2023-10-31 Thread Dennis Gesker

Should ETCD_TLS_MIN_VERSION and ETCD_CIPHER_SUITES be recognized as valid
in the /etc/default/etcd file?

I'd like to set...

ETCD_TLS_MIN_VERSION="TLS1.3" # or, maybe TLSv1.3 - with v like nginx?

Tried adding ETCD_TLS_MIN_VERSION first but I'm getting an "unrecognized"
entry in the logs.

ETCD_KEY_FILE and other related TLS vars seem to match up OK.

I'm on Bookworm.
/usr/bin/etcd --version returns 3.4.23


Re: xinetd verwijderen

2023-10-13 Thread Dennis van Dok

On 12-10-2023 21:36, Cecil Westerhof wrote:

Behalve een service die ik zelf heb toegevoegd zie ik dat alle
services die in /etc/xinetd.d staan zijn uitgeschakeld.
Ik wil die laatste omzetten naar een systemd service.
Ik neem aan dat ik dan xinetd kan uitschakelen en misschien zelfs
verwijderen van mijn systeem?

Ja, dat lijkt me wel. Debian 12 heeft standaard geen xinetd geïnstalleerd.

Re: UEFI op servers, of niet?

2023-08-22 Thread Dennis van Dok

On 22-08-2023 11:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Hallo Dennis en anderen,

Op 22-08-2023 om 10:45 schreef Dennis van Dok:

On 15-08-2023 12:13, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

We zijn (bij Nikhef, plusminus 500 systemen) al een paar jaar helemaal 
over op EFI boot aangezien de nieuwere systemen legacy helemaal niet 
meer ondersteunen. 

Daar heb ik nog geen last van bij servers, bij welke fabrikanten zie je 

IIRC Dell en Lenovo, in combinatie met ondersteuning voor PXE boot en 
grote NVMe drives.

Welke systemen doen dit? Wij moeten altijd zelf onze firmware bijhouden. 

Ik ken dit eigenlijk alleen van kleinere systemen om eerlijk te zijn, 
bijvoorbeeld van Dell. Maar qua 19" systemen gebruik ik Supermicro en 
dat doet nog niet mee.  Dit is wat ik bedoel:

Ik ga daar nog wel eens naar kijken want het lijkt me toch wel handig om 
te automatiseren (als dat kan). En natuurlijk altijd met de Bewuste 
Keuze™ welke updates je doorvoert!

Ik gebruik in de praktijk geen software van de fabrikant, het is 
allemaal Debian.

DELL heeft racadm en dat werkt nog vrij aardig standalone, maar we 
stappen meer en meer over op redfish.

Ik heb altijd met software RAID gewerkt en zie niet veel voordelen aan 
hardware RAID. Er zijn wel voordelen, maar ook nadelen.

Voordelen van software RAID vind ik:
- Het is heel generiek, een disk past zo in een andere machine zonder 
dat die ook zo'n kaart nodig heeft.

Doe je dat dan vaak, schijven uitwisselen tussen apparaten?

- De RAID kaart kan kapot gaan, je moet eigenlijk een spare hebben.

Dit is nou een van de componenten die ik zelden tot nooit heb zien falen.

- Tools zijn vaak closed source, en complex.

We configgen die meuk direct vanuit het BIOS (of laten dat vooraf doen 
door de leverancier) of anders is het Megaraid storcli (ja, beetje 
ingewikkeld wel).

- Volgens mij moet je bij hardware RAID rebooten als je een disk wilt 
vervangen. (En misschien zelfs wachten tijdens het rebuilden.)

Al onze storage systemen doen hot-swapping dus misschien moet je een 
ander merk uitkiezen?

- Je zit directer op de disk, er zit geen kaart tussen

En wat is daarvan nou het specifieke voordeel?

- Reuze veel mogelijkheden

Ben ook benieuwd!

Nadelen van software RAID vind ik:

- Niet geschikt voor systemen met heel veel disks (in elk geval was dat 
vroeger zo).

Ik weet dat we ook wel eens een wat grotere software raid setup hebben 
gedraaid (in de speeltuin) en dat werkte ook prima.

Voor zover ik weet is het een niet echt sneller dan het ander, maar 
misschien vergis ik me daarin.

Nee, dat zal ook niet het argument zijn. Er zijn trouwens behoorlijke 
kwaliteitsverschillen in hardware raid.

De EFI partitie moet leesbaar zijn voor de firmware. Met hardware RAID 
is dat volgens mij geen probleem, maar het komt me voor dat de BIOS 
niet snapt wat een software raid partitie is. 

Dat snappen ze inderdaad niet, maar ze kunnen het volgens mij wel gewoon 
lezen en booten. Dat doen ze dan van de individule disk, niet van de RAID.

Ja, legacy boot van een bootsector zal wel gaan denk ik. En misschien is 
een moderne grub ook al software raid aware?

Als ze erop schrijven (ik weet niet zeker of ze dat weleens doen), 
zullen ze ook op de disk schrijven en niet op de RAID.

Dat zouden ze nooit moeten doen!

Misschien is een los klein SSD'tje dan een idee? Een andere 
mogelijkheid is om op één schijf de EFI partitie te maken en op de 
andere dezelfde ruimte te benutten als swap ofzo. Dan houd je de 
geometrie op de resterende ruimte over voor software raid 1.

Mijn punt is dat dit een single point of failure is. Bij software RAID 
kan ik met IPMI in het bios de bootdisk wijzigen, en dan boot hij weer. 
Of fysiek de disks wisselen.

De vraag is of je gaat voor data security (dus hoe belangrijk vind je 
het dat je geen data verliest) of voor uptime (hoe belangrijk is het om 
beschikbaar te zijn). Voor beide kun je plannen maar het prijskaartje 
wordt natuurlijk ook steeds hoger.

Re: UEFI op servers, of niet?

2023-08-22 Thread Dennis van Dok

On 15-08-2023 12:13, Paul van der Vlis wrote:


Wat is jullie mening over UEFI?  Ik vind het nogal een complex gebeuren 
waarbij aardig wat dingen mee mis kunnen gaan. En wellicht ook minder 
veilig dan "legacy".

Niet per se, maar moderne systemen hebben steeds meer management aan 
boord die op zich weer een aanvalsvector kan vormen. Het beangstigendste 
daarbij is hoezeer deze verweven zijn met het systeem, onder het OS 
niveau. Dus aanvallen om private keys uit het geheugen te vissen zonder 
dat je dat in het OS in de gaten hebt bijvoorbeeld.

We zijn (bij Nikhef, plusminus 500 systemen) al een paar jaar helemaal 
over op EFI boot aangezien de nieuwere systemen legacy helemaal niet 
meer ondersteunen. Met netboot en grub-efi werkt bijna alles als 
voorheen, en ik zie de boot manager zelfs wel as een pre. Maar inderdaad 
is het vooral een kwestie van de kernel booten en dat is het.

Het feit dat er vrij automatisch firmware wordt geïnstalleerd van de 
fabrikant vind ik niet prettig. Maar dit is vast uit te zetten ;-)

Welke systemen doen dit? Wij moeten altijd zelf onze firmware bijhouden. 
Hoewel $VENDOR1 een systeem biedt om dat te automatiseren gebruiken wij 
dat liever niet want dan zit je daaraan vast, terwijl we ook spullen van 
$VENDOR2 willen kunnen kopen en gebruiken.

Het enige voorbeeld wat me te binnen schiet zijn de 'intelligente' 
lampen die je met een app kunt dimmen. Die deden het niet meer toen ik 
hun internettoegang uitschakelde.

Ik wil graag dat alles op RAID1 komt (mdadm, maar ook alternatieven zijn 
bespreekbaar), en het liefst ook op LVM of soortgelijk.

Wees dapper en die RAID0 all the way. (geintje). Volgens mij ondersteund 
de Debian installer dit wel. Als je een redelijke RAID kaart hebt kun je 
het beter aan de hardware overlaten, lijkt me.

Ik heb nog geen ervaring om de EFI partitie op mdadm RAID1 te zetten, 
maar misschien dat het wel kan.  Wat ik in de praktijk doe is de 
partitie kopiëren naar de andere disk met dd.

De EFI partitie moet leesbaar zijn voor de firmware. Met hardware RAID 
is dat volgens mij geen probleem, maar het komt me voor dat de BIOS niet 
snapt wat een software raid partitie is. Misschien is een los klein 
SSD'tje dan een idee? Een andere mogelijkheid is om op één schijf de EFI 
partitie te maken en op de andere dezelfde ruimte te benutten als swap 
ofzo. Dan houd je de geometrie op de resterende ruimte over voor 
software raid 1.

Ik denk dat LVM het native ook kan maar dat heb ik nooit geprobeerd.

Ook grote disks kunnen ook zonder EFI, maar dan is er een BIOS BOOT 
partitie nodig. Ik weet niet goed of dat op RAID1 kan.

Nee om dezelfde reden als hierboven (tenzij hardware RAID).

Ik zag overigens ook iemand die mdadm gebruikte op de hele schijf, dus 
niet op partities. Ik had problemen om in de rescue-mode van de 
debian-installer de RAID5 te maken (er was een disk defect). Wat vinden 
jullie van deze constructie?  Zal dit ook b.v. de boot-sector en 
partitie-tabel automatisch in de RAID opnemen?

We hebben voor storage systemen eigenlijk altijd een losse SSD voor het 
OS. Het klinkt als een nodeloos ingewikkelde constructie en vragen om 


Re: Problem with apt maybe related to installation/configuration of apt-cacher-ng

2023-05-31 Thread Dennis Heddicke

On 5/31/23 14:42, john doe wrote:

On 5/31/23 11:36, Dennis Heddicke wrote:

Yes, after purging apt-cacher-ng the problem was gone. And after i
reinstalled apt-cacher-ng and configured it that way:

For the sake of simplicity and troubleshooting, please modify
sources.list directly.

What does acng.conf look like?

Note that this list uses bottom-posting! :)

John Doe

Sorry, that it was confusing. I meant, that there are no erros. It works 

The sample:

sudo apt update
[sudo] password for dennis:
Hit:1 bookworm InRelease
Hit:2 bookworm-security 

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
All packages are up to date.

And i will try to change the URL for https later, but the problem is 
solved so far.

Re: Problem with apt maybe related to installation/configuration of apt-cacher-ng

2023-05-31 Thread Dennis Heddicke
Yes, after purging apt-cacher-ng the problem was gone. And after i 
reinstalled apt-cacher-ng and configured it that way:

Acquire::http {Proxy "http://localhost:3142";};
Acquire::https {Proxy "http://";};

there are any errors too, although i don't know what  caused them. But 
thank you for your help.

On 5/31/23 08:43, john doe wrote:

On 5/30/23 19:39, Dennis Heddicke wrote:


i have a problem with "apt update", everytime i execute the command, i
get the following error messages:

Get:1 bookworm-security
InRelease [48,0 kB]
Get:2 bookworm InRelease [193 kB]
Err:1 bookworm-security
  The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 112695A0E562B32A Debian
Security Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) 

Err:2 bookworm InRelease
  The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 648ACFD622F3D138 Debian
Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) 
Fetched 241 kB in 0s (507 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository
is not updated and the previous index files will be used.
GPG error: bookworm-security
InRelease: The following signatures were invalid:
BADSIG 112695A0E562B32A Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository
is not updated and the previous index files will be used.
GPG error: bookworm InRelease: The
following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 648ACFD622F3D
138 Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) 

W: Failed to fetch
  The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 648ACFD622F3D138
Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) 
W: Failed to fetch 
 The following signatures were invalid:

BADSIG 112695A0E562B32A Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old
ones used instead.

I use Debian 12. The only changes i did before the problem occurred,
were the installation of apt-cacher-ng and i ran "mach bootstrap" in a

If you remove apt-cacher-ng, does it work at all?

John Doe

Problem with apt maybe related to installation/configuration of apt-cacher-ng

2023-05-30 Thread Dennis Heddicke


i have a problem with "apt update", everytime i execute the command, i 
get the following error messages:

Get:1 bookworm-security 
InRelease [48,0 kB]

Get:2 bookworm InRelease [193 kB]
Err:1 bookworm-security 
 The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 112695A0E562B32A Debian 
Security Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) 

Err:2 bookworm InRelease
 The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 648ACFD622F3D138 Debian 
Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) 

Fetched 241 kB in 0s (507 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository 
is not updated and the previous index files will be used.
GPG error: bookworm-security 
InRelease: The following signatures were invalid:
BADSIG 112695A0E562B32A Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key 
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository 
is not updated and the previous index files will be used.
GPG error: bookworm InRelease: The 
following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 648ACFD622F3D

138 Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) 
W: Failed to fetch 
 The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 648ACFD622F3D138

Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) 
W: Failed to fetch 
 The following signatures were invalid:
BADSIG 112695A0E562B32A Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key 
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old 
ones used instead.

I use Debian 12. The only changes i did before the problem occurred, 
were the installation of apt-cacher-ng and i ran "mach bootstrap" in a 
chroot. I don't think, the last thing would change this much the 
operating system, although it was a stupid idea. Even more stupid, since 
the solution for my problem  was the installation of "sudo" in the 
chroot.  So maybe the first one is responsible for the problem.

So far I tried the following configurations for apt-cacher-ng, to 
resolve the problem:

Acquire::http::proxy "http://localhost:3142;;
Acquire::https::proxy "https://;;


Acquire::http {Proxy ";; };
Acquire::https {Proxy "https://;; };

but none solved it.

I hope someone can help me with my problem. Thank you in advance.

Best Regards

BUG FIREFOX-ESR 102.1, al cargar chat messegnger en facebook

2022-12-06 Thread Dennis Erazo
Saludos equipo de Debian 11 bullseyes, tegno instalado en mi maquina 
esta version, el bug seria en el navegador firefox-esr la ultima version 
ya que posee un bug, en el chat de messenger de facebook, ya que se 
cierre inesperadamente, la pestaña con la red social, y se cierra el 
navegador, ahorit tuve que retorceder a la version 91 que estaba po 
defecto, ya que esta version funciona completamentebien, favor arreglar 
ese bug en la sigiente actualizacion del navegador... Gracias, adiconal 
a esto, se siente con la nueva version como medio lento la mquina, lo 
cual no pasa en la version anterior que esta de fabrica.

Re: [SOLVED] Re: One-user system.

2022-05-06 Thread Dennis Wicks

Thomas Schmitt wrote on 5/6/22 13:24:


Greg Wooledge wrote:

I think you're vastly underestimating the average age of subscribers on
this list.

Huh ? ... What ? ... Age ? ... Whom do you call old ?

I am 83. First desktop was an IBM PC running IBM DOS Version 
1, I think. Also saw my first virus on that machine!

Those were not "the good old days"!


Re: Solved (partially) Re: What happened?

2022-04-22 Thread Dennis Wicks

The Wanderer wrote on 4/21/22 17:14:

On 2022-04-21 at 14:37, Dennis Wicks wrote:

Dennis Wicks wrote on 4/16/22 18:16:

When I first installed Debian 10, I installed Win 10 in a
virtual machine using KVM/QEMU and everything just worked. I
could copy/paste between host and vm and access host disks
in the vm. And zfs file systems worked.

The main problem was that dpkg would kill the system trying
to setup

Mark this SOLVED (partially): software problem.

dpkg continued to kill the system trying to setup
linux-headers. I discovered that dpkg will purge the
linux-headers package and then I can try installing again.
On one try I was running pg on dkms in an attempt to see
what was going on that killed the machine. Two times I got a
long screen full of tasks running various types of cc just
before the crash.

What's "pg"? It doesn't appear to be e.g. a shell builtin ('type pg'
reports 'bash: type: pg: not found'), and I don't find it in the
archive. For example,

$ apt-file search -x /pg$

finds only two results, from the package grass-core, which appear to be
(parts of? related to?) database drivers.

I set up my pg to repeat every few secs and spooled the
output to a file. Then I started a tail on that spool file.
Surprise!! It ran to completion!

Here is my analysis: I have a big system. An AMD 8 core
Ryzen running at 3.8GHz with 64GB of memory. I think that
without any other load on the machine some task is getting
started before it should and either steps on a task that
should have finished by that time or can't find something
that was supposed to be created by a task that hasn't run
yet. It has to be something serious because all the
screens/sessions are cleared and the system is frozen. I
have to use the reset button to re-start and once or twice I
have had to cycle the power to get re-booted.

This doesn't look like a terribly likely scenario to me, but if it *is*
what's happening, that's definitely a bug - though a bug in what is less
than clear.

Sorry, pg = ps

That is the only thing I can think of that it might be. I 
have run dpkg --configure -a or with a specific package name 
and every time the package was linux-image-... or 
linux-headers-... it killed my machine. It happened with 
kernel 4.19.0-18-amd64 and 4.19.0-20-amd64. I ran it a dozen 
or more times with the same results. The two times that I 
caught any output from ps that was useful it was running 
many tasks of cc.

Solved (partially) Re: What happened?

2022-04-21 Thread Dennis Wicks

Dennis Wicks wrote on 4/16/22 18:16:
When I first installed Debian 10, I installed Win 10 in a 
virtual machine using KVM/QEMU and everything just worked. I 
could copy/paste between host and vm and access host disks 
in the vm. And zfs file systems worked.

The main problem was that dpkg would kill the system trying 
to setup


I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade to Debian 10.11. 
That process managed  to install linux-image-4.19.0-19-amd64 
and everything was fine. Then somewhere in the process of 
installing additional software apt? killed the system trying 
to setup linux-image-4.19.0-20-amd64. (I found out that I 
could do dpkg --configure for each package individually and 
skip the linux image and headers.)

And, now I can't copy/paste between host and vm, can't 
access host disks from the vm, and the zfs file system 
doesn't work! And then because dpkg killed the system so 
many times the archive file is locked somehow and the 
various apt(x) programs and dpkg won't run, so I can't 
install any tools or different software to try and fix the 


If anybody has any hints or tips or pointers toward any 
possible solutions I would appreciate hearing them!


PS; dpkg says;

E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg 
--configure -a' to correct the problem. W: Could not lock 
the cache file; this usually means that dpkg or another 
apt tool is already installing packages.  Opening in 
read-only mode; any changes you make to the states of 
packages will NOT be preserved!

Mark this SOLVED (partially): software problem.

dpkg continued to kill the system trying to setup 
linux-headers. I discovered that dpkg will purge the 
linux-headers package and then I can try installing again. 
On one try I was running pg on dkms in an attempt to see 
what was going on that killed the machine. Two times I got a 
long screen full of tasks running various types of cc just 
before the crash.

I set up my pg to repeat every few secs and spooled the 
output to a file. Then I started a tail on that spool file. 
Surprise!! It ran to completion!

Here is my analysis: I have a big system. An AMD 8 core 
Ryzen running at 3.8GHz with 64GB of memory. I think that 
without any other load on the machine some task is getting 
started before it should and either steps on a task that 
should have finished by that time or can't find something 
that was supposed to be created by a task that hasn't run 
yet. It has to be something serious because all the 
screens/sessions are cleared and the system is frozen. I 
have to use the reset button to re-start and once or twice I 
have had to cycle the power to get re-booted.

No progress on other problems. I will open other threads for 

Thanks for the comments. They got me thinking!


What happened?

2022-04-16 Thread Dennis Wicks
When I first installed Debian 10, I installed Win 10 in a 
virtual machine using KVM/QEMU and everything just worked. I 
could copy/paste between host and vm and access host disks 
in the vm. And zfs file systems worked.

The main problem was that dpkg would kill the system trying 
to setup


I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade to Debian 10.11. 
That process managed  to install linux-image-4.19.0-19-amd64 
and everything was fine. Then somewhere in the process of 
installing additional software apt? killed the system trying 
to setup linux-image-4.19.0-20-amd64. (I found out that I 
could do dpkg --configure for each package individually and 
skip the linux image and headers.)

And, now I can't copy/paste between host and vm, can't 
access host disks from the vm, and the zfs file system 
doesn't work! And then because dpkg killed the system so 
many times the archive file is locked somehow and the 
various apt(x) programs and dpkg won't run, so I can't 
install any tools or different software to try and fix the 


If anybody has any hints or tips or pointers toward any 
possible solutions I would appreciate hearing them!


PS; dpkg says;

E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. 
W: Could not lock the cache file; this usually means that dpkg or another apt tool is already installing packages.  Opening in read-only mode; any changes you make to the states of packages will NOT be preserved!

Copy/paste between host and KVM/windows 10 guest??

2022-04-07 Thread Dennis Wicks
It doesn't work for me and the suggested solutions I have 
found are referring to a linux guest.

TIA for pointers, suggestions, solutions!

dpkg --configure -a crashes system

2022-02-06 Thread Dennis Wicks

I can't install/upgrade because I get the message

E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to 
correct the problem.

When I run the dpkg command I get one message

Setting up linux-image-4.19.0-18-amd64 (4.19.208-1)

then within a few seconds the system crashes.

Any ideas? Is there a log file I can look in that might 
contain something useful? Any help is appreciated!


Re: /boot is vol .. (en niet met kernels)

2021-10-29 Thread Dennis van Dok
On 21-10-2021 16:01, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

> Alternatief kan je de /boot ook gewoon weggooien en alles op / zetten.
> Een aparte /boot is zinvol als niet je hele hard disk begrepen wordt
> door je firmware (zoals in de late jaren van de vorige eeuw wel eens het
> geval kon zijn), maar echt nodig heb je dat niet...

Tenzij / een LUKS partitie is natuurlijk.

Ik ben op diverse laptops tegen een te kleine /boot aangelopen omdat ik
(ook) de real-time kernels wilde installeren. Moet toch de MODULES=dep
maar eens proberen, dank voor de tip!

Re: krijg logitech p710e niet aan de praat als microfoon

2021-10-21 Thread Dennis van Dok
On 12-10-2021 10:11, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> Ondertussen heb ik het zelfde probleem ook voorgehad. Vreemd.
> Ik heb wat terug opgezocht, en dan gevonden dat die "MultiProfile"
> setting daar inderdaad voor was -- maar dat werkt dus niet bij iedereen.
> In mijn geval leek het opgelost te raken door pulseaudio te herstarten
> als mijn headset verbonden was:
> systemctl --user restart pulseaudio.service

Doe je dit als gewone gebruiker en niet als root? Bij mij faalt het commando. 
Het oude
pulseaudio proces blijft draaien. Als ik die handmatig kill ben ik ook de 
verbinding kwijt.

Als ik autospawn=no instel in client.conf kan ik wel het restart commando 
maar ik raak dan evengoed de verbinding kwijt.

Re: krijg logitech p710e niet aan de praat als microfoon

2021-09-28 Thread Dennis van Dok
On 28-09-2021 13:06, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

> --- /etc/bluetooth/main.conf2021-09-08 19:15:10.893458634 +0200
> +++ /etc/bluetooth/main.conf.dpkg-dist  2021-08-25 10:33:39.0 +0200
> @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
>  # or both Multiple Profiles Single Device (MPSD) and Multiple Profiles 
> Multiple
>  # Devices (MPMD) configurations.
>  # Possible values: "off", "single", "multiple"
> -MultiProfile = multiple
> +#MultiProfile = off
>  # Permanently enables the Fast Connectable setting for adapters that
>  # support it. When enabled other devices can connect faster to us,
> Misschien is dat waarom het bij mij wel werkt?

Ik kan dat eens proberen (heb het apparaat nu niet hier natuurlijk...)

Wat ik wel vreemd vind is dat mijn Bose headset het wel gewoon 'doet' met beide 

Ik ga nog wel even dieper duiken in de fantastische wereld van bluetooth. 
heeft het wel iets te maken met de versie van bluetooth die het apparaat 

Re: krijg logitech p710e niet aan de praat als microfoon

2021-09-28 Thread Dennis van Dok
On 23-09-2021 18:34, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 06:20:31PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
>> Hoi,
>> Op 23-09-2021 om 14:26 schreef Dennis van Dok:
>>> Voor zoom meetings een logitech p710e gekocht.
>>> Op USB werkt het prima, maar via bluetooth doet 'ie het alleen als speaker. 
>>> In pulseaudio is het profiel voor headset niet beschikbaar.
>>> Dit is met bullseye. Enig idee wat ik kan doen?
>> Misschien heb je hier iets aan?
> Dat begint met
> } PulseAudio does not detect my bluetooth headset microphone.

Voor de duidelijkheid: hij wordt wel herkend maar alleen als high-fidelity 
playback. Headset profile is niet beschikbaar...

Re: krijg logitech p710e niet aan de praat als microfoon

2021-09-28 Thread Dennis van Dok
On 28-09-2021 12:26, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 02:26:11PM +0200, Dennis van Dok wrote:
>> Voor zoom meetings een logitech p710e gekocht.
>> Op USB werkt het prima, maar via bluetooth doet 'ie het alleen als speaker. 
>> In pulseaudio is het profiel voor headset niet beschikbaar.
> Hoezo niet? Is het er gewoon niet, of gaat het meteen terug naar het
> andere profiel als je het probeert te selecteren?

Hij is er wel, ik kan in pulseaudio-volumeregeling bij 'Configuratie' het 
apparaat zien en hij staat op het profiel
'High Fidelity Playback (A2DP Sink)'. Maar als ik terug wil kunnen praten moet 
het profiel wel staan op
'HSP/HFP'. Maar daar staat 'niet beschikbaar' achter.

Ook 'pactl list' geeft de kaart en de profielen aan maar daar staat ook 
'available: no' bij. Ik weet niet waarom...

krijg logitech p710e niet aan de praat als microfoon

2021-09-23 Thread Dennis van Dok
Voor zoom meetings een logitech p710e gekocht.

Op USB werkt het prima, maar via bluetooth doet 'ie het alleen als speaker. In 
pulseaudio is het profiel voor headset niet beschikbaar.

Dit is met bullseye. Enig idee wat ik kan doen?


Dennis van Dok

Form filling, etc.

2021-05-12 Thread Dennis Wicks


My bank and credit company use javascript or something 
similar to build the login screen so my password manager 
can't find the user-id and password fields to fill them in. 
The fields don't show up in the downloaded source code or in 
the  source code so that is no help.

Can anybody point me to some software, tutorials, etc. that 
will discover the fields displayed on the screen and enable 
me to fill them in?

Many, many TIA!!

Re: old red cables cause Disk errors ...

2021-01-13 Thread Dennis Wicks

Felix Miata wrote on 1/13/21 5:21 PM:

Michael Howard composed on 2021-01-13 22:57 (UTC):

David Christensen wrote:

Michael Stone wrote:

On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 01:55:37PM -0800, David Christensen wrote:

If you have any red SATA cables, replace them with new black SATA 6

Make sure you wear a beaded neckless while doing that under a full moon.

I used to think "a cable is a cable, color does not matter", but I
have experienced many storage hardware issues over the years that were
caused by red SATA cables.  Other readers on this list have had
similar experiences.  The explanation is chemistry -- the red dye
slowly corrodes the conductors and/or contacts.

Very interesting, if true, and I'm not saying it isn't. I too have had

It's been posted time and again in various forums. IME the problem seems to be
limited to a more or less crimson or wild cherry shade of red:

cable problems with those thin red efforts but put it down to them not
being of the locking variety or just bad quality.

Dye that causes corrosion == bad quality. :)

Well, this is all very interesting! I have *two* 
SATALink/SATARaid expansion cards and neither of them have 
any red cables! They are at pci addresses 05:00 and 05:01! 
How do I tell which is which?

Disk errors ...

2021-01-13 Thread Dennis Wicks


I am getting very frequent disk errors and I can't figure 
out which drive they are occurring on. I get two messages:

[174384.704895] sata_sil :05:00.0: Event logged [IO_PAGE_FAULT 
domain=0x address=0xcf99c100 flags=0x]

[174384.705153] AMD-Vi: Event logged [IO_PAGE_FAULT device=05:00.0 
domain=0x address=0xdf853000 flags=0x]

Several of each of them occur at once, every few seconds.
Is there any way that I can figure out which drive is 
causing the problem?

Many TIA!

Re: Monitor resolution wrong

2021-01-09 Thread Dennis Wicks

Alexander V. Makartsev wrote on 1/9/21 6:22 PM:

On 10.01.2021 04:08, Dennis Wicks wrote:

Felix Miata wrote on 1/9/21 3:33 PM:

Dennis Wicks composed on 2021-01-09 15:00 (UTC-0600):

When I boot kernel 4.19.0-13-amd64 my monitor res is
1024x768. It should be 1680x1050 which I get when I boot
into kernel 4.19.0-12-amd64. Also, when I look at the xfce
display settings when I have -13 booted it has some generic
display listed and only the 1024x768 res. When I am booted
in -12 the display is listed as an LG 23", which it is, and
a bunch of different resolutions that could be used.

I have tried rebuilding the kernel and initrd to no avail.
It looks to me like the kernel is not recognizing the
monitor for some reason but beyond that I haven't the
slightest idea as to where to look!

This situation is often a case of missing firmware, but 
it's unusual that it
happens simply due to a minor kernel upgrade. Please 
upload /var/log/Xorg.0.log
from a -13 boot to or equivalent, 
and provide here the
resulting URL, so that we may try to determine what is 
happening. Also please

paste here output from: 'inxi -GSa', for similar reason.

The log file is in pastebin at

The output from inxi is attached,and pasted below, for 
both -12 and -13. There is a difference between them!

System:    Host: ichiban Kernel: 4.19.0-12-amd64 x86_64 
bits: 64 Desktop: Xfce 4.12.4 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 
Graphics:  Device-1: NVIDIA GK208 [GeForce GT 710B] 
driver: nouveau v: kernel
   Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.4 driver: 
modesetting unloaded: fbdev,vesa resolution: 1680x1050~60Hz

   OpenGL: renderer: NV106 v: 4.3 Mesa 18.3.6

System:    Host: ichiban Kernel: 4.19.0-13-amd64 x86_64 
bits: 64 Desktop: Xfce 4.12.4 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 
Graphics:  Device-1: NVIDIA GK208 [GeForce GT 710B] 
driver: nvidia v: 418.152.00
   Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.4 driver: 
nouveau unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa resolution: 
   OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0 128 bits) 
v: 3.3 Mesa 18.3.6

Many TIA, again!
You have installed unsupported nvidia driver version for 
your VGA. Last version that supports your adapter is 390, so 
you need to install "nvidia-legacy-390xx-driver".
You will need to remove 418 driver after installation, or 
switch to 390 version by typing:

# update-glx --config nvidia
to make sure your system will use it. You can use "glxinfo" 
utility from "mesa-utils" package to see what driver is 
currently in use.

$ glxinfo | grep -e 'OpenGL' -e 'glx'

With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system


My most fervent and heartfelt thank you!

That solved the problem completely. The system crashed on 
the first try while it was updating the initrd but after I 
rebooted it worked fine and the remainder of your procedure 
went smoothly.

Again, Thank You!

Re: Monitor resolution wrong

2021-01-09 Thread Dennis Wicks

Felix Miata wrote on 1/9/21 3:33 PM:

Dennis Wicks composed on 2021-01-09 15:00 (UTC-0600):

When I boot kernel 4.19.0-13-amd64 my monitor res is
1024x768. It should be 1680x1050 which I get when I boot
into kernel 4.19.0-12-amd64. Also, when I look at the xfce
display settings when I have -13 booted it has some generic
display listed and only the 1024x768 res. When I am booted
in -12 the display is listed as an LG 23", which it is, and
a bunch of different resolutions that could be used.

I have tried rebuilding the kernel and initrd to no avail.
It looks to me like the kernel is not recognizing the
monitor for some reason but beyond that I haven't the
slightest idea as to where to look!

This situation is often a case of missing firmware, but it's unusual that it
happens simply due to a minor kernel upgrade. Please upload /var/log/Xorg.0.log
from a -13 boot to or equivalent, and provide here the
resulting URL, so that we may try to determine what is happening. Also please
paste here output from: 'inxi -GSa', for similar reason.

The log file is in pastebin at

The output from inxi is attached,and pasted below, for both 
-12 and -13. There is a difference between them!

System:Host: ichiban Kernel: 4.19.0-12-amd64 x86_64 
bits: 64 Desktop: Xfce 4.12.4 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 
Graphics:  Device-1: NVIDIA GK208 [GeForce GT 710B] driver: 
nouveau v: kernel
   Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.4 driver: 
modesetting unloaded: fbdev,vesa resolution: 1680x1050~60Hz

   OpenGL: renderer: NV106 v: 4.3 Mesa 18.3.6

System:Host: ichiban Kernel: 4.19.0-13-amd64 x86_64 
bits: 64 Desktop: Xfce 4.12.4 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 
Graphics:  Device-1: NVIDIA GK208 [GeForce GT 710B] driver: 
nvidia v: 418.152.00
   Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.4 driver: 
nouveau unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa resolution: 
   OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0 128 bits) 
v: 3.3 Mesa 18.3.6

Many TIA, again!
System:Host: ichiban Kernel: 4.19.0-12-amd64 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Xfce 
4.12.4 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) 
Graphics:  Device-1: NVIDIA GK208 [GeForce GT 710B] driver: nouveau v: kernel 
   Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.4 driver: modesetting unloaded: 
fbdev,vesa resolution: 1680x1050~60Hz 
   OpenGL: renderer: NV106 v: 4.3 Mesa 18.3.6 

System:Host: ichiban Kernel: 4.19.0-13-amd64 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Xfce 
4.12.4 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) 
Graphics:  Device-1: NVIDIA GK208 [GeForce GT 710B] driver: nvidia v: 
   Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.4 driver: nouveau unloaded: 
fbdev,modesetting,vesa resolution: 1024x768~76Hz 
   OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0 128 bits) v: 3.3 Mesa 18.3.6 

Monitor resolution wrong

2021-01-09 Thread Dennis Wicks


When I boot kernel 4.19.0-13-amd64 my monitor res is 
1024x768. It should be 1680x1050 which I get when I boot 
into kernel 4.19.0-12-amd64. Also, when I look at the xfce 
display settings when I have -13 booted it has some generic 
display listed and only the 1024x768 res. When I am booted 
in -12 the display is listed as an LG 23", which it is, and 
a bunch of different resolutions that could be used.

I have tried rebuilding the kernel and initrd to no avail. 
It looks to me like the kernel is not recognizing the 
monitor for some reason but beyond that I haven't the 
slightest idea as to where to look!

Any ideas??

Many TIA!!

Re: Linux not seeing all SATA drives

2020-10-13 Thread Dennis Wicks

David Christensen wrote on 10/12/20 10:01 PM:

On 2020-10-12 19:19, Dennis Wicks wrote:
I have 3 SATA drives on my system. I replaced all my red 
cables with new black cables. The BIOS sees all of them 
but when linux finishes booting it only sees two of them. 
Do I have to do something to linux so it sees the third 

FYI, I have the system disk in sata-1, the drive on sata2 
is not seen, but the drive on sata3 is seen and in use. 
The CD/DVD drive is on sata6 and is also seen.

Thanks for any and all help!

Run the following commands as root.  If you need help 
interpreting the results, post your console session:

# lsblk

# fdisk -l

# mount | grep sd


Thanks for the tip, but none of those commands show the 
third disk, just two.
What might be /dev/sdc doesn't show up with any command I 
have tried.


Linux not seeing all SATA drives

2020-10-12 Thread Dennis Wicks
I have 3 SATA drives on my system. I replaced all my red 
cables with new black cables. The BIOS sees all of them but 
when linux finishes booting it only sees two of them. Do I 
have to do something to linux so it sees the third drive?

FYI, I have the system disk in sata-1, the drive on sata2 is 
not seen, but the drive on sata3 is seen and in use. The 
CD/DVD drive is on sata6 and is also seen.

Thanks for any and all help!

Re: Help - How to paste from host (Debian) to Virtual machine (Win10)

2020-09-08 Thread Dennis Wicks

Kushal Kumaran wrote on 9/7/20 7:31 PM:

Dennis Wicks  writes:


Is there any way that I can copy and paste from Deb host to VM Win10
and vice versa?

Assuming you are using qemu-kvm to run your VM, the search keyword would

You need to have the appropriate devices attached to the VM (a spice
channel at the minimum), and the corresponding driver software installed
in the VM.

Thanks for the pointers! Finally got all the pieces in place 
and it copy/paste works great!

Again, Many Tnx!

Help - How to paste from host (Debian) to Virtual machine (Win10)

2020-09-07 Thread Dennis Wicks


Is there any way that I can copy and paste from Deb host to 
VM Win10 and vice versa?

Many TIA!

Re: Need help -- Virtual Machine Manager

2020-09-05 Thread Dennis Wicks

Fabien Roucaute wrote on 9/5/20 1:40 AM:

Le 05/09/2020 à 01:57, Dennis Wicks a écrit :

I'm running Win10 with Virtual Machine Manager on Deb 10.4. How to I
attach my CD drive to Win10 so I can install some software?

Many TIA!

Either the ISO or the CD-ROM need to be on the host. If KVM/libvirt
doesn't run on the machine running Virtual Machine Manager, you need to
create a pool for the ISO and upload the ISO there or to insert cd-rom
in the host CD drive.

Yes, everything is in the same box/host. I need to know how 
to mount a physical CD!


Need help -- Virtual Machine Manager

2020-09-04 Thread Dennis Wicks
I'm running Win10 with Virtual Machine Manager on Deb 10.4. 
How to I attach my CD drive to Win10 so I can install some 

Many TIA!

Re: Error importing gpg key - Solved!

2020-05-26 Thread Dennis Wicks

Reco wrote on 5/16/20 6:14 PM:

sed -i '/^keyserver-options/d' ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf

Thanks! Solves the problem!

Error importing gpg key

2020-05-16 Thread Dennis Wicks

The tor website says to use the command

gpg --auto-key-locate nodefault,wkd --locate-keys

When I do that I get an error message

gpg: keyserver option 'ca-cert-file' is obsolete; please use 'hkp-cacert' in 

I have searched the net and man pages and I can't figure out 
how to solve this.
I can't find any file on my system the contains the string 
'ca-cert-file', with or without quotes!

TIA for any pointers or other help!

kvm by example

2020-04-06 Thread Dennis Wicks
Found a web page that guides you step by step through 
defining a VM and installing Windows 10 in it. Make a note 
of this or save it some where in case you or a friend needs it!


Worked great for me!

kvm CM how to attach existing hdd partition

2020-04-06 Thread Dennis Wicks
Well, I have my VM created and installed Windows 10 in it, 
and everything windows seems to work just fine.

Now, how do I make existing partitions available to the 
Windows system? Can't find anything recent that appears to 
address the situation.

Many TIA!

Running virtual systems

2020-02-12 Thread Dennis Wicks


The last time that I ran any virtual systems virtualbox and 
other software was the only way to go. Now I see that there 
is support in hardware for running virtual systems directly. 
I am running Buster on AMD Ryzen. What is the best way to 
run virtual systems, and where can I find some good doc? The 
first thing I need to run is Windows 10 so I can get my 
taxes done! Then maybe a couple of small Debian and Windows 
systems for testing and development of WP thems and websites 
and similar.

Many TIA!

Best file system to use?

2020-02-12 Thread Dennis Wicks


I have 4TB running on an AMD Ryzen under Buster. What is the 
current consensus of the best file system to use for general 
data usage? I have been using xfs but that is based on info 
from many years ago.

Many TIA!

Re: How to configure e-net port again -- SOLVED (sort of)

2020-01-31 Thread Dennis Wicks

Michael Stone wrote on 1/31/20 2:00 PM:

On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 11:27:06AM -0600, Dennis Wicks wrote:

john doe wrote on 1/31/20 1:00 AM:

On 1/31/2020 2:48 AM, Dennis Wicks wrote:
I am running Debian Buster 10, upgrade within the past 

I tried to change my e-net to use dhcp, which I thought 
it was but it

How did you try to change your e-net to use dhcp?

wasn't picking up all the info from the DHCP server, 
specifically the IP
addr. Now it doesn't work at all. How can I run through 
the setup/init
process that it went through at install to get back at 
least a working

communications port.

I would say, revert the change(s)that you have done.

John Doe

I have tried that to no avail. There are two possibilities:

(1) I don't remember exactly what was there before
(2) One of the two network management programs that are 
running changed something that I don't know about.

In my Notification Area there are two programs that seem 
to be controlling the interfaces, and perhaps causing my 
problems. They are Network Manager Applet and WICD Network 

Do you remember which one you used? Both can be used, but if 
you try to use both at the same time you'll have problems. 
I'd suggest uninstalling one of them, or at the very least 
make sure that they aren't both trying to control the same 
interface. Neither will modify /etc/network/interfaces, so 
just ignore that.

Michael, thanks for that tip. I got rid of both network 
managers and setup the port in /etc/network/interfaces and 
that works -- sometimes.

If I try to use IP address reservation in my dhcp server 
ifup will not work. I get this:

- - - - -

root@ichiban:~# ifup enp3s0
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.4.1
Copyright 2004-2018 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit

Listening on LPF/enp3s0/10:7b:44:50:39:8b
Sending on   LPF/enp3s0/10:7b:44:50:39:8b
Sending on   Socket/fallback
DHCPDISCOVER on enp3s0 to port 67 interval 8
DHCPDISCOVER on enp3s0 to port 67 interval 7
DHCPREQUEST for on enp3s0 to port 67
DHCPDISCOVER on enp3s0 to port 67 interval 6
DHCPREQUEST for on enp3s0 to port 67

- - - - - 
If I remove IP address reservation ifup works and I get the 

- - - - -

root@ichiban:~# ifup enp3s0
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.4.1
Copyright 2004-2018 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit

Listening on LPF/enp3s0/10:7b:44:50:39:8b
Sending on   LPF/enp3s0/10:7b:44:50:39:8b
Sending on   Socket/fallback
DHCPDISCOVER on enp3s0 to port 67 interval 7
DHCPREQUEST for on enp3s0 to port 67
DHCPACK of from
bound to -- renewal in 6833 seconds.

- - - - -
This machine is running Buster 10 64 bit, I have a machine 
that is running Buster 10 32 bit that works fine with 
Network Manager Applet 1.8.22. This machine (64 bit) had 
1.8.20 and it did not work. Just looped continuously until I 
deleted the address reservation from the dhcp server. When I 
run ifup it does the same thing so the problem must be 
buried deeper somewhere.

Thanks for all the help and suggestions!

Re: How to configure e-net port again

2020-01-31 Thread Dennis Wicks

john doe wrote on 1/31/20 1:00 AM:

On 1/31/2020 2:48 AM, Dennis Wicks wrote:

I am running Debian Buster 10, upgrade within the past week.

I tried to change my e-net to use dhcp, which I thought it was but it

How did you try to change your e-net to use dhcp?

wasn't picking up all the info from the DHCP server, specifically the IP
addr. Now it doesn't work at all. How can I run through the setup/init
process that it went through at install to get back at least a working
communications port.

I would say, revert the change(s)that you have done.

John Doe

I have tried that to no avail. There are two possibilities:

(1) I don't remember exactly what was there before
(2) One of the two network management programs that are 
running changed something that I don't know about.

In my Notification Area there are two programs that seem to 
be controlling the interfaces, and perhaps causing my 
problems. They are Network Manager Applet and WICD Network 

Re: How to configure e-net port again

2020-01-31 Thread Dennis Wicks

Daryl wrote on 1/30/20 7:52 PM:

On Thu, 30 Jan 2020 19:48:36 -0600
Dennis Wicks  wrote:

I am running Debian Buster 10, upgrade within the past week.

I tried to change my e-net to use dhcp, which I thought it
was but it wasn't picking up all the info from the DHCP
server, specifically the IP addr. Now it doesn't work at
all. How can I run through the setup/init process that it
went through at install to get back at least a working
communications port.

Many, many TIA!!

What's in /etc/network/interfaces?

A couple of comments, a source cmd for interfaces.d, which 
is empty,another comment, then the following:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

How to configure e-net port again

2020-01-30 Thread Dennis Wicks

I am running Debian Buster 10, upgrade within the past week.

I tried to change my e-net to use dhcp, which I thought it 
was but it wasn't picking up all the info from the DHCP 
server, specifically the IP addr. Now it doesn't work at 
all. How can I run through the setup/init process that it 
went through at install to get back at least a working 
communications port.

Many, many TIA!!

vnc 64bit-32bitor Buster to Bullseye

2019-10-07 Thread Dennis Wicks


I have a vanilla 64-bit install of Buster which claims to be 
Debian 10.1. I am trying to vnc from there to my old 32-bit 
machine which is running Bullseye (don't know what it claims 
to be).

Using tightvncserver on the 32-bit side and xtightvncviewer 
on the 64-bit side I have managed to get a connection, but 
no desktop manager. The viewer shows me a window but it is 
just gray, actually very small black and white spots.

How do I get xfce started on that session? Better yet, how 
can I connect to the existing session on :0? I can't seem to 
hook up to that. Strangely, when I connect to a Windows 
machine it seems to do exactly that!

Any assistance greatly appreciated!

Many TIA!

mount weirdness reloaded

2019-08-09 Thread Dennis Wicks

Greetings once again;

Tomorrow morning I am going to reboot and see if my problem 
happens again.

If you have some suggestions on what info to gather then let 
me know. Bear in mind that during the boot process my system 
is pretty much unresponsive for the hour or so until the 
window manager is up and everything has settled down.


Re: mount weirdness

2019-08-09 Thread Dennis Wicks

David Wright wrote on 8/8/19 9:04 AM:

On Thu 08 Aug 2019 at 08:19:22 (-), Curt wrote:

On 2019-08-05, Dennis Wicks  wrote:

So anyway, I typed in "sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /wa1" and it
seemed to finish successfully, but "ls /wa1" indicated that
in fact it had not. Nothing mounted on wa1! Many other tests
told me the same thing. "umount /wa1" said "not mounted"!

Would this be the result if /dev/sdb2 were already mounted (i.e. nothing?).

Try it. I, at least, would be interested in the result.
So far, the voting is 2-1 against seeing what I see:

wren 08:50:11 ~# lsblk -f | grep sda7
├─sda7   ext4swan07  4a4e352f-2180-4083-92b4-f46e4e0104b4 
wren 08:50:26 ~# mkdir /wa1 /somethingelse
wren 08:50:49 ~# mount /dev/sda7 /somethingelse
mount: /dev/sda7 is already mounted or /somethingelse busy
/dev/sda7 is already mounted on /wrenbk
32 wren 08:51:16 ~# mount /dev/sda7 /wa1
mount: /dev/sda7 is already mounted or /wa1 busy
/dev/sda7 is already mounted on /wrenbk
32 wren 08:51:31 ~# rmdir /wa1 /somethingelse
wren 08:51:53 ~#

By way of explanation, the prompt is
export PROMPT_COMMAND='MYPROMPT="$? " && [ "$MYPROMPT" = "0 " ] && MYPROMPT=""'
export PS1='\[\e[1;33;41m\]$MYPROMPT\[\e[1;37;44m\]\H \t \w\[\e[0m\]\$ ' # blue
but I normally cut it to reduce clutter.

Many other tests. What about 'mount' from an xterm to see what's mounted
and what ain't and where?

Did you show your /etc/fstab file (cut and paste)? If so, I must've missed

BTW, what's with the exclamation points? Makes you seem enthusiastic.

Yes, I couldn't figure that out, nor what good a note in /etc/fstab
would do (in the reply to Thomas). Does one peruse that file each time
one reboots?



What system are you running, David? I am running vanilla 
Debian bullseye, recently upgraded. Been running Debian for 
years and have never gotten those errors. This is what 
happens to me.

 wix@dgwicks:~$ s mount /dev/sdc1 /test1
 wix@dgwicks:~$ s mount /dev/sdc1 /test2
 wix@dgwicks:~$ findmnt /dev/sdc1
 /test1 /dev/sdc1 xfsrw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota
 /test2 /dev/sdc1 xfsrw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota
 wix@dgwicks:~$ s mount -v /dev/sdc1 /work-1
 mount: /dev/sdc1 mounted on /work-1.
 wix@dgwicks:~$ findmnt /dev/sdc1
 /test1  /dev/sdc1 xfsrw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota
 /test2  /dev/sdc1 xfsrw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota
 /work-1 /dev/sdc1 xfsrw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota

Do you have some environment variable set or something in an 
ini or rc file that makes mount behave in a more strict way 
than standard?

No, I don't look at fstab every time I reboot. Just when I 
get things like failed mounts. In which case seeing that 
note will remind me what to look at/for.


Re: mount weirdness

2019-08-09 Thread Dennis Wicks

Curt wrote on 8/8/19 3:41 AM:

On 2019-08-08, Curt  wrote:

On 2019-08-05, Dennis Wicks  wrote:

So anyway, I typed in "sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /wa1" and it
seemed to finish successfully, but "ls /wa1" indicated that
in fact it had not. Nothing mounted on wa1! Many other tests
told me the same thing. "umount /wa1" said "not mounted"!

Would this be the result if /dev/sdb2 were already mounted (i.e. nothing?).

Many other tests. What about 'mount' from an xterm to see what's mounted
and what ain't and where?

Did you show your /etc/fstab file (cut and paste)? If so, I must've missed

BTW, what's with the exclamation points? Makes you seem enthusiastic.


Oh, and I forgot: the relevant logs might be clueful and relevant
and of course should be explored for relevant clues.

Tell me what logs and how to view them.

Re: mount weirdness

2019-08-09 Thread Dennis Wicks

Curt wrote on 8/8/19 3:19 AM:

On 2019-08-05, Dennis Wicks  wrote:

So anyway, I typed in "sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /wa1" and it
seemed to finish successfully, but "ls /wa1" indicated that
in fact it had not. Nothing mounted on wa1! Many other tests
told me the same thing. "umount /wa1" said "not mounted"!

Would this be the result if /dev/sdb2 were already mounted (i.e. nothing?).
System does not care if device is already mounted somewhere 

Many other tests. What about 'mount' from an xterm to see what's mounted
and what ain't and where?

Did you show your /etc/fstab file (cut and paste)? If so, I must've missed

Yep. Sometime back.

BTW, what's with the exclamation points? Makes you seem enthusiastic.

Nope. Surprised!


Re: mount weirdness

2019-08-07 Thread Dennis Wicks

Thomas Schmitt wrote on 8/6/19 1:58 PM:


more ideas: exit value, verbous mode.

   mount -v /dev/sdc /wa1
   echo $?

A nominally successful mount command would yield 0 as "$?".
Maybe -v yields some extra insight.

Have a nice day :)


Thanks, Thomas!
I'll put a note in my fstab so the next time I boot I can 
find it if the mount fails again!

You too!

Re: mount weirdness

2019-08-07 Thread Dennis Wicks

David Wright wrote on 8/6/19 1:48 PM:

On Tue 06 Aug 2019 at 12:18:21 (-0500), Dennis Wicks wrote:

Thomas Schmitt wrote on 8/6/19 10:30 AM:

Dennis Wicks wrote:

I *cannot* mount *any* partition on /wa1
but I *can* mount *any* partition on any other mount point.

So what do you get from these shell commands ?

I am currently running with "ln -s /wa11 /wa1" so this isn't the
config I booted with. Anyway;

ls -ld /wa1 /wa11

wix@dgwicks:~$ ls -ld /wa1 /wa11
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root4 Aug  1 17:40 /wa1 -> wa11
drwxrwxrwx 17 root root 4096 Jun 17 14:07 /wa11

find /wa1

wix@dgwicks:~$ cd /
wix@dgwicks:/$ find /wa1
wix@dgwicks:/$ lg wa1
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 4 Aug  1 17:40 wa1 -> wa11/
drwxrwxrwx  17 root root  4.0K Jun 17 14:07 wa11/
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 7 Aug  1 17:43 www -> wa1/www/

What happens if you create a new /wa1 ?

mv /wa1 /wa1_old
mkdir /wa1
mount /dev/sdb2 /wa1

Same failure. One of the many things I tried to get the mount on /wa1
to work, without any success.

Shouldn't that fail with:

~# mkdir /wa1
~# mount /dev/sda4 /wa1
mount: /dev/sda4 is already mounted or /wa1 busy
/dev/sda4 is already mounted on /ya

No, it won't fail because the first mount to /wa1 did not 
succeed! And the system does not object or give an error 
when you mount the same partition on two diff dirs anyway!

As for your fstab, there is this "x-systemd.device-timeout=20" where
all others have "=60". But the web says this is for automounting.

This param is to stop the boot process from stopping because all of
the mounts have failed, temporarily. A previous thread from a few
weeks(?) back.

I fail to imagine any explanation for the symptoms you report. Especially
the silent failure riddles me.

Unfortunately there's too much reported speech in this thread,
and not enough direct speech. Some timely copy/paste might help.

Me too! Happens during boot and when done manually!


Re: mount weirdness

2019-08-06 Thread Dennis Wicks

Richard Hector wrote on 8/6/19 12:42 PM:

On 7/08/19 5:31 AM, Dennis Wicks wrote: wrote on 8/6/19 10:34 AM:

I didn't fully understand your fstab, but is there a typo -- wa11 vs.

No. My current config is;

    /wa1 -> wa11 ( soft link )
    /wa11    ( <- /dev/sdb2 )

with sdb2 mounted on /wa11 so I don't have to find and change all the
paths that I have starting with "/wa1/..."!

So you're trying to mount on a symlink, instead of a directory? I don't
think that's going to work. Why not mount on /wa11, as you describe?

Or does /wa11 only exist because you can't mount on /wa1, and you were


trying to mount on /wa1 when /wa1 was a directory? In which case - it
would help to provide the requested files in the state where the problem
exists :-)

   fstab says wa1 but I would have to reboot to get the
   exact config back, and that takes over an hour!

(also, one vs ell is confusing ... I assume you've got the right el^Wone :-)

   Oh yeah! One of the many things I verified! Been using
   /wa1 for years as is. Keep copying the fstab so it is
   tried and true; until the last aptitude upgrade.



On Tuesday, August 06, 2019 11:09:32 AM Dennis Wicks wrote:

Requested info attached:

I *cannot* mount *any* partition on /wa1
but I *can* mount *any* partition on any other mount point.

Regards, and Thanks!

Andrei POPESCU wrote on 8/6/19 1:06 AM:

On Lu, 05 aug 19, 15:33:57, Dennis Wicks wrote:

It seems that something in the mount process does not like "wa1" for a
mount point. Anybody have similar recent problems?

Please show your fstab and the output of 'lsblk -f'.

Kind regards,

Re: mount weirdness

2019-08-06 Thread Dennis Wicks wrote on 8/6/19 10:34 AM:

I didn't fully understand your fstab, but is there a typo -- wa11 vs. wa1?

No. My current config is;

   /wa1 -> wa11 ( soft link )
   /wa11( <- /dev/sdb2 )

with sdb2 mounted on /wa11 so I don't have to find and 
change all the paths that I have starting with "/wa1/..."!

On Tuesday, August 06, 2019 11:09:32 AM Dennis Wicks wrote:

Requested info attached:

I *cannot* mount *any* partition on /wa1
but I *can* mount *any* partition on any other mount point.

Regards, and Thanks!

Andrei POPESCU wrote on 8/6/19 1:06 AM:

On Lu, 05 aug 19, 15:33:57, Dennis Wicks wrote:

It seems that something in the mount process does not like "wa1" for a
mount point. Anybody have similar recent problems?

Please show your fstab and the output of 'lsblk -f'.

Kind regards,

Re: mount weirdness

2019-08-06 Thread Dennis Wicks

Felix Miata wrote on 8/6/19 10:33 AM:

Dennis Wicks composed on 2019-08-06 10:09 (UTC-0500):

I *cannot* mount *any* partition on /wa1

What is output from ls -ld /wa*/ ?

wix@dgwicks:/$ ls -ld /wa*/
drwxrwxrwx 17 root root 4096 Jun 17 14:07 /wa1/
drwxrwxrwx 17 root root 4096 Jun 17 14:07 /wa11/
drwxrwxrwx  8 root root  111 Jun 11 11:58 /wa2/
drwxr-xr-x  6 wix  wix72 Jun 11 11:58 /wa3/
drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 Feb  2  2019 /wa4/

Re: mount weirdness

2019-08-06 Thread Dennis Wicks

Thomas Schmitt wrote on 8/6/19 10:30 AM:


Dennis Wicks wrote:

I *cannot* mount *any* partition on /wa1
but I *can* mount *any* partition on any other mount point.

So what do you get from these shell commands ?
I am currently running with "ln -s /wa11 /wa1" so this isn't 
the config I booted with. Anyway;

   ls -ld /wa1 /wa11

wix@dgwicks:~$ ls -ld /wa1 /wa11
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root4 Aug  1 17:40 /wa1 -> wa11
drwxrwxrwx 17 root root 4096 Jun 17 14:07 /wa11

   find /wa1

wix@dgwicks:~$ cd /
wix@dgwicks:/$ find /wa1
wix@dgwicks:/$ lg wa1
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 4 Aug  1 17:40 wa1 -> wa11/
drwxrwxrwx  17 root root  4.0K Jun 17 14:07 wa11/
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 7 Aug  1 17:43 www -> wa1/www/

What happens if you create a new /wa1 ?

   mv /wa1 /wa1_old
   mkdir /wa1
   mount /dev/sdb2 /wa1

Same failure. One of the many things I tried to get the 
mount on /wa1 to work, without any success.

As for your fstab, there is this "x-systemd.device-timeout=20" where
all others have "=60". But the web says this is for automounting.

This param is to stop the boot process from stopping because 
all of the mounts have failed, temporarily. A previous 
thread from a few weeks(?) back.

I fail to imagine any explanation for the symptoms you report. Especially
the silent failure riddles me.

Me too! Happens during boot and when done manually!

Have a nice day :)

Thanks! You too!



Re: mount weirdness

2019-08-06 Thread Dennis Wicks

Requested info attached:

I *cannot* mount *any* partition on /wa1
but I *can* mount *any* partition on any other mount point.

Regards, and Thanks!

Andrei POPESCU wrote on 8/6/19 1:06 AM:

On Lu, 05 aug 19, 15:33:57, Dennis Wicks wrote:

It seems that something in the mount process does not like "wa1" for a mount
point. Anybody have similar recent problems?
Please show your fstab and the output of 'lsblk -f'.

Kind regards,

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier and label for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= or LABEL= as a more robust way to name 
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# / was on /dev/sda2 during installation
LABEL=Root  /   xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600   1
# /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation
LABEL=Boot  /boot   ext2
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600   2
# /home was on /dev/sda4 during installation
LABEL=Home  /home   xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600   2

# /home2 contains some files required for system setup. eg, etc2
LABEL=Home2 /home2  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 2

# this is on sysres and is only used for rescue mode when other vols are not 
# LABEL=SwapRes   none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=60  0   0

LABEL=Swap1 none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=60  0   0
LABEL=Swap2 none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=60  0   0
LABEL=Swap3 none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=60  0   0
/wa3/Swap4  none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=60  0   0
/wa1/Swap5  none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=60  0   0
/wa2/Swap6  none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=60  0   0
/pvt04/Swap7none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=60  0   0

LABEL=PubDtaMaster  /edrv   xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0
LABEL=PubDtaMirror  /edrv-mirrorxfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0
LABEL=Painter-C /Painter-C  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0
LABEL=Painter-D /Painter-D  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0

LABEL=Volume1   /b1 ext4
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0
LABEL=Volume2   /b2 xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0

# General work and storage areas
UUID=20173008-eeaa-41cd-b862-f7d0b871895d   /wa11  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=200 0
UUID=9092610b-7eec-40b6-956c-8deea77d65a9   /wa2xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0
LABEL=Work-Area-3   /wa3xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0
UUID=cde81105-e821-4630-8bc0-e56e7deaa63e   /wa4xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0
UUID=0848ac45-2c69-4a0f-9b72-b9f870496df1   /work3  ext4
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0

UUID=f4043585-df77-4553-9acc-cdb969a348e6   /work4  ext4
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0

UUID=2a6011d2-666e-4d2c-8ed1-4fa3fe3fa6ff   /pvt01  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0
UUID=56131889-1a09-43cb-a367-6751f3a08761   /pvt02  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0
UUID=462287b5-a363-4089-999d-649b54ad973c   /pvt03  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0
UUID=fdbb6809-77c2-4f74-ad64-310677f8ac34   /pvt04  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=600 0

/dev/sr0/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 
user,noauto 0   0


Re: ca-certificates gemold

2019-08-06 Thread Dennis van Dok
Op 06-08-19 om 15:32 schreef Jaap van Wingerde:
> Paul van der Vlis schreef op 2019-08-06 00:34:
>> /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
>>> [Mon Aug  5 20:59:27 UTC 2019] Can not init api.
>>> 140017436155968:error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission
>>> denied:../crypto/bio/bss_file.c:74:fopen('/usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf','rb')
>> Mij lijkt het, dat /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf niet te lezen is.
>> Misschien heb je de rechten daar gewijzigd?
> Staat 0777

bah nee, dat is de symlink naar /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf.

Re: ca-certificates gemold

2019-08-06 Thread Dennis van Dok
Op 06-08-19 om 15:32 schreef Jaap van Wingerde:
> Paul van der Vlis schreef op 2019-08-06 00:34:
>> /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
>>> [Mon Aug  5 20:59:27 UTC 2019] Can not init api.
>>> 140017436155968:error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission
>>> denied:../crypto/bio/bss_file.c:74:fopen('/usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf','rb')
>> Mij lijkt het, dat /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf niet te lezen is.
>> Misschien heb je de rechten daar gewijzigd?
> Staat 0777

Lijkt me te ruim; dat opent de deur voor toevoegen van kwaadaardige CAs door 

mount weirdness

2019-08-05 Thread Dennis Wicks

I recently rebooted after an upgrade that generated
"Jul 28 17:13 initrd.img-4.19.0-5-686-pae"
and when I was finally U I discovered that a mount didn't 
happen. (I am on Debian 10 Bullseye and my last kernel 
resulted in "Jul 18 17:23 vmlinuz-4.19.0-5-686-pae".)

I have mount points /wa1-/wa4 and I have been using them 
literally for years with no problem.

So anyway, I typed in "sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /wa1" and it 
seemed to finish successfully, but "ls /wa1" indicated that 
in fact it had not. Nothing mounted on wa1! Many other tests 
told me the same thing. "umount /wa1" said "not mounted"!

After trying many things I discovered that 1) I can mount 
/dev/sdb2 on any mount point except /wa1 and 2) I can't 
mount any /dev/sdxx on /wa1!! So I mounted sdb2 on /wa11,
"rmdir /wa1"and "ln -s /wa11 /wa1" and everything seems to 
work OK.

It seems that something in the mount process does not like 
"wa1" for a mount point. Anybody have similar recent problems?

Re: Problem: Slow boot -- Mounts fail.

2019-06-30 Thread Dennis Wicks wrote on 6/29/19 1:15 AM:

On Vi, 28 iun 19, 11:26:43, Dennis Wicks wrote: wrote on 6/24/19 2:09 AM:

On Ma, 14 mai 19, 16:38:37, Dennis Wicks wrote:

How do I prevent the mounts from failing and make the system continue on
with the boot process?

You could start by attaching your /etc/fstab and copy-pasting the output
of 'lsblk -f' with all partitions mounted.

It would also be useful to know what init system you are using
(ls -l /sbin/init) and if your mounts have any specials (LVM, encrypted,
NFS, RAID, etc.) basically anything besides plain extX filesystems
mounted from internal drives.

Kind regards,

No need for all that!


All my mounts are local PATA and SATA drives. The SATA drives are on an
adapter card. All the file systems are xfs, ext2, ext4 or swap and use
either /dir/dir, LABEL= or UUID=.
All very vanilla. No LVM, encrypted, NFS, RAID, etc. Doesn't make any
difference as *all* of the mounts are failing on the first pass!

I found a work around on a forum. Put "nofail" in the options field of
fstab. So now my entries contain "defaults,nofail" or "sw,pri=100,nofail" in
the options field.

Doesn't make any difference though. All the
Dependency failed for ...
 Timeout waiting for ...
messages still occur, they just don't stop the boot process and the mounts
get done successfully later on.(??)

I can't tell what might have caused this as I don't re-boot after every
update, just when an update to the kernel occurs. I think it was about the
time that systemd was implemented as the boot screen looked different when
the mount failures started happening.

There are a lot of eyes on this list and someone might spot something
that you don't even think might have an impact.

But then it's your system, your rules ;)

Kind regards,

OK! Be my guest!!

One thing I have noticed is that it seems to do everything 2 
or 3 times while it is booting, and it takes about 30 mins 
before my desktop (xfce) is up and functioning.

wix@dgwicks:~$ cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier and label for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= or LABEL= as a more robust way to name 
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# / was on /dev/sda2 during installation
LABEL=Root  /   xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=200   0
# /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation
LABEL=Boot  /boot   ext2
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=200   0
# /home was on /dev/sda4 during installation
LABEL=Home  /home   xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=200   0

# /home2 contains some files required for system setup. eg, etc2
LABEL=Home2   /home2  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=200 0

# this is on sysres and is only used for rescue mode when other vols are not 
# LABEL=SwapResnone   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=20  0   0

LABEL=Swap1   none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=20  0   0
LABEL=Swap2   none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=20  0   0
LABEL=Swap3  none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=20  0   0
/wa3/Swap4  none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=20  0   0
/wa1/Swap5  none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=20  0   0
/wa2/Swap6  none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=20  0   0
/pvt04/Swap7  none   swap
sw,pri=100,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=20  0   0

LABEL=PubDtaMaster  /edrv   xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=200 0
LABEL=PubDtaMirror  /edrv-mirrorxfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=200 0
LABEL=Painter-C /Painter-C  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=200 0
LABEL=Painter-D /Painter-D  xfs 
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=200 0

LABEL=Volume1   /b1 ext4
defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=200 0

Setting up bind9/DNS

2019-06-28 Thread Dennis Wicks


I have apache2 installed on my local machine with a bunch of 
virtual hosts that I use for test and development of html, 
wordpress, etc. It works fine to access the virt hosts 
locally, but I want to access them from other systems on my 
local network; windows/IE of various versions, smart phones, 
tablets, laptops, etc.

They all can access my base host name because my DSL 
modem/router has DHCP and DNS in it and when it sets up an 
address with DHCP it puts an entry in its DNS and everything 
is fine. (All systems on the local net use the modem/router 
for dns.) But nothing like this happens with the virtual hosts!

I was thinking that I could setup a nameserver on my machine 
with enries in it for the virtual hosts and have my local 
network address in the list of nameservers in my 
modem/router, and that is where I need the help.

I have installed bind9, running on buster. So how do I set 
up the name server and populate it with the info for my 
virtual hosts? Pointers to forums, cookbooks, etc. would be 
appreciated as well as hints and tips!


Re: Problem: Slow boot -- Mounts fail.

2019-06-28 Thread Dennis Wicks wrote on 6/24/19 2:09 AM:

On Ma, 14 mai 19, 16:38:37, Dennis Wicks wrote:

How do I prevent the mounts from failing and make the system continue on
with the boot process?

You could start by attaching your /etc/fstab and copy-pasting the output
of 'lsblk -f' with all partitions mounted.

It would also be useful to know what init system you are using
(ls -l /sbin/init) and if your mounts have any specials (LVM, encrypted,
NFS, RAID, etc.) basically anything besides plain extX filesystems
mounted from internal drives.

Kind regards,

No need for all that!

All my mounts are local PATA and SATA drives. The SATA 
drives are on an adapter card. All the file systems are xfs, 
ext2, ext4 or swap and use either /dir/dir, LABEL= or UUID=.
All very vanilla. No LVM, encrypted, NFS, RAID, etc. Doesn't 
make any difference as *all* of the mounts are failing on 
the first pass!

I found a work around on a forum. Put "nofail" in the 
options field of fstab. So now my entries contain 
"defaults,nofail" or "sw,pri=100,nofail" in the options field.

Doesn't make any difference though. All the
   Dependency failed for ...
Timeout waiting for ...
messages still occur, they just don't stop the boot process 
and the mounts get done successfully later on.(??)

I can't tell what might have caused this as I don't re-boot 
after every update, just when an update to the kernel 
occurs. I think it was about the time that systemd was 
implemented as the boot screen looked different when the 
mount failures started happening.

Just an update in case someone else runs into the problem. 
In fact I am surprised that no once else has. Must be 
something different about my system that I don't know about 
and that isn't obvious! (Something from SysV that is 
incompatible with systemd?)


Re: IPv4 v IPv6

2019-06-27 Thread Dennis Wicks

Gene Heskett wrote on 6/17/19 11:49 AM:

On Monday 17 June 2019 10:54:19 am Dan Ritter wrote:

[big snip!] And short of commenting every

line in /e/i.d/avahi-* out, I don't know how to stop that PITA from

[/big snip]

Cheers, Gene Heskett


No need for such butchery!
Just insert a statement that contains just

exit 0

right after "SCRIPTNAME=...".

If you look around you can quickly figure out how to produce 
some suitably profane messages before the exit instruction!

Cheers to you too!

Problem: Slow boot -- Mounts fail.

2019-05-14 Thread Dennis Wicks


During the boot process there are several mount "jobs" 
started, and they all finish/fail with two messages;

Dependency failed for ...
Timeout waiting for ...

that is except for root.

I removed all the mounts for user partitions from fstab and 
just left the mounts for root, boot, home and home2 but got 
the same results for the four that were left. Incidentally, 
when I run the user mounts after the system is "up" it takes 
just a few seconds to mount 14 partitions.

After the mounts "fail" the boot process stops in Emergency 
Mode, and I have the choice of logging on to root to fix the 
problem, or entering ctl-d to continue on. If I log on to 
root I find that all four of the volumes are mounted and 
nothing is wrong. If I choose ctl-d the boot process will 
continue with no problems.

How do I prevent the mounts from failing and make the system 
continue on with the boot process?

Many TIA!

Problem: Slow Boot -- Hibernation?

2019-05-14 Thread Dennis Wicks


First off, I am running Debian Buster/Sid (that's what it 
says!) and the kernel is 4.19.0-4-686-pae. 32 bit system,

4 Gig of memory (3.xx usable!), IDE disks.

My boots are getting slower and slower. I'll start from the top.

The first thing that happens is I get a message

Resuming from hibernation

I have never put my system in hibernation! It seems to just
sit there for several minutes with no disk access and no 
messages. Then it continues on. Is this a problem? I don't 
think it would make a big difference to eliminate it, but it 
would get rid of one message!


Need help making new boot vol

2019-01-15 Thread Dennis Wicks

I have copied my boot, root and home partitions to a larger
device but I think I need to run grub to actually make the
disk boot. All of the writeups that I can find are way too
old or just old enough that the file names for a lot of
things aren't the same as what I have.

I am running buster i386. Does anyone know of an up-to-date
recipe for doing this?

Many TIA!

Re: Online copies of textinfo content available?

2018-10-26 Thread Dennis Wicks

Greg Wooledge wrote on 10/26/18 3:16 PM:
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 03:13:20PM -0500, Dennis Wicks wrote:
>>  sudo apt show XYZ
> For the record, you don't need to be root to use apt show, or apt-cache show.
Right you are! I guess it has become such a habit I just do
it automatically!

Help with gitlab

2018-10-26 Thread Dennis Wicks

So far everything I have wanted to get from git has had a
button for "download zip file" and everything worked great.
I am trying to get a package that doesn't have a download
link. Anybody know the secret command to get the source in
some usable format?

I have tried the regular rt-clk approach and a download
manager but it seems the files are actually html!

Any hints, tips, or examples appreciated!


Re: Online copies of textinfo content available?

2018-10-26 Thread Dennis Wicks

Richard Owlett wrote on 10/26/18 9:41 AM:
> Many man pages end with:
>> The full documentation for Ed is maintained as a Texinfo
>> manual. If the info > and XYZ programs are properly
>> installed at your site, the command
>>     info XYZ
>> should give you access to the complete manual.
> I have problems with that.
> 1. I don't want to install unneeded packages just to find
> out whether or
>    not the package might be useful.
> 2. The info output has an annoying format. A browser
> acceptable format
>    {plain text fine --  HTML *NOT* needed} is MUCH more
> functional.

I agree, and I have found a lot of info "complete manual"s
to be exactly like the man page!

Another thing you can try is

sudo apt show XYZ

That will give you a bunch of info including a few lines of
description. Usually enough to decide whether to pursue that
package further.

Good Luck!

Re: "passwd username" asks for current password of user even tho I'm root

2018-10-10 Thread Dennis Wicks
Mariusz Gronczewski wrote on 10/10/18 8:17 AM:
> Hi,
> On previous releases, and on our CentOS systems I could change password of 
> user by just sudo-ing to root and typing "passwd testuser"
> In current Debian release, doing that asks me to specify that user password, 
> which is pointless because:
> * I can access /etc/shadow anyway
> * I'm changing it because user forgot it
> Is there any way to set passwd (or PAM) to not ask root for current password 
> on passwd-ing non-root accounts ?
> Cheers
> Mariusz
> --
> Mariusz Gronczewski, Administrator
> Efigence S. A.
> ul. Wołoska 9a, 02-583 Warszawa
> T: [+48] 22 380 13 13
> F: [+48] 22 380 13 14
> E: <>

When I enter  sudo passwd testuser
I get a prompt   Enter new UNIX password:

Perhaps your sudoers file is not set up correctly?

I have mine:


Good Luck!

Where is

2018-09-29 Thread Dennis Wicks
What has happened to
It seems to have disappeared and left no tracks.

Re: Which kernel should I use?

2018-09-27 Thread Dennis Wicks
Dennis Wicks wrote on 09/27/2018 06:40 PM:
> I notice that there is available two different kernels;
>   linux-image-4.9.0-8-686-pae
> and
>   linux-image-4.9.0-8-rt-686-pae
> I am running on a Pentium 4.
> Which one of these should I be using? And just for
> curiosities sake, why?
> TIA!
> Dennis

Thanks guys! Unless RT would give me millisecond response
time on Firefox and Thunderbird it doesn't sound like I need
it. So I will just forget that I ever saw that entry in the
apt list!

Thanks again!

Which kernel should I use?

2018-09-27 Thread Dennis Wicks
I notice that there is available two different kernels;




I am running on a Pentium 4.

Which one of these should I be using? And just for
curiosities sake, why?


VPN suggestions?

2018-07-10 Thread Dennis Wicks

I want to set up a VPN for several computers in my house
that are all on a local network.

And suggestions, hints, warnings?


thunderbird migration problem

2018-05-29 Thread Dennis Wicks

When TB starts up it *creates* a .icedove directory even
though there is a valid .thunderbird directory. This seems
to be an error according of the migration docs that I can
find. Then when I shutdown and startup again I get a big
message about a migration problem because there is both and
.icedove and .thunderbird directory. So, I delete the
.icedove directory and it starts up fine and correctly, but
creates an .icedove directory! As they say on TV, wash,
rinse, repeat!!

I am running Stretch and TB 52.8.0

TIA for any hints on how to stop this madness!


xfce problems

2018-03-30 Thread Dennis Wicks
I use xfce and until a few days ago my name, the clock and a
few other things were at the right of the top panel and the
app icon and the window icons in the current workspace were
at the left. All of a sudden everything slides over to the
left of the panel and changes size depending on how many
windows there are in the workspace.

Anybody know what I need to change to get the behavior back
to what it was, and I suppose more or less standard state?

Many TIA,

XFCE problems

2018-03-30 Thread Dennis Wicks
I use XFCE and usually my name, the clock and some other
stuff is at the right of the top status(?) bar and the App
icon and window names are at the left. And they stay there.
Something has changed. everything is bunched up to the left
and changes in size depending on how many windows I have in
the workspace.

Does anybody know what/where I have to change to get the
behavior back to previous?

Many TIA!

How to mount or link as extention of fs?

2018-03-17 Thread Dennis Wicks

I have separated my /home file system from root so I can
install new systems without clobbering it. To make it most
useful is there any way I can mount, link, whatever, it so
that it appears to be an extension of, or included in,
/home? That is not just another mount on the root fs.

TIA Dennis

Re: How to change default umask in Stretch?

2017-08-06 Thread Dennis Creedan
I think the default umask is defined in /etc/profile.

On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Garrett R.  wrote:
> The "old" methods for changing the default umask no longer work in Debian 
> Stretch.
> It appears systemd now manages umask. Can someone please describe how I can 
> change the default umask setting in Stretch?

wine + opengl 32 bit libs

2017-07-03 Thread Dennis G
thank's for your time reading this.
I use wine(playonlinux wine 1.6.1) + 32 bit opengl libs
(no closed-source drivers)
for an application (game).
(It runs almost perfect on debian 8 (jessie))
If I dist-upgrade to debian 9 (stretch)
game has campaign map textures problem which
make it almost unplayable.
I can't find where the problem is, to provide more help.
I would like to dist-upgrade.

phpmyadmin ... need help!

2017-05-23 Thread Dennis Wicks
How do I get the setup procedure to run?

I use a url of like I found in
the docs but it keeps asking for a user and password. I have
tried many combos that I have found: root, admin, pma,
phpmyadmin. I tried using localhost in the url but it gets
changed to! I tried setting the AllowNoPassword to TRUE but that
didn't help. I have run out of places to look and ideas.

Does anybody know how to get this thing started?

If I have to setup mysql first, that is just as great a
mystery! I was hoping that phpmyadmin would take care of
that for me too!

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!


Re: Why can't I install wine?

2017-05-06 Thread Dennis Wicks
Sven Joachim wrote on 05/06/2017 03:25 PM:
> On 2017-05-06 14:48 -0500, Dennis Wicks wrote:
>> I am running Jessie and it is up-to-date. When I try to
>> install wine I get:
>>> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>>>   fonts-horai-umefont{a} fonts-unfonts-core{a} libcapi20-3{a} 
>>> libgphoto2-port12{a} libosmesa6{ab} p7zip{a} wine wine1.9 
>>>   wine1.9-i386{ab} winetricks{a} 
>>> 0 packages upgraded, 10 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded.
>>> Need to get 41.4 MB of archives. After unpacking 284 MB will be used.
>>> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>>>  wine1.9-i386 : Depends: libgphoto2-6 (>= 2.5.10) but 2.5.4-1.1+b2 is 
>>> installed.
>>>  libosmesa6 : Depends: libnettle6 which is a virtual package.
>>> The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
>>>  Keep the following packages at their current version:
>>> 1) libosmesa6 [Not Installed] 
>>> 2) wine [Not Installed]   
>>> 3) wine1.9 [Not Installed]
>>> 4) wine1.9-i386 [Not Installed]   
> There is no wine1.9 package in Debian, so it has to come from a third
> party repository which is not compatible with Jessie.
> Run "apt-cache policy wine" to find out what it is.
> Cheers,

Thanks for that. I will put that in my "hints" repository!
I removed the foreign repo and wine installed correctly.
I don't know why there was a wine in that repository but I
will remember to remove those things from my sources.list in
the future. That will no doubt save me many headaches!

Again, Thanks!!

Why can't I install wine?

2017-05-06 Thread Dennis Wicks
I am running Jessie and it is up-to-date. When I try to
install wine I get:

> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>   fonts-horai-umefont{a} fonts-unfonts-core{a} libcapi20-3{a} 
> libgphoto2-port12{a} libosmesa6{ab} p7zip{a} wine wine1.9 
>   wine1.9-i386{ab} winetricks{a} 
> 0 packages upgraded, 10 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded.
> Need to get 41.4 MB of archives. After unpacking 284 MB will be used.
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>  wine1.9-i386 : Depends: libgphoto2-6 (>= 2.5.10) but 2.5.4-1.1+b2 is 
> installed.
>  libosmesa6 : Depends: libnettle6 which is a virtual package.
> The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
>  Keep the following packages at their current version:
> 1) libosmesa6 [Not Installed] 
> 2) wine [Not Installed]   
> 3) wine1.9 [Not Installed]
> 4) wine1.9-i386 [Not Installed]   

And this solution installs nothing! I don't know how to get
out of this. There must be a mistake somewhere. How could
this situation get into the production release? How do I fix it?

Many TIA!!

Need help with Pidgin

2017-05-05 Thread Dennis Wicks
I installed Pidgin from the repository but I can't get it to

I have setup my user id, and that seems to work. But when I
enable that user

it never connects. Everything I try indicates that it is not
making connection
with the chat server. Does anybody have any ideas? I have
searched for firewall
and other problems associated with Pidgin but nothing found.

BTW, I am trying to use Yahoo Messenger if that makes a


Did I blow my processor?

2017-02-20 Thread Dennis Wicks
I built myself another computer and it wouldn't boot up. No 
messages or anything. I finally discovered that I missed 
plugging in the 12V power to the MoBo. I did that and it 
still won't boot up, and still no messages diaplayed on the 
screen or any other indication of life.

Have I ruined my processor turning the system on with out 
the 12V attached? (This is the four wires from the power 
supply that plug into the mobo right next to the processor, 
for those that may not be familiar with installing stuff.)

Many TIA!

Can I use more than one nic?

2017-02-01 Thread Dennis Wicks
I find myself with several unused NICs (network interface 
cards) and some empty ports on my switches.

Would it be beneficial to have more than one network 
connection on a system?

If so, what would I do with it, and how would I set it up? 
Pointers to tutorials and how-to's would be nice!

Many TIA!

What file system to use?

2017-02-01 Thread Dennis Wicks
I am going to install some more disks and I was wondering 
which file system to use.

I have several ext? and a few with Reiserfs. Is there a 
better choice than Reiser now? Also, is there any way to 
convert from my existing fs to the recommended one?

BTW, I am running "Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)" on 686-pae.

Many TIA!

[Solved] NFS msg: Unable to find suitable address

2017-01-20 Thread Dennis Wicks

Dennis Wicks wrote on 01/19/2017 10:01 AM:

The directory is exported as:
/znfs/edrv/ *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,root_squash)

Contrary to the documentation a single "*" does not work to 
allow world access! Even though exportfs displays that it 
thinks that it does.


It actually requires a minimum of "*.TLD" to work

/znfs/edrv/ *.com(no_subtree_check,rw,sync,insecure,nohide)

and then exportfs displays

/znfs/edrv  *.com

There may be other combos that will work also but I don't 
have the time to test them out. I have other fish to fry!

Many TNX!

Re: NFS msg: Unable to find suitable address

2017-01-19 Thread Dennis Wicks

Kent West wrote on 01/19/2017 10:07 AM:

On Jan 19, 2017 10:03 AM, "Dennis Wicks" <
<>> wrote:

This is what happens:

sudo mount //robin/znfs/edrv -o user=,password= /mnt
Unable to find suitable address.

What happens if you use the IP address instead of the name
"robin"? Can you ping "robin"?


No difference!

> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
	> 64 bytes from ( 
icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.472 ms
		> sudo mount // -o user=,password= 

> Unable to find suitable address.

NFS msg: Unable to find suitable address

2017-01-19 Thread Dennis Wicks

This is what happens:

sudo mount //robin/znfs/edrv -o user=,password= /mnt
Unable to find suitable address.

The server is Jessie 8.7 and NFS-V4 (I think!)

The directory is exported as:
/znfs/edrv/ *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,root_squash)

And the mount is:	> /dev/sdf1 on /znfs/edrv type ext3 

I can't find any info that looks like a solution to the problem.

Anybody have a clue? A hint? Seen it before?

As usual, Many TIA!!

Re: Help! -- Not enough space to store temporary files

2016-12-19 Thread Dennis Wicks

Dennis Wicks wrote on 12/17/2016 07:36 PM:

I am trying to install Qt on Debian

Thanks for all the help!

All that was required was to set TMPDIR to point to a 
different tmp directory in a partition with more room!

Re: Help! -- Not enough space to store temporary files

2016-12-17 Thread Dennis Wicks

Dennis Wicks wrote on 12/17/2016 07:36 PM:

I am trying to install Qt on Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u2
and I get a message that there is not enough disk space to
store temporary files. It needs 580+ meg and only has 300+ meg.

After searching here and there I tried entering the command

 sudo mount -o remount,size=1G tmpfs /tmp

which is supposed to increase the size temporarily and
"on-the-fly" but I still get the same error message.

Any ideas??

TIA for your help!


Oops! That is "Not enough --"

Anyway, I just noticed that tmp is in a VG that is very small.
How do I temporarily tell the Qt installer to use temp space
on another partition. Say something like "/work4"?

Thanks again! You all are always very helpful!!


Help! -- Note enough space to store temporary files

2016-12-17 Thread Dennis Wicks
I am trying to install Qt on Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u2 
and I get a message that there is not enough disk space to 
store temporary files. It needs 580+ meg and only has 300+ meg.

After searching here and there I tried entering the command

sudo mount -o remount,size=1G tmpfs /tmp

which is supposed to increase the size temporarily and 
"on-the-fly" but I still get the same error message.

Any ideas??

TIA for your help!


fibre channel in debian

2016-08-02 Thread Dennis Steinkamp

Hey guys,

i am planning to set up a backup VM on our esxi server based on debian.
To achieve what i have in mind, i would like to pass-through an fc-hba 
to the debian vm so the vm is able to access our storage and the 
attached lto5 library.
The backup software we use for lto purposes is linux compatible so that 
shouldn`t be a big deal. The only questions is, which fc-hba i should 
use so that debian works ideally out of the box with the hba.
As far as i know, there is a kernel module for certain qlogic hbas that 
comes with debian but i am not sure which hba to take, to make sure that 
i run into no big problems.

Any advice is very much appreicated, thank you in advance for your time.


Re: off topic Question of the day..

2016-07-14 Thread Dennis Wicks

Doug wrote on 07/10/2016 10:22 PM:

I've seen several places where this definition is shown, so it must be correct.
If you Google
for paper weight, there will be at least one site that mentions paper weight in
pounds and
also in grams / cm-squared, which may make sense to the Europeans reading this 

   that would be square-cm.

not to me!

I'm with you!

Personally, I have never seen a sensible justification for 
switching from one arbitrary measurement system (foot, 
pound, quart) to another arbitrary measurement system 
(meter, gram, liter).

BTW: one inch now equals 2.54 cm *exactly*, in case you 
haven't been keeping up! (Used to be approx 2.54 cm.) This 
is what I mean by arbitrary. Don't like the conversion 
ratio? Then just change it!

Re: Help -- Can't logon at GUI session (ctl-alt-F7)

2016-03-09 Thread Dennis Wicks

Sven Arvidsson wrote on 03/09/2016 03:46 AM:

On Wed, 2016-03-09 at 09:51 +0100, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

The display manager is most likely crashing. You need to examine logs
and figure out why.

Sorry, X is probably crashing! If the display manager was crashing you
wouldn't be able to log in :)

Well, whatever. I tried a couple of things and now I get 
nothing on my screen at all!

I guess I will reinstall tomorrow instead of next week. I'm 
sure that will fix it! I hate to do things that way though. 
Reeks too much of Windows ;(

Thanks for the efforts guys, appreciate it!


Help -- Can't logon at GUI session (ctl-alt-F7)

2016-03-08 Thread Dennis Wicks
I fill in user-id and password, click "Sign In" and the 
screen goes blank, flashes a few times, then comes right 
back to the sign in screen. Trying to log on with root does 
the same thing, even though I am supposed to be able to do it.

I can logon at terminal screens (ctl-alt-f1 etc) with either 
my personal userid or as root with no problem.

In case it makes a difference, Jessie AMD64

Many TIA!!

How to VNC to active screen on remote system.

2016-02-24 Thread Dennis Wicks

I wish I could remember all of this stuff!

What is the program that will connect to the current session 
on the remote system? I have used it before but I can't 
remember what it was.

Many TIA!

apttude program list

2016-02-24 Thread Dennis Wicks


I am installing deb on several different machines and 
partitions. Is there any file that contains a list of all 
installed packages that I could use to install all 
non-standard packages on the new installs so they start out 
all the same?

Many TIA!

Help! System crashes and locks up.

2016-02-21 Thread Dennis Wicks


I have a system I just put together. New pwr sup, mobo, and 
1 new SATA disk, 1TB. 2Gig memory. Processor is a Phenom 
9950 4 core. Running Deb 8.3.0 Jessie, new install.

Every so often it crashes and locks up, and the monitor 
screen has many narrow horizontal lines, mostly the 
background color.

When it crashes only reset and power off will work. I have 
looked in every log file I can think of and no luck.

Does this sound familiar to anybody? Any hints?

Any help at all greatly appreciated!!


Need help with disk config.

2015-12-30 Thread Dennis Wicks


In the next couple of days I will have a much better 
computer. Not 64bit, but at least faster and with more disk.

It will have 4x1TB SATA drives, 4x250GB IDE/PATA drives and 
all the memory it can use and a fast AMD socket AM2 processor.

I'd like some suggestions on how to format/allocate the SATA 
drives. I imagine that one of them will be the system disk 
with the other 3 containing data, but ext2,3,4? Or other 
file system. LVM?, Raid?

The IDE/PATA drives are on my existing machine, which is on 
its last legs, and contain a mish-mash of mailboxes, web 
pages, genealogy files, archives, etc. Probably not worth 
worrying about at this time.

Anyway, if you have any recommendations, warnings, or other 
guidance, I would appreciate hearing them!

Many TIA!

Re: Scrolling problem, all apps.

2015-12-17 Thread Dennis Wicks

Petter Adsen wrote on 12/17/2015 01:25 AM:

On Wed, 16 Dec 2015 20:35:15 -0600
Dennis Wicks <> wrote:


I am running Jessie and XFCE.

I have a continuing problem with scrolling that occurs with
all programs/applications.

I am used to clicking in the scroll bar to move it a page,
more or less. Now it jumps all the way to the top or bottom
of the scroll area, whichever direction I am trying to go.

I can drag the indicator but it mostly overshoots where I
want to go and is not really usable.

Sounds a lot like this:



It doesn't just sound like it, it is the problem! And I 
didn't have to boot or anything. Started working correctly 
as soon as I filed the change. It also solved the problem of 
my cursor jittering all over, which was going to be my next 
request for help!

Many, many Thanks!

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   >