passwords, just boot from a rescue
 disk, edit the password file, delete the root password, and reboot.
 You will have no password for root, and can now login as root
 and rest it.
 I assume it's possible to eidt your password frile from a rescue
 disk if you have shadow passwords, but it bats me how.  Maybe
 delete the passwd for root in /etc/shadow?

You just need to delete the x in the password field in /etc/passwd - 
that causes /etc/shadow to not be used for that account.

Re: Pine Attachment Associations

1998-10-24 Thread Daniel Martin
Stephen A. Witt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm using Pine 4.05 on a Debian 2.0 platform at work.  MS Office is the
 standard desktop automation application around here except for a small
 band of Unix enthusiasts.  I've just installed Star Office, mostly so I
 can read the MS Word documents everybody sends me.  I'm trying to
 reconfigure Pine so that it will automatically start up swriter3 for a
 attachment type of DOC.  I thought the way to do that was to change
 /etc/mime.types, which I did.  I modified the line that specified msword
 as the application for doc and dot files to be swriter3, but Pine still
 thinks its an MSWORD application.  I also looked in the /etc/mailcap file
 but didn't find any mention of msword in there.  I've looked on the 
 Pine Info site and it mentions this and states that one should
 change the /etc/mime.types file. Anybody have any experience with this?

Changing the /etc/mime.types changes what type will be associated to a 
given file, but it doesn't say how to handle it.  That's what
/etc/mailcap is for.  I can only assume that the pine info site
assumes one already has pine configured to handle swriter3-type
documents.  In any case, changing /etc/mime.types won't help much for
those attachments which are sent to you already labeled with a type.
(really, most attachments should come with a content-type header).

What you should to do is change /etc/mailcap to tell pine how to open
ms-word files, and change /etc/mime.types _back_ to saying
application/msword for doc files.

To change /etc/mailcap, add the following (all as one long line) to
the end:

application/msword; swriter3 %s; test=test $DISPLAY != ; description=M$ 
Word document; nametemplate=%s.doc

Since it appears that you're getting documents labeled with the type
application/MSWORD you may also want to add:

application/MSWORD; swriter3 %s; test=test $DISPLAY != ; description=M$ 
Word document; nametemplate=%s.doc

to /etc/mailcap as well; I don't know if mime types are case sensitive.

Re: Removing ^M in files--in bulk?

1998-10-21 Thread Daniel Martin

 I have a bunch of files (est. 200) which were brought over from OS/2 after
 being detached from emails (I've not got Debian networked yet here at
 work--subject of another post).  
 All of them have this control character (^M) at the end of each line, as
 seen in vi (which I know v. little about except very basic I/O).  These need
 to be removed before the files can be compiled.  
 I am really hoping there is a way to do this in bulk ... using sed or
 something similar??  I am v. new to Linux, so have no grip yet on the more
 powerful utilities and/or syntax.  (Nor am I a programmer.)  Is there a way
 to do this??  Thanks!

Install the sysutils package and then you can use the dos2unix
command (also known as fromdos) - it does bulk ^M stripping.

Re: legality of mailing Debian CDs from US to overseas?

1998-10-05 Thread Daniel Martin
John B. Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Now -- my question is, can I get into any trouble by exporting CD-R of
 Debian Linux?  I'm just sending burns of the binary-i386.raw images that
 I get via rsync.  My primary worry (all of a sudden -- I guess I should've
 thought of this beforehand but I was *pretty* sure it was okay) is strong
 crypto and the (imho, half-asswd) U.S. munitions export laws concerning
 crypto over 40bit.

This is why there exists a non-us section which is distinct from
the regular main, contrib, and non-free sections.  By design,
binary-i386.raw does not contain any export-restricted cryptography.

 I just want to make sure I can continue my Debian Giveaway project without
 fear of the FBI or some mysterious foreign government equivalent pounding
 down my door.

You're sending CDs to the PRC?  They have some odd censorship laws
there - all that talk about freedom in free software might be risky

(Not to mention some places with strict censorship laws might not like 
the fortunes-offensive package)

But seriously, as long as the FBI behaves intelligently, they won't be
knocking on your door (for this at least).

That said, I'm uncertain what the US laws are with regard to
non-commercial (you're giving the CDs away) export to countries (such
as Cuba, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, North Korea, Iran, and Syria) against
which the US currently has an embargo.  If you are really paranoid,
you may wish to avoid sending CDs to those countries.  Then again, the
Iranian grad. students here use Netscape all the time and no FBI
people are swarming over the campus computers, so...

Re: can any user have the right of root and can lunch Netscape

1998-10-03 Thread Daniel Martin
Jim Foltz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sat, Oct 03, 1998 at 09:31:53AM +0800, Chan Min Wai wrote:
  I'm asking about that can a user have the rithr of root and can
  lunch netscape as well in Xwin..
 Any user can start X windows if it is intalled properly. Any user can start
 netscape if it is intalled properly. Root user is not needed to run X
 windows or netscape.
 Do you have X windows and netscape installed properly?

I think the question is whether one can run netscape as root.
Currently, the debian netscape script prevents this (for good reasons, 
I think).  It's possible to run netscape directly (bypassing debian
scripts) by doing something like:
MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/netscape /usr/lib/netscape/netscape

However, I'd _strongly_ recommend against it.  Much better (if you
need to run netscape, but you're logged in as root) is to do:
su -c xauth add `xauth list $DISPLAY` dcmwai
su -c netscape dcmwai

Instead of dcmwai you should use your non-root username.  This runs
netscape as dcmwai, not as root, but displays it on your screen.

Another possibility (which is what I do) is to never log in as root,
but use su or sudo whenever one needs to do something as root.

Re: access to iso9660 raw image

1998-10-03 Thread Daniel Martin
Eugene Sevinian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi All,
 Today a friend of mine gave me a CD with raw binary image of hamm on it.
 MD5 sum is correct. Would it be possible to use this CD as a hamm
 distribution without burning new CD. May be using loopback device or
 something like that? 
 Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Yes, though of course it won't be possible to boot from the CD.
Just do:  (assuming the cd is already mounted under /cdrom, and the
file is main.raw)
mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /cdrom/main.raw /mnt

Then, assuming this works, the best thing to do is probably to create
a specific directory to mount it on (say /mnt/debiancd - of course,
you need to umount the cd image first) and then place a line like this
is your /etc/fstab:
/cdrom/main.raw  /mnt/debiancd  iso9660  loop,ro,noauto 0 0

Now you can mount it with just mount /mnt/debiancd.

Then, use dselect's mountable access method - I suggest this because
it's faster than the mounted method and accessing things through the 
loop device is going to slow things down a bit to begin with.

Re: Free debugger that can do source debugging without executable.

1998-09-30 Thread Daniel Martin
Christopher Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is there a debugger or a way to get ddd to load and interpret a C source
 file and step through it a step at a time without requiring the
 debug-symbol compiled executable? I seem to remember doing something
 like this a long time ago with one of Borland's IDEs, but I might be

Well, it should be possible to create a script that does a quick
compile of a given C program with debugging turned on and then starts
gdb.  This is what Borland IDE's (and Microsoft's, and in fact any IDE 
I've seen that allows one to debug) in fact do.  However, you're
really going to need an IDE to do that properly, as you need to tell
the script how to compile your program (e.g. what -l flags to use).

If you had a proper makefile, you could simply have a script that does 
make debug and then invokes gdb; if you can get ddd to use that
instead of the real gdb, this may do what you want.


1998-09-28 Thread Daniel Martin

 2.  How do I install incons for applications in X  -- or set a desk top

You need to install a window manager other than the basic twm which
comes with X.  I'd recommend fvwm2 or fvwm95 for people just starting
out.  You can customize these relatively easily and they come with
loads of icons.

Re: PON dials out, but PPP connection dropped

1998-09-27 Thread Daniel Martin
David Karlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've been messing around with Debian/Linux for about 3 months now.  I
 recently acquired a modem for my hamm box and am trying to set up my
 system for a ppp/pap connection.
 I have run pppconfig, and now when I do pon, the system waits about
 1/2 minute, and dials the ISP's number.  After the modem dials the
 number, I can hear the carrier-detect; then the modem disconnects in
 about another 1/2 minute.  The same thing happens (more or less) when
 I run minicom.
 I have attached some of some related files.  Also, this computer is on
 a LAN (in case that makes any difference).
 I got some help today (in IRC) from someone who works at an ISP that
 runs Debian, and he was stumped.  If anyone can figure this out, I will 
 owe you a beer (or six).

The wait between the pon command and the modem dialing is telling -
that wait shouldn't be happening.  I'd suspect an IRQ problem - that
is, your modem is set to use the wrong IRQ.  When this happens, data
comes back from the modem only very slowly; this means that there's a
long wait for the OK in the second line of the chatscript, which
explains the initial delay in dialing.  This also interferes with data 
coming back from your provider in a timely fashion, which is leading
pppd to think that a timeout occured in getting config. information,
and so it hangs up.

Can you use your modem through minicom?  If so, is it ungodly slow?
That's a better sign that there's an IRQ problem.

To fix this, you need to find out what IRQ the physical modem is using 
(check the modem manual to find this out; if it's an external modem
check your BIOS - should be IRQ 3 or 4, but some bioses let you set
the IRQ on serial ports to 12).  Then, you need to set the modem
device to use this irq:
setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq ??

(where for ?? use what you found; instead of ttyS1 use what's
appropriate for your system)  If this works, modify the file
/etc/rc.boot/0setserial to make this irq change permanent.

Re: Voice Chatscript

1998-09-25 Thread Daniel Martin
David Stern [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'd like my computer to call up one of those automated voice business 
 information systems, then execute some transactions by entering my user 
 account information and make some selections from the menu.  I'll need 
 to execute this task repetitively while I'm away from home.
 I tried writing a chatscript, but my modem hangs up, presumably because 
 there's no handshake on the other end (I hear the automated voice on 
 the other end after answering, then after about 10 seconds my modem 
 hangs up).  I see chat is intended for use with pppd, and I didn't see 
 any options to disable the handshake expectation.
 ATDT777-  (phone no.)
 \d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d  (more than enough time to answer)
 \d\d\d\d\d99#\c   (hear dialogue, enter user info 
  followed by #)
   [..never gets past the initial dialogue, my end hangs up after 10 s..]

As other people have pointed out, it's not chat that's hanging up,
it's your modem.  chat knows nothing of how long to wait for a
handshake from the remote modem, etc.
Besides that, even if your modem didn't hang up, this wouldn't work.
What's the modem supposed to do when it sees the ?  It's not
dialing anymore - you finished that ATDT line.  The modem will think
you're trying to send the string 9 to a remote modem, or that
9 is supposed to be some modem command.  In any case, it's not
going to work.

To make it work, don't depend on the delays in chat to separate key
tones - let the modem do the delays in the dialing and just think that
it has to dial a long number before it hears anything.

So, your chatscript would look like:

OK  ATDT777-,,,999#,

The +++ and ATZ are to set the modem to its default configuration
when we start all this.  Then, the long phone number given to the
modem is what to dial; commas mean delay (how long is configurable in
one of those S registers) - on some modems, you can use @ signs
instead of commas for longer delays - check your modem manual.

The \d's at the end say how long chat waits after telling the modem
to start dialing before chat sends a return character, which will hang 
up the modem.  (so that after doing what it needs to do, the modem
isn't still sitting around waiting for some modem on the other end;
remember, there's no way to tell in a voice conversation if that click 
you just heard was the other person hanging up or just line noise
without asking them, so the modem won't be able to tell that the other 
end hung up after getting the # sign)

Adjusting the numbers of commas and \d's should get this to work.

Re: this is probably too easy

1998-09-22 Thread Daniel Martin
Are you certain that your chatscript is going far enough?
That is, are you certain that after sending PPP your ISP doesn't ask
for a username and password?  (or do you perhaps need PPP in
lowercase?)  This error looks like your ISP isn't responding to pppd
at all; this often happens when there's some other prompt your ISP
presents that you aren't taking care of with your chatscript.

Try dialing in manually with minicom, and do what's necessary to start 
ppp far enough to get the ppp garbage that looks like 
!}!}!} }8}}} } } } }#}
or similar.  (or, at the very least get to the point where your ISP
isn't sending you anything, but is waiting for pppd on your machine to 
send garbage like the above).  Then, to make sure that you have indeed 
manually connected properly, exit minicom without hanging up the modem 
(Ctrl-A Q), and do:

/usr/sbin/pppd bsdcomp 15 crtscts mru 300 mtu 300 defaultroute
   noipdefault /dev/modem 38400 modem noauth

(all on one line).  (Instead of 38400, use the speed minicom was using 
with your modem; if your provider uses PAP, include user
yourusername at the end of the line).  Hopefully you'll find an
error somewhere in your chatscript.

Jeremy Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i have been pulling my hair our over this one and it is something so
 simple you will laugh at me
 My PPP doesnt work
 now dont all roll your eyes let me explain
 my chat script works and my pppd works but when ever i try and open a
 link to my isp it all terminates and puts this error in my messages file
 Sep 16 00:10:09 localhost chat[760]: Protocol:
 Sep 16 00:10:09 localhost chat[760]:  -- got it 
 Sep 16 00:10:09 localhost chat[760]: send (PPP^M)
 Sep 16 00:10:09 localhost pppd[755]: Serial connection established.
 Sep 16 00:10:11 localhost kernel: PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel
 Sep 16 00:10:11 localhost kernel: PPP Dynamic channel allocation code
 copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
 Sep 16 00:10:11 localhost kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
 Sep 16 00:10:19 localhost kernel: registered device ppp0
 Sep 16 00:10:19 localhost pppd[755]: Using interface ppp0
 Sep 16 00:10:19 localhost pppd[755]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/modem
 Sep 16 00:10:49 localhost pppd[755]: LCP: timeout sending
 Sep 16 00:10:49 localhost pppd[755]: Connection terminated.
 Sep 16 00:10:49 localhost pppd[755]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit
 Sep 16 00:10:49 localhost pppd[755]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
 Sep 16 00:11:30 localhost pppd[755]: Exit.
 Sep 16 00:13:10 localhost kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline
 successfully unregistered

Re: printer advice

1998-09-22 Thread Daniel Martin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg Norris) writes:

 As near as I can tell it's not a winprinter, and it's print-language is
 Enhanced HP PCL 5 (which I believe is a superset of postscript, but
 might well be mistaken on that point).

No; it's a superset of HP's PCL (Printer Control Language) - a
proprietary HP language. (PCL is kind of interesting; it reminds me
of the good old days of sending escape codes to my parent's first
dot-matrix printer, and yet one can do vector graphics with it)

But that's ok; ghostscript can convert postscript into the PCL that
was used on HP LaserJet 4's, so a simple little filter in
/etc/printcap will take care of being able to print postscript.  (or
you could just take care of things by installing magicfilter which
ends up moving everything through ghostscript)

Re: Easy X exit manager....

1998-09-21 Thread Daniel Martin
Person, Rod [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hey all,
 My wife has taken a liking to KDE's kpoker. I added her as a user, but
 she can't grasp the shutdown process. She is very computer impaired (I'm
 being nice...she just plain computer stupid.) Anyway is there a exit
 manager available to go from X to system halt state, or is this going to
 be my first attempt at linux programming.

Someone posted at one point a simple little bit of tcl/tk
code that added Reboot and Shutdown buttons to the xdm login
screen.  I'm not certain if that's exactly what you're asking for (it
would require logging out of kwm and then hitting a shutdown button),
but it's easier to remember than switching to a VT and then doing
shutdown -h now.

Hopefully someone on the list with a better-connected machine can find 
it in the archives.

Re: FTE editor

1998-09-16 Thread Daniel Martin
(I'm copying so much text because the original didn't make it to

Helge Hafting [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 09/15/98 
at 10:08 AM, Daniel Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Paul M. Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  2) Is there a liability to changing the permissions on these device files
  so that regular users have r/w access to them?
 Well, how comfortable are you with the ability of anyone logged in (or 
 even with a process running) on your machine being able to grab the
 contents of any of the virtual consoles?  If you do this, then anyone
 will be able to grab anything that appears on the screen.  It's not as 
 bad as xhost +, since they won't be able to send keys to, say, your root
 shell, but the ability to log everything may be a bit unnerving. Also,
 there's major nuisance potential since they could make any virtual screen
 display anything.
 I havent tested this yet, but consider the following:
 There is a file in /etc (sorry, don't remember which one)
 that can specify what groups a user will be added to when logging in on
 the console.  One documented use for this is to grant membership to group
 audio so that anyone currently logged in on the console may use the
 audio device.   Surely this trick could work with /dev/vcsa*, set the
 group to audio or create a new group for this purpose.
 Note that the audio trick isn't on by default, you must edit that file.
 (Do a grep audio /etc/* in order to find what file this is in.) The
 reason is that a hacker user is able to get permanent membership in the
 groups listed.  Using this is still better than granting anybody access to
 /dev/vcsa as many users don't know the hack involved, and I believe they
 need to use the console in order to do it.  No problem if the hacker never
 get near the console.

True; (the file is /etc/login.defs).  However, I'd not call the way
one gets access to one of these groups permanently a hack - I'd call 
it basic Unix knowledge.  (I mean, if you know what it means to have a 
program setgid and know how to make a program setgid, you've got it).

But yes, if the console is in a secure environment, then there's no
risk in doing this.

Re: X-modes other than the defaults.

1998-09-16 Thread Daniel Martin
Mrpeabody [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 My X-windows automatically loads in 8dpp mode and I have a card that is
 capable of much better how do I tell x to try other modes instead.

Two ways:
If you're starting X with startx, you can do:
startx -- -bpp 16
(or 15, 24, or 32)
If you're starting X with xdm, you need to edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config
file to change the default bpp.  In the Screen section put:
   DefaultColorDepth 16
(or whatever number).  This will also affect the default bpp used with 
startx.  You'll have to log out of any xsession xdm is managing; if
your xdm is at the login screen, press Ctrl-Atl-Backspace to kill the
X server; when it restarts it'll be using the new bpp.

Re: Debian 2.0: pon works, diald gets PAP authentication failure

1998-09-16 Thread Daniel Martin
Ken Westerback [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a working ppp connection, using PAP, available through pon or
 wmppp as evidenced by the console messages:
 When I try to enable diald by filling out the diald.options files as
 fifo /etc/diald/diald.ctl
 mode ppp
 connect /usr/sbin/chat -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
 device /dev/ttyS1
 speed 115200
 pppd-options asyncmap 0
 include /etc/diald/standard.filter
 and running diald from the command line I get a PAP authentication
 Can anyone tell me what the problem might be? 

It appears to me that pppd may not know what username to use for PAP
authentication.  Try using:
pppd-options asyncmap 0 user YourPPPUserName

Now, one effect of this is that YourPPPUserName (but not password)
will end up in the logs.  If this is undesirable, you could create a
file called /etc/ppp/peers/dialdopts and in that file place:

asyncmap 0
user YourPPPUserName

And then in /etc/diald/diald.options just have:
pppd-options call dialdopts

Re: FTE editor

1998-09-15 Thread Daniel Martin
Paul M. Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Two questions:
 1) Is this a dangerous thing (I know of no other Linux editors that
 access the terminal this way)?
Accessing the terminal in this way?  In itself no; in fact, if all
access is done through /dev/vcsa*, there's not the chance of leaving
your console in the lowercase characters appear as line-drawing
characters mode.  However, using an untested program as root is just
one of those generally unadvised actions.
 2) Is there a liability to changing the permissions on these device files
 so that regular users have r/w access to them?
Well, how comfortable are you with the ability of anyone logged in (or 
even with a process running) on your machine being able to grab the
contents of any of the virtual consoles?  If you do this, then anyone
will be able to grab anything that appears on the screen.  It's not as 
bad as xhost +, since they won't be able to send keys to, say, your
root shell, but the ability to log everything may be a bit unnerving.
Also, there's major nuisance potential since they could make any
virtual screen display anything.

Re: FTE editor

1998-09-15 Thread Daniel Martin
Paul M. Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In my case, it isn't a problem, since it is a single user machine on a
 network, with my wife running Win95 on the other machine. But I see the
 point. So presumably, if someone could write something to /dev/vcsa*, it
 would show up on my screen. Hm. Up until I unpacked this editor, I hadn't
 even heard of /dev/vcsa*.

/dev/vcsa* and /dev/vcs* devices are nice, even if using them does
make it a bit more difficult to port FTE to screens that aren't virtual 
consoles (like xterms).  It's much better that a program use these
devices than try to open /dev/kmem (Yes, someone wrote an editor
ostensibly for linux that did that.  An evil, evil program.)  It would 
be nice if login could set perms and ownership on vcs* devices the way
it does on ttys - that would be the ideal solution.

Try this:
As root (or any other user who can access /dev/vcs0), do:
cat /dev/vcs0  /tmp/storevcs
then do something which does stuff to the screen - ls or the like.
cat /tmp/storevcs  /dev/vcs0

(vcs0 means whatever vc is currently displayed).
And instantly your screen image will go back to what it was at the
first cat.

This is an example of what people could do to your screen.


1998-09-14 Thread Daniel Martin
Jim Crumley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I pretty much copied my setup from  .
 I think Daniel Martin still reads this list.  He also
 has a link to the Dynamic IP Hacks Mini-HOWTO,
 which has more suggestions.

Oh my.  I'd hate to think I'm an authority.

I have something like this set up - I have a voice modem, and use
vgetty (in the mgetty-voice package).  I've modified some of the
scripts that came with it (but not much; they were pretty trivial
modifications) so that I can call my machine from anywhere, enter *, a 
secret code, and # and my machine will dial in.  (A different code
lets me check my messages - my voice modem is my answering machine)

That's not documented on the page mentioned above, (I can send you
details, but using xringd may well be easier) but how to have a page
automatically updated is; although, there's a way that I think is
better, which I used on my girlfriend's machine since her ISP didn't
allow her shell access to set up a .forward file.  Basically, in your
/etc/ppp/ip-up script (for bo, aka Debian 1.3.x) or in some file in
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ (for hamm, aka Debian 2.0 - you'd probably be best
off putting this in a new file, something like
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/local_updatepage) put the following:

m4 -Dipaddr=$PPP_LOCAL  /tmp/newip.html EOD
HTMLHEADNew ip address ipaddr/HEAD
BODYH1New address is: ipaddr/H1
PNew address ipaddr obtained on syscmd(date)/P/BODY/HTML
HOME=/root ftp my.webspace.provider EOD
send /tmp/newip.html public_html/newip.html

(In bo, use $4 instead of $PPP_LOCAL in the top line)
Then, in /root you need to create a .netrc file giving your username
and password for whatever machine you're putting this webpage on.
The syntax is:
machine my.webspace.provider
login myusername
password mypassword

Then, remember to set all the permissions correctly:
chmod 0600 /root/.netrc
chmod a+rx /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/local_updatepage  # or whatever
   # Remember, use /etc/ppp/ip-up on bo.

Re: diald and ppp

1998-09-14 Thread Daniel Martin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Keith) writes:

 [1  text/plain; US-ASCII (7bit)]
 I am trying to set up diald and ppp. I thought it would be easy like it
 was with Debian 1.3, but I guess Debian developers or someone wanted to 
 keep me on my toes so they changed stuff. Here are my problems.
 I have attached /etc/diald/diald.options and /etc/diald/connect
 I am using pap-secrets also.

 # /etc/diald/diald.options
 connect /etc/diald/connect
 disconnect /etc/ppp/ppp-disconnect
 [3 /home/nfn11988/connect text/plain; US-ASCII (7bit)]
 OK ATDT4038000

The problem seems to be that for diald's connect script you're just
giving it a chatscript; diald doesn't want that, it wants an actual

Try moving your chatscript to another file (say, something in
/etc/chatscripts) and then in your /etc/diald/connect file just have:

/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/whateveryoumoveditto

Then, don't forget to make /etc/diald/connect executable.

Re: analog 3.0.3 home grown scripts

1998-09-14 Thread Daniel Martin
William R. McDonough [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 could someone please show me where to access these home grown scripts
 I have analog on my web server but it's FreeBSD not Debian...
 I'd love to have my analog show me email and FTP stats. is the
directory you're looking for.  Incidentally, it's 3.0-3, not 3.0.3 -
the difference is that Debian uses a dash to indicate the difference
between packaging versions and upstream versions.  3.0-3 is the third
Debian package built out of analog 3.0, not an improvement to analog
3.0 put out by the analog authors.

The file you probably want from there is analog_3.0-3.diff.gz which
shows you the new stuff debian added to the source of analog; you can
read through the diff and figure out what files you're after.

Alternatively, if you don't feel like sorting the debian specific
stuff out of the .diff.gz file, you can download the analog .deb and
just unpack it on your system.  That's right, you can unpack Debian
.deb files using only standard Unix tools.  (One of the arguments
people sometimes give about why .deb format is superior to .rpm
format) You just:

cd /tmp
mkdir analogdebian
cd analogdebian
ar x /path/to/analog_3.0-3.deb
gunzip data.tar.gz
tar xvf data.tar

And analog is now unpacked for you in subdirectories of
/tmp/analogdebian.  The example scripts are in

The .deb file is available in:

Re: changed server name, how-to change back

1998-09-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Keith) writes:

 I somehow changed the name of my server back copying files from
 another server onto this one. Which files sets the name of the

It took me a moment to figure out what you were asking.  The file
you're looking for is /etc/hostname, which is used in the startup
process to set the machine's name.

Re: ppp connection with Demon

1998-09-07 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Tom Bowles [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Incidentally it's not just receiving and sending data that is
 slow. There is also a 20-30 second delay between sending the modem
 initialisation (and phone number for that matter) strings and
 getting any response. Could it be something to do with the serial
 interface itself. I am now about 100 miles from anything I know
 anything about, but it's a hell of a lot more interesting than

I think you may be onto something here - since you're getting data,
but there are serious timing delays (that you're certain aren't caused 
by Demon being slow - that is, delays even in the init strings), you
may have the wrong IRQ set on your serial device, or there may be some 
conflict in IRQ settings.  Do a:
 setserial /dev/modem
(or /dev/ttyS1, or /dev/WhateverYourModemIs)
and note the results.  Since you are getting data, the port setting is 
correct and the UART listed is correct or close enough.  The IRQ,
however, may well be wrong.  If you have some other OS in which the
modem works well, you could look at the device information for the
modem there.  Once you have the correct IRQ for your modem, you'll
want to edit /etc/rc.boot/0setserial down around lines 25-30 and fix
the information there.  You can then as root run
/etc/rc.boot/0setserial and try your modem again.

Is the modem a plug-and-play internal modem?  If so, look at using the
isapnptools to set up the modem.  (You'll have to run one program to
dump out the configuration info. on your modem, edit that file to suit
your needs, and then run another program on the edited file to set the
configuration in your modem - once you get the config. the way you
want it, putting it into /etc/isapnp.conf will have it used at
boottime - but there's much more info. in the isapnp docs)  Note that
if you have an external modem that calls itself plug-and-play, this
doesn't actually mean anything.  (Well, not anything that you care
about with regards to setting up your modem for linux)

If the modem is an internal one with switches/jumpers, you'll need to
look at it and your modem manual to determine what IRQ it's set to.
(If you've lost the modem manual, you might want to check the
manufacturer's web site).  If it's an external modem, then the IRQ's
are probably 4 for /dev/ttyS0 (aka com1) and 3 for /dev/ttyS1 (aka
com2).  However, some machines (like mine) have BIOSes which can alter 
this, so that the built-in com ports use IRQ's 4 and 12.  Check your
BIOS's setup menu.


p.s.  What are all these settings: IRQ, io port (sometimes called
just port) and the UART number?
Well, UART is just a number that identifies the type of chip
controlling the serial device.  The kernel needs to know this so that
it can know how large a buffer the device has, what speeds it supports, 
how it reports line conditions (like hardware flow control), etc.
UART type can usually be detected automatically.  The most common
UARTs are the 16550, 16550A, and 16650.  This number is something
specific only to serial devices.
The io port and IRQ require a very brief explanation of how the processor
gets data from other devices in the system.  Essentially, all devices
in the system are connected to one set of wires called the data bus.
The processor, when it wishes to send or get data, will set some wires 
to identify the address it wishes to access, a wire to indicate
whether this is a read or a write, and will then either set the
relevant data wires for a write or assume that whatever device
responds to this address has set their state as soon as it requested
the read and will then read the data wires.  (this is oversimplified,
but you get the idea).  Anyway, the io port is the address the
processor uses to get and send data to the modem.  (actually, serial
devices generally need 8 consecutive address; you specify only the
first one - this is why this will sometimes be called the base io
port address or io base; these ports are used not only to send and
receive data but also to set/get status information)  You can see what 
devices use which io ports on your system by doing cat

Now, when a device needs to tell the processor something (like
incoming data or my output buffer is empty, you could send more),
the device can't force the processor to do a read.  Instead, what the
device does is raise a signal saying in essence pay attention to
me.  It does this through an Interrupt ReQuest, or IRQ.  There are, 
I believe, only 16 of these lines available and several are allocated
to system things (like the separate chip that controls the clock, or
the keyboard, or the internal line used to signal floating point math
errors).  With an IRQ set incorrectly, the processor would not realize 
that there was incoming data on the modem - this could cause the
unbelievably slow response time you seem to have.  You can find out
which devices use which irq lines by doing cat /proc/interrupts.

Re: resolv.conf, PPP and multiple providers

1998-08-13 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
(This is being resent because it was mercilessly bounced... :( )


 *- Damon Muller wrote about resolv.conf, PPP and multiple providers
 | However, anyone have any hints on how to set up the resolv.conf file
 | when you have multiple ISPs? I guess I could have an ip-up script modify
 | it when it dials each ISP, but that's a bit of a pain.
 That is about the only way to do it.  Read
 /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/Dynamic-IP-Hacks.gz.  It is a little out of date
 but it has some good ideas.  Another file to modify is /etc/hosts.

Note that under Debian 2.0, /etc/ppp/ip-up is a script that runs every 
file under /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ - so if you want to add something it's
easiest to do it by adding a new file to that directory (note that the 
filename must only contain the alphanumeric characters and
underscore(_) ).

On simple way to do this is:

get_ns () {
  case $PPP_REMOTE in  echo ;;
137.22.*) echo ;;
203.20.*) echo ;;
echo -n  /etc/resolv.conf
# Next line optional
echo search  /etc/resolv.conf
for ns in `get_ns`; do echo nameserver $ns  /etc/resolv.conf; done

Re: xdm starts local server

1998-08-13 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
(This is being resent, as I have had to reconfigure my mail program to
get around internic's objection to the name)

Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Aug 12, 1998 at 03:20:30PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Why you get different behaviour from xdm and start might be explained by
  this:  There's a script /etc/X11/Xsession that claims to be run by both
  xdm and xinit (to which startx is a wrapper.)  The script seems to look
  for ~/.xsession only though.  Maybe it isn't run after all from xinit on
  Debian systems.  That means that the comments in the file are misleading. 
 I don't actually have either ~/.xsession or ~/.xinitrc, which is why I find
 this all the more strange.

Ok - what about your /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file?  This should be a
symbolic link to ../Xsession; if it isn't, then I can understand why
you get this odd behavior.

If it is a symbolic link, then something must be going wrong in the
/etc/X11/Xsession script when started by startx.  Tell me, is the file 
~/.xsession-errors created when you start X with startx?  (Delete the
file first, as it's surely being created when you log in via xdm)  If
so, do the contents of that file after starting X with startx provide
any clue as to what's going on?

Re: fvwm95 after hamm upgrade

1998-08-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Doug Thistlethwaite [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 I upgraded my bo system to hamm last night.  Everything went pretty
 well, though I did have the run the install portion of dselect
 several times for it to get through without errors...

Well, I'm impressed - I made a slight error in packaging up fvwm95 for 
hamm, such that bo upgrades aren't as smooth as they could be - oops.

 Anyhow - Everything seems to have installed fine.  But I have now
 noticed that my windows manager fvwm95 does not seem to read my
 prior config file in my home directory
 The config info was in /home/doug/.fvwm2rc95 on my bo system and
 everything seemed to work fine.
 The first lines of my window-managers
 What do I need to do so my windows manager will read my ini file?

The name of the ini file changed between the bo and hamm versions - if 
you had a customized system-wide initialization file, you got a little 
message about it.  Personal initialization files are harder to check

1) The name of the new initialization file is .fvwm95rc - you can
rename your .fvwm2rc95 to .fvwm95rc and it'll work, BUT

2) fvwm95 now has an improved configuration, much like the
configuration scheme of fvwm2 - if you use this new scheme then
whenever you install new packages, they'll appear in your fvwm95 menu
the next time you restart fvwm95.  For more information on this new
scheme, refer to /usr/doc/fvwm95/README.sysrc.gz.  The basic gist is
to create a subdirectory called .fvwm95 and then place in it a file
called post.hook containing your own customizations.  There are also
some examples of things you can do with the system configuration files 
in the system config. files themselves (they're all commented out;
uncomment what you want).

Note that if you do have a ~/.fvwm95rc file, the new configuration
scheme won't get touched, and your menu won't get updated to show the
list of currently installed packages.

Some people who are used to the one long monolithic configuration file 
find the new config. scheme a bit confusing - but it's not, really.
I'd be glad to help you with it.

Re: minimal files essential for booting ?

1998-08-07 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
  I went nuts partitioning the new disk.  I was mostly just
 experimenting.  Many will think I have gone needlessly overboard.  I won't
 disagree.  The old disk has two partitions, one being swap.  The new disk
 has a partition for just about everything.  These directories all live on
 their own partitions:
 I think the FSTND standard requires these directories to be available
 during boot:
 (Note that /etc and /tmp must be writable, I don't know about the rest.)
 I can't remember about /var, but suspect that it is required for
 /var/run, /var/lock, and /var/log.

/var can be on its own partition without any problem - in fact, it is
possible to have /tmp on its own partition too, but in that case there 
must still be some room in the / partition for a small /tmp directory
that the system can use before mounting the real /tmp.

The rest of your partitioning setup, though, seems fine.  Just move
/lib, /bin, and /etc back to your / partition and all should be fine.

And the boot process (and going into single user mode for
maintenance/backups) is the only time when you have to worry whether
enough programs are present on certain partitions.

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Re: xacc brings my laptop to a crawl

1998-07-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Mike Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm trying to use xacc in the hamm release (xacc_1.0.17-2.deb), but
 when I try to enter a number in the register window, the cursor blinks
 exceedingly fast and it brings to X server to a near standstill.  I
 can still continue, but at a snail's pace, maybe a character every 10
 seconds.  This occurs with both the lesstif and statically linked
 motif version.  So, does xacc have a bad polling mechanism or
 something or do I have my Xserver misconfigured?  
 Mike Roberts

This is actually a bug in lesstif.  (More accurately, in the libc6
lesstif contained in the package called lesstifg)

You can fix it (supposedly, according to the lesstifg maintainer) by
installing the lesstifg from slink, version 0.84-1 or higher. (I think
the current version is something like 0.85.3-1) Once you do install
this, I _strongly_ suggest putting lesstifg on hold (with an equals
sign) in dselect.  Unfortunate mistakes with version numbering means
that the hamm lesstifg will try to come back if you don't do this.

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Re: Diald and Windows NT/95

1998-07-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Butch Kemper [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   1.  What is causing the link to yo-yo and how to change the Windows
   boxes to stop the yo-yo from happening.

Doesn't diald come with some sort of monitor program?  (use 'dpkg -L
diald' to see what comes with diald)  I think it's called 'dialdmon' or
something like that?  Why don't you watch that to find out what the
windows boxes are doing?

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Re: SHELL: duping stdout and stderr to another file

1998-07-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Ulisses Alonso [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all
 I would like to know _how to copy_ (not start a new shell, eg: script)
 stdout and stderr _from a shell script_ to a file. Also It is interesting 
 for me if there is a way to stop copying stdout and stderr...
 Thanks in advance,

Well, I'm not entirely certain what you mean, so I'll just say several 
things that might answer your question and hope that one of them
tells you what you want to know.

Suppose I have a simple shell script:

echo Guvf vf n frperg zrffntr. | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M

And I call this script foo.
I make it executable so that I can call it like this:

cush:~$ ./foo
This is a secret message.

Now, I decide I want to redirect this into a file.  I do:

cush:~$ ./foo  sekritfile

Ok.  So I can redirect all of foo's stdout into a file.  But suppose I 
made a mistake in foo (say, I added an extra argument to the `tr'
command).  Then I get:

cush:~$ ./foo  sekritfile
tr: too many arguments
Try `tr --help' for more information.

Well, I want to redirect both foo's stdout and stderr into a file.
Ok; I do this by saying redirect stdout to sekritfile and redirect
stderr to the same place as stdout:

cush:~$ ./foo  sekritfile 21

All well and good.  I can even do fancy things like redirecting stdout 
and stderr to two different files:

cush:~$ ./foo  sekritfile 2 errfile

Ok.  So far so good.  Now suppose I don't want to have to specify
where the stuff in foo goes on the commandline; suppose I want the
shell script to just redirect everything all the time.  I can do this
by using the shell builtin command 'exec' in a slightly unusual way:

exec  sekritfile 2 errfile
echo Guvf vf n frperg zrffntr. | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M

So now what happens is that when I do:

cush:~$ ./foo

Is that the output of the tr command is redicted to 'sekritfile' and 
the stderr of the tr command (and any following commands) is
redirected to 'errfile'.  I could redirect them both to the same place 
exec  sekritfile 21

So far so good.  But what if I want to redirect something and then
undo the redirection?  Say, if I had:

echo Guvf vf n frperg zrffntr. | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M
echo Done decoding.

And I wanted the first line redirected, and the second not.  Then, I
just need to save the original destinations of stdout and stderr, like 

exec 31 42  sekritfile 21
echo Guvf vf n frperg zrffntr. | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M
exec 3 24
echo Done decoding.

Then, only the first echo command gets redirected to a file.

cush:~$ ./foo
Done decoding
cush:~$ cat sekritfile
This is a secret message.

But notice:

cush:~$ ./foo  msgfile
cush:~$ cat msgfile
Done decoding.
cush:~$ cat sekritfile
This is a secret message.

Now, suppose that instead of redirecting output, I want to copy it.
(That is, I still want to see the output on the screen).  This means
the output has to go to two places - the file and the screen.  There
are a few ways to do this - I'm only going to show one involving the
'tail' command.

The problem is that the shell won't split output by itself, and won't
do overall redirections (like the exec commands above) into pipes.
However, we can do this:

cat /dev/null  sekritfile   # create it so that tail doesn't complain
tail -f sekritfile 
exec  sekritfile
exec 21
... more commands here
sleep 2
kill -1 $tailpid

This causes the shell to dump stdout and stderr into the file
sekritfile and at the same time starts up a process (the tail -f) that 
reads the file and displays its contents.  The last kill command is
necessary to stop the 'tail' process when the script is done.  If you
want to do this and only want to redirect portions of the script, you
can do:

cat /dev/null  sekritfile
tail -f sekritfile 
exec 31 42
exec  sekritfile
exec 21
... these commands get saved to the file
exec 51 62 13 24
... these commands don't go to the file
exec 15 26
... these commands go to the file
sleep 2
kill -1 $tailpid

I hope this answers your question.

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Re: no pon!

1998-07-27 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Martin Bialasinski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  DP == David Parmet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 DP who is this pid 109 and what does it want with my life?
 pid = Process ID
 To check what prozess has ID 109 do a ps ax|grep 109

Incidentally, if you have the process id already, all you have to do
ps pid
That is,
ps 109

The advantage of this is that you also get the headers telling you
what each column means; for example when one does:
ps u 1
And gets:
root 1  0.0  0.2   76876  ?  S   Jul 26   0:03 init [2] 

One has at least some chance of figuring out what all that information 

The ps ax | grep foo idiom is so common that it's sometimes easy
to forget that ps does take non-option arguments.

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Re: partition memory

1998-07-27 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

 I would like to know what is the shell command to know what is the
 available, used and free memory on the current partition ?

You mean the available used and free disk space?  The command is df -
I believe it stands for something like disk free.  It'll tell you
how much is available on each partion.

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Re: Fvwm2 and Debian menu

1998-07-24 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Curt Daugaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I like the design of the Debian menu package, and I'm trying to
 follow the docs to get auto-updating of menus under X, but I seem
 to have hit a roadblock.
 I use Fvwm2, and according to the comments in system.fvwm2rc
 and the Fvwm2 docs--in the Debian package, compliant with the
 menu package--FvwmButtons (formerly Good Stuff) is set
 up so that the user can easily override the defaults.  But it
 looks like the menudefs.hook, autogenerated by the menu-package,
 is determined to invoke DebianFvwmButtons, which stubbornly
 overrides any configuration the user attempts.

Well, you don't have to start your FvwmButtons from the menu - you can 
just start it automatically (assuming you always want it to be there); 
on one account on my machine, this is done by putting all the
customization into post.hook and a call to 'Module FvwmButtons' in

If, however, you want it in the menu you can always put it in yourself
with an AddToMenu command in post.hook; modifying the menu entry
itself (by changing /usr/lib/menu/fvwm2) gets wiped by a new fvwm2.
This has the problem that the DebianFvwmButtons is still there...

The best solution is probably to use 
DestroyModuleConfig DebianFvwmButtons
in post.hook and then listing the entries one wants.

Of course, since this command exists, one wonders why the author of
the fvwm2 config used DebianFvwmButtons to begin with...

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Re: No PINE debian package?

1998-07-20 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
jason and jill [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It's included in the distribution and available for download from
 Can't get much more available than that unless you contract Pam Anderson
 to deliver it to your home. ;)
 He may have missed it because it's in non-free rather than mail.

Also, note that Pine is not available directly as a binary for hamm;
it was actually a mistake to distribute it for bo (Debian 1.3.x) in
the first place, and the University of Washington has asked us not to
distribute any precompiled binary other than the ones they've
approved; however, we can distribute the source, and so in hamm pine
exists only in source form.

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Re: Why does tty1 become the current VT on reboot/halt?

1998-07-15 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Noah L. Meyerhans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hey all.  Why is it that when I reboot or halt my machine, I'm
 automatically switched to the first virtual console?  I don't like this at
 all, because all of the messages coming from the rc scripts get sent
 whichever VC I was on when I typed the reboot/halt command.  I haven't
 been able to figure out how/where the event occurs.  Is it possible to
 prevent it, or to have all the rc scripts send their output to tty1?

Well, I can't provide a solution, but I can provide an explanation:
xdm, or more specifically the Xserver xdm was running.  Whenever an
xserver shuts down, it reverts to the virtual terminal that was active
when it started (which is usually VT1, unless you hit Alt-F# at the
right time in the boot sequence).  While this makes sense as something
to do when the xserver is shut down directly, (for example, if one
were running X through startx and exited X, one would expect to go
back to the shell prompt that ran startx) it may not be the right
thing to do when the Xserver is shut down while not active.

I don't find this any more than a really minor inconvenience, since
switching vt's with Alt-Fn works during the shutdown process, and even 
continues to work after the system has halted.  You might file a
wishlist bug against your favorite xserver though saying that it
shouldn't switch vt's on shutdown unless it (the Xserver) was on the
currently active vt.

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Re: My 'h' key is unusable

1998-07-15 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Stelios Parnassidis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Just had the base system installation of Hamm, and wanted
  to type 'which superformat'. 'h' beeps and beeps ... i have
  to type Ctrl-V h to use it.
  I looked into the /etc/terminfo/l/linux via ... (untic) 
  could find nothing.
  What's wrong with my very 'h'?   Heh? :(

Could it be a missing backslash or caret in your /etc/inputrc?  A
mis-quoted section of your bash initialization files?  It sounds
almost as if bash is set to interpret h as delete-next-character
(something that people sometimes want the delete key to do; I can see
how on a poorly thought-out installation, one might want Control-h to
do this).  See if h does indeed behave this way by typing some
stuff, backing up, and seeing if you can delete things with h.

To track down the problem, I'd suggest doing: (at the bash prompt)
bind -p | less
and inside less search for h  (less doesn't use readline, so it
shouldn't be affected by the weird-h stuff).  Then, I guess I'd look
at /etc/inputrc, ~/.inputrc, and the various bash initialization files 
for anything that might be causing this.

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Re: FVWM2 (New X user)

1998-07-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Matt Kopishke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have X (finally) working on my machine (bo), I am running FVWM2 and was 
 wondering what I do to add a pattern or color (prefer pattern) to the 
 desktop.  I now you edit the fvwm.rc file, but what do I edit, what 
 format file do I use for the pattern, and were would I put it?

Actually, the debian fvwm2 setup is made for easy customization, so
that you don't need to edit huge monolithic .fvwm2rc files.  

Just create a subdir. of your home directory call .fvwm2 - then put
the background you want into one of the following files:

(If multiple files are present, .xpm takes precedence over .gif which
takes precedence over .jpg)

You can also just change the color by putting the color name (like
red or blue) into the file ~/.fvwm2/background.color

Finally, you can get it to choose a random background by creating a
file called ~/.fvwm2/background.list, and listing one background file
per line.


P.S.  One mistake people often make is to download a ~/.fvwm2rc file
from the net or use a friend's - in that case, you lose all the nice
debian-specific stuff in Debian's fvwm2 setup.  If you ever want to do 
something to tweak fvwm2's setup, just add lines to the file
~/.fvwm2/post.hook as though you were adding lines to your ~/.fvwm2rc.

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Re: Xconsole vs security

1998-07-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Shaleh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If your password is in pap-secrets it is supposed to remain just that --
 a secret.  I never see my password come wizzing by on xconsole and I use
 pap too.  So, now we need to figure out why.  The \q only works in a

Do you perhaps have the debug option uncommented in /etc/ppp/options?
Or is there a debug in /etc/ppp/peers/provider?

That's the only thing in the ppp sources even looks like it could
cause a password to appear in a log.  (Though admittedly, I haven't
examined the sources in too much detail).

Tell me, what does the message with the ISP password look like?

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Re: -post_data

1998-07-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerald V. Livingston lI) writes:

 This isn't debian specific, but what the hey.
 How does one find out the format needed to use the -post_data switch 
 in LYNX to feed data to a remote CGI using a script?

The data format is exactly what's sent to the server, so any reference 
on http should tell you.  Briefly, it's the syntax used in URL's after 
the ? - that is, data consists of one or more key/value pairs
separated by ampersands ().  The key and the value are separated by
an equals sign (=), and sometimes a pair may consist of only a key,
with no equals sign or value.

Within the key and value, characters other than [A-Za-z0-9] are
encoded (*) - spaces (character 32) are replaced by plus signs (+) and
other characters are replaced by %XX, where XX is the hexidecimal
character code (note that spaces then can also be written as %20 -
in fact, any character _can_ be written as a %-sequence, but only
certain characters need to be written that way)

I'm certain that some perl modules in libwww-perl already handle this
format as well as getting info. from the server - you're probably much 
better off using them than trying to pass this to lynx, unless for
some reason you're avoiding perl.

* Actually, you're allowed to stick more than just the digits and the
numbers in without %-encoding them.  In theory, the only characters
that need to be encoded are Control characters, space, double quote
() and any of the characters in: ;/?:@=+#%, but many people
encode anything except the letters and digits

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Re: Fvwm95: FvwmTaskBarAutoHide problems

1998-07-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Benno Overeinder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am using the Fvwm95 window manager and has enabled the infamous
 FvwmTaskBarAutoHide option.
 With Debian 1.3, the Fvwm95 taskbar appeared automagically if the
 mouse hits the bottom of a virtual desktop (i.e., generated a certain
 event which made the taskbar to be raised).  However, if the virtual
 desktop is one of the lower most of the desktops (i.e, with
 DeskTopSize 3x2, the lower three), the specific event is not generated
 and the taskbar did not appear.
 With the Fvwm95 distribition that comes with Debian 2.0, this problem
 is solved, that is, in the lower virtual desktops the taskbar appears
 without any problems.  But now the taskbar appears in the other
 virtual desktops very slowly and in steps.  The mouse changes from
 shape each time the taskbar raises with a step, as if a series of X
 events are necessary to raise the taskbar instead of a single event.

1.  I've seen the problem  (and should fix it, since I'm the Debian
maintainer for fvwm95)

2.  The taskbar is being raised in a series of XMoveWindow calls, by
two pixels each call.  I can try to make that an option in the next
Debian fvwm95 package; howver, there's much to do with getting
Debian's versioning back in sync with the upstream source, among other 
things, so this may wait.
3.  I don't know of a simple solution (I rarely use the
TaskBarAutoHide myself.)  I'll see if I can disable some X events on
the TaskBar as it's moving, but this could cause other problems.

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Re: libc6 upgrade crash my machine!!!!!

1998-07-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

 After running dselect and trying to upgrade all my old hamm packages
 including libc6, nothing works now it seems the libc6 package is corrupted
 or something, i've tried to mount the file system and run dpkg -i
 --root=/mnt --admindir=/mnt/var/lib libc6xxx.deb but it complains
 about preinstall and postinstall scripts ( -- not found --).
 Please Help

There was very recently a libc6 package (2.0.7r-3) that died if you had an
/etc/ file or the environment variable LD_PRELOAD set.

I'd recommend temporarily moving that file (after mounting your drive
with the rescue disk as above) if it exists and commenting out any
definitions of LD_PRELOAD in /etc/profile or similar files.

You should then be able to boot your system and upgrade to the latest
(-5) libc6 that fixes these problems. (This should be on the ftp
mirrors now; though I can't get through to at the
moment, I can see it on, so it's probably on all the
major ftp mirrors) You can then move /etc/ back and
re-enable any LD_PRELOAD settings.

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Re: Xconsole vs security

1998-07-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Nuno Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I'm using Debian 1.3.1 and KDE Beta4. 
  When I call the xconsole program I could almost activity on my machine 
 but I think there's something wrong ...
  Sometimes on xconsole I could see my login and password as when I write
 them ! It's rigth !?!?
  I don't think so ! As I work as root and have a username on my machine
 there's no problem but if I add a new account if someone call xconsole
 could see my password to my ISP !

The question, I think, is that you are concerned because when you dial 
up, the password to your isp gets logged by the chat program, and so
appears in the xconsole window.  You worry that anyone you give an
account to can call up xconsole and thereby see your ISP password,
which would be a bad thing.

Ok, to begin with you can make it so that chat doesn't log your
password by putting a \q in front of it.  In my chatscript
(/etc/ppp.chatscript on a Debian 1.3.1 machine) I have:
name MyISPlogin
word \qMyISPpasswd

This will replace your ISP password with all question marks (like:
?) in the logged messages.

(This next bit is directed at the list)
I was going to add more, but then I noticed that the pipe xconsole
reads is world-read - does this strike anyone else as a security
hole?  Surely the information dumped into /dev/xconsole is as
sensitive as that dumped into /var/log/messages, right?

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Re: problem with libpam0 and libpam-util in stable

1998-07-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Chris R. Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm probably missing something obvious here, but I can't seem to get
 libpam0 and libpam-util to install, because aparently they depend on each
 Do I need to use dpkg --force ??

Try specifying both on the same dpkg command line:

dpkg -i libpam0_whatever.deb libpam-util_whatever.deb

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Does this message strike anyone as significantly less helpful than the
former mail a message with the subject unsubscribe to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] message?  I'll grant you that
people screwed that up too, but this seems to be asking for people to
get confused.

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Re: [Debian] Urgent: how to create Debian CD from non-debian UNIX system

1998-07-05 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Nico De Ranter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 we have a local mirror of the debian distribution that we use
 to install our Debian PC's.  However next week we will have to 
 install Debian on a PC which has no access to our network so
 we want to create a CD starting from the current mirror.  
 unfortunately the mirror is located on a SUN and none of my
 Linux machines has enough harddisk to contain a CD.
 I tried installing the sources for debian-cd but they don't seem
 to contain any documentation. -(
 Thanks in advance,

Well, it is also possible to use CD images that other people have
created (assuming that your SUN has good network connectivity and that
it has hard drive space to spare) - if you want to make a CD for
installing a bo (aka 1.3 or 1.3.1) Debian system you can get the
official CD image in any number of places - the site
should tell you where in detail.

If instead you want a CD that can create a hamm (aka 2.0, or at this
point really 2.0-beta, since officially 2.0 doesn't exist yet)
system, you can look at the webpage , where Phillip Hands
has put his 2.0-beta CD images (I'd suggest only using the 2.0beta1
images on that site, however).

I know this isn't exactly what you asked about, but it may be much
easier to go get someone else's CD image than trying to nudge the
debian-cd scripts into working on a SUN.


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Re: Is Netscape Navigator really only for 16-bit color?

1998-06-28 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Chip Grandits [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've installed Netscape Communicator v4.05 on my bo system running
 Xwindows with the FVWM manager.  I don't have any Motif or Motif
 clones.  When I attempt to browse to a page which uses Java,
 Netscape just crashes immediately and goes away.  (No harm to
 anything else - as far as I can tell).  The one thing I turned up
 from my own research is to ensure that is in a particular
 directory ( I think /usr/local/netscape - whatever it said that's
 where it is on my system).  Does anyone know why it's going down?
 Do I need some additional Java Support Packages besides that which
 comes with Netscape?  Do I need another archive utility for  Is there a particular log file I can look at to get more

Tell me - how did you install netscape?  Did you install it with the
Debian netscape-installer package, or did you attempt to do your own
installation?  If you installed netscape without using the Debian
package, then try starting netscape up with:

MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/local/netscape netscape

(where instead of /usr/local/netscape, you would actually put in
whatever directory you used - you seem to indicate that you put
netscape in /usr/local/netscape which is why I used that dir.).

If this works for you, you may consider replacing the symbolic link
that's invoking netscape (you can find out where this link is with
which netscape) with a little script that looks something like this:

exec /usr/local/netscape/netscape $@

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Re: what goes into .xinitrc and what into .xsession

1998-06-19 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i tried to figure out while setting up the system whats supposed to go
 under the .xinitrc file and what into .xsession. Because I tried to
 use .xinitrc first to initialise stuff (like chosing window manager)
 but it won't work, so i put the things in .xsession and the most did,
 exept that every time that people tell me where to change
 configuration they tell me to put stuff in .xinitrc so i wondered.
 Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

It is a bit confusing, isn't it.
Here's the situation under Debian:
 If you start X with startx, then:
   first it tries to do the stuff in your .xinitrc; if you don't have
   one, it goes and invokes the system xinitrc, which on Debian goes 
   and does what happens when you use xdm to start X.
 If you start X with xdm (the graphical login screen):
   It does the stuff in the system-wide Xsession.  On Debian, this
   does nice things like suck in your ~/.Xresources file if you have
   one and then if you have your own ~/.xsession, goes and does that -
   if you don't have your own ~/.xsession, it tries to start an xterm
   and whatever you have set up as the default window manager for your 

The combined moral of this on Debian is: A ~/.xinitrc is pointless -
if you put all your customizations into ~/.xsession and delete your
~/.xinitrc then you'll get the same environment no matter how you
start X, and when using startx you'll get all the nice standard
startup things from the system-wide Xsession.  It's really the better
way to go.

 Also how do i load the modules for fvwm2? they won't load for me with
 an error message saying that they should be called from inside fvwm (i
 tried t load them from inside fvwm2 but it didn't work)
 And how do i set a back groung pix under fvwm2 and afterstep (can it
 be jpeg?)

The error message means to say that the modules should be called
directly by fvwm2, (e.g. through a menu item or in a startup file).
The easiest way is to install the menu package and then use the menus
that appear when you click on the left button in the root window.
(the root window is what is known to the rest of the world as the
background - also note that you'll have to exit fvwm2 after installing 
menu)  If you want to invoke a certain module with command line
arguments, then you might try using the FvwmTalk module - this lets
you send commands to fvwm2 as though it were reading them from a
startup file.

Also, if you've been getting non-Debian advice on configuring your
system, someone may have told you to create a ~/.fvwm2rc file.
Resist the temptation.  Debian has a much better way to configure
fvwm2 - read the /usr/doc/fvwm2/README.sysrc.gz for details.
(Basically, create a directory ~/.fvwm2 and then put anything you want 
to add to the default setup into ~/.fvwm2/post.hook and all will be

Finally, a background picture is easy with the Debian fvwm2 setup (I
don't know about afterstep myself) - just put your background image
into ~/.fvwm2/background.jpg.  Or, to automatically size your picture
to fit your screen, you can abuse the program that chooses background
images and put the single line:
-fullscreen /path/to/my/background.jpg
into the file ~/.fvwm2/background.list - note that a
~/.fvwm2/background.jpg file takes precedence over a background.list
file.  You can add more lines to the background.list file to have it
choose a random one each time you start X.

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Re: how to make an intermediate machine receive mail while the destination is down?

1998-06-18 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Carlos Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I need to shutdown our main mail server for hardware changes, and I'd
 like that another machine in our department receives the mail and hold
 it until the main server is up again, and then sends the stored mail
 to the server. How can this be done? The temporary holder can be our
 gateway/dns, for example, so that packets already travel through it.

Well, you'll need to modify your MX dns record to point to the new
destination - you'll then need to tell the gateway machine that's
holding the mail explicitly how to route it, or else the machine
holding the mail will try to send it to itself, and mail will get
caught in a loop.  How to do this depends on what mail software is on
your gateway/dns machine.

But why bother?  If your main server is only going to be down for one
or two days, then there shouldn't be any problem in simply not having
something to hold the mail - if the sites sending the mail can't get
through to your mail server, they'll just hold it until they can get
through.  Typically, what will happen is that people trying to send
mail to your site will only even notice that something's odd if your
server is down for three days (in that case, the person who sent the
mail will get something from their mail server saying This message
has been undeliverable for 3 days; we'll keep trying for another 9
days), and all the mail will get through if your main server is down
for less than twelve.

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Re: No E 14 yet

1998-05-31 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
M.C. Vernon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I too like fvwm2, but I can't configure the menu - I've RTFM and looked at
 the config pages, but I can't add things to sub-groups of the main menu -
 whatever I try just ends up at the bottom of the main menu (i.e. the
 `root' menu that comes up first when you click the mouse). I guess you
 must have got this sussed (I know a lot of packages auto-add themselves to
 the menus in the right place, but I'd like to add some more, and the big
 config file has do not edit all over it :( )

The problem with RTFM is that sometimes it's hard to figure out which
manual it is one is supposed to read.

Hooking into the auto-generated menus is best done through the menu
package - point your favorite web browser to
and read the section on How a user can override the menus.  The
advantage of this is that your new entries would appear in other menus 
should you choose to change window managers.  (You can also make
certain menu entries fvwm2 specific, but even then they'll appear in
things like fvwm95 which can, in theory, do anything fvwm2 can)

Alternatively, you could in your post.hook have code like:
AddToMenu /Debian/XShells Super-user xterm Exec ssh -l root localhost 
xterm -title Root Shell

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Re: xemacs splits mail

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Stefan Gödel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm using VM. Does this really matter? I always felt that reading and
 writing / sending of mail are very distinct from each other (at least in
 xemacs). I'm using the usual mail mode with mime extensions to write
 my mail.

My variable help gives me:

`mime-editor/split-message' is a variable declared in Lisp.

Value: nil

*Split large message if it is non-nil. [tm-edit.el]

I have 
(setq mime-editor/split-message nil)
in my ~/.emacs file.

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Re: jdk1.1-runtime

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Ed Cogburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   What you are essentially trying to do here is to upgrade from libc5 to
 libc6 (the JDK was compiled for libc6).  This is not a trivial task.  It is
 the heart of the difference between Debian 1.3 and 2.0.  There is a shell
 script called in the developer's corner on
 that can automate the worst of the upgrade (it will upgrade via ftp).  After
 that, you can use dselect to finish the upgrade (also via ftp).  Be warned
 though, it took me the better part of a day (~10 hrs) to download everything
 for this, although a minimal install should take less.  The ftp location for
 hamm is ''.

Although I was using the jdk1.1 for a long time before upgrading to
libc6 - the old jdk1.1 package allowed one to install it on a bo
system, which was most appreciated at the time.

I still have the 1.1.3.v2-1 .deb packages if someone wants them (these 
can be installed on a libc5 system) - note however that there may be
bugs the maintainer has fixed in recent packages.

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Re: Q: How to get class String from libg++272 with Debian2.0

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

 On Fri, May 29, 1998 at 02:31:29PM +0200, Waldemar ¯urowski wrote:
  I switched from Debian 1.3 to Debian 2.0 while I was writing a program for
  my final exam of my study. I used in many places class String, and class
  which implements regular expression. When I did upgrade, I didn't check if
  everything had compiled ok.
  First of all, I had to use EGCS g++, which uses stdc++2.8, as g++ from
  wasn't anymore in GCC package. It seems there isn't any String class in
  stdc++-lib. I know that String _is_ in libg++-dev, but stdc++-dev and
  libg++-dev conflict which each other. I'd like to go back to g++ from GCC
  but I don't see it anywhere.
 I've built libg++2.8 and libg++2.8-dev packages for use with egcs's g++.
 Those packages are currently still in the Incoming directory, so you'll have
 to fetch them from a mirror of Incoming (see for a list) for now.

Yay!  I've been waiting for this; I know, I'll migrate my code

The fastest way I found to getting to where I could compile old g++
source code was to install the altgcc and libg++-altdev packages; I
know, it's not the best solution, but it was the one I could set up
quickest at the time.

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Re: WindowMaker | Menu? - Xterms

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

 Anyone know how to get something like,
 xterm -bg black -cr green -fg white 
 to be the command that gets spawned from WindowMaker's XShells-Xterm, instead
 of the ugly default xterm?
 Thanks in advance,

Three solutions:
1) decide that the default xterm isn't so ugly after all.
2) Modify Xresources to make the xterm that appears with xterm be
what you want; putting the following into ~/.Xresources (and either
restarting X or running xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources) will do that:

xterm*background:   black
xterm*foreground:   white
xterm*cursorColor:  green

(You can put these lines into /etc/X11/Xresources to affect every
account on your machine)

3) Modify the menu entry - to do this, you should (as root) copy
/usr/lib/menu/default/xbase to /etc/menu/xbase and then edit it,
changing the xterm to xterm -bg black -cr green -fg white so that
a portion of that file reads:

?package(xbase):needs=x11 section=XShells  \
   longtitle=Xterm: terminal emulator for Xtitle=Xterm\
   command=xterm -bg black -cr green -fg white

You should then (as root) run update-menus.  You can also (if you
want to make this change just for your account, and not for all the
others on your system) put the modified xbase file into ~/.menu/xbase
and run update-menus as your normal (non-root) user.

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Re: jdk1.1-runtime

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

I managed to find the old jdk 1.1.3v2 .debs which can be installed on
bo (libc5 systems).

I've put them into my public_html directory on -
note that although I am a debian maintainer, I do not maintain nor
never have maintened the jdk packages.

c875ec46c914747fd24d0e4e034c8101  jdk1.1-dev_1.1.3.v2-1.deb
e0cb8617175008fc6a09ccfbc0c52840  jdk1.1-docdemo_1.1.3.v2-1.deb
630b752a48d7842b53dce47cb7a9920a  jdk1.1-runtime_1.1.3.v2-1.deb

Each of these are available via http:

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


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Re: WindowMaker | Menu? - Xterms

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

 Cool! Thanks alot! 
 Can you tell me where is the documentation for this .Xresources file?
 man .xresources, man -k xresources etc don't have anything. :(
  Three solutions:
  1) decide that the default xterm isn't so ugly after all.
  2) Modify Xresources to make the xterm that appears with xterm be
  what you want; putting the following into ~/.Xresources (and either
  restarting X or running xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources) will do that:
  xterm*background:   black
  xterm*foreground:   white
  xterm*cursorColor:  green
  (You can put these lines into /etc/X11/Xresources to affect every
  account on your machine)

The real documentation?  It's in the Xlib documentation published by
the X consortium.  Trust me, you don't want that.

The basic format of the file is as in the lines above - my
~/.Xresources file looks like this:

*scrollBar: true   ! make everything have a scrollbar
xterm.vt100*translations: #override \
   KeyBackSpace: string(\177) \n\
   KeyDelete: string(0x1b) string([3~) \n
xterm*background: bisque3
xterm*foreground: black
netscape*blinkingEnabled:   False
DctrlIcon*geometry: +1092+670
pmon*geometry: +1052+670

Blank lines are ignored - exclamation points begin comments.  A
particular application obeys resources if they begin with * or with
the application's executable name or with the application's class name 
(an application's Class name can be found with 'xlsclients -l').  What 
each resource does is application specific.  The xterm man page has
several good examples of xresource lines.

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Re: why can't i compile things ???

1998-05-26 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Mario Filipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Yesterday i (think i) did a mess of my system. I accidently made a strip * on 
 lib directory.
 Today when i try to compile anything I always get the following :
 gcc -O -o poster poster.c -lm
 ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 080485e0
 Can anyone please expalin me how to fix this. Thanks

You need to re-install at the very least the ldso package.  (Packages
usually need to be re-installed with dpkg, not dselect - just say
dpkg -i /path/to/file/ldso-what.ever.deb)  You should probably also
re-install libc6 (assuming you have a hamm system; libc if you're
still using bo, aka 1.3).

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Re: changing default screen manger in x

1998-05-26 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Rev. Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, May 25, 1998 at 10:04:38PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
  Make sure you have allow-user-xsession in /etc/X11/config, then create
  the file .xsession in your homedir. It should be something like:
  xterm   # start a xterm
  xterm   # start a second one
  fvwm2# start the windowmanager. Note the missing 
 those should be exec'd, ie exec xterm , etc.


First off, not using the exec anywhere is _just_fine_.  Some people
don't like not using that because then there's an extra process
floating around until you exit X.  If, however, you do decide that you 
can't afford the (rather small) overhead, or you decide that it's
messy to have extra processes just floating there, only the last line
(the fvwm2 line) should have exec at the front.  If you want to do
any cleaning up after you exit X, you need that process hanging around 
and so can't use exec.

exec command  is a bit non-sensical.  It does nothing different
from command  and just spreads confusion about what should be in
an .xsession file.

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Re: I can't get tar to exclude files!!

1998-05-26 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Admaster Communications [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm running Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 and I've tried many permutations of
 tar -zcvf test.tar * --exclude=leave_me_out.txt
 The file I ask to be excluded is reliably INcluded!!  What is the correct

The problem is that --exclude applies only to files tar finds by
descending directories, not to files mentioned explicitly on the
command line.  When you use *, that's the same as typing every file
name explicitly (since the shell does not pass tar the *, but instead
passes it each file's name - try 'echo *' some time to see what the
shell does); therefore, --exclude doesn't apply.

The following appears to do what you want - be aware, however, that
this tar archive contains ., so when extracting it it will change
the permissions of the current directory to the permissions of the
directory when the tar archive was made:
tar -czvf ../test.tar.gz --exclude='*exclude*pattern*' .
(Note the ' marks and the final period - also note that test.tar.gz
has to be in a different directory, or it will try to include itself - 
nasty recursion)

Note that it's usually bad form to create a tar archive of files
without a directory.  That is, if the directory
/home/martind/work/vander contains the files I want to make a tar
archive out of, it's better to do:
cd /home/martind/work/; tar czf vander.tar.gz vander
than to do:
cd /home/martind/work/vander; tar czf ../vander.tar.gz *

The first method will mean that when one extracts the archive, all the 
extracted files go into a vander/ subdir.  The second method means
that all the newly extracted files go into the current directory,
where there may already be much stuff.  Note that if you use the first 
method, a --exclude will work as you might expect it should.

If you really must have a tar archive with files in the current
directory, and don't want to have . in the archive, then try: (this
should all be one long line)

find * -prune \! -name '*exclude*pattern1*' -print | 
 xargs tar czvf testtar.tar.gz --exclude='*exclude*pattern2*'

The difference between '*exclude*pattern1*' and '*exclude*pattern2*'
is that the first pattern excludes files in the current directory and
the second excludes files in subdirs. of the current directory.  For
example, if I had the following files on my system:


and then I did:
cd /tmp/tartest
find * -prune \! -name '*frog*' -print | \
   xargs tar czvf mytar.tar.gz --exclude='*bar*'

I would then get (as the output of 'tar tzf mytar.tar.gz'):

Note that the '*frog*' excluded the 'frog' file in the top directory
and the 'froglegs' directory.  Also note that the '*bar*' didn't
exclude the bar and tbark in the top directory (the way the long
command is written causes tar to be called with the arguments 'bar',
'tbark', and 'sounds' - these are the output of the find command), but
did exclude the '' in the sounds directory - this is because
tar was handed 'sounds' as an argument, and descended into the
directory itself.

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Re: Matrox Mystique 220 video card

1998-05-25 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Keith Alen Vance [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I recently installed a Matrox Mystique video card and was wondering what
 files I am missinf from my xfree86 and where I can get them. I don't have
 a browser setup on this computer so if you could give me ftp servers that
 would be great. Here is the error message I get when starting xwindows
 with afterstep 1.4 installed. I rerean the configuration utility and told
 it that I had a Matrox Mystique video. I did not select an accelerated
 server because I was told the matrox cards work with the svga server.
For the Mystique 220 card, you really need a more recent Xfree86 than
comes with Debian 1.3.1 (aka bo) - you have two choices:
1) upgrade to hamm (aka what will be Debian 2.0)
2) Install the XFree86 3.3.1 binaries yourself

I think method 1) is preferrable, but you can find (by searching the
mailing list archives for mystique from February) a description of
how to do 2) as well.

If you decide to do 1), be certain to look at first.

There's also a script that will do most of the upgrade for you somewhere -
I think it's in the Developer's corner section of the debian web site.

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Re: Xwindows not working

1998-05-25 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Keith Alen Vance [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have recently been screwing up my system and I am about ready to trash
 the whole thing and start over from scratch. I purchased a new video card
 Mystique 220 and I am trying to get it work with Xfree86 and AfterStep. I
 downloaded the files for Xfree86 3.3.1 and installed them and then setup
 afterstep 1.4. The problem is that if I do a startx if returns an error
 that it can't find afterstep.So if I go in to the .xinitrc file and
 comment the afterstep line out xwindows starts and then shuts down
 without any error messages. What I am saying is that it starts and then
 automatically shutdown right away. I really screwed things up when I was
 extracting the xfree86 files. I extracted them in the wrong directory at
 least once. So my hard drive is almost full. Is there a way I can delete
 Files by date. I would really like to totally back out of everything that
 I have done today and start over with a fresh kernel and the bare
 necessities. I am reluctant to just wipe my drive because I installed
 Linux via ftp and that takes awhile. Any suggestions would be great.

Well, unfortunately extracting files usually gives the newly extracted
files their old date, rather than the current one.  However, what you
might do is find out where the files went - you can do this with:
find / -name 'XF86*'

You can find out what a specific tar file extracts to with:
tar tf whatever.tar
tar tzf whatever.tar.gz

Then, go to the directory where you were when you did the incorrect
extraction and try something like:
tar tzf whatever.tar.gz | xargs rm -i

(you may have to be in the directory above where you did the
extraction, depending on how the tar file is built)

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Re: Why fetchmail didn't download my e-mail ?

1998-05-22 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Ionut Borcoman at musa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 bash-2.01$ fetchmail 
 fetchmail: 1 message for borco at
 reading message 1 of 1 (2579 bytes) fetchmail: SMTP error: 501
  : colon expected after route
 fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 ionut : sender address must contain a
 fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
 In /var/log/exim
 1998-05-20 17:29:35 unqualified sender rejected: ionut H=localhost
 ( [] (ionut)

The problem isn't with fetchmail exactly, it's with exim - What
appears to be happening is that error messages have no envelope sender 
(presumably to prevent stuff from being thrown back at them - there's
no point in generating an error message for an error message), so
fetchmail just uses your name as the envelope sender.

Exim, however, doesn't want to accept your unqualified (unqualified
here means a name such as ionut and not [EMAIL PROTECTED])
username as a sending address.  The way to tell exim to behave more
like less paranoid mailers and accept this unqualified address is to
put the following in /etc/exim.conf:

sender_unqualified_hosts = localhost

Hmmm... I wonder if I've been missing some error messages because of
this... (I didn't have this line in my exim.conf until now either).

I need a sig...

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Re: Overriding fvwm95 buttons in the post.hook?

1998-05-22 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Douglas Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have read the documentation on fvwm95 and on FvwmButtons but I am
 still at a loss to decide how I would override definitions of buttons
 What I would like to do is to use rclock rather than xclock for one of
 the buttons.  (rclock can be configured to alert you to incoming mail
 so a single window can do double duty of displaying the clock and an
 xbiff-like indicator of incoming mail.)
 If I add the lines
 *DebianFvwm95Buttons(Title rclock, Icon clock.xpm, \
  Swallow(UseOld) rclock 'Exec /usr/bin/X11/rclock -bg \#c0c0c0 \
  -geometry -1500-1500 ')
 to my ~/.fvwm95/post.hook file I get the rclock in addition to all the
 other buttons.  What I would like to do is to remove the other buttons
 and then add the ones I want.  Is this possible using the post.hook

Well, I'm not entirely certain it is - this is one of the reasons I
really need to get off my but and package up something like Redhat's
configuration scheme.

Actually... (checking the fvwm95 man page)
Yes, it is possible.
What you need to do is say:
DestroyModuleConfig DebianFvwm95Buttons

This wipes out all the default buttons - you can add the ones you want 
back in.

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Re: pppd 2.3.5: peer refused to authenticate problem

1998-05-16 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Shaleh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The answer is easy.  The new ppp's set auth on by default.  They did
 not use to do so.  Edit the provider script and add noauth near the
 end.  All will be happy.

To be a bit more explicit - make certain that the keyword noauth is
in /etc/ppp/peers/provider.

Also, note that you no longer need to have your
/etc/ppp/peers/provider (which is where the contents of bo's
/etc/ppp.options_out got dumped) all one line.  (In fact, I don't
think you ever needed it all in one line, but now you certainly can
use multiple lines); mine looks like:
# The chatscript (be sure to edit that file too)
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
bsdcomp 15 
mru 2000 
mtu 2000 
/dev/modem 38400 

I find the file much more readable this way; not that it changes too
often, but it just looked messy before.

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modprobe log entries

1998-05-14 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Does anyone know how to have the modprobe in hamm display more
descriptive log messages when it can't load a module?  I've been
getting messages in my log like:

May 14 13:27:41 cush modprobe: can't locate module

and I've been trying to track them down, (they appear whenever
netscape is started) but it would really help if I knew what module it
is that modprobe can't locate (as a test, doing 'insmod IMnothere'
gives the identical log entry - no clue of what module was asked for).
I seem to remember that modutils from bo would actually tell you in
the logs what was being looked for.  (Can someone running bo confirm
this for me?  That is, that the unfound module is mentioned in the
logs, not just as output of insmod.)

I'm running hamm, modutils version 2.1.85-10.

And just to head off some of the 'try this and see if it works'
replies, yes I do have
alias net-pf-3 off
alias net-pf-4 off
alias net-pf-5 off
in my /etc/conf.modules.

Hmmm... this may be a bug against modutils, as I'm almost certain that 
bo gave you a clue in the logs.

Daniel Martin, who doesn't really have a good sig yet.

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Re: modprobe log entries

1998-05-14 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Daniel Martin at cush [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Does anyone know how to have the modprobe in hamm display more
 descriptive log messages when it can't load a module?  I've been
 getting messages in my log like:
 May 14 13:27:41 cush modprobe: can't locate module
 and I've been trying to track them down, (they appear whenever
 netscape is started) but it would really help if I knew what module it
 is that modprobe can't locate

Well, I don't know what I thought I was doing before, because modprobe 
appears to still give full module information when it can't find a
module; it's just that in this case the module being asked for is the
empty string (); kerneld is calling modprobe with something
equivalent to:
/sbin/modprobe -k -s ''

So maybe this is a bug against kerneld, as I can't imagine a normal
situation that would cause it to ask for an empty module.

And I have no idea what module binfmt-0 might be; it doesn't appear as 
one of the aliases on my machine's modprobe -c.

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Re: xdm and shutdown

1998-05-01 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Jorge Daniel Ruckj [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all.
 How I do a shutdown if I use xdm?

Are you aware that even while using xdm one can press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to
get to a text console?  I find a surprising number of linux users
unaware of this fact.

From the text console, you can do a shutdown as normal.

A while ago (within the last two weeks, I think) someone posted some
nice tcl/tk code that one could add to some of xdm's startup scripts
to get a little shutdown button to appear on the xdm startup
screen.  I'll see if I can go dig it up...

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Re: help w/ ttysnoop

1998-04-24 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Shaleh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can someone please help me setup ttysnoop??  I have set up the entry in
 telnet  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd 
 /usr/sbin/in.telnetd -L/usr/sbin/ttysnoops
 *   socket  login   /bin/login
 When I telnet to my box, ttysnoops appears to not spawn.  Any help

Have you told inetd to look at the new config. file?  You do this
with: (as root)
  killall -HUP inetd

Or I suppose you could reboot, but that's win95-ish thinking.

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Re: off-topic autofs permissions

1998-04-23 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

 I guess this it not a debian related problem, but:
 I am setting up a small Network with a linux server and some linux, win95 and
 nt-workstation clients. The clients shall be able to access the cd-rom and
 zip-drive on the server using autofs. The problem is that the zip drive is
 mounted as drwxr-xr-x root.root /misc/zip, so windoze clients can´t write on 
 I RTFM, but did not find a way to set other permissons.
 Any ideas someone?

There are two ways to do this - one is to make the zip drive have an
ext2 filesystem instead of a dos one, but then you won't be able to
use the zip drive on MS machines.  The other is as follows:

I assume that in your /etc/fstab you have something like:
/dev/sda4/misc/zip   vfat   noexec0  0
(Or you may have type fat instead of vfat, or you may have
some other options instead of noexec (like, say, defaults))
Anyway, what you need to do is make the following change to
/dev/sda4/misc/zip   vfat   noexec,umask=0000  0
(If you just had defaults before, you can just replace it with the
umask=000 bit)
Then everyone will be able to write to /misc/zip.
Also, anyone will be able to delete anyone else's files on /misc/zip,
and you won't be able to tell who did it - this is because the
fat/vfat filesystem can't keep track of who owns what file; attempting 
to make the directory sticky (like /tmp is) won't work.

I suggest that it really might be best to have some other directory,
which was set with permissions like /tmp that would be copied onto the 
zip disk every five minutes or so by a cron job.

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Re: chmod not working

1998-04-23 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Alain Toussaint [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i was messing with some permission to directory but i think i found a bug
 in chmod,i try to run chmod 751 on my home directory (i put the content
 of the home directory on another partition because of lack of space on my
 root partition),but the permission is still drwxr-x--x,i even tried to run
 chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=x on it to no avail,does all this qualify as a bug

I think that you must think that 'drwxr-x--x' means something
different than it does.  Seeing this permission in ls means that the
user (owner) of the directory has read, write, and execute privileges, 
that people in the same group as the owner have read and execute
privileges, and that anyone else has only execute privilege.  Did you
perhaps mistype the above and leave out the word not somewhere?

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Re: Unidentified subject!

1998-04-22 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
(I've replied to debian-user instead of debian-devel because this
really belongs on -user)

Ian Keith Setford [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I would like suggestions and input on how to sell Debian in the sense of
 Debian versus RedHat, FreeBSD, or any other distribution.  I will attempt
 to persuade a small committee of faculty to install Debian on a yet to be
 purchased machine.  The machine is an experiment at my university to see
 if a select group of students can successfully administer a machine.  I
 have my own views of why Debian is better and honestly I love it to death
 but the marketing and X-based configuration of RedHat seem to be weighing
 against me.  I am also aware of a notion that FreeBSD is somewhat more
 secure than linux which I must also combat. 

Well, I can only provide some anecdotal evidence - my
undergrad. school recently (in the past year) switched the
student-admisitered unix box from an ugly slackware version to
FreeBSD.  While both, as far as I can tell, are administration
nightmares (though the people managing it now seem to be making saner
decisions than the old slackware group did, so it's not as bad), at
least it was possible to get X working on the box when it was
Slackware.  This has not been possible so far for the FreeBSD folks.
Also, last I looked at FreeBSD it was still using some old X - that
is, earlier that X11R6.3.  The consequence is that X windows on
FreeBSD was _much_ less secure as anyone who could telnet in could
grab a picture of the display (or worse).  That, however, may have

So if X is a priority, don't go with FreeBSD.

Where FreeBSD's more secure reputation comes up is that occasionally 
bugs are found in the Linux networking kernel code that make it possible for
people to write programs which take the machine down.  These are fixed 
and patches are usually distributed within a week - often before many
people even know the bug exists.  FreeBSD rarely has this problem.
This is in my experience the only time the reputation of FreeBSD being 
more secure is justified; also, it's a relatively minor worry, what
with recompiling the linux kernel being as easy as it is.

Finally, I'd avoid FreeBSD for the same reason I'd avoid slackware -
no packaging system.  On a student-run box (and therefore, presumably
administered by volunteers and/or people with less than 5 years
experience as unix sysadmins), this is a definite priority.

RedHat's only advantage over Debian that I can see is in the ease of
initial setup - and there, only in the ease of initial X setup.
(which is, IMHO, a major flaw in Debian 1.3.1 - X Setup is poorly
documented, or at least it was when I did it - maybe the FAQ-O-Matic
has taken care of things).  RedHat is a pain to upgrade and a royal
pain to administer remotely.  With Debian, it's a snap.  (The bo-hamm 
upgrade notwithstanding, which is easy if you actually read the
documentation beforehand).

 Please suggest the best hardware configuration for a machine that will
 host thousands of users and be up 24/7.  I suspect that an i386 machine
 would be most suitable only because I am unaware of the stability or
 availability of Alpha/Sparc ports and due to the lesser price of i386

Sure - Pentium or whatever.  The most important thing is to have gobs
of memory - 64 meg minimum.  Also, if you buy the hardware in
components yourself, make certain you have enough fans.  (Some Cyrix
chips are known to overheat - if you have the money, there's nothing
wrong with buying genuine intel).

 Please point me towards any information that might help me get Debian on
 such an important machine at my university.  The machine that am I asking
 for advice in building is a replacement machine for the machine in which
 this e-mail is being created.
 I am sorry if this message seems somewhat convoluded but I feel very
 strongly about having Debian an the operating system on this computer.  I
 lack the advanced programming skills(I receive my degree in Finance in a
 few months) to be a Debian developer but I sincerely desire to help
 promote and help the Debian project.
 On a side note, with whom do I need to correspond with to discuss the use
 of the Debian logo and name?
 If anyone was wondering, I attend the University of North Texas located in
 Denton, Texas (30miles north of Dallas/Ft.Worth).  It is the 3rd largest
 university in Texas.
 Please feel free to reply directly to me or to the list!
 Thanks again,

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modprobe log entries

1998-04-22 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Does anyone know how to have modprobe display more descriptive log
messages when it can't load a module?  I've been getting messages in
my log like:

Apr 22 16:38:52 cush modprobe: can't locate module 

and I've been trying to track them down, (they appear whenever
netscape is started) but it would really help if I knew what module it
is that modprobe can't locate (as a test, doing 'insmod IMnothere'
gives the identical log entry - no clue of what module was asked for).
I seem to remember that modutils from bo would actually tell you in
the logs what was being looked for.  (Can someone running bo confirm
this for me?  That is, that the unfound module is mentioned in the
logs, not just as output of insmod.)

I'm running hamm, modutils version 2.1.85-10.

And just to head off some of the 'try this and see if it works'
replies, yes I do have
alias net-pf-3 off
alias net-pf-4 off
alias net-pf-5 off
in my /etc/conf.modules.

Hmmm... this may be a bug against modutils, as I'm almost certain that 
bo gave you a clue in the logs.

Daniel Martin, who doesn't really have a good sig yet.

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