dear all,
ear All
I am trying dual boot on my pc.I have installed freeBSD 9.0 and Debian
6.0.4. I did not install boot loader while installing freebsd but i
installed grub in debian. My partition looks as follow :
ada0        74GB        GPT
    ada0p1  2.1 GB      linux-swap
    ada0p2  30GB        freebsd-ufs
    ada0p3  42GB        linux-data
I could login to debian and edited the file /etc/grub.d/40_custom in debian.
exec tail -n +3 $0
menuentry ‘FreeBSD 9.0 '{
        set root='(hd0,2)'
        chainloader +1
And when i reboot i can see the frebsd 9.0 but it does not boot.It gives
the following error:

error: unknown command '            '.
error: unknown command '            '.
press any key to continue...

My harddisk is SCSI. Am i having problem with drive letter hd0?If its a
problem what could be appropriate drive letter?


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